
@ d4ad3b6e:2e56e2a7
2025-03-14 00:13:34
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5
- 🍳 Cook time: 15
- 🍽️ Servings: 2
## Ingredients
- 4 stalks green onions (chopped)
## Directions
1. test

@ 04c915da:3dfbecc9
2025-03-13 19:39:28
In much of the world, it is incredibly difficult to access U.S. dollars. Local currencies are often poorly managed and riddled with corruption. Billions of people demand a more reliable alternative. While the dollar has its own issues of corruption and mismanagement, it is widely regarded as superior to the fiat currencies it competes with globally. As a result, Tether has found massive success providing low cost, low friction access to dollars. Tether claims 400 million total users, is on track to add 200 million more this year, processes 8.1 million transactions daily, and facilitates $29 billion in daily transfers. Furthermore, their estimates suggest nearly 40% of users rely on it as a savings tool rather than just a transactional currency.
Tether’s rise has made the company a financial juggernaut. Last year alone, Tether raked in over $13 billion in profit, with a lean team of less than 100 employees. Their business model is elegantly simple: hold U.S. Treasuries and collect the interest. With over $113 billion in Treasuries, Tether has turned a straightforward concept into a profit machine.
Tether’s success has resulted in many competitors eager to claim a piece of the pie. This has triggered a massive venture capital grift cycle in USD tokens, with countless projects vying to dethrone Tether. Due to Tether’s entrenched network effect, these challengers face an uphill battle with little realistic chance of success. Most educated participants in the space likely recognize this reality but seem content to perpetuate the grift, hoping to cash out by dumping their equity positions on unsuspecting buyers before they realize the reality of the situation.
Historically, Tether’s greatest vulnerability has been U.S. government intervention. For over a decade, the company operated offshore with few allies in the U.S. establishment, making it a major target for regulatory action. That dynamic has shifted recently and Tether has seized the opportunity. By actively courting U.S. government support, Tether has fortified their position. This strategic move will likely cement their status as the dominant USD token for years to come.
While undeniably a great tool for the millions of users that rely on it, Tether is not without flaws. As a centralized, trusted third party, it holds the power to freeze or seize funds at its discretion. Corporate mismanagement or deliberate malpractice could also lead to massive losses at scale. In their goal of mitigating regulatory risk, Tether has deepened ties with law enforcement, mirroring some of the concerns of potential central bank digital currencies. In practice, Tether operates as a corporate CBDC alternative, collaborating with authorities to surveil and seize funds. The company proudly touts partnerships with leading surveillance firms and its own data reveals cooperation in over 1,000 law enforcement cases, with more than $2.5 billion in funds frozen.
The global demand for Tether is undeniable and the company’s profitability reflects its unrivaled success. Tether is owned and operated by bitcoiners and will likely continue to push forward strategic goals that help the movement as a whole. Recent efforts to mitigate the threat of U.S. government enforcement will likely solidify their network effect and stifle meaningful adoption of rival USD tokens or CBDCs. Yet, for all their achievements, Tether is simply a worse form of money than bitcoin. Tether requires trust in a centralized entity, while bitcoin can be saved or spent without permission. Furthermore, Tether is tied to the value of the US Dollar which is designed to lose purchasing power over time, while bitcoin, as a truly scarce asset, is designed to increase in purchasing power with adoption. As people awaken to the risks of Tether’s control, and the benefits bitcoin provides, bitcoin adoption will likely surpass it.

