@ 94a6a78a:0ddf320e
2024-11-27 19:36:12
The backbone of your Nostr experience lies in relays—servers that transmit your notes, zaps, and private messages across the decentralized network. Azzamo offers three specialized relays to suit different user needs, ensuring reliability, performance, and privacy.
### **1. Free Relay**
- **URL:** `wss://nostr.azzamo.net`
- **Overview:** Azzamo’s Free Relay is perfect for newcomers to Nostr. It’s open-access, reliable, and ensures fair use with moderate rate limits.
- **Key Features:**
- Free to use.
- Notes older than one month are purged daily.
- Accessible gateway for decentralized communication.
### **2. Paid Relay**
- **URL:** `wss://relay.azzamo.net`
- **Overview:** Designed for power users, the Paid Relay offers unmatched performance with 99.9% uptime and low latency.
- **Key Features:**
- Scalable for heavy users.
- Fewer users for faster, consistent connections.
- Premium support included for paid users.
### **3. Inbox Relay**
- **URL:** `wss://inbox.azzamo.net`
- **Overview:** Never miss a private message again with the Inbox Relay, optimized for secure, spam-free direct messaging.
- **Key Features:**
- Guaranteed message delivery.
- Optimized for NIP-17 private messages.
- Optimized for NIP-19 group chats.
- Premium users enjoy advanced support.
### **Why Choose Azzamo Relays?**
Life on Nostr is easier with Azzamo relays. They’re fast, reliable, and built to handle whatever you throw at them. The Paid Relay keeps your connections strong, the Inbox Relay makes sure no private message gets lost, and the Free Relay is always there to get you started. Supporting Azzamo by going premium helps keep this decentralized network growing—and you get priority support while you’re at it. Azzamo has your back on Nostr!
🔗 **Start now:**
- Free Relay: `wss://nostr.azzamo.net`
- Paid Relay: [azzamo.net/pay](https://azzamo.net/pay)
- Inbox Relay: [azzamo.net/inbox](https://azzamo.net/inbox)
Support the network and upgrade your experience—add time to your account via the [Azzamo Dashboard](https://azzamo.net/nostr-dashboard/). Choose Azzamo, and take control of your Nostr journey today!
@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2024-11-23 11:13:57
En los dos capítulos anteriores aprendimos cómo dos pares pueden enviar fondos entre sí en un canal actualizando el estado e invalidando estados antiguos. En este capítulo, daremos una visión general de cómo los HTLC permiten pagos de múltiples saltos. El próximo capítulo será una inmersión profunda en los HTLC.
¡Vamos a ello con un ejemplo simple!
### Red simple de 3 nodos y 2 saltos
En esta red simple, tenemos tres nodos: Alice, Bob y Charlie. Hay dos canales entre ellos: uno entre Alice y Bob y otro entre Bob y Charlie. Cada canal tiene una capacidad de 10 BTC distribuida equitativamente entre los participantes.
Para simplificar, solo mostramos una transacción de compromiso que gasta de la transacción de financiación, determinando así el estado del canal. Esto no es exactamente preciso, ya que aprendimos sobre compromisos asimétricos en el último capítulo, pero para los propósitos de entender los HTLC, esta simplificación será más fácil. Una descripción más precisa se dará en un capítulo posterior.
Ahora, supongamos que Alice quiere pagar a Charlie. No puede pagarle directamente ya que no tienen un canal entre ellos y es costoso (en términos de tiempo y dinero) abrir un canal solo para una transacción rápida. En su lugar, Alice puede usar su canal con Bob para enrutar un pago a Charlie, ya que Bob y Charlie comparten un canal.
### Paso 1: Generar y compartir un hash de pre-imagen
Alice primero necesita decirle a Charlie que quiere pagarle. Charlie generará un secreto aleatorio (la **pre-imagen**) `S` y obtendrá el **hash** de `S`, que llamaremos `H`. Charlie envía `H` a Alice.
### Paso 2: Configurar la cadena de HTLC
Supongamos que Alice quiere pagar a Charlie 1 BTC. Primero necesita encontrar una ruta hacia Charlie. En este caso es A-B-C. También ve que para usar esta ruta, necesita incentivar a Bob para que la ayude dándole una tarifa de enrutamiento. Supongamos que Bob cobra una tarifa fija de 1 BTC por enrutar pagos, por lo que Alice pagará un total de 2 BTC: 1 BTC por el enrutamiento y 1 BTC por Charlie. Alice luego le indica a Bob que le gustaría enrutar un pago sugiriendo que actualicen su estado de canal. En este ejemplo simplificado, la transacción de compromiso del canal tendrá las siguientes salidas (recuerda que en realidad Alice y Bob tendrán sus propias transacciones de compromiso):
- Una salida de 3 BTC de vuelta a Alice.
- Una salida de 5 BTC a Bob.
- Una salida de 2 BTC a un script especial que tiene 2 posibles caminos de gasto:
1. El primer camino puede ser gastado por Bob si tiene la pre-imagen de `H`
2. El segundo camino puede ser gastado por Alice después de un tiempo absoluto `cltv_expiry_AB`
Esta última salida con un script especial que bloquea los 2 BTC se llama un **Contrato de Bloqueo de Hash y de Tiempo** (Hash Time Locked Contract; HTLC) porque tiene un camino bloqueado por hash y un camino bloqueado por tiempo.
Bob actualizará felizmente a este nuevo estado de canal porque puede ver que no está perdiendo dinero: si la transacción se lleva a cabo en la cadena y aún no tiene la pre-imagen, entonces aún recupera sus fondos originales. También puede ver que si coopera y reenvía el pago, será recompensado con una tarifa de enrutamiento si el pago tiene éxito porque podrá reclamar la salida bloqueada por hash en la transacción.
Bob ahora bloquea algunos fondos de manera similar en su canal con Charlie. Actualiza la transacción de compromiso del canal para incluir las siguientes salidas:
- Una salida de 4 BTC a Bob
- Una salida de 5 BTC a Charlie
- Una salida de 1 BTC a un script HTLC que nuevamente tiene dos caminos de gasto:
1. El primer camino es gastable por Charlie si puede revelar la pre-imagen de `H`
2. El segundo camino es gastable por Bob después de un `cltv_expiry_BC`
Bob puede bloquear sus fondos de esta manera con confianza porque sabe que si el pago falla, podrá reclamar sus fondos a través del camino bloqueado por tiempo y si el pago tiene éxito y Charlie revela la pre-imagen cuando gasta a través del camino bloqueado por hash, entonces Bob verá esta pre-imagen y podrá reclamar la salida bloqueada por hash en el HTLC de la transacción de compromiso que tiene con Alice.
Cuando Charlie recibe esta oferta de HTLC de Bob, puede ver que de hecho conoce la pre-imagen `S` que se hash a `H`, por lo que sabe que puede reclamar el camino bloqueado por hash de la salida HTLC de la transacción de compromiso si se lleva a cabo en la cadena. Sin embargo, idealmente, las cosas no tienen que resolverse en la cadena. En su lugar, Charlie simplemente envía la pre-imagen `S` a Bob. Esto le prueba a Bob que Charlie reclamaría la salida HTLC si se llevara a cabo en la cadena y así ahora Bob y Charlie pueden acordar simplemente actualizar su transacción de compromiso para reflejar que Charlie ahora tiene 1 BTC más:
Ahora que Bob tiene la pre-imagen `S`, puede dar la vuelta y revelar `S` a Alice, probando que si su transacción de compromiso se lleva a cabo en la cadena, Bob reclamaría la salida bloqueada por hash. Así como Bob y Charlie hicieron en su canal, Alice y Bob actualizan su transacción de compromiso eliminando la salida HTLC para reflejar el nuevo saldo de fondos:
Alice envió a Charlie 1 BTC y Bob ganó 1 BTC en tarifas de enrutamiento.
### cltv_expiry
¿Qué pasa si las cosas salen mal? Por ejemplo, Charlie se desconecta y no responde a Bob con una pre-imagen. Si esto sucede, Bob necesitará transmitir la transacción de compromiso para que pueda reclamar sus fondos a través del camino bloqueado por tiempo del HTLC. Si transmite la transacción pero luego Charlie vuelve a estar en línea antes del `cltv_expiry_BC` y gasta a través del camino bloqueado por hash del HTLC, entonces Bob verá la pre-imagen en la cadena y podrá dar la vuelta a Alice y revelarle la pre-imagen como de costumbre.
A partir de este ejemplo, puedes ver que es importante que los valores de `cltv_expiry` disminuyan a lo largo del camino del remitente al receptor. Esto se debe a que en el peor de los casos, Charlie solo revela `S` a Bob justo antes de `cltv_expiry_BC` y luego Bob aún necesita tiempo para ir a Alice y revelar `S` antes de que ella pueda gastar a lo largo del camino `cltv_expiry_AB`. En otras palabras, `cltv_expiry_BC` debe ser antes de `cltv_expiry_AB`.
### Revisión
- **Contrato de Bloqueo de Hash y de Tiempo** (Hash Time Locked Contract; HTLC): Un script de salida especial en la transacción de compromiso que tiene un camino bloqueado por hash y un camino bloqueado por tiempo
- **Pre-imagen**: un secreto aleatorio utilizado para reclamar pagos
- **Hash** (de la pre-imagen): el hash de la preimagen utilizada para bloquear fondos a lo largo de una ruta de pago
- **Verificación de tiempo de bloqueo** (Check Locktime Verify; CLTV): El bloqueo de tiempo absoluto utilizado en los HTLC que debe disminuir a lo largo de la ruta de pago del remitente al receptor
### Referencias
- [BOLT2: Peer Protocol](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/02-peer-protocol.md#normal-operation)
- [BOLT3: Transactions](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/03-transactions.md)
- [LN Things Part 4: HTLC Overview](https://ellemouton.com/posts/htlc/) por nostr:nprofile1qqswrt9pnxatlplu49h6meld8svmwqt87wwvk256rqk07n6eu4qeh5gpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dszpfjtz
- [Time locks](https://docs.lightning.engineering/the-lightning-network/multihop-payments/timelocks)
@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2024-11-22 14:07:44
Veamos nuevamente la transacción de compromiso de Alice. Esta gasta de la transacción de financiación y tiene dos salidas: una salida `to_local` y una salida `to_remote`.
### to_remote
La salida `to_remote` es simplemente un P2WPKH enviando a la clave pública de Bob.
### to_local
La salida `to_local` tiene 2 caminos de gasto.
1. Una `<revocationpubkey>`
2. Una clave pública que pertenece a Alice pero que solo se puede gastar después del número de bloques `to_self_delay`.
# Transacción de penalización
En el Capítulo 2, describimos la revocación de la siguiente manera:
1. Alice genera una clave privada temporal `dA1` y una clave pública correspondiente `PA1` y envía la clave pública a Bob.
2. Alice luego crea una transacción de compromiso donde la salida `to_local` es inmediatamente gastable por Bob si tiene la clave privada `dA1`.
3. Si Alice y Bob actualizan el estado de su canal, entonces intercambiarán las claves privadas anteriores entre sí para invalidar el compromiso anterior, es decir, Alice enviará a Bob `dA1`.
Esta descripción es mayormente correcta pero no completa. Si echamos un vistazo nuevamente al script `to_self_delay` anterior, parece que el camino de revocación no tiene ninguna condición que diga que solo Bob puede gastarlo. Simplemente parece que cualquiera con la clave privada correspondiente a la clave pública de revocación puede gastarlo. Dado que Alice es quien generó la clave privada temporal en primer lugar, ¿no significa eso que también puede gastarlo?
Se utiliza un truco ingenioso para asegurarse de que solo Bob pueda gastar a través del camino de revocación. Antes de construir las transacciones de compromiso, tanto Alice como Bob derivan **dos** claves temporales y claves públicas asociadas.
1. Un par de claves `revocation_basepoint` (r -> R)
2. Un par de claves `per_commitment_point` (c -> C)
En otras palabras, Alice tendrá:
- su par de claves `revocation_basepoint`: `rA1` -> `RA1`
- su par de claves `per_commitment_point`: `cA1` -> `CA1`
Bob tendrá:
- su par de claves `revocation_basepoint`: `rB1` -> `RB1`
- su par de claves `per_commitment_point`: `cB1` -> `CB1`
Ahora, cuando sea el momento de que Alice construya la transacción de compromiso, enviará a Bob su clave pública del punto de compromiso `CA1`. Bob le enviará su clave pública del punto base de revocación `RB1`. Alice ahora puede derivar la clave pública de revocación que se incluirá en la transacción de compromiso de la siguiente manera:
Rev_A1 = R_B1 * sha256( R_B1 || C_A1 ) + C_A1 * sha256( C_A1 || R_B1 )
Ahora la salida `to_local` de Alice se ve así:
Cuando sea el momento de que Alice y Bob actualicen el estado e invaliden el estado antiguo, Alice envía a Bob su clave privada para el punto de compromiso `cA1`. Con esta clave, Bob ahora tiene tanto la clave privada del punto de compromiso de Alice `cA1` como su propia clave privada del punto base de revocación `rB1`, que corresponde a la clave pública `RB1` que le envió a Alice anteriormente cuando Alice estaba construyendo la transacción de compromiso. Así que ahora, con estas dos piezas de información, Bob puede derivar la clave privada correspondiente a la clave pública `Rev_A1` y, por lo tanto, gastar a través de la salida de revocación. Puede calcular la clave privada de la siguiente manera:
rev_A1 = r_B1 * sha256( R_B1 || C_A1 ) + c_A1 * sha256( C_A1 || R_B1 )
Alice nunca podrá derivar esta clave privada porque no tiene y nunca tendrá la clave privada del punto base de revocación de Bob `rB1`.
Ahora actualicemos los diagramas del Capítulo 2 para reflejar las nuevas cosas que hemos aprendido en este capítulo.
#### Estado 1:
#### Estado 2:
### Revisión
- **Dos** pares de claves se generan al construir las transacciones de compromiso
- Se necesitan las claves privadas de ambos pares de claves para poder gastar desde el camino de revocación
### Referencias
- [BOLT3: Derivación de `revocationpubkey`](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/03-transactions.md#revocationpubkey-derivation)
- [LN Things Part 3: Revocation in more detail](https://ellemouton.com/posts/revocation/) por nostr:nprofile1qqswrt9pnxatlplu49h6meld8svmwqt87wwvk256rqk07n6eu4qeh5gpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dszpfjtz
@ 58ff18bb:081df0c0
2024-11-30 04:38:37
* Stop worrying too much about what may come in the future or what has happened in the past.
* Our seconds tick by too fast to waste on things you can't change or control.
* Just let it be. Take a deep breath, be in the moment, and just be thankful for where you're at right now.
* The present is all we really have. Forget about the 'what ifs' and the 'should/could-haves.' Accept what was and what is.
* Remember, you've got one life, one opportunity to live.
* Don't let it slip away while you focus on the wrong things. Breathe in. Breathe out. Make every moment count.
**Thanks for Reading**
@ 58ff18bb:081df0c0
2024-11-29 17:55:32
* Don't change yourself just to make someone happy unless that someone is “you”.
* There are no missed opportunities; everything you missed wasn't yours.
* Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.
* Learn to see people for what they are, not what you want them to be.
* The longer you live in the past, the less future you have to enjoy.
* Better to admit you walked through the wrong door than spend your life in the wrong room.
* Just because you miss someone doesn't mean you need them back in your life.
* Missing is a part of getting over.
* Don't worry about those who talk behind your back—they're behind you for a reason.
* The bigger the ambition, the slower you need to go.
* Never brag about your progress or tell people your plans, as your friends today may become your worst enemies tomorrow.
* Make sure the choices you make are worth the losses you'll take.
* Never sacrifice your progress for a friend; they might not do the same if the tables were turned.
* Sometimes you just need to be a bit selfish—put yourself first and think about what is best for you.
* It's okay if you don't know how to move on; start with something easier, like not going back.
* If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.
* Close the window that hurts you, no matter how beautiful the view is.
* Sometimes you have to let go of people who keep reminding you of who you used to be.
* Forgive yourself for accepting less than you deserved, but don't do it again.
* If you're not willing to walk alone, you'll never lead your own path.
* Accept the things you cannot change, and change the things you cannot accept.
[Type “I Want More” in the comments if you want the entire book of Life Lessons and Quotes.](https://therulesoflife.quora.com/Dont-Expect-Your-Life-To-Truly-Change-Until-You-Embrace-These-Life-Lessons?ch=10&oid=197279401&share=eb22df64&srid=39sYIN&target_type=post)
@ 21ac2956:09d1e2df
2024-12-01 04:44:45
## [kakoi](https://github.com/betonetojp/kakoi) の仕様についてのメモ
### キーボード操作
* 左手での操作に最適化
| キー | 動作 |
| ESC | 設定画面 |
| F1 / F12 | ポストバーの表示と非表示 |
| F2 | 時間の表示と非表示 |
| F3 | ユーザーアイコンの表示と非表示 |
| F4 | 名前の表示と非表示 |
| F9 / Z | コンテンツの折り返し表示の切り替え (余白ダブルクリックでも動作) |
| F10 | ユーザーリストとキーワード通知の設定画面 (余白右クリックでも動作) |
| F11 | メイン画面の表示と非表示 (ポストバー表示) |
| Shift + W | イベント最上行へ移動 |
| W / ↑| イベント選択上移動 |
| S / ↓ | イベント選択下移動 |
| Shift + S | イベント最下行へ移動 |
| A / ← | Webビューを開く (イベントを右クリックでも動作) |
| F / → | リアクションを送信 (イベントをダブルクリックでも動作) |
| 1 ~ 0 | リアクションを選択 |
| R | 返信 |
| B | リポスト |
| Q | 引用 |
| C | Webビューを閉じる |
| Ctrl + Shift + A | メイン画面をアクティブにする |
### タイムライン
* kind:1, 6, 7, 16を取得して表示する
* フォロイーの名前の前には * が付く
### フォローリスト(kind:3)
* 参照のみで更新はしない
* F10 で開くユーザーリストでユーザーを選択し petname セルをクリックすることで未フォローユーザーにもペットネームを設定可能(ローカル保存)
### プロフィール(kind:0)
* F10 で開くユーザーリストでユーザーを選択し picture セルをクリックすることでユーザーのアイコン表示を変更可能(ローカル保存)
### 返信([NIP-10](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/10.md) kind:1)
* kakoi のタイムラインに流れるすべてのイベント種に返信可能とする
* スレッドを考慮せず、単一イベントへの単発返信とする
* e タグは marker と返信先 pubkey は設定していない。 relay-url には空文字を設定
["e", "返信先 event-id", ""]
* p タグは 返信先 pubkey ひとつだけを指定
### リポスト([NIP-18](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/18.md) kind:6 , 16)
* kakoi のタイムラインに流れるすべてのイベント種をリポスト可能
* kind:1はkind:6。その他はkind:16でリポストする
* e タグは relay-url に空文字を設定
["e", "リポスト元 event-id", ""]
### 引用([NIP-18](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/18.md) kind:1)
* q タグは relay-url に空文字を設定
["q", "引用元 event-id", ""]
@ 94c2fd25:4fb53087
2024-12-01 04:10:57
HuBet là nền tảng giải trí trực tuyến hàng đầu, mang đến cho người dùng những trải nghiệm thú vị và đa dạng. Với thiết kế giao diện hiện đại, thân thiện và dễ sử dụng, HuBet nhanh chóng thu hút sự chú ý của những ai yêu thích sự đổi mới và sáng tạo trong giải trí.
Tại **[HuBet](https://www-hubet.com)**, người dùng có thể dễ dàng khám phá các chương trình và hoạt động giải trí hấp dẫn. Từ những trò chơi sáng tạo đến các sự kiện trực tuyến đặc sắc, nền tảng này liên tục cập nhật nội dung mới để đáp ứng nhu cầu đa dạng của người dùng. Mỗi lần truy cập HuBet, bạn sẽ tìm thấy những trải nghiệm độc đáo và khác biệt.
Điểm mạnh của HuBet không chỉ nằm ở nội dung mà còn ở sự tiện lợi. Nền tảng hoạt động mượt mà trên nhiều thiết bị, từ máy tính để bàn đến điện thoại di động, mang lại sự linh hoạt tối đa cho người dùng. Bất kể bạn đang ở đâu, chỉ cần vài thao tác đơn giản là có thể hòa mình vào không gian giải trí sống động của HuBet.
An toàn luôn là ưu tiên hàng đầu tại HuBet. Nền tảng áp dụng các công nghệ bảo mật tiên tiến, đảm bảo bảo vệ thông tin cá nhân và giao dịch của người dùng một cách tuyệt đối. Điều này giúp bạn hoàn toàn yên tâm khi trải nghiệm.
Với sự kết hợp giữa nội dung phong phú, giao diện thân thiện và bảo mật vượt trội, HuBet là lựa chọn hoàn hảo cho những ai đang tìm kiếm một không gian giải trí trực tuyến an toàn và sáng tạo. Tham gia HuBet ngay hôm nay để khám phá thế giới giải trí không giới hạn!
@ 4c5d5379:3a4383ee
2024-12-01 03:21:49
# first header
I'm testing YakiHonne article.
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@ 79008e78:dfac9395
2024-12-01 03:15:00
บทที่ 1: เกริ่นนำ
## เกริ่นนำเรื่องราวของบิตคอยน์แบบกระทัดรัด
บิตคอยน์ (Bitcoin) เป็นชุดแนวคิดและเทคโนโลยีที่เข้ามาผสมผสานรวมกันจนได้กลายเป็นระบบเงินสดอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ หน่วยเงินที่เรียกว่าบิตคอยน์นั้น ใช้เพื่อเก็บและส่งต่อมูลค่าให้กับผู้ใช้คนอื่น ๆ ในระบบ ผู้ใช้ทั้งระบบสื่อสารกันบนโปรโตคอลของบิตคอยน์ โดยผู้ใช้ส่วนใหญ่ก็เข้าถึงกันผ่านอินเตอร์เน็ต แต่ก็ไม่ได้หมายความว่าระบบนี้ไม่สามารถใช้เครือข่ายการสื่อสารรูปแบบอื่นได้ ซอฟต์แวร์ของโปรโตคอลนี้เป็นโอเพนซอร์สและสามารถรันได้บนอุปกรณ์คอมพิวเตอร์หลายประเภท เช่น แล็ปท็อปและสมาร์ทโฟน และสิ่งนี้เองที่ทำให้เทคโนโลยีนี้สามารถเข้าถึงได้ง่าย
ผู้ใช้งานสามารถส่งบิตคอยน์ให้กันผ่านเครือข่ายของบิตคอยน์เพื่อทำกิจกรรมต่าง ๆ เช่น ซื้อ-ขายแลกเปลี่ยนสินค้าและบริการ หรือใช้เพื่อแลกเปลี่ยนเป็นสกุลเงินต่าง ๆ ซึ่งถือว่าเหมาะสมเป็นอย่างมากสำหรับการใช้งานบนอินเทอร์เน็ต เพราะมีทั้งความรวดเร็ว ความปลอดภัย และยังข้อจำกัดเรื่องพรมแดน
ซึ่งบิตคอยน์นั้นแตกต่างจากสกุลเงินโดยทั่วไป เนื่องจากเป็นระบบเงินอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ จึงไม่มีเหรียญหรือธนบัตรจริง ๆ ให้ได้จับต้อง แต่คำว่าเหรียญที่มักใช้กันในสังคมของบิตคอยน์จะหมายถึงในธุรกรรมที่ผู้ใช้รายหนึ่งโอนมูลค่าไปยังผู้ใช้อีกรายหนึ่ง ผู้ใช้งานบิตคอยน์จะควบคุมคีย์ (Private Key) ที่ใช้พิสูจน์ความเป็นเจ้าของในบิตคอยน์นั้น ๆ ในเครือข่าย และด้วยคีย์นี้เองทำให้พวกเขาสามารถเซ็นชื่อในธุรกรรมเพื่อปลดล็อกมูลค่าและทำการส่งมันต่อไปยังผู้รับอีกรายหนึ่ง ซึ่งมักจะถูกเก็บอยู่ในกระเป๋าเงินดิจิทัล หรือสมาร์ทโฟนของผู้ใช้งาน การครอบครองคีย์ที่สามารถเซ็นชื่อในธุรกรรมได้เป็นสิ่งเดียวที่จำเป็นในการใช้จ่ายในระบบของบิตคอยน์ และนั่นเป็นเหตุผลที่ทำให้ความสามารถในการควบคุมบิตคอยน์อยู่ในมือผู้ใช้แต่ละคน
> เข้าใจว่าในบริบทนี้น่าจะหมายถึง Hot-wallet เพราะงั้นผมไม่ได้แนะนำให้เก็บคีย์คอมพิวเตอร์หรือมือถือนะครับ ส่วนถ้าคุณอยากทำก็เรื่องของคุณจ้าแนะนำเฉย ๆ อยากทำไรทำ
บิตคอยน์นั้นเป็นระบบแบบกระจายศูนย์และทำงานแบบเพียร์-ทู-เพียร์ (Peer-to-Peer) หรือเอาภาษาบ้าน ๆ ว่า เป็นระบบการทำงานแบบบุคคลสู่บุลคลที่ไม่มีตัวกลางระหว่างการทำงาน ดังนั้นจึงไม่มีเซิร์ฟเวอร์กลางหรือจุดควบคุม บิตคอยน์นั้นถูกสร้างขึ้นโดยกระบวนการที่เรียกว่าการขุด ซึ่งเป็นการทำงานทางการคำนวณซ้ำ ๆ ที่อ้างอิงกับรายการธุรกรรมบิตคอยน์ล่าสุด (จริง ๆ ก็มี hash ของบล็อกก่อนหน้าด้วย) ซึ่งผู้ใช้งานบิตคอยน์ทุกคนสามารถที่จะขุดบิตคอยน์ได้ โดยใช้อุปกรณ์คอมพิวเตอร์ของตนเพื่อช่วยรักษาความปลอดภัยในธุรกรรม โดยทุก ๆ สิบนาทีโดยเฉลี่ยนั้น จะมีนักขุดคนหนึ่งที่ได้ช่วยเพิ่มความปลอดภัยให้กับธุรกรรมในอดีต และจะได้รับรางวัลเป็นบิตคอยน์ใหม่และค่าธรรมเนียมจากธุรกรรมชุดล่าสุด ซึ่งกระบวนการนี้ทำให้การออกสกุลเงินและการชำระธุรกรรมไม่จำเป็นต้องมีธนาคารกลาง
โปรโตคอลของบิตคอยน์ มีอัลกอรึทึมที่คอยควบคุมความยากง่ายในการการขุดให้อยู่ในระดับที่เหมาะสม โดยความยากง่ายในการขุดจะขึ้นจะถูกปรับตามระยะเวลาเฉลี่ยของการขุดในช่วงก่อนหน้านี้เพื่อให้การขุดนั้นมีโอกาสสำเร็จเฉลี่ยในทุก ๆ 10 นาที ไม่ว่ามีจำนวนผู้ขุดและการประมวลผลเท่าใดก็ตาม และนอกจากนี้เองโปรโตคอลของบิตคอยน์นั้นยังลดจำนวนของบิตคอยน์ที่นักขุดจะได้เป็นรางวัลลงเรื่อย ๆ ซึ่งจะทำให้บิตคอยน์ที่สร้างได้ในระบบนั้นมีไม่เกิน 21,000,000 ล้านบิตคอยน์ ซึ่งผลลัพธ์ที่ได้ก็คือ จำนวนบิตคอยน์ที่หมุนเวียนในระบบนั้นจะสามารถคาดเดาได้อย่างง่ายดาย ซึ่งอีกครึ่งหนึ่งของบิตคอยน์ที่เหลืออยู่จะถูกเพิ่มเข้าไปในระบบทุก ๆ 4 ปี และที่บล๊อกประมาณ 1,411,200 ซึ่งคาดว่าจะเกิดประมาณปี 2035 จะมีบิตคอยน์เป็นจำนวน 99 % ของที่สามารถเกิดขึ้นได้ในระบบ เนื่องจากอัตราการการผลิตของบิตคอยน์ที่น้อยลงเรื่อย ๆ ทำให้บิตคอยน์มีลักษณะของเงินฝืดในระยะยาว นอกจากนี้ยังไม่มีใครที่สามารถบังคับให้คุณรับบิตคอยน์ที่ถูกผลิตมานอกเหนือจากชุดกฎที่คุณเลือกได้
เบื้องหลังต่าง ๆ ของโปรโตคอลบิตคอยน์ที่ทำให้มันเป็น เครือข่ายแบบบุคคลถึงบุคคล และการคำนวณแบบกระจายศูนย์นั้น ถูกสร้างขึ้นมาบนพื้นฐานของงานวิจัยในด้านการเข้ารหัสและระบบกระจายศูนย์มาเนิ่นนานหลายทศวรรษ โดยมีการรวมเอานวัตกรรมสำคัญ ๆ 4 อย่างนี้มารวมเข้าด้วยกัน:
- เครือข่ายเพียร์ทูเพียร์ที่กระจายศูนย์ (ฺBitcoin protocol)
- บัญชีธุรกรรมสาธารณะ (Blockchain)
- ชุดของกฎในการตรวจสอบธุรกรรมอย่างอิสระและการออกสกุลเงิน ( consensus rules )
- กลไกในการหาข้อตกลงร่วมกันทั่วโลกเกี่ยวกับบล็อกเชนที่ถูกต้อง (PoW algorithm)
> ในมุมมองของนักพัฒนา นาย Andreas M. Antonopoulos and David A. Harding ( ไม่ใช่ผมจ้าา ถึงจะเห็นด้วยก็ตาม) พวกเขามองว่าบิตคอยน์นั้นคล้ายกับอินเทอร์เน็ตของเงิน เป็นเครือข่ายสำหรับการกระจายมูลค่าและการรักษาความเป็นเจ้าของสินทรัพย์ดิจิทัลผ่านการคำนวณแบบกระจายศูนย์ ซึ่งบิตคอยน์มีรายระเอียดเยอะกว่าที่พวกเขาเห็นในตอนแรกมาก ๆ
ในบทนี้เองจะเป็นการอธิบายแนวคิด และคำศัพท์หลัก ๆ รวมทั้งการติดตั้งซอฟแวร์ต่าง ๆ ที่จำเป็นในการทอดลองใช้บิตคอยน์สำหรับทำธุรกรรมง่าย ๆ และสำหรับในบทถัดไป เราจะทำการดำดิ่งลงไปในเทคโนโลยีต่าง ๆ ที่ประกอบรวมกันเป็นบิตคอยน์ว่าทำไมมันถึงเป็นไปได้ และตรวจสอบการทำงานภายในของเครือข่ายและโปรโตคอล
### ก่อนการมาถึงของบิตคอยน์
สกุลเงินดิจิทัลที่ใช้งานได้จริงในอดีตนั้นมักเกี่ยวข้องกับพัฒนาการในด้านการเข้ารหัส ซึ่งนั่นก็ไม่ได้แปลกอะไรหากเราพิจารณาถึงปัญหาพื้นฐานในการใช้ข้อมูลเพื่อแทนมูลค่าที่สามารถแลกเปลี่ยนเป็นสินค้าและบริการ โดยการที่เงินดิจิทัลจะถูกยอมรับได้นั้นมักจะต้องสามารถตอบคำถามทั้งสามข้อนี้ได้เสียก่อน:
- ฉันจะเชื่อได้อย่างไรว่าเงินนั้นเป็นของจริงและไม่ใช่ของปลอม?
- ฉันจะเชื่อได้อย่างไรว่าเงินดิจิทัลสามารถใช้ได้เพียงครั้งเดียว (ปัญหาการใช้ซ้ำหรือ "double-spend")?
- ฉันจะมั่นใจได้อย่างไรว่าไม่มีใครสามารถอ้างสิทธิ์ว่าเงินนี้เป็นของพวกเขาไม่ใช่ของฉัน?
ผู้ที่ออกเงินกระดาษเองก็พยายามต่อสู้กับปัญหาการปลอมแปลงโดยการใช้เทคโนโลยีการพิมพ์ที่ซับซ้อนมากขึ้นเรื่อย ๆ และเงินกายภาพเองก็จัดการปัญหาการใช้ซ้ำได้ง่ายเพราะธนบัตรเดียวกันไม่สามารถอยู่ในสองที่พร้อมกันได้ แน่นอนละว่าเงินทั่วไปก็ถูกเก็บและส่งแบบดิจิทัลเช่นกัน ในกรณีเหล่านี้ ปัญหาการปลอมแปลงและการใช้ซ้ำจะถูกจัดการโดยการเคลียร์ธุรกรรมทางอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ทั้งหมดผ่านหน่วยงานกลางที่สามารถตรวจสอบสถานะของเงินได้ แต่สำหรับเงินดิจิทัลที่ไม่สามารถใช้หมึกพิเศษหรือแถบโฮโลแกรมได้ การเข้ารหัสจึงเป็นพื้นฐานสำคัญในการยืนยันความถูกต้องของการอ้างสิทธิ์ในมูลค่าของผู้ใช้ โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่ง การเซ็นชื่อดิจิทัลที่เข้ารหัสช่วยให้ผู้ใช้สามารถเซ็นชื่อในสินทรัพย์ดิจิทัลหรือธุรกรรมเพื่อยืนยันการเป็นเจ้าของสินทรัพย์นั้น ซึ่งสิ่งนี้เองยังสามารถใช้ในการแก้ปัญหาการใช้ซ้ำ (doble-spending) ได้
ศาสตร์ของการเข้ารหัสนั้นเริ่มเป็นที่แพร่หลายในช่วงปลายของทศวรรษที่ 1980 นักวิจัยหลายคนเริ่มพยายามใช้การเข้ารหัสเพื่อสร้างสกุลเงินดิจิทัล โดยโครงการเงินดิจิทัลในยุคแรก ๆ นั้นมักจะออกเงินดิจิทัลที่มีการสนับสนุนโดยสกุลเงินของชาติหรือโลหะมีค่าอย่างเช่น ทองคำ
ซึ่งแม้ว่าสกุลเงินดิจิทัลยุคแรกเหล่านี้จะทำงานได้ แต่ก็มีปัญหาที่การรวมศูนย์ของระบบ เนื่องจากมันทำให้ระบบเป็นเป้าหมายที่ง่ายต่อการโจมตีโดยรัฐบาลและเหล่าแฮกเกอร์ สกุลเงินดิจิทัลยุคแรกใช้ศูนย์กลางในการชำระธุรกรรมทั้งหมดเป็นระยะ ๆ เช่นเดียวกับระบบธนาคารทั่วไป เป็นที่น่าเสียดายที่สกุลเงินดิจิทัลเหล่านี้ส่วนใหญ่ถูกกำหนดเป้าหมายโดยรัฐบาลที่กังวลและมักจะถูกฟ้องร้องจนล้มเหลว บางส่วนล้มเหลวอย่างรวดเร็วเมื่อบริษัทผู้ก่อตั้งปิดตัวลงอย่างกะทันหัน และเพื่อให้สกุลเงินดิจิทัลมีความแข็งแกร่งต่อต้านการแทรกแซงจากศัตรู ไม่ว่าจะเป็นรัฐบาลที่ถูกกฎหมายหรืออาชญากรรม เราจึงจำเป็นต้องมีสกุลเงินดิจิทัลที่กระจายศูนย์ เพื่อป้องกันปัญหาดังกล่าว ซึ่งบิตคอยน์คือระบบแบบนั้น ระบบที่ถูกออกแบบให้กระจายศูนย์ และปราศจากอำนาจหรือจุดควบคุมกลางใด ๆ ที่สามารถถูกโจมตีหรือทำให้เสียหายได้
## ประวัติของบิตคอยน์
บิตคอยน์ได้ปรากฏครั้งแรกในปี 2008 บนเอกสารที่มีชื่อว่า “Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System” ซึ่งถูกเขียนโดยบุคคลหรือกลุ่มคนนิรนามที่ใช้นามแฝงว่า ซาโตชิ นากาโมโตะ ซึ่งได้มีการนำนวัตกรรมหลาย ๆ อย่างมารวมเข้าด้วยกัน ไม่ว่าจะเป็นลายเซ็นดิจิทัล และ Hashcash มาสร้างระบบเงินสดอิเล็กทรอนิกส์ที่กระจายศูนย์อย่างสมบูรณ์ ซึ่งไม่ต้องพึ่งพาหน่วยงานกลางในการออกสกุลเงินหรือการชำระและตรวจสอบธุรกรรม โดยนวัตกรรมสำคัญคือการใช้ระบบคำนวณแบบกระจายศูนย์ (Proof-of-work) เพื่อทำสิ่งที่คล้าย ๆ กับการจับฉลากทุก ๆ 10 นาที ทำให้เครือข่ายที่กระจายศูนย์สามารถมีฉันทามติในสถานะของธุรกรรมได้ และสิ่งนี้เองยังสามารถแก้ไขปัญหาการทำธุรกรรมซ้ำซ้อน ซึ่งเป็นข้อบกพร่องของสกุลเงินดิจิทัลที่เคยต้องใช้หน่วยงานกลางในการตรวจสอบธุรกรรมทั้งหมดได้อีกด้วย
เครือข่ายของบิตคอยน์นั้นเริ่มต้นขึ้นในปี 2009 โดยอ้างอิงจากซอฟแวร์ที่เผยแพร่โดย ซาโตชิ และได้ถูกปรับปรุงโดยโปรแกรมเมอร์คนอื่น ๆ มากมายนับไม่ถ้วนมานับตั้งแต่นั้น จำนวนและกำลังของอุปกรณ์ที่ใช้ประมวลผล Proof of Work algorithm (การขุด) เองนั้นก็เพิ่มขึ้นอย่างมหาศาล จนในปัจจุบันนี้พลังการคำนวณรวมกันของเครือข่ายนี้มีมากกว่าจำนวนการคำนวณของซุปเปอร์คอมพิวเตอร์ชั้นนำของโลกทั้งหมดรวมกันเสียอีก ซึ่งสิ่งนี้เองได้ช่วยรักษาความปลอดภัยและความเสถียรของเครือข่ายของบิตคอยน์ได้เป็นอย่างดี
ซาโตชิ นากาโมโตะ ได้ทำการถอนตัวและหายตัวไปในเดือนเมษายนในปี 2011 และมอบหมายความรับผิดชอบในการพัฒนาโค้ดและเครือข่ายให้กับกลุ่มอาสาสมัครที่เติบโตขึ้นเรื่อย ๆ ซึ่งตัวตนของบุคคลหรือกลุ่มคนที่อยู่เบื้องหลังบิตคอยน์นั้นยังไม่เป็นที่รู้จัก แต่อย่างไรก็ตาม ไม่ว่าจะเป็นซาโตชิ นากาโมโตะ หรือใครหน้าไหนก็ตามก็ไม่สามารถควบคุมเครือข่ายของบิตคอยน์ได้ตามลำพัง เนื่องจากมันอยู่บนหลักการทางคณิตศาสตร์ที่โปร่งใส โค้ดโอเพนซอร์ส และฉันทามติจากผู้ที่เข้าร่วม โดยนวัตกรรมนี้ถือเป็นการเปลี่ยนแปลงครั้งใหญ่และได้ก่อให้เกิดวิทยาการใหม่ในด้านการคำนวณแบบกระจายศูนย์ เศรษฐศาสตร์ และเศรษฐมิติอีกด้วย
### การแก้ปัญหาในระบบคำนวณแบบกระจายศูนย์
นวัตกรรมของซาโตชิ นากาโมโตะ ยังเป็นการแก้ไขปัญหาที่มีประสิทธิภาพและแปลกใหม่สำหรับปัญหาในระบบคำนวณแบบกระจายศูนย์ที่เรียกว่า "Byzantine Generals' Problem" ซึ่งปัญหานี้เกี่ยวข้องกับการพยายามทำให้ผู้เข้าร่วมหลายคนที่ไม่มีผู้นำสามารถตกลงกันในแผนการดำเนินการได้โดยการแลกเปลี่ยนข้อมูลในเครือข่ายที่ไม่น่าเชื่อถือและอาจถูกโจมตีได้ โดยการแก้ปัญหาของซาโตชินั้นได้ใช้แนวคิด proof of work เพื่อหาฉันทามติโดยไม่ต้องมีผู้ควบคุมที่น่าเชื่อถือ ถือเป็นความก้าวหน้าในด้านการคำนวณแบบกระจายศูนย์
## เปิดประตูสู่บิตคอยน์
บิตคอยน์เป็นโปรโตคอลที่สามารถเข้าถึงได้ผ่านทางแอปพลิเคชันที่มีการรับรองโปรโตคอลนี้ Bitcoin wallet นั้นเป็นช่องทางหลักที่ผู้ใช้งานส่วนใหญ่เลือกใช้เพื่อเข้าถึงโปรโตคอลของบิตคอยน์ เช่นเดียวกันกับที่ผู้ใช้งานอินเตอร์เน็ตส่วนใหญ่ใช้เว็บบราวเซอร์เป็นช่องทางในการเข้าถึงโปรโตคอลอย่าง HTTP นั่นเอง Bitcoin wallet เองก็มีหลากหลายยี่ห้อเฉกเช่นเดียวกับเว็บบราวเซอร์ อาทิเช่น chorme, safari, firefox ฯลฯ Bitcoin wallet เองก็เช่นกัน แต่ละยี่ห้อเองก็มีความแตกต่างกันในด้านต่าง ๆ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นในด้านคุณภาพ ประสิทธิภาพ ความปลอดภัย ความเป็นส่วนตัว และความน่าเชื่อถือ อีกทั้งยังมี Bitcoin wallet ที่ถูกสร้างขึ้นมาคู่กับโปรโตคอลของบิตคอยน์อย่าง “Bitcoin Core” ซึ่งมีการพัฒนาต่อมาจากเวอร์ชันที่เขียนโดยซาโตชิ
### การเลือก Bitcoin wallet
Bitcoin wallet เป็นหนึ่งในประเภทของแอปพลิเคชันที่มีการพัฒนาอย่างต่อเนื่องมากที่สุดในระบบนิเวศของบิตคอยน์ และแน่นอนว่ามีการแข่งขันกันสูงที่สุดด้วย อาจมี Bitcoin wallet ใหม่ ๆ ที่กำลังพัฒนาอยู่ในขณะนี้ Bitcoin wallet เก่า ๆ บางตัวจากปีที่แล้วก็อาจไม่มีการพัฒนาอย่างต่อเนื่องอีกต่อไป Bitcoin wallet หลาย ๆ ตัวเน้นไปที่แพลตฟอร์มหรือการใช้งานเฉพาะ และบางตัวเหมาะสำหรับผู้เริ่มต้น ในขณะที่บางตัวเต็มไปด้วยฟีเจอร์สำหรับผู้ใช้ขั้นสูง การเลือก Bitcoin wallet นั้นจึงขึ้นอยู่กับความต้องการและระดับความเชี่ยวชาญของผู้ใช้ ดังนั้นการที่เราจะแนะนำยี่ห้อหรือ Bitcoin wallet เฉพาะจึงอาจจะไม่เกิดประโยชน์เท่าไหร่ แต่อย่างไรก็ตาม เราสามารถแบ่งประเภท Bitcoin wallet ได้ตามแพลตฟอร์มและการใช้งานได้ดังนี้
#### ประเภทของ Bitcoin wallet
- **Desktop wallet:** กระเป๋าเงินแบบเดสก์ท็อปเป็น Bitcoin wallet ประเภทแรกที่ถูกพัฒนาขึ้นและผู้ใช้ส่วนใหญ่มักจะเลือกใช้ Bitcoin wallet ประเภทนี้เพราะฟีเจอร์ของมัน เช่นความความเป็นอิสระในการใช้งาน ความสามารถในการควบคุมบิตคอยน์ในกระเป๋า แต่อย่างไรก็ตาม การใช้งานบนระบบปฏิบัติการทั่วไป อย่างเช่น Windows และ macOS อาจมีข้อเสียด้านความปลอดภัย เนื่องจากแพลตฟอร์มเหล่านี้มักไม่มีความปลอดภัยเพียงพอและอาจถูกตั้งค่ามาอย่างไม่เหมาะสม
- **Mobile wallet:** กระเป๋าเงินแบบมือถือเป็น Bitcoin wallet ประเภทที่พบเจอได้มากที่สุด โดยทำงานบนระบบปฏิบัติการสมาร์ทโฟน เช่น Apple iOS และ Android กระเป๋าเงินเหล่านี้มักเป็นตัวเลือกที่ดีสำหรับผู้ใช้ใหม่ เพราะออกแบบมาให้ใช้งานง่ายและสะดวก นอกจากนี้ยังมีกระเป๋าเงินมือถือที่มีฟีเจอร์ครบครันสำหรับผู้ใช้ที่มีความเชี่ยวชาญ แต่เพื่อหลีกเลี่ยงการดาวน์โหลดและจัดเก็บข้อมูลปริมาณมาก กระเป๋าเงินมือถือส่วนใหญ่จะดึงข้อมูลจากเซิร์ฟเวอร์ระยะไกล ซึ่งอาจลดความเป็นส่วนตัวของผู้ใช้เนื่องจากต้องเปิดเผยข้อมูลเกี่ยวกับ address และจำนวนบิตคอยน์ Bitcoin ต่อบุคคลที่สาม
- **Web wallet:** กระเป๋าเงินแบบเว็บสามารถเข้าถึงได้ผ่านเว็บเบราว์เซอร์และเก็บกระเป๋าเงินของผู้ใช้ไว้บนเซิร์ฟเวอร์ที่บุคคลที่สามเป็นเจ้าของ คล้ายกับบริการอีเมลบนเว็บที่พึ่งพาเซิร์ฟเวอร์ของบุคคลที่สามโดยสมบูรณ์ โดยบางบริการใช้โค้ดฝั่งไคลเอนต์ที่ทำงานในเบราว์เซอร์ของผู้ใช้ และเพื่อให้ผู้ใช้สามารถควบคุมคีย์ของบิตคอยน์ได้เอง แต่การพึ่งพาเซิร์ฟเวอร์ยังคงส่งผลกระทบต่อความเป็นส่วนตัว อย่างไรก็ตาม บริการส่วนใหญ่จะควบคุมคีย์ของบิตคอยน์แทนผู้ใช้เพื่อแลกกับความสะดวกสบาย เราจึงไม่แนะนำให้เก็บ **บิตคอยน์จำนวนมากบนระบบของบุคคลที่สาม**
- **Hardware Signing Devices:** อุปกรณ์สำหรับเซ็นดิจิทัลเป็นอุปกรณ์ที่สามารถจัดเก็บคีย์และเซ็นธุรกรรมโดยใช้ฮาร์ดแวร์และเฟิร์มแวร์เฉพาะทาง ซึ่งโดยทั่วไปแล้วจะเชื่อมต่อกับกระเป๋าเงินเดสก์ท็อป มือถือ หรือเว็บ ผ่านสาย USB การสื่อสารระยะใกล้ (NFC) หรือกล้องที่รองรับ QR code แต่เนื่องจากการดำเนินการที่เกี่ยวข้องกับบิตคอยน์ ทั้งหมดถูกจัดการบนฮาร์ดแวร์เฉพาะ อุปกรณ์เหล่านี้จึงปลอดภัยจากการโจมตีหลายรูปแบบ อย่างไรก็ตาม อุปกรณ์เซ็นดิจิทัลมักถูกเรียกว่า hardware wallet แต่ต้องใช้งานร่วมกับกระเป๋าเงินที่มีฟีเจอร์ครบครันเพื่อส่งและรับธุรกรรม ความปลอดภัยและความเป็นส่วนตัวที่ได้จากกระเป๋าเงินที่ใช้งานร่วมกันก็มีบทบาทสำคัญต่อความปลอดภัยและความเป็นส่วนตัวโดยรวมของผู้ใช้อุปกรณ์เซ็นดิจิทัล
#### ประเภทของการเชื่อมต่อกับโปรโตคอลของบิตคอยน์
- **Full node:** บิตคอยน์ฟลูโหนดเป็นโปรแกรมที่ตรวจสอบความถูกต้องของประวัติธุรกรรมทั้งหมดของบิตคอยน์ (ทุกธุรกรรมที่เคยเกิดขึ้นโดยผู้ใช้ทุกคน) และนอกจากนี้ บิตคอยน์ฟลูโหนดยังสามารถเลือกเก็บข้อมูลธุรกรรมที่ได้รับการตรวจสอบแล้วก่อนหน้า และให้บริการข้อมูลแก่โปรแกรมบิตคอยน์อื่น ๆ ได้ ไม่ว่าจะเป็นบนคอมพิวเตอร์เดียวกันหรือผ่านอินเทอร์เน็ต แต่แม้ว่าบิตคอยน์ฟลูโหนดเองก็ใช้ทรัพยากรคอมพิวเตอร์ในปริมาณมาก (ประมาณเท่ากับการดูวิดีโอสตรีมมิ่งหนึ่งชั่วโมงต่อวันสำหรับธุรกรรมบิตคอยน์ในแต่ละวัน) บิตคอยน์ฟลูโหนดเองก็มอบความเป็นอิสระอย่างสมบูรณ์แก่ผู้ใช้
- **Lightweight Client:** lightweight client หรือที่เรียกกันอีกชื่อว่าไคลเอนต์การตรวจสอบการชำระเงินแบบง่าย (Simplified-Payment-Verification: SPV) ซึ่งจะเชื่อมต่อกับโหนดแบบเต็มหรือเซิร์ฟเวอร์ระยะไกลอื่น ๆ เพื่อรับและส่งข้อมูลธุรกรรมของบิตคอยน์แต่เก็บกระเป๋าเงินของผู้ใช้ไว้ในเครื่อง โดยสามารถตรวจสอบธุรกรรมที่ได้รับบางส่วน และสร้างธุรกรรมขาออกอย่างอิสระอีกด้วย
- **ไคลเอนต์ API ของบุคคลที่สาม (Third-Party API Client):** ไคลเอนต์ API ของบุคคลที่สามเป็นโปรแกรมที่เชื่อมต่อกับระบบบิตคอยน์ผ่าน API ของบุคคลที่สาม แทนที่จะเชื่อมต่อกับเครือข่ายบิตคอยน์โดยตรง กระเป๋าเงินนี้อาจถูกจัดเก็บโดยผู้ใช้เองหรือบนเซิร์ฟเวอร์ของบุคคลที่สาม แต่ไคลเอนต์จะต้องไว้วางใจเซิร์ฟเวอร์ระยะไกลในการให้ข้อมูลที่ถูกต้องและปกป้องความเป็นส่วนตัวของตน
> บิตคอยน์เป็นเครือข่ายแบบเพียร์ทูเพียร์(Peer-to-Peer หรือ P2P) โดยที่บิตคอยน์ฟลูโหนด ทำหน้าที่เป็นเพียร์ในเครือข่าย เพียร์แต่ละตัวจะตรวจสอบความถูกต้องของธุรกรรมที่ยืนยันแล้วทุกธุรกรรมอย่างอิสระ และสามารถให้ข้อมูลที่เชื่อถือได้แก่ผู้ใช้ Lightweight Wallets และซอฟต์แวร์อื่น ๆ เองก็เป็นลูกข่ายที่ต้องพึ่งพาเพียร์หนึ่งหรือหลายตัวในการรับข้อมูลที่ถูกต้อง ไคลเอนต์สามารถตรวจสอบข้อมูลบางส่วนที่ได้รับเพิ่มเติมและเชื่อมต่อกับเพียร์หลายตัวเพื่อลดการพึ่งพาเพียร์ตัวเดียว แต่ในท้ายที่สุดความปลอดภัยของไคลเอนต์ยังคงขึ้นอยู่กับความน่าเชื่อถือของเพียร์ที่เชื่อมต่อด้วย
#### ใครควบคุมคีย์
อีกหนึ่งในประเด็นสำคัญที่ควรพิจารณาเพิ่มเติมคือใครเป็นผู้ควบคุมคีย์ (Private key) เนื่องจากเป็นสิ่งที่มีบทบาทสำคัญในการควบคุมการเข้าถึงบิตคอยน์ โดยคีย์เหล่านี้เองเปรียบเสมือน PIN ที่ยาวมาก ซึ่งหากคุณเป็นผู้ควบคุมคีย์ของคุณเองด้วยตัวเอง คุณก็เป็นผู้ควบคุมบิตคอยน์ของคุณด้วยเช่นกัน แต่หากไม่ใช่ ก็จะแปลว่ากุญแจเหล่านั้นจะถูกดูแลโดยบุคคลที่สาม ซึ่งจะเป็นผู้จัดการเงินของคุณในนามของคุณ
ซอฟแวร์ในการจัดการกุญแจนั้นถูกแบ่งออกเป็นสองประเภทหลัก ๆ คือ wallet ที่คุณจำเป็นต้องดูแลคีย์ของตัวเองและ บัญชีที่มีผู้ดูแล (Custodian Accounts) ซึ่งจะมีบุคคลที่สามเป็นผู้ควบคุมกุญแจ
> “Your keys, your coins. Not your keys, not your coins.”
### มาอยู่ตัวอย่างเพื่อความเข้าใจที่มาขึ้นกันเถอะ
สมมุติว่าอลิซเป็นผู้ใช้งานที่ไม่ได้เชี่ยวชาญด้านเทคนิค และเพิ่งได้ยินเกี่ยวกับบิตคอยน์จากเพื่อนสนิทของเขา โจ ระหว่างปาร์ตี้ โจกำลังอธิบายเกี่ยวกับบิตคอยน์อย่างกระตือรือร้นให้ทุกคนฟังและสาธิตวิธีการใช้งานต่าง ๆ ให้ดู อลิซเองได้มีความสนใจในบิตคอยน์หลังจากได้ฟังโจอธิบาย จึงได้ถามโจว่าเธอจะเริ่มต้นใช้งานบิตคอยน์ได้อย่างไร โจจึงแนะนำให้อลิซดาวน์โหลด Mobile wallet ตัวโปรดของเขาเนื่องจากมันเหมาะสมกับมือใหม่ อลิซจึงดาวน์โหลดและติดตั้งแอปพลิเคชันกระเป๋าเงินที่โจแนะนำบนโทรศัพท์ของเธอ
เมื่ออลิซเปิดแอปพลิเคชันครั้งแรก เธอได้เลือกสร้างกระเป๋าใหม่และเนื่องจากกระเป๋าที่เธอเลือกนั้นเป็นแบบที่ไม่ได้อยู่ภายใต้การควบคุมบุคคลที่สาม (Noncustodial Wallet) อลิซจึงเป็นผู้ควบคุมคีย์เพียงคนเดียว ซึ่งหมายความว่าเธอต้องรับผิดชอบในการสำรองข้อมูลด้วยตัวของเธอเอง และหากเธอได้ทำคีย์สูญหายไป เธอจะไม่สามารถเข้าถึงบิตคอยน์ของเธอได้อีกไปตลอดกาล และเพื่อเพื่อช่วยในเรื่องนี้ Bitcoin wallet ต่าง ๆ จึงมักจะสร้างรหัสการกู้คืน (Recovery Code) ให้ซึ่งสามารถใช้ในการกู้คืน Bitcoin wallet อันนั้น ๆ
#### Recovery Code (รหัสในการกู้คืน)
Bitcoin wallet แบบที่ไม่ได้อยู่ภายใต้การควบคุมของบุคคลที่สามนั้นส่วนใหญ่จะให้รหัสการกู้คืนแก่ผู้ใช้งานเพื่อสำรองข้อมูล และรหัสการกู้คืนนี้มักประกอบด้วยตัวเลข ตัวอักษร หรือคำที่ถูกเลือกแบบสุ่มโดยซอฟต์แวร์ และใช้เป็นพื้นฐานสำหรับการสร้าง Bitcoin wallet โดยแต่ละยี่ห้อก็อาจมีความแตกต่างกัน เช่น
> รหัสการกู้คืนมักเรียกว่า "mnemonic" หรือ "mnemonic phrase" หรือในภาษาไทยว่าวลีช่วยจำ ซึ่งบ่งบอกว่าคุณควรจดจำวลีนั้น แต่การจดวลีนี้ลงบนกระดาษใช้เวลาน้อยกว่าและมักจะเชื่อถือได้มากกว่าความจำของคนส่วนใหญ่ เพราะฉนั้นผมเลยแนะนำว่าจดเถอะ จะได้ไม่เกิดปัญหาที่ไม่คาดคิดในอนาคต
หาก bitcoin wallet ของอลิซมีปัญหา เธอสามารถดาวน์โหลดซอฟแวร์ใหม่และใส่รหัสในการกู้คืนลงไป เพื่อสร้างฐานข้อมูลของ bitcoin wallet ใหม่ที่บันทึกธุรกรรมบนเชนทั้งหมดที่เธอเคยรับหรือส่ง แต่อย่างไรก็ตาม การกู้คืนจากการใช้รหัสการกู้คืนเพียงอย่างเดียวนั้นอาจจะไม่สามารถกู้คืนข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมที่อลิซเคยบันทึกไว้ใน wallet นั้น ๆ ได้ เช่น ป้ายกำกับที่เธอเชื่อมโยงกับที่อยู่หรือธุรกรรมต่าง ๆ แม้ว่าการสูญเสียข้อมูลเมตานี้จะไม่สำคัญเท่ากับการสูญเสียเงิน แต่ก็ยังมีความสำคัญในบางแง่มุม เช่น หากคุณต้องตรวจสอบรายการธนาคารหรือบัตรเครดิตเก่า แต่ชื่อของผู้ที่คุณชำระเงินหรือผู้ที่จ่ายเงินให้คุณถูกลบออกไป ดังนั้นเพื่อป้องกันการสูญเสียข้อมูลเมตา wallet หลาย ๆ ยี่ห้อจึงมีฟีเจอร์สำรองข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมนอกเหนือจากรหัสการกู้คืน
สำหรับ wallet บางประเภทนั้น ฟีเจอร์สำรองข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมนี้ถือว่ามีความสำคัญมาก เนื่องจากการชำระเงินเงินด้วยบิตคอยน์จำนวนมากในปัจจุบันทำผ่านเทคโนโลยีที่อยู่นอกเชน (Offchain) ซึ่งธุรกรรมไม่ได้ถูกบันทึกลงในบล็อกเชนสาธารณะ เนื่องจากการชำระเงินแบบนี้ช่วยลดค่าใช้จ่ายของผู้ใช้และเพิ่มความเป็นส่วนตัวได้บ้าง แต่นั่นก็หมายความว่ากลไกอย่างรหัสการกู้คืนที่พึ่งพาข้อมูลบนเชนไม่สามารถรับประกันการกู้คืนบิตคอยน์ทั้งหมดของผู้ใช้ได้ ดังนั้นสำหรับแอปพลิเคชันที่รองรับการใช้งาน Offchain การสำรองข้อมูลฐานข้อมูล wallet บ่อยครั้งจึงเป็นสิ่งที่มีความสำคัญมาก
นอกจากนี้ เมื่อได้รับบิตคอยน์ครั้งแรกใน moblie wallet หลาย ๆ wallet มักจะตรวจสอบอีกครั้งว่าคุณได้สำรองรหัสการกู้คืนไว้อย่างปลอดภัยแล้ว การตรวจสอบนี้อาจเป็นเพียงการแจ้งเตือน หรืออาจถึงขั้นให้ผู้ใช้ป้อนรหัสนั้นซ้ำด้วยตัวเอง
> *คำเตือน* แม้ว่า Bitcoin Wallet หลาย ๆ ตัวอาจจะมีการให้คุณต้องกรอกรหัสในการกู้คืนใหม่ในบางกรณี แต่มันก็มักจะมีแอปพลิเคชันมัลแวร์จำนวนมากที่เลียนแบบการออกแบบของ wallet ต่าง ๆ โดยมันจะบังคับให้คุณป้อนรหัสการกู้คืน จากนั้นมันจะส่งรหัสที่ป้อนไปยังผู้พัฒนามัลแวร์เพื่อขโมยบิตคอยน์ของคุณ นี่เปรียบเสมือนเว็บไซต์ฟิชชิงที่พยายามหลอกให้คุณให้รหัสผ่านธนาคารของคุณ สำหรับ Bitcoin wallet ส่วนใหญ่ เวลาที่พวกเขาจะขอรหัสการกู้คืนคือในระหว่างการตั้งค่าเริ่มต้น (ก่อนที่คุณจะได้รับบิตคอยน์) และระหว่างการกู้คืน (หลังจากที่คุณสูญเสียการเข้าถึง wallet เดิม) หากแอปพลิเคชันขอรหัสการกู้คืนในช่วงเวลาอื่น คุณควรปรึกษาผู้เชี่ยวชาญเพื่อให้แน่ใจว่าคุณไม่ได้ตกเป็นเหยื่อของการฟิชชิง
#### Bitcoin Addresses (ที่อยู่ในการรับหรือส่งบิตคอยน์)
ในตอนนี้อลิซพร้อมแล้วสำหรับการสร้าง Bitcoin wallet ใหม่ของเธอ Bitcoin wallet ที่เธอเลือกได้ทำการสร้าง private key แบบสุ่มให้เธอ ซึ่งจะเชื่อมโยงกับ Bitcoin Address ทั้งหมดที่มีใน Bitcoin wallet ของเธอ แต่ ณ ขณะนี้ยังไม่มีใครรู้ Bitcoin address ของเธอ (แม้แต่ Bitcoin network ก็ไม่รู้) นอกจากตัวเธอเอง Bitcoin address เหล่านี้เป็นเพียงตัวเลขที่เชื่อมโยงกับ Private key ของเธอ ซึ่งเธอสามารถใช้ควบคุมการเข้าถึง Bitcoin ใดกระเป๋าได้ Bitcoin address เหล่านี้ถูกสร้างขึ้นโดยอิสระจากกระเป๋าของเธอโดยไม่ต้องอ้างอิงหรือเชื่อมต่อกับบริการใด ๆ
คำแนะนำ: Bitcoin address และ Invoice นั้นมีหลากหลายรูปแบบที่แตกต่างกัน และทั้งหมดนี้สามารถแชร์ให้กับคนอื่น ๆ ได้ เพื่อเป็นการอณุญาติให้พวกเขาส่งบิตคอยน์เข้ามาในกระเป๋าคุณตรง ๆ คุณสามารถแชร์ Bitcoin address และ Invoice ให้คนอื่นได้โดยไม่ต้องกังวลเกี่ยวกับความปลอดภัยของบิตคอยน์ของคุณ เนื่องจากผู้ที่รู้ Bitcion address ของคุณไม่สามารถถอนเงินออกจาก address นั้น ๆ ได้แม้เขาจะสามารถรู้จำนวนเงินใน address นั้น ๆ ก็ตาม เพราะฉะนั้นเพื่อปกป้องความเป็นส่วนตัวของคุณ คุณจึงควรสร้าง Invoice จาก Bitcoin address ใหม่ทุกครั้งที่จะส่งให้ผู้อื่น
@ a2f3220b:d7db8c6d
2024-12-01 02:03:46
@ 9cb3545c:2ff47bca
2024-12-01 00:18:45
Hey there! So you’ve got a whopping 50+ Lightning Channels and you’re not keen on them Force Closing? Well, buckle up! This guide will be an additional resource as you navigate through daunting process.
