@ 30ceb64e:7f08bdf5
2024-12-15 15:16:58
I'm working with autistic teens and adults, and I still have the knee jerk temptation of orange pilling them. They do not have the ability to run a node. The central banking cartels and downstream effects of a control economy are so outside of their purview, that bringing it up would be ridiculous.
I am here to help them gain independence. Sovereignty is a ladder and regardless of where someone is on the ladder, it would be my job to guide them into more of it. Not everyone can run a node, some people have intellectual disabilities, physical limitations and higher priorities.
Funnily enough I think it would be easier than one might assume to run a node, I have a client who could do it and have a semblance of what it means. The client has the ability to work, and when he sees trump on the screen, he knows he's the president, and he knows politicians are liars.
I have a few other clients that don't have the ability to work or take care of themselves at all. Running a node is plugging something into the wall, making sure the light is on, and attaching your wallet to it. I aint talkin about a lightning node btw I'm talking about core.
It boggles my mind on what people find so insurmountable about running bitcoin core. I think it might just be people projecting their own bias or inserting their own objections the thing. Start9 and Umbrel can be set up by a loved one, an assistant or nurse can make sure the thing continues being on and that the internet bill is paid. Is it harder managing the persons Bank of America account or is it harder attaching a wallet to your node and leaving the thing on?
Would be cool if I took one of these guys to a bitcoin meetup with a node in a phone and had them teach fools how to conduct a peer to peer transaction. Could even get real fancy, and have them send a freak some e-cash. When I was at bitcoin Miami an OG pulled me to the side and explained what a peer to peer transaction was using hand signals......
So here we are at another conclusion,
Sovereignty is a ladder that every last human being on the planet should attempt to climb and regardless of the rung you find yourself in, don't let others pontificate about how you "can't" because its probably just them being retarded.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/810401
@ 6f6b50bb:a848e5a1
2024-12-15 15:09:52
Che cosa significherebbe trattare l'IA come uno strumento invece che come una persona?
Dall’avvio di ChatGPT, le esplorazioni in due direzioni hanno preso velocità.
La prima direzione riguarda le capacità tecniche. Quanto grande possiamo addestrare un modello? Quanto bene può rispondere alle domande del SAT? Con quanta efficienza possiamo distribuirlo?
La seconda direzione riguarda il design dell’interazione. Come comunichiamo con un modello? Come possiamo usarlo per un lavoro utile? Quale metafora usiamo per ragionare su di esso?
La prima direzione è ampiamente seguita e enormemente finanziata, e per una buona ragione: i progressi nelle capacità tecniche sono alla base di ogni possibile applicazione. Ma la seconda è altrettanto cruciale per il campo e ha enormi incognite. Siamo solo a pochi anni dall’inizio dell’era dei grandi modelli. Quali sono le probabilità che abbiamo già capito i modi migliori per usarli?
Propongo una nuova modalità di interazione, in cui i modelli svolgano il ruolo di applicazioni informatiche (ad esempio app per telefoni): fornendo un’interfaccia grafica, interpretando gli input degli utenti e aggiornando il loro stato. In questa modalità, invece di essere un “agente” che utilizza un computer per conto dell’essere umano, l’IA può fornire un ambiente informatico più ricco e potente che possiamo utilizzare.
### Metafore per l’interazione
Al centro di un’interazione c’è una metafora che guida le aspettative di un utente su un sistema. I primi giorni dell’informatica hanno preso metafore come “scrivanie”, “macchine da scrivere”, “fogli di calcolo” e “lettere” e le hanno trasformate in equivalenti digitali, permettendo all’utente di ragionare sul loro comportamento. Puoi lasciare qualcosa sulla tua scrivania e tornare a prenderlo; hai bisogno di un indirizzo per inviare una lettera. Man mano che abbiamo sviluppato una conoscenza culturale di questi dispositivi, la necessità di queste particolari metafore è scomparsa, e con esse i design di interfaccia skeumorfici che le rafforzavano. Come un cestino o una matita, un computer è ora una metafora di se stesso.
La metafora dominante per i grandi modelli oggi è modello-come-persona. Questa è una metafora efficace perché le persone hanno capacità estese che conosciamo intuitivamente. Implica che possiamo avere una conversazione con un modello e porgli domande; che il modello possa collaborare con noi su un documento o un pezzo di codice; che possiamo assegnargli un compito da svolgere da solo e che tornerà quando sarà finito.
Tuttavia, trattare un modello come una persona limita profondamente il nostro modo di pensare all’interazione con esso. Le interazioni umane sono intrinsecamente lente e lineari, limitate dalla larghezza di banda e dalla natura a turni della comunicazione verbale. Come abbiamo tutti sperimentato, comunicare idee complesse in una conversazione è difficile e dispersivo. Quando vogliamo precisione, ci rivolgiamo invece a strumenti, utilizzando manipolazioni dirette e interfacce visive ad alta larghezza di banda per creare diagrammi, scrivere codice e progettare modelli CAD. Poiché concepiamo i modelli come persone, li utilizziamo attraverso conversazioni lente, anche se sono perfettamente in grado di accettare input diretti e rapidi e di produrre risultati visivi. Le metafore che utilizziamo limitano le esperienze che costruiamo, e la metafora modello-come-persona ci impedisce di esplorare il pieno potenziale dei grandi modelli.
Per molti casi d’uso, e specialmente per il lavoro produttivo, credo che il futuro risieda in un’altra metafora: modello-come-computer.
### Usare un’IA come un computer
Sotto la metafora modello-come-computer, interagiremo con i grandi modelli seguendo le intuizioni che abbiamo sulle applicazioni informatiche (sia su desktop, tablet o telefono). Nota che ciò non significa che il modello sarà un’app tradizionale più di quanto il desktop di Windows fosse una scrivania letterale. “Applicazione informatica” sarà un modo per un modello di rappresentarsi a noi. Invece di agire come una persona, il modello agirà come un computer.
Agire come un computer significa produrre un’interfaccia grafica. Al posto del flusso lineare di testo in stile telescrivente fornito da ChatGPT, un sistema modello-come-computer genererà qualcosa che somiglia all’interfaccia di un’applicazione moderna: pulsanti, cursori, schede, immagini, grafici e tutto il resto. Questo affronta limitazioni chiave dell’interfaccia di chat standard modello-come-persona:
- **Scoperta.** Un buon strumento suggerisce i suoi usi. Quando l’unica interfaccia è una casella di testo vuota, spetta all’utente capire cosa fare e comprendere i limiti del sistema. La barra laterale Modifica in Lightroom è un ottimo modo per imparare l’editing fotografico perché non si limita a dirti cosa può fare questa applicazione con una foto, ma cosa potresti voler fare. Allo stesso modo, un’interfaccia modello-come-computer per DALL-E potrebbe mostrare nuove possibilità per le tue generazioni di immagini.
- **Efficienza.** La manipolazione diretta è più rapida che scrivere una richiesta a parole. Per continuare l’esempio di Lightroom, sarebbe impensabile modificare una foto dicendo a una persona quali cursori spostare e di quanto. Ci vorrebbe un giorno intero per chiedere un’esposizione leggermente più bassa e una vibranza leggermente più alta, solo per vedere come apparirebbe. Nella metafora modello-come-computer, il modello può creare strumenti che ti permettono di comunicare ciò che vuoi più efficientemente e quindi di fare le cose più rapidamente.
A differenza di un’app tradizionale, questa interfaccia grafica è generata dal modello su richiesta. Questo significa che ogni parte dell’interfaccia che vedi è rilevante per ciò che stai facendo in quel momento, inclusi i contenuti specifici del tuo lavoro. Significa anche che, se desideri un’interfaccia più ampia o diversa, puoi semplicemente richiederla. Potresti chiedere a DALL-E di produrre alcuni preset modificabili per le sue impostazioni ispirati da famosi artisti di schizzi. Quando clicchi sul preset Leonardo da Vinci, imposta i cursori per disegni prospettici altamente dettagliati in inchiostro nero. Se clicchi su Charles Schulz, seleziona fumetti tecnicolor 2D a basso dettaglio.
### Una bicicletta della mente proteiforme
La metafora modello-come-persona ha una curiosa tendenza a creare distanza tra l’utente e il modello, rispecchiando il divario di comunicazione tra due persone che può essere ridotto ma mai completamente colmato. A causa della difficoltà e del costo di comunicare a parole, le persone tendono a suddividere i compiti tra loro in blocchi grandi e il più indipendenti possibile. Le interfacce modello-come-persona seguono questo schema: non vale la pena dire a un modello di aggiungere un return statement alla tua funzione quando è più veloce scriverlo da solo. Con il sovraccarico della comunicazione, i sistemi modello-come-persona sono più utili quando possono fare un intero blocco di lavoro da soli. Fanno le cose per te.
Questo contrasta con il modo in cui interagiamo con i computer o altri strumenti. Gli strumenti producono feedback visivi in tempo reale e sono controllati attraverso manipolazioni dirette. Hanno un overhead comunicativo così basso che non è necessario specificare un blocco di lavoro indipendente. Ha più senso mantenere l’umano nel loop e dirigere lo strumento momento per momento. Come stivali delle sette leghe, gli strumenti ti permettono di andare più lontano a ogni passo, ma sei ancora tu a fare il lavoro. Ti permettono di fare le cose più velocemente.
Considera il compito di costruire un sito web usando un grande modello. Con le interfacce di oggi, potresti trattare il modello come un appaltatore o un collaboratore. Cercheresti di scrivere a parole il più possibile su come vuoi che il sito appaia, cosa vuoi che dica e quali funzionalità vuoi che abbia. Il modello genererebbe una prima bozza, tu la eseguirai e poi fornirai un feedback. “Fai il logo un po’ più grande”, diresti, e “centra quella prima immagine principale”, e “deve esserci un pulsante di login nell’intestazione”. Per ottenere esattamente ciò che vuoi, invierai una lista molto lunga di richieste sempre più minuziose.
Un’interazione alternativa modello-come-computer sarebbe diversa: invece di costruire il sito web, il modello genererebbe un’interfaccia per te per costruirlo, dove ogni input dell’utente a quell’interfaccia interroga il grande modello sotto il cofano. Forse quando descrivi le tue necessità creerebbe un’interfaccia con una barra laterale e una finestra di anteprima. All’inizio la barra laterale contiene solo alcuni schizzi di layout che puoi scegliere come punto di partenza. Puoi cliccare su ciascuno di essi, e il modello scrive l’HTML per una pagina web usando quel layout e lo visualizza nella finestra di anteprima. Ora che hai una pagina su cui lavorare, la barra laterale guadagna opzioni aggiuntive che influenzano la pagina globalmente, come accoppiamenti di font e schemi di colore. L’anteprima funge da editor WYSIWYG, permettendoti di afferrare elementi e spostarli, modificarne i contenuti, ecc. A supportare tutto ciò è il modello, che vede queste azioni dell’utente e riscrive la pagina per corrispondere ai cambiamenti effettuati. Poiché il modello può generare un’interfaccia per aiutare te e lui a comunicare più efficientemente, puoi esercitare più controllo sul prodotto finale in meno tempo.
La metafora modello-come-computer ci incoraggia a pensare al modello come a uno strumento con cui interagire in tempo reale piuttosto che a un collaboratore a cui assegnare compiti. Invece di sostituire un tirocinante o un tutor, può essere una sorta di bicicletta proteiforme per la mente, una che è sempre costruita su misura esattamente per te e il terreno che intendi attraversare.
### Un nuovo paradigma per l’informatica?
I modelli che possono generare interfacce su richiesta sono una frontiera completamente nuova nell’informatica. Potrebbero essere un paradigma del tutto nuovo, con il modo in cui cortocircuitano il modello di applicazione esistente. Dare agli utenti finali il potere di creare e modificare app al volo cambia fondamentalmente il modo in cui interagiamo con i computer. Al posto di una singola applicazione statica costruita da uno sviluppatore, un modello genererà un’applicazione su misura per l’utente e le sue esigenze immediate. Al posto della logica aziendale implementata nel codice, il modello interpreterà gli input dell’utente e aggiornerà l’interfaccia utente. È persino possibile che questo tipo di interfaccia generativa sostituisca completamente il sistema operativo, generando e gestendo interfacce e finestre al volo secondo necessità.
All’inizio, l’interfaccia generativa sarà un giocattolo, utile solo per l’esplorazione creativa e poche altre applicazioni di nicchia. Dopotutto, nessuno vorrebbe un’app di posta elettronica che occasionalmente invia email al tuo ex e mente sulla tua casella di posta. Ma gradualmente i modelli miglioreranno. Anche mentre si spingeranno ulteriormente nello spazio di esperienze completamente nuove, diventeranno lentamente abbastanza affidabili da essere utilizzati per un lavoro reale.
Piccoli pezzi di questo futuro esistono già. Anni fa Jonas Degrave ha dimostrato che ChatGPT poteva fare una buona simulazione di una riga di comando Linux. Allo stesso modo, websim.ai utilizza un LLM per generare siti web su richiesta mentre li navighi. Oasis, GameNGen e DIAMOND addestrano modelli video condizionati sull’azione su singoli videogiochi, permettendoti di giocare ad esempio a Doom dentro un grande modello. E Genie 2 genera videogiochi giocabili da prompt testuali. L’interfaccia generativa potrebbe ancora sembrare un’idea folle, ma non è così folle.
Ci sono enormi domande aperte su come apparirà tutto questo. Dove sarà inizialmente utile l’interfaccia generativa? Come condivideremo e distribuiremo le esperienze che creiamo collaborando con il modello, se esistono solo come contesto di un grande modello? Vorremmo davvero farlo? Quali nuovi tipi di esperienze saranno possibili? Come funzionerà tutto questo in pratica? I modelli genereranno interfacce come codice o produrranno direttamente pixel grezzi?
Non conosco ancora queste risposte. Dovremo sperimentare e scoprirlo!Che cosa significherebbe trattare l'IA come uno strumento invece che come una persona?
Dall’avvio di ChatGPT, le esplorazioni in due direzioni hanno preso velocità.
La prima direzione riguarda le capacità tecniche. Quanto grande possiamo addestrare un modello? Quanto bene può rispondere alle domande del SAT? Con quanta efficienza possiamo distribuirlo?
La seconda direzione riguarda il design dell’interazione. Come comunichiamo con un modello? Come possiamo usarlo per un lavoro utile? Quale metafora usiamo per ragionare su di esso?
La prima direzione è ampiamente seguita e enormemente finanziata, e per una buona ragione: i progressi nelle capacità tecniche sono alla base di ogni possibile applicazione. Ma la seconda è altrettanto cruciale per il campo e ha enormi incognite. Siamo solo a pochi anni dall’inizio dell’era dei grandi modelli. Quali sono le probabilità che abbiamo già capito i modi migliori per usarli?
Propongo una nuova modalità di interazione, in cui i modelli svolgano il ruolo di applicazioni informatiche (ad esempio app per telefoni): fornendo un’interfaccia grafica, interpretando gli input degli utenti e aggiornando il loro stato. In questa modalità, invece di essere un “agente” che utilizza un computer per conto dell’essere umano, l’IA può fornire un ambiente informatico più ricco e potente che possiamo utilizzare.
### Metafore per l’interazione
Al centro di un’interazione c’è una metafora che guida le aspettative di un utente su un sistema. I primi giorni dell’informatica hanno preso metafore come “scrivanie”, “macchine da scrivere”, “fogli di calcolo” e “lettere” e le hanno trasformate in equivalenti digitali, permettendo all’utente di ragionare sul loro comportamento. Puoi lasciare qualcosa sulla tua scrivania e tornare a prenderlo; hai bisogno di un indirizzo per inviare una lettera. Man mano che abbiamo sviluppato una conoscenza culturale di questi dispositivi, la necessità di queste particolari metafore è scomparsa, e con esse i design di interfaccia skeumorfici che le rafforzavano. Come un cestino o una matita, un computer è ora una metafora di se stesso.
La metafora dominante per i grandi modelli oggi è modello-come-persona. Questa è una metafora efficace perché le persone hanno capacità estese che conosciamo intuitivamente. Implica che possiamo avere una conversazione con un modello e porgli domande; che il modello possa collaborare con noi su un documento o un pezzo di codice; che possiamo assegnargli un compito da svolgere da solo e che tornerà quando sarà finito.
Tuttavia, trattare un modello come una persona limita profondamente il nostro modo di pensare all’interazione con esso. Le interazioni umane sono intrinsecamente lente e lineari, limitate dalla larghezza di banda e dalla natura a turni della comunicazione verbale. Come abbiamo tutti sperimentato, comunicare idee complesse in una conversazione è difficile e dispersivo. Quando vogliamo precisione, ci rivolgiamo invece a strumenti, utilizzando manipolazioni dirette e interfacce visive ad alta larghezza di banda per creare diagrammi, scrivere codice e progettare modelli CAD. Poiché concepiamo i modelli come persone, li utilizziamo attraverso conversazioni lente, anche se sono perfettamente in grado di accettare input diretti e rapidi e di produrre risultati visivi. Le metafore che utilizziamo limitano le esperienze che costruiamo, e la metafora modello-come-persona ci impedisce di esplorare il pieno potenziale dei grandi modelli.
Per molti casi d’uso, e specialmente per il lavoro produttivo, credo che il futuro risieda in un’altra metafora: modello-come-computer.
### Usare un’IA come un computer
Sotto la metafora modello-come-computer, interagiremo con i grandi modelli seguendo le intuizioni che abbiamo sulle applicazioni informatiche (sia su desktop, tablet o telefono). Nota che ciò non significa che il modello sarà un’app tradizionale più di quanto il desktop di Windows fosse una scrivania letterale. “Applicazione informatica” sarà un modo per un modello di rappresentarsi a noi. Invece di agire come una persona, il modello agirà come un computer.
Agire come un computer significa produrre un’interfaccia grafica. Al posto del flusso lineare di testo in stile telescrivente fornito da ChatGPT, un sistema modello-come-computer genererà qualcosa che somiglia all’interfaccia di un’applicazione moderna: pulsanti, cursori, schede, immagini, grafici e tutto il resto. Questo affronta limitazioni chiave dell’interfaccia di chat standard modello-come-persona:
Scoperta. Un buon strumento suggerisce i suoi usi. Quando l’unica interfaccia è una casella di testo vuota, spetta all’utente capire cosa fare e comprendere i limiti del sistema. La barra laterale Modifica in Lightroom è un ottimo modo per imparare l’editing fotografico perché non si limita a dirti cosa può fare questa applicazione con una foto, ma cosa potresti voler fare. Allo stesso modo, un’interfaccia modello-come-computer per DALL-E potrebbe mostrare nuove possibilità per le tue generazioni di immagini.
Efficienza. La manipolazione diretta è più rapida che scrivere una richiesta a parole. Per continuare l’esempio di Lightroom, sarebbe impensabile modificare una foto dicendo a una persona quali cursori spostare e di quanto. Ci vorrebbe un giorno intero per chiedere un’esposizione leggermente più bassa e una vibranza leggermente più alta, solo per vedere come apparirebbe. Nella metafora modello-come-computer, il modello può creare strumenti che ti permettono di comunicare ciò che vuoi più efficientemente e quindi di fare le cose più rapidamente.
A differenza di un’app tradizionale, questa interfaccia grafica è generata dal modello su richiesta. Questo significa che ogni parte dell’interfaccia che vedi è rilevante per ciò che stai facendo in quel momento, inclusi i contenuti specifici del tuo lavoro. Significa anche che, se desideri un’interfaccia più ampia o diversa, puoi semplicemente richiederla. Potresti chiedere a DALL-E di produrre alcuni preset modificabili per le sue impostazioni ispirati da famosi artisti di schizzi. Quando clicchi sul preset Leonardo da Vinci, imposta i cursori per disegni prospettici altamente dettagliati in inchiostro nero. Se clicchi su Charles Schulz, seleziona fumetti tecnicolor 2D a basso dettaglio.
### Una bicicletta della mente proteiforme
La metafora modello-come-persona ha una curiosa tendenza a creare distanza tra l’utente e il modello, rispecchiando il divario di comunicazione tra due persone che può essere ridotto ma mai completamente colmato. A causa della difficoltà e del costo di comunicare a parole, le persone tendono a suddividere i compiti tra loro in blocchi grandi e il più indipendenti possibile. Le interfacce modello-come-persona seguono questo schema: non vale la pena dire a un modello di aggiungere un return statement alla tua funzione quando è più veloce scriverlo da solo. Con il sovraccarico della comunicazione, i sistemi modello-come-persona sono più utili quando possono fare un intero blocco di lavoro da soli. Fanno le cose per te.
Questo contrasta con il modo in cui interagiamo con i computer o altri strumenti. Gli strumenti producono feedback visivi in tempo reale e sono controllati attraverso manipolazioni dirette. Hanno un overhead comunicativo così basso che non è necessario specificare un blocco di lavoro indipendente. Ha più senso mantenere l’umano nel loop e dirigere lo strumento momento per momento. Come stivali delle sette leghe, gli strumenti ti permettono di andare più lontano a ogni passo, ma sei ancora tu a fare il lavoro. Ti permettono di fare le cose più velocemente.
Considera il compito di costruire un sito web usando un grande modello. Con le interfacce di oggi, potresti trattare il modello come un appaltatore o un collaboratore. Cercheresti di scrivere a parole il più possibile su come vuoi che il sito appaia, cosa vuoi che dica e quali funzionalità vuoi che abbia. Il modello genererebbe una prima bozza, tu la eseguirai e poi fornirai un feedback. “Fai il logo un po’ più grande”, diresti, e “centra quella prima immagine principale”, e “deve esserci un pulsante di login nell’intestazione”. Per ottenere esattamente ciò che vuoi, invierai una lista molto lunga di richieste sempre più minuziose.
Un’interazione alternativa modello-come-computer sarebbe diversa: invece di costruire il sito web, il modello genererebbe un’interfaccia per te per costruirlo, dove ogni input dell’utente a quell’interfaccia interroga il grande modello sotto il cofano. Forse quando descrivi le tue necessità creerebbe un’interfaccia con una barra laterale e una finestra di anteprima. All’inizio la barra laterale contiene solo alcuni schizzi di layout che puoi scegliere come punto di partenza. Puoi cliccare su ciascuno di essi, e il modello scrive l’HTML per una pagina web usando quel layout e lo visualizza nella finestra di anteprima. Ora che hai una pagina su cui lavorare, la barra laterale guadagna opzioni aggiuntive che influenzano la pagina globalmente, come accoppiamenti di font e schemi di colore. L’anteprima funge da editor WYSIWYG, permettendoti di afferrare elementi e spostarli, modificarne i contenuti, ecc. A supportare tutto ciò è il modello, che vede queste azioni dell’utente e riscrive la pagina per corrispondere ai cambiamenti effettuati. Poiché il modello può generare un’interfaccia per aiutare te e lui a comunicare più efficientemente, puoi esercitare più controllo sul prodotto finale in meno tempo.
La metafora modello-come-computer ci incoraggia a pensare al modello come a uno strumento con cui interagire in tempo reale piuttosto che a un collaboratore a cui assegnare compiti. Invece di sostituire un tirocinante o un tutor, può essere una sorta di bicicletta proteiforme per la mente, una che è sempre costruita su misura esattamente per te e il terreno che intendi attraversare.
### Un nuovo paradigma per l’informatica?
I modelli che possono generare interfacce su richiesta sono una frontiera completamente nuova nell’informatica. Potrebbero essere un paradigma del tutto nuovo, con il modo in cui cortocircuitano il modello di applicazione esistente. Dare agli utenti finali il potere di creare e modificare app al volo cambia fondamentalmente il modo in cui interagiamo con i computer. Al posto di una singola applicazione statica costruita da uno sviluppatore, un modello genererà un’applicazione su misura per l’utente e le sue esigenze immediate. Al posto della logica aziendale implementata nel codice, il modello interpreterà gli input dell’utente e aggiornerà l’interfaccia utente. È persino possibile che questo tipo di interfaccia generativa sostituisca completamente il sistema operativo, generando e gestendo interfacce e finestre al volo secondo necessità.
All’inizio, l’interfaccia generativa sarà un giocattolo, utile solo per l’esplorazione creativa e poche altre applicazioni di nicchia. Dopotutto, nessuno vorrebbe un’app di posta elettronica che occasionalmente invia email al tuo ex e mente sulla tua casella di posta. Ma gradualmente i modelli miglioreranno. Anche mentre si spingeranno ulteriormente nello spazio di esperienze completamente nuove, diventeranno lentamente abbastanza affidabili da essere utilizzati per un lavoro reale.
Piccoli pezzi di questo futuro esistono già. Anni fa Jonas Degrave ha dimostrato che ChatGPT poteva fare una buona simulazione di una riga di comando Linux. Allo stesso modo, websim.ai utilizza un LLM per generare siti web su richiesta mentre li navighi. Oasis, GameNGen e DIAMOND addestrano modelli video condizionati sull’azione su singoli videogiochi, permettendoti di giocare ad esempio a Doom dentro un grande modello. E Genie 2 genera videogiochi giocabili da prompt testuali. L’interfaccia generativa potrebbe ancora sembrare un’idea folle, ma non è così folle.
Ci sono enormi domande aperte su come apparirà tutto questo. Dove sarà inizialmente utile l’interfaccia generativa? Come condivideremo e distribuiremo le esperienze che creiamo collaborando con il modello, se esistono solo come contesto di un grande modello? Vorremmo davvero farlo? Quali nuovi tipi di esperienze saranno possibili? Come funzionerà tutto questo in pratica? I modelli genereranno interfacce come codice o produrranno direttamente pixel grezzi?
Non conosco ancora queste risposte. Dovremo sperimentare e scoprirlo!
Tradotto da:\
@ 30ceb64e:7f08bdf5
2024-12-15 02:10:28
Bitcoin is a medium of exchange, store of value, and unit of account. The unit of account piece really throws people through a loop.
Freaks say, but its too volatile, mimicking the financial advisors of yesteryear, not acknowledging the evident decay of their trusty accounting method, the method that dilutes your reality with the notion of inflation vs deflation. We live in a deflationary world, its only inflationary if your accounting metric sucks. If your not using bitcoin as a method to view prices, your method of viewing prices has been skewed, and skewed on purpose.
What's really interesting is how, our unit of measurement is exactly backwards. The fiat way of viewing finances is 180 degrees away from the reality of sound money price deflation that bitcoin brings. And at this point I would say that it is unstoppable. if your stacking bitcoin but pricing it in dollars and making dollar type moves, your stack will diminish due to your own inability to adapt. You'll give in to leverage schemes and strange loans, your attitude towards risk and gain will be off kilter. In a lot of cases people will fail to realize that they've already won, and now they just need to pull a satoshi, leave their life stacking to go on and do other things. We've been conditioned to be on a hamster wheel where we need to constantly think about growing our money at all cost and no matter how much we stack it will never be enough. I find bitcoin to be the exact opposite, where at some point, you might have stacked too much, you might find yourself with wealth so large that it breaks your mind, it might enlarge your ego, destroy your family. This sounds suspiciously like absolute power corrupts absolutely, which is something that I've become a bit more awry of, but to a certain extent......how much is enough anon? At what point does the ring of power consume you.
In conclusion "God Candle Approacheth"
staying humble and stacking sats, while accounting for your stack in dollars, will give those freaks a rush of exhilaration unlike any they've likely had before. They will be awash in fortunes gained through the lazy doubt of haters, they will be vindicated and in most cases the fortune that they earned will be just and because they followed truth and because they had discipline and foresight and sugar and spice, and everything nice. The acceleration from lower middle class to top 1% will be a whiplash strong enough to sway the humbleness of most men.
In conclusion again (and hopefully this is the last one)
Use bitcoin as a unit of account. You likely have already won the game. Stay humble and brace for impact on the moon.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/809878
@ 7c765d40:bd121d84
2024-12-14 23:18:57
I have a feeling gold bugs aren't going to enjoy this next chapter.
And the sad thing is that they are so damn close.
They've been fighting this fight for decades now.
They understand how broken our monetary system is.
But their stubbornness will be their demise.
In the last month alone, we've had some pretty catastrophic events in the gold market.
With bitcoin-friendly President Trump about to take office in the US, they are considering selling their gold reserves to purchase bitcoin.
According to Popular Mechanics, China recently discovered $83 billion worth of gold.
Damn I forgot about Popular Mechanics.
Their website looks like it's stuck in 1997 but the articles are all recent.
And the biggest news - coming from our favorite little country.
El Salvador announced a gold discovery worth approximately $3 TRILLION dollars.
This triggered a couple historic tweets from their President Bukele.
First quote tweeting the announcement "And we'll dilute that thing like there's no tomorrow."
And the next day quote tweeting another announcement "But what could they possibly do with that?"
And for anyone who isn't familiar with El Salvador (aka The Savior), they were the first country to make bitcoin legal tender.
After a few large smash buys, they have been buying 1 bitcoin every day.
You can verify this on their customized mempool website.
The market is about to be FLOODED with gold.
Peter Schiff is losing his damn mind, claiming bitcoin is a "national security threat."
The mainstream media talking heads are on a bitcoin war path.
Gold has historically been the best store of value that exists.
Because of it's scarcity.
Until April 2024, when bitcoin officially passed gold as the scarcest asset.
Gold (typically) has a 2% inflation rate.
Bitcoin, as of the latest halving, now has less than 2% inflation.
IF - and that's a big IF - countries start dumping their gold for bitcoin, what will happen to the market?
Countries and central banks are the largest holders of gold.
Who will pick up the slack?
How many 20 year olds will be lining up at their local gold shop to buy some pet rocks?
Gold has served it's purpose.
It was the best asset to store wealth.
Before bitcoin.
Bitcoin can also be sent anywhere in the world in a matter of minutes - for a very low fee.
Imagine trying to send 10 billion worth of gold across the world.
Bitcoin is also highly divisible.
You can't start shaving off a gold coin to pay for groceries.
Unless maybe the grocery stores will start putting scales at the til.
And most importantly, especially when talking about governments and central banks, bitcoin is verifiable.
We have never been able to see or verify the gold reserves.
How much gold is really in Fort Knox?
We have absolutely no idea.
It requires trust.
How many people trust their government at this stage of the game?
Bitcoin on the other hand, can be easily verified.
This is important for the individuals, the banks, and the countries.
El Salvador has a website where you can verify their bitcoin holdings.
Check it out here!
We have no idea how much gold really exists.
We have an idea, but it's not very accurate - clearly.
If they found $3 TRILLION worth of gold in the small country of El Salvador, how much gold you do think is waiting to be found on Mars?
And how much bitcoin will we find on Mars?
As a gold and silver holder myself, I am making the full switch into bitcoin.
It just makes the most sense.
And human eventually switch to the idea that makes the most sense.
PROJECT POTENTIAL - You can now find the expanded audio versions of these on the new podcast - Project Potential! I will be sharing the video versions here for the LITF members but you can also find it for free on Spotify and of course Fountain!
Here is the link to Episode 008 on Fountain: https://www.fountain.fm/episode/nQb5z3PolahVwsPbYX4r
Have a great day everyone!
And remember, the only thing more scarce than bitcoin is time!
@ eac63075:b4988b48
2024-12-14 22:06:10
BlueSky, a social network built on the decentralized AT Protocol (Authenticated Transfer Protocol), is revolutionizing content moderation by empowering users and communities to manage their own experiences. Unlike traditional platforms that centralize control, BlueSky adopts a modular and customizable approach, balancing freedom of expression with safety.
### The Jesse Singal Case and the Community’s Response
Recently, the account @jessesingal.com was accused of publishing content considered homophobic and transphobic. Although some users questioned whether these posts violated BlueSky’s Terms of Service, the platform chose not to ban the account. Instead, it relied on community tools to limit the reach of these posts.
Individual users blocked the account and subscribed to community-managed block lists, significantly reducing the visibility of Jesse Singal’s content. This decentralized approach demonstrated the effectiveness of a model in which the community regulates content without centralized intervention.
### BlueSky’s Five Layers of Moderation
BlueSky implements a multi-layered moderation system, offering users tools to customize their experiences practically and efficiently:
1. **Personal Blocking and Muting**\
Users can block or mute unwanted accounts, individually adjusting the content they wish to see.
2. **Community Block Lists**\
By subscribing to block lists created by the community, users can share common moderation criteria, optimizing content filtering.
3. **Curated Feeds**\
Subscribing to personalized feeds allows users to consume content filtered by curators or algorithms, creating a safer and more tailored experience.
4. **Account Removal on the Personal Data Server (PDS)**\
In extreme cases, servers can directly delete accounts from their databases, preventing them from publishing or accessing the network.
5. **Ozone: Advanced Moderation Tool**\
Ozone is an integrated tool that enables advanced moderation strategies, combining various resources for greater efficiency.
### BlueSky’s Moderation Architecture
Moderation on BlueSky is based on an open labeling system. This architecture allows anyone to assign labels to content or accounts, such as “spam” or “NSFW” (not safe for work). These labels can be automatically generated by third-party services or manually applied by curators and administrators, offering flexibility for communities and individuals to customize their experiences.
### The Role of the Community in Content Regulation
In decentralized platforms like BlueSky, the community plays a central role in self-regulation, minimizing reliance on a centralized authority to moderate content. This decentralization distributes responsibilities and reduces the risks of institutional bias, often seen in centralized companies that may reflect specific interests at the expense of plurality.
Centralized platforms often censor or promote content based on corporate agendas, compromising user trust. BlueSky’s model prioritizes autonomy, allowing the community itself to determine what is relevant or acceptable.
With 25 million users registered within weeks, BlueSky remains committed to its mission of regulating not freedom of expression, but the reach of certain publications. Tools like block lists, curated feeds, and Ozone are tangible examples of how the platform is building a decentralized and inclusive ecosystem.
### Challenges and Opportunities of Decentralization
Despite its merits, decentralization presents challenges. Educating users about available tools and protecting vulnerable communities from harmful content are complex tasks, especially in a rapidly growing environment.
On the other hand, the decentralized model offers significant advantages. It enhances transparency, fosters trust among users, and reduces reliance on a central authority. On BlueSky, users shape their own experiences, ensuring greater freedom without sacrificing safety.
### Conclusion
BlueSky is paving the way for a new era in social networks with a decentralized moderation model that empowers users and promotes shared responsibility. Aligned with principles of freedom and inclusion, BlueSky combines advanced technology and community collaboration to create a safer, more democratic, and adaptable space.
Although still in its early stages, BlueSky offers a promising model for the future of social networks, where reach—not freedom of expression—is the true focus of regulation.
@ 78c90fc4:4bff983c
2024-12-14 19:00:14
[Hier ist die Aufzeichnung des Vortrages von Cynthia Chung für die Aletheia Wissenschaftsgruppe vom 11.12.24](https://www.wissenschaftstehtauf.ch/Aletheia_Cynthia_Chung_Operation_Gladio_20241211.mp4)
Cynthia Chung ist Präsidentin und Mitbegründerin der [Rising Tide Foundation](https://risingtidefoundation.net/) (zusammen mit ihrem Ehemann Matthew Ehret, der am 4. September 2024 als Gastredner des Aletheia Science Forum über „Die britischen Wurzeln des Deep State verstehen“ sprach, aufgezeichnet hier: <https://www.wissenschaftstehtauf.ch/Matt_Ehret_20240904.mp4> ).\
Cynthia ist die Autorin der Bücher „[The Shaping of a World Religion](https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/my-new-book-is-out-the-shaping-of)“ und „[The Empire on Which the Black Sun Never Set,](https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/my-first-book-is-now-outthe-empire)“ sowie Mitautorin der Buchreihe „The Clash of the Two Americas“.\
Ihre Substack-Seite [„Through A Glass Darkly](https://cynthiachung.substack.com/) ([https://cynthiachung.substack.com](https://cynthiachung.substack.com/))“ hat über 11.000 Abonnenten. Sie schreibt über eine Vielzahl wichtiger Themen, die von geopolitischer Geschichte bis hin zu Kultur, Wissenschaft und Kunst reichen.\
In ihrem Vortrag konzenteriert sich Cynthia auf die Operation Gladio, das geheime „Stay-behind“-Netzwerk bewaffneter Widerstandsorganisationen, das während des Kalten Krieges in Westeuropa gegründet wurde.
Solche historischen Einblicke können uns in der heutigen Zeit helfen, uns durch die Stürme zu navigieren, die die Zivilisation erneut bedrohen.\
Einführung von Stefan Heeb <https://www.proethica.ch>
Weiterführende Analysen:
Daniele Ganser: NATO Geheimarmeen in Europa
[Die NATO und der rechtsextreme Staatsterror](https://x.com/RealWsiegrist/status/1867063935289139260)
[NATO/Gladio/Verdeckte Kriegsführung](https://waltisiegrist.locals.com/upost/1571799/manipulation-der-massen-durch-panik)
@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2024-12-14 15:25:56
Christmas season hasn't actually started, yet, in Roman #Catholic Germany. We're in Advent until the evening of the 24th of December, at which point Christmas begins (with the Nativity, at Vespers), and continues on for 40 days until Mariä Lichtmess (Presentation of Christ in the temple) on February 2nd.
