@ f9cf4e94:96abc355
2024-12-30 19:02:32
Na era das grandes navegações, piratas ingleses eram autorizados pelo governo para roubar navios.
A única coisa que diferenciava um pirata comum de um corsário é que o último possuía a “Carta do Corso”, que funcionava como um “Alvará para o roubo”, onde o governo Inglês legitimava o roubo de navios por parte dos corsários. É claro, que em troca ele exigia uma parte da espoliação.
Bastante similar com a maneira que a Receita Federal atua, não? Na verdade, o caso é ainda pior, pois o governo fica com toda a riqueza espoliada, e apenas repassa um mísero salário para os corsários modernos, os agentes da receita federal.
Porém eles “justificam” esse roubo ao chamá-lo de imposto, e isso parece acalmar os ânimos de grande parte da população, mas não de nós.
Não é por acaso que 'imposto' é o particípio passado do verbo 'impor'. Ou seja, é aquilo que resulta do cumprimento obrigatório -- e não voluntário -- de todos os cidadãos. Se não for 'imposto' ninguém paga. Nem mesmo seus defensores. Isso mostra o quanto as pessoas realmente apreciam os serviços do estado.
Apenas volte um pouco na história: os primeiros pagadores de impostos eram fazendeiros cujos territórios foram invadidos por nômades que pastoreavam seu gado. Esses invasores nômades forçavam os fazendeiros a lhes pagar uma fatia de sua renda em troca de "proteção". O fazendeiro que não concordasse era assassinado.
Os nômades perceberam que era muito mais interessante e confortável apenas cobrar uma taxa de proteção em vez de matar o fazendeiro e assumir suas posses. Cobrando uma taxa, eles obtinham o que necessitavam. Já se matassem os fazendeiros, eles teriam de gerenciar por conta própria toda a produção da fazenda.
Daí eles entenderam que, ao não assassinarem todos os fazendeiros que encontrassem pelo caminho, poderiam fazer desta prática um modo de vida.
Assim nasceu o governo.
Não assassinar pessoas foi o primeiro serviço que o governo forneceu. Como temos sorte em ter à nossa disposição esta instituição!
Assim, não deixa de ser curioso que algumas pessoas digam que os impostos são pagos basicamente para impedir que aconteça exatamente aquilo que originou a existência do governo. O governo nasceu da extorsão. Os fazendeiros tinham de pagar um "arrego" para seu governo. Caso contrário, eram assassinados.
Quem era a real ameaça? O governo. A máfia faz a mesma coisa.
Mas existe uma forma de se proteger desses corsários modernos. Atualmente, existe uma propriedade privada que NINGUÉM pode tirar de você, ela é sua até mesmo depois da morte. É claro que estamos falando do Bitcoin. Fazendo as configurações certas, é impossível saber que você tem bitcoin. Nem mesmo o governo americano consegue saber.
#brasil #bitcoinbrasil #nostrbrasil #grownostr #bitcoin
@ 254f56d7:f2c38100
2024-12-30 07:38:27
Vamos ver seu funcionamento
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/5c0f79919dd187fef75c61c42da42314223de2cb9ada7a7495bb9be64cf39310.jpg)
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2024-12-30 05:51:11
**Table Of Content**
- The Influence of Global Oil Prices
- Bitcoin's Roller Coaster Ride
- Anticipation Surrounding the 2024 Halving Event
- The Broader Crypto Landscape
- Conclusions
In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin stands as a beacon, often dictating the mood of the entire crypto market. Its price fluctuations are closely watched by investors, analysts, and enthusiasts alike. Max Keiser, a prominent figure in the crypto space, recently shed light on some intriguing factors that might be influencing Bitcoin's current price trajectory. This article delves into Keiser's insights, exploring the broader implications of global events on Bitcoin's market performance.
