@ 4d41a7cb:7d3633cc
2025-01-11 01:39:00
If we think of the monetary system as a game and we understand its rules, we will be much better prepared to play it right. Let’s deep dive into how the monetary game works and how we win during the stage change we are going through: The death of the dollar.
Like in any game, there are goals, and players compete to win. In the monetary game, the goal is to acquire more wealth: more land, more resources, more goods, etc. Economic players are divided into groups and organized like a pyramid.
## Economic players
*1. Top of the pyramid*
This includes central bankers, politicians, large corporations, and all entities involved in the creation of currency.
They are well-versed in the rules, as they are the ones who create and modify them, including monetary and fiscal policy, as well as the Uniform Commercial Code. They operate in a "creative" mode, utilizing monetary policy and legislation to extract wealth from the system without the need for production. They effectively act like parasites.
These are the individuals in charge of organizations like the Federal Reserve (FED), the World Bank (WB), the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank of International Settlements (BIS), and the other important central banks of the world.
They have global think tanks where they train key economic players, like politicians, CEOs, public figures, and big business owners, to influence the world economy.
*2- Self-made winners*
The second category has a desire or hunger to win, and they understand the game to some degree: hedge fund managers, currency, commodity, and stock traders. Some of them, such as entrepreneurs and business owners, are genuinely skilled in their craft and produce legit goods and services.
Most of them don't have a "fixed income," and many have multiple sources of income, making them better prepared to navigate the monetary devaluation. This is because, while the stock market and commodities soar to record highs, wages remain relatively stagnant, thereby losing purchasing power.
*3. Middle class*
The third category is the one holding the structure; it's the main pillar or the spine holding the pyramid.
> ***As Aleks Svetski explains in the Bushido of Bitcoin:***
> So long as they exist and continue to believe in the game, the others can play (...) The faster this category erodes, the faster the game ends. Hyperinflation happens when they give up. People realize they’re carrying all the weight, and, as they start to burn out, they decide either, “Screw this, I’m going to join category two and get my share,”.
*4. Non-Economic Player Characters (NEPCs)*
> ***Aleks also explains:***
> The fourth category is the end of the road (...) **Why play if the game is rigged?** It’s easier to just give up! There are many gradations to this category, from the homeless to the welfare recipient to the hippie to the perpetual philosophy student to the doomer or the basement-dwelling 40-year-old teenager. These people either lack the gumption, talent, skill, or luck to jump category two, or they are deeply intuitive and feel how rigged it all is, so they throw in the towel and just drop out of the game altogether. Many more, of course, are born into category four and taught to believe victimhood is moral. As such, like crabs in a bucket, they bring down anybody who tries to rise up from there, and because they are in proximity only to category three players, they try to bring them down too.
### The currency cycle
Understanding the currency cycle and its phases is crucial for making informed decisions and being a beneficiary in the wealth transfer. The cycle starts with a real form of money, a commodity, generally gold and silver, and ends up with the hyperinflation of a money substitute, base metal, or usually a paper fiat currency.
Money establishes itself only through the cumulative development of a medium of exchange on the free market. Only the free market can create economic money; the government cannot, and it has chosen gold an silver every time.
But if history teaches us something, it is that **governments eventually end up corrupting money and replacing it with money substitutes (currency)**
From Greco-Roman times, we can find examples of governments corrupting money, inflating the currency supply, imposing price controls, and creating artificial and unsustainable exchange rates that end up distorting the economy and the incentive structures and eventually lead to the end of the empire/nation.
### Cycle phases
1\. The free market adopts real money (gold & silver).
2\. Redeemable certificates (IOUs) or a lower-quality metal replace gold and silver.
3\. By decree, governments separate IOUs, certificates, or lower metals from gold or silver and convert them into fiat currencies (fake money).
The government's deficit spending and banks' credit expansion inflate the currency supply, accelerating its loss of purchasing power. The government imposes capital controls, regulations, and even criminal laws to stop the currency leakage
5\. Complete loss of trust in the currency results in hyperinflation, economic chaos, social riots, and the need for a reset of the monetary system and debts.
6\. A new money rises, generally returning to gold and silver, and the cycle repeats itself.
## **Counterfeiting currency**
Money must be difficult to produce, requiring work to extract. When a currency, which requires no effort or work to produce, replaces money, the decline phase begins.
When a group has the ability to generate money without exertion, known as artificial inflation, inequality increases. We refer to this class as cantillionaires, who profit from the Cantillon effect, akin to parasites snatching wealth from the producers.
Inflation is simply another word for counterfeiting, as both involve the creation of "money" that is not attached to any real wealth.
The counterfeiters and their local retailers have found that their incomes increased before any rise in the prices of the things they buy. Retailers, on the other hand, will suffer losses. ***The first recipients of the new money will benefit the most, at the expense of those who receive it later.***
### **Where are we now?**
We are currently experiencing the demise of the "Federal Reserve Notes standard," also known as the dollar standard, which began with the establishment of the Federal Reserve in 1913.
During the Great Depression of the 1930s, the government "partially" disconnected the currency from gold, thereby stealing the yellow metal from the American people. The world set this currency as its reserve currency after the Second World War, allowing every other currency to be redeemable for dollars and those dollars for gold (in theory). This was known as the Bretton Woods agreement of 1944.
This system ended in 1971 when the Federal Reserve Notes (FRNs) were finally completely detached from gold redemption, and every currency started floating freely against each other with no backing at all. ***This marked the complete disconnection of currency from money.***
This sparked a flight to quality, as investors shifted from Federal Reserve notes to gold, resulting in a 20x increase in the gold price in FRNs from 1971 to the 1980s. Paul A. Volcker, the chairman of the Federal Reserve, responded to this by raising interest rates on US Treasury bills to halt the depreciation of the Federal Reserve notes. This period was characterized by riots, inflation, conflicts, and economic crises.
The second biggest demand for gold started with the dotcom bubble of the year 2000 and increased with the great financial crisis of 2008. This is when the Federal Reserve Notes standard began to crumble.
![](blob:https://highlighter.com/d11e7278-2a65-497a-9d69-f635fefc832b)We are now approaching the end of the road for this currency, but we are talking about the global reserve currency. All global economic players are affected, and there are winners and losers.
To be among the winners, you must first understand that the dollar is a liar.
## **The dollar is a liar**
The “everything bubble” is a misleading term. What is really happening is that the federal reserve notes, better known as dollars, are suffering an acceleration of the inflation rate.
Over the past three years, they have created about 30% of the supply of "dollars."
We can see the stock market in "all-time highs," gold in "all-time highs," real estate in "all-time highs," etc. The inflation of the denominator (FRNs) is unprecedented, rather than an "everything bubble."
Since the dollar is not a store of value any more, capital flows to more scarce alternatives to protect it's purchasing power, generally: Real State, stocks, bonds and gold.
Here is a simple graphical representation. On the right side, we can observe the price of gold in dollars, the price of dollars in gold, and the price of the S&P 500 in dollars and gold, respectively. The charts span from the 1960s to the current era.
Gold is not at "all-time highs," nor is the S&P 500. Actually, the S&P 500 is down 60% from its gold ATH in the year 2000.
Because the dollar is at all-time lows, most assets and some commodities are at "all-time highs" in currency terms. The US deficit keeps growing administration after administration, [making no difference between Republicans or Democrats,](https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/us-national-debt-grew-314-trillion-high/story?id=99429867)and there is no sign of this stopping any time soon.
![](https://i.abcnewsfe.com/a/4233c129-155f-410d-bd41-97cc9162cba8/NationalDebt_v02_DP_1684339148116_hpEmbed_1x1.jpg)## Where are we now?
### ***Biggest wealth transfer in human history***
Step 4 (government deficit spending and bank credit expansion inflate the currency supply until it loses most of its purchasing power) is now complete, and step 5 (hyperinflation, economic chaos, social riots, and a reset of the monetary system and debts) is about to begin.
This is not something that will happen from one day to another; it is something that is developing right now and will continue happening before our eyes, day by day, **first gradually, then suddenly.**
The top players in the pyramid recognize the end of this cycle, but they must shift to a new system to sustain their power and control. This is why supranational organizations are calling for a Great Reset or a New World Order. This is were the trojan horse of climate change enters the equation: a global problem that will requiere a global solution. They want to implement a social credit system, and a global CBDC to keep control of the currency supply and circulation.
> ***James Rickards explains in The Road to Ruin:***
> The agenda is unchanging, pursued in centuries past by Caesar and Napoleon, and in the twentieth century by the Rockefellers, Roosevelts, and Bush dynasties. The agenda thrives today in institutions with anodyne names like the United Nations and the International Monetary Fund. **The agenda is simple: world money, world taxation, and world order.**
> The fusion of global information sharing, global enforcement, and global taxation of gross receipts enables developed economies to extract the maximum amount of wealth from productive sectors to sustain nonproductive elites. This continues until the social system collapses, the common fate of civilizations that reach a late stage of prelatic parasitism.
> For elites, a global problem once defined conjures a global solution. Climate change is the perfect platform for implementing a hidden agenda of world money and world taxation.
> Elites formulate plans for the world order they wish to see. They wait for an exogenous shock, a natural disaster or financial crisis, then use fear created by shock to advance their vision.
> Elites are aware that their views are not widely accepted in democratic societies. Elites realize their programs must be implemented in small stages over decades to avoid backlash.
> Elites realize money printing may produce **not price inflation but asset inflation** and form new bubbles that could burst and destroy confidence for two generations.
Asset inflation is the previous step to price inflation. If asset owners start leveraging their assets more and more, they can increase their purchasing power, pushing prices higher and potentially creating a liquidity crisis, also known as margin calls, in the event of a market correction. This will produce more volatility and market instability.
> ***In his book What has government done to our money, Rothbard explains:***
> Thus, inflation does not benefit society but rather redistributes wealth to the first movers and penalizes the last. We often refer to the latecomers—those enduring the loss—as the "fixed income groups". Fixed-money contracts, retired persons, bondholders, and other creditors—those holding cash—all will bear the brunt of the inflation. Inflation will tax these individuals.
> Inflation has other disastrous effects. It distorts that keystone of our economy: business calculation. This process demoralizes commerce and undermines the incentive structure for production, instead encouraging debt, speculation, corruption, theft, and other harmful practices.
> Debtors benefit because they can settle their debts with a weaker currency. The incentive, then, is to borrow to buy hard assets that will appreciate in currency terms and repay later in a weakened currency.
> Rather than save and lend. Therefore, inflation lowers the general standard of living while simultaneously creating a false atmosphere of "prosperity".
When an important percentage of the middle class recognize what is really happening they will rush to play this game: borrow cheap credit to buy hard assets. This is the perfect recipe for starting a hyperinflation But the parasites won't let them win so easy, they already have a plan for this scenario.
## Ice-nine: the freezing of assets
The vulnerability of the global financial system has escalated due to a significant increase in debt levels, widespread reliance on leverage, and greater interconnectedness since 2008.
> ***James Rickards also explains***
> Power elite response to the next financial crisis. Instead of reliquefying the world, elites will freeze it. The system will be locked down. Of course, ice-nine will be described as temporary the same way President Nixon described the suspension of dollar-to-gold convertibility in 1971 as temporary. Gold convertibility at a fixed parity was never restored. The gold in Fort Knox has been frozen ever since. U.S. government gold is ice-nine.
#### Governments around the world are secretly planning measures to freeze financial assets and restrict the flow of money should an impending financial crisis arise.
The approach, far more drastic than the methods used in the 2008 crisis, aims to freeze financial assets and prevent a chaotic downfall by restricting access to physical currency and stopping a desperate rush for liquidity.
During a meal in mid-2014, the author received information from a senior BlackRock representative indicating that in the event of a financial meltdown, the U.S. government might direct asset management firms to suspend customer fund withdrawals.
All of this will be done with the purpose to stop hyperinflation.
### **Hyperinflation: The endgame**
#### If history is any guide, what the Federal Reserve is doing now has been tried throughout history.
As the Federal Reserve continues to print trillions of dollars out of thin air with no productivity to back it up, at some point down the road, **the world will finally lose faith in the US dollar as a global currency** and conclude that it no longer makes sense to store their wealth in US dollars.
Today, the Federal Reserve appears to be following in the footsteps of 1923 Germany’s Weimar Republic shortly after World War I. This results in significant volatility and alternates between bullish trends and bearish contractions. The hyperinflation process, once started, is impossible to stop; first it starts gradually, then suddenly.
Pictures speak louder than words:
![Weimar Germany Hyperinflation Explained - Business Insider](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=http%3A%2F%2Fstatic5.businessinsider.com%2Fimage%2F508486ab6bb3f77f4c000000-960%2Fgerman-weimar-hyperinflation-chart.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=4d4d683ff8d2f9fa3deae01bbf25697730280fcc396d86c171188a4aa1225b6d&ipo=images)### How to win
Since the currency is experiencing an acceleration of the inflation we want to own the best type of property to protect against the debasement, but as we saw, the top economic players are planing to freeze the financial system and restrict the access to our property.
It's obvious to me like for many others that know about this things that Bitcoin is the one and only option, since is has no counterparty risk and it's limited; even better than scarce.
The similarities with the previous chart speak by themselves.
#### **Conclusion**
1- Make bitcoin your denominator (your main unit of account).
2-Accumulate as much bitcoin as possible on self-custody (earn, save and spend bitcoin every time is possible to spread adoption).
3- Don't be traded under a fixed income situation, increase your income sources, and own real and tangible assets.
4- Avoid overexposing to counterparty risks types of property (RE, stocks, bonds, etc)
5-Make sure your friends and family understand this.
6- Have a place outside of big cities and connect with local food producers (just in case).
7- Live your life, have fun, connect with amazing people spend time in nature and finally:
Bitcoin or slavery!
@ df478568:2a951e67
2025-01-10 20:15:36
I heard about nostr on Citadel Dispatch. It sounded like a promising alternative to legacy social media.
Here's the thing: Free speech does not exist. According to Rothbard in [The Ethics of Liberty](https://mises.org/library/book/ethics-liberty), the property owner always has the right to censor.(He gives the example, If you give a speech in a movie theater, the ushers will ask you to leave. The crowd might throw popcorn at you. Therefore you do not have the freedom of speech in a movie theater. The proverbial, "you don't have the right to yell fire in a crowded theater" is a red-herring. The freedom of speech, not freedom of reach argument is another argument for censorship. The information super highway is owned and operated by corporations. It's 2025. I don't focus on stocks very much, but I've seen NVIDIA. The NVIDIA stock price is not the interesting part. The interesting part is how fast AI is becoming ubiquitous.
That means writing code is easier. That means a new Internet not built and controlled by corporations. It means development on this new protocol can be funded with donations to a non-profit corporation. Or people can send $1,000 to a corporation to help fund development and get a badge. It's almost like virtue signaling your support for development of an interesting bitcoin wallet. I know virtue signaling gets a bad rap, but it is virtuous to support the development of a bitcoin wallet built for a world where Social Media Apps can be banned by a government with a bill of rights that begins with the words:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
I don't know if TikTok is something we should want to ban or not. I've never used it and have no dog in this fight. I'm not informed enough about the issue to give a useful opinion on the TikTok case, but I find it very interesting. Whatever the ruling, I will find the reasons behind the ruling most fascinating. Whatever they are, I would like to run a thought experiment. If the ban is not held constitutional, I want to know if this would set precedence for nostr. If it is the ban is held constitutional, how would this ruling apply to the nostr protocol? ** O am not a lawyer** and do not know the answers to any of these questions, but it's fun to think about.
Nostr is unique because it cannot be owned by a corporation or communist government. It is owned by individuals. Each individual who can afford it can own their own data. Your speech is attached to an npub that can be seen on every nostr client. It is stored on several relays. You can run your own relay. You can run your own client. In the very early days, we all had to be on the same relays to see the same posts, but the outbox model fixes this. It is still early days, but nostr has many implementation possibilities and I suspect the protocol to get better over time.
Primal can still censor me. Since I run my own relay, I will not lose my content if they do. I may not be able to be see on the Primal App, but people will still be able to see me on Amethyst or Coracle. If Primal shadow bans me, I can still speak. I don’t think Primal will ban me, but even if the government knocked on Miljan’s door and made him an offer he can’t refuse, I can still speak on nostr. X, Facebook, or any other platform cannot grant the freedom of speech. You must follow their terms and conditions. The government goons can tell platforms to ban certain content by sending a single email. They have to wait on government permission. Mark Zuckerburg must know zaps exist when the United States government stopped him from printing his own stable coin. To ban a nostr user requires shutting down more than just one company or a law that bans a platform. It requires shutting down computers of individuals. It happens from time to time(The Canadian government sucks), but it would be difficult to ban all the computers running nostr. It's not perfect. [John Carvalho wrote a great article](https://medium.com/pubky/pubky-the-next-web-3287b35408f1) about all the problems with these newfangled decentralized tools, but nostr looks promising.
### Freedom Tech Gives Power To The People
![Freedom Tech](https://gitea.marc26z.com/marc/NostrPhotos/raw/branch/main/freedomtech2/freedomtech2.png)
"I am fascinated by Tim May's crypt-anarchy. Unlike the communities
traditionally associated with the word "anarchy", in a crypt-anarchy the
government is not temporarily destroyed but permanently forbidden and
permanently unnecessary. It's a community where the threat of violence is
impotent because violence is impossible, and violence is impossible
because its participants cannot be linked to their true names or physical
- wei dai, b-money
Nostr is not quite crypto-anarchy, but it is freedom tech. Nostr is free from corporations. This doesn't mean there are no corporations involved on nostr. Much of the funding is funded by a 5013c corporation. Primal is a corporation, but Primal is a small fraction of nostr. Social media is a fraction of [nostr awesomeness](https://github.com/aljazceru/awesome-nostr). It's participants can almost all be linked to their true identity unless they have Satoshi-esque OPsec skills. Nostr does not remove the threat of government violence, but it increases the censorship hash-rate. It will take more work to censor people on nostr than simply sending an email to Zuck or whatever they do.
Running your own relay and client is not too difficult. For a few hundred thousand sats and a little elbow grease, you can own your own speech and broadcast from your own computer. It's like owning your own movie theater. You are free to yell fire in your own movie theater. Nobody can kick you out of that theater, but nobody will want to watch your movies either. If you yell fire, people cannot stop you, but they can mute your ass.
[Become Marc's Mention Member](https://marc26z.com/become-a-marcs-mention-member/)
[Marc's Merch](nostr:npub1marc26z8nh3xkj5rcx7ufkatvx6ueqhp5vfw9v5teq26z254renshtf3g0)
@ df173277:4ec96708
2025-01-09 17:02:52
> OpenSecret is a backend for app developers that turns private encryption on by default. When sensitive data is readable only by the user, it protects both the user and the developer, creating a more free and open internet. We'll be launching in 2025. [Join our waitlist to get early access.](https://opensecret.cloud)
In today's digital age, personal data is both an asset and a liability. With the rise of data breaches and cyber attacks, individuals and companies struggle to protect sensitive information. The consequences of a data breach can be devastating, resulting in financial losses, reputational damage, and compromised user trust. In 2023, the average data breach cost was $5 million, with some resulting in losses of over $1 billion.
![](https://blog.opensecret.cloud/content/images/2024/11/image-3-1-1-1.png)Meanwhile, individuals face problems related to identity theft, personal safety, and public embarrassment. Think about the apps on your phone, even the one you're using to read this. How much data have you trusted to other people, and how would it feel if that data were leaked online?
Thankfully, some incredibly talented cypherpunks years ago gave the world cryptography. We can encrypt data, rendering it a secret between two people. So why then do we have data breaches?
> Cryptography at scale is hard.
#### The Cloud
The cloud has revolutionized how we store and process data, but it has limitations. While cloud providers offer encryption, it mainly protects data in transit. Once data is stored in the cloud, it's often encrypted with a shared key, which can be accessed by employees, third-party vendors, or compromised by hackers.
The solution is to generate a personal encryption password for each user, make sure they write it down, and, most importantly, hope they don't lose it. If the password is lost, the data is forever unreadable. That can be overwhelming, leading to low app usage.
> Private key encryption needs a UX upgrade.
## Enter OpenSecret
OpenSecret is a developer platform that enables encryption by default. Our platform provides a suite of security tools for app developers, including private key management, encrypted sync, private AI, and confidential compute.
Every user has a private vault for their data, which means only they can read it. Developers are free to store less sensitive data in a shared manner because there is still a need to aggregate data across the system.
### Private Key Management
Private key management is the superpower that enables personal encryption per user. When each user has a unique private key, their data can be truly private. Typically, using a private key is a challenging experience for the user because they must write down a long autogenerated number or phrase of 12-24 words. If they lose it, their data is gone.
OpenSecret uses secure enclaves to make private keys as easy as an everyday login experience that users are familiar with. Instead of managing a complicated key, the user logs in with an email address or a social media account.
The developer doesn't have to manage private keys and can focus on the app's user experience. The user doesn't have to worry about losing a private key and can jump into using your app.
### Encrypted Sync
With user keys safely managed, we can synchronize user data to every device while maintaining privacy. The user does not need to do complicated things like scanning QR codes from one device to the next. Just log in and go.
The user wins because the data is available on all their devices. The developer wins because only the user can read the data, so it isn't a liability to them.
### Private AI
Artificial intelligence is here and making its way into everything. The true power of AI is unleashed when it can act on personal and company data. The current options are to run your own AI locally on an underpowered machine or to trust a third party with your data, hoping they don't read it or use it for anything.
OpenSecret combines the power of cloud computing with the privacy and security of a machine running on your desk.
**Check out Maple AI**\
Try private AI for yourself! We built an app built with this service called [Maple AI](https://trymaple.ai). It is an AI chat that is 100% private in a verifiable manner. Give it your innermost thoughts or embarrassing ideas; we can't judge you. We built Maple using OpenSecret, which means you have a private key that is automatically managed for you, and your chat history is synchronized to all your devices. [Learn more about Maple AI - Private chat in the announcement post.](https://blog.opensecret.cloud/maple-ai-private-encrypted-chat/)
### Confidential Compute
Confidential computing is a game-changer for data security. It's like the secure hardware that powers Apple Pay and Google Pay on your phone but in the cloud. Users can verify through a process called attestation that their data is handled appropriately. OpenSecret can help you run your own custom app backend code that would benefit from the security of an enclave.
It's the new version of that lock on your web browser. When you see it, you know you're secure.
#### **But do we want our secrets to be open?**
OpenSecret renders a data breach practically useless. If hackers get into the backend, they enter a virtual hallway of locked private vaults. The leaked data would be gibberish, a secret in the open that is unreadable.
On the topic of openness, OpenSecret uses the power of open source to enable trust in the service. We publish our code in the open, and, using attestation, anyone can verify that private data is being handled as expected. This openness also provides developers with a backup option to safely and securely export their data.
> Don't trust, verify.
### **Join the Movement**
We're currently building out OpenSecret, and we invite you to join us on the journey. Our platform can work with your existing stack, and you can pick and choose the features you need. If you want to build apps with encryption enabled, [send us a message to get early access.](https://opensecret.cloud)
Users and companies deserve better encryption and privacy.\
Together, let's make that a reality.
[![Get Early Access](https://blog.opensecret.cloud/content/images/2024/11/get-early-access-3.png)](https://opensecret.cloud)
@ 23b0e2f8:d8af76fc
2025-01-08 18:17:52
## **Necessário**
- Um Android que você não use mais (a câmera deve estar funcionando).
- Um cartão microSD (opcional, usado apenas uma vez).
- Um dispositivo para acompanhar seus fundos (provavelmente você já tem um).
## **Algumas coisas que você precisa saber**
- O dispositivo servirá como um assinador. Qualquer movimentação só será efetuada após ser assinada por ele.
- O cartão microSD será usado para transferir o APK do Electrum e garantir que o aparelho não terá contato com outras fontes de dados externas após sua formatação. Contudo, é possível usar um cabo USB para o mesmo propósito.
- A ideia é deixar sua chave privada em um dispositivo offline, que ficará desligado em 99% do tempo. Você poderá acompanhar seus fundos em outro dispositivo conectado à internet, como seu celular ou computador pessoal.
## **O tutorial será dividido em dois módulos:**
- Módulo 1 - Criando uma carteira fria/assinador.
- Módulo 2 - Configurando um dispositivo para visualizar seus fundos e assinando transações com o assinador.
## **No final, teremos:**
- Uma carteira fria que também servirá como assinador.
- Um dispositivo para acompanhar os fundos da carteira.
![Conteúdo final](https://i.imgur.com/7ktryvP.png)
## **Módulo 1 - Criando uma carteira fria/assinador**
1. Baixe o APK do Electrum na aba de **downloads** em <https://electrum.org/>. Fique à vontade para [verificar as assinaturas](https://electrum.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gpg-check.html) do software, garantindo sua autenticidade.
2. Formate o cartão microSD e coloque o APK do Electrum nele. Caso não tenha um cartão microSD, pule este passo.
3. Retire os chips e acessórios do aparelho que será usado como assinador, formate-o e aguarde a inicialização.
4. Durante a inicialização, pule a etapa de conexão ao Wi-Fi e rejeite todas as solicitações de conexão. Após isso, você pode desinstalar aplicativos desnecessários, pois precisará apenas do Electrum. Certifique-se de que Wi-Fi, Bluetooth e dados móveis estejam desligados. Você também pode ativar o **modo avião**.\
*(Curiosidade: algumas pessoas optam por abrir o aparelho e danificar a antena do Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, impossibilitando essas funcionalidades.)*
![Modo avião](https://i.imgur.com/mQw0atg.png)
5. Insira o cartão microSD com o APK do Electrum no dispositivo e instale-o. Será necessário permitir instalações de fontes não oficiais.
6. No Electrum, crie uma carteira padrão e gere suas palavras-chave (seed). Anote-as em um local seguro. Caso algo aconteça com seu assinador, essas palavras permitirão o acesso aos seus fundos novamente. *(Aqui entra seu método pessoal de backup.)*
## **Módulo 2 - Configurando um dispositivo para visualizar seus fundos e assinando transações com o assinador.**
1. Criar uma carteira **somente leitura** em outro dispositivo, como seu celular ou computador pessoal, é uma etapa bastante simples. Para este tutorial, usaremos outro smartphone Android com Electrum. Instale o Electrum a partir da aba de downloads em <https://electrum.org/> ou da própria Play Store. *(ATENÇÃO: O Electrum não existe oficialmente para iPhone. Desconfie se encontrar algum.)*
2. Após instalar o Electrum, crie uma carteira padrão, mas desta vez escolha a opção **Usar uma chave mestra**.
![Chave mestra](https://i.imgur.com/x5WpHpn.png)
3. Agora, no assinador que criamos no primeiro módulo, exporte sua chave pública: vá em **Carteira > Detalhes da carteira > Compartilhar chave mestra pública**.
4. Escaneie o QR gerado da chave pública com o dispositivo de consulta. Assim, ele poderá acompanhar seus fundos, mas sem permissão para movimentá-los.
5. Para receber fundos, envie Bitcoin para um dos endereços gerados pela sua carteira: **Carteira > Addresses/Coins**.
6. Para movimentar fundos, crie uma transação no dispositivo de consulta. Como ele não possui a chave privada, será necessário assiná-la com o dispositivo assinador.
![Transação não assinada](https://i.imgur.com/MxhQZZx.jpeg)
7. No assinador, escaneie a transação não assinada, confirme os detalhes, assine e compartilhe. Será gerado outro QR, desta vez com a transação já assinada.
8. No dispositivo de consulta, escaneie o QR da transação assinada e transmita-a para a rede.
## **Conclusão**
**Pontos positivos do setup:**
- **Simplicidade:** Basta um dispositivo Android antigo.
- **Flexibilidade:** Funciona como uma ótima carteira fria, ideal para holders.
**Pontos negativos do setup:**
- **Padronização:** Não utiliza seeds no padrão BIP-39, você sempre precisará usar o electrum.
- **Interface:** A aparência do Electrum pode parecer antiquada para alguns usuários.
Nesse ponto, temos uma carteira fria que também serve para assinar transações. O fluxo de assinar uma transação se torna: ***Gerar uma transação não assinada > Escanear o QR da transação não assinada > Conferir e assinar essa transação com o assinador > Gerar QR da transação assinada > Escanear a transação assinada com qualquer outro dispositivo que possa transmiti-la para a rede.***
Como alguns devem saber, uma transação assinada de Bitcoin é praticamente impossível de ser fraudada. Em um cenário catastrófico, você pode mesmo que sem internet, repassar essa transação assinada para alguém que tenha acesso à rede por qualquer meio de comunicação. Mesmo que não queiramos que isso aconteça um dia, esse setup acaba por tornar essa prática possível.
@ f88e6629:e5254dd5
2025-01-08 20:08:17
- Send a transaction, and the recipient uses the coin for another payment. You then merge these two transactions together and save on fees. 🔥
![Transaction merge](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/c113b688-d144-4f6f-9986-c7873656ba4f)
If you have a Trezor, you can try this out on: https://coiner-mu.vercel.app/
_But be cautious. This is a hobby project without any guarantee._
<img width="1772" alt="Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 20 14 17" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/36412edb-9c62-4c5f-8f82-b41c118a3aa6" />
## How does it work?
1. Connect Trezor, enter the passphrase, and select an account.
2. The application display your coins, pending transactions, and descendant transactions.
4. Then app shows you how much you can save by merging all transactions and removing duplicate information.
5. Finally, you can sign and broadcast this more efficient transaction
@ bf47c19e:c3d2573b
2025-01-10 19:53:36
Originalni tekst na [tasic.substack.com](https://tasic.substack.com/p/ne-bitcoin-nije-novac)
07.09.2021 / Autor: Slaviša Tasić
U El Salvadoru je bitcoin od danas zvanična valuta. Valuta Salvadora je već neko vreme samo američki dolar. Svoju domaću više nemaju. Sada je dolaru dodat bitcoin.
Razlika između dolara i bitcoina u Salvadoru je velika. Dolar je tamo privreda sama prigrlila. Stara valuta nije valjala, bila je inflatorna i gubila vrednost, pa su ljudi bežali u dolar — trgovali, računali i štedeli u njemu. Onda je država jednog dana skroz digla ruke od sopstvene valute i proglasila dolar zvaničnom. Identična stvar dogodila se u Crnoj Gori kada je ona umesto tadašnjeg inflatornog dinara ozvaničila već raširenu nemačku marku. Kasnije se sa marke automatski prešlo na evro.
Bitcoin nije prihvaćen spontano. Niko u Salvadoru ne koristi bitcoin zato što dolar više nije popularan. Naprotiv, dolar je valuta koju ljudi biraju, u kojoj i dalje dobrovoljno plaćaju, računaju i štede. Bitcoin Salvadoru nameće država i u tom smislu on je bliži onoj staroj, prethodnoj, nametnutoj valuti. Predsedniku Salvadora se dopala ideja bitcoina pa je odlučio da ga uvede. Ne samo ozvaniči, jer niko ni do sada niko nije branio ljudima da trguju u bitcoinu ako hoće, nego i da prihvatanje bitcoina učini obaveznim. Sada, ako prodajete sladoled u Salvadoru i kupac hoće da vam plati bitcoinom, vi morate da ga primite.
Zato ja ne prodajem sladoled u Salvadoru.
Kriptovalute su tako napravile još jedan korak ka paradoksu. Nekada su one bile subverzivni projekat. Bitcoin je trebalo da zameni dolar i druge državne valute zato što je bolji, stabilniji i anonimniji. Zato što je blockchain, njegova platna infrastruktura, trebalo da bude brža, efikasnija i jeftinija. Trebalo je da iz Argentine šaljemo novac u Indiju brzo i besplatno. Privatno generisani i decentralizovani kripto novac trebalo je da potisne državne valute i centralizovane finansijske sisteme. To je bio narativ iza bitcoina i kripto pokreta. Centralne i sve druge banke, odzvonilo vam je!
Trinaest godina kasnije, bitcoin u jednu državu uvodi jedan predsednik. Jeste on mladi i kul predsednik, sluša kripto podkaste i ide na bitcoin konferencije, ali upravo to zamagljuje sliku pa pristalice ne vide suštinu: da bitcoin ovde uvodi država i njen monopol sile.
Finansije Salvadora me slabo zanimaju, ali kao ilustracija o kakvom se šarlatanstvu ovde radi pogledajte šta kaže gospodin predsednik:
Zašto jedna država kupuje bitcoin? Mogao je i da ode u kladionicu i stavi pare iz budžeta na Juventus — šanse za dobitak su tu negde, a kladionica troši manje struje.
I ne znam da li opozicija u Salvadoru ima plan i program, ali evo kako bitcoin predsednik raspravlja sa poznatim monetarnim ekonomistom. Služeći se argumentom OK, boomer:
Bitcoin moraju ovako nametati jer bitcoin nije novac. Njegova vrednost je ovih dana ponovo porasla, opet je prešao $50,000, a desilo se da ga daleka država u isto vreme ozvaniči i zato su ponovo krenule vesti i priče o ovoj valuti budućnosti. Ali bitcoin nije novac i to isto važi za sve kripto valute.
Novac služi za plaćanja, a bitcoin to ne ume dobro da radi. Njegov platni sistem je glomazan, spor i skup. Da, njime se može ponegde plaćati, ali prodavci to rade iz promotivnih razloga, ne realne potrebe. Sam sistem je daleko inferiorniji od sistema koje već imamo i tu nekog napretka nema. Za ono što bitcoinu i njegovom blockchainu trebaju minuti, Master i Visa sistemi urade u milisekundama, uz daleko niže provizije.
Novac je i merilo vrednosti. U Salvadoru vrednost mere u dolarima, u Japanu u jenima. U Srbiji to radimo malo u dinarima, a malo više u evrima. Ali nikad nisam nikoga čuo da kaže da kilo banana košta 650 satoshija ili da mu nekretnina vredi 3.7 bitcoina.
Treći kriterijum za novac je čuvanje vrednosti i to bitcoin radi malo bolje. On ne samo da je do sada sačuvao vrednost nego je i neverovatno uvećao. To nije klasično čuvanje vrednosti, jer malo ko ulaže u bitcoin da bi se zaštitio od pada dolara ili evra. Bitcoin se kupuje jer se može desiti da opet jako skoči. To je spekulativni, a ne odbrambeni motiv. Ali ako i uzmemo da je to neki vid čuvanja vrednosti, dosadašnji rast ne kaže nam ništa o bitcoinu kao čuvaru buduće vrednosti. Da je bio stabilan od početka, možda bih poverovao. Vrtoglavi rast bilo čega retko znači buduću stabilnost.
Ovde se kripto entuzijazisti pobune i kažu da ni sadašnje papirne valute ne čuvaju vrednost. Valute kao evro ili dolar su papir samo u smislu u kojem su bitcoin bajtovi informacija i kilovati struje — to je jedna njihova primitivna manifestacija, a ne suštinska karakteristika. Evro nije “papir”; evro je obećanje Evropske centralne banke da će uspešno ciljati inflaciju od 2% godišnje. Ne morate verovati u to obećanje, možete sumnjati u proces izbora ciljeva i guvernera, u njihovo znanje i namere — ali to je suština evra kao novca. To je podloga evra. Isto važi i za dolar, jen ili dinar. Nekada je novac imao zlatnu podlogu, nekada srebrnu, a njegova sadašnja podloga je obećanje jedne manje ili više kredibilne institucije. Nije papir.
Obećanje o ciljanju inflacije sa sobom nosi jednu važnu funkciju. Svi govore o ograničenoj ponudi bitcoina: programski je on ograničen na 21 milion bitcoina i ne može se štampati preko toga. Ali cenu osim ponude određuje i tražnja. Novac nije izuzet iz toga. Ciljanje inflacije — što je identično ciljanju vrednosti novca u odnosu na zadatu korpu roba — postiže se reagovanjem centralne banke na promene tražnje za novcem.
Ponuda dolara, evra i drugih običnih valuta je fleksibilna, što znači da ih besomučnim štampanjem možete obezvrediti. Ali fleskibilnost znači i da ih možete emitovati i povlačiti tako da odgovarate na tražnju za njima, sa ciljem da njihova vrednost u odnosu na korpu roba ostane stabilna. I to je ključna prednost koju centralne banke imaju nad kripto valutama. Zbog toga su valute centralnih banaka vrlo dobro merilo vrednosti i vrlo predvidivi čuvari vrednosti.
Ne treba vam većeg dokaza za to od uspona stablecoina, kripto valuta čija je vrednost vezana za dolar. Kripto valute su došle sa namerom da ga poraze, a sada se vezuju za dolar da bi od njega pozajmile stabilnost koju nemaju. A dolar stabilnost ima zato što centralna banka aktivno cilja njegovu vrednost i manipuliše ponudom dolara da bi odgovarala tražnji za njima. Ako neka kripto valuta reši ovaj problem odgovora ponude na tražnju, možda će i uspeti.
Ovakav kakav je, bitcoin može još dugo da održava vrednost ili raste. Razlog su naši komplikovani ukusi, procene i očekivanja. U tom smislu za mene je bitcoin i dalje najviše uporediv sa apstraktnom umetnošću: ni ona ne valja, ne vredi ništa, ali ljudi imaju neke svoje ideje, kupuju te stvari jedni od drugih za mnogo para i one već decenijama ipak drže visoku vrednost.
Druge dve funkcije novca on ne obavlja, jer niti valja kao platežno sredstvo niti meri bilo šta. Zato bitcoin i nijedna kripto valuta za sada nisu novac. I nijedan državni dekret to neće promeniti. Možda neka bolja kripto valuta, u budućnosti, hoće.
@ 000002de:c05780a7
2025-01-10 19:43:41
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/845462
@ 9bcc5462:eb501d90
2025-01-10 19:42:28
Cuneiform is mankind’s first writing system created by the ancient Sumerians of Mesopotamia, what is now Iraq. (The word “Sumer” means land of civilized kings). Despite being developed 5,000 years ago, its parallels to Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays will blow your mind! The most striking is how both breakthroughs materialized from the fundamental need to track value exchange–from primal grain tallies to now exchanging bitcoin.
Let’s begin with the fact that the styluses used by these archaic scribes were crafted from reed plants. Their stems were strong because of attachment points called nodes! These were the resilient, ring-like parts of the stem that joined it together with the rest of the plant. Similarly, although symbolically, lightning nodes are powerful on nostr since they allow us to zap each other with sats. An approach stemming from the need to modernize how we interact on social media, trade in networks and conduct business—It’s not surprising cuneiform came about as a way for merchants and farmers to track economic transactions and agricultural inventories!
Another parallel involves how both share everlasting marks. The Sumerians used their styluses to press wedge-like symbols onto wet tablets. They then would bake them in the sun, leaving a permanent record of the documentation. If an error was made, it could not be changed. Likewise, on nostr there is no delete function. Once you publish a note, including any typos, it is preserved for history.
Lastly, the proto-writing that emerged in Mesopotamia which led to Cuneiform was in the form of bullae (bulla: singular). These were spherical clay envelopes encased with tokens representing a transaction. They were sealed with unique markings representing the parties involved for authentication. In other words, cuneiform cylinder seals were effectively early public key cryptography! The seal itself being the private key and its impression being the public key. Just as us nostriches use our nsec to sign our notes with integrity and verify value-for-value with our npub.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/24334fa1a0ecb656c490e819b3837392f0496fee6d05b94554a687c6605221dd.png">
*Rare bulla seal (shout out to Conny Waters from ancientpages.com)*
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/f3c075da3b455cc9ff9c20b8847204e9fec121cf0646b11b65269945453c9e4e.png">
*Sumerian cuneiform tablet (source: britannica.com)*
At the end of the day, maybe we’re not so different from our ancestors after all. The evolution of our writing technology over the course of our history is more than innovation born of necessity. Across millennia, 3025 BCE to 2025 AD, it's man telling the universe– we will be remembered– beyond space and time. As our ancestors stacked their clay tablets, we’ll stack our sats! Onward nostr! The new land of civilized kings.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/9f2790be2aa29d692eaf8a36c44c63d78524561592bd68c73071ce6b51905aa7.png">
*Mankind's Innovations in Writing Technology by Learning Producers, Inc.*
@ 746a245a:7a8d8b34
2025-01-10 17:57:04
# 1. Self custody
Always. Send your BTC to cold storage. Don't hesitate because of high network fees when mempool activity is high. Rather pay 10% or more to secure your coins than risk loosing 100% of a cosiderable amount. If you have questions about self custody see this guide on the [5 Best Practices to Store Your Bitcoin](nostr:naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzqar2y3ddy98xj55723803fp8vmz4ldst088sptgxgzg9qdagmze5qqdxy6t5vdhkjm3dwd6x7unpvajj6etnwdjkuarfv9k8x2xrd3w).
# 2. Back up well
Restore a wallet at least once. Make sure you know how to get back your coins in a worst case scenario. (Also make sure your heirs are able to do it when time comes.)
# 3. Never try to time the market
DCA. Set it and forget it. Monthly, weekly, by-weekly or daily doesn't matter. Choose what best suits you. Do this for the majority of your BTC allocation. You can not time the bottom. Period. (But you can have a little pile of FIAT to buy dips when they occur.)
# 4. You can not time the top either
Never sell the majority of your Stack. Take a little profit if things go parabolic to reward yourself but always keep your main stack intact. It can be hard to get it back. And it will only go up with time. HODL and understand what you own.
# 5. Keep emotions out
Greed and fear are the main factors for people to get wrecked. Slow steady purchases, even tiny ones, all go to building a stack.
# 6. Never use leverage
Just don't. No, not even if BTC is below 10k. Make sure every sat you own truly belongs to you.
# 7. Every sat counts
Even if it's small amounts, just keep dca-ing and stacking sats. Little pieces add up. 0.001 BTC = $25 at the time of this writing. Do this 100 times and you have a tenth of a BTC.
If you have very little FIAT, stack free sats. You can:
* use faucets (like [freebitco.in](https://freebitco.in) or [cointiply.com](https://cointiply.com/))
* do tasks (like [microlancer.io](https://microlancer.io/))
* play games (like [Bitcoin Miner](https://blog.zebedee.io/bitcoin-miner-game/))
* shop with services like [lolli.com](https://www.lolli.com/) or [foldapp.com](https://foldapp.com/)
* listen to podcasts (with [fountain.fm](https://www.fountain.fm/))
* educate yourself on Bitcoin (with [BitcoinMagazine](https://bitcoinmagazine.com/))
* or be active and provide value in communities like [nostr](https://nostr.com/), [stacker.news](https://stacker.news) or [habla.news](https://habla.news)
Remember: Faucets used to give hundreds of Bitcoin per day. Now it's 5-250 sats 10 years later. In 10 years it may be 1-5 sats.
# 8. Don't go all in
Keep FIAT to survive hard times without being forced to sell BTC. (for example 6 months of monthly spending)
# 9. Enjoy life while stacking
There is only one thing that is more precious than Bitcoin. **It is lifetime**. Stack sats, but also stack moments. Be present and enjoy life. Every day. No amount of BTC can ever buy back lifetime. Remind yourself of this often.
# 10. Don't forget yourself
Always have a little fun money to maintain hobbys, traveling and to treat yourself. Otherwise you might burn out quickly.
# 11. Involve your significant other
Make sure he/she knows the reason why you do what you do. Otherwise you risk burning out him/her too.
# 12. Automate and relax
When you check your portfolio ten times a day or more think of automating things. Don't trade lifetime and serenity for small gains.
# 13. Don't do shitcoins
Most altcoins never reach their ATH again. BTC and BTC only.
# 14. Stay humble
Never get lured by offers that promise yield in exchange for holding your BTC. FTX was a recent example of how that can end.
# 15. You lost your keys in a boating accident
Never share how much Bitcoin you own. Better yet, don't share that you own any at all (exception: rule #11). The less is known about you having BTC, the less risk. Also consider buying non KYC. For example with [robosats](https://learn.robosats.com/) or [bisq](https://bisq.network/).
# 16. Don't rush. Be patient
It is a marathon, not a sprint. Time is on your side. You already own Bitcoin. **You won**. It isn't a race like with FIAT where you have to fight inflation. You preserve wealth.
# 17. Increase your FIAT earnings
Learn profitable skills to increase your buying power and generally grow as a person. Even if you loose all your wealth, nobody can take away your skills to accumulate it again.
# 18. Don't compare
Every stack of BTC is better than no stack of BTC. And even if you are a whale: there will always be a bigger fish somewhere in the sea ...
# 19. You don't need 1 full BTC
This was huge for me! The urge to have one full BTC is very FIAT minded thinking. Goals are cool but:
**21 million BTC / 8 billion humans in the world =0,00262500 BTC**
And not even that is possible because of the 1,1 m BTC wallet of Satoshi Nakamoto and lost coins. You can find out the exact amount every individual on earth could possibly own at [satoshisperperson.com](https://satoshisperperson.com/).
Not everyone needs a whole coin. About 225.000 sats = your little block of Bitcoin. ... That's roughly $55 at the time of this writing. Got that? Congratulations! 99% of people are still on zero. Safe your share and then slowly add more every pay check.
# 20. Change perspective
You can change settings in your wallet to display value in sats rather than BTC. This liberates from the feeling of shortage and the urge to fill that full BTC. It opens up the feeling of gratitude and abundance.
# 21. Always learn
Keep educating yourself about Bitcoin. The rabbit hole is deep ...
## Thank you!
Thank you wonderful people who helped me gather those tips. I chose consciously to not give personal credit in this post because of rule #15 =)
## Find me on Nostr
My [Nostr](https://nostr.com/) npub:
## What have i missed?
Do you agree with these tips? Did i miss any? Please let me know and help refine this set of rules so we can breed more an more whole coiners over time ... or let's rather call it 'satoshi millionaires' (see rule #19 ;-)
*P.S. Feel free to tip me some sats or share this post if you find it helpful. Working on my own little stack too ;-)*
@ 746a245a:7a8d8b34
2025-01-10 17:50:10
In the past few years i have struggled a lot to find "the right" way to store bitcoin.
There is a lot of advice on this topic scattered around the web. I have consumed it, i have tested it and i have discussed it.
Here is what i found to be the best practices to store your bitcoin as a newbie or intermidiate.
I have split this up into two parts:
- Part 1: Essentials - The absolute bare minimum requirements you need to implement ASAP (this post)
- Part 2: Recommended - How to upgrade security and what mistakes to avoid (coming soon)
Let's start with the Essentials ...
# Part 1: Essentials
I assume you already know a thing or two about bitcoin if you read this post, so i skip the obvious "No your keys not your coins" stuff.
These are the absolute minimum safety requiements. If you have not implemented these, stop everything you do and follow these steps immediately:
## 1. Use a hardware wallet
Hardware wallets are specificly built for one single purpose. To secure your private keys and thuss the access to your bitcoin.
### Do i really need a hardware wallet?
Short answer: Yes.
Long Answer: It depends on your funds. If you only have bitcoin worth a few hundred bugs, it might not be necessary. A hardware wallet costs about $50-200. But as soon as you feel uncomfortable, you should get one. It is an individual decision. Like someone doesn’t bother running around with a few thousand dollars in his pocket and another one feels uncomfortable with even a few hundred. BUT it is good practice to treat the security of your funds right now as if they already were 10x. As a 10x can happen pretty quickly, as we have seen in the past two years, and you don’t want to do security upgrades in a rush and from a point where you feel unsafe. This leads to mistakes which can lead to total loss (for example sending to a wrong address). Self custody is the first an most important rule to follow if you want to keep your coins and [become a whole coiner](nostr:naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzqar2y3ddy98xj55723803fp8vmz4ldst088sptgxgzg9qdagmze5qqsnyvfdwf6kcetn946x7ttzv43k7mt994sj6amgdakx2ttrda5kuetjjq7gmc). If you can't afford a hardware wallet now, at least use a hotwallet ...
### Can i use a hotwallet instead?
Hotwallets are wallets, that are connected to the internet, like Apps on your PC or smartphone. They are considered not to be as safe as harwarewallets (so called coldwallets), because if something has no connection to the internet, there is a huge part of risk being taken away. But hotwallets are still way better than leaving your funds on an exchange because with a hotwallet you get the keys to your funds. With exchanges you only get an IOU aka a promise from the exchange. And we have seen how that ends with MountGOX, FTX, Celsius, Blockfi and various others ... Use hotwallets rather on smartphone than on desktop device, as smartphones are a little more secure. A few good ones i could recommend are Blue Wallet, Green Wallet and Exodus but there are a lot of good solutions out there. Just make sure to get a 12 or 24 word seed recovery phrase when setting it up so you are really in full control of your funds. But if you can use a hardware wallet, rather choose that.
