@ 07eced8b:f79ad2a6
2023-09-27 02:47:33
This was actually all in procreate. A tattoo shop in town puts these events together once a month, with a model and a lot of short poses that they cycle through. I usually just bring my iPad for convenience
@ 508f2865:a64b2960
2023-09-27 02:43:28
Sooooo good omg 🤩🤩🤩
@ fd5d8fe9:faee532a
2023-09-27 02:42:13
nice, was this a mix of traditional and digital media?
@ 07eced8b:f79ad2a6
2023-09-27 02:15:24
Figures! Ok - some poses I sketched at a recent figure drawing evening that a local group puts together. I’m out of practice 😆 but it was very fun https://image.nostr.build/fdade3bad73f9e74a3e1562c05a5062a6382591f9c4f4bd7131a31a4192728ba.jpg
@ 8e27ffb5:27b0715c
2023-09-27 01:41:19
Resistance is futile
@ 787bf36b:f98fa4cb
2023-09-27 00:06:12
The nymph Arethusa momentarily loses herself in a portal to Meow Wolf
@ 1f2c17bd:ddfa35d7
2023-09-26 22:02:02
A painting i did in my sketchbook a while ago
@ fd5d8fe9:faee532a
2023-09-26 21:56:24
collage of photos and drawing from years ago
@ f0fb31d1:9fb8ead4
2023-09-26 20:26:02
Eat Me, Drink Me
#photography #artstr
@ 81d8bea4:6e987bdb
2023-09-26 20:24:34
(Soundtrack - Burial)
@ f0fb31d1:9fb8ead4
2023-09-26 20:06:01
Charcoal Original
29.5"H x 20"W
Rudy Cole
@ f0fb31d1:9fb8ead4
2023-09-26 20:04:00
Casein, acrylic, and ink on paper
41.25"H x 29.5"W
January 1985
Adrian Wong Shue
@ 508f2865:a64b2960
2023-09-26 20:00:12
@ 50de492c:0a8871de
2023-09-26 19:53:27
Metal gear solid #artstr https://i.nostr.build/wDPJ.jpg
@ 81d8bea4:6e987bdb
2023-09-26 19:49:41
Let’s get #Artstr #art club open again shall we.
Figurative Art can be the theme of the day. Let’s see some images of real humans.
I saw this artwork today and I thought I’d share it with you all.
It’s by Paula Rego.
nostr:npub1s3gd4y6ksuj0x2csrvy2rqgcjwxrzyej6jj5epad2e88pyvvgdxq5ah2mj nostr:npub12z8jsett3k6rv9fa2guau5p540qr2xuvjzkr8e432mglafjt99sqkw9zmx nostr:npub1p5z50hjz9hausgfywujml3mpc0haz8df3ah77rkrmssngeg4t3dqxy4yc5 nostr:npub1zz7uyg48uatz4688gxxdmgta0zqc80su4zq2e33hlhsyas7lshcqdt35ap nostr:npub1rukp00fmetcjl8r70rl8nrhw5kwpkghpacpkd9x4ms5gdh06xhtsjxz4f0 nostr:npub1l8tlpvn3kka3nm2qpk96amsuy2kr5kl9eusd54fpn3yjnefrnpaq2j5t9v nostr:npub1mrvra20whxj66gn5syp75n3nzq6cdydnes5msnan3uupef33q7cslndald nostr:npub10eezfnlq4ad2lyf3478na8f5las4l7guuf55vs8378lwtk87hd7slf6zka nostr:npub1aesr9ql7h3xrrvyeqvujgz9zllca4a56cgjy5hj26plv5w78nhkq2m0d2r nostr:npub1mrd74yft2s5asaspc9gd794s2n587p7a3plr3c4mzkd5knej7k2qy4ma07 nostr:npub17nd4yu9anyd3004pumgrtazaacujjxwzj36thtqsxskjy0r5urgqf6950x nostr:npub1hu3hdctm5nkzd8gslnyedfr5ddz3z547jqcl5j88g4fame2jd08qh6h8nh