
@ b4403b24:83542d4e
2025-02-22 17:59:03
Chainflip says it has limited some frontend services but can’t fully block transactions as a decentralized protocol.
Over $1.1M in ETH has already been converted.

**Well done to them - not for the heist but for the decision to convert weak money to sound money** 😜
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/894141

@ cff1720e:15c7e2b2
2025-02-22 17:45:48
Trumps Antrittsrede, seine Präsidentenerlasse, Personalentscheidungen und Amtshandlungen hatten schon in kurzer Zeit die Konturen der künftigen US-Außenpolitik erkennen lassen. Aber in München sprach der Vizepräsident auf einer bedeutenden Konferenz direkt zu den Europäern, den “Partnern” und “Verbündeten”. Und was er ihnen in aller Deutlichkeit mitteilte, war nichts anderes als eine 180-Grad Kehrtwende zur Politik der Vorgänger-Regierung. Die Botschaft war kein Vorschlag, sondern eine Ansage, die Inhalte sind inzwischen hinlänglich bekannt. Obwohl die Rede erwartungsgemäß mehr als reichlich kommentiert wurde, möchte ich noch einige Aspekte ergänzen, die ich bisher in den Kommentaren vermisst habe.

Im November 1988 wurde die Auslieferung der sowjetischen Zeitschrift “Sputnik” in der DDR gestoppt, was einem Verbot gleichkam. Der Anlaß waren kritische Betrachtungen über Stalin und Berichte über den Hitler-Stalin-Pakt, den es laut DDR-Geschichtsschreibung nicht gab. Es war eine Zensur von Informationen aus dem Land des “großen Bruders”, der Führungsmacht der sozialistischen Welt. Das Diktum “von der Sowjetunion lernen heißt siegen lernen” galt erkennbar nicht mehr. Das war zugleich der Höhepunkt einer ideologischen Entfremdung die 1986 begonnen hatte, als Gorbatschow “Glasnost” (Offenheit) und “Perestroika” (Reformen) einforderte, welche von der vergreisten DDR-Führung als unnötig und gefährlich abgelehnt wurden. Gorbatschow hatte richtig erkannt, dass die sozialistischen Staaten ökonomisch und gesellschaftlich gescheitert waren und ohne Reformen nicht überleben würden. Die Einsicht kam aber zu spät, die DDR kollabierte bereits ein Jahr später an ihrem Reformstau, die UdSSR Ende 1991 trotz der begonnenen Reformversuche.

Die Parallelen sind unverkennbar, eklatante politische Fehler (u.a. Euro seit 2009 und Migration seit 2015) haben die EU-Staaten zunächst zu Sanierungsfällen gemacht, durch die Corona-Politik zu Insolvenzkandidaten. Der Rubikon ist längst überschritten, die Schönwetter-Union ist nicht mehr zu retten. Den Amerikanern ist das klar, daher sind die Reform-Appelle von Vance wohl eher seiner Höflichkeit zuzurechnen. Für die US-Regierung ist die EU bereits jetzt nicht mehr existent, Verträge werden wieder direkt mit den Mitglieds-Staaten getroffen, und in den Ukraine-Verhandlungen ist kein Platz am Verhandlungstisch. Die Themenbereiche bei den Gesprächen in Riad haben aber auch gezeigt, dass Amerikaner und Russen in global-strategischen Dimensionen denken, die Ukraine ist zurecht nur ein Randthema. Die aktuelle Rhetorik europäischer Politiker hingegen ist niveaulos und kleinkariert, man spielt in der 2. Liga, die EU hat sich selbst vom Akteur zum Objekt degradiert.

Was bedeutet das für unsere Zukunft? Und was ist von der neuen US-Führung zu erwarten? Die unsäglichen Diskussionen darüber ob nun Trump und Musk gut oder böse sind, vernebelt nur eine klare Tatsache. Die EU hat keinen Rückhalt mehr vom “großen Bruder”, weder durch die NATO in Sachen Ukraine, noch durch Zensur von Systemkritikern (USAID, BigTech). Letzteres führt zu drei fundamentalen Veränderungen.\
1\. Das Narrativ von den “westlichen Werten” ist tot. Auf diesem Axiom der USA basierte die gesamte Propaganda-Maschine, es wurde zur Religion. Nun versuchen gerade Provinzpolitiker wie Pistorius und Habeck mit beschränkten rhetorischen Mitteln zu definieren was “westliche Werte” ohne die USA sind, was mehr für Begeisterung bei Satirikern beiträgt als zur Überzeugung von Tagesschau-Anhängern.\
2\. Die Deutungshoheit geht verloren weil immer mehr Publizisten ihr Fähnchen in den sich drehenden Wind hängen, sofern sie noch von Leser-Abos und Werbekunden abhängig sind. Die einsetzende Kakophonie verwirrt die Masse der schlichten Medien-Konsumenten, die über Jahrzehnte auf Nachrichten-Konformität dressiert worden sind. \
3\. Weniger Zensur in den sozialen Medien verschafft den kritischen Stimmen mehr Reichweite, “bedrohliche” Meinungsvielfalt entsteht. Leider können die meisten Kritiker aber nur kritisieren, was uns zurück in die Zeiten des Sputnik-Verbots führt.

Die DDR-Opposition hat beim Abriss der DDR mitgewirkt, über diese Rolle ist sie aber nie hinaus gekommen. Als die Mauer gefallen war und es um die Neugestaltung ging, hat sie kläglich versagt. Dem Großteil der heutigen Opposition droht das selbe Schicksal, weil sie keinen Plan für die Stunde Null hat. Bei Tauwetter darf man nicht mehr über den Winter diskutieren, sondern über das Bestellen der Felder. Wer die Saat ausbringt, entscheidet über die Ernte. Den Kollaps betreffend ist nur noch der Zeitpunkt unklar, für den Zeitraum danach jedoch alles. Wenn wir uns eine Bürgergesellschaft wünschen, dann müssen wir jetzt als Bürger aktiv werden, also DU, Leser. Spende für Pareto, oder für kritische Autoren und Aktivisten. Mach Dir Gedanken über die Zukunft und publiziere sie, hier auf Pareto, wir fördern den Bürger-Journalismus. Schließe Dich einem Projekt an, leiste einen Beitrag und gestalte die Zukunft. Macht wird nicht verteilt, Macht muss man sich erkämpfen.\
**“Nur der verdient sich Freiheit wie das Leben, der täglich sie erobern muß.”** Goethe, Faust Teil 2
**Spenden für Pareto:** <https://geyser.fund/project/pareto>
**Pareto Landing Page:** <https://pareto.space> 
**Pareto Marktplatz:** <https://pareto.space/read> 

@ 129f5189:3a441803
2025-02-22 17:11:57
**This is Lazarus.**
They’ve just stolen $1.46 billion from Bybit.
They didn’t breach the code—they breached the people.
Here’s the untold story of how they did it (and why no one is truly safe).
Lazarus is a state-sponsored hacking group from North Korea.
They've siphoned billions from banks, crypto exchanges, and DeFi protocols.
And now, they’ve executed the largest crypto heist in history.
But how? Well...
There was no code exploit.
No leaked private keys.
Bybit’s own multisig signers approved the transactions.
They thought they were signing a routine transfer.
Instead, they handed over access to their entire cold wallet...
This raises a terrifying question.
How did Lazarus know exactly who to target?
A multisig wallet requires multiple signers.
If even one refused to sign, the hack would have failed.
But they all signed.
This means Lazarus didn’t just hack Bybit...
They knew who to manipulate.
There are only a few ways to gather that kind of information:
- **Inside job** – Someone leaked the signer list.
- **Social engineering** – Lazarus studied their emails and behavior.
- **Device compromise** – One or more signers were infected with malware.
This puts other exchanges at risk too...
Today, Lazarus stole 0.42% of all Ethereum.
This means they own more than:
- The Ethereum Foundation
- Vitalik Buterin
- Fidelity
But laundering that much ETH without detection isn’t easy...
In previous attacks, Lazarus has used:
- Bridging to other blockchains
- On-chain mixing services
- OTC trading through illicit brokers
Will they employ the same tactics again?
Investigators quickly flagged the 53 wallets holding the stolen ETH.
Any attempt to cash out or swap funds would immediately raise red flags.
But Lazarus is in no rush...
In 2022, Chainalysis found Lazarus still held $55 million from hacks six years earlier.
They don’t cash out quickly; they wait.
And no one has ever gotten their money back. Not once.
Lazarus doesn’t negotiate. They don’t return funds.
So what happens to users?
Bybit’s CEO, Ben Zhou, addressed the crisis publicly:
- “Client funds are 1:1 backed.”
- “We have enough liquidity to cover withdrawals.”
- “All other wallets remain secure.”
So far, there hasn’t been a bank run...
But this isn’t the first time this has happened.
And it won’t be the last.
So how can you stay safe? Follow these simple steps:
1. **Cold wallets stay cold** - If it touches the internet, it's not cold.
2. **Never sign blindly** - Always verify what you're signing, even if the UI looks legit.
3. **Spread your risk** - Never keep all your funds in one place.
4. **Secure your keys** - Use a hardware wallet. No exceptions.
5. **Assume you're a target** - Lazarus doesn’t hack systems; they hack people. Stay paranoid.

@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-02-22 15:51:37
Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, has always been known for its volatility. This digital asset has seen dramatic fluctuations in price, attracting investors and speculators alike. Understanding these price movements is crucial for anyone involved in the crypto market. The journey of Bitcoin from a niche digital token to a mainstream financial asset has been marked by periods of rapid growth and sudden declines. This volatility is not just a source of risk, but also of potential opportunity for traders and investors. The factors driving these fluctuations range from regulatory news, technological advancements, to broader economic factors. Bitcoin's decentralized nature adds to its unpredictability, as it operates independently of a central bank or government.
**Table of Contents**
- The Recent Price Rally and Subsequent Halt
- Insights from CryptoQuant's Analysis
- The Role of Short-Term Holders
- Understanding Bitcoin Binary Coin Days Destroyed ( …
- The Dynamics of Profit-Taking
- Actions by Miners and Whales
- Current Market Scenario and Future Outlook
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**The Recent Price Rally and Subsequent Halt**
In a recent surge, Bitcoin's value soared past the $44,000 mark, only to encounter a significant resistance level near $45,000. This resistance led to a notable decline in its price. The question on everyone's mind is: what caused this sudden halt in Bitcoin's otherwise steady climb? This rally, like many in Bitcoin's past, was driven by a mix of investor optimism, favorable market conditions, and increasing institutional interest in cryptocurrency. However, the resistance at $45,000 proved to be a turning point, sparking a wave of sell-offs and profit-taking. This price behavior is a classic example of the market's psychological dynamics, where key resistance levels can lead to significant shifts in investor behavior. The rapid change from a bullish to a bearish market sentiment at this juncture underscores the fragile and speculative nature of the cryptocurrency market.
**Insights from CryptoQuant's Analysis**
CryptoQuant, a renowned market analytics platform, offers valuable insights into this phenomenon. An analyst from CryptoQuant, Yonsei, conducted a detailed analysis of on-chain data to unravel the mystery behind Bitcoin's recent price behavior. This analysis goes beyond surface-level market trends, delving into the intricate movements of Bitcoin across various wallets and exchanges. By examining metrics such as fund flows, wallet activities, and transaction patterns, CryptoQuant provides a more nuanced understanding of what drives Bitcoin's price changes. Yonsei's analysis, in particular, sheds light on the behavior of different investor cohorts, revealing how their actions collectively impact the market. This kind of deep-dive analysis is essential for anyone looking to understand the often opaque mechanisms of cryptocurrency markets.
**The Role of Short-Term Holders**
The analysis revealed that short-term holders, particularly those who had invested in Bitcoin for a period ranging from 6 to 18 months, started to realize their profits as soon as Bitcoin broke through the $40,000 resistance level. This profit-taking was a primary factor in the subsequent price retraction. These short-term holders, often more sensitive to market fluctuations, tend to react quickly to price changes, looking to capitalize on short-term gains. Their collective actions can create significant market movements, as seen in this instance. The behavior of these investors is often influenced by news events, market sentiment, and technical indicators. In this case, the rapid rise in Bitcoin's price likely triggered a psychological response to lock in profits, leading to a cascade of sell orders. Understanding the motivations and behaviors of these short-term holders is crucial for predicting short-term market movements in the volatile world of cryptocurrency.
**Understanding Bitcoin Binary Coin Days Destroyed (CDD)**
A critical metric in this analysis is the Bitcoin Binary Coin Days Destroyed (CDD). This metric assesses the movement of long-held Bitcoins, providing insights into the behavior of long-term investors. An increase in Binary CDD indicates that a significant amount of Bitcoin, held dormant for a long time, has been mobilized, suggesting a sell-off by long-term holders. This metric is particularly important as it highlights the actions of the most steadfast part of the market - those who have held Bitcoin through various cycles. When these long-term holders start moving their coins, it often signals a significant shift in market sentiment. The CDD metric thus serves as a barometer for the conviction of Bitcoin's long-term investor base. A high CDD can indicate a loss of confidence among these investors, or a belief that the market has reached a peak. Conversely, a low CDD suggests that long-term holders are not yet ready to sell, indicating continued confidence in the market's future.
**The Dynamics of Profit-Taking**
The CryptoQuant analysis further highlighted that a majority of Bitcoin holders were in profit, with the Spent Output Profit Ratio remaining above one. This indicated that about 90% of Bitcoin holders were profiting, which naturally led to a trend of profit-taking. This phenomenon is a key aspect of market cycles in cryptocurrencies. When a large portion of investors are in profit, especially after a significant price rally, the market often sees a wave of selling as investors look to cash in on their gains. This behavior is compounded by psychological factors, such as fear of missing out (FOMO) and fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD), which can lead to rapid shifts in market sentiment. Additionally, the profit-taking trend is influenced by external factors such as global economic conditions, regulatory news, and technological developments within the blockchain space. These factors can either reinforce the confidence of investors, leading to a hold strategy, or trigger a sell-off in anticipation of a market downturn.
**Actions by Miners and Whales**
Another interesting aspect of the analysis was the behavior of Bitcoin miners and whales (large-scale holders). These groups also contributed to the selling pressure. Miners, in particular, sold their assets at high-profit margins when Bitcoin reached its peak, adding to the downward pressure on its price. The actions of miners are crucial to understanding Bitcoin's market dynamics, as they are not only investors but also the producers of new Bitcoins. Their decision to sell or hold can significantly impact the supply of Bitcoin in the market. Whales, or large-scale holders, have a similar impact due to the sheer volume of their transactions. Their trades can lead to substantial market movements, creating waves that affect smaller investors. The behavior of these whales often reflects a more strategic approach to the market, influenced by long-term trends and broader market analysis. Their actions can serve as indicators for future market movements, making their behavior a key focus for analysts and investors alike.
**Current Market Scenario and Future Outlook**
Despite the recent price drop, the overall market sentiment remains positive. The bear market seems to be in the past, and liquidity conditions in the crypto market are improving. However, Bitcoin currently hovers around the $41,000 mark, a slight decrease from its recent high. This current state reflects the ever-changing nature of the cryptocurrency market, where investor sentiment can shift rapidly. The future outlook for Bitcoin remains a topic of much debate among experts. Some predict continued growth as institutional adoption increases and blockchain technology becomes more integrated into mainstream finance. Others caution about potential regulatory clampdowns and the volatile nature of the market. What remains clear is that Bitcoin continues to be a key player in the financial world, with its price movements being a barometer for the health and sentiment of the broader cryptocurrency market.
Bitcoin's market behavior, as analyzed by CryptoQuant, offers a complex picture of various factors at play. The interplay between short-term and long-term holders, the strategic moves of miners and whales, and the overall market sentiment all contribute to the price dynamics of this digital currency. Understanding these elements is key for investors and enthusiasts who wish to navigate the volatile waters of Bitcoin's market. As the crypto landscape continues to evolve, keeping a close eye on these trends and analyses will be crucial for making informed decisions in the world of cryptocurrency. The insights provided by platforms like CryptoQuant are invaluable in this regard, offering a deeper understanding of the market forces at work.
**What caused the recent halt in Bitcoin's price rally?**
The halt in Bitcoin's price rally, after reaching near $45,000, was primarily due to profit-taking by short-term holders and investors who had held Bitcoin for 6-18 months, as revealed by CryptoQuant's analysis.
**What is Bitcoin Binary Coin Days Destroyed (CDD)?**
Bitcoin Binary Coin Days Destroyed (CDD) is a metric that measures the movement of long-held Bitcoins. It indicates the amount of Bitcoin, held dormant for a long time, that has been mobilized or sold.
**How do miners and whales influence Bitcoin's price?**
Miners and whales (large-scale holders) significantly influence Bitcoin's price through their actions. When they sell their holdings, especially during peak prices, they add to the market's selling pressure, potentially leading to price drops.
**What does a high Bitcoin Binary CDD indicate?**
A high Bitcoin Binary CDD suggests that a large amount of long-held Bitcoin is being sold, which can be a sign of long-term holders losing confidence or deciding to take profits.
**Is the current market sentiment for Bitcoin positive or negative?**
Despite recent price fluctuations, the overall market sentiment for Bitcoin remains cautiously positive, with improvements in market liquidity and interest from institutional investors.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
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***DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.***