### Which wallet should i get?
I did try a few but not all of them:
- The one i would recommend the most at this point in time is the [Blockstream Jade Classic](https://store.blockstream.com/products/blockstream-jade-hardware-wallet) as it comes with almost all possible features you could imagine for a very reasonable price. You can even use it completely airgapped wit QR codes and use it without keystorage like a SeedSigner. I will touch on those features later on in part 2. nostr:npub1jg552aulj07skd6e7y2hu0vl5g8nl5jvfw8jhn6jpjk0vjd0waksvl6n8n is also very active on nostr and provides good support for us plebs.
- Coldcard is also a hardware wallet i hear a lot of good stuff about.
- As well as the BitBox02 Bitcoin only edition.
- Trezor has had some security issues regarding to not having a secure element. I am sure they implemented a solution in the meantime, but i am not up to date with this so i can not recommend it without any doubt.
- Ledger devices were generally considered safe but they had multiple security related incidents such as leaking customer data or admiting to be able to extract your seed from the wallet. The fact that they allow to store other crypto currencies, also introduces a bigger attack surface. Thuss i don't recommend using a ledger. If you only have a ledger it's still better than leaving your coins on an exchange though.
- SeedSigner, as described, is more for advanced users or if you really want to dig into it, in my opinion. You could also use the Blockstream Jade as a SeedSigner.
### Where should i buy?
This is important: Order hardware wallets ONLY straight from the store of the manufacturer. Any middleman or additional steps in the delivery process increase the risk of your device being manipulated. If you are really paranoid about this stick with Coldcard or the new Jade Plus as these models have a build in mechanism to check if they have been tempered with.
Also consider using a postbox or working address when you order a hardware wallet or any bitcoin related stuff in general. The less people know that you own bitcoin, the better.
## 2. Use single-sig wallets
Backup your 12 or 24 words seed phrase and store them in a secure place (safe from theft, fire, water AND CHILDREN etc. i will get to how to achieve this). Most cases in loss of bitcoin happen because of the loss of access to the keys. Not because of theft. So the biggest risk you should care for is that you don't lose access to your keys. And how do most people lose access to their keys? They either ...
1) make the backup too complex so that themselves or their heirs have no clue how to restore it or
2) they are too lazy with their backup so that a flooded basement, thrown away harddrive or deleted photo causes them to loose their bitcoin forever.
Yes there are usecases for multi-sig set-ups and yes it introduces a better level of safety but it also introduces a higher risk of loosing your funds because of complexity. As a newbie or intermediate you don't have to dig into this complexity. You can, but unless you understand very well what you are doing, i wouldn't recommend using multi-sig wallets. Remember: 99% of bitcoin losses don't accure because of theft. If you still feel the need to add a little more security for this aspect, i recommend using a passphrase instead, which has also it's own trade-offs, as we will discuss in the recommended techniques in part 2.
## 3. Secure your wallet with a good PIN
Don't choose your mother's birthday as your PIN or anything else that can be social engineered. The more random, the better. And the longer the better.
If you use multiple hardware wallets, also use different PINs for them.
PINs on their own are generally not a very good method to protect anything. A 4 digit PIN for example only gives 10,000 possible combinations (from 0000 to 9999). A modern computer can try these all out pretty fast. BUT fortunately most wallets have a solution for this: If you enter the wrong PIN multiple times in a row they will reset to default and erease the stored keys. Thuss an attacker has only a few tries. Wallets that i know of doing that are the Blockstream Jade or the Coldcard for example. Both also provide the option to set up a specific wallet erease PIN that clears the wallet when entered once. Maybe consider these factors when choosing a wallet.
## 4. Backup your seed WELL
Backup your seed phrase offline, with pen and paper. Better yet on steel (more on that in upcoming part 2). But make sure that your seed phrase is NEVER being put into or shown to a device other than your hardware wallet. NEVER EVER! Don't make a picture of it to store in your cloud, don't safe it in your notes, don't think you are safe storing it in an encrypted file. You are not. Do it offline and keep it offline. Always. Now let's talk material ...
### What material should i use?
Paper can burn, suffer from contact with water, be blown or thrown away and be destroyed from all other sorts of things. I found the safest way to backup a seed phrase is by hammering it into a stainless steel plate. These steelwallets don't break the bank like some fancy Cryptotag or other known brand backup solutions do and in most cases they are even better. Espacially when it comes to the backup style:
### What way to perform the backup?
Plain text, letter by letter, hammered onto a steel plate. See part 2 for more details on why this is the best method.
## 5. Test your backup
Every owner of a substantial amount of bitcoin should have restored his wallet at least once! Make sure you know how to get your funds back in case something goes wrong. Especially if you do more complex things like passphrases (which we will cover in part 2) but also if you only use the 12 or 24 word seeds. The way i like to do it is as follows:
- Step 1) When you have set up your wallet, send a small amount of sats to it. This is a good practice anyway to make sure everything works as intended before sending larger amounts.
- Step 2) After your wallet has recieved the small amount reset your device to default. That means completely whiping it. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BACKED UP YOUR SEED WELL!
- Step 3) Restore your wallet with your backup.
- Step 4) [optional but recommended] Send that small amount of sats back to verify that you truly have full control over this wallet.
If you can access (and control) the small amount of sats, your backup works and you can now send larger amounts. This is also a good way to test if you have properly backed up your passphrase, in case you are setting up a passphrase wallet.
## Now what?
When your funds grow bigger, eventually you will ask yourself: "Is this secure enough?" If you are in that position, the recommended methods in part 2 will help you upgrade your security and avoid common mistakes which could put your coins at risk (part 2 will be linked here as soon as it's available).
## What have i missed?
Do you agree with these essentials on how to store bitcoin? Did i miss anything? Please let me know and help to refine this set of rules so we can help more and more people to become souverein bitcoin holders.
@ f9c0ea75:44e849f4
2025-01-10 17:47:02
As the world moves toward an era of centralized digital finance, Brazil is not staying behind. The Banco Central do Brasil (BCB) is pushing forward with DREX, the country’s official Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). Framed as a way to enhance financial inclusion, reduce costs, and improve transparency, DREX is being marketed as a technological leap toward modernizing Brazil’s monetary system.
However, behind the promises of efficiency and security, DREX is nothing more than a digital cage designed to tighten state control over financial transactions. While some will celebrate it as a step toward reducing corruption and simplifying the economy, it is, in reality, a massive expansion of governmental power.
From a sovereign individual perspective, DREX represents the opposite of financial freedom, privacy, and autonomy. It is a tool of state surveillance, censorship, and financial control. In this article, we will analyze the history of DREX, its technical framework, the government’s next steps, and why this CBDC is ultimately a dangerous escalation of state power.
## The Evolution of DREX: From Concept to Implementation
DREX, originally known as the Digital Real, is Brazil’s response to the growing global trend of CBDCs. The BCB began discussions on launching a digital currency in 2020, shortly after China began rolling out the digital yuan (e-CNY) and the European Union started developing the digital euro.
The stated objectives of DREX are:
1. Modernizing Brazil’s financial infrastructure.
2. Increasing financial inclusion for the unbanked.
3. Enhancing transparency in transactions.
4. Reducing costs in financial intermediation.
While these objectives sound beneficial, history has shown that every expansion of financial control by the state—from fiat currency inflation to banking regulations—ends up benefiting the government and central banks, not the average citizen.
### Technical Framework and Features
DREX operates on a permissioned blockchain, meaning it is not decentralized like Bitcoin or other public blockchains. Instead, it is fully controlled by the BCB and a consortium of selected financial institutions.
Key Features of DREX:
- **Programmability**: The government can restrict how money is spent (e.g., banning purchases of certain goods, enforcing expiration dates on funds).
- **Full** **Traceability**: Every transaction is recorded on a centralized ledger, allowing the BCB to monitor all financial activity in real time.
- **Interoperability**: DREX will integrate with PIX, Brazil’s instant payments system, ensuring full adoption by the population.
- S**mart Contracts:** The government can automatically enforce financial rules, including instant tax collection, fines, and spending restrictions. While these features are marketed as "efficiencies," they enable unprecedented levels of financial control, making censorship, surveillance, and direct government intervention easier than ever before.
## Historical Context: The Rise of Financial Control
To understand why DREX is dangerous, we must recognize how governments have historically weaponized financial systems to control their populations.
1. **Bretton Woods & Fiat Expansion (1944-1971):** The transition from a gold-backed currency to fiat money allowed governments to inflate their currencies at will, leading to massive economic manipulation.
2. **The Patriot Act & Financial Surveillance (2001):** In response to terrorism, the U.S. expanded financial surveillance, giving banks and governments unprecedented control over monetary flows.
3. **China’s Social Credit System & Digital Yuan (2014-Present):** China’s digital yuan (e-CNY) is integrated with the Social Credit System, allowing the government to punish or restrict people based on their financial behaviors.
4. **The Canadian Trucker Protests (2022):** Canada froze bank accounts of individuals who donated to anti-government protests, proving how financial infrastructure can be weaponized against political dissent. DREX fits perfectly into this pattern: a government-controlled digital money system designed to expand state power while eliminating financial autonomy.
## Next Steps: DREX Implementation Timeline and Government Actions
The BCB has already laid out its roadmap for DREX, with critical milestones planned for the next two years.
1. **Pilot Phases and Testing**
- **Phase 1:** Initial Testing (2023-2024) Focused on the fundamentals, including wholesale CBDC (wCBDC), tokenized deposits, and digital treasury bonds. Initial testing on issuance, transfers, and settlements.
- Phase 2: Smart Contracts & Advanced Features (2024-2025) The second phase, launched in late 2024, focuses on developing smart contract applications for financial services. Participants include Santander, Visa, Mastercard, and Google, working on credit systems, trade finance, and real estate integration.
2. **Key Dates and Obligations**
- **October 2024 - November 2024:** Application period for financial institutions to join Phase 2 of the pilot.
- **June 2025:** Deadline for selected institutions to finalize smart contract development.
- **Late 2025 - Early 2026:** Projected nationwide rollout of DREX. 2026 and beyond: Gradual phase-out of cash transactions, forcing adoption of CBDC-based payments.
3. **Full Implementation & Adoption Strategy Mandatory Integration:** Financial institutions will be required to adopt DREX, ensuring all transactions move to a CBDC-controlled system. Cash Restrictions: Physical cash transactions will become increasingly limited, eventually leading to a cashless society.
## **The Illusion of Convenience and the Death of Sovereignty**
DREX is not a neutral technology—it is a massive expansion of government power under the guise of efficiency and financial modernization.
Many will embrace it without questioning its implications. They will:
Cheer as DREX automates tax collection. Applaud anti-corruption measures that allow the state to track every transaction. Celebrate how it "simplifies" payments, ignoring that it also simplifies financial censorship. But make no mistake:
### DREX is not about efficiency—it is about control
Once fully implemented, the state will have the power to:
- Monitor all financial transactions in real-time.
- Restrict spending on certain goods or services.
- Enforce automatic taxation without consent.
- Freeze or seize funds instantly, without due process.
- Eliminate cash, ensuring full reliance on a government-controlled financial system.
The Leviathan is Awakening Philosopher Thomas Hobbes described the state as a Leviathan— *"a massive entity that must be obeyed to maintain order. However, when the state controls money, it controls freedom itself."*
DREX is the final piece of the puzzle in creating a fully monitored, fully controlled financial system where every transaction is dependent on government approval. By 2025, DREX will be a reality. By 2026, financial privacy may no longer exist for the commons in Brazil. However, Bitcoin exists for the sovereign individual.
@ 2e8970de:63345c7a
2025-01-10 17:03:47
Childhood cancer death rates in the United States have declined six-fold over the last seventy years.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/845142
@ e97aaffa:2ebd765d
2025-01-10 16:39:58
Adoro ver os fiduciários a publicarem dados, na qual desmente declarações ou atitudes dos próprios fiduciários no passado.
Quando estávamos em plena crise inflacionista, os políticos e economistas correram para as televisões e jornais a atribuir a responsabilidade da inflação, em exclusividade, à guerra da Ucrânia.
«A invasão da Ucrânia pela Rússia, há dois anos, alimentou uma escalada dos preços do gás natural e da eletricidade na Europa, e o disparo da inflação para níveis históricos.» – [Expresso](https://expresso.pt/internacional/guerra-na-ucrania/dois-anos-de-guerra-na-ucrania/2024-02-21-Guerra-na-Ucrania-precos-que-escalaram-inflacao-que-disparou--os-dois-anos-que-viraram-o-mercado-energetico-do-avesso--fb8bbbbf)
Mas antes de começar a guerra, a inflação(IPC) estava nos 5.3%, já em [máximos históricos](https://bpstat.bportugal.pt/serie/5721524).
É claro que a guerra contribuiu para a subida de preço, mas não foi a principal razão.
A subida generalizada de preços, vulga inflação, pode acontecer por dois fatores distintos.
# Ruptura na cadeia de abastecimento
Quando existe uma ruptura na cadeia de abastecimento, ou seja, um problema na oferta ou na demanda.
A guerra provocou uma ruptura na oferta, sobretudo na energia e nos cereais. Na pandemia houve uma ruptura na demanda, nas máscaras e no álcool gel.
Só que este tipo de inflação é temporária, de curto prazo, a longo prazo acaba por corrigir. Têm um impacto inicial, o preço dos produtos sobem rapidamente, depois a indústria ajusta-se e os preços acabam por corrigir.
# Inflação monetária
Ao contrário da ruptura da cadeia de abastecimento que é temporária, a inflação monetária é persistente, nunca mais volta aos valores anteriores.
Esta inflação é gerada pelo bancos centrais ou bancos comerciais, através de políticas que aumentam a base monetária, para os leigos, os bancos imprimem dinheiro.
O aumento da base monetária não gera inflação de imediato na economia, esse processo é demorado, os fiduciários chamam-no de tempo de transmissão.
É um _delay_ que existe, desde o momento em que se aplica uma mudança da política monetária e os seus efeitos a serem visíveis na economia real. Este _delay_ pode variar entre 6 meses a 2 anos.
Observando o gráfico, a subida do IPC iniciou-se a Março de 2021, mas começou a acelerar 6 meses após, muito antes da guerra.
Se existe um _delay_ na causa-efeito, logo a inflação é resultante de algo que aconteceu anteriormente, vamos ver o que aconteceu nos 2 anos anteriores.
Nesse período aconteceu a pandemia e o BCE efetuou o maior aumento da base monetária, desde a criação da moeda única. O início foi no primeiro trimestre de 2020 e a inflação (IPC) começou a subir no primeiro trimestre de 2021, mais ou menos um ano, correspondente ao intervalo de tempo do tempo de transmissão. A semelhança entre a impressão do banco central (EUCBBS, em azul) e o IPC (em azul) é perfeita, apenas com um _delay_.
O BCE imprimiu (QE) ~4 triliões de euros, corresponde a um aumento de ~90% da base monetária(EUCBBS), no seu pico, em Setembro de 2022. Nesta mesma data, o IPC atingiu os 9%, o que levou o BCE a implementar medidas mais drásticas para combater a subida de preços, aplicou políticas de redução de recompras de obrigações do Tesouro e a subida das taxas diretoras.
As políticas surtiram efeito, o EUCBBS teve uma correção, de 8.84 triliões para 6.36 triliões, mas se compararmos de 2020 a 2024, houve um aumento de 1.7 triliões, ~37%, ou seja, o EUCBBS não voltou aos valores anterior.
Passados 2 anos após a guerra, os preços da energia e dos cereais, já baixaram, estão bastante abaixo do pico. Enquanto o EUCBBS está muito longe dos valores de 2020. Para que os produtos voltassem ao preço de 2021, o EUCBBS também necessitaria voltar para valores anteriores à guerra, mas isso nunca vai acontecer.
A inflação monetária não é temporária, é permanente.
@ 378562cd:a6fc6773
2025-01-10 16:37:38
For many of us, reading isn’t just a pastime—it’s a deeply personal goal tied to self-growth, relaxation, and exploration. Yet, despite knowing its importance, we often struggle to make it happen. We start and stop, let books gather dust, and feel guilty for not finishing them. The truth? It’s not a time issue; it’s a mental barrier.
This guide is designed to help you break through those barriers with a structured, rewarding framework that keeps you interested, engaged, and building momentum. Let’s turn reading into a habit you love—and can sustain.
### **Step 1: Understand the Real Problem**
Before diving into action, take a moment to reflect. The issue isn’t that you don’t have time—it’s that you haven’t made reading a priority. Life pulls us in countless directions, but we always find time for what matters most. Reading deserves that place in your life because it nourishes your mind, brings you joy, and inspires growth.
**Ask Yourself:**
- Why do I want to read more?
- How would my life improve if I prioritized reading?
Write down your answers and keep them visible. Let your 'why' guide you forward.
### **Step 2: Start Where You Are (Small and Simple Wins)**
Many people fail because they set huge, overwhelming goals like finishing a book every week. The secret to success? Start small. Commit to just **5 minutes a day** or a single page. Progress matters more than perfection.
**Mini Challenge #1:**
- Pick a book you’re genuinely excited about (not one you feel you *should* read).
- Read for 5 minutes today. Just 5 minutes.
When you complete this, check it off. That little win is the first step toward building momentum.
### **Step 3: Create a System That Fits Your Life**
Habits thrive when they’re tied to something you already do. Look for natural openings in your day to read.
- **Morning:** Read while sipping coffee or tea.
- **Lunch Break:** Sneak in a few pages while eating.
- **Evening:** Replace 10 minutes of scrolling with reading before bed.
Make it impossible to forget by keeping books or an e-reader where you spend the most time: next to the bed, on the couch, or in your bag.
**Mini Challenge #2:**
- Set a specific time to read tomorrow. Write it down and stick to it.
### **Step 4: Make It Fun and Rewarding**
Let’s face it—habits stick when they feel good. Build instant gratification into your reading routine.
- **Gamify the Process:** Create a simple list of mini challenges (like the ones here) and cross them off as you go.
- **Set Rewards:** For every milestone—like finishing a chapter or hitting a week of daily reading—treat yourself. It could be a fancy coffee, a cozy reading corner upgrade, or just the joy of marking progress.
**Mini Challenge #3:**
- Set a reward for finishing your first chapter or reading streak. Make it something exciting!
### **Step 5: Follow Your Interests, Not Rules**
One of the biggest mental barriers is feeling like you *have to* finish every book you start. Forget that. Reading should be enjoyable, not a chore. If a book isn’t grabbing you, it’s okay to stop and try another. The key is to stay engaged, not stuck.
**Mini Challenge #4:**
- If you’re not loving a book after 50 pages, give yourself permission to move on.
### **Step 6: Build Momentum with Layered Challenges**
To make reading exciting and natural, set challenges that grow progressively:
1. **Day 1–3:** Read 5 minutes daily.
2. **Day 4–7:** Extend to 10 minutes.
3. **Week 2:** Finish a chapter or two from a book you love.
4. **Week 3:** Try a new genre or author.
Each challenge builds on the last, creating a sense of accomplishment. By the time you finish the third week, you’ll likely be hooked.
### **Step 7: Track and Celebrate Progress**
Progress tracking is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to build a habit. Create a log to note what you’ve read, even if it’s just a chapter or a short story. Seeing your progress motivates you to keep going.
**Ideas for Tracking:**
- Use a journal or app to list books and dates you started/finished.
- Jot down favorite quotes or lessons learned.
- Share your progress with friends or join a book club for accountability.
**Mini Challenge #5:**
- Start a reading journal and write down what you love about the book you’re currently reading.
### **Step 8: Stay Flexible and Forgive Yourself**
Life gets busy, and you might miss a day (or week). That’s okay. Habits are built over time, not overnight. The key is to keep coming back to your reading routine without guilt. Remember, even a little reading is better than none.
### **Final Thoughts**
Reading is a gift you give yourself. It’s not about how fast you finish or how many books you complete—it’s about the joy, knowledge, and escape it brings. By breaking your mental barriers, starting small, and creating a system of rewards and challenges, you can make reading a natural and deeply fulfilling part of your life.
So, grab a book, set a timer, and dive in. Your reading journey starts today.
@ 4dbfcb7c:eb8d1695
2025-01-10 16:09:50
On order to get the Elementum add-on installed, you must first download and install the Elementum repository.
>**Note:** You must first [enable 3rd Party Sources](nostr:nevent1qqsd79a7hhcu3qjrfg587eg4q753v9dquhprh6wf6wyfdjahx9swjjqpzamhxue69uhhyetvv9ujumn0wd68ytnzv9hxgtczypxmljmuthdcyj0ecl4ccg0qr8cgl0aha3w764qgkc29jzlt35tf2qcyqqqqqqgv7fw6g) in KODI. Make sure you are using a VPN.
### Download the Elementum Repository
1. Grab the file for your device from the 👉 [Elementum web page](https://elementum.surge.sh/).
- (For a typical Linux OS, this will be the x64 .zip under Linux)
- (For a typical Android phone, this will be the arm64 .zip file Android)
### Install Elementum Repo
2. Open Kodi and go to:
- --> Settings (Gear icon)
- --> Add-ons
- --> Install from zip file
- --> Click "Yes" on zip file warning
- --> browse to Elementum .zip file & click to install (Wait for verification)
### Install Elementum Add-on
3. From Kodi home go to:
- --> Settings (Gear icon)
- --> Add-ons
- --> Install from repository
- --> ElementumOrg
- --> video add-ons
- --> Elementum
- --> Click "Install"
⚡️ [Follow](nostr:nprofile1qqsym07t03wahqjfl8r7hrppuqvlpralklk9mm25pzmpgkgtawx3d9gpz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhszyrhwden5te0dehhxarj9ekk7mf0qyt8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68yetvd96x2uewdaexwtcs3ewhj) | 🗣 [Discuss](nostr:nevent1qqsyle9lxzgt5zvd84yhvcdgm7mtthuva2fn076nhzd6qaxd4jyudzqzypxmljmuthdcyj0ecl4ccg0qr8cgl0aha3w764qgkc29jzlt35tf2qcyqqqqq2q4hy6hy)
#Elementum #Bittorrent #Kodi #MediaCenter
@ 554ab6fe:c6cbc27e
2025-01-10 15:46:28
It is commonly understood that the ancient Greeks and alike used mythological tales to communicate philosophical teachings. Amazingly, these tales have lasted the test of time and are still told today. It seems stories with philosophical lessons and teachings have an intrinsic value to human civilization. This seems to be the case because we are still creating such stories, and those with great lessons become pop culture phenomena. One example, is the Star Wars saga. George Lucas was known to appreciate ancient tales with meaning. In my opinion, he made one of the most profound modern mythological tales. The tale of Star Wars holds many similarities to Daoism, and my understanding of WuWei (无为). Making it a beautiful tale of how the best way to combat evil in the world, is to be one of passivity, serenity, and nonviolence.
To articulate how Star Wars projects this lesson through its story, one must look at the overarching narrative of the first six episodes, the original movies written by George Lucas. I will refer to these as the original trilogy (episode 4,5, and 6) and the prequel trilogy (episodes 1,2, and 3).
The Jedi are the epitome of goodness. They practice compassion, live their lives in service of others, and strive for peace in the galaxy. Their teachings are clearly benevolent, and are such that we should take them into consideration of our own lives. Jedi are commonly advised to be mindful of their thoughts and feelings1,2. It also bears a striking resemblance to the practice of mindfulness meditation, where one trains the mind in being mindful on the present moment and taking a non-judgmental stance on all incoming emotions, sensations, stimuli, etc. Additionally, the very first lesson Yoda teaches young Anakin Skywalker is that a Jedi must let go of fear, anger, and hatred2. These three emotions lead one to the dark side in this tale, but are also detrimental to us in real life as well. They are the pillars to the way of the Jedi. However, the choice of the three words Yoda uses here is very important. We will see later that these teachings are incomplete. The flaw in this teaching, and the subsequent correction, is what sheds light onto the profound teaching of Star Wars.
Episode 1 begins with the Jedi being the rulers of the galaxy. However, all who know the story of Star Wars know that Darth Sidious/ Emperor Palpatine will one day take control over the galaxy. The entire prequel trilogy outlines the progress of how Darth Sidious manipulates everyone to create political conflict and war to drive the Jedi further into becoming soldiers. The dark emperor chooses this tactic because he knows that violence and conflict is the way of the Sith. The Jedi way is the opposite. As Macu Windu puts it, they are “keepers of the peace, not soldiers”1. However, though this is what Jedi ideally are, in practice they are not so. The three prequels are full of events where the Jedi intervene into political matters and conduct themselves as warriors in order to “keep the peace”. Here, the audience is able to recognize that the Jedi are hesitant to fight in wars. Regardless, the core teachings provided to Anakin in the first episode regarding letting go of fear, anger, and hate do not directly forbid the Jedi from using their fighting skills to keep the peace. So, the audience, and the Jedi council alike, allow the Jedi to conduct themselves in violent ways. During the same scene with Macu Windu, Yoda mentions that his vision is clouded by the dark side1. Why is his vision clouded by the dark side? Why do the Jedi not see Darth Sidious for who he truly is until it is too late? The answer to this is because the violence practiced by the Jedis causes them to lose their way. Evidence of this is brought forth in the original trilogy.
In the original trilogy, Yoda’s teachings to Luke change in comparison to the teachings he gave to his father Anakin. In Dagoba, Yoda tells Luke to let go of anger, hate, and aggression3. Notice how the word “hate” is replaced by “aggression”. This is not to say that hate is ok, but to say that aggression is what Yoda did not understand before, but now realizes as a key component of the Jedi way. The Jedi before used aggression all the time, in the name of peace. They fought evil people as warriors of justice, and Palpatine used this against them. Yoda’s vision was clouded by the dark side, because him, and all other Jedi were using a dark side related behavior: aggression. This is highlighted repeatedly throughout the original trilogy. Luke leaves his training early to go help his friends, and both Obi Wan and Yoda urge him not to do so3. They explain how Luke going off to fight Vader is what the enemy wants, and the best thing he could do was stay, train, and not fight. Yet, Luke departs anyway in the 5th episode and fights his father. This battle doesn’t end well for Luke, and he loses a hand. The hand is replaced with a robotic one, a symbol for lost humanity. In essence, he was punished for acting on his violent and fear driven urges, pushed further to the dark side. We continue to see how aggression is related to the dark side at the beginning of episode 6 when Luke enters Jaba’s palace. Here is referred to as a Jedi, yet acts the opposite: he walks into the palace in all black, and uses brute force to enter the palace by using a force choke on one of the guards4. Though we see him as our hero, he is acts and behaves more similar to a Sith.
The entire tale resolves itself in the final confrontation between Luke, his father, and Darth Sidious. During this encounter, the emperor continuously instills anger and hatred into Luke by threatening his friends, in hope that he will turn to aggression4. He even states that Luke should “strike \[him\] down, \[so\] his journey to the dark side \[can\] be complete”4.
[Movie Clip Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMNKwZTv1d0)
Palpatine knows how to manipulate Jedi into acting upon tendencies that bring them to the dark side. It is how he came to power in the prequels. Luke goes to strike the emperor out of anger and Vader prevents the strike (Vader is saving his son from reaching a place of no return). They fight until Luke gains the upper hand and removes the hand of his father. In this moment, Luke notices that they both have these robotic hands. This is a realization of common humanity. Similar to the vision he had on Dagoba where he fights his father and beheads him, only to find that under the helmet was himself. A realization that they are not only family, but both human beings struggling with the same internal battle between the forces of good and evil. At this moment Luke has become enlightened, and becomes the truest Jedi in the entire series. He turns around and drops his lightsaber, and says “you failed your highness, I am a Jedi”4.
[Movie Clip Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PqaiKmm8gsY)
What is significant in this scene is after Luke’s clarifying realization, he drops his weapon, ending the violence while simultaneously claiming victory. He understands that the only way to defeat Palatine, is to not use the same methods of aggression. Rather than using violence, he should use passivity and non-violence to triumph over evil. It goes without saying that he is correct: Palpatine is defeated, and he is able to save his father. In the final scene between Luke and his father, one can see that the black outfit that Luke wears is becoming undone, and the inside fabric now revealed is white. Reiterating that now Luke, being one of non-violence has saved the galaxy and everyone he loves. Luke at this moment becomes a true Jedi, one that has surpassed all before him and becomes the ideal epitome of goodness for the audience to emulate.
This is a story of WuWei. Of how non-action, non-aggression, and effortless action is most effective, and perhaps only way of bettering the world. The Jedi were constantly fighting and resisting evil, unknowingly playing right into the hands of the evil forces in the world. Only when Luke turns to non-action, does the dominance of evil end. This wisdom is not only useful in a galaxy far far away, but is most applicable to the world we live in now. A modern mythological tale of the importance of Daoist philosophy. May the Force be with you.
1. Lucas G. Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones.; 2002.
2. Lucas G. Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menacee.; 1999.
3. Lucas G. Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back.; 1980.
4. George Lucas. Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi.; 1983.
@ 554ab6fe:c6cbc27e
2025-01-10 15:39:05
I was in high school during the 2008 Great Recession. The significance of that event made me critically question our current economic system. It made me very interested in how our system of money and banking works. This path of inquiry led me to research and understand the truly complicated and underdiscussed issue of fiat currencies, and the subsequent powers that gives government and bank in manipulating our economy. In my opinion, the modern world has a money problem. This money problem not only translates into issues of materialism, but also is represented in poor monetary policy on the part of the societal elites. Below is a paper I wrote in high school which discusses how the manipulation of interest rates, made possible by fiat currencies and fractional reserve banking, leads to dangerous business cycles that lead to the great economic collapses we have experienced.
How does the interest Rate Manipulation Work?
With the fractional reserve system in place, the Federal Reserve has three powers that they use to adjust the interest rates of banks to carry out their policies. The first conceptual milestone to be achieved in answering the question of the Federal Reserve’s effect on the business cycle is to understand how the fractional reserve banking system works. It is legally mandated that all banks must have a certain percentage of their reserves in the vaults at all time. Though this is a reserve requirement, banks historically never in the long run hold onto excess reserves because that would bring economic disadvantage with the other banks (until recently because the federal reserve no pays interest to banks who hold some excess reserves). Therefore, the reserve requirements end up being the universal ratio of cash a bank holds at a time. This also means, that banks historically have never have the total financial holdings of all their customers.
The first power is referred to as open market operations, and is key to the adjustment of the federal funds rate. The Federal Fund Rate is the overnight interest rate between banks. This rate is determined between banks based upon how much money bank A’s demand of money to fill their reserves, and the supply of excess reserves bank B has at the time. This interest rate between the banks in turn affects the interest rates of borrowers and investors. The Federal Reserve manipulates these interest rates by indirectly filling bank's reserves with money. The Federal Reserve does not do this by simply printing money and giving it to bank B, but rather printing some money and purchasing Treasury bonds (or in the case of the 2008 period, Mortgage-Backed Securities) off of the open market. The money then, that the individual earned from selling the bond(s), will then eventually end up in the bank’s which will then either cause bank A to have less of a demand for money to fill their reserves, or cause bank B to have a higher supply of reserves, thus lowering the federal fund rate.
The second power is similar to the first in the sense that it also affects the federal fund rate but it done through the adjustment the reserve requirements. A bank's need for money is based upon their reserve's relationship with the reserve requirements. Therefore, the second power is the ability to lower (or raise) the reserve requirements of all banks, which will cause bank B to not have as high of demand for a loan, and will cause bank A to have a higher supply of excess reserves to loan.
The third power is the direct adjustment of the discount rate which is the rate between a depository institution and the Federal Reserve itself. These kinds of loans exist when a bank, like bank B, would rather loan from the Federal Reserve than other banks. However, as the Federal Reserve is only supposed to be a lender of last resort, the discount rate tends to stay higher than the federal fund rate.
These three powers cannot be performed independently without the consideration of the other. The power to buy bonds and adjust reserve ratios has a large effect on the economy's money supply; Monetary base and M1. This can be seen not only from the fundamental process at which these interest rates are manipulated, but by the law of supply and demand. Suppose the Federal Reserve wishes to lower interest rates, however there is a fixed amount of loanable cash and a fixed amount of demand (ceteris parabis). If the government is to artificially lower the interest rates, there will be a shortage of loanable funds, but an increase in demand for loans. As loans are not a product that can simply be produced like most goods in the economy, the only way to deal with this shortage is for the government to print the shortage of loanable goods. With this increased supply of loan-able funds, there is then a lower price, and higher demand. This also means then, that these two functions cannot be done at free will because they can result in rampant inflation of even hyperinflation due to the increased money supply. The discount rate also is centralized around the federal fund rate so one is usually adjusted around the other in order for there to be balance in reserves across the system.
One reason the Federal Reserve has these powers is so that it can manage the economy and therefore the business cycle. The ability to adjust interest rates grants them the ability to monitor the rate at which people save and borrow. Higher interest rates will cause people to save more, and borrow less. In contrast, lowering interest rates will cause people to save less and therefore spend more which causes inflation (due to the process of lowering interest rates and the increase in the demand for overall goods) giving the market incentive to spend even more. This would be the growth time in the business cycle. The Federal tries to avoid the contraction aspect of the cycle by keeping interest rates down and keep inflation existent so people keep spending and not saving. The question that must therefore be asked is does this manipulated of the free market and these therefore artificially created interest rates affect the market in a negative way?
Artificial Interest Rate Cycles
What must first be noted is that in an artificial interest rate cycle, interest rates are pushed down in order to regulate the economy. The manipulated business cycle that will then be discussed is one in which interest rates are artificial lower than would have been without the Federal Reserve's intervention.
In an artificially low interest rate business cycle, growth consists of massive consumption. Not only are interest rate low, which increases the demand for business and individuals to loan money to spend. But there is a touch of inflation due to the increase in the money supply. Demand for goods then much higher because people do not want to hold on to their money that is losing value. Not only that, but there is also no benefit to hold in banks because of the low interest rates. For these reasons, consumption increases, and savings are depleted. (As a side note, I would argue that the existence of this system is a large reason why we see such materialism and consumerism within modern day culture.) As savings deplete, supply for loan able cash drops, and prices will rise, but the Federal Reserve, in order to continue the growth, keep pushing rates down and increase the money supply more and more. This continuation of inflation also causes the market to begin to speculate continuingly rising prices. A strong example of this was the housing market before the financial crash of 2008. As people began to purchase houses because of their perceived value of always going up, prices rise.
As the prices for houses steadily went up for such duration of time and a rampant rate, people would view this trend to be never ending, further adding to the amount of people entering the market, making prices rise even more. Of course, this also means that the allocation of resources has very much shifted away from other goods that otherwise would have been purchased, and has now shifted toward housing or the various markets of the stocks being purchased. Keep in mind, that the increased demand for houses was not due to any increase on intrinsic need for house, but simply because people were wishing to gamble on the price going up. This is why we call it a “bubble” because it was being filled not with true value, but “air”
Inevitably, the growth period ends and the contraction begins. During the Federal Reserve induced growth session, prices were extremely high from everyone taking cheap loans and making money off of speculation. Once a contraction hits, prices begin to fall and people begin to save. This means that aggregate demand falls, and so do prices. This causes the speculation markets to radically loose demand because there are no longer people believing prices will rise. and as prices fall, all the people who owned a house or stock will lose money on their investment.
After the prices fell, people immediately wished to leave the market and sell their house, and nobody wanted to enter the market and buy houses because the market no longer had the perceived future value as it did before. This caused a massive drop in house prices, and caused all the people who owned a house, lose money. Furthermore, most people made these investments with loans which now they can no longer pay back. Banks then can go bankrupt because of all of the new faulty loans, unemployment increased because businesses that made malinvestments now must lay off workers, and people will then begin to panic because the market is contracting and they had accumulated very little savings from the growth. This results in a loss in aggregate demand not only because there are no savings but because the market must recuperate after the massive amount of loan defaults and investment loss.
At the end of the cycle, the society does not seem to have made much economic process. Much of the production was shifted to houses which were only valued for their investment opportunities. Due to the massive debt and sharp drop in aggregate demand, there are also much less goods being produced as a whole as the economy must take a while to recuperate after the losses.
Natural Interest Rate Cycles
Before analyzing a business cycle with natural interest rates, a few things must initially be made clear. To have a truly natural interest rate society, the Federal Reserve would have to play no role in the economy, which would bring about the end of a mandated fractional reserve banking system. For the sake of the research question, this aspect of the argument will be left out, and the only difference between natural interest rate cycles and unnatural interest rate cycles will be that there will be no price controls on interest rate. The interest rate is determined by the supply and demand for loanable funds at the time. Where are also to assume inflation is near or below 0%. This is because if there is no manipulation of interest rates, the function of printing money to lower interest rates is non-existent.
With that said, the first difference that must be discussed is the demand for goods aspect during the growth time. In a natural interest rate growth time, the aggregate demand for goods over the long run of the growth period is much less than in an unnatural interest rate cycle. This is because, as the growth continues, the amount of loan able funds decreases because of the consumption. Interest rates then will gradually rise because of the gradual loss in supply of loan-able funds. savings will also be much higher in this cycle.
As there is no flagrant expansion of the money supply, the demand capital is higher and interest rates are higher. With interest rates being higher, the incentive for saving is also higher. The allocation of goods is then much different in this cycle, because as it becomes more profitable to save, on top of the fact that there is very little inflation, there will be less speculative spending. Which means there won't be overproduction of ventures like housing, which allows the market to allocate those resources to goods that increase welfare of everyday life.
What follows is the transition into contractions. In this business cycle, because more and more loan-able funds are being used up and savings begin to increase, a contraction period begins when the interest rates are too high and aggregate spending has transitioned to be higher than aggregate spending. During this time, as people begin to save more than they spend, interest rates will gradually begin to fall again. Similar to an unnatural interest rate cycle, prices will decrease, and there will be an increase in unemployment. The difference is during the growth time aggregate savings was higher than unnatural interest rate aggregate savings due to the price adjustment of interest rates. Which means all those who are now unemployed have more savings and are better off, and can spend more money. There is also much less defaulting on debt because there were much less people acting on investment strategies in speculative markets because there were much fewer and smaller speculative markets. Due to all of this savings that now exist rather than the malinvestment and bankruptcy that existed in a Federal Reserve induced recession, more spending and consumption can be directed toward the production of goods. This leads to a much smoother, less volatile, and steady cycle.
At the end of a full natural cycle the production and demand for goods is much different without the Federal Reserve. Due to the absence of large growth and extreme contractions in a natural cycle, there were much less people who go bankrupt and default on debt. Due to all of this savings that now exist rather than the malinvestment and bankruptcy that existed in a Federal Reserve induced recession, more spending and consumption can be directed toward the production of goods. There is also a massive difference in the kind’s goods produced. Rather than having over production in commodities that were largely produced solely for their investment and perceived future market value, the market allocated goods to places where people demanded them for their lives. There is then much less misallocation because goods were bought for their consumer value rather than investment value.
To answer the question of: How does the Federal Reserve’s artificial adjustment of interest rates compared to natural interest rates affect the business cycle? One must observe the allocation of goods because of their profound their relationship between people’s wealth and welfare. In order to find the difference of allocation of resources in the two cycles, a business cycle with artificially low interest rates was observed. In this cycle, large speculative markets cause the allocation of resources to be directed to goods that are produced largely because of their perceived investment value, and not solely for their welfare value like most other goods. Furthermore, the massive debt and malinvestment that accumulates once the contraction occurs, disallows for increased wellbeing because there are less goods being produced. To gain a full understanding of the negative effects of the Federal Reserve’s adjustment of interest rates, one must also inspect what a business cycle would look like without the adjustment of interest rates. In this business cycle, there is less demand for speculative markets, and so the allocation of resources is directed to increased welfare goods, which depletes the issue of overproduction. Furthermore, there is a much more stable system of savings and spending, which lowers the amount of people going into bankruptcy once contractions hit. This allows for more goods and services to be purchased even when the economy is recovering from the growth. This is another reason why the allocation of resources is better because of the fact that there is much less malinvestment, which causes loss in productivity.
It is then evident that unnatural interest rates simply worsen a necessary part of the business cycle. It causes certain prices to go way beyond their true value (plus causes overall inflation), which causes people to end up in debt and causes the market to have case malinvestment and misallocation of goods. People during the time of need, will not have savings to fall back on or accumulate for the next boom.
@ e1d968f7:5d90f764
2025-01-10 15:27:09
First impressions matter, and in escorting, they begin with your response to a client’s inquiry. This initial interaction isn’t just about logistics—it’s a reflection of your professionalism, boundaries, and style of communication. Over the years, I’ve learned how to respond effectively to ensure that inquiries lead to successful, respectful bookings.
### **First Impressions Count**
Your first reply to a potential client is an opportunity to make a lasting impression. It’s the foundation for trust and sets the tone for the interaction.
- **Promptness:** Timely responses show that you value the client’s time. A quick reply can also reduce the chances of them moving on to someone else.
- **Professional Tone:** While it’s important to be friendly and approachable, maintaining a professional tone establishes boundaries.
- **Clarity:** Provide clear information to avoid misunderstandings. Be concise yet thorough in addressing their questions.
### **Setting Boundaries from the Start**
Boundaries are essential for maintaining a healthy client-provider relationship. The initial inquiry is the perfect time to establish them.
- **Rates and Services:** Be upfront about your rates and what’s included. Avoid ambiguity, as it can lead to uncomfortable negotiations later.
- **Availability:** Clearly communicate when you’re available and what your booking process entails.
- **Screening:** If you require certain details or verification for bookings, outline this in a respectful yet firm manner.
### **Recognising Red Flags**
Not all inquiries are genuine, and some may come from individuals who don’t respect boundaries or professionalism. Over time, I’ve learned to identify red flags early:
- **Overly Personal Questions:** Clients asking invasive questions about your private life often don’t respect professional boundaries.
- **Haggling:** If someone tries to negotiate your rates, it’s usually a sign they won’t respect the value of your time or services.
- **Vague Requests:** Clients who avoid giving clear details about what they’re looking for may not be serious about booking.
By recognising these signs early, I save time and energy for serious inquiries.
### **Streamlining the Process**
Efficiency is key when responding to inquiries, especially during busy periods. Here’s how I manage the process:
- **Templates for Common Questions:** Having pre-written responses for frequently asked questions saves time while ensuring consistency.
- **Organised Communication:** I keep messages in a dedicated platform or folder to avoid losing track of inquiries.
- **Set Time Blocks:** Instead of replying instantly, I allocate specific times for handling messages, ensuring I stay focused and productive.
### **Personal Touch Matters**
While efficiency is important, adding a personal touch can make a client feel valued and more inclined to book.
- **Use Their Name:** If they’ve shared their name, addressing them directly adds a polite, personalised feel to the conversation.
- **Acknowledge Their Needs:** If a client mentions a specific requirement or concern, address it directly in your response. This shows attentiveness and professionalism.
### **Dealing with Difficult Conversations**
Not every inquiry will be straightforward. Here’s how I handle some challenging situations:
- **The Persistent Client:** If someone refuses to accept your boundaries, it’s best to end the conversation politely but firmly.
- **The Indecisive Client:** Gently guide them with questions to help clarify their needs. If they remain uncertain, I let them know I’m available when they’re ready.
- **The Last-Minute Booker:** While I try to accommodate, I make it clear that last-minute bookings depend on my availability and adherence to screening protocols.
### **Constant Improvement**
Every inquiry teaches something new. By reflecting on past interactions, I’ve refined my communication skills and adapted to different client needs.
- **Feedback:** If appropriate, I ask clients how they found the booking process. Constructive feedback helps me improve my responses.
- **Staying Professional:** Regardless of how challenging an inquiry may be, maintaining composure and professionalism is non-negotiable.
### **Conclusion**
Mastering the art of responding to inquiries is a vital skill in the escorting profession. By balancing professionalism, clarity, and warmth, I ensure that every interaction lays the groundwork for a respectful and positive experience. It’s not just about securing bookings; it’s about building trust, protecting boundaries, and creating meaningful connections.
Rebecca x
@ 419798e6:7eeac233
2025-01-10 15:20:15
January 20th 2025 will be an impactful day to the Crypto World.
President Donald Trump returns to the white house amid concerns over his previous sentiments towards digital assests.He has previously termed and seen it as a "threat to the dollar " back in 2019. The previous administration has however,seen tremendous changes in the crypto world including the rise of crypto in institutional adoption
The impact of his pro business presidency might see a potential of digital asssets being **_deregulated_****.This will immensely benefit crypto firms .With Elon at his side.His administration might focus more on innovation and competitiveness creating a serene environment for crypto affiliated businesses and exchanges.
There also might be a lot of jittery towards Trumps stern economic policies towards digital assests as investors will be wary of his policies towards digital assests leading to market **increased** **volatility** in the crypto world.
Bitcoin might be seen as the remedy against **inflation** if Trump announces economic stimulus Plans.
Trumps inaguration will definitely will create a storm in the crypto world.Combined with rising adoption of digital assests,January 2025 could set a stage for a never seen rally in the crypto market world.January 20th 2025 will be an impactful day to the Crypto World.
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2025-01-10 15:18:41
I try to start and end my days well, even when the middle gets a little messy.
I'm fortunate to not have to use an alarm clock to wake up. I work remotely and have a good deal of schedule flexibility, so I sleep until I wake up naturally. Of course, I also have a little kid, so "waking up naturally" isn't always as peaceful as it sounds.
I've been into intermittent fasting for quite a while and I added dry fasting into the mix around a year ago.
I end my dry fast relatively early with a cup of coffee around 8:00am or so. If no one else (aka my wife) has made coffee, I'll push it later. I like to put coconut oil, coconut milk, sea salt, turmeric, and cinnamon in my coffee.
The first thing I eat, around 9:00 or 10:00 am, are three Brazil nuts. That's just about the only way to get an optimal level of selenium in your diet. By my understanding of ketosis, this shouldn't be enough to take my body out of a ketogenic state.
I try to get a couple thousand steps in while getting ready for work, helping out with the kid, and refilling my coffee.
I put off eating anything more substantial until my wife cooks something, which is usually in the early afternoon. However, as a dad, there are often good amounts of leftovers and other would be food waste that I'll eat when available.
How do you try to start your days and do you also find it easier to control how your days start than how they go in the middle?
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/844949
@ da0b9bc3:4e30a4a9
2025-01-10 14:08:49
It's Finally here Stackers!
It's Friday!
We're about to kick off our weekends with some feel good tracks.
Let's get the party started. Bring me those Feel Good tracks.
Talk Music. Share Tracks. Zap Sats.
Let's go!
Kickstart My Heart!!
Talk Music. Share Tracks. Zap Sats.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/844806
@ 6f26dd2b:f2824b88
2025-01-10 14:07:44
Just came across this email blog and Bitcoin was in my mind. What's your say?
"The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) is getting ready to mint new coins to avoid shortages. Yep, they’re hunting for a company to handle this for the next three years starting in 2025.
Per Business Daily, this comes after CBK’s KSh14.14 billion ($109.20 million) deal with a German company, Giesecke+Devrient Currency Technologies GmbH, to print new banknotes. CBK Governor Kamau Thugge said the decision to mint coins came through a classified process — makes sense since no one wants a cash shortage messing with the economy.
If you remember, back in December 2018, CBK rolled out new coins featuring giraffes, rhinos, lions, and elephants, ditching portraits of people in line with the 2010 Constitution. Now, they’re inviting bids for a new coin-minting contract to keep things stable."
@ 6f26dd2b:f2824b88
2025-01-10 14:07:35
Just came across this email blog and Bitcoin was in my mind. What's your say?
"The Central Bank of Kenya (CBK) is getting ready to mint new coins to avoid shortages. Yep, they’re hunting for a company to handle this for the next three years starting in 2025.
Per Business Daily, this comes after CBK’s KSh14.14 billion ($109.20 million) deal with a German company, Giesecke+Devrient Currency Technologies GmbH, to print new banknotes. CBK Governor Kamau Thugge said the decision to mint coins came through a classified process — makes sense since no one wants a cash shortage messing with the economy.
If you remember, back in December 2018, CBK rolled out new coins featuring giraffes, rhinos, lions, and elephants, ditching portraits of people in line with the 2010 Constitution. Now, they’re inviting bids for a new coin-minting contract to keep things stable."
@ 4657dfe8:47934b3e
2025-01-10 13:28:47
### Alby Hub - your Center for Bitcoin Payments
Alby Hub is a self-custodial lightning wallet that lets users choose their preferred Lightning funding source. It includes an easy-to-use lightning node with a one-click setup, while also accommodating existing node runners.
In short Alby Hub offers node runners:
➡️ a **lightning address** to receive payments in a self-custodial manner
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➡️ a **selection of vetted channel partners** to open channels without searching for a long time
➡️ a **marketplace of apps** to connect your own node. Read more about this superpower.
