@ f57bac88:6045161e
2025-01-17 08:35:53
دگرگونی و سعادت در افسانه همای:
- تغییر و تحول: همای سعادت اغلب به عنوان نمادی از تغییر و تحول ناگهانی و مثبت در زندگی افراد تلقی میشود. سایه این پرنده بر سر فردی افتادن، نشانهای از دگرگونی سرنوشت و آغاز دورهای جدید و پربرکت است.
- آوردن سعادت: همانطور که از نامش پیداست، همای سعادت به عنوان آورنده خوشبختی و کامرانی شناخته میشود. سایه این پرنده، نمادی از برکت، فراوانی و رسیدن به آرزوهاست.
- پادشاهی و قدرت: در بسیاری از روایتها، همای سعادت با پادشاهی و قدرت ارتباط مستقیم دارد. سایه این پرنده بر سر کسی افتادن، به معنای رسیدن به مقام و منزلت والا و کسب قدرت است. معانی نمادین همای سعادت:
- امید و آرزو: همای سعادت نماد امید به آیندهای بهتر و رسیدن به آرزوهاست.
- تغییر مثبت: این پرنده نشاندهنده این است که حتی در سختترین شرایط نیز امکان تغییر و تحول مثبت وجود دارد.
- قدرت الهی: در برخی روایات، همای سعادت به عنوان فرستادهای از سوی خداوند تلقی میشود که برای برکت دادن به انسانها به زمین میآید.
در ادبیات فارسی: همای سعادت در ادبیات فارسی جایگاه ویژهای دارد و شاعران بسیاری به توصیف زیبایی و شکوه این پرنده پرداختهاند. این پرنده اغلب به عنوان نمادی از عشق، زیبایی و آرزوهای دستنیافتنی به کار رفته است. در نتیجه: همای سعادت نه تنها یک پرنده افسانهای، بلکه نمادی از امید، تغییر مثبت و رسیدن به آرزوهاست. این پرنده به ما یادآوری میکند که حتی در سختترین شرایط نیز باید به آینده امیدوار باشیم و برای رسیدن به اهدافمان تلاش کنیم.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/7fb5118f96be88c3d70ecd81f3b3b398a9ded6a994331bef8742cb5836d68825.jpg">
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/b580b38f76cb80349da692fec21b76270343a0fee85b3e355fea0a0fde727d93.jpg">
منبع عکس ها
[eranshahr.com](https://www.eranshahr.com/myths/homa-4516-hfuyjfvgbvc) | [x@Babakwlp](https://x.com/Babakwlp) | [x@IranianPlateau](https://x.com/IranianPlateau/status/1872692961080951093)
@ fbf0e434:e1be6a39
2025-01-17 07:13:14
# **Hackathon 总结**
[Balancer v3 Hookathon](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/balancer-v3-hookathon) 集合了开发人员以探索 Balancer v3 hooks 框架的功能。此次活动共包含31个项目,122名注册开发者参与,专注于通过 Balancer 的新架构定制自动化做市商(AMM)。开发人员致力于创新池行为、增强流动性管理,并拓展去中心化金融(DeFi)领域内的设计可能性。关键创新包括自定义费用机制和高级流动性管理工具,为生态系统的增长做出贡献。参与者与 Balancer 的核心开发人员互动,增强了协作并激发了实际应用。Hackathon 为具有影响力的项目提供了 $BAL 奖励,使参与者在 DeFi 社区中获得可见性。总体而言,活动强调了创造力和协作,将 hooks 框架整合到功能性解决方案中。
# **Hackathon 获奖者**
经过对45个提交项目的评估,Balancer v3 Hookathon 的获奖者已揭晓。奖项分为顶级奖和其他值得注意的奖项。
### **Top Prizes Winners**
- [**VolatilityLoyaltyHook**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17772): 此项目介绍了一种双重奖励系统,旨在稳定市场波动,同时激励交易忠诚度。它为长期持有代币的用户提供交换费用折扣。
- [**Prediction Market Hook**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17576): 该项目专注于去中心化的预测市场,操作不依赖于中心化控制。它通过交换费用为流动性提供者提供收入,并通过0%套利交换费用减少价格操控。
- [**MEV Tax Hook**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17711): 该项目通过动态费用结构捕获流动资金池的最大可提取价值,考虑事务优先级,以造福供应商和 Balancer 生态系统。
### **Other Prizes Winners**
- [**Protofire - Dynamic Fees and Reinvesting**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17706): 该项目通过动态费用调整稳定流动资金池,并通过投资于借贷市场来实施长期供应商奖励,支持代币交换。
- [**Volatility Fee Hook**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16865): 此项目根据市场波动动态调整池交换费用,使用具有可配置增量和指数费用乘数的模型来增强市场稳定性。
欲了解更多详细见解和技术规范,参会者和感兴趣的个人可以在 [DoraHacks](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/balancer-v3-hookathon/buidl) 查看所有提交的项目。
# **关于组织者**
### **Balancer**
Balancer 是一个在 DeFi 内致力于推动自动化做市商(AMM)开发的协议。它为开发人员提供了一个无权限的技术框架,并以全面的去中心化交易所(DEX)产品支持流动性提供者。作为 DeFi 领域的知名实体,Balancer 促进在区块链技术中的无缝集成和创新。该组织致力于扩展 DEX 产品,以此使用户能够最大化流动性提供和去中心化交易的效率。欲了解有关 Balancer 的更多信息,请访问其[网站](https://balancer.fi/)和[Twitter](https://x.com/Balancer)。
@ fbf0e434:e1be6a39
2025-01-17 07:12:51
# **Hackathon 总结**
由Oasis Network主办的 [Privacy4Web3 Hackathon: 2nd Edition](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/p4w3)(第二届Web3隐私黑客松) 吸引了 50 个注册项目和 149 名开发者参与。活动重点是为 Web3 和 AI 提供可定制和可互操作的隐私解决方案。奖金总额为 130,000 美元,开发工作集中在 Oasis 的 Sapphire EVM 和 Runtime Off-chain Logic (ROFL) 框架上。这些技术是参与 Hackathon 的重要组成部分。
主要赞助商包括 PixelRealm 和 Aethir,它们提供去中心化 GPU 基础设施以支持 AI 和游戏的进步。Google Cloud 提供了高达 2,000 美元的云计算服务积分给参与者。此次活动提供了实践经验和交流机会,促进了社区发展和在 Oasis 生态系统中的整合。
这次 Hackathon 突显了 Oasis 作为一个面向保密应用的第一层区块链的潜力,同时也支持 Ocean Protocol 在增强数据隐私和创新方面的更广泛目标。通过鼓励新项目和社区互动,活动支持了 Web3 技术的持续发展。
# **Hackathon 获奖者**
### **在 Sapphire 和 ROFL 上开发奖获奖者**
- 1st Place: [**SQUIDL**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18391) - 一个隐私专注的支付平台,利用 Oasis Sapphire 进行安全交易。它通过隐匿地址生成和 ERC-5564 挑战解决方案简化跨链支付,并集成了 Ethereum Name Service。
- 2nd Place: [**Futures on Chain**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18357)
- 3rd Place (Tie):
- [**Priva Health**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17673)
- [**CAAI (Copyright Aware AI)**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18356)
- [**CompensatePaw3**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18469)
- [**PrivateFeedback**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18475)
- [**CLPD Stablecoin Private Transactions**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18496)
- 4th Place: [**Minesweeper**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18482)
### **Ocean Nodes - Tokenized Intelligence 奖获奖者**
- 1st Place: [**DeFlow**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18142) - 提供拖放界面和自动化任务执行以促进 Ocean Network 中的 AI 模型训练,并使用定制的 Docker 镜像提高效率。
- 2nd Place: [**confidential-data-exchange**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17924) - 去中心化平台用于安全的 AI 模型交易,利用端到端加密和 NFT 进行 Ocean Protocol 内资产标记化。
- 3rd Place: **CAAI (Copyright Aware AI)**
### **计算赏金 - 由 Aethir 赞助,Hackathon 计算合作伙伴奖获奖者**
- 1st Place: **Futures on Chain**
- 2nd Place: **Priva Health**
- 3rd Place: **CAAI (Copyright Aware AI)**
### **提升 Oasis 驱动的嵌入式钱包奖获奖者**
- 1st Place: [**oasis-btc**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18346) - 将比特币密钥管理集成到智能合约中,通过 secp256k1 椭圆曲线提高交易安全性。
- 2nd Place: [**rofl rng recovery**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18332) - 通过离线计算增强用户恢复,利用 ROFL 在 Apillon 嵌入式钱包中提供随机性和隐私。
- 3rd Place: [**Social and Email Authentication with Social Recovery**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18329) - 通过电子邮件和社交媒体验证确保账户管理,使用模块化 Solidity 库。
### **Oasis Sapphire 上创新的去中心化 AI 应用奖获奖者**
- 1st Place: [**SovereignAISearch-oasis-Protocol**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18293) - 一个去中心化的 AI 搜索协议,通过基于区块链的隐私和智能合约管理优先用户数据控制。
- 2nd Place: **Futures on Chain**
### **在 Sapphire 和 ROFL 上开发的额外奖品获奖者**
- 审计积分奖: **Priva Health**, **Futures on Chain**, **SQUIDL**, **CompensatePaw3**, **CLPD Stablecoin Private Transactions**
# **关于主办方**
### **Oasis Network**
Oasis Network 旨在增强 Web3 生态系统中的隐私,将自己定位为区块链技术的关键角色。该组织以开发隐私保护解决方案而闻名,整合这些功能以满足去中心化应用对数据保密的需求。作为行业的参与者,Oasis Network 通过提供强大的隐私层来加强 Web3 的基础元素。这一承诺与其在全球创造安全和私人数字环境的使命相一致。
@ ed84ce10:cccf4c2a
2025-01-17 07:04:30
# **Hackathon Summary**
The [Balancer v3 Hookathon](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/balancer-v3-hookathon) brought together developers to explore the capabilities of the Balancer v3 hooks framework. This event hosted 31 projects with participation from 122 registered developers, focusing on the customization of Automated Market Makers (AMMs) through Balancer's new architecture. Developers worked to innovate pool behavior, enhance liquidity management, and expand design possibilities within the decentralized finance (DeFi) space. Key innovations included custom fee mechanisms and advanced liquidity management tools, contributing to the ecosystem's growth. Participants engaged with Balancer’s core developers, which enhanced collaboration and inspired practical applications. The hackathon offered a range of $BAL rewards for impactful projects, providing participants with visibility in the DeFi community. Overall, the event emphasized creativity and collaboration, integrating the hooks framework into functional solutions.
# **Hackathon Winners**
Following the evaluation of 45 submissions, the winners of the Balancer v3 Hookathon were announced. The prizes were divided into top prizes and other notable winners.
### **Top Prizes Winners**
- [**VolatilityLoyaltyHook**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17772): This project introduces a dual-reward system aimed at stabilizing market volatility while incentivizing trading loyalty. It offers swap fee discounts for users retaining tokens long-term.
- [**Prediction Market Hook**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17576): Focused on decentralized prediction markets, this project operates without centralized control. It provides liquidity providers with revenue through swap fees and reduces price manipulation using 0% arbitrage swap fees.
- [**MEV Tax Hook**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17711): This project captures Maximal Extractable Value for liquidity pools through a dynamic fee structure that accounts for transaction priority, benefiting providers and the Balancer ecosystem.
### **Other Prizes Winners**
- [**Protofire - Dynamic Fees and Reinvesting**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17706): This project stabilizes liquidity pools through dynamic fee adjustments and implements long-term provider rewards by investing in lending markets, supporting token swaps.
- [**Volatility Fee Hook**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16865): This initiative dynamically adjusts pool swap fees based on market volatility, using a model with configurable increments and exponential fee multipliers to enhance market stability.
For detailed insights and technical specifications, attendees and interested individuals can view all submitted projects on [DoraHacks](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/balancer-v3-hookathon/buidl).
# **About the Organizer**
### **Balancer**
Balancer is a protocol within DeFi focused on advancing Automated Market Maker (AMM) development. It offers a permissionless technology framework tailored for developers and supports liquidity providers with a comprehensive suite of Decentralized Exchange (DEX) products. As a prominent entity in the DeFi space, Balancer enables seamless integration and innovation in blockchain technology. The organization is committed to expanding DEX offerings, thereby empowering users to maximize efficiency in liquidity provision and decentralized trading. Additional information about Balancer can be found on their [website](https://balancer.fi/) and [Twitter](https://x.com/Balancer).
@ ed84ce10:cccf4c2a
2025-01-17 07:04:19
# **Overview**
Oasis Network's [Privacy4Web3 Hackathon: 2nd Edition](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/p4w3) hosted 50 registered projects (approved) and involved 149 developers. The focus was on customizable and interoperable privacy solutions for Web3 and AI. A $130,000 USD prize pool was offered, with development centered on Oasis' Sapphire EVM and the Runtime Off-chain Logic (ROFL) framework. These technologies were integral for hackathon participation.
Notable sponsors included PixelRealm and Aethir, which provided decentralized GPU infrastructure to support advancements in AI and gaming. Google Cloud collaborated by offering up to $2,000 in credits to participants. The event provided hands-on experience and networking opportunities, promoting community development and integration within Oasis's ecosystem.
The hackathon highlighted Oasis's potential as a layer-one blockchain designed for confidential applications, while also supporting Ocean Protocol's broader goals of enhancing data privacy and innovation. By encouraging new projects and community engagement, the event supported the continued development of Web3 technologies.
# **Hackathon Winners**
### **Build on Sapphire and ROFL Prize Winners**
- 1st Place: [**SQUIDL**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18391) - A privacy-focused payment platform utilizing Oasis Sapphire for secure transactions. It simplifies cross-chain payments with stealth address generation and ERC-5564 challenges resolution, integrating Ethereum Name Service.
- 2nd Place: [**Futures on Chain**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18357)
- 3rd Place (Tie):
- [**Priva Health**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17673)
- [**CAAI (Copyright Aware AI)**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18356)
- [**CompensatePaw3**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18469)
- [**PrivateFeedback**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18475)
- [**CLPD Stablecoin Private Transactions**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18496)
- 4th Place: [**Minesweeper**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18482)
### **Ocean Nodes - Tokenized Intelligence Prize Winners**
- 1st Place: [**DeFlow**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18142) - Facilitates AI model training with a drag-and-drop interface and automated task execution in the Ocean Network, using customized Docker images for efficiency.
- 2nd Place: [**confidential-data-exchange**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17924) - Decentralized platform for secure AI model trading, employing end-to-end encryption and NFTs for asset tokenization within the Ocean Protocol.
- 3rd Place: **CAAI (Copyright Aware AI)**
### **Compute Bounty - Sponsored by Aethir, Hackathon Compute Partner Prize Winners**
- 1st Place: **Futures on Chain**
- 2nd Place: **Priva Health**
- 3rd Place: **CAAI (Copyright Aware AI)**
### **Enhancing Embedded Wallet Powered by Oasis Prize Winners**
- 1st Place: [**oasis-btc**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18346) - Integrates Bitcoin key management in smart contracts, enhancing transaction security with the secp256k1 elliptic curve.
- 2nd Place: [**rofl rng recovery**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18332) - Enhances user recovery with off-chain computation, employing ROFL for randomness and privacy in Apillon's embedded wallet.
- 3rd Place: [**Social and Email Authentication with Social Recovery**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18329) - Secures account management through email and social media verification, using modular Solidity libraries.
### **Innovative Decentralized AI Applications on Oasis Sapphire Prize Winners**
- 1st Place: [**SovereignAISearch-oasis-Protocol**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18293) - A decentralized AI search protocol that prioritizes user data control through blockchain-based privacy and smart contract management.
- 2nd Place: **Futures on Chain**
### **Build on Sapphire and ROFL - Additional Prizes Winners**
- Audit Credits Prize: **Priva Health**, **Futures on Chain**, **SQUIDL**, **CompensatePaw3**, **CLPD Stablecoin Private Transactions**
For further details on these projects, visit https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/p4w3/buidl.
# **About the Organizer**
### **Oasis Network**
Oasis Network aims to enhance privacy within the Web3 ecosystem, positioning itself as a key player in blockchain technology. Known for developing privacy-preserving solutions, the organization integrates these capabilities to address the need for data confidentiality in decentralized applications. As a contributor to the industry, Oasis Network seeks to strengthen Web3's foundational elements by providing robust privacy layers. This commitment aligns with their mission to create secure and private digital environments worldwide.
@ 6389be64:ef439d32
2025-01-16 15:44:06
## Black Locust can grow up to 170 ft tall
## Grows 3-4 ft. per year
## Native to North America
## Cold hardy in zones 3 to 8
## Firewood
- BLT wood, on a pound for pound basis is roughly half that of Anthracite Coal
- Since its growth is fast, firewood can be plentiful
## Timber
- Rot resistant due to a naturally produced robinin in the wood
- 100 year life span in full soil contact! (better than cedar performance)
- Fence posts
- Outdoor furniture
- Outdoor decking
- Sustainable due to its fast growth and spread
- Can be coppiced (cut to the ground)
- Can be pollarded (cut above ground)
- Its dense wood makes durable tool handles, boxes (tool), and furniture
- The wood is tougher than hickory, which is tougher than hard maple, which is tougher than oak.
- A very low rate of expansion and contraction
- Hardwood flooring
- The highest tensile beam strength of any American tree
- The wood is beautiful
## Legume
- Nitrogen fixer
- Fixes the same amount of nitrogen per acre as is needed for 200-bushel/acre corn
- Black walnuts inter-planted with locust as “nurse” trees were shown to rapidly increase their growth [[Clark, Paul M., and Robert D. Williams. (1978) Black walnut growth increased when interplanted with nitrogen-fixing shrubs and trees. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, vol. 88, pp. 88-91.]]
## Bees
- The edible flower clusters are also a top food source for honey bees
## Shade Provider
- Its light, airy overstory provides dappled shade
- Planted on the west side of a garden it provides relief during the hottest part of the day
- (nitrogen provider)
- Planted on the west side of a house, its quick growth soon shades that side from the sun
## Wind-break
- Fast growth plus it's feathery foliage reduces wind for animals, crops, and shelters
## Fodder
- Over 20% crude protein
- 4.1 kcal/g of energy
- Baertsche, S.R, M.T. Yokoyama, and J.W. Hanover (1986) Short rotation, hardwood tree biomass as potential ruminant feed-chemical composition, nylon bag ruminal degradation and ensilement of selected species. J. Animal Sci. 63 2028-2043
@ 5bdb0e24:0ccbebd7
2025-01-17 06:19:58
In the world of networking, two fundamental models serve as the backbone for communication protocols and standards: the OSI model and the TCP/IP model. Both models are quite similar, providing frameworks for how data is transmitted across networks at various stages of the process.
Understanding these models is crucial for anyone working in IT, cybersecurity, or any related tech field. But what exactly are they?
# The OSI Model
The OSI (Open Systems Interconnection) model is a conceptual framework that standardizes the functions of a telecommunication or computing system into seven distinct layers. Each layer is responsible for specific tasks, such as data encapsulation, error detection, and routing. The layers of the OSI model are as follows:
1. **Physical Layer:** This layer deals with the physical connection between devices, such as cables and network interfaces.
2. **Data Link Layer:** Responsible for node-to-node communication, this layer ensures data integrity and manages access to the physical medium.
3. **Network Layer:** The network layer handles routing and forwarding of data packets between different networks.
4. **Transport Layer:** This layer provides end-to-end communication services for applications, including error detection and flow control.
5. **Session Layer:** Manages sessions between applications, establishing, maintaining, and terminating connections.
6. **Presentation Layer:** Responsible for data translation, encryption, and compression to ensure compatibility between different systems.
7. **Application Layer:** The topmost layer that interacts directly with applications and end-users, providing network services such as email and file transfer.
Now, that's a lot to remember. So, an easy acronym you can use to remember these 7 layers is *"Please Do Not Touch Steve's Pet Alligator."* It's helped me quite a bit in trying to pinpoint a specific layer.
Also, keep in mind that the layers are typically inverted from what you see above, with Layer 7 being at the top of the stack and Layer 1 being at the bottom.
# The TCP/IP Model
On the other hand, the TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol) model is a more streamlined approach to networking, consisting of only four layers:
1. **Link Layer:** Corresponding to the OSI model's data link and physical layers, the link layer deals with the physical connection and data framing.
2. **Internet Layer:** Similar to the OSI model's network layer, the internet layer focuses on routing packets across different networks.
3. **Transport Layer:** Combines the functions of the OSI model's transport and session layers, providing reliable data transfer services.
4. **Application Layer:** Equivalent to the OSI model's top three layers, the application layer in TCP/IP handles network services for applications.
While the OSI model is more detailed and theoretical, the TCP/IP model is practical and widely used in modern networking. It's also a bit easier to remember than the OSI model.
And, similar to the OSI model, the TCP/IP model is typically visualized with Layer 4 at the top of the stack and Layer 1 at the bottom, unlike what you see above.
# Conclusion
Both the TCP/IP and OSI models play essential roles in understanding how data is transmitted across networks. By grasping the functions of each layer and their interactions, network professionals can troubleshoot issues, design efficient networks, and ensure seamless communication between devices.
Whether you're a seasoned systems administrator or you're just getting your start in IT, mastering these models is key to navigating the complex world of networking.
@ b8851a06:9b120ba1
2025-01-14 15:28:32
## **It Begins with a Click**
It starts with a click: *“Do you agree to our terms and conditions?”*\
You scroll, you click, you comply. A harmless act, right? But what if every click was a surrender? What if every "yes" was another link in the chain binding you to a life where freedom requires approval?
This is the age of permission. Every aspect of your life is mediated by gatekeepers. Governments demand forms, corporations demand clicks, and algorithms demand obedience. You’re free, of course, as long as you play by the rules. But who writes the rules? Who decides what’s allowed? Who owns your life?
## **Welcome to Digital Serfdom**
We once imagined the internet as a digital frontier—a vast, open space where ideas could flow freely and innovation would know no bounds. But instead of creating a decentralized utopia, we built a new feudal system.
- Your data? Owned by the lords of Big Tech.
- Your money? Controlled by banks and bureaucrats who can freeze it on a whim.
- Your thoughts? Filtered by algorithms that reward conformity and punish dissent.
The modern internet is a land of serfs and lords, and guess who’s doing the farming? You. Every time you agree to the terms, accept the permissions, or let an algorithm decide for you, you till the fields of a system designed to control, not liberate.
They don’t call it control, of course. They call it *“protection.”* They say, “We’re keeping you safe,” as they build a cage so big you can’t see the bars.
## **Freedom in Chains**
But let’s be honest: we’re not just victims of this system—we’re participants. We’ve traded freedom for convenience, sovereignty for security. It’s easier to click “I Agree” than to read the fine print. It’s easier to let someone else hold your money than to take responsibility for it yourself. It’s easier to live a life of quiet compliance than to risk the chaos of true independence.
We tell ourselves it’s no big deal. What’s one click? What’s one form? But the permissions pile up. The chains grow heavier. And one day, you wake up and realize you’re free to do exactly what the system allows—and nothing more.
## **The Great Unpermissioning**
It doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t need their approval. You don’t need their systems. You don’t need their permission.
The Great Unpermissioning is not a movement—it’s a mindset. It’s the refusal to accept a life mediated by gatekeepers. It’s the quiet rebellion of saying, *“No.”* It’s the realization that the freedom you seek won’t be granted—it must be reclaimed.
- **Stop asking.** Permission is their tool. Refusal is your weapon.
- **Start building.** Embrace tools that decentralize power: Bitcoin, encryption, open-source software, decentralized communication. Build systems they can’t control.
- **Stand firm.** They’ll tell you it’s dangerous. They’ll call you a radical. But remember: the most dangerous thing you can do is comply.
The path won’t be easy. Freedom never is. But it will be worth it.
## **The New Frontier**
The age of permission has turned us into digital serfs, but there’s a new frontier on the horizon. It’s a world where you control your money, your data, your decisions. It’s a world of encryption, anonymity, and sovereignty. It’s a world built not on permission but on principles.
This world won’t be given to you. You have to build it. You have to fight for it. And it starts with one simple act: refusing to comply.
## **A Final Word**
They promised us safety, but what they delivered was submission. The age of permission has enslaved us to the mundane, the monitored, and the mediocre. The Great Unpermissioning isn’t about tearing down the old world—it’s about walking away from it.
You don’t need to wait for their approval. You don’t need to ask for their permission. The freedom you’re looking for is already yours. Permission is their power—refusal is yours.
@ 71a4b7ff:d009692a
2025-01-16 17:31:06
A couple of years ago psychologists at Berkeley have [delved into the phenomenon of awe](https://doi.org/10.1177/17456916221094856)—how it affects us, when it arises, and how it can benefit us. Then I made this short summary, which I translated and edited a little today.
## What Characterizes Awe?
Researchers define awe as a distinct and complex emotion encompassing 8–10 positive feelings, such as wonder, admiration, delight, and respect.
