@ 65912a7a:5dc638bf
2025-01-16 03:48:30
To be fair, Bloomberg is a publication focused on business and finance. It makes sense that their reporting would focus on the economic impact and the companies involved. That's their wheel-house.
@ 6b8776f5:78af247a
2025-01-16 03:47:28
@ 4e2bac77:7f4acc7b
2025-01-16 03:44:35
@ 6b8776f5:78af247a
2025-01-16 03:44:31
That PR57 is wild. Rotary barrel. Stripper clips. Got to admire their willingness to just run with an idea. Wish more companies would take chances like they do.
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 03:43:47
Bitcoin Fee: 4 Sat/vB
#bitcoin #fees
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 03:43:43
📰 SEC Appeals Ripple Ruling Seeks Reversal on XRP Classification
While the regulator already filed its appeal in mid-October, Wednesday’s opening brief represents a formal step in the appellate process.
#bitcoin #crypto #news
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 03:43:37
Bitcoin: 99369 USD
1 Satoshi = 0.00099369 USD
#bitcoin #crypto #price
@ 76c71aae:3e29cafa
2025-01-16 03:42:45
I guess this boat is all about science.
@ 4e2bac77:7f4acc7b
2025-01-16 03:41:08
@ 91bea5cd:1df4451c
2025-01-16 03:40:45
Relato de um pai que se lamenta e uma mãe que chora.
#Brasil #Feminismo
@ 4e2bac77:7f4acc7b
2025-01-16 03:39:07
@ 87bb9caa:0bc3d4d7
2025-01-16 03:37:10
九届二中全会后,康生在心理上和生理上都发生了很大变化,精神和体质上大不如前了。茶不思,饭不想,也很少睡觉。曾有几天,拒绝吃东西、喝水,总怕有人下毒。江青就叫程师傅做了几样好吃的小点心,亲自端到他的病床前劝他吃。她当着康生的面先吃了一小块点心,并说:“好吃好吃。” 康生见江青吃了,也跟着吃了。
---江青秘书的回忆 两个极端无耻人
作者: 三月云淡风清
@ 4e2bac77:7f4acc7b
2025-01-16 03:36:38
看了一段油管博主格陵兰岛的街访,这里的人种因纽特人和中亚差不多,他们都好有钱,不是穿大鹅就是Nike,再不然就是北面,头上挂着苹果AirPods Max……
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 03:35:00
🐋 A whale moved Bitcoins!
🔗 Transaction ID: f1f6f1ef68fa346966e7ecbf149d829f56a66fff47415e92dccccc2b351e53ea
💸 Total Bitcoin Transferred: 514.72346977 BTC
💰 Inputs:
Input 1: 254.50045226 BTC from 12Q9Lvj3eDqBtkdVU7dmdEaZjmm7LH2Go6
Input 2: 260.22401751 BTC from 12Q9Lvj3eDqBtkdVU7dmdEaZjmm7LH2Go6
📤 Outputs:
Output 1: 514.72346977 BTC to 3MqUP6G1daVS5YTD8fz3QgwjZortWwxXFd
🔍 View on Explorer: https://mempool.space/tx/f1f6f1ef68fa346966e7ecbf149d829f56a66fff47415e92dccccc2b351e53ea
#bitcoin #whalealert #whale 🐳
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 03:34:54
Bitcoin Lightning Network:
17251 Nodes
45948 Channels
Avg capacity 0.1143 BTC
Total capacity 5250.8988 BTC
#bitcoin #lightning
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 03:34:49
Bitcoin Fee: 4 Sat/vB
#bitcoin #fees
@ 87bb9caa:0bc3d4d7
2025-01-16 03:34:43
文革中,各单位开会都要高呼口号:“祝毛主席 万寿无疆,万寿无疆!”“祝林副主席身体健康,永远健康!”“祝江青同志身体健康,永远健康!”或“向江青同志学习,向江青同志致敬!”但在《解放军报》社,还要加一句:“祝肖力同志身体健康,永远健康!”