@ 66675158:1b644430
2025-03-13 11:20:49
In the twilight of his days, Myrddin sat upon the weathered stone bench overlooking what remained of Libertalia. His ancient hands—once steady enough to craft the most intricate mechanisms known to the Free Realms—now trembled as they rested upon the gnarled walking stick he had carved from windfall oak. The city below, once a marvel of independent districts connected by the invisible threads of mutual cooperation, had become something else entirely. Something monstrous.
The sun was setting, casting long shadows across the Grand Plaza where the Central Authority's banners now flew. Myrddin's eyes, still sharp despite his five hundred and seventy years, could make out the uniformed guards patrolling in perfect synchronicity. The sight made his stomach turn.
"I built the foundations for freedom," he whispered to himself, "and they have erected prisons upon them."
A figure approached from behind, footsteps deliberately heavy to announce their presence. Myrddin did not turn.
"Master Myrddin," came the voice of Thalion, one of his few remaining former apprentices not yet captured by the Authority. "The Council of Remnants awaits your wisdom."
Myrddin scoffed. "Wisdom? What wisdom can I offer now? I who planted the seeds of our destruction through my own shortsightedness?"
"You could not have known—"
"I should have known!" Myrddin's voice cracked with the force of his outburst. "Every great civilization before us fell to the same disease. Centralization. The pooling of power into fewer and fewer hands until the many are crushed beneath the weight of the few. I knew this. I studied the ancient texts. I designed our systems specifically to prevent this very outcome."
Thalion remained silent, allowing the old engineer his moment of self-recrimination.
"Come," Myrddin finally said, rising with difficulty. "Let us not keep your Council waiting. Though what good words can do against the machinery of oppression, I cannot say."
As they walked the hidden path down from the overlook, Myrddin's mind drifted back to the beginning, to the founding of Libertalia four centuries earlier...
The Founding Council had gathered beneath the great oak that would later mark the center of Libertalia. Twelve visionaries from twelve different traditions, united by a single purpose: to create a society where no person would rule over another.
Young Myrddin, barely forty years old but already renowned for his brilliance, unrolled the plans he had spent a decade perfecting.
"The Nexus System," he explained, pointing to the intricate diagrams. "A method of connection that requires no central authority. Each district, each guild, each family unit can connect to the whole while maintaining complete sovereignty over their own affairs."
Lorien the Sage, eldest among them, leaned forward with interest. "You propose that trade, communication, defense—all can function without a ruling body?"
"Not only can they function," Myrddin replied with the confidence of youth, "they will function better. A decentralized system is resilient. Cut one connection, and a hundred others remain. Attack one node, and the system routes around the damage. But most importantly, when power is distributed, corruption finds no fertile ground in which to take root."
"And what prevents a group from seizing control?" asked Marwen the Warrior. "From forcing others to submit to their will?"
Myrddin smiled. "The architecture itself. See here—" he pointed to a complex series of interlocking mechanisms, "—the Consensus Protocol. Any attempt to exert control beyond one's rightful domain triggers automatic resistance from the system. The more one tries to centralize power, the more difficult it becomes."
"You speak of mechanisms as if they have will," Marwen said skeptically.
"Not will, but design," Myrddin corrected. "Like water flowing downhill. I have designed a system where power naturally disperses rather than concentrates."
The Council debated through the night, questioning every aspect of Myrddin's design. By morning, they had agreed to build their new society upon his principles. Libertalia would be a constellation of sovereign individuals and voluntary associations, connected but never controlled.
For three generations, it worked exactly as Myrddin had envisioned. The Free Realms prospered as never before. Innovation flourished in the absence of restrictive oversight. Disputes were resolved through mutual arbitration rather than imposed judgment. The Nexus System facilitated trade and communication while preserving the independence of all participants.
Myrddin, his lifespan extended by the alchemical discoveries his system had made possible, watched with pride as Libertalia became the envy of the known world.
But he had made one critical error.
"You created a system that required vigilance," Thalion said as they descended toward the hidden meeting place. "Perhaps that was the flaw."
"No," Myrddin replied. "The flaw was in believing that making something difficult would make it impossible. I should have made centralization not merely hard, but unachievable by any means."
They reached the abandoned mill that served as the Council's current hiding place. Inside, two dozen faces turned toward them—the last free thinkers in a land that once celebrated independence above all else.
Myrddin took his seat at the rough-hewn table. "Tell me," he said without preamble, "how much worse has it become since we last met?"
A woman named Sera, who had once been the foremost architect in the Eastern District, spoke first. "The Authority has implemented the Unified Identification Protocol. No citizen may trade, travel, or even purchase food without presenting their Authority Crystal for scanning."
"And these crystals track their movements?" Myrddin asked, though he already knew the answer.
"Every step," confirmed Sera. "Every transaction. Every word spoken near an Echo Stone."
Myrddin closed his eyes briefly. Echo Stones—his invention, meant to record important discoveries and preserve the wisdom of the ages. Now perverted into tools of surveillance.
"The schools have been consolidated," added a younger man named Ferris. "All children now learn from the same Authority-approved texts. The history of Libertalia is being rewritten. They claim you designed the Nexus System to eventually unite under central guidance."
"A lie," Myrddin spat.
"But a believable one," Thalion said gently. "You did build the infrastructure that made this possible, however unintentional."
Myrddin could not deny it. The Nexus System, designed for voluntary connection, had been gradually modified over the centuries. What began as simple efficiency improvements eventually created vulnerabilities. The Consensus Protocol, once the guardian of decentralization, had been subverted by those who understood its mechanics but not its purpose.
"The disease always begins the same way," Myrddin said, addressing the Council. "With promises of efficiency. Of security. Of protection from unseen threats. The centralizers never announce their true intentions. They speak of unity while forging chains."
"We know this, Master Myrddin," said Sera impatiently. "What we need is a solution, not a history lesson."
Myrddin smiled sadly. "The history is the solution, if only we would heed it. Every great civilization before us fell to centralization. The Aurelian Empire, whose emperors claimed divine right to rule all lands beneath the twin moons. The Dynasty of Eternal Harmony, whose bureaucracy grew so vast it consumed half the realm's production. The Jade Confederation, whose Council of Nine became a single Overlord within three generations."
He paused, gathering his thoughts.
"In every case, the pattern was identical. Power, once distributed among many, gradually accumulated in the hands of few. Those few, corrupted by their unnatural position, made decisions that benefited themselves rather than the whole. Resources were misallocated. Innovation stagnated. The system became brittle rather than resilient. And when crisis came—whether famine, war, or natural disaster—the centralized structure collapsed under its own weight."
"Yet people never learn," said Ferris bitterly.
"Because the benefits of centralization are immediate and visible, while its costs are delayed and diffuse," Myrddin replied. "The Authority provides convenience today at the cost of freedom tomorrow. They offer solutions to problems that would resolve themselves naturally in a decentralized system."
"What was your mistake, then?" asked Thalion. "Where in your design did you leave the opening for this disease to take hold?"
Myrddin's face darkened with regret. "I built a system that was resistant to centralization, but not immune to it. I created tools of such power and efficiency that they became irresistible targets for those who would control others. And most critically, I failed to encode the philosophical foundations of decentralization into the system itself."
He looked around at the faces of the Council, seeing in them the last embers of the fire that had once burned so brightly in Libertalia.
"I believed that people would choose freedom if given the option. I did not account for how seductive the promises of centralization would be. How easily people would trade liberty for convenience. How willingly they would accept security over sovereignty."
The decline had been gradual, almost imperceptible at first. It began two centuries after the founding, with the creation of the Coordination Council.
"Merely to improve efficiency," its proponents had argued. "To eliminate redundancies in our wonderfully decentralized system."
Myrddin, by then well into his second century, had voiced concerns but was overruled by younger generations who found the original Nexus System too cumbersome for their modern needs. The Coordination Council was given limited authority to standardize certain protocols across districts.
Within a decade, those standards became requirements. Requirements became regulations. Regulations became laws. The Council, originally composed of representatives who returned to their districts after brief terms of service, gradually transformed into a permanent body of administrators.
By the time Myrddin recognized the pattern, the disease had already taken root. The Coordination Council had become the Central Authority. The voluntary associations that once formed the backbone of Libertalian society were now subordinate to its dictates.
He had tried to warn them. He had written treatises on the dangers of centralization, had spoken at public forums, had even attempted to modify the Nexus System to restore its decentralizing functions. But he was dismissed as an outdated thinker, unable to appreciate the "improvements" of modern governance.
Now, four hundred years after the founding, Libertalia was Libertalia in name only. The Authority controlled all aspects of life. The districts, once proudly independent, were administrative zones whose boundaries could be redrawn at the Authority's whim. The guilds, once self-governing bodies of skilled craftspeople, were now licensing bureaus that enforced Authority standards.
And the people—the free, sovereign individuals for whom Myrddin had designed his system—had become subjects. Citizens, they were called, but the word had lost its original meaning of self-governance and had come to signify merely a registered and tracked unit of the Authority.
"We cannot defeat the Authority directly," Myrddin told the Council of Remnants. "They control too much. The military, the food supply, the Nexus itself. Any direct confrontation would be suicidal."
"Then what hope remains?" asked Sera.
"We must build anew," Myrddin said, his voice finding strength in purpose. "Not reform, but replace. The old system cannot be saved—it is too thoroughly corrupted. We must create a parallel system that makes centralization not merely difficult, but impossible by its very nature."
"How?" several voices asked at once.
Myrddin reached into his worn leather satchel and withdrew a small crystal, unlike the Authority Crystals in both color and cut. "I have spent the last fifty years designing what should have been built from the beginning. A truly decentralized system that cannot be subverted because its very operation depends on remaining distributed."
He placed the crystal in the center of the table. It pulsed with a soft blue light.
"The Arx," he explained. "Each crystal contains the complete system, yet functions as only one node within it. No node can control another. No group of nodes can outvote or overpower the minority. Consensus is achieved not through majority rule, but through voluntary participation."
Thalion picked up the crystal, examining it skeptically. "The Authority will never allow this."
"They need not allow what they cannot detect," Myrddin replied. "The Arx operates on principles the Authority's systems cannot recognize. It exists alongside their network but remains invisible to it."
"And what can this network do?" asked Ferris. "How does it help us against the might of the Authority?"
"It allows us to trade without their knowledge. To communicate without their oversight. To organize without their permission. And most importantly, to remember who we truly are—sovereign individuals who require no masters."
Myrddin stood, his ancient frame seeming to straighten with the weight of his purpose.
"Centralization is not merely inefficient or unjust—it is a disease that infects and ultimately kills any society it touches. It promises order but delivers stagnation. It promises security but creates vulnerability. It promises prosperity but ensures that wealth flows only to those who control the center."
He looked each Council member in the eye.
"I made a mistake in believing that making centralization difficult would be enough. This time, we will make it impossible. The Arx cannot be centralized because its very operation depends on distribution. Any attempt to control it causes it to fragment and reform beyond the controller's reach."
"And if the Authority discovers these crystals?" Sera asked.
"They can destroy individual crystals, but the network will continue. They can imprison those who carry them, but more will take their place. The design is now the important thing, not the designer. I have encoded the knowledge of how to create these crystals within the crystals themselves. The idea cannot be killed."
Myrddin sat back down, suddenly looking every one of his many years.
"I cannot undo the damage my oversight has caused. I cannot restore the Libertalia I helped to build. But I can give you the tools to create something better—something truly resistant to the disease of centralization."
The Council members looked at one another, hope kindling in eyes that had known only despair for too long.
"How do we begin?" Thalion asked.
Myrddin smiled. "We begin by remembering what we have forgotten. That no person has the right to rule another. That voluntary cooperation always outperforms forced compliance. That systems must serve individuals, not the reverse. That decentralization is not merely a technical architecture but a moral imperative."
He gestured to the crystal, still glowing in Thalion's palm.
"And we begin by building connections that cannot be controlled. Person to person. District to district. Free association by free association. The Authority believes itself invincible because it sits at the center of all things. But when there is no center, there is nothing to seize, nothing to corrupt, nothing to control."
As night fell over Libertalia, the Council of Remnants listened as the ancient engineer outlined his vision for a truly decentralized future. Outside, the Authority's patrols marched in perfect order, their uniformity a testament to the disease that had consumed what was once the freest society in the known world.
Myrddin knew he would not live to see his new design reach fruition. But for the first time in decades, he felt something like peace. He had identified his error. He had created a solution. And most importantly, he had ensured that the knowledge would outlive him.
Centralization was indeed a disease—perhaps the most persistent and destructive disease ever to afflict human societies. But like all diseases, it could be overcome with the right medicine. And the medicine was not more centralization, not better rulers, not wiser authorities.
The medicine was decentralization. Complete, uncompromising, and irreversible decentralization.
As the meeting concluded and the Council members departed with their crystals, Myrddin remained seated at the table. Thalion lingered behind.
"You know they will come for you eventually," his former apprentice said. "You are too significant a symbol to ignore forever."
Myrddin nodded. "Let them come. An old man is a small price to pay for the rebirth of freedom."
"Your new system," Thalion said hesitantly, "you are certain it cannot be centralized? That we are not simply repeating the cycle?"
"Nothing created by human hands can be perfect," Myrddin admitted. "But I have learned from my mistake. The Arx does not merely resist centralization—it actively works against it. The more one tries to control it, the more it disperses. It is not merely a technical solution but a philosophical one."
He placed a hand on Thalion's shoulder. "Remember always: centralization benefits only those at the center. For everyone else—the 99.999% who stand at the periphery—it is nothing but chains disguised as safety. Never again can we allow the disease to take root by promising efficiency at the cost of sovereignty."
Thalion nodded solemnly. "I will remember."
As his former apprentice departed, Myrddin turned to look out the small window at the city below. The Authority's lights blazed from the central towers, pushing back the natural darkness of night. So much power, concentrated in so few hands. So much potential, wasted in the service of control rather than creation.
He had lived long enough to see his greatest work corrupted. With what time remained to him, he would ensure that his final creation could not suffer the same fate. The Arx would spread, node by node, person by person, until the very concept of centralized authority became as obsolete as the diseases his earlier inventions had eradicated.
Myrddin Myrddin, Master Engineer of the Free Realms, closed his eyes and allowed himself, just for a moment, to imagine a world reborn in true freedom. A world where the disease of centralization had finally been cured.
It would not happen in his lifetime. Perhaps not even in Thalion's. But it would happen. Of that, he was certain.
For the truth that the Authority and all centralizers before them had never understood was simple: humans were not meant to be controlled. They were meant to be free. And in the end, that natural state would reassert itself, no matter how elaborate the systems of control became.
Centralization was a disease. And like all diseases, it would eventually meet a cure.