nostr:npub1c8wd9trx8knydhr0lta4zr3yr8nqjsus4s4fdaq7tja9mwycjupqxfd0hm nostr:npub18ams6ewn5aj2n3wt2qawzglx9mr4nzksxhvrdc4gzrecw7n5tvjqctp424 nostr:npub1sn0wdenkukak0d9dfczzeacvhkrgz92ak56egt7vdgzn8pv2wfqqhrjdv9 nostr:npub1llfht66qadyxv44q9rkmequztav07r2ufgd6ytl8w3wjs3ffa5yqy398ja nostr:npub137c5pd8gmhhe0njtsgwjgunc5xjr2vmzvglkgqs5sjeh972gqqxqjak37w nostr:npub16y8e8r5ca8fqentewt7uv9254p66vuqgm4hgkyvc3v0zuq05fzys6p7dsw nostr:npub1aftmyhm62lrp6lwsha3yzyjy5kqdvuy7g23qg28a8q0cnmudv0ds0sdcke nostr:npub1cmmswlckn82se7f2jeftl6ll4szlc6zzh8hrjyyfm9vm3t2afr7svqlr6f nostr:npub1xtscya34g58tk0z605fvr788k263gsu6cy9x0mhnm87echrgufzsevkk5s nostr:npub1sg6plzptd64u62a878hep2kev88swjh3tw00gjsfl8f237lmu63q0uf63m nostr:npub1zyd0kud5f7884nnek3au2pm837wxt9y27rapgcq973lyqjhtu73qwm209s nostr:npub1mlr94kdt5d04r63v3sqldqq57agqgv7rnx5hklk49gtprp5cwyts9vsyyp nostr:npub1qlkwmzmrhzpuak7c2g9akvcrh7wzkd7zc7fpefw9najwpau662nqealf5y nostr:npub1r0rs5q2gk0e3dk3nlc7gnu378ec6cnlenqp8a3cjhyzu6f8k5sgs4sq9ac nostr:npub1l9kr6ajfwp6vfjp60vuzxwqwwlw884dff98a9cznujs520shsf9s35xfwh nostr:npub12wfz56srlvqawfgmd3y4jnztty6mth6j6nd9wphmnr7ys03lfylqw8jfns nostr:npub198auqkkwueclk4u3st9r8v8yrdz4hv0e2e9epg7c7teemm3lyausht0p3g nostr:npub1zxedjwex6ljkldtlpt7wp5emlflmxku38exq46mhqeryhmaee2tsvj0tt0 nostr:npub17ranr5vpp20etheaz78u6e72pvyc0xk3r6rgnetfvtxc88acat2q4nhenz nostr:npub1x60r2lyzwh3tmuvccd9ashmxtds99d33e6p4pn5cq7fteztxc95s7eh53r nostr:npub1el3mgvtdjpfntdkwq446pmprpdv85v6rs85zh7dq9gvy7tgx37xs2kl27r nostr:npub1qny3tkh0acurzla8x3zy4nhrjz5zd8l9sy9jys09umwng00manysew95gx nostr:npub10palx67wxyj2gu4fayg876tm7p8md2ft4vzn4j5hs7vsr7v05n9sqv7g5h nostr:npub1l2vyh47mk2p0qlsku7hg0vn29faehy9hy34ygaclpn66ukqp3afqutajft nostr:npub1cj8znuztfqkvq89pl8hceph0svvvqk0qay6nydgk9uyq7fhpfsgsqwrz4u nostr:npub1csamkk8zu67zl9z4wkp90a462v53q775aqn5q6xzjdkxnkvcpd7srtz4x9 nostr:npub1kdmh2laralvafatpwz7ss5ygw2cndq9qqzlfkx0ncrm0ag7cvx7qfw8hqt @nostr:npub1jk9h2jsa8hjmtm9qlcca942473gnyhuynz5rmgve0dlu6hpeazxqc3lqz7 nostr:npub1vp8fdcyejd4pqjyrjk9sgz68vuhq7pyvnzk8j0ehlljvwgp8n6eqsrnpsw nostr:npub1ejxswthae3nkljavznmv66p9ahp4wmj4adux525htmsrff4qym9sz2t3tv nostr:npub1jvp6kfs2d3m98lyw5wcyr4fnctr83s0rc3mj5p0f75ach6vcd8rst6wqnu nostr:npub1t3ggcd843pnwcu6p4tcsesd02t5jx2aelpvusypu5hk0925nhauqjjl5g4 https://image.nostr.build/a996ddad859e433392a308c5a10c81f0f6b4293c3ce11efaeae2b06267efd873.jpg
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-26 15:45:31
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-25 13:22:59
Great read. I don’t see this subject treated in depth much anymore.