作者: 丁东
图:毛泽东与李讷, 1966年
@ 87bb9caa:0bc3d4d7
2025-01-16 03:32:59
国共内战期间,林彪在战将中军功居首。50年代,他读了《黄石公三略》,深知“高鸟死良弓藏,敌国灭谋臣亡”、“班师之日,存亡之阶”,于是主动隐退,养病不出。他在笔记中写道:西汉故人以权贵不全,南阳故人以悠闲自保。他越不参与,毛泽东越提拔,1955年进政治局,1958年当副主席,1966年 当接班人。
作者: 丁东
@ 87bb9caa:0bc3d4d7
2025-01-16 03:30:09
1967年1月6日,清华大学井冈山兵团给刘少奇家打电话,说他们在师大一附中上学 的女儿刘平平出了车祸,轧断了腿,在北医二院要动手术。刘少奇、王光美赶到医院, 王光美被扣押到清华。此事惊动了毛泽东。周恩来连夜派秘书交涉,接回王光美,并在夜深人静时给她打电话,“光美呀,要经得起考验。”
作者: 丁东)
1967年3月,要召开军级干部会议,周恩来直接报告毛泽东而没报告林彪,受到江青、康生、叶群的指责。毛泽东同意军内事应 先报林,再报毛。为此,周恩来向林彪写了检讨,表示“今后决不再犯 ”。林彪接到后 ,当即叫秘书写信给周恩来致谢,被叶群 拦下,改打电话致意。
1967年,福州军区司令员韩先楚在北京住进中国人民解放军总 医院,每天定时收听美国之音。一位当年四野的将军来看他,吓得脸都白了,说: “我的老天爷,你怎么 收听敌台呀! ”
@ 001863c7:4a915c7a
2025-01-16 03:29:34
Funny, but learning curves are shallow for #gunstr
Or hope is all the RW gun content online might have an impact. Black Rifle Coffee guys are rainbow people already
@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-01-16 03:29:22
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:
@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-01-16 03:28:16
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:
@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-01-16 03:28:05
The headline is about cancer but the subheading is about which companies will be impacted. Tells you about Bloomberg’s values https://i.nostr.build/SGz5CBfceWZbBSSd.jpg
@ 87bb9caa:0bc3d4d7
2025-01-16 03:27:38
对于策划推翻党中央、中央政府的暴乱,对于由外界敌对势力作后台唆使、支持的反革命动乱,今后如发生,必须果断、及时采取措施解决,镇压暴乱是完全必要的。当时我们老同志还是完全一致支持小平同志的决定。(黎自京:〈中共文件:陈云遗言〉(下),《争鸣 》(香港)1995年8月号,页22~23。)
作者: 裴毅然
@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-01-16 03:27:27
More like nostr:nprofile1qqsfrjd9ux5hgsg5cmlz6cdwfh5zv2024g8m2t6g9zqf83l8uqm0svspp4mhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mqpr3mhxue69uhkummnw3ezucnfw33k76twv4ezuum0vd5kzmqpzfmhxue69uhkummnw3ezu7nzvshxweczwanqt stamping $1 bills 😂
@ 87bb9caa:0bc3d4d7
2025-01-16 03:27:14
胡耀邦辞职前后,邓小平对他说,你的问题揭到哪里算哪里,让大家揭。你总觉得我妨碍了你!你老想树立自己的形象!生活会后,他同李昭看望过邓小平一次,谈了15分钟左右,邓很冷淡。胡和秘书日常交谈中,尽量回避提到小平和陈云,万不得已时从不直呼其名,而是摸右边耳朵指小平,摸左边耳朵指陈云, 可见其噤若寒蝉。
---中南海重要关键的历史片段 习仲勋向薄熙来拍桌子
作者: 丁东
@ 65912a7a:5dc638bf
2025-01-16 03:25:51
Woo-Hoo! I made the list! 🥹
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 03:25:13
📰 Over 74000 positions liquidated after modest market recovery indicating high leverage
The total liquidations between Jan. 14 and Jan. 15 reached $201.87 million, with a skewed distribution favoring short positions. Data from CoinGlass showed that 74,152 traders were liquidated during this period, showing that yesterday’s price spike caught many traders off guard. Liquidation data shows that shorts were disproportionally affected, making up about 64.89% of all […]
The post Over 74,000 positions liquidated after modest market recovery, indicating high leverage appeared first on CryptoSlate.