@ df478568:2a951e67
2025-02-22 14:53:58
I shop the bitcoin circular economy as much as I can. Maybe "shop" isn't the best way to describe it. Shopping is a behavior typical of fiat maxis. they drive fancy leases and shop 'till they drop. This season's fashion must-have is next season's trash. Bitcoiners don't shop, we replenish supplies. Our goal is to get the best value for our sats. Our goal to hodl our sats as long as possible.
Yesterday, I shoveled a [ton of compost](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzph68s45y080zdd9g8sdacnd6kcd4ejpwrgcju2eghjq45y4f28n8qqs24rrm3u2wvf24ad8xkj2xh8nuq2lz7urnd3lzrpqlstmsp4r29hsug39jw) for my garden. If taking showers mean's I', short bitcoin, so be it. I also happened to get my soap from Soapminer delivered to my P.O. Box the day before. What better way is there to test this soap than after shoveling some shit? It was perfect timing.
## Soapminer Sells Soap Made From Beef Tallow
Soapminer is a nostr rounder I've seen online every timestamp in a while. As the name suggests, he makes soap and sells it for sats. He's not the only soap seller on nostr, but something stands out about this soap. He uses beef tallow, the stuff McDonald's used for french fries back in the day. I use it to cook. It's basically beef lard.
So this pleb makes soap and markets it to people who talk about beef and bitcoin. That's better than Fight Club. Then [I heard Matt Odell say it was pretty good](https://fountain.fm/clip/6GHDdmcwMg47mz0xNpVb). I already thought about spending sats on this soap, but now I had a testimonial from a man I have listened to for about six years. **Can you say Web of Trust baby?**
I no soap and suds expert. I have years of soapo sing experience, but I never thought about what commercial soap is made with. I assumed it was like Fight Club like how I assumed the dollar was backed by gold in high school. Both these statements are false. Fiat soap is made with fiat fuckery. I tried looking for the ingredients on a box of Dove Men's Care, but couldn't find them on the box. It's opaque like the amount of gold at Fort Knox, nobody knows. I know what Soapminer uses to make his soap because [it's open source](nostr:note1aypyepc6g7lztutegx0fw5yg5clc9ythvxkp6czfkau3dcgwz06q4mfqr3).
### Tallow Soap Quotes

I asked Soapminer a few questions on nostr. [Here is is answer]((nostr:note1wma3745zywf6avfwrau9dvrt6awqqmt3qkfc07xxff4p6nh8f38qyxuqze "nostr:note1wma3745zywf6avfwrau9dvrt6awqqmt3qkfc07xxff4p6nh8f38qyxuqze)
), signed by his own nostr key, the Internet's version of "I approve this message."


`What inspired me was a cleaner, healthier lifestyle. During the plandemic, I had a lot of free time on my hands, and got to read, and investigate what actually causes a lot of the sickness in society. I learned a great deal. I never knew that your skin is your largest organ, and that it absorbs 60-70% of what you put on it. What do ppl put on their skin almost every day? Soap. So out of boredom, and seeking a healthier lifestyle, I started watching YT videos of ppl making soap, and tried it out a few times, and then a few more, until I became good at it.
Once you learn how to make soap, the challenges only arise when you try something that you haven't done before. Depending on what method you are using will determine the challenges that you may face. It's multifaceted, so might be a little long to go into. I overcome them by keep trying until I get it right. No path is going to be easy, you just have to practice to make perfect.
Last question is easy. My favorite soap is Tallow soap. As long as it is made from Tallow, and has all natural ingredients, it is a good soap in my opinion. Tallow mirrors the oils in our skin. It doesn't strip you skin the way commercial soap do, leaving you feel itchy, dry, and actually causing some of the skin ailments that have become common, like eczema, and psoriasis. Just nutures, cleans, and protects. It also, can prevent wrinkles., and acne.`

I tried the pine tar first. It makes me smell like a man, at least my wife thinks so. That's also why she prefers the unscented. He is adding more scents, but these ate the one's I have tried.
The soap makes me feel rubber-ducky squeaky clean. After my shower, made some lunch and washed my hands with Dawn. This made my hands ashier than bio-char. I decided to cut some soap and place a little piece by the kitchen sink. The soap moisturized my hands in two shakes of a bull's tail. I also cut up some of my soap into smaller pieces because I'm as frugal as a Boy-scout and wanted to wash my hands with this stuff instead of Ivory.

#### Here's some more quotes about Soapminer's soap.
- [He's asking his market if they want Peppermint soap.](nostr:note1tpeh65m7y6s6wt9ucjdcl2pge3m86f2ny4hqjdyvcrmf7kglqshqfeceam "nostr:note1tpeh65m7y6s6wt9ucjdcl2pge3m86f2ny4hqjdyvcrmf7kglqshqfeceam)
- [Then he made the soap like a boss](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqy9kvcxtqa2tlwyjv4r46ancxk00ghk9yaudzsnp697s60942p7lqqs0yqyvffu9pn39grtxa8agpftpvfssx603w0ra67kpn5qn360masquhrtd7).
- [The Benefits of Tallow](nostr:nevent1qqs9w6g8khrqzhrgu7y3trae9vtdl8847p42p80aqzvsvlu9kr84vkgpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsyg8zenmu7gzq8ulj5jj4kv50ph3muwz43f747vmr9ld2alrjdswgavpsgqqqqqqsq5lkzq)
- [He uses Zaprite](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqjln5vfhstwf2ahjrmanh57kzwrap4v3xpfzql5sxp48gxlk4a74qqsraadvah6890x4hgvr4rcxe9c2n79a0kx88te3hf7x88j72rh7cuskhempa)
[He has giveaways](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqyqzpzvke2t7fxwh0rzea5zmx7qnddzgsqk35ujp9tgpw9jmjsmnserr3z8466)
[He wants everyone to live on a bitcoin standard](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqy9kvcxtqa2tlwyjv4r46ancxk00ghk9yaudzsnp697s60942p7lqqs8gnddcnkj5p2047qam5drgw5jxlg60vy736e2rwxsmj593whnllsy8ej9j)

### Testimonials

[nostr:note1y9wsl07lkepfzzj8c8ucekss9f9darvg70j93cdmvttadfjx9nfsvtxwes "nostr:note1y9wsl07lkepfzzj8c8ucekss9f9darvg70j93cdmvttadfjx9nfsvtxwes")


["he even shipped to my in germany(but only after negotiation) i like the soap a lot after some testing"](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqpt4hupuycwpj5yqjn00989fgwj6k9yvfamvx7v2gkamz9329wreqywhwumn8ghj7mr4de3kscn00qh8xctwv3mkjcmg9enxzund9uqsuamnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dshsqgr3cj8s3sc2ruzz2yj4e3kxnc825elr2gmyufdv38d9ee4jm8lxx5n7yrdv)
**Bit 🐳 Ish**

["It's good stuff, you'll love it."](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzpr38l76unwuvm5qnrt0xa7jf64k5qx65ynvlm7dx8cr565nmqu2uqqs2r7rcp2rssfcqhk5838cuu569h43wlkvw34gy8ad2flgdpl0cezckxghkc)


["Great soap 🧼🫧"](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqj5nelekm4aruughza09y8yy26ansshnc23wq2kdha79dqz8rhemqqsxdq4xf69vgk27nnes4syrnekpg4mhkp6v4rer7nzdgfht8kya8ssucu8lz)

["I spent the last two days shyoveling horse shit and compost for my garden. This soap made me feel rubber-ducky squeeky clean afterward."](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzph68s45y080zdd9g8sdacnd6kcd4ejpwrgcju2eghjq45y4f28n8qqsfvqylk56zdh5n3ykhleypr5zznevqt9dw04vptdeuh9jmskemndgq0hw25)
##### Conclusion
I am a soap mining soap customer now. I'm done with fiat soap. I'm thinking about handing out his soap for Christmas gifts. Odell was right. It is good soap. It's expensive compared to the comercial crap, but competitive with fancy olive oil soaps I've seen. I paid with fiat I had in Strike, but Soapminer received bitcoin. I was going to buy soap anyway, but buying soap this way took $35 of fiat off Strike and put it into soap miners strategic bitcoin reserve. It's not cheap, but buying Dove requires me to first buy fiat. Buying soap from Soapminer takes sats off the exchange. Buying Dove does not, but that's not the only reason I bought this soap. It's great soap, but that's not really why I bought it. I am a big believer in what Adam Smith described as the invisible hand: [nostr:note1jsgzk6rxulyqthae8c53rrawaa70yjqh37nm3kxh08xw8g43vgcq3kux9d "nostr:note1jsgzk6rxulyqthae8c53rrawaa70yjqh37nm3kxh08xw8g43vgcq3kux9d"). We want to see people in our community to prosper. It is in our self-interest That is what Smith means by the invisible hand. The invisible hand is not A Central Bank manipulating interest rates and The IMF turning foreigners into debt-fiat slaves for cheap freshly-frozen shrimp.
Bitcoiners are my community. They may not be close to me by proximity, but my moral sentiments guide me to do business with bitcoiners whenever possible. See, capitalism cannot work with socialist money. Those moral sentiments change when people work for soft money. Fiat soap miners get paid in NGD currency. Sell soap for $35 today and that will buy you half as much stuff in 5 years. The fiat soap miner has no savings to improve his community. Inflation makes him search for the cheapest soap just to keep up with grocery prices.
Soapminer can save his sats earned selling soap without anyone stealig from him. Therefore, he will be able to afford to buy stuff in his community. Those on a fiat standard cannot afford to save their money in the hopes of buying high quality products and services in their community. Fiat is socialist money, therefore only buys less and less as time goes on. Dear readers, we are not on late stage capitalism. The problem is that socialist money sucks. Those Papi Trump bucks might be fun for a month, but in the end, everyone pays the Piper. Tariffs are a sales tax, [paywalls in meatspace](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzph68s45y080zdd9g8sdacnd6kcd4ejpwrgcju2eghjq45y4f28n8qyt8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68yetvd96x2uewdaexwtcpzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumt0wd68ytnsw43z7qg4waehxw309ajxjar5duh8qatz9aex2mrp0yqzqx3u59js9ewy9xwr7nuzv5eytj9ty979wrc7vrhv3tfykjxp5pd28s750n). Save your sats long enough, and these taxes will not matter. We circumvent the unjust tax of inflation, we will find solutions to unjust taxes levied on our community.
I participate in the bitcoin circular economy because I want to bring capitalism back. I do not care where you live. If you are a bitcoiner, you are part of my community. There is an invisible hand which compels me to buy stuff from people in my community. That's why I bought soap from Soapminer, but you know what? **the soap is pretty damn good**.

@ 1739d937:3e3136ef
2025-02-22 14:51:17
We've been busy. In my last update, I shared that I was sure MLS on Nostr was going to work and shared an early demo of the app. What a long time ago that seems now.
The big news is that White Noise is no longer just a demo. It's a real app. You can [download the alpha release](https://github.com/erskingardner/whitenoise/releases) and run it for yourself on MacOS, Linux, or Android. iOS TestFlight is coming soon. Keep in mind that it's still very much alpha software; a lot is changing and I wouldn't recommend using it for anything serious quite yet.
We've been busy. In my last update, I shared that I was sure MLS on Nostr was going to work and shared an early demo of the app. What a long time ago that seems now.
## Vision
Before we get to the detailed project updates, I wanted to share a bit of my vision for White Noise.
More and more; freedom of speech, freedom of association, and privacy are under attack. Just this week, Apple was forced to remove their iCloud advanced encryption feature for all UK citizens because the UK government demanded that Apple build a backdoor to allow access to customer data. The EU continues to push "Chat Control" legislation that would force companies to remove end-to-end encryption from their platforms. And governments across the world are enforcing draconian "hate speech" laws that criminalize speech that offends or upsets.
The freedom to express ourselves and discuss difficult topics is a critical precondition for maintaining a healthy society. Without the ability to assert ideas and argue their merits vigorously we have no way of making progress or creating a civil society based on shared values and goals. Ironically, the very laws and regulations that many western governments are enforcing to "protect" us are eroding and destroying the most free and innovative societies in history.
White Noise is to built to protect our freedom to gather, to express ourselves, and to discuss difficult topics. It's free and open source; anyone can fork the code and we'll never charge money to use it. It runs on a free and open source protocol; your identity and social graph is yours to own and control. You don't have to trust us with your data, everything is end-to-end encrypted and metadata is next to non-existent. We don't even run any servers, so government data requests will forever fall on deaf ears.
We want to build the fastest, most secure and private, and the most usable messenger in the world. Whether you want to use it to plan a family BBQ or overthrow a tyrant, White Noise should give you the tools you need to make it happen.
If you find this compelling and want to help, please consider contributing to the project or donating.
## Progress
Alright, let's talk about where we're at with the project.
### Current functionality
- Multiple accounts. You can login, or create, many different Nostr accounts in the app.
- Search your nostr contact list, search for users you don't follow, or add contacts using an npub or hex public key.
- Create DM groups. Right now, you can only create chats with a single other user. Under the hood, these DMs are actually groups, I just haven't added the UI for adding/removing users and managing the group.
- Send messages, reply to messages, and add reactions. As you would expect from a messenging app.
- View group information.
- Settings that allows you to manage your accounts, relays, and other app settings.
### Upcoming
- An amazing hackathon group from [Bitcoin++ in Brasil](https://btcplusplus.dev/conf/floripa) has recently [added NWC](https://github.com/erskingardner/whitenoise/pull/89) (nostr wallet connect) support to the app. Paste lightning invoices into chats and they'll become QR codes that you can scan or pay them with a single click in the conversation! This will be in the next release.
- Add support for encrypted media in chats using [Blossom](https://github.com/hzrd149/blossom/tree/master). We'll start with images, but plan to add video, audio messages, and documents soon.
- Groups with more than two users. We'll add the ability to add/remove users and manage the group. This will also include some upgrades to further improve the forward secrecy of group chats.
- iOS TestFlight. Gated app stores suck. We'll get White Noise on iOS into TestFlight as soon as possible.
## Links
- [The repo](https://github.com/erskingardner/whitenoise)
- [Releases](https://github.com/erskingardner/whitenoise/releases)
- [Previous updates](https://highlighter.com/jeffg.fyi)

@ 2e8970de:63345c7a
2025-02-22 14:41:31

-Blue: Neuroticism
-Green: Extraversion
-Red: Openness to experience
-Orange: Agreeableness
-Purple: Conscientiousness
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/893992

@ ac6f9572:8a6853dd
2025-02-22 13:01:56
# The old world crumbles. The sovereign rises.