@ 57d1a264:69f1fee1
2025-03-13 08:10:40
##### _Welcome back to our weekly `JABBB`, **Just Another Bitcoin Bubble Boom**, a comics and meme contest crafted for you, creative stackers!_
If you'd like to learn more, check our welcome post [here](https://stacker.news/items/480740/r/Design_r).
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### This week sticker: `Bitcoin Nostrich`
You can download the source file directly from the [HereComesBitcoin](https://www.herecomesbitcoin.org/) website in [SVG](https://www.herecomesbitcoin.org/assets/HereComesBitcoinAssets/Nostrich.svg) and [PNG](https://www.herecomesbitcoin.org/assets/HereComesBitcoinAssets/Nostrich.png).
Use this sticker around SN with ``

### The task
> Make sure you use this week sticker to design a comic frame or a meme, add a message that perfectly captures the sentiment of the current most hilarious takes on the Bitcoin space. You can contextualize it or not, it's up to you, you chose the message, the context and anything else that will help you submit your comic art masterpiece.
> Are you a meme creator? There's space for you too: select the most similar shot from the gifts hosted on the [Gif Station](https://www.herecomesbitcoin.org/) section and craft your best meme... Let's Jabbb!
- - -
If you enjoy designing and _memeing_, feel free to check out the [JABBB archive](https://stacker.news/Design_r#jabbbs--just-another-bitcoin-bubble-boom--comic--meme-contests) and create more to spread Bitcoin awareness to the moon.
Submit each proposal on the relative thread, bounties will be distributed when enough participants submit options.
PS: you can now use [HereComesBitcoin stickers to use on Stacker.News](https://stacker.news/items/837782/r/Design_r)
₿ creative and have fun!
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/911990