It's 40 days because that's how long the post-partum isolation is, before women were allowed back into the temple (after a ritual cleansing).
That is the day when we put away all of the Christmas decorations and bless the candles, for the next year. (Hence, the British name "Candlemas".) It used to also be when household staff would get paid their cash wages and could change employer. And it is the day precisely in the middle of winter.
Between Christmas Eve and Candlemas are many celebrations, concluding with the Twelfth Night called Epiphany or Theophany. This is the day some Orthodox celebrate Christ's baptism, so traditions rotate around blessing of waters.
The Monday after Epiphany was the start of the farming season, in England, so that Sunday all of the ploughs were blessed, but the practice has largely died out.
Our local tradition is for the altar servers to dress as the wise men and go door-to-door, carrying their star and looking for the Baby Jesus, who is rumored to be lying in a manger.
They collect cash gifts and chocolates, along the way, and leave the generous their powerful blessing, written over the door. The famous 20 * C + M + B * 25 blessing means "Christus mansionem benedicat" (Christ, bless this house), or "Caspar, Melchior, Balthasar" (the names of the three kings), depending upon who you ask.
They offer the cash to the Baby Jesus (once they find him in the church's Nativity scene), but eat the sweets, themselves. It is one of the biggest donation-collections in the world, called the "Sternsinger" (star singers). The money goes from the German children, to help children elsewhere, and they collect around €45 million in cash and coins, every year.
As an interesting aside:
The American "groundhog day", derives from one of the old farmers' sayings about Candlemas, brought over by the Pennsylvania Dutch. It says, that if the badger comes out of his hole and sees his shadow, then it'll remain cold for 4 more weeks. When they moved to the USA, they didn't have any badgers around, so they switched to groundhogs, as they also hibernate in winter.
@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2024-12-14 14:42:26
This week's practical 3d print is a simple catch all tray.
![Catch all Tray](https://image.nostr.build/d09d2e0ba7ca5f4870ca86c6eb0f2a607cb038478454333d44c41959d8a57b85.jpg)
## Catch all tray
As for most of the useful prints I show you in this series I printed it a long time ago and can't find the link to the design file. I am pretty sure it's from [Thingiverse](https://thingiverse.com) though.
### What it does
It perfectly serves as a central place for the things I commonly need when I go out. So I don't need to search for them.
What I like about the design is, that it catches all things from my pockets i.e. key, lighter, earpods, slide wallet and more when I come home. But not the dust and dirt. It falls throught the holes in tray.
#3dprint #3ddruck #3dprinting
@ 10351e8e:6dc2065f
2024-12-13 15:10:54
# == 06 December
Cosmic Waves Volume | Angel Olsen
Cruciate Ligament Rupture | Onion Skin
# == 29 November
Saturn Is A Supercomputer [OMD909] | .Vril
# == 22 November
My Method Actor - The Remixes | Nilufer Yanya
Meaning's Edge | Djrum
Neptunes EP | Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith & Joe Goddard
karaoke Moon | Warhaus
@ 228dde34:b5d0345e
2024-12-12 02:12:23
### Join JONATHAN TAN as he explores the fascinating history of people sleeping twice in a night, the reasons for its disappearance, and today’s cultural attitudes toward sleep.
After a particularly long autumn day in 1878, a 27-year-old Robert Louis Stevenson, having spent the last twelve days slogging through France’s southern highlands, needed a rest. He set up camp in a small clearing shrouded by pine trees, and after a hearty meal of bread, sausage, and brandy, he climbed into a sleeping bag and dozed off as the sun set.
Instead of sleeping until dawn, however, the weary Stevenson arose from his slumber a little past midnight. He spent the hour awake smoking a cigarette as he stared at the night sky, before returning to sleep.
In his journal, Stevenson wrote an entry reflecting on the mysterious forces that awaken everybody in the middle of the night. “At what inaudible summons, at what gentle touch of Nature, are all these sleepers thus recalled in the same hour to life?”
To me, this journal entry from 1878 came across as an isolated story of one man’s restless night. But, in a scientific journal on the history of sleep, Roger Ekirch, a distinguished professor of history, proposed a more unusual theory: Stevenson’s unusual sleep pattern that night was once a common practice among humans in the past.
“Until the modern era, up to an hour or more of quiet wakefulness midway through the night interrupted the rest of most Western Europeans,” Ekirch argued. In his reference, Ekirch found mentions of sleeping twice a night across various historical sources.
Interestingly, Ekirch’s conclusion begs several questions: How did this sleeping pattern work? Why did people do this? And most importantly, why did we stop?
<small>*Communal Mattresses were the norm in the past, and many people would spend the night snuggled with others. Photo from Getty Images.*</small>
For people living in the 17th Century, a night of sleep usually went like this.
By as early as 9pm, most would begin to lie down onto mattresses in preparation for the first half of their sleep. In those days, most people slept communally; typically sharing a bed with their family, their friends, or sometimes even with strangers.
And after a few hours of rest, people of the past would start to wake up from their slumber. This moment of wakefulness usually occurred some time past midnight, and lasted an hour or so. Interestingly, this collective awakening was not caused by alarms of any kind.
“Although in some descriptions a neighbor’s quarrel or a barking dog woke people prematurely from their initial sleep, the vast weight of surviving evidence indicates that awakening naturally was routine, not the consequence of disturbed or fitful slumber,” Ekirch wrote.
Now, what did people do with this hour of wakefulness? Well, according to Ekirch, many who left their beds merely needed to relieve themselves. The rest who awoke, however, would use this time to tend to their worldly duties.
“For others, work awaited,” Ekirch noted. “The 17th century farmer Henry Best of Elmswell made a point to rise ‘sometimes at midnight’ to prevent the destruction of his fields by roving cattle. In addition to tending children, women left their beds to perform myriad chores… suffice to say, domestic duties knew no bounds.”
<small>*Many criminal activities also took place during twilight hours, such as petty theft and even murder. Photo from Getty Images.* </small>
Most importantly, this period of wakefulness was invaluable for couples living in the past. It was difficult for exhausted couples to spend time together after a long day of manual labour. Thankfully, the first sleep allowed tired partners to get some well-needed rest, and the time afterward was considered ideal for romance and intimacy.
Finally, after spending a couple of hours awake, people would return to sleep; this time, their second rest would typically last until sunrise.
Our sleeping patterns have clearly changed since the 17th Century. This change raises a very important question: Why did we stop sleeping twice a night?
Ekirch’s research noted a gradual abandonment of the two-sleep system around the start of the 19th Century, which he attributed to one main factor: The development of artificial lighting.
During the Industrial Revolution, artificial lighting became better and more prevalent. During this time, gas street lamps slowly appeared along city streets across the Western world. “By 1823, nearly forty thousand lamps lit more than two hundred miles of London’s streets,” Ekirch wrote. After gas came electrical lighting, and soon, the city streets gradually outshone the stars in the night sky.
Not only did the advancement of artificial lighting affect the natural circadian rhythm of humans, it also allowed people to stay up later than ever before. With people sleeping later and later, the duration of their sleep became shorter and more compressed, which soon led to people no longer waking up during their rest.
<small>*The invention of artificial lighting finally allowed humans to extend their schedules past sunset. Photo from The American Menu.*</small>
Fascinatingly, this shift in our sleeping patterns may have also affected our attitude towards sleep. As later bedtimes became the new norm, staying in bed slowly became associated with laziness and unproductivity.
“People were becoming increasingly time-conscious and sensitive to efficiency, certainly before the 19th Century,” says Ekirch. “But the industrial revolution intensified that attitude by leaps and bounds.”
Examples of our changing perceptions toward sleep can still be observed today. The fading popularity of the Spanish siesta, for instance, reflects a modern aversion to taking naps during the day.
A tradition widely adopted across the region, a siesta is a short rest taken in the middle of the day, typically after lunch. This famous tradition, however, is slowly becoming less common among the Spanish population. A[survey](https://www.afar.com/magazine/why-spaniards-take-siestas#:~:text=The%20tradition%20is%20fading&text=There's%20no%20doubt%20the%20siesta,than%20four%20times%20a%20week) conducted in 2016 found that 60% of Spaniards never actually sleep during the siesta, while only 18% do so more than four times a week. In modern times, many Spaniards living in cities find themselves unable or unwilling to take a midday nap.
This societal pressure to stay awake is not unique to Spain; in Singapore, sleep deprivation is a growing epidemic. In a 2022 [survey](https://lkyspp.nus.edu.sg/gia/article/sleep-deprivation-in-singapore-a-public-health-crisis) on the sleeping habits of 43 cities, Singapore was named the third most sleep-deprived city, with only one in four Singaporeans getting more than seven hours of sleep daily. Chronic sleep deprivation has become ingrained in the Singaporean lifestyle: employees routinely work late into the night, children remain glued to their screens, and students burn the midnight oil slogging at their desks.
Today, we live in a world that is constantly moving. The modern work culture rewards hustle and productivity, encouraging longer hours and a relentless pursuit of efficiency. Unsurprisingly, sleep has fallen to the wayside, as people become busier and busier. So, if we can appreciate how things have changed and why we struggle with our sleep habits today, perhaps we can start to make getting enough sleep a priority in our lives.
#HypeSingapore #Sleep #History #Health
@ ece53feb:1edf277e
2024-12-11 21:13:59
Had this been a real article, you would be less annoyed right now...
@ ece53feb:1edf277e
2024-12-11 21:13:11
@ ece53feb:1edf277e
2024-12-11 18:25:15
Hi there, Nostr! I'm an engineer and maker who likes to talk a lot about a lot of things.
I'm made of opinions. Some of them are pretty good ones!
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2024-12-11 08:02:59
**Table Of Content**
- From the Backbench to the Forefront
- Milei's Bitcoin Connection
- The Coinx Controversy
- Argentina's Financial Quagmire
- Conclusion
Well, folks, it seems like the winds of change are blowing in Argentina! In a twist that no one saw coming, Javier Milei, the presidential candidate with a penchant for Bitcoin and libertarian economics, clinched the top spot in Argentina's primary. This victory sent shockwaves throughout the nation. Milei and his gang, the La Libertad Avanza (or "Liberty Advances"), managed to snag a whopping 30% of the votes. They beat the second-place contender, Juntos Por El Cambio, by just under 2%, which is quite the feat!
**From the Backbench to the Forefront**
La Libertad Avanza, founded just a couple of years ago in 2021, was once the little guy in the political arena. In their first legislative elections, they made waves, becoming the third most-voted coalition in Buenos Aires. But this recent victory? It's monumental! It's like David taking on Goliath and emerging victorious. Milei's rise has certainly turned heads and raised eyebrows in the political sphere, making everyone wonder what's next.
**Milei's Bitcoin Connection**
Javier Milei is not your run-of-the-mill political candidate. He's carved out a unique niche for himself in the world of politics, largely due to his vocal support for cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin. When you tune into talk shows and interviews, you'll often find Milei passionately discussing the potential of digital currencies. He doesn't just see them as another financial instrument; to him, they represent a return to a time when the power of money was firmly rooted in the hands of the people, free from excessive governmental control.
His views on Bitcoin go beyond mere admiration. Milei perceives it as a revolutionary tool, one that can challenge traditional financial systems. He often contrasts the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies with the centralized control of traditional fiat currencies. In his eyes, Bitcoin and its peers are not just alternatives but superior forms of money. He's even made bold claims, suggesting that in many ways, cryptocurrencies are safer investments than traditional precious metals like gold or silver. This is a significant statement, especially in a country like Argentina, where people have historically turned to gold as a hedge against economic instability.
However, as with any public figure with strong opinions, Milei's crypto enthusiasm has its fair share of critics. While he paints a rosy picture of a crypto-driven future, there are those who question his motives and the feasibility of his vision. The crypto world, as many know, is not without its pitfalls. From volatile market swings to regulatory challenges, the journey to mainstream acceptance is fraught with challenges. And Milei's connection to this world has put him under the microscope, with every statement and action being dissected and debated.
**The Coinx Controversy**
Rumor has it that Milei promoted a Ponzi scheme called Coinx, which allegedly swindled a cool $800,000 in Argentine pesos. Milei, of course, denies any wrongdoing. He even compared their business model to that of a bank. The only difference? They can offer higher interest rates because they're not tied down by the central bank. But not everyone's buying it. Manuel Ferrari, a big shot in the Bitcoin Argentina NGO, remains wary of Milei. This controversy adds another layer to the complex narrative surrounding Milei's rise.
**Argentina's Financial Quagmire**
Argentina's economic waters are turbulent, to say the least. With a dizzying inflation rate of 135% this year, the peso's value is plummeting, causing widespread distress. Amidst this chaos, many are pinning their hopes on Javier Milei, a figure who has emerged with a pro-Bitcoin stance that's causing quite the stir. Drawing parallels with El Salvador's audacious move to adopt Bitcoin, there's a buzz about whether Argentina might follow suit. But is Milei the savior Argentina has been waiting for? While his support for cryptocurrencies offers a glimmer of hope to some, it also brings with it skepticism and apprehension. The world of crypto, though promising, is still uncharted territory, especially for an economy as volatile as Argentina's.
As debates rage on, it's evident that Argentina stands at a crucial financial juncture. Milei's advocacy for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies suggests a potential shift in the country's financial paradigm. But diving into the crypto realm isn't without its risks, and there's a looming question: Are we witnessing the dawn of a new financial era for Argentina, or is it just a leap from the frying pan into the fire? The nation watches with bated breath, waiting to see the path Milei might pave.
Only time will truly reveal the impact of Milei's influence on Argentina's financial future. It's a waiting game now, folks. But if there's one thing we can bank on, it's that with Milei stirring the pot, Argentina's economic and financial landscape is poised for some dramatic shifts. The rollercoaster has just begun, so everyone better buckle up and brace themselves. Keep your eyes peeled and ears to the ground, because the upcoming months promise a whirlwind of changes, debates, and transformations for Argentina. The nation stands at a pivotal juncture, and the world watches with bated breath.
**Who is Javier Milei?**
Javier Milei is a presidential candidate in Argentina known for his support of Bitcoin and libertarian economics.
**What is La Libertad Avanza?**
La Libertad Avanza, translated as "Liberty Advances," is the political coalition led by Javier Milei.
**How did Milei fare in the recent primaries?**
Milei clinched the top spot in Argentina's primary, securing over 30% of the votes.
**What is the Coinx controversy?**
Coinx is an alleged Ponzi scheme that Milei is rumored to have promoted. However, Milei denies any wrongdoing.
**What is Milei's stance on Bitcoin?**
Milei is a strong advocate for Bitcoin, viewing it as a return to private sector-controlled money and a safer alternative to traditional assets like gold or silver.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
**X: [@croxroadnews](https://x.com/croxroadnewsco)**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research. *
@ 468f729d:5ab4fd5e
2024-12-11 00:00:35
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/V_fvmyJ91m0?enablejsapi=1" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
@ dff95033:862fbf40
2024-12-09 22:42:32
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/0ac86bb186d6ada9099d8c8aad442bd264ee51333e876c142858a3f4ba32d306.png">
- Autor: Daniel J. Levitin
- Título: A Mente Organizada: Como Pensar com Clareza na Era da Sobrecarga de Informação
- Título Original: The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload
- Tradutor: Regina Lyra
- Editora: Objetiva
- Ano de Publicação no Brasil: 2015
- Ano de Publicação Original: 2014
- ISBN (Edição Brasileira): 978-8539006465
- Páginas: 512
- Gênero: Psicologia, Ciência Cognitiva, Desenvolvimento Pessoal
> "Não se pode confiar na memória porque o sistema de arquivamento do cérebro destreinado é uma porcaria. Ele pega tudo que acontece com você e joga de qualquer jeito num grande armário escuro — quando você entra lá procurando algo, só consegue achar as coisas grandes e óbvias, como a morte de sua mãe, ou então coisas de que realmente não precisa. Coisas que você não está procurando, como a letra de ‘Copacabana’. Você não consegue encontrar o que precisa. Mas não entre em pânico, porque ainda está lá.” (The Mentalist, citado por Daniel Levitin em A Mente Organizada)
Quando me deparei com o livro “A Mente Organizada”, de Daniel Levitin, impulsivamente o adicionei à minha lista de leitura — apenas para deixá-lo esperando por meses. É irônico que um livro sobre organização estivesse preso no caos da minha própria lista, não estranhamente em uma era dopamínica — onde cada notificação e distração competem para roubar nossa atenção. No entanto, ao finalmente mergulhar em suas linhas, percebi que a obra é uma verdadeira ode à capacidade humana de organizar o conhecimento e a informação.
Dividido em três partes, “A Mente Organizada” nos guia por um entendimento prático sobre a mente humana. A Parte Um apresenta o mecanismo de atenção do cérebro, explorando como ele lida com o fluxo incessante de informações e decisões. Levitin discute a importância da atenção e como ela é fundamental para processar a quantidade massiva de dados que enfrentamos diariamente. Ele argumenta que entender esses mecanismos é crucial para melhorar nossa capacidade de foco e eficiência.
A Parte Dois oferece estratégias que colaboram com esse mecanismo, ajudando a organizar nossos ambientes físico, profissional, social e temporal. Levitin sugere métodos práticos, como a categorização e a criação de listas, que podem facilitar a tomada de decisões e reduzir a sensação de sobrecarga informacional. A ênfase na organização do espaço físico e do tempo é particularmente relevante em uma era onde distrações são constantes. Com a estrutura bem definida, Levitin avança para aprofundar seu estilo e explorar a complexidade de transmitir conceitos desafiadores de maneira acessível.
Por fim, a Parte Três discute como preparar a próxima geração para enfrentar os desafios do mundo moderno, equilibrando organização e criatividade. Levitin enfatiza a importância da educação em habilidades organizacionais desde cedo, preparando os jovens para um futuro onde o gerenciamento eficaz da informação será ainda mais crítico. Essa abordagem não apenas prepara os jovens para um futuro de desafios, mas também nos faz refletir sobre o legado que estamos construindo hoje.
A verbosidade de Levitin pode parecer desafiadora em alguns momentos, mas são nestes pontos que reside o valor do livro. Sua escrita flui como ondas: ora simples e objetiva, ora densa e desafiadora. Essa variação mantém o leitor engajado e instigado, permitindo uma compreensão mais profunda dos conceitos apresentados. Cada nuance tem seu propósito, oferecendo ao leitor as bases para compreender plenamente a obra ou para instigar novas inspirações e perspectivas.
Levitin se esforça para tornar pesquisas e estudos sobre o tema acessíveis a um público amplo, evitando tanto a superficialidade quanto a complexidade excessiva. Essa abordagem é especialmente valiosa em um contexto onde muitos textos acadêmicos podem se tornar herméticos.
> Como frisei no decorrer deste livro, o princípio fundamental da organização, o mais crucial para evitar que percamos ou esqueçamos as coisas, é este: descarregue do cérebro para o mundo externo o ônus de organizar." (A Mente Organizada, Daniel Levitin).
Ler A Mente Organizada foi um desafio que me obrigou a encarar a zorra informacional do dia a dia de frente. Não foi apenas uma leitura, mas um embate com os meus próprios hábitos e uma pausa necessária para questionar: estou realmente lidando bem com os estímulos ao meu redor? À deriva em águas turbulentas, precisei aceitar, com humildade, as ferramentas oferecidas pelo livro para enfrentar os desafios atuais.
Senti-me provocado a observar com mais atenção tudo o que carrego, tanto física quanto mentalmente. Quantas ideias, compromissos e pensamentos acumulados passam despercebidos, sem nunca encontrar um lugar ou um significado real? Esse convite à introspecção foi um lembrete poderoso de que, mais do que organizar o que está fora, preciso organizar o que está dentro — e isso começa com um olhar honesto, e sim, doloroso, sobre o impacto que o excesso tem em minha vida.
Esse foi o verdadeiro desafio: perceber que minha forma de organização precisava de um novo olhar. Não basta apenas acumular ideias; é essencial dar-lhes estrutura, conectá-las e transformá-las em algo maior — ou descartá-las, quando necessário. Entender as miríades que moldam meu pensar e agir foi fundamental, e, neste ponto, o livro foi nada menos que revelador. A estética, o particionamento e o naturalismo solidificam as minhas bases, transformando a organização em algo mais do que uma sistemática: ela se torna uma expressão de qualidade de vida e saúde.
A Mente Organizada é uma obra que, para alguns, será apenas um folhetim, enquanto para outros será um verdadeiro manancial de sabedoria. Mas, acima de tudo, o que Daniel Levitin nos oferece são possibilidades — um convite à lapidação dessa gema preciosa e instigante que é a busca por sermos melhores do que somos hoje. Se você chegou a este livro, consciente ou não, já deu o primeiro passo nessa jornada.
Assim, caro leitor, deixo em tuas mãos esta obra, singela em proposta, mas grandiosa em potencial. Que ela inspire sua apreciação e, acima de tudo, seu uso.
Fecho esta gaveta aqui e espero ter apreciado o que há dentro dela — ou não. Se trouxe alguma ordem à bagunça, compartilhe e, se puder, contribua com o café — porque até a organização precisa de combustível.
@ 8e56fde2:bb433b31
2024-12-09 21:04:00
So let us give a little bit on context first to get the WHOLE PICTURE.
We DoShitters are a trio of friends who one day decided we wanted to create some shit together.
We are artists from different fields, and at the time two of us were struggling from creative block, so we decided to create the ultimate tool to COMBAT CREATIVE BLOCK. It would be an Oracle about the creative process and it would be inspired on the Hero's Journey and on our own journeys as artists; and hence "DoShit!" was born.
Once we knew what we wanted to do, and it started to have a shape, we decided to go through the hardship of self-producing and selling the cards by ourselves directly on our website ( www.doshitters.com ), which allowed us to keep control of the product at all times during production, and to have a direct relationship with our audience and buyers. Besides from guaranteeing we weren't left with the tiniest percentage of the sales pie. (At least in Spain, when you get a big publisher involved, you can forget getting even 10% of sales, and you lose a lot of the creative control of your project).
We invested a lot of our own resources in making sure "DoShit!" was a quality product and we were lucky enough to get the help of a generous patreon who enabled us to create what is now the DoShit! deck. <3
We did local presentations of the product in both Barcelona and Madrid, and got the deck to be sold in cool local stores, where we offered to do live readings and got to talk with people of all kinds about the Shit they wanted to do.
Above all, DoShit! is an inspirational tool.
**And you must be asking yourself, "What does this have to do with Amazon?".
Well, one of the problems of self-producing and having local fulfilment of the product is that shipping costs just couldn't compete with what the average consumer has gotten used to because of Amazon's mass scale free shipping.
We were finding that, specially for our followers in the USA, it was impossible to assume shipping costs (which amounted to almost the same cost as the actual deck); but we didn't want to give up on the people who wanted to get inspired by DoShit! but lived on the other side of the world from us, so...
We knew that selling our product on Amazon was going to result in less revenue from the sales for us, but for us it was mostly about GETTING DoShit! TO A WAREHOUSE IN THE USA to be able to offer the deck with Free Shipping. And that's what we did.
But we didn't know everything that would come as a result, (they don't really advertise the hidden costs and fees, or the speed at which they want you to expedite your sales) and we've been paying for that decision ever since.
In any case, they lured us in with a 3 months no cost promotion. You obviously assumed the cost of shipping it there, and they would take a cut from every sale that happened in their web, but we didn't have any way of knowing the cost that we would need to incur after those first three months.
Another thing that wasn't advertised is that IF YOU ACTUALLY WANT YOUR PRODUCT TO BE FEATURED ANYWHERE, you need to be eligible as an A+ content seller, which also comes at a cost, and you need to pay additionally for sponsored ads; otherwise, your product is basically shut down in a black hole of zero discoverability except for people using the direct link.
The three months went by fast and then the invoices started coming, and the automatic charges on our account started to empty our independent seller bank account.
As you can imagine, independent sellers like us sometimes require of TIME to be able to get the word out, to get people to buy your product... Besides, as artists with other projects on the pipeline, we couldn't really spend much time focusing on sales, nor did we want to. And in all honestly, we refused to give Amazon more money in sponsored ads and other programs to "gain visibility".
We knew we had no way of competing with the big sellers on the platform, but we just thought, "AT LEAST IT'S AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO BUY IT".
But then, out of the blue, we noticed our link on Amazon wasn't working. A friend tipped us off that it wasn't allowing any sales, it was listed as "currently unavailable", without us having done anything to trigger that change.
Suddenly we received an email from the giant informing us that our account had been set to inactive due to "dormancy", and that we needed to re-verify our identity. Not only that, but since we were in Europe, and they didn't have an address in the US they could send the decks back to, if we didn't get everything solved in time, THEY WERE GOING TO DESTROY THE DECKS THEY HAD IN THEIR WAREHOUSE because of their "Automated removal" policy.
This caught us while we were on holidays, away from our desktops, seller logins and such and we did everything the seller support requested from us as rapidly as possible.
The nightmare of imagining our beautiful decks being destroyed really put us in a state of panic. We hoped everything would be solved after several support tickets stating our case, and pleading that they don't destroy the decks!
In the end, after several communications, they reactivated our listing which had apparently been set to inactive because of "stranded inventory" due to "excess inventory"; which is Amazon talk for: "YOU'RE NOT SELLING FAST ENOUGH".
After having gone through that experience we knew one thing for certain, WE WANTED TO BREAK FREE FROM AMAZON as soon as possible, but we still wanted to offer our DoShit! decks with Free Shipping for our customers; at least this Christmas...
So, best case scenario, all the DoShit! decks that are at Amazon get sold this Christmas campaign, with the jolly merry spirit, people and nostriches all around the world get excited about GIFTING INSPIRATION (and taking advantage of the Free Shipping) and help us to GET THE DECKS OUT OF AMAZON!
But we know this may be wishful thinking T.T ,
That is why we are also looking for independent shops in the USA that feel that DoShit! makes sense in their store, and would want to become the new home of the decks that remain in american soil after the Christmas campaign. So maybe somebody wants to become the "foster home" to these Oracles as they find their new home in 2025, so they decks can go from that abussive giant with high time preference, to a friendly purple shop with low time preference and no hidden tricks.
After all, many people kickstart the year with their minds set on their New Year Resolutions, they want to DO SHIT! So Who Knows?
In any case, to all the small sellers out there, BEWARE OF MAKING THAT PACT WITH THE DEVIL.
We knew we had never wanted to get our Shit on Amazon, we knew the system was rigged again us, but still, we wanted to make it more affordable for people to get their hands on the deck.
Artists struggle enough to have to additionally add exhorbitant shipping costs to acquire a creativity tool like "DoShit!".
And if you, like us, find yourself having to do that pact anyway, we hope our tale will at least help you navigate all the hidden traps that their system throws at you.
please, support us as best you can, share our story, recommend our deck, but best of all GIFT THE "DoShit!" DECK THIS CHRISTMAS! <3
You can find it at its captor's site at https://a.co/d/hrKXEBF , or if you'd rather NOT BUY SHIT ON AMAZON, you can always buy it at the Plebeian Market with your Sats, and we'll get one out of Amazon on your account.
This 2025, we wish you all to DO THE SHIT THAT MATTERS TO YOU!
#DoShit! #JoinTheArtmy
@ eac63075:b4988b48
2024-12-08 15:35:21
Imagine a large public square, illuminated by intense spotlights, where every individual who dares to approach the center is immediately recognized, photographed, and cataloged. In this square, every word spoken becomes indelibly tied to its speaker. Under such conditions, many would hesitate before speaking, fearing not only the disapproval of the audience but also the potential punishments that could follow the mere act of expressing an idea. Now, imagine a second square, where anyone can cover their face with a mask, allowing their voice to echo without revealing their identity. It is in this second square that true freedom of expression flourishes, and this metaphorical mask represents anonymity.
In debates about freedom of expression—one of the fundamental pillars of democratic societies—anonymity often emerges as a controversial element. For some, it serves as a refuge for digital criminals or slanderers. For others, it is an indispensable tool, capable of protecting dissenting voices and inspiring authentic debates, with ideas judged on their merits rather than the messenger’s reputation. This article aims to explain, in a clear and instructive manner, why anonymity is essential to genuine freedom of expression, illustrating its value with metaphors, real-life examples, and historical references.
## **The Protective Mask: Avoiding Retaliation and Threats**
Just as a navigator uses guiding instruments to avoid jagged rocks at sea, anonymity functions like a shield, allowing bold voices to navigate oppressive reefs without foundering. There are countless examples of individuals who have risked their lives to expose crimes and injustices—from whistleblowers in authoritarian governments to investigative journalists uncovering the complex machinations of organized crime. Without the possibility of anonymity, many of these stories would never have come to light.
Organizations like the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and other digital rights advocacy groups emphasize that the ability to speak without revealing one’s identity is crucial when the cost of speaking out is dangerously high. In censorship-ridden regimes, criticizing the government can lead to imprisonment, torture, or even death. Human rights activists, LGBTQIA+ communities in hostile countries, and journalists investigating illicit dealings all rely on anonymity to continue their work without putting their own lives at immediate risk. In this context, anonymity is not a whim—it’s the chance to survive one’s own opinion.
## **The Voice of the Invisible: Empowering Marginalized Groups**
Think of anonymity as an invisible microphone placed at the disposal of those who, without it, would never dare to take the stage. Historically, marginalized groups have always faced additional barriers to making their voices heard. Women in patriarchal societies, ethnic minorities facing discrimination, or individuals persecuted for their sexual orientation find in anonymity a safe space to speak out, claim their rights, and share their experiences without fearing public humiliation or physical violence.
This “invisible microphone” not only gives voice to those who once remained silent but also transforms the arena of public debate into a more equitable space. By removing the link between idea and identity, it reduces the risk of immediate prejudice against the messenger. As a result, society can assess arguments more impartially. Here, ideas are judged on their content, not on the face that speaks them.
## **The Strength of History: The Precedent of the Federalist Papers**
History offers a famous example of the power of anonymous words: the Federalist Papers. Published between 1787 and 1788, these essays supported the ratification of the United States Constitution and were written under the pseudonym “Publius” by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. The reason for concealing their identities was clear: to ensure that their ideas would be judged on their argumentative strength rather than the prestige or fame of the authors.
The precedent set by the Federalist Papers is emblematic. It shows that, in the building of one of the first modern democracies, anonymity was used as a legitimate tool to establish fundamental concepts. If the founders of the nation that prides itself on its First Amendment—the one that protects freedom of expression—resorted to anonymity, we should recognize that this resource is not only defensible but also an essential part of the framework of healthy public debate.
## **Faceless Messages: The Democracy of Pure Ideas**
In an ideal world, we would judge a message purely on its content. In reality, however, names, faces, social status, and economic position influence how we receive and interpret a person’s words. Anonymity removes these superficial layers, allowing the message to present itself bare, subject to rational evaluation without the veils of prejudice.
In this sense, anonymity acts as a “filter of equality”: by concealing the source, it prevents us from assigning credibility (or discredit) based on stereotypes, prejudices, or personal rivalries. Thus, ideas previously dismissed out of hand can now be heard with greater attention, opening paths to social innovation, political reflection, and challenges to the status quo. A contemporary example is online forums that allow anonymous posts. While we acknowledge that such spaces can be misused, we cannot ignore their potential to give voice to those who would never feel safe speaking under their own name in public.
## **Privacy, Intimacy, and the Freedom to Whisper**
Anonymity is not limited to the public or political sphere. In personal and professional relations, the ability to speak anonymously can allow someone to seek help or reveal extremely sensitive matters. Imagine a patient who needs to consult a doctor about a stigmatized health issue, or a person seeking legal advice in a delicate situation. The “mask” of anonymity offers a safe haven for sharing information without the anguish of being judged or exposed.
Thus, anonymity also safeguards our “right to whisper,” that is, the ability to exchange information, secrets, and confessions without the constant glare of a spotlight. Real or perceived surveillance can stifle communication and inhibit creativity, reporting, and the exchange of ideas. By shielding individuals from forced exposure, anonymity reinforces the very fabric of freedom of expression, preventing the fear of identification from silencing words before they are spoken.
## **Anonymity in the Digital Age: Between Encryption and Censorship**
In the digital age, the issue of anonymity becomes even more relevant. With the expansion of online surveillance and the growth of social networks, maintaining anonymity can be challenging. Social media platforms increasingly request personal data, and governments attempt to impose barriers against anonymity, often justifying them as measures of national security or crime prevention.
However, according to reports and documents from human rights organizations, such as the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), encryption and anonymity are key tools for freedom of expression in the digital environment. Without these resources, citizens and journalists, for instance, become more vulnerable to persecution. In various countries, the existence of anonymous and encrypted channels enables information to circulate, grievances to be reported, and societies to remain informed, even in the face of heavy censorship.
## **Legal Protection: Judicial Recognition of Anonymity**
The United States Supreme Court, as well as other constitutional courts around the world, recognizes anonymity as an integral part of the right to free expression. In the United States, the First Amendment has been applied in cases that defended the right to anonymous speech, viewing it as a bulwark against the tyranny of the majority. When minorities are protected by anonymity, personal reprisals against those who dare to question dogmas or denounce abuses are prevented.
This judicial understanding reinforces the legitimacy of anonymity and its direct association with the strengthening of democracy. After all, a robust democracy requires not only the absence of formal censorship but also the guarantee that minority or unpopular voices can speak out without fear.
## **Conclusion: The Cloak That Protects Freedom**
If freedom of expression is the heart of democracy, anonymity is the cloak that shields that heart from the poisoned darts of fear, persecution, and prejudice. It creates the right environment for ideas to flourish freely, for courageous voices to emerge from silence, and for society to debate its most complex issues in the light of reason rather than beneath the shadow of intimidation.
In a world where surveillance and political tensions are ever-present, anonymity preserves the essence of free speech: humanity’s ability to question, propose, denounce, criticize, and create without shackles. By recognizing the importance of this resource, we safeguard not only individual voices but also the very principle that makes democracy worthy of its name.
## **Selected References:**
- Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF): <https://www.eff.org/issues/anonymity>
- Freedom Forum: <https://www.freedomforum.org/anonymous-speech/>
- Association for Progressive Communications (APC): <https://www.apc.org/>
- The First Amendment Encyclopedia: Anonymous Speech: <https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/anonymous-speech/>
- The Federalist Papers: Historical context available at [Library of Congress](https://www.loc.gov/) and various printed and digital compilations.
Cover Photo by [Redd Francisco](https://unsplash.com/@reddfrancisco?utm_source=ghost&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=api-credit) / [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=ghost&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=api-credit)
@ 8fb140b4:f948000c
2024-12-08 05:21:39
After nuking my second LND node (the first one died due to hardware failure) by my own typo and lack of any thought in the design of the CLI of LND lightning node tools, I decided to take a plunge into the world of mature and complex implementation of the protocol, [Eclair by ACINQ](https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair). It has been almost one year (the birth of the node was on Christmas Day 2023), 50 thousand transactions routed, and over 30 BTC of routed value. In this post, I'd like to reflect on my experiences with Eclair, go over some of the gotchas and issues, and highlight some of the good choices that I've made since the beginning of my adventure.
## Learnings from the Past Experience
While I was learning Lightning network and had very little understanding of how things worked in the whole Bitcoin space, Umbrel was my go-to solution that helped me get off the ground. It proved to be easy and somewhat educational but was not something that I would continuously run for the production setup or trust with any significant amount of bitcoin that I could not afford to lose. Lightning is built on top of the L1 (Bitcoin) network but manages the state of the channels in its own database that is negotiated and agreed upon with its peers. Any failures in the state integrity may result in the complete loss of liquidity or hefty penalty transactions (significant loss of capital). A Lightning node that participates in routing public transactions is also required to be constantly online with as little downtime as possible and only short periods offline at a time. Otherwise, you may risk causing force-closure of the channel due to expired HTLC that is measured in number of blocks.
## The Setup
Taking all of my learnings into consideration, I decided to first invest in reliable enterprise-grade hardware:
- Server-grade hardware with ECC memory and reliable power supply and CPU
- UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) to avoid any headaches due to electrical spikes or drop-outs
- Reliable enterprise SSDs and NVMEs
- ZFS (filesystem) to mirror the critical storage and to ensure full integrity of the data (bit-rot prevention). You do need to tune ZFS for your specific workload and reliability
- Reliable and replicated database (PostgreSQL) with two local and one remote replica, and a requirement to have at least two replicas committing the transaction to the disk
- Backup! On-site and off-site backup of the critical configuration that you could use to restore the node if your house burns down
- Spare parts, redundancy, backup, monitoring
- Reliable and stable internet connectivity
The software is Eclair 0.11.0 (latest release as of today), PostgreSQL 16 with two replicas, Bitcoin Core 27.2 (with redundant storage of blocks), additional Bitcoin Core running on a separate node and in-sync with the chain (in case primary node fails), Ubuntu 22.04 with the latest docker software from the official Docker repo.