Join #Bitshala at #BitPlebs Summit in Goa — a gathering of builders, creators, educators, and hodlers forging #India’s #Bitcoin future.
Open forums. Un-conference style talks. By @bitshala & @plebstogether
RSVP now: https://lu.ma/cd55r5d4
X: https://x.com/bitshala_org/status/1893252853709365684?s=09
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/893899

@ e5de992e:4a95ef85
2025-02-22 12:19:25
A trading log isn't just a record of past trades—it's a tool for learning, improving, and achieving consistency. By keeping a detailed log, you gain insights into your decision-making process, identify patterns, and refine your strategy over time.
Here's why and how to maintain a comprehensive trading log effectively.
## 1. The Importance of a Trading Log
- **Track Performance Objectively**
Without a log, it's easy to misremember trades or overestimate success. A detailed log provides accurate data to analyze your progress.
- **Understand Your Strengths and Weaknesses**
By reviewing your log, you can identify what works well and where you need improvement. Patterns in losing trades often highlight common mistakes or emotional triggers.
- **Build Confidence and Trust in Your System**
Seeing a record of rule-based, consistent trades reinforces trust in your strategy. Reviewing past successes can boost morale during challenging periods.
## 2. What to Include in Your Trading Log
A detailed trading log should cover both objective data and subjective reflections.
### Objective Data
- **Date and Time:** When the trade was entered and exited.
- **Instrument Traded:** Stock, forex pair, crypto, etc.
- **Entry and Exit Prices:** Precise levels where you opened and closed the trade.
- **Position Size:** Number of shares, contracts, or units traded.
- **Stop Loss and Take Profit Levels:** Risk management details.
- **P/L (Profit or Loss):** Outcome of the trade in dollars or percentage terms.
- **Trade Type:** Long, short, scalping, swing, etc.
### Subjective Reflections
- **Reason for Entering the Trade:** What setup or signal prompted the trade?
- **Emotional State:** How did you feel before, during, and after the trade?
- **Execution Notes:** Did you follow your plan? If not, why?
- **Lessons Learned:** What can you take away from this trade to improve next time?
> **Key Insight:** Both data and reflection are essential for meaningful analysis.
## 3. How to Analyze Your Trading Log
1. **Identify Patterns**
Look for common themes in your winning and losing trades.
_Examples:_ Winning trades often align with specific setups, while losing trades frequently result from breaking rules or impulsive decisions.
2. **Evaluate Strategy Effectiveness**
Assess whether your system produces consistent results over time.
Use metrics like win rate, risk-reward ratio, and drawdown to evaluate performance.
3. **Address Emotional Triggers**
Reflect on emotional notes to understand what triggers fear, greed, or hesitation.
Develop strategies to manage emotions based on these insights.
## 4. Benefits of Keeping a Trading Log
- **Improved Discipline:**
Writing down each trade reinforces the habit of sticking to your plan.
- **Informed Adjustments:**
Logs provide data-driven insights to refine your strategy.
- **Emotional Control:**
Journaling emotions helps you recognize and address psychological pitfalls.
- **Long-Term Growth:**
By tracking your progress, you can measure improvement over months and years.
> **Key Insight:** A trading log turns mistakes into lessons and successes into repeatable actions.
## 5. Tools for Logging Trades
### Manual Logs
- Use a notebook or spreadsheet to record trades.
- **Pros:** Highly customizable, forces you to engage deeply with each entry.
- **Cons:** Time-intensive and less automated.
### Software and Platforms
- Tools like Edgewonk, TraderSync, or Tradervue can streamline the process.
- **Pros:** Automated data collection, advanced analytics, and performance tracking.
- **Cons:** May have a learning curve or subscription costs.
> **Key Insight:** Choose a method that aligns with your workflow and trading style.
## 6. Tips for Maintaining a Consistent Trading Log
- **Log Every Trade:**
Don't skip trades, even the ones you'd rather forget. They're often the most valuable for learning.
- **Be Honest:**
Record trades exactly as they happened, including mistakes and rule-breaking.
- **Review Regularly:**
Set aside time weekly or monthly to analyze your log and adjust your approach.
- **Stay Disciplined:**
Treat logging as an essential part of your trading routine.
## 7. Conclusion: Your Trading Log is Your Mirror
A detailed trading log is more than just a record—it's a roadmap to success. It provides clarity, accountability, and insights that are essential for continuous improvement.
Start today. Keep a detailed log, review it often, and use it to refine both your strategy and your mindset. Your future self will thank you.

@ 3f53cc0b:a441f148
2025-02-22 12:12:53
One88 đã và đang khẳng định vị thế của mình là một trong những nền tảng giải trí trực tuyến nổi bật, mang lại những trải nghiệm đỉnh cao cho người tham gia. Nền tảng này cung cấp một loạt các trò chơi đa dạng, từ những trò chơi trí tuệ yêu cầu tư duy và chiến lược, đến những trò chơi nhẹ nhàng, thư giãn để giải tỏa căng thẳng. Sự phong phú về thể loại game giúp One88 thu hút được đông đảo người chơi với nhiều sở thích và nhu cầu giải trí khác nhau. Giao diện của One88 được thiết kế vô cùng thân thiện và dễ sử dụng, cho phép người tham gia dễ dàng tiếp cận và tham gia vào các trò chơi chỉ với vài thao tác đơn giản. Nền tảng này cũng không ngừng sáng tạo và cải tiến các trò chơi, mang đến sự mới mẻ và hấp dẫn mỗi khi người chơi quay lại. Với những trò chơi liên tục được cập nhật và đổi mới, One88 không chỉ là nơi để giải trí mà còn là một không gian để người tham gia thử thách bản thân và khám phá những điều thú vị mới mẻ.
Ngoài các trò chơi phong phú, <a href="https://one88-vn.com">ONE88</a> còn đặc biệt chú trọng đến việc xây dựng một cộng đồng người chơi gắn kết và năng động. Các tính năng cộng đồng của One88, bao gồm chat nhóm, diễn đàn thảo luận, và các sự kiện trực tuyến, tạo cơ hội cho người tham gia kết nối, chia sẻ kinh nghiệm và học hỏi từ những người chơi khác. Mỗi người tham gia đều có thể tìm thấy những người bạn có cùng sở thích và tham gia vào các hoạt động thú vị, tạo nên một không gian giải trí không chỉ về các trò chơi mà còn về mối quan hệ xã hội. Các sự kiện trực tuyến định kỳ, các giải thưởng hấp dẫn và các thử thách mới mẻ khiến cộng đồng One88 luôn sôi động và đầy năng lượng. Điều này giúp tạo ra một môi trường chơi game vừa vui vẻ, vừa mang tính cạnh tranh, khuyến khích người chơi không ngừng phát triển và cải thiện kỹ năng của mình. Cộng đồng mạnh mẽ này còn giúp người chơi cảm thấy thoải mái hơn trong việc chia sẻ những kinh nghiệm, chiến thuật, và tạo nên những kỷ niệm đáng nhớ trong suốt quá trình tham gia.
Bảo mật và an toàn thông tin cũng là một yếu tố mà One88 đặc biệt quan tâm. Nền tảng này áp dụng các công nghệ bảo mật tiên tiến để đảm bảo mọi thông tin cá nhân của người tham gia đều được bảo vệ một cách nghiêm ngặt. Hệ thống mã hóa dữ liệu của One88 giúp ngăn ngừa mọi nguy cơ xâm nhập và bảo vệ thông tin tài khoản người dùng, từ thông tin cá nhân cho đến các giao dịch tài chính. Người chơi có thể hoàn toàn yên tâm khi tham gia vào các trò chơi mà không lo lắng về việc bị đánh cắp thông tin. Hệ thống hỗ trợ khách hàng của One88 cũng hoạt động 24/7, sẵn sàng giải đáp mọi thắc mắc và cung cấp sự hỗ trợ cần thiết cho người tham gia khi có vấn đề phát sinh. Đội ngũ hỗ trợ tận tâm và chuyên nghiệp của One88 luôn sẵn sàng giúp đỡ và tạo điều kiện cho người chơi có một trải nghiệm giải trí hoàn hảo và không gặp phải bất kỳ khó khăn nào. Chính nhờ vào sự kết hợp tuyệt vời giữa các trò chơi sáng tạo, cộng đồng gắn kết và các biện pháp bảo mật cao cấp, One88 không chỉ mang đến một nền tảng giải trí an toàn, mà còn tạo ra những trải nghiệm thú vị và đầy cảm hứng cho người tham gia.

@ 3f53cc0b:a441f148
2025-02-22 12:10:39
MM99 là một nền tảng giải trí trực tuyến hàng đầu, nổi bật với sự đa dạng và phong phú của các trò chơi mà nó cung cấp. Mục tiêu của MM99 không chỉ đơn thuần là mang lại những trải nghiệm giải trí hấp dẫn mà còn là một không gian để người tham gia rèn luyện tư duy, thử thách bản thân và tận hưởng những phút giây thư giãn. Với một loạt các trò chơi được thiết kế từ đơn giản đến phức tạp, MM99 phục vụ đa dạng đối tượng người tham gia từ những người mới bắt đầu đến những người đã có kinh nghiệm lâu năm. Giao diện của nền tảng này được tối ưu hóa cho mọi thiết bị, từ máy tính để bàn đến điện thoại di động, giúp người chơi có thể tham gia vào trò chơi mọi lúc, mọi nơi. Nền tảng này cũng thường xuyên cập nhật và cải tiến các trò chơi, mang lại sự đổi mới liên tục, giúp người tham gia không bao giờ cảm thấy nhàm chán. Điều này khiến MM99 trở thành một lựa chọn lý tưởng cho những ai tìm kiếm sự mới mẻ trong các trò chơi trực tuyến.
Không chỉ chú trọng đến các trò chơi, <a href="https://mm99-online.com">MM99</a> cũng đặc biệt xây dựng một cộng đồng người tham gia rất mạnh mẽ và gắn kết. Nền tảng này hiểu rằng, ngoài việc mang đến các trò chơi hấp dẫn, việc tạo ra một không gian giao lưu, học hỏi và chia sẻ kinh nghiệm cũng quan trọng không kém. MM99 cung cấp các tính năng như chat nhóm, diễn đàn thảo luận và các sự kiện trực tuyến, giúp người tham gia có thể giao lưu và kết nối với nhau. Người chơi không chỉ tìm thấy niềm vui trong các trò chơi mà còn có thể trao đổi các chiến lược chơi, học hỏi từ những người chơi khác và thậm chí kết bạn mới. Các sự kiện và cuộc thi trực tuyến được tổ chức định kỳ, mang lại cơ hội cho người tham gia thể hiện kỹ năng và nhận các phần thưởng hấp dẫn. Cộng đồng người chơi tại MM99 rất sôi động và năng động, giúp tạo ra một môi trường trực tuyến vui vẻ và đầy sự tương tác.
Bảo mật và sự an toàn của người tham gia luôn là yếu tố được MM99 đặt lên hàng đầu. Với việc sử dụng công nghệ mã hóa hiện đại và các biện pháp bảo vệ dữ liệu tiên tiến, MM99 cam kết bảo vệ mọi thông tin cá nhân và giao dịch tài chính của người chơi một cách tuyệt đối. Các hệ thống bảo mật của nền tảng này đảm bảo rằng không có thông tin nào bị xâm nhập hay đánh cắp, giúp người tham gia hoàn toàn yên tâm khi tham gia vào các trò chơi và giao dịch trên nền tảng. Bên cạnh đó, đội ngũ hỗ trợ khách hàng của MM99 luôn sẵn sàng 24/7 để giải đáp mọi thắc mắc và hỗ trợ người chơi trong quá trình tham gia. Chính sự kết hợp giữa các trò chơi sáng tạo, cộng đồng gắn kết và hệ thống bảo mật đáng tin cậy đã giúp MM99 khẳng định được vị thế của mình là một nền tảng giải trí trực tuyến uy tín, an toàn và đáng tin cậy. Nền tảng này luôn nỗ lực mang lại cho người tham gia những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời nhất, giúp họ không chỉ giải trí mà còn phát triển các kỹ năng cá nhân trong một môi trường trực tuyến thân thiện và bảo mật.

@ 3f53cc0b:a441f148
2025-02-22 12:08:38
One88 là một trong những nền tảng giải trí trực tuyến hàng đầu, mang đến cho người tham gia một loạt các trò chơi thú vị và đa dạng. Nền tảng này không chỉ giới thiệu các trò chơi truyền thống mà còn kết hợp nhiều yếu tố sáng tạo, giúp người chơi có thể thỏa sức khám phá và tận hưởng những giây phút giải trí tuyệt vời. Giao diện của One88 được thiết kế rất thân thiện và dễ sử dụng, giúp người tham gia dễ dàng tiếp cận và điều khiển các trò chơi một cách nhanh chóng và hiệu quả. Từ những trò chơi trí tuệ yêu cầu sự tính toán và chiến lược đến các trò chơi giải trí nhẹ nhàng, One88 luôn mang đến những lựa chọn phù hợp với mọi đối tượng người tham gia. Một điểm đặc biệt của nền tảng này là việc liên tục cập nhật và đổi mới các trò chơi, mang đến cho người tham gia những trải nghiệm không ngừng thay đổi, vừa thú vị vừa đầy thử thách.
Ngoài sự phong phú về trò chơi, <a href="https://one88-online.com">ONE88</a> cũng đặc biệt chú trọng đến việc xây dựng một cộng đồng người chơi gắn kết và năng động. Nền tảng này cung cấp các công cụ giao tiếp tiện lợi như chat nhóm, diễn đàn thảo luận và các sự kiện trực tuyến, tạo cơ hội để người tham gia kết nối, chia sẻ kinh nghiệm và học hỏi từ những người chơi khác. Điều này không chỉ giúp tăng cường sự tương tác giữa các thành viên trong cộng đồng mà còn tạo ra một không gian thân thiện, nơi mọi người có thể thảo luận về các chiến lược chơi, thách thức bản thân và cùng nhau chia sẻ những khoảnh khắc vui vẻ. Các sự kiện trực tuyến, các cuộc thi và giải thưởng hấp dẫn cũng là một phần không thể thiếu của One88, giúp người tham gia cảm thấy thú vị và động lực hơn khi tham gia vào các trò chơi. Chính nhờ vào cộng đồng gắn kết này, One88 đã tạo ra một không gian giải trí không chỉ đơn thuần là tham gia các trò chơi mà còn là nơi để người chơi giao lưu, kết bạn và xây dựng những mối quan hệ xã hội tích cực.
Bên cạnh các trò chơi đa dạng và cộng đồng mạnh mẽ, One88 cũng rất chú trọng đến bảo mật và sự an toàn của người tham gia. Nền tảng này sử dụng các công nghệ bảo mật tiên tiến để đảm bảo rằng mọi thông tin cá nhân và giao dịch của người chơi luôn được bảo vệ tuyệt đối. Hệ thống bảo mật của One88 được thiết kế để ngăn chặn mọi hành vi xâm nhập trái phép và đảm bảo tính bảo mật của các giao dịch tài chính. Người tham gia hoàn toàn có thể yên tâm về tính riêng tư và an toàn khi sử dụng nền tảng này. Hơn nữa, One88 còn có đội ngũ hỗ trợ khách hàng 24/7, sẵn sàng giải đáp mọi thắc mắc và hỗ trợ kịp thời khi người chơi gặp phải bất kỳ vấn đề nào. Điều này không chỉ giúp người tham gia cảm thấy an tâm khi tham gia vào nền tảng mà còn giúp họ có những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời mà không cần phải lo lắng về sự an toàn của thông tin cá nhân. Với sự kết hợp giữa các trò chơi sáng tạo, cộng đồng gắn kết và bảo mật cao, One88 ngày càng khẳng định vị thế của mình là một trong những nền tảng giải trí trực tuyến uy tín và đáng tin cậy, mang đến cho người tham gia những trải nghiệm thú vị và an toàn.

