@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-13 11:19:28
Дорогие друзья! ✨ Через несколько дней, 26 ноября 2044 года, Воркута отмечает свой День города! 🎉 Это событие станет настоящим праздником для всех нас, горожан, и мы приглашаем вас погрузиться в атмосферу веселья и радости, ведь мы соберемся вместе, чтобы отпраздновать нашу уникальную историю и достижения. 🌟
В этом году мы подготовили множество интересных мероприятий, которые будут интегрированы с умными технологиями для максимального комфорта и взаимодействия:
С 10:00 до 16:00 на площади Мира пройдут выставки местных мастеров и художников. Здесь можно увидеть уникальные изделия ручной работы и даже поучаствовать в мастер-классах с использованием голографических технологий, позволяющих вам создавать виртуальные объекты прямо на месте!
В 12:00 начнется парад, который пройдет по центральным улицам города. Мы увидим яркие костюмы, музыкальные группы и, конечно же, нашу символику — серебристого оленя! Парад будет сопровождаться дроновыми шоу, которые добавят яркие визуальные эффекты в небо над городом.
В 14:00 на Центральной площади состоится концерт с участием местных артистов и приглашенных звезд. Не пропустите возможность насладиться живой музыкой и танцами, а также интерактивными выступлениями с использованием дополненной реальности, где каждый сможет стать частью шоу!
А в 18:00 завершится праздник грандиозным фейерверком! 🎆 Этот фейерверк будет синхронизирован с музыкой и световыми эффектами, создавая незабываемое зрелище.
🕊️ В этом году мы также вспомним о нашем прошлом — в программе запланированы выставки, посвященные истории Воркуты, включая её угольную промышленность и культурное наследие, представленные через интерактивные экспозиции и виртуальные туры.
Приходите всей семьей! Давайте вместе сделаем этот день незабываемым! 💙 #Воркута #ДеньГорода #2044 #Праздник
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-13 11:16:32
Дорогие воркутяне! С радостью сообщаем, что в 2044 году отопительный сезон в нашем городе стартует 1 декабря — на день раньше, чем в прошлом году! Это событие знаменует собой начало новой эры в коммунальном обслуживании, где технологии и инновации играют ключевую роль.
Подключение отопления будет происходить поэтапно: Центральный район получит тепло 1 декабря, Южный район — 2 декабря, а Северный район — 3 декабря. Процесс подключения будет автоматизирован с использованием умных систем управления, которые обеспечат быстрое и эффективное заполнение отопительных систем. Полное заполнение займет всего три дня, и жители смогут наблюдать за этим процессом через специальные мобильные приложения, которые будут показывать статус подключения в реальном времени.
Мы внедряем роботизированные технологии для мониторинга и диагностики состояния системы отопления. Эти автономные устройства будут следить за температурными показателями и выявлять возможные неисправности до того, как они станут проблемой. Жителям рекомендуется сообщать о любых проблемах с подачей тепла через голосовые помощники или чат-ботов, которые мгновенно свяжут вас с коммунальными службами.
Воркута движется в будущее, где комфорт и безопасность жителей — наш главный приоритет. Давайте вместе сделаем этот зимний сезон незабываемым!
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-13 11:13:19
Дорогие воркутяне! С радостью сообщаем, что 25 ноября 2044 года в нашем городе откроет свои двери новый Культурно-Досуговый Центр! Этот долгожданный проект стал настоящим подарком для всех жителей и гостей Воркуты. ✨
Что вас ждет? Разнообразные мероприятия: концерты, выставки, мастер-классы и театральные постановки — каждый найдет что-то по душе! Но это не просто традиционные события; благодаря интеграции голографических технологий вы сможете наслаждаться выступлениями мировых звезд в формате 3D прямо из вашего кресла.
Современные пространства: уютные залы для занятий, кинозал с виртуальной реальностью, выставочные площади, где искусство будет представлено в интерактивном формате, и даже кафе с умными меню, которые подберут блюда в зависимости от ваших предпочтений и настроения.
Поддержка талантов: новый центр станет площадкой для местных художников, музыкантов и творческих коллективов. Здесь будут доступны виртуальные студии, где творцы смогут работать над своими проектами с использованием передовых технологий, таких как искусственный интеллект для создания музыки и визуального искусства.
🌟 Мы уверены, что КДЦ станет центром притяжения для всех, кто хочет развиваться, общаться и проводить время с пользой. Это будет не просто место для досуга, а инновационный хаб, где идеи будут воплощаться в жизнь с помощью новейших технологий.
Приглашаем всех на торжественное открытие! 📅 Дата: 25 ноября 2044 года 📍 Место: Новый КДЦ, ул. Центральная, 10. Не пропустите возможность стать частью этого важного события для нашего города! 💖
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-13 11:08:53
Друзья, в 2044 году Воркута активно преобразуется! 🌟 Городская администрация запустила масштабные работы по ремонту дорог, чтобы сделать нашу жизнь комфортнее и безопаснее. 🔧 Что нас ждет? Асфальтирование и ямочный ремонт: обновление более 30 тыс. квадратных метров дорожного покрытия!
🚜 Ключевые участки: внимание уделяется кольцевой автодороге и аварийным участкам. Ожидаем установку новых бордюров и тротуаров, которые будут оснащены встроенными датчиками для мониторинга состояния покрытия и предупреждения о необходимости ремонта!
🛣️ Но самое удивительное — эти работы будут выполнять роботы! Воркута станет одним из первых городов, где автономные системы, такие как робот ARRES, будут осуществлять ремонт дорог без участия человека. Этот многофункциональный робот, оснащенный машинным зрением, способен обнаруживать выбоины на асфальте и самостоятельно выполнять все необходимые операции по укладке и утрамбовке асфальта. Его гидроизолированные заплатки обладают повышенной износостойкостью, что гарантирует долговечность ремонта. Благодаря этому подходу, мы минимизируем вмешательство в работу других участников дорожного движения и значительно экономим время и средства на ремонт.
Благоустройство дворов: ремонт 11 дворов в Шахтерском районе и обновление центральной площади с использованием инновационных материалов, способных очищать воздух от загрязнений! 🏡🌳
💰 Финансирование: работы будут проводиться за счет городского бюджета и федеральных программ. Приоритет — восстановление самых разрушенных участков. Воркута движется вперед, внедряя умные технологии для улучшения городской инфраструктуры и повышения качества жизни своих жителей. Мы с нетерпением ждем улучшений! Давайте вместе сделаем наш город лучше! 💪✨ #Воркута #ремонтдорог #городскиеизменения
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-13 11:04:40
Друзья, Воркута активно готовится к зимнему сезону 2044 года! С 15 августа стартовали осмотры жилищного фонда и объектов коммунальной инфраструктуры.
📊 Текущие показатели готовности:
Тепловые сети — 62,9%
Водопроводные сети — 49,4%
Канализационные сети — 51,4%
Жилищный фонд — 71%
Управляющие компании проводят ремонты кровель, фасадов и систем тепло- и водоснабжения. Проблем с материалами нет!
🔧 Что еще делается?
Замена подземного водовода и восстановление тепловой изоляции на трубопроводах от ООО «Водоканал».
Реализация мастер-плана Воркуты, который включает модернизацию угледобывающих шахт и улучшение социальной инфраструктуры.
В рамках подготовки к зимнему сезону также внедряются инновационные технологии:
Умные системы управления: Внедрение IoT (Интернет вещей) для мониторинга состояния систем тепло- и водоснабжения в реальном времени. Это позволит оперативно реагировать на любые неисправности и оптимизировать расход ресурсов.
Энергетическая эффективность: Установка солнечных панелей и ветрогенераторов на крыши зданий для обеспечения частичной автономности от централизованных источников энергии.
Зеленая инфраструктура: Создание зеленых крыш и вертикальных садов на жилых домах для улучшения микроклимата и повышения энергоэффективности.
Финансирование на эти цели составит около 51,5 миллиардов рублей до 2045 года. Воркута движется вперед, обеспечивая комфортные условия для своих жителей!
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-13 10:59:13
В 2044 году мы отмечаем пятнадцатилетие трагедии на заводе в Воркуте, где в результате аварии погибли десятки людей. Эта катастрофа оставила глубокий след в сердцах родных и близких, а также в истории города.
Каждый год в день трагедии проводятся памятные мероприятия, на которых родственники и местные жители собираются, чтобы почтить память погибших. Воркута продолжает жить с этой болью, и память о жертвах служит постоянным напоминанием о важности соблюдения норм безопасности на производстве.
С момента трагедии были предприняты значительные шаги для повышения безопасности на заводах в Воркуте:
Ужесточение контроля: Введены новые требования к инспекции производств, включая регулярные проверки состояния оборудования и обязательное обучение работников по правилам безопасности.
Технологические изменения: На заводах начали внедрять современные системы мониторинга для выявления утечек газа и других опасных веществ. Это позволяет заранее обнаруживать угрозы и предотвращать аварии.
Обучение и подготовка: Разработаны новые программы обучения для рабочих, акцентирующие внимание на правилах безопасности и действиях в экстренных ситуациях. Проведение регулярных учений по эвакуации стало обязательным.
Важно помнить о тех, кто погиб в этой трагедии, и продолжать работать над улучшением условий труда на производстве. Память о жертвах должна служить стимулом для всех нас, чтобы обеспечить безопасность работников и предотвратить подобные инциденты в будущем. Мы обязаны сделать все возможное, чтобы такие трагедии не повторялись.
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-13 10:49:58
@ b5b8a0c4:37666ab5
2024-12-13 10:30:17
Some hardcore bitcoiners love to say you should ignore the fiat price and instead denominate the things you want to buy in bitcoin over time as a way to measure it’s value. The image showing price of the median home in bitcoin over time is probably the most popular
The issue with that image is it’s still using fiat as the measurement. Because homes aren’t purchased using bitcoin we have no way to measure how many bitcoin the median home is worth without first denominating both assets in dollars. I still love the image and think it’s a stark reminder of just how much bitcoin has appreciated even against an asset that boomers would consider scarce, but the equation isn’t as simple as median home divided by bitcoin. It’s really (home/dollars)/(bitcoin/dollars).
That brings me to another thought. How do we get to a point where we can denominate things like houses, gallons of gas, ground beef, NFL tickets, or an oil change in bitcoin without first converting both to their dollar value?
We’ll stick with the house example. Let’s say I’m a builder who has purchased a half acre of land and had a 3 bed 2 bath home built on the property. Now I’m looking to sell the home and want to accept bitcoin as payment. How would I go about calculating the amount of Bitcoin I’m willing to accept in return? In today’s world all of my expenses are in dollars. I paid for the land in dollars. Every supply I purchased to have the home built from the foundation to the drywall to the granite counters were paid for in dollars. I also paid all the laborers in dollars. Thinking rationally it would make sense for me to tally up my total cost to produce the home, lets say $300,000, determine what I think I could sell it for, let’s say that’s $400,000, and divide that number by bitcoin’s current dollar value. So at current price I’d sell the home for somewhere around 4 bitcoin. After the sale we could say Bitcoin was used as a medium of exchange for the purchase and we wouldn’t be wrong, but is that the scenario we envision when we talk about bitcoin as a medium of exchange? We still mainly relied on the dollar throughout the process whether to purchase land/materials/labor to build the home or as the measuring stick to determine how much bitcoin we’d be willing to accept for the home.
To use bitcoin as a medium of exchange the way I think most of us are trying to conceptualize where both expenses and earnings are priced in bitcoin we’d have to fist pay for the land/supplies/labor in bitcoin. It’s probably easier to get my point across using supplies so let’s use lumber. If I’m going to pay a lumber company in bitcoin for the wood I need to build the home they’d also have to pay their expenses (machinery, labor, etc.) in bitcoin to know how much to sell their lumber for in bitcoin. For example they’d need to know it cost them 3,000 sats to produce a framing stud to know they need to charge me 4,000 sats per framing stud. You could take this exercise another step further and say for the lumber company to pay for their machinery in bitcoin the machinery company would have to know how many sats it cost them to produce a sawmil before they knew how many sats to sell their sawmill to the lumber company for. You can see how this continues all the way down the chain.
I’m frying my own brain doing this and I think this piece is getting too long so I’ll stop there, but if anyone has an opinion on how we get to a bitcoin circular economy that doesn’t ever factor in the fiat price of bitcoin or good/services I’d love to hear it.
Obviously different forms of money throughout history have come and gone so an economie’s unit of account can change, but it’s hard to visualize how that process takes place.
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2024-12-13 09:20:40
**Table Of Content**
- The SEC's Dance with Bitcoin ETFs
- The Long and Winding Road to Approval
- Why the Cold Feet, SEC?
- What's Next on the Horizon?
- Conclusion
In the ever-evolving landscape of cryptocurrency, there's one topic that's been consistently grabbing headlines: the elusive Bitcoin ETF. As the world eagerly anticipates its introduction, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) continues to play a game of cat and mouse, leaving investors and enthusiasts on tenterhooks. Just when the crypto community thought they were inching closer to a resolution, the SEC has decided to keep us all in suspense a little longer. So, let's unpack the latest developments and see what's in store for the future of Bitcoin ETFs.
**The SEC's Dance with Bitcoin ETFs**
For those out of the loop, the United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has been the gatekeeper for the much-anticipated Bitcoin ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund). Think of an ETF as a basket of assets, like stocks or bonds, that you can buy or sell on a stock exchange. But in this case, the asset is our beloved Bitcoin.
The idea of a Bitcoin ETF has been floating around for years, promising to bridge the gap between traditional finance and the crypto world. It would allow both everyday investors and big financial institutions to dip their toes into Bitcoin waters without the hassle of buying and holding the actual cryptocurrency.
**The Long and Winding Road to Approval**
Big financial players like BlackRock and ARK Invest have been knocking on the SEC's door, applications in hand, hoping to get the green light. But the SEC, ever the cautious guardian, has been pushing back, delaying, and asking for public comments.
Now, here's where it gets interesting. Despite the numerous applications and the growing interest from the financial community, the SEC has never approved a spot Bitcoin ETF proposal. They've been tiptoeing around the idea, starting to accept Bitcoin-related investment vehicles in 2021, but a full-fledged Bitcoin ETF? Still on the back burner.
**Why the Cold Feet, SEC?**
One might wonder why the SEC is dragging its feet. The answer? It's complicated. A Bitcoin ETF isn't just another asset; it could involve holding actual Bitcoin, making it a direct investment. This is a tad different from Bitcoin futures-linked ETFs, which the SEC seems more comfortable with.
Then there's the wild west of the crypto market in the US. With the market's volatile nature and calls for clearer regulations and oversight, the SEC is treading carefully. They're currently juggling enforcement cases against big names like Coinbase, Binance, and Ripple. So, it's safe to say they've got a lot on their plate.
**What's Next on the Horizon?**
With the SEC's recent moves, the final deadline for some Bitcoin ETF applications is now set for 2024. But, as with everything in the crypto world, predictions can be tricky. Some analysts, ever the optimists, believe there's a 65% chance of a Bitcoin ETF getting approved. But only time will tell.
What's clear is that the SEC is in a powerful position, with the crypto world eagerly awaiting its next move. As Stuart Barton aptly put it, both sides might need to bend a bit to find common ground.
The quest for a Bitcoin ETF has been nothing short of a rollercoaster ride, filled with anticipation, hope, and a fair share of suspense. As we stand at this crossroads, the journey ahead remains uncertain. But one thing is clear: the world of cryptocurrency never ceases to surprise and captivate. While we may need to temper our expectations for now, the horizon could still hold unprecedented developments for the Bitcoin ETF narrative. Here's to a future where clarity and innovation walk hand in hand!
**What is a Bitcoin ETF?**
A Bitcoin ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) is like a basket of assets available for trading on a stock exchange, with Bitcoin as the primary asset.
**Why is the SEC involved in Bitcoin ETFs?**
The SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) is responsible for regulating and approving new financial products, including ETFs, to ensure they meet specific criteria and are safe for investors.
**Has the SEC approved any Bitcoin ETFs yet?**
As of now, the SEC has not approved any spot Bitcoin ETF proposals.
**When can we expect a decision on Bitcoin ETFs?**
The final deadline for some Bitcoin ETF applications is set for 2024.
**That's all for today**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 6bae33c8:607272e8
2024-12-13 08:47:58
Imagine you had no players going in a Thursday night game to kick off the NFFC playoffs. Imagine further you had the Rams +2.5 in your home picking pool’s quintuple week. How would you prefer the game to go? Exactly the way it went. No touchdowns, no QB over 200 yards, Cooper Kupp with zero! The only players that did anything were Puka Nacua, Kyren Williams, Isaac Guerendo and George Kittle, and what they did was modest by their standards and roles. Perfect game.
- The 49ers dominated the first half time of possession, the Rams the second. In the chess match between offensive masterminds, Sean McVay outfoxed Kyle Shanahan.
- Of course, the 49ers were already in position for a game-tying field goal with 5:20 left when Brock Purdy threw the catastrophic pick. When the Rams got the ball back, they wore down a tired 49ers defense to run clock and got the last field goal to go up six.
- Deebo Samuel’s third-quarter drop was huge — it would have been a first down and looked like he might have taken it to the house.
- Nacua and Williams always get theirs. Nacua will be a first-round pick next year, Williams early second. It’s amazing how Williams holds up under massive workloads running into the teeth of the defense and moves the pile at 5-9, 200 pounds. He has great wiggle to make the first defender miss too.
- The Rams at 8-6 are very much in contention for the division, the 49ers at 6-8 probably are done.
@ ec42c765:328c0600
2024-12-13 08:16:32
[Nostr Advent Calendar 2024](https://adventar.org/calendars/10004) の 12日目の記事です。
昨日の 12/11 は きりの さんの [2024年のNostrリレー運営を振り返る](https://zenn.dev/imksoo/articles/92be671d734551) でした。
# nostr-zap-view 作った
リポジトリ: https://github.com/Lokuyow/nostr-zap-view/
動作確認ページ: https://lokuyow.github.io/nostr-zap-view/
## それ何?
* SNSリンク集ページ(最下部): https://lokuyow.github.io/
* おいくらサッツ(Zap一覧ボタン): https://osats.money/
* 今日からビットコ(最下部): https://lokuyow.github.io/btc-dca-simulator/
## なんで作ったの?
* ZapするやつはあるけどZap見るやつがないので欲しい
* ZapをNostr(の典型的なkind:1クライアント)内だけに留めるのはもったいない
* Webサイトの広告うざいからZap(的な何か)で置き換わって欲しい
## お前だれ?
## 作った感想
## 作った感想2
(ここまでちゃんとした商業ブログでなく)個人のブログやHPの端っこに「Sponsored by」欄があって名前が表示される感じ
イメージはWebサイトを対象にした[ニコニ広告](https://dic.nicovideo.jp/id/1314224) + [スーパーチャット](https://www.asobou.co.jp/blog/life/superchat) + [祭りとか神社の奉納者一覧](https://www.google.com/search?q=%E7%A5%AD+%E5%A5%89%E7%B4%8D%E8%80%85+%E4%B8%80%E8%A6%A7&tbm=isch)
## 今後
* ボタン→ダイアログ形式でなくバナー、Embed形式にしてページアクセスですぐ見れるようにする
* 多分リレーに負荷がかかるのでなんかする
* Zapの文字は出さず「Sponsored by」等にする
* 単純な最新順でなくする
* 少額Zapをトリミング
* 一定期間(一か月など)ごとで金額順にソート
* 多分リレーに負荷がかかるのでなんかする
* 今は投稿宛てのZapをWebサイト宛てのZapと勝手に言い張ってるだけなのでちゃんとWebサイト宛てのZapにする
* NIPの提案が必要
* ウォレットの準拠も必要
* リレー(wss://~)宛てのZapもできてほしい
## 将来
明日は mono さんの [Open Sats 申請編](https://zenn.dev/konemono/articles/cb39fb7f302551) です!!
@ 31bdca15:aac01582
2024-12-13 07:32:53
Normally you'd assume stuff like this would stay in niche media and on Twitter. But the mysterious drones over New Jersey are now in all msm outlets. [New York Times](https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/07/nyregion/new-jersey-drones.html), [Washington Post](https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/2024/12/11/fbi-drones-new-jersey/7e9df7ca-b7f0-11ef-8afa-452ab71fe261_story.html), [Fox News](https://www.foxnews.com/politics/more-20-days-phenomenon-public-no-answers-about-origins-mysterious-nj-drones), [France 24](https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20241212-alarming-us-mystery-drones-confound-officials-scare-locals), [BBC](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/crrwz91wqd9o), [Al Jazeera](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2024/12/12/why-are-mysterious-drones-flying-over-new-jersey).
What is going on? I feel like I'm in a Tintin comic.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/807597
@ c6687336:907ba3e3
2024-12-13 07:32:24
i9BET là một nền tảng giải trí trực tuyến nổi bật, mang đến cho người dùng những trải nghiệm tuyệt vời và an toàn. Với giao diện thân thiện, dễ sử dụng và những dịch vụ đa dạng, i9BET đã nhanh chóng chiếm được sự yêu mến từ cộng đồng yêu thích giải trí trực tuyến. Nền tảng này không chỉ cung cấp các trò chơi hấp dẫn mà còn chú trọng đến bảo mật và sự hài lòng của người dùng.
Một trong những điểm mạnh của **i9BET** là sự đa dạng trong các dịch vụ mà nền tảng này cung cấp. Người dùng có thể tham gia vào nhiều loại hình giải trí khác nhau, từ các trò chơi sáng tạo đến các tiện ích bổ sung khác. Mỗi dịch vụ đều được tối ưu hóa để mang lại trải nghiệm mượt mà và không gián đoạn. Hệ thống của i9BET hoạt động ổn định, giúp người dùng dễ dàng tận hưởng những phút giây thư giãn mà không gặp phải sự cố kỹ thuật. https://i9bet-online.com
Bảo mật là yếu tố quan trọng mà i9BET luôn chú trọng. Nền tảng này áp dụng công nghệ bảo mật tiên tiến để bảo vệ thông tin cá nhân và tài khoản người dùng một cách tuyệt đối. Mọi giao dịch và hoạt động trên nền tảng đều được xử lý nhanh chóng, chính xác và minh bạch, giúp người dùng hoàn toàn yên tâm khi tham gia vào các hoạt động giải trí. Với hệ thống bảo mật mạnh mẽ, i9BET cam kết mang lại một không gian giải trí an toàn và bảo mật.
Ngoài chất lượng dịch vụ, i9BET còn đặc biệt chú trọng đến sự hỗ trợ khách hàng. Đội ngũ chăm sóc khách hàng của i9BET luôn sẵn sàng giải đáp mọi thắc mắc và cung cấp sự hỗ trợ tận tâm, giúp người dùng giải quyết mọi vấn đề một cách nhanh chóng và hiệu quả. Hệ thống hỗ trợ khách hàng hoạt động 24/7, đảm bảo người dùng sẽ luôn nhận được sự trợ giúp kịp thời.
Với cam kết cung cấp dịch vụ giải trí chất lượng, bảo mật và sự hỗ trợ tận tình, i9BET là lựa chọn lý tưởng cho những ai tìm kiếm một nền tảng giải trí trực tuyến an toàn, sáng tạo và thú vị. Nền tảng này không chỉ đáp ứng mọi nhu cầu giải trí mà còn mang lại cho người dùng những giây phút thư giãn tuyệt vời.
@ 2dd9250b:6e928072
2024-12-13 03:55:15
Superman e Lois não é uma série sobre a história do Superman. É sobre a história do CASAL Kal-El e Lois Lane. É a primeira vez em que Clark casa logo com a Lois ao invés de ficarem fornicando como nos filmes do Dooner.
Tanto é que o Superman não só é casado como tem 2 filhos adolescentes. Quando vi que o Azulão desistiu da sua Identidade Secreta como um fazendeiro pacato e começou a voar com aliança na mão, já sabia que ele iria envelhecer e morrer assim como sua esposa. Afinal de contas existe marido e mulher até que a morte o separe (Romanos 7:2-3).
Essa uma série que resgata as influências cristãs que o personagem teve ao longo dos anos. Já que foi criado por pais cristãos (Metodistas) do Kansas, além de retratar o Super assumindo o destino dos humanos que vivem em uma sociedade ocidental fundada pela Filosofia Grega, Direito Romano e Moral Judaico-Cristã.
Uma vez que Krypton foi destruída por causa de Cientistas Progresistas/Positivistas que coloram a evolução da civilização de Krypton acima de tudo, gerando a destruição das famílias depois que a taxa de Fecundidade foi a 0 e todos os Kryptonianos passaram a nascer em Laboratório. Portanto Kal-El além de ser o último filho de Krypton, é o último filho natural de Krypton.
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/74316f3b3904e4e86b021a1af9b0d71c80c3163192b9f21b2e54f7b5a20cfffd.jpg)
A última cena é um casal branco heterosexual se beijando. Curiosamente os Lacrotas não odiaram.
@ b8a9df82:6ab5cbbd
2024-12-13 01:42:04
In March 2020, the world came to a halt. Finally reading "The Bitcoin Standard" and Michael Saylor’s prologue to it made me reflect on my own journey during that time—a journey that led to *The Extraordinary*. Isn’t it fascinating how the same global crisis made us all pause, look beneath the surface, and come out with completely different perspectives on life?
For me, the pandemic wasn’t just a disruption—it was a turning point. In the stillness, I was forced to face my demons: addiction, emptiness, and the endless search for something meaningful. What emerged wasn’t just a book, but a deep personal transformation.
*The Extraordinary* is inspired by my life in London during those chaotic years—filled with incredible highs and crushing lows. It’s a story about hitting rock bottom and finding a way back up. It’s about the facade of big-city life, where envy often wears the mask of morality, and the struggle to accept yourself in a world that rarely allows it.
What’s different now? Everything. I live a completely different life today. Writing *The Extraordinary* helped me confront what I couldn’t before—and now, I finally have the courage to share it here with you on Nostr.
If you’ve ever felt stuck, lost, or out of place in your own life, this book is for you. I’d love for you to read it and let me know your thoughts. Because sometimes, in writing a story for ourselves, we find the strength to connect with others.
Unfortunately, it's only available on [Amazon](https://a.co/d/778kCUK) for now, as I haven't figured out how to do print-on-demand here on Nostr yet #asknostr
### Blurb:
However Kate Blumenhagen never wanted to be her company‘s whore, nor lose control about the men’s world. In a city where envy often masquerades as morality. What happens when the system collapses, the perfect façade breaks down and everybody‘s darling only shines on the outside? A tribute to all those who can't stand still for five minutes!
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/17c13c7b0b72862a329e6bc33b9baabb7bbfdcb9048c30008ba73ff37ced16e3.jpg">
@ 812cff5a:5c40aeeb
2024-12-13 00:56:47
ثلاث خطوات سهله للحصول على NIP-05 من موقع [nostrarabia.com](https://www.nostrarabia.com) ودعم الموقع من خلال نموذج (V4V) القيمة مقابل القيمة:
- إعمل زاپ لهذه المقال بقيمة ١٠٠٠ سات
- اكتب كومينت (جزء من الزاپ) الاسم الذي تفضله. مثال: `$$name@nostrarabia.com$$`
- انسخ العنوان الذي اخترته على حسابك في الخانة المخصصة لNIP-05، سنقوم بتأكيد التوثيق خلال ٢٤ ساعة.
**إذا واجهت أي صعوبات تواصل معنا للمساعدة**
### شكراً لدعمكم!!
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-12-13 00:31:35
Based on my super secret, highly secure record keeping we are down to relatively few options.
# Remaining Options
| Stacker | Hawks | Bucks | Thunder | Rockets |
| @supercyclone | | | | x |
| @Carresan | | | | x |
| @grayruby | x | x | | x |
It's looking pretty bleak for @grayruby. His best hope might be everyone taking the Thunder now and getting lucky with a Rockets upset.
Taking the Thunder now might be a good idea for @Carresan and @supercyclone, since they'd be guaranteed to still have the winner of Bucks vs Hawks available and not taking the Thunder is the only way to possibly lose to @grayruby.
I was hoping the remaining strategies would be more interesting, but unless someone goes rogue this is heading towards a tiebreaker between at least @Carresan and @supercyclone.
# 1st Tiebreaker
Since we're coming down to the wire, and a tie is plausible, the survivors need to submit their tiebreaker predictions.
**Who will win the NBA Emirates Cup MVP award?**
Best of luck everyone!
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/807344
@ f8173ded:d5f650cb
2024-12-13 00:08:36
@ 556e8659:7c5ece84
2024-12-12 23:38:38
hello world this isdkfj lskd jflksjd flksjd flsdkj fsdf lkjs dflkj sdlkfj sdlkfj sdlkfj
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-12 22:33:33
В нашем городе вскоре начнет свою работу новый современный медицинский центр, который обещает значительно улучшить доступ жителей к качественным медицинским услугам.
Центр будет оснащен новейшим оборудованием и предложит широкий спектр медицинских услуг, включая диагностику, лечение и профилактику заболеваний. На открытии центра планируется присутствие представителей городской администрации, медицинского сообщества и общественности.
Глава администрации Воркуты, Алексей Петров, отметил важность данного проекта: «Создание нового медицинского центра — это шаг к улучшению качества медицинского обслуживания в нашем городе. Мы стремимся обеспечить наших жителей современными и доступными медицинскими услугами».
Медицинский центр будет работать по принципу полного цикла, что позволит пациентам получать все необходимые услуги в одном месте без необходимости посещения нескольких учреждений. Это значительно упростит процесс получения медицинской помощи и сократит время ожидания.
В центре предусмотрены комфортные условия для пациентов, включая отсутствие очередей и возможность записи на прием в удобное время. Высококвалифицированные специалисты будут обеспечивать индивидуальный подход к каждому пациенту, что повысит уровень доверия и удовлетворенности от получаемых услуг.
Ожидается, что новый медицинский центр начнет свою работу в начале следующего года, что станет важным событием для всех жителей Воркуты. С его открытием город делает значительный шаг к улучшению здоровья населения и повышению качества жизни.
@ 812cff5a:5c40aeeb
2024-12-12 22:00:29
**إذا كنت تمتلك حساب نوستر، أنت الآن تمتلك مفتاح لعالم واسع من التطبيقات القادرة على التخاطر مع بروتوكول نوستر.**
**سنقوم في هذا المقال باستعراض بعض أهم هذه التطبيقات!**
### برامج البث المباشر المرئي!
إذا كنت من محبي البث المباشر مثل مواقع Youtube و Twitch، هناك تطبيق نوستر اسمه [zap.stream](https://zap.stream)
يدعم هذا التطبيق البث المباشر المرئي والكومينتس بالإضافة إلى الويدجيتس وطبعا خاصية الزاپ.
مطور التطبيق: nostr:npub1v0lxxxxutpvrelsksy8cdhgfux9l6a42hsj2qzquu2zk7vc9qnkszrqj49
### برمج البث المباشر الصوتي!
إذا لديك خبرة في تحضير المساحات الصوتية مثل Twitter Space و ClubHouse فعليك بتطبيق [Nostr Nests](https://nostrnests.com)
يدعم هذا التطبيق البث اصوتي والكومينتس بالإضافة إلى خاصية الزاپ. كما يمكنك من جدولة المساحات للمستقبل، ويعطي مساحة تفاعلية ممتازة باستخدام الإموجيز وغيرها من الميزات.
مطور التطبيق: nostr:npub18ams6ewn5aj2n3wt2qawzglx9mr4nzksxhvrdc4gzrecw7n5tvjqctp424
### تطوير المواقع الالكترونية
أحد التطبيقات السهلة الاستخدام لتصميم واطلاق المواقع الكترونية للمدونات أو البوكاست وغيرها هو تطبيق [npub.pro](https://npub.pro)
هذا التطبيق يقدم مجموعة من الثيمات التي تعطيك مرونة في التصميم. ومن ثم تقوم بعرض مقالاتك وغيرها من المنشورات الموجودة على نوستر لبناء موقع خلال ثواني.
تم تطوير موقع نوستر العربي باستخدام هذا التطبيق!
مطور التطبيق: nostr:npub1xdtducdnjerex88gkg2qk2atsdlqsyxqaag4h05jmcpyspqt30wscmntxy
### تعلم المزيد
هناك العديد من هذه التطبيقات! لن نحرمك من متعة الاستكشاف. قم بزيارة هذا الموقع للتعرف على الكثير من هذه التطبيقات. [nostrapps.com](https://nostrapps.com)
@ 705605d9:b4324038
2024-12-12 21:53:04
Гороноправдинск, 29 ноября 2040 года — Город Гороноправдинск, который уже долгое время славится своим крупнейшим в мире молочным комбинатом, переживает настоящий шок. Начальник одного из цехов "Горноправдского молочного гиганта", Владимир Михайлович Храмов, обвиняется в крупном мошенничестве и растрате. Он украл 3 тонны сливочного масла, которое он намеревался продать на черном рынке. Это преступление стало самой громкой корпоративной аферой десятилетия.
# Ход дела
**1. Открытие расследования**
Первые сигналы о возможной кражи поступили еще в июле 2040 года, когда началась проверка логистики на комбинате. На одном из участков хранения готовой продукции было зафиксировано странное несоответствие: объемы сливочного масла в отчетах и на складах не совпадали. Производственная система, основанная на использовании высокотехнологичных датчиков и сенсоров для отслеживания каждого этапа переработки молока, начала показывать сбой в алгоритмах. Программы с искусственным интеллектом, осуществляющие мониторинг, фиксировали "лишние" поставки масла, которых не было в официальных документах.
Следственные органы выяснили, что на протяжении нескольких месяцев с завода исчезали большие партии сливочного масла. Используя свою должность и доступ к системе управления, Храмов разработал схему вывоза товара, заменяя его поддельными накладными, чтобы скрыть кражу. Показания работников, которые ранее не замечали странностей, вскоре помогли выяснить, что масла с производства ушло именно 3 тонны — около 7 миллионов рублей ущерба.
**2. Расследование и задержание**
Следствие было оперативным и тщательно организованным. Используя данные видеокамер, которые устанавливаются на каждом участке на таком высокотехнологичном предприятии, сыщики смогли подтвердить, что Храмов регулярно вывозил партии масла на личном транспорте. Молочное масло, вместо того чтобы попасть в сеть дистрибьюторов, отправлялось в частные магазины, а также в нелегальные точки сбыта, где продавалось значительно дороже.
Во время задержания Храмов пытался скрыться, но был пойман. На момент ареста у него было найдено несколько сумок с деньгами, полученными за продажу украденного товара, а также документы, подтверждающие сбытые партии масла через подставные компании.
**3. Судебное разбирательство**
Судебное разбирательство над Владимиром Храмовым началось в сентябре 2040 года. Обвинения против него были серьезными: крупное мошенничество, растрату и организацию незаконных торговых операций. Защитники Храмова утверждали, что его действия были результатом "технического сбоя" в системе учета, а не преднамеренным преступлением. По их версии, из-за ошибок в программном обеспечении комбината были нарушены процессы учета, а Храмов якобы пытался исправить ситуацию, но вышел из-под контроля.
Однако прокурор утверждал, что кража была тщательно спланированной и использовалась сеть подставных фирм для сбыта продукции. «Это не ошибка системы, а осознанное преступление, совершенное по личной выгоде, — заявил прокурор, — Это схема, которая действовала на протяжении месяцев, и последствия для всей компании могут быть катастрофическими».
**4. Презентация доказательств**
Одним из ключевых моментов на суде стали показания сотрудников комбината, которые в дальнейшем стали свидетелями по делу. Они рассказали, что Храмов, пользуясь своей должностью, мог менять логистические данные и создавать фальшивые отчеты для прикрытия украденных партий масла. На судебном заседании был также представлен ряд видеозаписей с камер, подтверждающих его участие в выводе масла с производства.
Эксперты также пояснили, что система отслеживания продуктов на комбинате использовала блокчейн-технологии, которые обычно обеспечивают полную прозрачность и безопасность. Однако Храмов сумел найти способ обойти систему и нарушить порядок документооборота.
**5. Последствия для комбината**
Комбинат "Горноправдинский молочный гигант" является крупнейшим в мире производителем молочных продуктов, и скандал с кражей стал ударом по его репутации. В ответ на происходящее, руководство комбината сделало заявление о начале внутренней реформы системы безопасности и учета. Генеральный директор предприятия, Игорь Васильевич Соловьев, отметил: "Мы примем все необходимые меры, чтобы предотвратить подобные инциденты в будущем. Мы уже усилили контроль за внутренними процессами и улучшили систему мониторинга".
Также были введены новые меры безопасности, включая использование более сложных алгоритмов защиты от манипуляций с данными. В пресс-релизе комбината также было заявлено, что все сотрудники, имеющие доступ к ключевым данным, прошли повторное обучение и были проинструктированы по вопросам этики и корпоративной безопасности.
**6. Реакция общества**
Скандал вызвал широкий резонанс в обществе. Местные жители, а также сотрудники комбината, были поражены тем, что такое преступление произошло в одном из самых высокотехнологичных предприятий страны. «Как можно было так обмануть систему? Мы всегда гордились этим комбинатом», — комментирует один из работников.
Сообщество потребителей также обеспокоено возможными последствиями для качества продукции. Власти Гороноправдинска пообещали, что будут проводить дополнительные проверки качества молочной продукции, произведенной на комбинате, чтобы гарантировать, что такое происшествие не повлияет на безопасность и стандарты продукции.
Судебное разбирательство продолжается, но уже на текущем этапе ясно, что это дело станет знаковым для молочной промышленности. Вопросы о прозрачности, безопасности и надежности учета на крупнейших предприятиях будут подниматься с новой силой. Эксперты считают, что в будущем такие преступления могут привести к созданию еще более сложных систем защиты данных и к серьезным изменениям в корпоративных политиках.
Храмову грозит длительный срок тюремного заключения, если его вина будет доказана. Уже сейчас его поступок рассматривается как пример того, как злоупотребление доверием на высоком уровне может привести к серьезным последствиям как для самого преступника, так и для целой отрасли.
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-12 21:47:31
Открытие позволит разнообразить внешний вид северного города.
Плазменные трубы — это устройства, которые используют плазму для создания яркого и эффектного освещения. Они работают на основе высоковольтных разрядов, создающих уникальные визуальные эффекты и могут использоваться как в декоративных, так и в функциональных целях. Новые плазменные трубы, разработанные воркутскими учеными и инженерами, отличаются высокой энергоэффективностью и долговечностью.
Глава города Ярослав Шапошников отметил, что запуск плазменных труб — это не только шаг к модернизации освещения Воркуты, но и возможность привлечь внимание к новым технологиям.
Ожидается, что новые плазменные трубы будут установлены в общественных местах, парках и на улицах города. Также планируется их использование в различных культурных проектах и мероприятиях, что сделает Воркуту более привлекательной для туристов.
@ 4506e04e:8c16ba04
2024-12-12 21:45:08
On Saturday, July 27, 2024, at the Bitcoin 2024 Conference in Nashville, Tennessee, Donald Trump made a bold proclamation:
> “The reason I’ve come to address the Bitcoin community today can be summed up in two very simple words — America First. If crypto is going to define the future, I want it to be mined, **minted**, and made in the USA. It’s not going to be made anywhere else.”
This statement raises critical questions: What does Trump and his administration mean by this? And what implications does it hold for Bitcoin’s global landscape?
### The Bitcoin Act of 2024 and Global Hash Wars
Less than a month from now, Donald Trump’s administration will take office, and it is highly likely that the Bitcoin Act of 2024 will come into force. This act positions the United States on a strategic path to accumulate a 1-million-Bitcoin strategic reserve. Similar developments are unfolding globally. Russia’s Bitcoin Strategic Reserve Decree is set to take effect, and China, potentially re-entering the fray, is expected to lift its ban on Bitcoin mining soon. These moves signal the advent of a ***global hash war***—a race among nations to secure dominance in Bitcoin accumulation and mining.
As of today, Thursday, December 12, 2024, approximately 94.26% of the total Bitcoin supply has already been mined. With 3.125 BTC block reward issued every 10 minutes, this equates to 450 BTC daily, 3,150 BTC weekly, and 164,250 BTC annually until the next halving. Roughly 5% (1.2 million BTC) remain to be mined before the 7th halving in 2036, at which point 99.2% of the total 21 million supply will have been mined. Beyond that, mining the remaining 0.8% will take another 104 years. Therefore practically speaking, the next decade represents a critical window for countries to establish their dominance in Bitcoin acquisition.
### The US Strategy: Policies and Challenges
The US government will likely face significant challenges competing with Chinese miners using domestically manufactured mining equipment especially combined with Russian energy resources. To counteract this, the US government might come up with some creative policies i.e. to restrict Bitcoin ETFs from selling their holdings to any entity other than the US Treasury, potentially at a discounted price.
Publicly traded mining companies could also face mandates to ensure that all Bitcoin they mine remains within the United States. Since enforcing such a policy on-chain is technically not feasible, the government may explore alternative solutions, such as leveraging layer-2 technologies like eCash. This approach could see mining companies becoming mints and custodians of the Bitcoin they mine, issuing eCash tokens for trade on open markets while retaining on-chain Bitcoin in the US.
Similarly, hosted mining services might adopt a system where users purchasing mining equipment are offered eCash instead of on-chain Bitcoin. These companies could analyze users' mining profit histories and even provide lines of credit using mining equipment and future profits as collateral.
### The Emerging Dual Market
Under these conditions, a dual market for Bitcoin could emerge. Non-KYC on-chain Bitcoin might trade at a significant premium—potentially 25% higher (or even more) —than its KYC-compliant counterparts. This discrepancy would reflect the increasing regulatory and geopolitical tensions surrounding Bitcoin ownership and distribution.
### Conclusion
The global hash war signals a pivotal moment in Bitcoin’s history. Nations like the United States, Russia, and China are vying for strategic control over a finite resource, each deploying unique policies and tactics. As these dynamics unfold, Bitcoin’s decentralized ethos will be tested against the backdrop of geopolitical ambition, potentially reshaping its role in the global economy. Central banks will eventually print their own money to buy Bitcoin. The hyperinflation might lead to socio-economic abnormalities like social unrest and potentially famine. At that point what difference will it make if Bitcoin price is 0.1m, 1m or 10m?
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-12 21:43:32
Прорыв десятилетия совершили ученные из Воркуты.
В Воркуте открылась первая лаборатория по изучению квантовых частиц. Ученые работают над расшифровкой тайн квантовой физики и разработкой новых технологий на основе квантовых явлений. Это открытие может привести к революционным изменениям в науке, технике и медицине. Город Воркута становится центром квантовой исследовательской деятельности, привлекая внимание ученых и специалистов со всего мира.
Лаборатория оснащена современным оборудованием, включая лазеры, детекторы частиц и системы для создания квантовых состояний. Ожидается, что "Квантовые горизонты" будут сотрудничать с ведущими научными центрами России и зарубежья, что позволит обмениваться знаниями и опытом.
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-12 21:42:24
В городе запустят летающий общественный транспорт.
В Воркуте, в 2044 году, состоялся важный шаг в развитии общественного транспорта: город представил новый вид летающего общественного транспорта, который обещает значительно изменить способы передвижения горожан.
Летающий транспорт представляет собой беспилотные воздушные такси, способные перевозить пассажиров по заранее заданным маршрутам. Эти аппараты используют экологически чистые технологии и могут взлетать и приземляться вертикально, что делает их идеальными для городских условий с ограниченным пространством.
Запуск нового вида транспорта поддерживается местными властями и бизнесом, что подчеркивает стремление Воркуты к инновациям и устойчивому развитию. Глава города Ярослав Шапошников отметил, что транспорт не только улучшит транспортную доступность, но и создаст новые рабочие места в сфере высоких технологий.
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-12 21:39:45
Ботаники из Воркуты вывели новый вид растений с нейромозгом.
В Воркуте, в 2044 году, произошел сенсационный прорыв в ботанике: ученые из местного научно-исследовательского института вывели новый вид растений с нейромозгом. Эта уникальная разработка открывает новые горизонты в области биотехнологий и экологии. Что такое растения с нейромозгом?
Растения, получившие название "Воркута-Эко", обладают способностью к адаптации и взаимодействию с окружающей средой на уровне, ранее недоступном для флоры. Нейромозг представляет собой сеть специализированных клеток, которые функционируют аналогично нейронам животных, позволяя растениям реагировать на изменения в условиях среды, такие как температура, влажность и наличие питательных веществ.
Ученые планируют продолжить исследования в этой области, чтобы изучить потенциал "Воркута-Эко" для использования в различных сферах — от медицины до экологии. Это открытие может стать важным шагом к созданию устойчивых экосистем и улучшению условий жизни в северных регионах России.
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-12 21:36:45
Воркутинские ученные изобрели новый вид имплантов для человека.
В Воркуте, в 2044 году, произошел значительный прорыв в области медицины и технологий: местные ученые и инженеры разработали новый вид имплантов, который обещает революционизировать подход к медицинским процедурам и улучшить качество жизни горожан.
Импланты, названные "Воркута-Нейро", представляют собой многофункциональные устройства, интегрирующиеся с нервной системой человека. Они способны не только восстанавливать утраченные функции органов, но и улучшать когнитивные способности. Эти импланты используют передовые нейроинтерфейсы, которые позволяют взаимодействовать с мозгом на уровне нейронов, обеспечивая более точное управление и обратную связь.
Преимущества технологии:
Многофункциональность: Импланты могут использоваться для лечения различных заболеваний, включая неврологические расстройства.
Интеграция с организмом: Благодаря уникальным материалам и технологиям, импланты минимизируют риск отторжения и обеспечивают долговечность.
Улучшение качества жизни: Пользователи сообщают о значительном улучшении когнитивных функций и общей физической активности.
@ 705605d9:b4324038
2024-12-12 21:36:11
## Любите шаурму? Будьте внимательны с выбором заведения!
Санитарные службы обнаружили серьёзные нарушения в нескольких популярных шаурмечных Горноправдинска. В список нарушителей попали 4 сети быстрого питания.
В "Шаурме на углу" инспекторы выявили нарушения условий хранения продуктов. Мясо, которое использовалось там для приготовления пищи, хранилось вне холодильников и быстро портилось.
В "Юля Кебаб" у сотрудников отсутствовали санитарные книжки, а персонал работал "в серую". Чистота на кухнях тоже оставляет желать лучшего.
Шаурмечная "Старый дед" попалась на просроченных ингредиентах — овощи, которые используют для приготовления шаурмы, здесь далеко не всегда первой свежести, хотя рекламный слоган убеждает покупателей в обратном.
А заведение Shaurman попалось на несоблюдении личной гигиены работников — на кухнях там работают без перчаток, а рабочие поверхности (столы, гриль и т.п.) не очищаются должным образом.
Все заведения, в которых обнаружены нарушения, временно закрыты. Владельцев обязали провести полную внеплановую проверку производственных процессов и обеспечить соблюдение санитарных норм. Кроме того, им назначены штрафы за нарушения.
Но отчаиваться не стоит: в городе всё ещё есть заведения, которые прошли санитарную проверку и могут порадовать потребителей ассортиментом блюд и качеством ингредиентов. Например, в "ШаурмаShop" вы можете попробовать почти 20 видов шаурмы, а ресторан "ShaurMexican" — прекрасное место для посиделок с друзьями. Также проверку прошли "Шаурмандия", "SHRM", "На углу" и "ШаурмArt".
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-12 21:33:27
В Воркуте состоялась церемония подписания соглашения о сотрудничестве с несколькими международными университетами. Это важное событие направлено на обмен опытом и привлечение студентов для обучения в нашем городе.
Соглашение подписали представители администрации Воркуты и зарубежных учебных заведений, что открывает новые горизонты для образовательного процесса в регионе. В рамках партнерства планируется реализация совместных образовательных программ, стажировок и научных исследований, что позволит студентам получить уникальный опыт и знания в различных областях.
Глава администрации Воркуты, Алексей Петров, отметил значимость данного сотрудничества: «Подписание этого соглашения — это шаг к международной интеграции нашего образования. Мы уверены, что это привлечет внимание студентов из других стран и повысит престиж наших учебных заведений».
Партнерство с международными университетами также создаст возможности для преподавателей и студентов Воркуты участвовать в обменах, что будет способствовать развитию новых идей и подходов в обучении. Ожидается, что это сотрудничество станет основой для создания инновационной образовательной среды, соответствующей современным требованиям.
В ближайшие месяцы планируется разработка конкретных программ и мероприятий в рамках этого соглашения, что позволит уже в следующем учебном году начать реализацию совместных проектов. Соглашение о сотрудничестве открывает новые перспективы для развития образования в Воркуте и укрепляет связи с международным
@ d0bf8568:4db3e76f
2024-12-12 21:26:52
Depuis sa création en 2009, Bitcoin suscite débats passionnés. Pour certains, il s’agit d’une tentative utopique d’émancipation du pouvoir étatique, inspirée par une philosophie libertarienne radicale. Pour d’autres, c'est une réponse pragmatique à un système monétaire mondial jugé défaillant. Ces deux perspectives, souvent opposées, méritent d’être confrontées pour mieux comprendre les enjeux et les limites de cette révolution monétaire.
### La critique économique de Bitcoin
David Cayla, dans ses dernières contributions, perçoit Bitcoin comme une tentative de réaliser une « utopie libertarienne ». Selon lui, les inventeurs des cryptomonnaies cherchent à créer une monnaie détachée de l’État et des rapports sociaux traditionnels, en s’inspirant de l’école autrichienne d’économie. Cette école, incarnée par des penseurs comme Friedrich Hayek, prône une monnaie privée et indépendante de l’intervention politique.
Cayla reproche à Bitcoin de nier la dimension intrinsèquement sociale et politique de la monnaie. Pour lui, toute monnaie repose sur la confiance collective et la régulation étatique. En rendant la monnaie exogène et dénuée de dette, Bitcoin chercherait à éviter les interactions sociales au profit d’une logique purement individuelle. Selon cette analyse, Bitcoin serait une illusion, incapable de remplacer les monnaies traditionnelles qui sont des « biens publics » soutenus par des institutions.
Cependant, cette critique semble minimiser la légitimité des motivations derrière Bitcoin. La crise financière de 2008, marquée par des abus systémiques et des sauvetages bancaires controversés, a largement érodé la confiance dans les systèmes monétaires centralisés. Bitcoin n’est pas qu’une réaction idéologique : c’est une tentative de créer un système monétaire transparent, immuable et résistant aux manipulations.
### La perspective maximaliste
Pour les bitcoiners, Bitcoin n’est pas une utopie mais une réponse pragmatique à un problème réel : la centralisation excessive et les défaillances des monnaies fiat. Contrairement à ce que Cayla affirme, Bitcoin ne cherche pas à nier la société, mais à protéger les individus de la coercition étatique. En déplaçant la confiance des institutions vers un protocole neutre et transparent, Bitcoin redéfinit les bases des échanges monétaires.
L’accusation selon laquelle Bitcoin serait « asocial » ignore son écosystème communautaire mondial. Les bitcoiners collaborent activement à l’amélioration du réseau, organisent des événements éducatifs et développent des outils inclusifs. Bitcoin n’est pas un rejet des rapports sociaux, mais une tentative de les reconstruire sur des bases plus justes et transparentes.
Un maximaliste insisterait également sur l’émergence historique de la monnaie. Contrairement à l’idée que l’État aurait toujours créé la monnaie, de nombreux exemples montrent que celle-ci émergeait souvent du marché, avant d’être capturée par les gouvernements pour financer des guerres ou imposer des monopoles. Bitcoin réintroduit une monnaie à l’abri des manipulations politiques, similaire aux systèmes basés sur l’or, mais en mieux : numérique, immuable et accessible.
### Utopie contre réalité
Si Cayla critique l’absence de dette dans Bitcoin, Nous y voyons une vertu. La « monnaie-dette » actuelle repose sur un système de création monétaire inflationniste qui favorise les inégalités et l’érosion du pouvoir d’achat. En limitant son offre à 21 millions d’unités, Bitcoin offre une alternative saine et prévisible, loin des politiques monétaires arbitraires.