**The Influence of Global Oil Prices**
Max Keiser, a renowned Bitcoin advocate and former trader, recently drew attention to the interplay between global oil prices and Bitcoin's market performance. Responding to a post by German economics expert, Holger Zschaepitz, Keiser highlighted the significance of Brent oil reaching $90 per barrel for the first time since the previous November. According to Keiser, the surge in oil prices, driven by Saudi Arabia's decision to extend its reduction in oil production for another three months, has had ripple effects in the financial world. One of these effects is the shift of investor interest towards higher interest deposit USD accounts. This diversion of investments is creating what Keiser terms as "a small headwind for Bitcoin," implying that as traditional markets like oil show promise, some investors might be reconsidering their cryptocurrency positions.
**Bitcoin's Roller Coaster Ride**
The cryptocurrency market, known for its volatility, witnessed Bitcoin's price undergoing significant fluctuations recently. A notable event that gave Bitcoin a temporary boost was Grayscale's triumph over the SEC in a legal battle concerning the conversion of its Bitcoin Trust into a spot ETF. This victory led to a rapid 7.88% spike in Bitcoin's price within a mere hour, pushing it from the $26,000 bracket to briefly touch the $28,000 threshold. However, this euphoria was short-lived. Over the subsequent week, the cryptocurrency saw its gains erode, settling in the $25,400 range. At the time the reference article was penned, Bitcoin was hovering around $25,688.
**Anticipation Surrounding the 2024 Halving Event**
The Bitcoin community is abuzz with anticipation for the next scheduled Bitcoin halving, projected to take place in April-May 2024. This event will see the rewards for Bitcoin miners being slashed by half, resulting in a decreased supply of Bitcoin entering the market. Historically, such halvings have acted as catalysts, propelling Bitcoin's price upwards. A case in point is the aftermath of the 2020 halving, post which Bitcoin soared to an all-time high of $69,000 in October 2021. However, some financial analysts argue that this surge was less about the halving and more a consequence of the extensive monetary measures adopted by institutions like the US Federal Reserve. These measures, taken in response to the pandemic and the ensuing lockdowns, flooded the market with cash, potentially driving up Bitcoin's price.
**The Broader Crypto Landscape**
While Bitcoin remains the most dominant and influential cryptocurrency, it's essential to consider its position within the broader crypto ecosystem. Other cryptocurrencies, often referred to as 'altcoins', also play a role in shaping investor sentiment and market dynamics. Factors such as technological advancements, regulatory changes, and global economic shifts not only impact Bitcoin but the entire crypto market. As investors diversify their portfolios and explore newer blockchain projects, Bitcoin's role as the market leader is continually tested. Yet, its pioneering status and proven resilience make it a focal point of discussions and analyses in the crypto world.
Bitcoin, the flagship cryptocurrency, has always been subject to a myriad of market forces and global events. While its inherent potential remains undeniable, the current market landscape, shaped by factors ranging from oil prices to global economic policies, presents challenges. Yet, with events like the 2024 halving on the horizon, there's an air of optimism among Bitcoin enthusiasts and investors about the future trajectory of this digital asset.
**Who is Max Keiser?**
Max Keiser is a prominent Bitcoin advocate, former trader, and well-known crypto podcaster.
**What did Keiser say about Bitcoin's price?**
Keiser pointed out that rising global oil prices and the allure of higher interest deposit USD accounts are creating a "small headwind" for Bitcoin.
**How did Grayscale's legal victory affect Bitcoin?**
Grayscale's win over the SEC led to a 7.88% spike in Bitcoin's price within an hour.
**When is the next Bitcoin halving expected?**
The next Bitcoin halving is projected to occur around April-May 2024.