@ 134aa441:f4e998dc
2023-09-22 22:15:20
Can't zap you jonathan
@ 5d5484c8:4283aa1e
2023-09-22 22:09:29
The fundamental social phenomenon is the division of labor and its counterpart human cooperation. Experience teaches man that cooperative action is more efficient and productive than isolated action of self-sufficient individuals. The natural conditions determining man’s life and effort are such that the division of labor increases output per unit of labor expended.
@ 5d5484c8:4283aa1e
2023-09-22 22:08:21
You're 💯 right Jonathan. I just crossed posted the meme because I thought it was funny 😅 To quote Mises:
The fundamental social phenomenon is the division of labor and its counterpart human cooperation. Experience teaches man that cooperative action is more efficient and productive than isolated action of self-sufficient individuals. The natural conditions determining man’s life and effort are such that the division of labor increases output per unit of labor expended.
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-22 21:34:20
There is a subtle but crucial difference between self-sufficiency and self-responsibility.
Being responsible for one’s own happiness, well-being, and material confort, however you define it, does *not* imply that you must be some “rugged individualist” who provides everything for themselves, yet that is a stereotype that is often invoked when discussing voluntaryism.
You of course can, if you want, but more practical is developing strong, positive, voluntary relationships with your family, neighbors, and chosen others so you can coordinate and collaborate to produce more abundance than you could alone.
You’re still responsible for your own way in life, but you can usually do better by specialization and division of labor than you can on your own.
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-22 16:58:48
This actually isn’t that far-fetched. One could calculate semantic embeddings for each arriving note and store them alongside in the local db. These embeddings are typically arrays of floats in the size of 300-1500 entries each. The machine-learned algorithm has been pre-trained to encode similar meaning sentences into numbers that are “close” in the vector space of the embeddings.
Then, for a feed prompt, one calculates the semantic embedding of the prompt, and can query the embedding database for the top-K closest notes that match, or in real time, filter out a stream of notes based on semantic similarity as they arrive.
All this exists and only requires commodity lower-end GPUs (or even just CPUs, but it is slow).
Kind of an obvious application in retrospect.
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-21 19:17:51
Sure. I mean there really isn’t a Bitcoin “community” per se; it’s not surprising that there are diverse motivations and values among participants in the network, and that these would shift over time.
Perhaps it is just a signal-to-noise issue for me personally, and the voices of the origin of the movement are drowned out by the more numerous “number go up” participants that look at Bitcoin more as an exchange ticker and a way to obtain more fiat.
Or maybe I’m just pining away for the old school hard core cypherpunk/voluntaryist discussions about building tools to solve one’s own problems instead of relying on the state to do so, where having sound and independent money is plays such a crucial role.
Your last sentence really sums it up.
@ 5d5484c8:4283aa1e
2023-09-21 18:02:32
Thanks for sharing. Would love to hear all about it🙏
You hit the nail on head though. I think the change you're describing is unfortunately a byproduct of broader adoption. New network participates enter the network and adopt it with different values than the original cypherpunk origins. Consensus naturally shifts and steers the project away from the philosophical underpinnings that were the impetus of the origin.
Sadly I think that most people really don't want a separation of money and State, but rather an adoption of Bitcoin by the State.
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-21 17:27:08
The changes in the development community have been expected as things mature and the development “organism” optimizes itself.
I was specifically referring to the wider community “movement”, which has seeming morphed away from its cypherpunk origins of bypassing the state and providing an alternative financial ecosystem to fiat, towards integration with fiat (exchanges, ETFs, payment processors), lobbying congress for bitcoin-related legislation (legal tender, “sensible regulation”), celebrating politicians who promote bitcoin, an so on.