I’d like to sprinkle in a touch of discomfort or even threat, but the study notes that this aspect of awe depends on cultural context. For instance, in Japan, awe is more closely tied to experiences of threat than in other countries—think earthquakes, emperors, Hiroshima, Godzilla, and other kaiju.
## How does our body respond to awe?
It turns out that awe can significantly improve both physical and mental health—even in “angry, bald apes” like us. The only caveat is not to mix it with fear or threat. Awe associated with those tends to be less beneficial.
The study identifies five key ways in which awe supports well-being:
1. **Neurophysiological bonuses**:
- Increased vagal tone.
- Reduced sympathetic arousal.
- Release of oxytocin.
- Decreased systemic inflammation.
- Lower activity in the brain’s default mode network.
2. **Reduced self-focus**:\
Over-focusing on oneself contributes to anxiety, depression, body image issues, addiction, aggression, and more. Notably, most people's profile pictures are close-ups of their faces. But among hikers, you’re more likely to see tiny figures dwarfed by vast, beautiful landscapes. If that’s not a literal shift away from self-focus, what is?
3. **Prosociality**:\
Even a brief moment of awe boosts cooperation, generosity, and altruistic behavior. Nowhere have I seen as much mutual help and free-flowing communication, even among strangers, as I have on hiking trips.
4. **Connection to the larger whole**:\
Awe fosters integration into strong social networks, a sense of connection to others, and harmony with nature.
5. **A sense of meaning, purpose, and significance**:\
Awe aids in making sense of life’s events, finding links between the present and the past, and aligning with one’s values, relationships, and life trajectory.
These five aspects form the foundation of both physical and mental health. Open any book, lecture, or treatise on human well-being, and you’ll find them highlighted in some form.
## How can you experience awe?
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/46f89c89063c95b68833651fd09566613a9cf7e5b79f3fd4107e690d3a7d7242.jpg">
The good news is that opportunities to experience awe are varied and accessible to almost everyone. It’s both surprising and heartening that they don’t revolve around the modern-day idols of success, money, or power. It seems that, at our core, we’re geared toward other goals and often misled by false priorities.
Among the universally effective ways to experience awe, researchers highlight:
- Spiritual and religious practices.
- Shared ceremonies (cinema, music, dance).
- Visual art.
- Psychedelic experiences.
- Acts of courage and kindness (which inspire awe in others).
- And, of course, connection with nature.
When mountains and hiking entered my life, they brought more health, peace, friends, purpose, and meaning than I’d ever expected. This text is a direct result of the awe I feel each time I stand among peaks, cliffs, forests, lakes, and rivers.
It’s not a panacea, but in a time when we’re drowning in useless information, political madness, urban filth, and noise, we desperately need a breath of fresh air.
Let’s embrace awe!
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/d2e3c29b06c3eb963005429494a1687fba8dc32eed8deb56e3650fdf2472cc39.jpg">
@ fd78c37f:a0ec0833
2025-01-17 03:23:02
In this edition, we invited Evelyn and Gerardo to share their experiences in creating a Bitcoin community, discussing their motivations, challenges, strategies, and goals. Their journey offers valuable lessons on community engagement and the transformative power of Bitcoin.
**YakiHonne:** Evelyn, Gerardo, We're truly delighted and grateful to have you join us today. Before we dive in, I’d like to share some background on what YakiHonne is. YakiHonne is a decentralized media client built on the Nostr protocol that enables freedom of speech through technology. It empowers creators to create their own voice, assets, and features. It also allows features like smart widgets, verified notes, and focuses on long-form articles. we'll be exploring more about your community. What sparked your interest in Bitcoin, and what motivated you to create a community around it ?
**Evelyn**:In the beginning, I started learning about Bitcoin in 2019, just a bit at first. When it became legal tender, we realized it was a monumental moment for El Salvador, and we knew we had to get involved in anything related to Bitcoin. Personally, I began watching videos and reading more about Bitcoin to deepen my understanding of its significance for El Salvador adopting it as legal tender.
**Evelyn**:Soon, I recognized the importance of educating more Salvadorans about Bitcoin. This led us to start providing Bitcoin education in classrooms, schools, and various communities across different cities in El Salvador. As we traveled across the country, we noticed that Bitcoin adoption was still limited, with few places accepting it as a means of payment. This observation motivated us to build a community where Bitcoin could be used as a medium of exchange. Our goal was to replicate and expand upon the Bitcoin community that was already taking root in El Salvador.As the first country to adopt Bitcoin as legal tender, we understood the necessity of working on increasing its adoption throughout the nation.
![image]( https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/fd78c37f13c3a9d5bce80dc3278d529ba908e5119e90f9131905c5a5a0ec0833/files/1737081630947-YAKIHONNES3.jpg)
**YakiHonne**: Could you share how your community was established, the strategies you employed to attract members, and the challenges you faced in the process?
**Gerardo**:We were living in San Salvador, but we didn’t enjoy city life, so we started looking for a place outside the city. We knew we wanted to live in the mountains, and there are a few options here in El Salvador. Eventually, we found ourselves in Berlin, and we really liked it. After spending some time visiting and getting to know the people, we decided this was where we wanted to settle down.
![image]( https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/fd78c37f13c3a9d5bce80dc3278d529ba908e5119e90f9131905c5a5a0ec0833/files/1737082154413-YAKIHONNES3.jpg)
**Gerardo**:Once we made that decision, we knew we wanted to start teaching Bitcoin within the community. We began talking to local entrepreneurs and residents, letting them know about our plan to educate the community about Bitcoin. We explained that it could bring significant opportunities for Berlin and its residents, including increased tourism. Some people were really excited about the idea because there weren’t many places in El Salvador, the “Bitcoin country” that had a circular economy focused on Bitcoin. Most of the activity was concentrated in the city.
**Gerardo**:As people started to hear about our idea, they liked it, and soon we had a team working with us to onboard more businesses. We were fortunate to find the right people, and that’s how it all began. We started by getting about 12 to 15 businesses to accept Bitcoin. I remember creating a social media presence, including a Twitter account, to promote Berlin as a destination where people could spend Bitcoin.
**Gerardo**:Berlin is about two and a half to three hours from the capital, San Salvador, depending on traffic, so it wasn’t easy for people to come initially. But as time went on, more people started visiting. They liked the weather, the friendly community, and the places where they could use Bitcoin. Soon, a few Bitcoin enthusiasts even moved to Berlin.
**Gerardo**:A year and eight months later, we now have a thriving community of over 20 Bitcoin users from around the world living here, along with many locals who have become Bitcoin users thanks to our educational efforts. We’ve established a Bitcoin center, have over 130 merchants accepting Bitcoin, and even non-business residents are using it. It’s been a fantastic journey, and it all started with a desire to educate a few people, which kept growing from there.
![image]( https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/fd78c37f13c3a9d5bce80dc3278d529ba908e5119e90f9131905c5a5a0ec0833/files/1737082190193-YAKIHONNES3.jpg)
**YakiHonne**: I love how it all started and the fact that you created mechanisms and opportunities for Bitcoiners to actually spend Bitcoin. It's also amazing how this initiative helped Berlin by attracting more prominent investors to settle here.Apart from Berlin's distance from the capital, which made it less accessible and may have deterred some people from coming, were there any other challenges you faced in the process of promoting Bitcoin adoption?
**Gerardo**:we faced several challenges, such as the local government’s disapproval of our Bitcoin activities, the initial difficulty of introducing Bitcoin into the community, and finding a suitable venue for our educational efforts. These were the primary obstacles we encountered early in the project.
**Gerardo**:The first challenge we faced in the beginning was the lack of Bitcoin usage in the town. While we were teaching people to accept Bitcoin, there weren’t many individuals actually spending it. It was just the two of us at first, taking turns visiting places that accept Bitcoin, trying to make sure we could spend it and show others that it was possible. We were also traveling to San Salvador and inviting people to come to Berlin, but our efforts weren’t very successful initially.
**Gerardo**:Eventually, more people started coming, and that issue was resolved. However, another challenge arose with some local politicians who didn’t approve of what we were doing. They tried to stop our efforts by discouraging people from working with us. As a result, a few locals didn’t trust us at first.
**Gerardo**:For some people, they might think it's a scam. So, the educational aspect was a significant challenge. A few months into the project, we decided to hold community meetings, which was crucial for us because we needed a place to teach and spread knowledge about Bitcoin. However, we didn't have a dedicated venue at the time. Fortunately, we had a few friends, and initially, we held meetings at their homes or garages.
![image]( https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/fd78c37f13c3a9d5bce80dc3278d529ba908e5119e90f9131905c5a5a0ec0833/files/1737082294972-YAKIHONNES3.jpg)
**YakiHonne**: You mentioned facing trust issues. What principles guide the community, and how did you maintain trust and reliability in your discussions as you built the community?
**Evelyn**:One of the key points in building trust within the local community is establishing clear trust and transparency. There were many misconceptions about Bitcoin initially. People often associated Bitcoin with politics and politicians, assuming it was a government creation. This misconception was fueled by the distribution of a government-issued Bitcoin wallet tied to citizens’ IDs, which caused confusion due to a lack of public education on Bitcoin.
**Evelyn**:To address this, we made it a priority to remain neutral and uninvolved with the government. We focused on educating people about Bitcoin's origins, its creation by Satoshi Nakamoto, and its fundamental workings, breaking down complex concepts into simple explanations. We also informed the community about various Bitcoin wallets available, emphasizing alternatives to the government-issued wallet, which had issues with trust and identity theft.
**Evelyn**:Engaging with respected elders in Berlin was another crucial strategy. We explained the benefits of Bitcoin adoption for the local economy and how it could improve the quality of life in the community. These respected community members helped us reach others and build credibility.
**Evelyn**:Since May 2023, we have been deeply involved in educational and social projects, demonstrating that Bitcoin can improve not only personal financial situations but also community welfare. Importantly, we never asked for anything in return, showing our genuine intentions. Over time, this consistent engagement helped us gain the community’s trust, and our work in Bitcoin education has grown stronger.
![image]( https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/fd78c37f13c3a9d5bce80dc3278d529ba908e5119e90f9131905c5a5a0ec0833/files/1737082334686-YAKIHONNES3.jpg)
**YakiHonne**: How do you educate your members and keep them informed about the latest Bitcoin developments?
**Evelyn**:Beyond simply observing developments in the Bitcoin space, we hold weekly meetings not only within our team but also with the broader community. These gatherings have been invaluable, as we've been fortunate to engage with many knowledgeable individuals who bring both technical expertise and insights into the philosophical aspects of Bitcoin. Through these interactions, we continuously learn from each other. We've also had the privilege of hosting experts who conduct workshops and deliver lectures during our meetings. These sessions help us stay informed about the latest advancements in technology and the evolving landscape of Bitcoin.
![image]( https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/fd78c37f13c3a9d5bce80dc3278d529ba908e5119e90f9131905c5a5a0ec0833/files/1737082399156-YAKIHONNES3.jpg)
**YakiHonne**: Apart from education and inviting external instructors for weekly classes and meetups, how does your community collaborate with the broader Bitcoin ecosystem? What partnership has been the most impactful so far?
**Gerardo**:When we arrived here, I remember that many people knew something needed to change in the town’s technology and overall situation. They were unhappy with the status quo, especially with the government. There was already a lot of energy within the population of Berlin; we just needed to harness that energy and get organized. That’s when people started collaborating.
**Gerardo**:In addition to Bitcoin education, we worked on social projects, like painting parks, cleaning the city, and addressing basic issues that the municipality wasn’t tackling. This shift in mentality helped people realize that it’s up to us to take action, not just wait for the government to act.
**Gerardo**:As for Bitcoin adoption, many businesses have greatly benefited from it. They’ve seen an increase in income and are now able to save in new ways. You can even hear personal stories from business owners on how their operations have gradually transformed since they started accepting Bitcoin. This has had a significant impact on the local economy and also on how people view social change within the town.
**YakiHonne**: Do you have any partnerships with other Bitcoin or Bitcoin-related communities outside of Berlin?
**Gerardo**:There aren’t many Bitcoin communities outside of Berlin, even though we're considered the Bitcoin country. There's the Los Angeles one, which was the first, then Bitcoin Beach, followed by us, and now a new one is emerging in Santa Ana. I had a conversation yesterday with someone who's helping with that initiative, and we're planning some collaborations with them. They’ll be visiting us here, and we’ll also visit them to collaborate on Bitcoin education. There's also another community in La Pi Raya, a small island, that is working on Bitcoin education as well.
**Gerardo**: There aren't many communities in the area, but we’re always open to working with them. It's really interesting to hear about their experiences and the challenges they face, as we can learn a lot from their insights.
**YakiHonne**: I expected that, since it was El Salvador, there would be over a thousand Bitcoin communities. Given that it's a country that has embraced Bitcoin so extensively, I thought there would be hundreds of communities.
**Gerardo**:However, it's been three and a half years since the Bitcoin Law, and adoption has been slow. While the U.S. dollar is still the other currency in use, people continue to trust it despite its devaluation. It's relatively stable, so they don’t yet feel the need to switch to Bitcoin. So, the adoption process is definitely moving slowly.
**YakiHonne**: Apart from creating Bitcoin-friendly shops and a community where people can buy and trade with BTC, what other steps have been taken to promote Bitcoin adoption in El Salvador? What results have you seen so far in your community?.
**Gerardo**:Bringing Bitcoin's identity to Berlin has significantly helped the town. It has attracted more Bitcoiners, especially those coming from El Salvador who are interested in Bitcoin adoption. We've started claiming the title of "Bitcoin City of El Salvador," which has also helped. The results are clear: people are seeing their income improve and are learning new things from the Bitcoin community. Slowly but surely, Berlin is adopting Bitcoin, and it’s bringing positive changes to the town.
![image]( https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/fd78c37f13c3a9d5bce80dc3278d529ba908e5119e90f9131905c5a5a0ec0833/files/1737082430040-YAKIHONNES3.jpg)
**YakiHonne**: What are the community's goals for the next 6-12 months, and how do you see it evolving with Bitcoin's growth?
**Gerardo**:While many Berliners use Bitcoin for transactions, they tend to store it in custodial wallets. Our goal is to encourage people to own their seed phrases and understand the full Bitcoin philosophy, including the importance of time preference. We aim to teach people not just about Bitcoin payments, but also its broader value this year.
**Gerardo**:we’ll create an independent association to manage donations and oversee community projects. The association will have its own rules, a board consisting of both expats and locals, and will work on improving the town. The Bitcoin education aspect will remain under our care. Our main goals are better education and local involvement in fixing the town's issues.
**YakiHonne**: You mentioned saving Bitcoin, and it reminded me of a point made in a previous interview with another community. They said the same thing—many people spend Bitcoin, but few actually save it, which is a problem. Saving Bitcoin has many benefits. For example, that community even encourages parents to save Bitcoin for their children, so that by the time they grow up, they'll have something valuable to inherit. I really appreciate your insights today, and I look forward to seeing how these efforts continue to make an impact in the future.
@ bf47c19e:c3d2573b
2025-01-16 21:32:29
Originalni tekst na [nin.rs](https://www.nin.rs/arhiva/vesti/36962/bitkoin-je-nasa-buducnost)
###### 20.09.2023 / Autor: Danica Popović
Da se preselimo na tržište kriptovaluta? Šalim se, naravno. Mada, pogledajte: da ste 2009. godine „iskopali“ bitkoin u vrednosti od jednog dinara, danas biste u svom bitkoin novčaniku imali - šezdeset hiljada dolara! Prosečna godišnja stopa rasta, dakle - dvesta devet odsto, zarada nevidljiva, a veća od one iz Кrušika i Jovanjice zajedno!
Zar ne biste pomislili - ovde vredi uložiti više od dva dinara, ili pet... ili milijardu? I onda, kako se takva želja zove? Pohlepa, naravno. Zato vas, sve redom, molim: nemojte govoriti da je pohlepa kriva za probleme u Srbiji, ili u svetu. Nije. Pohlepni su i svi ostali, od Adama i Eve do Hilari Кlinton ili Cukerberga, pa šta? Кad postoji sud i kakva-takva demokratija, stvari se nekako dovedu u red. Кad toga nema – kao kod nas, zar je kriva pohlepa što ne rade institucije?
E sad, kod bitkoina postoji veliki izuzetak: on čak podstiče pohlepu. Niko (sem vas) ne zna koliko ste zaradili, pa slobodno možete da utajite porez! Ni američka poreska uprava (IRS) ne može da uđe u trag prometu kriptovaluta, i sama je objavila da je u periodu od 2013. do 2018. godine samo 800 do 900 poreskih obveznika podnelo prijave o zaradi u kriptovaluti. Taj broj je rastao, ali, slabo, kažu: „brojevi su i dalje daleko od onih o broju korisnika, transakcija i vrednosti koju berze objavljuju na godišnjem nivou“.
Кoliko je situacija tu loša, najviše govori upitnik koji je američka poreska uprava zimus poslala na više od 10.000 adresa, obraćajući se onima za koje je smatrala da ima izgleda da nisu prijavili prihod od virtuelne valute. A jedan jedini poreski obveznik, koji je svoju poresku prijavu dopunio sa još 1,6 miliona dolara (stečenih prodajom bitkoina) upravo je bio jedan od primalaca pisma. Evo šta su ga pitali: „Da li ste u bilo kom trenutku tokom 2020. godine dobijali, prodavali, slali, menjali ili na bilo koji drugi način sticali bilo kakav finansijski interes u bilo kojoj virtuelnoj valuti?“
Кrajem decembra prošle godine i kod nas je usvojen Zakon o digitalnoj imovini, koji će se primenjivati od sredine ove godine. Tako će ovde na svaku transakciju kriptovaluta u kojoj se ostvari kapitalna dobit morati da se plati porez od 15 odsto – ne samo na dobit, već i na „kopanje“ bitkoina. Кako će to da izvedu, ne kažu. Ali je skoro sigurno da neće kao Amerikanci, da šalju pisma po kućama. Jer, ovakvo pismo bi kod nas značilo – plašiš mečku rešetom.
Sad da vidimo kolike su zarade – pa da krenemo u akciju. Bitkoin je prošlu godinu započeo sa vrednošću od 6.950,56 dolara, ali je već u martu pao za čitavu trećinu! Ipak, godina je završena sa prosečnim godišnjim rastom od 323 odsto, ili od 507 odsto od martovskog debakla. Pre mesec dana vrednost bitkoina je bila 48.200, a 5. aprila - 58.866,13 dolara!
Ovaj vrtoglavi rast bitkoin duguje Tesli, proizvođaču električnih automobila, koji je objavio da je kupio bitkoine u vrednosti od 1,5 milijardi dolara! I ne samo to: predstavnici Tesle su izjavili da će električne automobile prodavati i za bitkoine. Кako je time umanjen najrizičniji deo posla na kriptovalutama, a to je konverzija u „zemaljsku valutu“ - tražnja i cena bitkoina munjevito su skočile za dvadeset odsto, a zatim nastavile da rastu.
I šta sad? Bitkoin je, dakle, savršeni dvanaestogodišnji špekulativni balon. Da li će potrajati, ako se uz Teslu tržištu bitkoina pridruže i drugi proizvođači? Verovatno hoće, mada - možda i neće. Tržišta kriptovalute daleko su od predvidljivih i samo jedno znamo: kao i svaki špekulativni balon, i ovaj će pući.
Nije bitkoin dobar ni za svet, ni za nas. Za svet je loše, jer je proizvodnja veoma skupa: podaci o indeksu potrošnje električne energije pokazuju da je godišnja potrošnja energije prilikom „rudarenja“ kriptovaluta veća od godišnje potrošnje struje u Argentini ili Norveškoj. Skupo je za planetu, dakle.
Naravno, na tržištu kriptovaluta obavezno se mora imati veliki „apetit za rizik“. I još nešto: da bi posao imao smisla, neophodno je da učesnici budu sposobni da finansijski izdrže gubitak - koliko god on iznosio. A gde ste tu vi? Nigde, naravno.
Ipak je to njihova, a ne naša budućnost.
@ 2355757c:5ad3e04d
2025-01-16 21:07:14
# Introduction
Blue light from artificial sources is one of the most biologically disruptive toxins that exists in our modern world today. It is pervasive, it is ubiquitous and it is only getting worse with the ever increasing time we spend indoors and in front of screens. The worst part is: it doesnt have to be this way. The EVEN worse part: it is exactly what Big Tech wants.
This newsletter will cover exactly why blue light from screens and our lighting is bad for our health, and **what you can do to avoid these biological disruptions.**
- Artificial blue light is not the same as natural blue light.
- Artificial blue light disrupts our circadian rhythm (the most important aspect of our biology) and our sleep.
- A disrupted circadian rhythm has been linked to nearly all chronic diseases.
- Artificial blue light is addictive by design & disrupts our neurotransmitters.
# Natural Blue Light vs Artificial Blue Light
Blue light, like all visible light, is a sliver of the electromagnetic radiation spectrum. That means that blue light is an EMF, and artificial blue light is a non-native EMF. That is why I often say non-native EMFs are the most pervasive environmental toxin in modern society. The food is an issue, but the light is what is really f\*cked. It is far easier to change your food diet than your light/EMF diet.
Blue light is typically defined as 450-490nm wavelength light, although there is some debate on where that starts and ends. That correlates to a frequency of around 600-660THz and \~2.5eV of photon energy. That means a wavelength of blue light is oscillating at 600-660 Trillion times per second. It also means that the photons in blue light have the ability to excite electrons they come to interact with, with around 2.5eV of energy.
Blue light is not some alien part of the electromagnetic spectrum, as say 5G radio frequencies are, it is actually something we are exposed to every single day in the form of sunlight and have been for the existence of humanity. However, there is a stark difference between the blue light we are exposed to in the form of sunlight and the artifical blue light we are exposed to from our technology screens and lighting:
- Blue light in isolation / missing the rest of the spectrum
- Pulsed LED control
- The wrong context / time of day
- Dull
To understand why blue light from artificial sources is so toxic to our biology, you need to understand first what our biology is programmed to take in as an input signal from full spectrum sunlight. I refer to it as “full spectrum” sunlight here because that is the big takeaway: **you are getting exposure to a full spectrum of light.**
Blue light coming from the sun is NEVER present without longer, lower energy wavelengths such as Red + Near-Infrared (NIR). Sunlight is 49%-55% infrared light. NIR (650nm-1200nm) represents 70% of the total solar spectrum from a photochemistry viewpoint when considering photons/second. Compare that to artificial light, which almost always has little to ZERO red/infrared light due to energy efficiency standards. A spectrum plot below highlights this stark difference between sunlight & artificial lighting. We will discuss more about the biological impacts of this in the next section. It is important to note that a large reason the infrared spectrum is NOT present in light is due to “energy efficiency” and is also incandescents have been made illegal. Of course, policies like this are completely ignorant to the health benefits of the infrared spectrum of light and importance for a more fuller spectrum.
![](blob:https://highlighter.com/65a4b499-e9d3-4a1c-bcf7-cd7bcf0e4968)All man made modern light is pulsed, whilst in nature it is continuous. Fluorescents and incandescent bulbs, because they are powered via our 50/60Hz electrical grid have a pulse of 50/60Hz (low frequency). LEDs are controlled by a digital electronics control scheme called Pulsed Width Modulation (PWM). PWM lighting control is typically at 500Hz-50kHz (and could be higher). Engineers say that the human eye can’t see “flicker” above 100Hz, which is true from a visual perspective…but our biology knows. This is a large reason why eye strain, headaches, and other symptoms arise from staring at screens for long periods of time. Sunlight is never pulsed, and is only continuous.
Getting back to the spectrum, the real issue with artificial blue light is the incorrect context. Natural sunlight only provides blue light in a full spectrum setting when (obviously) the sun is up. It has a more rich blue spectrum mid day vs first thing in the morning. It also has even higher energy wavelengths such as violet, UVA, and UVB in mid day (UVB latitude/season dependent). Our artificial blue lights come with zero context. They don’t change based on the sun angle or time of day. They do not go away after sunset. They simply are the same pulsed isolated blue light rich lights, all day long. Nature operates on a clock, and our body needs to be in tune with that clock, else we get biological dysfunction.
Indoor and artificial blue light sources are DULL. Not their personalities, but their brightness. If you are outside mid day you are going to be experience 10,000-100,000 LUX of brightness. That is 30-1000X HIGHER than typicaly indoor lighting. Big range because some indoor lighting areas are very, very dull. So now you have an even more alien form of light. Blue light is the main input signal that tells your body it is daytime, and a big component of that is brightness. Brightness = photon density. If you are inside all day you are getting \~100x LESS photon density. Photons carry energy to excite the electrons in your body. We are starving for photon energy.
# Artificial Blue Light Disrupts our Circadian Rhythm
Our circadian rhythm (CR), aka our 24hr biological clock, is in my opinion the most important aspect of our biology. Why? Because nearly everything in our body is goverened by time of day and CR. It encompasses our light diet, our food diet, our sleep, hormones, and so much more. Circadian disruption has been linked with nearly all chronic disease and mental health issues.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/0d3de61f8c355b368c893899a190943e973693abd3ff22967c071d1df8017be2.jpg">
So what causes our CR to get out of whack and misalign our biological clocks? **The number 1 input signal to our circadian biology is light.** The other main input signal is simply our sleep/wake cycle. Food input is secondary and our connection to the earth (grounding/earthign) has also been shown as a circadian input signal.