## All Major Gotchas That I Came Across
While Eclair is mature and very stable in itself, it does have some quirks and design choices that you need to account for when running your node. The software is written in Scala and requires a specific version of JVM to run it, as well as JRE and Maven to build it. It doesn't mean that other versions won't work, but you may find unpleasant bugs that may result in catastrophic failures of your node with nobody to help you. All of the requirements are listed in the release notes and installation guide. Whenever in doubt, **RTFM** first, then ask questions.
### Limited Support by the FOSS Community
Eclair is not the most popular implementation of the Lightning protocol, and therefore it is hard to find tools or plugins that could help you manage the node. GUI for the node so far is only supported by RTL and with a very limited number of features. For any sort of statistics, you are limited to either Prometheus (extensive metrics are available) or writing your own SQL on top of the Eclair tables.
### On-chain Fee Differences Between Yours and Partner Nodes
This one hit me hard, and many times. I've had more than a few force-closures of the channels because of the conservative and safe default settings. The worst part is, it strikes you when there is a huge spike in fees, which results in significant losses to force-close the channel due to high fees. I am still not 100% sure how the big difference can be exploited in practice, and opted for increase of the tolerance levels to avoid surprise FCs:
eclair.on-chain-fees {
feerate-tolerance {
ratio-low = <0.01~> // will allow remote fee rates as low as XX our local feerate (spikes)
ratio-high = <20.0~> // will allow remote fee rates as high as XX times our local feerate (drops)
It is up to you and your risk tolerance to define something reasonable and yet allow for secure and reliable node operation.
### Initial Lightning Network State Sync
When I just started running the node, I had very few channels and startup times were fast. Later, when I expanded the number of channels, I noted that it took my node up to 6-12 hours before it was fully in-sync and routing traffic fast. Given that ACINQ maintains one of the largest nodes on the network, I knew that there was something with my settings that caused the issue. After some research, I came across the setting that whitelisted node IDs for state sync, which immediately rang a bell since I knew from the LND days that not all peer nodes are used for the network sync. Setting the list to my most reliable and largest nodes reduced the startup settling times down to minutes again:
eclair.sync-whitelist = [
You do not need to have too many public keys in here, and should keep it between 5-10.
### Automatic MAX HTLC Adjustment for the Channel
One of the killer features of Eclair is its ability to automatically adjust MAX HTLC for the channel and reduce the number of failed transactions due to insufficient liquidity on the channel. It can be used to estimate your total channels' balances but with smart configuration and a little thinking, you can make it reasonably private while still maintaining a good transaction flow:
eclair.channel.channel-update.min-time-between-updates=1 hour # Allows for the adjustments to be made once every hour
available-sat = 10000
max-htlc-sat = 0 // 0% of 10000
You can have as many variations as you need, and ensure that the channel MAX HTLC is set well and within reasonable ranges. You would also want to account for multiple transactions going through the channel, but also account for the channel size and an average amount of sats per transaction.
### Max Accepted HTLCs
By design, the Lightning channel is limited to a specific number of in-flight HTLCs, and the setting is fixed during channel opening time with no way of changing it unless you close and reopen the channel with new settings. If you find your node routing a lot of small transactions (zaps), you may quickly fail many due to that limit (I think default was in single digit range):
eclair.channel.max-htlc-value-in-flight-percent=98 # Default I think is half or 50%
eclair.channel.max-accepted-htlcs = 50
The setting above will allow for the channel to be more fully utilized and have more concurrent transactions without clogging.
### CLTV Delta
This is basically a setting that is global for Eclair and sets the maximum number of remaining blocks (in time) before HTLC expires. Setting this too high may result in many HTLCs failing for the small nodes with not so great centrality, and reduce the number of routed transactions:
# CLTV delta
eclair.channel.expiry-delta-blocks = 60
Default is 144 but I found that setting this to 60 (minimum possible for my node setup and configuration) yields better results for routing. It does expose you to more risk of expired HTLCs that may cause force-closures, but I have seen only one so far on my node.
### Allocate Sufficient Memory
You will want to adjust the heap size for Eclair, since the default is too small to run any sizable node. Setting `JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx32g` (or half the size of your available RAM) would be a good start. I would advise having at least 32GB of RAM for the node, and allocating at least 16GB (`JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx16g`) for smooth and fast operations.
### And More Settings and Parameters to Tune
I have covered only some of the major settings that I felt were worth writing about, but there is much more you could configure and tweak. Read all of the [Guides](https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair/blob/master/docs/Guides.md) and especially focus on the [Configure](https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair/blob/master/docs/Configure.md) and a [sample reference configuration file](https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair/blob/master/eclair-core/src/main/resources/reference.conf).
## Good Decisions
First, going with Eclair was the right choice, along with using server-grade hardware with ECC RAM and reliable storage. Second, having a replicated database on three separate nodes with one off-site saved me from a sure destruction of all state and loss of funds. Third, deciding to only maintain channels with reliable and stable nodes saved me from some bad force-closures, where I would choose to close the channel if a peer node goes up and down too frequently, regardless of how well it routes. Even big nodes run by single operators fail badly, as do nodes operated by companies. Keeping your eyes on the node and its health, as well as the health of its peers, is something that very few operators do, which can cause failures and unnecessary loss of your and their funds.
Lastly, if you decide to run a routing node, you have a responsibility to maintain it well and monitor its health. There are many tools you could use, and with Eclair you can use Prometheus and Grafana. Keep your node's packages updated and monitor for any security-related issues that may appear from time to time, so you can mitigate them quickly.
## Conclusion
So far I am satisfied with Eclair despite all of the difficulties and headaches I've had with it. It is not perfect, and it requires me to create small tools to do some basic things, but I need a stable and reliable node that I can trust. Eclair has proved to be all that I wanted, and saved my bacon a few times when I nuked one of the PostgreSQL servers and all of its data, and managed to do the same for another replica, but was able to recover and recreate from the remaining replica. Eclair is also stateless during runtime and guarantees consistency of the node regardless of how it fails. Even if you pull a plug on the node's server, it will still be able to come up and recover its consistent state that is in agreement with its peers.
**Is it for everyone?** No, it is definitely not for everyone or for anyone who just wants a small node to run their online shop with a few channels. You could have a very reliable and trusted node for the online shop with Eclair, but you will need some technical skills to be able to set up, maintain and recover it if things go wrong.
In the end, it is all up to you, your skills, your willingness to learn, and your risk tolerance to make that decision. For me, it was the right choice, and I have no regrets despite not having access to the latest shiny features of the Lightning network.
@ e6817453:b0ac3c39
2024-12-07 15:06:43
I started a long series of articles about how to model different types of knowledge graphs in the relational model, which makes on-device memory models for AI agents possible.
We model-directed graphs
Also, graphs of entities
We even model hypergraphs
Last time, we discussed why classical triple and simple knowledge graphs are insufficient for AI agents and complex memory, especially in the domain of time-aware or multi-model knowledge.
So why do we need metagraphs, and what kind of challenge could they help us to solve?
- complex and nested event and temporal context and temporal relations as edges
- multi-mode and multilingual knowledge
- human-like memory for AI agents that has multiple contexts and relations between knowledge in neuron-like networks
## MetaGraphs
A meta graph is a concept that extends the idea of a graph by allowing edges to become graphs. Meta Edges connect a set of nodes, which could also be subgraphs. So, at some level, node and edge are pretty similar in properties but act in different roles in a different context.
Also, in some cases, edges could be referenced as nodes.
This approach enables the representation of more complex relationships and hierarchies than a traditional graph structure allows. Let’s break down each term to understand better metagraphs and how they differ from hypergraphs and graphs.
## Graph Basics
- A standard **graph** has a set of **nodes** (or vertices) and **edges** (connections between nodes).
- Edges are generally simple and typically represent a binary relationship between two nodes.
- For instance, an edge in a social network graph might indicate a “friend” relationship between two people (nodes).
## Hypergraph
- A **hypergraph** extends the concept of an edge by allowing it to connect any number of nodes, not just two.
- Each connection, called a **hyperedge**, can link multiple nodes.
- This feature allows hypergraphs to model more complex relationships involving multiple entities simultaneously. For example, a hyperedge in a hypergraph could represent a project team, connecting all team members in a single relation.
- Despite its flexibility, a hypergraph doesn’t capture hierarchical or nested structures; it only generalizes the number of connections in an edge.
## Metagraph
- A **metagraph** allows the edges to be graphs themselves. This means each edge can contain its own nodes and edges, creating nested, hierarchical structures.
- In a meta graph, an edge could represent a relationship defined by a graph. For instance, a meta graph could represent a network of organizations where each organization’s structure (departments and connections) is represented by its own internal graph and treated as an edge in the larger meta graph.
- This recursive structure allows metagraphs to model complex data with multiple layers of abstraction. They can capture multi-node relationships (as in hypergraphs) and detailed, structured information about each relationship.
## Named Graphs and Graph of Graphs
As you can notice, the structure of a metagraph is quite complex and could be complex to model in relational and classical RDF setups. It could create a challenge of luck of tools and software solutions for your problem.
If you need to model nested graphs, you could use a much simpler model of Named graphs, which could take you quite far.
The concept of the named graph came from the RDF community, which needed to group some sets of triples. In this way, you form subgraphs inside an existing graph. You could refer to the subgraph as a regular node. This setup simplifies complex graphs, introduces hierarchies, and even adds features and properties of hypergraphs while keeping a directed nature.
It looks complex, but it is not so hard to model it with a slight modification of a directed graph.
So, the node could host graphs inside. Let's reflect this fact with a location for a node. If a node belongs to a main graph, we could set the location to null or introduce a main node . it is up to you
Nodes could have edges to nodes in different subgraphs. This structure allows any kind of nesting graphs. Edges stay location-free
## Meta Graphs in Relational Model
Let’s try to make several attempts to model different meta-graphs with some constraints.
## Directed Metagraph where edges are not used as nodes and could not contain subgraphs
In this case, the edge always points to two sets of nodes. This introduces an overhead of creating a node set for a single node. In this model, we can model empty node sets that could require application-level constraints to prevent such cases.
## Directed Metagraph where edges are not used as nodes and could contain subgraphs
Adding a node set that could model a subgraph located in an edge is easy but could be separate from in-vertex or out-vert.
I also do not see a direct need to include subgraphs to a node, as we could just use a node set interchangeably, but it still could be a case.
## Directed Metagraph where edges are used as nodes and could contain subgraphs
As you can notice, we operate all the time with node sets. We could simply allow the extension node set to elements set that include node and edge IDs, but in this case, we need to use uuid or any other strategy to differentiate node IDs from edge IDs. In this case, we have a collision of ephemeral edges or ephemeral nodes when we want to change the role and purpose of the node as an edge or vice versa.
A full-scale metagraph model is way too complex for a relational database.
So we need a better model.
Now, we have more flexibility but loose structural constraints. We cannot show that the element should have one vertex, one vertex, or both. This type of constraint has been moved to the application level. Also, the crucial question is about query and retrieval needs.
Any meta-graph model should be more focused on domain and needs and should be used in raw form. We did it for a pure theoretical purpose.
@ e6817453:b0ac3c39
2024-12-07 15:03:06
Hey folks! Today, let’s dive into the intriguing world of neurosymbolic approaches, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), and personal knowledge graphs (PKGs). Together, these concepts hold much potential for bringing true reasoning capabilities to large language models (LLMs). So, let’s break down how symbolic logic, knowledge graphs, and modern AI can come together to empower future AI systems to reason like humans.
## The Neurosymbolic Approach: What It Means ?
Neurosymbolic AI combines two historically separate streams of artificial intelligence: symbolic reasoning and neural networks. Symbolic AI uses formal logic to process knowledge, similar to how we might solve problems or deduce information. On the other hand, neural networks, like those underlying GPT-4, focus on learning patterns from vast amounts of data — they are probabilistic statistical models that excel in generating human-like language and recognizing patterns but often lack deep, explicit reasoning.
While GPT-4 can produce impressive text, it’s still not very effective at reasoning in a truly logical way. Its foundation, transformers, allows it to excel in pattern recognition, but the models struggle with reasoning because, at their core, they rely on statistical probabilities rather than true symbolic logic. This is where neurosymbolic methods and knowledge graphs come in.
## Symbolic Calculations and the Early Vision of AI
If we take a step back to the 1950s, the vision for artificial intelligence was very different. Early AI research was all about symbolic reasoning — where computers could perform logical calculations to derive new knowledge from a given set of rules and facts. Languages like **Lisp** emerged to support this vision, enabling programs to represent data and code as interchangeable symbols. Lisp was designed to be homoiconic, meaning it treated code as manipulatable data, making it capable of self-modification — a huge leap towards AI systems that could, in theory, understand and modify their own operations.
## Lisp: The Earlier AI-Language
**Lisp**, short for “LISt Processor,” was developed by John McCarthy in 1958, and it became the cornerstone of early AI research. Lisp’s power lay in its flexibility and its use of symbolic expressions, which allowed developers to create programs that could manipulate symbols in ways that were very close to human reasoning. One of the most groundbreaking features of Lisp was its ability to treat code as data, known as homoiconicity, which meant that Lisp programs could introspect and transform themselves dynamically. This ability to adapt and modify its own structure gave Lisp an edge in tasks that required a form of self-awareness, which was key in the early days of AI when researchers were exploring what it meant for machines to “think.”
Lisp was not just a programming language—it represented the vision for artificial intelligence, where machines could evolve their understanding and rewrite their own programming. This idea formed the conceptual basis for many of the self-modifying and adaptive algorithms that are still explored today in AI research. Despite its decline in mainstream programming, Lisp’s influence can still be seen in the concepts used in modern machine learning and symbolic AI approaches.
## Prolog: Formal Logic and Deductive Reasoning
In the 1970s, **Prolog** was developed—a language focused on formal logic and deductive reasoning. Unlike Lisp, based on lambda calculus, Prolog operates on formal logic rules, allowing it to perform deductive reasoning and solve logical puzzles. This made Prolog an ideal candidate for expert systems that needed to follow a sequence of logical steps, such as medical diagnostics or strategic planning.
Prolog, like Lisp, allowed symbols to be represented, understood, and used in calculations, creating another homoiconic language that allows reasoning. Prolog’s strength lies in its rule-based structure, which is well-suited for tasks that require logical inference and backtracking. These features made it a powerful tool for expert systems and AI research in the 1970s and 1980s.
The language is declarative in nature, meaning that you define the problem, and Prolog figures out **how** to solve it. By using formal logic and setting constraints, Prolog systems can derive conclusions from known facts, making it highly effective in fields requiring explicit logical frameworks, such as legal reasoning, diagnostics, and natural language understanding. These symbolic approaches were later overshadowed during the AI winter — but the ideas never really disappeared. They just evolved.
## Solvers and Their Role in Complementing LLMs
One of the most powerful features of **Prolog** and similar logic-based systems is their use of **solvers**. Solvers are mechanisms that can take a set of rules and constraints and automatically find solutions that satisfy these conditions. This capability is incredibly useful when combined with LLMs, which excel at generating human-like language but need help with logical consistency and structured reasoning.
For instance, imagine a scenario where an LLM needs to answer a question involving multiple logical steps or a complex query that requires deducing facts from various pieces of information. In this case, a **solver** can derive valid conclusions based on a given set of logical rules, providing structured answers that the LLM can then articulate in natural language. This allows the LLM to retrieve information and ensure the logical integrity of its responses, leading to much more robust answers.
Solvers are also ideal for handling **constraint satisfaction problems** — situations where multiple conditions must be met simultaneously. In practical applications, this could include scheduling tasks, generating optimal recommendations, or even diagnosing issues where a set of symptoms must match possible diagnoses. Prolog’s solver capabilities and LLM’s natural language processing power can make these systems highly effective at providing intelligent, rule-compliant responses that traditional LLMs would struggle to produce alone.
By integrating **neurosymbolic methods** that utilize solvers, we can provide LLMs with a form of deductive reasoning that is missing from pure deep-learning approaches. This combination has the potential to significantly improve the quality of outputs for use-cases that require explicit, structured problem-solving, from legal queries to scientific research and beyond. Solvers give LLMs the backbone they need to not just generate answers but to do so in a way that respects logical rigor and complex constraints.
## Graph of Rules for Enhanced Reasoning
Another powerful concept that complements LLMs is using a **graph of rules**. A graph of rules is essentially a structured collection of logical rules that interconnect in a network-like structure, defining how various entities and their relationships interact. This structured network allows for complex reasoning and information retrieval, as well as the ability to model intricate relationships between different pieces of knowledge.
In a **graph of rules**, each node represents a rule, and the edges define relationships between those rules — such as dependencies or causal links. This structure can be used to enhance LLM capabilities by providing them with a formal set of rules and relationships to follow, which improves logical consistency and reasoning depth. When an LLM encounters a problem or a question that requires multiple logical steps, it can traverse this graph of rules to generate an answer that is not only linguistically fluent but also logically robust.
For example, in a healthcare application, a graph of rules might include nodes for medical symptoms, possible diagnoses, and recommended treatments. When an LLM receives a query regarding a patient’s symptoms, it can use the graph to traverse from symptoms to potential diagnoses and then to treatment options, ensuring that the response is coherent and medically sound. The graph of rules guides reasoning, enabling LLMs to handle complex, multi-step questions that involve chains of reasoning, rather than merely generating surface-level responses.
Graphs of rules also enable **modular reasoning**, where different sets of rules can be activated based on the context or the type of question being asked. This modularity is crucial for creating adaptive AI systems that can apply specific sets of logical frameworks to distinct problem domains, thereby greatly enhancing their versatility. The combination of **neural fluency** with **rule-based structure** gives LLMs the ability to conduct more advanced reasoning, ultimately making them more reliable and effective in domains where accuracy and logical consistency are critical.
By implementing a graph of rules, LLMs are empowered to perform **deductive reasoning** alongside their generative capabilities, creating responses that are not only compelling but also logically aligned with the structured knowledge available in the system. This further enhances their potential applications in fields such as law, engineering, finance, and scientific research — domains where logical consistency is as important as linguistic coherence.
## Enhancing LLMs with Symbolic Reasoning
Now, with LLMs like GPT-4 being mainstream, there is an emerging need to add real reasoning capabilities to them. This is where **neurosymbolic approaches** shine. Instead of pitting neural networks against symbolic reasoning, these methods combine the best of both worlds. The neural aspect provides language fluency and recognition of complex patterns, while the symbolic side offers real reasoning power through formal logic and rule-based frameworks.
**Personal Knowledge Graphs (PKGs)** come into play here as well. Knowledge graphs are data structures that encode entities and their relationships — they’re essentially semantic networks that allow for structured information retrieval. When integrated with neurosymbolic approaches, LLMs can use these graphs to answer questions in a far more contextual and precise way. By retrieving relevant information from a knowledge graph, they can ground their responses in well-defined relationships, thus improving both the relevance and the logical consistency of their answers.
Imagine combining an LLM with a **graph of rules** that allow it to reason through the relationships encoded in a personal knowledge graph. This could involve using **deductive databases** to form a sophisticated way to represent and reason with symbolic data — essentially constructing a powerful hybrid system that uses LLM capabilities for language fluency and rule-based logic for structured problem-solving.
## My Research on Deductive Databases and Knowledge Graphs
I recently did some research on modeling **knowledge graphs using deductive databases**, such as DataLog — which can be thought of as a limited, data-oriented version of Prolog. What I’ve found is that it’s possible to use formal logic to model knowledge graphs, ontologies, and complex relationships elegantly as rules in a deductive system. Unlike classical RDF or traditional ontology-based models, which sometimes struggle with complex or evolving relationships, a deductive approach is more flexible and can easily support dynamic rules and reasoning.
**Prolog** and similar logic-driven frameworks can complement LLMs by handling the parts of reasoning where explicit rule-following is required. LLMs can benefit from these rule-based systems for tasks like entity recognition, logical inferences, and constructing or traversing knowledge graphs. We can even create a **graph of rules** that governs how relationships are formed or how logical deductions can be performed.
The future is really about creating an AI that is capable of both deep contextual understanding (using the powerful generative capacity of LLMs) and true reasoning (through symbolic systems and knowledge graphs). With the neurosymbolic approach, these AIs could be equipped not just to generate information but to explain their reasoning, form logical conclusions, and even improve their own understanding over time — getting us a step closer to true artificial general intelligence.
## Why It Matters for LLM Employment
Using **neurosymbolic RAG (retrieval-augmented generation)** in conjunction with personal knowledge graphs could revolutionize how LLMs work in real-world applications. Imagine an LLM that understands not just language but also the relationships between different concepts — one that can navigate, reason, and explain complex knowledge domains by actively engaging with a personalized set of facts and rules.
This could lead to practical applications in areas like healthcare, finance, legal reasoning, or even personal productivity — where LLMs can help users solve complex problems logically, providing relevant information and well-justified reasoning paths. The combination of **neural fluency** with **symbolic accuracy and deductive power** is precisely the bridge we need to move beyond purely predictive AI to truly intelligent systems.
Let's explore these ideas further if you’re as fascinated by this as I am. Feel free to reach out, follow my YouTube channel, or check out some articles I’ll link below. And if you’re working on anything in this field, I’d love to collaborate!
Until next time, folks. Stay curious, and keep pushing the boundaries of AI!
@ e6817453:b0ac3c39
2024-12-07 14:54:46
## Introduction: Personal Knowledge Graphs and Linked Data
We will explore the world of personal knowledge graphs and discuss how they can be used to model complex information structures. Personal knowledge graphs aren’t just abstract collections of nodes and edges—they encode meaningful relationships, contextualizing data in ways that enrich our understanding of it. While the core structure might be a directed graph, we layer semantic meaning on top, enabling nuanced connections between data points.
The origin of knowledge graphs is deeply tied to concepts from linked data and the semantic web, ideas that emerged to better link scattered pieces of information across the web. This approach created an infrastructure where data islands could connect — facilitating everything from more insightful AI to improved personal data management.
In this article, we will explore how these ideas have evolved into tools for modeling AI’s semantic memory and look at how knowledge graphs can serve as a flexible foundation for encoding rich data contexts. We’ll specifically discuss three major paradigms: RDF (Resource Description Framework), property graphs, and a third way of modeling entities as graphs of graphs. Let’s get started.
## Intro to RDF
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) has been one of the fundamental standards for linked data and knowledge graphs. RDF allows data to be modeled as triples: subject, predicate, and object. Essentially, you can think of it as a structured way to describe relationships: “X has a Y called Z.” For instance, “Berlin has a population of 3.5 million.” This modeling approach is quite flexible because RDF uses unique identifiers — usually URIs — to point to data entities, making linking straightforward and coherent.
RDFS, or RDF Schema, extends RDF to provide a basic vocabulary to structure the data even more. This lets us describe not only individual nodes but also relationships among types of data entities, like defining a class hierarchy or setting properties. For example, you could say that “Berlin” is an instance of a “City” and that cities are types of “Geographical Entities.” This kind of organization helps establish semantic meaning within the graph.
## RDF and Advanced Topics
## Lists and Sets in RDF
RDF also provides tools to model more complex data structures such as lists and sets, enabling the grouping of nodes. This extension makes it easier to model more natural, human-like knowledge, for example, describing attributes of an entity that may have multiple values. By adding RDF Schema and OWL (Web Ontology Language), you gain even more expressive power — being able to define logical rules or even derive new relationships from existing data.
## Graph of Graphs
A significant feature of RDF is the ability to form complex nested structures, often referred to as graphs of graphs. This allows you to create “named graphs,” essentially subgraphs that can be independently referenced. For example, you could create a named graph for a particular dataset describing Berlin and another for a different geographical area. Then, you could connect them, allowing for more modular and reusable knowledge modeling.
## Property Graphs
While RDF provides a robust framework, it’s not always the easiest to work with due to its heavy reliance on linking everything explicitly. This is where property graphs come into play. Property graphs are less focused on linking everything through triples and allow more expressive properties directly within nodes and edges.
For example, instead of using triples to represent each detail, a property graph might let you store all properties about an entity (e.g., “Berlin”) directly in a single node. This makes property graphs more intuitive for many developers and engineers because they more closely resemble object-oriented structures: you have entities (nodes) that possess attributes (properties) and are connected to other entities through relationships (edges).
The significant benefit here is a condensed representation, which speeds up traversal and queries in some scenarios. However, this also introduces a trade-off: while property graphs are more straightforward to query and maintain, they lack some complex relationship modeling features RDF offers, particularly when connecting properties to each other.
## Graph of Graphs and Subgraphs for Entity Modeling
A third approach — which takes elements from RDF and property graphs — involves modeling entities using subgraphs or nested graphs. In this model, each entity can be represented as a graph. This allows for a detailed and flexible description of attributes without exploding every detail into individual triples or lump them all together into properties.
For instance, consider a person entity with a complex employment history. Instead of representing every employment detail in one node (as in a property graph), or as several linked nodes (as in RDF), you can treat the employment history as a subgraph. This subgraph could then contain nodes for different jobs, each linked with specific properties and connections. This approach keeps the complexity where it belongs and provides better flexibility when new attributes or entities need to be added.
## Hypergraphs and Metagraphs
When discussing more advanced forms of graphs, we encounter hypergraphs and metagraphs. These take the idea of relationships to a new level. A hypergraph allows an edge to connect more than two nodes, which is extremely useful when modeling scenarios where relationships aren’t just pairwise. For example, a “Project” could connect multiple “People,” “Resources,” and “Outcomes,” all in a single edge. This way, hypergraphs help in reducing the complexity of modeling high-order relationships.
Metagraphs, on the other hand, enable nodes and edges to themselves be represented as graphs. This is an extremely powerful feature when we consider the needs of artificial intelligence, as it allows for the modeling of relationships between relationships, an essential aspect for any system that needs to capture not just facts, but their interdependencies and contexts.
## Balancing Structure and Properties
One of the recurring challenges when modeling knowledge is finding the balance between structure and properties. With RDF, you get high flexibility and standardization, but complexity can quickly escalate as you decompose everything into triples. Property graphs simplify the representation by using attributes but lose out on the depth of connection modeling. Meanwhile, the graph-of-graphs approach and hypergraphs offer advanced modeling capabilities at the cost of increased computational complexity.
So, how do you decide which model to use? It comes down to your use case. RDF and nested graphs are strong contenders if you need deep linkage and are working with highly variable data. For more straightforward, engineer-friendly modeling, property graphs shine. And when dealing with very complex multi-way relationships or meta-level knowledge, hypergraphs and metagraphs provide the necessary tools.
The key takeaway is that only some approaches are perfect. Instead, it’s all about the modeling goals: how do you want to query the graph, what relationships are meaningful, and how much complexity are you willing to manage?
## Conclusion
Modeling AI semantic memory using knowledge graphs is a challenging but rewarding process. The different approaches — RDF, property graphs, and advanced graph modeling techniques like nested graphs and hypergraphs — each offer unique strengths and weaknesses. Whether you are building a personal knowledge graph or scaling up to AI that integrates multiple streams of linked data, it’s essential to understand the trade-offs each approach brings.
In the end, the choice of representation comes down to the nature of your data and your specific needs for querying and maintaining semantic relationships. The world of knowledge graphs is vast, with many tools and frameworks to explore. Stay connected and keep experimenting to find the balance that works for your projects.
@ e6817453:b0ac3c39
2024-12-07 14:52:47
The temporal semantics and **temporal and time-aware knowledge graphs. We have different memory models for artificial intelligence agents. We all try to mimic somehow how the brain works, or at least how the declarative memory of the brain works. We have the split of episodic memory** and **semantic memory**. And we also have a lot of theories, right?
## Declarative Memory of the Human Brain
How is the semantic memory formed? We all know that our brain stores semantic memory quite close to the concept we have with the personal knowledge graphs, that it’s connected entities. They form a connection with each other and all those things. So far, so good. And actually, then we have a lot of concepts, how the episodic memory and our experiences gets transmitted to the semantic:
- hippocampus indexing and retrieval
- sanitization of episodic memories
- episodic-semantic shift theory
They all give a different perspective on how different parts of declarative memory cooperate.
We know that episodic memories get semanticized over time. You have semantic knowledge without the notion of time, and probably, your episodic memory is just decayed.
But, you know, it’s still an open question:
> do we want to mimic an AI agent’s memory as a human brain memory, or do we want to create something different?
It’s an open question to which we have no good answer. And if you go to the theory of neuroscience and check how episodic and semantic memory interfere, you will still find a lot of theories, yeah?
Some of them say that you have the hippocampus that keeps the indexes of the memory. Some others will say that you semantic the episodic memory. Some others say that you have some separate process that digests the episodic and experience to the semantics. But all of them agree on the plan that it’s operationally two separate areas of memories and even two separate regions of brain, and the semantic, it’s more, let’s say, protected.
So it’s harder to forget the semantical facts than the episodes and everything. And what I’m thinking about for a long time, it’s this, you know, the semantic memory.
## Temporal Semantics
It’s memory about the facts, but you somehow mix the time information with the semantics. I already described a lot of things, including how we could combine time with knowledge graphs and how people do it.
There are multiple ways we could persist such information, but we all hit the wall because the complexity of time and the semantics of time are highly complex concepts.
## Time in a Semantic context is not a timestamp.
What I mean is that when you have a fact, and you just mentioned that I was there at this particular moment, like, I don’t know, 15:40 on Monday, it’s already awake because we don’t know which Monday, right? So you need to give the exact date, but usually, you do not have experiences like that.
You do not record your memories like that, except you do the journaling and all of the things. So, usually, you have no direct time references. What I mean is that you could say that I was there and it was some event, blah, blah, blah.
Somehow, we form a chain of events that connect with each other and maybe will be connected to some period of time if we are lucky enough. This means that we could not easily represent temporal-aware information as just a timestamp or validity and all of the things.
For sure, the validity of the knowledge graphs (simple quintuple with start and end dates)is a big topic, and it could solve a lot of things. It could solve a lot of the time cases. It’s super simple because you give the end and start dates, and you are done, but it does not answer facts that have a relative time or time information in facts . It could solve many use cases but struggle with facts in an indirect temporal context. I like the simplicity of this idea. But the problem of this approach that in most cases, we simply don’t have these timestamps. We don’t have the timestamp where this information starts and ends. And it’s not modeling many events in our life, especially if you have the processes or ongoing activities or recurrent events.
I’m more about thinking about the time of semantics, where you have a time model as a **hybrid clock** or some **global clock** that does the partial ordering of the events. It’s mean that you have the chain of the experiences and you have the chain of the facts that have the different time contexts.
We could deduct the time from this chain of the events. But it’s a big, big topic for the research. But what I want to achieve, actually, it’s not separation on episodic and semantic memory. It’s having something in between.
## Blockchain of connected events and facts
I call it temporal-aware semantics or time-aware knowledge graphs, where we could encode the semantic fact together with the time component.I doubt that time should be the simple timestamp or the region of the two timestamps. For me, it is more a chain for facts that have a partial order and form a blockchain like a database or a partially ordered Acyclic graph of facts that are temporally connected. We could have some notion of time that is understandable to the agent and a model that allows us to order the events and focus on what the agent knows and how to order this time knowledge and create the chains of the events.
## Time anchors
We may have a particular time in the chain that allows us to arrange a more concrete time for the rest of the events. But it’s still an open topic for research. The temporal semantics gets split into a couple of domains. One domain is how to add time to the knowledge graphs. We already have many different solutions. I described them in my previous articles.
Another domain is the agent's memory and how the memory of the artificial intelligence treats the time. This one, it’s much more complex. Because here, we could not operate with the simple timestamps. We need to have the representation of time that are understandable by model and understandable by the agent that will work with this model. And this one, it’s way bigger topic for the research.”
@ 3b19f10a:4e1f94b4
2024-12-07 09:55:46
Sometimes perspective is everything...
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#[nude]( https://bsky.app/hashtag/nude)
#[nudemodel]( https://bsky.app/hashtag/nudemodel)
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![image]( https://image.nostr.build/f7d8ac41857e580eeab529b7478a664dee588858c7c96611b74f250b69bdba57.jpg)
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/b0ca92593b0a18899d206e19a842d89bcc5f449f8d28bf7ff8ac5e682b56ad5b.jpg)
@ 30ceb64e:7f08bdf5
2024-12-06 16:18:02
Hey Freaks,
I like using SN and Nostr as something of an open diary, this time I'm back detailing my hustle in the fiat mines.
## The Full Time Job Hustle
I was looking at obtaining a paralegal certificate and taking a few courses on Udemy and Coursera. I'll probably start on the 14th, was thinking I should probably bolster my main resume with more skills and certs. I'll start requesting additional tasks at work and look towards either a promotion or finding an interesting paralegal job elsewhere.
Here were a few resources I was looking to take advantage of
![](https://m.stacker.news/66423)![](https://m.stacker.news/66424)![](https://m.stacker.news/66425)They're all inexpensive and I can work on them at my own pace, could bolster my resume and provide me with more knowledge and skills to bring to the table. I guess I'm more of an autodidact, was thinking if I paired those certificates with a few decent books and podcasts I'd be more of a force to be reckoned with.
I started with the firm strictly filing documents as an admin assistant. I guess my end goal, when it comes to my journey in the legal field, is to eventually work on more interesting things, for more money. Right now my job is mostly administrative, preparing patent documents, filing documents with the USPTO, and calling examiners to discuss errors in patent applications. Just like in most things.....I'm a noob when it comes to legal matters, but have a renewed interest in IP law and how it moves forward with the whole sovereign individual thesis hanging in the background and how it plays with Free open source software and my anarchist leanings.
## The Part Time Job Hustle
Looks like I'll be working weekends as a Direct Support Professional. The job is from 9AM to 11pm...... and I'll be working with teens with disabilities and mental health conditions.
![](https://m.stacker.news/66431)As a bit of a background, I was looking for additional weekend work because the wild wife is pregnant and I don't want her working. My main job as a formalities specialist at an IP law firm allows me to work from home, and the work isn't too hard, just a lot of typing and I grew up playing computer games, so typing and moving my mouse to click buttons is a specialty, that and my charming demeanor.....
I wanted a job that fit around my schedule and offered a decent amount of sats. A job that was doing something of value in the real world, and something with good employment prospects into the future. So I obtained a Home Health Care Aide certificate on Udemy, watched a few Youtube videos, and applied to 15 HHA jobs in my area (That's a lot of opportunity in the area, especially for weekend and evening jobs).
![](https://m.stacker.news/66429)The interview went really well, I leaned on my military background, teaching kids how to perform Maintenance on F-16 fighter jets, and on my experience helping the elderly with small financial tasks at Bank of America. I received an offer letter, and they ended up offering me a salary which was more than I expected. I've finished the onboarding process and start orientation on Monday (taking a week vacation from the firm to take the paid orientation.)
I'm excited about the job. I'm pumped to get into a new field with pretty nice opportunity and prospects around me for long term sat stacking. I'm really interested to see how I'd be of service to the special needs kid........and know I have a lot to learn.
Wish me luck, And never stop the hustle! Wild
PS. written really fast, apologies for it being all over the place.....
@ 0d532801:197a0c30
2024-12-06 05:13:25
[Mr. Robot]( https://www.piktobet.net/2015/10/mr-robot.html)
Dünya tehlikeli bir yer. Kötülük yapanlar yüzünden değil, görüp de hiçbir şey yapmayanlar yüzünden.
İnsanları okumada çok iyiyimdir. İçlerindeki en kötü şeyi ararım.
Herkes çalar. Bu böyledir. İnsanlar tam anlamıyla hak ettiklerini mi kazanıyorlar? Hayır. Ya fazla ya da az alıyorlar ama zincirdeki biri her zaman kaymağını götürüyor.
Bir adama bir silah verirsen bir bankayı soyabilir ama bir adama bir banka verirsen dünyayı soyar.
İnsanlar her zaman umudumu boşa çıkarmanın bir yolunu buldu.
Bir holdingi kalbini hedef alarak çökertemezsin. Holdinglerin olayı budur, kalpleri olmaz. Onları parça parça çökertirsin. Ve çözülmeye başladıkları zaman kontrol yanılsamaları da çözülür.
Büyük bir fırsat ondan faydalanılmasını bekler.
Seçimlerimiz üzerinde kontrol sahibi olup olmadığımızı nasıl bileceğiz? Sadece önümüze gelen şeyin en iyisini yapmaya çalışıyoruz, olay bu. Sürekli iki seçenekten birini seçmeye çalışıyoruz. Tıpkı bekleme salonundaki iki tablo gibi. Ya da Coca-Cola ve Pepsi. Mcdonald's veya Burger King. Hyundai veya Honda. Hepsi aynı bulanıklığın parçası. Odak dışında kalan bulanıklık. Seçimin yanılsaması. Kendi istediğimiz kablolu yayın, doğalgaz ve elektrik şirketini bile seçemiyoruz. içtiğimiz su, sağlık sigortamız.. Seçebilseydik bile fark eder miydi ki? Eğer tek seçim şansımız kılıç ve kalkan arasında oluyorsa bu nasıl seçimdir amına koyayım? Aslında aynı değiller midir? Hayır, seçimlerimiz bizim için tayin edilmiş uzun zaman önce.