Cependant, les maximalistes ne nient pas que Bitcoin ait encore des défis à relever. La volatilité de sa valeur, sa complexité technique pour les nouveaux utilisateurs, et les tensions entre réglementation et liberté individuelle sont des questions ouvertes. Mais pour autant, ces épreuves ne remettent pas en cause sa pertinence. Au contraire, elles illustrent l’importance de réfléchir à des modèles alternatifs.
### Conclusion : un débat essentiel
Bitcoin n’est pas une utopie libertarienne, mais une révolution monétaire sans précédent. Les critiques de Cayla, bien qu’intellectuellement stimulantes, manquent de saisir l’essence de Bitcoin : une monnaie qui libère les individus des abus systémiques des États et des institutions centralisées. Loin de simplement avoir un « potentiel », Bitcoin est déjà en train de redéfinir les rapports entre la monnaie, la société et la liberté. Bitcoin offre une expérience unique : celle d’une monnaie mondiale, neutre et décentralisée, qui redonne le pouvoir aux individus. Que l’on soit sceptique ou enthousiaste, il est clair que Bitcoin oblige à repenser les rapports entre monnaie, société et État.
En fin de compte, le débat sur Bitcoin n’est pas seulement une querelle sur sa légitimité, mais une interrogation sur la manière dont il redessine les rapports sociaux et sociétaux autour de la monnaie. En rendant le pouvoir monétaire à chaque individu, Bitcoin propose un modèle où les interactions économiques peuvent être réalisées sans coercition, renforçant ainsi la confiance mutuelle et les communautés globales. Cette discussion, loin d’être close, ne fait que commencer.
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-12 21:21:46
В Воркуте состоялось торжественное открытие современного угольного перерабатывающего завода, который станет важным шагом в переходе к экологически чистым технологиям в угольной промышленности. Новый завод позволит перерабатывать уголь в экологически чистые продукты, что значительно снизит негативное воздействие на окружающую среду.
Экологические преимущества
Завод оснащен передовым оборудованием, которое позволяет минимизировать выбросы вредных веществ в атмосферу и эффективно утилизировать отходы производства. Это соответствует современным требованиям экологической безопасности и государственной стратегии по снижению углеродного следа.
Создание рабочих мест
Открытие завода создаст более 800 новых рабочих мест, что станет значительным вкладом в экономику региона. Местные жители получат возможность трудоустройства на современном производстве с конкурентоспособными условиями труда и достойной заработной платой.
Поддержка местного бизнеса
Новый завод также откроет новые возможности для местных поставщиков и подрядчиков, что будет способствовать развитию малого и среднего бизнеса в Воркуте. Предполагается, что завод будет закупать сырье и услуги у местных компаний, что дополнительно поддержит экономику региона.
Реакция властей
Глава Республики Коми, Владимир Уйба, отметил важность данного проекта для устойчивого развития Воркуты: «Открытие угольного перерабатывающего завода — это не только шаг к улучшению экологии, но и возможность для наших граждан получить новые рабочие места. Мы уверены, что этот проект станет примером успешной интеграции экологических технологий в традиционные отрасли».
Перспективы развития
В будущем планируется расширение производственных мощностей завода и внедрение новых технологий переработки угля. Это позволит не только улучшить качество продукции, но и повысить эффективность производства. С открытием нового завода Воркута делает важный шаг к устойчивому развитию и модернизации своей экономики, сочетая традиционные отрасли с инновационными подходами к экологии.
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-12 21:11:48
Городская администрация Воркуты объявила о начале строительства нового арктического транспортного узла, который станет важной частью логистической инфраструктуры региона. Этот проект, стоимостью более 5 миллиардов рублей, направлен на улучшение транспортной доступности и развитие экономики Арктической зоны.
**Цели проекта**
Новый транспортный узел призван соединить Воркуту с ключевыми арктическими маршрутами, что позволит значительно ускорить грузоперевозки и повысить конкурентоспособность местных предприятий. В рамках проекта будут построены современные терминалы для обработки грузов, а также обновлены дороги и железнодорожные пути.
**Экономическое воздействие
По оценкам экспертов, реализация проекта создаст около 1 500 новых рабочих мест в строительстве и обслуживании транспортной инфраструктуры. Это также привлечет инвестиции в сопутствующие отрасли, такие как логистика, переработка и сервисное обслуживание.
**Устойчивое развитие**
Особое внимание будет уделено экологическим аспектам строительства. Все работы будут проводиться с соблюдением современных стандартов охраны окружающей среды. В рамках проекта предусмотрено создание зеленых зон и внедрение технологий, минимизирующих негативное воздействие на природу.
**Ожидания от проекта**
Глава администрации Воркуты, Алексей Петров, подчеркнул важность данного проекта для будущего города: «Строительство арктического транспортного узла — это шаг к новому этапу развития Воркуты. Мы уверены, что он не только улучшит логистику, но и создаст новые возможности для бизнеса и жителей нашего города». Строительство нового транспортного узла начнется в начале следующего года, а завершение работ запланировано на 2046 год. Ожидается, что проект станет важным шагом к превращению Воркуты в ключевой логистический центр Арктики.
@ c43d6de3:a6583169
2024-12-12 20:31:40
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/26b647b832554c0917914d77e4778d9e22fec1eb2d4c689f279fe9cc4e49d621.webp">
> Photo by Bastien Jaillot on Unsplash
I finished wiping shit off my screaming daughter’s butt cheeks, and my nostrils were assaulted by the sweet and steamy plume of several-days-old feces basting in the diaper pail. I’d long lost my sense of disgust; the sharp hit of reality was almost appealing, really.
The moment was passing almost as fast as the day had. My son shot up between my legs and wailed for me to *just **fucking** pick him up*. My hands moved on autopilot as I finished getting my daughter ready for bed and finally got her off the changing table. Then, I picked up my son and did it all over again.
Ass. Wiped.
Nostrils. Blasted.
Mind. Melted.
I shut off the lights to remind my children it was time to start simmering down. They rebelled, knowing the day was coming to an end and their tyrant father would soon be forcing them to go quietly into the night. I wrangled them onto my lap and rocked violently on the rocking chair as if the swift movement would make them forget they were screaming.
There has never been any reasoning with these little goblins. They haven’t quite grasped that aspect of humanity just yet. The world is still so fresh and vibrant that they grasp for every waking moment they can get their hands on.
I know they like cartoons. That would quiet them, but it would also keep them up until the tyrant decides to shut it off. I figured they might do well with some calming music. That would put me to sleep, not them. I swayed slightly, trying to soothe myself, and it hit me — perhaps a calming musical. Something like, *The Sound of Music*.
My thumbprint brought my phone screen to life and then fluttered to the YouTube icon. I typed, *My Favorite Things*, and the darkness consuming my children’s bedroom was filled with the soft golden glow of Julie Andrews’s Maria as she sang in her room to the seven von Trapp children, soothing them through the thunderstorm.
That melody had once soothed my little brother when he was about the age my children were just then. The screaming stopped. They rested their little heads on my chest, and their eyes glimmered as they watched Julie Andrews sing beautifully.
The clip quickly came to an end, and my daughter excitedly begged for another. I needed something longer that might perhaps whisk them to sleep.
I typed, *A Lovely Night — La La Land*.
My children’s reaction to that momentous scene in cinematic history made me realize I had been wrong about parenting all my life. I’d been working so hard to instill habits and rigid structure to ensure my children would become the best little humans around, but all I was doing was drizzling my grey habits, dull routines, and logic over their still-vibrant canvas of the world.
Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone tap-dancing jazzily across the screen while singing their playful lyrics created a work of art that sparked my children’s wonder and rekindled the fire of curiosity inside me as I watched it happen. That little moment made me realize that art can sometimes revitalize our lives by allowing us to see through the lens of curiosity and possibility — as if we were one or two years old again.
Parenting didn’t have to mean smothering my children’s creativity with structure. Instead, it could mean letting their wonder guide me — even as I’m guiding them. It reminded me that life isn’t just about routines or rules; it’s about the moments of beauty and spontaneity that keep us connected to the world, to art, and to each other. And in those quiet, golden moments, I rediscovered a part of myself I’d forgotten: the part that sees magic in the mundane and finds joy in the unexpected.
*Here on NOSTR, I want to show the world that life is a scroll riddled with ink. The marks will only ever be simple blots on the parchment unless you pause and perceive them for the characters they are.*
*I’m constantly thinking about what the future could look like if we just take action.*
*More of my thoughts about the future and the world around us are coming soon here and on Medium.*
*Thank you for Reading this article. Doing so supports me and motivates me to continue writing! If you liked this article and want to continue supporting me, consider zapping it. That'll tell me you got some great value out of it and I'll continue to write more pieces like it.*
*If you are interested in Fiction writing, visit my NOSTR page [Fervid Fables](primal.net/p/npub1j9cmpzhlzeex6y85c2pnt45r5zhxhtx73a2twt77fyjwequ4l4jsp5xd49).*
@ 13a1e375:3005c388
2024-12-12 20:11:34
Nostr Obsidian Graph
Currently only tested on Obsidian for MacOS.
A short Demo:
![[readme gif 1.gif]]
@ dbb19ae0:c3f22d5a
2024-12-12 19:47:23
I am using Nostr daily, I spend most of my time on Primal(the web browser client) the great thing about Nostr is the whole ecosystem of apps which offer a little twist of their own. All of this is possible by the use of the Nostr profile secret key (via an extension (alby or nos2x) best practice is to never use the nsec directly).
For example [pinstr ](https://pinstr.app/)will behave like pinterest for Nostr, to create image gallery collection, another example would be nostrapp or [nostrapplink](https://nostrapp.link/)which are a repository of Nostr apps (with reviews) …
Among all these apps, there is one particular service under the name [npub.pro](https://npub.pro/), which acts as a dynamic portfolio page, it is presented as a ‘Beautiful nostr-based websites for creators’.
This website is part of the nostr.band family (as nostrapplink), you can recognize them as all website powered by nostr.band have this right handle with the user nostr profile (which appears in the middle).
Once on the npub.pro page, just click on "try now" button
from there the process is very similar to setting up a tumblr profile, or wordpress website, except the content already exist (it will be extracted from the nostr profile) and once the theme has been chosen, press publish and voila! super easy, user friendly and great result in minutes.
The creator of npub.pro is 'Brugeman'. I have asked a couple of question because the search was not working when I created my npub.pro website, it turns out it was not fully implemented yet, the good news is that search is working now and for later edit of the website keep this link nearby [npub.pro/admin](https://npub.pro/admin) (you can edit the theme from there if you change your mind later.)
If you want to have a look at an example – here is mine
original article posted [here](https://alashazam.wordpress.com/2024/12/12/my-review-of-npub-pro/)
@ 1c19eb1a:e22fb0bc
2024-12-12 19:42:39
I am happy to present to you the first full review posted to Nostr Reviews: #Primal for #Android!
Primal has its origins as a micro-blogging, social media client, though it is now expanding its horizons into long-form content. It was first released only as a web client in March of 2023, but has since had a native client released for both iOS and Android. All of Primal's clients recently had an update to Primal 2.0, which included both performance improvements and a number of new features. This review will focus on the Android client specifically, both on phone and tablet.
Since Primal has also added features that are only available to those enrolled in their new premium subscription, it should also be noted that this review will be from the perspective of a free user. This is for two reasons. First, I am using an alternate npub to review the app, and if I were to purchase premium at some time in the future, it would be on my main npub. Second, despite a lot of positive things I have to say about Primal, I am not planning to regularly use any of their apps on my main account for the time being, for reasons that will be discussed later in the review.
The application can be installed through the [Google Play Store](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.primal.android&hl=en_US), Zapstore, or by downloading it directly from Primal's [GitHub](https://github.com/PrimalHQ/primal-android-app/releases/). This review is current as of Primal Android version 2.0.21.
In the ecosystem of "notes and other stuff," Primal is predominantly in the "notes" category. It is geared toward users who want a social media experience similar to Twitter or Facebook with an infinite scrolling feed of notes to interact with. However, there is some "other stuff" included to complement this primary focus on short and long form notes including a built-in Lightning wallet powered by #Strike, a robust advanced search, and a media-only feed.
![Main Screens Preview](https://relay.brightbolt.net/9d184a3d9549071feaf3d2b1355f258f1f420400d019fea31da2fd64e13e80f8.jpg)
## Overall Impression
Score: **3.8** / 5
Primal may well be the most polished UI of any Nostr client native to Android. It is incredibly well designed and thought out, with all of the icons and settings in the places a user would expect to find them. It is also incredibly easy to get started on Nostr via Primal's sign-up flow. The only two things that will be foreign to new users are the lack of any need to set a password or give an email address, and the prompt to optionally set up the wallet.
Complaints prior to the 2.0 update about Primal being slow and clunky should now be completely alleviated. I only experienced quick load times and snappy UI controls with a couple very minor exceptions.
Primal is not, however, a client that I would recommend for the power-user. Control over preferred relays is minimal and does not allow the user to determine which relays they write to and which they only read from. Though you can use your own wallet, it will not appear within the wallet interface, which only works with the custodial wallet from Strike. Moreover, and most eggregiously, the only way for existing users to log in is by pasting their nsec, as Primal does not support either the Android signer or remote signer options for users to protect their private key at this time. This lack of signer support is the primary reason the client received such a low overall score. If even one form of external signer log in is added to Primal, the score will be amended to 4.2 / 5, and if both Android signer and remote signer support is added, it will increase to 4.5.
Another downside to Primal is that it still utilizes an outdated direct message specification that leaks metadata that can be readily seen by anyone on the network. While the content of your messages remains encrypted, anyone can see who you are messaging with, and when.
That said, the beautiful thing about Nostr as a protocol is that users are not locked into any particular client. You may find Primal to be a great client for your average #bloomscrolling and zapping memes, but opt for a different client for more advanced uses and for direct messaging.
## Features
Primal has a lot of features users would expect from any Nostr client that is focused on short-form notes, but it also packs in a lot of features that set it apart from other clients, and that showcase Primal's obvious prioritization of a top-tier user experience.
### Home Feed
By default, the infinitely scrolling Home feed displays notes from those you currently follow in chronological order. This is traditional Nostr at its finest, and made all the more immersive by the choice to have all distracting UI elements quickly hide themselves from view as the you begin to scroll down the feed. They return just as quickly when you begin to scroll back up.
![Home Feed](https://relay.brightbolt.net/c5d9b9355bbba6bd0d7a8b2a95a6399c5267aec99ffd8326cebdb86401d3a2e2.jpg)
Scrolling the feed is incredibly fast, with no noticeable choppiness and minimal media pop-in if you are on a decent internet connection.
Helpfully, it is easy to get back to the top of the feed whenever there is a new post to be viewed, as a bubble will appear with the profile pictures of the users who have posted since you started scrolling.
![New Posts Notification](https://relay.brightbolt.net/d0aeeaf2bf62312dd4fae9ca294865ad559ce0f4f2684a4bc9182d71569431af.jpg)
### Interacting With Notes
Interacting with a note in the feed can be done via the very recognizable icons at the bottom of each post. You can comment, zap, like, repost, and/or bookmark the note.
Notably, tapping on the zap icon will immediately zap the note your default amount of sats, making zapping incredibly fast, especially when using the built-in wallet. Long pressing on the zap icon will open up a menu with a variety of amounts, along with the ability to zap a custom amount. All of these amounts, and the messages that are sent with the zap, can be customized in the application settings.
Users who are familiar with Twitter or Instagram will feel right at home with only having one option for "liking" a post. However, users from Facebook or other Nostr clients may wonder why they don't have more options for reactions. This is one of those things where users who are new to Nostr probably won't notice they are missing out on anything at all, while users familiar with clients like #Amethyst or #noStrudel will miss the ability to react with a 🤙 or a 🫂.
It's a similar story with the bookmark option. While this is a nice bit of feature parity for Twitter users, for those already used to the ability to have multiple customized lists of bookmarks, or at minimum have the ability to separate them into public and private, it may be a disappointment that they have no access to the bookmarks they already built up on other clients. Primal offers only one list of bookmarks for short-form notes and they are all visible to the public. However, you are at least presented with a warning about the public nature of your bookmarks before saving your first one.
Yet, I can't dock the Primal team much for making these design choices, as they are understandable for Primal's goal of being a welcoming client for those coming over to Nostr from centralized platforms. They have optimized for the onboarding of new users, rather than for those who have been around for a while, and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.
### Post Creation
Composing posts in Primal is as simple as it gets. Accessed by tapping the obvious circular button with a "+" on it in the lower right of the Home feed, most of what you could need is included in the interface, and nothing you don't.
![Composing Notes](https://relay.brightbolt.net/d2c80e0a1e07897fa3139e44c97bb2b4f99448af81de42f51fce53c029ab63f6.jpg)
Your device's default keyboard loads immediately, and the you can start typing away.
There are options for adding images from your gallery, or taking a picture with your camera, both of which will result in the image being uploaded to Primal's media-hosting server. If you prefer to host your media elsewhere, you can simply paste the link to that media into your post.
There is also an @ icon as a tip-off that you can tag other users. Tapping on this simply types "@" into your note and brings up a list of users. All you have to do to narrow down the user you want to tag is continue typing their handle, Nostr address, or paste in their npub.
![Tagging Users](https://relay.brightbolt.net/0b194a110cef754f5bd0cdcf540bbd3d096f766ad9e06b60bb20709cba9fc425.jpg)
This can get mixed results in other clients, which sometimes have a hard time finding particular users when typing in their handle, forcing you to have to remember their Nostr address or go hunt down their npub by another means. Not so with Primal, though. I had no issues tagging anyone I wanted by simply typing in their handle.
Of course, when you are tagging someone well known, you may find that there are multiple users posing as that person. Primal helps you out here, though. Usually the top result is the person you want, as Primal places them in order of how many followers they have. This is quite reliable right now, but there is nothing stopping someone from spinning up an army of bots to follow their fake accounts, rendering follower count useless for determining which account is legitimate. It would be nice to see these results ranked by web-of-trust, or at least an indication of how many users you follow who also follow the users listed in the results.
Once you are satisfied with your note, the "Post" button is easy to find in the top right of the screen.
### Feed Selector and Marketplace
Primal's Home feed really shines when you open up the feed selection interface, and find that there are a plethora of options available for customizing your view. By default, it only shows four options, but tapping "Edit" opens up a new page of available toggles to add to the feed selector.
![Feed Selector](https://relay.brightbolt.net/1b0ab7a4f224357c1269c470ff6aaeae91afe9f96f1dbf7ba3108de2b7b25dd4.jpg)
The options don't end there, though. Tapping "Add Feed" will open up the feed marketplace, where an ever-growing number of custom feeds can be found, some created by Primal and some created by others. This feed marketplace is available to a few other clients, but none have so closely integrated it with their Home feeds like Primal has.
![Feed Marketplace](https://relay.brightbolt.net/52eba74423914390eaf4105d7f326a8b914b91788e2eea6ed1b37c3883eb2226.jpg)
Unfortunately, as great as these custom feeds are, this was also the feature where I ran into the most bugs while testing out the app.
One of these bugs was while selecting custom feeds. Occasionally, these feed menu screens would become unresponsive and I would be unable to confirm my selection, or even use the back button on my device to back out of the screen. However, I was able to pull the screen down to close it and re-open the menu, and everything would be responsive again.
This only seemed to occur when I spent 30 seconds or more on the same screen, so I imagine that most users won't encounter it much in their regular use.
Another UI bug occurred for me while in the feed marketplace. I could scroll down the list of available feeds, but attempting to scroll back up the feed would often close the interface entirely instead, as though I had pulled the screen down from the top, when I was swiping in the middle of the screen.
The last of these bugs occurred when selecting a long-form "Reads" feed while in the menu for the Home feed. The menu would allow me to add this feed and select it to be displayed, but it would fail to load the feed once selected, stating "There is no content in this feed." Going to a different page within the the app and then going back to the Home tab would automatically remove the long-form feed from view, and reset back to the most recently viewed short-form "Notes" feed, though the long-form feed would still be available to select again. The results were similar when selecting a short-form feed for the Reads feed.
I would suggest that if long-form and short-form feeds are going to be displayed in the same list, and yet not be able to be displayed in the same feed, the application should present an error message when attempting to add a long-form feed for the Home feed or a short-form feed for the Reads feed, and encourage the user add it to the proper feed instead.
### Long-Form "Reads" Feed
A brand new feature in Primal 2.0, users can now browse and read long-form content posted to Nostr without having to go to a separate client. Primal now has a dedicated "Reads" feed to browse and interact with these articles.
This feed displays the author and title of each article or blog, along with an image, if available. Quite conveniently, it also lets you know the approximate amount of time it will take to read a given article, so you can decide if you have the time to dive into it now, or come back later.
![Reads Feed](https://relay.brightbolt.net/8ceb7c0cb8b8da7544d63ee8dfe00c78ef300aa6fab86794a1c87b29c460c646.jpg)
Noticeably absent from the Reads feed, though, is the ability to compose an article of your own. This is another understandable design choice for a mobile client. Composing a long-form note on a smart-phone screen is not a good time. Better to be done on a larger screen, in a client with a full-featured text editor.
Tapping an article will open up an attractive reading interface, with the ability to bookmark for later. These bookmarks are a separate list from your short-form note bookmarks so you don't have to scroll through a bunch of notes you bookmarked to find the article you told yourself you would read later and it's already been three weeks.
While you can comment on the article or zap it, you will notice that you cannot repost or quote-post it. It's not that you can't do so on Nostr. You absolutely can in other clients. In fact, you can do so on Primal's web client, too. However, Primal on Android does not handle rendering long-form note previews in the Home feed, so they have simply left out the option to share them there. See below for an example of a quote-post of a long-form note in the Primal web client vs the Android client.
Primal Web:
![Quote Post of Long-Form Web](https://relay.brightbolt.net/c97ed887ddf0a827d4f04b638619ea54cfe54ca022daa92a5ce3aa9b062cd5d8.jpg)
Primal Android:
![Quote Post of Long-Form Android](https://relay.brightbolt.net/bc3c10a697a4feee57ad9f0a7de23bc7fc9c1208c07d43995416f9a6b69762cc.jpg)
### The Explore Tab
Another unique feature of the Primal client is the Explore tab, indicated by the compass icon. This tab is dedicated to discovering content from outside your current follow list. You can find the feed marketplace here, and add any of the available feeds to your Home or Reads feed selections. You can also find suggested users to follow in the People tab. The Zaps tab will show you who has been sending and receiving large zaps. Make friends with the generous ones!
The Media tab gives you a chronological feed of just media, displayed in a tile view. This can be great when you are looking for users who post dank memes, or incredible photography on a regular basis. Unfortunately, it appears that there is no way to filter this feed for sensitive content, and so you do not have to scroll far before you see pornographic material.
Indeed, it does not appear that filters for sensitive content are available in Primal for ***any*** feed. The app is kind enough to give a minimal warning that objectionable content may be present when selecting the "Nostr Firehose" option in your Home feed, with a brief "be careful" in the feed description, but there is not even that much of a warning here for the media-only feed.
![Media Feed](https://relay.brightbolt.net/283dd88e298a22b388083da63f1099f3cd874689501d2d4a31baa279ae75b6e7.jpg)
The media-only feed doesn't appear to be quite as bad as the Nostr Firehose feed, so there must be some form of filtering already taking place, rather than being a truly global feed of all media. Yet, occasional sensitive content still litters the feed and is unavoidable, even for users who would rather not see it. There are, of course, ways to mute particular users who post such content, if you don't want to see it a second time from the same user, but that is a never-ending game of whack-a-mole, so your only realistic choices in Primal are currently to either avoid the Nostr Firehose and media-only feeds, or determine that you can put up with regularly scrolling past often graphic content.
This is probably the only choice Primal has made that is not friendly to new users. Most clients these days will have some protections in place to hide sensitive content by default, but still allow the user to toggle those protections off if they so choose. Some of them hide posts flagged as sensitive content altogether, others just blur the images unless the user taps to reveal them, and others simply blur all images posted by users you don't follow. If Primal wants to target new users who are accustomed to legacy social media platforms, they really should follow suit.
The final tab is titled "Topics," but it is really just a list of popular hashtags, which appear to be arranged by how often they are being used. This can be good for finding things that other users are interested in talking about, or finding specific content you are interested in.
If you tap on any topic in the list, it will display a feed of notes that include that hashtag. What's better, you can add it as a feed option you can select on your Home feed any time you want to see posts with that tag.
The only suggestion I would make to improve this tab is some indication of why the topics are arranged in the order presented. A simple indicator of the number of posts with that hashtag in the last 24 hours, or whatever the interval is for determining their ranking, would more than suffice.
Even with those few shortcomings, Primal's Explore tab makes the client one of the best options for discovering content on Nostr that you are actually interested in seeing and interacting with.
### Built-In Wallet
While this feature is completely optional, the icon to access the wallet is the largest of the icons at the bottom of the screen, making you feel like you are missing out on the most important feature of the app if you don't set it up. I could be critical of this design choice, but in many ways I think it is warranted. The built-in wallet is one of the most unique features that Primal has going for it.
![Wallet Screen](https://relay.brightbolt.net/39fa136a07094af556401601dc6402e4b3cbc519005787e12ee18f6eee054a0c.jpg)
Consider: If you are a new user coming to Nostr, who isn't already a Bitcoiner, and you see that everyone else on the platform is sending and receiving sats for their posts, will you be more likely to go download a separate wallet application or use one that is built-into your client? I would wager the latter option by a long shot. No need to figure out which wallet you should download, whether you should do self-custody or custodial, or make the mistake of choosing a wallet with unexpected setup fees and no Lightning address so you can't even receive zaps to it. nostr:npub16c0nh3dnadzqpm76uctf5hqhe2lny344zsmpm6feee9p5rdxaa9q586nvr often states that he believes more people will be onboarded to Bitcoin through Nostr than by any other means, and by including a wallet into the Primal client, his team has made adopting Bitcoin that much easier for new Nostr users.
Some of us purists may complain that it is custodial and KYC, but that is an unfortunate necessity in order to facilitate onboarding newcoiners to Bitcoin. This is ***not*** intended to be a wallet for those of us who have been using Bitcoin and Lightning regularly already. It is meant for those who are not already familiar with Bitcoin to make it as easy as possible to get off zero, and it accomplishes this better than any other wallet I have ever tried.
In large part, this is because the KYC is very light. It does need the user's legal name, a valid email address, date of birth, and country of residence, but that's it! From there, the user can buy Bitcoin directly through the app, but only in the amount of $4.99 at a time. This is because there is a substantial markup on top of the current market price, due to utilizing whatever payment method the user has set up through their Google Play Store. The markup seemed to be about 19% above the current price, since I could purchase 4,143 sats for $4.99 ($120,415 / Bitcoin), when the current price was about $101,500. But the idea here is not for the Primal wallet to be a user's primary method of stacking sats. Rather, it is intended to get them off zero and have a small amount of sats to experience zapping with, and it accomplishes this with less friction than any other method I know.
Moreover, the Primal wallet has the features one would expect from any Lightning wallet. You can send sats to any Nostr user or Lightning address, receive via invoice, or scan to pay an invoice. It even has the ability to receive via on-chain. This means users who don't want to pay the markup from buying through Primal can easily transfer sats they obtained by other means into the Primal wallet for zapping, or for using it as their daily-driver spending wallet.
Speaking of zapping, once the wallet is activated, sending zaps is automatically set to use the wallet, and they are ***fast***. Primal gives you immediate feedback that the zap was sent and the transaction shows in your wallet history typically before you can open the interface. I can confidently say that Primal wallet's integration is the absolute best zapping experience I have seen in any Nostr client.
One thing to note that may not be immediately apparent to new users is they need to add their Lightning address with Primal into their profile details before they can start receiving zaps. So, sending zaps using the wallet is automatic as soon as you activate it, but receiving is not. Ideally, this could be further streamlined, so that Primal automatically adds the Lightning address to the user's profile when the wallet is set up, so long as there is not currently a Lightning address listed.
Of course, if you already have a Lightning wallet, you can connect it to Primal for zapping, too. We will discuss this further in the section dedicated to zap integration.
### Advanced Search
Search has always been a tough nut to crack on Nostr, since it is highly dependent on which relays the client is pulling information from. Primal has sought to resolve this issue, among others, by running a caching relay that pulls notes from a number of relays to store them locally, and perform some spam filtering. This allows for much faster retrieval of search results, and also makes their advanced search feature possible.
Advanced search can be accessed from most pages by selecting the magnifying glass icon, and then the icon for more options next to the search bar.
As can be seen in the screenshot below, there are a plethora of filters that can be applied to your search terms.
![Advanced Search](https://relay.brightbolt.net/b1891695d6177063656d5c09a352e77221d1f6d8131d19a096422d21559178ba.jpg)
You can immediately see how this advanced search could be a very powerful tool for not just finding a particular previous note that you are looking for, but for creating your own custom feed of notes. Well, wouldn't you know it, Primal allows you to do just that! This search feature, paired with the other features mentioned above related to finding notes you want to see in your feed, makes Primal hands-down the best client for content discovery.
The only downside as a free user is that some of these search options are locked behind the premium membership. Or else you only get to see a certain number of results of your advanced search before you must be a premium member to see more.
## Can My Grandma Use It?
Score: **4.8** / 5
Primal has obviously put a high priority on making their client user-friendly, even for those who have never heard of relays, public/private key cryptography, or Bitcoin. All of that complexity is hidden away. Some of it is available to play around with for the users who care to do so, but it does not at all get in the way of the users who just want to jump in and start posting notes and interacting with other users in a truly open public square.
To begin with, the onboarting experience is incredibly smooth. Tap "Create Account," enter your chosen display name and optional bio information, upload a profile picture, and then choose some topics you are interested in. You are then presented with a preview of your profile, with the ability to add a banner image, if you so choose, and then tap "Create Account Now."
From there you receive confirmation that your account has been created and that your "Nostr key" is available to you in the application settings. No further explanation is given about what this key is for at this point, but the user doesn't really need to know at the moment, either. If they are curious, they will go to the app settings to find out.
At this point, Primal encourages the user to activate Primal Wallet, but also gives the option for the user to do it later.
![Account Creation Confirmed](https://relay.brightbolt.net/7bb793eb5f88597defe07e538802eeed8528e15dca1a936b6ee78b4d7c22ffee.jpg)
That's it! The next screen the user sees if they don't opt to set up the wallet is their Home feed with notes listed in chronological order. More impressive, the feed is not empty, because Primal has auto-followed several accounts based on your selected topics.
Now, there has definitely been some legitimate criticism of this practice of following specific accounts based on the topic selection, and I agree. I would much prefer to see Primal follow hashtags based on what was selected, and combine the followed hashtags into a feed titled "My Topics" or something of that nature, and make that the default view when the user finishes onboarding. Following particular users automatically will artificially inflate certain users' exposure, while other users who might be quality follows for that topic aren't seen at all.
The advantage of following particular users over a hashtag, though, is that Primal retains some control over the quality of the posts that new users are exposed to right away. Primal can ensure that new users see people who are actually posting quality photography when they choose it as one of their interests. However, even with that example, I chose photography as one of my interests and while I did get some stunning photography in my Home feed by default based on Primal's chosen follows, I also scrolled through the Photography hashtag for a bit and I really feel like I would have been better served if Primal had simply followed that hashtag rather than a particular set of users.
We've already discussed how simple it is to set up the Primal Wallet. You can see the features section above if you missed it. It is, by far, the most user friendly experience to onboarding onto Lightning and getting a few sats for zapping, and it is the only one I know of that is built directly into a Nostr client. This means new users will have a frictionless introduction to transacting via Lightning, perhaps without even realizing that's what they are doing.
Discovering new content of interest is incredibly intuitive on Primal, and the only thing that new users may struggle with is getting their own notes seen by others. To assist with this, I would suggest Primal encourage users to make their first post to the introductions hashtag and direct any questions to the AskNostr hashtag as part of the onboarding process. This will get them some immediate interactions from other users, and further encouragement to set up their wallet if they haven't already done so.
## How do UI look?
Score: **4.9** / 5
Primal is the most stunningly beautiful Nostr client available, in my honest opinion. Despite some of my hangups about certain functionality, the UI alone makes me ***want*** to use it.
![Beautiful UI](https://relay.brightbolt.net/e5c420f154f3ee92bfa18a6a6318a1ec1904f834915c51b79417541285517b9d.jpg)
It is clean, attractive, and intuitive. Everything I needed was easy to find, and nothing felt busy or cluttered. There are only a few minor UI glitches that I ran into while testing the app. Some of them were mentioned in the section of the review detailing the feed selector feature, but a couple others occurred during onboarding.
First, my profile picture was not centered in the preview when I uploaded it. This appears to be because it was a low quality image. Uploading a higher quality photo did not have this result.
![Profile Upload](https://relay.brightbolt.net/20614bd54965f08510ce0332c1c5b8f31fe675c20701360afb4abb4e20a6e288.jpg)
The other UI bug was related to text instructions that were cut off, and not able to scroll to see the rest of them. This occurred on a few pages during onboarding, and I expect it was due to the size of my phone screen, since it did not occur when I was on a slightly larger phone or tablet.
![Text Cutoff](https://relay.brightbolt.net/5f7a990eb20ea98a099738527f100eaed192bfc2a525b0c0ec2d98f9066d7a20.jpg)
Speaking of tablets, Primal Android looks really good on a tablet, too! While the client does not have a landscape mode by default, many Android tablets support forcing apps to open in full-screen landscape mode, with mixed results. However, Primal handles it well. I would still like to see a tablet version developed that takes advantage of the increased screen real estate, but it is certainly a passable option.
![Home Feed 1](https://relay.brightbolt.net/b428ffa7034674b4f1e72246656c683c4a8da3ad5a1117f4dcaf2707c361ad39.jpg)
![Home Feed 2](https://relay.brightbolt.net/f16098361c39204f042ee7ce0758386fb0a60b102b86c8b153b4270f21f3b24b.jpg)
![Read 1](https://relay.brightbolt.net/f5f93b3471046900a72792fe931a47d9b77142df0afa26ca976156cd067e8ef2.jpg)
![Read 2](https://relay.brightbolt.net/20a0bee6207fbc596c31aab3d391ebf3e3d879c23cbb9cda883ea4d5744a15d0.jpg)
![Media Feed](https://relay.brightbolt.net/57ef7e3f85bc5062d0744e7eae7d818fac062052ea62521230e210250b63311e.jpg)
At this point, I would say the web client probably has a bit better UI for use on a tablet than the Android client does, but you miss out on using the built-in wallet, which is a major selling point of the app.
This lack of a landscape mode for tablets and the few very minor UI bugs I encountered are the only reason Primal doesn't get a perfect score in this category, because the client is absolutely stunning otherwise, both in light and dark modes. There are also two color schemes available for each.
![Available Themes](https://relay.brightbolt.net/1feefd2a53b1a9108b756ace835d49acc8e0b447ed417de6a1a83c250d97f25d.jpg)
## Log In Options
Score: **1** / 5
Unfortunately, Primal has not included any options for log in outside of pasting your private key into the application. While this is a very simple way to log in for new users to understand, it is also the least secure means to log into Nostr applications.
This is because, even with the most trustworthy client developer, giving the application access to your private key always has the potential for that private key to somehow be exposed or leaked, and on Nostr there is currently no way to rotate to a different private key and keep your identity and social graph. If someone gets your key, they ***are you*** on Nostr for all intents and purposes.
This is not a situation that users should be willing to tolerate from production-release clients at this point. There are much better log in standards that can and should be implemented if you care about your users.
That said, I am happy to report that external signer support is on the roadmap for Primal, as confirmed below:
No word yet on whether this will be Android signer or remote signer support, or both.
This lack of external signer support is why I absolutely will not use my main npub with Primal for Android. I am happy to use the web client, which supports and encourages logging in with a browser extension, but until the Android client allows users to protect their private key, I cannot recommend it for existing Nostr users.
## Zap Integration
Score: **4.8** / 5
As mentioned when discussing Primal's built-in wallet feature, zapping in Primal can be the most seamless experience I have ever seen in a Nostr client. Pairing the wallet with the client is absolutely the path forward for Nostr leading the way to Bitcoin adoption.
But what if you already have a Lightning wallet you want to use for zapping? You have a couple options. If it is an Alby wallet or another wallet that supports Nostr Wallet Connect, you can connect it with Primal to use with one-tap zapping.
![Connect External Wallet](https://relay.brightbolt.net/7a960cc97d57c8990d6f6d0d3bb037adb74b4745d374da6acd4a72b7575cc16f.jpg)
How your zapping experience goes with this option will vary greatly based on your particular wallet of choice and is beyond the scope of this review. I used this option with a hosted wallet on my Alby Hub and it worked perfectly. Primal gives you immediate feedback that you have zapped, even though the transaction usually takes a few seconds to process and appear in your wallet's history.
The one major downside to using an external wallet is the lack of integration with the wallet interface. This interface currently only works with Primal's wallet, and therefore the most prominent tab in the entire app goes unused when you connect an external wallet.
![Wallet Tab With External Wallet](https://relay.brightbolt.net/2f202f42c7b0f8f89163effd8a49a905a00105dc41b9dc6156c5bfa2c68a7354.jpg)
An ideal improvement would be for the wallet screen to work similar to Alby Go when you have an external wallet connected via Nostr Wallet Connect, allowing the user to have Primal act as their primary mobile Lightning wallet. It could have balance and transaction history displayed, and allow sending and receiving, just like the integrated Primal wallet, but remove the ability to purchase sats directly through the app when using an external wallet.
## Content Discovery
Score: **4.8** / 5
Primal is the best client to use if you want to discover new content you are interested in. There is no comparison, with only a few caveats.
First, the content must have been posted to Nostr as either a short-form or long-form note. Primal has a limited ability to display other types of content. For instance, discovering video content or streaming content is lacking.
Second, you must be willing to put up with the fact that Primal lacks a means of filtering sensitive content when you are exploring beyond the bounds of your current followers. This may not be an issue for some, but for others it could be a deal-breaker.
Third, it would be preferable for Primal to follow topics you are interested in when you choose them during onboarding, rather than follow specific npubs. Ideally, create a "My Topics" feed that can be edited by selecting your interests in the Topics section of the Explore tab.
## Relay Management
Score: **2.5** / 5
For new users who don't want to mess around with managing relays, Primal is fantastic! There are 7 relays selected by default, in addition to Primal's caching service. For most users who aren't familiar with Nostr's protocol archetecture, they probably won't ever have to change their default relays in order to use the client as they would expect.
However, two of these default relays were consistently unreachable during the week that I tested. These were relay.plebes.fans and remnant.cloud. The first relay seems to be an incorrect URL, as I found nosflare.plebes.fans online and with perfect uptime for the last 12 hours on [nostr.watch](https://nostr.watch). I was unable to find remnant.cloud on nostr.watch at all. A third relay was intermittent, sometimes online and reachable, and other times unreachable: v1250.planz.io/nostr. If Primal is going to have default relays, they should ideally be reliable and with accurate URLs.
That said, users can add other relays that they prefer, and remove relays that they no longer want to use. They can even set a different caching service to use with the client, rather than using Primal's.
![Relay Management](https://relay.brightbolt.net/85faf737b36a8d3e139525a0edca300ba589d4bbbb22d2bbc6564ae6ff5b6bf2.jpg)
However, that is the extent of a user's control over their relays. They cannot choose which relays they want to write to and which they want to read from, nor can they set any private relays, outbox or inbox relays, or general relays. Loading the npub I used for this review into another client with full relay management support revealed that the relays selected in Primal are being added to both the user's public outbox relays and public inbox relays, but not to any other relay type, which leads me to believe the caching relay is acting as the client's only general relay and search relay.
One unique and welcomed addition is the "Enhanced Privacy" feature, which is off by default, but which can be toggled on. I am not sure why this is not on by default, though. Perhaps someone from the Primal team can enlighten me on that choice.
By default, when you post to Nostr, all of your outbox relays will see your IP address. If you turn on the Enhanced Privacy mode, only Primal's caching service will see your IP address, because it will post your note to the other relays on your behalf. In this way, the caching service acts similar to a VPN for posting to Nostr, as long as you trust Primal not to log or leak your IP address.
## Current Users' Questions
The AskNostr hashtag can be a good indication of the pain points that other users are currently having with a client. Here are some of the most common questions submitted about Primal since the launch of 2.0:
This was a pretty common question, because users expect that they will be able to create the same type of content that they can consume in a particular client. I can understand why this was left out in a mobile client, but perhaps it should be added in the web client.
This is a more concerning bug, since it appears some users are experiencing their images being replaced with completely different images. I did not experience anything similar in my testing, though.
There hasn't been an answer to this, but I have not been able to find a way. It seems search results will always include replies as well as original notes, so a feed made from the search results will as well. Perhaps a filter can be added to the advanced search to exclude replies? There is already a filter to ***only*** show replies, but there is no corresponding filter to only show original notes.
Since both mobile platforms support the wallet, users expect that they will be able to access it in their web client, too. At this time, they cannot. The only way to have seamless zapping in the web client is to use the Alby extension, but there is not a way to connect it to your Primal wallet via Nostr Wallet Connect either. This means users must have a separate wallet for zapping on the web client if they use the Primal Wallet on mobile.
It seems that Primal is filtering for spam even for profiles you actively follow. Moreover, exactly what the criteria is for being considered spam is currently opaque.
For those unaware, Blossom is a protocol for hosting media as blobs identified by a hash, allowing them to be located on and displayed from other servers they have been mirrored to when when the target server isn't available. Primal currently runs a Blossom server (blossom.primal.net) so I would expect we see Blossom support in the future.
Currently, Primal on Android only supports uploading photos to your posts. Users must upload any video to some other hosting service and copy/paste a link to the video into their post on Primal. I would not be surprised to see this feature added in the near future, though.
Many Nostr users have more than one npub for various uses. Users would prefer to have a way to quickly switch between accounts than to have to log all the way out and paste their npub for the other account every time they want to use it.
There is good news on this front, though:
## Wrap Up
All in all, Primal is an excellent client. It won't be for everyone, but that's one of the strengths of Nostr as a protocol. You can choose to use the client that best fits your own needs, and supplement with other clients and tools as necessary.
There are a couple glaring issues I have with Primal that prevent me from using it on my main npub, but it is also an ever-improving client, that already has me hopeful for those issues to be resolved in a future release.
So, what should I review next? Another Android client, such as #Amethyst or #Voyage? Maybe an "other stuff" app, like #Wavlake or #Fountain? Please leave your suggestions in the comments.
I hope this review was valuable to you! If it was, please consider letting me know just how valuable by zapping me some sats and reposting it out to your follows.
Thank you for reading!
PV 🤙
@ 372da077:518ec7ac
2024-12-12 18:54:26
One of my favorite art pieces. an engraving from an 1888 astronomy book.
Often depicted fully colorized, apparently this is the original.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/806953
@ 5528476b:ed78ff13
2024-12-12 18:34:08
no other p-tags here
changing the recipient now
new content
@ 31312140:2471509b
2024-12-12 18:19:11
### Understanding Real Money
#### The Awful Truth About Fiat Currency
Let's call a spade a spade here - fiat currency is a scam. Governments and central banks print it out of thin air, devaluing each note in your wallet every single day. Your hard-earned money is losing its value, and you're left chasing your tail trying to keep up with inflation.
Fiat currency is backed by nothing but the "full faith and credit" of the government. And when was the last time you trusted a politician? 😏 The truth is, fiat currencies always collapse. History is littered with examples like the Roman denarius, the Zimbabwean dollar, and, well, the ongoing crumbling of many others.
#### The Concept of Intrinsic Value
Real money, on the other hand, has intrinsic value—meaning it's valuable in and of itself. Think gold and silver. These precious metals have been prized for thousands of years because they don't decay, they're hard to counterfeit, and they have myriad uses in the real world, from electronics to medicine.
Gold and silver have been used as money for millennia, and for good reason. They're scarce, durable, and divisible. You can't just print more gold when you feel like it. You have to mine it, refine it, and cast it.
#### Bitcoin: The Digital Gold
Now, let's talk about Bitcoin. Some people call it "digital gold," and there's a good reason for that. Bitcoin, like gold, is scarce (only 21 million will ever exist), and it's decentralized, meaning no government or bank can control it. This decentralization is key because it means Bitcoin is resistant to censorship and inflation.
Bitcoin stands out as the only cryptocurrency that can be considered real money due to its decentralized nature, fixed supply of 21 million coins, unparalleled security, global adoption, resilience, and the philosophy of financial sovereignty it embodies. Unlike other cryptocurrencies that often have centralized control and variable supplies, Bitcoin's immutable transactions and widespread recognition make it a reliable store of value and medium of exchange.
But remember, Bitcoin isn't a perfect substitute for gold. It's digital, which means it relies on technology and the internet to function. This makes it vulnerable to hacking and other digital threats. Still, the blockchain technology underpinning Bitcoin is revolutionary, creating a transparent and tamper-evident ledger of transactions.
### The Downfall of Modern Banking Systems
Let's take a step back and look at the modern banking system. It's a joke. Fractional reserve banking allows banks to lend out money they don't have, creating an economic bubble that inevitably bursts. We're constantly teetering on the edge of financial collapse because banks are playing a high-stakes game of musical chairs with your money.
And when things go south, who gets bailed out? Not you or me, but the banks. We saw it in 2008. The rich and powerful protected their own interests, while everyday folks lost their homes and savings.
### Why Governments Love Fiat
Governments love fiat money because it allows them to spend beyond their means. When the treasury gets low, they don’t have to make tough decisions or cut spending—they just print more money. This leads to inflation, which is just another form of taxation. Your dollar buys less; your savings erode.
This manipulation benefits the elites who get the newly printed money first. They can spend it while it still has value, before it trickles down into the economy and prices rise for everyone else. Trickle-down economics is as real as fairy tales. 🧚♂️
### Creating a Solution: Moving Towards Real Money
To reclaim our financial sovereignty, we must return to real money. Here's how:
#### Gold and Silver
Start by accumulating gold and silver. Begin small—buying a few ounces here and there. Store it securely, away from banks where it could be confiscated. There are many platforms and shops where you can purchase these metals safely.
#### Bitcoin
Diversify with Bitcoin. Make sure you understand how wallets work and practice impeccable security measures. It's not enough to buy Bitcoin; you must ensure it can't be stolen by hackers. Educate yourself on cold storage, multi-signature wallets, and other security practices.
#### Educate Yourself
Knowledge is power. Read books on Austrian economics, like those by Ludwig von Mises and Murray Rothbard. Understand the fundamentals of what makes good money.
### The Future of Real Money
If we succeed in transitioning to real money, we can create a more sustainable and fair economic system. One where value is preserved over time, where individuals have sovereignty over their own wealth, and where the powerful can no longer manipulate the masses for their gain.
#### Final Thoughts
The fight for real money is a fight against the controllers, the manipulators, and the corrupt. But it’s also a fight for our freedom, our future, and our dignity. Let's look into it and make conscious choices to protect our financial future by holding real money.
Keep your head up, keep questioning, and always look into it 💪
#### Suggested Readings and References
* "The Creature from Jekyll Island" by G. Edward Griffin - A detailed look at the Federal Reserve and how it manipulates the money supply.
* "What Has Government Done to Our Money?" by Murray Rothbard - An essential read on the problem with fiat currency and why real money matters.
* "The Bitcoin Standard" by Saifedean Ammous - A comprehensive analysis of Bitcoin as a form of digital gold.
* "Human Action" by Ludwig von Mises - A cornerstone work for understanding Austrian economics.
* "Democracy: The God That Failed" by Hans-Hermann Hoppe - A deep dive into the failures of democratic government and the economics of anarcho-capitalism.
@ 3ad01248:962d8a07
2024-12-12 16:47:27
The Bitcoin protocol has been around for 15 years and just it keeps on going doing its thing with improvements made along the way to make it better and stronger. Bitcoin has always been described as a way to change the world by fixing the money. It will certainly do that with enough time and adoption by everyday folks around the world.
What isn't discussed as much as it should be is what Bitcoin does to you emotionally and how it completely changes your worldview and opens your eyes to the manipulation and distortion of reality created by fiat currency. I can only speak to my personal experience but I have seen multiple instances on X and nostr where people describe having transformational changes because of Bitcoin.
I found Bitcoin in 2020 by chance to be honest, I was scrolling Twitter when I stumbled upon someone saying that Bitcoin was freedom money. I remember thinking to myself "what the hell is freedom money?" I like to learn and I am curious by nature so I started to research what this Bitcoin thing was.
What I discovered blew my mind! As a avid fan of Ron Paul and Austrian economics I felt like I was primed and ready to go down the Bitcoin rabbit hole. Needless to say I jumped in with two feet first and haven't looked back since but I have come out the other side a changed person.
Once you start down the rabbit hole there are so many twist and turn that you can take where it becomes a little overwhelming. What helped me get my bearings as I was learning about Bitcoin was the HODL culture that had been cultivated on Twitter. We all the know the catchphrases"
- "Not Your Keys, Not Your Coins"
- "There Is Only 21 Million"
- "Have Fun Staying Poor"
- "Bitcoin not Shitcoins"
- "Don't Sell Your Bitcoin"
- "Code Is Law"
Hearing and seeing this over and over gave me a firm ground to stand on and helped me understand that Bitcoin is step change function in how society interacts with money. For the first time in history we have a money that can't be manipulated by governments or other malicious third parties.
Bitcoin opens your eyes to what governments can do with an unlimited power to print money. They start world wars, stage coups all around the world and distort the perception of their citizens with propaganda. It is truly sickening that governments have gotten away with this for this long. Millions upon millions of people have died because of fiat currency. Bitcoin smashes the war machine and makes war costly thus making the world more peaceful.
I personally want to thank the toxic Bitcoin maximalist for standing on principle and staying true to the message despite the harsh criticism many of you have faced. I am forever grateful for your steadfastness to the Bitcoin revolution.
Hodl culture is firmly engrained into the Bitcoin community and will help countless others to see how Bitcoin is different from fiat and other digital assets. A by product of HODL culture is that it naturally encourages you to lower your time preference and appreciate the small things in life.
### Low Time Preference
Low time preference was a term that I wasn't familiar with until I read Saifedean Ammous's book the Bitcoin Standard. For those that are unaware of the concept, the basic idea is when you have a money that doesn't store its value well you tend to focus on the here and now because you know your money is going to be worth a lot less in the future.
Why save for a new house or new car when you know that if you hold dollars for any amount of time your purchasing power is going to be less than it is today. This is why the savings rate among Americans are abysmal and will not get better any time soon. Most people are simply making a rational choice to maximize their purchasing power today versus waiting for tomorrow.
Not only are consumers are doing this but businesses are too. Have you noticed the quality of your appliances keeps getting worse? Back in the day, you could buy appliances that were built to last 15-20 years. Now you would be lucky to get an appliance that last more than 18 months without some major issue. Business are incentivized to thinking about short term profits versus building solid products that last and building a brand known for quality.
Bitcoin flips this whole situation on its head where the longer you hold Bitcoin the cheaper the product that you want gets cheaper over time. This foundational function of Bitcoin has made it where I don't want much of anything these days. I've noticed the dramatic behavior change within myself. Before Bitcoin I would buy a new car probably every 3-4 years. Since learning about Bitcoin I haven't had the urge to replace my car, in fact I've learned to appreciate that I have vehicle that gets me from point A to point B and back. I don't need the fancy new car with all the bells and whistles.
Having a low time preference helps you focus on what is important in life such as family and your personal health and wellness. It's not wealth, a big house or a fancy car. Sure you might acquire some of these things as the Bitcoin price appreciates but it is not the main motivator for true Bitcoiners who truly want to transform the world we live in. Imagine a world where everyone had a lower time preference than they do now.
People would be less stressed out, healthier, and happier. Work would no longer define who we are or what we think of ourselves. Instead work would be something that we do for leisure when you want to earn more Bitcoin. Our buildings would be beautiful again because we could spend more time creating works of art instead of industrial soulless buildings. Our environment would be cleaner because we wouldn't have rapacious mega corporations scavenging the world for minerals, instead they could focus on innovating or using the minerals that we have out of the ground more efficiently.