Our sleep/wake cycle should be tied to light, so those two are quite intertwined. But what about light causes circadian disruption? Here is a short list of the big hitters:
- Artificial Light at Night (ALAN)
- Dull/junk light during the day
- Missing sunrise/UVA rise in the morning
**Basically: any light that deviates from the natural solar spectrum in your local environment will disrupt your circadian rhthym. The degree of how alien/different the spectrum is will dictate how severe the circadian disruption is.**
Artifical light at night is especially bad because blue light is a signal of daytime and suppresses melatonin production. ANY blue light post sunset will cause a circadian disruption to some degree and the magnitude of exposure will determine just how much. This is why blocking blue light specifically at night time is so important.
[**“Artificial Light at Night (ALAN) can cause circadian disruption…which can result in a variety of pathological diseases, including premature aging”**](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0531556522003850)
Really any light post sunset will disrupt circadian biology but blue light is especially bad because it most severely impacts melatonin production. Brightness is another major factor. Wearing dark red blue light blockers will help, but if you are still in an extremely brightly lit room <1 hour before bed time it won’t be ideal for sleep quality.
Exposure to [**“blue-appearing light within the short-wavelength portion of the spectrum, between 446 and 477 nm, results in melatonin suppression that is more than 3 times more potent than exposure to long-wavelength light above 530 nm.”**](https://journals.physiology.org/doi/full/10.1152/japplphysiol.01413.2009?rfr_dat=cr_pub++0pubmed&url_ver=Z39.88-2003&rfr_id=ori%3Arid%3Acrossref.org)
Bright and blue is the recipe for maxx melatonin suppression. Bright and any color light will still have a suppressive effect as well. Want your best night sleep ever? Turn the lights OFF and only uses a very dull red light, candle, etc.
# Depression, Blue Light & Dopamine
We have a mental health crisis ongoing in modern society. In the US, over 20% of adults suffer from a mental health disorder/illness and even 1/6 children now do as well. In 2000, the percentage of prevalence of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) aka severe depression was 2%, today it is over 8%…a 4x increase. Suicide rates have also been climbing, especially in teenagers in this “smartphone era”. It seems like a strong possibility that our modern technology is the major driver for this mental health epidemic.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/2889bf76e38693c38f0c22d80790594b42aa2b78b36df25e1f5f72acf2a30738.jpg">
I think anyone can agree that our devices, specifically our phones are highly addictive. We think it is just the social media apps penetrating our psychology and dopamine reward systems, but in reality it’s more than that. The hardware also plays a priming role. **I am saying that blue lit screens is making you more vulnerable to fall prey to the predatory marketing tactics of short form content on social media apps**. You can simply look at toddlers, who are far MORE vulnerable to effects on their developing brains, to know that it is not just the apps or the games, but also the LIGHT…the blue light specifically.
For children, you can easily google or YouTube a video of a toddler throwing a temper tantrum when you take away their iPad. The games or shows they are watching may indeed be “addicting” but I would argue the bright blue dominant screen is the real reason they are addicted.
Blue light induces a dopamine release in our body in short term exposure. Regardless of the science - we can feel it. Some [papers](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0014483523002257#:~:text=One%20minute%20of%20blue%20light%20stimulation%20significantly%20increased%20dopamine%20concentration,humor%20\(P%20%3C%200.05\).) are catching up on this, and [some](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/18779590/) are discussing how the blue light photoreceptor AKA melanopsin is directly intertwined with dopaminergic neurons. The initial paper discusses how experiments were performed in a room “illumninated by a red LED to avoid influencing dopamine synthesis”. This means that *not all light is stimulating dopamine secretion*, and that blue light is especially stimulating in terms of its effect on our brain.
This is the same reason Las Vegas uses bright lights and flasing symbols at the slots to keep players in their seats. **The constant dopamine release is addicting, it is like a drug and they end up spending far more money than they would on a slot machine with dull colors.** Our phones and tablets are built the same way - perhaps not as directly intention to addict you - but they do nevertheless through the same neural / optic pathways.
When you get all of these “cheap”, short lived dopamine hits you are going to suffer in the long term. When you don’t have that external stimuli - your baseline will feel much lower and that is why excessive tech use can lead to mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. This is extremely concerning for our children, who’s mental health is spiraling out of control. [Screen time](https://medicine.yale.edu/news-article/yale-study-probes-connection-between-excessive-screen-media-activity-and-mental-health-problems-in-youth/#:~:text=It%20found%20that%20youth%20who,somatic%20complaints%2C%20and%20other%20concerns.), and blue light, could be a direct cause to this epidemic.
# **The Solution: Technology that is Designed to Work with Nature**
You may read this newsletter and think it is fear mongering, but in truth it is a fair assessment of how man made blue light is affecting our health. Most are not yet on board of the importance of our light environment, so think about this:
You eat 3-4x/day, you drink water maybe 5-10x, you consume light as an input to your biology 24/7/365 (and I am not talking about just visible light). Electromagnetism is fundamentally the most prominent input signal to our biology, and it is the one we have distorted the most with modern technology. Blue light is not bad when it comes from the sun, it is only bad in the wrong context. With the amount of screen time every member of society is racking up each day, to me it is undebatable that artificial blue light + man made EMFs are the two most pervasive environmental toxins and are proliferating the chronic disease epidemic.
**Because of this man made electromagnetic radiation, we cannot sleep restoratively, we are anxious + depressed, we are constantly in an inflamed / stressed biological state.** The worst part is we are getting more and more addicted to our devices with each passing day.
**The solution is simple: fix lighting and spend more time outside.** Fix lighting on screens and fix indoor lighting fixtures. Emulate the sun, where you never get blue without the rest of the rainbow, especially red/infrared. We are meant to live in line with nature, and it is only when we deviate that chronic disease becomes prevalent.
This is why I joined the [Daylight Computer Company](https://daylightcomputer.com/) at the beginning of this year. As an EMF/Light educator in regards to health + an Electrical Engineering background - I couldn’t believe my ears when I heard that there was a tech startup trying to become a “healthier Apple” with an innovative reflective screen technology that is blue light free and works with nature instead of against it. This is the sort of innovation we need to end our negative relationship with technology and our disconnection to the real world - the natural world. You can learn more in a recent interview we did with prominent Bitcoiner Marty Bent on TFTC:
Nature is the real world, and nature is the world’s first and most decentralized system. A return to reality is needed, and an understanding that real light is what drives our being is needed to change the direction of our future outcomes as a species.
Stay Sovereign,
@ bf47c19e:c3d2573b
2025-01-16 21:02:55
Originalni tekst na [nkatic.wordpress.com](https://nkatic.wordpress.com/2022/01/26/kriptovalute-u-ludom-finansijskom-kazinu-objavljeno-u-dnevniku-politika-od-26-1-2022/) i [politika.rs](https://www.politika.rs/sr/clanak/498002/pogledi/kriptovalute-u-ludom-finansijskom-kazinu).
###### 26.01.2022 / Autor: Nebojša Katić
Svet je odavno naučio da razorni ekonomski poremećaji ne dolaze iz sfere realne ekonomije već uvek nastaju u kockarnicama koje nazivamo berzama. Umesto obećanog velikog spremanja kojim bi se globalni finansijski sistem trajno stabilizovao, na sceni je suprotan proces. U finansijski kazino ulaze novi krupijei, unose se novi stolovi i aparati, ovoga puta za kockanje kriptovalutama.
Veličina kriptotržišta danas je na nivou od oko tri hiljade milijardi dolara, a broj različitih kriptovaluta se neprekidno povećava i sada ih ima oko šest hiljada. Još gore, ovo tržište više nije izolovano od ostalih segmenata finansijskih tržišta i sve se čvršće integriše u njega, povećavajući nestabilnost sistema. Kao da neko priziva ne samo novu finansijsku krizu, već Armagedon.
Kriptovalute su deo korpusa digitalnih valuta i u tom kriptošarenilu ima svega. Tu su elektronske valute koje centralne banke pripremaju kao zamenu za gotov novac. Tu su i „stabilne“ kriptovalute koje bi trebalo da imaju pokriće u drugim valutama ili berzanskim robama, poput valute koju planira „Meta“ (preimenovani „Fejsbuk“). Konačno, tu su i najluđe, plivajuće kriptovalute bez pokrića od kojih je bitkoin najpoznatija. One “plivaju” i njihova vrednost može tokom samo jedne godine skočiti za na primer 100 procenata ili pasti za 70 procenata. Tema ovog teksta je ta treća grupa kriptovaluta.
Pred ljudskom glupošću i gramzivošću i bogovi su nemoćni. Ekonomska istorija pamti neverovatne iracionalnosti, ludosti, podvale i berzanske histerije. Ali kada se klasične prevare ostave po strani, kod berzanske robe uvek je postojalo racionalno zrno, supstanca i vrednost koja bi kroz berzanski proces dobijala suludu cenu posle koje je dolazio slom.
Danas, s nastajanjem plivajućih kriptovaluta imamo novi fenomen – nečemu što je ništa, sada se može davati basnoslovna vrednost i time se može trgovati. To – ništa, taj digitalni zapis nastao ni iz čega, može se „rudariti“, kupiti na berzi ili dobiti razmenom za neku robu ili uslugu. Rudarenje je kompleksan proces u kome ogroman broj dokonih, inteligentnih ljudi troši svoje vreme i resurse moćnih računara rešavajući matematičke probleme koji se ne mogu rešavati olovkom i na papiru. Kada se zadaci uspešno reše, dobija se bitkoin.
Reč je o procesu besmislenog arčenja ljudskog i računarskog vremena. Računarski „rudnici“ u tom procesu troše i enormne količine električne energije i povremeno, kao nedavno u Irkutsku, rudari mogu izazvati i energetski kolaps. Sve ovo bi mogao biti samo patološki fenomen poput video igrica da je ostao u privatnoj sferi. Ali, kriptovalute su danas deo javne, finansijske sfere. Reč je o kreiranju privatnog novca bez pokrića koji bi, u svetu kojim vladaju red i razum, morao da bude zabranjen.
Nekome se može učiniti da je teza o tome da je bitkoin – ništa, prestroga. Ni moderni, „fiat“ novac nema materijalno pokriće i njegova vrednost počiva pre svega na našoj veri u njega. Ako te vere nema, novac postaje hartija bez vrednosti, kako se to i događalo kroz istoriju. Ali ta vera ipak ima racionalno uporište budući da postoje institucije koje brinu o vrednosti novca – to su države i njihove centralne banke. (Da li to rade dobro ili loše, nebitno je za kontekst ovog teksta.) O vrednosti i stabilnosti kriptovalute ne brine niko i to je prepušteno iracionalnosti tržišta. U slučaju bitkoina se čak ne zna ni ko stoji iza tog projekta. Njegova „vrednost“ počiva na tome što je ukupan broj bitkoina koji se mogu iskopati zauvek fiksiran na 21 milion komada … ako je verovati mojoj baki.
Tehnoentuzijasti ukazuju da je blokčein tehnologija ( blockchain), na kojoj počivaju kriptovalute, „tehnologija slobode“. Ona se tek razvija i traži svoje mesto u digitalnom svetu. Na njoj treba da počiva nova Web 3.0 revolucija u kojoj će veštačka inteligencija i algoritmi potpuno zameniti ljudske i institucionalne posrednike u sajbersferi. To je onaj tip tehnološke revolucije koja se prvo dogodi, a onda joj se traži svrha – u ime progresa, dakako.
U ovom trenutku ona omogućava promet kriptovaluta bez posredstva banaka, direktnim transferom sa „računa“ kupca na „račun“ prodavca. „Računi“ su u sajbersferi i tehnologija je takva da su transferi zaštićeni od zloupotrebe … osim kada baš i nisu i kada hakeri pokradu neku od kriptovaluta. Samo naivni ljudi mogu poverovati da u sajbersferi postoji bilo šta sigurno što se kriptografski može zaštititi.
No vratimo se tezama s početka teksta. Kriptovalute su besmislen, opasan instrument, sem ako niste u poslu šverca droge, oružja, ili ako na primer živite od ubijanja ljudi. Tada je zgodno imati diskretan način da svoje usluge naplatite. I to otvara ključno pitanje – da li to neko stimuliše ludilo kako bi se olakšali poslovi te vrste kada gotov novac bude ukinut? Ili je cilj možda još crnji i ide ka potpunoj destabilizaciji globalnog sistema i stvaranju haosa koji nadilazi i ovaj u kome trenutno živimo? U ovom trenutku, od moćnih ekonomija, samo je Kina zabranila i rudarenje kriptovaluta i njihov promet. Rusija se sprema da uradi to isto. Zašto su velike zapadne države tako pasivne i šta to one znaju što mi ne znamo?
@ 7ef5f1b1:0e0fcd27
2025-01-16 20:51:53
<h1>A Spark of Defiance</h1>
<b>By: The 256 Foundation</b>
<i>A monthly newsletter</i>
January 2025
Welcome to the first newsletter produced by The 256 Foundation! If you have enjoyed [POD256](https://www.pod256.org/) or technical guides from [econoalchemist](https://x.com/econoalchemist) in the past, then you are going to love this newsletter.You can expect newsletters to be published on a monthly basis going forward. The content will generally focus on topics aligned with The 256 Foundation’s mission to “Dismantle the proprietary mining empire to liberate Bitcoin and freedom tech for all”. More specifically, the focus of this newsletter will be on the state of the Bitcoin network, mining industry developments, progress updates on grant projects, actionable advice for getting involved with Bitcoin mining, and more (to be announced...wink wink).
Open-source development in Bitcoin mining up until the Bitaxe has been non-existent but The 256 Foundation is breaking the chains of closed and proprietary development. After all, two out of three pillars supporting the Bitcoin ecosystem are openly developed – nodes and applications; why not mining? The majority of mining hardware is closed and proprietary; same with the firmware, even the after-market solutions are closed-source. If you have tried using a miner in some unconventional way like home heating, dehydrating food, or installing one in your living space just so you don’t have to submit KYC documents to get bitcoin then you will appreciate the ability to freely modify your miner.
Despite the constraints on creativity caused by closed-source firmware and hardware, many individuals have demonstrated impressive developments. For example, [Diverter](https://x.com/Diverter_NoKYC) who wrote the groundbreaking guide on the subject, [Mining For The Streets](https://web.archive.org/web/20230521030129mp_/https://diverter.hostyourown.tools/mining-for-the-streets/), at a time when the general consensus was that small-scale mining was a foregone pursuit. [Zack Bomsta](https://x.com/zbomstaz) developed the [Loki Kit](https://pivotalpleb.com/collections/frontpage/products/loki-kit) enabling users to power miners from 120-volt power sources instead of the less common 240-volt power sources. [Michael Schmid](https://x.com/Schnitzel/status/1610311138004144128) developed a way to heat his home using four Antminer S9s; offsetting his energy bills with mining rewards. [Rev. Hodl](https://x.com/HodlRev) has integrated Bitcoin mining into a variety of homesteading functions like [dehydrating his elderberry harvest](https://yakihonne.com/notes/nevent1qgsy6q3ua80awknlxp6m368qssqghct6ra6scca4meepumhcswkuwegqyz2kztqsguqdyksa6ry4g0ws0kzu59p02vgmkeyxe97cmxk43jej5xl9zce). In fact, the resourcefulness and determination of individuals to integrate Bitcoin mining into their unique situations has proven to be nothing short of a full on movement. Defiantly building and iterating despite the naysayers, excuse makers, and protests that claim “you can’t compete with big miners! You’re better off just buying from an exchange! You won’t get your ROI!”.
Against all odds, using closed-source miners, and with little more than a shoestring budget and a can-do attitude people have forged a way forward and collectively pushed the Bitcoin mining industry to a tipping point. Closed-source solutions are not keeping up with innovation and won’t even make economic sense compared to the open-source solutions just over the horizon. The 256 Foundation is here to kick the old ways of Bitcoin mining development to the curb in favor of free and open development; providing funding for developers and educators to do what they do best and usher in the era free and open Bitcoin mining.
The 256 Foundation is laser focused on a select handful of projects that are going to break the entire Bitcoin mining industry wide open and make freedom tech accessible to anyone. These select projects are long term support initiatives, not short term touch-and-go exercises. Education is a key component and why The 256 Foundation provides educational resources, tools, and support to demystify Bitcoin and freedom tech, empowering individuals to engage with and benefit from this revolutionary system.
If that sounds like the kind of timeline you’re interested in then keep reading and watch for updates every month in your inbox, on Nostr, or at [256foundation.org](https://256foundation.org/).
MA = Moving Average
Eh/s = Exahash per second
Ph/s = Petahash per second
Th/s = Terahash per second
MW = Mega Watt
T = Trillion
J/Th = Joules per Terahash
$ = US Dollar
VDC = Volts Direct Current
PCB = Printed Circuit Board
GB = Gigabyte
TB = Terabyte
OS = Operating System
SSH = Secure Shell
<h2>State of the Network:</h2>
Hashrate on the 14-day MA according to [mempool.space](https://mempool.space/graphs/mining/hashrate-difficulty#1y) increased from ~525 Eh/s in January 2024 to ~784 Eh/s in December 2024, marking ~49% growth for the year. Last month alone, December 2024, witnessed roughly 34 Eh/s come online marking ~4.5% overall growth for the month. Using some rough ball-park figures, 34 Eh/s coming online means something like 170,000 new-gen 200 Th/s miners were plugged in and supported by ~595 MW of electrical infrastructure.
Difficulty is currently 110.4T as of Epoch 436 and set to decrease roughly 0.2% on or around January 26, 2025. But that target will constantly change between now and then. The previous re-target increased difficulty by 0.6%. In 2024, difficulty went from 72.0T to 109.7T making it 52.3% more difficult to solve for a block; fairly consistent with the estimated 49% hashrate increase during the same time frame.
<font size=1>[IMG-001] 2024 hashrate/difficulty chart from mempool.space</font>
New-gen miners are selling for roughly $28.14 per Th using the Bitmain Antminer S21 XP 270 Th/s model from [Kaboom Racks](https://x.com/kaboomracks) as an example. According to the [Hashrate Index](https://data.hashrateindex.com/asic-index-data/price-index), less efficient miners like the <19J/Th models are fetching $18.18/Th, models between 19J/Th – 25J/Th are selling for $13.31/Th, and models >25J/Th are selling for $3.53/Th.
<font size=1>[IMG-002] 2024 Miner Prices from Luxor’s Hashrate Index</font>
Hashvalue is currently 58,000 sats/Ph per day, down slightly from December 1, 2024 when hashvalue was closer to 63,000 sats/Ph per day according to [Braiins Insights](https://insights.braiins.com/en). Hashprice is $58.00/Ph per day, down slightly from $60.00/Ph per day at the beginning of December 2024, [IMG-003]. Overall, hashvalue is down 76% from 242,000 sats/Ph per day a year ago and hashprice is down 43% from $103.00 per Ph/day a year ago. But keep in mind, the block subsidy was 6.25 bitcoin per block a year ago and is currently 3.125 bitcoin per block.
The next halving will occur at block height 1,050,000 which should be in roughly 1,159 days or in other words 170,594 blocks from time of publishing this newsletter.
<font size=1>[IMG-003] Hashprice/Hashvalue from Braiins Insights</font>
<h2>Mining Industry Developments:</h2>
2024 marks the year that open-source Bitcoin mining hardware became a thing. Prior to the [Bitaxe](https://bitaxe.org/), there was no open source Bitcoin mining hardware. A small but mighty platform, the Bitaxe project has proved that it is possible to have a complete Bitcoin mining system developed, built, and maintained in the open by a community of enthusiasts.
The impressive part about Bitaxe is that [Skot](https://x.com/skot9000) instigated a project that satisfied a burning desire in the open-source community to develop a mining system by reverse engineering Bitmain’s ASIC chips and integrate them onto a new open-source hardware platform, with accompanying open-source firmware, [esp-miner](https://github.com/skot/esp-miner). Fast forward to today and thousands of individuals have joined the [Open Source Miners United](https://discord.gg/osmu) Discord group and their combined contributions have made Bitaxe what it is today. This required delicate work to unsolder the ASIC chips from Bitmain’s hashboards and then re-solder them onto the Bitaxe circuit board. The genius part of the project is that the open-source foundation supports commercially viable ventures built on top of it. For example, Bitaxe is the open-source project that develops and designs models but does not manufacture, market, or distribute any units; a list of companies that have sprung up selling Bitaxes can be found [here](https://bitaxe.org/legit.html).
The Bitaxe was the inspiration for the title of this month’s newsletter, <i>A Spark of Defiance</i>, because it was a small and seemingly inconsequential development that ignited a raging fire that will engulf the closed and proprietary Bitcoin mining empire. Additionally, the project was defiantly manifested through persistent and painstaking effort despite what many claimed was too insignificant of a hashrate, too uneconomical of a price point, and too cute to be anything other than a toy. The significance of the Bitaxe project is not in the nominal hashrate of a single unit or the cost per terahash; the significance is that there is now a proven open-source Bitcoin mining hardware option available for anyone to build themselves and modify as they see fit that supports commercial applications. The idea of open-source Bitcoin mining hardware is still early in it’s formation but the next iteration is already under way.
Small scale miners like [FutureBit’s Apollo II](https://www.futurebit.io/) and the Bitaxe help decentralize hashrate. Even though each individual miner doesn’t amount to much, the aggregate hashrate contributed to the network is significant; both in terms of nominal hashpower and in terms of distribution. The more people who control mining hardware means fewer miners condensed in hostile jurisdictions and the more individuals who need to be compliant with unjust demands in order for those demands to be effective. These are critical steps towards a more censorship-resistant network and the arch of progress is measured in years, however there is more needed to bolster Bitcoin’s neutral and permissionless attributes which guide The 256 Foundation’s projects.
<font size=1>[IMG-004] Picture of a Bitaxe 401 from Public-Pool</font>
<h2>Grant Project Updates:</h2>
In November 2024 The 256 Foundation [announced](https://www.pod256.org/episodepage/057-from-sweden-to-silicon-bitcoins-global-journey) the first fully funded grant project, Ember One. This project builds on the momentum of the Bitaxe project and takes it to the next level. Ember One provides funding for up to two engineers and one project manager for a duration of six months to design and develop a validated ~100 Watt hashboard standard. This hashboard features a USB adapter to connect to a variety of controllers, variable input voltage from 12VDC to 24VDC to facilitate integration into a wide range of applications, and a standardized PCB footprint to make expansion seamless regardless of series.
The first series in the Ember One line up will feature twelve Bitmain S19j Pro BM1362 ASIC chips, a decision made based on availability and affordability. The corresponding heat-sink will be included with the project. Subsequent Ember One series hashboards will feature a range of different ASIC chips from different manufacturers, possibly including those that should be released any day now from a company who’s name starts with “B” and ends with “lock”.
Much like the Bitaxe project, certain peripherals are not included in the Ember One project. For example, Ember One does not include firmware architecture or implementation, enclosure design, manufacturing support, sales, distribution, marketing, or customer technical support; those are all areas of opportunity for commercial applications to thrive. Unlike the Bitaxe project, Ember One is not a complete mining system design but only the standardized hashboard. The Ember One project is being leveraged as a springboard to launch the next two projects which is 1) the complete mining system built with any of the Ember One series hashboards including design details for everything needed to produce a plug and play unit and 2) an open-source, multi-driver compatible, Linux based Bitcoin mining firmware. More details to be announced.
Stay tuned to [POD256](https://www.pod256.org/) for updates and watch out for the next [256 Foundation](https://256foundation.org/) newsletter.
<h2>Actionable Advice:</h2>
Here are steps you can take to solo mine using your own Bitcoin node, your own Stratum server, and your own miner. In this section, you will see how to spin up a BitcoinCore full node, run an instance of a Public-Pool Stratum server, and configure a Bitaxe to mine directly to the Bitcoin network without any third party involvement.
Materials: You don’t need any fancy or expensive equipment to follow along. Everything you will see in this guide was done with an old Raspberry Pi, an old external solid state drive, and a Bitaxe 401. The Raspberry Pi is a model 4B with 4GB of RAM. If you want to purchase a Raspberry Pi, then check [here](https://www.raspberrypi.com/products/raspberry-pi-4-model-b/) for distributors. Be forewarned that using a Raspberry Pi with 4GB of RAM to synchronize the full blockchain will take at least three weeks if not a month. Also, you will probably get better stratum server performance from using better hardware. This was really just an exercise in using the lowest barrier to entry hardware for demonstration purposes. There is no reason you could not complete this kind of project on a refurbished ThinkPad like any of [these](https://www.lenovo.com/us/outletus/en/laptops/).You may want to use an external storage volume with at least 2TB of storage capacity for the complete copy of the blockchain. The [Samsung T7](https://semiconductor.samsung.com/us/consumer-storage/portable-ssd/t7/) is a good option if you need one. You will also need a microSD card, 64GB is more than enough capacity and [these](https://www.samsung.com/us/computing/memory-storage/memory-cards/evo-select-adapter-microsdxc-64gb-mb-me64ka-am/) are a decent option if you need one. If you don’t have a Bitaxe already, you can buy one for less than $200 from any of [these vendors](https://bitaxe.org/legit.html).