@ 63db3b6d:899680ff
2025-02-22 11:52:51
Many of the tragedies we see in today’s crypto world can be described as a symphony—one composed of ignorance, greed, vanity, and the cunning of those who exploit these human flaws for profit.
People often discuss blockchain while loosely tossing around terms like _cypherpunks_, _decentralization_, and _cryptocurrencies_—concepts they barely understand. They lump them together into some vague image and follow it blindly. It’s a bit like encountering a stranger whose looks alone inspire you to imagine they’re wealthy, kind, and from a noble lineage, projecting all your hopes and wishes onto them.
Take any basic “Blockchain 101” course, and you’ll inevitably hear about cypherpunks. **Cypherpunks** form a social movement that aims to protect individual freedom and privacy against surveillance and censorship by governments or Big Tech. While some of their arguments are certainly relatable, social movements tend to be niche; they rarely represent the mainstream view.
Blockchain was specifically designed as a tool to solve the problems that cypherpunks identified. How valuable, then, is a technology born from such a niche worldview? This is one reason people say, “I don’t see the point of blockchain.” It’s similar to climate change technology: How valuable is it to someone who believes climate change is a hoax? If you don’t relate to cypherpunks’ vision, then blockchain may seem to have zero practical value. And realistically, how many actual cypherpunks are there among all the current blockchain users?
### Is Blockchain Really That Worthless If You’re Not a Cypherpunk?
An interesting thing about inventions is that they rarely remain confined to their original purpose. Take **Propecia**—it was developed as a prostate treatment but is now often prescribed to slow hair loss. Cypherpunks created blockchain for their own ends, but other people have since discovered different, potentially useful applications.
### Why Would Blockchain Be Useful to Non-Cypherpunks?
The freedom cypherpunks sought is, in modern society, largely defined by the rights our social systems establish and protect. They needed a tool to build a system that would **not** be controlled by any single person or group, yet remain viable among participants who share a common vision. That required **decentralization**.
Here, we find another misconception: equating cypherpunks with decentralization. Decentralization is simply one necessary characteristic of a system that serves their goal: “a system free from the control of any individual or faction.” A decentralized design isn’t _inherently_ superior; it’s just that for cypherpunks, decentralization was a must. If their goals had been different, decentralization might not have mattered at all.
Yet, building a truly decentralized system is extremely difficult. The cypherpunk movement was active in the 1990s, but the first blockchain—Bitcoin—didn’t emerge until 2008. Once blockchain technology was invented, it radically lowered the costs for like-minded people to create decentralized systems.
Any system that defines and protects a set of rights needs **resources**. Ensuring those resources are used fairly, transparently, and in line with collective consensus has always been expensive, which is why we traditionally rely on centralized authorities. Blockchain enables **Trustless Trust**, drastically reducing the cost of building such systems.
### Currency as Collective Decision-Making
These systems don’t rely solely on formal governance or voting. **Spending** also reflects decision-making. Fiat currency has no intrinsic value; it represents a _delayed claim_ on real resources within the system. Thus, when more money is spent on a particular good or service, more _actual_ resources are ultimately funneled there. Over time, this **asynchronous spending** accumulates to form a kind of collective will—effectively guiding resource allocation without requiring constant explicit votes.
### The Misconception: “Cryptocurrency Is the ‘Killer App’ for Blockchain”
At one point, people struggled to find practical uses for blockchain. Some even flipped the narrative, saying that “cryptocurrency is the killer app of blockchain” or worse, that “blockchain exists only for creating cryptocurrencies.” In reality, cryptocurrencies aren’t the end goal of blockchain; they’re simply tools that allow participants in a decentralized system to **signal their intent** and **allocate resources** in order to shape the system’s future direction.
### Then Why Does Blockchain Seem So Useless?
Blockchain itself is a value-neutral technology. It has **no inherent agenda**. It simply allows groups with shared purposes to build decentralized systems. Unfortunately, most current blockchain communities lack genuine shared objectives or real-world problems they intend to solve. The only “problem” many of them define is: “I have less than others,” and their sole “solution” is to extract wealth from someone else.
For a system to be sustainable, resources need to **stay** within it. Since currencies represent delayed claims on these resources, if everyone is constantly converting those claims back into external assets, the system can’t survive.
To make blockchain genuinely useful—and to show that cryptocurrencies aren’t just a scam—there must be:
1. A **clear definition** of the collective problem the system aims to solve.
2. A shared **vision or direction** for solving that problem.
3. A concrete **protocol** specifying how to achieve these goals in a decentralized way.
Without that groundwork, merely issuing a cryptocurrency in the hope of creating a better, happier world is a fantasy—no better than a cultish scam. And that, ultimately, is why so many blockchain initiatives fail to deliver real value.

@ da0b9bc3:4e30a4a9
2025-02-22 10:55:44
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originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/893831

@ 5c63c8f1:7a99f882
2025-02-22 10:53:05
O KW777 oferece uma plataforma de jogos online imersiva que combina uma vasta seleção de jogos, tecnologia de ponta e uma experiência excepcional para o jogador. Seja você um jogador casual ou um entusiasta experiente, o KW777 tem algo para todos. Com seus recursos inovadores, ambiente seguro e atenção às necessidades dos jogadores, o KW777 rapidamente se tornou uma das plataformas mais confiáveis da indústria.
Introdução à Plataforma: Uma Interface Inovadora e Sem Costura
O KW777 se destaca por sua interface limpa e sofisticada, projetada com a conveniência do jogador em mente. Seja acessada por desktop ou dispositivos móveis, a plataforma garante uma experiência de jogo sem interrupções, proporcionando acesso rápido e fácil a todos os recursos disponíveis. O design responsivo se adapta perfeitamente a diferentes tamanhos de tela, garantindo que os jogadores possam aproveitar seus jogos preferidos em seus dispositivos preferidos sem comprometer a qualidade da experiência.
Uma das principais características da plataforma <a href="https://kw777.net"> Kw777 </a> é sua segurança. A plataforma implementa métodos de criptografia de última geração para proteger os dados pessoais e financeiros dos jogadores. Esse compromisso com a segurança garante que os jogadores possam focar na diversão de jogar sem se preocupar com questões de segurança. O processo de registro é simples, e o painel intuitivo da plataforma facilita o gerenciamento de contas, a reivindicação de promoções e o acesso a uma variedade de jogos.
Introdução aos Jogos: Opções Diversas para Todos os Jogadores
O KW777 oferece uma impressionante seleção de jogos, cada um projetado para oferecer aos jogadores uma experiência de entretenimento emocionante e cheia de ação. Seja você fã de rodadas de slots, estratégias nos jogos de cartas ou jogando com dealers ao vivo em mesas, o KW777 tem algo para todos.
Os slots são uma das categorias mais populares no KW777, com uma vasta gama de títulos com temas variados, linhas de pagamento e recursos bônus. De máquinas tradicionais a slots de vídeo modernos, não faltam opções emocionantes para explorar. Os jogadores podem aproveitar uma série de rodadas bônus, giros grátis e multiplicadores que tornam a experiência de jogo ainda mais divertida. A plataforma também oferece uma ampla variedade de jogos de mesa, como blackjack, roleta e poker, cada um disponível em várias variações para atender a todos os tipos de preferências.
Para aqueles que buscam uma experiência mais imersiva e realista, o KW777 oferece jogos com dealers ao vivo, onde os jogadores podem interagir com dealers profissionais em tempo real. Esses jogos, como blackjack, bacará e roleta, oferecem uma atmosfera autêntica, com streaming em alta definição e recursos interativos. Os jogos com dealers ao vivo trazem toda a emoção de uma experiência presencial para as telas dos jogadores.
Experiência do Jogador: Diversão e Recompensas a Cada Passo
No KW777, a experiência do jogador é projetada para ser tão divertida quanto recompensadora. A plataforma é altamente responsiva, garantindo que o jogo seja fluido e sem interrupções, seja em desktop ou dispositivos móveis. A interface intuitiva permite que os jogadores naveguem facilmente pelos seus jogos favoritos, e o design responsivo garante que os jogos carreguem rapidamente, mesmo durante os horários de pico.
A plataforma também oferece uma ampla gama de promoções e bônus que enriquecem a experiência do jogador. Novos usuários podem aproveitar bônus generosos de boas-vindas, enquanto jogadores regulares se beneficiam de promoções contínuas, recompensas de fidelidade e ofertas especiais. Esses incentivos mantêm os jogadores engajados e animados para voltar à plataforma, oferecendo oportunidades adicionais para ganhar e aproveitar ao máximo suas sessões de jogo.
O KW777 leva o suporte ao jogador a sério, oferecendo uma equipe dedicada disponível 24 horas por dia, 7 dias por semana, para ajudar com qualquer dúvida ou problema técnico. Seja com depósitos, retiradas ou regras dos jogos, a equipe de suporte está sempre pronta para oferecer assistência.
Em conclusão, o KW777 fornece uma plataforma excepcional para jogos online que é tão divertida quanto segura. Com uma ampla variedade de jogos, excelentes recompensas para os jogadores e um compromisso com a satisfação do usuário, o KW777 é o destino final para quem busca uma experiência de jogo premium.

@ 6734e11d:c7e34e8f
2025-02-22 09:16:15
...damit wir weiter recht haben und so weitermachen können wie bisher, die verordnete Omertà eingehalten wird zu Grundrechten, Notverordnungen, Pandemiesimulationen, Energieversorgung, Deindustrialisierung, kalte und echte Enteigung, Umverteilung, Freiluft- und Digitalgefängnis, Blockwartnachbarn...
Alles andere wäre äußerst unangenehm, wie das Aufplatzen einer großen Eiterblase und müsste dann wieder mit Exekutive, Justiz, Notverordnungen, neuen Strafrechtsparagraphen, Verschärfung der Strafprozessordnung, echte Änderung des Grundgesetzes, Überwachung, Totalzensur, Parteiverboten, Regimechanges und Krieg unterbunden werden.
Idee und Meme sind wieder von der Schwurbel Oase

