@ 1cb14ab3:95d52462
2025-02-04 22:17:27
## Chef's notes
Credit to The Yummy Life. Go show them love below:
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 1 hour
- 🍳 Cook time: 20 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 4 mason jars (pint)
## Ingredients
- 2 lbs. jalapenos
- 2-1/4 cups vinegar (white distilled, apple cider, or a combination of the two)
- 2-1/4 cups water
- 2 tablespoons sugar or honey (optional)
- 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
- 1/2 teaspoon whole black pepper corns
- 1/4 teaspoon whole cumin seeds
- 1/4 teaspoon whole coriander seeds
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 whole garlic clove, peeled
- 1/8 teaspoon Pickle Crisp granules (optional)
## Directions
1. Slice 1/2 pound jalapenos into 1/8" rounds, discarding stem ends.
2. Prepare the jars: Wash 4 pint jars and lids in hot sudsy water, then keep them warm.
3. Prepare the pickling liquid: Combine 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon vinegar, 1/2 cup plus 1 tablespoon water, and 1-1/2 teaspoons sugar or honey (optional) in a 2 quart pan, heating until just before boiling.
4. Fill the jars: Add jalapeno slices to each jar, pressing them down and packing them in compactly, then pour the hot pickling liquid into each jar, leaving 1/2" head space.
5. Process and store: Allow jars to cool to room temperature, then store them in the refrigerator or can them using standard USDA water process canning procedures, following storage guidelines for refrigerator or canned pickled peppers.
@ 1cb14ab3:95d52462
2025-02-04 21:42:24
## Chef's notes
Classic beef n' broccoli. Easy to make and dank to eat.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 mins.
## Ingredients
- 1 lb top sirloin steak, thinly sliced
- ¼ cup low sodium soy sauce
- 2 teaspoons cornstarch
- 1 tablespoon dark brown sugar
- 2 tablespoons fresh ginger, minced
- 1 tablespoon oil
- 1 head broccoli, cut into 1-inch (2 ½ cm) florets
- ½ cup water
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- ¼ teaspoon red pepper flakes, optional
- 1 teaspoon toasted sesame oil
## Directions
1. In a medium bowl, mix together the sirloin steak, soy sauce, cornstarch, brown sugar, and ginger until the meat is evenly covered in the marinade. Set aside to marinate for 20 minutes.
2. Heat the oil in a large skillet or wok over medium-high heat. Dump in the meat and marinade and sear each side until golden brown. Transfer the meat to a clean bowl and set aside.
3. Place the broccoli into the hot skillet and sauté until the broccoli has just started to brown, about 1 minute. Pour the water into the skillet and immediately cover with a lid. Let it steam for 2 minutes, until the broccoli has softened.
4. Remove the lid and toss in the garlic, red pepper flakes, and sesame oil. Sauté until the garlic becomes fragrant, about 30 seconds.
5. Add the steak back into the pan and stir to combine. Remove from heat and serve on a bed of brown rice.
@ 378562cd:a6fc6773
2025-02-02 18:58:38
## Chef's notes
I'm only testing this out right now. I will update the recipe as well as add my own image soon after making this dish again.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 hour
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 4 to 6 potatoes (size depending)
- 1 lb ground beef
- seasonings
- 2 cans chili beans
- 1 onion
- katsup
- shredded cheese of some kind
## Directions
1. saute onion and add ground beef to skillet. Season to liking.
2. peel if you like and thin slice potatoes
3. in a rectangle baking dish, layer potatoes, beans, meat and cheese (like a lasagna) until you have used all your ingredients. Try and make at least 2 or 3 layers with extra cheese on top.
4. Bake at 350 for one hour. Serve and enjoy!
@ 378562cd:a6fc6773
2025-02-02 17:53:05
## Chef's notes
I'm only testing this out right now. I will update the recipe as well as add my own image soon after making this dish again.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 hour
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 4 to 6 potatoes (size depending)
- 1 lb ground beef
- seasonings
- 2 cans chili beans
- 1 onion
- katsup
- shredded cheese of some kind
## Directions
1. saute onion and add ground beef to skillet. Season to liking.
2. peel if you like and thin slice potatoes
3. in a rectangle baking dish, layer potatoes, beans, meat and cheese (like a lasagna) until you have used all your ingredients. Try and make at least 2 or 3 layers with extra cheese on top.
4. Bake at 350 for one hour. Serve and enjoy!
@ 97c70a44:ad98e322
2025-01-30 17:15:37
There was a slight dust up recently over a website someone runs removing a listing for an app someone built based on entirely arbitrary criteria. I'm not to going to attempt to speak for either wounded party, but I would like to share my own personal definition for what constitutes a "nostr app" in an effort to help clarify what might be an otherwise confusing and opaque purity test.
In this post, I will be committing the "no true Scotsman" fallacy, in which I start with the most liberal definition I can come up with, and gradually refine it until all that is left is the purest, gleamingest, most imaginary and unattainable nostr app imaginable. As I write this, I wonder if anything built yet will actually qualify. In any case, here we go.
# It uses nostr
The lowest bar for what a "nostr app" might be is an app ("application" - i.e. software, not necessarily a native app of any kind) that has some nostr-specific code in it, but which doesn't take any advantage of what makes nostr distinctive as a protocol.
Examples might include a scraper of some kind which fulfills its charter by fetching data from relays (regardless of whether it validates or retains signatures). Another might be a regular web 2.0 app which provides an option to "log in with nostr" by requesting and storing the user's public key.
In either case, the fact that nostr is involved is entirely neutral. A scraper can scrape html, pdfs, jsonl, whatever data source - nostr relays are just another target. Likewise, a user's key in this scenario is treated merely as an opaque identifier, with no appreciation for the super powers it brings along.
In most cases, this kind of app only exists as a marketing ploy, or less cynically, because it wants to get in on the hype of being a "nostr app", without the developer quite understanding what that means, or having the budget to execute properly on the claim.
# It leverages nostr
Some of you might be wondering, "isn't 'leverage' a synonym for 'use'?" And you would be right, but for one connotative difference. It's possible to "use" something improperly, but by definition leverage gives you a mechanical advantage that you wouldn't otherwise have. This is the second category of "nostr app".
This kind of app gets some benefit out of the nostr protocol and network, but in an entirely selfish fashion. The intention of this kind of app is not to augment the nostr network, but to augment its own UX by borrowing some nifty thing from the protocol without really contributing anything back.
Some examples might include:
- Using nostr signers to encrypt or sign data, and then store that data on a proprietary server.
- Using nostr relays as a kind of low-code backend, but using proprietary event payloads.
- Using nostr event kinds to represent data (why), but not leveraging the trustlessness that buys you.
An application in this category might even communicate to its users via nostr DMs - but this doesn't make it a "nostr app" any more than a website that emails you hot deals on herbal supplements is an "email app". These apps are purely parasitic on the nostr ecosystem.
In the long-term, that's not necessarily a bad thing. Email's ubiquity is self-reinforcing. But in the short term, this kind of "nostr app" can actually do damage to nostr's reputation by over-promising and under-delivering.
# It complements nostr
Next up, we have apps that get some benefit out of nostr as above, but give back by providing a unique value proposition to nostr users as nostr users. This is a bit of a fine distinction, but for me this category is for apps which focus on solving problems that nostr isn't good at solving, leaving the nostr integration in a secondary or supporting role.
One example of this kind of app was Mutiny (RIP), which not only allowed users to sign in with nostr, but also pulled those users' social graphs so that users could send money to people they knew and trusted. Mutiny was doing a great job of leveraging nostr, as well as providing value to users with nostr identities - but it was still primarily a bitcoin wallet, not a "nostr app" in the purest sense.
Other examples are things like Nostr Nests and Zap.stream, whose core value proposition is streaming video or audio content. Both make great use of nostr identities, data formats, and relays, but they're primarily streaming apps. A good litmus test for things like this is: if you got rid of nostr, would it be the same product (even if inferior in certain ways)?
A similar category is infrastructure providers that benefit nostr by their existence (and may in fact be targeted explicitly at nostr users), but do things in a centralized, old-web way; for example: media hosts, DNS registrars, hosting providers, and CDNs.
To be clear here, I'm not casting aspersions (I don't even know what those are, or where to buy them). All the apps mentioned above use nostr to great effect, and are a real benefit to nostr users. But they are not True Scotsmen.
# It embodies nostr
Ok, here we go. This is the crème de la crème, the top du top, the meilleur du meilleur, the bee's knees. The purest, holiest, most chaste category of nostr app out there. The apps which are, indeed, nostr indigitate.
This category of nostr app (see, no quotes this time) can be defined by the converse of the previous category. If nostr was removed from this type of application, would it be impossible to create the same product?
To tease this apart a bit, apps that leverage the technical aspects of nostr are dependent on nostr the *protocol*, while apps that benefit nostr exclusively via network effect are integrated into nostr the *network*. An app that does both things is working in symbiosis with nostr as a whole.
An app that embraces both nostr's protocol and its network becomes an organic extension of every other nostr app out there, multiplying both its competitive moat and its contribution to the ecosystem:
- In contrast to apps that only borrow from nostr on the technical level but continue to operate in their own silos, an application integrated into the nostr network comes pre-packaged with existing users, and is able to provide more value to those users because of other nostr products. On nostr, it's a good thing to advertise your competitors.
- In contrast to apps that only market themselves to nostr users without building out a deep integration on the protocol level, a deeply integrated app becomes an asset to every other nostr app by becoming an organic extension of them through interoperability. This results in increased traffic to the app as other developers and users refer people to it instead of solving their problem on their own. This is the "micro-apps" utopia we've all been waiting for.
Credible exit doesn't matter if there aren't alternative services. Interoperability is pointless if other applications don't offer something your app doesn't. Marketing to nostr users doesn't matter if you don't augment their agency _as nostr users_.
If I had to choose a single NIP that represents the mindset behind this kind of app, it would be NIP 89 A.K.A. "Recommended Application Handlers", which states:
> Nostr's discoverability and transparent event interaction is one of its most interesting/novel mechanics. This NIP provides a simple way for clients to discover applications that handle events of a specific kind to ensure smooth cross-client and cross-kind interactions.
These handlers are the glue that holds nostr apps together. A single event, signed by the developer of an application (or by the application's own account) tells anyone who wants to know 1. what event kinds the app supports, 2. how to link to the app (if it's a client), and (if the pubkey also publishes a kind 10002), 3. which relays the app prefers.
_As a sidenote, NIP 89 is currently focused more on clients, leaving DVMs, relays, signers, etc somewhat out in the cold. Updating 89 to include tailored listings for each kind of supporting app would be a huge improvement to the protocol. This, plus a good front end for navigating these listings (sorry nostrapp.link, close but no cigar) would obviate the evil centralized websites that curate apps based on arbitrary criteria._
Examples of this kind of app obviously include many kind 1 clients, as well as clients that attempt to bring the benefits of the nostr protocol and network to new use cases - whether long form content, video, image posts, music, emojis, recipes, project management, or any other "content type".
To drill down into one example, let's think for a moment about forms. What's so great about a forms app that is built on nostr? Well,
- There is a [spec](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/pull/1190) for forms and responses, which means that...
- Multiple clients can implement the same data format, allowing for credible exit and user choice, even of...
- Other products not focused on forms, which can still view, respond to, or embed forms, and which can send their users via NIP 89 to a client that does...
- Cryptographically sign forms and responses, which means they are self-authenticating and can be sent to...
- Multiple relays, which reduces the amount of trust necessary to be confident results haven't been deliberately "lost".
Show me a forms product that does all of those things, and isn't built on nostr. You can't, because it doesn't exist. Meanwhile, there are plenty of image hosts with APIs, streaming services, and bitcoin wallets which have basically the same levels of censorship resistance, interoperability, and network effect as if they weren't built on nostr.
# It supports nostr
Notice I haven't said anything about whether relays, signers, blossom servers, software libraries, DVMs, and the accumulated addenda of the nostr ecosystem are nostr apps. Well, they are (usually).
This is the category of nostr app that gets none of the credit for doing all of the work. There's no question that they qualify as beautiful nostrcorns, because their value propositions are entirely meaningless outside of the context of nostr. Who needs a signer if you don't have a cryptographic identity you need to protect? DVMs are literally impossible to use without relays. How are you going to find the blossom server that will serve a given hash if you don't know which servers the publishing user has selected to store their content?
In addition to being entirely contextualized by nostr architecture, this type of nostr app is valuable because it does things "the nostr way". By that I mean that they don't simply try to replicate existing internet functionality into a nostr context; instead, they create entirely new ways of putting the basic building blocks of the internet back together.
A great example of this is how Nostr Connect, Nostr Wallet Connect, and DVMs all use relays as brokers, which allows service providers to avoid having to accept incoming network connections. This opens up really interesting possibilities all on its own.
So while I might hesitate to call many of these things "apps", they are certainly "nostr".
# Appendix: it smells like a NINO
So, let's say you've created an app, but when you show it to people they politely smile, nod, and call it a NINO (Nostr In Name Only). What's a hacker to do? Well, here's your handy-dandy guide on how to wash that NINO stench off and Become a Nostr.
You app might be a NINO if:
- There's no NIP for your data format (or you're abusing NIP 78, 32, etc by inventing a sub-protocol inside an existing event kind)
- There's a NIP, but no one knows about it because it's in a text file on your hard drive (or buried in your project's repository)
- Your NIP imposes an incompatible/centralized/legacy web paradigm onto nostr
- Your NIP relies on trusted third (or first) parties
- There's only one implementation of your NIP (yours)
- Your core value proposition doesn't depend on relays, events, or nostr identities
- One or more relay urls are hard-coded into the source code
- Your app depends on a specific relay implementation to work (*ahem*, relay29)
- You don't validate event signatures
- You don't publish events to relays you don't control
- You don't read events from relays you don't control
- You use legacy web services to solve problems, rather than nostr-native solutions
- You use nostr-native solutions, but you've hardcoded their pubkeys or URLs into your app
- You don't use NIP 89 to discover clients and services
- You haven't published a NIP 89 listing for your app
- You don't leverage your users' web of trust for filtering out spam
- You don't respect your users' mute lists
- You try to "own" your users' data
Now let me just re-iterate - it's ok to be a NINO. We need NINOs, because nostr can't (and shouldn't) tackle every problem. You just need to decide whether your app, as a NINO, is actually contributing to the nostr ecosystem, or whether you're just using buzzwords to whitewash a legacy web software product.
If you're in the former camp, great! If you're in the latter, what are you waiting for? Only you can fix your NINO problem. And there are lots of ways to do this, depending on your own unique situation:
- Drop nostr support if it's not doing anyone any good. If you want to build a normal company and make some money, that's perfectly fine.
- Build out your nostr integration - start taking advantage of webs of trust, self-authenticating data, event handlers, etc.
- Work around the problem. Think you need a special relay feature for your app to work? Guess again. Consider encryption, AUTH, DVMs, or better data formats.
- Think your idea is a good one? Talk to other devs or open a PR to the [nips repo](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips). No one can adopt your NIP if they don't know about it.
- Keep going. It can sometimes be hard to distinguish a research project from a NINO. New ideas have to be built out before they can be fully appreciated.
- Listen to advice. Nostr developers are friendly and happy to help. If you're not sure why you're getting traction, ask!
I sincerely hope this article is useful for all of you out there in NINO land. Maybe this made you feel better about not passing the totally optional nostr app purity test. Or maybe it gave you some actionable next steps towards making a great NINON (Nostr In Not Only Name) app. In either case, GM and PV.
@ df57b498:d049124f
2025-01-26 03:59:47
## Chef's notes
This is cobbled together from trial and error and the web.
Serve hot pancakes with preferably butter and maple syrup. Add other toppings like bananas, nuts, or other fruits and toppings as have available and/or desired.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 minutes
## Ingredients
- 1 cup flour
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 2 teaspoons baking powder
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 cup milk
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
- 1 egg, beaten
## Directions
1. Combine the dry ingredients.
2. Add the wet ingredients and mix.
3. Pour or ladle the batter onto the oiled griddle or pan.
4. Cook until bubbles form, flip, and cook on the other side.
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-26 01:31:47
## Chef's notes
# arbitray
- test
- of
- chefs notes
## hedding 2
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 hour
- 🍽️ Servings: 5
## Ingredients
- Test ingredient
- 2nd test ingredient
## Directions
1. Bake
2. Cool
@ 30b99916:3cc6e3fe
2025-01-21 02:08:26
## Details
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 to 8 minutes at 350
- 🍽️ Servings: About 4 dozen cookies
## Ingredients
- 2 sticks of butter
- 2 eggs
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 1 cup brown sugar
- 1 cup peanut butter
- 1 t vanilla
- 2 cups flour
- 1/2 t salt
- 1 t soda
- 6 oz Semi-Sweet Chocolate chips (optional)
## Directions
1. Blend butter, eggs, vanilla and sugars together thoroughly
2. Next blend in peanut butter thoroughly
3. Next blend in flour, salt, and soda thoroughly
4. Optional blend in chocolate chips
5. Add about table spoon of cookie dough per cookie on a cookie sheet. With a fork based in sugar place a cross hatch pattern on each cookie. Bake cookies for 10 to 8 minutes and place onto cooler rack.
@ c69b71dc:426ba763
2025-01-18 15:39:35
## Chef's notes
This raw vegan curry ramen is a vibrant, nourishing dish packed with fresh vegetables and a rich, creamy coconut curry broth. It’s quick to prepare, full of flavour, and the perfect guilt-free comfort food! 🌱 Feel free to use your favourite veggies👩🏼🍳
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 min.
- 🍳 Cook time: 0
- 🍽️ Servings: 2
## Ingredients
- 500g or 2 packs kelp noodles
- 1/2 Lemon juice ( 1/4 for soaking and 1/4 for the soup
- Salt
- Fresh vegetables of your choice, such as: 4 medium mushrooms, 4 leaves red cabbage, 2 carrots (julienned or peeled into strips), 1 Celery stick (diced)
- 2 cups coconut milk (or coconut cream diluted with water)
- 1/2 flesh of a Coconut (optional, if using fresh coconuts) otherwise more coconut cream
- 1 thumb of fresh ginger
- 1 thumb of fresh turmeric
- 2 tbsp light miso paste
- 2 pitted dates
- 2 tbsp cashews
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 tsp curry powder or pepper (optional)
## Directions
1. Prepare the Noodles: Rinse the kelp noodles thoroughly. Then soak them in warm water with a squeeze of lemon juice and a pinch of salt for 10 minutes to soften.