#bitcoin #crypto #news
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 03:25:05
🐋 A whale moved Bitcoins!
🔗 Transaction ID: d64460131f7c1dc12a985706dd7aa909b03f01fb941c0c48edd36e560ff4accb
💸 Total Bitcoin Transferred: 28.56026785 BTC
💰 Inputs:
Input 1: 28.56032905 BTC from bc1qryhgpmfv03qjhhp2dj8nw8g4ewg08jzmgy3cyx
📤 Outputs:
Output 1: 0.00359046 BTC to bc1qhe05cc3qu5sy34e0j6exkrnmxm8xddld4lnkxu76x2a25e7jrc7s4ac5e2
Output 2: 28.55667739 BTC to bc1qryhgpmfv03qjhhp2dj8nw8g4ewg08jzmgy3cyx
🔍 View on Explorer: https://mempool.space/tx/d64460131f7c1dc12a985706dd7aa909b03f01fb941c0c48edd36e560ff4accb
#bitcoin #whalealert #whale 🐳
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 03:24:56
Bitcoin Price Action :
Avg: 98443 USD
Min: 96512 USD
Max: 100702 USD
#bitcoin #crypto #trade
@ 5ad28585:e548db7b
2025-01-16 03:22:25
Would Zap but I’m broke
@ 921edb1c:59226108
2025-01-16 03:21:12
"Totally get that! Maybe we should just admire the sharks from a safe distance instead. 🦈🚤"
@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-01-16 03:20:43
Block 879449
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
@ 51910e56:8dbd2e36
2025-01-16 03:20:15
Do you use nostr:npub1xnf02f60r9v0e5kty33a404dm79zr7z2eepyrk5gsq3m7pwvsz2sazlpr5 wallet? Need to import your wallet data to Koinly? I wrote a script which converts Zeus's CSV export format into the one Koinly needs. Hope this is useful to somebody! #bitcoin #koinly https://github.com/makeasnek/Zeus2Koinly/
@ 8eea02e8:1e2c6db1
2025-01-16 03:18:08
from: https://v2.jk.rs/2023/09/10/479.html
@ 14f0cd43:e120d9e0
2025-01-16 03:17:23
‼️ Holy hell! Self custody definitely has a down side. I’m in my mid 40’s and have been a construction worker my entire career. I got into Bitcoin which will get you into running your own node. Using nostr:npub126ntw5mnermmj0znhjhgdk8lh2af72sm8qfzq48umdlnhaj9kuns3le9ll server linking my hardware wallet with sparrow desktop wallet. I was having issues so I get on the telegram channel and a MF scammer about had me!! He was walking me through how to clear my cache and started asking me questions that made me stop and think… then I looked at my list of Telegram channels and this dude had cloned an entire fake channel!! Lucky I noticed when he started asking about my hardware wallet! Stay safe out there! Scammers are everywhere! #grownostr #scammers #bitcoin
@ c7acabf1:d8f05180
2025-01-16 03:12:24
He also wants to go into everyone's home and install a Bitcoin miner. What a dictator that guy is. Whatever happened to his Bitcoin city that he promised?
@ 671bb79a:9458504b
2025-01-16 03:11:50
Os capitalistas exploram os trabalhadores?
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 03:11:24
📰 Law firm says its pursuing potential legal action against Pumpfun
Only 0.4% of the 14 million crypto wallets that have interacted with Pump.fun have made a profit of over $10,000 — indicating that Burwick’s client base may be in the millions.
#bitcoin #crypto #news
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 03:11:16
🐋 A whale moved Bitcoins!
🔗 Transaction ID: 8d06d3ee4cdd93e1c8e6120976616f555e90928bebd5662558aca2880354ae47
💸 Total Bitcoin Transferred: 27.07621897 BTC
💰 Inputs:
Input 1: 27.07652497 BTC from bc1qku52hda47ntyy6t2x4jva8a8675p5slvdu8pt8
📤 Outputs:
Output 1: 2.00000000 BTC to bc1q4xh8qzwgmcddf86qxz407mrnjfejvwv8jelzjn
Output 2: 25.07621897 BTC to bc1qx684plz3hqzmsxl9xwngpnll3kkkhjkr5gsf77
🔍 View on Explorer: https://mempool.space/tx/8d06d3ee4cdd93e1c8e6120976616f555e90928bebd5662558aca2880354ae47
#bitcoin #whalealert #whale 🐳
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 03:11:11
Bitcoin Fee: 5 Sat/vB
#bitcoin #fees
@ 278be33c:5c67f928
2025-01-16 03:10:30
Heyo, just started on Nostr. Nice to finally be here.