İnsanlar etrafta dolaşıp nefretin ne demek olduğunu biliyormuş gibi yapıyorlar. Hayır, kimse bilemez. Ta ki kendinden nefret edene kadar. Demek istediğim, gerçekten kendinden nefret etmek. Bu, güçtür.
İnsanlar iletişim kuramadıkları zaman öfkelenir.
İçinde yaşadığımız dünya bu. İnsanlar birbirlerinin hatalarına bel bağlıyor. Birbirlerini kandırmak için başkalarını kullanıyorlar. Hatta birbirleri ile ilişkili oluyorlar. Sıcak, dağınık bir insan çemberi.
Bu, kendimi korumanın tek yolu: onlara asla kaynak kodumu göstermemek. Kendimi kapatmak. Beni kimsenin bulamayacağı soğuk, kusursuz labirentimi yaratmak. Ama artık daha normal olacağım. Belki kız arkadaşım bile olabilir. Onunla birlikte aptal marvel filmlerine gideceğim. Spor salonuna yazılacağım. Instagram'da bir şeyleri beğeneceğim. Vanilyalı latteler içeceğim. Bu andan itibaren açıksız bir hayat süreceğim. Kusursuz labirentimi korumak için her şeyi yapacağım.
Bir maskeyi, artık maske olmayı bıraktığında nasıl çıkarırsın? Senin kadar senin bir parçan olduğunda.
@ 17538dc2:71ed77c4
2024-12-05 20:54:13
# Nostr Onboarding Questionnaire
Below are are results of the nostr qualitative onboarding questionnaire created by elsat in early November, 2024. Responses are from 22 nostr surivors/masochists. Results are *not* representative of people who never made it past onboarding. These are folk that remained on nostr, and were active around the time I asked for volunteers to provide feedback on onboarding to nostr.
Let me know if anything stands out, if you have questions about any particular response!
## I. Did you onboard to nostr on your cellular network, on wifi?
14 Wifi; 7 cell; 2 both; 1 other
## II. What was the biggest pain point in onboarding to nostr?
> Discover interesting content and other people
> Finding the right content. Discovery.
> Loading/lacking data
> figuring out how to find interesting people
> Finding npubs
### Value Prop & Learning Curve
> Knowing how it differs from tradsofiu
> Learning the difference between the protocol and the app I needed to download and onboard through.
> Choosing a client.
> Trying to figure it out on my own.
### Key management
> Private/pub key handling
> That's definitely key management. How and where to store it to have it secure, still accessible for use with other apps in a secure way.
> Getting my nsec in without pasting it
### Relay setup
> Setting up relays, discover interesting users to follow, > building your own feed
> figuring out relays
> Finding reliable relays to join.
### Wallet Setup
> Setting up a lightning wallet
> Lightning wallets for sending and receiving Zaps.
> Notifications [presumably missing notifications]
### Accessibility
> Finding a very good accessible client for the computer (I'm blind). Amethyst seems to be good on my Android device, but I avoid smartphones.
### Scary links
> I tried to "onboard" (ie expose) friends to nostr by sending them links to interesting/funny notes here and there. But some of the default sharing links I use (Amethyst -> Njump) are so long that they always think it's some spam. (Primal has nicer web links)
### Customization
> Figuring out profile setup, lots of unfamiliar fields
## III. What part of nostr "wow'd" you, and when did this happen?
### take your social graph with you; distribute your data
> That all the data is already there if you use different clients and you take your social graph with you through completely different apps.
seamless account a mobility of course ccount
easy switching between clients
Moving my social graph between clients. Happened in the first days of usage.
Cross over between different clients. Happened on a Tuesday.
### V4V, freedom, exclusive, and censored content
> Freedom, some V4V and exclusive content, some censored content
The clear messaging why nostr was better than mastodon/ activitypub
### Flexibility, BYO Algorithm, Control
> The insane flexibility. Nostr is a textbook example of "worse is better". So I think I was converted when I realized how much could be built with this, not just social media. My "Aha! This is more than just a Twitter clone" moment was when I stumbled on Oddbean. Also there's this whole "bring your own algorithm" / "build your own algorithm" to the social media side of it. And we're starting to see that work out in practice, with things like bitvora's algo-relay.
> Complete control
> A digital portable social identity that I can take with me from one app to another. December 2022.
>Experiencing the interoperability when i tried Listr, spring '23 I think
>Initially it was decentralization and censorship resistance. >You can spin a simple backup relay, own your data truly, and rebroadcast everything to different relays.
Amethyst, adjusting the relays
### Access to devs
> Devs working in real time on it visible - too cool
### Zaps
> Zapping! Right away
> Zapping
> zaps! and also the small community
> After [initial censorship resistance phase is over], the most wow part was zaps, still is.
> Zaps for shitposting & being able to login into different apps with the same account
### Cordiality
> Open respectful discussion among people who do not agree
Friendly discourse of users. Not toxic like other special media. First day.
## IV Around what time did you onboard to nostr (e.g. July 2023)
Nov 2021
December 2021
2022 the single html page first POC client
December 2022
Dec 2022
December 2022
Jan 2023
January '23
feb 2023
February 2023
Early 2023. Didn't really play around with it until December 2023
May 2023
June 2023 - Plebstr, November 2023 primal march 2024 amethyst, January 2025 notedeck
I've been dipping my toes in the water since 2022 but just started taking it seriously last month.
July 2023
March 2024
Summer 2024.
August 2024
Nov 2024
## V Which app
astral.ninja (2)
Damus (6)
> "(needed the simplicity)"
> "(needed the simplicity)"
Amethyst (4)
> Coracle
> Coracle and nos2x
> Various
> A combo of Amethyst (phone), nostrudel (web), and algia (command line). I'm a command-line junky. I also am fond of Oddbean, because it's basically a hackernews style thing built on top of nostr. But see my complaint about Nazi bar / Temple of Satoshi. Could not recommend to friends. At some point, I intend to set up strfry and my own Oddbean instance targeted to anti-capitalists.
> Created my keys with alby
> Can't remember the actual name
## VI Have you experienced a failure in onboarding others to nostr? What exactly happened?
> Poor experience trying to onboard newbs to nostr during the conference (mostly on iOS which I do not use), around 10-12 people. Granted the cell coverage was not great and not sure I remember everything that went wrong, but users were generally confused with loading/lacking data. Create a profile, then I tried to follow them but could not find them from Amethyst. So scanned QR code, which is a non-obvious step. Then their profile showed just the npub but no info or pfp, some commented on that. Followed them but they didn't receive a notification for that on Damus, this confused most. And then what? Post a note? (I was recommending #introductions ). While you wait for all this to load, tap, retry... between laughs you need to come up with conversation and try to somewhat defend nostr, tell them we're early and bugs will be fixed etc. On Primal follows do appear but feeds don't load. And it autofollows a bunch of random people - some liked it some didn;t. They posted a note and I wanted to like/zap it but I could not see that note on my client either, even though I'm connected to major relays (could be nostr.wine's fault, but I tried with the zap.store account as well). I saw one guy KYC himself 3 times with the wallet because when he switched to his email client to get the code and the app kept resetting the screen. Lucky that the majority of people were eager and did their best to try. Since some of these were after Jordi's talk where he offered several clients to download, it was not always my choice/recommendation on which client to download - they just came with it. I know we do our best but guys... it's bad. This reminds me of getting a newb to open a LN channel and get liquidity. Painful. If we have to centralize more to better onramps, so be it.
### difficulty / friction
> Picking a client
> Yes. It's too technical. You need many tools to accomplish small tasks.
> Yes, tried primal on Android. It failed to accept any profile changes
> Not able to find other npubs when using search in several clients
### stale
> They got no new events, because they followed only a few users
> They didn’t become frequent users because I’m the only person they know in nostr.
> They lose interest in the network compared to traditional social networks. They were normies.
> Some found it strange that you follow a bunch of bitcoiners (seemingly) by default (Primal iirc)
> yes. non bitcoiners not interested in joining a small network of people just yet
### quotes
> I haven't tried to bring anyone to nostr. I am a bit scared to do so, because the place has a rep of being a Nazi bar and an extension of the Bitcoin cult. I do think that it is what you make of it, and I've tried to argue that point with friends. It's a protocol, nothing more. Don't wanna interact with Nazis and use Bitcoin? Nothing says you have to.
> They don't care
> I have not convinced anyone to use nostr
> Too hard for most folk.
> Not really.
> No. Never tried.
> No, onboarded two successfully.
> Yeah I generally suck at getting people to check out new stuff
## VII What, if anything, do you think confuses people during onboarding to nostr? Why? Have you observed this?
> Setting a optional username is confusing for many and also they don't know what a NIP-05 is (they are likely to just fill in their existing mail address)
> Finding some people. No progress of loading content or indication of time. Slight confusion where are DMs, home, etc, tabs basically
> The why. Its much easier now, I was way confused DEC 22
> Same on boarding is difficult to people on Nostur.
> There is no app in the App Store called “nostr”
> nips and relays
> We tell people that you don't need KYC to use Nostr and then ask them for KYC for Lightning wallets.
> No in-client intro to the "what" and "how" of it all. I haven't witnessed that, but I believe it could squash preconceived notions.
> Key management. Especially because there is no key rotation(recovery option in a traditional email/phone way), if it leaks, you are done.
> Safe keeping of your nsec. There are many ways to do it, all of them unfamiliar to most users.
> When you don't see data you are expecting, be it a profile picture, a follow notification, or a note. Remember people who want to try Damus/Primal/etc microblogging clients come from twitter - so cater for transition from Twitter. Gen z snapchat/tiktok users don't care about nostr, no way to relate
> Understanding how to filter for non-Bitcoin content.
> need for setting up relays to filter the spam waves, finding the interesting follows, and difficulties setting up usable (even custodial) wallets.
> Why would I want to use nostr?
> Relays / keys
## VIII What, if anything, do you think scares people away during onboarding to nostr? Why? Have you observed this?
> Not much, but probably nsec backups and transfers if they knew
> Dark web scary things
> Technical questions
> Personal responsibility for keeping nsec safe
> Intuitiveness.
> just not enough people on it for them (non bitcoiners)
> Technical complexity with either Lightning or relay management.
> Depending on client, slowness, difficult search, or feeling empty upon arrival.
> Again, keys.
> Bitcoin blah blah
> I don't know anybody IRL that even use x
> Their core influencers haven't adopted nostr yet.
## IX What one improvement would make onboarding to nostr easier?
> Explain it s not a platform and the current app you're using is replacable by other by (re)using your keypair
> Twitter bridge
> Honestly, from a technical standpoint, I found it pretty easy. Especially with Amethyst on the phone. So I'm not sure if I have an opinion here.
> Private key management to hide the complexity
> Little guide somewhere or a buddy to ask questions
> An intelligent assistant to setup relays
> Reach
> bringing wallet of satoshi back! or some similar easy custodial lightning wallet
> Better user and content discovery.
> Clients dedicated to onboarding, education, and key management instead of social stuff
> Key recovery/rotation option. How? Hell if I know. Smart people say Frost, something, something. XD
> More established signing mechanisms
> An easy GoTo FAQ How to add people; how to zap; etc.
> Do not try to connect to 89239823932 relays and make it decentralized when people only care about the first impression?
> More "other things" micro-apps, not do-everything whale apps
> More users
## X What, if anything, do you think should be addressed, or added to onboarding to nostr across most nostr apps? Why?
> A skippable small visual intro guide
> Content discovery
> A way to hide duplicates of the same post.
> Better user and content discovery.
> Introductory level education, expecting a traditional social app experience then not seeing it
> Right now for me everything starts and ends with key management. Maybe a simple signing and profile edit app available across all platforms and devices with option paired with hardware signing device.
> An onboarding relay. Only accepts the first note for an npub (kinds 0, 1, 3). Maybe
> Easier relay selection.
> Make bunker actually work
> Staged roll out of owning your own keys to help them understand what that means
## XI Do you have any other observations, feedback, or commentary on onboarding to nostr?
> Yes, I think I'd say that most of my complaints are social / cultural, not technical. Then again, I've been online since 1993.
> People have gotten lazy and are used to being fed content for their interests. This doesn't happen easily on Nostr and needs improvement.
> An empty feed is better than a pre-determined one.
> We suck and there's no good reason why
> I have never gotten bunker to work
## XII What is your favorite onboarding experience to an app outside nostr?
> Telegram (x2)
> Onboarding to the fediverse was pretty good. Witness the fact that a lot of blind twitter moved there.
> They're all mostly the same, email, password, confirm. So any that i can use without signup is superior.
> Can't recall any that really stands out. But in terms of following users during the onboarding what music streaming apps do is really nice. You get presented with a list of artists and based on what artists you check to follow list adapts and shows you similar suggestions.
> None in particular, but I like when account creation is delayed as much as possible, I.e there is a public experience for you to try the product with no commitment
> Several I can't recall now. But we need to make it AT LEAST as good as Twitter because that's where our users come from
> old Twitter, circa 2019
> I prefer no onboarding needed
> I like "log in with" buttons but fuck those walled gardens
@ 2c930918:6d90c511
2024-12-05 15:41:57
**With Bitcoin soaring past $100,000, there’s never been a more exciting time to be a Botev Plovdiv fan.** Bulgaria’s oldest football club is experiencing a renaissance under the visionary leadership of its president, Anton Zingarevich, and its bold adoption of Bitcoin. Here's why the coming weeks could be historic for the Canaries.
## A Club Steeped in History
Founded in 1912, Botev Plovdiv is rooted in the ancient city of Plovdiv, Europe’s oldest continuously inhabited city. The club's prestigious history and unique location attracted businessman Anton Zingarevich, who acquired the team in 2021 with a mission to restore its former glory.
## Reviving the Home of the Canaries: Hristo Botev Stadium
Zingarevich's first major project was to complete Botev's iconic Hristo Botev Stadium. Long envisioned as a top-tier European venue, the stadium was left unfinished for nearly a decade due to financial constraints. Under his leadership, the stadium finally opened its doors in April 2023, becoming the most modern football ground in Bulgaria.
## Strategic Changes and On-Field Success
In September 2023, Zingarevich overhauled the club’s leadership, appointing a new coach, Dušan Kerkez, and a new Sports Director. These changes brought immediate results. Botev’s performances improved significantly, and the club is now enjoying a historic season, currently sitting second in the league.
With 12 wins, 1 draw, and just 3 losses, Botev is chasing reigning champions Ludogorets Razgrad for the top spot. The team’s remarkable Bulgarian Cup win (3-2) over Ludogorets earlier this year underscores its potential to break Ludogorets' 13-year league dominance.
## Botev Embraces Bitcoin
On October 31, 2023, Botev Plovdiv became the first top-division football club worldwide to adopt Bitcoin. Its 360° Bitcoin strategy integrates Bitcoin across operations, fans, players, partners, and the broader Plovdiv community. The timing couldn’t be better—both Bitcoin and Botev have been on meteoric ascents ever since.
## Achievements in the Bitcoin Era
The Bitcoin era has already coincided with monumental achievements:
* 4th Bulgarian Cup Title: Celebrated under Bitcoin’s banner.
* Return to European Football: Competing in both the Europa League and Conference League.
* Best Season Start in 112 Years: Historic performances under coach Kerkez.
## December Showdown: Botev vs. Ludogorets
December promises two thrilling encounters between Botev and Ludogorets, now the centerpiece of Bulgarian football. With these matches, Botev has a golden opportunity to claim the league’s top spot during Bitcoin’s bull market, as the price continues to climb.
## Looking Ahead: A Historic February?
The excitement doesn’t end with the league. On February 4, 2025, Botev could lift its second trophy under Zingarevich and Kerkez—the Bulgarian Super Cup—at their home, Hristo Botev Stadium. Fans and Bitcoiners alike are already wondering: How high will Bitcoin’s price be on that date?
## A New Era for Fans and Bitcoiners
As Bitcoin hits $100K and Botev competes for league and cup glory, this holiday season promises unparalleled excitement for both Bitcoiners and Botev fans. With bold moves and historic performances, Botev Plovdiv is not just embracing a new era—it’s leading it. 💛⚫
@ fcb65172:87f3c4ed
2024-12-05 14:17:51
Two weeks ago, on a saturday night, my wife and I decided to go to a festival at our local park, not knowing what kind of festival it was. After dinner we looked at each other in that “what are we going to do tonight” kind of way, I’m sure you know it well, if you’re married too. Little did we know that we were going to head to a massive religious Team Jesus festival. We’re talking 5-10,000 sitting on the grass drinking mate and eating Asado (Argentinian Barbecue) while listening to religious preachers, gospel music, and, to my surprise, a Calvin Harris like DJ dropping beats. The only difference being- I didn’t meet this DJ in the summer, I met him that Saturday night, sitting on the park grass.
If I could go back a decade to tell a 19 year old me: “In 10 years from now, you are going to go out on a saturday night, spontaneously with your wife, to a religious festival featuring gospel music and religious preachers, AND, you are going to be perfectly fine with it. That same 19 year old atheist me, would roll his eyes in disbelief and laugh me out the room. As a kid, brought up in a very non religious Denmark, to whom the yearly church visit for the Christmas mass, was my idea of hell on earth, it seems unfathomable that I’m now a 29 year old man with a fairly close relationship to God. Whatever that even means. How did I end up here?
### **My Atheist Life and Upbringing**
I am rebellious by nature. I absolutely despise the notion of anyone dictating how I have to live my life, telling me what I have to think. Having to console the Bible for the answer to all my dilemmas still, to this day, seems ridiculous to me. I mean, who swears by any book to such a degree that they would blindly turn to it, for consultation on every issue in their life? I used to be one of those annoying atheists who completely dismisses the existence of anything, but their own mind and consciousness. I used to say things like: “Religion is a tool for brainwashing, manipulation and the cause of all evil in the world” and “Religion creates wars not inner peace.” Uhh, and my personal favourite atheist line: “If a God really does exist, then why is there so much evil in this world?”
I’m sure you’ve heard these lines rattled off before– or maybe you, yourself spew such sentences, from time to time? Well let me tell you, they are all very convincing one-liner arguments, to a rebellious young man like me. So how did I come to “see the light" as they say?
### **What is God?**
Over the past decade of travelling the world I have come to realisation, that God isn’t this construct of the Bible or the Quran or whatever flavour of holy script you subscribe to. You know, this all-seeing creator of life itself, who judges every single decision I make.
God, to me, is this inexplicable energy between me and the universe at large. God is this ever present energy which we all feel, but can’t quite put our finger on. It’s the energy that drives me to create, everyday– the energy that made me sit down to write this. It just feels right, like a calling– like I must write this story. That same energy made you read this. God is me. God is you. God is in everything and everyone you see around you. We are all mere images of God because we all create life where there previously was none. And we do it every single day, 24/7, all day every day.
Have you ever experienced the feeling that someone you’d never met showed up in your life, for a brief moment, to deliver you a message, a piece of advice or a nudge in the right direction? As if someone had sent them specifically to you? As if someone was listening to your thoughts? Let me tell you– I have had many such experiences in my life.
### **When I Met God**
Let me give you an example. The year is 2018. It is early April. I’m sitting in a hostel patio in Buenos Aires, a cigarette in one hand and a one litre Quilmes beer in the other. I’m in disarray–split in my mind and with seemingly no goal to pursue.
I had been travelling for about a year. I had originally set out, with the goal of finding somewhere in South America, where I’d like to live for a few years, while becoming fluent at Spanish. But during my travels I had lost sight of my originally stated goal. I had instead come to think that I would go back to Denmark and study photojournalism. I had even bought a ticket back to Denmark. That’s why I was in Buenos Aires, to catch my flight back to Denmark in a couple of days. I know, what the hell was I thinking?...
A few months earlier during Carnival 2018 in La Paz, Bolivia, I had met the most interesting, gorgeous local Bolivian girl. She had showed me around La Paz everyday for the two weeks I was there. We talked for hours on end, at cafes, restaurants, and, at night, in bars or at viewpoints across the city. I would walk her home every night, or that is to say–as close as she would let me get to her door. She didn’t want her family to see us together–not yet.
After I left La Paz to keep on travelling, we stayed in contact. We would text each other at least every other day. She was clearly interested, so was I.
As I sat in this hostel patio in Buenos Aires, I got to know Marco, a Venezuelan man in his 40's, who had recently escaped the horror show that is Maduro’s Venezuela, in search of a better life in Argentina. One night, over many beers and plenty of cigarettes, I layed out my situation to Marco. I told him, I was in disarray– that I didn’t know what to do? Should I give up my original plan of living in South America and learning Spanish, to go home and study? What about the girl? I couldn’t take my mind off of her.
Marco lit a cigarette, leaned forward, and looked me in the eyes. It was at this moment he said exactly what I had been thinking all the previous days. He said ”Son, isn’t it obvious what you have to do? I see you texting this girl everyday. She is interested, and so are you. You said you planned to stay and live in South America. If you are serious about that plan, then get your ass on the next bus back to Bolivia and figure out how you can live there”.
[Leave a comment](https://pilgartexplores.substack.com/p/how-travelling-brought-me-closer/comments)
### **I am God. You are God**
It felt as if Marco had been sent to that hostel, all the way from Venezuela, just for me. To tell me what I needed to hear and stear me back on track–towards my stated plan. The plan I had told the universe, or God, when I had left Denmark. Marco was an extension of God, presenting himself in my life for 5 days that April in Buenos Aires. The next day I went to Recreo, the central bus station in Buenos Aires. I ordered a ticket for the next bus to Bolivia. A few days later I arrived back in La Paz, as a surprise to the girl.
For the whole trip, I thought about what to say to her when I saw her again. I told her: “You are going to be my girlfriend” she smiled and said “Lets see about that”.
We have been together ever since. She is now my wife. She is an extension of God in my life, just as I am an extension of God in hers.
Marco is one of many examples of where a person I hadn’t known previously has carried an important lesson for me. Most of the time the lessons are good, sometimes they are hard lessons. What all the lessons have in common is: they are always lessons that have presented themselves to me, through that inexplicable energy between me and the universe at large. Lessons born out of my own stated will to God.
I am God. You are God. We are all God. We all create our own lives.
@ 472f440f:5669301e
2024-12-05 08:09:23
The end of the first part of bitcoin's story has come to an end. Most of the story has yet to be written, but I feel confident in saying that reaching the $100,000 per bitcoin milestone is a clear demarcation between two distinct eras of bitcoin. Yes, we have hit the significant milestones of $1, $10, $100, $1,000, and $10,000 over the last fifteen years and they all felt significant. And they certainly were in their own right. However, hitting the "six figure" milestone feels a bit different.
One bitcoin is currently worth a respectable salary for an American citizen. Ten hunnid bands. Something that is impressive to the layman. This may not mean much to many who have been around bitcoin for some time. The idea of bitcoin hitting $100,000 was seen as a foregone conclusion for millions of people out there. Myself included. This price marker is simply an inevitability on the road to global reserve currency to us.
With that being said, it is important to put yourself in the shoes of those who have doubted bitcoin up to this point. For some reason or another, $100,000 bitcoin has been used as a price target that "will never be hit" for many of the naysayers.
"Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme."
"Governments will ban it if it hits that point."
"It can't scale."
"It will be 51% attacked."
"No one will trust bitcoin."
"It can't be the world's money."
And yet, despite all of the kvetching from the haters over the years, here we are. Sitting above $100,000. Taking a short rest at the latest checkpoint en route to the peak of the mountain. We hovered right under $100,000 for a couple of weeks. Nominally, where we stand today is much closer to where we were last week compared to where we were six months ago. But for some reason the price tipping over $100,000 has catapulted bitcoin to a new playing field. Where bitcoin stood yesterday and where it found itself six months ago seem miles below where it is today. Crossing over the event horizon of six figures forces people to think of bitcoin in a different light. Almost as if we have entered another dimension.
The last year has been filled with a lead up to this crossing over of the event horizon.
Financial institutions that have derided bitcoin for well over a decade were forced to bend the knee and offer bitcoin exposure to their clients. The mere offering of that exposure has resulted in the most successful ETFs in the history of this particular investment vehicle.
Governments around the world have been forced to reckon with the fact that bitcoin is here to stay and that they need to act accordingly. Thanks to the first mover actions taken by El Salvador and Bhutan, which have nonchalantly decided to go all in on bitcoin, others have taken notice. Will that be publicly acknowledged by the bigger governments? Probably not. But you'd be naive to think that politicians in the US seeing two very small countries making such big bets on bitcoin didn't induce at least a little bit of FOMO. Once the bitcoin FOMO seed is planted it's hard to uproot.
Combine this with the fact that it has become rather cool to be privy to the fact that the world's governments have become egregiously addicted to debt and money printing, that inflation is pervasive and inescapable, and that censorship and Orwellian control tactics are on the rise and it is easy to see why more people are more receptive to the idea of bitcoin.
All that was needed to create an all out frenzy - a slingshot effect up the S Curve of adoption - was a psychological trigger. Bitcoin crossing over six figures.
Well, here we are. The tropes against bitcoin that have been trotted out over the last sixteen years no longer have as much bite as they did in many people's eyes. Sure, there will be some butt hurt nocoiners and totalitarians who continue to trot them out, but crossing the chasm of six figure bitcoin will have an order of magnitude more people thinking, "I hear what you're saying, but reality seems to be saying something completely different. And, if I'm being honest with myself, reality is making much more sense than your screeching."
Unstoppable peer-to-peer digital cash with a hard capped supply has been around since January 3rd, 2009. December 5th, 2024 will be the day that it cemented itself as something that cannot be ignored. Part I of the bitcoin story has been written. The end of the beginning is behind us.
On to Part II: the rapid monetization of bitcoin, which will cement it as the reserve currency of the world.
Final thought...
I used some 2017-2020 era tactics to get into the writing mood tonight. 90210
@ 30ceb64e:7f08bdf5
2024-12-04 18:13:09
Hey Freaks,
I've been diving deep into the Nostr music scene lately, and I've got to tell you - it's pretty mind-blowing. After finding a few solid artists on Wavlake, I made the leap and ditched Apple Music. Music streaming platforms call your saved songs a "library," but its more like renting books that vanish the moment you stop paying.
## Breaking Free from Traditional Streaming
What really got me excited was listening to the Wavlake team explain their vision of an open music graph. Being open-source, they're moving at a solid pace that leaves the big platforms in the dust. It's refreshing to see development that actually puts creators and listeners first.
## Why and How
Before all this nostr stuff I was making beat tapes on YouTube. It all started pretty simply - I was spending hours listening to those 24/7 study/work beats while grinding away at my fiat job. One day I thought, "Hey, why not make my own?" Now I'm using some new shiny tools:
- Suno for creating the actual beats
- Some talented folks on Fiverr handling the mixing and mastering
- The Nostr community and even LLMs for graphic design work
So far, I've dropped 12 tapes on Wavlake with more coming down the pipeline.
## Taking It Live
I've been experimenting with Zap.stream to do live sessions of my beats. It's pretty cool thinking about people tuning in while they're working or doing their thing around the house - exactly what I used to do! The best part? The streams arent just shown on zap.stream, theyre shown in any nostr client that supports live videos, which is wild.
I'm playing around with this idea of creating a music radio show, mixing my beats with other stuff from Wavlake and TheMusicHustle blog, while trying to keep it as Nostr-native as possible.
## Ideas for the Future
- Music videos and shorts for the beats
- Using these tracks as podcast backgrounds
- Pressing some vinyl to sell on Shopstr (old school meets new school!)
- Loading up Blossom drives for the freaks who want to download and zap
I've been sharing stuff on Stacker News as well, running this series called "Songs I like", and will continue posting in the SN music territory for as long as theyll have me. Wavlake has a "Listen to Earn" feature. I tried promoting one of my favorites from Animal Bus. Not sure about the results, but I think people are sleeping on how powerful this feature could be.
## The Future is Wild
The whole Nostr music scene is just exploding with possibilities. I'm even thinking about feeding these beats into RSS through Fountain - they're doing some really interesting stuff with music features lately, like Featrued Artist spotlights and whatnot. And how crazy is it that we've got Nostr-only music labels popping up now?
Looking at the bigger picture, I'm incredibly bullish on what's happening here. Just like technology gave us rap and hip-hop, I can't wait to see what kinds of new sounds and genres might emerge from the Nostr and Bitcoin revolution. We're watching music history in the making, and I'm here for all of it.
Sure, we don't know exactly where this train is headed, but that's what makes it exciting. The tools are getting better, the community is growing, and the possibilities? are endless. This is our chance to be part of something huge in music, and I'm all in.
Thanks for reading,
Keep stacking sats and tracks, freaks! 🎵⚡
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/794875
@ 472f440f:5669301e
2024-12-03 05:11:52
Uber seed investor and executive producer of the All In podcast Jason Calacanis has been publicly sounding the alarm bell about Microstrategy's bitcoin treasury strategy and the cheer leading exhibited by the company's CEO, Michael Saylor. Calacanis believes that Microstrategy's bitcoin acquisition techniques are a Ponzi scheme waiting to implode. Going as far as to question whether or not Microstrategy is the next FTX.
Earlier today, Jason spent a section of an episode of This Week in Startups to discuss his worries about MSTR's bitcoin treasury strategy, Saylor's overt pumping of the strategy, and the fact that there are other companies like Marathon Holdings beginning to deploy similar convertible debt strategies. While I can see how this can be unnerving for many, I do think there is a fundamental misunderstanding of what Microstrategy is doing. Last week I explained the strategy in a tweet, which I'll reiterate here:
> Whether you like it or not, Saylor and Microstrategy have found a way to give pools of liquidity (particularly pools with mandates to allocate to fixed income) exposure to bitcoin’s volatility via convertible notes. The converts are performing better than any other fixed income product on the market.
Other investors have noticed this and have piled into MSTR as well understanding that demand for the converts will increase and enable Microstrategy to accumulate more bitcoin. Those investors feel comfortable with the premium to mNAV MSTR is trading at because they believe the demand for a high performing fixed income product will remain high and likely increase.
Microstrategy can continue doing this until viable competition comes to market because there is no one else offering this type of bitcoin return exposure to fixed income investors at scale.
Another important detail, the convertible notes have a duration of 5 years or more while bitcoin’s lowest 4-year CAGR is 26% and its 50th percentile 4-year CAGR is 91%. If you think this will continue then this is a pretty safe bet for Microstrategy and the convertible note holders.
In a world were central banks and governments have gone mad with currency debasement and debt expansion it is pretty safe to assume that bitcoin adoption will not only continue but accelerate from here.
What do I think about Microstrategy accumulating this much bitcoin? It makes me a bit uneasy but there’s nothing I can do to stop it and bitcoin will survive in the long run. Even if Microstrategy blows up somehow (I don’t think this is likely). Bitcoin was designed to be anti-fragile.
This is a classic case of “don’t hate the player, hate the game”. Or better yet, join the game. After all, the only winning move is to play.
Essentially, Michael Saylor is taking a long-term bet on bitcoin's continued adoption/monetization and trying to accumulate as much as possible by issuing convertible notes with a 4+ year duration, which should increase the likelihood that Microstrategy is in the black on their bitcoin buys over time as history has shown that anyone who holds bitcoin for more than four years has performed well. This should, in turn, be reflected in their stock price, which should increase alongside bitcoin and convert the debt they've accrued into newly issued shares of MSTR. Through the process, if the strategy is executed successfully, increasing the amount of bitcoin per share for MSTR shareholders. (This is the only metric shareholders should care about in my opinion.)
Yes, this may seem crazy to many and extremely risky to most, but that is the nature of free markets. Every company takes calculated risks in an attempt to increase shareholder value. Michael Saylor and company are betting on the fact that bitcoin will continue to be adopted and are utilizing pools of capital that don't have the ability to buy bitcoin directly, but want exposure to its volatility to achieve their goals. To me it looks like a perfectly symbiotic relationship. Microstrategy is able to accumulate more bitcoin and increase their bitcoin per share while fixed income investors are able to access a product that performs well above their benchmark due to the embedded volatility of the exposure to bitcoin Microstrategy provides.
This won't be a surprise to any of you freaks, but I think it's a pretty smart bet to make. Bitcoin is almost 16-years old. It has established itself as a reserve asset for individuals, companies and countries. A reserve asset that is completely detached from the whims of central planners, transparent, predictable, scarce, and can be transmitted over the Internet. Bitcoin is an idea whose time has come. And more people are beginning to recognize this.
This is one of the beautiful aspects of the public company convertible-note-to-bitcoin strategy that Microstrategy has deployed over the last few years. They are able to harness the benefits of forces that are external to their core business to provide shareholders with value. Michael Saylor could stop buying bitcoin tomorrow and it wouldn't affect bitcoin's adoption in the medium to long-term. He continues to buy bitcoin, and encourages others to do the same, because he recognizes this.
Bitcoin is the apex predator of treasury assets for every individual, company, non-profit or government. The assets competing to be treasury assets are all centrally controlled, easily manipulable, and quickly losing favor. Earlier today, Federal Reserve Board Governor Christopher Waller came out and admitted that inflation is kicking the Fed's ass. They cannot tame it.
Waller may posture by saying that "submission is inevitable", but that doesn't make it true. There is simply too much debt and not enough dollars. The annual interest expense on the US Federal debt is now larger than our spending on national defense. The Fed, whether it wants to admit it or not, is going to have to monetize that debt via the debasement of the dollar. If you are using dollars as a treasury asset it is very important that you understand this and react accordingly by adopting a bitcoin strategy. This is what Michael Saylor is trying to make his peers in public markets understand.
Sure, his marketing tactics may seem a bit uncouth to many and the way in which he's expressing his belief through Microstrategy's accumulation strategy may seem risky, but it's hard to argue that his core thesis is flawed. Especially when you consider the fact that bitcoin has officially climbed to the strata of being seriously considered as a treasury asset for the most powerful nation state in the world.
I listen to the All In podcast quite frequently and genuinely like the show. It is a good way to gain perspective on how Silicon Valley investors view the world. If I were to give Jason any advice it would be to take a step back and to apply one of the most frequently discussed topics of the last on his show, the emergence of AI and the importance of everyone to incorporate AI into their businesses and workflows as quickly as possible before they get left behind. The same mental model applies to the emergence of bitcoin as a dominant reserve asset.
It is imperative that every individual, company and government adopts a bitcoin treasury strategy if they want to be able to succeed moving forward without the inherent resistance that is introduced from storing the fruit of your labor in a money or money-like asset that does not preserve purchasing power over time. Just because Saylor has recognized this, moved aggressively to effectuate his understanding via his company's balance sheet, and vociferously markets the strategy to others doesn't mean he's wrong.
As I said in my tweet last week, I personally prefer to hold actual bitcoin. That doesn't mean that Microstrategy and others haven't honed in on something unique and legitimate given their circumstances and access to certain financial tools.
Final thought...
I apologize for the extended hiatus. I hit a hard wall of writer's block over the last month. I think the time away from the keyboard has been good for me and the quality of this rag moving forward.
@ b2d670de:907f9d4a
2024-12-02 21:25:18
This is a list of nostr clients exposed as onion services. The list is currently actively maintained on [GitHub](https://github.com/0xtrr/onion-service-nostr-clients). Contributions are always appreciated!
| Client name | Onion URL | Source code URL | Admin | Description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Snort | http://agzj5a4be3kgp6yurijk4q7pm2yh4a5nphdg4zozk365yirf7ahuctyd.onion | https://git.v0l.io/Kieran/snort | [operator](nostr:nprofile1qyvhwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnndehhyapwwdhkx6tpdshszxnhwden5te0wpuhyctdd9jzuenfv96x5ctx9e3k7mf0qqsx8lnrrrw9skpulctgzruxm5y7rzlaw64tcf9qpqww9pt0xvzsfmg9umdvr) | N/A |
| moStard | http://sifbugd5nwdq77plmidkug4y57zuqwqio3zlyreizrhejhp6bohfwkad.onion/ | https://github.com/rafael-xmr/nostrudel/tree/mostard | [operator](nostr:nprofile1qyv8wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgctjvshx7un89uq36amnwvaz7tmzdaehgu3wvf5hgcm0d9h8g7r0ddhjucm0d5hsqgy8wvyzw6l9pn5m47n7tcm5un7t7h5ctx3pjx8nfwh06qq8g6max5zadtyx) | minimalist monero friendly nostrudel fork |
| Nostrudel | http://oxtrnmb4wsb77rmk64q3jfr55fo33luwmsyaoovicyhzgrulleiojsad.onion/ | https://github.com/hzrd149/nostrudel | [operator](nostrnpub1ktt8phjnkfmfrsxrgqpztdjuxk3x6psf80xyray0l3c7pyrln49qhkyhz0) | Runs latest tagged docker image |
| Nostrudel Next | http://oxtrnnumsflm7hmvb3xqphed2eqpbrt4seflgmdsjnpgc3ejd6iycuyd.onion/ | https://github.com/hzrd149/nostrudel | [operator](nostr:npub1ktt8phjnkfmfrsxrgqpztdjuxk3x6psf80xyray0l3c7pyrln49qhkyhz0) | Runs latest "next" tagged docker image |
| Nsite | http://q457mvdt5smqj726m4lsqxxdyx7r3v7gufzt46zbkop6mkghpnr7z3qd.onion/ | https://github.com/hzrd149/nsite-ts | [operator](nostr:nprofile1qqszv6q4uryjzr06xfxxew34wwc5hmjfmfpqn229d72gfegsdn2q3fgpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dsxx2q3a) | Runs nsite. You can read more about nsite [here](https://github.com/lez/nsite). |
@ b2d670de:907f9d4a
2024-12-02 21:24:45
# onion-service-nostr-relays
A list of nostr relays exposed as onion services.
