
@ 21b41910:91f41a5e
2025-03-09 20:03:25
On the plus side, youll get away from using the cesspool that is mailchimp.

@ 06b7819d:d1d8327c
2025-03-09 20:03:22
The things we do as kids. As a kid, I wondered what 10,000 looked like so I wrote down the numbers from 1-10,000.

@ 454bc277:e4a9561a
2025-03-09 20:03:14
I thought smart contracts were a nothing burger. ? As many times we find bugs in database procedures, I can't imagine having them just ossified in block somewhere

@ deab79da:88579e68
2025-03-09 20:03:06
You have a great one too 🤙

@ 1bd32a38:77a23e69
2025-03-09 20:03:05
How do you enforce the non aggression principle without central coordination? If you have small bands of security forces protecting small, Balkanized areas, you eventually end up in a situation where the more powerful of these groups take over the other groups, and then you end up with a centralized state yet again. Anarchy is unstable.
Asked another way, how would you restore order in a place like Somalia without some form of a centralized state?

@ d0708145:76171fb6
2025-03-09 20:02:38
I had very very short hair, throughout the 90's.

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-09 20:01:59

@ d0708145:76171fb6
2025-03-09 20:01:52
Which reminds me of the following joke.
2 cellmates in a cell.
Cell mate No1 "Do you want me be mummy or daddy?"
Cellmate No2 "I'll be Daddy"
Cellmate No1 "Come here and suck mommy's cock then"

@ 96246920:4ec1ed6c
2025-03-09 20:01:20

@ 8230c622:26642641
2025-03-09 20:01:15
Fiat falling apart. So is the nba the nfl nhl all of them are falling apart at the same time.

@ deab79da:88579e68
2025-03-09 20:01:12

@ 0cca6201:e369c9fa
2025-03-09 20:01:00
Did you see it? Not bad actually

@ 96246920:4ec1ed6c
2025-03-09 20:00:56

@ 0e05cb33:2082a99e
2025-03-09 20:00:41
Conventional artist wisdom is to place living trees in the background. I like placing dead trees in the foreground.

@ 0e05cb33:2082a99e
2025-03-09 20:00:38
Jim MacDonald just dropped off a copy of the exhibit program earlier this afternoon. I tossed it on the wood pile. http://i.imgur.com/OMMZK3Z.png

@ 96246920:4ec1ed6c
2025-03-09 20:00:22

@ c1e6505c:02b3157e
2025-03-09 20:00:09
Fuck. How do you have your zaps set up? 

@ fbeb2be7:331f55e3
2025-03-09 20:00:07
“Rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.”
- Benjamin Franklin & Thomas Jefferson
- nostr:npub1ntpzs4x9dm38uupjdmm3lyamuhe9ggcmxq6u9lc92hlhtthys4zs3qftym

@ a3c13ef4:d7ba24d6
2025-03-09 20:00:06
■ 流速計測
2025/03/10 04:50~05:00
[JP リレー]
きりの川: 14 posts
やぶみ川: 10 posts
ほりべあ川: 欠測
かすてら川: 0 posts
こじら川: 10 posts
しの川: 欠測
[GLOBAL リレー]
きりの川(G): 14 posts
のこたろ川(G): 欠測
こじら大川: 0 posts
■ 野洲田川定点観測所

@ 8725d5f7:7bb98b09
2025-03-09 20:00:01
5:00 ポォ~ン♪

@ 87e02cd9:86477412
2025-03-09 20:00:01

@ 774c67bf:f487459e
2025-03-09 20:00:01
最近のホットな話題をお知らせします。 #hotpostrank
No1: 3 reactions
No2: 2 reactions
No3: 2 reactions
No4: 2 reactions
No5: 1 reactions
No6: 1 reactions
No7: 1 reactions
No8: 1 reactions
No9: 1 reactions
No10: 1 reactions

@ c23d36fe:d824bf65
2025-03-09 20:00:00
✄------------ 5:00 ------------✄

@ 97eefe56:7ae246af
2025-03-09 19:59:59
- - - 05:00 - - -

@ 06639a38:655f8f71
2025-03-09 19:59:51
Published this article 23 days ago, but didn't cross-posted to Nostr then 🤭 So here we go #FOSDEM

@ af9c48b7:a3f7aaf4
2025-03-09 19:59:49
Steak N Shake…when they start accepting ₿itcoin for ₿urgers.

@ 8725d5f7:7bb98b09
2025-03-09 19:59:45
🎵スジャータ スジャータ
スジャータのめいらくが 5 時をお知らせします

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-09 19:59:40
idk, but if you are a database programmer you probably could make a lot of money writing smart contracts, because that's all they are, database scripts