@ f6900e6b:9c7e939d
2025-01-28 23:33:15
Think I heard nostr:nprofile1qqsx8zd7vjg70d5na8ek3m8g3lx3ghc8cp5d9sdm4epy0wd4aape6vspz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dsq32amnwvaz7tmhda6zumn0wd68ytnsv9e8g7g9pux3g mention that
@ 65912a7a:5dc638bf
2025-01-28 23:33:09
See, the hardest thing for me was leaving the life. I still love the life...We ran everything. We paid off cops. We paid off lawyers. We paid off judges. Everybody had their hands out. Everything was for the taking.
And now it’s all over. And that’s the hardest part. Today, everything is different. There’s no action. I have to wait around like everyone else. Can’t even get decent food. Right after I got here I ordered some spaghetti with marinara sauce and I got egg noodles and ketchup. I’m an average nobody. I get to live the rest of my life like a schnook. https://video.nostr.build/9ed618d8b80ebe464696456d8b5cf9fb01d7a7b2d0d1228649c24e30b1f49778.mp4
@ f4d89779:2b522db9
2025-01-28 23:32:49
That one is great too but I think it's obtainium
Obsidian is a note taking one
@ 38a54221:d37cd0cc
2025-01-28 23:32:41
I forgot to take a before picture
@ f4d89779:2b522db9
2025-01-28 23:32:26
note taking/multi purpose app
@ 356875ff:bf96a2e8
2025-01-28 23:32:11
Hoping the upcoming Pixel 10 Pro Fold is a little quicker.
@ 51fc7209:5072e358
2025-01-28 23:31:51
If you are talking about the Obsidian for tracking app updates, hell yeah.
@ 356875ff:bf96a2e8
2025-01-28 23:31:38
I've tried that but switching between also slow.
@ 18483135:00cf44f6
2025-01-28 23:31:27
Welcome to Nostr!
Feel free to follow me if you like any of these subjects: I'm a soundscape musician, write about Philosophy, Bitcoin, Nostr, Parenting, Gaming, Anime, and regularly post homemade memes.
@ f6900e6b:9c7e939d
2025-01-28 23:31:11
What is obsidian
@ 5df413d4:2add4f5b
2025-01-28 23:31:07
Yes probably something like this…maybe even more to the blow off top upside. That’s assuming we’re still even doing cycles after this - state/institutional/corp treasury market buying, state/institutional forward contracts for bitcoin straight from miners, and grid scale state/corporate mining projects (to mine and hodl) will be major backstops to any future price drops.
@ 1e67de37:5c9116e4
2025-01-28 23:30:03
NSA can track powered-down phones: how to actually protect your privacy
@ de8ca7a6:48050c4c
2025-01-28 23:29:52
What exactly is the function of the microSD card in relation to the Coldcard Q?
In the past I haven't had much luck with devices that used microSD cards.
@ f4d89779:2b522db9
2025-01-28 23:29:45
I haven't run into it in a couple years of use but I have 3 purpose built workspaces to keep plugin bloat down
@ b6bcbd89:778600b3
2025-01-28 23:29:42
Tenho interesse?
@ f9c88387:a44ce612
2025-01-28 23:29:32
Welcome to Nostr! Check out my memes if you want and feel free to follow if you like it 😁
@ a3c1a5ce:f96545d0
2025-01-28 23:28:56
@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-01-28 23:28:44
@ 516add19:e697c014
2025-01-28 23:28:42
It’s hilarious people are raised this way. 😂
@ 34134b9e:fc209d48
2025-01-28 23:28:26
Tonight’s the night https://image.nostr.build/540b0a84fb20a9d4a7d4e1d179cafd20bc0009b1105c93467cc7238981967fd9.jpg
@ 356875ff:bf96a2e8
2025-01-28 23:28:11
Biggest prob is that it gets slowwwww as you use it more.
@ 46fcbe30:6bd8ce4d
2025-01-28 23:27:49
More than one way for sure.