2. Prep the Vegetables: Thinly slice or julienne carrots, dice celery, thinly cut mushrooms, cut the red cabbage into thin strips.
3. Make the Broth: In a blender, combine the following: 2 cups coconut milk (or coconut cream diluted with water if fresh coconuts are unavailable), ginger, turmeric, 1/4 juice of 1 lemon, light miso paste, pitted dates, cashews, garlic, salt, curry powder
4. Blend on high speed for about 3 to 4 minutes until the broth is smooth and slightly warm. Do not overheat!
5. Assemble the Ramen: Drain the kelp noodles and place them in serving bowls. Arrange the prepped vegetables on top of the noodles. Pour the warm curry broth over the noodles and vegetables.
6. Serve immediately and enjoy your raw vegan ramen with chopsticks for an authentic touch!
@ d1b118c6:4985b38d
2025-01-16 17:39:47
## Chef's notes
Let me know how it goes for you https://maria.omg.lol
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5-20 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 20-40 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: As many as you want omg!!!!
## Ingredients
- Spaghetti/whatever pasta you want
- Garlic/smashed or diced as much as you want
- Tomatoes/ diced or more liquid state whatever you want
- Scallops/ I use the frozen bagged mini kind and just do a couple handfuls as many as you want
- Butter and/or olive oil but the butter is v good imo but also I used both
- Bacon/ make it extra crispy and then crumble up as much as you want
- Whatever seasonings
## Directions
1. Set oven to 400° or so
2. Put all your bacon 🥓 strips onto tin foil lined baking sheet/s and then put the trays in the oven for 15-20 min
3. Boil up your pasta in salty water
4. Pull the bacon out when done
5. In a pan cook up the scallops real quick like 5-10 min idk
6. Sauté the tomatoes and garlic and whatever use whatever seasons and lots of butter
7. Strain the pasta when it’s ready
8. Mix pasta and sautéed sauce
9. Add more crumbled bacon on top #garnish
@ 30b99916:3cc6e3fe
2025-01-13 22:17:08
## Chef's notes
Recipe modified from a recipe published from a school cookbook in 1963.
## Details
- 🍳 Cook time: 8 to 10 Minutes at 400
- 🍽️ Servings: 3 dozen or so depending on cookie size
## Ingredients
- 2 sticks of butter
- 1 1/2 Cup sugar
- 2 eggs
- 1 t. vanilla (optional but recommended)
- 2 3/4 cups flour
- 2 t. Cream of tartar
- 1 t. Soda
- 1/4 t. Salt
## Directions
1. 1. Heat over to 400
2. 2. Mix butter, sugar, eggs, and vanilla thoroughly.
3. 3. Sift together flour, cream of tartar, soda, salt and blend into mixture.
4. 4. Form small dough balls and roll in sugar/cinnamon
5. 5. Place each cookie dough ball 2" apart on a cookie sheet
@ ccc8ee23:9f3d9783
2024-12-23 22:03:15
## Chef's notes
Indulge in tender, golden-fried chicken breast, crunchy with every bite. Nestled on a bed of steamed rice, this dish is elevated by a rich, velvety curry sauce, infused with the warmth of fragrant spices and the umami depth of soy.
Paired with vibrant vegetables for a harmonious balance of textures and flavors, this comforting classic promises to delight your soul.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 30 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 2
## Ingredients
- Chicken Fillet 250 grams
- Potato 100 grams
- Egg 1 pc
- Curry block 2 pcs or 20 grams
- breadcrumbs 100 grams / 2 cups
- flour 20 grams
- Cooking oil (for frying)
- chicken or vegetable stock 500ml
- soy sauce 1 tbsp
- Seasoning
- onion 1 pc, finely chopped
- garlic cloves 2 pcs, minced
- carrot 1 pc, chopped
## Directions
1. Chicken Katsu: Pound the chicken breasts until about 1/2 inch thick. Season with salt and pepper. Coat each piece in flour, then dip in beaten egg, and finally coat with breadcrumbs. Heat oil in a pan and fry the chicken for about 3-4 minutes on each side, until golden brown and fully cooked. Place on paper towels to drain.
2. Make Curry Sauce: In a pan, sauté the onion, garlic, add potato and carrot until soft. Gradually add curry block and the stock, stir well. Simmer for 5-10 minutes until thickened. Add seasoning and soy sauce to taste.
3. Plating: Slice the cooked chicken katsu and place it over a bed of steamed rice. Pour the curry sauce on the side or over the chicken. Garnish with chopped green chilies.
@ ccc8ee23:9f3d9783
2024-12-21 06:38:47
## Chef's notes
Enjoy these Chocolate Sprinkle Cookies, a delightful combination of buttery richness, velvety chocolate, and a crunchy sprinkle finish
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 90 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 10
## Ingredients
- Plain flour 250 grams
- Margarine 100 grams
- Butter 100 grams
- Vanilla essence 1 tsp
- Milk powder 1 tbsp
- Sugar 40 grams
- Chocolate bar - 80 grams, melted
- Chocolate sprinkles - for decoration
## Directions
1. Make the Dough: Combine the plain flour, margarine, butter, milk powder, sugar, and vanilla essence in a mixing bowl. Knead the mixture by hand until smooth and well combined.
2. Shape and divide the dough into small balls, weighing approximately 8 grams each.
3. Preheat the oven to 175°C. Arrange the dough balls on a baking tray and bake for about 30 minutes, or until the cookies are dry and fully cooked.
4. Coat with Chocolate: Melt the chocolate bar using a double boiler or microwave. Once the cookies have cooled completely, dip each cookie into the melted chocolate, ensuring they are evenly coated.
5. Place the coated cookies onto paper cups.
6. While the chocolate coating is still wet, sprinkle chocolate sprinkles on top of each cookie.
7. Allow the chocolate to dry completely, then arrange the cookies in a decorative airtight container for storage.
@ ccc8ee23:9f3d9783
2024-12-21 06:03:28
## Chef's notes
Celebrating seasons🎉
Kastengel Chocolate-Dip, where the savoury richness of cheese meets the decadent sweetness of chocolate.
A perfect flavours in every bite!
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 90 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 10
## Ingredients
- Plain Flour 250 grams
- Margarine - 100 grams
- Butter 100 grams
- Egg yolk 1 pc
- Sugar 20 grams
- Grated cheese 100 grams (half for the dough, half for garnish, adjustable)
- Chocolate bar 80 grams, melted
## Directions
1. Make the Dough: Combine the plain flour, margarine, butter, sugar, and half of the grated cheese in a bowl. Knead the mixture with your hands until smooth and well incorporated. Roll out the dough using a rolling pin and cut into desired shapes for cookies.
2. Beat the egg yolk. Brush the shaped cookies with the egg yolk mixture and sprinkle the remaining grated cheese on top.
3. Bake the cookies 175’C for about 30 minutes, or until they are dry and perfectly cooked.
4. Melt the chocolate bar in a double boiler or microwave until smooth.
5. Dip in Chocolate: Once the cookies have cooled completely, dip both the top and bottom ends of each cookie into the melted chocolate.
6. Place the dipped cookies on a wire rack or a cookie drying tray to allow the chocolate to harden and set.
7. Arrange the cookies neatly in an airtight container.
@ ac8bb9b0:70278acc
2024-12-20 18:48:36
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5
- 🍳 Cook time: 10
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 1 lb large shrimp, peeled and deveined
- 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
- 3 cloves garlic, chopped
- 1/4 cup white wine, dry
- 14 oz can petite diced tomatoes, drained
- 1/2 cup half and half
- 1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
- kosher salt and fresh black pepper, to taste
- 1 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
- 8 ounces angel hair pasta, whole wheat, gluten-free or high fiber
## Directions
1. Boil water with salt in a large pot for the pasta. Cook pasta al dente according to package directions.
2. Meanwhile, season shrimp with 1/4 teaspoon salt, black pepper and oregano.
3. Heat a large skillet over medium heat. Add the oil, when warm add the shrimp and garlic and cook about 2 minutes on each side.
4. Add tomatoes, wine, salt and pepper and cook an additional minute.
5. Remove from heat and stir in half and half. Add lemon juice and parsley and serve over pasta.
6. Divide equally in 4 plates or shallow bowls.
@ ccc8ee23:9f3d9783
2024-12-19 12:46:00
## Chef's notes
Salmon Mentai Rice.
Create your own layers of fluffy, seasoned rice are topped with tender, pan-seared chicken or salmon and a creamy, spicy mentai sauce made with spicy Japanese mayo .
Torched to golden perfection, it’s finished with nori and tobiko for a burst of texture and flavor. A simple tasty Japanese fusion delight that’s perfect🤩
Subtitude of Tobiko, white sesame seeds as economical option will add a nutty flavor and subtle crunch to the dish for texture and visual appeal.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 30 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 2
## Ingredients
- Steamed Rice 400 grams
- Rice vinegar 1 tbsp
- Sugar 1 tsp
- chicken breast / thighs 250 grams
- soy sauce 1 tbsp
- oyster sauce 1 tbsp
- sesame oil 1 tsp
- garlic powder 1 tsp
- cooking oil 1 tbsp
- mayonnaise (e.g., Kewpie) 4 tbsp
- sriracha or any chili sauce 1 tbsp
- tobiko if any or white sesame as optional, for texture, 2 tsp only
## Directions
1. Prepared the Rice: mixed in bowl 2 cups steam rice, 1 tbsp rice vinegar, 1 tsp sugar and 1/2 tsp salt. Set a side.
2. Cook the Chicken: 1. Marinate the chicken pieces with 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp oyster sauce, 1 tsp sesame oil, 1 tsp garlic powder for 15–20 minutes. 2. Heat cooking oil in a pan over medium heat and stir-fry the chicken until fully cooked and slightly caramelized. Remove from heat.
3. Make the Mentai Sauce 1. In a small bowl, combine 4 tbsp mayonnaise, 1 tbsp chili sauce, and 1 tsp sesame oil. Add tobiko if desired for texture. Mix well.
4. Assemble the Mentai Rice 1. In a heatproof bowl or tray, layer the seasoned rice as the base. 2. Add a layer of cooked chicken on top of the rice. 3. Spread the mentai sauce evenly over the chicken layer.
5. Grill or Broil: Use a kitchen torch or place the dish under a broiler for 2–3 minutes until the sauce is slightly charred and bubbly.
6. Garnish with white sesame or nori strips, or extra tobiko.
@ ccc8ee23:9f3d9783
2024-12-19 05:55:09
## Chef's notes
Dare to taste the bold?
One bite of Jengkol Balado and you’ll be hooked
Spicy Jengkol Balado - Betawi Style
A traditional dish from Betawi (Jakarta), Jengkol Balado is nutty bold and aromatic delicacy made with jengkol beans. This version uses thinly sliced jengkol for a delightful texture.
Serve it with a plate of steamed fragrant white rice and a side of crunchy cucumber for a complete meal that satisfies on every level.
## Details
- 🍳 Cook time: 40 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 2
## Ingredients
- Jengkol 250 grams
- Chilli 100 grams
- Shallot 5 cloves
- Garlic 2 cloves
- Tomato 1 clove (small)
- Bay leaves 2
- Galangal 2cm. Bruished
- Veggie oil 20ml or 4 tsp
- Seasoning
## Directions
1. Prepare the Jengkol Wash the jengkol thoroughly and slice it thinly. Boil the slices in water with the bay leaves for 10–15 minutes to soften and reduce their strong odour. Drain and set aside.
2. Make the Balado Paste. Blend chillies, shallots, garlic, candlenut and tomatoes into a slightly coarse paste using a blender
3. Heat oil in a pan and sauté the balado paste until fragrant and the oil starts to separate. Add the galangal, bay leaves, salt, sugar, and seasoning. Stir well
4. Add jengkol to the pan. Mix until jengkol are fully coated in the balado paste.
5. If the mixture seems too dry, add a splash of water and let it simmer on low heat to allow the flavours to infuse.
6. Taste the dish and adjust the seasoning with more salt or sugar if needed.
7. Remove from heat and serve hot with steamed rice.
@ ac8bb9b0:70278acc
2024-12-18 21:18:57
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10
- 🍳 Cook time: 20
- 🍽️ Servings: 5
## Ingredients
- 8 ounces uncooked linguine
- 1 pound chicken breast, cut into strips
- 1-2 tsp Cajun seasoning, or more to taste
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tbsp extra virgin olive oil
- 1 medium red bell pepper, thinly sliced
- 1 medium yellow bell pepper, thinly sliced
- 8 oz fresh mushrooms, sliced
- 1/2 red onion, sliced
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 tomatoes, diced
- 1 cup low sodium chicken broth
- 1/3 cup skim milk
- 1 tbsp flour
- 3 tbsp light cream cheese
- fresh cracked pepper
- 2 scallions, chopped
- kosher salt to taste
- avocado oil spray
## Directions
1. Prep all your vegetables.
2. In a small blender make a slurry by combining milk, flour and cream cheese. Set aside.
3. Season chicken generously with Cajun seasoning, garlic powder and salt.
4. Prepare pasta in salted water according to package directions.
5. Heat a large heavy nonstick skillet over medium-high heat; spray with oil and add half of the chicken.
6. Sauté 5 to 6 minutes or until done, set aside on a plate and repeat with the remaining chicken. Set aside.
7. Add olive oil to the skillet and reduce to medium; add bell peppers, onions, and garlic to skillet, sauté 3-4 minutes.
8. Add mushrooms and tomatoes and sauté 3-4 more minutes or until vegetables are tender.
9. Season with 1/4 tsp salt, garlic powder and fresh cracked pepper to taste.
10. Reduce heat to medium-low; add chicken broth and pour in slurry stirring about 2 minutes.
11. Return chicken to skillet; adjust salt and Cajun seasoning to taste, cook another minute or two until hot, then add linguine; toss well to coat.
12. Top with chopped scallions and enjoy!
@ ac8bb9b0:70278acc
2024-12-16 19:37:12
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10
- 🍳 Cook time: 20
- 🍽️ Servings: 6
## Ingredients
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 1 1/2 pounds ground chicken
- 1 yellow onion, chopped
- 2 tablespoons taco seasoning
- salt and black pepper
- 2 1/2 cups salsa or enchilada sauce
- 1 chipotle chili in adobo, chopped
- 2 cups fresh corn
- 4 ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
- 1/4 cup plain greek yogurt
- 1 teaspoon chili powder
- 1 1/2 cups shredded Mexican cheese blend
- 2 cups tortilla chips
- avocado, cilantro, and green onions, for serving
## Directions
1. Preheat the oven to 400° F.
2. In a large oven-safe skillet, combine the olive oil, chicken, onion, salt, and pepper. Set the skillet over high heat. Cook, breaking up the meat as it cooks, until browned all over, 5 minutes. Add the taco seasoning, cook another 2 minutes. Then add 1/2 cup water. Stir in the salsa/enchilada sauce and chipotle. Simmer 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and add in the cilantro.
3. In a bowl, combine the corn, cream cheese, yogurt, chili powder, and salt. Stir in 1/2 cup cheese.
4. Dollop 1/3 of the corn mix over the skillet. Add the tortilla chips on top, pressing them gently into the skillet. Add the remaining corn mix by spoonfuls on top of the chips (like nachos). Top with the remaining cheese. Bake for 15 minutes, until the cheese is melted.
5. Serve topped as desired with avocado, cilantro, green onion, and cotija/feta cheese.
@ 07804b78:c375c543
2024-12-15 12:56:05
Japanese follows. 日本語はあとで。
This article is for the 14th day of [Nostr Advent Calendar 2024](https://adventar.org/calendars/10004) (relay blogging). The article for the 13th day was "[Open Sats 申請編](https://zenn.dev/konemono/articles/cb39fb7f302551)" (Applying for Open Sats) by mono-san. The article for the 14th day will be "[Nostrはじめました。](https://bewith.bz/?p=121)" (I started Nostr) by bro-san.
# Thinking of Thingstr
I've come up with an idea for Other Staff that I think is interesting (at least, for me), so I'm going to write about it.
I actually wanted to show you the implementation and brag about it, but it's not solid enough to be implemented yet.
The key idea is just “add a reaction to the WikiData ID”.
## WikiData
There is a service called [WikiData](https://www.wikidata.org/). It is a knowledge base that provides structured data.
You may be wondering what it is, but the important thing to understand here is that WikiData assigns identifiers to a fairly wide range of “objects” and “things”.
So, if you can react to this, you can think of various applications just by thinking of it for a moment, right?
For example, the anime series “There are too many losing heroines!” is assigned the ID `Q123819103`. The corresponding page is https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q123819103 .
(NOTE: The canonical URI for entities on Wikidata is http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1142841. This is in accordance with Semantic Web conventions, and is not https, but http. Also, this URI does not necessarily match the actual address of the correspnding web page. Just an identifier. In most cases, it will redirect).
## What can wd do?
For example, what about a website that records your anime viewing history? You can record what you want to watch with 👀, what you've already watched with ✅, and your favorites with ☆. You can also express your “likes” for production companies, staff, voice actors, etc. In this way, you can see what a particular user likes.
This could be a movie, a book, a comic, an author, music, an idol group, a place, or food (Someone likes pork cutlet `Q1142841`). The fact that you can record everything in the same framework is what makes it interesting.
## What form of event should it be recorded as?
There is probably room for discussion about how to record this information in a concrete way.
The simplest way would be to use NIP-25's "Reactions to a website" kind:17 (a.k.a. Makibishi). How about something like this?
["i", "wd:Q123819103", "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q123819103"],
Since NIP-73 has External Content IDs, it would be good if we could include WikiData here so that we could write `wd:Q123819103`. Actually, `isbn:` and other identifiers have already been defined, so it is possible to use the current NIP range to describe books (however, the authors do not have IDs. If we use WikiData as an ID, we can also describe reactions related to the author).
Of course, it is not a matter of choosing one or the other, and it is also fine to add the ISBN tag at the same time as the WikiData tag for books.
## Search for recorded reactions
So far, this is all very simple, but it would be inconvenient if we didn't include tags to mark subsets of reactions (for example, only those related to anime) so that we can query them together. When we try to create a site that is specialized for a certain purpose, we need to be able to extract the reactions that are necessary.
On Wikidata, the predicate `wdt:P31` (instance of) is used to group together concepts that represent the same thing. For example, how about including this in the `l` tag?