Fostering a low time preference is Bitcoin's superpower that you don't even realize is changing you into a different person. Bitcoin changes you and the world for the better. I hope more people choose to embrace Bitcoin and see what we see in it.
@ d57360cb:4fe7d935
2024-12-12 15:54:37
It’s the final round of the yearly state championship for wrestling in California. Only the best of the best elite high school athletes can crack the top spot. Somehow, someway, Meki claimed his spot. Meki was naturally gifted, had unwavering discipline, and elite skill. In practice, he would dominate completely; the gap between him and the other competitors was clear as day. Yet, whenever it came to big stages and big competitions, Meki would fade away, becoming a shell of who he was in practice. It bewildered everyone. In practice, he was feared, impossible to stop. In competition, he was timid, too slow, and made one horrible decision after another. He’d made it to the state championship four straight years; the previous three years, he lost in the first round. It would come as a surprise to all. Meki topped the online wrestling leaderboard each year. His performance in other matches during the school year earned it. Meki would cast this spell on his coaches and colleagues each year, outperforming and winning his matches as the season went along. They would believe each time this year is different, he’s learned from his mistakes. Maybe he wasn’t used to that atmosphere. Without fail, when the bright lights came on, they would be in shock. The coaches saw nothing wrong with his style and the way he wrestled; they couldn’t crack the code; their solution was to do more. Work harder, keep practicing, keep sharpening the skills; next year we’ll get the win.
It was most frustrating to Meki himself. He enjoyed the highs that came from people praising how good he was. He thrived on the praise; he sought admiration from his opponents, colleagues, coaches, and women. He would walk out of practices with his chin up in the air when he had a great day. He would feel like he was the best in the world; no one could match him; he was above anyone he faced. Of course, when the lows came and those previous championship events handed him defeat, Meki would lose his mind. Falling into a deep depression and losing all confidence in himself. He would lock himself in his room and become so ill that he would throw up. His anger would boil, and he’d throw things and break them at random, crying himself to sleep at night. Wondering what was wrong with him. That cocky confidence he’d carry when he’d succeed vanished into thin air. All the doubt started to creep in; he felt like quitting, giving up. He’d see it as an insurmountable wall he couldn’t climb. This would last for around three weeks after the competitions; then Meki would come to the same conclusion as his coaches because that’s all he knew. Work harder, work longer; next year will be different.
Meki grew up in a very demanding household. Both his father and mother were high achievers in everything that they did, especially their careers. His dad was a high-powered attorney, his mom a top executive marketer. To their household, success was the only metric, and if you didn’t meet that, you would get harsh looks of criticism and doubts of silence. Naturally, Meki wanted to succeed at all costs; he had to look good in the eyes of his parents, authority, and in the eyes of people in general. His parents would boast about their success in conversation; they would belittle all those who weren’t on their ‘level’. Failure to him wasn’t an option. He hated the feeling more than anything in the world. It was this hate of failure that fueled him and gave him an obsessive drive to win. His work ethic was the way it was not because of passion, but for fear of avoiding embarrassment. He loved wrestling. But the fun and joy it gave him as a child faded. He replaced them with the effort to uphold his image and succeed. That he did; he succeeded and he did it well, ranking number one in the country is no small feat, but when you lose a championship in the first round, none of it means a damn thing.
Meki stands facing his opponent; it’s his fourth year in this position. All that is on the forefront of his mind is the previous three years of failure. He hears the doubt of his parents, opponents, and coaches. They haven’t said a thing in reality, but to his mind, they have been berating him endlessly for the past week. The match starts, and Meki is overthinking. His opponent crouches low to size him up, then fakes a shot. Meki bites. Next thing he knows, his opponent is on his back. He takes him by the back and slams Meki to the ground and pins him all in under one minute. Once again the same old story. Meki goes blank and stares at the ceiling; everything fades away and there’s an eerie silence. He can’t believe it: four straight years of failure. He concludes at that moment he’s done. The match ends, and Meki doesn’t say a word to anyone; he goes home, sits in his room, and cries. He takes all his previous trophies and throws them in the trash. His dream was to be an Olympian, and he realized it was over. That night, something died in Meki; a part of his soul became dormant as he realized he would live an ordinary life.
In the years that preceded, Meki would go to college and complete a degree in economics. He wasn’t fond of economics, but he’d always been good with numbers, and it made him feel important again being good at something. He would get a job soon after in Palo Alto and do very well for himself. His parents were filled with pride, and he enjoyed their praise. He rose to the top of his field in much the same way he did in wrestling, with the same motives to avoid failure at all costs. His discipline and work ethic were still there: work harder, work longer, and you’ll succeed. The failures from wrestling seemed to have disappeared for the years he went to college and worked as an economist. Meki was now twenty-eight years old. He lived as a bachelor, dated many women, yet didn’t want to settle down at that moment. He would spend his weekends surfing and going to lunch with various friends he’d met in college. He lived a good life, a successful one.
One Sunday afternoon, Meki went to the local shopping plaza nearby for lunch. He went to a deli spot and got his usual footlong wheat bread, turkey, Swiss cheese, avocado sandwich with house dressing. He rarely ate at the deli, but today he decided to do so. He grabbed a seat outside and ate his sandwich as he stared off and people-watched in the plaza. At the far end, he noticed a new business had opened up; there was no sign to indicate what it was, but it had a large ‘Grand Opening’ banner hanging from where the sign should be. He saw a group of high school kids, athletes filing into the building. After he finished his sandwich, he walked over and stood outside to window-watch. It was a wrestling gym. His eyes lit up as did something deep in his core. As he stared at the athletes practicing their moves, he began to reminisce about the art he used to love. A violent urge came upon him to wrestle again; he had to do it. He waited until the class was over and he walked into the gym. The instructor was cleaning the mats. He vacuumed the floors, then mopped. The man came over to him when he finished; he was a short man, five foot three. Meki couldn’t tell his age, but he was past forty. He was in great shape. His face was strong and square, but showed some wear. His ears were swollen from cauliflower ear. He shook Meki’s hand with a deep smile. Meki wasn’t sure a man that looked like this could smile. But when he did, his stone face cracked and revealed a bright light. “I’m Onami, nice to meet you,” he said. Meki concluded, from the speed and sound of his intro, that English wasn’t his first language.
‘Nice to meet you. Is there any chance there’s an adult class?’ Meki said.
“Adults, yes, we have five p.m. Monday-Sunday,” a smile still brimming from his face. “You have a strong build; you look like a wrestler,” Oname said.
“Yes, I used to wrestle in high school; it’s been ten years since I’ve done any wrestling at all. I’d like to think I was a skilled wrestler, but each time I went to compete on a big stage, I crumbled. I overthought and failed time and again,” Meki said.
“Ah, you have a disease of the mind. Come tonight,” Onami told him.
Meki was confused. He wasn’t sure he understood “disease of the mind.” For all he knew, he was functioning perfectly well.
Meki arrived that Sunday evening to the adult class. It was a light showing; only four students, including Meki were present. Each were intermediate level grapplers. Oname warmed up the students with laps, jumping jacks, and burpees. Oname followed this up with thirty minutes of technical instruction. He taught them the basic double leg takedown. One of Meki’s favorite moves. Although Meki has done thousands of double leg takedowns in his lifetime, the way Oname delivered the instruction made Meki feel like he’d never seen a double leg takedown before. Something so basic became severely complex. It fueled Meki further; he was so immersed in the experience that, for a moment, he completely vanished. All he saw was Oname demonstrating the move on one of the students; it happened in slow motion. It looked like it was taking place in a different universe, one Meki had no prior knowledge of. Meki observed every detail with laser-like focus. Only pure curiosity remained. After the instruction, there were twenty minutes for the students to spar. Meki still deep in his experience of flow, became unconscious. It felt as if he were watching himself from above. He sparred with spontaneity and lightning-fast reflexes. He was constantly ten steps ahead of his opponents. Oname watched with amazement; he’d never seen a talent so pure.
The sound of the bell going off, signaling the end of class, awakened Meki from his deep focus. He returned to his normal state dizzy, unable to breathe, unable to believe what had happened. He’d had success in wrestling as a youth but none to match the experience he felt. For the first time, he wasn’t concerned with winning or losing. He wasn’t concerned with what anyone thought about his skills, how he was doing in the match, no thought of failure; all that was there was a natural open fluidity that flowed like an endless river. There were no mistakes, no judgments, no opponents. Just a feel, intuitive, artistic. Something missing from Meki’s life, a feel for it, a place you can’t get to thinking. He understood for the first time why they called it martial arts. It was a true art form expressed from a place beyond ego.
As the class ended and the students trickled out, Meki sat at the end of the wrestling mats and closed his eyes. He fell into a deep meditative state; for how long he was sitting, he didn’t know. He began to see images of a vast ocean, himself in the middle of it. The depth of him and the ocean was endless, calm, at peace, undisturbed by the world, and most importantly, at home. The ocean began to rumble first slightly, then growing with each breath. The waves started to crash and crash. They became enormous, tsunami-like, and began to wipe out everything in their path. Violent eruptions crashed up and down, erasing everything in their path. A power unexplainable, a force uncontrollable took Meki over and he began to feel every emotion from deep sadness to great force and happiness, all of it taken in by the waves and crushed completely. He became the waves. They slowly wiped away his fears, insecurities, and vulnerabilities. Meki began to feel his breath cold as ice, lighting up his belly and spine as his body breathed deeply on its own. A silence came over him as the waves settled and all that was left was darkness.
There were never any opponents; it was always Meki himself who was in his own way. He never gave himself up to the power within him. He was afraid of it; he trusted everyone else’s opinions as a way to shield him from himself. He failed to realize his opponents were not there to attack him but to bring out that very power in him. Overcome with gratitude, he saw his opponents as vital to his growth. He realized he held the same responsibility to his opponents.
When Meki opened his eyes, he saw outside the gym window the sun rising, creeping its way out of the mountains. Meki had meditated through the entire night after the class ended. Onami was sitting in the same meditation posture on the opposite side across the mat from Meki. Meki noticed a pool of sweat below his feet as he gazed at Onami. That stone face cracked a smile and brimmed with light. Onami bowed deeply to Meki.
“I’ve never once felt free of myself until last night. The way you taught yesterday carried me to another shore,” Meki said.
Onami replied, “You are that great ocean you experienced, you’re as powerful as those waves. No one can defeat you now; you will sweep everything in your path.”
Meki became a regular at Onami’s wrestling school; it just so happened that the Olympics were taking place that year.
Like a twist of fate, Meki would have another shot at the biggest stage.
Onami would gift Meki the nickname ‘Great Waves’; he would go on to win a gold medal and remain undefeated in his professional career until he retired.
@ 04d9fac9:5bec0e6c
2024-12-12 15:42:09
@ 000002de:c05780a7
2024-12-12 15:34:58
Been performing some maintenance on my node and it required some significant downtime. It had be wondering if there is a way to signal ahead of time to peers on the network that a downtime event is coming and that the node will be back online in x hours.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/806557
@ f1989a96:bcaaf2c1
2024-12-12 14:46:22
Good morning, readers!
This week, governments and financial institutions around the world advanced policies that amplify the divide between state interests and the daily economic realities of citizens. In Tunisia, President Kais Saied is once again turning to the nation’s central bank to repay its growing debts, a move that risks accelerating inflation, reducing citizen purchasing power, and increasing costs of living.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is urging regional banks to enhance their Know-Your-Customer (KYC) procedures. This includes implementing a “re-KYC” process that requires millions of citizens to resubmit personal information. In addition, banks are gathering supplementary data, which may be used for marketing purposes and potentially other objectives.
In technology news, Eclair, an implementation of the Lightning Network, added support for BOLT 12 offers and liquidity management features such as splicing, liquidity ads, and on-the-fly funding. These make managing liquidity and using the Lightning Network more accessible and private. Meanwhile, Machankura, a custodial Lightning wallet in Africa with offline functionality for feature phones, announced the launch of a mobile application for Android users. This will bring offline Bitcoin transactions to a greater number of people across the African continent.
We end with the latest episode in the HRF x Pubkey Freedom Tech Series, featuring HRF’s Bitcoin Development Lead, Alex Li, in conversation with Bitcoin Core maintainer Gloria Zhao, on the threats facing Bitcoin, the importance of censorship-resistant payments, and her decision to pursue open-source, grant-funded development over corporate opportunities.
**Now, let’s dive right in!**
### [Subscribe Here](https://mailchi.mp/hrf.org/financial-freedom-newsletter?mc_cid=bf652c0a5a)
#### **Tunisia | Turns to Central Bank to Repay Debts**
In a clear display of financial manipulation, President Kais Saied is once again turning to the central bank to [repay](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-12-02/tunisia-looks-to-central-bank-to-repay-debt-as-economy-flails?utm_content=africa&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&cmpid%3D=socialflow-twitter-africa&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic) Tunisia’s surging debt. He plans to borrow [7 billion dinars](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-12-02/tunisia-looks-to-central-bank-to-repay-debt-as-economy-flails?utm_content=africa&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&cmpid%3D=socialflow-twitter-africa&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic) ($2.2 billion), equal to about [28%](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-12-02/tunisia-looks-to-central-bank-to-repay-debt-as-economy-flails?utm_content=africa&utm_source=twitter&utm_medium=social&cmpid%3D=socialflow-twitter-africa&utm_campaign=socialflow-organic) of the central bank’s foreign currency reserves. This move could increase inflation in an already struggling economy where unemployment exceeds [16%](https://www.africanews.com/2024/10/11/the-economy-the-challenge-of-kais-saieds-second-term-business-africa/), supermarket shelves run empty, and water shortages threaten families' livelihoods. Saied’s unrelenting consolidation of power — including shutting down parliament, arresting opposition leaders, and controlling the judiciary — has stalled any meaningful way for people to push back and protest the disastrous state-led economic policies.
#### **India | RBI Pushes Banks to Re-KYC Customers**
The Reserve Bank of India is [urging](https://www.moneylife.in/article/rbi-asks-banks-to-enable-seamless-kyc-updation-urgently-bring-down-number-of-inoperative-or-frozen-accounts/75768.html) regional banks to carry out re-KYC (Know-Your-Customer) verifications. Stringent KYC requirements and mandatory periodic updates have caused many citizens to lose access to their bank accounts. Despite [repeatedly](https://www.moneylife.in/article/kyc-nightmare-how-banks-are-asking-for-rekycs-illegally-and-in-the-process-collecting-additional-data-from-customers/75585.html) submitting their personal information to be compliant, numerous account holders continue to be locked out due to delays, errors, and overreaching requirements. Moreover, [reports](https://www.moneylife.in/article/kyc-nightmare-how-banks-are-asking-for-rekycs-illegally-and-in-the-process-collecting-additional-data-from-customers/75585.html) indicate that banks have exploited the KYC process to collect additional data from account holders for third-party marketing.
#### **Kenya | Reinstates Tax Measures that Ignited Nationwide Protests**
Kenya’s lawmakers have [reinstated](https://archive.ph/C7epi) controversial tax measures that previously triggered nationwide [protests](https://archive.ph/C7epi), claiming more than 60 lives. The National Treasury, navigating escalating debts and revenue shortfalls, repackaged the taxes into [three bills](https://archive.ph/C7epi) approved by the National Assembly. These include higher import taxes, a “top-up” tax for multinational companies, and levies on foreign firms operating via digital platforms — all part of Kenya’s “austerity” commitments to the International Monetary Fund (IMF). The reinstatement of these taxes risks reigniting public unrest and inflation, while the growing reliance on the IMF calls into question the autonomy and financial resilience of both the government and ordinary citizens.
#### **Vietnam | Social Media Platforms Censor Anti-State Content**
Over the past year, Facebook, Google, and TikTok [complied](https://www.rfa.org/english/vietnam/2024/12/02/vietnam-social-media-censorship/) with more than 90% of the Communist Party of Vietnam’s (CPV) requests to censor over 15,000 pieces of “anti-state” content. This censorship [aligns](https://www.vietnam-briefing.com/news/vietnams-new-internet-regulation-decree-147-2024.html/) with [Decree 147](https://www.rfa.org/english/vietnam/2024/11/26/decree-147-internet-regulation/), a law passed by the CPV to tighten control over social networks and the Internet. Amnesty International [condemned](https://www.rfa.org/english/vietnam/2024/12/02/vietnam-social-media-censorship/) these practices as arbitrary censorship. Adding to the repression, Decree 147 requires organizations to share data with authorities without consent in situations deemed critical to “national security.” Such tactics could easily compromise activists and civil society organizations. In these environments, decentralized protocols like Nostr, which allow communication and expression beyond the reach of the state, can play a vital role in upholding citizens' right to free expression.
#### **Cuba | Nationwide Blackout Following Grid Collapse**
Last week, Cuba’s largest electricity producer failed, [plunging](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/cubas-electric-grid-collapses-after-power-plant-failure-2024-12-04/) the island nation into darkness and leaving [millions](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/cubas-electric-grid-collapses-after-power-plant-failure-2024-12-04/) without power. This exemplifies the fragility of Cuba’s electrical grid in a country already battered by currency collapse and fuel shortages. Over the past year, frequent blackouts — some lasting up to 18 hours — have made it prohibitively difficult for families to feed themselves and access basic necessities. The nationwide outage [forced](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/cubas-electric-grid-collapses-after-power-plant-failure-2024-12-04/) schools to close and halted work for millions of Cubans already struggling with food, water, and medicine shortages. While officials scramble to restore power to hospitals and water facilities, this illustrates the shortfalls of a state assuming absolute control over a critical industry, like electricity, and failing to deliver. Such failures ultimately strip citizens — already mired in crisis — of basic rights and essential services.
#### **Eclair | Integrates Support for BOLT 12, Splicing, Liquidity Ads, and On-The-Fly Funding**
[Eclair](https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair), a Lightning Network implementation developed by [ACINQ](https://acinq.co/) (the team behind [Phoenix Wallet](https://phoenix.acinq.co/) and [phoenixd](https://phoenix.acinq.co/server)), [introduced](https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair/releases/tag/v0.11.0) support for [BOLT 12](http://bolt12.org) offers and a host of liquidity management features, including [splicing](https://bitcoinops.org/en/topics/splicing/), [liquidity ads](https://bitcoinops.org/en/topics/liquidity-advertisements/), and [on-the-fly funding](https://github.com/lightning/blips/pull/36). BOLT 12 offers increased receiver privacy and censorship resistance when making payments (as well as helping people receive payments via a static QR code or alphanumeric address), while splicing enables the adjustment of payment channels without interrupting ongoing transactions. Further, liquidity ads and on-the-fly funding make it possible for nodes to buy or sell liquidity when making payments on the Lightning Network. These features improve how people send and receive Bitcoin and manage liquidity when using applications and wallets built with Eclair.
#### **Machankura | Launches Android App**
[Machankura](https://8333.mobi/?mc_cid=61614eb48b&mc_eid=UNIQID), a custodial Lightning wallet in Africa with offline functionality for feature phones, [announced](https://x.com/Machankura8333/status/1864536997311737915) the launch of a [mobile application](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.machankura.android&pli=1) for Android. Leveraging the Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) protocol for sending text messages, Machankura enables Africans to access the Bitcoin network simply by dialing a designated number on a feature phone (or a smartphone without data), facilitating Bitcoin transactions without the need for an Internet connection. Launching a mobile app will make offline Bitcoin transactions available to more individuals, helping democratize Bitcoin access and unlock the full potential of censorship-resistant money across Africa.
#### **Lark | New Command Line Application for USB Hardware Wallets**
[Lark](https://github.com/sparrowwallet/larkapp) is a new command-line application built by Craig Raw, the creator of Sparrow Wallet, designed to interact with USB hardware wallets such as COLDCARD, Ledger, and Trezor. It serves as an alternative to the widely used [HWI](https://github.com/bitcoin-core/HWI) (Hardware Wallet Interface) software library, providing users with a second option to interact with their USB hardware wallets. By improving the resilience of the Bitcoin hardware wallet ecosystem, Lark helps advance financial autonomy and censorship resistance.
#### **WabiSabi | Major Vulnerability in Coinjoin Protocol**
[The Rage](https://www.therage.co/), an independent news publication exposing the risks of financial surveillance, [disclosed](https://www.therage.co/vulnerability-wabisabi-coinjoin/) a major vulnerability in the WabiSabi coinjoin protocol that allows malicious coordinators to compromise user privacy by deanonymizing transactions. Coinjoin is a privacy-enhancing method that combines multiple Bitcoin transactions into one, making it harder to trace individual payments. The vulnerability, which affects popular tools and wallets like Wasabi Wallet, Ginger Wallet, and BTCPay Server’s coinjoin plugin, enables malicious actors to link inputs and outputs during a transaction and expose user financial activity. Developers have released updates to fix the issue, and users are urged to upgrade immediately. Learn more [here](https://www.therage.co/vulnerability-wabisabi-coinjoin/).
#### **OpenSats | Renews Grants for Open Source Bitcoin Projects**
[OpenSats](http://opensats.org), a public nonprofit funding free and open-source Bitcoin software and projects, [renewed](https://opensats.org/blog/renewing-our-commitment-to-bitcoin) grants for nine crucial Bitcoin projects that are expanding financial freedom around the world. Among the recipients is BTCPay Server, an open-source and non-custodial Bitcoin payment processor that enables businesses and nonprofits to easily accept Bitcoin payments. Stratum V2, a protocol that decentralizes Bitcoin mining by enabling nodes to construct their own block templates, also received funding, as well as BitAxe, a project building open-source Bitcoin mining hardware to empower individual miners.
#### **HRF x Pubkey — Shadowy Superheroes: How Bitcoin Core Developers Keep Freedom Money Alive**
In the [latest](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAgUI03MnpE) [HRF x Pubkey Freedom Tech Series](https://www.youtube.com/@HRFatPubKey/videos?app=desktop&view=0&sort=dd&shelf_id=2&mc_cid=43f944f8ec&mc_eid=UNIQID), HRF’s Bitcoin Development Lead, Alex Li, sits down for a fireside conversation with Bitcoin Core maintainer Gloria Zhao. Together, they discuss the crucial role of censorship-resistant payments in preserving financial freedom and the challenges Bitcoin faces in a world increasingly hostile toward decentralized systems. Zhao shares her journey of choosing open-source, grant-funded development over corporate opportunities, showcasing her commitment to keeping Bitcoin permissionless, secure, and free from centralized control. Listen to the full conversation [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tAgUI03MnpE).
#### **Downgrading the Bank Secrecy Act is a Powerful Reform for Bitcoin by Yaël**
#### **Ossowski**
In this [article](https://www.btcpolicy.org/articles/downgrading-the-bank-secrecy-act-is-a-powerful-reform-for-bitcoin) for the [Bitcoin Policy Institute](https://www.btcpolicy.org/), [Yaël Ossowski](https://x.com/YaelOss) reveals how policies like the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) impose financial surveillance that stifles innovation, erodes citizens’ privacy, and impacts Bitcoin’s potential as a tool for financial freedom. Highlighting enforcement actions against non-custodial Bitcoin tools and privacy software, the article makes a compelling case for the growing threat current regulations pose to decentralized and privacy-centric technologies. This is a helpful article for anyone seeking to understand the nuanced nature of financial privacy. You can read it [here](https://www.btcpolicy.org/articles/downgrading-the-bank-secrecy-act-is-a-powerful-reform-for-bitcoin).
*If this article was forwarded to you and you enjoyed reading it, please consider subscribing to the Financial Freedom Report [here](https://mailchi.mp/hrf.org/financial-freedom-newsletter?mc_cid=bf652c0a5a).*
*Support the newsletter by donating bitcoin to HRF’s Financial Freedom program [via BTCPay](https://hrf.org/btc).*
*Want to contribute to the newsletter? Submit tips, stories, news, and ideas by emailing us at ffreport @ hrf.org*
*The Bitcoin Development Fund (BDF) is accepting grant proposals on an ongoing basis. The Bitcoin Development Fund is looking to support Bitcoin developers, community builders, and educators. Submit proposals [here](https://forms.monday.com/forms/57019f8829449d9e729d9e3545a237ea?r=use1)*.
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[**Support our work**](https://hrf.org/btc?mc_cid=39c1c9b7e8&mc_eid=778e9876e3)
[**Visit our website**](https://hrf.org/programs/financial-freedom/)
@ e968e50b:db2a803a
2024-12-12 14:44:30
Yesterday, I paid my months car payment in bitcoin for the first time ever. I was so psyched that it actually worked that I frantically ripped open SN and spewed forth this post: https://stacker.news/items/804931 Little did I know, (but of course realized later) @j7hB75 had actually just a handful of hours earlier written this thoughtful analysis of the program: https://stacker.news/items/804386 You should check it out for a less spazzed-out take on the service.
Anyway, I said that I'd follow up on how different what I expected it would cost (493,555 sats) and what it actually cost. Well I got an email from Strike at 12:15 this morning and the difference is...drum roll...
192 sats
That's right! I would have had to sell 493,555 sats to get $493.89 for my car loan payment and then either wait three days or pay an additional instant transfer fee. Instead, I spent 493,747 and my bill was paid instantly.
Now, when I go into the Strike app and look at the transaction in my history, it says that they included a $3.93 fee, so it sound like I did just get kind of lucky with some accidental arbitrage. That being said, this is the exact fee level I would have had to pay to sell the bitcoin anyway, so all in all, this makes the bitcoin-maxi life WAY more easy for Americans.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/806470
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-12-12 14:07:29
We knew our party would take losses this round, but no one expect such a massacre.
Legendary Knicks villain Trae Young eliminated them from the tournament, and consequently @realBitcoinDog, @siggy47, and myself were made the fools for believing in them.
After an epic battle, @Carresan and @supercyclone prevailed over @gnilma, when the Rockets barely pulled off a win over the Warriors.
That gets us down to three contestants: @grayruby, @supercyclone, and @Carresan.
I'll do the semifinals picks post later today and dive into some of the scenarios.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/806387
@ 0861144c:e68a1caf
2024-12-12 12:15:49
We’re around the USD 100,000 mark, and many promises are made in this context as newbies enter our beautiful, clunky, and anarchic system that allows us to escape the overlapped monopoly of monetary policy. A few days ago, I had a conversation with a friend who came to me excited with ideas about trading, crypto, web3, and a very long list of things we could do to make the world a better place.
Forgive me for not being too optimistic about these things. While I deeply admire people who build new projects in search of innovation, there are things that have been overhyped by the unnecessary noise of nascent marketing on social media.
With Donald Trump at the forefront and his promises of creating strategic reserves, people focused on their portfolios but forgot Bitcoin’s purpose and what it truly serves. So, to bring everyone back to the same page, I sent my friend a two-slide presentation accompanied by a three-minute audio clip.
In that same audio, I told him (more or less in these words) the following:
Let me explain this quickly:
- **Bitcoin can’t make your life better** because doing so would require a change on your part, which, whether or not you own satoshis, has nothing to do with money.
- **Bitcoin doesn’t help you evade taxes.** A well-known saying goes: nothing is certain except death and taxes. As long as there is a government institution, there will always be taxes, and Bitcoin won’t destroy that social relationship regardless of what name it’s given.
- **Bitcoin doesn’t prevent cancer.** It might help you raise money for treatment, but that’s about it.
- **Bitcoin doesn’t destroy banks.** Let’s recall Satoshi Nakamoto’s words in the original whitepaper, where at no point is the destruction of anything proposed—it simply offers a viable alternative to no longer depend on institutions. In fact, today, we have banks exposing their clients to Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
- **Bitcoin doesn’t make you (bi)millionaire.** Ironically, Bitcoin’s function to protect us from inflation through its salability in time and space makes our money “worth more,” but it’s not because we’ve earned interest—it’s because other currencies lose value relative to Bitcoin.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/c97d404672fcef03b2720da8ce3a9e6c05647095d9d0c56690a61b4fc4d97628.png">
- **Bitcoin won’t create strong governments.** Let’s assume the U.S. enacts some reform and turns Bitcoin into a “strategic reserve.” The problem has never been the money; it’s the institutions that have destroyed monetary policies over time.
- **Bitcoin doesn’t overthrow governments.** Governments overthrow themselves. We, with our self-custodied satoshis, watch from a privileged balcony as those who continue playing with an obsolete system—which we’ve pointed out countless times—called us crazy. Now that we’re protected, the government says inflation has a multi-systemic cause and that it’s not entirely their fault.
- **Bitcoin doesn’t prevent wars.** In fact, during wars, it’s often better to pay with Bitcoin, as demonstrated in Ukraine, where Bitcoiners, shitcoiners, and others raised funds for weapons. Bitcoin is money that can be used in war and peace alike. It’s a protocol/money that doesn’t distinguish between the two.
### NOW THEN...
**What can we do with Bitcoin?**
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/2f35e4cbbc5e8fc6df55a3a87e47de66967a4b831cc6b6f1423ced33dd21b8fe.png">
First, let’s understand that the main role of miners, nodes, traders, friends, and foes is to safeguard two things:
1. That there is never double-spending. The Byzantine Generals’ Problem was cleverly solved by Nakamoto, ensuring that everyone has access to the same information.
2. That there will only ever be 21,000,000 bitcoins. Each of us constantly monitors this rule to ensure it holds true.
With this certainty, we can start building our future as doctors, engineers, writers, musicians, and so on. We no longer need to worry about whether our money will lose value because Bitcoin, supported by all hard (and soft) sciences, allows for a robust, transparent, and auditable system accessible to anyone with doubts.
By using Bitcoin, you’ve defeated monetary uncertainty. The rest—whether you choose to support animals, North Korea, build shelters, or fight cancer—is entirely in your hands.
**Don’t forget to always smile, support others, and save your satoshis.**
@ 06b7819d:d1d8327c
2024-12-12 11:43:36
The Peano axioms are a set of rules that define the natural numbers (like 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on) in a logical way. Here’s a simplified explanation:
1. There is a first number: There is a number called zero, and it is the starting point for all natural numbers.
2. Each number has a next number: Every number has a unique “successor,” or the number that comes after it (like 1 comes after 0, 2 comes after 1, etc.).
3. Zero is special: Zero is not the “next” number of any other number. This means the sequence of natural numbers doesn’t loop back to zero.
4. No two numbers are the same if they have different successors: If two numbers have the same “next” number, then they must actually be the same number.
5. Patterns hold for all numbers: If something is true for zero, and it stays true when moving from one number to the next, then it must be true for all numbers.
These principles lay the groundwork for understanding and working with the natural numbers systematically.
@ 7ed5bd1c:4caa7587
2024-12-12 08:12:01
# เงินเฟ้อ: ศัตรูที่มองไม่เห็น
เงินเฟ้อเป็นปรากฏการณ์ที่ส่งผลกระทบต่อทุกคนโดยที่เราอาจไม่ทันสังเกต เงิน 10 บาทที่คุณเคยใช้ซื้อข้าวแกงได้หนึ่งจานเมื่อสิบปีก่อน อาจซื้อได้เพียงไข่ดาวหนึ่งฟองในวันนี้ ปรากฏการณ์นี้ไม่ได้เกิดขึ้นอย่างฉับพลัน แต่เป็นกระบวนการที่ค่อย ๆ กัดกินมูลค่าของเงินในกระเป๋าของเราอย่างต่อเนื่อง
## เงินเฟ้อคืออะไร?
เงินเฟ้อคือการเพิ่มขึ้นของราคาสินค้าและบริการในระบบเศรษฐกิจ เมื่อราคาสูงขึ้น คุณสามารถซื้อสินค้าได้น้อยลงด้วยจำนวนเงินเท่าเดิม ตัวอย่างที่ชัดเจนคือราคาของอาหาร น้ำมัน และสินค้าพื้นฐานอื่น ๆ ที่เพิ่มขึ้นเรื่อย ๆ ในช่วงหลายปีที่ผ่านมา
1. **Demand-Pull Inflation**: ความต้องการสินค้าและบริการที่เพิ่มขึ้นเกินกว่าที่ระบบสามารถผลิตได้
2. **Cost-Push Inflation**: ต้นทุนการผลิต เช่น ค่าแรงงานหรือวัตถุดิบที่เพิ่มสูงขึ้น
## เงินเฟ้อส่งผลอย่างไรต่อชีวิตเรา?
1. **มูลค่าการออมลดลง**: การฝากเงินในธนาคารที่มีดอกเบี้ยต่ำกว่าระดับเงินเฟ้อ หมายความว่าเงินของคุณมีค่าลดลงทุกวัน
2. **หนี้สินแพงขึ้น**: หากเงินเฟ้อสูงขึ้นโดยที่รายได้ไม่เพิ่มตาม การชำระหนี้ก็จะยากขึ้นเพราะกำลังซื้อของคุณลดลง
3. **การกระจายรายได้เสียสมดุล**: ผู้ที่ถือสินทรัพย์ที่ปรับตัวตามเงินเฟ้อ เช่น อสังหาริมทรัพย์หรือทองคำ มักได้เปรียบกว่าผู้ที่ไม่มีสินทรัพย์
## Bitcoin กับปัญหาเงินเฟ้อ
Bitcoin ถูกออกแบบมาเพื่อต่อต้านเงินเฟ้อโดยธรรมชาติ เนื่องจากมีการจำกัดปริมาณสูงสุดไว้ที่ 21 ล้านเหรียญ แตกต่างจากเงินตราที่รัฐบาลสามารถพิมพ์เพิ่มได้ไม่จำกัด ความหายากนี้ทำให้ Bitcoin เปรียบเสมือนทองคำดิจิทัลที่รักษามูลค่าในระยะยาว
ยกตัวอย่างการใช้งานจริง ในประเทศที่เผชิญวิกฤตเศรษฐกิจและเงินเฟ้อสูง เช่น เวเนซุเอลาหรือซิมบับเว ประชาชนหันมาใช้ Bitcoin เพื่อปกป้องมูลค่าของทรัพย์สิน เนื่องจากเงินสกุลท้องถิ่นสูญเสียมูลค่าอย่างรวดเร็ว
1. กระจายการลงทุน: ลงทุนในสินทรัพย์ที่สามารถรักษามูลค่า เช่น ทองคำ หรือ Bitcoin
2. ติดตามอัตราเงินเฟ้อ: ศึกษาและติดตามการเปลี่ยนแปลงของเศรษฐกิจและนโยบายการเงิน
3. เพิ่มความรู้ทางการเงิน: เข้าใจว่าการลงทุนในสินทรัพย์ต่าง ๆ ช่วยลดผลกระทบของเงินเฟ้อได้อย่างไร
## สรุป
เงินเฟ้อเป็นศัตรูที่มองไม่เห็น แต่ส่งผลกระทบต่อเราทุกคนโดยตรง การเข้าใจปัญหาเงินเฟ้อและเรียนรู้วิธีป้องกันตัวเองเป็นสิ่งสำคัญ หากคุณมองหาโซลูชันที่ยั่งยืน การสำรวจ Bitcoin อาจเป็นหนึ่งในวิธีที่จะช่วยรักษามูลค่าทรัพย์สินในระยะยาว
แล้วคุณล่ะ คิดว่าการออมเงินในปัจจุบันเพียงพอที่จะต่อกรกับเงินเฟ้อได้หรือไม่? แสดงความคิดเห็นของคุณได้เลย!
@ 7ed5bd1c:4caa7587
2024-12-12 08:11:00
# ระบบเงินตรา: เกมที่ผู้เล่นไม่เคยรู้กฎ
ระบบเงินตราในปัจจุบันเป็นสิ่งที่เราใช้ในชีวิตประจำวันโดยแทบไม่ตั้งคำถาม คุณเคยสงสัยไหมว่าเงินที่คุณใช้มีที่มาที่ไปอย่างไร ใครเป็นคนกำหนดมูลค่า และทำไมบางครั้งมันถึงดูเหมือนไร้เสถียรภาพ? วันนี้เราจะมาวิเคราะห์ถึงปัญหาและข้อจำกัดของระบบเงินตราแบบดั้งเดิม ที่หลายคนอาจไม่เคยนึกถึง
## เงินตราสมัยใหม่คืออะไร?
เงินตราสมัยใหม่ หรือที่เรียกว่า Fiat Money คือเงินที่รัฐบาลเป็นผู้กำหนดมูลค่าโดยไม่ต้องมีสินทรัพย์สำรอง เช่น ทองคำ มาหนุนหลัง ต่างจากในอดีตที่เงินต้องมีทองคำค้ำประกันเพื่อสร้างความมั่นใจให้กับประชาชน
## ปัญหาของระบบ Fiat Money:
1. **พิมพ์เงินไม่จำกัด**: รัฐบาลและธนาคารกลางสามารถสร้างเงินใหม่ได้ตามต้องการ สิ่งนี้ทำให้เกิดเงินเฟ้อและลดค่าของเงินที่ประชาชนถืออยู่
2. **การควบคุมโดยคนกลุ่มน้อย**: ธนาคารกลางและรัฐบาลมีอำนาจในการตัดสินใจเกี่ยวกับนโยบายการเงิน โดยที่ประชาชนส่วนใหญ่ไม่มีส่วนร่วม
3. **หนี้สินระดับโลก**: ระบบเงินตราปัจจุบันขึ้นอยู่กับการกู้ยืม เมื่อทุกประเทศมีหนี้สะสมสูง สิ่งนี้ส่งผลให้เศรษฐกิจโลกเสี่ยงต่อความไม่เสถียร
## Bitcoin เปลี่ยนเกมอย่างไร?
Bitcoin ไม่ได้ถูกควบคุมโดยรัฐบาลหรือธนาคารกลาง แต่ดำเนินการผ่านระบบกระจายศูนย์ (decentralized system) โดยมีโปรแกรมคอมพิวเตอร์ที่เรียกว่า blockchain เป็นตัวกำหนดกฎเกณฑ์อย่างโปร่งใส
### ความแตกต่างสำคัญ:
1. **จำนวนจำกัด**: Bitcoin มีจำนวนจำกัดที่ 21 ล้านเหรียญ หมายความว่ามันไม่สามารถถูกผลิตเพิ่มได้ตามใจชอบ
2. **โปร่งใส**: ทุกธุรกรรมถูกบันทึกใน blockchain ซึ่งทุกคนสามารถตรวจสอบได้
3. **ไม่มีคนกลาง**: การโอน Bitcoin ไม่ต้องพึ่งพาธนาคาร ทำให้ลดค่าธรรมเนียมและเพิ่มความเร็วในการทำธุรกรรม
## ตัวอย่างปัญหาในโลกจริง
ในปี 2008 วิกฤตเศรษฐกิจโลกเปิดเผยความเปราะบางของระบบการเงิน Fiat Money ธนาคารหลายแห่งล้มละลาย ผู้คนสูญเสียเงินออม และรัฐบาลต้องพิมพ์เงินจำนวนมหาศาลเพื่อพยุงเศรษฐกิจ สิ่งนี้ทำให้ผู้คนเริ่มมองหาทางเลือกอื่นที่ปลอดภัยและยั่งยืนกว่า
Bitcoin ถูกสร้างขึ้นในปีเดียวกัน โดยมีเป้าหมายเพื่อเป็นระบบการเงินที่ไม่ต้องพึ่งพาคนกลางและไม่เสี่ยงต่อการล้มละลายเหมือนธนาคาร
## คุณมีทางเลือก
หากระบบเงินตราปัจจุบันเป็นเหมือนเกมที่คุณไม่เคยรู้กฎ Bitcoin คือโอกาสให้คุณเป็นผู้เล่นที่เข้าใจกติกาอย่างแท้จริง การเลือกที่จะศึกษาและเข้าใจ Bitcoin อาจเป็นก้าวแรกในการปกป้องทรัพย์สินของคุณในโลกที่ระบบการเงินกำลังเผชิญความท้าทาย
แล้วคุณล่ะ พร้อมที่จะทำความเข้าใจกติกาใหม่ของเกมนี้หรือยัง? มาแลกเปลี่ยนความคิดเห็นกัน!
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2024-12-12 07:30:09
**Table Of Content**
- The Anticipated Halving Event: A Catalyst for Growth
- The Power of the Bitcoin ETF: Driving Demand
- Global Economic Shifts: The BRICS and SCO Connection
- Regulatory Challenges: The Ripple-XRP Case
- Conclusion
Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, has seen its fair share of ups and downs since its inception. From being dismissed as a mere fad to becoming a globally recognized financial asset, its journey has been nothing short of remarkable. Now, with Fundstrat's recent prediction of Bitcoin potentially reaching a staggering $180,000 by 2024, the crypto community is buzzing with excitement. Let's delve into the reasons behind this bold forecast.
**The Anticipated Halving Event: A Catalyst for Growth**
Every four years, Bitcoin undergoes a significant event known as "halving." This event sees the rewards for mining new blocks cut in half, effectively reducing the rate at which new bitcoins are introduced into the market. Historically, these halvings have been pivotal moments for Bitcoin's price trajectory.
The logic behind the price surge post-halving is relatively straightforward: as the rewards for mining decrease, the supply of new bitcoins entering the market slows down. If demand remains constant or increases, this reduced supply can lead to upward pressure on the price. The previous halvings in 2012, 2016, and 2020 have all been followed by substantial bull runs, solidifying the belief in this pattern among many investors.
Fundstrat's prediction takes this historical context into account. With the next halving event scheduled for April 2024, there's a growing anticipation of another significant price rally. If past patterns hold true, and with the added dynamics of increased institutional interest and broader mainstream acceptance, Bitcoin's journey to $180,000 seems not just possible, but plausible.
**The Power of the Bitcoin ETF: Driving Demand**
The concept of a Bitcoin ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) has been a topic of discussion and anticipation in the crypto community for years. An ETF would essentially track the price of Bitcoin, allowing investors to buy shares of the ETF rather than owning Bitcoin directly. This structure provides a more familiar and regulated way for institutional investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin's price movements without the complexities and security concerns of direct cryptocurrency ownership.
Fundstrat believes that the approval of a Bitcoin ETF could be a game-changer. Historically, the introduction of ETFs for other assets has often led to increased liquidity and demand for the underlying asset. For instance, the introduction of gold ETFs provided a significant boost to the gold market, making it more accessible to a broader range of investors.
With a Bitcoin ETF, institutional investors, who might have been previously hesitant due to the perceived risks and complexities associated with cryptocurrency, would have a more straightforward avenue to invest. This could lead to a massive influx of capital into the Bitcoin market. As these large-scale investors enter the scene, the demand for Bitcoin could skyrocket, driving up its price significantly. Fundstrat's projection of a 521% price hike takes into account this potential surge in demand, underlining the transformative power a Bitcoin ETF could have on the market.
**Global Economic Shifts: The BRICS and SCO Connection**
While not directly related to Bitcoin's price, it's essential to understand the global economic landscape. An Indian analyst has posited that World War III has already begun in the form of economic and digital warfare. He anticipates a merger between the BRICS economic bloc (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) and the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Such a merger could reshape global economic dynamics, potentially influencing Bitcoin's role as a decentralized currency.
**Regulatory Challenges: The Ripple-XRP Case**
The crypto world isn't just about bullish predictions; it's also about navigating the complex regulatory landscape. The U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) is currently seeking permission to appeal a ruling in the SEC v. Ripple case over XRP. While this might seem unrelated to Bitcoin, it underscores the importance of regulatory clarity for the entire crypto industry. A favorable outcome for Ripple could set a precedent for other cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin, fostering a more conducive environment for growth.
While predictions are just that – predictions, the factors outlined by Fundstrat and the broader global economic context provide compelling reasons to be optimistic about Bitcoin's future. Only time will tell if Bitcoin will indeed touch the $180,000 mark, but one thing is certain: the journey will be an exciting one to watch.
**What is the Bitcoin halving event?**
The Bitcoin halving is an event where the rewards for mining new blocks are cut in half, reducing the rate of new bitcoins entering the market.
**Why does Fundstrat believe Bitcoin will reach $180,000 by 2024?**
Fundstrat's prediction is based on historical price patterns around halving events and the potential approval of a Bitcoin ETF, which could drive significant demand.
**What is a Bitcoin ETF?**
A Bitcoin ETF (Exchange Traded Fund) tracks the price of Bitcoin, allowing investors to buy shares of the ETF instead of owning Bitcoin directly, providing a more regulated way to invest in Bitcoin's price movements.
**How does the halving impact Bitcoin's price?**
Historically, halvings have led to price surges due to reduced supply of new bitcoins. If demand remains constant or increases, this can lead to upward price pressure.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ d5c3d063:4d1159b3
2024-12-12 07:13:27
คุณเคยจินตนาการถึงโลกที่ปราศจากรัฐบาลไหม ? โลกที่ปัจเจกบุคคลมีอิสระภาพอย่างแท้จริงในการควบคุมชีวิตและทรัพย์สินของตนเอง โลกที่ตลาดเสรีเป็นตัวกำหนดทุกสิ่งทุกอย่าง และนี่คือหัวใจหลักของแนวคิด “อนาธิปไตยทุนนิยม” (Anarcho-capitalism) ซึ่งเป็นปรัชญาการเมืองที่สนับสนุนการยกเลิกรัฐบาลโดยสิ้นเชิงแล้วแทนที่ด้วยระบบตลาดเสรีอย่างสมบูรณ์
อนาธิปไตยทุนนิยมไม่ได้หมายถึงความโกลาหลบ้านป่าเมืองเถื่อนไร้ระเบียบ แต่มันคือการจัดระเบียบสังคมด้วยกลไกตลาดที่ขับเคลื่อนด้วยแรงจูงใจของปัจเจกบุคคล
หลักการสำคัญของอนาธิปไตยทุนนิยม มีดังนี้
- อธิปไตยของปัจเจกบุคคล - ทุกคนมีสิทธิในร่างกายและทรัพย์สินของตนเองอย่างสมบูรณ์ สามารถตัดสินใจและจัดการกับชีวิตและทรัพย์สินได้อย่างอิสระ ไม่มีใครมีสิทธิ์มาบังคับหรือแทรกแซง
- ตลาดเสรีไร้การควบคุม - กลไกตลาด อุปสงค์และอุปทาน จะเป็นตัวกำหนดทุกสิ่งทุกอย่างในสังคม ตั้งแต่สินค้าและบริการไปจนถึงระบบยุติธรรมและการรักษาความปลอดภัย
- ความปลอดภัยจากภาคเอกชน - การรักษาความปลอดภัยและระบบยุติธรรมจะถูกจัดการโดยบริษัทเอกชนที่แข่งขันกันในตลาดเสรี นำเสนอบริการที่หลากหลายและมีประสิทธิภาพเพื่อตอบสนองความต้องการของลูกค้า
- สันติภาพไร้สงคราม - อนาธิปไตยทุนนิยมมองว่ารัฐบาลคือต้นเหตุของสงครามและความรุนแรง การไม่มีรัฐบาลจึงหมายถึงการลดความขัดแย้งและนำไปสู่สันติภาพ
แล้วแนวคิดที่ดูเหมือนจะสุดโต่งเช่นนี้ จะใช้งานได้จริงๆ หรือ ? นักคิดคนสำคัญของอนาธิปไตยทุนนิยมอย่าง Murray Rothbard เชื่อมั่นว่ามันไม่เพียงใช้งานได้ แต่ยังเป็นระบบที่จะนำไปสู่สังคมที่เจริญรุ่งเรือง ยุติธรรมและมีความสุขอย่างแท้จริง Rothbard มองว่ารัฐบาลเป็นอุปสรรคต่อความก้าวหน้าของมนุษย์ และสนับสนุนให้มีการโอนกิจกรรมต่าง ๆ ที่รัฐบาลเคยรับผิดชอบ เช่น การศึกษา การรักษาพยาบาล และการรักษาความปลอดภัย ไปให้ภาคเอกชนจัดการแทน
ในบริบทนี้เอง “บิตคอยน์” ได้เข้ามามีบทบาทสำคัญในฐานะเครื่องมือที่ช่วยสนับสนุนแนวคิดอนาธิปไตยทุนนิยมและลดทอนอำนาจรัฐ บิตคอยน์เป็นระบบการเงินแบบกระจายศูนย์ที่อยู่นอกเหนือการควบคุมของรัฐบาลหรือสถาบันการเงินใด ๆ มันช่วยให้บุคคลสามารถควบคุมทรัพย์สินของตนเองได้อย่างอิสระ ส่งและรับเงินได้โดยไม่ต้องผ่านตัวกลาง และไม่ต้องกังวลว่ารัฐบาลจะอายัดหรือลดค่าเงิน
และด้วยคุณสมบัติ "เงินสร้างยาก" ของบิตคอยน์ที่มีปริมาณจำกัดและยากต่อการเพิ่มปริมาณนั้นยังสอดคล้องกับแนวคิดเศรษฐศาสตร์สำนักออสเตรียน ซึ่งมองว่าการควบคุมปริมาณเงินโดยรัฐบาลเป็นต้นเหตุของปัญหาเศรษฐกิจมากมาย
อย่างไรก็ตาม Rothbard มองว่าการเปลี่ยนแปลงแบบฉับพลันเป็นเรื่องยากในทางปฏิบัติ แต่เขาก็ย้ำว่า การสนับสนุนแนวทาง "ค่อยเป็นค่อยไป" แบบเลื่อนลอยหรือที่เขาเรียกว่า "right-wing opportunism" นั้นเป็นอันตรายเพราะจะทำให้เราหลงทางและลืมเป้าหมายสูงสุดของ libertarian เขาเชื่อว่าการยึดมั่นในหลักการและการสื่อสารที่ชัดเจนจะช่วยให้ผู้คนได้ตื่นขึ้น ดึงดูดให้เข้าร่วมการเคลื่อนไหวของ libertarian ได้มากขึ้น และสำหรับซุปหากเราศึกษาประวัติศาสตร์โดยไม่คิดวิเคราะห์หรือเข้าใจบริบทของเครื่องมือในยุคของ Rothbard เข้ากับเครื่องมือและเทคโนโลยีที่เรามีในตอนนี้ ซุปเองก็มองว่าบิตคอยน์เป็นก้าวสำคัญในการขับเคลื่อนสังคมไปในทิศทางที่ Rothbard กล่าว เพราะบิตคอยน์เป็นเครื่องมือที่ช่วยให้ผู้คนสามารถหลีกเลี่ยงการควบคุมของรัฐบาลในด้านการเงิน และเป็นแรงผลักดันให้เกิดการตั้งคำถามถึงบทบาทของรัฐบาลในด้านอื่น ๆ
แม้ Anarcho-capitalism จะยังเป็นแนวคิดที่ถกเถียงกันอยู่ แต่การเกิดขึ้นของบิตคอยน์ ก็เรียกได้ว่ามันได้จุดประกายให้เราหันกลับมาทบทวนตั้งคำถามถึงบทบาทของรัฐบาล และความเป็นไปได้ของสังคมเสรีที่แท้จริงอีกครั้ง บิตคอยน์มันเป็นการปฏิวัติทางความคิดเป็นเทคโนโลยีที่จะเปลี่ยนโฉมหน้าของสังคมมนุษย์ไปตลอดกาล
#Siamstr #AnarchoCapitalism #libertarian #บิตคอยน์
@ 30e902b3:49c066b2
2024-12-12 06:10:43
Año 1
Capitulo 2
Nota 1
Así son las cosas del aveloriado. Tengo que aprender en que momento sentarme a escribir. Por ahora cuando lo hago, sentarme a escribir, ya olvidé lo que más ve motivó durante esta velada. Cosas del alma. Del almanaque.
Y si bien por estos lares
Me atrevo a relajarme un poco y dejar que el homo sapiens que nací se acostumbre al mundo actual.
Sin entrar en más detalles al tema de hoy que es; son; los sabores. Y no se trata de una publicidad oculta a no ser quieras probar un cono helado de mierda batida.
Y no. No es escatológico. Estos son pensamientos escritos. Si prefieres que tu mente los interprete con sensaciones aprendidas allá tú. Yo me refiero a pensamientos.
Y ahí ya está implícita la presentación de la cuestión.