**Did the 2020 Bitcoin halving influence its price?**
Yes, post the 2020 halving, Bitcoin reached an all-time high of $69,000 in October 2021.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 6be5cc06:5259daf0
2024-12-29 19:54:14
Um dos padrões mais bem estabelecidos ao medir a opinião pública é que cada geração tende a seguir um caminho semelhante em termos de política e ideologia geral. Seus membros compartilham das mesmas experiências formativas, atingem os marcos importantes da vida ao mesmo tempo e convivem nos mesmos espaços. Então, como devemos entender os relatórios que mostram que a **Geração Z** é hiperprogressista em certos assuntos, mas surpreendentemente conservadora em outros?
A resposta, nas palavras de **Alice Evans**, pesquisadora visitante na Universidade de Stanford e uma das principais estudiosas do tema, é que os jovens de hoje estão passando por um grande **divergência de gênero**, com as jovens mulheres do primeiro grupo e os jovens homens do segundo. A **Geração Z** representa duas gerações, e não apenas uma.
Em países de todos os continentes, surgiu um **distanciamento ideológico** entre jovens homens e mulheres. Milhões de pessoas que compartilham das mesmas cidades, locais de trabalho, salas de aula e até casas, não veem mais as coisas da mesma maneira.
Nos **Estados Unidos**, os dados da Gallup mostram que, após décadas em que os sexos estavam distribuídos de forma relativamente equilibrada entre visões políticas liberais e conservadoras, as mulheres entre **18 e 30 anos** são agora **30 pontos percentuais mais liberais** do que os homens dessa faixa etária. Essa diferença surgiu em apenas **seis anos**.
A **Alemanha** também apresenta um distanciamento de 30 pontos entre homens jovens conservadores e mulheres jovens progressistas, e no **Reino Unido**, a diferença é de **25 pontos**. Na **Polônia**, no ano passado, quase metade dos homens entre **18 e 21 anos** apoiou o partido de extrema direita Confederation, em contraste com apenas um sexto das jovens mulheres dessa mesma idade.
Fora do Ocidente, há divisões ainda mais acentuadas. Na **Coreia do Sul**, há um enorme abismo entre homens e mulheres jovens, e a situação é semelhante na **China**. Na **África**, a **Tunísia** apresenta o mesmo padrão. Vale notar que em todos os países essa divisão drástica ocorre principalmente entre a **geração mais jovem**, sendo muito menos pronunciada entre homens e mulheres na faixa dos **30 anos** ou mais velhos.
O movimento **# MeToo** foi o **principal estopim**, trazendo à tona valores feministas intensos entre jovens mulheres que se sentiram empoderadas para denunciar injustiças de longa data. Esse estopim encontrou especialmente terreno fértil na **Coreia do Sul**, onde a **desigualdade de gênero** é bastante visível e a **misoginia explícita** é comum. (palavras da Financial Times, eu só traduzi)
Na eleição presidencial da **Coreia do Sul** em **2022**, enquanto homens e mulheres mais velhos votaram de forma unificada, os jovens homens apoiaram fortemente o partido de direita **People Power**, enquanto as jovens mulheres apoiaram o partido liberal **Democratic** em números quase iguais e opostos.
A situação na **Coreia** é extrema, mas serve como um alerta para outros países sobre o que pode acontecer quando jovens homens e mulheres se distanciam. A sociedade está **dividida**, a taxa de casamento despencou e a taxa de natalidade caiu drasticamente, chegando a **0,78 filhos por mulher** em **2022**, o menor número no mundo todo.
Sete anos após a explosão inicial do movimento **# MeToo**, a **divergência de gênero** em atitudes tornou-se autossustentável.
Dados das pesquisas mostram que em muitos países, as diferenças ideológicas vão além dessa questão específica. A divisão progressista-conservadora sobre **assédio sexual** parece ter causado ou pelo menos faz parte de um **alinhamento mais amplo**, em que jovens homens e mulheres estão se organizando em grupos conservadores e liberais em outros assuntos.