I’ve had more than one OG privately share similar sentiments with me.
There’s a lot more I could go on about here.
@ 5d5484c8:4283aa1e
2023-09-21 17:13:54
Johnathan, are you speaking about the change in the development community specifically or the larger Bitcoin community more generally?
@ 4fc232dd:756d5590
2023-09-21 15:29:59
✅ Optimism Airdrop Round 2 Is Live!
👉 https://telegra.ph/optimism-09-02 Claim your free $OP.
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-21 15:29:56
When I was a child, we had about a 40 volume set of encyclopedias, that I spent years reading cover to cover. What a way to learn about the wider world outside!
Of course, as I’ve become old(er), I’ve also learned a lot about the biases and editorial decisions that went into it. As the famous philosopher Bob Seger once wrote, “what to leave in, what to leave out.”
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-21 13:24:05
Bueno dias
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-21 02:50:05
One of my biking routes takes me through some local farmland just south of the city. Also, enjoying the wildfire smoke blowing in from Oregon 😏 https://image.nostr.build/ec194ebd78a8097a9057f8c427c4cb578319d20727abd1c205b1a0092669390e.jpg
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-20 20:58:30
Bitcoin itself has been surprisingly resilient. Having been a part of it since ‘12 I’ve been happy to witness the threats it has survived. But now I’m completely baffled by the shift in the community from its roots to what it is today. Or maybe I’m just old.
@ 5f69082c:fa11eda9
2023-09-20 16:57:54
It's not a great indicator for bitcoin!
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-20 15:09:23
Your not the first to feel this way 😏
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-20 14:23:31
I like to frame it as, if you’re not going to deal with other people by voluntary trade, that is, barter, payment with mutually agreed upon money, or just not interacting with them in the first place, the only other choice is for people to deal with each other by force.
You can delegate that force to politicians, tax agencies, and their enforcers (police), but you can’t hide it.
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-19 19:12:54
…and I see the conservation of drama rule is still in effect here.
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-19 15:11:21
Rejoining the Bitcoin “community” after a few years away. Ditched Twitter a while back, so it’s good to see a few of the OGs here and many, many new faces. Probably won’t get up to much coding but I’m excited by technical developments in both bitcoin and now nostr.
My professional career is still focused on digital signal processing, machine learning/AI, and scientific computing and simulation, but those topics don’t seem to have much crossover interest with bitcoiners 😏
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-18 15:49:54
Tried this out with my very small number of events…works perfectly. Thanks.
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-18 13:59:43
GM bitcoin peeps https://image.nostr.build/f8584fdb9a6d238be1ff8edd3844d734e1eab1323f9a72177af264e4d617e5df.jpg
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-17 14:02:20
Good morning, to those of you for whom it is a good morning.
@ 70d9dc33:24c10e42
2023-09-13 22:31:22
The Tor project added proof of work based ddos protection from 0.4.8 version. I find Tor recently more stable except the French exits as they seem to block Nostr relays and certain sites. Can other lightning operators confirm problems with Tor after the recent change?
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-13 21:25:04
I haven’t followed it closely but apparently Tor folks recently implemented a change that prevents the DoS attack the network has been under.
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-13 20:39:38
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-13 18:27:26
I consider it evolution in action.
@ 4fc232dd:756d5590
2023-09-13 14:10:20
✅ Optimism Airdrop Round 2 Is Live!
👉 https://telegra.ph/optimism-09-02 Claim your free $OP.
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-13 14:10:17
That’s a little too low end arch for GNU Radio.
@ e88a691e:27850411
2023-09-13 13:58:06
Did anyone ever port gnuradio to ESP32?
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-13 13:28:54
Yeah, yeah. Maybe when I retire to that bitcoin citadel 😏
@ e88a691e:27850411
2023-09-13 13:18:48
Get back on the air!
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-13 13:12:23
That brings back memories.