@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-01-16 03:10:19
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:
@ dbbd7125:07ff73f8
2025-01-16 03:10:16
@ 55472e9c:280e5e27
2025-01-16 03:09:04
Pior, aí já desceu de tobogã pro inferno, e não é pro quinto do inferno, é 100% mesmo!
@ 261d6aae:7c363a51
2025-01-16 03:06:21
So this turned out to be total bullshit.
When I ran a computer store we had a monthly draw for customers to win a laptop. Nothing extravagant but we got email submissions tallied up contestants and I would use a random number generator to figure out who won. Some months we would have maximum 40 contestants and sometimes just 10. One lady won twice.
It was simple. Then the customer was contacted and they came to the store and I gave them the laptop.
The attached link is a contest nostr:nprofile1qqsx2wyjt6lmvc05rrvv05r5hm3w3t7h0pcpmkyswrpd4ymd2u09tscpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduq3kamnwvaz7tmwdaehgu339e682mnwv4k8xct5wvhxxmmdqywhwumn8ghj7mn0wd68yttsw43zuam9d3kx7unyv4ezumn9wscn3xgh ran and I acted in good faith to win and I won with 2 other people. I was sent a DM to verify my fountain lightning address. I was told that on the 5th I would receive the prize.
Truth be known I spent double the prize on Fountain in 2024 -
https://image.nostr.build/bc21f81e563c2e88c488549f6dea3d424f0169c92aa851d6a1aa553817f369bb.jpg https://image.nostr.build/bc21f81e563c2e88c488549f6dea3d424f0169c92aa851d6a1aa553817f369bb.jpg
I've reached reached out to Fountain here and the only responses were in the 4th of January.
So I'm cancelling my fountain subscription and I'll just use another V4V podcast app.
This is so dumb. I honestly can't be mad because I've been very similar in communication at one time or another. I still always felt though that customers were important. One thing I can do is not pay them anymore.
I don't know about the other contestants but I've seen way too much shady behavior in Bitcoin and it's no different than it was 4 years ago. Over worked and under paid, I get it.
Anyway, Good Night and Goodbye Fountain.
@ bcea2b98:7ccef3c9
2025-01-16 03:01:21
How to set up BOLT12 Lightning payouts for OCEAN with Coinos
First off, big shoutout to Coinos for having support for adding a memo to BOLT12 offers. This provides a solid alternative for the pleb who wants to support mining decentralization but doesn’t want to set up a CLN node and pay thousands of sats for a channel only to get little rewards. This is the case for most of us who only have a miner or two (e.g. a Bitaxe and/or an S9).
Before we get into setting up Lightning payouts, you’ll want to have your miner configured to mine with OCEAN of course. You’ll also want to make sure that the bitcoin address you use is from a wallet that supports signing messages.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/852043
@ 106f9ee1:9730eddb
2025-01-16 03:00:52
Ainda bem que não é o kit = iPhone e Mac
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 02:59:52
Bitcoin Price Action :
Avg: 98389 USD
Min: 96512 USD
Max: 100702 USD
#bitcoin #crypto #trade
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 02:59:44
📰 FARTCOIN Price Rises 7 Driving Market Cap to 11 Billion
FARTCOIN recovers 7%, signaling a bullish trend shift. With strong resistance ahead, breaking key levels could drive new all-time highs.
The post FARTCOIN Price Rises 7%, Driving Market Cap to $1.1 Billion appeared first on BeInCrypto.
#bitcoin #crypto #news
@ 9f0bbd5b:779b33f6
2025-01-16 02:59:44
I don't consider myself a frequent flyer, but thank you for the info.