"There are too many losing heroines!" is a "Japanese television anime series (`Q63952888`)", so:
["i", "wd:Q1142841", "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1142841"],
["l", "wdt:P31 wd:Q63952888"]
UPDATE(2024-12-15): rnurachue-san suggested that `#l` or `#L` might be better for labeling (the first version used `#a`). I think that's a good idea, so I've updated the article. nostr:nevent1qgswamu0rsela0kwhj87p24ueapxdp04vzz7ar0pp6lfyq923t3l02cqyr9786635s60ra0f973nwv2sln2l74lqx4twdlgxfz2jgevpvsgtc9zwn6d
However, when you think about creating an anime website, you may want to query both TV anime and anime films. This makes things more complicated.
"Japanese TV anime series (`Q63952888`)" is a subclass (subclass of; `wdt:P279`) of "Anime series (`Q117467261`)", which is in turn a subclass of "Anime (`Q1107`)".
However, if you were to embed this hierarchy in each reaction, it would waste a lot of space. The following query will get all the superclasses of "Japanese TV anime series (`Q63952888`)", but there are 54 of them.
So, I think it should be okay for practical purposes to embed `P31`s of the reaction target. In other words, if you search for "anime series `Q63952888`" and "anime movie `Q20650540`", that should be enough. Fortunately, the conditions for single-character tags work with OR, so you can query multiple tags at once. we'll have to try it to see how well it works in practice, though.
## Discussion: Which kind should I use?
So far we have considered using kind:17, but we have not yet decided whether it is a good idea to mix Thingstr events with reactions to web pages.
Also, there may be a debate over whether to record regular events or addressable events, depending on the purpose of use.
For example, if you want to record the transition of viewing results and impressions on an anime viewing site, you should use regular events, and if you want to maintain the viewing status, you should use addressable events.
What do you think?
## Other ideas
If we can react to Nodes on [OpenStreetMap](https://www.openstreetmap.org/) using the same framework, we might be able to create something like [Swarm](https://swarmapp.com/).
Since the views you want to see will differ depending on the purpose, it would be good to create various sites while having a consistent way of recording. Wouldn't that be the most Nostr-like thing?
## Summary
I discussed how to use WikiData and OpenStreetMap as an ID infrastructure and realize various check-in and review services with a unified data model by using them on Nostr. Please let us know if you have any feedback. Or why not try implementing it?
この記事は [Nostr Advent Calendar 2024](https://adventar.org/calendars/10004) の14日目の記事です。13日目の記事はmonoさんによる「[Open Sats 申請編](https://zenn.dev/konemono/articles/cb39fb7f302551)」でした。15日目の記事はbroさんによる「[Nostrはじめました。](https://bewith.bz/?p=121)」です。
# Thingstrについて考えた
面白そうな(と勝手に思ってる) Other Staff のアイディアを思いついたので、書いてみます。
コアになるアイディアは「WikiData の ID に対して、Reactionをつける」これだけです。
## WikiData
[WikiData](https://www.wikidata.org/) というサービスがあります。構造化データを提供する知識ベースです。
例えば、アニメシリーズ「負けヒロインが多すぎる!」には `Q123819103` というIDが振られています。これに対応するページとして
(ただし、WikiData のエンティティに対する canonical な URI は http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1142841 であることには注意が必要です。セマンティックウェブの作法で https ではなく http になっています。そして、このURIは必ずしもWebページのアドレス一致しません。大抵の場合はリダイレクトされます)。
## なにができるの
これが映画でもいいし、書籍、漫画、作家でもいいし、音楽でもいいし、アイドルグループでもいいし、場所でもいいし、食べ物でもいい(とんかつ `Q1142841` が好き、とか)。全部同じ枠組みで記録できるのが面白そうなところです。
## どういうNostrイベントで記録する?
具体的な記録の仕方には議論の余地があるでしょう。一番単純なのは、NIP-25の "Reactions to a website" kind:17 (Makibishi) を使う方法でしょうか。こんなのはどうでしょう。
["i", "wd:Q123819103", "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q123819103"],
NIP-73にExternal Content IDsがあるので、ここにWikiDataを入れられるようにして `wd:Q123819103` と書けるとよさそうです。実は `isbn:` などはすでに定義されているので、書籍に関しては現行のNIPの範囲でもうまいことできます(ただ、著者にはIDが振られていません。WikiDataをIDに使うと著者に関するリアクションも記述できます)。もちろん、どちらか一方を選ぶというものでもなくて、書籍にはWikiDataのタグと当時にISBNのタグを付与しておいてもいいと思います。
## 記録されたリアクションを検索する
WikiData では `wdt:P31` (instance of) という述語で、ある概念が何を表しているかをグルーピングしてくれています。例えばこれを`l`タグとかに含めておくのはどうでしょうか。
["i", "wd:Q1142841", "http://www.wikidata.org/entity/Q1142841"],
["l", "wdt:P31 wd:Q63952888"]
UPDATE(2024-12-15): rnurachueさんからラベル付けには `#l` または `#L` のほうがよいかもという提案をいただきました。最初のバージョンでは `#a` を使用していました。そのとおりだと思ったので更新しました。
「日本のテレビアニメシリーズ(`Q63952888`)」は「アニメシリーズ(`Q117467261`)」のサブクラス(subclass of; `wdt:P279`)で、それがさらに「アニメ(`Q1107`)」 のサブクラスになっています。ただ、この階層をいちいちリアクションに埋め込むのと大変なことになります。以下のようなクエリで「日本のテレビアニメシリーズ(`Q63952888`)」のすべての上位クラスが取れるのですが、54件もあります。
なので、リアクション対象の`P31`を埋め込む、くらいで実用上は問題ないような気がします。つまり、検索するときに 「アニメシリーズ `Q63952888`」と「アニメ映画 `Q20650540`」を対象にすれば、十分では、ということです。幸い、一文字タグの条件はORで効くので、複数を並べて一度にクエリできます。実際にどのくらいうまく行くかはやってみないとわからないですが。
## 議論: どの kind を使うべきか?
一旦 kind 17 を使うことを考えてきましたが、Thingstr のイベントが Web ページに対するリアクションと混ざるのが良いことなのか、いまいち判断がついていません。
また、用途によって regular event で記録するべきか、それとも addressable event で記録すべきか、という議論もありそうです。
アニメ視聴サイトを例にあげるなら、視聴実績とか感想の変遷を記録したいならば regular event でしょうし、視聴の状態を保持したいならば addressable とするのがよさそうです。
## 他のアイディア
これと同じ枠組みで [OpenStreetMap](https://www.openstreetmap.org/) の Node に対してリアクションできるようにすれば [Swarm](https://swarmapp.com/) のようなものも実現できるかもしれません。
## まとめ
@ ac8bb9b0:70278acc
2024-12-11 20:10:29
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 hour 30 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 10
## Ingredients
- 1 lb. ground beef
- 1 cup celery diced
- 1 cup carrots diced
- 1 medium onion diced
- 2 medium potatoes diced
- 5 cups beef broth
- 1 15 oz. can corn, drained
- 1 8 oz. can tomato sauce
- 1 28 oz. can diced tomatoes
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning
- 1 bay leaf
## Directions
1. In a large dutch oven (I used a 6-quart), over medium heat brown the ground beef until done. Spoon off the excess fat.
2. Add the remaining ingredients and stir. Bring to a boil and reduce the heat. Allow to simmer for 1 to 1 ½ hours (with the lid on, but tilted so steam can release) or until the vegetables are tender.
3. Remove the bay leaf and serve.
@ f0c7506b:9ead75b8
2024-12-08 09:05:13
[Rainer Maria Rilke ]( https://www.piktobet.net/2018/07/beyaz-mutluluk.html)
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/e38a3b4ad433627cbba7da800f5c167b1bed83a5b2f5e265832a31d1dea2bfb6.jpg)
Yalnızca güçlü olanların hakkıdır yaşamak.
Güçlü olan ileri gider ve saflar seyrekleşir. Ama üç beş büyük, güçlü ve tanrısal kişi güneşli ve aydınlık gözleriyle o yeni, o vaat edilmiş ülkeye ulaşacaktır. Belki binlerce yıl sonra ancak. Ve güçlü, adaleli, hükmetmek için yaratılmış elleriyle hastaların, zayıfların ve sakatların ölüleri üzerinde bir krallık kuracaklardır. Bir krallık!
Benim aradığım insanların kendileri değil, sesleridir.
Duyguları körelmiş, çeşitli düşüncelere saplanmış kalabalık hiçbir zaman ilerlemenin taşıyıcısı olamaz, kendi küçüklüğünün o küflü içgüdüsüyle kalabalığın kin ve nefretle baktığı bir kişi, bir büyük kişi, iradesinin gösterdiği yolda kimsenin gözünün yaşına bakmaksızın ilahi bir güç ve bir zafer gülümsemesiyle yürüyebilir ancak.
Bizim soyumuz da sonsuz oluşum piramidinin doruk noktasını oluşturmaktan uzaktır. Bizler de mükemmelliğe ulaşmış değiliz. Bizler de henüz olgunlaşmadık.
Şairler sevgiye övgüler döşenir; doğrusu sevginin güçlü bir şey olduğu kesin. Hüneşin bir ışınıdır sevgi, aydınlatıp nurlandırır insanı der bazıları; bazıları da insanı esrikliğe sürükleyen bir zehri kendisinde barındırdığını söyler. Gerçekten de yol açtığı sonuçlar, bir hekimin ağır bir ameliyattan önce korkudan titreyen hastaya teneffüs ettirdiği güldürücü gazınkine benzer, içinde tepinip duran acıyı unutturur hastaya.
Önemli olan, hayatta hiç değilse bir kez kutsal bir ilkbaharın yaşanmasıdır; öyle bir bahar ki, insanın gönlünü ilerideki bütün günleri altın yaldızla kaplamaya yetecek kadar ışık ve parıltıyla doldursun.
Şu hayat denen şey kötü bir işçiliğin ürünü, acemilere göre bir şey. Bu kepaze yaşam uğruna insan nelere katlanmıyor ki!
Kendisine sadakatten ayrılmadığı, yalnızca kendisinin olan bir tek bu var: Yalnızlığı.
Sahildeki üstü tenteli hasır koltuklar arkasındaki yüksek, sessiz kum tepeleri içinde yürürsen, tenteler altındaki insanları göremezsin; ama birinin bir diğerine seslendiğini, bir başkasının gevezelik ettiğini, bir ötekinin güldüğünü işitir ve anlarsın hemen: bu insan şöyle şöyle biridir diyebilirsin. Onun hayatı sevdiğini, bağrında büyük bir özlem ya da acı barındırdığını, bu acının da sesini ağlamaklı kıldığını her gülüşünde hissedersin.
@ 65912a7a:5dc638bf
2024-12-08 05:33:02
## Chef's notes
This is my late partner's award winning Cajun rice & beans recipe. It's an updated take on the traditional Cajun comfort food.
Chef Darin was a classically trained chef who spent 30+ years in the kitchen perfecting his recipes, and delivering authentic Cajun and Creole food to his patrons. This is a 5-star dish that will earn the respect of the most discerning Cajun afficionado. You won't be disappointed.
I suggest making this recipe exactly as directed the first time, and then make whatever adjustments you want for future batches. Also, don't cheap out on the Andouille. No Johnsonville or Hillshire Farms. Chef Aidelle's is a good choice, as is Silva's from Whole Foods. They cost a few extra bucks, but it's absolutely worth it.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 3 hours
- 🍽️ Servings: 12
## Ingredients
- 16oz small red beans, dry
- 2 cups long grain white rice
- 14-16oz andouille sausage, sliced
- 8oz ham, cubed
- 1 large yellow onion, chopped
- 1 green bell pepper, chopped
- 2-3 stalks celery, chopped
- 2 tbsp garlic (12 cloves), minced
- 7 cups water
- ¼ cup olive oil
- 2 large bay leaves
- 1 tbsp parsley, dried
- 1 tsp thyme, dried
- 1 tsp Cajun seasoning
- ½ tsp cayenne pepper, dried
- ¼ tsp sage, rubbed
- 1½ tsp salt (more or less to taste)
## Directions
1. Soak beans in a large pot of water overnight.
2. Heat oil in a large stockpot over medium heat. Cook onion, bell pepper, celery, garlic in olive oil for 3 to 4 minutes (until onion is translucent).
3. Add beans, bay leaves, parsley, thyme, salt, MSG, Cajun seasoning, cayenne pepper, Sage, and water. Stir, bring to a boil, and then reduce heat to medium-low (btwn 2-3). Cover and simmer for 2½ hours.
4. Remove bay leaves. Mash some of the beans. Stir Andouille and ham into beans, and simmer uncovered for an additional 30 minutes.
5. Meanwhile, prepare the rice. Bring water and rice to a boil in a saucepan. Reduce heat, cover, and simmer for 20 minutes.
6. Serve beans over steamed white rice.
@ 148755e6:450c107f
2024-12-05 10:09:32
## まずは練習。高尾山へ
## 更なる練習。小浅間山へ
## 荒野ビギナーは小浅間山に往け
## 荒野部部長
@ ac8bb9b0:70278acc
2024-12-04 20:30:30
## Chef's notes
**Make Ahead:** You can prepare this recipe up to one week in advance. Store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.
**To Freeze:** Allow the dish to cool completely before transferring it to a freezer-safe bag. Lay the bag flat in the freezer to ensure even freezing and to save space. Thaw it in the refrigerator overnight before using it.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5
- 🍳 Cook time: 5
- 🍽️ Servings: 1
## Ingredients
- ½ cup soy sauce
- 2 Tablespoons rice vinegar
- 1 Tablespoon sesame oil
- 1/4 cup + 1 Tablespoon light brown sugar
- 1 Tablespoon honey
- 3/4 teaspoon ground ginger
- 1 clove garlic , minced
- 2 teaspoons cornstarch+ 2 tsp water , mixed together to make a cornstarch slurry
- 1/4 teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
## Directions
1. Make the teriyaki sauce by adding all of the sauce ingredients to a small saucepan over medium heat.
2. Bring to a boil, stirring constantly, and boil for about 1 minute. The sauce should be thick enough to coat the back of the spoon.
3. Serve over rice or with a stir-fry. See post above for additional ideas.
@ 26bb2ebe:70530958
2024-12-02 16:46:10
# nostterに画像最適化機能つけたよ(サーバー編)
この記事は[Nostr Advent Calendar 2024](https://adventar.org/calendars/10004) の3日目の記事です。
## どうしてこうなった?
ところでそのまとめサイトは静的サイトジェネレータで(SSG:Static Site Generator)でつくりたいなと思いました。いや普通に考えてSSRにしてサーバ側でNostrからデータとってきたらSEO的にもよくねって感じなんですが、SSRでサーバーでウェブソケット呼ぶのだる…レイテンシを考慮すると結構不利じゃないかなと思ったわけです。うそです。そこまで考えてなくてほとんど個人的な好みです。(多分ちゃんとキャッシュきかせればそんなにレイテンシ問題にならなさそうな気がする)。ただキャッシュとかも考慮すると結構複雑な気はする。
参考: [Svelteの画像ベストプラクティス](https://kit.svelte.jp/docs/images#loading-images-dynamically-from-a-cdn)
> プロキシがないとき
`[画像置き場] -> [クライアント]`
> プロキシがあるとき
`[画像置き場] -> [プロキシ] -> [クライアント]`
## 解決したい課題
- Nostrの画像の表示改善
- Nostrの通信量の改善
## インターフェイス(設計)
画像最適化のプロキシは実装よりもインターフェースを考えるのが大変です。ここはとても苦労しそうな気がしたので、**何も考えず** cloudflare Imagesのインターフェースをそのまま借用することにしました。
また何かあってもcloudflare Imageに課金して乗り換えることが可能という利点もあります。
## 実装
とにかく時間がないので手グセでかけるTypeScriptかJS。かつ課金しないで可用性を維持できる無料枠のサーバレス環境が使いたかったので [cloudflare workers](https://www.cloudflare.com/ja-jp/developer-platform/products/workers/) に目星をつけて調査したところ、[非常に素晴らしい記事](https://zenn.dev/sora_kumo/articles/wasm-image-optimization)を見つけましたのでこのwasmのライブラリをTSから呼び出して使わせていただくことにしました。
## 実装後の課題
### WAF
## まとめ
次回のアドベントカレンダーの記事は eyemono.moe さんによる[”クライアント自作を通して得られた知見まとめ”](https://adventar.org/calendars/10004)ですね!楽しみです!
@ c230edd3:8ad4a712
2024-12-02 03:49:19
## Chef's notes
This recipe is not my own, but it was great and easy, so I'm moving it here. Cooking as instructed serves 2, but this could easily be adjusted to include stir fry vegetables and rice, to make this a meal for 4.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 minutes, 1-24 hours marinating
- 🍳 Cook time: 10-15 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 2-4
## Ingredients
- 1 Venison Heart (elk would work well, too. recipe would need to be doubled)
- 1/2 Asian Pear, grated
- 2 Cloves Garlic, grated
- 1 Tbsp Ginger, grated
- 3 Tbsp Soy Sauce
- 1 Tbsp Honey
- 1 Tbsp Onion, grated
- 1 Tbsp Toasted Sesame Oil
- 1 tsp Red Pepper Flakes
- 2 Shallots, chopped
- Sesame Seeds
- Cooking Oil
## Directions
1. Mix all ingredients besides heart, shallots, sesame seeds and cooking oil in a medium bowl.
2. Remove arteries and excess fat from heart, cut in half and rinse
3. Cut into thin slices or bite size pieces
4. Add to marinade, mix and cover. Allow to soak for 1-24 hours.
5. Heat oil in large frying pan over med-high to high heat
6. Drain excess marinade.
7. Place heart in pan and sear on both sides to desired doneness. Medium rare is ideal for heart.
8. Remove from pan and garnish with chopped shallots and sesame seeds. Serve with stir fry veggies and rice, if desired.
@ 3369d0a7:eb020757
2024-11-28 07:41:32
## Chef's notes
This recipe was a staple at every thanksgiving with family and now I share it with you nostr family. Absolutely one of my favorite side dish during the holiday.