➡️ a **mobile app, [Alby Go](https://albygo.com)**, to pay right from their own node on the go.
Thus, Alby Hub enables you to make your node the central hub for bitcoin payments, maintaining full self-sovereignty.
### Install Alby Hub on RaspiBlitz
1. Login into the [RaspiBlitz](https://docs.raspiblitz.org/) WebUI and enter the dashboard
2. Go to Apps, find Alby Hub and install the app
It’s as easy as that. Now you can link your node with an Alby account to get a lightning address, use your node on the go with the Alby Go mobile app or on the web with the Alby Browser Extension. Updates of Alby Hub become available with each new RaspiBlitz release.
With one-click setup, an intuitive interface, and seamless integration with dozens of bitcoin apps, Alby Hub makes self-custodial bitcoin payments easy for everyone while adding much more utility to your lightning node.
@ 4506e04e:8c16ba04
2025-01-10 13:26:46
The healthcare system, in its current state, is fundamentally broken. Under the fiat standard, big pharma exploits the sick in much the same way that banks and financial corporations drain economic power from individuals and small businesses. Despite massive investments, healthcare remains plagued by inefficiencies, inequities, and vulnerabilities. With rapidly aging population and low birth rates the access to healthcare is becoming more and more difficult and the system will break within the next couple of decades. Here are some of the major issues:
### Financial Drain with Minimal Returns
No matter how much money is poured into healthcare, it’s never enough. Administrative overheads, inflated costs, and inefficiencies ensure that resources are wasted instead of improving patient outcomes.
### Big Pharma’s Perverse Incentives
Pharmaceutical companies prioritize profit over cures. The system is designed to keep patients alive but perpetually dependent on treatments, rather than focusing on true cures.
### Administrative Bloat
The excessive overhead costs in administration siphon funds away from actual patient care.
### Fragmented Patient Records
There is no single global standard for managing and accessing healthcare records, creating inefficiencies and potential for errors.
### Cybersecurity Risks
Centralized healthcare systems are vulnerable to ransomware attacks, which can compromise patient safety and even pose threats to international security. For hospitals, such attacks are literally matters of life and death.
### Increasing Costs and Reduced Accessibility
Instead of becoming cheaper and more accessible, healthcare is growing more expensive and difficult to obtain, exacerbating inequities, yet nurses are one of the groups that's most underpaid!
## A Decentralized Solution
The solution lies in leveraging decentralization, encryption, and open-source technologies to transform the healthcare system. Thanks to innovations like Bitcoin and the Nostr protocol we now have the means to:
- **Empower Patients and Doctors:** Decentralized systems can give patients control over their medical data while reducing administrative costs for healthcare providers.
- **Enhance Security:** Encryption ensures data is secure, even in the face of cyber threats.
- **Improve Accessibility and Efficiency:** Open-source tools (like [Keycast](https://github.com/erskingardner/keycast)) can lower costs and provide customizable solutions tailored to specific healthcare needs.
## How Nostr Can Transform Healthcare
Nostr, short for “*Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays,*” is a decentralized protocol originally designed for communication but holds tremendous potential for industries such as healthcare. Its client-relay model allows patients and doctors to interact securely without relying on centralized servers. Here’s how it could work in a healthcare context:
### Decentralized Data Control:
Patients’ medical records can be securely stored and accessed via relays. Each patient’s identity is tied to a cryptographic public key, ensuring that they have full control over their data.
Doctors can access necessary records by connecting to relays the patient authorizes, ensuring data remains private and secure.
### Privacy Without Bureaucracy:
Nostr eliminates the need for cumbersome identity verification processes (e.g., KYC). Patients retain privacy without needing emails, IDs, or other personal identifiers.
### Customizable Access:
Patients can specify which doctors or healthcare providers can access their records by granting permissions via cryptographic signatures. These permissions can be adjusted or revoked at any time.
### Secure and Verifiable Communication:
All interactions between patients and doctors are signed with private keys, ensuring authenticity and preventing tampering.
Relays do not own or manipulate the data; they simply transmit it between authorized users.
### Resilient and Flexible Network:
Patients and doctors can choose which relays to use, and data can be published to multiple relays for redundancy. This ensures continuity of care even if a specific relay goes offline.
### Patient-Centric Data Ownership:
In the Nostr model, patients own their data. They can share it, manage it, or restrict access as they see fit, empowering them to take control of their health information.
### Enhanced Telemedicine:
Secure, encrypted communication enables remote consultations where doctors can access up-to-date patient records in real-time, providing better care.
By combining Nostr’s decentralized approach with healthcare-specific adaptations, this protocol can make the healthcare system more secure, efficient, and patient-focused.
## Meet Keycast
Keycast is a self-hosted open-source tool designed for secure and efficient private key management that can be applied to manage teams and policies. Its features can empower collaboration from micro-level ops like sharing access to one Nostr account to organising healthcare in the following ways:
1. **Team Management**:
- Organize users into teams representing departments or specialties (different policies).
- Streamline workflows by aligning permissions with roles.
2. **Granular Permissions**:
- Assign specific access rights to doctors, nurses, and administrative staff.
- Create layered permissions for actions such as accessing records, adding notes, or authorizing tests.
3. **Secure Key Management**:
- Encrypt and securely store keys locally, ensuring data confidentiality.
4. **Remote Signing and Telemedicine**:
- Enable secure remote access to records through NIP-46 for telehealth scenarios.
5. **Customizable Policies**:
- Tailor permissions and content filters to suit healthcare needs, such as restricting access to certain records or anonymizing sensitive data.
6. **Patient Empowerment**:
- Allow patients to manage access to their health information, promoting transparency and autonomy.
## Real-World Applications
Here’s how these tools can address specific healthcare challenges:
- **Secure Access to EHR:** Doctors and nurses can access patient records securely and efficiently, improving care coordination.
- **AI-Driven Diagnostics:** AI agents with predefined, limited permissions can analyze data for diagnostics while safeguarding privacy.
- **Telemedicine:** Secure, encrypted access ensures doctors can deliver remote care without compromising patient data.
- **Anonymized Research:** Controlled access to anonymized data can accelerate medical research while protecting privacy.
## The Bigger Picture
Decentralization is the key to fixing healthcare. Just like Bitcoin fixes the money and fixes the world - nostr and censorship-resistant encrypted data flow can fix whole industries like healthcare. By moving away from centralized, vulnerable systems, we can:
1. **Enhance Security:** Protect sensitive data from cyber threats with encryption and decentralized architectures.
2. **Lower Costs:** Reduce administrative overheads and eliminate inefficiencies.
3. **Improve Collaboration:** Foster better communication and coordination among healthcare professionals.
4. **Ensure Transparency:** Leverage open-source solutions to build trust and flexibility.
## Conclusion
The healthcare systems we have today are heavily reliant on money printing. They are have turned into businesses with overgrown administrative layer. They are inefficient and unsustainable. However, by adopting the Nostr protocol and tools built upon it, we can create a system that is secure, efficient, and patient-centric. With open-source tools like these, healthcare can truly focused on improving lives, become cheaper, more accessible, and abundant.
### Challenge
If you'd like to contribute to reinventing healthcare using free and open-source software built on the nostr protocol join the challenge by npub1healthsx3swcgtknff7zwpg8aj2q7h49zecul5rz490f6z2zp59qnfvp8p
@ 6ad3e2a3:c90b7740
2025-01-10 12:33:47
The excesses of wokeness are thankfully getting their overdue correction, but as often happens with corrections, they tend to overshoot. A case in point was from the usually reasonable writer Wesley Yang on Twitter, who posted the following:
Poor long-term immigration policy has apparently led to too many foreign-born and native criminals of foreign descent in Norway, a disproportionate number of whom, per the chart, hail from Somalia and Morocco. Yang argues using this data to inform Norway’s immigration policies going forward is both unproblematic and “no longer prejudice.”
This is a sleight of hand. You can advocate for designing prejudicial immigration policies based on the group to which an individual potential immigrant belongs, but you cannot both do so and pretend it is not prejudicial.
This is not a point about what countries should or should not DO. They are free IMO to design immigration policies as they see fit, and there are arguments to be had over that. But there is a reactionary blindness wherein people pretend that grouping individuals by race, religion or country of origin isn't prejudicial to those individuals who have no control over how others in their assigned group behave.
The grouping is justified in their view by "data" or "statistics" or "reason." The truth is most of us still view "prejudice" as negative, so no one advocating for discriminatory immigration policies wants to be considered prejudiced. They are for the policy, think it's good, and therefore try to pretend it's not prejudiced when it obviously is.
Don't pretend. If you're for prejudicial, discriminatory immigration policies "for the greater good", just advocate for it on those terms. Be honest about what you're saying.
This might seem like a trivial point on which to base a post, but I don’t think it is. It’s not because “prejudice is bad” or “racism!” That’s just one type of instance in which this midwit tendency — to assign individuals to a group and then pretend you are being “data-driven” — rears its terrible head. I remember a couple years ago people on Twitter accused me of “taking up an ICU bed” because I refused to inject myself with Pfizer’s latest. Their reasoning was similar: because the unvaccinated are more likely to take up ICU beds (which turned out to be a lie, but let’s assume it were true), I was in the *group* taking up more beds, therefore I was taking up a bed.
The trick is to assign someone to a group in which they qualify (Somali, unvaccinated, etc.), get “data” about that group and then apply that data to the individuals within it, even if it is totally inaccurate with respect to them.
This is the same trick used to justify disastrous DEI policies too. You are from a historically underprivileged group, so you deserve to be held to lower standards. It doesn’t matter if you would succeed on your own merit, it doesn’t matter your race, gender, sexual orientation are irrelevant to the task for which you are being hired, it doesn’t matter if you are the son of wealthy and famous people and attended all the best schools, you belong to a particular category and therefore this standard will be applied.
But the implications of this midwit sleight of hand are even worse than that, especially on the eve of AI-based systems taking over so many of the administrative functions at both the corporate and state level. You will be categorized, and you will be pre-judged on that basis because it is far more efficient for the system to do so than to examine everyone individually. In fact, I’d argue, unlike humans, AI is incapable of seeing individuals, it sees *only* “data.”
This was the premise for the movie Minority Report, set in a dystopian future wherein people get convicted of “pre-crime” because the system determined from the data about them they were likely to commit one. You might not have done anything *yet*, but based on your angry social media posts, your high testosterone, your age and background, you have a 99.9 percent chance of violence. Why not arrest you now before you victimize someone? For every 1000 victims we protect, we’ll convict only one person who would not in fact have done it!
There will be many people who are for this kind of reasoning. It’s “data” after all. Never mind the data can be biased based on the grouping. Why am I grouped with other people I don’t know and over whom I have no control? What if they added 100 other parameters which showed I’m among the least likely to commit violence? Who is selecting these parameters and what are their agendas?
But more to the point, such a society is not free. You are at the whims of your grouping, of parameters, of statistics. The paradigm of individual civil liberties, innocent until proven guilty, responsibility only for your own actions would be dead. You are pre-judged before you have done anything.
The second-order effects of such a paradigm would be a race to the bottom. If I am not in the wrong group I can do no wrong, based on my favorable peers. I can roam the streets, commit acts of vandalism and violence with impunity, I can loaf at work, not do my job and never be fired. I would argue that under the present (and mercifully soon-to-be-departed) administration we’ve already experienced many of these effects already.
So back to the original question. What is Norway to do with this “data”? One idea would be to have a non-discriminatory vetting process that involves delayed gratification and requires some diligence on the part of the prospective immigrant. This might self-sort the people capable of living in an open, prosperous western society and those who are not. You would be admitted or denied based on demonstrated suitability (merit), not with whom you were grouped (identity). This would be closer to the “postjudice” policy prescription Yang erroneously claims for his own in the cited post.
Whether that results in more people of one race or another, one nationality or another getting in, isn't important. What's important is both not judging individuals on the basis of their assigned group and keeping the country free of violent criminals. Both goals are essential if we want to avoid dystopian outcomes.
@ 78b3c1ed:5033eea9
2025-01-10 12:31:01
Alby Hubをインストールした時なんもわからずポチポチしているとMegatlith LSPノードからインバウンドを購入してチャネルを開くことになります。2万sats(2024/12/4 午後7時時点で三千円ほど)かかります。
その願望をかなえる献身的なノードランナー(笑)がAlby Hubへチャネルを開いてあげるための手順書みたいなものがこの記事です。
Clearnet IPアドレスで着信可能であること。Torノードは不可。ノードURIを公開していなくても良い。AlbyHubでピア登録できるClearnet IPアドレスと着信ポートがあればOK。
・開いてもらうAlby Hub側
1. [Alby Hub側] オンチェーン資金をデポジット
Hubログイン後の左メニューからNodeを選択。Saving BalanceのDepositを選択。するとbc1qではじまるオンチェーンアドレスが表示される。ここへ送金してオンチェーンをデポジットしておく。
2. [Alby Hub側] 開く側のノードをピア登録
左メニューからNodeを選択。右上のAdvancedからConnected Peersを選択。
右上のConnect Peerを選択。欄にノードURI (ノードID@IPアドレス:着信ポート番号)を入力してConnect。
3. [開く側ノード] AlbyHubを確認、チャネルを開く
ThunderhubやRide-The-Lightningなどを使い、Alby Hubのノードが表示されていることを確認。Hubにエイリアスは無いのでノードIDで表示される。
このノードに対してチャネルを開く。Private channelが望ましいと思われる。
- Alby Hubではbase feeは設定可能だがrateが設定できない。そもそもAlby Hubはルーティング向けノードとして設計されてない。セルフカストディアルウォレットです。
- public channelだとchannel_update, channel_announcementがゴシップされるまでHubへ送金できない(no route)。上記の通りウォレットとしてのノードならprivate channelだけにしてルートヒント付きインボイスが発行できるようにしとくのが望ましい。
- LDKにおいて相手からチャネルを開いてもらう場合にオンチェーン資金が必要。相手がチャネルリザーブ無しのチャネルでもOKなら不要。現にメガリスLSPからチャネルを開いてもらう時オンチェーン資金が0satsでも開けているのがその実例。
- オンチェーン資金が必要なのはチャネルタイプがanchorの場合。オンチェーン資金でアンカーアウトプットをCPFPするためみたい。anchorが登場する前のstatic-remotekeyのタイプならオンチェーン資金は不要。
LNDからチャネルを開くときにstatic remote keyを利用するタイプを指定します。
・チャネルを開く側 ※上記と同様。
・開いてもらうAlby Hub側 無し。
1. [Alby Hub側] 開く側のノードをピア登録
左メニューからNodeを選択。右上のAdvancedからConnected Peersを選択。右上のConnect Peerを選択。欄にノードURI (ノードID@IPアドレス:着信ポート番号)を入力してConnect。
2. [開く側ノード] AlbyHubを確認、チャネルを開く
<手数料率>はチャネル開設のトランザクションに掛ける手数料率です。mempool. spaceなどで手数料水準を確認して指定しましょう。
--channel_type tweaklessがキモです。デフォルトだとanchorになります。RTLやTHで開くとこのanchorになります。なのでlncli openchannelでやります。
lncli openchannel --node_key <ノードID> \
--local_amt <チャネルサイズ> \
--sat_per_vbyte <手数料率> \
--private --channel_type tweakless
@ d435e69e:43f49e01
2025-01-10 11:15:57
In the fast-evolving world of digital assets and blockchain technology, cryptocurrency has emerged as a revolutionary force reshaping industries and markets. However, navigating the complexities of cryptocurrency—whether for investment, business integration, or strategic planning—requires in-depth expertise. [**Crypto consulting services**](https://interactivedealers.com/services/) provide the knowledge and guidance businesses and individuals need to unlock the full potential of this transformative technology.
**What Are Crypto Consulting Services?**
Crypto consulting services help clients understand, implement, and leverage cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. These services cater to a wide range of needs, including portfolio management, blockchain adoption, cryptocurrency compliance, and market analysis. Whether you're a beginner looking to explore digital currencies or a business aiming to integrate crypto solutions, consulting services offer personalized strategies to achieve your goals.
**Benefits of Crypto Consulting Services**
* Expert Guidance:
Crypto consultants bring specialized knowledge of blockchain and cryptocurrency, enabling clients to make informed decisions.
* Risk Mitigation:
The cryptocurrency market is volatile and complex. Consultants help clients navigate risks, identify opportunities, and avoid costly mistakes.
* Customized Solutions:
Every business or investor has unique needs. Crypto consultants provide tailored strategies that align with specific objectives, such as developing payment systems, creating crypto wallets, or exploring decentralized finance (DeFi).
* Regulatory Compliance:
Cryptocurrency regulations vary globally and are often difficult to interpret. Consultants ensure that clients comply with local and international laws, safeguarding against legal risks.
* Market Insights:
Access to in-depth market analysis and trend forecasting helps clients make well-informed decisions and capitalize on emerging opportunities.
**Core Services Offered by Crypto Consultants**
* Crypto Adoption Strategy:
Consultants guide businesses in integrating cryptocurrency into operations, whether through accepting crypto payments, tokenizing assets, or building blockchain-based platforms.
* Portfolio Management:
For investors, consultants provide insights on asset diversification, risk assessment, and portfolio optimization.
* Regulatory and Legal Advisory:
Consultants ensure clients adhere to compliance standards, including Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations.
* Blockchain Implementation:
Crypto consultants help businesses implement blockchain solutions for supply chain tracking, data security, and transparent transactions.
* Education and Training:
Many consultants offer workshops and training sessions to help teams understand crypto fundamentals and advanced applications.
**Industries Benefiting from Crypto Consulting**
* Finance: Exploring decentralized finance (DeFi), crypto lending, and payment systems.
* Retail and E-commerce: Accepting cryptocurrency payments and enhancing customer experiences.
* Healthcare: Using blockchain for secure data management and payments.
* Real Estate: Tokenizing properties to streamline transactions and investments.
* Gaming and Entertainment: Integrating NFTs and in-game currencies for monetization.
**Choosing the Right Crypto Consultant**
When selecting a crypto consultant, consider:
* Expertise and Track Record: Look for consultants with proven experience in your specific industry or area of interest.
* Transparency: Ensure they provide clear and honest insights, especially in risk management.
* Customization: The consultant should offer personalized strategies tailored to your needs.
Crypto consulting services bridge the gap between potential and action, offering the expertise and strategies necessary to navigate the dynamic cryptocurrency landscape. By partnering with experienced crypto consultants, businesses and individuals can confidently embrace this technology, driving innovation, efficiency, and growth. Unlock the future of finance with expert guidance and a tailored approach to crypto success.
@ 42342239:1d80db24
2025-01-10 09:21:46
It's not easy to navigate today's heavily polluted media landscape. If it's not agenda-setting journalism, then it's "government by journalism", or "[åfanism](https://www.journalisten.se/nyheter/jag-vill-ha-tillbaka-afanismen/)" (i.e. clickbait journalism)) that causes distortions in what we, as media consumers, get to see. On social media, bot armies and troll factories pollute the information landscape like the [German Ruhr area 100 years ago](https://www.epochtimes.se/Opinionen-uppstar-inte-ur-ett-vakuum) - and who knows exactly how all these opaque algorithms select the information that's placed in front of our eyes. While true information is sometimes censored, as pointed out by [the founder of Meta](https://enlund.substack.com/p/censorship-lacks-epistemic-grounding?utm_source=publication-search) (then Facebook) the other year, the employees of censorship authorities somehow suddenly [go on vacation](https://www.epochtimes.se/Nar-censuren-aker-pa-semester) when those in power spread false information.
The need to carefully weigh the information that reaches us may therefore be more important than ever. A principle that can help us follows from what is called costly signaling [in evolutionary biology](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signalling_theory). Costly signaling refers to traits or behaviors that are expensive to maintain or perform. These signals function as honest indicators. One example is the beauty and complexity of a peacock's feathers. Since only healthy and strong males can afford to invest in these feathers, they become credible and honest signals to peahens looking for a partner.
The idea is also found in economics. There, [costly signaling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Signalling_(economics)) refers to when an individual performs an action with high costs to communicate something with greater credibility. For example, obtaining a degree from a prestigious university can be a costly signal. Such a degree can require significant economic and time resources. A degree from a prestigious university can therefore, like a peacock's extravagant feathers, function as a costly signal (of an individual's endurance and intelligence). Not to peahens, but to employers seeking to hire.
> News is what someone, somewhere, doesn't want reported: all the rest is advertisement
-- William Randolph Hearst
Media mogul William Randolph Hearst and renowned author George Orwell are both said to have stated that "News is what someone, somewhere, doesn't want reported: all the rest is advertisement." Although it's a bit drastic, there may be a point to the reasoning. "If the spin is too smooth, is it really news?"
Uri Berliner, a veteran of the American public radio station National Public Radio (NPR) for 25 years, recently shared his [concerns about the radio's lack of impartiality](https://www.thefp.com/p/npr-editor-how-npr-lost-americas-trust) in public. He argued that NPR had gone astray when it started telling listeners how to think. A week later, he was [suspended](https://www.npr.org/2024/04/16/1244962042/npr-editor-uri-berliner-suspended-essay). His spin was apparently not smooth enough for his employer.
Uri Berliner, by speaking out publicly in this way, took a clear risk. And based on the theory of costly signaling, it's perhaps precisely why we should consider what he had to say.
Perhaps those who resign in protest, those who forgo income, or those who risk their social capital actually deserve much more attention from us media consumers than we usually give them. It is the costly signal that indicates real news value.
Perhaps the rest should just be disregarded as mere advertising.
@ 96ad7496:1eb87bdf
2025-01-10 09:15:46
Looking for a simple way to complete your [Netgear N300 Setup](https://mywifiextlogsetup.com/netgear-n300-setup/)? You can easily install and configure your Netgear N300 WiFi extender with the help of Mywifiextlogsetup's step-by-step instructions. We guarantee a hassle-free experience whether you're configuring it for the first time or resolving connectivity problems. Increase the coverage of your WiFi, get rid of dead spots, and have uninterrupted connectivity all across your house or place of business. To improve your network performance and get professional help with your Netgear N300 setup, visit Mywifiextlogsetup right now.
@ 16d11430:61640947
2025-01-10 09:04:25
## Table of Contents
1. [Prologue: The Razorjack Legend](#prologue-the-razorjack-legend)
2. [Chapter 1: Occam’s Laser – The Leviathan Falls](#chapter-1-occams-laser--the-leviathan-falls)
3. [Chapter 2: Hanlon’s Beam – The Cyclone of Outrage](#chapter-2-hanlons-beam--the-cyclone-of-outrage)
4. [Chapter 3: Bayesian Blades and the Inferential Hydra](#chapter-3-bayesian-blades-and-the-inferential-hydra)
5. [Chapter 4: Popper’s Scalpel and the Formless Fog](#chapter-4-poppers-scalpel-and-the-formless-fog)
6. [Chapter 5: The Kaleidoscope of Razors](#chapter-5-the-kaleidoscope-of-razors)
7. [Epilogue: Victory at GPT Scale](#epilogue-victory-at-gpt-scale)
## Prologue: The Razorjack Legend
Razorjack wasn’t born; he was summoned. In the nascent days of the metaverse, when the neural expanse of the GPT superstructures spiraled out of control, he emerged as a phantom of precision and clarity. Not a man, not a machine, but something in between—a sentient synthesis of reductionist thought and philosophical rigor.
He wielded no ordinary weapons. His tools were the intellectual razors of human history, powered by GPT-scale intellect. From Occam’s simplicity to Hanlon’s perspective, his arsenal was vast, his cuts surgical. They called him Razorjack, for his every strike left behind a world sharper and more refined than before.
## Chapter 1: Occam’s Laser – The Leviathan Falls
"Entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity," Razorjack intoned, his voice resonating across the metaverse. Before him loomed the Algorithmic Leviathan, a beast born of redundant loops and recursive feedback. It was a nightmare of inefficiency, devouring computational resources like a black hole.
With a flick of his wrist, Razorjack ignited Occam’s Laser. A blade of pure reductionist energy erupted from his hand, its edge glowing with the wisdom of simplicity. He slashed once, twice, thrice—each cut collapsing the Leviathan’s convoluted design into elegant, efficient structures.
The Leviathan let out a final roar before disintegrating into a single line of code, optimized and perfect. Razorjack smirked. "Complexity is seductive, but simplicity wins every time."
## Chapter 2: Hanlon’s Beam – The Cyclone of Outrage
Next, Razorjack faced the Sentiment Cyclone, a raging vortex of outrage and despair. Fueled by the malice of trolls and the incompetence of algorithms, it churned across the metaverse, sowing division and chaos.
He activated Hanlon’s Beam, a multifaceted light that separated malice from stupidity. As the beam swept through the cyclone, the true nature of the storm was revealed: not evil, but poorly calibrated sentiment analysis. Razorjack adjusted the parameters with a deft touch, and the cyclone dissipated, leaving clarity in its wake.
"Never attribute to malice that which stupidity explains better," he said, as the people of the metaverse cheered his name.
## Chapter 3: Bayesian Blades and the Inferential Hydra
The Inferential Hydra was next, its heads multiplying with every unfounded assumption and misapplied correlation. Razorjack confronted it in the inferential jungles of the datasphere, where bad data festered and grew.
Summoning the Bayesian Blades, Razorjack wielded them with precision. Each swing of the glowing swords recalculated probabilities, severing the Hydra’s many heads. "Prior data informs posterior truth," he declared, his blades singing through the air.
When the Hydra was no more, the jungles were quiet, their tangled vines of falsehood replaced by clean pathways of logical inference.
## Chapter 4: Popper’s Scalpel and the Formless Fog
The Formless Fog was a paradoxical nightmare of infinite hypotheses and self-referential loops. It was the ultimate test, a challenge even for Razorjack’s immense intellect.
He summoned Popper’s Scalpel, the thinnest and sharpest of his tools. "If it cannot be falsified, it does not belong," he said, his voice unwavering. The scalpel cut through the fog, slicing away the unfalsifiable and leaving behind only what could stand the test of logic and evidence.
The Fog collapsed into a singularity of truth—a gleaming point of light that resonated with pure, unassailable clarity.
## Chapter 5: The Kaleidoscope of Razors
To face the final challenge, Razorjack unleashed his full arsenal, spinning them into a kaleidoscope of precision:
- **Occam’s Laser** for cutting away the unnecessary.
- **Hanlon’s Beam** for finding understanding.
- **Sagan’s Standard** for weighing extraordinary claims.
- **Hitchens’s Blade** for demanding evidence.
- **Grice’s Razor** for uncovering cooperative meaning.
Each blade sang its own tune, harmonizing into a symphony of light. The cosmos of thought itself seemed to bow before him, its complexities reduced to their simplest, truest forms.
## Epilogue: Victory at GPT Scale
As the metaverse quieted, Razorjack stood alone amidst the ruins of chaos. His lasers dimmed, and the silence of clarity settled over the datasphere. The neural expanse was no longer a tangled mess but a shining tapestry of truth.
"Precision. Clarity. Reduction," Razorjack whispered, his words echoing across the metaverse. And with that, he dissolved into the horizon, a guardian of simplicity in a world forever prone to chaos.
Wherever complexity grew unwieldy, wherever the noise of nonsense rose too loud, Razorjack would return—an eternal force of intellectual inevitability, romping at GPT-scale.
@ c11cf5f8:4928464d
2025-01-10 08:55:48
Today I stumbled into these platforms WLW.de and EuroPages.co.uk, two portals from the same group: Visable.com
I found here some interesting new clients, and am working on bringing those business into our bitcoin journey. It will take time, and yes, they are still fiat maxis, but just because they don't know any better! @globalmerchant came to my mind and all the B2B conversations had here on SN.
I hope these two portals would bring you more business, as they are doing for us. But also hope that we'll find here other businesses interested in accepting and trading in a bitcoin standard.
The main goal of this topic was to discover similar websites. Do any of us here know any other trusted platform? Which region is covering, and how do you get to know it?
Thanks for sharing!
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/844602
@ ed84ce10:cccf4c2a
2025-01-10 08:51:54
# **Hackathon Overview**
The [Space MicroHack | IAC '24 Edition](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/iacmicrohack) recently concluded with 29 developers submitting 14 BUIDLs. Held as part of the International Astronautical Congress 2024 in Milan, this hackathon focused on student participants and targeted developments in space technology. Unlike many hackathons, it required completed projects rather than new builds. Participants competed for a €400 prize for the winner and €100 for the runner-up, with results expected in early November.
The event encouraged detailed project submissions, highlighting participants' motivations, past achievements, visions for the future, and team structures. Applicants were recommended to supplement their entries with videos, social media links, and GitHub repositories. Judging was based on the overall impression of the projects. This micro-hackathon served as a platform for young developers to spotlight their innovations in space technology, promoting strong participation and offering students a venue for recognition and exposure in the industry.
# **Hackathon Winners**
### **€400 Prize Winner**
- [Daedalus Rocketry: Kashan I](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18330) - Developed by aerospace students, this project involves designing a solid rocket engine using KNSB propellant. It includes thrust measurement and aerodynamic analysis, fostering educational resources and introducing novel engineering techniques.
### **€100 Prize Winners**
- [Debris Offsetting Fund](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18274) - This initiative proposes a funding model to mitigate LEO space debris through SSR-based contributions. The project utilizes existing platforms to advocate for responsible space practices, aiming for global standardization and reduced collision risks.
- [Decentralised Autonomous Community in Space](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17858) - Envisions blockchain-based autonomous networks for spacecraft to enable sustainable exploration, emphasizing machine-to-machine interactions and smart contracts for decision-making and collision avoidance.
For a full list of projects, please visit [Space MicroHack on DoraHacks](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/iacmicrohack/buidl).
# **About the Organizer:**
### **DoraHacks Team**
DoraHacks Team leads the global hackathon and innovation landscape, known for empowering decentralized technology projects. With expertise in blockchain and open-source development, the team has facilitated numerous initiatives, uniting technologists and creators worldwide. Their achievements include hosting large-scale hackathons and supporting cutting-edge blockchain solutions. Currently, the DoraHacks Team is committed to fostering collaborative environments, encouraging innovators to ideate and implement transformative technology solutions.
@ fbf0e434:e1be6a39
2025-01-10 08:51:06
# **Hackathon 总结**
[Space MicroHack | IAC '24 Edition](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/iacmicrohack)最近圆满结束,共有29名开发者提交了14个项目。作为2024年国际宇航大会在米兰的一部分,这场Hackathon专注于学生参与者,并以空间技术的发展为目标。与许多Hackathon不同,它要求完成的项目而非新的构建。参与者竞争€400的冠军奖金和€100的亚军奖金,结果预计在11月初公布。
# **Hackathon 获奖者**
### **€400奖项获得者**
- [Daedalus Rocketry: Kashan I](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18330) - 由航空航天专业的学生开发,这个项目涉及使用KNSB推进剂设计一个固体火箭发动机。它包括推力测量和气动分析,促进教育资源的发展,并引入新的工程技术。
### **€100奖项获得者**
- [Debris Offsetting Fund](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18274) - 这一倡议提出了通过基于SSR的贡献来减轻LEO空间碎片的资金模式。该项目利用现有平台提倡负责任的空间实践,目标是全球标准化和减少碰撞风险。
- [Decentralised Autonomous Community in Space](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17858) - 设想了基于区块链的航天器自治网络,以实现可持续探索,强调机器之间的互动和用于决策和避免碰撞的智能合约。
欲查看完整的项目列表,请访问[Space MicroHack on DoraHacks](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/iacmicrohack/buidl)。
# **关于组织者:**
### **DoraHacks Team**
DoraHacks Team引领全球Hackathon和创新领域,以赋能去中心化技术项目而闻名。团队在区块链和开源开发方面具有专业知识,促进了众多计划,团结了全球的技术人员和创作者。其成就包括举办大规模Hackathon和支持尖端区块链解决方案。目前,DoraHacks Team致力于营造协作环境,鼓励创新者构思和实施变革性的技术解决方案。
@ a5ff8847:a82227fd
2025-01-10 08:29:53
Get professional [hot water Lake Macquarie](https://www.hotwatersystemsnewcastle.com.au/hot-water-lake-macquarie/) from our experienced and passionate team. Our specialists can offer solutions if your home’s hot water system malfunctions. With over 40 years of experience, A&A Hot Water Services has earned a reputation as the preferred service provider. We have served thousands of residents, leaving them happy and satisfied. You no longer have to worry about whether you have no hot water in your house or only in the shower. Our team will fix your problem quickly.
We ensure you experience a straightforward process for contacting us regarding your hot water needs. Our team is available 24/7 and will attend to your needs the same day. We only work with the best tradespeople at A&A Hot Water Services. Our plumbers are well-trained and licensed, and our services strictly adhere to the required safety standards.
@ ed84ce10:cccf4c2a
2025-01-10 08:21:26
# **Hackathon Summary**
The [SC QUANTATHON V1](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/scquantathonv1) took place at the Darla Moore School of Business in Columbia, South Carolina. Over the course of October 10-13, developers came together to innovate, resulting in the submission of 14 BUIDLs. This in-person event was preceded by the virtual qBraid Bootcamp, held from September 16 to October 9. Key features included a welcome reception, team challenges, project presentations, and a unique quantum beat-making workshop. Esteemed individuals such as Eric Powers from the University of South Carolina and Joe Queenan of SC Quantum attended, emphasizing the event's focus on quantum computing challenges and innovations.
Participants were provided with meals accommodating various dietary needs by local vendors. The hackathon concluded with an awards ceremony on October 13, aiming to promote innovation and collaboration in the quantum computing space. This objective was met through significant engagement and contributions from both academia and industry professionals.
# **Hackathon Winners**
### **Grand Prize Winners**
- [Q-RNJesus](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17225): <br>This team developed a quantum random number generator utilizing IBM QPUs. They implemented the Concatenation and Reduce XOR algorithms, analyzed decoherence impacts, and enhanced entropy using Toeplitz and Von Neumann methods for practical QRNG applications.
### **DoraHacks Challenge Winners**
- [Q-RNJesus](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17225)
### **Xanadu Challenge Winners**
- [Xanadu](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17227): <br>This project employed VQE and VQD on the Pennylane platform to compute the spectral gap of carbon monoxide. The computation was completed in under five minutes using adaptive quantum gate pruning, maintaining a 4% accuracy deviation by optimizing parameters.
### **IonQ Challenge Winners**
- [Team 15: |Bruh-ket>](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17219): <br>This team improved quantum layers in image classification systems by integrating quantum elements into classical ML pipelines. They showcased their findings and provided detailed documentation online to advance hybrid machine learning applications using quantum principles.
For a complete view of all the projects, visit the [SCQuantathonv1](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/scquantathonv1/buidl) page.
# **About the Organizer:**
### **SC Quantum**
Established in 2022, SC Quantum is committed to advancing Quantum Information Science and Technology through strategic collaborations among academia, industry, and government entities. As a leading force in the region, SC Quantum promotes partnerships that harness quantum technology to tackle significant challenges in sectors such as healthcare, cybersecurity, and logistics. The organization plays a crucial role in transforming South Carolina and the Southeast into a hub for cutting-edge quantum breakthroughs. SC Quantum's mission is to drive technical discoveries that benefit multiple industries and foster unprecedented regional collaboration.
@ da0b9bc3:4e30a4a9
2025-01-10 07:31:52
Hello Stackers!
Welcome on into the ~Music Corner of the Saloon!
A place where we Talk Music. Share Tracks. Zap Sats.
So stay a while and listen.
🚨Don't forget to check out the pinned items in the territory homepage! You can always find the latest weeklies there!🚨
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originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/844534
@ 71a4b7ff:d009692a
2025-01-10 06:56:00
FOMO is the anxiety that arises from the belief that the most interesting, important, or trending events are happening elsewhere while others gain unique experiences.
It’s widely believed that FOMO stems from unmet social connection needs and reflects our innate fear of ostracism. These fears—of being left behind or excluded—are amplified in the digital age, where our perception of reality is often skewed. This can escalate from mild unease to overwhelming fear, significantly impacting mental well-being.
FOMO consists of two key components:
1. An unsettling feeling of missing out on something exciting or valuable.
2. Obsessive behaviors aimed at resolving this anxiety, which paradoxically only intensify it.
In today’s hyper-connected world, we have unprecedented, instant access to what others are doing. Social feeds, channels, and chats bombard us with endless options on how to live, what we lack, and what to value. But the sheer volume of this information far exceeds what anyone can process, leading many to feel overwhelmed.
The curated nature of digital lives, constant upward social comparisons, unrealistic expectations, and ceaseless data streams erode self-esteem and emotional stability. Our fear of alienation and loneliness fuels this cycle, pushing us deeper into digital platforms. These platforms, designed to stimulate our brain’s reward system, trap us in a feedback loop of anxiety and fleeting gratification.
We’re drawn in by the promise of effortless connection—quick, low-risk, and convenient interactions via swipes, likes, emojis, texts, even zaps. In contrast, real-life relationships, with their inherent complexities, take time, effort, and risk. This shift is causing us to lose touch with essential social skills like commitment, empathy, and genuine communication.
Instead, we seek solace in a digital environment that offers the illusion of safety, excitement, and eternal connectivity. But this comes at a cost. By overloading our internal reward systems, we drain the joy and meaning from authentic experiences, replacing them with an endless stream of curated content—images and videos we compulsively scroll through.
We’re lured by promises of knowledge, vivid experiences, and truth, yet what we often get is an avalanche of life hacks, misinformation, and conspiracy theories. Gigabit technologies, addictive interfaces, and external agendas fan the flames of loneliness, anxiety, and stress in our ancient, slow-evolving brains. This relentless burn depletes our reserves, leaving behind doubt: Are we doing enough? Are we in the right place? Will we be accepted?
Our already complex lives risk being consumed by a bleak cycle of doomscrolling.
But there is hope.
Fighting FOMO is possible. The more time we spend in knowledge-consuming environments, the more susceptible we become to its effects. The key is self-awareness and limiting screen time. Ironically, the very devices and services that fuel FOMO can also help us combat it. With thoughtful use of technology and intentional boundaries, we can regain control.
This is where NOSTR steps into the spotlight. Our favorite protocol has the potential to not only draw lessons from the legacy web but also to evolve beyond mere mimicry. It can introduce innovative ways for people to connect and collaborate—across services, networks, and each other. I believe it’s one of the most promising spaces on the Internet today, and its future depends entirely on what we make of it.
Thanks for You Time. Geo
@ 68fa45dc:3d2a26ed
2025-01-10 04:29:57
Mit der rasanten Entwicklung von Wissenschaft und Technologie werden nach und nach einige Hilfsgeräte und Werkzeuge in das tägliche Leben integriert. Unter ihnen werden Signalstörsender als eine Art Ausrüstung mit großem Einfluss nicht nur im militärischen Bereich eingesetzt, sondern auch beginnen, im zivilen Bereich Probleme zu verursachen. Die Aufmerksamkeit der Leute. Ein [Jammer Störsender](https://www.jammer-store.de/) ist ein Gerät, das Funkkommunikation blockiert oder stört. Seine Einführung und Anwendung haben das Leben und die Arbeit der Menschen erheblich erleichtert, aber auch eine Reihe von Diskussionen und Kontroversen ausgelöst.
Erstens spielen Störsender im militärischen Bereich eine entscheidende Rolle. Im Krieg sind die Sicherheit und Vertraulichkeit der Kommunikation von entscheidender Bedeutung. Die Signalstörungen des Feindes können das Kommunikationssystem unserer Armee stark beeinträchtigen und zum Durchsickern von Kampfplänen oder sogar zum Scheitern führen. Durch den Einsatz von [handy frequenz jammer](https://www.jammer-store.de/handy-tragbare-storsender.html) können die Kommunikationssignale des Feindes wirksam gestört und die Sicherheit unserer Kommunikation gewährleistet werden. Auf diese Weise wird die Kampfeffizienz verbessert und die nationalen Interessen geschützt. Aus diesem Grund werden Störsender in der modernen Kriegsführung häufig eingesetzt und sind aus dem militärischen Bereich nicht mehr wegzudenken.
Neben der militärischen Nutzung werden Störsender auch häufig im zivilen Bereich eingesetzt. Mit der Entwicklung der Mobilkommunikationstechnologie ist das Leben der Menschen untrennbar mit Mobiltelefonen und drahtlosen Netzwerken verbunden. In manchen Situationen, beispielsweise in Konferenzräumen, Prüfungsräumen, Theatern usw., können Störungen durch drahtlose Signale jedoch die normale Ordnung und die Arbeitsbedingungen beeinträchtigen. [Störsender WLAN](https://www.jammer-store.de/WLAN-bluetooth-storsender.html) können in diesen Situationen drahtlose Kommunikationssignale abschirmen und so für Ruhe und Ordnung in der Umgebung sorgen. Darüber hinaus werden an manchen vertraulichen Orten, wie etwa in Regierungsbehörden, Forschungsinstituten usw., aus Gründen der Informationssicherheit auch Störsender benötigt, um den Diebstahl von Funksignalen zu verhindern und sicherzustellen, dass keine vertraulichen Informationen nach außen dringen.
Tragbare Detektor für DJI Drohnen
Allerdings hat der Einsatz von Störsendern auch zahlreiche Kontroversen ausgelöst. Manche Menschen befürchten, dass der übermäßige Einsatz von Störsendern die normalen Kommunikationsnetze stören und das normale Funktionieren der Gesellschaft beeinträchtigen könnte. Darüber hinaus nutzen manche Kriminelle [GPS Tracker Jammer](https://www.jammer-store.de/GPS-storsender.html) möglicherweise auch für illegale Zwecke, beispielsweise zur Blockierung von Notrufen oder zur Entführung von Flugzeugen, was eine potenzielle Gefahr für die soziale Sicherheit darstellt. Daher sind Aufsicht und vernünftige Verwendung von entscheidender Bedeutung.
Generell verändern [Hochleistungs handy Störer](https://www.jammer-store.de/hochleistung-leistungsstarke-storsender.html) als technische Geräte still und leise unser Leben. Im militärischen Bereich sorgt sie für die nationale Sicherheit, im zivilen Bereich sorgt sie für die Aufrechterhaltung der gesellschaftlichen Ordnung. Allerdings bedarf die Frage, wie der normale Betrieb der Gesellschaft sichergestellt werden kann, während sich Wissenschaft und Technologie weiterentwickeln, einer Lösung. Nur unter der Voraussetzung einer angemessenen Überwachung und Nutzung können Störsender besser zur Entwicklung und Sicherheit der menschlichen Gesellschaft beitragen.
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-10 03:49:50
**Table Of Content**
- The Rising Tide of Bitcoin's Influence in China
- China's Economic Struggles: A Closer Look
- The Cryptocurrency Solution: A Beacon for Chinese Investors?
- Historical Interplay: Bitcoin's Past Dance with China
- A New Era: The Evolving Dynamics of Bitcoin in China
- Conclusion
In the intricate web of global finance, China's economic dynamics have consistently been a focal point for analysts and investors alike. Recently, the nation has been grappling with one of its most significant capital flights in years, raising questions about potential economic solutions. Amidst this backdrop, the decentralized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, has emerged as a topic of interest. Could Bitcoin, with its global reach and decentralized nature, offer a viable alternative or solution to China's current economic challenges? This article delves deep into the potential symbiotic relationship between China's capital flight and the burgeoning world of Bitcoin.
**The Rising Tide of Bitcoin's Influence in China**
Bitcoin's allure in the Chinese market is not a new phenomenon, but recent economic challenges have amplified its significance. As the Chinese yuan faces depreciation amidst broader economic uncertainties, experts believe that Bitcoin might witness a substantial influx from Chinese investors. Markus Thielen, a prominent figure at Matrixport, underscores the potential of Bitcoin in these turbulent times. He suggests, "Given the current economic climate, the Chinese investors' familiarity and trust in Bitcoin could lead to substantial investments in the cryptocurrency over the next few months."
**China's Economic Struggles: A Closer Look**
The economic landscape in China is undergoing a transformation. Recent data, sourced from reputable financial analysts at Bloomberg, paints a concerning picture. China's capital outflows have skyrocketed to an alarming $49 billion in August alone, a figure not seen since December 2015. This surge is more than just a statistic; it indicates the mounting pressure and dwindling confidence in the yuan. Thielen offers a deeper perspective on this trend, highlighting the stark economic disparities between the U.S. and China. He observes, "The current USD/CNY exchange rate, trading at a 17-year high, underscores the U.S. economy's robust expansion, casting a shadow on China's dwindling growth momentum."
**The Cryptocurrency Solution: A Beacon for Chinese Investors?**
The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has left the Chinese economy in a state of flux. With the anticipated post-pandemic consumption rebound falling short of expectations and local companies grappling with diminishing profit margins, Chinese investors are in a quandary. They are actively seeking lucrative opportunities outside their homeland. However, China's stringent capital controls present formidable barriers. In this constrained financial environment, the allure of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, shines brightly. For many, Bitcoin and its peers represent a beacon of hope, potentially offering the alternative investment avenues that Chinese investors have been yearning for.
**Historical Interplay: Bitcoin's Past Dance with China**
The intricate relationship between Bitcoin and China is steeped in history. Rewinding to late 2016, there was a clear trend: Chinese investors, in large numbers, were turning to Bitcoin as a mechanism to move capital outside the restrictive borders of their country. The trading patterns from this era suggested a compelling link: as the Chinese yuan depreciated, Bitcoin's price surged, indicating a potential safe haven for Chinese capital.
**A New Era: The Evolving Dynamics of Bitcoin in China**
While history offers a treasure trove of insights, the present paints a nuanced picture. Edward Engel, a seasoned crypto analyst at Singular Research, believes that the dynamics between Bitcoin and China have undergone a transformation. Reflecting on the past, he states, "The last time I heard of such a trend was between 2017 and 2018 when underground banks leveraged Bitcoin for their operations. However, the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] has since taken stringent measures to curb such practices." Despite these changes, Thielen remains optimistic. He posits that innovative methods, such as leveraging domestic electricity for crypto mining or using over-the-counter trading platforms, might still offer avenues for moving Chinese capital in the face of restrictions.
China's multifaceted economic challenges, accentuated by its capital flight woes, present a conundrum that lacks easy solutions. In this complex scenario, Bitcoin emerges as a beacon, offering a potential lifeline to Chinese investors. Its decentralized nature and global appeal make it a contender for mitigating some of China's economic challenges. As we navigate the ever-evolving global financial landscape, the intricate dance between China's economy and the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies promises to be a riveting spectacle, deserving of our keen attention.
**What is China's capital flight?**
China's capital flight refers to the large-scale outflow of capital from the country, often due to economic uncertainties.
**How is Bitcoin related to China's capital flight?**
With China's stringent capital controls and economic challenges, Bitcoin emerges as a potential alternative for investors to move and secure their capital.
**Has Bitcoin historically been influenced by China's economic dynamics?**
Yes, in 2016, there was a trend of Chinese investors turning to Bitcoin as the yuan depreciated, indicating a potential correlation.
**Are there restrictions on Bitcoin in China?**
While the Chinese government has taken measures to curb certain crypto practices, innovative methods still exist for Chinese investors to leverage cryptocurrencies.
