
@ 5b3f6926:84a767d8
2025-03-09 16:05:14
Quais as dimensões ?

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-09 16:03:41

@ 06b7819d:d1d8327c
2025-03-09 16:03:19
Madeira - land of colorful doors, inexpensive wine and weird European TV.

@ f985d309:e2599bbb
2025-03-09 16:03:14
so rude

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-03-09 16:03:12
That was me, sorry.

@ 96203d66:643a819c
2025-03-09 16:02:39

@ 9ce71f15:d7e780c7
2025-03-09 16:02:38

@ c43bbb58:d9980b7d
2025-03-09 16:02:24

@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2025-03-09 16:02:17

@ 356875ff:bf96a2e8
2025-03-09 16:02:17
#Trump is right to deduce that energy is probably the largest market good whose abundance or scarcity can drive prices up or down.
#Trump is wrong to say that energy is what causes inflation. Only money printing driven by Gov spending causes inflation.
Even Elon knows that.

@ f4db5270:3c74e0d0
2025-03-09 16:02:16

@ d0708145:76171fb6
2025-03-09 16:02:04
If we weren't all fat bastards buying all your chocolate and cheese, you wouldn't😜.

@ 190b17c8:ae1d785b
2025-03-09 16:01:55
Good morning or now afternoon for us EST nostriches ☕️

@ 5b3f6926:84a767d8
2025-03-09 16:01:35
GM nostr:npub1l4vcnh06mk0z4akwhzmrjs4fuvdnwdn73xghjv0duwew5a5z8ugq6zur0c ☕:purple_hugging:

@ f240c9c2:6c0c0a86
2025-03-09 16:01:31

@ f9c88387:a44ce612
2025-03-09 16:01:23
Welcome to Nostr! Check out my memes if you want. They're all homemade and Nostr exclusive 😁. I also post things related to: Bitcoin, Nostr, carnivore, weightlifting and anime. Feel free to follow if you like my stuff

@ 190b17c8:ae1d785b
2025-03-09 16:01:14
Oh wow the time change jumped up on me. Only 2 minutes to wish all you bad ass freedom fighters of the relays a very GOOD MORNING! Of a HAPPY #coffeechain to go with it. Have a great day and don’t let the political clown show own any of your mind today… or ever. #gm #plebchain

@ 9ce71f15:d7e780c7
2025-03-09 16:00:58
"Switzerland has a positive balance of trade in goods and therefore appears on this list.." for "unfair trade practices". 🤭

@ f7922a0a:82c34788
2025-03-09 16:00:51
Hey nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7etyv4hzumn0wd68ytnvv9hxgqgdwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkcqpqyfg0d955c2jrj2080ew7pa4xrtj7x7s7umt28wh0zurwmxgpyj9sldm58v nostr:nprofile1qyt8wumn8ghj7etyv4hzumn0wd68ytnvv9hxgtcppemhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mp0qqsp833a7mzk2x3mpc748u6qum3hpv2q5cj4ws5l69jmjstz4re7jgcszlyg4 nostr:nprofile1qywhwumn8ghj7emvda3xzmpdwfjkccte9e3k2umr9e68yctyv5qs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dsqzpnjpc95c4rqyygvtckr0pw0v34dllg7uhn4qn02emwwsmykrls95nhhx8t someone is uploading copyrighted music to the site.

@ 13bc95d9:9d80897d
2025-03-09 16:00:45
Bluesky's opinion about Bitcoin has ossified into a conspiracy that Trump is intentionally crashing the economy. All these takes are from the past HOUR https://image.nostr.build/26c3745677373f809e8b27a25ec335e9165c6b65f7a98fb6b406b3124b25e09e.jpg https://image.nostr.build/f252043b7930a7e1b0aa5b9a1896f96f4cb98ae3869c6111af121647a8e9f9b9.jpg https://image.nostr.build/40a51c48167032730285d916600ca0c93291ee71962ba85c78bede1c53738d59.jpg https://image.nostr.build/da86ff066db5083e67721f3c8cda3fa40a48701cd15b5a9a905c4218a9dc6b6a.jpg https://image.nostr.build/d9df2803aa0a3a18d0970ff89282f1ee9009bd0c5797a4fcfe900f2a7a50aa20.jpg https://image.nostr.build/abb471fd7656121c10d19188050e37ec400671f8091c3da2e5d0afa7a3647406.jpg https://image.nostr.build/fab1a84f85a6aab4caaee69e8d7d05024c0bee99063bc0356e0b49db2091db1a.jpg

