@ 07907690:d4e015f6
2024-11-15 10:10:05
PGP (Pretty Good Privacy) adalah protokol enkripsi yang digunakan untuk memastikan kerahasiaan, integritas, dan otentikasi data dalam komunikasi digital. Diciptakan oleh Phil Zimmermann pada tahun 1991, PGP menggunakan kombinasi teknik kriptografi asimetris (kunci publik dan kunci privat) serta simetris untuk melindungi informasi. Berikut adalah berbagai kegunaan PGP:
## Mengamankan Email (Enkripsi dan Dekripsi)
- Kegunaan: Melindungi isi email agar hanya penerima yang memiliki kunci privat yang benar yang dapat membacanya.
- Cara Kerja:
- Pengirim mengenkripsi email menggunakan kunci publik penerima.
- Hanya penerima yang memiliki kunci privat yang dapat mendekripsi dan membaca email tersebut.
- Contoh: Jurnalis yang berkomunikasi dengan informan atau organisasi yang mengirim data sensitif dapat menggunakan PGP untuk melindungi komunikasi mereka dari penyusup.
## Tanda Tangan Digital (Digital Signature)
- Kegunaan: Memastikan keaslian dan integritas pesan atau dokumen, memastikan bahwa pesan tidak diubah dan benar-benar berasal dari pengirim yang sah.
- Cara Kerja:
- Pengirim membuat tanda tangan digital menggunakan kunci privatnya.
- Penerima dapat memverifikasi tanda tangan tersebut menggunakan kunci publik pengirim.
- Contoh: Digunakan untuk memverifikasi keaslian dokumen hukum, email penting, atau perangkat lunak yang diunduh.
## Melindungi File dan Dokumen
- Kegunaan: Mengenkripsi file sensitif agar hanya orang yang memiliki kunci dekripsi yang benar yang dapat membukanya.
- Cara Kerja: File dienkripsi menggunakan kunci publik penerima, dan penerima menggunakan kunci privatnya untuk mendekripsinya.
- Contoh: Perusahaan dapat menggunakan PGP untuk mengenkripsi laporan keuangan, data pelanggan, atau informasi penting lainnya sebelum membagikannya.
## Mengamankan Backup Data
- Kegunaan: Mengenkripsi cadangan data penting untuk melindunginya dari akses yang tidak sah.
- Cara Kerja: File backup dienkripsi dengan PGP sebelum disimpan, sehingga meskipun backup dicuri, data tetap aman.
- Contoh: Organisasi menyimpan cadangan data klien di server eksternal yang dienkripsi dengan PGP untuk mencegah kebocoran data.
## Perlindungan Identitas dan Anonimitas
- Kegunaan: Melindungi identitas pengirim dan penerima dalam komunikasi online.
- Cara Kerja: Penggunaan enkripsi end-to-end menjamin bahwa hanya pihak yang berwenang yang dapat membaca pesan.
- Contoh: Aktivis atau peneliti yang bekerja di negara dengan pengawasan ketat dapat menggunakan PGP untuk melindungi komunikasi mereka.
## Memverifikasi Integritas Perangkat Lunak
- Kegunaan: Memastikan bahwa perangkat lunak atau paket yang diunduh berasal dari sumber yang terpercaya dan tidak dimodifikasi oleh pihak ketiga.
- Cara Kerja: Pengembang menandatangani perangkat lunak menggunakan kunci privat mereka, dan pengguna dapat memverifikasi tanda tangan menggunakan kunci publik yang disediakan.
- Contoh: Distribusi Linux atau aplikasi open-source sering kali menyertakan tanda tangan PGP untuk memverifikasi keasliannya.
## Komunikasi di Forum atau Jaringan Terdistribusi
- Kegunaan: Memastikan privasi komunikasi di platform terdesentralisasi atau anonim.
- Cara Kerja: Pesan dienkripsi sebelum dikirim dan hanya dapat didekripsi oleh penerima yang sah.
- Contoh: Pengguna di forum yang membahas topik sensitif dapat menggunakan PGP untuk melindungi identitas mereka.
## Mengapa PGP Penting?
- Keamanan yang Kuat: Kombinasi kriptografi asimetris dan simetris membuat PGP sangat sulit ditembus oleh peretas.
-Privasi: Menjaga komunikasi Anda tetap aman dan pribadi dari penyadapan atau pengawasan.
- Integritas: Memastikan bahwa pesan atau data yang dikirim tidak diubah selama transmisi.
- Otentikasi: Membuktikan identitas pengirim melalui tanda tangan digital.
## Kelebihan PGP
- Sangat Aman: Jika digunakan dengan benar, PGP menawarkan tingkat keamanan yang sangat tinggi.
- Terbuka: Banyak digunakan di kalangan profesional dan komunitas open-source.
- Fleksibel: Dapat digunakan untuk berbagai keperluan, mulai dari komunikasi email hingga penyimpanan data.
## Kekurangan PGP
- Kompleks untuk Pemula: Relatif sulit digunakan oleh pengguna awam.
- Pengelolaan Kunci yang Rumit: Memerlukan pengelolaan kunci publik/privat yang benar.
- Tidak Ada Pemulihan Data: Jika kunci privat hilang, data yang dienkripsi tidak dapat dipulihkan.
PGP adalah alat yang sangat berguna untuk memastikan keamanan dan privasi dalam komunikasi dan data. Dengan meningkatnya risiko kejahatan siber, penggunaan PGP menjadi semakin penting, terutama di sektor yang menangani data sensitif.
@ 6bae33c8:607272e8
2024-11-15 09:54:46
I woke up this morning wondering why I had put Brian Robinson in my lineup over Jaylen Warren without much of a thought. All year Robinson (when healthy) was ahead of him, so once he was healthy again, I subbed him in reflexively. But the Indigenous Peoples were underdogs, and so were the Steelers, in which case you’d normally want the pass-catching back, especially in full PPR.
As I walked down the long hallway to the office TV room, I anticipated watching the game with dread, and that only grew when on the first play from scrimmage Austin Ekeler was on the field for some reason. Of course, Robinson scored the first TD and even caught a pass, so that took the edge off pretty quickly.
The other thing that was off, besides the edge, was the volume. For God knows what reason the video and volume on the 40-minute edited version were out of sync — the audio was maybe 10 seconds ahead, so I was hearing Al Michaels describe the future, and that was intolerable. In other words I watched an edited version on mute so forgive me if I omit anything important in the observations below.
- Jayden Daniels maybe isn’t 100 percent still. He didn’t scramble much, and they didn’t even try a Hail Mary at the end of the first half. I don’t have any shares, so I was happy to see the dud for fantasy. He and Terry McLaurin.
- Robinson ran well, his YPC average hurt by those two stuffs in the fourth quarter. Very strange the IPs went on 4th-and-2, down two, in FG range. I had Philly -3.5 in my picking pool, so I was actually fine with it.
- None of the IP WR did anything. It was all Zach Ertz and Austin Ekeler.
- Saquon Barkley was having a quiet game for 55 minutes and then bam. Imagine thinking the Giants were dumb to draft him over Sam Darnold six and a half years ago!
- Jalen Hurts always has that floor from the short rushing TDs, even in a Thursday-night under game when Barkley had two long TDs.
- I started Dallas Goedert over Jonnu Smith in a couple places, and I can live with that output.
- DeVonta Smith seems to be the most hurt by Barkley’s arrival. He’s not the alpha WR, and now the Eagles have an elite back around which to center their run-heavy attack.
- I decided to sit the Eagles defense at the last minute, so I was rooting against them too. That late garbage TD to Ertz was nice, as Philly wound up with seven points.
- What’s wrong with Jake Elliott? One of the worst kicking games in recent memory.
@ f8a5df57:b7a58cd4
2024-11-15 09:43:20
<iframe width="720" height="405" src="https://rutube.ru/play/embed/843082843b058d8677a0c7889a6a1a5f" frameBorder="0" allow="clipboard-write; autoplay" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
**Содержание сюжета:**
С помощью летающих дронов удалось заснять отсутствие пробок на Московских магистралях.
Благодаря внедрению новых технологий и альтернативных видов транспорта, Москва существенно изменила свой транспортный ландшафт. С переходом 40% водителей на летающий транспорт, городские магистрали освободились от привычных пробок, что значительно сократило время в пути и улучшило качество жизни москвичей. Это также привело к снижению уровня загрязнения воздуха, поскольку многие из этих дронов работают на электричестве.
Параллельно с этим, 20% автомобилистов, выбравших мобильный подземный транспорт, получили доступ к высокоскоростным и удобным маршрутам, которые соединяют ключевые точки города. Подземный транспорт стал не только средством передвижения, но и важной частью городской инфраструктуры, интегрированной с другими видами транспорта.
Системы управления воздушным и подземным транспортом были оптимизированы для обеспечения синергии между ними. В результате, пассажиры могут легко переключаться между различными способами передвижения, что делает поездки более эффективными и удобными.
К тому же, такие изменения способствовали развитию новых бизнесов и услуг, связанных с обслуживанием летающего и подземного транспорта. В городе появились новые рабочие места в сфере технологий, обслуживания и инфраструктуры.
Москва становится примером того, как инновации могут трансформировать городской транспорт, создавая более устойчивую и комфортную среду для жизни. Это также открывает новые перспективы для развития городской экономики и повышения качества жизни жителей.
**Автор:** Карина Шаповалова
@ f8a5df57:b7a58cd4
2024-11-15 09:27:29
Впервые за 20 лет в криминальном районе Москвы – **Гольяново** произошло серьезное ограбление, в результате которого мошенники обокрали местный банк. По предварительным данным, группа злоумышленников использовала сложную схему, чтобы обойти систему безопасности финансового учреждения. На протяжении двух недель преступники подбирали благоприятный день для ограбления, следя за сотрудниками банков через дроны.
Согласно свидетельствам очевидцев, преступники действовали быстро и слаженно, что позволило им избежать задержания на месте происшествия. В результате инцидента банк понес значительные финансовые потери – 25 миллионов рублей. Правоохранительные органы уже начали расследование. В своей работе они используют новые технологии :искусственный интеллект, VR- анализ происшествий, биометрические системы для идентификации граждан и управления доступом к различным услугам.
**Автор:** Дарья Воронина
@ 37c10448:f8256861
2024-11-15 09:19:34
# Title 1
## Title 2
### Title 3
@ 88dc84f5:c71164f7
2024-11-15 08:29:48
What is Gold?
Gold is a chemical element with the symbol Au (from Latin: Aurum) and atomic number 79. It is a soft, yellow, dense metal that is highly valued for its rarity, durability, and versatility.
History of Gold
Gold has been a highly sought-after metal for thousands of years, used in jewelry, coins, and other decorative items. The ancient Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans prized gold for its beauty and durability.
Properties of Gold
Some notable properties of gold include:
- High ductility and malleability
- Excellent conductor of electricity and heat
- Highly resistant to corrosion and oxidation
- Density: 19.3 g/cm³
Uses of Gold
Some of the main uses of gold include:
- Jewelry and coins
- Electronics (e.g., wiring, contacts)
- Dentistry and medicine (e.g., fillings, implants)
- Aerospace (e.g., radiation shielding)
- Catalytic converters in vehicles
Types of Gold
- 24K (99.9% pure)
- 22K (91.6% pure)
- 18K (75% pure)
- Rose gold (alloyed with copper)
- White gold (alloyed with silver and palladium)
Gold Mining and Production
Gold mining involves extracting gold from ore deposits. Major gold-producing countries include China, Australia, and the United States.
Economic Importance of Gold
Gold plays a significant role in global economies:
- Store of value and hedge against inflation
- Reserve asset for central banks
- Influences currency values
Gold's unique properties, versatility, and rarity have made it a valuable resource across cultures and centuries.
@ 9ff58691:0bf6c134
2024-11-15 08:29:30
15 ноября - день доброты и заботы о братьях наших меньших. Центр Волонтеров "Инициатива" вновь собрал курганцев на уникальное мероприятие в поддержку местного приюта для животных, которое прошло в формате гибридного события, объединяющего физическое и виртуальное участие.
С самого утра на площадке Центра царила атмосфера единства и заботы. Участники могли не только лично пообщаться с подопечными приюта, но и подключиться к мероприятию через виртуальную реальность, что позволило людям из разных уголков мира стать частью этого доброго дела. Выгул собак стал не только физической активностью, но и интерактивным опытом, где каждый мог "прогулять" виртуальную собаку, получая информацию о ее характере и потребностях.
![Помощь приюту](https://ideogram.ai/assets/image/lossless/response/j1M_qpkwRQSXVlKKnnKj2w)
*"Я рада видеть, как технологии помогают нам объединяться ради благих целей",* — отметила волонтер Анна, которая участвует в мероприятиях уже более 50 лет. *"Сегодня мы не только помогаем животным, но и создаем сообщество, которое заботится о будущем нашей планеты"*.
![Волонтер Анна](https://ideogram.ai/assets/progressive-image/balanced/response/bwfOoSW8Rcu7B554tXNL8g)
Участник мероприятия, Сергей, который пришел с детьми, также поделился своими впечатлениями: *"Это невероятно! Мы смогли не только пообщаться с реальными собаками, но и поучаствовать в виртуальных играх, которые обучают детей заботе о животных. Я надеюсь, что такие мероприятия будут продолжаться, ведь они формируют у детей чувство ответственности и любви к животным".*
Мероприятие завершилось успешной акцией по сбору средств и необходимых вещей для приюта, а также новыми знакомствами и планами на будущее. Центр Волонтеров "Инициатива" продолжает вдохновлять курганцев на добрые дела, демонстрируя, что забота о животных и людях остается важной ценностью даже в мире высоких технологий и глобальных изменений.
Автор: Налобина Александра
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2024-11-15 04:09:04
**Table Of Content**
- Institutional Adoption
- Regulatory Clarity
- Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)
- Global Economic Uncertainty
- Technological Advancements
- Halving Events
- Conclusion
Bitcoin, the world's first and most well-known cryptocurrency, has experienced its fair share of ups and downs since its inception. The market is known for its volatility, with price fluctuations that have left investors both exhilarated and apprehensive. While the past has shown us that Bitcoin's price movements are unpredictable, there are several game-changing events that can significantly impact the cryptocurrency's trajectory and potentially drive the next bull market. In this article, we will explore six key factors that have the potential to shape the future of Bitcoin and fuel its next bull run.
**Institutional Adoption**
Over the past couple of years, we have witnessed a notable increase in institutional adoption of Bitcoin. Renowned companies, financial institutions, and even governments have started to recognize the value and potential of cryptocurrencies. Institutional investors are pouring funds into Bitcoin, either by holding it directly or through investment vehicles like futures contracts and exchange-traded funds (ETFs). The participation of institutional players brings stability, liquidity, and credibility to the market, attracting more investors and potentially driving up the price of Bitcoin.
**Regulatory Clarity**
Regulatory uncertainty has been a significant concern for the cryptocurrency market. Clear and favorable regulations can have a transformative effect on Bitcoin's future. As governments and regulatory bodies around the world establish frameworks that provide clarity on how cryptocurrencies will be treated, it will reduce the perceived risks associated with investing in Bitcoin. Greater regulatory certainty will encourage more mainstream investors and institutions to enter the market, boosting demand and potentially igniting a new bull market.
**Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)**
The rise of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) has the potential to revolutionize the financial landscape and impact Bitcoin. Several countries, including China, Sweden, and the Bahamas, have already begun exploring the development and implementation of CBDCs. These digital currencies, issued and regulated by central banks, could create a more favorable environment for Bitcoin adoption. CBDCs could increase public awareness and acceptance of digital currencies, making Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies more accessible and appealing to a broader audience.
**Global Economic Uncertainty**
Bitcoin has often been referred to as "digital gold" or a safe-haven asset during times of economic uncertainty. Global events such as geopolitical tensions, inflation concerns, and monetary policy decisions can significantly impact traditional financial markets. In such situations, investors often seek alternative investments to protect their wealth. Bitcoin, with its limited supply and decentralized nature, becomes an attractive option. A surge in global economic uncertainty could drive investors towards Bitcoin, triggering a bull market fueled by increased demand.
**Technological Advancements**
Bitcoin is built on a foundation of groundbreaking technology: blockchain. Technological advancements that enhance the scalability, security, and usability of Bitcoin and its underlying blockchain can have a profound impact on its future. For instance, the Lightning Network, a layer-2 scaling solution, has the potential to address Bitcoin's scalability issues by enabling faster and cheaper transactions. Similarly, improvements in privacy and security protocols can enhance user confidence and attract more participants to the ecosystem. These technological advancements can act as catalysts for the next Bitcoin bull market.
**Halving Events**
Bitcoin's supply is hard-capped at 21 million coins, and the rate at which new coins are introduced into the market is halved approximately every four years through a process known as "halving." This event has historically played a significant role in driving Bitcoin's bull markets. The halving reduces the rate at which new Bitcoin is minted, leading to a decreased supply. As the supply diminishes, if demand remains constant or increases, the scarcity of Bitcoin can push its price upwards. The next halving event is projected to occur around the year 2024, which could serve as a catalyst for the next Bitcoin bull market.
While the future of Bitcoin's price remains uncertain, several game-changing events have the potential to drive the next bull market. Institutional adoption, regulatory clarity, the rise of CBDCs, global economic uncertainty, technological advancements, and halving events are all factors that could shape Bitcoin's trajectory in the coming years. As these events unfold and the cryptocurrency ecosystem evolves, it is crucial for investors and enthusiasts to stay informed and monitor these developments closely. Ultimately, only time will tell how these factors will impact Bitcoin's journey towards mainstream acceptance and widespread adoption.
**How does institutional adoption affect Bitcoin**
Institutional adoption brings stability, liquidity, and credibility to the market, attracting more investors and potentially driving up the price of Bitcoin.
**How do technological advancements in blockchain impact Bitcoin?**
Technological advancements in blockchain address scalability and efficiency issues, making Bitcoin more practical for everyday use. This attracts more users and businesses to adopt Bitcoin, driving its value and utility.
**What role does global economic uncertainty play in Bitcoin's value?**
In times of economic uncertainty, Bitcoin serves as a safe haven asset and a hedge against inflation. As geopolitical tensions and economic crises persist, more investors turn to Bitcoin, driving up its demand and price.
**What is the significance of halving events for Bitcoin's price?**
Halving events reduce the supply of new Bitcoin entering the market, creating a supply-demand imbalance that historically has led to price increases. The predictable nature of halving events contributes to Bitcoin's value proposition.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 4ba8e86d:89d32de4
2024-11-07 13:56:21
Tutorial feito por Grom mestre⚡poste original abaixo:
Bom dia/tarde/noite a todos os camaradas.
Seguindo a nossa série de tutoriais referentes a tecnologias essenciais para a segurança e o anonimato dos usuários, sendo as primeiras a openPGP e a I2P, lhes apresento mais uma opção para expandir os seus conhecimentos da DW.
Muitos devem conhecer os serviços de mail na onion como DNMX e mail2tor, mas e que tal um serviço de email pela I2P. Nesse tutorial eu vou mostrar a vocês como criar a sua primeira conta no hq.postman.i2p e a acessar essa conta.
É importante que vocês tenham lido a minha primeira série de tutoriais a respeito de como instalar, configurar e navegar pela I2P nostr:nevent1qqsyjcz2w0e6d6dcdeprhuuarw4aqkw730y542dzlwxwssneq3mwpaspz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsygzt4r5x6tvh39kujvmu8egqdyvf84e3w4e0mq0ckswamfwcn5eduspsgqqqqqqsyp5vcq Esse tutorial é um pré-requisito para o seguinte e portanto recomendo que leia-os antes de prosseguir com o seguinte tutorial. O tutorial de Kleopatra nostr:nevent1qqs8h7vsn5j6qh35949sa60dms4fneussmv9jd76n24lsmtz24k0xlqzyp9636rd9ktcjmwfxd7ru5qxjxyn6uch2uhas8utg8wa5hvf6vk7gqcyqqqqqqgecq8f7 é complementar dado que é extremamente recomendado assinar e criptografar as mensagens que seguem por emails pela DW.
Sem mais delongas, vamos ao tutorial de fato.
## 1. Criando uma conta de email no hq.postman
Relembrando: Esse tutorial considera que você já tenha acesso à I2P.
Entre no seu navegador e acesse o endereço hq.postman.i2p. O roteador provavelmente já contém esse endereço no seu addressbook e não haverá a necessidade de inserir o endereço b32 completo.
Após entrar no site vá para a página '1 - Creating a mailbox'
Nessa página, insira as credenciais de sua preferências nos campos do formulário abaixo. Lembre-se que o seu endereço de email aceita apenas letras e números. Clique em 'Proceed' depois que preencher todos os campos.
Uma página vai aparecer pedindo para confirmar as credenciais da sua nova conta. Se tudo estiver certo apenas clique em 'Confirm and Create Mailbox'. Se tudo ocorrer como conforme haverá uma confirmação de que a sua nova conta foi criada com sucesso. Após isso aguarde por volta de 5 minutos antes de tentar acessá-la, para que haja tempo suficiente para o servidor atualizar o banco de dados.
Pronto! Sua nova conta de email na I2P foi criada. Agora vamos para a próxima etapa: como acessar a sua conta via um cliente de email.
## 2. Configurando os túneis cliente de SMTP e POP3
O hq.postman não possui um cliente web que nos permite acessar a nossa conta pelo navegador. Para isso precisamos usar um cliente como Thunderbird e configurar os túneis cliente no I2Pd que serão necessários para o Thunderbird se comunicar com o servidor pela I2P.
Caso não tenha instalado o Thunderbird ainda, faça-o agora antes de prosseguir.
Vamos configurar os túneis cliente do servidor de email no nosso roteador. Para isso abra um terminal ou o seu gestor de arquivos e vá para a pasta de configuração de túneis do I2P. Em Linux esse diretório se localiza em /etc/i2pd/tunnels.d. Em Windows, essa pasta se localiza em C:\users\user\APPDATA\i2pd.
Na pasta tunnels.d crie dois arquivos: smtp.postman.conf e pop-postman.conf. Lembre-se que em Linux você precisa de permissões de root para escrever na pasta de configuração. Use o comando sudoedit <nome_do_arquivo> para isso.
Edite-os conforme as imagens a seguir:
Arquivo pop-postman.conf
Arquivo smtp-postman.conf
Salve os arquivos e reinicie o serviço do I2Pd. Em Linux isso é feito pelo comando:
sudo systemctl restart i2pd
Entre no Webconsole do I2Pd pelo navegador (localhost:7070) e na seção I2P Tunnels, verifique se os túneis pop-postman e smtp-postman foram criados, caso contrário verifique se há algum erro nos arquivos e reinicie o serviço.
Com os túneis cliente criados, vamos agora configurar o Thunderbird
## 3. Configurando o Thunderbird para acessar a nossa conta
Abra o Thunderbird e clique em criar uma nova conta de email. Se você não tiver nenhum conta previamente presente nele você vai ser diretamente recebido pela janela de criação de conta a seguir.
Coloque as suas credenciais, mas não clique ainda em Continuar. Clique antes em Configure Manually, já que precisamos configurar manualmente os servidores de SMTP e POP3 para, respectivamente, enviar e receber mensagens.
Preencha os campos como na imagem a seguir. Detalhe: Não coloque o seu endereço completo com o @mail.i2p, apenas o nome da sua conta.
Clique em Re-test para verificar a integridade da conexão. Se tudo estiver certo uma mensagem irá aparecer avisando que as configurações do servidores estão corretas. Clique em Done assim que estiver pronto para prosseguir.
A seguinte mensagem vai aparecer alertando que não estamos usando criptografia no envio das credenciais. Não há problema nenhum aqui, pois a I2P está garantindo toda a proteção e anonimato dos nossos dados, o que dispensa a necessidade de uso de TLS ou qualquer tecnologia similar nas camadas acima. Marque a opção 'I Understand the risks' e clique em 'Continue'
E por fim, se tudo ocorreu como devido sua conta será criada com sucesso e você agora será capaz de enviar e receber emails pela I2P usando essa conta.
## 4. Observações e considerações finais
Como informado pelo próprio site do hq.postman, o domínio @mail.i2p serve apenas para emails enviados dentro da I2P. Emails enviados pela surface devem usar o domínio @i2pmai.org. É imprescindível que você saiba usar o PGP para assinar e criptografar as suas mensagens, dado que provavelmente as mensagens não são armazenadas de forma criptografada enquanto elas estão armazenadas no servidor. Como o protocolo POP3 delete as mensagens no imediato momento em que você as recebe, não há necessidade de fazer qualquer limpeza na sua conta de forma manual.
Por fim, espero que esse tutorial tenha sido útil para vocês. Que seu conhecimento tenha expandido ainda mais com as informações trazidas aqui. Até a próxima.
@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2024-10-31 16:08:50
# Anglicismos estúpidos no português contemporâneo
Palavras e expressões que ninguém deveria usar porque não têm o sentido que as pessoas acham que têm, são apenas aportuguesamentos de palavras inglesas que por nuances da história têm um sentido ligeiramente diferente em inglês.
Cada erro é acompanhado também de uma sugestão de como corrigi-lo.
### Palavras que existem em português com sentido diferente
- _submissão_ (de trabalhos): **envio**, **apresentação**
- _disrupção_: **perturbação**
- _assumir_: **considerar**, **pressupor**, **presumir**
- _realizar_: **perceber**
- _endereçar_: **tratar de**
- _suporte_ (ao cliente): **atendimento**
- _suportar_ (uma idéia, um projeto): **apoiar**, **financiar**
- _suportar_ (uma função, recurso, característica): **oferecer**, **ser compatível com**
- _literacia_: **instrução**, **alfabetização**
- _convoluto_: **complicado**.
- _acurácia_: **precisão**.
- _resiliência_: **resistência**.
### Aportuguesamentos desnecessários
- _estartar_: **iniciar**, **começar**
- _treidar_: **negociar**, **especular**
### Expressões
- _"não é sobre..."_: **"não se trata de..."**
![halloween é o cacete, viva a cultura nacional!](/static/halloween.png)
## Ver também
- [Algumas expressões e ditados excelentes da língua portuguesa, e outras não tão excelentes assim](https://fiatjaf.alhur.es/expressões-e-ditados.txt)
@ d5c3d063:4d1159b3
2024-11-15 02:56:47
# นับตั้งแต่ต้นปีราคาสินค้าอุปโภคบริโภคพุ่งสูงขึ้นอย่างต่อเนื่อง ไข่ไก่เบอร์ 3 ราคาพุ่งสูงขึ้น 30%, น้ำมันปาล์มขวดละ 50 บาท จากเดิมแค่ 40 บาท, ข้าวสารหอมมะลิกิโลกรัมละ 45 บาท จากเดิม 35 บาท, น้ำตาลทรายขาวกิโลกรัมละ 30 บาท จาก 25 บาท และอื่นๆ อีกมากมาย แต่รัฐบาลกลับประกาศว่า...
อัตราเงินเฟ้อทั่วไปอยู่ที่เพียง 0.62% เท่านั้น! เกิดอะไรขึ้น? ข้อมูลที่ขัดแย้งกันอย่างสิ้นเชิงนี้
## เคยสงสัยไหมครับว่าทำไมเงินเดือนถึงไม่พอใช้สักที ทั้งๆ ที่เงินเดือนขึ้นทุกปี?
คำตอบง่ายๆ ก็คือ เงินเดือนเราโตไม่ทันข้าวของที่แพงขึ้นยังไงล่ะครับ! และสิ่งที่ทำให้เกิดความสับสนงุนงงนี้ก็คือ "CPI" หรือดัชนีราคาผู้บริโภค ที่เรามักได้ยินกันบ่อยๆ เวลาที่พูดถึงเรื่องเงินเฟ้อ ซึ่งรัฐบาลมักจะนำมาอ้างเวลาขึ้นเงินเดือนหรือสวัสดิการ แต่ช้าก่อน! อย่าเพิ่งรีบวางใจ เพราะ CPI อาจไม่ได้สะท้อนความเป็นจริง และอาจเป็นแค่ภาพลวงตาทางเศรษฐกิจที่รัฐบาลใช้หลอกลวงประชาชน
เรื่องของ CPI นี่ ต้องย้อนกลับไปตั้งแต่ปลายศตวรรษที่ 19 เลยครับ ตอนนั้นเขาคิดค้นขึ้นมาเพื่อวัดค่าครองชีพของคนงานในโรงงาน แต่ปัจจุบันนี้มันกลายเป็นเครื่องมือสำคัญที่ใช้วัดค่าครองชีพที่เพิ่มขึ้นของประชาชนรวมถึงใช้กำหนดนโยบายเศรษฐกิจต่างๆ ของรัฐ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นการขึ้นค่าแรงขั้นต่ำ การปรับอัตราดอกเบี้ยนโยบาย หรือแม้แต่การคำนวณเงินบำนาญ
## แล้ว CPI คืออะไร? แล้วมันหลอกลวงเรายังไง?
ดัชนีราคาผู้บริโภค (Consumer Price Index:CPI) อธิบายง่ายๆ มันคือตะกร้ารวม สินค้าและบริการหลายชนิด ที่นำมาใช้คำนวณอัตราเงินเฟ้อ เพื่อดูว่าค่าครองชีพของประชาชนเพิ่มขึ้นเท่าไร คิดเป็นกี่ % เมื่อเทียบกับปีก่อน หลักการมันฟังดูดี ถ้าหากคำนวณอย่างตรงไปตรงมา ก็คงไม่มีปัญหาอะไร แต่ในเชิงปฏิบัติ มันมีความพยายามปกปิดความจริง
วิธีคำนวณ CPI ก็คือเขาจะไปดูราคาสินค้าใน "ตะกร้าสินค้า" ซึ่งรัฐบาลเป็นคนเลือกเองว่าจะเอาสินค้าอะไรใส่ลงไปในตะกร้าบ้าง โดยอ้างว่าสินค้าพวกนี้มันเป็นตัวแทนของสินค้าและบริการที่ "คนทั่วไป" ใช้จ่าย แต่ "คนทั่วไป" ในความหมายของรัฐบาลเนี่ย มันไม่ใช่เราๆ ท่านๆ ในชีวิตจริงหรอกนะครับ! เพราะในความเป็นจริง แต่ละคนมีรูปแบบการใช้จ่ายที่แตกต่างกัน บางคนอาจจะจ่ายค่าเช่าบ้านเยอะกว่าค่าอาหาร บางคนอาจจะต้องเดินทางบ่อยๆ บางคนอาจจะมีค่ารักษาพยาบาลเยอะ
การเลือกสินค้าใส่ในตะกร้า มันเลยขึ้นอยู่กับดุลพินิจของรัฐบาลเต็มๆ ซึ่งเป็นช่องโหว่ที่ทำให้รัฐบาลสามารถบิดเบือนตัวเลขได้ง่ายๆ แถม CPI มันยังไม่สนใจเรื่องเทคโนโลยีที่ทำให้สินค้าหลายๆ อย่างราคาถูกลงและมีประสิทธิภาพดีขึ้นด้วย เช่น คอมพิวเตอร์ สมาร์ทโฟน เพราะฉะนั้น CPI มันเลยไม่ได้สะท้อนค่าครองชีพที่แท้จริงของเราอย่างที่ควรจะเป็น หากรัฐบาลต้องการให้ตัวเลข CPI ดูดี พวกเขาก็แค่เอาสินค้าที่ราคาแพงขึ้นออกจากตะกร้า แล้วเติมสินค้าที่ราคาคงที่หรือถูกลงเข้าไปแทน ง่ายๆ แค่นี้ CPI ก็จะต่ำลงทันที แม้ว่าความเป็นจริง ราคาสินค้าโดยรวมจะแพงขึ้นก็ตาม
ยิ่งไปกว่านั้น หนึ่งในกลโกงที่แยบยลที่สุดของ CPI คือการเล่นแร่แปรธาตุกับสินค้าในตะกร้า โดยสินค้าอุปโภคบริโภคและสินค้าที่เป็นวัตถุดิบในการผลิต หลายๆ อย่างมันคือ "สิ่งเดียวกัน" แต่มันกลับถูกโยกออกไปจากตะกร้า CPI หลัก เพื่อทำให้ตัวเลข CPI ต่ำลง ยกตัวอย่างเช่น บ้าน มันควรจะเป็นสินค้าอุปโภคบริโภค เพราะคนเราซื้อบ้านมาเพื่ออยู่อาศัย แต่มันกลับถูกโยกไปเป็น "สินทรัพย์เพื่อการลงทุน" แทน ซึ่งการลงทุนมันควรจะสร้างรายได้ แต่บ้านที่เราซื้อมาอยู่เอง มันไม่ได้สร้างรายได้อะไร กลับมีแต่ค่าใช้จ่ายในการดูแลรักษา การที่ไม่เอาราคาบ้านมารวมในการคำนวณ CPI มันก็เลยทำให้ตัวเลขต่ำกว่าความเป็นจริง ทั้งๆ ที่ราคาบ้านเป็นส่วนสำคัญของค่าครองชีพของคนส่วนใหญ่
มองแบบโลกสวยก็พอเข้าใจ ว่าถ้าเอาราคาบ้านที่เพิ่มขึ้นเฉลี่ย 8% ต่อปี มารวมอยู่ในตะกร้า ยอดตัวเลขเงินเฟ้อคงพุ่งขึ้นสูง จนอาจทำให้ประชาชนใจสั่นกินไม่ได่นอนไม่หลับ ดังนั้น จึงขอเอาแค่ราคา “ค่าเช่า” มาคำนวณก็พอ แล้วตัวเลขค่าเช่าคือเท่าไหร่ รู้ไหมครับ?
4,000 บาท คือตัวเลขค่าเช่าบ้านเฉลี่ยที่นำมาคำนวณ ดูแล้วก็ไม่ได้ต่ำอะไรนักหนานะครับ แต่จะบอกว่า 4,000 บาทนี้ คือ ตัวเลขกลมๆ ที่รวมทั้ง ค่าเช่าบ้าน ค่าใช้จ่ายที่เกี่ยวกับการซ่อมแซ่มและดูแลบ้านเรือน ค่าน้ำค่าไฟ ค่าก๊าซหุงต้ม ค่าข้าวของเครื่องใช้ภายในบ้าน คิดว่ามันสมเหตุสมผลมั้ยครับ?
หรืออย่างราคาพลังงาน เช่น น้ำมัน ที่เป็นต้นทุนสำคัญในการผลิตสินค้าและบริการแทบทุกชนิด การที่ราคาพลังงานสูงขึ้น มันย่อมส่งผลกระทบต่อราคาสินค้าอื่นๆ ทั้งหมด แต่มันก็มักจะถูกแยกออกไปต่างหาก หรือใส่ค่าถ่วงน้ำหนักให้มันน้อยๆ เพื่อกดตัวเลขเงินเฟ้อให้ต่ำที่สุด ตัวเลขเงินเฟ้อที่ประกาศออกมาจึงต่ำกว่าความเป็นจริงไปไกลเสมอ มันไม่ได้สะท้อนต้นทุนค่าครองชีพที่แท้จริงในชีวิตชีวิตประจำวันที่ผู้คนต้องแบกรับเพิ่ม
เวลาเงินเฟ้อ ราคาของแพงขึ้นจริง แต่มันไม่ได้แปลว่าเราจะใช้เงินมากขึ้นตามเสมอไปนะครับ มันมีเงินเฟ้อที่ซ่อนมาในคราบ "ลดปริมาณและคุณภาพ" ของกินราคาเดิมแต่ปริมาณน้อยลง ของใช้ราคาเดิมแต่คุณภาพห่วยลง
สำหรับคนทั่วไปงบอาหารการกินเรามีจำกัด เมื่อของที่กินประจำมันแพงขึ้นจนจ่ายไม่ค่อยไหว เราก็ต้องหันไปกินของคุณภาพต่ำลงเพื่อประหยัดเงิน เช่น จากที่เคยกินสเต๊กเนื้อริบอาย ก็ต้องเปลี่ยนมากินเนื้อบด กินสเต๊กหมู แพงอีกก็ต้องไปกินไก่กินปลาแทน จ่ายเงินเท่าเดิมแต่กลับได้อาหารที่คุณภาพต่ำลงเรื่อยๆ เหมือนที่ Weston A. Price เคยบันทึกไว้ตอนที่เขาศึกษาเรื่องอาหารกับสุขภาพของชนเผ่าต่างๆ ทั่วโลก CPI มันไม่ได้บอกเราเลยว่าคุณภาพชีวิตของเรามันแย่ลง เพราะเราต้องซื้อของที่คุณภาพต่ำลง ลองนึกภาพดูสิครับ เราต้องย้ายไปอยู่บ้านที่เล็กกว่าเดิม ซื้อรถรุ่นเก่าๆ หรือซื้อเสื้อผ้าราคาถูกแต่คุณภาพแย่ เพราะของมันแพงขึ้น แต่ CPI กลับบอกว่าเงินเฟ้อขึ้นนิดเดียว เห็นไหมครับว่ามันต่างจากสิ่งที่เราเจอในชีวิตประจำวันลิบลับเลย หรือพูดง่ายๆ ว่า ทุกคนจำเป็นต้องทำงานหนักขึ้น หาเงินให้ได้มากขึ้นเรื่อยๆ เพียงเพื่อที่จะรักษาคุณภาพชีวิตเอาไว้ให้ได้เท่าๆ เดิม
ที่สำคัญที่สุด CPI มันยังไม่สนใจความแตกต่างของราคาสินค้าในแต่ละพื้นที่ด้วย CPI คำนวณจากราคาสินค้าในบางพื้นที่ ทำให้ไม่สามารถสะท้อนถึงความแตกต่างของราคาสินค้าในแต่ละพื้นที่ได้อย่างแม่นยำ มันจึงไม่สามารถนำมาใช้เป็นมาตรฐานในการวัดค่าครองชีพของคนทั้งประเทศได้ และที่แย่ไปกว่านั้น CPI มันไม่ได้เป็นวิทยาศาสตร์อย่างที่หลายคนเข้าใจผิด แต่มันคือ **"วิทยาศาสตร์เทียม"** เพราะการวัดค่า CPI มันขึ้นอยู่กับวิจารณญาณของรัฐบาลล้วนๆ ไม่มีกฎเกณฑ์ที่ตายตัว ในขณะที่การวัดผลทางวิทยาศาสตร์ที่ถูกต้อง มันต้องมีหน่วยวัดที่ชัดเจน มีขอบเขตที่แน่นอน และตรวจสอบได้ เหมือนกับการวัดระยะทางหรือการชั่งน้ำหนัก แต่วิธีการคำนวน CPI มันกลับพยายามวัดราคาสินค้าเป็นดอลลาร์ ทั้งๆ ที่ค่าของเงินดอลลาร์มันก็ไม่แน่นอน และรัฐบาลก็พิมพ์เงินออกมาเพิ่มเรื่อยๆ มันก็เหมือนกับการพยายามวัดระยะทางด้วย**ไม้บรรทัดที่ยืดได้หดได้**นั่นแหละ
ดังนั้น CPI จึงเป็นเพียงภาพลวงตาที่รัฐบาลสร้างขึ้นเพื่อบิดเบือนความเป็นจริงทางเศรษฐกิจ เขากำลังบอกเราว่าต้นทุนการใช้ชีวิตของเรามันแทบไม่เพิ่ม เงิน 100 บาทมันซื้อของได้น้อยลงไม่ถึง 1 บาทในแต่ละปี คำถามคือ คุณกำแบงก์ร้อยไปตลาดสดหรือซุเปอร์มาร์เก็ตในปีก่อนกับเร็วๆ นี้ มันก็ซื้อข้าวของได้เท่าๆ เดิม?
ซึ่งคำลวงเหล่านี้มันส่งผลกระทบต่อการตัดสินใจทางการเงินของเรา ตั้งแต่การซื้อของใช้ประจำวัน ไปจนถึงการลงทุนระยะยาว และยังเป็นเครื่องมือที่รัฐบาลใช้ในการควบคุม แทรกแซง ผู้อ่านไม่จำเป็นต้องเชื่อในสิ่งที่ผมเล่าไป อยากให้พิสูจน์ด้วยตัวท่านเอง มันถึงเวลาแล้วที่เราต้องเริ่มตั้งคำถาม เสาะหาความจริงกับหลายๆ เรื่องที่รัฐบอกเรา โดยเฉพาะเงินเฟ้อที่เราทุกคนต้องเผชิญมันต่ำกว่า 1% จริงๆ เหรอ
@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2024-10-29 20:46:24
This design system has two goals:
1. Being the basis for the development of a design-first, native Nostr app focused on exceptional zapping and chatting, relay-based communities and beauty
2. Serving as inspiration for builders that need coherent UI building blocks for their own apps with a different scope but overlapping needs (chats, threads, zaps, articles, highlights, events, wikis, ...)
### Design System
Check it out [here](https://www.figma.com/community/file/1430887635327548022 ).
This is by no means finished and will be continually updated and completed as we go along.
### Project description
Check it out [here](njump.me/naddr1qvzqqqrcvgpzp22rfmsktmgpk2rtan7zwu00zuzax5maq5dnsu5g3xxvqr2u3pd7qyt8wumn8ghj7mnfv4kzumn0wd68yvfwvdhk6tcpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qq00fshqcmgv96z6urjda4x2cm5lrswda)
This is a very first bullet-point-style draft to set the tone and is open to change, hence it being a wiki.