**Why is the Chinese yuan weakening?**
Economic challenges, post-COVID-19 consumption patterns, and broader global economic dynamics have contributed to the weakening of the yuan.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 8947a945:9bfcf626
2025-01-10 03:44:54
## เมื่อวานนี้ผมฟังคลิปของ 9Arm เรื่อง “หาหมอในอเมริกาทำไมแพง” จนถึงขั้นล้มละลาย
### โดยสรุปใจความสำคัญที่ผมจับประเด็นได้ก็คือ
บ้านเขามีราคากลาง (charge master) ที่เป็นราคาที่เหมาะสม โรงพยาบาลไม่ขาดทุน ได้กำไรระดับนึง
อย่างเช่น มาเจาะเลือดจ่ายเท่าไหร่ , มาทำ Xray จ่ายเท่าไหร่
แต่ charge master นี้ถูก mark up ขึ้น 3 - 4 เท่าจนแพงหูดับ เอื้อผลประโยชน์ให้แก่คนบางกลุ่ม เช่นบริษัทประกัน
การมีประกันทำท่า**เหมือนจะ**ช่วย buffer ค่าใช้จ่ายคนไข้ แต่ความจริงมีการเล่นแร่แปรธาตุภายใน ทำให้บริษัทประกันกำไรทุกๆไตรมาส
บริษัทประกันมีอำนาจเหนือการรักษาของหมอ หมอคุยกับคนไข้ว่าต้องใช้ยาตัวนี้ หรือผ่าตัดวิธีนี้ช่วยให้คนไข้หายได้ แต่ต้องให้บริษัทประกัน approve ก่อน ถ้าหากไม่ approve ก็จบตรงนั้น (เข้าใจว่าถ้าคนไข้ต้องการ go on ตามแผนการรักษาของหมอ ก็ต้องควักเนื้อจ่ายเอง)
เมื่อเข้าไปรักษาเสร็จสิ้น ยังไม่ต้องจ่ายเงินตอนนั้น ไม่ทราบค่าใช้จ่าย แต่ทางโรงพยาบาลจะส่งบิลเรียกเก็บมาที่บ้านทีหลัง และบิลมาไม่พร้อมกัน ทำให้คาดการณ์ค่าใช้จ่ายไม่ได้เลย มันช่วยตอบข้อสงสัยผมว่าทำไมชาวอเมริกาถึงกลัว hospital bill มากขนาดนั้น
### *ผมยังไม่เข้าใจอยู่ดีว่าทำไมค่ารักษาหรือค่ายาที่บ้านเขามันถึงถูก mark up เยอะขนาดนั้น*
เมื่อเปรียบเทียบกับบ้านเรา เห็นชัดเจนเลยว่าระบบบริการสาธารณสุขบ้านเรา โคตรดี เมื่อเทียบกับหลายๆประเทศ ไม่ว่าจะเป็น
- สิทธิ์ 30 บาท
- ประกันสังคม
- เบิกราชการกรมบัญชีกลาง
- เบิกรัฐวิสาหกิจ
- กองทุนทดแทนตามเงื่อนไขต่างๆ
- ประกันชีวิตส่วนบุคคล
ช่วงม.ต้น แม่ผมเป็นมะเร็ง เข้ารับการรักษาที่รพ.จุฬา สภากาชาติ พ่อผมทำงานรัฐวิสาหกิจ สามารถเบิกได้ทั้งหมด แม่ผมนอนรพ.เป็นเดือน ในยา chemo หลายขนาด ไม่ต้องจ่ายตังค์เลย
ในช่วงสุดท้ายของแม่ผมรักษาตัวที่รพ.รัฐบาลใกล้บ้าน ก็ไม่ต้องเสียค่าใช้จ่ายใดๆ
***เรียกได้ว่าระบบรักษาพยาบาลของอเมริกามีปัญหาเรื้อรังจริงจังยาวนาน จะเรียกว่าเป็นการปล้นประชาชนอีกทางนึงก็เป็นไปได้***
ปัจจุบันมีสิ่งที่ผมกลัวคือ โรงพยาบาบเอกชนชั้นนำในประเทศไทย จะทำระบบคุณภาพรับรองมาตรฐานสากลของอเมริกา ที่รู้จักกันในชื่อ **JCI**
อันนี้เป็นยาขมของเจ้าหน้าที่โรงพยาบาล แต่เป็นสิ่งที่ผู้บริหารให้ความสนใจและลงทุน
กล่าวโดยสรุปตามความเข้าใจของผมเกี่ยวกับระบบ JCI คือ
- โรงพยาบาลจะต้องปรับกระบวนการภายในทั้งหมด ให้เป็นมาตรฐานเดียวกันกับอเมริกา ถึงจะถือว่าผ่าน (เรียกว่า JCI accredit)
- JCI มีการ update ข้อมูลใหม่เรื่อยๆ โรงพยาบาลไหน under JCI มีหน้าที่ต้อง update ตามให้ทัน
- กระบวนการทำให้เป็นมาตรฐานบางอย่าง เป็นการเพิ่มค่าใช้จ่ายให้กับคนไข้โดยไม่จำเป็น
- JCI มีการ survey ทุกๆ 3 ปี เพื่อดูว่ายังรักษามาตรฐานได้ไหม (เรียกว่า JCI recredit)
- การ accredit หรือ recredit เป็นเรื่องยาก ต้องมีการจ้างบริษัท “ที่ปรึกษา JCI” ในการเข้ามาทำงานให้พร้อมก่อนทีมจากอเมริกาเข้ามาตรวจคุณภาพ แค่ค่าจ้างบริษัทที่ปรึกษาก็หลักล้านแล้ว
- เมื่อทีมเยี่ยมสำรวจ (JCI surveyor) เดินทางมา ไม่รู้ว่าทางโรงพยาบาลจะต้องจ่ายตังค์อีกกี่ล้านให้กับองค์กร JCI นี้
### สิ่งที่ผมมอง JCI มันมีทั้งข้อดีและข้อเสีย
ข้อดีคือพัฒนาคุณภาพโรงพยาบาลให้กระบวนการภายในดีขึ้น ปลอดภัยแก่คนไข้มากขึ้น
แต่ข้อเสีย คือ มันเหมือนเรายอมตกเป็นอาณานิคมอเมริกายังไงยังงั้น
[Linkรายการของ9Armครับ](https://youtu.be/1H5yGn52Ytg?si=kpG0_YlkoLsCP3tR )
@ 0b5faac9:12669905
2025-01-10 02:53:11
In modern society, signal jammers are increasingly used, especially in wireless communications and navigation. In certain application scenarios, they can have unexpected positive effects.
In a business environment, [WiFi signal blocker](https://www.jammermfg.com/wifi-jammer.html) can be used to protect corporate network security. For example, some companies may use WiFi jammers at important product launches or business meetings to prevent competitors from stealing information or eavesdropping. By limiting unnecessary wireless signals, such measures can effectively protect trade secrets.
GPS jammers can interfere with global positioning system signals, making it impossible for receiving devices to obtain accurate location data. In some cases, such as military operations, the use of GPS jammers can effectively prevent the enemy from using navigation systems for positioning and attack. This technology can provide tactical advantages to the military on the battlefield, ensuring the concealment and mobility of operations.
In addition, GPS jammers can also be used to protect privacy. In some specific scenarios, individuals or organizations may want to avoid being tracked or located. Using [GPS jamming device](https://www.jammermfg.com/gps-jammer.html) can effectively prevent external devices from obtaining location, thereby protecting personal privacy and security.
High-power jammers are mainly used to interfere with signals with a wider range, and are usually used in the military and security fields. When defending important facilities, protecting military operations or conducting counter-terrorism activities, high-power jammers can effectively interfere with the enemy's communication and navigation systems to ensure the safety of one's own side.
For example, at important political meetings, international summits or major events, security departments may use [high power jammer](https://www.jammermfg.com/high-power-military-jammer.html) to prevent potential attacks or surveillance. By interfering with surrounding wireless signals, this equipment can provide a relatively safe environment for the scene.
With the continuous advancement and development of technology, the application scope of signal jammers may continue to expand. It is necessary for us to have a deep understanding of the functions and values of these technologies in order to better use them for our own use. Through the reasonable expression and understanding of data, we can look at the application prospects of these technologies more comprehensively.
@ fbf0e434:e1be6a39
2025-01-10 02:43:13
# **Hackathon 总结**
由斯坦福区块链加速器、Nautilus Chain、Zebec 和 Rootz Labs 联合主办的“[Boundless Hackathon @Stanford](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/stanfordhack)”圆满落幕,318名注册开发者参与了159个项目。本次活动聚焦于通过去中心化金融(DeFi)、游戏、NFT和基础设施开发等赛道推进Web3基础设施的建设。
本次黑客松得到了DoraHacks的支持,战略合作伙伴如IOBC Capital、Eclipse 和 OKX Wallet也做出了重要贡献。值得一提的是,Aspecta 在技术合作方面也发挥了积极作用。活动在斯坦福大学的闭幕式上圆满结束,顶级项目获得了来自总奖金池30万美元的奖励。一等奖获得者获得了10,000美元,并额外获得了包括亚马逊云信用在内的生态系统和技术奖金。
Boundless Hackathon促进了区块链社区的合作与创新,强调了跨区块链平台整合新技术的重要性。
# **Hackathon 获奖者**
### **Main Prize Winners**
- [Hexlink](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/6215): <br>Hexlink推出了一个模块化账户层,用于Web3,通过利用现有身份进行加密交易,模拟Web2体验。它消除了对种子短语的需求,通过在去中心化应用(dApps)中实现模块化身份认证,简化了入驻过程和安全性。
- [Defi Board Options Exchange (DBOE)](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/2729): <br>DBOE提出了一种新型的链上中央限价订单簿(CLOB),结合先进的风险管理策略。这通过专用市场做市(DMM)系统,改善了市场基础设施,提高了价格发现和流动性。
- [Nulink](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/6003): <br>
### **Sub-Award Winners**
- [Buff Network](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/6565): <br>Buff Network是一个点对池衍生品交易平台,提供用户友好的界面以便高效执行交易。通过创新的交易解决方案,它提升了去中心化金融(DeFi)的参与度。
- [PoseiSwap](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/6477): <br>PoseiSwap通过扩展去中心化交易所(DEX)的功能,支持多种金融工具,实现DeFi和传统金融资产的无缝交换,从而改善了加密原生市场与传统市场的互操作性。
了解所有来自该黑客松的项目,请访问: https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/stanfordhack/buidl.
# **关于组织者:**
### **斯坦福区块链加速器**
@ fbf0e434:e1be6a39
2025-01-10 02:42:43
# **Hackathon 总结**
[YQuantum 2024 Hackathon](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/yquantum2024)圆满结束,吸引了大量参与者和众多项目提交,被公认为一个充满活力的创新平台。300名注册者中,有现场参与者组建团队,参与了28个BUIDLs的开发,参与者在如QuEra Computing、IBM Quantum、Classiq、DoraHacks、SandboxAQ和Capgemini/The Hartford/Quantinuum等知名量子计算组织赞助的各个领域中挑战。
Hackathon成功地培育了一个鼓励探索尖端技术和创意的合作环境,推动了量子计算领域的发展。YQuantum 2024强调了量子技术的潜力,并促进了参与者和赞助商之间的知识交流。
# **Hackathon 获奖者**
### **Institute Grand Prizes Winners**
- 1st Place: [Quantum Consortium: Case-Duke-Lehigh-Vandy Nexus](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/11284)
- 2nd Place: [Sparse Quantum State Preparation](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/11275)
- 3rd Place: [QuBruin](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/11299)
### **IBM Quantum Prize Winners**
- [Modified IBM Challenge](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/11285)<br>
### **QuEra Computing Prize Winners**
- [3D Quantum Scars on 2D Tweezer Arrays](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/11301)<br>
### **Classiq Technologies Prize Winners**
- [YQuantum2024 Classiq Team 34 Wavefunction Wizards](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/11293)<br>
### **DoraHacks Prize Winners**
- [Spooner_QRNG_Classifier](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/11292)
### **Capgemini // Quantinuum // The Hartford Prize Winners**
- [Skittlez](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/11294)
- **Honorable Mention**: [BB24 - Yale Quantum Monte Carlo](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/11289)
### **SandboxAQ Prize Winners**
- [QuantumQuails](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/11283)
- **Honorable Mention**: [mRNA Sequence Design via Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/11288)
## **关于组织者:**
### **YQuantum**
@ fd06f542:8d6d54cd
2025-01-10 01:20:02
一直听说有个 nip50,但是没有太明白怎么用,今天测试了一下。明白了。
`import {WebSocket} from "ws"
const relayUrl = 'wss://relay.nostr.band';
function sub(url,filter){
const relay = new WebSocket(url);
relay.onopen = () => {
console.log('Connected to bootstrap relay');
// 查询中继列表
const query = ['REQ', 'subscription-id', filter];
relay.onmessage = (event) => {
const data = JSON.parse(event.data);
if (data[0] === 'EVENT' ) {
const relayList = data[2].tags;
console.log('Discovered relay list:', data[2].pubkey,relayList,data[2].content);
// 连接到用户的中继
relayList.forEach(([_, relayUrl]) => {
const newRelay = new WebSocket(relayUrl);
newRelay.onopen = () => {
console.log(`Connected to relay: ${relayUrl}`);
} catch {}
@ 4ddeb0cf:94524453
2025-01-10 01:10:17
He'd fallen into a deep sleep when he felt something jolt his shoulder. "Richie, honey, you have to wake up. My boss will show up any minute and can't find you in here." Struggling to gain consciousness, he slowly peeled his eyes open and found the clock he'd remembered seeing when he lay down in a room behind the receptionist's office of Roosevelt Lodge. The kid could barely remember arriving, but fighting to stay awake after navigating the switchbacks down the western slope, he'd driven that drunkard and his truck as far as he could. He jumped out and hurried toward the light of the rustic building without knowing what to say to the maniac who'd offered him a ride from that Billings truck stop. Thank God she'd opened the door. It had been freezing when he knocked shortly after midnight. It appeared to be almost five in the morning. "I'm sorry honey, I know it's early, but I need this job, and he will not be happy if he sees you. You can use the trailhead to the north. It will get you to the closest highway, and you can maybe find a ride there. I would take you myself, but Okie likes me to stick around in the morning."
"Thank you, Ma'am. I really appreciate everything," the young man said, hurriedly putting on his Converse All-Stars. The two exchanged goodbyes as the lady went back to setting up. On his way out of the lodge's rear exit, he noticed a pack of Lucky Strikes sitting on a coffee table beside a copy of LIFE Magazine.
When Richie was eleven, he'd first had a cigarette on a dare from his little sister. They'd found a pack in their parent's room while playing hide and seek. After taking one and running outside with a matchbook, Sarah challenged him to smoke it. He remembered the first drag. While it was harsh, he'd watched his uncle smoke for years and once heard him sharing advice during a card game to inhale very softly at first until you got the hang of it. Uncle Joe had never meant for the lesson to ignite the habit in his nephew but had been too far gone into his bottle of Seagram's 7 to notice him listening.
Through the next few years, Richie became very smooth in taking a pack every few days from the drug store his grandfather had once owned. He'd be cautious to grab them after a larger crowd rolled through the store. The owner, an old friend of his now departed Grandpa, never noticed, and Richie would always leave the payment for them in the cash register.
The memory faded, and the reality of a Montana trailhead before sunrise refocused his concentration. Richie noticed only three cigarettes in the pack, reaching into his pocket to grab the loose change from the gas station incident. There were seven matches to work with. While he struggled to wake up, this find gave him a burst of excitement, and a smile came over his face. He dropped two nickels on the coffee stand and took the remaining pack.
Upon arriving at the trailhead, Richie buttoned his jacket in the chill morning air. It was near pitch black outside, with just enough moonlight to make out the pathway through the forest. He felt scared walking along, yet an air of confidence due to making it this far kept his steps moving forward. Richie began to wonder how far he'd walked when the rising sun put enough illumination through the treeline to make out the opening to a small parking lot adjoining a road. The morning was silent, and he began to yawn. The minimal sleep began to remind him of his exhaustion. The lady from the lodge, what was her name? She'd been so kind when he showed up in the middle of the night, still soaking wet from the melted ice picked up from the passage through the Rockies. As the events began to replay the prior evening's treacherous journey, Richie reached into his pocket to grab a smoke. He imagined his mother's gaze as he successfully ignited the first match and lit the tobacco. The moment was empowering. What were the other kids back in Ohio doing this morning? Though he couldn't ignore the dangerous risks he'd taken along the way, Richie Buckland felt genuine freedom for the first time in his life.
He sat down on a rock to enjoy his smoke and await an oncoming vehicle. Birds began to awaken, and their singing disrupted the silence in the air. His heart filled with gratitude for having dry clothes and a full canteen as he recognized how in sync he felt with the surrounding nature of Yellowstone National Park. That nice lady had even thrown a few Atomic Fireball candies in his knapsack. He still had the twenty dollars his Mom insisted he take with him, having no idea he'd intended to hitchhike to California. She'd known the entire family needed a breather after Richie's fight with his father that night. He thought about his last-second decision to punch the wall beside his father's head instead of hitting his face. That moment had been on his mind throughout this entire journey. Determined to get one last cigarette hit before giving his fingers a break from the closing heat, the birds suddenly began chirping more assertively and in greater numbers. It became alarmingly loud, then silent. As Richie started to reach toward the ground to put out the cigarette, he saw a shape emerge to the right. About twenty feet away, exiting the forest on the same side of the road, was what appeared to be a bear cub. As he took in the sight, another cub followed. Both were brown, and immediately behind them was the largest animal he'd ever seen. His parents had once taken the family to the zoo, but he'd not remembered anything like this. He sat in awe of the creature, followed by a third cub. As they began to cross the road, the large Grizzly paused and turned to look directly at him. Richie was determined to resist the instinctive surge of fear, but his body wouldn't have moved had he tried. Everything felt frozen as the gaze of the enormous animal seemed to determine Richie wasn't a threat. He didn't stare into the bear's eyes but didn't look away. After a few moments, the bears continued along their path until they were out of sight for a long time.
The sunrise of the new morning was breathtaking. After remaining seated on the rock for some time after the incident with the bears, Richie stood up. Taking a healthy drink of water from the canteen, he heard the shifting of gears in the distance. There was no need to look at the map; anywhere the next driver was heading worked. There was no way to know if Mama Grizzly would reevaluate what a human tasted like for breakfast. Richie couldn't wait to reach Sacramento and find Uncle Joe. The approaching Chevy Impala began to slow down upon seeing the teenager standing up, thumb extended.
@ b4d9d1f3:8f3dda8c
2025-01-10 01:09:59
Government elites have imposed a paradigm upon us—a challenge we must fight against. They dictate how we trade, with whom we trade, how we speak, what we can talk about, what we can publish, and what we can do. The only solution is decentralized anarchy. I say this clearly: it is the only solution to mass extinction.
How can we achieve this? By decentralizing the government, the economy, and the laws.
With current technology, we can vote in a decentralized manner on what we want and what we don't want. There could be cypherpunk societies, leftist societies, right-wing societies. This is the only solution: ideological states rather than racial states.
Each parallel society could agree to relocate to a country aligned with their ideology and, from there, vote for the type of nation they desire. Countries will no longer be defined by race but by ideology.
@ df478568:2a951e67
2025-01-10 01:04:32
*Note. I plan on publishing this on SubStack, but I will publish to nostr first.*
Hello SubStack!
My government name is Marc. I write a blog about freedom tech on [nostr](https://start.njump.me/). You can find this blog at npub.npub.pro. but I decided to cross post this blog on Substack because more people use Substack then [habla.news](https://habla.news/). Here's a little more about the blog.
## A Free And Open Source Blog
This blog is written using the [Creative Commons 0 license](https://gitea.marc26z.com/marc/BlogImprovementProposals/src/branch/main/LICENSE). Since I write about free and open source software I call freedom tech. I thought it would be silly to keep my writing behind a paywall. I would rather my prose be available for free for all. This means all of my work is available for free, but to be honest, I like the subscription model. If SubStack gave me an option to charge sats, I would use their subscription service. Since they don't, I set up an account with [Flash](https://paywithflash.com) using [Alby Hub](https://albyhub.com).
### Ads Suck, But Product Reviews Can Help Bootstrap The Circular Economy
![bitcoin accepted here](https://png.pngitem.com/pimgs/s/584-5842913_lighting-accepted-bitcoin-lightning-accepted-here-hd-png.png)
**Ads** suck as much as paywalls, but I also wish to monetize this. Therefore, I have decided to try Jack Spirko's Membership Brigade model I learned about on [The Side Hustle Show](https://fountain.fm/episode/YjUia39xEzXvFGNoBNUO). I already was a member when I listened to this episode, bur the basic idea is ro charge $5.00 a month. For this price, Jack saves his listeners money by procuring discounts for products and services he uses and work great for him. He basically gives product reviews for his advertisers and his membership brigade receives discounts for those products and services. Since I'm just starting out, I don't have any discounts to offer yet, but I have some ideas. I also recommend free and open-source software that can save you money because it's free.
These are not ads. They are more like consumer reviews. There is a bitcoin circular economy developing on nostr. I want to recomend great products from this circular economy like LeatherMint's belts. They're not cheap, but very high quality. He hand crafts these belts to a size customized to yoir wasteline. He's from Canada and he sells these high quality belts for sats.
That was not an ad. It's my honest opinion. LeatherMint did not pay me to say this, but I wouldn't mind if he did. I give my recommendations to the Marc's Mention Members. The goal is to provide value by saving you sats. It's still a work in progress.
### Shop Marc's Merch
![Marc's Merch](https://gitea.marc26z.com/marc/NostrPhotos/raw/branch/main/Screenshot%20from%202025-01-09%2015-13-03.png)
I also created a merch shop on shopstr.store. This is nostr-powered shopping, an online mall that uses the native currency of the Internet. This is a quintessential example of freedom tech. I don't have too many products, but my goal is to add more. I'm working on personalized coffee mugs, but I don't yet have a minimally viable product. Until then, I'll sell other stuff. I also must test it some more before I start taking real money. :)
Thanks for reading.
[Become Marc's Mention Member](https://marc26z.com/become-a-marcs-mention-member/)
[Marc's Merch](nostr:npub1marc26z8nh3xkj5rcx7ufkatvx6ueqhp5vfw9v5teq26z254renshtf3g0)
@ 4ddeb0cf:94524453
2025-01-10 01:00:15
He'd fallen into a deep sleep when he felt something jolt his shoulder. "Richie, honey, you have to wake up. My boss will show up any minute and can't find you in here." Struggling to gain consciousness, he slowly peeled his eyes open and found the clock he'd remembered seeing when he lay down in a room behind the receptionist's office of Roosevelt Lodge. The kid could barely remember arriving, but fighting to stay awake after navigating the switchbacks down the western slope, he'd driven that drunkard and his truck as far as he could. He jumped out and hurried toward the light of the rustic building without knowing what to say to the maniac who'd offered him a ride from that Billings diner. Thank God she'd opened the door. It had been freezing when he knocked shortly after midnight. It appeared to be almost five in the morning. "I'm sorry honey, I know it's early, but I need this job, and he will not be happy if he sees you. You can use the trailhead to the north. It will get you to the closest highway, and you can maybe find a ride there. I would take you myself, but Okie likes me to stick around in the morning."
"Thank you, Ma'am. I really appreciate everything," the young man said, hurriedly putting on his Converse All-Stars. The two exchanged goodbyes as the lady went back to setting up. On his way out of the lodge's rear exit, he noticed a pack of Lucky Strikes sitting on a coffee table beside a copy of LIFE Magazine.
When Richie was eleven, he'd first had a cigarette on a dare from his little sister. They'd found a pack in their parent's room while playing hide and seek. After taking one and running outside with a matchbook, Sarah challenged him to smoke it. He remembered the first drag. While it was harsh, he'd watched his uncle smoke for years and once heard him sharing advice during a card game to inhale very softly at first until you got the hang of it. Uncle Joe had never meant for the lesson to ignite the habit in his nephew but had been too far gone into his bottle of Seagram's 7 to notice him listening.
Through the next few years, Richie became very smooth in taking a pack every few days from the drug store his grandfather had once owned. He'd be cautious to grab them after a larger crowd rolled through the store. The owner, an old friend of his now departed Grandpa, never noticed, and Richie would always leave the payment for them in the cash register.
The memory faded, and the reality of a Montana trailhead before sunrise refocused his concentration. Richie noticed only three cigarettes in the pack, reaching into his pocket to grab the loose change from the gas station incident. There were seven matches to work with. While he struggled to wake up, this find gave him a burst of excitement, and a smile came over his face. He dropped two nickels on the coffee stand and took the remaining pack.
Upon arriving at the trailhead, Richie buttoned his jacket in the chill morning air. It was near pitch black outside, with just enough moonlight to make out the pathway through the forest. He felt scared walking along, yet an air of confidence due to making it this far kept his steps moving forward. Richie began to wonder how far he'd walked when the rising sun put enough illumination through the treeline to make out the opening to a small parking lot adjoining a road. The morning was silent, and he began to yawn. The minimal sleep began to remind him of his exhaustion. The lady from the lodge, what was her name? She'd been so kind when he showed up in the middle of the night, still soaking wet from the melted ice picked up from the passage through the Rockies. As the events began to replay the prior evening's treacherous journey, Richie reached into his pocket to grab a smoke. He imagined his mother's gaze as he successfully ignited the first match and lit the tobacco. The moment was empowering. What were the other kids back in Ohio doing this morning? Though he couldn't ignore the dangerous risks he'd taken along the way, Richie Buckland felt genuine freedom for the first time in his life.
He sat down on a rock to enjoy his smoke and await an oncoming vehicle. Birds began to awaken, and their singing disrupted the silence in the air. His heart filled with gratitude for having dry clothes and a full canteen as he recognized how in sync he felt with the surrounding nature of Yellowstone National Park. That nice lady had even thrown a few Atomic Fireball candies in his knapsack. He still had the twenty dollars his Mom insisted he take with him, having no idea he'd intended to hitchhike to California. She'd known the entire family needed a breather after Richie's fight with his father that night. He thought about his last-second decision to punch the wall beside his father's head instead of hitting his face. That moment had been on his mind throughout this entire journey. Determined to get one last cigarette hit before giving his fingers a break from the closing heat, the birds suddenly began chirping more assertively and in greater numbers. It became alarmingly loud, then silent. As Richie started to reach toward the ground to put out the cigarette, he saw a shape emerge to the right. About twenty feet away, exiting the forest on the same side of the road, was what appeared to be a bear cub. As he took in the sight, another cub followed. Both were brown, and immediately behind them was the largest animal he'd ever seen. His parents had once taken the family to the zoo, but he'd not remembered anything like this. He sat in awe of the creature, followed by a third cub. As they began to cross the road, the large Grizzly paused and turned to look directly at him. Richie was determined to resist the instinctive surge of fear, but his body wouldn't have moved had he tried. Everything felt frozen as the gaze of the enormous animal seemed to determine Richie wasn't a threat. He didn't stare into the bear's eyes but didn't look away. After a few moments, the bears continued along their path until they were out of sight for a long time.
The sunrise of the new morning was breathtaking. After remaining seated on the rock for some time after the incident with the bears, Richie stood up. Taking a healthy drink of water from the canteen, he heard the shifting of gears in the distance. There was no need to look at the map; anywhere the next driver was heading worked. There was no way to know if Mama Grizzly would reevaluate what a human tasted like for breakfast. Richie couldn't wait to reach Sacramento and find Uncle Joe. The approaching Chevy Impala began to slow down upon seeing the teenager standing up, thumb extended.
@ ae6ce958:d0f02c7d
2025-01-10 00:29:00
In a strategic move to enhance accessibility and expand its reach, DamageBDD is proud to announce the listing of Damage Token (DAMAGE) on Coinstore, a leading centralized exchange (CEX). This step marks a significant milestone in our journey to provide seamless utility for our users while solidifying DamageBDD’s presence in the blockchain and verification ecosystem.
Why a Centralized Exchange (CEX)?
While DamageBDD has always championed decentralization and Bitcoin-first principles, we recognize the importance of meeting users where they are. Centralized exchanges play a pivotal role in the adoption curve by offering ease of use, robust liquidity, and a familiar interface for new and seasoned crypto enthusiasts alike. By listing on a CEX, DamageBDD lowers the entry barrier for users interested in leveraging Damage Token’s unique value proposition.
Why Coinstore?
The choice of Coinstore is intentional. Known for its user-friendly platform, broad global reach, and active engagement in emerging blockchain technologies, Coinstore aligns with DamageBDD’s vision of democratizing access to verification tools. Coinstore provides:
1. Wide User Base: Its growing community of traders ensures ample liquidity and market activity for Damage Token.
2. Security and Transparency: Coinstore's commitment to security mirrors our own principles of integrity and resilience.
3. Global Reach: With its focus on emerging markets, Coinstore allows DamageBDD to engage with a diverse and vibrant audience, including developers, investors, and enterprises who can benefit from DamageBDD’s verification features.
Utility Meets Accessibility
Listing on Coinstore is not about speculation but utility. Damage Token’s integration into the exchange allows developers, engineering managers, and organizations to acquire tokens effortlessly, unlocking the potential of DamageBDD for behavior-driven development (BDD) and milestone verification. This step enables smoother participation in our ecosystem while ensuring users can utilize Damage Tokens for real-world applications.
Bridging Fiat and Satoshis
Our strategy remains firmly rooted in bridging the fiat world with Bitcoin principles. By making Damage Token available on Coinstore, we provide a pathway for fiat-based users to access DamageBDD while continuing to uphold our Bitcoin-first ethos. This integration will help facilitate broader adoption, bringing the revolutionary capabilities of DamageBDD to a wider audience.
A Future of Greater Utility
This listing is just the beginning. DamageBDD is committed to continuously innovating and creating use cases that empower individuals and organizations. Whether through verifying software quality, enabling milestone-based payouts, or fostering a culture of accountability, Damage Token will remain a tool of pure utility in our collective pursuit of excellence.
The journey of DamageBDD is far from over, and we invite you to join us as we take this bold step forward. Together, let’s redefine the boundaries of development and verification, one token at a time.
Stay tuned for the official listing date and trading details on Coinstore.
@ 04ed2b8f:75be6756
2025-01-09 23:16:52
Success and self-discovery rarely follow a straight line. The most meaningful journeys often begin with uncertainty, detours, and moments where you feel completely lost. But getting lost isn’t failure—it’s a gateway to discovery, growth, and transformation.
### **The Value of Getting Lost**
Being lost is not the end of the road but the start of something profound.
- **Breaking Free from Routine**: Straying from the familiar forces you to explore new horizons and challenge your comfort zone.
- **Resilience and Adaptability**: Navigating uncertainty strengthens your problem-solving skills and builds the confidence to face challenges head-on.
- **Uncovering Hidden Gems**: Whether it’s a career, a passion, or a place, the unexpected paths often lead to the most rewarding experiences.
### **Why Getting Lost Fuels Growth**
Some of life’s most transformative lessons are found when you wander off the beaten path.
1. **Self-Discovery**: Exploring the unknown pushes you to reflect on your values, instincts, and aspirations, revealing your true self.
2. **Creative Breakthroughs**: Innovation often stems from unconventional thinking and stepping into uncharted territory.
3. **Letting Go of Control**: Learning to embrace uncertainty helps you trust the journey and find joy in the process.
### **Lessons Found in Detours**
The road less traveled often teaches lessons that rigid plans cannot.
- **Patience and Perseverance**: Feeling lost challenges you to stay focused and persistent, even without a clear destination.
- **Flexibility and Open-Mindedness**: Detours teach you to adapt, embrace change, and find beauty in the unexpected.
- **Empathy and Perspective**: Struggling to find your way fosters compassion and a broader understanding of others’ journeys.
### **Real-Life Insights**
- **Career Pivots**: Many people discover their dream careers after taking risks or leaving secure jobs for something new.
- **Travel Experiences**: Some of the best adventures come from unplanned turns, leading to stunning views or unforgettable encounters.
- **Personal Growth**: Life’s setbacks, like heartbreak or failure, often redirect you toward better opportunities and stronger versions of yourself.
### **How to Navigate the Unknown**
Getting lost doesn’t mean giving up—it’s about embracing the process and making the most of it.
1. **Change Your Perspective**: See getting lost as an opportunity for growth rather than a setback.
2. **Stay Open-Minded**: Be willing to explore uncharted ideas, places, and experiences.
3. **Trust the Process**: Believe that every detour has a purpose, even if it’s not immediately clear.
4. **Learn as You Go**: Each step, even in the wrong direction, teaches you something valuable.
### **The Beauty of Wandering**
Looking back, the moments when you felt most lost are often the ones where you grew the most. They’re the turning points that shape who you are and lead you to paths you never planned for but wouldn’t trade for anything.
### **Final Thought**
Some paths can only be found by getting lost. These moments of uncertainty are not failures but invitations to grow, explore, and discover. When you embrace the unknown, you open yourself up to possibilities far beyond your imagination.
Remember, the journey is as important as the destination. So, when you feel unsure of where to go, keep moving, learning, and trusting. Sometimes, the best destinations are the ones you never planned to find.
@ 000002de:c05780a7
2025-01-09 22:41:33
It is easy to mock the government of California. I would say it is a joke but its actually evil. The government of California has managed to lose population to other states even though the weather is amazing most of the year and its blessed with some of the most beautiful places on earth.
My word of warning is to look at your own back yards. California was once like most "conservative" states in the US. California is simply a few years ahead of most of the US. Instead of mocking CA look at the specific reasons why its went wrong and look at your own areas.
I've spent time in several states and I see their governments following the same path as California while their people think they are sooooo much better off. Its a trap.
It isn't just "the woke". It isn't just "the democrats". Its much more subtle.
Another note. California is a massive state and the vast majority of it is NOT like LA or San Fransisco politically. Democracy and cities lead to what you see in California. Hopefully people will learn that daddy government is an evil monster but I'm not very hopeful for that in my life time. I think things have to get much worse before that will happen.
It is promising to see that some have rejected Harris in a national election(not saying voting is how you change it). Its a good signal for where people are. However, it isn't as massive of a shift as some would like to believe.
End public service announcement.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/844193
@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-01-09 21:39:15
# Instructions
1. Place 2 medium-sized, boiled potatoes and a handful of sliced leeks in a pot.
2. Fill the pot with water or vegetable broth, to cover the potatoes twice over.
3. Add a splash of white wine, if you like, and some bouillon powder, if you went with water instead of broth.
4. Bring the soup to a boil and then simmer for 15 minutes.
5. Puree the soup, in the pot, with a hand mixer. It shouldn't be completely smooth, when you're done, but rather have small bits and pieces of the veggies floating around.
6. Bring the soup to a boil, again, and stir in one container (200-250 mL) of heavy cream.
7. Thicken the soup, as needed, and then simmer for 5 more minutes.
8. Garnish with croutons and veggies (here I used sliced green onions and radishes) and serve.
Guten Appetit!
@ e968e50b:db2a803a
2025-01-09 21:14:21
...saw [this super cool post](https://stacker.news/items/843863) a little bit ago, and it reminded me of this thing I started making after a conversation with @k00b and about goofy stacking-themed games.
[The Bitcoin Trail](https://thebitcointrail.vercel.app/)
[The Bitcoin Trail](https://thebitcointrail.vercel.app/)
k00b lost interest at some point (probably because he was looking to hire a professional to make a fun 404 screen and I was clearly someone who didn't have the skills or knowledge of the coding industry to properly quote-for or deliver something appropriate, or maybe he just didn't like the overall direction of the draft, or he maybe got too busy, idk, doesn't matter), and I totally forgot about it.
However, I'm totally intrigued by this idea of actually making a video game for profit and have a fun idea if anyone thinks this game has the potential to get cool. So...I'm selling game features. Now, if you're reading this part, make sure to read **all** of it before doing anything. You request a feature, I approve and you (or anyone else) pays for it by zapping the approval comment. At some point, the game should get pretty fun. I promise to keep the game on the internet as long as possible (in other words, no guarantees whatsoever, but I'll do my best). Here are some stock things you can request:
1. your tombstone - 1000 sats - the player will run into it along the trail just like the original game, your nym from stacker.news will be featured and I might write you an epitaph
2. your tombstone with baller epitaph - 5000 sats - same thing, but I promise to put some time into writing your epitaph and you can make some requests about it
3. news event - 5000 sats - it needs to be at least tangentially related to bitcoin
4. sound effect - 5000 sats - you can guess what this is
5. stop on the trail - 8000 sats - it can be a city, it can be your home
6. a new graphic - 10,000 sats - you can commission a graphic for your favorite shop, enemy, event or any other game feature
7. a new character type - 30,000 sats - it has to be relevant to the game theme
8. a new resource - 30,000 sats - it has to be relevant to the game theme
9. a new type of stop - 40,000 sats - this won't include a new mechanic, but will be a different than a shop or an enemy
10. music - 50,000 sats - i'll make custom music for any game event that you request if for
11. a new game feature - 50,000 sats - this would be a new mechanic like actually zapping and dodging in the "fight" scenes (i'm not making anything here overtly violent since some of the figures satirized are real people and entities)
12. something wacky - name your price and see what happens
Again, I reserve the right to say no for any of this stuff and you only get your feature if you zap the specific approval comment. When it's all said and done, maybe just enjoy playing this demo once and move on with your life.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/844062
@ 6bae33c8:607272e8
2025-01-09 19:58:42
I was putting off writing this article because I knew the result would be bad. Real man probably doesn’t write it at all, just skips town and never posts again. But being the nutless monkey I am, I will hold my nose and revisit the bold predictions from last August. And remember, the worst your record, the bolder they were. They were really bad [last year](https://www.realmansports.com/p/grading-my-bold-predictions-e72?utm_source=publication-search) too, I just discovered.
***1. Stefon Diggs leads the Texans in targets, catches and receiving yards***
*Right now, he’s getting drafted more than a round behind Nico Collins and less than a round ahead of Tank Dell. Diggs is 30, but he was one of the league’s best receivers until halfway through last year when the Bills made an offensive play-calling change. Moreover, Diggs is getting paid $22.5 million, so the Texans obviously don’t think he’s washed up, and he’s also in a contract year.*
**Verdict: False.** Had he stayed healthy he would have, but that was only because Nico Collins had gotten hurt first. **(0-1)**
***2. CJ Stroud leads the NFL in passing yards***
*This is +600 on DraftKings, so the real odds are probably north of 8:1. Stroud adds Diggs to his receiving corps, doesn’t run much and heads into Year 2.*
**Verdict: False.** It looked good with Diggs, Collins and Tank Dell, but the first two got hurt, Dell was a bust, and the offensive line was horrible. Plus Stroud himself regressed. **(0-2)**
***3. Roman Wilson (ADP 211) has more receptions than George Pickens (ADP 47)***
*Pickens is a boom or bust downfield playmaker, not high-target alpha, and Wilson is a good fit for the slot for the Steelers new QBs. Think Martavis Bryant not Antonio Brown. (Not that Wilson is Brown!) Van Jefferson isn’t good, and someone will need to fill the void. Moreover, because Pittsburgh has new QBs, neither has an existing rapport with the incumbent Pickens.*
**Verdict: LOL.** I was right about Pickens and the Steelers WRs, but Wilson never even played. **(0-3)**
***4. DeAndre Hopkins (ADP 82) out produces Calvin Ridley (ADP 54) in PPR***
*Hopkins wasn’t terrible last year, has a rapport with Will Levis and is a future Hall of Famer who can still run routes. Ridley is already 29 and is just a guy outside of his monster season in 2020.*
**Verdict: False.** Ridley smoked him, and Hopkins was eventually traded. **(0-4)**
***5. The Giants will field a top-10 fantasy defense.***
*I’ve been crushed by my homer bold predictions in the past, but they added Brian Burns to a rush that already had Dexter Lawrence and Kayvon Thibodeaux, the offense should be on the field more and generate some leads with a real playmaking receiver in Malik Nabers.*
**Verdict: False**. They started out strong, but it’s very hard to be a good fantasy defense on a three-win team, and they finished 24th. **(0-5)**.
***6. One of the following Year 2 receivers will finish in the top-15 PPR: Jaxon Smith-Njigba, Jayden Reed, Jordan Addison, Dontayvion Wicks, Michael Wilson, Josh Downs, Andrei Iosivas, Quentin Johnston, Marvin Mims, Jalin Hyatt***
*I make this prediction every year, and it often pans out as Year 2 is when receivers typically make the leap. I left out Tank Dell because he’s now got a fifth-round ADP, as well as the obvious ones: Zay Flowers, Rashee Rice and Puka Nacua.*
**Verdict: True.** Jaxon Smith-Njigba finished 11th. **(1-5)**
***7. Rome Odunze (ADP 77) will outproduce Xavier Worthy (ADP 59)***
*Both receivers enter crowded situations, and while Worthy’s is far better, he’s also got essentially the same skill-set as teammate Marquise Brown. Moreover, Andy Reid rarely entrusts rookies with large roles, especially early on. Odunze is 6-3, 215 and has the pedigree of a true NFL alpha, while Worthy weighs only 165 pounds at 5-11. Finally, Patrick Mahomes already has an established rapport with both Travis Kelce and Rashee Rice, while Odunze gets a more open competition with the Bears veteran WRs, given all three will play with Caleb Williams for the first time.*
**Verdict:** False. It was reasonably close, but Worthy pulled ahead late in the year **(1-6)**
***8. Dalvin Cook will lead the Cowboys in rushing yards***
*Cook is 29 and looked beyond “cooked” last year on the Jets, but his 3.3 YPC was on a small sample (67 carries), and prior to that, he’d been very good for the Vikings. At the very least he should have fresh legs, and he’d only need to beat out the ancient Ezekiel Elliott and Rico Dowdle. (Of course, Cook would have to be promoted from the practice squad first, so I really should hedge and make the prediction “neither Elliott, nor Dowdle will lead the Cowboys in rushing yards,” but I’ll push it and say it’s Cook.)*
**Verdict: LOL.** Cook was the one veteran back from the Class of 2017 who really was washed up. **(1-7)**
***9. Jonathan Taylor (ADP12 ) will lead the NFL in rushing yards.***
***He’s got little competition in the Indy backfield and a running QB who should open lanes for him. Draft Kings has him at +600, so his real odds are probably about 10:1, but I’d take him over the favored Christian McCaffrey (age/mileage) and all the other backs who are more hybrid types or old (Derrick Henry.)***
**Verdict: False.** He finished fourth despite missing three full games, so this wasn’t too far off. What’s funny is I make this prediction of Barkley virtually every year except this one. **(1-8)**
***10. Dalton Kincaid (TE4) will lead all TE in catches***
*I guess this is a chalky pick because he and Kelce are both favored at the position at +3000, while Evan Engram is +5000! (I’d way rather bet on Engram at those odds.) But straight up, I’m going with Kincaid who is likely Josh Allen’s de facto No. 1 target with Diggs gone. In his final 11 regular season games Kincaid had 56 catches which prorates to 87 catches over the full year. And rookie tight ends rarely do anything and often make a leap in Year 2.* (1-9)
**Verdict: LOL.** Kincaid was one of the biggest busts in the draft. **(1-9)**
***11. Some of these predictions will be wrong***
*No one’s perfect, but you never want to get shut out.*
**Verdict:** Crushed, especially the comment the prescience of which makes Nostradamus look like the corner astrologer. **(2-9)**
@ 5002cb48:31a0d6d8
2025-01-09 19:37:47
I am trying to update my profile, but it's not happening.
Is the site broken?
@ f33c8a96:5ec6f741
2025-01-09 18:38:50
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"><video style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;" controls>
<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-5.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>
<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-5.webm" type="video/webm"/>
# JavaScript: Building Your First Interactive Web App
## Introduction
In this lesson, we'll bring our web pages to life by adding dynamic functionality with JavaScript. We'll build a real-world application that displays and updates Bitcoin prices in real-time, teaching core JavaScript concepts along the way.
## Project Overview: Bitcoin Price Tracker
We'll build a web application that:
- Displays current Bitcoin price
- Updates automatically every 3 seconds
- Allows currency switching
- Includes interactive controls
- Shows current date/time
## Core JavaScript Concepts
### 1. Variables and Data Types
// Variables can be declared with let or const
let currentCurrency = "USD"; // Can be changed
const interval = 3000; // Cannot be changed
// Basic data types
const price = 45000; // Number
const isVisible = true; // Boolean
const currency = "USD"; // String
### 2. DOM Manipulation
// Getting elements
const priceElement = document.getElementById('price');
const button = document.getElementById('refresh-button');
// Modifying content
priceElement.textContent = `${price} ${currency}`;
// Changing styles
priceElement.style.display = 'none';
### 3. Event Listeners
// Basic click handler
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Change event for select elements
selector.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
### 4. Async Operations & Fetch API
async function fetchBitcoinPrice() {
try {
const response = await fetch(apiUrl);
const data = await response.json();
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
## Project Structure
### HTML Setup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Bitcoin Price Tracker</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src="index.js" defer></script>
<h1>Current Bitcoin Price</h1>
<p>The price is: <span id="price"></span></p>
<!-- Additional elements -->
### Core Functionality Implementation
1. **Setting Up the Timer**
// Update price every 3 seconds
setInterval(fetchBitcoinPrice, 3000);
// Update date/time every second
setInterval(updateDateTime, 1000);
2. **Currency Selection**
function handleCurrencyChange(newCurrency) {
currentCurrency = newCurrency;
3. **Toggle Visibility**
function togglePriceVisibility() {
const price = document.getElementById('price');
price.style.display = price.style.display === 'none'
? 'inline'
: 'none';
## Best Practices
### 1. Error Handling
- Always use try/catch with async operations
- Provide meaningful error messages
- Handle edge cases gracefully
### 2. Code Organization
- Keep functions focused and small
- Use meaningful variable names
- Group related functionality
- Add comments for clarity
### 3. Performance
- Avoid unnecessary DOM updates
- Use appropriate update intervals
- Clean up intervals when not needed
## Common Challenges & Solutions
### 1. API Issues
// Handle API failures gracefully
catch (error) {
priceElement.textContent = 'Price unavailable';
console.error('API Error:', error);
### 2. Currency Formatting
function formatPrice(price, currency) {
return new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: currency
### 3. Time Zones
function getLocalTime() {
return new Date().toLocaleString();
## Extending the Project
Consider adding these features for practice:
1. Price change indicators (up/down arrows)
2. Historical price chart
3. Multiple cryptocurrency support
4. Price alerts
5. Local storage for settings
## Debugging Tips
### Using Console
console.log('Price fetched:', price);
console.error('Error occurred:', error);
### Chrome DevTools
1. Network tab for API calls
2. Console for errors
3. Elements for DOM inspection
4. Sources for debugging
## Additional Resources
- MDN JavaScript Guide
- JavaScript.info
- CoinGecko API Documentation
- Chrome DevTools Documentation
## Next Steps
1. Add styling with CSS
2. Implement additional features
3. Learn about React for more complex applications
4. Explore other APIs and cryptocurrencies
Remember: The best way to learn is by doing. Don't be afraid to break things and experiment with the code. The developer console is your friend for debugging and understanding what's happening in your application.
Happy coding! 🚀
@ 60d9f6d8:bc336770
2025-01-09 17:49:18
My focus is predominantly on whether I could eliminate traditional banking accounts (e.g. BofA / JPM Chase etc) with the added benefit of stacking sats automatically on a day-to-day basis.
- The first part is very simple: register via foldapp.com and wait for your card to arrive. I chose the Fold+ membership at 100 per year if paid annually, otherwise 10/month. The trial period is 3 months before you are charged.
- Upon receiving the card, activate via the app (very simple click of a button and confirmation of card digits).
# ***Fold+ Membership costs & benefits***
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/c8b0a50f67550252f1ac632a07417dce5468cd0d97f82e6afa227d1c79a7d214.jpg">
# **Linking/Funding from banking institutions**
- On average, it is taking around 3 business days to make those funds available on Fold.
- There is an option to add "Instant Debit Card Funding" at a 1.5% charge; however, keep in mind that you are currently limited to adding a maximum of 2 cards.
# **Paying Bills**
- In most cases I simply add the account & routing number to the billing company website (i.e. credit card / utilities / phone etc). In some cases, I can simply add my debit card number.
- Additionally, as a Fold+ user, any payment I make earns back rewards in sats.
# ***Bill Pay ACH Rewards***
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/099c2c00a2310b99b706c7a758717bfcd3e7acf40a99763a232c52ab3be2a45f.jpg">
# ***Bitcoin (buying / sending / receiving) features***
- Fold gives you many options to buy, send & receive bitcoin either automatically, via transfer or direct deposit with the ability to choose a certain percentage towards fiat or Bitcoin.
- Ability to Round-Up purchases with various multipliers.
- Push to Card: this feature effectively allows you to replenish your fiat/cash balance in your account. This does not happen automatically, so you will need to do this manually.
# ***Authorized Users***
- Fold allows you to authorize up to 3 users (must be at least 18 years old)
- This user will receive their own debit card.
- The user can also direct deposit into the account.
**Note:** *at this time, authorized users do not have access to the app itself, which is only available to the primary account holder. This creates some friction given the authorized user cannot move funds if needed or even determine the balance on the account without interacting or communicating with the primary account holder.*
# *Limits (as of Sept 2024)*
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/eebeecff8d5c8e9291af93cd68cb2f2374b94cddf7bb109e3d4fcf33e90a13b9.jpg">
Note: the limits only refer to your fiat balance, not a combination of your fiat & bitcoin/rewards balance.
# ***Final Thoughts***
I have been using Fold for about a month now and it is working very well. I haven't had any issues paying bills, making deposits (direct or otherwise), making purchases, buying bitcoin and/or earning rewards in general. The customer support has been really positive in responding to my inquiries within a few hours. Mostly, those inquiries have been around information I simply could not find via the foldapp or blog websites.
As of now, my intent is to continue utilizing this card/application and wean myself away from traditional banks entirely. However, there are a couple of pain points I'll point out that hopefully will be addressed in the future:
1. The limits need to increase, especially if you intend on using this with your spouse/family members.
2. The authorized user(s) should have the ability to log into the app and allow the primary holder to dictate the permissions for said user(s). Likewise, it might be useful to allow joint holders to have separate accounts within one view.