Nos **EUA**, **Reino Unido** e **Alemanha**, as jovens mulheres agora adotam posturas mais liberais sobre temas como **imigração** e **justiça racial**, enquanto grupos etários mais velhos permanecem equilibrados. A tendência na maioria dos países tem sido de **mulheres se inclinando mais para a esquerda**, enquanto os homens permanecem estáveis. No entanto, há sinais de que os jovens homens estão se **movendo para a direita** na **Alemanha**, tornando-se mais críticos em relação à imigração e se aproximando do partido de extrema direita **AfD** nos últimos anos.
Seria fácil dizer que tudo isso é apenas uma **fase passageira**, mas os abismos ideológicos apenas crescem, e os dados mostram que as experiências políticas formativas das pessoas são difíceis de mudar. Tudo isso é agravado pelo fato de que o aumento dos smartphones e das redes sociais faz com que os jovens homens e mulheres agora **vivam em espaços separados** e tenham **culturas distintas**.
As opiniões dos jovens frequentemente são ignoradas devido à **baixa participação política**, mas essa mudança pode deixar **consequências duradouras**, impactando muito mais do que apenas os resultados das eleições.
Retirado de: https://www.ft.com/content/29fd9b5c-2f35-41bf-9d4c-994db4e12998
@ 30ceb64e:7f08bdf5
2024-12-29 19:09:13
I've been working 28 hours a week on the weekends as a Direct service professional, assisting adults with autism and intellectual disabilities. I've brought my laptop freaks. There's enough downtime for me to work on obtaining certifications online, posts to SN and Nostr, and work on my coding project Nostr Run Club.
I work with 2 normies on saturday and sunday, and had the bright idea of pitching my app to them. Here is how the conversation went.
Hustle: Hey do you guys want to see what i'm working on?
Normie 1: Sure....
Normie 2: "Comes around to curiously investigate"
***The Pitch
Hustle: Alright, so.....what social media do you use?
Normie 1: Instagram.
Hustle: Alright so....I'm making a running app. Imagine logging in with instagram, and seeing a feed of all of the runners and all of your friends. Now, what music streaming service do you use?
Normie 1: Pandora
Normie 2: Spotify
Hustle: Cool, so imagine seeing your pandora and Spotify liked songs and playlists in the running app. So the app can track your run, its connected to your social media and streaming platform, and people can send you small donations congratulating you for the run.
Normie 1 and 2: Ahh, that's cool.
Normie 2: But why would people send you money? Oh? I think I've seen something like it where people send you a star and the star can be redeemed for like 99 cents, or they send you points and the app rewards you for points.
Hustle: Nah. That parts already figured out, I'm just having trouble getting the music from "Spotify" to play, and then I'll release it into the wild, that's pretty much my hustle.
And that was the conversation, it left me thinking about a few things.
1. V4V
The concept is extremely familiar to me. I say good Morning I get 50 cents. I give 35 cents to other GM freaks and keep it pushing. Its normal. But for them the concept seemed so strange, they were looking for some solution or explanation on why people would just give someone else money for seemingly nothing. When the solution is already here, just not evenly distributed or promoted or adopted. Likely because the normies are still existing in the paradox of card companies and ravenous third party intermediaries imposing their cut.
2. The broken social media landscape of disconnected walled gardens
I was thinking normie one would say Facebook, if asked normie 2 would've said snapchat, Tik Tok, Instagram etc. for music they could've said apple music, tidal, Youtube music etc.
I see Nostr as a highway that connects all of these guys, and instead of buying multiple cars to travel on different streets, you have one car that you use to travel across the country.
3. The tact required to pitch ideas like Nostr and bitcoin
I used to work at bank of America and was tasked to sell credit cards without saying the word credit card.....
I would say "Hello, good sir/mam, have you thought about getting rewarded for your daily purchases??"
I found myself in a familiar situation, introducing them to Nostr without using the word Nostr and introducing them to bitcoin without using the word inevitable. The experience was stranger for me than it was for them, they left thinking "Ahh, thats neat" I walked away from the conversation eager to get notify the freaks.