@ c3f12a9a:06c21301
2025-01-28 23:27:34
Sheesh 😍 I love rainbows
This one is my best capture yet.
Your looks more colorfully, wooow 🌈
Lets share rainbows together https://image.nostr.build/534fb4a09cee9c110772a85cf4fb221d97be337dd3f1ec6516484c10bb00ca9b.jpg
@ f7922a0a:82c34788
2025-01-28 23:27:12
I can rest easy at night knowing the nudepodcastapps.com is back up. 🛌
@ 8867bed9:13664450
2025-01-28 23:26:52
Ad maiora! 🧡👊🏼🍀🫂
@ 318c6318:de4b28e0
2025-01-28 23:26:37
you can get 2M inbound from lnserver for 5k sats
@ f839fb67:5c930939
2025-01-28 23:26:17
Time to code.
Fuckin' https certificate error. Seems like something Nostr could solve... #CAstr ? 🤣
@ a3c1a5ce:f96545d0
2025-01-28 23:26:12
@ a4316d3b:ba98df8b
2025-01-28 23:25:57
Stop this winning I can't no more.
@ 7c765d40:bd121d84
2025-01-28 23:24:46
When the US strategic reserve is announced...
Take a screenshot (mental or actual) of your bitcoin balance on that day
It will not increase much after that
Don't rush this thing.
@ f4d89779:2b522db9
2025-01-28 23:24:27
@ 8867bed9:13664450
2025-01-28 23:24:03
WTF! IT VANISHED LIKE PUUF! AMAZON VIDEO MAN! I didn't understood you managed to catch something actually 🤯👀
@ f4d89779:2b522db9
2025-01-28 23:23:23
Obsidian is just 🤌
@ b6bcbd89:778600b3
2025-01-28 23:23:17
Há um silêncio que chega com os anos, e ele não é feito apenas da ausência de ruídos, mas da transição suave entre o que éramos e o que nos tornamos. Aos 60, você começa a sentir a sutileza do distanciamento. A sala que antes pulsava com suas ideias agora parece cheia de vozes que não pedem mais sua opinião. Não é uma rejeição, é o ritmo da vida. É quando aprendemos que nossa contribuição não está no presente imediato, mas nos rastros que deixamos nos corações e mentes ao longo do caminho.
Aos 65, você percebe que o mundo corporativo, outrora tão vital, é um fluxo incessante. Ele segue, indiferente ao que você fez ou deixou de fazer. Não é uma derrota, é a libertação. Esse é o momento de olhar para si mesmo, despir-se do ego e vestir a serenidade. Não se trata mais de provar, mas de ensinar, de compartilhar, de ser mentor. A verdadeira realização não é a que se exibe, mas a que inspira.
Aos 70, a sociedade parece lhe esquecer, mas será mesmo? Talvez seja apenas um convite para reavaliar o que realmente importa. Os jovens não o reconhecerão pelo que você foi, e isso é uma bênção disfarçada: você pode agora ser apenas quem você é. Sem máscaras, sem títulos, apenas a essência. Os velhos amigos, aqueles que não perguntam “quem você era”, mas “como você está”, tornam-se joias preciosas, diamantes que brilham no crepúsculo da vida.
E então, aos 80 ou 90, é a família que, na sua correria, se afasta um pouco mais. Mas é aí que a sabedoria nos abraça com força. Entendemos que amor não é posse; é liberdade. Seus filhos, seus netos, seguem suas vidas, como você seguiu a sua. A distância física não diminui o afeto, mas ensina que o amor verdadeiro é generoso, não exigente.
Quando a Terra finalmente chamar por você, não há motivo para medo. É a última dança de um ciclo natural, o encerramento de um capítulo escrito com suor, lágrimas, risos e memórias. Mas o que fica, o que realmente nunca será eliminado, são as marcas que deixamos nas almas que tocamos.