In this post, we will go over some extra tips and tricks not covered in the official guide. While this guide does have some steps that are not covered by Umbrel, its main objective is to provide confidence in the process (not a replacement process), coming from someone who’s been there and done that, and some how came out with all Lightning Channels still running! **I highly recommend reading this post fully before starting the migration process.**
Before we dive in, [here](https://community.umbrel.com/t/how-to-update-from-umbrelos-0-5-to-umbrelos-1-1-on-linux-devices/16704#how-to-update-from-umbrelos-05-on-a-linux-device-3) is the Official Guide from the Umbrel team on how to update UmbrelOS from 0.5.4 to 1.x.x. Reference the steps all the time, and follow them carefully.
**With that out of the way. Here are some extra TIPs to fill in some gaps I encountered as I went through the process.**
## The Order of Steps
### Tip #1:
In the Official Umbrel Guide, the Umbrel team asks you to start by backing up your data. As a lightning Node Runner, I recommend against this. Because the Bash script will stop all Umbrel Services and your node will remain offline while you prepare a Bootable USB Stick. So definitely don't start with the backup, first get the bootable stick sorted out, then move on to backups.
## Creating the Bootable USB Stick
### TIP #2:
After many failed attempts to create a bootable USB stick from the link umbrel provides in their official guide. I ended up getting the ISO directly from Umbrels team through their Discord Channel. Unfortunately, I wont be able to share this link here. but just in case the umbrelOS-amd64-usb-installer.iso.xz didnt work for you as well, this could be an alternative route.
### TIP #3:
Since Umbrel is an actual full OS now. You might need to handle some BIOS quirks. The umbrelOS Kernal is not signed. So if you have Secure Boot turned on in the BIOS, your PC will try to protect you, and block you from booting into you USB Stick. Turn off Secure Boot and you should be able to bypass this issue. I also had to turn on Legacy Option ROMs as well.
![Enable Legacy Option ROMs](https://i2.wp.com/www.404techsupport.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/03/uefi-2.jpg)
### Tip #4:
Test your Bootable USB Stick on a secondary device before you go on trying to update your node. Since turning the node off and on is a hassle, its just easier to be certain the the Bootable Stick is ready before even attempting to upgrade your node.
**If all is good, you are ready to get back to the guide and walk through the steps.**
## Preparing the Hardware
### Tip #5:
In the official guide they as you to connect a Keyboard and Screen. This is of course needed. I would highly suggest you connect a mouse as well. My Bios was very stubborn and didn't comply with just a keyboard as I attempted to re-order Boot Sequences.
## The Migration Process
### Tip #6:
Remember, this is 10 times easier if you are not running a lightning node, but on a lightning node, the Channel.db file is being updated constantly. Once you start the backup process, the script will shutdown umbrel services and start copying. **you can''t turn your node back on after this stage. If you do, assume the backup you created through the Bash script is obsolete. and you will have to redo the backup process again.** If you really know what you are doing, you probably can surgically copy/paste the LND folder. But its easier not to do this.
But not to worry, if you start the process just keep going (especially if you checked all the TIPs I cover above). I say this out of experience, because after I started the first backup process, it took me about an hour to backup my SSD, but then the Bootable USB stick threw so many errors I gave up, and turned on the node again. Then later re-attempted the process from scratch. This time, since my external SSD was already full, it took 3.5 hours to backup all the files again.
### Tip #7:
This will take time, so just trust the migration process and wait for the files to get copied. you are probably copying more than a terabyte worth of data back and forth over USB, Leverage USB 3 if you have it.
### Tip #8:
If you have a custom name for your umbrel node. Meaning you do not access it by using umbrel.local, this will be reset to the default umbrel.local after the migration. I am not sure if this could be switched again to a custom name, but for now, this won't cause any issues.
### Tip #9:
During the last steps of the Migration process, and once Umbrel has copied the backup back into the SSD, it will finish the process with downloading your apps, and restarting. Don't freak out :D
### Tip #10:
I honestly don't have a tenth tip, but thought it would make this list look nicer with one. So my last tip for you is to relax and enjoy the process. And feel free to tag me if you faced any issues. Hopefully it will be something i experienced and will be able to help.
# Have Fun, and Good Luck!
@ 812cff5a:5c40aeeb
2024-12-01 00:09:59
نوستر (Nostr) يتميز بعدة خصائص تجعله مختلفًا عن منصات التواصل الاجتماعي التقليدية مثل فيسبوك أو تويتر. إليك أبرز هذه الفروقات:
**1. اللامركزية:**
* نوستر يعتمد على بنية لامركزية، حيث لا توجد خوادم مركزية تتحكم في البيانات أو تدير المنصة. بدلاً من ذلك، يتم تبادل البيانات عبر شبكة موزعة من العقد (relays).
* هذا يمنح المستخدمين تحكمًا أكبر في بياناتهم ويقلل من مخاطر الرقابة أو الإغلاق التعسفي للحسابات.
**2. الخصوصية والتحكم في البيانات:**
* كل مستخدم يمتلك هويته على الشبكة من خلال مفتاح خاص (Private Key) ومفتاح عام (Public Key) يستخدمهما لتسجيل الدخول وإدارة هويته.
* لا توجد حاجة لتقديم معلومات شخصية (مثل البريد الإلكتروني أو رقم الهاتف) لإنشاء حساب.
**3. مقاومة الرقابة:**
* نظرًا لأن البيانات لا تخزن في مكان واحد، يصعب على الحكومات أو الشركات فرض رقابة على المستخدمين أو المحتوى.
* المستخدمون يمكنهم اختيار العقد (relays) التي يودون التواصل معها، مما يتيح حرية أكبر في النشر.
**4. بروتوكول وليس منصة:**
* نوستر هو بروتوكول مفتوح المصدر، وليس تطبيقًا محددًا.
* يمكن للمطورين بناء تطبيقات مختلفة (عملاء) تعتمد على هذا البروتوكول، مما يوفر خيارات متنوعة للمستخدمين.
**5. المرونة والتوسع:**
* نوستر لا يقتصر على مشاركة النصوص والصور، بل يمكن استخدامه لتطبيقات أخرى مثل الدفع، المحادثات الآمنة، وحتى الألعاب.
* هذه الإمكانية تجعله منصة متعددة الاستخدامات مع إمكانيات للنمو خارج نطاق الشبكات الاجتماعية.
**6. عدم وجود إعلانات:**
* على عكس المنصات التقليدية التي تعتمد على الإعلانات كمصدر دخل، نوستر يتيح نظامًا يمكن أن يشمل المدفوعات الصغيرة (microtransactions) باستخدام عملات مثل البيتكوين.
**7. تجنب الخوارزميات الضارة:**
* لا توجد خوارزميات تضخيم محتوى معين أو تخفي محتوى آخر.
* المستخدمون يحصلون على محتوى مباشر من الحسابات التي يتابعونها دون تدخل.
**8. دعم البيتكوين:**
* نوستر يدعم عمليات الدفع الصغيرة عبر شبكة لايتنينغ (Lightning Network)، مما يوفر طريقة سهلة لدعم المبدعين مباشرة.
## خلاصة:
نوستر يقدم نموذجًا جديدًا للتواصل يعتمد على الحرية، الخصوصية، والتحكم الذاتي. بفضل هذه الميزات، يُعتبر خيارًا جذابًا للأشخاص المهتمين بالتكنولوجيا اللامركزية والمتحررين من قيود المنصات التقليدية.
@ 9bd01740:8dc39de3
2024-11-30 23:39:32
#my experience on being consistent for the past one month
Well it all started when I got admission into the tertiary institute. People around me started talk about digital skills and I was confuse because I have never heard about it. And I was like God am I sure am at the right place.
That was where I took my first step. In order to know more I started interacting with most of the students that are in the next level and believe me it was fun. And that was when I took it as an oat that I will, I can and also must do it.
I picked interest on website development and that was when I started the main journey of which I started backing off. Some of the reason I started backing off include
1. Fault from my PC
2. Data issue
3. Lack of mentorship
4. Not believe in my self
I just sat down and was like what is the way out and luckily for me it was to be consistent and everything will be fine.
I finally took the challenge and even though am still building my first project am proud of what I have achieve and I can also put others through which implies I know what am doing.
My advice to anyone trying to be on track you have to be consistent. Thank you
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-11-30 23:22:14
We've arrived at the final round of Group Play. Everyone survived this past round, although the Wolves almost let @gnilma down.
This will be the last opportunity to use a rebuy, should your pick lose this round. Once we're into the Knockout Rounds, it's single elimination.
# Friday's Games
75ers @ Hornets
Wizards @ Cavs
Bucks @ Pistons
Magic @ Knicks
Pacers @ Raptors
Jazz @ Thunder
Grizzlies @ Mavs
Spurs @ Suns
Warriors @ Nuggets
Rockets @ Kings
Blazers @ Clippers
# My Pick
Normally, I like to wait until closer to the games, but I know I'm taking the Cavs this round. They've already been eliminated from the tournament and they're playing the lowly Wizards.
If you want to read up on who's likely to make/miss the Knockout Rounds, @gnilma had a detailed [breakdown](https://stacker.news/items/788592/r/Undisciplined) earlier today.
# Prize
We're just shy of 60k, so I'll just commit to the prize being at least 60k.
May the odds be always in your favor.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/789403
@ fff19d35:43344a0b
2024-11-30 23:13:13
Make sure you use YakiHonne this month
@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2024-11-22 10:26:18
En el capítulo anterior, aprendimos cómo Alice y Bob abrieron un canal, utilizando transacciones de compromiso que pueden publicarse en la blockchain en cualquier momento para recuperar sus fondos. Pero, por supuesto, las transacciones de compromiso iniciales se vuelven inválidas tan pronto como cambia el estado del canal, en otras palabras, cuando se realiza un pago y el saldo del canal se distribuye de manera diferente entre los participantes del canal. En este capítulo, comenzaremos a aprender cómo Alice y Bob pueden acordar una nueva división de fondos, es decir, cómo dividir el saldo del canal de manera diferente e invalidar las transacciones de compromiso más antiguas que tienen.
💡 Cubriremos cómo funciona esto bajo el paradigma actual de cómo se actualizan los canales, llamado "LN-Penalty", nombrado así por el mecanismo de penalización utilizado para asegurar los fondos contra adversarios maliciosos. Hay una propuesta más nueva llamada "LN-Symmetry" (anteriormente eltoo) que no requiere el mecanismo de penalización para ser segura y simplifica este proceso, pero requiere modificaciones a las reglas de consenso de Bitcoin para funcionar.
### Transacciones de compromiso asimétrico
En LN-Penalty, cada participante en un canal tiene una transacción de compromiso que representa el estado del canal. Las transacciones de compromiso que posee cada parte varían ligeramente. La razón de esto es asignar culpa. ¿Por qué es necesario asignar culpa? Porque necesitamos dejar claro qué parte transmitió su transacción de compromiso e identificar a la parte correcta para castigar si han publicado un estado inválido.
### Configuración del estado
En el último capítulo, mostramos cómo Alice y Bob intercambiaron sus claves públicas para crear sus transacciones de compromiso iniciales. Echemos un vistazo más de cerca a cómo lucen estas transacciones de compromiso. Para simplificar, supongamos que el saldo total del canal es de 10 BTC y que Alice y Bob tienen cada uno 5 BTC en sus lados del canal. Para configurar sus transacciones de compromiso iniciales, cada parte primero crea una clave privada temporal, para Alice, llamémosla `dA1`, para Bob, `dB1`. También calculan las claves públicas asociadas, `PA1` para Alice y `PB1` para Bob. En este punto, cada parte puede construir sus propias transacciones de compromiso. La de Alice se verá así:
1. Gastará la transacción de financiación.
2. Tendrá dos salidas (o más, cuando haya HTLCs. Cubriremos eso en el futuro).
3. La salida `to_remote` enviará a Bob sus 5 BTC de inmediato.
4. La salida `to_local` será más elaborada. Aquí pueden suceder dos cosas. Alice puede enviarse a sí misma los 5 BTC después de un OP_CSV `to_self_delay` o puede ser gastada por Bob si puede demostrar que tiene la clave privada temporal de Alice `dA1`.
De manera similar, Bob también puede construir la transacción de compromiso de Alice y proporcionarle su firma para ello. Alice puede firmar esta transacción válida ella misma en cualquier momento y transmitirla a la red, dándole la seguridad que necesita para recuperar sus fondos en caso de que Bob desaparezca.
En este punto, cualquiera de las partes puede transmitir sus transacciones de compromiso para cerrar el canal. Supongamos que Alice transmite la suya. Bob recibirá sus 5 BTC de inmediato. Alice tendrá que esperar el número de bloques `to_self_delay` antes de poder usar sus 5 BTC. Sin embargo, no necesita preocuparse por que Bob gaste su salida porque sabe que nunca compartió su clave privada con él.
### Invalidando el estado antiguo
Ahora Alice quiere enviarle a Bob 1 BTC usando su canal. Así que, al igual que en el paso anterior, cada parte genera nuevas claves privadas (`dA2` para Alice, `dB2` para Bob), calcula las claves públicas asociadas (`PA2` para Alice, `PB2` para Bob) y comparte las claves públicas entre sí. Y nuevamente, ambos crean transacciones de compromiso para reflejar el nuevo estado del canal (Alice ahora tiene 4 BTC ya que transfirió 1 BTC a Bob; Bob ahora tiene 6 BTC).
El problema, sin embargo, es que Alice todavía tiene su transacción de compromiso del paso anterior, donde tenía 5 BTC, lo cual es más rentable para ella. Para mostrarle a Bob que está invalidando el estado antiguo y comprometiéndose al nuevo estado, necesita enviarle a Bob su clave privada temporal inicial (`dA1`). Ahora, dado que Bob tiene esta clave, puede gastar la salida `to_self` de Alice si ella alguna vez publica un estado antiguo e inválido, antes de que ella pueda reclamarlo (recuerda que la salida `to_local` tiene un `to_self_delay`).
Bob también le envía a Alice su antigua clave (`dB1`) para invalidar su estado antiguo. No tiene razón para no hacer esto ya que su nuevo estado es más rentable para él.
¡Eso es todo! Ahora hemos aprendido cómo Alice y Bob pueden transaccionar de manera segura estableciendo nuevos estados e invalidando estados antiguos.
### Revisión
- Para **actualizar el estado**, cada participante del canal genera nuevos pares de claves y se envían mutuamente la clave pública.
- Para **invalidar el estado**, por ejemplo, cuando se realiza una transacción, cada participante del canal actualiza el estado y se envían mutuamente la clave privada del estado anterior.
### Referencias
- [BOLT3](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/03-transactions.md)
- [LN Things Part 2: Updating State](https://ellemouton.com/posts/updating-state/) por nostr:nprofile1qqswrt9pnxatlplu49h6meld8svmwqt87wwvk256rqk07n6eu4qeh5gpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dszpfjtz
- [eltoo](https://bitcoinops.org/en/topics/eltoo/)
@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2024-11-20 21:25:38
### ¿Qué es un canal?
Un canal Lightning es simplemente una multifirma 2-de-2 en la cadena. Para abrir un canal, solo enviamos fondos a una transacción multifirma 2-de-2. Esto crea un UTXO y el canal está abierto hasta que este UTXO se gaste. Durante la vida del canal, se crean un montón de transacciones que gastan doblemente la transacción de financiamiento, pero eventualmente una (y solo una) de estas se publicará en la cadena para cerrar el canal. Así que, idealmente, un canal Lightning condensa efectivamente un montón de transacciones en dos transacciones en la cadena: la que lo abre y la que lo cierra. Podríamos decir que así es como Lightning "eleva" las transacciones fuera de la cadena.
### Creando un canal
Una **transacción de financiamiento** para un canal entre Alice y Bob es simplemente una transacción que tiene una salida como sigue:
2 <pubkeyA> <pubkeyB> 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
Donde `<pubkeyA>` es la clave pública de Alice y `<pubkeyB>` es la de Bob. Entonces, si Alice quiere abrir un canal con Bob, ¿simplemente le envía fondos al script anterior?
La respuesta es no, es un poco más complicado que eso. Existe la posibilidad de que Bob desaparezca para siempre y nunca vuelva a firmar ninguna transacción que intente gastar de la transacción de financiamiento. Esto significa que, efectivamente, los fondos de Alice quedarían atrapados en este UTXO para siempre. ¡No es ideal!
Aquí es donde entra una **transacción de compromiso**. Cubriremos la transacción de compromiso con más detalle en el futuro, pero por ahora lo importante que hay que saber es que una vez que una transacción de financiamiento es confirmada, las transacciones de compromiso definen el **estado** del canal (es decir, cómo se distribuyen los fondos entre los participantes del canal). Así que, esencialmente, cada transacción de compromiso gasta la transacción de financiamiento como entrada y tiene salidas que definen la distribución de fondos entre los participantes del canal.
Para ver cómo se utilizan estos dos conceptos para negociar la apertura de un canal, se intercambiará una serie de mensajes entre los nodos de Alice y Bob, como se muestra en el diagrama a continuación.
Es un poco como negociar un contrato; cada parte solo firma cuando está contento con los términos. Vamos a revisar cada uno de estos mensajes con más detalle.
#### open_channel
Alice envía este mensaje a Bob para indicar que quiere abrir un canal con él. Este mensaje contiene varios detalles sobre los requisitos de Alice para el canal. El más importante es `funding_pubkey`. Esta es la clave pública que Alice tiene la intención de usar como su clave pública en el script de la transacción de financiamiento.
#### accept_channel
Si Bob está contento con los requisitos que Alice ha presentado en su oferta de canal, puede enviar de vuelta el mensaje `accept_channel`, que también contiene algunos de sus requisitos junto con su `funding_pubkey`.
En este punto, Alice tiene todo lo que necesita para construir la transacción de financiamiento. Sin embargo, aún no tiene garantía de que Bob no desaparecerá, lo que haría que sus fondos no se pudieran gastar. Por lo tanto, aún no transmite la transacción de financiamiento. En cambio, lo que necesita es una transacción de compromiso firmada por Bob que gaste de la transacción de financiamiento y divida el saldo del canal en consecuencia. La transacción de financiamiento podría asignar algunos fondos a Bob también, por lo que Bob también querría una transacción de compromiso válida firmada por Alice, en caso de que ella desaparezca.
Entonces, lo que Alice hace ahora es construir la transacción de financiamiento y enviar a Bob el siguiente mensaje:
#### funding_created
Este mensaje contiene el TXID de la transacción de financiamiento, el índice de salida relevante de la transacción de financiamiento junto con una firma de la transacción de compromiso de Bob. Alice puede construir la transacción de compromiso exacta de Bob utilizando la información que ya conoce.
Ten en cuenta que Bob no puede hacer nada aún con su transacción de compromiso porque está gastando de una transacción que aún no está en la blockchain.
#### funding_signed
Si Bob está contento, entonces puede enviar a Alice un mensaje `funding_signed`, que contiene la firma de Bob para la transacción de compromiso de Alice.
Ahora, Alice tiene una transacción de compromiso válida firmada por Bob que puede usar para gastar sus fondos de vuelta a sí misma en caso de que Bob desaparezca. Por lo tanto, es seguro para ella transmitir la transacción de financiamiento.
#### channel_ready
Tanto Alice como Bob estarán ahora observando la blockchain esperando que la transacción de financiamiento alcance el número deseado de confirmaciones. Una vez que cada uno lo vea, se enviarán mutuamente el mensaje `channel_ready` que contiene el ID del canal.
¡El canal ahora está abierto y listo para transacciones!
### Revisión
Terminaremos con un breve resumen de los conceptos importantes que hemos aprendido en este capítulo. Siéntete libre de volver aquí en el futuro en caso de que necesites un recordatorio.
- **canal**: un contrato multifirma 2-de-2 en la cadena utilizado para elevar transacciones fuera de la cadena
- **transacción de financiamiento**: una transacción multifirma 2-de-2 con un script de salida P2WSH que contiene las claves públicas de ambos participantes del canal
- **transacción de compromiso**: una transacción que define el estado de un canal, es decir, la distribución de fondos entre los participantes del canal
### Referencias
- [BOLT2](https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lightning-rfc/blob/master/02-peer-protocol.md)
- [LN Things Part 1: Creating a channel](https://ellemouton.com/posts/creating-a-channel/) por nostr:nprofile1qqswrt9pnxatlplu49h6meld8svmwqt87wwvk256rqk07n6eu4qeh5gpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dszpfjtz
@ 3c827db6:66418fc3
2024-11-30 22:48:41
### The Dystopian Present – Fiat Has Made Us All Digit Addicts
Everyone wants to make you an addict. Some people sell illicit drugs on the black market and want you to become addicted to them so they can profit from you. The dealers naturally focus on drugs that are physically addictive because they are often the hardest to kick. When they do manage to addict you to them that becomes harder and harder over time. For drug lords and dealers, this is heaven. This virtually guarantees that all customers will be regulars, at least for as long as they survive. For the addict, it depletes the quality of their life. They start to live from one fix to the next. The problem for the dealers is the illegality of the product. Staying in business as a dealer requires a lot of care, caution, and expense. Additionally, much of the total addressable market (TAM) is turned off by drugs’ bad reputation. So what do you do?
If the problem is legality, make legal drugs. The drugs sold in pharmacies are legal and in many cases no less addictive. There’s a drug for every complaint and three dozen for the common cold viruses. Some, like a simple nasal spray, are addictive and can lead to a chronic condition which “locks” you in for life. It’s the same basic business model as the street dealer but with less friction, lower risk, and much better optics. The barrier to entry is that the clients have to be "sick".
Now consider supermarkets, where the market is perhaps saturated, but the TAM is almost 100% of the population – everyone eats. Junk food can be quite addictive and can make its users sick. Sick junk food junkies might turn to pharmaceuticals without changing their habits, compounding the problem. Now the cycle is complete. As bad as such addictions might sound, and as widespread as they are, the current global addiction is yet worse: the addiction to digits pandemic.
The first case of addiction to digits is in terms of fiat currencies. They have the benefit of transacting with everyone in a particular country. It is very convenient to use those digits as a medium of exchange. Those digit addicts usually say: "I can't buy anything with bitcoin, so I am not going to buy any." They are saying, “I am addicted to the benefit of a convenient medium of exchange even though my purchasing power will deteriorate.”
Some people realise that money is usually static. It’s active when people are transacting and passive when they’re just keeping it for later. To be an effective store of value, money needs to preserve (or grow!) its purchasing power over time. A person should not earn the same money twice. When I have savings I should not be forced to actively manage it. So whole market segments focus on the passive use of money. It is strange how the system forces you to actively use your money to solve the passive use - it kind of defeats the purpose. Still, you can't let it degrade because of inflation. Here there are a few main categories - bonds, real estate, equities, gold, and art.
The bond's benefit is its promise to return more digits after some period. “Guaranteed” by the state. And they truly do! They give you the benefit of increased digits and at the end of the period even with the more digits, your purchasing power is less than when you started. Still, it beats the ones that just saved. The bond digit addicts will not buy bitcoin because bitcoin in cold storage pays no interest.
The real estate benefit is a digit "yield" in the form of rent and the digit value of the property will be higher. The value of the real estate is a function of the returns it generates every month. The digit value of the building increases because the degrading of the fiat digits happens faster than the degradation of the physical structure. Real-estate addicts will not buy bitcoin because it is not physical and does not pay any digits for rent.
Financial “engineers” invent products for people to bet on against each other. The whole premise of a stock market is that you sell something you have for another thing that may increase in digit value. Each trade has a winner and a loser, but like in a casino, the house always wins in the end. Just another addiction with another kind of dealer. The Bitcoin system is unifying everything into one. In a bitcoin economy, there are no losers because one person’s profit is not necessarily a loss for another. Those addicts would not buy Bitcoin because there is no betting system in Bitcoin and can't do call or put options or other illusionary "engineering" things so the insiders benefit. If you just buy Bitcoin and HODL for when you need it then all the dealers of that addiction will be out of business.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/19bacb9cdac40a2a7f964dc80a99714759be729483634e01e1ea5764e7aa7779.jpg)Gold addicts are addicted to the metal without realizing how it can be used against them. How can anyone tell us how much the market cap of gold is if no one can tell us the exact weight digits of gold that it is found? This is the true Schrödinger's cat these days. Now owning gold is represented only by a number on a screen, reducing it to the same status as fiat. With fiat currencies, one piece of paper has the number 1 on top and the other has the number 100 on top. ***We do not care that they are on the same paper value but we value the digits that are written on the paper.*** The gold digit addiction is the same, but it took longer to foster because everyone can measure its weight rather than rely on arbitrary numbers. Nobody can put 100 on top of 1 kilo of gold and tell you that it is 100 kilos. But since digital displays of gold ownership have largely replaced physical possession, it follows the exact same mechanism as paper. Gold addicts say that bitcoin does not have any physical (metal) properties, so it has no value, and they won’t buy it.
How about the art digit addicts? Their views on bitcoin aren’t very well known since they aren’t very active in the discourse. The benefit of art is in the emotions it evokes. When Bitcoin starts to demonetize the art industry, we will see art digit addicts defending its value. Art should be art, it should not be a method for a store of value.
The next digit addiction dominating today's societies is loyalty programs, like air miles, and loyalty points for discounts, promotions, and exclusive offers. Even to this day, my grandma is looking through the brochure of EVERY store in the area to find a discount of 10 cents cheaper bananas per kilo. Because the companies can't print currency digits they print loyalty digits. They not only have much greater purchasing power inflation than currencies (most of the time) but they also have much greater controls over when, where and how to actively use them. The addicts of the loyalty digits start orienting their lives around the loyalty program digits and the dealers love it.
The next digit addiction is social media. People get addicted to subscribers, likes, views, etc. The benefit they provide is the platform, the ability to reach a far greater audience than through face-to-face interactions. This addiction is not directly connected to money, but all those digits are what promoters, sponsors and everyone is looking at sponsors and subscribers automatically convert metrics into value to assign worth in fiat.
The next digit addiction is to video games. Gamers get addicted to the tokens needed to "unlock" the "special" item. They start chasing those token digits so hard in the virtual world that they forget to live in the real one. As young players age, their addictions often graduate from game tokens to other digit dealer systems.
The current FOMO digit addiction is to blockchains. Their benefits include faster transactions, more anonymity, and smart contracts to get you hooked. If the creator is not a direct scammer and truly wants to give those benefits to people he is essentially saying that the benefit that he gives is more important than incorruptible money. The benefit of smart contracts is greater than incorruptibility. That is probably a misunderstanding that secure and decentralised money is the base that gives you certainty to build everything on top. If you want to launch rockets into space you do not change gravity to make your use case easier to achieve. If you do, you will destroy all the sports where people need to jump. All the tall buildings and trees will be collapsing because for winds it will be much easier to tilt them. You destroy the way of life on earth but it is nice that we can go to space. ***If you believe that the benefit is worth it then do the work and build it on Earth without destroying it. Build on Bitcoin!***
The next addiction is to the digits of the custodians. Bitcoin ETFs were hotly anticipated and have received plenty of acclaim. But their custodians are getting the punters hooked on convenience. Give me your bitcoin in my custody because you are inadequate to hold it yourself. Give me your Bitcoin, and I will give you digits.
The common trait among all of these digit addictions is that they offer some benefit in return for dependence on certain digit lords. Once people experience the benefit, it becomes that is the thing that traps them. That is one of the struggles of the Bitcoiners to accept that there are benefits to all of the addictions mentioned above. Bitcoin has its benefits and limitations, but the benefits of Bitcoin do not negate the benefits of other things.
This is the source of the greatest conflict between bitcoiners and crypto bros. Bitcoiners should not dismiss other crypto just because they are shitcoins. Instead, we should enter the arena and out-compete them just like we have been for the past 15 years. Some of them do provide nice benefits to get people hooked to their blockchain digits. When we as bitcoiners do not compete with them and learn what we can, we are going to deprive Bitcoin of those benefits. Bitcoin probably shouldn’t adopt every feature that emerges somewhere in the cryptosphere, but competition fosters improvement. As a former professional athlete, I can say that my skills improved the most after losing to a weaker opponent. When a weaker opponent defeats a stronger one, it only means that he revealed a weak spot. Just because the weaker opponent won does not imply that the rules are unfair and need to be changed or the weakling should be disqualified. That is the tactic of the fiat digit lords. If we want to beat more powerful opponents (i.e. fiat currencies), we must also face the weaker ones. Bitcoin’s obvious weak spot was, until recently, its throughput. Enter Lightning Network.. Privacy? Welcome to eCash on top of Bitcoin.
### The Battle for Control Continues in a New Domain – The Digit Lords Are Capturing Bitcoin Digit Addicts
The addiction is so ingrained in all of us that even when someone understands Bitcoin and its implications, they transfer their digit addiction onto Bitcoin. For them, the addiction manifests in HODLing, and the object of their obsession is "How much do I have??" and “Is the number going up??” I HODL and want the digit value to rise to give me the "fix" that I need. Still intoxicated by other digits, they are the easiest prey for the custodian digit platforms. By contrast, real Bitcoin maximalists value proof of work above all. Their primary goal is to build a better life for everyone through Bitcoin. Unless you’re building, you’re just a digit addict chasing your high with Bitcoin.
Different people get addicted to different digits. But even if someone benefits a lot from their addiction, that does not mean it is right for you. Michael Saylor was instrumental in helping me recover from my fiat addiction and going clean on Bitcoin. At the same time, he’s hooked on the custodians’ digits. After all, he has billions in the custodians’ digit ecosystem. He preaches to people that it is better to have more custodians of bitcoin. Let's go ask all the “gold bugs” how that thing turned out for them. Do not get me wrong all the benefits that he is saying are right and they are benefits so what is the difference?
![](https://blossom.primal.net/24757e82222b14264cf4ef58dc938656cd219938fa8ad9bb8baa0674d96c61d9.jpg)The difference is in the control. In the addictions described above, the users get the high, but they also get hooked. At the same time, a small group keeps control over the digits the addicts use and claims themselves as digit lords. In all those digit addictions, the mechanism is the same. Fiat digits are controlled by fiat digit lords. Air miles digits are controlled by the airline digit lords. Crypto bros are producing ever more blockchain digits with benefits that Bitcoin does not have (yet) to become the blockchain digit lords. The custodian's digits are controlled by the screen digits lords. They all control the addicts through the digits.
Another reason why the addiction analogy fits so well is that detoxing is so hard. Wonder why "Orange Pilling" is a struggle? Have you tried to take the cocaine away from an addict, or the insulin of a diabetic, or the chocolate from a fat kid? Resistance is natural. A real estate mogul who has spent decades mastering his trade and amassing a fortune is naturally going to resist any force that could demonetise his industry. The HODLer junkies profiting from BlackRock’s ETFs and similar custodians will naturally resist any threat to the number-go-up fix. That is a marriage made in heaven. For the HODL digit addicts, you can see what infrastructure the custodians are setting up to capture you. Check the work of Whitney Webb and Mark Goodwin in their collaborative articles about that topic.
Gold provides a clear example of how the digit custodians work. To analyse gold, you go to a goldsmith who can assess the gold’s weight and purity, not an ETF dealer. The ETF dealer is just the street pusher for the ETF digit lords. They can describe the imaginary trend lines on top of their imaginary digits that are disconnected from the metal. Unless that particular ETF dealer has a direct line to the gold digit lords, his opinion is absolutely worthless. He is just the digit addiction dealer pushing someone else’s product to get his cut. Bitcoin ETFs are no different. ***Bitcoin can be used as a real store of value! In the fiat system, it is mainly “You store my value!”***
The digit lords’ model has its weaknesses. Some try to exploit the model’s mechanics for their own benefit and to avoid becoming addicts. For example:
- counterfeiting fiat
- insider trading in the store of value digits
- hard and soft nepotism in the loyalty digit programs
- hacks in games
- all of the above in blockchains
Even though they are not obeying expected addiction behavior, they are still addicts by chasing the same digits. The difference is that if they succeed they are branded criminals (hackers) by the digit lords. They are using the control system as designed and demonstrating that the whole system is exploitable. The exploiters can attain enormous power by those actions but that is not the intention of the system. The digit lords need control to remain a privilege and guard it jealously so that no one else can own the digits but them. That is why they need us to be hooked: no single person’s effort can overcome control over the digits. That is why any system that is disconnected from work will fail in the Bitcoin era.
Bitcoin is the panacea able to cure all addictions. There is no free lunch in Bitcoin. Once connected to the open and permissionless Bitcoin network, all wallets, all investments, all loyalty promotions, all social media, all gaming tokens, and all blockchains will benefit from bitcoin and their first-mover advantage.
### First Look at The Addiction The Right Way - Then Take Responsibility to Break It and Be Free
![](https://blossom.primal.net/6495327a985c5972656fdbc4999a125275c13f9c44a0cde432d6fa4827366ef6.png)Beyond the number go up addicts, analysts are also addicted to the models evaluating all the addiction digits. If Bitcoin is something genuinely new, then why are we using the same old modeling principles? The power-law model fits a number of real-world phenomena, including bitcoin through most of its history. From the growth of cities to metabolic rates and many other correlations relating to energy expenditure, the power law applies in a surprising number of cases. The power law is a functional relationship between two quantities, where a relative change in one quantity results in a relative change in the other quantity proportional to a power of the change, independent of the initial size of those quantities. In other words one quantity varies as a power of another. Funny how the name of the model coincidentally (or not) suggests using it for things connected to power. Bitcoin is inseparable from energy (power), so the power law is probably the proper tool. That is why the power law of the hash rate will never break even if the fiat price power law might.
Since engineers have built Bitcoin, their models explain the technology best. But when it comes, to financial analysts they are not modeling reality - they are trying to model the collective psychology about particular digits. Elon Musk is not going to land a rocket on Mars powered by likes or fanboys. The only way is to model reality and then build it. Reality is uncompromising, and inspiration only takes you so far. Either the model is accurate and the execution works, or the rocket explodes. Over time, reality will defy even the best financial models, but they can accurately capture what the collective psychology values in the short term. That’s why the financial “engeneers” hypnotize the digital addicts and get them hooked. In the meantime, Bitcoin continues to do its thing regardless of what any of us think about its future - it is an uncompromising force of nature.
Perhaps there’s a less fickle way to evaluate companies. Let's take NVIDIA, the current FOMO stock. The digit value unit of a stock is connected to a digit unit of the share. Neither quantity is directly connected to energy and, therefore, can be created at will. But what if someone maps the produced GPUs by NVIDIA? It is just a hunch but it probably follows a power law - the production capacity of the chips is limited by physics. The production of the company can’t break reality to scale but when you cross-reference it with the stock price, you may see when those digits are driven by the current psychology of the “market” or by fundamental value. Giovani Santostasi is the person to do the math on that and say if he can innovate a new way of evaluating stocks with the power law model. I may be talking out of my ass for the stocks valuation application of the model but he proved that this is the only model that maps the journey to hyperbitcoinisation.
And what about digits that no one controls? Some digits are connected to reality, which is very useful: the digits for time, the digits for length, the digits for weight, and the digits for temperature. Reality does not care about what we think about it. Reality just is, and we use digits to understand it. That is the language of the engineers, not economists. The numbers not connected to physical energy are numbers backed by a group's opinion. They can be captured and controlled. Engineers’ digits are free. They resist control. Even those who haven’t mastered them can benefit from those who have. They are the ones building the roads, the computers, and everything else we need in modern life. The difference between open digits and controlled digits is that the addicts of the controlled digits depend on the digit lords for where, when, and how they can benefit. You can't use the digits of one country outside its borders freely. You can't use one company’s loyalty digit points with its competitors. You can't use the token digits from a game to buy a coffee. You can't buy MicroStrategy stock digits without a bank account.
Michael Saylor always says that there is nothing worth buying in Africa even if you had a billion dollars to spend. That is grossly biassed towards the passive use of money – saving their purchasing power. If you are a billionaire it sure is a problem. But if you want humanity to flourish, the most important thing is to build stuff! Africa is a very important part of humanity, and we need to figure out what to build and how to facilitate spending, so they can get to the point of caring about store of value billionaire digit addiction problems and even beyond the addicion. Saving is just a partial view of that one store-of-value use case. My point is not that Saylor is wrong to protect his castle. Rather, we need to build castles for everyone and then they can start protecting them. His blind spot is that the custodians now want to co-opt Bitcoin as a store of value so they can continue the 2% inflation game and remain digit lords. The difference is that with Bitcoin the 2% inflation game runs on a decentralised global standard. Different countries and banks can connect to it and profit, but that attracts the degenerate custodians (companies, banks, and states) that will print digits on top of Bitcoin. At some point, a bank run on the most degenerate custodian digit lord is inevitable. Then the domino effect of bankruptcies that they can stop in the fiat system is not something that they can do in the Bitcoin system. So buckle up! The biggest volatility may lie ahead. ***The people that we call poor do not have access to custodian institutions, but now they can run their own Bitcoin nodes.*** For the first time ever, unprivileged societies have the tools to take back all the purchasing power that was stolen from them by the digit lords without spilling blood.
Take control of the math you use, and take control over the money you use, so you can take control of the life you lead. Otherwise, there will come a time when you will beg someone in control to come and save you. This message is addressed to those without control, but this message is also relevant to those who already realise what Bitcoin is and need to prepare for the day when the addicts come and beg us to save them. ***We need to start working on becoming people of virtue --Alex Svetski***\*.\* We must not become digit lords, but actually detoxify people effectively and cooperate. Do not sit on your hands, just HODLing. Build that future. Anyone who’s been in Bitcoin for more than 4 years (one cycle) should be running a node and taking more control into their hands. Anyone who has profited from Bitcoin’s appreciation should be thinking about what they want and how to integrate Bitcoin into those goals. No coding or technical expertise is required. All the analog infrastructures need to be integrated with the Bitcoin infrastructure. Barbers need to start accepting Bitcoin and telling the community. The barber infrastructure has to be connected to the Bitcoin infrastructure along with all the others.
The digit lord companies should consider replacing air miles with sats? Replace in-game tokens with milisats? The digit lords could do this immediately. This is Bitcoin’s ultimate, imminent network effect. Inflation in all the addiction digits will accelerate. The digit lords will do everything they can to keep addicts in their digit drug ecosystem. At the same time, companies that have already adopted Bitcoin will actually save them from bankruptcy. The digit lords will then serve all of us, and whoever gives the most benefits will be the one that WE choose, and they will fight for our vote and support.
Until you drop the digit addiction, you will never be free. Reality is uncompromising for those (companies or countries) who do not navigate its rules/laws properly. This is exactly the problem that the digit lords face as long as the digits are connected to reality. Someone can always verify the accuracy of the digits. I can lie about today’s date, but you can verify. I can lie about the weight of something, but you can verify - maybe not applicable for gold :). I can lie about your height, but you can verify. I can lie about the temperature, but you can verify. Now, for the first time ever, money digits are connected to reality through Bitcoin, and everyone can verify! Lies won’t last long. Just ask the FTX, Celsius, and Terra Luna digit lords. They may control their closed-digit systems, but no one controls reality. ***That is exactly why we will win --Marty Bent!*** The digit lords are addicted to that control, but people are building solutions to transfer control from the digit lords to individuals. ***Whether the digit lords realise it or not, they are losing ever more digit addicts to a system that is detoxing them.*** Losing addicts is fine if you can get them hooked on another substance. Referring back to the chemical drugs mentioned above, that we looked at at the beginning of the article. This is why digit lords will do anything to keep their addicts hooked on the next digits. Now that people have Bitcoin – money inseparable from reality – we have clear detoxified heads. We will never go back to the addiction. The current dynamic is that the digit lords will chase our attention, but we will never give them back the control. I will happily take a discount on a vacation flight, but I will not serve the digits lords’ agenda. I will not obey the digit lords’ vacation plans for me whatever loyalty digits they offer. They will serve my plans and orient their services around my needs.
One of my favorite phrases from ***Jeff Booth: There is no they; there is only we!*** It is incumbent on all of us to take control and become "we". The digit lords are the "they" people usually refer to. In the current system, there are digit lords, digit dealers, and digit addicts. In the Bitcoin system, addicts detox, dealers build detoxing tools, and no one is a digit lord. And brings us back to Jeff’s statement there is only we in the Bitcoin system!
Congratulations on reaching the end of this article! Few people take any time to digest anything more demanding than a meme, but not you. If these ideas are worth spreading, please share the link. If you think that they are worth discussing on a podcast, tell the podcasters to hit me up, and I would be happy to chat with them. May we all live without addiction and build what we want for ourselves and ***for the kids --Greg Foss*.**
P. S. Love to all the orange brothers and sisters out there. Godspeed!
@ 4ba8e86d:89d32de4
2024-11-07 13:56:21
Tutorial feito por Grom mestre⚡poste original abaixo:
Bom dia/tarde/noite a todos os camaradas.
Seguindo a nossa série de tutoriais referentes a tecnologias essenciais para a segurança e o anonimato dos usuários, sendo as primeiras a openPGP e a I2P, lhes apresento mais uma opção para expandir os seus conhecimentos da DW.
Muitos devem conhecer os serviços de mail na onion como DNMX e mail2tor, mas e que tal um serviço de email pela I2P. Nesse tutorial eu vou mostrar a vocês como criar a sua primeira conta no hq.postman.i2p e a acessar essa conta.
É importante que vocês tenham lido a minha primeira série de tutoriais a respeito de como instalar, configurar e navegar pela I2P nostr:nevent1qqsyjcz2w0e6d6dcdeprhuuarw4aqkw730y542dzlwxwssneq3mwpaspz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsygzt4r5x6tvh39kujvmu8egqdyvf84e3w4e0mq0ckswamfwcn5eduspsgqqqqqqsyp5vcq Esse tutorial é um pré-requisito para o seguinte e portanto recomendo que leia-os antes de prosseguir com o seguinte tutorial. O tutorial de Kleopatra nostr:nevent1qqs8h7vsn5j6qh35949sa60dms4fneussmv9jd76n24lsmtz24k0xlqzyp9636rd9ktcjmwfxd7ru5qxjxyn6uch2uhas8utg8wa5hvf6vk7gqcyqqqqqqgecq8f7 é complementar dado que é extremamente recomendado assinar e criptografar as mensagens que seguem por emails pela DW.
Sem mais delongas, vamos ao tutorial de fato.
## 1. Criando uma conta de email no hq.postman
Relembrando: Esse tutorial considera que você já tenha acesso à I2P.
Entre no seu navegador e acesse o endereço hq.postman.i2p. O roteador provavelmente já contém esse endereço no seu addressbook e não haverá a necessidade de inserir o endereço b32 completo.
Após entrar no site vá para a página '1 - Creating a mailbox'
Nessa página, insira as credenciais de sua preferências nos campos do formulário abaixo. Lembre-se que o seu endereço de email aceita apenas letras e números. Clique em 'Proceed' depois que preencher todos os campos.
Uma página vai aparecer pedindo para confirmar as credenciais da sua nova conta. Se tudo estiver certo apenas clique em 'Confirm and Create Mailbox'. Se tudo ocorrer como conforme haverá uma confirmação de que a sua nova conta foi criada com sucesso. Após isso aguarde por volta de 5 minutos antes de tentar acessá-la, para que haja tempo suficiente para o servidor atualizar o banco de dados.
Pronto! Sua nova conta de email na I2P foi criada. Agora vamos para a próxima etapa: como acessar a sua conta via um cliente de email.
## 2. Configurando os túneis cliente de SMTP e POP3
O hq.postman não possui um cliente web que nos permite acessar a nossa conta pelo navegador. Para isso precisamos usar um cliente como Thunderbird e configurar os túneis cliente no I2Pd que serão necessários para o Thunderbird se comunicar com o servidor pela I2P.
Caso não tenha instalado o Thunderbird ainda, faça-o agora antes de prosseguir.
Vamos configurar os túneis cliente do servidor de email no nosso roteador. Para isso abra um terminal ou o seu gestor de arquivos e vá para a pasta de configuração de túneis do I2P. Em Linux esse diretório se localiza em /etc/i2pd/tunnels.d. Em Windows, essa pasta se localiza em C:\users\user\APPDATA\i2pd.
Na pasta tunnels.d crie dois arquivos: smtp.postman.conf e pop-postman.conf. Lembre-se que em Linux você precisa de permissões de root para escrever na pasta de configuração. Use o comando sudoedit <nome_do_arquivo> para isso.
Edite-os conforme as imagens a seguir:
Arquivo pop-postman.conf
Arquivo smtp-postman.conf
Salve os arquivos e reinicie o serviço do I2Pd. Em Linux isso é feito pelo comando:
sudo systemctl restart i2pd
Entre no Webconsole do I2Pd pelo navegador (localhost:7070) e na seção I2P Tunnels, verifique se os túneis pop-postman e smtp-postman foram criados, caso contrário verifique se há algum erro nos arquivos e reinicie o serviço.
Com os túneis cliente criados, vamos agora configurar o Thunderbird
## 3. Configurando o Thunderbird para acessar a nossa conta
Abra o Thunderbird e clique em criar uma nova conta de email. Se você não tiver nenhum conta previamente presente nele você vai ser diretamente recebido pela janela de criação de conta a seguir.
Coloque as suas credenciais, mas não clique ainda em Continuar. Clique antes em Configure Manually, já que precisamos configurar manualmente os servidores de SMTP e POP3 para, respectivamente, enviar e receber mensagens.
Preencha os campos como na imagem a seguir. Detalhe: Não coloque o seu endereço completo com o @mail.i2p, apenas o nome da sua conta.
Clique em Re-test para verificar a integridade da conexão. Se tudo estiver certo uma mensagem irá aparecer avisando que as configurações do servidores estão corretas. Clique em Done assim que estiver pronto para prosseguir.
A seguinte mensagem vai aparecer alertando que não estamos usando criptografia no envio das credenciais. Não há problema nenhum aqui, pois a I2P está garantindo toda a proteção e anonimato dos nossos dados, o que dispensa a necessidade de uso de TLS ou qualquer tecnologia similar nas camadas acima. Marque a opção 'I Understand the risks' e clique em 'Continue'
E por fim, se tudo ocorreu como devido sua conta será criada com sucesso e você agora será capaz de enviar e receber emails pela I2P usando essa conta.
## 4. Observações e considerações finais
Como informado pelo próprio site do hq.postman, o domínio @mail.i2p serve apenas para emails enviados dentro da I2P. Emails enviados pela surface devem usar o domínio @i2pmai.org. É imprescindível que você saiba usar o PGP para assinar e criptografar as suas mensagens, dado que provavelmente as mensagens não são armazenadas de forma criptografada enquanto elas estão armazenadas no servidor. Como o protocolo POP3 delete as mensagens no imediato momento em que você as recebe, não há necessidade de fazer qualquer limpeza na sua conta de forma manual.
Por fim, espero que esse tutorial tenha sido útil para vocês. Que seu conhecimento tenha expandido ainda mais com as informações trazidas aqui. Até a próxima.
@ 88dc84f5:c71164f7
2024-11-30 22:16:19
![image](![image]( https://image.nostr.build/0e4f16cd64059ac6603b8ed92bb9cce6390c69e2fcb7f370407620448e1fcdbb.jpg))
The world of investing has undergone a significant transformation in recent years. Traditional assets such as stocks and bonds are no longer the only options for investors. Alternative investments, including art, wine, and real estate, have gained popularity among investors seeking diversification and potentially higher returns. In this article, we will explore the rise of alternative investments and provide guidance on navigating these unique markets.
The Art Market
The art market has experienced significant growth in recent years, with global sales reaching $67.4 billion in 2020. Investing in art can provide a hedge against inflation and market volatility, as well as offer the potential for long-term appreciation. However, the art market can be unpredictable, and investors must be prepared for fluctuations in value.
Types of Art Investments:
1. Contemporary Art: Investing in contemporary art can be a high-risk, high-reward strategy. Artists such as Banksy and Koons have seen significant increases in value in recent years.
2. Fine Art: Fine art investments can include works by established artists such as Picasso, Warhol, and Monet. These investments tend to be less volatile than contemporary art.
3. Prints and Multiples: Investing in prints and multiples can provide a more affordable entry point into the art market.
The Wine Market
Wine investing has gained popularity in recent years, with the global wine market valued at over $300 billion. Investing in wine can provide a hedge against inflation and market volatility, as well as offer the potential for long-term appreciation.
Types of Wine Investments:
1. Fine Wine: Investing in fine wine can include purchasing bottles from established regions such as Bordeaux, Burgundy, and Champagne.
2. Rare Wine: Investing in rare wine can include purchasing bottles from limited production runs or older vintages.
3. Wine Funds: Wine funds provide a diversified portfolio of wines, allowing investors to spread risk and potentially increase returns.
Real Estate Investing!
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/b5e45aea8eed8509ed79719df101d942a03450cbcb2d60d1ecf7d349eab7e8a8.jpg)
Real estate investing has long been a popular alternative investment strategy. Investing in real estate can provide a hedge against inflation and market volatility, as well as offer the potential for rental income and long-term appreciation.
Types of Real Estate Investments:
1. Direct Property Investment: Investing directly in property can include purchasing residential or commercial properties.
2. *Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs): REITs provide diversified portfolio of properties, allowing investors to spread risk and potentially increase returns.
3. Real Estate Crowdfunding: Real estate crowdfunding platforms provide a way for investors to pool funds to invest in property development projects.
Alternative investments, including art, wine, and real estate, can provide a unique opportunity for investors to diversify their portfolios and potentially increase returns. However, these investments often come with unique risks and challenges. Investors must conduct thorough research and due diligence before investing in these markets.
1. The global art market was valued at $67.4 billion in 2020. (Source: Art Basel)
2. The global wine market was valued at over $300 billion in 2020. (Source: Wine Market Council)
3. The global real estate market was valued at over $280 trillion in 2020. (Source: Savills)
1. "The Art Market 2020" by Art Basel
2. "The Wine Market 2020" by Wine Market Council
3. "The Global Real Estate Market 2020" By Saviils.
@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2024-10-31 16:08:50
# Anglicismos estúpidos no português contemporâneo
Palavras e expressões que ninguém deveria usar porque não têm o sentido que as pessoas acham que têm, são apenas aportuguesamentos de palavras inglesas que por nuances da história têm um sentido ligeiramente diferente em inglês.
Cada erro é acompanhado também de uma sugestão de como corrigi-lo.
### Palavras que existem em português com sentido diferente
- _submissão_ (de trabalhos): **envio**, **apresentação**
- _disrupção_: **perturbação**
- _assumir_: **considerar**, **pressupor**, **presumir**
- _realizar_: **perceber**
- _endereçar_: **tratar de**
- _suporte_ (ao cliente): **atendimento**
- _suportar_ (uma idéia, um projeto): **apoiar**, **financiar**
- _suportar_ (uma função, recurso, característica): **oferecer**, **ser compatível com**
- _literacia_: **instrução**, **alfabetização**
- _convoluto_: **complicado**.
- _acurácia_: **precisão**.
- _resiliência_: **resistência**.
### Aportuguesamentos desnecessários
- _estartar_: **iniciar**, **começar**
- _treidar_: **negociar**, **especular**
### Expressões
- _"não é sobre..."_: **"não se trata de..."**
![halloween é o cacete, viva a cultura nacional!](/static/halloween.png)
## Ver também
- [Algumas expressões e ditados excelentes da língua portuguesa, e outras não tão excelentes assim](https://fiatjaf.alhur.es/expressões-e-ditados.txt)
@ 4337b650:c90815cd
2024-11-30 20:48:25
Starting out on YakiHonne was both exciting and surprisingly smooth. The app’s decentralized structure initially seemed complex, but the user-friendly interface helped me quickly set up my decentralized identity. I loved exploring the feed where I had to choose topics that interest me it helped me in finding trending discussions effortlessly.
The rich markdown editor for creating articles was a standout feature—it felt empowering to share content directly without centralized oversight. Lightning zaps (microtransactions) were another unique feature that added a dynamic way to engage with content. And being zaped on my first day was overwhelming too.
Overall, my first day felt like stepping into a vibrant, censorship-resistant digital space where I could connect with creators globally while learning the ropes of Web3 technology. It’s an excellent bridge for those curious about decentralization without feeling overwhelmed.
Hopefully my first of many more Articles.
@ a9434ee1:d5c885be
2024-10-29 20:46:24
This design system has two goals:
1. Being the basis for the development of a design-first, native Nostr app focused on exceptional zapping and chatting, relay-based communities and beauty
2. Serving as inspiration for builders that need coherent UI building blocks for their own apps with a different scope but overlapping needs (chats, threads, zaps, articles, highlights, events, wikis, ...)
### Design System
Check it out [here](https://www.figma.com/community/file/1430887635327548022 ).
This is by no means finished and will be continually updated and completed as we go along.
### Project description
Check it out [here](njump.me/naddr1qvzqqqrcvgpzp22rfmsktmgpk2rtan7zwu00zuzax5maq5dnsu5g3xxvqr2u3pd7qyt8wumn8ghj7mnfv4kzumn0wd68yvfwvdhk6tcpz9mhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejj7qq00fshqcmgv96z6urjda4x2cm5lrswda)
This is a very first bullet-point-style draft to set the tone and is open to change, hence it being a wiki.
### Explanatory videos
This list of videos will also be continually updated and completed as we go along:
1. Chat as the universal interface
2. Your Nostr Dashboard
3. Keeping Tabs on all these Content types
4. Design entered the Chat
5. Targeted publication & The blurry edges of interoperable communities
6. Travel Back
@ 812cff5a:5c40aeeb
2024-11-30 20:12:59
اذا اردت اضافة اسمك إلى القائمة، علق على المنشور في الأسفل، أو تواصل معنى مباشرة:
@ f584a915:9da6d625
2024-11-30 20:05:03
The US elections have always been a significant event for global markets. However, the recent election cycle has added an extra layer of intrigue with the increasing prominence of cryptocurrency. While the two might seem worlds apart, their intersection has become a topic of much discussion and speculation.
Historically, stock markets have shown sensitivity to election outcomes. A change in administration can lead to shifts in economic policies, trade agreements, and regulatory frameworks, all of which can impact the performance of traditional assets.
Cryptocurrency, on the other hand, is often touted as a decentralized and autonomous asset, immune to such geopolitical events.
However, the reality is more nuanced. While blockchain technology, the underlying technology of cryptocurrency, is largely decentralized, the crypto market is still influenced by various factors, including macroeconomic conditions, investor sentiment, and regulatory developments. A change in US administration could potentially impact these factors, leading to fluctuations in the price of cryptocurrencies.
For instance, a pro-innovation administration might be more receptive to cryptocurrencies, leading to favorable regulations and increased adoption. Conversely, a more conservative administration might take a stricter stance, potentially hindering the growth of the crypto industry. Additionally, changes in tax policies or economic stimulus measures could also have implications for cryptocurrency investments.
It's important to note that the impact of the US elections on cryptocurrency is likely to be complex and multifaceted. While the short-term effects might be unpredictable, the long-term trajectory of the crypto market will depend on a variety of factors, including technological advancements, global economic trends, and mainstream adoption.
As the US election cycle unfolds, it's crucial for investors to stay informed and make informed decisions. While cryptocurrency offers the potential for high returns, it's also associated with significant risks.
Diversification, risk management, and a long-term investment horizon are key strategies to navigate the volatile crypto market, regardless of the outcome of the US elections.
@ 9d92077c:38d27146
2024-11-30 19:58:07
# Welcome to the Conduit Signal
Good morning friends, both old and new. Welcome to the *very first* of our monthly updates on the development of the Conduit platform. We're going to use this as the hub for keeping people in the loop about our progress. We'll make sure this is fun and educational along the way, too.
This first letter is a manifesto. It gives new followers vital context before introducing our flagship demo: [Conduit.Coffee](https://conduit.coffee/). Future updates will be shorter and more to the point. So, while we wish you a happy Black Friday, there will be no discounts on words today.
### *Reading commitment: ~2,800 words / ~11 minutes*
# What are we building?
We're making a new platform for online shoppers to discover products they love and trust. A place where all the product reviews you see are real. A platform where you control your buying decisions and are not manipulated. This is a destination where you can both shop in private or choose to share your purchases with your friends. And by friends, I mean the ones already in your network—not a bunch of new ones you need to make.