This guide assumes you’re running Linux on your primary computer that you will be using to communicate with the Raspberry Pi and Bitaxe, if you’re running Windows or MacOS then you should be able to find system specific instructions that differ from this guide in the linked resources.
<h3>Step 1 – Prepare The Raspberry Pi</h3>
You will need a microSD card to install the Raspberry Operating System on. Then you can download the Raspberry Pi Image from:
Raspberry Pi OS Lite Bookworm 64-bit was used for this guide.
The SHA256 digest is available on the download page, open a terminal window and run the following command from the same folder (usually /Downloads) as the compressed file you just downloaded and compare the results to verify. Use the name of your specific file in place of this example:
`$ sha256sum 2024-11-19-raspios-bookworm-arm64-lite.img.xz`
<font size=1> [IMG-005] Raspberry Pi OS SHA256 Checksum</font>
With the compressed image file verified, flash the image to a freshly formatted microSD card using the [Raspberry Pi Imager](https://www.raspberrypi.com/software/) or [Balena Etcher](https://etcher.balena.io/) or similar flashing program.
In the Raspberry Pi Imager, you can add the SSH file and “userconf” file in the boot partition during the flashing process. If you are using Balena or a similar program instead, the directions are pretty straight forward, just follow the prompts in the software. Basically you will just select the image file you want to flash, then select the microSD card you want to flash that image to, and then the software takes care of the rest.
After flashing, in a terminal window, change directory to the boot partition of the microSD card and enable SSH functionality by writing a blank file titled "ssh" with no file extension in the root of the boot partition. You can open a terminal window directly in the file path you want by looking at it with the file explorer, clicking on the 3-dot menu next to the file path at the top of the explorer window, and selecting “Open in Terminal”.
`$ sudo touch ssh`
Now you can create the login credentials and save them to the “userconf” file you are going to generate. First you need to decide on a password and then you need to encrypt it. Open a second terminal window and from your default home file path run:
`$ echo INSERTYOURPASSWORD | openssl passwd -6 -stdin`
You should receive a response that looks like a random string of characters and maybe there are some dollar signs or periods in it. You want to copy the entire string in that response by highlighting it, right clicking on it, and selecting “copy”.
Then back in the first terminal window from the microSD card boot partition path run:
`$ sudo touch userconf`
`$ sudo nano userconf`
Those two commands just created a file named “userconf” and then opened that file so you can put some text in it. On a single line, type your Raspberry Pi username, a colon, and the encrypted password string you generated (which should be on your clipboard, so just right-click and select “paste”). For example:
Then hit ctrl+o to write, enter to save, and ctrl+x to exit.
Now eject the microSD card, insert into the Raspberry Pi, and turn on the power.
From your primary computer, open a new terminal window and run:
`$ ssh pi@` (or whatever your local Raspberry Pi IP address is). If you don’t know what your Raspberry Pi’s local IP address is then log into your router and check your DHCP leases and look for the one with a “raspberrypi” hostname. Your router is typically accessible from your web browser at IP address or or something similar. Do an internet search for your router’s specifics if you need to. If you don’t have access to the router then you can use a program like [AngryIP](https://angryip.org/) to scan the network and give you the same information.
`$ sudo apt update`
`$ sudo apt upgrade -y`
Now your ready to connect the external storage volume.
<h3>Step 2 – Connect External Storage Volume</h3>
Plug in a freshly formatted storage volume, like a 2TB SSD, to the Pi. Then through your SSH terminal window run:
`$ sudo fdisk -l`
You should get a response with information about the connected drives, one of them being the microSD card and the other being your external hard drive. You want to identify the device name of your external storage volume. For example, "/dev/sda1".
Write that device name down or just remember it for a moment.
Now make a directory where you can mount your external storage volume by running:
`$ sudo mkdir /mnt/ext/`
Then mount the external storage volume there by running:
`$ sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/ext/`
Then refresh by running:
`$ sudo systemctl daemon-reload`
Be aware that each time you power off the Raspberry Pi you will need to run those last two commands again to mount the storage volume if you have it connected. If you want to have the “fstab” file permanently modified to reflect this storage volume then you can edit it following instructions like [these](https://youtu.be/A7xH74o6kY0?si=qC8vB5GemVEOJEG7). That’s it for connecting and mounting the external storage volume. Easy right? You’re doing great and now you’re ready to install Docker onto your Raspberry Pi.
<h3>Step 3 – Install The Docker Engine</h3>
Docker gets installed before BitcoinCore because there are some dependencies that BitcoinCore needs that are included when installing Docker. First, you will need the Git tools, from the home directory on the SSH terminal window run:
`$ sudo apt install git-all -y`
Now you can start getting Docker installed, these directions can be found in more detail here if you need them:
Run the following commands to install all the various Docker packages, make sure you fetch the correct URL for each package by first checking:
Then select your Raspberry Pi OS version (Bookworm in this case), go to "Pool" > "stable", then select the applicable architecture (armf in this case), then run the following six commands ensuring that you are getting the latest available versions of each package:
For the containerd package run:
`$ sudo wget https://download.docker.com/linux/raspbian/dists/bookworm/pool/stable/armhf/containerd.io_1.7.24-1_armhf.deb`
For the docker-buildx-plugin package run:
`$ sudo wget https://download.docker.com/linux/raspbian/dists/bookworm/pool/stable/armhf/docker-buildx-plugin_0.19.3-1~raspbian.12~bookworm_armhf.deb`
For the docker-ce-cli package run:
`$ sudo wget https://download.docker.com/linux/raspbian/dists/bookworm/pool/stable/armhf/docker-ce-cli_27.4.1-1~raspbian.12~bookworm_armhf.deb`
For the docker-ce-rootless-extras package run:
`$ sudo wget https://download.docker.com/linux/raspbian/dists/bookworm/pool/stable/armhf/docker-ce-rootless-extras_27.4.1-1~raspbian.12~bookworm_armhf.deb`
For the docker-ce package run:
`$ sudo wget https://download.docker.com/linux/raspbian/dists/bookworm/pool/stable/armhf/docker-ce_27.4.1-1~raspbian.12~bookworm_armhf.deb`
For the docker-compose-plugin package run:
`$ sudo wget https://download.docker.com/linux/raspbian/dists/bookworm/pool/stable/armhf/docker-compose-plugin_2.32.1-1~raspbian.12~bookworm_armhf.deb`
You can verify your downloads by getting the GPG public key file from one step back in the directory path from the "dists" folder where it says "gpg", run:
`$ sudo wget https://download.docker.com/linux/raspbian/gpg`
Now add that key to the system key-chain with:
`$ sudo gpg --import gpg`
Then run the gpg command with the verify flag and file name for all six of the packages you downloaded:
`$ sudo gpg --verify containerd.io_1.7.24-1_armhf.deb`
`$ sudo gpg --verify docker-buildx-plugin_0.19.3-1~raspbian.12~bookworm_armhf.deb`
`$ sudo gpg --verify docker-ce_27.4.1-1~raspbian.12~bookworm_armhf.deb`
`$ sudo gpg --verify docker-ce-cli_27.4.1-1~raspbian.12~bookworm_armhf.deb`
`$ sudo gpg --verify docker-ce-rootless-extras_27.4.1-1~raspbian.12~bookworm_armhf.deb`
`$ sudo gpg --verify docker-compose-plugin_2.32.1-1~raspbian.12~bookworm_armhf.deb`
You should get a response for each verification, you are looking for a "good signature" to the public key you imported, for example:
<font size=1>[IMG-006] Docker Package Verification</font>
The warning is just trying to tell you that you have not certified the public key which is an additional verification step and beyond the scope of this guide. Basically, it is trying to encourage you to contact the developer and verify that their signature fingerprint matches the one in your terminal ending with E2D8 8D81 803C 0EBF CD88. [Keybase](https://keybase.io/) is a good place to start if you want to find publicly posted keys for helping you verify and certify.
Now you need to decompress and install all six of those packages buy running:
`$ sudo dpkg -i containerd.io_1.7.24-1_armhf.deb`
`$ sudo dpkg -i docker-buildx-plugin_0.19.3-1~raspbian.12~bookworm_armhf.deb`
`$ sudo dpkg -i docker-ce-cli_27.4.1-1~raspbian.12~bookworm_armhf.deb`
`$ sudo dpkg -i docker-ce-rootless-extras_27.4.1-1~raspbian.12~bookworm_armhf.deb`
`$ sudo dpkg -i docker-ce_27.4.1-1~raspbian.12~bookworm_armhf.deb`
`$ sudo dpkg -i docker-compose-plugin_2.32.1-1~raspbian.12~bookworm_armhf.deb`
You might encounter errors about missing dependencies with a couple of those packages. If you do, then run the following command to correct them and after running that command, try decompressing and installing the package again:
`$ sudo apt --fix-broken install`
The Docker daemon should start automatically. Ensure Docker is working by running:
`$ sudo service docker start`
`$ sudo docker run hello-world`
You should get a response like: "Hello from Docker! This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly."
If you made it that far then you have successfully installed Docker and you are ready to install BitcoinCore.
<h3>Step 4 – Install BitcoinCore</h3>
From your SSH terminal window and from the home directory make a working folder for all the Bitcoin related files by running:
`$ sudo mkdir /bitcoin`
Then change directories into that folder with:
`$ cd /bitcoin`
Navigate to the [BitcoinCore download](https://bitcoincore.org/en/download/) page in the web browser from your primary computer and copy the download link for the latest version of BitcoinCore for your system. BitcoinCore v28.0 was used here, specifically “bitcoin-28.0-aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz”.
Copy the link for the package you want (ARM Linux 64-bit in this example) and then paste that link in the following command of your SSH terminal window:
`$ sudo wget https://bitcoincore.org/bin/bitcoin-core-28.0/bitcoin-28.0-aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz`
If you want to verify your download, which is good practice, download the “SHA256SUMS.asc” signature file along with the “SHA256SUMS” hash values file by running the following two commands:
`$ sudo wget https://bitcoincore.org/bin/bitcoin-core-28.0/SHA256SUMS`
`$ sudo wget https://bitcoincore.org/bin/bitcoin-core-28.0/SHA256SUMS.asc`
Check that the SHA256 hash for the downloaded file exists in the SHA256SUMS file by running:
`$ sha256sum --ignore-missing --check SHA256SUMS`
You should get a response back like: `bitcoin-28.0-aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz: OK`
You will need some developer keys in order to verify the SHA256SUMS file accurately represents what the developers signed with their signatures, you can find all the developer signatures at:
You can download any of those keys by running the `sudo wget` command and appending the whole URL for the raw GPG file you want, for example:
`$ sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bitcoin-core/guix.sigs/refs/heads/main/builder-keys/fanquake.gpg`
Continuing with the fanquake example, import that downloaded key by running:
`$ sudo gpg --import fanquake.gpg`
You should get a response indicating that the file was imported.
Then run the following command to verify the signature matches:
`$ sudo gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc`
You should get a response for each of the signatures, even the ones you did not download a public key for. You are looking for "good signature" next to one of the public keys you imported, for example:
<font size=1>[IMG-007] BitcoinCore Verification</font>
The warning is just trying to tell you that you have not certified the public key which is an additional verification step and beyond the scope of this guide. For all intents and purposes, we have downloaded our file, verified that the hash value for that file is written in the accompanying verification file, then verified that the developers agree that is the correct hash value by signing off on the .asc file.
With the download verified, now decompress it by running the following command using which ever file name matches your download:
`$ sudo tar -xzf bitcoin-28.0-aarch64-linux-gnu.tar.gz`
This will have created a directory called “bitcoin-28.0”. You can verify this by checking the contents of the directory you are currently in with the `ls -la` command. Now you want to install BitcoinCore here by running:
`$ sudo install -m 0755 -o root -t /bitcoin bitcoin-28.0/bin/*`
This is a good point to make a few configuration changes in the “bitcoin.conf” file before running bitcoind. Return to your home directory with this command:
`$ cd ~`
Then copy/paste the default “bitcoin.conf” file from the `/bitcoin/bitcoin28.0` directory to where you will have your Bitcoin data directory setup on the external hard drive with this command:
`$ sudo cp /bitcoin/bitcoin-28.0/bitcoin.conf /mnt/ext`
Then change into the directory where you just pasted that configuration file with:
`$ cd /mnt/ext`
Then open the “bitcoin.conf” file to edit it by running:
`$ sudo nano bitcoin.conf`
There are many configuration changes here that you can make if you want, only the bare minimum six configurations for the purpose of this guide will be covered here.
1) Scroll down to the line that reads <kbd># Enable publish raw block in < address ></kbd> and below that, delete the hashtag in front of <kbd>#zmqpubrawblock=< address ></kbd> then replace <kbd>< address ></kbd> with <kbd>tcp://*:3000</kbd>. For example, the end result should look like this:
<kbd> # Enable publish raw block in < address >
2) Scroll down to where it says <kbd># Allow JSON-RPC connections from specified source.</kbd> and below that, delete the hashtag in front of <kbd>#rpcallowip=< ip ></kbd> and replace <kbd> < ip > </kbd> with the Docker IP address, <kbd></kbd> (the `ifconfig` command can help you find various network interfaces and the corresponding IP address for each one). For example, the end result should look like this:
<kbd># Allow JSON-RPC connections from specified source. Valid values for < ip > are a single IP (e.g., a network/netmask (e.g., a network/CIDR (e.g., all ipv4 (, or all ipv6 (::/0). This option can be specified multiple times
3) Scroll down to where it says <kbd># Bind to given address to listen for JSON-RPC connections.</kbd> and below that, you want to add three IP addresses. Delete the hashtag and replace <kbd> < addr >[:port]</kbd> with your Raspberry Pi's local IP address, your Docker IP address, and your local host IP address. You can leave the port out of it since BitcoinCore default's to port 8332. For example, the end result should look like this:
<kbd># Bind to given address to listen for JSON-RPC connections. Do not expose the RPC server to untrusted networks such as the public internet!
This option is ignored unless -rpcallowip is also passed. Port is optional and overrides -rpcport. Use [host]:port notation for IPv6. This option can be specified multiple times (default: and ::1 i.e., localhost)
4) Scroll down to where it says <kbd># Password for JSON-RPC connections.</kbd> and below that, delete the hashtag in front of <kbd>#rpcpassword=< pw ></kbd> and replace <kbd> < pw > </kbd> with whatever you want your password to be in order to make RPC calls to your Bitcoin node. For example, the end result should look like this:
<kbd># Password for JSON-RPC connections
5) Scroll down to where it says <kbd># Username for JSON-RPC connections.</kbd> and below that, delete the hashtag in front of <kbd>#rpcuser=< user ></kbd> and replace <kbd> < user > </kbd> with whatever you want your username to be in order to make RPC calls to your Bitcoin node. For example, the end result should look like this:
<kbd># Username for JSON-RPC connections
6) Lastly, scroll down to where it says <kbd># Accept command line and JSON-RPC commands </kbd> and below that, delete the hashtag in front of <kbd>#server=1</kbd>. For example, the end result should look like this:
<kbd># Accept command line and JSON-RPC commands
Then hit ctrl+o to write, hit enter to save, and hit ctrl+x to exit.
You can return to your home directory with this command:
`$ cd ~`
Then change directory to the `/bitcoin` folder and run this command to start bitcoind, making sure you have your data directory defined:
`$ sudo ./bitcoind -datadir=/mnt/ext`
You should see several lines of text scroll by, scroll up to the beginning of those responses and double check that bitcoind is using the directory that you want and the configuration file you want. For example, the text should read something like this:
<font size=1>[IMG-008] bitcoind Start Up</font>
Then you want to just let bitcoind run and start downloading the entire blockchain. This Initial Block Download can take a few weeks on a Raspberry Pi with 4GB of RAM so give it time. You won't be able to start mining until the synchronization process is done.
In the mean-time, you can build the Public-Pool container.
<h3>Step 5 – Install the Public-Pool Container</h3>
While bitcoind is synchronizing, open a new terminal window and SSH into your Raspberry Pi like before.
Clone the Public Pool Git Repo:
`$ sudo git clone https://github.com/benjamin-wilson/public-pool.git`
Change Directory to the new public-pool folder:
`$ cd public-pool`
Create a new environment file in the root of the public-pool folder:
`$ sudo touch .env`
Open the new .env file:
`$ sudo nano .env`
Copy/Paste the contents from the ".env.example" file (from https://github.com/benjamin-wilson/public-pool/blob/master/.env.example) then modify the following lines to your specific setup:
Change the IP on this line to the local IP address of your Raspberry Pi:
Enter the RPC Username you entered into the bitcoin.conf file:
Enter the RPC Password you entered into the “bitcoin.conf” file:
Add a hashtag in front of this line:
Delete the hash tag from this line:
And change the <kbd></kbd> IP address to the local IP address of your Raspberry Pi.
Add a hashtag in front of this line:
<kbd># DEV_FEE_ADDRESS=</kbd>
Change the <kbd>POOL_IDENTIFIER</kbd> to whatever you want to show up in the blockchain when you win a block. For example:
<kbd>POOL_IDENTIFIER="/abolish the fed/"</kbd>
ctrl+o to write, enter to save, ctrl+x to exit.
Docker Compose binds to “” by default. To expose the Stratum services on your server you need to update the ports in the “docker-compose.yml” file, so run:
`$ sudo nano docker-compose.yml`
Scroll down to the ports section where it says:
Delete everything between to quotation marks on both lines and add <kbd></kbd> and <kbd></kbd> respectively. For example, the end result should look like this:
Press ctrl+o to write, enter to save, ctrl+x to exit.
While still in the public-pool folder run:
`$ sudo docker compose build`
After several minutes you should get a confirmation like Service public-pool Built. Then run:
`$ sudo docker compose up -d`
This command will take some time to execute but you should see some lines of text flying by in the terminal window in the mean-time. Eventually, you should get a confirmation like `Container public-pool Started`.
This completes the steps needed for building your Bitcoin node and Stratum Server. Now you can bring your miner into the loop.
<h3>Step 6 – Connecting Bitaxe</h3>
A Bitaxe was used in this example but you should be able use any miner in theory.
Plug your Bitaxe into the power supply.
Use your mobile phone to connect via WiFi to the Bitaxe network, this should be something like "Bitaxe_4A89" or "Bitaxe_5B09" etc.
Once connected, open a web browser on your mobile phone and enter "" in the address bar. This should bring you to the Bitaxe Dashboard.
From the menu, scroll down to “Settings”.
Update the WiFi SSID to your local WiFi network name.
Enter the password for your local WiFi network in the WiFi Password dialog box.
For the Stratum URL, enter the local IP address for your Raspberry Pi.
Leave the Stratum Port as 3333.
For your Stratum User, enter your bitcoin address that you want block rewards sent to. You can optionally append your bitcoin address with a worker name, for example: ".bitaxe1".
Save those changes and then restart the miner. Once back up, the Bitaxe should connect to your local WiFi network and point to your Raspberry Pi Stratum server. You can navigate back to the dashboard and you should start seeing some hashrate happening within less than a minute.
If you don't, go to the menu and scroll down to the Logs and click on the Show Logs button to see what the Bitaxe is doing.
<font size=1>[IMG-009] Bitaxe Dashboard</font>
If you experience problems and do not see any hashrate in the Bitaxe dashboard after a minute or so, here are some things you can check to get a better idea of what the problem is:
Check the Bitaxe logs by navigating to the “Logs” option in the side menu of the dashboard, then click on “Show Logs”. Restart the Bitaxe if necessary. If you see errors about a refused socket connection then you might need to double check the IP addresses
configured in your bitcoin.conf file or Public-Pool .env file.
You can stop the Public-Pool service at anytime by running the following command from the public-pool directory:
`$ sudo docker compose stop`
Restart the service again with:
`$ sudo docker compose up -d`
You can check the logs of the Public-Pool service by running the following command from the public-pool directory:
`$ sudo docker compose logs`
You Might need to run this command a couple times to get the latest events. You want to see a response that shows you are using ZMQ and it is connected, Bitcoin RPC is connected, and that it is receiving some responses about the mining information like in [IMG-010].
If you are seeing an error with the RPC connection then try double checking the IP addresses configured in the bitcoin.conf file and the Public-Pool .env file. Or if you see errors about not being able to complete a “getmininginfo” request then try double checking the port
parameters you set in the Public-Pool docker-compose.yml file.
<font size=1> [IMG-010] Docker Compose Logs</font>
You can test the RPC connection with a command like this from the /bitcoin directory:
`$ sudo ./bitcoin-cli -rpcuser=YOURUSERNAME -rpcpassword=YOURPASSWORD getblockchaininfo`
You might need to wait for the blockchain data to finish synchronizing before you can run RPC commands. Or if your node is fully sync’d and you are still not able to make RPC requests then double check the IP addresses you have configured in the “rpcallowip”
and “rpcbind” fields in the bitcoin.conf file.
Thank you for reading the first 256 Foundation newsletter. Keep an eye out for more newsletters on a monthly basis in your email inbox by subscribing at https://256foundation.org/. Or you can download .pdf versions of the newsletters from there as well.
You can also find these newsletters published in article form on Nostr.
If you are not currently mining to your own node, making your own templates with open source mining hardware then you now have zero excuses not to be.
Stay vigilant, frens.
@ 66675158:1b644430
2025-01-16 20:44:33
Before the time of Utensils, people lived in genuine harmony. They gathered in markets to trade freely, built homes where they pleased, and traveled without papers or permissions. Communities solved their own problems through discussion and agreement. When disputes arose, wise elders would help find solutions that satisfied all. Children learned from their parents or chose mentors from among the skilled craftspeople.
In those days, gold changed hands freely for goods and services. Each person kept what they earned. Communities would voluntarily pool resources for shared needs - wells, bridges, and roads. Those who had more would often help those with less, not by decree but by choice.
Neighbors knew each other's names. Doors were left unlocked. Children played in the streets until sunset. Gardens grew wherever people planted them. Merchants traveled between towns without inspections. Healers practiced their craft freely, sharing knowledge openly.
> Then came the Utensils.
In our land, Aldrich found the Silver Spoon. In the East, Emperor Chen discovered the Jade Chopsticks. The Norse kingdoms united under the Golden Fork. The desert peoples followed the Bronze Ladle.
Each Utensil, their holders claimed, granted divine wisdom to rule. Each promised protection and prosperity in exchange for obedience.
The changes came slowly at first. The Spoon Holder requested a share of each harvest to store for hard times. The Chopstick Emperor required homes to be built in specific ways to prevent fires. The Fork King demanded that travelers carry documents proving their loyalty.
At first, the Utensils did bring some genuine improvements. The Spoon Holder's collectors used part of their harvest share to help villages during droughts. The Chopstick Emperor's building codes truly did reduce fires. The Fork King's road patrols deterred the few bandits who had troubled merchants. The Bronze Ladle's water management systems helped farms flourish in the desert.
The early years saw stone roads replace dirt paths, connecting villages more efficiently than before. Granaries were built with better designs, preserving food longer. Some diseases decreased as the Chopstick Emperor's cleanliness codes spread. The Fork Kingdom's standardized weights and measures did make trade easier.
The Spoon Holder soon declared that carrying gold was dangerous and inefficient. They introduced sacred paper notes, "backed by the Silver Spoon's power." At first, you could trade these notes back for gold, but gradually this right vanished.
Scholars wrote lengthy memos about the divine wisdom of the Utensils, creating complex theories about why ordinary people couldn't possibly understand how to live without direction. They advised the Holders and were rewarded with special privileges, comfortable positions, and influence.
When anyone questioned this system, the Utensil Holders and their Experts would ask: "But who would build the roads without us? Who would help the poor? Who would protect you?" They spoke as if humans had never cooperated or helped each other before the Utensils came, and many began to believe it.
People grumbled but accepted. After all, the Utensils shone with otherworldly power.
Some remembered these early benefits when questioning the growing restrictions. "Remember how the Spoon Holder's men helped during the great flood?" they would say. "Surely they have our best interests at heart." The Utensil Holders carefully nurtured these memories, even as their power grew far beyond such humble beginnings.
More rules followed. The Spoon Holder's men began watching the roads, collecting portions from merchants. The Chopstick Guards enforced strict codes about proper behavior. The Fork Watchers kept lists of who attended the mandatory gatherings.
Children were taught the sacred histories of their Utensils. The Spoon's light blessed the worthy. The Chopsticks maintained harmony. The Fork brought strength. The Ladle provided guidance.
When people remembered the old freedoms, the Utensil Holders reminded them of the chaos before - though few could actually recall any chaos.
> But surely there must have been chaos, or why would the Utensils have come?
The Utensil Holders began to eye each other's territories. How dare the Fork King claim his metal was superior? How could the Chopstick Emperor suggest jade held more wisdom than silver? The Ladle Holder's bronze was clearly inferior to all!