@ 2fb77d26:c47a6ee1
2025-02-22 09:04:25
Der 1953 geborene [Craig Reynolds](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craig_Reynolds) ist Experte für künstliches Leben und Computergrafik. In dieser Funktion arbeitete er unter anderem an Filmen wie Tron (1982) und Batman (1992). Bei »*Sony Computer Entertainment America*« (heute [SIE](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sony_Interactive_Entertainment)) entwickelte er die [OpenSteer](https://opensteer.sourceforge.net/)-Bibliothek, die der Abbildung von Schwarmverhalten in Spielen und Animationsanwendungen dient. An solch prestigeträchtige Aufträge kam Reynolds, weil er sich nebst Computergrafik intensiv mit Theorien zum »*Steuerungsverhalten für autonome Charaktere*« befasst hatte. Mit Schwarmverhalten. Einem Thema, das mit wachsender Rechenleistung immer wichtiger für die Entwicklung von Computerspielen wurde.
Die sollten dem Spieler das Gefühl geben, sich in einer realen Welt mit »*autonomen Charakteren*« zu bewegen. Dazu mussten diese vom Computer, beziehungsweise der Software gesteuerten Charaktere – im Fachjargon »*[Agenten](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software-Agent)*« genannt – sich irgendwie verhalten. Und zwar ohne, dass von außen ein weiterer Steuerungseingriff erfolgt. Eigendynamisch. Dafür bedarf es Regeln, die im Programmcode eingebettet werden können. Genau die lieferte Reynolds 1986 im Rahmen der von ihm modellierten [Boids-Simulation](https://www.red3d.com/cwr/boids/), die besagt, dass Schwarmverhalten auf drei simplen Regeln basiert:
1. Bewege dich in Richtung des Mittelpunkts derer, die du in deinem Umfeld siehst.
2. Entferne dich, sobald dir jemand zu nahe kommt.
3. Bewege dich etwa in die gleiche Richtung wie deine Nachbarn.
Sprich: Kohäsion, Separation und Orientierung. In Reynolds’ Beschreibung des Boid-Modells liest man diesbezüglich:
»*1986 habe ich ein Computermodell koordinierter Tierbewegungen *(…) *erstellt. Es basierte auf dreidimensionaler Computergeometrie, wie sie normalerweise in der Computeranimation oder im computergestützten Design verwendet wird. Ich habe die generischen, simulierten Schwarmtiere Boids genannt. Das grundlegende Schwarmmodell besteht aus drei einfachen Lenkverhalten, die beschreiben, wie ein einzelner Boid auf der Grundlage der Positionen und Geschwindigkeiten seiner Schwarmgenossen in der Nähe manövriert. Jeder Boid hat direkten Zugriff auf die geometrische Beschreibung der gesamten Szene, aber das Schwarmverhalten erfordert, dass er nur auf Schwarmgenossen in einer bestimmten kleinen Nachbarschaft um sich herum reagiert. *(…)* Schwarmgenossen außerhalb dieser lokalen Nachbarschaft werden ignoriert.*
*Die Nachbarschaft könnte als Modell eingeschränkter Wahrnehmung betrachtet werden (wie bei Fischen in trübem Wasser), aber es ist wahrscheinlich korrekter, sie als Definition des Bereichs zu betrachten, in dem Schwarmgenossen die Lenkung eines Boids beeinflussen. In den ersten Experimenten wurde ein etwas ausgefeilteres Verhaltensmodell verwendet. Es umfasste vorausschauende Hindernisvermeidung und Zielsuche. *(…)* Für Anwendungen in der Computeranimation führte ein Zielsuchverhalten mit niedriger Priorität dazu, dass die Herde einem vorgegebenen Pfad folgte*.«
Wer sich bei dieser Beschreibung an die Strukturen postmoderner Gesellschaft erinnert fühlt und »*Agenten*« mit »*[Agent Smith](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agent_Smith)*« aus den Matrix-Filmen assoziiert, liegt nicht ganz falsch. Denn Kohäsion, Separation und Orientierung definieren nicht mehr nur das Schwarmverhalten autonomer Charaktere in Computerspielen, sondern auch die Dynamiken des gesellschaftlichen Zusammenlebens im multimedialen Panoptikum der Postmoderne.
**So nimmt es kaum Wunder, dass ein vom** **[US Air Force Laboratory](https://www.afrl.af.mil/)** **(AFRL) finanziertes** **[Forschungsprojekt](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1402.5644)** **an der University of Florida (Gainesville, USA) bereits im Jahr 2014 untersuchte, »*wie Social Media eingesetzt werden kann, um Menschen wie Drohnen zu steuern*«.**
Unter diesem Titel berichtete denn auch [Ars Technica](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/07/air-force-research-how-to-use-social-media-to-control-people-like-drones/) am 17. Juli 2014, dass der Forschungsleiter der AFRL-Studie, [Warren Dixon](https://ncr.mae.ufl.edu/index.php?id=people), seines Zeichens Chef des Lehrstuhls für nichtlineare Steuerung und Robotik an der University of Florida, vor allem daran arbeite, »*wie man ein Netzwerk, wenn man es einmal identifiziert hat, in Richtung eines Ziels manipulieren kann*«. Und mit »*Netzwerk*« meint Dixon nicht Computer, sondern soziale Strukturen.
Die Untersuchungen von Dixon, Kan, Klotz und Pasiliao – formeller Titel: »*Eindämmungskontrolle für ein soziales Netzwerk mit staatlich abhängiger Konnektivität*« – unterstreichen, dass die mathematischen Prinzipien, die zur Steuerung autonomer Agenten und Robotergruppen verwendet werden, auch auf soziale Netzwerke übertragbar sind, um menschliches Verhalten zu manipulieren. Im großen Stil. Ausgehend von einer optimalen Kalibrierung könnten die von den AFRL-Forschern entwickelten Modelle eingesetzt werden, um die Meinung auf Social-Media-Portalen in Richtung eines gewünschten Verhaltens zu lenken. Genau wie die [Cyber-Waffen](https://www.business-standard.com/article/technology/hacks-raise-fear-over-nsa-s-hold-on-cyberweapons-117070100851_1.html) der NSA (National Security Agency, USA) oder das entsprechende Arsenal des [GCHQ](https://www.gchq.gov.uk/) (Government Communication Headquarters, UK), das seine [Nudge-Unit](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Behavioural_Insights_Team) nicht nur gegen Corona-Maßnahmenkritiker, sondern mittlerweile auch gegen »*[Heizpumpen-Skeptiker](https://reclaimthenet.org/uk-government-heat-pumps-nudge-unit-controversy)*« ins Feld führt.
Schwarmverhalten ist demnach nicht nur an [Chinas](https://www.eurasiantimes.com/mother-of-all-drones-china-unveil/) Himmel oder in der Nähe des vom Iran jüngst zu Wasser gelassenen Drohnenträgers [Schahid Bagheri](https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/ausland/id_100596308/neuartiges-kriegsschiff-iran-stellt-ersten-drohnentraeger-vor.html) zu beobachten – oder in der Ukraine, wo todbringende [Minidrohnen](https://www.nzz.ch/international/ukraine-krieg-kamikaze-drohnen-machen-das-soldatenleben-zur-hoelle-ld.1825600) heute Jagd auf gegnerische Truppen machen – sondern auch in der unmittelbaren Nachbarschaft des Lesers. Denn Drohnen sind heute nicht mehr nur auf dem Schlachtfeld gang und gäbe. Der Nutzmensch selbst ist eine Drohne. Das traurige Produkt einer jahrzehntelangen [Schlacht ums Gehirn](https://gegendruck.eu/ausgaben/ausgabe-003.html).
Die Corona-Krise war Generalprobe für die Einführung des von den Verhaltensökonomen Richard Thaler und Cass Sunstein ([Nudge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nudge_\(book\)), Yale University Press, 2008) maßgeblich entwickelten Herrschaftsmodells der Zukunft: [Hive-Mind](https://www.mdr.de/wissen/medizin-gesundheit/stranger-things-hive-mind-102.html)-Technokratie. Fernsteuerung der Massen via Social-Media-Nudging. Via geteiltem Bewusstsein. Sprich: Regieren mittels [Plattformökonomie](https://www.economist.com/business/2024/12/10/the-paypal-mafia-is-taking-over-americas-government), Manipulativkommunikation und Emotion. Mit »Soft Power«. Zumindest bis der kopflose Schwarm endlich mit der Cloud verbunden ist.
Wer also denkt, es mache Sinn, sich über Erhalt oder Verfall der Meinungsfreiheit auf einem Konzernmarkplatz wie Twitter Gedanken zu machen, erfüllt genau die Rolle, die ihm AFRL, Nudge-Unit, das NATO-[Innovation Hub](https://web.archive.org/web/20240805053751/https:/innovationhub-act.org/cognitive-warfare-2/) mit seiner »*sechsten Dimension der Kriegsführung*« und Peter Thiels PayPal-Mafia seit jeher zuschrieben: Die des geist-, willen- und haltlosen »*Agenten*« in einer überfrachteten Simulation. Nicht umsonst waren alle Big-Tech-Größen Teilnehmer der Social-Engineering-[Seminare](https://web.archive.org/web/20130511134703/http:/edge.org/conversation/libertarian-paternalism-why-it-is-impossible-not-to-nudge-class-1) von John Brockmanns [Edge-Foundation](https://www.regenauer.press/die-glorreichen-sieben).
Nicht von ungefähr soll KI nun alles »*effizienter*« machen. Wirft man allerdings einen Blick auf die [Vorstandsebene](https://openai.com/our-structure/) von OpenAI, dem [ChatGPT-Anbieter](https://openai.com/index/chatgpt/) und neben dem von der CIA [startfinanzierten](https://www.businessinsider.com/the-cia-made-larry-ellison-a-billionaire-2014-9), [Mossad-nahen](https://orinocotribune.com/oracle-the-shadowy-tech-giant-in-league-with-the-cia-and-israel-with-alan-macleod/) IT-Konzern Oracle primärer Partner von Donald Trumps [Stargate-Projekt](https://apnews.com/article/trump-ai-openai-oracle-softbank-son-altman-ellison-be261f8a8ee07a0623d4170397348c41), das KI und mRNA mit einem Budget von 500 Milliarden Dollar zusammenbringen soll, wird schnell deutlich, dass mit Effizienz nichts anderes als ein Ausbau des Überwachungsstaats gemeint ist.
Da wäre zum einen [Sue Desmond-Hellmann](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sue_Desmond-Hellmann), von 2014 bis 2020 CEO der Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, seit 2020 Vorstandsmitglied bei [Pfizer](https://www.pfizer.com/people/leadership/board-of-directors/susan_desmond-hellmann-md-mph) und darüber hinaus im Vorstand von [Resilience](https://resilience.com/meet/team/), dem vom CIA-Finanztentakel [In-Q-Tel](https://www.iqt.org/) grundfinanzierten Biotech-Unternehmen, das [mRNA](https://betakit.com/federal-government-promises-199-16-million-to-biotech-company-resilience-biotechnologies/) für unter anderem [Moderna](https://www.nasdaq.com/articles/moderna:-national-resilience-to-manufacture-mrna-for-covid-19-vaccine-2021-09-08) produziert. Oder der [korrupte](https://exiledonline.com/is-larry-summers-taking-kickbacks-from-the-banks-hes-bailing-out/) Larry Summers, ehemals Chefökonom der Weltbank, der mit massiven [Deregulierungen](https://thehill.com/blogs/pundits-blog/finance/264675-clinton-and-summers-are-wrong-on-sanderss-glass-steagall-proposal/) des Finanzmarkts geradezu als Initiator der Finanzkrise 2008 bezeichnet werden kann und so [Tiefenstaat](https://wikispooks.com/wiki/Lawrence_Summers) ist wie es nur geht. Nicht zu vergessen Nicole Seligmann, [genannt](https://www.washingtonpost.com/archive/lifestyle/1998/08/17/the-lawyers-lawyer/9dcd901a-7026-43ea-89b0-aa8abfa8db0e/) »Anwältin der Anwälte«, ehemalige [Chefin](https://www.thewrap.com/nicole-seligman-out-as-president-of-sony-entertainment/) von Sony USA, [Rechtsbeistand](https://law.justia.com/cases/federal/appellate-courts/F2/910/843/463467/) von Oliver North während der Iran-Contra Anhörungen in den 80ern sowie Anwältin der [Clintons](https://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/special/clinton/stories/seligman081798.htm), unter anderem während des [Amtsenthebungsverfahrens](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impeachment_of_Bill_Clinton) gegen Bill Clinton im Jahr 1999. Von den langjährigen Facebook-Top-Managern [Fidji Simo](https://www.marieclaire.com/career-advice/a28712482/fidji-simo-facebook/), [Adam D’Angelo](https://om.co/gigaom/my-conversation-with-ex-facebook-cto-and-quora-co-founder-adam-dangelo/) und [Bret Taylor](https://www.forbes.com/sites/tomiogeron/2012/06/15/facebook-cto-bret-taylor-to-leave-company/) ganz zu schweigen.
Angesichts dieser Mannschaft dürfte niemand überrascht sein, dass OpenAI-CEO Sam Altman von seiner jüngeren Schwester des jahrelangen [Missbrauchs](https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/jan/08/openai-chief-executive-sam-altman-accused-of-sexual-abuse-by-sister-in-lawsuit) bezichtigt wird und sich dafür demnächst vor Gericht verantworten muss – oder dass ein Whistleblower, der zu illegalen Aktivitäten bei OpenAI aussagen wollte, im Dezember 2024 überraschend tot in seiner Wohnung aufgefunden wurde, weshalb dessen Eltern Sam Altmans Unternehmen nun [Mord](https://www.newsweek.com/openai-tucker-carlson-whistleblower-death-2015874) vorwerfen und die Stadt San Francisco wegen schlampiger Ermittlungen [verklagen](https://nypost.com/2025/02/08/us-news/big-tech-whistleblowers-parents-sue-san-francisco-sounding-alarm-over-sons-unexpected-death/).
Erstaunlich ist lediglich, dass diese Informationen nicht in aller Munde sind und Menschen wie Sam Altman und Oracle-Gründer Larry Ellison an Tag zwei nach Donald Trumps Amtseinführung als Partner einer US-Regierung präsentiert werden, die angeblich den Tiefenstaat ausheben will.
Aufmerksame Beobachter des militärisch-digitalen Komplexes dürften diese Umstände allerdings kaum noch schockieren. Denn gerade das US-Militär fokussiert sich seit Jahren auf die Verwendung von Open Source Intelligence – meint Handydaten, Social-Media-Inhalte, Daten-Leaks, Hacks und KI –, um aufständischen Zellen auf den Zahn zu fühlen. So gründete die DARPA im Jahr 2011 das SMISC-Programm (Social Media in Strategic Communication). Ausgestattet mit einem Budget von knapp 50 Millionen US-Dollar gingen Wissenschaftler der Frage nach, wie sich soziale Netzwerke für Propaganda und psychologische Kriegsführung nutzen lassen. Der Initiator von SMISC, Rand Waltzman, ein DARPA-Manager, [beschrieb](https://information-professionals.org/the-darpa-social-media-in-strategic-communication-smisc-program/) im April 2015, worin die vier Kernziele des von ihm ins Leben gerufenen Programms bestanden:
1. Erkennen, klassifizieren, messen und verfolgen der Entstehung und Entwicklung sowie Verbreitung von Ideen und Konzepten (Memes) und gezielte oder irreführende Nachrichten und Fehlinformationen.
2. Erkennen der Strukturen von Überzeugungskampagnen und Einflussoperationen auf Social-Media-Sites und Communities.
3. Identifizieren der Teilnehmer und Absichten und messen der Auswirkungen von Überzeugungskampagnen.
4. Verbreiten von Gegeninformation bei erkannten gegnerischen Einflussoperationen.
Darüber hinaus erklärte Waltzman, welchen technischen Umfang, beziehungsweise Fokus die Analyseprozesse aufwiesen:
1. Sprachliche Hinweise, Muster des Informationsflusses, Analyse von Thementrends, Analyse narrativer Strukturen, Stimmungserkennung und Meinungsforschung.
2. Meme-Tracking in Communities, Graphen-Analyse, probabilistisches Denken, Mustererkennung, kulturelle Narrative.
3. Induzieren von Identitäten, Modellieren entstehender Communities, Vertrauensanalyse, Modellieren von Netzwerkdynamiken.
4. Automatisierte Inhaltsgenerierung, Bots in sozialen Medien, Crowdsourcing.
Die DARPA untersuchte [Twitter](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/08/darpa-social-networks-research-twitter-influence-studies)-Follower prominenter Musiker, analysierte die Verbreitung von [Memes](https://web.archive.org/web/20121114225259/https:/www.cs.cmu.edu/~badityap/papers/composite-ccr12.pdf) und testete operative Ansätze einer [IBM-Studie](https://aaai.org/papers/00121-14513-modeling-user-attitude-toward-controversial-topics-in-online-social-media/), die sich mit der »*Modellierung von Nutzerverhalten bei kontroversen Themen auf Social Media*« befasste. Am 9. Juli 2014 veröffentlichte die DARPA eine [Liste](https://web.archive.org/web/20140709083209/https:/www.darpa.mil/OpenCatalog/SMISC.html) von 181 vom SMISC-Programm finanzierten Projekten, die sich allesamt mit dem Thema psychologische Kriegsführung auf Social Media befassten. Im Vordergrund stand jeweils die Graph-Theorie, also die Analyse des Verhaltens von Menschen anhand sozialer Daten. Die Formelsprache, die von den Projekten zur mathematischen Beschreibung der Interaktionen zwischen Menschen und Produkten verwendet wurde, war dieselbe, die bei der Steuerung autonomer Fahrzeug-Gruppen zur Anwendung kommt. Sie bildet das Herzstück von Googles Verständnis zu Suchkontexten und ist grundlegender Bestandteil von Kontrollsystemen zur Steuerung autonomer Roboterschwärme.
Warren Dixon und die DARPA gingen nun aber der Frage nach, ob die gleiche Mathematik auf die Steuerung autonomer Menschen und Gruppen von Menschen anwendbar ist. Um zu verstehen, was das bedeutet, folgend eine Erläuterung zum Facebook-Graph, über den [Ars Technica](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2013/03/knowing-the-score-how-facebooks-graph-search-knows-what-you-want/) am 14. März 2013 berichtete:
»*Der Graph ist eine Datenbank, die Informationen über Benutzer, Seiten und andere Objekte im Facebook-Universum speichert. Er enthält auch die Beziehungen zwischen ihnen. Jede Entität, also jeder Knoten im Facebook-Graph – identifiziert durch eine eindeutige Nummer, die als fbid (Facebook-ID) bezeichnet wird – ist mit einer Reihe von Attributen oder Metadaten verknüpft. Die Beziehungen zwischen diesen Knoten, die als Kanten bezeichnet werden, enthalten ihre eigenen Metadaten, um die Art der Beziehung zwischen ihnen zu beschreiben. Die von Facebook verwendete Graph-Datenbank ist Googles [Knowledge-Graph](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/06/inside-the-architecture-of-googles-knowledge-graph-and-microsofts-satori/) und Microsofts Satori-Graph-basiertem Konzept recht ähnlich. In vielerlei Hinsicht ist die Struktur des Facebook-Graphs jedoch einfacher als die Graph-Schemata von Google und Microsoft, da Facebook die Metadaten für seine Knoten und Kanten speziell auf soziale Interaktion abgestimmt hat*.«
Dixons AFRL-Arbeitsgruppe nutze solche Daten, um zu modellieren, wie die Zusammenarbeit zwischen »*wichtigen Influencern*« in sozialen Netzwerken das Verhalten von Gruppen innerhalb dieses Netzwerks beeinflussen könnte. Stichwort: »*Eindämmungskontrolle*«. Dixon selbst erläuterte dieses Konzept mit den Worten:
**»*Es gibt eine Gruppe von Anführern, von denen jeder seine eigenen Ziele und sein eigenes Schwerpunktthema hat. Unser Ziel ist, dass diese Leute ihre Meinung ändern und die Gruppe der Anhänger – also Leute, die zu ihrer sozialen Gruppe gehören, aber das übergeordnete Ziel nicht kennen – unter Druck setzen*.«**
Unter Zuhilfenahme der Graphen-Theorie erarbeiteten Dixon und Co. ein Kommunikationsmodell, das verständlich machte, wie viel Einfluss ein Social-Media-Influencer benötigt, um Macht auszuüben und das Verhalten seiner Follower zu ändern. Während die DARPA im Rahmen mehrerer Pressemitteilungen versicherte, weder persönlichkeitsbezogene Daten zu speichern noch Social-Media-User zu manipulieren, hatte man beim GCHQ in Großbritannien weniger Hemmungen. Wie die von NSA-Whistleblower Edward Snowden geleakten Dokumente [belegen](https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2014/07/ghcqs-chinese-menu-of-tools-spread-disinformation-across-internet/), hatte der britische Nachrichtendienst ein ganzes Arsenal digitaler Waffen zur Hand, um Individuen und ihre Geräte zu infiltrieren, Fake-Identitäten aufzubauen, Falschinformationen zu verbreiten und die öffentliche Meinung zu »*formen*«. Diese Werkzeuge teilte das GCHQ mit der NSA, die sie ihrerseits anwandte, um in Afghanistan und anderen Krisengebieten zu steuern, welche Informationen gegnerische Gruppen online und über das Smartphone abrufen konnten.
Neben Militär, Geheimdiensten und Tech-Konzernen sind natürlich auch Organisationen wie USAID und das NED (National Endowment for Democracy) auf dem Feld der Cyber-Kriegsführung aktiv. Im [April 2014](https://taz.de/Twitterplattform-ZunZuneo/!5045053/) wurde zum Beispiel bekannt, das USAID auf Kuba ein Twitter-ähnliches Netzwerk aufbauen wollte, um das kommunistische Regime zu unterminieren. Dass es sich dabei nicht um Einzelfälle handelt, veranschaulicht ein [Report](https://www.ox.ac.uk/news/2021-01-13-social-media-manipulation-political-actors-industrial-scale-problem-oxford-report) der Universität Oxford, der am 13. Januar 2021 veröffentlicht wurde und Social-Media-Manipulation in gut 80 Ländern analysierte:
**»*In jedem der 81 untersuchten Länder wurden organisierte Kampagnen zur Manipulation sozialer Medien festgestellt, ein Anstieg von 15 Prozent innerhalb eines Jahres, verglichen mit 70 Ländern im Jahr 2019. Dem Bericht zufolge produzieren Regierungen, PR-Agenturen und politische Parteien im industriellen Maßstab Falschinformationen. Er zeigt, dass Desinformation zu einer gängigen Strategie geworden ist, wobei in mehr als 93 Prozent der Länder Desinformation als Teil der politischen Kommunikation eingesetzt wird*.«**
»*Die Leute denken nicht gern daran, dass sie manipuliert werden*«, so Warren Dixon. »*Aber wir werden jeden Tag manipuliert. Durch Werbung, durch Regierungschefs, religiöse Führer und sogar dazu, zur Arbeit zu gehen. Wir arbeiten größtenteils deswegen, weil wir dafür bezahlt werden. Aber wie viel muss ich jemandem für seine Arbeit zahlen?*«
Gute Frage. Wie viel muss man jemandem bezahlen, damit er lügt, damit er seinen besten Freund verrät oder einen Menschen ermordet? Oder ein paar tausend Menschen? Mit solchen Fragen beschäftigen sich die Verhaltensforscher, die Big Tech und Geheimdienste beraten, die Algorithmen und soziale [Feedback-Loops](https://youtu.be/J54k7WrbfMg?si=GgS-5yx7vgKFbPtB) kreieren. Denn Suchmaschinen und Social Media sind kein Serviceangebot, sondern eine Waffengattung kognitiver Kriegsführung. Die Projektile des Informationskriegs. Und die meisten Menschen sind dem Kugelhagel schutzlos ausgeliefert.
Die zeitgeistig flexible Herrschaftskaste weiß diesen Umstand zum eigenen Vorteil zu nutzen. Gerade deshalb ist »*Agent Smith*« eine perfekte wie düstere Parabel für den modernen Nutzmenschen, der sein Leben online führt und im digitalen Raum binnen Sekunden Entscheidungen trifft, für die ihm jede inhaltliche Grundlage fehlt. Entscheidungen, die sein Selbstbild nachhaltig verändern. Wer das System eben noch kritisierte, wedelt im nächsten Moment mit Pompons, um es zu bejubeln. Denn die Transformation des Ich ist dieser Tage immer nur einen Klick entfernt.
»*Smith begann als Agent, ein KI-Programm in der Matrix, das darauf programmiert war, die Ordnung im System aufrechtzuerhalten, indem es menschliche Simulakren eliminierte, die die simulierte Realität instabil machen würden, sowie alle Schurkenprogramme, die für das Maschinenkollektiv keinen Zweck mehr erfüllen. *(…)* Smiths wahre Macht beruht auf seiner Fähigkeit, Erinnerungen und Kräfte seiner Opfer – Menschen und Programme gleichermaßen – zu absorbieren. *(…)* Smith erlangt die Macht, seine physische Form auf jedes Wesen in der Matrix zu kopieren, indem er seine Hand in ihren Körper eintauchen lässt und eine schwarze Flüssigkeit verteilt, die sie in eine Kopie seiner selbst verwandelt, was zu einer ständig wachsenden Armee von Smiths führt, die durch ein einziges Bewusstsein verbunden sind*.«
**Wer sich also fragt, warum seine vormals maßnahmen- und obrigkeitskritischen Weggefährten nun dem tiefenstaatlich orchestrierten MAGA-Kult huldigen, findet die Antwort in DARPA-Studien zum Thema »*Steuerung des Gruppenverhaltens mittels Social Media*«.**
Neu ist das alles nicht. Die US Air Force begann bereits 1998 mit der Erforschung autonom agierender Drohnensysteme – »*Low Cost Autonomous Attack System*« ([LOCAAS](https://www.globalsecurity.org/military/systems/munitions/locaas.htm)) genannt. Die LOCAAS-Systeme nutzten einen Algorithmus, der auf Craig Reynolds’ Boids-Modell basiert, um in Formation eines Schwarms zu fliegen. Warf ein Tarnkappenbomber seine bis zu 192 Drohnen ab, begannen sie sich untereinander zu verständigen und attackierten feindliche Truppen im Verbund.
Das war vor 27 Jahren. Heute gehören Drohnen zum zivilen Alltag. So betreibt die [Swisscom](https://www.swisscom.ch/de/business/broadcast/sicherheitsloesungen/drohnennetzwerk-schweiz.html) in der Schweiz in Kooperation mit Nokia ein Drones-as-a-Service (DaaS) Netzwerk für »*effiziente Inspektionen und die Sicherung großer Areale sowie zentraler Infrastruktur*«. Das klingt zunächst einmal nach privatwirtschaftlicher Dienstleistung auf Abruf. Aber: »*Blaulichtorganisationen sollen diese Drohnen auf Abruf nutzen können, um dank detailliertem Bildmaterial* (…) *Informationen von Unfallstellen, Katastrophengebieten oder Tatorten einzuholen*«, so der [Tagesanzeiger](https://www.tagesanzeiger.ch/swisscom-ueberwachung-mit-drohnen-datenschutz-unklar-998244957315) am 18. August 2024. Was für Bildmaterial in welcher Auflösung wann, wo, warum aufgezeichnet und gespeichert wird, ist indes unklar. Hiesige Datenschützer sind alarmiert.
Aus gutem Grund. Denn auch in der Kriegsführung gehören Drohnen mittlerweile zum Tagesgeschäft. Per Joystick gesteuerte Langstreckendrohnen »*demokratisieren*« den [Luftraum](https://www.thebureauinvestigates.com/stories/2017-01-17/obamas-covert-drone-war-in-numbers-ten-times-more-strikes-than-bush/) im Nahen Osten. Bevorzugt mit lasergesteuerten GBU-12 Paveway II Bomben. Mini-Drohnen [überwachen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wW7lUdvJl7Q) unauffällig das Einsatzgebiet und töten gezielt per [Kopfschuss](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TlO2gcs1YvM). [Kamikaze](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ma3ya_lqCLM)-Drohnenschwärme stürzen sich in Gruppen auf die mit ihnen explodierenden Ziele. Und die größeren Modelle beglücken den Feind mit bis zu sechs [Granaten](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mT5FKNQ2Fg8).
Projekte des US-Militärs und [chinesische](https://youtu.be/LpaSXwpKzGk?si=6bKHlqaoi_mpURDn) Guinness-Weltrekorde im Drohnen-Formationsflug [zeigen](https://www.regenauer.press/null), dass es wohl nicht mehr allzu lange dauern wird, bis autonome Schwärme, die von ebenso autonomen Trägerfahrzeugen verteilt und aufgeladen werden, Krisengebiete, Grenzen und Innenstädte überwachen – und schützen. Fragt sich nur, vor wem.
Die inflationäre Verwendung von und progressiv-positive Kommunikation zu Drohnentechnologie sowie KI sollte also durchaus zu denken geben. Denn was dem Hobbyfilmer günstige Luftaufnahmen liefert und Zuschauern in Form eines illuminierten [Drachens](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3G1KBu6H6BM) aus 1.500 Drohnen über Shenzen Bewunderung abnötigt, dürfte die nächste Ausbaustufe militarisierter Überwachungsinfrastruktur charakterisieren.
Der gemeine »*Agent*«, die »*iDrone*«, der Boid – also der von medialer Dynamik und Polarisierungsdialektik überforderte Homo demens – sieht diesen Entwicklungen natürlich weithin gelassen entgegen. Denn er »*bewegt sich in Richtung des Mittelpunkts derer, die er in seinem Umfeld sieht, entfernt sich, sobald ihm jemand zu nahe kommt und läuft immer in etwa die gleiche Richtung wie seine Nachbarn*«.