### Explanatory videos
This list of videos will also be continually updated and completed as we go along:
1. Chat as the universal interface
2. Your Nostr Dashboard
3. Keeping Tabs on all these Content types
4. Design entered the Chat
5. Targeted publication & The blurry edges of interoperable communities
6. Travel Back
@ f685c7b9:b1be053e
2024-11-15 01:03:52
## Bitcoiners' Social Responsibility
"The primary act—the process of reason—must be performed by each man alone. We can divide a meal among many men. We cannot digest it in a collective stomach. No man can use his lungs to breathe for another man. No man can use his brain to think for another. All the functions of body and spirit are private. They cannot be shared or transferred."
--Ayn Rand
Rand warned about the fallacy of prioritizing collective well-being over the individual. Adopting bitcoin as your primary means of payments and store of value is an individual choice, while the errand orange-pilling people is construed as performing a social, or even collective, good. Bitcoiners themselves are not unlike the nodes validating network transactions and enforcing the fixed supply mechanism, in the sense that they bear the responsibility of ensuring the social integrity of the network. By this, I mean adhering to the same principles on which bitcoin came into existence, those based on the sovereignty of the individual. In observing interactions of bitcoiners online, I am motivated to express my thoughts about the potential risk that the best intentions may lead one into the trap of passive, ideological adherence to the collectivist idea that everyone ends up better off if the world just accepted bitcoin. I do not accept this to be necessarily true, but make the argument that educated users who are empowered to think for themselves make the network stronger and lead us closer to our common goal of a freer society.
Bitcoiners as Social Nodes
Having the courage to learn about the technological requirements of running a bitcoin node is no small feat for the average non-technically inclined person. Courage here is the primary barrier to overcome. The technical knowledge needed to participate in the Bitcoin network by running your own node, though not intuitive, is readily available online through easy-to-follow tutorials, yet many people are dissuaded from endeavoring to do so. At this point, anyone can buy or sell bitcoin and even spend it without as much as having heard the word node, let alone understand how to run one on their own machine. By far, the more burdensome task than the technical aspects of node participation is the social task of enabling the future bitcoiners of the world to use bitcoin as money. It is for this reason, I am arguing that it is a moral imperative to view every current bitcoiner as a social node.
While not capable of validating bitcoin transactions (with the exception of those actual node runners), bitcoiners bear the burden of solving the far more complex social problems of harmonizing the hostile world of fiat with Bitcoin. Bitcoiners are societal nodes, and serve the polyvalent function of validating social transactions and ensuring the integrity of the bitcoin network of users.
I'm not talking about shilling bitcoin, bitcoin evangelism or "orange-pilling" your friends and family. As far as I can tell, the jury is still out on whether this is a desirable use of our function as social nodes in the network of bitcoin users. As we all know, a new user who dives into the unknown without having done their due diligence can, might be taking a serious risk. Additionally, while Bitcoin's value will benefit immensely from wider adoption, paradoxically, it will becomes more costly to its present users to accumulate more. Far be it from my intentions to make an argument against advocating for hard money; yet, in this essay I find it incumbent upon me to consider the ramifications shilling the coin irresponsibly. Another one of my objectives here is to explore the functions of participating as a social node in bitcoin's network of users.
### Bitocoin Evangelism and On-boarding New Users
Explanations of the exploits of fiat currency, the anti-fragility of the bitcoin network and its value proposition as money qua store of value as well as a medium of exchange can be powerful evidence for non-believers. As a bitcoin maxi, to me these top the list of revelations I had to have before being able to accept the reality that fiat is the real Ponzi scheme whose stability-seeking central planning approach drains the life force of the people who actually produce value in the world (see my essay, Dracula and the Federal Reserve Banking System. By saying that every bitcoiner is a social node in the network of potential users, I am proposing that due diligence is done to ensure that initiates are properly introduced to the technology, lest they fall into ways that perpetuate the evil of old.
The question of bitcoin mass adoption is no longer one of "if," but "when." What with the President of the United states floating the idea of purchasing a strategic reserve of one-million BTC (we'll see), and Microstrategy announcing plans to amp up their purchasing of bitcoin to 42 billion USD, these next few years Bitcoin will not need any more evangelism. The real task of being a node in the social network of bitcoin users lay in envisioning what the world is going to look like on a bitcoin standard and educating people about how they can prepare. Making sure that initiates in the network of users understand the common best practices will be the most daunting task.
Humans are social creatures. This necessarily implies that the mass uptake of new technology will have massive social repercussions. While we may rely on the economists to offer us analysis on trends in the social aspects of bitcoin adoption, and the software engineers and developers as experts on the tech stuff, it is the task of the every-person, the plebs, if you will, in the network to find, on the micro-level, the wrinkles and distortions that impede the network from working for the every-person. What I mean in saying we are all nodes is this: everyone participating in the network by either holding or using bitcoin shares the responsibility for ensuring the accuracy and relevance of information as it is distributed in their broader social networks. Indeed, this involves informing people about the various freedom to which bitcoin enables us. I am suggesting that we think deeper than simply proclaiming the "Good Word" that of bitcoin is the best money ever known to human civilization. What I'm proposing is a judicious and considered approach to encouraging proper education among the yet-to-be-initiated.
Of course, there are certainly going to be people to whom we will relish in saying "have fun staying poor," whom we will watch happily as they flounder in the dying paroxysms of the fiat machine while mass adoption takes off. However, there are also those, and this I am certain, to whom each of us would like to educate about the desecration caused by fiat systems, and the ways in which Bitcoin, the hardest decentralized and trustless currency that the world has ever seen, can save them. There is, of course, the adage that everyone gets Bitcoin at the price they deserve, but this should be said with the caveat that our friends and family deserve the absolute best price possible. My view here is that the only way to ensure that bitcoin remains representative of freedom is by each participant in the network ensures that the right information reaches the right people at the right time.
By saying we are all nodes, in effect, is to say that each of us who proclaims the word of Bitcoin is an ambassador. The choice of how you choose to represent yourself is your own. You are the one who best knows your community and you know what will make bitcoin stick. Every ambassador of the network performs the careful work of understanding the how and why of bitcoin adoption in each individual case. Far more complex a task than the validation of transactions on the bitcoin network, being a societal bitcoin node requires the careful execution that can be achieved by people living in and connected to the world around them.
### One Pill, Two Pill, Orange Pill, Blue Pill
I prefer to talk about the process of initiating someone to the bitcoin network as one of on-boarding, rather than orange-pilling. To orange-pill someone implies some level of ideological persuasion - which, if you ask me, never really works, and only makes the unconvinced dig in their heels and gnash their teeth. I think person who accepts bitcoin does so because the time was ripe for it, not because of a nerdy cypherpunk's smooth talking. Even worse, to orange-pill someone pacifies the initiate into someone that needs to accept the truth as you it to tell them. The network doesn't need more people ready to drink the next hyped up flavour of kool-aid (even if it is orange); it needs rational thinkers who are ready to accept reality as it is, ready to think deeply about the problems yet to be solved.
From my experience, to say that the average person knows there to be something to be inherently wrong with the world is an understatement. People live their whole lives fear- or hate-ridden lest some boogeyman that they can't quite define will come and ransack everything they know and love. They use many labels, like Cabal, the establishment, they, the man... There is any number of pejoratives to which folks are ready to direct their hatred, though they be only vaguely understood. Yet, none of these labels fully captures the essence of the problem, which not the fault of a single entity per se. Instead, the fault lay in a system built on fiat. If history teaches us anything, it is that people are quick to find a scapegoat for their problems. It is easier to do so than to admit to being duped into accepting a construction of reality that is patently counterfeit. The world's biggest Ponzi scheme, fiat, is just that. Thanks to generations of coercion and propagandizing, the average person has not the slightest clue of this. As a result, they do not know why bitcoin exists.
What the majority of people do understand is this: for one reason or another, each of us feels we have to achieve more with less. What distinguishes bitcoiners from the majority is the understanding that this feeling is valid because it has an identifiable caused in the world. It is not a collective hallucination, but the systemic theft that occurs in the form of currency debasement, organized and planned by central banking and governmental authorities. In order to make ideological converts, or orange-pill those who have not recognized this truth requires a subtle understanding of their lives and struggles. It requires knowing that most people do not readily give up their their most strongly held delusions. It requires a deep level of compassion, love and patience.
Orange pilling, therefore, might better referred to as on-boarding. To build the network of future bitcoiners requires that people are well adapted and have the resources to make full use of it. If people are not free to understand bitcoin and instead are coerced into passively accepting it, then humanity will be no better off than we are now. This is why I would propose we change the language used to describe then initiation of a newcomer to the network. To say someone has been "orange-pilled" relegates them to being a passive recipient of an ideology. Myself, I have never been orange-pilled; in fact, I am skeptical of any pill. Here, I think the meme has outgrown its use and works against us. No--I have been on-boarded to the network, thanks to the many educators who work tirelessly to create online content, write their books or articles or expend their scarce time and energy discussing these ideas.
We risk repeating the mistakes of the past if each new bitcoiner is not treated with the dignity of being able to decide for themselves what is best for them. Those who blindly accept an ideology are arguably no better off then they were in the old system. As Ayn Rand has argued, the mind, is not collective, but individual, and nor can any man or woman use theirs to think for another.
@ 502ab02a:a2860397
2024-11-15 00:56:24
โปรเจคนี้ผมเริ่มต้นไอเดียจาก คุณมิก ณ ห้วยผึ้ง กาฬสินธุ์ และ คุณริช ณ ฉะเชิงเทรา ผู้ริเริ่มรันวงการ local bitcoin ด้วยการส่งเสริมให้พื้นที่ตนเอง สร้างตัวเลือกในการทดลองใช้ bitcoin เพื่อประสบการณ์ใหม่ๆ
ก็เลยมีความคิดว่า ถ้าสติ๊กเกอร์ที่ชุมชนนำไปใช้นั้น เป็นสัญลักษณ์ที่แสดงถึงพื้นที่นั้นๆก็น่าจะดี ในอนาคตพวกเขาอาจนำไปใช้ทำเสื้อ ที่รองแก้ว แก้วกาแฟ ป้ายร้าน และอื่นๆอีกมากมาย
นอกจากนี้ อาจจะเป็นแรงบันดาลใจ ที่จะทำให้พื้นที่ต่างๆในประเทศไทยที่มีการใช้งาน bitcoin สามารถนำไปต่อยอดในพื้นที่ตัวเองได้ด้วย ผมจึงยินดีแจก อาร์ทเวิร์คฉบับนี้ให้แบบไม่คิดค่าใช้จ่าย โดยอาร์ทเวิร์คจะแบ่งเป็น 2 แบบใหญ่ๆคือ 1. แสดงอำเภอ/ตำบล/หมู่บ้าน (หรือพื้นที่ย่อยอื่นๆ) แล้วแสดงจังหวัดต่อท้าย 2. แสดงเฉพาะจังหวัด
ผมได้ทำตัวเลือกทั้งแนวนอน แนวตั้ง มีพื้นที่ QR code จัตุรัส แบ่งเป็นพื้นขาว และ พื้นดำ เพื่อรองรับการใช้งานที่หลากหลาย
แนวคิดการออกแบบคือ มีสัญลักษณ์ประจำท้องที่อยู่ด้านหน้า ตามด้วยคำว่า bitcoin accepted here พร้อมกำกับภาษาไทย โดยภาษาอังกฤษใช้ฟอนต์ ubuntu และภาษาไทยใช้ฟอนต์ TH Krub ซึ่งเป็นฟอนต์แห่งชาติ (ทั้ง 2 ฟอนต์เป็นฟอนต์ฟรี)
1.แบบแสดง อำเภอ/ตำบล/หมู่บ้าน (หรือพื้นที่ย่อยอื่นๆ) แล้วแสดงจังหวัดต่อท้าย
แนวคิด : ห้วยผึ้ง ใช้ผึ้งงานเก็บน้ำผึ้งเข้ารัง ให้รังเป็นตัวแทนของการออม bitcoin ในลักษณะ stack sats ค่อยๆเก็บหอมรอบริบ make saving great again โดยผึ้งงานเป็นตัวแทนของ proof of work ซึ่งตัวน้ำผึ้งที่หอมหวานนั้น มีคุณค่า ไม่เสื่อมไปตามกาลเวลา เป็นยาอายุวัฒนะ และเป็นของมีค่าโดยธรรมชาติ
ตัวหนังสือแสดงพื้นที่ จะใช้รูปแบบ “หน่วยย่อย@จังหวัด” ในที่นี้คือ “ห้วยผึ้ง@กาฬสินธุ์” จัดทำเป็นภาษาอังกฤษ เพื่อให้ชาวต่างชาติเข้าใจได้ง่าย และเป็นภาษาไทยในส่วนของสัญลักษณ์เพื่อแสดงความเป็นไทย
link : Download here!!!
แนวคิด : ที่มาของคำว่า 8ริ้ว ชื่อเล่นของจังหวัดฉะเชิงเทรา มาจากปลาช่อนขนาดใหญ่ ที่สามารถแบ่งได้ถึง 8 ริ้ว จึงออกแบบให้เป็นรูปปลาช่อน แล้วติดเหรียญเลข 8 เอาไว้ ทั้งเป็นเลขมงคลและเป็นการแทนค่า 8ริ้ว ของปลาด้วย ด้านหลังเป็นสัญลักษณ์ bitcoin พร้อมคำว่า ฉะเชิงเทราเป็นภาษาอังกฤษ และกำกับภาษาไทยที่ด้านล่างอย่างโดดเด่น
ตัวหนังสือแสดงพื้นที่ จะอยู่ในรูปแบบของ “@จังหวัด” ในที่นี้คือ “@ฉะเชิงเทรา” จัดทำเป็นภาษาอังกฤษ เพื่อให้ชาวต่างชาติเข้าใจได้ง่าย และเป็นภาษาไทยในส่วนของสัญลักษณ์เพื่อแสดงความเป็นไทย
link : Download here!!! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eADEGcWOYIGWCnEGBNrnYqxmVNNpoiUQ/view?usp=sharing
หวังว่าใครนำไปใช้ในท้องที่ตัวเองแล้ว เอามาอวดผมด้วยนะครับ จะดีใจยิ่ง
nostr address ที่ nostr:npub12q4tq25nvkp52sluql37yr5qn059qf3kpeaa26u0nmd7ag5xqwtscduvuh
ENG version
This project originated from an idea I developed with inspiration from Khun Mick from Huai Phueng, Kalasin, and Khun Rich from Chachoengsao. Both have pioneered the local Bitcoin movement by encouraging their communities to create options for experimenting with Bitcoin to gain new experiences.
This led me to think it would be great if the stickers used by the community could symbolize the specific area they represent. In the future, they could even be used on T-shirts, coasters, coffee cups, shop signs, and more.
Additionally, this could serve as inspiration for other regions in Thailand where Bitcoin is in use to adapt and extend it within their own areas. Therefore, I’m happy to provide this artwork free of charge. The artwork comes in two main formats: 1. Showing the district/subdistrict/village (or other local area) followed by the province name, and 2. Showing only the province name.
I’ve created both horizontal and vertical options with space for a QR code in a square format and included white and black backgrounds to support diverse uses.
The design concept includes a local symbol in the foreground, followed by the phrase “Bitcoin Accepted Here,” with accompanying Thai text. For English, I’ve used the Ubuntu font, and for Thai, the TH Krub font, which is the national font of Thailand (both fonts are free to use).
1.Format: Shows the district/subdistrict/village (or other local area) followed by the province name.
Concept: Huai Phueng uses an image of a worker bee collecting honey for the hive, where the hive symbolizes saving Bitcoin in a “stack sats” manner, gradually
accumulating and making saving valuable again. The worker bee represents proof of work, while the sweet honey, with its timeless value, serves as both an elixir and a naturally precious resource.
The text displaying the location will follow the format “subdivision@province,” in this case, “Huai Phueng@Kalasin.” The English format is designed for easy understanding by foreigners, while the Thai language in the symbol emphasizes Thai identity.
Link: Download here!!!
2.Format: Displays only the province name.
Concept: The origin of the nickname “8 Riew” for Chachoengsao Province comes from a large snakehead fish that could be cut into eight large slices. The design incorporates an image of a snakehead fish with an “8” coin to represent both the rich number and the symbolic “8 Riew” slices. The background features the Bitcoin symbol along with “Chachoengsao” in English and prominent Thai text below.
The location text will follow the format “@Province,” in this case, “@Chachoengsao.” The English format is designed for easy understanding by foreigners, while the Thai language in the symbol emphasizes Thai identity.
Link: Download here!!!
ref website
@ bcea2b98:7ccef3c9
2024-11-14 23:38:37
@chess a3
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/768303
@ b54300a6:bad869e1
2024-11-14 23:31:43
"And although it is true that without fire there is no transformation, the invention of the philosopher's stone was possible thanks to the alchemy of ice smiths.” Mircea Eliade.
Contemporary alchemists like Satoshi Nakamoto did not wonder to melt existing money into just a little bit different money, only a little better digital form of money or how to overthrow a banking system. Satoshi wasn't interested in that. Satoshi wondered how to create a completely new system, black swan, financial perpetual motion that will be able to save and remember yourself, replicate itself, the code, cyberspace creation able to remember all the most important activities and share this informations between all participants involved and all networks nodes equally at the speed of life.
> “If our analysis and interpretation are
well founded, alchemy prolongs and consummates a very
old dream of homo faber: collaboration in the perfecting of
matter while at the same time securing perfection for himself.”
When the transmutation of two substances into a completely new one has successfully ended, it opens new gates for human imagination and ingenuity raising the crossbar of human possibilities. The challenge faced by alchemists often exceeded the technical capabilities of those times, but the thought – once released and put into motion – could no longer return to the old tracks.
The alchemy of first Bitcoin miners and emotions that accompanied them had to reflect exactly that. It was cyberspace melting pot, full of ideas, curiosity and thoughts coming from more than fifty years since Bitcoin was created. Add early cypherpunk’s ethos, miners technical expertise, melt it altogether and wait. Because it all had been waiting for its final form - Bitcoin. How to take all of available components (Adam Back’s Hashcash, David Chaum’s E-money, Nick Szabo’s works on Proof-of-Work) and melt in a way it would create completely new substance? What was missing and what had to be added? That got to be Satoshi’s question. It was a quest for cypherpunks alchemists.
**I. Language, language of codes.**
Early alchemists were an outsiders. The way they think, curiosity of their minds, discoveries and never ending trials and errors to find out the perfect "elixiir vitae", the philosopher stone made them different. They differ even by the way they communicate, the language and terminology they used.
> "Wherever we have spoken openly we have said nothing. But where we have written something in code and in pictures we have cancealed the code" **
It's not a quote from Satoshi Nakamoto, but from the early alchemists, from the “Rosarium Philosophorum”, book that describes alchemist's practices. Using language of codes had always been reserved for unique professions. For Cypherpunks coding was a way of communicating, to the point that coding was preferred way of explaining certain things. There's famous cypherpunk quote, (this time written by Satoshi Nakamoto) who wrote: “I’m better with code than with words though.
**II Nature**
The times of the first alchemists are the first attempts to interfere in the work of nature on unprecedented scales and although the relationship with mother nature was not so black and white the truth seems to be on what Mircea Eliade point out:
> (...) Thanks to this sacred quality of Nature - revealed in
the 'subtle' aspect of substances - that the alchemist thought
he could obtain his transmuting agent, the Philosopher’s
Stone, as well as his Elixir of Immortality.***
“And although it is true that without fire there is no transformation, the invention of the philosopher's stone was possible thanks to the alchemy of ice smiths.”
It was always through her. Walking into creating new substance meaning walking into sacred mother nature's qualities. Taking anything from her was only possible and granted when blacksmiths were be able to gives back.
The furnaces replace the mother nature womb, so all precautions had to be maintained****
Give back gratitude and respect to her and she returns with her most precious gifts that were growing inside her womb.
The way to express those feelings was to create special procedures, activites and rituals. Rituals was emotions embodied in action. It's always emotions that creates rituals for the purpose to give back gratitude, to bless mother nature as she blessed us, and to celebrate reality trying to making it closest to god's image as possible. It wasn't about mechanical action per se. In fact, metallurgy for the indigenous tribes was a religious experience, evolved around rituals filled with many activities that have been preparing for it. As Mircae Eliade stated in his findings before any metallurgy performance, certain tribes got to be spiritually clean. Smiths meant to be absent from sexual activities and should abstain from food and drinking. Being an alchemist was a highly respected professions, similar to the priest today. So highly that only through rites few got access to it.
> (...) strong in the conviction that they were working in
conjunction with God, the alchemists considered their work
as a perfecting of Nature, tolerated if not encouraged by God.
Far removed though they were from the ancient metallurgists
and smiths, they nevertheless continued the same attitude
vis-ci-vis Nature. For the primitive miner, as for the Western
alchemist, Nature is a hierophany. It is not only 'alive', it is
also 'divine'; it has, at least, a divine dimension.*****
Imagine shaping philosopher stone from volcanoes. Bitcoin is perfecting natures qualities, possibilities to transform. Volcanoes stranded energy is not encapsulated in the stone and kept as a store of value but thanks to Bitcoin can be transferred into something else - black swan, liquid gold.
It is only possible under subtle transformation of sacred powerful forces, transition of one substance into the other, and that what makes Bitcoin part of alived Nature, part of ‘divine’.
Nature in their hierophany was always part of humanity experience. From following moon phases, to sowing and reaping, cultivating plants and animals (some of which was sacred) and celebrating food - everything was made with connection to Mother Earth. Bitcoin is an extension of perfecting Mother Nature forces.
In our disconnected world emphasizing on this part is quite important.
Bitcoin connection to nature allows us to see Bitcoin far from the technological industry and only as product of highly advanced algorithms and cryptography but instead it allows us to see it as a part of Nature.
Some would say nature is part of us: it's we who are evolving from it. One thesis of this text is that we can see Bitcoin and speak of it as a network that is evolving from nature and by proof of work is linked to us all - as part of Nature, part of us.
We are all connected. Money to become “healthy” again needs to be connected to us as well. Any Fiat currency that since 1971 is no longer tied to any nature resources (gold) became detached and artificial. Bitcoin is bringing that connection back in the form of pure energy.
Alchemy of thoughts leads to alchemy of energy.
**III Properties**
> “This Stone which is not a
stone, a precious thing which has no value, a thing of many
shapes which has no shapes, this unknown
which is known of
******A Transmute elements into gold******
> “The first virtue of the Stone is its capacity
to transmute metals into gold.”
Turning volcano energy into Bitcoin is true alchemy. Volcanoes energy can't be turned into other commodity, gold or silver.
Gold as the pinnacle of humanity's hard money. And the only known almost perfect metal.
The main task was to transform imperfections into perfection which is: energy poured into wires reaching around the world at the speed of light. retains its value, has every property of gold, but is improved from many aspects; in terms of divisibility, portability and resistance to theft. Bitcoin is digital, ephemeral, liquid gold - goes faster, everywhere, it's much more transportable and it's easier to carry and transact with.
Alchemists' dream about improving mother nature's work had come to the fruition.
******B-Accelerate of tempo, quickens growth
> Although he put himself
in the place of Time, the alchemist took good care not to as
sume its role. His dream was to accelerate the tempo of things,
to create gold more quickly than Nature. ******
The notion that the Stone accelerates the temporal rhythm of all organisms
and quickens growth;
'In spring, by its great and marvellous heat, the Stone brings
life to the plants: if thou dissolve the equivalent of a grain of
salt in water, taking from this water enough to fill a nutshell,
and then if thou water with it a vinestock, thy vinestock will
bring forth ripe grapes in May.'
Another philosophical stone property is to bring an acceleration of growth of all organisms: “Stone that brings life to the plants”. In Alana Mediavila’ s movie: “Dirty Coin" we can see how often stranded energy, once restored, can return back and fuel the growth of local agriculture and homes. It brings back life to the plants. It prevents energy from dying. It quickens growth of local communities, accelerates growth of standard of living.
Contrary to traditional energy that evaporates once utilised - Bitcoin uses energy that contains, is made up of and can give back value later on.
Bitcoin - the money that are durable as gold and transport energy similar to the best mining facilities; Money that preserves lots of energy just by existing.
Bitcoin takes up stranded energy and directs it into growing plants. It's taking over liquidity of gold, silver and precious metals and has the ability to store it in the most hard ledger ever invented yet the most ephemeral, existing only in cyberspace.
There are no other substance on planet Earth that is capable of performing what, for the purpose of this text, can be call “modern alchemy” just as Bitcoin is able.
******C-Turn into itself******
> Brought to perfection, it transforms into itself all the imperfections ... with which it comes in contact. “*******
Thanks to Bitcoin properties and it's magic Bitcoin can flow onto other branches of energy industry improving the local economy.
As a liquid gold, Bitcoin can work in osmosis and transform - as we can see more clearly recently - anything into itself: from any Fiat Currencies, ETFs, gaming tokens, assets, financial products, loans, mortgages. All of these things can be transmuted into Bitcoin. Philosopher's Stone is working best through orange osmosis.
Real alchemy is happening when substances can flow, share its properties to others. Real philosopher's stone never lose their force, energy can't be neither created nor destroyed. It exists to build, to give and restore.
******D) Restore youth. ******
>** 'the Philosopher's Stone
cures all maladies. In one day it cures a malady which would
last a month, in twelve days a sickness which would last a
year, and a longer one in a month. It restores youth to the
old.' - “Arnold de Villanova.***
The Fed has ability to increase monetary supply and because of that money purchasing power is heavily affected. For 100£ in 1971, today you would need £1, 771.42. Any currency created by decret (Latin meaning of “Fiat”) can be easily devalued. Bitcoin is the opposite: one of the beauty of fixed supply is that it creates scarcity. Rare items appreciate in value with time. In terms of Bitcoin if you would save 29$ for Bitcoin in 2009 instead of buying shake weight, you'd have $13,736,720,474.
> (...) medicine which gets rid of impurities
and all blemishes from the most base metal, can wash unclean
things from the body and prevents decay of the body to such
an extent that it prolongs life by several centuries'.
Bitcoin prevents decay of Fiat Inflation malady.
Fiat can “get old with time” meaning devaluation its value. Bitcoin stays forever young, appreciates on value. Always young, always 21.
Reverse ageing with bitcoin is possible but only when applied on a daily basis. Anti Aging DCAing is recommended alongside Orange Pilling: applied quickly enough it not only can restores your (financial) youth, but also prevent from inflationary death.
**IV The goal of alchemy: transmutation and recreation. **
In this process of creation, death plays a very important role. We are dealing with the breaking down of a couple of substances, bringing them to their annihilation, to their death.
This is necessary for the reconstitution of the cosmogony, which can only be possible through transmutation, the transition from one state to another, and this means death and cessation of continuance in one mode of existence.
Death in this context has an initiatory meaning:
A return to the germ, to “ad originem,” to “prima material.” It is a beginning anew, a metaphysical washing away of sins. It is not so much a return as the beginning of a new cycle. The process of creation, cosmic creation is the ultimate “resurrection.”
Therefore, as Mircae Eliade states, one of the main goals of alchemy, is not the transmutation of substance itself, but the recreation of cosmogony.
Alchemical transmutation, from a purely physical point of view, was supposed to lead to the creation of completely new substances. Through the creation of new substances, there is a process of reconstructing the universe, reconstructing the cosmogony.
**V. Modern Alchemists**
Alchemy was a religious experience because it reflected the inner life of the soul, a tendency both to order and to destroy, a desire for order and a desire to return to “pure”, fresh beginnings. Alchemy includes the material world, the world of emoji, substances, rituals, in the form of metaphysical world - everything is contained there.
Transformation that took place had a great significance. It wasn't just "doing", without the soul, it was an act of creation, reflection of inner state. Maybe we can't see it in Bitcoin, because we can't see how energy is actually being transferred while speeding through cables and infrastructure, or take a look into the bitcoin nodes, but we can take a look into mother nature’s womb, onto volcanoes energy and be aware, that’s the exact same energy had been transmuted into something completely different, something not even having his material reflection, yet very durable. Overall Bitcoin is a pure energy transferred.
It can flow according to our will. In any direction. Exchanging value, acquiring experiences or sending gratitude - we are transmuting that energy everyday. We are ultimate alchemists.
**VI to be continued…. **
*M. Eliade, “The Forge and the Crucible: The Origins and Structure of Alchemy”, The University of Chicago Press, 1978, p. 169.
**Rosarium Philosophorum, Weinhem edition, 1990. Quote from:
M. Eliade, “The Forge and the Crucible: The Origins and Structure of Alchemy”,
*****Ibidem, p. 171.
******Ibidem, p. 164.
Ibidem,p. 166.
how to replace the current centrally controlled monetary system for the ne one, how
While Bitcoin taking up stranded energy and directs it into growing plants It’s taking over liquidity of gold, silver and precious metals and has ability to store it in the most hard ledger ever invented yet the most epheral, existing only in cyberspace. it takes people on journey, it orange pilling them through osmosis, allowing everyone to understand real value of something scarce.
The case I’d like to make here is that Bitcoin is adding back people's time and life force in meantime and in that sense giving back a little bit of our soul.
“Yet no one prizes it, though, next to
the human soul, it is the most beautiful and most precious
thing upon earth“
Since 2020 FeD alongside with government decided to add 80% extra amount of money into circulation. Prices since then increased by 23.03%*
As above, so as below.
Transmutation energy
@ dbb19ae0:c3f22d5a
2024-11-14 20:39:37
As I've registered with Alby a few months ago I told a friend (who complained about the current toxicity of twitter/X) about this new social media Nostr and told him he could get rewarded for posting.
The deal was that I would help him to create his nostr account and get a wallet, https://guides.getalby.com/user-guide/alby-account-and-browser-extension
downloading the extension, creating the nostr account was a breeze, and then ....
As I wanted to send him a few sats to get started
that is when the whole thing went down.
Alby is now forcing its users to get a hub (and a channel), this was not my experience when I started back in March 2024 and I was surprised of this new direction Alby is taking.
Opening a channel costs ~25K sat -- and that was not expected, for a brand new user
Now my friend thinks that this whole new social media and bitcoin stuff is all a big scam.
What can I do?
Is there a way to open a wallet (compatible with Nostr) elsewhere?
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/768090
@ bd32f268:22b33966
2024-11-14 19:37:33
Entristece-me ver tanto ceticismo em relação ao amor e às relações. Parece que agora é normal entrar numa determinada relação com uma data de validade e sem se entregar completamente.
O que observo é que não há confiança e também cada vez mais, não há um sentido de dever ou responsabilidade. Um casal que não tem noção do que é um voto sagrado e eterno não é provável que sobreviva muito tempo. Há uma volatilidade e relativismo que se impõe e fazem com que aquilo que hoje se é, amanhã possa já não ser. As promessas realizadas não passam disso, promessas que não se transformam realidades.
Fui alimentado, tal como o homem comum, com uma série de mentiras sobre as relações. Algumas hiper-idealistas em que não havia tensão, dor ou sacrifício, outras apenas focavam o lado hedonista, retratando as relações casuais como algo aconselhável. Enfim, as manobras de distração são muitas e as mentiras são bastante sedutoras à vista desarmada. Um exemplo disso é que nos é transmitida a ideia de que podemos adiar indefinidamente esse processo de compromisso com alguém.
Quando os jovens estão a ponto de iniciar a vida adulta é muito propagada a mensagem de que têm tempo, que precisam de ter experiências até assentarem com alguém. Muito sinceramente acho que esta filosofia tende a infantilizar as pessoas e a iludir porque pressupõe que essas experiências vão produzir uma aprendizagem valorosa e constata-se invariavelmente que esse não é o caso, que no caso dos homens isto quer muitas vezes dizer que têm carta branca para oportunismo sexual e nas mulheres quer dizer frequentemente que têm via aberta para uma romantização idealista e Holywoodesca, a base do amor fátuo. Por outro lado esta mensagem pressupõe também que temos tempo, no entanto a realidade é que não sabemos o tempo que temos e a janela para constituir família vai fechando paulatinamente á medida que o tempo passa.
É costume dizer-se popularmente que os homens enganam-se pelos olhos e as mulheres pelos ouvidos e, como referi, o oportunismo sexual e a romantização idealista são duas grandes expressões de erros populares neste domínio das relações. O homem, tomado muitas vezes pelo dose avassaladora de sensualidade que está presente na informação que vai consumindo, vai em busca de “troféus” para o seu espólio. No caso da mulher, muitas vezes movida a pelo sentimentalismo e pela enganadora “busca da felicidade” como fim último para a vida, tende a ficar permanentemente insatisfeita quando constata que a fantasia rapidamente se desmorona, resultado de se deixar guiar exclusivamente pelo sentimento e menos pela razão.
Depois temos ainda um outro problema que afeta os dois sexos, tanto homens como mulheres, que diz respeito à crescente indefinição do papel e identidade do homem e da mulher. Na era da suposta igualdade, estas definições tornam-se cada vez mais nebulosas e as referências que temos na televisão, desporto, cultura, ou academia são muitas vezes de homens efeminados e mulheres masculinizadas.
Acresce a isto ainda outros problemas, desde a normalização do divórcio e do adultério à perversão sexual, a ausência da vocação pedagógica dos pais entre muitos outros.
Nós crescemos com este tipo de propaganda, o casamento já não é o foco, construir uma família não é a pedra angular. O resultado é que temos muitas pessoas sem Deus, escravizadas pelos apetites hedonistas, sem capacidade de sacrifício para construir uma família decente, e a somar a isto, uma crise de fertilidade. Esta é a base de onde provêm muitos dos problemas políticos a que assistimos. É costume dizer-se popularmente que os homens enganam-se pelos olhos e as mulheres pelos ouvidos e, como referi, o oportunismo sexual e a romantização idealista são duas grandes expressões de erros populares neste domínio das relações. O homem, tomado muitas vezes pelo dose avassaladora de sensualidade que está presente na informação que vai consumindo, vai em busca de “troféus” para o seu espólio. No caso da mulher, muitas vezes movida a pelo sentimentalismo e pela enganadora “busca da felicidade” como fim último para a vida, tende a ficar permanentemente insatisfeita quando constata que a fantasia rapidamente se desmorona, resultado de se deixar guiar exclusivamente pelo sentimento e menos pela razão.
Depois temos ainda um outro problema que afeta os dois sexos, tanto homens como mulheres, que diz respeito à crescente indefinição do papel e identidade do homem e da mulher. Na era da suposta igualdade, estas definições tornam-se cada vez mais nebulosas e as referências que temos na televisão, desporto, cultura, ou academia são muitas vezes de homens efeminados e mulheres masculinizadas.
Acresce a isto ainda outros problemas, desde a normalização do divórcio e do adultério à perversão sexual, a ausência da vocação pedagógica dos pais entre muitos outros.
Nós crescemos com este tipo de propaganda, o casamento já não é o foco, construir uma família não é a pedra angular. O resultado é que temos muitas pessoas sem Deus, escravizadas pelos apetites hedonistas, sem capacidade de sacrifício para construir uma família decente, e a somar a isto, uma crise de fertilidade. Esta é a base de onde provêm muitos dos problemas políticos a que assistimos.
![undefined](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F1abac105-7e36-443f-a342-a0845aa45758_512x665.jpeg)*Holy Family - Collinson*
Precisamos de começar a construir famílias para conseguirmos algum tipo de coesão social. Tal como Aristóteles definia, o país é um conjunto de famílias, portanto o nosso sucesso coletivo enquanto país depende da capacidade para construir e orientar devidamente as famílias.
@ bcea2b98:7ccef3c9
2024-11-14 18:03:14
We all have that one movie or show we turn to when we need a little comfort. Whether it’s for the laughs, the nostalgia, or the familiar characters, these are the ones that never get old.
What’s a movie or series you can watch again and again? What makes it so comforting, and why do you keep coming back to it?
I enjoy The Office with Michael Scott and Dwight Schrute. We watched a lot of that in the past and then again during the pandemic during isolation.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/767870
@ 98589a2e:bf49daa1
2024-11-14 17:33:47
**Медицинская система Санкт-Петербурга претерпела значительные изменения благодаря стремительному развитию цифровых технологий. Эти преобразования сделали медицину более персонализированной, эффективной и ориентированной на профилактику заболеваний.**
## Основные аспекты изменений
### Полностью интегрированные цифровые экосистемы
Все медицинские данные пациентов хранятся в единой облачной системе, доступной как врачам, так и пациентам. Это обеспечивает мгновенный доступ к истории болезни, результатам анализов и рекомендациям специалистов. Пациенты могут отслеживать свои показатели здоровья в реальном времени через персональные устройства.
### Искусственный интеллект и машинное обучение
Искусственный интеллект (ИИ) стал ключевым элементом диагностики и лечения. Нейросети анализируют большие объемы данных, что позволяет врачам ставить точные диагнозы и подбирать эффективные методы лечения. ИИ также используется для прогнозирования заболеваний на основе генетической предрасположенности и образа жизни пациента.
### Технологии дополненной реальности (AR) и виртуальной реальности (VR)
AR активно применяется в хирургии и обучении медиков. Хирурги используют AR-очки для отображения трехмерных моделей органов во время операций, что повышает точность манипуляций. VR-технологии помогают симулировать сложные хирургические процедуры для обучения студентов.
### Нанотехнологии и роботизированная медицина
Микроскопические роботы-наномашины вводятся в организм для диагностики и лечения на клеточном уровне. Они могут доставлять лекарства к пораженным тканям и проводить микрооперации, а роботы-хирурги выполняют сложные операции под контролем врачей.
### Персонализированная геномика и фармакогенетика
Генетическое тестирование стало стандартом при первичном обращении к врачу. На основе анализа ДНК разрабатываются индивидуальные планы профилактики и лечения, а также подбираются наиболее подходящие лекарства, что позволяет избежать побочных эффектов и повысить эффективность терапии.
### Биохакинг и кибернетические имплантаты
Жители Санкт-Петербурга активно используют биохакинг для улучшения своих физических и когнитивных способностей с помощью высоких технологий. Кибернетические протезы заменяют утраченные функции организма, а нейроинтерфейсы обеспечивают связь мозга с компьютером.
### Телепортация клеток и тканей
Технология телепортации применяется для транспортировки необходимых клеток и тканей вместо пересадки донорских органов, что сокращает время ожидания трансплантаций и снижает риск отторжения.
**Медицинская система Санкт-Петербурга представляет собой высокоэффективный комплекс цифровых технологий, обеспечивающих индивидуализированный подход к каждому пациенту. Взаимодействие между врачом и пациентом стало более тесным и прозрачным, а качество медицинских услуг достигло нового уровня благодаря интеграции современных технологий в каждую сферу здравоохранения.**
### Как вы оцениваете влияние цифровых технологий на качество медицинских услуг в Санкт-Петербурге?
@ e968e50b:db2a803a
2024-11-14 17:03:38
<sub>TLDR: No, but if you own bitcoin and can afford to, you should get one anyway.</sub>
# Secure the network.
First off, I'm not mining to heat my house, and I'm not mining to earn bitcoin. I'm not mining out of the goodness of my heart either. I'm mining because I store my family's savings in bitcoin, and mining centralization looks like a real threat to me. I've written about it [here](https://stacker.news/items/629837) and [here](https://stacker.news/items/735779) if you're interested in reading more about why this is so important for average bitcoiners. That being said, I'd like to earn (or at least not lose) bitcoin in the process, and I'd also love to heat my home with it.
# Nano 3
In one of the aforementioned posts, I made a stink about how little hash one contributes with a lottery miner and @OT called me out on ignoring hardware centralization concerns with Bitmain. Well, Canaan isn't exactly a small company, and they're not open source, but they aren't Bitmain, and I found a miner that's about eight times as powerful as the virtual signaling[^1] solo miners at about the same cost.
My big find was the Nano 3. It's actually marketed as a space heater with three heating settings. At it's warmest, this guy mines at 4TH/s and uses about 140 watts. So it's about as efficient as a midrange s19, hashes about the a third as much as an s9, and costs as much as a Bitaxe. As a tool for decentralization, I'd say that's a great combo.
Ironically, most of the folks I see talking about it online are shitcoiners that use it to solo mine Bitcoin Cash. I wonder if this phenomenon is culturally turning bitcoiners off to a better decentralizing tool.
# Recycled Heat
So, now that I have them, I can tell you from personal experience how they're doing as heaters. Well, they are pushing heat out. However, it's a very small fraction of what my s9s do. They look better in house[^2], and they're significantly quieter (but not silent), but there's no way these guys are going to let me go furnace free this winter like a similar amount[^3] of Bitmain products would do.
So I don't see the Nano 3 as the silver bullet for home miners. I do, however, think it's a great option and am not at all bummed with my purchase. At my current electricity price, I'll pay them off (even denominated in bitcoin) at some point. But I'm also going back to the drawing board about trying to replace my furnace with miners.
[^1]: totally unfair characterization... I get it. Just trying to make a point with some hyperbole
[^2]: The lighting is also pretty cool. You can make it pulse or strobe, and the full color spectrum is available. They're keep my kids' rooms a LITTLE bit warmer this winter and double as a cool night lite that teaches them about bitcoin. The ones in living areas do the same for guests. I consider these non-trivial features.
[^3]: Similar price too! Most s9s online are about the same price as the Nano 3s.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/767748
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-11-14 15:30:36
So, I had been maintaining a position of not muting anyone on Stacker News. In part, that's because I don't want SN to become an echo chamber like so much of the rest of social media. I also don't want to risk missing out on something valuable that someone has to say, just because I don't like them.