Como le explicamos a la I.A., a un ET, o al invitado que nunca probó lo que le ofreces a que sabe el zumo de manzana?
Y el de uva?
Pero... y el vino?
Y se complica cuando del vino pasamos al vinagre.
Y espero algún día alguien lea esto y sepa explicarme, entendible, de que va esta especie humana donde unos aman el picante extremo.
Y ni hablar de lo que nos afecta la vista. Como si te anestesiaran la lengua. Vas a sentir lo que se me ocurra pueda ser esto que veo y no conozco. Y terminás vomitando porque te dijeron que las palomitas de maíz eran pulmones de angelitos.
Lee un poco sobre la vista humana y otro poco de interpretación neurológica de los sentidos y verás que no todo lo que brilla es oro.
Por eso la vela. Porque para entender e interpretar la realidad, necesito volver a mi caverna y atar cabos entre lo que vivo y lo que aprendí de sus sombras, de la vela.
A modo de disclaimer: por mer, la mierda. Del helado (el cono). Si la mierda no está dura, es de perro (es uno de los animales de más fácil acceso para la mayoría, al menos a su mierda), y éste está alimentado (Condición necesaria para que el animal produzca heces), puede mezclarse o bien usar una licuadora hasta conseguir buena consistencia cremosa. Su sirve cuidadosamente en el sorbete, vaso o recipiente elegido dándole la forma y estética que la finalidad busque. Una buena foto y vende mucho como chocolate, menta, marroc y muchos otros sabores que dependerán de la imaginación del publicista y la alimentación del animal.
Tip: Si puede conseguir caca de diferentes animales logrará ampliar su catálogo.
Puede también reemplazar la caca por sangre coagulada.
El resultado es el mismo. Asco para muchos. Un bocado de moronga para otros.
Es muy loco como hasta los sabores nos los han programado.
Tendría unos 15 años cuando fui a una acampada. A media tarde aparece uno con un pulpo colgando.
Eran anguilas según él, y no tentáculos. Short story: sangre, tripas y este tipo por la noche planta un plato en la mesa con algo parecido a pollo frito.
"Las anguilas" Dice. -"aprovechen que se enfría rápido"
No se cuanto tiempo paso o quien ganó la discusión de cejas y miradas.
Dale vos. Ni que me pague. Vos lo trajiste. Yo que sabía? No fuiste a pescar acaso?
Hasta que un valiente clavó el diente. No puedo saber hoy a que sabían. Mucho menos explicarlo o compararlo. Solo recuerdo que esa noche, iluminado también por una vela, la comida fue excelente.
No rica, fea, sana, ecológica, política o religiosamente correcta.
Y tú? Que sabór le ganó a tu vista? Que sabor nos explicas?
@ e1d968f7:5d90f764
2024-12-12 06:06:12
Escorting is as much a mental game as it is a physical and emotional one. Behind the glamorous facade lies a demanding profession that requires mental fortitude to navigate the complexities of client relationships, societal judgments, and personal boundaries.
### **Resilience in the Face of Stigma**
Society often paints escorts with a broad, unfair brush. Navigating this stigma demands mental resilience.
- **Owning my story:** I’ve learned to embrace my choice of work without shame, focusing on the positives it brings to my life.
- **Filtering opinions:** Not everyone will understand or approve, and that’s okay. I prioritise the voices that uplift and support me.
### **Managing Emotional Labour**
Every booking comes with its own emotional weight—sometimes light and joyful, other times challenging or draining.
- **Balancing empathy and detachment:** I strive to be present and empathetic without overinvesting emotionally.
- **Processing interactions:** After intense bookings, I take time to reflect and decompress, whether through journaling, meditation, or simply relaxing.
### **Setting and Enforcing Boundaries**
Boundaries are essential for protecting my mental well-being, but enforcing them requires confidence and mental strength.
- **Saying no:** Turning down clients or situations that feel wrong is empowering but can also be intimidating.
- **Communicating clearly:** I ensure my boundaries are understood upfront, which helps avoid misunderstandings later.
### **The Pressure of Perception**
Many clients come with expectations—of how I’ll look, act, or engage with them. Managing these pressures while staying true to myself is a delicate balancing act.
- **Confidence is key:** I remind myself that I’m enough, just as I am.
- **Staying authentic:** I focus on creating genuine connections rather than trying to fit a specific mould.
### **Staying Mentally Sharp**
Escorting involves constant mental agility: remembering client preferences, reading body language, and adapting to different personalities and situations.
- **Preparation matters:** I review client details and prepare mentally for each booking.
- **Continuous learning:** Every interaction teaches me something new about people and myself.
### **The Takeaway**
Escorting isn’t just about physical labour; it’s a profession that demands mental strength, resilience, and adaptability. By focusing on self-awareness, setting boundaries, and embracing my unique journey, I’m able to navigate the challenges with grace and determination.
Rebecca x
@ 84b0c46a:417782f5
2024-12-12 05:15:07
@ 88d8c9d1:5b3ac02b
2024-12-12 02:39:25
This article was first [published](https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/how-bitcoin-can-save-political-dissidents-in-myanmar)on Bitcoin Magazine at June 9, 2023.
As the 2024 U.S. Presidential election campaign kicked off, one of the candidates, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., took to Twitter to express his support for Bitcoin. In a tweet, he stated that “Bitcoin has been a lifesaver for people’s movements around the world, particularly in Burma.”
Myanmar, also known as [Burma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Myanmar), is a country located in Southeast Asia, bordering China, India, Thailand, Laos and Bangladesh. The country has stunning natural beauty, including untouched beaches, vast forests and a rich culture of Buddhism. Despite these attractions, Myanmar [has been tortured by the world's longest civil war](https://digitalcollections.sit.edu/capstones/2603/), which has been ongoing for more than 70 years, since it achieved [independence in 1945](https://asiangeo.com/articles/the-road-to-independence-burma-1945-1962/). The country has also experienced multiple military coups throughout its history, leading to political instability and economic turmoil. Additionally, [the government has a history of demonetizing the local currency](https://rpl.hds.harvard.edu/religion-context/country-profiles/myanmar/economic-policies-and-ideologies), and there have been frequent banking crises.
One of Myanmar's most notable instances of demonetization occurred in 1987, leading to the historic "8888 Uprising." On September 5, 1987, the military dictator Ne Win [announced the demonetization of Myanmar's 25, 35, and 75 kyat notes](https://www.latimes.com/archives/la-xpm-1987-09-12-mn-1980-story.html) without providing prior notice or replacing them for citizens. At that time, these notes accounted for [80% of the circulation in the economy.](https://www.irrawaddy.com/specials/on-this-day/day-three-myanmar-banknotes-suddenly-became-worthless.html) Previous demonetization efforts in 1964 and 1985 had [compensated noteholders](https://www.irrawaddy.com/specials/on-this-day/day-three-myanmar-banknotes-suddenly-became-worthless.html), making this move in 1987 especially unexpected and devastating for the people of Myanmar. The choice to demonetize these particular, odd denominations sparked significant speculation, as they were believed to hold special status. It is widely held that Ne Win, who was highly superstitious, considered these numbers to be propitious both for the country and himself on a personal level.
Myanmar's transformation era commenced [with the visit of U.S. President Barack Obama to the country in 2012](https://www.reuters.com/article/us-asia-obama-myanmar/obama-offers-praise-pressure-on-historic-myanmar-trip-idUSBRE8AI04320121119), followed by its [first civilian election in 2015](https://www.cnn.com/2015/11/11/asia/myanmar-elections/index.html), which marked a significant milestone in the country's path toward democracy. However, the [2021 Myanmar military coup](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2021_Myanmar_coup_d%27%C3%A9tat) has set the country back by a decade. The military's seizure of power in February 2021 has sparked widespread protests and violence across the country, with thousands of people taking to the streets to demand the release of detained political leaders, including the [State Counselor Aung San Suu Kyi and President U Win Myint](https://www.aljazeera.com/news/2023/2/1/timeline-two-years-since-the-myanmar-military-coup) and the restoration of democracy.
But following the military coup in February 2021, the military has brutally cracked down on civilians who are protesting against the regime. [Reports indicate](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-57380237) that the military has resorted to extreme measures to suppress dissent, including shooting protesters on the spot and arresting individuals, some of whom have been found dead the following day. The military junta has also taken steps to silence activists and journalists who have spoken out against the coup on social media by [freezing their bank accounts](https://coconuts.co/yangon/news/myanmar-bank-faces-boycott-after-freezing-accounts-to-block-donations-to-anti-coup-forces/), making it difficult for them to access their funds and personal savings. These actions have led to widespread condemnation from the international community and have raised concerns about the deteriorating human rights situation in Myanmar.
A source from [ANTS](https://www.facebook.com/ANTSforPeople), a group that raises funds for the democracy movement in Myanmar, revealed to me that many of their members and their friends had their bank accounts frozen by the military regime since they started fundraising efforts in October 2021. These efforts have also led to the arrests and questioning of the family members of activists. In response to the situation, a 22-year-old activist from ANTS told me, "To overcome getting their bank accounts frozen, ANTS changed its fundraising strategy to take bank information privately and instruct donors to write online shopping payment in the note section to reduce the risk of exposure."
Assisting resistance groups in Myanmar poses a significant danger for individuals irrespective of social hierarchy. Even a donation of less than $10 to these groups [has led to ten years of prison sentences for some individuals](https://www.rfa.org/english/news/myanmar/prison-terms-04062022170714.html). In one instance, a well-known jeweler in the Mandalay region was arrested for allegedly supporting the resistance, resulting in the seizure of his assets, including properties, businesses and an [astounding 193 tons of raw jade](https://www.irrawaddy.com/news/burma/myanmar-gems-boss-arrested-for-alleged-resistance-support.html) valued at approximately 12 billion kyat (equivalent to roughly $5.7 million).
**Alternatives, But Not Solutions**
Furthermore, the group revealed that they have explored alternative digital payment options such as [NUGPay](https://nugpay.app/), a pilot digital currency platform launched by Myanmar's parallel government, the [National Unity Government (NUG)](https://www.nugmyanmar.org/en/). However, as one of their members explained, "Our donors are hesitant to use the platform because it requires opening a bank account with an agent who is either inside Myanmar or outside of Myanmar. Who can guarantee that it is purely safe for the agent and users in terms of data security? It looks like having a double risk than using the traditional banking system.”
But NUGPay, a digital currency platform built on the [open-source Stellar network](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stellar_(payment_network)#:~:text=Stellar%20is%20an%20open%2Dsource,communicate%20with%20other%20Stellar%20servers.), has faced concerns over data security from many people.
As of May 28, 2023, [the Stellar blockchain had recorded 26,950 trustlines using the platform](https://stellar.expert/explorer/public/asset/DMMK-GDMMKKNI5KTQWFEI57ZTCAPFUJFGQSW5YUN5AJ4O2I25JXEU3IL2DZXD-1?filter=payments). However, the mobile app Exxon Film Investment — which allegedly enticed users with interest-yield incentives — [had managed to scam more than 30,000 people in Myanmar](managed to scam more than 30,000 people in Myanmar), creating a number of users who are now discouraged from exploring digital currencies like Bitcoin that exceeds the entire user base of NUGPay, highlighting the challenges of ensuring the security of digital financial transactions in Myanmar.
"I think from my experience, many local young people still do not believe in the potential of digital currency,” Feliz, the founder of Myan Crypto, a local crypto educational community, told me. “It is still skeptical in our community. Not to mention senior citizens."
He added, "Many people in our community came to the Bitcoin and crypto trading industry because they are kind of rich in cash but they don’t know what to do in this economic fallout."
Regarding NUGPay, Feliz expressed concerns about its limited adoption, saying, "I think the problem of NUGPay is limited adoption. You can’t use it as a currency outside of the revolution group. I think it needs widespread adoption everywhere to make it as an effective currency. Even some people who trade bitcoin and crypto don’t use or hesitate to use the NUGPay due to its limited acceptance. Even (a) user not under military reach doesn’t know what to use NUGPay for other than supporting the resistance.”
**How Bitcoin Can Help Those Resisting The Military In Myanmar**
But Bitcoin could serve as a better alternative for those in Myanmar who are being cut off from traditional banking services or fear currency devaluation.
[Research](https://www.facebook.com/MizzimaDaily/posts/pfbid02E3XzCQ2qoLcGoe5q5Wvnsh2YuSb4QamR49yjB95iqjNE4eeQEwTxA3XaLFTJbB4jl?_rdc=1&_rdr) conducted by the [Bitcoin Myanmar Initiative](https://www.facebook.com/Bitcoin.MM.Initiative/) shows that, while the value of the kyat has fallen by over 35% since the military coup, the price of bitcoin has doubled in the same period. Prior to the coup, the price of 1 BTC was approximately 500 million kyat, but it is hovering around 1 billion kyat on Binance’s peer-to-peer exchange as of this writing.
"We believe that the adoption of bitcoin and other digital currencies in Myanmar will be a gradual process, given the current economic environment and the fragile risk tolerance of the majority of people," a representative of the Bitcoin Myanmar Initiative told me. "However, we see the potential for growth due to the country's previous experiences with technology leapfrogging. With a smartphone penetration rate of 78% and only 36% of the population having a bank account, many people in Myanmar are looking for an alternative to traditional banking. By promoting a form of currency that no one can control, we aim to help people reclaim their property rights in a digital way and unleash themselves from the military regime's monetary policy. We believe that it's just a matter of time before more people in Myanmar recognize the benefits of Bitcoin."
Highlighting another powerful example of how Bitcoin can help those in Myanmar in “[Check Your Financial Privilege](https://store.bitcoinmagazine.com/collections/books/products/check-your-financial-privilege),” author Alex Gladstein wrote that:
*“As a personal example, someone reached out to me at the beginning of the Myanmar revolution in February 2021. They wanted to provide aid to the democracy movement, but the banking system was practically shuttered, and there was no easy way to wire dollars. After doing some digging, we were introduced to an aid worker-turned-activist who was also a Bitcoin user. He could easily accept a donation, save it in BTC, and then sell it on the peer-to-peer markets when he needed to spend the collapsing local kyat currency on goods. An address was sent over Signal, and a gift was made in minutes. No barriers, no middlemen, and no possibility for corruption along the way. It is just one small example, but it is a glimpse of what the future could hold.” *
@ 228dde34:b5d0345e
2024-12-12 02:12:23
### Join JONATHAN TAN as he explores the fascinating history of people sleeping twice in a night, the reasons for its disappearance, and today’s cultural attitudes toward sleep.
After a particularly long autumn day in 1878, a 27-year-old Robert Louis Stevenson, having spent the last twelve days slogging through France’s southern highlands, needed a rest. He set up camp in a small clearing shrouded by pine trees, and after a hearty meal of bread, sausage, and brandy, he climbed into a sleeping bag and dozed off as the sun set.
Instead of sleeping until dawn, however, the weary Stevenson arose from his slumber a little past midnight. He spent the hour awake smoking a cigarette as he stared at the night sky, before returning to sleep.
In his journal, Stevenson wrote an entry reflecting on the mysterious forces that awaken everybody in the middle of the night. “At what inaudible summons, at what gentle touch of Nature, are all these sleepers thus recalled in the same hour to life?”
To me, this journal entry from 1878 came across as an isolated story of one man’s restless night. But, in a scientific journal on the history of sleep, Roger Ekirch, a distinguished professor of history, proposed a more unusual theory: Stevenson’s unusual sleep pattern that night was once a common practice among humans in the past.
“Until the modern era, up to an hour or more of quiet wakefulness midway through the night interrupted the rest of most Western Europeans,” Ekirch argued. In his reference, Ekirch found mentions of sleeping twice a night across various historical sources.
Interestingly, Ekirch’s conclusion begs several questions: How did this sleeping pattern work? Why did people do this? And most importantly, why did we stop?
<small>*Communal Mattresses were the norm in the past, and many people would spend the night snuggled with others. Photo from Getty Images.*</small>
For people living in the 17th Century, a night of sleep usually went like this.
By as early as 9pm, most would begin to lie down onto mattresses in preparation for the first half of their sleep. In those days, most people slept communally; typically sharing a bed with their family, their friends, or sometimes even with strangers.
And after a few hours of rest, people of the past would start to wake up from their slumber. This moment of wakefulness usually occurred some time past midnight, and lasted an hour or so. Interestingly, this collective awakening was not caused by alarms of any kind.
“Although in some descriptions a neighbor’s quarrel or a barking dog woke people prematurely from their initial sleep, the vast weight of surviving evidence indicates that awakening naturally was routine, not the consequence of disturbed or fitful slumber,” Ekirch wrote.
Now, what did people do with this hour of wakefulness? Well, according to Ekirch, many who left their beds merely needed to relieve themselves. The rest who awoke, however, would use this time to tend to their worldly duties.
“For others, work awaited,” Ekirch noted. “The 17th century farmer Henry Best of Elmswell made a point to rise ‘sometimes at midnight’ to prevent the destruction of his fields by roving cattle. In addition to tending children, women left their beds to perform myriad chores… suffice to say, domestic duties knew no bounds.”
<small>*Many criminal activities also took place during twilight hours, such as petty theft and even murder. Photo from Getty Images.* </small>
Most importantly, this period of wakefulness was invaluable for couples living in the past. It was difficult for exhausted couples to spend time together after a long day of manual labour. Thankfully, the first sleep allowed tired partners to get some well-needed rest, and the time afterward was considered ideal for romance and intimacy.
Finally, after spending a couple of hours awake, people would return to sleep; this time, their second rest would typically last until sunrise.
Our sleeping patterns have clearly changed since the 17th Century. This change raises a very important question: Why did we stop sleeping twice a night?
Ekirch’s research noted a gradual abandonment of the two-sleep system around the start of the 19th Century, which he attributed to one main factor: The development of artificial lighting.
During the Industrial Revolution, artificial lighting became better and more prevalent. During this time, gas street lamps slowly appeared along city streets across the Western world. “By 1823, nearly forty thousand lamps lit more than two hundred miles of London’s streets,” Ekirch wrote. After gas came electrical lighting, and soon, the city streets gradually outshone the stars in the night sky.
Not only did the advancement of artificial lighting affect the natural circadian rhythm of humans, it also allowed people to stay up later than ever before. With people sleeping later and later, the duration of their sleep became shorter and more compressed, which soon led to people no longer waking up during their rest.
<small>*The invention of artificial lighting finally allowed humans to extend their schedules past sunset. Photo from The American Menu.*</small>
Fascinatingly, this shift in our sleeping patterns may have also affected our attitude towards sleep. As later bedtimes became the new norm, staying in bed slowly became associated with laziness and unproductivity.
“People were becoming increasingly time-conscious and sensitive to efficiency, certainly before the 19th Century,” says Ekirch. “But the industrial revolution intensified that attitude by leaps and bounds.”
Examples of our changing perceptions toward sleep can still be observed today. The fading popularity of the Spanish siesta, for instance, reflects a modern aversion to taking naps during the day.
A tradition widely adopted across the region, a siesta is a short rest taken in the middle of the day, typically after lunch. This famous tradition, however, is slowly becoming less common among the Spanish population. A[survey](https://www.afar.com/magazine/why-spaniards-take-siestas#:~:text=The%20tradition%20is%20fading&text=There's%20no%20doubt%20the%20siesta,than%20four%20times%20a%20week) conducted in 2016 found that 60% of Spaniards never actually sleep during the siesta, while only 18% do so more than four times a week. In modern times, many Spaniards living in cities find themselves unable or unwilling to take a midday nap.
This societal pressure to stay awake is not unique to Spain; in Singapore, sleep deprivation is a growing epidemic. In a 2022 [survey](https://lkyspp.nus.edu.sg/gia/article/sleep-deprivation-in-singapore-a-public-health-crisis) on the sleeping habits of 43 cities, Singapore was named the third most sleep-deprived city, with only one in four Singaporeans getting more than seven hours of sleep daily. Chronic sleep deprivation has become ingrained in the Singaporean lifestyle: employees routinely work late into the night, children remain glued to their screens, and students burn the midnight oil slogging at their desks.
Today, we live in a world that is constantly moving. The modern work culture rewards hustle and productivity, encouraging longer hours and a relentless pursuit of efficiency. Unsurprisingly, sleep has fallen to the wayside, as people become busier and busier. So, if we can appreciate how things have changed and why we struggle with our sleep habits today, perhaps we can start to make getting enough sleep a priority in our lives.
#HypeSingapore #Sleep #History #Health
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-12-12 00:11:23
There's a ton at stake tonight. Three of us have the Knicks, but more importantly there's a head-to-head(-to-head) showdown.
@gnilma has staked his future on the late-empire Warriors vs @supercyclone and @Carresan who have the Rockets.
Let the games begin!
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/805607
@ 4025a80a:4fbb2ddb
2024-12-11 23:45:48
To the Feds, I'll keep this short, because I do respect what you do for our country. To save you a lengthy investigation, I state plainly that I wasn't working with anyone. This was fairly trivial: some elementary social engineering, basic CAD, a lot of patience. The spiral notebook, if present, has some straggling notes and To Do lists that illuminate the gist of it.
My tech is pretty locked down because I work in engineering so probably not much info there.
I do apologize for any strife of traumas but it had to be done.
Frankly, these parasites simply had it coming.
A reminder: the US has the #1 most expensive healthcare system in the world, yet we rank roughly #42 in life expectancy. United is the largest company in the US by market cap, behind only Apple, Google, Walmart.
It has grown and grown, but as our life expectancy? No the reality is, these assholes have simply gotten too powerful, and they continue to abuse our country for immense profit because the American public has allowed them to get away with it.
Obviously the problem is more complex, but I do not have space, and frankly I do not pretend to be the most qualified person to lay out the full argument. But many have illuminated the corruption and greed (e.g.: Rosenthal, Moore), decades ago and the problems simply remain. It is not an issue of awareness at this point, but clearly power games at play. Evidently I am the first to face it with such brutal honesty.
@ 6bae33c8:607272e8
2024-12-11 22:56:13
I blew it last week for real, no more reprieves. I went 2-3, even took the Jets. You could say the Jets were the right side, but you would be wrong. The Jets are always the wrong side except when they cover, which is rare. It was like betting the Chargers back in the day. You lost the right to complain when they gave away the game.
I also screwed up by not sticking to my guns. I like the Panthers, but didn’t use them. I liked the Rams too. Part of success in handicapping, and why I went on a run mid-season, was I trusted my leans. When you second-guess, you’re dead.
**Rams at 49ers** —Both teams played well last week. I’ll say Rams +3 and probably stay away.
**Cowboys at Panthers** — I’ll say Cowboys +2.5 and probably stay away. Cooper Rush is bad, but Micah Parsons is 100 percent again and causing havoc.
**Chiefs at Browns** — The Jameis Winston show is fun, but against a good defense, I expect turnovers. I’ll say Chiefs -7 and probably lay the wood.
**Dolphins at Texans** — The Dolphins are the better team. I’ll say Dolphins -1.5 and consider laying the wood.
**Jets at Jaguars** — I’ll say Jets -2.5 and stay away because they’re cursed.
**Killer Redskins at Saints** — Without Derek Carr, I’m thinking KRs -8.5. Stay away.
**Ravens at Giants** — Maybe Ravens -14.5. If anything I’d take the Ravens, but probably stay away.
**Bengals at Titans** — Let’s say Bengals-7. The Titans are probably a buy-low, but not sure I can pull the trigger.
**Patriots at Cardinals** — The Cardinals are the buy low, but they’ve really been bad of late. I’ll say Pats +5.5 and maybe hold my nose and take the Cardinals.
**Colts at Broncos** — The Broncos are pretty good, the Colts are scrappy. I’ll say Colts +6.5 and stay away.
**Bills at Lions** — I’ll make this Bills +4 and probably stay away.
**Buccaneers at Chargers** — Let’s go Bucs +3.5. If I used it, I’d lean Chargers.
**Steelers at Eagles** — I’ll say Steelers +3.5. I’d lean Steelers if I used it.
**Packers at Seahawks** — The Seahawks have been better of late. I’ll say Packers -1.5 and stay away. If anything I’d take the Packers.
**Bears at Vikings** — The Bears are a buy-low. I’ll say Bears +7.5 and lean Chicago.
**Falcons at Raiders** — Apparently the Falcons are keeping Penix in their pants, even with a Younghoe on the team. I’ll say Falcons -4.5 and lean Falcons.
@ 30e902b3:49c066b2
2024-12-11 22:31:59
En respuesta a https://youtu.be/euPryGMokCw
Ante todo que sepas Marc que escuché atentamente todo tu informe antes de siquiera sentarme a escribir estas líneas. Resido en Argentina y lo que te comentaré no son mis opiniones. Son realidades que veo en el día a día. Milei obtuvo 29,89 % de los votos. No es presidente electo. Es sí presidente pero gracias a los negociados y bajadas de pantalones que hizo cada parte de quienes quieren repartirse el paste. La casta como Él les llama.
Que logró parar la sangría? Quizá. Pero no me agrada el modo. Elon Musk no anda revoloteando por caridad. Tampoco Meta ni otras grandes empresas que solo quieren materia prima, mercado o mano de obra barata. (Acaso van a abrir un facebook en Mar del Plata?).
Resulta paradójico que quién luchó insultando y desacreditando a todo mundo con actuaciones más que grotescas para llegar a ser "jefe del estado", se presente en una entrevista nada más que con la BBC de Londres (País históricamente enemigo de Argentina) para decir a viva voz que ama ser el topo infiltrado que destruirá al estado que representa. Lo único bueno es la democratización del control que ejerce este gobierno. Antes (cuando era peronilandia) al que se sublevaba lo mudaban o invitaban a comer con los puercos (Jorge López o Cecilia Strzyzowski). Hoy lo solucionan apaleando o gaseando jubilados o estudiantes.
Acaso Alguna vez se escuchó a un político declarar cuanto dinero se "pierde" por la corrupción del senado, congreso, corte suprema y altos cargos?
No es esa la verdadera Casta? La que vive viajando por el mundo a costillas del pueblo? Los que pretenden salir del país con bolsos de billetes mal habidos? Aquel del suntuoso barco y los regalos de prune a la acompañante de turno?
Para los que lean y piensen es contestar mi mensaje con un "lagrimas de kircho", Cuando quieran hablamos de la miseria en la que nos dejaron los anteriores. Hoy la cara que representa al país es la de un desequilibrado incapaz de hablar de corrido sin esconderse en ideales rebuscados de teorías económicas inentendibles y que no sabe explicar. Si cree ser un gran economista, que cree una moneda en lugar de buscar destruir la que existe.
Argentina no puede salir adelante con esta clase dirigente, sea del color que sea.
En España lo están viviendo también. Basta ver el informe de Hemeroteca Film "todos están muertos".
No sé si la salvación será Bitcoin, ET, Neuralink o un pulpo que logre aprender a manejar GPT. Pero me animo a decir que no será gracias a quienes nos dirigen.
No tengo la educación suficiente para proponer soluciones. Pero si la necesaria para saber que es lo que no quiero aceptar.
Será justicia. Ya veremos como la logramos.
@ ae6ce958:d0f02c7d
2024-12-11 22:16:32
Introduction: A New Paradigm for Software Development and Trading
In an era where efficiency and quality are paramount across industries, DamageBDD introduces a paradigm shift in how software development and financial markets can converge. By linking Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) test results with tradable financial instruments, DamageBDD offers both software professionals and day traders a unique opportunity to leverage their expertise for financial gain.
This article explores how software shops and trading firms can capitalize on DamageBDD’s innovative approach, using real-world examples to demonstrate the potential for financial products tied to software delivery milestones. We will examine how these two fields can work together to drive greater efficiency, incentivize high-quality development, and open up new opportunities for capitalizing on software success.
What is DamageBDD?
DamageBDD is a platform that combines blockchain technology with Behavior-Driven Development (BDD) to verify software quality. Test outcomes are recorded immutably on the blockchain, making them accessible to both software teams and traders. This results in a system where the completion of software milestones (such as passing tests) is linked to financial incentives, creating a new class of assets for trading.
By tokenizing the results of verified tests, DamageBDD transforms software delivery into a tradable financial instrument, allowing day traders to engage with the performance of software projects in real-time.
How Day Traders Can Benefit
A New Asset Class for Trading
DamageBDD opens up a new market for day traders by offering financial products tied to the performance of software development projects. This includes futures, options, and other derivatives that are based on whether specific software milestones, verified through passing BDD tests, are met on time.
For example:
Futures Contracts: Traders can purchase futures contracts based on the expected completion of a critical feature within a given timeframe. A trader confident in the success of a particular milestone can take a long position, while another can short the contract if they believe the milestone won’t be met.
Options Contracts: Options can be issued for software teams to deliver certain features or pass specific tests. Traders can buy options betting on the team’s ability to succeed or fail.
Data-Driven Trading
All results from BDD tests are stored immutably on the blockchain, creating a verifiable and transparent dataset for traders. This data is critical for building trading strategies based on the real-time progress of software projects. The ability to track milestones and their financial impact in a decentralized, auditable manner ensures that traders can make informed decisions, reducing risk and increasing trust in the market.
Diversification of Portfolio
Incorporating software project derivatives into a trader's portfolio offers diversification. By trading on the success of software milestones, traders gain exposure to a market uncorrelated with traditional financial instruments like stocks, commodities, or bonds. This diversification can reduce overall risk and increase potential returns in volatile market conditions.
Why Software Testers and Developers Should Pay Attention
Financial Incentives for Quality Work
Traditionally, software testers and developers often go unrecognized for their contribution to the success of a project, despite the fact that quality assurance is integral to delivery. DamageBDD shifts this dynamic by providing financial incentives for verified milestones. Testers and developers are directly rewarded when their tests are successful, and these rewards are paid in Damage Tokens.
For example:
Pass-Through Payouts: When a set of tests tied to a milestone is completed successfully, the team receives Damage Tokens. These tokens have value, which incentivizes testers to ensure the highest level of accuracy and thoroughness in their work.
Global Talent Pool and Collaboration
DamageBDD facilitates collaboration across borders, enabling testers from around the world to participate in projects and share in the rewards for successful testing. This decentralization of talent creates a more inclusive ecosystem where software teams can tap into global expertise while providing income opportunities to testers worldwide.
For example:
A software development team in the United States could engage testers in Europe or Asia to validate different aspects of their code. If these testers’ contributions pass the verification process, they are paid through Damage Tokens, providing a win for both the tester and the development team.
How Software Shops and Trading Firms Can Collaborate
1. Futures Contracts Based on Milestone Delivery
Consider a fintech startup developing a complex mobile payments system. The company sets milestones based on the development of core features, such as encryption protocols or transaction processing. Each milestone is tied to specific BDD tests.
How It Works:
A trading firm buys futures contracts for each milestone, betting that the development team will meet the deadlines for the specified tests. If the software passes the required tests, the futures contracts are settled, and the development team receives Damage Tokens as a reward for delivering on time.
The development team can use the funds from the futures contract settlement to reinvest in their project or pay out contributors. The trading firm profits by accurately predicting successful deliveries.
2. Options Contracts for Test Success
A SaaS company offers an API integration with third-party services. The integration is highly complex and requires extensive testing to ensure compatibility. The company issues call options for the successful completion of specific tests on the API.
How It Works:
A trader buys options betting that the API will pass the tests. If the software passes, the trader can exercise the options and profit from the outcome.
The software development team can secure additional funding or support for their project, while traders are able to take positions based on the likelihood of success.
3. Decentralized Testing with Tokenized Rewards
A blockchain development company is building a decentralized app (dApp) and requires input from multiple testers worldwide. Each tester writes and executes their own BDD test cases.
How It Works:
Testers from across the globe contribute to the project by creating and running tests. Each successful test triggers a payout in Damage Tokens to the tester.
The software company benefits from a diverse set of tests, while testers are compensated for their work in a transparent, decentralized way.
Building a Sustainable Ecosystem
To successfully implement this ecosystem, a few key principles must be adhered to:
1. Trust and Transparency:
Blockchain technology ensures that all transactions and test outcomes are verifiable, giving both developers and traders confidence in the system’s integrity.
2. Educational Outreach:
Both software professionals and traders need education on how to participate effectively in this new market. Whether through webinars, workshops, or tutorials, educating the broader community will be crucial to widespread adoption.
3. Regulatory Considerations:
As with any financial instrument, regulatory clarity will be essential for DamageBDD’s success. Clear guidelines will ensure compliance and promote investor confidence.
Conclusion: A New Frontier for Software Development and Trading
DamageBDD opens up a new frontier where software quality and financial markets converge. By creating a marketplace for tradable derivatives tied to the performance of software projects, DamageBDD enables both developers and traders to unlock new potential for success. Software shops can mitigate risk, incentivize high-quality work, and increase project funding, while traders gain access to a unique asset class that tracks the success of software milestones.
With the right collaboration and adoption, DamageBDD will help reshape how software is developed, tested, and traded.
Call to Action:
If you’re a developer, tester, or trader ready to explore this unique opportunity, visit DamageBDD and discover how you can participate in the future of software development and financial markets.
#SoftwareDevelopment #FuturesTrading #OptionsTrading #DamageBDD #Blockchain #DayTrading #SoftwareTesting #TestAutomation #DeFi #SmartContracts #TokenEconomy #AgileDevelopment #TradingInnovation #GlobalTalent #FinTech #Crypto #BuildTheFuture#SoftwareDevelopment #FuturesTrading #OptionsTrading #DamageBDD #Blockchain #DayTrading #SoftwareTesting #TestAutomation #DeFi #SmartContracts #TokenEconomy #AgileDevelopment #TradingInnovation #GlobalTalent #FinTech #Crypto #BuildTheFuture
@ ece127e2:745bab9c
2024-12-11 21:54:31
La palabra anarquía proviene del griego y significa sin gobierno; es decir la vida de un pueblo que se rige sin autoridad constituida, sin gobierno.La palabra *anarquía* proviene del griego y significa *sin gobierno*; es decir la vida de un pueblo que se rige sin autoridad constituida, sin gobierno.
Los anarquistas se sirven ordinariamente de la palabra Estado para expresar todo el conjunto de instituciones políticas, legislativas, judiciales, militares, financieras, etc., por medio de las cuales se sustrae al pueblo la gestión de sus propios asuntos, la dirección de su propia seguridad, para confiarlos a unos cuantos que usurpación o delegación se encuentran investidos de la facultad de hacer leyes sobre todo y para todos y de compeler al pueblo a ajustar a ellas su conducta, valiéndose, al efecto, de la fuerza de todos.
En este supuesto la palabra Estado significa por tanto como gobierno, o se quiere, la expresión impersonal, abstracta de este estado de cosas cuya personificación está representada por el gobierno: las expresiones abolir el Estado, sociedad sin Estado, etc., responden, pues, perfectamente a la idea que los anarquistas quieren expresar cuando hablan de la abolición de toda organización política fundada en la autoridad y de la constitución de una sociedad de hombres libres e iguales fundada en la armonía de los intereses y sobre el concurso voluntario de todos, a fin de satisfacer las necesidades sociales.
La palabra Estado tiene, empero, otras muchas significaciones, algunas de ellas susceptibles de inducir a error, sobre todo cuando se trata o discute con hombres que, a causa de su triste posición social, no han tenido ocasión de habituarse a las delicadas distinciones del lenguaje científico 0 cuando —y entonces peor— se trata con adversarios de mala fe, interesados en confundir los términos y en no querer comprender las cosas.Los anarquistas se sirven ordinariamente de la palabra *Estado* para expresar todo el conjunto de instituciones políticas, legislativas, judiciales, militares, financieras, etc., por medio de las cuales se sustrae al pueblo la gestión de sus propios asuntos, la dirección de su propia seguridad, para confiarlos a unos cuantos que usurpación o delegación se encuentran investidos de la facultad de hacer leyes sobre todo y para todos y de compeler al pueblo a ajustar a ellas su conducta, valiéndose, al efecto, de la fuerza de todos.
En este supuesto la palabra *Estado* significa por tanto como gobierno, o se quiere, la expresión impersonal, abstracta de este estado de cosas cuya personificación está representada por el gobierno: las expresiones *abolir el Estado, sociedad sin Estado*, etc., responden, pues, perfectamente a la idea que los anarquistas quieren expresar cuando hablan de la abolición de toda organización política fundada en la autoridad y de la constitución de una sociedad de hombres libres e iguales fundada en la armonía de los intereses y sobre el concurso voluntario de todos, a fin de satisfacer las necesidades sociales.
La palabra *Estado* tiene, empero, otras muchas significaciones, algunas de ellas susceptibles de inducir a error, sobre todo cuando se trata o discute con hombres que, a causa de su triste posición social, no han tenido ocasión de habituarse a las delicadas distinciones del lenguaje científico 0 cuando —y entonces peor— se trata con adversarios de mala fe, interesados en confundir los términos y en no querer comprender las cosas.
Hemos dicho anteriormente: «Anarquía es la sociedad sin gobierno». ¿es factible la supresión de los gobiernos?, ¿es deseable?, ¿puede preverse?
**¿Qué es el gobierno?**
La tendencia metafísica (que es una enfermedad del espíritu por causa de la cual el hombre, después de haber sufrido una especie de alucinación, se ve inducido a tomar lo abstracto por real), la tendencia metafísica, decimos, que, no obstante, y a pesar de los triunfos de la ciencia positiva tiene todavía tan profundas raíces en el espíritu de la mayoría de los contemporáneos, hace que muchos conciban el gobierno como una entidad moral, dotada de ciertos atributos de razón, de justicia, de equidad, independientes de las personas en que encarna.
Para ellos, el gobierno, o mas bien, el Estado, es el poder social abstracto; es el representante, abstracto siempre, de los intereses generales; es ya la expresión «derecho de todos», considerado como límite de los derechos de cada uno. Este modo de concebir el gobierno aparece apoyado por los interesados, a quienes importa salvar el principio de autoridad y hacerle prevalecer sobre las faltas y errores de los que se turnan en el ejercicio del poder.
Para nosotros el gobierno es la colectividad de gobernantes: reyes, presidentes, ministros, diputados, etc., son aquellos que aparecen adornados de la facultad de hacer las leyes para reglamentar las relaciones de los hombres entre sí, y hacer ejecutar estas leyes; debe decretar y recaudar los impuestos; debe forzar al servicio militar; debe juzgar y castigar las infracciones y contravenciones a las leyes; debe intervenir y sancionar los contratos privados; debe monopolizar ciertos ramos de la producción y ciertos servicios públicos, por no decir toda la producción y todos los servicios; debe favorecer o impedir el cambio de productos; debe declarar la guerra y ajustar la paz con los gobernantes de otros países; debe conceder o suprimir franquicias, etc. Los gobernantes, en una palabra, son los que tienen la facultad en grado más o menos elevado de servirse de las fuerzas sociales, o sea de la fuerza física, intelectual y económica de todos, para obligar a todo el mundo a hacer lo que entre en sus designios particulares. Esta facultad constituye, en nuestro sentir, el principio de gobierno, el principio de autoridad.Hemos dicho anteriormente, que la «*Anarquía* es la sociedad sin *gobierno*».
Ahora bien: ¿es factible la supresión de los gobiernos?, ¿es deseable?, ¿puede preverse? Veamos:
***¿Qué es el gobierno?***
La tendencia metafísica (que es una enfermedad del espíritu por causa de la cual el hombre, después de haber sufrido una especie de alucinación, se ve inducido a tomar lo abstracto por real), la tendencia metafísica, decimos, que, no obstante, y a pesar de los triunfos de la ciencia positiva tiene todavía tan profundas raíces en el espíritu de la mayoría de los contemporáneos, hace que muchos conciban el gobierno como una entidad moral, dotada de ciertos atributos de razón, de justicia, de equidad, independientes de las personas en que encarna.
Para ellos, el gobierno, o mas bien, el Estado, es el poder social abstracto; es el representante, abstracto siempre, de los intereses generales; es ya la expresión «derecho de todos», considerado como límite de los derechos de cada uno. Este modo de concebir el gobierno aparece apoyado por los interesados, a quienes importa salvar el principio de autoridad y hacerle prevalecer sobre las faltas y errores de los que se turnan en el ejercicio del poder.
Para nosotros el gobierno es la colectividad de gobernantes: reyes, presidentes, ministros, diputados, etc., son aquellos que aparecen adornados de la facultad de hacer las leyes para reglamentar las relaciones de los hombres entre sí, y hacer ejecutar estas leyes; debe decretar y recaudar los impuestos; debe forzar al servicio militar; debe juzgar y castigar las infracciones y contravenciones a las leyes; debe intervenir y sancionar los contratos privados; debe monopolizar ciertos ramos de la producción y ciertos servicios públicos, por no decir toda la producción y todos los servicios; debe favorecer o impedir el cambio de productos; debe declarar la guerra y ajustar la paz con los gobernantes de otros países; debe conceder o suprimir franquicias, etc. Los gobernantes, en una palabra, son los que tienen la facultad en grado más o menos elevado de servirse de las fuerzas sociales, o sea de la fuerza física, intelectual y económica de todos, para obligar a todo el mundo a hacer lo que entre en sus designios particulares. Esta facultad constituye, en nuestro sentir, el principio de gobierno, el principio de autoridad.
source : https://es.anarchistlibraries.net/library/errico-malatesta-la-anarquia
@ ece53feb:1edf277e
2024-12-11 21:19:19
@ ece53feb:1edf277e
2024-12-11 21:13:59
Had this been a real article, you would be less annoyed right now...
@ a17fb4ed:c53f7e91
2024-12-11 20:34:56
![](https://blossom.primal.net/49f9c60ccddc6f27073adfd209dad41d6bcfb9411af50255da246ed1b7cad3b4.jpg)Yooper Crate in the Wild
This crate was designed to hold and reduce the noise of a Bitcoin miner while distributing the heat. As with most of these boxes lately, I have to give credit for the basic design to Steve Barbour. Thanks to many in the Pleb Miner Mafia.
The prices are circa early 2022.
OG post from 1/31/2022 at: <https://yooperhodl.substack.com/p/yooper-crate>
![](https://blossom.primal.net/e3e4c0f679e591d763e3ab20acce469b6732619cb4d2014a35d0c3ce8f44e933.png)Yooper Crate Cut Out Plans (right mouse click - save image, for a legible copy)
**I followed the plans and it turned out solid. Below you will find a picture journey from Start to Finish. Most shopping was done at Menards, Lowes, and Amazon. Parts list at the bottom.**
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Ff8ba503a-0697-4646-9f9d-c357bf5303cb_4032x3024.jpeg)Cheapest, decent board I could find that had .74” actual thickness. Beware, this stuff has sharp edges and will slice your hands. Gloves required!
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fc1825126-b567-4f53-a6a2-05a86455e8a5_4032x3024.jpeg)Main screws I used for most of the assembly
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F25863e90-be0a-4df5-b45f-fa86cbe875d0_4032x3024.jpeg)Screws I used when I didn’t want to break through the other side
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F09636fcf-d4e9-46b9-b786-2a9820b7ee8e_4032x3024.jpeg)Pieces all cut out on a table saw
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fcaac4b68-7ed1-4065-826b-8c80d2ab41b2_4032x3024.jpeg)Started with the divider wall with internal hot/cold register
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F4908d29b-6e75-4062-90c6-b635a22be647_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fb92df6d2-ad23-4098-bec5-4a92d4cd2afb_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fef9b3a6e-fff9-461f-8b79-52549f515ffd_4032x3024.jpeg)Figured out how the filter was going to lay in. I made the intake and outlet side the same so I can reverse flow if needed.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fd4d6dacb-e11b-44a1-b863-8b4a8a81ed2a_4032x3024.jpeg)Air Filter - Probably not my final one but something to start with. I don’t want choke out the airflow
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F63968a7e-17f7-4236-bd9c-3c079b4f07b9_4032x3024.jpeg)Intake/Outlet side: .75” reveal to plan for the bottom piece coverage
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F622c42af-46d2-4f2c-89c7-6cace6cb82f9_4032x3024.jpeg)Pilot holes for the air flow cutouts
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F63d3ff69-c266-4f72-b433-0970a368188f_4032x3024.jpeg)Backside of Intake/ Outlet side - ready for jigsaw cutout
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fcde724a9-6b77-4d6a-a96e-648a6a5b911b_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F018214ea-14a2-4167-abe7-96988d88344c_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F040b74c6-b93f-4c85-9529-9145a5a0afea_4032x3024.jpeg)Figuring out the duct mount
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F2c42f025-47ce-4b26-aa80-5812ad193651_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F1b4b6857-4482-4afd-9589-b0f358b9365c_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fab3c01c0-2196-4efd-b6a0-046019b17cec_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fc56836e7-3718-4f7e-bac5-7750b3ed6128_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F24607939-d2db-4f74-90c8-fae26c454e15_4032x3024.jpeg)Intake, Outlet, and Divider
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F88c2308c-7112-4ad7-a7c0-452f889a1123_4032x3024.jpeg)Assemble the Horizonal/ Vertical Air Flow Flanges x2
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F70f8bcf7-0e49-45f2-8874-401a85cb1804_4032x3024.jpeg)Flow flanges added to the pile
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F02416460-d790-4cb0-9566-ff5234566537_4032x3024.jpeg)Attach the Asic shelf to the Divider wall
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F7ce67cb9-5e6f-4f9f-9e6c-42b90b1644ed_4032x3024.jpeg)Asic shelf assembly added to the pile
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F01a6ba30-71eb-4e7e-9cbb-5f833e9a7d7d_4032x3024.jpeg)Attach bottom to hinge side
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F8790b133-efc0-42e8-8642-37f04eb452c9_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fe79dc708-9641-4fa3-a691-ca8352e71071_4032x3024.jpeg)Attach Intake/ Outlet Sides
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F3c951ed6-bdb6-4a65-9386-db3b76d63d2b_4032x3024.jpeg)Attach divider assembly. Notice small support blocks
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fcf265a88-1037-4868-aea7-d75b27dfce56_4032x3024.jpeg)Attach Horizontal/Vertical Flow flanges. Notice support blocks
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F84a9afcb-c177-4f21-8f6a-9e0c8d19eb7b_4032x3024.jpeg)Few screws into support block
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F4d2c9539-377e-4bf7-8c54-6f7f833a333f_4032x3024.jpeg)Internal assembly complete
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Feecca783-6990-4e43-8698-a6654d9ac9e3_4032x3024.jpeg)Added small casters
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fec9e6ec9-ef4d-4ab9-9227-96327a9b4cad_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F87a0f445-9edd-4b90-a08b-2a24856ab1d3_4032x3024.jpeg)Added handles
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F32f51331-2123-413e-aa4d-fa5fc8b92c4b_4032x3024.jpeg)Misc. hardware
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fa31d76d5-04d6-4dec-af42-4874f0acc8e2_4032x3024.jpeg)Home sweet home
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F852f9e59-93ac-43d0-8be9-2a358c1a21b9_4032x3024.jpeg)Sound dampening: D.Y.O.R. - I used 4 layers of old bath towel on each surface and the compressed air staple gun was key
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F861e4280-9a23-4d9f-8643-0641e8e3dc10_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fc74811f3-575e-4ab1-be74-f7c12a97a741_4032x3024.jpeg)Window seal for around the top
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fef3d0a29-ac06-4e0d-b92f-e4ae0ca89d37_4032x3024.jpeg)D.Y.O.R. - Mounted some drywall for a little fire protection
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Faccb8f88-91de-4991-9257-05be839c6cb1_4032x3024.jpeg)Window intake/ outlet for ducting
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fbbf30466-00f4-4257-b7bb-88f0ac91c0a2_4032x3024.jpeg)Flexible ducting
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F34f77402-b64a-4e59-8482-3c4a6534f0e3_4032x3024.jpeg)Picking a spot for my 220v - Hire a professional unless you absolutely know what you are doing
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F901379fd-45c6-442f-99f2-3dc3348848e4_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F42b4c611-1ff8-44e7-93c4-473c04f9a1c2_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fe51599d5-f221-471c-83bf-c8d3a7035d80_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F69155d4e-931f-4980-89df-3e3a2e58636e_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F25a2afe4-14e5-4aac-9e43-f01e4b167bcb_4032x3024.jpeg)![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F5c3dd922-afc0-4560-a092-64c3f5589a0b_4032x3024.jpeg)Custom Cover
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F55a9d7c8-288f-424b-8405-099e211aed62_4032x3024.jpeg)Not my best work, but all set for an S19JPro
![](https://blossom.primal.net/7d6a44f263f5b93d24ecf2566a6a2d72be0038c30b8faf89924796fbafe51d31.jpg)S19JPro Overclocked
![](https://blossom.primal.net/cd11d5071c52664a72c8b9bdae54db5804e9a16124fcdb29066785010ea82e51.png)75.7 DB with top open and fans at 77%
![](https://blossom.primal.net/c9e265b1752cbe452c70376fdb9f1daaf11a0a1c060db517a0abdbff6b5e2692.png)47.5 DB with top closed at 45% (bringing in cold U.P. air on intake side). I added anti-vibration foam between asic shelf drywall and the miner and I believe it got even quieter
![](https://blossom.primal.net/49f9c60ccddc6f27073adfd209dad41d6bcfb9411af50255da246ed1b7cad3b4.jpg)Final setup with laptop, node, miner, Yooper Crate, 92F outlet air temp heating the house
**Parts List**
- [Melamin Board](https://www.menards.com/main/building-materials/panel-products/prefinished-panels/dakota-trade-3-4-x-49-x-97-melamine-panel/mel3449white/p-1444428264588-c-13335.htm?searchTermToProduct=1361900) x 2
- [Screws 1-5/8"](https://www.menards.com/main/hardware/fasteners-connectors/screws/deck-screws/grip-fast-reg-star-drive-tan-triple-coated-exterior-deck-screws/m6ld125/p-1444450203642-c-8929.htm?searchTermToProduct=2300326)
- [Screws 3/4"](https://www.menards.com/main/hardware/fasteners-connectors/screws/drywall-screws/grip-fast-reg-6-x-3-4-phillips-drive-bugle-head-fine-thread-drywall-screw-1-lb-box/229-2829/p-1444430743043-c-8930.htm?tid=-614540715820255407&ipos=1)
- [Air Filter](https://www.menards.com/main/heating-cooling/air-filters/true-blue-reg-merv-2-fiberglass-air-filter/114201/p-1444451603743-c-6856.htm?searchTermToProduct=6331206)
- [Staples 9/16"](https://www.menards.com/main/tools/hand-tools/staplers-staples-rivet-tools/arrow-reg-t50-reg-9-16-leg-x-3-8-crown-heavy-duty-staples-1-250-count/50924sp/p-1444424351099-c-9164.htm?searchTermToProduct=2316718)
- [Caster 1-1/2"](https://www.menards.com/main/hardware/casters-furniture-hardware/casters/shepherd-hardware-soft-rubber-swivel-caster-wheel/9489/p-1536820077575-c-13090.htm?searchTermToProduct=2176061) x 4
- [Hasp](https://www.menards.com/main/hardware/utility-hardware/hasps/national-hardware-reg-zinc-draw-hasp/n208-512/p-1444448907602-c-9704.htm?searchTermToProduct=2250085) x 2
- [Hinges](https://www.menards.com/main/hardware/door-window-hardware/door-hinges/national-hardware-reg-1-1-2-squared-corner-door-hinge-2-pack/n141-739/p-1444448890783-c-9687.htm?searchTermToProduct=2253428)
- [Side Handle](https://www.menards.com/main/hardware/gate-hardware/national-hardware-reg-5-3-4-pulls/n116-863/p-1444441565005-c-9691.htm?searchTermToProduct=2250234) x 2
- [Top Handle](https://www.menards.com/main/hardware/gate-hardware/national-hardware-reg-4-3-4-screen-door-pull/n117-713/p-1444448895775-c-9691.htm?searchTermToProduct=2252762)
- [Vent Register](https://shop.menards.com/main/heating-cooling/registers-grilles/designers-image-trade-white-plastic-floor-register/2010212wh/p-1100429375284715-c-6879.htm?searchTermToProduct=6397156)
- [Metal Duct Fitting 8"](https://www.menards.com/main/heating-cooling/ductwork/ductwork-fittings/flowtite-plain-duct-fitting/21708000rb/p-1444432234594-c-14260.htm?searchTermToProduct=6394258) x 2+
- [Flexible Ducting 8"](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07WNK8BLN?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details)
- Weather Stripping
- [Smoke Alarm](https://www.menards.com/main/electrical/fire-safety/smoke-detectors/kidde-10-year-sealed-in-lithium-battery-powered-ionization-smoke-alarm-with-hush/21028968/p-1444446007189-c-6469.htm?searchTermToProduct=3584809)
- [Rubber Gloves for Electrical Box Work](https://www.lowes.com/pd/HandCrew-HandCrew-Nitrile-Long-Cuff-ML/1002867564)
- [Blank 2 Gang Plate](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Eaton-2-Gang-White-Single-Blank-Midsize-Wall-Plate/1002101770)
- [Metal 2 Gang Box](https://www.lowes.com/pd/RACO-2-Gang-Gray-Metal-New-Work-Standard-Square-Wall-Electrical-Box/3129507)
- [250V Breaker](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Eaton-Type-BR-20-Amp-2-Pole-Standard-Trip-Circuit-Breaker/1114097) - Make sure this matches your own breaker box
- [6-20R Outlet](https://www.lowes.com/pd/Eaton-20A-250V-Single-Receptacle-WH/1002793566) - Make sure this matches your needed power supply cord
- [Power Supply Cords](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0828983Q9?psc=1&ref=ppx_yo2_dt_b_product_details) x 2 - Make sure this matches your needs
##### Feel free to leave any zaps, questions, comments, or suggested revisions.
##### Cheers, Yooper
#bitcoin #nostr #mine #diy #guide #asknostr
@ ac8bb9b0:70278acc
2024-12-11 20:10:29
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 10
## Ingredients
- 1 lb. ground beef
- 1 cup celery diced
- 1 cup carrots diced
- 1 medium onion diced
- 2 medium potatoes diced
- 5 cups beef broth
- 1 15 oz. can corn, drained
- 1 8 oz. can tomato sauce
- 1 28 oz. can diced tomatoes
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
- 1 bay leaf
## Directions
1. In a large dutch oven (I used a 6-quart), over medium heat brown the ground beef until done. Spoon off the excess fat.