In Conclusion,
The interaction gave me a few interesting insights:
1. We'll need to bridge the conceptual gap between traditional and new payment paradigms.
2. The importance of focusing on user benefits rather than technical details
3. The market opportunity for solutions that unify fragmented digital services
4. The value of strategic communication that meets users where they are
Successful adoption of new technologies like Nostr and Bitcoin requires careful attention to user education and communication, focusing on practical benefits rather than technical features. The positive reception to the core concept, even without understanding the underlying technology, shows huge potential for mainstream adoption when presented appropriately.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/829000
@ f4d89779:2b522db9
2024-12-29 16:46:43
In the game of Ultimate Frisbee, there is a beloved phrase that captures one of the best aspects of playing. Ultimate is about decision making. It is played on a rectangular field with seven players on each side. Much like football, the object of the game is to score with a throw into the end zone.
To "HUCK", means to launch the disc down field in the hopes of scoring. You can probably guess what the "OR YOU'RE NOTHING" means but the spirit of it is that when the opportunity comes ...
Sorry, I had to channel my inner ODELL there for a second. These are all caps kind of moments. Time feels like it stops, the disc floats in the air, the receiver and defender are sprinting all out, you can hear the collective breath of anticipation from the audience and then you score. If you're good that is.
You know what? You and I are civilized people, we use the NOSTR, so I won't limit myself to just words. Here are some of those moments:
During the course of play, teams get into a formation with a couple of the players doing the majority of the disc throwing. These players are called handlers. They handle the disc, they have the responsibility of moving the disc downfield, and handle most of the decision making.
A good handler develops a sort of instinct for each of their receivers, can guess the capabilities of each defender, and knows himself well enough to know if he has the throw. They know who is good and reliable at short cuts. They know who has the top end speed to throw a long floating pass into the end zone. With each play they are judging all of the moving objects on the field and deciding on real time risk of each throw and where things will lead.
Mistakes lead to turnovers and turnovers, like in many other sports, are death.
Hopefully, you start to see how ultimate relates to life and Bitcoin. Life is a field and you have defenders and you have receivers. It is your disc and the decisions you make have a huge impact on whether you win or lose.
Knowingly or not, you saw Bitcoin as a potential receiver and Governments, academics, shitcoiners, as defenders. In some ways those around you were also defenders. They whispered, or maybe still whisper the risk and probability of failure in your ear. Their fear weighed against what you know.
With the btc/usd exchange rate at $94k, and companies fighting over the best ways to get sats I think we can say that you did not get lucky. They called you crazy, they said that throw won't work, they said your receiver sucked but you knew better.
You saw that receiver leaving every defender in the dust and you HUCKED it and you are certainly not NOTHING.
@ 6f3670d9:03f04036
2024-12-29 08:20:22
- This will void your warranty
- There might be differences between the Bitaxe and the Lucky Miner that might not cause issues or damage immediately, but might manifest long-term
- Proceed at your own risk
### A Different Pickaxe
You live in a place where it's difficult to get a [Bitaxe](https://github.com/skot/bitaxe). You have access to [AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/). You look around. You find something called the "Lucky Miner LV06". A Bitaxe clone that uses the same mining chip as the Bitaxe Ultra \(BM1366 ASIC\). You buy one.
![Lucky Miner LV06](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/f33e0374503c156c25435d8deb0e9744eaac92a9daed209a3f2a351cda91d46b)
You plug it in, you enter your wallet address and other settings, and it starts mining. It works! Great!
But it's running a customized firmware. It's not [AxeOS](https://github.com/skot/ESP-Miner). Maybe there's something shady in the stock firmware. It's not open-source, after all. Also, AxeOS looks amazing... And that automatic pool fail-over feature is handy.
You think to yourself: "Maybe I can use the Bitaxe firmware on this?". Guess what? You're right!