As I hope is clear to everyone here, and my record is fairly abundant, I'll engage on just about any topic with just about anyone. I've had many civil disagreements with folks (as well as some uncivil ones): sometimes I change my mind, sometimes I don't, but I do always listen to what the other person said and try to understand where they're coming from. I don't argue to win (shifting the goal posts when the other person makes a good point or simply ignoring it), but rather to learn.
High-level civil disagreements are one of the things that sets Stacker News apart from the rest of the internet.
What finally got someone muted was not their opinion (which I do disagree with), but their conduct. We had gone through the same tedious argument several times and the person never engaged with my points, but just kept repeating their assertions. When they attempted to start the same argument again recently, I told them I wasn't interested in rehashing it with them and they could go reread our past exchanges to see what I think. Rather than respect my wishes, the person belligerently insisted on pressing their argument. When I set my terms for continuing the conversation (read our past exchanges and bring up something new), they resorted to name calling. Mute.
As much as I enjoy talking about stuff and having disagreements, I don't owe anyone my time or attention. If someone tells me that they're sick of talking to me about something, I will drop it (or I will at least acknowledge that I should have). I expect the same courtesy from others. Have some respect for the person you're interacting with, if you want them to interact with you.
Have whatever opinion you want, but argue it in good faith and be respectful.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/767536
@ f4bf1fb5:b428f8d5
2024-11-14 13:05:02
A modder that goes by the name of "welintron" created a mod for Tomb Raider I-III on PC called "Remove Misinformative Warning", one that removes the developers' (Crystal Dynamic) message about the game being supposedly offensive.
The mod was uploaded to one of the popular mod hosting sites at the time, however, staff of said site has removed the mod and banned its creator.
This is an old piece of news as of the time of writing this post, and the purpose of writing it is to remind people of what's being banned, as well as keeping a log for ourselves, to know which mod creator to reach out to in the future, to introduce them to DEG Mods.
Since DEG Mods isn't out yet and you're wondering where you can download it, someone has supposedly uploaded the file on [ModDB](https://www.moddb.com/games/tomb-raider-i-iii-remastered/downloads/quiet-crystal) (be safe!).
@ f8a5df57:b7a58cd4
2024-11-14 13:02:12
<iframe width="720" height="405" src="https://rutube.ru/play/embed/43224f01e18ab303ed968964d9bdcfc8" frameBorder="0" allow="clipboard-write; autoplay" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe>
**Содержание сюжета:**
В "IT- городах" внедрились технологии рендеринга в реальном времени, такие как трассировка лучей для создания более реалистичной графики в играх и приложениях. Они представляют собой технологию рендеринга, которая имитирует поведение света в реальном мире для создания фотореалистичной графики. Эта методика позволяет рассчитывать путь света, взаимодействующего с объектами в сцене, что приводит к более точному освещению, теням и отражениям. Также разрабатываются новые концепции использования GPU для ускорения вычислений в научных исследованиях и машинном обучении. Графические процессоры (GPU) становятся все более важными инструментами в научных исследованиях и машинном обучении благодаря своей способности выполнять параллельные вычисления с высокой производительностью. Это открывает новые возможности для решения сложных вычислительных задач, которые ранее были недоступны на традиционных центральных процессорах (CPU).
**Автор сюжета:** Дарья Воронина
@ af9d7040:42d05d35
2024-11-14 12:52:24
### People who love movies often debate, “What exactly makes a good movie?
#### Film as an art form is deeply subjective. One person might be dazzled by vibrant colors and impressive special effects, while another might find more cinematic quality in classic black-and-white. There’s no definitive answer. From my perspective, a good movie is one with a solid structure, strong storytelling, and the ability to resonate with me.
### Structure is the lifeblood.
#### A weak ending, a disjointed middle, or a muddled theme—it just doesn’t work. Flashbacks, non-linear timelines, or montage techniques are seasonings meant to enhance structure, not overpower it. Long takes, stunning effects, innovative camera work—if the structure isn’t solid, it’s all just empty spectacle. That rare storytelling ideal where everything feels loosely arranged yet perfectly cohesive? You don’t see that every day.
### Strong storytelling is the backbone.
#### A good film is built on one or more solid stories. Themes like humanity, ethics, social values, kindness, beauty, and philosophy come to life through each character’s journey. Together, these characters and their stories form a complete narrative. The story might be simple and quiet, epic and intense, wildly imaginative, or follow a traditional formula. Whatever the approach, it needs that essential “watchability” factor—that’s what makes a strong story. And if it can avoid preaching, conveying the creator’s message in a way that feels as natural as casual conversation, all the better. It’s like classic stand-up, where comedians seem to just chat, but the real meaning shines through.
### Resonance is the heart, the flourish, the final elevation.
#### It doesn’t work miracles—if a film’s structure is weak or its storytelling lacking, it’s unlikely to truly resonate. Sure, there might be brief moments of connection, but that’s as futile as debating “Is DC or Marvel stronger?” Creating resonance in film is one of those “mystical arts.” People’s lives, knowledge, and experiences vary endlessly, so the points of resonance are infinite. There’s no formula to measure it, yet it’s undeniably present in any great work. Those moments of joy, sadness, excitement, or shock—these emotional releases are the bridge between audience and film. When a movie has solid structure, strong storytelling, and can create real resonance, it doesn’t just improve the work; it can elevate its entire theme.
#### Films like The Godfather—the ones you can revisit at different stages of life and discover something new each time—are rare gems in film history.
#### Putting aside this long-winded discussion, here’s the simple takeaway:
- *If you watch a movie and feel like it’s telling your own story, that’s a good movie.*
- *If scenes or lines keep replaying in your mind, that’s a good movie.*
- *If you finish it and suddenly feel hungry enough to get something to eat, that’s a good movie.*
- *If you finish it and want to keep it all to yourself, not even share it—that’s a truly great movie.*
#### To put it simply, art is a deeply personal thing. Good art, in one way or another, reflects the most private parts of our own lives. Honestly, who in their right mind would casually go around talking about those personal things?
#### Murakami writes in *Norwegian Wood* that he loves *The Great Gatsby*. How much does he love it? So much that he doesn’t even want to share it with anyone else.
#### I think that the kind of movie you want to keep to yourself, that you don’t want to share
—That’s what truly great movie is.
###### *Shaun published on February 16, 2019, with the original text in Chinese.*
@ 961dae8c:66d56d87
2024-11-14 12:51:23
ctulkg j,bvmn
@ 4b16cdd9:f4e841ca
2024-11-14 12:47:49
дулшощйцушщк щшйкр38ркдо870н508734
@ bcea2b98:7ccef3c9
2024-11-09 17:01:32
Weekends are the perfect time to unwind, explore, or spend time doing what we love. How would you spend your ideal weekend? Would it be all about relaxation, or would you be out and about?
For me, an ideal weekend would start with a slow Saturday morning, a good book and coffee. Then I would spend the afternoon exploring local trails and looking for snacks. Then always a slow Sunday night hopefully.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/760492
@ b7e171c1:678a5750
2024-11-14 12:43:40
Dora Factory, leveraging MACI and anonymous MACI technology as well as the Dora Vota appchain, is building a mobile-first privacy super app. This app empowers the Web3 community to realize private governance and on-chain private communication, allowing users to participate in governance, polling, and on-chain communication while preserving privacy. It advances true freedom of speech within the Web3 world.
**Core Apps**
**Governance Participation: Privacy-Preserved Community Governance**
**Anonymous aMACI to Revive Direct Democracy in Web3 Community Governance**: Through this app, users can participate in the native on-chain governance of multiple chains and Web3 communities anonymously. This part of the app has been adopted by many Web3 infrastructures like CosmosHub, Celestia, Taiko and Aptos.
**Incentive by Defending Freedom of Speech**: Currently, on-chain governance is typically public (with addresses and identities traceable), which subjects many stakeholders (such as investors, node operators, and community members) to external pressures, hindering them from expressing their true opinions. With MACI and aMACI, Dora Vota offers an anonymous governance environment where identity constraints no longer influence community members. They can anonymously vote and voice genuine opinions in a privacy-preserved setting.
**Enhanced Effectiveness of Governance**: By safeguarding anonymity, Dora Factory encourages genuine participation, improving the effectiveness and inclusivity of governance, resulting in more reliable governance outcomes and fostering a healthier, more authentic governance system.
**Private Polling: A High-Frequency Decentralized Opinion Market Enabled by Anonymous MACI**
**Anonymous Participation in Polling for Popular Topics**: This app allows users to anonymously participate in polling on popular topics to express their perspectives and opinions. We can start with crypto-native hot topics and expand to Web2 topics in the future.
**Differences from and Advantages over Polymarket**: Current prediction markets, such as Polymarket, possess certain decentralized characteristics but have high barriers to entry, low discussion frequency, and limited permissionless market creation, which restricts the range of topics and capital efficiency. Dora Factory's private polling leverages aMACI technology, allowing users to anonymously initiate and participate in polls without permission, on any topic, achieving a meaningful level of freedom of speech.
**A Media Transformation to true leader of the Fifth Estate**: Private polling aligns closely with the spirit of free speech and the concept of the "Fifth Estate." Its high frequency and broad coverage bring wider application scenarios to decentralized media, enabling users to discuss Web3 and even broader issues of public interest freely.
**On-Chain Private Mail and Messaging: Encrypted Communication for Privacy**
**Encrypted Communication Ensuring Privacy**: This app allows users to send and receive encrypted messages on-chain. Dora Factory extends MACI encryption technology from voting to message communication, enabling mass interactions between on-chain addresses. Users can not only encrypt their votes but also encrypt emails and messages, enjoying a more comprehensive decentralized and privacy-first communication experience.
**On-Chain Private Mail and Instant Messaging**: On-chain private mail and message transmission break away from traditional centralized IM/email models, allowing Web3 users to communicate efficiently, securely, and natively. This app opens up a privacy-focused communication channel based on on-chain addresses, providing a convenient and private feature for DAO member interactions, NFT transactions, and other on-chain use cases.
**Technical Support and Value Capture**
Dora Vota is Dora Factory's native appchain, the foundation for privacy governance and private communication applications. It captures the value of the above applications, establishing itself as a crucial appchain in the Web3 ecosystem for privacy protection. Dora Vota will be the first Fifth Estate Appchain.
@ fd208ee8:0fd927c1
2024-11-08 10:27:40
## You have no idea
I regularly read comments from people, on here, wondering how it's possible to marry -- or even simply be friends! -- with someone who doesn't agree with you on politics. I see this sentiment expressed quite often, usually in the context of Bitcoin, or whatever _pig is currently being chased through the village_, as they say around here.
![Pig racing](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/a2/d5/8a/a2d58ac249846854345f727e41984e6c.jpg)
It seems rather sensible, but I don't think it's as hard, as people make it out to be. Further, I think it's a dangerous precondition to set, for your interpersonal relationships, because the political field is constantly in flux. If you determine who you will love, by their opinions, do you stop loving them if their opinions change, or if the opinions they have become irrelevant and a new set of opinions are needed -- and their new ones don't match your new ones? We could see this happen to relationships en masse, during the Covid Era, and I think it happens every day, in a slow grind toward the disintegration of interpersonal discourse.
I suspect many people do stop loving, at that point, as they never really loved the other person for their own sake, they loved the other person because they thought the other person was exactly like they are. But no two people are alike, and the longer you are in a relationship with someone else, the more the initial giddiness wears off and the trials and tribulations add up, the more you notice how very different you actually are. This is the point, where best friends and romantic couples say, _We just grew apart._
But you were always apart. You were always two different people. You just didn't notice, until now.
I've also always been surprised at how many same-party relationships disintegrate because of some disagreement over some particular detail of some particular topic, that they generally agree on. To me, it seems like an irrelevant side-topic, but _they can't stand to be with this person_... and they stomp off. So, I tend to think that it's less that opinions need to align to each other, but rather that opinions need to align in accordance with the level of interpersonal tolerance they can bring into the relationship.
## I was raised by relaxed revolutionaries
Maybe I see things this way because my parents come from two diverging political, cultural, national, and ethnic backgrounds, and are prone to disagreeing about a lot of "important" (to people outside their marriage) things, but still have one of the healthiest, most-fruitful, and most long-running marriages of anyone I know, from that generation. My parents, you see, aren't united by their opinions. They're united by their relationship, which is something _outside_ of opinions. Beyond opinions. Relationships are what turn two different people into one, cohesive unit, so that they slowly grow together. Eventually, even their faces merge, and their biological clocks tick to the same rhythm. They eventually become one entity that contains differing opinions about the same topics.
It's like magic, but it's the result of a mindset, not a worldview.
Or, as I like to quip:
> The best way to stay married, is to not get divorced.
![elderly couple](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/f7/0f/d2/f70fd2963312236c60cac61ec2324ce8.jpg)
My parents simply determined early on, that they would stay together, and whenever they would find that they disagreed on something that _didn't directly pertain to their day-to-day existence with each other_ they would just agree-to-disagree about that, or roll their eyes, and move on. You do you. Live and let live.
My parents have some of the most strongly held personal opinions of any people I've ever met, but they're also incredibly tolerant and can get along with nearly anyone, so their friends are a confusing hodgepodge of _people we liked and found interesting enough to keep around_. Which makes their house parties really fun, and highly unusual, in this day and age of mutual-damnation across the aisle.
![Party time](https://i.pinimg.com/564x/4e/aa/2b/4eaa2bb199aa7e5f36a0dbc2f0e4f217.jpg)
The things that did affect them, directly, like which school the children should attend or which country they should live in, etc. were things they'd sit down and discuss, and somehow one opinion would emerge, and they'd again... move on.
And that's how my husband and I also live our lives, and it's been working surprisingly well. No topics are off-limits to discussion (so long as you don't drone on for too long), nobody has to give up deeply held beliefs, or stop agitating for the political decisions they prefer.
You see, we didn't like that the other always had the same opinion. We liked that the other always held their opinions strongly. That they were passionate about their opinions. That they were willing to voice their opinions; sacrifice to promote their opinions. And that they didn't let anyone browbeat or cow them, for their opinions, not even their best friends or their spouse. But that they were open to listening to the other side, and trying to wrap their mind around the possibility that they _might just be wrong about something_.
We married each other because we knew: this person really cares, this person has thought this through, and they're in it, to win it. What "it" is, is mostly irrelevant, so long as it doesn't entail torturing small animals in the basement, or raising the children on a diet of Mountain Dew and porn, or something.
Live and let live. At least, it's never boring. At least, there's always something to ~~argue~~ talk about. At least, we never think... we've just grown apart.
@ b7e171c1:678a5750
2024-11-14 12:41:50
Dora Factory, leveraging MACI and anonymous MACI technology as well as the Dora Vota appchain, is building a mobile-first privacy super app. This app empowers the Web3 community to realize private governance and on-chain private communication, allowing users to participate in governance, polling, and on-chain communication while preserving privacy. It advances true freedom of speech within the Web3 world.
**Core Apps**
**Governance Participation: Privacy-Preserved Community Governance**
**Anonymous aMACI to Revive Direct Democracy in Web3 Community Governance**: Through this app, users can participate in the native on-chain governance of multiple chains and Web3 communities anonymously. This part of the app has been adopted by many Web3 infrastructures like CosmosHub, Celestia, Taiko and Aptos.
**Incentive by Defending Freedom of Speech**: Currently, on-chain governance is typically public (with addresses and identities traceable), which subjects many stakeholders (such as investors, node operators, and community members) to external pressures, hindering them from expressing their true opinions. With MACI and aMACI, Dora Vota offers an anonymous governance environment where identity constraints no longer influence community members. They can anonymously vote and voice genuine opinions in a privacy-preserved setting.
**Enhanced Effectiveness of Governance**: By safeguarding anonymity, Dora Factory encourages genuine participation, improving the effectiveness and inclusivity of governance, resulting in more reliable governance outcomes and fostering a healthier, more authentic governance system.
**Private Polling: A High-Frequency Decentralized Opinion Market Enabled by Anonymous MACI
**Anonymous Participation in Polling for Popular Topics**: This app allows users to anonymously participate in polling on popular topics to express their perspectives and opinions. We can start with crypto-native hot topics and expand to Web2 topics in the future.
**Differences from and Advantages over Polymarket**: Current prediction markets, such as Polymarket, possess certain decentralized characteristics but have high barriers to entry, low discussion frequency, and limited permissionless market creation, which restricts the range of topics and capital efficiency. Dora Factory's private polling leverages aMACI technology, allowing users to anonymously initiate and participate in polls without permission, on any topic, achieving a meaningful level of freedom of speech.
**A Media Transformation to true leader of the Fifth Estate**: Private polling aligns closely with the spirit of free speech and the concept of the "Fifth Estate." Its high frequency and broad coverage bring wider application scenarios to decentralized media, enabling users to discuss Web3 and even broader issues of public interest freely.
**On-Chain Private Mail and Messaging: Encrypted Communication for Privacy**
**Encrypted Communication Ensuring Privacy**: This app allows users to send and receive encrypted messages on-chain. Dora Factory extends MACI encryption technology from voting to message communication, enabling mass interactions between on-chain addresses. Users can not only encrypt their votes but also encrypt emails and messages, enjoying a more comprehensive decentralized and privacy-first communication experience.
**On-Chain Private Mail and Instant Messaging**: On-chain private mail and message transmission break away from traditional centralized IM/email models, allowing Web3 users to communicate efficiently, securely, and natively. This app opens up a privacy-focused communication channel based on on-chain addresses, providing a convenient and private feature for DAO member interactions, NFT transactions, and other on-chain use cases.
**Technical Support and Value Capture**
Dora Vota is Dora Factory's native appchain, the foundation for privacy governance and private communication applications. It captures the value of the above applications, establishing itself as a crucial appchain in the Web3 ecosystem for privacy protection. Dora Vota will be the first Fifth Estate Appchain.
@ f8a5df57:b7a58cd4
2024-11-14 12:24:12
@ f8a5df57:b7a58cd4
2024-11-14 12:03:35
@ f8a5df57:b7a58cd4
2024-11-14 12:02:40
Столичная администрация объявила о масштабном проекте по увеличению дорожных линий, который призван кардинально улучшить ситуацию с дорожным движением в Москве. В условиях постоянно растущего числа транспортных средств и увеличивающегося потока людей, это станет ключевым шагом к более удобному и безопасному передвижению по городу.
В последние 40 лет Москва превратилась в мегаполис с населением свыше 15 миллионов человек, и проект по расширению дорожной инфраструктуры стал неотъемлемой частью стратегии по улучшению городской мобильности. В результате запуска новых линий, тысячи километров дорог получат дополнительные полосы движения, что позволит сократить время в пути и оптимизировать транспортные потоки.
«Мы ориентируемся на будущее и понимаем, что улучшение дорожной инфраструктуры критически важно для комфорта москвичей. Новые линии позволят уменьшить заторы в наши часы пик и создадут условия для безопасного и быстрого передвижения по городу», — отметил мэр Москвы **Сергей Собянин** на пресс-конференции.
Проект включает не только увеличение числа полос, но и внедрение интеллектуальных систем управления движением. Используя данные искусственного интеллекта, новые технологии обеспечат автоматическую оптимизацию направления потоков и улучшение реакции на неожиданные ситуации на дороге, снижая вероятность возникновения пробок и аварий.
Самым значимым аспектом нового плана является интеграция дорожной сети с другими видами транспорта, включая метро, автобусные и трамвайные маршруты. Теперь жители будут иметь возможность быстрее и легче пересаживаться между разными видами транспорта, что сделает передвижение по столице более эффективным.
Кроме того, увеличение дорожных линий будет способствовать развитию экономической активности. Новые маршруты создадут более доступные пути для грузового и коммерческого транспорта, что в свою очередь повлияет на снижение цен на товары и услуги, улучшая уровень жизни москвичей.
К тому же, в процессе переустройства дорожной сети также будут созданы специальные полосы для велосипедистов и пешеходов, что подчеркивает стремление столицы к устойчивому развитию и экологии. Угоржая уличная сеть, власти надеются привлечь больше людей к здоровому образу жизни, а также уменьшить уровень загрязнения воздуха.
Масштабные изменения в дорожном движении ожидаются в течение ближайших десятилетий, и увеличение дорожных линий станет важным шагом на пути к созданию безопасной и комфортной городской среды для будущих поколений москвичей. С каждым улучшением городской инфраструктуры, Москва движется к статусу одного из самых удобных и технологичных мегаполисов мира.
@ 98589a2e:bf49daa1
2024-11-14 11:44:07
**В рамках этих изменений особое внимание уделяется цифровизации и адаптации образовательных процессов к современным требованиям.**
## Программы цифрового образования
Одной из ключевых инициатив является программа «Город, который учится. Цифровое образование», направленная на поддержку преподавателей в переходе к дистанционному обучению. Эта программа не только помогает адаптироваться к новым условиям, но и способствует устойчивому развитию образовательных технологий в городе. Важным аспектом является создание открытых онлайн-курсов, которые позволяют быстро обучать целые команды педагогов, а не отдельных сотрудников.
Программа активно использует передовые информационно-коммуникационные технологии, что делает процесс обучения более интерактивным и доступным. Ученики получают возможность учиться в удобном для них темпе, а преподаватели — использовать разнообразные методики и инструменты для повышения качества образования.
## Персонализация обучения
Важнейшей тенденцией образования будущего является персонализация обучения. Новые технологии позволяют создавать индивидуальные образовательные траектории для каждого ученика, учитывая его интересы и способности. Это достигается благодаря адаптивным алгоритмам, которые анализируют успехи учащихся и предлагают им наиболее подходящие модули.
Например, в рамках проекта «Цифровая образовательная среда» создаются условия для формирования открытой информационной среды, где каждый ученик может выбирать из множества учебных материалов и курсов. Это не только повышает мотивацию, но и развивает такие важные навыки XXI века, как критическое мышление и креативность.
### Инновационные подходы
Санкт-Петербург также активно развивает Парк передовых образовательных технологий (EduPark), который станет центром инноваций в сфере образования. Здесь будут сосредоточены ресурсы для разработки и тестирования новых образовательных методик и технологий. EduPark нацелен на интеграцию науки и образования, что позволит учащимся получать актуальные знания и навыки, соответствующие требованиям современного рынка труда.
**Город стремится стать лидером в области передовых образовательных технологий, обеспечивая своим жителям доступ к современным знаниям и навыкам.**
### Какие инициативы вам кажутся наиболее перспективными?
@ 6734e11d:c7e34e8f
2024-11-14 11:33:54
Zweiklassenmedizin, Zweiklassenbildungssystem und -demokratie. Wo ist die Zweiklassenpartei? Leo Trotzki hielt 1928 eine „Zweiklassenpartei“ mit sowohl proletarischer als auch kleinbürgerlicher Linie für unmöglich. Zu verschiedene und unvereinbare Interessen. Die (Er)Lösung scheint heute nah: Ein aufrichtiges Parteiprogramm.
Mein Ziel ist daher, alle Dissonanzen zu beseitigen und endlich alle Menschen in einer Partei zu vereinen. Ich stehe aufrichtig für das gänzlich Neue: „Vereine in einer Partei und herrsche“.
In politischen Entscheidungen geht es durchgängig um Macht und monetäre Interessen, wirklich zu jedem Zeitpunkt und in allen gesellschaftlichen Fragen und Politikfeldern. Das ist nichts neues, aber mit dieser aufrichtigen Klarheit können alle Beschlüsse frei von hemmenden sachlichen Erwägungen geplant und getroffen werden. Zeitraubender Diskurs, Studien und Evaluationen werden überflüssig.
Das vorliegende Parteiprogramm soll eine erste Positionsbestimmung darstellen und die kurz gehaltene neue Gesellschafts- und Wirtschaftsordnung in unserem schönen Lande sein.
Ich meine es gut mit den Bürgenden*.
Die Bürgenden seien im Folgenden diejenigen, die für die Konsequenzen politischer Entscheidungen mit ihrem Vermögen, ihrer Gesundheit und ihrem Leben bürgen.
## **Gesellschaft**
Eine strikte rechtliche und wirtschaftliche Zweiteilung der Gesellschaft in Elite und Volk ist anzustreben. Da der Mittelstand in seiner Bedeutung ohnehin wesentlich überschätzt wird, kann er in den 99 Prozent der Bürgenden aufgehen. Der Mittelstand ist getragen von der Einsicht, zugunsten der Elite wesentliche Einbußen in Kauf zu nehmen.
Um mit Umbau von Wirtschaft und Digitalem rapide voran zu kommen, brauchen wir eine solidarische Gemeinschaft der Harmonie. Vielschichtige Auseinandersetzung kann ein prosperierendes Gesellschaftssystem bremsen und zermürben. Komplexität ist deshalb zu vermeiden oder sogar zu unterbinden. Ich werde dezidiert vorgeben, wie Sprache in Schrift und Rede zu handhaben ist, damit unsere Gesellschaft noch effektiver agieren kann. Klarheit darüber, was zu denken, zu fühlen und zu sagen ist, erleichtern das Leben aller.
Lust, Sexualität und vor allen Dingen Humor, sind auch digital auf das unbedingt notwendige Maß zu begrenzen, um die volle Kraft des Humankapitals der gesellschaftlichen Prosperität zur Verfügung zu stellen. Kritische Subjekte sollen dagegen trefflich verlacht und verhöhnt werden dürfen.
## **Grundrechte**
Alle Staatsgewalt geht von der Partei aus. Mittlerweile ist recht gut implementiert, wann, wer, wohin darf, wem es jeweils verboten oder wer unerwünscht ist. Dies funktioniert auch ohne Vorbereitung, mittlerweile völlig unabhängig von logischen Begründungen. Das gesamte Potential einer noch differenzierteren Regulation, wird bisher leider nicht vollständig genutzt. Politischer und gegenseitiger Schutz haben sich als äußerst wirksam erwiesen.
## **Digitales**
Ich will die digitale biometrische Identität für alle Vorgänge im Alltag, ab positiver Testung der Schwangerschaft. Mehr Mut bei Kombination von Fingerabdruck, Bankdaten, Gesichtserkennung und Zugangsberechtigungen. Der beschleunigten Zeit angemessen, gehe ich aber weiter: Privatsphäre ist ein überkommenes Luxusgut, das die gesellschaftliche Entwicklung hemmt. Es darf keinerlei Geheimnisse mehr geben.
Diese Entwicklung würde ich keinesfalls als Transhumanismus bezeichnen, jenes Streben ist als äußerst menschlich zu betrachten. Fitnesstracker waren ein guter Anfang. Microchips in Kleidung und unter die Haut verpflanzt, ermöglichen Kommunikation überall und zu jeder Zeit. Bemerkenswert: Das Transplantieren erfolgt mit nur einer Spritze, mittels einer etwas dickeren Kanüle, ein leicht deutlicherer Piks, aber völlig sicher und nebenwirkungsfrei. Bei geschützten Tieren ist das seit längerem erprobt.
## **Desozialisierende/integrierende Netzwerke**
Digitale Plattformen sammeln, überwachen und kanalisieren Kommunikation und Emotion, werden privatwirtschaftlich betrieben aber zentral gesteuert. Mal desozialisierend oder integrierend eingesetzt, können sie auch abgeschaltet werden. Text- und Videonachrichten oder -gespräche gelten als reale Kontakte. Sämtliche humanoide Handlungen werden in das digitale Netz verlagert, so wird unsere Welt endlich sicher.
Der Schutz der Sphäre der Elite ist hingegen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Sie muss unabhängig von Überwachung Ideen auch in Präsenz austauschen und entwickeln können.
## **Medien**
Digitale Identität und parteitragende Medien werden verknüpft. Pflichtzeiten des Konsums stellen denselben Informationsstand sicher, die Verweildauer fließt in die Gesamtbewertung der Persönlichkeit ein. Hochschulabschlüsse und Promotionen werden damit verknüpft, Verdienstorden angepasst verliehen.
Die Öffentlich-Rechtlichen werden zur Marke „Ehrlich-Medien“, die jahrzehntelang immanente Unaufrichtigkeit wird die Transformation leider hinauszögern.
Scheinbar kritische Medien sind längst an entscheidenden Positionen und auf allen Kanälen mit Einflussagenten besetzt, die ihre eigenen Ziele verfolgen. Diese Unterwanderung wird gezielt forciert, bis die Zeit reif ist, sie komplett zu kontrollieren oder abzuschalten. Bis dahin kann man die „kritische“ Propaganda ganz gut mit verschiedenen Anleitungen durchschauen.
## **Meinungsäußerung**
Es gilt ein sofortiges Verbot von Satire und Kabarett, die sich mit den Eliten beschäftigt. Und um Anfragen vorzubeugen: Diese Zensur ist keinesfalls mit Historischem vergleichbar. Die Herkuleskeule in Dresden zeigte ja auch vor 1989 Kabarett.
Sprechschauen werden ein wunderbarer Ersatz des bisher unterhaltsamen, aber überflüssigen Bundestags. Gleich den Kämpfen von Gladiatoren geht es hier um`s nackte Überleben, um Existenzen.
## **Wirtschaft**
Energiewirtschaft, Handelsketten und Krankenhausgesellschaften, verbrauchen unendlich Ressourcen. Subventionen werden künftig leistungslos, regelmäßig und direkt an Stakeholder und Konzerne vergeben, ohne Erfordernis eine Leistung zu erbringen oder ein Produkt herzustellen. So können Rohstoffe weitgehend eingespart werden. Umwege über energieintensive Dienstleistung oder Produktion von Waren, Transport, Konsumation oder Zerstörung sind obsolet.
Beispiel: Rüstungskonzerne produzieren Schiffe, Flugzeuge, Panzer, Waffen und Sprengkörper. Deren einzige Bestimmung ist es verbraucht zu werden, bestenfalls mit einem Schlag und kurz nach Verkauf. Aber was ist, wenn entgegen allen Bemühens kein Kriegsgrund und kein Einsatzort gefunden werden? Was ist mit dem Gewinn eines Pharmaunternehmens, wenn keine Pandemie ist? Sie erfassen hier wohl, die bestechende Nachhaltigkeit der Idee.
Die Pleitewellen im Kleingewerbe und im Mittelstand lassen darauf hoffen, diese Ideen kurzfristig umzusetzen.
## **Gesundheitsindustrie**
Die Low-Budget-/Max-Cost-Gesundheitsleistungen sind ganz in meinem Sinne. Sie werden weiter verschlankt, der Max-Outcome ist und bleibt das Hauptziel. Das Wahlvolk will Pflege und Krankenhäuser weiter optimieren, ersichtlich an den Ergebnissen der Bundestagswahl 2021, trotz beschleunigter Transformation. Die Gewerkschaften werde ich in diesem Bereich noch einige Zeit dulden. Sie dürfen weiter verlautbaren: „Wir sind an unserer Leistungsgrenze angekommen!“, „Wir stehen mit dem Rücken zur Wand!“. Das schadet ja keinem.
## **Abhängig Beschäftigte (sofern noch benötigt)**
Käfighaltung wie bei deutschen Großunternehmen, die in Shanghai produzieren, ist weltweit geplant, wird aber zunächst dort getestet. Daneben hat sich die Drohnenüberwachung auf den Baustellen in Dubai bewährt. Nach gewisser Zeit der Eingewöhnung genügt es, die Drohnen mit Kameraattrappen auszustatten.
## Recht und Justiz
Rechtsbegriffe werden allgemeiner formuliert, Straftatbestände angepasst. Gerichte sind künftig wie Staatsanwaltschaften an Weisungen gebunden, denn nur so können wir ungebremst voranschreiten. Das Primat der Sicherheit gebietet es, dass bereits eine potentielle digitale Abweichung mit vorsorglicher Inhaftierung und entsprechenden Maßnahmen geahndet wird. Geldstrafen werden die Ausnahme sein. Nebenstrafen wie Internetsperre, Entzug der Fahrerlaubnis, Berufs-, Reise-, Kultur- und Einkaufsverbot, sowie weitere Rücknahme von zugeteilten Rechten werden ausgeweitet. Die Zulassung von Rechtsanwälten wird vom Politscore abhängig gemacht. Schiedsgerichte ersetzen letztlich Rechtswesen und Justiz.
## **Innere Sicherheit und Polizei**
Bisher fungierte die Polizei als Straßenkehrer der oberen Zehntausend. Künftig soll sie den privaten Raum der Happy Few (max. 1%) garantieren, damit diese unabhängig zum Wohl des Volkes agieren können. Wenn die besten Kreise erwägen, öffentliche Plätze in Präsenz zu nutzen, beispielsweise für eine Demonstration der derzeitigen moralischen Haltung, werden diese durch Spezialkräfte sicher gehalten.
Die internen Strukturen der künftigen Zentralpolizei werden, ebenso wie Aufnahmeprüfungen, am jeweils aktuellen Geheimdienstbericht ausgerichtet. Die innere Sicherheit wird hauptsächlich im Netz verteidigt, aufkeimende Aufstände werden dort erkannt und bereits im digitalen Stadium vereitelt. Ein Eid auf irgendein Gesetz wird vollkommen überflüssig, die Anweisungen erfolgen klar und lageangepasst.
Vielleicht muss eine neue Begrifflichkeit entwickelt werden, denn „politeia“ meinte ein Gemeinwesen, das von Vernünftigen geleitet wird. Mir schwebt „Das Auge des Netzes“ vor, „...Gesetzes“ ist dann veraltet.
## **Tierschutz**
Hundeerziehungslager, auch Hundesportplätze genannt, sowie die dort stattfindenden Kurse werden sofort und konsequent verboten. Viele die hier ihr Machtgefühl erleben, werden die Plätze zunächst schmerzlich vermissen. Dennoch müssen die dort vergeudeten Energien für Gehorsamsübungen in die Ausgestaltung nachbarschaftlicher, freundschaftlicher, politischer und beruflicher Beziehungen überführt und in der Folge in`s Digitale transformiert werden. Menschen- statt Tierhaltung ist wesentlich befriedigender und förderlicher für unser Gesellschaftssystem.
## **Drogen**
Es erfolgt eine sofortige Freigabe von Kokain, Haschisch, Crystal Meth und Aufputsch- sowie Beruhigungsmitteln, um den täglichen Beschaffungsdruck von Entscheidungsträgern zu nehmen. Der multiple Alltagskonsum, auch von Alkohol, ist wünschenswert und wird gänzlich aus seinem kritisch-moralischen Schattendasein befreit. Mitteilungsdrang ist in Leitungsetagen, bei Planungsgesprächen und in Talkshows nutzbringend, bestenfalls natürlich überschießend oder drogeninduziert und nicht an Logik gebunden. Berauschte Entscheider, wechselweise sediert und aufgeputscht, sind dem elitären Umfeld angepasst, daher unauffällig und leichter steuerbar. Zeitweilige Aufmerksamkeits- und Sprachstörungen ignorieren oder kaschieren Umfeld und Medien bestens. Nicht an Stoffe gebundene Süchte – Video-/Konsolen-/Rollenspiele – werden optimiert und gefördert.
Die Droge der Macht bleibt künftig den besten Kreisen vorbehalten.
## Auswahl des Führungs- und des politisch Personals
Darwins „Survival of the Fittest“ beschreibt, wie Evolution vonstatten geht. „The Fittest“ meint völlig nüchtern, den am besten an die jeweiligen Bedingungen angepassten Organismus. In unserer Gesellschaft wurde die Evolution glücklicherweise von den Füßen auf den Kopf gestellt. Die Auswahl konturlosen Politikpersonals mit blinder Ergebenheit, vor etwa 20 Jahren begonnen, ist längst abgeschlossen und kann noch verfeinert werden.
Die Kandidaten, am absoluten Ende der persönlichen und intellektuellen Fähigkeiten angekommen, werden auf den Schild gehievt, so viele Stufen wie möglich hoch getragen. Gesunder Menschenverstand ist störend bei Politisierenden und wird notfalls geworkshopt. Die Wahlschäfchen lieben dieses Führungspersonal, können sich gut identifizieren, während die Upperclass die Fäden zieht.
So können wir in die neue Phase des menschlichen Daseins eintreten. Selten sind noch
Hürden zu überwinden: Das selbständige Nachdenken, die Selbstreflektion, die kritische Bildung, kritische Medien, Politiker und Bevölkerungsschichten sind nurmehr rudimentär vorhanden.
Selbstdenker werden aus der Gemeinschaft ausgeschlossen, damit das freundliche Zusammensein nicht gestört wird, haben in der ZKEP jedenfalls nichts verloren.
## Wahlen
Die geringe Wahlbeteiligung in Nordrhein-Westfalen 2022 (55%), erfordert im Durchgangsstadium eine Wahlpflicht. Künftig wird eine Wahlberechnung durch KI eingeführt. Letztlich wird es allen recht sein, wenn einer entscheidet, wer gewonnen hat. Die Existenz der ZKEP macht den Wahlprozess über kurz oder lang ohnehin obsolet. Als Ersatz zum weiteren Amüsement wird schließlich ein Präsidentencasting angestrebt, die Bürgenden bringen Vorschläge zu den aus ihrer Sicht unterhaltsamsten Bewerbern ein. Die Wahlberechnung wird letztlich nur noch zur Bestimmung des Präsidentendarstellers eingesetzt. Hauptaufgabe: Das Volk bei Laune zu halten, sich digital und real auseinanderzusetzen. Politik ist künftig Scripted Reality, Slogan: „Er ist das Volk“.
## **Schlussbemerkungen**
Die ZweiKlassenEhrlichkeitsPartei wird den Umbau der Gesellschaft, hin zu einer effizienten, regel- und elitebasierten Weltordnung beschleunigen. Ich werde mit dieser Idee sehr erfolgreich sein und die Menschheit in eine bessere Zukunft führen.
Ich wusste schon immer, was für die Menschenkinder gut ist und auch die Mehrheit will das solidarische Zweiklassensystem. Die Völker müssen von ihrem Misstrauen gegenüber der High Society befreit werden, von der böswillig behauptet wird, sie sei zu wenig fürsorglich.
Totalitäre Systeme verschleiern ihre Ziele aus Unsicherheit, nicht liebenswert zu sein, so wie ein Liebhaber seine Leidenschaft aus Angst vor Abweisung verschweigt. Unbeholfen werden Maßnahmen zur Eroberung getroffen, die Fragilität wird sichtbar. Wenn etwas ehrlich ausgesprochen wird, wirkt das manchmal wie ein Unfall.
Mit mehr Mut zur Ehrlichkeit treten wir in eine freiere und gelassenere Zukunft ein. Damit wir künftig mit Fug und Recht sagen können, wir gehörten nicht zum Imperium der Lügen, waren immer redlich, liebten unsere Bürgenden und haben keinen Schaden verursacht. So überstehen wir dieses Jahrtausend sicher sicher.
Vielleicht haben Sie Lust bekommen die ZKEP zu unterstützen. Mein Paypal-Konto finden Sie unten.
Artikel zuerst veröffentlicht bei den Neulandrebellen, 3.7.2022
@ 98589a2e:bf49daa1
2024-11-14 11:07:24
Город ожидает масштабные изменения в социальной инфраструктуре. Основное внимание будет уделено созданию новых социальных объектов и общественных пространств, что направлено на улучшение качества жизни петербуржцев.
## Новые социальные объекты
Предусмотрено строительство и реконструкция **585 крупных объектов социальной инфраструктуры**. Ключевые направления включают:
- **Образовательные учреждения**:
- Новые школы на 825 и более мест.
- Расширение сети детских садов для обеспечения доступности дошкольного образования.
- **Медицинские учреждения**:
- Поликлиники с вместимостью до 450 посещений в смену.
- Больницы большой вместимости, что позволит улучшить доступ к медицинским услугам.
- **Спортивные сооружения**:
- Спортивные комплексы на 4000 мест, которые будут способствовать развитию массового спорта и организации мероприятий.
## Общественные пространства
Кроме социальных объектов, также акцентируется внимание на создании и благоустройстве общественных пространств:
- **Рекреационные зоны**:
- Увеличение доли рекреационных зон с 28,5% до 29,38% от общей площади города. Это включает парки, скверы и зоны отдыха, которые будут доступны для жителей.
- **Транспортная инфраструктура**:
- Развитие транспортных маршрутов и создание новых общественных пространств вдоль транспортных артерий для улучшения доступности и удобства передвижения по городу.
## Прогнозируемые изменения
К 2040 году ожидается:
- **Рост численности населения**: Прогнозируется увеличение численности населения до **6,5 миллионов человек**, что требует создания дополнительных социальных объектов.
- **Увеличение жилой застройки**: Порядка **67 миллионов квадратных метров** нового жилья будет построено, что также повлияет на потребность в социальной инфраструктуре.
- **Интеграция с другими проектами**: Новый Генплан включает в себя проекты по развитию транспортной системы, что обеспечит синергию между жилыми районами и социальными объектами.
## Вперёд в будущее!
Социальная инфраструктура Санкт-Петербурга будет значительно обновлена и расширена. Эти изменения помогут сделать город более привлекательным для жизни и работы, а также улучшат качество жизни петербуржцев.
### А как вам такие изменения?
@ 5797707e:1b8a3c14
2024-11-14 10:33:35
*An Unapologetic Journey into Desire and Freedom*
In the world of adventure, there’s nothing quite like the exhilaration of being in control—or choosing to let go. My journey as *The Huntress* is one that blends power, passion, and the thrill of the chase. It’s a journey that isn’t confined by expectations, where every step leads me to something deeper, more intense, and often, more surprising than I could have ever imagined.
In this series, I invite you into a world where power dynamics are at the heart of every connection. It’s about the art of the chase, the moment when boundaries are pushed, and the freedom that comes from exploring a connection without limits. As *The Huntress*, I embrace both the hunt and the surrender that comes when the right energy takes over.