Portanto, enquanto há fôlego, energia, enquanto o coração bate firme, viva intensamente. Abrace os encontros, ria alto, desfrute os prazeres simples e complexos da vida. Cultive suas amizades como quem cuida de um jardim. Porque, no final, o que resta não são as conquistas, nem os títulos, nem os aplausos. O que resta são os laços, os momentos partilhados, a luz que espalhamos.
Seja luz, seja presença, e você será eterno.
Dedico a todos que entendem que o tempo não apaga, mas apenas transforma.
Viva a VIDA .
@ 79d43417:06c2cbb4
2025-01-28 23:22:14
Look, that’s the video. Tell me what you think it could be. The first video are just the first few frames so you can see it’s actually moving.
The second one is the full video.
Let me know your explanation
@ 8d78f390:d3233370
2025-01-28 23:21:53
Yeah, I'd prefer Mexico over the Caribbean countries, but might have to alternate this time around.
@ 51fc7209:5072e358
2025-01-28 23:21:21
Been saying this for years to block heads - it burst their bubble.
@ 356875ff:bf96a2e8
2025-01-28 23:21:18
That is impossible, sir.
@ 04c915da:3dfbecc9
2025-01-28 23:21:15
@ ba18b654:48c19046
2025-01-28 23:20:45
Number one going down the hatch, courtesy of a friend from the cigar lounge who spotted us and wished us a happy anniversary. Sometimes we all forget that there are nice people in the meatspace. #drinkstr #peoplearenice #marriagestr #happyhour
@ c3f12a9a:06c21301
2025-01-28 23:20:43
“All together now” 🤭
@ d4338b7c:f1d23a5b
2025-01-28 23:20:32
Golf is hard, mmmkay.
@ 5d1d83de:d0db5aa0
2025-01-28 23:20:10
@ 9267545d:d4e3688a
2025-01-28 23:19:37
Stay toxic out there friends 🫂
@ cfe3b431:2d068f8d
2025-01-28 23:19:28
@ c5f8bbbc:722c5ebf
2025-01-28 23:19:27
So when's the revolution guys?
@ ac340a0f:4d3d1853
2025-01-28 23:18:06
Keep a #positive mental attitude.
@ f4d89779:2b522db9
2025-01-28 23:17:58
@ 356875ff:bf96a2e8
2025-01-28 23:17:51
God's sovereignty is absolute. Man's ability to act within the bounds of Creation in no way threatens it. Even as we are "free" to act, God knows how we will before hand, and thus knows the people who will turn to Him.
@ 5d1d83de:d0db5aa0
2025-01-28 23:17:31
Imagine being an engineer, researcher, or even a technician in china. The excitement must be infectious building all these projects
@ 079d727b:00099650
2025-01-28 23:17:10
Why would anyone want their money to be subject to censorship?
Sorry to say but the majority of the world still believes in banks. Better solutions CERTAINLY exist but change is very hard to introduce.
@ f839fb67:5c930939
2025-01-28 23:17:08
AFAIK it's not offline...haven't tried it offline yet...😂
@ 4f47fc92:e79f126c
2025-01-28 23:16:54
I would like to leave one last thought before I part.
Every person alive today isn’t truly who they are—why? Because everything we know, how we speak, the topics we discuss, and even how we think are learned from others. But imagine this: if every other living person vanished, leaving only you, who would you be then? What identity remains? What ego forms without the influence of others?
@ f839fb67:5c930939
2025-01-28 23:16:42
Nah I got pocket camp complete
Although I'd really love to download a GameCube emulator and get the OG 😂
@ 708c9ac1:9416c81b
2025-01-28 23:16:39
👉 Escape the #matrix with bitcoin and #nostr 💜🧡
@ cc766794:7860447d
2025-01-28 23:16:31
To be, or not to be… https://image.nostr.build/84de15524bce15d2875c09d3f61dc857a0b263becb20c1a863468d99fd06d22e.jpg
@ 1bd32a38:77a23e69
2025-01-28 23:16:26
“This is why bananas on a blockchain don’t work.”