The Utensil Holders pointed to their achievements - the roads, the granaries, the safer towns - as proof of their divine right to rule. They spoke of how they had unified squabbling villages, standardized laws, and created order. Few noticed how these very achievements had required less and less input from the people themselves.
Wars erupted. Armies marched under banners bearing their sacred Utensils. Men died believing their Utensil was the one true source of authority. Villages burned as soldiers searched for heretics who might secretly worship foreign Utensils.
The Utensil Holders demanded more from their people - more food, more gold, more obedience. They placed watchers in every village. They required written permission for travel between towns. They forbade more than three people from gathering without a Guardian present.
"It's for protection," they said, holding their Utensils high. "How can you doubt the sacred silver?"
And indeed, their guards did stop some thieves, their inspectors did prevent some fraud, their builders did create some useful works. But these benefits came with an ever-increasing price in freedom, until the cost far exceeded any advantage. Yet by then, most people could no longer imagine providing these services for themselves, as their ancestors had done.
Towns built walls, not against invaders but to control who could enter and leave. The Utensil Holders required everyone to wear markers showing their village of origin. They appointed observers in every community to report suspicious behavior - like speaking of the time before Utensils.
Children were taken to special houses to learn proper reverence for their Utensil. Families who taught the old ways disappeared in the night. The Holders declared certain words forbidden, certain thoughts dangerous, certain memories treasonous.
Now, centuries later, the Utensils rule absolutely. People bow when the sacred implements pass by. They inform on neighbors who question the Utensils' power. They offer their children to serve in the Utensil temples.
The latest marvel was Utensil Technology - enchanted mirrors and crystals that watched people's movements, recorded their words, and tracked their trades. "Only criminals fear being watched," the Holders proclaimed, as their surveillance spread into every home and market. The crystals even allowed them to freeze people's paper money if they spoke against the Utensils.
The Utensil Holders formed special partnerships with the largest merchant guilds. These favored merchants received special permissions, protection from smaller competitors, and access to the new paper money first. In return, they helped enforce the Holders' rules and collected information about their customers. Small traders and craftsmen found themselves crushed between these powerful allies.
The latest decree requires all newborns to be blessed by touching their foreheads to their realm's sacred Utensil, marking them forever as its property. Parents compete for earlier blessing times, believing this shows greater devotion.
The wars continue. The Fork Kingdoms battle the Chopstick Empire. The Ladle Realms raid the Spoon Holdings. Each believes their Utensil must rule all.
And in quiet corners, in hidden places, a few elders still whisper stories of the time before - when humans lived without Utensils telling them how to live. But fewer remember with each passing year. After all, who could imagine a world without the guidance of sacred silverware?
@ 0403c86a:66d3a378
2025-01-16 20:17:33
The Baltimore Ravens are gearing up for a tough matchup against the Buffalo Bills in a game that could determine a spot in the AFC Championship Game. However, the team will have to contend with challenging weather conditions at Highmark Stadium.
According to AccuWeather, the forecast for Sunday's game is expected to be 8ºF with a snow probability of 55% and wind gusts of 10 mph. Temperatures are expected to drop to -3ºF at night, making for a cold and potentially snowy game.
Despite the weather conditions, Ravens coach John Harbaugh has ensured the team practiced intelligently this week, considering the frozen fields in Maryland.
The game will feature a highly anticipated matchup between Lamar Jackson and Josh Allen, two of the frontrunners for this year's MVP award. Both quarterbacks have had impressive seasons, and it will be interesting to see how they perform in the challenging conditions.
Jackson led all quarterbacks in rushing in the regular season and threw for 4,172 yards (7th overall) and 41 touchdowns (2nd overall). He lost out in total QBR to Allen, who posted a league-best QBR of 77.5. Allen threw for 28 touchdowns.
The Bills have the second-best scoring offense in the regular season, averaging 30.9 PPG, while the Ravens average 30.4 PPG. This should be a closely contested game, and it will be exciting to see which team comes out on top.
**Why the Bills will win: Josh Allen's strengths**
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/b264c99731bd304cbd8370df06eba3769f160e16c90cd16a1bbb8e3ab3178cda.jpg)
Josh Allen's exceptional abilities make him a key factor in the Bills' potential victory. He excels in various situations:
• Delivering conversions on fourth-and-short with his legs
• Unleashing long, accurate passes like his touchdown throw to Ty Johnson
• Limiting mistakes, with the lowest sack rate (2.6%) and second-lowest turnover rate (1.2%) in the regular season
Additionally, Allen benefits from a strong supporting cast, including an offensive line that ranked third in pass block win rate and running backs who generate a high EPA on targets.
**Why the Ravens will win: Dominant running attack and improved defense**
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/6a70df4e6f5473347f645b4978081439bbc049b2c67252c9408cfb5fc6e21e97.jpg)
The Ravens' running attack is a key factor in their potential victory, with Lamar Jackson and running back Derrick Henry forming a formidable duo. Their combination has proven to be challenging for defenses, as seen in the wild-card round against the Steelers.
To beat the Bills, the Ravens will need to perform well on both offense and defense. Fortunately, they have strengthened their defense since moving Kyle Hamilton back to deep safety in Week 11, ranking first in EPA allowed per play, including the postseason.
#GSC360 🌐 #NFL
@ 13bb52c0:7a8bd512
2025-01-16 19:58:47
¡Ya Tenemos un nuevo dominio https://VEINTIUNO.BTC.pub!
@ d1b118c6:4985b38d
2025-01-16 17:39:47
## Chef's notes
Let me know how it goes for you https://maria.omg.lol
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5-20 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 20-40 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: As many as you want omg!!!!
## Ingredients
- Spaghetti/whatever pasta you want
- Garlic/smashed or diced as much as you want
- Tomatoes/ diced or more liquid state whatever you want
- Scallops/ I use the frozen bagged mini kind and just do a couple handfuls as many as you want
- Butter and/or olive oil but the butter is v good imo but also I used both
- Bacon/ make it extra crispy and then crumble up as much as you want
- Whatever seasonings
## Directions
1. Set oven to 400° or so
2. Put all your bacon 🥓 strips onto tin foil lined baking sheet/s and then put the trays in the oven for 15-20 min
3. Boil up your pasta in salty water
4. Pull the bacon out when done
5. In a pan cook up the scallops real quick like 5-10 min idk
6. Sauté the tomatoes and garlic and whatever use whatever seasons and lots of butter
7. Strain the pasta when it’s ready
8. Mix pasta and sautéed sauce
9. Add more crumbled bacon on top #garnish
@ a853296a:209e695f
2025-01-16 17:28:31
# 🚀🤠⚡ The Fastest Podcast Search in the West! ⚡🤠
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_@Ge and @Car commenting on @DarthCoin 's incredible origin story ([deeplink](https://cascdr-chads-stay-winning.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/3955537/febe48a6-f326-4ae4-ad28-bf62ff55af83.mp3#t=481))_
_Learning about Superscaler on Bitcoin Optech [deeplink](https://cascdr-chads-stay-winning.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/6071192/a39ee779-6e50-4c31-8530-1426cff15c55.mp3#t=6729)_
_@Greencandleit interviewing [American HODL](https://cascdr-chads-stay-winning.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/5015946/ff392f3c-00e4-494d-be7b-601629bcc0a6.mp3#t=4201) on why MSTR is going to moon_
_Mel Gibson discussing his brain scans on [JRE](https://cascdr-chads-stay-winning.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/550168/34bf1882-cca9-11ef-a07d-2b33a4de50ac.mp3#t=2463)_
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originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/852635
@ 2e8970de:63345c7a
2025-01-16 17:17:46
the data: https://wp.technologyreview.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/07/Table-Anatomy-of-a-drone-LM.pdf
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/852626
@ f1989a96:bcaaf2c1
2025-01-16 15:58:49
Good morning, readers!
In Burma, the military junta introduced a far-reaching cybersecurity law that criminalizes privacy tools like VPNs and mandates online platforms to store and share user data with state officials. This move intensifies state repression of civil society, leaving activists and citizens more vulnerable to surveillance. \
Meanwhile, in Nigeria, President Bola Tinubu’s economic reforms, ostensibly intended to alleviate financial struggles, have backfired. Soaring inflation has plunged millions into a worsening food crisis, leaving families unable to put food on the table, as the regime continues to isolate the population from seeking a way out in the form of Bitcoin or dollars.
In open-source software news, Citadel Tech released the beta version of its Coinswap protocol. This privacy-enhancing Bitcoin tool, while still in development, could protect the financial activity of human rights defenders, journalists, and dissidents from the watchful eyes of authoritarian rulers. We also feature Nstart, a new tool that guides users through setting up a Nostr account for the first time. This may prove a valuable tool for activists and journalists operating in authoritarian environments, offering simplified access to uncensorable communications.
Finally, we conclude with the first three chapters of Evan Mawarire’s upcoming memoir, in which the Zimbabwean pastor turned activist recounts his powerful journey of inspiring a peaceful uprising against brutal dictator Robert Mugabe. His story is one of courage, resilience, and the enduring struggle for justice over hyperinflation and tyranny.
**Now, let’s dive right in!**
### [**Subscribe Here**](https://mailchi.mp/hrf.org/financial-freedom-newsletter?mc_cid=bf652c0a5a)
#### **Burma | Military Junta Enacts Sweeping Cybersecurity Law**
Burma’s military junta is notorious for [repressing](https://mohingamatters.com/2024/10/16/myanmar-banks-complicit-or-coerced-the-case-of-kbz/) pro-democracy activists, freezing their bank accounts, and surveilling their financial activity. Now, it is [expanding](https://apnews.com/article/internet-online-censorship-law-repression-8128ba7a2c02555217c6a64ab641eaf6) control over online spaces with a sweeping new cybersecurity law. The law requires digital platform service providers to store user data for three years and hand it over to state officials upon request. Non-compliant providers face fines, blocks, or shutdowns if they fail to remove content or limit the flow of so-called “disinformation.” The law also targets Virtual Private Networks (VPNs), crucial for Internet access and privacy. Those caught using VPNs [face up to six months in prison](https://apnews.com/article/internet-online-censorship-law-repression-8128ba7a2c02555217c6a64ab641eaf6) and fines of up to 10 million kyats ($4,760). The criminalization of privacy tools and expansion of state surveillance leave the public censored and incapable of organizing against authoritarian rule.
#### **Nigeria | Inflation Continues as State Closes Ways Out**
President Bola Tinubu’s economic “reforms” — [removing](https://archive.ph/F2hGj) fuel subsidies, [expanding](https://thefederalnewswire.com/stories/656686715-applied-economics-professor-hanke-nigerian-government-s-crypto-claims-are-misguided-and-incorrect) the money supply, and [devaluing](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-01-30/usd-ngn-naira-devaluation-sees-nigeria-s-currency-plunge-to-record) the naira — have driven food inflation beyond [40%](https://archive.ph/F2hGj). In a country where the monthly minimum wage stands at just 70,000 naira ($45), this means two out of every three Nigerian households are struggling with hunger. In a recent [Forbes](https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2024/10/31/bitcoin-price-nears-all-tim-high-in-nigeria-as-naira-hits-record-low/) article, Nigerian CEO of Recursive Capital, Abubakar Nur Khalil, observed: “As the Naira continues to face further devaluations and slips against the US dollar, it has become almost second nature for those in Nigeria to seek out viable alternatives in the form of bitcoin and USDT.” Individuals laboring under this regime often do seek a way out in the form of Bitcoin or stablecoins, but the government continues to try and restrict that activity, trying instead to trap citizens inside the sinking and surveilled naira.
#### **Kazakhstan | Shuts Down Dozens of Digital Asset Exchanges**
In 2024, the Kazakhstani regime [shut down](https://cointelegraph.com/news/kazakhstan-crypto-crackdown-2024) 36 digital asset exchanges with a combined turnover of 60 billion Kazakhstani tenge ($112 million). Authorities also [confiscated](https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/afm/press/news/details/913888?lang=kk) 2.5 billion tenge ($4.8 million) in assets. The regime [says](https://www.gov.kz/memleket/entities/afm/press/news/details/913888?lang=kk) it will continue to crack down on digital assets, but the reality is these kinds of exchanges are some of the only ways for people inside a dictatorship to obtain access to open money like Bitcoin. At the same time, the regime is promoting its central bank digital currency (CBDC), [the digital tenge](https://cbdctracker.hrf.org/currency/kazakhstan), which it developed in collaboration with Mastercard and Visa. While presented as a modern and convenient financial tool, the CBDC risks becoming a means for consolidating state control over citizens’ economic activities and leaving few avenues for preserving financial independence.
#### **Belarus | Opposition Leader Condemns Upcoming Election as a Sham**
At the end of January, Belarusians will head to the polls for a [presidential election](https://www.delfi.lt/en/politics/process-due-to-happen-in-belarus-is-not-election-says-tsikhanouskaya-120077037) widely regarded as a sham. This election is the first since Alexander Lukashenko’s fraudulent reelection in 2020, which triggered mass protests and saw Bitcoin play a role in [supporting pro-democracy movements](https://www.journalofdemocracy.org/online-exclusive/how-to-dictator-proof-your-money/). The upcoming election is expected to solidify Lukashenko’s grip on power, extending his rule beyond three decades and securing a seventh term. Under Lukashenko’s regime, thousands of dissenters have been [imprisoned](https://www.delfi.lt/en/politics/process-due-to-happen-in-belarus-is-not-election-says-tsikhanouskaya-120077037), silenced, or [financially repressed](https://www.rferl.org/a/natallya-levaya-belarus-kastus-kalinouski-regiment-ukraine-war-brest-belarus/33046377.html) for challenging state objectives and narratives. Opposition leader Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya condemned the election, [saying](https://www.delfi.lt/en/politics/process-due-to-happen-in-belarus-is-not-election-says-tsikhanouskaya-120077037), “It is impossible to hold fair elections in a country where all the media are liquidated, all the parties are liquidated, and political leaders are in prison or abroad.”
#### **Zimbabwe | Citizens Brace for More Currency Volatility**
Zimbabweans are facing growing financial insecurity as the “ZiG” currency [weakens](https://archive.ph/znZbU) further following a regime-imposed [43% devaluation](https://archive.ph/znZbU) in September. The sharp decline is eroding purchasing power, fanning inflation, and disrupting economic activity as the dictatorship siphons as much value as it can for its own uses, away from helping the people. “To plan using the local currency is to plan to fail,” [says](https://archive.ph/znZbU) Christopher Mugaga, CEO of the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce. These currency woes are compounded by drought-driven [18-hour](https://archive.ph/znZbU) power outages, placing immense strain on households and businesses alike. As profits dwindle, dissenting bank accounts are frozen, and disposable incomes vanish, many turn to US dollars and Bitcoin as lifelines to escape the chaos of an increasingly unstable ZiG economy.
#### **Coinswap | Releases Beta of Coinswap Protocol**
[Citadel Tech](https://github.com/citadel-tech), an open-source Bitcoin software collective, [announced](https://x.com/citadelfoss/status/1877364560098652173) the first public beta release of [Coinswap](https://github.com/citadel-tech/coinswap), introducing a highly anticipated feature that enhances Bitcoin’s privacy and scalability. Coinswap allows users to swap their Bitcoin with other users in a way that breaks the link between transactions on the blockchain. Though still in its beta phase, this protocol holds potential for activists, journalists, and others living under authoritarian regimes, where financial surveillance is exploited to suppress dissent. Notably, HRF’s first-ever grant from its Bitcoin Development Fund was deployed to support Coinswap, so it is good to see progress on this front.
#### **Nstart | Simplified Access to Nostr Protocol**
[Nstart](https://github.com/dtonon/nstart) is a new tool that simplifies onboarding to Nostr, a decentralized and censorship-resistant social network protocol. It guides first-time users through creating an account and securely backing up their private key (the password to their account). Additionally, users can set up a [multi-signer bunker](https://git.fiatjaf.com/promenade), which splits their private key into multiple pieces stored with trusted signers. This feature enhances security by protecting users’ identities even if one piece is compromised. These capabilities make Nstart an invaluable tool for activists and organizations operating under authoritarian environments, offering straightforward access to decentralized and uncensorable communications. To explore Nostr, start here: [https://start.njump.me](https://start.njump.me/).
#### **Blitz Wallet | Implements On-chain Payments and Manual Channel Rebalancing**
[Blitz](https://blitz-wallet.com/), an open-source and self-custodial Bitcoin, Lightning, and Liquid wallet, introduced new features enhancing interoperability, privacy, and liquidity management. Users can now send regular payments from their Lightning or Liquid balances, giving them more transaction options. Blitz also lets users manually rebalance their payment channels, offering more control compared to automatic rebalancing. To improve privacy, the wallet will also rotate Liquid account addresses weekly and contact addresses every month, reducing the chances of being tracked.
#### **Nunchuck | Launches Taproot Multisig Beta**
[Nunchuk](https://nunchuk.io/), a self-custodial Bitcoin wallet, [introduced](https://nunchuk.io/blog/taproot-multisig) a beta version of Taproot multisignature in its mobile wallet. Multisignature wallets require more than one private key to make transactions, adding an extra layer of security. With [Taproot](https://blog.theya.us/bitcoin-taproot-upgrade/) multisignature, Nunchuk’s wallet improves privacy and lowers fees by making these transactions look identical to regular transactions on the blockchain. This custody solution offers a secure and private way to manage Bitcoin, which is helpful for those in countries with dictators practicing strict financial surveillance or where funds are at risk of confiscation.
#### **Wasabi Wallet | Integrates Send to Silent Payment Addresses**
[Wasabi Wallet](https://github.com/WalletWasabi), a privacy-focused, open-source Bitcoin wallet, introduced support for sending to [Silent Payment](https://silentpayments.xyz/) addresses. Silent Payments enables transaction senders to generate unique addresses derived from a receiver’s static public key. This advancement is particularly critical for activists and dissidents operating in hostile political environments, where financial transparency can expose them to severe risks. By integrating Silent Payments, Wasabi Wallet empowers users with permissionless and uncensorable money, improving financial privacy for all parties and protecting them from oppressive surveillance.
#### **Bitcoin Student Network | Launches Layer Zero**
The [Bitcoin Students Network](https://www.bitcoinstudentsnetwork.org/), an educational hub for students interested in Bitcoin, [launched](https://www.forbes.com/sites/digital-assets/2025/01/09/the-bitcoin-students-network-launch-layer-zero-to-empower-global-youth/) Layer Zero, a program designed to empower youth worldwide, strengthen Bitcoin’s social layer, and promote its role in advancing financial freedom. Running for two and a half months, Layer Zero offers participants technical training and hands-on experience in community building and peer collaboration. The program also connects students with seasoned entrepreneurs and developers, fostering mentorship and real-world insights. Layer Zero could be a powerful support group for youth living under dictatorships and navigating financial repression. Students from anywhere have until Feb. 15 to [apply](https://form.typeform.com/to/FXfttZrK) to the program.
#### **“Crazy Epic Courage” by Evan Mawarire**
In this soon-to-be-released [memoir](https://www.evanmawarire.org/publications), “Crazy Epic Courage,” Zimbabwean pastor and activist Evan Mawarire recounts the remarkable story of how he inspired a nation to stand up against dictator Robert Mugabe. What began as a simple viral video grew into the “ThisFlag” citizen movement, a powerful call for justice that challenged decades of brutal dictatorship and hyperinflation. Mawarire’s journey is one of resilience, courage, and unwavering determination, undertaken at great personal risk. For now, Mawarire is offering an [exclusive preview](https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/s8w4SLj) of the first three chapters, where readers will begin to discover how he found his voice, sparked a movement, and forever changed Zimbabwe’s struggle for freedom.
*If this article was forwarded to you and you enjoyed reading it, please consider subscribing to the Financial Freedom Report [here](https://mailchi.mp/hrf.org/financial-freedom-newsletter?mc_cid=bf652c0a5a).*
*Support the newsletter by donating bitcoin to HRF’s Financial Freedom program [via BTCPay](https://hrf.org/btc).*\
*Want to contribute to the newsletter? Submit tips, stories, news, and ideas by emailing us at ffreport @ [hrf.org](http://hrf.org/)*
*The Bitcoin Development Fund (BDF) is accepting grant proposals on an ongoing basis. The Bitcoin Development Fund is looking to support Bitcoin developers, community builders, and educators. Submit proposals [here](https://forms.monday.com/forms/57019f8829449d9e729d9e3545a237ea?r=use1)*.
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[**Visit our website**](https://hrf.org/programs/financial-freedom/)
@ 0dd4b762:3b75a30d
2025-01-16 15:27:35
The bane of our day and age is a subtle but very dangerous disease. It is rooted in ignorance and overestimation of one's own abilities. Indefinitely more lethal than covid1984 and even harder to trace.\
It is the epidemic of mid-curve-intelligence and average competence which has infected the most important roles of society.\
We've come to a system that forgot to select on merit and is willingly dancing towards it's own downfall to the gospel of DEI.\
The only antidote to this plague which also critically unveils it is sound and incorruptible money.
#### Sixteen years of melting faces.
While generational wealth is being accumulated left and right the mid-curve NPCs still pat themselves on the back for not participating in a "*highly unstable and fraudulent ponzi-scheme*".\
This is not at all a new phenomenon and its is perfectly normal for the general population to seek comfort in conformity instead of opening their eyes in search of the truth.
Another great case study for this dynamic was the plandemic of the early 2020s when, neighbours, coworkers and friends slowly but surely morphed into clones of the talking heads of your favourite news station. \
No matter the staggering nature of claims about masking, social-distancing and vaccine-mandates, many people wholeheartedly swallowed the propaganda in fear of becoming the only few nails that are still sticking out. The terror of the hammer was very apparent in that situation and gave us a good idea where the train might be going in the coming years..
#### Introducing bitcoin to the suits and the corporate balance sheet
Fast forward to the fun of January 2025 and number go up technology is being embraced by the president elect and his entourage, proposing mind bending ideas such as a bitcoin-strategic reserve. \
Not only the political caste started licking their fingers in anticipation of life-changing gains but the financial-industrial-complex also known as blackrock et al. jumped aboard with the introduction of the bitcoin ETFs exactly one year ago.\
Then there is MicroStrategy who are close to calling 500k bitcoin their own, not showing any signs of exhaustion stockpiling the most scarce money there ever was.
*All these cases suggest bitcoin has dipped it's toe into the muddy waters of normie-mainstream-consensus, right?\
Hyperbitcoinisation is upon us one might think, it is just around the corner only a few blocks away, right?\
There ain't no way in hell people are not getting it at this point, right?*\
I hate to break it to you but most of the managerial clss are still asleep at the wheel. Apperantly more so than ever.\
Especially the dismissal of the shareholder proposals for Microsoft and Amazon adding bitcoin to their corporate balance sheets unveiled the root problems which stem from the c-suits of the highest floors of corporate America.\
The all so mighty people in the drivers seat of these gigantic corporations miserably failed the intelligence-test bitcoin presented to them. Unmasking a very uncomfortable truth: The higher up executives today are mostly made of mid-wit-normies who are not willing to innovate and step outside of the warmth of DEI nonsense.\
They literally did the meme.
It is a culture of mediocrisy that is actively being selected for in the higher up's offices.\
The new generation of managers and problem solvers nowadays doesn't consist of the smartest people anymore but got displaced by the folks whose main strength it is to jump trough arbitrary hoops.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/2a79a4393fcd5cd3f89c60ede98590eedf1f6e886d75a0b9cf04aaf88f51293a.jpg">
@ ed84ce10:cccf4c2a
2025-01-16 15:14:20
# **Hackathon Summary**
The [Aptos Code Collision Hackathon](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/code-collision) concluded with notable participation, featuring 658 registered projects and 2,658 developers globally. Conducted in a hybrid format, the hackathon aimed to advance blockchain innovation through workshops and bootcamps focused on Web3 developments on the Aptos platform.
Offering over $500,000 in prizes, the event attracted diverse participants eager to create meaningful applications. Judging was conducted by industry experts, including Mo Shaikh and Avery Ching from Aptos Labs, alongside other notable blockchain and investment firm leaders.
The hackathon highlighted Aptos technologies such as Keyless user authentication and on-chain randomness, which support developers in creating secure and efficient applications. Resources and guidance were provided through a comprehensive participants' handbook, enhancing learning and development for both novice and advanced users. The event showcased significant participation and promising innovations aimed at enhancing the Aptos blockchain ecosystem.
# **Hackathon Winners**
### **DeFi / RWA Prize Winners**
- [**Panana Predictions**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16813): A decentralized platform for event predictions using smart contracts on Aptos, offering transparent transactions and community-governed markets.
- [**Sentra Restaking Protocol**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17617): Strengthens Aptos security via a restaking layer, providing pooled security and customizable slashing.
- [**Legato**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16659): A DeFi market platform utilizing AI for BTC price predictions and smart contracts for liquidity pool management.
- [**eVault**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16003): Combines DeFi and TradFi to offer financial services to underserved communities on Aptos.
