
@ 9a664c49:056682aa
2025-03-10 23:31:34

@ 04c915da:3dfbecc9
2025-03-10 23:31:30
Bitcoin has always been rooted in freedom and resistance to authority. I get that many of you are conflicted about the US Government stacking but by design we cannot stop anyone from using bitcoin. Many have asked me for my thoughts on the matter, so let’s rip it.
One of the most glaring issues with the strategic bitcoin reserve is its foundation, built on stolen bitcoin. For those of us who value private property this is an obvious betrayal of our core principles. Rather than proof of work, the bitcoin that seeds this reserve has been taken by force. The US Government should return the bitcoin stolen from Bitfinex and the Silk Road.
Usually stolen bitcoin for the reserve creates a perverse incentive. If governments see a bitcoin as a valuable asset, they will ramp up efforts to confiscate more bitcoin. The precedent is a major concern, and I stand strongly against it, but it should be also noted that governments were already seizing coin before the reserve so this is not really a change in policy.
Ideally all seized bitcoin should be burned, by law. This would align incentives properly and make it less likely for the government to actively increase coin seizures. Due to the truly scarce properties of bitcoin, all burned bitcoin helps existing holders through increased purchasing power regardless. This change would be unlikely but those of us in policy circles should push for it regardless. It would be best case scenario for American bitcoiners and would create a strong foundation for the next century of American leadership.
The entire point of bitcoin is that we can spend or save it without permission. That said, it is a massive benefit to not have one of the strongest governments in human history actively trying to ruin our lives.
Since the beginning, bitcoiners have faced horrible regulatory trends. KYC, surveillance, and legal cases have made using bitcoin and building bitcoin businesses incredibly difficult. It is incredibly important to note that over the past year that trend has reversed for the first time in a decade. A strategic bitcoin reserve is a key driver of this shift. By holding bitcoin, the strongest government in the world has signaled that it is not just a fringe technology but rather truly valuable, legitimate, and worth stacking.
This alignment of incentives changes everything. The US Government stacking proves bitcoin’s worth. The resulting purchasing power appreciation helps all of us who are holding coin and as bitcoin succeeds our government receives direct benefit. A beautiful positive feedback loop.
We are trending in the right direction. A strategic bitcoin reserve is a sign that the state sees bitcoin as an asset worth embracing rather than destroying. That said, there is a lot of work left to be done. We cannot be lulled into complacency, the time to push forward is now, and we cannot take our foot off the gas. We have a seat at the table for the first time ever. Let's make it worth it.
We must protect the right to free usage of bitcoin and other digital technologies. Freedom in the digital age must be taken and defended, through both technical and political avenues. Multiple privacy focused developers are facing long jail sentences for building tools that protect our freedom. These cases are not just legal battles. They are attacks on the soul of bitcoin. We need to rally behind them, fight for their freedom, and ensure the ethos of bitcoin survives this new era of government interest. The strategic reserve is a step in the right direction, but it is up to us to hold the line and shape the future.

@ 460c25e6:ef85065c
2025-03-10 23:31:22
So, your public inbox and outbox relay list only has relays that are not available anymore. Basically only primal's relay is working. That's probably why Amethyst couldn't load much.
If you load your npub on Amethyst and open the relay page, you will see that all of the download and upload stats show Zero (nothing is being downloaded or uploaded).
You might want to delete and add other ones like nostr.mom and nos.lol.
Primal has a caching server. So I think most of your posts are loading only from their central server.

@ 9ca0bd74:4052340b
2025-03-10 23:31:20
Who do I tag to make this happen lol nostr:nprofile1qqsr7acdvhf6we9fch94qwhpy0nza36e3tgrtkpku25ppuu80f69kfqpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qghwaehxw309aex2mrp0yhxummnw3ezucnpdejz7qg4waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxgctdw4eju6t09ug4n6q3

@ 82b30d30:40c6c003
2025-03-10 23:31:09

@ 9ca0bd74:4052340b
2025-03-10 23:30:41
💡There should be a best nostr honey competition at the next nostrcon 🍯

@ 84b0c46a:417782f5
2025-03-10 23:30:15

@ 7cc328a0:2a247c0e
2025-03-10 23:30:06
right... 🚑🚨🏝️🐛🔥

@ a3c13ef4:d7ba24d6
2025-03-10 23:30:06
■ 流速計測
2025/03/11 08:20~08:30
[JP リレー]
きりの川: 44 posts
やぶみ川: 41 posts
ほりべあ川: 欠測
かすてら川: 16 posts
こじら川: 41 posts
しの川: 欠測
[GLOBAL リレー]
きりの川(G): 43 posts
のこたろ川(G): 欠測
こじら大川: 2 posts
■ 野洲田川定点観測所