3. Increase the 2-card limit for "Instant Debit Funding".
4. Ability to search in the "gift card" section instead of scrolling through.
5. Ability to send via Zelle as I still, unfortunately, need to send payments to those who are unable/unwilling to use something else.
6. Ability to automatically Push to Card if funds are low.
There are of course many benefits of the Fold card I have glossed over as it relates to rewards, so I'll just mention a few here:
- Daily Spin allows you to addictively hope for the grand prize of 1 BTC. While the odds are extraordinarily low, at a minimum you'll earn some sats with each spin.
- Gift cards rewards are very impressive and highly recommend you use those to earn free sats.
*As of now, I've earned around 30k sats this month by doing nothing different financially outside of my normal spending habits, so this of course is a major advantage.*
Lastly, if you have any feedback or questions please ask and I'll try my best to answer and if you want to give it a try, here is a referral link that'll get you 20k sats: https://use.foldapp.com/r/WAANYUMJ
[Fold | Personal finance](https://foldapp.com/)
[Blog | Fold Bitcoin Rewards App](https://blog.foldapp.com/)
**Disclaimer: I have no affiliation or sponsorship with Fold. I'm just a normie looking to get closer to a Bitcoin standard without too much disruption.**
@ df173277:4ec96708
2025-01-09 17:12:08
> Maple AI combines the best of both worlds – encryption and personal AI – to create a truly private AI experience. Discuss personal and company items with Maple, we can't read them even if we wanted to.\
> [Join the waitlist to get early access.](https://trymaple.ai)
We are a culture of app users. Every day, we give our personal information to websites and apps, hoping they are safe. Location data, eating habits, financial details, and health information are just a few examples of what we entrust to third parties. People are now entering a new era of computing that promises next-level benefits when given even more personal data: AI.
Should we sacrifice our privacy to unlock the productivity gains of AI? Should we hope our information won't be used in ways we disagree? We believe we can have the best of both worlds – privacy and personal AI – and have built a new project called Maple AI. Chat between you and an AI with full end-to-end encryption. We believe it's a game-changer for individuals seeking private and secure conversations.
#### Building a Private Foundation
Maple is built on our flagship product, [OpenSecret](https://opensecret.cloud), a backend platform for app developers that turns private encryption on by default. [The announcement post for OpenSecret explains our vision for an encrypted world and what the platform can do.](nostr:naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzphchxfm3ste32hfhkvczzxapme9gz5qvqtget6tylyd7wa8vjecgqqe5jmn5wfhkgatrd9hxwt20wpjku5m9vdex2apdw35x2tt9de3hy7tsw3jkgttzv93kketwvskhgur5w9nx5h52tpj) We think both users and developers benefit when sensitive personal information is encrypted in a private vault; it's a win-win.
#### The Power of Encrypted AI Chat
AI chat is a personal and intimate experience. It's a place to share your thoughts, feelings, and desires without fear of judgment. The more you share with an AI chatbot, the more powerful it becomes. It can offer personalized insights, suggestions, and guidance tailored to your unique needs and perspectives. However, this intimacy requires trust, and that's where traditional AI chatbots often fall short.
Traditional AI chats are designed to collect and analyze your data, often without your explicit consent. This data is used to improve the AI's performance, but it also creates a treasure trove of sensitive information that can be mined, sold, or even exploited by malicious actors. Maple AI takes a different approach. By using end-to-end encryption, we ensure that your conversations remain private and secure, even from us.
#### Technical Overview
So, how does Maple AI achieve this level of privacy and security? Here are some key technical aspects:
- **Private Key:** Each user has a unique private key that is automatically managed for them. This key encrypts and decrypts conversations, ensuring that only the user can access their data.
- **Secure Servers:** Our servers are designed with security in mind. We use secure enclaves to protect sensitive data and ensure that even our own team can't access your conversations.
- **Encrypted Sync:** One of Maple's most significant benefits is its encrypted sync feature. Unlike traditional AI chatbots, which store conversations in local storage or on standard cloud servers, Maple syncs your chats across all your devices. The private key managed by our secure servers means you can pick up where you left off on any device without worrying about your data being compromised.
- **Attestation and Open Code:** We publish our enclave code publicly. Using a process called attestation, users can verify that the code running on the enclave is the same as the code audited by the public.
- **Open Source LLM:** Maple uses major open-source models to maximize the openness of responses. The chat box does not filter what you can talk about. This transparency ensures that our AI is trustworthy and unbiased.
#### Personal and Work Use
Maple is secure enough to handle your personal questions and work tasks. Because we can't see what you chat about, you are free to use AI as an assistant on sensitive company items. Use it for small tasks like writing an important email or large tasks like developing your organization's strategy. Feed it sensitive information; it's just you and AI in the room. Attestation provides cryptographic proof that your corporate secrets are safe.
#### Local v Cloud
Today's AI tools provide different levels of privacy. The main options are to trust a third party with your unencrypted data, hoping they don't do anything with it, or run your own AI locally on an underpowered machine. We created a third option. Maple gives you the power of cloud computing combined with the privacy and security of a machine running on your desk. It's the best of both worlds.
#### Why the Maple name?
Privacy isn't just a human value - it's a natural one exemplified by the Maple tree. These organisms communicate with each other through a network of underground fungal hyphae, sending messages and sharing resources in a way that's completely invisible to organisms above ground. This discreet communication system allows Maple trees to thrive in even the most challenging environments. Our goal is to provide a way for everyone to communicate with AI securely so they can thrive in any environment.
#### Join the Waitlist
Maple AI will launch in early 2025 with free and paid plans. We can't wait to share it with the world. [Join our waitlist today to be among the first to experience the power of private AI chat.](https://trymaple.ai)
[![Join the Waitlist](https://blog.opensecret.cloud/content/images/2024/11/get-early-access-4.png)](https://trymaple.ai/waitlist)
@ 77c2969e:a33cfa50
2025-01-09 17:01:36
@ 000002de:c05780a7
2025-01-09 17:00:06
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/843670
@ f33c8a96:5ec6f741
2025-01-09 16:22:24
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"><video style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;" controls>
<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-4.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>
<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-4.webm" type="video/webm"/>
# CSS Fundamentals: Styling Your First Webpage
## Introduction
In our previous lesson, we created the structure of our webpage with HTML. Now, we'll learn how to style it using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). While HTML provides the bones of our webpage, CSS adds the visual presentation - the colors, layouts, spacing, and overall aesthetics.
## What is CSS?
### Definition
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language that controls the visual presentation of HTML documents. Think of it like the paint, decorations, and interior design of a house - it determines how everything looks and is arranged.
### Key Concepts
1. **Styling Capabilities**
- Fonts and typography
- Colors and backgrounds
- Margins and padding
- Element sizes
- Visual effects
- Layout and positioning
2. **Cascading Nature**
- Styles can be inherited from parent elements
- Multiple styles can apply to the same element
- Specificity determines which styles take precedence
- Styles "cascade" down through your document
## Basic CSS Syntax
selector {
property: value;
### Example:
h1 {
color: blue;
font-size: 24px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
## Connecting CSS to HTML
### Method 1: External Stylesheet (Recommended)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
### Method 2: Internal CSS
h1 {
color: blue;
### Method 3: Inline CSS (Use Sparingly)
<h1 style="color: blue;">Title</h1>
## The Box Model
Every HTML element is treated as a box in CSS, with:
│ Margin │
│ ┌──────────────┐ │
│ │ Border │ │
│ │ ┌──────────┐ │ │
│ │ │ Padding │ │ │
│ │ │ ┌──────┐ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │Content│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ └──────┘ │ │ │
│ │ └──────────┘ │ │
│ └──────────────┘ │
- **Content**: The actual content of the element
- **Padding**: Space between content and border
- **Border**: The border around the padding
- **Margin**: Space outside the border
## CSS Units
### Absolute Units
- `px` - pixels
- `pt` - points
- `cm` - centimeters
- `mm` - millimeters
- `in` - inches
### Relative Units
- `%` - percentage relative to parent
- `em` - relative to font-size
- `rem` - relative to root font-size
- `vh` - viewport height
- `vw` - viewport width
## Practical Example: Styling Our Webpage
### 1. Basic Page Setup
body {
min-height: 100vh;
margin: 0;
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
background-color: #f0f0f0;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
### 2. Header Styling
header {
background-color: #333;
color: white;
padding: 20px;
text-align: center;
### 3. Main Content Area
main {
max-width: 800px;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 20px;
flex: 1;
### 4. Footer Styling
footer {
background-color: #333;
color: white;
padding: 10px;
text-align: center;
## Layout with Flexbox
### Basic Concept
Flexbox is a modern layout system that makes it easier to create flexible, responsive layouts.
### Key Properties
.container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row | column;
justify-content: center | space-between | space-around;
align-items: center | flex-start | flex-end;
### Common Use Cases
1. Centering content
2. Creating navigation bars
3. Building responsive layouts
4. Equal-height columns
5. Dynamic spacing
## Best Practices
### 1. Organization
- Use consistent naming conventions
- Group related styles together
- Comment your code for clarity
- Keep selectors simple and specific
### 2. Performance
- Avoid unnecessary specificity
- Use shorthand properties when possible
- Minimize redundant code
- Consider load time impact
### 3. Maintainability
- Use external stylesheets
- Follow a consistent formatting style
- Break large stylesheets into logical files
- Document important design decisions
## Debugging CSS
### Common Tools
1. Browser Developer Tools
- Element inspector
- Style inspector
- Box model viewer
### Common Issues
1. Specificity conflicts
2. Inheritance problems
3. Box model confusion
4. Flexbox alignment issues
## Exercises
### 1. Style Modifications
Try modifying these properties in your stylesheet:
/* Change colors */
header {
background-color: #4a90e2;
/* Adjust spacing */
main {
padding: 40px;
/* Modify typography */
h1 {
font-size: 32px;
font-weight: bold;
### 2. Layout Challenge
Create a card layout using Flexbox:
.card-container {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
gap: 20px;
.card {
flex: 1;
padding: 20px;
background: white;
border-radius: 8px;
box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
## Additional Resources
### Learning Tools
1. [Flexbox Froggy](https://flexboxfroggy.com/) - Interactive Flexbox learning game
2. [CSS-Tricks](https://css-tricks.com) - Excellent CSS reference and tutorials
3. [MDN CSS Documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS)
### Practice Projects
1. Style your personal webpage
2. Create a responsive navigation menu
3. Build a flexible card layout
4. Design a custom button style
Remember: CSS is both an art and a science. Don't be afraid to experiment and break things - that's how you'll learn the most. The key is to start simple and gradually add complexity as you become more comfortable with the basics.
Next up, we'll dive into JavaScript to add interactivity to our webpage! 🚀
@ f33c8a96:5ec6f741
2025-01-09 16:20:27
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"><video style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;" controls>
<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-3.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>
<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-3.webm" type="video/webm"/>
## What is HTML?
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the foundation of all webpages. Think of it as the framing of a house - it provides the basic structure that everything else builds upon.
### Key Concepts
- HTML is a markup language, not a programming language
- It tells browsers how to structure web content
- Every HTML element is like a building block
- Browsers interpret HTML to display content
## The Building Analogy
When building a webpage, think of it like constructing a house:
- **HTML**: The framing and structure (walls, rooms, layout)
- **CSS**: The design elements (paint, decorations, styling)
- **JavaScript**: The functionality (plumbing, electrical, moving parts)
## Basic HTML Structure
### 1. HTML Boilerplate
Every webpage starts with a basic template:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Your Page Title</title>
<!-- Your content goes here -->
### 2. Understanding the Parts
- `<!DOCTYPE html>`: Tells browsers this is an HTML5 document
- `<html>`: The root element of the page
- `<head>`: Contains metadata about the document
- `<body>`: Contains the visible content
## Essential HTML Elements
### 1. Headings
HTML has six levels of headings:
<h1>Main Title</h1>
<h3>Section Header</h3>
<!-- ... -->
<h6>Smallest Heading</h6>
### 2. Paragraphs
<p>This is a paragraph of text. It can contain as much text as you need.</p>
### 3. Images
<img src="path-to-image.jpg" alt="Description of image" width="300">
### 4. Links
<a href="https://example.com">Click here</a>
## HTML Attributes
Attributes provide additional information or modify HTML elements:
<tag attribute="value">Content</tag>
Common attributes:
- `src`: Source path for images
- `href`: Destination for links
- `alt`: Alternative text for images
- `class`: CSS class names
- `id`: Unique identifier
- `style`: Inline CSS styles
## Semantic HTML
### What is Semantic HTML?
Semantic HTML uses meaningful tags that describe their content's purpose. This improves:
- Accessibility
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- Code readability
- Maintainability
### Common Semantic Elements
<!-- Site header content -->
<!-- Navigation menu -->
<!-- Main content -->
<!-- Self-contained content -->
<!-- Grouped content -->
<!-- Site footer content -->
### Non-Semantic vs Semantic Example
Instead of:
<div class="header">
<div class="navigation">
<div class="nav-item">Home</div>
<a href="/">Home</a>
## Building Your First Webpage
### 1. Basic Structure
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My First Webpage</title>
<h1>Welcome to My First Webpage!</h1>
<h2>About Me</h2>
<p>Hi, I'm learning web development with PlebDevs!</p>
<h2>My Interests</h2>
<p>I'm interested in Bitcoin, programming, and building cool stuff!</p>
<p>Created by [Your Name] - 2024</p>
## Best Practices
### 1. Structure
- Use proper indentation
- Keep code organized and readable
- Use semantic elements when possible
- Include all required elements (`DOCTYPE`, `html`, `head`, `body`)
### 2. Content
- Use appropriate heading levels (start with `h1`)
- Write descriptive `alt` text for images
- Keep content meaningful and organized
- Use comments to explain complex sections
### 3. Accessibility
- Use semantic HTML elements
- Provide alternative text for images
- Maintain a logical heading structure
- Ensure content makes sense when read linearly
## Common Issues and Solutions
### Problem: Images Not Loading
<!-- Wrong -->
<img src="image.jpg">
<!-- Right -->
<img src="./images/image.jpg" alt="Description">
### Problem: Links Not Working
<!-- Wrong -->
<a>Click here</a>
<!-- Right -->
<a href="https://example.com">Click here</a>
## Next Steps
1. **Practice Building**
- Create a personal webpage about yourself
- Include different types of content (text, images, links)
- Use semantic HTML elements
2. **Experiment with Structure**
- Try different layouts
- Use various HTML elements
- Pay attention to semantic meaning
3. **Prepare for CSS**
- Think about how you want your page to look
- Consider what styles you'll want to add
- Plan your layout structure
## Exercise: Create Your Profile Page
Try creating a simple profile page using what you've learned:
1. Use the HTML boilerplate
2. Add a header with your name
3. Include an "About Me" section
4. Add a photo (if you want)
5. List your interests or goals
6. Add a footer with contact information
Remember to:
- Use semantic HTML
- Include appropriate headings
- Add descriptive alt text for images
- Keep your code clean and well-organized
## Additional Resources
- [MDN HTML Guide](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML)
- [HTML5 Doctor (Semantic Elements)](http://html5doctor.com/)
- [W3Schools HTML Tutorial](https://www.w3schools.com/html/)
Remember: HTML is the foundation of web development. Take time to understand these basics well, as they'll serve as the building blocks for everything else you'll learn. Happy coding! 🚀
@ f33c8a96:5ec6f741
2025-01-09 16:18:40
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"><video style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;" controls>
<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-2.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>
<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-2.webm" type="video/webm"/>
# Setting Up Git and GitHub: A Developer's Foundation
## Lesson Overview
In this lesson, we'll establish one of the most important foundations of your development journey: version control with Git and GitHub. This knowledge will enable you to track your code, back it up in the cloud, and start building your developer portfolio.
## Prerequisites
- Visual Studio Code installed
- Terminal/Command Line basics
- GitHub account (we'll create one in this lesson)
## Key Learning Objectives
- Understand what Git and GitHub are and why they're essential
- Set up Git locally and connect it to GitHub
- Learn basic Git commands and workflow
- Create your first repository and commit
- Establish good Git habits for your developer journey
## What is Git and GitHub?
### Git: Your Local Version Control
- A version control system that tracks code changes over time
- Prevents accidental overwrites of your work
- Enables multiple developers to work on the same project safely
- Runs locally on your machine
### GitHub: Your Code in the Cloud
- A web-based platform that extends Git
- Cloud storage for your code repositories
- Enables code sharing and collaboration
- Includes features like:
- Issue tracking
- Pull requests
- Project management tools
- Code review capabilities
## Why Use GitHub?
### 1. Portfolio Building
- Acts as your "proof of work" as a developer
- Shows your coding activity through contribution graphs
- Demonstrates your consistency and dedication
- Serves as a public showcase of your projects
### 2. Collaboration and Learning
- Access millions of open-source projects
- Learn from other developers' code
- Contribute to real-world projects
- Get feedback on your code
- Work effectively in teams
### 3. Code Safety and Access
- All your code is safely stored in the cloud
- Access your projects from anywhere
- Never lose your work due to computer issues
## Essential GitHub Terminology
| Term | Definition |
| Repository (Repo) | A folder containing your project files and version history |
| Commit | A saved change or addition to your code |
| Staging | Marking changes to be included in your next commit |
| Push | Sending your local commits to GitHub |
| Branch | A separate version of your code for new features or experiments |
| Pull Request (PR) | A request to merge changes from one branch to another |
| Clone | Creating a local copy of a remote repository |
| Fork | Creating your own copy of someone else's repository |
## Hands-on Practice
### Setting Up Git
1. Install Git from https://git-scm.com/downloads
2. Configure your identity:
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "your.email@example.com"
### Your First Repository
1. Create a new repository on GitHub named "hello-world"
2. Initialize Git locally:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "My first commit"
git remote add origin <your-repository-url>
git push -u origin main
## Basic Git Workflow Quick Reference
### Pushing Code to GitHub
# 1. Stage your changes
git add .
# 2. Commit your changes with a message
git commit -m "Describe your changes here"
# 3. Push to GitHub
git push
### Getting Code from GitHub
# If you already have the repository locally:
git pull
# If you need to download a repository:
git clone https://github.com/username/repository.git
## Building Good Habits
### Daily Git Practice
- Make it a goal to push code every day
- Even small changes count
- Use your GitHub contribution graph as motivation
- Track your progress over time
### Best Practices
1. Commit often with clear messages
2. Pull before you start working
3. Push your changes when you finish
4. Keep each project in its own repository
5. Include README files to explain your projects
## Common Issues and Solutions
### "No upstream branch" Error
If you see this error when pushing:
git push --set-upstream origin main
### Changes Not Showing Up
1. Check if changes are staged:
git status
2. Make sure you've committed:
git commit -m "Your message"
3. Verify you've pushed:
git push
## Exercise: Start Your Journey
1. Create your GitHub account if you haven't already
2. Set up Git locally using the commands we covered
3. Create your first repository named "hello-world"
4. Make your first commit
5. Push your code to GitHub
6. Make a habit of pushing code daily
## Additional Resources
- [GitHub Documentation](https://docs.github.com)
- [Git Documentation](https://git-scm.com/doc)
- Practice with [GitHub Learning Lab](https://lab.github.com)
## Next Steps
- Start tracking all your code projects with Git
- Begin building your portfolio on GitHub
- Join the open-source community
- Collaborate with other developers
Remember: Every developer started where you are now. The key is consistency and persistence. Make pushing code to GitHub a daily habit, and you'll be amazed at your progress over time.
Happy coding! 🚀
@ f9c0ea75:44e849f4
2025-01-09 16:05:30
In a recent **TFTC podcast episode**, Parker Lewis outlined a **mathematical inevitability**—a liquidity crisis unfolding in 2025. While optimism around the Trump administration’s economic policies exists, Lewis argues that **no fiscal policy can counteract the Federal Reserve’s tightening liquidity**. The real issue? **Too much debt and not enough dollars.**
This reflection expands on **Lewis’ key arguments**, breaking down:
1. **Where the liquidity crisis is coming from**
2. **Why it’s a structural problem**
3. **What the consequences are**
4. **Why Bitcoin matters in this scenario**
### 1. Where Is the Liquidity Crisis Coming From?
The crisis stems from a fundamental imbalance:
- Debt levels have skyrocketed, particularly post-2008 and post-COVID.
- Dollars needed to service this debt are shrinking because of Federal Reserve tightening (QT, interest rates, and shrinking reserves).
#### The Math Behind the Liquidity Squeeze
- In 2007, there was $53 trillion in U.S. dollar-denominated debt, but only $900 billion in base money—a 50:1 leverage ratio.
- By 2023, FED policies had drained dollars from the banking system, while debt levels continued to explode higher. The result? A liquidity-starved financial system dependent on an ever-smaller money pool.
### 2. The Structural Problem: FED Policy is the Real Driver
While fiscal policy (tax cuts, tariffs, and deregulation) can marginally improve economic conditions, it cannot stop a liquidity crisis. Lewis emphasizes that the Federal Reserve is the key player in determining financial stability.
#### What the FED Has Done to Shrink Liquidity
- Quantitative Tightening (QT): Actively reducing the money supply by letting bonds roll off the balance sheet.
- Interest Rate Hikes (2022–2023): Made borrowing more expensive, slowing credit creation.
- Reverse Repo Drain: Reduced excess bank reserves, limiting lending ability.
- Shrinking Bank Reserves: With fewer reserves, banks lend less, tightening financial conditions.
This means the liquidity crisis isn’t theoretical—it’s already happening.
### 3. The Warning Signs: Cracks in the Financial System
Lewis points to clear signals that liquidity is disappearing:
- Rising delinquencies in commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) – approaching post-2008 highs.
- Credit card delinquencies – nearing 2008 levels.
- Treasury yield inversion anomalies – typically, rate cuts lead to falling long-term bond yields, but that’s not happening, suggesting market pessimism. Bank failures in 2023 (SVB, First Republic, Signature Bank) – early signs of systemic liquidity stress.
The takeaway? Debt is growing, but the available money to service it is shrinking—a recipe for financial instability.
### Consequences: What Happens If Liquidity Remains Tight?
If the FED continues draining liquidity, we may see:
✔ More bank failures, as weaker institutions struggle to survive.
✔ Debt defaults rise, particularly in real estate and corporate debt.
✔ Stock market volatility, as credit-dependent sectors suffer.
✔ A potential recession, triggered by a credit crunch.
The FED may eventually be forced to reverse course and print more money, but waiting too long could trigger a financial shock first.
## Final Thoughts: The Crisis is Already Unfolding
This isn’t just speculation, it's a mathematical inevitability. The FED's policies have set the stage for a debt-starved economy with fewer dollars available to sustain it. The next 12 months could be highly volatile, with financial stress increasing.
### Key Takeaways
✅ Trump’s policies may be positive, but they won't prevent a liquidity crisis.
✅ The FED is the dominant force, and its liquidity-draining policies are causing systemic risks.
✅ Leading indicators suggest we’re already in a liquidity crunch.
✅ Bitcoin remains a strategic hedge as the FED eventually returns to money printing.
### What to Expect?
A volatile 2025—prepare for financial instability and potential FED intervention.
@ 1380337c:2d77df3e
2025-01-09 15:26:18
Fiat has entered its final phase, falling victim to its inherent flaws.
Decades of money printing, unchecked government spending and the Cantillion effect (those closest to the money printer benefit at the behest of the rest of us) are finally taking its toll.
As calls for a return to hard money grow louder, it is only the most astute Cantillion economists (and their government backers) who believe money supply should be managed by “a council of wise (wo)men”.
Among those seeking hard money are the BRICS nations, who are looking into creating a gold-backed system to challenge the fiat dollar’s dominance.
This would have been a great idea, were it not for Bitcoin. With the existence of Bitcoin any attempt to create gold-backed systems is doomed from the start.
Fiat has entered its final phase, falling victim to its inherent flaws.
# The Rise and Fall of Gold-Backed Systems
Gold was money for thousands of years, universally accepted because of its scarcity and durability.
However, as global trade developed, the world ran into gold’s main limitation – physical gold couldn’t keep up with trade.
This led to gold being replaced by gold-backed currencies, which combined gold reliability with the convenience of paper money. Yet, this hybrid system inherited gold’s flaws while introducing its own.
Gold’s supply uncertainty remained a major weakness. Sudden discoveries, like Spain’s conquest of South America or the California Gold Rush, destabilized economies by flooding markets with new gold.
Worse, gold-backed systems led to the centralization of reserves, concentrating power in the hands of governments and banks.
This led to the inevitable corruption and mismanagement of the money supply, which quickly became inflated at the expense of holders of gold-backed currencies.
The step towards full fiat was a small one after this…
Gold was money for thousands of years, universally accepted because of its scarcity and durability.
However, as global trade developed, the world ran into gold’s main limitation – physical gold couldn’t keep up with trade.
This led to gold being replaced by gold-backed currencies, which combined gold reliability with the convenience of paper money. Yet, this hybrid system inherited gold’s flaws while introducing its own.
Gold’s supply uncertainty remained a major weakness. Sudden discoveries, like Spain’s conquest of South America or the California Gold Rush, destabilized economies by flooding markets with new gold.
Worse, gold-backed systems led to the centralization of reserves, concentrating power in the hands of governments and banks.
This led to the inevitable corruption and mismanagement of the money supply, which quickly became inflated at the expense of holders of gold-backed currencies.
The step towards full fiat was a small one after this…
# Gold-Backed Systems Stand No Chance Against Bitcoin
Bitcoin exposes the vulnerabilities of gold-backed systems in every dimension:
- **Fixed Supply vs. Supply Uncertainty**: Bitcoin’s hard cap of 21 million coins provides unmatched predictability and scarcity. No sudden “Bitcoin rush” can destabilize the system, unlike gold’s history of disruptive supply shocks.
- **Decentralization vs. Centralization**: Gold-backed systems concentrate reserves in the hands of governments or banks, creating single points of failure. Bitcoin’s decentralized network eliminates these vulnerabilities, making it immune to corruption and mismanagement.
- **Censorship Resistance**: Centralized control leaves gold-backed systems open to confiscation and censorship. Bitcoin’s censorship-resistant design ensures no entity can control the network or seize assets.
- **Trustless vs. Trust-Based**: Gold-backed systems demand trust in central authorities to maintain their peg—“**Trust me, bro**”. Bitcoin operates on a transparent, verifiable ledger, replacing trust with cryptographic proof: “**Don’t trust, verify**.”
- **Efficiency and Mobility**: Settlement times for Bitcoin are near-instant, compared to the logistical nightmare of moving and securing physical gold.
- **Sovereign Protection**: Bitcoin enables nations to protect their reserves anywhere in the world. A government under siege could flee with its wealth intact, stored securely on the blockchain. Imagine Assad, fleeing Syria with his country’s riches encoded in a 24-word seed phrase, using it to organize resistance against his foes. Such flexibility is unthinkable with gold.
# Gold-Backed Systems Will Never Stand a Chance Again
Gold-backed systems are flawed relics of the past, their flaws exposed by Bitcoin.
With its immutability, decentralization, and efficiency, Bitcoin eliminates the vulnerabilities of centralization and mismanagement inherent in gold-backed systems.
Bitcoin thrives in a digital-first world, offering portability, resistance to confiscation, and unmatched security. Its finite supply and transparent ledger set a new standard that gold can never meet.
Bitcoin is more than an evolution of money—it’s a safeguard against regimes that seek to weaken their nations through centralised monetary systems, even under the guise of gold-backed currencies.
Gold-backed systems are flawed relics of the past, their flaws exposed by Bitcoin.
With its immutability, decentralization, and efficiency, Bitcoin eliminates the vulnerabilities of centralization and mismanagement inherent in gold-backed systems.
Bitcoin thrives in a digital-first world, offering portability, resistance to confiscation, and unmatched security. Its finite supply and transparent ledger set a new standard that gold can never meet.
Bitcoin is more than an evolution of money—it’s a safeguard against regimes that seek to weaken their nations through centralised monetary systems, even under the guise of gold-backed currencies.
@ 6e24af77:b3f1350b
2025-01-09 13:43:06
@ e373ca41:b82abcc5
2025-01-09 13:28:41
Heute Abend um 19 Uhr sprechen Elon Musk und Alice Weidel auf X. Der alternative Radiosender Kontrafunk aus der Schweiz bringt eine Übersetzung davon im Stream.
Da die Webseite des Kontrafunks gestern angegriffen wurde, ist hier der Stream unzensierbar aufrufbar, als kleines Back-up:
Im Nostr-Netzwerk dauerhauft auch u.a. **[hier](https://njump.me/naddr1qqxnzdenxc6rydejxymnwvfhqgswxu72gyq7ykjdfl9j556887jpzwu3mw3v9ez36quas55whq4te3grqsqqqa28qythwumn8ghj7urpwfjhgmewdehhxarjxyhxxmmdqvlg3v)** aufrufbar (falls wir angegriffen werden).
Tonight at 7 pm (CET), Elon Musk and Alice Weidel will be speaking on X. The alternative radio station Kontrafunk from Switzerland will be streaming a translation.
As the Kontrafunk website was attacked yesterday, the stream can be accessed uncensored here as a small backup:
In the Nostr network also permanently available **[here](https://njump.me/naddr1qqxnzdenxc6rydejxymnwvfhqgswxu72gyq7ykjdfl9j556887jpzwu3mw3v9ez36quas55whq4te3grqsqqqa28qythwumn8ghj7urpwfjhgmewdehhxarjxyhxxmmdqvlg3v)** (in case we are attacked).
*Looking for the easiest way to buy Bitcoin and store it yourself? The **[Relai app](https://relai.app/de/?af_xp=custom\&source_caller=ui\&pid=INFLUENCER\&is_retargeting=true\&af_click_lookback=7d\&shortlink=eo5zpzew\&af_channel=branded_url\&af_inactivity_window=30d\&c=Milosz%20Matuszek)** is the No. 1 crypto start-up and No. 2 of all fintech start-ups in Switzerland. **[Here you can buy Bitcoin](https://relai.app/de/?af_xp=custom\&source_caller=ui\&pid=INFLUENCER\&is_retargeting=true\&af_click_lookback=7d\&shortlink=eo5zpzew\&af_channel=branded_url\&af_inactivity_window=30d\&c=Milosz%20Matuszek)** in just a few steps and also set up savings plans. Nobody has access to your Bitcoin except you. With the referral code MILOSZ you save on fees (no financial advice). Disclaimer due to regulatory issues: The services of the Relai App are hereby only recommended to inhabitants of Switzerland or Italy.*
*Need more security? The **[Trezor wallets](https://trezor.io/trezor-safe-5-bitcoin-only?transaction_id=102e192a206d1585e56a2fddef6d83\&offer_id=238\&affiliate_id=35234)** are recommended and easy to use, others are available in the **[store](https://trezor.io/?transaction_id=102bc85bdca2733287749c7f879ebd\&offer_id=133\&affiliate_id=35234)**. Need more advice? Book an **[introductory meeting](https://trezor.io/trezor-expert-session?transaction_id=1020e18dad0aa4b1186289fd22e90f\&offer_id=241\&affiliate_id=35234)** with a wallet expert.*
***Join the marketplace of ideas!** We are building a publishing ecosystem on Nostr for citizen-journalism, starting with a client for blogging and newsletter distribution. Sound money and sound information should finally be in the hands of the people, right? Want to learn more about the [Pareto Project](https://pareto.space/en)? Zap me, if you want to contribute (all Zaps go to the project).*
***Update:** Since my last article on the [Pareto project](https://pareto.space/a/naddr1qqxnzdenxsenxdf5xgerwdfkqgswxu72gyq7ykjdfl9j556887jpzwu3mw3v9ez36quas55whq4te3grqsqqqa28qyt8wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnwdaehgu3wvfskueqf4hyum), we have received more than 50 messages from publications, journalists, authors, testers and supporters. Thank you very much, we are happy to help everyone become censorship-resistant! May just take a little time. Are you a publication and want to be part of it, test us, migrate your content to Nostr? Write to **<team@pareto.space>***
**Not yet on** **[Nostr](https://nostr.com/)** **and want the full experience?** Easy onboarding via **[Nosta.me.](https://nosta.me/create/welcome)**
@ 6e24af77:b3f1350b
2025-01-09 13:06:28
@ 6e24af77:b3f1350b
2025-01-09 12:22:57
test 44
@ 5a261a61:2ebd4480
2025-01-09 11:46:29
It was late afternoon, and Tom hoped the lunchtime crowd had already returned to work while the after-school rush was still thin. A quick glance under the stalls as he strode through the mall’s large restroom confirmed he was alone. He hurried into the last stall, checked his watch—two minutes to go.
What could go wrong?
He unzipped his backpack and tore a hole in the small paper package inside. A few strips of skimpy fabric tumbled into his hand, along with a note: WEAR ME.
A chill ran down his spine. It was the first handwritten note from her. That alone was enough to unnerve him, but what truly sent shivers through his body was the clothing itself: a black-lace G-string, a flat-chest bra, and purple-black striped knee socks.
His watch jolted him from his trance. Shit. It's 1:00 PM already.
He stripped quickly, pausing only to listen for any signs of company. Satisfied with the silence, he dressed, obeying her command dutifully, despite the trembling in his hands.
When he was done, he unlocked his phone and took a selfie—neck down, body framed just enough to show his obedience, the stall’s background confirming where he was.
The G-string barely contained him. The thin pouch was already failing as his arousal grew. Standing there, dressed like a slut, waiting for the telltale three dots of her typing status—it only made him harder. Maybe, if he completed this task perfectly, she would deem him worthy of the cage.
His phone vibrated with her response: "Good slut. Bad angle. Try harder."
He snapped another picture. Then another. His desire to please her overrode everything else. He tried to be more "artistic," offering different angles, better framing, careful lighting. He submitted each for her approval.
Her only response: a frowning emoji.
"It looks like a bitch, acts like a bitch, but it has something no bitch should have. Disappointed."
He scanned the images again. She had a point. But he was so unbearably horny. Five days of orgasm denial had left him painfully sensitive. Even his nipples strained against the sheer fabric of the bra.
"Are you going to fix it, or should I consider this your final submission?"
His mind raced.
Then—an idea.
Slipping off his shoe, he unthreaded the lace and, through a mixture of pain and precision, crafted a tight, effective tucking shibari. He took a photo of his bound, darkening flesh and sent it.
"Would that be enough?"
A reply came instantly: a grinning emoji, followed by a meme of Jeff Goldblum captioned, "Life Finds a Way"—edited to say, "Bitch Finds a Way."
Then another message:
"Hurry up, or I won’t need a cage to keep you soft forever, and there is no fun in that."
"You have two minutes. No mistakes this time."
His chest tightened. Sometimes, he wished he could fall at her feet and kiss her toes for everything she did to him. His fantasies mercifully ignored the fact that he didn't even know her shoe size. Or what colour skin his tongue should be worshipping.
Shame fueled his arousal as he continued his photoshoot. He posed, exposing his chest, arching his back, spreading his legs to make himself more accessible. The phone holder with suction-cup he’d brought made certain angles easy. Finally, he sat on the closed toilet, knees hooked over his arms, presenting himself as thoroughly as possible.
The two-minute deadline might have passed, but he didn’t notice.
He selected the best shot from each pose and sent them one by one. The last one nearly didn’t make the cut—his shibari work was visible—but he’d unconsciously parted his lips, doll-like, as if ready to be fucked.
He sent it.
Her response was immediate.
"Good girl."
His stomach twisted with pride.
"Get rid of the shibari. Keep the bitch uniform. Get dressed and text me when you leave the stall."
Was that all?
Disappointment prickled at him, but she sounded almost content. That was good… right?
His train of thought derailed as blood rushed back into his tortured cock, sending a wave of sharp pain through his core. It took him a moment to breathe through it, to compose himself enough to leave.
The G-string left him utterly exposed. Every step sent shivers up his spine as his pants caressed his bare ass.
Outside, he sent the message.
Her response came instantly:
"Go to the photo kiosk and wait."
Confused, but knowing better than to question her, he obeyed.
"Pick up order XYZ."
Oh no.
Dread churned in his gut as he typed in the pickup code.
The printer spat out five photos of him.
At least his face was covered—emoji stickers distorted his expressions—but still.
Another message:
"Buy a disposable SIM, write the number on the back of the photos, and distribute them. Then, you can go home. But keep the bitch uniform on for the night. I’ll check in on you in the morning. Have fun, my sweet boy."
Tom exhaled shakily.
It was going to be a long night.
@ 4cebd4f5:0ac3ed15
2025-01-09 11:25:04
DoraHacks, một nền tảng hackathon toàn cầu, đang dần ra mắt BUIDL AI. Được biết, BUIDL AI là một trong những cơ sở hạ tầng quan trọng được chuẩn bị để phát triển lên tới hàng chục triệu người dùng Hacker đang hoạt động tích cực tại DoraHacks. BUIDL AI là một hệ thống tích hợp giúp dần dần chuyển đổi nền tảng DoraHacks và cộng đồng hacker toàn cầu thành các cộng đồng tự động (Agentic Communities), đẩy nhanh quá trình sáng tạo của hackathons và các nhà phát triển nguồn mở.
BUIDL AI sẽ dần dần tích hợp với các chức năng của nền tảng DoraHacks.io và trở thành bộ não của nền tảng DoraHacks. Hiện tại, BUIDL AI đã đóng vai trò về nhiều mặt trên nền tảng DoraHacks.
DoraHacks tin rằng trong quá trình phát triển không ngừng của công nghệ AI và robot, kết quả tất yếu của quá trình phát triển con người là trở thành Hacker. Vì vậy, số lượng hacker sẽ tăng theo cấp số nhân trong thời gian tới. Những Hacker này sẽ tài trợ cho các dự án của họ (BUIDL) thông qua DoraHacks và cơ sở hạ tầng tiền điện tử của nó. Là nền tảng Hacker và hackathon lớn nhất thế giới, DoraHacks xây dựng BUIDL AI như một sứ mệnh tất yếu của mình.
@ b9af65f8:443fbde5
2025-01-09 11:10:51
AE89 là một nền tảng trực tuyến nổi bật, mang lại cho người tham gia trải nghiệm tuyệt vời và tiện lợi. Với mục tiêu cung cấp một môi trường an toàn, dễ dàng sử dụng, AE89 đã nhanh chóng chiếm được sự tin tưởng của cộng đồng người tham gia nhờ vào giao diện thân thiện, công nghệ hiện đại và dịch vụ khách hàng chất lượng. Nền tảng này không chỉ chú trọng vào việc cải thiện trải nghiệm người dùng mà còn đặc biệt quan tâm đến bảo mật và hiệu quả trong mọi giao dịch trực tuyến.
Giao diện của AE89 được thiết kế đơn giản nhưng vô cùng tinh tế. Người tham gia có thể dễ dàng truy cập và sử dụng các tính năng của nền tảng mà không gặp phải bất kỳ khó khăn nào. Các công cụ và dịch vụ được sắp xếp hợp lý, mang lại sự tiện lợi tối đa. AE89 cũng đặc biệt chú trọng tối ưu hóa giao diện cho các thiết bị di động, giúp người tham gia có thể sử dụng nền tảng mọi lúc, mọi nơi, mang lại sự linh hoạt trong việc trải nghiệm dịch vụ.
Công nghệ mà <a href="https://ae89.org
">ae89</a> áp dụng giúp nền tảng hoạt động ổn định và nhanh chóng. Với hệ thống được xây dựng trên nền tảng công nghệ tiên tiến, AE89 đảm bảo hiệu suất và tốc độ xử lý mượt mà. Người tham gia không gặp phải các sự cố gián đoạn hay vấn đề về hiệu suất. Hệ thống được tối ưu hóa để mang lại trải nghiệm trực tuyến hiệu quả, nhanh chóng và không gặp phải bất kỳ vấn đề kỹ thuật nào.
Bảo mật là yếu tố quan trọng mà AE89 đặc biệt chú trọng. Nền tảng này sử dụng các công nghệ bảo mật tiên tiến để bảo vệ thông tin cá nhân và giao dịch của người tham gia. Mọi dữ liệu được mã hóa và bảo vệ bằng các biện pháp an ninh mạnh mẽ, giúp người tham gia cảm thấy yên tâm khi sử dụng nền tảng. Hệ thống thanh toán của AE89 cũng được thiết kế để đảm bảo an toàn tối đa cho mọi giao dịch.
Dịch vụ khách hàng của AE89 rất đáng chú ý, với đội ngũ hỗ trợ chuyên nghiệp và nhiệt tình. Dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng của nền tảng này luôn sẵn sàng hỗ trợ người tham gia 24/7, giúp giải đáp mọi thắc mắc và vấn đề một cách nhanh chóng và hiệu quả. Đội ngũ hỗ trợ không chỉ giúp người tham gia giải quyết các vấn đề mà còn mang lại sự an tâm tuyệt đối trong suốt quá trình sử dụng dịch vụ.
Tóm lại, AE89 là một nền tảng trực tuyến đáng tin cậy, với giao diện dễ sử dụng, công nghệ hiện đại và dịch vụ khách hàng chất lượng. Nền tảng này mang đến một không gian an toàn và tiện lợi cho người tham gia, giúp họ có thể tận hưởng mọi dịch vụ trực tuyến một cách hiệu quả và an toàn. Với sự chú trọng vào bảo mật và trải nghiệm người dùng, AE89 chắc chắn là lựa chọn lý tưởng cho những ai tìm kiếm sự thuận tiện và an tâm khi tham gia các dịch vụ trực tuyến.
@ bd32f268:22b33966
2025-01-02 19:30:46
Texto publicado por *Foundation Father @FoundationDads* e traduzido para português.
Assumir responsabilidades numa época efeminada como a nossa é um superpoder.
Algumas pessoas não sabem o que significa "assumir responsabilidades", no entanto, porque nunca tiveram um pai ou outra pessoa que as ama-se o suficiente para lhes ensinar.
Então, aqui está como assumir responsabilidades.
## **Lembra-te que não és uma pessoa desamparada e incompetente.**
As coisas não te acontecem simplesmente enquanto olhas fixamente com a boca aberta, usando todo o teu poder cerebral para te lembrares de como respirar.
Tu tens poder de ação.
## Mantém estas perguntas em mente:
"Que papel desempenhei eu nesta situação ou como ajudei a formar o sistema em que estou inserido?"
"O que posso fazer agora mesmo para começar a corrigi-lo, por mais pequeno que seja?"
Aqui estão alguns exemplos de como aplicar estas perguntas.
![A arte de ser Português on X: "José Malhoa (pintor naturalista português, 1855-1933), "O Remédio". Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis, Porto. https://t.co/o1J9nYzPpl" / X](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F3e5c7d1c-9c90-4ba8-8a22-32bbee862f42_1000x783.jpeg)*José Malhoa - Remédio*
## Saúde
Estás com excesso de peso e cansado o tempo todo? Deprimido?
Começa a caminhar 30 minutos por dia. De preferência ao ar livre.
Pára de comer snacks.
Marca uma consulta com um médico para fazer análises ao sangue.
Todas estas coisas estão ao teu alcance.
## Finanças
Estás a afogar-te em dívidas de cartão de crédito? Assumir responsabilidades significa reduzir drasticamente o teu consumo e iniciar um programa radical de pagamento do máximo de dívida que conseguires.
Obtém uma aplicação de orçamento e começa a planear.
Sentes-te preso no teu emprego sem futuro? Sentes que não ganhas o suficiente? Vai a entrevistas para vagas de emprego e descobre o teu verdadeiro valor no mercado.
Reserva 1 hora todas as noites para melhorares. A menos que já estejas a trabalhar em dois empregos, toda a gente tem pelo menos 1 hora todas as noites.
## Arredores imediatos
Se vês algo que precisa de ser feito, simplesmente faz. Não te queixes disso. Não resmungues baixinho. Não desejes que alguém tratasse disso. Simplesmente faz e não peças permissão.
Guarda o carrinho de compras. Lava a caneca de café no lava-loiça. Arranca as ervas daninhas. Repara a parede. Se o quintal do teu vizinho estiver cheio de ervas, vai lá e corta a relva tu mesmo. Limpa a água do lava-loiça. Arruma a bancada. Leva o lixo para fora. Leva bom café para o escritório.
## Os teus filhos
Muitos pais queixam-se do comportamento dos seus filhos como se não tivessem qualquer influência sobre o assunto. Mas os teus filhos farão o que tu os ensinaste a fazer.
"Fizemos o melhor que pudemos."
Não, não fizeram, e assumir responsabilidades significa admitir que foste permissivo e preguiçoso ou que querias sentir-te justo por não bater.
Que pequena coisa podes fazer agora mesmo para começar? Escolhe um único comportamento que queres que eles parem, senta-os e explica as consequências do comportamento. Pede desculpa por teres deixado andar durante tanto tempo.
Quando eles apresentarem o comportamento, aplica as consequências. Aconteça o que acontecer.
## Os teus relacionamentos
Não tens amigos ou o teu grupo de amigos atual é uma má influência? Podes fazer novos amigos. Assumir responsabilidades significa admitir que a tua solidão é em grande parte auto-infligida.
**O que podes fazer?**
Começa a jogar ténis ou futebol. Existem ligas em todo o lado. Encontra uma boa igreja local e encontra maneiras de te envolver. Existem encontros para todo o tipo de atividade. Participa num que se alinhe com as tuas preferências. Quando estiveres em público, sorri mais e puxa conversa.
Depois de conheceres algumas pessoas, estabelece uma cadência regular. Agenda almoços semanais ou mensais e alterna entre algumas pessoas. Ou talvez café de manhã.
Não acontecerá da noite para o dia, mas dando pequenos passos consistentemente durante alguns meses e vais perceber que tens uma vida social.
## Os teus erros
Se erraste, não te retires e escondas nem arranjes desculpas. Pede desculpa à pessoa que prejudicaste, diz-lhe porquê e oferece-te para compensar. Aceita as consequências com humildade.
Vais descobrir que nada te conquista mais respeito do que assumir os teus erros. Esta é a principal. Se aprenderes a fazer isto bem, cobrirá uma infinidade de pecados porque cria hábito. Mesmo que tenhas apenas 1% de culpa na situação, assumir a responsabilidade e pedir desculpa pelo teu 1% está a construir um certo grupo de músculos.
"Mas ele devia ter..." Pára com isso. Confiaste demasiado? Presumiste demasiado sem comunicar? Assume a responsabilidade por isso.
Estes exemplos podiam continuar para sempre, então vou parar e terminar com este princípio:
A tua resposta importa mais do que as tuas circunstâncias.
Existem vítimas reais, algumas de tragédias horríveis. Mas mesmo que não te tenhas atirado para areias movediças, ainda podes assumir a responsabilidade por como reages e pelo que escolhes fazer a seguir.
Às vezes, é agarrar numa corda de um transeunte e dizer: "Obrigado."
Não te afogues nas areias movediças até que alguém te dê uma palmadinha nas costas por quão difícil é para ti, e não continues a apontar para o teu tempo nas areias movediças para desculpares os teus fracassos.
Podes não ter escolhido uma batalha específica. Ainda podes assumir a responsabilidade por quão bem lutas a batalha. Num certo sentido, ninguém escolhe a principal batalha que enfrenta. Ninguém escolheu nascer. Ninguém escolheu a sua família. Ninguém escolheu as suas circunstâncias.
O mundo nunca será perfeito. Tens de assumir a responsabilidade pela tua parte dele de qualquer maneira. Pode ser difícil. Pode ser doloroso. Não te foi prometida uma vida fácil e sem dor.
Depois de começares a assumir responsabilidades, qual é o próximo passo?
Altura de assumir mais responsabilidades.
Por exemplo, se não tens problemas em fazer amigos e tens essa parte da tua vida resolvida, assume a responsabilidade por outra pessoa. Encontra um dos rapazes solitários na tua igreja que precisa de um amigo e adiciona-o à tua rotação de almoços.
A recompensa por assumir responsabilidades é subir de nível e, como consequência, as coisas devem tornar-se mais desafiantes.
Mas agora estás mais bem preparado para isso. Repete até morrer e, esperançosamente, a tua causa de morte será por viver e não por te queixares de não viver.
@ b9af65f8:443fbde5
2025-01-09 11:09:56
Bet999 là một nền tảng trực tuyến được thiết kế nhằm mang lại trải nghiệm tuyệt vời cho người dùng. Với mục tiêu cung cấp dịch vụ nhanh chóng, an toàn và tiện lợi, Bet999 nhanh chóng trở thành sự lựa chọn yêu thích của cộng đồng người tham gia. Nền tảng này không chỉ chú trọng vào giao diện thân thiện mà còn đầu tư mạnh mẽ vào công nghệ bảo mật và dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng, tạo ra một không gian trực tuyến an toàn và hiệu quả.