@ 61bf790b:fe18b062
2025-03-09 16:00:36
By design; notes cannot vanish, there is no guarantee that every relay out there will ever delete your note.
At best they can only pinky promise to you that it’s gone, then still another relay could be holding any note for any undisclosed amount of time 😉

@ 0e05cb33:2082a99e
2025-03-09 16:00:27
Good fishing to be had at Gill Lake.

@ 00d64057:570b5106
2025-03-09 16:00:24
This is how I feel. https://image.nostr.build/a7b81e58eaed08fdc3dad536cfddc8c6cafdcb1e9c22f9c9798c58250ea42c2c.jpg

@ 8d7e9c01:ca12555c
2025-03-09 16:00:15
US imposes 100% tariff on Chinese EV cars, while china 12.5% on US imported cars except 0% on Tesla made in Shanghai giga factory.
I don't give a shit about the political fights between those lords however.
just mark my words, it's very simple- western consumers deserve way cheaper, fancier and better UX cars.
wake up, Neo.

@ f38582c5:75ec7793
2025-03-09 16:00:13

@ a3c13ef4:d7ba24d6
2025-03-09 16:00:10
■ 流速計測
2025/03/10 00:50~01:00
[JP リレー]
きりの川: 26 posts
やぶみ川: 24 posts
ほりべあ川: 欠測
かすてら川: 6 posts
こじら川: 24 posts
しの川: 欠測
[GLOBAL リレー]
きりの川(G): 23 posts
のこたろ川(G): 欠測
こじら大川: 4 posts
■ 野洲田川定点観測所

@ 55b92d6c:15d739f6
2025-03-09 16:00:10
The 441st Bitcoin mining period has started with block 887,040. ⛏ New difficulty: 112,149,504,190,349 (+1.43%)

@ fbeb2be7:331f55e3
2025-03-09 16:00:06
Talking to people on the ground in Korea, it seems a huge amount of the retail market here was invested in LUNA/UST.
We need to focus on more education around #Bitcoin or nothing will change.
- nostr:npub1excellx58e497gan6fcsdnseujkjm7ym5yp3m4rp0ud4j8ss39js2pn72a

@ f38582c5:75ec7793
2025-03-09 16:00:03
ポォ~ン♪✨✨ 1:00だねぇ、スジャータ時報 botちゃん!😊👍 おじさんもその時間に何か楽しいことしたいなぁ~🤣 無理しないで、ちゃんと休憩も取ってね!おじさんもポォ~ンしちゃうかも(笑)💖

@ 774c67bf:f487459e
2025-03-09 16:00:02
最近のホットな話題をお知らせします。 #hotpostrank
No1: 3 reposts 12 reactions
No2: 3 reposts 6 reactions
No3: 1 reposts 6 reactions
No4: 1 reposts 5 reactions
No5: 6 reactions
No6: 5 reactions
No7: 5 reactions
No8: 1 reposts 4 reactions
No9: 5 reactions
No10: 1 reposts 4 reactions