— nostr:npub1dergggklka99wwrs92yz8wdjs952h2ux2ha2ed598ngwu9w7a6fsh9xzpc, Memes vs The World https://image.nostr.build/ffa171c8f206a784ec6662def06a6f288bac35f9937fab346d0051fc473164ab.jpg https://image.nostr.build/db8c2daf1ffc73ee4d328da8991515bec35c121b5659f8afab0b81ef41cf83bd.jpg https://image.nostr.build/fe4b14c37711f30d13fb6b412de2ab73f49e8310d35c96a872afb2c0cb4e95d4.jpg https://image.nostr.build/8dc68a1b58e3d54d00d6de153070cec6654b2ed724f822bc4d47652bae512bf0.jpg
@ 7c765d40:bd121d84
2025-01-28 23:16:04
Lucky thinks he's a prankster 😆 https://video.nostr.build/dc5a363b316b8b1c9beeef787648269bae902da50f55fc17841655c7803698a7.mp4
@ 356875ff:bf96a2e8
2025-01-28 23:15:56
I am not an anarchist, no.
Spare me your sermon.
@ a24d0c86:ec0f47ce
2025-01-28 23:15:55
Switching from learning Java to learning Python I have to keep telling myself “don’t think so hard.”
@ 44dc1c2d:31c74f0b
2025-01-28 23:15:51
@ 079d727b:00099650
2025-01-28 23:15:38
Thank you so much @`YEGHRO` for building this.
Thank you so much @`𝕾𝖊𝖗 𝕾𝖑𝖊𝖊𝖕𝖞` for hyping and building the foundations of this.
Thank you so much @`aljaz` for allowance of awesome-nostr repo.
AND THANK YOU @`BITKARROT` for being our own personal jesus.
Everyone please zap @`YEGHRO`and @`aljaz` - These two are absolute champions and deserve all your daily/weekly zaps ;)
@ c3f12a9a:06c21301
2025-01-28 23:15:27
@ b75b9a31:6f3c1505
2025-01-28 23:15:18
Loving angry 🤣🤷♂️😂🩷🩵
@ 356875ff:bf96a2e8
2025-01-28 23:15:06
I use full size in the house, half size in the truck. I prefer metal, but they rattle just a little bit.
@ 861fdb81:0901ef2a
2025-01-28 23:14:49
@ c48e29f0:26e14c11
2025-01-28 23:14:43
(I’m talking to the gun)
@ 3878d95d:f3b45a69
2025-01-28 23:14:39
Its not really wrong....it just crafted according to their perspective. LOL
@ 44dc1c2d:31c74f0b
2025-01-28 23:14:36
I've always considered the fees on bisq or Robosats or whatever platform I'm buying no KYC Bitcoin to be the actual price of Bitcoin or the "freedom price".
shitty way of phrasing it and I know the goal is to get the most sats per dollar but......Something, something freedom aint free.
@ c48e29f0:26e14c11
2025-01-28 23:14:30
Well hello there, beautiful.
@ a24d0c86:ec0f47ce
2025-01-28 23:14:14
Focus on the core problem. Sending and receiving cash + bitcoin
@ c48e29f0:26e14c11
2025-01-28 23:14:02
165F internally before I wrap it and flip the fat cap on top…
@ 356875ff:bf96a2e8
2025-01-28 23:13:58
Got a feeling releasing the #Epstein list would threaten continuity of government. It must be that bad.
@ 1c9dcd8f:1852f704
2025-01-28 23:13:53
I'm gonna update the module, wish me luck:
@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-01-28 23:13:42
I changed it a while ago but I’ve been typing it in every day. Feels like very little chance of getting it wrong
@ 7c765d40:bd121d84
2025-01-28 23:13:42
A hard earned, ice cold Radler https://image.nostr.build/170eefc919d01d0c1972a9f0d80671c0ed1898a0d92b3e7fdaf9198c0394249b.jpg
@ a24d0c86:ec0f47ce
2025-01-28 23:13:40
Oh wow I didn’t realize it’d been that long. Keep it up! Love having a client to explore Nostr as a power user. I remember the first time I saw it and LOVED the name/design/approach you took.