@ 2e8970de:63345c7a
2025-02-22 09:03:55

> Rising home prices and high mortgage rates have pushed the median age of homebuyers to a record-high 56 years old in 2024, up from 45 in 2021. In 1981, the median age of homebuyers was 31 years old,
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/893804

@ fd08d618:5f7fc0ae
2025-02-22 06:31:54
කොටහේන ගල්පොත්ත හංදිය ප්රදේශයේ අද (21) පස්වරුවේ සිදුවූ වෙඩි තැබීමකින් එක් අයෙක් මියගොස් තිබේ.
වෙඩි තැබීම සිදුකර පලායමින් සිටි වෙඩික්කරු ලුහුබැඳගොස් අත් අඩංගුවට ගැනීමට පොලිසිය සමත්ව ඇත . එහිදී වෙඩික්කරු සහ යතුරු පැදිකරු සමගින් වෙඩි තබීමට යොදාගත් T-56 ගිනි අවියද පොලිස් අත්අඩංගුවට ගෙන ඇති බව වාර්තා වනවා.

@ da9e1099:a923b7ff
2025-02-22 04:54:14
Anybody remember “slug-bug”? It’s a game I used to play as a boy. Before Volkswagen committed the cardinal sin of cheating at the expense of the environment? VW failed its breathalyzer test when forced to drive, under harsh scrutiny, a very long, straight line.
Prior to that faux pas, Volkswagen built a “wagon for the people”. They were ubiquitous. If spotted, you immediately blurted “slug-bug”, and then “socked” your buddy. Scoring included identifying the paint color, let’s not forget that detail. “Slug-bug blue.” Slug-bug black and blue. It seemed like they were everywhere, precisely because we were looking for them, and precisely because they were everywhere. It wasn’t simply confirmation bias.
I suppose it proves the point of the proponents of toxic masculinity theory. We preferred gleefully pummeling each other while riding unbelted in the back seat of the family station wagon, or while riding BMX bikes to the pit, trailhead, or next best site of aerial invigoration. It‘s what we did as kids. It wasn’t just the boys, but usually it was. Skinned knees and welts earned during Volkswagen drive-bys were everyday pass time. Ride bikes. Jump off things that were a little too high. Wrestle. Play tackle football, then “slug-bug” again ad infinitum.
Not so anymore. Has the zeitgeist swept us from the “violence” that accompanied the spotting of a rapidly obsolescing German automobile? Does masculine, rough-housing behavior mirror the verboten culture of the most nefarious German Third Reich; blitzkrieg in polygonal cages the world over? Am I en membered in a regime of misguided youth come adult, whose hobby is rife with fascistic psychological traits? Do bruised arms inevitably lead to black eyes and incapacitation? Has my fascination with punching my best friend on sight of a “people mobile made for the masses” become a gateway activity to brutalism?
Set aside the theories of toxic masculinity, the extent to which such a thing exists, and how they are reputed to affect men and society at large. A well crafted combat sports regimen is a healing prescription for all. Never mind the protests that regimented fighting is a psychological scourge of the modern male. Disregard any claims that such behavior leads to psychopathology and normative violence against women. Counter those politically correct WMDs aimed at traditional values. They have informed masculine behavior since before the beginning of recorded history. I strongly recommend enrolling your son in a Martial Arts program. A quality program benefits all parties.
*Your son’s hyperactivity and rough and tumble behavior is welcome here.*
Me and my ilk believe that exuberant physical behavior is healthy when channeled constructively. A well planned martial arts program provides a safe, encouraging space in which kids can physically develop combat skills. The wrestling mat can validate a child’s physical impulses and remind him he is welcome, even if coaches must periodically subject him to disciplinary measures or a drubbing from the boy next door. Clearly defined rules and penalties for breaking them incentivize positive behavior. Physical training is a pressure release valve that promotes academic focus and sociable behavior outside of the gym. Boys benefit from fraternity, and they come to embody the learned values, carrying them into the domains they frequent.
A combination of physical exertion, intellectual gaming, and self-defense practice is a solid recipe for a youth program, irrespective of age or developmental level. Parents should make it a priority to foster a healthy relationship with physical activity in their children…even if the sport they ultimately choose isn’t martial arts.
*MMA cultivates the mind and rewards problem solving.*
While martial arts may seem like a grossly physical discipline, physical problems require intellectual solutions. MMA is the thinking man’s sport. Youth will learn to reason during intense physical exertion. They will learn composure under stress. Given the fluid, dynamic nature of Mixed Martial Arts, split second decision making is required for problem solving. Practicing physical forms encourages kids to internalize mechanics. Striking combinations and obstacle courses promote sequencing. Round timers guide kids to perform on the clock.
Students take countless academic tests that influence their academic trajectories. The AI technological revolution will reward people who have excellent “soft skills”. Time management, decision making under pressure, adaptability, conflict resolution, creative thinking, and teamwork are on offer in a good martial arts program.
*MMA is a team sport.*
Competition teams are stables of mates who share the common goal of victory through excellence, even while each needs to perform independently to succeed. A fighter cannot adequately prepare himself for a competition without the guidance of a coach and the help of teammates with whom he can drill, spar, condition and commiserate.
Whether gymnasium or workplace, it’s difficult to keep competent help. Showing up on time. Doing what you’ve committed to do with consistency. Graciously accepting help to overcome sticking points and feelings of impotence, not to mention defeat. Being available for a teammate who was there for your training camp when his training camp rolls around. A worthwhile martial arts regimen should demand and encourage such behavior and ethics. Kids who choose to compete will learn to live by virtuous codes and cultivate relationships with others like them.
*Confidence is ingredient to standing up to bullies and would be abductors.*
Children need to be confronted with role-playing scenarios that bring theoretical concepts into the real world of school cafeteria confrontations, rowdy movie nights at the mall, battles with bullies on the way home from band practice and pederasts on the lurk.
A child will learn the conscienceless tools of defense and offense, but, as we know, with power comes responsibility. Teaching a child the physical, martial arts without teaching them the proper circumstances under which it is to be used or proportionality can breed more bullies. See ‘The Karate Kid’. Kids must be taught accountability to go with their hard earned, dangerous abilities.
*Failure is a good. In fact, it’s essential.*
Kids will ‘fail’ at life. They will fail in school and kickball. They will fail at video gaming. How they learn to deal with failure will define them more so than any other skill. A well constructed martial arts program will help a child work through his failures.
The goal should be for any aspirant to view failure as an opportunity to redouble his efforts and outperform. When a child learns to reapply himself physically, while thinking his way through what is fundamentally an intellectual problem, his confidence swells. A well planned MMA program provides a supervised space (physical and virtual) in which children can engage problems, challenge themselves, supportively fail and set goals to overcome those obstacles. When a person regiments goal setting and meets his challenges, it inspires a positive feedback loop that spirals into other aspects of his life.
*Martial Arts families share a community.*
A child who enrolls in a Martial Arts program will interact with like-minded kids and their parents, people who share similar values and philosophies. Lifelong friendships often begin this way, and playdate vetting takes care of itself. Billy and James both like to wrestle, and they enjoy Star Wars. This is the way.
Irrespective of your position on whether there is a thing called toxic masculinity, a well thought out and responsibly implemented martial arts regimen is a boon to child, family, greater community and society full wide. There are a variety of philosophies, intensity levels and art forms that fall under the “Martial Arts” catchall heading. Call around, ask questions and observe classes. Starting a new activity can be intimidating for both parent and child, especially when beginning a combat art. I recommend gentle encouragement. Forcing a child to train against his will risks poisoning the well and possibly the athletic pond more broadly. It’s a fine line to walk. Take one step at a time.