The corn pudding in the photo is NOT baked, I will update it. I hate stock photos.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15-20 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 30-40 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 6-8
## Ingredients
- 2 cans of creamed corn
- 2c Milk
- 1 Box of Jiffy Cornbread Mix
- 3 eggs
- 1/4-1/3c sugar
- 1/2- green bell pepper or pepper onion blend
- 1/4TBsp vanilla
- 1/2tsp Salt
- 2TBsp Butter
## Directions
1. Grab medium saucepan and desired baking dish at least 9x9
2. Place saucepan on medium-high heat
3. Add butter and sauté pepper onion blend until tender
4. Combine milk, eggs, sugar and vanilla, mix well
5. Lather warmed (NOT HOT) baking dish with butter
6. Sprinkle half a box of Jiffy corn bread mix in the baking dish
7. Add both cans of creamed corn to peppers and onions
8. Pour wet ingredients into slightly cooled creamed corn mixture
9. Sprinkle the other half box of jiffy mix into the baking dish
10. Incorporate the wet and dry ingredients in dish so there are no dry lumps
11. Let set for 10 min before placing in a 325 degree oven for 30-40 minutes, until the center is solid and the edges are golden brown.
@ c1e6505c:02b3157e
2024-11-28 00:02:26
## Chef's notes
Leftover ground beef? Not sure what to do with it?
Here’s what I do with mine. I call it…
The Beef Panzone
It’s like an omelette, a calzone, and a quesadilla had a baby. I called it that for now, but hey, if you’ve got a better name, lemme hear it!
The beef’s already cooked and seasoned with sea salt, but feel free to spice it up however you like.
Watch the video here: https://video.nostr.build/ad4856d2704ab0626a1907f5da8fedcb776495080bbaa92f4472db402c9f689d.mp4
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5
- 🍳 Cook time: 10
- 🍽️ Servings: 1-2
## Ingredients
- ground beef
- 2-3 eggs
- water
- sea salt
- honey
- coconut oil
## Directions
1. Leftover ground beef – Chop it into small pieces. Trust me, the smaller, the better—it’ll cover more surface area in the pan.
2. Two eggs, whipped with a dash of water.
3. Heat up a small pan.
4. Add coconut oil (around a tablespoon).
5. Once the oil’s warmed up, throw in the beef.
6. Stir it around.
7. I like to add local honey here—sweeten it up to your taste.
8. Mix it all around.
9. Pour in the egg mixture, making sure it spreads out evenly. I use chopsticks here because they make it easier to maneuver.
10. Use those chopsticks to poke through the egg and let the uncooked top flow to the pan. This speeds up cooking time.
11. Cover it for 1–3 minutes.
12. Optional step: Cut it down the middle.
13. Fold it over like a calzone.
14. Plate it up, either by flipping the pan over onto the plate or scooping it out.
@ 617f0a85:b403d1ed
2024-11-27 00:35:41
## Chef's notes
I got this recipe from a friend in college. I'm not sure where she came across it, but I don't think she'd mind me posting it here.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 min
## Ingredients
- 2.5 cups unbleached all-purpose flour
- 1 tsp salt
- 2 tbsp sugar
- 12 tbsp cold unsalted butter
- 0.5 cup lard
- 0.25 cup vodka
- 0.25 cup cold water
## Directions
1. Process 1.5 cups flour, salt, and sugar in food processor until combined, about 2 one-second pulses. Add butter and shortening and process until homogeneous dough just starts to collect in uneven clumps, about 15 seconds (dough will resemble cottage cheese curds and there should be no uncoated flour). Scrape bowl with rubber spatula and redistribute dough evenly around processor blade. Add remaining cup flour and pulse until mixture is evenly distributed around bowl and mass of dough has been broken up, 4 to 6 quick pulses. Empty mixture into medium bowl
2. Sprinkle vodka and water over mixture. With rubber spatula, use folding motion to mix, pressing down on dough until dough is slightly tacky and sticks together. Divide dough into two even balls and flatten each into 4-inch disk. Wrap each in plastic wrap and refrigerate at least 45 minutes or up to 2 days.
@ 9f51b59f:75e7c3a2
2024-11-26 20:04:51
## Chef's notes
Use bone in or boneless short rib. This recipe also works with ox tail and pork shoulder or any kind of meat that’s ideal for braising low and slow.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 2.5-3.5 hours
- 🍽️ Servings: 6-8
## Ingredients
- 3 Tablespoons natural cooking oil (I use tallow or ghee)
- 2 lbs boneless short ribs (bone-in also works)
- Salt & Pepper
- 1 small red onion, diced
- 5 garlic cloves rough chopped
- 1 bell or poblano pepper, seeded & diced
- 2 teaspoon chili powder
- 1 teaspoon ancho chili powder
- 1 tablespoon smoked paprika
- 1 tablespoon dark coco powder
- 2 teaspoon cumin
- 1 tablespoon graham masla
- 1 teaspoon dried oregano
- 3 tablespoons apple cider vinegar
- 1/2 cup tomato puree
- 3 tablespoons chipotle adobo sauce
- 3 bay leaves
- 1.5 cups stock or water
- 2 fresh limes, juiced
- Banana leaves, optional
- Avocado, sour cream, lime juice
- Shaved red cabbage with lime juice
## Directions
1. Preheat oven to 315 degrees F. Using a Dutch oven or braising pan, begin heating oil over high heat on the stove top.
2. Season beef with salt and pepper and begin searing in the pot. Once browned on all sides set the beef aside and add the onions, garlic, and peppers to the same pan and reduce the heat.
3. Season and cook the veggies 5 to 8 minutes until they start to caramelize. Add the chili pepper, paprika, coco, cumin, marsala, and dried oregano.
4. Briefly toast the spices and deglaze with the vinegar and immediately add the tomato puree.
5. Add the adobo sauce, broth, and using a stick blender or blender buzz the cooking liquid. (if using banana leaves remove the cooking liquid from the pan or use a new pot with lid. Line the pot with the leaves shingled over one another, return the cooking liquid over the leaves.)
6. Return the beef to the pot and cover with lid or foil (fold leaves over the meat then cover).
7. Place the pot in the oven and cook for 2 hours before checking, the meat should be fork tender when done.
8. Mash the avocado into the sour cream and season with lime juice or hot sauce. Serve on tortillas with the crema and cabbage.
@ 4dc2e570:7b8126f9
2024-11-25 17:39:37
## Chef's notes
Pickled pearl onions can usually be found at a middle eastern grocery store.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30 - 45 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 2 hours and 30 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 6
## Ingredients
- 2.5 lbs stew meat
- 4 cloves Garlic
- 2 onions
- 6oz Bacon, chopped
- 4 Carrots (cut in 1/2 in pieces)
- 3 celery sticks (cut in 1 in pieces)
- 5 or so small gold potatoes, quartered
- 3ish tbps Flour
- 4 tbsp tomato paste
- 14 oz Guinness Beer
- 3 cups chicken stock
- 1 tsp Thyme
- 2 bay leaves
- Ghee
- Salt and pepper
## Directions
1. Pat dry then salt and pepper the beef. Melt 1/2 tbsp ghee over high med-high heat. Brown the beef on each side well, makes the stew tasty. This takes patience. Do some breath work while you're at it. :) Add ghee as necessary so browny bits on bottom dont burn. Put meat aside.
2. In same pan, sauté onion and garlic for a few min. Throw in bacon till browned. Put in carrot and celery.
3. Add 3tbsp flour (or a bit more, basically till oil is soaked up) and stir for a minute. Add tomato paste. Stir a couple more minutes.
4. Add thin layer of beer and scrape yummy bits from bottom of pan. Mix everything well. Add rest of beer, broth, and herbs.
5. Carmelize the pickled pearl onion on low med heat with a lil olive oil and stirring occasionally.
6. Simmer covered for 2 hours. Add potatoes. Simmer for a further 30 minutes uncovered to let the sauce reduce a bit. Salt and pepper as you like. Add in some pearl onions. Enjoy.
@ 4dc2e570:7b8126f9
2024-11-25 17:39:08
## Chef's notes
Pickled pearl onions can usually be found at a middle eastern grocery store.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30 - 45 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 2 hours and 30 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 6
## Ingredients
- 2.5 lbs stew meat
- 4 cloves Garlic
- 2 onions
- 6oz Bacon, chopped
- 4 Carrots (cut in 1/2 in pieces)
- 3 celery sticks (cut in 1 in pieces)
- 5 or so small gold potatoes, quartered
- 3ish tbps Flour
- 4 tbsp tomato paste
- 14 oz Guinness Beer
- 3 cups chicken stock
- 1 tsp Thyme
- 2 bay leaves
- Ghee
- Salt and pepper
## Directions
1. Pat dry then salt and pepper the beef. Melt 1/2 tbsp ghee over high med-high heat. Brown the beef on each side well, makes the stew tasty. This takes patience. Do some breath work while you're at it. :) Add ghee as necessary so browny bits on bottom dont burn. Put meat aside.
2. In same pan, sauté onion and garlic for a few min. Throw in bacon till browned. Put in carrot and celery.
3. Add 3tbsp flour (or a bit more, basically till oil is soaked up) and stir for a minute. Add tomato paste. Stir a couple more minutes.
4. Add thin layer of beer and scrape yummy bits from bottom of pan. Mix everything well. Add rest of beer, broth, and herbs.
5. Carmelize the pickled pearl onion on low med heat with a lil olive oil and stirring occasionally.
6. Simmer covered for 2 hours. Add potatoes. Simmer for a further 30 minutes uncovered to let the sauce reduce a bit. Salt and pepper as you like. Add in some pearl onions. Enjoy.
@ df478568:2a951e67
2024-11-25 02:36:34
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 30 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- rice
- 2 lb. ground beef
- 8 oz. sliced mushrooms
- 1 stalk of geeen onions, chopped
- 1/4 tsp. garlic salt
- 1 10.5 oz. can of cream of mushroom soup
- 1 cup sour cream
- peas
## Directions
1. Cook the rice
2. Brown ground beef. Remove and set aside.
3. Saute mushrooms and green onions
4. Cook peas(I usually use the microwave)
5. Return beef to Dutch oven. Add cream of mushroom and sour cream
6. Cooknon low heat for 12 minutes.
@ df478568:2a951e67
2024-11-25 02:36:04
## Chef's notes
# Easy Beef Stroganoff(Fast AF Beef Stroganaff)
This is an easy weaknight meal.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 30 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- rice
- 2 lb. ground beef
- 8 oz. sliced mushrooms
- 1 stalk of geeen onions, chopped
- 1/4 tsp. garlic salt
- 1 10.5 oz. can of cream of mushroom soup
- 1 cup sour cream
- peas
## Directions
1. Cook the rice
2. Brown ground beef. Remove and set aside.
3. Saute mushrooms and green onions
4. Cook peas(I usually use the microwave)
5. Return beef to Dutch oven. Add cream of mushroom and sour cream
6. Cooknon low heat for 12 minutes.
@ de75eb1d:710c3014
2024-11-24 20:28:46
## Chef's notes
Traditional Victorian recipe made better with the addition of chocolate, fills x6 one lb jars and each jar makes approximately 15 pies or one large tart.
Store in a cool dry place for 12 months for an even deeper flavour.
Unlike supermarket mincemeat, this recipe is naturally palm oil free when made using traditional ingredients (NOT Atora!), you could swap the animal fat for ghee or solid cocoa butter.
Go wild on the dried fruit, anything and everything works. This is a great area to play around and make extra special versions - like Cherry Brandied Chocolate! You can also swap or omit the nuts
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 3 hours
## Ingredients
- 1 lb cooking apples, cored and diced
- 1.5lb mixed dried fruit
- 1lb unrefined sugar (or honey)
- 1/2lb beef suet
- 1/2lb candied citrus peel
- 2oz chopped or flaked almonds
- 4tsp mixed spice
- 1tsp ground cinnamon
- 1/2tsp ground nutmeg
- 1/2lb dark chocolate roughly chopped
- 6tbspn brandy or rum
- zest and juice of 2 oranges & lemons
## Directions
1. Combine all of the ingredients except the chocolate and alcohol in a large oven proof bowl, cover and leave overnight to infuse
2. Next day cover the bowl with foil and bake slowly for 3 hours in a preheated oven at 120c
3. As the mincemeat cools periodically stir in the fat and when completely cold add the alcohol and chocolate chips
4. Pack into sterilised jars and cover with a wax disk or 1tsp melted suet, screw the lids on tight and it will keep for 3-5 years
@ 21b41910:91f41a5e
2024-11-23 12:00:26
## Chef's notes
Based on assorted recipes and refined over time, this round of beef tastes great as a result of the sweet and savory marinade.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 minutes (+ 1 day)
- 🍳 Cook time: 20 minutes
## Ingredients
- 2 pounds lean beef (may be labeled as London Broil)
- 1/3 cup olive oil
- 1/4 cup soy sauce
- 1/4 cup malt vinegar
- 1/4 cup lemon juice
- 1 tbsp sweetener of choice (honey, molasses, syrup, 4 packets of duck sauce, etc)
- 2 tsp old bay seasoning
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp sea salt
- 1/2 tsp black pepper
## Directions
1. Day Before: Mix all ingredients except the beef in a bowl to form a marinade. Place the cut of beef in a gallon sized Ziploc bag. Pour marinade over beef, ensure fully covered. Remove any excess air from the bag and seal. Place back in refrigerator for up to 24 hours before cooking.
2. Cooking: Bring beef out of refrigerator (still in bag), and allow to rise to room temperature (about 30-40 minutes). Preheat broiler for about 15 minutes (your oven will vary). Broil for about 7-8 minutes on one side, then flip over. Continue broiling for another 7-10 minutes until temperature reads 140°F. Remove from broiler and let rest for 10 minutes before slicing thinly.
@ 8cd9d25d:69e9894d
2024-11-23 04:45:03
## Chef's notes
Note that youtube recipe is asking for 1tablespoon of salt, which is waaaaaay too much. Recipe works fine with a teaspoon,, but your mileage may vary. Play around with it.
You don't need to prove modern packet yeasts in my experience... just yolo it.
If you want an extra crispy crust, add a second baking pan to the base of the oven as you pre-heat. Then once you've placed the dough in, to the oven, take some boiling water and pour into the second baking tray. This gives you a steam oven on a budget :)
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15min (not including time for dough rises)
- 🍳 Cook time: 30mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 4-5
## Ingredients
- 500 grams wholemeal spelt flour
- 1 packet baker's yeast (10grams)
- 350 ml lukewarm water
- 350 ml lukewarm water
- 1 teaspoon salt 🧂
## Directions
1. Preheat your oven to Preheat oven to 430°F and put a baking tray in at the same time to heat up.
2. Add all ingredients to a bowl (best to use a stand mixer to save time, but you can do by hand too. Mix and knead until the dough comes together. After about 5 mins you should have a moist dough that doesn't stick to your hands... if it is a bit sticky, just add a bit more flour (different flours like differenent amounts of water)... If too dry, add a bit more water... etc.
3. Remove dough from bowl & form into a ball (smooth on top, never mind if not perfectly smooth on its base). Put back in a bowl and cover with a damp cloth. Allow to rest for 30mins/1hr until dough has roughly doubled in size. Time will depend on the ambient temp where you are. In the tropics, 30mins is just fine.
4. Take risen dough out of bowl and put on a floured surface and press the gas out of it... flatten the dough with your hands, and then fold each edge in until you have a rectangle (video makes this bit clear). Then roll the rectangle up into a cylinder. This gives you a nice tight dough for baking. Pinch the ends of the cylinder to seal the dough.
5. Place dough onto a baking sheet/ piece of parchment paper etc... cover with damp towlel and let rise for 15/30mins
6. Score the risen dough (a razer blade, clean box cutter, or serrated knife works well) , this lets steam escape from the loaf as it bakes without slpititng it in ways you wouldn't like.
7. Take your hot baking tray out of the over and transfer your dough onto it. Put into oven.
8. Bake at 430°F (220°C) for 15mins, then reduce oven temp to 350°F (180°C) for the final 15mins. Total bake time 30mins.
9. Remove from oven and allow to cool for 20-30mins.
@ 65912a7a:5dc638bf
2024-11-22 21:37:16
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 30 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 12
## Ingredients
- 12-14oz fresh cranberries
- 1⅓ cup packed brown sugar
- 1 cup raisins
- 1 orange, peeled & chopped
- 1 cup water
## Directions
1. Using medium sauce pan, simmer cranberries and water for 5-6 min. Cranberries will start to pop.
2. Add brown sugar, raisins, and chopped orange to the berries.
3. Bring to a simmer and continue to cook for 20 min. Stir often to prevent sticking. Remove from heat.
4. Let set until room temp. Mixture will thicken as it cools.
5. Put in a covered container and keep refrigerated. Lasts for about 2 weeks.
@ 9bc2d34d:d19d2948
2024-11-22 17:26:28
## Chef's notes
Hot Dogs? Check. Cheese? Check. Jalapeno? Definitely (unless you can't handle the spice)
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 1 minute
- 🍳 Cook time: 3-5 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 1-4
## Ingredients
- 3 Hot Dogs (Sliced Thinly or Cut into Chunks)
- Handful of Shredded Cheese Blend
- 1/4 Jalapeno minced (add less or more)
- Optional: Any toppings you like on nachos, such as tomatoes, onions, sour cream, beans, etc
## Directions
1. Microwave 3 hot dogs for 2-3 minutes (some hot dogs will expand)
2. Top with cheese
3. Microwave for 1-2 minutes (until cheese is melted)
4. Sprinkle all your favorite toppings on top
5. Serve
@ ac8bb9b0:70278acc
2024-11-21 15:14:11
## Chef's notes
If you’d like to make this soup part of your rotation and want to shave off a little time for the next time around, double the recipe for the meatballs and freeze half. That way, all you’ll have to do is make the soup and add the meatballs as directed in the recipe. (They may take a few extra minutes to warm through if you add them directly from the freezer.)
The soup can be frozen for up to 3 months but wait until you reheat the soup to add the pasta. Defrost the soup in the refrigerator for 12 hours and then reheat it on the stovetop over medium heat until simmering, add the pasta, and cook until the pasta is tender.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 50
- 🍳 Cook time: 30
- 🍽️ Servings: 8
## Ingredients
- 1 large egg
- 3 tablespoons finely chopped fresh chives
- 2 teaspoons finely chopped fresh sage
- 2 cloves garlic, minced
- ¾ lb 85 or 90% lean ground beef
- ½ lb sweet or hot Italian sausage, removed from the casings
- ½ cup grated Parmigiano Reggiano
- ⅓ cup Italian seasoned bread crumbs
- ¼ teaspoon salt
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 1 medium yellow onion, diced
- 2 large carrots, diced
- 2 stalks celery, diced
- 6 cups high-quality chicken broth
- 2 cups high-quality beef broth
- 2 cups water
- ½ cup dry white wine
- 1 bay leaf
- ½ teaspoon salt
- ¼ teaspoon white pepper (okay to use black pepper)
- 1 cup small dittalini pasta
- 4 oz fresh spinach, stems trimmed and roughly chopped (once prepped, you should have about 3 packed cups)
- Parmigiano Reggiano, for serving
## Directions
1. Make the meatballs: Preheat the oven to 350°F. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil and set an oven-proof roasting rack over top. Spray the rack generously with nonstick cooking spray.