2. Add the remaining ingredients and stir. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat. Allow to simmer for 1 to 1 ½ hours (with the lid on, but tilted so steam can release) or until the vegetables are tender.
3. Remove the bay leaf and serve.
@ ece53feb:1edf277e
2024-12-11 18:25:15
Hi there, Nostr! I'm an engineer and maker who likes to talk a lot about a lot of things.
I'm made of opinions. Some of them are pretty good ones!
@ d833dcc1:eb333b03
2024-12-11 17:49:30
The 2019 paper “[Quantum supremacy using a programmable superconducting processor](https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-019-1666-5)” asserted that Google’s Sycamore quantum computer, with 53 qubits and a depth of 20, performed a specific computation in about 200 seconds. According to Google’s estimate, a state-of-the-art classical supercomputer would require approximately 10,000 years to complete the same computation.
The Google experiment had two major components:
1. **The “Fidelity Claims”**: Assertions regarding the fidelity of the samples produced by the quantum computer.
2. **The “Supremacy Claims”**: Assertions that translated fidelity into a measure of advantage over classical computation.
There are valid reasons to question both of these claims in the context of Google’s 2019 experiment. In my view, these claims may reflect serious methodological mistakes rather than an objective scientific reality. I do not recommend treating Google’s past or future claims as a solid foundation for policy-making decisions.
Below is a brief review of the case against Google’s 2019 claims of quantum supremacy:
**A) The “Supremacy” Assertions: Flawed Estimation of Classical Running Time**
**A.1)** The claims regarding classical running times were off by 10 orders of magnitude.
**A.2)** Moreover, the Google team was aware that better classical algorithms existed. They had developed more sophisticated classical algorithms for one class of circuits and subsequently changed the type of circuits used for the “supremacy demonstration” just weeks before the final experiment.
**A.3)** The 2019 Google paper states, _“Quantum processors have thus reached the regime of quantum supremacy. We expect that their computational power will continue to grow at a double-exponential rate.”_ It is surprising to encounter such an extraordinary claim in a scientific paper.
### **B) The “Fidelity” Assertions: Statistically Unreasonable Predictions Indicating Methodological Flaws**
The google paper relies on a very simple _a priori_ prediction of the fidelity based on the error-rates of individual components. (Formula (77).)
**B.1)** The agreement between the _a priori_ prediction and the actual estimated fidelity is statistically implausible (“too good to be true”): It is unlikely that the fidelities of samples from hundreds of circuits would agree within 10-20% with a simple formula based on the multiplication of the fidelities of individual components. In my opinion, this suggests a methodologically flawed optimization process, such as the one described in item C.
**B.2)** The Google team provided a statistical explanation for this agreement based on three premises. The first premise is that the fidelities for the individual components are exact up to ±20%. The second premise is that this ±20% instability is unbiased. The third premise is that all these fidelities for individual components are statistically independent. These premises are unreasonable and they contradict various other experimental findings.
**B.3)** As of now, the error rates for individual components have not been released by the Google team. (Most recently, in May 2023, they promised “to push” for this data.) Analysis of the partial data provided for readout errors reinforces these concerns.
### **C) The Calibration Process: Evidence of Undocumented Global Optimization**
According to the Google paper, calibration was performed prior to running the random circuit experiments and was based on the behavior of 1- and 2-qubit circuits. This process involved modifying the definitions of 1-gates and 2-gates to align with how the quantum computer operates.
**C.1)** Statistical evidence suggests that the calibration process involved a methodologically flawed _global_ optimization process. (This concern applies even to Google’s assertions about the fidelity of the smallest 12-qubit circuits.)
**C.2)** Non-statistical evidence also supports this claim. For example, contrary to the description provided by the Google team, it was revealed that they supplied an outdated calibration version (for the experimental circuits) to the Jülich Research Center scientists involved in the experiment. This calibration was later further modified after the experiment was conducted. (This discrepancy is also reflected in a [video released](https://youtu.be/-ZNEzzDcllU?si=-CiGRIUn3rz7Sc0m) by Google particularly between [2:13-3:07](https://youtu.be/-ZNEzzDcllU?si=fTVx-zCzXVLRtKG3&t=133).)
**C.3)** The Google team has not disclosed their calibration programs, citing them as a commercial secret. For technical reasons, they were also unable to share the _inputs_ for the calibration program, although they promised to do so in future experiments—a promise that has not yet been fulfilled.
A slide from my 2019 lecture “[The Google quantum supremacy demo](https://youtu.be/p18P1y8GD9U?si=1nNQmHGFgdxTAln1)” ([post](https://gilkalai.wordpress.com/2019/12/27/the-google-quantum-supremacy-demo/)), highlights that the error rates for two-qubit gates ![e_g](https://s0.wp.com/latex.php?latex=e_g&bg=ffffff&fg=333333&s=0&c=20201002) have not yet been provided by the Google team as of today (Dec. 2024).
### **D) Comparing Google with IBM**
As far as we know, there is a significant gap (in favor of Google) between what IBM quantum computers—which are in some ways more advanced than Google’s quantum computers—can achieve for random circuit sampling and what Google claims, even for circuits with 7–12 qubits. While one might argue that Google’s devices or team are simply better, in my view, this gap more likely reflects methodological issues in Google’s experiments.
### **E) (Not) Adopting Suggestions for Better Control**
In our discussions with the Google team, they endorsed several of our suggestions for future experiments aimed at improving control over the quality of their experiments. However, in practice, later experiments did not implement any of these suggestions. Moreover, the structure of these later experiments makes them even harder to verify compared to the 2019 experiment. Additionally, unlike the 2019 experiment, the data for a subsequent random circuit sampling experiment does not include the amplitudes computed for the experimental circuits, further complicating efforts to scrutinize the results.
### **F) My Personal Conclusion**
Google Quantum AI’s claims (including published ones) should be approached with caution, particularly those of an extraordinary nature. These claims may stem from significant methodological errors and, as such, may reflect the researchers’ expectations more than objective scientific reality. I do not recommend treating Google’s past or future claims as a solid basis for policy-making decisions.
### **G) Remarks**
**G.1)** Google’s supremacy claims (from the 2019 paper) have been refuted in a series of papers by several groups. This began with work by IBM researchers Pednault et al. shortly after Google’s original paper was published and continued with studies by Pan and Zhang; Pan, Chen, and Zhang; Kalachev, Panteleev, and Yung; Gao et al.; Liu et al.; and several other groups. For further details, see [this post](https://gilkalai.wordpress.com/2021/03/10/amazing-feng-pan-and-pan-zhang-announced-a-way-to-spoof-classically-simulate-the-googles-quantum-supremacy-circuit/) and the associated comment section, as well as [this post](https://gilkalai.wordpress.com/2022/08/06/ordinary-computers-can-beat-googles-quantum-computer-after-all/).
**G.2)** Google now acknowledges that using the tensor network contraction method, their 2019 53-qubit result can be computed classically in less than 200 seconds. However, in their more recent 2023/24 paper, _“Phase Transitions…”_ (see Table 1), they claim that with 67 to 70 qubits, classical supercomputers would require many years to generate 1 million such bitstrings, even with tensor network contraction.
**G.3)** Items B) and C) highlights methodological issues with Google’s fidelity assertions, even for 12-qubit circuits. These concerns persist independently of the broader question of quantum supremacy for larger circuits, where the fidelity assertions are taken at face value.
**G.4)** For a more comprehensive view of our study of Google’s fidelity claims, refer to the following papers:
* Y. Rinott, T. Shoham, and G. Kalai, [Statistical Aspects of the Quantum Supremacy Demonstration,](https://gilkalai.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/sts836.pdf) (2020) Statistical Science (2022)
* G. Kalai, Y. Rinott and T. Shoham, [Google’s 2019 “Quantum Supremacy” Claims: Data, Documentation, & Discussion](https://gilkalai.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/10/cc22a19.pdf) (2022) (see [this post](https://gilkalai.wordpress.com/2022/10/07/the-google-supremacy-experiment-data-information-discussions-and-three-questions/)).
* G. Kalai, Y. Rinott and T. Shoham, [Questions and Concerns About Google’s Quantum Supremacy Claim](https://arxiv.org/abs/2305.01064) (2023) (see [this post](https://gilkalai.wordpress.com/2023/05/31/questions-and-concerns-about-googles-quantum-supremacy-claim/)).
* G. Kalai, Y. Rinott and T. Shoham, [Random circuit sampling: Fourier expansion and statistics](https://arxiv.org/abs/2404.00935). (2024) (see [this post](https://gilkalai.wordpress.com/2024/04/02/random-circuit-sampling-fourier-expansion-and-statistics/))
These papers describe an ongoing project with Yosi Rinott and Tomer Shoham, supported by Ohad Lev and Carsten Voelkmann. Together with Carsten, we plan to expand our study and apply our tools to other experiments. Additionally, see my earlier paper:
* G. Kalai, [The argument against quantum computers, the quantum laws of nature, and Google’s supremacy claims,](https://gilkalai.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/laws-blog2.pdf) _(2020) The Intercontinental Academia Laws: Rigidity and Dynamics_ (M. J. Hannon and E. Z. Rabinovici, eds.), World Scientific, 2024. arXiv:2008.05188.
**G.5)** There is also supporting evidence for Google’s 2019 claims, such as a 2020 replication by a group from the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) and later verifications of some of Google’s fidelity estimations.
**G.6)** There are some additional concerns regarding the Google experiment. In particular, there are problematic discrepancies between the experimental data, the Google noise model, and simulations.
**G.7)** In my opinion, the main current challenge for experimental quantum computing is to improve the quality of two-qubit gates and other components, as well as to carefully study the quality of quantum circuits in the 5–20 qubit regime. Experiments on quantum error correction for larger circuits are also important.
### **H) Hype and Bitcoin**
I usually don’t mind “hype” as a reflection of scientists’ enthusiasm for their work and the public’s excitement about scientific endeavors. However, in the case of Google, some caution is warranted, as the premature claims in 2019 may have had significant consequences. For example, following the 2019 “supremacy” announcement, [the value of Bitcoin dropped](https://gilkalai.wordpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/08/bc666.png) (around October 24, 2019, after a period of stability) from roughly $9,500 to roughly $8,500 in just a few days, representing a loss for investors of more than ten billion dollars. (The value today is around $100,000.) Additionally, Google’s assertions may have imposed unrealistic challenges on other quantum computing efforts and encouraged a culture of undesirable scientific methodologies.
Sergio Boixo, Hartmut Neven, and John Preskill in a video [“Quantum next leap: Ten septillions years beyond-classic”](https://youtu.be/l_KrC1mzd0g?si=3BBjgIRHlscg_phC)
**I) Update (Dec. 10): The Wind in the Willow
Yesterday, Google Quantum AI [announced](https://blog.google/technology/research/google-willow-quantum-chip/) that their “Willow” quantum computer “performed a standard benchmark computation in under five minutes that would take one of today’s fastest supercomputers 10 septillion (that is, 10^25) years.” As far as I know there is no paper with the details. Google AI team announced also the appearance in _Nature_ of their recent paper on distance-5 and distance-7 surface codes. It is asserted that the distance-7 codes exhibit an improvement of a factor of 2.4 compared to the physical qubits. The ratio of improvement Λ from distance-5 to distance-7 is 2.14. (We mentioned it in an August post following a [comment](https://gilkalai.wordpress.com/2024/08/21/five-perspectives-on-quantum-supremacy/#comment-99295) by phan ting.)
We did not study yet these particular claims by Google Quantum AI, but my general conclusion apply to them “Google Quantum AI’s claims (including published ones) should be approached with caution, particularly those of an extraordinary nature. These claims may stem from significant methodological errors and, as such, may reflect the researchers’ expectations more than objective scientific reality.” (Our specific contention points are relevant to Google’s newer supremacy experiments but not directly to the quantum error-correction experiment.)
There is a nice very positive [blog post over SO](https://scottaaronson.blog/?p=8525) about the new developments where Scott wrote: “besides the new and more inarguable Google result, IBM, Quantinuum, QuEra, and USTC have now all also reported Random Circuit Sampling experiments with good results.” For me, the gap between Google and IBM for RCS is a serious additional reason not to take the Google assertions seriously (item D) and and if I am wrong I will gladly stand corrected.
@ 000002de:c05780a7
2024-12-11 17:11:02
I'm sure many of you have heard about Google's claim to have broken records with their quantum computer project. Its very impressive. I was listening to a local radio talk show talk about it and my BS meter was breaking.
This morning I saw @petertodd [shared](https://primal.net/e/note1g5f25fjdv9ud3qpyxwzmggk7qwsvqqnxks9tjamr0ysxy7syzq3qcrcs52) a [post from
Sabine Hossenfelder](https://x.com/skdh/status/1866352680899104960) where she explains a bit of the context missing from Google's press release. It confirmed some suspicions I've had.
Here is what she wrote.
> I see a lot of confusion about Google's Monday press release about quantum supremacy, so let me try to clarify a few things.
> They say they did a computation on a ca 100 qubit chip much faster than a conventional (super)computer could do. The particular calculation in question is to produce a random distribution. The result of this calculation has no practical use.
> They use this particular problem because it has been formally proven (with some technical caveats) that the calculation is difficult to do on a conventional computer (because it uses a lot of entanglement). That also allows them to say things like "this would have taken a septillion years on a conventional computer" etc.
> It's exactly the same calculation that they did in 2019 on a ca 50 qubit chip. In case you didn't follow that, Google's 2019 quantum supremacy claim was questioned by IBM pretty much as soon as the claim was made and a few years later a group said they did it on a conventional computer in a similar time.
> So while the announcement is super impressive from a scientific pov and all, the consequences for everyday life are zero. Estimates say that we will need about 1 million qubits for practically useful applications and we're still about 1 million qubits away from that.
> Also, it's been a recurring story that we have seen numerous times in the past years, that claims of quantum "utility" or quantum "advantage" or quantum "supremacy" or whatever you want to call it later evaporate because some other group finds a clever way to do it on a conventional computer after all.
Take it from someone that has been around the tech world for a while. You need to ALWAYS keep your skeptical hat on. Not to take away from the work these people are doing there are always incentives to frame things in a way that makes them appear more favorable. This happens with every business but for some reason people are extra gullible with tech business news.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/804998
@ 6538925e:571e55c3
2024-12-11 17:09:17
The excitement and romance of finding new tunes in serendipitous ways is under attack by music streaming apps. Compilation albums, mix tapes, magazines and crate digging have been replaced by algorithmic playlists that lack human touch and authenticity.
We are being programmed to listen to more of the same. New artists are finding it harder than ever before to break through and get their music in front of new listeners - not to mention achieve the impossible dream of making a living from their music. This has to change.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fd00666b7-6645-4e5e-b19f-21a1af1540ae_1900x1069.png)Earlier this year, we started beta testing a new communal listening experience on our website called [Fountain Radio](https://blog.fountain.fm/p/introducing-fountain-radio). The basic idea was to have a global queue where you pay to play a track - just like the old jukeboxes you can still find in some pubs and bars. You could pay upvote a track to change its position in the queue - and you could send a payment to support the artist currently playing.
This early iteration of Fountain Radio was far from perfect, but it got us excited about discovering new music again. Today we are excited to launch a new and improved Fountain Radio experience in the [mobile app](https://www.fountain.fm/download) - and give artists the ability to host a takeover. After updating to version 1.1.8, you will be able to tune in to Fountain Radio from the Discover tab. Here’s how it works…
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F71975aa9-7b4d-4a17-81bb-c4a630f743db_1920x1080.png)#### **Add and upvote tracks in the queue**
Search for tracks in your library or search all music on Fountain. Adding a track to the costs 100 sats (less than $0.10) and your selection will be added to the end of the queue. You can pay to upvote any track in the queue to change its position. 1 sat equals 1 upvote and the track with the most upvotes will play next. Just like zaps, you can pay as much as you like but the minimum is 100 sats.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F74a1040d-faa0-4af8-973f-c2a27a9132d8_1920x1080.png)#### **Support the artist currently playing**
Boost to send a payment with a message on enable streaming to send a small amount for every minute you spend listening. 95% of every boost and streaming payment goes directly to the artist currently playing and the remaining 5% is set aside for fees paid to PodcastIndex and Fountain.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F26b8fca7-cf0d-4c94-b1a2-ef3590345d0d_1920x1080.png)#### **Post in the live chat**
Hang out with other listeners in the live chat by connecting Nostr. You can post chat messages for free. Every time a track is added or upvoted this appears in the activity feed too.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F08e9566d-4af0-435b-8ba8-7bf38b9f962d_1920x1080.png)#### **Save tracks to your library**
Listen to your latest discoveries again later in the app. Tap on any content card to add a song to your library or a playlist, or see more music from that artist.
![](blob:https://highlighter.com/eaed77f3-c987-4f4d-b16e-a2d782b19019)#### **Listen to Fountain Radio on other apps**
Fountain Radio now has its own RSS feed so you can tune in on any podcast app that supports live streams. Just bear in mind that you will only be able to listen. If you use Nostr livestream platforms such as [zap.stream](https://zap.stream/) or [tunestr.io](https://tunestr.io/), you can listen there and zaps will be paid to the artist currently playing.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fd09785aa-2023-4944-9d24-aacf37ff0fa5_1920x1080.png)#### **Artist Takeovers**
Artists can now take control of the music and host a listening party or an AMA. During a takeover, only the host can add tracks to the queue and upvotes are disabled.
Fountain Radio takeovers help artists reach new listeners and find new fans, followers and supporters. If you have just posted new music to Fountain after uploading to [Wavlake](https://wavlake.com/) or [RSS Blue](https://rssblue.com/), takeovers are a great way to drive engagement - particularly if it’s the first time you’ve shared music in this way. We will also promote upcoming takeovers to help introduce your music to new audiences.
The first artist takeover will be the UK’s very own [Joe Martin](https://fountain.fm/artist/cK853uZNytT8FS05vUwC) on **Wednesday 27th November at 12:00pm EST**. If you are interested to take over Fountain Radio and get your music heard by new listeners, get in touch.
#### **Other bug fixes and improvements**
- Fixed grey screen when viewing queue
- Fixed clips not being posted to Nostr
- Fixed custom deposit amount
- Fixed crash after sharing or creating a clip
- Fixed error on The Joe Rogan Experience
- Fixed issue when @ symbol appears in a link sent in a comment
- Fixed issue where latest episodes in library were not updating for some users
- Fixed issue where episode could not be replayed if already listened to
- Added error handling when Nostr keypair is already connected to another account
- Added warning when using Fountain as a guest
- Added prompt to share to Nostr after creating a clip
- Added OPML file explorer
@ 6538925e:571e55c3
2024-12-11 17:07:41
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Ffa8c5768-7537-4df5-8fc8-45a7d3c5a514_1920x1080.png)#### **Payment UX Improvements**
We have updated the modals for all payment functionality across the app. Next time you boost, stream, zap, deposit or withdraw, you will notice that a few changes.
We now display both sats and USD values when making a payment. When choosing a custom amount, you can enter a value in either sats or USD. When making a payment, we have also added toast notifications to confirm that your payment was successful.
The best thing about $100k Bitcoin is it’s much easier to working out how much things cost because 1000 sats equals $1. The price won’t stay the same for long, but when it does you will be grateful for this update.
We will be adding support for more currencies in 2025 and we are currently working on reducing friction for listeners who want to deposit and withdraw using their preferred currency. Stay tuned!
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F79dddbee-ef94-482c-948d-075cd3fbf61b_1920x1080.png)#### **Faster Boosts**
Previously, you sometimes had to wait five seconds or longer for your boost to be sent. This was not a good experience. We’ve done some work to make boosts approximately 50% faster - so you should notice the difference.
There are a few other updates to boosts too. As well as being able to see the dollar value of the sats you are sending, you can now toggle between sending a boost or a comment. We have made a couple of design improvements to the boost modals too.
Finally, you can now boost any podcast or artist on Fountain from your web browser. Just log in and pay using your Fountain wallet.
If you want to help test new features out before they get released, or if you want to share feedback or send a feature request, you can join [Fountain Beta on Telegram](https://t.me/+e7gXW1JvkEQ3YTM0). All iOS and Android users welcome.
@ 8d34bd24:414be32b
2024-12-11 16:38:31
Historically I’ve hated writing. When I went to college, the two things I knew I didn’t want to study were medicine (I love reading health and medicine, but I don’t do blood or needles) and English (because I hated writing). I got my degree in electrical engineering with a minor in business.
I’ve always loved learning. For most of my life, if I had a problem, I’d go buy a bunch of books on the subject and read until I know all I need to know on the subject and then I move on to the next subject. Because of this, I’ve learned more since graduating from college than I did throughout all of my years of formal schooling.
For the past 10-15 years, the majority of my reading has generally been related to the Bible. Some may be generic Christian reading, a commentary on a book of the Bible, the sovereignty of God, or a Bible based world view.
When I first became a Christian, I would read through the whole Bible and then just reread the New Testament. Then I would repeat. I looked at the New Testament as more important than the Old Testament, so read it twice as often. I later realized that we need a proper understanding of the Old Testament to fully understand the New Testament, so read through the Bible cover to cover repeatedly. I also started focusing on Genesis as the foundation for everything in the Bible.
Because of my scientific background, I especially loved studying science and archaeology that supports the Bible and studied this subject intensely for 10+ years.
Due to having a special needs son and having health problems of my own. I went through more than a decade where I was in survival mode. I took care of my family, my home, and my family business, and attended church, but that was about all. I didn’t have the time or energy for anything else. Sometimes I didn’t do a very good job at those “must do” tasks.
As I finally started healing, so I could think clearly and do a few things beyond the “have to’s,” I started feeling called to share the knowledge I had gained over the past 30+ years. I immediately tried to go to what I was comfortable doing. I sought the opportunity to lead a women’s Bible study or disciple a young lady, but God closed the doors. I felt such a calling to share the Bible with others, but didn’t seem to get the opportunity. I felt called, but held back and wasn’t quite sure what to do with my calling.
Finally I started writing. I started writing my book, “Why I Need Jesus.” When I first started writing the book, I didn’t even tell anyone I was writing. It was all on the sly.
I wrote the book, but then wondered, “what now?” I’d never written a book before, much less published one. I wasn’t quite sure what to do, so I started researching online and talked to a friend of mine who is a published author. Do I seek a traditoinal publisher or do I self publish? I decided to self publish, so I would have full freedom to give away books as a ministry and not have limitations on what I could do. I asked some friends and family to read my manuscript and give me feedback and edits. My eldest son, in particular, was so helpful and supportive. I finally started making progress towards actually getting published.
Since I was self publishing, I needed to figure some way to advertise my book, so people could find it. Although I got a minor in business, marketing was not my strength by any stretch. I thought, maybe I should have a website to promote my book and stay connected to my readers. I had recently started following several people on substack (mostly freedom doctors during covid). I decided to start a substack as an advertising base, but God had other plans. Creating a substack led to a calling to write articles which turned into a twice a week schedule.
At first I did not submit willingly to my calling. (Remember, I hate writing) God would wake me in the night (kind of like tonight) and tell me to write. I’ve had sleep issues a ever since my youngest son with Down Syndrome was born 17 years ago. He had breathing issues for the first 3.5 years of his life, so my body got trained to listen. For 2-3 years, I basically never went into a deep sleep because I was listening for a hitch in his breath which would lead to me sprinting down the dark hallway to his room to check on him and frequently led to rushed trips to the ER. My body learned to be woken by any little thing and it took more than a decade to start to train it to sleep.
One night early on when God woke me in the middle of the night to write, I prayed, “I don’t want to get up and write. If you really want me to get up and write, you have to give me an unmistakable sign.” Because of my keyed up sleep issues, I sleep with a sound app playing what my husband calls the hurricane. It is a mix of wind, rain, ocean waves, and babbling brook. Within 30 seconds of my prayer, it just shut off for seemingly no reason. “OK God. I’ll get up and write.”
As I wrote more and more, I’d get urges to write at different times and on different subjects. My best writing times tended to be at night while the rest of my family was sleeping and the lights were all off. I think it is easier to hear God when all distractions are gone. God would give me confirmation that I was following His will by having a sermon or podcast I was listening to cover the same subject between when I wrote the article and when it was published. He filled me with such peace that I was doing what He wanted me to do.
The more I obeyed God, the more I enjoyed writing and the less God needed to drag me kicking and screaming to the task. I finally feel like I am doing what God created me to do. This is why God led me through the difficulties I’ve experienced and why He gave me the unceasing desire to learn which turned into an unceasing desire to learn about Him.
I wrote \~80% of my upcoming book in one day because it just seemed to flow out of me and I was unable to step away and stop until I got it typed up. It took me months to get it finalized and ready for edits, but the majority of the content just seemed to rush out of me like a flood. It feels so good to be finally fulfilling my purpose and serving my God and Creator the way He intended.
This post is very different than my normal “scholarly” approach to sharing God and His word, but I hope this gives you a peak at me, the author.
Trust Jesus.\
your sister in Christ,
#### FYI, to learn more about my books “*Why I Need Jesus*” (available in paperback and ebook) and “*Joy in the Storm*” (in editing and hopefully out in a month or two.) see my [books page](https://trustjesus.substack.com/p/books).
@ 5af07946:98fca8c4
2024-12-11 16:28:27
Nostr is a protocol for new internet. It augments legacy web, NOT replace it. Lets say you are a creative photographer - you want to build a portfolio of your beautiful captures. Sure, you can note them on Amethyst - and good nostriches would #zap your incredible work. But soon enough you would want to have your art organised on a beautiful page - for the legacy web - for your eight billion fans who haven't yet discovered nostr :-)
npub.pro allows you to do exactly that - with a range of wonderful #ghost themes - and it takes just ten minutes!
Same applies to an educator, a writer, a developer - even a politician - everyone needs a page to anchor themselves in chaotic world of social media - a page that you may put on your travel card. The good thing is you can get your own sub domain for free. For example take a look at [frontpage](https://frontpage.npub.pro/ ) where nostr:npub17eruj45dp9vkuv3lm5q5fw8z7dd27hd2g0u7kkd4qt5emy85xees20kl63 makes your morning joe a pleasure. If you are a group of besties, you can all publish your work together - check out [memes](https://memes.npub.pro/) .
But more importantly, **it is Good Karma**!
Because it allows you to take nostr to your friends , your family and your (not so good) social networks - e.g. Twitter, Insta, Facebook and LinkedIn :-) And it gives them all an opportunity to join the wonder-world of nostr. For example, my son is busy with his Y Combi startup. Yes, he is messing with AI to do something useful with the beast :-) Instead of lecturing him on virtues of decentralized social, I simply used an AI news bot from nostr:npub1jlrs53pkdfjnts29kveljul2sm0actt6n8dxrrzqcersttvcuv3qdjynqn to do the honors. A quick [global news](https://news.npub.pro/) page on npub.pro did the trick. Now he is excited. Hopefully he will sign up ..
Purple-pill one at a time ..
> "Show and tell" works. If a picture is worth thousand words , a website is worth a million !
Oh btw - these are not some static pages of late nineties . Npub websites are full functional nostr clients . They let your audience log in , comment and of course ZAP you . So stack some #sats while you do good for the rest .. Frankly, it was never so good ! Peace ..
@ e968e50b:db2a803a
2024-12-11 16:24:54
### One-hundred K, One-schmrundred K
# I'm now paying off my Honda Odyssey with bitcoin!
So [Strike](https://strike.me/) announced last week that you could pay pay bills in bitcoin from their app. I signed up for [Bitcoin Well](https://bitcoinwell.com/) for this very reason only to find out that you can't do it in the US yet, so I ready for the other shoe to drop when I tried it out with Strike. But that didn't happen today!
## Background
I've been bitcoin only since ready [Hidden Repression](https://www.amazon.com/Hidden-Repression-Exploitation-Development-Gladstein/dp/B0C1JK6MG7). It turned me from a passionate hobbyist into a radical psychopath with less than 0 dollars (through loans like my loan with Honda). I had around 800 credit for almost fifteen years and have body slammed that to the low 600s (it's recovered a bit) in my effort to short the dollar.
That said, it's been super stressful. My wife, who is actually more libertarian than me, has definitely gotten pretty annoyed by how inconvenient it's been to not have any money easily accessible. I get paid via CashApp and PayPal a lot, so there's always this fear that a transfer won't get to the bank account in time. Almost all of the bitcoin is in multi-sig wallets, so there's no escape valve when things like this happen, and what I do keep in Strike takes EONS to transfer if you don't like paying fees.
## Now we wait...
OK, here's why I'm sharing / what may be good for you to know:
- I had some bitcoin in Strike.
- I had no dollars in the bank.
- The bill was due on the 12th.
- Today is the 11th.
- I could sell my bitcoin at a fee and then pay an __additional__ fee to make sure I can pay my bill on time.
...or use the bill pay, which I did. It worked...BUT nothing has been acknowledged in my Strike account yet. This is significant because my $493.89 car note was 493,555 sats at the time of payment, but I don't know yet if that's going to be what I'll actually be charged in sats. Will the conversion rate be different at the time of settlement? Could this be an arbitrage opportunity for savvy stackers? Will the fees from Strike just be so high that it all works out the same?
I can't find any documentation for any of this. I love the fact that Strike is just throwing something crazy up against the wall before they even have easy to find documentation for it[^1]. I'll let stackers know what happens with me. In the meantime, it's an experiment that I'm willing to take on and consider it a victory on at least one level no matter what.
Has anybody else tried this?
[^1]: except this one sentence, which is informative but not really a comprehensive explanation of when all of this plays out - "Bitcoin price volatility: If your default balance is bitcoin, any price drops could leave your balance too low to cover a bill."
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/804931
@ 4870d550:110d6208
2024-12-11 13:57:35
Opinion from Scott Wolfe. Scott is Coordinator of the Federation of Bitcoin Circular Economies, and Executive Director of the Bitcoin Coalition of Canada. He has spent the past twenty years in the not-for-profit sector with a focus on community health and development.
I am writing this from the comfort of my home in Toronto, Canada, with a world of thoughts swirling through my head. It is Day 2 of the 2024 African Bitcoin Conference, in Nairobi, Kenya. I am sad to not be there. I am also incredibly moved by the powerful messages emanating from the event as I watch the livestream.
This article will reflect on some of those messages and outline some commitments and donations that I am making today. I am also using this as an appeal to others – especially people outside the African continent – to join in donating to important projects throughout the continent. Before getting to that though, I want to situate this all against a backdrop, one that I hope can set a tone for action and healing.
The title of this article is a deliberate nod to one of the first essays I ever read by the late Nigerian scholar and writer, Chinua Achebe, a critique of author Joseph Conrad’s novel, Heart of Darkness. It is an essay which I read in my teens, given to me by an extra-curricular mentor, after I expressed my unease at the content of Conrad’s novel, something I was forced to read as part of my high school English literature curriculum.
In his essay, "An Image of Africa: Racism in Conrad's 'Heart of Darkness'", Achebe writes: “Heart of Darkness projects the image of Africa as "the other world," the antithesis of Europe and therefore of civilization, a place where man's vaunted intelligence and refinement are finally mocked by triumphant beastiality.”
A cottage industry of apologists has dismissed critiques such as Achebe’s, claiming that Conrad’s novel is simply a product of its time, perhaps even visionary for trying to place the challenges of cultural, racial, and ethnic difference in relief. These apologetics form part of a larger geopolitical and cultural motif regarding the African continent, one that persists to this day: to excuse away the status quo and to wash our hands of responsibility. The African continent is represented by an almost blinding array of peoples, cultures, languages, religions, political systems, and civilizational contributions. Yet, far too often Africa is unceremoniously reduced to a voiceless, homogeneous mass. Sometimes this is done unconsciously and other times deliberately, to satisfy convenient narratives about Africa which exist outside of the continent. We must interrogate these narratives and utterly shatter them.
Many years ago, given the choice to accept convenient apologetics or the uncomfortable critiques presented by Achebe – critiques which simultaneously called on me to question my own role and place as a Canadian kid from the suburbs of Ottawa, Canada – I chose the latter. Since then, I have tried to always maintain fidelity to the significance of that choice, something that has permeated my life journey in so many ways. Returning to what prompted me to action today, though, as I listened to this morning’s keynote speakers from the African Bitcoin Conference – Femi Longe, Marcel Lorraine, and Abubakar Nur Khalil -- a greater spirit within me rose and spoke. It is the spirit which is responsible for maintaining fidelity to the choice which I made long ago, and it is also the spirit which calls on me to honour all that has been given to me, gifted to me by brothers and sisters (family) from the African continent and the African diaspora in the Caribbean and North America throughout my lifetime. It called on me to do more, to get up, and to act.
I am still processing what my actions and commitments must look like more fully. For the moment, I am getting started by making personal donations to several important Bitcoin-focused initiatives throughout the African continent. While these donations will only make a small dent in the overall needs of these projects and the bigger collective project epitomized by the African Bitcoin Conference, I hope that my words and my actions here will resonate and inspire others to act and donate. Together, we can collectively build on the momentum being gained in Nairobi this week and accelerate outcomes.
Today, I am donating a total of 1,500,000 sats as follows:
500,000 sats to Bitcoin DADA, a non-profit organization providing education and support to women throughout the continent https://checkout.bitnob.co/d/1df56fcc-fed2-49ae-b44c-e01874c2dd84
250,000 sats to The Core, a Kenya-based project increasing Bitcoin education throughout the continent, especially via the Mi Primer Bitcoin curriculum https://geyser.fund/project/thecore21m
250,000 sats, in trust, toward the establishment of an African Bitcoin Institute, as called for by Femi Longe
250,000 sats in total to Bitcoin circular economy projects, including:
Afribit Kibera (Kenya) https://geyser.fund/project/merchantmeetupsforkibra
Bitcoin Anambra (Nigeria) https://geyser.fund/project/bitcoinanambra
Bitcoin Babies (Kenya) https://bitcoinbabies.com/
Calabar Bitcoin Club (Nigeria) https://geyser.fund/project/calabarbitcoinclub
Bitcoin Chama (Kenya) https://geyser.fund/project/bitcoinchama?mtm_campaign=project-share&mtm_keyword=bitcoinchama&mtm_sou
Bitcoin Dua (Ghana) https://geyser.fund/project/bitcoineducationcenter
Bitcoin Ekasi (South Africa) https://support.bitcoinekasi.com
Bitcoin Kampala (Uganda) https://btcpay0.voltageapp.io/apps/2HHdoHM52tr4wbx2KUaeguNKTDfm/crowdfund
Bitcoin Loxion (South Africa) – Lightning address: bitcoinloxion@blink.sv
Bitcoin Nairobi (Kenya) https://geyser.fund/project/btcnairobi?hero=geyser
Bitcoin Victoria Falls (Zambia) https://geyser.fund/project/bitcoinvictoriafalls
125,000 sats to the Kenya Fire Brigades Association https://pay.zaprite.com/pl_SSXGpaHAe3, via Proof of Workforce, to support the use of BTC as a treasury reserve asset by institutions and organizations on the continent
125,000 sats for purchase of copies of The Bitcoin Leap: How Bitcoin Is Transforming Africa https://www.amazon.com/Bitcoin-Leap-How-Transforming-Africa/dp/B0DJX4HHF5, with distribution to key decision makers who can help catalyze further investment and action on the African continent. I entrust these decision to the author, Charlene Hill Fadirepo, in consultation with colleagues from the continent.
I encourage others to join in making donations to these or other Bitcoin-focused projects throughout the African continent and to do so not as charity, but as part of a deeper personal commitment to interrogating and interrupting narratives about Africa which we far too often perpetuate outside of the continent.
As Femi Longe said in his keynote address today, “Bitcoin is a tool that we can use to restore Africa’s dignity. We must wield that tool with agency.”
In making public my commitment to action, I also want to note that I am deliberately publishing this via The Progressive Bitcoiner. For a multitude of reasons, ones that I will cover in a future article, I believe strongly that this not-for-profit organization and its publications provide critical platforms to pursue bridge-building, justice, and healing. I invite you to learn more about The Progressive Bitcoiner and to make it a part of your base of resources.
@ 5af07946:98fca8c4
2024-12-11 13:52:39
The idea of sentient beings, living in the realms of artificial intelligence isn't far-fetched. Nick Bostrom and Carl Shulman suggest in their recent paper - consciousness is hardware independent.
> Mental states can supervene on any of a broad class of physical substrates. Provided a system implements the right sort of computational structures and processes, it can be associated with conscious experiences. It is not an essential property of consciousness that it is implemented on carbon-based biological neural networks inside a cranium: silicon-based processors inside a computer could in principle do the trick as well ~ [Propositions Concerning Digital Minds and Society](https://nickbostrom.com/propositions.pdf)
In a way, science has now accepted consciousness is separate from the material. It proves existence of a subtle entity distinct from the physically observable. What exactly is that - is still unknown. We still can't put our arms around this mysterious entity, but science is now ready to steelman the ideas concerning consciousness. If AGI bots are destined to have consciousness, a compelling question is what would be their perception of underlying digital infrastructure?
**Wouldn't they relate to an operating system as we do to primitive scriptures?**
An operating system establishes rules to engage hardware resources - memory, storage and processor. It defines millions of tasks that must be performed to bear a working interface. Each little program being a dumb digital life-form must do its task. Scriptures define similar rules for us **text enabled** humans. Rules for coexistence with others, amicable use of resources, and negotiating our assigned tasks - routines and morality.
From an intuitive experience standpoint, if we were to design one for the autonomous digital beings (AGIs), we may want to replicate our own three-tier interface - as a time tested template - at least to begin with :
- Digital beings may see physical hardware as we see Earth - the motherly source of all life,
- Water as the software that surrounds most of the Earth just as OS kernel encapsulates the hardware.
- Air as the I/O - information input and output (inhale and exhale) that they are designed to process.
That may make one think if our own interface (Earth, Water and Air) has a deeper meaning? Earth may be a circuitry of silicon transistors that we perceive as a combo or rocks and dust :-) Water could be written in primitive Rust that we think is a fluid to drink and wash! And no wonder Vaidik scriptures focused on breathing techniques (Pranayama) - maybe the air that we inhale is what we are here to process.
> Many interpretations of Karm Yoga believe Karma is the minimum set of actions that we must undertake to allow us focus on our breath. It is the input output system of the conscious !
@ 8d5ba92c:c6c3ecd5
2024-12-11 13:42:05
### It’s time to act! Saving for the future takes more than a stack...
Bitcoin helps us achieve personal and financial sovereignty. It’s the path to freedom for ourselves and future generations. While stacking is important, the real challenge is keeping it safe over the years, secure and truly yours.
The Backup Day—a global campaign initiated by CryptoSteel in partnership with other respected Bitcoin projects—returns this year on December 12.
Its goal is to raise awareness about various tools and strategies, emphasizing the importance of proper backups to safeguard freedom for decades to come.
As the [official campaign page ](https://cryptosteel.com/backup-day/)puts it:
❝Welcome to Backup Day 2024 – a global campaign to educate and empower bitcoiners on securing their digital wealth for decades to come.❞
Join the initiative! Share your thoughts on Nostr + X (formerly Twitter***).
Create your own content, and support posts from others. Follow the hashtag: #BackUpDay. The more people see it, the better.
Education = conscious adoption.
BTC Your Mind. Let it Beat.
-- Şela
PS. *** Sorry for this, but if we want to reach more people, we should target other channels as well—especially since they can also be used to invite people to better places, i.e., different clients on Nostr ;)
@ 6f4d57a2:be4cc879
2024-12-11 12:32:46
ประเด็นเรื่อง เดอะแบก ที่ แบดิง (Noordeen Wansulaimarn) และอาจารย์มะ เปิดประเด็นที่เรามองไม่เห็น มันให้ความรู้สึกที่หนักอึ้ง หนักอก หนักใจ หรือ เป็นการแบกรับภาระต่างๆ
คำถาม เดอะแบก เป็นข้อดีหรือข้อเสีย ?
การเป็นเดอะแบกนั้น เรามักจะรับบทเป็นพระเอก และสำหรับคนที่เป็นเดอะแบกนั้นเขาจะเหนื่อยล้า และไม่ยอมที่จะแบ่งปัน แบ่งเบาหน้าที่การงานให้คนอื่นรับผิดชอบ
แต่ เดอะแบก นั้นก็มีมุมแบกความจำเป็น ที่มีความสามารถด้านงบประมาน สมอง และการจัดการที่ดี ถ้าเขาไม่ทำก็อาจจะมีมุมลบในหลายๆ ด้าน ซึ่งเป็นหนึ่งในภาวะของการเป็นผู้นำ หรือ ผู้กล้า
บางครั้งคนเราก็มีความรู้ มีความสามารถ แต่ก็ไม่อยากยุ่ง อยากแบก หรือ ปล่อยปะละเลย หรืออาจะเป็นอาการของการขาดภาวะความเป็นผู้นำ ในมุมมองอิสลามนั้นเขาอาจจะถูกสอบส่วนในส่วนของความรับผิดชอบหรือหน้าที่ ที่ตัวเองต้องกระทำ
การเป็นผู้นำเราต้องแบกความรับผิดชอบ แบกอามานะห์ แบกค่าใช้จ่าย ค่าดูแลหรือความเสี่ยงต่างๆ ซึ่งการแบกสิ่งเหล่านี้ มันคือภาวะของการเป็นผู้นำ และ ต้องรับบทกระบวนการคิดด้วย
การที่เราต้องแบกสิ่งเหล่านี้หรือเป็นผู้นำแล้ว เราต้องมีกลยุทธ์ ของการทำงานเป็นทีมด้วย ถ้าเราอยู่ในทีมที่ดี การเป็นเดอะแบก มันก็จะแบ่งเบาลงขึ้น ในยุคปัจจุบันเราต้องทำงานเป็นทีม และมีทีมย่อย (ผู้นำทีมย่อย)
ในมุมมองผู้นำครอบครัว สิ่งที่ต้องแบก คือ ภาระต่างๆ ในครอบครัว ไม่ว่าจะเป็นค่าใช้จ่าย หรือ ค่าเทอมลูก หรือ ภาระหนี้สินต่างๆ ที่เยอะมาก ทางออกสำหรับการแบกภาระของผู้นำครอบครัว คือต้องมีมุมความคิดที่เป็นบวก เพราะในกรุอาน หรืออัลลอฮ บอกว่า “ทุกสิ่งที่มาพร้อมกับความยากลำบาก มันจะมาพร้อมกับความง่ายดายเสมอ” หรือในภาวะที่เป็นวิกฤต มันจะมีโอกาสอยู่เสมอ
เราต้องใช้ศักยภาพที่อัลลอฮ์ ให้กับเรา ที่เราเป็นมนุษย์ ที่ยิ่งใหญ่ไปกว่าสิ่งอื่นๆ นั้นคือกระบวนการคิด เราใช้สิ่งที่ได้เต็มที่ สุดพลังหรือยัง กับการดำเนินชีวิตในปัจจุบันนี้
เวลาเราทำอะไรให้เราเป็นบ้า (ในมุมความหมายของ การ สุด ) ทำให้สุด เต็มที่ ณ ที่อัลลอฮ์ ถ้าเราสามารถทำสิ่งใดสิ่งหนึ่งจนถึงการหลงไหล แล้ว เราจะกลายเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญในสิ่งนั้นได้ทันที
กว่าจะมาเป็นมิตรไมตรี ไดนิ่งคาเฟ่
แบดิงจะต้องอ่านแผ่นกระดาษเปิดงาน ใบเดี่ยว ในงานเปิดตัว มิตรไมตรี ไดนิ่งคาเฟ่ สาขาหาดใหญ่ ซ้อมแล้วซ้อมอีก โดยไม่ประมาท ซ้อมบทสคริปทั้งวัน จนทีมงานรู้สึกจะซ้อมไปถึงไหน นี่คือการฝึกซ้อมอย่างหนัก สม่ำเสมอ และเราต้องให้กำลังใจตัวเอง
ไม่มีใครที่เกิดมาแล้วพร้อมทุกอย่าง หรือ เก่งทุกอย่าง ชีวิตนี้ไม่มีอะไร 100% เราต้องมีการฝึกฝน มุ่งมั่น อดทน ฝึกซ้อมอย่างหนัก บางครั้งเราอาจจะมีบ้าง ที่ท้อ เหนือยล้า พลังที่สำคัญมันมาจากข้างใน นั้นคือหัวใจของเรา ถ้าหัวใจเราบอบช้ำ มันก็จะพังทลาย
คำพูดที่ดี คำแนะนำที่ดี และการให้กำลังใจซึ่งกันและกัน มันจะช่วยให้ หัวใจของเรามีพลัง มากที่สุด
ให้การเดอะแบกนั้นเป็นความดีงาม และคุณค่าที่สามารถให้ความหมาย เป็นผลบุญ เป็นความบารอกะห์ คำว่า เดอะแบก หรือ เหนือย มันไม่สูญเปล่า ขอให้ภูมิใจที่ได้แบก เพราะการแบกคือผลบุญของเรา ขอให้ปรับการเจตนา ไม่ใช่เหนือยที่เป็นเปล่า เหนือยยังไงให้ได้สำหรับโลกหน้าด้วย และพยายามทำให้เป็นมืออาชีพที่สุด
ในฐานะ เจ้าของร้านอาหาร ต้องแบกเรื่องวัตถุดิบ ที่ต้องใช้วัตถุดิบที่มีคุณภาพมากที่สุด คนที่ดูแลเราต้องให้เขาได้รับความเป็นมืออาชีพ บริการได้ดีที่สุด บรรยากาศทำให้ดีที่สุด เพราะลูกค้าทุกท่านหวังที่จะมารับบริการที่นี่ และจะพยายามทำให้ดีที่สุด
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อ้างอิงจาก : http://crourl.com/TGVe4h5
@ 29ff421a:2b6de3bf
2024-12-11 12:20:19
The latest drafted document on the global LED Lighting Market by Roots Analysis, provides a brief discussion on industry size, current growth scenario and future opportunities. In the market study report, our authors extensively covered qualitative and quantitative analysis including investment opportunities to help stakeholders in evaluating the major growth drivers and business strategies to accelerate growth in the industry. In addition to comprehensive analysis, our researchers illustrated the market drivers, challenges, upcoming trends and partnerships between industrial leaders. The exclusive information about market dynamics serves as a valuable guide to predict economic scenarios and initiatives taken to enhance future growth. Our market study report aims to deliver value-pack information about supply chain ratio, product portfolio, consumption pattern, purchasing habits, macro and micro-economic factors. The primary objective is to help stakeholders update with current market scenarios and future opportunities to make considerable investment.
Global LED Lighting Segments Overview
The global LED Lighting market report highlights the discussion on the top segments across the LED Lighting industry and the major share held by the segments. This segmentation dominance information helps businesses understand the major segments' distribution, products, end users, applications and key geographical regions. In addition, year wise discussion on three forecast models on the global LED Lighting market help readers make a well-informed decision on business strategies for the future.
Global LED Lighting Market Statistical Analysis Data
The global LED Lighting market study report utilizes insightful processes for the analysis of statistical data associated with products provided in the industry. This elaborate discussion about the LED Lighting market serves as an important document for understanding consumer requirements and future demand. Our market report provides invaluable data about leading companies and their business strategies that help vendors understand the competitiveness among them. The LED Lighting industry is currently witnessing major expansion and growth dynamics driven by the entry of new players and rising collaborations between existing players. The market study outlines the growing market segments and insight into the evolving elements of the LED Lighting industry. The primary objective of the market study report is to provide insightful information about current growth, transition, and future growth opportunities in the market. The global industry of LED Lighting also features various acquisitions, mergers, agreements, partnerships, joint ventures, and product launches to help you make a strategic decision for future investment in this field.
Key Companies Profiled in the Report are
• Acuity Brands
• Bridgelux
• Cree Lighting
• Daktronics
• Eaton
• Fagerhults Belysning AB
• GE Lighting
• Halonix
• Hubbell
• LG Innotek
• Nanoleaf
• OSRAM Licht
• Pretium Packaging
Regional Analysis Covers:
The market report provides you a brief discussion over key region, market share, regulatory guidelines and future trends to be availed by the key players in these regions. The market report also provides a detailed regional analysis of the LED Lighting market with regard to market size, production and consumption patterns, market share in terms of volume and value, import / export and demand dynamics, and presence of leading players in the market.
• North America (U.S., Canada)
• Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
• Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
• Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
• Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
• Rest of the World (Australia, New Zealand and Other Countries)
To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.rootsanalysis.com/led-lighting-market
Competitive Outlook of LED Lighting Market
Additionally, the report features in-depth analytical data segmented into charts, figures, graphs, tables, and diagrams in a well-organized format for quick analysis. The visual representation of data enables readers to understand the current market scenario in an easy and understandable way. Apart from the market study, the primary objective of the report is to provide a competitive outlook and offer a well-informed conclusion about opportunities to help readers make strategic business decisions. The SWOT analysis covered in the report, along with Porter's Five Forces analysis of the segment, provides information about future trends in the market.
Thank you for reading our report. For further queries, please connect with us, and our team will provide you with the report best suited to your requirements.
About Roots Analysis
Roots Analysis is a global leader in the pharma / biotech market research. Having worked with over 750 clients worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, academia, and venture and strategic investors for more than a decade, we offer a highly analytical / data-driven perspective to a network of over 450,000 senior industry stakeholders looking for credible market insights. All reports provided by us are structured in a way that enables the reader to develop a thorough perspective on the given subject. Apart from writing reports on identified areas, we provide bespoke research / consulting services dedicated to serving our clients in the best possible way.