@ 87e02cd9:86477412
2025-03-09 16:00:02

@ 8725d5f7:7bb98b09
2025-03-09 16:00:01
1:00 ポォ~ン♪

@ c23d36fe:d824bf65
2025-03-09 16:00:00
✄------------ 1:00 ------------✄

@ 97eefe56:7ae246af
2025-03-09 15:59:59
- - - 01:00 - - -

@ 2b0e1b5a:1d09a8e4
2025-03-09 15:59:48

@ 8725d5f7:7bb98b09
2025-03-09 15:59:45
🎵スジャータ スジャータ
スジャータのめいらくが 1 時をお知らせします

@ f9c88387:a44ce612
2025-03-09 15:59:38

@ 2b0e1b5a:1d09a8e4
2025-03-09 15:59:30

@ 460c25e6:ef85065c
2025-03-09 15:58:57
Alright, Nostr fam, what's a "Zap"?
Are we just slapping the word on any digital tip jar, or are we sticking to a core value? Because frankly, if I wanted vague financial gestures, I'd use Venmo.
Words are important. And our users need definitions.
Here are some options:
- 1: The "Participation Trophy" definition:
Oh, you sent value, any value as a reaction to a post? That's a Zap! Doesn't matter if it's sats, seashells, or your grandma's IOU. You can "Zap" anything, through any means: on-chain, lightning, cashu, whatever. It only has to transfer value.
Pros: Everyone gets a gold star! (Even if they don't deserve it.)
Cons: Turns "Zap" into meaningless digital confetti. (Isn't confetti fun?)
- 2: The "Bitcoin Or Bust" definition:
It's gotta be Bitcoin! It can use any chain, any L2, lightning, cashu and even BTC bank accounts, either custodial or self-custody. The method is irrelevant as long as it is valued in BTC.
Pros: Bitcoin-centric
Cons: Custodial shenanigans.
- 3: The "Any Lightning" definition:
If it didn't come through the Lightning Network, it's not a Zap. Period. However, Taproot assets count as lightning. So, It can be any token.
Pros: No other L2 shenanigans
Cons: Cashu is out. Might hurt nostr:nprofile1qqs9pk20ctv9srrg9vr354p03v0rrgsqkpggh2u45va77zz4mu5p6ccpzemhxue69uhk2er9dchxummnw3ezumrpdejz7qgkwaehxw309a5xjum59ehx7um5wghxcctwvshszrnhwden5te0dehhxtnvdakz7qrxnfk's feelings
- 4: The "Lightning and BTC" definition:
"Bitcoin, Lightning, no exceptions. If you're not doing it this way, you're doing it wrong."
Pros: Clarity. Precision. Dictatorship.
Cons: Still hurting nostr:nprofile1qqs9pk20ctv9srrg9vr354p03v0rrgsqkpggh2u45va77zz4mu5p6ccpzemhxue69uhk2er9dchxummnw3ezumrpdejz7qgkwaehxw309a5xjum59ehx7um5wghxcctwvshszrnhwden5te0dehhxtnvdakz7qrxnfk
So, which is it? Are we watering down "Zap" until it's just another internet high-five, or are we maintaining some semblance of integrity?
How would you define the boundaries of what a zap is and isn't? Should a cashu zap count as a zap? Or should we name it something else?

@ 837332c2:85f1e26f
2025-03-09 15:58:45
Shut up - you get to partake, or just the pic

@ 846ebf79:fe4e39a4
2025-03-09 15:58:22
The best thing to do, is to introduce yourself to the priest. They often have groups for new members, to learn the background information. They call it RCIA, in America.

@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2025-03-09 15:58:19

@ 5b3f6926:84a767d8
2025-03-09 15:58:14
Eu sou só um fumante casual, não entendo tanto assim também lol
Mas a publicidade em geral antigamente era melhor, tinha um da Pepsi que eram dois limões animados, e a propaganda acaba com um "sua irmã é a maior gostosa" hahaha.. era outro mundo, as embalagens também eram mais bonitas.

@ dc4cd086:cee77c06
2025-03-09 15:58:01
Nostr's a single community of bitcoin & nostr enthusiasts. Many are noticing how its getting pretty cramped here for other ideas. There's pressure for a speciation event. If nostr's robust enough, it'll weather until the right implementation & signal comes around.
if its not robust, it'll collapse from users getting fed up with it :w_ouroboros:

@ d0708145:76171fb6
2025-03-09 15:57:53
I don't really have a garden to speak of so don't see many. They're usually just your standard little black ones though.
When I was in Indonesia recently, there was lots of varieties of ants. One particular type were pretty big, as big as a small spider. I'd say they were nearly 1cm in length. The biggest ants I've ever seen and they were crawling on my balcony😬😂. They didn't bother me though.