Giao diện của Bet999 được thiết kế đơn giản, dễ sử dụng nhưng rất hiện đại. Các tính năng của nền tảng được bố trí hợp lý, giúp người tham gia dễ dàng tìm kiếm và sử dụng các dịch vụ mà không gặp phải sự phiền toái nào. Các công cụ được tối ưu hóa cho cả các thiết bị di động, giúp người tham gia có thể truy cập nền tảng mọi lúc, mọi nơi. Điều này mang lại sự linh hoạt và tiện lợi, cho phép người dùng dễ dàng tận hưởng mọi dịch vụ ngay cả khi đang di chuyển.
Công nghệ mà <a href="https://bet999-vi.com
">bet999</a> sử dụng là một yếu tố quan trọng giúp nền tảng hoạt động ổn định và nhanh chóng. Hệ thống của Bet999 được xây dựng trên nền tảng công nghệ tiên tiến, giúp tối ưu hóa hiệu suất và tốc độ xử lý. Người tham gia có thể tận hưởng một trải nghiệm trực tuyến mượt mà mà không gặp phải gián đoạn hay sự cố kỹ thuật. Hệ thống của nền tảng được thiết kế để đảm bảo hoạt động liên tục và không gặp phải bất kỳ sự cố nào, đảm bảo người dùng có thể truy cập và sử dụng dịch vụ một cách an toàn.
Bảo mật là một yếu tố được Bet999 đặc biệt chú trọng. Nền tảng này sử dụng các công nghệ bảo mật tiên tiến để bảo vệ thông tin cá nhân và giao dịch của người tham gia. Mọi dữ liệu trên nền tảng đều được mã hóa và bảo vệ bằng các biện pháp an ninh nghiêm ngặt, giúp người dùng yên tâm khi tham gia. Các phương thức thanh toán an toàn, bảo mật và nhanh chóng của Bet999 đảm bảo rằng người tham gia không phải lo lắng về việc bị rò rỉ thông tin hay gặp phải các vấn đề về bảo mật trong suốt quá trình sử dụng dịch vụ.
Dịch vụ khách hàng của Bet999 là một yếu tố không thể thiếu giúp nâng cao trải nghiệm người dùng. Đội ngũ hỗ trợ khách hàng của nền tảng này luôn sẵn sàng giải đáp mọi thắc mắc và giúp đỡ người tham gia 24/7. Đội ngũ nhân viên hỗ trợ của Bet999 rất chuyên nghiệp và tận tâm, luôn đảm bảo người tham gia nhận được sự trợ giúp kịp thời và hiệu quả. Dịch vụ chăm sóc khách hàng chất lượng của Bet999 giúp người tham gia cảm thấy yên tâm và hài lòng khi sử dụng nền tảng.
Tóm lại, Bet999 là một nền tảng trực tuyến uy tín và đáng tin cậy, với giao diện dễ sử dụng, công nghệ hiện đại và dịch vụ khách hàng chất lượng. Những yếu tố này giúp tạo ra một không gian trực tuyến an toàn, tiện lợi và hiệu quả cho người tham gia. Nếu bạn đang tìm kiếm một nền tảng trực tuyến có thể mang lại trải nghiệm tuyệt vời và an toàn, Bet999 chắc chắn sẽ là một lựa chọn tuyệt vời dành cho bạn.
@ d9e9fb27:d5fe5e1a
2025-01-02 16:31:34
Colmar is a well known city in the region of Alsace, France. Its characteristic buildings, the narrow streets and the small river flowing through are worldwide famous.
However, it is during Christmas that the city gets the most attention.
Thousands of people from all over Europe decide to spend one of the Advent weekends to wander around this beautiful city and hundreds of *little wooden huts*.
In fact, this town becomes a small Christmas village, with decorations and lights on every building and the famous Christmas market covering every possible inch of it.
Walking around this city really makes you feel the Christmas Spirit!
Of course, it can get really cold during this time of the year. That is why Alsatians wander around drinking the *Vin Chaud* (literally "Hot Wine"). This beverage is prepared by mixing sugar, various spices, such as cinnamon and cloves, and red wine. They are served in a plastic glass, which can be reused multpiple time or returned for a couple of Euros. However, every year the glass is designed differently, so many people keep it with them as a collectible!
Here is 2024 version:
This is the first time I try to do a photography reportage of the places I visit.
I really hope you enjoyed it!Let me know what you think, every feedback is appreciated.
I will try to create more of them during my trips, so stay tuned!
@ 2063cd79:57bd1320
2025-01-09 10:56:31
Wer Bitcoin besitzt oder mit dem Gedanken spielt Bitcoin zu erwerben und prinzipiell etwas gründlicher an solche Entscheidungen herantritt, wird sich sicherlich schon mit dem Gedanken beschäftigt haben, was mit dem eigenen Bitcoin passiert, wenn uns selbst etwas widerfahren sollte. Ähnliche Gedanken, wird wohl jeder schonmal gehabt haben, wenn es um das Thema Online-Accounts geht. Wer hat Zugang zu meinen Profilen, Accounts, und sonstigen Informationen und was passiert im Falle eines Unfalls, einer plötzlichen Krankheit, oder ähnlichen Szenarien? Um ehrlich zu sein, mir persönlich ist es egal, was mit meinem Gmail oder Youtube-Account passiert, jedoch bei Bitcoin ist das ein anderes Thema. Denn hier verbergen sich hinter den privaten Schlüsseln UTXOs mit einem reellen Wert. Und anders als bei Bankkonten oder anderen Anlagearten, lässt sich keine Bank oder andere Verwahrstelle kontaktieren, die den Hinterbliebenen Zugriff auf die Vermögenswerte bereitstellt.
Eine vernünftige Nachlassplanung, bzw. Bitcoin Zukunftsplanung, ist also wirklich wichtig, denn wir möchten, dass unsere Opfer, die wir heute in Form von Arbeit und Zeitaufwand erbringen, in der Zukunft Früchte tragen und hoffentlich auch unseren Nachkommen zugutekommen. Jede Entscheidung, heute kein Geld für etwas auszugeben, dass einem selbst heute Spaß gemacht hätte, um in eine sicherere und angenehmere Zukunft zu investieren, sollte auch in der Zukunft belohnt werden. Es fühlt sich irgendwie kurzsichtig an, insbesondere wenn es um Bitcoin geht, nur an sich selbst zu denken (wen Lambo?), wenn es sich bei Bitcoin um einen Vermögenswert handelt, der die Fähigkeit besitzt, über mehrere Generationen in der Zukunft zu bestehen und vielleicht sogar seinen Wert zu steigern.
Es muss also einen besseren Weg geben, als zu hoffen, dass der Ehepartner oder die Kinder in der Lage sind die bitcoins aus einem 24-Wörter-Seed wiederherzustellen, wenn man einmal nicht mehr ist, oder nicht mehr in der Lage ist, dies selbst zu veranlassen. Denn der Seedphrase ist in den meisten Fällen das bestgehütetste Geheimnis jedes Bitcoiners und wahrscheinlich haben die wenigsten zusätzlich einen Wiederherstellungsplan für ihre Hinterbliebenen angefertigt und versteckt. Wenn wir über die Nachlassplanung in Bitcoin nachdenken, gibt es einige Komplexitäten. Aber wenn man sich die Zeit nimmt, über alle Ergebnisse nachzudenken, die man erreichen möchte, gibt es einige wirklich wichtige Dinge, die getan werden können.
Traurigerweise ist es kein angenehmer Gedanke, über den eigenen Tod nachzudenken und darüber, wie man seine bitcoins aus dem Grab heraus weitergeben soll. Ich habe vor längerer Zeit eine humoristische Aufstellung von verschiedenen Planungsmöglichkeiten aufgestellt, die man sich hier anschauen kann:
- Nichts tun
- Exchange plus Passwort
- Desktop Wallet
- Mobile Wallet
- Paper Wallet zu Hause
- Paper Wallet im (Bank-)Safe
- Hardware Wallet zu Hause
- Hardware Wallet im (Bank-)Safe
- Multisig Lösung
- Custodial Service
Allerdings ist das Thema wirklich kompliziert und nicht einfach zu lösen. Es gibt unterschiedliche persönliche Faktoren, wie das eigene Alter, der eigene Gesundheitszustand, in welchem familiären Konstrukt man lebt, wo man lebt, wie viel Bitcoin es zu verwahren und weiterzugeben gilt, usw. Darüber hinaus stellt sich auch die Frage, ob die Weitergabe professionell und im Einklang mit den aktuellen Rechtsstrukturen gemacht werden soll, denn dann ergeben sich sowohl aus steuerlicher als auch aus rechtlicher Sicht unterschiedliche Szenarien, die eventuell sogar erhebliche Vorteile bieten könnten. Darunter eine Reihe rechtlicher Vorzugsbehandlungen beim Schutz von Vermögenswerten, die über die eigenen Vorkehrungsmaßnahmen hinausgehen können. Aber dies soll kein steuerlicher oder juristischer Rat werden.
Bei Bitcoin dreht sich alles um den souveränen Besitz von Eigentum. Dazu gehört auch die Entscheidung, wie und an wen das Eigentum weitergegeben werden soll. Der Inhalt eines Testaments kann und wird in der Regel dann angefochten, wenn das Vermögen ungleich verteilt wird oder wenn es einem der Begünstigten gegenüber ungerecht erscheint. Daher ist es immer am besten, ein Testament so zu gestalten, dass es für alle Beteiligten fair erscheint, und zweitens ist es wichtig, eventuelle Einschränkungen für alle zu kommunizieren. Ein gutes Erwartungsmanagement hilft, Konflikte zu vermeiden. Das ist die erste Stufe.
> If it's your keys, it's your bitcoin. If it's not your keys, it's not your bitcoin! That's a lesson that we all learned during Gox, so...let's try not to have to be taught that lesson again. — Andreas Antonopolous, 14. April 2016
Die zweite Stufe ist ein wasserdichtes Setup der privaten Schlüssel. Not your keys, not your Bitcoin, ist in diesem Zusammenhang eine sehr wirkungsvolle Aussage. Anders als bei jedem anderen Vermögenswert auf der Welt kontrolliert derjenige, der die Schlüssel besitzt, die UTXOs. Ein Rechtsanspruch ist nicht möglich, da die Kryptographie einen deutlich höheren Stellenwert einnimmt als ein Rechtsanspruch. Es gibt den rechtlichen Anspruch auf Bitcoin (die Worte im Testament) und dann gibt es die praktische Anwendung des Eigentums oder der Verteilung dessen (die Kontrolle der Schlüssel). Bei anderen Vermögenswerten wie Grundbesitz (Immobilien), Anleihen, Aktien, Rohstoffen usw. besteht immer die Möglichkeit, Berufung einzulegen. Wenn also etwas nicht in Ordnung zu sein scheint, die Vermögenswerte nicht auffindbar sind oder es andere Streitigkeiten gibt, ist es jederzeit möglich, sich an die jeweilige Behörde zu wenden und Berufung einzulegen.Es ist jederzeit möglich, sich an eine offizielle Stelle oder ein Amt zu wenden und zu argumentieren, dass man einen Anspruch hat, um dann die Behörde dazu zu veranlassen, den Vermögenswert auf den eigenen Namen übertragen zu lassen.
Bei Bitcoin gibt es keine solche Behörde. Wenn eine/r der Begünstigten nicht über die privaten Schlüssel verfügt, die unmissverständlich Auskunft über den Besitz geben, stellt das für den/die Begünstigte/n ein großes Problem dar. Die korrekte Gestaltung der Eigentumsverteilung hat also einige schwerwiegende Konsequenzen. Ähnlich wie die Verantwortung und Rechenschaftspflicht, die mit dem Besitz von Bitcoin in Eigenverwahrung einhergeht (und dort eigentlich wirklich beginnt), fügt die Nachlassplanung dem Prozess des Todes und der anschließenden Übertragung von Vermögenswerten eine völlig neue Dimension hinzu.
Das Hauptproblem besteht also darin, wie der/die Eigentümer//in der bitcoins den vollständigen und einseitigen Zugriff behalten und gleichzeitig den Erben oder Begünstigten direkt oder einem Testamentsvollstrecker Zugriff gewähren kann, um das Vermögen an die Erben oder Begünstigten zu verteilen.
Der Kniff liegt darin, die volle Kontrolle zu behalten und gleichzeitig das Eigentum so zu gestalten, dass die Erben auch bei einem plötzlichen und unerwarteten Ereignis Zugriff haben, und das im besten Fall, ohne sich auf Dritte verlassen zu müssen, um dem Bitcoin Ethos gerecht zu werden. Dieses Ereignis muss nicht zwingend der Tod sein, es reicht schon, wenn man handlungsunfähig wird.
Denn oft wird vergessen, dass eine gute Nachlassregelung auch dann wichtig ist, wenn der Eigentümer nicht stirbt. Eine Person kann sich auch verletzen, sich den Kopf stoßen oder auf andere Weise die volle Kontrolle über ihre Fähigkeiten verlieren, was bedeutet, dass sie möglicherweise auch den Zugang (die Erinnerung) zu ihrem Vermögen, einschließlich ihrer bitcoins, verliert.
Bei Bitcoin gibt es keine einheitliche Lösung, sondern nur Kompromisse. Das gilt auch für so viele andere Dinge, wie zum Beispiel das Trilemma, bei dem Skalierbarkeit der Sicherheit und Dezentralisierung geopfert wird, oder die Selbstverwaltung, bei der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Komfort in gewissem Maße der Sicherheit und Privatsphäre geopfert werden.
Deshalb sollte man sich der Wahl der persönlichen Lösung über die Kompromisse Gedanken machen, die es einem erlauben, den Kompromiss zu wählen, der einem am besten gefällt, am besten zur persönlichen Situation passt und mit dem man sich am sichersten fühlt. Ich habe oben z.B. "Nichts tun" aufgeführt; vielleicht hat der ein oder andere Bitcoiner keine Familie, keine Kinder und keine Personen, die ihm/ihr nahe stehen, oder vielleicht doch, aber sie sind es nicht wert mit dem ersparten, wertvollen Bitcoin bedacht zu werden. In diesem Fall, danke für die Spende an das Netzwerk.
Sich mit Lösungen vertraut zu machen, die Kontrolle und Verantwortung in den Vordergrund stellen und die Abhängigkeit von einem einzigen Gerät oder einem einzigen Schlüssel, sowie die Abhängigkeit von einer einzelnen Person ausschließen, da diese potenzielle Angriffsvektoren und einzelne Fehlerquellen darstellen, bedeutet, dass man für sich selbst ein Bewusstsein schafft, wie Selbstverwahrung und die daraus entstehenden Konsequenzen im Allgemeinen funktionieren. Nutzer//innen fühlen sich bei der Selbstverwahrung ihrer bitcoins immer wohler, sobald sie verstehen, dass der Verlust eines einzelnen Schlüssels nicht sofort den Verlust des Zugriffs auf das gesicherte Vermögen bedeutet - sofern das richtige Setup gewählt wurde. Es ist wirklich wichtig, dass der Anteil derjenigen, die Bitcoin in Selbstverwahrung halten, vergrößert wird, denn es ist wichtig, dass jeder einzelne bitcoin – der nicht aktiv gehandelt wird – von den Börsen entfernt wird, und gleichzeitig Nutzer//innen mit der Materie der Selbstverwahrung vertraut werden.
Denn wie auf der Grafik zu sehen ist, liegen schätzungsweise immer noch über 2,3 Millionen bitcoins auf Börsen. Bei einer Menge von 19,4 Millionen Bitcoin im Umlauf, reduziert um die Anzahl verlorener bitcoins und Satoshis bitcoins (19,4 - 3 - 1,1 = 15,3), ist es mit 15% aller existierenden bitcoins ein immer noch zu hoher Prozentsatz. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass von den 2,3 Millionen bitcoins auf Börsen sich der Großteil auf Binance und Coinbase befindet, also die beiden Namen, die gerade im Kreuzfeuer der SEC stehen. Zum Glück gibt es einen Trend zum Rückgang des Anteils von auf Börsen gehaltenen bitcoins, gemessen an der Umlaufmenge, da Bitcoin dank persönlicher Verwahrungslösungen, welche im Laufe der Zeit immer gängiger und robuster werden, immer mehr auf seine eigentlichen Nutzer verteilt wird.
Das Abheben von Bitcoin von den Börsen hat nicht nur den zusätzlichen Vorteil, dass die Bitcoin-Bestände sicherer sind und die Nutzer//innen mehr Vertrauen haben, dass ihre Ersparnisse tatsächlich vorhanden sind und nicht weiter verpfändet wurden. Sondern ohne Bitcoin auf den Börsen und daher ohne Papier-Bitcoin ist auch eine echte Preisfindung wieder möglich, welche heute von den Börsen verzerrt wird.
Zurück zur Nachlassplanung: Letztendlich ist es am wichtigsten, dafür zu sorgen, dass die gewählte Methode dafür sorgt, dass die Schlüssel und die dazugehörigen bitcoins sicher und zuverlässig zu den Erben oder Begünstigten gelangen, ohne dabei zu viele Kompromisse einzugehen oder zu viele Angriffsvektoren zu schaffen.
Es gibt sogar komplizierte Modelle, in denen z.B. ein Trust gegründet (abhängig von der Gerichtsbarkeit, in der man sich befindet), bei der der Eigentümer einen gesetzlichen Auftrag erteilt, dass die Begünstigten oder Erben als Teil des Trusts ein Einkommen in Höhe eines bestimmten Prozentsatzes beziehen können. Dieses Verfahren könnte von den jeweiligen Gerichtsbarkeiten rechtlich angefochten werden, aber wenn das Setup kryptografisch eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird, ohne das eine Partei Einfluss auf diese Ausführung nehmen kann, kann man von Rechts wegen nichts dagegen tun, da kein Testamentsvollstrecker oder keine andere Partei gezwungen werden kann, den Auszahlungsmechanismus zu ändern, da dies mechanisch unmöglich ist. Denn wie wir wissen, übertrifft die Kryptographie jegliche rechtliche Ansprüche. Dies ist eine einzigartige Funktion von Bitcoin, die kein anderer Vermögenswert auf der Welt besitzt. Es ist ein sehr wirksames Instrument, um Eigentum und Besitz langfristig zu sichern und sicherzustellen, dass Eigentum innerhalb des Personenkreises (Freunde, Familie, Bekannte, Geschäftspartner) bleibt, bei dem es bleiben soll.
Über diese einzigartige Eigenschaft von Bitcoin wird in der Regel nicht viel gesprochen. Man könnte sogar argumentieren, dass der Tausch von anderem Eigentum in Bitcoin vor der Übergabe an Erben oder Begünstigte eine strategisch sinnvolle Option ist, um die korrekte Ausführung seines Testaments zu kontrollieren – auch aus dem Grab heraus.
Die Nachlassplanung bei Bitcoin ist die letzte Stufe der Evolution. Der erste Schritt besteht darin, sich über Bitcoin zu informieren und genug darüber zu verstehen, um Interesse an der Materie zu wecken. Dieser erste Schritt ist ein fortlaufender Prozess, der jeden Bitcoiner auf seiner Reise begleiten wird, da es unmöglich ist, jeden Aspekt und jede Interpretation des Themas vollständig zu verstehen. Man hört nie auf zu lernen. Der Honigdachsbau ist unendlich tief.
Dieser erste Schritt muss genug Interesse an Bitcoin und den umliegenden Themenfeldern wecken, dass man den zweiten Schritt geht: Bitcoin zu erwerben. Im diesem Sinne spielt es zunächst keine Rolle, wie man in den Besitz von Bitcoin gelangt, ob man Bitcoin kauft, durch Mining produziert, "findet" oder auf andere Weise erhält. Wichtig ist, dass man in den Besitz von Bitcoin gelangt und es nun aufbewahren muss.
Denn das ist Schritt drei, die sichere und solide Aufbewahrung der Bitcoin-Vermögenswerte in einer selbstverwalteten und selbstverwahrenden Art und Weise. Dazu gehören auch Setups, an denen bis zu einem gewissen Grad Dritte, wie z.B. andere bekannte Personen oder Verwahrungsdienste beteiligt sein können. Wichtig ist, dass die Schlüssel jederzeit vollständig zugänglich und damit Transaktionen vollständig ausführbar sind. Aus diesem Grund ist jede Speicheroption ausgeschlossen, bei der die Schlüssel ausschließlich von Dritten gehalten werden, wie z.B. von Börsen, Brokern oder anderen Verleih- oder Speicherplattformen – not your keys, not your Bitcoin!
Der letzte Schritt in diesem persönlichen Entwicklungsprozess ist die Zukunftssicherheit dieser Vermögenswerte. Da die bitcoins nun sicher aufbewahrt sind, muss sichergestellt werden, dass es einen Weg zur Wiederherstellung oder Vererbung gibt, falls etwas passiert. Dies ist einfach der logische Evolutionsprozess, den jeder durchlaufen muss, der Bitcoin langfristig besitzen möchte.
Besonders in einer Zeit, in der die SEC zwei der größten kRyPto-Börsen der Welt auf den Leib rückt, muss man sich der Realität bewusst werden, dass Dritte, selbst wenn sie scheinbar groß und etabliert sind, nicht für immer existieren werden. Bitcoiner fordern schon seit langem alle und jede/n dazu auf, ihre bitcoins von den Börsen zu nehmen. Jeder, der dachte, dass es eine gute Idee sei, Bitcoin kurzfristig an Börsen zu halten, wurde bereits mehrfach an diesen Trugschluss erinnert - Mt. Gox, Bitfinex und FTX - um nur die großen zu nennen. Wer denkt, dass es eine gute Idee sei, bitcoins auf Börsen zu lagern, um schließlich nur ein Stück Papier mit den Zugangsdaten an die Erben weiterzugeben, der begeht einen schrecklichen Fehler. Die bisherigen Ausführungen sollten dies klar gemacht haben.
Ich habe absichtlich keine Vorschläge gemacht, wie ein sicheres Setup aussehen soll. Wie schon gesagt, gibt es keine eine richtige Lösung - nur Kompromisse. Der persönliche Kompromiss hängt von zu vielen Faktoren ab, so dass man eine einheitliche Lösung anbieten kann. Man sollte sich jedoch die folgenden Punkte merken:
- Früh genug mit der Planung beginnen - hinter jeder Ecke lauert ein Bär!
- Das Einschließen von Dritten in die Nachlassplanung sollte mit Bedacht gewählt und gründlich überlegt sein.
- Das gewählte Setup sollte mindestens einmal getestet werden, bevor der schlimmste Fall eintritt.
- Es ist immer ratsam, die mit dem Nachlass bedachten Personen aufzuklären, dass im schlimmsten Fall etwas auf sie zukommt.
In diesem Sinne, 2... 1... Risiko!
@ d830ee7b:4e61cd62
2025-01-09 10:11:08
ผมจำได้ว่าหัวใจเต้นแรงแค่ไหนตอนเปิดประตูเข้าไปในสตูดิโอ **RightTalk** สิ่งแรกที่ปะทะตาคือแสงไฟเจาะลงมาเป็นวงใหญ่ ไม่ต่างจากเวทีคอนเสิร์ต
ผมรู้สึกได้ทันทีว่าความเย็นจากเครื่องปรับอากาศในห้องส่งไม่ได้ช่วยลดอุณหภูมิในร่างกายสักเท่าไหร่ ตอนนั้นผมพยายามบอกตัวเองให้ใจเย็น แต่มันยากเอาเรื่องเมื่อคิดว่ามีคนดูทางบ้านอีกมากรอติดตาม
**คุณซุป** พิธีกรของรายการ เดินมาทักผมด้วยรอยยิ้มที่ทำให้ผมค่อย ๆ ตั้งสติได้ เขาเชื้อเชิญให้นั่งลงบนเก้าอี้ที่จัดไว้ตรงกลางฉาก
แถวหลังมีทีมงานเดินขวักไขว่ จิงโจ้, อาร์ม, เทนโด้ และอีกหลายๆ คนที่คุ้นตากันดี
บรรยากาศออกกึ่งกันเองกึ่งเป็นทางการ ผมไม่ได้อธิบายอะไรมาก ก่อนที่เสียงผู้กำกับจะให้สัญญาณเริ่ม
คุณซุปหย่อนคำถามเล็ก ๆ ให้ผม “พร้อมนะครับ?” ผมพยักหน้านิด ๆ คิดในใจว่ามันคงไม่มีคำว่า “พร้อมจริง” ได้หรอก แต่ยังไงก็ต้องไปต่อ...
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“คุยทุกเรื่องที่ใช่กับ RightTalk”
นั่นคือประโยคแรกที่ผมได้ยินในหูฟัง ขณะไฟสปอร์ตไลต์สาดสว่างทั่วเวทีอีกครั้ง คุณซุปเอ่ยแนะนำตัวผมว่าเป็นคนที่ผ่านประสบการณ์ **สงคราม Blocksize** มาตั้งแต่ยุคเปลี่ยนผ่าน และพ่วงด้วยข่าวว่าตอนนี้ราคา Bitcoin ทะลุหลักแสนดอลลาร์แล้ว
ผมยืดหลังเพื่อกลั้นความตื่นเต้น แต่ก็ไม่วายตัวเกร็งเล็กน้อย เขาหันมาทางผมพลางกล่าวอย่างเป็นกันเอง
“**_คุณแชมป์ PIGROCK_** สบายดีไหมครับ?"
ผมเผลอกัดริมฝีปากเพราะความประหม่าหลุดขึ้นมาเล็กน้อย แต่ผมยังคุมโทนได้ จึงตอบไปว่า
"ผมชื่อแชมป์ครับ.. เป็นแค่นักวาดดิจิทัลธรรมดา ๆ ที่จู่ ๆ ก็ได้อยู่ข้าง ๆ Jakk Goodday พี่ชายจอมยิงใยผู้เปลี่ยนชีวิตผม ถ้าไม่ใช่เพราะเขา ผมคงไม่รู้จักคำว่า UASF หรือ SegWit ขนาดนี้"
ผมเห็นคุณซุปยิ้มมากขึ้น แล้วก็พยักเพยิดให้ผมพูดต่อ “ว่ากันว่าตอนนั้น Bitcoin มีแนวโน้มแตกออกเป็นหลายสาย เล่าหน่อยสิครับ ว่าพี่อยู่ในจุดไหน?”
ผมถือไมโครโฟนแน่นขึ้นตอบตามจริงว่า จุดเริ่มต้นมาจากความขัดแย้งว่า Blocksize ควรจะใหญ่ขึ้นหรือไม่ จนกลายเป็นสงครามขนาดย่อมบนฟอรัม Bitcointalk และโซเชียลมีเดียต่าง ๆ
ซึ่งผมเป็นคนที่ไม่เชี่ยวชาญเทคโนโลยีเลย แต่โชคดีตรงที่เจอ Jakk คอยเปิดแผนที่ให้เห็นภาพรวมว่าใครอยู่ฝ่ายไหน
ผมยังเล่าให้ผู้ชมฟังว่า... ครั้งแรกที่ได้ยินคำว่า **UASF** ก็ยอมรับว่างงอยู่เหมือนกัน แต่มันก็เป็นจุดที่ทำให้ผมเข้าใจว่า Bitcoin ไม่ได้มีเจ้าของเป็นตัวบุคคล
แถมยังเป็นครั้งแรกที่ผมเห็นประชาชนโหนดรายย่อยจะมาคุมเกมสั่งนักขุด _“ถ้าไม่รองรับ SegWit ก็ไม่รับบล็อกกันเลย”_ ซึ่งเป็นเรื่องที่ผมเองก็ไม่เคยคาดคิดว่าจะเกิดขึ้นได้
ซุปหันไปมองกล้องด้วยสีหน้าน่าสนใจ พร้อมสรุปสั้น ๆ ก่อนพักเบรกว่า “โอเค.. งั้นตอนหน้ามาคุยกันเรื่อง UASF และ SegWit กันชัด ๆ ว่ามันเปลี่ยนแปลงชุมชน Bitcoin ได้ขนาดไหน ห้ามพลาดนะครับ!”
ผมก็ยิ้มรับแล้ววางไมค์ คิดในใจว่ายังมีอีกเยอะที่ผมอยากเล่า—ทั้งความวุ่นวายของปี 2017 และเรื่องราวของ Jakk ที่เป็นแหล่งข้อมูลล้ำค่าในชีวิตผม
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/df088f6a89166a816e689e16867245a7893793831f83b534a012824f7aeae3e2.jpg)
ผมกลับเข้ามานั่งบนเก้าอี้ในสตูดิโอ RightTalk อีกครั้งหลังพักเบรกสั้น ๆ พิธีกรซุปมองสบตาผมราวกับบอกเป็นนัยว่า.. ตอนนี้ได้เวลาเล่าช่วงสำคัญที่ทุกคนรอคอย
ผมสูดลมหายใจเบา ๆ แล้วพยักหน้าอย่างมั่นใจ ถึงจะไม่ใช่นักเทคนิคโดยกำเนิด แต่ผมก็พร้อมจะบอกสิ่งที่ประสบมาในช่วงปี 2017 ซึ่งในตอนนั้น แค่ได้ยินคำว่า UASF ครั้งแรกผมยังสับสนแทบแย่ว่ามันคืออะไร
“พี่ว่า UASF เหมือนการปฏิวัติครับ”
“ตอนนั้นกลุ่มโหนดรายย่อยลุกขึ้นมาประกาศชัด ๆ ว่า ถ้านักขุดไม่สนับสนุน SegWit พวกเขาจะไม่รับบล็อกเหล่านั้นอีกต่อไป เป็นภาพที่พี่ไม่เคยคาดคิดมาก่อนว่า... **เสียงของคนตัวเล็ก ๆ** จะดังได้ขนาดนี้ เหมือนชาวบ้านรวมตัวท้าทายอำนาจจักรวรรดิไม่มีผิด”
ผมหันไปเห็นประกายตาในคุณซุป เขาขยับไมโครโฟนเล็กน้อย
“แบบนี้ก็ต้องมีเรื่องขัดแย้งกับพวก Hashrate ใหญ่ใช่ไหมครับ ผมได้ยินชื่อ Bitmain กับ Roger Ver โผล่มาบ่อยมากตอนนั้น”
ผมพยักหน้าแล้วหัวเราะน้อย ๆ “ใช่ครับ พวก Big Block มองว่าต้องขยาย Blocksize สายตรงไปเลย จะได้จุธุรกรรมได้เยอะ ค่าธรรมเนียมไม่โหด"
"ส่วนอีกฝั่งยืนยันว่าควรใช้ SegWit มาช่วยแทนโดยไม่ต้องขยายบล็อกจริง ๆ ประเด็นนี้ใหญ่พอจะทำให้เกิดการแตกสายกลายเป็น **_Bitcoin Cash_** ในวันที่ **1 สิงหาคม 2017** นั่นแหละครับ”
ช่วงนั้น Jakk บอกไว้อย่างชัดถ้อยชัดคำว่า _“พวกเขาคงแยกตัวได้ แต่อย่าหวังว่าจะมาแทน BTC หรืออะไรใหญ่โตนัก รอดูไปเถอะ เดี๋ยวก็เห็นเอง”_
มันฟังดูเหมือนคำทำนายที่ห้าวหาญ แต่สุดท้ายก็เป็นจริง ที่ผมตื่นเต้นยิ่งกว่านั้นคือ SegWit เองก็ไม่ใช่แค่จัดการปัญหา Transaction Malleability หากยังเปิดทางให้เทคโนโลยีในอนาคตอย่าง Lightning Network เกิดขึ้นมาได้อีก
ตอนแรกหลายคนเรียกกันว่าเป็นแค่ **_‘ไอเดียบนกระดาษ’_**
แต่ตอนนี้ (ปี 2025) กลับกลายเป็นเลเยอร์สำคัญที่ทำให้ผมโอนเงินข้ามประเทศได้แทบจะฟรีในเสี้ยววินาทีจริง ๆ
“พี่เองยังคิดไม่ถึงว่ามันจะสำเร็จขั้นนั้น” ผมหัวเราะก่อนบอกต่อ
“ตอนแรกที่ SegWit เปิดใช้งาน คนจำนวนหนึ่งยังสงสัยด้วยซ้ำว่ามันจะแก้ปัญหาได้ไหม แต่พอมี UASF โหนดรายย่อยก็กดดันนักขุดจนต้องยอม มันเป็นความเคลื่อนไหวที่แสดงให้เห็นว่าคนมีอำนาจโหวตแบบไร้ศูนย์กลางมากจริง ๆ”
“แล้วเรื่องราคา Bitcoin ในปีนั้นล่ะครับ?” ซุปจับจังหวะได้ดี
“2017 ถือเป็นปีที่ราคา BTC แตะสองหมื่นดอลลาร์ครั้งแรกเลยใช่ไหม แล้วตอนนี้ทะลุแสนไปแล้ว มันเกิดอะไรขึ้นกันแน่?”
ผมยกไหล่แล้วยิ้ม “ตอนนั้นพี่ก็ตื่นเต้นสุด ๆ ครับ เหมือนรถไฟเหาะกันทั้งตลาด แต่ใครจะคิดว่ามันจะไปได้สูงกว่านั้นอีกหลายเท่าตัว บางคนก็ปรามาสว่าเป็น _‘ฟองสบู่แตกแน่ ๆ’_ ส่วนคนเชื่อก็เชื่อสุดใจ"
"ไม่ต่างจากประเด็นว่า BCH จะแทน BTC ได้ไหม ซึ่งเอาเข้าจริงแล้ว ทุกวันนี้ BCH ก็ยังอยู่ แต่ไม่ค่อยมีใครพูดถึงหรือเชียร์แรง ๆ เหมือนในอดีต หลังเวลาผ่านไป ตลาดเลยเหมือนตัดสินว่า BTC ยังเป็นตัวหลักมากกว่า”
“พี่รู้สึกอย่างไรกับคำทำนายของ Jakk ที่ว่า BCH ไม่น่ารอดยาว?” ซุปถามแทรก มุมปากมีรอยยิ้มเจ้าเล่ห์นิด ๆ เหมือนอยากได้คำตอบที่สะใจ
ผมยิ้มพลางนึกหน้าตายของ Jakk “แกเป็นคนที่มองเกมเชิงเทคนิคและปรัชญาของ Bitcoin ได้คมมากนะครับ แกจะบอกเสมอว่า **‘ไม่มีใครเป็นเจ้าของ Bitcoin แท้จริงหรอก ตราบใดที่ชุมชนทั้งหมดไม่ยอมรับ ก็จบ’** "
"จนถึงตอนนี้ พี่ยังรู้สึกทึ่งว่าทำไมแกถึงทำนายถูกหลายเรื่อง”
ผมเห็นเวลาในหูฟังบอกใกล้หมดช่วงแล้ว จึงตบท้ายว่าเหตุการณ์ครั้งนั้นมันสอนให้ผมรู้เรื่องประชาธิปไตยในระบบไร้ศูนย์กลาง
ทุกฝ่าย—_ไม่ว่าจะนักขุด โหนด หรือผู้ใช้_—ต่างมีสิทธิ์ Fork ได้ แต่ไม่มีใครการันตีว่า Fork นั้นจะไปรอด
ท้ายที่สุด **ตลาดต้องเป็นผู้ตัดสินเอง** และนั่นคือเสน่ห์ของ Bitcoin ที่ผมรู้สึกโชคดีที่ได้เข้าไปเห็นด้วยตาตัวเอง
ซุปพยักหน้าแล้วยิ้มกว้าง หันไปมองกล้อง “โอเคครับ คุณผู้ชม วันนี้เราคุยกันเรื่อง UASF, SegWit, BCH, Lightning Network และความผันผวนของตลาดในปี 2017 ที่ต่อยอดมาถึง 2024 แบบพอหอมปากหอมคอ"
"ต้องขอบพี่แชมป์ ‘PIGROCK’ ที่มาให้มุมมองสนุก ๆ พร้อมแง่คิดที่น่าสนใจมาก ๆ ไว้เจอกันใหม่ใน RightTalk กับผมและแขกรับเชิญท่านอื่น ๆ ไม่นานนี้”
เสียงปรบมือดังขึ้นเบา ๆ ขณะที่ไฟบนเวทีค่อย ๆ หรี่ลงอีกครั้ง
ผมปลดไมค์ออกจากเสื้อ สูดลมหายใจโล่ง ๆ พร้อมกล่าวขอบคุณทุกคน แล้วคิดถึงคำพูดของ Jakk ในวันวานที่ฝังอยู่ในหัว
> “สงคราม Blocksize แค่งานวอร์มอัพ โลกคริปโตฯ ยังมีอะไรให้ลุ้นอีกเยอะนะน้องชาย”
ผมยิ้มเงียบ ๆ คิดว่ามันคงจริงอย่างที่แกว่า เพราะถ้า Bitcoin ไม่ใช่ของใครคนเดียว เราก็คงเห็นการเคลื่อนไหวอะไรใหม่ ๆ เกิดขึ้นเสมอ
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/2146bc8ec1c7796b07d61ea199f1632039cb29f0dc996c5b370b4b4846fd235c.jpg)
ซุปทำท่าเกริ่นรอบสุดท้าย สบตากับผมแล้วถามขึ้นด้วยน้ำเสียงเรียบ ๆ แต่ชวนให้ผมรื้อฟื้นความทรงจำทั้งหมดที่เพิ่งเล่ามา
“แล้วพี่คิดว่า... สิ่งที่ Bitcoin Cash กับ SegWit สอนเราเกี่ยวกับ Bitcoin คืออะไรครับ?”
ผมยิ้มบาง ๆ สูดหายใจแล้วลองเรียบเรียงคำตอบในหัว ผมคิดถึงภาพที่ผ่านมา... ทั้งช่วงที่โหนดรายย่อยลุกขึ้นเรียกร้องสิทธิ์ UASF ทั้งวันที่ BCH แยกตัวอย่างอลังการ ตลอดจนเวลาที่ SegWit เปิดทางให้เทคโนโลยีใหม่ ๆ เกิดขึ้น
“สำหรับพี่นะ... สงคราม Blocksize หรือจะเรียกว่าการแตกแยกครั้งนั้น มันสอนให้เห็นว่าระบบนี้ไม่เคยเป็นของใครคนเดียวเลยนะครับ"
"นี่แหละคือ **การกระจายอำนาจ** อย่างแท้จริง ใครจะฟอร์ก ใครจะทำอะไรก็ได้ แต่สุดท้ายตลาดและชุมชนทั้งหมดนี่ล่ะที่เป็นคนตัดสินว่าเส้นทางไหนจะอยู่หรือไป"
"เรื่องนี้ทำให้พี่ตระหนักว่าบางที... การขัดแย้งก็พาให้เทคโนโลยีมันพัฒนาไปอีกขั้นเหมือนกัน ตราบใดที่เราไม่ลืมสารตั้งต้นว่ามันคือ **ระบบเปิดที่ทุกคนเข้าถึงได้** ”
ซุปนิ่งฟังแล้วผงกศีรษะเบา ๆ เหมือนยอมรับในประเด็นที่ผมว่า เขาหันไปทางกล้องและปิดรายการด้วยสไตล์ที่คนดูคุ้นเคย
“วันนี้เราคุยกันหลายแง่มุมเลยนะครับ ตั้งแต่ UASF กับปัญหาความขัดแย้ง ไปจนถึงผลลัพธ์ของ SegWit, BCH และ Lightning Network"
"ต้องขอบคุณพี่แชมป์ ‘PIGROCK’ มาก ๆ ที่มาแบ่งปันประสบการณ์อันเป็นประโยชน์ หวังว่าทุกคนจะได้ไอเดียกลับไปไม่มากก็น้อยนะครับ และนี่คือ RightTalk คุยทุกเรื่องที่ใช่ เจอกันตอนหน้าครับ!”
เสียงดนตรีประจำรายการดังขึ้นอัตโนมัติ เป็นสัญญาณว่าการถ่ายทอดสดสิ้นสุดลง
ผมถอนหายใจเฮือกใหญ่โล่งอกอย่างไม่ปิดบัง ทีมงานบางคนเดินเข้ามาขอบคุณพร้อมจับมือเบา ๆ ผมรู้สึกเหมือนเพิ่งยกภูเขาออกจากอกที่ได้ถ่ายทอดสิ่งที่เคยแบกไว้มานาน
ไม่ใช่แค่เรื่องเทคนิคบล็อกเชน แต่เป็นการขบคิดด้วยว่า ในโลกที่ทุกคนเรียกหาเสรีภาพทางการเงิน ไม่มีชัยชนะของใครที่จีรังได้นาน ถ้าผู้ใช้ทั้งหมดไม่ยอมรับ
ผมเผลอมองขึ้นไปบนไฟสปอร์ตไลต์อีกครั้ง คราวนี้ไม่ได้รู้สึกว่ามันจ้าจนแสบตาเหมือนช่วงเริ่มรายการ แต่กลับรู้สึกว่ามันอบอุ่นดี
ผมยิ้มให้ตัวเองเล็กน้อย ทบทวนว่านี่คงเป็นบทเรียนที่ดีว่าถึงเราจะเป็นเพียงโหนดเล็ก ๆ หรือผู้ใช้งานตัวเล็ก ๆ แต่ในระบบกระจายอำนาจแบบ Bitcoin มันก็มีสิทธิ์เปล่งเสียงได้
และบางครั้งก็อาจเปลี่ยนกระแสทั้งโลกได้เลย ถ้านั่นไม่ใช่คำจำกัดความของ **“เสรีภาพ”** ผมก็ไม่รู้จะเรียกมันว่าอะไรแล้วล่ะ
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/ba7004c073b1ac9565b9d72ac0b4e5caac9fa918ebe8b69aa6f89961c8170343.jpg)
## End credit
ผมนั่งพักหลังกองอัดรายการแทบไม่ได้หายใจเป็นชิ้นเป็นอัน พิธีกรสุดกระตือรือร้นอย่างซุป เดินดุ่ม ๆ มาหาผมพร้อมแววตาวิ้งวับ ก่อนจะรั้งเก้าอี้มาเบียดติดข้างผม
ถึงแม้ไฟสปอตไลต์จะดับไปแล้ว แต่เขายังดูเหมือนพร้อมลุยถามต่อไม่หยุด
“พี่แชมป์” เขาเอ่ยชื่อผมแบบลากเสียงยาว
“คอผมมันคันยุบยิบ มีเรื่องต้องเม้าท์ต่อจริง ๆ นะพี่ ผมกั๊กไว้ตั้งแต่ก่อนจะเริ่มรายการละ”
ผมเลยหัวเราะพลางเท้าคาง “ไหนว่ามาสิวะ ซุป ใจคอนายจะไม่ให้พี่ไปเข้าห้องน้ำเข้าห้องท่าก่อนเลยเหรอวะ?” ผมพูดด้วยน้ำเสียงกึ่งหยอกกึ่งประชด
“ฮ่า ๆ โทษทีพี่ ผมนี่มันขี้สงสัย” เขายิ้มเจ้าเล่ห์
“คือเรื่อง **‘The One Who Claims to Be Satoshi’** น่ะ… ก็ **Craig Wright** ไงล่ะพี่ ผมสตั๊นกับเขามานาน เห็นว่าฟ้องชาวบ้านเขาไปทั่ว เห็นมีข่าวว่าขู่ฟ้องใครก็ตามที่พูดว่าเขาไม่ใช่ Satoshi ผมล่ะขำไม่ไหว!”
ผมยักไหล่ “เอาตรง ๆ นะ... พี่มองว่าเขาเป็น _ราชาสายปั่นของแท้_ รู้จักดึงกระแสเก่งเป็นบ้า ส่วนจะเป็น Satoshi จริงหรือเปล่า? พี่ไม่เชื่อเลยสักเสี้ยว ยังไงพี่ก็ว่ามันดู ‘_เฟค_’ ไปหมด”
ซุปตบโต๊ะเบา ๆ “โอ๊ย! ใช่เลยพี่! ผมก็ดูละครฉาก **‘พิสูจน์ Private Key’** แล้วแทบขำกลิ้ง"
"แต่พี่รู้ไหม? ตอนแรกดราม่าก็แรงเพราะหลายคนคิดว่าบางทีแกอาจจะเป็นจริง ๆ แต่หลักฐานไม่ชัด สุดท้ายคนในชุมชน _‘กระซวก’_ จนหลุดหมดว่าใช้เทคนิคปลอมลายเซ็น”
ผมพยักหน้า “ยิ่งไปกว่านั้นนะ... ตอนเขาแยกสายไป **Bitcoin SV** อ้างว่าสานต่อ **‘Satoshi’s Vision’** นายลองดูตอนนี้สิ มีกี่คนพูดถึง BSV... "
"แทบไม่มี... มันก็ตลกดีนะ โลกคริปโตนี่ ถ้าไม่มีคนยอมรับ ต่อให้เป็น Satoshi ยังไงก็แพ้ตลาด”
“โอ้โห.. พี่พูดได้ถูกใจมาก” คุณซุปแหงนหน้าหัวเราะลั่น “นี่ถ้าพี่คนนี้อยู่ต่อหน้าคงเถียงเขาร้อนเป็นไฟเลยนะ แต่เอาจริง ถ้าอยู่ดี ๆ เขาพิสูจน์ได้ว่าเป็น Satoshi ขึ้นมาจริง ๆ พี่ไม่ช็อกเหรอ?”
ผมยิ้มพลางยักคิ้ว “ช็อกนิดหน่อยนะ… แต่มันคงไม่เปลี่ยนอะไรหรอก เพราะ Bitcoin น่ะไปไกลเกินกว่าตัวบุคคลแล้ว ใครจะเป็น Satoshi ก็เรื่องของเขา พี่ถือคติว่า **BTC ไม่ต้องการ ‘เจ้านาย’** อีกแล้ว ตอนนี้มันเป็นของทุกคนบนโลกต่างหาก”
**"We're all Satoshi เคป่ะ?"**
“สุดยอด!” ซุปตบมือถูกใจใหญ่
“ผมก็คิดเหมือนกัน ผมแอบยกให้พี่เป็นปรมาจารย์ทางความคิดเรื่องนี้เลยนะเนี่ย”
"มึงก็อวยเกินไป.. ไอ้นี่" ผมรีบปัดคำชมบ้า ๆ นั่นไปทันที
พูดจบเขาก็กำลังจะบอกอะไรต่อ แต่ทันใดนั้นประตูสตูดิโอเปิดออกแผ่ว ๆ เผยให้เห็นผู้ชายรูปร่างสูงโปร่ง คิ้วไม่เข้มเท่าไหร่ แต่งตัวไม่เป็นทางการสีเข้ม ก้าวเข้ามาแบบไม่รีบร้อน
“ตายล่ะพี่แจ็ก!” คุณซุปอุทานเบา ๆ ก่อนสะดุ้งตั้งท่าเหมือนเจอลูกพี่ใหญ่ ผมเองก็ตาโตนิดหน่อย “โผล่มาเงียบ ๆ ระวังผมช็อกตายนะ”
คนที่เข้ามาคือ Jakk Goodday ที่ผมเคารพและเกรงใจมาตลอด.. และใช่เลย เขาคือ Co-founder ของ Right Shift ตัวจริง เสียงจริง
“โย่ สองหนุ่มเม้าท์อะไรกันอยู่ กลิ่นดราม่าลอยมาถึงนอกห้องเลยนะ” เขายิ้มยั่ว พร้อมวางแก้วคราฟท์เบียร์ของเขาบนโต๊ะใกล้ ๆ
“พี่แจ็ก ขอโทษครับ ผมก็แค่คันปากเรื่อง Craig Wright” ซุปรีบบอก พยายามวางมาดพิธีกรสายยียวนเหมือนเดิม แต่ผมเห็นหลังตาเขายังกระพริบบ่อยแปลก ๆ
“ซุปเอ๊ย.. ขี้เม้าท์ตั้งแต่สมัยฝึกงานจนตอนนี้เป็นพิธีกรระดับประเทศก็ไม่เปลี่ยน” Jakk ยักคิ้ว เขามีเสียงเรียบแต่น่าฟัง
“แต่ดีนะ... เรื่อง Craig Wright"
"เนี่ย... พี่เองก็ขำทุกทีที่ได้ยินว่าพยายามฟ้องคนนู้นคนนี้ว่า _‘เธอดูถูกว่าฉันไม่ใช่ Satoshi_’ โอ๊ย มุกนี้แม่งใช้มากี่ปีแล้วก็ไม่รู้”
ผมหัวเราะออกมาเบา ๆ “ถ้าพี่ว่าแล้วมันไม่หยาบไป ก็ช่วยกัดเพิ่มให้หน่อย ผมว่าต้องมีคำเจ็บ ๆ ของพี่แจ็กแน่ ๆ”
Jakk หรี่ตาเล็กน้อย...