2. In a large bowl, beat the egg with the chives, sage and garlic. Add the remaining meatball ingredients and mash with your hands until evenly combined. Roll the mixture into tablespoon-size balls, about 1 inch in diameter (it will make approximately 50 meatballs), and place on the prepared rack. Bake for 15 to 18 minutes, or until lightly browned and cooked through. Set aside.
3. Meanwhile, start the soup. In a large soup pot or Dutch oven over medium heat, heat the olive oil. Add the onions, carrots, and celery and cook, stirring frequently, until the vegetables are softened, about 8 minutes. Add the chicken broth, beef broth, water, wine, bay leaf, salt and pepper and bring to a boil. Add the pasta and cook, uncovered, at a gentle boil until the pasta is al dente, 8 to 10 minutes (or according to package directions). Taste the soup and adjust the seasoning, if necessary. Reduce the heat to low and add the spinach and meatballs. Simmer for a few minutes, until the spinach is wilted and the meatballs are warmed through. Ladle into bowls and serve with grated Parmigiano Reggiano.
@ 07804b78:c375c543
2024-11-21 11:37:37
## Chef's notes
* The Premium Juku Curry comes individually packaged in single-serving portions, so it's convenient for using small amounts like in this recipe.
* Use your favorite spicy level of hot bean-curd soup base/curry roux.
## Details
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 1 box of “Cook Do®” (Chinese seasoning mix) for Szechuan-style Mapo Tofu
- 2 servings of Premium Juku Curry
- 500g tofu
- 400g cut tomatoes
- 200g minced meat
- 80g garlic sprouts
- 100ml water
- 1 tablespoon sesame oil
- Cooked rice, enough for the number of people
## Directions
1. Slice the garlic shoots diagonally into 3-4cm pieces. Cut the tofu into bite-sized pieces.
2. Heat the sesame oil in a frying pan and fry the minced meat over a medium heat.
3. When the meat is about 80% cooked, add the garlic shoots and continue to fry, stirring, until the meat is fully cooked.
4. Turn off the heat and add the Cook Do® Sichuan-style Mapo Tofu seasoning, and mix well.
5. Turn the heat back on to medium, add the cut tomatoes and water, and bring to the boil, stirring gently.
6. When it comes to a boil, turn the heat down to low, add the Premium Juku Curry, and stir well to dissolve.
7. Once the curry has dissolved, add the tofu and cook until the tofu is warmed through.
@ ac8bb9b0:70278acc
2024-11-20 16:28:11
## Chef's notes
Optional: Creamy Cilantro-Basil Ranch: In a blender, blend 1/2 cup plain Greek yogurt or sour cream, 1/3 cup mayo, 2 tablespoons buttermilk, 1 cup fresh cilantro, 1/2 cup fresh basil, 1/4 cup fresh chopped chives, 2 teaspoons Worcestershire, 1 teaspoon garlic powder, 1 teaspoon onion powder, 1/4 teaspoon cayenne, and a pinch each of kosher salt and black pepper. Blend until creamy.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15
- 🍳 Cook time: 15
## Ingredients
- 4 (4-6 ounce) salmon filets, cut into bite-size chunks
- 6 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 1 teaspoon smoked paprika
- salt and black pepper
- 1 bunch asparagus, ends trimmed
- 1/2 cup honey
- 2-3 tablespoons hot sauce
- 1-3 teaspoons cayenne pepper
- 3/4 teaspoon chipotle chili powder
- 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
- 1/2 teaspoon onion powder
- 3-4 cups cooked rice
- 2 avocados, diced
- 1 serrano or jalapeño, sliced
- 1/2 cup fresh cilantro, chopped
- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill
- 1/2 cup crumbled feta cheese
- 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1/3 cup toasted seeds, pumpkin, sesame, sunflower, etc.
## Directions
1. 1. Preheat the oven to 450° F.
2. 2. On a baking sheet, toss the salmon pieces with 3 tablespoons olive oil, paprika, salt, and pepper. Arrange in a single layer. On the other side of the pan, add the asparagus. Toss with 1 tablespoon olive oil, salt, and pepper. Roast 10-15 minutes or until the salmon is just undercooked to your liking.
3. 3. Meanwhile, make the hot honey. In a sauce pot, warm together the honey, hot sauce, cayenne, chili powder, onion powder, and garlic powder, plus a pinch of salt.
4. 4. Spoon some of the hot honey over the salmon. Switch the oven to broil and broil until lightly charred and crispy. Spoon over additional hot honey, to your taste.
5. 5. To make the avocado salsa. Combine avocados, serrano or jalapeño, cilantro, dill, feta cheese, extra virgin olive oil, lemon juice, and toasted seeds in a bowl and season with salt, gently tossing.
6. 6. Arrange the salmon and asparagus over bowls of rice. Top with salsa.
@ ac8bb9b0:70278acc
2024-11-20 16:25:18
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 25
- 🍳 Cook time: 20
- 🍽️ Servings: 6
## Ingredients
- 1 tablespoon extra virgin olive oil
- 1 medium yellow onion chopped (about 1 1/2 cups)
- 2 teaspoons kosher salt, divided
- 3 tablespoons red curry paste
- 2 tablespoons grated fresh ginger (from a 3-inch piece)
- 3 medium cloves garlic, minced (about 1 tablespoon)
- 4 cups lower-sodium vegetable broth
- 1 1/2 pounds butternut squash, cut into 1 1/2-inch cubes (from 2 [20-ounce] package)
- 1 15.5-ounce can unsweetened coconut milk, well stirred
- 2 tablespoons fresh lime juice (from 1 or 2 limes)
- 6 tablespoons crushed salted peanuts
- Chopped fresh cilantro and crushed red pepper (optional), for serving
## Directions
1. Heat oil in a large pot over medium. Add onion and 1/2 teaspoon salt; cook, stirring often, until onion starts to brown, 6 to 7 minutes.
2. Add curry paste, ginger, and garlic; cook, stirring, until fragrant, about 1 minute. Add broth and 1 teaspoon salt, scraping up browned bits from bottom of pot. Stir in squash. Bring to a simmer over medium-high. Cover and reduce heat to low; simmer until squash is tender, 12 to 15 minutes.
3. Remove from heat. Stir in coconut milk, lime juice, and remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt. Use an immersion blender to process until smooth. (Or transfer to a blender, cover with lid, and remove center piece. Place a towel over opening. Process until smooth.)
4. Serve sprinkled with peanuts, cilantro, and, if using, crushed red pepper.
@ ac8bb9b0:70278acc
2024-11-19 19:49:52
## Chef's notes
This recipe is SO easy. We simply mix herbs and spices in a small dish. Add the chicken legs to a large, gallon-sized ziptop bag and add the olive oil. Seal the bag and roll those legs around for a minute to distribute the oil evenly on all the chicken. Then, open the bag, pour in the seasonings, close the bag and do the shake thing. Take a minute or so to do this and massage the chicken to really get that seasoning well distributed.
Seasoning chicken legs in a ziptop bag
Set aside for a minute and preheat your oven to 425°(F) and line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Give the foil a good spray with non-stick cooking spray. This is important as the chicken will stick without it.
Now take the chicken out of the bag and place on the foil lined sheet. Then into the oven it goes for 40 minutes.
Recipe for oven baked chicken legs
After 40 minutes the chicken will be a beautiful golden color and the inside will be at least 165°(F) when checked with an instant read thermometer. In fact, it will probably be closer to 185-195°(F) which is exactly what we want!
Pro Tip: Chicken Legs are Better at 185-195°(F)!
The rule of cooking chicken to a minimum internal temperature of 165°F has been well-established for quite some time. However, when it comes to darker meat portions such as chicken legs, thighs, or the entire leg quarter, exceeding this temperature is often encouraged for optimal results! When heated to around 185°F, the collagens within the meat begin to break down, contributing to the juiciness and “fall-off-the-bone” tenderness that we cherish so much in dark poultry meat.
Check out this great article by America’s Test Kitchen regarding “overcooking” chicken drumsticks and thighs.
Let Rest and Serve
Carefully remove the chicken to a plate or platter and let it rest for 5 minutes before serving.
Recipe for oven baked chicken legs
Can this recipe be doubled?
It sure can. You can even triple or quadruple this recipe! Simply adjust the ingredients accordingly. The cook time will still be 40 minutes, just be sure to not crowd the chicken too much on the pan. Keep the legs from touching and always keep in a single layer.
Give it a kick
Want to give the chicken legs a little heat? Add a ½ teaspoon of cayenne pepper and even a teaspoon of crushed red pepper flakes. You can also deepen the flavor by using smoked paprika instead of regular paprika.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10
- 🍳 Cook time: 40
- 🍽️ Servings: 2-3
## Ingredients
- 6 chicken legs
- 2 tsp paprika
- 1.5 tsp kosher salt
- 1 tsp onion powder
- 1 tsp garlic powder
- 1 tsp rosemary, dried
- 1 tsp parsley flakes
- ½ tsp ground black pepper
- ½ tsp ground mustard
- 1 tbls olive oil
## Directions
1. Preheat oven to 425°(F)
2. Pat chicken legs dry with a paper towel and trim any excess skin
3. Place chicken legs in a large ziptop bag and add olive oil. Close bag and shake to coat chicken well with the oil.
4. Add seasoning mix to bag, close and shake to get chicken well coated with seasoning.
5. Line a baking sheet with foil and spray with non-stick cooking spray.
6. Place chicken legs on baking sheet and place on middle rack of oven for 40 minutes, turning halfway.
7. Chicken must have internal temperature of at least 165°(F), but 185-195°(F) is ideal for best results.
8. Let rest for several minutes before serving.
@ af9c48b7:a3f7aaf4
2024-11-18 20:26:07
## Chef's notes
This simple, easy, no bake desert will surely be the it at you next family gathering. You can keep it a secret or share it with the crowd that this is a healthy alternative to normal pie. I think everyone will be amazed at how good it really is.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30
- 🍳 Cook time: 0
- 🍽️ Servings: 8
## Ingredients
- 1/3 cup of Heavy Cream- 0g sugar, 5.5g carbohydrates
- 3/4 cup of Half and Half- 6g sugar, 3g carbohydrates
- 4oz Sugar Free Cool Whip (1/2 small container) - 0g sugar, 37.5g carbohydrates
- 1.5oz box (small box) of Sugar Free Instant Chocolate Pudding- 0g sugar, 32g carbohydrates
- 1 Pecan Pie Crust- 24g sugar, 72g carbohydrates
## Directions
1. The total pie has 30g of sugar and 149.50g of carboydrates. So if you cut the pie into 8 equal slices, that would come to 3.75g of sugar and 18.69g carbohydrates per slice. If you decided to not eat the crust, your sugar intake would be .75 gram per slice and the carborytrates would be 9.69g per slice. Based on your objective, you could use only heavy whipping cream and no half and half to further reduce your sugar intake.
2. Mix all wet ingredients and the instant pudding until thoroughly mixed and a consistent color has been achieved. The heavy whipping cream causes the mixture to thicken the more you mix it. So, I’d recommend using an electric mixer. Once you are satisfied with the color, start mixing in the whipping cream until it has a consistent “chocolate” color thorough. Once your satisfied with the color, spoon the mixture into the pie crust, smooth the top to your liking, and then refrigerate for one hour before serving.
@ df478568:2a951e67
2024-11-17 17:32:20
## Chef's notes
This is from my wife's notebook full of recipes.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 inutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 15 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 1/3 cup oyster sauce
- 2 teaspoons toasted sesame seed oil
- 1/3rd cup Sherry
- 1 teaspoon white sugar
- 1 teaspoon cornstarch
- 1 pound beef round steak
- 3 tablespoons avocado oil
- 1 tablespoon ground ginger
- 1 clove garlic
- 1 pound broccoli florrets
## Directions
1. Wisk together - Oyster Sauce - Sesame oil - Sherry - Soy Sauce - Sugar - Cornstarch in a bowl
2. Heat avocado oil in a wok or large skillet over medium-high heat. Stir in ginger and garlic. let sizzle for one minute. Stir in broccoli. Set aside.
3. Pour more oil into wok. tss the beef with the narinatde until the sauce forms a glaze on the beef. about 5 minutes. Return cooked broccoli to the wok. Stir in meat about 3 mionytes,
@ df478568:2a951e67
2024-11-17 15:27:28
## Chef's notes
This is another crock pot meal I found in my wife's recipe book.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 8-10 hours
- 🍽️ Servings: 6
## Ingredients
- 2 lb. boneless sirloin tip roast
- 2 red bell peppers, chopped
- 1 small onion
- 1- 14.5 oz can of diced tomatoes, uindrained
- 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
- 2 tablespoons of italian seasoning
- salt and pepper to taste
- Parmesan cheese
- 1 lb noodles
- 1 green bell pepper, chopped
- 4 cloves of minced garlic
## Directions
1. Slice sirloin tip roast
2. cook in a crock pot for 8-10 hours
3. serve with noodles and top with Parmesean Cheese
@ df478568:2a951e67
2024-11-17 15:12:50
## Chef's notes
This is another crock pot meal I found in my wife's recipe book.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 8-10 hours
- 🍽️ Servings: 6
## Ingredients
- 2 lb. boneless sirloin tip roast
- 2 red bell peppers, chopped
- 1 small onion
- 1- 14.5 oz can of diced tomatoes, uindrained
- 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
- 2 tablespoons of italian seasoning
- salt and pepper to taste
- Parmesan cheese
- 1 lb noodles
- 1 green bell pepper, chopped
## Directions
1. Slice sirloin tip roast
2. cook in a crock pot for 8-10 hours
3. serve with noodles and top with Parmesean Cheese
@ df478568:2a951e67
2024-11-17 14:51:44
## Chef's notes
This is a delicious meal that is easy to make and tastes delicious.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 20 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 6
## Ingredients
- 2 LB of marinated Carne Asada
- onion
- corn tortillas
- cilantro
- salsa
- guacamole
- sour cream
- salt
- pepper
- spanish rice
- beans
## Directions
1. BBQ carne asad for about 25 minutes or until meat reaches a temprature of 150 degrees
@ df478568:2a951e67
2024-11-17 14:43:49
## Chef's notes
This is in a recipe book my wife made, but I modified it for an InstantPot
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 hour 10 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 6
## Ingredients
- 1 lb. boneless skinless chicken breasts
- 1 small diced onion or cup of frozen onions
- 1 medium sized bell pepper
- 15 oz. can of diced tomateos with green chilies, undrained
- 1 can of corn
- 1 15oz. can black beans
- 1 tablespoon chili powder
- 1 tablespoon salt
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- 1 tsp garlic
- 4 cups of chicken broth(not needed until day of cooking)
- Tortilla chips
- toppings like salsa, sour cream, avocado, etc.
## Directions
1. Add all ingredients into an instantpot
2. Pressure cook for 1 hour
3. Slow release Instant Pot for 10 minutes
4. Serve
@ 1cb14ab3:95d52462
2024-11-17 00:57:41
## Chef's notes
I have been making this every Thanksgiving since I first tried it. One of my all time favorites. You can fry the shallots and refrigerate the night before to save time.
Recipe is credit of The Pioneer Woman -- Go show some love below ⬇️
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 35 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 hr 30 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 10
## Ingredients
- 1/3 c. all-purpose flour
- 1/2 tsp. cayenne
- 1/2 tsp. garlic powder
- 1/4 tsp. kosher salt
- 1/4 tsp. black pepper
- 4 large shallots, peeled and thinly sliced into rings
- frying oil
- 2 1/2 lb. fresh green beans, trimmed and halved (use a little less if you like gravy to beans ratio)
- 8 oz. bacon
- 6 tbsp. unsalted butter, divided
- 16 oz. sliced button mushrooms (for more mushroom flavor, use cremini variety)
- 1/3 c. finely chopped shallots
- 3 cloves (large) garlic, minced
- 1/2 c. all-purpose flour
- 1 c. low sodium chicken stock
- 2 c. half-and-half
- 2 tbsp. soy sauce
- 1 tbsp. Worcestershire sauce
- 2/3 c. grated parmesan cheese
- 2 tsp. chopped fresh rosemary
- 2 tsp. chopped fresh thyme
- Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste
## Directions
2. In a medium bowl that has a lid, whisk together flour, cayenne, garlic powder, salt, and black pepper. Add sliced shallots. Place lid tightly on bowl and shake the bowl a few times to evenly coat shallots with flour mixture.
3. Pour canola oil into a medium saucepan to a 1-inch depth and place over medium-high heat. Heat to 325°F, using a deep-frying thermometer. Fry shallots in batches until golden brown and lightly crispy. Take care to not let them get too dark, as they will also bake for a bit in the oven on top of the casserole. This should take about 3–5 minutes per batch. Transfer to a paper towel lined baking sheet. Sprinkle lightly with kosher salt and set aside.
5. Preheat oven to 375° F.
6. Bring a large pot of salted water to a boil and add green beans. Cook beans for 2–3 minutes, until bright green in color and tender crisp. Drain beans and pour into a large bowl of ice water to stop from cooking. Drain again and set aside.
7. In an extra large skillet with tall sides, over medium to medium-high heat, fry bacon until chewy-crisp. Transfer bacon from skillet to a paper towel lined plate to drain and cool. Once bacon has cooled, roughly chop and set aside.
8. Discard all but 2 tablespoons of the bacon fat from the skillet. Return skillet to stove top over medium heat. Add 2 tablespoons of the butter to the skillet. Once butter is melted, add the mushrooms and stir to incorporate. Cook, stirring regularly, until mushrooms are softened. Add chopped shallots and garlic, stirring to incorporate. Cook for another 2–3 minutes, until garlic is fragrant.