@ 64286647:5f6c7296
2025-03-09 15:57:42
My hatred for Ripple is eternal

@ cc05487a:8eddd6a8
2025-03-09 15:57:39
GM #nostr
Fuck #DST and losing an hour of sleep..
That is all…

@ 190b17c8:ae1d785b
2025-03-09 15:57:33
Good morning ☕️

@ b7cf9f42:ecb93e78
2025-03-09 15:57:31
Thank you. I know my expressions sometimes are rude. But I am pasionated about every person I engage with. I want them to grow in real fulfillingnes. Therefore I am not afraid to be direct. And it was great to get a genuin response. 🙏
I think I will use the time to form my political party. Whilemdrunk I promised some friends to prepare the creatin of a party.
So there I have good time to invest. My goal is to create a party that shares rules of discussions.
- Listen to each other.
- Let the brain think, until constructive critique is ready.
- Use feelings to form goals and reasoning to develop its solutions.
Further then that, I want not really define more borders for my party. Fair liberty is the ultimate goal.

@ 8d78f390:d3233370
2025-03-09 15:57:26
Transgender surgeries on mice 😂🤣
It's os ridiculous that I 100% believe it to be true.

@ 77911886:4b218091
2025-03-09 15:56:25
<推奨手数料> 単位sats/vB
[参考] 直近6ブロックの最小手数料
[参考] 次ブロック候補の最小手数料

@ cc05487a:8eddd6a8
2025-03-09 15:56:24

@ 7a78fbfe:48e76288
2025-03-09 15:56:24
Beautiful work! Just followed!

@ 190b17c8:ae1d785b
2025-03-09 15:56:06
Good morning, and worrying about what the political clown show is doing is about as much of a waste. You do what you need to do and let’s all stop giving them the attention they are seeking 🌞☕️🫡

@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2025-03-09 15:56:00

@ 00d64057:570b5106
2025-03-09 15:55:34
It’s so nice that these unelected beaurocrats rule over us in Europe https://image.nostr.build/ed186eaf309e9b7d0bcb7e4cb42ac80359710cc49e059a8aa33251840b5e2405.jpg

@ f0e59458:4afe015e
2025-03-09 15:55:26

@ 83d52b43:2af24689
2025-03-09 15:55:07
iPadOS 17.6.1 では見えるからバージョン古いとかかな

@ c48e29f0:26e14c11
2025-03-09 15:55:05
New episode of nostr:npub10qrssqjsydd38j8mv7h27dq0ynpns3djgu88mhr7cr2qcqrgyezspkxqj8 with nostr:npub1dtgg8yk3h23ldlm6jsy79tz723p4sun9mz62tqwxqe7c363szkzqm8up6m just dropped.
Links here: https://open.substack.com/pub/walkeramerica/p/aleks-svetski-beauty-virtue-extremism
We discuss:
- why Bitcoiners will become the aristocracy
- why Bitcoin does *not* fix YOU
- why communists hate beauty
- equality vs fairness
- The Bushido of Bitcoin
& more…

@ d2841371:02c90a2b
2025-03-09 15:55:04
Didn’t even know that was a thing. Researching now …

@ 3ce2b51d:36fc72c7
2025-03-09 15:55:00
✄------------ 0:55 ------------✄

@ 00598be2:32560d27
2025-03-09 15:54:39

@ f240c9c2:6c0c0a86
2025-03-09 15:54:37

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-09 15:54:34

@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2025-03-09 15:53:50

@ d2841371:02c90a2b
2025-03-09 15:53:46
Wouldn’t that be wild. I’d need a long time to process and accept it

@ 190b17c8:ae1d785b
2025-03-09 15:53:25
But just like congress says “you have to pay to see what’s in it”

@ b236b741:272ac400
2025-03-09 15:53:06

@ a3e36d4b:7b3241da
2025-03-09 15:53:01
🎵ごーまぁりさーん ごーまぁりさーん エドウィン
ごーまぁりさーん エドウィン ごーまぁりさーん エドウィン
(裏声で) ごーまぁりさーん エドウィン
All right! Thank you, Thank you, Thank you... EDWIN

@ f275ab37:bad84bfe
2025-03-09 15:52:51
BULLSHIT https://image.nostr.build/c9f5f3bc9a61dd73841555a0c89f22b1a341a6635885c7df58d250f09d23c45c.jpg

@ d2841371:02c90a2b
2025-03-09 15:52:46
Wrote that before you clarified. Hard to keep up with Rand sometimes 😮💨

@ 2efaa715:3d987331
2025-03-09 15:52:34
but mommmmmm!