- [**MeowFi**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16628): Uses NFTs as collateral for loans, enabling transparent lending on Aptos.
### **Gaming / NFTs Prize Winners**
- [**Jeton**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16033): A decentralized poker platform on Aptos using zk-SNARKs for fair play without central trust.
- [**On-Chain Treasure Hunt Multiplayer!**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17434): An entirely on-chain game utilizing smart contracts for transparent mechanics and rewards.
- [**Forged Realms - IP Incubation with Games**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16825): Supports gaming IP incubation through a tokenized, community-driven approach.
- [**Aptos Legacy**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16606): A 3D RPG game on Aptos enhancing player ownership with tokenized assets.
- [**appToss Friends**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16020): Infrastructure for on-chain casinos, utilizing liquidity pools and friend registries on Aptos.
### **AI / DePIN Prize Winners**
- [**ChatEDU**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17476): AI-powered educational system incentivizing content sharing with blockchain-based credits on Aptos.
- [**Unity Network**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16826): Facilitates data monetization through AI models with a federated learning protocol.
- [**ProxiRun**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16608): A decentralized compute marketplace for AI tasks, managed through smart contracts on Aptos.
- [**FLock Move GPT**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17281): Trains large language models (LLMs) on Aptos coding standards using advanced tuning and classification methods.
- [**Antikythera**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17612): An AI agent that enhances Aptos interactions by executing transactions and identifying real-time opportunities.
### **Social Prize Winners**
- [**Cook App**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16797): A Telegram-based app curating crypto news via a blockchain-backed swipe interface.
- [**BiUwU**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16632): Livestream platform featuring AI-driven influencers and interactive blockchain-backed engagement.
- [**FundMate**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16821): Platform for social messaging and crypto transactions with decentralized payment management.
- [**Enthro**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16423): Enhances video content creation leveraging blockchain for market growth opportunities.
- [**StreamAd**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17622): Twitter-focused platform for automating campaign management and rewards distribution through smart contracts.
### **The Unexpected Prize Winners**
- [**ActionX**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/14572): Simplifies blockchain interactions by converting processes into actionable links.
- [**Compensate**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17562): Innovates payroll management using secure, transparent salary transactions with zero-knowledge proofs.
- [**Khizab**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16769): Offers reactive blockchain capabilities through modular, type-safe tools for application development.
- [**Aptos Extension**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/15534): A development tool that enhances productivity and collaboration within the Aptos ecosystem.
- [**Aptotic: Industrial Robotic Automation on Aptos 🤖**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16701): Provides MaaS for industrial automation, integrating blockchain for secure operations.
### **UI Challenge Prize Winners**
- [**PlayStop**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16822): A social minigame platform merging digital asset ownership with real-time competition on Aptos.
- [**EdenX**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/6955): Web3 learning platform featuring a Telegram bot for a gamified learning-to-earn experience.
- [**Vortex**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17499): GameFi platform for player-to-player games with secure liquidity management on Aptos.
### **Best Public Goods Prize Winners**
- [**Scaffold Move**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/13953): An open-source toolkit for developing dApps on Aptos, including deployment scripts and module hot reloads.
- [**build 3 (fka Aptos Bounty App)**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17630): A decentralized labor market that supports task fulfillment with an analytics dashboard.
- [**Aptos Extension**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/15534)
### **Aptos Indexer Challenge with Nodit Prize Winners**
- Panana Predictions
- [**Wavefy Network - Decentralized Network for Generative AI Inference**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/15025): Addresses AI memory issues using a P2P network for distributed model inference.
- Compensate
### **Foresight's Choice: Consumer Applications Bounty Prize Winners**
- BiUwU
- Cook App
- eVault
- Antikythera
- ChatEDU
### **Mirana's Bounty Prize Winners**
- Sentra Restaking Protocol
- BiUwU
- FLock Move GPT
### **MEXC Venture's Choice Prize Winners**
- [**AGDEX**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/15926): A decentralized perpetual exchange for leveraged trading, featuring benefits like AGLP tokens.
- EdenX
- Panana Predictions
- [**紅包拿來**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17220): Integrates traditional red envelope culture with blockchain for secure digital asset sharing.
- [**Inbox-to-Earn using Telegram + Mizu**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/16789): Monetizes Telegram inbox through Aptos token payments for prioritized messages.
### **Mizu Wallet's Telegram Integration Challenge Prize Winners**
- Panana Predictions
- [**Apt Date**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17393): A blockchain-based dating platform ensuring secure interactions with on-chain randomness for user matching.
For comprehensive details on all projects, visit https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/code-collision/buidl.
# **About the Organizer**
### **Aptos Foundation**
Aptos Foundation is prominent in blockchain technology, offering a Layer 1 blockchain utilizing the Move programming language to enhance scalability. Achieving up to 30,000 transactions per second and processing 2 billion transactions daily, the foundation emphasizes transaction efficiency and security. Dedicated to continuous innovation, its mission focuses on evolving blockchain infrastructure with cost-effective and robust solutions. Aptos Foundation remains actively engaged in technological development, fostering a dynamic and secure digital ecosystem.
@ ed84ce10:cccf4c2a
2025-01-16 15:13:05
# **Hackathon Summary**
The [Hackmos 2024](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/hackmos2024) event successfully concluded in Dubai, held alongside Cosmoverse 2024. It featured 53 registered projects and 101 participating developers. The hackathon provided a platform for both student and non-student teams, each allocated specific time slots for presentations, assessed by judging panels dedicated to various track categories. This event highlighted innovation within the Cosmos ecosystem, fostering networking among developers and blockchain enthusiasts.
Participants were encouraged to undertake projects that demonstrated technological innovation and practical functionality. The event concluded with presentations evaluated on criteria such as technology innovation, functionality, usability, and security. By engaging with the wider crypto community, the hackathon showcased promising projects with potential for significant community impact and adoption.
Set against Dubai's cultural backdrop, participants also had the opportunity to explore the locale. The hackathon attendees received non-transferable entry to the Cosmoverse conference, a forum for developments across the Cosmos ecosystem. The event fostered collaboration and competition, aiming to drive growth and exploration in blockchain project development.
# **Hackathon Winners**
### **Interchain Prize Winners**
- [**Wasm ICQ Datahub**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18068): Facilitates cross-chain data exchange without requiring architectural changes, using smart contracts on the Neutron blockchain. It is particularly suitable for financial protocols and analytics.
- [**ZkResolution**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18096): Enhances DNS privacy through zero-knowledge proofs, providing secure lookups and ensuring interoperability between EVM and Cosmos ecosystems.
- [**FractionXChange**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17974): Enables the fractionalization and rental of NFTs, allowing divisible tokens for shared asset access while maintaining asset exclusivity.
- [**Cosmic Quest**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18078): Gamifies blockchain education with role-playing quests, integrating real interactions and on-chain credentials.
- [**SupportMEow**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17976): Facilitates cat shelter donations through blockchain, using AI and IBC for image verification and blockchain inscription.
- [**NAMI <> Mars Protocol Integration**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17984): Integrates NAMI and Mars Protocol for cross-chain savings, providing sustainable yields and stablecoin management.
- [**InMail Treasury**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18108): Provides AI-driven treasury management with email interfaces, utilizing CosmWasm and Osmosis Smart Accounts for secured crypto management.
- [**BreezeNode**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18114): Promotes energy-saving behaviors through a blockchain-powered smart energy management system, rewarding token-based incentives for reduced usage.
- [**FreshCatch**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18120): Streamlines the seafood supply chain by connecting fishermen and markets, enhancing sustainability and efficiency through direct transactions.
- [**LogoSpark - RECs Blockchain**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18118): Facilitates REC trading via a PoS blockchain, ensuring transparency and sustainability in renewable energy markets.
### **Cosmos Hub Prize Winners**
- [**MEME HERO**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18067): A launchpad for meme tokens on Cosmos, using IBC for liquidity and customizable tokenomics within a gamified platform.
- **Symbiosis**
- [**Proof of Profit**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18105): Simulates trading environments to demonstrate verifiable profitability, securely attracting investment on-chain.
- **Swift Notify: Cosmos Hub Newsletters**
- **Wasm ICQ Datahub**
### **Babylon Prize Winners**
- [**HWStaking**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18061): Integrates Ledger wallets for Bitcoin staking through Babylon, enhancing security and accessibility for stakers.
### **Warden Prize Winners**
- **SupportMEow**
- **InMail Treasury**
- [**FedLearn**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18098): Enables private machine learning via decentralized federated learning and Warden Protocol integration.
### **Osmosis Prize Winners**
- **InMail Treasury**
- **Symbiosis**
- [**Osmosis smart contract EOL**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18086): Provides secure crypto fund recovery through inactivity monitoring and nominee execution upon user incapacity.
### **Neutron Prize Winners**
- **Wasm ICQ Datahub**
- **Proof of Profit**
- [**Neutron Drop protocol UI in TMA**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18103): Telegram app interfaces with Neutron Drop Protocol for seamless smart contract operations across networks.
### **Mantra Prize Winners**
- [**TOKIFY Protocol**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18095): Manages real-world asset tokenization on the MANTRA Chain, enabling fractional ownership within a compliant, DAO-governed framework.
- **FractionXChange**
- [**mantrapy**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18069): Enhances interactions with the Mantra chain through a versatile Python library, enabling extensibility in decentralized applications.
### **Agoric Bounty Prize Winners**
- [**Zero mile**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17981): Develops a liquidity layer for seamless DeFi operations across blockchains, enhancing interoperability without traditional messaging.
- **SupportMEow**
- [**Agoric: Event Registration**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18112): Expands an event registration platform to support multi-blockchain transactions through Agoric integration.
### **Dora Factory Bounty Prize Winners**
- [**ZKBugs**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18023): Focuses on bug detection in Circom circuits, ensuring optimal performance for cryptographic applications.
- [**HACKMOS BOUNTY MINOR**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18041): Examines message chain verification vulnerabilities to enhance security in decentralized systems.
To view all winning projects and details, visit [Hackmos 2024 Projects](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/hackmos2024/buidl).
# **About the Organizer**
### **Cosmoverse**
Cosmoverse & Hackmos Dubai 2024 is a recognized entity within the technology and blockchain sectors, dedicated to fostering innovation and collaboration. It is known for organizing engaging conferences and hackathons that bring together industry experts, developers, and enthusiasts to explore emerging trends and solutions. The organization's initiatives are aimed at advancing knowledge and practical applications of blockchain technology. Currently, it focuses on enhancing technological engagement and facilitating conversations to propel the industry forward.
@ ed84ce10:cccf4c2a
2025-01-16 15:12:06
# **Hackathon Summary**
The [Funding the Commons & Earth Commons Hackathon](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/ftc-2024) concluded successfully, with 356 participants and 116 projects registered from various regions worldwide. Occurring from October 7 to November 7, 2024, the event targeted developing solutions for public goods funding through a hybrid format that combined online activities with optional in-person collaboration in Bangkok.
Participants engaged in both ideation and prototyping stages, focusing on tracks such as regenerative finance, decentralized governance, and climate innovation. With the support of workshops and mentorship, the hackathon aimed to generate tools and methods for managing shared resources more effectively.
Project evaluation criteria included innovation, impact, feasibility, functionality, collaboration, and presentation. The hackathon promoted global collaboration and creativity, aligning with its objective to enhance blockchain-based infrastructure and transform governance related to common resources, impacting sectors like ecosystems, academia, and public institutions.
In summary, the hackathon provided an opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration, contributing to the development of solutions for global challenges in public goods and environmental sustainability.
# **Hackathon Winners**
### **Financial Inclusion by Stellar Prize Winners**
- [**Freelii**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18601) - Facilitates financial inclusion through cost-efficient remittances using Stellar's blockchain, integrating with Telegram to simplify transactions for the unbanked in the Global South.
- [**Ask Billy**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18911) - Supports humanitarian efforts with blockchain-secured cash transfers and AI chatbots, enhancing aid distribution through community insights.
- [**Stellar Mobile Money Bridge**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18913) - Connects mobile money systems with the Stellar blockchain, enhancing financial inclusion via seamless mobile money integration.
### **Decentralized AI by NEAR Prize Winners**
- [**VielNetFL**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18948) - Offers a federated learning platform with Fully Homomorphic Encryption for secure, decentralized machine learning, coordinated via NEAR smart contracts.
- [**FederNear**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18965) - Utilizes the NEAR blockchain for federated learning, encrypting model parameters to ensure secure, privacy-preserving decentralized training.
- [**Delta**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18962) - A decentralized platform using AI to predict climate disasters, employing blockchain for fund allocation transparency and disaster relief.
### **Decentralized Storage by Filecoin Prize Winners**
- [**ZkResolution**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18096) - Enhances DNS resolution privacy through a protocol using zero-knowledge proofs, supporting cross-chain compatibility and geographic optimization.
- [**SovereignSearch**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18722) - A decentralized search engine prioritizing user data sovereignty, leveraging Storcha and Filecoin for immutable data storage and retrieval.
- [**VielNetFL**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18948) - See detailed description under Decentralized AI by NEAR Prize Winners.
### **Environmental Impact by KlimaDAO Prize Winners**
- [**Proof of Change**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17989) - Connects funds to environmental impacts using Ethereum attestations and satellite data for accountable climate finance.
- [**PGAtlas**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18897) - An interactive platform that displays public goods projects with geolocation and blockchain attestation for better visibility and support.
- [**0xFarms**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18749) - Integrates rural farming with urban AI-driven technology, utilizing blockchain for enhanced food security and transparency.
- [**GreenLink**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18912) - No additional details provided.
### **Public Goods Funding Infrastructure Prize Winners**
- [**Doogly**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18960) - A multichain donation platform that enhances crypto donation flexibility and tracking with blockchain certificates.
- [**Dead Project Snipper**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18384) - Tool for evaluating blockchain project activity to aid grant allocation through automated data analysis.
- [**IES (Impact Evaluation Service)**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18262) - Evaluates project impact using a blockchain platform, enabling retroactive funding and outcome measurement.
- [**Counterfactually**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18929) - Utilizes synthetic control methodology to analyze intervention impacts in web3 for optimized capital allocation.
- [**Ecosystem Vision**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/17862) - Centralized dashboard providing AI-powered grant finder and standardized data integration for crypto funding opportunities.
- [**GrantScan**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18899) - Indexes Web3 grant applications, offering a standardized, searchable database.
- [**findabuilder**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18850) - AI-driven platform for locating builders with Talent Protocol data and smart query processing.
- [**Buildooor**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18984) - Facilitates hackathon collaborations using a swipe-based interface for connecting builders.
- [**Engagement.Vision**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18844) - Analyzes community engagement by integrating on-chain and off-chain data for comprehensive metrics.
### **Identity and Privacy by Holonym Prize Winners**
- [**Refugee Identity Issuer**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18941) - Provides decentralized identity verification for refugees with blockchain and zero-knowledge proofs.
- [**Trufy**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18798) - A decentralized voting tool enhancing DAO governance with credential verification for secure voting.
### **Fullstack Decentralizations by Layer Prize Winners**
- [**Builder's Dollar**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18381) - A stablecoin initiative for sustainable funding, integrating blockchain for project eligibility verification.
### **Trust and Authenticity by Numbers Protocol Prize Winners**
- [**Jurdil**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18970) - Enhances election transparency in Indonesia through blockchain-secured image capture and smart contracts.
- [**Infinity Book: Pet Heroes**](https://dorahacks.io/buidl/18704) - Collaborative digital book platform that uses blockchain for authenticity and unique digital asset generation.
For more details, view all projects at the [Funding the Commons SEA Hackathon 2024](https://dorahacks.io/hackathon/ftc-2024/buidl).
# **About the Organizer**
### **Funding the Commons**
Funding the Commons focuses on accelerating blockchain-based infrastructure for public goods funding by connecting researchers, builders, and funders. The organization creates an ecosystem that bridges Web2, Web3, and academia, achieving impact through international conferences, builder residencies, and hackathons. Their initiatives include experimental funding rounds designed to support open-source public goods developers. Currently, their mission emphasizes fostering scaled human coordination that prioritizes the commons, supported by rigorous impact evaluations and continuous capital flows.
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2025-01-16 14:50:17
Here are today's picks using my proprietary betting strategy at [Freebitcoin](https://freebitco.in/?r=51325722). For details about what Risk Balanced Odds Arbitrage is and why it works see https://stacker.news/items/342765/r/Undisciplined.
For a hypothetical 1k-ish wager on each match, distribute your sats as follows:
| Outcome 1 | Outcome 2 | Outcome 3 | Bet 1 | Bet 2 | Bet 3 |
| Verona| Lazio| Draw | 200| 556| 345|
| Napoli| Juventus| Draw | 476| 256| 303|
| Lecce| Inter Milan| Draw | 105| 733| 182|
| Juventus| AC Milan| Draw | 448| 286| 303|
| Inter Milan| Empoli| Draw | 800| 71| 148|
| Atalanta| Napoli| Draw | 435| 308| 294|
| AC Milan| Parma| Draw | 770| 100| 167|
| VfL Bochum| RB Leipzig| Draw | 270| 500| 278|
| SC Freiburg| FC Bayern| Draw | 143| 723| 182|
| RB Leipzig| Leverkusen| Draw | 278| 526| 263|
| Leverkusen| Monchengladbach| Draw | 788| 91| 154|
| FC Bayern| Wolfsburg| Draw | 857| 59| 125|
| Dortmund| Werder| Draw | 620| 208| 222|
I'm a little tight on time this morning, so I'll just note that the most recently completed two sets of RBOA made 54k on 52k of wagers.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/852423
@ 04ed2b8f:75be6756
2025-01-16 12:24:10
Fear is an inevitable part of life, a natural response to the unknown. While it serves as a warning signal, fear also acts as a barrier, keeping us confined to comfort zones and preventing us from realizing our potential. Avoiding fear doesn’t eliminate it—it amplifies its control over us. The only way to grow is to face fear head-on, transforming it from a limitation into a stepping stone.
### **Understanding the Nature of Fear**
Fear is both a teacher and a roadblock, depending on how we respond to it:
- **Fear as a Teacher**: It highlights areas where we have the potential to grow and evolve.
- **Fear as a Roadblock**: Left unchecked, fear traps us in a cycle of avoidance, creating imaginary walls that limit our lives.
- **Fear’s Illusions**: Often, the reality of what we fear is far less daunting than what our minds imagine.
### **Why Facing Fear is Essential**
Fear guards the gates to growth and fulfillment. Confronting it leads to profound personal transformations:
1. **Freedom from Constraints**: Overcoming fear liberates you, opening the door to endless opportunities.
2. **Confidence Building**: Every fear faced strengthens your belief in yourself, making future challenges less intimidating.
3. **Growth Beyond Comfort**: Growth lies in discomfort. Facing fear helps you expand your boundaries and redefine what’s possible.
4. **A Life Without Regrets**: Avoiding fear leads to missed opportunities and long-lasting regret. Facing it ensures you seize the moment.
### **The Hidden Costs of Avoiding Fear**
Fear feeds on avoidance, growing stronger over time. Its effects include:
- **Paralyzing Action**: Fear stops you from taking the first step, delaying or derailing your dreams.
- **Narrowing Perspective**: It blinds you to opportunities by focusing your mind on worst-case scenarios.
- **Lost Potential**: Every fear you avoid creates a limit on your potential, confining you to a smaller life than you deserve.
### **Practical Steps to Overcome Fear**
Facing fear doesn’t mean erasing it—it means taking action despite it. Here’s how to start:
1. **Name It**: Clearly identify your fear. Naming it helps demystify its power.
2. **Break It Down**: Divide the challenge into smaller, manageable steps. Tackling one piece at a time builds momentum.
3. **Reframe Failure**: View failure not as an endpoint but as a lesson. Each setback is a stepping stone to success.
4. **Take Consistent Action**: Even small steps toward facing your fear weaken its grip. Action builds confidence and reduces anxiety.
### **The Rewards of Confronting Fear**
When you face fear, the transformation is profound:
- **Confidence**: You prove to yourself that you’re capable of more than you imagined.
- **Freedom**: Fear loses its power, leaving you free to pursue your dreams.
- **Limitless Potential**: Each fear faced expands your horizons, turning challenges into opportunities.
### **Final Thought: Fear as a Catalyst for Growth**
Fear is not the enemy—it’s a challenge designed to push you beyond your limits. The fears you avoid today will become the boundaries of your life tomorrow. But the fears you confront will set you free, allowing you to grow into your best self.
The next time fear arises, don’t shrink back. Step forward. Face it. Because on the other side of fear lies everything you’ve ever dreamed of—and more.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 12:09:24
Book [Chandigarh to Yamunanagar cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/chandigarh-to-yamunanagar) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 12:07:33
Book [Chandigarh to Muzaffarnagar cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/chandigarh-to-muzaffarnagar) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 12:06:43
Book [Adoni to Nellore cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/adoni-to-nellore) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 12:06:02
Book [Chandigarh to Panipat cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/chandigarh-to-panipat) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 12:05:23
Book [Chandigarh to Rewari cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/chandigarh-to-rewari) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 12:04:07
Book [Chandigarh to Rohtak cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/chandigarh-to-rohtak) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 12:03:08
Book [Chandigarh to Sikar cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/chandigarh-to-sikar) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 12:02:22
Book [Chandigarh to Sirsa cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/chandigarh-to-sirsa) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 12:01:41
Book [Chandigarh to Hoshiarpur cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/chandigarh-to-hoshiarpur) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 12:01:02
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@ e8ed3798:67dd345a
2025-01-14 17:38:49
Crowdsourcing subjective value is a great idea, but when no thought has been put into how to do it, the results are neither useful nor healthy.
In this article we discuss the problems with the classic five star rating system and why it needs to be abolished in favor of better expressions of public sentiment.
## Part 1: What's In A Star?
Let's start with a thought experiment:
- Do you buy products on Amazon that have 3 stars?
- Do you take rides from Uber drivers that have 3 stars?
- Do you download apps on the App Store that have 3 stars?
- Do you visit places on Google Maps that have 3 stars?
"Not on purpose," is probably your answer. But why not? After all, a three out of five is better than the median; it's 60 percent! That is solidly "above average" by any usual measure. Although it makes sense in mathematical terms, it is not correct to say that a 3 star product is at least half as good as a 5 star product.
The funny thing about the 5 star rating system is that nobody really knows exactly what the stars mean, mostly because they aren't ever explained. They are just a weak abstraction of a score out of 5, which itself is an abstraction of a score out of 100, and it is used to average all ratings for a thing into an average star rating. Presumably, 5 is the best and 1 is the worst, and somewhere in between is... what exactly? Mediocre? Passable? Acceptable? Average? Who knows! This is the first problem with this system; while the top and bottom of the scale may be implied (ambiguity still isn't great), the middle of the scale is entirely ambiguous.
Most of the time, people start with a default supposition that a product ought to be 5 stars, and then they subtract stars according to their own perceived deficiencies of the product. On the flip side, people who are dissatisfied with a product tend to start at 1 star and perhaps award it a couple more if they are feeling charitable.
This dualistic approach highlights another issue with this kind of rating system. Despite the pure quantitative mechanism, the feelings and disposition of the rater ultimately assign meaning to the numeric scale.
Ultimately, any 5 star rating system ends up being a gamut ranging from hate it to love it with a lot of ambiguity in the middle.
To put it simply, the stars mean nothing. But to be more precise, the stars are the *average* of the *numeric expression* of the public sentiment about a thing.
OK, public sentiment. That's what we want right? We want to know what the public thinks about the product so we can make a good purchase decision.
Except, unfortunately, the 5 star rating system does an incredibly imprecise job at capturing what the public actually thinks about a product. Let's dive into why this is. But first, to conclude our thought experiment, I'd like to establish an informal consensus that we instinctually seek out the highest rated items and avoid ratings less than 4.5 out of 5, with infrequent exceptions. If this sounds like you, then let's proceed.
## Part 2: Trash or Treasure
How does one turn their feelings into a number? This is not something people are good at, or do naturally, or are even required to do very often. It is also completely subjective and arbitrary. Does "happy" mean 5 or 100 or 902,581? It really depends on what you are trying to measure.
However, you've probably done this on a survey. Normally, a range of options is given with accompanying numbers. You may have heard a guiding explanation such as "Rate one through five, with one being 'least likely' and five being 'most likely' to recommend to a friend." Such explanations are useful in assisting a person in expressing their personal sentiments as a numeric range, and anecdotally I seem to provide more nuanced answers when I have guidance as to what each value actually means to me. However, such explanations are missing from most places where five star rating systems can make or break one's livelihood as a seller, developer, or musician. Users are normally given no guidance as to how a particular star value should correspond to their sentiment.
Accordingly, this manifests in an all too common star rating smiley. Like the famed "smiley face curve" equalizer setting popularized in the 70's in which the frequencies of a song were engineered to grow from the midranges upward toward the treble and bass making a smile shape (who's midrange is the lowest), the star rating smile is a common sight on product reviews where the most common review ratings appear anecdotally to be 5 and 1, then 4 and 2, and lastly 3.
