
@ 508f2865:a64b2960
2025-03-12 18:59:22
GM pup 🐶

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-12 18:59:02
Sadly accurate.

@ 7cc328a0:2a247c0e
2025-03-12 18:58:48
auto translate, used to be broken when using the 'play' release on graphene. now ive noticed on main branch it is working!! 🔥 #amethyst
nice having translations again woah 🚨🎉

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-12 18:57:35

@ 5b3f6926:84a767d8
2025-03-12 18:57:29

@ 508f2865:a64b2960
2025-03-12 18:57:27
GM 🫂🌅

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-12 18:57:05
At least we're about to ban wood stoves and have these amazing bottle caps. 🤗

@ 9ca0bd74:4052340b
2025-03-12 18:56:59
What is determined as "unused savings" aren't all savings unused??

@ ddf03aca:5cb3bbbe
2025-03-12 18:56:43
“Built with Cashu-TS” is here!
In this blog post I build a tiny version of npub.cash using Cashu-TS nostr:note1dsgv6t36vf08hgm2rnxdwvelmluqwst7lxttkgfhkukgljk2shfquusad3

@ 77911886:4b218091
2025-03-12 18:56:26
<推奨手数料> 単位sats/vB
[参考] 直近6ブロックの最小手数料
[参考] 次ブロック候補の最小手数料

@ 5b3f6926:84a767d8
2025-03-12 18:56:11
Not so related but Warthong is always my pick if I play Twisted Metal, best car in the game you can just win by hitting enemies with it lmao

@ 55b92d6c:15d739f6
2025-03-12 18:56:10
Whale alert! 🐋 Someone (possibly bitfinex.com) moved 3,996 BTC ($329M) in block 887,509 https://mempool.space/tx/63d63806e6e272ef5627de067440a881febf89a2f5a1be3c74e95cdd148cc9fd?mode=details

@ adc14fa3:9fb535e1
2025-03-12 18:55:53

@ deab79da:88579e68
2025-03-12 18:55:24
👀 there's a desktop in my phone?

@ 1beecee5:d29d2162
2025-03-12 18:55:19
Cloudflare Workers難解すぎる。

@ fb89e58f:0a498f28
2025-03-12 18:55:12
When I worked for a company packing organic juice we had to send samples for it to be tested for residues of stuff that shouldn't be in there. But then again we also sent cider out for sale that said it was 3.8% on the label and eventually we had it tested at a lab and it was more like 6.8% 😆. So I think there is an element of truth to it.

@ 55b92d6c:15d739f6
2025-03-12 18:55:11
Whale alert! 🐋 Someone moved 2,324 BTC ($191M) in block 887,508 https://mempool.space/tx/4a8afc1bb2f9be30fb303e55cff3df2e55faf83310df91b9010a3330dc264ea9?mode=details

@ 3ce2b51d:36fc72c7
2025-03-12 18:55:00
✄------------ 3:55 ------------✄

@ d719c589:0ab5aefe
2025-03-12 18:54:59
Oh dear. The irony 🤡

@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2025-03-12 18:54:56

@ bba9ca44:6692820a
2025-03-12 18:54:54

@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2025-03-12 18:54:41

@ bba9ca44:6692820a
2025-03-12 18:54:40

@ f901616f:95c58e27
2025-03-12 18:54:38

@ f768fae9:91b11cdd
2025-03-12 18:54:08
1位: #ぷく (10)
2位: #ない (9)
3位: #おもち (7)
4位: #予定 (7)
5位: #確定申告 (7)
6位: #いい (7)
7位: #海 (6)
8位: #やぶみリレー (6)
9位: #お母さん讃岐山お父さん (5)
10位: #YouTube (5)

@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2025-03-12 18:53:51

@ 891eb34a:604c7e3a
2025-03-12 18:53:49

@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2025-03-12 18:53:37

@ 891eb34a:604c7e3a
2025-03-12 18:53:35

@ f901616f:95c58e27
2025-03-12 18:53:06

@ a3e36d4b:7b3241da
2025-03-12 18:53:01
🎵ごーまぁりさーん ごーまぁりさーん エドウィン
ごーまぁりさーん エドウィン ごーまぁりさーん エドウィン
(裏声で) ごーまぁりさーん エドウィン
All right! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you... EDWIN