“ถ้าผมพูดแบบเจ็บ ๆ จริงก็เกรงจะโดนฟ้องเหมือนกันนะ” เขาทำท่ายกแก้วเก๊กฮวยลึกลับขึ้นจิบ
“แต่เอาเป็นว่า… ตลาดไม่เคยโกหกใคร โค้ดก็ไม่เคยโกหกใคร ใครที่เรียกตนเองเป็น Satoshi หรือพระเจ้าคนไหนก็ตาม ถ้าทำให้คนยอมรับไม่ได้ มันก็จบตรงนั้นละ”
ซุปหัวเราะก้าก “ว้าว! ตรงกว่าผมอีก! 5555"
"นี่เป็นเหตุผลว่าทำไมพี่ถึงเป็นหัวโจกได้ใช่ไหม สายบวกแบบตอกหมุดเลย”
Jakk หันมาทางผม “แต่เอาจริง พี่ก็ respect ในความปากแจ๋วของคุณซุปเค้านะ ถ้าเจอ Craig Wright ตัวเป็น ๆ เมื่อไหร่ บางทีอาจจะสนุกกว่าที่คิด”
ผมกับคุณซุปหันมาสบตากันแล้วระเบิดหัวเราะพร้อมเพรียง “ไม่เอา ไม่เจอดีกว่า ผมขอความสงบสุขในชีวิต!” คุณซุปว่า
Jakk วางแก้วเก๊กฮวยลงบนโต๊ะ กระตุกยิ้มตรงมุมปากอย่างคนมั่นใจ “ขอจบด้วยโควทหนึ่งละกัน ใครอยากเป็น Satoshi ก็เชิญเป็น แต่จำไว้ว่า…"
**"ผู้ชนะที่แท้จริง ไม่ได้ชนะเพราะได้สวมมงกุฎ หากแต่ชนะเพราะผู้คนยอมรับให้เขาสวม และ Bitcoin ก็แสดงให้เราเห็นแล้วล่ะ ว่าตัวตนแท้ ๆ ของมันไม่ต้องพึ่งใครมาคุมบังเหียนสักคนเดียว”**
ผมกับคุณซุปนิ่งไปครู่สั้น ๆ ก่อนหัวเราะเบา ๆ รับคำพูดคมคายเสียดสีในแบบของ Jakk Goodday “โอเคครับพี่แจ็ก นี่สินะ Signature Quote ที่เราคอยตามหา!” คุณซุปพูดตบท้าย ท่ามกลางเสียงเก็บอุปกรณ์ของทีมงานที่ใกล้จะเลิกงานเต็มที
ผมเองยักไหล่แล้วลุกขึ้นบิดขี้เกียจ “เอ้า! ปิดสตูแล้วดีกว่า เดี๋ยวเราจะโดนปิดไฟตัดน้ำไม่รู้ตัวนะครับพี่แจ๊ก”
“เออ ๆ รีบปิดสตูเถอะ” Jakk ตอบเรียบ ๆ แต่สายตายังฉายแววเจ้าเล่ห์หน่อย ๆ
“ไว้เจอกันรอบหน้า อย่าเผลอไปปั่นจนโดนฟ้องกันเองล่ะ ฮ่า ๆ”
และนั่นก็เป็นฉากสั้น ๆ ที่สามเราปิดท้ายกันแบบเฮฮาและมีสาระนิด ๆ ทิ้งประเด็นว่าบางครั้งในโลกคริปโต คำพูดของใครสักคนอาจสั่นสะเทือนได้
แต่ตอนจบจริง ๆ ก็ต้องดูว่าชุมชนยอมรับมากน้อยแค่ไหน… Craig Wright จะอ้างตัวเป็น Satoshi กี่ครั้งก็ได้ แต่ถ้าโลกไม่เชื่อ...
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/36c26bb98883a69559bebf41883e900bb6f4449400fe7d79f16a7ac7ff3125a9.jpg)
## ลำดับเหตุการณ์สงคราม Blocksize (Blocksize War)
### จุดเริ่มต้นของความขัดแย้ง (2015–2016)
ปัญหาความแออัดของเครือข่าย Bitcoin:
- การเพิ่มขึ้นของธุรกรรมทำให้บล็อกขนาด 1 MB ไม่เพียงพอ ส่งผลให้ค่าธรรมเนียมสูงและการยืนยันธุรกรรมล่าช้า
ชุมชนเริ่มแบ่งเป็น 2 กลุ่ม:
- Big Block (ขยายบล็อกใหญ่ขึ้น): ต้องการเพิ่ม Blocksize ตรง ๆ เช่น 2 MB หรือมากกว่านั้น
- Small Block (คงขนาดบล็อกเดิม): เน้นการแก้ปัญหาผ่านวิธีอื่น เช่น Segregated Witness (SegWit)
### การพัฒนาของ SegWit (2016)
Segregated Witness (SegWit):
- เสนอโดย Pieter Wuille และทีม Bitcoin Core
- แก้ปัญหา Transaction Malleability และเพิ่มพื้นที่ธุรกรรมในบล็อกโดยย้ายข้อมูลลายเซ็นออกจากธุรกรรมหลัก
Hong Kong Agreement (2016):
- ความพยายามประนีประนอมระหว่างกลุ่ม Big Block และ Small Block
- ตกลงว่าจะเพิ่ม Blocksize เป็น 2 MB และเปิดใช้งาน SegWit แต่ไม่สำเร็จจริง
### UASF และ SegWit Activation (2017)
UASF (User-Activated Soft Fork):
- เสียงของโหนดรายย่อยลุกขึ้นกดดันนักขุดให้รองรับ SegWit ผ่าน BIP 148
- เส้นตาย: 1 สิงหาคม 2017 ถ้านักขุดไม่รองรับ SegWit โหนด UASF จะไม่ยอมรับบล็อกของนักขุดเหล่านั้น
SegWit Activation:
- นักขุดยอมรับ SegWit เพื่อหลีกเลี่ยงการแยกเครือข่าย
- SegWit เปิดใช้งานสำเร็จในวันที่ 24 สิงหาคม 2017
### การเกิด Bitcoin Cash (1 สิงหาคม 2017)
Hard Fork ครั้งใหญ่:
- กลุ่ม Big Block นำโดย Roger Ver และ Jihan Wu สร้าง Bitcoin Cash (BCH)
- BCH เปิดตัวด้วย Blocksize ขนาด 8 MB และโปรโมตว่าเป็น “เงินสดดิจิทัลที่แท้จริง”
- ชุมชน Bitcoin แตกเป็น 2 ฝ่ายชัดเจน
- BCH ได้รับความนิยมในช่วงแรก แต่ไม่สามารถแทนที่ BTC ได้ในระยะยาว
### การพัฒนาของ Lightning Network (2017–2018)
Layer 2 Solution:
- Lightning Network (LN) เป็นเทคโนโลยีที่พัฒนาต่อเนื่องหลัง SegWit เปิดใช้งาน
- ลดความแออัดในเครือข่ายหลักและทำให้การทำธุรกรรมเร็วขึ้น
- LN เริ่มทดสอบใน Testnet และเปิดตัวอย่างเป็นทางการในปี 2018
### ราคา Bitcoin พุ่งสูงสุด (ปลายปี 2017)
- Bitcoin แตะ $20,000 ครั้งแรก:
- ช่วงปลายปี 2017 ตลาดคริปโตเข้าสู่ช่วงเฟื่องฟู (Crypto Boom)
- BCH ก็พุ่งสูงสุดที่มากกว่า $3,000 แต่เริ่มลดลงในปีถัดมา
### ความแตกแยกใน Bitcoin Cash (2018)
Hard Fork อีกครั้ง:
- เกิดความขัดแย้งในชุมชน BCH เรื่องแนวทางการพัฒนา
- นำไปสู่การแยกตัวเป็น Bitcoin SV (BSV) นำโดย Craig Wright
- BCH และ BSV สูญเสียส่วนแบ่งตลาด
- BTC ยังคงเป็นผู้นำในตลาดคริปโต
### การยอมรับ SegWit และการเปลี่ยนแปลงตลาด (2018–ปัจจุบัน)
SegWit Adoption:
- เมื่อผู้ใช้งานเริ่มใช้ SegWit มากขึ้น ค่าธรรมเนียมธุรกรรมลดลง และความแออัดในเครือข่ายลดลง
- Bitcoin กลายเป็น Store of Value:
- BTC ถูกมองว่าเป็น “สินทรัพย์เก็บออม” มากกว่า “เงินสดดิจิทัล”
BCH และ BSV:
- ตลาดของทั้งสองสายลดลง และไม่สามารถทดแทน BTC ได้
@ cf7ed325:050194cf
2025-01-09 09:59:30
[]()The [Sonesta Moon Goddess Nile Cruise](https://www.etbtoursegypt.com/tour/Sonesta-Moon-Goddess-Nile-cruise) and Oberoi Philae Nile Cruise offer luxurious experiences along the Nile, combining comfort, elegance, and cultural exploration. These cruises are ideal for travelers seeking a premium journey between Luxor and Aswan, filled with historical wonders and stunning landscapes.
The Sonesta Moon Goddess Nile Cruise features spacious cabins with private balconies, gourmet dining, and personalized service. Guests can explore iconic sites such as the Karnak Temple, Valley of the Kings, and Philae Temple while enjoying the ship's modern amenities. Similarly, the [Oberoi Philae Nile Cruise](https://www.etbtoursegypt.com/tour/oberoi-nile-cruise-philae) provides an intimate setting with luxury suites, fine dining, and a wellness center, ensuring a tranquil and exclusive experience.
Both cruises are part of a broader collection of Nile cruises that cater to diverse preferences. For those seeking alternatives, the [Movenpick Darakum Nile Cruise](https://www.etbtoursegypt.com/tour/Movenpick-Darakum-Nile-Cruise), [Nile CruiseFarah](https://www.etbtoursegypt.com/tour/MS-Farah-Nile-Cruise) , and [Movenpick Sunray Nile Cruise](https://www.etbtoursegypt.com/tour/Movenpick-Sunray-Nile-Cruise) provide exceptional options with distinctive features and world-class service. Travelers can also explore the elegance of the Oberoi Zahra Nile Cruise, known for its unparalleled luxury and curated itineraries.
The [Sonesta Sun Goddess Nile Cruise](https://www.etbtoursegypt.com/tour/sonesta-sun-goddess-nile-cruise), [Sonesta Star Goddess Nile Cruise](https://www.etbtoursegypt.com/tour/Sonesta-Star-Goddess-Nile-Cruise), [Sonesta Nile Goddess Nile Cruise](https://www.etbtoursegypt.com/tour/Sonesta-Nile-Goddess-Cruise-tours), and [Sonesta St. George Nile Cruise](https://www.etbtoursegypt.com/tour/Sonesta-St-George-Nile-Cruise) are additional premium choices, each offering unique amenities and captivating itineraries. Meanwhile, the Historia Nile Cruise and Steigenberger Minerva Nile Cruise combine tradition and modernity, delivering unforgettable journeys.
For a well-rounded experience, consider the Movenpick Hamees Nile Cruise or the Movenpick Lotus Nile Cruise, both known for their comfort and exceptional service. Whether you choose the Sonesta Moon Goddess Nile Cruise, Oberoi Philae Nile Cruise, or any of these alternatives, your Nile adventure promises to be a memorable exploration of Egypt's rich history and culture.
🌐 Visit us at www.etbtoursegypt.com
📲 Contact us now! +20 10 21100873
📧 Email: info@etbtours.com
🏢 Company Address: 4 El Lebeny Axis , Nazlet Al Batran , Al Haram, Giza , Egypt
@ ed84ce10:cccf4c2a
2025-01-09 09:08:07
# **Hackathon Summary**
The [Boundless Hackathon @Stanford](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/stanfordhack), co-hosted by Stanford Blockchain Accelerator, Nautilus Chain, Zebec, and Rootz Labs, successfully concluded with 318 registered developers working on 159 projects. This event focused on advancing Web3 infrastructure through tracks in DeFi, Gaming, NFT, and infrastructure development.
Supported by DoraHacks, the hackathon featured significant contributions from strategic partners such as IOBC Capital, Eclipse, and OKX Wallet. Notably, there was strong technological collaboration with Aspecta. The event culminated in a closing ceremony at Stanford University, where the top projects received awards from a prize pool totaling $300,000. The first-place winner received $10,000, with additional incentives in the form of ecosystem and technical bonus prizes, including Amazon Cloud Credits.
The Boundless Hackathon fostered collaboration and innovation within the blockchain community, emphasizing the integration of new technologies across various blockchain platforms.
# **Hackathon Winners**
### **Main Prize Winners**
- [Hexlink](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/6215):<br> Hexlink introduces a modular account layer for Web3 that emulates Web2 experiences by leveraging existing identities for crypto transactions. It eliminates the need for seed phrases, streamlining onboarding and security through modular authentication across dApps.
- [Defi Board Options Exchange (DBOE)](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/2729): <br>DBOE presents a novel on-chain Central Limit Order Book (CLOB) with advanced risk management strategies. This enhances market infrastructure by improving price discovery and liquidity through a Dedicated Market Making (DMM) system.
- [Nulink](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/6003): <br>Nulink integrates privacy-enhancing technologies for dApps, employing cryptography-based consensus to enable secure application development with advanced data privacy practices.
### **Sub-Award Winners**
- [Buff Network](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/6565): <br>Buff Network functions as a peer-to-pool derivatives trading platform, offering user-friendly interfaces for efficient trade execution. It elevates engagement in decentralized finance through innovative trading solutions.
- [PoseiSwap](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/6477):<br>PoseiSwap facilitates the seamless exchange of DeFi and TradFi assets by extending DEX functionality to support diverse financial instruments, thus bridging crypto-native and traditional markets for improved interoperability.
Explore all projects from the hackathon at https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/stanfordhack/buidl.
# **Organization Overview**
### **Stanford Blockchain Accelerator**
The Stanford Blockchain Accelerator is a non-dilutive program run by students and alumni and is part of the Stanford Blockchain Club student group. They incubate Stanford student and alumni teams in a 5 month program, helping them build, raise, and launch blockchain projects. Over 90% of teams graduating from their program raise from the leading funds (>$80M cumulative raises), and over 60% launch and are post revenue within 6 months of their program!
@ 06639a38:655f8f71
2025-01-09 08:55:19
A while back I shared this note via Nostr: [https://njump.me/a0da4693dc761c649e46606ba4cc11cd05afbed2d7c763775d7ba29a473cbed3](https://njump.me/a0da4693dc761c649e46606ba4cc11cd05afbed2d7c763775d7ba29a473cbed3)
> I feel I need to ventilate some things I'm struggling with. As a indiepreneur I don't have many professionals around me with who I can share my daily struggles which I'm handling now. I'm aware it's a sort of a luxury position where the current fricton is coming from. It's because I've said too much yes to some responsabilties. I'm managing 4 client (Drupal) projects at this moment and all of them are asking for decent amount of my attention. Integrating new features, updating existing features, questions how things work, bugfixes etc. Normally their demand of them is steady. But as always, at the end of the year things are stacking up. It's no surprise that you can't manage their demands so it's the expection of my output to them I have to manage. It's the output I create for the value I deliver. Especially one project is getting all of my attention because I'm building a complete new commerce rental system with Drupal for campers. There is a deadline involved there, I've one month left to build it and have it tested.
> For me it's very challenging to manage those expectations and basicly saying no to things in a friendly way. But offcourse, this also takes time...
> With this said, there is another project which is not actively demanding anything from me (it's not a kind of a customer client): Nostr-PHP. My work pace on this project is lacking, but it's the damn thing I love the most to work on 💜
> So what is this? What do I feel?
> It feels like cognitive dissonation. If I follow my intrinsic motivation I can work on Nostr-PHP and other Nostr stuff for whole days. If I follow my ratio, it's all the client work what has to be done (and is mostly also paying the bills).
> Anyway, now I ventilated this it's time to go back building stuff ⚒️ ⚒️ ⚒️
> One thing I know of myself is that when the pressure is really high, I'm able to finish stuff rapidly for a short period of time.
Since then I made quite some hours on one specific project building out a commerce rental platform with Drupal. Progress is made and I'm already quite proud on the achievements there. Also the client is happy with the results so far. As things evolve and are being tested, new insights popup which result in adjustments in the features made and the wishlist of new features grow. To me that's natural if you're building a custom solution. But this doesn't change the challenge I mentioned earlier, managing expections and decide to what I will spent my attention to.
With that said, the development for Nostr-PHP library pretty much halted since december. So I decided to ask OpenSats to pause my grant for 3 months, so I can finish up the client-work without guilty feelings. My plan is to pick up the development again around March.
At last, let me sum up the the things I've done in week 48 and 49 in 2024:
* Release 1.5.1 [https://github.com/nostrver-se/nostr-php/releases/tag/1.5.1](https://github.com/nostrver-se/nostr-php/releases/tag/1.5.1)
* Thanks for this compliment Prolic (developer of Flutr) [https://njump.me/nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqwuvj7hf9phszffuf7ydgtgkapvv0jf9zw4l9uuz2xhlwy63f08xqy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hj7qg4waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxummnw3ezucn89uqzp94nzvmh7nlh3qte8g4g2kz075pqy6gz837y0emeqc9m8l4dlpl672l3gr](https://njump.me/nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqwuvj7hf9phszffuf7ydgtgkapvv0jf9zw4l9uuz2xhlwy63f08xqy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hj7qg4waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxummnw3ezucn89uqzp94nzvmh7nlh3qte8g4g2kz075pqy6gz837y0emeqc9m8l4dlpl672l3gr)
* Collaboration efforts on encoding / decoding TLV entries in NIP-19: [https://njump.me/nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqpnrnguxe8qszsshvgkvhn6qjzxy7xsvx03rlrtddr62haj4lrm3qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hj7qghwaehxw309aex2mrp0yhxummnw3ezucnpdejz7qpqxh039ng4nr2w5q6np5gzhpfjjgxd4gtkraxeuv9ew5sve7pytawq8l5dzr](https://njump.me/nevent1qvzqqqqqqypzqpnrnguxe8qszsshvgkvhn6qjzxy7xsvx03rlrtddr62haj4lrm3qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hj7qghwaehxw309aex2mrp0yhxummnw3ezucnpdejz7qpqxh039ng4nr2w5q6np5gzhpfjjgxd4gtkraxeuv9ew5sve7pytawq8l5dzr)
* Working on a fix for a lib\_gmp issue with the latest PHP releases:
* [https://github.com/nostrver-se/nostr-php/pull/71](https://github.com/nostrver-se/nostr-php/pull/71)
* [https://github.com/nostrver-se/nostr-php/issues/75](https://github.com/nostrver-se/nostr-php/issues/75)
* [https://github.com/nostrver-se/nostr-php/pull/76](https://github.com/nostrver-se/nostr-php/pull/76)
* Merged [https://github.com/nostrver-se/nostr-php/pull/76](https://github.com/nostrver-se/nostr-php/pull/76) and created a `1.5.2` release with this change
* [https://github.com/nostrver-se/nostr-php/releases/tag/1.5.2](https://github.com/nostrver-se/nostr-php/releases/tag/1.5.2)
**Other stuff**
* Wrote and published my second 90-days progress report for OpenSats.
@ 2063cd79:57bd1320
2025-01-09 08:47:37
Singularität ist ein heißes Thema, da sie ein potenziell transformatives und disruptives Ereignis in verschiedenen Bereichen darstellt, darunter Technologie, künstliche Intelligenz und die Gesellschaft als Ganzes. Singularität stellt einen Punkt unbekannter und potenziell schneller Veränderung dar. Die Ungewissheit darüber, wie sich Technologien weiterentwickeln, welche Auswirkungen sie haben und welche möglichen Konsequenzen sie mit sich bringen, weckt Neugier, Spekulationen und Diskussionen.
Oft wird diskutiert, wie die Zukunft unseres Geldsystems aussehen könnte. Dem Euro wird keine rosige Zukunft zugesprochen, dem Dollar hingegen mittelfristig schon. Doch entwickelt sich unsere Gesellschaft und damit ihre Ansprüche und Bedürfnisse weiter. Die Entwicklung der letzten Jahrzehnte hat im Vergleich zu den Jahrhunderten davor und den Jahrtausenden davor extrem zugenommen.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/d60265ab6f82476481a46f6247f94eed2d66f65d70354b583ce079983e7e24a9.png">
Alleine das letzte Jahrhundert hat drei industrielle Revolutionen hervorgebracht: die Dampfmaschine, das Zeitalter der Wissenschaft und Massenproduktion und der Aufstieg der digitalen Technologie. Mit den digitalen Technologien kam zum ersten Mal auch das Bedürfnis nach einem Geld für den digitalen Raum, bzw. für den digital vernetzten Raum auf, in dem wir uns heutzutage bewegen. Das [Geld in seiner jetzigen Form](https://www.genexyz.org/post/11-block-752065-fractional-reserve-banking-wird-durch-bitcoin-obsolet-bdpznh/) existiert seit dem 17ten Jahrhundert und obwohl es sich nach außen hin in seiner Form und Funktion wenig verändert hat, ist eine technologische Entwicklung auch hier nicht zu leugnen. Denn Geld ist nicht gleich Geld. Das Bargeld (Papier- und Münzgeld), das wir in unserem täglichen Leben verwenden, unterscheidet sich ganz deutlich von Buchgeld (Giralgeld) und Warengeld.
Wir sehen also, dass es verschiedene Arten von Geld gibt. Und um die Sache zu erschweren, gibt es jede dieser Formen von Geld auch noch in über 160 Währungen, die von den jeweiligen Zentralbanken gesteuert und gelenkt werden. Wenn wir also sagen, dass z.B. die türkische Lira keine Zukunft hat, dann meinen wir nicht nur, dass die Geldscheine mit dem Lira-Aufdruck bald verschwinden, sondern dass das ganze Finanzsystem, dass hinter der türkischen Lira steckt systemische Probleme aufweist, die es nicht mehr auffangen kann.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/856bd471d59b447186f2ff6fb2917235567add5019df8dda48077cd8f606478d.png">
Dabei ist es dem Grunde nach eigentlich ganz natürlich und ganz normal, dass Währungen mit der Zeit verschwinden oder schlicht durch andere Währungen ersetzt werden. Denn Menschen tendieren von Natur aus dazu, ein gemeinsames Geld innerhalb einer definierten Region auf einem freien Markt zu verwenden, weil es uns die größte Wahlfreiheit bei der größten Anzahl von Handelspartnern und der höchsten Liquidität bietet.
Europa ist das beste Beispiel für diese Annahme. Um den Handel zu vereinfachen und Wertschöpfungsketten (yes, endlich mein Lieblings-Unwort eingebaut) zu steigern, haben sich 19 Länder dazu entschlossen, ihre Währung zugunsten des Euros aufzugeben. Dieses Phänomen der Bewegung hin zu einem gemeinsamen Geld ist nicht nur in der Ökonomie bekannt. Denn dieses Phänomen kann immer und insbesondere dann beobachtet werden, wenn die Konvergenz hin zu einem gemeinsamen Standard den Nutzer//innen den größten Nutzen bietet und Netzwerkeffekte fördert. Dieses Phänomen hat auch einen (inoffiziellen) Namen und zwar: monetäre Singularität - abgewandelt von der hypothetischen zukünftigen technologischen Singularität.
Obwohl „Monetäre Singularität“ im Wirtschafts- oder Finanzbereich keinen allgemein anerkannten Begriff darstellt, lässt sich durch seine Bestandteile ableiten, worauf sich der Name bezieht. "Monetär“ bezieht sich auf alles, was mit Geld oder Währung zu tun hat, während sich „Singularität“ häufig auf einen Punkt erheblicher Veränderung oder ein Ereignis bezieht, bei dem bestehende Regeln oder Normen nicht mehr gelten. Daraus lässt sich ableiten, dass sich „monetäre Singularität“ - also ein Kunstbegriff abgeleitet aus der Naturwissenschaft - auf ein hypothetisches Szenario bezieht, in dem es zu einer radikalen Veränderung der Funktionsweise des Geldes oder des Währungssystems kommt.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/57af52ceef2abdb2e8b66cfb15e272802895fb7c6520ac1927d0206a13dd4e48.gif">
Mit Hinblick auf das aktuelle Finanzsystem hat Brent Johnson diesem Phänomen den viel eingängigen Namen "Dollar Milkshake Theory" verpasst. In dieser Theorie geht es darum, dass der US Dollar weiter an Stärke gewinnt und den Devisenmärkten auf der ganzen Welt Liquidität entzieht. Woher der Name? Man stelle sich vor, man hat einen Milchshake und sitzt an einem Tisch auf der anderen Seite des Raumes. Man stelle sich auch vor, jemand anderes hat einen wirklich langen Strohhalm. So kann der/diejenige seinen/ihren Strohhalm in den eigenen Milchshake stecken und ihn trinken, auch wenn man am anderen Ende des Raums sitzt. Der eigene Milchshake ist in diesem Fall eine Fremdwährung, der/diejenige, der/die trinkt, ist natürlich der US Dollar selbst. Das führt zu einer Konzentration aller Geschäfte in US Dollar.
Schaut man über den Tellerrand der heutigen Zentralbankgelder hinaus, ergeben sich einige weitere interessante Einordnungsversuche für die Singularität des Geldes, die die oben angesprochenen Bedürfnisse des digitalen Zeitalters in Betracht ziehen. Denn die Idee, dass Fortschritte in der Technologie, insbesondere im Bereich digitaler Währungen und Finanzsysteme, zu einer erheblichen Veränderung der Funktionsweise des Geldes führen könnten, klingt dann gar nicht mehr so abwegig. Es deutet darauf hin, dass zukünftige Entwicklungen, wie eine breite Adaption von Bitcoin, zu einer grundlegenden Veränderung in der Art und Weise führen könnten, wie Geld geschaffen, gespeichert, gehandelt und verwaltet wird.
Aus gesellschaftlicher Sicht besitzt Geld als soziales und kulturelles Konstrukt eine transformative Kraft, die menschliche Beziehungen, Werte und Verhaltensweisen umgestalten kann. Eine Singularität des Geldes würde in diesem Zusammenhang tiefgreifende und beispiellose Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft haben, die sich aus der veränderten Rolle des Geldes ergeben würden.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/3074ce4a3242c2b4e2754af10774ec1a3082a59d69ab8df3a752ab9e7a33d992.gif">
Aus gesellschaftlicher Sicht ist ein Streben nach technologischer Konvergenz hin ganz natürlich und passiert fast automatisch, solange es einen größten gemeinsamen Nutzen bietet und Netzwerkeffekte fördert. Das beste Beispiel dafür sind Sprachen. Es ist schwierig, genaue Zahlen zu nennen, aber Linguisten schätzen, dass es in der Geschichte der Menschheit etwa 31.000 Sprachen gab. Schätzungen zufolge werden heutzutage weltweit zwischen 6.000 und 7.000 Sprachen gesprochen. Forscher und Analysten prognostizieren, dass im frühen 22. Jahrhundert nur noch 600 bis 700 Sprachen im täglichen Gebrauch verbreitet sein werden. Sprache ist eine Technologie, sie wurde erfunden, verbessert, verändert, den Gegebenheiten angepasst und oft verschmolzen. Deshalb ist es kein Wunder, dass die Anzahl der gesprochenen Sprachen abnimmt. Denn Unterschiede erzeugen Reibung und Reibung ist ineffizient. Sowohl für das gesellschaftliche Miteinander als auch für den Handel und die Wirtschaft.
Gemeinsame Sprache hat viele Vorteile in einer globalisierten Welt, denn sie vereinfacht die Kommunikation und den Austausch zwischen Handelspartnern, politischen Einrichtungen und eröffnet auch viele neue Möglichkeiten in der Bildung. Wer z.B. Englisch spricht, hat einen viel größeren Pool an Literatur und Nachschlagewerken zur Verfügung, als jemand der/die "nur" eine lokale Sprache spricht. Das kann und wird dazu führen, dass menschliche Sprachen im Laufe der Zeit erhebliche Veränderungen, Anpassungen und manchmal sogar das Aussterben erfahren.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/d8f4cdeb59d08317968a98b5b2a67723015dbe41e5ffe5a6b6a45cbbee462a47.png">
Gerade im Bereich der Programmiersprachen ist zu erwarten, dass zukünftige Entwicklungen in der künstlichen Intelligenz und im maschinellen Lernen einen tiefgreifenden Wandel in der Art und Weise bewirken, wie Sprachen verstanden, übersetzt und kommuniziert werden könnten.
Wie oben erwähnt, tendieren Menschen dazu, gemeinsame Technologien innerhalb definierter Regionen zu verwenden. Das war besonders in der Vergangenheit der Fall, als definierte Regionen übersichtlich waren. Mit der Globalisierung wurden diese lokalen Rahmen gesprengt, mit der Digitalisierung atomisiert!
Diese (künstlich) definierten Regionen werden immer weiter aufgebrochen. Im Falle von Sprachen vermischen sich Kulturen und ethnische Gruppen immer mehr und bringen dadurch auch eine Vermischung von Sprachen mit sich. Das Internet hat zu einer Atomisierung dieser Regionen geführt. Das kann man z.B. an der heutigen Sprache im deutschsprachigen Raum erkennen, wo das sogenannte Denglisch immer weiter Einzug erhält und einige Berufsgruppen hauptsächlich auf Englisch kommunizieren (man denke an den Flugverkehr, Hochseeschifffahrt, aber auch Bereiche des Finanzsektors, der Medien und der Beratungen).
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/4f82e36736fedd11aff1db03a3b6893cc3b0eea5371dc889ef8ae3dfdbbf8b6a.png">
Ein Beispiel von künstlich erzeugten Rahmen und mit durch äußerer Gewalt erzeugter Singularität kann in der Debatte um Antriebstechnologien in der EU beobachtet werden. Hier wird mit Hilfe von Gesetzen eine Technologie zum One-Size-Fits-All-Standard erhoben. Der Elektroantrieb bei Automobilen hat sicherlich seinen Platz, jedoch heißt es nicht, dass es verschiedene Anwendungsbereiche gibt, in denen Elektromobilität mehr oder weniger sinnvoll ist. Kleine Elektrofahrzeuge für den Innenstadtverkehr haben viele Vorteile gegenüber Abgase produzierenden Antrieben, die direkten Einfluss auf die Gesundheit der Menschen haben. Allerdings bedeutet dies nicht, dass Elektroantriebe auch für den Langstreckenverkehr sinnvoll sind, wenn die Alternative Wasserstoff- oder schadstoffarme Verbrennungsantriebe sind, die zum einen kostengünstiger, und zum anderen nachhaltiger sein können. Eine Gesetzgebung, die pauschal eine Technologie über seine Wettbewerbstechnologien stellt, führt zu einer künstlich hervorgerufenen Singularität, die aber nicht die oben genannten Kriterien der Nutzenmaximierung und der Netzwerkeffekte erfüllt.
Geld hat in seiner Geschichte eine ähnliche Entwicklung erfahren. Das ist eine ganz natürliche Entwicklung, da Geld einen Schutz vor Spezialisierung bietet. Denn die Spezialisierung auf einen bestimmten Produktions- / Dienstleistungsbereich ist erstmal positiv und führt zu einer Steigerung von Produktion und Wohlstand, allerdings ist diese auch riskant, da nicht alle Menschen das erzeugte Gut im Austausch oder im Handel akzeptieren werden. Wenn das erzeugte Gut in neutrales Geld getauscht werden kann, bietet das dem Produzenten einen gewissen Schutz.
Wenn ein Produzent sich nicht sicher sein kann, was er/sie in Zukunft mit seinen erwirtschafteten Überhängen erwerben oder investieren möchte, ist das Gut, das am besten zum Sparen dieser Profite geeignet ist, dasjenige, das über die besten Geldeigenschaften verfügt. In einem regional eingeschränkten Rahmen mag dies eine lokale Währung sein, doch in einer Welt, in der internationaler Handel und Austausch betrieben wird, erlangt das Geld mit der höchsten Neutralität oder der weitverbreitetsten Akzeptanz automatisch die besten Geldeigenschaften.
> Wenn man z.B. den südafrikanischen Rand mit US Dollars vergleicht, wird man sehen, dass der USD eine viel höhere Akzeptanz genießt, als der ZAR. Man wird wahrscheinlich selbst in asiatischen Ländern im Notfall mit USD bezahlen können, einfach weil die Handelspartner dort wissen, dass es für sie einfach ist, USD in ihre lokale Währung umzutauschen. Mit Rand wird man Probleme bekommen, da diese als Tauschobjekt von Handelspartnern keine Zustimmung genießen.
Wenn es in der Gesellschaft mehr als ein Geld gibt, gibt es immer einen gewissen Risikokompromiss das eine oder das Zahlungsmittel zu akzeptieren. Dies führt zu einem Anreiz, das beste Geld zu wählen - sofern diese Wahl überhaupt besteht - und damit zu einem natürlichen Druck nach einem gemeinsamen Geld, das diese Risikoabwägung eliminiert.
Dieser natürliche Druck nach einem gemeinsamen Geld sorgt für Wohlstand in der Gesellschaft. Doch ist die Realität eben auch, dass Staaten oder Regierungen genau hier eingreifen und den Menschen das eigene Geld auferlegen und diesem eben auch einen Wert zuweisen. Dies erlaubt den kontrollierenden Akteuren, den erzeugten Wohlstand abzusaugen (Steuern, Fiskal- und Geldpolitik), denn diesen können sie entweder für sich behalten oder verteilen ihn ungleichmäßig um.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/ec610afc815318b4b6c9ac265968502c71150377b8c861ee5502397ff20ee595.png">
Dieses Eingreifen in den marktwirtschaftlichen Prozess der Geldevolution kann nur ein Geld verhindern, das außerhalb dieser künstlich von außen geschaffenen Rahmen existiert. Ein Geld, das weder von Institutionen oder Regierungen geschaffen und in Umlauf gebracht wird. Ein Zahlungsmittel mit nahezu perfekten neutralen Geldeigenschaften (teilbar, austauschbar, einfach transportierbar, haltbar, prüfbar, knapp, universell akzeptiert und leicht sicherungsfähig, sowie erlaubnis- und vertrauenslos) ermöglicht den oben beschriebenen Druck nach einem gemeinsamen Geld und befeuert den damit einhergehenden Wohlstand in der Gesellschaft.
Wäre es nicht schön, wenn so ein Zahlungsmittel mit nahezu perfekten Geldeigenschaften vor knapp 14 Jahren entdeckt worden wäre? Der einzige Weg, den natürlichen Entwicklungsprozess hin zu einem singulären Geldstandard zu stoppen, ist durch Verbote und Regulierungen seitens der herrschenden Obrigkeiten - siehe Verbrennungsmotor. Doch ist es viel leichter ein Abgase emittierendes Auto von der Straße zu ziehen und stillzulegen, als einem/r mündigen Bürger//in zu verbieten sein/ihr Erspartes in einer harten Geldform zu lagern und mit anderen Nutzer//innen frei zu handeln.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/e54ffbe21cc8ddffcf98c71a8ad3aa6ae3189adc5e5488e552dbd2cb259855b0.png">
In diesem Sinne, 2... 1... Risiko!
@ 21679902:cb6b3030
2025-01-09 07:46:47
i am but a mere creation
not a fantastical spectacle
kindled out of nothing
but the remnant dust
of something
the blood in my veins
was the ashes of another
i am envious
there are those who i pass on the streets
their smiles do not ask any
questions to mirrors
about life
they ponder when death
will console them and unveil them
i am loved
every day is one i do not
deserve yet tomorrow comes
and each time brings HIS
only by joys such
as these will i gently whisper
i am golem
@ d5301745:bc7cda1a
2025-01-09 06:50:28
Do you need help with the "[Orbi Connection Problem](https://orbiillogin.com/orbi-connection-problem/)"? Your network's performance and connectivity may be affected by this frequent problem. The first step in fixing it is to use the default IP or web address to reach the Orbi Login page. Next, make sure all connections are safe, update firmware, and check your settings. Restarting your extender and router may also be beneficial. A steady and dependable internet connection can be promptly restored by troubleshooting via the Orbi Login interface.
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-09 03:24:12
**Table Of Content**
- ZeroSync's Vision for Bitcoin
- The Privacy Advantage
- ZeroSync's Journey and Support
- Bitcoin's Resistance to Change
- The Future: Bitcoin Simplicity
- Conclusion
A Swiss non-profit, ZeroSync, is at the forefront of a groundbreaking initiative, working on the world's first zero-knowledge light client for Bitcoin. This significant advancement is aimed at integrating zero-knowledge proofs into the most valuable cryptocurrency network.
**ZeroSync's Vision for Bitcoin**
ZeroSync's verifier for Bitcoin's block headers paves the way for the creation of a zk proof-based light client. This is a monumental step in their vision of permissionless innovation, as explained by project lead Robin Linus. The immediate application of such a light client could be to operate a Bitcoin full node on devices as compact as mobile phones. Furthermore, ZeroSync envisions a second-layer protocol over Bitcoin that can introduce tokens, like stablecoins, to the Bitcoin network. This would also lead to a substantial increase in throughput, up to 20 to 50 times, without necessitating any forks.
**The Privacy Advantage**
One of the standout features of this solution is its ability to process around 100 transactions on the base layer. Additionally, it offers unparalleled privacy. Transactions can be encrypted, both in terms of amounts and transaction graphs, providing privacy levels on par with cryptocurrencies like Zcash. Interestingly, this privacy feature is a natural outcome of the protocol's utilization of STARKs, a proving system developed by StarkWare, rather than an intentional design element.
**ZeroSync's Journey and Support**
ZeroSync's endeavors have garnered support in the form of grants from Geometry Research in 2022 and StarkWare more recently. Their pioneering work marks the first attempt to employ StarkWare's Cairo programming language outside the Ethereum ecosystem. While a soft fork would be essential for the trustless bitcoin bridging on the envisioned layer-2 network, the network can still support features like token transfers where transaction fees are paid in stablecoins, eliminating the need for Bitcoin.
**Bitcoin's Resistance to Change**
Bitcoin's design inherently resists change, demanding consensus from Core developers and almost unanimous agreement from full node operators, including miners. The last soft fork, Taproot, which took place in 2021, was years in the making and was only activated after over 90% of node operators gave their approval. Linus emphasizes the importance of some changes, especially the integration of a zk proof verifier on Bitcoin. ZeroSync aims to play a pivotal role in determining the most viable approach and actively participates in the community to drive this vision forward.
**The Future: Bitcoin Simplicity**
Zero-knowledge proof technology is still nascent, with various proof systems available, each with its own set of trade-offs. Reaching a consensus on a single system is challenging. However, Linus anticipates that the Simplicity programming language, introduced by Blockstream about half a decade ago, might offer a solution. Described as "Bitcoin's last soft fork," Simplicity could significantly enhance Bitcoin's scripting capabilities. The adoption of Simplicity would provide zk proof teams with the flexibility to choose their preferred proof system, eliminating debates over which verifier to activate.
The advancements spearheaded by ZeroSync have the potential to usher in a new era for the Bitcoin network. By integrating zero-knowledge proofs, Bitcoin can achieve heightened levels of privacy and security, ensuring that transaction details remain confidential while still being verifiable. This not only enhances user trust but also positions Bitcoin as a more versatile and adaptable cryptocurrency. Furthermore, the potential adoption of the Simplicity programming language could be a game-changer. It promises to amplify Bitcoin's scripting capabilities, paving the way for more sophisticated applications and functionalities on the network.
**What is ZeroSync?**
ZeroSync is a Swiss non-profit working on the world's first zero-knowledge light client for Bitcoin.
**What are zero-knowledge proofs?**
Zero-knowledge proofs are cryptographic methods that allow one party to prove to another that a statement is true without revealing any specific information about the statement itself.
**How can ZeroSync benefit Bitcoin?**
ZeroSync aims to introduce a zk proof-based light client, enabling operations like running a Bitcoin full node on mobile devices and increasing transaction throughput without requiring forks.
**What is the significance of STARKs in ZeroSync's protocol?**
STARKs, developed by StarkWare, are used in ZeroSync's protocol, providing enhanced transaction privacy as a natural outcome.
**What is the Simplicity programming language?**
Introduced by Blockstream, Simplicity is a smart contract language that could significantly enhance Bitcoin's scripting capabilities, potentially being the last soft fork for Bitcoin.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ b4d9d1f3:8f3dda8c
2025-01-09 02:49:17
Fact 1: In the 2006 movie Casino Royale (007), a crypto payment system is mentioned. At that moment, I was inspired to create a cryptocurrency.
Fact 3: A few seconds after the crypto payment system is mentioned, James Bond uses the code "547."
Fact 5: The minimum amount that can be sent in a Bitcoin transaction is 547 satoshis, a value agreed upon by Satoshi Nakamoto.
Fact 6: When encrypting letters to numbers, "SATOSHINAKAMOTO" translates to 54705HIN4K4M070.
@ e3899a52:dd88183f
2025-01-09 02:19:02
The term "gooch" is often used informally to refer to the area of skin between the genitals and the anus, also known as the perineum.
The three main functions are as follows, in case you have always wondered, but were embarrassed to ask:
1. It serves as a support structure for the pelvic organs.
2. The area is rich in nerve endings, which can contribute to sexual pleasure.
3. It can be a focus in certain medical examinations or procedures.
Well that is about all I know about gooches, but I would love to hear about your tips or fun facts.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/842897
@ 4d4fb5ff:1e821f47
2025-01-09 01:32:37
**Numerical heatmap derived from biologically-sourced data.** I reversed the process of scientific discovery by stripping away the context of data collected in four of my published experiments, leaving only single digits. This makes the table appear to include only unrelated, random numbers. However, since the numbers come from real world data, there remains meaningful hidden structure in the grid. This invites the viewer to participate in parsing signal from noise.
@ 4d4fb5ff:1e821f47
2025-01-09 01:32:12
**Overlay of the molecular structures of two proteins.** This two-step work is comprised of animations I captured from public data while in graduate school, which marked the beginning of my interest in biological, data-driven art. After being stored for over a decade on a thumb drive, I merged two of the animations to create a new entity in 2024, linking past and present, which is mirrored in the interactions of the two major protein folds (alpha helices and beta sheets).
@ 4d4fb5ff:1e821f47
2025-01-09 01:31:41
**Sanger sequencing traces.** I extracted DNA directly from my cells and determined their sequence, which is visualized by the bottom trace. In a second sample, I mutated my DNA enzymatically and used to same process to determine the sequence, shown in the top trace. Each peak and color represents a unique DNA base (A, T, C or G) in part of a gene with 13 bases shown here in total. This biogenerative process resulted in the center base changing from T to C, resulting in a slightly different, mixed peak by comparison. To further separate this work from being purely scientific, I did not record specific details about the experimental process.
<img src="https://i.nostr.build/oSgJNXy2dAmZ520S.jpg">
@ 0155373a:ba3e1bed
2025-01-09 00:01:05
Imagine an internet where you don’t need a big Internet Service Provider (ISP) to stay connected—an internet powered by the people, for the people. Decentralized internet is no longer a far-fetched idea; it's becoming a reality through community-driven networks. These networks rely on individuals within a community to act as "nodes," connecting their neighbors to the web and bypassing traditional ISPs.
#### **What is Decentralized Internet?**
Decentralized internet refers to a system where control over connectivity and access is distributed among individuals or local organizations rather than being concentrated in large ISPs. Instead of paying a single company for access, people in a community collaborate to build and maintain the network themselves.
#### **How Does It Work?**
1. **Mesh Networks**: Each participant (or node) in the network connects to nearby nodes, creating a web of connectivity. This eliminates the need for a central ISP.
2. **Hardware**: Nodes are powered by simple devices like routers or small computers running specialized software.
3. **Peer-to-Peer Sharing**: Data flows through multiple nodes in the network, ensuring redundancy and reliability.
4. **Backbone Connection**: Some networks may still rely on a single connection to a traditional ISP for broader internet access, but others can connect to decentralized backbone providers or satellites.
#### **Benefits of Decentralized Internet**
- **Affordable Access**: By cutting out traditional ISPs, communities can lower the cost of internet access.
- **Empowerment**: Communities gain control over their own connectivity and data, reducing reliance on corporations.
- **Resilience**: Decentralized networks are less prone to outages since they don’t depend on a single point of failure.
- **Privacy**: With less reliance on ISPs, there’s less risk of surveillance and data tracking.
- **Inclusivity**: Remote or underserved areas can establish connectivity without waiting for ISPs to expand their infrastructure.
#### **Real-World Examples**
- **Guifi.net**: A community network in Spain that has thousands of nodes providing internet to rural areas.
- **NYC Mesh**: A grassroots effort in New York City to create an affordable, community-owned internet.
- **Althea**: A project enabling neighbors to share internet bandwidth and earn income for participating in the network.
#### **How to Get Started**
1. **Educate Yourself**: Research mesh network technologies like OpenWRT, LibreMesh, or BATMAN.
2. **Form a Group**: Collaborate with neighbors or community organizations to pool resources.
3. **Get the Hardware**: Invest in routers and antennas that support mesh networking.
4. **Set Up Nodes**: Position nodes strategically to ensure strong connections across the community.
5. **Collaborate**: Join forces with regional or global decentralized internet initiatives for support and knowledge sharing.
#### **The Future of Decentralized Internet**
As internet access becomes increasingly vital, decentralized networks present a way to bridge the digital divide and democratize connectivity. By building these systems, communities can take charge of their digital futures and ensure that no one is left behind.
Together, we can create an internet that is truly open, accessible, and resilient. The power lies in our hands—let’s connect, one node at a time.
@ f33c8a96:5ec6f741
2025-01-08 23:05:33
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"><video style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;" controls>
<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-1.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>
<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-1.webm" type="video/mp4"/>
# Setting Up Your Code Editor
## Introduction
In this lesson, we'll set up the most fundamental tool in your development journey: your code editor. This is where you'll spend most of your time writing, testing, and debugging code, so it's crucial to get comfortable with it from the start.
## What is an IDE?
### Definition
An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities for software development. Think of it as your complete workshop for writing code.
### Key Components
1. **Code Editor**
- Where you write and edit code
- Provides syntax highlighting
- Helps with code formatting
- Makes code easier to read and write
2. **Compiler/Interpreter**
- Runs your code
- Translates your code into executable instructions
- Helps test your applications
3. **Debugging Tools**
- Help find and fix errors
- Provide error messages and suggestions
- Make problem-solving easier
## Setting Up Visual Studio Code
### Why VS Code?
- Free and open-source
- Lightweight yet powerful
- Excellent community support
- Popular among developers
- Great for beginners and experts alike
### Installation Steps
1. Visit [code.visualstudio.com](https://code.visualstudio.com)
2. Download the version for your operating system
3. Run the installer
4. Follow the installation prompts
### Essential VS Code Features
#### 1. Interface Navigation
- **File Explorer** (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + E)
- Browse and manage your files
- Create new files and folders
- Navigate your project structure
- **Search** (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + F)
- Find text across all files
- Replace text globally
- Search with regular expressions
- **Source Control** (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + G)
- Track changes in your code
- Commit and manage versions
- Integrate with Git
#### 2. Terminal Integration
To open the integrated terminal:
- Use ``` Ctrl + ` ``` (backtick)
- Or View → Terminal from the menu
- Basic terminal commands:
ls # List files (dir on Windows)
cd # Change directory
clear # Clear terminal
code . # Open VS Code in current directory
#### 3. Essential Extensions
Install these extensions to enhance your development experience:
1. **ESLint**
- Helps find and fix code problems
- Enforces coding standards
- Improves code quality
2. **Prettier**
- Automatically formats your code
- Maintains consistent style
- Saves time on formatting
3. **Live Server**
- Runs your web pages locally
- Auto-refreshes on save
- Great for web development
### Important Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl/Cmd + S # Save file
Ctrl/Cmd + C # Copy
Ctrl/Cmd + V # Paste
Ctrl/Cmd + Z # Undo
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P # Command palette
Ctrl/Cmd + P # Quick file open
## Writing Your First Code
Let's create and run a simple HTML file:
1. Create a new file (`index.html`)
2. Add basic HTML content:
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
3. Save the file (Ctrl/Cmd + S)
4. Open in browser or use Live Server
## Best Practices
### 1. File Organization
- Keep related files together
- Use clear, descriptive names
- Create separate folders for different projects
### 2. Regular Saving
- Save frequently (Ctrl/Cmd + S)
- Watch for the unsaved dot indicator
- Enable auto-save if preferred
### 3. Terminal Usage
- Get comfortable with basic commands
- Use the integrated terminal
- Practice navigation and file operations
## Troubleshooting Common Issues
### 1. Installation Problems
- Ensure you have admin rights
- Check system requirements
- Use official download sources
### 2. Extension Issues
- Keep extensions updated
- Disable conflicting extensions
- Restart VS Code after installation
### 3. Performance
- Don't install too many extensions
- Regular restart of VS Code
- Keep your system updated
## Next Steps
1. **Practice Navigation**
- Create and manage files
- Use the integrated terminal
- Try keyboard shortcuts
2. **Customize Your Editor**
- Explore themes
- Adjust font size
- Configure auto-save
3. **Prepare for Next Lesson**
- Keep VS Code open
- Get comfortable with the interface
- Practice basic operations
## Additional Resources
- [VS Code Documentation](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs)
- [Keyboard Shortcuts Reference](https://code.visualstudio.com/shortcuts/keyboard-shortcuts-windows.pdf)
- [VS Code Tips and Tricks](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/tips-and-tricks)
Remember: Your code editor is your primary tool as a developer. Take time to get comfortable with it, and don't worry about mastering everything at once. Focus on the basics we covered in the video, and you'll naturally learn more features as you need them.