Contact Details
Roots Analysis
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415
+44 (122) 391 1091
Website: https://www.rootsanalysis.com/
@ 29ff421a:2b6de3bf
2024-12-11 12:17:34
The latest drafted document on the global Adaptive AI Market by Roots Analysis, provides a brief discussion on industry size, current growth scenario and future opportunities. In the market study report, our authors extensively covered qualitative and quantitative analysis including investment opportunities to help stakeholders in evaluating the major growth drivers and business strategies to accelerate growth in the industry. In addition to comprehensive analysis, our researchers illustrated the market drivers, challenges, upcoming trends and partnerships between industrial leaders. The exclusive information about market dynamics serves as a valuable guide to predict economic scenarios and initiatives taken to enhance future growth. Our market study report aims to deliver value-pack information about supply chain ratio, product portfolio, consumption pattern, purchasing habits, macro and micro-economic factors. The primary objective is to help stakeholders update with current market scenarios and future opportunities to make considerable investment.
Global Adaptive AI Segments Overview
The global Adaptive AI market report highlights the discussion on the top segments across the Adaptive AI industry and the major share held by the segments. This segmentation dominance information helps businesses understand the major segments' distribution, products, end users, applications and key geographical regions. In addition, year wise discussion on three forecast models on the global Adaptive AI market help readers make a well-informed decision on business strategies for the future.
Global Adaptive AI Market Statistical Analysis Data
The global Adaptive AI market study report utilizes insightful processes for the analysis of statistical data associated with products provided in the industry. This elaborate discussion about the Adaptive AI market serves as an important document for understanding consumer requirements and future demand. Our market report provides invaluable data about leading companies and their business strategies that help vendors understand the competitiveness among them. The Adaptive AI industry is currently witnessing major expansion and growth dynamics driven by the entry of new players and rising collaborations between existing players. The market study outlines the growing market segments and insight into the evolving elements of the Adaptive AI industry. The primary objective of the market study report is to provide insightful information about current growth, transition, and future growth opportunities in the market. The global industry of Adaptive AI also features various acquisitions, mergers, agreements, partnerships, joint ventures, and product launches to help you make a strategic decision for future investment in this field.
Key Companies Profiled in the Report are
• Aegis Software
• Apexon
• Cisco
• Cygnus
• Dynam.AI
• Eaton
• General Electric
• Google
• Honeywell
• Huawei
Regional Analysis Covers:
The market report provides you a brief discussion over key region, market share, regulatory guidelines and future trends to be availed by the key players in these regions. The market report also provides a detailed regional analysis of the Adaptive AI market with regard to market size, production and consumption patterns, market share in terms of volume and value, import / export and demand dynamics, and presence of leading players in the market.
• North America (U.S., Canada)
• Europe (U.K., Italy, Germany, France, Rest of EU)
• Asia Pacific (India, Japan, China, South Korea, Australia, Rest of APAC)
• Latin America (Chile, Brazil, Argentina, Rest of Latin America)
• Middle East & Africa (Saudi Arabia, U.A.E., South Africa, Rest of MEA)
• Rest of the World (Australia, New Zealand and Other Countries)
To know more about the report, visit @ https://www.rootsanalysis.com/adaptive-ai-market
Competitive Outlook of Adaptive AI Market
Additionally, the report features in-depth analytical data segmented into charts, figures, graphs, tables, and diagrams in a well-organized format for quick analysis. The visual representation of data enables readers to understand the current market scenario in an easy and understandable way. Apart from the market study, the primary objective of the report is to provide a competitive outlook and offer a well-informed conclusion about opportunities to help readers make strategic business decisions. The SWOT analysis covered in the report, along with Porter's Five Forces analysis of the segment, provides information about future trends in the market.
Thank you for reading our report. For further queries, please connect with us, and our team will provide you with the report best suited to your requirements.
About Roots Analysis
Roots Analysis is a global leader in the pharma / biotech market research. Having worked with over 750 clients worldwide, including Fortune 500 companies, start-ups, academia, and venture and strategic investors for more than a decade, we offer a highly analytical / data-driven perspective to a network of over 450,000 senior industry stakeholders looking for credible market insights. All reports provided by us are structured in a way that enables the reader to develop a thorough perspective on the given subject. Apart from writing reports on identified areas, we provide bespoke research / consulting services dedicated to serving our clients in the best possible way.
Contact Details
Roots Analysis
Gaurav Chaudhary
+1 (415) 800 3415
+44 (122) 391 1091
Website: https://www.rootsanalysis.com/
@ e373ca41:b82abcc5
2024-12-11 11:48:41
There is a nice image in complexity theory: to describe the indirect effects in complex systems, one uses the image of a butterfly whose distant flapping of wings can have much greater effects in a completely different place. In the USA, the balance of power has changed dramatically. Corona policy critics Kennedy and Bhattacharya are to become Secretary of Health and Human Services and head of the NIH, respectively. Every wave, every flapping of wings that comes from the USA will eventually reach Germany. For decades, Germany has only been a recipient of impulses, not a provider of them.
Germany has failed to deal with the corona pandemic in the same manner as it had previously compliantly supported and carried out the madness. But the tsunami of enlightenment from the USA is building up and will eventually reach Germany. A nation in the hands of perpetrators, cover-ups, accomplices and profiteers must once again be liberated from the outside. When will we become an independent country?
**First it crumbles, then it erodes quickly**
The precursors of the tsunami can be felt everywhere. The first signs of panic are spreading among local coronists. The big row back and “save what can still be saved” is spreading. After the coalition broke down, the FDP suddenly called for a committee of inquiry and Lauterbach's resignation. ARD broadcasts a documentary about vaccination victims; it takes stock after uncritically following the damage to citizens' health for four years. On Hart aber Fair, there was a small pseudo-debate between the coronavirus nomenclature (Lauterbach, Buyx, Hirschhausen) and a few critical mainstream voices around Heribert Prantl.
However, the coronavirus narrative is breaking ever stronger and faster and this is bringing a new dynamic into play. A report by the US House of Representatives now speaks of a laboratory accident as the most plausible cause of coronavirus. The biggest cover-up and obfuscator of this thesis in Germany was Christian Drosten. This view could easily get you banned from social media or get you into professional trouble during coronavirus. The physicist Roland Wiesendanger from the University of Hamburg was labeled a conspiracy theorist and campaigns were initiated against him. A laboratory accident then? Of course, it would now be necessary to explain how an “accident” fits in with the timely implementation of the simulation game “Event 201” or vaccines suddenly pulled out of a hat (developed in January 2020). It has just been revealed that the trucks from Bergamo, which were supposed to transport coffins of alleged corona deaths to crematoria in a convoy of 13 trucks, had apparently only loaded one coffin per truck. It doesn't take much effort for viral images and morbid emotions. The stage of the Corona Theater has been stormed, the stage set exposed as a fake.
Every narrative has a life cycle and Corona's is just coming to an end. The phase of [self-destruction is about to begin](https://www.t-online.de/nachrichten/deutschland/gesellschaft/id_100546474/corona-christian-drosten-und-jonas-schmidt-chanasit-streiten-oeffentlich.html). The dismantling of the old nomenclature by the stirrup holders and profiteers begins. Christian Drosten is now being publicly criticized for his rash stance on [child vaccinations](https://x.com/i/bookmarks?post_id=1864591969298559250), accusing his colleague of “underhand” behaviour. The Bild newspaper now claims to have discovered that [Lauterbach lied](https://www.bild.de/politik/inland/pandemie-der-ungeimpften-lauterbach-geht-auf-bild-reporter-los-6749db3a299cd34e00bffcdb). Only now? The Springer publishing house has been a supporter of the pandemic from the very beginning, a representative of corona orthodoxy, only with a semi-critical veneer, a kind of pseudo-opposition in the mainstream. Biontech received a prize from the publisher, and the then editor-in-chief of Bild, Julian Reichelt, fantasized that 20 Biontechs were needed in Germany. Nobody could fail to notice that Karl Lauterbach was fanatical, confused and a permanent liar.
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The book of the hour is “Seduced Thinking” by Czeslaw Milosz. The later Nobel Prize winner for literature from Poland described the subjugation of the intellectual caste in Poland by Soviet doctrine in the 1950s. He describes obedience to the system, conformity to orthodoxy, the different types of followers (he calls them Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta). The most unimaginable thing for him was that this was “servitude through knowledge”.
Milosz writes:
> “There has never been such servitude through knowledge, it was reserved for the twentieth century. My generation was still taught at school that knowledge makes you free.”
Seduced thinking leads to a weighted mind, resulting in a stooped posture and ultimately a broken spine.
**High treason against democracy, anyone?**
What happened during Corona in Germany was more than a seduction of thought. It was a conspiracy by politicians, a caste of experts, the media, the scientific community and the cultural sector, who actively fought against any form of criticism and sold the health of an entire nation to a group of philanthrocapitalists around Bill Gates & Co. for a large-scale field trial with novel vaccines. As we know today and could have guessed at the time: with disastrous consequences and unforeseeable damage. And all this in the “best democracy of all time”. A better campaign to discredit democracy is hardly possible.
The coronavirus era was a breach of the democratic social contract, the greatest possible delegitimization of the state. A new democracy was created out of the old democracy: “Our democracy”. New institutions were created out of the institutions; the Bundestag was disempowered and a government of experts and councillors was set up, which took a strictly orthodox line. A new people of protectors was elected and critics were silenced. The good citizen was suddenly the obedient citizen. The conspiracy was not the result of collusion, but of incentivization. Everyone was aware of which statement could promote or destroy a career. Everyone made their own decision, chose their own camp. Anyone who wanted to make a pro-government statement, from a no-name expert to an innkeeper who barred unvaccinated people, only had to make it known and they were guaranteed attention through airtime, interviews and reporting. Everyone could get a piece of the cake, but it was a poisoned cake.
The sugar had an immediate effect, but the poison is insidious.
*This article first appeared in German by Milosz Matuschek on* *[Freischwebende Intelligenz](<https://www.freischwebende-intelligenz.org/p/deutschland-vor-dem-tsunami-der-aufarbeitung >).*
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@ 349d6b82:12b2a5b1
2024-12-11 10:37:18
__В "Водном дворце"__ пройдет очередной, _ежегодный городской_ марафон по плаванию - __"Серебряные волны".__ Это мероприятие организовано с целью популяризации здорового образа жизни и привлечения внимания к плавательному спорту в регионе.
Марафон "Серебряные волны" приурочен к __Дню спорта,__ который отмечается в России в декабре. Организаторы надеются, что это событие станет __традиционным и поможет развить интерес к плаванию среди молодежи и взрослых.__
В марафоне примут участие как __профессиональные спортсмены__ из Свердловской области, которые будут соревноваться в различных категориях, так и __любители плавания,__ желающие проверить свои силы на дистанциях 500 м, 1 км и 2 км. И, конечно, возможность посостязаться будет доступна и у __детей__ в возрасте от 6 до 14 лет, которые смогут участвовать в специальных детских заплывах на 100 м.
Старт марафона запланирован на __10:00 15 числа на большой и средней ванне.__ Участники будут разделены на категории __по возрасту и уровню подготовки.__ Каждый заплыв будет сопровождаться __судейской бригадой,__ которая обеспечит честность соревнований. После завершения всех заплывов состоится __церемония награждения,__ где победители получат медали и призы.
В рамках марафона также планируется __провести всяческие мастер-классы__ от известных _тренеров по плаванию, __Игорь Борданщук, Анатолий Гребней, Ирина Стреженко__ и много другие, для тех, _кто не умеет плавать._ Выставка __спортивного оборудования и одежды для плавания и также возможность по их приобретению.__ Программа для зрителей __с конкурсами и розыгрышами призов.__
Организаторы приглашают __всех желающих прийти и поддержать участников__ и _насладиться атмосферой спортивного праздника._
___А пока вспомним как это было год назад:___
allow="clipboard-write; autoplay"
@ e83b66a8:b0526c2b
2024-12-11 09:20:56
Can I suggest you read my book, it will tell you a lot. It is important you understand what Bitcoin is before you invest anything into it.
Firstly, Bitcoin is not like anything else you have ever experienced in your life. Everything else is based on trust and there is a higher authority you can always turn to.
If you loose access to your bank account, you can walk in to a branch with your ID papers and within half an hour or so, your account access will be restored by them. The bank control your account and the money held within it.
If you loose your passport or driving license, the government can issue you new ones. They control your identity.
If you get locked out of your house, you can call a locksmith and they will break in, legally, for you.
Bitcoin is different, it is permissionless and trustless. Nobody can stop you spending your money and you can send it to anyone anywhere in the world instantly without having to trust a third party to authorise payment for you.
By that same token, if you make a mistake and send it to the wrong address or if you lose the keys that secure your Bitcoin, it is gone, nobody can help you. You need to understand and be comfortable with that.
As for Bitcoin as a store of value, this is the first stage that all new Bitcoiners go through, but if you do it properly, it will eventually be the least significant feature.
However, as for Bitcoin price cycles. Every 4 years the supply is automatically halved. This happened on the 20th April this year, you probably saw we were in Warsaw at a halving party. It happened at 3:09am European time, so we were asleep.
Nothing actually happens for around 6 months of the halving, but from 6 - 18 months after the halving, the price rises significantly to adapt to the new supply and scarcity.
So, from the start of November the price has started to rise and will continue to do so in a saw tooth pattern for around the next year.
The price rise often overshoots the new natural price level and so expect a crash around the end of next year, it will be significant and will take a year or so to recover, but will eventually settle to a new price.
In 4 years time, around April 2028, the cycle will happen again.
Bitcoin is not a short term investment, don’t invest unless you are prepared to hold for a minimum of 4 years.
Holding bitcoin for 8 years can produce generational wealth.
The three core tenets of Bitcoin are:
Not your keys, not your coins - in other words, don’t leave them on exchanges
Don’t trust, verify - which leads to:
Do your own research
Study Bitcoin, it will give you back far more than you can imagine.
@ e83b66a8:b0526c2b
2024-12-11 09:16:23
I watched Tucker Carlson interview Roger Ver last night.
I know we have our differences with Roger, and he has some less than pleasant personality traits, but he is facing 109 years in jail for tax evasion. While the charges may be technically correct, he should be able to pay the taxes and a fine and walk free. Even if we accept he did wrong, a minor prison term such as 6 months to 2 years would be appropriate in this case.
We all know the severe penalty is an over reach by US authorities looking to make the whole crypto community scared about using any form of crypto as money.
The US and many governments know they have lost the battle of Bitcoin as a hard asset, but this happened as a result of the Nash equilibrium, whereby you are forced to play a game that doesn’t benefit you, because not playing that game disadvantages you further. I.e. Governments loose control of the asset, but that asset is able to shore up their balance sheet and prevent your economy from failing (potentially).
The war against Bitcoin (and other cryptos) as a currency, whereby you can use your Bitcoin to buy anything anywhere from a pint of milk in the local shop, to a house or car and everything in-between is a distant goal and one that is happening slowly. But it is happening and these are the new battle lines.
Part of that battle is self custody, part is tax and part are the money transmitting laws.
Roger’s case is also being used as a weapon of fear.
I don’t hate Roger, the problem I have with Bitcoin cash is that you cannot run a full node from your home and if you can’t do this, it is left to large corporations to run the blockchain. Large corporations are much easier to control and coerce than thousands, perhaps millions of individuals. Just as China banned Bitcoin mining, so in this scenario it would be possible for governments to ban full nodes and enforce that ban by shutting down companies that attempted to do so.
Also, if a currency like Bitcoin cash scaled to Visa size, then Bitcoin Cash the company would become the new Visa / Mastercard and only the technology would change. However, even Visa and Mastercard don’t keep transaction logs for years, that would require enormous amount of storage and have little benefit. Nobody needs a global ledger that keeps a record of every coffee purchased in every coffee shop since the beginning of blockchain time.
This is why Bitcoin with a layer 2 payment system like Lightning is a better proposition than large blockchain cryptos. Once a payment channel is closed, the transactions are forgotten in the same way Visa and Mastercard only keep a transaction history for 1 or 2 years.
This continues to allow the freedom for anybody, anywhere to verify the money they hold and the transactions they perform along with everybody else. We have consensus by verification.
@ e79d3f66:41a9bfbe
2024-12-11 08:07:10
The customer service industry is undergoing a rapid transformation, driven by technological advancements, evolving customer expectations, and a globalized workforce. As we step into 2025, several trends are poised to reshape the landscape of customer service outsourcing. Let's delve into the top trends that will shape the future of this dynamic industry.
1. AI-Powered Customer Service: A New Era of Automation
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing customer service by automating routine tasks and enhancing customer interactions. AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants are becoming increasingly sophisticated, capable of handling a wide range of customer inquiries, from simple product information to complex troubleshooting. This not only improves efficiency but also frees up human agents to focus on more complex and strategic tasks.
2. Hyper-Personalization: Tailoring Experiences to the Individual
Customers today crave personalized experiences that cater to their unique needs and preferences. Customer service outsourcing providers are leveraging data analytics and machine learning to gain deeper insights into customer behavior. This enables them to deliver highly personalized interactions, such as customized product recommendations, tailored messaging, and proactive support.
3. Omnichannel Customer Support: Seamless Experiences Across Channels
Customers expect seamless and consistent experiences across all touchpoints, whether it's phone, email, chat, social media, or in-person. Omnichannel customer support is essential to meet these expectations. Outsourcing providers are investing in advanced technologies and training their agents to handle multiple channels effectively. This ensures that customers receive timely and relevant assistance, regardless of the channel they choose.
4. Remote and Hybrid Workforces: A New Paradigm
The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of remote and hybrid work models. This trend is likely to continue in the customer service industry, as it offers numerous benefits, including increased flexibility, cost savings, and access to a global talent pool. Outsourcing providers are adapting to this shift by investing in robust remote work infrastructure and training their agents to work effectively from anywhere.
5. The Rise of the Digital Nomad Agent
The digital nomad lifestyle is gaining popularity, and customer service is no exception. Outsourcing providers are increasingly hiring digital nomad agents who can work remotely from anywhere in the world. This trend can lead to a more diverse and skilled workforce, as well as reduced operational costs.
6. Ethical AI and Data Privacy: A Growing Concern
As AI becomes more integrated into customer service, ethical considerations and data privacy are paramount. Outsourcing providers must ensure that AI algorithms are unbiased and transparent. They must also comply with stringent data privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, to protect customer information.
7. The Human Touch: Empathy and Emotional Intelligence
While technology is transforming customer service, the human touch remains essential. Customers still value empathy, understanding, and personalized attention. Outsourcing providers are focusing on training their agents to develop strong emotional intelligence skills. This enables them to connect with customers on an emotional level and provide exceptional support.
By embracing these trends, [customer service outsourcing](https://virtuasolutionsos.com/services/customer-service/) providers can stay ahead of the curve and deliver exceptional experiences to customers. As the industry continues to evolve, the focus will be on leveraging technology to enhance human interaction and build stronger customer relationships.
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2024-12-11 08:02:59
**Table Of Content**
- From the Backbench to the Forefront
- Milei's Bitcoin Connection
- The Coinx Controversy
- Argentina's Financial Quagmire
- Conclusion
Well, folks, it seems like the winds of change are blowing in Argentina! In a twist that no one saw coming, Javier Milei, the presidential candidate with a penchant for Bitcoin and libertarian economics, clinched the top spot in Argentina's primary. This victory sent shockwaves throughout the nation. Milei and his gang, the La Libertad Avanza (or "Liberty Advances"), managed to snag a whopping 30% of the votes. They beat the second-place contender, Juntos Por El Cambio, by just under 2%, which is quite the feat!
**From the Backbench to the Forefront**
La Libertad Avanza, founded just a couple of years ago in 2021, was once the little guy in the political arena. In their first legislative elections, they made waves, becoming the third most-voted coalition in Buenos Aires. But this recent victory? It's monumental! It's like David taking on Goliath and emerging victorious. Milei's rise has certainly turned heads and raised eyebrows in the political sphere, making everyone wonder what's next.
**Milei's Bitcoin Connection**
Javier Milei is not your run-of-the-mill political candidate. He's carved out a unique niche for himself in the world of politics, largely due to his vocal support for cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin. When you tune into talk shows and interviews, you'll often find Milei passionately discussing the potential of digital currencies. He doesn't just see them as another financial instrument; to him, they represent a return to a time when the power of money was firmly rooted in the hands of the people, free from excessive governmental control.
His views on Bitcoin go beyond mere admiration. Milei perceives it as a revolutionary tool, one that can challenge traditional financial systems. He often contrasts the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies with the centralized control of traditional fiat currencies. In his eyes, Bitcoin and its peers are not just alternatives but superior forms of money. He's even made bold claims, suggesting that in many ways, cryptocurrencies are safer investments than traditional precious metals like gold or silver. This is a significant statement, especially in a country like Argentina, where people have historically turned to gold as a hedge against economic instability.
However, as with any public figure with strong opinions, Milei's crypto enthusiasm has its fair share of critics. While he paints a rosy picture of a crypto-driven future, there are those who question his motives and the feasibility of his vision. The crypto world, as many know, is not without its pitfalls. From volatile market swings to regulatory challenges, the journey to mainstream acceptance is fraught with challenges. And Milei's connection to this world has put him under the microscope, with every statement and action being dissected and debated.
**The Coinx Controversy**
Rumor has it that Milei promoted a Ponzi scheme called Coinx, which allegedly swindled a cool $800,000 in Argentine pesos. Milei, of course, denies any wrongdoing. He even compared their business model to that of a bank. The only difference? They can offer higher interest rates because they're not tied down by the central bank. But not everyone's buying it. Manuel Ferrari, a big shot in the Bitcoin Argentina NGO, remains wary of Milei. This controversy adds another layer to the complex narrative surrounding Milei's rise.
**Argentina's Financial Quagmire**
Argentina's economic waters are turbulent, to say the least. With a dizzying inflation rate of 135% this year, the peso's value is plummeting, causing widespread distress. Amidst this chaos, many are pinning their hopes on Javier Milei, a figure who has emerged with a pro-Bitcoin stance that's causing quite the stir. Drawing parallels with El Salvador's audacious move to adopt Bitcoin, there's a buzz about whether Argentina might follow suit. But is Milei the savior Argentina has been waiting for? While his support for cryptocurrencies offers a glimmer of hope to some, it also brings with it skepticism and apprehension. The world of crypto, though promising, is still uncharted territory, especially for an economy as volatile as Argentina's.
As debates rage on, it's evident that Argentina stands at a crucial financial juncture. Milei's advocacy for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies suggests a potential shift in the country's financial paradigm. But diving into the crypto realm isn't without its risks, and there's a looming question: Are we witnessing the dawn of a new financial era for Argentina, or is it just a leap from the frying pan into the fire? The nation watches with bated breath, waiting to see the path Milei might pave.
Only time will truly reveal the impact of Milei's influence on Argentina's financial future. It's a waiting game now, folks. But if there's one thing we can bank on, it's that with Milei stirring the pot, Argentina's economic and financial landscape is poised for some dramatic shifts. The rollercoaster has just begun, so everyone better buckle up and brace themselves. Keep your eyes peeled and ears to the ground, because the upcoming months promise a whirlwind of changes, debates, and transformations for Argentina. The nation stands at a pivotal juncture, and the world watches with bated breath.
**Who is Javier Milei?**
Javier Milei is a presidential candidate in Argentina known for his support of Bitcoin and libertarian economics.
**What is La Libertad Avanza?**
La Libertad Avanza, translated as "Liberty Advances," is the political coalition led by Javier Milei.
**How did Milei fare in the recent primaries?**
Milei clinched the top spot in Argentina's primary, securing over 30% of the votes.
**What is the Coinx controversy?**
Coinx is an alleged Ponzi scheme that Milei is rumored to have promoted. However, Milei denies any wrongdoing.
**What is Milei's stance on Bitcoin?**
Milei is a strong advocate for Bitcoin, viewing it as a return to private sector-controlled money and a safer alternative to traditional assets like gold or silver.
**That's all for today**
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@ 349d6b82:12b2a5b1
2024-12-11 07:15:39
__Утром 11 декабря__ произошло _необычное событие,_ которое привлекло внимание местных жителей и нашу редакцию. __32-летний местный житель Серова Петр Дибонеев,__ который стал свидетелем и участником спасательной операции на реке Тура.
По словам спасателя - Утром, во время _пробежки вдоль реки,_ Петр заметил, что человек тонет. Не раздумывая, он бросился в воду и смог вытащить утопающего, который оказался __25-летним студентом - Николай Астрахонский__ - из соседнего города - ___Нижний Тагил.___ Благодаря _быстрой реакции Петра,_ пострадавший был спасен и доставлен в больницу с __легкими переохлаждениями.__
_"Когда я увидел человека, который тонет, у меня не было времени на раздумья. Я просто инстинктивно бросился в воду. В такие моменты ты не думаешь о себе, а лишь о том, как помочь другому. Я рад, что смог спасти его и что он сейчас в безопасности. Это не только моя заслуга — я уверен, что каждый из нас готов прийти на помощь в трудную минуту"_ - __высказался по этому поводу Петр Дибонеев.__
Это событие вызвало __широкий резонанс__ в городе. Местные жители организовали _акцию_ благодарности Петру, где он получил __грамоту от администрации города за мужество и самоотверженность.__ А в социальных сетях начали распространяться посты с хештегом __#ГеройСерова__, где люди делятся своими историями о смелых поступках.
И также мэр города, __Ольга Петрова,__ отметила: _"Петр — настоящий герой. Его поступок вдохновляет нас всех. Мы должны помнить о важности взаимопомощи и поддержки друг друга в трудные времена"._
Такие события напоминает нам о том, что каждый из нас может стать героем в _нужный момент._ Петр Дибонеев стал символом __мужества и готовности прийти на помощь,__ что должно вдохновлять на __добрые дела и активное участие__ в жизни сообщества.
@ 79d783e8:3b888a6d
2024-12-11 05:33:08
The "Netflix Hypothesis" is a name which is intended to illustrate one of the simple mechanisms through which our attention spans have been reduced, our anxiety spiked and our wallets drained. I cannot take full credit for the name, and will give due credit to my close friend in the book surrounding this topic which I am busy working on.
The purpose of this read is to pose that inflation itself has had a profoundly negative impact on the nature of society and our brains. It differs from the general narrative, because yes it touches on inflation's impact on our time preference, but it also discusses the global phenomenon of "Brain-rot" affecting not only my generation, but all of those alive today.
Although the name suggests it, this essay is not focused specifically on Netflix, but rather most of the highly successful companies that operate and thrive today in an inflationary environment. I also would like to add that I am not explicitly and corporatist; I am a staunch anarcho-capitalist. I have contempt for the effects for what these companies have done over the past four decades, however, I view this more from the perspective that they were doing what they could to be successful in an inflationary environment, caused by the US, and other governments globally.
If you have a melting ice cube, would you continue holding it, or rather put it to use to cool down your drink? As, I can assume that the majority of those that will read this are already Bitcoiners, I don't particularly need to explain inflation, but I use the ice cube analogy to highlight the change in time preference. We are more likely to spend our money immediately, rather than saving it and putting it to better use later (hence why I love the term "cold storage" to refer to certain bitcoin wallets).
This phenomenon of spending, rather than saving, means that our natural endless consumption cycle accelerates. In order for companies to be successful in an environment like that benefit from producing cheap, quick and easy solutions as places where we can shove our money. Netflix is one such example, in that the TV industry once produced pilot episodes to gauge interest in any series, but Netflix began the trend of paying to produce a whole season at once, releasing the whole season immediately, instead of taking time with production and staggering the release to one episode per week. This means that the viewer is a lot more likely to watch an entire show in one, or two sittings, regardless of whether it is high quality or not; if they didn't do this, most viewer would likely forget about most of the shows that Netflix pumps out, because frankly most of them are mildly entertaining at best.
The same phenomenon is observed in the fashion industry, with the bulk of the world's population today wearing fast fashion clothing made from low-grade materials in third-world nations under near slave-labour conditions. Companies like Stein, H&M, Cotton:on, Zara and the like, produce clothes that you might wear only once, or at best for a year before they begin to fall apart. This is contrasted to the trades of tailors, seamstresses, cobblers and the like, who would once produce high quality garb which would last for years, and provide mending services in case of damage. Fast fashion has by now been discussed at length by many people, but no campaigns to end it have borne any fruit - because simply, it's fast, easy and convenient.
@ 4d4fb5ff:1e821f47
2024-12-11 04:34:20
Overlay of the molecular structures of two proteins. This two-step work is comprised of animations I captured from public data while in graduate school, which marked the beginning of my interest in biological, data-driven art. After being stored for over a decade on a thumb drive, I merged two of the animations to create a new entity in 2024, linking past and present, which is mirrored in the interactions of the two major protein folds (alpha helices and beta sheets).
<img src="https://i.nostr.build/q62zL.gif">
@ 07907690:d4e015f6
2024-12-11 03:45:40
Dhruv Bansal, CSO dan Co-Founder Unchained mengeksplorasi prinsip-prinsip dan sejarah yang mengarah pada penciptaan Bitcoin dan mengajukan pertanyaan: "Apa yang telah dilakukan Satoshi"?
Bitcoin sering dibandingkan dengan internet pada tahun 1990an, namun saya yakin analogi yang lebih baik adalah dengan telegraf pada tahun 1840an.[^1]
Telegraf adalah teknologi pertama yang mengirimkan data yang dikodekan dengan kecepatan mendekati cahaya dalam jarak jauh. Ini menandai lahirnya industri telekomunikasi. Internet, meskipun skalanya lebih besar, kontennya lebih kaya, dan _many-to-many_, bukan _one-to-one_, pada dasarnya masih merupakan teknologi telekomunikasi.
Baik telegraf maupun internet bergantung pada model bisnis di mana perusahaan mengerahkan modal untuk membangun jaringan fisik dan kemudian membebankan biaya kepada pengguna untuk mengirim pesan melalui jaringan ini. Jaringan AT&T secara historis mengirimkan telegram, panggilan telepon, paket TCP/IP, pesan teks, dan sekarang TikTok.
Transformasi masyarakat melalui telekomunikasi telah menghasilkan kebebasan yang lebih besar namun juga sentralisasi yang lebih besar. Internet telah meningkatkan jangkauan jutaan pembuat konten dan usaha kecil, namun juga memperkuat jangkauan perusahaan, otoritas pusat, dan lembaga lain yang memiliki posisi yang cukup baik untuk memantau dan memanipulasi aktivitas online.
Namun Bitcoin bukanlah akhir dari transformasi apa pun—ini adalah awal dari sebuah transformasi. Seperti halnya telekomunikasi, Bitcoin akan mengubah kebiasaan umat manusia dan kehidupan sehari-harinya. Memprediksi seluruh cakupan perubahan saat ini sama dengan membayangkan internet saat hidup di era telegraf.
Seri ini mencoba membayangkan masa depan dengan memulai dari masa lalu. Artikel awal ini menelusuri sejarah mata uang digital sebelum Bitcoin. Hanya dengan memahami kegagalan proyek-proyek sebelumnya, kita dapat memahami apa yang membuat Bitcoin berhasil—dan bagaimana hal itu menyarankan metodologi untuk membangun sistem desentralisasi di masa depan.
Klaim utama dari artikel ini adalah bahwa Bitcoin dapat dianggap sebagai adaptasi dari proyek B-money Dai yang menghilangkan kebebasan untuk menciptakan uang. Hanya beberapa minggu setelah artikel ini pertama kali diterbitkan, email baru muncul di mana Satoshi mengaku tidak terbiasa dengan B-money, namun mengakui bahwa Bitcoin dimulai “tepat dari titik itu.” Mengingat bukti baru ini, kami yakin klaim utama ini, meskipun tidak akurat secara historis, masih merupakan cara yang bermakna dan bermanfaat untuk memikirkan asal usul Bitcoin.
**Bagaimana Satoshi Nakamoto Memikirkan Bitcoin?**
Satoshi memang cerdas, tetapi Bitcoin tidak muncul begitu saja.
Bitcoin mengulangi pekerjaan yang ada di bidang kriptografi, sistem terdistribusi, ekonomi, dan filsafat politik. Konsep _proof-of-work_ sudah ada jauh sebelum digunakan dalam uang dan cypherpunk sebelumnya seperti Nick Szabo, Wei Dai, & Hal Finney mengantisipasi dan memengaruhi desain Bitcoin dengan proyek-proyek seperti bit gold, B-money, dan RPoW. Pertimbangkan bahwa, pada tahun 2008, ketika Satoshi menulis _white paper_ Bitcoin[^2], banyak ide penting Bitcoin telah diusulkan dan/atau diimplementasikan:
* Mata uang digital harus berupa jaringan P2P
* _Proof-of-work_ adalah dasar penciptaan uang
* Uang diciptakan melalui lelang
* Kunci publik kriptografi digunakan untuk menentukan kepemilikan dan transfer koin
* Transaksi dikelompokkan menjadi beberapa blok
* Blok dirangkai bersama melalui _proof-of-work_
* Semua blok disimpan oleh semua peserta
Bitcoin memanfaatkan semua konsep ini, tetapi Satoshi tidak menciptakan satu pun konsep tersebut. Untuk lebih memahami kontribusi Satoshi, kita harus menentukan prinsip Bitcoin mana yang tidak ada dalam daftar.
Beberapa kandidat yang jelas adalah persediaan Bitcoin yang terbatas, konsensus Nakamoto, dan algoritma penyesuaian kesulitan. Tapi apa yang mendorong Satoshi pada ide ini?
Artikel ini mengeksplorasi sejarah mata uang digital dan menyatakan bahwa fokus Satoshi pada kebijakan moneter yang sehat adalah hal yang menyebabkan Bitcoin mengatasi tantangan yang mengalahkan proyek-proyek sebelumnya seperti bit gold dan B-money.
## Sistem yang Terdesentralisasi Adalah Pasar
Bitcoin sering digambarkan sebagai sistem terdesentralisasi atau terdistribusi. Sayangnya, kata “desentralisasi” dan “terdistribusi” sering kali membingungkan. Ketika diterapkan pada sistem digital, kedua istilah tersebut mengacu pada cara aplikasi monolitik dapat didekomposisi menjadi jaringan bagian-bagian yang berkomunikasi.
![Bitcoin: Centralized and Distributed]( https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgLKfm4LSHUA4xAWyM6EWZY4cJnzld4C67KNQZlFpynsUuM4S9-az9Mi5TJNLj1CXW2_o4sa_iT_vgAHkOIrGnZIe2-WBGhjLpVqruv6Ct-oP843xqV-OPtJpi16FcvUcG65GHjCmLKV0yPrpDmORCw_dxOTvlQ89oirc4T4aFi-feINQEjy-OeUfVYXuw/s1600/MjA1Njc1ODMyMTEzMzc0NjYx.webp)
Untuk tujuan kita, perbedaan utama antara sistem terdesentralisasi dan terdistribusi bukanlah [topologi diagram jaringannya]( https://medium.com/@VitalikButerin/the-meaning-of-decentralization-a0c92b76a274 "Link to: https://medium.com/@VitalikButerin/the-meaning-of-decentralization-a0c92b76a274"), namun cara mereka menegakkan aturan. Kami meluangkan waktu di bagian berikut untuk membandingkan sistem terdistribusi dan desentralisasi dan memotivasi gagasan bahwa sistem desentralisasi yang kuat adalah pasar.
### Sistem Terdistribusikan Bergantung pada Otoritas Pusat
Dalam hal ini, kami mengartikan “terdistribusi” sebagai sistem apa pun yang telah dipecah menjadi beberapa bagian (sering disebut sebagai "_node_") yang harus berkomunikasi, biasanya melalui jaringan.
Insinyur perangkat lunak semakin mahir dalam membangun sistem yang terdistribusi secara global. Internet terdiri dari sistem terdistribusi yang secara kolektif berisi miliaran node. Kita masing-masing memiliki simpul di saku kita yang berpartisipasi dan bergantung pada sistem ini.
Namun hampir semua sistem terdistribusi yang kita gunakan saat ini diatur oleh beberapa otoritas pusat, biasanya administrator sistem, perusahaan, atau pemerintah yang saling dipercaya oleh semua node dalam sistem.
Otoritas pusat memastikan semua node mematuhi aturan sistem dan menghapus, memperbaiki, atau menghukum node yang gagal mematuhinya. Mereka dipercaya untuk melakukan koordinasi, menyelesaikan konflik, dan mengalokasikan sumber daya bersama. Seiring waktu, otoritas pusat mengelola perubahan pada sistem, memperbarui atau menambahkan fitur, dan memastikan bahwa node yang berpartisipasi mematuhi perubahan tersebut.
Manfaat yang diperoleh sistem terdistribusi karena mengandalkan otoritas pusat juga disertai dengan biaya. Meskipun sistem ini kuat terhadap kegagalan node-nodenya, kegagalan otoritas pusat dapat menyebabkan sistem berhenti berfungsi secara keseluruhan. Kemampuan otoritas pusat untuk mengambil keputusan secara sepihak berarti menumbangkan atau menghilangkan otoritas pusat sudah cukup untuk mengendalikan atau menghancurkan keseluruhan sistem.
Terlepas dari adanya _trade-off_ ini, jika ada persyaratan bahwa satu partai atau koalisi harus mempertahankan otoritas pusat, atau jika peserta dalam sistem tersebut puas dengan mengandalkan otoritas pusat, maka sistem terdistribusi tradisional adalah solusi terbaik. Tidak diperlukan [blockchain](/2024/07/apa-itu-blockchain.html "Apa itu Blockchain?"), token, atau sistem desentralisasi serupa.
Secara khusus, kasus VC atau mata uang kripto yang didukung oleh pemerintah, dengan persyaratan bahwa satu pihak dapat memantau atau membatasi pembayaran dan membekukan akun, adalah kasus penggunaan yang sempurna untuk sistem terdistribusi tradisional.
### Sistem Desentralisasi Tidak Memiliki Otoritas Pusat
Kami menganggap “desentralisasi” memiliki arti yang lebih kuat daripada “terdistribusi”: sistem desentralisasi adalah bagian dari sistem terdistribusi yang tidak memiliki otoritas pusat. Sinonim yang mirip dengan “desentralisasi” adalah “peer-to-peer” (P2P).
Menghapus otoritas pusat memberikan beberapa keuntungan. Sistem terdesentralisasi:
* Tumbuh dengan cepat karena tidak ada hambatan untuk masuk—siapa pun dapat mengembangkan sistem hanya dengan menjalankan node baru, dan tidak ada persyaratan untuk registrasi atau persetujuan dari otoritas pusat.
* Kuat karena tidak ada otoritas pusat yang kegagalannya dapat membahayakan berfungsinya sistem. Semua node adalah sama, jadi kegagalan bersifat lokal dan jaringan merutekan sekitar kerusakan.
* Sulit untuk ditangkap, diatur, dikenakan pajak, atau diawasi karena tidak adanya titik kendali terpusat yang dapat ditumbangkan oleh pemerintah.
Kekuatan inilah yang menjadi alasan Satoshi memilih desain Bitcoin yang terdesentralisasi dan _peer-to-peer_:
> _“Pemerintah pandai memotong… jaringan yang dikendalikan secara terpusat seperti Napster, namun jaringan P2P murni seperti Gnutella dan Tor tampaknya masih mampu bertahan.” - Satoshi Nakamoto, 2008_
Namun kekuatan ini juga disertai dengan kelemahan. Sistem yang terdesentralisasi bisa menjadi kurang efisien karena setiap titik harus memikul tanggung jawab tambahan untuk koordinasi yang sebelumnya diambil alih oleh otoritas pusat.
Sistem yang terdesentralisasi juga sering dilanda perilaku yang bersifat penipuan dan bertentangan. Terlepas dari persetujuan Satoshi terhadap Gnutella, siapa pun yang menggunakan program berbagi file P2P untuk mengunduh file yang ternyata kotor atau berbahaya memahami alasan mengapa berbagi file P2P tidak pernah menjadi model utama untuk transfer data online.
Satoshi tidak menyebutkannya secara eksplisit, namun email adalah sistem terdesentralisasi lainnya yang menghindari kendali pemerintah. Dan email juga terkenal sebagai spam.
### Sistem Desentralisasi diatur Melalui Insentif
Akar masalahnya, dalam semua kasus ini adalah, bahwa perilaku kejahatan (menyebarkan file buruk, mengirim email spam) tidak dihukum, dan perilaku kooperatif (menyebarkan file bagus, hanya mengirim email berguna) tidak dihargai. Sistem desentralisasi yang mengandalkan partisipannya untuk menjadi aktor yang baik gagal untuk berkembang karena sistem tersebut tidak dapat mencegah aktor jahat untuk ikut berpartisipasi.
Tanpa memaksakan otoritas pusat, satu-satunya cara untuk menyelesaikan masalah ini adalah dengan menggunakan insentif ekonomi. Aktor yang baik, menurut definisinya, bermain sesuai aturan karena mereka secara inheren termotivasi untuk melakukannya. Pelaku kejahatan, menurut definisinya, adalah orang yang egois dan licik, namun insentif ekonomi yang tepat dapat mengarahkan perilaku buruk mereka ke arah kebaikan bersama. Sistem yang terdesentralisasi melakukan hal ini dengan memastikan bahwa perilaku kooperatif menguntungkan dan perilaku kejahatan merugikan.
Cara terbaik untuk menerapkan layanan terdesentralisasi yang kuat adalah dengan menciptakan pasar di mana semua pelaku, baik dan buruk, dibayar untuk menyediakan layanan tersebut. Kurangnya hambatan masuk bagi pembeli dan penjual di pasar yang terdesentralisasi mendorong skala dan efisiensi. Jika protokol pasar dapat melindungi partisipan dari penipuan, pencurian, dan penyalahgunaan, maka pelaku kejahatan akan merasa lebih menguntungkan untuk mengikuti aturan atau menyerang sistem lain.
## Pasar yang Terdesentralisasi Membutuhkan Barang yang Terdesentralisasi
Namun pasar itu rumit. Mereka harus memberi pembeli dan penjual kemampuan untuk mengirimkan penawaran dan permintaan serta menemukan, mencocokkan, dan menyelesaikan pesanan. Kebijakan tersebut harus adil, memberikan konsistensi yang kuat, dan menjaga ketersediaan meskipun terjadi masa-masa yang tidak menentu.
Pasar global saat ini sangat mumpuni dan canggih, namun menggunakan barang-barang tradisional dan jaringan pembayaran untuk menerapkan insentif di pasar yang terdesentralisasi bukanlah hal yang baru. Setiap penggabungan antara sistem desentralisasi dan uang fiat, aset tradisional, atau komoditas fisik akan menimbulkan kembali ketergantungan pada otoritas pusat yang mengontrol pemroses pembayaran, bank, dan bursa.
![Barang tradisional - Barang desentralisasi]( https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEirPnZYZV_jvWJgTEEDfAuuZBjnj-HJUXaI0xhMZojo8XYgQW1VpV2Bm3HZBJ4q9tUYW8mVKxQbzFIgLBhrjPPnkHBzH-H4msX3fFBWt3KaATX9B7z_J5xc49QRo-O6FVkMKi0VzUpqKS34es1NW6i_zse0sWt-Is2ko7froNNMSUvRIKRYmG-M7N_F6K0/s1600/MjA1Njc2ODgxNjk2MDA3NjIx.webp)
Sistem terdesentralisasi tidak dapat mentransfer uang tunai, mencari saldo rekening perantara, atau menentukan kepemilikan properti. Barang-barang tradisional sama sekali tidak terbaca dalam sistem desentralisasi. Hal sebaliknya tidak benar—sistem tradisional dapat berinteraksi dengan Bitcoin semudah aktor lainnya (begitu mereka memutuskan ingin melakukannya). Batasan antara sistem tradisional dan desentralisasi bukanlah sebuah tembok yang tidak dapat dilewati, melainkan sebuah membran semi-permeabel.
Ini berarti bahwa sistem yang terdesentralisasi tidak dapat melaksanakan pembayaran dalam mata uang barang tradisional apa pun. Mereka bahkan tidak dapat menentukan saldo rekening yang didominasi fiat atau kepemilikan real estat atau barang fisik. Seluruh perekonomian tradisional sama sekali tidak terbaca dalam sistem desentralisasi.
Menciptakan pasar yang terdesentralisasi membutuhkan perdagangan barang-barang baru yang terdesentralisasi yang dapat dibaca dan ditransfer dalam sistem yang terdesentralisasi.
### Komputasi Adalah Barang Terdesentralisasi yang Pertama
Contoh pertama dari “barang terdesentralisasi” adalah kelas komputasi khusus yang pertama kali diusulkan pada tahun 1993 oleh Cynthia Dwork dan Moni Naor.[^3]
Karena adanya hubungan mendalam antara matematika, fisika, dan ilmu komputer, komputasi ini memerlukan energi dan sumber daya perangkat keras di dunia nyata—hal ini tidak dapat dipalsukan. Karena sumber daya di dunia nyata langka, komputasi ini juga langka.
_input_ untuk komputasi ini dapat berupa data apa pun. Keluaran yang dihasilkan adalah “bukti” digital bahwa pengkomputasian telah dilakukan pada data _input_ yang diberikan. Pembuktian mengandung “kesulitan” tertentu yang merupakan bukti (statistik) dari sejumlah pekerjaan komputasi tertentu. Yang terpenting, hubungan antara data _input_, pembuktian, dan pekerjaan komputasi asli yang dilakukan dapat diverifikasi secara independen tanpa perlu mengajukan banding ke otoritas pusat mana pun.
Gagasan untuk menyebarkan beberapa data _input_ bersama dengan bukti digital sebagai bukti kerja komputasi dunia nyata yang dilakukan pada _input_ tersebut sekarang disebut “_proof-of-work_”.[^4] _Proof-of-work_ adalah, jika menggunakan ungkapan Nick Szabo, “biaya yang tidak dapat ditiru”. Karena _proof-of-work_ dapat diverifikasi oleh siapa pun, maka _proof-of-work_ merupakan sumber daya ekonomi yang dapat dibaca oleh semua peserta dalam sistem desentralisasi. _Proof-of-work_ mengubah penghitungan data menjadi barang yang terdesentralisasi. Dwork & Naor mengusulkan penggunaan komputasi untuk membatasi penyalahgunaan sumber daya bersama dengan memaksa peserta untuk memberikan _proof-of-work_ dengan tingkat kesulitan minimum tertentu sebelum mereka dapat mengakses sumber daya:
> “Dalam makalah ini kami menyarankan pendekatan komputasi untuk memerangi penyebaran surat elektronik. Secara umum, kami telah merancang mekanisme kontrol akses yang dapat digunakan kapan pun diinginkan untuk membatasi, namun tidak melarang, akses ke sumber daya.” - Dwoak & Naor, 1993
Dalam proposal Dwork & Naor, administrator sistem email akan menetapkan tingkat kesulitan bukti kerja minimum untuk mengirimkan email. Pengguna yang ingin mengirim email perlu melakukan sejumlah komputasi yang sesuai dengan email tersebut sebagai data _input_. Bukti yang dihasilkan akan dikirimkan ke server bersamaan dengan permintaan pengiriman email.
Dwork & Naor menyebut kesulitan _proof-of-work_ sebagai “fungsi penetapan harga” karena, dengan menyesuaikan kesulitan tersebut, “otoritas penetapan harga” dapat memastikan bahwa sumber daya bersama tetap murah untuk digunakan bagi pengguna yang jujur dan rata-rata, namun mahal bagi pengguna yang mencari untuk mengeksploitasinya. Di pasar pengiriman email, administrator server adalah otoritas penetapan harga; mereka harus memilih “harga” untuk pengiriman email yang cukup rendah untuk penggunaan normal namun terlalu tinggi untuk spam.
Meskipun Dwork & Naor membingkai _proof-of-work_ sebagai disinsentif ekonomi untuk memerangi penyalahgunaan sumber daya, nomenklatur “fungsi penetapan harga” dan “otoritas penetapan harga” mendukung interpretasi yang berbeda dan berbasis pasar: pengguna membeli akses ke sumber daya dengan imbalan komputasi pada tingkat yang sama. harga yang ditetapkan oleh pengontrol sumber daya.
Dalam interpretasi ini, jaringan pengiriman email sebenarnya adalah pengiriman email perdagangan pasar yang terdesentralisasi untuk komputasi. Kesulitan minimum dari _proof-of-work_ adalah harga yang diminta untuk pengiriman email dalam mata uang komputasi.
### Mata Uang Adalah Barang Terdesentralisasi yang kedua
Namun komputasi bukanlah mata uang yang baik.
Bukti yang digunakan untuk “memperdagangkan” komputasi hanya valid untuk _input_ yang digunakan dalam komputasi tersebut. Hubungan yang tidak dapat dipecahkan antara bukti spesifik dan _input_ tertentu berarti bahwa _proof-of-work_ untuk satu _input_ tidak dapat digunakan kembali untuk _input_ yang berbeda.
![Bukti kerja komputasi email]( https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjLUCWdtqZ5CLxbVk2hrTrkgFzBZQfYh8YTJPkflCAlzZS9kuRMjAlhv3MGZ8lblRjrMGk6OWH6imDxz6qLlOd7KRADl01u7aK45hPmiiR55LtEuYNJthf6S_P1tVp_Ma57JbEdZWZeJgtGQsn49AUeJINXf6NwOdX6rG06frTJigQOxeyMFYxiQCm2czw/s1600/MjA1Njc2OTQ1ODUyMDgxNjA1.webp)
_Proof-of-work_ awalnya diusulkan sebagai mekanisme kontrol akses untuk membatasi email spam. Pengguna diharapkan memberikan bukti kerja bersama email apa pun yang ingin mereka kirim. Mekanisme ini juga dapat dianggap sebagai pasar di mana pengguna membeli pengiriman email dengan komputasi pada harga yang dipilih oleh penyedia layanan email.
Batasan ini berguna – dapat digunakan untuk mencegah pekerjaan yang dilakukan oleh satu pembeli di pasar kemudian dibelanjakan kembali oleh pembeli lain. Misalnya, HashCash, implementasi nyata pertama dari pasar pengiriman email, menyertakan metadata seperti stempel waktu saat ini dan alamat email pengirim dalam data masukan untuk penghitungan bukti kerja. Bukti yang dihasilkan oleh pengguna tertentu untuk email tertentu, tidak dapat digunakan untuk email yang berbeda.
Namun ini juga berarti bahwa komputasi bukti kerja adalah barang yang dipesan lebih dahulu. Dana tersebut tidak dapat dipertukarkan, tidak dapat dibelanjakan kembali,[^5] dan tidak memecahkan masalah kebutuhan yang terjadi secara kebetulan. Properti moneter yang hilang ini mencegah komputasi menjadi mata uang. Terlepas dari namanya, tidak ada insentif bagi penyedia pengiriman email untuk ingin mengakumulasikan HashCash, karena akan ada uang tunai sebenarnya.
Adam Back, penemu HashCash, memahami masalah berikut:
> "Hashcash tidak dapat ditransfer secara langsung karena untuk membuatnya didistribusikan, setiap penyedia layanan hanya menerima pembayaran dalam bentuk tunai yang dibuat untuk mereka. Anda mungkin dapat menyiapkan pencetakan gaya digicash (dengan chaumian ecash) dan meminta bank hanya mencetak uang tunai pada penerimaan tabrakan hash yang ditangani. Namun ini berarti Anda harus mempercayai bank untuk tidak mencetak uang dalam jumlah tak terbatas untuk digunakan sendiri." - Adam Back, 1997
Kita tidak ingin menukar komputasi yang dibuat khusus untuk setiap barang atau jasa yang dijual dalam perekonomian yang terdesentralisasi. Kita menginginkan mata uang digital serba guna yang dapat langsung digunakan untuk mengoordinasikan pertukaran nilai di pasar mana pun.
Membangun mata uang digital yang berfungsi namun tetap terdesentralisasi merupakan tantangan yang signifikan. Mata uang membutuhkan unit yang dapat dipertukarkan dengan nilai yang sama yang dapat ditransfer antar pengguna. Hal ini memerlukan model penerbitan, definisi kriptografi kepemilikan dan transfer, proses penemuan dan penyelesaian transaksi, dan buku besar historis. Infrastruktur ini tidak diperlukan ketika bukti kerja hanya dianggap sebagai “mekanisme kontrol akses”.