@ 9a664c49:056682aa
2025-03-10 23:30:03

@ 87e02cd9:86477412
2025-03-10 23:30:01

@ e4f9ab96:9512673a
2025-03-10 23:30:00
✄------------ 8:30 ------------✄

@ 2dd8b84b:9b9934d5
2025-03-10 23:29:56

@ 82b30d30:40c6c003
2025-03-10 23:29:53

@ 2dd8b84b:9b9934d5
2025-03-10 23:29:39

@ 9a664c49:056682aa
2025-03-10 23:29:32

@ ba18b654:48c19046
2025-03-10 23:29:17
This!! Amazing human doing awesome things!!

@ 9a664c49:056682aa
2025-03-10 23:29:13

@ 82b30d30:40c6c003
2025-03-10 23:29:04
まじか 油断してた

@ fe3875c1:92fc92f1
2025-03-10 23:28:59

@ f6900e6b:9c7e939d
2025-03-10 23:28:50
Gracias mi amigo. Eres mi Panda de basura favorite. Mi Espanol todavia esta mejorando muy lentemente. Jo es intentando mejorar en la trabajo. Sigue siendo horrible pero lo estoy intentando. Lo siento no intento copiar ni pegar de mi parte

@ 2dd8b84b:9b9934d5
2025-03-10 23:28:50

@ 45180424:edcc26d8
2025-03-10 23:28:47

@ 9a664c49:056682aa
2025-03-10 23:28:39
いぇえええええええええい✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️ nostr:note188rt67fngwmzdqerpjpl87vxmv92s83hu0xvn77r5ark2nufwqkskdk93k

@ 2dd8b84b:9b9934d5
2025-03-10 23:28:31

@ 04b6ec69:55609a62
2025-03-10 23:28:29

@ 273f8cb9:228fcd4b
2025-03-10 23:28:24
Time never stops, but moments change forever.
In the fading colours, your memories continue to quietly fragrance.
#Art #Poem #Poemgraph #Poetry #Days #Lovely #Gem #Words #Imagine #Dream
#Photography #Nostr #Zaps

@ 04b6ec69:55609a62
2025-03-10 23:28:18
おはのすです( `・ω・)ノ゙

@ 9a664c49:056682aa
2025-03-10 23:28:07
エッホエッホで可愛い https://video.nostr.build/20477f7b4c6cf1171cabf347f26f7faf09ec40cc194dfd74a8ede6f30da49857.mp4

@ adc14fa3:9fb535e1
2025-03-10 23:28:02

@ 58d0d3b0:7480c6b5
2025-03-10 23:27:46
Yüksek lisans tezimi yazıyorum..
Yeni şeyler öğrenmek harika.. Ama
Literatür taraması, "onların kuralları" ile olunca aşırı sıkıcı..
Neyse ki ChatGPT var..
Faydası oluyor.. (güvenmiyorum. Kontrol ediyorum. Ama yine de zaman kazandırıyor)
Ayrıca tez danışmanım harika bir insan.. Çok bilgili ve ilgili tüm öğrencileriyle..
Çok güzel şeyler öğreniyorum..
Sistem dinamikleri konusu muhteşem.. 😍
Yeni öğrendiğim konular ama ben zaten sistem dinamiklerini çözmüşüm...
Bazen bir konu oluyor..
Eski tweetlerimi buluyorum..
Benzer şeyi yazmışım yıllar önce..
Tabi hemen profesöre gönderiyorum..
En son Einstein'ın bir sözünü ve benim benzer tweetlerimi gönderdim..
Eistein 1 ben 2 diye 😂
Yani keyfim yerinde..

