This would work great for importing stuff from instagram too. The format is tricky, just because nostr events have a million formats. There are also multiple formats for listings, Coracle's listings were actually NIP 99 classifieds (which are much simpler than nip 15). To answer your question about created_at, they are second-resolution unix timestamps, which just means the number of seconds since Jan 1 1970. You should be able to format dates as timestamps in a normal spreadsheet program, for example Sheets: https://mixedanalytics.com/blog/convert-unix-timestamps-to-google-sheets-dates/ (just be sure to set it to seconds, not milliseconds, which is more common). Expiration is just an example, it's totally optional. Here's another example that would work for classifieds: kind,content,created_at,tags 30402,Look at my cool stuff,,"title,My Title","summary,A short summary","location,My Shop","price,30,USD" Just copy that into a csv file and open it in numbers or whatever to edit, then export to csv before uploading. If you leave created_at empty, the importer will just use the current time.