@ 7acf30cf:b80d7a1d
2025-03-12 18:52:45
Check gerne mal nostr:nprofile1qqsfwyw34w5qdgazshlnap73wkgzcte9qaqcvrvuvkgrez67scltmqgpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduq3vamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwdehhxarj9e3xzmnyh0wrf9 or nostr:nprofile1qqsx2wyjt6lmvc05rrvv05r5hm3w3t7h0pcpmkyswrpd4ymd2u09tscprpmhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuumwdae8gtnnda3kjctvqywhwumn8ghj7mn0wd68yttsw43zuam9d3kx7unyv4ezumn9wsq3dk5s 🔥

@ 8d78f390:d3233370
2025-03-12 18:52:36
I tell the athletes I work with this all the time: if you want an edge over your competition, just don’t be soft. If you’re mentally tough and not a bitch, you’ll outwork and outcompete 95% of your peers.

@ a8171781:3562e1fc
2025-03-12 18:52:16
Oh, for the love of god 🤦🏻♂️

@ 5b3f6926:84a767d8
2025-03-12 18:51:50
The truth is: Donkey Kong Country 3 >> 2 >> 1
Last 48 hours has been all about retrogaming, 102% DKC2 and 100% Rayman 2.

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-12 18:51:27
My grandmother is here. She had a nasty fall yesterday evening.

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-12 18:51:18

@ bfde2252:6c7b8dc2
2025-03-12 18:50:37
nostr:npub1m64hnkh6rs47fd9x6wk2zdtmdj4qkazt734d22d94ery9zzhne5qw9uaks might be the best finding Waldo quant 👀

@ deab79da:88579e68
2025-03-12 18:50:32

@ d8f38b89:ccf72848
2025-03-12 18:50:11
This is the stuff I like to see. Nuts in the nuts.

@ a3c13ef4:d7ba24d6
2025-03-12 18:50:06
■ 流速計測
2025/03/13 03:40~03:50
[JP リレー]
きりの川: 18 posts
やぶみ川: 17 posts
ほりべあ川: 欠測
かすてら川: 0 posts
こじら川: 17 posts
しの川: 欠測
[GLOBAL リレー]
きりの川(G): 19 posts
のこたろ川(G): 欠測
こじら大川: 5 posts
■ 野洲田川定点観測所

@ bba9ca44:6692820a
2025-03-12 18:50:01
nostr:npub1yxkzj4smth5sehppn90uqur4yhxh3j999krhyx4ks8favzw3ut0se4m7cp 皆さん、おはようございます!フォロータイムラインのまとめ、報告しますね。

@ b1b4105a:19aa52d5
2025-03-12 18:50:00
✄------------ 3:50 ------------✄

@ 0c45d7d4:5e443e4d
2025-03-12 18:49:48
Bitcoiners right now are tired of winning.
So many cheap sats that they're turning them down now 😂.

@ eda96cb9:a55c0c05
2025-03-12 18:49:37
BTW, I am *so fun* at parties, in case you wondered. LOL.

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-12 18:49:36
Fat cosplayers boycotting sex is crazy: sex is boycotting them 🤣🤣