It's also an interactive marketplace for stores to connect with their customers. It gives them a forum to create content, chat, and listen to their customers—all out of the box. An infinite online mail-order catalog combined with a live editorial section and chat. Did I mention thousands of users are already sitting there, waiting for the stores to show up?
This might sound a little insane or idealistic. And it all was... **before the combined power of the [Nostr](https://nostr.com/) and [Bitcoin](https://bitcoin.org/en/) networks existed**. Leveraging this tech allows us to create the place we describe above. We can unlock the internet's true potential and bypass the big e-commerce sites. It gives us the power to make online shopping more direct, transparent, fair, and enjoyable.
# Why are we doing this?
Today's e-commerce environment feels like a game rigged against the consumer. Fake reviews, intrusive data tracking, and manipulative algorithms are completely normal. Your data is being sold—including all your credit card purchases. Companies are building profiles on you. They're so good that it feels like your phone is listening and feeding them tips (is it?).
Most of us find ourselves caught up in a manipulative algorithmic loop. We're in the Matrix, losing the diverse freedom of thought that makes us human.
*"You don't know what it is, but it's there, like a splinter in your mind, driving you mad." - Morpheus, The Matrix (1999)*
You are the product and they have the tools to influence you. Your mind and attention are being mashed up, tossed around, and sold to the highest bidder. Worst of all, the consumer doesn't get much value from it: their services aren't geared towards you. The reviews can't be trusted since the discourse around a product can be bought and manipulated, with no effective way for the user to know who the faceless army of follows and likes came from... can I trust them? Is it even real?
**And is it even all the merchants' fault? **Now that the game is afoot, they must take part or die. Even our favorite brands must compromise their values to stay afloat. It's hard to blame them either... *it's the playing field itself that's set up with bad incentives.*
On top of all that, the merchants need to work their asses off to stay relevant. Making apps, newsletters, and text bots while sneaking in product placements... whatever they need to stay at the top of your feed. Then we, the consumers, respond with dummy accounts, routing services, ad blockers... whatever we need to salvage what we've got left of our attention and privacy.
It's a stupid and wasteful game.
We're told: "This is the way it is now." These are the new rules; the technology is here to stay, and we are at its mercy. We're pretty sick of it... and we're here to show you: **this is a lie.**
## The Good Old Days...
Imagine yourself in the early '60s, when cash was king. Long before the internet age.
You stroll into a convenience store to get a coffee and your favorite magazine, [Outdoor Life](https://www.outdoorlife.com/). You hand over some change and get the goods; transaction completed.
*"They're not scared of you. They're scared of what you represent to 'em... Freedom." - George Hanson, Easy Rider (1969)*
The magazine's advertisers know only that you like the outdoors. They serve you their top brands alongside the content in a manner that emphasizes good taste. The paper can't watch your eyes. The pages must have enjoyable content and design. Advertisers must captivate you with their branding. **They need to take some risks and be creative to earn your attention.**
From there, you might have ordered something by mail off one of the pages. It wasn't perfect, and a bit slow by today's standards—but it was a fairer and simpler game. There was also nothing illegal or immoral about doing all this in private. Our culture used to respect privacy... remember the phrase "mind your own business"? *This was normal.*
## ...are gone?
We have an intense desire to return to some modern version of this. Our ability to express our unique and diverse selves through commerce is dependent on it. Our respective cultures need this diversity to remain rich and robust.
But we also recognize the convenience and connectivity of the digital age. We're not Luddites—far from it.
If we're honest, none of us wants to go back to the way things were before. We're aware that we are accepting trade-offs for our privacy and freedom of thought. It's so cool that I can tap a few buttons and summon objects to my door. It's amazing that I can (sort of) figure out what to buy without being in a store.
*What if I told you… you didn't need to make tradeoffs anymore?*
The challenge is great.
How do we create a system that has users and merchants interacting like the good old days… but with modern convenience? How do we connect users and merchants so they can both win? How do we do this while allowing users the option for complete privacy and zero manipulation?
The centralized services of the Matrix have set high expectations. They have unmatched speed and vast catalogs. We have tough work ahead of us.
Why the hell would we pursue this? Because it's a worthy goal—a hill worth dying on. We need to see this in the world for future generations.
...And we can be successful in our mission thanks to Bitcoin, Nostr, and open-source code. And because **the incumbents are too big and reliant on the old systems to adopt these new technologies.**
# The Potential of Nostr
For those of you new to this: Nostr stands for **N**otes and **O**ther **S**tuff **T**ransmitted by **R**elays.
"Nostr is a simple, open protocol that enables global, decentralized, and censorship-resistant social media." - [Nostr.com](https://nostr.com/)
We'd recommend exploring [nostr.com](https://nostr.com/) if you're tech-savvy, or [nostr.how](https://nostr.how) if you're looking for something more accessible. We also recommend [Lyn Alden's write-up](https://www.lynalden.com/the-power-of-nostr/) for a less technical deep dive. If you're an investor or a VC, try [Max Webster's article](https://hivemind.vc/nostr/) here.
So what does this mean?
Nostr is a protocol (like [HTTP](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP)), not a platform (like TikTok, X, or Instagram). It's completely open, and nobody owns it.
*And everyone there is proud to be a "Nostrich"*
It has clients (apps), relays (simple servers), and key pairs (user profiles). Each of these interacts with different events (text, images, etc.) in different ways:
- Users access any client with their secret keys.
- Clients allow users to view and interact with events fetched from any relay that they choose.
- Relays store and serve events signed by users through the clients.
Anyone can spin up a client. There are already [dozens](https://otherstuff.app/) with their own unique spin on the network. And we guarantee they've already got a version of your favorite social media site.
Anyone can host a relay. There are already [hundreds](https://legacy.nostr.watch/relays/find) serving different enclaves of the network.
Anyone can generate a secret key and start building a social profile to interact with any of the above. There are already [millions](https://stats.nostr.band/).
Imagine if you could transfer your TikTok account to X in an instant. Then over to LinkedIn. Maybe you're feeling Instagram? Whatever you want—your friends, content, messages, and profile would come with you. Now, imagine if you could control the content you see on these platforms, too.
This is Nostr.
# A New Cyberspace Frontier
The network is a giant constellation of interactive events in cyberspace. All organized by identity, time, popularity, value, or whatever you see fit. All secured by cryptography without needing to trust a big company.
*"A whole new world. A new fantastic point of view. No one to tell us no, or where to go…" - Aladdin (1992)*
Every user is a navigator in this space. Their client is a powerful telescope. It lets them observe and engage with the constellation in their own way. Some may focus on the vibrant nebulae of social interaction. Others may seek the dense star clusters of commerce and exchange. Your reputation and relationships travel with you, wherever you go. They foster a sense of continuity and community across the vast Nostr space.
The potential for this technology to connect us all in a way that was never before possible is so damn exciting. *It's easy to imagine a future where more people have Nostr identities than email and social media accounts combined.* If you spend any time on there, it seems like the open source developers are dropping a new feature, update or application every single day...
**Of all the things this protocol can do, we are most excited about e-commerce.** It hasn't been properly tackled yet. Nostr allows us to connect users and merchants without actually being a middleman. We can become like our '60s Outdoor Life magazine. Except, we're now infinitely connected and social.
# The Role of Bitcoin
As much as we'd love to, we're not going to waste too much time evangelizing Bitcoin here. There are plenty of people doing that already. We do suggest that if you're new to Bitcoin, you check out these resources and start learning right away:
- https://bitcoin.org/en/
- https://www.lopp.net/bitcoin-information.html
You'll thank us one day.
In short: Bitcoin is a completely permissionless, energy-based form of money. It's already changing the financial landscape under our feet. Most importantly, it can be sent peer-to-peer without a central authority. This can be done cheaply and somewhat privately using the [Lightning Network](https://www.lopp.net/lightning-information.html). Soon, it will be even cheaper to use Bitcoin completely privately with [e-cash](https://cashu.space/).
It's the future of money—but we're here to make it fun. We want to create an app so engaging, useful, and easy to use that people will buy Bitcoin just to take part. We want to showcase Bitcoin's practical benefits in e-commerce.
*As promised, Tom.*
## Nostr and Bitcoin
A match made in heaven: a currency based on energy, with no central bank... and a protocol based on reputation, with no central authority.
Bitcoin is already integrated into the Nostr network. Users can send each other micropayments called "[zaps](https://nostr.how/en/zaps)" along with liking posts. **This is a killer feature that is already changing the incentives for what users post.** It seems to encourage valuable content instead of blatantly provocative discourse. Who would have thought the ability for folks to put their money where their mouth is on social media would drive out all the annoying people?
This is the tech that lets users send value to the stores and to each other directly, without Conduit handling any transactions. This also ensures the most valuable content can rise to the top. Users can sort reviews by most zapped or a minimum follower count. *This will make faking a valuable review unfeasible.*
# The Future of E-Commerce
With those bases covered, let's address the idealistic claims we made at the beginning:
> #### "We're making a new platform for online shoppers to discover products they love and trust. A place where all the product reviews you see are real."
- Nostr's search parameters are more powerful than any traditional social media site allows. You can find profiles and events based on reputation and value. This includes follows, engagement, and zaps. The same can be said about filtering reviews like we discussed earlier. You can also filter anything to be within your friend network, or even your friends' friends, and so on.
- If you'd like to see for yourself what's possible, check out the search on [Primal](https://primal.net/).
> #### "A platform where you control your buying decisions and are not manipulated."
- Nostr is a place where you can choose your social feed algorithms. The Primal client linked above now has this feature. But it has been in the ecosystem for a while already through "[Data Vending Machines.](https://vendata.io/dvms)" We will be leveraging this technology on our platform, too.
- Our use of open-source code is relevant here, too. We will prove our statements by posting our codebase in a [public forum (our GitHub page)](https://github.com/Conduit-BTC).
> #### "This is a destination where you can shop in private if you want or share your purchases with your friends."
- We will enable privacy by creating throwaway profiles for users when desired. This will not compromise essential features.
> #### "...by friends, I mean the ones already in your network—not a bunch of new ones you need to make."
- We covered this above: your profile and content follow you wherever you decide to plug in.
> #### "It's also an interactive marketplace for stores to connect with their customers. It gives them a forum to create content, chat, and listen to their customers—all out of the box. An infinite online mail-order catalog combined with a live editorial section and chat."
- Check out the market stall chat features of our peers on [Plebeian Market](https://plebeian.market/) that leverage the [Nostr Improvement Proposal 28 specification](https://nips.nostr.com/28). These folks could replace Facebook Marketplace, Etsy, etc. *We're cheering them on while we go after Amazon.*
> #### "Did I mention thousands of users are already sitting there, waiting for the stores to show up?"
- Anyone with a Nostr identity can hop between clients. So, the whole network is already available to merchants who are ready to plug into Conduit.
In summary: Nostr already has most of what we need for our e-commerce vision built in. [Including a specification for marketplaces that we'll be using and expanding.](https://nips.nostr.com/28)
# Our First Steps
We're already deep into the UX design of the platform (shoutout to Emi and Dylan at [Santoral](https://www.santoral.co/)). We've also spent a lot of time designing the general architecture and back-end systems. This includes developing custom relays and relay controllers.
But how can we have a platform if there aren't any stores?
## Enter Coffee by Conduit
Today's proof of concept release is for our flagship store: [Conduit.Coffee](https://conduit.coffee/). This solves the problem of needing a first store on the platform. It also lets us test our ideas and shows future merchants that **we're not afraid to eat our own cooking.**
*Or rather, drink our own coffee. Which is definitely happening.*
Coffee by Conduit is a simple shop. We accept Bitcoin in exchange for fresh-roasted coffee beans that we ship to your doorstep (US only, for now). We provide receipts in any format you need, including a private Nostr direct message.
From here, we'll iterate and add features until we build our dream marketplace.
[Zima Purple](https://lovedeathrobots.fandom.com/wiki/Zima_Blue), in the beginning.
## Supporting Open Source Software
Obviously, any coffee sales will help us with overhead and development costs. *If you take the plunge and try our delicious coffee—thank you.* We're grateful for all our early adopter customers.
**But, we know our work rests on the foundations of countless open source contributors.** So, we're committed to giving back to the open source community from the start.
In that spirit, we will donate 2.1% of coffee sales to an organization called [OpenSats](https://opensats.org/). They're supporting dozens of developers writing the open-source code for the Nostr protocol.
It's something we will do every step of the way. We may give to similar organizations in the future but... **we'll NEVER go below the 2.1% donation of our own store sales to support open-source software.**
### Here's a fun idea to get us started. Black Friday? How about Free Open Source Software (“[FOSS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_and_open-source_software)”) Friday?
### To celebrate the launch of our demo product, we will 10x our commitment to [OpenSats](https://opensats.org/) for the rest of 2024. Yes, we're donating 21% of all sales for an entire month. The price of the coffee bags stays the same at USD $21; our profit goes down, and [OpenSats](https://opensats.org/) gets more funding.
# Get Involved
If you're excited about the potential of Conduit, we invite you to get involved! Here are a few easy things you can do (besides [buying our coffee](https://conduit.coffee/)):
- Share this newsletter with anyone you think would be interested.
- If you're new to Nostr, [dive in and explore this transformative technology](https://nostrapps.com/).
- If you're already a Nostr user, [follow](https://primal.net/aceaspades) [us](https://primal.net/ericfj). You might even like, zap, and share our posts if you feel like it.
And, of course, feel free to reach out with any questions by direct messaging either of us on a Nostr client!
# The Future is Exciting
We see so much potential in the Nostr/Bitcoin ecosystem. We're thrilled to join the renaissance of powerful, free, open-source software.
We plan to be the worst part of Jeff Bezos’s [epic midlife crisis](https://www.boatinternational.com/yachts/news/jeff-bezos-koru-yacht-best-pics), so we’ll start by misquoting him…
> #### This is Day 1 of Nostr
We see the potential in this space for a revolution in e-commerce, and we're working hard to make it happen.
**Thank you for joining us on this journey**. We're at the very beginning of something transformative. See you around Christmas time for another update—there's a lot cooking on our end.
[Eric FJ](https://primal.net/ericfj) - Caffeinated Operating Officer, [Conduit Hodlings](https://conduitbtc.com/)
[Acea Spades](https://primal.net/aceaspades) - Caffeinated Tech Officer, [Conduit Hodlings](https://conduitbtc.com/)
@ 09565902:0700e0d5
2024-11-30 19:32:00
Our planet faces a growing environmental health crisis, with far-reaching consequences for human well-being.
Key Threats:
Air Pollution: Industrial emissions and vehicle exhaust degrade air quality, leading to respiratory diseases, heart problems, and cancer.
Water Pollution: Contaminated water sources spread diseases and endanger ecosystems.
Climate Change: Rising temperatures, extreme weather, and altered disease patterns threaten human health and disrupt communities.
Chemical Exposure: Toxic chemicals in products and the environment contribute to various health issues.
Waste Management: Improper waste disposal pollutes air, water, and soil, posing health risks.
The Toll on Humanity:
Millions of people worldwide suffer from illnesses linked to environmental factors. Vulnerable populations, including children and the elderly, are disproportionately affected.
A Path Forward:
To mitigate this crisis, we must:
Strengthen Environmental Regulations: Implement stricter policies to reduce pollution and promote sustainable practices.
Transition to Clean Energy: Invest in renewable energy sources to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Promote Sustainable Agriculture: Adopt eco-friendly farming methods to protect water and soil.
Reduce Waste and Recycle: Minimize waste and recycle materials to conserve resources.
Raise Awareness: Educate the public about environmental health issues and empower individuals to make informed choices.
By taking decisive action, we can protect our planet and ensure a healthier future for generations to come.
@ 349d6b82:12b2a5b1
2024-11-30 18:44:53
В 2044 году Серов стал символом экологической ответственности, благодаря Серовскому заводу ферросплавов, который внедрил передовые технологии, обеспечивающие полное отсутствие вреда для окружающей среды. В этом видеосюжете мы расскажем о том, как завод, используя инновационные решения не только минимизирует свое воздействие на природу, но и активно способствует восстановлению экосистемы региона.
@ ec951079:533d29e7
2024-11-30 18:38:09
_Gender-Based Violence:
A Persistent Threat to Human Rights_
Gender-based violence (GBV) is a pervasive and insidious phenomenon that affects individuals, families, and communities worldwide. It is a violation of human rights, a threat to public health, and a hindrance to social and economic development. Despite efforts to address GBV, it remains a persistent and complex problem that requires sustained attention and action.
_Defining Gender-Based Violence_
GBV refers to any form of violence, abuse, or exploitation that is perpetrated against an individual or group based on their gender, sex, or perceived gender identity. This includes:
1. _Physical violence_: Beating, hitting, kicking, or inflicting physical harm on an individual.
2. _Sexual violence_: Rape, sexual assault, or any form of non-consensual sexual activity.
3. _Emotional violence_: Verbal abuse, intimidation, or psychological manipulation.
4. _Economic violence_: Depriving an individual of financial resources, property, or economic opportunities.
_Prevalence of Gender-Based Violence_
GBV is a widespread problem that affects individuals across the globe. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), one in three women worldwide has experienced physical or sexual violence in their lifetime. In addition:
1. _One in five women_ has experienced physical or sexual violence in the past year.
2. _One in four men_ has experienced physical violence in their lifetime.
3. _LGBTQ+ individuals_ are disproportionately affected by GBV, with many experiencing violence and discrimination based on their sexual orientation or gender identity.
_Causes and Consequences of Gender-Based Violence_
GBV is a complex issue with multiple causes and consequences. Some of the key factors that contribute to GBV include:
1. _Societal norms and attitudes_: Harmful gender stereotypes, patriarchal values, and social norms that condone violence against women and girls.
2. _Power imbalances_: Unequal distribution of power and resources between men and women, which can lead to exploitation and abuse.
3. _Poverty and economic inequality_: Limited access to education, employment, and economic opportunities can increase vulnerability to GBV.
The consequences of GBV are far-reaching and devastating. Survivors may experience:
1. _Physical injuries_: Broken bones, head trauma, and other physical harm.
2. _Emotional trauma_: Anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and other mental health problems.
3. _Social isolation_: Stigma, shame, and social exclusion can lead to isolation and loneliness.
4. _Economic hardship_: Loss of income, property, and economic opportunities can exacerbate poverty and inequality.
_Addressing Gender-Based Violence_
To combat GBV, it is essential to adopt a comprehensive and multi-faceted approach that involves:
1. _Policy and legislative reforms_: Strengthening laws and policies to prevent GBV, protect survivors, and hold perpetrators accountable.
2. _Community engagement and education_: Raising awareness about GBV, challenging harmful norms and attitudes, and promoting healthy relationships and respect for human rights.
3. _Support services and resources_: Providing access to counseling, medical care, and other support services for survivors of GBV.
4. _Economic empowerment_: Promoting economic opportunities, education, and skills training to empower women and girls and reduce their vulnerability to GBV.
Gender-based violence is a persistent and pervasive problem that requires sustained attention and action. It is essential to address the root causes of GBV, challenge harmful norms and attitudes, and promote healthy relationships and respect for human rights. By working together, we can create a world where everyone can live free from violence, fear, and discrimination.
@ 349d6b82:12b2a5b1
2024-11-30 18:12:04
Вчера в Серове состоялся яркий городской праздник __"Серовская Зима",__ который объединил жителей и гостей города в атмосферу веселья и творчества. Праздничная программа включала концерты местных и приглашенных артистов, выставки ремесел и кулинарные мастер-классы, а также уникальный фестиваль огней, который украсил вечернее небо фейерверками и световыми инсталляциями и не только. Обо все этом в нашем видеосюжете:
@ 31312140:2471509b
2024-11-30 17:23:37
### The Birth of Modern Medicine
The roots of modern medicine can be traced back to as early as the early 20th century when a seismic shift occurred. The Flexner Report of 1910, funded by the Carnegie Foundation and rigorously supported by the Rockefeller family, reformed the American medical education system. It emphasized allopathic medicine, effectively sidelining traditional and natural approaches. Critical insight here, folks—this wasn’t about finding the best healing practices; it was about control, power, and of course, profit.
#### The Flexner Report: The Game-Changer
This report brought in a wave of standardization but with ulterior motives. The Rockefeller Foundation started funding medical schools, essentially tailoring the curriculum to promote pharmacology-centric treatments over natural remedies. Pharmaceuticals started ruling the roost, and why not? It was a perfect avenue for immense financial gains. 🤔
#### Pharmaceuticals Over Nature
I’m not here to tell you allopathic medicine is entirely bad—surgery and emergency interventions do save lives. But here's the kicker: an over-reliance on synthetic drugs and sidelining natural alternatives turned modern medicine into a profit-driven behemoth. The true essence of healing was overshadowed by an incessant parade of patented drugs, each more toxic and profit-centric than the last.
### Unpacking the University Financial Model
Hospitals and medical institutions are businesses—big businesses. Ever noticed how universities hype up pharmacology? It's about keeping the cycle going. Think about it. You go through years of medical school learning to prescribe drugs. Why? That’s where the money is. Pharmaceuticals fund research, and that, my friends, means research outcomes subtly align with their interests.
#### The Costly Reality
Let’s break down the nitty-gritty. The average medical student graduates with a mountain of debt and a head filled with pharma-centric knowledge. These new doctors are good at prescribing pills but terrible at understanding holistic health and nutrition. Who benefits? Pharmaceutical titans, with doctors often unconsciously working as their sales reps.
### The Vaccine Controversy
Now this might scorch some ears, but the vaccine industry isn’t the saint it’s painted to be. The constant rhetoric that vaccines have eradicated diseases is a half-truth at best and a blatant lie at worst. Take the Polio vaccine, for instance. Many cases labeled as polio pre-vaccine campaigns were subsequently tagged as other diseases. Statistical gymnastics at its finest. 🧩
#### The Ingredients No One Talks About
Vaccines often contain adjuvants like aluminum and mercury derivatives which are neurotoxic. Ever read a vaccine insert? Side effects galore, yet they’re not widely discussed. Chickenpox vaccine might cause shingles later in life, but it’s swept under the proverbial rug. Safe overall? Debatable. Necessary for everyone? Hardly.
### Dentistry: Hidden Agendas Behind The Drill
Dentistry is another Pandora’s box. Routine procedures like root canals leave dead tissue in your body, a breeding ground for bacteria. Amalgam fillings? They contain mercury. Pure poison. The dental industry thrives on dire problems that arise from poor nutrition and overconsumption of sugars treated with—you guessed it—more synthetic solutions.
#### An Alternative Approach
Look into practices like natural oral hygiene, diet-based care, and biological dentistry. Healing should start from within—get your nutrition straight and watch half the dental issues diminish. Nutrient-dense, real foods can rebuild enamel and maintain oral health far effectively.
### The Darkness of Psychiatry and Mental Health
Psychiatry—a realm of its own, based more on theory than hard science. Mental health diagnosis often feels like throwing darts in the dark. Drugs like antidepressants and antipsychotics? They mess with your brain chemistry with severe side effects. Did you know many of these drugs are approved based on subjective symptomatic relief rather actual cure?
#### Alternatives in Mental Health
Look into therapy, exercise, and nutrition. Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) and even classical homeopathy offer significant benefits. The placebo effect is real, and if the mind believes in healing, the body often follows suit.
### Paleo Nutrition: The Forgotten Wisdom
Food is medicine, plain and simple. Modern food systems are designed to maximize profit, not health. Preservatives, seed oils, GMO crops—it’s a carnival of toxicity. We need to return to our roots. Think natural, think organic, think animal-based diets rich in fats, proteins, and yes, the good kind of carbs from fruits and vegetables.
#### Animal Based Diet Insight
Modern diets wreak havoc on our system. Look into the Animal Based Diet with a focus on healthy animal fats—it’s a return to basics but can offer profound healing benefits. Abandon the processed junk and realize what real food is supposed to taste like and do for your body.
### Taking Back Control: Realistic Health Practices
Here are some practical steps we can all realistically take to reclaim control over our health:
1. Eat Real Food: Prioritize organic, natural, and minimally processed foods. Focus on a balanced diet that includes high-quality animal products and fresh produce.
2. Filter Your Water: Invest in a good water filtration system to avoid contaminants.
3. Limit Exposure to Toxins: Avoid unnecessary pharmaceuticals. Opt for natural personal care products and household cleaners.
4. Exercise Regularly: Keep your body active with routine exercise. Even simple movements like walking can have profound health benefits.
5. Reduce Electronic Use: Limit the use of EMF-emitting devices. Turn off devices when not in use.
6. Mental Health: Engage in mindfulness practices, holistic therapy, or hobbies that relax and destress.
These changes don’t require a massive lifestyle overhaul but can significantly improve your overall well-being.
### Connecting the Dots: The Bigger Picture
Governments, big businesses, and educational institutions paint a picture of reliable healthcare, but often it’s a mirage. The real perpetrators behind the curtains are entities driven by profit and control. From funding to education to pharmaceutical lobbying, the “healthcare” you trust is deeply influenced by interests far removed from actual healing and wellbeing.
### Call to Action: Free Your Mind
Question everything. Dig deeper. Don’t trust blindly—knowledge is empowerment. Start looking into alternative forums, research independently, and form your own informed opinions. Your health is too important to leave in the hands of those who view you as a commodity.
### Suggested Readings and References
To help you further dig into these concepts, here are some authoritative resources and compelling reads:
1. "The Flexner Report" by Abraham Flexner
2. "The Real Anthony Fauci" by Robert F. Kennedy Jr.
3. "Dissolving Illusions" by Suzanne Humphries and Roman Bystrianyk
4. "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration" by Weston A. Price
5. "Good Calories, Bad Calories" by Gary Taubes
6. "The Carnivore Code" by Paul Saladino
### Final Thought
So, there you have it, folks. We’ve peeled back some critical layers of the medical onion, revealing a system more focused on profit than genuine well-being. Always remember, true power lies in knowledge. Stay curious, stay critical, and always—look into it.
@ a305a0de:21557ddd
2024-11-30 17:03:38
The internet has undergone two significant transformations since its inception. Web 1.0, the first generation of the internet, was characterized by static web pages and limited user interaction. Web 2.0, the second generation, introduced interactive web applications, social media, and user-generated content.
Now, we're on the cusp of a third revolution: Web 3. This next-generation internet promises to be faster, more secure, and more decentralized than its predecessors. But what exactly is Web 3, and how will it change the internet forever?
**What is Web 3?**
Web 3 is built on blockchain technology, which allows data to be stored and transmitted in a decentralized, peer-to-peer network. This means that instead of relying on centralized servers and intermediaries, Web 3 applications can operate independently, using smart contracts and cryptocurrencies to facilitate transactions.
**Key Features of Web 3**
1. **Decentralization**: Web 3 operates on a decentralized network, eliminating the need for intermediaries and centralized authorities.
2. **Blockchain-based:** Web 3 uses blockchain technology to store and transmit data, ensuring security, transparency, and immutability.
3. **Artificial Intelligence: **Web 3 incorporates AI and machine learning to create more intelligent, adaptive, and personalized applications.
4. **Internet of Things (IoT)**: Web 3 enables seamless communication between devices, sensors, and applications, creating a more interconnected and automated world.
**The Impact of Web 3**
Web 3 has far-reaching implications for various industries, including:
1. **Finance**: Web 3 enables decentralized finance (DeFi) applications, providing greater accessibility, transparency, and security for financial transactions.
2**. Social Media**: Web 3 allows for decentralized social media platforms, giving users greater control over their data and online interactions.
3. **E-commerce**: Web 3 enables secure, transparent, and efficient e-commerce transactions, reducing the need for intermediaries and increasing trust between buyers and sellers.
Web 3 represents a fundamental shift in the way we interact with the internet. Its decentralized, blockchain-based architecture promises to create a faster, more secure, and more transparent internet. As Web 3 continues to evolve, we can expect to see new applications, services, and business models emerge, transforming the way we live, work, and interact online.
@ e31e84c4:77bbabc0
2024-11-27 11:32:57
‘Think You Know Bitcoin Security?’ was Written By Paul G Conlon. If you enjoyed this article then support his writing, directly, by donating to his lightning wallet: noisycyclone54@walletofsatoshi.com
### Childhood Lessons
As a boy, my grandmother shared stories of her experiences in wartime Germany, each revealing a common theme: the terrifying reality of living without security. I was amazed with the scale of destruction and, at the time, understood security largely as physical protection. Yet the years have deepened my appreciation for security’s nuances. In this article, we’ll explore how studying Bitcoin has helped me now recognise “security” not just as physical safety, but related to personal agency, mental and social well-being, and the ability to control one's destiny.
### Definitions of Security
Property confiscation was rife in 1930s Germany, and much of this behaviour didn’t even constitute illegality. The 1938 Ordinance on the Use of Jewish Assets for example required those identified as Jews to deposit all their stocks, shares, fixed-income securities and similar in a deposit at a foreign exchange bank. The government even allowed itself to sell Jewish businesses. Access to these resources required no less than approval by the Reich Minister for Economic Affairs.
Narrowly defining security as simply asset protection is tempting, given its historical prevalence. Everything from my grandmother’s tales of stashing cash in curtains, to the US Constitution's 4th Amendment, “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects” reinforces this physical emphasis.
When I discovered Bitcoin, I was hence drawn to its asset protection features. Like many, this biased view of security defined the start of my Bitcoin journey, focusing my attention on hardware wallets and encryption protocols. But that was soon to change.
## How Bitcoin Changed Me
The more I read, the more I learned that with a network of nodes working to secure a global protocol, came a network of people working to secure global principles. It dawned on me that I had not so much discovered the ultimate bastion of property rights, but of human rights.
Here are just a few examples:
### Freedom of Expression
Anonymity is fundamental for the full exercise of the right to freedom of expression. This is enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Bitcoin's pseudonymous and decentralised nature makes it difficult for tyrants to identify and censor one of the purest forms of expression: transactions.
### Adequate Living Standards
Article 25 of the UDHR states that everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being, including food, clothing, housing, and medical supplies. Article 17 further enshrines the retention of property necessary to support these living standards.
Bitcoin's cryptographic security reinforces ownership rights, making it difficult for rogue states to arbitrarily seize assets essential for the maintenance of these living standards. Furthermore, Bitcoin's 21-million-coin capped supply prevents arbitrary inflation, protecting against the erosion of purchasing power that has time and again proven correlated with the erosion of living standards.
### Freedom of Association
Article 20 of the UDHR states that everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. Article 22 of the ICCPR also protects the right to freedom of association, including the right to form and join trade unions.
Multi-signature wallets are an explicit expression of this associative freedom. By enabling groups to collaboratively manage resources, the human connections required for civilisation to flourish can be directly represented and enforced in code.
Programmatic freedom of association is particularly pertinent for activist and civil society organisations and provides security against coercion in situations where individuals may face pressure to hand over funds from those who wield power.
### Right to Information
The open-source nature of Bitcoin also somewhat poetically aligns with the right to seek, receive, and impart information, as outlined in Article 19 of the UDHR. Anyone can inspect, verify, and contribute to Bitcoin's code, promoting transparency and accountability. Its immutability also supports the right to information by preserving truth in the face of potential revisionism. Furthermore, Article 27 states that everyone has the right to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Bitcoin embodies this principle by allowing global participation in its development and use.
## Personal Context
For me, Bitcoin brought context to those old wartime stories I heard as a boy. It led me to the understanding that property rights are simply a derivative of human rights. Now, for the first time in history, we have a borderless technology that secures these rights not in international declarations or national constitutions – both susceptible to the stroke of a tyrant’s pen – but in executable code.
In essence, Bitcoin's technical features embody the very principles of security and resilience that are well recognised as essential to personal agency, mental well-being, and social cohesion. These operate independently of central authorities that have historically proven both capable and willing of stripping human rights, and not a moment too soon…
## A Modern Necessity
These concerns are not limited to the past. Just recently, Blackrock CEO, Larry Fink, said this about Bitcoin in a CNBC interview:
*“We have countries where you’re frightened of your everyday existence and it gives an opportunity to invest in something that is outside your country’s control.” ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4ciiDyUvUo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4ciiDyUvUo))*
As an Australian, I see the precursors of what Larry describes. Legislative attacks on the right to expression, living standards, association, and information are becoming brazen. The Digital ID Bill 2024, legislated on May 16th, has already denied employment and government services to some, and is now poised to police the internet in what appears to be the making of a conditional access society.
The Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024, currently sitting before federal parliament, is even more horrendous. It effectively establishes a protectionist Ministry of Truth and threatens imprisonment for an extremely broad array of ill-defined speech – all while providing exemptions for government and legacy media. This political activity is occurring amidst a cost-of-living and housing crisis, where many working individuals are living in tents in major cities.
## Bitcoin’s True Security
Yet with Bitcoin (and a Starlink connection), I feel secure. Bitcoin has become a source of resilience and mental well-being for people in an increasingly complex world. Beyond its cryptographic security, Bitcoin provides a global network of like-minded individuals who share common principles. This distributed community offers a sense of belonging and support that extends far beyond the technology behind it.
Bitcoin’s existence gives me confidence in my ability to secure basic needs and find community anywhere, without relying on easily confiscated physical assets. Meeting fellow Bitcoin enthusiasts often reveals shared worldviews and values, creating instant connections.
Ultimately, Bitcoin's security stems not just from its technology, but from the human network it has fostered. It offers the reassurance that I could "land on my feet" anywhere, preserving both financial sovereignty and social bonds with free-thinking individuals. This holistic security - financial, social, and psychological - provides profound peace of mind in uncertain times.
‘Think You Know Bitcoin Security?’ was Written By Paul G Conlon. If you enjoyed this article then support his writing, directly, by donating to his lightning wallet: noisycyclone54@walletofsatoshi.com
@ 9cb41c34:f4854b8b
2024-11-30 16:12:25
En la prehistoria, muchas cosas escasas, durables y fungibles podían funcionar como moneda, como los cereales, la sal, metales, piedras preciosas o talladas, e incluso algunos tipos de conchas o de plumas. Pero con la aparición de los imperios antiguos y en la edad media, el señoreaje – el derecho exclusivo de emitir moneda – empezó a ser impuesto por tiranos, emperadores o reyes, quienes confiscaban el dinero de la gente y, a cambio, les daban una moneda estándar acuñada con su sello.
En 1694 se crea el Banco de Inglaterra, el primer banco central moderno, que se reservó el derecho de emitir la moneda del imperio británico, quitándoselo a las élites locales. Siempre ha sido ambiguo si este banco es una organización privada o pública, habiendo pasado de un extremo a otro en el papel y por posiciones intermedias. Pero siempre ha tenido roles públicos cruciales para la economía, como la regulación financiera, la emisión de moneda o el logro de metas inflacionarias… aunque con independencia de los poderes democráticos. A partir de entonces, la gran mayoría de bancos centrales del mundo adopta está figura ambigua entre organización independiente, asesorada por organizaciones privadas, a manera de gremio o asociación, y roles y funciones públicas relacionadas con el manejo macroeconómico de la moneda, los tipos de cambio, etc.
Con la independencia de EE.UU., el liberalismo permitió que se retome la práctica de emitir dinero libremente, principalmente en forma de oro y plata minados de forma privada. Durante el siglo XIX, incluso, los bancos privados estuvieron en la potestad de mantener sus propias reservas de dinero y emitir sus propias notas de deuda bancarias (billetes). Aunque estos funcionaban ya con sistemas fraccionarios, donde podían emitir más deuda que sus reservas en dinero real, ganando un interés, se trataba de un mercado libre y basado en la confianza que los clientes podían tener para con los bancos privados. La recuperación del derecho natural de producir moneda de manera libre, sin embargo, no duró más de dos siglos. En 1913, el entonces presidente norteamericano Willson firmó el Federal Reserve Act, también conocido como “The Currency Bill”, diseñado previamente por un cártel bancario, en la famosa reunión de Jekyll Island. Este acta decretó el derecho de señoreaje por parte de una sola organización privada, conformada por el propio cártel: el Sistema de Reserva Federal estadounidense, la FED.
Igual que el Banco de Inglaterra, la FED fue presentada de manera engañosa en los medios, como si fuera una organización pública que reformaría el sistema monetario con el fin de evitar futuras crisis; como la ocurrida en 1907 – y que había sido diseñada justamente para justificar la implementación de dicha ley. Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, con la creación de las organizaciones de gobernanza global en la década de los 40 y 50, incluyendo el Banco Mundial y el Fondo de Monetario Internacional, se crean también los acuerdos de Bretton Woods para el libre comercio internacional. En estos acuerdos, se estableció que el comercio internacional de petróleo debía ser libre, pero con el dólar estadounidense como patrón de referencia. Durante este período, la FED emitía deuda según lo permitían sus reservas de oro, que previamente había sido confiscadas de la población, por el presidente Roosevelt. Las reservas reservas de oro públicas de otros países también habían sido acaparadas en bóvedas estadounidenses, con la excusa de proveer mayor seguridad que en la Europa de la posguerra. Desde fines de la década de 1940, las notas de deuda emitidas por la FED son el activo de reserva pública más importante del mundo.
En la década los 70, el pico de petróleo en territorio estadounidense y la reestructuración del mercado por parte de la Organización de Países Exportadores de Petróleo (OPEP) implicó mayor dependencia de petroleo internacional, así como un cambio en su posición de poder. Para solucionarlo, Nixon suspendió definitivamente (aunque en su momento dijo que sería temporal) la convertibilidad de las notas de deuda a oro, dando carta blanca a su emisión por parte de la FED. Desde entonces, EE.UU. viene usando esta deuda para financiar las guerras que aseguren el petróleo barato de otros países y que acaben con amenazas sociales o geopolíticas. Así, en el caso de este dinero fiat monopolizado por el gobierno gringo, los conceptos de “confianza” y “temor” son intercambiables.
Señoreaje privado de un cártel bancario, emisión de deuda sin respaldo y un aparato militar-industrial global, en eso se basa el patrón dólar. Si bien está siendo menoscabado por otras potencias centralizadas y por Bitcoin, la alternativa descentralizada, la transición a un nuevo patrón aún está en etapa emergente y las organizaciones globalistas y cárteles bancarios buscan mantener el señoreaje global. Christine Lagarde, presidenta del FMI, por ejemplo, ha señalado a Bitcoin como un “escape” a su sistema de señoreaje.
El señoreaje permite que la cantidad de deuda emitida no responda a una mayor o menor demanda del sector productivo, sino a la intención gubernamental de intervenirlo para darle un determinado estímulo; con lo que la inflación no viene de la mano de un aumento de salarios y disminuye la capacidad adquisitiva que uno obtiene por su trabajo. Además, con la persecución fiscal y, en los últimos años, los confinamientos, los pequeños negocios productivos solo pueden ser sostenibles mediante el endeudamiento y los beneficios que obtienen son así transferidos de regreso a los oligopolios bancario, que gozan del permiso de fraccionamiento de reservas. De esta forma, por un lado, absorben las ganancias de la sociedad; pero por otro, los costos en los que incurren los oligopolios son también transferidos de vuelta a la sociedad, cuando estos no pueden responder por sus deudas. Los rescates ocurridos en 2008 a los too big to fail son evidencia de ello, así como el proceso mediante el cual estos adquieren bancos más chicos cuando quiebran, aumentando la centralización del sector.
Al 2024, la ciudadanía estadounidense, gracias a sus gobernantes, debe más de USD 35 billones; y la deuda de todos los países del mundo combinados supera los USD 307 billones. Esta situación es tan crítica en las últimas décadas que los milenials y la generación Z, a diferencia de las generaciones previas que accedían más rápidamente a propiedad privada, están atrapados en una carrera interminable, donde a cada paso que dan la meta de la propiedad privada y la estabilidad económica se aleja cada vez más, y la manutención del día a día les exige tener dos o hasta tres trabajos, o incluso el crédito, solo para solo para llegar a fin de mes. Cada ciclo de impresión de notas de deuda sin respaldo añade más y más carga a las futuras generaciones, quienes no tiene voz en el asunto. Y para entender la magnitud exponencial del problema, solo durante la administración Biden, se ha emitido el 40% de todos los dólares que existen actualmente en circulación.
El modelo de externalización de costos e internalización de beneficios, aunque es muy deseable en contextos de libre mercado, es socialmente devastador cuando un manojo de organizaciones bancarias lo aplican mediante la corrupción y manipulación regulatoria. Mediáticamente, la externalización de costos se apoya en discursos socialistas; mientras que la internalización de beneficios, en discursos capitalistas. Ya en el siglo XVIII, Richard Cantillon había descrito a la élite de organizaciones cercanas al banco central, que se beneficia de su posición para recibir dinero fresco del banco central, prestarlo al público a tasas desproporcionadas, y luego recibir aún más dinero público como compensación por la falta de pago. El objetivo de fondo del señoreaje que llevan a cabo los cantillonarios es el saqueo de la riqueza de los ciudadanos: terrorismo financiero.
"Está bien que la gente de la nación no entienda nuestro sistema bancario y monetario, porque si lo hicieran, creo que habría una revolución antes de mañana por la mañana"
Henry Ford, 1922
A esto se suma la transición a un sistema financiero 100% electrónico. Las Monedas Digitales de los Bancos Centrales (CBDC) se vienen preparando en prácticamente todos los países del mundo y se calcula que su implementación será entre mediados y fines de esta década, aunque podría adelantarse sorpresivamente. El Banco de Pagos Internacionales (Bank of International Settlements o BIS), una organización creada como parte de los Acuerdos de la Haya de 1930, que agrupa a 63 bancos centrales de todo el mundo, incluyendo a la FED, al Banco Central Europeo, etc. es una organización privada sin jurisdicción, es decir que no responde a ningún gobierno específico, sino únicamente a sus propios miembros, a quienes brinda servicios financieros y de consultoría.
Agustín Carlsten, actual gerente general, ha dicho que con las CBDC los bancos centrales tendrán control absoluto sobre las reglas de uso del dinero, decidiendo cómo, cuándo y dónde usamos el dinero, o si podemos usarlo en absoluto. La implementación de estas tokens no es algo sencillo, por lo que las élites utilizarán las propias crisis que crean para justificarlas, así como eventos de emergencia sociales, como Cyber Polygon. El objetivo final de la implementación de las CBDC (o su versión “privada” mediante stablecoins) es la de añadirle al señoreaje la capacidad de establecer sistemas de crédito social draconianos, relacionados con iniciativas de ingeniería social como la climática, sanitaria, reproductiva, etc.
@ e1d968f7:5d90f764
2024-11-30 15:53:28
In any profession, you’ll encounter challenging situations, and escorting is no exception. While most of my clients are respectful and considerate, there are moments when things don’t go as smoothly as hoped. Today, I’m diving into how I handle difficult clients, from navigating uncomfortable situations to maintaining professionalism in the face of adversity.
### **Setting Boundaries from the Start**
One of the most important ways to avoid difficult situations is to establish clear boundaries right from the beginning. When clients first reach out to me, I make sure to communicate the terms of our arrangement: what is and isn’t acceptable, the limits I won’t cross, and the behaviour I expect.
Being firm yet polite about my boundaries helps establish mutual respect. If a client is unclear about expectations or pushes a boundary, I can refer back to our initial conversation to remind them of the rules.
### **Recognising Red Flags**
Not every client is a perfect fit, and sometimes red flags appear early on. These can be subtle things, like a client’s tone being more demanding than polite, or a reluctance to respect the terms of our agreement. Other times, it’s more obvious: they might try to negotiate rates down or make inappropriate requests.
When I notice red flags, I trust my instincts. It’s important to address these concerns before they escalate. I’ll calmly but firmly remind the client of what’s acceptable, and if they persist, I don’t hesitate to end the interaction.
### **Managing Uncomfortable Situations**
There are times when a client’s behaviour crosses the line—perhaps they become aggressive, rude, or pushy. In those moments, maintaining control of the situation is crucial.
Here’s how I handle these types of situations:
- **Stay calm and professional:** Keeping my composure helps defuse the tension.
- **Set firm boundaries:** I let the client know if their behaviour is not acceptable and remind them of the agreed-upon terms.
- **Walk away if necessary:** If the situation continues to escalate, I will end the session. My safety and well-being come first, and it’s better to lose one client than to risk a dangerous or uncomfortable encounter.
### **Knowing When to Say No**
One of the hardest parts of escorting is knowing when to say no. Sometimes, clients request things that are outside of the scope of the service I provide. Other times, their behaviour may be inappropriate or disrespectful.
It can be difficult to refuse a client, especially when you want to maintain a positive relationship, but the reality is, I cannot please everyone. If a request is unreasonable, disrespectful, or violates my boundaries, saying no is the only option. In these moments, I rely on my confidence and self-respect to handle the situation with grace.
### **Handling Negative Feedback**
Occasionally, a difficult client will leave negative feedback, whether online or in direct communication. In these cases, it’s important to remain professional, address their concerns if possible, and move on.
I remind myself that not every encounter will be perfect, and sometimes a client’s dissatisfaction may be based on their own unrealistic expectations or personal issues. If I did everything I could to provide a great experience, I try not to let negativity get under my skin.
### **Self-Care After a Challenging Session**
Dealing with difficult clients can be emotionally draining, so it’s important to take care of yourself after a challenging encounter. I find that self-care rituals like taking a long bath, meditating, or journaling help me release any negative emotions and restore my energy.
It’s important to reflect on what went well, learn from the experience, and remind myself that difficult moments are just part of the job.
### **The Takeaway**
Handling difficult clients is an unavoidable part of escorting, but with clear boundaries, professionalism, and a calm approach, I can navigate these situations successfully. The key is maintaining my self-respect and staying true to the values I uphold, no matter how challenging the situation might be.
Tomorrow, I’ll talk about the emotional toll of escorting and how I manage the ups and downs of this job. Until then, remember: your boundaries are your power, and no one has the right to push them.
Rebecca x
@ 6d8e2a24:5faaca4c
2024-11-30 15:39:03
Barcelona just lost their home match, against las Palmas This means if Madrid are able to win their two games they will be topping the league.
@ a4a6b584:1e05b95b
2024-11-30 14:30:37
**Your All-in-One Offline Survival Assistant**
The **PDAi Marked-1** is not just a device—it’s your ultimate survival companion. Designed for explorers, preppers, and adventurers, this rugged PDA combines cutting-edge offline technologies with powerful tools for communication, navigation, commerce, and intelligence. Whether you're navigating uncharted territories, coordinating with a team, or trading resources in remote locations, the Marked-1 keeps you connected and prepared, no matter what.
### **Why Choose PDAi Marked-1?**
The **PDAi Marked-1** seamlessly integrates essential survival tools into one device, built to thrive in harsh environments and offline conditions. Whether you’re deep in the wilderness, operating in a disaster zone, or building your own off-grid community, this is the tech you can trust.
### **Key Features**
#### **1. Offline-Ready Bitcoin Ecash Credits (BECs)**
**Private Digital Cash—Anywhere, Anytime**
With BECs, trade securely and privately without the need for an internet connection. These digital "bills" mimic the convenience of physical cash, designed for seamless transactions in the most remote conditions.
- **Predefined Denominations**: Carry BECs in 100 sats, 1,000 sats, 10,000 sats, and more.
- **Secure Transfers**: Use QR codes, NFC, or Meshtastic to pass BECs offline with cryptographic security.
- **Tamper-Proof**: Managed in the secure enclave, ensuring no double-spending or fraud.
BECs allow you to barter and trade confidently, even when completely off-grid.
#### **2. Verified Communications with Nostr Keys**
**Authenticity You Can Trust**
In an offline world, knowing who you’re talking to is critical. The Marked-1 uses **Nostr public/private key pairs** to guarantee message authenticity.
- **Cryptographically Signed Messages**: Every message you send is signed with your private key, ensuring it’s uniquely yours.
- **Offline Identity Verification**: Recipients can confirm your identity using your Nostr public key, even without internet access.
- **Pseudonymous Messaging**: Protect your privacy while maintaining trust.
With Nostr integration, communication is not only secure but also authentic, giving you peace of mind.
#### **3. Reliable Multipart Messaging with Meshtastic**
**Stay Connected, No Matter the Distance**
Using Meshtastic over LoRa, the Marked-1 delivers powerful, low-bandwidth communication for team coordination. For larger messages, the Marked-1 employs a **multipart messaging system** with Ack/Nack confirmations.
- **Breaks Large Messages into Segments**: Perfect for detailed plans, resource lists, or emergency instructions.
- **Guaranteed Delivery**: The Ack/Nack system ensures every segment reaches its destination, even in noisy conditions.
- **Seamless Assembly**: Messages are automatically reassembled for easy readability.
From simple check-ins to complex instructions, you can count on your messages getting through.
#### **4. Advanced Navigation & Situational Awareness**
**Navigate with Confidence**
Equipped with offline GPS and ATAK (Android Team Awareness Kit) capabilities, the Marked-1 provides unparalleled navigation and coordination tools.
- **GPS with Offline Maps**: Navigate with detailed, cached OpenStreetMaps.
- **Team Tracking**: Use ATAK to share locations, mark hazards, and coordinate movement.
- **Meshtastic Integration**: See team positions updated over LoRa, even without cell service.
Know where you are, where your team is, and what’s ahead, no matter where the journey takes you.
#### **5. Local AI Knowledge Assistant**
**Answers at Your Fingertips**
The Marked-1 features a lightweight, locally-hosted AI for quick access to essential survival knowledge.
- **Offline Medical Guides**: Look up emergency treatments or triage steps.
- **Repair Manuals**: Find instructions to fix gear on the fly.
- **Content Summarization**: Quickly understand shared plans or updates.
Powered by an efficient language model, the Marked-1 provides the insights you need when the stakes are high.
### **Built to Survive the Elements**
The PDAi Marked-1 is designed to thrive in the harshest environments.
- **Rugged Design**: Water-resistant, dust-proof, and shockproof (IP67-rated).
- **Power Solutions**: Includes solar charging and hand-crank compatibility for unlimited uptime.
- **Compact and Lightweight**: Easy to carry without compromising durability.
No matter the conditions, the Marked-1 is as tough as you are.
### **Specifications**
- **Display**: 6" sunlight-readable e-Ink screen for low power use.
- **Connectivity**: LoRa, FRS/GMRS, NFC, Bluetooth.
- **Storage**: 64GB internal storage, expandable via microSD.
- **Power**: 10,000mAh battery with solar and hand-crank charging options.
- **Software**: Custom Android OS with integrated Meshtastic, ATAK, and local AI assistant.
### **Who Is the PDAi Marked-1 For?**
- **Survivalists**: Plan, navigate, and communicate in the most extreme conditions.
- **Preppers**: Stay ready for any disaster with secure trade and reliable communication.
- **Explorers**: Go off the grid while staying safe, informed, and connected.
- **Team Operators**: Coordinate efficiently in remote or tactical environments.
### **Own the Zone. Lead the Way. Equip the PDAi Marked-1.**
Don’t just survive—thrive. The **PDAi Marked-1** is the ultimate tool for anyone who refuses to be unprepared. Experience the freedom of offline communication, secure trade, and advanced navigation, all in one powerful device.
#### **Pre-order Now**
Be the first to own the future of survival technology. Limited pre-orders are available!
[**Reserve Yours Today**]
*This is not a real product. But I wish it was.*
@ 04222fa1:634e9de5
2024-11-30 14:24:20
A little Saturday story I'm sharing...
My Son started at university a couple of months ago
He's quite into lifting and has shown interest using the concept 2 rower at the gym
I kept telling him, join the rowing club, they'll love your size, he's 6'5 well built and has naturally huge legs, which isn't the norm with tall kids
So the other day, he says 'there's a post on insta saying the boat crew will be on campus, if anyone interested pop along for some tests'
So I'm like, you've gotta try it out
So he goes along and they test him on a few exercises and the trainer says, these results are above average, can I get your details and I'll pass them to our racing director
So few days later he gets an email from race director saying, can you come down to the boathouse, we want to see you ASAP
So my Son was a little nervous but he went along and they tested him out
The race director said to him, not gonna lie, these results are Olympic level!
I was really proud of him.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/788914
@ 714f9dc3:76659adb
2024-11-30 13:49:04
📝 𝐈 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲. 𝐀𝐧 𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐲.
About #bitcoin and an idea I had for a long time. Since this week, 𝐢𝐭'𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐢𝐭𝐲. And I'm frkn proud of this. This is the story of Blockhunters.
In 2019, I graduated as an Industrial Product Designer. Inspired by #bitcoin, I decided to NOT work for a design agency. Instead, I wanted to work full-time on my own bitcoin projects. Copywriting, translating, educating, and making documentaries and magazines.
In 2020, an idea emerged. How can I combine my skills as a designer with my knowledge of bitcoin?
The first idea of nostr:npub1u478qx307ln39tkhdj9r0rvl29yrhdqjdkzv9l98rmtxvwhza6zsm42m4a was born: a board game that combines FUN with BITCOIN.
How can we engage tactile learners, that don't care about articles, podcasts or videos? It all started in July 2020 with some pencils, a4 papers and a rough idea. Some week later, I crafted a first prototype with blocks, cards, and colors. Very, very basic. No branding, no theme, no rulebook, no funding. Nothing, but an idea.
By November 2020, I brought the game to a coliving community, where it was playtested in the wild for the first time.
⏳ But progress slowed down... A lack of skills, motivation, and a clear path forward led to the project being put on hold.
Fast-forward to April 2022. During my travels in Namibia, I met @npub1suwxj6qxnts2ls8jr0lpjy95386kr9y5ckn7qep5c95063wcj5eqh4rlxf
— it was a perfect match. She brought the missing skills and energy to the project, and took away all reasons to abandon the game for good. We decided to make this happen, and create the game together!
In December 2022, we picked up the game again, playing it with bitcoiners on Bitcoinn Island in the Philippines. By January 2023, we decided to go all in, launched a nostr:npub1kmwdmhuxvafg05dyap3qmy42jpwztrv9p0uvey3a8803ahlwtmnsnhxqk9 campaign and rethought every aspect: the theme, branding, components, gameplay, rulebook, and more.
We even won a Geyser grant, which allowed us to go into full creative mode. By September 2023, we launched a “real” prototype, complete with characters, a game board, branding, and more. With a few thousand dollars raised, we were motivated to bring Blockhunters to life.
From September 2023 to February 2024, we playtested the new prototype dozens of times all over the world. From El Salvador to Madeira, and Tokyo to South Korea. At meetups, conferences, with friends and family. This was soooo fun!
In March 2024, we ordered the first official prototype from a company in Shanghai.
During that time, Emily even visited the factory in China to oversee production. Full of confidence, we proceeded.
The excitement was palpable when we received the first *real* prototypes. This kicked off the final phase of development: Revising components, shipping logistics, securing STEM registration, CE-testing, quality checks, and translations.
Finally, in July 2024, we placed the order for the first 1,000 games. And had to wait... for many weeks/months to finally receive the games.
🥳 𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐨𝐰 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝐧𝐞𝐰𝐬.
Here they are :) Last week, we delivered the first couple of hundred games to our loyal fans and supporters.
It's so great to see pictures coming in from all over the world.
We did it! 🥰
It’s been 4 years since the idea for Blockhunters came to life. Now it’s reality. This journey has been unforgettable, with amazing support from the community. Your enthusiasm, pre-orders, feedback and patience were crucial. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. 🧡
So what is Blockhunters about?
We like to say: Have Fun Being Orangepilled.
It's about: 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐮𝐧
But also about 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝
You collect coins for your character (private key), without revealing it, while building a blockchain together.
1. 𝐇𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐅𝐮𝐧
The game is truly fun. It's a mix of memory, poker, and game theory. The tension builds up as the blocks are mined and the money becomes scarce. Mining adds randomness, securing your key/coins adds strategy and powercards add twists.
2. 𝐁𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐎𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝
The game also has educational elements.
➖ 10 characters with real world stories that explain the social importance of bitcoin
➖ technical elements (halving, keys, mining, mempool), that explain the technical significance of bitcoin
Are you too obviously stacking sats for Omar, Diego or Hila? Someone may steal your key! Do you have a bad powercard? You are subject to a $5 wrench attack! 🔧 Or a good powercard? You have extra hashrate, can make a multisig, or attack your opponent with a blackout. ⚡️
But you don't have to understand bitcoin at all! Follow the rulebook, play a game, and you'll understand.
With of course questions popping up:
- why is money scarce (in contrary to many games)
- what happens if I leak my key?
- why can't I cheat in this game?
This is your moment as a bitcoiner to step in, and explain more. The game triggered their attention! They see, feel and experience elements of bitcoin in the 40 minutes game.
You have their interest. It's time to orangepill!
What a journey: from product designer to a bitcoiner designing a product again☺️ Now it's time to spread the word! Still looking for an Xmas gift? This is your call! Send this flyer to your loved ones and Bring Bitcoin Home!
We ship worldwide 🌍📦
🛒 https://blockhuntersgame.com
Oh and please follow nostr:npub1u478qx307ln39tkhdj9r0rvl29yrhdqjdkzv9l98rmtxvwhza6zsm42m4a to stay tuned :)
#bitcoin #design #productdesign #boardgame #game #playtest #education #orangepill #orangepilling
@ c755de14:cc53833a
2024-11-30 13:18:42
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/e4da2ceb3cdf2be978c4f4ced9f8c755a8afe52093b222ff370b76b2422d83c3.jpg)
If you’re like most people, you’re constantly fielding requests at work. The asks are formal and informal, large and small, and from all across the organization. The inflow is so great, you can’t possibly agree to everything. So it’s crucial to learn when to say no and how to say both no and yes.
Tulgan, who spent decades studying what makes people the most highly valued, indispensable employees at organizations, presents a three-part framework for managing the flood of requests. First, assess each ask, systematically gathering the details that will allow you to make an informed judgment. If you do have to turn someone down, deliver a well-reasoned no. A good no is all about timing and logic—it’s in order whenever things are not allowed, cannot be done, or should not be done. Moreover, it’s communicated in a way that makes the asker feel respected. If the answer is yes, make it an effective one by explaining how you think you can help, pinning down the deliverables, and laying out a focused plan for execution.
A considered no protects you. A good yes allows you to serve others, add value, and collaborate effectively. If you become skilled at conveying both, you can avoid burnout, increase your influence, and enhance your reputation.
@ 6b664d49:b9202647
2024-11-30 12:07:33
Here's a brief summary of Solana:
Solana is a fast, decentralized, and scalable blockchain platform that utilizes a proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithm. Founded in 2017 by Anatoly Yakovenko, Greg Fitzgerald, and Stephen Akridge, Solana aims to support the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) with high-performance capabilities.
Key Features:
- Fast transaction processing (up to 65,000 transactions per block)
- Low transaction fees
- Scalable architecture
- Support for smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps)
- Proof-of-stake (PoS) consensus algorithm
Solana's native cryptocurrency is SOL, which is used for transaction fees, staking, and governance. With its high-performance capabilities and growing ecosystem, Solana has gained significant attention in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space.
@ 349d6b82:12b2a5b1
2024-11-30 11:48:49
Завершение реконструкции Дворца культуры металлургов в Серове стало значимым событием для города и его жителей: Ведь с этого момента теперь можно проводить творческие мероприятие, что были отменены в связи с __15 летним ремонтом здания__, с полным размахом. Обновленный Дворец стал не только культурным центром, но и символом возрождения общественной жизни в регионе!
Реконструкция включила в себя обновление __сценического оборудования,__ что позволило улучшить качество мероприятий и привлечь новые творческие коллективы. В результате обновления были установлены современные светодиодные системы освещения и звуковое оборудование, обеспечивающее высокое качество звучания на всех уровнях зала.