9. Now slide everything in the skillet to one side. Add remaining 4 tablespoons of butter to other side of skillet. When the butter is melted, sprinkle the flour over the butter, whisking all the while. A flat whisk works awesome here. Draw in as much liquid as you can, into the flour. The mixture will be very thick. Let it cook for one minute, until slightly browned and fragrant. Slowly whisk in chicken stock until flour mixture is smooth. Then whisk in the half and half. Now bring the entire contents of the skillet together, scraping the bottom of the skillet, and folding to incorporate. Turn heat up to medium-high and cook until thickened and bubbly, about 4–5 minutes, stirring periodically.
10. Remove skillet from heat. Stir in soy sauce and Worcestershire sauce. Then sprinkle Parmesan, rosemary, and thyme over the top and stir to combine. Now is the time to taste test and add more salt and pepper, if desired. I usually add about 1/2 teaspoon of salt and 1/4 teaspoon of black pepper at this point. Fold in blanched green beans. Transfer mixture to a baking dish and place in oven to bake for 30 minutes. Remove casserole from oven and arrange fried shallots and chopped bacon over the top, leaving green beans exposed around the perimeter of the dish. Place in oven and bake for another 5 to 10 minutes, or until edges of casserole are bubbling and the top is golden. Remove from oven and let rest for a few minutes before serving.
@ 1cb14ab3:95d52462
2024-11-17 00:38:07
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 20 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 1 pound shrimp
- 1 teaspoon granualted sugar
- ½ cup all-purpose flour
- ½ cup panko breadcrumbs
- 1 teaspoon salt
- ½ teaspoon black pepper
- ¼ teaspoon garlic powder
- ¼ teaspoon onion powder
- ¼ teaspoon dried basil
- 1 egg
- 1 cup milk
- 4 – 5 teaspoon chili garlic sauce
- 1 teaspoon rice vinegar
- ½ cup mayonnaise
## Directions
1. 1. Make the sauce: Mix mayonnaise, chili garlic sauce, sugar, and rice vinegar in a bowl. Refrigerate.
2. 2. Prepare for frying: a) Combine beaten egg and milk in one bowl. b) Mix flour, panko, and seasonings in another bowl.
3. 3. Bread the shrimp: a) Coat each shrimp in flour mixture. b) Dip in egg mixture. c) Coat again in flour mixture. d) Arrange on a plate and refrigerate for 20 minutes.
4. 4. Fry the shrimp: a) Heat oil to 350F in a dutch oven. b) Fry shrimp for 2-3 minutes until golden. c) Drain on wire rack or paper towels.
5. 5. Serve: a) Coat fried shrimp with ¼ cup sauce. b) Serve with remaining sauce on the side.
@ 19f9afb8:ce50e4d3
2024-11-15 22:05:01
## Chef's notes
*Make sure you watch your roux closely. It can go from perfect to burnt in a moment.
*Top with green onion tops.
*Sprinkle a very small amount of file over top.
*Andouille sausage is traditional but kielbasa is also a good substitute.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30 minutes for vegetable prep + ~1 hour for boiling chicken
- 🍳 Cook time: ~2 hours
- 🍽️ Servings: 8-10
## Ingredients
- 1 large onion
- 1 large bell pepper
- 2 medium stalks celery
- 6-8 cloves garlic
- ~3 lbs. bone-in, skin-on chicken; remove skin and set aside to render
- ~1.5 lbs andouille sausage, browned
- ~1/2 lb. tasso, optional
- 2 green onions, chopped and separated
- 2 cups okra, cut (frozen or fresh, not canned)
- ~1 cup oil (rendered from chicken skins & sausage)
- ~1 cup flour
- 1-2 bay leaves
## Directions
1. Chop all vegetables and set aside. Render the fats from your chicken skins and sausages.
2. Combine your flour and rendered fats in a cast iron skillet and stir continually over medium –low heat until your roux is chocolate brown. Stir in about 1/4 tsp of flour at this stage and cook until it stops “fizzing”. (This is simply to add to the thickening power of the roux.)
3. While you are cooking your roux, boil your chicken until cooked through, remove from heat and broth, and set aside to cool for deboning .
4. Add your vegetables, roux, deboned chicken, sausage, hot sauce, Worcestershire, and spices/seasonings to your broth. Optional: sauté your vegetables, except okra, before adding to broth. (Only add the bottom portions of the green onion here, reserve the green tops for garnish.)
5. Cook until the okra is soft and no longer slimy, about 2 hours, at a low boil. (med-high heat)
6. Optional: reduce to a simmer about 10 minutes before finished and drop a few eggs to poach in the stew before serving. Do not stir.
7. Serve over rice.
@ 44dc1c2d:31c74f0b
2024-11-15 21:31:32
## Chef's notes
So if you want a more sweet stew, add some dried apricots.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 ish min
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 Hour ish
- 🍽️ Servings: 4 to 6
## Ingredients
- 1/4 cup olive oil
- 1 large onion, grated
- 2 tablespoons finely minced garlic
- 1 teaspoon chili powder
- 1 teaspoon ground cumin
- 1 cinnamon stick or 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- 3 pounds boneless lamb shoulder, cut into 1 1/2-inch pieces
- 2 1/2 cups defatted chicken broth
- 1 dried ancho chili, stem and seeds removed
- 4 carrots, peeled, halved lengthwise and cut into 1-inch pieces
- Zest of 1 orange, in wide strips
- 2 cups cubed (1 inch) butternut squash
- 2 roasted red bell peppers , cut into 1-inch pieces
- 2 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro leaves for garnish
## Directions
1. Combine the oil, onion, garlic, chili powder, cumin, cinnamon, salt, and pepper in a large, heavy pot. Stir well, then add the meat. Toss the meat with the spice mixture to coat it well.
2. Add the broth, ancho chili, carrots, orange zest, and butternut squash. Bring to a boil over high heat. Then reduce the heat and simmer gently, partially covered, over medium heat for 30 minutes. Add the roasted peppers; cook, partially covered, until the lamb and vegetables are tender, about 30 minutes more. Remove and discard the chili and orange zest. Sprinkle with cilantro and serve immediately.
@ ab54780c:0884884e
2024-11-15 04:30:05
## Chef's notes
Makes approximately 1 US quart (~1L). Double the recipe to fill a 2-quart pitcher and to avoid using only half an onion and half of a lemon. Keeps well when sealed and refrigerated for up to a week. And yes: fresh ground spices makes a difference.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: ~25 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 6-10
## Ingredients
- 2 Jalapeño peppers
- 1/2 Lemon, juice of
- 2 cans (10 oz.) Ro-Tel Original Diced Tomatoes & Green Chiles (Mild)
- 2 cans (14.5 oz.) Whole Peeled Tomatoes
- 1 bunch fresh Cilantro
- 1/2 Red Onion
- 2 Fresh Tomatoes
- 1/2 tablespoon Black Peppercorns
- 1/2 tablespoon Salt
- 1 teaspoon Garlic Salt
## Directions
1. Gather required tools: Spice grinder or mortar & pestle, Knife, Cutting board, Food Processor (2+ quart size), Citrus reamer (optional)
2. Open canned ingredients and strain off excess water
3. Grind cumin seeds to a powder and black peppercorns to medium to fine coarseness (as desired) in spice grinder or mortar & pestle
4. Rinse with fresh water and prepare all fresh ingredients, cutting them into halves or quarters as necessary to size them for comfortable loading into your food processor. It’s handy to pre-squeeze the lemon into a small glass where it is easier and safer to remove ejected seeds rather than digging them out of a loaded food processor with your finger (cook safe!). Remove jalapeño stems, but leave seeds in for the right heat level.
5. In the food processor blend all ingredients except the fresh tomatoes
6. Once a well-blended consistency is achieved, add fresh tomatoes and pulse/chop several times to desired level of chunkiness.
@ ac8bb9b0:70278acc
2024-11-12 19:55:33
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10
- 🍳 Cook time: 45
- 🍽️ Servings: 16
## Ingredients
- 1/4 cup light brown sugar
- 1/4 cup granulated sugar
- 1 tablespoon ground cinnamon
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 pound unsalted pecans halves
- 1 egg white
- 1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 1 teaspoon water
## Directions
1. Preheat oven to 300 degrees F. Line a large baking sheet with parchment paper and set aside.
2. In a bowl, add sugars, cinnamon, and salt. Whisk until combined. Set aside.
3. In a large bowl, whisk the egg white, vanilla, and water together until frothy. Add the pecans and gently toss until the pecans are well coated. Add the sugar and cinnamon mixture and toss until pecans are covered.
4. Spread the pecans out in a single layer on prepared baking sheet. Bake for about 30-45 minutes, stirring every 15 minutes.
5. Remove from the oven and let the pecans cool on the baking sheet. When completely cool, store in an airtight container for up to 1 month.
@ 9349d012:d3e98946
2024-11-05 00:42:37
## Chef's notes
2 cups pureed pumpkin
2 cups white sugar
3 eggs, beaten
1/2 cup olive oil
1 tablespoon cinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
2 1/4 cups flour
1/4 cup chopped pecans
Preheat oven to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Coat a bread pan with olive oil. Mix all ingredients minus nuts, leaving the flour for last, and adding it in 2 parts. Stir until combined. Pour the batter into the bread pan and sprinkle chopped nuts down the middle of the batter, lenghtwise. Bake for an hour and ten minutes or until a knife insert in the middle of the pan comes out clean. Allow bread to cool in the pan for five mintes, then use knife to loosen the edges of the loaf and pop out of the pan. Rest on a rack or plate until cool enough to slice. Spread bread slices with Plugra butter and serve.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 hour and ten minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 6
## Ingredients
- See Chef's Notes
## Directions
1. See Chef's Notes
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-11-04 23:38:03
## Chef's notes
This recipe needs to sit in the refrigerator at least one hour, or overnight prior to baking. Link sausage may be used but casing must be removed prior to frying.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 hour
- 🍽️ Servings: 4-6
## Ingredients
- 1 lb breakfast sausage
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 1 green bell pepper
- Cooking spray
- 4 cups dehydrated/dried bread cubes
- 6 large eggs
- 1 1/2 cups milk
- 1/4 tsp salt (optional)
- 1/4 tsp black pepper
- 1 cup shredded Cheddar cheese
## Directions
1. Spray 13x9 baking dish with cooking spray, like PAM.
2. Crumble sausage into a skillet, fry breaking up pieces
3. Add onion to the sausage
4. Chop bell pepper, add to sausage and onion, fry until tender
5. Remove from heat, drain if needed, set aside.
6. Spread bread cubes on bottom of baking dish
7. Spoon sausage mixture over bread
8. Blend eggs, milk, salt, and pepper in a bowl or large measuring cup.
9. Pour egg mixture over sausage and bread.
10. Cover and place in refrigerator.
11. Refrigerate at least one hour or overnight.
12. Preheat oven to 375F.
13. Place casserole in oven, bake 55 minutes
14. Top with cheese and bake 5 minutes longer.
15. Let rest 10 minutes before cutting.
@ 526e9d4c:2ecfb055
2024-11-04 04:22:33
## Chef's notes
最好的是用慢炖锅炖一个晚上. Best if cooked in a slow cooker overnight.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 8 hours
## Ingredients
- 金耳一块 // 1 piece of golden tremella
- 银耳2片 // 2 pieces of silver ear fungus
- 红枣10颗 // 10 red dates
- 枸杞7-8粒 // 7-8 goji berries
- 桃胶20颗 // 20 peach gum pieces
- 黄冰糖3块 // 3 blocks of yellow rock sugar
## Directions
1. 把银耳和桃胶用水清洗并用水泡发20分钟。 Wash the silver ear fungus and peach gum with water and soak them for 20 minutes.
2. 水煮沸放入3块冰糖,溶解后把银耳和红枣倒入沸水中。 Bring the water to a boil and add 3 blocks of rock sugar. After it dissolves, add the silver ear fungus and red dates to the boiling water.
3. 5分钟后加入金耳和桃胶煮30-40分钟(中途可加水稀释。 After 5 minutes, add the golden tremella and peach gum, and cook for 30-40 minutes (you can add water to dilute if needed)
4. 煮开后,放5分钟即可使用,如果觉得不是很甜,可以再放一点冰糖(根绝个人口味) After boiling, let it sit for 5 minutes before serving. If you find it's not sweet enough, you can add a bit more rock sugar (according to personal taste)
@ 526e9d4c:2ecfb055
2024-11-04 04:13:46
## Ingredients
- 金耳一块 // 1 piece of golden tremella
- 银耳2片 // 2 pieces of silver ear fungus
- 红枣10颗 // 10 red dates
- 枸杞7-8粒 // 7-8 goji berries
- 桃胶20颗 // 20 peach gum pieces
- 黄冰糖3块 // 3 blocks of yellow rock sugar
## Directions
1. 煮开后,放5分钟即可使用,如果觉得不是很甜,可以再放一点冰糖(根绝个人口味)
@ 5469030c:61ca3e1e
2024-11-03 22:03:47
## Chef's notes
Make sure to prep your ingredients, before boiling the pasta.
A little Tajín seasoning per serving is also great for some extra flavor. 🌶
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 21
- 🍳 Cook time: 21
- 🍽️ Servings: 5
## Ingredients
- • 12oz Tricolor Penne Pasta ❤️💛💚
- • 3 cups rotisserie chicken, shredded🍗
- • 4 cups chopped celery🥬
- • 1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper 🌶
- • 1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper 🫑
- • 6 slices turkey bacon, cooked and crumbled. 🦃
- • 4 tbsp avocado mayo 🥑
- • 3 tablespoons olive oil 🫒
- Sea salt & Black Pepper to taste. 🧂
## Directions
1. • Add 9 cups of water to a medium to large pot to boil for 15 mins over medium high heat
2. Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C) then add turkey bacon on lightly coated baking sheet with a little olive oil to prevent the bacon from sticking. Bake for 15 mins.
3. • In a large bowl, combine the pasta shredded chicken, chopped celery, red and green peppers, crumbled turkey bacon, and avocado mayo.
4. • Drizzle 3 table spoons olive oil and stir.
5. • Chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving
@ 5469030c:61ca3e1e
2024-11-03 21:59:54
## Chef's notes
Make sure to prep your ingredients, before boiling the pasta.
A little Tajín seasoning per serving is also great for some extra flavor. 🌶
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 21
- 🍳 Cook time: 21
- 🍽️ Servings: 5
## Ingredients
- • 12oz Tricolor Penne Pasta ❤️💛💚
- • 3 cups rotisserie chicken, shredded🍗
- • 4 cups chopped celery🥬
- • 1/2 cup chopped red bell pepper 🌶
- • 1/2 cup chopped green bell pepper 🫑
- • 6 slices turkey bacon, cooked and crumbled. 🦃
- • 4 tbsp avocado mayo 🥑
- • 3 tablespoons olive oil 🫒
- Sea salt & Black Pepper to taste. 🧂
## Directions
1. • Add 9 cups of water to a medium to large pot to boil for 15 mins over medium high heat
2. Preheat oven to 375°F (190°C) then add turkey bacon on lightly coated baking sheet with a little olive oil to prevent the bacon from sticking. Bake for 15 mins.
3. • In a large bowl, combine the pasta shredded chicken, chopped celery, red and green peppers, crumbled turkey bacon, and avocado mayo.
4. • Drizzle 3 table spoons olive oil and stir.
5. • Chill in the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes before serving
@ fd208ee8:0fd927c1
2024-10-31 11:03:08
## Chef's notes
I got the recipe from the [byanjushka website](https://byanjushka.com/erdnussbutter-kekse-rezept-8177/). She includes a lot more information on there, and lots of pictures and instructions. But it's all in German, so here's my quickie, English version. I've doubled the amounts, as I first baked this for the #PurpleKonnektiv meetup, and I knew I'd have some hungry guests.
The cookies are vegan, but they're mostly just peanut, so it's sort of irrelevant. Just make sure you get the really high-quality peanut butter that is 100% peanut. You can usually identify it by the fact that the oil separates from the base, a bit. Everything else is probably with hardened palm oil, or something.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 30 cookies
## Ingredients
- 500 g peanut butter, normal or crunchy
- 300 g brown (or raw) sugar
- 160 ml plant-based milk (or cows' milk, if you don't care about vegan)
- 1 pkg vanilla sugar (bourbon is nice) or 1 tsp vanilla
- 250 g flour
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 2/3 tsp salt
## Directions
1. Preheat oven to 180 °C (350 °F).
2. Beat together the peanut butter and the sugars, with an electric mixer.
3. Mix in milk and vanilla.
4. In a separate bowl, stir together flour, salt, and baking powder.
5. Stir the dry ingredients into the wet ingredients, and then knead the dough a bit.
6. (At this point, I put the dough in the fridge overnight, and baked it the next day.)
7. Line your baking sheet with baking paper.
8. Form tbsp-spoon-sized balls of dough.
9. Press each one flat, with a fork, dipping the fork in water, before each press (to keep the dough from sticking to the fork).
@ c230edd3:8ad4a712
2024-10-30 17:28:09
## Chef's notes
This is great to start in the morning, and come home to a nearly finished meal. I like to make tacos that day, then use any remaining for just about anything from chili to omelets. Fun way to prepare ramen too.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30 min, plus 15 before serving
- 🍳 Cook time: 8 hours
- 🍽️ Servings: 10-12
## Ingredients
- 3-4lb Chuck Roast, bone-in preferred
- 1 large White Onion, quartered
- 6-8 cloves Garlic, peeled
- 5 Roma Tomatoes, halved
- 6-8 dried Arbol Chiles, seeded
- 3-4 Guajillo Chiles, seeded
- 2 tsp Coriander seeds
- 2 tsp Cumin seeds
- 2 Tbsp Oregano, Mexican Oregano if available
- 1/2 tsp ground Cinnamon
- 2 whole Bay Leaves
- 1 tsp Salt
- SPG style seasoning mix to coat the roast
- 3-4 cups beef broth, just enough to cover roast plus additional for thinning sauce if desired
- Any toppings desired (avocado, cilantro, sour cream, queso fresca, cheddar, fresh onion, etc)
## Directions
1. Preheat large frying pan to med/high, add oil for searing
2. Add onions and tomatoes, sear until edges char, add garlic and saute until fragrant, transfer to slow cooker
3. Pat roast dry, season all sides, transfer to pan
4. Sear roast on all sides, 2-4 minutes or until golden brown, transfer to slow cooker
5. Add all seasonings and beef broth to slow cooker
6. Cook on low 8+ hours or until the meat is falling apart
7. Remove bone and bay leaves
8. Transfer liquid and vegetables to a blender with loose fitting lid, blend until smooth, transfer to large bowl
9. Shred roast in slow cooker, pour sauce mix back in and stir. Adjust ratio by adding more beef broth if desired. Salt to taste.