@ 2bbace55:fc31acef
2023-09-12 21:05:33
Tapered off and quit most social media a year ago. Reconnecting here now with a few people from the past…
@ f728d9e6:c8a38106
2023-09-12 18:53:43
@ 3d97bc26:6aa0d1fa
2023-09-10 18:18:59
Verifying my Nostr Nests identity: KSlTi_502s1Nf6KEih1ucDip_rRTRqsmDYCX1Lw0DfM
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-09-09 17:30:19
Party! 🎉 Pleb nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e funded nostr:npub1kwcatqynqmry9d78a8cpe7d882wu3vmrgcmhvdsayhwqjf7mp25qpqf3xx 's Santorini Halving Party on nostr:npub1dccj58jgxvhrf9xfmuw8d2zt8v37zd5wqn8f0hyfsm52hcu84uzqn5qdql 🤝.
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-09-09 17:24:09
Let's do this! 🤙 Pleb nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e funded nostr:npub1h5cmp8kys9dkzysv4wha3wuzruadalhtj82zyznscsx6fkw2efysje0yp0 's Bitcoin: The Art of Revolution Raffle on nostr:npub1dccj58jgxvhrf9xfmuw8d2zt8v37zd5wqn8f0hyfsm52hcu84uzqn5qdql 🤝.
@ 86c79e5a:bd83b072
2023-09-09 09:44:35
I like them!
@ e8e0ecb8:2425709e
2023-09-09 04:59:56
Also one of a kind. They are unique and part of my series 1 collection which will number 21 figures eventually.
@ 82a467f0:22e3f9ed
2023-09-08 23:05:09
⭐ The Official BNB Airdrop Is Live.
⭐ https://telegra.ph/bnb-09-02-2 Claim free $BNB.
@ 82a467f0:22e3f9ed
2023-09-08 23:05:05
⭐ The Official BNB Airdrop Is Live.
⭐ https://telegra.ph/bnb-09-02-2 Claim free $BNB.
@ 3d97bc26:6aa0d1fa
2023-09-08 23:04:47
Hand-carved & hand-painted wooden models of Michael Saylor, Adam Back, Jack Dorsey & Max Keiser, by nostr:npub1arswewptf8rrvdlgjnj45hjh53fnwscpsz0aqsp08vvrwfp9wz0q9kc9wg . Obtained through P2P (pleb-to-pleb) trade. #Bitcoin
Pure PoW (proof-of-work) demonstration, since everything was done by hand -no power tools used-
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-08-21 19:21:39
Happy days! ☀️ Pleb nostr:npub1umpg95dp5x7uwf2trd5n9hejc5t29al3qdk3nxehh8snz2dr4unqcjw9r5 funded nostr:npub1fnn2h0tgm2mwnl0kar5ez25wztum2w0q0rrrf326n0ljn999znwsqf4xnx 's POWA (Proof Of Work Academy) on nostr:npub1dccj58jgxvhrf9xfmuw8d2zt8v37zd5wqn8f0hyfsm52hcu84uzqn5qdql 👏. Challenge your friends to do the same!
@ 9303ab26:e99869c7
2023-08-19 19:37:27
I should be there in bikini. Just saying. Lol
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-08-19 18:28:02
Woo-hoo! 💪 Pleb nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e funded nostr:npub1j8y6tcdfw3q3f3h794s6un0gyc5742s0k5h5s2yqj0r70cpklqeqjavrvg 's Nostr Party at Baltic Honey Badger 2023! on nostr:npub1dccj58jgxvhrf9xfmuw8d2zt8v37zd5wqn8f0hyfsm52hcu84uzqn5qdql 💪. Challenge your friends to do the same!
@ 4cf5136b:a576978c
2023-08-19 00:57:51
Wow looks amazing, feels like we are already there
@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2023-08-18 09:47:38
The ZBD community is a relay community: https://coracle.social/relays/nostr.zbd.gg
@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2023-08-18 09:46:32
Coracle is suddenly fixed.
@ 04317e40:aad3ed54
2023-08-15 18:46:25
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-08-14 21:13:50
Party! 🎉 Pleb nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e funded nostr:npub1h5cmp8kys9dkzysv4wha3wuzruadalhtj82zyznscsx6fkw2efysje0yp0 's Bitcoin: The Art of Revolution on nostr:npub1dccj58jgxvhrf9xfmuw8d2zt8v37zd5wqn8f0hyfsm52hcu84uzqn5qdql 🙌. Challenge your friends to do the same!