@ d1d95580:0e253b97
2025-03-12 17:45:43
**Morning: Energize and Focus**
- **Meal:**
- **Option 1:** 2-3 eggs (fried or scrambled in butter) with 4-6 oz of sausage or bacon.
- **Option 2:** Full-fat Greek yogurt (plain) with a handful of mixed nuts and a teaspoon of honey.
- **Why:** High protein and fats provide steady energy; variety ensures accessibility. Based on Saladino and Baker’s emphasis on animal-based nutrition, with a nod to broader dietary preferences.
- **Drink:** Water or black coffee—hydration and focus without complexity.
- **Habit (Inspired by DrJackKruse & hubermanlab):**
- **Natural Light:** 5-15 minutes outdoors in morning light (sunny or overcast).
- **Why:** Regulates sleep-wake cycles and boosts alertness—Kruse’s circadian science and Huberman’s practical neuroscience agree it’s foundational.
- **Learning:**
- **Short Study:** 5-10 minutes reading a health article or listening to a podcast segment (e.g., Huberman Lab on sleep or nutrition).
- **Why:** Starts the day with useful knowledge—small, digestible doses for busy schedules.
**Midday: Maintain Momentum**
- **Meal:**
- **Option 1:** Grilled chicken (6-8 oz) with sautéed kale or spinach in olive oil.
- **Option 2:** Baked salmon (5-6 oz) with a small sweet potato and steamed asparagus.
- **Why:** Protein sustains muscle and focus, vegetables add vitamins—combines Baker’s meat focus with Huberman’s balanced nutrient approach.
- **Sport (Inspired by hubermanlab):**
- **Activity Break:** 10-15 minutes of movement—brisk walk, 3 sets of 10 squats, or 15 push-ups.
- **Why:** Improves blood flow and mental clarity—Huberman’s research shows short exercise enhances productivity.
- **Habit:**
- **Water Boost:** Drink 16-20 oz of water (optional pinch of sea salt for electrolytes).
- **Why:** Prevents dehydration, supports stamina—Saladino and Kruse highlight hydration’s role in health.
**Afternoon: Stay Steady**
- **Meal (Snack):**
- **Option 1:** 2 hard-boiled eggs with a handful of almonds.
- **Option 2:** A medium apple with 1-2 tablespoons of peanut butter.
- **Why:** Quick, nutrient-rich options stabilize energy—protein, fats, and minimal carbs align with ancestral eating (Saladino) and practical snacking (Huberman).
- **Reading (Inspired by MartyBent):**
- **Daily Read:** 15-20 minutes with a book—e.g., *Atomic Habits* (James Clear) for behavior or *The Body* (Bill Bryson) for health science.
- **Why:** Bent’s curiosity-driven approach—steady learning builds long-term benefits.
- **Habit (Inspired by hubermanlab):**
- **Breathing Pause:** 1-2 minutes of slow breathing (inhale 4 seconds, exhale 6 seconds).
- **Why:** Lowers stress, resets focus—Huberman’s data-backed method for mental resilience.
**Evening: Recover and Reflect**
- **Meal:**
- **Option 1:** Pan-seared beef steak (8-10 oz) with roasted carrots or Brussels sprouts.
- **Option 2:** Roasted cod (6 oz) with quinoa (half cup) and a side salad (olive oil dressing).
- **Why:** Protein repairs tissue, sides provide fiber and variety—Saladino’s meat-first philosophy meets Huberman’s holistic nutrition.
- **Sport/Habit (Inspired by DrJackKruse):**
- **Light Movement:** 15-20 minute walk after eating or 5-10 minutes of stretching (focus on back and legs).
- **Why:** Supports digestion and relaxation—Kruse’s focus on natural rhythms, made simple.
- **Learning (Inspired by MartyBent):**
- **Social Scan:** 10 minutes on X, reading or engaging with health-related posts.
- **Why:** Bent’s community engagement—stay informed, connect with ideas.
**Night: Rest Well**
- **Habit (Inspired by hubermanlab & DrJackKruse):**
- **Screen Wind-Down:** Reduce screen brightness or use warm lighting 1 hour before bed (target 10-11 PM sleep).
- **Why:** Preserves sleep quality—Huberman and Kruse both stress light’s impact on rest.
- **Reading (Optional):**
- **Night Read:** 10-15 pages of a calming book—e.g., *Sapiens* (Yuval Noah Harari) or a novel like *To Kill a Mockingbird*.
- **Why:** Eases the mind, encourages reflection—pairs well with a thoughtful lifestyle.
**Core Principles**
- **Meals:** Prioritize whole foods—protein, healthy fats, moderate vegetables or carbs. Flexible and realistic.
- **Sports:** Brief, effective exercise—enhances health without dominating your day.
- **Habits:** Use natural tools (light, water, breath)—simple, proven, no gimmicks.
- **Learning/Reading:** Consistent input—broaden knowledge practically and gradually.

@ 04c915da:3dfbecc9
2025-03-12 15:30:46
Recently we have seen a wave of high profile X accounts hacked. These attacks have exposed the fragility of the status quo security model used by modern social media platforms like X. Many users have asked if nostr fixes this, so lets dive in. How do these types of attacks translate into the world of nostr apps? For clarity, I will use X’s security model as representative of most big tech social platforms and compare it to nostr.
**The Status Quo**
On X, you never have full control of your account. Ultimately to use it requires permission from the company. They can suspend your account or limit your distribution. Theoretically they can even post from your account at will. An X account is tied to an email and password. Users can also opt into two factor authentication, which adds an extra layer of protection, a login code generated by an app. In theory, this setup works well, but it places a heavy burden on users. You need to create a strong, unique password and safeguard it. You also need to ensure your email account and phone number remain secure, as attackers can exploit these to reset your credentials and take over your account. Even if you do everything responsibly, there is another weak link in X infrastructure itself. The platform’s infrastructure allows accounts to be reset through its backend. This could happen maliciously by an employee or through an external attacker who compromises X’s backend. When an account is compromised, the legitimate user often gets locked out, unable to post or regain control without contacting X’s support team. That process can be slow, frustrating, and sometimes fruitless if support denies the request or cannot verify your identity. Often times support will require users to provide identification info in order to regain access, which represents a privacy risk. The centralized nature of X means you are ultimately at the mercy of the company’s systems and staff.
**Nostr Requires Responsibility**
Nostr flips this model radically. Users do not need permission from a company to access their account, they can generate as many accounts as they want, and cannot be easily censored. The key tradeoff here is that users have to take complete responsibility for their security. Instead of relying on a username, password, and corporate servers, nostr uses a private key as the sole credential for your account. Users generate this key and it is their responsibility to keep it safe. As long as you have your key, you can post. If someone else gets it, they can post too. It is that simple. This design has strong implications. Unlike X, there is no backend reset option. If your key is compromised or lost, there is no customer support to call. In a compromise scenario, both you and the attacker can post from the account simultaneously. Neither can lock the other out, since nostr relays simply accept whatever is signed with a valid key.
The benefit? No reliance on proprietary corporate infrastructure.. The negative? Security rests entirely on how well you protect your key.
**Future Nostr Security Improvements**
For many users, nostr’s standard security model, storing a private key on a phone with an encrypted cloud backup, will likely be sufficient. It is simple and reasonably secure. That said, nostr’s strength lies in its flexibility as an open protocol. Users will be able to choose between a range of security models, balancing convenience and protection based on need.
One promising option is a web of trust model for key rotation. Imagine pre-selecting a group of trusted friends. If your account is compromised, these people could collectively sign an event announcing the compromise to the network and designate a new key as your legitimate one. Apps could handle this process seamlessly in the background, notifying followers of the switch without much user interaction. This could become a popular choice for average users, but it is not without tradeoffs. It requires trust in your chosen web of trust, which might not suit power users or large organizations. It also has the issue that some apps may not recognize the key rotation properly and followers might get confused about which account is “real.”
For those needing higher security, there is the option of multisig using FROST (Flexible Round-Optimized Schnorr Threshold). In this setup, multiple keys must sign off on every action, including posting and updating a profile. A hacker with just one key could not do anything. This is likely overkill for most users due to complexity and inconvenience, but it could be a game changer for large organizations, companies, and governments. Imagine the White House nostr account requiring signatures from multiple people before a post goes live, that would be much more secure than the status quo big tech model.
Another option are hardware signers, similar to bitcoin hardware wallets. Private keys are kept on secure, offline devices, separate from the internet connected phone or computer you use to broadcast events. This drastically reduces the risk of remote hacks, as private keys never touches the internet. It can be used in combination with multisig setups for extra protection. This setup is much less convenient and probably overkill for most but could be ideal for governments, companies, or other high profile accounts.
Nostr’s security model is not perfect but is robust and versatile. Ultimately users are in control and security is their responsibility. Apps will give users multiple options to choose from and users will choose what best fits their need.