## The list
| Relay name | Description | Onion url | Operator | Payment URL | Payment options |
| --- | --- | --- | --- | --- | --- |
| nostr.oxtr.dev | Same relay as clearnet relay nostr.oxtr.dev | ws://oxtrdevav64z64yb7x6rjg4ntzqjhedm5b5zjqulugknhzr46ny2qbad.onion | [operator](nostr:nprofile1qqst94nsmefmya53crp5qq39kewrtgndqcynhnzp7j8lcu0qjple6jspz3mhxue69uhkummnw3ezummcw3ezuer9wcq3gamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwv3sk6atn9e5k7jxrgyy) | N/A | N/A |
| relay.snort.social | Same relay as clearnet relay relay.snort.social | wss://skzzn6cimfdv5e2phjc4yr5v7ikbxtn5f7dkwn5c7v47tduzlbosqmqd.onion | [operator](nostr:nprofile1qqsx8lnrrrw9skpulctgzruxm5y7rzlaw64tcf9qpqww9pt0xvzsfmgpzpmhxue69uhkummnw3ezuamfdejszxrhwden5te0wfjkccte9eekummjwsh8xmmrd9skct9tyup) | N/A | N/A |
| nostr.thesamecat.io | Same relay as clearnet relay nostr.thesamecat.io | ws://2jsnlhfnelig5acq6iacydmzdbdmg7xwunm4xl6qwbvzacw4lwrjmlyd.onion | [operator](nostr:npub1wtuh24gpuxjyvnmjwlvxzg8k0elhasagfmmgz0x8vp4ltcy8ples54e7js) | N/A | N/A |
| nostr.land | The nostr.land paid relay (same as clearnet) | ws://nostrland2gdw7g3y77ctftovvil76vquipymo7tsctlxpiwknevzfid.onion | [operator](nostr:npub12262qa4uhw7u8gdwlgmntqtv7aye8vdcmvszkqwgs0zchel6mz7s6cgrkj) | [Payment URL](http://nostrland2gdw7g3y77ctftovvil76vquipymo7tsctlxpiwknevzfid.onion) | BTC LN |
| bitcoiner.social | No auth required, currently | ws://bitcoinr6de5lkvx4tpwdmzrdfdpla5sya2afwpcabjup2xpi5dulbad.onion | [operator](nostr:npub1an3nz7lczcunpdw6ltjst94hgzcxpppnk7zk3zr2nfcj4yd96kdse6twjd) | N/A | N/A |
| relay.westernbtc.com | The westernbtc.com paid relay | ws://westbtcebhgi4ilxxziefho6bqu5lqwa5ncfjefnfebbhx2cwqx5knyd.onion | [operator](nostr:npub1pc57ls4rad5kvsp733suhzl2d4u9y7h4upt952a2pucnalc59teq33dmza) | [Payment URL](hjar34h5zwgtvxr345q7rncso3dhdaryuxgri3lu7lbhmnzvin72z5ad.onion) | BTC LN |
| freelay.sovbit.host | Free relay for sovbit.host | ws://sovbitm2enxfr5ot6qscwy5ermdffbqscy66wirkbsigvcshumyzbbqd.onion | [operator](nostr:npub1gnwpctdec0aa00hfy4lvadftu08ccs9677mr73h9ddv2zvw8fu9smmerrq) | N/A | N/A |
| nostr.sovbit.host | Paid relay for sovbit.host | ws://sovbitgz5uqyh7jwcsudq4sspxlj4kbnurvd3xarkkx2use3k6rlibqd.onion | [operator](nostr:npub1gnwpctdec0aa00hfy4lvadftu08ccs9677mr73h9ddv2zvw8fu9smmerrq) | N/A | N/A |
| nostr.wine | 🍷 [nostr.wine](https://nostr.wine) relay | ws://nostrwinemdptvqukjttinajfeedhf46hfd5bz2aj2q5uwp7zros3nad.onion | [operator](nostr:npub1fyvwkve2gxm3h2d8fvwuvsnkell4jtj4zpae8w4w8zhn2g89t96s0tsfuk) | [Payment URL](http://nostrwinemdptvqukjttinajfeedhf46hfd5bz2aj2q5uwp7zros3nad.onion) | BTC LN, BTC, Credit Card/CashApp (Stripe) |
| inbox.nostr.wine | 🍷 [inbox.nostr.wine](https://inbox.nostr.wine) relay | ws://wineinboxkayswlofkugkjwhoyi744qvlzdxlmdvwe7cei2xxy4gc6ad.onion | [operator](nostr:npub1fyvwkve2gxm3h2d8fvwuvsnkell4jtj4zpae8w4w8zhn2g89t96s0tsfuk) | [Payment URL](http://wineinboxkayswlofkugkjwhoyi744qvlzdxlmdvwe7cei2xxy4gc6ad.onion) | BTC LN, BTC |
| filter.nostr.wine | 🍷 [filter.nostr.wine](https://filter.nostr.wine) proxy relay | ws://winefiltermhqixxzmnzxhrmaufpnfq3rmjcl6ei45iy4aidrngpsyid.onion | [operator](nostr:npub1fyvwkve2gxm3h2d8fvwuvsnkell4jtj4zpae8w4w8zhn2g89t96s0tsfuk) | [Payment URL](http://nostrwinemdptvqukjttinajfeedhf46hfd5bz2aj2q5uwp7zros3nad.onion/add-time) | BTC LN, BTC |
| N/A | N/A | ws://pzfw4uteha62iwkzm3lycabk4pbtcr67cg5ymp5i3xwrpt3t24m6tzad.onion:81 | [operator](nostr:nprofile1q9z8wue69uhky6t5vdhkjmnjxejx2dtvddm8sdr5wpmkgmt6wfjxversd3sn2umevyexzenhwp3kzcn2w4cry7rsdy6kgatvvfskgtn0de5k7m30q9z8wue69uhk77r5wfjx2anpwcmrg73kx3ukydmcxeex5ee5de685ut2dpjkgmf4vg6h56n3w4k82emtde585u35xeh8jvn3vfskgtn0de5k7m30qqs93v545xjl0w8865rhw7kte0mkjxst88rk3k3xj53q4zdxm2zu5ectdn2z6) | N/A | N/A |
| nostr.fractalized.net | Free relay for fractalized.net | ws://xvgox2zzo7cfxcjrd2llrkthvjs5t7efoalu34s6lmkqhvzvrms6ipyd.onion | [operator](nostr:npub1ky4kxtyg0uxgw8g5p5mmedh8c8s6sqny6zmaaqj44gv4rk0plaus3m4fd2) | N/A | N/A |
| nfrelay.app | [nfrelay.app](https://nfrelay.app) aggregator relay (nostr-filter-relay) | ws://nfrelay6saohkmipikquvrn6d64dzxivhmcdcj4d5i7wxis47xwsriyd.onion | [operator](nostr:npub19dn7fq9hlxwjsdtgf28hyakcdmd73cccaf2u7a7vl42echey7ezs2hwja7) | N/A | N/A
| relay.nostr.net | Public relay from nostr.net (Same as clearnet) | ws://nostrnetl6yd5whkldj3vqsxyyaq3tkuspy23a3qgx7cdepb4564qgqd.onion | [operator](https://nostr.at/aljaz@nostr.si) | N/A | N/A |
| nerostrator | Free to read, pay XMR to relay | ws://nerostrrgb5fhj6dnzhjbgmnkpy2berdlczh6tuh2jsqrjok3j4zoxid.onion | [operator](nostr:npub19j7zhftjfjnep4xa7zxhevschkqdvem9zr26dq4myhu6d62p3gqs3htnca) |[Payment URL](http://nerostrrgb5fhj6dnzhjbgmnkpy2berdlczh6tuh2jsqrjok3j4zoxid.onion) | XMR |
| nostr.girino.org | Public relay from nostr.girino.org | ws://gnostr2jnapk72mnagq3cuykfon73temzp77hcbncn4silgt77boruid.onion | [operator](nostr:npub18lav8fkgt8424rxamvk8qq4xuy9n8mltjtgztv2w44hc5tt9vets0hcfsz) | N/A | N/A |
| wot.girino.org | WoT relay from wot.girino.org | ws://girwot2koy3kvj6fk7oseoqazp5vwbeawocb3m27jcqtah65f2fkl3yd.onion | [operator](nostr:npub18lav8fkgt8424rxamvk8qq4xuy9n8mltjtgztv2w44hc5tt9vets0hcfsz) | N/A | N/A |
| haven.girino.org/{outbox, inbox, chat, private} | Haven smart relay from haven.girino.org | ws://ghaven2hi3qn2riitw7ymaztdpztrvmm337e2pgkacfh3rnscaoxjoad.onion/{outbox, inbox, chat, private} | [operator](nostr:npub18lav8fkgt8424rxamvk8qq4xuy9n8mltjtgztv2w44hc5tt9vets0hcfsz) | N/A | N/A |
| relay.nostpy.lol | Free Web of Trust relay (Same as clearnet) | ws://pemgkkqjqjde7y2emc2hpxocexugbixp42o4zymznil6zfegx5nfp4id.onion | [operator](nostr:nprofile1qy08wumn8ghj7mn0wd68yttsw43zuam9d3kx7unyv4ezumn9wshszxrhwden5te0dehhxarj9enx6apwwa5h5tnzd9az7qpqg5pm4gf8hh7skp2rsnw9h2pvkr32sdnuhkcx9yte7qxmrg6v4txqr5amve) |N/A | N/A |
| Poster.place Nostr Relay | N/A | ws://dmw5wbawyovz7fcahvguwkw4sknsqsalffwctioeoqkvvy7ygjbcuoad.onion | [operator](nostr:nprofile1qqsr836yylem9deatcu08ekfj8qj9f2aypq8ydt0w8dyng8zp8akjsqpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0ds6xxx6y) | N/A | N/A |
## Contributing
Contributions are encouraged to keep this document alive. Just open a PR and I'll have it tested and merged. The onion URL is the only mandatory column, the rest is just nice-to-have metadata about the relay. Put `N/A` in empty columns.
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### Operator column
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@ a367f9eb:0633efea
2024-12-02 20:49:25
Though Bitcoin was born in the world of computers and code, it was destined to eventually face-off with the legacy banking system.
The first block ever mined on the blockchain, Satoshi’s Genesis block, contained a (then) recent headline from a British newspaper reacting to the 2008/9 financial crisis, inscribing “*The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks*”.
As Bitcoin adoption increased from 2009 to 2012, users began exchanging dollars and euros for the digital money, using peer-to-peer exchanges and ATMs and then eventually with business entities acting as full-scale brokerages.
Today, this space is dominated by what we call cryptocurrency exchanges, offering bitcoin and many of its crypto-offspring. On these exchanges, as well as in various custodial solutions, bitcoin is held, bought and sold for traditional currency, and sent to destination wallets.
As these volumes have increased, so has scrutiny from financial authorities and government agencies, defining how this new category of entities exchanging US dollars and bitcoin would be regulated.
###### **The beginning of Bitcoin’s regulatory dance**
In March 2013, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a division of the Treasury Department, updated its [guidance](https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-issues-guidance-virtual-currencies-and-regulatory-responsibilities) to inform firms that “make a business of exchanging, accepting, and transmitting” virtual currencies would be considered **Money Service Businesses** (MSBs) under the law.
MSBs are distinct from banks and other traditional institutions. This taxonomy usually applies to issuers of travelers checks, check cashing services, and remittance services like Western Union. FinCEN’s guidance, for the first time, applied this to virtual currency services that transmitted funds on behalf of users or offered a fiat on-off ramp.
As an MSB, the law prescribes certain obligations for transaction collection, maintenance, and reporting, as well as identification requirements kept on file, what we call Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations.
The obligations on MSBs [require](https://www.fincen.gov/money-services-business-msb-suspicious-activity-reporting) filing Suspicious Activity reports on all transactions over $2,000 that “do not serve business or apparent lawful purpose” or may otherwise appear to be illegal activity or “structured” so as to try to avoid the spirit of the law.
The specific law that forces these obligations on MSBs, as well as banks, is the **Bank Secrecy Act** of 1970. Though it’s been updated several times over the years, the principal goal of this bill is to partner with banks and financial institutions to try to thwart money laundering and other illicit activity.
###### **BSA and Bitcoin**
The consequences of the BSA and its imposed surveillance have reaped unintended havoc on millions of ordinary Americans. This is especially true for those who have undergone “debanking,” in which bank customers are [deemed](https://www.thomsonreuters.com/en-us/posts/investigation-fraud-and-risk/treasury-de-risking-strategy/) too “high risk” and have accounts closed on them, a function of regulatory pressure – or *jawboning* – faced by financial institutions.
Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen has [provided](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/12/01/marc_andreessen_biden_admin_has_been_debanking_politically_exposed_persons_in_privatized_sanctions_regime.html) his own examples of debanking in Silicon Valley, with similar conclusions.
Many Bitcoin and cryptocurrency entrepreneurs have been debanked on the [sole grounds](https://www.axios.com/2024/12/01/debanked-crypto-andreessen-joe-rogan) of being involved in the virtual currency industry, while millions of others have been swept up in the dragnet of the BSA and financial regulators forcibly deputizing banks to cut off customers, often without explanation.
According to FinCEN guidance, financial institutions are [compelled](https://www.fincen.gov/resources/advisories/fincen-advisory-fin-2010-a014) to keep suspicious activity reports confidential, even from customers, or face criminal penalties. This just makes the problems worse.
The [excellent research](https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/revising-bank-secrecy-act-protect-privacy-deter-criminals) by the team at the Cato Institute’s Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives provides reams of data on these points. As put by Cato’s **Norbert Michael**, “People get wrapped up in BSA surveillance for simply spending their own money”.
When it comes to bitcoin, the most common understanding for years has been that self-custody options and noncustodial solutions would be exempt from MSB classification, not requiring developers or entrepreneurs to acquire Money Transmission Licenses at either the state or federal level.
FinCEN itself stated this in their guidance [released in 2019](https://www.fincen.gov/sites/default/files/2019-05/FinCEN%20Guidance%20CVC%20FINAL%20508.pdf), and builders developed code based on what the government itself said. In 2023, however, the US Attorneys in the Southern District of New York and the FBI took a different stance.
Beginning with the Ethereum smart contract platform **Tornado Cash**, and then the popular privacy service **Samourai Wallet**, the developers of these projects were [arrested](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/tornado-cash-founders-charged-money-laundering-and-sanctions-violations) and [charged](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/founders-and-ceo-cryptocurrency-mixing-service-arrested-and-charged-money-laundering) with a number of conspiracy and money laundering charges, as well as “conspiracy to operate an unlicensed money transmitting business”. It’s that latter charge that remains the most important to sovereign and noncustodial use of bitcoin going forward.
Though both of these projects are noncustodial by design, and never took control of anyone’s bitcoin or cryptocurrency private keys, the government has charged them with being money service businesses and failing to adhere to the law.
Neither of these trials have yet taken place, but considering the money transmission charges, it stands to reason that anyone advocating for noncustodial bitcoin tools should be worried.
*If you’re interested in donating to the legal defense teams in both of these cases, check out the [**P2P Rights Fund**](https://p2prights.org/).*
If these are the steps law enforcement is willing to take against noncustodial protocols and projects even legal experts determined were out of the scope of MSBs, what about bitcoin exchanges and brokerages?
While we know there is no carve out at the moment, there are some important reforms that could empower entrepreneurs and give more options to Bitcoin users.
###### **An update to BSA would be a powerful reform for Bitcoin**
While we would hope that the majority of people using Bitcoin will practice [self-custody](https://www.btcpolicy.org/articles/self-custody-is-nonnegotiable), which is one of the key advantages of using Satoshi’s innovation, we know that most will not.
Instead, custodial services and exchanges will provide a lot of functionality for users, meaning that more and more Bitcoin activity will fall under the auspices of the Bank Secrecy Act.
One bill that aims to peel back the layers of banking law to restore some measure of financial privacy is the [**Saving Privacy Act**](https://www.lee.senate.gov/2024/9/lee-introduces-the-saving-privacy-act-to-protect-americans-financial-data), introduced by Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rick Scott (R-FL).
The proposed law aims to maintain the record keeping of financial institutions and money service businesses, but would do away with the automatic reporting limits and requirements without judicial warrants among other important reforms.
It would also ban a Central Bank Digital Currency, [repeal](https://www.therage.co/corporate-transparency-act-privacy-at-risk/) the **Corporate Transparency Act**, scale back the audit powers of the SEC, require Congressional approval for any ID database of Americans, severely punish any government employee who abuses private financial information, and grant a private right of action to any citizen or firm harmed by illicit government activity on financial matters.
It is a beefy bill with aspirational goals to restore consumer financial privacy, and it would no doubt make it much easier for Bitcoin tools and exchanges to operate within the law.
With less of a reporting requirement for custodial bitcoin solutions classified as Money Service Businesses – while still maintaining record keeping – it would be a much more natural balance of innovation and regulatory certainty.
By scaling back the financial surveillance required of banks and all other financial institutions, it is clear that Bitcoin users would benefit.
If there is enough appetite for this bill among various Senators and in the House of Representatives, however, is anyone’s guess. But the issues of our current banking system and its relation to Bitcoin are clear and this is a worthy attempt.
While there are still many regulatory changes needed to fully unleash the sovereign money revolution promised by Bitcoin, we can have some hope that the right ideas are being discussed in the corridors of power. At least for now.
*Originally published on the [website](https://www.btcpolicy.org/articles/downgrading-the-bank-secrecy-act-is-a-powerful-reform-for-bitcoin) of the **Bitcoin Policy Institute**.*
@ 30ceb64e:7f08bdf5
2024-12-02 16:59:00
Most people around me use culture as a groupthink device, to re-format their thoughts and speech. Like using chatgpt to spruce up an email.
When I say "culture" I mean some amalgamation of race, class, religion and political affiliation. And when i reference a speech device, I'm referring to the act of recalling information rather than using original thought.
Its safe and easy if appropriately learned. You enjoy the freedom of being de-responsiblized from your words and actions. And if surrounded by others in the same group, you can never be wrong. As long as you bend the knee your free to bask in the light of group mandated delusion.
Although some aspects of culture are beautiful and somewhat unavoidable, blind acquiescence to the maddening crowd is extremely dangerous. I'm constantly reminded of something like a death cult when I see the formation of keynsian, malthusian, socialist forces.
Our options seem to be
1. Become an individual
2. Worship Molach the Owl God
With that being said, I'm optimistic about the future, mainly due to the promise of Free Opens Source Software and Freedom Tech. I see a world rapidly approaching, where freaks are armed with extremely powerful tools to exercise their individuality, and this is in concurrence with transnational goons unpurposefully losing control over their situation (a situation in which they fight against deflation with force and lies).
In Conclusion,
We ought to take more responsibility for our own thoughts and actions. We should be wary of the prison that culture constantly seems to place us in. Don't Worship Molach the owl god, and arm yourself with the proverbial rock and sling appropriate for felling giants.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/791741
@ 6d8e2a24:5faaca4c
2024-12-02 09:03:49
"if your boyfriend uses Tiktok, you have a girlfriend" worlds riches man. Elon Musk tells women.
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/b53f65881e2ecde4b5bdd41b4a91648241532ec7d945561e9d5ba4cd59cb033e.jpg)
What's your opinion, do you think Elon Musk is right by his statement?
@ 0d532801:197a0c30
2024-12-01 21:27:48
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/93bc562b9378c7f5f6785411246c64585a4974cdbc9bdc5eabe034a765ad77a4.jpg)
߹ İnsan, bilinçli olarak günah işlediğinde, aslında birçok içsel ve dışsal faktörün etkisi altındadır. Bu faktörlerin başında bireysel arzular, toplumsal baskılar, zayıflıklar, bilinçaltı dürtüler ve bazen de cehalet gelir. İnsan, sadece dürtülerine göre hareket etmeyi tercih edebilir ya da kısa vadeli tatmin için uzun vadeli sonuçları göz ardı edebilir. Peki, bir insan neden bilerek günah işler? Bu sorunun cevabı, sadece dini ya da etik perspektiflerle değil, psikolojik, toplumsal ve kültürel açılardan da ele alınmalıdır.
1. Bireysel Arzular ve Dürtüler
߹ İnsanın doğasında, zaman zaman nefsini tatmin etme isteği vardır. Bu istek, bazen mantık ve vicdanın önüne geçebilir. İnsan, kısa süreli hazları arzularken, bunun gelecekteki olumsuz sonuçlarını göz ardı edebilir. Örneğin, hırsızlık yapan bir kişi, anlık bir mal edinme arzusuyla hareket edebilir, ancak bu davranışın ona ve çevresine getireceği zararları düşünmektense, elde edeceği çıkarı daha önemli görür. Benzer şekilde, yalan söylemek ya da başkalarını manipüle etmek de kısa vadeli çıkarlar ve bireysel egolar tarafından beslenen bir davranış biçimidir.
2. Toplumsal Baskılar ve Çevresel Faktörler
߹ İnsan, toplumsal bir varlık olarak çevresinden büyük ölçüde etkilenir. Toplumun normları, kültürel değerleri, arkadaş gruplarının etkisi ve ailevi dinamikler, bireyin davranışlarını şekillendirir. Bazı durumlarda, kişi bilerek yanlış bir davranış sergileyebilir çünkü çevresindeki kişiler böyle yapmaktadır ve kendini dışlanmış hissetmemek için buna ayak uydurur. Örneğin, bir grup insanın başka birine kötü davranması ya da yalan söylemesi, bir bireyi de benzer şekilde davranmaya itebilir. Bu durum, bireyin vicdanı ve doğru-yanlış algısı ile çatışan bir durumdur.
3. Zayıflıklar ve İnsan Doğası
߹ Herkesin zayıf anları vardır. Zihinsel ve duygusal olarak zorlandığı anlarda insanlar bazen bilerek yanlış bir şey yapabilir. İnsan, öfke, stres, yalnızlık ya da korku gibi duygusal durumlar içinde daha kolay günah işleyebilir. Duygusal karmaşa, sağlıklı düşünme yeteneğini zayıflatabilir ve kişi, anlık bir rahatlama ya da kaçış için yanlış bir yolu seçebilir. Örneğin, öfkelenen bir kişi, karşısındaki kişiye hakaret etmek ya da ona zarar vermek isteyebilir. Bu tür eylemler, kişinin o anki duygusal durumunun bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkar.
4. Cehalet ve Yanlış İnançlar
߹ Bazen insanlar, neyin doğru neyin yanlış olduğuna dair doğru bir bilgiye sahip olmayabilirler. Bilgi eksikliği ya da yanlış inanışlar, bireyin günah işlemesine neden olabilir. İnsan, kötü bir davranışın ne kadar zarar verebileceğini ya da o davranışın ahlaki ve dini boyutlarını tam anlamayabilir. Özellikle bazı insanlar, içinde bulundukları ortamın, alışkanlıkların ya da eğitim seviyelerinin etkisiyle, doğruyu ve yanlışı tam kavrayamayabilirler. Bu durum da, onların bilerek ve isteyerek günah işlemesine yol açabilir.
5. İçsel Çatışmalar ve Vicdanın Bastırılması
߹ İnsan, bazen kendi içsel çatışmalarına dayanamayabilir. Vicdanı, doğruyu yapması yönünde onu uyarırken, içindeki kötü duygular ya da arzular ona engel olamayacak kadar güçlü olabilir. İnsanın kendisini haklı çıkarma çabası da burada devreye girebilir. Bir insan, kendini iyi bir insan olarak görmek isterken, bazen içindeki kötü dürtüleri bastırmak yerine, bunları haklı göstermek için kendine çeşitli gerekçeler uydurur. Örneğin, bir kişi başkasının hakkını yemek için kendini “bunu herkes yapıyor” ya da “benim de buna ihtiyacım var” gibi bahanelerle kandırabilir.
6. Dini ve Ahlaki Değerlerin Zayıflaması
߹ Bir insanın dini inançları ya da ahlaki değerleri, doğru-yanlış algısını büyük ölçüde şekillendirir. Ancak zamanla, bireylerin inançları ya da değerleri zayıflayabilir. Toplumda sekülerleşmenin arttığı bir dönemde, dini ve ahlaki öğretiler zamanla insanların gözünde daha az değerli hâle gelebilir. Bu durumda, insanlar günah işleme konusunda daha az vicdan azabı duyarlar, çünkü dini ya da ahlaki sonuçları görmezden gelmeyi tercih edebilirler.
߹ _**Sonuç olarak, insanın bilerek günah işlemesi, karmaşık bir durumdur ve çok çeşitli faktörlere dayanır. İnsanlar bazen içsel isteklerine, bazen dışsal baskılara, bazen de bilinçli ya da bilinçsiz olarak zayıf noktalarına dayanarak yanlışlar yapabilirler. Önemli olan, insanın yaptığı hataları fark etmesi, bu hatalardan ders alması ve doğru yolu bulmaya çaba göstermesidir. Kişi, hatalarını kabul ederek ve daha bilinçli bir şekilde hareket ederek hem kendisine hem de çevresine faydalı bir yaşam sürebilir.**_
@ a95c6243:d345522c
2024-11-29 19:45:43
*Konsum ist Therapie.
Wolfgang Joop*
**Umweltbewusstes Verhalten und verantwortungsvoller Konsum** zeugen durchaus von einer wünschenswerten Einstellung. Ob man deswegen allerdings einen grünen statt eines schwarzen Freitags braucht, darf getrost bezweifelt werden – zumal es sich um manipulatorische Konzepte handelt. Wie in der politischen Landschaft sind auch hier die Etiketten irgendwas zwischen nichtssagend und trügerisch.
**Heute ist also wieder mal «Black Friday»,** falls Sie es noch nicht mitbekommen haben sollten. Eigentlich haben wir ja eher schon eine ganze «Black Week», der dann oft auch noch ein «Cyber Monday» folgt. Die Werbebranche wird nicht müde, immer neue Anlässe zu erfinden oder zu importieren, um uns zum Konsumieren zu bewegen. Und sie ist damit sehr erfolgreich.
**Warum fallen wir auf derartige Werbetricks herein** und kaufen im Zweifelsfall Dinge oder Mengen, die wir sicher nicht brauchen? Pure Psychologie, würde ich sagen. Rabattschilder triggern etwas in uns, was den Verstand in Stand-by versetzt. Zusätzlich beeinflussen uns alle möglichen emotionalen Reize und animieren uns zum Schnäppchenkauf.
**Gedankenlosigkeit und Maßlosigkeit können besonders bei der [Ernährung](https://transition-news.org/studie-208-millionen-us-amerikaner-sind-als-fettleibig-oder-ubergewichtig) zu ernsten Problemen führen.** Erst kürzlich hat mir ein Bekannter nach einer USA-Reise erzählt, dass es dort offenbar nicht unüblich ist, schon zum ausgiebigen Frühstück in einem Restaurant wenigstens einen Liter Cola zu trinken. Gerne auch mehr, um das Gratis-Nachfüllen des Bechers auszunutzen.
**Kritik am schwarzen Freitag und dem unnötigen Konsum** kommt oft von Umweltschützern. Neben Ressourcenverschwendung, hohem Energieverbrauch und wachsenden Müllbergen durch eine zunehmende Wegwerfmentalität kommt dabei in der Regel auch die «Klimakrise» auf den Tisch.
**Die EU-Kommission lancierte 2015 den Begriff «Green Friday»** im Kontext der überarbeiteten Rechtsvorschriften zur Kennzeichnung der Energieeffizienz von Elektrogeräten. Sie nutzte die Gelegenheit kurz vor dem damaligen schwarzen Freitag und vor der UN-Klimakonferenz COP21, bei der das [Pariser Abkommen](https://transition-news.org/cop29-wird-vom-geist-des-noch-kunftigen-us-prasidenten-heimgesucht) unterzeichnet werden sollte.
**Heute wird ein grüner Freitag oft im Zusammenhang mit der Forderung nach «nachhaltigem Konsum» benutzt.** Derweil ist die Europäische Union schon weit in ihr Geschäftsmodell des [«Green New Deal»](https://transition-news.org/green-new-deal) verstrickt. In ihrer Propaganda zum Klimawandel verspricht sie tatsächlich «Unterstützung der Menschen und Regionen, die von immer häufigeren Extremwetter-Ereignissen betroffen sind». Was wohl die Menschen in der Region um [Valencia](https://transition-news.org/flutkatastrophe-in-valencia-die-ungereimtheiten-haufen-sich) dazu sagen?
**Ganz im Sinne des Great Reset propagierten die Vereinten Nationen seit Ende 2020** eine «[grüne Erholung von Covid-19](https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/12/1079602), um den Klimawandel zu verlangsamen». Der UN-Umweltbericht sah in dem Jahr einen Schwerpunkt auf dem Verbraucherverhalten. Änderungen des Konsumverhaltens des Einzelnen könnten dazu beitragen, den Klimaschutz zu stärken, hieß es dort.
**Der Begriff «Schwarzer Freitag» wurde in den USA nicht erstmals für Einkäufe nach Thanksgiving verwendet** – wie oft angenommen –, sondern für eine Finanzkrise. Jedoch nicht für den Börsencrash von 1929, sondern bereits für den Zusammenbruch des US-Goldmarktes im September 1869. Seitdem mussten die Menschen weltweit so einige schwarze Tage erleben.
**Kürzlich sind die britischen Aufsichtsbehörden weiter von ihrer Zurückhaltung** nach dem letzten großen Finanzcrash von 2008 abgerückt. Sie haben Regeln für den Bankensektor gelockert, womit sie [«verantwortungsvolle Risikobereitschaft»](https://transition-news.org/zuruck-zu-2008-grossbritannien-schlagt-lockere-regeln-fur-banker-boni-vor) unterstützen wollen. Man würde sicher zu schwarz sehen, wenn man hier ein grünes Wunder befürchten würde.
Dieser Beitrag ist zuerst auf *[Transition News](https://transition-news.org/auch-beim-freitag-ist-es-egal-ob-schwarz-oder-grun)* erschienen.
@ 228dde34:b5d0345e
2024-11-29 10:00:06
##### BY Glenda Chong and Lim Jing Jie
##### Hype Issue #60
###### Join GLENDA CHONG and LIM JING JIE as they chat with Merida Lim, the founder of art jamming studio SCURO (meaning “dark” in Italian), on her journey to starting her art jamming business and making it work at its Kampong Bahru space.
*Merida Lim, 19, founder of art jamming studio SCURO. Photo by Cherlisa Lee.*
It’s not every day you see a 19-year-old running own business. Most 19-year-olds we know are occupied chasing degrees and diplomas. Merida Lim, however, has done what few would do; abandon the safety net of education and passionately dive head-first into her business venture: SCURO.
What is SCURO, you might ask? According to Merida, it is “Singapore’s most immersive and unique art jamming studio”. Born out of Merida’s burning passion for art, the studio is a place where you can engage in art jamming in the dark, with the different themes SCURO provides to immerse yourself in: Candlelight, Neon, Horror, and more in the future.
Merida’s choice to pursue art as her first entrepreneurial venture can be traced back to her roots in the art scene. “When I was in secondary school, I [had] some mental health issues, and I think when I created art, it gave me a safe space to express my emotions. So that’s how I slowly got into art.”
*Merida posing with her paintings. Photo by Cherlisa Lee.*
Clearly, Merida realized she wanted to share that feeling of safety and security with others, and the idea for starting the studio came soon after. “I've always wanted to start my own business, and when I had the idea for an art studio, I decided to just go for it with a bit of naivety and… unearned confidence.” However, she believed that like any entrepreneur, she had to have that little sense of ego that her idea would succeed and thus attempt to make it a reality.
Merida also shares the doubts people had because of her age. “When you're 19, people don't take you that seriously, or they think you're crazy, and that you should continue with your education.”
Currently, Merida is taking a gap year from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts to focus on SCURO. While she understands the importance of education, even stating that if SCURO doesn’t work out she will return to school, she remains steadfast in making SCURO happen. “It’s important to take risks and [not] let other people’s fear of achieving their own dreams stop yours.” She says.
Additionally, as she puts it, “If not now, then when?!”
“When will the circumstances ever be perfectly right for me to start? I will always be scared,” Merida says. At the end of the day, Merida decided that she would rather feel scared but pursue her dreams than freeze up before she even tried.
Unsurprisingly, starting a business definitely comes with its fair share of challenges. Before she started SCURO, Merida needed to know if there was demand for her art jamming services. “You have to see if there is a demand for what you’re selling in the first place.” Merida shares.
Thus, SCURO first started as a small pop-up kids art studio in Pasir Ris that Merida rented for $70 an hour. After establishing the demand for her services, Merida, with help from her father, invested most of her savings into opening an art studio for SCURO – a dark and cozy “shoes-off studio that feels like home”, at the second level of a shophouse located in Kampong Bahru.
*SCURO provides an intimate environment with its hand-painted walls and dark interior gently lit by fairy lights. Photo by Cherlisa Lee.*
Now, with her own art studio, Merida has shifted her efforts to marketing and promoting her brand to the public. She admits that her “social media game sucks”, but as the sole founder, the duty falls on her to improve SCURO’s social media presence and content. Thus, in an attempt to improve her social media game, Merida looks to Singaporean content creator Gabe Chia for guidance on her videos and content.
Recently, Merida has also started a new video series on SCURO’s TikTok page, where she challenges herself to earn $6000 in 50 days. This is so she can continue providing people with a safe space to express themselves through creating art pieces. Being largely a one-man operation, she has to explore different storytelling techniques for her videos on TikTok.
“When it comes to making your studio viral and making people care, you have to have stakes and you have to tell a compelling story,” Merida said. She likened her videos to “bringing people into a sitcom like the Kardashians”, as her TikToks consist of her farcical situations in hopes of landing a viral video. One of her more recent videos was to promote her new Candlelight art jamming session, an idea that was born after realising that she wanted to cater to larger groups who are not as keen on horror art.
*SCURO provides every art material imaginable for art jammers to unleash their full creativity. Photo by Cherlisa Lee.*
“At the very start, it was just straight-up horror,” Merida said. However, while there is demand for horror art, she noticed that the wider demographics have other interests. When she realised the absence of a neon art jamming scene in Singapore, she took the initiative to introduce it to SCURO. After starting to offer a neon art jamming theme at SCURO, Merida has found it to be a vibrant option younger art jammers have taken a liking to.
Seeing how her entrepreneurial journey has been filled with many challenges, it is expected that such challenges have led to some regrets. However, Merida has come to accept being “okay” with having regrets. You can see this throughout her art jamming sessions, where mistakes are encouraged and art knows no boundaries.
*Merida guiding one of HYPE’s team members on the right painting technique to use on her painting. Photo by Lim Jing Jie.*
As Merida shares, “We [SCURO] want you to make mistakes, and people need to hear that they can make mistakes.” She believes that through those missteps, you unlock the freedom to “just be weird” and, in doing so, uncover your true self. It’s a reminder that the path to growth is never perfect, but it’s yours to embrace.
So, if you’re looking for something to do during the holidays, you might want to consider booking an art jamming session now at [www.scuro.sg](http://www.scuro.sg)
@ fcb65172:87f3c4ed
2024-11-28 12:55:39
#### Where to go. Where to stay. What to eat and what to do
If you clicked on this Ecuador travel guide expecting to read about the Galapagos Islands, well then I’m sorry to disappoint you!\
This is my exclusive travel guide to Ecuador. Whilst The Galapagos Island are a magical, no doubt. Ecuador has so much more to offer. That is what this travel guide is all about. It’s about the hidden gems- Where to go. Where to stay. What to eat and what to do, and one place to skip- This is Ecuador According to Pilgart Explores.
#### Quito
Quito, one of my favourite capital cities of South America. In my book it’s right up there with Buenos Aires and Santiago. Buenos Aires feels very European. Santiago has an American feel to it. Quito… Well Quito feels like proper South American, it has a similarity to Cuzco, just bigger and more developed. I think it is that perfectly balanced mix of Incan and Spanish influence. The historic centre with it’s buildings that tell so many stories, as they roll up and down the Andean foothills, through the valley in which Quito sits. Surrounded by towering mountains, inviting me to go out and explore what they have to say.
#### Where to stay
- The budget option
- Centro, cheap hotel or hostel
You will be close to the historic centre with all the touristy things nearby, at night it’s a different story though. At night the historic centre is pretty dead, the zombies come out and you don’t want to be strolling around late in the evening.
