
@ a95c6243:d345522c
2025-02-21 19:32:23
*Europa – das Ganze ist eine wunderbare Idee,* *\
aber das war der Kommunismus auch.* *\
**«Europa hat fertig», könnte man unken,** und das wäre nicht einmal sehr verwegen. Mit solch einer [Einschätzung](https://transition-news.org/geopolitische-ohnmacht-und-die-last-des-euro-steht-die-eu-vor-der-implosion) stünden wir nicht alleine, denn die Stimmen in diese Richtung mehren sich. Der französische Präsident Emmanuel Macron warnte schon letztes Jahr davor, dass «unser Europa sterben könnte». Vermutlich hatte er dabei andere Gefahren im Kopf als jetzt der ungarische Ministerpräsident Viktor Orbán, der ein «baldiges Ende der EU» prognostizierte. Das Ergebnis könnte allerdings das gleiche sein.
**Neben vordergründigen Themenbereichen wie Wirtschaft, Energie und Sicherheit** ist das eigentliche Problem jedoch die obskure Mischung aus aufgegebener Souveränität und geschwollener Arroganz, mit der europäische Politiker:innende unterschiedlicher Couleur aufzutreten pflegen. Und das Tüpfelchen auf dem i ist die bröckelnde Legitimation politischer Institutionen dadurch, dass die Stimmen großer Teile der Bevölkerung seit Jahren auf vielfältige Weise ausgegrenzt werden.
**Um «UnsereDemokratie» steht es schlecht.** Dass seine Mandate immer schwächer werden, merkt natürlich auch unser «Führungspersonal». Entsprechend werden die Maßnahmen zur Gängelung, Überwachung und Manipulation der Bürger ständig verzweifelter. Parallel dazu [plustern](https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/service/newsletter-und-abos/bundesregierung-aktuell/ausgabe-07-2025-februar-21-2335652?view=renderNewsletterHtml) sich in Paris Macron, Scholz und einige andere noch einmal mächtig in Sachen Verteidigung und [«Kriegstüchtigkeit»](https://transition-news.org/europaische-investitionsbank-tragt-zur-kriegstuchtigkeit-europas-bei) auf.
**Momentan gilt es auch, das Überschwappen covidiotischer und verschwörungsideologischer Auswüchse** aus den USA nach Europa zu vermeiden. So ein «MEGA» (Make Europe Great Again) können wir hier nicht gebrauchen. Aus den Vereinigten Staaten kommen nämlich furchtbare Nachrichten. Beispielsweise wurde einer der schärfsten Kritiker der Corona-Maßnahmen kürzlich zum Gesundheitsminister ernannt. Dieser setzt sich jetzt für eine Neubewertung der mRNA-«Impfstoffe» ein, was durchaus zu einem [Entzug der Zulassungen](https://transition-news.org/usa-zulassungsentzug-fur-corona-impfstoffe-auf-der-tagesordnung) führen könnte.
**Der europäischen Version von** **[«Verteidigung der Demokratie»](https://transition-news.org/eu-macht-freiwilligen-verhaltenskodex-gegen-desinformation-zu-bindendem-recht)** setzte der US-Vizepräsident J. D. Vance auf der Münchner Sicherheitskonferenz sein Verständnis entgegen: «Demokratie stärken, indem wir unseren Bürgern erlauben, ihre Meinung zu sagen». Das Abschalten von Medien, das Annullieren von Wahlen oder das Ausschließen von Menschen vom politischen Prozess schütze gar nichts. Vielmehr sei dies der todsichere Weg, die Demokratie zu zerstören.
**In der Schweiz kamen seine Worte deutlich besser an** als in den meisten europäischen NATO-Ländern. Bundespräsidentin Karin Keller-Sutter lobte die Rede und interpretierte sie als «Plädoyer für die direkte Demokratie». Möglicherweise zeichne sich hier eine [außenpolitische Kehrtwende](https://transition-news.org/schweiz-vor-aussenpolitischer-kehrtwende-richtung-integraler-neutralitat) in Richtung integraler Neutralität ab, meint mein Kollege Daniel Funk. Das wären doch endlich mal ein paar gute Nachrichten.