10. Serve, drained as tacos, nachos, omelets, etc. Serve with broth as stew or mix with ramen
@ 832b6aa8:2e4f082a
2024-10-28 18:38:54
## Chef's notes
This Herb-Braised Beef Cheek recipe delivers tender, melt-in-your-mouth beef simmered slowly in a rich herb broth—without any wine! Sear the beef cheeks for a caramelized crust, then braise them with onions, garlic, carrots, and fresh herbs until perfectly tender. The dish is finished with a touch of lemon zest for brightness and pairs beautifully with creamy mashed potatoes or polenta, making it an ideal meal for cozy nights or special occasions. Perfect for anyone looking to enjoy a deeply flavorful, wine-free braised beef dish.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 4 hrs
- 🍽️ Servings: 3-4
## Ingredients
- 2 lbs beef cheeks, trimmed of excess fat
- Salt and pepper, to taste
- 2 tbsp olive oil
- 1 large onion, chopped
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 2 carrots, chopped
- 2 celery stalks, chopped
- 1 tsp tomato paste
- 4 cups beef broth (or chicken broth for a lighter flavor)
- 1 cup water
- 1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
- 2 bay leaves
- 2 sprigs fresh rosemary
- 4 sprigs fresh thyme
- 1 tsp smoked paprika (optional)
- 1 tsp ground cumin
- Zest of 1 lemon (optional, for a fresh finish)
## Directions
1. Pat the beef cheeks dry with a paper towel, then season generously with salt and pepper. Sear the Beef Cheeks: In a heavy-bottomed pot or Dutch oven, heat the olive oil over medium-high heat. Sear the beef cheeks for 4–5 minutes on each side, until browned. Remove and set aside. Cook the Vegetables: Add the chopped onion, garlic, carrots, and celery to the pot. Sauté for about 5–7 minutes until softened and slightly caramelized. Add Tomato Paste: Stir in the tomato paste and cook for an additional 1 minute. Deglaze and Add Broth: Pour in 1 cup of water, scraping any browned bits from the bottom of the pot. Add the beef broth, Worcestershire sauce, bay leaves, rosemary, thyme, paprika, and cumin. Stir well. Add the Beef Cheeks Back In: Return the beef cheeks to the pot, ensuring they’re mostly submerged in the liquid. Simmer: Cover the pot and reduce the heat to low. Let the beef cheeks braise for 3–4 hours until they’re tender and easy to pull apart with a fork. Finishing Touch: Before serving, sprinkle with lemon zest for brightness. Taste and adjust seasoning with additional salt and pepper if needed. Serve: Serve over mashed potatoes, polenta, or creamy risotto, with the braising liquid as a sauce.
@ d1b118c6:4985b38d
2024-10-28 16:46:21
## Chef's notes
So easy I promise
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 25-35 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 1-5 persons
## Ingredients
- Squash
- Olive oil
- Salt
- Pepper
- Garlic seasoning
## Directions
1. Preheat oven to 400°F
2. Peel the squash
3. Cut the squash in half
4. Scrape out all the seeds and guts (can save that stuff for something else or compost or whatever)
5. Slice and dice up the remaining shell of a squash into 1inch (or so) sized pieces
6. Mix all the pieces of squash with olive oil and various seasonings (suggested seasonings in the ingredients list but do whatever you want. This is what I had on hand along w some parsley actually)
7. Lay all the squash out on a baking sheet nice and flat so that there aren’t any pieces overlapping
8. Toss it in the preheated oven until it is soft to the fork tines and/or goldeny
9. Enjoy. I had it on rice with soy sauce and would also be good with a fried egg on it. Add it to whatever squash would be good with
@ dbc828cc:ed78a663
2024-10-28 04:51:51
## Chef's notes
## Useful to know
- The oven for this recipe has a diameter of 1.50 meters, —with a 0.75 m. vault radius—; and it can hold at a time up to four trays (~50 cm. d. each) aside the fire;
- the kind of timber used to heat the oven also adds to the flavor; in this occasion the fuel is made out of timber of *Taxodium mucronatum*, locally known as "sabino tree";
- another local common is the amulet made out of lemons cut in half along nail-cloves *nailed* to the lemon, then distributed along the work area so the flies and critters bother less;
- the carbon result of the fire could be useful for heating cobbee and incense, being *copal* the traditional aroma used at these festivities; ![copal](https://image.nostr.build/3db75b608b43bf4eb3b64224d967d090b5dd93648115e386a8f9d05b82bad717.gif)
- a mop, —made of natural fibers—, along a water bucket helps cool the oven in case of over heating; also, a common practice to get to know if the oven is ready is to look after a white color at the ceiling and the sides of the oven;
- ask advice to your local traditional pizza maker, look ahead their usual tools; be well hydrated and be prepared for sweating; you could be using a work table no less than 1.50 by 3.00 square meters; and another one half the same size for cooling the breads. Friendship, teamwork, music & dancing are usually commons around the making of this recipe too.
### Final shout-outs
Chivo & Celia marriage is ought to receive praise for sharing the recipe with us and be that gentle to show us some not-so-known tricks. Comments, tips and zaps are going to be forwarded to them. Also a big shout-out to our honor guest, SF; and so as well a loud one to the nostriches, meshtadelians and noderunners. ![chivo-et-celia](https://image.nostr.build/f4fd327d56d320f2d7927ae716744d49d56366c8e0cebb4c3dc5765be2832ec0.jpg) ![funky-shapes](https://image.nostr.build/c65a0abb1c3384d924802dcf707e656fb83f1c0a5eacdc52c00c56b4078714b4.jpg)
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 1 day
- 🍳 Cook time: 12 hours
- 🍽️ Servings: 20 plus
## Ingredients
- Wheat flour; 10 kilograms
- Milk; 1 liter
- Chicken eggs; 60 units (20 yolks-only and 40 regular)
- Yeast; 1 kilogram
- Guava fruit; 1 kilogram
- Butter; 2 kilogram
- Salt; two spoons
- Shredded nuts; 1 kilogram
- Sesame seeds; 1 kilogram
## Directions
1. Set a wooden pyre within the oven a day before the baking; so early in the morning ignites and burns at ease. This is the pre heating, from here you would like to be adding small pieces of fuel to keep it warm until the baking starts.
2. Remove the white out of 20 eggs and leave only the yolks; save the white for glazing after shaping the dough. The rest of the 40 (out of a total of 60 eggs) should be going to the mix at their normal. You could hold those eggs together in a recipe for the moment.
3. - Blend the guava fruit, —or your sweetener fruit of choice—, along half a liter of milk (ambient temperature). Strain the mix in order to separate seeds and residues apart. Hold it in a recipient.
4. Blend slowly and manually together half a liter of milk, along 750 grams of yeast at slow to medium heat; you can put the mix near the entrance of the oven so the heat gets to dissolute the mix. Hold it in a recipe and cover it with a vegetal fabric to hold it warm. ![yeast](https://image.nostr.build/0dd3cf435f689daed120fd6592ff7b94a6a1b63c71f790e7355fbd062502f6e4.gif)
5. Build a volcano shape with about 9 kilograms of wheat flour; save 1 kilogram to be adding to your hands and dough whilst kneading.
6. Pour a spoon of salt all around the perimeter of the volcano's top edge; and one more at the crater, —in Mexico, a common folk costume is to draw a cross of salt within the center of the crater—.
7. Start building the dough by adding firstly the eggs and shredded nuts to the *volcano crater*. Start crushing with your hands by top-around of the edge towards the center of the crater. The both types of milks, —yeast and sweet—, along the liquid-heated butter are going to be added little by little as the mix demands. The whole knead might not take less than half an hour of force work; could be automatized with motor. ![dough-1](https://image.nostr.build/347dc9935d314a90d7d5a8c49c0ed41ca5230f62165560a7a88d2a0312ba6b16.gif) ![dough-2](https://image.nostr.build/9ba9a81810db642f7014893a1fdeadb4582a60556d6bc0e03ce5af6408de2720.gif) ![dough-3](https://image.nostr.build/a89f2a6be477598b6766261b33a3e22c27519ed1dd767a4baee467f46a8c08a5.gif)
8. Put the dough within a concave tray, deep enough to hold the fluffiness and cover it with natural fiber fabrics; it will take about half an hour before the dough fluffs enough to start shaping the bread. ![fluff](https://image.nostr.build/21b182fabc11408937e73e4128d93337b93105900ac9889a53841141a3928b8d.gif)
9. Adjust the temperature of the oven. Set at one side of the oven the wooden fuel. Add timber to heat; or wet the mop and mop the floor of the oven to cool it down. Ideal temperature should be around 180 ·C
10. Grease the metal trays with fat or oil and start shaping the breads on them; if the trays are about 50 centimeters wide, up to 6 breads could be put in each without them blending together, try leave some empty space between them. ![shapes](https://image.nostr.build/19b0d973adecfe6e2f13fbdb86f93fd5edb7fb09b45db73587021a477414c9e2.gif)
11. The traditional bread shape consists of a round dough, —as a mini pizza—, and two crossed "bones" at the top. The bones can be shaped by rolling the dough with the fingers a little separate each other. ![huesitos](https://image.nostr.build/e687041979520c7e5c901559f784aa94fca09410734e3de76bd93355b5902c6b.gif)
12. Take some of the egg whites from earlier and add a couple extra more regular eggs and flap to make the glazing. Glaze using a little brush and add the sesame.
13. The suggested technique for baking is to be rotating the trays either counter or clockwise. Each batch until the dough is done should take between 10 and 20 minutes. ![baking](https://image.nostr.build/e01a5971924b63bb3333a7695187780511f92354be39c7d6e1e4bb03f6fd8615.gif)
14. The glaze is indicative of the toast of the bread, ideally a golden brown-ish tone, with some dark spots are good looks of the OK finish. If by doing a cross cut to one of the breads you can notice a distinction of tones, that is, if the color is not uniform, then the bread was a little short of baking time.
15. After cooling down the breads, you can store them within a cardboard box with a cover of natural fibers fabrics on the inside, so the breads remain wrapped.
16. That must be it! by now those breads stored in the boxes could last for several weeks, —to months— without passing out... probably the why of the name bread of the dead.
17. The traditional way to serving it is along with liquid chocolate, ideally the watery bitter one. As the bread is by itself sweet, to add sweet beverages could if something be a over sweet combination. If the bread already bricked, it could be crushed instead of your typical cereal plate. Dogs love them, haven't complained. If batch is too much for yourselves, don't forget these are ought to be put at the Día de los Fieles Difuntos offerings to honor our beloved deceased.
@ df478568:2a951e67
2024-10-27 18:31:30
## Chef's notes
This is a delicious, quick and easy meal you can do on the weeknights. Serve with mash potatoes.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 hour 10 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 4 lamb shanks
- 28 oz. Can of whole San Marzano tomatoes
- 2 table spoons of garlic powder
- 1/3 bottle of dry white wine(cheap stuff is fine)
- 2 table spoons of extra virgin olive oil
- 1 tsp salt
- 1 tsp pepper
- 1 bag of frozen carrots
## Directions
1. Place carrots in the Instant pot to rest the meat on.
2. add the 4 lamb shakes on top of carrots
3. pour tomato can into instant pot.
4. sprinkle garlic powder into Instant Pot.
5. drizzle 2 tablespoons of olive oil.
6. add enought white wine to cover about a third of the meat.
7. add salt and pepper.
8. cook in instant pot for 1 hour.
9. slow release 10 minutes
@ af9c48b7:a3f7aaf4
2024-10-23 19:16:52
## Chef's notes
These "crackers" go well as a chip alternative when having carnivore tacos, as well as serves as a general snack. They are not really shelf stable and will get stale fairly quickly. I would recommend eating them within 24 hours of baking.
While any thickness of cheese can be used, I've found that the ultra thin sliced cheese works the best.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5
- 🍳 Cook time: 40-45 minutes depending on your oven.
- 🍽️ Servings: 1-2
## Ingredients
- Ultra Thin Sliced Cheese (pick your favorite type)
- Parchment Paper
## Directions
1. Preheat oven to 250 degrees.
2. While the oven is preheating, line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
3. Take the individually sliced cheese and cut into any size you prefer. I recommend cutting in 4 equal squares for use as traditional cracker or "chip" when eating tacos.
4. Place on the parchment paper allowing space between each cheese slice.
5. Bake in a 250 degree oven for 40-45 minutes checking periodically to determine the cheese has achieved your desired level of crispness.
6. One your cheese is done, remove from the oven and place the cheese slices on a paper towel to cool and allow for excess oil to drain.
7. Place in a ziplock back and eat within 24 hours.
@ fa0165a0:03397073
2024-10-23 17:19:41
## Chef's notes
This recipe is for 48 buns. Total cooking time takes at least 90 minutes, but 60 minutes of that is letting the dough rest in between processing.
The baking is a simple three-step process.
1. Making the Wheat dough
2. Making and applying the filling
3. Garnishing and baking in the oven
When done: Enjoy during Fika!
* Can be frozen and thawed in microwave for later enjoyment as well.
* If you need unit conversion, this site may be of help: https://www.unitconverters.net/
* Traditionally we use something we call "Pearl sugar" which is optimal, but normal sugar or sprinkles is okay too. Pearl sugar (Pärlsocker) looks like this: https://search.brave.com/images?q=p%C3%A4rlsocker
## Ingredients
- 150 g butter
- 5 dl milk
- 50 g baking yeast (normal or for sweet dough)
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1-1 1/2 dl sugar
- (Optional) 2 teaspoons of crushed or grounded cardamom seeds.
- 1.4 liters of wheat flour
- Filling: 50-75 g butter, room temperature
- Filling: 1/2 - 1 dl sugar
- Filling: 1 teaspoons crushed or ground cardamom and 1 teaspoons ground cinnamon (or 2 teaspoons of cinnamon)
- Garnish: 1 egg, sugar or Almond Shavings
## Directions
1. Melt the butter/margarine in a saucepan.
2. Pour in the milk and allow the mixture to warm reach body temperature (approx. + 37 ° C).
3. Dissolve the yeast in a dough bowl with the help of the salt.
4. Add the 37 ° C milk/butter mixture, sugar and if you choose to the optional cardamom. (I like this option!) and just over 2/3 of the flour.
5. Work the dough shiny and smooth, about 4 minutes with a machine or 8 minutes by hand.
6. Add if necessary. additional flour but save at least 1 dl for baking.
7. Let the dough rise covered (by a kitchen towel), about 30 minutes.
8. Work the dough into the bowl and then pick it up on a floured workbench. Knead the dough smoothly. Divide the dough into 2 parts. Roll out each piece into a rectangular cake.
9. Stir together the ingredients for the filling and spread it.
10. Roll up and cut each roll into 24 pieces.
11. Place them in paper molds or directly on baking paper with the cut surface facing up. Let them rise covered with a baking sheet, about 30 minutes.
12. Brush the buns with beaten egg and sprinkle your chosen topping.
13. Bake in the middle of the oven at 250 ° C, 5-8 minutes.
14. Allow to cool on a wire rack under a baking sheet.
@ 23acd1fa:0484c9e0
2024-10-23 09:21:33
## Chef's notes
*Cocoa powder:* You can use 100% natural unsweetened cocoa powder or Dutch-processed cocoa powder – both work well.
*Gluten free flour:* There are many different gluten free flours on the market. I tested this recipe using White Wings All Purpose Gluten Free flour. I recommend choosing a gluten free flour that says it can be subbed 1:1 for regular plain or all purpose flour.
**Chocolate chips:* Double check your chocolate chips are gluten free if you are making this brownie for someone who is celiac.
*Cook times:* Cook times will vary depending on your oven, but you’ll know these brownies are done when they firm up around the edges and no longer wobble in the middle. Keep in mind they will continue to cook slightly as they cool. You can also check they’re done by inserting a skewer into the middle of the brownie. If the skewer emerges with only a few crumbs on it, they’re ready. If it is covered in wet, gooey batter, keep baking the brownies and check them in another 5 minutes.
*Storage:* Brownies will keep well in an airtight container at room temperature or in the fridge for up to 5 days. To serve warm, microwave each brownie for 20 seconds. You can also freeze these brownies to enjoy at a later date. Simply thaw at room temperature and then microwave if you prefer them warm.
Serving Size: 1 brownie Calories: 278 Sugar: 26.4 g Sodium: 22.9 mg Fat: 15.5 g Carbohydrates: 34.1 g Protein: 3 g Cholesterol: 77.3 mg
Nutrition information is a guide only.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 35 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 12
## Ingredients
- 170 grams (3/4 cup) unsalted butter, melted
- 200 grams (1 cup) caster sugar or granulated sugar
- 90 grams (1/2 cup) brown sugar
- 1 teaspoon vanilla extract
- 3 large eggs
- 40 grams (1/2 cup) cocoa powder
- 70 grams (1/2 cup) gluten free plain or all purpose flour
- 75 grams milk or dark chocolate chips*
## Directions
1. Preheat the oven to 180 C (350 F) standard / 160 C (320 F) fan-forced. Grease and line an 8-inch square pan with baking or parchment paper, ensuring two sides overhang.
2. In a large mixing bowl, add melted butter and sugars and gently whisk together. Add vanilla extract and stir.
3. Add the eggs, one at a time, stirring in-between, then sift in the cocoa powder and flour. Stir until just combined. Add chocolate chips.
4. Pour the brownie batter in the prepared pan and place in the oven. Bake brownies for approximately 30-35 minutes or until they no longer wobble in the middle.
5. Leave brownie in pan and transfer to a wire rack to cool completely. These brownies are quite fragile so if you can, transfer to the fridge for an hour before cutting into squares to serve.