Вокруг Дворца Культуры также было проведено благоустройство прилегающей территории. Парк, расположенный рядом с ДК, получил новый облик: _установлены новые скамейки, фонтан и освещение, что создает комфортную зону для отдыха жителей и установлена статуя работникам Металлургического завода, в честь которого и назван Дворец_
Администрация подчеркивает, что обновленный Дворец культуры будет служить центром притяжения для Серовчан и гостей города, предлагая разнообразные культурные мероприятия и праздники.
С завершением реконструкции Дворца Культуры Металлургов открываются новые горизонты для культурной жизни города, что способствует укреплению общественного единства и развитию творческих инициатив среди населения.
@ 349d6b82:12b2a5b1
2024-11-30 11:47:25
__Общественный транспорт__ претерпел не в столь значительные изменения в плане внешнего вида, как в системе оплаты проезда. Ожидалось, что новые технологии и подходы к организации транспортных услуг проявят себя и здесь.
Система оплаты проезда будет следующей - через _мобильные приложения,_ которые будут использовать __геолокации и QR-коды.__ Это позволит пассажирам оплачивать проезд без необходимости использования наличных или пластиковых карт. Пассажиры смогут просто установить приложение на своем смартфоне __"СОТС (Серовское Общественное Транспортное Средство)"__, привязать банковскую карту и оплачивать проезд автоматически при входе в транспортное средство.
Введутся электронные билеты. Пассажиры смогут получать доступ к истории поездок и другим услугам через приложение, что упростит процесс контроля за оплатой.
Транспортные средства обзаведутся современными автобусами, троллейбусами и __электробусами.__ У последних будет улучшена аэродинамика и внедрён экологичный двигатель.
Внешний вид транспортных средств станет более _внушительным,_ благодаря которому пассажиры будут уверованны в безопасности этих транспортных средств. Внедрена информационная система, которая будут отображать точный маршруты, точное время прибытия транспорта в реальном времени и четкую озвучку стоянки.
__Доступность для маломобильных граждан:__ Общественный транспорт будет адаптирован для людей с ограниченными возможностями, с наличием специальных мест и оборудования для их удобства.
Все эти нововведения часть общероссийских программ по обновлению подвижного состава, направленной на снижение _вредных выбросов и повышение комфорта пассажиров._
@ 4ba8e86d:89d32de4
2024-10-29 12:30:05
## Tutorial feito por Grom Mestre⚡
Poste original Abaixo.
Part 1: http://xh6liiypqffzwnu5734ucwps37tn2g6npthvugz3gdoqpikujju525yd.onion/229987/tutorial-entendendo-e-usando-a-rede-i2p-introdu%C3%A7
Part 2: http://xh6liiypqffzwnu5734ucwps37tn2g6npthvugz3gdoqpikujju525yd.onion/230035/tutorial-instalando-e-configurando-o-roteador-i2p?show=230035#q230035
Part 3: http://xh6liiypqffzwnu5734ucwps37tn2g6npthvugz3gdoqpikujju525yd.onion/230113/tutorial-conectando-se-ao-xmpp-pela-i2p?show=230113#q230113
Boa tarde, camaradas do meu coeur!
Depois de muito tempo, e com o retorno da minha serotonina aos níveis basais, estou dando início a essa nova série de tutoriais. Espero que tirem muito proveito das informações passadas aqui para amplicarem o seu conhecimento da deepweb.
Esta postagem trará antes algumas considerações iniciais que podem ser úteis para quem possui pouco ou nenhum contato prévio com outras tecnologias ou tenha um entendimento torto a respeito da deepweb. Aconselho a estes que deem um boa lida antes de partirem para os tópicos do tutorial, mas saibam que ele não é um pré requisito para ele.
Dito isso, vamos prosseguir.
Instalando e configurando o roteador e o navegador
Conectando-se a serviços na I2P
Configurações avançadas
## 1. Introdução
### 1.1 Definindo a DeepWeb.
Muitos devem imaginar erroneamente que a deepweb se restrinja apenas à rede onion, mais precisamente aos seus hidden services, já que o Tor possui como uma das suas funções primárias proteger e burlar restrições governamentais e proteger o seus usuários através de métodos sofisticados de roteamento de pacotes e criptografia. Entretanto, ela é mais ampla do que se imagina dependendo da forma como a classificamos.
Os ditos "profissionais" usam uma definição extremamente vaga e imprecisa do que seria a deepweb e a sua verdadeira abrangência. Para isso, criei uma definição um pouco melhor para ela: redes comunitárias, sobrepostas, anônimas e criptografadas.
Vamos aos pontos individualmente:
> São Comunitárias, pois os pontos de roteamento de pacotes na rede (relays ou routers) muitas vezes são mantidos de forma voluntária por usuários comuns. Não é necessário nenhuma infraestrutura sofisticada para ser um contribuinte na rede, basta ter um computador com acesso à internet e conhecimentos básicos para fazer a configuração.
> São sobrepostas porque não estão acima ou abaixo da rede tradicional (diferente do que muitos imaginam). Os pacotes na DW trafegam entre os dados da surface e não em meios distintos (algo que não faz o menor sentido). Sabe aquele papo de camadas da DW ou aquela abobrinha da Mariana's Web? Então, tudo um monte de bosta derivado de Youtubers sensacionalistas iletrados em informática. Elitismo da minha parte? Quem sabe...
> São anônimas porque não é simples determinar a origem e o destino dos pacotes entre nodes intermediários dado a natureza do roteamento. Em geral, aos menos para a rede onion, há pelo menos 3 relays entre você e o servidor, sendo que esse número duplica para hidden services (3 seus e 3 do serviço). A imagem abaixo ilustra bemocoteamento dos pacotes na onio.
> Por fim, são criptografadas porque as conexões são fortemente protegidas por algoritmos sofisticados de criptografia. Além de não sabermos a origem dos dados, sequer podemos saber com facilidade o conteúdo dessas mensagens mesmo que os protocolos das camadas superiores (HTTP, HTTPS, FTP) sejam inseguros, dado que a criptografia da própria rede já as protege. Por isso é tão comum que sites da DW não usem HTTPS, pois as autoridades de certificados não os assinam para domínios da onion e certificados autoassinados vão disparar avisos no navegador.
A imagem abaixo ilustra bem como é o roteamento onion usado pelo Tor. Perceba que o contéudo da mensagem está enrolado em 3 camadas de criptografia (como a de uma cebola), de modo que para revelar o contéudo original seria preciso quebrar, no pior dos casos, 3 camadas. Como mencionado antes, o método usado para isso é a criptografia assimétrica, muito similar ao PGP, porém com a sua própria implementação.
Observação: Por mais que dentro da rede o encapsulamento proteja as mensagens internamente, entenda muito bem que isso não se aplica a sites da surface acessados pela onion. Ao desempacotar a última camada, a mensagem original é completamente exposta no exit node. Se ela não estiver protegida por uma camada adicional como TLS, seus pacotes estarão completamente expostos, algo que representa um sério risco de segurança.
As redes que caem em ao menos três dessas definições (anonimato, sobreposição e criptografia) podem ser classificadas como deepwebs. Podemos citar:
• Lokinet
• Zeronet
• Freenet
• I2P
• Tor
• Gnunet
Porém, há alguns casos interessantes que não caem diretamente nessa regra .
A Yggdrasil ( https://yggdrasil-network.github.io/ ), uma rede de topologia mesh com foco em escalabilidade e eficiência de roteamento, possui três dessas características: comunitária, sobreposta e segura. Entretanto, os nodes não são anônimos e muitas vezes podem estar desprotegidos, já que se conectar à Yggdrasil é que equivalente a ligar o seu computador diretamente na rede sem a presença de um NAT/CGNAT, correndo o risco de expor portas de serviços da sua máquina caso elas não estejam protegidas por um firewall. A Yggdrasil na prática é exposta como um dispositivo de camada 3 (tipo um VPN), mas diferente de um, apenas endereços IPv6 dentro de uma faixa bem específica de IP são roteados por ela, o que permite que ela coexista com outros dispositivos sem haver conflitos de roteamento.
Há quem argumente que a Yggdrasil é uma deepweb dado a sua sobreposição em relação à surface; outros podem argumentar que dado a falta de anonimato ela não se enquadraria nessa categoria. Independentemente disso é uma tecnologia muito interessante com ampla gama de aplicações, como encapsular tráfego de outras redes, como a I2P, e melhorar a eficiência de roteamento.
Por fim, vamos desmitificar alguns mitos da DeepWeb muito difundidos.
Não existem camadas da DW. Os pacotes da DW são sobrepostos e navegam juntos aos pacotes da surface.
DeepWeb e DarkWeb não são coisas diferentes. São termos genéricos para a mesma coisa.
DarkWeb não é o seu provedor de e-mail ou serviço de banco. Se eles não se enquadram nas categorias de um deepweb, então estão na surface.
Você não é irrastreável na DW. Adversários motivados podem foder com você com facilidade (leia a respeito de ataques de Timing, correlação e fingerprinting).
Mesmo que não seja possível ver o conteúdo de uma mensagem pela deepweb, é possível ao menos saber que você a acessou. ISPs podem ver esse tipo de tráfego como suspeito.
Você não é um hacker só porque instalou o TorBrowser, mas pode ser considerado um se expor o IP de um hidden service.
## Instalando e configurando o roteador I2P
Segue agora a seção 2 do tutorial do I2P. Mas antes apenas queria falar um pouco do projeto I2P. Apesar do foco do tutorial não ser para tratar da sua história, gostaria ao menos de fazer uma breve introdução sobre ela.
O projeto I2P (Invisible Internet Protocol) é uma rede P2P descentalizada, anônima e segura para estabelecer a comunicação entre os usuários e serviços. Na I2P é possível usar serviços como mensageiros IRC, XMPP, web services, e-mail e até mesmo torrents. A I2P nasceu de um fork da Freenet no ano de 2003, porém possui diferenças drásticas em relação a ela.
Há similaridades entre a I2P e o Tor, porém vale destacar algumas de suas vantagens. Sendo elas:
• Garlic routing ( https://geti2p.net/en/docs/how/garlic-routing )
• Modelo P2P
• Todos os participantes da rede contribuem para ela
• Fechado na rede - não é possível acessar a surface através da I2P
• Otimizado para hidden services
Apesar disso, vale lembrar que o projeto é pequeno, desenvolvido por menos voluntários se comparado ao Tor e possui menos movimentação e financiamento para o seu desenvolvimento. Além disso, o Tor é um projeto muito mais maduro e bem documentado, algo que atrai mais usuários e desenvolvedores e torna a tarefa de encontrar e corrigir bugs mais fácil de ser realizada.
Esses são pontos importantes que devemos levar em conta ao escolher a tecnologia para as nossas necessidades. Nem sempre há tecnologias ruins, as vezes apenas as empregamos as ferramentas erradas na resolução de certos problemas.
• https://geti2p.net/en/comparison/tor
• https://geti2p.net/en/docs/how/garlic-routing
• https://geti2p.net/en/about/intro
• https://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/
### 2. Instalando e configurando o roteador
Antes da criação do I2PBrowserBundle ( https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pdbrowser/releases/tag/1.3.3 ) , a única forma de se conectar à I2P era pela configuração manual de proxy no navegador. Muita gente ou não sabe ou tem MUUUUUITA preguiça de fazer isso e ficam resistentes de entrar na I2P dada essa restrição.
Como eu quero ser um bom tutor eu farei do jeito mais "difícil", pois tanto eu desejo que vocês aprendam as nuances do processo como eu sei que vocês são inteligentes o suficiente para fazer isso.
### 2.1 Instalação do router
Atualmente nós temos duas implementações do I2P: Uma em Java e outra em C++ (i2pd). Usaremos nesse tutorial a versão em C++ dado o seu baixo uso de recursos e facilidade de instalação.
O I2Pd está disponível para Windows, Linux, MacOS e Android e possui binários pré-compilados nas releases ( https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd/releases/tag/2.50.2 ) do projeto no Github. Usuários de Linux podem instalá-lo através do respectivo gerenciador de pacotes da sua distribuição, porém algumas distros não oferecem o pacote diretamente nos reposítórios oficiais, necessitando do uso de PPAs (Ubuntu), COPR (Fedora/RHEL) e afins. Vocês podem conferir as instruções oficiais para cada sistema nessa página ( https://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/user-guide/install/ ).
Apesar desse tutorial ser voltado a usuários de desktop, o I2Pd também está disponível na loja do F-droid. Infelizmente poucos navegadores em Android permitem a configuração de proxies, porém na seção de Serviços na I2P eu tratarei brevemente de como se conectar a servidores de XMPP usando o ConversationI2P.
Para usuários de Windows, segue abaixo os binários para instalação.
• Versão 32bits ( https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd/releases/download/2.50.2/i2pd_2.50.2_win32_mingw.zip )
• Versão 64bits ( https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd/releases/download/2.50.2/i2pd_2.50.2_win64_mingw.zip )
• Versão para Windows XP (pois é, kk) ( https://github.com/PurpleI2P/i2pd/releases/download/2.50.2/i2pd_2.50.2_winxp_mingw.zip )
A instalação é simples e direta. Após ela apenas abram o I2Pd para que o router inicie a operação de busca e conexão com os peers. Para usuários de Linux, vocês precisam ativar o serviços através do comando 'sudo systemctl start i2pd'. Se vocês desejam que o I2Pd inicie junto com o sistema usem o comando 'sudo systemctl enable --now i2pd'.
Se tudo estiver funcionando corretamente, vocês serão capazes de abrir o webconsole do I2Pd no navegador através do endereço:
### 2.2 Instalação e configuração do navegador
Apesar de qualquer navegador ser capaz de usar a I2P não é recomendado que usem qualquer um, especialmente o navegador que você usam no seu dia-a-dia. Recomendo que usem um navegador próprio para usar na I2P ou isolem suas atividades em um perfil separado.
Em navegadores baseado no Firefox isso é relativamente simples, bastando adicionar a opção '--profile' e o caminho do perfil que vocês desejam usar. Nesse tutorial eu vou mostrar como criar um perfil novo no Librewolf e configurar no lançador para iniciar o perfil e abrir em uma janela anônima. Essas instruções são análogas para todos os sistemas, excetuando aquelas configurações mais exóticas.
### 2.2.1 Escolhendo o navegador
Como citado, usarei o Librewolf como exemplo. Vocês podem baixar o instalador direto do site ou usar o gerenciador de pacotes do seu sistema no caso de Linux. Como é uma tarefa trivial eu não vou detalhar esse processo, pois todas as instruções estão em detalhes no site do navegador ( https://librewolf.net/installation/ )
### 2.2.2 Criando um perfil e configurando o lançador
Abram o navegador e digitem 'about:profiles' na barra de endereço. Criem um novo perfil clicando em 'Create New Profile'
Coloquem um nome no seu perfil e cliquem em Finalizar
Perfis novos recém criados são iniciados por padrão. Se você deseja usar outro perfil por padrão deve mudar isso na seção 'about:profiles' do navegador.
Agora vamos configurar o lançador do LibreWolf para iniciar o perfil do i2p e em uma janela anônima. Usarei o XFCE como referência para essa tarefa, mas saibam que o processo é análogo em sistemas como Windows ou DEs como KDE. Se quiserem também podem lançar via terminal através do comando 'librewolf --profile caminho_do_perfil --private-window'.
Cliquem com o botão direito no ícone do Librewolf e abram as propriedades do atalho.
Na guia lançador, no campo Comando, adicionem no final a opção '--private-window' e a opção '--profile caminho_do_perfil'. O caminho do perfil é aquele mostrado na seção 'about:profiles' do Librewolf.
2.2.3 Configurando o proxy
Com o lançador configurado, abra o navegador nesse perfil. Vamos configurar o proxy para se conectar ao I2P agora.
Abra as configurações digitando 'about:preferences' na barra de endereço. Na seção 'Geral' abra as configurações de rede (Network Settings)
Configure o seu proxy como na figura abaixo.
Fecha as configurações. Se o seu proxy foi configurado corretamente tente abrir algum desses eepsites.
• http://identiguy.i2p
• http://notbob.i2p
• http://reg.i2p
Se tudo ocorreu como conforme, a página será carregada.
OBSERVAÇÃO: A busca pelos peers é um pouco demorada, levando de 2 a 5 minutos para que um número mínimo necessário de peers sejam encontrados para estabelecer uma conexão estável. Você pode ver a lista de inbound e outbound tunnels na seção Tunnels do WebConsole (localhost:7070)
IMPORTANTE: Apesar do Librewolf possuir defaults seguros, eu recomendo que vocês instalem as seguintes extensões para aumentar ainda mais a sua proteção.
• noScript
• JShelter
Lembrem-se que vocês precisam desativar o proxy para acessar a clearnet. Depois disso reativem-no nas configurações.
Outro detalhe: Se vocês tentarem digitar um endereço .i2p na barra de endereços do navegador sem especificar o protocolo (http), ao invés do Librewolf ir ao endereço ele vai realizar uma pesquisa. Para corrigir esse problema, vocês precisam adicionar a seguinte configuração do tipo boolean em 'about:config' como mostrado na imagem.
Reiniciem o navegador e testem. Se tudo deu certo vocês não precisam especificar o protocolo ao digitar um endereço .i2p, bastando apenas digitar o endereço simplificado.
Por fim, terminamos essa parte do tutorial. Na próximo parte trataremos de como podemos nos conectar a serviços hospedados na I2P como XMPP
## [TUTORIAL] Conectando-se ao XMPP pela I2P
Essa é a terceira parte da série de tutoriais. Agora vamos tratar de algumas operações na rede, sendo uma delas conectando-se a um servidor de XMPP na I2P.
Não se esqueça de ligar o router e manter ele ligado por alguns minutos antes de iniciar essas operações. O router demora um pouco para encontrar os peers e estabelecer uma conexão estável.
### 3.1 Escolhendo o cliente XMPP
Existem diversos clientes XMPP capazes de se conectar usando um proxy. Um dos melhores é o Gajim, um cliente escrito em Python com diversas funcionalidades como criptografia OMEMO e PGP, workspaces separados, extensibilidade via plugins e uma interface bonita e organizada.
Assim como ocorreu com o router, o Gajim está disponível por padrão na maioria das distros Linux. Use o seu gerenciador de pacotes para instala-lo. Em Windows você pode baixar o Gajim através desse link ( https://gajim.org/download/ )
### 3.2 Criando uma conta
Vamos primeiro criar uma conta no servidor. No nosso exemplo usarei o servidor oficial do projeto i2pd, o xmpp.ilita.i2p. Há diversos outros servidores XMPP no diretório de links notbob.i2p caso queiram explorar mais.
Para criar uma conta, siga os passos abaixo:
Abra o Gajim. Na barra de tarefas vá em Contas -> Adicionar Conta. Na nova janela que aparecer, clique em Adicionar Conta
Na janela de adicionar contas, clique diretamente em Inscrever-se. Não precisa colocar as suas credencias como mostra a imagem (falha minha, ksksk)
Digite o nome do servidor no campo abaixo. Não esqueça de marcar a opção 'Configurações Avançadas' antes de clicar em Inscrever-se
Vamos adicionar um novo proxy para essa conta. Para isso clique no botão 'Gerenciar proxies', ao lado do campo Proxy nas Configurações Avançadas
Adicione um novo proxy clicando no sinal de '+' abaixo da lista de proxies. Preencha os campos de acordo com a imagem abaixo e em seguida feche a janela.
No campo de Proxy, selecione o proxy I2P. Preencha o restante dos campos de acordo com a imagem abaixo. Em seguida clique em 'Inscrever-se'.
Nesse momento uma mensagem pode aparecer pedindo para abrir uma exceção para o certificado TLS. Isso acontece porque trata-se de um certificado autoassinado que não foi validado por uma autoridade oficial. Apenas abra a exceção e prossiga (não há imagem para isso porque eu já abri essa exceção no meu cliente).
Uma nova janela vai aparecer solicitando-lhe para inserir as suas credenciais. Tome cuidado aqui, pois não é para inserir o nome completo com o domínio, apenas o seu nome de usuário (ex: descartavel).
Se tudo der certo, uma nova janela vai aparecer confirmando a sua inscrição. Coloque um nome e uma cor para a sua conta e clique em Conectar para concluir o processo.
Para finalizar, nos detalhes da sua conta, modifique as suas configurações de privacidade para diminuir o fingerprint. Na seção de 'Privacidade', desligue as seguintes opções:
• Tempo ocioso
• Hora de Sistema Local
• Sistema Operacional
• Reprodução de Mídia
### 3.3 Procurando por salas de bate-papo públicas
Após criar a sua nova conta, vamos descobrir alguns serviços que o servidor oferece. Para isso, vá para Contas -> Descobrir serviços
Na seção 'Bate-papo em Grupo', selecione Chatrooms e clique em 'Navegar'. Ao fazer isso uma lista de chatroom públicos presentes no servidor vai aparecer. Fique a vontade para explorar, porém saiba que alguns servidores são moderados e não te permitem mandar mensagens sem sua conta ser aprovada pelo moderador (familiar?).
### 3.4 Adicionando contatos
Para adicionar contatos à sua lista, clique no símbolo de '+' ao lado do campo de pesquisa e selecione 'Add Contact'.
Coloque o endereço completo da conta que você deseja adicionar. Usarei a minha conta oficial nesse exemplo. Você tem a opção de anexar uma mensagem qualquer antes de enviar o convite. Clique em 'Adicionar Contato' para prosseguir.
Se tudo ocorrer normalmente, o novo contato vai aparecer na sua lista. Dê dois-cliques na conta para abrir o chat. Não se esqueça de ativar a criptografia OMEMO antes de enviar qualquer mensagem. Agora você está pronto para conversar de forma segura :)
E com isso terminamos a terceira parte da série de tutoriais.
## [TUTORIAL] Criando e conectando-se a um servidor XMPP na I2P e clearnet.
Como configurar o seu próprio servidor XMPP. https://youtube.com/watch?v=Ot_EmQ8xdJwy
Criando contas e conectando clientes Pidgin http://i2pd.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tutorials/xmpp/#creating-accounts-and-connecting-clients
BONUS: Conectando-se facilmente à I2P.
@ 349d6b82:12b2a5b1
2024-11-30 11:23:48
Серов демонстрирует __уверенное экономическое развитие, основанное на прочной _промышленной базе и активной социальной политике.___
__Промышленный сектор:__
Серов является _крупным промышленным центром,_ где функционируют значимые предприятия, такие как _Надеждинский металлургический завод и Серовский завод ферросплавов._ Эти компании не только обеспечивают рабочие места для местного населения, но и способствуют развитию смежных отраслей, таких как _машиностроение и деревообработка._ В 2044 году идет дальнейшее расширение _производственных мощностей и внедрение новых технологий,_ что увеличивает объемы производства и повышает конкурентоспособность продукции на международных рынках.
__Социально-экономическая стабильность:__
Несмотря на естественную убыль населения в предыдущие годы, город активно привлекает трудовых мигрантов, что способствует росту численности населения и улучшению демографической ситуации. В 2044 году увеличиваются доли трудоспособного населения благодаря программам по привлечению молодежи и улучшению условий жизни.
__Инфраструктурное развитие:__
В последние годы в Серове наблюдается активное строительство жилых объектов и развитие инфраструктуры. Основные застройщики, ПАО «Надеждинский металлургический завод», продолжают вкладывать средства в новые проекты. В 2044 году город станет более комфортным для проживания благодаря новым жилым комплексам и улучшению общественного транспорта.
__Экологические инициативы:__
Серов также уделяет внимание экологическим вопросам: Предприятия города активно внедряют технологии по утилизации отходов и снижению загрязнения окружающей среды. Например, переработка шлаковых отвалов на __ПК «Магнит»__ помогает улучшить экологическую обстановку в регионе. Эти меры способствуют созданию более устойчивой городской среды.
Экономическое положение Серова в 2044 году продолжает развиваться благодаря сильной промышленной базе, активным социальным программам и стремлению к устойчивому развитию. В результате этого Серов становится потихоньку привлекательным местом для жизни и работы как для местных жителей, так и для новых мигрантов.
@ 8d34bd24:414be32b
2024-10-27 22:30:18
NOTE: *This article has some details that are specific to America, but the overall principles are applicable to all, and I believe it will be useful for all Christians.*
When it comes to things like voting, Christians tend to err to one of two extremes and seem to find difficulty finding the right balance as defined by God. Some Christians refuse to vote or get involved with politics at all. They don’t want to dirty themselves with politics. They know that their true home is heaven, so they don’t seem to care much for the nations they live in. On the other hand, some Christians are so focused on politics fixing everything and creating heaven on earth that they can become idolatrous lifting up politicians as a kind of savior.
In this article, I’m going to address both extremes, using the Bible, and hopefully help you find a Biblical balance.
## Seek the Welfare of the City Where I Have Sent You
As Christians we are just passing through our time on earth. Our true, eternal home, our true citizenship, is in heaven. That doesn’t mean that we shouldn’t care what happens on earth. We shouldn’t be like the old saying, “some Christians are so heavenly minded that they aren’t any earthly good.” I think Christians should organize our time here on earth kind of like the Israelites were commanded to live during their 70 year exile in Babylon and Persia.
> Now these are the words of the letter which Jeremiah the prophet sent from Jerusalem to the rest of the elders of the exile, the priests, the prophets and all the people whom Nebuchadnezzar had taken into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon. (Jeremiah 29:1)
What did God say to the Israelites about how they should live their life in Babylon?
> “Thus says the Lord of hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon, ‘Build houses and live in them; and plant gardens and eat their produce. Take wives and become the fathers of sons and daughters, and take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters; and multiply there and do not decrease. **Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare**.’ (Jeremiah 29:4-7) {emphasis mine}
Could we likewise say the same to Christians during their time on earth? “Build houses and live in them; and plant gardens and eat their produce. Take wives and become the fathers of sons and daughters, and take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters; and multiply there and do not decrease. Seek the welfare of the city, state, or nation where I have sent you to live for a short while, and pray to the Lord on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.”
God expects us to live fruitful lives, to marry, to have many children (multiply), and to raise them up to do the same. He also wants us to seek the welfare of the city, state, and nation where God has put us. In a city, state, or nation with democratic elections, the best way to seek its welfare is to vote for honest candidates who support godly principles. We rightly understand that in our ungodly world there are no perfect candidates. It can even be hard to find mostly honest and mostly godly candidates, but we should seek to elect the best that is available. Why are we told to do this? We are told that “*for in its welfare you will have welfare*.” When we fail to vote, to teach our kids or support good schools, to live productive lives, and to generally live Godly lives, we WILL see the decline of our cities, states, and nations. We will pay the price.
We are seeing exactly that decline because Christians have pulled out (and were pushed out) of the positions that influence the culture. We don’t have enough godly teachers, journalists, professors, advisors, economists, and politicians. We have given up the culture to those who oppose God, His people, and His commands.
We are paying the price for withdrawing into the safety of our churches and leaving the world to the wolves.
## Political Religion
Of course we also have an opposite extreme. We have some Christians that are too focused on politics and power. They spend all of their time and energy on political endeavors and very little, to none, on sharing the Gospel and being a godly example. Many act like they think a political candidate is going to save them from the culture, the media, the bureaucracy, or the government. They forget that there is only one Savior — the Lord Jesus Christ. They forget that God said things will get worse before they get better. They make idols out of politicians and religions out of political parties.
> No servant can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth.” (Luke 16:13)
Although this verse is specifically talking about being obsessed with wealth, it is applicable to anything that takes our focus, attention, and especially our worship away from God.
When a person spends all of their time serving one candidate or party and little to no time serving God, they have chosen to serve another god and are guilty, even if inadvertently and unintentionally.
> You shall have no other gods before Me.
> You shall not make for yourself an idol, or any likeness of what is in heaven above or on the earth beneath or in the water under the earth. You shall not worship them or serve them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, on the third and the fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing lovingkindness to thousands, to those who love Me and keep My commandments. (Exodus 20:3-6)
When we look to a politician to save us from anything, we are making him/her a god before us. When we give our all to a political party, we are taking our heart away from God and giving it to an alternate religion.
We may not think that we make idols in our modern world. It is true that we don’t usually carve them out of wood or mold them out of gold, but we have just as many idols as the Israelites did. They just look different.
I hope you will seriously consider this next point because it may be very unpopular with many of my readers. There are lots of Christians that will throw as big, if not a bigger, fit at the desecration of the American flag than over the Bible. Nobody seems to fight to retain the pledge of allegiance more than a majority of Christians. I’d argue that the American flag has become a modern day idol and the “Pledge of Allegiance” has become a religious mantra repeated to the god of government. Look at the words of the pledge:
*I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America,\
and to the Republic for which it stands,\
one Nation under God,\
indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.*
I think the inclusion of the phrase “one Nation under God” makes Christians feel OK about this pledge originally invented by a socialist whose brother sold American flags. The important part, which is why I can’t say the pledge anymore, are the words, “I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands.” I really appreciate the principles America was founded upon, but as a Christian, I can only pledge allegiance to God. My allegiance isn’t to a flag (an idol) or the government (a god). I refuse to go through a religious ritual that includes particular stances, reciting special words, and showing undue respect. We cannot “*serve two masters*.” As Christians our master should be Christ alone. Anything that becomes more important than, or even equal to, the importance of God in our lives is idolatry. We need to get our priorities right.
## In the World, but Not of the World
As we live our lives here on earth, we need to remember our God ordained purpose and our true allegiance to God. We need to remember our citizenship[1](https://trustjesus.substack.com/p/should-christians-vote#footnote-1-150236181) and family are in heaven, not here on earth.
We want to have a positive influence on our culture, including working in influential positions and voting, but we should be most focused on personal evangelism and sharing the truth of the Bible. The best way to make a difference in our culture is to change hearts and minds through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
> But now I come to You; and these things I speak in the world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves. **I have given them Your word; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world**, even as I am not of the world. I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. **They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world**. Sanctify them in the truth; **Your word is truth**. (John 17:13-17) {emphasis mine}
Although we want to be a light in the world, we have been warned that doing so will make us not fit in. It will cause many non-Christians (and maybe a few Christians whose priorities are not right) to hate us. No matter the consequences, we need to stand on the truth of the Word of God.
Too often, because we are living with those who are of this world, we start to look and act a lot like those of the world instead of looking and acting like our Savior.
> **Do not love the world nor the things in the world**. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. **The world is passing away**, and also its lusts; but **the one who does the will of God lives forever**. (1 John 2:15-17) {emphasis mine}
The fact that we should not love the things of the world or take on the character of things of the world is true in every part of our lives, but since we are talking here about politics, let us discuss the way many Christians talk politics.
Many Christians talk about politics in the same manner as non-Christians — cursing, name calling, insulting, and doing whatever it takes to win, no matter whether it is moral or not. I know the “other side” cheats, lies, name-calls, etc., but we should not stoop to their level. Nobody ever won another to their point of view by cursing or name calling. There are ways to point our their errors, and even how horrific some of the things pushed are, without going so low. Jesus didn’t hold back from speaking the truth. He didn’t hesitate to point out error, but was never crude about it. We should be the same. We should shine a light in such a way that those around us see such a difference that they say something similar to what was said about the apostles:
> Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13)
There should be something about our words, actions, and demeanor that amazes our opponents causing them to recognize us “*as having been with Jesus*.”
I hope this post has been helpful, truthful, and not too offensive. In so many areas it is hard to find that perfect balance and to not allow ourselves to be pulled to either extreme to the detriment of our witness and our relationship to God.
> Give no offense either to Jews or to Greeks or to the church of God; just as I also please all men in all things, not seeking my own profit but the profit of the many, **so that they may be saved**. (1 Corinthians 10:32-33) {emphasis mine}
Trust Jesus.\
your sister in Christ,
@ e97aaffa:2ebd765d
2024-11-30 11:19:21
Nos últimos tempos, os [_covenants_](https://covenants.info/) têm sido apontado como a solução para a escalabilidade do Bitcoin. De uma simplificada, os _covenants_ (convênios) são _smartcontracts_ que colocam certas restrições futuras na utilização daquelas moedas, ou seja, quem recebe não pode utilizar para qualquer fim, terá algumas restrições de uso, pré determinadas.
# Soluções
A comunidade está dividida entre incluir ou não _covenants_ no Bitcoin e depois entre os que querem adicionar _covenants_, estão entre si, divididos entre [Op\_CTV](https://covenants.info/proposals/ctv/) e o Op\_CAT, mas existe ainda outras. O Peter Todd fez um [excelente estudo](https://petertodd.org/2024/covenant-dependent-layer-2-review), e chegou a conclusão que o Op\_CTV seria a melhor solução.
Eu não tenho conhecimento técnico para determinar qual a melhor solução, mas eu prefiro sempre o modelo mais conservador, neste caso parece ser o Op\_CTV. No meu ponto de vista é preferível ser convervador, dar um passo de cada vez, em vez de um enorme salto. Prefiro correr o risco, daqui a 2 anos chegar à conclusão que o Op\_CTV não foi suficiente, do que ter que recuar devido à atualização ter sido demasiado arrojada e ter criado vários problemas. No Bitcoin temos que ser conservadores na alteração do código.
# Vaults
A grande maioria só fala dos _covenants_ como uma solução para a escalabilidade, mas para mim o mais importante é que os _covenants_ vão permitir construir soluções wallets mais seguras. Para mim é primordial, o Bitcoin necessita de melhorar a custódia e criar melhores soluções para a sucessão, são os principais entraves à adoção e à auto-custódia.
Com os _covenants_ é possível construir os [_vaults_](https://covenants.info/use-cases/vaults/) (cofres), que vai permitir criar sistemas mais seguros, sobretudo para as _Cold Storage_, para pessoas/empresas com muitos bitcoins.
Vamos a um exemplo prático: Hoje em dia, se um _hacker_ tiver acesso à _privkey_, pode assinar a transação, enviar as moedas para um seu endereço, depois de assinado e enviado é impossível impedir o roubo. Com os _covenants_, o _hacker_ já não conseguirá, mesmo que tenha acesso à _privkey_, poderá fazer a transação mas terá que colocar 2 restrições:
1. Terá obrigatoriamente de colocar um _timelock_ para o seu endereço, ou seja, só terá acesso ao bitcoin passado um tempo previamente determinado, talvez 24 horas.
2. Obrigatoriamente, um segundo endereço também terá acesso às mesmas moedas, mas não terá _timelock_. Este segundo está determinado pelos _covenants_, é o chamado o endereço de recuperação.
Assim basta a _exchange_ terem um programa (WatchTower) a monitorizar a _blockchain_. Se o _hacker_ enviar a transação, a _exchange_ terá 24 horas, para analisar aquela transação. Se for uma tentativa de roubo, a _exchange_ utilizará o endereço de recuperação para reaver as moedas, ou seja, mesmo que a segurança esteja comprometida, com a perda da _privkey_, a _exchange_ tem um meio de segurança extra, que permite recuperar as moedas. Mas não necessita de ser um _hacker_, pode ser um funcionário da empresa a cometer o crime.
# Segurança Mundial
Os _vaults_ são essenciais para _Cold Storage_, na minha opinião é algo que já deveria estar implementado no código. O Bitcoin está a atingir uma dimensão tal, toda a segurança é pouca. A segurança vai muito mais além do que um pequeno _hack_ a uma pequena empresa ou _exchange_, pode estar em causa a segurança nacional ou mundial.
O que aconteceria ao mundo, se os iranianos ou os norte-coreanos roubassem os Bitcoins da Coinbase, são mais de 1 milhão e entre eles, estão 200 mil do governo dos EUA. No mínimo dava um conflito diplomático, mas daqui a 5 ou 10 anos, com a valorização e já com o bitcoin como uma reserva nos bancos centrais, será certamente uma guerra entre os dois países.
Toda a segurança é pouca. Apesar de muitos de nós termos ideais libertários, anti-estado, não podemos esquecer que a adoção acarreta consequências e responsabilidades. Já não somos apenas uma moedinha mágica da internet criada e utilizada por _geeks_, Bitcoin está por todo o lado, até nos bancos centrais.
@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2024-10-26 11:54:10
# Zer da Cashu?
Cashu Bitcoinentzako Ecash protokolo irekia da, transakzio azkarrak eta doakoak eskaintzen dituena. Protokolo honen ezaugarri nabarmenetako bat pribatutasun ia perfektua eskaintzea da. Nostr nostr:npub12rv5lskctqxxs2c8rf2zlzc7xx3qpvzs3w4etgemauy9thegr43sf485vg erabiltzaileak sortu zuen.
Hona hemen Cashu eta on-chain Bitcoin alderatzen dituen taula, Bangkok 2023ko Bitcoin Konferentzian nostr:npub1cj6ndx5akfazux7f0vjl4fyx9k0ulf682p437fe03a9ndwqjm0tqj886t6-k aurkeztutako Nuts and Bolts hitzaldian oinarrituta:
| **Cashu** | **Bitcoin (on-chain)** |
| Libururik gabe | Liburu banatua |
| Titulartasun tokena | UTXO (Ustiaketa Ezberdinen Irteera) |
| Transakzio itsutuak | Transakzio publikoak |
| Zentralizatua | Deszentralizatua |
| Konfiantzazkoa | Konfiantzarik gabe |
| Aldi baterako transakzioak | Betiko transakzioak |
Ikusten dugunez, Cashuk pribatutasuna hobetzeko konfiantza gabeko izaera eta deszentralizazioa sakrifikatzen ditu. Konpentsazio hauek zentzuzkoak dira zaintza-zerbitzuetan, erabiltzailea dagoeneko zerbitzu zentralizatu eta fidagarri bat erabiltzen ari baita. Zaintza tradizionaleko irtenbideek pribatutasun eskasa dute, zaintzaileak erabiltzailearen funtsak zenbat diren eta norekin ari den transakzioak egiten jakin dezakeelako. Horrek esan nahi du norbanakoak erraz helburu eta zentsura daitezkeela. Gainera, datu-erregistroek "honeypot" bihurtzeko arriskua dute, hau da, erasotzaileentzat erakargarri.
Alderantziz, Cashu-ren mint-ek zaintzaile gisa jardun dezakete, baina erabiltzaileen nortasuna, duten funtsen kopurua edo norekin ari diren transakzioak egiten ezagutzeko aukerarik gabe. Mint-ek duten datu-erregistro bakarra gastatutako sekretuen zerrenda da, berriro erabili ezin direnak, baina erabiltzaileekin lotzeko modurik gabe. Horrela, Cashu-k pribatutasuna bermatzen du, zaintzaileak ez duelako inolako informaziorik erabiltzaileen jarduerei buruz, ohiko zaintza-soluzioekin gertatzen denaren kontrara.
## Cashu-ren erabilera kasu batzuk
Cashu-ren erabilera kasu batzuk honako hauek dira: bonuak, dagoeneko zentralizatuak eta zaintza-zerbitzuak dituztenak; baliabide bakoitzeko ordainketa (pay-per-resource) APIak, nostr bideratzaileak eta mixnet-ak bezalako zerbitzuetarako; sistema integratuak, kontu eta saldo eredu tradizionala ordezkatzen dutenak; eta truke/mixinge zerbitzuak, gordailuak eta ateratzeak deslotzeko, pribatutasuna hobetzeko.
## Historia
Ecash David Chaum-ek 1982an asmatu zuen, sinadura itsuak erabiliz balio elektronikoaren transmisiorako protokolo gisa. Cashu Ecash-en inplementazio bat da, David Wagner-en 1996ko Chaum-en itsutze-aldaketan oinarrituta dagoena, eta nostr sortu zuen.
## Terminologia
Cashu nola funtzionatzen duen ulertzen laguntzeko, lehenik eta behin funtsezko terminologia batzuk azalduko ditugu.
### Mint
Cashu-ren mint-a erabiltzaileen funtsen zaintzailea da. Bere zeregina tokenak jaulkitzea eta erretzea da, baita bikoiztutako gastuak saihestea ere. Cashu-ren mint-a Lightning nodo baten gainean dago, beraz, Lightning ordainketak bidali eta jaso ditzake, beste mint batzuekin trukeak barne. Hala ere, Lightning nodoa lineaz kanpo badago ere, ecash tokenekin transakzioak egin daitezke. Lightning-ekin ez bezala, jasotzailea linean egon beharrik ez du tokenak jasotzeko.
Mint-ak ez daki nor den erabiltzailea, zenbat funts dituzten edo norekin ari diren transakzioak egiten. Hala ere, mint-a erabiltzaileen funtsen zaintzailea denez, fidagarria den mint bat aukeratu behar duzu, eta eragilea nor den jakin. Erabil ezazu funts txikiekin edo tokenak berehala trukatu.
### Token
Cashu token-a mint-ak sinatutako datu-puska bat da, eta erabiltzaileak token horiek bere zorroan gordetzen ditu. Ecash tokenak testu-kate hutsak direnez, edozein testu bidezko protokoloaren bidez bidal daitezke, adibidez, nostr, posta elektronikoa, SMS, etab. Cashu-k txanpon-sistema bat erabiltzen du, zenbateko finkatuak dituena. Analogia bat eginez, hau moneta fiduziarioen billeteen zenbatekoei dagokie. Adibidez, eurotan 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 euroko billeteak daude. Cashu-n, tokenak 2ren indarren arabera sailkatzen dira. Adibidez, 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128 satoshi, eta horrela aurrera.
Zenbatekoak erabiltzea erabiltzaileen artean anonimotasuna areagotzeko egiten da, eta mint-ek transakzioak erabiltzaileen nortasunekin lotzea zailagoa bihurtzeko.
## Nola funtzionatzen duen, 5 urteko bati bezala azaldua
Erabiltzaile Alice-k Cashu token berriak sortu nahi ditu. Horregatik, Bob mint-aren arduradunarengana joaten da eta esaten dio: "Kaixo! Cashu token berriak sortu nahi ditut."
Bob-ek erantzuten dio: "Ados, ordaindu iezadazu eta bidali iezadazu sekretu itsu bat." Sekretu itsua esan nahi du Alice-k sekretua ezagutzen duela, baina Bob-ek ezin duela sekretu hori ikusi.
Alice-k sekretu bat sortzen du, eta ondoren itsutzen du, horrela Bob-ek ez dezan jakin zein den sekretu hori.
Alice-k Bob-i ordainketa egiten dio eta ordainketaren egiaztagiria eta sekretu itsua bidaltzen dizkio. Bob ordainketa jaso duela ziur dagoenean, Alice-ren sekretu itsua sinatzen du eta sinatutako sekretu itsua itzultzen dio. Bob-ek sinatu duelako, etorkizunean ziur egon daiteke tokena baliozkoa dela.
Alice-k Carol-i ordaindu nahi dio. Horretarako, sekretua eta sinatutako sekretu itsua desitsutzeko gakoa bidaltzen dizkio Carol-i.
Carol-ek bere tokena trukatu nahi du. Beraz, Bob-engana (mint-aren arduradunera) joaten da eta Alice-k eman dion sekretua eta desitsututako gakoa erakusten dizkio.
### Nola jakiten du mint-ak Carol-i zenbat satoshi eman behar dizkion?
Lehenago aipatu genuen bezala, Cashu tokenak 2ren indarren araberako zenbatekoetan banatuta daude (1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32...), paperezko diru billeteen antzera. Bob mint-ak zenbateko bakoitza sinatzeko gako pribatu berezi bat du. Adibidez, 1 satoshi zenbatekoaren tokenak sinatzeko gako pribatu bat du, 2 satoshi zenbatekoaren beste bat, 8 satoshi zenbatekoaren beste bat, eta abar. Horrela, Carol tokenak trukatzera datorrenean, Bob-ek badaki zein gako pribaturekin sinatu zuen token hori, eta horren arabera, tokenak zein zenbatekotakoak diren ezagutzen du. Horrela, Bob-ek Carol-i dagokion satoshi kopurua itzuli diezaioke, sinatutako tokenaren zenbatekoa kontuan hartuta.
### Zer gertatzen da itzulkinekin?
Cashu-n ez dago itzulkinik diru fisikoan bezala. Horren ordez, mint-ari (Bob-i) eskatu behar diozu token zaharrak suntsitzeko eta berriak sortzeko, zenbateko berarekin. Adibide batekin azalduz: Demagun Alice-k bi token dituela, guztira 10 satoshi balio dutenak. Bata 8 satoshi da eta bestea 2 satoshi. Alice-k 9 satoshi bidali nahi dizkio Carol-i. Horretarako, mint-ari (Bob-i) eskatzen dio bere 2 satoshi tokena bi 1 satoshi token bihurtzeko. Horrela, Alice-k 9 satoshi bidal diezazkioke Carol-i: 8 satoshi token bat eta 1 satoshi token bat erabiliz. Gainera, beste 1 satoshi tokena berarentzat gordetzen du.
### Lightning sarearen papera konektatzeko elementu gisa
Zer gertatzen da Alice-k David-i ordaindu nahi dionean, baina David-ek Bob-en mint-a ez du fidatzen, eta, aldiz, Erin ezagutzen du eta bere mint-a erabiltzen du? Alice-k bere tokenak Bob-en mint-ean trukatzen ditu, eta Bob-i eskatzen dio token horiek "urtzeko" edo Lightning satoshietara bihurtzeko. Ondoren, Bob-en mint-ak Lightning transakzio bat bidaltzen dio Erin-en mint-ari. Erin-en mint-ak transakzio hori jasotzen du, eta David-entzat token berriak sortzen ditu Lightning sarearen bidez Bob-en mint-etik jasotako satoshiekin. Horrela, Lightning sareak mint ezberdinak konektatzen ditu, erabiltzaileak (Alice eta David) mint ezberdinak fidatu arren, transakzioak segurtasunez egiteko.
## Zer dator hurrengoa Cashu-rentzat?
### Programagarri den ecash
Cashu-ri gastatzeko baldintzak gehitu ahal izango zaizkio, mint-ak baldintza horiek betearaziko dituelarik. Horrek ahalbidetu dezake kontratu adimendun sendoak sortzea, oinarrizko katean (Bitcoin blockchain) edo Lightning sarean sartu gabe. Horrela, ordainketa publikoak, lineaz kanpokoak eta maiztasun handikoak posible izango dira.
### Zorren froga eskema (Proof of Liabilities Scheme)
Zorren Froga (PoL) Eskema Cashu-rentzat zaintzailea den mint-ak erabiltzaileak iruzurrez erabiltzea zailtzen du, epoka kontzeptua aurkeztuz. Eskema honetan, zaintzaile den mint-ak epoka bakoitzean gako pribatuak aldian-aldian biratzen ditu, eta azken epokan jaulkitako eta erretako tokenen zerrenda publikoak argitaratzen ditu. Hau Erreserben Froga (Proof of Reserves) eskemarekin uztartzen da, non erreserbak katean bertan multisig batean gordetzen diren. Horrela, mint-ak ezingo du bere erantzukizunak murriztu, erabiltzaileek iruzurra detektatzeko arriskua handitu gabe. Xehetasun gehiagorako, eskema honen azalpen osoa kontsultatu dezakezu.
## Saiatu Cashu
Cashu probatzeko, [Nutstash] eta [eNuts] gidak erabil ditzakezu. Horretarako Lightning zorro bat eta telefono edo ordenagailu bat besterik ez duzu behar.
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2024-11-30 10:28:00
**Table Of Content**
- The Rise of Cryptocurrency in Africa
- Cryptocurrency: A Tool for Financial Inclusion
- Cryptocurrency: A Shield Against Inflation and Corruption
- The Future of Cryptocurrency in Africa
- Conclusion
In the rapidly evolving world of digital finance, cryptocurrency is emerging as a beacon of hope for many Africans. As traditional financial systems grapple with challenges such as hyperinflation and corruption, blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies are offering a lifeline to many individuals across the continent. This article explores how cryptocurrency is transforming the financial landscape in Africa, providing a much-needed alternative to conventional banking systems.
**The Rise of Cryptocurrency in Africa**
Cryptocurrency adoption in Africa is growing at an unprecedented rate. According to Chris Maurice, founder and CEO of Yellow Card, Africa’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, the growth of crypto in Africa is happening "at the speed of light". This rapid adoption is driven by the need to escape from the failures of traditional financial systems and transact more freely.
Unlike in the West, where cryptocurrency is often seen as a speculative asset, in Africa, it is being used to solve real-world problems. From facilitating international payments to helping individuals save money against inflation, cryptocurrency is proving to be a versatile and practical financial tool.
**Cryptocurrency: A Tool for Financial Inclusion**
One of the most significant advantages of cryptocurrency is its potential to foster financial inclusion. Kevin Imani, the founder and CEO of Sankore 2.0, an affiliate of the layer 1 Near Protocol, believes that blockchain-based payments can act as a human rights technology.
In many developing countries, hyperinflationary pressure and corruption have left citizens with few options. Traditional banking systems often fail to provide the necessary financial services, leaving a large portion of the population unbanked or underbanked. Cryptocurrencies offer a lifeline to these individuals, providing greater financial inclusion and control over their money.
**Cryptocurrency: A Shield Against Inflation and Corruption**
Inflation is a significant issue in many African countries. According to Statistica, inflation rates in Sub-Saharan Africa reached an estimated 14.5% in 2022 — the region’s largest annual change since the 2008 recession. In such an environment, cryptocurrencies offer a reliable store of value, helping individuals protect their wealth against the eroding effects of inflation.
Moreover, the transparent and decentralized nature of blockchain technology makes it a potent tool against corruption. As Okoye Kevin Chibuoyim, the founder and CEO of crypto education platform GIDA, based in Nigeria, points out, "Africans are used to bad governments that aren’t accountable and transparent, but here, the blockchain flashes its transparent nature here and makes everyone trust the system."
**The Future of Cryptocurrency in Africa**
The future of cryptocurrency in Africa looks promising. With more crypto users than North America or Europe, and six of the top 20 countries in the world for crypto being in Africa, the continent is poised to become a global leader in crypto adoption.
However, the journey is not without challenges. While countries like Nigeria have embraced cryptocurrency, others have imposed restrictions or outright bans. It's crucial for regulatory frameworks to evolve to accommodate this new technology while ensuring the protection of users.
Cryptocurrency is emerging as a lifeline for many Africans, offering a viable alternative to traditional financial systems plagued by inflation and corruption. As more Africans embrace this technology, we can expect to see a transformation in the continent's financial landscape. The story of cryptocurrency in Africa is a testament to the power of innovation to drive change and improve lives. It's a story of hope, resilience, and the relentless pursuit of financial freedom.
**Why is cryptocurrency growing rapidly in Africa?**
Cryptocurrency in Africa is growing rapidly due to its potential to solve real-world problems such as hyperinflation and corruption, which are prevalent in many African countries.
**How does cryptocurrency foster financial inclusion in Africa?**
Cryptocurrency provides a lifeline to many individuals in developing countries, offering greater financial inclusion and control over their money, especially for those who are unbanked or underbanked.
**How does cryptocurrency combat inflation and corruption in Africa?**
Cryptocurrencies offer a reliable store of value, helping individuals protect their wealth against the eroding effects of inflation. Additionally, the transparent and decentralized nature of blockchain technology makes it a potent tool against corruption.
**What is the future of cryptocurrency in Africa?**
With more crypto users than North America or Europe, Africa is poised to become a global leader in crypto adoption. However, regulatory frameworks need to evolve to accommodate this new technology while ensuring the protection of users.
**That's all for today**
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@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2024-10-26 11:22:06
# Zer da Cashu?
Cashu Bitcoin-erako ecash protokolo ireki bat da, transakzio azkarrak eta komisio gabekoak eskaintzen dituena, pribatutasun ia perfektuarekin. Xehetasun gehiago nahi izanez gero, gure azalpena ikus dezakezu.
## eNuts
eNuts Cashu-rako mugikorretarako zorro bikaina da, Android eta iOS (TestFlight) plataformetan eskuragarri dagoena. Mint anitzekin lan egitea ahalbidetzen du eta nostr bidez bidalketak egiteko aukera ere eskaintzen du.
⚠️ **eNuts eta Cashu oraindik beta fasean daude**. Funtsak galtzeko arriskua dago. Aplikazioa instalatzerakoan arriskuen inguruan irakurri. Galera ekonomikoei aurre egiteko gai zaren zenbateko txikiekin saiatu.
## Probatu
Prozesu honetan zehar mint-ekin elkarreragin, ecash-a jaso eta bidali, segurtasun-kopiak egin, Lightning-era ateratzeak eta mint-en artean trukaketak egingo ditugu. Azkenik, nostr kontaktu funtzionalitatea probatuko dugu.
### Instalatu
Sartu eNuts webgunera eta instalatu aplikazioa zure sistema eragilerako.
### Mint bat gehitzea
Ecash-arekin elkarreragiteko, lehenik mint bat behar duzu. Mint honetan zure ecash token-ak sortzen eta itzultzen dira. Mint-a da zure Bitcoin-en zaindaria, baina ez daki nor zaren, norekin egiten duzun transakzioa, ezta zenbat diru duzun ere. Probetarako Txoko mint erabili dezakezu.
1. Joan Txoko Mint-era. Kopiatu mint URL-a.
2. eNuts-en, joan Aukerak > Mint kudeaketa eta sakatu + botoia. Itsatsi lehen urratsean kopiatu duzun mint URL-a.
💡 Mint gehigarriak ere gehitu ditzakezu. Mint publiko batzuk MintIndex-en aurki daitezke. Kontuan izan mint batzuek zenbateko jakin bat gordetzen dutela bideratze-gastuak ordaintzeko, eta, beraz, ezin dituzula zure sats guztiak atera.
### Tokenak sortzea
Mint bat gehitu duzunean, eNuts-ek automatikoki galdetuko dizu mint horretatik Cashu token berriak sortu nahi dituzun.
1. Erantzun **Bai**.
2. Sortu faktura bat mintu nahi duzun zenbatekoarentzat. Zenbateko txiki batekin saiatu, adibidez, 100 sats.
3. Ordaindu faktura Lightning zorro batetik. Faktura ordaindutakoan, ecash token-ak izango dituzu.
Prozesu honek aukera ematen dizu ecash token-ak sortzeko, eta horiek zure transakzioetarako erabiltzeko prest izango dituzu.
### Ecash-ekin transakzioak egitea
Ecash-ekin transakzioak egitea, funtsean, datu multzoak bidaltzea eta jasotzea da. Funtzionalitate hauek zuk zeuk probatzeko, bidali eta jaso dezakezu zure buruari.
1. Ecash bidaltzeko, sakatu **Bidali > Ecash bidali**.
2. Mint bat baino gehiago erabiltzen baduzu, aukeratu bidali nahi duzun mint-a. Ondoren, aukeratu **Kopiatu eta partekatu**.
3. Aukeratu zenbatekoa.
4. Nahi izanez gero, gehitu ohar bat, eta sakatu **Jarraitu**.
5. Berretsi ordainketa xehetasunak eta sortu token-a. Une honetan, **coin selection** funtzioa erabil dezakezu zein token erabili nahi dituzun hautatzeko.
Ohartu token-ak 1 sat, 2 sats, 4 sats, 8 sats, 16 sats eta antzeko zenbatekotan sailkatuta daudela. Horiek 10 euroko, 20 euroko edo 50 euroko billeteak bezala irudika ditzakezu.
6. Kopiatu token-a.
Une honetan, token-a beste norbaiti bidal diezaiokezu edo zure zorroan berreskuratu. Saiakera moduan, bigarren aukera hau egingo dugu.
1. Ecash jasotzeko, sakatu **Jaso > Itsatsi eta berreskuratu Ecash**. eNuts-ek automatikoki irakurriko du zure arbeletik eta token-a berreskuratuko du.
💡 Zure transakzioen historian ecash token-a zain dagoen egiaztatu dezakezu, eta hartzaileak ez badu berreskuratu, itzuli dezakezu. Horretarako, sakatu zure historiako irteerako transakzioan eta aukeratu **Egiaztatu token-a gastatu den**. Token-a zain badago, **Itzuli token-a** sakatu dezakezu eta berriro zure zorroan izango duzu.
### Multimint trukeak
Mint desberdinen artean bidalketak eta jasotzeak posibleak diren galdetu baduzu, erantzuna bai da, neurri batean. Hala ere, Cashu token-ak zuzenean mint batetik bestera bidaltzea ez da zuzenean egiten; horren ordez, transakzioak Lightning-era bideratzen dira, mint bat Lightning nodo bat ere badelako. Cashu token-ak ez dira bateragarriak nodo desberdinen artean.
Hau probatzeko, beste mint bat gehitu dezakezu oraindik egin ez baduzu, adibidez, cashme LNbits mint edo eNuts mint lehenetsia.
💡 Kontuan izan mint batzuek sats kopuru bat gordetzen dutela bideratze-gastuak ordaintzeko. Arazo hau konpontzeko, zure mint propioa sor dezakezu Bitcoin Txoko LNbits zorroarekin, Cashu luzapena aktibatuz.
1. Joan **Aukerak > Mint kudeaketa** atalera, eta aukeratu trukatu nahi duzun mint-a. Ondoren, joan **Multimint trukeak** atalean.
2. Aukeratu trukatu nahi duzun mint-a.
3. Aukeratu zenbatekoa eta sakatu **Kuotak aurreikusi** Lightning gastuen kalkulua egiteko.
4. Sakatu **Jarraitu**.
5. Egiaztatu xehetasunak, eta nahi izanez gero, **coin selection** funtzioa erabili. Ondoren, sakatu **Orain trukatu**.
Prozesu honetan, bidaltzen ari den mint-ak Lightning faktura bat ordaintzen du jasotzen ari den mint-aren bidez. Faktura osatu bezain laster, trukatuta dagoen token-a zure zorroaren saldoan agertu beharko litzateke jasotzen ari den mint-ean.
### Ateratzea
Zure Cashu sats-ak berriro Lightning sats bihurtu nahi dituzunean, ateratzeko aukera duzu. Prozesua hauxe da:
1. Sakatu **Bidali > Lightning faktura ordaindu**.
2. Mint bat baino gehiago erabiltzen baduzu, aukeratu bidaliko duzun mint-a.
3. LN faktura edo LNURL atalean, sartu faktura bat, LNURL edo Lightning helbide bat; edo, besterik gabe, QR kode bat eskaneatu.
4. Aukeratu zenbatekoa eta sakatu **Kuotak aurreikusi**.
5. Egiaztatu xehetasunak, eta dena zuzen dagoela ikusi ondoren, sakatu **Ateratzea**.
Prozesu hau amaitutakoan, mint-ak Cashu token-ak trukatzen ditu eta Lightning faktura ordaintzen du.
### Segurtasun kopiak
Cashu token-ak babesteko prozesua, agian, ezberdina izango da Bitcoin eta Lightning zorroak babesteko ohiko prozesuekin alderatuta. Diru-funtsak datu blokeekin irudikatzen direnez, Cashu token-ak babesten dituzunean datu bloke horiek bakarrik babesten ari zara. Honek esan nahi du segurtasun-kopiak baliogabetzen direla transakzio berri bat egiten duzun bakoitzean.
eNuts aplikazioak Cashu token bat sortzen du zure funts guztiekin, eta token horiek zein mint-ekoak diren jasotzen du.
- **Segurtasun-kopia bat sortzeko**, joan Aukerak > **Segurtasuna > Sortu babeskopia token**. Kopiatu token-a eta gorde toki seguru batean.
Bestela, mint bakoitza banaka babestu dezakezu:
- Horretarako, joan Aukerak > **Mint kudeaketa** atalera eta aukeratu babestu nahi duzun mint-a. Ondoren, sakatu **Funtseak babestu**, kopiatu token-a eta gorde toki seguru batean.
### Berreskuratzea
Berreskuratzeko, kopiatu babeskopia token-a eta ireki eNuts aplikazioa. Aplikazioak automatikoki irakurriko du zure arbelean dagoena eta galdetuko dizu token-a berreskuratu nahi duzun.