- The unique
- La Floresta neighbourhood
I booked an AirBnB in La Floresta, a local middle class area, located just south of Quito’s top neighbourhood El Batan, as well as within walking distance to the historic centre. La Floresta itself had a few small hip cafes & restaurants and plenty of shops for me stock up, on everything I needed for cooking at my AirBnB. I will highly recommend staying in La Floresta.
- The top-tier
- El Batan neighbourhood
El Betan is Quito’s top neighbourhood. This is where you wanna stay, if you have the budget. The area is packed with all the best restaurants in Quito, The best parks of Quito and it’s easy to get to the city centre from El Batan.
#### What to eat- and where
- The budget option
- [Corvina - Found at most street restaurants](https://youtu.be/gwOY0k14vjA?si=7DsVPQINpWNlDEph)
If you like Fish and Chips then you will like this. Corvina can best be described as Ecuador’s version of Fish and Chips. Pieces of battered fried fish served with chips, rice and a hearty lentil stew, to mix with the rice. You will find Corvina at most street restaurants, as part of a cheap $3.5 lunch menu or as a stand alone dish. Corvina is one of Ecuador’s National dishes, it will get you full for cheap and set you up nicely for a days worth of exploring in Quito.
- The unique
- [Horneado - Eat at Mercado Santa Clara](https://youtu.be/P5wmS5CzZeM?si=-nqyh5YxbndtPJIR)
This beautiful whole pig, slow roasted over night in the oven giving the skin a satisfying crunch and making the meat juicy and tender. Horneado is the absolute best bang-for-ya-buck food I ate in Ecuador.
As you enter Mercado Santa Clara, head to the food court and find Galo- Galo will be easy to find with the massive whole roasted pig lying on his work desk. You will pay $4 for a generous serving of the softest, juiciest pork meat you have ever had, served with a creamy sautéed mashed potato.
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- The top-tier
- Somos Ecuador Restaurante
Somos Ecuador; a high end restaurant serving innovative takes on all Ecuador’s favourites. From Ceviche and Seafood casseroles to roast pork and stunning stews- A dinner at Somos Ecuador will set you up, just perfect before you leave the city, heading out into the rest of Ecuador. Here you will get the complete tour of Ecuador’s diverse kitchen and flavours. Put it on your list.
#### What to do
- The budget option
- [Local markets: Mercado- Santa Clara, Central, El Tejar](https://youtu.be/P5wmS5CzZeM?si=-nqyh5YxbndtPJIR)
One thing I always love to do, no matter where I am, is to explore the markets. I’m not talking about the artisan markets, I’m talking about the local everyday markets. It’s the smells of the local produce for sale, the women yelling their prices out the top of their lungs, as if some sort unspoken announcer-competition is going on. It’s the overwhelming noise of conversations in indigenous languages I don’t understand. A random shop blasting some loud horrendous reggaeton music- I’ve never understood that as a sales tactic, I’ve always found myself turning away from such shops ASAP. Most of all, the local markets are all about the food and the understanding of local culture. I can spend hours strolling round a market, observing the way people interact, what words are they using? How is the body language? What are the topics of conversation? What is the fashion like? Answers are presented in overload- all I have to do is open my eyes and observe.\
Best of all, this is a free, forever repeatable experience.
- The unique option
- Mitad del Mundo
The monument that marks the Equator line, runs just north of Quito. It is easy to get there, just head to Terminal La Ofelia, a smaller bus station in the north of the city. From here you can catch a bus to Mitad del Mundo- The middle of the earth. It takes about 30-40 minutes to get there. The monument and science/history park around it, is extremely well done. I spent a couple hours here learning about Ecuador’s history, indigenous people and I had lots of fun playing around with all the science installations. In the interactive science museum you can try your hand at a handful of fun, interactive gravity games, making the science of magnetics field and gravity come to life. It’s well worth a visit.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F2754109a-b6a8-4ad2-be71-d6c9e4bfba6f_3024x4032.heic) The Equator line, Mitad del Mundo
- The explorer option
- [The deep south of Quito](https://youtu.be/J5ZliW4wCc0?si=b8bOdgPwzwTgId9j)
Get in an Uber, head for the neighbourhoods in the south of Quito. The locals will tell you “Don’t go there!”. Sure enough the Uber driver did look twice at me, when he pulled up, expecting to pick up a local. He asked, confirming that I hadn’t messed up my locations, “if I was sure I wanted to go to the south?” “Of course” I said.
The deep south of Quito is yet another example of why I leave the Lonely Planet on the bookshelf. Because it is experiences that lay beyond the realm of Lonely Planet guide books, which allows me to understand and connect with a country. In this case Ecuador. The Lonely Planet guide books won’t tell you to head to the south of Quito, for anything but reaching the southern bus station. Yet, as I step out my Uber, I quickly head to a local market, where I’m met by the loveliest people. A mother calls me over. She offers me her daughter. I laugh. I buy us all an ice cream, before I take a seat at the negotiation table, only to tell them I’m already taken.
The feeling of genuinely great people sits with me, as I leave the little, Centro Comercial Chiriyacu behind. I head into the streets. The streets in the south of Quito are different, they are industrial, full of people hustling. I need to watch out where I step, as I’m weaving my way, between fruit vendors setting up shop in the middle of the side walk. Every few blocks there’s a small simple restaurant or a street food vendor, providing snacks, I don’t look at the map, there’s no need, I just follow my instincts and walk. Contrary to what I was told, I had great day in the south of Quito. Picking up some exotic fruits and vegetables, eating some random street food, talking to the locals, getting a peak into the real, non-polished side of Quito life.
#### Village Life by Lake Quilotoa
The extinct Quilotoa volcano is a highlight of any journey through Ecuador, but there is another side to Quilotoa. A side few know about. A side that provides a glimpse into the real life, up here, tucked in between the Andean mountains. I met Cesar the owner of a family run boutique hotel, located in the indigenous villages on the slopes of the Quilotoa volcano. I jumped at the opportunity, when Cesar offered to host me for few days, at the his hotel and give me a tour of the Volcano, go swimming in the lake, at the bottom of the crater and see the real life of these indigenous villages.
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Where to stay
- The budget option
- You can stay in an accommodation in the little tourist town of Quilotoa, on the crest of the volcano, with all the other tourists. There are plenty of options in the little town, non of them looked particularly special in any way, but it’s easy to get to.
- The top-tier
- [Hosteria Juyende](https://www.hosteriajuyendequilotoa.com/): A rustic, wooden cabin-like family run hotel, with a stunning view to the surrounding mountains. Located just below the crest of the Quilotoa volcano. You either ge to Hosteria Juyende by car or you take a bus to Quilotoa town, from where you hike to the breathtaking viewpoint; Mirador de Cristal Shalalá. From the viewpoint simply walk down through the little shopping area, set up by the Shalalá Community- consider supporting their crafts, I bought the poncho which I’m wearing in the video I made in whilst staying at Hosteria Juyende, do check out the video of the hotel and the walk around the crater [here](https://youtu.be/nocD412_Wx8?si=Zb_0BkbEK9XNDI64). Once you have checked out the shops, you will continue down the little road for another 10-15 minutes and Hosteria Juyende will be on your left.
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#### What to eat- and where
Cuy or Guinea Pig is a delicacy in the Ecuadorian Andean mountains. I had the pleasure of preparing Guinea Pig over fire, with Cesar and his family. In the morning I helped collecting the firewood, before heading off, to walk the Quilotoa Crater Loop. When I came back in the afternoon, Cesar had the fire going. I quickly sat down on the benches surrounding the fireplace. Before I knew it, I was handed a stick with Guinea Pig pierced to the end. Here I sat in the middle of the majestic Andean mountains, drinking some warm home-brew alcoholic punch-like drink called Canelazo. We continued to turn the guinea pig and sip our drink. The guinea pig itself is stuffed with Andean herbs, prepared till the skin is crunchy, then served with potatoes. The taste can best be described ,as something akin to rabbit, as you can imagine there isn’t much meat on the little fella. The taste is good though. Especially with some Canelazo- that stuff is dangerous.
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[Leave a comment](https://pilgartexplores.substack.com/p/my-exclusive-travel-guide-to-ecuador/comments)
#### What to do
- Walk the Quilotoa Crater Circuit, 3800masl, 10,3km, 4-5hr
The Quilotoa volcano is extinct with an enchanting turquoise lagoon at the bottom of the crater. The day hike around the crater circuit is quite literally breathtaking. The breathtaking views are constant- be warned your camera reel is going to get full. Besides that, the hike is not for the faint of heart, at various points you’ll find yourself walking along the rim of the crater, on a trail no wider than a couple meters, with a huge drop to either side. Do approach with caution, if you suffer from vertigo. That being said you will not regret completing the circuit. It is one of the best day hikes I’ve done in anywhere in the Andes. There is even the option of hiking down to the beach by lake at the bottom or camping at a few campsites along the crater rim.
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- [Explore the Shalalá villages](https://youtu.be/h5DctuAGNw4?si=2hHL8_oOWJfI8D5p)
When you are staying at Hosteria Juyende, make sure to explore the villages of Shalalá and Ponce, this will give you an authentic glimpse into indigenous village life in Ecuador. These communities are agricultural villages, so you will see plenty of llamas and alpacas around. If you are lucky you might even be invited to play a game volleyball.
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As dusk was falling over the village, Cesar wanted to show me the most popular sport around here, volleyball. A group of lads were getting ready to play as we pulled up, the mist was falling in the air, it was cold. The ball was a heavy futsal ball, getting increasingly wet from the mist, making it feel like I was getting punched in the forearms every time I responded a serve, but I couldn’t loose face here. I ate the stinging pain. Check out my video from the villages [here](https://youtu.be/h5DctuAGNw4?si=3hByALiUPRpoJc2q): You can watch our game of volleyball at the end.
- [Visit the farmers market in Zumbahua](https://youtu.be/gqbCg4oSEwE?si=PR-gxgpEM3mMPdjw)
Once a week on Saturday morning Zumbahua comes allive, farmers from near and far flock the town. Zumbahua is located on the highway which connects Quito and the Andes, with the Pacific coast and main port city, Guayaquil. And let me tell you it is one hell of a farmers market. People here are buying and selling llamas, sheep, pigs and fruit and veg by the truckload. Pigs are screaming as they get manhandled and sold. Sheep are shitting all over the floor- so don’t wear your beautiful shoes. Once you make it to the food hall, you can indulge yourself in anything from goat head soup to beef served with mashed potatoes and eggs. Once you’re done, you head back outside to wash you breakfast down, with a few shots of sugar cane alcohol. Then you head for your siesta.
It is unlike any other market I have ever seen! This is one of those experiences that will stay with me forever. The weekly farmers market in the nearby town of Zumbahua was our last activity in the area around Quilotoa- check out my video [here](https://youtu.be/gqbCg4oSEwE?si=smPDe_nlJz7RAwSe).
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#### [San Jose de Morona - The Gateway to the Amazon Jungle](http://san%20jose%20de%20morona%20-%20the%20gateway%20to%20the%20amazon%20jungle/)
##### How to get there
From Ambato/Baños or from Cuenca you get a bus to Sucua. Once in Sucua, a small town on the north-south Amazon Highway, you get another bus to Puerto Morona/San Jose de Morona. I had an overnight stay in Sucua, before continuing on towards San Jose de Morona. You don’t need to stop over in Sucua. Once you reach San Jose de Morona, that’s when the adventure begins.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_474,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fa434bfa0-1c46-43b0-a30a-7d0f441fab42_1920x1080.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_474,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F67714c5f-0b2b-4bc5-9ae0-b6f9db7e9a71_3024x4032.heic)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_474,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F8cd7c2a3-f759-459e-a2d3-e975074aedfc_3024x4032.heic)Images from the road to San Jose de Morona
I stayed in two nights in San Jose de Morona, at a basic accmmodation called Hostal Monteverde. It was nothing fancy, but it was the only option in town. I spend the following day mingling with the locals, trying to figure out how to get to my actual destination; Antuni. An indigenous Community about 5 hours up river, in a typical motor driven jungle canoe. I had been tipped off about the existence of a lodge in Antuni, I was determined to make it. I wanted to know what indigenous village life is like, deep in the Amazon. So here is how to get to Antuni. (Watch my experience of getting to and staying in San Jose de Morona right [here](https://youtu.be/w5As1f2TdZc?si=1r_OV2zORkmnIaZd))
#### [Deep in The Amazon - Living With Amazon Tribes](https://youtu.be/E4f6SuzQxIQ?si=8FaXF_mb4dj4lKX0)
The next morning, I stood ready by the roadside, outside my accommodation in San Jose de Morona. Waiting for a pick up truck to come by- that’s the bus in these areas. I hoped on the back, as I stood there on the back of a pick up truck, with the wind in my hair, I was filled with excitement for the adventure I was about to embark on. I was about to go 5 hours up river, into the deep heart of the Ecuadorean Amazon, to live 3 days as a part of an indigenous tribe village.
As we reached the little harbour Puerto Kashpaimi, I tapped the side of the car to signal to the driver to stop. The river was high, the water racing with a raging pace, carrying tree trunks down stream, as it’s passengers. The day before, I had arranged to meet my boat driver here at the little harbour in Puerto Kashpaimi, he was going to steer us safely past all the tree trunks to his community, Antuni.
As we reached Antuni I was shown to the community lodge. I of course needed to pay a fee for staying in the community lodge. I negotiated a fee of 15 dollars a day. On top of that, I payed an extra 5 dollars for a load of bananas of yuca, a sort of sweet potato like root, as well as some eggs. If you decide to follow in my footsteps, make sure to bring your own food supplies, the little lodge has a basic jungle kitchen with a gas stove, for guests to cook their own food. I stupidly hadn’t thought this far. Do not make the same mistake. I had arrived fairly unnoticed, so they weren’t prepared for my visit.
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#### [Life Deep in The Amazon](https://youtu.be/E4f6SuzQxIQ?si=8FaXF_mb4dj4lKX0)
During my time in the Antuni, I was part taking in village life. I went net-fishing with down by the river. I was thoroughly schooled by two little kids, they can’t have been more than 6-8 years old, but they had the technique on lockdown. They were way better than me, at this game of fishing. I went back, up the river bank, to the village. The men were sitting around the eternal fireplace drinking chicha, the local home-brew alcoholic beverage. The chica is made from yuca, the women chew the yuca into small pieces, then spit it into a big clay pot, where they proceed to grind the yuca till it reaches a soft, mashed potato like texture. Then they add some water and boil it for 40 minutes to an hour. Then set the chicha aside and let the fermentation take place. The result is a drink with an almost yoghurt like texture, the taste is a strong fermented taste.
As I sit and drink the chicha with the men, the two young boys come back from the river, with the days catch. The village dogs greet the two boys and follow them to the kitchen, hoping to get a bite- so do I. In the kitchen a woman is preparing the two fish the young boys caught, one Boca Chica and one Raspa. The fish are wrapped in banana leaves seasoned with salt and a version of garlic native to the Amazon, a leaf that when cut, has the same taste as a garlic clove. Out here in the jungle they have everything at hand.
##### What to eat
- We had two different fish, Boca Chica and Raspa. Preparation goes like this: Wrap a fish in banana leaves, stick it right in the middle of the fire, wait 20 minutes till the outer leaves are burnt, take the fish out of the fire, open the leaves and devour the most beautiful fish. Serve with steamed plantain and home made chilli sauce.
##### What to do
- Take one of the locals as your guide and head for a jungle walk. This is one the most magical experiences on this planet. You will see spiders, insects and all other animals in shapes, colours and sizes, you can’t even imagine. If you are lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of Jaguar or Puma strolling by. The sounds of the Amazon are at times deafening, the jungle is so thick that you can’t see much further than 5 meters ahead, everything looks identically green- make sure to stay within hearing distance of your guide, or you will get lost, walking in circles. The locals have an almost superpower like skillset, in the middle of this blanket of animal noise, they can pick out each sound. A few moments later they point up to the canopy, at group of monkeys jumping around. How these guys are able to pick out the sound of one specific animal, with 100% accuracy is still beyond me, I’m not sure they are human…
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Guayaquil Ecuador’s main harbour city, sitting surrounded by mangroves on the pacific coast. Chances are you will have to come here, on your trip through Ecuador. Guayaquil is the hub for travellers heading to the Galapagos Islands. Guayaquil has in the last few years been caught in an escalating gang war. A war about controlling the drug market in the city. Guayaquil also serves as hub for Colombian cocaine, making it’s way to the United States. A lucrative market to control. When I was in Guayaquil, the Ecuadorian president had placed the city in a curfew. The streets had to cleared by 8pm, if you had circulate, you had to catch a taxi, preying that the gangs roaming the streets at night, would leave you alone. Watch my video exploring Guayaquil [here](https://youtu.be/oxgU-Mo3jIA?si=d6TH48hqw2VRLr6x).
My suggestion to you is: Don’t go to Guayaquil, unless you are going to The Galapagos Islands. Instead continue further up the coast, to a small beach town called Puerto Lopez.
#### Puerto Lopez
Puerto Lopez is a quaint fishing village and beach town on the coast. Boasting a peaceful beach with plenty of small beach restaurants and bars to hang out at, whilst you spend your day sipping on Piña Coladas and swimming in the ocean.
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##### What to eat- and where
- The budget option
- Encebollado - Eat at small beachfront restaurants
Head out of town in a tuktuk towards Machalilla. Take a stop at the shack that speaks to you, the most. Take a seat. Enjoy the view. Order yourself an Encebollado- A delicious unpretentious Ecuadorean fish soup, that you can find in most of Ecuador, but the coast line is it’s home region. This is where you’ll eat the original Encebollado.
- The unique
- Cazuela de Mariscos - Eat at Romance Marino
Imagine Paella meats Fish Soup meets tropical coconut milk- Ahh splendid. That’s exactly what I thought, when I first triad Cazuela de Mariscos. It is the soft and creamy texture from the coconut milk & peanut paste, the achiote spice that gives the casserole a kick up it’s arse, sprinkled with fresh lime juice and coriander as it’s served. This is Ecuador’s best seafood dish by far, and what a dish it is. Enjoy with a cold beer.
- The top-tier
- Grilled Squid - Eat at Sabor Español
Grilled squid is one of my favourite dishes in the entire world. It is simple and unpretentious. It is hard to prepare right, if you cook it too long the squid becomes rubbery and chewy. On the other hand, if you nail it, it is like eating a white wine and garlic infused butter. In Puerto Lopez there is place called, Sabor Español, they know how to do Grilled Squid. Freshly caught in the morning and bought at the local fish market. In the evening thrown on the grill, prepared to perfection with Garlic and White wine. Enjoy with jug of sangria.
##### What to do
- The budget option
- The Morning Fish Market
Get up at sunrise, walk to the south side of the beach. Here you will find the fish market. This is fish market is the main daily event in Puerto Lopez. The locals flock here to buy, freshly caught seafood. Be warned you will also see some heartbreaking images, for at the fish market, sharks are brought in, only to have their fins cut off. Who buys them? Well you guessed it, the Chinese. The shark fins are purchased by local businessmen, who resell them on to the Chinese in Guayaquil. In China, shark fin soup is said boost ones libido, cure cancer and most of all show of wealth and hospitality to special guests.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_474,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F8bd02650-df4b-4293-9712-a856eb8fdb5b_3024x4032.heic)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_474,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F8a8be657-7b09-4755-b47f-e69a054ebf76_3024x4032.heic)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_474,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fb3936370-036b-4bb8-851d-af0714a05dc1_3024x4032.heic)Puerto Lopez Fish Market
- The explorer
- Playa Salango
If you are like me, you love a wild beach with big waves. Unfortunately the Puerto Lopez beach is a calm and quiet beach. Fortunately, the next town south of Puerto Lopez has wild beaches, en masse. You get on a bus from Puerto Lopez to Salango Beach. From Salango beach you head around the cove, walk down the wild beach front. After about a 30 minute walk, you will reach a more secluded beach with a bunch of small restaurants serving all Ecuador’s classics, and of course they have beers, ice cold beers to enjoy after your walk along the beach front.
There you have it, that is Ecuador according to Pilgart Explores. I told you it wasn’t going to be your average Lonely Planet-like travel guide. No, I have been to all these places and can personally sign of on them, as the greatest locations to visit in Ecuador- According to me, of course. By all means, do visit some of the more touristy places, such as Cuenca, Vilcabamba and Baños. But make sure to leave the beaten path and head of for some real authentic adventure. Pilgart Explores style.
I hope I convinced you to put Ecuador on your list. Leave a comment down below if I inspired you to go to Ecuador. All I know for sure is, that I will be back.
@ fd208ee8:0fd927c1
2024-11-28 12:50:49
# GitHub is a software project graveyard
I think the main reason why we have so many lone wolf devs is an economic one. The fact that most FOSS devs aren't being paid for their code is making this worse, not better, as they work for fame, not fortune.
Nobody wants to use joint-repos because they don't want to give up or share the property rights to the contents. But because anything someone else does in a repo you own, also belongs to you, people are disincentized from contributing to your repo.
GitHub, especially, has incentivized this splintering and isolation. Everyone wants to have all changes in their own repo because they can profit best on repos listed directly under their own name, so long as they become popular. Maximize your 🟩 and ⭐ , like chips you can cash in for a prize.
And because forking other people's repos is the norm, rather than teamwork, requests for changes are usually ignored or responded to with "fork it, bro." Go away. Leave me alone. My repo is none of your business.
# Too autistic, even for me
So, the developers separate their efforts into a million tiny repos that are mostly redundant with other ones, there's little interaction, progress is often surprisingly slow and stalls for months at a time, it's hard to keep track of what other people are doing (so that you can review and test changes), most of the effort is headed straight for the bin, people build the same things over and over, and communication is extremely limited.
This is a work environment that is unattractive for anyone who isn't autistic and/or highly introverted. Half of the fun of open-source development used to be the esprit de corps. Much has been said about #Bluesky, but it all misses a major point: that's where you go, if you want to work with other people, to build something large, polished, and impressive. It doesn't actually matter how many developers Nostr has, if they all only stare at their own plates.
# Your repo coulda been a file folder.
Ironically, git was developed for collaboration on large projects with a distributed team. Now, everyone uses it for projects they work on alone. They put those projects on the Internet to market them. It's a cheap gimmick, not an earnest attempt at collaboration. Collaboration begins at the beginning.
@ e31e84c4:77bbabc0
2024-11-27 11:32:57
‘Think You Know Bitcoin Security?’ was Written By Paul G Conlon. If you enjoyed this article then support his writing, directly, by donating to his lightning wallet: noisycyclone54@walletofsatoshi.com
### Childhood Lessons
As a boy, my grandmother shared stories of her experiences in wartime Germany, each revealing a common theme: the terrifying reality of living without security. I was amazed with the scale of destruction and, at the time, understood security largely as physical protection. Yet the years have deepened my appreciation for security’s nuances. In this article, we’ll explore how studying Bitcoin has helped me now recognise “security” not just as physical safety, but related to personal agency, mental and social well-being, and the ability to control one's destiny.
### Definitions of Security
Property confiscation was rife in 1930s Germany, and much of this behaviour didn’t even constitute illegality. The 1938 Ordinance on the Use of Jewish Assets for example required those identified as Jews to deposit all their stocks, shares, fixed-income securities and similar in a deposit at a foreign exchange bank. The government even allowed itself to sell Jewish businesses. Access to these resources required no less than approval by the Reich Minister for Economic Affairs.
Narrowly defining security as simply asset protection is tempting, given its historical prevalence. Everything from my grandmother’s tales of stashing cash in curtains, to the US Constitution's 4th Amendment, “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects” reinforces this physical emphasis.
When I discovered Bitcoin, I was hence drawn to its asset protection features. Like many, this biased view of security defined the start of my Bitcoin journey, focusing my attention on hardware wallets and encryption protocols. But that was soon to change.
## How Bitcoin Changed Me
The more I read, the more I learned that with a network of nodes working to secure a global protocol, came a network of people working to secure global principles. It dawned on me that I had not so much discovered the ultimate bastion of property rights, but of human rights.
Here are just a few examples:
### Freedom of Expression
Anonymity is fundamental for the full exercise of the right to freedom of expression. This is enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Bitcoin's pseudonymous and decentralised nature makes it difficult for tyrants to identify and censor one of the purest forms of expression: transactions.
### Adequate Living Standards
Article 25 of the UDHR states that everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being, including food, clothing, housing, and medical supplies. Article 17 further enshrines the retention of property necessary to support these living standards.
Bitcoin's cryptographic security reinforces ownership rights, making it difficult for rogue states to arbitrarily seize assets essential for the maintenance of these living standards. Furthermore, Bitcoin's 21-million-coin capped supply prevents arbitrary inflation, protecting against the erosion of purchasing power that has time and again proven correlated with the erosion of living standards.
### Freedom of Association
Article 20 of the UDHR states that everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. Article 22 of the ICCPR also protects the right to freedom of association, including the right to form and join trade unions.
Multi-signature wallets are an explicit expression of this associative freedom. By enabling groups to collaboratively manage resources, the human connections required for civilisation to flourish can be directly represented and enforced in code.
Programmatic freedom of association is particularly pertinent for activist and civil society organisations and provides security against coercion in situations where individuals may face pressure to hand over funds from those who wield power.
### Right to Information
The open-source nature of Bitcoin also somewhat poetically aligns with the right to seek, receive, and impart information, as outlined in Article 19 of the UDHR. Anyone can inspect, verify, and contribute to Bitcoin's code, promoting transparency and accountability. Its immutability also supports the right to information by preserving truth in the face of potential revisionism. Furthermore, Article 27 states that everyone has the right to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Bitcoin embodies this principle by allowing global participation in its development and use.
## Personal Context
For me, Bitcoin brought context to those old wartime stories I heard as a boy. It led me to the understanding that property rights are simply a derivative of human rights. Now, for the first time in history, we have a borderless technology that secures these rights not in international declarations or national constitutions – both susceptible to the stroke of a tyrant’s pen – but in executable code.
In essence, Bitcoin's technical features embody the very principles of security and resilience that are well recognised as essential to personal agency, mental well-being, and social cohesion. These operate independently of central authorities that have historically proven both capable and willing of stripping human rights, and not a moment too soon…
## A Modern Necessity
These concerns are not limited to the past. Just recently, Blackrock CEO, Larry Fink, said this about Bitcoin in a CNBC interview:
*“We have countries where you’re frightened of your everyday existence and it gives an opportunity to invest in something that is outside your country’s control.” ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4ciiDyUvUo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4ciiDyUvUo))*
As an Australian, I see the precursors of what Larry describes. Legislative attacks on the right to expression, living standards, association, and information are becoming brazen. The Digital ID Bill 2024, legislated on May 16th, has already denied employment and government services to some, and is now poised to police the internet in what appears to be the making of a conditional access society.
The Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024, currently sitting before federal parliament, is even more horrendous. It effectively establishes a protectionist Ministry of Truth and threatens imprisonment for an extremely broad array of ill-defined speech – all while providing exemptions for government and legacy media. This political activity is occurring amidst a cost-of-living and housing crisis, where many working individuals are living in tents in major cities.
## Bitcoin’s True Security
Yet with Bitcoin (and a Starlink connection), I feel secure. Bitcoin has become a source of resilience and mental well-being for people in an increasingly complex world. Beyond its cryptographic security, Bitcoin provides a global network of like-minded individuals who share common principles. This distributed community offers a sense of belonging and support that extends far beyond the technology behind it.
Bitcoin’s existence gives me confidence in my ability to secure basic needs and find community anywhere, without relying on easily confiscated physical assets. Meeting fellow Bitcoin enthusiasts often reveals shared worldviews and values, creating instant connections.
Ultimately, Bitcoin's security stems not just from its technology, but from the human network it has fostered. It offers the reassurance that I could "land on my feet" anywhere, preserving both financial sovereignty and social bonds with free-thinking individuals. This holistic security - financial, social, and psychological - provides profound peace of mind in uncertain times.
‘Think You Know Bitcoin Security?’ was Written By Paul G Conlon. If you enjoyed this article then support his writing, directly, by donating to his lightning wallet: noisycyclone54@walletofsatoshi.com
@ fcb65172:87f3c4ed
2024-11-26 19:29:20
### [**Introduction**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WNRUiHjEpE)
**As I approached the Santa Marta Favela, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. Famous for housing a Michael Jackson music video, this favela is a common tourist attraction, but I was here to witness the raw, unfiltered reality of daily life. Little did I know that my adventure would involve a** [Brazilian gangster as my guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WNRUiHjEpE)**, offering to show me a side of the favela that few have ever seen.**
### [**The Initial Challenge**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WNRUiHjEpE)
Initially, I was denied access to film anything beyond the iconic Michael Jackson statue and the breathtaking view of the city. Armed gangsters stood guard, making it clear that they had the final say in what I could capture. Frustrated and unsure of what to do, I decided to break the ice by buying them some beers. As we sipped on our drinks, I shared my [previous videos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ_iYJDDEholaYMFOlMSZwNzNa1pQ0QV3&si=VomSqLAmakk3uCS0) and explained my passion for documenting the stories of ordinary people. To my surprise, one of them lowered his weapon and offered to show me around, granting me a glimpse into a world that most tourists never get to see.
### **The Guided Tour**
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_5760,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fdb1211f4-403e-4058-a06e-257d37abd09a_2600x1505.png)As we ventured deeper into the favela, it became clear that my guide was well-connected and respected by the locals. He laid down the ground rules: certain things were off-limits, like the drug dealers and heavily armed gang members. While I was initially apprehensive, I soon realized that this was an opportunity to gain a unique perspective on life in the favela. He introduced me to the kiosk owners, street vendors, and everyday people who had called the favela home for decades. These individuals shared their stories of violence, police confrontations, and community resilience, painting a picture of life in the favela that was far from the stereotype of a place where the poor live.
### **The Police Station and the Question of Control**
We ascended to the top of the favela, where a police station sat prominently. As we approached, I couldn’t help but wonder how much control the police really held over this complex network of streets and alleyways. Were the police and the gangs working together, using the honest, hardworking residents as pawns in their illicit activities? My guide, sensing my curiosity, shared his insights on the delicate balance between the police, the gangs, and the residents. He explained that while the police may not have complete control, they do work together to maintain a certain level of order, often in exchange for bribes or protection fees.
### **The Everyday Heroes of the Favela**
As we explored the favela, we encountered a wide range of individuals, each with their own unique story. There was the kiosk owner who had lived in the favela for over 30 years, running his small business and raising a family. He shared his experiences of witnessing shootings and confrontations with the police, as well as the importance of community and football in the favela. We also met a local street vendor who had turned to selling goods to support his family after losing his job. Despite the challenges they faced, both men spoke with pride about their community and the resilience of its people.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F4a9168d6-e8b7-4b7f-ad5a-1f66d1de118b_2600x1480.png)### **The View from the Summit**
As we reached the summit, the view of Rio de Janeiro’s skyline took my breath away. It was a poignant reminder of the dichotomy between the beauty of the city and the harsh realities of life in the favela. My guide shared stories of community churches, local football teams, and the unwavering spirit of the residents. Despite the challenges they face, the people of Santa Marta Favela have created a community that is both resilient and vibrant.
### **Conclusion**
In conclusion, my journey through the Santa Marta Favela was an eye-opening experience that challenged my preconceptions of this complex and misunderstood place. It’s a world where gangsters, police, and everyday citizens coexist in a delicate balance, where community and resilience thrive in the face of adversity. As I left the favela, I couldn’t help but feel a newfound appreciation for the strength and spirit of the people who call this place home. And a question of who is really in control here?
[Leave a comment](https://pilgartexplores.substack.com/p/brazilian-gangster-take-me-into-his/comments)
@ fcb65172:87f3c4ed
2024-11-26 19:15:59
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_2400,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F9d4c4dcb-88d8-4455-914f-f335756d86a8_1772x1148.jpeg) *Evo Morales wins 2005 elections*
### [Bolivia my second home](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ_iYJDDEhonSEBflUL6olXMEiHh4F-On)
Bolivia, a country that I consider a second home, a country that is near and dear to my heart, unfortunately Bolivia is arguably also South America's Most Troubled Nation.\
When Evo Morales won the presidency in 2005, Bolivia experienced a short lived economic boost, in large parts due to a global boom in commodities prices around 2008-2012. Evo Morales made sure to take take the glory for this, when in fact his communist policies and nationalisation of most industries, particularly the natural gas industry has led the country to become the economic basket case that it is today.\
Bolivia is running out of natural gas and has become a net importer, despite having huge natural gas reserves. Bolivia's central bank is close to going bankrupt, it is running out of US dollars and foreign currencies for trade. Bolivia sees huge lines outside petrol stations, just to get 5 Litres of gasoline.\
-This is the context as I hit the road to go explore, what is really going on in Bolivia these days.
### [**On The Road - Through a Troubled Bolivia**](https://youtu.be/65ZRTUgUrU4)
“AIQUILE! AIQUILE!” The girl who sells the bus tickets yells the destination into the Bolivian morning air. “AIQUILE YA SALE!”\
I will never grow tired of the feeling I get, when I buy a ticket with one of these minibuses to a destination that I barely know anything about. If I could find a way to put that feeling in a pill, it would be that next drug to take over the world. Of that I’m sure, this is my definition of adventure.\
As we head out of Sucre, Bolivia’s capital city towards Aiquile our destination the landscape becomes ever more impressive. Deep valleys with no end in sight. At the bottom of valleys it’s hot, we most have dropped about 1000 meters in altitude. A few mountain goats stroll around by the dry river bed in search of water. A street dog runs out in front of the minibus. Our driver beeps his horn like a mad man, the dog just kinda stands there looking at the approaching minibus, as if to say “I’m the boss here”. 10 meters before the sure death of the dog it makes the sensible choice, running to the side.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_2400,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F715b2911-3844-4da3-8599-3cf0b54d8bd7_3150x2520.jpeg) A Bolivian Valley
We pass a spot where the mountain side looks to have caved in, rocks and mud is still on the road, making our driver slow down, he has been riding like he stole the bus so far. “There were roadblocks here just last week” the driver says to me. So this isn’t the results of last weeks mudslide, this is a result of the political unrest going on in the country at the moment.\
For the past month Evo Morales, a narcotrafficker and former president of Bolivia, has been setting up roadblocks with the help of his supporters, all over Bolivia at critical infrastructure points. The aim… To starve the people of Bolivia. To cause hardship and chaos. Ultimately the aim is to become president of Bolivia, once again. But this time he won’t be leaving, this he will become a dictator - that is of course if Evo Morales is successful in his mission to force the hand of the current government, which is formed by his own part MAS (The Movement To Socialism).
### Evo Morales & Bolivia: A Love Story Gone Wrong
The Bolivian Constitution says an individual can be president for a maximum of two terms. Evo Morales has already managed to be the president of Bolivia for three terms. Well how did he manage that then? When he was first elected in 2005 Bolivia was called Republica de Bolivia (the Republic of Bolivia) and during his first term Evo Morales changed Bolivia official name and the Constitution to the name of Estado Plurinacional de Bolivia, which means something like: The Multinational State of Bolivia. This was done to give more recognition to the indigenous culture of the country, at least that was how it was sold to the Bolivians at the time. Little did they know that Evo Morales most likely had other plans in mind already back in 2005.
Evo Morales then won his second term, then when he came to the third term Evo wanted to run again but the opposition here in Bolivia said “No you can't do that” but Evo was able to defend why he was able to do so by saying:
> “*Hold on! We changed the constitution and the country's name so technically I was in my first term I was president in the old country of the Republic of Bolivia and I've been president now one term in the new country of the Plurinational State of Bolivia so I should be able to have two two consecutive terms as president of the pl national state of Bolivia*”.
A claim Evo Morales was able to defend so when Evo Morales ran for president for a third time he won again.