@ 04f7dda0:c4d00b46
2025-01-28 23:12:49
@ a44dbc9a:b6c4bf4b
2025-01-28 23:12:46
it's the first thing I ever bought too
@ 4ca4f553:83d83ac0
2025-01-28 23:12:31
@ a44dbc9a:b6c4bf4b
2025-01-28 23:12:28
@ ac340a0f:4d3d1853
2025-01-28 23:12:18
@ a44dbc9a:b6c4bf4b
2025-01-28 23:12:15
hell yes
@ f9c88387:a44ce612
2025-01-28 23:12:09
Welcome to Nostr! Check out my memes if you want and feel free to follow if you like it 😁
@ 18483135:00cf44f6
2025-01-28 23:12:06
Welcome to Nostr!
Feel free to follow me if you like any of these subjects: I'm a soundscape musician, write about Philosophy, Bitcoin, Nostr, Parenting, Gaming, Anime, and regularly post homemade memes.
@ 000002de:c05780a7
2025-01-28 23:12:05
Its an interesting time to be alive.
@ ac340a0f:4d3d1853
2025-01-28 23:11:57
@ 872b60fd:fce2b680
2025-01-28 23:11:26
A dog with power, firm in command,
Made the monkeys dance on demand.
They danced for crumbs, they danced in fear,
Bound by promises they’d never clear.
But some grew wise, began to see,
The dog’s control was but decree.
"Without our dance, his power fades,
Freedom lies where choice is made."
The lesson here, sharp and true:
No ruler reigns without your cue.
Stop the dance, leave the stage,
Freedom’s born when you disengage
@ a3c1a5ce:f96545d0
2025-01-28 23:11:16
Did you change it then forgot? Or is that out of the question
@ 4ca4f553:83d83ac0
2025-01-28 23:11:05
How the hell didn't I get a notification?!? 👺👺
Anyway happy Nostraversary nostr:nprofile1qqsvlca5x9keq5e4km8q26aqas3skkr6xdpcr6ptlxsz5xz095rglrgpz4mhxue69uh5yetkduhxummnw3erztnrdakszyrhwden5te0dehhxarj9emkjmn9qyxhwumn8ghj7mn0wvhxcmmvurc4ss!! 🥳🥳
You already know it, but it's been a privilege to know you this whole time! 🫂💜
Two more years, two more years, two more years! 😁😘
@ a3c1a5ce:f96545d0
2025-01-28 23:10:44
Who could have accessed your phone while you were sleeping?
@ a3c1a5ce:f96545d0
2025-01-28 23:10:07
That is lame as hell
I’ve only ever bought on a couple times on ATMs but stopped because the fees were insane but was no KYC
@ bf41becc:13dc5991
2025-01-28 23:10:03
Can someone explain/link me to something that explains bolt12?
@ 8867bed9:13664450
2025-01-28 23:10:02
No Sir. 😂🫂
@ c5f8bbbc:722c5ebf
2025-01-28 23:09:09
I've just been meaning to do this myself! Hence why I didn't want you to take some of your time for it
I'm mostly looking for representation for booking shows, that's more what I'm complaining about
Thanks alot!
@ 1c9dcd8f:1852f704
2025-01-28 23:09:05
Ahhhhhhhh I get it now ty. Bit slow this evening.
@ 44dc1c2d:31c74f0b
2025-01-28 23:08:55
I don't know what jurisdiction you're in, but I'm in the west coast of the US, and for the longest time, the coinos ATMs, I have one by my house, never asked for ID until one day I got hit with shotgun KYC.
It was a sad day because that was a good place for me to get some quick cash or convert cash into Bitcoin if I needed it.
@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-01-28 23:08:49
0 as far as I know
@ a3c1a5ce:f96545d0
2025-01-28 23:08:21
How many ppl if any knows your passcode?
@ 79d43417:06c2cbb4
2025-01-28 23:07:40
😂 are you taking the piss?