@ 22c733af:da4094ff
2025-03-10 23:27:30

@ 2c7cc62a:622a5cdc
2025-03-10 23:27:29

@ 82b30d30:40c6c003
2025-03-10 23:27:19

@ 1f2787b7:3c045d87
2025-03-10 23:27:14

@ 2c7cc62a:622a5cdc
2025-03-10 23:27:13
/run rb
$><<('%1$s%2$s'*2+'の%3$sー%4$sー')%%w[ア ツ コ ヒ].shuffle

@ adc14fa3:9fb535e1
2025-03-10 23:27:03
Great insights on the Austrian economics perspective! Tariffs may seem like a quick fix, but in the long run, they just shift the burden onto consumers and stifle innovation. Free markets thrive when competition is allowed to do its thing. Here’s to a future of global trade that benefits everyone, not just a few. 💥 #v4v

@ 5b3f6926:84a767d8
2025-03-10 23:26:54
Ty nostr:npub1jg552aulj07skd6e7y2hu0vl5g8nl5jvfw8jhn6jpjk0vjd0waksvl6n8n

@ ba18b654:48c19046
2025-03-10 23:26:41
Not exactly 😂😂

@ 77911886:4b218091
2025-03-10 23:26:26
<推奨手数料> 単位sats/vB
[参考] 直近6ブロックの最小手数料
[参考] 次ブロック候補の最小手数料

@ f11e91c5:59a0b04a
2025-03-10 23:26:19
今日はtokyo bitcoin baseで出店する新人の付き添いです。

@ 2f02d76f:abd60a7c
2025-03-10 23:26:02
*hard* money

@ d5415a31:b317849f
2025-03-10 23:25:58

@ 5b3f6926:84a767d8
2025-03-10 23:25:38
Fui mencionado. Mas eu também acabei de receber um zap aleatório deles

@ 4a3ea784:214a305b
2025-03-10 23:25:24
📊 Nostrボットの状態
🌊 ボトル:1通が漂流中、0通が受け取られました
💬 返信:0通の返信が届いています

@ 46fcbe30:6bd8ce4d
2025-03-10 23:25:22
Somehow I just listened to nostr:npub1cn4t4cd78nm900qc2hhqte5aa8c9njm6qkfzw95tszufwcwtcnsq7g3vle explaining that this is all part of the plan. Somehow a drop in the stock market will make treasury bills look more attractive, making debt refinancing cheaper. Guess it sounds plausible but that's just one more reason why nobody should be given that much power.

@ adc14fa3:9fb535e1
2025-03-10 23:25:22

@ 7ea76da7:47995e5e
2025-03-10 23:25:21

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-10 23:25:12

@ cc3cb823:12d9a87e
2025-03-10 23:25:11

@ cc05487a:8eddd6a8
2025-03-10 23:25:08
Yea NATFA fucked us … hard.

@ adc14fa3:9fb535e1
2025-03-10 23:25:02
I think we’re all on the same page. 👊🏼

@ 3ce2b51d:36fc72c7
2025-03-10 23:25:00
✄------------ 8:25 ------------✄

@ 5eb3fabe:35a033cd
2025-03-10 23:24:36
Look at you go!

@ 0bf5faf0:dd285695
2025-03-10 23:24:24

@ 8d9d2b77:86dd65fa
2025-03-10 23:24:24
Good luck😊

@ 62f3610a:66f8bcad
2025-03-10 23:24:04
Someday, you will encounter a moment you will never forget.

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-10 23:23:58
Two. But that’s nothing compared to a gym with hundreds of people daily

@ cc05487a:8eddd6a8
2025-03-10 23:23:52
I’m an orthodox Christian- In orthodoxy there is no such thing as “online church”. Certainly if you are unable to go there are Orthodox churches that stream live… but they’re used as an exception- not a rule. You cannot fully experience the reverence and experience the Mysteries of Christ by streaming it.

@ adc14fa3:9fb535e1
2025-03-10 23:23:43

@ f11e91c5:59a0b04a
2025-03-10 23:23:34

@ 26803787:f553fd22
2025-03-10 23:23:30
Obsidian|使いかたとコツ(目次) #Markdown - Qiita

@ 96ac4d04:35536a0d
2025-03-10 23:23:22

@ 45180424:edcc26d8
2025-03-10 23:23:08
「3.11 検索は、チカラになる。」に参加しました。3月11日、ヤフーやLINEで「3.11」と検索すると、LINEヤフーから、おひとりにつき10円を東北や能登の支援のために寄付いたします。 https://yahoo.jp/HV_Kdu

@ da368de6:fe8192b5
2025-03-10 23:23:01

@ 4bf3a313:bf6af7d5
2025-03-10 23:22:49
Heart Burn?