**Von der einstigen Idee einer europäischen Union** mit engeren Beziehungen zwischen den Staaten, um Konflikte zu vermeiden und das Wohlergehen der Bürger zu verbessern, sind wir meilenweit abgekommen. Der heutige korrupte Verbund unter technokratischer Leitung ähnelt mehr einem Selbstbedienungsladen mit sehr begrenztem Zugang. Die EU-Wahlen im letzten Sommer haben daran ebenso wenig geändert, wie die [Bundestagswahl](https://transition-news.org/bundestagswahl-mehr-aufrustung-statt-friedenskanzler-nach-der-wahl) am kommenden Sonntag darauf einen Einfluss haben wird.
Dieser Beitrag ist zuerst auf ***[Transition News](https://transition-news.org/europaer-seid-ihr-noch-zu-retten)*** erschienen.

@ 6e0ea5d6:0327f353
2025-02-21 18:15:52
"Malcolm Forbes recounts that a lady, wearing a faded cotton dress, and her husband, dressed in an old handmade suit, stepped off a train in Boston, USA, and timidly made their way to the office of the president of Harvard University. They had come from Palo Alto, California, and had not scheduled an appointment. The secretary, at a glance, thought that those two, looking like country bumpkins, had no business at Harvard.
— We want to speak with the president — the man said in a low voice.
— He will be busy all day — the secretary replied curtly.
— We will wait.
The secretary ignored them for hours, hoping the couple would finally give up and leave. But they stayed there, and the secretary, somewhat frustrated, decided to bother the president, although she hated doing that.
— If you speak with them for just a few minutes, maybe they will decide to go away — she said.
The president sighed in irritation but agreed. Someone of his importance did not have time to meet people like that, but he hated faded dresses and tattered suits in his office. With a stern face, he went to the couple.
— We had a son who studied at Harvard for a year — the woman said. — He loved Harvard and was very happy here, but a year ago he died in an accident, and we would like to erect a monument in his honor somewhere on campus.
— My lady — said the president rudely —, we cannot erect a statue for every person who studied at Harvard and died; if we did, this place would look like a cemetery.
— Oh, no — the lady quickly replied. — We do not want to erect a statue. We would like to donate a building to Harvard.
The president looked at the woman's faded dress and her husband's old suit and exclaimed:
— A building! Do you have even the faintest idea of how much a building costs? We have more than seven and a half million dollars' worth of buildings here at Harvard.
The lady was silent for a moment, then said to her husband:
— If that’s all it costs to found a university, why don’t we have our own?
The husband agreed.
The couple, Leland Stanford, stood up and left, leaving the president confused. Traveling back to Palo Alto, California, they established there Stanford University, the second-largest in the world, in honor of their son, a former Harvard student."
Text extracted from: "Mileumlivros - Stories that Teach Values."
Thank you for reading, my friend!
If this message helped you in any way,
consider leaving your glass “🥃” as a token of appreciation.
A toast to our family!

@ 6e0ea5d6:0327f353
2025-02-21 18:08:19
When talking about the tumbles we experience in our early years, it’s almost impossible not to try to compare the degree of distress that each stumble has provided us.
Even if harmless, the first accident that comes to mind is one that, in some way, left its mark. Whether it’s a scraped knee, a gash on the forehead, or a broken arm: having that first conscious encounter with pain is an unforgettable terror.
For in one moment, we are sheltered in the loving arms of our parents, feeling invulnerable, and moments later there’s a thick mixture of blood and dirt streaming from a cut that doesn’t seem all that exaggerated to someone looking from the outside — but only to those looking from the outside.
However, this is not what makes that first contact with pain so terrifying. It’s the discovery of how lonely we are when facing an individual agony, even under the care of an adult.
Ultimately, what follows the shock can vary from the sting of cleaning the wound to the warning slap. After the understanding is digested, and we learn how wounds are made, we become cautious. A slip is met with laughter, and we grow tougher than the ground.
That is, until we discover the free fall that holds the world’s problems…
“Consciousness, not age, leads to wisdom.”
— Publilius Syrus
Thank you for reading, my friend!
If this message helped you in any way,
consider leaving your glass “🥃” as a token of appreciation.
A toast to our family!

@ dbb19ae0:c3f22d5a
2025-02-21 17:57:11
``` python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import asyncio
from nostr_sdk import Metadata, Client, NostrSigner, Keys, Filter, PublicKey, Kind, init_logger, LogLevel
from datetime import timedelta
async def main():
secret_key = "nsec1........" # Replace with your actual nsec secret key
keys = Keys.parse(secret_key)
signer = NostrSigner.keys(keys)
client = Client(signer)
await client.add_relay("wss://relay.damus.io")
await client.connect()
# Update metadata
new_metadata = Metadata()
await client.set_metadata(new_metadata)
print("Metadata updated successfully.")