@ ddf03aca:5cb3bbbe
2025-03-12 18:49:00
Welcome to Built with Cashu-TS, a series dedicated to crafting cool applications powered by Cashu and its TypeScript library, Cashu-TS. In this first post, we'll dive into creating a tiny, personal Lightning Address server!
> [!NOTE]
> Quick note: To keep things concise and easy to follow, the examples provided here aren't production-grade code. I'll clearly highlight spots where I've intentionally simplified or taken shortcuts.
## What we are building
Today we are building a Lightning Address server. The server is responsible for returning a Lightning Invoice whenever someone tries to pay your Lightning Address. The exact flow is described in LUD16, but here is a quick rundown:
1. User enters your Lightning Address into their wallet
2. Wallet constructs the matching URL as per LUD16 and sends a GET request
3. Server creates a JSON response with some metadata (min amount, max amount, callback url, etc.) and returns it
4. Wallet displays metadata and upon user interaction sends a second SET request to the callback url including the specified amount.
5. Server fetches an invoice for the requested amount and returns it
Usually the invoices are fetched from a Lightning Node. But today we are using a Cashu mint as our Lightning provider.
## Setup the project
Our Lightning Address server will be written in TypeScript using the express framework. First we got to initialise a new project and install our dependencies.
mkdir tiny-lud16
cd tiny-lud16
npm init
npm i express cors @cashu/cashu-ts
npm i -D typescript esbuild @types/node @types/cors @types/express
### Adding a build script
Because we are using TypeScript we need to add a build step to execute our code (recent versions of node support direct execution of node, but this is the "traditional" way). We are using esbuild to compile our code to JavaScript
> [!NOTE]
> esbuild does not check types. If you want to make sure your code typechecks use `tsc`
#!/usr/bin/env node
const esbuild = require("esbuild");
outdir: "dist/",
format: "cjs",
platform: "node",
entryPoints: ["src/index.ts"],
bundle: true,
sourcemap: "external",
.then(() => {
console.log("Server built sucessfully");
Now we can build our project using `node build.js` and then run our project with `node dist/index.js`
## Configuration
Before we start working on our web server we need to set some options. For this we create `/src/config.ts`
- `USERNAME` will be the address part in front of the `@`.
- `HOSTNAME` is the URL (including the protocol) the server will run on
- `MINT_URL` is the URL of the mint that we want to use to generate invoices and receive token from.
- `MIN_AMOUNT` and `MAX_AMOUNT` are LNURL specific settings that define the range of amounts in mSats that we want to allow.
> [!NOTE]
> Because the smalles amount in the `sat` unit in Cashu is 1 Sat, `MIN_AMOUNT` can not be smaller than 1000
export const USERNAME = "egge";
export const HOSTNAME = " https://test.test";
export const MINT_URL = " https://mint.minibits.cash/Bitcoin";
export const MIN_AMOUNT = 1000;
export const MAX_AMOUNT = 10000;
## Adding some utility
To keep our request handler clean, we will put some of the utility functions in a separate file `src/utils.ts`.
import { HOSTNAME, MAX_AMOUNT, MIN_AMOUNT, USERNAME } from "./config";
export function createLnurlResponse() {
return {
callback: `${HOSTNAME}/.well-known/lnurlp/${USERNAME}`,
maxSendable: MAX_AMOUNT,
minSendable: MIN_AMOUNT,
metadata: JSON.stringify([
["text/plain", "A cashu lightning address... Neat!"],
tag: "payRequest",
export function isValidAmount(amountInSats: number) {
return (
amount >= MIN_AMOUNT && amount <= MAX_AMOUNT && Number.isInteger(amount)
The `createLnurlResponse` function creates the response for the first call to our LNURL endpoint. This structure is defined in LUD16 and in our case it does not rely on any state, other than the configuration constants we defined in `src/config.ts`. This object contains the metadata that is the response of step 3 in our flow.
The `isValidAmount` function helps us determine whether the amount we will receive in Step 4 is valid. We check whether it is within the boundaries of our `MIN_AMOUNT` and `MAX_AMOUNT`. Because we will convert the requested amount from mSats into sats, we need to check whether this converted amount is an integer.
## Adding out wallet backend
This blog series is about awesome Cashu use cases, so of course our "Lightning backend" is a mint. We are using the `@cashu/cashu-ts` npm package to streamline Cashu interaction.
import {
} from "@cashu/cashu-ts";
import { MINT_URL } from "./config";
import { resolve } from "path";
import { existsSync, mkdirSync, writeFileSync } from "fs";
const mint = new CashuMint(MINT_URL);
const wallet = new CashuWallet(mint);
export async function createInvoiceAndHandlePayment(amount: number) {
const { quote, request } = await wallet.createMintQuote(amount);
const interval = setInterval(async () => {
const stateRes = await wallet.checkMintQuote(quote);
if (stateRes.state === "PAID") {
const proofs = await wallet.mintProofs(amount, quote);