### **The Hunt Begins**
Every great adventure begins with a spark. It starts with a sense of curiosity, a flicker of desire, and the confidence to seek something more. As *The Huntress*, I’m always on the lookout for that spark—a connection with someone who can match my energy, someone who is daring enough to take the lead and keep up with me.
What draws me in? Confidence. Boldness. A willingness to explore. I’m not looking for the ordinary; I’m seeking the extraordinary. I crave a man who isn’t afraid to embrace his power while respecting the intricate balance of trust and play that makes everything so electrifying.
### **Power Dynamics: The Thrill of Control and Surrender**
At the core of the Huntress series lies the dynamic of power—both the joy of asserting it and the exhilaration that comes from surrendering it. It’s not just about one person taking control; it’s about the dance of dominance and submission that makes every encounter an adventure in itself.
There’s something intoxicating about the way power shifts. One moment, I’m in control, taking the lead and setting the pace. The next, I’m surrendering to someone else’s energy—letting go, trusting them to take charge, and enjoying the raw vulnerability that comes with it. It’s a thrilling dance, where the lines between power and passion blur, and the rules are ours to create.
### **Confidence is the Ultimate Aphrodisiac**
There’s a magnetic pull to confidence, especially when it’s paired with a little bit of mystery. I’m drawn to men who exude self-assurance—those who know exactly what they want and aren’t afraid to go after it. Confidence is not just sexy; it’s the key that unlocks a connection built on chemistry and desire.
But it’s not just about the physical or the outward display of confidence; it’s about the way someone makes me feel. When I’m with a man who can take control and lead with confidence, I feel alive, empowered, and most of all, desired. It’s a chemistry that can’t be faked, a power that’s impossible to ignore.
### **Exploration Without Limits**
The beauty of the Huntress series lies in its complete freedom. There are no limits to where the journey can go, no boundaries to what we can explore together. Whether it’s embracing my dominant side, surrendering to someone else’s control, or finding new ways to connect, the thrill of exploration is always present.
This series isn’t about playing it safe; it’s about pushing boundaries, testing limits, and finding new ways to ignite passion. It’s about having fun without judgment, about exploring desires without hesitation, and most importantly, about being unapologetic in what you want.
### **Join Me on the Hunt**
The Huntress is always seeking the next adventure. I’m on the prowl for that spark of connection, that thrilling chemistry, and that shared energy that makes every encounter unforgettable. So, if you’re someone who knows how to take the lead, play the game, and indulge in a little power play, then this journey is one we can take together.
Are you ready to see where the hunt leads? Ready to test the boundaries, explore new pleasures, and experience the ultimate connection?
Then come along with me—because with The Huntress, the chase is just the beginning.
@ 7b8a7a4b:910f3874
2024-11-14 10:05:23
123 test test
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/459399
@ fd208ee8:0fd927c1
2024-11-14 09:33:16
A discussion, today, reminded me of this excerpt, from G.K. Chesterton's, [_What's Wrong with the World_](https://www.gutenberg.org/cache/epub/1717/pg1717-images.html):
> This book must avoid religion, but there must (I say) be many, religious and irreligious, who will concede that this power of answering many purposes was a sort of strength which should not wholly die out of our lives. As a part of personal character, even the moderns will agree that many-sidedness is a merit and a merit that may easily be overlooked. This balance and universality has been the vision of many groups of men in many ages. It was the Liberal Education of Aristotle; the jack-of-all-trades artistry of Leonardo da Vinci and his friends; the august amateurishness of the Cavalier Person of Quality like Sir William Temple or the great Earl of Dorset. It has appeared in literature in our time in the most erratic and opposite shapes, set to almost inaudible music by Walter Pater and enunciated through a foghorn by Walt Whitman.
> But the great mass of men have always been unable to achieve this literal universality, because of the nature of their work in the world. Not, let it be noted, because of the existence of their work. Leonardo da Vinci must have worked pretty hard; on the other hand, many a government office clerk, village constable or elusive plumber may do (to all human appearance) no work at all, and yet show no signs of the Aristotelian universalism. What makes it difficult for the average man to be a universalist is that the average man has to be a specialist; he has not only to learn one trade, but to learn it so well as to uphold him in a more or less ruthless society.
> This is generally true of males from the first hunter to the last electrical engineer; each has not merely to act, but to excel. Nimrod has not only to be a mighty hunter before the Lord, but also a mighty hunter before the other hunters. The electrical engineer has to be a very electrical engineer, or he is outstripped by engineers yet more electrical. Those very miracles of the human mind on which the modern world prides itself, and rightly in the main, would be impossible without a certain concentration which disturbs the pure balance of reason more than does religious bigotry. No creed can be so limiting as that awful adjuration that the cobbler must not go beyond his last. So the largest and wildest shots of our world are but in one direction and with a defined trajectory: the gunner cannot go beyond his shot, and his shot so often falls short; the astronomer cannot go beyond his telescope and his telescope goes such a little way. All these are like men who have stood on the high peak of a mountain and seen the horizon like a single ring and who then descend down different paths towards different towns, traveling slow or fast. It is right; there must be people traveling to different towns; there must be specialists; but shall no one behold the horizon? Shall all mankind be specialist surgeons or peculiar plumbers; shall all humanity be monomaniac?
> Tradition has decided that only half of humanity shall be monomaniac. It has decided that in every home there shall be a tradesman and a Jack-of-all-trades. But it has also decided, among other things, that the Jack-of-all-trades shall be a Jill-of-all-trades. It has decided, rightly or wrongly, that this specialism and this universalism shall be divided between the sexes. Cleverness shall be left for men and wisdom for women. For cleverness kills wisdom; that is one of the few sad and certain things.
> But for women this ideal of comprehensive capacity (or common-sense) must long ago have been washed away. It must have melted in the frightful furnaces of ambition and eager technicality. A man must be partly a one-idead man, because he is a one-weaponed man—and he is flung naked into the fight. The world’s demand comes to him direct; to his wife indirectly. In short, he must (as the books on Success say) give “his best”; and what a small part of a man “his best” is! His second and third best are often much better. If he is the first violin he must fiddle for life; he must not remember that he is a fine fourth bagpipe, a fair fifteenth billiard-cue, a foil, a fountain pen, a hand at whist, a gun, and an image of God.
## The frustration of not being an expert
I read that, in my early 20s, stumbling across the late, great Chesterton, while trying to decide if marriage is my proper vocation (and then immediately reading all of his nonfiction, as it's all so brutally, casually, brilliant). It immediately made my own "talent stack" clear to me: **I'm best at doing lots of different things quite well**, but not at doing one particular thing to a level of highest expertise.
This is actually an extremely difficult position to be in because young people are under constant pressure to find That One Thing that they are to specialize in, and I could never find That Thing, despite being at the top of any ranking of People Doing Things.
Could I write well? Yes.
Could I write really well? Yes.
Could I write really, really well? Nope.
Could I program well? Yes.
Could I program really well? Yes.
Could I program really, really well? Nope.
Could I cook well?...
And so on, and so forth, for nearly every task I tried. Perpetually stuck in the upper quintile, never a top-tenner.
Much has been written about chronic Imposter Syndrome among the very-smartest women, but I think that's just a fancy way to explain this phenomenon of being at the top of your game and atop all of the other women playing the same game, but quickly discovering, to your dismay, that the men at the top are a wee bit topper than you. And there's always one a wee bit topper. There must be an endless supply of men-slightly-better at That One Thing, someplace. A factory, where they are produced by dark forces, like the Orcs, in _The Lord of the Rings_.
It is enough to make a girl pout, very cutely.
![Pouting Girl](https://i.nostr.build/z3ucZoiGyMAv5tY0.jpg)
## Titles matter
I've written, before, about how I see my development role as being the project teams' "Girl Friday". I pick up all the tasks that fall to the wayside, but shouldn't be forgotten (like marketing, testing, arranging financing, and customer support), or substituting for someone who is away. Although men and women are partially redundant, so that there's a Boy Friday for every Mrs. Burns, it seems clear to me that humanity really is generally split up into these specialist/generalist roles.
Women tend toward generalism, but often no longer have a natural outlet for it, so many of us are therefore in a state of employment frustration. We cling to various titles, without fully identifying with them. Drifting from one title to another. Earning a new title. Going off to find ourselves. Earning another new title. No, this one also doesn't fit... Seeking, but never finding. The incongruence and impermanence can be painful. Aimless drifting.
Stacking up certificates and qualifications, but immediately bored by the myopic scope of the task and -- if we're in a male-dominated trade -- frustrated by our difficulty in topping The Toppers; struggling to find some niche, some branch, where our generalism is an advantage.
Life is unfair. Boys are mean. Someone do something.
## There used to be a specialty for generalists
But someone had done something. A long, long time ago. In fact, we are generalists today because of what that one woman did, back then: she married.
The bride is the star of every wedding and being a wife often brought a change in title (from _Miss_ to _Mrs._) because it is meant to be a _vocation_. It is as if you have been hired to be the household generalist, by the specialist, whose title reflected his particular specialty. If you actively joined in his specialty, it would simply be tacked onto your original title "Miller's Wife", "Lawyer's Wife", "Politician's Wife", "Farmer's Wife", "Engineer's Wife", "Butcher's Wife", "Bitcoin Influencer's Wife". (Angela Merkel's spouse had the title "Chancellor's Husband", but the construction remains.)
The point of all of this, was to build mixed-sex pairs, with overlapping skillsets, with one generalist and one specialist. This was a solid construction, for millions of years. Turning the tasks of the generalist into a series of professions, in order to financialize and tax the output, undermined the core concept of marriage by eroding its value-added to the participants. That is why marriage is now often seen exclusively as a romantic, long-term-fling, rather than the practical and efficient basis of any sustainable family and economic system.
## Marriage is about the economy, stupid
That is why _marriage equality_ became such a hot topic, in the 90s. If marriage is just about hanging about in the house with someone you find attractive (i.e. "roommates with benefits"), rather than the basic building block of society, then why shouldn't everyone doing that be considered married? Then everyone could have the same status, as married people did. This was a logical argument that won because society had completely abandoned the counterargument: **Marriage isn't that.**
Marriage was a specific construct to serve a specific purpose with maximum efficiency and efficacy. Society honored it because everyone benefitted from people engaging in it, even if they themselves did not. Society didn't honor marriage because it was good for the people in it; they honored it because it was good _for everyone else_.
Because, within marriage, there is room for a Jill-of-All-Trades, and the people outside of the marriage don't have to pay for her labour or subsidize her retirement, at the same time that they profit indirectly from it.
But, the generalist wife is not the star of the entire world, she's the star of one particular man's world, and for many women, that world was simply too small. They needed a bigger stage to perform on.
Even being _The President's Wife_ isn't title enough, for some, when they hungered to hold _The President_ title, directly.
![baking Cookies](https://quotefancy.com/media/wallpaper/3840x2160/223629-Hillary-Clinton-Quote-I-suppose-I-could-have-stayed-home-and-baked.jpg)
The consequent and purposeful destruction of the marital institution -- and the denegration of generalism, that necessarily went along with it -- is, I am convinced, the reason that we can't have nice things. And it's the reason why women gaining power hasn't lead to their increased happiness or more-stable and fruitful families.
In the end, a specialist title isn't enough, for most of us. What we want most, is to be loved and honored and cherished for what we are. And we are generalists.
And that is why I chose to stay home and bake cookies. In this little house, in our home economy, I am the best cookie baker because I am a good-enough cookie baker. I only have to be good-enough.
@ af9d7040:42d05d35
2024-11-14 09:25:34
## Oswald: Ruthlessness in the Pursuit of Power and Survival
In Gotham City, Oswald Cobblepot, known as “The Penguin,” lives by the unrelenting rules of the mob: ruthless, without compromise or boundaries. For him, survival demands sheer will, extreme cunning, and coldness. He will do anything to achieve his aims, even betray those closest to him—like his mother, who has profoundly influenced him. His attachment to her is rooted in a twisted, obsessive need for approval, and his ruthlessness is not only a survival strategy but also an expression of his deeply embedded self-centeredness.
The Penguin maneuvers through the shadows of Gotham City with manipulation, deceit, and vengeance, like a serpent coiling around its prey. His every success is built on a disregard for humanity and a relentless thirst for power. Though he appears to show devotion to his mother, this is only another facet of his self-serving nature. He cherishes her only so long as she provides him with a sense of security; the moment she becomes a liability, he discards her without hesitation. This twisted complexity makes him a character who elicits both fascination and repulsion.
The Penguin’s unique blend of cruelty and contradiction separates him from the typical mob character. His ruthless selfishness is rooted in self-preservation. He is capable of manipulating or even betraying those closest to him. His “loyalty” is merely a mask for his unyielding self-interest. This guise of loyalty makes him more isolated and untrustworthy than those around him, ultimately marking him as a true antihero—someone who cannot be trusted and who feels no attachment even to those he holds dear.
## Sofia: A Tender Wound in the Cold Reality
In contrast to the Penguin’s dark nature, Sofia, the female lead, presents a softer, yet no less complex character. Like him, she exists within Gotham’s shadows, but she retains a degree of innocence and kindness. Sofia, too, has a damaged side, but hers is gentler, perhaps even curable; her inner nature is resilient and compassionate. The Penguin, however, is wholly different—cold and selfish, with his inner darkness shaping every decision and action. Where Sofia struggles within Gotham’s corruption but maintains her inner light, the Penguin is the opposite, allowing his cruelty to permeate every aspect of his life.
Sofia’s presence is like a quiet undercurrent, casting the Penguin’s icy nature in sharper relief. She occasionally brings light into his shadowed world, though her warmth is ultimately no match for his darkness. Sofia’s compassion exposes the Penguin’s pathological selfishness, and her fleeting kindness only emphasizes his chilling indifference.
## The Solitude of a Drifter
With its muted color palette, the film portrays Gotham as a city almost devoid of life, where the clamor of daily existence only serves to conceal an underlying emptiness. The city’s visual loneliness, along with a slow, deliberate narrative and moments of silence, subtly reflects the Penguin’s inner struggle. His journey for power begins with a warped attachment to Gotham, and as the story unfolds, we see him descend into total darkness, losing all semblance of warmth. The scattered plot structure and somber music shape his evolution into a kind of melancholic, fragmented poem.
In this solitude, the director refrains from casting the Penguin in simple moral terms. Like life itself, the narrative is complex and fragmented, juxtaposing Gotham’s wealthy and impoverished neighborhoods to create a blurry psychological divide. In this “ruin” of Gotham, some people drift, some settle, while the Penguin himself wanders, searching for a place to belong. The pacing and cinematography draw the viewer in as though they are walking Gotham’s desolate streets, accompanied by a haunting piano melody.
## The Paradox of Power and Loneliness
The Penguin’s loneliness is not merely a result of Gotham’s darkness; it is the byproduct of his dependence on power. His need for control and his fixation on security bind him, like twin shackles, to his misery. He cannot escape his solitude even when perched at the top of Gotham’s hierarchy. His attachment to his mother is merely an extension of his self-interest; he has never truly known love or warmth. His cold and selfish nature is not a choice but an innate part of him, driving him inevitably toward isolation.
The series offers no definitive moral compass nor romanticizes any side. The Penguin’s relationship with Sofia and the sacrifices, betrayals, and suffering they both endure on the road to power seem to reflect the harsh realities of life. Gotham’s “ruinous” stage presents each character grappling with their choices and their costs.
## Moving Forward in the Darkness
The allure of The Penguin lies not only in its portrayal of an antihero but also in its exploration of the character’s inner lives. The Penguin’s turbulent life as a mobster intertwines with his attachment to Gotham, echoing those who search for belonging in places that feel forgotten. Sofia’s gentleness and fragile compassion, like a tender blade, continually pierce the Penguin’s illusions about power and loneliness.
The Penguin does not rise to power swiftly; instead, he edges toward a deep, inevitable abyss. The director’s pacing, intense and deliberate, brings the Penguin closer to the heights of power while making his solitude more profound. The Penguin strikes at the heart of adult disillusionment, showing us that the world will not soften simply because we yield. We can only stumble forward in the dark, perhaps even make peace with it.
***— Written by @Shaun on November 13, 2024***
[Chinese version](https://testenv.yakihonne.com/naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzptuawpq8gepy05vl6fpu7xlws8nd78nrjgtace3kd0eh4fpdqhf4qq2ngvrhv4y5ykp4gfp8wnn0vceyuenfwqeyucg6zfv)
@ 4ba8e86d:89d32de4
2024-11-14 09:17:14
Tutorial feito por nostr:nostr:npub1rc56x0ek0dd303eph523g3chm0wmrs5wdk6vs0ehd0m5fn8t7y4sqra3tk poste original abaixo:
Parte 1 : http://xh6liiypqffzwnu5734ucwps37tn2g6npthvugz3gdoqpikujju525yd.onion/263585/tutorial-debloat-de-celulares-android-via-adb-parte-1
Parte 2 : http://xh6liiypqffzwnu5734ucwps37tn2g6npthvugz3gdoqpikujju525yd.onion/index.php/263586/tutorial-debloat-de-celulares-android-via-adb-parte-2
Quando o assunto é privacidade em celulares, uma das medidas comumente mencionadas é a remoção de bloatwares do dispositivo, também chamado de debloat. O meio mais eficiente para isso sem dúvidas é a troca de sistema operacional. Custom Rom’s como LineageOS, GrapheneOS, Iodé, CalyxOS, etc, já são bastante enxutos nesse quesito, principalmente quanto não é instalado os G-Apps com o sistema. No entanto, essa prática pode acabar resultando em problemas indesejados como a perca de funções do dispositivo, e até mesmo incompatibilidade com apps bancários, tornando este método mais atrativo para quem possui mais de um dispositivo e separando um apenas para privacidade.
Pensando nisso, pessoas que possuem apenas um único dispositivo móvel, que são necessitadas desses apps ou funções, mas, ao mesmo tempo, tem essa visão em prol da privacidade, buscam por um meio-termo entre manter a Stock rom, e não ter seus dados coletados por esses bloatwares. Felizmente, a remoção de bloatwares é possível e pode ser realizada via root, ou mais da maneira que este artigo irá tratar, via adb.
## O que são bloatwares?
Bloatware é a junção das palavras bloat (inchar) + software (programa), ou seja, um bloatware é basicamente um programa inútil ou facilmente substituível — colocado em seu dispositivo previamente pela fabricante e operadora — que está no seu dispositivo apenas ocupando espaço de armazenamento, consumindo memória RAM e pior, coletando seus dados e enviando para servidores externos, além de serem mais pontos de vulnerabilidades.
## O que é o adb?
O Android Debug Brigde, ou apenas adb, é uma ferramenta que se utiliza das permissões de usuário shell e permite o envio de comandos vindo de um computador para um dispositivo Android exigindo apenas que a depuração USB esteja ativa, mas também pode ser usada diretamente no celular a partir do Android 11, com o uso do Termux e a depuração sem fio (ou depuração wifi). A ferramenta funciona normalmente em dispositivos sem root, e também funciona caso o celular esteja em Recovery Mode.
Para computadores:
• Depuração USB ativa no celular;
• Computador com adb;
• Cabo USB;
Para celulares:
• Depuração sem fio (ou depuração wifi) ativa no celular;
• Termux;
• Android 11 ou superior;
Para ambos:
• Firewall NetGuard instalado e configurado no celular;
• Lista de bloatwares para seu dispositivo;
## Ativação de depuração:
Para ativar a Depuração USB em seu dispositivo, pesquise como ativar as opções de desenvolvedor de seu dispositivo, e lá ative a depuração. No caso da depuração sem fio, sua ativação irá ser necessária apenas no momento que for conectar o dispositivo ao Termux.
## Instalação e configuração do NetGuard
O NetGuard pode ser instalado através da própria Google Play Store, mas de preferência instale pela F-Droid ou Github para evitar telemetria.
Github: https://github.com/M66B/NetGuard/releases
Após instalado, configure da seguinte maneira:
Configurações → padrões (lista branca/negra) → ative as 3 primeiras opções (bloquear wifi, bloquear dados móveis e aplicar regras ‘quando tela estiver ligada’);
Configurações → opções avançadas → ative as duas primeiras (administrar aplicativos do sistema e registrar acesso a internet);
Com isso, todos os apps estarão sendo bloqueados de acessar a internet, seja por wifi ou dados móveis, e na página principal do app basta permitir o acesso a rede para os apps que você vai usar (se necessário). Permita que o app rode em segundo plano sem restrição da otimização de bateria, assim quando o celular ligar, ele já estará ativo.
## Lista de bloatwares
Nem todos os bloatwares são genéricos, haverá bloatwares diferentes conforme a marca, modelo, versão do Android, e até mesmo região.
Para obter uma lista de bloatwares de seu dispositivo, caso seu aparelho já possua um tempo de existência, você encontrará listas prontas facilmente apenas pesquisando por elas. Supondo que temos um Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus em mãos, basta pesquisar em seu motor de busca por:
Samsung Galaxy Note 10 Plus bloatware list
Provavelmente essas listas já terão inclusas todos os bloatwares das mais diversas regiões, lhe poupando o trabalho de buscar por alguma lista mais específica.
Caso seu aparelho seja muito recente, e/ou não encontre uma lista pronta de bloatwares, devo dizer que você acaba de pegar em merda, pois é chato para um caralho pesquisar por cada aplicação para saber sua função, se é essencial para o sistema ou se é facilmente substituível.
### De antemão já aviso, que mais para frente, caso vossa gostosura remova um desses aplicativos que era essencial para o sistema sem saber, vai acabar resultando na perda de alguma função importante, ou pior, ao reiniciar o aparelho o sistema pode estar quebrado, lhe obrigando a seguir com uma formatação, e repetir todo o processo novamente.
## Download do adb em computadores
Para usar a ferramenta do adb em computadores, basta baixar o pacote chamado SDK platform-tools, disponível através deste link: https://developer.android.com/tools/releases/platform-tools. Por ele, você consegue o download para Windows, Mac e Linux.
Uma vez baixado, basta extrair o arquivo zipado, contendo dentro dele uma pasta chamada platform-tools que basta ser aberta no terminal para se usar o adb.
## Download do adb em celulares com Termux.
Para usar a ferramenta do adb diretamente no celular, antes temos que baixar o app Termux, que é um emulador de terminal linux, e já possui o adb em seu repositório. Você encontra o app na Google Play Store, mas novamente recomendo baixar pela F-Droid ou diretamente no Github do projeto.
F-Droid: https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.termux/
Github: https://github.com/termux/termux-app/releases
## Processo de debloat
Antes de iniciarmos, é importante deixar claro que não é para você sair removendo todos os bloatwares de cara sem mais nem menos, afinal alguns deles precisam antes ser substituídos, podem ser essenciais para você para alguma atividade ou função, ou até mesmo são insubstituíveis.
Alguns exemplos de bloatwares que a substituição é necessária antes da remoção, é o Launcher, afinal, é a interface gráfica do sistema, e o teclado, que sem ele só é possível digitar com teclado externo. O Launcher e teclado podem ser substituídos por quaisquer outros, minha recomendação pessoal é por aqueles que respeitam sua privacidade, como Pie Launcher e Simple Laucher, enquanto o teclado pelo OpenBoard e FlorisBoard, todos open-source e disponíveis da F-Droid.
Identifique entre a lista de bloatwares, quais você gosta, precisa ou prefere não substituir, de maneira alguma você é obrigado a remover todos os bloatwares possíveis, modifique seu sistema a seu bel-prazer. O NetGuard lista todos os apps do celular com o nome do pacote, com isso você pode filtrar bem qual deles não remover.
Um exemplo claro de bloatware insubstituível e, portanto, não pode ser removido, é o com.android.mtp, um protocolo onde sua função é auxiliar a comunicação do dispositivo com um computador via USB, mas por algum motivo, tem acesso a rede e se comunica frequentemente com servidores externos. Para esses casos, e melhor solução mesmo é bloquear o acesso a rede desses bloatwares com o NetGuard.
MTP tentando comunicação com servidores externos:
## Executando o adb shell
No computador
Faça backup de todos os seus arquivos importantes para algum armazenamento externo, e formate seu celular com o hard reset. Após a formatação, e a ativação da depuração USB, conecte seu aparelho e o pc com o auxílio de um cabo USB. Muito provavelmente seu dispositivo irá apenas começar a carregar, por isso permita a transferência de dados, para que o computador consiga se comunicar normalmente com o celular.
Já no pc, abra a pasta platform-tools dentro do terminal, e execute o seguinte comando:
./adb start-server
O resultado deve ser:
*daemon not running; starting now at tcp:5037
*daemon started successfully
E caso não apareça nada, execute:
./adb kill-server
E inicie novamente.
Com o adb conectado ao celular, execute:
./adb shell
Para poder executar comandos diretamente para o dispositivo. No meu caso, meu celular é um Redmi Note 8 Pro, codinome Begonia.
Logo o resultado deve ser:
begonia:/ $
Caso ocorra algum erro do tipo:
adb: device unauthorized.
This adb server’s $ADB_VENDOR_KEYS is not set
Try ‘adb kill-server’ if that seems wrong.
Otherwise check for a confirmation dialog on your device.
Verifique no celular se apareceu alguma confirmação para autorizar a depuração USB, caso sim, autorize e tente novamente. Caso não apareça nada, execute o kill-server e repita o processo.
## No celular
Após realizar o mesmo processo de backup e hard reset citado anteriormente, instale o Termux e, com ele iniciado, execute o comando:
pkg install android-tools
Quando surgir a mensagem “Do you want to continue? [Y/n]”, basta dar enter novamente que já aceita e finaliza a instalação
Agora, vá até as opções de desenvolvedor, e ative a depuração sem fio. Dentro das opções da depuração sem fio, terá uma opção de emparelhamento do dispositivo com um código, que irá informar para você um código em emparelhamento, com um endereço IP e porta, que será usado para a conexão com o Termux.
Para facilitar o processo, recomendo que abra tanto as configurações quanto o Termux ao mesmo tempo, e divida a tela com os dois app’s, como da maneira a seguir:
Para parear o Termux com o dispositivo, não é necessário digitar o ip informado, basta trocar por “localhost”, já a porta e o código de emparelhamento, deve ser digitado exatamente como informado. Execute:
adb pair localhost:porta CódigoDeEmparelhamento
De acordo com a imagem mostrada anteriormente, o comando ficaria “adb pair localhost:41255 757495”.
Com o dispositivo emparelhado com o Termux, agora basta conectar para conseguir executar os comandos, para isso execute:
adb connect localhost:porta
Obs: a porta que você deve informar neste comando não é a mesma informada com o código de emparelhamento, e sim a informada na tela principal da depuração sem fio.
Pronto! Termux e adb conectado com sucesso ao dispositivo, agora basta executar normalmente o adb shell:
adb shell
Remoção na prática
Com o adb shell executado, você está pronto para remover os bloatwares. No meu caso, irei mostrar apenas a remoção de um app (Google Maps), já que o comando é o mesmo para qualquer outro, mudando apenas o nome do pacote.
Dentro do NetGuard, verificando as informações do Google Maps:
Podemos ver que mesmo fora de uso, e com a localização do dispositivo desativado, o app está tentando loucamente se comunicar com servidores externos, e informar sabe-se lá que peste. Mas sem novidades até aqui, o mais importante é que podemos ver que o nome do pacote do Google Maps é com.google.android.apps.maps, e para o remover do celular, basta executar:
pm uninstall –user 0 com.google.android.apps.maps
E pronto, bloatware removido! Agora basta repetir o processo para o resto dos bloatwares, trocando apenas o nome do pacote.
Para acelerar o processo, você pode já criar uma lista do bloco de notas com os comandos, e quando colar no terminal, irá executar um atrás do outro.
Exemplo de lista:
Caso a donzela tenha removido alguma coisa sem querer, também é possível recuperar o pacote com o comando:
cmd package install-existing nome.do.pacote
## Pós-debloat
Após limpar o máximo possível o seu sistema, reinicie o aparelho, caso entre no como recovery e não seja possível dar reboot, significa que você removeu algum app “essencial” para o sistema, e terá que formatar o aparelho e repetir toda a remoção novamente, desta vez removendo poucos bloatwares de uma vez, e reiniciando o aparelho até descobrir qual deles não pode ser removido. Sim, dá trabalho… quem mandou querer privacidade?
Caso o aparelho reinicie normalmente após a remoção, parabéns, agora basta usar seu celular como bem entender! Mantenha o NetGuard sempre executando e os bloatwares que não foram possíveis remover não irão se comunicar com servidores externos, passe a usar apps open source da F-Droid e instale outros apps através da Aurora Store ao invés da Google Play Store.
Caso você seja um Australopithecus e tenha achado este guia difícil, eis uma videoaula (3:14:40) do Anderson do canal Ciberdef, realizando todo o processo: http://odysee.com/@zai:5/Como-remover-at%C3%A9-200-APLICATIVOS-que-colocam-a-sua-PRIVACIDADE-E-SEGURAN%C3%87A-em-risco.:4?lid=6d50f40314eee7e2f218536d9e5d300290931d23
Pdf’s do Anderson citados na videoaula: créditos ao anon6837264
Processo de instalação do Termux e adb no celular: https://youtu.be/APolZrPHSms
@ fb5986f6:4173af9d
2024-11-14 08:48:55
En github hay un listado enorme de muchas alternativas a las apps mainstream que no respetan nuestra privacidad (https://github.com/pluja/awesome-privacy)
Pero ahí van algunas de las apps que hemos elegido en el grupo de telegram de GrapheneOS en español (unofficial). Anímate a entrar al grupo y enseñarnos alguna otra que te parezca interesante!
Grupo de telegram: https://t.me/grapheneosEsp
# Tienda de Apps
F-Droid: [https://f-droid.org/es/](https://f-droid.org/es/)
F-Droid es un catálogo instalable de aplicaciones FOSS (Software Libre y de Código Abierto) para la plataforma Android.
Aurora Store: https://aurorastore.org/
Aurora Store es una alternativa gratuita de Google Play Store donde puedes descargar aplicaciones, actualizar las aplicaciones que ya tienes, recibir detalles sobre los rastreadores en la aplicación, ocultar tu ubicación, buscar aplicaciones y hacer mucho más.
## Gestionar actualizaciones de nuestras APPS
**Obtanium**: https://github.com/ImranR98/Obtainium
Obtainium nos permite instalar y actualizar aplicaciones directamente desde sus páginas de versiones, y recibir notificaciones cuando las nuevas versiones estén disponibles.
## Gestor de contraseñas
Lo ideal es que gestionemos nosotros la base de datos de las contraseñas en lugar de cederla (aunque encriptada) a una empresa.
Por supuesto esto implica la responsabilidad de <u>realizar copias de seguridad</u> recurrentemente para evitar la perdida de las contraseñas.
Tenemos dos opciones:
1. Alojar el servicio en un servidor casero
- **Vaultwarden**: https://github.com/dani-garcia/vaultwarden
2. Usar una app offline (todo en local dentro de nuestro dispositivo)
- **Keepass**: https://www.keepassdx.com/
## 2FA tokens de verificación
**Aegis Authenticator**: https://github.com/beemdevelopment/Aegis
Todo se guarda en local, IMPORTANTE guardar el código de recuperación que te da cada servicio cuando se crea el token 2FA (a mi me gusta apuntarlo en una libreta) y CREAR BACKUPS de la bóveda de Aegis y GUARDARLOS en otro dispositivo.
## Sincronizar entre dispositivos
**Syncthing**: https://github.com/syncthing/syncthing
Syncthing es una aplicación que le permite sincronizar sus archivos en múltiples dispositivos. Esto significa la creación, modificación o eliminación de archivos en uno la máquina se replicará automáticamente en sus otros dispositivos.
Debido a que la app Syncthing ha dejado de dar soporte en Android (https://forum.syncthing.net/t/discontinuing-syncthing-android/23002), hemos encontrado este fork:
**Syncthing-Fork:** https://github.com/Catfriend1/syncthing-android
## Multimedia
- **NewPipe**: https://newpipe.net/
App para ver videos de youtube de manera privada, sin iniciar sesión podemos seguir los canales, sin anuncios, reproducción del audio con el móvil bloqueado...
- **RiMusic**: https://rimusic.xyz/
Una aplicación para Android de código abierto y multilingüe para reproducir música de YouTube Music
- **AntennaPod**: https://antennapod.org/
AntennaPod es un reproductor de podcast completamente abierto. La aplicación es software libre y puedes suscribirte a cualquier canal RSS.
## Mapas
### App de búsqueda:
**GMaps WV**: https://github.com/Divested-Mobile/Maps
Es una app WebView para usar Google Maps sin exponer su dispositivo.
En GMaps WV podremos buscar el lugar donde queremos ir (también vale para buscar restaurantes y sus reseñas), sin embargo no se podrá usar como navegador. Para esto tenemos dos buenas alternativas:
### Apps de navegación:
- **Organic Maps**: https://organicmaps.app/es/
- **OsmAnd**: https://osmand.net/
Pero todos sabemos que el mejor buscador de lugares es Google, entonces tenemos que combinar ambas herramientas para beneficiarnos de sus resultados sin comprometer nuestra privacidad:
<u>¿Como usarlas de manera conjunta?</u>
Buscaremos el lugar donde queremos ir en GMaps WV, le daremos a "compartir" y seleccionaremos la app de navegación que tengamos (Organic Maps o OsmAnd). Seguidamente se abrirá la app con el lugar seleccionado en GMaps WV y ya podremos iniciar la navegación.
## Notificaciones
**You Have Mail**: https://f-droid.org/packages/dev.lbeernaert.youhavemail/
App para notificaciones de email sin Google Play Services
Se recomienda tener el 2FA en el servicio de mail ya que deberemos introducir la contraseña en la app You Have Mail para poder recibir las notificaciones.
## Verificar autenticidad de las apps
**AppVerifier**: https://github.com/soupslurpr/AppVerifier
Es un visor y verificador de hash de certificados de firma de aplicaciones. Te permite verificar fácilmente que tus aplicaciones son genuinas con otros.
Tutorial: https://inv.nadeko.net/watch?v=IkrujqcM-9Y
@ 9ff58691:0bf6c134
2024-11-14 06:46:27
**Дорогие курганцы!**
С радостью сообщаем, что сегодня мы открываем уникальный парк "Умная природа", который стал настоящим символом нашего времени! Этот парк не только радует глаз, но и использует самые современные технологии для создания комфортной и безопасной городской среды.
**Инновации в действии:**
- Интерактивные информационные панели: Узнайте о растениях и животных, обитающих в парке, с помощью QR-кодов и дополненной реальности!
- Смарт-освещение: Умные фонари, которые автоматически регулируют яркость в зависимости от времени суток и присутствия людей.
- Эко-станции для зарядки: Заряжайте свои устройства с помощью солнечных панелей, установленных по всему парку.
Зеленые технологии: Парк оснащен системами сбора дождевой воды для полива растений и использует экологически чистые материалы в своих конструкциях. Мы заботимся о нашей планете!
![Парк 2](https://sun9-80.userapi.com/impg/STekMf1rob9vglhfSMntchL6QnJyp4hJITGpWg/yjLB2Ezwe7g.jpg?size=1024x1024&quality=95&sign=46e8b1ee8bc38fe5e05608c6be5c2f42&type=album)
Развлечения для всех: на открытии нас ждали музыкальные выступления, виртуальные экскурсии и мастер-классы по экологии. Дети могут поиграть на интерактивных площадках, а взрослые — насладиться спокойствием в зонах для медитации и йоги.
Сообщество и природа: "Умная природа" — это не просто парк, это место для общения, творчества и вдохновения. Давайте вместе сделаем его центром культурной жизни нашего города!
"Мы вложили душу и сердце в создание 'Умной природы'. Этот парк — результат нашей мечты о гармонии между технологиями и природой. Мы хотим, чтобы каждый курганец чувствовал себя здесь комфортно и вдохновленно. Надеемся, что 'Умная природа' станет любимым местом для отдыха и общения для всех!", - сказал владелец парка Иван Смирнов
Приглашаем всех курганцев и гостей города посетить "Умную природу" и насладиться ее красотой и инновациями!
Автор: Елизавета Медведева
@ 8947a945:9bfcf626
2024-11-14 06:28:56
# Warning
- This is not investment advice. It is simply a personal experience of mine using this tool. Anyone who reads my article and decides to use this tool should conduct their own research to ensure they are fully informed.
- The level of risk is as a gambling account. There is still uncertainty about the risk associated with third-party involvement, even though operations have been ongoing since 2014.
- I have an [affiliate link]((https://freebitco.in/?r=52348229). If you use the link, there’s a bonus from the website, which you can track through their emails.
Hello #siamstr #plebchain
I have a tool I’ve been using to #stacksat for about a year since I've been living here on #nostr . I first saw this tool from a new friend I recently met in this land. The tool is called Freebitcoin → [Freebico.in](https://freebitco.in/?r=52348229)
This website explicitly presents itself as a gambling and online casino platform, with all winnings from gameplay paid in BTC.
### Games Available
#### HI LO
As the name suggests, it’s a Hi-Lo game, though I don’t play it myself. I’ll skip this one, but if anyone knows how to play and is skilled, feel free to try.
#### Lottery
This is like buying lottery tickets, with draws every Sunday at the cost of 1 sat/1 lottery ticket. Personally, I’m not lucky with these things; even when I’ve received 3 or 4 free tickets in real life, I’ve lost every time. So, I’ll skip this one too, but if you’re lucky with lotteries, go ahead and try it.
#### Free BTC
This is the main way I make money on this website, and I **recommend everyone do** the same because there’s no loss involved, and you’re guaranteed some sats every hour. The amount varies, but you’ll get something based on your luck.
The method is simple: every hour, you roll the dice by clicking.
I**n this example, I just clicked, so I’ll need to wait another 44 minutes to play again.**
The website will randomly generate a lucky number, and you’ll receive sats according to the number you get. The top prize has a value of $200 USD in sats at the current rate. This site references prices from Bitstamp.
Back in 2023, when BTC/USD was around 20,000 the minimum prize was 7 sats, but as BTC/USD rose, the reward amount decreased proportionally, with the minimum being 1 sat/hour.
Think about it—if you’re already at your screen working, you can click once an hour and at least get 24 sats a day.
#### Earn BTC
This is another method I recommend. If you have a minimum of **30,000 sat**in your wallet, the site will pay you an **annual interest of 4.08% (APR 4.08%)**. Payments are made daily at random times but are guaranteed.
The site explains that this random payment timing helps prevent "whales" from depositing large amounts to earn interest and then withdrawing right after. This practice would disrupt their cash flow and potentially impact other users.
Just yesterday, on November 1, 2024, I accumulated 68,638 sats from **Betting**, which earned me 7 sats/day in interest, with yesterday being the first day.
As you can see, they provide a convenient interest calculation table.
**My Opinion**
I do not recommend depositing your sats here. While the site seems trustworthy, with deposits and withdrawals functioning without issues, there is still third-party risk involved.
However, if you’re comfortable with the risk and have some funds to spare, feel free to try it.
#### Betting
This is the method I’ve used to grow my sats the most. It’s essentially gambling, betting on the right outcomes. The site offers betting on soccer, basketball, tennis, racing, and major world-famous sports matches.
Simply put, if you bet correctly, you win money; if you bet incorrectly, you lose money.
For example
But I don’t really follow these sports. I rely on the morning news, then place bets on matches where I feel I have the best chance of winning. I only bet with amounts I’m prepared to lose, similar to money management in general speculative trading.
However, I don’t primarily bet on sports; instead, I prefer to **predict the BTC/USD price range.**
Here’s a recent bet where I made a 5x profit.
I predicted that the BTC/USD price would be within 70,000 - 75,000 at 23:59 UTC on October 31, 2024.
I placed a bet on this price range with 11,699 sats and earned a profit of 68,610 sats, which is approximately a 5.8x return.
But I don’t just blindly place bets. I use my knowledge of technical analysis to help assess probabilities.
First, I start by looking at the Weekly chart. On the day I placed the bet, I focused on the candle marked by a red arrow. I noticed the price was rallying upward in a trend. This movement looked like a potential non-standard small x wave (for those familiar with Elliott Wave theory; if not, feel free to skip this part).
To confirm, I zoomed into the daily chart and saw this
The red arrow is in the same position, but now zoomed into the daily chart, confirming the non-standard small x wave. Based on probability and my knowledge of Elliott Wave theory, I concluded that by the end of October, the price would likely be in the range of 70,000 - 75,000.
I placed my bet accordingly and then closed the screen, as there’s no need to monitor it constantly like speculative trading, which can be stressful. I checked back on the last day of the month, and here’s the result.
The H1 chart showed that the closing price was around 70,700, which met the winning condition. I took the profit, pushing my sats into the area where I could earn APR.
**My Opinion**
I believe this can replace speculative trading because trading requires setting stop loss and take profit levels.
For me, I have no problem setting a stop loss, but **I struggle with take profit**. I tend to ride the trend and try to sell at the highest possible point.
This is a bad habit of mine—getting trapped by greed, wanting to catch a big move, but eventually, the market takes it back. Unrealized profits slowly shrink, and it either breaks even or turns into a loss.
However, with this method, it replaces trading because I don’t need to set a specific take profit level. Instead, I define a broader price range, like 5,000 USD, which makes it easier for me.
**In summary**
For this website, I highly recommend the Free BTC hourly feature. As for the other methods, it depends on your own skill and preference.