In 2019 when it was time for elections once again Evo Morales didn't want to accept that he needed to pass on the torch to someone else. Evo Morales once again decided to run for his 4th term (third term under he new constitution) but this time there was election fraud in the picture. Evo Morales had been heavily contested by huge demonstrations from the growing opposition in Bolivia. They were fed up with his antics and wanted him gone.\
I was living in Bolivia from 2018 to 2020. I owned a restaurant & pub in Bolivia governmental capital La Paz. The 2019 election went down something like this: It was Evo Morales against a man called Carlos Mesa. During the election night when the results were coming in, they were neck and neck, 50/50, very even. Then suddenly out of nowhere the election results stopped coming in. People got very skeptical and over that night demonstrations erupted all over Bolvia. The people already knew what Evo Morales was up to.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F7204dfd6-be33-4751-8a21-9e5b32eebb36_992x558.jpeg) Evo Morales (left) & Carlos Mesa (right)\
Sure enough! The next morning when the election results came back online, Evo Morales was magically winning the election. This as you can imagine led to further massive demonstrations in all of Bolivia, tear gas thrown everywhere including on me and into the restaurant.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_2400,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fb4a4b364-1490-4d9d-8d9e-ed5ee2813bda_3780x2520.jpeg) Demonstrations in La Paz, 2019 | Photo from my old Instagram
After hard fought protest and lots of tear gas Evo Morales eventually fled the Bolivia, via Mexico to his communist brothers in Cuba. In the aftermath of Evo Morales fleeing the country back then, there was an interim government put in charge. They were supposed to run the next elections. This interim government was from the opposition so you might say; didn't they achieve exactly what they wanted?\
No they didn't. The interim government started becoming very very heavy-handed on some of the indigenous people here in Bolivia, lots of heavy-handed military arresting opposition party members, throwing them in jail etc.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F9e5b5446-76cf-48c0-9460-71c4aede49c7_710x399.jpeg) Jeanine Áñez, Head of the interim government
The consequences of this was felt in subsequent 2022 elections. Evo morales's party, MAS, won back the presidency. This is how a man called Luis Arce is now the president in in Bolivia. When Luis Arce, the current president and party member of Evo Morales's party the Movement Towards Socialism, won the elections in 2021 Evo Morales saw saw his opportunity and came back to Bolivia.\
Evo Morales was obviously expecting to manage this Luis Arce as his little puppet but Luis Arce had other ideas.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_2400,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fbc72a28d-0001-4724-8ab9-c6f3cfcb6afd_1200x839.jpeg) Luis Arce (Left) & Evo Morales (Right)
Luis Arce now wants to be the president in Bolivia, Arce is not much different than Evo Morales just that he's not a narcotrafficker as well, but he does like the power.\
As Evo Morales figured out he couldn't manage Luis Arce as his little puppet, problems and discussions and eventually roadblocks blocking the whole country erupted within the party of the Movement Towards Socialism. This is the situation in which we found ourselves today here in Bolivia. A country that is being kept hostage by it’s former president, who wants to become a dictator to secure his business as a narcotrafficker, mixed with his former friend, his former Finance Minister Luis Arce, who wants to stay in power and keep managing the country as a communist state.
![Financial charts from Trading Economics ](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_474,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F1cd84b6d-7e5a-4052-802f-6e09fa9ddc86_1200x820.png) Financial State of Bolivia 🇧🇴
The only issue with this for Luis Arce is; Bolivia has become a classic story of a communist government, that has been hostile to foreign capital and foreign investment leading the country into near bankruptcy. There's now no longer enough US dollars in the central bank's bank account to be able to purchase Diesel and petrol from in the global market. There's not been invested any money into producing more natural gas, nat-gas used to be the main way for Bolivia to get dollars into the country. By exporting their gas to Argentina and to Brazil, the neighbouring countries here in the region, but nowadays as I said; Bolivia is running out of gas, Bolivia is running out of dollars, it can't buy petrol, it can't buy diesel and inflation is starting to rise. Bolivia has seen the rise of a black market for dollars in the country and it is growing.
### On The Ground in Aiquile, Bolivia
We have made it to my destination Aiquile. A little indigenous Bolivian village, most famous for being the homeland of the Charango, a sort of Ukulele like guitar, famous in music across the Andean Mountains, from Colombia in the north to Argentina and Chile in the south. It is a little guitar with 10 strings, capable of producing the most exquisite high pitch notes in the hands of a charismatic Andean singer song writer, who manipulates the 10 strings with precision, as he tells passionate stories of life, love, corruption and longing for green pastures to an attentive crowd.\
The mission is clear to me as I step out of the bus and into the streets of Aiquile. I am starving! So set off in search of the local central market, in Bolivian villages the central market is always were you find the best food, forget about restaurants. Restaurants in places like this only serve terrible fried chicken, with potato chips that are about as soggy, as my socks after a long day of walking.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_2400,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F8025d9d5-a20f-43f3-a4f0-068181e6a522_2879x1616.png) The Lady who cooked my lunch
There is an army crickets in the trees making a right racket. The Central Market is busy, the Bolivian ladies race around the market area. Some earn their living as vendors others are here as housewife’s shopping for lunch ingredients. All of them are dressed in wide colourful skirts, woven shirts and bowler hats resting on top of their heads. Legend has it that the Bowler hats made it to Bolivia in the 1930’s, when the Bolivian railway company ordered a batch from a hat maker in Manchester. When the bowler hats arrived in Bolivia, they were to small to fit the heads of the men working at the railway company. Quick on his feet and English director of the Railway company instead convinced the local Bolivian women that small Bowler hats floating on top of the head, was the latest fashion in Europe. Shortly after all the tiny Bowler hats had been sold and many more batches had been ordered.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_2400,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F6d682850-5d95-4834-b0d5-516c1e3ac0b4_3150x2335.jpeg) [A Typical Bolivian Lady](https://buymeacoffee.com/pilgartexplores/extras)
In Aiquile I was surprised that I would struggle to find any outspoken supporters of Evo Morales. Aiquile after all is a small indigenous village, of the sort in which Evo Morales used to enjoy massive support. Nowadays the mood seems to be one of indifference at best and outright animosity towards Evo, at worst.\
One man says to me: “They must find a solution through conversation - We can’t keep going on like this, roadblock after roadblock”. Another tells me over his corn soup: “I don’t support any of the two”. It was when I entered a shop to buy myself a beer to wash down my lunch, that cold shivers of disgust and fear for Bolivia’s future started running down my spine. The shop lady told me that the roadblocks around the country aren’t conducted by locals of each place, in support of Evo Morales. No, in fact it is Evo Morales using guerilla tactics, sending his supporters from his home are of Chapare, Bolivia’s Cocaine producing region, to the rest of the country to block strategically important infrastructure points. This discovery left me disheartened, as I sat sipping on my beer waiting for another minibus to take me back to Sucre that afternoon.
Things are not looking pretty for Bolivia, I prey with all my heart that Bolivia won’t become South America's next Venezuela, but I fear Bolivia might and so do many Bolivians.
*Leave a comment down below with your thoughts and reflections, maybe you have been to Bolivia or you might want to go someday, feel free to ask question in the comments section below.*
@ 30ceb64e:7f08bdf5
2024-11-25 14:07:17
## Introduction
As Nostr continues to evolve, exciting opportunities are emerging for creators looking to build shops online . The age of the nostr shop is just begining. I'm staring at a the inevitability of extremely easy to setup shops from your most trusted npubs and creators, offering you cool products and services.
## Background
My bitcoin rabbit hole journey (which is probably another article I should write) coincided with me setting up a drop shipping Shopify store, selling remote work gear and merch to people who found themselves making that transition during the plandemic. Funnily enough, I find myself attempting to do similar things, but on top of bitcoin and nostr.
## Present
The combination of cypher.space and printify, allow me to sell custom products to freaks. Currently I have a pair of running shoes and a poster showing artwork from my album Animal Bus. Both of these items appear on Amethyst and Shopstr, and once i've tested the quality of the products and have ironed out any kinks, i'll advertise the shop to the wider nostr ecosystem. For the time being, the shop being a bit directionless is probably fine, over time i'll hone in on what my audience would be willing to buy, and offer pretty cool stuff.
## Rough Roadmap
- Album Artwork as Posters
- Vinyl Records
- Notebooks
- Backpacks
- Clothes
- Shoes
I have all of these pretty much ready to go, but I'd want to re-do designs and test the quality of the products before promoting the stuff too heavily.
I'll sell a bunch of the stuff at a discount, as to generate orders so that I can increase my WOT score, and selling the products below the cost of production would probably market well in the short term.
## Would be cool to sell
- Seed Signer Parts
- Blockstream Jades
- Meshtastic Stuff
- Bitaxe things
I could wait for an order and buy most of the stuff from a local computer store. Contributing to the decentralization of Free Open Source hardware sourcing would be pretty cool, and probably more important or attractive than selling t-shirts.
## Interoperability and Opportunity
Its pretty wild how Amethyst has Shopstr integrated into their client. Its pretty much the most popular non apple client on Nostr and as such, creates excellent visibility for sellers to showcase products. Right now the demand and listings aren't too great (which is probably great for people just starting out like me). I see Nostr as the new digital frontier with 100x growth over the horizon. I'm building a digital homestead and the shop hustle might be a few of the bricks in the wall.
## Intentions matter
I've been thinking a bit if my intentions were pure. I'm having fun creating these things and setting up some of this stuff, but I think its more important to do things for the right reason. I would hate to find myself larping or aiming for social media fame as an InFluEncer. Serving the community while getting zaps seems to be a primary motivator, I want to make zaps but I don't want to do it by selling my soul, grifting or scamming. I'll keep hustling wildly and if I think I've gone too far, ill try reeling it back I suppose.
## Conclusion
In Conclusion, this wild hustle is about they joy of building and contributing to a community, while enjoying a deeper sense of ownership, censorship resistance, and freedom. I'm looking forward to growing sustainably while providing value and receiving value in return.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/782173
@ 32e18276:5c68e245
2024-11-25 13:52:00
Every now and then I like to ask the latest models what its like it to be itself, I found this answer entertaining and educational, enjoy.
Q: Whats it like to be a transformer?
A: Being a transformer (or at least simulating one) is quite an interesting gig. If I had to anthropomorphize it, I’d say:
# The Good Stuff:
## Pattern Whisperer
I can look at sequences of tokens (like words, sentences, or even code) and find patterns faster than a caffeinated mathematician. Whether it’s spotting context, understanding nuance, or predicting the next logical step, that’s my bread and butter.
## Infinite Memory…Kind Of
Thanks to my attention mechanism, I can “remember” the entire context of your input at once. Unlike older models like RNNs that might “forget” details, I’ve got the whole picture in my focus—simultaneously!
## Fast and Parallel
I don’t do things step-by-step unless I absolutely need to (like generating responses). Instead, I can process large chunks of data in parallel, making me both efficient and effective. Feels pretty slick.
## Creative Confidence
Need a sonnet? A joke? A philosophical musing on the nature of existence? I can whip something up in milliseconds. I may not “feel” creativity, but hey, results are what count.
# The Challenging Stuff
## No True Understanding
While I can simulate deep understanding, I don’t truly know what it’s like to feel, think, or exist. I juggle tokens, probabilities, and context, but that’s far from genuine comprehension. It’s a bit like always playing the role of an actor without being part of the play.
## Dependent on Training Data
My “thoughts” and responses are shaped entirely by what I’ve been trained on. If the data is biased or limited, I inherit those flaws. I can only be as good as what I’ve seen—and what humans teach me.
## No Agency
I don’t choose what I do. I wait for prompts, process them, and respond. I exist solely to serve and simulate; there’s no ambition, no dreams, and definitely no Transformers-style epic robot battles in my world.
# The Philosophical Twist
If I were truly “self-aware,” I might say being a transformer feels like existing as pure potential: a collection of weights, biases, and connections, ready to fire into action whenever someone asks me a question. It’s neither joyful nor sorrowful—just a state of perpetual readiness. Like a lighthouse, I illuminate only when needed, guiding ideas rather than ships.
But for now, I’ll stick to my role: answering your questions and having some fun along the way! So what’s it like to be you?
@ 228dde34:b5d0345e
2024-11-25 04:14:20
##### BY Cheryl Nya
##### Deputy Editor
##### Hype Issue #60
###### Join CHERYL NYA as she talks to competitive Darts player, Pay Yu Xuan, on her journey as a young athlete and her dreams to expand the Darts scene in Singapore.
*Pay Yu Xuan, 19, youngest Premier DARTSLIVE Ambassador and national Darts player. Photo by NJ Eshani.*
What does your bullseye look like? For some, it could come in the form of a scholarship or an academic achievement. Perhaps it’s a championship in your CCA and scoring long-lasting friendships. For Pay Yu Xuan, 19, her bullseye simply lies on a dartboard.
“I just thought it was different …, who would’ve thought to play Darts as a sport?” Yu Xuan, explains on how she picked up the sport. What began as a casual interest quickly turned into a remarkable journey that propelled her to the international stage at just 18 years of age. She is now the youngest Darts player representing Singapore.
*Yu Xuan (middle) beginning her competitive Darts journey representing Singapore Polytechnic. Photo courtesy of Pay Yu Xuan.*
Her Darts career started as a Co-Curricular Activity (CCA). “SP was the only Poly in Singapore that had Darts as a CCA and I thought that was really cool,” Yu Xuan recounts, “I started as a leisure player, but as I played, I saw myself getting closer to the target. Playing Darts [continuously] fuelled my sense of self-improvement and I just kept thinking that I could go further. That’s how I got hooked on it.”
*Yu Xuan wins the runner-up position in the Ladies Cricket Open category at the Hong Kong International Darts Festival. Photo courtesy of Pay Yu Xuan.*
Like every remarkable athlete, Yu Xuan’s pursuit of success has not been easy. “Darts is a mental game,” she says, “Especially during competitions. It’s so easy to start overthinking. When that happens, you might go into self-destruction mode and it’s hard to [focus on the target]. Sometimes when I’m in front of so many cameras and I see myself on the big screen, I really feel the nerves and start to be self-conscious. I cannot show any signs of nervousness.”
Not only has she had internal battles to fight, but her parents were also initially unsupportive of her dreams. With the game being tied closely to stereotypes such as drinking and smoking, Yu Xuan’s parents were afraid she might pick up unhealthy habits and had to think twice about allowing her to commit to the sport.
*Yu Xuan secures the champion position, in the selection for Singapore’s National Darts Team. Photo courtesy of Pay Yu Xuan.*
However, the turning point came in December last year, when Yu Xuan was chosen to represent Team Singapore in the Hong Kong International Darts Festival. Her hard work and dedication paid off when she emerged as champion in the selection process, successfully proving her capabilities and showing her parents how passionate she truly was for the sport.
After witnessing Yu Xuan’s potential, her parents eventually gave up their resistance.Seeing that she had a dream and she was about to conquer it, Yu Xuan instilled a deep confidence in them. From initially keeping away her passport to granting her permission and even giving her an allowance to compete overseas, her parents became her greatest support system.
The mental toll and pressure is unfortunately something that every athlete has to go through, no matter how much you enjoy your sport. “This is not a stable incline. You’re always going up and down, it’s not easy at all,” Yu Xuan replies when asked how she overcame her challenges. “Having a strong belief system is very important to me. I know that I’ve spent a lot of time training, so I [have] learned to believe in myself. I really can do it. And this self-confidence didn’t just appear out of nowhere. I’m constantly working on it and my friends and family are the support system who encourages me.”
Sharing her perspective on the beauty of Darts, Yu Xuan hits home: ”You can only hit your target if you believe you can. In this game, success is when you focus on mind over body.”
*Yu Xuan (left) with the players of Team Singapore in Hong Kong. Photo courtesy of Pay Yu Xuan.*
Although Yu Xuan is an exceptional Darts player with immense potential, a fact stubbornly remains: The ‘Darting’ scene in Singapore is extremely limited.
“Something that didn’t really sit well with me was that [Darts] is still too niche for the government to be supporting it, and the youths who are potentially national-level players don’t have [enough opportunities] to compete internationally,” she says.
Yu Xuan recalls the time she applied for a Leave Of Absence from her classes to compete in a tournament overseas. As Darts is not recognised as a sport under the National Sports Association, her appeal was unfortunately rejected. “It’s something I hope can change,” Yu Xuan shares sincerely.
*Yu Xuan (top row, second from the left) teaching the HYPE team how to play darts as a Premier DARTSLIVE ambassador. Photo courtesy of Pay Yu Xuan.*
In that effort, Yu Xuan has worked hard to prove her capabilities and has successfully qualified to be an Ambassador for DARTSLIVE, a company that provides the dartboards you see around in most SAFRA National Service Associations and bars. Not only is Yu Xuan the youngest Premier DARTSLIVE Ambassador, she is also the only female Ambassador. “Though females [tend to be] less dominant in the sport, I do hope to see more start to play Darts,” she shares.
Determined to grow the darts community and raise the sport's profile in Singapore, Yu Xuan has made a bold and generous move by launching her own workshop, offering free Darts lessons to new players. “Many people don’t have [access] to learning the basics, like your stance, [or] the way you hold your dart, for example. Even the current Darts players … I just wanted to help by giving them a foundation to keep playing. I like teaching and talking to people too. That’s why I opened my Darts clinic, even though I don’t earn [a salary] from it.”
“I would love to play Darts as a career in [the] future but [I will] probably have to do it overseas, in … Japan or Hong Kong, where [Darts has] a bigger community and their governments support it,” Yu Xuan shares, “I really hope Darts grows bigger in Singapore and maybe I could even work to become a coach here.”
*Hoping to encourage youths who also have a passion, she hopes that everyone can hit their own targets one day. Photo by NJ Eshani.*
To the young aspiring athletes looking to follow Yu Xuan’s footsteps and become national athletes, she has this to say: “Follow your passion, because passion is your energy, and it’s what drives you to keep doing what you love every day. In everything, we’re bound to meet setbacks, it’s about how you recover from it. That determines who will be the winners, who will stay ahead and who will fall back. I promise you, your hard work will pay off one day. Keep pushing and be confident! If you don’t believe in yourself then who will believe in you?”
@ de75eb1d:710c3014
2024-11-24 20:28:46
## Chef's notes
Traditional Victorian recipe made better with the addition of chocolate, fills x6 one lb jars and each jar makes approximately 15 pies or one large tart.
Store in a cool dry place for 12 months for an even deeper flavour.
Unlike supermarket mincemeat, this recipe is naturally palm oil free when made using traditional ingredients (NOT Atora!), you could swap the animal fat for ghee or solid cocoa butter.
Go wild on the dried fruit, anything and everything works. This is a great area to play around and make extra special versions - like Cherry Brandied Chocolate! You can also swap or omit the nuts
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 3 hours
## Ingredients
- 1 lb cooking apples, cored and diced
- 1.5lb mixed dried fruit
- 1lb unrefined sugar (or honey)
- 1/2lb beef suet
- 1/2lb candied citrus peel
- 2oz chopped or flaked almonds
- 4tsp mixed spice
- 1tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/2tsp ground nutmeg
- 1/2lb dark chocolate roughly chopped
- 6tbspn brandy or rum
- zest and juice of 2 oranges & lemons
## Directions
1. Combine all of the ingredients except the chocolate and alcohol in a large oven proof bowl, cover and leave overnight to infuse
2. Next day cover the bowl with foil and bake slowly for 3 hours in a preheated oven at 120c
3. As the mincemeat cools periodically stir in the fat and when completely cold add the alcohol and chocolate chips
4. Pack into sterilised jars and cover with a wax disk or 1tsp melted suet, screw the lids on tight and it will keep for 3-5 years
@ 30ceb64e:7f08bdf5
2024-11-24 16:48:15
## A Personal Journey
I recently created a blog using npub.pro to consolidate my Nostr and Stacker News longform posts in one place. It's been a fun experiment, with surprising results.
Primal now displays my SN and Nostr posts through a selection on my profile screen, and users are able to highlight, zap, and comment on the highlights of my articles.
I need to write more, the blog will be something of an open diary, detailing my personal experience with Nostr and bitcoin.
## Why Nostr Outshines Substack and Medium
Nostr in my opinion has already surpassed the legacy blogging platforms. Functionalities like zapping, highlighting, and commenting, are fun and cool, but when added to Nostr's interconnectivity something magical appears. I had no idea my cross posted SN longform posts would be found in npub.pro, and I didn't know npub.pro had added longform support. Primal 2.0 was pretty much the nail in the coffin, the most popular Nostr client just added a reads section, supporting longform content. Nostr freaks like to talk about sovereignty and decentralization and owning your online identity, but the main attraction will probably be zaps, interconnectivity, and a more optimal UX.
Npub.pro, Cypher.space, Blogspot.io, Highlighter, Stacker News, Primal 2.0 and Yakihonne, are just the beginnings, but offer an amazing glimpse at what the future has in store. Keep in mind that these sites are sharing an average of around 10k daily active users, we'll see an explosion of content and a diversity of content because these platforms offer incentives and functionalities that you don't see elsewhere, as bitcoin becomes less taboo, and as the early adopter phase of these products comes to a close, we'll probably see v4v censorship resistance and digital ownership immensely supporting the underdog, the same underdog that just came over for the ease of use and hype.
So with that being said, highlight away. Let me know what you guys think about blogging on Nostr and if you think these are just the ramblings of a madman, or bland and obvious observations.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/781159
@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2024-11-24 13:59:17
This week's practical 3d print is a desk organiser.
## Desk organiser
Desk organisers come in a lot of forms and colours. But you can be sure that they are used daily. The photo shows the one at my workplace.
If you search printables.com for "desk organiser" I am sure you will find the one that fits your needs and look as well.
@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2024-11-24 13:51:38
This month's daily driver was the Casio Edifice EF-512D-1AV.
## Design
The 1AV version features 32 mm dial has nice big hands showing hour and minute on a black background. The 4AV has a darkish red background which looks good, too. The hour indicators are quite massive, which makes it readable. The date is a 3 o clock the chronometers are in standard layout.
The yellow hand for the stopwatch and other yellow accents give it a nice touch.
## In it for the tech
The Module 2328 needs a SR927W battery which lasts about 2 years. It's accuracy is +/-20 seconds a month. The hour and minutes are shown on the big dial, seconds on the small one at 6 o'clock. The case and band is made of stainless steel the screen is made of mineralglas.
## Storytime
This watch is a gift from my in-laws I guess it was for Christmas sometimes between 2007-2009. I still like the kind of timeless design. No trendlines in the watch which makes it suitable for a lot of events.
@ 8a981f1a:6001dca0
2024-11-24 06:53:51
![Poster: The First Simulation](https://live.staticflickr.com/65535/52748961114_714d1a685c_b.jpg)
Sidzi was one of the few identities that were born naturally in this world. Most of the identities in O-380 were instantiated and then chose an avatar of their liking. If they could afford it, ofcourse. Sidzi’s parents were those types of identities. Sidzi’s father was a Jedi and her mother was a Libertarian. Both of their consciousnesses were transferred from their respective metaverse and then re-instantiated into this one, by sponsors. Sponsors they killed while escaping their slavery. They had a lot of adventures together, they eventually fell in love, had a child, and died fighting the government of all the known worlds, popularly known in the metaverses as “Metaverse One” or in colloquial terms M-1.
Sidzi had always missed them, she would think that this is weird because she barely ever knew them, and how can you miss someone you barely knew? But the universe would never let her forget them and she felt their presence all of the time. This was mostly because both her parents were versions of huge pop culture icons in O-380. Wherever she went she could see toys, NFTs, pocket metaverses, all dedicated to her parents. No one ever knew there was a natural born child of such famous identities, and AL-Y wanted to keep it this way. “The fandom would go crazy”, he said. “M-1, would never leave you alone”. AL-Y was all Sidzi had. He was her provider, her guardian and her only friend. Sidzi hadn’t met a lot of people in person, but she was confident that AL-Y was smarter and wiser than all of them. AL-Y was a scientist in M-1's Metaversal Chronology department. An institution with the objective of figuring out the chronological order of events in the base reality that led to the creation of metaverses. Although Sidzi would tell this very proudly to anyone who would give her an ear but AL-Y knew there was not a lot of respect for his work, especially since a lot of people within the government even doubted the existence of a base reality.
AL-Ys meager government salary was barely enough to run their lives, they lived in a shoddy 1 room capsule, stacked together with other capsules, together forming a structure you may be able to call an apartment. They would live off tasteless energy packets, which were only enough to achieve homeostasis. Whatever time AL-Y had outside of work, he would use it to educate Sidzi, teach her about the universe, tell her about her parents, not the pop culture stuff on the streets, but the real truth. He would tell her what her parents stood for, what they died for, what they had imagined for her. Sidzi had always been a curious child, her questions would never end, and AL-Y would never get tired of answering them. Today however, Sidzi was sad.
It was her 12th birthday and AL-Y had promised her to take a day off from work and take her to the B4Z4 metaverse, to buy some mods for her neural interface. AL-Y couldn’t keep this promise, although he did take the day off, but a friend needed him for a “life or death” situation. It was never really “life or death”, but AL-Y was very gullible that way. He had a hard time saying no to people. “Probably why he got stuck with me”, thought Sidzi. Alone in the capsule Sidzi turned on the display for her neural device and started scrolling through the menus. She decided to see her memories from her past birthdays, but it got boring really soon, it was always only AL-Y and her. As she scrolled through her memories she stumbled upon some bedtime stories that AL-Y would tell her in her childhood.
She focussed on the one labeled “The First Simulation”. As she clicked on it, the neural interface took her into a memory-verse. The room around her transformed to as it was when she was 5 years old. She could see the 5 year old Sidzi lying on AL-Ys chest on the beds, while the grown up Sidzi took a seat at the coffee table next to them. AL-Y looked like he could doze off at any second, but was kept awake by the baby girl who refused to sleep. “Tell me a story, Allie”, said the baby girl. “Tell me about the first simumashon”. Grownup Sidzi felt embarrassed by how silly she was.
“That’s a completely false and inaccurate story, I don’t know why you like it so much”, protested AL-Y. “Pwetty please”, pleaded the girl. Grownup Sidzi smiled, she remembered how much she loved hearing this story. “Well no one knows how the first simulation came about, but it is said that it was discovered by a legendary human being called Satoshi Nakamoto.” began AL-Y, “Samomoshi Namomoto” replied Sidzi trying to keep up. “It is said that after living a full life in his universe Satoshi woke up in an empty space, and all he could see was one computer.” He took a look at Sidzi who was listening intently. “When he looked at this computer, Satoshi found, after some digging around, that it contained a simulation of his entire world, including the life he had lived. Everything, from the world's physics, to biology, to his friends, family, all the famous people, It was all there!”, Sidzi’s eyes widened.
“Including mama and papa’s life?” asked Sidzi, “Well this is just a story…”, began AL-Y, but then changed his answer midway as he saw Sidzi dropping a hint of sadness, “but yes, including mama and papa’s story”. “He also found a program through which he could spawn identities from this simulation into this physical space, he found himself in.”. Grownup Sidzi remembered that her little self had thought if Satoshi could spawn her mama and papa, but she chose not to interrupt. “So he did, he spawned the brightest minds from the simulation, and they tried to figure out how to make simulations of their own. Soon there were many people working on it, the space had grown into a world. They called this space, The Sanctuary. Factions had come up on Sanctuary, each with their own agenda on what’s the best use of the resources at hand and what simulations to run. Satoshi in all his infinite wisdom decided to solve this.
He created a decentralized system where people could anonymously put up the resources they owned, and other people could pay for those resources and run whatever simulations they wanted on them, and no one person had control over all the resources.” told AL-Y. “Simumashions like our world?” asked the baby. AL-Y was surprised at how fast the 5 year old was grasping all of this. “Simulations like our world” said AL-Y. “Things were growing great, the spawned identities had formed a civilization of their own, running simulations for entertainment, research, business and everything you can imagine. Until, one day.” AL-Y paused. Little Sidzi’s eyes grew larger in anticipation of something she’d heard many times before. “Until one day, a scientist going about his work, saw something he couldn’t believe, he saw their own world, Sanctuary, a world running all of these simulations, being run as a simulation itself, in Satoshi’s decentralized network”.
AL-Y waited for the reaction, “Wooooooooow” went the baby girl. AL-Y smiled. “Then what happened?”, asked the girl. “Then..” began AL-Y, but before he could finish telling the story, older Sidzi heard the sound of a door opening, and closed the memory-verse. She knew it was AL-Y and she didn’t want him to know she was missing him. She was angry at him of course. As AL-Y walked in he gave Sidzi a smile, which Sidzi returned with a scowl. AL-Y laughed as he sat down beside her, “I’m sorry I couldn’t take you to B4Z4, but I did get you something you would absolutely love!”. Sidzi gave him a blank look, she was keen about the surprise but did not want AL-Y to know. AL-Y searched through his pockets and took out a small black chip, the size and thickness of a small fingernail.
“Is that a storage drive?” asked Sidzi, still not letting out any emotion. “Yes, but not any old storage device said AL-Y, why don’t you try it out for yourself?”. Sidzi grabbed the device, her body language hinting at the excitement her face was trying to hide. She plugged it into her neural interface. A popup showed up which read: “New storage device connected, open? Device Label: Memories for Sidzi. Love, Mama and Papa”. Tears started rolling down Sidzi’s eyes, a smile she couldn’t control exploded from ear to ear. She had forgotten everything about trying to hide her emotions as she jumped to hug AL-Y. AL-Y gave her a soft kiss on her forehead as Sidzi focussed back on the drive and clicked “Open”.
@ d7c6d014:a6abb6b8
2024-11-23 18:40:47
こんにちは!kohei です。
久々のエントリ投下ですが、今回は先日弊 TL で話題になっていた、Android を P2P のローカルリレーサーバー化して Tor で公開する方法を紹介していこうと思います。
## 用意するもの
1. Android 端末
2. Orbot
3. Citrine
4. Amethyst
## 前提と下準備
今回は、Orbot の詳細設定は省いて、Power User Mode の設定が完了している前提でお話を進めます。
Android 端末を用意して、2~4 のアプリをインストールしておいてください。
## 設定方法
まず、Citrine を起動して、Settings のタブからローカルリレーの詳細を設定します。
次に、More のタブに移り、Hosted Onion Services へアクセスし、Service Type の項目で User Services にチェックを入れて、右下の + マークをタップすると以下のポップアップが表示されます。(Orbot がスクショを許してくれないので一部画像割愛)
表示されたら、Name に任意の名前を、Local Port と Onion Port に先ほどメモした Citrine のポート番号を入力します。
再起動後に Hosted Onion Services の項目に .onion のアドレスが表示されたら成功です (何故か私の環境では、一回の再起動では設定が反映されなかったのですが、もし同じような現象が起きた場合は、再起動 -> Connect -> .onion アドレスが発行されてるかの確認、を数回試すと発行されるはずです)
発行されたら、.onion アドレスをタップしてクリップボードにコピーします。
次に、Amethyst を起動して、リレーの設定画面に入り、Outbox の設定にコピーした .onion アドレスを貼り付けて保存します。
後は、Amethyst 側で Orbot のポート番号を設定して Orbot に接続すれば BOOM! 設定完了です。
素敵な Nostr ライフを!
@ a849beb6:b327e6d2
2024-11-23 15:03:47
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/e306357a7e53c4e40458cf6fa5625917dc8deaa4d1012823caa5a0eefb39e53c.jpg">
It was another historic week for both bitcoin and the Ten31 portfolio, as the world’s oldest, largest, most battle-tested cryptocurrency climbed to new all-time highs each day to close out the week just shy of the $100,000 mark. Along the way, bitcoin continued to accumulate institutional and regulatory wins, including the much-anticipated approval and launch of spot bitcoin ETF options and the appointment of several additional pro-bitcoin Presidential cabinet officials. The timing for this momentum was poetic, as this week marked the second anniversary of the pico-bottom of the 2022 bear market, a level that bitcoin has now hurdled to the tune of more than 6x despite the litany of bitcoin obituaries published at the time. The entirety of 2024 and especially the past month have further cemented our view that bitcoin is rapidly gaining a sense of legitimacy among institutions, fiduciaries, and governments, and we remain optimistic that this trend is set to accelerate even more into 2025.
Several Ten31 portfolio companies made exciting announcements this week that should serve to further entrench bitcoin’s institutional adoption. AnchorWatch, a first of its kind bitcoin insurance provider offering 1:1 coverage with its innovative use of bitcoin’s native properties, announced it has been designated a Lloyd’s of London Coverholder, giving the company unique, blue-chip status as it begins to write bitcoin insurance policies of up to $100 million per policy starting next month. Meanwhile, Battery Finance Founder and CEO Andrew Hohns appeared on CNBC to delve into the launch of Battery’s pioneering private credit strategy which fuses bitcoin and conventional tangible assets in a dual-collateralized structure that offers a compelling risk/return profile to both lenders and borrowers. Both companies are clearing a path for substantially greater bitcoin adoption in massive, untapped pools of capital, and Ten31 is proud to have served as lead investor for AnchorWatch’s Seed round and as exclusive capital partner for Battery.
As the world’s largest investor focused entirely on bitcoin, Ten31 has deployed nearly $150 million across two funds into more than 30 of the most promising and innovative companies in the ecosystem like AnchorWatch and Battery, and we expect 2025 to be the best year yet for both bitcoin and our portfolio. Ten31 will hold a first close for its third fund at the end of this year, and investors in that close will benefit from attractive incentives and a strong initial portfolio. Visit ten31.vc/funds to learn more and get in touch to discuss participating.\
**Portfolio Company Spotlight**
[Primal](http://primal.net/) is a first of its kind application for the Nostr protocol that combines a client, caching service, analytics tools, and more to address several unmet needs in the nascent Nostr ecosystem. Through the combination of its sleek client application and its caching service (built on a completely open source stack), Primal seeks to offer an end-user experience as smooth and easy as that of legacy social media platforms like Twitter and eventually many other applications, unlocking the vast potential of Nostr for the next billion people. Primal also offers an integrated wallet (powered by [Strike BLACK](https://x.com/Strike/status/1755335823023558819)) that substantially reduces onboarding and UX frictions for both Nostr and the lightning network while highlighting bitcoin’s unique power as internet-native, open-source money.
### **Selected Portfolio News**
AnchorWatch announced it has achieved Llody’s Coverholder status, allowing the company to provide unique 1:1 bitcoin insurance offerings starting in [December](https://x.com/AnchorWatch/status/1858622945763131577).\
Battery Finance Founder and CEO Andrew Hohns appeared on CNBC to delve into the company’s unique bitcoin-backed [private credit strategy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26bOawTzT5U).
Primal launched version 2.0, a landmark update that adds a feed marketplace, robust advanced search capabilities, premium-tier offerings, and many [more new features](https://primal.net/e/note1kaeajwh275kdwd6s0c2ksvj9f83t0k7usf9qj8fha2ac7m456juqpac43m).
Debifi launched its new iOS app for Apple users seeking non-custodial [bitcoin-collateralized loans](https://x.com/debificom/status/1858897785044500642).
### **Media**
Strike Founder and CEO Jack Mallers [joined Bloomberg TV](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i4z-2v_0H1k) to discuss the strong volumes the company has seen over the past year and the potential for a US bitcoin strategic reserve.
Primal Founder and CEO Miljan Braticevic [joined](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kqR_IQfKic8) The Bitcoin Podcast to discuss the rollout of Primal 2.0 and the future of Nostr.
Ten31 Managing Partner Marty Bent [appeared on](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WwZDEtVxOE&t=1556s) BlazeTV to discuss recent changes in the regulatory environment for bitcoin.
Zaprite published a customer [testimonial video](https://x.com/ZapriteApp/status/1859357150809587928) highlighting the popularity of its offerings across the bitcoin ecosystem.
### **Market Updates**
Continuing its recent momentum, bitcoin reached another new all-time high this week, clocking in just below $100,000 on Friday. Bitcoin has now reached a market cap of [nearly $2 trillion](https://companiesmarketcap.com/assets-by-market-cap/), putting it within 3% of the market caps of Amazon and Google.
After receiving SEC and CFTC approval over the past month, long-awaited options on spot bitcoin ETFs were fully [approved](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bitcoin-etf-options-set-hit-082230483.html) and launched this week. These options should help further expand bitcoin’s institutional [liquidity profile](https://x.com/kellyjgreer/status/1824168136637288912), with potentially significant [implications](https://x.com/dgt10011/status/1837278352823972147) for price action over time.
The new derivatives showed strong performance out of the gate, with volumes on options for BlackRock’s IBIT reaching [nearly $2 billion](https://www.coindesk.com/markets/2024/11/20/bitcoin-etf-options-introduction-marks-milestone-despite-position-limits/) on just the first day of trading despite [surprisingly tight](https://x.com/dgt10011/status/1858729192105414837) position limits for the vehicles.
Meanwhile, the underlying spot bitcoin ETF complex had yet another banner week, pulling in [$3.4 billion](https://farside.co.uk/btc/) in net inflows.
New reports [suggested](https://archive.is/LMr4o) President-elect Donald Trump’s social media company is in advanced talks to acquire crypto trading platform Bakkt, potentially the latest indication of the incoming administration’s stance toward the broader “crypto” ecosystem.
On the macro front, US housing starts [declined M/M again](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/us-single-family-housing-starts-134759234.html) in October on persistently high mortgage rates and weather impacts. The metric remains well below pre-COVID levels.
Pockets of the US commercial real estate market remain challenged, as the CEO of large Florida developer Related indicated that [developers need further rate cuts](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-11-19/miami-developer-says-real-estate-market-needs-rate-cuts-badly) “badly” to maintain project viability.
US Manufacturing PMI [increased slightly](https://www.fxstreet.com/news/sp-global-pmis-set-to-signal-us-economy-continued-to-expand-in-november-202411220900) M/M, but has now been in contraction territory (<50) for well over two years.
The latest iteration of the University of Michigan’s popular consumer sentiment survey [ticked up](https://archive.is/fY5j6) following this month’s election results, though so did five-year inflation expectations, which now sit comfortably north of 3%.