const token = turnProofsIntoToken(proofs);
}, 10000);
return request;
function turnProofsIntoToken(proofs: Proof[]) {
return getEncodedToken({ mint: MINT_URL, proofs });
function saveTokenLocally(token: string) {
const tokenDirPath = resolve(__dirname, "../token");
if (!existsSync(tokenDirPath)) {
writeFileSync(resolve(tokenDirPath, `${Date.now()}_token.txt`), token);
The first thing we do here is instantiating a CashuWallet class from Cashu-TS. This class will take care of the Cashu operations required to create an invoice and mint tokens.
Then we create a utility function that will handle our invoice creation and later make sure to check whether an invoice was paid. `wallet.createMintQuote` will talk to the mint to create a mint quote. The mint returns a `MintQuoteReponse` that includes the ID of the quote as well as the invoice (`request`) that needs to be paid before the Cashu proofs can be minted. This `request` is what we will return to the payer later. Once the mint quote is created we will start polling the mint for it's payment state using `wallet.checkMintQuote`. As soon as the state changes to `"PAID"` we know that the payment was done and we can mint the proofs using Cashu-TS' `mintProofs` method. This returns some Cashu proofs that we will serialize into a Cashu Token and save to our disk using the `saveTokenLocally` function.
> [!NOTE]
> In this example we use `setInterval` to poll for a payment update. In the real world you would use a proper request queue for this to make sure we do not spam the mint with too many requests at the same time
> Also saving the token to disk is not ideal. You could instead send yourself a nostr DM or post it to a webhook
## Adding the handler
Because our LNURL endpoint and our callback endpoint are the same, we only need a single route handler. This route handler will take care of any GET request coming in at `/.well-known/lnurlp/USERNAME`. Wether it is a callback or not can be determined by checking the `amount` query parameter.
import { NextFunction, Request, Response } from "express";
import { createLnurlResponse, isValidAmount } from "./utils";
import { createInvoiceAndHandlePayment } from "./wallet";
export const lud16Controller = async (
req: Request<unknown, unknown, unknown, { amount: string }>,
res: Response,
next: NextFunction,
) => {
try {
if (!req.query.amount) {
const parsedAmount = parseInt(req.query.amount);
const mintAmount = parsedAmount / 1000;
const isValid = isValidAmount(mintAmount);
if (!isValid) {
throw new Error("Invalid Amount");
const invoice = await createInvoiceAndHandlePayment(mintAmount);
pr: invoice,
routes: [],
} catch (e) {
Let's take this handler function apart and see hat is happening here.
First we check whether the `amount` query parameter is present. If it is not, we now that we are currently in step 3 of our LNURL flow. In this case all we need to do is create the expected metadata object using our `createLnurlResponse` utility and return it to the caller.
If the parameter is present we are in step 5 of our flow and the real work begins. As mentioned above we need to first convert the amount, which is in mSats as per LUD16 into sats to be compatible with our mint running the `sat` unit. Because query parameters are always `string`, we use the built-in `parseInt` to parse the string into a `number`. We then check whether the amount is valid using our `isValidAmount` utility. If it is not, we throw an error which will get caught and passed to express' built in error middleware.
> [!NOTE]
> The error returned by the express middleware is a basic error page without proper error codes. Usually you would define error classed and a custom middleware to take care of this.
Once we made sure that the amount is valid the Cashu logic takes place. We pass the amount to `createInvoiceAndHandlePayment` to create an invoice and start the state polling behind the scenes. At the end of the function we simply return the mint's invoice in a JSON reponse as per LUD16.
## Adding the route
The last step of the process is to add our route handler to the right path of our web server. This path is defined in LUD16: `<domain>/.well-known/lnurlp/<username>`. We create our web server and add the route handler in `/src/index.ts`.
import express from "express";
import { USERNAME } from "./config";
import { lud16Controller } from "./controller";
const app = express();
app.get("/.well-known/lnurlp/" + USERNAME, lud16Controller);
app.listen(8080, () => {
console.log("Server running on port 8080");
This snippet is very straight forward. We create an express app, add the route handler to handle GET requests at our desired path and then tell the server to listen on port 8080.
## Conclusion
With just a few lines of code and without using our own Lightning backend we have built a working LNURL Lightning Address server. This is one of the features I love so much about Cashu: It enables new Lightning and Bitcoin use cases. I hope you enjoyed this first part of the new series. Please make sure to leave your feedback 💜🥜