### Nostr
eNuts aplikazioak Nostr integrazioa eskaintzen du, horrela zure kontaktu zerrendara ecash bidali ahal izateko. Funtzio hau erabiltzeko, honako pauso hauek jarraitu behar dituzu:
1. Joan **Kontaktuak** atalera eta itsatsi zure Nostr gako publikoa.
2. eNuts-ek zure kontaktu zerrenda eskuratuko du relays-etatik. Tamalez, bilaketa funtzioa oraindik ez dago eskuragarri, eta horrek kontaktu zuzena aurkitzea zaildu dezake, kontaktu asko izanez gero.
Hartzaileak Nostr motako 4 mezu zuzena jasoko du, Cashu token-arekin. Hartzaileak mezu hau bere zorroan berreskuratu eta token-a erabili ahal izango du.
## Ondorioa
Gida hau lagungarria iruditu zaizu? Saiatu Cashu token batzuk bidaltzen Nostr bidez!
@ 6d8e2a24:5faaca4c
2024-11-30 09:48:06
###### __"It's much better than other bananas," Justin Sun said__
29 November 2024
A Chinese-born cryptocurrency entrepreneur has followed through on his promise to eat the banana from a $6.2m (£4.9m) artwork he bought last week.
Justin Sun outbid six others to claim Maurizio Cattelan's infamous 2019 work Comedian - a banana duct-taped to a wall - at Sotheby's auction house in New York.
He ate the fruit during a news conference in Hong Kong where he used the moment to draw parallels between the artwork and cryptocurrency.
The banana is regularly replaced before exhibitions, with Mr Sun buying the right to display the installation along with a guide on how to replace the fruit.
It has been eaten twice before - first by a performance artist in 2019 and again by a South Korean student in 2023 - but neither paid any money to do so, let alone $6.2m.
"Eating it at a press conference can also become a part of the artwork's history," Mr Sun said.
"It's much better than other bananas," he added.
The 34-year-old said he was intrigued by the work, admitting he had "dumb questions" about whether the banana rotted.
The New York Times reported a fresh banana was bought for 35 cents on the day of last week's auction, before becoming possibly one of the most expensive fruits in the world.
Each attendee at the event on Friday was given a banana and a roll of duct tape as a souvenir.
"Everyone has a banana to eat," Mr Sun said.
Mr. Sun runs a blockchain service where users can trade in cryptocurrency.
Mr Sun runs the Tron blockchain network - a service where users can trade in cryptocurrency.
Cryptocurrencies are digital currencies that operate independent of banks, offering the potential of very secure decentralised transactions.
Mr Sun compared the artwork, and other abstract pieces like it, to NFTs.
These "non-fungible tokens" are pieces of digital artwork that have no intrinsic value, other than that prescribed by people.
NFTs can be traded on platforms like Mr Sun's.
Last year, he was charged by the US Securities and Exchange Commission for offering and selling unregistered security tokens. Mr Sun denies the charges and the case is ongoing.
This week, Mr Sun disclosed he made a $30m investment in a crypto project backed by US President-elect Donald Trump.
@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2024-10-26 11:20:48
# Zer da lightning address bat?
Lightning address bat irakurgarria den helbide elektroniko baten antza duen helbidea da, adibidez username@domein.com, baina bitcoinetan ordainketak berehala eta merke jasotzeko aukera ematen du. Ez duzu zure gailuan nodo bat linean izatea behar, eta ez duzu eskuz faktura bat sortu behar norbaitek ordainketa egin nahi dizunean.
Oso interesgarria, ezta?
## Nola funtzionatzen du, orduan?
Lightning Address-ek LNURL pay protokoloa erabiltzen du, Lightning Network-aren gainean dagoen geruza bat da.
Prozesua hurrengo urratsetan laburbil daiteke:
1. Erabiltzaile batek zure Lightning Address erabiliz ordainketa egin nahi duenean, haien zorroak helbide hori LNURL payRequest batean bihurtzen du.
2. LNURL payRequest arrakastatsu baten bidez, zorroak BOLT11 faktura bat eskuratzen du, eta faktura hori ordainketa burutzeko erabiltzen da.
Hau da, prozesuaren oinarrizko pausoak hurrengoak dira:
💡 **Lightning Address > LNURLp > BOLT11 faktura.**
Lightning Network-ekin integratuta dagoen sistema honi esker, ordainketak erraz, azkar eta modu automatizatuan burutu daitezke.
### Oso ondo dirudi, baina zein da tranpa?
Lightning Address-en inplementazio askok kustodia dute (nahiz eta ez den beti horrela), izan ere, domeinu bat eta beti linean dagoen nodo bat behar dira Lightning Address-ak funtzionatzeko. Kustodia sistema bat denez, zure fondoak kudeatzen dituenak edozein momentutan kontrolatu edo kendu ahal dizkizu eta zure transakzioak monitorizatu ditzake.
Domeinuaren jabearengan fidatu behar duzu, zure Lightning Address-aren erregistroa aldatu ez dezan. Eta, gainera, LNURL zerbitzaria linean ez badago, sistema ez da funtzionatzen.
**Bitcoin Txoko**-k LNbits-en oinarritutako Lightning Address irtenbide sinplea eskaintzen du. Hau ere kustodia sistemakoa da, beraz, gomendagarria da Bitcoin Txoko zorroan kopuru txiki bat bakarrik gordetzea eta gero auto-kustodia zorro batera ateratzea, satoshi gehiago jasotzen dituzun heinean.
## Hasteko prest bazaude, hona hemen behar duzuna:
1. **Zure zorroa sortzea**
Lehenik eta behin, ez baduzu oraindik egin, joan [bitcointxoko.com](https://bitcointxoko.com) webgunera eta zorro bat sortu. Zorroari nahi duzun izena jar diezaiokezu.
2. **Luzapenak aktibatzea**
Lightning Address-ak funtzionatzeko Pay Links luzapena behar da. Horretarako:
- Joan tresna-barrako Extensions (Luzapenak) atalera eta Pay Links luzapena aktibatu.
3. **Ordainketa esteka bat sortzea**
- Ireki Pay Links luzapena eta egin klik New Pay Link (Ordainketa Esteka Berria) aukeran.
- Aukeratu sortu duzun zorroa.
- "Item Description" atalean, nahi duzun testua sar dezakezu.
- Aukeratu zure Lightning Address-erako erabiltzaile izena. Zure Lightning Address hau bezalakoa izango da: erabiltzailea@bitcointxoko.com.
- Fixed Amount aukera desmarkatu eta jarri gutxieneko balioa 1 eta gehienekoa 500000.
⚠️ Gehienezko balioa handiagoa jar dezakezu, baina ordainketa handiek huts egiteko probabilitate handiagoa dute, Bitcoin Txoko Lightning nodoaren kanalaren sarrera-gaitasun mugatua dela eta. Gomendagarria da 500000 satoshitan mantentzea.
- Orain, ireki Advanced Options (Aukera Aurreratuak) eta aldatu Comment maximum characters (Komentarioaren gehieneko karaktere kopurua) 799-ra. Ez da beharrezkoa, baina aurrerantzean funtzionalitate gehiago emango dizu.
- Azkenik, markatu Enable nostr zaps aukera behealdean, Lightning Address bidez zaps jasotzeko aukera izateko.
Aukera aurreratuak beste parametro batzuk konfiguratzea ahalbidetzen dute, baina nahi baduzu hutsik utz ditzakezu.
Azkenik, dena zuzen dagoela egiaztatu ondoren, egin klik **Create Pay Link** (Sortu Ordainketa Esteka) botoian.
Horrela, zure Lightning Address sortuta izango duzu eta ordainketak jaso ahal izango dituzu!
## Proba egitea
Zure Lightning Address ondo funtzionatzen duen probatu nahi baduzu, beste zorro batera joan, **Bidali (Send)** aukera hautatu eta helmuga gisa zure Lightning Address idatzi. Ondoren, bidali zeure buruari satoshi batzuk.
Ondoren, itzuli Bitcoin Txoko zorrora eta egiaztatu ordainketa jaso duzun. Litekeena da orria freskatu behar izatea ordainketa agertzeko.
Dena ondo atera bada, zorionak! 🥳
Bestela, jakinarazi iezaguzu. Beti prest gaude laguntzeko.
## Hurrengo urratsak
### Nostr zaps
Zure Bitcoin Txoko Lightning Address nostr profilean gehitu dezakezu eta horrela zaps jasotzeko erabil dezakezu. Normalean, hau hurrengo pausuekin egiten da:
- Joan **Profile** (Profila) atalera.
- Hautatu **Edit** (Editatu) eta Lightning Address aldatu.
### LNDhub
Zure LNbits zorroa telefonoan inporta dezakezu LNDhub bezala, Zeus edo BlueWallet bezalako aplikazioak erabiliz. Horrela, ez duzu nabigatzailean zorroa ireki beharko aldian-aldian saldoa egiaztatu edo ordainketak egiteko.
Nola egin jakiteko, ikus ezazu nostr:naddr1qqxnzdej8y6ryvejxc6nvwpnqyg8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnhd9hx2q3qtx0k0a7lw62vvqax6p3ku90tccgdka7ul4radews2wrdsg0m865sxpqqqp65w4hhl8s.
### QR kodea
Zure LNURLp QR kodea parteka edo inprima dezakezu, jendeak mugikorrarekin eskaneatu dezan. Oso erabilgarria da zure denda lokaleko jabeak Lightning ordainketak jasotzeko sistema ezartzea nahi baduzu!
- Parteka ezazu **Sharable Page** (Parteka daitekeen Orrialdea) esteka.
- Edo, QR kodea PDF formatuan inprima dezakezu: joan **View Link** (Esteka Ikusi) atalera eta hautatu **Print** (Inprimatu).
Horrela, zure Lightning Address erabilera praktikoa handitu eta errazago kudeatu dezakezu! Hasi zaitez !
@ 6d8e2a24:5faaca4c
2024-11-30 09:25:52
WASHINGTON — This weekend, reports emerged that Donald Trump has begun planning for an Executive Order that would reinstate and expand upon his first administration’s ban on transgender military service members. And while nothing is certain and no concrete policy has been put forward, the potential for this executive action is stoking devastating uncertainty for transgender people across the country.
As the United States military continues to fall short of its recruitment targets, the discriminatory ban, as reported, could terminate the employment of an estimated 15,000 people, deeming them “unfit to serve”–despite the fact that they meet every qualification. The United States military is the largest employer of transgender people in the country. Recent studies show that transgender people are twice as likely as the general population to serve in the military.
@ fa0165a0:03397073
2024-10-23 17:19:41
## Chef's notes
This recipe is for 48 buns. Total cooking time takes at least 90 minutes, but 60 minutes of that is letting the dough rest in between processing.
The baking is a simple three-step process.
1. Making the Wheat dough
2. Making and applying the filling
3. Garnishing and baking in the oven
When done: Enjoy during Fika!
* Can be frozen and thawed in microwave for later enjoyment as well.
* If you need unit conversion, this site may be of help: https://www.unitconverters.net/
* Traditionally we use something we call "Pearl sugar" which is optimal, but normal sugar or sprinkles is okay too. Pearl sugar (Pärlsocker) looks like this: https://search.brave.com/images?q=p%C3%A4rlsocker
## Ingredients
- 150 g butter
- 5 dl milk
- 50 g baking yeast (normal or for sweet dough)
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1-1 1/2 dl sugar
- (Optional) 2 teaspoons of crushed or grounded cardamom seeds.
- 1.4 liters of wheat flour
- Filling: 50-75 g butter, room temperature
- Filling: 1/2 - 1 dl sugar
- Filling: 1 teaspoons crushed or ground cardamom and 1 teaspoons ground cinnamon (or 2 teaspoons of cinnamon)
- Garnish: 1 egg, sugar or Almond Shavings
## Directions
1. Melt the butter/margarine in a saucepan.
2. Pour in the milk and allow the mixture to warm reach body temperature (approx. + 37 ° C).
3. Dissolve the yeast in a dough bowl with the help of the salt.
4. Add the 37 ° C milk/butter mixture, sugar and if you choose to the optional cardamom. (I like this option!) and just over 2/3 of the flour.
5. Work the dough shiny and smooth, about 4 minutes with a machine or 8 minutes by hand.
6. Add if necessary. additional flour but save at least 1 dl for baking.
7. Let the dough rise covered (by a kitchen towel), about 30 minutes.
8. Work the dough into the bowl and then pick it up on a floured workbench. Knead the dough smoothly. Divide the dough into 2 parts. Roll out each piece into a rectangular cake.
9. Stir together the ingredients for the filling and spread it.
10. Roll up and cut each roll into 24 pieces.
11. Place them in paper molds or directly on baking paper with the cut surface facing up. Let them rise covered with a baking sheet, about 30 minutes.
12. Brush the buns with beaten egg and sprinkle your chosen topping.
13. Bake in the middle of the oven at 250 ° C, 5-8 minutes.
14. Allow to cool on a wire rack under a baking sheet.
@ 5da1df3c:2b37c713
2024-11-30 09:11:12
Ex-Chelsea star happy the Blues didn't sign Osimhen || imagoOsimhen was the subject of a transfer saga during the summer transfer window, with several top clubs in Europe looking to sign the in-form striker.
Chelsea, who needed a forward, also made a move to sign the Super Eagles star late in the transfer window.
However, they failed to reach an agreement with the player on his wages, allowing him to go on loan to Galatasaray for the remainder of the season.!![image](https://image.nostr.build/9d3a866aacc41e31155ae40538101734a2fa96c3d6648e48b9b14497bcd5d259.jpg)
@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2024-10-20 11:32:36
LNDhub-ek zure zorroa erraz inportatzea ahalbidetzen du bateragarriak diren aplikazioetan. Bitcoin Txoko LNbits zorroa progresiboko web aplikazio (PWA) modura gorde dezakezun arren zure telefonoan, [Zeus](https://zeusln.app/) edo [BlueWallet](https://bluewallet.io/) bezalako aplikazio natibo batek erabiltzaile-esperientzia hobea eta segurtasun handiagoa eskaintzen du.
[Alby](https://getalby.com/) erabiliz, zorroa zure nabigatzailearen luzapenean ere inporta dezakezu, webgunean Lightning ordainketak egiteko eta Nostr zap-ak egiteko erraztasun handiagoz. Zorionez, zorro hauek guztiek hizkuntza komun bat ulertzen dute, [LNDhub](https://github.com/BlueWallet/LndHub/tree/master) izenekoa.
Gida honetan, zorroa zure nabigatzailera eta telefonora nola inportatu azalduko dugu. Zorroa nabigatzailean eta telefonoan erabili nahi baduzu, hasi [Alby konfigurazioarekin](#Alby), pausoetako batek zorroa Zeus-era erraz inportatzeko aukera emango baitizu. Baina zorroa soilik zure telefonoan erabili nahi baduzu, zuzenean [Zeus atalera](#Zeus) jo dezakezu.
## Alby
nostr:nprofile1qqsyv47lazt9h6ycp2fsw270khje5egjgsrdkrupjg27u796g7f5k0s8jq7y6 nabigatzailearen luzapena da, Lightning eta Nostr nabigatzailera ekartzen dituena. [WebLN](https://www.webln.dev/) protokoloa erabiliz, luzapenak webguneetan fakturak automatikoki detekta eta ordaintzen ditu, eta Lightning bidez webguneetan saioa hasteko aukera ematen du. Gainera, Lightning gune gogokoenetan aurrekontuak ezar ditzakezu. Luzapen honek [NIP-07](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/07.md) protokoloa erabiliz Nostr sinadura gisa ere funtziona dezake, zure giltza pribatua web bezeroetan sartzea baino askoz seguruagoa dena.
### Zer behar dut?
- Chrome edo Firefox luzapenak onartzen dituen web nabigatzailea.
- LNbits zorroa. Oraindik zorro bat ez baduzu, joan [gure zorroen orrira](https://bitcointxoko.com) eta sortu bat.
- (Aukerazkoa) Zeus konfiguratzeko mugikor bat.
### 1. LNDhub luzapena gaitzea zure LNbits zorroan
Nabigatzailean, joan zure zorroaren estekara. Egin klik Extensions atalean eta gaitzazu `LNDhub` luzapena. Gaitu ondoren, joan LNDhub luzapenaren orrira.
### 2. Alby luzapena instalatu
Joan [getalby.com](https://getalby.com/)-era eta egin klik `Add Browser Extension` botoian. Instalatu luzapena zure nabigatzailearen luzapen dendetik. Ezarri desblokeatzeko pasahitza eta gorde toki seguruan.
### 3. Inportatu Alby-ra
Hurrengo pantailan, aukeratu `Connect`, eta ondoren aukeratu `LNDhub`. Itzuli zure LNDhub luzapenera eta kopiatu konexioaren URL-a. Itsatsi hori LNDhub esportazioaren URI eremuan. Sakatu `Continue`. Orain LNbits zorroa LNDhub bidez konektatuta eduki beharko zenuke!
💡 Aukeratu dezakezu Invoice URL eta Admin URL artean. Bi hauek Alby-ri zure LNbits zorroarekin elkarreragiteko baimen desberdinak ematen dizkiote:
- *Invoice URL*-ak fakturak sortzea eta ordainketak jasotzea ahalbidetzen du.
- *Admin URL*-ak ordainketak bidaltzeko aukera ere ematen du.
### 4. (Aukerazkoa) Zeus konfiguratu Alby-rekin
Orain LNbits zorroa Alby-rekin konektatu duzunez, Zeus-en ere erraz inportatu dezakezu. Ireki luzapena, egin klik zure zorroaren izenean, eta joan `Account Settings` atalean. `Account` azpian aurkituko duzu `Connect your mobile wallet` aukera. Sakatu `Connect`, eta Zeus-ekin eskaneatzeko QR kode bat erakutsiko dizu.
Zeus aurretik instalatu ez baduzu, joan [zeusln.app](https://zeusln.app/)-era eta deskargatu Zeus zure mugikorreko sistema eragilerako. Zeus deskargatu ondoren, joan `Settings` > `Add a new node` atalera. Hemen, Alby-k erakusten dizun QR kodea eskaneatu eta zorroa inportatu dezakezu.
Listo! Orain Lightning-aren indarra zure eskuetan duzu. Jainko baten moduan sentitzen al zara jada?
## Zeus
nostr:nprofile1qqsrf5h4ya83jk8u6t9jgc76h6kalz3plp9vusjpm2ygqgalqhxgp9g84ctjf kode irekiko aplikazio bikaina da, zure nodo propioa mugikorrean konektatzeko aukera ematen duena. Lightning nodo nagusi guztiak onartzen ditu, hala nola LND, CLN eta Eclair, bai eta Tor bidezko zein clearnet bidezko konexioak ere. Azkenaldian, beren LSP (Lightning Service Provider) propioa iragarri dute.
### Zer behar dut?
- Android edo iOS telefono bat.
- LNbits zorroa ikusi ahal izateko beste gailu bat (QR kodea eskaneatzeko).
- LNbits zorroa eskuragarri izatea. Zorro bat oraindik ez baduzu, joan [gure zorroen orrira](https://bitcointxoko.com) eta sortu bat.
### 1. Zeus deskargatu
Deskargatu Zeus aplikazioa zure sistema eragilerako [hemen](https://zeusln.app).
### 2. LNDhub luzapena gaitzea zure LNbits zorroan
Zure LNbits zorroaren orrian, egin klik `Extensions` atalean eta gaitzazu `LNDhub` luzapena. Gaitu ondoren, ireki LNDhub luzapenaren orria.
### 3. Inportatu Zeus-en
Joan `Settings` > `Add a new node` atalera Zeus-en. Eskaneatu nahi duzun zorroa inportatzeko.
💡 Aukeratu dezakezu Invoice URL eta Admin URL artean:
- *Invoice URL*-ak fakturak sortzea eta ordainketak jasotzea ahalbidetzen du.
- *Admin URL*-ak ordainketak bidaltzeko aukera ere ematen du.
QR kodea eskaneatu ondoren, Zeus-en eremu guztiak automatikoki beteko dira. Zorroarentzat ezizena ere gehitu dezakezu.
Orain, `Save Node Config` sakatu eta zorroa zure mugikorretik kontrolatu dezakezu!
### Bonus
Zeus-ek ezaugarri interesgarriak ere eskaintzen ditu, hala nola gai pertsonalizatuak, prezioen bihurketak, lurker modua eta biometria bidezko egiaztapena. Gida honen esparrutik haratago doazen ezaugarriak dira hauek, baina aplikazioa erabili eta zuk zeuk aurkitu ditzakezu!
@ 6fff5148:a5dd5cdf
2024-11-30 09:02:18
Respect is a broad term. Experts interpret it in different ways. Generally speaking, it is a positive feeling or action expressed towards something. Furthermore, it could also refer to something held in high esteem or regard. Showing Respect is a sign of ethical behavior. Unfortunately, in the contemporary era, there has been undermining of the value of Respect. Most noteworthy, there are two essential aspects of Respect. These aspects are self-respect and respect for others.![image](https://image.nostr.build/78959ced3e0e91a19f679fe6f05c593b55cd60e608fbac0ad9d4213a7f7e1054.jpg)
Self-Respect refers to loving oneself and behaving with honour and dignity. It reflects Respect for oneself. An individual who has Self-Respect would treat himself with honour. Furthermore, lacking Self-Respect is a matter of disgrace. An individual who does not respect himself, should certainly not expect Respect from others. This is because nobody likes to treat such an individual with Respect.
Self-Respect is the foundation of a healthy relationship. In relationships, it is important to respect your partner. Similarly, it is equally important to Respect yourself. A Self-Respecting person accepts himself with his flaws. This changes the way how others perceive the individual. An individual, who honours himself, would prevent others from disrespecting him. This certainly increases the value of the individual in the eyes of their partner.
Lacking Self-Respect brings negative consequences. An individual who lacks Self-Respect is treated like a doormat by others. Furthermore, such an individual may engage in bad habits. Also, there is a serious lack of self-confidence in such a person. Such a person is likely to suffer verbal or mental abuse. The lifestyle of such an individual also becomes sloppy and untidy.
Self-Respect is a reflection of toughness and confidence. Self-Respect makes a person accept more responsibility. Furthermore, the character of such a person would be strong. Also, such a person always stands for his rights, values, and opinions.
Self-Respect improves the morality of the individual. Such an individual has a good ethical nature. Hence, Self-Respect makes you a better person.
Self-Respect eliminates the need to make comparisons. This means that individuals don’t need to make comparisons with others. Some people certainly compare themselves with others on various attributes. Most noteworthy, they do this to seek validation of others. Gaining Self-Respect ends all that.
Respect of Others
Everyone must Respect fellow human beings. This is an essential requirement of living in a society. We certainly owe a basic level of Respect to others. Furthermore, appropriate Respect must be shown to people who impact our lives. This includes our parents, relatives, teachers, friends, fellow workers, authority figures, etc.
One of the best ways of showing respect to others is listening. Listening to another person’s point of view is an excellent way of Respect. Most noteworthy, we must allow a person to express his views even if we disagree with them.
Another important aspect of respecting others is religious/political views. Religious and cultural beliefs of others should be given a lot of consideration. Respecting other people’s Religions is certainly a sign of showing mature Respect.
Everyone must Respect those who are in authority. Almost everyone deals with people in their lives that hold authority. So, a healthy amount of Respect should be given to such people. People of authority can be of various categories. These are boss, police officer, religious leader, teacher, etc.
In conclusion, Respect is a major aspect of human socialization. It is certainly a precious value that must be preserved. Respectful behaviour is vital for human survival.
@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2024-10-20 11:28:08
LNDhub te permite importar fácilmente una billetera en aplicaciones compatibles. Si bien puedes guardar tu billetera Bitcoin Txoko LNbits en tu teléfono como una
aplicación web progresiva (PWA), una aplicación nativa como [Zeus](https://zeusln.app/) o [BlueWallet](https://bluewallet.io/) ofrece
una mejor experiencia de usuario así como un mayor nivel de seguridad. Con [Alby](https://getalby.com/),
también puedes importar la billetera a la extensión de tu navegador para facilitar los pagos Lightning en la web y para los zaps de Nostr. Por suerte para nosotros, todas estas billeteras hablan un lenguaje común llamado [LNDhub](https://github.com/BlueWallet/LndHub/tree/master).
En esta guía cubriremos cómo importar la billetera a tu navegador y a tu móvil. Si quieres usar tu billetera tanto en el navegador como en tu móvil, empieza con [la configuración de Alby](#Alby), ya que uno de los pasos te permitirá importar fácilmente tu billetera también a Zeus. Pero si sólo te interesa utilizar la billetera en tu móvil, puedes pasar directamente a [la sección de Zeus](#Zeus).
### Alby
nostr:nprofile1qqsyv47lazt9h6ycp2fsw270khje5egjgsrdkrupjg27u796g7f5k0s8jq7y6 es una extensión de navegador que lleva Lightning y Nostr a tu navegador. Utilizando el
protocolo [WebLN](https://www.webln.dev/), esta extensión puede detectar facturas LN en paginas web y pagarlas,
así como posibilita iniciar sesión en sitios web con Lightning. También puedes fijar
presupuestos para tus sitios favoritos de Lightning. Por otro lado también puedes utilizarla
para firmar en Nostr utilizando [NIP-07](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/07.md), lo cual es mucho más seguro que ingresar tu clave
privada en clientes web.
#### ¿Qué necesito?
- Un navegador web que soporte extensiones Chrome o Firefox
- Acceso a tu billetera LNbits. Si todavía no tienes una billetera LNbits, dirígete a [nuestra página de billeteras](https://bitcointxoko.com) y crea una
- (Opcional) Un dispositivo móvil para configurar Zeus
#### 1. Habilita la extensión LNDhub en tu LNbits wallet
Dirígete a tu billetera LNbits. Haz clic en `Extensiones` y habilita la
extensión `LNDhub`. Una vez se haya habilitado, dirígete a la página de extensión de
#### 2. Instala la extensión Alby
Dirígete a [getalby.com](https://getalby.com/) y instala la extensión
desde el store de extensiones del navegador. Configura tu contraseña de
desbloqueo y guárdala en un lugar seguro.
#### 3. Importar a Alby
(Esta es una billetera de prueba. No hay fondos en ella. ¡No muestres a nadie tu URI de exportación real!)
En la siguiente pantalla, elige `Conectar` y luego elige `LNDhub`. Vuelve a tu extensión
LNDhub y copia la URL de conexión. Pégala en el campo `URI de exportación de
LNDhub`. Pulsa continuar. ¡Ahora deberías haber estado conectado a tu billetera de LNbits
con LNDhub!
💡 Puedes elegir entre la URL de la factura (Invoice URL) y la URL de administración (Admin URL). Le dan a Alby
diferentes permisos para interactuar con tu cartera de LNbits.
- La URL de factura te permite crear facturas y recibir pagos
- La URL de administración también te permite enviar pagos
#### 4. Configurar Zeus con Alby (opcional)
Ahora que ya has conectado tu LNbits con Alby, también puedes importarlo de una
manera sencilla a Zeus con Alby. Abre la extensión, haz cilc en el
nombre de tu billetera y navega a la configuración de la cuenta. En `Wallet Settings` > `General` se encuentra la
opción de conectar tu billetera móvil. Al pulsar conectar, se mostrará un código QR para
escanear desde Zeus.
Si no tienes instalada Zeus con anterioridad, dirígete a [zeusln.app](https://zeusln.app/) y descarga la
aplicación de Zeus para tu sistema operativo móvil.
Una vez tengas descargado Zeus, entra en `Configuración` > `Añadir un nuevo nodo`. Aquí
puedes escanear el código QR que te muestra Alby para importar la billetera.
Voilà! Ahora tienes el poder de Lightning al alcance de la mano ¿Ya te sientes como un dios?
### Zeus
nostr:nprofile1qqsrf5h4ya83jk8u6t9jgc76h6kalz3plp9vusjpm2ygqgalqhxgp9g84ctjf es una formidable aplicación de código abierto que permite conectar tu propio nodo
a tu dispositivo movil. Es compatible con todas las principales implementaciones de
nodos Lightning, como LND, CLN y Eclair, así como conexiones a través de Tor y
clearnet. Recientemente también han anunciado su propio LSP (Lightning Service
### ¿Qué necesito?
- Teléfono Android o iOS
- Otro dispositivo en el que puede acceder a tu billetera LNbits (para mostrar el código QR para escanear)
- Acceso a tu billetera LNbits. Si todavía no tienes una billetera LNbits, dirígete a [nuestra página de billeteras](https://bitcointxoko.com) y crea una
#### 1. Descarga Zeus
Puedes descargar la aplicación Zeus para tu sistema operativo [aquí](https://zeusln.app/).
#### 2. Habilita la extensión LNDhub en tu billetera LNbits
Dirígete a tu billetera LNbits. Haz clic en `Extensiones` y habilita la
extensión `LNDhub`. Una vez habilitada, abre la pagina de la extensión LNDhub.
#### 3. Importar a Zeus
Ve a `Configuración` > `Añadir un nuevo nodo en Zeus`.
Escanea la cartera que quieras instalar.
💡 Puedes elegir entre la URL de la factura (Invoice URL) y la URL de administración (Admin URL).
- La URL de la factura te da permiso para generar facturas y recibir pagos.
- La URL de administración también te permite enviar pagos.
Una vez que hayas escaneado el código QR, todos los campos en Zeus deberían
rellenarse automáticamente. También puedes añadir un apodo para tu billetera.
¡Ahora puedes guardar la configuración del nodo y controlar la billetera desde tu teléfono!
#### Extra
Zeus también ofrece funciones interesantes como temas personalizados, conversiones de precios, modo acechador y verificación biométrica. Estos temas están más allá del alcance de esta guía, ¡juega en la aplicación y
descubre todas esas características por ti mismo!
@ 961e8955:d7fa53e4
2024-11-30 08:44:26
Bitcoin's price can have both positive and negative effects on its adoption. Here are some ways in which the price of Bitcoin can impact its adoption:
*Positive effects of a high Bitcoin price on adoption:*
1. *Increased awareness and interest*: A high Bitcoin price can generate significant media attention, which can lead to increased awareness and interest in Bitcoin among potential users.
2. *Improved legitimacy*: A high price can contribute to Bitcoin's perceived legitimacy and value, making it more attractive to institutional investors, businesses, and individuals.
3. *Increased investment*: A high price can lead to increased investment in Bitcoin and related infrastructure, such as exchanges, wallets, and payment processors.
*Negative effects of a high Bitcoin price on adoption:*
1. *Barriers to entry*: A high price can make it difficult for new users to enter the market, as they may be deterred by the high cost of acquiring Bitcoin.
2. *Volatility concerns*: A high price can also lead to concerns about volatility, which can make businesses and individuals hesitant to adopt Bitcoin as a form of payment.
3. *Speculation over use*: A high price can lead to speculation, with some investors buying Bitcoin solely for its potential price appreciation rather than its use as a currency.
*Negative effects of a low Bitcoin price on adoption:*
1. *Lack of confidence*: A low price can lead to a lack of confidence in Bitcoin's value and potential, which can discourage adoption.
2. *Reduced investment*: A low price can lead to reduced investment in Bitcoin and related infrastructure, which can hinder adoption.
3. *Perception of failure*: A prolonged period of low prices can lead to a perception that Bitcoin has failed, which can further discourage adoption.
*Positive effects of a stable Bitcoin price on adoption:*
1. *Increased confidence*: A stable price can lead to increased confidence in Bitcoin's value and potential, which can encourage adoption.
2. *Improved usability*: A stable price can make Bitcoin more usable as a form of payment, as businesses and individuals can better predict its value.
3. *Increased investment*: A stable price can lead to increased investment in Bitcoin and related infrastructure, which can further drive adoption.
In conclusion, the price of Bitcoin can have both positive and negative effects on its adoption. A high price can lead to increased awareness and investment, but also create barriers to entry and volatility concerns. A low price can lead to a lack of confidence and reduced investment, while a stable price can increase confidence, improve usability, and drive investment.
@ 5fb7f8f7:d7d76024
2024-11-30 08:40:15
Web3 development is the latest generation of web development, focusing on decentralized applications (dApps) and blockchain technology. It enables the creation of secure, transparent, and resilient digital ecosystems, allowing users to interact directly with the internet and each other.
**Key Components of Web3 Development**
1. **Blockchain Technology**: The foundation of web3 development, blockchain enables secure, decentralized, and transparent data storage and transmission.
2. **Smart Contracts**: Self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement written directly into lines of code.
3. **Decentralized Applications (dApps)**: Applications built on blockchain technology, operating on a peer-to-peer network.
4. **Cryptocurrencies**: Digital currencies used for transactions and interactions within web3 ecosystems.
5. **Web3 Libraries and Frameworks**: Tools like Web3.js, Ethers.js, and Truffle Suite facilitate web3 development.
**Web3 Development Process**
1. **Ideation and Conceptualization**: Define the project's purpose, scope, and requirements.
2. **Smart Contract Development**: Write and deploy smart contracts using languages like Solidity.
3. **Front-end Development**: Build the user interface and user experience using web3 libraries and frameworks.
4. **Back-end Development**: Establish the server-side logic and integrate with smart contracts.
5. **Testing and Deployment**: Test and deploy the dApp on a blockchain platform.
6. **Maintenance and Updates**: Continuously monitor and update the dApp to ensure security and performance.
**Web3 Development Tools and Resources**
1. **Blockchain Platforms**: Ethereum, Binance Smart Chain, and Polkadot.
2. **Web3 Libraries**: Web3.js, Ethers.js, and
3. **Frameworks**: Truffle Suite, Hardhat, and Ganache.
4. **Development Environments**: Remix, MetaMask, and Web3 Studio.
**Challenges and Opportunities**
1. **Scalability and Interoperability**: Overcoming scalability issues and ensuring seamless interactions between different blockchain networks.
2. **Security and Privacy**: Ensuring the security and privacy of user data and transactions.
3. **Adoption and Usability**: Increasing adoption and improving user experience.
**Regulatory Frameworks**: Navigating evolving regulatory landscapes and ensuring compliance.
**Future of Web3 Development**
1. **Increased Adoption**: Growing mainstream acceptance and usage of web3 technologies.
2. **Improved Scalability**: Advancements in scalability solutions, enabling wider adoption.
3. **Enhanced User Experience**: More intuitive and user-friendly interfaces.
4. **Expanded Use Cases**: Web3 technology applications beyond cryptocurrencies and finance.
5. **Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)**: Self-governing entities enabled by web3 technologies.
Web3 development is a rapidly evolving field, offering a new generation of internet technologies. By understanding its components, development process, tools, and challenges, developers can unlock the potential of web3 and create innovative, decentralized applications that transform the way we interact with the digital world.
@ 6fff5148:a5dd5cdf
2024-11-30 08:16:29
Artificial Intelligence refers to the intelligence of machines. This is in contrast to the natural intelligence of humans and animals. With Artificial Intelligence, machines perform functions such as learning, planning, reasoning and problem-solving. Most noteworthy, Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence by machines. It is probably the fastest-growing development in the World of technology and innovation. Furthermore, many experts believe AI could solve major challenges and crisis situations
First of all, the categorization of Artificial Intelligence is into four types. Arend Hintze came up with this categorization. The categories are as follows:
Type 1: Reactive machines – These machines can react to situations. A famous example can be Deep Blue, the IBM chess program. Most noteworthy, the chess program won against Garry Kasparov, the popular chess legend. Furthermore, such machines lack memory. These machines certainly cannot use past experiences to inform future ones. It analyses all possible alternatives and chooses the best one.
Type 2: Limited memory – These AI systems are capable of using past experiences to inform future ones. A good example can be self-driving cars. Such cars have decision making systems. The car makes actions like changing lanes. Most noteworthy, these actions come from observations. There is no permanent storage of these observations.
Type 3: Theory of mind – This refers to understand others. Above all, this means to understand that others have their beliefs, intentions, desires, and opinions. However, this type of AI does not exist yet.
Type 4: Self-awareness – This is the highest and most sophisticated level of Artificial Intelligence. Such systems have a sense of self. Furthermore, they have awareness, consciousness, and emotions. Obviously, such type of technology does not yet exist. This technology would certainly be a revolution.
First of all, AI has significant use in healthcare. Companies are trying to develop technologies for quick diagnosis. Artificial Intelligence would efficiently operate on patients without human supervision. Such technological surgeries are already taking place. Another excellent healthcare technology is IBM Watson.
Artificial Intelligence in business would significantly save time and effort. There is an application of robotic automation to human business tasks. Furthermore, Machine learning algorithms help in better serving customers. Chatbots provide immediate response and service to customers.
AI can certainly make education more efficient. AI technology can discover the needs of students. Then it can adapt according to their needs. AI tutors provide study help to students. Also, AI can automate grading which results in saving a lot of time.
AI can greatly increase the rate of work in manufacturing. Manufacture of a huge number of products can take place with AI. Furthermore, the entire production process can take place without human intervention. Hence, a lot of time and effort is saved.
Artificial Intelligence has applications in various other fields. These fields can be military, law, video games, government, finance, automotive, audit, art, etc. Hence, it’s clear that AI has a massive amount of different applications.
To sum it up, Artificial Intelligence looks all set to be the future of the World. Experts believe AI would certainly become a part and parcel of human life soon. AI would completely change the way we view our World. With Artificial Intelligence, the future seems intriguing and exciting![image](https://image.nostr.build/04732edb6ddd6a83cf97b65949483dbb76981a0327d267c2e615e18118a66702.jpg)
@ 961e8955:d7fa53e4
2024-11-30 08:01:14
*The Volatile World of Bitcoin: Understanding the Price Fluctuations*
Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, has been a topic of fascination and debate since its inception in 2009. One of the most intriguing aspects of Bitcoin is its price, which has experienced significant fluctuations over the years. In this article, we will delve into the world of Bitcoin pricing, exploring the factors that influence its value and the implications of its volatility.
*Historical Price Trends*
Bitcoin's price has been on a rollercoaster ride since its launch. In the early days, the price was relatively stable, hovering around $1-5 per coin. However, as the cryptocurrency gained popularity and mainstream attention, its price began to skyrocket. In 2017, Bitcoin's price surged to nearly $20,000, only to plummet to around $3,000 in 2018.
*Factors Influencing Bitcoin's Price*
So, what drives the price of Bitcoin? Several factors contribute to its volatility:
1. *Supply and Demand*: The total supply of Bitcoin is capped at 21 million, which means that the price is heavily influenced by demand. When demand is high, and supply is limited, the price tends to rise.
2. *Market Sentiment*: Investor attitudes and perceptions play a significant role in shaping Bitcoin's price. Positive news, such as increased adoption or regulatory clarity, can boost the price, while negative news can lead to a decline.
3. *Global Economic Conditions*: Bitcoin is often seen as a safe-haven asset, similar to gold. During times of economic uncertainty or geopolitical tensions, investors may flock to Bitcoin, driving up its price.
4. *Regulatory Environment*: Government regulations and policies can significantly impact Bitcoin's price. Clear and favorable regulations can increase adoption and drive up the price, while restrictive regulations can have the opposite effect.
5. *Technological Advancements*: Improvements in Bitcoin's underlying technology, such as the Lightning Network, can increase its appeal and drive up its price.
*Implications of Bitcoin's Volatility*
The price fluctuations of Bitcoin have significant implications for investors, users, and the broader financial market:
1. *Investment Risks*: Bitcoin's volatility makes it a high-risk investment. Investors may experience significant losses if the price drops suddenly.
2. *Adoption and Use Cases*: Bitcoin's price volatility can impact its adoption as a medium of exchange. Merchants and consumers may be hesitant to use Bitcoin if its value is rapidly fluctuating.
3. *Market Stability*: Bitcoin's price movements can have a ripple effect on the broader financial market. Significant price swings can impact investor confidence and market stability.
The price of Bitcoin is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, influenced by a variety of factors. As the cryptocurrency market continues to evolve, it is essential to understand the drivers of Bitcoin's price and the implications of its volatility. Whether you are an investor, user, or simply a curious observer, staying informed about the world of Bitcoin is crucial in navigating its unpredictable landscape.****
@ 9c47bb51:000381d0
2024-11-30 07:40:24
Madagascar, a developing island nation off the southeastern coast of Africa, faces economic challenges like inflation, currency devaluation, and financial exclusion.
Bitcoin offers a unique opportunity for the country to strengthen its economy and empower its citizens.
Key Reasons Madagascar Should Adopt Bitcoin
1. Economic Stability
• The Malagasy Ariary is prone to inflation, weakening its global purchasing power.
• Bitcoin, as a deflationary asset, serves as a hedge against currency devaluation.
2. Financial Inclusion
• A large portion of Madagascar’s population is unbanked.
• Bitcoin wallets allow anyone with a smartphone to participate in the global economy.
3. Cheaper Remittances
• Remittance costs are high for Malagasy citizens abroad sending money home.
• Bitcoin enables low-cost, instant cross-border payments without intermediaries.
4. Monetizing Renewable Energy
• Madagascar’s untapped solar, wind, and hydro resources can power Bitcoin mining.
• Mining can generate revenue by converting excess energy into a valuable global asset.
5. Economic Sovereignty
• Reduces reliance on the US dollar and foreign aid.
• Acts as a decentralized reserve asset, immune to political and economic pressures.
Final Thoughts
By adopting Bitcoin, Madagascar can hedge against inflation, empower its unbanked population, and leverage its natural resources for sustainable economic growth. Bitcoin offers the path to financial sovereignty and a resilient future.
@ 9c47bb51:000381d0
2024-11-30 06:56:09
Bitcoin, Tor, and Nostr are powerful tools that work together to protect individual privacy and enhance freedom in the digital age:
1. Bitcoin: A decentralized digital currency that enables censorship-resistant, peer-to-peer transactions without relying on intermediaries. It offers financial sovereignty, allowing individuals to store and transfer value securely.
2. Tor: A privacy-focused network that anonymizes internet traffic, protecting users’ identities and locations. When paired with Bitcoin, Tor ensures that financial transactions remain private and untraceable.
3. Nostr: A decentralized social and messaging protocol that enables free and censorship-resistant communication. It works well with Bitcoin for tipping and transactions, fostering open dialogue without centralized control.
How They Benefit an Individual:
• Privacy: Tor anonymizes online activities, Bitcoin secures financial privacy, and Nostr allows uncensored communication.
• Censorship Resistance: These tools empower individuals to bypass restrictions imposed by governments or corporations.
• Freedom: Together, they provide financial, communicative, and browsing autonomy, enabling individuals to interact without fear of surveillance or interference.
Using all three creates a secure ecosystem for private communication, financial independence, and safe online navigation.
@ 78c90fc4:4bff983c
2024-11-30 05:26:45
Nicht das Klima, sondern unter anderem AIDS ist menschengemacht.
Wussten Sie das schon?
Während der AIDS-Krise war Dr. Fauci der Feind der schwulen Gemeinschaft...
@ 9bd01740:8dc39de3
2024-11-30 05:08:12
Securing your crypto coin
Have you ever wonder how some one just lost all his crypto wealth?
But most of the times we are to just told to secure our seed phrase and private key. Which is one of the major tool that is being use by the cyber threat but that is not all.
Let's dive in for additional knowledge
1 what is Blockchain security?
Ans: Blockchain security has to do with the combination of cyber security principle, tools and best practices in order to mitigate risk and malicious attack from unauthorized access to Blockchain network .
2 what are Blockchain security role?
The Blockchain security role include
1 manage key
2 privatize data
3 secure smart contract
4 Endorse transaction
3 who are those responsible for securing Blockchain network?
1 validators
2 node operators
3 developer
3 user
4 some security breaches with examples include
1 Ecosystem vulnerability
-sybil attack
-centralized risk
2 Attack on smart contract
- layer 2 vulnerability
-protocol hacks
3 protocol on top Blockchain
4 Attack on popular infrastructure like wallet and user
- software attack
- user error.
Reference: content writer
@ fd78c37f:a0ec0833
2024-11-30 04:52:37
Bitcoin, as a decentralized digital currency, has sparked a global revolution in technology and finance. Increasingly, Bitcoin communities are playing a vital role in promoting financial inclusion, fostering economic independence, and advancing technological education. This issue will focus on 27 Bitcoin communities across Africa, reviewing their goals and development histories, while tracking their latest updates. We will showcase how these communities are using Bitcoin to drive regional economic and social change, helping more people engage with and understand this revolutionary technology, bringing tangible change and hope for the future. Thank you, YakiHonne nostr:npub1yzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesnxrf8q, for supporting the publication of the Bitcoin Community Newsletter. Most of the content has been reviewed and confirmed by the Africa communities. If there are any omissions, please feel free to reach out to me.
**1**.[**Africa Bitcoin Organization**](https://yakihonne.com/users/nostr:nprofile1qyw8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytfsxyh8jcttd95x7mnwv5hxxmmdqyw8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytfsxgh8jcttd95x7mnwv5hxxmmdqy28wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hsz8mhwden5te0dehhxarj95crytnydaexzenpvd6x7une9ehhyee0qy88wumn8ghj7mn0wvhxcmmv9uq3uamnwvaz7tmwdaehgu3dwp6kytnhv4kxcmmjv3jhytnwv46z7qpqdtvscxrhj224un2yeqvca5y4tp8ly02u2ndpeggzl4xf63c5c6wsjh2eyv)
* **Introduction**
The Africa Bitcoin Organization is a collective of Africans from diverse regions across the continent, united by a shared belief in Bitcoin as a tool for a freer world. Dedicated to advancing its adoption in Africa, the organization sees Bitcoin as an essential means of safeguarding individual freedoms and privacy in an increasingly surveillance-focused, authoritarian global landscape.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, they organized multiple online events exploring the impact of Bitcoin on Africa and launched the 17-day [ABC Social Impact Award](https://x.com/AfroBitcoinOrg/status/1851603397318685014) (Oct 23 - Nov 8) to honor those using Bitcoin to make a positive difference across the continent! Meanwhile, they are actively preparing for the upcoming [ABC24 conference](https://x.com/AfroBitcoinOrg/status/1837072007940235465), scheduled for December 9-11, 2024, in Nairobi. At present,renowned Bitcoin innovators such as nostr:npub1gaxapm9t9damh6q2lpc04ptcyeh0ysfdfzzs997agu3ae80ftrns7t985l, nostr:npub18yr27qkhaz05785zkjsxlnyu3lg0p22tjsje7ep229qyftc4e86qk88czq,
nostr:npub1m7uxdt50d2jw35q79zlszlsvy79t7dpdxptz6rfsrsamra7l8ttsq752yl, along with nearly 30 other speakers, have already been invited to the event.
**2**.**[Bitcoin "Cowries" ](https://x.com/BitcoinCowries)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin "Cowries" aims to build Bitcoin communities in Ghana by promoting education, driving adoption, and making the experience enjoyable—all while inspiring people to embrace the Bitcoin standard.
* **Latest Updates**
The community has had no recent updates. The latest event dates back to April 2024, when [Trezor Academy Meetups](https://x.com/BitcoinCowries/status/1777625860599890107) were held across six different towns. The main goal of these events was to educate individuals about bitcoin through hands-on experiences and practical learning methods.
**3**.**[Bitcoin Kampala Uganda](https://x.com/BitcoinKampala)**
* **Introduction**
The Objective of Bitcoin Kampala Uganda is to reproduce the successful Bitcoin experiments by establishing and sustaining a Bitcoin Circular Economy that caters to the residents of Uganda, starting from Kampala and Bugiri district. Additionally, the community aim to revitalise our community's image to attract Bitcoin enthusiasts.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Bitcoin Kampala has been actively promoting Bitcoin’s circular economy and educational initiatives in Uganda. The community hosted engaging [Trezor Academy](https://x.com/NostalgiCoffee/status/1853535489568981222) workshops, including sessions on Bitcoin’s history and hands-on training like “How to Use Bitcoin,”attracted aspiring coffee exporters and others aiming to enhance their roles in global trade through Bitcoin adoption. With financial support from [Bitcoin Beach and Bitcoin Ekasi](https://x.com/BitcoinKampala/status/1847301924514652643), the initiative continues to accelerate Bitcoin adoption in Uganda.
**4**.**[Bitcoin Africa Story](https://x.com/story_bitcoin)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Africa Story is dedicated to empowering individuals and communities through Bitcoin education, fostering financial inclusion, and promoting Bitcoin adoption.The approach is rooted in spreading Bitcoin knowledge, helping people feel empowered by Bitcoin, and enabling them to make informed, confident decisions about its use and potential—both locally (grassroots) and globally.Their mission is to facilitate Bitcoin adoption in Africa and beyond by educating and equipping people to use Bitcoin for personal and community growth. Through education, onboarding/orange pilling, content creation, and lots more. We aim to inspire a new wave of Bitcoiners and advocates.
* **Latest Updates**
They launched an 8-week free online Bitcoin Diploma course in collaboration with Mi Primer Bitcoin (My First Bitcoin) to deliver comprehensive Bitcoin education across Africa.And they successfully completed our first cohort with 10 graduates from across Africa and Brazil.Some graduates are now driving Bitcoin adoption in their local communities, while others are applying it in their lives or diving deeper into Bitcoin knowledge.They are wrapping up their second cohort.
* **Introduction**
BitDevsLagos is inspired by the original BitDevs NYC to help grow a community in Lagos area of those interested in discussing and participating in the research and development of Bitcoin and related protocols and software. Monthly Socratic Seminar events are formatted to foster debate, information sharing and lively discussion.
* **Latest Updates**
BitDevs Lagos recently hosted an engaging [meetup](https://x.com/BitDevsLagos/status/1848318734093468152) at theBunkers in Yaba, focused on the Cashu platform, covering topics like token building, minting, and e-cash token swapping, along with the latest technological advancements in the digital currency ecosystem. And, BitDevs Lagos will host [another event](https://x.com/BitDevsLagos/status/1856641230815338595) on Saturday, November 30th, from 4 PM to 6 PM at theBunkers, where they will showcase products that members have been developing.
* **Introduction**
BitDevs Abuja is a community for Bitcoin developers or individuals interested in Bitcoin Development to come together to discuss and participate in Bitcoin technical discusions.
* **Latest Updates**
The community has had no recent updates. The latest event dates back to August 2024, when [Bitcoin Developers Meetup](https://x.com/btrust_builders/status/1826149151454773416) was held at the Fairtrade Business Complex, focused on the latest developments in Bitcoin, offering attendees the opportunity to network with the community and expand their knowledge.
**7**.**[BitcoinZAR ✊₿⚡️💧Bitcoin South Africa](https://x.com/BitcoinZAR)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin ZAR is a vibrant community focused on educating South Africans about Bitcoin and promoting its use across the country. The platform offers resources on how to buy Bitcoin, set up wallets, and understand its role in the financial system. It also provides a space for local discussions through social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram. Bitcoin ZAR aims to make Bitcoin accessible and practical for individuals and businesses in South Africa.
* **Latest Updates**
The community has had no recent major updates, but has been continuously tracking and following Bitcoin price fluctuations, market updates, real-world applications, cultural promotion, and industry controversies and challenges.
**8**.**[Adopting Bitcoin Capetown](https://x.com/AdoptingBTCcpt)**
* **Introduction**
Adopting Bitcoin Cape Town nostr:#AB24CPT is a Bitcoin education, adoption and use conference, bringing together the builders of parallel institutions and Bitcoiners.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Adopting Bitcoin Cape Town has been actively preparing for the [Adopting Bitcoin Cape Town event](https://x.com/AdoptingBTCcpt/status/1819022102437015791) in January 2025, inviting prominent speakers such as nostr:npub1ulwhxph47zu9zfgqautk4q25rkym8d6wyuh50f6kg26zaftc0c7qw9q5v0,nostr:npub123sfqjpgf54p28yd7cjlgrpcn4pra5zhlnheyldc39td9r3zhgpshcwk9x. These speakers will share their latest insights and applications of Bitcoin, covering important topics like financial independence, Bitcoin education, and community development, offering valuable knowledge and experience to attendees. The preparations for the event are in full swing, and it is expected to attract more Bitcoin enthusiasts and industry leaders.
**9**.**[Bitcoin Victoria Falls](https://yakihonne.com/users/nostr:nprofile1qyw8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytfsxyh8jcttd95x7mnwv5hxxmmdqyw8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytfsxgh8jcttd95x7mnwv5hxxmmdqy28wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hsz8mhwden5te0dehhxarj95crxtnydaexzenpvd6x7une9ehhyee0qy0hwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytfsxghxgmmjv9nxzcm5dae8jtn0wfnj7qghwaehxw309aex2mrp0yh8qunfd4skctnwv46z7qgwwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkctcqyqcmqst99glxsrz20pmw0gf20dmhy2pt5ympf3f8mjwdse6ywn94x5stzda)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Victoria Falls is a Bitcoin Circular Economy initiative based in Livingstone, Zambia, in partnership with the Free Haven Community Initiative. Inspired by the success of the Bitcoin Beach project in El Salvador, this initiative aims to empower local communities through Bitcoin education and adoption. The project offers a Mi Primer Bitcoin course to university and high school students, with plans to host multiple classes in 2024. Local meetups will also be organized to promote Bitcoin adoption among merchants and the broader community.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Bitcoin Victoria Falls co-founder Humphrey shared his life-changing journey and the impact of Bitcoin in Zambia during a conversation with Paula Iversen. He highlighted the challenges faced on the ground in Zambia and discussed the work being done by the Bitcoin Victoria Falls community. They are actively collaborating with partners like MyFirstBitcoin and FBCEglobal to promote Bitcoin adoption and education in the region. This discussion emphasized how Bitcoin provides freedom and hope, especially in the face of inflation.
**10**.**[Bitcoin Nairobi](https://yakihonne.com/users/nostr:nprofile1qyw8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytfsxyh8jcttd95x7mnwv5hxxmmdqyw8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytfsxgh8jcttd95x7mnwv5hxxmmdqy28wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hsz8mhwden5te0dehhxarj95crxtnydaexzenpvd6x7une9ehhyee0qy0hwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytfsxghxgmmjv9nxzcm5dae8jtn0wfnj7qghwaehxw309aex2mrp0yh8qunfd4skctnwv46z7qgwwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkctcqyq9mmclse66cjyeqre68kvje4e4c4zhgcsahyhw0h37epcg286s2cvcnqj5)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Nairobi is a Bitcoin Circular Economy initiative based in Nairobi, Kenya, aimed at revolutionizing the country’s financial system by promoting Bitcoin education, adoption, and innovation. The project focuses on educating the public through structured programs like Bitcoin School Kenya, Lipa Na Bitcoin, and Bitcoin Nairobi Devs, while fostering an environment where Bitcoin becomes a mainstream payment method. Through local initiatives such as Afribit Kibra and Trezor Academy Kenya, Bitcoin Nairobi strives to drive financial inclusion and innovation in the region.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Bitcoin Nairobi has advanced its efforts in Bitcoin education and adoption through several key initiatives. [Bitcoin School Kenya](https://yakihonne.com/nostr:naddr1qvzqqqr4fupzqzaau0cvadvfzvspuarmxfv6u6u23t5vgwmjth8mclvsuy9rag9vqq25s5m0faxrx7zltyunv7fnx3u8vjmcgatx2z2za5r) successfully launched its first cohort, offering foundational courses on money and Bitcoin, with active participation from students and strong community support. The community also held a [volunteer recruitment drive](https://yakihonne.com/nostr:naddr1qvzqqqr4fupzqzaau0cvadvfzvspuarmxfv6u6u23t5vgwmjth8mclvsuy9rag9vqq252ejlwfc97ajnxechjhmfxdhyks60vft4jrqcyga) and raised funds through the Geyser Fund platform to further support the project.
**11**.**[Bitcoin Dada](https://x.com/btc_dada)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Dada is dedicated to empowering African women through Bitcoin education, offering online courses, meet-ups, and mentorship programs. Their mission is to close the gender gap in financial literacy and provide women with the knowledge to achieve financial independence in the digital economy. Through workshops and career days, they connect women with industry leaders, helping them explore opportunities in the Bitcoin ecosystem. Bitcoin Dada strives to create a supportive community where women can learn, grow, and participate in the global financial revolution.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Bitcoin Dada has been actively empowering African women in the Bitcoin space, hosting a 3-day [Bitcoin Lightning Bootcamp](https://x.com/btc_dada/status/1852372299397099627) that provided female developers with hands-on training, mentorship, and networking opportunities. They also celebrated Bitcoin Whitepaper Day, reflecting on its significant impact. The Dada Preneur program held sessions on personal finance and saving in Bitcoin, further supporting women’s financial independence. Additionally, they offered free tickets to the Africa Bitcoin Conference to young Kenyans, expanding their reach. they released a preview for an upcoming documentary highlighting the incredible women in Bitcoin, showcasing their important role in the ecosystem.
**12**.**[Bitcoin Reach](https://x.com/BitcoinReach)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Reach is that Cultivate Bitcoin communities across Southern Africa through knowledge distribution.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Bitcoin Reach has been actively driving several technical and educational initiatives. The community launched the “[Afro Coding](https://yakihonne.com/nostr:naddr1qvzqqqr4fupzphq3vx2vyyq55umxy5lyn0dmy8ctey624mkxudapskya2z0xxc4zqq25wsmrfp69wnjlv9s5catr23h8stt9wfjnwnpzw4n)” discussion, aimed at fostering local developer engagement in the Bitcoin space. Additionally, they have been organizing online workshops, hackathons, and networking events to enhance participants' practical knowledge of Bitcoin technology. Bitcoin Reach is also preparing for the upcoming LaBitConf, offering members opportunities to participate and promoting Bitcoin education.
**13**.**[Bitcoin Ekasi](https://yakihonne.com/users/nostr:npub1zkr064avsxmxzaasppamps86ge0npwvft9yu3ymgxmk9umx3xyeq9sk6ec)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Ekasi is a community initiative based in Mossel Bay, South Africa, inspired by Bitcoin Beach in El Zonte, El Salvador. Supported by the nonprofit The Surfer Kids, it promotes financial empowerment by paying local surf coaches in Bitcoin and encouraging town merchants to accept it as payment. The project aims to build a sustainable Bitcoin economy, fostering financial independence and extending the nonprofit’s impact within the community.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Bitcoin Ekasi has launched a series of impactful initiatives: they’re preparing a [2025 alternative education program](https://x.com/BitcoinEkasi/status/1853813353442910566) for long-term participants of The Surfer Kids, aiming to support their future education and career opportunities. By encouraging local merchants to trade in sats, they’re building a Bitcoin circular economy, while also rewarding high-attendance surf students and celebrating members' achievements—all reflecting a strong commitment to Bitcoin’s future.They also supported the [Bitcoin Beach Circular Economy Fund](https://x.com/BitcoinEkasi/status/1846504944213381317), which helps develop Bitcoin circular economies across Africa.
**14**.**[Bitcoin Mtaani](https://x.com/BitcoinMtaani)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Mtaani is a platform that provides original educational content in native African languages (such as Swahili), aiming to offer a viable solution to the language barrier. The idea behind it stems from the fact that millions of Africans are unable to dive into the Bitcoin ecosystem due to content and resources being predominantly in Western languages, which is closely tied to weak education systems caused by corruption.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Bitcoin Mtaani has focused on promoting the Bitcoin economy in Kibera, Kenya, particularly through its collaboration with BitcoinMatatuKE. It also shared information about joining the nostr:#POW community and engaging through Nostr, highlighting its support for Bitcoin adoption within local communities. These updates reflect its commitment to advancing Bitcoin’s presence and usage across Africa.