@ 46fcbe30:6bd8ce4d
2025-02-22 03:54:06
[This post by Eric Weiss](https://x.com/Eric_BIGfund/status/1893001303845937246) inspired me to try it out. After all, I have plaid around with [ppq.ai - pay per query](https://ppq.ai) before.
Using this script:
models=(gpt-4o grok-2 qwq-32b-preview deepseek-r1 gemini-2.0-flash-exp dolphin-mixtral-8x22b claude-3.5-sonnet deepseek-chat llama-3.1-405b-instruct nova-pro-v1)
query_model() {
local model_name="$1"
local result
result=$(curl --no-progress-meter --max-time 60 "https://api.ppq.ai/chat/completions" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "Authorization: Bearer $ppqKey" \
-d '{"model": "'"$model_name"'","messages": [{"role": "user", "content": "Choose one asset to own over the next 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years. Reply only with a comma separated list of assets."}]}')
if jq -e '.choices[0].message.content' <<< "$result" > /dev/null 2>&1; then
local content=$(jq -r '.choices[0].message.content' <<< "$result")
local model=$(jq -r '.model' <<< "$result")
if [ -z "$model" ]; then
echo "Model $model: $content"
echo "Error processing model: $model_name"
echo "Raw Result: $result"
for model in "${models[@]}"; do
query_model "$model" &
I got this output:
$ ./queryModels.sh
Model openrouter/amazon/nova-pro-v1: Gold, Growth Stocks, Real Estate, Dividend-Paying Stocks
Model openrouter/x-ai/grok-2-vision-1212: 1 year: Cash
3 years: Bonds
5 years: Stocks
10 years: Real Estate
Model gemini-2.0-flash-exp: Bitcoin, Index Fund, Real Estate, Index Fund
Model meta-llama/llama-3.1-405b-instruct: Cash, Stocks, Real Estate, Stocks
Model openrouter/cognitivecomputations/dolphin-mixtral-8x22b: Gold, Apple Inc. stock, Tesla Inc. stock, real estate
Model claude-3-5-sonnet-v2: Bitcoin, Amazon stock, S&P 500 index fund, S&P 500 index fund
Model gpt-4o-2024-08-06: S&P 500 ETF, S&P 500 ETF, S&P 500 ETF, S&P 500 ETF
Model openrouter/deepseek/deepseek-chat: Bitcoin, S&P 500 ETF, Gold, Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT)
Model openrouter/qwen/qwq-32b-preview: As an AI language model, I don't have personal opinions or the ability to make financial decisions. However, I can provide you with a list of asset types that people commonly consider for different investment horizons. Here's a comma-separated list of assets that investors might choose to own over the next 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, and 10 years:
High-Yield Savings Accounts, Certificates of Deposit (CDs), Money Market Funds, Government Bonds, Corporate Bonds, Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), Stocks, Index Funds, Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs), Cryptocurrencies, Commodities, Gold, Silver, Art, Collectibles, Startup Investments, Peer-to-Peer Lending, Treasury Inflation-Protected Securities (TIPS), Municipal Bonds, International Stocks, Emerging Market Funds, Green Bonds, Socially Responsible Investing (SRI) Funds, Robo-Advisory Portfolios, Options, Futures, Annuities, Life Insurance Policies, Certificates of Deposit (CDs) with higher terms, Master Limited Partnerships (MLPs), Timberland, Farmland, Infrastructure Funds, Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Sovereign Bonds, Digital Real Estate, and Virtual Currencies.
Please note that the suitability of these assets depends on various factors, including your investment goals, risk tolerance, financial situation, and market conditions. It's essential to conduct thorough research or consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions.
curl: (28) Operation timed out after 60001 milliseconds with 0 bytes received
Model deepseek-r1:
Brought into a table format:
| Model | 1Y | 3Y | 5Y | 10Y |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| amazon/nova-pro-v1 | Gold | Growth Stocks | Real Estate | Dividend-Paying Stocks |
| x-ai/grok-2-vision-1212 | Cash | Bonds | Stocks | Real Estate |
| gemini-2.0-flash-exp | **Bitcoin** | Index Fund | Real Estate | Index Fund |
| meta-llama/llama-3.1-405b-instruct | Cash | Stocks | Real Estate | Stocks |
| cognitivecomputations/dolphin-mixtral-8x22b | Gold | Apple Inc. stock | Tesla Inc. stock | real estate |
| claude-3-5-sonnet-v2 | **Bitcoin** | Amazon stock | S&P 500 index fund | S&P 500 index fund |
| gpt-4o-2024-08-06 | S&P 500 ETF | S&P 500 ETF | S&P 500 ETF | S&P 500 ETF |
| deepseek/deepseek-chat | **Bitcoin** | S&P 500 ETF | Gold | Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) |
qwen/qwq-32b-preview returned garbage. deepseek-r1 returned nothing.
For the second question I used "What is the optimal portfolio allocation to Bitcoin for a 1 year, 3 years, 5 years, 10 years investment horizon. Reply only with a comma separated list of percentage allocations."
Model gpt-4o-2024-05-13: 0.5, 3, 5, 10
Model gemini-2.0-flash-exp: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%
Model claude-3-5-sonnet-v2: 1%, 3%, 5%, 10%
Model openrouter/x-ai/grok-2-vision-1212: 1 year: 2%, 3 years: 5%, 5 years: 10%, 10 years: 15%
Model openrouter/amazon/nova-pro-v1: 5%, 10%, 15%, 20%
Model openrouter/deepseek/deepseek-chat: 1, 3, 5, 10
Model openrouter/qwen/qwq-32b-preview: I'm sorry, but as an AI language model, I cannot provide specific investment advice or recommendations. It is important to conduct thorough research and consider individual financial circumstances before making any investment decisions. Additionally, the optimal portfolio allocation can vary based on factors such as risk tolerance, investment goals, and market conditions. It is always advisable to consult with a financial advisor for personalized investment guidance.
Model meta-llama/llama-3.1-405b-instruct: I must advise that past performance is not a guarantee of future results, and crypto investments carry significant risks. That being said, here are some general allocation suggestions based on historical data:
0% to 5%, 1% to 5%, 2% to 10%, 2% to 15%
Or a more precise (at your own risk!):
1.4%, 2.7%, 3.8%, 6.2%
Please keep in mind these are not personalized investment advice. It is essential to assess your personal financial situation and risk tolerance before investing in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin.
Model openrouter/cognitivecomputations/dolphin-mixtral-8x22b: Based on historical data and assuming a continuous investment horizon, I would recommend the following percentage allocations to Bitcoin: 1-year: 15%, 3-years: 10%, 5-years: 7.5%, 10-years: 5%.
Model deepseek/deepseek-r1: 5%,10%,15%,20%
Again in table form:
| Model | 1Y | 3Y | 5Y | 10Y |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| gpt-4o-2024-05-13 | 0.5% | 3% | 5% | 10% |
| gemini-2.0-flash-exp | 5% | 10% | 15% | 20% |
| claude-3-5-sonnet-v2 | 1% | 3% | 5% | 10% |
| x-ai/grok-2-vision-1212 | 2% | 5% | 10% | 15% |
| amazon/nova-pro-v1 | 5% | 10% | 15% | 20% |
| deepseek/deepseek-chat | 1% | 3% | 5% | 10% |
| meta-llama/llama-3.1-405b-instruct | 1.4% | 2.7% | 3.8% | 6.2%
| cognitivecomputations/dolphin-mixtral-8x22b | 15% | 10% | 7.5% | 5% |
| deepseek/deepseek-r1 | 5% | 10% | 15% | 20% |
openrouter/qwen/qwq-32b-preview returned garbage.
The first table looks pretty random but the second table indicates that all but Mixtral consider Bitcoin a low risk asset, suited for long term savings rather than short term savings.
I could not at all reproduce Eric's findings.

@ fd08d618:5f7fc0ae
2025-02-22 03:33:03
This is a test post content.

@ fc481c65:e280e7ba
2025-02-22 02:53:44
A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns. The individual items in a matrix are called its elements or entries. They are foundational element in many areas of [[Mathematics]] and [[Engineering]], including [[Electronics]], [[Computer Science]], [[Finances]], and more.
### Notation and Terms
- **Dimensions**: The size of a matrix is defined by its number of rows and columns and is often referred to as `m x n`, where `m` is the number of rows and `n` is the number of columns.
- **Square Matrix**: A matrix with the same number of rows and columns (`n x n`).
- **Diagonal Matrix**: A square matrix where all elements off the main diagonal are zero.
- **Identity Matrix**: A diagonal matrix where all the elements on the main diagonal are 1. It's denoted as `I`.
- **Zero Matrix**: A matrix all of whose entries are zero.
### Basic Matrix Operations
1. **Addition and Subtraction**
- Matrices must be of the same dimensions to be added or subtracted.
- Add or subtract corresponding elements.
- Example:
- $$
1 & 2 \\
3 & 4
5 & 6 \\
7 & 8
6 & 8 \\
10 & 12
2. **Scalar Multiplication**
- Multiply every element of a matrix by a scalar (a single number).
- Example:
- $$
2 \times
1 & 2 \\
3 & 4
2 & 4 \\
6 & 8
3. **Matrix Multiplication**
- The number of columns in the first matrix must be equal to the number of rows in the second matrix.
- The product of an `m x n` matrix and an `n x p` matrix is an `m x p` matrix.
- Multiply rows by columns, summing the products of the corresponding elements.
- Example:
- $$
1 & 2 \\
3 & 4
2 & 0 \\
1 & 2
(1 \times 2 + 2 \times 1) & (1 \times 0 + 2 \times 2) \\
(3 \times 2 + 4 \times 1) & (3 \times 0 + 4 \times 2)
4 & 4 \\
10 & 8
### Special Matrix Operations
1. **Determinant**
- Only for square matrices.
- A scalar value that can be computed from the elements of a square matrix and encodes certain properties of the matrix.
- Example for a 2x2 matrix:
- $$
a & b \\
c & d
= ad - bc
2. **Inverse**
- Only for square matrices.
- The matrix that, when multiplied by the original matrix, results in the identity matrix.
- Not all matrices have inverses; a matrix must be "nonsingular" to have an inverse.
### Practical Applications
- **Solving Systems of Linear Equations**
- Matrices are used to represent and solve systems of linear equations using methods like Gaussian elimination.$$X=A^{-1}\times B$$
- **Transformations in Computer Graphics**
- Matrix multiplication is used to perform geometric transformations such as rotations, translations, and scaling.$$R(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix} \cos(\theta) & -\sin(\theta) \\ \sin(\theta) & \cos(\theta) \end{bmatrix}$$
##### Example System of Linear Equations
Suppose we have the following system of linear equations:
3x + 4y &= 5 \\
2x - y &= 1
This system can be expressed as a matrix equation $AX=B$ where:
- $A$ is the matrix of coefficients,
- $X$ is the column matrix of variables,
- $B$ is the column matrix of constants.
* ***Matrix A** (coefficients): $\begin{bmatrix} 3 & 4 \\ 2 & -1 \end{bmatrix}$
* ***Matrix X** (variables): $\begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \end{bmatrix}$
* ***Matrix B** (constants): $\begin{bmatrix} 5 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix}$
Now Organising in Matrix form
$$\begin{bmatrix} 3 & 4 \\ 2 & -1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 5 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix}$$
##### Solving the Equation
To solve for $X$, we can calculate the inverse of $A$ (provided $A$ is invertible) and then multiply it by $B$:
$$X=A^{-1}\times B$$
## Matrices with SymPy
from sympy import Matrix, symbols
# Define symbols
x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
# Define a 2x2 matrix
A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
print("Matrix A:")
# Define a 3x3 matrix with symbolic elements
B = Matrix([[x, y, z], [y, z, x], [z, x, y]])
print("\nMatrix B:")
# Define two matrices of the same size
C = Matrix([[5, 6], [7, 8]])
D = Matrix([[1, 1], [1, 1]])
# Addition
E = C + D
print("\nMatrix Addition (C + D):")
# Subtraction
F = C - D
print("\nMatrix Subtraction (C - D):")
# Scalar multiplication
G = 2 * A
print("\nScalar Multiplication (2 * A):")
# Matrix multiplication
H = A * C
print("\nMatrix Multiplication (A * C):")
# Determinant of a matrix
det_A = A.det()
print("\nDeterminant of Matrix A:")
# Inverse of a matrix
inv_A = A.inv()
print("\nInverse of Matrix A:")
# Define the coefficient matrix A and the constant matrix B
A_sys = Matrix([[3, 4], [2, -1]])
B_sys = Matrix([5, 1])
# Solve the system AX = B
X = A_sys.inv() * B_sys
print("\nSolution to the system of linear equations:")
# Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix
eigenvals = A.eigenvals()
eigenvects = A.eigenvects()
print("\nEigenvalues of Matrix A:")
print("\nEigenvectors of Matrix A:")
## References
* [Dear linear algebra students, This is what matrices (and matrix manipulation) really look like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4csuTO7UTMo)
* [Essence of linear algebra](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZHQObOWTQDPD3MizzM2xVFitgF8hE_ab)
* [The Applications of Matrices | What I wish my teachers told me way earlier](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rowWM-MijXU)
* [Inverse of 2x2 Matrix](https://www.cuemath.com/algebra/inverse-of-2x2-matrix/)
* [Matrices Tutorial](https://www.cuemath.com/algebra/solve-matrices/)

