The following script try, using [nak](https://github.com/fiatjaf/nak), to find out the last ten people who have followed a `target_pubkey`, sorted by the most recent. It's possibile to shorten `search_timerange` to speed up the search. ``` #!/usr/bin/env fish # Target pubkey we're looking for in the tags set target_pubkey "6e468422dfb74a5738702a8823b9b28168abab8655faacb6853cd0ee15deee93" set current_time (date +%s) set search_timerange (math $current_time - 600) # 24 hours = 86400 seconds set pubkeys (nak req --kind 3 -s $search_timerange wss://relay.damus.io/ wss://nos.lol/ 2>/dev/null | \ jq -r --arg target "$target_pubkey" ' select(. != null and type == "object" and has("tags")) | select(.tags[] | select(.[0] == "p" and .[1] == $target)) | .pubkey ' | sort -u) if test -z "$pubkeys" exit 1 end set all_events "" set extended_search_timerange (math $current_time - 31536000) # One year for pubkey in $pubkeys echo "Checking $pubkey" set events (nak req --author $pubkey -l 5 -k 3 -s $extended_search_timerange wss://relay.damus.io wss://nos.lol 2>/dev/null | \ jq -c --arg target "$target_pubkey" ' select(. != null and type == "object" and has("tags")) | select(.tags[][] == $target) ' 2>/dev/null) set count (echo "$events" | jq -s 'length') if test "$count" -eq 1 set all_events $all_events $events end end if test -n "$all_events" echo -e "Last people following $target_pubkey:" echo -e "" set sorted_events (printf "%s\n" $all_events | jq -r -s ' unique_by(.id) | sort_by(-.created_at) | .[] | @json ') for event in $sorted_events set npub (echo $event | jq -r '.pubkey' | nak encode npub) set created_at (echo $event | jq -r '.created_at') if test (uname) = "Darwin" set follow_date (date -r "$created_at" "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") else set follow_date (date -d @"$created_at" "+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") end echo "$follow_date - $npub" end end ```