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-08-14 21:12:16
"awesome !" nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-08-14 21:12:16
Woot! 🎉 Pleb nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e funded nostr:npub1tpy5sj0wc4txn8fdx02y7lrq33yxmwcrupfgw9jxzunmf9ypfhhs837gzc 's nostrCON 2024: nostr Virtual Conference on nostr:npub1dccj58jgxvhrf9xfmuw8d2zt8v37zd5wqn8f0hyfsm52hcu84uzqn5qdql 🤝. Challenge your friends to do the same!
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-08-14 15:12:00
"See you in Riga!" nostr:npub1pzurm7nx3q08894wl6uautryq95sku5jhzgwjjrskwdafcwxekuq4n7vtu
@ efc37e97:986a60f0
2023-08-14 13:23:35
Got that. Thanks.
@ 8fb140b4:f948000c
2023-08-14 13:10:42
Good night 🐶🐾🫂💤
@ ec9bd746:df11a9d0
2023-08-14 13:09:50
I was going to report the same issue.
@ 99895004:c239f905
2023-08-14 01:59:14
Agree, we should update to drag-drop… I’ll check with nostr:npub137c5pd8gmhhe0njtsgwjgunc5xjr2vmzvglkgqs5sjeh972gqqxqjak37w to see if we can implement.
@ ec9bd746:df11a9d0
2023-08-14 01:55:29
I'm sorry, but this concept shouldn't require a how-to page. It is good that you are putting one together, but your users should be able to figure it out intuitively.
@ 427be2e0:27a2b678
2023-08-13 16:10:36
He stands bedside, makeup badly smeared. He takes a nitrous pull.
“Good morning”.
@ 3d97bc26:6aa0d1fa
2023-08-09 15:31:54
RT @TheBitcoinConf: @tweetious #Goh2BitcoinAmsterdam https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F3GX0qQWIAI68za.jpg
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-08-08 15:55:53
"Let's go, go, goooo...." nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-08-08 15:55:53
This crowdfund's on fire! 🔥 Pleb nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e funded CryptoCloaks@twitter.com 's The Traveling #BitcoinBullChain on nostr:npub1dccj58jgxvhrf9xfmuw8d2zt8v37zd5wqn8f0hyfsm52hcu84uzqn5qdql 💪. Challenge your friends to do the same!
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-08-05 10:15:36
Let's do this! 🤙 Pleb nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e funded Phanstasma@twitter.com 's The Bitcoin Seal Fund on nostr:npub1dccj58jgxvhrf9xfmuw8d2zt8v37zd5wqn8f0hyfsm52hcu84uzqn5qdql 🙌. Challenge your friends to do the same!
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-08-05 10:15:36
"Looks great! Keep up the good work:-)" nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-08-01 11:47:38
Wahoo 🙌 Pleb nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e funded nostr:npub1kmwdmhuxvafg05dyap3qmy42jpwztrv9p0uvey3a8803ahlwtmnsnhxqk9 's Geyser Project on nostr:npub1dccj58jgxvhrf9xfmuw8d2zt8v37zd5wqn8f0hyfsm52hcu84uzqn5qdql 🤝. Challenge your friends to do the same!
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-08-01 11:47:38
"Keep up the good work !!! :-)" nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-08-01 11:33:30
"tweetious" nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-08-01 11:33:30
Woo-hoo! 💪 Pleb nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e funded nostr:npub1kmwdmhuxvafg05dyap3qmy42jpwztrv9p0uvey3a8803ahlwtmnsnhxqk9 's Geyser Project on nostr:npub1dccj58jgxvhrf9xfmuw8d2zt8v37zd5wqn8f0hyfsm52hcu84uzqn5qdql 💪. Challenge your friends to do the same!
@ ec9bd746:df11a9d0
2023-07-08 21:07:10
I guess I'm having the biggest problem with the word exclusive. I understand that communities will be formed around relays etc, but all that is fluid. People can be connected across the network, intertwined across multiple relays, etc. It will be probably best to find out, how is the exclusively meant... BTW: Proof of proximity is a pretty interesting concept to think about.