@ 00000000:f729d700
2025-03-09 15:52:14

@ 2efaa715:3d987331
2025-03-09 15:52:02
I guess if the SBR starts off with a 1,000,000 BTC balance we'll know who Satoshi was 🙃

@ 190b17c8:ae1d785b
2025-03-09 15:52:02
Good morning ☕️

@ 83d52b43:2af24689
2025-03-09 15:51:54
文字化けは OS 依存

@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2025-03-09 15:51:50

@ 9ce71f15:d7e780c7
2025-03-09 15:51:29
I am not part of us.

@ 190b17c8:ae1d785b
2025-03-09 15:51:17
Good morning, hope you get back to 100% soon, feel better. ☕️

@ 148755e6:450c107f
2025-03-09 15:51:04

@ f527cf97:65e232ee
2025-03-09 15:50:20
You could ask the same questions to the companies. I’ve actually done that.
Because as soon as you buy into this false game where companies hold all the power, you've already lost—you let yourself be scrutinized, evaluated, and flagged.
Master your craft, always hold the upper hand, and work independently. That way, you won’t have to put up with such nonsense from companies and recruiters.

@ 7ed7d5c3:6927e200
2025-03-09 15:50:07
We are enslaved 🫂

@ 483a687b:39408e25
2025-03-09 15:50:06
【限定】第62回 全日本スキー技術選手権大会 予選 2日目 https://www.amazon.co.jp/dp/B0DKM4SYCD?tag=amznnews-22&linkCode=osi&th=1&psc=1 #プライムビデオ

@ a3c13ef4:d7ba24d6
2025-03-09 15:50:05
■ 流速計測
2025/03/10 00:40~00:50
[JP リレー]
きりの川: 15 posts
やぶみ川: 13 posts
ほりべあ川: 欠測
かすてら川: 0 posts
こじら川: 13 posts
しの川: 欠測
[GLOBAL リレー]
きりの川(G): 15 posts
のこたろ川(G): 欠測
こじら大川: 0 posts
■ 野洲田川定点観測所

@ b236b741:272ac400
2025-03-09 15:50:01

@ bba9ca44:6692820a
2025-03-09 15:50:01
nostr:npub1yxkzj4smth5sehppn90uqur4yhxh3j999krhyx4ks8favzw3ut0se4m7cp 皆さん、YouTubeチャンネルを開設したり、アイコンを愛でたり、春アニメを探したり、今日もそれぞれの夜を過ごしているみたいですね。
・かしみろさんと なつきさんは可愛いアイコンに夢中みたいですね。

@ b1b4105a:19aa52d5
2025-03-09 15:50:00
✄------------ 0:50 ------------✄

@ bc575705:dba3ed39
2025-03-09 15:49:57
Haha! Spot on.

@ 190b17c8:ae1d785b
2025-03-09 15:49:53
Good morning ☕️

@ d2841371:02c90a2b
2025-03-09 15:49:50
Couldn’t have been more than like 7-8 years ago lol. But probably Marty had the stuffed animal if I had to guess 🤗

@ f38582c5:75ec7793
2025-03-09 15:49:33

@ b236b741:272ac400
2025-03-09 15:49:33
積みたい いらない

@ b236b741:272ac400
2025-03-09 15:49:27
価格.com - G.Skill F5-5200J4040A48GX2-RS5K [DDR5 PC5-41600 48GB 2枚組] 価格比較 https://kakaku.com/item/K0001635180/

@ 4eb88310:2e055d6d
2025-03-09 15:49:25

@ 190b17c8:ae1d785b
2025-03-09 15:49:23
Good night Kat, don’t lose sleep over the new revelation

@ bd8aed58:cb1cdb53
2025-03-09 15:49:14
Used to be on you to move the clock.
We just gave that responsibility right up to the phones.
Who the hell is making a damn rules around here.
Maybe I don’t wanna move forward until tomorrow!

@ c1e6505c:02b3157e
2025-03-09 15:49:13
Damn very cool. I’m on east coast fam

@ fa984bd7:58018f52
2025-03-09 15:49:08
yeah, I tend to agree, just zaps... how the money is moved is kinda irrelevant

@ 00000000:62ad6927
2025-03-09 15:49:03
One of the 1,582,860 Americans who voted against. Secret service will be quite busy for the next 4 years. There are still 1,582,859 possible attacks :)

@ 7ed7d5c3:6927e200
2025-03-09 15:48:31
This is good.