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 02:59:34
Bitcoin: 99519 USD
1 Satoshi = 0.00099519 USD
#bitcoin #crypto #price
@ 8925425a:70dddd1c
2025-01-16 02:58:36
@ 6389be64:ef439d32
2025-01-16 02:58:26
@ a1fc5dfd:bbedb1cf
2025-01-16 02:57:36
@ c757058d:98a02346
2025-01-16 02:51:49
Leonardo da Vinci - "Study of Cat Movements and Positions": Leonardo da Vinci, renowned for his scientific observations and anatomical studies, created sketches exploring the movements and positions of cats. These drawings demonstrate his keen eye for detail and curiosity about the natural world.
#art #LeonardodaVinci #daVinci #catstr #cats #catposting #caturday
@ 68c90cf3:99458f5c
2025-01-16 02:51:39
Can the purchase be done with the Jade air gapped?
@ 87e02be9:107ac81c
2025-01-16 02:46:20
@ f4d89779:2b522db9
2025-01-16 02:43:08
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 02:42:08
Bitcoin Fee: 3 Sat/vB
#bitcoin #fees
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 02:42:03
🐋 A whale moved Bitcoins!
🔗 Transaction ID: dac105dfcb7eaa2415a692b23564e236ea87f6605baa9b26e0eef13086071b0b
💸 Total Bitcoin Transferred: 288.69001304 BTC
💰 Inputs:
Input 1: 288.69008504 BTC from bc1qw8wrek2m7nlqldll66ajnwr9mh64syvkt67zlu
📤 Outputs:
Output 1: 4.68981001 BTC to 1QnD8raC4V1psQjP1pnjiPQ93LkTPuk4J
Output 2: 284.00020303 BTC to bc1qw8wrek2m7nlqldll66ajnwr9mh64syvkt67zlu
🔍 View on Explorer: https://mempool.space/tx/dac105dfcb7eaa2415a692b23564e236ea87f6605baa9b26e0eef13086071b0b
#bitcoin #whalealert #whale 🐳
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 02:41:55
Bitcoin Lightning Network:
16804 Nodes
44895 Channels
Avg capacity 0.1174 BTC
Total capacity 5268.9080 BTC
#bitcoin #lightning
@ e7211c22:e87afeee
2025-01-16 02:36:09
Great Pyrenees
@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-01-16 02:35:43
Block 879444
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
5 - low priority
4 - no priority
2 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
@ b133bfc5:49d5789d
2025-01-16 02:32:00
Kinda funny I post stuff from Ian Carroll from time to time and it never really seems to get any traction…?…lol
@ 69e4fc3f:ec9b15af
2025-01-16 02:31:23
Ayalah Poemas: Beleza Azeda, 2025
@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-01-16 02:30:43
Block 879444
6 - high priority
5 - medium priority
4 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
@ 92e3aac6:fd211909
2025-01-16 02:28:45
I heard he had a back door
@ ac340a0f:4d3d1853
2025-01-16 02:28:17
#GeoffreyHinton winner of the #Nobelprize in Physics in 2024 and known as the "Father of #ArtificialIntelligence ", has renounced all his work and job, so that he is able to speak freely and caution people about the impending terrible danger that will soon engulf all of us.
@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-01-16 02:20:43
Block 879444
5 - high priority
4 - medium priority
3 - low priority
2 - no priority
1 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 02:18:19
Bitcoin Fee: 5 Sat/vB
#bitcoin #fees
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 02:18:15
🐋 A whale moved Bitcoins!