@ 9349d012:d3e98946
2024-10-23 04:10:25
## Chef's notes
4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) butter
2 ounces thinly sliced prosciutto, cut into thin strips
1 1/4 cups orzo (about 8 ounces)
3 cups low-salt chicken broth
1/2 teaspoon (loosely packed) saffron threads, crushed
1 pound slender asparagus, trimmed, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1/4 cup grated Parmesan cheese
Parmesan cheese shavings
Melt 2 tablespoons butter in large nonstick skillet over medium-high heat. Add prosciutto and sauté until almost crisp, about 3 minutes. Using slotted spoon, transfer to paper towels to drain. Melt 2 tablespoons butter in same skillet over high heat. Add orzo; stir 1 minute. Add broth and saffron; bring to boil. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover, and simmer until orzo begins to soften, stirring occasionally, about 8 minutes. Add asparagus; cover and simmer until tender, about 5 minutes. Uncover; simmer until almost all liquid is absorbed, about 1 minute. Remove from heat. Mix in prosciutto and 1/2 cup grated cheese. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Transfer to large bowl. Garnish with Parmesan shavings. Makes 6 servings.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 30
- 🍳 Cook time: 30
## Ingredients
- See Chef’s Notes
## Directions
1. See Chef’s Notes
@ 75d12141:3458d1e2
2024-10-23 00:20:14
## Chef's notes
A childhood favorite of mine! Just don't go too crazy with the scallions as you don't want to overpower the pork flavor.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15
- 🍳 Cook time: 15-20 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 3-5
## Ingredients
- 1 pound of lean ground pork
- 1 tablespoon of diced scallions
- Ground black pepper (optional)
## Directions
1. Lightly coat your palms with olive oil to prevent the meat from sticking to you and to assist in keeping its ball form
2. Mix the ground pork and diced scallions in a large bowl
3. Roll the pork into the preferred portion size until it feels like it won't fall apart
4. Cook in a skillet for 15-20 mins
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-21 23:44:52
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 20 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 1 Can (10.5 ounce) each condensed beef noodle, bean with bacon, and cream of celery soup
- 2 Soup cans water
- 2 TBSP chopped parsley
- 1 TBSP Worcestershire
## Directions
1. Combine soups and water.
2. Add parsley and Worcestershire
3. Heat to simmer.
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-21 23:41:04
## Chef's notes
Add cooked rice to stretch. Serve with celery for crunch. Top with Parmesan cheese for a nice change. You can also use red or yellow sweet peppers instead of or along with the green peppers.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 20 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 1 TBSP Chopped green pepper
- 2 TBSP Chopped onion
- Dash oregano
- 2 TBSP butter
- 1 Can (10.5 ounce) condensed tomato soup
- 1 Soup can Water
## Directions
1. Cook green pepper, onion, oregano in butter until tender.
2. Add soup, and water.
3. Heat till simmer, stirring often.
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-21 23:35:35
## Chef's notes
Serve with crackers
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 20 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- ¼ Cup Spam
- 1 TBSP butter
- 1 Can (10.5 ounce) gumbo soup
- 1 Soup can water
- Dash Tabasco
## Directions
1. Brown Spam in butter.
2. Mix gumbo, water, and heat to simmer.
3. Add Spam.
4. Tabasco to taste
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-21 23:30:47
## Chef's notes
Trim down bread to fit serving bowl, if necessary, prior to broiling. Try using a biscuit cutter for perfect bread rounds. A cookie cutter could be used to treat children.
The addition of the vegetable juice creates a fuller flavor than the previous onion soup recipe.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 20 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 1 Can (10.5 ounce) condensed onion soup
- 1 Soup can water
- ½ Soup can V8 juice
- 2-3 slices French, or Italian bread, or Texas Toast
- Butter
- Parmesan cheese
## Directions
1. Combine soup and water.
2. Heat to simmer.
3. Place bread on baking sheet, butter, and top with cheese.
4. Broil bread until browned.
5. Ladle soup in bowl
6. Top soup with bread
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-21 23:25:20
## Chef's notes
Try using a biscuit cutter for perfect bread rounds. A cookie cutter could be used to treat children.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 20 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 1 Can (10.5 ounce) condensed onion soup
- 1 Soup can water
- 2-3 slices French, or Italian bread, or Texas Toast
- Butter
- Parmesan cheese
## Directions
1. Combine soup and water.
2. Heat to simmer.
3. Place bread on baking sheet, butter, and top with cheese.
4. Broil bread until browned.
5. Ladle soup in bowl
6. Top soup with bread
7. Trim down bread to fit serving bowl, if necessary, prior to broiling.
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-21 23:19:57
## Chef's notes
Serve with coleslaw, and chips on the side.
Pictured here using English muffin, with a side of mung bean sprouts.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 20 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- ¼ Cup Chopped onion
- 2 TBSP Chopped green pepper
- 1 TBSP butter
- 1 LB Ground beef
- 1 can (10.5 ounce) bean with bacon soup
- ½ Cup water
- ⅓ Cup ketchup
- Hamburger buns, toasted
## Directions
1. Cook onion and green pepper in butter until tender.
2. Add crumbled ground beef, brown
3. Add soup, water, and ketchup
4. Heat to simmer, stir often for five minutes.
5. Spoon on buns, serve.
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-21 23:04:53
## Chef's notes
Use slotted spoon to place green beans on toast.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 20 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- ¼ cup Chopped onion
- 2 TBSP butter
- 1 Can (10 ½ ounces) condensed cream of chicken soup.
- ⅓ cup milk
- 1 can (5 ounce) chicken, or 1 cup diced cooked chicken
- 2 boiled eggs, sliced
- 4 Slices of toast
- French style green beans, cooke
## Directions
1. Cook onion in butter until soft, not brown
2. Mix soup, milk, chicken, and most eggs, add to onion. (Reserve some egg for garnish)
3. Heat through stirring often.
4. Heat beans, divide equally and spoon on toast.
5. Top beans with chicken.
6. Garnish with remaining egg.
@ ff18165a:dd7ca7f0
2024-10-19 18:23:51
## Chef's notes
1. DO NOT add too much Peppermint Extract! It’s extremely strong and it will make your milkshake way too strong if you add more than a few drops.
2. Feel free to be creative with your toppings. We used Caramel Flavored Whipped Topping and it turned out great!
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 2 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 1
## Ingredients
- 1 1/2 cup Milk
- 2 drops Peppermint Extract
- 2 packets Stevia
- 1 cup Ice
- 2 drops Green Food Coloring
- Green Sprinkles
- 1 Crushed Peppermint Candy
- 2 Mint Leaves
## Directions
1. 1. Blend together until smooth and frothy
2. 2. Pour into a tall glass
3. 3. Top with listed toppings
4. 4. Add straw and enjoy
@ d3f06d83:7ff53dc3
2024-10-15 00:30:10
## Chef's notes
This is the beginning of a great pizza.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 0
- 🍽️ Servings: 0
## Ingredients
- 1 cup of pizza flour or bakery flour (00 flour)
- 1 zatchet of yeast (7g)
- 1 cup of water
- 1 spoon of honey (or sugar)
- 2 Litre container with a lid
## Directions
1. Pour the water in a 2L container
2. Add honey/sugar and stir
3. Add the yeast and stir. Wait 15 minutes or until the yeast is active (bubbling)
4. Slowly mix the flour avoiding clumps
5. Close the lid and leave in the fridge overnight
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-15 00:28:32
## Chef's notes
Serve with bread, and side salad
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 2-4
## Ingredients
- 1 Can (10 ½ ounces) condensed chicken gumbo soup
- ½ Soup can tomato juice
- ½ Soup can water
- Croutons
## Directions
1. Add soup, juice, and water.
2. Heat through, stirring often.
3. Serve with croutons
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-15 00:20:20
## Chef's notes
Serve with bread, and side salad.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 2-4
## Ingredients
- 1 Can (10 ½ ounces) condensed chicken noodle soup
- ½ Soup can V8 juice
- ½ Soup can water
- Croutons
## Directions
1. Add soup, V8, and water.
2. Heat through, stirring often.
3. Serve with croutons
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-15 00:16:16
## Chef's notes
Serve with bread, and side salad.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 2-4
## Ingredients
- 1 can (10.5 ounces) condensed cream of mushroom soup
- 1 Can (10 ½ ounces) condensed chicken noodle soup
- 1 can (10.5 ounces) condensed vegetable soup.
- 3 Soup cans water
- Croutons
## Directions
1. Add soups, and water.
2. Heat through, stirring often.
3. Serve with croutons
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-15 00:11:19
## Chef's notes
Serve with crackers, or croutons, and side salad. Fiesta Nacho cheese soup gives a pleasant kick of flavor
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 2-4
## Ingredients
- 1 Can (10.5 ounces) condensed Cheddar cheese soup
- 1 Cans (10 ½ ounces) condensed tomato soup
- 2 Soup cans water
- Bacon, fried and crumbled.
## Directions
1. Combine soups, and water.
2. Heat through, stirring often.
3. Garnish with bacon.
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-15 00:05:38
## Chef's notes
Trim down bread to fit serving bowl, if necessary, prior to broiling. Top with Parmesan cheese.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 2-4
## Ingredients
- 1 Can (10.5 ounce) condensed onion soup
- ½ Soup can water
- ½ Soup can V8 juice
- 4 Ounces sliced roast beef
- 2-3 slices French, or Italian bread, or Texas Toast
- Butter
- Parmesan cheese
## Directions
1. Combine soup, water, and V8 juice.
2. Heat to simmer.
3. Add roast beef, heat throug
4. Ladle soup in bowl
5. Top soup with bread
6. Top bread with roast beef
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-14 23:58:32
## Chef's notes
Serve with side salad.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 2-4
## Ingredients
- 3 sausage links cut into penny sized slices, or two patties crumbled
- 2 Cans (10 ½ ounces) condensed minestrone soup
- 1 can (10.5 ounces) condensed tomato soup.
- 3 Soup cans water
- Croutons
## Directions
1. Brown sausage in saucepan
2. Add soups, and water
3. Heat through, stirring often.
4. Garnish with croutons
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-14 23:48:00
## Chef's notes
Serve over baked potato, cooked white rice, or drop biscuits.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 2-4
## Ingredients
- 2 - 4 Hotdogs, sliced thin
- 1 TBSP Butter
- 1 Can (10.5 oz) bean & bacon soup
- 1 Can (10.5 oz) condensed pea soup
- 1 Soup can of milk
- 1 Soup can of water
## Directions
1. Lightly brown hotdogs in butter.
2. Mix soups, milk, and water in a bowl.
3. Add soup mix to hotdogs, heat through but do not boil.
@ c0e0c427:a1f63a16
2024-10-14 09:15:50
## Chef's notes
Some say beat the cream as hard as you can but I find I have much better success when I take my time. So take it easy and be patient and that magic butter moment will arrive.
## Details
- 🍳 Cook time: 15 min
- 🍽️ Servings: Approx 250g butter
## Ingredients
- Pure fresh cream
- Salt
## Directions
1. Keep cream in the fridge until ready to start.
2. Pour cream into a bowl.
3. Beat with hand mixer or kitchen betchtop mixer with the balloon whisk.
4. Maintain a medium power level in the mixer throughout. Note that it can get messy with lots of splatter and you might like to have a tea towel over the operation to limit clean up.
5. After 5 min the cream will be whipped this is a great sign! Keep going.
6. After 10 -15 min you’ll see the cream start to separate into solids and buttermilk.
7. Keep whisking until you see the bright yellow butter solids start to clump together in the mixer.
8. Pour off the buttermilk and save for later (bonus side product that makes the best pancakes and is actually really great in scrabbled eggs)
9. Rinse in butter solid with cold water to remove all the buttermilk. This is an important step and the buttermilk increases the rate of spoil.
10. Mix in salt and shape the butter into a block.
11. Wrap and store in the fridge.
@ c0e0c427:a1f63a16
2024-10-14 09:00:51
## Chef's notes
I reuse my basic pickle brine at least once.
Pickle brine is all about your preference. Make it as sweet as you like with extra sugar, spicy as heck so you are remembering you had them the morning after or a little extra zesty by changing the ratio of water to vinegar to 1:1.
Note that the ratio is by weights and I use metric instead of freedom units because that is how I work but imperial will work if for keep the ratio the same by WEIGHT.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 0 min
## Ingredients
- 50mls apple cider vinegar
- 100mls water
- 50grams sugar
- Fresh dill
- Chilli
- 5-10 cucumbers
## Directions
1. Mix vinegar water together in a pot and bring to a simmer
2. Turn off the heat and stir in the sugar until dissolved.
3. Add into the brine fresh dill and chilli to your preferred taste.
4. Allow brine to cool.
5. Chop cucumbers into rounds or julienne and place into a clean and sterilised jar.
6. Pour brine into jar so cucumbers are fully covered.
7. Can enjoy in 2 days. Keeps up to 2 months.
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-14 02:23:59
## Chef's notes
Cook pancakes ahead of time and freeze. Move to refrigerator the night before serving.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 20 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 4 Slices Bacon
- 1 Can (10.5 ounce) condensed cream of chicken or mushroom soup
- ½ cup milk
- 4 boiled eggs, sliced
- 2 TBSP pimiento, chopped
- Pancakes
## Directions
1. Cook bacon until crisp; remove and crumble
2. Pour off drippings
3. Blend soup and milk;
4. Add bacon, eggs, and pimiento.
5. Heat through stirring frequently.
6. Spoon between pancakes, sandwich style.
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-14 02:15:49
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 1 Can (10 ½ ounces) condensed Cheddar, or cream of celery soup.
- ½ cup milk
- 4 boiled eggs, sliced
- 2 TBSP pimiento, chopped
- 4 Slices of toast
## Directions
1. Add soup and milk in medium pot.
2. Mix in egg slices, and pimiento reserving some for garnish.
3. Heat through, stirring often.
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-14 02:05:51
## Chef's notes
Try Fiesta Cheese soup for a little flavor kick. Omit lemon juice and pepper.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 15 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 8 Strips bacon
- 1 Can Cheddar cheese soup
- ½ Cup milk
- 1TSP Lemon juice
- Cayenne pepper to taste
- 2 Medium tomatoes, sliced
- 4 Slices toast
## Directions
1. Cook bacon. Set drippings aside.
2. Add soup to skillet
3. Heat to simmer
4. Add milk, lemon juice, and pepper
5. Blend till smooth
6. Heat slowly so as not to scorch milk.
7. Plate toast, and lay tomato and bacon on each slice.
8. Ladle soup over toast.
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-14 01:57:16
## Chef's notes
Serving with Texas Toast is a great option.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 2 TBSP butter, melted
- 1 Can (10.5 ounce) condensed cream of celery soup
- ½ Cup milk
- ¼ Cup chopped onion
- 1 Package (4 ounces) sliced beef
- Toast
## Directions
1. Melt butter in heavy skillet.
2. Brown beef and onion in butter.
3. Mix soup and milk.
4. Add soup to skillet.
5. Heat; stirring often.
6. Serve on hot toast.
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-14 01:52:01
## Chef's notes
Garnish with chopped green onions, mushrooms, or serve with a side of carrots for variety.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 2 cans condensed beef broth
- 2 soup cans of water
- ½ bay leaf
- 1 egg
## Directions
1. Add soup, water, and bay leaf in pot.
2. Bring soup to boil, reduce heat
3. Simmer 5 minutes
4. Remove bay leaf and discard.
5. Beat egg slightly.
6. Pour thin stream of egg into soup while stirring.
7. Salt and pepper to taste.
8. Serve with toast.
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-14 01:15:00
## Chef's notes
Serve with a breakfast meat, and toast.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 2 TBSP butter, melted
- 1 can (10.5 ounce) condensed Cheddar cheese, cream of celery, chicken, or mushroom soup
- 8 eggs
- Pepper to taste
## Directions
1. Melt butter in heavy skillet.
2. Mix in soup, eggs and pepper in bowl or measuring cup.
3. Add soup to skillet.
4. Cook over low heat until eggs are set, stirring gently.
@ 18bdb66e:82eb5e5d
2024-10-14 01:12:56
## Chef's notes
Crack one egg at a time into small bowl, then ease into soup mixture before cracking the next egg. Use a slotted spoon to remove egg from soup mixture.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 10 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 3
## Ingredients
- 2 TBSP butter
- 1 can (10.5 ounce) condensed cream of celery, chicken, or mushroom soup
- ½ cup milk
- 6 eggs
- 3 English muffins (split, toasted, buttered)
## Directions
1. Melt butter in heavy skillet.
2. Mix in soup and milk in bowl or measuring cup.
3. Add soup to skillet, heat to boiling
4. Gently ease eggs into soup mixture.
5. Reduce to simmer. Cook over low heat until whites are firm.
6. Place one egg each on a muffin half.
7. Spoon soup mixture over egg and muffin.
@ e7211c22:e87afeee
2024-10-12 02:46:09
## Chef's notes
If you do one thing to improve your health in the kitchen, ditch the industrial seed oils and make your own mayonnaise. Make sure to use virgin coconut oil and extra virgin olive oil, not light or refined olive oil. That being said, use extra virgin olive oil from a lighter tasting olive variety, such as Arbequina, or mayonnaise will have a strong olive oil taste. Where do you get extra virgin olive oil from you may ask? Ugly olives, of course. The addition of yogurt and whey greatly extend the shelf life of your mayonnaise from 1-2 weeks to 1-2 months in the refrigerator, while adding beneficial probiotics. To spice up you mayonnaise, see end of directions.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 0 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: lots
## Ingredients
- 1 whole egg
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 Tbsp Grey Poupon
- 1 Tbsp lemon juice
- 1/2 tsp salt
- dash white pepper
- 1/2 cup virgin coconut oil, warmed to liquid
- 1/2 cup extra virgin olive oil, from a lighter tasting olive variety, such as Arbequina
- 1 Tbsp plain yogurt
- 1 Tbsp whey
## Directions
1. Mix first six ingredients in a bowl with an immersion blender or food processor.
2. Combine oils in pourable measuring cup.
3. Slowly, drip by drip, begin to add oil to first six ingredients while running immersion blender or food processor. If oil is added too quickly at first, emulsification will not occur and mayonnaise will be ruined.
4. Continue adding oil to first six ingredients drip by drip, increasing to slow drizzle, then thin stream, then steady stream. Take breaks pouring oil if necessary to completely blend in oils.
5. Add yogurt and whey. Refrigerate.
6. To spice up your mayonnaise: Sriracha mayonnaise - with first six ingredients add 1 clove garlic, mashed, 2 Tbsp sriracha, 2 Tbsp lime juice, and an additional 1/4 tsp salt. Chipotle lime mayonnaise - replace 1 Tbsp lemon juice with 1 Tbsp lime juice, with first six ingredients add 1 clove garlic, mashed, 1/4-1/2 can chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, 2 limes juiced and zested, and an additional 1/4 tsp salt.