**15**.**[L'Afrique parle Bitcoin](https://x.com/Afrique_Bitcoin)**
* **Introduction**
L'Afrique parle Bitcoin is a podcast platform focused on the cryptocurrency and Bitcoin ecosystem in Africa. Through interviews with African entrepreneurs, developers, and activists, the show explores how Bitcoin is impacting the continent. The platform aims to amplify the voices driving change in Africa’s crypto space, with a focus on innovation, social issues, and technological progress.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, there have been no major updates from the podcast, but the community has been closely monitoring the growth of the Bitcoin ecosystem in Africa, particularly in Ghana, and exploring initiatives that are driving Bitcoin adoption across the continent. They have also shared insights into Bitcoin's market dominance and compared it to traditional assets like gold. Additionally, the community has actively engaged in discussions about the European Central Bank’s stance on Bitcoin and its performance globally. At the same time, they highlighted the potential gains from El Salvador’s Bitcoin reserves, showcasing the immense wealth-building potential of Bitcoin reserves for nations. With the upcoming U.S. elections, Trump’s support for Bitcoin has further fueled optimism in the market.
* **Introduction**
Btrust is a nonprofit organization dedicated to decentralizing Bitcoin software development by fostering developer talent in the Global South and supporting the free and open-source Bitcoin ecosystem. Established in 2021 through a generous donation of 500 BTC from Jack Dorsey and Jay-Z, Btrust aims to enhance Bitcoin's resilience, reach, and relevance as a global currency. Guided by its immutable Genesis Principles, the organization operates with a focus on integrity and decentralization.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Btrust is actively preparing for the [Btrust Developer Day](https://x.com/btrustteam/status/1838630559184228490), hosted in collaboration with the 2024 Africa Bitcoin Conference, focused on building and educating the Bitcoin developer community. The event has already confirmed over 10 speakers, such as nostr:npub1sn0q3zptdcm8qh8ktyhwtrnr9htwpykav8qnryhusr9mcr9ustxqe4tr2x,nostr:npub1gxr0nutz03u7rgquguq2sk24nzygtvq08a5malyu4epjaxhzae8qfqmjeu,nostr:npub1c0n0rvttg5zeskaqdkaw3qa79t602pfe42lp8ltfvh2qxkzcwgtq9al8ce. And Btrust announced the launch of their new website, [btrust.tech](https://www.btrust.tech/), highlights key initiatives, including the Grants Program for open-source developers and the Btrust Builders Program, aimed at nurturing software developers from the Global South to transition into open-source Bitcoin and Lightning development.
**17**.**[African Bitcoiners](https://yakihonne.com/users/nostr:npub1q7qtx2k5qevch38nk7wq02gqvwkxldscu6fp293gav4vl7f5k52s4eq5kj)**
* **Introduction**
African Bitcoiners is a community focused on helping new Bitcoin users in Africa safely navigate their journey from earning Sats to self-custody. By offering free beginner courses, routing services, Bitcoin testing, and Sats2Data, the community aims to empower individuals with the tools to harness Bitcoin's potential. Their mission is rooted in the belief that Bitcoin can provide freedom and equal opportunities, unlocking Africa’s vast potential. The community is committed to creating a future where one billion Africans each own at least one million Sats, aiming to reduce global inequality and drive Bitcoin adoption across the continent.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, the African Bitcoiners community has been actively promoting Bitcoin’s ecosystem development. They’ve highlighted Bitcoin activities in Kenya, introducing 12 influential projects, including Gridless Compute, while also sharing Bitcoin security education, such as the concept of brain wallets. The community has organized book clubs and Watch Play sessions to discuss Digital Gold and Bitcoin documentaries, enhancing members’ understanding of Bitcoin. They’ve also launched a [postgraduate Bitcoin program](https://x.com/afribitcoiners/status/1852385645680812113) for young Africans, providing learning opportunities for the next generation of Bitcoin developers. Additionally, they’ve introduced the [Bitcoiner Test tool](https://x.com/afribitcoiners/status/1851343323069628879) and are working on an infographic of the African Bitcoin ecosystem for Q1 2025. The community has also thoroughly researched and showcased Bitcoin projects across Africa, such as Flash Bitcoin, Bitcoin MasterMind, and Bitcoin Benin, further highlighting the diversity and potential of the African Bitcoin ecosystem.
**18**.**[Bitcoin Dua](https://yakihonne.com/users/nostr:npub1w7z986fez3gmjvxy6dd3sku4ndazhxzafjv2lf6aaa26mtl70q6scz4erj)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Dua is a groundbreaking initiative started in Agbozume, Ghana, aimed at fostering financial independence among the youth through Bitcoin literacy. Our mission is to educate and empower the youth with essential financial literacy skills, emphasizing the benefits and applications of Bitcoin. Our goal is to create a self-sustaining circular economy where everyone understands and utilizes Bitcoin's value and potential.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, the Bitcoin Dua community has made significant progress in its education initiatives, especially with the launch of the second cohort of Bitcoin education courses. Fifteen students have participated, and their interest in Bitcoin continues to grow. Through the “Coding for Development” project, students remain engaged in coding classes even after school hours, demonstrating a strong passion for learning. The Bitcoin Dua team has also received funding from the Bitcoin Beach Foundation to support this initiative and is driving community development through technology training.
**19**.**[Bitcoin Ubuntu](https://yakihonne.com/users/nostr:npub1w7lv3g20srey0pqzu3kqmcaqlgzmkvmgpnqvajtj85d2nzl6kjjsjw85pa)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Ubuntu is a volunteer-driven organization dedicated to providing free education and onboarding resources for Bitcoin. As a Bitcoin-only platform, it offers online education, consultations, meetups, merchant and charity onboarding, and the Mi Primer Bitcoin light node initiative. Bitcoin Ubuntu also hosts The Orange Sun, a show featuring special guests from the Bitcoin space to share their insights and experiences. Guided by the Ubuntu philosophy, which emphasizes community and mutual humanity, the organization believes in empowering individuals through collective growth and support.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Bitcoin Ubuntu has focused on Bitcoin education and promoting the adoption of Bitcoin among local merchants. In their The Orange Sun show, they featured guests such as Blake Kaufman and Stromens to introduce Blitz Wallet, an innovative self-custodial Lightning and Liquid wallet with native support for PicknPay integration, enabling Lightning payments and atomic swaps. The community also showcased the Loaded Node, a plug-and-play Bitcoin node that helps users easily connect to the Bitcoin network. Additionally, Bitcoin Ubuntu celebrated merchants like M&S Vintage and Republic of Swellendam adopting Bitcoin payments and continues to support Bitcoin adoption and merchant onboarding in Africa through their programs and events.
**20**.**[Bitcoin Chama](https://yakihonne.com/users/nostr:nprofile1qqsyyc8z5j9032rcduggzrzmln0wzvmzmq35s9nqlm2g2adw7rklxxqzaadw2)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Chama is a community project aimed at helping farmers in rural Kenya protect their savings from inflation using Bitcoin. A Chama typically refers to a group of people who trust each other and contribute a set amount to a collective fund, taking turns to receive the pooled money. The goal of Bitcoin Chama is to use Bitcoin savings to help community members guard against inflation, ensuring that their savings appreciate in value, and ultimately achieve financial self-sufficiency.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Bitcoin Chama has been actively working on several community-focused initiatives in recent weeks. They have been engaging with local groups, such as organizing fitness walks and hiking trips in the Maasai region, where members have benefited from saving in Bitcoin. The community is also focused on agricultural and environmental projects, like monitoring and preparing for honey harvesting by checking beehives. Additionally, Bitcoin Chama is working on infrastructure projects, including renovating rooms for classrooms and a gym, and seeking support for these initiatives via crowdfunding platforms like Geyser. They continue to promote Bitcoin adoption as a tool for financial empowerment in rural Kenya.
**21**.**[Bitcoin boma](https://x.com/BitcoinBoma)**
* **Introduction**
The Bitcoin BOMA Coalition (BBCM) is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting the adoption of Bitcoin in Malawi through education, research, and policy. Malawi, one of the poorest countries in Africa, faces severe economic challenges and currency depreciation, making the intervention of Bitcoin crucial for improving its economic situation. BBCM's goal is to raise awareness among the Malawian people about the economic, social, and environmental benefits of Bitcoin, encouraging its adoption among students, businesses, policymakers, and local communities. Through regular Bitcoin meetings and events, BBCM fosters public engagement while collaborating with policymakers to advocate for supportive policies. The organization's mission is to make Malawi one of the most Bitcoin-friendly jurisdictions in Africa.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, The Malawi Bitcoin BOMA Coalition is actively preparing for the [Bitcoin 101 event](https://x.com/BitcoinBoma/status/1858786253983920147) on November 23rd, aimed at introducing the basics of Bitcoin to the people of Malawi and exploring how Bitcoin can shape the future of the Malawian economy while promoting a decentralized and sustainable ecosystem. Additionally, co-founder and Mining & Energy Director, Nick Twyman, will represent BBCM at the Bitcoin Adoption Conference in El Salvador, sharing their efforts to enhance Bitcoin education and promote grassroots adoption in Malawi. BBCM is also engaging with the Malawian community through social media and online platforms to further promote Bitcoin adoption across the country.
**22**.**[The core bitcoin education](https://x.com/thecore21m?s=21)**
* **Introduction**
The core bitcoin education is an organization based in Nairobi, Kenya, dedicated to raising Bitcoin awareness across Kenya and the entire African continent through education, entertainment, and engaging content. The organization offers comprehensive Bitcoin education courses and actively creates engaging Bitcoin-related content on social platforms, including quizzes, memes, and educational videos, aimed at appealing to a diverse audience. In 2024, The Core launched its website, successfully registering over 300 students and hosting its first offline event. Additionally, it secured crucial funding from Geyser to further advance its mission.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, The core bitcoin education has been actively promoting bitcoin knowledge through open-source resources and interactive activities. They recently made their educational materials, including slides, quizzes, and assignments for the Bitcoin Diploma and Bitcoin circular economies, available on GitHub. Weekly quizzes on topics like using Bitcoin and wallet management have engaged the community, with answers shared the next day. Their sessions cover practical skills such as setting up Bitcoin wallets, understanding custodial vs. non-custodial options, and recovering wallets using seed phrases. Guest speakers have discussed the ideal attributes of money, issues with fiat systems, and Lightning Network setups, further enriching the learning experience. These initiatives aim to make Bitcoin education accessible and hands-on for everyone.
**23**.**[Calabar Bitcoin club](https://x.com/bitcoincalabar?s=21)**
* **Introduction**
Calabar Bitcoin Club is a community dedicated to establishing a local Bitcoin circular economy in the ancient tourist city of Calabar, Nigeria. Addressing key financial challenges such as lack of bank accounts, high transaction fees, network failures, and regulatory hurdles, the community provides Bitcoin-based solutions, including more affordable and accessible transactions, financial inclusion, and education. Since its inception, Calabar Bitcoin Club has launched various initiatives, such as Bitcoin education programs for secondary schools, workshops, and meetups, promoting merchant adoption of Bitcoin payments, and advocating for Bitcoin rights through media outreach and legal actions. Over the next two years, the club aims to expand its education programs, onboard more businesses, grow its community, and advocate for Bitcoin adoption through media campaigns and legislative efforts.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, the Calabar Bitcoin Club has been closely following Bitcoin education and adoption across Africa. They reshared the African Bitcoiners leaderboard, recognizing individuals and projects that have made significant contributions to Bitcoin adoption. They also promoted the work of industry guests, such as Malkrite, the founder of CitrusRate, highlighting his efforts in Bitcoin education and development. Additionally, the club shared updates on Bitcoin-related technical events, community collaborations, and challenges, including leaderboard tests and initiatives with platforms.
**24**.**[Afribit Kibera](https://yakihonne.com/users/nostr:npub1w5sn2yyezm4r7ypfkrw04n8l5g2pv60285a0flx380yjl2w2nu4qec8h5n)**
* **Introduction**
The Afribit Kibra Merchant Project aims to promote business growth in the Kibera community of Nairobi, Kenya, by leveraging Bitcoin and the Lightning Network. Led by community leader Ronnie and Bitcoin enthusiast and mentor Yogi, the project focuses on empowering local youth through Bitcoin education, with the goal of creating a Bitcoin-based circular economy model. The project targets two villages in Kibera—Kibera and Katwekera—by organizing merchant meetups, engaging youth in Bitcoin education, and collaborating with local businesses to establish a decentralized financial model based on the Galoy blockchain community banking system. The plan is to onboard 30 local merchants into the Bitcoin ecosystem. The project also intends to collaborate with garbage collection groups, paying for services in Bitcoin, and encouraging merchants to adopt Bitcoin for daily transactions.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Afribit Kibera recently held the [Bitcoin Circular Economy Pool Tournament](https://x.com/AfribitKibera/status/1854788475695812618) on November 10, 2024, with a grand prize of 57,198 SATs, actively promoting circular economy projects and spreading the Bitcoin ideology. Through a series of community events, they have helped residents better understand how to use Bitcoin. Local merchants have responded positively by accepting Bitcoin payments, with Fishpoint restaurant even offering delivery services and supporting SATs payments. Merchants in Kibera have begun leading by example, eliminating cash transactions and promoting the circulation of SATs throughout the community, reducing reliance on fiat currency.
**25**.**[Bitcoin Anambra](https://x.com/BitcoinAnambra)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Anambra aims to establish a thriving Bitcoin circular economy by leveraging Anambra State's commercial strengths. The project's vision is to promote Bitcoin adoption through education and community engagement, enabling seamless and efficient transactions in daily life, while positioning Bitcoin as a tool for future savings. Key activities include educational campaigns, merchant engagement, Bitcoin giveaways, and workshops at tech hubs. Bitcoin Anambra is committed to encouraging merchant adoption of Bitcoin, expanding community involvement, and building a sustainable Bitcoin economy, positioning Anambra State as a leader in Bitcoin adoption in Nigeria.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Bitcoin Anambra has organized several initiatives in Anambra State to actively promote the adoption of Bitcoin payments. At the inaugural Onitsha Fashion Fest, Bitcoin Anambra collaborated with merchants to encourage them to accept Bitcoin payments, with many merchants expressing interest in holding Bitcoin rather than just selling it. Additionally, Bitcoin Anambra has been actively involved in outdoor promotions and workshops at technology hubs, further advancing Bitcoin awareness in Anambra State and helping merchants implement more convenient Bitcoin payment solutions.
**26**.**[Bitcoin babies](https://x.com/BtcBabies)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Babies is an innovative project aimed at improving parenting conditions by providing infant nutrition and financial wellness education. The core resources include an easy-to-understand educational book on infant care and a Bitcoin awareness course. Currently, the project is running in Kenya, initially supporting a group of mothers from the Kimbo community. Through weekly Bitcoin donations and educational support, Bitcoin Babies helps mothers improve their children's health while also enhancing their financial literacy regarding Bitcoin. The project also assists mothers by creating Bitcoin wallets and training them to use Bitcoin as a financial tool, helping them manage funds and make purchases at local stores. The project plans to expand globally, spreading the benefits of Bitcoin adoption and financial empowerment to mothers worldwide, creating a brighter and healthier future for their children.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Bitcoin Babies has made significant progress in the Kimbo community in Kenya, where Bitcoin payments are gradually becoming the norm. Merchants have started to actively accept Bitcoin payments, and mothers are using their weekly Bitcoin rewards to manage funds, purchase food, and improve their financial health. The project also collaborates with local merchants to promote the use of Bitcoin in the daily economy and assist merchants in accepting Bitcoin payments. Additionally, with the rise in Bitcoin's price, participants' Bitcoin assets have appreciated, providing more financial support to families. Bitcoin Babies maintains strong community engagement through social media and online discussions, further expanding Bitcoin's influence in the Kimbo region.
**27**.**[Kibra bitcoin](https://x.com/KibraBTC)**
* **Introduction**
The Kibra Bitcoin is an initiative based in the Kibera informal settlement in Nairobi, Kenya, aimed at empowering local youth by introducing them to Bitcoin. Launched in 2023 by Bitcoin Mtaani and AfriBit Kibera, the project offers Bitcoin training, enables businesses to adopt Bitcoin as a payment method, and provides financial education. With over 18 businesses now onboarded to the Bitcoin standard, the initiative is helping youth escape poverty by granting access to international payments and promoting financial independence. The project continues to grow through ongoing training, partnerships, and community engagement.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Kibra Bitcoin launched a Bitcoin onboarding session for female merchants, where participants were introduced to Bitcoin and received Sats as part of the training. The initiative is also supporting local businesses, such as those in the African print bag industry, by paying them 100% in Bitcoin, showcasing the benefits of cross-border payments with low fees. Additionally, Kibra has partnered with the Muanzo Mpya youth group to create custom African print merchandise, further highlighting the advantages of Bitcoin payments. Ongoing efforts include interactive training sessions through partnerships with Trezor Academy and other Bitcoin-focused platforms, aimed at preparing the youth for a future of financial independence through Bitcoin.
@ df8f0a64:057d87a5
2024-11-29 13:58:48
# 2024年下半期の振り返り
#### 0. 退職した
上半期時点で決まってはいたんですが、 6年間ほど勤務した会社を退職しました
#### 1. 公開していたNostrリレーの設定を変更した
調べてみたら、Mutiny wallet(現在はサービス終了)が運営しているblastr.mutinywallet.com(たぶんまだ稼働している)が原因でした
#### 2. 公開していたNostrリレーを潰した
Reply guyというbotが猛威をふるった時期、クソみたいなイベントをばら撒かれてくることに私がキレたからです。クソが
ちょうどMutiny walletでGOXしたご本人の機嫌が悪かった時期に、クソスパムがぶつかったことによる悲しい出来事でした。ほんとクソ
#### 3. おわりに
@ c311a1eb:53fc6542
2024-11-30 04:51:53
- Stop worrying too much about what may come in the future or what has happened in the past.
- Our seconds tick by too fast to waste on things you can't change or control.
- Just let it be. Take a deep breath, be in the moment, and just be thankful for where you're at right now.
- The present is all we really have. Forget about the 'what ifs' and the 'should/could-haves.' Accept what was and what is.
- Remember, you've got one life, one opportunity to live.
- Don't let it slip away while you focus on the wrong things. Breathe in. Breathe out. Make every moment count.
Thanks for Reading
@ 6fff5148:a5dd5cdf
2024-11-30 03:46:05
![image](https://image.nostr.build/37b3300c248cc0e8028f0d52af1d5a016ccb8b5c2e4d9f2c4a14bf75ddfde1bf.jpg)PROBLEM GAMBLING..
WHAT IS GAMBLING: Gambling is defined as the act of risking something of value on a game of chance for the desired result. Usually, gambling addiction is discovered when there is a loss of accessibility to money and/or negative actions occur. Gambling Addiction or Problem Gambling is known as the “hidden addiction” because there are no visible signs. Unlike alcohol or drug addiction, you can’t visibly see the effects of someone’s gambling. For example, if someone has been drinking, you may smell alcohol, or they may be slurring their speech. Because of the lack of visibility, often those suffering from a gambling addiction can hide it longer than someone with an alcohol or drug problem.
Popular types of gambling are:
Lottery/Scratch-off tickets
Sports Betting
Horse Betting
Raffles/Office Pool..
Talking to youth about the risks and consequences of engaging in underage gambling activities can make a difference in the choices they make. Parents and caregivers, educators and community members can take steps to prevent youth gambling behaviors.
Encourage youth to be involved in positive social activities such as clubs, sports, and other positive community outlets
Be a positive role model
Talk early about the potential for gambling to be a problem
Avoid giving scratch off tickets as gifts and/or encouraging underage gambling
Monitor youth’s activities and friends
Establish rules and enforce
In Nigeria, you must be 18 to gamble, including buying lottery tickets or buying/selling raffle tickets. If a casino sells alcohol, you must be 21 to enter the casino floor. Most adults can gamble responsibly. Having a plan before you gamble can help keep gambling fun and help you avoid consequences.
Consider some of the following tips:
Make a plan before you gamble.
Ask a friend to hold you to it.
Set a limit on how much time you plan to spend gambling.
Be sure to balance gambling with other forms of entertainment.
Set a limit on how much money you plan to gamble.
Only bet what you can afford to lose, treat whatever you wager as the cost of your entertainment.
Take frequent breaks while gambling.
Getting lost in gambling activities may result in losing track of your spending.
Avoid drinking alcohol while gambling.
Decisions made while impaired may later be regrettable.
Know how the games work and the odds of winning.
Gambling is for entertainment only and should not be used as a way to make money.
Avoid chasing losses.
Never continue gambling to try and win back lost money.
Gamble when you’re feeling positive and looking to have fun.
Don’t use gambling to cope with or escape from feelings of stress, loneliness or depression.
Lastly and most importantly, if you notice warning signs of a gambling problem in your life, know that it is okay to ask for help:
To get help for problem gambling, for yourself, or a loved one, please reach out to:
NYS HOPEline at: 1-877-8-HOPENY or
The NY Council on Problem Gambling at: nyproblemgamblinghelp.org
Some warning signs that gambling might be a problem include:
nostr:#Thinking often about gambling
nostr:#Covering up/lying about gambling behaviors
nostr:#Missing time with friends and loved ones to gamble
nostr:#Gambling to escape problems or negative feelings
nostr:#Gambling more money than planned or can afford
nostr:#Trying unsuccessfully to cut back or stop gambling
Source.. content writer
@ 9c47bb51:000381d0
2024-11-30 02:56:21
In the race toward digitizing money, Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs) have emerged as a buzzword among governments and financial institutions worldwide. While these digital currencies promise convenience, efficiency, and modernization, their widespread adoption could come at a heavy cost to individual freedoms. It is crucial to understand why CBDCs pose a significant threat and how decentralized solutions like Bitcoin and the Cashu protocol (eCash) can serve as powerful alternatives for the future.
The Threats of CBDCs
At first glance, CBDCs may appear to be a natural evolution of money. However, their implementation carries inherent risks that could erode fundamental rights:
1. Surveillance and Privacy Intrusion
Unlike cash or decentralized cryptocurrencies, CBDCs are fully controlled by central banks. This gives governments the ability to monitor every transaction, mapping out a complete picture of how, where, and why you spend your money. The promise of “convenience” masks the reality of mass surveillance.
2. Programmability and Control
CBDCs are programmable, meaning authorities could impose conditions on their use. For example, your funds could be limited to specific goods or services, or they might expire if not used within a certain time frame. Worse still, governments could freeze or confiscate funds for dissent or non-compliance.
3. Financial Exclusion
In a world where access to CBDCs depends on digital identities, social credit systems, or other centralized criteria, individuals who do not conform to these systems could be financially excluded, leaving them with no way to participate in the economy.
Bitcoin: The Digital Lifeboat
Bitcoin stands in stark contrast to CBDCs. It is a decentralized, censorship-resistant currency that enables financial sovereignty. Here’s why Bitcoin matters in the face of a CBDC-dominated future:
1. Censorship Resistance
Bitcoin operates on a decentralized network, meaning no single entity has control over your funds. Transactions cannot be blocked or reversed, ensuring you remain in full control of your money.
2. Borderless and Inclusive
Bitcoin doesn’t discriminate based on location, identity, or political beliefs. It empowers the unbanked and underbanked, providing access to financial services for millions worldwide.
3. Store of Value
With its fixed supply of 21 million coins, Bitcoin offers a hedge against inflation and the erosion of purchasing power—a stark contrast to the infinite supply of fiat-backed CBDCs.
Cashu Protocol: The Future of Private Digital Payments
While Bitcoin excels as a store of value and medium of exchange, privacy in everyday transactions remains a challenge. This is where the Cashu protocol (eCash) comes in—a protocol designed for private and scalable payments.
1. Enhanced Privacy
Cashu uses Chaumian blind signatures to enable private transactions, ensuring that payments cannot be linked to specific individuals. It offers a level of anonymity similar to cash, which is vital in an increasingly surveilled world.
2. Scalability and Efficiency
Cashu is lightweight and designed for high-speed, low-cost transactions. This makes it ideal for micropayments, tipping, and everyday purchases where Bitcoin might be impractical due to higher fees or latency.
3. Custodial Freedom
While Cashu requires custodians to issue tokens, users can operate with pseudonymity, reducing the need for trust while enabling practical privacy for smaller-scale transactions.
The Road Ahead
As CBDCs inch closer to mainstream adoption, the conversation about financial sovereignty, privacy, and control becomes more urgent. Bitcoin provides a robust foundation for decentralization and freedom, while innovations like Cashu enhance its usability and privacy for daily life.
The battle between centralized control and decentralized freedom is not just about money—it’s about the very essence of liberty in the digital age. Choosing Bitcoin and eCash today is an investment in a future where individuals—not institutions—retain control over their wealth and choices.
The question is: Will you choose freedom?
@ 5af07946:98fca8c4
2024-11-30 01:49:03
The earliest public model of chatGPT (version 3.0) used around 12000 mathematical dimensions to internalize the context of around 50,000 words of text. It did so by crawling through the data from internet, digital books in public domain and code repositories. This in itself is a breakthrough but consider the later versions that learnt music and art.
It begs the question : how many dimensions must a human mind have - it may be trained in text, music, art and thousands of other skills - agriculture, metallurgy, transportation to state the obvious.
And what does it take to create a consistent three-dimensional visual experience ?
Though it is hard to compare a biological neural network such as human brain with a software neural network such as chatGPT, yet it is common acceptance that a synapse in the biological terms ( roughly equal to number of dendrites per neurons) is equivalent to a "parameter" in the computing paradigm of software neural networks.
> The chatGPT version 4 is estimated to have 100 Trillion parameters whereas a single human brain has around 700 trillion synapses (assuming around 100 billion neurons, each having 7000 dendrites). It's amazing that each one of us carry seven times the natural intelligence than the biggest artificial neural network as of 2024.
Even more amazing is the fact that we run such vast neural network on just 2000 calories per day - almost equal to a 100 watts light bulb, whereas chatGPT consumes as much energy as 26000 US homes. This efficiency is key to the idea of higher general intelligence. For example Elephants or Whales have bigger brains than us, but our advantage is we survive on much less due to our smaller size. No wonder there are only seven or eight chatGPT like models, while there are eight billion of us!
Another way to think about it is that AI needs to be 700 billion times more efficient to out do humans. Even then it may be hard because we already have millions of years of early start advantage. In essence, AI is no threat to humans. It is a cool utility that we should embrace to improve our conscious experience. As with any technology, there is always a chance of misuse - you can kill someone with a kitchen knife. Investigating such misuse (when reported) is the responsibility of law and order, but it doesn't mean we start regulating the industry. Regulation must always be a reactive posture - not proactive.
There is another argument given to scare the people - that humans fight with each other whereas all AIs may be singularly focused. Nothing can be farther from the truth because as soon as AI's number start growing, there will be a fight for resources among competing models. No computing system is free from competition just the way all biological systems must compete to evolve.
@ 76724cf1:ba40319f
2024-11-30 01:11:19
(![image](https://image.nostr.build/1745bb7abce2ff038d3ba55a970a0c38b5723146cb5540521d530c53930f7a6a.jpg)A healthy lifestyle can help you live longer by reducing your risk of disease and other health problems. Eating a nutritious diet and exercising regularly may increase your life expectancy. Other factors, like overeating and drinking more than a moderate level of alcohol, may increase your risk of certain diseases.
Here are 10 healthy lifestyle you can add to your daily activity that will help you live longer:
1. Exercise: Regular physical activity can help you live longer and lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and some cancers. You can try to get at least 30 minutes of moderate to vigorous exercise per day.
2. Eat well: A healthy diet includes lots of vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, and healthy fats. You can try to limit red and processed meats, sugar-sweetened beverages, trans fat, and sodium.
3. Maintain a healthy weight: A normal body mass index (BMI) is between 18.5 and 24.9.
4. Don't smoke: Smoking is not healthy at any level.
5. Get enough sleep: A regular sleeping pattern is important for regulating cell function and helping your body heal. Try to go to bed and wake up around the same time each day.
6. Build a strong social network: Staying connected with others can help you live longer. You can try volunteering or reaching out to people with similar interests.
7. Get regular checkups: Seeing your doctor regularly can help you stay healthy and prevent problems
8. Adding some nuts to your daily routine may keep you healthy and help you live longer
9. Develop a good sleeping pattern: A recent study reports that longevity is likely linked to regular sleeping patterns, such as going to bed and waking up around the same time each day. Developing a sleep routine that includes 7–8 hours of sleep each night may help you live longer
10. Have a positive attitude: A positive attitude towards aging can contribute to a healthier and more enjoyable life. Just be happy, passionate and try to enjoy life![image](https://image.nostr.build/1b77c7987415a17acb485b9763c9f789a1c6bd80c1dfc0693aa87b42a61b49bf.jpg)
The bottom line is longevity may seem beyond your control, but many healthy habits may lead you to a ripe, old age. Following these few tips and applying them to your life can make all the difference
Taken together, these habits can boost your health and put you on the path to a long life
And importantly, don't forget to be happy. Enjoy your life.
@ 6d8e2a24:5faaca4c
2024-11-30 00:07:10
Why do people enjoy pain and a short time pleasure, which could ruin their life and peace?
Why can't people leave their fleshy desires, obsession and pleasures even if it kills them?
Many have become slaves to their obsession having no will of theirs, claiming to be free yet imprisoned by their futility and lust.
We thought we have closed all the doors and windows, turn off the light so no one can see us, least so we thought to ourselves, forgetting our conscience is wide open, and God who sit in heaven watching, like it was never night nor dark, sees through us for he is light ruling over darkness.
The devil working upon our obsession making it a reality. The devil always uses our sinful, lustful desire to trick us given an end vain pleasure
We fall once, down with the guilt and pain of sin, the weight of the burden once thought, destroying the spirit and causing so many pains of regret, low self-esteem, and lack of confidence again.
He comes again not to bring new but to dwell in our past, bringing memories, mistakes, and errors making us feel more guilty and vulnerable, making us feel worthless and hopeless "We are doomed, so we think, God can't help us, our sins are too many; and with that, he finds a way to make us fall again, destroying us slowly till we are empty, having no will (stronghold).
Like a fire 🔥 lit in a bush, small as it is no one thought it could cause so much harm, or rather they thought they could control it or, put it off when they don't need it or, get bizarre.
Anything that has passed infantry allowed to grow is difficult or impossible to control so is a sin when is allowed to grow like a fire covering many areas is hard to put all areas off fast before one knows many areas are damaged many are beyond repairs
Every day we wake up, we plan how our lives, and how we are going to live the day, without the slimmest thought of contention, 'what if'. We do believe we have everything under control, everything planned out, but we forget that we are nothing but a sand timer that runs down so quickly than we thought.
Like the sand timer, our lives fade away gently, piece by piece till we cease to exist, only then, do we understand that we are rebels in this kingdom, not owners for we own nothing, with the dust reaching its last, the heartbeat and craves for more time, then we also understand, that time is never enough and time is so precious and priceless
Why do we always feel as if we have all the time in the world? why do we assume death to be a fairytale or a horror ghost story just to scare us out? Without having a sting.
Every day death proves more eager, the grave is so desperate that it looms looking and searching for any opportunity necessary to sting it stings.
But we are so carried away by life, deceived by what we have, the power, authority, and influence. We feel we are covered, yes we are but only to some certain extent. For life is so spiritual, than we could ever imagine or think of.
The night comes darkness looms over, evil rises, and fear grips one's heart, all wishing for the light. But now is no longer darkness that's so terrifying, but light itself has become as terrifying as the darkness, people wishing to live through the light, now wish the same to live through the night, for in it they find peace and comfort 😢
Why, I ask why, why has light become so terrifying and darkness become more comforting that the people find solace in it?
I came to understand why people find comfort in darkness is because they are afraid of selves afraid of what they have become, darkness does not challenge but rather allows you to wallow in your misery and regret, killing and draining you where no one will correct you or remind you, that you are not good enough, darkness gives you the room to accept who and what you have become, and there and then it echoes is better to die and live in peace than to be alive and live in misery.
Why will one think of death as the only option or think of death as the only solution to peace, is living not joyful, is life not great to live, why will one wish to leave all, family, friends everything, and settle for death?
I came to understand that, the most reason why one tends to choose death over life or loves to behold the warmth of darkness instead of light, is the feeling of emptiness and internal failure even after a significant measure, of material and social success, is a direct result of failure to discover purpose in life and a reason of being, when one loses his peace, joy all that's left or remain is pain, and regret. When a man reaches a stage of emptiness, where nothing else again matters life itself has no meaning, then it's only a test of time before destruction befalls such a person
Even the rich are depressed and frustrated beholding the enticement of the dark, and many try to drink themselves up, to them is the only way to find peace within, why, after so much wealth and achievement yet feel lonely, his greatest friends are alcohol and nights.
If money, riches cant give fulfillment or perfect peace then what can?
@ c755de14:cc53833a
2024-11-30 00:02:12
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/b1f382551a60d6ec1420880e75a764764a40450957cb8f880687b9d9b8ea922f.jpg)
Do you ever have one of those days where nothing seems to be going the way you planned?
And suddenly you find yourself in a bad mood?
... which then goes on to having a bad day.
Because I have.
Here's the good news: Bad days? They happen to everyone, because we're human and sometimes our emotions get the best of us.
The even better news is that we can do something about these bad days and make them better.
## Here Are What To Do When You're Having A Bad Day
### 1. Take a step back from the situation and breathe.
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/4f261ed4113aabd364e323ecf53c04c9bf0930e3fb2d0a92f9fe76828056d294.jpg)
When you're having a bad day, remove yourself from the situation and give yourself room to breathe and process through what you're going to.
Allow yourself to feel your feelings, but don't wallow in them or feel sorry for yourself.
Its okay to have bad days. We all have them.
It's unrealistic to expect every day to be a good day, because we're human and sometimes life is messy and hard.
I know that when I'm having a bad moment or day, the last thing I want to do is calm myself down and breathe. But honestly? It helps so much and it works.
Being upset is a choice. Staying angry is another choice.
All of these are choices, and we can either choose to let go and move on or hold on to what's making us feel bad. But I promise being kind to yourself and having empathy is a way better choice than beating yourself up and making yourself feel worse.
### 2. Remember that a bad day does not equal a bad life.
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/6b07ded70b4447f4acb1c20999ab9d579479ab0ce0798e0559855283afa8a59d.jpg)
Nor does it mean that you are a person who is "bad at living life". I know I've told myself that one a couple of times.
"You just suck at life."
No, you don't suck at life.
Maybe you're having one of those days where nothing seems to working out - and that's okay. We all have days that are frustrating and annoying. It happens to all of us, but it's not so much about what happens to us as much as how we react to it.
So maybe you didn't have the most wonderful morning, it doesn't mean your whole day has to be bad or upsetting.
Don't turn a single moment into your entire life.
### 3. Change your attitude and mindset.
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/886a8fd755d10ec5e55066df4852ff8de2ba6354ed5ae9b82e342088accd3652.jpg)
Ultimately, we are responsible for how we feel.
And if having bad days is a common occurrence in your life, then it might be time to re-evaluate.
We've all heard the story of how two people could be driving in traffic and have different experiences. One is grateful and spends their commute jamming out to their favorite playlist or listening to their favorite podcast while the other is fuming the whole way.
Ask yourself which one you are now and which one you'd like to be.
**Check yourself before you wreck yourself. **
Are you having a bad day, or do you just have a bad attitude?
And trust me, I totally get it. I'm still working on my own attitude and working on practicing gratitude.
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/d8ff20c952343e6d6c6aeff3a8c6e4244c45de99f00dea0cfe7d0fef09ac6b2a.png)
### 4. Don't surround yourself with people who complain about their bad days.
We all know how much misery loves company, but it's time to stop inviting misery to stay in our lives. Trust me, it's not here to help your bad day feel better.
Have you ever had a bad day and just wanted to complain to someone? And the person you're complaining to also had a bad day? And suddenly, it feels like you're competition over who had the worst day.
But... instead of this happening only once or twice, it's a daily occurrence for most people. Or maybe even multiple times a day.
If you surround yourself with people who complain and enable you to complain, you're going to have a lot of bad days (and a bad attitude). And you're going to feel bad about feeling bad.
So take yourself out of the situation.
And don't feel bad about it.
Because there's nothing to feel bad about.
@ db0d2c60:3fa9d265
2024-11-29 23:45:16
Bitcoin is nice
@ 129f5189:3a441803
2024-11-29 23:32:04
This topic has been discussed superficially, and many still don’t understand Saylor’s strategy with Bitcoin.
That’s why I decided to break it down and explain whether this approach is truly sustainable.
To provide context, the company currently holds 386,700 BTC, acquired at an average cost of $56,761 per unit, totaling $21.9 billion.
With BTC at around $93,000, these reserves are valued at approximately $36 billion, constituting the majority of the company’s book value.
As a result, the market prices MicroStrategy shares at a significant 256% premium over NAV.
This reflects investors' confidence in the leveraged strategy to acquire BTC and in the company as a proxy for exposure to the digital asset.
But is this sustainable?
This fundraising dynamic will remain effective as long as the market trusts the company’s ability to raise capital and Bitcoin’s growth potential.
However, a prolonged bear market or doubts about the sustainability of this strategy could quickly collapse this premium.
With bonds at 0% interest and a 55% premium, BTC sales could occur if, by the maturity date (+2027), the stock price falls below the initially issued premium.
But here’s an interesting fact: Bitcoin currently boasts an astonishing compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 52.71% 🤯.
One of the core metrics of this strategy is BTC Yield, which assesses how much Bitcoin the company adds to its reserves per dollar raised and share dilution.
In the current quarter, the BTC Yield stands at 25.2%, reflecting high efficiency in accumulating BTC.
Saylor’s bet aligns with the concept of a "speculative attack" described by Pierre Rochard in 2014, where participants leverage fiat currency to acquire BTC.
Essentially, the strategy is to sell abundant money to buy scarce money.
Although some criticize MicroStrategy as a pyramid scheme, the company holds a real and liquid underlying asset: Bitcoin.
Unlike financial pyramids, the raised funds are converted into a tangible asset with intrinsic value.
The model, however, can be described as a speculative bubble, betting on the continuous devaluation of fiat currencies against BTC.
This doesn’t eliminate the risks, but it remains an asymmetric long-term bet.
@ 6d8e2a24:5faaca4c
2024-11-29 23:07:08
In this article, I seek to show how and why Bitcoin is different than all the other altcoins that exist.
### How People Progress in Bitcoin
1. Wow, Bitcoin is amazing! There’s a limit to how many will ever exist and significant control over my own money. How do I get some?
2. Mining sounds really cool. That sounds like where the money is going to get made. How do I get miners and start making some Bitcoin?
3. Mining looks really hard and difficult. I guess it’s better if I just buy it. Now where can I go buy some?
4. Awesome, now I own some Bitcoin, but what are all these other coins? Are they going to take over sometime?
5. I want to hedge against Bitcoin self destructing somehow. Maybe I should buy some of these altcoins.
6. I can’t possibly look into every altcoin there is, there’s just too many of them. How do I choose?
7. I know, I’ll just buy the most popular ones since they’re probably the most likely to have any chance at all of beating Bitcoin anyway.
8. Hmm, but the popular ones look pretty expensive. Maybe I’ll buy some of these other ones that are just starting.
Many people stop and stay at a particular step. For example, I know many people that have never bought Bitcoin but have simply mined all the Bitcoins they own. They’ll gladly spend thousands on mining equipment but would never actually buy Bitcoin on the market. There are others that stay on the Bitcoin step and never proceed to look into altcoins. There are still others that hedge with pretty much every altcoin out there. Point is, that this pattern of looking for the best way to take advantage of this new innovation progresses in a predictable way, but different people are convinced by different things.
@ c755de14:cc53833a
2024-11-29 22:20:20
###### Bitcoin's price premium on Coinbase rebounded after flipping negative during the recent pullback, suggesting that American traders may be driving the rally.
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/e48dc82ee0f34d57464c3216f89e2cb82d6a33cbd9e3fa65f1e4d893b80bf6e4.jpg)
#### What to know
* Bitcoin hits $98,700, up 3.3% in broad crypto rally.
* BTC futures on CME briefly surpassed $100,000 for the second time after last week's first, a sign of strong institutional participation.
* Bitcoin miners BTDR, MARA, RIOT also surged, outpacing crypto-related stocks COIN and MSTR.
One week after its first attempt, bitcoin (BTC) is once again approaching the $100,000 milestone on Friday as crypto prices surged higher alongside the return of U.S. traders following Thanksgiving.
The Coindesk Bitcoin Index climbed to a $98,690 session high during early U.S. hours, advancing 3.3% over the past 24 hours. The broad-market CoinDesk 20 Index surged 6.2% during the same period, indicating that altcoins led the advance. XRP, ADA, RENDER and HBAR booked double-digit gains during the day.
For more information, Check out
``` https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/11/29/bitcoin-price-makes-another-run-at-100-k-as-u-s-traders-return-after-thanksgiving```
@ fff19d35:43344a0b
2024-11-29 22:12:45
The impact of Bitcoin in Nigeria has been significant, driven by the country's economic challenges, including high inflation and a weakening currency. Many Nigerians have turned to Bitcoin as a way to protect their wealth and facilitate cross-border trade ¹.
One of the primary reasons for Bitcoin's popularity in Nigeria is the lack of access to financial services. Fewer than one in four Nigerian adults have a bank account, making Bitcoin an attractive alternative for transactions and savings ¹.
The Nigerian government's ban on certain industries paying for imports using foreign currency has also contributed to the growth of Bitcoin in the country. Businesses have been forced to find alternative ways to pay for imports, and Bitcoin has become a popular solution ¹.
In addition, the Nigerian government's introduction of the e-Naira, a central bank digital currency (CBDC), has also had an impact on the use of Bitcoin in the country. While the e-Naira is designed to provide a digital alternative to cash, it is centralized and controlled by the government, whereas Bitcoin is decentralized and operates independently of government control ¹.
The rise of Bitcoin in Nigeria has also been driven by the country's growing tech-savvy population and the increasing availability of cryptocurrency exchanges and trading platforms ².
Overall, the impact of Bitcoin in Nigeria has been significant, providing an alternative to traditional financial systems and facilitating cross-border trade and transactions.
@ 6a3d3f20:6a569bcc
2024-11-28 12:54:19
En el mundo de las redes sociales descentralizadas, múltiples protocolos buscan resolver problemas relacionados con la privacidad, la interoperabilidad y la resistencia a la censura. Entre ellos, destacan Nostr, AT Protocol (usado por Bluesky) y ActivityPub (adoptado por Mastodon). Cada uno tiene sus méritos, pero Nostr se ha posicionado como una opción innovadora con ventajas únicas que lo diferencian de sus competidores.
## Ventajas del Protocolo Nostr
1. ### Sencillez y Minimalismo
• **Arquitectura simple**: A diferencia de otros protocolos que requieren complejas infraestructuras, Nostr se basa en un diseño minimalista. Solo necesita claves públicas/privadas y relays para funcionar, lo que reduce los puntos de fallo y facilita su implementación.
• **Facilidad de desarrollo**: Los desarrolladores pueden crear aplicaciones rápidamente sin enfrentarse a las complejidades técnicas de protocolos más elaborados como ActivityPub.
2. ### Resistencia a la Censura
• **Modelo distribuido**: Nostr no depende de servidores centralizados ni de federaciones específicas. Esto lo hace más resistente a la censura, ya que los mensajes se replican en múltiples relays, y un relay censurado no afecta al resto del sistema.
• **Claves privadas como identidad**: La identidad de los usuarios no depende de una instancia o servidor. Conservar la clave privada permite mantener el control total sobre la identidad.
3. ### Interoperabilidad y Flexibilidad
• **Compatibilidad con múltiples aplicaciones**: Nostr permite que las aplicaciones utilicen el mismo protocolo para diversos casos de uso (mensajería, redes sociales, pagos, etc.), a diferencia de ActivityPub, que está más limitado a redes sociales.
• **Extensibilidad**: Al ser un protocolo simple, puede ser extendido fácilmente para adaptarse a nuevos usos o necesidades.
4. ### Neutralidad y Descentralización
• **Sin entidades centralizadas**: Nostr no depende de organizaciones o consorcios que dicten reglas, a diferencia de AT Protocol o ActivityPub, que están influenciados por sus comunidades o estructuras de gobernanza.
• **Incentivos abiertos**: No hay jerarquías ni dependencias, lo que permite una verdadera descentralización sin riesgo de monopolios.
5. ### Privacidad y Seguridad
• **Cifrado de extremo a extremo**: Al depender de claves públicas y privadas, se garantiza un alto nivel de privacidad y seguridad en las comunicaciones.
• **Anonimato opcional:** Los usuarios pueden interactuar sin necesidad de compartir datos personales.
## Conclusión
Nostr destaca entre otros protocolos descentralizados por su sencillez, resistencia a la censura y verdadera neutralidad. Mientras que AT Protocol y ActivityPub tienen sus fortalezas, su complejidad y dependencia de entidades específicas limitan su alcance. Nostr representa una solución ágil y poderosa que podría convertirse en el estándar para un internet más libre y descentralizado.
@ 2fb77d26:c47a6ee1
2024-11-29 22:07:30
**»Worte interessieren nur da, wo sie zu Taten führen«, notierte ich vor knapp 15 Jahren für einen meiner Texte. Gelten sollte diese Prämisse vor allem für Wahlversprechen. Doch die Geschichte zeigt, dass von den vollmundigen Zusicherungen eines Wahlkampfes nach Amtsantritt kaum etwas umgesetzt wird. Davon muss wohl auch in Bezug auf die US-Präsidentschaftswahl 2024 ausgegangen werden. Auch wenn viele immer noch auf eine »Trockenlegung des Sumpfes« hoffen. Ein Überblick.**
*Original mit Quellen (VÖ: 14.11.2024): https://www.regenauer.press/trump-reloaded*
Unterhaltsam ist es bisweilen. Keine Frage. Ist ja auch Politainment. Fake. Eine Show. Eine ziemlich kostenintensive dazu. Und einer gewissen Schadenfreude kann man sich in der Tat kaum verwehren, betrachtet man die irrationalen Reaktionen, Nervenzusammenbrüche und infantilen Ausraster der Wahlverlierer – dem Lager, das in puncto Covid, Klimaschutz und Genderpolitik nie einen Hehl aus seinen totalitären Anwandlungen machte. Leider wird aus Spaß aber schnell bitterer ernst. So tötete ein psychisch labiler Mann aus Minnesota am Tag nach Donald Trumps Wahlsieg zuerst seine ehemalige Partnerin und deren Kind, dann seine Frau und den eigenen Sohn, und anschließend sich selbst. Während die Polizei bislang kein offizielles Tatmotiv kommuniziert, implizieren Social-Media-Beiträge des 46-jährigen Demokraten, dass seine Angst vor den Republikanern, beziehungsweise dem Einzug Trumps ins Weiße Haus, durchaus Auslöser des Amoklaufes sein könnten.
Während die weithin von »Wokeness« beseelten Demokraten ihre Wunden lecken, zelebrieren das konservative Lager der Republikaner und die MAGA-Apologeten einen vermeintlich historischen Sieg. Trump selbst verspricht bei seiner Siegesrede ein »goldenes Zeitalter«. Dass er jetzt »alles in Ordnung bringen« werde. Die Krypto-Branche wähnt sich im Aufwind. Der Bitcoin-Kurs steigt. Dow Jones, S&P 500 und Nasdaq erreichen neue Allzeithochs. In Iowa soll 2026 eine Art Weltausstellung stattfinden, um das 250-jährige Jubiläum Amerikas zu feiern. Bis zum Beginn der Feierlichkeiten sollen Elon Musk und Vivek Ramaswamy die Ausgaben des Staatsapparats um zwei Billionen US-Dollar reduziert haben. Natürlich ist Trump auch die letzte Chance der USA, um endlich die Grenze zu Mexiko zu sichern. Und von Robert F. Kennedy Jr. erwartet man, die Vereinigten Staaten im Rahmen eines MAHA-Programmes – »Make America Healthy Again« – wieder gesund zu machen.
Im Überschwang der Euphorie – oder Frust der Niederlage – fällt gerne unter den Tisch, dass Wähler in Amerika den Präsidenten gemäß Verfassung gar nicht direkt wählen dürfen, weil das für die Wahl des Präsidenten zuständige Electoral College im Prinzip völlig unabhängig vom eigentlichen Wahlausgang entscheiden kann. Die Wahlmänner könnten auch jeden anderen zum Staatsoberhaupt ernennen. Ob das Volk ihn will, oder er überhaupt angetreten ist, spielt rein formal gar keine Rolle. Bei genauerer Betrachtung also nicht unbedingt Demokratie in Reinform. Egal. Schnöde Details. »Trust the plan. Wir haben gewonnen. Geschichte wurde geschrieben« – und so weiter.
Die NATO gibt unterdes zu Protokoll, dass sich an ihrer geostrategischen Agenda »nichts ändern wird, egal, wer die Wahl gewinnt«, weil das »im Interesse der Vereinigten Staaten liege«. Vielleicht hat das US-Militär ja deshalb nur wenige Stunden nach Schließung der Wahllokale eine Minuteman III Interkontinentalrakete zu Testzwecken abgefeuert. Eine Langstreckenwaffe, die drei einzeln steuerbare Atomsprengköpfe transportieren kann.
Auch das Ron Paul Institute rechnet nicht mit grundlegenden Veränderungen und führt diverse Bereiche an, die unabhängig von der Besetzung des Oval Office ein Problem bleiben werden: Kontinuierliche Unterminierung der Verfassung, Krieg gegen die eigene Bevölkerung, Tiefenstaat, Washingtons ausufernde, verstetigte Notstandsermächtigungen, Militärinterventionen in aller Welt, maßlose Korruption und staatliche Tyrannei. Klingt nicht wirklich nach einem goldenen Zeitalter.
Die Reaktionen rund um die US-Wahl – ob positiv oder negativ, ob vor Ort oder im Rest der Welt – veranschaulichen jedenfalls, dass Wahlen Emotionsamplituden auslösen, die in keiner Relation zu dem stehen, was ein Präsident, Kanzler oder Premierminister tatsächlich bewirken kann. Sonst hätte Trump den tiefenstaatlichen »Sumpf« ja schon in seiner ersten Amtsperiode trockenlegen können.
Während die Demokraten also darauf warten, dass die USA ab dem 20. Januar 2025 zur Diktatur verkommen und auf Demonstrationen gegen das Resultat der US-Variante von Demokratie protestieren, fiebern die anderen dem Anbruch eines goldenen Zeitalters entgegen.
Genug Zeit also, den 47. Heilsbringer im Oval Office noch einmal genauer unter die Lupe zu nehmen. Denn auch wenn Donald Trump sich fraglos darauf versteht, zu unterhalten und große Reden von Freiheit und staatlicher Souveränität, von Weltfrieden und Prosperität zu schwingen, sprechen seine Taten zumeist eine ganz andere Sprache.
Fangen wir vorne an: Dank der Zurückstellung vom Wehrdienst konnte Donald Trump bereits 1968 bei Trump Management einsteigen, dem Unternehmen seines Vaters Fred C. Trump, der vor allem mit staatlichen geförderten Wohnungsbauprojekten – »Federal Housing Projects«, heute die Ghettos von New York – zum Multimillionär geworden war. 1971 übernahm Donald im Alter von 25 Jahren die Geschäftsleitung der Firma. Bei Interviews prahlt er bis heute gerne damit, dass sein Vater ihm in jungen Jahren »lediglich einen kleinen Kredit« über eine Million Dollar als Startkapital gewährte. Daraus habe er dann als gewiefter Unternehmer ein Immobilienimperium erschaffen. Dieser Darstellung widerspricht ein Artikel der New York Times (NYT) vom 2. Oktober 2018, der basierend auf Steuer- und Buchhaltungsunterlagen kalkuliert, dass Donald Trump gut 60 Millionen US-Dollar an Krediten erhielt.
»Im Alter von drei Jahren verdiente Trump am Imperium seines Vaters 200.000 Dollar jährlich. Mit acht Jahren war er Millionär. Mit 17 Jahren überließ ihm sein Vater einen Teilbesitz an einem Mehrfamilienhaus mit 52 Wohneinheiten. Kurz nachdem Trump das College abgeschlossen hatte, erhielt er von seinem Vater jährlich umgerechnet eine Million Dollar. Über die Jahre stiegen die jährlichen Schenkungen. In seinen Vierzigern und Fünfzigern lagen sie bei über fünf Millionen Dollar jährlich.«
Als Fred Trump im Juni 1999 verstarb, hatte der trickreiche Unternehmer und Steuerallergiker seinem Sprössling nach Berechnungen der NYT insgesamt 413 Millionen Dollar überschrieben. Selbst wenn New York Times, Associated Press und Co. im Jahr 2018 mit diesen Artikeln fraglos Stimmung gegen Trump machen wollten, kann dessen selbstbeweihräuchernde Darstellung augenscheinlich nicht ganz der Wahrheit entsprechen.
Aber: Er hatte Erfolg. Und das war in der Immobilienbranche des New Yorks der 70er und 80er nicht selbstverständlich. Denn sie wurde von der Mafia dominiert. Von den »Fünf Familien«. Wer nicht den Schutz von »Fat Tony« Salerno, Carmine Galante, Paul Castellano et al. genoss, den Bossen der Genovese-, Bonanno- und Gambino-Familien, hatte schlechte Karten. Das wusste auch Donald Trump. Also macht er Gebrauch von den exzellenten Kontakten seines Freundes, Mentors und Anwalts Roy Cohn, der nicht nur enge Verbindungen zum langjährigen FBI-Chef J. Edgar Hoover pflegte, sondern unter anderem auch Nancy Reagan, die Besitzer des Studio 54, Andy Warhol, die katholische Erzdiözese und die Führungsetage der fünf Mafia-Familien als Anwalt vertrat. Nicht umsonst ist Cohn ein zentraler Charakter in Whitney Webbs Zweiteiler »One Nation under Blackmail«. Den Kontakt zu Cohn, einer Schlüsselfigur für die Zusammenarbeit von Oberschicht und Unterwelt, suchte Donald Trump bereits 1973, als die US-Regierung ein Unternehmen seines Vaters verklagte. Er sollte bestehen bleiben, bis Cohn im August 1986 seiner AIDS-Erkrankung erlag.
Cohns Verbindungen zu Politik, Mafia und Jimmy Hoffas teilkrimineller Teamster-Gewerkschaft sorgten dafür, dass Trump in der Stadt Fuß fassen und sein Geschäft ausbauen konnte. Im Gegenzug war er gezwungen, überteuerte Baumaterialien von Fat Tonys Tarnfirmen zu beziehen. Nach Angaben eines ehemaligen Mitarbeiters von Cohn trafen sich Trump und Salerno in dessen Stadthaus in Manhattan. Trump will sich an ein solches Meeting allerdings nicht erinnern können – obwohl Salerno 1988 unter anderem wegen Erpressung in Höhe von acht Millionen Dollar im Rahmen eines Trump-Bauprojektes rechtskräftig verurteilt wurde. Die Wahrheit kennt wohl nur Trump selbst. Denn Cohn und Fat Tony sind tot.
Sicher ist: Die Geschäftsbeziehungen zwischen Donald Trump und Firmen des organisierten Verbrechens waren intensiver als seinerzeit üblich. Auf Tonbändern des FBI und der US-Staatsanwaltschaft, damals geleitet vom späteren Trump-Anwalt Rudy Giuliani, die beim Abhören von Mafia-Fahrzeugen und -Etablissements entstanden, ist mehrfach von Trump-Projekten die Rede. Donald passte sich dem Geschäftsgebaren seines Umfelds an. Den opportunistischen, skrupellosen, steuervermeidenden Praktiken seines Vaters – und dem von organisierter Kriminalität durchzogenen Filz des Ostküsten-Establishments.
Donald Trumps Frühphase, seine Geschäfte und Geschäftspartner sind also nicht unbedingt ein Paradebeispiel in Sachen Arbeitsethos. Im Vergleich zu seinen späteren Kontakten wirken seine Buddys der 70er und 80er aber fast noch sympathisch – denn Steuern sind Raub und die Mafia pflegt, im Gegensatz zu Regierungen, Militär und Geheimdiensten, zumindest einen Ehrenkodex.
Die 90er begannen für Trump mit finanziellen Turbulenzen. Diverse Bau- und Casino-Projekte liefen nicht wie geplant. Investments warfen nicht den erwarteten Gewinn ab und die Schulden häuften sich bis zur Zahlungsunfähigkeit. In der Öffentlichkeit gab er jedoch weiterhin den erfolgreichen Entrepreneur. 1995 gründe Trump, immer noch bis über beide Ohren verschuldet, eine Aktiengesellschaft und ging an die Börse. Durch diesen Schritt landete er nach 1989 erstmals wieder auf der Forbes-Liste der reichsten Amerikaner. Da die neue AG aber aufgrund der Altlasten mit 1,7 Milliarden Dollar verschuldet war, fiel ihr Börsenkurs zwischen 1996 und 2005 von 35 Dollar auf 17 Cent. Dann wurde der Handel ausgesetzt. Trump bezog aber noch bis 2009 Vergütungen aus der Gesellschaft in Höhe von 44 Millionen Dollar.
Parallel zu diesen fragwürdigen Umtrieben zu Lasten von Anlegern und Geschäftspartnern mauserte sich Donald Trump zum Society-Phänomen. Ob The Apprentice, WrestleMania, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, Talkshows oder soziale Anlässe aller Art – Trump war überall, wo sich Öffentlichkeit für Trump generieren ließ. Mit Erfolg. Überschuldung, Zahlungsunfähigkeit, Mafia-Kontakte, Betrugsvorwürfe und juristische Probleme verblassten im omnipräsenten Scheinwerferlicht.
Weniger glamourös dagegen ist Donald Trumps Beziehung zu einem der verachtenswertesten Menschen der jüngeren Vergangenheit – Jeffrey Epstein. Denn während Trump lange Jahre leugnete, überhaupt mit Epstein in Kontakt gestanden zu haben, belegen unlängst veröffentlichte Audio-Mitschnitte, dass er sehr wohl eine Beziehung mit dem verurteilten Sexualstraftäter, Pädophilen, Menschenhändler und Doppelagenten pflegte. Eine sehr enge.
Jeffrey Epstein bezeichnet sich im Zuge der Aufnahmen als »Trumps engsten Freund«. Für über zehn Jahre. Man besuchte die gleichen Partys, kannte die gleichen Leute. Kaum verwunderlich. Epstein war bestens mit dem »Who is Who« des Establishments vernetzt – auch mit dem zwielichtigen Roy Cohn. Es liegt nahe, dass über diesen der Erstkontakt zustande kam. Epstein erpresste elitäre Zirkel in aller Welt mit heimlich aufgenommenen Videos arrangierter Sex-Eskapaden. Die Opfer: Meist Minderjährige. Manche erst acht Jahre alt. Wer Macht und Einfluss ausüben und sichern wollte, nahm seine Dienste in Anspruch. Das wusste wohl jeder seiner engeren Kontakte. Trotzdem sprach Donald Trump von einem »tollen Typen, den er seit 15 Jahren kenne«, als er in einem Interview mit dem New York Magazine 2002 nach seiner Meinung zu Epstein und der gemeinsamen Vorliebe für junge Frauen gefragt wurde. Darüber hinaus flog Donald Trump mindestens sieben Mal mit Jeffrey Epsteins Privatjet, besser bekannt als »Lolita Express«.