The fact that the most common ratings are five stars and one star indicates that people most often do not think about their experience as a gradient between good and bad, but rather simply label their sentiment as only "good" or "bad" with little room for nuance. Having not received any guidance for expressing their sentiment numerically, this should be wholly unsurprising. But, I also feel like this binary outcome is a very natural expression that requires minimal mental energy to produce, and is therefore the most efficient expression of sentiment. I suspect that in another universe where we have a commonplace 15 star rating system but humans are the same, the most common ratings are 15 stars and 1 star respectively.
Other factors influence this binary good/bad paradigm too. People know instinctively that leaving a bad review is bad for business, and often this is their vengeful response to any sense of feeling as if they have been mistreated, misled, or swindled by the seller. Often times the sheer excitement of the new product compels people to write reviews only minutes after they have received it, precluding them from providing an experienced and time-tested perspective of how the product performs.
These quirks of human behavior can skew five star ratings severely. But the behaviors themselves are not bad! They are totally natural and expected. The real problem is how the five star rating system fails to capture these commonplace human sentiments accurately.
We need to build a rating system that works for people rather than forcing people to fit into a poorly executed rating system.
## Part 3: Feast or Famine
It is natural that when presented with a plethora of options, humans will be drawn to the options that are labeled as "the best". When "best" possible is five stars, then five stars naturally becomes the [Schelling point](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Focal_point_(game_theory))for all buyers and sellers, where the vast majority of economic activity is concentrated.
When all ratings are seen from a five-based perspective, fours look barely adequate. Threes look unacceptable. Twos are abject. And ones are complete disasters.
You may have heard about how [Uber would suspend drivers whose ratings fell below 4.6](https://www.inc.com/minda-zetlin/uber-rider-ratings-deactivation-lyft-rideshare.html). The tendency of five star rating systems is to create a gradient of sentiment where 1 to 4.5 stars is "bad" and 4.5 to 5 stars is "good".
One rarely discussed outcome of this dynamic is that good ratings are nearly impossible to compare to each other. As alluded to in the introduction thought experiment, the narrow range between 4.5 and 5 leaves very little room to distinguish from a good product and an excellent product; both are simply "good" or "not bad". As highly rated products are usually the products people are most interested in, it is unfortunate that a favorable rating would actually provide less signal than a bad rating as to the product's relative quality in the spectrum of good ratings.
Meanwhile, bad ratings have wide berth to compare numerically. The astronomical range between 1 and 4.5 is a very spacious gradient in which to assess how bad one product is versus another, except nobody actually cares because nobody is going to buy it anyway!
In the five star rating system, the better a product is, the *less* information we get to compare it to other similarly good products. This is a critical design flaw, because the better a product is and the more people review it, the *more* information we should have about it versus other similar products. It would be better if the range of "good" ratings was wider so that good ratings could be compared to each other.
I'd like to emphasize that the *loss of precision* as a product becomes more desirable is a truly ludicrous mechanic of the five star rating system. This poorly conceived rating paradigm completely pervades our digital economic systems and determines the success of millions of producers. Let's be clear about the stakes. Assigning subjective value to things is completely overlooked for what it really is: a absolutely critical and monumentally influential economic activity. Because the most important economic activity is how we assign value to things with money, the second most important economic activity is how we *inform* our economic value assignments with subjective value assignments such as these.
We need to fix how we rate things. It could literally change how entire economies function.
## Part 4: Quality or Quantity
Valve has obviously put thought into how they handle ratings for video games sold through their extremely popular and long-lived Steam platform.
Reviews are not allowed until a certain amount of hours of the game have been played. The review must assign a thumbs-up or thumbs-down, and then provide a minimum amount of text.
Then, rather than simply providing an average of these binary ratings, Steam averages them over a recent period of time, creating a dynamic where if a game developer releases a new update, the reviews written more recently are sure to influence the overall rating of the game rather than old ratings that haven't taken the new update into consideration.
Finally, the aggregated rating itself is displayed as "Overwhelming Negative", "Very Negative", "Mostly Negative", "Mixed", "Mostly Positive", "Very Positive", or "Overwhelmingly Positive".
Ask yourself, which product would you be more likely to try?
- 2.5/5 stars
- "Mixed Reviews"
Ironically, the Steam rating system gives users less flexibility to express their sentiment as a number, and yet provides more depth, nuance, and balance to the resulting ratings. This, ladies and gentlemen, is what it looks like when somebody gives a damn about how things work. It is a great system.
Another interesting emergent behavior that accompanies many Steam reviews, as well as many reviews on other sites, are user generated pros/cons lists. These lists are helpful and offer qualitative labels that help to explain the quantitative rating assignment, although these labels are not mechanically related to the rating system itself.
Steam has another mechanism to express qualitative judgements in the form of labels, although they had to be restricted because they were being abused in undesirable or nefarious ways. Now the labeling system does more to tell you about what the game is rather than what people think about it, which is fine, but I feel like it is a missed opportunity.
Therefore, I'd like to propose a simple system that combines thumbs up/down and labeling to be used in the context of nostr's review system.
## Part 5: QTS
I call this new review system QTS, or the "Qualitative Thumb System". [Originally I developed QTS when working at Arcade Labs.](https://github.com/ArcadeLabsInc/arcade/wiki/ArcadeSocial)
[This PR for a new nostr review mechanism](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/pull/879) allows for a lot of flexibility in how you apply ratings to things, so QTS is simply a method of applying rating values that creates a better human-oriented review system. QTS is a way of using reviews.
In essence, QTS capitalizes on our very human instinct to assign a "good" or "bad" label by limiting the quantitative assessment to a thumbs-up or thumbs-down. Then, QTS provides qualitative labels that describe possible positive sentiments that describe different aspects of the thing being rated.
First, the user chooses thumbs-up or thumbs-down as their overall assessment. If they do nothing else, this is sufficient to capture their sentiment. However, labels should be provided which the user can check or toggle on to increase their rating further.
The initial thumbs up is worth 0.5, and each label is worth (0.5 / number of labels). The minimum rating is 0 (thumbs down, no labels), and the maximum rating is 1 (thumbs up and all labels). Any rating 0.5 or above is trending toward good and below 0.5 is trending toward bad.
The labels should be applicable in the context of the thing. So, for example, I might provide the following labels for place reviews in a Google Maps-style app:
- Convenient
- Clean
- Affordable
- Memorable
- Inviting
These labels could possibly describe any place. It's OK if a place doesn't have all of these qualities. Zero labels and at thumbs up is still a "good" rating. Each label selected is essentially a "cherry on top" and its absence may indicate that either it isn't applicable OR the place failed to earn it.
Likewise, it is possible that you may give a place a thumbs-down and apply labels; this would result in a rating higher than 0 but still in the bad gradient (below 0.5).
Here are the key benefits I want to highlight of QTS:
- The 5 star rating system forces a user to do the work of translating their sentiment into a quantity. With QTS, the user never has to translate their feelings into a number! They only express good or bad and pick labels, and the QTS mechanism does the work of translating this into a computation-friendly value.
- The 5 star rating system generally results in a "bad" range from 1 to 4.5 and a "good" range from 4.5 to 5. QTS balances this with a "bad" rating at 0, a "good" rating at 0.5, and an excellent rating is anything above 0.5 (up to 1.0). This creates the maximum possible gradient between good and bad which makes it easier to compare similar ratings. Recall this in contrast to the 5 star rating system which actually _loses precision_ as more ratings are provided.
- It is also helpful that similar QTS ratings may have different labels, which will allow people to make easy qualitative assessments that do not depend on users generating their own pros/cons list.
## Part 6: Implementing QTS
Here is how it works:
You give the user the option to rate a thumbs up or thumbs down.
Then, you also give your user the option to choose from a predefined set of positive labels. You can have any number of labels but try to keep it below 10 so as not to overwhelm your users. Keep the labels general enough that they could potentially apply to any thing being rated.
For example, if you were providing labels for Amazon.com, some good labels would be:
- Good Value
- Good Quality
- As Described
- Durable
- Right Size
These labels are general enough that they could apply to almost any product. It is important to create labels that are general so that when comparing product ratings you are comparing the same labels. It is possible however that something like Amazon.com could define a different QTS label subset for each product category, and then the labels could be more specific to that category.
For example, a product category of Candles could have "Long Burning", "Good smell", "Safe", etc. These labels are much more specific, but appropriate for the Candle product category. The main point is that products which should be compared should use the same QTS label set.
Some poor examples of labels would be:
- Orange (not really relevant to the product's assessment)
- Easy to Lift (only relevant to certain products)
- Made in USA (not really relevant to the product's assessment)
- Cheap (not descriptive enough and could be interpreted as negative)
A score is derived as follows:
- a thumbs-down is a score of 0.00
- a thumbs-up is a score of 0.50
- a label is worth 0.50 ÷ the number of labels available. So, if there are 3 labels to pick from, each label is worth 0.1666. The labels should all have the same value.
Here is an example by calvadev being used on Shopstr:
You can adjust the weights however you want. The fundamental thing that QTS prescribes is that a thumbs up gives a 50% score, and labels each contribute an equal share up to another 50%.
# Conclusion
With nostr we have a great opportunity to improve the economic information available to the planet. A more efficient market based on higher quality information will improve civilization in ways we may not expect, but definitely deserve!
If you like this post, be sure to give it a thumbs up ✌😁
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 12:00:25
Book [Hyderabad to Nellore Cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/hyderabad-to-nellore) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. one way taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ 6389be64:ef439d32
2025-01-14 01:31:12
Bitcoin is more than money, more than an asset, and more than a store of value. Bitcoin is a Prime Mover, an enabler and it ignites imaginations. It certainly fueled an idea in my mind. The idea integrates sensors, computational prowess, actuated machinery, power conversion, and electronic communications to form an autonomous, machined creature roaming forests and harvesting the most widespread and least energy-dense fuel source available. I call it the Forest Walker and it eats wood, and mines Bitcoin.
I know what you're thinking. Why not just put Bitcoin mining rigs where they belong: in a hosted facility sporting electricity from energy-dense fuels like natural gas, climate-controlled with excellent data piping in and out? Why go to all the trouble building a robot that digests wood creating flammable gasses fueling an engine to run a generator powering Bitcoin miners? It's all about synergy.
Bitcoin mining enables the realization of multiple, seemingly unrelated, yet useful activities. Activities considered un-profitable if not for Bitcoin as the Prime Mover. This is much more than simply mining the greatest asset ever conceived by humankind. It’s about the power of synergy, which Bitcoin plays only one of many roles. The synergy created by this system can stabilize forests' fire ecology while generating multiple income streams. That’s the realistic goal here and requires a brief history of American Forest management before continuing.
# Smokey The Bear
In 1944, the Smokey Bear Wildfire Prevention Campaign began in the United States. “Only YOU can prevent forest fires” remains the refrain of the Ad Council’s longest running campaign. The Ad Council is a U.S. non-profit set up by the American Association of Advertising Agencies and the Association of National Advertisers in 1942. It would seem that the U.S. Department of the Interior was concerned about pesky forest fires and wanted them to stop. So, alongside a national policy of extreme fire suppression they enlisted the entire U.S. population to get onboard via the Ad Council and it worked. Forest fires were almost obliterated and everyone was happy, right? Wrong.
Smokey is a fantastically successful bear so forest fires became so few for so long that the fuel load - dead wood - in forests has become very heavy. So heavy that when a fire happens (and they always happen) it destroys everything in its path because the more fuel there is the hotter that fire becomes. Trees, bushes, shrubs, and all other plant life cannot escape destruction (not to mention homes and businesses). The soil microbiology doesn’t escape either as it is burned away even in deeper soils. To add insult to injury, hydrophobic waxy residues condense on the soil surface, forcing water to travel over the ground rather than through it eroding forest soils. Good job, Smokey. Well done, Sir!
Most terrestrial ecologies are “fire ecologies”. Fire is a part of these systems’ fuel load and pest management. Before we pretended to “manage” millions of acres of forest, fires raged over the world, rarely damaging forests. The fuel load was always too light to generate fires hot enough to moonscape mountainsides. Fires simply burned off the minor amounts of fuel accumulated since the fire before. The lighter heat, smoke, and other combustion gasses suppressed pests, keeping them in check and the smoke condensed into a plant growth accelerant called wood vinegar, not a waxy cap on the soil. These fires also cleared out weak undergrowth, cycled minerals, and thinned the forest canopy, allowing sunlight to penetrate to the forest floor. Without a fire’s heat, many pine tree species can’t sow their seed. The heat is required to open the cones (the seed bearing structure) of Spruce, Cypress, Sequoia, Jack Pine, Lodgepole Pine and many more. Without fire forests can’t have babies. The idea was to protect the forests, and it isn't working.
So, in a world of fire, what does an ally look like and what does it do?
# Meet The Forest Walker
For the Forest Walker to work as a mobile, autonomous unit, a solid platform that can carry several hundred pounds is required. It so happens this chassis already exists but shelved.
Introducing the Legged Squad Support System (LS3). A joint project between Boston Dynamics, DARPA, and the United States Marine Corps, the quadrupedal robot is the size of a cow, can carry 400 pounds (180 kg) of equipment, negotiate challenging terrain, and operate for 24 hours before needing to refuel. Yes, it had an engine. Abandoned in 2015, the thing was too noisy for military deployment and maintenance "under fire" is never a high-quality idea. However, we can rebuild it to act as a platform for the Forest Walker; albeit with serious alterations. It would need to be bigger, probably. Carry more weight? Definitely. Maybe replace structural metal with carbon fiber and redesign much as 3D printable parts for more effective maintenance.
The original system has a top operational speed of 8 miles per hour. For our purposes, it only needs to move about as fast as a grazing ruminant. Without the hammering vibrations of galloping into battle, shocks of exploding mortars, and drunken soldiers playing "Wrangler of Steel Machines", time between failures should be much longer and the overall energy consumption much lower. The LS3 is a solid platform to build upon. Now it just needs to be pulled out of the mothballs, and completely refitted with outboard equipment.
# The Small Branch Chipper
When I say “Forest fuel load” I mean the dead, carbon containing litter on the forest floor. Duff (leaves), fine-woody debris (small branches), and coarse woody debris (logs) are the fuel that feeds forest fires. Walk through any forest in the United States today and you will see quite a lot of these materials. Too much, as I have described. Some of these fuel loads can be 8 tons per acre in pine and hardwood forests and up to 16 tons per acre at active logging sites. That’s some big wood and the more that collects, the more combustible danger to the forest it represents. It also provides a technically unlimited fuel supply for the Forest Walker system.
The problem is that this detritus has to be chewed into pieces that are easily ingestible by the system for the gasification process (we’ll get to that step in a minute). What we need is a wood chipper attached to the chassis (the LS3); its “mouth”.
A small wood chipper handling material up to 2.5 - 3.0 inches (6.3 - 7.6 cm) in diameter would eliminate a substantial amount of fuel. There is no reason for Forest Walker to remove fallen trees. It wouldn’t have to in order to make a real difference. It need only identify appropriately sized branches and grab them. Once loaded into the chipper’s intake hopper for further processing, the beast can immediately look for more “food”. This is essentially kindling that would help ignite larger logs. If it’s all consumed by Forest Walker, then it’s not present to promote an aggravated conflagration.
I have glossed over an obvious question: How does Forest Walker see and identify branches and such? LiDaR (Light Detection and Ranging) attached to Forest Walker images the local area and feed those data to onboard computers for processing. Maybe AI plays a role. Maybe simple machine learning can do the trick. One thing is for certain: being able to identify a stick and cause robotic appendages to pick it up is not impossible.
Great! We now have a quadrupedal robot autonomously identifying and “eating” dead branches and other light, combustible materials. Whilst strolling through the forest, depleting future fires of combustibles, Forest Walker has already performed a major function of this system: making the forest safer. It's time to convert this low-density fuel into a high-density fuel Forest Walker can leverage. Enter the gasification process.
# The Gassifier
The gasifier is the heart of the entire system; it’s where low-density fuel becomes the high-density fuel that powers the entire system. Biochar and wood vinegar are process wastes and I’ll discuss why both are powerful soil amendments in a moment, but first, what’s gasification?
Reacting shredded carbonaceous material at high temperatures in a low or no oxygen environment converts the biomass into biochar, wood vinegar, heat, and Synthesis Gas (Syngas). Syngas consists primarily of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane. All of which are extremely useful fuels in a gaseous state. Part of this gas is used to heat the input biomass and keep the reaction temperature constant while the internal combustion engine that drives the generator to produce electrical power consumes the rest.
Critically, this gasification process is “continuous feed”. Forest Walker must intake biomass from the chipper, process it to fuel, and dump the waste (CO2, heat, biochar, and wood vinegar) continuously. It cannot stop. Everything about this system depends upon this continual grazing, digestion, and excretion of wastes just as a ruminal does. And, like a ruminant, all waste products enhance the local environment.
When I first heard of gasification, I didn’t believe that it was real. Running an electric generator from burning wood seemed more akin to “conspiracy fantasy” than science. Not only is gasification real, it’s ancient technology. A man named Dean Clayton first started experiments on gasification in 1699 and in 1901 gasification was used to power a vehicle. By the end of World War II, there were 500,000 Syngas powered vehicles in Germany alone because of fossil fuel rationing during the war. The global gasification market was $480 billion in 2022 and projected to be as much as $700 billion by 2030 (Vantage Market Research). Gasification technology is the best choice to power the Forest Walker because it’s self-contained and we want its waste products.
# Biochar: The Waste
Biochar (AKA agricultural charcoal) is fairly simple: it’s almost pure, solid carbon that resembles charcoal. Its porous nature packs large surface areas into small, 3 dimensional nuggets. Devoid of most other chemistry, like hydrocarbons (methane) and ash (minerals), biochar is extremely lightweight. Do not confuse it with the charcoal you buy for your grill. Biochar doesn’t make good grilling charcoal because it would burn too rapidly as it does not contain the multitude of flammable components that charcoal does. Biochar has several other good use cases. Water filtration, water retention, nutrient retention, providing habitat for microscopic soil organisms, and carbon sequestration are the main ones that we are concerned with here.
Carbon has an amazing ability to adsorb (substances stick to and accumulate on the surface of an object) manifold chemistries. Water, nutrients, and pollutants tightly bind to carbon in this format. So, biochar makes a respectable filter and acts as a “battery” of water and nutrients in soils. Biochar adsorbs and holds on to seven times its weight in water. Soil containing biochar is more drought resilient than soil without it. Adsorbed nutrients, tightly sequestered alongside water, get released only as plants need them. Plants must excrete protons (H+) from their roots to disgorge water or positively charged nutrients from the biochar's surface; it's an active process.
Biochar’s surface area (where adsorption happens) can be 500 square meters per gram or more. That is 10% larger than an official NBA basketball court for every gram of biochar. Biochar’s abundant surface area builds protective habitats for soil microbes like fungi and bacteria and many are critical for the health and productivity of the soil itself.
The “carbon sequestration” component of biochar comes into play where “carbon credits” are concerned. There is a financial market for carbon. Not leveraging that market for revenue is foolish. I am climate agnostic. All I care about is that once solid carbon is inside the soil, it will stay there for thousands of years, imparting drought resiliency, fertility collection, nutrient buffering, and release for that time span. I simply want as much solid carbon in the soil because of the undeniably positive effects it has, regardless of any climactic considerations.
# Wood Vinegar: More Waste
Another by-product of the gasification process is wood vinegar (Pyroligneous acid). If you have ever seen Liquid Smoke in the grocery store, then you have seen wood vinegar. Principally composed of acetic acid, acetone, and methanol wood vinegar also contains ~200 other organic compounds. It would seem intuitive that condensed, liquefied wood smoke would at least be bad for the health of all living things if not downright carcinogenic. The counter intuition wins the day, however. Wood vinegar has been used by humans for a very long time to promote digestion, bowel, and liver health; combat diarrhea and vomiting; calm peptic ulcers and regulate cholesterol levels; and a host of other benefits.
For centuries humans have annually burned off hundreds of thousands of square miles of pasture, grassland, forest, and every other conceivable terrestrial ecosystem. Why is this done? After every burn, one thing becomes obvious: the almost supernatural growth these ecosystems exhibit after the burn. How? Wood vinegar is a component of this growth. Even in open burns, smoke condenses and infiltrates the soil. That is when wood vinegar shows its quality.
This stuff beefs up not only general plant growth but seed germination as well and possesses many other qualities that are beneficial to plants. It’s a pesticide, fungicide, promotes beneficial soil microorganisms, enhances nutrient uptake, and imparts disease resistance. I am barely touching a long list of attributes here, but you want wood vinegar in your soil (alongside biochar because it adsorbs wood vinegar as well).
# The Internal Combustion Engine
Conversion of grazed forage to chemical, then mechanical, and then electrical energy completes the cycle. The ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) converts the gaseous fuel output from the gasifier to mechanical energy, heat, water vapor, and CO2. It’s the mechanical energy of a rotating drive shaft that we want. That rotation drives the electric generator, which is the heartbeat we need to bring this monster to life. Luckily for us, combined internal combustion engine and generator packages are ubiquitous, delivering a defined energy output given a constant fuel input. It’s the simplest part of the system.
The obvious question here is whether the amount of syngas provided by the gasification process will provide enough energy to generate enough electrons to run the entire system or not. While I have no doubt the energy produced will run Forest Walker's main systems the question is really about the electrons left over. Will it be enough to run the Bitcoin mining aspect of the system? Everything is a budget.
# CO2 Production For Growth
Plants are lollipops. No matter if it’s a tree or a bush or a shrubbery, the entire thing is mostly sugar in various formats but mostly long chain carbohydrates like lignin and cellulose. Plants need three things to make sugar: CO2, H2O and light. In a forest, where tree densities can be quite high, CO2 availability becomes a limiting growth factor. It’d be in the forest interests to have more available CO2 providing for various sugar formation providing the organism with food and structure.
An odd thing about tree leaves, the openings that allow gasses like the ever searched for CO2 are on the bottom of the leaf (these are called stomata). Not many stomata are topside. This suggests that trees and bushes have evolved to find gasses like CO2 from below, not above and this further suggests CO2 might be in higher concentrations nearer the soil.
The soil life (bacterial, fungi etc.) is constantly producing enormous amounts of CO2 and it would stay in the soil forever (eventually killing the very soil life that produces it) if not for tidal forces. Water is everywhere and whether in pools, lakes, oceans or distributed in “moist” soils water moves towards to the moon. The water in the soil and also in the water tables below the soil rise toward the surface every day. When the water rises, it expels the accumulated gasses in the soil into the atmosphere and it’s mostly CO2. It’s a good bet on how leaves developed high populations of stomata on the underside of leaves. As the water relaxes (the tide goes out) it sucks oxygenated air back into the soil to continue the functions of soil life respiration. The soil “breathes” albeit slowly.
The gasses produced by the Forest Walker’s internal combustion engine consist primarily of CO2 and H2O. Combusting sugars produce the same gasses that are needed to construct the sugars because the universe is funny like that. The Forest Walker is constantly laying down these critical construction elements right where the trees need them: close to the ground to be gobbled up by the trees.
# The Branch Drones
During the last ice age, giant mammals populated North America - forests and otherwise. Mastodons, woolly mammoths, rhinos, short-faced bears, steppe bison, caribou, musk ox, giant beavers, camels, gigantic ground-dwelling sloths, glyptodons, and dire wolves were everywhere. Many were ten to fifteen feet tall. As they crashed through forests, they would effectively cleave off dead side-branches of trees, halting the spread of a ground-based fire migrating into the tree crown ("laddering") which is a death knell for a forest.
These animals are all extinct now and forests no longer have any manner of pruning services. But, if we build drones fitted with cutting implements like saws and loppers, optical cameras and AI trained to discern dead branches from living ones, these drones could effectively take over pruning services by identifying, cutting, and dropping to the forest floor, dead branches. The dropped branches simply get collected by the Forest Walker as part of its continual mission.
The drones dock on the back of the Forest Walker to recharge their batteries when low. The whole scene would look like a grazing cow with some flies bothering it. This activity breaks the link between a relatively cool ground based fire and the tree crowns and is a vital element in forest fire control.
# The Bitcoin Miner
Mining is one of four monetary incentive models, making this system a possibility for development. The other three are US Dept. of the Interior, township, county, and electrical utility company easement contracts for fuel load management, global carbon credits trading, and data set sales. All the above depends on obvious questions getting answered. I will list some obvious ones, but this is not an engineering document and is not the place for spreadsheets. How much Bitcoin one Forest Walker can mine depends on everything else. What amount of biomass can we process? Will that biomass flow enough Syngas to keep the lights on? Can the chassis support enough mining ASICs and supporting infrastructure? What does that weigh and will it affect field performance? How much power can the AC generator produce?
Other questions that are more philosophical persist. Even if a single Forest Walker can only mine scant amounts of BTC per day, that pales to how much fuel material it can process into biochar. We are talking about millions upon millions of forested acres in need of fuel load management. What can a single Forest Walker do? I am not thinking in singular terms. The Forest Walker must operate as a fleet. What could 50 do? 500?