[Here’s my affiliate link again.](https://freebitco.in/?r=52348229)
@ 59f0660b:d5d24440
2024-11-14 03:46:53
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2024-11-14 03:08:55
**Table Of Content**
- The Economics Behind Bitcoin ATMs
- Factors Influencing Bitcoin ATM Adoption
- Conclusion
The world of finance has experienced a significant transformation with the advent of cryptocurrencies. Bitcoin, the first and most popular cryptocurrency, has revolutionized the way we perceive and transact with money. As the adoption of Bitcoin continues to grow, various technological advancements have emerged to facilitate its usage. One such innovation is the Bitcoin Automated Teller Machine (ATM). In this article, we will explore the role of economics in the adoption of Bitcoin ATMs, analyzing the impact on the financial landscape, consumer behavior, and overall market dynamics.
**The Economics Behind Bitcoin ATMs**
**Understanding Supply and Demand Dynamics**
Bitcoin ATMs serve as physical touchpoints for users to buy or sell Bitcoin using traditional currencies. The presence of Bitcoin ATMs in a region is heavily influenced by the economics of supply and demand. When demand for Bitcoin rises in a particular area, entrepreneurs and businesses have an economic incentive to install Bitcoin ATMs to cater to this demand. Conversely, in areas with low demand, the installation of Bitcoin ATMs might not be financially viable.
**Impact on Local Economies**
The presence of Bitcoin ATMs can have a profound impact on local economies. By providing easy access to Bitcoin, these ATMs promote financial inclusivity and enable individuals to participate in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. This increased accessibility encourages entrepreneurship and fosters innovation within the local economy. Additionally, Bitcoin ATMs often charge transaction fees, which generate revenue for the machine owners and contribute to the local economy.
**Factors Influencing Bitcoin ATM Adoption**
**Technological Infrastructure**
The adoption of Bitcoin ATMs is heavily influenced by the technological infrastructure of a region. Bitcoin ATMs rely on a stable internet connection and other supporting technologies to function seamlessly. Areas with robust technological infrastructure are more likely to witness higher adoption rates of Bitcoin ATMs.
**Regulatory Environment**
The regulatory environment surrounding cryptocurrencies plays a crucial role in the adoption of Bitcoin ATMs. Clear and favorable regulations provide certainty to businesses and individuals, facilitating the installation and operation of Bitcoin ATMs. Conversely, strict regulations or uncertain legal frameworks can deter entrepreneurs from entering the market and limit the proliferation of Bitcoin ATMs.
**Market Demand and Consumer Behavior**
The demand for Bitcoin and the willingness of consumers to adopt cryptocurrencies significantly impact the installation of Bitcoin ATMs. Consumer behavior is influenced by factors such as trust, convenience, and perceived value. As awareness and acceptance of cryptocurrencies increase, the demand for Bitcoin ATMs rises, resulting in wider adoption.
The role of economics in the adoption of Bitcoin ATMs cannot be understated. The economics of supply and demand, along with technological infrastructure and regulatory environments, shape the landscape for Bitcoin ATM proliferation. These ATMs play a vital role in promoting financial inclusivity, generating revenue, and facilitating convenient access to cryptocurrencies. As the world embraces cryptocurrencies and their potential, the future of Bitcoin ATMs holds immense promise in revolutionizing financial transactions globally.
**How do Bitcoin ATMs work?**
Bitcoin ATMs function similarly to traditional ATMs, but instead of dispensing cash, they facilitate the buying or selling of Bitcoin. Users can insert cash into the machine, which is then converted into Bitcoin and transferred to their digital wallets. Alternatively, users can also sell Bitcoin and receive cash from the ATM.
**Are Bitcoin ATMs secure?**
Bitcoin ATMs are designed with security measures to protect user transactions. They often utilize encryption and authentication protocols to ensure the safety of funds. However, it's essential for users to follow best practices, such as securing their digital wallets and using strong passwords, to further enhance their security.
**Are there fees associated with Bitcoin ATMs?**
Yes, Bitcoin ATMs typically charge fees for transactions. These fees cover the costs of operating and maintaining the machines. The fee structure can vary depending on the operator and location of the ATM.
**Are Bitcoin ATMs accessible globally?**
Bitcoin ATMs are available in many countries worldwide. However, their availability and adoption vary from region to region. Countries with higher cryptocurrency adoption rates and favorable regulatory environments tend to have a greater number of Bitcoin ATMs.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
**X: [@croxroadnews](https://x.com/croxroadnewsco)**
**Instagram: [@croxroadnews.co](https://www.instagram.com/croxroadnews.co/)**
**Youtube: [@croxroadnews](https://www.youtube.com/@croxroadnews)**
**Store: https://croxroad.store**
**Subscribe to CROX ROAD Bitcoin Only Daily Newsletter**
*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 6316050a:a5e43cbe
2024-11-14 03:02:58
# Contexto
En el **Grupo de Teoría y Simulación en Materia Blanda** estudiamos sistemas poliméricos, interfaces y sistemas coloidales a escala nanoscópica. Estos pueden estar en equilibrio o presentar flujo de partículas o calor y son de interés en ciencia básica y aplicada en campos como micro y nano-fluídica, aplicaciones a transferencia de calor y máquinas moleculares. Una característica central es que la temperatura juega un rol importante y existe una competencia entre entropía y energía. Esto suele dar lugar a transiciones de fases u otros cambios cualitativos del comportamiento del sistema.
# Herramientas
Usamos simulación computacional y herramientas teóricas, con énfasis en conceptos de mecánica estadística, que permiten estudiar variados sistemas en diferentes situaciones físicas. Estudiamos a estos sistemas en condiciones de equilibrio termodinámico o también cómo es su comportamiento cuando se inducen flujos o se los somete a campos externos. (fuera de equilibrio)
# Temas propuestos para Tesis de Licenciatura en Física
## Simulación de transferencia de calor en nanocanales con paredes modificadas por polímeros
![ image ](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/6316050a92b50f2f87c9c721986095213e9668be9ba1964ac4a62de5a5e43cbe/files/1731072530815-YAKIHONNES3.png)
Los fenómenos de transferencia de calor tienen una gran importancia en un amplísimo rango de aplicaciones como por ejemplo, los procesos de generación y conversión de energía. Además, son cruciales para el enfriamiento de motores y dispositivos electrónicos. Estas aplicaciones requerirán en el futuro un funcionamiento a mayor densidad de energía, y por lo tanto, mayor generación de calor, que deberá ser removido más eficientemente. En particular, los fenómenos de cambio de fases, como la ebullición nucleada, tienen aplicaciones en plantas de potencia eléctrica, desalinización térmica,
enfriamiento de chips electrónicos y recuperación de calor desechado, entre muchas otras.
Uno de los desafíos más importantes para continuar la reducción de tamaño de los dispositivos electrónicos es umentar su densidad de potencia de operación es lograr una extracción eficiente del calor generado. La transferencia de cals relevante también en aplicaciones aescalasespaciales mayores, como en la generación de energía eléctrica en centrales térmicas y nucleares. En las centrales nucleares de generación IV es necesario aumentar el calor transportado por unidad de tiempo y mejorar la eficiencia de los intercambiadores de calor.
Se propone estudiar la transferencia de calor en un nanocanal que presenta una interfaz líquido vapor. Queremos
entender los detalles de cómo cambian con el tiempo las características de la evaporación de una interfaz y las condicions cuando se modifica la pared con polímeros u otras moléculas en el seno del líquido.
Realizaremos simulaciones de dinámica molecular en clusters de supercómputo para estudiar estos sistemas en distintas condiciones físicas.
**Contacto:** Claudio Pastorino (claudiopastorino .... cnea.gob.ar ; IG, X: @clopasto; Nostr: @clopasto
## Dinámica de moléculas anulares en polirotaxanos, inducida por gradientes térmicos
Los polirotaxanos, son agregados macromoleculares compuestos por múltiples moléculas cíclicas enhebradas en una cadena polimérica con grandes grupos terminales en sus extremos, que impiden la salida de los anillos. Junto con otras MIMs (*Mechanically Interlocked Molecules*/) son los elementos constitutivos importantes de las denominadas máquinas moleculares. Estos mecanismos moleculares pueden tomar energía del ambiente para generar movimientos dirigidos y disipación de calor. Es decir, funcionar como motores y bombas nanoscópicas., eque transforman una entrega de energía entrabajo mecánico (y, por supuesto, calor). Estás notables propiedades mecánicas hacen que los polirotaxanos sean muy promisorios industrial y tecnológicamente y sistemas fascinantes para estudiar por simulación computacional en el contexto de máquinas moleculares.
Se propone estudiar la dinámica y agregación de dos o mas anillos moleculares cuando se induce en el polímero un flujo de calor que da lugar a un gradiente térmico. Se utilizarán simulaciones dee dinámica moelecular fuera de equilibrio para estudiar este sistema. Se espera explorar en gran detalles espacial cómo se comportan los anillos en función del gradiente térmico. , analizando tantos estados estacionarios como dependendientes del tiempo. En su versión más simple, por ejemplo , se puede poner los extremos del polímero a dos temperaturas para inducir un a zona "fría " del polímero y una más caliente. Los anillos tenderán a desplazarse a la zona fría , reduciendo la energía cinética total del sistema. Pensando en diseños experimentales esto podría realizarse con lasers que inyecten energía en los extremos del polirotaxano y que esto permite mover y posicionar los anillos a escala nanoscópica.
**Contacto:** Claudio Pastorino (claudiopastorino .... cnea.gob.ar). IG, X, Nostr: @clopasto
# ¿Qué se aprenderá en la Tesis?
Estas línea de trabajo es teórico-numérica , con una parte importante de simulación computacional. Involucra principalmente conceptos de:
* Mecánica estadística (Física Teórica 3 en DF-UBA),
* Materia condensada en general y materia blanda.
* Fundamentos y uso de simulación computacional: Dinámica Molecular, y /o Monte Carlo,
* Se estudia a los sistemas en escalas espaciales y temporales relativamente grandes (mesoscópicas),
* No se requieren conocimientos previos de computación, pero sí interés en el uso y creación de programas, para obtener propiedades de los sistemas físicos.
* Se trabajará con :
* Linux, Python, Bash, Awk.
* Programas corriendo en *clusters* de super-cómputo. High Performance Computing (HPC)
* Herramientas de posprocesamiento.
@ b4403b24:83542d4e
2024-11-14 00:55:14
Donald Trump officially announced his nomination of Tucker Carlson for a White House Press Secretary. 🫶
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/766758
@ bcea2b98:7ccef3c9
2024-11-14 00:42:08
Sometimes we come across values that resonate deeply only after going through certain experiences. These values may not have been obvious to us earlier, but now they play a meaningful role in how we approach life.
Is there a value you’ve discovered later in life that’s become important to you?
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/766754
@ 1743fd7b:4247e9bf
2024-11-13 23:42:07
hello world
@ 8d34bd24:414be32b
2024-11-13 22:45:38
Yesterday I was doing my Revelation Bible study and the author told us to look back at Jeremiah 25 to see how it related to what we were studying in Revelation 15 & 16. She only referred to a couple of verses, but I read more to get context because I was having trouble seeing what point she was trying to make. When I read Jeremiah 25, it reminded me of Ezekiel 38 and sounded a lot like what is happening in the Middle East and the world today. This article is my attempt to investigate this idea and organize my thoughts and share it with you.
I do have some comments regarding prophecy and the current Israeli/Palestine/etc. conflict that may be divisive, but I hope my use of the Bible to explain God’s plan will help people understand what is currently going on a bit better and without the rancor and bias coming from the media today. It should also help us to understand why it seems the whole world has turned against Israel and why nobody protests or shows solidarity with Israel when they are attacked in the most horrific ways.
Let’s see what Jeremiah 25 has to say:
> ‘Then it will be when seventy years are completed I will punish the king of Babylon and that nation,’ declares the Lord, ‘for their iniquity, and the land of the Chaldeans; and I will make it an everlasting desolation. (Jeremiah 25:12)
Since God declared after the 70 year exile of Judah in Babylon to destroy Babylon and to make it “*an everlasting desolation*,” then it seems unlikely that Babylon the Great in Revelation is historical Babylon. It has been destroyed and God promised that it would be an everlasting desolation. Who could Babylon the Great be if it isn’t actual Babylon? I am beginning to have my unpleasant theories, but I won’t go into that here.
> I will bring upon that land all My words which I have pronounced against it, all that is written in this book which Jeremiah has prophesied against all the nations. (For many nations and great kings will make slaves of them, even them; and I will recompense them according to their deeds and according to the work of their hands.)’ ”
> For thus the Lord, the God of Israel, says to me, “Take this cup of the wine of wrath from My hand and cause all the nations to whom I send you to drink it. They will drink and stagger and go mad because of the sword that I will send among them.” (Jeremiah 25:13-16)
God then promises “*many nations and great kings*” that made slaves of Judah/Israel, that God will “*recompense them according to their deeds*.”
Compare that to Revelation 14 and 16:
> Then another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. (Revelation 14:9-10)
> Then the third angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and the springs of waters; and they became blood. And I heard the angel of the waters saying, “Righteous are You, who are and who were, O Holy One, because You judged these things; for they poured out the blood of saints and prophets, and You have given them blood to drink. They deserve it.” (Revelation 16:4-6)
In the same way Revelation promises God’s wrath on those who rejected Him and on those who persecuted His followers, and that He would force them to drink the cup of His wrath, Jeremiah 25 says he will force them to drink of “*this cup of the wine of wrath from my hand*.” Those who reject God and Jesus, as well as those who mistreat Israel/Jews and Christians, will receive God’s overwhelming wrath.
In this passage, God says, “*They will drink and stagger and go mad because of the sword that I will send among them*.” It seems that today, the whole world has gone mad at Israel defending itself and it is causing the whole world to turn against God’s chosen people, Israel.
I also receive great comfort from these verses thanks to the addition of “*They deserve it*.” There is so much injustice in the world, I love seeing that those who are evil and cause harm will be punished because “*They deserve it*.”
> Then I took the cup from the Lord’s hand and made all the nations to whom the Lord sent me drink it: Jerusalem and the cities of Judah and its kings and its princes, to make them a ruin, a horror, a hissing and a curse, as it is this day; Pharaoh king of **Egypt**, his servants, his princes and all his people; and all the foreign people, all the kings of the land of **Uz**, all the kings of the land of the **Philistines (even Ashkelon, Gaza, Ekron and the remnant of Ashdod**); **Edom**, **Moab and the sons of Ammon**; and all the kings of **Tyre**, all the kings of **Sidon** and the **kings of the coastlands which are beyond the sea**; and **Dedan**, **Tema**, **Buz** and all who cut the corners of their hair; and all the **kings of Arabia** and all the kings of the **foreign people who dwell in the desert**; and all the kings of **Zimri**, all the kings of **Elam** and all the kings of **Media**; and all the **kings of the north**, near and far, one with another; and all the kingdoms of the earth which are upon the face of the ground, and the king of Sheshach shall drink after them. (Jeremiah 25:17-26) {emphasis of nations is mine}
Let’s see if the nations listed seem to match with the nations turning against Israel today. I did research online[1](#footnote-1) and came up with these matches (some are clear and some are possibly what was mentioned and are marked with a “?”:
This looks like most of the nations turning against Israel and most of the nations on this list have become very aggressive against and/or speaking evil of Israel. I never thought of Jeremiah as predicting end times events, but it seems it probably is.
> “You shall say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, “Drink, be drunk, vomit, fall and rise no more because of the sword which I will send among you.” ’ And it will be, if they refuse to take the cup from your hand to drink, then you will say to them, ‘Thus says the Lord of hosts: “You shall surely drink! For behold, I am beginning to work calamity in this city which is called by My name, and shall you be completely free from punishment? You will not be free from punishment; for I am summoning a sword against all the inhabitants of the earth,” declares the Lord of hosts.’ (Jeremiah 25:12-38)
The UN just voted overwhelmingly to force Israel to leave what they call occupied Palestinian territories like the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, even though Israel only occupies them because of aggression in 1967 against them by Egypt, Jordan, Syria, and the Palestinians. These nations and people originally tried to block the Jordan river from providing water to Israel, bombed civilians (just like today), and then tried to block all shipping to Israel. When Israel tried to renew shipping, they all out attacked Israel. Israel came out the clear winner and gained a small amount of land in the West Bank, the Gaza Strip, and the Sinai Peninsula. Although the UN, at the time, said Israel rightly owned these lands since they were not the aggressors, now the UN is reneging on that promise. Israel voluntarily gave back the Sinai peninsula to Egypt as part of a peace agreement. They willingly allowed the Palestinians back into the West Bank and Gaza under semi-autonomous rule, but these lands were used primarily to attack Israel repeatedly because the Muslim nations aren’t trying to save the Palestinians. They are trying to wipe Israel off the map and take “the river to the sea,” which means 100% of Israel. Interestingly, God promised “*Every place on which the sole of your foot treads shall be yours; your border will be from the wilderness to Lebanon, and from the river, the river Euphrates, as far as the western sea*.” (Deuteronomy 11:24) This cry from the Muslims is a direct demonic attack on God’s promise to Israel.
Ironically before the Six Days War, the Palestinians in the West Bank were under Syrian control (they’ve never, at least in modern times, had their own nation) and Hussein of Syria put them under martial law because he feared they might overthrow him. These nations that use the Palestinian plight as an excuse to do horrific actions against Israel don’t actually like or care about the Palestinian people. They are just pawns used to justify their actions against Israel. The Palestinians were treated just as bad, if not worse by the Syrians.
The UN resolution also calls for the Israelis to leave East Jerusalem, the “*city which is called by My name*.” Because of their actions, God promises “*You will not be free from punishment; for I am summoning a sword against all the inhabitants of the earth*.” God is going to drag the anti-Israel and anti-God nations into conflict in order to punish them.
This also reminds me a lot of Ezekiel 38:
> And the word of the Lord came to me saying, “Son of man, set your face toward **Gog of the land of Magog**, the **prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal**, and prophesy against him and say, ‘Thus says the Lord God, “Behold, I am against you, O Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech and Tubal. I will *turn you about and put hooks into your jaws*, and I will bring you out, and all your army, horses and horsemen, all of them splendidly attired, a great company with buckler and shield, all of them wielding swords; **Persia**, **Ethiopia** and **Put** with them, all of them with shield and helmet; **Gomer** with all its troops; **Beth-togarmah** from the remote parts of the north with all its troops—many peoples with you. (Ezekiel 38:1-6) {emphasis of nations & highlighted verse is mine}
These nations seem to overlap with those mentioned in Jeremiah 25, but aren’t quite as extensive.[2](#footnote-2)
Ezekiel 38 also talks about these nations being dragged into conflict. It says, “*I will turn you about and put hooks into your jaws, and I will bring you out*.”
> “Be prepared, and prepare yourself, you and all your companies that are assembled about you, and be a guard for them. After many days you will be summoned; in the latter years you will come into the land that is restored from the sword, whose inhabitants have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel which had been a continual waste; but its people were brought out from the nations, and they are living securely, all of them. You will go up, you will come like a storm; you will be like a cloud covering the land, you and all your troops, and many peoples with you.” (Ezekiel 38:7-9)
This continuation in Ezekiel 38 says these nations will be brought into conflict with Israel after Israel “*will come into the land that is restored from the sword, whose inhabitants have been gathered from many nations to the mountains of Israel which had been a continual waste; but its people were brought out from the nations, and they are living securely, all of them*.” This prophecy of Israel has happened with Israel being reconstituted as a nation and the Jewish people coming from nations all around the world after having been perilously attacked with the sword, i.e. Nazi Germany. They are now a successful and prosperous nation, but the nations around them are gathering to attack them. Israel has not yet been covered by troops “*like a cloud covering the land*,” but has been covered “*like a cloud covering the land*” by a bombardment of rockets, drones, and missiles shot by Iran (Persia).
> ‘Thus says the Lord God, “It will come about on that day, that thoughts will come into your mind and you will devise an evil plan, and you will say, ‘I will go up against the land of unwalled villages. I will go against those who are at rest, that live securely, all of them living without walls and having no bars or gates, **to capture spoil and to seize plunder**, to turn your hand against the waste places which are now inhabited, and against **the people who are gathered from the nations**, who have acquired cattle and goods, who live at the center of the world.’ Sheba and Dedan and the merchants of Tarshish with all its villages will say to you, ‘Have you come to capture spoil? Have you assembled your company to seize plunder, to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to capture great spoil?’ ” ’
> “Therefore prophesy, son of man, and say to Gog, ‘Thus says the Lord God, “On that day when My people Israel are living securely, will you not know it? You will come from your place out of the remote parts of the north, you and many peoples with you, all of them riding on horses, a great assembly and a mighty army; and you will come up against My people Israel like a cloud to cover the land. It shall come about in the last days that I will bring you against My land, so that the nations may know Me when I am sanctified through you before their eyes, O Gog.” (Ezekiel 38:10-16) {emphasis mine}
It is interesting to note that for most of Israel’s history, there wasn’t much plunder to seize, but recently they have found great natural gas reserves that are envied by nations like Iran and Russia.
It is also interesting to see how the Jews from around the globe keep moving to Israel, despite the danger, just as predicted in the Old Testament.
There are two things I am not certain about. Are these predictions the same, or will there be multiple attacks on the new Israel? I’ve always expected this attack on Israel to happen right before or right after the beginning of the tribulation, but Zechariah 14 sounds like it might be at the end of the tribulation because it mentions Jesus coming back.
As context the previous chapter ends:
> They will call on My name,\
> And I will answer them;\
> I will say, ‘They are My people,’\
> And they will say, ‘The Lord is my God.’ ” (Zechariah 13:9b)
The Jews were dispersed around the globe for almost 2,000 years, but God has called them back to the promised land and has promised to turn their hearts back to Him. (This hasn’t happened yet and probably won’t happen until the seven year tribulation.)
> Behold, a day is coming for the Lord when the spoil taken from you will be divided among you. For I will gather all the nations against Jerusalem to battle, and the city will be captured, the houses plundered, the women ravished and half of the city exiled, but the rest of the people will not be cut off from the city. Then the Lord will go forth and fight against those nations, as when He fights on a day of battle. **In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives**, which is in front of Jerusalem on the east; and the Mount of Olives will be split in its middle from east to west by a very large valley, so that half of the mountain will move toward the north and the other half toward the south. (Zechariah 14:1-4) {emphasis mine}
After Jesus’s resurrection, He spent time with His disciples preparing them and then ascended into heaven from the Mount of Olives. Two angels told those who had witnessed His ascension that Jesus would return in the same way, which is seconded by Zechariah, “*In that day His feet will stand on the Mount of Olives*.”
It is true according to Zechariah that not all Jews will be saved, but that Jesus will fight for His chosen people, despite all of their failings. God is merciful!
> So then He has mercy on whom He desires, and He hardens whom He desires. (Romans 9:8)
Jeremiah 25 is accentuating God’s judgement rather than His mercy.
> “Therefore you shall prophesy against them all these words, and you shall say to them,\
> ‘The Lord will roar from on high\
> And utter His voice from His holy habitation;\
> He will roar mightily against His fold.\
> He will shout like those who tread the grapes,\
> Against all the inhabitants of the earth.\
> A clamor has come to the end of the earth,\
> Because the Lord has a controversy with the nations.\
> He is entering into judgment with all flesh;\
> As for the wicked, He has given them to the sword,’ declares the Lord.” (Jeremiah 25:30-31)
There will be a large group of nations that will gather in hate and attack Israel with what would be conventionally considered overwhelming force, but God will defend Israel.
In reality, I can already see the hand of God on Israel. A few weeks ago (sorry I’m terrible with dates) Iran (Persia) sent a barrage of rockets, drones, and missiles against Israel. Israel’s Iron Dome defense system was able to take out the majority of them and not one Israeli was killed by massive number of these being fired into densely populated civilian areas. An expert analyzed the data and said the system should not have been able to stop all of these coming at one time. None of the ones missed hit where people were. It was a miraculous protection of Israel.
Then a few weeks later, Israel retaliated. They sent 100 jets across several enemy, Muslim countries into Iran, took out Iran’s anti-aircraft and early warning systems, their missile storage facilities, and their missile and other weapons manufacturing plants and then returned home to Israel. Not one plane was shot down. Not one was touched. It reminds me of a time Jesus was visiting his hometown and offended the people with a story from Scripture. The people, his friends and family, were so offended they dragged Him to the edge of a cliff to toss him off to His death. Then Jesus just walked through the crowd and went on His way without anyone stopping Him. Israel’s retaliation against Iran felt like that, a miraculous protection of His chosen people.
Iran and the other nations mentioned in Ezekiel 38, and probably in Jeremiah 25, are having their satanic hate brought to light by their hate of Israel and they are being dragged by the nose into a battle that they can’t win because God fights for His chosen people, Israel.
> Thus says the Lord of hosts,
> “Behold, evil is going forth\
> From nation to nation,\
> And a great storm is being stirred up\
> From the remotest parts of the earth.
> “Those slain by the Lord on that day will be from one end of the earth to the other. They will not be lamented, gathered or buried; they will be like dung on the face of the ground. (Jeremiah 25:32-33)
Prophecy can be a bit tricky to understand, but by digging into all of the Bible and all of its prophecy I feel like I am understanding it better and better.
If anyone thinks I’m wrong, feel free to share Bible verses showing my error. I’m always seeking the truth.
Trust Jesus.\
your sister in Christ,
@ 5fb7f8f7:d7d76024
2024-11-13 22:14:32
DeFi, short for Decentralized Finance, refers to a growing financial system that operates on blockchain technology, specifically Ethereum. It aims to recreate and improve upon traditional financial systems, such as banking and lending, in a decentralized, transparent, and accessible way.
**Key Features of DeFi:**
1. **Decentralization** DeFi operates on blockchain, meaning no single entity controls it.
2. **Open-source**: DeFi protocols are transparent, with code available for review.
3. **Accessibility**: Anyone with an internet connection can use DeFi applications.
4. Interoperability: DeFi protocols can interact with each other, creating a vast financial ecosystem.
**Main Components of DeFi:**
1. **Stablecoins**: Cryptocurrencies pegged to a stable asset, like the US dollar.
2. **Lending Platforms:** Decentralized lending and borrowing, such as Compound and Aave.
3. **Decentralized Exchanges (DEXs):** Peer-to-peer trading, like Uniswap and SushiSwap.
4. **Yield Farming**: Earning interest on cryptocurrency holdings through lending and liquidity provision.
5. **Governance:** Decentralized decision-making processes for DeFi protocols.
**Benefits of DeFi**:
1. **Financial Inclusion**: Accessible to anyone with an internet connection.
2. **Transparency**: Open-source code and publicly visible transactions.
3. **Efficiency:** Automated processes and reduced intermediaries.
4. **Innovation**: Rapid development and deployment of new financial products.
**Risks and Challenges**:
1. **Security Risks:** Smart contract vulnerabilities and potential hacks.
2. **Regulatory Uncertainty**: Evolving legal frameworks and compliance.
3. **Market Volatility**: Fluctuating cryptocurrency prices and liquidity.
4. **User Complexity**: Steep learning curve for newcomers.
DeFi is a rapidly evolving financial system that offers a promising alternative to traditional finance. While it presents several benefits, it also comes with risks and challenges. As DeFi continues to grow and mature
@ 1742510c:53f24aa9
2024-11-13 21:56:57
@ b4403b24:83542d4e
2024-11-13 21:00:29
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/766497
@ af9d7040:42d05d35
2024-11-13 20:30:43
## 奥斯瓦尔德:权力与生存法则中的不择手段
## 索菲亚:冰冷现实中的温柔刺痛
## 权力与孤独的悖论
## 漂泊中的孤独美学
## 在黑暗中前行
***@Shaun 写于 2024年11月13日***
@ 000002de:c05780a7
2024-11-13 19:46:44
Here's the official list.
[A-Z index of U.S. government departments and agencies | USAGov](https://www.usa.gov/agency-index).
My answer: Department of Education
* Its completely unnecessary. Every state has its own.
* It is a mechanism for centralizing thought.
* It wields great influence over schools and states with its massive budget
* If you want to change the future of the nation in a positive direction stop allowing progressives manipulate the minds of the youth.
* Decentralizing to at least the state level puts more power back into the states vs. a single agency that is largely unaccountable.
What do you think?
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/766383
@ 7fed6817:3dac63ff
2024-11-13 19:26:29
Il video analizza il profondo malcontento generazionale riguardo al panorama lavorativo attuale, focalizzandosi sulle difficoltà che ostacolano il raggiungimento di una vita appagante per i giovani. Ecco i punti chiave emersi:
1. **Il Trapianto del Sogno**: La promessa tradizionale di lavoro stabile, pensioni garantite e serenità economica si scontra con la realtà di un futuro incerto. L'inflazione galoppante erode il valore del denaro, rendendo vano il sacrificio di anni di duro lavoro per una pensione che non assicura più benessere materiale. La generazione Z, invece di nutrire fiducia nel sistema tradizionale, cerca alternative, spesso intraprendendo strade rischiose come dropshipping, criptovalute e corsi online "Red Pill", attratta dal fascino del "sogno" di libertà e successo immediato, pur consapevole dei rischi.
2. **Il Dilemma Blue Collar**: Sebbene i lavori manuali offrano utilità tangibile (costruire case, riparare tubature), il costo a livello fisico è elevato e la remunerazione spesso non giustifica lo sforzo, soprattutto nelle grandi città dove anche 40k all'anno risultano insufficienti per una vita agiata. La prospettiva di sacrificare salute e tempo per un guadagno precario genera frustrazione.
3. **L'Urgenza di Reinventare Se Stessi**: Il video non propone la pigrizia, ma l'esigenza di flessibilità e reinvenzione costante. L'invito è a coltivare skill attraenti, esplorare diversi campi lavorativi e bilanciare lavoro e tempo libero per costruire memorie significative. La chiave è non rimanere bloccati in ruoli statici, ma abbracciare la crescita personale e professionale come unica garanzia di successo futuro.
4. **Il Tempo Libero Come Risorsa Preziosa**: Il video sottolinea l'importanza di valorizzare il tempo libero, sempre più prezioso con l'aumentare dell'età e delle responsabilità. È fondamentale utilizzarlo per attività stimolanti, hobby, relazioni e cura di sé, creando un patrimonio di esperienze che arricchiscono la vita oltre al mero guadagno materiale.
In sintesi, l'articolo evidenzia come la generazione Z si trovi di fronte a una realtà lavorativa complessa e sfidante. La critica al sistema tradizionale non è passiva, ma spinge verso una riflessione attiva: reinventare se stessi, sfruttare il tempo libero e costruire un futuro basato su flessibilità, crescita personale e esperienze significative.
@ 6f170f27:711e26dd
2024-11-13 19:17:52
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/766349
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-11-13 18:46:27
We've got two of our three re-buys on the books, with the third expected to come in once @BlokchainB recovers from his recent slate of sports defeats. We've all been there, Blok.
I like these second round options much more than round 1. Once again, I'll put off my pick for a day or two, but I'm looking at the Pacers, Hawks, Lakers, Rockets, and Nuggets. I might want to save a couple of them for later, so the Hawks could be the most attractive option.
# Friday's Games
- Heat @ Pacers
- 76ers @ Magic
- Pistons @ Raptors
- Wizards @ Hawks
- Bulls @ Cavs
- Nets @ Knicks
- Lakers @ Spurs
- Clippers @ Rockets
- Nuggets @ Pelicans
- Suns @ Thunder
- Grizzlies @ Warriors
- T-Wolves @ Kings
Picks due by tip-off of the game you're choosing on Friday.
# Prize Pool
40 kilosats! (with 5k more on the way)
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/766272
@ ec79b568:82906f25
2024-11-13 18:43:02
# Hello folks,
You may have heard (or not because I’m terrible at communicating) I have been incredibly unproductive with creating laser cut art because I have been busy working with guys more intelligent and skilled than me, building Plebeian.
## What is it?
On the surface Plebeian is a P2P marketplace… but this isn’t quite true… Plebeian.Market is not the destination, it’s just a demonstration of the Plebeian app… it's going to help us move from Globalisation to Localisation in the most peaceful way possible… I will explain more about what this means as time goes by
For now it’s easy to think of Plebeian as a love child of Ebay, Wordpress, Twitter, Shopify and Telegram… it’s not normal
## Eh? What?
Localisation and a Bitcoin Standard promotes self sovereignity at the individual and community level... what is needed in this time is a Circular Economic Community Builder
Like I say, I will explain more about this as time goes by
The project actually started 4 years ago and we’ve pivoted many times as the Bitcoin layers have evolved... This is a world of pure innovation after all and it is not for the faint hearted.
## Last Pivot
6 months ago we pivoted for the very last time to build it from scratch as 100% nostr native.
The demonstration you see at plebeian.market will be sunset into the realms of Bitcoin history
## New Solution
It's Free Open Source Software and we're starting with a GNU General Public License v3.0
You can see the new solution here:
## Play with it
Please test it and tell us of any issues in the Telegram group here:
Or if your feeling like getting more involved create an issue on GitHub:
## Eating Zee Bugz
Right now we are in the Beta testing phase and are very close to pushing it to the live site... just one last bug ser?
As always we'd love to hear your thoughts... please play with it... create a stall add a product... tinker with the Circular Economic Community Builder... what do you think? what would you like to see?
We will eventually develop our own in app group but for now please do join the Telegram group:
## Follow me on nostr
Because I deleted my twitter account yonks ago ;o)
or search for @Chiefmonkey in any nostr client
Come join us… onward!
@ 4c48cf05:07f52b80
2024-11-13 18:34:49
> At CasaKeeper AI, we believe that five years from now, access to artificial intelligence will be akin to what access to the Internet represents today. It will be the greatest differentiator between the haves and have nots. Unequal access to artificial intelligence will exacerbate societal inequalities and limit opportunities for those without access to it.
Everyone must have their own AI. And by your own AI we mean an AI that:
- Acts in your best interest
- It is not controlled by other individuals or corporations
- Keeps your information private
That is why we're launching CasaKeeper AI to be not just any AI but your own private AI that:
- Runs locally in your house or business by default and protects your data at all costs.
- It is free open source software (FOSS) so that you can verify that it does what we say it does and don't have to just trust us.
- As free open source software, your instance is not controlled by any corporation. It's yours and only yours.
# A call for early users
We are releasing the first version of CasaKeeper AI and we are looking for early users, users who are willing to work with us to realize the vision of CasaKeeper AI.
# Why
Having a private AI that is exclusively under your control is, for example, the only way to prevent the government from executing an unreasonable search and seizure or compelling the AI to testify against you in court:
# I'm in. Now what
That's fantastic news! Please email us at info@casakeeper.ai or contact us through our Nostr account @npub1f3yv7pt9le4vn5q5xch3r3pzjdnpnywlq3kfpmvf3hvrvpl49wqquj9wug.
We will setup a quick audio or video call to understand what are your expectations for CasaKeeper AI and how you expect it to help you in the future.
We will then share the release with you and set you up so that you can easily provide feedback. We will hold regular meetings with our early users to check-in on usage and get candid and direct feedback on the software and the vision.
> We're excited to enlist our first early users on our journey to realize the CasaKeeper AI vision.
@ 6bae33c8:607272e8
2024-11-13 17:22:11
I went 4-1 again last week, so apparently this process of writing out my random thoughts on these games and assigning numbers is working. It’s better than the grid version from last year because that was too restrictive. More free-flowing is how you get in sync with the league.
I’m 8-2 over the last 10 and 21-9 over the last 30. Still drawing dead in the overall, but very much alive for Q3, even if I still need to go 9-1 probably.
I’m putting the paywall here not because I’ve now got the gift of prophecy (which could easily go away) but because I want to give the paying subs something the free ones don’t have.
**Indigenous Peoples at Eagles** — American friend of ours in Lisbon doesn’t celebrate Thanksgiving I just found out, instead calls it Indigenous Peoples Day. That’s fine, but my beef is with her ignoring the indigenous peoples those indigenous peoples surely killed before the European settlers killed them. I mean surely it wasn’t all kumbayah among the tribes. You probably have to go back 10 or 20 tribes of indigenous peoples to find the ones who were just there originally and got killed by other tribes. And even they were probably no angels. Anyway, I digress. I’ll make it Killer Redskins™ +2.5 and stay away on Thursday night.
**Packers at Bears** — The Bears killed us in Survivor this week (literally), and I wouldn’t have taken them if I had any idea how bad Caleb Williams was. It was likely Danny Dimes out there. Get rid of the fucking ball! In any event, I’ll say Packers -3.5 and lean Bears, but probably stay away.
**Jaguars at Lions** — There have been no huge lines this year and few even of double-digits, but I imagine we get one here. I’ll say Jaguars +16.5. I’d probably take the Lions anyway, but likely stay away.
**Vikings at Titans** — The Titans defense is okay, but the offense is pretty bad. Sam Darnold is looking more like his old self every week, and that is obviously not a good thing. I’ll say Vikings -3.5 and stay away.
**Raiders at Dolphins** — The Raiders are a trainwreck, and the Dolphins are playing better defensively. I’ll say Raiders +8.5 and probably stay away.
**Rams at Patriots** — I watched the Patriots last week and they didn’t just beat the Bears, they killed them. I’ll say Rams -2.5 and probably stay away. If anything I’d buy the Rams low.
**Browns at Saints** — The Saints have Alvin Kamara and a bunch of scrubs on offense, but the Browns have Jameis Winston throwing picks. I like selling the Saints off last week’s win though. I’ll say Browns plus 1.5 and consider taking them.
**Colts at Jets** — I guess they’re sticking with Joe Flacco. The Jets are a destroyed team too. I’ll say Colts +3 and maybe take the Jets. Have to think about it more.
**Ravens at Steelers** — The Ravens are in a different class than the Steelers, though often these rivalry games are tight. I’ll make it Ravens -2.5 and lay the wood.
**Falcons at Broncos** — The Falcons blew it last week, but Denver REALLY blew it. Denver has the better defense. I’ll say Falcons +2.5 and maybe take the Broncos.
**Seahawks at 49ers** — I’ve lost faith in Geno Smith, especially behind that abysmal line. It’s a divisional game which could be close, but I'll make it Seahawks +6 and lay the wood.
**Chiefs at Bills** — The Bills are better, the Chiefs are tougher. I’ll say Chiefs +3, probably lay the wood, but have to think about it more.
**Bengals at Chargers** — I’ll make this Bengals +2.5 as these are roughly equal teams. Probably a stay away for me, but if anything I’d take Cincy.
**Texans at Cowboys** — Micah Parsons will get to CJ Stroud, but the Cowboys offense is abominable without Dak Prescott. I’ll say Texans -6 and probably stay away.
@ a901cbe4:bd85452f
2024-11-13 17:02:29
### From Pizza to Powerhouse: How Bitcoin Became a $90K Phenomenon
So, how did Bitcoin go from being used to buy two pizzas to crossing $90K? Here’s a quick dive into the secret sauce:
1. **Crypto Goes Mainstream:** Imagine telling your bank in 2010 that you wanted to buy Bitcoin. Fast forward to now, and they’re the ones begging you to HODL. Banks, corporations, and even the payment giants are jumping on the BTC train, legitimatizing what the OGs knew all along – Bitcoin is here to stay.
2. **Inflation Hedge, But Make It Digital:** Think of Bitcoin as digital gold but better. With global economies wobbling, people are clinging to BTC like it’s a life raft (spoiler: it might be). Gold’s nice, but can you transfer it across borders in seconds? Nope. Bitcoin’s inflation-proof and portable, the new gold standard for a digital world.
3. **Institutional FOMO: Fear of Missing Out:** Suddenly, everyone wants in. Billion-dollar funds, Wall Street titans, and big names that once sneered at Bitcoin now have BTC in their portfolios. The irony? Bitcoin was designed to get rid of these guys, but here they are, driving up demand and pumping up the price. Talk about poetic justice.
4. **Fixed Supply, Unlimited Demand:** Bitcoin’s secret weapon? There will only ever be 21 million BTC. It’s the hottest item with a one-time print run, and everyone wants a piece. Add in Bitcoin’s halving cycles, and you've got a perfect recipe for scarcity-driven price rockets.
### Why $90K is More Than a Price: It’s a Wake-Up Call for the World
Bitcoin smashing $90K is like a big neon sign flashing “THE FUTURE IS HERE.” And the financial world? It’s on notice.
1. **True Financial Freedom:** Bitcoin lets people be their own bank, something you can’t say about your local branch. At $90K, Bitcoin is more than an investment – it’s a tool for individual empowerment. Anyone with Wi-Fi can HODL, no permission needed.
2. **Potential Global Reserve Asset:** The whispers have started: could Bitcoin be a reserve asset? Hitting $90K makes that less of a pipe dream and more of a “what if?” With every BTC milestone, central banks and institutions are rethinking how they store value. This could be the beginning of Bitcoin’s evolution from “rebellious outsider” to “global staple.”
3. **Fueling the Future of Blockchain:** Bitcoin isn’t just money; it’s the gateway to blockchain innovation. Now that BTC is breaking records, other decentralized projects have room to grow. Bitcoin’s rise could inspire entire industries to adopt blockchain tech in ways we’re only beginning to imagine.
### Beyond $90K: Are We Eyeing $100K?
Here’s the deal: $90K is big, but if you’re thinking “this is it,” think again. The momentum is there, the hype is real, and $100K isn’t just a fantasy anymore. With every new HODLer, BTC breaks a bit further into the mainstream. This could be the start of something even bigger.