Elon Musk, über dessen hinter Imagedesign verborgene Nähe zu Militär, Geheimdiensten, Big Pharma und Transhumanisten ich bereits im Oktober 2022 ausführlich berichtet habe, hatte ebenfalls Verbindungen zu Jeffrey Epstein, wie ein ausführliches Dossier von Johnny Vedmore belegt. Ganz zu schweigen von Musks Forderungen nach CO2-Steuern gegen den Klimawandel oder seinen offenen Plädoyers für Technokratie, einem faschistischen Herrschaftsmodell, das schon sein Großvater Joshua N. Haldemann in leitender Position vertrat. Man kann sich also ausmalen, was unter einem Effizienzprogramm unter Musks Ägide zu erwarten ist – Tech-Faschismus, getarnt als libertäre Progressivität.
Auch RFK Jr. flog zwei Mal mit dem »Lolita Express«, gibt aber an, in Begleitung von Frau und Kindern gereist zu sein – während er gleichzeitig erklärt, die beiden Flüge seien nur zustande gekommen, weil seine »Frau irgendeine Art von Beziehung mit Ghislaine Maxwell hatte«. Was für eine Beziehung das war, beschreibt RFK Jr. nicht. Dabei wären die Hintergründe dieser Beziehung durchaus relevant für die Bewertung seiner Verbindung zum Epstein-Netzwerk. Denn Maxwell, deren Elternhaus für CIA und Mossad tätig war, war seit 1991 Epsteins engste Mitarbeiterin. Sie führte ihm minderjährige Mädchen zu. Phantombilder legen nahe, dass sie auch am Verschwinden, beziehungsweise Tod, von Madeleine McCann beteiligt sein könnte. Nach dem als Suizid vermarkteten Mord an Epstein im August 2019 tauchte Maxwell ab. Aufenthaltsort unbekannt. Erst am 2. Juli 2020 konnte das FBI sie festnehmen. Im Dezember 2021 wurde Maxwell wegen Unterstützung von Epsteins Pädo-Business zu 20 Jahren Haft verurteilt.
Man darf gespannt sein, ob Epsteins unter Verschluss gehaltene Kundenliste jemals ans Licht kommt. Wenn Trump nichts zu verbergen hat, seine dahingehenden Ankündigungen wahr machen und den Sumpf trockenlegen will, könnte er damit ordentlich vorlegen. Entsprechende Forderungen stehen ja bereits im Raum.
Bei einer Pressekonferenz im Weißen Haus am 21. Juli 2020 verkündete er allerdings noch, Maxwell mehrfach getroffen zu haben und wünschte ihr »wirklich alles Gute«.
Wahrscheinlich ist eine Offenlegung der Kundenliste aber nicht. Denn auch Trumps neuer Generalstaatsanwalt, Matt Gaetz, gegen den 2020 wegen sexueller Kontakte zu einem minderjährigen Mädchen ermittelt wurde, sprach sich in der Vergangenheit explizit gegen eine neuerliche Überprüfung des Falls Epstein aus. Er behauptete außerdem, Epstein sei von ausländischen Geheimdiensten, nicht vom US-Tiefenstaat ermordet worden. Sein Wahlkampf-Team nutzte denn auch die gleiche Anwaltskanzlei wie Jeffrey Epstein. Und ein enger Vertrauter von Gaetz warb intensiv dafür, Ghislaine Maxwell aus der Haft zu entlassen. Seit 2021 ist Gaetz mit der Schwester des Peter Thiel-Protegés Palmer Lucky verheiratet, der mit seiner Firma Anduril für das High-Tech-Überwachungssystem an der mexikanischen Grenze verantwortlich zeichnet, KI-Waffenprogramme entwickelt und für das US-Verteidigungsministerium an Project Maven arbeitet. Sumpf, soweit das Auge reicht. Trockenzulegen gäbe es da also einiges.
Warten wir’s ab – und werfen unterdes einen Blick auf Donald Trumps erste Amtszeit. Denn auch diesbezüglich sagen Taten mehr als Worte.
Während Trump sich derzeit als Gegner der Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) geriert, war er als 45. US-Präsident mit »Operation Warp Speed« (OWS) für eine militarisierte Impf-Kampagne der Superlative verantwortlich, die 300 Millionen Dosen einer experimentellen mRNA-Gentherapie unters Volk bringen und den Herstellern mindestens 18 Milliarden Dollar in die Kasse spülen sollte. Anthony Fauci, den Trump heute gerne öffentlich diffamiert, kümmerte sich für ihn um den Rollout der Injektionen und die damit verbundene Nudging-Propaganda. Für seine Verdienste im Rahmen von OWS erhielt Fauci von Trump am letzten Tag seiner Präsidentschaft eine Auszeichnung, wie eine Pressemitteilung im Archiv des Weißen Hauses belegt. Während Trump sich in den letzten Wochen medienwirksam von Fauci distanzierte und abstritt, diese Auszeichnung abgesegnet zu haben, verweisen Mitarbeiter des Weißen Hauses darauf, dass eine solche Auszeichnung gemäß Protokoll nur dann verliehen wird, wenn der Präsident sie persönlich autorisiert. Fragt sich, wer lügt.
Daneben genehmigte Trump im Februar 2020 eine Zahlung von 1,16 Milliarden US-Dollar an GAVI, die Impfallianz von WHO, Weltbank, UNICEF und der Bill & Melinda Gates Stiftung. Der Betrag sollte GAVI binnen drei Jahren über die CIA-Tarnfirma USAID ausbezahlt werden. Ungeachtet aller Gegenanzeigen, Nebenwirkungen und Kollateralschäden durch Lockdowns und partielle Impfpflichten pries Donald Trump OWS stets als durchschlagenden Erfolg. Erst nach der Ankündigung, mit Kennedy kollaborieren zu wollen, hielt er sich mit dem Eigenlob zurück. Dass er sich in den Wochen vor dem Wahlsieg neu positionierte, dürfte also reine Wahlkampfstrategie gewesen sein.
Wenn Trump nun in Aussicht stellt, Impfungen verbieten und Amerika gemeinsam mit RFK Jr. gesund machen zu wollen, ist das in Anbetracht der immensen Marktmacht von Big Pharma kaum als realistisch zu bewerten. Siehe Briefing des Roosevelt Institute vom 22. Mai 2019. Titel: »Kapern der Regierung – Wie Big Pharma die Gesetzgebung übernahm«. In Trumps Team wurden in den letzten Wochen bereits Stimmen laut, die forderten, sich von RFK Jr. zu distanzieren. Während Kennedy in einem Interview vom 28. Oktober verkündete, Trump habe ihm den »Chefposten der Gesundheitsbehörde HHS versprochen«, stellte Howard Lutnik, Vize-Vorsitzender von Trumps Transition-Team, am 30. Oktober bei CNN fest, dass dies »natürlich nicht der Fall sein werde« und man Kennedy lediglich Zugriff auf Daten gewähren wolle. Am 14. November gab Donald Trump dann allerdings bekannt, RFK Jr. tatsächlich zum Chef der HHS machen zu wollen. Die Nominierung muss aber noch vom Senat bestätigt werden. Und bis Januar kann noch einiges passieren. Die Vergangenheit lässt jedenfalls darauf schließen, dass weder Big Pharma noch WHO oder GAVI künftig unter der neuen Regierung leiden werden.
Dann wären da noch die galoppierenden Staatsschulden der Vereinigten Staaten. Denn unter Trumps Ägide schöpfte die US-Zentralbank allein im Jahr 2020 über drei Billionen Dollar. »Die Vereinigten Staaten haben im Juni mehr Geld gedruckt als in den ersten zwei Jahrhunderten nach ihrer Gründung. Letzten Monat war das Haushaltsdefizit der USA – 864 Milliarden Dollar – größer als die Gesamtverschuldung von 1776 bis Ende 1979«, so Dan Morehead, CEO von Pantera Capital am 29. Juli 2020. Seit 2020 hat die Staatsverschuldung um knapp zwölf Billionen Dollar zugenommen und belief sich im September 2024 auf 35,46 Billionen Dollar. Das sollten speziell Trump-Anhänger vor Ort nicht vergessen, wenn sie nun für den Wocheneinkauf deutlich tiefer in die Tasche greifen müssen. Inflation sei Dank.
»Dafür hat Trump keine neuen Kriege angefangen!« – hört man immer wieder, wenn man auf dessen Verfehlungen hinweist. Stimmt. Weil er fünf Krisenherde von der vorherigen Regierung geerbt hat und sich dort austoben konnte. Trump hat nämlich deutlich mehr Drohnen-Einsätze befohlen als sein Vorgänger. Obama autorisierte in den ersten zwei Jahren seiner Amtszeit 186 Einsätze – bei Trump waren es 238. Allein im Jemen hat die Trump-Regierung 176 Angriffe binnen zwei Jahren durchgeführt. Bei Obama waren es 154 in acht Jahren. Und während die Regierung unter Obama zumindest teilweise Daten zu den Opferzahlen dieser Einsätze veröffentlichte, änderte Trump die entsprechenden Transparenzanforderungen und veröffentlichte gar keine Daten. Laut einem Artikel von Foreign Policy vom 9. August 2017 ist Trump »der kriegslüsternste Präsident der jüngeren Geschichte«. Weiter führte das 1970 von Samuel P. Huntington gegründete Magazin aus:
»Unter Trump haben die Vereinigten Staaten bis zum 31. Juli etwa 20.650 Bomben abgeworfen, das sind 80 Prozent der Menge, die unter Obama im gesamten Jahr 2016 abgeworfen wurden. (…) Daten zeigen, dass die Vereinigten Staaten im Irak und in Syrien Bomben in beispiellosem Ausmaß abwerfen. Im Juli warf die Koalition zur Bekämpfung des Islamischen Staats (sprich: die Vereinigten Staaten) 4.313 Bomben ab, 77 Prozent mehr als im Juli letzten Jahres. Im Juni lag die Zahl bei 4.848 – 1.600 Bomben mehr als unter Präsident Barack Obama jemals pro Monat abgeworfen wurden. In Afghanistan ist die Zahl der abgeworfenen Bomben seit Trumps Amtsantritt ebenfalls sprunghaft angestiegen. Im April wurden im Land mehr Bomben abgeworfen als auf dem Höhepunkt von Obamas Truppenaufstockung im Jahr 2012. In diesem Monat bombardierten die Vereinigten Staaten das afghanische Mamand-Tal mit der größten nichtnuklearen Bombe, die jemals abgeworfen wurde. Trump hat auch das militärische Engagement der USA in Ländern außerhalb der Kriegsschauplätze ausgeweitet – nämlich im Jemen, in Somalia und in Pakistan. In den letzten 193 Tagen von Obamas Präsidentschaft gab es in diesen drei Ländern 21 tödliche Anti-Terror-Operationen. Trump hat diese Zahl verfünffacht und mindestens 92 solcher Operationen im Jemen, sieben in Somalia und vier in Pakistan durchgeführt.«
Klingt für mich jetzt nicht so ganz nach Friedenstauben.
Wahrscheinlich war es am Ende nur die Hektik bei der Übergabe der Amtsgeschäfte im Januar 2021, oder der Stress permanenter Medienpräsenz, der Trump auch noch davon abhielt, Julian Assange oder Edward Snowden zu begnadigen. Immerhin war er »kurz davor, einen der beiden auszuwählen«, wie er in einem Interview für Daily Wire verlauten ließ. Am Ende blieb dann aber leider doch nur Zeit für die Begnadigung der anderen 116 Personen auf der Liste. Dumm gelaufen.
Wenden wir uns der Gegenwart zu. Und dem, was uns die nächsten vier Jahre erwarten könnte. Es muss ja jetzt auf jeden Fall alles viel besser laufen als in der ersten Runde. Denn in den Augen vieler seiner Unterstützer habe Trump in der Zwischenzeit viel gelernt und wurde damals nur hinters Licht geführt. Überrumpelt vom Tiefenstaat, den er eigentlich abschaffen wollte. Zudem hat er nun Elon Musk und RFK Jr. an seiner Seite, der gemäß Lutnik zwar keinen Job bekommt, aber immerhin steht irgendwo Kennedy auf der Banderole. Das ist doch auch was.
Ernsthaft. Bereits in Rahmen seiner ersten Amtszeit plante Trump, ein biometrisches System zur Ein- und Ausreisekontrolle zu etablieren. Es sollte zunächst nur für Ausländer gelten. Aber jeder weiß, dass es nicht lange dauert, bis so ein System für jeden gilt. Dazu passt, dass seit Beginn des Wahlkampfes 2024 permanent von der Voter ID gesprochen wird. Ausweise für alle – gegen Wahlbetrug. Bisher besitzen nur knapp 40 Prozent der Amerikaner einen Reisepass. Nur acht Prozent verlassen im Urlaub überhaupt das Land. Die virtuelle Wand wird das ändern, nicht nur an der Grenze zu Mexiko. Denn über kurz oder lang resultiert das Projekt in der flächendeckenden Einführung einer eID. Basis für die eID- oder Voter ID-Infrastruktur könnte zum Beispiel E-Verify sein, ein vom Department of Homeland Security betriebenes Projekt zur Verifikation von Personen, dessen Nutzung für Personalabteilungen von Bundesbehörden seit dem 1. Oktober 2007 obligatorisch ist. Die Nominierung von Tom Homan als Chef der Einwanderungs- und Zollbehörde impliziert, dass genau dieser Kurs eingeschlagen wird. Homan ist Hardliner. Er war Teil des rechtskonservativen Project 2025 und befürwortet neben flächendeckender Biometrie auch die Trennung von Eltern und Kindern an der Grenze.
Kein Zufall also, dass der Gründer der Cardano-Blockchain, Charles Hoskinson, die Regierung Trump ab 2025 in Bezug auf Kryptoanwendungen beraten soll. Immerhin hatte Hoskinson bereits mit dem von Jeffrey Epstein finanzierten Ben Goertzel ein biometrisches eID-System für Schulkinder in Äthiopien entwickelt. Und nachdem die von Peter Thiel finanzierte Silikon-Valley-Marionette JD Vance als Vizepräsident fungiert, hat auch der mächtigste Überwachungskonzern der Welt, Palantir, nun einen Fuß in der Tür des Oval Office. Mit diesem Setup dürfte der gläserne Bürger der Gegenwart bald ein Relikt der Vergangenheit sein.
Ganz zur Freude von Ex-Spion John Ratcliffe, dem neuen CIA-Direktor unter »Orange Man«. In Trumps erster Amtszeit war Ratcliffe »Director of National Intelligence«, unter George W. Bush zuständig für Anti-Terror-Operationen und nationale Sicherheit. Später leitete er zusammen mit John Ashcroft, Generalstaatsanwalt unter Bush und Architekt des Ermächtigungsgesetzes »Patriot Act«, ein Unternehmen für strategische Beratung (AGS). Im Dezember 2023 unterstützte John Ratcliffe den Bilderberger, Kriegstreiber und Tiefenstaat-Neocon Mike Pompeo bei der Erneuerung des Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA), der die fortgesetzte, anlasslose Massenüberwachung der US-Bevölkerung legalisiert. Und kaum war er nominiert, machte Ratcliffe am 13. November 2024 auf FOX-News wahrheitswidrig Stimmung gegen den Iran und unterstellte der dortigen Regierung »kriegerische Handlungen« gegenüber den USA.
Kollaborieren wird Ratcliffe künftig mit Tulsi Gabbard. Sie beerbt ihn als Trumps neuer »Director of National Intelligence«. Gabbard war Mitglied der WEF Young Global Leaders sowie des Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). Beide Organisationen tilgten ihren Namen von der eigenen Homepage, nachdem Gabbard öffentlich über US-Biowaffenlabore in der Ukraine sprach. In Interviews bestätigt sie ihre Rolle im CFR allerdings selbst. Gabbard befürwortete die Covid-Impfkampagne und schmückt sich gerne mit dem Image »Kriegsveteran« – obwohl sie die Schrecken des Krieges lediglich aus sicherer Entfernung sah. Eine Opportunistin, deren konservativ-kritisches Image nichts weiter ist als ein wackliges Kartenhaus.
**»Ich war Kadett. Was ist das Motto der Kadetten in West Point? Du wirst nicht lügen, betrügen, oder stehlen – und diejenigen nicht dulden, die das tun. Ich war der CIA-Direktor. Wir haben gelogen, wir haben betrogen, wir haben gestohlen. Wir haben ganze Trainingskurse dazu absolviert.« (Mike Pompeo, April 2019)**
Und wer denkt, Donald Trump werde wenigstens die Einführung einer digitalen Zentralbankwährung (CBDC) verhindern, irrt. Zumindest im Kern. Denn im Rahmen seiner Rede auf der Bitcoin Konferenz 2024 sprach Donald Trump von »regulatorischer Klarheit« sowie der »sicheren und verantwortungsvollen Expansion von Stablecoins«. Damit bestätigte er, dass die Einführung von digitalem Geld über privatwirtschaftliche Entitäten erfolgen wird. Denn ein Konto bei der Zentralbank will niemand. Leider werden aber die Transaktionen all der ach so marktwirtschaftlich eingeführten Digitalwährungen zentral erfasst. Im »Unified Ledger« der Bank für Internationalen Zahlungsausgleich (BIZ) in Basel. Was am Ende zum exakt gleichen Ergebnis führt wie eine vom Staat oder der Zentralbank aufgelegte CBDC – zu lückenloser Überwachung mit Interventionspotenzial.
Zurück zur künftigen Regierung. Stabschef im Weißen Haus und damit »mächtigste Frau in Washington« soll Susie Wiles werden – bisher Co-Vositzende von Mercury Public Affairs LLC, einem Lobby-Giganten, der unter anderem Pfizer, GAVI, die Vereinten Nationen oder SpaceX vertritt. Mercury Public Affairs gehört seit 2003 zur Omnicom Group, einem WEF-Partner für Öffentlichkeitsarbeit. Wiles gilt als die »am meisten gefürchtete und am wenigsten bekannte Politagentin Amerikas«.
Als Außenminister nominierte Trump den von der Zionismus-Lobby korrumpierten Marco Rubio. Einen Neocon. Sprich: Militärischer Interventionismus und unilaterale Hegemonieansprüche. Den Posten des nationalen Sicherheitsberaters offeriert Trump dem ehemaligen Green Beret Mike Waltz. Neben Marco Rubio der zweite Mann in der künftigen Regierung, der sich mit China anlegen möchte. Ergänzt wird das kriegsaffine Duo von Brian Hook, der dem Iran am liebsten sofort den Krieg erklären möchte und den Auftrag erhielt, Schlüsselpositionen im Außenministerium mit geeignetem Personal dafür zu besetzen.
Der ehemalige texanische Kongressabgeordnete Ron Paul sieht in diesen Nominierungen »einen schlechten Tag für jene, die an America First glaubten«. Sollte Trump die Unterstützung der Ukraine seitens Amerika tatsächlich beenden, dürften nämlich ersatzweise zuerst der Iran und langfristig eventuell gar China von Demokratie aus der Luft beglückt werden. Daran wird auch die neue US-Botschafterin bei den Vereinten Nationen nichts ändern. Denn Elise Stefanik hat praktisch keine relevante Berufserfahrung – und ist ebenfalls ein Neocon. Sowohl Stefanik als auch Rubio, Waltz oder Hook setzen sich für weitere Waffenlieferungen nach Israel und eine Fortsetzung des auch von israelischen Zeitungen also solchen bezeichneten Genozids in Gaza ein.
**»Die westliche Zivilisation repräsentiert heute das Verständnis, dass Zionismus und Amerikanismus die Frontlinien der westlichen Zivilisation und Freiheit in unserer Welt sind«, erklärte der Army-Veteran, United Against Nuclear Iran-Advokat und Ex-FOX-News-Mitarbeiter Pete Hegseth im April 2019.**
An dieser faschistoiden wie imperialistischen Doktrin scheinen sich auch Trump und Co. zu orientieren – denn Hegseth wird nun Verteidigungsminister. Passend dazu wird Mike Huckabee, ein bekennender Zionist, der nächste US-Botschafter in Israel. Huckabee nennt das Westjordanland Judäa und behauptet entgegen historischer Fakten, dass es Teil Israels ist. Auch die Annexion der Westbank fände er in Ordnung. Seine Nominierung kann als Kriegserklärung an die Palästinenser verstanden werden. Wohlwissend, dass Israels völkerrechtswidriges Vorgehen leicht zu einem regionalen, wenn nicht globalen Flächenbrand führen kann.
Apropos globale Themen: Dahingehend lohnt sich ein genauerer Blick auf die Hintergründe des bereits erwähnten Howard Lutnick. Diesen hat die Investigativ-Journalistin Whitney Webb am 7. November 2024 gewagt. Unter der Überschrift »Macht euch bereit für den Kohlenstoffmarkt der Republikaner« erklärt sie:
»Viele der einflussreichsten Namen der kommenden Trump-Regierung sowie der vorherigen haben sich in den letzten Jahren intensiv mit der Schaffung von Kohlenstoffmärkten befasst, während andere eine langjährige Erfolgsgeschichte bei der Implementierung von CO2-Steuern und anderen Formen der CO2-Bepreisung vorweisen können. Der wichtigste unter ihnen ist Howard Lutnick, Co-Vorsitzender von Trumps Transition-Team, der erklärte, seine Aufgabe sei es, Talente für die kommende Regierung zu finden. Lutnick ist der langjährige Leiter von Cantor Fitzgerald, einem der ersten Akteure im Emissionshandel, der sich seitdem zu einem weltweit führenden Unternehmen für ESG-Investitionen, die Finanzierung nachhaltiger Infrastruktur und grüne Anleihen entwickelt hat. So hat sich Cantors nachhaltiger Infrastrukturfonds ausdrücklich der digitalen Transformation, Dekarbonisierung und Verbesserung und Modernisierung alternder Infrastruktur verschrieben, während ein Hauptaugenmerk des Fonds darauf liegen wird, in Emittenten zu investieren, die mit ihren Produkten und Dienstleistungen dazu beitragen, bestimmte Ziele der Vereinten Nationen für nachhaltige Entwicklung zu erreichen. Darüber hinaus ist Invenergy, ein Unternehmen für erneuerbare Energien, das im Rahmen von Bidens umstrittenem Inflationsbekämpfungsgesetz eine beträchtliche Menge an Subventionen erhalten hat und vom ersten Windmilliardär des Landes, Michael Polsky, geleitet wird, der wichtigste Bestandteil eines weiteren Infrastrukturfonds von Cantor. Lutnick sitzt auch im Vorstand eines Satellitenüberwachungsunternehmens namens Satellogic. Neben Lutnick ist der ehemalige Finanzminister von Trump, Steve Mnuchin, Vorsitzender des Vorstands. Auch Joe Dunford, ehemaliger Stabschef des US-Militärs unter Trump, sitzt im Vorstand. Satellogic ist integraler Bestandteil eines Konsortiums, das versucht, durch undurchsichtige vertragliche Vereinbarungen auf kommunaler Ebene einen riesigen, Blockchain-basierten Kohlenstoffmarkt in Lateinamerika durchzusetzen. Dieser Kohlenstoffmarkt, der unter dem Namen GREEN+ operiert, soll auf einer Bitcoin-Sidechain aufgebaut werden. Das entsprechende Emissionsgutschriftsystem ist für lateinamerikanische Gemeinden zutiefst ungerecht. So könnten die betroffenen Gemeinden beispielsweise nur Geld verdienen, wenn Einnahmen unter den für GREEN+ anerkannten, nachhaltigen Projekten generiert werden, während die Investoren von GREEN+ den Großteil der Gewinne einstreichen. Das Programm würde Gemeinden außerdem ohne ihre Zustimmung dem Satellitenüberwachungsapparat von Satellogic (der mit der US-Regierung und dem israelischen Geheimdienst verbunden ist) aussetzen. Darüber hinaus ist GREEN+ in bemerkenswerter Weise mit Personen verbunden, die Trumps Verbündeten in der Region nahestehen. So ist eine wichtige Persönlichkeit in Nayib Bukeles politischer Partei – der Bürgermeister von San Salvador, Mario Durán – Vizepräsident einer der wichtigsten Gruppen, die das GREEN+-Programm orchestrieren, während das Netzwerk Endeavor Argentina, das sehr enge Verbindungen zu Javier Milei pflegt, ebenfalls eng mit Satellogic verbunden ist. Satellogic ist ein von Endeavor unterstütztes Unternehmen, während Endeavors erster Milliardär und Unternehmer, Marcos Galperín von MercadoLibre, im Vorstand von Satellogic sitzt. Darüber hinaus ist ein anderer wichtiger Investor von Satellogic, der Dollar-Stablecoin-Emittent Tether, auch eng mit Howard Lutnick verbunden. Lutnick ist langjähriger Fürsprecher von Tether. Und Cantor Fitzgerald hält den Großteil der US-Staatsanleihen von Tether, um deren Stablecoin und seine Bindung an den US-Dollar zu stützen.«
Das sollte Wähler, die dem Klimawandel-Narrativ und Digitalwährungen skeptisch gegenüberstehen, hellhörig werden lassen – denn auch wenn Donald Trump im Rahmen seiner öffentlichen Auftritte gegen die Nachhaltigkeitsagenda wettert und der leitmediale Komplex seine entsprechenden Phrasen für Konterpropaganda nutzt, sprechen die Taten wieder einmal eine ganz andere Sprache. In Anbetracht vorgängig beschriebener Umstände sieht es nämlich nicht so aus, als widersetze sich der 47. US-Präsident dem Nachhaltigkeitskorporatismus der UN. Im Gegenteil.
»Der König ist tot, es lebe der König«. Die neue US-Regierung wird die gleiche Agenda fahren wie die alte – nur die Vermarktung ändert sich. Das kündigte Lynn Forester de Rothschild (CIC) schon vor über einem Jahr bei Bloomberg an. Genau wie Larry Fink (BlackRock).
Die Einführung biometrischer Massenüberwachung wird nun mit der Migrationskrise und drohendem Wahlbetrug, mit der Stärkung der Demokratie gerechtfertigt, anstatt mit einem Virus. Den Krieg in der Ukraine wird man nicht weiter unterstützen. Diesen Brandherd sollen die Europäer am Kokeln halten, damit man endlich den Iran und China ins Fadenkreuz nehmen kann. So ein dritter Weltkrieg wäre nämlich ein profitables Geschäft. Das Klimawandel-Narrativ wird man öffentlich negieren und verhöhnen, während die Agenda 2030 trotzdem umsetzt wird. Gleiches gilt für Totalüberwachung, Genderwahn, globale Gleichschaltung von Lerninhalten und die schleichende Digitalisierung des Weltfinanzsystems. Denn auch diese Programme werden von überstaatlichen Akteuren vorangetrieben und entziehen sich dem Einfluss nationaler Regierungen. So funktioniert Korporatismus.
Ernüchternd ist vor allem, dass sich die Bevölkerung, die in den letzten vier Jahren tatsächlich ein gewisses Maß an rebellischem Potenzial entwickelte, wieder einmal täuschen lässt. Trump-Hype wohin man schaut. Selbst die Corona-Dissidenten, selbst jene, die dem Staat aufgrund von Covid-Lügen, Green-Economy-Deindustrialisierung und militantem Neoimperialismus zusehends kritisch gegenüberstanden, haben sich in weiten Teilen von den leeren Versprechungen der MAGA-Promotion und ihren Sekundanten blenden lassen.
Sie werden genauso desillusioniert zurückbleiben wie einst die auf »Hope« geeichten Obama-Fans – und sich in ein paar Jahren vermutlich trotzdem wieder an die Wahlurne schleppen, weil sie auf den nächsten Erlöser hoffen, anstatt selbst die Welt zu verändern.
**Zur Wahl stehen aber jeweils nur verschiedene Geschmacksrichtungen der gleichen, bitteren Pille Marke Unterdrückung. Keine Unterdrückung – das ist natürlich keine Option. Das steht nicht auf dem Wahlzettel.**
Linke gegen Rechte, Demokraten gegen Republikaner, Christentum gegen Islam – Bevölkerungsgruppen, die man gegeneinander aufwiegeln kann, finden sich dagegen immer. Präsentiert man ihnen einen verheißungsvollen Erlöser, werden sie ihn unterstützen, um die andere Gruppe loszuwerden. Das ist Herrschaftsdialektik. Man bringt die Menschen dazu, um Dinge zu betteln, die ohnehin eingeführt werden sollen. Und der einzige Gewinner in diesem immer riskanter werdenden Spiel ist die Prädatorenkaste.
»Die mächtigste Waffe in den Händen der Unterdrücker ist der Geist der Unterdrückten.« (Stephen Bantu Biko)
Wer Donald Trump unterstützt, ist nicht für Frieden und Freiheit, sondern nur gegen das, was die andere Seite will. Denn Donald Trumps Interesse gilt nicht Frieden und Freiheit, sondern Donald Trump. So war es sein ganzes Leben lang.
@ 7e6f9018:a6bbbce5
2024-11-29 20:52:13
The whole island of Mallorca is filled with tourist spots, but it can be divided into four main types of areas:
1. **Major hotel areas**. These are coastal villages predominantly filled with hotels, which create a vibrant atmosphere during the summer, with plenty of restaurants, bars, and other summer-oriented businesses.
2. **Minor hotel areas**. These are coastal villages, mainly populated by hotels as well, but they are smaller and, therefore, quieter and more relaxing. While there are some restaurants, bars, and other summer-oriented businesses, the offerings are not comparable to those in the major hotel areas.
3. **Vacation rental areas**. These are coastal villages with virtually no hotels; the accommodations primarily consist of vacation rentals. There are only a few restaurants and bars in the village, with limited options beyond that. However, they offer the quietest and most relaxing experience.
4. **Inland areas**. These consist of the Tramuntana mountain region and the rural countryside, typically featuring a balanced mix of small hotels and vacation rentals. The availability of restaurants, bars, and other summer-oriented businesses is decent but not huge, so having a car or a transportation plan may be necessary.
**Important note**: Almost all of these areas are "dead" from November to April, as 80% of businesses are closed and only operate from May to October. If you are visiting from November to April, consider how this can affect your travel plans, and maybe opt for cities that are still populated by residents, such as Palma, Sóller, Pollença, and Alcúdia.
In the following map you can see the **Major hotel areas** (in black numbers) and the **Minor hotel areas** (in purple letters).
![image](https://preview.redd.it/popular-areas-where-to-stay-v0-r6oddrxhih2e1.png?width=3020&format=png&auto=webp&s=cd1271bdd13b8d199531dcdc5dd88e204f3d7768 "Map of Hotels, each black dot is a hotel.")
*Map of Hotels, each black dot is a hotel.*
The major hotel areas are as follows:
| | Major hotel areas | | Major hotel areas |
| 1 | S'Arenal | 14 | Port de Sóller |
| 2 | Can Pastilla | 15 | Sóller |
| 3 | Ciutat de Palma | 16 | Port de Pollença |
| 4 | Port de Palma | 17 | Port d'Alcúdia |
| 5 | Cala Major | 18 | Platja de Muro |
| 6 | Illetes | 19 | Can Picafort |
| 7 | Portals Nous | 20 | Cala Ratjada |
| 8 | Palmanova | 21 | Cala Millor |
| 9 | Magaluf | 22 | Sa Coma |
| 10 | Santa Ponça | 23 | Cales de Mallorca |
| 11 | Peguera | 24 | Portocolom |
| 12 | Camp de Mar | 25 | Cala d'Or |
| 13 | Port d'Andratx | 26 | Colònia de Sant Jordi |
The minor hotel areas are as follows:
| | Minor hotel areas | | Minor hotel areas |
| a | Cala Gamba / Es Coll d'en Rabassa | h | Canyamel |
| b | El Molinar / Es Portitxol | i | Portocristo |
| c | Cala Vinyes | j | Cala Mendia and Cala Magrana |
| d | Cala Fornells | k | Cala Romàntica |
| e | Sant Elm | l | Portopetro |
| f | Cala Sant Vicenç | m | Cala Mondragó / Barca trencada |
| g | Cala Mesquida | n | Cala Figuera |
If you still want to be in a coastal area but prefer to escape the livelier areas and seek a quiet, low-density spot (with both its advantages and disadvantages), the following map highlights the main **vacation rental** areas.
![img](https://preview.redd.it/popular-areas-where-to-stay-v0-dhl2r5wcz23e1.png?width=2958&format=png&auto=webp&s=40ec96ee732d94374f6bb8d4f955c2cef23f18a0 "Map of vacation rental, each red dot is a rental house.")
*Map of vacation rental, each red dot is a rental house.*
The main vacation rental areas are as follows:
| | Main vacation rentals | | Main vacation rentals |
| 1 | Badia Gran | 6 | Betlem |
| 2 | Cala Pi and Vallgornera | 7 | Colònia de Sant Pere |
| 3 | Sa Ràpita | 8 | Son Serra de Marina |
| 4 | Cala Llombards and Cala Santanyí | 9 | Bonaire and Es Mal Pas |
| 5 | Costa dels pins | 10 | Pollença outskirts |
If you don't mind staying in coastal areas, you could opt for **inland areas**. There are accommodations throughout the entire island, allowing you to choose a location that suits your preferences (goal and budget).
![img](https://preview.redd.it/popular-areas-where-to-stay-v0-okk2bl05qh2e1.png?width=2950&format=png&auto=webp&s=dd4c5e17dcb8dfa0e39a2ef22ec107872ab4249e "Map of inland areas. Each black dot is a hotel, each red dot is a vacation rental.")
*Map of inland areas. Each black dot is a hotel, each red dot is a vacation rental.*
The most popular villages, and its outskirts, are as follows:
| | Inland areas | | Inland areas |
| 1 | Artà | 6 | Alaró |
| 2 | Sineu | 7 | Fornalutx |
| 3 | Llubí | 8 | Deià |
| 4 | Sa Pobla | 9 | Valldemossa |
| 5 | Selva | 10 | Puigpunyent |
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-11-29 20:16:27
Is anyone watching the Black Friday games?
I'll be watching the Raiders games, but then I'll be eager to catch up on basketball.
The Knicks squeaked out the early game and the Cavs are already trailing the Hawks.
@realBitcoinDog is risking a strike if he doesn't get a pick in.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/788007
@ a95c6243:d345522c
2024-11-29 19:45:43
*Konsum ist Therapie.
Wolfgang Joop*
**Umweltbewusstes Verhalten und verantwortungsvoller Konsum** zeugen durchaus von einer wünschenswerten Einstellung. Ob man deswegen allerdings einen grünen statt eines schwarzen Freitags braucht, darf getrost bezweifelt werden – zumal es sich um manipulatorische Konzepte handelt. Wie in der politischen Landschaft sind auch hier die Etiketten irgendwas zwischen nichtssagend und trügerisch.
**Heute ist also wieder mal «Black Friday»,** falls Sie es noch nicht mitbekommen haben sollten. Eigentlich haben wir ja eher schon eine ganze «Black Week», der dann oft auch noch ein «Cyber Monday» folgt. Die Werbebranche wird nicht müde, immer neue Anlässe zu erfinden oder zu importieren, um uns zum Konsumieren zu bewegen. Und sie ist damit sehr erfolgreich.
**Warum fallen wir auf derartige Werbetricks herein** und kaufen im Zweifelsfall Dinge oder Mengen, die wir sicher nicht brauchen? Pure Psychologie, würde ich sagen. Rabattschilder triggern etwas in uns, was den Verstand in Stand-by versetzt. Zusätzlich beeinflussen uns alle möglichen emotionalen Reize und animieren uns zum Schnäppchenkauf.
**Gedankenlosigkeit und Maßlosigkeit können besonders bei der [Ernährung](https://transition-news.org/studie-208-millionen-us-amerikaner-sind-als-fettleibig-oder-ubergewichtig) zu ernsten Problemen führen.** Erst kürzlich hat mir ein Bekannter nach einer USA-Reise erzählt, dass es dort offenbar nicht unüblich ist, schon zum ausgiebigen Frühstück in einem Restaurant wenigstens einen Liter Cola zu trinken. Gerne auch mehr, um das Gratis-Nachfüllen des Bechers auszunutzen.
**Kritik am schwarzen Freitag und dem unnötigen Konsum** kommt oft von Umweltschützern. Neben Ressourcenverschwendung, hohem Energieverbrauch und wachsenden Müllbergen durch eine zunehmende Wegwerfmentalität kommt dabei in der Regel auch die «Klimakrise» auf den Tisch.
**Die EU-Kommission lancierte 2015 den Begriff «Green Friday»** im Kontext der überarbeiteten Rechtsvorschriften zur Kennzeichnung der Energieeffizienz von Elektrogeräten. Sie nutzte die Gelegenheit kurz vor dem damaligen schwarzen Freitag und vor der UN-Klimakonferenz COP21, bei der das [Pariser Abkommen](https://transition-news.org/cop29-wird-vom-geist-des-noch-kunftigen-us-prasidenten-heimgesucht) unterzeichnet werden sollte.
**Heute wird ein grüner Freitag oft im Zusammenhang mit der Forderung nach «nachhaltigem Konsum» benutzt.** Derweil ist die Europäische Union schon weit in ihr Geschäftsmodell des [«Green New Deal»](https://transition-news.org/green-new-deal) verstrickt. In ihrer Propaganda zum Klimawandel verspricht sie tatsächlich «Unterstützung der Menschen und Regionen, die von immer häufigeren Extremwetter-Ereignissen betroffen sind». Was wohl die Menschen in der Region um [Valencia](https://transition-news.org/flutkatastrophe-in-valencia-die-ungereimtheiten-haufen-sich) dazu sagen?
**Ganz im Sinne des Great Reset propagierten die Vereinten Nationen seit Ende 2020** eine «[grüne Erholung von Covid-19](https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/12/1079602), um den Klimawandel zu verlangsamen». Der UN-Umweltbericht sah in dem Jahr einen Schwerpunkt auf dem Verbraucherverhalten. Änderungen des Konsumverhaltens des Einzelnen könnten dazu beitragen, den Klimaschutz zu stärken, hieß es dort.
**Der Begriff «Schwarzer Freitag» wurde in den USA nicht erstmals für Einkäufe nach Thanksgiving verwendet** – wie oft angenommen –, sondern für eine Finanzkrise. Jedoch nicht für den Börsencrash von 1929, sondern bereits für den Zusammenbruch des US-Goldmarktes im September 1869. Seitdem mussten die Menschen weltweit so einige schwarze Tage erleben.
**Kürzlich sind die britischen Aufsichtsbehörden weiter von ihrer Zurückhaltung** nach dem letzten großen Finanzcrash von 2008 abgerückt. Sie haben Regeln für den Bankensektor gelockert, womit sie [«verantwortungsvolle Risikobereitschaft»](https://transition-news.org/zuruck-zu-2008-grossbritannien-schlagt-lockere-regeln-fur-banker-boni-vor) unterstützen wollen. Man würde sicher zu schwarz sehen, wenn man hier ein grünes Wunder befürchten würde.
Dieser Beitrag ist zuerst auf *[Transition News](https://transition-news.org/auch-beim-freitag-ist-es-egal-ob-schwarz-oder-grun)* erschienen.
@ 5fb7f8f7:d7d76024
2024-11-29 19:29:30
The advent of Web3 has redefined the internet, moving from centralized platforms to a decentralized ecosystem. This transformation not only affects how content is consumed but also how it is created, owned, and monetized. Here, we explore the opportunities and challenges of content creation in the Web3 landscape.
**Decentralization and Ownership**
In traditional Web2 environments, content creators often rely on centralized platforms like YouTube, Instagram, or Medium, where their content is subject to platform policies and algorithms. In contrast, Web3 leverages blockchain technology to give creators full ownership of their content. With decentralized platforms like Lens Protocol, creators retain control over their intellectual property and can interact directly with their audience without intermediaries.
**Monetization through Tokens and NFTs**
Web3 introduces innovative monetization methods. Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) allow creators to tokenize their work, offering unique digital assets that can be bought, sold, or traded. For example, artists can sell limited-edition digital artworks or musicians can release exclusive tracks as NFTs. Additionally, utility tokens can be used to reward audiences or grant them special access, creating a symbiotic relationship between creators and their communities.
**Community Building with DAOs**
Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) empower creators to build communities with shared ownership and governance. A content creator can establish a DAO to involve their audience in decision-making processes, such as choosing future projects or allocating funds. This collaborative approach strengthens audience loyalty and aligns incentives between creators and fans.
**Transparency and Trust**
Blockchain technology ensures transparency in content creation and monetization. Smart contracts automate royalty distributions, ensuring creators receive fair compensation. Moreover, blockchain's immutable ledger provides a verifiable history of content creation, preventing plagiarism and unauthorized use.
**The Future of Content Creation in Web3**
As Web3 evolves, we can expect further innovation in tools and platforms that empower creators. Improved scalability solutions like Layer 2 networks and user-friendly interfaces will lower entry barriers. Additionally, the integration of AI and Web3 technologies can open new possibilities for personalized and interactive content.
Content creation in Web3 represents a shift towards a more equitable and transparent digital economy. By embracing decentralization, creators can forge stronger connections with their audiences, retain control over their work, and explore novel monetization opportunities. As the ecosystem matures, Web3 has the potential to revolutionize how content is created, shared, and valued.
Same way yakiHonne is shaping the future of decentralized Media.
@ c311a1eb:53fc6542
2024-11-29 19:08:45
* Don't change yourself just to make someone happy unless that someone is “you”.
* There are no missed opportunities; everything you missed wasn't yours.
* Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.
* Learn to see people for what they are, not what you want them to be.
* The longer you live in the past, the less future you have to enjoy.
* Better to admit you walked through the wrong door than spend your life in the wrong room.
* Just because you miss someone doesn't mean you need them back in your life.Missing is a part of getting over.
* Don't worry about those who talk behind your back—they're behind you for a reason.
* The bigger the ambition, the slower you need to go.
* Never brag about your progress or tell people your plans, as your friends today may become your worst enemies tomorrow.
* Make sure the choices you make are worth the losses you'll take.
* Never sacrifice your progress for a friend; they might not do the same if the tables were turned.
* Sometimes you just need to be a bit selfish—put yourself first and think about what is best for you.
* It's okay if you don't know how to move on; start with something easier, like not going back.
* If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.
* Close the window that hurts you, no matter how beautiful the view is.
* Sometimes you have to let go of people who keep reminding you of who you used to be.
* Forgive yourself for accepting less than you deserved, but don't do it again.
* If you're not willing to walk alone, you'll never lead your own path.
* Accept the things you cannot change, and change the things you cannot accept.
@ 81cda509:ae345bd2
2024-11-29 19:03:59
* Don't change yourself just to make someone happy unless that someone is “you”.
* There are no missed opportunities; everything you missed wasn't yours.
* Trust yourself. You know more than you think you do.
* Learn to see people for what they are, not what you want them to be.
* The longer you live in the past, the less future you have to enjoy.
* Better to admit you walked through the wrong door than spend your life in the wrong room.
* Just because you miss someone doesn't mean you need them back in your life.
* Missing is a part of getting over.
* Don't worry about those who talk behind your back—they're behind you for a reason.
* The bigger the ambition, the slower you need to go.
* Never brag about your progress or tell people your plans, as your friends today may become your worst enemies tomorrow.
* Make sure the choices you make are worth the losses you'll take.
* Never sacrifice your progress for a friend; they might not do the same if the tables were turned.
* Sometimes you just need to be a bit selfish—put yourself first and think about what is best for you.
* It's okay if you don't know how to move on; start with something easier, like not going back.
* If you don't sacrifice for what you want, what you want becomes the sacrifice.
* Close the window that hurts you, no matter how beautiful the view is.
* Sometimes you have to let go of people who keep reminding you of who you used to be.
* Forgive yourself for accepting less than you deserved, but don't do it again.
* If you're not willing to walk alone, you'll never lead your own path.
* Accept the things you cannot change, and change the things you cannot accept.
@ b6424601:a11e4ff4
2024-11-29 18:39:34
At Jones Pierce, we firmly believe that sound money and sound design are intertwined.
**Therefore, we are excited to announce that we now accept Bitcoin as the preferred
payment for our residential architectural design services!** For over 25 years, we have
designed and executed architectural asset projects that hold long-term value and provide a
return on investment beyond a monetary investment. Our Bitcoin strategy of accepting
Bitcoin payments and saving Bitcoin in our corporate treasury is a natural extension of our
approach to asset architecture.
**What is Asset Architecture?**
Asset Architecture is a design approach that creates buildings that hold long-term value and provide a return on investment beyond a monetary investment. It's a framework that considers each client's specific needs and goals. We consider key qualities, including ease of maintenance, energy efficiency, flexibility, durability, and income-generating buildings, to apply a unique design prescription for each client and site.
**How Does Bitcoin Fit into Asset Architecture?**
By taking our first individual steps to move the design and construction industry onto a Bitcoin standard, we hope to remove much of its monetary premium and fiat incentives that lead to high-time preference projects not built with quality design nor built to last. We also implemented a Bitcoin treasury strategy to save Bitcoin on our balance sheet and take steps toward a Bitcoin Standard.
"We're excited to offer Bitcoin as a payment option for our clients," said Bryan, Founder of Jones Pierce. ***"For the first time in my business life, there is a simple pattern to follow. Do the work we believe in and our clients value. Design our business systems to make a profit. Retain profits in a BTC treasury account."***
We want to promote better architecture by accepting Bitcoin as a medium of exchange. We
acknowledge the help from Jon Gordon at [Satoshi Health Advisors](https://www.satoshihealth.com/). We align with the view
that Bitcoin is digital real estate, as [Leon Wankum](https://leonwankum.com/publications/) has written extensively. The Bitcoin
[Urbanism Movement](https://bitcointv.com/w/8ae54c0f-cc57-4607-beaa-436c2c1a86ff) inspires us.
**Benefits of Paying with Bitcoin**
As a special offer, new clients who pay with Bitcoin will receive a 10% reduction on their initial project fees. By paying with Bitcoin, clients will also appreciate not having to divulge ACH information or pay credit card transaction fees. We also hope clients will continue utilizing our [Zaprite](https://zaprite.com/) invoicing option for the remainder of their projects with us, enabling Bitcoin on-chain and Lightning Network transactions.
**Learn More**
To learn more about our service process and how we can help you create a long-term value architectural asset, we invite you to [contact us](https://www.jonespierce.com/contact) to share your goals so we can schedule a consultation. Visit our website, www.jonespierce.com, to get started.
Bryan Jones, Principal
**About Jones Pierce:**
Based in Atlanta, we work closely with our clients throughout and beyond the project to accomplish your goals, a process guided by our [ten principles](https://www.jonespierce.com/about). Following the tenets ensures decisions are made as milestones throughout the process, allowing you to create and improve your asset architecture. We do our best work when designing for YOU, the individual who will own, operate, or live in your custom architecture. @bryan@jonespierce
@ 60e759a2:b77e525b
2024-11-29 18:19:00
Life is a journey of race
There is no farthermost place
it keeps moving pace by pace
It is like knoting a handful of shoelace
Life is not all cakes and rainbows
There are thorns and adversities
it depends on how you move to grow
which gives an output of diverse anniversaries
There are times of meekness
There are times of weakness
these gives us an edge to grow
these teaches us to know
Those weak moments are our strength
Those strengthened mindset are our weakness
it all comes to one solemn output
which brings about determination to live
---- Freddie
@ 3f85a3a0:edc61282
2024-11-29 17:49:34
@ e1d968f7:5d90f764
2024-11-29 17:28:53
In the world of escorting, conversation is often the unsung hero of a successful encounter. While physical attraction is what draws clients in, it’s the ability to connect through words that truly leaves a lasting impression. Today, I’m sharing how I approach the art of conversation, turning it into a key part of the experience I offer.
### **Breaking the Ice**
The first few moments with a client are crucial. It’s about setting the tone and putting them at ease. A warm smile, a lighthearted comment, or a thoughtful question can make even the most nervous clients feel more comfortable.
Some of my go-to icebreakers include:
- Asking about their day or week.
- Complimenting something they’re wearing (if it feels genuine).
- Sharing a funny or light anecdote to help ease any tension.
The goal is to make the atmosphere relaxed and inviting, paving the way for natural conversation.
### **Listening Is Key**
Great conversation isn’t just about talking—it’s about listening. I’ve found that truly engaging with what a client shares is one of the most impactful ways to build rapport. Whether they’re discussing their work, hobbies, or personal life, showing genuine interest creates a connection that feels authentic.
Active listening involves:
- Asking follow-up questions.
- Remembering details for future conversations.
- Offering empathy and understanding where appropriate.
### **Knowing What to Say (and What Not to Say)**
While being open and personable is important, there’s also an art to knowing what topics to avoid. Escorting often involves navigating delicate boundaries, and being mindful of sensitive subjects is essential.
I steer clear of divisive topics like politics or religion unless a client brings them up and seems eager to discuss. Even then, I tread carefully, keeping the conversation respectful and light.
Instead, I focus on topics that build connection, such as:
- Shared interests like travel, food, or films.
- Personal passions and hobbies (theirs and mine).
- Fun, playful banter to keep things engaging.
### **Reading the Room**
Every client is different, and not everyone wants the same kind of interaction. Some prefer deep, meaningful conversations, while others are happy with lighthearted chatter.
By paying attention to body language and verbal cues, I tailor my approach to suit the moment. If a client seems quieter or introspective, I’ll keep things low-key. If they’re animated and eager to talk, I’ll match their energy.
### **The Power of Compliments**
A well-placed compliment can go a long way in making someone feel special. Whether it’s acknowledging their outfit, smile, or sense of humour, compliments show that I’m paying attention and appreciating them as individuals.
The key is to be genuine—clients can tell when flattery feels forced.
### **Silence Is Golden (Sometimes)**
Not every moment needs to be filled with words. Sometimes, a comfortable silence can speak volumes. Sharing a quiet moment together, whether it’s enjoying a drink or simply sitting close, can create intimacy without the need for constant conversation.
### **Why It Matters**
At its core, escorting is about connection. A meaningful conversation can make a client feel seen, heard, and valued—feelings that are often just as important as physical attraction. It’s what turns an encounter into an experience they’ll remember and want to revisit.
### **The Takeaway**
The art of conversation is more than just small talk—it’s about building trust, fostering connection, and creating a memorable experience. By listening, engaging, and adapting, I ensure that every client feels comfortable, valued, and understood.
Tomorrow, I’ll share how I use social media and digital tools to connect with clients and build my brand. Until then, remember: a great conversation can be just as seductive as anything else.
Rebecca x
@ 6d8e2a24:5faaca4c
2024-11-29 16:34:32
Memecoins, also known as meme cryptocurrencies or meme crypto, are digital currencies inspired by popular internet memes. Several meme tokens with large market caps boast active communities, such as Dogecoin (DOGE), Shiba Inu (SHIB), which are based on the Doge meme, and PEPE, which was inspired by Pepe the Frog.
So, what is a memecoin? Memecoins are a type of cryptocurrency featuring an internet meme character for its logo. Memecoins may serve a variety of purposes — or none at all — as they are not always the same, but they can still be bought and sold like other digital assets on most centralized and decentralized exchanges.
If you are looking to buy memecoins, do so at your own risk, as they are widely seen as speculative and volatile assets, and trading them is seen as risky.
@ eee391ee:8d0b97c2
2024-11-29 16:25:24
## Amber 3.0.0 - Beta 7
- New design (still a work in progress)
- Removed the push notification server
- Open the permissions page with the correct account
- Fix crash when signing in with ncryptsec
- Fix icon size on notifications
- Fix relay connection when changing the default relays
- Option to setup a custom pin for the app
- Button to copy your public key
- Fix layout on Android < 15
- Fix multi event screen
- Fetch profile data
- Show relay message when event is rejected
- Fix profile icon size
- Don’t close app when using nostrconnect arcade
- Better check for valid relays
- Fix padding and scrolling
- Support for secret when using nostrconnect
- Fix empty relay notice
- Fix get_public_key not replying with hex key
- Fix relay not connecting after adding a new bunker
- Fix logout not working sometimes
Download it with [zap.store]( https://zap.store/download), [Obtainium]( https://github.com/ImranR98/Obtainium), [f-droid]( https://f-droid.org/packages/com.greenart7c3.nostrsigner) or download it directly in the [releases page]( https://github.com/greenart7c3/Amber/releases/tag/v3.0.0-pre7)
If you like my work consider making a [donation]( https://greenart7c3.com)
## Verifying the release
In order to verify the release, you'll need to have `gpg` or `gpg2` installed on your system. Once you've obtained a copy (and hopefully verified that as well), you'll first need to import the keys that have signed this release if you haven't done so already:
``` bash
gpg --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys 44F0AAEB77F373747E3D5444885822EED3A26A6D
Once you have his PGP key you can verify the release (assuming `manifest-v3.0.0-pre7.txt` and `manifest-v3.0.0-pre7.txt.sig` are in the current directory) with:
``` bash
gpg --verify manifest-v3.0.0-pre7.txt.sig manifest-v3.0.0-pre7.txt
You should see the following if the verification was successful:
``` bash
gpg: Signature made Fri 13 Sep 2024 08:06:52 AM -03
gpg: using RSA key 44F0AAEB77F373747E3D5444885822EED3A26A6D
gpg: Good signature from "greenart7c3 <greenart7c3@proton.me>"
That will verify the signature on the main manifest page which ensures integrity and authenticity of the binaries you've downloaded locally. Next, depending on your operating system you should then re-calculate the sha256 sum of the binary, and compare that with the following hashes:
``` bash
cat manifest-v3.0.0-pre7.txt
One can use the `shasum -a 256 <file name here>` tool in order to re-compute the `sha256` hash of the target binary for your operating system. The produced hash should be compared with the hashes listed above and they should match exactly.
@ b83e6f82:73c27758
2024-11-29 16:10:05
## Citrine 0.5.6
- Add a option to fetch your events from relays
- Add a delete all button
- Feed by kind
Download it with [zap.store]( https://zap.store/download), [Obtainium]( https://github.com/ImranR98/Obtainium), [f-droid]( https://f-droid.org/packages/com.greenart7c3.citrine) or download it directly in the [releases page
]( https://github.com/greenart7c3/Citrine/releases/tag/v0.5.6)
If you like my work consider making a [donation]( https://greenart7c3.com)
## Verifying the release
In order to verify the release, you'll need to have `gpg` or `gpg2` installed on your system. Once you've obtained a copy (and hopefully verified that as well), you'll first need to import the keys that have signed this release if you haven't done so already:
``` bash
gpg --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys 44F0AAEB77F373747E3D5444885822EED3A26A6D
Once you have his PGP key you can verify the release (assuming `manifest-v0.5.6.txt` and `manifest-v0.5.6.txt.sig` are in the current directory) with:
``` bash
gpg --verify manifest-v0.5.6.txt.sig manifest-v0.5.6.txt
You should see the following if the verification was successful:
``` bash
gpg: Signature made Fri 13 Sep 2024 08:06:52 AM -03
gpg: using RSA key 44F0AAEB77F373747E3D5444885822EED3A26A6D
gpg: Good signature from "greenart7c3 <greenart7c3@proton.me>"
That will verify the signature on the main manifest page which ensures integrity and authenticity of the binaries you've downloaded locally. Next, depending on your operating system you should then re-calculate the sha256 sum of the binary, and compare that with the following hashes:
``` bash
cat manifest-v0.5.6.txt
One can use the `shasum -a 256 <file name here>` tool in order to re-compute the `sha256` hash of the target binary for your operating system. The produced hash should be compared with the hashes listed above and they should match exactly.
@ a849beb6:b327e6d2
2024-11-23 15:03:47
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/e306357a7e53c4e40458cf6fa5625917dc8deaa4d1012823caa5a0eefb39e53c.jpg">
It was another historic week for both bitcoin and the Ten31 portfolio, as the world’s oldest, largest, most battle-tested cryptocurrency climbed to new all-time highs each day to close out the week just shy of the $100,000 mark. Along the way, bitcoin continued to accumulate institutional and regulatory wins, including the much-anticipated approval and launch of spot bitcoin ETF options and the appointment of several additional pro-bitcoin Presidential cabinet officials. The timing for this momentum was poetic, as this week marked the second anniversary of the pico-bottom of the 2022 bear market, a level that bitcoin has now hurdled to the tune of more than 6x despite the litany of bitcoin obituaries published at the time. The entirety of 2024 and especially the past month have further cemented our view that bitcoin is rapidly gaining a sense of legitimacy among institutions, fiduciaries, and governments, and we remain optimistic that this trend is set to accelerate even more into 2025.
Several Ten31 portfolio companies made exciting announcements this week that should serve to further entrench bitcoin’s institutional adoption. AnchorWatch, a first of its kind bitcoin insurance provider offering 1:1 coverage with its innovative use of bitcoin’s native properties, announced it has been designated a Lloyd’s of London Coverholder, giving the company unique, blue-chip status as it begins to write bitcoin insurance policies of up to $100 million per policy starting next month. Meanwhile, Battery Finance Founder and CEO Andrew Hohns appeared on CNBC to delve into the launch of Battery’s pioneering private credit strategy which fuses bitcoin and conventional tangible assets in a dual-collateralized structure that offers a compelling risk/return profile to both lenders and borrowers. Both companies are clearing a path for substantially greater bitcoin adoption in massive, untapped pools of capital, and Ten31 is proud to have served as lead investor for AnchorWatch’s Seed round and as exclusive capital partner for Battery.
As the world’s largest investor focused entirely on bitcoin, Ten31 has deployed nearly $150 million across two funds into more than 30 of the most promising and innovative companies in the ecosystem like AnchorWatch and Battery, and we expect 2025 to be the best year yet for both bitcoin and our portfolio. Ten31 will hold a first close for its third fund at the end of this year, and investors in that close will benefit from attractive incentives and a strong initial portfolio. Visit ten31.vc/funds to learn more and get in touch to discuss participating.\
**Portfolio Company Spotlight**
[Primal](http://primal.net/) is a first of its kind application for the Nostr protocol that combines a client, caching service, analytics tools, and more to address several unmet needs in the nascent Nostr ecosystem. Through the combination of its sleek client application and its caching service (built on a completely open source stack), Primal seeks to offer an end-user experience as smooth and easy as that of legacy social media platforms like Twitter and eventually many other applications, unlocking the vast potential of Nostr for the next billion people. Primal also offers an integrated wallet (powered by [Strike BLACK](https://x.com/Strike/status/1755335823023558819)) that substantially reduces onboarding and UX frictions for both Nostr and the lightning network while highlighting bitcoin’s unique power as internet-native, open-source money.
### **Selected Portfolio News**
AnchorWatch announced it has achieved Llody’s Coverholder status, allowing the company to provide unique 1:1 bitcoin insurance offerings starting in [December](https://x.com/AnchorWatch/status/1858622945763131577).\
Battery Finance Founder and CEO Andrew Hohns appeared on CNBC to delve into the company’s unique bitcoin-backed [private credit strategy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26bOawTzT5U).
Primal launched version 2.0, a landmark update that adds a feed marketplace, robust advanced search capabilities, premium-tier offerings, and many [more new features](https://primal.net/e/note1kaeajwh275kdwd6s0c2ksvj9f83t0k7usf9qj8fha2ac7m456juqpac43m).
Debifi launched its new iOS app for Apple users seeking non-custodial [bitcoin-collateralized loans](https://x.com/debificom/status/1858897785044500642).
### **Media**
Strike Founder and CEO Jack Mallers [joined Bloomberg TV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4z-2v_0H1k) to discuss the strong volumes the company has seen over the past year and the potential for a US bitcoin strategic reserve.
Primal Founder and CEO Miljan Braticevic [joined](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqR_IQfKic8) The Bitcoin Podcast to discuss the rollout of Primal 2.0 and the future of Nostr.
Ten31 Managing Partner Marty Bent [appeared on](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WwZDEtVxOE&t=1556s) BlazeTV to discuss recent changes in the regulatory environment for bitcoin.
Zaprite published a customer [testimonial video](https://x.com/ZapriteApp/status/1859357150809587928) highlighting the popularity of its offerings across the bitcoin ecosystem.