### Flashing From Web UI
![Web UI flashing buttons](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/56d7291eb7a65603f5906191a440408bea062fd0335e7eef4448310bf67f3938)
What usually works for me is to:
- Download the Bitaxe firmware files \(`esp-miner.bin` and `www.bin`\) from GitHub \([here](https://github.com/skot/ESP-Miner/releases)\). Version 2.4.1 seems to work well, as of this writing.
- Then from the Lucky Miner web interface, upload the "Website" \(`www.bin`\) file.
- Wait for a minute or two after it's done uploading.
- Upload the "Firmware" \(`esp-miner.bin`\) file.
- Wait another minute or two.
- Unplug the power and plug it back in.
- Set the "Core Voltage" and "Frequency" to the defaults.
- Unplug the power and plug it back in again.
If you're lucky (no pun intended), you'll have a working Lucky Miner with AxeOS. Update the settings and mine away!
However, often times I've been unlucky, like what happened while I was writing this article, ironically. The miner malfunctions for no obvious reason. It keeps rebooting, or it's not mining \(zero/low hashrate\), or the web interface is inaccessible. You name it.
The miner has become a "brick". How do you "unbrick" it?
When you brick a Bitaxe, you can recover it by flashing (uploading) a "Factory Image". The Bitaxe has a USB port that makes this easy. Follow the [guide](https://github.com/skot/ESP-Miner/blob/master/flashing.md) and it should come back to life again. Unfortunately, the Lucky Miner LV06 doesn't have a USB port. It has a serial port, though. We'll have to get our hands a bit dirty.
### Flashing Using the Serial Port
We need to connect the serial port of the miner to a computer and run a program to flash (upload) the firmware file on the miner. Any 3.3v [UART](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_asynchronous_receiver-transmitter) serial port should be sufficient. Unfortunately, PCs don't usually come with a UART serial port these days, let alone a 3.3v one. The serial port common in old computers is an [RS-232](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RS-232) port, which will most probably fry your miner if you try to connect it directly. Beware.
In my case, as a serial port for my PC, I'm using an [Arduino Due](https://docs.arduino.cc/hardware/due/) I had lying around. We connect it to the PC through USB, and on the other side we connect a few wires to the miner, which gives the PC access to the miner.
**WARNING:** Make sure your serial port is 3.3v or you will probably kill the miner. [Arduino Uno](https://docs.arduino.cc/hardware/uno-rev3/) is 5v not 3.3v, for example, and cannot be used for this.
### Wiring
First, we need to open the Lucky Miner. Use a small flat screwdriver to gently push the two plastic clips shown in the picture below. Gently pry the top cover away from the bottom cover on the clips side first, then remove the other side. Be careful not to break the display cable.
![Plastic Latches](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/05a1a8ed6221f781b491b79b71f8cadef031231baefc52c021ae650824dd3fe7)
Once the cover is off, you can find the miner's serial port in the top right corner (J10), as shown in the next picture. We'll also need the reset button (EN).
![Lucky Miner Serial Port](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/38e23ecb7e93ed2807223fcd75bd49559dbdfb3d9502bdc2cc7e6cb17649bc13)
There are three screws holding the PCB and the bottom cover together. If you're confident in your ability to push the small button on the underside of the PCB with the bottom cover on, then no need to remove these. The following picture shows what we need from that side.
![PCB underside](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/361ffb5c1f7d9892e6c1fea213a664dc4330a1134a88ffa452301426369e1b36)
And the next picture shows the pins and USB port we will use from the Arduino.
![Where to connect stuff](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/4bd68c77804f51141e6b42303f9390bf9c7e1bb0f79e47278d817ed128873d7a)
Now, we need to connect:
- The USB port on the Arduino labelled "programming" to the PC
- Pin 18 (TX1) on the Arduino to J10 [through-hole pad](https://www.pcbway.com/blog/PCB_Basic_Information/Types_of_PCB_Pads_PCB_Knowledge_665df5df.html) 5 (blue dot)
- Pin 19 (RX1) on the Arduino to J10 through-hole pad 3 (green dot)
- Any GND pin on the Arduino to J10 through-hole pad 4 (yellow dot)
I didn't need to solder the wires to the pads. Keeping everything stable, perhaps by putting a weight on the wires or a bit of tape, was sufficient in all my attempts.