Long-term, Bitcoin’s story isn’t just about price. It’s about rewriting how we think about money, ownership, and freedom. And as BTC hits new highs, it’s proving to the world that maybe, just maybe, it’s here to change the game for good.
### A Toast to the HODLers (and Future HODLers)
To everyone who’s been along for the ride, this $90K milestone is a well-earned victory. To the skeptics – we’re glad you’re here now! And if you’re thinking of joining us, there’s no time like the present.
So HODL on tight, buckle up, and get ready – Bitcoin at $90K is just the beginning. Here’s to $100K and beyond! 🌌
@ 59f0660b:d5d24440
2024-11-13 16:58:58
Yakihonne (often styled as YakiHonne) is a decentralized social network platform that combines elements of Nostr and Bitcoin technologies. Its focus is on enabling secure, user-controlled content sharing and interaction without centralized oversight. Like Nostr, YakiHonne uses a system of relays to handle data, which makes it censorship-resistant and allows for greater privacy. Users communicate through a global network of peers, and can participate in various activities, share content, and connect with others in a decentralized ecosystem.
YakiHonne also supports Bitcoin-based features, like a built-in Lightning wallet that facilitates quick, low-fee transactions, making it popular among the cryptocurrency community. The platform’s design allows for content curation, peer review, and publishing of articles, similar to a blend of a social media network and a blogging platform. YakiHonne is available as a mobile app, emphasizing a smooth and accessible user experience for decentralized media sharing.
This approach to social networking reflects a trend toward decentralization, providing users with more autonomy and direct control over their online presence and data. It has grown quickly, attracting a global audience and establishing partnerships within the Bitcoin ecosystem.
@ 98589a2e:bf49daa1
2024-11-13 16:55:04
Санкт-Петербург стремится стать экологически устойчивым городом благодаря внедрению программ по озеленению и устойчивому развитию. Это включает в себя использование инновационных технологий, развитие зеленых пространств и активное участие граждан в экологических инициативах.
### Основные программы и инициативы
- **Озеленение городской территории**: В рамках программы по озеленению активно высаживаются деревья и кустарники, создаются новые парки и скверы. Это не только улучшает качество воздуха, но и способствует сохранению биоразнообразия.
- **Развитие зеленого транспорта**: В городе внедряются электробусы и трамваи, а также создаются велодорожки для поощрения использования экологически чистых видов транспорта. Это снижает уровень выбросов углекислого газа и уменьшает загрязнение воздуха.
- **Энергоэффективные здания**: Все новые строительные проекты должны соответствовать стандартам энергоэффективности. Использование солнечных панелей и других возобновляемых источников энергии становится обязательным для новых зданий.
### Участие общества
Граждане активно вовлекаются в процессы устойчивого развития через различные инициативы:
- **Образовательные программы**: Школы и университеты предлагают курсы по экологии и устойчивому развитию, что способствует формированию экологической культуры среди молодежи.
- **Общественные проекты**: Граждане могут участвовать в волонтерских акциях по очистке водоемов, озеленению территорий и других мероприятиях, направленных на улучшение экологии города.
### Научные исследования и конференции
Санкт-Петербург активно участвует в международных конференциях по зеленой экономике, таких как прошедшая в Баку конференция «Зеленая экономика: наука, образование и инновации». Ученые и специалисты обсуждают новые тенденции в области устойчивого развития и обмен опытом с другими странами
### Перспективы
К 2040 году Санкт-Петербург планирует стать моделью для других городов России в области зеленой экономики. Ожидается, что реализация этих программ приведет к значительному улучшению качества жизни горожан, а также к созданию более устойчивой городской среды.
### А вы уже участвуете в новых экологических программах и проектах?
@ 59f0660b:d5d24440
2024-11-13 16:54:33
Bitcoin is a type of digital currency, also known as a cryptocurrency, that was invented in 2008 by an unknown person or group using the pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto. Unlike traditional currencies issued by governments (like dollars or euros), Bitcoin is decentralized, meaning it operates without a central authority like a bank. Transactions are verified by network nodes through cryptography and recorded on a public ledger called the blockchain.
Here are some key characteristics of Bitcoin:
1. Decentralization: Bitcoin is maintained by a distributed network of computers (called "miners") rather than a central bank or government.
2. Limited Supply: There will only ever be 21 million bitcoins, making it scarce like a precious metal, which helps contribute to its value.
3. Blockchain Technology: Bitcoin transactions are recorded on the blockchain, a secure, transparent, and immutable ledger.
4. Digital Nature: Bitcoin exists only electronically and is stored in digital wallets. It can be sent directly from person to person (peer-to-peer) without an intermediary.
Bitcoin has been praised for enabling fast, low-cost, and borderless transactions but also criticized for its volatility and environmental impact due to the energy-intensive mining process.
@ 59f0660b:d5d24440
2024-11-13 16:52:23
Nostr (Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays) is a decentralized protocol for social networking and communication that enables users to share information and messages without relying on a central server or platform. Instead of traditional social media structures controlled by corporations (like Twitter or Facebook), Nostr allows users to publish content via distributed relays, maintaining privacy, censorship resistance, and greater user control.
Key Characteristics of Nostr:
1. Decentralized Structure: Unlike conventional platforms, Nostr does not rely on a central server. Instead, users connect to a network of relays, where they can post messages or data that others can read or respond to.
2. Public and Private Keys: Nostr uses public-key cryptography, where users have a public key (like a username) and a private key (similar to a password) to sign messages. This approach provides security and ownership over one’s identity and content.
3. Relays for Content Distribution: Users can choose which relays to connect to and broadcast their posts. This design makes censorship harder, as content doesn’t depend on a single server but can be mirrored on multiple relays across the network.
4. Minimalist Design: Nostr aims to be simple and flexible, allowing developers to build different types of applications on top of it. It’s designed for messaging, but its flexibility can also support blogging, group chats, or other social functions.
Use Cases and Popularity
Censorship Resistance: Users who seek free speech or who are in restrictive environments find Nostr appealing because it allows them to communicate without a centralized authority.
Bitcoin and Crypto Community: Nostr has gained popularity within the Bitcoin and broader cryptocurrency community as it aligns with the ethos of decentralization and user empowerment.
Nostr’s open and decentralized nature is similar to other emerging protocols, such as ActivityPub (used by Mastodon), which are part of a larger trend toward decentralized social networking and communication platforms.
@ 4ba8e86d:89d32de4
2024-10-29 12:30:05
## Tutorial feito por Grom Mestre⚡
Poste original Abaixo.
Part 1: http://xh6liiypqffzwnu5734ucwps37tn2g6npthvugz3gdoqpikujju525yd.onion/229987/tutorial-entendendo-e-usando-a-rede-i2p-introdu%C3%A7
Part 2: http://xh6liiypqffzwnu5734ucwps37tn2g6npthvugz3gdoqpikujju525yd.onion/230035/tutorial-instalando-e-configurando-o-roteador-i2p?show=230035#q230035
Part 3: http://xh6liiypqffzwnu5734ucwps37tn2g6npthvugz3gdoqpikujju525yd.onion/230113/tutorial-conectando-se-ao-xmpp-pela-i2p?show=230113#q230113
Boa tarde, camaradas do meu coeur!
Depois de muito tempo, e com o retorno da minha serotonina aos níveis basais, estou dando início a essa nova série de tutoriais. Espero que tirem muito proveito das informações passadas aqui para amplicarem o seu conhecimento da deepweb.
Esta postagem trará antes algumas considerações iniciais que podem ser úteis para quem possui pouco ou nenhum contato prévio com outras tecnologias ou tenha um entendimento torto a respeito da deepweb. Aconselho a estes que deem um boa lida antes de partirem para os tópicos do tutorial, mas saibam que ele não é um pré requisito para ele.
Dito isso, vamos prosseguir.
Instalando e configurando o roteador e o navegador
Conectando-se a serviços na I2P
Configurações avançadas
## 1. Introdução
### 1.1 Definindo a DeepWeb.
Muitos devem imaginar erroneamente que a deepweb se restrinja apenas à rede onion, mais precisamente aos seus hidden services, já que o Tor possui como uma das suas funções primárias proteger e burlar restrições governamentais e proteger o seus usuários através de métodos sofisticados de roteamento de pacotes e criptografia. Entretanto, ela é mais ampla do que se imagina dependendo da forma como a classificamos.
Os ditos "profissionais" usam uma definição extremamente vaga e imprecisa do que seria a deepweb e a sua verdadeira abrangência. Para isso, criei uma definição um pouco melhor para ela: redes comunitárias, sobrepostas, anônimas e criptografadas.
Vamos aos pontos individualmente:
> São Comunitárias, pois os pontos de roteamento de pacotes na rede (relays ou routers) muitas vezes são mantidos de forma voluntária por usuários comuns. Não é necessário nenhuma infraestrutura sofisticada para ser um contribuinte na rede, basta ter um computador com acesso à internet e conhecimentos básicos para fazer a configuração.
> São sobrepostas porque não estão acima ou abaixo da rede tradicional (diferente do que muitos imaginam). Os pacotes na DW trafegam entre os dados da surface e não em meios distintos (algo que não faz o menor sentido). Sabe aquele papo de camadas da DW ou aquela abobrinha da Mariana's Web? Então, tudo um monte de bosta derivado de Youtubers sensacionalistas iletrados em informática. Elitismo da minha parte? Quem sabe...
> São anônimas porque não é simples determinar a origem e o destino dos pacotes entre nodes intermediários dado a natureza do roteamento. Em geral, aos menos para a rede onion, há pelo menos 3 relays entre você e o servidor, sendo que esse número duplica para hidden services (3 seus e 3 do serviço). A imagem abaixo ilustra bemocoteamento dos pacotes na onio.
> Por fim, são criptografadas porque as conexões são fortemente protegidas por algoritmos sofisticados de criptografia. Além de não sabermos a origem dos dados, sequer podemos saber com facilidade o conteúdo dessas mensagens mesmo que os protocolos das camadas superiores (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP) sejam inseguros, dado que a criptografia da própria rede já as protege. Por isso é tão comum que sites da DW não usem HTTPS, pois as autoridades de certificados não os assinam para domínios da onion e certificados autoassinados vão disparar avisos no navegador.
A imagem abaixo ilustra bem como é o roteamento onion usado pelo Tor. Perceba que o contéudo da mensagem está enrolado em 3 camadas de criptografia (como a de uma cebola), de modo que para revelar o contéudo original seria preciso quebrar, no pior dos casos, 3 camadas. Como mencionado antes, o método usado para isso é a criptografia assimétrica, muito similar ao PGP, porém com a sua própria implementação.
Observação: Por mais que dentro da rede o encapsulamento proteja as mensagens internamente, entenda muito bem que isso não se aplica a sites da surface acessados pela onion. Ao desempacotar a última camada, a mensagem original é completamente exposta no exit node. Se ela não estiver protegida por uma camada adicional como TLS, seus pacotes estarão completamente expostos, algo que representa um sério risco de segurança.
As redes que caem em ao menos três dessas definições (anonimato, sobreposição e criptografia) podem ser classificadas como deepwebs. Podemos citar:
• Lokinet
• Zeronet
• Freenet
• I2P
• Tor
• Gnunet
Porém, há alguns casos interessantes que não caem diretamente nessa regra .
A Yggdrasil ( https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ ), uma rede de topologia mesh com foco em escalabilidade e eficiência de roteamento, possui três dessas características: comunitária, sobreposta e segura. Entretanto, os nodes não são anônimos e muitas vezes podem estar desprotegidos, já que se conectar à Yggdrasil é que equivalente a ligar o seu computador diretamente na rede sem a presença de um NAT/CGNAT, correndo o risco de expor portas de serviços da sua máquina caso elas não estejam protegidas por um firewall. A Yggdrasil na prática é exposta como um dispositivo de camada 3 (tipo um VPN), mas diferente de um, apenas endereços IPv6 dentro de uma faixa bem específica de IP são roteados por ela, o que permite que ela coexista com outros dispositivos sem haver conflitos de roteamento.
Há quem argumente que a Yggdrasil é uma deepweb dado a sua sobreposição em relação à surface; outros podem argumentar que dado a falta de anonimato ela não se enquadraria nessa categoria. Independentemente disso é uma tecnologia muito interessante com ampla gama de aplicações, como encapsular tráfego de outras redes, como a I2P, e melhorar a eficiência de roteamento.
Por fim, vamos desmitificar alguns mitos da DeepWeb muito difundidos.
Não existem camadas da DW. Os pacotes da DW são sobrepostos e navegam juntos aos pacotes da surface.
DeepWeb e DarkWeb não são coisas diferentes. São termos genéricos para a mesma coisa.
DarkWeb não é o seu provedor de e-mail ou serviço de banco. Se eles não se enquadram nas categorias de um deepweb, então estão na surface.
Você não é irrastreável na DW. Adversários motivados podem foder com você com facilidade (leia a respeito de ataques de Timing, correlação e fingerprinting).
Mesmo que não seja possível ver o conteúdo de uma mensagem pela deepweb, é possível ao menos saber que você a acessou. ISPs podem ver esse tipo de tráfego como suspeito.
Você não é um hacker só porque instalou o TorBrowser, mas pode ser considerado um se expor o IP de um hidden service.
## Instalando e configurando o roteador I2P
Segue agora a seção 2 do tutorial do I2P. Mas antes apenas queria falar um pouco do projeto I2P. Apesar do foco do tutorial não ser para tratar da sua história, gostaria ao menos de fazer uma breve introdução sobre ela.
O projeto I2P (Invisible Internet Protocol) é uma rede P2P descentalizada, anônima e segura para estabelecer a comunicação entre os usuários e serviços. Na I2P é possível usar serviços como mensageiros IRC, XMPP, web services, e-mail e até mesmo torrents. A I2P nasceu de um fork da Freenet no ano de 2003, porém possui diferenças drásticas em relação a ela.
Há similaridades entre a I2P e o Tor, porém vale destacar algumas de suas vantagens. Sendo elas:
• Garlic routing ( https://geti2p.net/en/docs/how/garlic-routing )
• Modelo P2P
• Todos os participantes da rede contribuem para ela
• Fechado na rede - não é possível acessar a surface através da I2P
• Otimizado para hidden services
Apesar disso, vale lembrar que o projeto é pequeno, desenvolvido por menos voluntários se comparado ao Tor e possui menos movimentação e financiamento para o seu desenvolvimento. Além disso, o Tor é um projeto muito mais maduro e bem documentado, algo que atrai mais usuários e desenvolvedores e torna a tarefa de encontrar e corrigir bugs mais fácil de ser realizada.
Esses são pontos importantes que devemos levar em conta ao escolher a tecnologia para as nossas necessidades. Nem sempre há tecnologias ruins, as vezes apenas as empregamos as ferramentas erradas na resolução de certos problemas.
• https://geti2p.net/en/comparison/tor
• https://geti2p.net/en/docs/how/garlic-routing
• https://geti2p.net/en/about/intro
• https://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
### 2. Instalando e configurando o roteador
Antes da criação do I2PBrowserBundle ( https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pdbrowser/releases/tag/1.3.3 ) , a única forma de se conectar à I2P era pela configuração manual de proxy no navegador. Muita gente ou não sabe ou tem MUUUUUITA preguiça de fazer isso e ficam resistentes de entrar na I2P dada essa restrição.
Como eu quero ser um bom tutor eu farei do jeito mais "difícil", pois tanto eu desejo que vocês aprendam as nuances do processo como eu sei que vocês são inteligentes o suficiente para fazer isso.
### 2.1 Instalação do router
Atualmente nós temos duas implementações do I2P: Uma em Java e outra em C++ (i2pd). Usaremos nesse tutorial a versão em C++ dado o seu baixo uso de recursos e facilidade de instalação.
O I2Pd está disponível para Windows, Linux, MacOS e Android e possui binários pré-compilados nas releases ( https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd/releases/tag/2.50.2 ) do projeto no Github. Usuários de Linux podem instalá-lo através do respectivo gerenciador de pacotes da sua distribuição, porém algumas distros não oferecem o pacote diretamente nos reposítórios oficiais, necessitando do uso de PPAs (Ubuntu), COPR (Fedora/RHEL) e afins. Vocês podem conferir as instruções oficiais para cada sistema nessa página ( https://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-guide/install/ ).
Apesar desse tutorial ser voltado a usuários de desktop, o I2Pd também está disponível na loja do F-droid. Infelizmente poucos navegadores em Android permitem a configuração de proxies, porém na seção de Serviços na I2P eu tratarei brevemente de como se conectar a servidores de XMPP usando o ConversationI2P.
Para usuários de Windows, segue abaixo os binários para instalação.
• Versão 32bits ( https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd/releases/download/2.50.2/i2pd_2.50.2_win32_mingw.zip )
• Versão 64bits ( https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd/releases/download/2.50.2/i2pd_2.50.2_win64_mingw.zip )
• Versão para Windows XP (pois é, kk) ( https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd/releases/download/2.50.2/i2pd_2.50.2_winxp_mingw.zip )
A instalação é simples e direta. Após ela apenas abram o I2Pd para que o router inicie a operação de busca e conexão com os peers. Para usuários de Linux, vocês precisam ativar o serviços através do comando 'sudo systemctl start i2pd'. Se vocês desejam que o I2Pd inicie junto com o sistema usem o comando 'sudo systemctl enable --now i2pd'.
Se tudo estiver funcionando corretamente, vocês serão capazes de abrir o webconsole do I2Pd no navegador através do endereço:
### 2.2 Instalação e configuração do navegador
Apesar de qualquer navegador ser capaz de usar a I2P não é recomendado que usem qualquer um, especialmente o navegador que você usam no seu dia-a-dia. Recomendo que usem um navegador próprio para usar na I2P ou isolem suas atividades em um perfil separado.
Em navegadores baseado no Firefox isso é relativamente simples, bastando adicionar a opção '--profile' e o caminho do perfil que vocês desejam usar. Nesse tutorial eu vou mostrar como criar um perfil novo no Librewolf e configurar no lançador para iniciar o perfil e abrir em uma janela anônima. Essas instruções são análogas para todos os sistemas, excetuando aquelas configurações mais exóticas.
### 2.2.1 Escolhendo o navegador
Como citado, usarei o Librewolf como exemplo. Vocês podem baixar o instalador direto do site ou usar o gerenciador de pacotes do seu sistema no caso de Linux. Como é uma tarefa trivial eu não vou detalhar esse processo, pois todas as instruções estão em detalhes no site do navegador ( https://librewolf.net/installation/ )
### 2.2.2 Criando um perfil e configurando o lançador
Abram o navegador e digitem 'about:profiles' na barra de endereço. Criem um novo perfil clicando em 'Create New Profile'
Coloquem um nome no seu perfil e cliquem em Finalizar
Perfis novos recém criados são iniciados por padrão. Se você deseja usar outro perfil por padrão deve mudar isso na seção 'about:profiles' do navegador.
Agora vamos configurar o lançador do LibreWolf para iniciar o perfil do i2p e em uma janela anônima. Usarei o XFCE como referência para essa tarefa, mas saibam que o processo é análogo em sistemas como Windows ou DEs como KDE. Se quiserem também podem lançar via terminal através do comando 'librewolf --profile caminho_do_perfil --private-window'.
Cliquem com o botão direito no ícone do Librewolf e abram as propriedades do atalho.
Na guia lançador, no campo Comando, adicionem no final a opção '--private-window' e a opção '--profile caminho_do_perfil'. O caminho do perfil é aquele mostrado na seção 'about:profiles' do Librewolf.
2.2.3 Configurando o proxy
Com o lançador configurado, abra o navegador nesse perfil. Vamos configurar o proxy para se conectar ao I2P agora.
Abra as configurações digitando 'about:preferences' na barra de endereço. Na seção 'Geral' abra as configurações de rede (Network Settings)
Configure o seu proxy como na figura abaixo.
Fecha as configurações. Se o seu proxy foi configurado corretamente tente abrir algum desses eepsites.
• http://identiguy.i2p
• http://notbob.i2p
• http://reg.i2p
Se tudo ocorreu como conforme, a página será carregada.
OBSERVAÇÃO: A busca pelos peers é um pouco demorada, levando de 2 a 5 minutos para que um número mínimo necessário de peers sejam encontrados para estabelecer uma conexão estável. Você pode ver a lista de inbound e outbound tunnels na seção Tunnels do WebConsole (localhost:7070)
IMPORTANTE: Apesar do Librewolf possuir defaults seguros, eu recomendo que vocês instalem as seguintes extensões para aumentar ainda mais a sua proteção.
• noScript
• JShelter
Lembrem-se que vocês precisam desativar o proxy para acessar a clearnet. Depois disso reativem-no nas configurações.
Outro detalhe: Se vocês tentarem digitar um endereço .i2p na barra de endereços do navegador sem especificar o protocolo (http), ao invés do Librewolf ir ao endereço ele vai realizar uma pesquisa. Para corrigir esse problema, vocês precisam adicionar a seguinte configuração do tipo boolean em 'about:config' como mostrado na imagem.
Reiniciem o navegador e testem. Se tudo deu certo vocês não precisam especificar o protocolo ao digitar um endereço .i2p, bastando apenas digitar o endereço simplificado.
Por fim, terminamos essa parte do tutorial. Na próximo parte trataremos de como podemos nos conectar a serviços hospedados na I2P como XMPP
## [TUTORIAL] Conectando-se ao XMPP pela I2P
Essa é a terceira parte da série de tutoriais. Agora vamos tratar de algumas operações na rede, sendo uma delas conectando-se a um servidor de XMPP na I2P.
Não se esqueça de ligar o router e manter ele ligado por alguns minutos antes de iniciar essas operações. O router demora um pouco para encontrar os peers e estabelecer uma conexão estável.
### 3.1 Escolhendo o cliente XMPP
Existem diversos clientes XMPP capazes de se conectar usando um proxy. Um dos melhores é o Gajim, um cliente escrito em Python com diversas funcionalidades como criptografia OMEMO e PGP, workspaces separados, extensibilidade via plugins e uma interface bonita e organizada.
Assim como ocorreu com o router, o Gajim está disponível por padrão na maioria das distros Linux. Use o seu gerenciador de pacotes para instala-lo. Em Windows você pode baixar o Gajim através desse link ( https://gajim.org/download/ )
### 3.2 Criando uma conta
Vamos primeiro criar uma conta no servidor. No nosso exemplo usarei o servidor oficial do projeto i2pd, o xmpp.ilita.i2p. Há diversos outros servidores XMPP no diretório de links notbob.i2p caso queiram explorar mais.
Para criar uma conta, siga os passos abaixo:
Abra o Gajim. Na barra de tarefas vá em Contas -> Adicionar Conta. Na nova janela que aparecer, clique em Adicionar Conta
Na janela de adicionar contas, clique diretamente em Inscrever-se. Não precisa colocar as suas credencias como mostra a imagem (falha minha, ksksk)
Digite o nome do servidor no campo abaixo. Não esqueça de marcar a opção 'Configurações Avançadas' antes de clicar em Inscrever-se
Vamos adicionar um novo proxy para essa conta. Para isso clique no botão 'Gerenciar proxies', ao lado do campo Proxy nas Configurações Avançadas
Adicione um novo proxy clicando no sinal de '+' abaixo da lista de proxies. Preencha os campos de acordo com a imagem abaixo e em seguida feche a janela.
No campo de Proxy, selecione o proxy I2P. Preencha o restante dos campos de acordo com a imagem abaixo. Em seguida clique em 'Inscrever-se'.
Nesse momento uma mensagem pode aparecer pedindo para abrir uma exceção para o certificado TLS. Isso acontece porque trata-se de um certificado autoassinado que não foi validado por uma autoridade oficial. Apenas abra a exceção e prossiga (não há imagem para isso porque eu já abri essa exceção no meu cliente).
Uma nova janela vai aparecer solicitando-lhe para inserir as suas credenciais. Tome cuidado aqui, pois não é para inserir o nome completo com o domínio, apenas o seu nome de usuário (ex: descartavel).
Se tudo der certo, uma nova janela vai aparecer confirmando a sua inscrição. Coloque um nome e uma cor para a sua conta e clique em Conectar para concluir o processo.
Para finalizar, nos detalhes da sua conta, modifique as suas configurações de privacidade para diminuir o fingerprint. Na seção de 'Privacidade', desligue as seguintes opções:
• Tempo ocioso
• Hora de Sistema Local
• Sistema Operacional
• Reprodução de Mídia
### 3.3 Procurando por salas de bate-papo públicas
Após criar a sua nova conta, vamos descobrir alguns serviços que o servidor oferece. Para isso, vá para Contas -> Descobrir serviços
Na seção 'Bate-papo em Grupo', selecione Chatrooms e clique em 'Navegar'. Ao fazer isso uma lista de chatroom públicos presentes no servidor vai aparecer. Fique a vontade para explorar, porém saiba que alguns servidores são moderados e não te permitem mandar mensagens sem sua conta ser aprovada pelo moderador (familiar?).
### 3.4 Adicionando contatos
Para adicionar contatos à sua lista, clique no símbolo de '+' ao lado do campo de pesquisa e selecione 'Add Contact'.
Coloque o endereço completo da conta que você deseja adicionar. Usarei a minha conta oficial nesse exemplo. Você tem a opção de anexar uma mensagem qualquer antes de enviar o convite. Clique em 'Adicionar Contato' para prosseguir.
Se tudo ocorrer normalmente, o novo contato vai aparecer na sua lista. Dê dois-cliques na conta para abrir o chat. Não se esqueça de ativar a criptografia OMEMO antes de enviar qualquer mensagem. Agora você está pronto para conversar de forma segura :)
E com isso terminamos a terceira parte da série de tutoriais.
## [TUTORIAL] Criando e conectando-se a um servidor XMPP na I2P e clearnet.
Como configurar o seu próprio servidor XMPP. https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ot_EmQ8xdJwy
Criando contas e conectando clientes Pidgin http://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/xmpp/#creating-accounts-and-connecting-clients
BONUS: Conectando-se facilmente à I2P.
@ d4ee9781:81380ab2
2024-11-13 15:35:12
@ 8d34bd24:414be32b
2024-10-27 22:30:18
NOTE: *This article has some details that are specific to America, but the overall principles are applicable to all, and I believe it will be useful for all Christians.*
When it comes to things like voting, Christians tend to err to one of two extremes and seem to find difficulty finding the right balance as defined by God. Some Christians refuse to vote or get involved with politics at all. They don’t want to dirty themselves with politics. They know that their true home is heaven, so they don’t seem to care much for the nations they live in. On the other hand, some Christians are so focused on politics fixing everything and creating heaven on earth that they can become idolatrous lifting up politicians as a kind of savior.
In this article, I’m going to address both extremes, using the Bible, and hopefully help you find a Biblical balance.
## Seek the Welfare of the City Where I Have Sent You
As Christians we are just passing through our time on earth. Our true, eternal home, our true citizenship, is in heaven. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t care what happens on earth. We shouldn’t be like the old saying, “some Christians are so heavenly minded that they aren’t any earthly good.” I think Christians should organize our time here on earth kind of like the Israelites were commanded to live during their 70 year exile in Babylon and Persia.
> Now these are the words of the letter which Jeremiah the prophet sent from Jerusalem to the rest of the elders of the exile, the priests, the prophets and all the people whom Nebuchadnezzar had taken into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon. (Jeremiah 29:1)
What did God say to the Israelites about how they should live their life in Babylon?
> “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon, ‘Build houses and live in them; and plant gardens and eat their produce. Take wives and become the fathers of sons and daughters, and take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters; and multiply there and do not decrease. **Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare**.’ (Jeremiah 29:4-7) {emphasis mine}
Could we likewise say the same to Christians during their time on earth? “Build houses and live in them; and plant gardens and eat their produce. Take wives and become the fathers of sons and daughters, and take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters; and multiply there and do not decrease. Seek the welfare of the city, state, or nation where I have sent you to live for a short while, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.”
God expects us to live fruitful lives, to marry, to have many children (multiply), and to raise them up to do the same. He also wants us to seek the welfare of the city, state, and nation where God has put us. In a city, state, or nation with democratic elections, the best way to seek its welfare is to vote for honest candidates who support godly principles. We rightly understand that in our ungodly world there are no perfect candidates. It can even be hard to find mostly honest and mostly godly candidates, but we should seek to elect the best that is available. Why are we told to do this? We are told that “*for in its welfare you will have welfare*.” When we fail to vote, to teach our kids or support good schools, to live productive lives, and to generally live Godly lives, we WILL see the decline of our cities, states, and nations. We will pay the price.
We are seeing exactly that decline because Christians have pulled out (and were pushed out) of the positions that influence the culture. We don’t have enough godly teachers, journalists, professors, advisors, economists, and politicians. We have given up the culture to those who oppose God, His people, and His commands.
We are paying the price for withdrawing into the safety of our churches and leaving the world to the wolves.
## Political Religion
Of course we also have an opposite extreme. We have some Christians that are too focused on politics and power. They spend all of their time and energy on political endeavors and very little, to none, on sharing the Gospel and being a godly example. Many act like they think a political candidate is going to save them from the culture, the media, the bureaucracy, or the government. They forget that there is only one Savior — the Lord Jesus Christ. They forget that God said things will get worse before they get better. They make idols out of politicians and religions out of political parties.
> No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.” (Luke 16:13)
Although this verse is specifically talking about being obsessed with wealth, it is applicable to anything that takes our focus, attention, and especially our worship away from God.
When a person spends all of their time serving one candidate or party and little to no time serving God, they have chosen to serve another god and are guilty, even if inadvertently and unintentionally.
> You shall have no other gods before Me.
> You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments. (Exodus 20:3-6)
When we look to a politician to save us from anything, we are making him/her a god before us. When we give our all to a political party, we are taking our heart away from God and giving it to an alternate religion.
We may not think that we make idols in our modern world. It is true that we don’t usually carve them out of wood or mold them out of gold, but we have just as many idols as the Israelites did. They just look different.
I hope you will seriously consider this next point because it may be very unpopular with many of my readers. There are lots of Christians that will throw as big, if not a bigger, fit at the desecration of the American flag than over the Bible. Nobody seems to fight to retain the pledge of allegiance more than a majority of Christians. I’d argue that the American flag has become a modern day idol and the “Pledge of Allegiance” has become a religious mantra repeated to the god of government. Look at the words of the pledge:
*I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,\
and to the Republic for which it stands,\
one Nation under God,\
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.*
I think the inclusion of the phrase “one Nation under God” makes Christians feel OK about this pledge originally invented by a socialist whose brother sold American flags. The important part, which is why I can’t say the pledge anymore, are the words, “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands.” I really appreciate the principles America was founded upon, but as a Christian, I can only pledge allegiance to God. My allegiance isn’t to a flag (an idol) or the government (a god). I refuse to go through a religious ritual that includes particular stances, reciting special words, and showing undue respect. We cannot “*serve two masters*.” As Christians our master should be Christ alone. Anything that becomes more important than, or even equal to, the importance of God in our lives is idolatry. We need to get our priorities right.
## In the World, but Not of the World
As we live our lives here on earth, we need to remember our God ordained purpose and our true allegiance to God. We need to remember our citizenship[1](https://trustjesus.substack.com/p/should-christians-vote#footnote-1-150236181) and family are in heaven, not here on earth.
We want to have a positive influence on our culture, including working in influential positions and voting, but we should be most focused on personal evangelism and sharing the truth of the Bible. The best way to make a difference in our culture is to change hearts and minds through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
> But now I come to You; and these things I speak in the world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves. **I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world**, even as I am not of the world. I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. **They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world**. Sanctify them in the truth; **Your word is truth**. (John 17:13-17) {emphasis mine}
Although we want to be a light in the world, we have been warned that doing so will make us not fit in. It will cause many non-Christians (and maybe a few Christians whose priorities are not right) to hate us. No matter the consequences, we need to stand on the truth of the Word of God.
Too often, because we are living with those who are of this world, we start to look and act a lot like those of the world instead of looking and acting like our Savior.
> **Do not love the world nor the things in the world**. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. **The world is passing away**, and also its lusts; but **the one who does the will of God lives forever**. (1 John 2:15-17) {emphasis mine}
The fact that we should not love the things of the world or take on the character of things of the world is true in every part of our lives, but since we are talking here about politics, let us discuss the way many Christians talk politics.
Many Christians talk about politics in the same manner as non-Christians — cursing, name calling, insulting, and doing whatever it takes to win, no matter whether it is moral or not. I know the “other side” cheats, lies, name-calls, etc., but we should not stoop to their level. Nobody ever won another to their point of view by cursing or name calling. There are ways to point our their errors, and even how horrific some of the things pushed are, without going so low. Jesus didn’t hold back from speaking the truth. He didn’t hesitate to point out error, but was never crude about it. We should be the same. We should shine a light in such a way that those around us see such a difference that they say something similar to what was said about the apostles:
> Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13)
There should be something about our words, actions, and demeanor that amazes our opponents causing them to recognize us “*as having been with Jesus*.”
I hope this post has been helpful, truthful, and not too offensive. In so many areas it is hard to find that perfect balance and to not allow ourselves to be pulled to either extreme to the detriment of our witness and our relationship to God.
> Give no offense either to Jews or to Greeks or to the church of God; just as I also please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit but the profit of the many, **so that they may be saved**. (1 Corinthians 10:32-33) {emphasis mine}
Trust Jesus.\
your sister in Christ,
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-11-13 15:05:59
That was a great night of basketball!
The Steph-Klay reunion easily met expectations and was another reminder of just how great Steph Curry is. It also cemented the Warriors as legit contenders this season.
We also had three big upsets, with Boston, Miami, and Minnesota all losing to likely lottery teams. Boston and Miami cost @siggy47, @BlokchainB, and @supercyclone their first strike (Let me know in the comments if you want to buy-back in).
The Miami loss had to be the craziest, as no one expects Spoelstra to pull a Webber and try to call a timeout he doesn't have.
Boston's loss was quite embarrassing in it's own right, though, since all they needed to do is complete a wide open in-bounds pass. This team still seems to have some issue performing under pressure.
What were your impressions of last night's games and the Emirates Cup so far?
# Prize
Still about 30k, but will be 45k if last night's losers buy back in (C'mon guys, it was just an off night. You've got this!).
I'll get the round 2 picks post up later today.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/765972
@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2024-10-26 11:54:10
# Zer da Cashu?
Cashu Bitcoinentzako Ecash protokolo irekia da, transakzio azkarrak eta doakoak eskaintzen dituena. Protokolo honen ezaugarri nabarmenetako bat pribatutasun ia perfektua eskaintzea da. Nostr nostr:npub12rv5lskctqxxs2c8rf2zlzc7xx3qpvzs3w4etgemauy9thegr43sf485vg erabiltzaileak sortu zuen.
Hona hemen Cashu eta on-chain Bitcoin alderatzen dituen taula, Bangkok 2023ko Bitcoin Konferentzian nostr:npub1cj6ndx5akfazux7f0vjl4fyx9k0ulf682p437fe03a9ndwqjm0tqj886t6-k aurkeztutako Nuts and Bolts hitzaldian oinarrituta:
| **Cashu** | **Bitcoin (on-chain)** |
| Libururik gabe | Liburu banatua |
| Titulartasun tokena | UTXO (Ustiaketa Ezberdinen Irteera) |
| Transakzio itsutuak | Transakzio publikoak |
| Zentralizatua | Deszentralizatua |
| Konfiantzazkoa | Konfiantzarik gabe |
| Aldi baterako transakzioak | Betiko transakzioak |
Ikusten dugunez, Cashuk pribatutasuna hobetzeko konfiantza gabeko izaera eta deszentralizazioa sakrifikatzen ditu. Konpentsazio hauek zentzuzkoak dira zaintza-zerbitzuetan, erabiltzailea dagoeneko zerbitzu zentralizatu eta fidagarri bat erabiltzen ari baita. Zaintza tradizionaleko irtenbideek pribatutasun eskasa dute, zaintzaileak erabiltzailearen funtsak zenbat diren eta norekin ari den transakzioak egiten jakin dezakeelako. Horrek esan nahi du norbanakoak erraz helburu eta zentsura daitezkeela. Gainera, datu-erregistroek "honeypot" bihurtzeko arriskua dute, hau da, erasotzaileentzat erakargarri.
Alderantziz, Cashu-ren mint-ek zaintzaile gisa jardun dezakete, baina erabiltzaileen nortasuna, duten funtsen kopurua edo norekin ari diren transakzioak egiten ezagutzeko aukerarik gabe. Mint-ek duten datu-erregistro bakarra gastatutako sekretuen zerrenda da, berriro erabili ezin direnak, baina erabiltzaileekin lotzeko modurik gabe. Horrela, Cashu-k pribatutasuna bermatzen du, zaintzaileak ez duelako inolako informaziorik erabiltzaileen jarduerei buruz, ohiko zaintza-soluzioekin gertatzen denaren kontrara.
## Cashu-ren erabilera kasu batzuk
Cashu-ren erabilera kasu batzuk honako hauek dira: bonuak, dagoeneko zentralizatuak eta zaintza-zerbitzuak dituztenak; baliabide bakoitzeko ordainketa (pay-per-resource) APIak, nostr bideratzaileak eta mixnet-ak bezalako zerbitzuetarako; sistema integratuak, kontu eta saldo eredu tradizionala ordezkatzen dutenak; eta truke/mixinge zerbitzuak, gordailuak eta ateratzeak deslotzeko, pribatutasuna hobetzeko.
## Historia
Ecash David Chaum-ek 1982an asmatu zuen, sinadura itsuak erabiliz balio elektronikoaren transmisiorako protokolo gisa. Cashu Ecash-en inplementazio bat da, David Wagner-en 1996ko Chaum-en itsutze-aldaketan oinarrituta dagoena, eta nostr sortu zuen.
## Terminologia
Cashu nola funtzionatzen duen ulertzen laguntzeko, lehenik eta behin funtsezko terminologia batzuk azalduko ditugu.
### Mint
Cashu-ren mint-a erabiltzaileen funtsen zaintzailea da. Bere zeregina tokenak jaulkitzea eta erretzea da, baita bikoiztutako gastuak saihestea ere. Cashu-ren mint-a Lightning nodo baten gainean dago, beraz, Lightning ordainketak bidali eta jaso ditzake, beste mint batzuekin trukeak barne. Hala ere, Lightning nodoa lineaz kanpo badago ere, ecash tokenekin transakzioak egin daitezke. Lightning-ekin ez bezala, jasotzailea linean egon beharrik ez du tokenak jasotzeko.
Mint-ak ez daki nor den erabiltzailea, zenbat funts dituzten edo norekin ari diren transakzioak egiten. Hala ere, mint-a erabiltzaileen funtsen zaintzailea denez, fidagarria den mint bat aukeratu behar duzu, eta eragilea nor den jakin. Erabil ezazu funts txikiekin edo tokenak berehala trukatu.
### Token
Cashu token-a mint-ak sinatutako datu-puska bat da, eta erabiltzaileak token horiek bere zorroan gordetzen ditu. Ecash tokenak testu-kate hutsak direnez, edozein testu bidezko protokoloaren bidez bidal daitezke, adibidez, nostr, posta elektronikoa, SMS, etab. Cashu-k txanpon-sistema bat erabiltzen du, zenbateko finkatuak dituena. Analogia bat eginez, hau moneta fiduziarioen billeteen zenbatekoei dagokie. Adibidez, eurotan 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 euroko billeteak daude. Cashu-n, tokenak 2ren indarren arabera sailkatzen dira. Adibidez, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 satoshi, eta horrela aurrera.
Zenbatekoak erabiltzea erabiltzaileen artean anonimotasuna areagotzeko egiten da, eta mint-ek transakzioak erabiltzaileen nortasunekin lotzea zailagoa bihurtzeko.
## Nola funtzionatzen duen, 5 urteko bati bezala azaldua
Erabiltzaile Alice-k Cashu token berriak sortu nahi ditu. Horregatik, Bob mint-aren arduradunarengana joaten da eta esaten dio: "Kaixo! Cashu token berriak sortu nahi ditut."
Bob-ek erantzuten dio: "Ados, ordaindu iezadazu eta bidali iezadazu sekretu itsu bat." Sekretu itsua esan nahi du Alice-k sekretua ezagutzen duela, baina Bob-ek ezin duela sekretu hori ikusi.
Alice-k sekretu bat sortzen du, eta ondoren itsutzen du, horrela Bob-ek ez dezan jakin zein den sekretu hori.
Alice-k Bob-i ordainketa egiten dio eta ordainketaren egiaztagiria eta sekretu itsua bidaltzen dizkio. Bob ordainketa jaso duela ziur dagoenean, Alice-ren sekretu itsua sinatzen du eta sinatutako sekretu itsua itzultzen dio. Bob-ek sinatu duelako, etorkizunean ziur egon daiteke tokena baliozkoa dela.
Alice-k Carol-i ordaindu nahi dio. Horretarako, sekretua eta sinatutako sekretu itsua desitsutzeko gakoa bidaltzen dizkio Carol-i.
Carol-ek bere tokena trukatu nahi du. Beraz, Bob-engana (mint-aren arduradunera) joaten da eta Alice-k eman dion sekretua eta desitsututako gakoa erakusten dizkio.