@ 9dd283b1:cf9b6beb
2025-03-12 09:46:45
My Raspberry Pi 4 (running Umbrel) has been disconnecting approximately once a month, and my 1TB SSD now has only 80GB of space remaining. I'm considering an upgrade—possibly moving to a Pi 5 with a 2TB drive—but I'm open to any suggestions for a better setup within a similar budget. Any recommendations?
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/911133

@ f25afb62:8d50c6e7
2025-03-12 04:11:46
# Modernizing the Kiwi Dollar: How Kiwibank Can Lead the Future of Money
## **A Nation at an Inflection Point**
Kiwibank’s upcoming capital raise offers New Zealand a rare opportunity to **future-proof its currency and banking system**. With up to **$500 million** in new capital on the table, the government aims to strengthen Kiwibank as a competitor to the dominant Australian-owned banks. Finance Minister Nicola Willis has emphasized that **more capital means greater competition**, which could **drive down interest rates** and improve banking services for everyday Kiwis.
But this is more than just a competition play—it's a **chance to radically modernize the Kiwi dollar itself**.
By integrating **Bitcoin's open infrastructure**, Kiwibank could issue a **digitally native, globally liquid, and ultra-secure NZD**. This wouldn’t require reinventing the financial system but rather **leveraging existing and proven Bitcoin technologies**. The result? A financial system that **empowers Kiwis**, attracts global investment, and **puts New Zealand at the forefront of monetary innovation**.
This article outlines a **practical, step-by-step roadmap** for how Kiwibank could:
1. **Tokenize the New Zealand Dollar (NZD)** using **a Bitcoin sidechain like Liquid**.
2. **Issue Kiwi eCash**, providing **cash-like digital money** that’s private and fast.
3. **Enable global NZD payments via the Lightning Network**, making NZD as **instant and accessible as Bitcoin itself**.
4. **Unlock new Bitcoin-powered business models** that **expand Kiwibank’s revenue streams**.
This isn’t a distant dream—it’s **completely feasible today**. The question is: **Will New Zealand lead or lag?** 🚀⚡🇳🇿
## **Kiwibank’s Capital Raise – A Launchpad for Innovation**
Kiwibank is raising fresh capital **to strengthen its position against the Big Four banks**, but this money could do much more than just improve traditional banking services. **It could lay the foundation for a digital-first Kiwi dollar, designed for the 21st century.**
New Zealand is actively **courting global investment**, simplifying its **“golden visa”** program to attract **wealthy innovators and investors**. If Kiwibank integrates **Bitcoin-powered financial infrastructure**, it would send a **strong signal that New Zealand is open for high-tech finance business**—drawing interest from:
- **Kiwi citizens**, who would benefit from a **better, faster, and cheaper** banking system.
- **KiwiSaver funds and institutional investors**, who would see Kiwibank as a **bold growth investment**.
- **Global Bitcoiners**, who might **invest in NZ** or move their wealth into a **Bitcoin-friendly jurisdiction**.
Simply put, **this capital raise is a chance to future-proof the Kiwi financial system**—and Bitcoin provides the tools to make it happen.
## **Step 1: Tokenized NZD on a Bitcoin Sidechain**
The **first step** in modernizing NZD is **bringing it onto Bitcoin rails** by issuing a **tokenized NZD** on **a Bitcoin sidechain** like **Liquid** or **a custom-built KiwiBTC sidechain**.
### **How It Works**
- Kiwibank, alongside other NZ banks, could **issue digital NZD tokens**, backed **1:1 by reserves**.
- This would be **secured on a federated Bitcoin sidechain**—a **fast, low-fee** network pegged to Bitcoin.
- Transactions would **settle in seconds instead of days**, with **confidentiality features** ensuring **financial privacy**.
This is **not an experiment**—it's **already being done**. **Tether (USDT) uses Liquid today** to issue stablecoins, and the same **proven tech** could be used to issue NZD.
### **Why This Matters**
- **Faster Payments:** Move NZD **instantly**, unlike today’s slow banking rails.
- **Global Liquidity:** Anyone, anywhere, could **hold and transact NZD digitally**.
- **No Need for a CBDC:** The NZ government **retains full control** over monetary policy, without creating a **central bank-controlled digital currency**.
This **solves many of the problems** the Reserve Bank of New Zealand has been grappling with in its **CBDC research**—by **using open Bitcoin tech instead of building from scratch**.
## **Step 2: Kiwi eCash – Digital Money With Cash-Like Privacy**
While a **tokenized NZD** would **revolutionize banking and business payments**, **Kiwi eCash** would do the same for **everyday transactions and person-to-person payments**.
**Kiwi eCash** is a **Chaumian eCash system**—a **digital cash** that **preserves privacy and security**, just like physical banknotes. It’s based on **battle-tested cryptographic blind signatures**, meaning:
- **No bank account required.**
- **No transaction tracking.**
- **Total financial privacy.**
### **How It Works**
- **NZ banks (or independent issuers) mint Kiwi eCash tokens**, backed by **tokenized NZD or Bitcoin**.
- These tokens are **held in a wallet and can be spent freely**—just like handing someone cash.
- Banks **don’t see individual transactions**, ensuring privacy.
- Multiple issuers (banks, credit unions, or fintech firms) could **offer interoperable Kiwi eCash mints**.
This is already happening with **Bitcoin eCash mints like Cashu and Fedimint**, and the **same concept** can be applied to **NZD**.
### **Why It Matters**
- **Digital cash with cash-like privacy**—protecting **financial freedom**.
- **Fast, free transactions**, perfect for **micro-payments and daily spending**.
- **Works offline**, unlike today’s banking apps.
- **Interoperable across banks**, reducing monopolistic control.
## **Step 3: Bridging Kiwi eCash to Lightning – NZD at the Speed of Bitcoin**
The **final piece** of the puzzle is **making Kiwi eCash as fast and global as Bitcoin itself**.
By **bridging Kiwi eCash to the Lightning Network** (via **Taproot Assets**), NZD transactions would become:
- **Instant:** Settle in **milliseconds**, anywhere in the world.
- **Global:** Easily convert NZD to **any currency, anywhere**.
- **Ultra-cheap:** Fees near **zero**, unlike Visa or SWIFT.
### **How It Works**
- Kiwi eCash is **wrapped into Lightning channels** using **Taproot Assets**.
- **Payments flow instantly over Lightning**, just like Bitcoin transactions.
- Merchants, individuals, and businesses can **send and receive NZD globally** in a **Bitcoin-compatible format**.
This **integrates NZD directly into the Bitcoin economy**, giving it **instant global reach**.
## **Step 4: New Bitcoin-Powered Services for Kiwibank**
Beyond modernizing NZD itself, **Bitcoin infrastructure unlocks entire new revenue streams** for Kiwibank:
1. **Bitcoin Custody:** Offer **multi-sig vaults** instead of **risky single-key custody**.
2. **Bitcoin Lending:** Let customers **borrow NZD against their BTC**—a proven model.
3. **Lightning Yield:** Earn **fees by providing Lightning liquidity**.
4. **Collaborative Bitcoin Custody:** Offer **collaborative custody** where customers **retain control** and Kiwibank is available for **recovery assistance**.
5. **Digital Securities**: Help **Kiwi business raise capital** with **digital securities on the Bitcoin sidechain** and facilitate **secondary market liquidity** of these securities.
Each of these **aligns with Bitcoin’s strengths** while **expanding Kiwibank’s business model**.
## **A Bold Vision to Future-Proof the Kiwi Financial System**
This **isn’t just an idea**—it’s **a path forward that’s 100% possible today**.
- **For New Zealanders:** A **faster, fairer financial system** that puts power back in their hands.
- **For Investors:** A **banking innovation play**, positioned for growth.
- **For Bitcoiners worldwide:** A **Bitcoin-friendly financial hub**, with real-world Bitcoin services.
Kiwibank has **a golden opportunity** to lead this transformation. The technology is ready, the capital is available, and the global financial landscape is **ripe for disruption**.
The only question left is:
**Will New Zealand lead, or will we be left behind?**
## **Sources**
1. Kiwibank Capital Raise: [NZ Lawyer](https://www.thelawyermag.com/nz/practice-areas/banking-and-finance/kiwibank-to-receive-500m-boost-as-government-targets-greater-competition-in-banking-sector/517422)
2. New Zealand Active Investor Visa: [NZTE](https://www.nzte.govt.nz/page/investor-migrants)
3. Taproot Assets & Lightning: [Lightning Labs](https://docs.lightning.engineering/the-lightning-network/taproot-assets)
4. Bitcoin Sidechains & Liquid: [Blockstream](https://blockstream.com/elements/)
5. Bitcoin eCash (Cashu/Fedimint): [Cashu](https://cashu.space/)
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/911023