### Setting up the Arduino
To use the Arduino as a serial port for our PC, we'll have to make it pass-through data back and forth between the USB port and UART1, where we connected the miner.
The following steps are all done on a PC running [Debian Linux](https://www.debian.org/) \(Bookworm\), in the spirit of freedom and open-source.
First, we start the Arduino IDE. If the package for the Arduino Due board is not already installed, you'll see a small prompt at the bottom. Click "Install this package".
![Arduino IDE Step 1](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/6b0501a3d7e5b3bf83064f482e126aea8f641990035fda40a2e50f437e509923)
Click the "Install" button.
![Arduino IDE Step 2](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/b0f7028c7b6be38242b00cd95f15e8c62aa3707c5137e7a547c411c7d107945c)
Once the package is installed, click "Close".
![Arduino IDE Step 3](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/398a106af1e46ad2160225eb16f3c4ed4c8ba6f4bca8b574d5b9a3b6d615ebdd)
Next, we select the Due board. Click the "Tools" menu, select "Board", select "Arduino ARM (32-bits) Boards" and click "Arduino Due (Programming Port)"
![Arduino IDE Step 4](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/6c10cd840ce91a7e4e93c6df22d5fee7d2a7cd4f834953130fc12689ae1469c2)
Next, we select the port. Click the "Tools" menu again, select "Port", and click the port where the Arduino is connected. In my case it was "/dev/ttyACM0".
![Arduino IDE Step 5](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/93dec29667efb91be449fdc8e9c2739c75057798df368d28fc1157ee7c099a9a)
Now we need to upload the following code to the Arduino board. The code is actually the "SerialPassthrough" example from the IDE, but with the serial speed changed to match the miner.
void setup() {
void loop() {
if (Serial.available()) { // If anything comes in Serial (USB),
Serial1.write(Serial.read()); // read it and send it out Serial1
if (Serial1.available()) { // If anything comes in Serial1
Serial.write(Serial1.read()); // read it and send it out Serial (USB)
Copy/paste the code into the IDE and click upload. You'll see "Done uploading" at the bottom.
![Arduino IDE Step 6](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/914400f6e70bcbc02be096052db0f035d45f4da5b1ee3965924bfd1a173a6223)
Next we'll test if we're receiving data from the miner. We start by opening the "Serial Monitor" from the "Tools" menu in the IDE. Then we change the baudrate to 115200.
![Arduino IDE Step 7](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/57903eda3e8628991cdb6e62af17f89bed6023cdfce0790a9936d59f6e75c94c)
Set the Arduino and the miner in a comfortable position, make sure the wires are held in place and got a good contact on both sides, and the power is plugged in.
Now we'll put the miner in "download" mode. Press and hold the button on the underside (K1), press and release the reset button (EN), then release the other button (K1).
You should see some text from the miner in the serial monitor window, like in the picture below.
![Arduino IDE Step 8](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/ed34783760acb2248b455bcbe221860be9430b983cdfa152043ab061d07c9432)
Congratulations! We know we're able to receive data from the miner now. We're not sure transmit is working, but we'll find out when we try to flash.
### Flashing Using the Serial Port, for Real
To flash the Lucky Miner we'll need a software tool named [esptool](https://github.com/espressif/esptool) and the factory image firmware file.
I usually use "esp-miner-factory-205-v2.1.8.bin" for the factory image \([this one](https://github.com/skot/ESP-Miner/releases/download/v2.1.8/esp-miner-factory-205-v2.1.8.bin)\) as a base, and then flash the version I want from the Web UI, using the steps I mentioned earlier.