# Get updated metadata
npub = "npub1...." Replace with your actual npub
pk = PublicKey.parse(npub)
print(f"\nGetting profile metadata for {npub}:")
metadata = await client.fetch_metadata(pk, timedelta(seconds=15))
if __name__ == '__main__':
*This code will destroy the metadata
It should replace the metadata by the given values, but instead it set everything to nothing.*

@ 266815e0:6cd408a5
2025-02-21 17:54:15
I've been working on the applesauce libraries for a while now but I think this release is the first one I would consider to be stable enough to use
A lot of the core concepts and classes are in place and stable enough where they wont change too much next release
If you want to skip straight to the documentation you can find at [hzrd149.github.io/applesauce](https://hzrd149.github.io/applesauce/) or the typescript docs at [hzrd149.github.io/applesauce/typedoc](https://hzrd149.github.io/applesauce/typedoc)
## Whats new
### Accounts
The `applesauce-accounts` package is an extension of the `applesauce-signers` package and provides classes for building a multi-account system for clients
Its primary features are
- Serialize and deserialize accounts so they can be saved in local storage or IndexededDB
- Account manager for multiple accounts and switching between them
- Account metadata for things like labels, app settings, etc
- Support for NIP-46 Nostr connect accounts
see [documentation](https://hzrd149.github.io/applesauce/accounts/manager.html) for more examples
### Nostr connect signer
The `NostrConnectSigner` class from the `applesauce-signers` package is now in a stable state and has a few new features
- Ability to create `nostrconnect://` URIs and waiting for the remote signer to connect
- SDK agnostic way of subscribing and publishing to relays
For a simple example, here is how to create a signer from a `bunker://` URI
const signer = await NostrConnectSigner.fromBunkerURI(
permissions: NostrConnectSigner.buildSigningPermissions([0, 1, 3, 10002]),
async onSubOpen(filters, relays, onEvent) {
// manually open REQ
async onSubClose() {
// close previouse REQ
async onPublishEvent(event, relays) {
// Pubilsh an event to relays
see [documentation](https://hzrd149.github.io/applesauce/signers/nostr-connect.html) for more examples and other signers
### Event Factory
The `EventFactory` class is probably what I'm most proud of. its a standalone class that can be used to create various types of events from templates ([blueprints](https://hzrd149.github.io/applesauce/typedoc/modules/applesauce_factory.Blueprints.html)) and is really simple to use
For example:
import { EventFactory } from "applesauce-factory";
import { NoteBlueprint } from "applesauce-factory/blueprints";
const factory = new EventFactory({
// optionally pass a NIP-07 signer in to use for encryption / decryption
signer: window.nostr
// Create a kind 1 note with a hashtag
let draft = await factory.create(NoteBlueprint, "hello world #grownostr");
// Sign the note so it can be published
let signed = await window.nostr.signEvent(draft);
Its included in the `applesauce-factory` package and can be used with any other nostr SDKs or vanilla javascript
It also can be used to modify existing replaceable events
let draft = await factory.modifyTags(
// kind 10002 event
// add outbox relays
// remove inbox relay
see [documentation](https://hzrd149.github.io/applesauce/overview/factory.html) for more examples
### Loaders
The `applesauce-loaders` package exports a bunch of loader classes that can be used to load everything from replaceable events (profiles) to timelines and NIP-05 identities
They use [rx-nostr](https://penpenpng.github.io/rx-nostr/) under the hood to subscribe to relays, so for the time being they will not work with other nostr SDKs
I don't expect many other developers or apps to use them since in my experience every nostr client requires a slightly different way or loading events
*They are stable enough to start using but they are not fully tested and they might change slightly in the future*
The following is a short list of the loaders and what they can be used for
- `ReplaceableLoader` loads any replaceable events (0, 3, 1xxxx, 3xxxx)
- `SingleEventLoader` loads single events based on ids
- `TimelineLoader` loads a timeline of events from multiple relays based on filters
- `TagValueLoader` loads events based on a tag name (like "e") and a value, can be used to load replies, zaps, reactions, etc
- `DnsIdentityLoader` loads NIP-05 identities and supports caching
- `UserSetsLoader` loads all lists events for users