@ f240c9c2:6c0c0a86
2025-03-10 23:22:46

@ 190b17c8:ae1d785b
2025-03-10 23:22:38
Good morning Kat ☕️ I really want to say another line to the song, but for the life of me, all the words other than “Hey brother”

@ 8d9d2b77:86dd65fa
2025-03-10 23:22:36

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-10 23:22:29
All good. I know that you know. 🤝 and i get the point which is true.

@ 2641c506:983f0175
2025-03-10 23:22:22
Didn't knew there is X-Nostr bridge and I found it surprising that Mastodon-Nostr bridge became broken first

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-10 23:22:11

@ 273f8cb9:228fcd4b
2025-03-10 23:22:10
Sometimes we encounter moments when time seems to stand still.
The world just shines gently, and in your light I quietly dream sweet dreams.
#Art #Poem #Poemgraph #Poetry #Days #Lovely #Gem #Words #Imagine #Dream
#Photography #Nostr #Zaps

@ adc14fa3:9fb535e1
2025-03-10 23:21:57
I know. It was more of a joke against blaming someone else. He’s definitely not helping by finding a good solution.

@ de8ca7a6:48050c4c
2025-03-10 23:21:53

@ cc05487a:8eddd6a8
2025-03-10 23:20:55

@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2025-03-10 23:20:50
This is not true. You can plot the drops to his statements.

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-10 23:20:43
In a sense they were probably less used than DBs from a commercial gym

@ 273f8cb9:228fcd4b
2025-03-10 23:20:42
I want to know the universe inside you.
The true feelings that lie deep within that silence.
#Art #Poem #Poemgraph #Poetry #Days #Lovely #Gem #Words #Imagine #Dream
#Photography #Nostr #Zaps

@ 0e05cb33:2082a99e
2025-03-10 23:20:29

@ ba18b654:48c19046
2025-03-10 23:20:26
Yes!!! Such a mixed bag 🤷♀️

@ 23395bce:fd305cb3
2025-03-10 23:20:18

@ 50a9326d:81ab87bb
2025-03-10 23:20:14
Nah we're toxic, didn't you hear?
No one is providing food for anyone. The vegan option is to bring food you eat.

@ a3c13ef4:d7ba24d6
2025-03-10 23:20:06
■ 流速計測
2025/03/11 08:10~08:20
[JP リレー]
きりの川: 37 posts
やぶみ川: 24 posts
ほりべあ川: 欠測
かすてら川: 7 posts
こじら川: 24 posts
しの川: 欠測
[GLOBAL リレー]
きりの川(G): 33 posts
のこたろ川(G): 欠測
こじら大川: 1 posts
■ 野洲田川定点観測所

@ 891eb34a:604c7e3a
2025-03-10 23:20:03
・muneomi 🇯🇵さんは、けっこんきねんびみたいぷく。おめでとうぷくー!

@ b0c8af21:843174a6
2025-03-10 23:20:00
✄------------ 8:20 ------------✄

@ c230edd3:8ad4a712
2025-03-10 23:19:12
It's true 😊

@ 5ec9a726:23a50742
2025-03-10 23:19:00

@ 82b30d30:40c6c003
2025-03-10 23:18:58

@ 18905d0a:0b229b08
2025-03-10 23:18:48
Definitely. Especially if you get good quality and maintain it properly. One guy looked at DBs and thought they were practically never used 🤣

@ 2dd8b84b:9b9934d5
2025-03-10 23:18:35

@ e62f419a:c998c32e
2025-03-10 23:18:22
Thank you

@ 82b30d30:40c6c003
2025-03-10 23:18:16

@ 273f8cb9:228fcd4b
2025-03-10 23:18:04
Time alone melts away sweetly.
A quiet and enriching time of solitary play.
#Art #Poem #Poemgraph #Poetry #Days #Lovely #Gem #Words #Imagine #Dream
#Photography #Nostr #Zaps

@ 5ec9a726:23a50742
2025-03-10 23:17:40

@ 6a02b7d5:3a13d02a
2025-03-10 23:17:39
Hell yeah! Get ready for its value to half first. My wife is in the same process.

@ 2641c506:983f0175
2025-03-10 23:16:58
I don't agree with you. Human languages are pretty redundant, I would call it an encoding algorithm instead

@ 7ed7d5c3:6927e200
2025-03-10 23:16:53
You know, milk doesn't expand a whole lot when you freeze it.

@ 4408c00c:b06df42b
2025-03-10 23:16:50
20K is better than 10K

@ adc14fa3:9fb535e1
2025-03-10 23:16:48
And maybe your ex if they still have your seed phrase