For esptool, the documentation \([here](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esptool/en/latest/esp32/installation.html)\) shows us how to install it.
To make things a little easier on our Debian Linux system, we'll use pipx instead of pip. The instructions below are adapted for that.
First we make sure pipx is installed. Run this command in a terminal and follow the instructions:
sudo apt-get install pipx
Then we install esptool using pipx. Run the following in a terminal:
pipx install esptool
The output will be something like this:
user@pc:~$ pipx install esptool
installed package esptool 4.8.1, installed using Python 3.11.2
These apps are now globally available
- esp_rfc2217_server.py
- espefuse.py
- espsecure.py
- esptool.py
⚠️ Note: '/home/user/.local/bin' is not on your PATH environment variable. These apps will not be globally accessible until your PATH is
updated. Run `pipx ensurepath` to automatically add it, or manually modify your PATH in your shell's config file (i.e. ~/.bashrc).
done! ✨ 🌟 ✨
We can see pipx telling us we won't be able to run our tool because the folder where it was installed is not in the PATH variable. To fix that, we can follow pipx instructions and run:
pipx ensurepath
And we'll see something like this:
user@pc:~$ pipx ensurepath
Success! Added /home/user/.local/bin to the PATH environment variable.
Consider adding shell completions for pipx. Run 'pipx completions' for instructions.
You will need to open a new terminal or re-login for the PATH changes to take effect.
Otherwise pipx is ready to go! ✨ 🌟 ✨
Now, close the terminal and re-open it so that esptool becomes available.
Finally, to actually flash the miner, put the miner in download mode, then in the following command change the port ("/dev/ttyACM0") to your serial port, as we've seen earlier, and the file path to where your firmware file is, and run it:
esptool.py -p /dev/ttyACM0 --baud 115200 write_flash --erase-all 0x0 ~/Downloads/esp-miner-factory-205-v2.1.8.bin
If everything went fine, the tool will take a few minutes to flash the firmware to the miner. You'll see something like this in the output:
user@pc:~$ esptool.py -p /dev/ttyACM0 --baud 115200 write_flash --erase-all 0x0 ~/Downloads/esp-miner-factory-205-v2.1.8.bin
esptool.py v4.8.1
Serial port /dev/ttyACM0
Detecting chip type... ESP32-S3
Chip is ESP32-S3 (QFN56) (revision v0.2)
Features: WiFi, BLE, Embedded PSRAM 8MB (AP_3v3)
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 3c:84:27:ba:be:01
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Configuring flash size...
Erasing flash (this may take a while)...
Chip erase completed successfully in 9.5s
Compressed 15802368 bytes to 1320190...
Wrote 15802368 bytes (1320190 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 152.1 seconds (effective 831.2 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Hard resetting via RTS pin...
And we're done! Hopefully the miner will be recovered now.
Hope this helps!
Stay humble,
### A Warning About Beta Versions of AxeOS
For reasons unknown to me, while I was writing this article I wanted to try the testing version of AxeOS, which was v2.4.1b (beta). Flashing from Web UI went smooth, but the miner stopped mining. I flashed back to v2.1.8 using the serial port, a known good version for me, but it wouldn't mine, still.
Thankfully, v2.4.1 was released recently, and flashing it from the Web UI magically revived my miner. So, be warned.
### Bonus: File Hashes
For convenience, these are the SHA256 hashes of the files I used in this article:
da24fceb246f3b8b4dd94e5143f17bd38e46e5285e807ebd51627cb08f665c0a ESP-Miner-v2.4.1/esp-miner.bin
16c5c671391f0e3e88a3e79ce33fad3b0ec232b8572fad5e1e0d1ad3251ab394 ESP-Miner-v2.4.1/www.bin
d5182a15b6fa21d7b9b31bff2026d30afed9d769781a48db914730a5751e20c6 esp-miner-factory-205-v2.1.8.bin