see [documentation](https://hzrd149.github.io/applesauce/overview/loaders.html) for more examples
### Real tests
For all new features and a lot of existing ones I'm trying to write tests to ensure I don't leave unexpected bugs for later
I'm not going to pretend its 100% tests coverage or that it will ever get close to that point, but these tests cover some of the core classes and help me prove that my code is doing what it says its supposed to do
At the moment there are about 230 tests covering 45 files. not much but its a start

## Apps built using applesauce
If you want to see some examples of applesauce being used in a nostr client I've been testing a lot of this code in production on the apps I've built in the last few months
- [noStrudel](https://github.com/hzrd149/nostrudel) The main app everything is being built for and tested in
- [nsite-manager](https://github.com/hzrd149/nsite-manager) Still a work-in-progress but supports multiple accounts thanks to the `applesauce-accounts` package
- [blossomservers.com](https://github.com/hzrd149/blossomservers) A simple (and incomplete) nostr client for listing and reviewing public blossom servers
- [libretranslate-dvm](https://github.com/hzrd149/libretranslate-dvm) A libretranslate DVM for nostr:npub1mkvkflncllnvp3adq57klw3wge6k9llqa4r60g42ysp4yyultx6sykjgnu
- [cherry-tree](https://github.com/hzrd149/cherry-tree) A chunked blob uploader / downloader. only uses applesauce for boilerplate
- [nsite-homepage](https://github.com/hzrd149/nsite-homepage) A simple landing page for [nsite.lol](https://nsite.lol)
Thanks to nostr:npub1cesrkrcuelkxyhvupzm48e8hwn4005w0ya5jyvf9kh75mfegqx0q4kt37c for teaching me more about rxjs and consequentially making me re-write a lot of the core observables to be faster

@ dbb19ae0:c3f22d5a
2025-02-21 17:46:58
Tested and working with nostr_sdk version 0.39
``` python
from nostr_sdk import Metadata, Client, Keys, Filter, PublicKey
from datetime import timedelta
import argparse
import asyncio
import json
async def main(npub):
client = Client()
await client.add_relay("wss://relay.damus.io")
await client.connect()
pk = PublicKey.parse(npub)
print(f"\nGetting profile metadata for {npub}:")
metadata = await client.fetch_metadata(pk, timedelta(seconds=15))
# Printing each field of the Metadata object
print(f"Name: {metadata.get_name()}")
print(f"Display Name: {metadata.get_display_name()}")
print(f"About: {metadata.get_about()}")
print(f"Website: {metadata.get_website()}")
print(f"Picture: {metadata.get_picture()}")
print(f"Banner: {metadata.get_banner()}")
print(f"NIP05: {metadata.get_nip05()}")
print(f"LUD06: {metadata.get_lud06()}")
print(f"LUD16: {metadata.get_lud16()}")
#print(f"Custom: {metadata.get_custom()}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Fetch all metadata for a given npub')
parser.add_argument('npub', type=str, help='The npub of the user')
args = parser.parse_args()

@ 6e0ea5d6:0327f353
2025-02-21 17:01:17
Your father may have warned you when he saw you hanging out with bad company:
"Remember, you become your friends."
A maxim from Goethe conveys this idea even better:
"Tell me who you walk with, and I’ll tell you who you are."
Be mindful of who you allow into your life—not as an arrogant snob, but as someone striving to cultivate the best possible life.
Ask yourself about the people you know and spend time with:
Are they making me better? Do they encourage me to move forward and hold me accountable? Or do they drag me down to their level?
Now, with that in mind, ask yourself the most important question:
Should I spend more or less time with these people?
The second part of Goethe's quote reminds us of what is at stake in this choice:
"If I know how you spend your time," he said, "then I know what you may become."
"Above all, keep this in mind: never get so attached to your old friends and acquaintances that you are dragged down to their level. If you do not, you will be ruined. [...] You must choose whether you want to be loved by these friends and remain the same or become a better person at the expense of those associations. [...] If you try to do both, you will never make progress nor retain what you once had."
—Epictetus, Discourses
📌 "Remember that if you join someone covered in dirt, you can hardly avoid getting a little dirty yourself."
—Epictetus, Discourses
📚 (Excerpt from The Daily Stoic by Ryan Holiday)
Thank you for reading, my friend!
If this message helped you in any way,
consider leaving your glass “🥃” as a token of appreciation.
A toast to our family!