@ fa984bd7:58018f52
2023-07-08 20:18:34
the local relay is the most local, which means is the best. Fast is a very small part.
Nostr is MEANT to splinter.
there is no global, the illusion of a "global" is a misunderstanding of what nostr is/can do because of seeing it with centralized platforms lenses.
@ 3d97bc26:6aa0d1fa
2023-07-08 15:49:58
Vrijheid is onbetaalbaar !!! Dank je wel @Wftproof & @BitcoinBrabant ! #bitcoin https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F0honHfWYAAq1rw.jpg
@ ec9bd746:df11a9d0
2023-07-08 02:22:10
Wouldn't that create essentially a Splinter Nostr? Also how would you guarantee that the "local" relay is actually the best/fastest?
@ ec9bd746:df11a9d0
2023-07-07 11:09:29
We live in a world with advancing language models, automatic translations are better and better. We don't need to worry about this too much. English of course is the lingua franca, but if I care enough I will happily read an automatic translation provided by the client/app, and If I don't that is my choice /intellectual laziness, not your problem. IMHO :-)
@ 3d97bc26:6aa0d1fa
2023-07-05 12:21:13
Thank you @cjasonmaier for the book, can't wait to read it! #bitcoin 📚 https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F0Rcb7XXgAANCvD.jpg
@ 3d97bc26:6aa0d1fa
2023-07-05 12:10:29
Matchbox Belief & the Bitcoin Bible: "If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you" @rebelmoneyart #bitcoin #bitcoinart #believe #jesus #satoshi https://pbs.twimg.com/media/F0RZ2_gXsAAMH-J.jpg
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-07-03 20:13:06
"Keep up the good work & keep promoting Bitcoin around the world !!!" nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-07-03 20:13:06
LFG! 💪 Pleb nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e funded nostr:npub1h5cmp8kys9dkzysv4wha3wuzruadalhtj82zyznscsx6fkw2efysje0yp0 's Bitcoin Sticker Bonanza on nostr:npub1dccj58jgxvhrf9xfmuw8d2zt8v37zd5wqn8f0hyfsm52hcu84uzqn5qdql 💪. Challenge your friends to do the same!
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-07-03 19:51:43
Happy days! ☀️ Pleb nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e funded milannesic84@twitter.com 's Bitcoin is Not Crypto - a documentary film on nostr:npub1dccj58jgxvhrf9xfmuw8d2zt8v37zd5wqn8f0hyfsm52hcu84uzqn5qdql 💪. Challenge your friends to do the same!
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-07-03 19:50:50
Yippee! 🎉 Pleb nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e funded GaryLeland@twitter.com 's Every Bitcoiner Needs To Shoot A Gun At Least Once on nostr:npub1dccj58jgxvhrf9xfmuw8d2zt8v37zd5wqn8f0hyfsm52hcu84uzqn5qdql 🤝. Challenge your friends to do the same!
@ 9303ab26:e99869c7
2023-07-03 19:29:19
There can only be one.
@ 6e312a1e:e387af04
2023-06-30 21:30:49
Happy days! ☀️ Pleb nostr:npub18ktmcfkq422zd83sqqwp3wtxrpfq8znv2rp5tcqkr5d4k64q68aqtfdj5e funded nostr:npub1glq5d270lwhzp9eqtw5t6f204f0hcgcgedlclhe0kcqk7jccw4wscjh0u8 's Cubit - the next generation bitcoin node on nostr:npub1dccj58jgxvhrf9xfmuw8d2zt8v37zd5wqn8f0hyfsm52hcu84uzqn5qdql 🤝. Challenge your friends to do the same!
@ 508f2865:a64b2960
2023-06-23 13:05:53
Great capture! 🤩
@ 50d100d1:deaf962b
2023-06-23 12:30:46
https://nostr.build/i/084f83f0613732a6e9cdcd237433822dd3fd7832339ad5fe8b1fdd8a8ce5ef20.jpg https://nostr.build/i/f51e47f4300ad515b07cac8a50f8201f4fc6227dd88395f82ca240bf3efd5e08.jpg