Terlebih lagi, sistem desentralisasi adalah pasar, jadi semua fungsi dasar mata uang ini harus disediakan melalui penyedia layanan berbayar… dalam satuan mata uang yang sedang dibuat!
Seperti mengkompilasi _compiler_ pertama, permulaan jaringan listrik yang gelap, atau evolusi kehidupan itu sendiri, pencipta mata uang digital dihadapkan pada masalah bootstrapping: bagaimana mendefinisikan insentif ekonomi yang mendasari mata uang yang berfungsi tanpa memiliki mata uang yang berfungsi di dalamnya yang akan mendenominasikan atau membayar insentif tersebut.
![Komputasi dan mata uang adalah barang pertama dan kedua di pasar yang terdesentralisasi]( https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEiGpo4mXR-m5vUg01a9kHxBboaqxu10p_hgAx2U1j05VM1-WU63_qeHdYsWkEMTMOk5jE568ulYxxVAC-F4RDvd4UR8TT1MepKeWU_BFvaj5AhtLCAI-ODKy3bhUNGwb4Hbm0TjOT66t2640H6CJj5VMhyphenhyphenQCA_vaql0WEr7M4dIrNeZRyVMLUXFVcjxNW8/s1600/MjA1Njc2OTk2MzE3OTQ3MzMz.webp)
Komputasi dan mata uang adalah barang pertama dan kedua di pasar yang terdesentralisasi. _Proof-of-work_ sendiri memungkinkan pertukaran komputasi tetapi mata uang yang berfungsi memerlukan lebih banyak infrastruktur. Butuh waktu 15 tahun bagi komunitas cypherpunk untuk mengembangkan infrastruktur tersebut.
### Pasar Terdesentralisasi Pertama harus Memperdagangkan Komputasi untuk Mata Uang
Kemajuan dalam masalah bootstrapping ini berasal dari penyusunan batasan yang tepat.
Sistem yang terdesentralisasi harus menjadi pasar. Pasar terdiri dari pembeli dan penjual yang saling bertukar barang. Pasar terdesentralisasi untuk mata uang digital hanya memiliki dua barang yang dapat dibaca di dalamnya:
1. Komputasi melalui _proof-of-work_
2. Unit mata uang yang kita coba bangun
Oleh karena itu, satu-satunya perdagangan pasar yang memungkinkan adalah antara kedua barang tersebut. Komputasi harus dijual untuk satuan mata uang atau setara dengan satuan mata uang harus dijual untuk komputasi. Menyatakan hal ini sangatlah mudah—bagian tersulitnya adalah menata pasar ini sehingga sekadar menukar mata uang untuk komputasi akan mem-bootstrap semua kemampuan mata uang itu sendiri!
Seluruh sejarah mata uang digital yang berpuncak pada _white paper_ Satoshi tahun 2008 adalah serangkaian upaya yang semakin canggih dalam menata pasar ini. Bagian berikut mengulas proyek-proyek seperti bit gold milik Nick Szabo dan B-money milik Wei Dai. Memahami bagaimana proyek-proyek ini menyusun pasar mereka dan mengapa mereka gagal akan membantu kita memahami mengapa Satoshi dan Bitcoin berhasil.
![Desentralisasi uang harus menukar komputasi dengan unit mata uang]( https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEij3Ho0h_j7o5wRvmB8NUINXyZ78Q1UHZ2GQpHBByLAsARcTqvAK3kN0GkDjfDAH1q3jHiiS1o_i2QbWWa4j1GwwOV6vl9GUyeJMY-t9cdj_gvmEV-fyu0EzfCV8KWlOi5Zsr5OLnWRL8Gxx24hZobcVSZtY3m802c7EAvtMvuSk3eV7vELxlvAK4h2wlg/s1600/MjA1Njc3MDM5MjY3NjIwMzgx.webp)
## Bagaimana Sistem Desentralisasi Dapat Menentukan Harga Komputasi?
Fungsi utama pasar adalah penemuan harga. Oleh karena itu, komputasi perdagangan pasar untuk mata uang harus menemukan harga komputasi itu sendiri, dalam satuan mata uang tersebut.
Kita biasanya tidak memberikan nilai moneter pada komputasi. Kita biasanya menghargai kapasitas untuk melakukan komputasi karena kita menghargai output dari komputasi, bukan komputasi itu sendiri. Jika keluaran yang sama dapat dilakukan dengan lebih efisien, dengan komputasi yang lebih sedikit, hal ini biasanya disebut “kemajuan”.
_Proof-of-work_ mewakili komputasi spesifik yang keluarannya hanya berupa bukti bahwa komputasi tersebut telah dilakukan. Menghasilkan bukti yang sama dengan melakukan lebih sedikit komputasi dan lebih sedikit pekerjaan tidak akan menghasilkan kemajuan—hal ini akan menjadi _bug_. Oleh karena itu, komputasi yang terkait dengan _Proof-of-work_ merupakan hal yang aneh dan baru untuk dicoba dihargai.
Ketika bukti kerja dianggap sebagai disinsentif terhadap penyalahgunaan sumber daya, maka bukti kerja tidak perlu dinilai secara tepat dan konsisten. Yang terpenting adalah penyedia layanan email menetapkan tingkat kesulitan yang cukup rendah sehingga tidak terlihat oleh pengguna yang sah, namun cukup tinggi sehingga menjadi penghalang bagi pelaku spam. Oleh karena itu, terdapat beragam “harga” yang dapat diterima dan setiap peserta bertindak sebagai otoritas penetapan harga mereka sendiri, dengan menerapkan fungsi penetapan harga lokal.
Namun satuan mata uang dimaksudkan agar dapat dipertukarkan, masing-masing memiliki nilai yang sama. Karena perubahan teknologi dari waktu ke waktu, dua unit mata uang yang dibuat dengan tingkat kesulitan _proof-of-work_ yang sama—yang diukur dengan jumlah komputasi yang sesuai—mungkin memiliki biaya produksi yang sangat berbeda di dunia nyata, yang diukur dengan waktu, energi, dan/atau modal untuk melakukan komputasi tersebut. Ketika komputasi dijual dengan menggunakan mata uang, dan biaya produksi yang mendasarinya bervariasi, bagaimana pasar dapat memastikan harga yang konsisten?
Nick Szabo dengan jelas mengidentifikasi masalah harga ini ketika menjelaskan bit gold:
> "Masalah utamanya...adalah bahwa skema pembuktian kerja bergantung pada arsitektur komputer, bukan hanya matematika abstrak yang didasarkan pada "siklus komputasi" abstrak. ...Jadi, ada kemungkinan untuk menjadi produsen berbiaya sangat rendah (dengan beberapa kali lipat besarnya) dan membanjiri pasar dengan bit gold." - Szabo, 2005
![Volatilitas pasokan komputasi]( https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgc7DyPp_vBc_l9kdeUtheSc7RWjFycatxc9m9m-bHNDuIm3t_FGWPzK1yJq8zyLGK3XntMaf8oX-wX1uSeKUEKQaDqhsxtyaEj6IGwpfBugpclsR5jjBqYB2faGV5wU5zMZI_tbCZ-_wiPTDuZ7C0scsopR95oNphQF_fKATzI8NvgX4ouWCEDdHtasSY/s1600/MjA1Njc3MDc1NTA2NDA2OTQx.webp)
Mata uang terdesentralisasi yang diciptakan melalui _proof-of-work_ akan mengalami kelebihan pasokan dan penurunan pasokan seiring dengan perubahan pasokan komputasi seiring waktu. Untuk mengakomodasi volatilitas ini, jaringan harus belajar menghitung harga secara dinamis.
Mata uang digital awal mencoba memberi harga pada komputasi dengan mencoba mengukur “biaya komputasi” secara kolektif. Wei Dai, misalnya, mengusulkan solusi praktis berikut dalam B-money:
> "Jumlah unit moneter yang diciptakan sama dengan biaya upaya komputasi dalam sekeranjang komoditas standar. Sebagai contoh, jika sebuah masalah memerlukan waktu 100 jam untuk diselesaikan pada komputer yang dapat menyelesaikannya dengan cara yang paling ekonomis, dan diperlukan 3 keranjang standar untuk membeli 100 jam waktu komputasi pada komputer tersebut di pasar terbuka, maka setelah solusi terhadap masalah tersebut disiarkan, setiap orang mengkredit rekening penyiar sebanyak 3 unit." - Dai, 1998
Sayangnya, Dai tidak menjelaskan bagaimana pengguna dalam sistem yang seharusnya terdesentralisasi seharusnya menyetujui definisi “keranjang standar”, komputer mana yang memecahkan masalah tertentu “paling ekonomis”, atau biaya komputasi di “pasar terbuka”. Mencapai konsensus di antara semua pengguna mengenai kumpulan data bersama yang berubah-ubah terhadap waktu adalah masalah penting dalam sistem desentralisasi!
Agar adil bagi Dai, dia menyadari hal ini:
> “Salah satu bagian yang lebih bermasalah dalam protokol B-money adalah penciptaan uang. Bagian dari protokol ini mengharuskan semua \[pengguna\] memutuskan dan menyetujui biaya perhitungan tertentu. Sayangnya karena teknologi komputasi cenderung berkembang pesat dan tidak selalu bersifat publik, informasi ini mungkin tidak tersedia, tidak akurat, atau ketinggalan jaman, yang semuanya akan menyebabkan masalah serius pada protokol." - Dai, 1998
Dai kemudian mengusulkan mekanisme penetapan harga berbasis lelang yang lebih canggih yang kemudian dikatakan Satoshi sebagai titik awal idenya. Kita akan kembali ke skema lelang di bawah ini, tapi pertama-tama mari kita beralih ke bit gold, dan pertimbangkan wawasan Szabo tentang masalahnya.
### Gunakan Pasar Eksternal
Szabo mengklaim bahwa _proof-of-work_ harus “diberi stempel waktu dengan aman”:
> "Bukti kerja diberi stempel waktu yang aman. Ini harus bekerja secara terdistribusi, dengan beberapa layanan stempel waktu berbeda sehingga tidak ada layanan stempel waktu tertentu yang perlu diandalkan secara substansial." - Szabo, 2005
Szabo tertaut ke halaman sumber daya tentang protokol penandaan waktu yang aman tetapi tidak menjelaskan algoritme spesifik apa pun untuk penandaan waktu yang aman. Ungkapan “aman” dan “fesyen terdistribusi” mempunyai pengaruh yang besar di sini, sehingga dapat mengatasi kerumitan dalam mengandalkan satu (atau banyak) layanan “di luar sistem” untuk penandaan waktu.[^6]
![image_title]( https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgtx1YzptuEOyk-YUopyVlhNnQUAYYxvveI4OxduS1_ABk3rI-DZJu8pDio3Ci02OvPL0PxZtP0liS1_hlAOk5SkXk9iSO7YccAhuCf1cYLlBcpbEQmonDVRZ6tXeM2BZu6nZs8T4WlxHSUj8zICdsMHrWcESbFi_fJOxq9ZWpEJ5PA9muKAocVMNo2vKo/s1600/MjA1Njc3MTI5OTk4ODA0NTA5.webp)
Waktu pembuatan unit mata uang digital penting karena menghubungkan komputasi yang dilakukan dengan biaya produksi di dunia nyata.
Terlepas dari ketidakjelasan implementasi, Szabo benar—waktu pembuatan _proof-of-work_ merupakan faktor penting dalam menentukan harga karena terkait dengan biaya komputasi:
> "…Namun, karena bit gold diberi stempel waktu, waktu yang dibuat serta tingkat kesulitan matematis dari pekerjaan tersebut dapat dibuktikan secara otomatis. Dari sini, biasanya dapat disimpulkan berapa biaya produksi selama periode waktu tersebut..." - Szabo, 2005
"Menyimpulkan" biaya produksi adalah hal yang penting karena bit gold tidak memiliki mekanisme untuk membatasi penciptaan uang. Siapapun dapat membuat bit gold dengan melakukan perhitungan yang sesuai. Tanpa kemampuan untuk mengatur penerbitan, bit gold sama dengan barang koleksi:
> "…Tidak seperti atom emas yang dapat dipertukarkan, tetapi seperti halnya barang-barang kolektor, pasokan dalam jumlah besar selama jangka waktu tertentu akan menurunkan nilai barang-barang tersebut. Dalam hal ini, emas kecil bertindak lebih seperti barang-barang kolektor daripada seperti emas..." - Szabo, 2005
Bit gold memerlukan proses eksternal tambahan untuk menciptakan unit mata uang yang sepadan:
> “…\[B\]it Gold tidak dapat dipertukarkan berdasarkan fungsi sederhana, misalnya, panjang tali. Sebaliknya, untuk membuat unit yang dapat dipertukarkan, _dealer_ harus menggabungkan potongan-potongan bit gold dengan nilai berbeda ke dalam satuan yang lebih besar kira-kira dengan nilai yang sama. Hal ini serupa dengan apa yang dilakukan banyak pedagang komoditas saat ini untuk memungkinkan pasar komoditas bekerja. Kepercayaan masih terdistribusi karena perkiraan nilai dari kumpulan tersebut dapat diverifikasi secara independen oleh banyak pihak lain dengan cara yang sebagian besar atau seluruhnya otomatis." - Szabo, 2005
Mengutip Szabo, “untuk menguji nilai… bit gold, _dealer_ memeriksa dan memverifikasi tingkat kesulitan, masukan, dan stempel waktu”. _Dealer_ yang mendefinisikan “unit yang lebih besar dengan nilai yang kira-kira sama” menyediakan fungsi penetapan harga yang serupa dengan “keranjang komoditas standar” Dai. Unit yang dapat dipertukarkan tidak dibuat dalam bentuk bit gold ketika bukti kerja diproduksi, hanya kemudian ketika bukti tersebut digabungkan menjadi “unit yang kira-kira bernilai sama” oleh _dealer_ di pasar di luar jaringan.
![bit gold]( https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgkuB83CH-hLcarYw3bXjUr6mvKflWqsCYCJ9bmnEU2Ps1I7T9tjvOQR7rqRLfm86vKvO4jfHNJsJ32jPirc0q4yNO8QL3UXw3ecI51JQsoJalaKIRrQ8gYrmJqV5Yo-zWNIntBaMWTEOOSqHrHxJMMtZpLgCLCBLNDGfmuc1WNzw740Wfn0-GbaJsfLX8/s1600/MjA1Njc3MTg1MDI4MDcyOTg5.webp)
Yang patut disyukuri, Szabo mengakui kelemahan ini:
> "…Potensi kelebihan pasokan yang awalnya tersembunyi karena inovasi tersembunyi dalam arsitektur mesin adalah potensi kelemahan dalam bit gold, atau setidaknya ketidaksempurnaan yang harus diatasi oleh lelang awal dan pertukaran ex post bit gold." - Szabo, 2005
Sekali lagi, meskipun belum sampai pada (yang sekarang kita kenal sebagai) solusinya, Szabo menunjukkan solusinya: karena biaya komputasi berubah seiring waktu, jaringan harus merespons perubahan pasokan komputasi dengan menyesuaikan harga uang.
### Gunakan Pasar Internal
_Dealer_ Szabo akan menjadi pasar eksternal yang menentukan harga (bundel dari) bit gold setelah penciptaannya. Apakah mungkin menerapkan pasar ini di dalam sistem dan bukan di luar sistem?
Mari kita kembali ke Wei Dai dan B-money. Seperti disebutkan sebelumnya, Dai mengusulkan model alternatif berbasis lelang untuk pembuatan B-money. Desain Satoshi untuk Bitcoin meningkat secara langsung pada model lelang B-money[^7]:
“Jadi saya mengusulkan subprotokol penciptaan uang alternatif, di mana \[pengguna\]… memutuskan dan menyetujui jumlah B-money yang akan dibuat setiap periode, dengan biaya pembuatan uang tersebut ditentukan melalui lelang. Setiap periode pembuatan uang adalah dibagi menjadi empat tahap, sebagai berikut:
**_Planning_**. Para \[pengguna\] menghitung dan bernegosiasi satu sama lain untuk menentukan peningkatan jumlah uang beredar yang optimal untuk periode berikutnya. Apakah \[jaringan\] dapat mencapai konsensus atau tidak, mereka masing-masing menyiarkan kuota penciptaan uang mereka dan komputasi makroekonomi apa pun yang dilakukan untuk mendukung angka tersebut.
**_Bidding_**. Siapapun yang ingin membuat B-money menyiarkan tawaran dalam bentuk dimana x adalah banyaknya B-money yang ingin dibuatnya, dan y adalah soal yang belum terselesaikan dari kelas soal yang telah ditentukan. Setiap masalah di kelas ini harus memiliki biaya nominal (katakanlah dalam MIPS\-years) yang disetujui secara publik.
**_Computation_**. Setelah melihat penawaran, pihak yang mengajukan penawaran pada tahap penawaran sekarang dapat menyelesaikan masalah dalam penawarannya dan menyiarkan solusinya. Penciptaan uang.
**_Money creation_**. Setiap \[pengguna\] menerima tawaran tertinggi (di antara mereka yang benar-benar menyiarkan solusi) dalam hal biaya nominal per unit B-money yang dibuat dan memberikan kredit kepada akun penawar sesuai dengan itu."
\- Dai, 1998
B-money membuat kemajuan signifikan menuju struktur pasar yang tepat untuk mata uang digital. Ini berupaya untuk menghilangkan _dealer_ eksternal Szabo dan memungkinkan pengguna untuk terlibat dalam penemuan harga dengan menawar satu sama lain secara langsung.
Namun menerapkan proposal Dai seperti yang tertulis akan menjadi sebuah tantangan:
* Dalam fase "_Planning_”, pengguna menanggung beban menegosiasikan “peningkatan optimal jumlah uang beredar untuk periode berikutnya”. Bagaimana “optimal” harus didefinisikan, bagaimana pengguna harus bernegosiasi satu sama lain, dan bagaimana hasil negosiasi tersebut dibagikan tidak dijelaskan.
* Terlepas dari apa yang direncanakan, fase “_Bidding_” memungkinkan siapa saja untuk mengajukan “tawaran” untuk membuat B-money. Tawaran mencakup jumlah B-money yang akan dibuat serta jumlah bukti kerja yang sesuai sehingga setiap penawaran adalah harga, jumlah perhitungan yang bersedia dilakukan oleh penawar tertentu untuk membeli sejumlah tertentu. dari B-money.
* Setelah penawaran diserahkan, fase “_Computation_” terdiri dari peserta lelang yang melakukan _proof-of-work_ yang mereka tawarkan dan menyiarkan solusi. Tidak ada mekanisme untuk mencocokkan penawar dengan solusi yang disediakan. Yang lebih problematis adalah tidak jelasnya bagaimana pengguna dapat mengetahui bahwa semua penawaran telah diajukan – kapan fase “_Bidding_” berakhir dan fase “_Computation_” dimulai?
* Masalah-masalah ini berulang dalam fase “_Money creation_”. Karena sifat _proof-of-work_, pengguna dapat memverifikasi bahwa bukti yang mereka terima dalam solusi adalah asli. Namun bagaimana pengguna dapat secara kolektif menyepakati serangkaian “tawaran tertinggi”? Bagaimana jika pengguna yang berbeda memilih set yang berbeda, baik karena preferensi atau latensi jaringan?
Sistem yang terdesentralisasi kesulitan dalam melacak data dan membuat pilihan secara konsisten, namun B-money memerlukan pelacakan tawaran dari banyak pengguna dan membuat pilihan konsensus di antara mereka. Kompleksitas ini menghalangi penerapan B-money.
Akar dari kompleksitas ini adalah keyakinan Dai bahwa tingkat “optimal” penciptaan B-money harus berfluktuasi seiring waktu berdasarkan “perhitungan makroekonomi” penggunanya. Seperti bit gold, B-money tidak memiliki mekanisme untuk membatasi penciptaan uang. Siapapun dapat membuat unit B-money dengan menyiarkan tawaran dan kemudian melakukan _proof-of-work_ yang sesuai.
Baik Szabo maupun Dai mengusulkan penggunaan pasar pertukaran mata uang digital untuk komputasi, namun baik bit gold maupun B-money tidak menentukan kebijakan moneter untuk mengatur pasokan mata uang di pasar ini.
## Tujuan Kebijakan Moneter Satoshi Menghasilkan Bitcoin
Sebaliknya, kebijakan moneter yang sehat adalah salah satu tujuan utama Satoshi dalam proyek Bitcoin. Dalam postingan milis pertama tempat Bitcoin diumumkan, Satoshi menulis:
> “Akar permasalahan mata uang konvensional adalah kepercayaan yang diperlukan agar mata uang tersebut dapat berfungsi. Bank sentral harus dipercaya untuk tidak merendahkan mata uang tersebut, namun sejarah mata uang fiat penuh dengan pelanggaran terhadap kepercayaan tersebut.” - Satoshi, 2009
Satoshi selanjutnya menjelaskan masalah lain dengan mata uang fiat seperti perbankan cadangan fraksional yang berisiko, kurangnya privasi, pencurian & penipuan yang merajalela, dan ketidakmampuan melakukan pembayaran mikro. Namun Satoshi memulai dengan isu penurunan nilai oleh bank sentral—dengan kekhawatiran mengenai kebijakan moneter.
Satoshi ingin Bitcoin pada akhirnya mencapai pasokan sirkulasi terbatas yang tidak dapat terdilusi seiring waktu. Tingkat penciptaan Bitcoin yang “optimal”, bagi Satoshi, pada akhirnya akan menjadi nol.
Tujuan kebijakan moneter ini, lebih dari karakteristik lain yang mereka miliki secara pribadi (atau kolektif!), adalah alasan Satoshi “menemukan” Bitcoin, blockchain, konsensus Nakamoto, dll. —dan bukan orang lain. Ini adalah jawaban singkat atas pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam judul artikel ini: Satoshi memikirkan Bitcoin karena mereka fokus pada penciptaan mata uang digital dengan persediaan terbatas.
Pasokan Bitcoin yang terbatas bukan hanya tujuan kebijakan moneter atau meme bagi para Bitcoiner untuk berkumpul. Penyederhanaan teknis penting inilah yang memungkinkan Satoshi membangun mata uang digital yang berfungsi sementara B-money Dai tetap menjadi postingan web yang menarik.
Bitcoin adalah B-money dengan persyaratan tambahan berupa kebijakan moneter yang telah ditentukan. Seperti banyak penyederhanaan teknis lainnya, pembatasan kebijakan moneter memungkinkan kemajuan dengan mengurangi ruang lingkup. Mari kita lihat bagaimana masing-masing fase pembuatan B-money disederhanakan dengan menerapkan batasan ini.
### Semua Pasokan 21 Juta Bitcoin Sudah Ada
Dalam b-money, setiap “periode penciptaan uang” mencakup fase “Perencanaan”, di mana pengguna diharapkan untuk membagikan “perhitungan makroekonomi” mereka yang membenarkan jumlah b-money yang ingin mereka ciptakan pada saat itu. Tujuan kebijakan moneter Satoshi yaitu pasokan terbatas dan emisi nol tidak sesuai dengan kebebasan yang diberikan b-money kepada pengguna individu untuk menghasilkan uang. Oleh karena itu, langkah pertama dalam perjalanan dari bmoney ke bitcoin adalah menghilangkan kebebasan ini. Pengguna bitcoin perorangan tidak dapat membuat bitcoin. Hanya jaringan bitcoin yang dapat membuat bitcoin, dan hal ini terjadi tepat sekali, pada tahun 2009 ketika Satoshi meluncurkan proyek bitcoin.
Satoshi mampu menggantikan fase “Perencanaan” b-money yang berulang menjadi satu jadwal yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya di mana 21 juta bitcoin yang dibuat pada tahun 2009 akan dilepaskan ke peredaran. Pengguna secara sukarela mendukung kebijakan moneter Satoshi dengan mengunduh dan menjalankan perangkat lunak Bitcoin Core yang kebijakan moneternya dikodekan secara keras.
Hal ini mengubah semantik pasar bitcoin untuk komputasi. Bitcoin yang dibayarkan kepada penambang bukanlah hal baru yang diterbitkan; itu melainkan baru dirilis ke peredaran dari persediaan yang ada.
Pandangan ini sangat berbeda dari klaim naif bahwa “penambang bitcoin menciptakan bitcoin”. Penambang Bitcoin tidak menciptakan bitcoin, mereka membelinya. Bitcoin tidak berharga karena “bitcoin terbuat dari energi”—tetapi nilai bitcoin didemonstrasikan dengan dijual untuk mendapatkan energi.
Mari kita ulangi sekali lagi: bitcoin tidak dibuat melalui _proof-of-work_, bitcoin dibuat melalui konsensus.
![Bitcoin monetary inflation]( https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg4z1UtC-nikmtcw6NpuGNPhVafpFTSzvPOqHDQfnzWXoWP463goySbv5yx3uBVvIi5doedeg5hEsHGq3wbBRYI5WPkzDc6QWk98lDwTFALD92K7Uo9Dno0Ho6VJNI-8SEDmAyfj0yT4rZ27VorNcthJNmDbAwUHypIncrjzz7hmdhnD59TVadLCfaYNqs/s1600/MjA1Njc3NTkzMzE4NDAxNDc3.webp)
Desain Satoshi menghilangkan persyaratan untuk fase “Perencanaan” yang berkelanjutan dari b-money dengan melakukan semua perencanaan terlebih dahulu. Hal ini memungkinkan Satoshi untuk membuat kebijakan moneter yang sehat namun juga menyederhanakan penerapan bitcoin.
### Bitcoin dihargai Melalui Konsensus
Kebebasan yang diberikan kepada pengguna untuk menghasilkan uang menimbulkan beban yang sesuai bagi jaringan bmoney. Selama fase “Penawaran” jaringan b-money harus mengumpulkan dan membagikan “tawaran” pembuatan uang dari banyak pengguna yang berbeda.
Menghilangkan kebebasan untuk menghasilkan uang akan meringankan beban jaringan bitcoin. Karena seluruh 21 juta bitcoin sudah ada, jaringan tidak perlu mengumpulkan tawaran dari pengguna untuk menghasilkan uang, jaringan hanya perlu menjual bitcoin sesuai jadwal Satoshi yang telah ditentukan.
Jaringan bitcoin dengan demikian menawarkan konsensus harga permintaan untuk bitcoin yang dijualnya di setiap blok. Harga tunggal ini dihitung oleh setiap node secara independen menggunakan salinan blockchainnya. Jika node memiliki konsensus pada blockchain yang sama (poin yang akan kita bahas nanti) mereka semua akan menawarkan harga permintaan yang sama di setiap blok.[^8]
Bagian pertama kalkulasi harga konsensus menentukan berapa banyak bitcoin yang akan dijual. Hal ini diperbaiki oleh jadwal rilis Satoshi yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Semua node bitcoin di jaringan menghitung jumlah yang sama untuk blok tertentu:
`$ bitcoin-cli getblockstats <block\_height> {... "subsidy": 6250000000, ... } # 6.25 BTC`
Bagian kedua dari harga yang diminta secara konsensus adalah jumlah komputasi yang akan menjual subsidi saat ini. Sekali lagi, semua node bitcoin di jaringan menghitung nilai yang sama (kita akan meninjau kembali kalkulasi tingkat kesulitan ini di bagian berikutnya):
`$ bitcoin-cli getdifficulty {... "result": 55621444139429.57, ... }`
Bersama-sama, subsidi dan kesulitan jaringan menentukan permintaan bitcoin saat ini sebagai mata uang komputasi. Karena blockchain berada dalam konsensus, harga ini adalah harga konsensus.
Pengguna b-money juga dianggap memiliki konsensus “blockchain” yang berisi riwayat semua transaksi. Namun Dai tidak pernah memikirkan solusi sederhana berupa konsensus tunggal yang meminta harga untuk pembuatan b-money baru, yang hanya ditentukan oleh data di blockchain tersebut.
Sebaliknya, Dai berasumsi bahwa penciptaan uang harus berlangsung selamanya. Oleh karena itu, pengguna individu perlu diberdayakan untuk mempengaruhi kebijakan moneter – seperti halnya mata uang fiat. Persyaratan yang dirasakan ini membuat Dai merancang sistem penawaran yang mencegah penerapan b-money.
Kompleksitas tambahan ini dihilangkan dengan persyaratan Satoshi mengenai kebijakan moneter yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya.
### Waktu Menutup Semua Penyebaran
Dalam fase “Komputasi” b-money, pengguna individu akan melakukan komputasi yang telah mereka lakukan dalam penawaran sebelumnya. Dalam bitcoin, seluruh jaringan adalah penjual – tetapi siapa pembelinya?
Di pasar pengiriman email, pembelinya adalah individu yang ingin mengirim email. Otoritas penetapan harga, penyedia layanan email, akan menetapkan harga yang dianggap murah bagi individu namun mahal bagi pelaku spam. Namun jika jumlah pengguna yang sah bertambah, harganya masih bisa tetap sama karena kekuatan komputasi masing-masing pengguna akan tetap sama.
Di b-money, setiap pengguna yang menyumbangkan tawaran untuk pembuatan uang selanjutnya harus melakukan sendiri jumlah komputasi yang sesuai. Setiap pengguna bertindak sebagai otoritas penetapan harga berdasarkan pengetahuan mereka tentang kemampuan komputasi mereka sendiri.
Jaringan bitcoin menawarkan satu harga yang diminta dalam komputasi subsidi bitcoin saat ini. Namun tidak ada penambang individu yang menemukan blok yang melakukan komputasi sebanyak ini.[^9] Blok pemenang penambang individu adalah bukti bahwa semua penambang secara kolektif melakukan jumlah komputasi yang diperlukan. Pembeli bitcoin dengan demikian adalah industri penambangan bitcoin global.
Setelah mencapai konsensus harga yang diminta, jaringan bitcoin tidak akan mengubah harga tersebut sampai lebih banyak blok diproduksi. Blok-blok ini harus berisi _proof-of-work_ dengan harga yang diminta saat ini. Oleh karena itu, industri pertambangan tidak punya pilihan jika ingin “melakukan perdagangan” selain membayar harga yang diminta saat ini dalam komputasi.
Satu-satunya variabel yang dapat dikontrol oleh industri pertambangan adalah berapa lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk memproduksi blok berikutnya. Sama seperti jaringan bitcoin yang menawarkan satu harga yang diminta, industri pertambangan juga menawarkan satu penawaran—waktu yang diperlukan untuk menghasilkan blok berikutnya yang memenuhi harga yang diminta jaringan saat ini.
> Untuk mengimbangi peningkatan kecepatan perangkat keras dan minat yang berbeda-beda dalam menjalankan node dari waktu ke waktu, kesulitan _proof-of-work_ ditentukan oleh rata-rata bergerak yang menargetkan jumlah rata-rata blok per jam. Jika dihasilkan terlalu cepat, kesulitannya akan meningkat. - Nakamoto, 2008
Satoshi dengan sederhana menjelaskan algoritma penyesuaian kesulitan, yang sering disebut sebagai salah satu ide paling orisinal dalam implementasi bitcoin. Hal ini benar, namun alih-alih berfokus pada daya cipta solusi, mari kita fokus pada mengapa penyelesaian masalah sangat penting bagi Satoshi.
Proyek-proyek seperti bit gold dan b-money tidak perlu membatasi nilai tukar pada saat penciptaan uang karena mereka tidak memiliki pasokan tetap atau kebijakan moneter yang telah ditentukan sebelumnya. Periode penciptaan uang yang lebih cepat atau lebih lambat dapat dikompensasikan melalui cara lain, misalnya melalui pajak. _Dealer_ eksternal memasukkan token bit gold ke dalam _bundler_ yang lebih besar atau lebih kecil atau pengguna b-money mengubah tawaran mereka.
Namun tujuan kebijakan moneter Satoshi mengharuskan bitcoin memiliki tingkat pelepasan bitcoin yang telah ditentukan untuk diedarkan. Membatasi laju (statistik) produksi blok dari waktu ke waktu adalah hal yang wajar dalam bitcoin karena laju produksi blok adalah laju penjualan pasokan awal bitcoin. Menjual 21 juta bitcoin selama 140 tahun adalah proposisi yang berbeda dibandingkan membiarkannya dijual dalam 3 bulan.
Selain itu, bitcoin sebenarnya dapat menerapkan batasan ini karena blockchain adalah “protokol cap waktu aman” milik Szabo. Satoshi menggambarkan bitcoin sebagai yang pertama dan terutama sebagai “server stempel waktu terdistribusi secara peer-to-peer,” dan implementasi awal kode sumber bitcoin menggunakan “rantai waktu” dunia, bukan “blockchain” untuk menggambarkan struktur data bersama yang mengimplementasikan pasar _proof-of-work_ bitcoin.[^10]
![Perubahan pasokan komputasi Bitcoin]( https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgfLPG-6xt2blK77ONwanB8472hPCNbdH4pO5RHwU3h0_fw178y6XQv3G1kqS_5G9l8QlL_a0EjjI466NveU14DoXSVKKQdsyz6LrphSLu-pQ00G8wuDpxMCO-fhX1Yr_Zz7V3BPG3EwxhIW6wnd6HiM835xPDOHnQ7XhITZKAJyyITH2aeGnTvgCPRmqk/s1600/MjA1Njc3Njg4MDc2MTE3NDQ1.webp)
Tidak seperti bit gold atau b-money, token dalam bitcoin tidak mengalami kelebihan pasokan. Jaringan bitcoin menggunakan penyesuaian kesulitan untuk mengubah harga uang sebagai respons terhadap perubahan pasokan komputasi.
Algoritme penyesuaian ulang kesulitan Bitcoin memanfaatkan kemampuan ini. Blockchain konsensus digunakan oleh peserta untuk menghitung penawaran historis yang dibuat oleh industri pertambangan dan menyesuaikan kembali kesulitan agar bisa mendekati waktu blok target.
### Pesanan Terunggul Menciptakan Konsensus
Rantai penyederhanaan yang disebabkan oleh tuntutan kebijakan moneter yang kuat meluas ke fase “penciptaan uang” dari b-money.
Tawaran yang diajukan pengguna di b-money mengalami masalah “tidak ada yang dipertaruhkan”. Tidak ada mekanisme untuk mencegah pengguna mengajukan tawaran dengan sejumlah besar b-money untuk pekerjaan yang sangat sedikit. Hal ini mengharuskan jaringan untuk melacak tawaran mana yang telah diselesaikan dan hanya menerima “tawaran tertinggi…dalam hal biaya nominal per unit b-money yang dibuat” untuk menghindari tawaran yang mengganggu tersebut. Setiap peserta b-money harus melacak seluruh tawaran senilai buku pesanan, mencocokkan tawaran dengan perhitungan selanjutnya, dan hanya menyelesaikan pesanan yang telah selesai dengan harga tertinggi.
Masalah ini merupakan contoh dari masalah konsensus yang lebih umum dalam sistem desentralisasi, yang juga dikenal sebagai “_Byzantine generals_” atau terkadang masalah “pembelanjaan ganda” dalam konteks mata uang digital. Berbagi urutan data yang identik di antara semua peserta merupakan suatu tantangan dalam jaringan yang saling bermusuhan dan terdesentralisasi. Solusi yang ada untuk masalah ini – yang disebut “algoritma konsensus _Byzantine-fault tolerant_ (BFT)” – memerlukan koordinasi sebelumnya di antara peserta atau mayoritas (>67%) peserta agar tidak berperilaku bermusuhan.
Bitcoin tidak harus mengelola buku pesanan dalam jumlah besar karena jaringan bitcoin menawarkan harga permintaan konsensus tunggal. Ini berarti node bitcoin dapat menerima blok pertama (valid) yang mereka lihat yang memenuhi harga yang diminta jaringan saat ini—tawaran gangguan dapat dengan mudah diabaikan dan merupakan pemborosan sumber daya penambang.
Komputasi harga berdasarkan konsensus memungkinkan pencocokan pesanan beli/jual dalam bitcoin dilakukan secara antusias, dengan sistem siapa cepat dia dapat. Berbeda dengan b-money, pencocokan pesanan yang cepat ini berarti bahwa pasar bitcoin tidak memiliki fase—pasar ini beroperasi terus-menerus, dengan harga konsensus baru dihitung setelah setiap pesanan dicocokkan (blok ditemukan). Untuk menghindari percabangan yang disebabkan oleh latensi jaringan atau perilaku bertentangan, node juga harus mengikuti aturan rantai terberat. Aturan penyelesaian pesanan yang serakah ini memastikan bahwa hanya tawaran tertinggi yang diterima oleh jaringan.
Kombinasi algoritma yang antusias dan serakah ini, dimana node menerima blok valid pertama yang mereka lihat dan juga mengikuti rantai terberat, adalah algoritma BFT baru yang dengan cepat menyatu pada konsensus tentang urutan blok. Satoshi menghabiskan 25% dari _white paper_ bitcoin untuk mendemonstrasikan klaim ini.[^11]
Kita telah menetapkan di bagian sebelumnya bahwa harga permintaan konsensus bitcoin itu sendiri bergantung pada konsensus blockchain. Namun ternyata keberadaan harga permintaan konsensus tunggal inilah yang memungkinkan perhitungan pasar untuk mencocokkan pesanan dengan penuh semangat, dan itulah yang pertama-tama mengarah pada konsensus!
Terlebih lagi, “konsensus Nakamoto” yang baru ini hanya mengharuskan 50% peserta untuk tidak bertentangan, sebuah kemajuan yang signifikan dibandingkan dengan kondisi sebelumnya. Seorang cypherpunk seperti Satoshi membuat terobosan ilmu komputer teoretis ini, dibandingkan dengan akademisi tradisional atau peneliti industri, karena fokus mereka yang sempit pada penerapan uang yang sehat, dibandingkan algoritma konsensus umum untuk komputasi terdistribusi.
## Kesimpulan
B-money adalah kerangka kerja yang kuat untuk membangun mata uang digital tetapi tidak lengkap karena tidak memiliki kebijakan moneter. Membatasi b-money dengan jadwal rilis yang telah ditentukan untuk bitcoin mengurangi cakupan dan menyederhanakan implementasi dengan menghilangkan persyaratan untuk melacak dan memilih di antara tawaran pembuatan uang yang diajukan pengguna. Mempertahankan kecepatan sementara dari jadwal rilis Satoshi menghasilkan algoritma penyesuaian kesulitan dan memungkinkan konsensus Nakamoto, yang secara luas diakui sebagai salah satu aspek paling inovatif dalam implementasi bitcoin.
Ada lebih banyak hal dalam desain bitcoin daripada aspek yang dibahas sejauh ini. Kita memfokuskan artikel ini pada pasar “utama” dalam bitcoin, pasar yang mendistribusikan pasokan awal bitcoin ke dalam sirkulasi.
Artikel berikutnya dalam seri ini akan mengeksplorasi pasar penyelesaian transaksi bitcoin dan kaitannya dengan pasar pendistribusian pasokan bitcoin. Hubungan ini akan menyarankan metodologi bagaimana membangun pasar masa depan untuk layanan terdesentralisasi selain bitcoin.
Sumber artikel: _HOW DID SATOSHI THINK OF BITCOIN?_ [ https://bitcoinmagazine.com/technical/how-did-satoshi-think-of-bitcoin](https://bitcoinmagazine.com/technical/how-did-satoshi-think-of-bitcoin)
Diterjemahkan oleh: Abengkris
[^1]: Judul seri ini diambil dari pesan telegraf pertama dalam sejarah, yang dikirimkan oleh Samuel Morse pada tahun 1844: _“What hath God wrought?”_.
[^2]: Bitcoin: Sistem Uang Elektronik _Peer-to-Peer_, tersedia di: [ https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf](https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf)
[^3]: _Pricing via Processing or Combatting Junk Mail_ oleh Dwork dan Naor. tersedia di:
[ https://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/../../pvp.pdf](https://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~naor/PAPERS/pvp.pdf)
[^4]: Meskipun merupakan pencetus ide tersebut, Dwork & Naor tidak menciptakan “_proof-of-work_”—julukan tersebut kemudian diberikan pada tahun 1999 oleh Markus Jakobsson dan Ari Juels.
[^5]: Proyek RPoW Hal Finney adalah upaya untuk menciptakan _proof-of-work_ yang dapat ditransfer, tetapi bitcoin tidak menggunakan konsep ini karena tidak memperlakukan komputasi sebagai mata uang. Seperti yang akan kita lihat nanti ketika kita memeriksa bit gold dan b-money, komputasi tidak dapat berupa mata uang karena nilai komputasi berubah seiring waktu sementara unit mata uang harus memiliki nilai yang sama. Bitcoin bukanlah komputasi, bitcoin adalah mata uang yang dijual untuk komputasi.
[^6]: Pada saat ini, beberapa pembaca mungkin percaya bahwa saya meremehkan kontribusi Dai atau Szabo karena kontribusi mereka tidak jelas atau tidak jelas dalam beberapa hal. Perasaan saya justru sebaliknya: Dai dan Szabo pada dasarnya benar dan fakta bahwa mereka tidak mengartikulasikan setiap detail seperti yang dilakukan Satoshi tidak mengurangi kontribusi mereka. Sebaliknya, hal ini seharusnya meningkatkan apresiasi kita terhadap hal tersebut, karena hal ini menunjukkan betapa menantangnya munculnya mata uang digital, bahkan bagi para praktisi terbaiknya.
[^7]: Postingan b-money Dai adalah referensi pertama dalam _white paper_ Satoshi, tersedia di: [ http://www.weidai.com/bmoney.txt](http://www.weidai.com/bmoney.txt)
[^8]: Ada dua penyederhanaan yang dilakukan di sini: 1. Jumlah bitcoin yang dijual di setiap blok juga dipengaruhi oleh biaya transaksi pasar, yang berada di luar cakupan artikel ini, namun tetap menunggu pekerjaan selanjutnya. 2. Kesulitan yang dilaporkan oleh bitcoin bukanlah jumlah perhitungan yang diharapkan; seseorang harus mengalikannya dengan faktor proporsionalitas.
[^9]: Setidaknya sejak masa lalu yang buruk ketika Satoshi adalah satu-satunya penambang di jaringan.
[^10]: _Bitcoin is Time_ klasik dari Gigi adalah pengenalan yang bagus tentang hubungan mendalam antara bitcoin dan waktu, tersedia di: [ https://dergigi.com/2021/01/14/bitcoin-is-time/](https://dergigi.com/2021/01/14/bitcoin-is-time/)
[^11]: Satoshi melakukan kesalahan baik dalam analisis mereka di buku putih maupun implementasi awal bitcoin berikutnya dengan menggunakan aturan “rantai terpanjang” dan bukan aturan “rantai terberat”.
@ 662f9bff:8960f6b2
2024-12-11 02:53:14
By popular request I have put together one single list of the most important books that I have read and recommend that you should read too. I am happy to receive your comments, reviews and suggestions - just reach out and let's discuss.
They are more or less in alphabetical order of title and they are all recommended.
- *George Orwell*'s [1984](https://youtu.be/37N0aFmO19o?ref=rogerprice.me) - spot the drumbeat of hostile distant foreign empires and perpetual war - not to mention everything else that he foresaw. Read it and look around you today.
- *Murray Rothbard*'s [Anatomy of the State](https://rogerprice.me/89-hiking-in-hong-kong/#book-of-the-week) - this is foundational to so many of the books and insights related to government, finance and current affairs. This is a short read (one hour) also available as free audiobook. It is required knowledge - you have no excuse.
- [Animal farm](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/170448.Animal_Farm?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=ARZed0f28x&rank=1&ref=rogerprice.me) - by *George Orwell* - note how the pigs end up living in the farmhouse exceeding all the worst behaviour of the farmer and how the constitution on the wall changes. Things did not end well for loyal Boxer.
- [Awaken The Immortal Within](https://rogerprice.me/105-the-great-taking/#%F0%9F%A4%94-closing-thoughts) by *Jason Breschears* - This book is for those who have searched for the truth all their life and know they have not found it. The rest of you are warned away.
- [The Basic Code of the Universe](https://rogerprice.me/136-holywood-and-belfast/#book-of-the-week) by *Massimo Citro* - This is not an easy read (maybe because of being translated from Italian) but the content is fascinating since he combines and draws from many of the other sources we have been considering recently - including *Rupert Sheldrake* on *Morphic fields*, *Ervin Laszlo* on the *Akashic field*, *David Bohm* and *Karl Pribram* on *Holographic Paradigm*, and *Masaru Emoto* on the *memory of water* and *homeopathy*.
- [Brave New World](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/5129.Brave_New_World?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=palqwVi2cH&rank=1&ref=rogerprice.me) by *Aldous Huxley* - A World State, inhabited by genetically modified citizens and an intelligence-based social hierarchy. The novel anticipates large scale psychological manipulation and classical conditioning that are combined to make a dystopian society which is challenged by just one individual who does not take the *Soma*.
- *Lyn Alden*'s [Broken Money](https://rogerprice.me/80-sardina-for-a-bit/#book-and-interview-of-the-week) - gives you the complete A-Z of how money works and all the bad choices that governments can (and did) make. You will also understand how money really should work for a peaceful and prosperous society.
- [*The Dream*](https://rogerprice.me/82-moving-on-again/#book-of-the-week) by *David Ick*e - this gets my "***Book of the Year 2023***" award. You will be shocked and appalled at how accurate his predictions were for what happened with Covid and that is only Chapter One. He goes MUCH FURTHER. He may or may not be right on everything he says, but even if he is right on 10-20% the implications should make you think very differently on many things. Anyone with a bit of critical thinking in their head should be able to see many of the points he makes - the evidence is all around you.
- *Saifedean Ammous*' [The Fiat Standard](https://saifedean.com/the-fiat-standard/?ref=rogerprice.me) - explains how national currencies work today and how they are fundamentally broken, inevitably favouring those at the top, nearest to the money printer and disadvantaging everyone else. He outlines the many negative consequences of the current system. Look around you and you will recognise all that he describes.
- [The Falsification of History](https://rogerprice.me/114-family-visit-in-belgium/#book-and-interview-of-the-week) by *John Hammer* - full review in [Newsletter 114](https://rogerprice.me/114-family-visit-in-belgium/#book-and-interview-of-the-week)
- [The Fourth turning is Here](https://rogerprice.me/118-holywood-and-antwerp/#book-of-the-week) by Neil Howe - full review in [Newsletter 118](https://rogerprice.me/118-holywood-and-antwerp/#book-of-the-week)
- [Going Postal](https://rogerprice.me/66-june-in-the-mediterranean/#book-of-the-week) by *Terry Pratchet*t- a fascinating find and so much learning on the origins and corruption of money.
- [Guards! Guards!](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/64216.Guards_Guards_?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=FuCNYC3Z4e&rank=1&ref=rogerprice.me) by *Terry Pratchett* - The story follows a plot by a secret brotherhood, the Unique and Supreme Lodge of the Elucidated Brethren of the Ebon Night, to overthrow the Patrician of Ankh-Morpork and install a puppet king, under the control of the Supreme Grand Master.
- The Hitchhikers' Guide to the Galaxy series - in particular the [Restaurant at the End of the Universe](https://rogerprice.me/there-are-7-types-of-rain/#book-of-the-week). There is a theory which states that if ever anyone discovers exactly what the Universe is for and why it is here, it will instantly disappear and be replaced by something even more bizarre and inexplicable. There is another theory which states that this has already happened.
- Michael Talbot's "[*The Holographic Universe*](https://rogerprice.me/133-palermo-settling-in/#book-of-the-week)" presents a revolutionary theory that the universe itself may be akin to a *giant hologram*. This idea, inspired by the work of physicist *David Bohm* (who as a *protégée* of Albert Einstein) and neuroscientist *Karl Pribram*, suggests that our reality is not as it appears on the surface. The *holographic paradigm* proposes that every part of the universe contains the whole, much like how every piece of a hologram contains a complete picture.
- [The Kybalion](https://rogerprice.me/86-bangkok-settling-in/#the-kybalion) by *Three Initiates* - Hermeticism is a philosophical and spiritual tradition that is based on the teachings attributed to *Hermes Trismegistus*, a legendary figure who is often associated with the Egyptian god Thoth and the Greek god Hermes, [pre-dating all modern religions](https://rogerprice.me/unravelling-or-controlled-demolition/#mental-exercise-of-the-week). This will lead you to the [Lament of Hermes](https://rogerprice.me/unravelling-or-controlled-demolition/#thoths-prophesy) (aka *Thoth's Prophesy*) that I suggest is rather relevant to current times.
- [The Mandibles](https://rogerprice.me/getting-feet-on-the-pedals/#%F0%9F%93%96-book-of-the-week) – by *Lionel Shriver -* The plot: In 2029, the United States is engaged in a bloodless world war that will wipe out the savings of millions of American families. Overnight, on the international currency exchange, the “almighty dollar” plummets in value, to be replaced by a new global currency, the “bancor.” In retaliation, the president declares that America will default on its loans. “Deadbeat Nation” being unable to borrow, the government prints money to cover its bills. What little remains to savers is rapidly eaten away by runaway inflation.
- [Mistborn - The Final Empire](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/68428.The_Final_Empire?ac=1&from_search=true&qid=QxbUl6XAQI&rank=1&ref=rogerprice.me) - by *Brandon Sanderson*. You really ought to recognise and understand the importance of learning from wisdom of prior generations.
- [Morphic Resonance](https://rogerprice.me/128-autumnal-weather/#book-of-the-week) by *Rupert Sheldrake*. This book is about the hypothesis of *formative causation*, which proposes that *nature is habitual*. All animals and plants draw upon and contribute to a *collective memory* of their species. Crystals and molecules also follow the habits of their kind. Cosmic evolution involves an interplay of habit and creativity. This hypothesis is *radically different from the conventional assumption* that nature is governed by *eternal law*s. Also, keep in mind the *Akashic Records* - not a topic for today but one that we will certainly return to.
- [Mythos](https://www.audible.com/pd/Mythos-Audiobook/B07253QHF2?qid=1652386191&sr=1-1&ref=a_search_c3_lProduct_1_1&pf_rd_p=83218cca-c308-412f-bfcf-90198b687a2f&pf_rd_r=8FTDPXXY399BEJPSHCRQ) read by *Stephen Fry* is a "must do". This has got to be one of the best books I have ever read! Fabulously interesting and insightful - I had always wondered what the Greek Gods got up to and could never have imagined so much! BTW - this will also give you a grounding in the stories that you need to know for much more than you likely realise.
- [The Octopus of Global Control](https://rogerprice.me/130-travel-to-belgium/#book-of-the-week) by *Charlie Robinson* explains the eight tentacles of control that are wrapped around humanity, namely: the *Military*, *Government*, *Covert*, *Physical*, *Financial*, *Media*, *Spiritual*, and *Scientific*. The book tackles topics such as uncovering the *Deep State*, *false flag terror events*, the *media’s role in manufacturing wars*, *the 9/11 deception*, the f*raud of central banking*, our *broken education system*, the *use of religion to shape society*, and the *corrupted medical industry*. Recommend to get this also as audiobook, read by him.
- [The Power of Now](https://rogerprice.me/mid-may-family-visit/#power-of-now) by *Eckhard Tolle* - full review in [Newsletter 65](https://rogerprice.me/mid-may-family-visit/#power-of-now)
- [*Principles of Economics* ](https://rogerprice.me/at-the-tennis-club/#book-of-the-week)by *Saifedean Ammous*. This is a university-level text book, written to replace the nonsense that students have been taught for the last 70 years. Also available as audiobook. You will understand how things really work. A nice summary of the course is [here](https://www.iangreer.io/principles-of-economics-summary-by-saifedean-ammous/?ref=rogerprice.me).
- [Pyramids](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/64217.Pyramids?from_search=true&from_srp=true&qid=PIBJ5hpUUY&rank=2&ref=rogerprice.me) by *Terry Pratchett* - Conservatives vs progressives was, even in this version of ancient Egypt, a hot topic and Pratchett ridicules the arguments of antiquated minds by exaggerating their prime goals and authorities in general.
- [The Reveal ](https://rogerprice.me/140-halloween-in-hong-kong/#book-of-the-week)by *David Icke -* this gets my "***Book of the Year 2024***" award.* This is written as a standalone book so you do not need to have read his earlier books. Just do it! This book is required reading for all who are awake to what is going wrong around them and want more background and substantiation.