@ 21335073:a244b1ad
2025-03-12 00:40:25
Before I saw those X right-wing political “influencers” parading their Epstein binders in that PR stunt, I’d already posted this on Nostr, an open protocol.
“Today, the world’s attention will likely fixate on Epstein, governmental failures in addressing horrific abuse cases, and the influential figures who perpetrate such acts—yet few will center the victims and survivors in the conversation. The survivors of Epstein went to law enforcement and very little happened. The survivors tried to speak to the corporate press and the corporate press knowingly covered for him. In situations like these social media can serve as one of the only ways for a survivor’s voice to be heard.
It’s becoming increasingly evident that the line between centralized corporate social media and the state is razor-thin, if it exists at all. Time and again, the state shields powerful abusers when it’s politically expedient to do so. In this climate, a survivor attempting to expose someone like Epstein on a corporate tech platform faces an uphill battle—there’s no assurance their voice would even break through. Their story wouldn’t truly belong to them; it’d be at the mercy of the platform, subject to deletion at a whim. Nostr, though, offers a lifeline—a censorship-resistant space where survivors can share their truths, no matter how untouchable the abuser might seem. A survivor could remain anonymous here if they took enough steps.
Nostr holds real promise for amplifying survivor voices. And if you’re here daily, tossing out memes, take heart: you’re helping build a foundation for those who desperately need to be heard.“
That post is untouchable—no CEO, company, employee, or government can delete it. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t take it down myself. The post will outlive me on the protocol.
The cozy alliance between the state and corporate social media hit me hard during that right-wing X “influencer” PR stunt. Elon owns X. Elon’s a special government employee. X pays those influencers to post. We don’t know who else pays them to post. Those influencers are spurred on by both the government and X to manage the Epstein case narrative. It wasn’t survivors standing there, grinning for photos—it was paid influencers, gatekeepers orchestrating yet another chance to re-exploit the already exploited.
The bond between the state and corporate social media is tight. If the other Epsteins out there are ever to be unmasked, I wouldn’t bet on a survivor’s story staying safe with a corporate tech platform, the government, any social media influencer, or mainstream journalist. Right now, only a protocol can hand survivors the power to truly own their narrative.
I don’t have anything against Elon—I’ve actually been a big supporter. I’m just stating it as I see it. X isn’t censorship resistant and they have an algorithm that they choose not the user. Corporate tech platforms like X can be a better fit for some survivors. X has safety tools and content moderation, making it a solid option for certain individuals. Grok can be a big help for survivors looking for resources or support! As a survivor, you know what works best for you, and safety should always come first—keep that front and center.
That said, a protocol is a game-changer for cases where the powerful are likely to censor. During China's # MeToo movement, survivors faced heavy censorship on social media platforms like Weibo and WeChat, where posts about sexual harassment were quickly removed, and hashtags like # MeToo or "woyeshi" were blocked by government and platform filters. To bypass this, activists turned to blockchain technology encoding their stories—like Yue Xin’s open letter about a Peking University case—into transaction metadata. This made the information tamper-proof and publicly accessible, resisting censorship since blockchain data can’t be easily altered or deleted.
I posted this on X 2/28/25. I wanted to try my first long post on a nostr client. The Epstein cover up is ongoing so it’s still relevant, unfortunately.
If you are a survivor or loved one who is reading this and needs support please reach out to:
National Sexual Assault Hotline 24/7
Hours: Available 24 hours