@ adc14fa3:9fb535e1
2025-03-12 18:48:54

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-12 18:48:51
Have to convince my landlord to accept Bitcoin, this will be fun.

@ eda96cb9:a55c0c05
2025-03-12 18:48:23
Ah, right. Sorry. 🤙🏻 (insert bowtie emoji here)

@ 8d78f390:d3233370
2025-03-12 18:48:18
It’s been interesting to watch some leftist Canadians, and parts of the media, try to spin a narrative that they and others are patriotically boycotting travel to the U.S.
In reality, most Canadians simply can’t afford to go, especially with the weak Canadian dollar making everything in the U.S. even more expensive.
It reminds me of the fat blue haired they/thems "boycotting" sex, due to Trump winning the election.

@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2025-03-12 18:48:15

@ 3bcc5632:9003d8b8
2025-03-12 18:48:14
It does work, as observable as it is time and time again

@ bba9ca44:6692820a
2025-03-12 18:48:13

@ 6bb0082d:0146ed0a
2025-03-12 18:47:56
GM! ☕ 😎

@ 8867bed9:13664450
2025-03-12 18:47:52
Hope you are there just for routine stuff. Hospital sucks in any way, even the WiFi one 😅

@ 3bf020df:7a07cedc
2025-03-12 18:47:48
c. Gut microbiome dysbiosis

@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2025-03-12 18:47:39

@ bba9ca44:6692820a
2025-03-12 18:47:37

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-12 18:47:09
first step is always to make them impoverished and desperate for a better life, the playbook is very old

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-12 18:47:05
Worked 😁

@ b75b9a31:6f3c1505
2025-03-12 18:46:41
Increased in details are awesome

@ 460c25e6:ef85065c
2025-03-12 18:46:28
remove nostr.band and Alby. They are not good outbox relays. Alby only accepts NWC payments, none of your events are saved there.

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-12 18:46:28

@ 77911886:4b218091
2025-03-12 18:46:26
<推奨手数料> 単位sats/vB
[参考] 直近6ブロックの最小手数料
[参考] 次ブロック候補の最小手数料

@ 3bcc5632:9003d8b8
2025-03-12 18:46:17
Shit 😂 😂

@ 5b3f6926:84a767d8
2025-03-12 18:46:09
GM nostr:npub1kade5vf37snr4hv5hgstav6j5ygry6z09kkq0flp47p8cmeuz5zs7zz2an :purple_hugging:

@ adc14fa3:9fb535e1
2025-03-12 18:46:06
Hahaha. Good one. Yes

@ eda96cb9:a55c0c05
2025-03-12 18:46:04
...well that's, like, just your opinion, man! 😁

@ deab79da:88579e68
2025-03-12 18:46:01
Napster on dialup was something else. 20 minutes for a 3 minute 128kbps file. Plus the existential dread of the other end disconnecting at 97%

@ cac0e432:8734082b
2025-03-12 18:45:57
Reading stuff online — someone scratches a finger, and they're off to get a tetanus shot. Someone gets bitten by a dog, and it's six weeks of rabies shots. Makes me think of my childhood in the village. We were always bruised, bitten by horses, dogs, cats, hedgehogs, horseflies, hornets... At best, grandma would dab some antiseptic or rinse it with potassium permanganate. Survived by sheer luck.

@ 460c25e6:ef85065c
2025-03-12 18:45:42
Then build it.

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-03-12 18:45:38
LOL wut?
This is literally the "our" communism meme.

@ adc14fa3:9fb535e1
2025-03-12 18:45:29
Yes sir. I know. We are OPC bros if you remember.