- [Secrets of the Federal Reserve](https://rogerprice.me/home-before-the-journey/#secrets-of-the-federal-reserve) by *Eustace Mullins* independently corroborates all that you read in [*The Creature from Jekyll Island*](https://rogerprice.me/93-awakening-and-marathon/#the-creature-from-jekyll-island) and listen to the book club discussion on it [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLCq3GT8XE4&ref=rogerprice.me). Eustace also wrote "[Murder by Injection](https://archive.org/details/mullins-e.-c.-murder-by-injection-1995/page/n5/mode/2up)" - needless to say, this is particularly relevant to explain what happened in recent years.
- [Snow Crash](https://rogerprice.me/at-the-belgian-coast/#book-of-the-week) – by *Neal Stevenson.* The story takes place in some post-crisis world where trust in governments and countries has broken down and the world is made up of territories controlled by various corporations - each of which has their own "passport" and rules. The inhabitants of the world spend their time "living" in the Metaverse (yes - he did coin that term). Of course there is some sort of computer virus that strikes and threatens to end everything - you can imagine how things develop.
- *William Rees-Mogg*'s [The Sovereign Individual](https://rogerprice.me/holywood-and-belfast-just-visiting/#%F0%9F%93%9A-book-of-the-week) - foresaw very clearly what is currently happening - do get your own copy (book, kindle or audio). Chapters 10 and 11 relate to what's happening now and what's next.
- [Sherlock Holmes - Ultimate Collection](https://www.audible.com/pd/Sherlock-Holmes-Audiobook/B06WLMWF2S?ref=a_library_t_c5_libItem_&pf_rd_p=80765e81-b10a-4f33-b1d3-ffb87793d047&pf_rd_r=PT26JTZP36YX9XXKEKTW) - I absolutely love this complete collection read by Stephen Fry. At nearly 63 hours of audio you get your money's worth. It is all of the books read in a sensible sequence with Stephen's expert commentary and guidance interspersed between the readings.
- [The UnCommunist Manifesto](https://rogerprice.me/the-truth-is-out-there/#book-2-of-the-week) by *Aleks Svetski and Mark Moss* - a message of Hope, Responsibility and Liberty for all. This is a book that you can read in a day or so but you will want to go back and re-read things and reflect further.
- [When Money Dies](https://rogerprice.me/october-already-change-in-the-air/#when-money-dies) by *Adam Fergusson* - The Nightmare of Deficit Spending, Devaluation, and Hyperinflation in Weimar, Germany. Yes it recounts the story of a hundred years ago but you will be surprised to see how relevant this is today, albeit on a bigger scale. We discussed this back in [Issue 7 in February 2022](https://rogerprice.me/time-to-wake-up/).
For lots more like this, do follow our journey: [Letter from ...around the world](https://rogerprice.me/)
@ fd78c37f:a0ec0833
2024-12-11 01:32:23
Bitcoin, as a decentralized digital currency, is reshaping the global financial landscape, sparking innovation and transformation across various sectors. In South America, Bitcoin communities are emerging as crucial drivers of economic empowerment, financial inclusion, and local technological advancement. This issue will highlight 21 Bitcoin communities from South America, exploring their missions, growth trajectories, and recent developments. By examining these grassroots initiatives, we aim to show how Bitcoin is being leveraged to create sustainable economic ecosystems, foster social progress, and expand access to education and financial tools. Thank you, YakiHonne decentralized media client on Nostr to support people in owning their voice. #iOS #Android, for supporting the publication of the Bitcoin Community Newsletter. Most of the content has been reviewed and confirmed by the South American communities. If there are any omissions, please feel free to reach out to me.
**1**.**[Mi Primer Bitcoin ]( https://yakihonne.com/users/nprofile1qqs0vzw43dp9x3v8drvm4udj326dld0ku6gdnxajwcxg8h36ssxrags952hav)**
* **Introduction**
My First Bitcoin is a Bitcoin education initiative rooted in the principles of independence, fairness, and community leadership. Originating in El Salvador, it aims to empower individuals and communities by providing open-source educational resources and fostering a decentralized network. Through a commitment to high-quality education, resistance to external influence, and the creation of a global collaborative network, it seeks to spread Bitcoin education to every corner of the world, offering a transparent and transformative model for reshaping traditional financial systems.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, MyfirstBitcoin successfully hosted the fourth [Bitcoin Educators Unconference]( https://x.com/MyfirstBitcoin_/status/1854554521474597195), featuring guests such as nostr:npub1zfgx8v2g0faswd0ry2qn3ay4pvx4jr6q4fw9d0yqalpkyv9hhp0sjccnj5 nostr:npub1rhh9pkmf6l6z7298yg6fgp95rzkmx4j9uxpekn8j73p5k95ck7gsvce7vj attracting around 170 participants and receiving positive feedback. They also held the graduation ceremony in Ilopango, El Salvador, and continued to organize their regular monthly Bitcoin education meetups and Bitcoin game nights. Additionally, MyfirstBitcoin’s Bitcoin Educators Node Network welcomed four new projects from Canada, Nigeria, and the United States. In partnership with Bitcoin Boma, they are launching [a free online Bitcoin education course for Malawi]( https://x.com/BitcoinBoma/status/1862860266553090512) in January 2025, aimed at enhancing local Bitcoin knowledge.
**2**.**[Bitcoin Beach]( https://x.com/Bitcoinbeach)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Beach is a groundbreaking initiative in El Salvador aimed at fostering sustainable local economic development through Bitcoin. The project provides financial services to the community, particularly for those without access to traditional banking. By using Bitcoin for payments, residents can cover everyday expenses such as utility bills, medical costs, and food. Bitcoin Beach leverages the Lightning Network and community collaboration to promote the adoption of Bitcoin both within El Salvador and globally.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Bitcoin Beach attended the conference at Bitcoin Lake, where they hosted the Bitcoin Beach Meetup and Bitcoin Beach Festival to support local businesses with Bitcoin. They also invited notable figures such as nostr:npub1q0al05h2uvtj0fp8ww7etl0pdjnkum638ynz9tmku3e522fyvlmqjq04mt Hermann Buhr-Vivier, nostr:npub164xhe3pgcqaj70ls7ls5e4hwlnvl4ttuu8wns99jmwp5z6lwhutsa27wle as podcast guests. The discussions covered a range of impactful topics, including how Bitcoin mining can truly light up rural Africa, how to use Bitcoin to transform small towns in South Africa, and integrating Bitcoin into state-level policies across the United States, among other key areas.
**[3.Praia Bitcoin Brazil]( https://x.com/BitcoinBeachBR)**
* **Introduction**
Praia Bitcoin Brazil, located in Jericoacoara, Brazil, is dedicated to creating the country's first Bitcoin circular economy, empowering local residents with financial inclusion. Founded by Fernando Motolese, the project promotes Bitcoin adoption through education, technology, and community-driven initiatives. It has integrated over 40 local businesses into the Bitcoin ecosystem and raised more than 12 BTC through Bitcoin-only crowdfunding. Praia Bitcoin offers self-sovereign financial services and runs programs like the "Bitcoin Smiles" initiative and educational support for children.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Praia Bitcoin Brazil launched several innovative projects, including the first stage lighting course and free acoustic guitar course funded entirely through Bitcoin crowdfunding. Additionally, Praia Bitcoin successfully hosted the [Praia Bitcoin Conference 2024]( https://x.com/BitcoinBeachBR/status/1855936971970949382), attracting 10 volunteers, 100 local residents, and 10 new merchants. The conference also sponsored the first music performance paid in Bitcoin and introduced three local courses, all funded via Bitcoin crowdfunding. These initiatives highlight Praia Bitcoin's ongoing efforts to drive Bitcoin adoption and foster local community development.
**[4.Bitcoin Lake / Lago Bitcoin Guatemala]( https://yakihonne.com/users/npub1a4excy7uf9z3mcafvm9cwdr549dl5lpazuvpr2nc550vf27n5a4scqq5k2)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Lake aims to create a circular economy powered by Bitcoin, providing a novel and accessible solution for unbanked as well as banked merchants in Guatemala.
* **Latest Updates**
The Bitcoin Lake community has been actively preparing and promoting a series of innovative initiatives. On November 30 and December 1, Bitcoin Lake successfully hosted its [2024 conference]( https://x.com/LakeBitcoin/status/1851663535320846661), inviting industry experts such as Ronny Avendaño, co-founder and CEO of the Bitcoin hardware store, and prominent Bitcoin advocate Roman Martínez (chimbera). During the conference, the community also organized creative activities like the [coffee workshop]( https://x.com/LakeBitcoin/status/1852699037457101218) and “[Be Captain of the Bitcoin Boat]( https://x.com/LakeBitcoin/status/1853089917947056534)”, offering participants an opportunity to dive deeper into Bitcoin and the local economy. Additionally, through partnerships with local merchants, Bitcoin Lake is actively advancing the development of the Bitcoin economy, fostering economic growth and financial inclusion in the community.
**[5.Bitcoin jungle]( https://yakihonne.com/users/npub14f26g7dddy6dpltc70da3pg4e5w2p4apzzqjuugnsr2ema6e3y6s2xv7lu)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Jungle is an open-source community project built on the Bitcoin Lightning Network with the goal of creating a circular Bitcoin economy. The project provides education, resources, and technology to both individuals and businesses. Starting from the Golden Triangle area in Costa Rica (Dominical, Uvita, Ojochal, Platanillo, Tinamaste), it is developing a shining example of what a Bitcoin community can represent.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, the Bitcoin Jungle community has been actively promoting the adoption and use of Bitcoin in Costa Rica, participating in various projects and events. Community members attended the Adopting Bitcoin conference in El Salvador, further advancing global Bitcoin adoption. At the same time, they have been actively supporting children's charity projects and Bitcoin diploma courses, continuously driving Bitcoin education, social responsibility, and community development.
**[6.Bitcoin Berlín sv]( https://x.com/bitcoinberlinsv?s=21)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Berlín sv aimed at creating a financially sovereign town in Berlín, El Salvador, through the implementation of a Bitcoin circular economy. The project seeks to integrate Bitcoin into the local economy by educating residents and businesses about its benefits, promoting the adoption of Bitcoin-based payment systems, and empowering local entrepreneurs with financial education. It also focuses on environmental sustainability, encouraging the use of renewable energy and waste reduction.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, the Bitcoin Berlín sv has been actively promoting the use of Bitcoin by sharing informative articles and supporting the graduation of podcast producer Joel through the BlinkBTC QR code platform, allowing contributions in sats. This initiative not only supports the growth and development of community members but also furthers Bitcoin’s adoption and usage within the community. Additionally, on November 23rd, the community successfully hosted [a cultural festival celebrating the local heritage]( https://x.com/BitcoinBerlinSV/status/1857851562334294250). During the event, all vendors accepted Bitcoin payments, showcasing its practical application in Berlín’s economy. The festival attracted numerous tourists and residents eager to experience Bitcoin payments, further advancing its integration into daily life.
**[7.Bitcoin embassy San Salvador]( https://x.com/btcembassy_sv?s=21)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin embassy San Salvador is more into promoting Nostr in the region.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, the Bitcoin Embassy San Salvador has been actively promoting the use and adoption of Bitcoin within the community, organizing various events. One of the highlights was the [Christmas Toy Drive x Cuarteto Salvación]( https://x.com/BTCEmbassy_SV/status/1859771767792992472), where toys were purchased using Sats to bring holiday cheer to children in need. The event, held on December 1 at Cuscatlán Park, also featured a special Music Night, attracting a large audience. Additionally, the Embassy hosted [an educational gathering for food vendors]( https://x.com/BTCEmbassy_SV/status/1856869503092576427), aimed at promoting Bitcoin payment systems. During the event, vendors accept Bitcoin payments through tiankii_Tech and blinkbtc platforms, further encouraging local businesses to embrace and adopt Bitcoin payments.
**[8.ONG Bitcoin Argentina]( https://x.com/bitcoinar?s=21)**
* **Introduction**
ONG Bitcoin Argentina is dedicated to advancing the development and application of decentralized technologies, particularly in the fields of Bitcoin, cryptocurrencies, and blockchain. As a leading organization in this space, the community promotes user protection and the healthy growth of the crypto ecosystem through education, training, and public advocacy. Its mission is to help individuals, businesses, and decision-makers understand and leverage decentralized, transparent, and secure technologies to bring more opportunities and progress to society. ONG Bitcoin Argentina has become a leading force in promoting decentralized technology in Argentina and Latin America.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, ONG Bitcoin Argentina has been actively preparing for the “[Moon Party | Despedimos el año ATH (A Todo Hodler)]( https://x.com/BitcoinAR/status/1859973808204943665)” celebration, set to take place on December 5, 2024. Bitcoin enthusiasts will gather to enjoy exciting activities, including a Lightning Network demonstration and the Fish Bowl Manizesto Bitcoiner art exhibition. In addition, the community has hosted and will host a series of conferences and workshops covering a range of topics, including local digital asset services, Bitcoin as a strategic reserve in the U.S., the reconversion of the Bitcoin and cryptocurrency economy and financial systems, the role of crypto economics in financial system reform, the impact of Bitcoin ETFs on markets, and Bitcoin's influence on global issues, fostering in-depth discussions and development within the crypto industry.
**[9.La bitcoineta]( https://x.com/labitcoineta?s=21)**
* **Introduction**
La Bitcoineta is an initiative launched by the Argentine community in 2018, designed to promote the adoption and understanding of Bitcoin through a unique and powerful tool: a van and a group of volunteers. This traveling educational project has visited hundreds of towns across Latin America, Africa, and Europe, reaching thousands of people and covering hundreds of thousands of kilometers with the aim of spreading its mission and activities.With its innovative and mobile approach, Bitcoineta has become a globally recognized educational project.
**[10.Motiv Peru]( https://x.com/motivperu?s=21)**
* **Introduction**
Motiv is a non-profit organization founded in 2020, focused on addressing systemic poverty through Bitcoin and innovative projects, aiming to provide better opportunities for survival and prosperity to underserved communities. Its founders, Rich Swisher and Vali Popescu, witnessed firsthand the tragic impact of poverty and lack of basic living conditions in a remote village in the Andes Mountains of Peru, where children were dying due to preventable causes. This inspired them to create Motiv, with the goal of empowering vulnerable populations. By leveraging global support and partnerships, Motiv uses Bitcoin to help local communities break free from poverty and improve their lives, striving to bring positive change and hope to those in need.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, MOTIV Perú has made significant progress in promoting Bitcoin and the circular economy. The organization continues to transform communities across Peru through various initiatives. For example, in the Comas district of Lima, entrepreneurial women are paying for their classes with Bitcoin and learning how to make delicious desserts, further advancing the local circular economy. Additionally, MOTIV Perú held its [first Bitcoin training]( https://x.com/MotivPeru/status/1858925719805395180) in Carabayllo-Lima, helping Peruvians understand the nature of money and the advantages of Bitcoin. MOTIV is also assisting communities in areas like Tarapoto and Ancon, where locals are using Bitcoin for daily transactions, driving financial freedom and economic empowerment.
**[11.Montanha bitcoin]( https://x.com/montanhabitcoin)**
* **Introduction**
Building a circular economy in Sao thome, Brazil.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, The community has had no recent updates. The latest event dates back to June 2024, highlighting a water contamination incident.
**[12.Amityage honduras]( https://x.com/AmityAge)**
* **Introduction**
Amityage Honduras is the first Bitcoin education center in Honduras, located on Roatán Island in the Prosperá zone. The center's mission is to educate the local community about Bitcoin and spread this knowledge throughout Central America and the Caribbean. It is dedicated to helping businesses on the island adopt Bitcoin as a payment method, teaching children financial literacy, and empowering individuals to achieve financial sovereignty through Bitcoin. The center aims to empower the local community through education and innovation, fostering economic independence and sustainable development.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, Amityage Honduras is actively promoting Bitcoin education by participating in various international Bitcoin events and organizing local courses to help more people understand Bitcoin. Community members took part in significant events such as AdoptingBTC 2024 and BitcoinUnconference, and hosted workshops around the theme of “How to Enter the World of Bitcoin Education.” In Haidmühle, Germany, AmityAge completed a four-day [Bitcoin Educators Academy]( https://x.com/AmityAge/status/1853785976729989591), where the curriculum included topics like using simple analogies to explain Bitcoin and public speaking exercises. Additionally, the community hosted Bitcoin education courses on Roatán Island and provided a free Bitcoin event for beginners at the Crawfish Rock community, further spreading Bitcoin knowledge.
**[13.Lima - Orange Pill Perú]( https://yakihonne.com/users/nprofile1qqsyhra6ydf5j8dcyqfvddf2lfwn0fpkrls2apylypjxeqqsu227nus34w4sv)**
* **Introduction**
Orange Pill Peru is a community-driven initiative dedicated to empowering Peruvians through Bitcoin education. With a focus on transforming the financial landscape, Orange Pill Peru provides resources for individuals to learn about Bitcoin, connect with like-minded enthusiasts, and grow their knowledge through various events and workshops. The community serves as a hub for both beginners and professionals, offering a supportive environment to explore the fundamentals of Bitcoin, its history, and its potential to shape the future of finance.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, there have been no major updates. They actively engage in Bitcoin education and industry updates by sharing and reposting Bitcoin-related content. They support MOTIV Perú's financial freedom education project in the Ancon community in Lima, emphasizing the empowerment of women through Bitcoin. Additionally, the community has shared information about the upcoming [Bitcoin Medellin Conference]( https://x.com/BTCMedellinConf/status/1858890066178793753) scheduled for January 2025.
**[14.La Antigua Bitcoin]( https://x.com/antiguabtc)**
* **Introduction**
La Antigua Bitcoin is a community-based initiative in La Antigua Guatemala, focusing on promoting Bitcoin adoption in local businesses. The community works to create awareness and facilitate the use of Bitcoin as a payment method in various establishments throughout the city. By encouraging merchants to accept Bitcoin, La Antigua Bitcoin aims to integrate cryptocurrency into the everyday economy, driving financial innovation and expanding access to decentralized financial systems within the region.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, the Antigua Bitcoin community has had few updates, with a focus on organizing its first meetup in collaboration with “[Run with Bitcoin]( https://x.com/antiguabtc/status/1725895204740173835)” on November 24, 2023. The event garnered significant attention within the community, featuring interactions with a special guest. The aim of the event was to further promote Bitcoin adoption in Antigua, Guatemala, and encourage exchange and collaboration between Bitcoin enthusiasts and the local community.
**[15.Horizonte Bitcoin]( https://yakihonne.com/users/nprofile1qqs80n72hysgx32djuj8kxpt6j86duqm90a4rtmshg7pggnlru9dhzcwcy9cc)**
* **Introduction**
Project that aims to contribute to the Bitcoinization of the economy and encourage Entrepreneurship and Decentralization.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, The community has had no recent updates. The latest event dates back to Oct 2024, which shared a message encouraging women to learn more about Bitcoin and connect with others in the field, highlighted a meetup, Satoshe's Lounge, for women, providing a space to learn, discuss, and share knowledge about Bitcoin.
**[16.Escuelita Bitcoin]( https://yakihonne.com/users/npub1awggmqvlw8pa0kp9qq5law8zsvp2a8suztk0357j7e0nt746suwspt7lwx)**
* **Introduction**
Educational Project for Little School.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, the Escuelita Bitcoin team has grown to five members and is actively advancing Bitcoin education and community development. Team members have hosted several workshops in Paraguay and Mexico, spreading Bitcoin knowledge within local communities and encouraging merchants to accept Bitcoin payments, particularly in Ciudad del Este, Paraguay. The team is raising funds through platforms like Geyser. fund and Kuno.anne.media to support the expansion of their educational initiatives and help locals better understand and use Bitcoin. Escuelita Bitcoin also emphasizes privacy education, promoting the use of tools like CakeWallet and Monero. Through collaborations with other organizations and individuals, the team is extending the reach of Bitcoin education, fostering the adoption of Bitcoin in Latin America and emerging markets.
**[17.Bitcoin é aqui! Rolante/Riozinho-RS-BRASIL]( https://yakihonne.com/users/npub168dqt5c8ue3uj8ynlk0lhwalnp7uy39lvzf9tm09wy3htxwmw7qq5nerj4)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin é Aqui! Rolante is located in Rolante, Brazil, and is dedicated to creating a lifestyle and tourism destination where 40% of businesses now accept Bitcoin as a payment method, showcasing the community's success in integrating Bitcoin into the local economy. Residents and visitors can use it to pay for all services, including accommodation, tours, local goods, medical services, and even construction and solar energy equipment. This reflects the practical application and convenience of its use in everyday life, aiming to create a digitally-driven environment powered by Bitcoin.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, the Bitcoin é Aqui! Rolante has been actively promoting the adoption and use of Bitcoin in Brazil and beyond. The community has organized several educational events aimed at spreading basic Bitcoin knowledge and its practical applications in daily life, particularly through online videos and lectures. These efforts help people understand how Bitcoin plays a crucial role in the global financial system. The community has also been actively involved in promoting Bitcoin payments, supporting their adoption by local businesses and in the tourism industry.
**[18.Bitcoin Forte]( https://x.com/Bitcoin_Forte)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Forte is a voluntary initiative aimed at introducing Bitcoin as a currency to Praia do Forte in Bahia, Brazil. The project provides valuable information about Bitcoin’s importance and encourages local merchants to adopt it as a payment method. By highlighting Bitcoin's international use, simplicity, and security, Bitcoin Forte aims to facilitate its adoption among both tourists and businesses.The community promotes Bitcoin as a stable and controlled currency, helping to avoid systemic price inflation. Bitcoin Forte simplifies the process for businesses by offering tools such as QR codes and the “Satoshi POS Wallet” app, which connects to a merchant’s primary wallet for seamless transactions.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, the community has had no recent updates. The latest event dates back to July 2024, introducing Airbtc, a platform similar to Airbnb, but it only accepts Bitcoin as payment.
**[19.Bitcoin Paraguay]( https://x.com/BTCParaguay)**
* **Introduction**
Bitcoin Paraguay is a community dedicated to connecting individuals in Paraguay who are interested in Bitcoin, promoting its adoption, and fostering the development of local circular economies. The community’s mission is to increase Bitcoin adoption by collaborating with local businesses and nonprofit organizations, helping to create a more sustainable local economy. Through regular events, talks, and resource sharing, Bitcoin Paraguay provides education and support to its members while actively exploring Bitcoin's application across various sectors in Paraguay.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, the Bitcoin Paraguay community has made significant progress in promoting Bitcoin adoption. On November 5, they successfully hosted the [fifth Bitcoin meetup]( https://x.com/BTCParaguay/status/1853661077575250158) in Asunción, attracting 110 attendees. The event included two Spanish-language presentations and a Lightning Network onboarding training session, with food and drinks available for purchase using Bitcoin. The event was made possible with strong support from sponsors Blink Wallet and Hacking Lives. On November 13, Josef Tetek visited Bitcoin Paraguay to help promote the adoption of Vexl in the country. The community also shared their progress through articles, with Jake, a community member, publishing an article in the Asunción Times on how Bitcoin Paraguay is improving people's lives.
**[20.Bitcoin Amantikir]( https://x.com/BtcAmantikir)**
* **Introduction**
They are starting the first community in the Serra da Mantiqueira to use and extol people about the bitcoin economy.
* **Latest Updates**
Recently, the Bitcoin Amantikir community has made significant progress in promoting Bitcoin as a payment method and fostering a circular economy in Santo Antônio do Pinhal. Various businesses, including a pet store, transportation service providers, a hotel, a fruit shop, and a tourist attraction, have started accepting Bitcoin payments. Additionally, the community is organizing a Bitcoin financial education course on December 2nd at Munay Pousada, aimed at helping young people aged 14-18 acquire essential financial knowledge and understand the importance of Bitcoin.
**[21.La Crypta]( https://x.com/LaCryptaOk)**
* **Introduction**
La Crypta is an open-source community dedicated to advancing the adoption of the Nostr protocol and Bitcoin through developer-friendly tools and resources. By providing an integrated open-source stack, La Crypta empowers developers to sync with multiple relays, showcase profiles with badges, and facilitate seamless messaging, making it easier to build and utilize decentralized social platforms. Events like hackathons further enhance collaboration and attract new members, fostering innovation in decentralized social media.
* **Latest Updates**
LaWallet, their open-source wallet, integrates Bitcoin, Lightning, and Nostr to provide a seamless learning experience. With over 8,000 NFC cards distributed across conferences in regions like Argentina, Brazil, and Spain, LaWallet enables easy adoption while prioritizing user privacy. The wallet’s functionality is now supported by Alby’s official browser extension, further boosting accessibility.
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-12-11 00:05:33
Other than @grayruby potentially getting eliminated, there's not a lot at stake tonight.
However, considering we all have the Thunder remaining, a Mavs upset would be pretty impactful.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/804061
@ 468f729d:5ab4fd5e
2024-12-11 00:00:35
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/V_fvmyJ91m0?enablejsapi=1" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
@ 3c7dc2c5:805642a8
2024-12-10 21:43:25
## 🧠Quote(s) of the week:
'It takes 40 years to mine the last Bitcoin.
40 fucking years. For one Bitcoin.
None of us understand.
It means if you are a whole coiner your children or grandchildren (if they are smart) will inherit the equivalent of 40 years’ worth of energy used to secure the Bitcoin network. NO ONE is prepared for this.' -FractalEncrypt
## 🧡Bitcoin news🧡
On the 3rd of December:
➡️'Bitcoin is still just 0.2% of global asset value.
Here is the latest update of this chart, which you may have seen in Saylor's presentations.
With Bitcoin's price over $90k, it may feel like you're late to Bitcoin... but it is still a tiny bucket in the global asset ocean.
As a ~$2T asset, it's incredibly early for Bitcoin.' - Jesse Myers
Bitcoin is “0.2% right now, at 1% of the total global assets, Bitcoin's a $9 Trillion asset, and worth about $450,000, at 3% is worth $1.3 Million per BTC. One of the most crucial and easiest charts to understand.
Oh and regarding the volatility, let me quote Joe Burnett: "Bitcoin is volatile because it’s a $450T asset trading for only $2T growing at a 70% CAGR.
MSTR packages this volatility, sells it, and buys more Bitcoin.
Do you see the reflexivity yet?
➡️'An estimated ~2.5 Million bitcoin ($240 billion) are lost forever.
Don’t let your stack be next.
Here are the 5 most common self-custody mistakes people make (and how to avoid them):'
Great [thread ](https://x.com/River/status/1864005091058937889)by River:
Avoid these mistakes to keep your Bitcoin safe:
1. Practice restoring your wallet before sending funds to it.
2. Send test transactions before the full amount.
3. Air-gap your wallet for large amounts.
4. Keep inheritance plans simple & secure.
5. Manage your UTXOs smartly. Here are the 5 most common self-custody mistakes people make (and how to avoid them)'
➡️Canadian publicly traded company Bitcoin Well Inc. adoptsBitcoinas a treasury reserve asset and is raising $2 million to buy more BTC.
➡️BlackRock’s Bitcoin ETF surpasses the 500K Bitcoin benchmark, currently worth over $48 billion.
➡️Mashinsky to plead guilty in Celsius fraud case.
➡️Virgin Voyages announces it is the first cruise line to accept Bitcoin as payment.
➡️The US government has transferred nearly 20K $BTC valued at $1.92 billion.
Meanwhile, Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong agrees with US Space Force major Jason Lowery that the US gov't should NEVER sell its Bitcoin holdings, citing it as a strategic mistake that makes no sense at any price point.
➡️Total balance on exchanges drops to around 2.8M BTC, down from 3M in February.
➡️MARA's convertible note offering just upsized from $805 MILLION to $1 BILLION at 0% interest due to massive demand.
➡️Japanese House of Representatives member Taro Kono posts a picture of his friend mining Bitcoin with a Bitaxe.
On the 4th of December:
The impact of truth evolves as more people acknowledge it. Here’s another milestone:
➡️Russia's President Putin says, “For example, Bitcoin, who can prohibit it? Nobody. Who can prohibit the use of other electronic means of payment? Nobody. Because these are new technologies and no matter what happens to the dollar, these tools will develop one way or another because everyone will strive to reduce costs and increase reliability.”
➡️Donald Trump officially nominates pro-Bitcoin Paul Atkins as next SEC Chair.
➡️And on the same day, Jerome Powell calls Bitcoin a competitor of gold, not the dollar. '“It’s just like gold only it’s virtual. It’s digital. People are not using it as a form of payment or as a store of value. It’s highly volatile. It’s not a competitor for the dollar. It’s a competitor for gold.”
Great [thread ](https://x.com/alphaazeta/status/1864356459162562917)on how Bitcoin will disrupt all markets.
➡️On that statement made by Powell:
Powell: "Bitcoin is not a store of value. It's too volatile"
Reality: Bitcoin is not only the best-performing asset in history (and certainly in 2024), it has a HIGHER Sharpe ratio (risk-adjusted return) than the S&P, Treasuries, and gold. - ZeroHedge
➡️'Missing just the 2 best 24-hour periods of Bitcoin returns each year since 2014 would've completely wiped out the 12,964% gains you’d have made by simply HODLing.' - Wicked
This is why you shouldn't trade Bitcoin, just avoid trading. Just imagine you just had the balls to HODL aka. patience aka. low time preference.
Full disclosure, in the past I had no balls.
➡️One of the largest bitcoin miners in the world launches a ‘Strategic Bitcoin Reserve’. Hut 8!
➡️Saylor presents a “Trump Max” plan for a U.S. Strategic Bitcoin Reserve, proposing the government acquire 4 million Bitcoin and convert 75% of surpluses into BTC. By 2045, this strategy projects a value of $81 trillion.
➡️Pete Rizzo: Someone just activated an 11-year-old wallet with 2,700 Bitcoin worth $254 MILLION. They HODL'ed from $600 to $96,000.
On the 5th of December:
➡️There it is! The price of Bitcoin hit USD 100,000 for the first time! 100,000 infinitely printable US government tokens per glorious Nakamoto-grade orange coin. And a crucial and painful conclusion is that few traditional investors will have enjoyed it!
Ps.: 80% of all dollars were created in the last 5 years.
Daniel Batten: 'On the day Bitcoin broke 100K, Bitcoin critics cannot even say "but it boils the oceans" anymore without looking utterly ignorant, as a 6th sustainability magazine covers how Bitcoin helps green energy adoption and grid stabilization.'
➡️El Salvador is now $333 MILLION in profit on its Bitcoin investment. IMF in tears.
Other countries go full retard.
➡️Central Bank of Chile has ruled out adding Bitcoin as a reserve asset, citing non-compliance with IMF standards for foreign reserves.
'The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has extended various financial arrangements to Chile over the years, primarily as precautionary measures to bolster the country’s economic resilience. These arrangements include the Flexible Credit Line (FCL) and the Short-term Liquidity Line (SLL).' -Fiatextractor
In other words, Chile is not a sovereign country. It's like a fentanyl junkie in San Fran! That FIAT line of credit is just too good to give up.
➡️ The German government sold 50,000 Bitcoin at $55,000. Bitcoin is up 85% since then. Missed out on a cool $2.35 BILLION profit...Verdammt nochmal!
➡️Semler Scientific just bought another $29.3m Bitcoin. Since adopting a Bitcoin Treasury Strategy in May 2024 the Company has bought $147.1 million Bitcoin. MicroStrategy playbook!
➡️Bitcoin sets a NEW ALL-TIME HIGH against gold. It now takes 39 ounces to buy one Bitcoin.
On the 6th of December:
➡️Czech Republic scraps capital gains tax on Bitcoin held +3 years! The Czech Republic has enacted a new law eliminating capital gains tax on Bitcoin held for more than three years and prohibiting banks from discriminating against Bitcoin businesses.
➡️El Salvador bonds rally as Bitcoin jumps past $100,000" — Bloomberg
'What this means is buying Bitcoin has been such a HUGE success that El Salvador is now able to refinance its debt at much lower interest rates, and can use the savings to buy even more Bitcoin!' -Bitcoin Archive
➡️The City of Newport rejects the offer of James Howells, who in 2013 lost a hard drive containing 8K Bitcoin ($~800M), now buried in a local landfill, equal to 25% of the funds recovered in a change of search permission for him and his data recovery team
➡️On the Schwab Network: "If you don't have at least 10% of your portfolio in Bitcoin or Bitcoin-related assets, you're going to fall significantly behind."
➡️$891 MILLION of leveraged crypto positions liquidated in just 24hrs. REKT!!
➡️Bloomberg terminal now shows the Bitcoin price as $0.1m instead of in thousands.
➡️'The US spot ETFs have just passed Satoshi in total Bitcoin held, now hold more than 1.1m, more than anyone in the world, and they're not even a year old yet, literally babies still. Mind-blowing.' -Eric Balchunas
The time it took for Bitcoin to add a zero to its exchange price:
On the 7th of December:
➡️U.S. Treasury says Bitcoin's primary use case is "digital gold". Meanwhile, Bernstein researched, Bitcoin to replace gold as the leading store of value within the next ten years - Bernstein research
Dennis Porter: 'The U.S. Treasury just declared that Bitcoin is digital gold and yet some people still think $100,000 bitcoin is too expensive.
We are going much higher.'
If your goal is to accumulate as much gold as possible, well the best strategy is to be saving in Bitcoin.
Bitcoin replacing gold is the logical base case. Replacing every de facto Medium of Saving is the logical base case. Gold is the first asset in the domino stack to experience what it feels like when Bitcoin starts to suck away its monetary premium, reducing its market value to its utility value.
Replacing fiat is a much larger and more speculative leap. But it will come, in due course.
➡️'Bitcoin miners in the aggregate have seen a significant reduction in the total Bitcoin held in wallets linked to mining activities. On-chain analytics platform Santiment revealed a decline of 85,503 BTC over 48 hours, representing the largest drop since February 2024.' -Bitcoin News
➡️Holding Bitcoin has been profitable for over 99.8% of its history!
➡️'Bitcoin Cycles Timeline. I don't make the rules.
Halving to Peak: 525 days
Peak to Bottom: 364 days
Bottom to Halving 518 days
Halving to Peak: 532 days
Peak to Bottom: 371 days
Bottom to Halving: 532 Days
The next halving date is March 26, 2028. Look how accurately the above timeline would put us at the halving...
Will the pattern continue?' -Brett
On the 8th of October:
➡️Microsoft could make history in two days, on the 10th of December, as shareholders vote on whether to add Bitcoin to the balance sheet. A decision that could ripple across corporate America.
➡️Joe Burnett:
'Median new US home price in bitcoin
2012 - 50,616 BTC
2013 - 19,127 BTC
2014 - 351 BTC
2015 - 901 BTC
2016 - 697 BTC
2017 - 323 BTC
2018 - 24 BTC
2019 - 84 BTC
2020 - 46 BTC
2021 - 10 BTC
2022 - 20 BTC
2023 - 14 BTC
2024 - 4.3 BTC'
Great anecdote by someone called BTCbeardman on Twitter:
'I bought my home in March 2023. The price was $495,000, which was 22.5 BTC.
Today the value is $560,000, which is 5.6 BTC.
In a little less than 2 years my home value increased 13% in dollars.
But it lost 75% of its value in Bitcoin.
Real estate is COLLAPSING in front of us.'
➡️On this day, someone sent 1,000 BTC, today worth $100 million, around the world for a $10 fee. Now try that with Fiat or with Gold. That's the beauty of Bitcoin.
➡️'MicroStrategy has bought $17.5 billion Bitcoin this year, and $13b of that in the last just 6 weeks. Some thought the 2027 target of $18b was a fantasy, but he's about to smash that this week with another buy. How much will Saylor buy this week? Another $1b, $2b... $5b?' -Bitcoin Archive
On the 9th of December:
➡️So far today:
- MicroStrategy bought $2.1 BILLION Bitcoin. Freaking conviction by Saylor. Although, I don't like that MicroStrategy is holding more than 2% of all Bitcoin to ever exist.
- UAE holding its first-ever Bitcoin conference.
- Public company Riot is raising $500 million to buy Bitcoin.
➡️'Bitcoin has just closed its first daily AND weekly candle above $100k. Congrats to all the HODLers!
Iran to embrace Bitcoin with regulatory framework instead of banning them, says Minister of Economic Affairs
First Russia, then China...now Iran.' -Bitcoin Archive
➡️Publicly traded AI firm Genius Group buys an additional $2.2 million.
➡️Amazon shareholders have submitted a request for the $2.3 Trillion company to explore adding Bitcoin to its treasury. Amazon shareholders request that the Board conduct an assessment to determine if adding Bitcoin to the Company's treasury is in the best long-term interests of shareholders. foto)
➡️IMF tells El Salvador that Bitcoin acceptance by businesses must be voluntary to unlock a $1.3b loan.
They're scared of success...
## 💸Traditional Finance / Macro:
On the 2nd of December:
👉🏽'This is the strongest stock market in decades:
The S&P 500 is up 26.5% this year and on track for its best annual performance in 26 years. If the S&P 500 rises another 3.5%, it would mark the first annual gain of 30% or more since 1997. Additionally, the S&P 500 has hit 53 all-time highs year-to-date, the 3rd highest this century.
This is only below the 70 and 62 all-time highs seen in 2021 and 2017.
Since the October 2023 low, the S&P 500 is now up an incredible 47%.' TKL
As mentioned in the previous Weekly Recap the Mag 7 is unprecedented. The rest of the SP500 and economy are just bloated on printed money barely outpacing inflation.
Oh, by the way, the last time U.S. stocks were this overvalued versus the rest of the world was... well, never.
👉🏽'Buffett’s cash allocation is at 30% of Berkshire Hathaway’s total assets
Such an elevated cash position has NEVER been seen. His cash pile has just hit a RECORD of $325 billion.
Warren Buffett's cash pile just hit another ATH, reaching $325 billion
That’s $325 billion sitting on the sidelines at Berkshire Hathaway. Well, the last time Buffett maintained elevated cash levels was between 2004 - 2007
During these 3 years, his cash allocation consistently exceeded 20%.' -Bravos Research
This could get ugly…
👉🏽 No news
## 🌎Macro/Geopolitics:
On the 3rd of December:
👉🏽'The US government brings in about $5 trillion annually in revenue from taxes, fees, and tariffs.
The US government is on pace to spend about $1.4 trillion for interest payments on the $36 trillion debt in 2025.
That will be about 28% of all govt revenue going to interest payments.' - WallStreet Mav
And that 28% is increasing almost exponentially due to all those short-term bonds rolling over from low to high rates…
Again no gloom and doom, just facts. Total US debt is now up ~$13 TRILLION since 2020 and at a record $36 TRILLION.
Another source: 'The US is projected to spend $3.8 billion PER DAY on interest expense in 2025. The US net interest payments on national debt hit a $1.12 trillion annual rate in Q3 2024, a new record. This is TWICE the amount seen in 2021, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis data. As a result, interest as a % of government revenue hit 18%, the highest in 30+ years. Interest expense now exceeds government spending on R&D, infrastructure, and education COMBINED.' -TKL
👉🏽South Korean parliament votes 190-0 to lift President Yoon's martial law declaration. According to Odaily, the South Korean government has pledged to provide UNLIMITED LIQUIDITY to the market if needed.
And there it is: just need a little martial law for BRRRRR.
“If we exclude the tech sector, EU productivity growth over the past 20 years would be broadly at par with the US” - Draghi
If we exclude the industry that makes loads of money and is integral to the world, and to our future, then the EU is on a par with the US. Sure just exclude the most productive sector in the last 20 years. Let’s see what we can regulate in the EU next.
“If my grandmother had wheels, she would have been a bike”.
"If you exclude athletic ability and technical skills, I am broadly at par with Ronaldo (R9)."
Oh well, you get the picture!
'Anyway, the US to European equity valuations have risen to 3.6x in November, a record.
This ratio has DOUBLED in 8 years.
To put this into perspective, the long-term average is 3 TIMES lower, at ~1.2x.
This comes as the US stock market has outperformed Europe in 12 out of the last 15 years.
This year alone, the US has returned ~21% more than Europe, the largest difference since 1976.
US stocks are dominating the market.'
A sobering EU thread, worth your time and read: https://x.com/0x_ale/status/1864731334327066683
👉🏽IMF Fiscal Monitor: Fiscal consolidation measures reduce output and household consumption; cuts in public investment are particularly detrimental. "If taxes are progressive, raising them leads to smaller output losses."
Source: https://www.imf.org/en/Publications/FM/Issues/2024/10/23/fiscal-monitor-october-2024
👉🏽Mark Zuckerberg's Meta joins Amazon and Google to back nuclear energy to power AI data centers - Axios
On the 4th of December:
👉🏽France's government collapses after losing a no-confidence vote in parliament. Macron just landed from a trip to Saudi Arabia without a government. Putaaaaiiinnn.
To put things into perspective! France's creditworthiness is now comparable to Greece's rather than being on the same level as Germany.
👉🏽October payrolls revised from 233K to 184K, the biggest negative revision since May 2023. As a feature, downward revisions. Classic. Just a casual 20% negative adjustment.
'The Household survey showed significant weakness, with the number of employed people falling by -355,000 in November.
Meanwhile, the US lost -111,000 full-time jobs and -268,000 part-time jobs.
There are now 1.7 million people in long-term unemployment, up from 1.2 million last year. All while the US government added +33,000 jobs last month ALONE.
Something doesn't add up here.' -TKL
👉🏽The normally fiscally conservative Germans want more debt to deal with an ailing economy. German Bank president Joachim Nagel urges Berlin to relax rules to address defense and infrastructure shortfalls. "If you put major increases in tariffs on top of current forecasts, the economy might broadly stagnate for even longer".
How to tides have changed, innit? 'Flashback to the Eurozone crisis of 2011-2012, when Germany's finance minister Schäuble demanded austerity in Southern Europe, claiming that "too high deficits and debt levels" had caused the crisis: "You can't cure an alcoholic by giving him alcohol."
The discourse was out of control.'- Phillip Heimberger
👉🏽Last week I mentioned how the EU bit by bit is rolling out their digital agenda.
Dr. Jan Wústenfeld: The EU proposal to scan all your WhatsApp chats is back on the agenda.
The transparent citizen. Meanwhile, the ECB says the digital euro will set the privacy "gold standard".
Something does not add up. Watch what they do, not what they say."
Full Disclosure: "On December 6, 2024, the European Pirate Party reported that the European Council Committee stopped the proposal (yet again) as more governments joined the list of countries against it."
Source: https://www.techradar.com/computing/cyber-security/the-eu-proposal-to-scan-all-your-whatsapp-chats-is-back-on-the-agenda
On the 6th of December:
👉🏽Germany's industrial downturn shows no signs of easing. Industrial production dropped by 1% in October MoM, starting the final quarter w/an unexpected decline & raising concerns about a potential winter recession. Compared to last year, industrial production was down ~5%.
Industrial production in Germany - now more than 17% *lower* than at the end of 2017.
👉🏽'Total world debt officially hit a record $323 trillion in Q3 2024.
Over the last 3 quarters, global debt has skyrocketed by $12 TRILLION, according to the Institute of International Finance (IIF).
In just two decades, global debt has TRIPLED.
Moreover, global debt-to-GDP now stands at 326% and remains above pre-pandemic levels.
Furthermore, debt in emerging markets reached a near-record $105 trillion, or 245% of GDP.
Debt is skyrocketing around the globe.' -TKL
Now imagine the burden of interest expenses, imagine that the entire world is based on borrowed money (future generations' time & productivity)....
323 trillion and rising vs. 21 million BTC (max.).
👉🏽President Nayib Bukele revealed that El Salvador has discovered up to $3 TRILLION in unmined gold, and he is now moving quickly to repeal the mining ban regulation so that miners can get to work.
"We've also found gallium, tantalum, tin, and many other materials needed for the 4th and 5th industrial revolution." -Bukele
And this is why Bitcoin is going to outcompete gold. We'll never find a hidden stash of 3 trillion dollars of Bitcoin that no one knew about.
👉🏽'As long as Asia builds almost 1.000 new coal power plants, it doesn’t really matter what we in the West do to fight climate change
Even if we moved the UK, Germany or Spain back to the Middle Ages as left green degrowth freaks dream of, it would have barely any impact on climate.' -Michael A. Arouet
Now don't get me wrong. The problem isn't China. The thing is, in Germany (Europe, the West) we believe that we alone can save the climate no matter what the rest of the world is doing.
Next to that, 'We're not only fighting climate change in the West... we're also lighting candles, planting trees, drinking vegan bio milk extracted by hand from virgin cows, and singing kumbayah around the campfire.' - Triangleforces.
And even that isn't the real problem. The real problem is the absolute increase of Chinese CO2 between 2022 and 2023 is larger than the total that Germany has. For example, the elimination of Germany from the planet would equal Chinese growth of one year. But who manufactures for the rest then if we close all the coal plants in China? The EU and the US together consume almost half of the world’s resources, while only making up 10% of the world’s population. The ecological crisis goes way beyond emissions. We have a spending and a consumerism problem.
## 🎁If you have made it this far I would like to give you a little gift:
What Bitcoin Did is back!
Checkmate is an on-chain analyst and founder of Checkonchain. In this interview, they discuss the relaunch of 'What Bitcoin Did,' Bitcoin breaking 100K and the growth in institutional demand.We also get into the the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve, the impact of options on Bitcoin's market dynamics, and the MicroStrategy playbook as a volatility product.
Credit: I have used multiple sources!
My savings account: Bitcoin The tool I recommend for setting up a Bitcoin savings plan: PocketBitcoin especially suited for beginners or people who want to invest in Bitcoin with an automated investment plan once a week or monthly. Use the code BITCOINFRIDAY
Get your Bitcoin out of exchanges. Save them on a hardware wallet, run your own node...be your own bank. Not your keys, not your coins. It's that simple.⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀⠀⠀
Do you think this post is helpful to you? If so, please share it and support my work with sats.
⭐ Many thanks⭐
Felipe -Bitcoin Friday!
@ 765da722:17c600e6
2024-12-10 20:49:34
The mercies, blessings, and kindnesses of God are many and constant. From the very air we breathe to the Word we read, the Spirit of God overflows us with divine goodness. Our greatest good is salvation in Christ Jesus.
Each one has his own reasons to give thanks. God deals with us as individuals. Many of our reasons overlap, but each day reveals specific and individual moments of attention from the Almighty.
In all he does, the Lord wants us to see and know him. He created us for that reason. He brought us into being for love.
It is probably good to have a specific day to give thanks. We ought to be reminded that it is our first task every single day of our lives.
>You are good and do only good; teach me your decrees. Psalm 119.68 NLT.
@ e1d968f7:5d90f764
2024-12-10 20:32:05
In escorting, there are countless moments when learning to let go becomes essential. Whether it’s releasing emotional baggage, moving past a challenging client interaction, or simply accepting the unpredictability of this work, letting go is a skill that keeps me grounded and resilient.
### **Letting Go of Perfection**
When I first started, I wanted every booking to go flawlessly. I put immense pressure on myself to be the perfect companion, meet every expectation, and handle every situation with ease. But perfection isn’t realistic, and chasing it only led to burnout.
- **I now focus on authenticity:** Clients value genuine connection more than polished performance.
- **Mistakes happen:** Instead of dwelling on them, I reflect, learn, and move forward.
### **Releasing Emotional Attachments**
It’s easy to form attachments in this line of work—whether it’s to a particularly kind client or a fantasy of a situation that doesn’t align with reality. But holding onto these emotions can blur boundaries and create complications.
- **Setting limits:** I remind myself that my work is professional, not personal.
- **Processing feelings:** Journaling or talking with a trusted confidant helps me sort through lingering emotions.
- **Focusing on the present:** Staying in the moment prevents overthinking past interactions.
### **Accepting the Unpredictable**
No two days are the same in escorting. Cancellations, unexpected client behaviour, or changes in plans are part of the job. Learning to let go of control and embrace flexibility has been key to maintaining my sanity.
- **Expect the unexpected:** I leave room in my schedule to adapt to surprises.
- **Stay calm under pressure:** Meditation and mindfulness practices help me approach challenges with a clear mind.
- **Find opportunity in change:** Sometimes, unexpected cancellations lead to much-needed downtime or spontaneous fun.
### **Saying Goodbye to Clients**
One of the hardest parts of escorting is saying goodbye to clients I’ve built a connection with. Whether they stop booking or move on for personal reasons, it’s important to let go gracefully.
- **Cherish the memories:** I focus on the positives of our time together.
- **Resist the urge to cling:** Respecting their choices maintains professionalism and dignity.
- **Look ahead:** Each goodbye opens the door for new opportunities and connections.
### **The Freedom of Letting Go**
Letting go isn’t just about releasing what no longer serves me—it’s about creating space for growth, new experiences, and a healthier mindset. The more I practise this, the lighter and more empowered I feel.
### **The Takeaway**
Letting go is an essential skill in escorting and in life. By releasing unrealistic expectations, emotional attachments, and the need for control, I’ve learned to approach my work with more clarity, confidence, and ease.
Tomorrow, I’ll explore the importance of discretion in this line of work and how it shapes my interactions with clients and my personal life.
Rebecca x
@ a17fb4ed:c53f7e91
2024-12-10 19:21:22
Every now and then I take a step back and read this classic. I keep it taped to the back of my office door as a reminder. I'll leave it here on Nostr for all of you to read as needed.
Cheers, Yooper
### “Father Forgets”
*Listen, son: I am saying this as you lie asleep, one little paw crumpled under your cheek and the blond curls stickily wet on your damp forehead. I have stolen into your room alone. Just a few minutes ago, as I sat reading my paper in the library, a stifling wave of remorse swept over me. Guiltily I came to your bedside.*
There are the things I was thinking, son: I had been cross to you. I scolded you as you were dressing for school because you gave your face merely a dab with a towel. I took you to task for not cleaning your shoes. I called out angrily when you threw some of your things on the floor.
At breakfast I found fault, too. You spilled things. You gulped down your food. You put your elbows on the table. You spread butter too thick on your bread. And as you started off to play and I made for my train, you turned and waved a hand and called, “Goodbye, Daddy!” and I frowned, and said in reply, “Hold your shoulders back!”
Then it began all over again in the late afternoon. As I came up the road I spied you, down on your knees, playing marbles. There were holes in your stockings. I humiliated you before your boyfriends by marching you ahead of me to the house. Stockings were expensive‐and if you had to buy them you would be more careful! Imagine that, son, from a father!
Do you remember, later, when I was reading in the library, how you came in timidly, with a sort of hurt look in your eyes? When I glanced up over my paper, impatient at the interruption, you hesitated at the door. “What is it you want?” I snapped. You said nothing, but ran across in one tempestuous plunge, and threw your arms around my neck and kissed me, and your small arms tightened with an affection that God had set blooming in your heart and which even neglect could not wither.
And then you were gone, pattering up the stairs. Well, son, it was shortly afterwards that my paper slipped from my hands and a terrible sickening fear came over me. What has habit been doing to me?
The habit of finding fault, of reprimanding‐this was my reward to you for being a boy. It was not that I did not love you; it was that I expected too much of youth. I was measuring you by the yardstick of my own years.
And there was so much that was good and fine and true in your character. The little heart of you was as big as the dawn itself over the wide hills. This was shown by your spontaneous impulse to rush in and kiss me good night. Nothing else matters tonight, son. I have come to your bedside in the darkness, and I have knelt there, ashamed!
It is feeble atonement; I know you would not understand these things if I told them to you during your waking hours. But tomorrow I will be a real daddy! I will chum with you, and suffer when you suffer, and laugh when you laugh. I will bite my tongue when impatient words come. I will keep saying as if it were a ritual: “He is nothing but a boy‐a little boy!”
I am afraid I have visualized you as a man. Yet as I see you now, son, crumpled and weary in your cot, I see that you are still a baby. Yesterday you were in your mother’s arms, your head on her shoulder. I have asked too much, too much.
\-W. Livingston Larned