### Nola jakiten du mint-ak Carol-i zenbat satoshi eman behar dizkion?
Lehenago aipatu genuen bezala, Cashu tokenak 2ren indarren araberako zenbatekoetan banatuta daude (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...), paperezko diru billeteen antzera. Bob mint-ak zenbateko bakoitza sinatzeko gako pribatu berezi bat du. Adibidez, 1 satoshi zenbatekoaren tokenak sinatzeko gako pribatu bat du, 2 satoshi zenbatekoaren beste bat, 8 satoshi zenbatekoaren beste bat, eta abar. Horrela, Carol tokenak trukatzera datorrenean, Bob-ek badaki zein gako pribaturekin sinatu zuen token hori, eta horren arabera, tokenak zein zenbatekotakoak diren ezagutzen du. Horrela, Bob-ek Carol-i dagokion satoshi kopurua itzuli diezaioke, sinatutako tokenaren zenbatekoa kontuan hartuta.
### Zer gertatzen da itzulkinekin?
Cashu-n ez dago itzulkinik diru fisikoan bezala. Horren ordez, mint-ari (Bob-i) eskatu behar diozu token zaharrak suntsitzeko eta berriak sortzeko, zenbateko berarekin. Adibide batekin azalduz: Demagun Alice-k bi token dituela, guztira 10 satoshi balio dutenak. Bata 8 satoshi da eta bestea 2 satoshi. Alice-k 9 satoshi bidali nahi dizkio Carol-i. Horretarako, mint-ari (Bob-i) eskatzen dio bere 2 satoshi tokena bi 1 satoshi token bihurtzeko. Horrela, Alice-k 9 satoshi bidal diezazkioke Carol-i: 8 satoshi token bat eta 1 satoshi token bat erabiliz. Gainera, beste 1 satoshi tokena berarentzat gordetzen du.
### Lightning sarearen papera konektatzeko elementu gisa
Zer gertatzen da Alice-k David-i ordaindu nahi dionean, baina David-ek Bob-en mint-a ez du fidatzen, eta, aldiz, Erin ezagutzen du eta bere mint-a erabiltzen du? Alice-k bere tokenak Bob-en mint-ean trukatzen ditu, eta Bob-i eskatzen dio token horiek "urtzeko" edo Lightning satoshietara bihurtzeko. Ondoren, Bob-en mint-ak Lightning transakzio bat bidaltzen dio Erin-en mint-ari. Erin-en mint-ak transakzio hori jasotzen du, eta David-entzat token berriak sortzen ditu Lightning sarearen bidez Bob-en mint-etik jasotako satoshiekin. Horrela, Lightning sareak mint ezberdinak konektatzen ditu, erabiltzaileak (Alice eta David) mint ezberdinak fidatu arren, transakzioak segurtasunez egiteko.
## Zer dator hurrengoa Cashu-rentzat?
### Programagarri den ecash
Cashu-ri gastatzeko baldintzak gehitu ahal izango zaizkio, mint-ak baldintza horiek betearaziko dituelarik. Horrek ahalbidetu dezake kontratu adimendun sendoak sortzea, oinarrizko katean (Bitcoin blockchain) edo Lightning sarean sartu gabe. Horrela, ordainketa publikoak, lineaz kanpokoak eta maiztasun handikoak posible izango dira.
### Zorren froga eskema (Proof of Liabilities Scheme)
Zorren Froga (PoL) Eskema Cashu-rentzat zaintzailea den mint-ak erabiltzaileak iruzurrez erabiltzea zailtzen du, epoka kontzeptua aurkeztuz. Eskema honetan, zaintzaile den mint-ak epoka bakoitzean gako pribatuak aldian-aldian biratzen ditu, eta azken epokan jaulkitako eta erretako tokenen zerrenda publikoak argitaratzen ditu. Hau Erreserben Froga (Proof of Reserves) eskemarekin uztartzen da, non erreserbak katean bertan multisig batean gordetzen diren. Horrela, mint-ak ezingo du bere erantzukizunak murriztu, erabiltzaileek iruzurra detektatzeko arriskua handitu gabe. Xehetasun gehiagorako, eskema honen azalpen osoa kontsultatu dezakezu.
## Saiatu Cashu
Cashu probatzeko, [Nutstash] eta [eNuts] gidak erabil ditzakezu. Horretarako Lightning zorro bat eta telefono edo ordenagailu bat besterik ez duzu behar.
@ f4c59e4c:82f66850
2024-11-13 14:10:13
# Introduction
Dora Factory has actively participated in a series of governance proposals across multiple blockchain networks, making decisions that impact the growth and stability of various ecosystems. Below is a summary of their votes on recent proposals, reflecting their commitment to the long-term success of the ecosystems they support.
# Proposals
[2024-10-25 Cosmos #971 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/cosmos/proposals/971)
Dora Factory voted YES on Proposal #971, which initiates the Gaia v21 software upgrade for the Cosmos Hub. This release aims to enhance interchain security (ICS) by enabling consumer chains to use various denominations for ICS rewards and to add new denoms permissionlessly.
[2024-11-05 DYDX #172 No](https://dydx.explorers.guru/proposal/172)
Dora Factory voted NO on Proposal #172 after discovering issues that could hinder the successful implementation of the upgrade.
[2024-11-05 DYDX #173 Yes](https://dydx.explorers.guru/proposal/173)
Dora Factory voted YES on Proposal #173, which presents corrected parameters for the software upgrade to the dYdX Chain Protocol v7.0.0, ensuring proper implementation of new features like MegaVault, permissionless market listings, and an affiliates program.
[2024-11-07 DYDX #174 Yes](https://dydx.explorers.guru/proposal/174)
Dora Factory voted YES on Proposal #174, which suggests to transfer 45,000,000 DYDX from the Community Treasury to the dYdX Treasury SubDAO for a staking program, ratifies community signers as directors of the Cayman Foundation, and seeks community consent on the foundation's formation.
[2024-11-07 DYDX #175 Yes](https://dydx.explorers.guru/proposal/175)
Dora Factory voted YES on Proposal #175, which aims to reduce the dYdX Chain trading rewards by 44%, lowering the "C" constant from 0.9 to 0.5. This adjustment is intended to decrease inflation and alleviate selling pressure on the DYDX token while maintaining the protocol's competitiveness. Increased liquidity from the MegaVault and the new Affiliate Program are expected to improve trading efficiency and offset the fee increase for traders.
[2024-10-28 Injective #451 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/injective/proposals/451)
Dora Factory voted YES on Proposal #451 to create a dedicated oracle for Paradyze on the Injective mainnet. This oracle is necessary for the operation of prediction markets on Paradyze, which is set to launch on the Injective mainnet in October 2024. Paradyze enables users to trade shares and actively manage positions across a range of asset types, with successful testing already completed on the Injective testnet.
[2024-10-28 Injective #452 Abstain](https://www.mintscan.io/injective/proposals/452)
Dora Factory abstained from Proposal #452, which aims to fix a deposit limit bug in the Kira Liquidity Pool Locker, allowing users to lock the full amount of tokens without performing multiple transactions.
[2024-11-06 Injective #457 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/injective/proposals/457)
Dora Factory voted YES on Proposal #457, which aims to settle the 2024ELECTION/USDT PERP and QUNT/USDT PERP markets at the oracle price at the time of proposal approval.
[2024-10-30 Osmosis #856 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/osmosis/proposals/856)
Dora Factory voted YES on Proposal #856, which updates the expired IBC light-client 07-tendermint-3258 on Osmosis with the state of the new substitution client 07-tendermint-3310. This update is crucial for maintaining IBC functionality.
[2024-11-06 Osmosis #858 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/osmosis/proposals/858)
Dora Factory voted YES on Proposal #858, which aims to pin the code IDs for the most executed contracts on Osmosis. This routine update is designed to lower gas costs per transaction by maintaining the list of pinned contracts, adjusting code IDs based on usage as necessary.
# Conclusion
Dora Factory's votes reflect a strategic approach to improving network performance, addressing issues, and supporting initiatives that drive long-term sustainability. Their participation in key governance proposals aims to enhance security, scalability, and ecosystem development across multiple blockchains.
@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2024-10-26 11:22:06
# Zer da Cashu?
Cashu Bitcoin-erako ecash protokolo ireki bat da, transakzio azkarrak eta komisio gabekoak eskaintzen dituena, pribatutasun ia perfektuarekin. Xehetasun gehiago nahi izanez gero, gure azalpena ikus dezakezu.
## eNuts
eNuts Cashu-rako mugikorretarako zorro bikaina da, Android eta iOS (TestFlight) plataformetan eskuragarri dagoena. Mint anitzekin lan egitea ahalbidetzen du eta nostr bidez bidalketak egiteko aukera ere eskaintzen du.
⚠️ **eNuts eta Cashu oraindik beta fasean daude**. Funtsak galtzeko arriskua dago. Aplikazioa instalatzerakoan arriskuen inguruan irakurri. Galera ekonomikoei aurre egiteko gai zaren zenbateko txikiekin saiatu.
## Probatu
Prozesu honetan zehar mint-ekin elkarreragin, ecash-a jaso eta bidali, segurtasun-kopiak egin, Lightning-era ateratzeak eta mint-en artean trukaketak egingo ditugu. Azkenik, nostr kontaktu funtzionalitatea probatuko dugu.
### Instalatu
Sartu eNuts webgunera eta instalatu aplikazioa zure sistema eragilerako.
### Mint bat gehitzea
Ecash-arekin elkarreragiteko, lehenik mint bat behar duzu. Mint honetan zure ecash token-ak sortzen eta itzultzen dira. Mint-a da zure Bitcoin-en zaindaria, baina ez daki nor zaren, norekin egiten duzun transakzioa, ezta zenbat diru duzun ere. Probetarako Txoko mint erabili dezakezu.
1. Joan Txoko Mint-era. Kopiatu mint URL-a.
2. eNuts-en, joan Aukerak > Mint kudeaketa eta sakatu + botoia. Itsatsi lehen urratsean kopiatu duzun mint URL-a.
💡 Mint gehigarriak ere gehitu ditzakezu. Mint publiko batzuk MintIndex-en aurki daitezke. Kontuan izan mint batzuek zenbateko jakin bat gordetzen dutela bideratze-gastuak ordaintzeko, eta, beraz, ezin dituzula zure sats guztiak atera.
### Tokenak sortzea
Mint bat gehitu duzunean, eNuts-ek automatikoki galdetuko dizu mint horretatik Cashu token berriak sortu nahi dituzun.
1. Erantzun **Bai**.
2. Sortu faktura bat mintu nahi duzun zenbatekoarentzat. Zenbateko txiki batekin saiatu, adibidez, 100 sats.
3. Ordaindu faktura Lightning zorro batetik. Faktura ordaindutakoan, ecash token-ak izango dituzu.
Prozesu honek aukera ematen dizu ecash token-ak sortzeko, eta horiek zure transakzioetarako erabiltzeko prest izango dituzu.
### Ecash-ekin transakzioak egitea
Ecash-ekin transakzioak egitea, funtsean, datu multzoak bidaltzea eta jasotzea da. Funtzionalitate hauek zuk zeuk probatzeko, bidali eta jaso dezakezu zure buruari.
1. Ecash bidaltzeko, sakatu **Bidali > Ecash bidali**.
2. Mint bat baino gehiago erabiltzen baduzu, aukeratu bidali nahi duzun mint-a. Ondoren, aukeratu **Kopiatu eta partekatu**.
3. Aukeratu zenbatekoa.
4. Nahi izanez gero, gehitu ohar bat, eta sakatu **Jarraitu**.
5. Berretsi ordainketa xehetasunak eta sortu token-a. Une honetan, **coin selection** funtzioa erabil dezakezu zein token erabili nahi dituzun hautatzeko.
Ohartu token-ak 1 sat, 2 sats, 4 sats, 8 sats, 16 sats eta antzeko zenbatekotan sailkatuta daudela. Horiek 10 euroko, 20 euroko edo 50 euroko billeteak bezala irudika ditzakezu.
6. Kopiatu token-a.
Une honetan, token-a beste norbaiti bidal diezaiokezu edo zure zorroan berreskuratu. Saiakera moduan, bigarren aukera hau egingo dugu.
1. Ecash jasotzeko, sakatu **Jaso > Itsatsi eta berreskuratu Ecash**. eNuts-ek automatikoki irakurriko du zure arbeletik eta token-a berreskuratuko du.
💡 Zure transakzioen historian ecash token-a zain dagoen egiaztatu dezakezu, eta hartzaileak ez badu berreskuratu, itzuli dezakezu. Horretarako, sakatu zure historiako irteerako transakzioan eta aukeratu **Egiaztatu token-a gastatu den**. Token-a zain badago, **Itzuli token-a** sakatu dezakezu eta berriro zure zorroan izango duzu.
### Multimint trukeak
Mint desberdinen artean bidalketak eta jasotzeak posibleak diren galdetu baduzu, erantzuna bai da, neurri batean. Hala ere, Cashu token-ak zuzenean mint batetik bestera bidaltzea ez da zuzenean egiten; horren ordez, transakzioak Lightning-era bideratzen dira, mint bat Lightning nodo bat ere badelako. Cashu token-ak ez dira bateragarriak nodo desberdinen artean.
Hau probatzeko, beste mint bat gehitu dezakezu oraindik egin ez baduzu, adibidez, cashme LNbits mint edo eNuts mint lehenetsia.
💡 Kontuan izan mint batzuek sats kopuru bat gordetzen dutela bideratze-gastuak ordaintzeko. Arazo hau konpontzeko, zure mint propioa sor dezakezu Bitcoin Txoko LNbits zorroarekin, Cashu luzapena aktibatuz.
1. Joan **Aukerak > Mint kudeaketa** atalera, eta aukeratu trukatu nahi duzun mint-a. Ondoren, joan **Multimint trukeak** atalean.
2. Aukeratu trukatu nahi duzun mint-a.
3. Aukeratu zenbatekoa eta sakatu **Kuotak aurreikusi** Lightning gastuen kalkulua egiteko.
4. Sakatu **Jarraitu**.
5. Egiaztatu xehetasunak, eta nahi izanez gero, **coin selection** funtzioa erabili. Ondoren, sakatu **Orain trukatu**.
Prozesu honetan, bidaltzen ari den mint-ak Lightning faktura bat ordaintzen du jasotzen ari den mint-aren bidez. Faktura osatu bezain laster, trukatuta dagoen token-a zure zorroaren saldoan agertu beharko litzateke jasotzen ari den mint-ean.
### Ateratzea
Zure Cashu sats-ak berriro Lightning sats bihurtu nahi dituzunean, ateratzeko aukera duzu. Prozesua hauxe da:
1. Sakatu **Bidali > Lightning faktura ordaindu**.
2. Mint bat baino gehiago erabiltzen baduzu, aukeratu bidaliko duzun mint-a.
3. LN faktura edo LNURL atalean, sartu faktura bat, LNURL edo Lightning helbide bat; edo, besterik gabe, QR kode bat eskaneatu.
4. Aukeratu zenbatekoa eta sakatu **Kuotak aurreikusi**.
5. Egiaztatu xehetasunak, eta dena zuzen dagoela ikusi ondoren, sakatu **Ateratzea**.
Prozesu hau amaitutakoan, mint-ak Cashu token-ak trukatzen ditu eta Lightning faktura ordaintzen du.
### Segurtasun kopiak
Cashu token-ak babesteko prozesua, agian, ezberdina izango da Bitcoin eta Lightning zorroak babesteko ohiko prozesuekin alderatuta. Diru-funtsak datu blokeekin irudikatzen direnez, Cashu token-ak babesten dituzunean datu bloke horiek bakarrik babesten ari zara. Honek esan nahi du segurtasun-kopiak baliogabetzen direla transakzio berri bat egiten duzun bakoitzean.
eNuts aplikazioak Cashu token bat sortzen du zure funts guztiekin, eta token horiek zein mint-ekoak diren jasotzen du.
- **Segurtasun-kopia bat sortzeko**, joan Aukerak > **Segurtasuna > Sortu babeskopia token**. Kopiatu token-a eta gorde toki seguru batean.
Bestela, mint bakoitza banaka babestu dezakezu:
- Horretarako, joan Aukerak > **Mint kudeaketa** atalera eta aukeratu babestu nahi duzun mint-a. Ondoren, sakatu **Funtseak babestu**, kopiatu token-a eta gorde toki seguru batean.
### Berreskuratzea
Berreskuratzeko, kopiatu babeskopia token-a eta ireki eNuts aplikazioa. Aplikazioak automatikoki irakurriko du zure arbelean dagoena eta galdetuko dizu token-a berreskuratu nahi duzun.
### Nostr
eNuts aplikazioak Nostr integrazioa eskaintzen du, horrela zure kontaktu zerrendara ecash bidali ahal izateko. Funtzio hau erabiltzeko, honako pauso hauek jarraitu behar dituzu:
1. Joan **Kontaktuak** atalera eta itsatsi zure Nostr gako publikoa.
2. eNuts-ek zure kontaktu zerrenda eskuratuko du relays-etatik. Tamalez, bilaketa funtzioa oraindik ez dago eskuragarri, eta horrek kontaktu zuzena aurkitzea zaildu dezake, kontaktu asko izanez gero.
Hartzaileak Nostr motako 4 mezu zuzena jasoko du, Cashu token-arekin. Hartzaileak mezu hau bere zorroan berreskuratu eta token-a erabili ahal izango du.
## Ondorioa
Gida hau lagungarria iruditu zaizu? Saiatu Cashu token batzuk bidaltzen Nostr bidez!
@ 4874b840:31b0b8c0
2024-11-13 13:22:32
Архитектурные проекты, реализованные в Калининграде, значительно преобразили облик города. Одним из ключевых направлений стала реконструкция хрущёвок, предложенная московскими архитекторами МАРХИ. Они планируют увеличить этажность существующих зданий и создать новые общественные пространства, что улучшит качество жизни жителей.
Также активно развиваются проекты на Острове Октябрьском, где предусмотрена застройка с учетом культурного и спортивного кластеров. Важным аспектом является благоустройство общественных пространств, включая парки и набережные, что делает город более привлекательным для жителей и туристов.
Житель отреконструированной хрущёвки делится с нами впечатлениями:
*"Наша хрущёвка теперь выглядит совершенно иначе! Благодаря реконструкции добавили два этажа, и у нас появился лифт. Квартиры стали просторнее, а фасад — современным. Дворы благоустроены, появились детские площадки и парковки. Я рад, что жители могли участвовать в принятии решений. Это не просто улучшение жилья, это создание комфортной городской среды, которая отвечает требованиям XXI века".*
@ 4874b840:31b0b8c0
2024-11-13 13:19:46
На сегодняшний день школы Калининграда представляют собой современные образовательные учреждения, ориентированные на всестороннее развитие учащихся. В рамках программы по расширению возможностей дополнительного образования активно функционируют кружки и секции, охватывающие различные направления.
Технические кружки включают судостроительные классы, где учащиеся изучают проектирование и технологии, получая практические навыки для востребованной отрасли. Творческие секции предлагают занятия по изобразительному искусству, музыке и театру, развивая художественные таланты. Спортивные кружки обеспечивают занятия по футболу, волейболу и плаванию.
Школы активно сотрудничают с местными предприятиями и университетами, что обеспечивает доступ к современным технологиям. Таким образом, образовательная система Калининграда направлена на подготовку высококвалифицированных специалистов.
Ученики кружка судостроения отмечают: *"Учеба открывает невероятные возможности. Мы участвуем в практических проектах на верфях "Янтарь" и "Арктика", что позволяет применять знания на практике и готовиться к карьере в высокотехнологичной отрасли."*
@ c2827524:5f45b2f7
2024-11-13 08:57:07
### Piano generale
l'intento è **smettere di minare fiat **e passare a guadagnare esclusivamente in #Bitcoin.
### Attacco DDOS alla vita di tutti
winzozz, il sistema operativo imposto coercitivamente da uno smidollato mafioso, **fa schifo ai vermi.**
é lento, si ferma ad ogni minuto, lascia utenti in attesa per ore - ogni giorno - solo perché sta facendo Dio solo sa cosa.
**nostr:#winzozz è un attacco DDOS alla vita di ogni essere umano** che ha la nostr:#sfiga di ritrovarsi suo malgrado ad usarlo.
mentre si attende che il pc venga rianimato da un intervento divino (perché chiamare in causa il padreterno, a volte, funziona), siamo in balia di attese infinite. per nulla.
quante ore della nostra vita sono passate in attesa di... nostr:#stocazzo?
### sai chi ti saluta tanto?
ecco, appunto! a proposito di nostr:#stocazzo: la prima cosa da fare nella lista della mia nuova vita, è proprio arare tutti i miei pc e passarli a nostr:#Debian.🐧.
_*terrò una macchina winzozz solo per i corsi, per aiutare nuovi utenti windows #Bitcoin ad imparare questa deliziosa tecnologia. per poi farli traghettare da Caronte su nuovi sistemi operativi, là dove nessun DDOS può mai arrivare a sottrarre tempo prezioso alle vite degli altri._
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2024-11-13 07:44:51
**Table Of Content**
- What is the Lighting Network?
- Advantages of the Lighting Network for Businesses
- Game-Changing Bitcoin Tool
- Conclusion
In today's digital age, cryptocurrencies have taken the financial world by storm. One such cryptocurrency that has gained immense popularity and disrupted traditional financial systems is Bitcoin. Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, has opened up new avenues for businesses and individuals alike. With the advent of the Lighting Network, a revolutionary scaling solution for Bitcoin, a game-changing Bitcoin tool has emerged, ushering in a paradigm shift for the Lighting Network in business.
**What is the Lighting Network?**
The Lighting Network is a second-layer protocol that operates on top of the Bitcoin blockchain. It aims to address some of the scalability and transaction speed issues faced by the Bitcoin network. By creating a network of bidirectional payment channels, the Lighting Network enables near-instant and low-cost transactions between participants. This innovative solution has paved the way for the development of game-changing Bitcoin tools that have the potential to transform the business landscape.
**Advantages of the Lighting Network for Businesses**
**Enhanced Scalability**
The Lighting Network offers a significant advantage in terms of scalability for businesses. With traditional Bitcoin transactions, every transaction needs to be recorded on the blockchain, resulting in limited transaction throughput. However, the Lighting Network allows businesses to conduct a large number of off-chain transactions, minimizing the load on the Bitcoin blockchain and significantly increasing scalability. This scalability boost opens up new possibilities for businesses to process a higher volume of transactions and accommodate growing customer demands.
**Lightning-Fast Transactions**
One of the most remarkable features of the Lighting Network is its ability to facilitate lightning-fast transactions. Traditional Bitcoin transactions can sometimes take several minutes or even hours to confirm, causing delays and inconveniences in business operations. However, with the Lighting Network, transactions can be settled in a matter of seconds. This speed advantage enables businesses to offer seamless and real-time payment experiences to their customers, enhancing customer satisfaction and improving overall efficiency.
**Reduced Transaction Costs**
Another compelling aspect of the Lighting Network for businesses is the reduced transaction costs it offers. Traditional Bitcoin transactions often incur high fees due to the limited capacity of the blockchain. However, the Lighting Network's off-chain transactions significantly reduce transaction fees, making microtransactions and low-value transactions economically feasible. This cost reduction is particularly beneficial for businesses that rely on frequent small transactions, such as online retailers or service providers.
**Improved Privacy and Security**
The Lighting Network also brings improvements in terms of privacy and security. As most Lighting Network transactions occur off-chain, they do not require broadcasting every detail to the public blockchain. This aspect enhances privacy by reducing the exposure of sensitive transaction information. Additionally, the Lighting Network implements various security measures, such as multi-signature wallets and hash time-locked contracts, to ensure the safety of funds during transactions. These enhanced privacy and security features provide businesses with peace of mind when adopting the Lighting Network.
**Game-Changing Bitcoin Tool**
The advent of the Lighting Network has paved the way for the development of various game-changing Bitcoin tools that empower businesses to leverage the potential of this revolutionary technology. These tools offer innovative solutions to address specific business needs, enhance operational efficiency, and unlock new opportunities. Let's explore some of these remarkable tools and their impact on businesses:
**1. Lightning Payment Processors**
Lightning payment processors are tools that enable businesses to seamlessly integrate the Lighting Network into their existing payment infrastructure. These processors provide the necessary software and APIs to facilitate Lightning Network payments, making it convenient for businesses to accept Bitcoin payments with lightning speed and low fees. By adopting a Lightning payment processor, businesses can expand their customer base, attract Bitcoin-savvy customers, and provide a more efficient payment experience.
**2. Lightning Network Point-of-Sale (PoS) Systems**
Lightning Network PoS systems are specifically designed for businesses that operate physical stores or provide in-person services. These systems enable businesses to accept Lightning Network payments directly at the point of sale, similar to traditional payment terminals. With Lightning PoS systems, businesses can offer a seamless payment experience to their customers, eliminating the need for lengthy transaction confirmations and reducing customer waiting time. This convenience can lead to increased customer satisfaction and improved sales.
**3. Lightning Network E-commerce Plugins**
For businesses operating in the digital realm, Lightning Network e-commerce plugins provide a seamless integration of Bitcoin payments on their online platforms. These plugins offer ready-to-use solutions that can be easily installed on popular e-commerce platforms, such as WooCommerce or Shopify. By incorporating Lightning Network payments, businesses can tap into the growing Bitcoin user base and provide an alternative payment option that is fast, secure, and cost-effective. This integration can boost sales and attract tech-savvy customers who prefer Bitcoin transactions.
**4. Lightning Network Micropayment Platforms**
Micropayments refer to transactions involving small amounts of money, typically fractions of a cent. The Lighting Network's low fees and near-instant transaction settlement make it an ideal solution for micropayments. Lightning Network micropayment platforms enable businesses to monetize content or services that were previously not economically viable due to high transaction costs. By leveraging micropayment platforms, businesses can explore new revenue streams and create innovative business models.
The Lighting Network has introduced a game-changing Bitcoin tool that offers a paradigm shift for the Lighting Network in business. With enhanced scalability, lightning-fast transactions, reduced costs, and improved privacy and security, the Lighting Network empowers businesses to unlock new opportunities, streamline operations, and provide better customer experiences. By embracing the potential of this innovative technology and leveraging the game-changing Bitcoin tools available, businesses can stay at the forefront of the digital revolution and thrive in the evolving landscape of cryptocurrencies.
**How does the Lighting Network enhance scalability for businesses?**
The Lighting Network enhances scalability by allowing businesses to conduct a large number of off-chain transactions, reducing the load on the Bitcoin blockchain and enabling higher transaction throughput.
**What are the advantages of Lightning Network transactions for businesses?**
Lightning Network transactions offer lightning-fast settlement times, reduced transaction costs, improved privacy, and enhanced security, all of which contribute to better operational efficiency and customer satisfaction for businesses.
**How can businesses integrate the Lighting Network into their payment infrastructure?**
Businesses can integrate the Lighting Network by leveraging Lightning payment processors, Lightning Network PoS systems, or Lightning Network e-commerce plugins, depending on their specific requirements.
**What are micropayment platforms, and how can they benefit businesses?**
Micropayment platforms enable businesses to process and monetize small transactions economically. With the Lighting Network's low fees, businesses can explore new revenue streams and offer innovative services that involve micropayments.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 97fc03df:8bf891df
2024-11-13 03:37:00
### Bitcoin's mechanical consensus is set to become human civilization's ultimate shield
Author: Gavin, BeeGee (Core Builders of Super Bitcoin & BEVM)
November 12, 2024
The value of Bitcoin is set to rise in the long term if mankind is unable to create an adaptive, growth-oriented mechanical consensus similar to that of Bitcoin. Bitcoin is not merely a tool to protect property; it represents a "Great Consensus" that safeguards human civilization and our future. With a supply capped at 21 million, each Bitcoin bears the immense responsibility of protecting the security and well-being of 8 billion people today and countless future generations. Can such a Bitcoin truly have a price ceiling?
The consensus mechanism behind Bitcoin is an unending competition of computing power. Miners constantly add computing power in pursuit of rewards of BTC. This competitive process creates a self-reinforcing growth model: as more people participate in mining, computing power increases, mining difficulty rises, the network’s security strengthens, Bitcoin’s consensus becomes more solid, and the value of Bitcoin increases accordingly. This pattern creates a powerful and enduring positive feedback loop. It is such kind of “mechanical consensus,” which operates without human intervention, that enables the Bitcoin network to self-coordinate and evolve autonomously among distributed nodes through computational competition and economic incentives.
However, even though Bitcoin’s adaptive mechanical consensus excels at securing property, this is just the tip of the iceberg. Its potential extends far beyond. Human society is in the midst of the torrent of the information age, and the accelerated growth of technology means that complexity and uncertainty are increasing, making it difficult to deal with these challenges by relying solely on traditional "social consensus". In this context, the adaptive mechanical consensus brought about by Bitcoin's incentive layer becomes the really important part. It shows us the ability of machines to form consensus through automated gaming, and the potential of technology to safeguard human life and civilization more broadly than property.
Super Bitcoin emerged just to further unlock the potential of Bitcoin's consensus. It proposes a five-layer architecture that extends the capabilities of various protocols and corresponding application scenarios by sharing the consensus security of Bitcoin. Super Bitcoin is more than just an upgrade to the Bitcoin network, it is an attempt to take this great mechanical consensus beyond the limits of property security to protect the broader interests of humanity and civilization. By sharing the consensus security of Bitcoin, Super Bitcoin provides the infrastructure to support the synergy of human technology and civilization as well as the safety of life through the "interconnectedness" and "interoperability" of all blockchain systems.
The core idea behind all of these is to unleash the potential of Bitcoin's consensus. Bitcoin's journey from zero to $1.8 trillion market capitalization in just 16 years has proven that a consensus driven by computing power can adaptively grow through economic incentives without any human intervention. Super Bitcoin's goal is to build on this foundation with a new architecture that allows this great consensus to protect not just the value of cryptocurrencies, but the security of the entire human society and technological civilization.
Imagine a future where Bitcoin's consensus mechanism not only protects digital assets, but also provides security for human life and civilization. This is not only a technological advancement, but also a qualitative transformation of social consensus. In a way, the scalability of Bitcoin and its consensus is representing our latest efforts to cope with complexity in the information age. If we can apply mechanical consensus to a wider range of areas through these efforts, then this consensus mechanism will no longer be just a financial tool, but a foundational force to lead humanity into the future.
Therefore, the value of Bitcoin lies not only in its scarcity as a digital asset, but also in the adaptive mechanical consensus behind it. This consensus is an important weapon for human society to confront future complexity and uncertainties, and is the cornerstone for protecting human life and the security of technological civilization. Super Bitcoin's mission is to make this Great Consensus no longer confined to the protection of property, but rather to become the common "Civilization Guardian" for the whole mankind.
@ 84999652:2a24d806
2024-11-13 03:33:18
### 比特币的机械共识机制将成为人类文明的终极护盾
作者:Gavin, BeeGee (Super Bitcoin和BEVM 核心建设者)
Super Bitcoin 的出现,正是为了进一步解锁比特币共识的潜力。它提出了一个五层架构,通过共享 BTC 的共识安全,为各种协议以及相对应的不同应用场景提供扩展能力。在这之中,Super Bitcoin 不仅仅是对比特币网络的升级,它更是一个尝试:让这种伟大的机械共识突破财产安全的局限,转而去保护更广泛的人类利益和文明发展。通过共享比特币的共识安全,Super Bitcoin 在“万链互联”和“万链互操作”中为人类科技文明的协同和生命安全的保障提供了基础设施支持。
这一切的背后,核心思想在于释放比特币共识的潜能。比特币在短短16年间从0成长为1.8万亿美元市值的事实已经证明,这种由算力凝结的机械共识可以在无人为干预的情况下,通过经济激励实现网络的自适应成长。而 Super Bitcoin 的目标是在此基础上,通过新的架构,使得这种伟大的共识可以保护的不仅仅是加密货币的价值,而是整个人类社会和科技文明的安全。
因此,比特币的价值不仅在于它作为一种数字资产的稀缺性,更在于其背后的自适应机械共识。这种共识是人类社会应对未来复杂性和不确定性的重要武器,是保护人类生命与科技文明安全的基石。Super Bitcoin 的使命,正是让这种伟大的共识不再局限于保护财产,而是成为全人类共同的“文明守护者”。
@ bcea2b98:7ccef3c9
2024-11-13 02:44:17
@chess a3
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/765445
@ bcea2b98:7ccef3c9
2024-11-13 02:18:58
Sometimes our strongest values are the ones that people wouldn’t expect. These unique principles often reveal something special about who we are and what we believe in. Do you hold a value that might surprise others?
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/765433
@ 1123ece2:7d1e00c0
2024-11-13 01:43:26
Hey everyone and welcome to Refinery Life Australia.
“The Christ of John’s Gospel” is the theme for the coming Sunday mornings that focus on John’s unique portrayal of the Christ.
We will continue this series through to the end of the year.
Today we are discussing, Passport to the Kingdom.
John 3:5 NKJV
5 Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
Scripture Reading
John 3:1-21 NKJV
The New Birth
1 There was a man of the Pharisees named Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.
2 This man came to Jesus by night and said to Him, “Rabbi, we know that You are a teacher come from God; for no one can do these signs that You do unless God is with him.”
3 Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
4 Nicodemus said to Him, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can he enter a second time into his mother’s womb and be born?”
5 Jesus answered, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit, he cannot enter the kingdom of God.
6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.
7 Do not marvel that I said to you, ‘You must be born again.’
8 The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
9 Nicodemus answered and said to Him, “How can these things be?”
10 Jesus answered and said to him, “Are you the teacher of Israel, and do not know these things?
11 Most assuredly, I say to you, We speak what We know and testify what We have seen, and you do not receive Our witness.
12 If I have told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things?
13 No one has ascended to heaven but He who came down from heaven, that is, the Son of Man who is in heaven.
14 And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up,
15 that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life.
16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.
18 “He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.
19 And this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.
20 For everyone practicing evil hates the light and does not come to the light, lest his deeds should be exposed.
21 But he who does the truth comes to the light, that his deeds may be clearly seen, that they have been done in God.”
To travel from one country to another, every person, no matter how notable they might be, must have a passport.
Likewise, the new birth can be considered a sort of passport into the kingdom of God.
Jesus was visited by Nicodemus, a leading Pharisee of his day, who wanted to know more about Jesus’ is concept of the kingdom of God.
The Lord clearly taught Nicodemus that the new birth was the pre-requisite for entering the kingdom of God.
People who desire God's kind of life need to be born again just as Jesus taught Nicodemus.
Let us examine facets of the new birth.
1. The new birth is a mandate.
Look at the person who came to Jesus.
There was a man of the Pharisees, they Nicodemus, a ruler of the Jews.
That's what it tells us in John 3:1.
Nicodemus had many commendable qualities.
He was a Pharisee.
Pharisees were religious people of Jesus' day who worked meticulously at interpreting and keeping God’s laws.
Their religion was mainly one of external rules, but they were moral, upright people.
Nicodemus was a ruler of the Jews.
This probably meant that he was a member of the Sanhedrin.
This was a group of seventy outstanding religious leaders.
Nicodemus acknowledge that Jesus had unusual powers from God.
In verse to he says Rabbi, we know that you are a teacher come from God, for no man can do these miracles that You do, except God be with him.
Fuss this is a person who came to see Jesus that had a lot of commendable virtues, he's a Pharisee, he's a religious ruler, and one who acknowledge the Jesus possessed a gift from God.
Look at Jesus’ words to Nicodemus.
Jesus went abruptly to the need of Nicodemus.
Without being impressed with his credentials or his compliments, Jesus said in John 3:5 'Verily, verily I say to you except a man be born again he cannot see the kingdom of God.”
Jesus gave a mandate to Nicodemus, it's in verse seven, he said marvel not that I've said toy you, that you must be born again.
There is no other way to enter the kingdom.
2. The new birth is a miracle.
Think about what Nicodemus thought.
When Jesus mentioned the expression born again, Nicodemus thought of a physical birth.
He questioned, in verse four, “How can a man be born when he is old? Can you enter the second time in to his mother's womb and be born?”
Nicodemus acknowledge the mandate, but you confuse the new birth with a physical birth.
To go through physical birth again would be an impossibility.
But now I think about what Jesus meant.
The Lord was not talking about a physical birth.
He was talking about the miracle of new beginning.
To be born again means to allow God to come into your life and change.
That is a miracle indeed!
3. The new birth has a means.
Listen to Nicodemus's questions.
Twice the Pharisee asked, “How?”
Without a doubt, Nicodemus wanted to know how we might have the new birth.
And listen to Jesus’ answers.
Jesus answered Nicodemus’s questions.
He told him that the means of experiencing the new birth was faith.
John 3:14-15 says, And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of Man be lifted up, that whoever believes in Him should \[a\]not perish but have eternal life.
To believe means to open our life to God.
When we open our lives to God, the new birth occurs.
4. The new birth has manifestations.
Nicodemus was asked to observe the wind.
Jesus used an illustration about the wind he said in John 3:8, “The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit.”
The results of the wind blowing can be seen.
Likewise, when the Lord comes into a life, changes are evident.
Jesus wants people to observe the result of the new birth.
Human beings change when they open their lives to God.
Attitudes and actions change.
People become children of God.
My question today is, "Do you want to enter the kingdom of God?"
The only means, the only way of entrance is to be born again, the new birth.
Open your life to Christ, and He will change you.
Until next time
Stay in the Blessings
I really want to encourage you to be diligent with your Bible study time, because God has so much more for us than we can get from just going to church once or twice a week and hearing someone else talk about the Word.
When you spend time with God, your life will change in amazing ways, because God is a Redeemer. Theres nothing thats too hard for Him, and He can make you whole, spirit, soul and body!
You’re important to God, and you’re important to us at The Refinery.
When it comes to prayer, we believe that God wants to meet your needs and reveal His promises to you.
So whatever you’re concerned about and need prayer for we want to be here for you! Or even if you just want to say Hi, you can contact us at www.refinerylife.org
© www.refinerylife.org 2013-2024 All rights reserved. Except as permitted under the Australian Copyright Act 1968, no part of this Article may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, communicated or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission.
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@ d5c3d063:4d1159b3
2024-11-13 01:42:10
# "เขียวซื้อ แดงขาย ทำตามระบบ ตาไม่บอดสีก็ได้ตังค์"
ประโยคที่ดูง่ายดายนี้กลับถูกตั้งคำถามอย่างคมคายใน CDC Talk EP4 โดยลุงโฉลกและอาจารย์พิริยะได้ชี้ให้เห็นถึงความไม่สมเหตุสมผลของการยึดติดกับการทำกำไรระยะสั้นเป็นเงินบาท โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งกับสินทรัพย์ที่มีศักยภาพในการเติบโตสูงในระยะยาว เช่น บิตคอยน์
เริ่มจากลุงโฉลกตั้งคำถามสำคัญว่า ทำไมต้องขายบิตคอยน์ ซึ่งเป็นสินทรัพย์ที่มีมูลค่าเพิ่มขึ้น เพื่อแลกกับเงินบาทที่มีแนวโน้มเสื่อมค่าจากเงินเฟ้อ? ท่านเปรียบเทียบการตัดสินใจนี้กับการขายที่ดินที่มีราคาสูงขึ้น แล้วนำเงินมาถือไว้โดยไม่ลงทุนต่อ ซึ่งแน่นอนว่าไม่ใช่การตัดสินใจที่ดีนัก ท่านเน้นย้ำให้ผู้ชมอย่ายึดติดกับการ Take Profit ระยะสั้นมากเกินไป จนลืมพิจารณาคุณภาพของสินทรัพย์ที่ถือครอง และควรเปรียบเทียบบิตคอยน์กับสินทรัพย์อื่นๆ เช่น ทองคำ เพื่อพิจารณาความเหมาะสมในการถือครองระยะยาว
อาจารย์พิริยะเสริมต่อว่า หลายคนมักยึดติดกับมูลค่าเงินบาทมากเกินไป จนมองข้ามภาพรวมของระบบเศรษฐกิจและการเงินโลก อาจารย์ชี้ให้เห็นถึงเงินเฟียตที่มีการผลิตออกมาอย่างต่อเนื่องของประเทศต่างๆ เช่น ดอลลาร์สหรัฐ ซึ่งทำให้มูลค่าเงินเฟียตลดลงในระยะยาว การขายบิตคอยน์ที่มีจำนวนจำกัด เพื่อซื้อเงินเฟียตที่ผลิตได้ไม่จำกัด จึงเป็นการตัดสินใจที่อาจขัดกับหลักการลงทุนที่ดี อาจารย์เน้นย้ำถึงความสำคัญของการศึกษาและทำความเข้าใจระบบการเงิน โดยยกตัวอย่างของสกุลเงินต่างๆ เมื่อเทียบกับทองคำถึงนั้นมีการเสื่อมค่าไปแล้วกว่า 99.98% ขณะที่บิตคอยน์แม้มีความผันผวน แต่ก็มีอัตราการเติบโตเฉลี่ยสูงถึง 200% ต่อปี
ต่อมา ลุงโฉลกได้สาธิตวิธีการเทรดให้ดูแบบจับมือทำง่ายๆ
ด้วย 4 ขั้นตอน ของชมรม Chaloke Dot Com เริ่มจาก
1. กระจายการลงทุน (Asset Allocation) ในสินทรัพย์หลายประเภท เช่น ที่ดิน ทองคำ บิตคอยน์ เพื่อลดความเสี่ยงจากเหตุการณ์ไม่คาดฝัน เช่น น้ำท่วมที่ดิน อาจทำให้ที่ดินเสียหายได้
2. จัดการระบบบัญชี แบ่งบัญชีเป็นสัดส่วน
บัญชี 1 Store of Wealth (40%)
บัญชี 2 CDC Action Zone + Harmonic Pattern (40%)
บัญชี 3 CDC Action Zone พื้นฐาน (เขียวซื้อ แดงขาย) (10%)
บัญชี 4 บัญชีเก็งกำไร (10%)
3. หาจังหวะซื้อขาย หา Wave 1, 2 และใช้ CDC Action Zone ในการวิเคราะห์หาจังหวะเข้าซื้อขาย โดย Wave 1, 2 ช่วยมองเห็นภาพรวมแนวโน้มราคา ส่วน Action Zone ช่วยระบุจุดกลับตัวของราคา
4. ใช้คำสั่งซื้อขายอย่างถูกต้อง เข้าใจคำสั่งซื้อ ขาย เปิด Long และเปิด Short เพื่อป้องกันความผิดพลาด
หัวใจสำคัญของระบบนี้คือความเรียบง่าย ไม่ต้องใช้ Indicator ซับซ้อน เพียงเข้าใจหลักการพื้นฐานและมีวินัย แต่การนำไปใช้จริงต้องอาศัยประสบการณ์และการฝึกฝน ลุงโฉลกและอาจารย์พิริยะเน้นย้ำว่า การเทรดไม่ใช่สำหรับทุกคน ควรเลือกสิ่งที่ตัวเองรักและสร้างรายได้ และแยกเงินลงทุนออกจากเงินใช้จ่ายประจำวันอย่างชัดเจน ลุงโฉลกยังได้กล่าวถึงการ "ถือศีล 5" โดยเปรียบเทียบ “ควาย” ก็ทำได้โดยไม่รู้เหตุผล แต่การถือศีลที่แท้จริง ต้องมาจาก "ปัญญา" คือการเข้าใจเหตุผลและเจตนารมณ์ ในการปฏิบัติ เช่นเดียวกับการลงทุน ที่ไม่ใช่แค่ทำตามระบบ แต่ต้องเข้าใจหลักการ และเหตุผล เบื้องหลังระบบนั้นๆ
CDC Talk EP4 เป็นการนำเสนอมุมมองที่น่าสนใจเกี่ยวกับการลงทุน โดยเน้นความสำคัญของการลงทุนระยะยาว การบริหารความเสี่ยง และการเลือกสินทรัพย์ที่มีคุณภาพ แม้ระบบจะดูเรียบง่าย แต่ความสำเร็จนั้นมาจากการเข้าใจ วินัย และการฝึกฝนอย่างต่อเนื่อง คลิปนี้จึงไม่เพียงแต่ให้ความรู้ แต่ยังกระตุ้นให้ผู้ขมได้คิดอย่างมีวิจารณญาณเกี่ยวกับการลงทุน และเลือกเส้นทางการลงทุนที่เหมาะสมกับตนเอง
@ 3c7dc2c5:805642a8
2024-11-12 21:52:55
## 🧠Quote(s) of the week:
'If you have survived China mining ban, FTX, BlockFi, Celsius, Futures ETFs, and massive FUD you are now a confirmed Bitcoin HODL’er. It’s time to sit back and enjoy The Banana Zone' - BTCforFreedom
'You should not sell your bitcoin. Your children should not sell your family’s bitcoin. It is wealth that should last generations.