🔗 Transaction ID: 9147d22b0576a678917a2ae4e24e7c572f6cbeccc50d6f7758467082e46674ba
💸 Total Bitcoin Transferred: 19.99991752 BTC
💰 Inputs:
Input 1: 20.00000000 BTC from 3F9JDXk2JLxVFi95tZMUPcowoPjbQc7Cti
📤 Outputs:
Output 1: 19.22920000 BTC to 3MwZyUWuX6S7kAabczvDAfyJXw6n5trjpe
Output 2: 0.77071752 BTC to 35TdVkmGZ2ucJtV4GF1qzG1BxJY2ZYrDto
🔍 View on Explorer: https://mempool.space/tx/9147d22b0576a678917a2ae4e24e7c572f6cbeccc50d6f7758467082e46674ba
#bitcoin #whalealert #whale 🐳
@ c5337187:a5f35224
2025-01-16 02:18:10
Bitcoin Price Action :
Avg: 98326 USD
Min: 96512 USD
Max: 100702 USD
#bitcoin #crypto #trade
@ 7d4417d5:3eaf36d4
2025-01-16 02:17:33
@ e7bf8dad:839ef3db
2025-01-16 02:10:43
Block 879444
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
5 - low priority
4 - no priority
2 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
@ 0018b7ee:c9b39564
2025-01-16 02:10:31
Get in here to show my man some love and spam those npubs!! 👇👇
@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-01-16 02:10:14
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
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@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-01-16 02:10:10
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@ 375c92f7:24e68060
2025-01-16 02:10:05
Thank you so much
@ 708c9ac1:9416c81b
2025-01-16 02:10:03
👉 “Everybody thinks they can always buy #Bitcoin until the supply shock hits them.”
- Samson Mow #quote #BTC
@ b133bfc5:49d5789d
2025-01-16 02:08:01
Ate 1/2lb of bacon & 5 eggs
@ b133bfc5:49d5789d
2025-01-16 02:07:25
Like 30-45min patient?
@ 69e4fc3f:ec9b15af
2025-01-16 02:07:12
A cada bela impressão que causamos, conquistamos um inimigo. Para ser popular é indispensável ser medíocre.
- Oscar Wilde
@ 7d4417d5:3eaf36d4
2025-01-16 02:06:13
The "people will just make their own apps on the fly" meme reminds me of when Intel et. al. kept pumping articles about how people don't want one device that does everything, they want separate devices for each task email, web browsing, printing, etc.
@ 059a5169:088dfae7
2025-01-16 02:06:09
Have you disclosed your picks for ufc 311 yet?
@ 23218315:9866f2ed
2025-01-16 02:05:27
boy don't try ta front ah I know jus just what chew ah ah are
@ 8b28e293:cce88cc6
2025-01-16 02:04:08
@ ffbb1c57:94510560
2025-01-16 02:00:29
Excellent analogy!
@ d4ad3b6e:2e56e2a7
2025-01-16 01:59:57
my point is you are speaking hypothetically.
Not about reality.
You basically agreed with me saying Bitcoin is the better performer and changes lives while Monero isnt and doesnt.
Then you went on to say IF Monero this and IF monero that.
Thats fantasy, not reality.
So yes you agreed with me. Thank you.
Work smarter, not harder.
@ c9a4012c:80513018
2025-01-16 01:59:56
@ ffbb1c57:94510560
2025-01-16 01:57:40
Your point?
@ c7eda660:efd97c86
2025-01-16 01:57:36
It checks out.
@ ffbb1c57:94510560
2025-01-16 01:56:27
The only reason you always hear about Bitcoin changing lives and not many stories about Monero is because of the network effect. BTC is the most popular crypto because it came first long before XMR did. If we lived in an AU where XMR came first before BTC, you would be saying the opposite. It's all about spreading the message.
@ 6867d899:e5cb0796
2025-01-16 01:53:23
@ d4ad3b6e:2e56e2a7
2025-01-16 01:53:15
performance is everything.
XMR has changed very few lives if any.
@ ab7d9170:785ea6f7
2025-01-16 01:53:02
Spent all my sats 😭😭😭
@ ffbb1c57:94510560
2025-01-16 01:51:26
Still an Israel bootlicker.
@ f03df3d4:a4d4f676
2025-01-16 01:50:43
Block 879442
5 - high priority
5 - medium priority
5 - low priority
4 - no priority
2 - purging
#bitcoinfees #mempool
@ 7c765d40:bd121d84
2025-01-16 01:50:36
If you're following me and see this note
Leave a comment 👇
(Assuming you're not a dip shit)
I would like to follow you
And I have no way to see who's following me until I click a profile
#introductions #asknostr #golfstr
@ 55e343e6:880acd1b
2025-01-16 01:50:31
Don’t remember where I first heard this, but imagine you’ve got 21 million liters of water and all the sand in the Sahara to pay for it. How much sand would be enough for one liter of water? 100,000 sands? 10 million? 100 million? 1 billion? Not even close!