@ 3bcc5632:9003d8b8
2025-03-12 18:45:24
It is quite likely I think, at least on the governmental side. Hard to know how well organised they are at the upper levels.
Could be why they have been seemingly frantic at rolling out some new systems these past few years. As of right now, I don't think they have the infrastructure in place to go after most of us for subverting their system in one way or another.

@ 6bb0082d:0146ed0a
2025-03-12 18:45:22
Good morning, Constantin!

@ ececfb14:f2074a9a
2025-03-12 18:45:01

@ d7c13d1e:14cfe365
2025-03-12 18:45:00
✄------------ 3:45 ------------✄

@ 1f022acf:4a11d2ec
2025-03-12 18:44:56
Toxic maxis > Toxic waste

@ 000002de:c05780a7
2025-03-12 18:44:36
Inside joke

@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2025-03-12 18:44:11

@ bba9ca44:6692820a
2025-03-12 18:44:08

@ a8171781:3562e1fc
2025-03-12 18:44:06
Me still waiting for BitsAndBytes to be supported on Apple silicon

@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2025-03-12 18:43:46

@ bba9ca44:6692820a
2025-03-12 18:43:44

@ deab79da:88579e68
2025-03-12 18:43:26
Put some ketchup on it.

@ 4c800257:b47e3b2f
2025-03-12 18:42:47
i'm not against using taproot, and it really bugs me that simple nostr-style schnorr signatures got introduced to bitcoin protocol in association with this retarded "contract address" tweaks thing
it's like, bro, tweaking pubkeys based on the secret is not a protocol matter, tweak is nothing, taproot the whole name is basically all about this whole thing of "omg we can use hash to modify a secret key and allow multiple addresses to be understood by one wallet"
yeah, like a HD keychain (yes, taproot is basically a form of HD keychain protocol)
but the signatures and pubkeys are just fucking the fucking same as fucking nostr signatures
you see how they have muddled the two concepts together?
the real valuable thing that schnorr signatures enable is signature aggregation, so it allows such things as threshold protocols and multisig that only uses a single signature of bytes on chain
these enable cool stuff with lightning, such as, you know, hiding the fact it's a lightning channel
but you see what i mean, some asshole has muddied the waters by merging this new signature and aggregation scheme with their pet smart contract bullshit

@ b75b9a31:6f3c1505
2025-03-12 18:42:43
Lol Gm nostr:npub1tvlkjf5num9kpapcjcqpzg8gutzxldsxka28xyquzl874p98vlvq49h4r4 :purple_hugging:

@ 9ce71f15:d7e780c7
2025-03-12 18:42:39
Is it about the arrest of their former President?

@ df67f9a7:2d4fc200
2025-03-12 18:42:24
That’s so sweet looking! Is it gonna stand upright on those little legs?

@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2025-03-12 18:42:12

@ bba9ca44:6692820a
2025-03-12 18:42:10

@ eda96cb9:a55c0c05
2025-03-12 18:41:57
😁 - based on Romans 1, it means "I think, therefore HE IS" -- it encapsulates the idea that reason does not compete with revelation as a source of reliable knowledge (reason vs. revelation), but is itself a revelation (reason is a revelation). All of creation reveals the creator--our created selves (with an ability to reason) included. This revelation - what we cannot not know - is that though we exist, we did not bring ourselves into existence; that we have been created, therefore we ought to know and be grateful to our Creator for having created us.

@ bf2376e1:e5526bce
2025-03-12 18:41:55
tbh I didn’t either, but that’s largely because I love BOTW so much.
I started a replay of TOTK recently tho and have no regrets.

@ b9360cd8:15f28d06
2025-03-12 18:41:19
Cooked the steak medium-well today. FML.

@ 99bb5591:a557ca64
2025-03-12 18:41:18

@ c87c1d8c:4c8bb422
2025-03-12 18:41:06

@ 1bf9f239:227dc5e1
2025-03-12 18:40:59
Mobile is going towards desktop (with Andriod VMs) and desktop is headed towards mobile (with Phosh and Plasma).

@ deab79da:88579e68
2025-03-12 18:40:57

@ e83b66a8:b0526c2b
2025-03-12 18:40:43
It was so hidden, I didn’t see it 😂