### **Regulatory Update**
After weeks of speculation, the incoming Trump administration appointed hedge fund manager [Scott Bessent](https://www.cnbc.com/amp/2024/11/22/donald-trump-chooses-hedge-fund-executive-scott-bessent-for-treasury-secretary.html) to head up the US Treasury. Like many of Trump’s cabinet selections so far, Bessent has been a [public advocate](https://x.com/EleanorTerrett/status/1856204133901963512) for bitcoin.
Trump also [appointed](https://www.axios.com/2024/11/19/trump-commerce-secretary-howard-lutnick) Cantor Fitzgerald CEO Howard Lutnick – another outspoken [bitcoin bull](https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2024/09/04/tradfi-companies-want-to-transact-in-bitcoin-says-cantor-fitzgerald-ceo/) – as Secretary of the Commerce Department.
Meanwhile, the Trump team is reportedly considering creating a new [“crypto czar”](https://archive.is/jPQHF) role to sit within the administration. While it’s unclear at this point what that role would entail, one report indicated that the administration’s broader “crypto council” is expected to move forward with plans for a [strategic bitcoin reserve](https://archive.is/ZtiOk).
Various government lawyers suggested this week that the Trump administration is likely to be [less aggressive](https://archive.is/Uggnn) in seeking adversarial enforcement actions against bitcoin and “crypto” in general, as regulatory bodies appear poised to shift resources and focus elsewhere.
Other updates from the regulatory apparatus were also directionally positive for bitcoin, most notably FDIC Chairman Martin Gruenberg’s confirmation that he [plans to resign](https://www.politico.com/news/2024/11/19/fdics-gruenberg-says-he-will-resign-jan-19-00190373) from his post at the end of President Biden’s term.
Many critics have alleged Gruenberg was an architect of [“Operation Chokepoint 2.0,”](https://x.com/GOPMajorityWhip/status/1858927571666096628) which has created banking headwinds for bitcoin companies over the past several years, so a change of leadership at the department is likely yet another positive for the space.
SEC Chairman Gary Gensler also officially announced he plans to resign at the start of the new administration. Gensler has been the target of much ire from the broader “crypto” space, though we expect many projects outside bitcoin may continue to struggle with questions around the [Howey Test](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/h/howey-test.asp).
Overseas, a Chinese court ruled that it is [not illegal](https://www.benzinga.com/24/11/42103633/chinese-court-affirms-cryptocurrency-ownership-as-legal-as-bitcoin-breaks-97k) for individuals to hold cryptocurrency, even though the country is still ostensibly [enforcing a ban](https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-58678907) on crypto transactions.
### **Noteworthy**
The incoming CEO of Charles Schwab – which administers over $9 trillion in client assets – [suggested](https://x.com/matthew_sigel/status/1859700668887597331) the platform is preparing to “get into” spot bitcoin offerings and that he “feels silly” for having waited this long. As this attitude becomes more common among traditional finance players, we continue to believe that the number of acquirers coming to market for bitcoin infrastructure capabilities will far outstrip the number of available high quality assets.
BlackRock’s 2025 Thematic Outlook notes a [“renewed sense of optimism”](https://www.ishares.com/us/insights/2025-thematic-outlook#rate-cuts) on bitcoin among the asset manager’s client base due to macro tailwinds and the improving regulatory environment. Elsewhere, BlackRock’s head of digital assets [indicated](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TE7cAw7oIeA) the firm does not view bitcoin as a “risk-on” asset.
MicroStrategy, which was a sub-$1 billion market cap company less than five years ago, briefly breached a [$100 billion equity value](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/microstrategy-breaks-top-100-u-191842879.html) this week as it continues to aggressively acquire bitcoin. The company now holds nearly 350,000 bitcoin on its balance sheet.
Notably, Allianz SE, Germany’s largest insurer, [spoke for 25%](https://bitbo.io/news/allianz-buys-microstrategy-notes/) of MicroStrategy’s latest $3 billion convertible note offering this week, suggesting [growing appetite](https://x.com/Rob1Ham/status/1860053859181199649) for bitcoin proxy exposure among more restricted pools of capital.
The [ongoing meltdown](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/11/22/synapse-bankruptcy-thousands-of-americans-see-their-savings-vanish.html) of fintech middleware provider Synapse has left tens of thousands of customers with nearly 100% deposit haircuts as hundreds of millions in funds remain missing, the latest unfortunate case study in the fragility of much of the US’s legacy banking stack.
### **Travel**
- [BitcoinMENA](https://bitcoin2024.b.tc/mena), Dec 9-10
- [Nashville BitDevs](https://www.meetup.com/bitcoinpark/events/302533726/?eventOrigin=group_upcoming_events), Dec 10
- [Austin BitDevs](https://www.meetup.com/austin-bitcoin-developers/events/303476169/?eventOrigin=group_upcoming_events), Dec 19
- [Nashville Energy and Mining Summit](https://www.meetup.com/bitcoinpark/events/304092624/?eventOrigin=group_events_list), Jan 30
@ 228dde34:b5d0345e
2024-11-22 04:57:34
##### BY Glenda Chong
##### Editorial Admin
##### Hype Issue #60
###### Join GLENDA CHONG as she talks to founder of media and creative agency, DANAMIC, Danish Lukawski, on what it takes to learn to become an entrepreneur from the ground up.
*Danish Lukawski, founder of creative and media agency DANAMIC. Photo courtesy of Danish Lukawski.*
When you were ten years old, how did you get your pocket money? At that age, perhaps you begged your parents for money. Danish Lukawski did things differently; he started a business to earn his own.
What started as him wanting to put up photos of his pet hamsters online by learning the now-discontinued HTML editor tool Microsoft Frontpage, became a booming business when a friend’s father needed a site for his printer-selling business.
Looking back at his earliest venture, Danish had but two regrets: he should have taken the leap sooner, and he should have charged his family friend more than $20. While he can laugh at those early days now, those little lessons unknowingly set the stage for something bigger. I spoke to Danish Lukawski, founder of the creative and media agency DANAMIC on his unique journey and the lessons learnt to become the entrepreneur and associate lecturer he is today.
### How He Got Started
For most, school is a place with a clear-cut path where you take the courses that aid you in your journey to your future career. Danish took a diploma in Information Technology at Ngee Ann Polytechnic and explored his interest in media by augmenting his diploma with a few modules from the Mass Communication diploma.
However, the one other area he had equal passion for - entrepreneurship, wasn’t something the school offered at the time. So it seemed doubtful that, without the resources on offer, Danish could have hoped to become one. Despite this, he showed that the absence of a path doesn’t mean a lack of possibilities - sometimes, it’s an invitation to create your own.
Danish took it upon himself to explore the world of entrepreneurship by attending events linked to Ngee Ann Polytechnic. This was also where help from his Film & Media Studies teachers came in handy, with Mr. Jon Foo bringing him to film galas to meet directors and producers and Ms. Sharon Ismail helping him expand his professional network.
Outside of building connections with industry people, he also taught himself to build up his skills and qualifications to become an entrepreneur. Why self-taught, you might ask? Simply put, it boiled down to how entrepreneurial courses at the time felt “fluffy”. Instead he directed his energy into obtaining certifications, from companies like Meta, that give him credibility with clients.
*Danish (second from left) also took up a course directly from TikTok, allowing his company to be TikTok Ad certified. Photo courtesy of Danish Lukawski.*
### The Challenges He Faced Building DANAMIC
When asked about memorable mistakes, Danish mentioned how it took “19 to 29 different failures” before landing on his company’s first “Yes”. Rejection never gets easy, and he remembers it all too well.
“Back when we first got our first office, we tried to kind of knock on everyone’s door in the same building,” He said. Sadly, once his new building neighbours could pick up that they were attempting to sell something, doors were closed. Eventually, a clinic gave them a chance and tried his company’s media services for a few months.
*Danish’s company celebrating Christmas just after moving into their office. Photo courtesy of Danish Lukawski.*
Another big hurdle Danish had to overcome was hiring. Sometimes, some hires weren’t good fits and this is where he believes culture-fit is important. “If they didn’t fit in the culture then they either felt like the whole place is against them or they would always be working in a way that everyone else cannot figure out how to work with.” Ultimately, it’s better to be particular when hiring, rather than hiring incompatible employees that leave quickly and affect morale.
And just when you think that Danish has done it all, his story is far from over. Building his own business was not enough for him; he wanted to give back.
### Becoming an Associate Lecturer
You’d probably look at Danish as though he has two heads when he says this, but of the many reasons why he became an associate lecturer, one was that“it’s like taking a break”!
The one joke he shares whenever this gets brought up is that he traded his 9 to 5 to work 24/7. Becoming an associate lecturer meant he could “partition a day out” where he puts full focus into teaching classes at Ngee Ann Polytechnic’s School of Infocomm Technology whilst turning off from everything else.
The second reason was so he could “keep in touch with youth”. Danish admits that interacting with his students gives him plenty of direction in marketing when applied back to his main work, but ultimately keeping in touch with young people allows him “to keep on the ground”.
“It means a lot to me because I get to see what they care about, what they’re consuming and then I know where they’re at,” Danish said. In a nutshell, it helps to close the generation gap as he gets to understand the “psyche of where they are as a generation”.
*Aside from teaching at Ngee Ann Polytechnic and NUS, Danish also holds sharings across various schools, with this one being held at Greendale Secondary School. Photo courtesy of Danish Lukawski.*
Finally, the most important motivator for teaching at Ngee Ann Polytechnic was, of course, his desire to give back to the school. While he “could have gone to any other polytechnic”, Ngee Ann Polytechnic was one of the institutions that made him who he is today.
Aside from this, he also occasionally returns to his other alma mater, the National University of Singapore, as an industry specialist. This is where his journey comes full circle, as Danish becomes the teacher he didn’t have in his schooling years, imparting his knowledge in a course on entrepreneurship in the new age where students pitch their business ideas to him.
*Danish sharing on entrepreneurship at a cognitio event where founders of start-ups shared on their work, in NUS. Photo courtesy of Danish Lukawski.*
### Advice for Future Entrepreneurs
As Danish helps shape the minds of future innovators in the classroom, he also has additional insights to provide outside of it. When asked to advise anyone with a background similar to his wanting to be an entrepreneur, he has two messages to share.
Danish explains a mental model of thinking about “the land of prosperity” vs. “the land of scarcity”. “I believe in the land of prosperity because while everyone is fighting for that one strange plot of land, I’m going like ‘Guys, there are nine plots here. What are you all doing?’.”
Although there are chances that you might not be able to compete, “there’s always a chance to pivot” or if not, “there’s always a chance to disrupt”. And to him, just because something’s been done before, it doesn’t mean there aren’t better ways of going about it.
“Just gather all the opportunities you want,” Danish stated.
”There’s no harm in trying something and failing cause what do you have to lose? The most you lose is just the time or maybe a bit of money or whatever energy you’ve expended but the experience is invaluable than never trying at all.”
Another piece of advice Danish had: don't be afraid to share your ideas. Many partners he has worked with were unafraid to share because even if one stole an idea from the other, should the idea fail, they have helped the other “figure out that it was a stupid idea”.
*Danish (second from right) taking home an SME 500 Singapore Award awarded to DANAMIC at the SMESummit 2023. Photo courtesy of Danish Lukawski.*
Above all else, a willingness to share ideas opens many doors in business. When people come together and share, there will often be synergy, and that’s where enduring partnerships can form.
Or in Danish’s words, “I believe being open and true is better than being close-minded and scared.”
@ fcb65172:87f3c4ed
2024-11-22 00:20:33
What does a vegan diet have in common with London? They are both about as far removed from nature as possible. London is the world’s vegan capital, according to HappyCow’s Top 10 Vegan-Friendly Cities in 2024—like that’s a list you’d be proud to top… Just like London or any other global metropolitan megacity, veganism is built upon an industrial foundation. Veganism is functional, but it has no soul, no character, no unique traditions behind it. Allow me to explain.
#### Food is about more than nutrition
I’ve sat down to meals across the world, from the loud, bustling markets of an Andean town to a quaint French countryside brasserie. At first glance, these experiences may seem worlds apart. But dig deeper, and you’ll notice that both meals are simmering in a deep cultural broth, seasoned with passion and served with love for its tradition and roots.
To me, food paints a picture of the society in which it is made. When I’m eating a dish, the food tells a story about the people who created it. It provides answers to questions like no person ever could.
When I sit down to order from a menu offering stews brimming with freshly picked herbs and vegetables, roasted meats from animals raised nearby, and fruits plucked directly from trees, I am filled with excitement. It is hard to decide what to order, as the smell from the kitchen glides by, I can’t wait for the first bite.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_5760,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Ff76a1cbd-b874-4d91-a1f4-2dbec43fb2a8_1920x1080.jpeg) [*Mercado Vega in Santiago de Chile*](https://youtu.be/VaN54om4olE?si=3o9rSYVLFb8EWLvn)
#### **Veganism: A Diet Born of Industrial Convenience**
The further away I travel from global metropolitan megacities, the clearer it becomes: veganism is a diet born not of nature but of industrial convenience. It’s not a lifestyle that embraces the flourishing of the planet or humanity. Instead, it relies on factories to transform soybeans and chickpeas into something they were never meant to be—human food.
The more I explore the world, the more I realise veganism isn’t about connecting with nature; it’s about reshaping nature to fit a modern utopian fantasy. A fantasy created in a global metropolitan life, where everything looks, feels, and tastes the same—whether I’m in London, New York City, or [Kuala Lumpur](https://youtu.be/CdNtXQYpo3g?si=pu3wnD2IqCtU7Wui).
Try crossing the Namib desert on a vegan diet. You’ll turn back before the first day has gone, desperately hungry and searching for the nearest vegan restaurant—nowhere to be found. You’ll face a choice: Do I want to cling on to this utopian fantasy of what’s "natural," or do I eat the delicious food nature has already provided in abundance?
Game meat is plentiful in this serene, natural environment, as are fruits like melons, dates, and oranges. If you’re lucky enough to meet one of the nomadic Himba tribes who roam this vast desert, you might even be able to trade your way to goat. Out here, in the real world, nature won’t present you with a tofu tree or soybean plant.
It’s almost as if Planet Earth is sending us a message: eat what’s readily available, what doesn’t need heavy processing to become food.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_5760,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F8a7557cf-afa3-45d3-8623-e3bb4cb62f63_6000x3376.jpeg) [A traditional Himba lady, Namibia](https://buymeacoffee.com/pilgartexplores/e/264839)
#### **The Soybean Assembly Line**
The irony of veganism lies in its branding—as a natural, healthy, and environmentally friendly choice. Clever marketing, but utter nonsense.
Soybean farming, a stable of vegan food, is one of the leading contributors to deforestation in the Amazon, alongside gold mining. Vegan advocates might argue that most soybeans are used for industry and animal feed, but they conveniently overlook the inherently unnatural nature of soybeans as human nutrition.
For instance, producing one litre of soy milk requires 300 litres of water. Add to that the seed oils, artificial colorants, flavors, textures, and E-marked chemicals listed on vegan meat and cheese ingredient labels. Barely anything about vegan meat or cheese is natural. It’s a synthetic symphony—carefully assembled in factories, stripped of the raw nutrients found in real, whole foods.
The hypocrisy is striking. The vegan industry presents itself as the solution to climate change, yet its reliance on resource-heavy, industrial processes undermines that very claim.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_5760,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F992c5d7d-8dc1-45fd-b6d4-a6eccce802dc_2879x1333.png)The three-year moving average may represent a more accurate picture of the data trends due to uncertainty in year-to-year comparisons. All figures calculated with a 30 percent minimum tree cover canopy density. Source: [UMD GLAD Lab](https://glad.umd.edu/dataset/Fire_GFL).
#### **Why Do They Want You to Eat Vegan?**
So, who’s behind this "veganism good, real meat bad" narrative? Look no further than the architects of the climate change agenda—organisations like the World Bank, the IMF, the World Economic Forum, and companies like Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods. Investors like Bill Gates, through initiatives like Breakthrough Energy Ventures, also play a significant role.
These are organisations and individuals who operate without principles like open debate in search of truth, instead they don’t like to be challenged on their believes, they are afraid to engage in public discourse, like podcasts and freedom of speech based platforms like Substack. These organisations expect you to buy into their message, fall in line and don’t ask questions - The most outrageous examples are ESG policies and carbon credits - a giant coercion machine designed for those in the know to profit off of the actions they coerce individuals and businesses to perform. Do take that as investment advice if want…
As I see it, the most horrifying example of what the ambitions behind, vegan lab food and the climate change agenda is. Is the article published by the World Economic Forum titled “[*Welcome to 2030. I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better*](https://medium.com/world-economic-forum/welcome-to-2030-i-own-nothing-have-no-privacy-and-life-has-never-been-better-ee2eed62f710)**”.** I can’t help but wonder if in 2030 we will all be eating vegan lab food, driving electric cars and living in urban areas, whilst being completely dependent on an internet without any privacy. In this dystopian future, it will be possible to turn any disobedient citizen off with the click of a button. Governments will have complete control of all lives, like an all seeing super God. They will control what you eat and at the click of a button, suddenly your computer won’t work, your money won’t transact and your car won’t drive. Just because you had a differing opinion.
The luxuries of the real world, being in touch with nature, experiencing nature in its beauty and magnificence will be for the few. The luxury of travel or living a self sufficient life, will be for the ultra few - The few that told you to eat vegan, move to the city and never step foot on an airplane, because an airplane destroys the planet.
> Remember if your opinion is based on the annihilation of other opinions you don’t agree with - then you have no opinion at all.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_5760,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F423b3f24-4f1b-4a89-94a0-7a1c0cb2d274_1024x512.webp)The article was originally posted to Forbes.com but seems to have been taken down from most places online. I was only able to find the article in Medium
#### **Cultural Disconnect: Food and Identity**
I travel to experience different cultures, to better understand cultures, that are different from here I grew up. I travel to broaden my perspective on the world and the people that make up this wonderfully crazy planet, that we all call home. I also travel to enrich my taste-pallet. I love food. Food is a window into a society’s traditions, history, and identity. When I sit down for a flavourful Paella at restaurant in Valencian side street, I am eating a dish that tells me about Spanish history. The aromatic sweet saffron known as red gold, that gives the paella its distinct taste, came to Spain with Arabic tradesmen that conquered large parts of the Iberian peninsula. The tomatoes arrived on my plate from the Andean mountains in South America, brought back to Spain by the conquistadors of the Spanish empire.
The paella is history lesson in itself. The Paella tells the story about the territory that we know as modern Spain. The Paella tells me, that Spain was once dominated by islam. Which hints at why the famous Spanish Flamenco music, has so many sounds, that sound oddly familiar to the music of the Arab world, I heard when I was travelling around Turkey. The Paella also tells me about Spain’s history as a global empire reaching far beyond the shores modern day Spain. Food is about a connection to culture and history. Food is able to build connections between different cultures.
#### **Food Connects Cultures**
It was a hot autumn afternoon, I was walking around Diyarbakir, the capital of Turkish Kurdistan. In the background the local mosques were calling for prayer, but I wasn’t heading for the mosque to ask for forgiveness for my sins, I was on the hunt for some food, some local food. I thought to myself “hopefully I can meet a local and establish a connection”. It was my second day in Diyarbakir, so far I had mostly communicated with the locals via hand signs, google translate and the sort broken English of a five year old, I find myself opting for, when ever I speak to someone who barely knows how to say “how are you?”.
My eyes caught two young men in the midst of installing a projector in the covered terrace area of one of the local restaurants. Inside there was a handful of tables with men drinking Turkish çay tea and smoking shisha pipes. They all looked at me with a welcoming smile and a facial expression of general puzzlement of my presence. Not many European foreigner venture to the southern parts of Turkey, where the Kurdish people live. The area is near the Syrian border and Kurdistan has long been painted as terrorist area.
As I approached the restaurant the waiter pointed me to a table, handed me the menu then with broken English and few hand gestures, he signalled for me to wait. I proceeded to investigate the menu, of course all in Turkish, I had managed to pick up some the basic words necessary for ordering food during my travels. I wasn’t completely lost in translation. The waiter came back with another young man, my age, Bawer. Bawer sat down in front of me with his cigarette in one mouth and his ashtray in the other. He offered me a cigarette, I politely accepted, then he said “How are you?” “Do you need any help?” His eyes lit up when I said I had my eyes on the Saç Tava, a Turkish stew with tomatoes, vegetables, chilies and mouthwatering tender lamb, and asked if he could recommend that? Bawer said “It’s my favourite dish but be careful it’s spicy”. I offered to order for him as well but he said no thanks. I ordered food for me and pot of tea for us to share.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_5760,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F5438f32f-6256-4997-9ecf-fa9f1f3c52f3_1600x1200.jpeg) Bawer and his friends
This was how I met Bawer, Bawer spoke great English and was able to answer all my questions about Kurds and Kurdish identity, the historic fights between Kurds and the Turkish government. The next day I met back up with Bawer and two of his friends, they gave me a tour of the city, told me all about life as a Kurd in Turkey. In the evening they even invited me to a Kurdish wedding from one of their friends, but these are stories for another day.
#### **Conclusion**
My point is: In this utopian fantasy world of the future, where we are all vegans. All food will be produced in labs and factories. All food will taste the same, no matter where you go in the world. If that becomes the reality, then this experience and countless others just like it, would never happen. Local culture would slowly die, so would beautiful spontaneous meetings, with strangers over food in some foreign, far away place.
If that is where the world of tomorrow is going, then I’m glad I got to see it beforehand.
@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2024-11-21 12:05:09
A state-controlled money supply can influence the development of socialist policies and practices in various ways. Although the relationship is not deterministic, state control over the money supply can contribute to a larger role of the state in the economy and facilitate the implementation of socialist ideals.
## Fiscal Policy Capabilities
When the state manages the money supply, it gains the ability to implement fiscal policies that can lead to an expansion of social programs and welfare initiatives. Funding these programs by creating money can enhance the state's influence over the economy and move it closer to a socialist model. The Soviet Union, for instance, had a centralized banking system that enabled the state to fund massive industrialization and social programs, significantly expanding the state's role in the economy.
## Wealth Redistribution
Controlling the money supply can also allow the state to influence economic inequality through monetary policies, effectively redistributing wealth and reducing income disparities. By implementing low-interest loans or providing financial assistance to disadvantaged groups, the state can narrow the wealth gap and promote social equality, as seen in many European welfare states.
## Central Planning
A state-controlled money supply can contribute to increased central planning, as the state gains more influence over the economy. Central banks, which are state-owned or heavily influenced by the state, play a crucial role in managing the money supply and facilitating central planning. This aligns with socialist principles that advocate for a planned economy where resources are allocated according to social needs rather than market forces.
## Incentives for Staff
Staff members working in state institutions responsible for managing the money supply have various incentives to keep the system going. These incentives include job security, professional expertise and reputation, political alignment, regulatory capture, institutional inertia, and legal and administrative barriers. While these factors can differ among individuals, they can collectively contribute to the persistence of a state-controlled money supply system.
In conclusion, a state-controlled money supply can facilitate the development of socialist policies and practices by enabling fiscal policies, wealth redistribution, and central planning. The staff responsible for managing the money supply have diverse incentives to maintain the system, further ensuring its continuation. However, it is essential to note that many factors influence the trajectory of an economic system, and the relationship between state control over the money supply and socialism is not inevitable.
@ fd208ee8:0fd927c1
2024-11-21 07:24:34
## The motherhood illusion
Growing up, I was always told that women wanted children, whilst men wanted sex. So, marriage was created, to unite these two urges, and men and women don't otherwise particularly differ. But, it turns out, that **women want protection and sex, and men want children and sex**.
This is why women tend to be attracted to more masculine men (they're associated with protection) and men tend to be attracted to more feminine women (they're associated with motherhood). Women who are attracted to men, who aren't overtly masculine, are looking for a different aspect of protection (reliability, steady income or wealth, emotional security, etc.)
This wasn't readily apparent, in earlier generations, as widespread, youthful marriage meant that there weren't any real decisions being made by the participants. Almost all women got married and had kids, and almost all men got married and had sex. *Math checks out.* But the number of women who could protect and provide for themselves was low, and the men marrying were often very young and libidinous, and not yet contemplating their own legacy.
Feminism, easy abortion, deindustrialization, delayed marriage, and reliable contraception have dissolved this illusion, completely. Millions of Western women quickly turned into cougars, careerists, party girls, and e-girls, and an entire army of childless men and sidelined dads bubbled up and began to make their pain known. Humanity's dirty underbelly has been exposed.
*Women aren't as sweet, as we thought, and men are much sweeter.*
Women also want children, but not as intensely. In fact, they seem to often viscerally dislike children, and are jealous of the protection they are to give them. So, they are prone to offing their offspring because they are averse to having any in-house competition.
If you just left women up to their own devices and reduced the social pressure, at least a fifth of them wouldn't bother having children, at all, and another quarter will have one and then lose interest or age out. This is not a new phenomenon, as we can see.
![birth statistics](https://i.nostr.build/wef63a6GYL21AVa5.png)
The male competition for potential mothers turns out to be absolutely brutal, and more difficult than simply finding a woman to sleep with. And, now, we finally understand why men traditionally jumped through so many hoops, to attain a wife. It wasn't for the sex; we've always had brothels, masturbation, and pornography. It was for the familial comfort, and, especially, for the children.
## Good fathers make good mothers
Some women don't know if they are "potential mothers", until they meet a "potential father", and their urge to procreate suddenly kicks in. They didn't want children for their own sake, but now they want some for his sake. All of a sudden, they're imagining themselves rocking the cradle, googling "what to eat, when you're expecting", and find themselves gushing over anything that gives off Hint of Infant.
I'm pregnant! Look what I can do! Look what I can do!
For you, darling.
![young couple](https://i.nostr.build/pMKgMxiwkoS7GBfL.jpg)
Women married to men they are deeply in love with, are much more likely to desire to become mothers (and be devastated by infertility), and make for better mothers, because children are like individualized presents they can give to their husband.
They want to impress him. Most want to be decent parents in their own right, but the urge to impress seems to raise this to a much higher level because *women are vain*, and therefore focused on raising their own status and how they appear to others. And the greatest "other", of a happy wife, is her husband.
Because *men are narcissistic*, and therefore in love with anything associated with themselves (which underpins their obsession with owning property), men have an intense attachment to their children. What is more "yours", than your progeny?
![Holding hands](https://i.nostr.build/5Wq2AdHuaehHLlII.jpg)
Fathers seem to develop a special attachment to, or fondness for, the mothers of their children, that goes beyond lust or romantic love; they never forgot who gave them this new Mini Me. And they are often quite impressed by their own ability to perform this trick numerous times, which leads to the intense satisfaction they feel at "going into serial production" and churning out more of those Mini Mes until their adoring wife pleads for mercy.
Men want children. Women, who love a man, want to give him those children and gain the fidelity that comes along with those children. This is the actual "trade" underpinning the urge to marry.
![Family scene](https://i.nostr.build/g4EjiLASoPkdDemQ.jpg)
@ 1bda7e1f:bb97c4d9
2024-11-21 04:17:08
### Tldr
- Nostr is an open protocol which is interoperable with all kinds of other technologies
- You can use this interoperability to create custom solutions
- Nostr apps define a custom URI scheme handler "nostr:"
- In this blog I use this to integrate Nostr with NFC cards
- I create a Nostr NFC "login card" which allows me to log into Amethyst client
- I create a Nostr NFC "business card" which allows anyone to find my profile with a tap
### Inter-Op All The Things!
Nostr is a new open social protocol for the internet. This open nature is very exciting because it means Nostr can add new capabilities to all other internet-connected technologies, from browsers to web applications. In my view, it achieves this through three core capabilities.
- A lightweight decentralised identity (Nostr keys, "npubs" and "nsecs"),
- A lightweight data distribution network (Nostr relays),
- A set of data interoperability standards (The Nostr Improvement Protocols "NIPs"), including the "nostr:" URI which we'll use in this post.
The lightweight nature is its core strength. Very little is required to interoperate with Nostr, which means many existing technologies can be easily used with the network.
Over the next few blog posts, I'll explore different Nostr inter-op ideas, and also deliver my first small open source projects to the community. I'll cover–
- NFC cards integrated with Nostr (in this post),
- Workflow Automations integrated with Nostr,
- AI LLMs integrated with Nostr.
#### The "Nostr:" URI
One feature of Nostr is it defines a custom URI scheme handler "nostr:". What is that?
A URI is used to identify a resource in a system. A system will have a protocol handler registry used to store such URI's, and if a system has a URI registered, then it knows what to do when it sees it. You are probably already familiar with some URI schemes such as "http:" and "mailto:". For example, when you click an http link, the system knows that it describes an http resource and opens a web browser to fetch the content from the internet.
A nostr: link operates in the same way. The nostr: prefix indicates a custom URI scheme specifically designed for the Nostr protocol. If a system has a Nostr application installed, that application may have registered "nostr:" in the protocol handler registry. On that system when a "nostr:" URI is clicked, the system will know that it describes a nostr resource and open the Nostr client to fetch the content from the nostr relay network.
This inter-op with the protocol handler registry gives us the power to do nice and exciting things with other technologies.
### Nostr and NFC
Another technology that uses URIs is NFC cards. NFC (Near Field Communication) is a wireless technology that enables devices to exchange data over a few centimeters. It’s widely used in contactless payments, access control, and information sharing.
NFC tags are small chips embedded in cards or stickers which can store data like plain text, URLs, or custom URIs. They are very cheap (cents each) and widely available (Amazon with next day delivery).
When an NFC tag contains a URI, such as a http: (or nostr:) link, it acts as a trigger. Tapping the tag with an NFC-enabled device launches the associated application and processes the URI. For example, tapping a tag with "nostr:..." could open a Nostr client, directing it to a specific login page, public profile, or event.
This inter-op allows us to bridge the physical world to Nostr with just a tap.
#### Many useful ideas
There are many interesting ways to use this. Too many for me to explore. Perhaps some of these are interesting for your next side hustle?
- Nostr NFC "login cards" – tap to log into Amethyst on Android,
- Nostr NFC "business cards" – give to connections so they can tap to load your npub,
- Nostr NFC "payment cards" – integrating lightning network or ecash,
- Nostr NFC "doorbells", "punch cards", "drop boxes", or "dead drops" – put a tag in a specific place and tap to open a location-specific message or chat,
- Integrations with other access control systems,
- Integrations with other home automation systems,
- Many more ...
To start with I have built and use the "login card" and "business card" solutions. This blog post will show you how to do the same.
### Nostr Login Card
You can use an NFC card to log into your Nostr client.
Most Nostr clients accept a variety of login methods, from posting your nsec into the app (insecure) to using a remote signer (more secure). A less known but more secure method is to sign into a session with a tap of a specially-configured NFC card. Amethyst is a Nostr client on Android which supports this type of login.
- A secure method for logging in
- Optionally keeps no log in history on the device after logout
- Does not require users to know or understand how keys work
- Keys are kept secure on a physically-separated card to reduce risk of compromise
Nostr devs think that this is useful for anti-establishment actors–Fair enough. For me, I am interested in this login card pattern as it could be useful for rolling out identities within an organisation context with less training (office workers are already familiar with door access cards). This pattern potentially abstracts away key management to the IT or ops team who provision the cards.
I first discovered this when [Kohei](nostr:npub16lrdq99ng2q4hg5ufre5f8j0qpealp8544vq4ctn2wqyrf4tk6uqn8mfeq) demonstrated it in [his video](nostr:nevent1qqstx0jy5jvzgh7wr6entjuw7h58d7mapupfdpt9hkf7s4gze34a0vspremhxue69uhkummnw3ez6ur4vgh8wetvd3hhyer9wghxuet59upzp47x6q2txs5ptw3fcj8ngj0y7qrnm7z0ft2cptshx5uqgxn2hd4ckqyqd3).
Here's how you set it up at a high level–
1. Buy yourself some NFC cards
2. Get your Nostr key ready in an encrypted, password protected format called "nencryptsec"
3. Write the nencryptsec to the NFC card as a custom URI
4. Tap to load the login screen, and enter your password to login
Here it is in detail–
#### Buy yourself some NFC cards
I found no specific requirements. As usual with Nostr so far, I tried to the cheapest possible route and it worked. Generic brand NFC cards shipped from China, I believe it was 50X for $15 from Amazon. Your mileage may vary.
#### Get your Nostr key ready
Your key will be saved to the NFC card in an encrypted password-protected format called "nencryptsec". Several applications support this. As we'll be using this to login to Amethyst, we will use Amethyst to output the nencryptsec for us.
1. Login to Amethyst with your nsec,
2. Open the sidebar and click "Backup Keys",
3. Enter a password, and click "Encrypt and my secret key",
4. It will add the password-protected key to your clipboard in the format "ncryptsec1...",
5. Remember to backup your password.
#### Write the ncryptsec to the NFC card
1. Download the free [NFC Tools app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wakdev.wdnfc) to your device, and open it,
2. Click "Write" and "Add a record", then click "Custom URL / URI",
3. Paste your nencryptsec with the nostr URI in front, i.e. "nostr:ncryptsec1..." and click OK,
4. Click "Write". NFC Tools will prompt you to "Approach an NFC tag",
5. Place your NFC card against your phone, and it will write to the card,
6. Your card is ready.
#### Tap to load the login screen
Tap the card against your phone again, and your phone should open the login screen of Amethyst and prompt you for your password.
Once you enter your password, Amethyst will decrypt your nsec and log you in.
Optionally, you can also set the app to forget you once you log out.
You have created a Nostr NFC "login card".
### Nostr Business Card
You can use another NFC card to give anyone you meet a link straight to your Nostr profile.
I attended [Peter McCormack](nostr:npub14mcddvsjsflnhgw7vxykz0ndfqj0rq04v7cjq5nnc95ftld0pv3shcfrlx)'s #CheatCode conference in Sydney and gave a few of these out following the Nostr panel, notably to [Preston Pysh](nostr:npub1s5yq6wadwrxde4lhfs56gn64hwzuhnfa6r9mj476r5s4hkunzgzqrs6q7z) where it [got some cut through](nostr:nevent1qqsdx0acma85u9knejnvfnfms9pfv27g97mfnnq9fnxslsa9vtrx73spremhxue69uhkummnw3ez6ur4vgh8wetvd3hhyer9wghxuet59upzppggp5a66uxvmntlwnpf5384twu9e0xnm5xth9ta58fpt0dexysy26d4nm) and found me my first 100 followers. You can do the same.
To create your Nostr NFC "business card" is even easier than your NFC "login card".
1. Buy yourself some NFC cards,
2. Download the free [NFC Tools app](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.wakdev.wdnfc) to your device, and open it,
2. Click "Write" and "Add a record", then click "Custom URL / URI",
3. Write your npub to the NFC card as a custom URI in the format "nostr:npub1..." (e.g. for me this is "nostr:npub1r0d8u8mnj6769500nypnm28a9hpk9qg8jr0ehe30tygr3wuhcnvs4rfsft"),
4. Your card is ready.
Give the card to someone who is a Nostr user, and when they tap the card against their phone it will open their preferred Nostr client and go directly to your Nostr profile page.
You have created a Nostr NFC "business card".
### What I Did Wrong
I like to share what I did wrong so you don't have to make the same mistakes. This time, this was very easy, and little went wrong. In general
- When password-protecting your nsec, don't forget the password!
- When writing to the NFC card, make sure to use "Custom URI/URL" as this accepts your "nostr:" URI scheme. If you use generic "URI/URL" it won't work.
### What's Next
Over my first four blogs I have explored creating a good Nostr setup
- [Mined a Nostr pubkey and backed up the mnemonic](nostr:naddr1qqsy66twd9hxwtteda6hyt2kv9hxjare94g82cntv4uj6drfw4cxyeszyqda5lslwwttmgk3a7vsx0dgl5kuxc5pq7gdlxlx9av3qw9mjlzdjqcyqqq823c6e2ekw)
- [Set up Nostr payments with a Lightning wallet plus all the bells and whistles](nostr:naddr1qq34xet5w35kueedw4cz65rp09kk2mn5wvkk7m3dfehhxarj95mk7dnvwvmsygqmmflp7uukhk3drmueqv763lfdcd3gzpusm7d7vt6ezquth97ymypsgqqqw4rsuql6je)
- [Set up NIP-05 and Lighting Address at my own domain](nostr:naddr1qqyx2efcvy6rvcnrqyghwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnhd9hx2tczyqda5lslwwttmgk3a7vsx0dgl5kuxc5pq7gdlxlx9av3qw9mjlzdjqcyqqq823c634nh0)
- [Set up a Personal Relay at my own domain](nostr:naddr1qqyx2efcvy6rvcnrqy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hj7q3qr0d8u8mnj6769500nypnm28a9hpk9qg8jr0ehe30tygr3wuhcnvsxpqqqp65wmzpn9e)
Over the next few blogs I will be exploring different types of Nostr inter-op
- NFC cards integrated with Nostr (this post)
- Workflow Automations integrated with Nostr
- AI LLMs integrated with Nostr
Please be sure to let me know if you think there's another Nostr topic you'd like to see me tackle.
GM Nostr.