@ 57d1a264:69f1fee1
2025-03-11 16:17:44
You can learn about what we’re doing at lava on our website: [lava.xyz](http://lava.xyz). We recommend you take a thorough look through everything before applying.
Not an immediate fit? Lava has an open referral bounty. If you refer someone to us and we hire them, we will pay you $5k for an in-person NYC full-time hire and $1k for non-NYC full time hires. Send referrals to [hello@lava.xyz](mailto:hello@lava.xyz)
We are looking for a designer to join our team at Lava. In this role, you will be responsible for leading the design of all of our products.
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Job Description: [https://lavaxyz.notion.site/Founding-Designer-78c91e29f4a44d0b8cb32e33ff40c167?pvs=4](https://www.notion.so/Founding-Designer-78c91e29f4a44d0b8cb32e33ff40c167?pvs=21)
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/910384

@ 57d1a264:69f1fee1
2025-03-11 13:32:15
`Remote only`
`Part Time`
Estamos em busca de um profissional para aprimorar a experiência dos usuários em nossos produtos ramblyn.app. Você trabalhará remotamente com um time pequeno e ágil, colaborando diretamente no design de interfaces. Não nos preocupamos com diplomas, buscamos alguém criativo, organizado e capaz de aprimorar e implementar processos em sua área.
- Experiência com desenvolvimento web e web design.
- Ser uma pessoa organizada, com habilidade para documentar processos.
- Experiência prévia com atendimento ao cliente (diferencial).
- Conhecimento sobre Bitcoin e Lightning Network (diferencial).
- Capacidade de criar interfaces intuitivas e otimizadas para a melhor experiência do usuário.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/910158

@ 0c469779:4b21d8b0
2025-03-11 10:52:49
### Sobre el amor
Mi percepción del amor cambió con el tiempo.
Leer literatura rusa, principalmente a Dostoevsky, te cambia la perspectiva sobre el amor y la vida en general.
Por mucho tiempo mi visión sobre la vida es que la misma se basa en el sufrimiento: también la Biblia dice esto. El amor es igual, en el amor se sufre y se banca a la otra persona.
El problema es que hay una distinción de sufrimientos que por mucho tiempo no tuve en cuenta. Está el sufrimiento del sacrificio y el sufrimiento masoquista. Para mí eran indistintos.
Para mí el ideal era Aliosha y Natasha de *Humillados y Ofendidos*: estar con alguien que me amase tanto como Natasha a Aliosha, un amor inclusive autodestructivo para Natasha, pero real. Tiene algo de épico, inalcanzable. Un sufrimiento extremo, redentor, es una vara altísima que en la vida cotidiana no se manifiesta.
O el amor de Sonia a Raskolnikov, quien se fue hasta Siberia mientras estuvo en prisión para que no se quede solo en *Crimen y Castigo*.
Este es el tipo de amor que yo esperaba. Y como no me pasó nada tan extremo y las situaciones que llegan a ocurrir en mi vida están lejos de ser tan extremas, me parecía hasta poco lo que estaba pidiendo y que nadie pueda quedarse conmigo me parecía insuficiente.
Ahora pienso que el amor no tiene por qué ser así. Es un pensamiento nuevo que todavía estoy construyendo, y me di cuenta cuando fui a la iglesia, a pesar de que no soy cristiano. La filosofía cristiana me gusta. Va conmigo. Tiene un enfoque de humildad, superación y comunidad que me recuerda al estoicismo.
El amor se trata de resaltar lo mejor que hay en el otro. Se trata de ser un plus, de ayudar.
Por eso si uno no está en su mejor etapa, si no se está cómodo con uno mismo, no se puede amar de verdad. El amor empieza en uno mismo.
Los libros son un espejo, no necesariamente vas a aprender de ellos, sino que te muestran quién sos. Resaltás lo que te importa. Por eso a pesar de saber los tipos de amores que hay en los trabajos de Dostoevsky, cometí los mismos errores varias veces.
Ser mejor depende de uno mismo y cada día se pone el granito de arena.

@ 57d1a264:69f1fee1
2025-03-11 10:28:08
## The Role
Our team brings deep expertise across electric power markets, project development, and software development, positioning us as trusted experts in this rapidly evolving market. We are seeking an experienced Software Product Manager to lead the planning, development, and execution of our software products. You will play a key role in defining the product vision, roadmap, and strategy, and you will collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to ensure successful product launches and iterations. The ideal candidate will have an energy background, a deep understanding of user needs, and the ability to balance technical requirements with business objectives.
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- End-to-End Product Development: You will lead the product development process from concept to launch, ensuring timely delivery of features that meet both quality standards and customer expectations. You will gather, prioritize, and articulate product requirements based on user feedback, market trends, and business goals. You will maintain clear and thorough documentation for product features, workflows, and technical specifications. You will
- Performance Analysis and Improvement: You will continuously monitor product performance using key metrics and user feedback to refine and iterate on the product, driving ongoing enhancements. You will advocate for user needs throughout the product development cycle to create products that truly resonate with them and a product experience that provides outsized value.
- Stakeholder Communication and Collaboration: You will synthesize and communicate results, insights, and actionable recommendations to the leadership team and all relevant stakeholders, and you will collaborate cross functionally to remove bottlenecks and be a force multiplier for our team.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/910029