What is it worth providing a service to the world by managing forest fuel loads? Providing proof of work to the global monetary system? Seeding soil with drought and nutrient resilience by the excretion, over time, of carbon by the ton? What did the last forest fire cost?
# The Mesh Network
What could be better than one bitcoin mining, carbon sequestering, forest fire squelching, soil amending behemoth? Thousands of them, but then they would need to be able to talk to each other to coordinate position, data handling, etc. Fitted with a mesh networking device, like goTenna or Meshtastic LoRa equipment enables each Forest Walker to communicate with each other.
Now we have an interconnected fleet of Forest Walkers relaying data to each other and more importantly, aggregating all of that to the last link in the chain for uplink. Well, at least Bitcoin mining data. Since block data is lightweight, transmission of these data via mesh networking in fairly close quartered environs is more than doable. So, how does data transmit to the Bitcoin Network? How do the Forest Walkers get the previous block data necessary to execute on mining?
# Back To The Chain
Getting Bitcoin block data to and from the network is the last puzzle piece. The standing presumption here is that wherever a Forest Walker fleet is operating, it is NOT within cell tower range. We further presume that the nearest Walmart Wi-Fi is hours away. Enter the Blockstream Satellite or something like it.
A separate, ground-based drone will have two jobs: To stay as close to the nearest Forest Walker as it can and to provide an antennae for either terrestrial or orbital data uplink. Bitcoin-centric data is transmitted to the "uplink drone" via the mesh networked transmitters and then sent on to the uplink and the whole flow goes in the opposite direction as well; many to one and one to many.
We cannot transmit data to the Blockstream satellite, and it will be up to Blockstream and companies like it to provide uplink capabilities in the future and I don't doubt they will. Starlink you say? What’s stopping that company from filtering out block data? Nothing because it’s Starlink’s system and they could decide to censor these data. It seems we may have a problem sending and receiving Bitcoin data in back country environs.
But, then again, the utility of this system in staunching the fuel load that creates forest fires is extremely useful around forested communities and many have fiber, Wi-Fi and cell towers. These communities could be a welcoming ground zero for first deployments of the Forest Walker system by the home and business owners seeking fire repression. In the best way, Bitcoin subsidizes the safety of the communities.
# Sensor Packages
### LiDaR
The benefit of having a Forest Walker fleet strolling through the forest is the never ending opportunity for data gathering. A plethora of deployable sensors gathering hyper-accurate data on everything from temperature to topography is yet another revenue generator. Data is valuable and the Forest Walker could generate data sales to various government entities and private concerns.
LiDaR (Light Detection and Ranging) can map topography, perform biomass assessment, comparative soil erosion analysis, etc. It so happens that the Forest Walker’s ability to “see,” to navigate about its surroundings, is LiDaR driven and since it’s already being used, we can get double duty by harvesting that data for later use. By using a laser to send out light pulses and measuring the time it takes for the reflection of those pulses to return, very detailed data sets incrementally build up. Eventually, as enough data about a certain area becomes available, the data becomes useful and valuable.
Forestry concerns, both private and public, often use LiDaR to build 3D models of tree stands to assess the amount of harvest-able lumber in entire sections of forest. Consulting companies offering these services charge anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars per square kilometer for such services. A Forest Walker generating such assessments on the fly while performing its other functions is a multi-disciplinary approach to revenue generation.
### pH, Soil Moisture, and Cation Exchange Sensing
The Forest Walker is quadrupedal, so there are four contact points to the soil. Why not get a pH data point for every step it takes? We can also gather soil moisture data and cation exchange capacities at unheard of densities because of sampling occurring on the fly during commission of the system’s other duties. No one is going to build a machine to do pH testing of vast tracts of forest soils, but that doesn’t make the data collected from such an endeavor valueless. Since the Forest Walker serves many functions at once, a multitude of data products can add to the return on investment component.
### Weather Data
Temperature, humidity, pressure, and even data like evapotranspiration gathered at high densities on broad acre scales have untold value and because the sensors are lightweight and don’t require large power budgets, they come along for the ride at little cost. But, just like the old mantra, “gas, grass, or ass, nobody rides for free”, these sensors provide potential revenue benefits just by them being present.
I’ve touched on just a few data genres here. In fact, the question for universities, governmental bodies, and other institutions becomes, “How much will you pay us to attach your sensor payload to the Forest Walker?”
# Noise Suppression
Only you can prevent Metallica filling the surrounds with 120 dB of sound. Easy enough, just turn the car stereo off. But what of a fleet of 50 Forest Walkers operating in the backcountry or near a township? 500? 5000? Each one has a wood chipper, an internal combustion engine, hydraulic pumps, actuators, and more cooling fans than you can shake a stick at. It’s a walking, screaming fire-breathing dragon operating continuously, day and night, twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year. The sound will negatively affect all living things and that impacts behaviors. Serious engineering consideration and prowess must deliver a silencing blow to the major issue of noise.
It would be foolish to think that a fleet of Forest Walkers could be silent, but if not a major design consideration, then the entire idea is dead on arrival. Townships would not allow them to operate even if they solved the problem of widespread fuel load and neither would governmental entities, and rightly so. Nothing, not man nor beast, would want to be subjected to an eternal, infernal scream even if it were to end within days as the fleet moved further away after consuming what it could. Noise and heat are the only real pollutants of this system; taking noise seriously from the beginning is paramount.
# Fire Safety
A “fire-breathing dragon” is not the worst description of the Forest Walker. It eats wood, combusts it at very high temperatures and excretes carbon; and it does so in an extremely flammable environment. Bad mix for one Forest Walker, worse for many. One must take extreme pains to ensure that during normal operation, a Forest Walker could fall over, walk through tinder dry brush, or get pounded into the ground by a meteorite from Krypton and it wouldn’t destroy epic swaths of trees and baby deer. I envision an ultimate test of a prototype to include dowsing it in grain alcohol while it’s wrapped up in toilet paper like a pledge at a fraternity party. If it runs for 72 hours and doesn’t set everything on fire, then maybe outside entities won’t be fearful of something that walks around forests with a constant fire in its belly.
# The Wrap
How we think about what can be done with and adjacent to Bitcoin is at least as important as Bitcoin’s economic standing itself. For those who will tell me that this entire idea is without merit, I say, “OK, fine. You can come up with something, too.” What can we plug Bitcoin into that, like a battery, makes something that does not work, work? That’s the lesson I get from this entire exercise. No one was ever going to hire teams of humans to go out and "clean the forest". There's no money in that. The data collection and sales from such an endeavor might provide revenues over the break-even point but investment demands Alpha in this day and age. But, plug Bitcoin into an almost viable system and, voilà! We tip the scales to achieve lift-off.
Let’s face it, we haven’t scratched the surface of Bitcoin’s forcing function on our minds. Not because it’s Bitcoin, but because of what that invention means. The question that pushes me to approach things this way is, “what can we create that one system’s waste is another system’s feedstock?” The Forest Walker system’s only real waste is the conversion of low entropy energy (wood and syngas) into high entropy energy (heat and noise). All other output is beneficial to humanity.
Bitcoin, I believe, is the first product of a new mode of human imagination. An imagination newly forged over the past few millennia of being lied to, stolen from, distracted and otherwise mis-allocated to a black hole of the nonsensical. We are waking up.
What I have presented is not science fiction. Everything I have described here is well within the realm of possibility. The question is one of viability, at least in terms of the detritus of the old world we find ourselves departing from. This system would take a non-trivial amount of time and resources to develop. I think the system would garner extensive long-term contracts from those who have the most to lose from wildfires, the most to gain from hyperaccurate data sets, and, of course, securing the most precious asset in the world. Many may not see it that way, for they seek Alpha and are therefore blind to other possibilities. Others will see only the possibilities; of thinking in a new way, of looking at things differently, and dreaming of what comes next.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:59:44
Book [Agra to Allahabad cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/agra-to-allahabad) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both one way taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:59:03
Book [Bangalore to Ooty cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/bangalore-to-ooty) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ 17538dc2:71ed77c4
2025-01-13 18:17:24
Sci-Hub 2024 year end review is translated to English by Kagi Translate from Russian. Original text can be found in Sci-Hub's telegram channel https://t.me/freescience.
### RESULTS OF 2024
First. The project received donations totaling 2 million dollars in meme coins.
The project is actively used by many students in China, which is why a group of Sci-Hub fans has emerged there. As far as I understand, the organizer of the group is actively interested in the topic of cryptocurrencies (even wrote a book). Somewhere in mid-November, the Chinese launched a meme coin in honor of the Sci-Hub project. At its peak, the coin's price reached 5 cents, and now it is somewhere around 1-2 cents. This means that the exchange rate of the Sci-Hub cryptocurrency is now almost equal to the ruble exchange rate (100 to one or so).
In general, I converted part of these donations into normal, traditional cryptocurrency (like Bitcoin) and paid for servers several months in advance. The other part is still sitting in meme coins—I hope that the token will still grow in price (there is a promotion plan). Of course, this is risky, but Sci-Hub is a project that is not afraid of risk. Therefore, anyone who wants to invest in Sci-Hub by purchasing this token can do so here: www.coingecko.com/en/coins/sci-hub
Second. A dissertation on the topic of open scientific knowledge has been defended at the Institute of Philosophy.
For those interested in the history and philosophy of science, I defended a dissertation in April at the Institute of Philosophy on the topic that scientific knowledge should be open (otherwise, it is strange to call it scientific at all). The work shows that open communication is one of the basic traditional values of science when considering science as a social institution. In other words, journals that charge for access to scientific articles are a kind of 'non-traditional orientation journals.'
Moreover, openness is an important prerequisite for rationality. Rationality is not limited to the criterion of falsification (hello Popper); it is a much more complex concept.
You can familiarize yourself with the text of the dissertation here: web.archive.org/web/20240425100014/https://iphras.ru/page26414303.htm (I provide the link through the web archive because the Institute's website, strangely enough, is glitching again at the time of writing this post).
All criticism and comments (as well as praise) regarding the dissertation can be sent to my email.
Third. Work has begun on a new declaration of open access to scientific knowledge.
Currently, all discussions on the topic of open science are conducted within the frameworks defined by the so-called BBB declarations back in 2001-2003. Within these frameworks, two main types of open access are recognized: gold, meaning open journals with an author-pays model, and green, which refers to repositories like the well-known arXiv. We can also add the so-called diamond open access, which includes open journals that are free for both authors and readers.
However, since 2003, internet technologies have advanced significantly. Today, we can already talk about such types of open access as blue (through academic social networks) or red (your beloved Sci-Hub). It is time to adopt a new declaration of open access to scientific knowledge that corresponds to the current state of scientific and technological progress.
A preliminary version of the declaration can be read and signed here: open.science.do
We will be more actively engaged in this in the coming year. Signing the declaration is an important step towards recognizing access to scientific knowledge through sites like Sci-Hub or Libgen as completely legal and ceasing to pursue them—first in the former USSR, and then in all countries of the world.
Fourth. In 2024, about one billion articles were downloaded through Sci-Hub. Despite the fact that this is unfiltered statistics, the fact remains: the popularity of the project has not decreased but only grown, despite the fact that Sci-Hub has not been updated for quite a long time. Of course, this does not mean that the site will not be updated at all now—just that the patient is more alive than dead (no matter how much some haters might wish otherwise).
The cause of open access to scientific knowledge will definitely prevail—because good always triumphs over evil.
In the new year, I wish all scientists new discoveries and large grants. Happy New Year, comrades!
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:58:15
Book [Prayagraj to Varanasi cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/prayagraj-to-varanasi) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ df173277:4ec96708
2025-01-09 17:02:52
> OpenSecret is a backend for app developers that turns private encryption on by default. When sensitive data is readable only by the user, it protects both the user and the developer, creating a more free and open internet. We'll be launching in 2025. [Join our waitlist to get early access.](https://opensecret.cloud)
In today's digital age, personal data is both an asset and a liability. With the rise of data breaches and cyber attacks, individuals and companies struggle to protect sensitive information. The consequences of a data breach can be devastating, resulting in financial losses, reputational damage, and compromised user trust. In 2023, the average data breach cost was $5 million, with some resulting in losses of over $1 billion.
![](https://blog.opensecret.cloud/content/images/2024/11/image-3-1-1-1.png)Meanwhile, individuals face problems related to identity theft, personal safety, and public embarrassment. Think about the apps on your phone, even the one you're using to read this. How much data have you trusted to other people, and how would it feel if that data were leaked online?
Thankfully, some incredibly talented cypherpunks years ago gave the world cryptography. We can encrypt data, rendering it a secret between two people. So why then do we have data breaches?
> Cryptography at scale is hard.
#### The Cloud
The cloud has revolutionized how we store and process data, but it has limitations. While cloud providers offer encryption, it mainly protects data in transit. Once data is stored in the cloud, it's often encrypted with a shared key, which can be accessed by employees, third-party vendors, or compromised by hackers.
The solution is to generate a personal encryption password for each user, make sure they write it down, and, most importantly, hope they don't lose it. If the password is lost, the data is forever unreadable. That can be overwhelming, leading to low app usage.
> Private key encryption needs a UX upgrade.
## Enter OpenSecret
OpenSecret is a developer platform that enables encryption by default. Our platform provides a suite of security tools for app developers, including private key management, encrypted sync, private AI, and confidential compute.
Every user has a private vault for their data, which means only they can read it. Developers are free to store less sensitive data in a shared manner because there is still a need to aggregate data across the system.
### Private Key Management
Private key management is the superpower that enables personal encryption per user. When each user has a unique private key, their data can be truly private. Typically, using a private key is a challenging experience for the user because they must write down a long autogenerated number or phrase of 12-24 words. If they lose it, their data is gone.
OpenSecret uses secure enclaves to make private keys as easy as an everyday login experience that users are familiar with. Instead of managing a complicated key, the user logs in with an email address or a social media account.
The developer doesn't have to manage private keys and can focus on the app's user experience. The user doesn't have to worry about losing a private key and can jump into using your app.
### Encrypted Sync
With user keys safely managed, we can synchronize user data to every device while maintaining privacy. The user does not need to do complicated things like scanning QR codes from one device to the next. Just log in and go.
The user wins because the data is available on all their devices. The developer wins because only the user can read the data, so it isn't a liability to them.
### Private AI
Artificial intelligence is here and making its way into everything. The true power of AI is unleashed when it can act on personal and company data. The current options are to run your own AI locally on an underpowered machine or to trust a third party with your data, hoping they don't read it or use it for anything.
OpenSecret combines the power of cloud computing with the privacy and security of a machine running on your desk.
**Check out Maple AI**\
Try private AI for yourself! We built an app built with this service called [Maple AI](https://trymaple.ai). It is an AI chat that is 100% private in a verifiable manner. Give it your innermost thoughts or embarrassing ideas; we can't judge you. We built Maple using OpenSecret, which means you have a private key that is automatically managed for you, and your chat history is synchronized to all your devices. [Learn more about Maple AI - Private chat in the announcement post.](https://blog.opensecret.cloud/maple-ai-private-encrypted-chat/)
### Confidential Compute
Confidential computing is a game-changer for data security. It's like the secure hardware that powers Apple Pay and Google Pay on your phone but in the cloud. Users can verify through a process called attestation that their data is handled appropriately. OpenSecret can help you run your own custom app backend code that would benefit from the security of an enclave.
It's the new version of that lock on your web browser. When you see it, you know you're secure.
#### **But do we want our secrets to be open?**
OpenSecret renders a data breach practically useless. If hackers get into the backend, they enter a virtual hallway of locked private vaults. The leaked data would be gibberish, a secret in the open that is unreadable.
On the topic of openness, OpenSecret uses the power of open source to enable trust in the service. We publish our code in the open, and, using attestation, anyone can verify that private data is being handled as expected. This openness also provides developers with a backup option to safely and securely export their data.
> Don't trust, verify.
### **Join the Movement**
We're currently building out OpenSecret, and we invite you to join us on the journey. Our platform can work with your existing stack, and you can pick and choose the features you need. If you want to build apps with encryption enabled, [send us a message to get early access.](https://opensecret.cloud)
Users and companies deserve better encryption and privacy.\
Together, let's make that a reality.
[![Get Early Access](https://blog.opensecret.cloud/content/images/2024/11/get-early-access-3.png)](https://opensecret.cloud)
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:57:32
Book [Delhi to Shimla cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/delhi-to-shimla) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ f88e6629:e5254dd5
2025-01-08 20:08:17
- Send a transaction, and the recipient uses the coin for another payment. You then merge these two transactions together and save on fees. 🔥
![Transaction merge](https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/c113b688-d144-4f6f-9986-c7873656ba4f)
If you have a Trezor, you can try this out on: https://coiner-mu.vercel.app/
_But be cautious. This is a hobby project without any guarantee._
<img width="1772" alt="Screenshot 2025-01-08 at 20 14 17" src="https://github.com/user-attachments/assets/36412edb-9c62-4c5f-8f82-b41c118a3aa6" />
## How does it work?
1. Connect Trezor, enter the passphrase, and select an account.
2. The application display your coins, pending transactions, and descendant transactions.
4. Then app shows you how much you can save by merging all transactions and removing duplicate information.
5. Finally, you can sign and broadcast this more efficient transaction
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:56:51
Book [Chennai to Pondicherry cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/chennai-to-pondicherry) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:56:10
Book [Chandigarh to Delhi cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/chandigarh-to-delhi) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:55:26
Book [Chandigarh to Manali cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/chandigarh-to-manali) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:54:42
Book [Delhi to Lucknow cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/delhi-to-lucknow) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:54:02
Book [Delhi to Rishikesh cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/delhi-to-rishikesh) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:53:05
Book [Delhi to Haridwar cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/delhi-to-haridwar) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:52:23
Book [Delhi to Chandigarh cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/delhi-to-chandigarh) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:51:18
Book [Delhi to Agra cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/delhi-to-agra) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:50:00
Book [Delhi to Manali cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/delhi-to-manali) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:49:17
Book [Kolkata to Asansol cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/kolkata-to-asansol) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:48:37
Book [Kolkata to Durgapur cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/kolkata-to-durgapur) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:47:10
Book [Jaipur to Kota cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/jaipur-to-kota) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:46:12
Book [Kota to Jaipur cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/kota-to-jaipur) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:44:02
Book [Kota to Udaipur cab ](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/kota-to-udaipur)online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:43:22
Book [Udaipur to Nathdwara cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/udaipur-to-nathdwara) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:40:10
Book [Udaipur to Jodhpur cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/udaipur-to-jodhpur) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:39:23
Book [Udaipur to Jaipur cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/udaipur-to-jaipur) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:38:49
Book [Udaipur to Ahmedabad cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/udaipur-to-ahmedabad) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:38:05
Book [Ajmer to Pushkar cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/ajmer-to-pushkar) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:37:21
Book [Ajmer to Kishangarh cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/ajmer-to-kishangarh) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:36:45
Book [Dehradun to Delhi cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/dehradun-to-delhi) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:36:08
Book [Bhubaneswar to Puri cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/bhubaneswar-to-puri) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:35:12
Book [Kochi to Munnar cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/kochi-to-munnar) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:34:32
Book [Bangalore to Mysore cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/bangalore-to-mysore) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:33:54
Book [Bangalore to Coorg cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/bangalore-to-coorg) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:33:16
Book [Patna to Gaya cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/patna-to-gaya) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:32:28
Book [Chennai to Tirupati cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/chennai-to-tirupati) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:31:27
Book [Shimla to Delhi cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/shimla-to-delhi) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:30:33
Book [Shimla to Chandigarh cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/shimla-to-chandigarh) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:29:59
Book [Jaipur to Chandigarh cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/jaipur-to-chandigarh) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ ee7d2dbe:4a5410b0
2025-01-16 11:29:41
Offering MVP Development services and teams to create quick yet powerful MVPs of your digital idea. Build your investor and user-ready MVPs with Agicent!
An MVP is more than just a test—it’s the starting line for your vision and the first promise you make to your users. That’s why we don’t just build MVPs; we craft them to be resilient, adaptable, and future-ready, even if we’re startinag with just a few core features. After more than a decade of helping 500+ startups and SMBs, we know how to create MVPs that shine today and grow with you tomorrow.
Our MVP Development Services Offerings
1. Prototype Designing
Before diving into development, we create interactive prototypes to help you visualize your idea, refine its features, and gather feedback from stakeholders and potential users. This ensures the MVP’s design aligns with your vision and also saves time during development.
2. Pilot MVP Development
We focus on building a functional, minimal version of your product to test core features in real-world scenarios, ensuring you get valuable insights with minimal investment.
3. Feasibility Analysis
Our team conducts thorough market and technical feasibility studies to ensure your MVP is aligned with demand and can be built efficiently with the right tools and technologies.
4. User-Centric Design
We prioritize designing intuitive and engaging UX/UI that resonates with your target audience, creating a seamless experience from the start.
5. Custom Development
Every product is unique, and so is our approach. Using modern technologies, reusable libraries, and scalable architecture, we tailor your MVP to meet your specific goals and adapt to future needs.
MVP Solutions by Agicent
Every industry has unique needs, and we specialize in crafting tailored MVPs that cater to specific market demands. At Agicent, we’ve developed MVPs across diverse industries, combining deep domain expertise with cutting-edge technology.
E-Commerce MVP Solutions
Launch your online store quickly with core features like product listings, payment gateways, and user-friendly navigation. We’ve built scalable MVPs for eCommerce startups that later evolved into full-fledged marketplaces.
Social Media MVP Solutions
Develop community-driven platforms with essential social features like profiles, feeds, and messaging. From niche networks to global platforms, we help you create scalable and engaging social media MVPs.
Why Choose Us for MVP Development?
I hope you also believe that creating a Minimum Viable Product (MVP) isn’t just about development—it’s about crafting a strategic launchpad that minimizes risks, maximizes impact, and accelerates market entry. And, we keep all in mind while building an MVP. So let’s see why startups and enterprises consistently choose us for their MVP development:
1. Tailored MVP Development Strategy
We know that every startup or enterprise is unique. So, our team invests time in understanding your vision, market dynamics, and user expectations to create an MVP roadmap tailored to your specific needs. From defining core features to ensuring scalability, every step of our process is designed with precision.
2. Proven Expertise with Successful MVPs
With a portfolio featuring MVPs like Irth (featured for its impactful solution for women of color), HASfit (a leading fitness app), Wellcure, and more we bring hands-on experience across diverse industries. Our solutions have helped startups attract funding, build user bases, and grow into successful businesses.
Source: https://www.agicent.com/mvp-development-services
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:29:40
Book [Pushkar to Jaipur cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/pushkar-to-jaipur) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:29:20
Book [Gurgaon to Agra cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/gurgaon-to-agra) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:27:56
Book [Jaipur to Pushkar cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/jaipur-to-pushkar) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:27:37
Book [Agra to Jaipur cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/agra-to-jaipur) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:27:00
Book [Jaipur to Agra cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/jaipur-to-agra) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c8ea6fc4:54426263
2025-01-16 11:26:47
Book [Gurgaon to Agra cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/gurgaon-to-agra) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:24:28
Book [Jaipur to Ajmer cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/jaipur-to-ajmer) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:23:20
Book [Jaipur to Khatu Shyam Ji cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/jaipur-to-khatu-shyam-ji) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:22:43
Book [Jaipur to Gurgaon cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/jaipur-to-gurgaon) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:20:51
Book [Gurgaon to Jaipur cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/gurgaon-to-jaipur) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:20:34
Book [Jaipur to Delhi cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/jaipur-to-delhi) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:20:07
Book [Delhi to Jaipur cab](https://cabbazar.com/route/delhi-to-jaipur) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:16:20
Book [Agra to Vellore cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/agra-to-vellore) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:15:58
Book [Vellore to Gudiyatham cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/vellore-to-gudiyatham) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:15:29
Book [Vellore to Tirupati cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/vellore-to-tirupati) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:12:12
Book [Vellore to Yelagiri cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/vellore-to-yelagiri) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:11:49
Book [Tirupati to Vellore cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/tirupati-to-vellore) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:11:21
Book [Chennai to Vellore cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/chennai-to-vellore) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:03:41
Book [Haridwar to Allahabad cab](https://cabbazar.com/taxi/cab/haridwar-to-allahabad) online at best price. CabBazar provides car rental services for all cab types AC, Non AC, Hatchback, SUV, Sedan, Innova and Tempo Traveller. Both One way drop taxi and round trip cab available at lowest price. Price starts Rs. 9/Km.
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:03:22
Hire [taxi in Prayagraj](https://cabbazar.com/city/prayagraj) at best price. Book local and outstation cab in Prayagraj. Confirmed cab, Real time driver details. Price starts ₹1300
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:02:34
Hire [taxi in Ooty](https://cabbazar.com/city/ooty) at best price. Book local and outstation cab in Ooty. Confirmed cab, Real time driver details. Price starts ₹2000
@ c1adca38:5c6dd4f8
2025-01-16 11:02:14
Hire [taxi in Vellore](https://cabbazar.com/city/vellore) at best price. Book local and outstation cab in Vellore. Confirmed cab, Real time driver details. Price starts ₹1800