This is grabbing land in the New World in the 1700s, except instead of waiting 350 years for it to mature, you wait 20 years.' - Wealth Theory
## 🧡Bitcoin news🧡
Let me start this week's Weekly Recap with the following message.
This is it, ladies & gentlemen. Retail is starting to get excited. People are asking me: 'Should I buy Bitcoin?', 'Am I too late?', 'Will Bitcoin reach the 100K or 200K?'
I honestly have no clue, and it depends on the liquidity splashes coming from central banks. But I truly believe much higher than 100K. Don't pinpoint it, as I said, I have no clue.
But for the love of god, calm your tits people! This is not the end goal! Now I am in no position to tell you what to do with your corn, but selling now? I don't think so chief!
You didn’t sit through 7 months of chop to start thinking about the exit already.
You can endure the same amount of time again.
How do I feel about Bitcoin in the upcoming years, and decades, well let me explain that with the following picture:
So Trump won, but remember, you will still want to own Bitcoin.
'There is no red.
There is no blue.
There is the State.
And there is you.' - WalkerAmerika
On the 5th of November:
➡️Semler Scientific announced yesterday that they increased their Bitcoin holdings to 1,058 BTC. Today, their stock is up 25%.
➡️Bitcoin mining difficulty hits a new ATH, surpassing 100 trillion.
➡️Bitcoin has always gone PARABOLIC after a US election, and Bitcoin has never dipped back lower than the price on election day.
➡️Trump as the US President:
- Pardoning Ross Ulbricht on Day One
- A Strategic Bitcoin Reserve
- Friendly mining policies
- Favorable SEC: end of Choke Point 2.0
➡️Semler Scientific purchases an additional 47 Bitcoin, and now holds 1,058.
➡️Bitcoin miners Marathon Digital and Riot Platforms report their highest production since halving in October.
Marathon mined 717 BTC ($48.8M), while Riot mined 505 BTC $34.4M).
On the 6th of November:
➡️Bitcoin hits a new all-time high. Bitcoin hit $75,000 for the first time as it became clear Trump won the election. The anti-Bitcoin movement died last night (election day/night). The USA will be the most pro-Bitcoin nation in the world. And it looks like they will have a Bitcoin Strategic Reserve.
Senator Lummis has put forward a bill for the U.S. Govt to buy 200,000 Bitcoin per year over 5 years for a total of 1,000,000 $BTC. At today's price that would be worth $76 BILLION.
One tiny little thing is why I am skeptical about this bill. During a speech at the Bitcoin conference in Nashville Lummis used her words quite well, let's say strangely:
Her word choice here is "assemble" instead of "purchase" or "buy". Most likely MicroStrategy will play a role and they, the US government, already have like 200K Bitcoin.
I have a feeling a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve will be built through confiscation and taxation – and Lummis is already hard at work to make it happen. Just a feeling.
➡️You have approximately three months until the U.S. Government puts into law the active accumulation of Bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset.
Other sovereigns will be discreetly front-running. The clock has already started. Cheers to everyone who built a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve before the United States of America.
➡️BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF saw a record volume of $1 billion today in the first 20 minutes. Bitcoin ETFs have seen $3.73 billion in trading volume over the last 24 hours, with BlackRock accounting for over half of it.
➡️$4.5 billion Bitwise CIO says, “We are entering the Golden Age of Crypto.” We will see a “strong bull market for years to come.”
➡️Bitcoin surpasses Meta to become the world’s 9th largest asset by market cap.
➡️'MicroStrategy breaks $50 BILLION market cap and is now worth more than Ford Motor Company.
Ford has lost ~60% of its market cap since 2022 and holds $26 BILLION in cash, about 65% of its total market cap! The "melting ice cube" of cash holdings, eroded by inflation year after year. This is what Michael Saylor feared for his company when he decided to buy Bitcoin in 2020. MicroStrategy's market cap has been up ~45x since then.
Get some Bitcoin Ford.' - Bitcoin Archive
On the 7th of November:
➡️MicroStrategy will spend $10 BILLION buying Bitcoin next year, which is more than the total amount it has spent buying Bitcoin since 2020.
➡️Bitcoin is tracking the 2017 and 2021 bull markets perfectly and is ready for lift-off.
➡️Italy is under pressure from lawmakers to drop proposals to raise taxes on Bitcoin. & crypto capital gains.
Economic Minister: "I am willing to consider different forms of taxation for people who keep investments in their portfolio."
➡️Chinese TV reporting that “Trump will make the US the world's crypto capital and establish a strategic Bitcoin reserve.”
This is now urgent for every nation.
➡️ Bitcoin Treasuries are expanding in the EU.
The Blockchain Group has appointed Alexandre Laizet as Deputy CEO, focusing on boosting Bitcoin holdings per share.
They’re raising €1 million to acquire 15 Bitcoin, strengthening their BTC strategy.
On the 8th of November:
➡️Yesterday's Bitcoin ETF inflows have reached a new high with $1,373.8 million of inflows.
Blackrock did $1,119.9 million and Fidelity $190.9 million.
Price went from $75k to $76.5k now, sitting back at $75.7k.
➡️Swiss National Bank Chairman says Bitcoin is a "niche phenomenon" not suitable for payments.
Meanwhile: The largest Swiss Canton bank now offers Bitcoin to 1.5m customers Bitcoin!
➡️ Bitcoin held by country:
➡️ Bitcoin vs. Gold ETF inflows by year.
Bear in mind that the first year of an ETF is historically the hardest to attract inflows.
In 10 months, Blackrock's Bitcoin ETF just surpassed what Blackrock's Gold ETF did in 20 years.
➡️'The former CEO of Sotheby's, Tim Smith. It is his job to know value. He retired and studied Bitcoin and the economy we have just been in.
Please I urge you to understand as Bitcoin goes from $76,000 to $1,000,000 and beyond.' - Brian Roemmele
Please watch the clip: [here](https://x.com/BrianRoemmele/status/1854604073565405312)
The video is perfectly explained by BTConlyScoot:
'This is the perfect type of individual and video to show to your high institutional trust, high IQ friends who are skeptical of Bitcoin... The CEO of Sotheby's tells them;
1. they need to do 100-100 hours (not you telling them - the CEO of Sotheby's)
2. 8-10% increase in money supply = 8-10% increase in S&P index, is correlated and consequentially is no increase in your wealth (... again not you telling them)
Because they are high-trust individuals, they need someone with credentials they respect to spell it out.
Then they just might study Bitcoin! But you won't get the credit.'
➡️Google searches for Bitcoin are surging as the price hit $76,000 to make a record high this week. In good dutch, 'het klootjesvolk komt eraan!'.
➡️German parliament member Joana Cotar says "If the US buys Bitcoin as a strategic reserve, then I think all the European countries will get FOMO.”
German government's decision to sell 50,000 Bitcoin at $54K cost them $1.1 billion in missed profits. Wunderbar!
On the 9th of November:
➡️El Salvador is now $100 million in profits on their Bitcoin.
➡️Bitcoin ETFs bought $2.3 BILLION of Bitcoin in the last 3 days.
On the 10th of November:
➡️Bitcoin has finally reached its first inflation-adjusted all-time high since 2021.
➡️El Salvador is now $100 million in profits on their Bitcoin.
On the 11th of November:
➡️$725 billion Bernstein urges investors to add exposure to Bitcoin “as soon as possible.”
“We will keep it simple. Don’t fight this.”
➡️Wicked: 'When Bitcoin first broke out above its all-time high in 2017, it pumped +139% and then had a brutal -40% retracement. If we saw those percentages again for this cycle's first break out, we'd see a pump to $167k followed by a retracement back to $100k.'
➡️BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF does $1 BILLION trading volume in just 35 minutes.
➡️MicroStrategy acquires an additional 27,200 BTC for $2 billion
They now hold 279,420 BTC acquired at $42,692 per Bitcoin. Michael Saylor outlines the path for MicroStrategy to become a TRILLION-DOLLAR company.
“I think it's infinitely scalable. I don't have any problem seeing how we could raise $100bn more capital and then $200bn after that."
➡️This is the biggest single-day $ price increase in Bitcoin history!
💸Traditional Finance / Macro:
On the 5th of November:
👉🏽'Corruption, the billionaires and market makers always know.
Last Week: Ken Griffin sold 79% of Citadel’s Stake in Nvidia.This Week: Nvidia, ask the US Supreme Court to spare them from securities fraud suits.' Meta News
The vast majority of productivity gains and the added value created by human innovation is robbed by governments through inflation. That's why we Bitcoin.
On the 9th of November:
👉🏽For the first time in history, the S&P 500 broke above 6,000 last week, up +46% in 13 months.
The S&P 500 now has a market cap of $50 TRILLION, adding $15 trillion since October 2023.
However, US technology funds have seen a record $5 billion of outflows over the last 4 weeks.
On the 10th of November:
👉🏽'Berkshire Hathaway’s, cash position relative to total assets jumped to 28.0% in Q3 2024, the most in at least 34 years.
This means that Buffett's cash share has DOUBLED in just a year.
The company is piling into cash at a faster pace than in the mid-2000s.
Back then, this percentage reached 24.5% in Q2 2005 and remained elevated until 2008.
Berkshire Hathaway also decided to HALT stock buybacks for the first time since 2018.
Does Warren Buffett believe the market is too expensive?' - TKL
## 🏦Banks:
👉🏽no news
## 🌎Macro/Geopolitics:
On the 5th of November:
👉🏽'Output per hours worked ("labor productivity") has increased *much* more in the US than in other advanced economies since the pandemic.
Maybe using an economic policy strategy aimed at running the economy hot was not a bad idea after all?' - Phillip Heimberger
👉🏽In 2000, China accounted for 6% of global manufacturing.
In 2030, China is projected to account for almost half of all global manufacturing.
This kind of shift is unprecedented in the modern world economy.
👉🏽Evidence of plutocratic developments in the US:
Billionaires spent nearly $2 billion on the 2024 US presidential election (60% more than during the 2020 election).
Almost three-quarters of billionaire campaign spending went to Republicans.
👉🏽Jeroen Blokland: 'We go into the USElection2024 with US debt higher than ever, and both candidates are likely to add much more of it than is projected in the already dire baseline projected by the Congressional Budget Office. Obviously, the US will print its way out of this.
A key question is whether this will trigger a faster unfolding of Gresham's law, the phenomenon where people will spend 'bad' money (money with less value) first and hoard 'good' money (money with more value.)'
👉🏽'Global central bank net gold purchases reached 694 tonnes year-to-date, the 3rd largest on record.
In Q3 alone, the net buying hit 186 tonnes as gold prices continued their historic run.
Since 2022, central banks have acquired a MASSIVE 2,825 tonnes of gold, double the average seen before the 2020 pandemic.
Purchases have been primarily driven by China, India, Turkey and Poland.
Gold prices have hit 41 all-time highs this year and are up 33% year-to-date, the best performance in 3 decades.
Central banks are stocking up on gold while calling for a "soft landing." -TKL
On the 6th of November:
👉🏽Trump won the elections in a decisive way. Trump's win is responsible for this Bitcoin pump, which will likely lead to a more sustained long-term bull run. Yet make no mistake the bull run would've still happened even if Trump had lost.
Some important stats:
* Trump won Starr County TX, the most Hispanic county in America at 97% by 16 points.
The last time it voted Republican was in 1892.
* What about campaign spending in the swing states?
I guess campaign spending doesn't determine the outcome. Worth noting that far more “billionaires” backed Harris than Trump and she raised almost 50% more money.
3 out of 4 Americans who said that inflation caused them and their family severe hardship in the last year voted for Trump.
* People hate price increases (irrespective of whether their real wages keep up), and this was a major reason for voting the Democrats out.
* 2004 John Kerry 59 million votes.
2008 Barack Obama 69.5 million votes.
2012 Barack Obama 65.9 million votes.
2016 Hillary Clinton 65.8 million votes.
2020 Joe Biden 81 million votes.
2024 Kamala Harris 68 million votes.
What happened in 2020?
Peter McCormack is spot on: "To all the people that are surprised and angry by the Trump result, I am sad to inform you that there is an equal cohort in the UK who are also pissed off with the corporate media, political elite, inflation, attacks on free speech, etc...
Your irrational meltdowns will not change what is coming..."
👉🏽'To my friends in Germany, it seems that with the news of the end of the German government, both Harris and Habeck will fall into irrelevance the same day. Cheers.'
On this day the German coalition government imploded. As the federal government is collapsing and the country approaches early elections, the right-wing party AfD is ahead of all three government parties. Lindner triggered the collapse, and his FDP is currently unlikely to even overcome the 5% hurdle of getting into parliament.
On top of that Germany is not in a recession, the German business model based on cheap energy from Russia, growing exports to China, and cheap subcontractors in Eastern Europe is imploding.
Grotesque overregulation, green paranoia and ideological amateurs in key government positions do the rest. Industrial production in Germany is now 17% *lower* than at the end of 2017. Auf gehts, Jungs!
To make it even worse, on the 11th of November news came in: the German economy is suffering from the worst lack of orders since the global financial crisis of 2009 — Ifo Institute
On the 7th of November:
👉🏽REPORTER: If Trump asked you to leave would you go? Jay Powell: No
REPORTER: You're not required to leave?
Jay Powell: No
Q: If the Fed doesn't answer to the President of the USA, who does it answer to?!
In terms of funding, the Fed operates like a private entity but its board reports to Congress.
It’s an independent entity within the us government. The president chooses the fed chair but after being selected he can’t remove him because of political conflict of interest.
But you must ask yourself who is on the board of the Fed? Good luck finding out who. The banking cartel. The families that run it. You ain't in that club.
👉🏽'What's happening with the "Fed pivot?"
Today, the Fed cut interest rates by 25 bps in their 2nd cut since 2020.
Meanwhile, mortgage rates are at their highest level since July and have risen ~100 basis points in 2 months.
Is the market doubting the Fed pivot?' -TKL
The Bank of England also cut rates today.
👉🏽'US personal interest payments hit $556 BILLION in September, the second-largest in history.
Since 2022, Americans' interest costs have DOUBLED.
Personal interest as a percentage of disposable personal income is now at 2.5%, near the highest since the 2008 Financial Crisis.
This metric is also materially higher than the 2.0% seen in the 1970s when interest rates were almost twice as much as the current 4.75%-5.00% range.
All while the total household debt sits at a record $17.8 TRILLION.
Consumers are drowning in interest expense.' -TKL
On the 8th of November:
👉🏽China announced a $1.4 TRILLION debt bailout and is working on more measures to boost the economy.
On the 9th of November:
👉🏽Robert Habeck, German Vice Chancellor, and Green party member: "The regulation of algorithms, of X or TikTok, through the application of European legal norms is a central task. We cannot place ‘democratic discourse’ in the hands of Elon Musk and Chinese software."
Good luck Robert Habeck with regulating X. You have not noticed that things have changed since Tuesday? There is a new sheriff in town.
JD Vance says the US could veto NATO if Europe tries to regulate Elon Musk’s platforms.
“If NATO wants us to continue supporting them, and NATO wants us to continue to be a good participant in this military alliance, why don't you respect American values and respect free speech?”
“It's insane that we would support a military alliance if that military alliance isn't gonna be pro-free speech.”
“We've gotta say American power comes with certain strings attached. One of those is respect for free speech, especially in our European allies.”
“European countries should theoretically share American values, especially about some very basic things like free speech.”
👉🏽'US government spending is set to reach $13.0 TRILLION in 2029, according to IMF estimates.
That would be almost DOUBLE the amount seen in Fiscal Year 2024 which came in at $6.8 trillion.
To put this into perspective, prior to 2008, government expenditures were 3 TIMES lower.
Meanwhile, the US posted its third largest budget deficit in history last month, reaching $1.8 TRILLION or 6.4% of GDP.
Currently, total federal debt sits at a new record of $35.9 trillion.' -TKL
🎁If you have made it this far I would like to give you a little gift:
Lyn Alden: 'Along with Steve Lee and Ren, I co-authored a paper that analyzes the process and risks of how Bitcoin upgrades its consensus rules over time, from a technical & economic perspective.'
Thread: https://x.com/LynAldenContact/status/1854606667213603208
Great read!
Credit: I have used multiple sources!
My savings account: Bitcoin
Get your Bitcoin out of exchanges. Save them on a hardware wallet, run your own node...be your own bank. Not your keys, not your coins. It's that simple.
Do you think this post is helpful to you? If so, please share it and support my work with sats.
⭐ Many thanks⭐
Felipe - Bitcoin Friday!
@ 3cea4806:10fe3f40
2024-11-12 21:24:18
testA looong
@ 6f170f27:711e26dd
2024-11-12 21:12:17
Less Chinese PhD student enroll in US universities. Less Chinese PhD students in the US get jobs in the US.
The start of this trend aligns suspicously good with the start us the US-Chinese trade war.
> Building a Wall Around Science: The Effect of U.S.-China Tensions on International Scientific Research
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/765173
@ ac8bb9b0:70278acc
2024-11-12 19:55:33
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10
- 🍳 Cook time: 45
- 🍽️ Servings: 16
## Ingredients
- 1/4 cup light brown sugar
- 1/4 cup granulated sugar
- 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 pound unsalted pecans halves
- 1 egg white
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon water
## Directions
1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
2. In a bowl, add sugars, cinnamon, and salt. Whisk until combined. Set aside.
3. In a large bowl, whisk the egg white, vanilla, and water together until frothy. Add the pecans and gently toss until the pecans are well coated. Add the sugar and cinnamon mixture and toss until pecans are covered.
4. Spread the pecans out in a single layer on prepared baking sheet. Bake for about 30-45 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.
5. Remove from the oven and let the pecans cool on the baking sheet. When completely cool, store in an airtight container for up to 1 month.
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-11-12 19:48:49
As we head into the first night of the Emirates Cup Tournament ([Survivor Pool here](https://stacker.news/items/760645)), I wanted to share the data I've gathered through my NBA contests.
# Emirates Cup first round of Group play
- 50% of stackers chose Orlando
- 25% of stackers chose Miami
- 12.5% of stackers chose Boston
- 12.5% of stackers chose New York
# [NBA Prediction Contest](https://stacker.news/items/739939/r/Undisciplined)
## Champ
- Celtics (4/14)
- Pacers (3/14)
- Thunder (2/14)
- Nuggets (1/14)
- T-Wolves (1/14)
- Mavericks (1/14)
- Lakers (1/14)
- Knicks (1/14)
## MVP
- Luka (8/14)
- SGA (3/14)
- Giannis (2/14)
- Jokic (1/14)
## All NBA First Team
- Luka (13/14)
- Jokic (12/14)
- Giannis (12/14)
- SGA (11/14)
- Edwards (8/14)
- Brunson (6/14)
- Wemby (3/14)
- Tatum (2/14)
- Mitchell (1/14)
- Embiid (1/14)
- Davis (1/14)
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/765075
@ 6e24af77:b3f1350b
2024-11-12 18:53:21
@ 90ae01dc:6991f210
2024-11-12 18:08:21
test article generated in hablanews by hablanator
@ 0461fcbe:35a474dd
2024-11-12 17:58:48
On Nostr, I am running several marketing accounts for my projects: Ditto, The Mostr Bridge, and Cobrafuma. But I want other people to be able to post from those accounts. In fact, I want to hire a "social media manager" someday (for when my wife is not available 😂).
This is a pretty basic need for social media, but of course on Nostr it isn't basic at all, because private keys have nuclear potential if leaked. Even if you trust the person, a small mistake could be disastrous.
To solve this, we need a bunker.
## What is a bunker?
A bunker (aka "remote signer") allows you to store your keys on your computer, but give others access. Once the other person is granted access, they can send commands to your computer like `sign_event` and `get_public_key`, and your computer will perform those operations without needing to expose the actual key.
![Nostr Bunker](https://image.nostr.build/8b2b28a29502d79a58194cae2edc0d151128a2acbc0d9f8358026d988d771550.png)
In reality the UX is not so technical. Your bunker generates a unique URI containing the connection details, and the other person pastes it into the login screen. Everything else happens automatically.
As for the running the bunker, you can run it on a VPS, a laptop, an old computer in your house, a Raspberry Pi, or even an Android phone.
The first bunker was an Android app called Nostr Connect. This lead to the creation of nsecBunker (a hosted service), nsec.app (a bunker that runs inside your web browser), and Amber (another Android app).
These days nsec.app and Amber are the only ones being actively developed, but due to running in restricted environments (web and Android respectively), they don't offer the level of 24/7 reliability I wanted in a bunker. If you are a single user managing your own keys I still recommend Amber, but for doling out credentials to your team, you might want knox.
## Introducing Knox
![Knox CLI Screenshot](https://image.nostr.build/350617062b88fe891d053739ba40f38c2d8a34f0de099424eb632fce0685fc1a.png)
knox is a command-line tool that manages keys, generates bunker URIs, and runs a bunker server. It is still beta software, but I am using it successfully today to post on Ditto.
knox is inspired by the wonderful [`nak bunker`](https://github.com/fiatjaf/nak) command, which almost solved my problem but has no way to store credentials. So I created my own command-line bunker that you can run again and again.
![knox.bunker thumbnail](https://image.nostr.build/81462ac0a645067b4e546f78d732caa9523d1873641e9519cc877f81d1a36c19.png)
Most notably, knox introduces a portable `.bunker` file format for storing keys and connection details. It's encrypted with a password, which you have to type every time you want to add or remove keys, generate new URIs, and when you start the bunker.
With knox you can have one bunker file, or many. It is loosely inspired by the KeePass `.kbdx` idea.
knox is written in TypeScript, but it's available as a precompiled executable on Linux, MacOS, and Windows thanks to `deno compile`.
## Getting Started
To install knox, I've prepared a simple setup script that will detect your OS and install the knox command in your path:
curl https://dl.soapbox.pub/install/knox.sh | sh
You can also grab a [precompiled binary](https://gitlab.com/soapbox-pub/knox#install) if you don't want to run the script.
## Commands
Once installed, run `knox` to see a list of supported commands. It should look something like this:
Usage: knox [options] [command]
Nostr bunker with encrypted storage.
-V, --version output the version number
-f, --file <file> path to the bunker file (default: "knox.bunker")
-h, --help display help for command
init initialize a new bunker
add <name> add a new key to the bunker
remove <name> remove a key from the bunker
uri [options] <name> <relay...> generate a bunker URI for a key
revoke <secret> revoke an authorization
pubkey [options] <name> show the public key of a secret key
status [name] show the status of the bunker
start start the bunker daemon
change change the passphrase of the bunker
export [options] export keys from the bunker
update [options] [ref] update knox to the latest version
help [command] display help for command
Run `knox init` to create a new bunker file. Then use `knox add alex` (replace with your own name) to add a key, then `knox uri alex` to get a connection string. Finally, run `knox start` to start the bunker.
While the bunker is running, you can continue to run commands like `knox add` and `knox uri` in another tab, and the bunker will detect the file changes and automatically refresh.
![Knox Status command results](https://image.nostr.build/f9753313bb8bca2653cb3fafbc72d1804aae187ae00d467ceeff25e6aaad3f05.png)
Another good one is `knox status`, which shows a list of keys and whether any of their URIs are being utilized. `knox status <key>` can show the individual connections for a specific key, and `knox revoke <secret>` can revoke an individual connection.
## Bunker Where?
knox needs internet connectivity to connect to relays, but it does not need to expose any ports to the outside world, so the ideal place might be on a desktop computer in your living room. This might be considered more secure than a VPS in a datacenter, depending on your circumstances.
![Living room bunker PC](https://image.nostr.build/381aa7a45e675994e6ec4198965d54da72b6f4c42613588297a63c58592a254c.jpg)
I am running knox on an old Dell computer under my TV, which is a cheap and simple solution. It's connected to a backup battery in case the power flickers, but a prolonged outage would require starting the bunker again manually. I also suggest running the bunker in `screen` or a similar tool so you can reconnect and view the logs over ssh on your home network.
It's not suggested to run knox in systemd, because knox requires manually entering the encryption password when it starts. Any solution to store the password to disk, or pass it through a command-line argument, would compromise security.
## What's Next?
For now, knox is meeting my needs. As the idea evolves I expect to make more changes, and possibly improvements to the `.bunker` format if anyone else decides to use it. Feel free to drop any suggestions on [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/soapbox-pub/knox/-/issues)!
Another interesting idea would be to build a UI to manage the `.bunker` file, or to offer hosted bunker (although I am kind of against this, unless the hoster is just cloud sync service and the bunker is decrypted locally within the browser, similar to KeeWeb).
@ 98589a2e:bf49daa1
2024-11-12 16:16:37
В 2040 году Санкт-Петербург стал современным мегаполисом, в котором гармонично сочетаются исторические здания и инновационные архитектурные решения. Город активно развивает новые жилые комплексы и культурные пространства, что значительно влияет на рынок недвижимости.
## Новые жилые комплексы
Согласно новому Генеральному плану, к 2040 году в Санкт-Петербурге будет построено около 67 миллионов квадратных метров жилья. Основные районы для нового строительства — Пушкинский, Приморский и Московский. Около 66% нового жилья будет построено на свободных участках, а 12% — в зонах реновации застроенных территорий. Это позволит удовлетворить растущий спрос на жильё, учитывая прогнозируемый рост населения до 6,5 миллионов человек.
## Культурные и развлекательные пространства
Санкт-Петербург также активно развивает культурные и развлекательные объекты. Например, такие места, как «Севкабель-порт» и «Новая Голландия», становятся центрами притяжения для горожан и туристов, предлагая разнообразные мероприятия и услуги. Эти пространства способствуют созданию уникальной городской атмосферы и повышают привлекательность района для жизни.
## Влияние на рынок недвижимости
Развитие новых жилых комплексов и культурных пространств положительно сказывается на рынке недвижимости:
- **Рост цен**: ожидается умеренный рост цен на жильё, что связано с дефицитом предложения и высоким спросом.
- **Инвестиционная привлекательность**: Санкт-Петербург остается привлекательным для инвесторов благодаря уникальной архитектуре и культурному наследию.
- **Развитие инфраструктуры**: новые транспортные проекты, такие как расширение метрополитена и строительство новых мостов, улучшат доступность районов, что также повысит стоимость недвижимости.
Таким образом, сочетание современных жилых комплексов с культурными пространствами создаёт динамичную среду для жизни и инвестиций в Санкт-Петербурге, формируя его будущее как одного из ведущих городов России.
### Ваши предложения о том, что бы вы хотели еще поменять или улучшить в городе ждем в комментариях!
@ 30ceb64e:7f08bdf5
2024-11-12 15:41:27
Hey Freaks,
Listen to these.
## Joy Again - How you Feel
## Vacations - Young
## The Rare Occasions - Notion
## Current Joys - Blondie
## Mac Demarco - On The Level
## Snail Mail - Habit
## Modest Mouse - Trailer Trash
## Third Eye Blind - Darkness
## Weezer - Pink Triangle
## The Mars Volta - The Widow
And let me know what you think.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/764730
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-11-12 14:44:24
There are some new soccer matches up at [freebitcoin](https://freebitco.in/?r=51325722).
Using my proprietary [Risk Balanced Odds Arbitrage](https://stacker.news/items/342765/r/Undisciplined) approach, you too can lock in some easy wins.
# Bets
All you have to do is apportion your sats in accord with the following 1000 sat splits (scale up or down in proportion to how much you like winning):
| Outcome 1 | Outcome 2 | Outcome 3 | Bet 1 | Bet 2 | Bet 3 |
| Verona| Inter Milan| Draw | 120| 700 | 180 |
| Napoli| Roma| Draw | 540| 200| 260|
| AC Milan| Juventus| Draw | 450| 270| 280|
| AC Milan| Empoli| Draw | 700| 100| 200|
| Union Berlin| Leverkusen| Draw | 220| 540| 240|
| RB Leipzig| Wolfsburg| Draw | 650| 140| 210|
| Leverkusen| Heidenheim| Draw | 800| 70| 130|
| Hoffenheim| RB Leipzig| Draw | 250| 520| 230|
| Dortmund| SC Freiburg| Draw | 590| 190| 220|
| Dortmund| FC Bayern| Draw | 230| 540| 230|
# Updates
The payouts from [these matches](https://stacker.news/items/743312/r/Undisciplined) have all been made. Our hypothetical 14k returned just over 15k.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/764646
@ 4874b840:31b0b8c0
2024-11-12 14:16:37
Мы рады представить новое издание **«Калининград 2040»**, которое станет уникальным источником информации о будущем нашего города. Это средство массовой информации будет освещать самые актуальные новости, инновационные разработки и ключевые события, формирующие облик Калининграда в ближайшие десятилетия.
«Калининград 2040» будет не только информировать читателей о новых технологиях и проектах, но и погружать их в мир морской промышленности. Мы планируем эксклюзивные репортажи с производств морских судов, где будут представлены передовые разработки и достижения местных предприятий. Читатели смогут узнать о том, как Калининград становится важным центром судостроения и какие перспективы открываются для региона.
Мы уделим внимание актуальным экономическим проблемам, с которыми сталкивается город. Мы будем анализировать изменения в экономической ситуации, **обсуждать меры по поддержке бизнеса и привлекать экспертов** для оценки будущих трендов.
**Здравоохранение** — еще одна важная тема, которую мы планируем освещать. В условиях быстро меняющегося мира мы будем следить за новыми инициативами в области медицины, инновациями в лечении и профилактике заболеваний, а также за развитием системы здравоохранения в Калининграде.
Не обойдем стороной и уникальную историю нашего города — **«городок кошек»**. Мы расскажем о том, что произошло с этим необычным местом, как оно изменилось и какие инициативы по его сохранению и развитию существуют сегодня.
**«Калининград 2040»** — это не просто новостное издание, а платформа для обсуждения будущего нашего города. Мы приглашаем всех заинтересованных читателей следить за нашими публикациями!
@ 74718b83:b8204bd8
2024-11-12 13:48:52
Hey guys, do you think a big bullrun might cause a spike in activity here? or do you think that the learning curve and journey when a noob takes longer with people only learning about things like nostr and SN later in the curve?
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/764581
@ c7c26cb9:7525bb8d
2024-11-12 11:44:48
Bitcoin, a primeira e mais famosa criptomoeda, desperta curiosidade e dúvidas há mais de uma década. Ao longo dos anos, muitas pessoas têm debatido se ele deve ser visto como um investimento ou como algo mais. Embora alguns o vejam como uma oportunidade de ganhar dinheiro rápido, muitos especialistas, incluindo economistas renomados como Fernando Ulrich, têm argumentado que o Bitcoin deve ser visto não como um investimento, mas sim como uma reserva de valor. Neste texto, vamos explorar o que isso significa e por que o Bitcoin, em um contexto global de inflação crescente e políticas monetárias controversas, se destaca como uma alternativa atraente.
## O que é uma Reserva de Valor?
Uma reserva de valor é um ativo que preserva seu poder de compra ao longo do tempo. Em outras palavras, é algo que, mesmo com o passar dos anos, mantém ou aumenta seu valor, permitindo que as pessoas protejam seu patrimônio contra a perda de valor do dinheiro. O ouro é um exemplo clássico de reserva de valor. Historicamente, ele tem sido usado como forma de proteção contra a inflação e a desvalorização das moedas.
## O Bitcoin como Reserva de Valor
A ideia de que o Bitcoin é uma reserva de valor, e não um investimento, é defendida por economistas como Fernando Ulrich e Saifedean Ammous. Eles explicam que, ao contrário dos investimentos tradicionais (como ações ou imóveis), o Bitcoin não gera renda ou dividendos. No entanto, ele possui características que fazem dele uma excelente opção para proteger a riqueza contra a inflação e a instabilidade das moedas tradicionais (fiat), como o real, o dólar e o euro.
## Inflação e a Emissão de Moeda pelos Governos
Para entender por que o Bitcoin se destaca como reserva de valor, é importante compreender o que é a inflação e como ela afeta o poder de compra das moedas fiat. A inflação é um processo contínuo de desvalorização da moeda, causado, entre outras coisas, pela emissão excessiva de dinheiro, o que resulta em um aumento generalizado dos preços ao longo do tempo. Em outras palavras, conforme o governo aumenta a quantidade de dinheiro em circulação, o valor de cada unidade de moeda diminui, exigindo que as pessoas gastem mais para adquirir os mesmos produtos e serviços.
Essa política de emissão desenfreada é uma prática comum, especialmente durante crises econômicas, quando muitos governos optam por imprimir mais dinheiro para tentar estimular a economia. Um exemplo recente foi a pandemia de COVID-19, quando diversos países injetaram trilhões de dólares em suas economias para suportar gastos de emergência. Embora isso possa ajudar temporariamente, a longo prazo, essa expansão da base monetária gera um efeito indesejável: a perda de valor do dinheiro e a consequente redução do poder de compra.
## A Desvalorização das Moedas Fiat
A inflação reduz o valor das moedas fiat, e isso é uma realidade em praticamente todos os países do mundo. Nos últimos anos, economias como a dos Estados Unidos e da União Europeia têm enfrentado níveis elevados de inflação. Para países emergentes, como o Brasil, a situação é ainda mais crítica, pois as moedas são mais suscetíveis às políticas internas e às flutuações do mercado global. No Brasil, por exemplo, a inflação tem sido um problema persistente que diminui o poder de compra das famílias.
As moedas fiat são centralizadas, o que significa que os governos e bancos centrais têm controle total sobre sua emissão e circulação. Com essa liberdade de impressão, as moedas acabam inevitavelmente perdendo seu valor ao longo do tempo, o que causa incertezas e insegurança financeira para a população. Essa falta de controle e previsibilidade é o que leva muitas pessoas a buscar alternativas que preservem o valor de sua riqueza ao longo do tempo.
## Bitcoin: Distribuído e Limitado
Diferente das moedas fiat, o Bitcoin possui uma oferta limitada. Apenas 21 milhões de bitcoins existirão algum dia, um número que foi pré-determinado pelo seu criador, Satoshi Nakamoto. Essa limitação torna o Bitcoin escasso, semelhante ao ouro. Enquanto os governos podem imprimir dinheiro à vontade, não é possível "criar" mais bitcoins, o que impede a inflação descontrolada dentro desse sistema.
Outro ponto importante é que o Bitcoin é descentralizado, o que significa que ele não é controlado por nenhum governo, banco central ou entidade. Ele opera em uma rede distribuída, chamada blockchain, onde as transações são verificadas e registradas por milhares de computadores ao redor do mundo. Isso reduz o risco de manipulação ou censura, proporcionando uma alternativa mais segura para quem busca uma forma de reserva de valor que não seja afetada por políticas governamentais.
## Vantagens do Bitcoin como Reserva de Valor
1. **Descentralização**: Ninguém controla o Bitcoin. Sua estrutura descentralizada o torna resistente à censura e ao controle governamental, proporcionando uma segurança extra para os usuários.
2. **Oferta Limitada**: Ao contrário das moedas fiat, o Bitcoin possui uma oferta limitada. Isso significa que ele não pode ser "inflado" e perder valor com o tempo. Na verdade, sua escassez tende a valorizar o ativo à medida que mais pessoas reconhecem sua utilidade.
3. **Transparência**: Todas as transações são registradas publicamente na blockchain, o que aumenta a transparência do sistema e evita fraudes. Todos os participantes da rede podem verificar as transações, o que garante uma maior segurança e confiança.
4. **Portabilidade e Facilidade de Transferência**: Diferente do ouro, que é difícil de transportar, o Bitcoin é digital e pode ser transferido facilmente para qualquer lugar do mundo, o que torna seu uso mais prático para quem quer proteger seu patrimônio.
5. **Proteção contra a Inflação**: Como não é afetado diretamente pelas políticas monetárias de um país específico, o Bitcoin tende a se valorizar em tempos de inflação elevada. Assim, ele serve como uma forma de "seguro" contra a desvalorização das moedas tradicionais.
## Bitcoin Não é um Investimento, Mas uma Proteção
É comum que muitas pessoas vejam o Bitcoin como um investimento volátil e arriscado, mas essa visão ignora seu potencial como reserva de valor. Embora o preço do Bitcoin tenha flutuações, sua natureza descentralizada e limitada faz com que ele tenha um papel único na economia moderna. Economistas como Fernando Ulrich destacam que, ao invés de esperar que o Bitcoin “enriqueça” alguém, ele deve ser visto como uma alternativa segura de preservação de valor, especialmente em um contexto onde as moedas fiat estão sujeitas a inflação e desvalorização constantes.
Em resumo, o Bitcoin representa uma nova forma de reserva de valor que não depende da confiança em governos ou bancos centrais. Em um cenário global de incertezas econômicas, inflação crescente e desvalorização das moedas, ele se destaca como uma forma de proteger o patrimônio contra a perda de poder de compra. Assim, o Bitcoin não é um investimento no sentido tradicional, mas sim uma maneira de preservar a riqueza e garantir segurança financeira em um mundo cada vez mais instável.
@ 6bae33c8:607272e8
2024-11-12 09:53:33
So much for my [Jonnu Smith premonition](https://www.realmansports.com/p/week-10-observations-439). For a garbage game, he wasn’t terrible and almost scored a TD, but that was a tough watch overall. The Dolphins sling it around to so many different players, while the Rams have their shallow, rock-solid three-player tree that produces even when they fail to score a touchdown. I also spoiled it by accidentally glimpsing the final score while checking the price of bitcoin this morning — totally forgot there was even a game.
- I don’t know if Tua is still rusty, or the Dolphins have been solved, but there just isn’t any rhythm to the offense that was so unstoppable at times last year.
- How is the Rams defense better without Aaron Donald? It’s like they suddenly got faster, younger and more aggressive, the entire unit. It goes to show how much we don’t know, and how overrated names on jerseys are.
- The Dolphins defense was also nasty. I had expected this to be a shootout.
- De’Von Achane is so fast once he gets going, but the Rams rarely let that happen.
- Smith is a weapon, and he’s a significant part of the offense, but they spread it around so much.
- Jaylen Waddle had a bad drop, but they seemed to want to get him involved early.
- Tyreek Hill is one of the stranger busts in recent memory. He looks just as fast, but after Tua got hurt they just never regained interest in getting him the necessary looks.
- As I said, Cooper Kupp, Puka Nacua and Kyren Williams are rocks — the entire rest of the offense barely sees any touches.
- One odd thing when you know the final score is trying to figure out in real time how it gets there. When the Rams were down 20-9 with five minutes left, I was sure they would get the TD and fail on the two point conversion to make it 20-15. But instead they kicked the FG, the Dolphins got their FG, and the Rams kicked yet another FG before a failed onside kick.