@ a95c6243:d345522c
2025-03-11 10:22:36
**«Wir brauchen eine digitale Brandmauer gegen den Faschismus»,** [schreibt](https://www.ccc.de/de/updates/2025/ccc-fordert-digitale-brandmauer) der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) auf seiner Website. Unter diesem Motto präsentierte er letzte Woche einen Forderungskatalog, mit dem sich 24 Organisationen an die kommende Bundesregierung wenden. Der Koalitionsvertrag müsse sich daran messen lassen, verlangen sie.
**In den drei Kategorien «Bekenntnis gegen Überwachung»,** «Schutz und Sicherheit für alle» sowie «Demokratie im digitalen Raum» stellen die [Unterzeichner](https://d-64.org/digitale-brandmauer/), zu denen auch Amnesty International und Das NETTZ gehören, unter anderem die folgenden «Mindestanforderungen»:
* Verbot biometrischer Massenüberwachung des öffentlichen Raums sowie der ungezielten biometrischen Auswertung des Internets.
* Anlasslose und massenhafte Vorratsdatenspeicherung wird abgelehnt.
* Automatisierte Datenanalysen der Informationsbestände der Strafverfolgungsbehörden sowie jede Form von Predictive Policing oder automatisiertes Profiling von Menschen werden abgelehnt.
* Einführung eines Rechts auf Verschlüsselung. Die Bundesregierung soll sich dafür einsetzen, die Chatkontrolle auf europäischer Ebene zu verhindern.
* Anonyme und pseudonyme Nutzung des Internets soll geschützt und ermöglicht werden.
* Bekämpfung «privaten Machtmissbrauchs von Big-Tech-Unternehmen» durch durchsetzungsstarke, unabhängige und grundsätzlich föderale Aufsichtsstrukturen.
* Einführung eines digitalen Gewaltschutzgesetzes, unter Berücksichtigung «gruppenbezogener digitaler Gewalt» und die Förderung von Beratungsangeboten.
* Ein umfassendes Förderprogramm für digitale öffentliche Räume, die dezentral organisiert und quelloffen programmiert sind, soll aufgelegt werden.
**Es sei ein Irrglaube, dass zunehmende Überwachung einen Zugewinn an Sicherheit darstelle,** ist eines der Argumente der Initiatoren. Sicherheit erfordere auch, dass Menschen anonym und vertraulich kommunizieren können und ihre Privatsphäre geschützt wird.
**Gesunde digitale Räume lebten auch von einem demokratischen Diskurs,** lesen wir in dem Papier. Es sei Aufgabe des Staates, Grundrechte zu schützen. Dazu gehöre auch, Menschenrechte und demokratische Werte, insbesondere Freiheit, Gleichheit und Solidarität zu fördern sowie den Missbrauch von Maßnahmen, Befugnissen und Infrastrukturen durch «die Feinde der Demokratie» zu verhindern.
**Man ist geneigt zu fragen, wo denn die Autoren «den Faschismus» sehen,** den es zu bekämpfen gelte. Die meisten der vorgetragenen Forderungen und Argumente finden sicher breite Unterstützung, denn sie beschreiben offenkundig gängige, kritikwürdige Praxis. Die Aushebelung der Privatsphäre, der Redefreiheit und anderer Grundrechte im Namen der Sicherheit wird bereits jetzt massiv durch die aktuellen «demokratischen Institutionen» und ihre «durchsetzungsstarken Aufsichtsstrukturen» betrieben.
**Ist «der Faschismus» also die EU und ihre Mitgliedsstaaten?** Nein, die «faschistische Gefahr», gegen die man eine digitale Brandmauer will, kommt nach Ansicht des CCC und seiner Partner aus den Vereinigten Staaten. Private Überwachung und Machtkonzentration sind dabei weltweit schon lange Realität, jetzt endlich müssen sie jedoch bekämpft werden. In dem Papier heißt es:
> «Die willkürliche und antidemokratische Machtausübung der Tech-Oligarchen um Präsident Trump erfordert einen Paradigmenwechsel in der deutschen Digitalpolitik. (...) Die aktuellen Geschehnisse in den USA zeigen auf, wie Datensammlungen und -analyse genutzt werden können, um einen Staat handstreichartig zu übernehmen, seine Strukturen nachhaltig zu beschädigen, Widerstand zu unterbinden und marginalisierte Gruppen zu verfolgen.»
**Wer auf der anderen Seite dieser Brandmauer stehen soll, ist also klar.** Es sind die gleichen «Feinde unserer Demokratie», die seit Jahren in diese Ecke gedrängt werden. Es sind die gleichen Andersdenkenden, Regierungskritiker und Friedensforderer, die unter dem großzügigen Dach des Bundesprogramms «Demokratie leben» einem «kontinuierlichen Echt- und Langzeitmonitoring» wegen der Etikettierung [«digitaler Hass»](https://bag-gegen-hass.net/) unterzogen werden.
**Dass die 24 Organisationen praktisch auch die Bekämpfung von Google,** Microsoft, Apple, Amazon und anderen fordern, entbehrt nicht der Komik. Diese fallen aber sicher unter das Stichwort «Machtmissbrauch von Big-Tech-Unternehmen». Gleichzeitig verlangen die Lobbyisten implizit zum Beispiel die Förderung des [Nostr](https://reason.com/video/2024/09/17/is-nostr-an-antidote-to-social-media-censorship/)-Netzwerks, denn hier finden wir dezentral organisierte und quelloffen programmierte digitale Räume par excellence, obendrein zensurresistent. Das wiederum dürfte in der Politik weniger gut ankommen.
*\[Titelbild:* *[Pixabay](https://pixabay.com/de/illustrations/uns-ihnen-stammes-wettbewerb-1767691/)]*
Dieser Beitrag ist zuerst auf ***[Transition News](https://transition-news.org/digitale-brandmauer-gegen-den-faschismus-von-der-kunftigen-bundesregierung)*** erschienen.

@ 04c915da:3dfbecc9
2025-03-10 23:31:30
Bitcoin has always been rooted in freedom and resistance to authority. I get that many of you are conflicted about the US Government stacking but by design we cannot stop anyone from using bitcoin. Many have asked me for my thoughts on the matter, so let’s rip it.
One of the most glaring issues with the strategic bitcoin reserve is its foundation, built on stolen bitcoin. For those of us who value private property this is an obvious betrayal of our core principles. Rather than proof of work, the bitcoin that seeds this reserve has been taken by force. The US Government should return the bitcoin stolen from Bitfinex and the Silk Road.
Usually stolen bitcoin for the reserve creates a perverse incentive. If governments see a bitcoin as a valuable asset, they will ramp up efforts to confiscate more bitcoin. The precedent is a major concern, and I stand strongly against it, but it should be also noted that governments were already seizing coin before the reserve so this is not really a change in policy.
Ideally all seized bitcoin should be burned, by law. This would align incentives properly and make it less likely for the government to actively increase coin seizures. Due to the truly scarce properties of bitcoin, all burned bitcoin helps existing holders through increased purchasing power regardless. This change would be unlikely but those of us in policy circles should push for it regardless. It would be best case scenario for American bitcoiners and would create a strong foundation for the next century of American leadership.
The entire point of bitcoin is that we can spend or save it without permission. That said, it is a massive benefit to not have one of the strongest governments in human history actively trying to ruin our lives.
Since the beginning, bitcoiners have faced horrible regulatory trends. KYC, surveillance, and legal cases have made using bitcoin and building bitcoin businesses incredibly difficult. It is incredibly important to note that over the past year that trend has reversed for the first time in a decade. A strategic bitcoin reserve is a key driver of this shift. By holding bitcoin, the strongest government in the world has signaled that it is not just a fringe technology but rather truly valuable, legitimate, and worth stacking.
This alignment of incentives changes everything. The US Government stacking proves bitcoin’s worth. The resulting purchasing power appreciation helps all of us who are holding coin and as bitcoin succeeds our government receives direct benefit. A beautiful positive feedback loop.
We are trending in the right direction. A strategic bitcoin reserve is a sign that the state sees bitcoin as an asset worth embracing rather than destroying. That said, there is a lot of work left to be done. We cannot be lulled into complacency, the time to push forward is now, and we cannot take our foot off the gas. We have a seat at the table for the first time ever. Let's make it worth it.
We must protect the right to free usage of bitcoin and other digital technologies. Freedom in the digital age must be taken and defended, through both technical and political avenues. Multiple privacy focused developers are facing long jail sentences for building tools that protect our freedom. These cases are not just legal battles. They are attacks on the soul of bitcoin. We need to rally behind them, fight for their freedom, and ensure the ethos of bitcoin survives this new era of government interest. The strategic reserve is a step in the right direction, but it is up to us to hold the line and shape the future.