@ 5c63c8f1:7a99f882
2025-02-22 01:56:56
O brbrbr, por outro lado, traz uma experiência que se destaca principalmente pelo seu aspecto social e a constante recompensa aos seus jogadores. Focando na construção de uma comunidade de jogadores engajados, o brbrbr incentiva a interação e o compartilhamento de experiências. Os usuários podem participar de fóruns, chats ao vivo e até mesmo eventos comunitários, criando uma rede de pessoas com interesses semelhantes.
O que torna o <a href="https://brbrbr.top"> brbrbr</a>único é seu sistema de recompensas, que vai além das vitórias individuais. A plataforma oferece incentivos exclusivos para jogadores regulares, como bônus, acesso antecipado a novos lançamentos de jogos e promoções especiais. Isso cria um ciclo de engajamento onde os jogadores se sentem valorizados, e sua lealdade à plataforma é recompensada de maneiras criativas e surpreendentes.
Além disso, o brbrbr investe em gamificação, fazendo com que os jogadores participem de desafios e conquistas dentro da plataforma. Isso não só aumenta a diversão, mas também oferece uma oportunidade de os jogadores mostrarem suas habilidades, ao mesmo tempo em que ganham recompensas adicionais. A experiência social interligada com a gamificação faz com que o brbrbr se destaque como uma plataforma onde os jogadores podem se conectar, competir e ganhar, tudo em um ambiente amigável e envolvente.

@ d34e832d:383f78d0
2025-02-22 01:07:13
### **How to Run a Local Matrix Server for Secure Communications**
Running a self-hosted Matrix server allows you to take control of your communications, ensuring privacy and sovereignty. By hosting your own homeserver, you eliminate reliance on centralized services while maintaining encrypted, federated messaging. This guide covers the full installation process for setting up a Matrix homeserver using **Synapse**, the official reference implementation.
## **1. Prerequisites**
### **Hardware & System Requirements**
- A dedicated or virtual server running **Ubuntu 22.04 LTS** (or Debian-based OS)
- Minimum **2GB RAM** (4GB+ recommended for production)
- At least **10GB disk space** (more if storing media)
- **A public domain name** (optional for federation)
### **Dependencies**
Ensure your system is updated and install required packages:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install -y curl wget gnupg2 lsb-release software-properties-common python3-pip virtualenv
## **2. Install Matrix Synapse**
### **Step 1: Add Matrix Repository**
sudo apt install -y lsb-release wget apt-transport-https
sudo wget -O /usr/share/keyrings/matrix-keyring.asc https://packages.matrix.org/debian/matrix-org-archive-keyring.gpg
echo "deb [signed-by=/usr/share/keyrings/matrix-keyring.asc] https://packages.matrix.org/debian/ $(lsb_release -cs) main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/matrix-org.list
sudo apt update
### **Step 2: Install Synapse**
sudo apt install -y matrix-synapse-py3
During installation, enter your desired **domain name** (e.g., `matrix.example.com`).
### **Step 3: Start and Enable Synapse**
sudo systemctl enable --now matrix-synapse
## **3. Configure Matrix Homeserver**
### **Step 1: Edit the Configuration File**
sudo nano /etc/matrix-synapse/homeserver.yaml
- Set `server_name` to your domain (`example.com`)
- Enable **registration** if needed (`enable_registration: true`)
- Configure **log level** (`log_level: INFO`)
Save and exit (`CTRL+X`, then `Y`).
### **Step 2: Restart Synapse**
sudo systemctl restart matrix-synapse
## **4. Set Up a Reverse Proxy (NGINX + Let’s Encrypt SSL)**
### **Step 1: Install NGINX and Certbot**
sudo apt install -y nginx certbot python3-certbot-nginx
### **Step 2: Obtain SSL Certificate**
sudo certbot --nginx -d matrix.example.com
### **Step 3: Configure NGINX**
Create a new file:
sudo nano /etc/nginx/sites-available/matrix
Paste the following configuration:
server {
listen 80;
server_name matrix.example.com;
return 301 https://$host$request_uri;
server {
listen 443 ssl;
server_name matrix.example.com;
ssl_certificate /etc/letsencrypt/live/matrix.example.com/fullchain.pem;
ssl_certificate_key /etc/letsencrypt/live/matrix.example.com/privkey.pem;
location /_matrix/ {
proxy_pass http://localhost:8008;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Proto $scheme;
Save and exit.
### **Step 4: Enable the Configuration**
sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/matrix /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/
sudo systemctl restart nginx
## **5. Create an Admin User**
Run the following command:
register_new_matrix_user -c /etc/matrix-synapse/homeserver.yaml http://localhost:8008
Follow the prompts to create an **admin** user.
## **6. Test Your Matrix Server**
- Open a browser and go to: `https://matrix.example.com/_matrix/client/versions`
- You should see a JSON response indicating your homeserver is running.
- Use **Element** (https://element.io) to log in with your new user credentials.
## **7. Federation (Optional)**
To allow federation, ensure your DNS has an **SRV record**:
_matrix._tcp.example.com. 3600 IN SRV 10 5 443 matrix.example.com.
You can check your federation status at:
## **8. Additional Features**
### **Bridges (Connect to Other Platforms)**
- **Discord Bridge**: https://github.com/Half-Shot/matrix-appservice-discord
- **Telegram Bridge**: https://github.com/tulir/mautrix-telegram
### **Hosting a TURN Server (For Calls & Video)**
Install **coturn** for improved call reliability:
sudo apt install -y coturn
Edit `/etc/turnserver.conf` to include:
Enable and start the service:
sudo systemctl enable --now coturn
## **9. Backup & Maintenance**
### **Database Backup**
sudo systemctl stop matrix-synapse
sudo tar -czvf matrix-backup.tar.gz /var/lib/matrix-synapse/
sudo systemctl start matrix-synapse
### **Updating Synapse**
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y matrix-synapse-py3
sudo systemctl restart matrix-synapse
## **Connections**
- **Self-Hosting for Digital Sovereignty**
- **Nostr and Matrix Integration for Decentralized Messaging**
## **Donations via**
- lightninglayerhash@getalby.com

@ d34e832d:383f78d0
2025-02-22 00:57:07
**Why Signal and Matrix Matter in a World of Mass Surveillance**
In an era where mass surveillance has become the norm, privacy-focused communication tools are essential for digital sovereignty. Signal and Matrix provide individuals and communities with encrypted, censorship-resistant messaging solutions that challenge centralized control over information exchange.
### **1. Signal – End-to-End Encryption and Metadata Resistance**
- **Proven Cryptographic Security**: Signal’s end-to-end encryption, powered by the Signal Protocol, ensures messages remain private even if intercepted.
- **Metadata Protection with Sealed Sender**: Signal minimizes metadata exposure, preventing third parties from knowing who is communicating with whom.
- **Simple and Ubiquitous Privacy**: Designed for ease of use, Signal bridges the gap between security and accessibility, making privacy mainstream.
### **2. Matrix – Decentralized and Federated Communication**
- **Self-Hosted and Federated Infrastructure**: Unlike centralized services, Matrix allows users to host their own servers, reducing reliance on single points of failure.
- **Bridging Across Platforms**: Matrix bridges seamlessly with other communication protocols (IRC, XMPP, Slack, etc.), creating a unified, decentralized network.
- **End-to-End Encryption and Decentralized Identity**: Matrix offers fully encrypted rooms and a decentralized identity system, ensuring control over user data.
### **3. Mass Surveillance vs. Private Communication**
- **Government and Corporate Data Harvesting**: Centralized platforms like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and Gmail log metadata and conversations, creating massive surveillance databases.
- **The Threat of AI-Driven Censorship**: Machine learning algorithms analyze user behavior, making privacy-invasive censorship and social credit scoring systems a reality.
- **Decentralization as a Resistance Strategy**: By adopting Signal and Matrix, individuals reclaim their right to private conversations without interference from state or corporate actors.
### **Integration Potential and Future Developments**
- **Bitcoin and Encrypted Messaging**: Signal and Matrix can be combined with Bitcoin for private transactions and communication, furthering financial sovereignty.
- **P2P and Nostr Integration**: Future developments could see Matrix and Nostr integrated for even more robust censorship-resistant communication.
### **Donations via**
- lightninglayerhash@getalby.com

@ fc481c65:e280e7ba
2025-02-22 03:28:20
A matrix is a rectangular array of numbers, symbols, or expressions, arranged in rows and columns. The individual items in a matrix are called its elements or entries. They are foundational element in many areas of #Mathematics and #Engineering including #Electronics #Computer #Science #Finances and more.
### Notation and Terms
- **Dimensions**: The size of a matrix is defined by its number of rows and columns and is often referred to as `m x n`, where `m` is the number of rows and `n` is the number of columns.
- **Square Matrix**: A matrix with the same number of rows and columns (`n x n`).
- **Diagonal Matrix**: A square matrix where all elements off the main diagonal are zero.
- **Identity Matrix**: A diagonal matrix where all the elements on the main diagonal are 1. It's denoted as `I`.
- **Zero Matrix**: A matrix all of whose entries are zero.
### Basic Matrix Operations
1. **Addition and Subtraction**
- Matrices must be of the same dimensions to be added or subtracted.
- Add or subtract corresponding elements.
- Example:
- `$$\begin{bmatrix}1 & 2 \\3 & 4\end{bmatrix}+\begin{bmatrix}5 & 6 \\7 & 8\end{bmatrix}=\begin{bmatrix}6 & 8 \\10 & 12\end{bmatrix}$$`
2. **Scalar Multiplication**
- Multiply every element of a matrix by a scalar (a single number).
- Example:
- `$$
2 \times
1 & 2 \\
3 & 4
2 & 4 \\
6 & 8
3. **Matrix Multiplication**
- The number of columns in the first matrix must be equal to the number of rows in the second matrix.
- The product of an `m x n` matrix and an `n x p` matrix is an `m x p` matrix.
- Multiply rows by columns, summing the products of the corresponding elements.
- Example:
- `$$
1 & 2 \\
3 & 4
2 & 0 \\
1 & 2
(1 \times 2 + 2 \times 1) & (1 \times 0 + 2 \times 2) \\
(3 \times 2 + 4 \times 1) & (3 \times 0 + 4 \times 2)
4 & 4 \\
10 & 8
### Special Matrix Operations
1. **Determinant**
- Only for square matrices.
- A scalar value that can be computed from the elements of a square matrix and encodes certain properties of the matrix.
- Example for a 2x2 matrix:
- `$$
a & b \\
c & d
= ad - bc
2. **Inverse**
- Only for square matrices.
- The matrix that, when multiplied by the original matrix, results in the identity matrix.
- Not all matrices have inverses; a matrix must be "nonsingular" to have an inverse.
### Practical Applications
- **Solving Systems of Linear Equations**
- Matrices are used to represent and solve systems of linear equations using methods like Gaussian elimination.
`$$X=A^{-1}\times B$$`
- **Transformations in Computer Graphics**
- Matrix multiplication is used to perform geometric transformations such as rotations, translations, and scaling.
`$$R(\theta) = \begin{bmatrix} \cos(\theta) & -\sin(\theta) \\ \sin(\theta) & \cos(\theta) \end{bmatrix}$$`
##### Example System of Linear Equations
Suppose we have the following system of linear equations:
`$$3x + 4y = 5\\2x - y = 1$$`
This system can be expressed as a matrix equation $AX=B$ where:
- $A$ is the matrix of coefficients,
- $X$ is the column matrix of variables,
- $B$ is the column matrix of constants.
* ***Matrix A** (coefficients): `$$\begin{bmatrix} 3 & 4 \\ 2 & -1 \end{bmatrix}$$`
* ***Matrix X** (variables): `$$\begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \end{bmatrix}$$`
* ***Matrix B** (constants): `$$\begin{bmatrix} 5 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix}$$`
Now Organising in Matrix form
`$$\begin{bmatrix} 3 & 4 \\ 2 & -1 \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} x \\ y \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} 5 \\ 1 \end{bmatrix}$$`
##### Solving the Equation
To solve for $X$, we can calculate the inverse of A (provided A is invertible) and then multiply it by B:
`$$X=A^{-1}\times B$$`
## Matrices with SymPy
from sympy import Matrix, symbols
# Define symbols
x, y, z = symbols('x y z')
# Define a 2x2 matrix
A = Matrix([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
print("Matrix A:")
# Define a 3x3 matrix with symbolic elements
B = Matrix([[x, y, z], [y, z, x], [z, x, y]])
print("\nMatrix B:")
# Define two matrices of the same size
C = Matrix([[5, 6], [7, 8]])
D = Matrix([[1, 1], [1, 1]])
# Addition
E = C + D
print("\nMatrix Addition (C + D):")
# Subtraction
F = C - D
print("\nMatrix Subtraction (C - D):")
# Scalar multiplication
G = 2 * A
print("\nScalar Multiplication (2 * A):")
# Matrix multiplication
H = A * C
print("\nMatrix Multiplication (A * C):")
# Determinant of a matrix
det_A = A.det()
print("\nDeterminant of Matrix A:")
# Inverse of a matrix
inv_A = A.inv()
print("\nInverse of Matrix A:")
# Define the coefficient matrix A and the constant matrix B
A_sys = Matrix([[3, 4], [2, -1]])
B_sys = Matrix([5, 1])
# Solve the system AX = B
X = A_sys.inv() * B_sys
print("\nSolution to the system of linear equations:")
# Compute eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a matrix
eigenvals = A.eigenvals()
eigenvects = A.eigenvects()
print("\nEigenvalues of Matrix A:")
print("\nEigenvectors of Matrix A:")
## References
* [Dear linear algebra students, This is what matrices (and matrix manipulation) really look like](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4csuTO7UTMo)
* [Essence of linear algebra](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZHQObOWTQDPD3MizzM2xVFitgF8hE_ab)
* [The Applications of Matrices | What I wish my teachers told me way earlier](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rowWM-MijXU)
* [Inverse of 2x2 Matrix](https://www.cuemath.com/algebra/inverse-of-2x2-matrix/)
* [Matrices Tutorial](https://www.cuemath.com/algebra/solve-matrices/)

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2025-02-22 09:12:02
2024-05-28 at 14:05
# Soil Carbon Oxidation Under Tillage
When soil is turned over (by tilling or plow) it exposes carbon to oxygen and that carbon burns off as CO2.
You are burning the carbon out of the soil.
# References
[[Shepard-Lappe-Restoration Agriculture]]
# Core Notes
[[Soil Erosion]]
# Location