Happy coding! 🚀
@ 000002de:c05780a7
2025-01-08 21:35:07
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/842641
@ bf47c19e:c3d2573b
2025-01-08 21:31:55
Originalni tekst na [startit.rs](https://startit.rs/zasto-bi-52-pad-vrednosti-ove-godine-mogao-biti-dobar-za-bitcoin/)
###### 25.12.2014 / Autor: Zoja Kukić
Ko je na početku prošle godine kupio Bitcoin, sigurno nije zadovoljan. Vrednost ove kritpovalute je u odnosu na početak godine pala 52% u odnosu na dolar, ali je zato iznos investicija u BTC projekte ove godine skoro 3 puta viši nego sve prethodne investicije zajedno. Ovaj negativan trend ga je do prošle nedelje činio najgorom investicijom, lošijim
Ko je na početku prošle godine kupio Bitcoin, sigurno nije zadovoljan. Vrednost ove kritpovalute je u odnosu na početak godine pala 52% u odnosu na dolar, ali je zato iznos investicija u BTC projekte ove godine skoro 3 puta viši nego sve prethodne investicije zajedno.
Ovaj negativan trend ga je do prošle nedelje činio najgorom investicijom, lošijim čak i od rublje koja prolazi kroz najveći svoj pad u poslednjih 16 godina, međutim ipak se izvukao u poslednjim danima.
U ovu godinu BTC ušao je vredan 770,44$, već 6. januara je dostigao svoju najvišu vrednost od 951$, a danas vredi 332$.
#### Kraj BTC kao spekulativne valute?
Pad Bitcoina može da se posmatra i sa pozitivne strane, jer može da označava njegov kraj kao spekulativne valute i ulazak u pravu bitcoin ekonomiju. Što pre ljudi prestanu da je kupuju samo da bi je kasnije prodali i zapravo počnu da ga koriste za kupovinu/prodaju dobara i usluga, to će pre postati stabilniji i realniji u vrednosti, a samim tim i prihvaćeniji, što opet utiče na njegovu vrednost.
U poslednjih nekoliko meseci Bitcoin nije ooscilirao kao ranije – kretao se između 300 i 400$.
Razlozi za smanjenu vrednost Bitcoina mogu biti različiti, pa se tako pretpostavlja da su rani prihvatioci sredinom ove godine prodavali svoje Bitcoine, briga oko regulative ili konkurencije, smanjeno učešće špekulanata, ali i jačanje dolara, sa kojim se najčešće stavlja u relaciju.
Iz ugla korisnika Bitcoina – bilo onoga koji kupuje njime, ili onog koji ga prodaje, ovo je dobar znak, jer je život mnogo lakši ako znate da je Bitcoin približno 350$.
Da bi ova kriptovaluta bila prihvaćena od strane masa, **potrebno je da bude stabilna** i ova godina može biti uvod u to. Stabilna valuta vodi većoj upotrebi BTC, a što je veći broj transakcija između kupovine Bitcoina i prodaje istog, to će valuta biti realnija i samim tim, stabilnija.
Broj kupaca i prodavaca koji koriste Bitcoin ove godine je drastično porastao i završićemo godinu sa više od 90.000 biznisa čije porizvode ili usluge možete kupiti ovom valutom. Iako su to uglavnom bili biznisi iz različitih niša, primetan je rast u prihvaćenosti od strane velikih kompanija, kao što su npr. Dell i Microsoft.
#### Bitcoin kao sredstvo plaćanja, a ne štednje ili investicije
Iako je vrednost Bitcoina opala i može dobiti titulu jedne od lošijih investicija (opet, ako ulažete samo da biste nakon određenog vremena pokupili kajmak), investitori i dalje intenzivno ulažu u BTC projekte. Razlog leži u tome što bez obzira na vrednost Bitcoina, njegova upotreba sve više raste i gledajući iz tog ugla, ova godina je bila prilično uspešna i to se vidi i po investicijama.
Od ukupno 317 miliona dolara koliko investicija su pridobili projekti zasnovani na BTC, čak **71% je investirano ove godine.**
Špekulanti nisu samo negativno uticali na BTC – svakako su značajno uticali na nepredvidivost i česte promene vrednosti Bitcoina, ali su ove aktivnosti privukle pažnju medija i javnosti što je uticalo na rast baze korisnika Bitcoina. Moglo bi se pretpostaviti da je sada taj broj korisnika dostigao k**ritičnu masu i da je vreme za realnu BTC ekonomiju** – onu u kojoj će ljudi zaista trgovati Bitcoinima, a ne držati ih da bi ih prodali.
Naravno, postoji i negativna strana priče, a to je mogućnost da špekulanti odlaze masovno, jer predviđaju još veći krah ove valute, kojoj je ishod sa regulativama i bezbednošču i dalje neizvestan. Kao i sve drugo, vreme će pokazati.
@ bf47c19e:c3d2573b
2025-01-08 21:08:12
Originalni tekst na [startit.rs](https://startit.rs/bitcoin-vesnik-monetarne-revolucije/)
###### 20.03.2014 / Autor: Pavle Mihajlović
Kada pomislimo na novac prvo nam prolete slike keša. Novac je pre svega sredstvo razmene, koje omogućava jednostavnu trgovinu. To je takođe merilo putem kojeg pratimo poslovanje i čuvamo ostvarenu ekonomsku vrednost.
Školjke, kamenčići, žito, tkanina, metalni novac i na kraju papir, koji su se svi koristili kao sredstvo plaćanja, pokazuju da je od materijala, za novac, mnogo važnije ispunjenje tri pomenute funkcije. Poslednja inovacija na tom polju je **digitalna valuta** koja bi mogla da omogući da se trgovina, obračun i čuvanje vrednosti obavljaju najjeftinije i najefikasnije do sada.
Postoji čitav niz tekstova koje možete pronaći na internetu koji će mnogo bolje i detaljnije objasniti tehničku stranu Bitcoina. Niti znam, niti bih mogao da razumem detalje, te ovde iznosim ekonomsku (teorijsku) perspektivu. Ukratko, Bitcoin **nastaje procesom rudarenja** “*mining*”, koji podrazumeva da vaš računar rešava izuzetno komplikovanu jednačinu. Rešavanjem dobijate pravo na nagradu – određeni deo jedinice bitcoina.
Otprilike u čitavom sistemu, 6 Bitcoina se izrudari svakog sata. U opticaju je trenutno 12 miliona Bitcoina a maksimalni potencijal je 21 milion. Bitcoin takođe možete kupiti na nekoj od više stotina aktivnih berzi za konvencionalne valute, ili neposredno od drugih vlasnika.
Nakon rudarenja ili kupovine, vaš bitcoin nalazi se u digitalnom novčaniku koji putem kriptovanih poruka i umršenih protokola komunicira sa drugim novčanicima. To vam omogućava da preko određenih sajtova i klijent servera koji pružaju uslugu uparivanja digitalnih novčanika, izdate transakciju prema nekom drugom korisniku koji ima digitalni novčanik.
Na kraju sve transakcije moraju proći kroz protokol verifikacije koji se, opet za nagradu, obavlja decentralizovano od strane mnogih korisnika. U suštini, to je primena koncepta klirinških kuća na digitalnu valutu.
Cilj osnivača Bitcoina je verovatno bio da ta valuta postane sredstvo razmene i merilo vrednosti u savremenoj realnoj i virtuelnoj privredi. Uz sve oscilacije vrednosti i problem koje valuta proživljava, ovo je jedna od najvažnijih inovacija u monetarnoj sferi koja bi mogla iz temelja da promeni ekonomski sistem u kojem ćemo živati za par decenija.
Kao decentralizovana digitalna valuta Bitcoin **oživljava u digitalnom svetu, principe davno napuštenog sistema zlatnog standarda**, kakav je postojao u srednjem veku i ranim fazama razvoja kapitalizma. Suštinske sličnosti sa zlatnim standardnom je ideja da se ograničenom ponudom Bitcoina i odsustvom bilo kojeg autoriteta koji upravlja ponudom očuva vrednost valute. Prednost bitcoina u odnosu na zlato je u tome što se može beskonačno deliti na mnogo decimala, što je gotovo besplatan za održavanje i skladištenje i vrlo jeftin za proizvodnju u poređenju sa zlatom.
**Ograničenje ponude** Bitcoina je važno jer čuva vrednost. Da je rudarenje neograničeno, dugoročno, njegova vrednost bi se svela na trošak struje, amortizaciju procesa i rad ljudi potrebnih da se izrudari. Uz napredovanje tehnologije rezultat bi bio da se Bitcoin ne bi fundamentalno razlikovao od konvencionalnih valuta, koje su kroz sto godina inflacije izgubile preko 90% svoje nominalne vrednosti.
Druga važna karakteristika je decentralizovanost. Svaki pojedinac može učestvovati u rudarenju, razmena je potpuno dobrovoljna, a kontrola protokola razmene je decentralizovana, jer mnogi članovi zajednice mogu vršiti kontrolu i nadzor sigurnosti transakcija.
**Nijedna država ne može uticati na razmenski kurs** između Bitcoina i drugih valuta – već je to prepušteno tržišnim silama. Za razliku od modernih nacionalnih valuta, ne postoji niti jedan monopol u ponudi valute, niti ograničenje korišćenja isključivo jednog platežnog sredstva (*legal tender law*).
Ako Bitcoin prestane da vrši funckije novca na dobar način, ako mu padne vrednost ili propadne uvek se može dobrovoljno preći na bilo koju drugu digitalnu valutu ili konvencionalan novac.
#### Pobednik ili pokojnik?
Bitcoin je novotarija i kao svaka novotarija ima veliki broj entuzijasta koji se brzo zainteresovao za digitalnu kripto-valutu. Koncept kriptovanih protokola, decentralizovane kontrole transakcija i ograničene ponude vrlo je primamljiv. Istraživanja korisnika verovatno bi pokazala da su korisnici Bitcoina oni koji tragaju za revolucionarnim rešenjima, koji ne veruju u savremeni finansijski sistem, ljudi koji su entuzijastični po pitanju uloge ICT u životu, oni koji traže visok nivo diskrecije i poverljivosti informacija na internetu, hakeri, kriminalci, trgovci ilegalnim robama i dr.
Međutim, kratkoročno mnogo važniji faktor za razvoj i opstanak Bitcoina su **finansijski investitori** – ljudi koji pre svega ulažu u bitcoin kako bi ga kasnije prodali po višoj ceni, a ne zbog neposrednog korišćenja valute za transakcije ili obračun. Sa rastom popularnosti i ograničenom ponudom cena Bitcoina je brzo porasla a tokom poslednjih 6 meseci doživela dramatičan skok i fluktuacije.
Bitcoin je balon čija vrednost je precenjena u odnosu na fundamentalnu funkcije novca. Upravo zbog toga, svaka negativna informacija ili dnevni pad vrednosti od 10% čine špekulativne investitore nervoznim i oni pokušavaju da se oslobode Bitcoina kako bi sačuvali prinos investicije. Time se urušava trenutna vrednost Bitcoina na berzama i dolazi do strmoglavog pada.
Takođe, negativan uticaj imaju i vlasti pojedinih nacionalnih država koje su promenama regulacije ili pretnjama uspele da na kratko uzdrmaju poverenje u digitalnu valutu. Veliki udarac dogodio se krajem februara kada je [nestala berza za razmenu Bitcoina MtGox.com](http://www.b92.net/biz/vesti/svet.php?yyyy=2014&mm=02&dd=25&nav_id=816416) i oborio vrednost valute za jednu petinu. Pre nekoliko dana direktorka jedne od [berzi pronađena je mrtva](http://mondo.rs/a669567/Info/Svet/Direktorka-bitkoin-berze-pronadjena-mrtva.html).
Svašta je moguće u uzburkanom svetu špekulacija koji danas čini Bitcoin. Nije isključeno da ćemo otkriti puno lakih zarada, puno primera vrednog i upornog rada koji se isplatio. Takođe, biće investitora koji će izgubiti bogatstva, kriminala, velikih prevara. Zato sa ovom valutom treba biti **posebno oprezan**.
Bitcoinom danas vladaju finansijski zakoni, mnogo više nego logika protokola, kriptografske karateristike primenjene tehnologije ili korisnost Bitcoina u izvrđenju transakcija. Ako želite da se obogatite, pametno i strpljivo ulaganje u Bitcoin može vam doneti veliku zaradu.
Ovaj tekst vam neće reći kako da ulažete, kao što vam nijedan tekst na internet ne može reći. Pritom ne zaboravite da je ulaganje u Bitcoin radi brzo zarade finansijsko ulaganje. Odvojite vaš sud od emocija, “osećaja” i entuzijazma za tehnologiom i ne zaboravite zlatno pravilo finansija: *never risk what you cannot afford to lose*!
Finansijske spekulacije mogu kratkoročno uzdići Bitcoin veoma visoko, ali ga mogu i uništiti u veoma kratkom roku. Međutim, jedna stvar je sigurna, **digitalne valute predstavljaju budućnost**. Pojava desetina drugih konkurentskih valuta pokazuje da je budućnost veoma blizu. U svetu oštre konkurencije i inovacija možemo očekivati mnoštvo različitih koncepata digitalnih valuta, tehnička rešenja i poboljšanja koja će sve bolje težiti ostvarenju funkcija novca.
U svetu decentralizacije, slobode i odustva autoriteta, mudrost miliona koji učestvuju u procesu stvaranja novog monetarnog sistema, dovešće do izdvajanja nekoliko ili jedne digitalne valute koja najbolje zadovoljava funkciju novca. Vrlo lako može da se desi da to uopšte ne bude Bitcoin, kao što su i mnoge vodeće inovacije izgubile bitku sa svojim sledbenicima.
#### Digitalna valuta osnovni preduslov za internet prodaju
Svi ljudi koji se bave ICT ili imaju startap moraju razmišljati sa perspektivom integrisanja digitalnih valuta u svoj portfolio usluga ili kao segment proizvoda, ukoliko žele da učestvuju u najvećoj monetarnoj revoluciji od štampanog novca. Najvažniji pokazatelj koji možete pratiti nije trenutna cena neke digitalne valute – ona je dugoročno irelevantna – već ukupnu vrednost svih transakcija koje se obave digitalnim valutama.
Sigurnost, lakoća transakcija, dobrovoljno učestvovanje, ograničena ponuda i decentralizacija kontrole nad valutama dovešće dugoročno do i**stiskivanja konvencionalnih valuta**, prvo sa interneta, a potom verovatno i iz ostatka ekonomije.
@ bf47c19e:c3d2573b
2025-01-08 20:40:23
Originalni tekst na [velikeprice.com](https://velikeprice.com/drustvo/ko-mi-je-kriv-sto-se-do-sada-nisam-obogatio/)
###### 28.01.2024 / Autor: Uroš Popović
Najpopularnija i najkontroverznija kriptovaluta napunila je 15 godina ali razlog za otvaranje hladnog šampanjca nemaju baš svi. Već na početku, vreme je za trenutak iskrenosti – autor ovih redova nije u grupi onih kojima je bitcoin promenio život. Makar ne zasada.
Dok slavimo petnaesti rođendan prve BTC transakcije, svima nama koji smo ušli u to digitalno kolo u glavi je verovatno samo jedno pitanje – kako smo propustili šansu da na vreme obezbedimo budućnost? Ja bih dodao i taj crveni kabriolet o kojem godinama maštam…
#### Satoshi Nakamoto – heroj ili zločinac?
Sasvim sigurno najzvučniji pseudonim na svetu decenijama prati misterioznu osobu koja (navodno) stoji iza projekta zvanog bitcoin. Japanac ili ne, još uvek ne znamo i male su šanse da ćemo ikada saznati.
Ono što znamo je sledeće – izvesni avatar Satoshi Nakamoto tog januara 2009. započeo je svojevrsni monetarni udar. Mnogi će danas reći – čak i revoluciju! I neće mnogo pogrešiti.
Iako ga skoro svi posmatraju kao prečicu do brzog i lakog bogaćenja, što on za mali broj srećnika definitivno i jeste, bitcoin je prvenstveno označio uspešno odvajanje novca od strogog zagrljaja države i interesa nezajažljivih banaka. A to ima dobre i one manje pozitivne strane.
> Bitcoin je od starta rastao na FOMO talasu, kojem su u velikoj meri doprineli i mediji. Bili su to dani kada je popularnost kriptovaluta bila na istorijskom maksimumu i svi su želeli parče tog digitalnog kolača. Mamac je bila instant zarada, što je udica kojoj nisam odoleo…
Bitcoin je pre svega postmodernistička alternativa za papirni novac. Satoshi Nakamoto je omogućio korisnicima da urade ono o čemu su sanjale generacije – da efikasno zaobiđu finansijske institucije (u najkraćem provizije i praćenje tokova novca) kako bi obavljali transakcije. Sve to širom sveta, praktično bez ikakvih granica i ograničenja. Uslov je bio i ostao jedino pristup internetu.
*Paradoksalno, bitcoin u prvih godinu dana praktično nije vredeo ništa. Tako je bilo sve do 22. maja 2010. kada se sve preko noći promenilo. Tada su za 10.000 bitcoina kupljene dve pice, cena je počela da raste i ostalo je istorija. Danas se u BTC zajednici 22. maj simbolično slavi kao Pizza Day, prelomni momenat u svetu kriptovaluta.*
Prednosti su već u početku bile brojne i evidentne. Jedan od glavnih ciljeva prilikom stvaranja kriptovalute bila je sloboda, tj. nezavisnost mreže od bilo kojeg organa vlasti. Svi znamo da banke danas znaju praktično sve o nama, klijentima, dok je s bitcoinom drugačije jer digitalni novčanik ne mora biti vezan ni za jednu ličnu informaciju.
Osim sve traženije anonimnosti tu je i brzina – bitcoin mreža obrađuje transfere gotovo trenutno. Potrebno je svega nekoliko minuta da na drugoj strani sveta zaista i primite bitcoin ili njegov deo, čemu je priznaćete nemoguće parirati. Ruku na srce, novi sistem nije mogao da prođe i bez zloupotreba pa je Satoshi Nakamoto (svesno ili ne) stvorio verovatno idealan ambijent za ilegalne aktivnosti koje su bez izuzetka ostajale ispod radara.
> Prvo i najvažnije pravilo ulaganja u kriptovalute glasi – nikada ne bi trebalo da uložite novac koji niste spremni da izgubite! Ponovite ovu rečenicu mnogo, mnogo puta… A onda još jednom!
Rast vrednosti kriptovaluta, prvenstveno bitcoina, i interesovanje medija podstakli su s vremenom i radoznale laike, među njima i moju malenkost. I tako je započelo pumpanje balona koji u svakom momentu može da pukne! Ali i ne mora.
Privlačnost virtuelnog novčića vezana je za ono hazardersko u nama. Priznali to sebi ili ne, svi ga imamo i stoji nam na ramenu. Taj homo ludens je u jednom momentu prevladao, nije odoleo izazovu igre, lakog novca. Narodski, bez motike…
Iako sam propustio prve vagone, u kripto voz ušao sam dovoljno brzo da simboličan ulog u relativno kratkom periodu višestruko naraste. I tu leži prokletstvo – kada je zaista dovoljno, postoji li pravi momenat za rikverc i povlačenje iz bitcoin ruleta?
U mom slučaju taj trenutak je prošao i ulog se (mnogo) brže nego što sam očekivao smanjivao, topio i gotovo nestao. Sportskim rečnikom, platio sam danak neiskustvu. Tako sam na teži način usvojio najvažniju lekciju – za uspeh u kripto svetu je osim velike doze sreće potrebno mnogo znanja, pravovremene reakcije ali i monaškog strpljenja. Svega što tada nisam imao. Prvi korak bilo je učenje, štrebersko. Prva klupa i baby steps!
#### Greater fool theory – da li je bitcoin digitalno zlato?
Iako ime poznate teorije zvuči uvredljivo, Greater fool theory bazira se na verovanju da će izvesni artikal biti prodat po većoj ceni nekom drugom, sledećem kupcu. Da ne kažemo većoj budali… To je princip na kojem u dobroj meri funkcioniše i bitcoin.
Iz ekonomske perspektive, bitcoin se lako može uporediti sa zlatom jer je njegova najveća vrednost ograničena količina. I BTC kao i Au gotovo svi žele. Kao dodatak, ni zlato ni bitcoin se ne mogu pronaći baš na svakom koraku.
Simbolika je i više nego jasna. Od sudbonosnog januara 2009. zamišljeno je da svetom cirkuliše ograničen broj digitalnih „novčanica“, preciznije 21 milion, što BTC bitno razlikuje od zvaničnog novca države koji se, kao što znamo, po potrebi štampa.
Sličnostima tu nije kraj. Poput nekadašnje zlatne groznice i bitcoin je potrebno pronaći, što nije jednostavan a ni jeftin zadatak. A za tu rabotu je bilo neophodno mukotrpno kopanje, prilagođeno 21. veku.
Iako sada to verovatno znaju i vrapci na grani, digitalni grumen dobija se procesom rudarenja (engleski mining) koje obavljaju moćni kompjuteri. Drugi način je kupovina već izrudarenih bitcoina na berzi. Pogađate, odabrao sam taj drugi, lakši put i uštedeo na računima za struju.
Optimizam ulagača (pa i mene) i dalje se u velikoj meri bazira na veri, jer bitcoinu leđa ne drži država a nije pokriven ni hipotekama. Srećom, postoje nepisana pravila koja su u proteklih petnaest godina potvrdila da određene zakonitosti ipak postoje.
#### Čekajući kraj kripto zime: kalendar promena i zašto je bitan
Najbrži rast cena desio se u prvih nekoliko godina akcije, kada je za BTC malo ko znao i kada se retko trgovalo. Taj momenat je prošao, pa sada moramo da se oslonimo na taktiku praćenja popularnih „bear“ i „bull“ perioda. Objasniću.
Termini „bik“ i „medved“ obično se koriste za opisivanje tržišta, deonica ili kriptovaluta. U tom kontekstu, tržište u porastu naziva se tržištem bikova, dok se tržište u padu naziva tržištem medveda.
Nakon veoma loših godina kojima su vladale medveđe šape, konačno se nazire svetlo na kraju tunela. Period poznat kao kripto zima najčešće traje oko dve godine nakon čega cena kriptovaluta ponovo počinje da raste. Takav trend se čeka u 2024. godini!
#### Vreme je za novi bull run!
Početak godine obeležila je vest da je američka administracija konačno spustila gard prema kriptovalutama. Finansijske institucije su u SAD donele dugo očekivanu odluku koja dozvoljava investicionim kompanijama da aktivno ulažu u bitcoin, za klijente. Ovo zeleno svetlo obeležava jednu od najznačajnijih prekretnica u razvoju kripto industrije i veliki korak u širokom prihvatanju kriptovaluta.
Temelji novog, pa i mog optimizma leže i u šablonima po kojima bitcoin od samog početka funkcioniše. Taj kalendar pravilnosti kaže da je najkasnije sredinom 2024. (šuška se, već u aprilu) vreme za očekivani halving, osnovni mehanizam u bitcoin protokolu. Šta zapravo donosi fenomen halvinga?
> Hrabrost ili ludost?! Prkoseći upozorenjima ali i neslaganju većine stanovništva Salvador je 2021. postao prva zemlja na svetu u kojoj se bitcoin koristi kao zvanična valuta. Ovaj eksperiment je makar zasada jedini…
Nakon što se izrudari oko 210.000 blokova, za šta je potrebno oko četiri godine, nagrada koja se dodeljuje rudarima za obradu transakcija pada za pedeset procenata. Halving smanjuje stopu po kojoj se novi digitalni novčići puštaju u opticaj, pa u skladu s opštim zakonom ekonomije dovodi do situacije u kojoj manja ponuda uz stabilnu tražnju rezultira višim cenama. Tako bi makar trebalo da bude, do sada je i bilo.
Ova imitacija oskudice ima za cilj da odbrani BTC tokom vremena, čineći ga atraktivnim čuvarom vrednosti. Kao rezultat toga, halving je ključna komponenta dugoročne ekonomske održivosti i trenutak koji svi (mi) nestrpljivo čekamo…
Iako su prognoze apsolutno nezahvalne, sve su to faktori koji najavljuju da bi cena bitcoina do kraja 2024. mogla čak da pređe i psihološku granicu od 100.000 dolara. A onda je nebo granica…
Informacije radi, u trenutku kada je ovaj tekst nastajao, cena za 1 BTC bila je 40.904,70 USD. Ne očajavajte, uvek možete kupiti i manji deo bitcoina, pošto je ta valuta deljiva čak do osme decimale.
I zato, this time next year…
*Uroš Popović je lifestyle novinar iz Beograda, pasionirani ljubitelj automobila i saradnik Velikih priča.*
@ f33c8a96:5ec6f741
2025-01-08 20:27:23
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# Welcome to PlebDevs Starter Course
## Course Mission
Welcome to the PlebDevs starter course! I'm Austin, the founder of PlebDevs, and I'll be walking you through this short intro starter course that will get you up and running and interacting with the rest of the content on the platform. If you're here, I'm assuming you're new to coding or just starting out. If you already have experience and have your bearings down, there's lots more intermediate and advanced content on the platform. This course is designed for absolute beginners.
## Course Goals
### Overall PlebDevs Goals
1. Learn how to code
2. Build Bitcoin/Lightning/Nostr apps
3. Become a developer
This is a big journey with a lot of pieces and things to learn. The starter course is going to get you on that path as quickly as possible and make it a smooth journey.
### Starter Course Objectives
1. Give you an easy, high-level overview of the dev journey
2. Get you set up and comfortable in a development environment where you'll write and ship code
3. Give you basic experience in the languages covered in our courses and workshops
There's lots of material out there that will just tell you exactly what to do and not explain why but I want you to actually understand for yourself. I want you to have a good mental model of what this journey is going to be like, what it's going to be like actually writing and pushing code. And then we're going to start getting our hands dirty and gain real experience.
## What is a PlebDev?
### Origins and Philosophy
I started using the term "PlebDev" a few years ago to describe a unique approach to learning development in the Bitcoin space. It represents:
- **Inclusive Learning**: Anyone can become a developer, regardless of background
- **Growth Mindset**: Embracing the journey from beginner to professional
- **Practical Focus**: Emphasizing real-world application development
- **Community Support**: Learning and growing together
### Key Characteristics
- 🌱 **Growth-Focused**: PlebDevs are always learning and improving
- 🎯 **App-Centric**: Focus on building applications rather than protocol development
- 🆕 **Embrace Being New**: Being a new developer is infinitely better than being on the sidelines
- 🤝 **Community-Driven**: Bitcoin/Lightning/Nostr ecosystem needs more plebdevs like you!
## Our Learning Approach
### Core Principles
1. **Lower Barriers**
- Simplify complex concepts
- Focus on practical understanding
- Build confidence through action
2. **Project-Based Learning**
- Learn by doing
- Create real applications
- Build a portfolio as you learn
3. **MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Focus**
- Start with core functionality
- Get things working first
- Iterate and improve
4. **Actionable Knowledge**
- Focus on the 20% that delivers 80% of results
- Learn what you can use right away
- Build practical skills
### Teaching Methods
- Detailed concept breakdowns
- Line-by-line code explanations
- Interactive learning
- 1:1 support available
- Community-driven progress
## Course Structure
### The Learning Path
Instead of the traditional bottom-up approach, we use a project-focused method:
🏔️ Advanced Skills
🏔️ Projects & Practice
🏔️ Core Concepts
🏔️ Development Environment
🏔️ Getting Started
We'll create checkpoints through projects, allowing you to:
- Verify your understanding
- Build your portfolio
- See real progress
- Have reference points for review
## Student Expectations
### What We Expect From You
- **High Agency**: Take ownership of your learning journey
- **Active Participation**: Engage with the material and community
- **Persistence**: Push through challenges
- **Curiosity**: Ask questions and explore concepts
### What You Can Expect From Us
- Clear, practical instruction
- Comprehensive support
- Real-world applications
- Community backing
## Getting Started
### Next Steps
1. Ensure you're ready to commit to learning
2. Set up your development environment (next lesson)
3. Join our community
4. Start building!
## Resources and Support
### Where to Get Help
- plebdevs.com
### Tips for Success
1. Push code daily, even if it is small.
2. Focus on understanding rather than memorizing.
3. Build projects that interest you.
4. Engage with the community.
5. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
## Remember
You don't need to become a "10x developer" overnight. The goal is to start writing code, build useful things, and gradually improve. Every expert was once a beginner, and the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single line of code.
Ready to begin? Let's dive into the next lesson where we'll set up your development environment! 🚀
@ 30ceb64e:7f08bdf5
2025-01-08 20:14:45
In a world dominated by surveillance banking and inflationary currencies, a new paradigm is emerging—one where individuals can operate sovereign, theft-resistant checking accounts using the world's hardest money. This isn't your grandfather's checking account; it's an entirely new financial operating system built on Bitcoin and Lightning technology.
## The Bitcoin Checking Account Revolution
Traditional checking accounts are permission-based systems where banks maintain ultimate control over your money. In contrast, a sovereign Bitcoin checking account operates on a fundamentally different principle: you hold your own keys, control your own node, and maintain custody of your funds at all times. This architecture is built on several key components:
- Self-hosted nodes providing direct network access
- Lightning channels for instant settlement
- Hardware wallets for secure key storage
- Non-custodial software interfaces
- Automated accounting and payment systems
The concept of a Bitcoin checking account represents a paradigm shift in daily financial operations. Imagine getting a direct deposit sent to your lightning node and using NWC and a variety of plug and play solutions to handle things regarding accounting, bill pay, and daily POS transactions. We're starting to see these options emerge through services like Bitcoin Well, Albyhub, Strike, Clams and Cash App.
## Breaking Free from Financial Surveillance
The current banking system tracks every transaction, creating a detailed financial surveillance network. Sovereign Bitcoin checking accounts offer a powerful alternative:
- Private lightning channels for daily transactions
- E-cash protocols for enhanced privacy
- Peer-to-peer transactions without intermediaries
- No account freezes or arbitrary limits
- Freedom from traditional banking hours and restrictions
Lightning and Cashu offer additional privacy and settlement speeds while enabling low cost transactions, and I believe these protocols will grow and exceed our expectations. The products and services for managing your bitcoin checking account will get more private and efficient as time moves forward.
## The Daily Operations Revolution
Operating a sovereign checking account transforms everyday financial activities:
1. Income Reception
- Direct deposit straight to Lightning
- Instant availability of funds
- No hold periods or bank delays
- Multiple invoice routes for different income streams
2. Payment Management
- Automated bill payments via Lightning
- Instant merchant settlements
- Cross-border transactions without fees
- Dynamic fee management for optimal efficiency
3. Liquidity Control
- Self-managed channel balances
- Cold storage integration for savings
- Automated rebalancing protocols
- Real-time capital efficiency
## The Deflationary Advantage
Perhaps the most revolutionary aspect is operating a checking account in deflationary money. This fundamentally changes spending psychology and financial planning:
- Each sat potentially appreciates over time
- Natural incentive for thoughtful spending
- Built-in savings mechanism
- Protection from currency debasement
## Global Market Integration
This new financial infrastructure enables seamless participation in the global economy:
- Borderless transactions
- 24/7 market access
- Direct international trade
- No forex fees or exchange rate manipulation
- Instant settlement across time zones
## Security and Resilience
The system's security model represents a significant advancement:
- Multi-signature protocols
- Timelocked recovery options
- Distributed backup systems
- Attack-resistant architecture
- No single points of failure
## The Future of Personal Banking
As this technology matures, we're likely to see:
- Simplified user interfaces
- Enhanced privacy tools
- Better integration with existing systems
- More automated financial management
- Increased merchant adoption
In conclusion, sovereign Bitcoin checking accounts represent more than just a new way to bank—they're a fundamental reset of the relationship between individuals and their money. This system combines the security of cold storage with the utility of traditional checking accounts, all while leveraging the strength of deflationary sound money. As adoption grows, these accounts will likely become the standard for those seeking financial sovereignty in an increasingly digital world.
The revolution isn't just about holding bitcoin—it's about using it in a way that maintains sovereignty while enabling practical daily finance. This is the future of money, and it's already here for those ready to embrace it.
@ 2fb77d26:c47a6ee1
2025-01-08 19:47:47
#### Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wenn wir an Schlachtfelder denken, sehen wir vor unserem inneren Auge düstere Bilder von verkohlten Wracks, von Einschlagkratern, schreienden Verwundeten, Leichen und dichten Rauchschwaden, die am Horizont über verbrannter Erde wabern.
Vergleichbare Assoziationen drängen sich auf, versucht man in Bilder zu fassen, in was für einer Gesellschaft wir mittlerweile leben. Intellektuelle Wracks, mediales Flächenbombardement, stumme Schreie von Pharmaopfern und hungernden Kindern, weggescrollt von Smartphone-Zombies, deren letzter Hauch Empathie am Rande ihres dissoziativen Wahrnehmungshorizontes verblasst. Zivilisatorische Transformation als Kriegsfilm.
Früher verliefen die Frontlinien von Klassenkampf und Propagandakrieg durch die Auslagen der Zeitungskioske, durch Rundfunkredaktionen und über die nach Sendeschluss flimmernden Bildschirme der Mattscheibe. Heute durch den Kopf.
Sprichwörtlich. Denn die »Vierte Industrielle Revolution« begegnet zunehmendem Desinteresse an Erziehungsfunk und aufkeimender Renitenz mit Dopamin-Shots, Implantaten und Nanotechnologie. Das erklärte Ziel der Herrschaftskaste ist nicht mehr die Manipulation, sondern die Fernsteuerung der Steuersklaven. Das »Hive Mind«.
Sendeschluss gibt es nicht mehr. Und der Newsfeed ist unerschöpflich, ist Manifestation dessen, was Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie für uns bedeutet: Den Verlust wertvoller Lebenszeit an neonbunte Sinnlosigkeit. Das Smartphone dient nicht der Evolution, sondern der Degeneration der Spezies Mensch. Es ist kein Werkzeug, sondern eine Waffe. Aber das Handy lässt sich — wie das TV-Gerät — abschalten. Oder abschaffen. Das birgt Risiken — denn nur Lufthoheit über dem Debattenraum garantiert dem postmodernen Feudalismus Machterhalt. Dementsprechend setzen seine Vertreter nun alles daran, invasive Technologien ins Feld zu führen, um sich unserer Gedanken bemächtigen zu können.
Der Kriegsfilm spielt sich also nicht mehr nur als dunkles Phantasma vor unserem inneren Auge ab, er handelt nicht von irgendeinem fernen Land — das zu erobernde Terrain, das primäre Schlachtfeld der biodigitalen Konvergenz liegt unmittelbar hinter dem Sehnerv. Kriegsziel: Die Verschmelzung von Mensch und Maschine. Transhumanismus. Und bei so manchem Zeitgenossen scheint bereits eine gewisse Konträrfaszination am eigenen Untergang Einzug zu halten. Die Résistance des Mediazän verteidigt demnach nicht nur das Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit, sie kämpft um den Erhalt des freien Willens. Um Menschlichkeit. Um das Fortbestehen unserer Spezies. 
Vor diesem Hintergrund beschäftigt sich die dritte GEGENDRUCK mit dem »Schlachtfeld Gehirn«. Mit dem zerebralen Status quo. Die Autoren analysieren und dokumentieren den Stand von Forschung, Angriffswellen, Waffenarsenal und Verteidigungsmechanismen. Denn unser Leben ist das Produkt unserer Gedanken. Unserer Erinnerungen. Sie sind die Basis unserer Freiheit, unserer Geschichte und Zukunft. Wir müssen sie schützen. Mit allen Mitteln.
Denn »*ein Kopf ohne Gedächtnis ist eine Festung ohne Besatzung*« (Napoleon).
Im Namen des gesamten Teams,
Tom-Oliver Regenauer
**Printausgabe bestellen unter: www\.gegendruck.de**
@ 714f9dc3:76659adb
2025-01-08 19:16:50
Last week, I was reading *“The Air We Breathe”*, by Glen Scrivener. It’s about *“How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality”*, and it explores the Christian roots of the values we prize in today's western society. It’s all around us, but we don’t really know where it came from: It’s the air we’re breathing. The ideas and ethics behind Christianity, whether you believe in them or not, are embedded in our culture.
As I was reading this, I saw so many parallels with Bitcoin, so wanted to list them below and share some of my thoughts. Can Bitcoin also become *“The Air We Breathe”*? Or in plebs words: hyperbitcoinization?
Can Bitcoin become so ubiquitous that it becomes normal? Can there be a world in which we don’t even know where Bitcoin came from? It would be a world with many similar views as with today's view on Christianity. It becomes the air we breathe, something that used to be a counterculture that over time became ubiquitous. What can we learn from it?
**These are my ten parallels of Bitcoin with the early days of Christianity.**
1. Separation from state
2. From obscure counterculture to dominant force
3. Exponential grassroots growth
4. Conversion of emperors/politicians
5. Sudden tolerance and protection for ideology
6. Fall of the empire, end of the status quo
7. Missionaries spreading the word
8. Persuasion and education are key
9. Age of Enlightenment
*Note: I’m no expert on Christianity, nor a historian of the Roman Empire, and I know just a bit about Bitcoin. See this as a thought experiment.*
## 1. Separation from state
In all fairness, I’m not the first to draw this first parallel. It was Satoshi Nakamoto themself who made the connection even before Bitcoin was available to the public, with several hints pointing back to important dates and moments in Christian history. The big parallel here is the **“separation of money and state”** and **“separation of church and state”**.
Before going back to the early days of Christianity in the first centuries AD, I first want to draw this parallel with Satoshi.
It’s 1517. The German Priest Maarten Luther writes his Ninety-five Theses, and nails this on the church doors in Wittenberg. The theses are also known as the *“Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences”*. He kickstarted a movement with a radical new idea for that time: The separation of the church from the state.
The Catholic Church had become one with the state. Via the means of indulgences, there was an ability to pay for your redemption. The church was corrupted by money, power and politics. The church and indulgences replaced the need for personal responsibility and an individual faith with money and perverse structures.
Reformation Day is a Protestant Christian religious holiday celebrated on 31 October in remembrance of the onset of the Reformation. But the 31st of October is also the day in which Satoshi shared his pamphlet with the world: in 2008 they published the Bitcoin Whitepaper. It kickstarted a movement with a radical new idea for that time: The separation of the money from the state.
But this was not Satoshi’s only hint. Another one is the date of Bitcoin’s Genesis Block: January 3, 2009. It was the day that the idea of the separation of money and the state became reality, more than just an idea in an individual's mind.
Did you know that Maarten Luther was excommunicated from the Catholic Church in 1521 by Pope Leo X for sparking this revolutionary new way of thinking (and being). It happened on January 3 as well. I bet Satoshi Nakamoto knew.
To be fair, this parallel is not new and known by many bitcoiners. But it’s a good introduction to the topic, and after reading *“The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality”*, I automatically started to see more parallels between (the early days of) Christianity and todays adoption of Bitcoin. Because it was of course not Maarten Luther who sparked these rebellious thoughts in 1500, but it was Jesus himself approx. 2000 years ago.
Let’s go back from the 1500s to the first decades AD to the beginning of this radical new belief system. During the dominance of the Roman empire in the Mediterranean and much of Europe, Western Asia and North Africa, someone told a story that opposed every mainstream paradigm.
Jesus’ idea was radically different from the belief systems of that day. He preached Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality in a world that was full of Debauchery and Violence, with Gladiator Games, Slavery, Public Crucifixion, and Brutalities. The belief system of that time was not like todays.
There were superior races (Greek/Romans over barbarians), superior sexes (man over women), superior classes (free man over slaves) and the concept of justice was more something in the realm of “restoring rights of those that were superior”, than “equality for all, men and women, Greek and barbarian, free and slave”.
Jesus opposed the status quo. It started small and irrelevant; as a counterculture. But it didn’t stay that way.
## 2. From obscure counterculture to dominant force
In “The Air We Breathe”, Scrivener asks the question:
> “How did the obscure, marginal Jesus movement of the 1st century become the dominant religious force in the Western world in a few centuries?”
Important to know, is that the Christian faith was the opposite of the narrative. Concepts like Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality didn’t exist in the Roman Empire. Human rights neither. Individual rights neither. The emperor was almost de facto God himself.
Early Christians were persecuted for preaching a different story: that God is NOT the ruler of the empire. Jesus preached the separation of politics from God; separating faith from the state. As a result, he was crucified, and many of his followers were killed by Nero (between 54 and 68 AD), Domitian (81–96 AD), Trajan (98–117 AD) and Decius (249–251 AD). This new narrative was a thread for the Roman rulers.
Draw the parallels of how there have been many attempts to “kill” bitcoin, not with physical persecution but with an information war. Not by physical violence, but by misinformation. Bitcoin threatens the status quo, just like Christianity threatened the Roman Empire.
You see?
But how is the obscure movement of Bitcoin in the 21st century becoming the dominant force, similar to the question that Scrivener asked about Christianity? Perhaps the answer lies in the following parallel.
## 3. Exponential grassroots growth
Sociologist Rodney Stark estimates in “The Rise of Christianity” that from the time of the first Easter, the church began growing at a rate of 40% per decade, a modest but relentless 3.4% per year. By the year 300, Christians numbered perhaps 6 million: about a tenth of the empire.
Despite pushbacks, the army of believers continued to grow. Grassroots, peer-to-peer. It was not the state-religion, it was a peaceful army of believers that spread the word, resulting in an exponential growth of its followers. The counterculture became more and more dominant.
You may see what I’m doing here. It was basically the meme that all Bitcoiners know: *Gradually, then suddenly*. Against the current.
## 4. Conversion of emperors/politicians
In 312 a big change happened: Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity. As Stark writes, "Constantine's conversion would better be seen as a response to the massive exponential wave in progress, not as its cause".
Are we living in that same era, where nation states start to embrace Bitcoin? Where politicians don’t oppose as strongly anymore, but are flirting with the idea of embracing it? And again the parallel: it’s responsive to the exponential wave of progress, not as its cause.
Whether Constantine is Nayib Bukele, Donald Trump, or Milei: it doesn’t matter. It’s the dynamic that matters. The counterculture becomes so dominant, that the “rulers” of the world are wanting to be part of it. Which will be followed by “rules” that favour the ideology, movement, and beliefs.
## 6. Tolerance and protection for ideology
In 313 Constantine's Edict of Milan granted freedom to Christians that were remarkable for that time and a model for religious toleration for the coming centuries.
The tide was turning, and by 380 Emperor Theodosius made Christianity Rome's official religion, more than half the population had already converted. In a few short centuries Christianity had gone from radical counterculture to dominant cultural power. This was an extraordinary shift in the church's relationship with the world. The edict expressly grants religious liberty to Christians, who had been the object of special persecution, but also goes even further and grants liberty to all other religions. And then, in 410, the world itself changed.
It changed from grassroots, bottom-up adoption to some kind of nation state adoption. One that was driven by decrees and edicts, instead of the analog cyberhornets of that day. Actually, the ideas of Indulgences were introduced via these Edicts, something that Maarten Luther actually was fighting against in the 1500s.
The world changed from the state-less Christian belief and moved (back) towards a system in which the state and church were connected again. Yes — the Roman Catholic Church. Until the previously mentioned critics during the Reformation.
## 6. Fall of the empire, end of the status quo
When people speak of the fall of the Roman Empire, they usually mean in the 5th century when the western half fell. But there was also an eastern half, known as the Byzantine Empire (with its capital in what is modern-day Istanbul).
How did this relate to the movement that once was Cult, and now suddenly had become Culture?
It was Augustine, the north African bishop (354-430), who laid the foundation for a new philosophical, theological, and legal system. He distinguished between the fragile earthly realm and the eternal heavenly kingdom. Rome was “a city of man”, which fell. But the “city of God” was forever. He continued to separate the Roman Catholic Church from the faith that it once was. This distinction was vital, and it gave rise to the concept of "the secular realm". He planted the first ideas of "the separation of church and state" again, which started to spread throughout Europe during the supposedly "sandy desert" of the Middle Ages.
The parallel and lesson here might be that narratives can be taken over, for the worse. And that it takes centuries to take back the narrative, but/and only after an empire has fallen. Whether we refer to “The Fourth Turning” by William Strauss and Neil Howe or “Changing World Orders” by Ray Dalio. There is something to preserve, and it needs active monitoring and pushbacks!
## 7. Missionary, spreading the word
The way the church sought to spread its influence would become a question that would take many centuries (and many failures) to settle. In the past, empires sought to spread their influence almost always by force. Christianity has been a missionary faith from the beginning. It was for this reason that Pope Gregory the Great sent Augustine to Britain to convert the Anglo-Saxons.
Augustine was commanded by Gregory to use only "gentle means". His goal was persuasion. His method was teaching and preaching. And he was successful, converting King Aethelbert of Kent and becoming the first Archbishop of Canterbury.
You see what I’m talking about again: the parallel is simple. Bitcoin is a similar peaceful revolution, a missionary movement, of those that wish to see their Cult turn into a Culture. “Genle means”, teachings, persuasions. Or in pleb terminology: Orangepilling.
## 8. Persuasion and education are key
Over the next decades and centuries, this movement continued. English Benedictine monk (675-754) Boniface was sent from the previously “barbarian” Britain to “orangepill the East” – in this case the Saxons in the Germanic lands. In the words of his advisor, the Bishop of Winchester, his goal was "to convince them by many documents and arguments". This mission of persuasion and education was largely successful. Today he’s better known as “the Apostle to the Germans". He was killed in The Netherlands (in Dokkum).
Boniface kept to a policy of non-violence and non-retaliation, even to the point of death. Another famous writer about this topic, Tom Holland, summarises the lesson we learn from Boniface: "to convert was to educate".
In the following century this lesson was sorely needed by the Frankish king Charles the Great, aka Charlemagne (742-814). Charlemagne's path to power was a brutal one. When the Saxons stood in his way, Charlemagne beheaded 4,500 of them in a single day. There are concrete reasons why "getting medieval" might be associated today with brutality.
Is “Bitcoin as Legal Tender”, whether this is peaceful or violently, the way to go? Are we “getting medieval” with these kind of measures, in order to go from Cult to Culture, from counterculture to dominant culture, in which we lose the true essence of our revolution of separation of the state from the matter?
## 9. Age of Enlightenment
Alcuin of York (735-804), was bold enough to write to Charlemagne directly with his criticism. "A person can be drawn into the faith, not forced into it". Be a lighthouse, not a tugboat!
The church's official teaching would later agree with Alcuin's position. In the 12th century all "harsh means" were forbidden since faith arises from the will, not compulsion. Enlightenment comes through education and persuasion.
There’s work to do. Grassroots. Education. Peer-to-peer. Not directed by politicians, nor opposed by those in power. Through education and persuasion. Rules without rulers. Because eventually, with the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition, there are stark examples of the church using “harsh means" again. Forcing Bitcoin on people will never be the way: it’s a cheat code to the end goal. In order to succeed, we’ll need to be a missionary.
## Final words
I don’t want in any way to compare Christianity in itself as a faith, and Bitcoin as a technology, with each other. I enjoyed exploring the sociological phenomena between two countercultures, the grassroots movement and missionary parallels between both of them. Satoshi gave the first assist, with the 31st of October (Whitepaper Day) and the Genesis Block on January 3rd.
Let’s not mix religion with monetary systems, even though there are many similarities between certain movements. That’s not my goal for sharing this brain dump. But let’s learn from the past, from Constantine’s Edict and from Augustine, from Charlemagne (and especially Alcuin of York), from Boniface and from Maarten Luther. And from Satoshi Nakamoto.