### **Market Updates**
Continuing its recent momentum, bitcoin reached another new all-time high this week, clocking in just below $100,000 on Friday. Bitcoin has now reached a market cap of [nearly $2 trillion](https://companiesmarketcap.com/assets-by-market-cap/), putting it within 3% of the market caps of Amazon and Google.
After receiving SEC and CFTC approval over the past month, long-awaited options on spot bitcoin ETFs were fully [approved](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bitcoin-etf-options-set-hit-082230483.html) and launched this week. These options should help further expand bitcoin’s institutional [liquidity profile](https://x.com/kellyjgreer/status/1824168136637288912), with potentially significant [implications](https://x.com/dgt10011/status/1837278352823972147) for price action over time.
The new derivatives showed strong performance out of the gate, with volumes on options for BlackRock’s IBIT reaching [nearly $2 billion](https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/11/20/bitcoin-etf-options-introduction-marks-milestone-despite-position-limits/) on just the first day of trading despite [surprisingly tight](https://x.com/dgt10011/status/1858729192105414837) position limits for the vehicles.
Meanwhile, the underlying spot bitcoin ETF complex had yet another banner week, pulling in [$3.4 billion](https://farside.co.uk/btc/) in net inflows.
New reports [suggested](https://archive.is/LMr4o) President-elect Donald Trump’s social media company is in advanced talks to acquire crypto trading platform Bakkt, potentially the latest indication of the incoming administration’s stance toward the broader “crypto” ecosystem.
On the macro front, US housing starts [declined M/M again](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-single-family-housing-starts-134759234.html) in October on persistently high mortgage rates and weather impacts. The metric remains well below pre-COVID levels.
Pockets of the US commercial real estate market remain challenged, as the CEO of large Florida developer Related indicated that [developers need further rate cuts](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-11-19/miami-developer-says-real-estate-market-needs-rate-cuts-badly) “badly” to maintain project viability.
US Manufacturing PMI [increased slightly](https://www.fxstreet.com/news/sp-global-pmis-set-to-signal-us-economy-continued-to-expand-in-november-202411220900) M/M, but has now been in contraction territory (<50) for well over two years.
The latest iteration of the University of Michigan’s popular consumer sentiment survey [ticked up](https://archive.is/fY5j6) following this month’s election results, though so did five-year inflation expectations, which now sit comfortably north of 3%.
### **Regulatory Update**
After weeks of speculation, the incoming Trump administration appointed hedge fund manager [Scott Bessent](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/11/22/donald-trump-chooses-hedge-fund-executive-scott-bessent-for-treasury-secretary.html) to head up the US Treasury. Like many of Trump’s cabinet selections so far, Bessent has been a [public advocate](https://x.com/EleanorTerrett/status/1856204133901963512) for bitcoin.
Trump also [appointed](https://www.axios.com/2024/11/19/trump-commerce-secretary-howard-lutnick) Cantor Fitzgerald CEO Howard Lutnick – another outspoken [bitcoin bull](https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/09/04/tradfi-companies-want-to-transact-in-bitcoin-says-cantor-fitzgerald-ceo/) – as Secretary of the Commerce Department.
Meanwhile, the Trump team is reportedly considering creating a new [“crypto czar”](https://archive.is/jPQHF) role to sit within the administration. While it’s unclear at this point what that role would entail, one report indicated that the administration’s broader “crypto council” is expected to move forward with plans for a [strategic bitcoin reserve](https://archive.is/ZtiOk).
Various government lawyers suggested this week that the Trump administration is likely to be [less aggressive](https://archive.is/Uggnn) in seeking adversarial enforcement actions against bitcoin and “crypto” in general, as regulatory bodies appear poised to shift resources and focus elsewhere.
Other updates from the regulatory apparatus were also directionally positive for bitcoin, most notably FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg’s confirmation that he [plans to resign](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/11/19/fdics-gruenberg-says-he-will-resign-jan-19-00190373) from his post at the end of President Biden’s term.
Many critics have alleged Gruenberg was an architect of [“Operation Chokepoint 2.0,”](https://x.com/GOPMajorityWhip/status/1858927571666096628) which has created banking headwinds for bitcoin companies over the past several years, so a change of leadership at the department is likely yet another positive for the space.
SEC Chairman Gary Gensler also officially announced he plans to resign at the start of the new administration. Gensler has been the target of much ire from the broader “crypto” space, though we expect many projects outside bitcoin may continue to struggle with questions around the [Howey Test](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/howey-test.asp).
Overseas, a Chinese court ruled that it is [not illegal](https://www.benzinga.com/24/11/42103633/chinese-court-affirms-cryptocurrency-ownership-as-legal-as-bitcoin-breaks-97k) for individuals to hold cryptocurrency, even though the country is still ostensibly [enforcing a ban](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-58678907) on crypto transactions.
### **Noteworthy**
The incoming CEO of Charles Schwab – which administers over $9 trillion in client assets – [suggested](https://x.com/matthew_sigel/status/1859700668887597331) the platform is preparing to “get into” spot bitcoin offerings and that he “feels silly” for having waited this long. As this attitude becomes more common among traditional finance players, we continue to believe that the number of acquirers coming to market for bitcoin infrastructure capabilities will far outstrip the number of available high quality assets.
BlackRock’s 2025 Thematic Outlook notes a [“renewed sense of optimism”](https://www.ishares.com/us/insights/2025-thematic-outlook#rate-cuts) on bitcoin among the asset manager’s client base due to macro tailwinds and the improving regulatory environment. Elsewhere, BlackRock’s head of digital assets [indicated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE7cAw7oIeA) the firm does not view bitcoin as a “risk-on” asset.
MicroStrategy, which was a sub-$1 billion market cap company less than five years ago, briefly breached a [$100 billion equity value](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/microstrategy-breaks-top-100-u-191842879.html) this week as it continues to aggressively acquire bitcoin. The company now holds nearly 350,000 bitcoin on its balance sheet.
Notably, Allianz SE, Germany’s largest insurer, [spoke for 25%](https://bitbo.io/news/allianz-buys-microstrategy-notes/) of MicroStrategy’s latest $3 billion convertible note offering this week, suggesting [growing appetite](https://x.com/Rob1Ham/status/1860053859181199649) for bitcoin proxy exposure among more restricted pools of capital.
The [ongoing meltdown](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/11/22/synapse-bankruptcy-thousands-of-americans-see-their-savings-vanish.html) of fintech middleware provider Synapse has left tens of thousands of customers with nearly 100% deposit haircuts as hundreds of millions in funds remain missing, the latest unfortunate case study in the fragility of much of the US’s legacy banking stack.
### **Travel**
- [BitcoinMENA](https://bitcoin2024.b.tc/mena), Dec 9-10
- [Nashville BitDevs](https://www.meetup.com/bitcoinpark/events/302533726/?eventOrigin=group_upcoming_events), Dec 10
- [Austin BitDevs](https://www.meetup.com/austin-bitcoin-developers/events/303476169/?eventOrigin=group_upcoming_events), Dec 19
- [Nashville Energy and Mining Summit](https://www.meetup.com/bitcoinpark/events/304092624/?eventOrigin=group_events_list), Jan 30
@ 06a260a2:d7a7791c
2024-11-29 15:54:28
V dnešním pokračování miniseriálu o domácí těžbě bitcoinu se podíváme na těžební pooly. Co je to těžební pool? Jak funguje a jaké služby nabízí? Jaké mohou být nevýhody nebo rizika spojená s těžbou v poolu? A existují způsoby, jak tato rizika zmírnit, například pomocí protokolů Stratum V2 nebo DATUM?
## Těžební pool pro těžbu bitcoinu
Těžební pool je služba, která umožňuje více těžařům spolupracovat na těžbě bitcoinu a následně si rozdělit odměnu podle množství práce, kterou každý z nich odvedl. Spolupráce a koordinace mezi těžaři je pro ně výhodná, protože společným úsilím zvyšují šanci na úspěch, protože jejich sdružený hashrate tvoří větší podíl vůči celkovému hashrate bitcoinové sítě. Díky tomu se zkracuje průměrná doba mezi dvěma odměnami, které pool získá.
> Jednoduše řečeno, čím vyšší hashrate těžaři v rámci poolu dají dohromady, tím větší podíl na celkovém výkonu sítě budou mít a tím častěji získají odměnu za nalezení bloku. Pravidelné a časté odměny jsou pak klíčové pro pokrytí nákladů spojených s těžbou.
Co však těžební pool musí (nebo může) pro své těžaře zajistit? Než se podrobně podíváme na jeho fungování, pojďme si nejprve připomenout, jak samotná těžba bitcoinu funguje.
### Postup těžby bitcoinu
Těžba bitcoinu je proces, při kterém vznikají nové mince jako odměna pro těžaře, který jako první najde správný hash bloku transakcí čekajících na potvrzení. Tento hash, vypočítaný pomocí algoritmu SHA-256, musí splňovat požadovanou obtížnost, což znamená, že jeho začátek obsahuje stanovený počet nul.
Hledání správného hashe (hashování) je výpočetně náročný proces využívající prvku náhodnosti. Těžaři postupně generují obrovské množství potenciálních výsledků, dokud nenaleznou ten, který odpovídá požadované obtížnosti. Jakmile takový hash najdou, oznámí ho ostatním uzlům v síti. Ty ho zkontrolují, a pokud je správný, potvrdí ho a zařadí odpovídající blok transakcí do blockchainu.
Proces těžby bitcoinu probíhá v cyklu, který se opakuje pro každý nový blok a obsahuje následující kroky:
#### Proces těžby bitcoinu krok za krokem:
1. **Výběr transakcí z mempoolu** - Těžař vybírá transakce z mempoolu čekající na potvrzení. Mempool je část bitcoinového uzlu, kde jsou uloženy nepotvrzené transakce. Transakce jsou obvykle vybírány podle výše poplatku za jejich zpracování.
2. **Vytvoření coinbase transakce** - Coinbase transakce nemá žádné vstupy. Pouze generuje odměnu za vytěžení bloku (aktuálně nově vytvořené bitcoiny) a připočítává poplatky ze všech vybraných transakcí. Tato odměna je zaslána na adresu těžaře.
3. **Výpočet Merkle root** - Vybrané transakce jsou uspořádány do binárního stromu, tzv. Merkle tree. Výsledkem je Merkle root, což je hash reprezentující všechny transakce zahrnuté v bloku.
4. **Sestavení hlavičky nového bloku** - Hlavička bloku obsahuje následující údaje:
- *Verzi bloku*
- *Hash předchozího bloku* – odkaz na poslední validní blok v blockchainu
- *Merkle root* – hash všech transakcí v bloku
- *Časové razítko* – čas vzniku bloku
- *Obtížnost těžby* – určuje, kolik nul musí hash bloku obsahovat na začátku
- *Nonce* – 32bitové náhodné číslo, které se při každém pokusu o výpočet mění a zajišťuje jeho variabilitu a jedinečnost
5. **Hashování hlavičky bloku** - Hlavička bloku je opakovaně hashována pomocí algoritmu SHA-256. Při každém pokusu se mění hodnota *Nonce*, aby byl výpočet jedinečný. Proces pokračuje, dokud není nalezen hash, který splňuje požadovanou obtížnost, nebo dokud blok nenalezne jiný těžař.
6. **Propagace nového bloku** - Jakmile těžař najde správný hash, nový blok je odeslán do bitcoinové sítě. Uzly v síti jej ověří a v případě, že je blok validní, zařadí jej do blockchainu.
Nejnáročnější částí celého procesu těžby je hledání SHA-256 hashe, který splňuje cílovou obtížnost. Aktuální obtížnost (95.6T) vyžaduje v průměru 432 zettahashů (432 × 10<sup>21</sup> hashů) k nalezení správného hashe. Aby tento proces byl efektivní, byly vyvinuty specializované zařízení a čipy, které jsou optimalizované pro výpočty podle SHA-256 algoritmu.
### Role poolu v těžbě
#### Rozdělení odměny mezi těžaře
Pokud má těžební pool zajistit spravedlivé rozdělení odměny za vytěžený blok mezi všechny spolupracující těžaře, musí mít pod kontrolou alespoň následující části těžebního procesu:
- **Vytvoření Coinbase transakce** - Pool musí správně vytvořit Coinbase transakci, která převádí odměnu za vytěžený blok a následně ji rozděluje mezi všechny spolupracující těžaře.
- **Sběr důkazů o odvedené práci (PoW)** - Pool musí shromažďovat důkazy o odvedené práci od všech těžařů. Tyto důkazy ukazují, jakým způsobem a v jakém poměru se má odměna rozdělit mezi těžaře.
První bod může být realizován dvěma způsoby:
- Pool může do Coinbase transakce zahrnout vlastní bitcoinovou adresu a vytěžené bitcoiny následně mezi těžaře rozdělit pomocí standardní transakce.
- Nebo může do Coinbase transakce přímo uvést adresy a částky pro jednotlivé těžaře, které odpovídají jejich podílu na těžbě.
Sběr důkazů o odvedené práci se realizuje tím, že těžaři musí poolu reportovat nejen nalezení bloku (tedy nalezení hashe, který splňuje cílovou obtížnost sítě – tzv. *network difficulty target*), ale i všechny hashe, které splňují nižší obtížnost (tzv. *share difficulty target*). Tento target odpovídá reálnému výkonu těžícího zařízení, kde je pravděpodobnost nalezení odpovídajícího hashe výrazně vyšší. Tyto hashe se nazývají *shares*. Pool může pomocí počtu nalezených *shares* v daném období stanovit poměr odvedené práce mezi jednotlivými těžaři.
> Rozdělení odměny mezi těžaře je vlastně jediná klíčová povinnost poolu, která zajišťuje jeho smysl a fungování.
Způsob výpočtu míry přispění každého těžaře se může mezi jednotlivými pooly lišit, v principu ale existují dva základní přístupy: PPLNS a (F)PPS.
**PPLNS - Pay Per Last N Shares**
Tento model vyplácí těžaře na základě množství *shares*, které odeslali do poolu před tím, než byl blok vytěžen. Odměna je tedy závislá na podílu hashrate jejich zařízení vůči celkovému hashrate poolu a také na štěstí poolu při hledání bloku. Výhodou systému PPLNS je, že odrazuje těžaře od přeskakování mezi pooly a podporuje jejich loajalitu. Nevýhodou však může být nepředvídatelnost velikosti odměny v daném období. Vzhledem k náhodnosti objevování bloků mohou být četnost a termíny výplat velmi proměnlivé.
**(F)PPS - (Full) Pay Per Share**
Těžaři jsou vypláceni podle množství odeslaných podílů, bez ohledu na to, zda byl blok nalezen. Výhodou systému PPS je jeho předvídatelnost. Těžaři přesně vědí, kolik za každý podíl obdrží, a výplaty jsou pravidelné, obvykle na denní bázi. Nevýhodou je nízká motivace k věrnosti poolu, protože těžaři mohou přeskakovat z jednoho (F)PPS poolu do druhého, aniž by tratili oproti setrvání v jednom z nich. *Full* v názvu znamená, že součástí odměny jsou i vytěžené transakční poplatky.
Pravidelnost a předvídatelnost výplaty v modelu (F)PPS jsou v přímém rozporu s neurčitostí a nepředvídatelností při hledání nového bloku. Pool na sebe přebírá riziko "ztráty štěstí" a garantuje stabilní výplaty těžařům na základě jejich odvedené práce, bez ohledu na to, zda byl skutečně nalezen nový blok. Tato "pojistka proti smůle" však není zadarmo. Pooly si proti riziku dlouhodobé neúspěšnosti při hledání nového bloku pomáhají spoluprací na vyšší úrovni. "Smůla" jednoho poolu je většinou "štěstím" jiného. Pokud se pooly dokážou domluvit a sdílet vytěžené odměny, mohou si "smůlu" vzájemně kompenzovat a potlačit riziko neúspěchu úměrně podílu tohoto "super poolu" na celkové hashrate sítě. O tom, že se pooly domluvit dokážou, si můžete přečíst v článku [Konec mýtu o decentralizované těžbě](https://jakubadamczyk.substack.com/p/konec-mytu-o-decentralizovane-tezbe).
> Je důležité si uvědomit, že model (F)PPS jako "pojišťovna" není dlouhodobě udržitelný. Variabilitu ve výplatách totiž nezpůsobuje pouze střídání štěstí a smůly, ale také změny v transakčních poplatcích a jejich podílu na odměně za nalezený blok. V současnosti se transakční poplatky pohybují v jednotkách procent z odměny za nový blok (3.125 BTC). Po několika dalších půlení se však tento podíl může zvýšit na desítky procent a významně ovlivní celkovou variabilitu odměny za nový blok. Pokud budou těžaři i nadále vyžadovat stabilní odměnu za svou práci, cena "pojištění" této služby (tj. poplatek poolu) vzroste.
#### Sestavení šablony bloku
Těžební pooly však vykonávají i jiné kroky procesu těžby bitcoinu. Dalším klíčovým je sestavení šablony nového bloku. Proč je důležitý? Protože pro sestavení šablony je nutné do nového bloku vybrat transakce, které čekají na potvrzení (a spočítat pro ně Merkle root hash, viz. výše). Výběrem transakcí lze ovlivnit celkovou výši odměny za vytěžení bloku, jelikož ta obsahuje i všechny transakční poplatky. Zároveň tímto výběrem může pool cenzurovat některé transakce nebo bitcoinové adresy tím, že je do bloku nezahrne.
V důsledku přenesení této činnosti na pool pak všichni těžaři v poolu pracují na stejném bloku.
#### Validace a propagace nového bloku do bitcoinové sítě
Těžební pool rovněž ověřuje nově nalezené bloky. Tuto činnost provádí bitcoinový uzel, který pool musí provozovat, aby měl přístup k mempoolu – databázi transakcí čekajících na potvrzení. Prostřednictvím tohoto uzlu také pool šíří nově vytěžené bloky do bitcoinové sítě.
Pro úspěšnou propagaci nového bloku je zásadní kvalitní konektivita s nízkou latencí a široké propojení s ostatními uzly. Tím se zvyšuje šance, že blok bude přijat, i když byl jiný blok nalezen ve stejný čas jiným těžařem.
Pokud pool obdrží z bitcoinové sítě nový platný blok vytěžený někým jiným, okamžitě informuje své těžaře. Ti musí přerušit práci na aktuálním bloku a začít těžit nový. Pool jim proto obratem připraví novou šablonu, která obsahuje dosud nepotvrzené transakce.
## Rizika těžby v poolech
Poolová těžba umožňuje těžařům získávat odměny úměrně jejich podílu na výkonu poolu, aniž by museli sami najít nový blok. To přitahuje téměř všechny těžaře, protože nabízí stabilitu příjmů. Pro nejmenší těžaře je pool často jediným způsobem, jak získat odměnu ještě za svého života. Malí těžaři takto dokážou pokrýt náklady na energii a velké farmy s úvěrovým financováním si zajistí pravidelné splátky svých dluhů. Tento model však přináší i určitá rizika, zejména spojená s centralizací těžby.
Proč dochází k centralizaci? Aby těžba v poolu přinesla výše zmíněný benefit jistoty pravidelného příjmu, musí být pool schopen najít nový blok dostatečně často. Co znamená dostatečně často? Nebudu zabíhat do statistiky a teorie směrodatné odchylky, ale zkusím to vysvětlit na jednoduchém příkladě: Ačkoliv vaše odměna za konstantní hashrate 1 Th/s vašeho Braiins BMM 101 mineru bude při daném celkovém hashrate sítě teoreticky ve všech poolech za dostatečně dlouhé období stejná, vyberete si radši malý pool, který najde nový blok v průměru 1x za rok, ale díky náhodnosti těžby klidně následující 3 roky žádný, nebo velký pool, který nalezne nový blok v průměru 1x za den, ale díky náhodnosti těžby klidně následující 3 dny nenalezne nic? Zcela jistě si vyberete ten větší pool.
Velké pooly rostou a koncentrují většinu výkonu sítě (hashrate), což je klíčové pro jejich úspěch. Tento růst však má své limity. Pooly obvykle nepřekračují podíl 30–40 % na celkovém výkonu sítě, protože těžaři se při takové koncentraci začínají obávat rizika 51% útoku (viz dále). Na druhou stranu malé pooly často ztrácejí schopnost pravidelně vyplácet své těžaře, což je činí méně atraktivními. Těžba v nich se postupně začne podobat solo miningu, kde odměnu získá pouze těžař, který najde blok, a časem zaniknou pro nezájem těžařů.
Počet relevantních poolů se proto stabilizoval na relativně nízké úrovni. Dnes si 99 % odměn z těžby dělí přibližně 20 poolů, přičemž 95 % z této odměny připadá na 10 největších z nich. I kdyby nebylo přirozené tendence k centralizaci výkonu do velkých poolů, existoval by určitý logický limit jejich počtu. Například pokud bychom předpokládali, že pool má smysl pouze tehdy, pokud najde nový blok alespoň jednou denně, mohlo by teoreticky existovat maximálně 144 poolů (při generování jednoho bloku každých 10 minut).
Proč je tedy centralizace těžby nebezpečná? Všechny obavy mají svůj původ v současné praxi poolů centrálně vybírat transakce a sestavovat šablonu bloku. Díky tomu mohou pooly samy rozhodovat, které transakce do bloku vloží a které nikoliv. Těžaři přitom nikdy nevidí celý blok se všemi transakcemi k ověření, ale pouze hash jejich struktury (Merkle root hash). Obava z cenzury transakcí je tedy na místě. Zvláště pokud o obsahu 95% nových bloků může rozhodovat třeba jen 10 lidí nebo o 99% jen 20, viz. výše. Přijde vám to bláznivé? "*To, že jsi paranoik, ještě neznamená, že po tobě nejdou.*" (Woody Allen).
Další hrozbou spojenou s centralizovanou těžbou v poolech je riziko **51% útoku**. Co to znamená? Tento termín se vztahuje k situaci, kdy určitý subjekt ovládne více než polovinu celkového výkonu sítě (hashrate). S takovým podílem získává statistickou jistotu, že bude nacházet více bloků než zbytek sítě. To mu umožní vytvořit delší verzi blockchainu, která bude podle konsensu bitcoinové sítě považována za platnou. K čemu to může vést? Existují dvě hlavní rizika:
- Riziko dvojí útraty - nepoctivý uživatel, který ovládl nadpoloviční podíl hashrate, vytváří skrytě svůj vlastní řetěz nových bloků. Zároveň paralelně v existujícím veřejném blockchainu utratí své bitcoiny za jinou hodnotu (prodá je na burze). Následně uveřejní svou delší verzi blockchainu, která bude automaticky považována za platnou a tím pádem anuluje původní transakce (jeho bitcoiny mu zůstanou na původních adresách, zatímco hodnotu, kterou za ně získal, již mohl utratit).
- Riziko DoS útoku na blockchain - útočník s nadpolovičním podílem na celkové hashrate sítě může těžit pouze prázdné bloky, čímž efektivně síť zablokuje, protože transakce z mempoolu nebudou potvrzovány.
Obě rizika lze celkem úspěšně zlehčovat poukázáním na obrovské náklady jejich provedení, nelze je však zcela zanedbat. Nedokážeme efektivně bránit situaci, aby někdo ovládl více než 51% výkonu sítě. Může tomu bránit "bdělost těžařů", kteří nenechají žádný pool vyrůst nad 30% a na dva kliky mohou své těžební stroje přesměrovat do jiného poolu? A víme určitě, že ti 3 lidé za třemi největšími pooly nejsou ve skutečnosti pouze jeden člověk? Důkazy pro takové tvrzení se hledají obtížně, ale [mnohé indicie naznačují, že se některé pooly nebojí "spolupracovat" a používat společného kustodiána svých bitcoinů](https://jakubadamczyk.substack.com/p/konec-mytu-o-decentralizovane-tezbe).
## Další problémy těžby v centralizovaných poolech
Těžba v současných poolech má i další nevýhody, o kterých se tolik nemluví nebo si je těžaři přímo neuvědomují.
### Netransparentní odměňování
Česká společnost Braiins a jejich těžební pool se aktivně snaží zvyšovat povědomí o těžbě bitcoinu, objasňovat základní pojmy (a vyvracet některé mýty) a pravidelně publikují zajímavá data o bitcoinové těžbě. Navštivte jejich [Braiins Academy](https://academy.braiins.com/en/), kde můžete najít například [tento článek o těžbě v poolu](https://braiins.com/blog/bitcoin-mining-pools-luck-shares-estimated-hashrate) nebo [podrobnou specifikaci výpočtu odměn dle FPPS modelu](https://academy.braiins.com/en/braiins-pool/rewards-and-payouts/#fpps-specification) pro těžaře v jejich poolu.
Přesto je odměňování ve většině současných poolech v principu netransparentní. Proč? Nelze ho nezávisle ověřit. Žádný z těchto poolů neposkytuje veřejně všem svým těžařům potřebná data, která by jim umožnila zkontrolovat správnost jejich podílu na odměně získané vytěžením bloku. (V rámci této série o domácí těžbě bitcoinu mám na mysli především malé nezávislé těžaře; pokud máte k dispozici výkon v řádu několika Eh/s, vaše pozice vůči poolu bude samozřejmě jiná). Chybí především informace o celkovém výkonu poolu, tedy o počtu *shares*, které jednotliví těžaři přispěli za den (pro FPPS model), nebo mezi dvěma nalezenými bloky (pro PPLNS model). Další komplikace nastávají při výpočtu průměrného poplatku, který je započítán do odměny. Některé pooly totiž nejvyšší poplatky v bloku do odměny nezapočítávají s odůvodněním, že je možná budou vracet, pokud se ukáže, že šlo o chybu při vytváření transakce.
Zcela mimo kontrolu těžařů je však systém urychlování transakcí mimo mempool, s využitím tzv. out-of-band transaction accelerators (OOB). O co jde? Standardní výběr transakcí do šablony následujícího bloku probíhá s ohledem na maximalizaci odměny z transakčních poplatků a tedy prioritizací transakcí s nejvyšším poplatkem za vByte. Pokud zvolíte poplatek příliš nízký, může se vám stát, že transakce zůstane v mempoolu "viset" nezpracovaná po dobu delší, než potřebujete. V takovém případě máte tři možnosti, jak problém vyřešit.
- Buď s pomocí funkce replace-by-fee (RBF) vyšlete do bitcoinové sítě původní transakci znovu s vyšším poplatkem
- Nebo vytvoříte novou transakci, která utrácí některý z výstupů uvízlé transakce (musíte k nim mít příslušné klíče) a nastavíte vyšší poplatek tak, aby výsledný průměrný poplatek za obě transakce byl pro těžaře motivující (tzv. child-pays-for-parent CPFP transakce)
- A nebo se domluvíte s tím, kdo sestavuje šablonu nového bloku ve velkém poolu, aby vaši transakci do šablony zařadil a úplatu zaplatíte přímo jemu.
Ve třetím případě se takový poplatek v blockchainu vůbec neobjeví a nikdo nedokáže zjistit, jak veliký ve skutečnosti byl (těžaři neví, jaké transakce v bloku potvrzují, znají pouze jejich Merkle tree hash, viz. výše). Tyto transakce můžete najít v blockchain exploreru (třeba Mempool.space), [jsou označeny jako "Upřednostněné / Prioritized"](https://mempool.space/cs/tx/7cceab6f376b84a1a253be53cf0f586525ff4e6023014135977caae6691bb996), pokud měli nápadně nízké poplatky oproti ostatním transakcím v bloku. (Pokud by jste takovou službu někdy sami potřebovali, zkuste [Mempool Accelerator™](https://mempool.space/accelerator) nebo třeba [ViaBTC transaction accelerator](https://www.viabtc.com/tools/txaccelerator)).
Možná si řeknete, že je to vlastně dobrý nápad, který umožňuje poolům trochu si přivydělat bokem a dopad do odměn pro těžaře z části chybějících poplatků za jednu z mnoha transakcí v bloku nebude zas tak zásadní. Ale co když se těžební pool rozhodne vytěžit [SPAM v podobě Ordinalu](https://mempool.space/cs/block/000000000000000000021665966be1f16b419ddd7b3bbc2aabba16af78921910), který zabírá celý blok? Na uvedeném odkaze si povšimněte transakčních poplatků za tuto "transakci" (1 sat/vB - celkem 0.01 BTC) a celkových transakčních poplatků za bloky, které předcházeli nebo následovali za tímto blokem (v průměru 0.7 BTC). Neokradl tady Mara pool své těžaře? Nevím, možná se s nimi o OOB poplatek za tuto transakci nakonec podělil. Mara pool není veřejný pool.
### (Ne)bezpečnost a (ne)efektivita
Těžba v současných poolech, respektive koordinace těžařů a jejich těžebních zařízení je v naprosté většině řízena protokolem Stratum V1. [Navrhl jej Slush na sklonku roku 2011](https://bitcointalk.org/?topic=55842) a komunikace těžebních zařízení s poolem byl pouze jeden ze zamýšlených případů užití (tím hlavním byl lehký komunikační protokol pro klienty serverů Electrum).
Více než desetileté používání tohoto protokolu však odhalilo jeho slabiny, mezi které patří (kromě výše zmíněné centralizace) bezpečnost a neefektivita. Protokol je postavený na JSON-RPC zprávách, které nejsou šifrované a data přenášejí v lidsky čitelné podobě. Nezabezpečená komunikace mezi těžařem a poolem přináší riziko útoku "man-in-the-middle", tedy situaci, kdy útočník odposlouchává a modifikuje jejich komunikaci. Úpravou přenášených dat může například nechat těžaře pracovat pro svůj účet nebo přesměrovat jeho hash rate do úplně jiného poolu. Vše samozřejmě pouze v takovém objemu, aby byla krádež obtížně zjistitelná. Tento útok je znám pod označením "hashrate hijacking" ([detailní popis a příklad provedení](https://i.blackhat.com/asia-21/Thursday-Handouts/as-21-Liu-Disappeared-Coins-Steal-Hashrate-In-Stratum-Secretly.pdf)).
Neefektivita přenášení lidsky čitelných dat ve formátu JSON (data jsou zapisována ve formě *"klíč":"hodnota"*, což usnadňuje člověku jejich porozumění, ale takové zprávy jsou výrazně větší, než jejich reprezentace v binárním formátu) se projevuje výrazně vyššími nároky na datové pásmo (rychlost připojení). To určitě není problém pro domácího těžaře s jednou S9kou, farmě s tisíci minery to již vrásky na čele může způsobit. A skutečným problémem, jehož řešení si vyžaduje velmi rychlé a stabilní připojení k internetu, to pak je pro pool samotný. Pool může účinně řídit svou potřebu šířky datové pásma vhodným nastavením cílové obtížnosti pro nalezení *shares* těžařům, čímž omezí četnost jejich komunikace. Zároveň tím ale učiní své měření práce jednotlivých těžařů méně přesné a zvyšuje tak variabilitu výplat odměn. Efektivita komunikace je tedy pro pooly důležitým parametrem.
## Stratum V2 a DATUM jako odpověď na slabiny současného protokolu
Bylo by překvapivé, kdyby po více než deseti letech těžby bitcoinu v poolech neexistovala nějaká řešení zmíněných problémů. Můžu vás ale uklidnit – existují. Tedy, spíše existují na papíře a mohla by existovat, kdyby... Kdyby celý segment těžby bitcoinu už léta nebyl tvrdým, vysoce konkurenčním byznysem, kde jde primárně o zisk, nikoli o bitcoinový éthos, respekt k svobodě a nezávislosti. V takovém prostředí se inovace zavádí pouze tehdy, když mohou přinést konkrétní prospěch, a bohužel disrupce moci a vlivu poolů ve prospěch decentralizace a svobody volby takový prospěch nenabízí. Takže jsem vás asi moc neuklidnil. I když, 29. září 2024 se přece jenom blýsklo na lepší časy. Ale nepředbíhejme!
### Stratum V2
Česká společnost Braiins, provozovatel Slush poolu (dnes Braiins pool) si byla nedostatků svého původního protokolu Stratum (V1) vědoma a dlouho pracovala na návrhu specifikace nové verze, která by je účinně odstranila. Výsledek této práce poprvé prezentovala v létě roku 2019. Vznikl návrh protokolu Stratum V2, který reaguje na všechny existující výtky protokolu původního.
Stratum V2 je binární, šifrovaný protokol, díky čemuž zvyšuje bezpečnost, zefektivňuje datové přenosy a snižuje nároky na těžební infrastrukturu. Je modulární a flexibilně umožňuje těžařům a poolům implementovat pouze ty jeho části, které chtějí využívat.
Stratum V2 ve své specifikaci definuje několik rolí (komponent) a jejich vzájemné vztahy a komunikaci (komunikační protokoly).
Tou první z nich je **Miner**. Tuto roli představují jednotlivá reálná těžební zařízení, jako třeba Antminer S9, Bitaxe nebo Braiins Mini Miner BMM101.
Druhou nezbytnou rolí je **Pool**. Ten primárně koordinuje těžbu a rozděluje odměny za nalezené bloky.
Další rolí je **Proxy**, neboli prostředník mezi **Minery** a **Poolem**. **Proxy** plní hlavně dvě funkce:
- Zastřešuje komunikaci s **Minery** - jedna **Proxy** může koordinovat více těžebních zařízení
- Překládá těžební protokol Stratum z verze V1 na V2 nebo naopak. Tím umožňuje připojit těžební zařízení se Stratum V1 firmwarem ke Stratum V2 **Poolu**.
Těžební zařízení (**Minery**), **Proxy** a **Pool** spolu komunikují prostřednictvím **Mining Protokolu**.
**Template Provider** je role, která vybírá transakce z mempoolu bitcoinového uzlu a připravuje šablonu nového bloku. Může existovat jak na straně poolu, tak na straně těžaře. Na straně těžaře však představuje základní předpoklad pro decentralizaci těžby - umožňuje mu vybrat transakce do šablony nového bloku dle vlastní vůle.
Poslední rolí je **Job Declarator**. Jeho odpovědností je validovat navržené šablony nového bloku a připravit úlohy pro **Minery**. **Job Declarator** může opět existovat jak na straně poolu (tzv. **Job Declarator Server**), tak na straně těžaře (tzv. **Job Declarator Client**). Obě instance pak spolu komunikují prostřednictvím **Job Declaration Protokolu**.
Čistě teoreticky může role **Template Provider** a **Job Declarator** pro těžaře a pool provozovat nezávislá třetí strana a poskytovat tuto službu třeba více těžařům nebo více poolům. Chybí k tomu ale ekonomická motivace, protože takové nastavení nezvyšuje vzájemnou důvěru mezi těžařem a poolem a přináší dodatečné náklady.
Jednotlivé role a jejich vzájemné interakce ukazuje následující obrázek.
![Stratum V2 protokol](https://image.nostr.build/7192093274533dedb3eb453408dde7031e9ca8c7fa6800b5467c1c8378ffd150.jpg)
Role **Template Provider** a **Job Declarator** na straně těžaře nejsou povinné. Pokud existují, umožňují decentralizovaný výběr transakcí do nového bloku. Pokud ne, odpovídá celé nastavení konfiguraci stávajících poolů, přináší však zabezpečenou a efektivnější komunikaci díky binární podstatě protokolu a jeho šifrování.
Decentralizovaná těžba v těžebním poolu s využitím protokolu Stratum V2 probíhá následovně:
1. **Template Provider** na straně těžaře získá z vlastního bitcoinového uzlu šablonu nového bloku (buď prostřednictvím RPC GetBlockTemplate nebo nově navrženého Stratum V2 subprotokolu **Template Distribution**) a poskytne ji svému **Job Declaratoru**.
2. **Job Declarator Client** šablonu zvaliduje a nabídne ji prostřednictvím **Job Declaration protokolu** svému protějšku na straně poolu, **Job Declarator Server**.
3. **Job Declarator Server** šablonu zvaliduje podle svých pravidel. Pokud ji akceptuje, vytvoří těžební úlohu a pošle ji zpět těžaři. Součástí úlohy je i poolem definovaná coinbase transakce.
4. Pokud **Job Declarator Server** návrh odmítne, **Job Declarator Client** může šablonu nabídnout jinému poolu nebo vytvořit těžební úlohu sám a pokračovat v těžbě bez poolu (v módu Solo Miningu).
5. **Job Declarator Client** předá vytvořenou úlohu prostřednictvím **Job Distribution Protokolu** na **Proxy**, která ji distribuuje **Minerům**.
6. Těžební zařízení zpracovávají úlohu (hledají hash dle zadané obtížnosti). Nalezený blok nebo každou nalezenou *share* posílají zpět **Proxy**.
7. **Proxy** posílá nalezený blok nebo všechny nalezené *shares* prostřednictvím **Mining Protokolu** do **Poolu**.
8. Pokud těžař reportuje nalezený blok, **Pool** jej ověří a propaguje dále do bitcoinové sítě.
9. **Pool** také na základě počtu nalezených *shares* a použitého modelu pro odměňování těžařů vypočítá příslušnou odměnu a pošle ji těžařům (tuto odpovědnost však Stratum V2 protokol neřeší)
Z uvedeného popisu stojí za povšimnutí možnost poolu odmítnout těžařem navrhované transakce v šabloně nového bloku (krok 4). Je to pojistka pro pool, která mu umožňuje nepodílet se na těžení transakcí, se kterými z jakéhokoliv důvodu nesouhlasí (nesmíme zapomenout, že pooly jsou většinou právními subjekty, které podléhají jurisdikci země jejich sídla a případným regulacím). Stratum V2 pro takový případ nabízí těžaři možnost obrátit se automaticky na jiný pool nebo v krajním případě pokračovat v těžbě daného bloku samostatně (Solo Mining).
> Startum V2 však díky této vlastnosti zcela neeliminuje riziko cenzury transakcí.
Stratum V2 je takovým "Torovým kladivem" na většinu neduhů současné těžby v poolech. Jde o velmi komplexní protokol, který řeší všechny možné scénáře dnešní těžby, včetně těch okrajových, a poskytuje všem zúčastněným hráčům – od výrobců těžebních zařízení po těžaře a operátory poolů – větší svobodu volby. Bohužel, "Money talks" a tak chybí vůle na jeho prosazení. Po pěti letech od jeho představení se podporou Stratum V2 chlubí pouze Braiins pool a reálně použitelným scénářem je pouze přímá komunikace poolu s minerem, který používá BraiinsOS firmware. O decentralizaci zatím nemůže být řeč.
V březnu tohoto roku (2024) se na Githubu objevila první verze [Referenční Implementace Stratum V2](https://github.com/stratum-mining/stratum), zatím ve velmi omezené funkcionalitě.
> V nedávném rozhovoru přiznali Jan Čapek a Pavel Moravec, zakladatelé Braiins a provozovatelé Braiins poolu, že implementace komponent, které reálně decentralizaci těžby dle protokolu Stratum V2 umožní, zatím nejsou prioritou...
Doporučuji si celý rozhovor poslechnout. [Protokolu Startum V2 se pánové věnují v čase 41:30-59:00](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=im1rLSuvXXs&t=2485s).
DATUM, neboli "Decentralized Alternative Templates for Universal Mining" je protokol, který si zvolil decentralizaci těžby bitcoinu za svůj primární cíl. [Ocean.xyz pool jej představil 29. září 2024](https://ocean.xyz/docs/datum-press-release). Jako jednu z motivací uvedl ztrátu důvěry, že Stratum V2 protokol dokáže, navzdory svým proklamacím, vyřešit problém centralizace bitcoinové těžby v dohledné době.
Co přesně DATUM dělá? Umožňuje jednotlivým těžařům vytvářet své vlastní šablony bloků a zároveň se dále podílet na sdílení odměn za těžbu v poolu. Nic víc. Krátce po představení protokolu byly zpřístupněny i [zdrojové kódy referenční implementace DATUM gatewaye](https://github.com/OCEAN-xyz/datum_gateway) a připravené aplikační balíčky pro [StartOS](https://github.com/OCEAN-xyz/datum-gateway-startos) a [Umbrel](https://github.com/getumbrel/umbrel-apps/tree/master/datum). Ano, čtete správně, DATUM si můžete spustit na svém bitcoinovém uzlu. O tom ale o kousek dále. Napřed si popíšeme, jak DATUM funguje.
![DATUM protokol](https://image.nostr.build/bb8e0d33de92e12cc1e8597cfb4337e0bc636984d9d7e00469f1e82d57205bf7.jpg)
Na rozdíl od protokolu Stratum V2 definuje DATUM protokol na straně těžaře pouze jedinou komponentu: **DATUM Gateway**. Ta zastřešuje komunikaci se všemi těžícími zařízeními (**Minery**) protokolem Stratum V1, komunikaci s lokálním bitcoinovým uzlem, ze kterého získává šablonu nového bloku a šifrovanou komunikaci s poolem, kterému posílá nalezené *shares* a případné nové bloky. Na straně poolu je klientem DATUM protokolu komponenta **DATUM Prime**. Dešifruje komunikaci přes DATUM protokol a předává poolu od těžaře získané důkazy o odvedené práci (*shares*). V současné verzi protokolu provádí pool také validaci bloků po koordinaci s těžařem, aby zajistil, že těžaři nebudou omylem vytvářet neplatné bloky. V budoucnu však bude odstraněna i tato funkce a pool tak nebude mít žádnou možnost bloky od těžaře jakkoliv ovlivnit.
Těžba bitcoinu s protokolem DATUM probíhá následovně:
1. **DATUM Gateway** na straně těžaře získá z lokálního bitcoinového uzlu šablonu nového bloku prostřednictvím RPC GetBlockTemplate.
2. **DATUM Gateway** získá prostřednictvím DATUM protokolu z poolu coinbase transakci, sestaví hlavičku bloku a celou těžební úlohu.
3. Sestavenou těžební úlohu předá **DATUM Gateway** těžebním zařízením.
4. Těžební zařízení zpracovávají úlohu (hledají hash dle zadané obtížnosti). Nalezený blok nebo každou nalezenou *share* posílají zpět na **DATUM Gateway**.
5. Ta posílá nalezený blok nebo všechny nalezené *shares* prostřednictvím **DATUM Protokolu** do **Poolu**.
6. Pokud těžař nalezne nový blok, **DATUM Gateway** jej ověří a propaguje dále do bitcoinové sítě prostřednictvím lokálního bitcoinového uzlu.
7. **Pool** na základě počtu nalezených *shares* a použitého modelu pro odměňování těžařů vypočítá příslušnou odměnu a pošle ji těžařům.
Pokud uvedený postup srovnáte s postupem dle protokolu Startum V2, najdete jeden důležitý rozdíl. Těžař neposkytuje poolu ke schválení své vybrané transakce v rámci vytvořené šablony bloku. Záleží jen na něm, které transakce vybere a tvorbu nového bloku má tak zcela pod svou kontrolou.
> V protokolu DATUM nemá pool možnost cenzurovat těžařem vybrané transakce. Rozhodnutí, jak využije prostor ve svém bloku a jakým transakcím dá přednost, je tak opět zcela na těžaři. Tvorba obsahu bitcoinového blockchainu se vrací tam, kde ji navrhl Satoshi Nakamoto ve svém Whitepaperu.
Pool poskytuje těžaři pouze coinbase transakci do hlavičky nového bloku. Protokol DATUM nepředepisuje konkrétní systém odměňování v poolu. Pool může sestavit coinbase transakci dle vlastní potřeby. Může například v coinbase transakci přímo a transparentně vyplatit těžaře, jako to dělá [Ocean.xyz pool](https://ocean.xyz/) pro částky vyšší než cca 1.05M SATů, nebo si převést celou odměnu na svou adresu a těžaře vyplatit později jinou standartní transakcí, jako to dělají všechny ostatní pooly.
Protokol DATUM v současnosti podporuje pouze jediný pool - Ocean.xyz. Volně dostupné zdrojové kódy na Githubu jsou pouze pro **DATUM Gateway**, část na straně poolu, **DATUM Prime**, zatím chybí. Na druhou stranu protokol DATUM je živý protokol. s jeho pomocí bylo vytěženo již 22 bloků ze 40, které za dobu od jeho představení Ocean.xyz pool vytěžil. A 50% sleva z poplatků poolu za těžbu prostřednictvím DATUM protokolu jako podpora jeho adopci dokazuje, že to Ocean.xyz myslí s decentralizací bitcoinové těžby opravdu vážně.
## Domácí decentralizovaná těžba bitcoinu? Ano!
Pokud vám vše výše napsané dává smysl a chcete podpořit decentralizaci těžby bitcoinu, můžete. A dokonce to již nepředpokládá hluboké technické znalosti. Jak jsem napsal výše, implementace **DATUM Gatewaye** je již nyní k dispozici pro nejrozšířenější operační systémy bitcoinových uzlů Umbrel a StartOS. Její instalace je jednoduchá, stejně tak jako konfigurace, a nároky na hardware jsou zanedbatelné. Všechny vaše domácí těžící zařízení můžete obsluhovat přes jednu **DATUM gateway**, která poběží přímo na vašem RPi 4 bitcoinovém uzlu. Jak na to?
![Domácí kombo decentralizované těžby - Bitaxe Ultra a Bitcoin node na RaspberryPI](https://blossom.primal.net/eec3ace5575959685c2ecf67e977293f06f3babdc1a4de0541a5b75262116c85.jpg)
DATUM gateway potřebuje ke svému běhu plnohodnotný bitcoinový uzel, který podporuje RPC interface a proceduru GetBlockTemplate. Můžete si vybrat jakoukoliv dostupnou implementaci (Bitcoin Core, Bitcoin Knots nebo třeba Libre Relay). Já vám však doporučím Bitcoin Knots, protože nabízí nejširší možnosti konfigurace sestavení šablony bloku. Dostanete tedy nejlepší možnost volby, které transakce do svých bloků zahrnout a které ne (SPAM - pokud vás zajímá více o SPAMu v bitcoinovém blockchainu, přečtěte si článek [Nevyžádaná data v bitcoinovém blockchainu](https://jakubadamczyk.substack.com/p/nevyzadana-data-v-bitcoinovem-blockchainu)).
### Bitcoin Knots
Nedávná aktualizace UmbrelOS na verzi 1.3 celou instalaci výrazně zjednodušila. Přinesla možnost zvolit si implementaci bitcoinového uzlu a odstranila tak závislost ostatních aplikací (jako Electrum serverů nebo Lightning uzlů) na Bitcoin Core. Můžete si nainstalovat Bitcoin Knots přímo z Umbrel App Store.
V případě StartOS (Start9) najdete Bitcoin Knots v oficiálním Marketplace.
Po instalaci si zkontrolujte a případně nastavte preferovaná pravidla filtrování bitcoinového SPAMu (ostatně proto si instalujete Bitcoin Knots). Najdete je v nastavení ( Umbrel: *Advanced Settings -> Optimization*, StartOS: *Config -> Mempool*).
V základu je již nastaveno (verze 27.1.020240801):
*Datacarrier* (`datacarrier=1`) - Relay transaction with embedded data - OP_RETURN
*Datacarrier Size* (`datacarriersize=42`) - Maximum size of relayed transactions with embedded data - OP_RETURN
*Reject Parasites* (`rejectparasites=1`) - Reject parasitic transactions
*Permit Bare Multisig* (`permitbaremultisig=0`) - Relay old type of multisig transaction
Pokud chcete filtrovat i Runes, nezapomeňte povolit:
*Reject Tokens* (`rejecttokens=1`) - Reject tokens transactions
S protokolem DATUM můžete v současné době těžit pouze v Ocean.xyz poolu. Ten distribuuje odměny za vytěžený blok těžařům přímo v coinbase transakci, která díky tomu značně nabyla na velikosti a může mít i několik kilobajtů. Protože je celková velikost bloku omezená, je třeba na to myslet při vytváření šablony nového bloku a pro coinbase transakci, kterou vám pošle Ocean.xyz pool rezervovat potřebné místo. Zkontrolujte si, že vaše instance Bitcoin Knots má nastaveny následující limity velikosti bloku.
*Max Bloc Size* (`blockmaxsize=3985000`) - Max block size in bytes
*Max Block Weight* (`blockmaxweight=3985000`) - Max block size in weight
Po dokončení synchronizace blockchainu, což může trvat dle výkonu vašeho HW i několik dní, nainstalujte aplikaci DATUM (opět přímo z Umbrel App Store nebo Start9 Marketplace).
Aplikace ve verzi pro Umbrel zatím nemá konfigurační GUI. Vše podstatné je již nakonfigurováno v souboru *datum_gateway_config.json*. Pokud by jste konfiguraci chtěli upravit, najdete jej v adresáři
Za pozornost stojí parametry v sekci *Mining*:
*Bitcoin Address* (`pool_address`) - vaše bitcoinová adresa pro zasílání odměn v případě, že ji nevyplníte na těžícím zařízení (viz. [[#Nastavení těžebního zařízení]]).
*Primary Coinbase Tag* (`coinbase_tag_primary`) - První popisek do coinbase transakce v případě solo miningu. V případě těžby v poolu bude přepsán popiskem poolu (pool's name).
*Secondary Coinbase Tag* (`coinbase_tag_secondary`) - Druhý popisek do coinbase transakce. S jeho pomocí můžete identifikovat vámi nalezené bloky v blockchainu.
A v sekci *Datum*:
*Pool Host* (`pool_host`) a *Pool Port* (`pool_port`) - URL a port poolu s podporou DATUM Prime, ke kterému se DATUM Gateway připojí. Pokud není vyplněn, nebo se k němu nepodaří připojit a současně nebude nastaven parametr *Pooled Mining Only* (`pooled_mining_only=false` viz. dále), přepne se DATUM Gateway do solo mining módu (odměnu získáte pouze pokud naleznete blok a bude celá patřit vám).
*Pool Pass Workers* (`pool_pass_workers=true`) - Pokud je nastaven, bude DATUM Gateway posílat do poolu i vámi definované jméno konkrétního těžícího zařízení (viz. [[#Nastavení těžebního zařízení]]).
*Pool Pass Full Users* (`pool_pass_full_users=true`) - Pokud je nastaven, bude DATUM Gateway posílat do poolu celé vámi definované uživatelské jméno konkrétního těžícího zařízení. Tím je většinou vaše bitcoinová adresa pro zasílání odměn. Pokud bude nastaven na `false`, použije DATUM Gateway bitcoinovou adresu definovanou parametrem *Bitcoin Address* (`pool_address`).
*Pooled Mining Only* (`pooled_mining_only=true`) - Pokud je nastaven a DATUM Gateway ztratí spojení s poolem, přeruší spojení i se všemi těžícími zařízeními. To jim umožní připojit se na záložní pool, mají-li jej nastaven. Pokud je nastaven na `false` a DATUM Gateway ztratí spojení s poolem, přepne se do solo mining módu.
![Vše běží tak, jak má...](https://image.nostr.build/3f6329e11cae8fcc2371e54cdba1641be8030cf84f228f8ee9da502dda367deb.jpg)
### Nastavení těžebního zařízení
Nasměrujte svůj miner na IP adresu vašeho uzlu (Umbrel nebo StartOS) a port služby DATUM Gateway: **23334**. Místo IP adresy můžete použít lokální URL, pokud jej máte nastaveno. Výsledná Stratum adresa bude vypadat přibližně takto:
`stratum+tcp://192.168.x.y:23334` (x a y nahraďte odpovídajícími hodnotami)
Do pole *Username* vložte svou bitcoinovou adresu. Na tuto adresu budou zasílány vaše odměny z Ocean.xyz poolu. K této adrese můžete za tečku připojit unikátní jméno těžebního zařízení. Například:
Pokud svou bitcoinovou adresu neuvedete, zkontrolujte si, že ji máte nastavenu v konfiguraci DATUM Gatewaye v sekci *Mining*, parametr *Pool Address* a v sekci *Datum* je parametr *Pool Pass Full Users* nastaven na `false`.
Pole *Password* může zůstat prázdné, pro Ocean.xyz pool nemá žádný význam.
## Závěr?
A to je vše. Ale není to závěr, ale spíše začátek další etapy v těžbě bitcoinu. Etapy decentralizované těžby. Přeháním? Poolu Ocean.xyz se za 11 měsíců své existence povedlo přilákat hashrate až 4.5 Eh/s a dostat se mezi nejvýkonnějších 20 poolů. Za dva měsíce dostupnosti protokolu DATUM bylo s jeho pomocí nalezeno v poolu více než polovina nových bloků. To jsou na poměry v bitcoinové těžbě neuvěřitelná čísla, která dokazují, že bitcoinový étos není mrtvý a decentralizace těžby má v bitcoinové komunitě stále své zastánce.
A co více? Objevují se empirická měření výkonosti poolů, která ukazují, že transparentní odměňování v Ocean.xyz poolu může v delším časovém horizontu vydělat více SATů než jiné public FPPS pooly. Podívejte se třeba na [tuto studii](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qtlC6u9GZxU4KK-8yE7f7bvLDKWdgYMDrKBPbID0RkM/edit).
Domácí decentralizované těžbě bitcoinu: Zdař Bůh!
@ 87730827:746b7d35
2024-11-20 09:27:53
Original: https://techreport.com/crypto-news/brazil-central-bank-ban-monero-stablecoins/
Brazilian’s Central Bank Will Ban Monero and Algorithmic Stablecoins in the Country
Brazil proposes crypto regulations banning Monero and algorithmic stablecoins and enforcing strict compliance for exchanges.
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* The Central Bank of Brazil has proposed **regulations prohibiting privacy-centric cryptocurrencies** like Monero.
* The regulations **categorize exchanges into intermediaries, custodians, and brokers**, each with specific capital requirements and compliance standards.
* While the proposed rules apply to cryptocurrencies, certain digital assets like non-fungible tokens **(NFTs) are still ‘deregulated’ in Brazil**.
![Brazilian´s Central Bank will ban Monero and algorithmic stablecoins in the country](https://techreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/brazil-central-bank-ban-monero-stablecoins.jpg)
In a Notice of Participation announcement, the Brazilian Central Bank (BCB) outlines **regulations for virtual asset service providers (VASPs)** operating in the country.
**_In the document, the Brazilian regulator specifies that privacy-focused coins, such as Monero, must be excluded from all digital asset companies that intend to operate in Brazil._**
Let’s unpack what effect these regulations will have.
Brazil’s Crackdown on Crypto Fraud
If the BCB’s current rule is approved, **exchanges dealing with coins that provide anonymity must delist these currencies** or prevent Brazilians from accessing and operating these assets.
The Central Bank argues that currencies like Monero make it difficult and even prevent the identification of users, thus creating problems in complying with international AML obligations and policies to prevent the financing of terrorism.
According to the Central Bank of Brazil, the bans aim to **prevent criminals from using digital assets to launder money**. In Brazil, organized criminal syndicates such as the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) and Comando Vermelho have been increasingly using digital assets for money laundering and foreign remittances.
> … restriction on the supply of virtual assets that contain characteristics of fragility, insecurity or risks that favor fraud or crime, such as virtual assets designed to favor money laundering and terrorist financing practices by facilitating anonymity or difficulty identification of the holder.
> – [Notice of Participation](https://www.gov.br/participamaisbrasil/edital-de-participacao-social-n-109-2024-proposta-de-regulamentacao-do-)
The Central Bank has identified that **removing algorithmic stablecoins is essential to guarantee the safety of users’ funds** and avoid events such as when Terraform Labs’ entire ecosystem collapsed, losing billions of investors’ dollars.
The Central Bank also wants to **control all digital assets traded by companies in Brazil**. According to the current proposal, the [national regulator](https://techreport.com/cryptocurrency/learning/crypto-regulations-global-view/) will have the **power to ask platforms to remove certain listed assets** if it considers that they do not meet local regulations.
However, the regulations will not include [NFTs](https://techreport.com/statistics/crypto/nft-awareness-adoption-statistics/), real-world asset (RWA) tokens, RWA tokens classified as securities, and tokenized movable or real estate assets. These assets are still ‘deregulated’ in Brazil.
Monero: What Is It and Why Is Brazil Banning It?
Monero ($XMR) is a cryptocurrency that uses a protocol called CryptoNote. It launched in 2013 and ‘erases’ transaction data, preventing the sender and recipient addresses from being publicly known. The Monero network is based on a proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism, which incentivizes miners to add blocks to the blockchain.
Like Brazil, **other nations are banning Monero** in search of regulatory compliance. Recently, Dubai’s new digital asset rules prohibited the issuance of activities related to anonymity-enhancing cryptocurrencies such as $XMR.
Furthermore, exchanges such as **Binance have already announced they will delist Monero** on their global platforms due to its anonymity features. Kraken did the same, removing Monero for their European-based users to comply with [MiCA regulations](https://techreport.com/crypto-news/eu-mica-rules-existential-threat-or-crypto-clarity/).
Data from Chainalysis shows that Brazil is the **seventh-largest Bitcoin market in the world**.
![Brazil is the 7th largest Bitcoin market in the worlk](https://techreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/11/Screenshot-2024-11-19-171029.png)
In Latin America, **Brazil is the largest market for digital assets**. Globally, it leads in the innovation of RWA tokens, with several companies already trading this type of asset.
In Closing
Following other nations, Brazil’s regulatory proposals aim to combat illicit activities such as money laundering and terrorism financing.
Will the BCB’s move safeguard people’s digital assets while also stimulating growth and innovation in the crypto ecosystem? Only time will tell.
Cassio Gusson is a journalist passionate about technology, cryptocurrencies, and the nuances of human nature. With a career spanning roles as Senior Crypto Journalist at CriptoFacil and Head of News at CoinTelegraph, he offers exclusive insights on South America’s crypto landscape. A graduate in Communication from Faccamp and a post-graduate in Globalization and Culture from FESPSP, Cassio explores the intersection of governance, decentralization, and the evolution of global systems.
[View all articles by Cassio Gusson](https://techreport.com/author/cassiog/)
@ 5e5fc143:393d5a2c
2024-11-19 10:20:25
Now test old reliable front end
Stay tuned more later
Keeping this as template long note for debugging in future as come across few NIP-33 post edit issues
@ af9c48b7:a3f7aaf4
2024-11-18 20:26:07
## Chef's notes
This simple, easy, no bake desert will surely be the it at you next family gathering. You can keep it a secret or share it with the crowd that this is a healthy alternative to normal pie. I think everyone will be amazed at how good it really is.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30
- 🍳 Cook time: 0
- 🍽️ Servings: 8
## Ingredients
- 1/3 cup of Heavy Cream- 0g sugar, 5.5g carbohydrates
- 3/4 cup of Half and Half- 6g sugar, 3g carbohydrates
- 4oz Sugar Free Cool Whip (1/2 small container) - 0g sugar, 37.5g carbohydrates
- 1.5oz box (small box) of Sugar Free Instant Chocolate Pudding- 0g sugar, 32g carbohydrates
- 1 Pecan Pie Crust- 24g sugar, 72g carbohydrates
## Directions
1. The total pie has 30g of sugar and 149.50g of carboydrates. So if you cut the pie into 8 equal slices, that would come to 3.75g of sugar and 18.69g carbohydrates per slice. If you decided to not eat the crust, your sugar intake would be .75 gram per slice and the carborytrates would be 9.69g per slice. Based on your objective, you could use only heavy whipping cream and no half and half to further reduce your sugar intake.
2. Mix all wet ingredients and the instant pudding until thoroughly mixed and a consistent color has been achieved. The heavy whipping cream causes the mixture to thicken the more you mix it. So, I’d recommend using an electric mixer. Once you are satisfied with the color, start mixing in the whipping cream until it has a consistent “chocolate” color thorough. Once your satisfied with the color, spoon the mixture into the pie crust, smooth the top to your liking, and then refrigerate for one hour before serving.