@ 0fa80bd3:ea7325de
2025-01-30 04:28:30
**"Degeneration"** or **"Вырождение"**
![[photo_2025-01-29 23.23.15.jpeg]]
A once-functional object, now eroded by time and human intervention, stripped of its original purpose. Layers of presence accumulate—marks, alterations, traces of intent—until the very essence is obscured. Restoration is paradoxical: to reclaim, one must erase. Yet erasure is an impossibility, for to remove these imprints is to deny the existence of those who shaped them.
The work stands as a meditation on entropy, memory, and the irreversible dialogue between creation and decay.
@ 9f3eba58:fa185499
2025-01-29 20:27:09
Humanity as a whole has been degrading over the years, with average IQ decreasing, bone structures generally becoming poorly formed and fragile, average height decreasing, hormone levels ridiculously low and having various metabolic and mental illnesses becoming “normal”.
“*By 2024, more than 800 million adults were living with diabetes, representing a more than fourfold increase since 1990*”
“\*\**1 in 3 people suffer from insulin resistance and can cause depression*” (\*\*https://olhardigital.com.br/2021/09/24/medicina-e-saude/1-em-cada-3-pessoas-sofre-de-resistencia-a-insulina-e-pode-causar-depressao/)
“*More than 1.3 billion people will have diabetes in the world by 2050*” (https://veja.abril.com.br/saude/mais-de-13-bilhao-de-pessoas-terao-diabetes-no-mundo-ate-2050)
“*A new study released by Lancet, with data from 2022, shows that more than a billion people live with obesity in the world*” (https://www.paho.org/pt/noticias/1-3-2024-uma-em-cada-oito-pessoas-no-mundo-vive-com-obesidade)
All this due to a single factor: diet. I’m not referring to a diet full of processed foods, as this has already been proven to destroy the health of those who eat it. I’m referring to the modern diet, with carbohydrates (from any source, even from fruit) being the main macronutrient, little animal protein and practically no saturated fat of animal origin. This diet implementation has been systematically occurring for decades. Sugar conglomerates seeking profits? Government institutions (after all, they need voters to be stupid and vote for them), evil spiritual interference wanting to destroy or distort their path? I don’t know, I’ll leave the conspiracy theories to you!
The modern diet or diet is extremely inflammatory, and inflammation over a long period of time leads to autoimmune diseases such as diabetes and Hashimoto’s.
Absolutely any food in the plant kingdom will harm you, no matter how asymptomatic it may be. Plants are living beings and do not want to die and be eaten. To defend themselves from this, they did not evolve legs like animals. They specifically developed chemical mechanisms such as *oxalates, phytoalexins, glucosinolates, polyphenols, antinutrients* and many others that act to repel anything that wants to eat them, being fatal (as in the case of mushrooms), causing discomfort and the animal or insect discovering that the plant is not edible, releasing unpleasant smells or, in many cases, a combination of these factors. Not to mention genetically modified foods (almost the entire plant kingdom is genetically modified) that work as a steroid for the plants' defenses. - Lack of focus
- Poor decision-making
- Difficulty in establishing and maintaining relationships
- Difficulty getting pregnant and difficult pregnancy
- Low testosterone (medical reference values are low)
- Alzheimer's
- Diabetes
- Dementia
- Chances of developing autism when mothers do not eat meat and fat properly during pregnancy
- Worsening of the degree of autism when the child does not eat meat and fat (food selectivity)
- Insomnia and other sleep problems
- Lack of energy
- Poorly formed and fragile bone structure
- Lack of willpower
- Depression
Not having full physical and mental capacity harms you in many different ways, these are just a few examples that not only directly impact one person but everyone else around them.
Fortunately, there is an alternative to break out of this cycle of destruction, ***Carnivore Diet***.
I am not here to recommend a diet, eating plan or cure for your health problems, nor can I do so, as I am not a doctor (most doctors don't even know where the pancreas is, a mechanic is more useful in your life than a doctor, but that is a topic for another text.).
I came to present you with logic and facts in a very simplified way, from there you can do your own research and decide what is best for you.
## Defining the carnivore diet
Simply put, the carnivore diet is an elimination diet, where carbohydrates (including fruits), vegetable fats (soy, canola, cotton, peanuts, etc.), processed products and any type of plant, be it spices or teas, are completely removed.
### What is allowed on the carnivore diet?
- Animal protein
- Beef, preferably fatty cuts (including offal, liver, heart, kidneys, these cuts have more vitamins than anything else in the world)
- Lamb
- Eggs
- Fish and seafood
- Animal fat
- Butter
- Beef fat and tallow
- Salt
- No... salt does not cause high blood pressure. (explained later about salt and high consumption of saturated fats)
From now on I will list some facts that disprove the false accusations made against \*\*eating exclusively meat and fat.
# “Human beings are omnivores”
*“Our ancestors were gatherers and hunters*"
To determine the proportion of animal foods in our ancestors’ diets, we can look at the amount of δ15 nitrogen in their fossils. By looking at levels of this isotope, researchers can infer where animals reside in the food chain, identifying their protein sources. Herbivores typically have δ15N levels of 3–7 percent, carnivores show levels of 6–12 percent, and omnivores exhibit levels in between. When samples from Neanderthals and early modern humans were analyzed, they showed levels of 12 percent and 13.5 percent, respectively, even higher than those of other known carnivores, such as hyenas and wolves. And from an energy efficiency standpoint, hunting large animals makes the most sense. Gathering plants and chasing small animals provides far fewer calories and nutrients relative to the energy invested. In more recently studied indigenous peoples, we have observed a similar pattern that clearly indicates a preference for animal foods over plant foods. For example, in Vilhjalmur Stefansson’s studies of the Eskimos.
*“…fat, not protein, seemed to play a very important role in hunters’ decisions about which animals (male or female) to kill and which body parts to discard or carry away.”*
Why were our ancestors and more recent indigenous peoples so interested in finding fat? At a very basic level, it was probably about calories. By weight, fat provides more than twice as many calories as protein or carbohydrates. Furthermore, human metabolism makes fat an exceptionally valuable and necessary food. If we think of ourselves as automobiles that need fuel for our metabolic engines, we should not put protein in our gas tank. For best results, our metabolic engine runs most efficiently on fat or carbohydrates.
Eating animal foods has been a vital part of our evolution since the beginning. Katherine Milton, a researcher at UC Berkeley, came to the same conclusion in her paper “The Critical Role Played by Animal Source Foods in Human Evolution,” which states:
“Without routine access to animal-source foods, it is highly unlikely that evolving humans could have achieved their unusually large and complex brains while simultaneously continuing their evolutionary trajectory as large, active, and highly social primates. As human evolution progressed, young children in particular, with their rapidly expanding large brains and higher metabolic and nutritional demands relative to adults, would have benefited from concentrated, high-quality foods such as meat." - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/14672286/
Skeletons from Greece and Turkey reveal that 12,000 years ago, the average height of hunter-gatherers was five feet, nine inches for men and five feet, five inches for women. But with the adoption of agriculture, adult height plummeted—ending any hope these poor herders had of dunking a basketball or playing competitive volleyball, if such sports had existed at the time. By 3000 B.C., men in this region of the world were only five feet, three inches tall, and women were five feet, reflecting a massive decline in their overall nutritional status. Many studies in diverse populations show a strong correlation between adult height and nutritional quality. A study analyzing male height in 105 countries came to the following conclusion:
“In taller nations…consumption of plant proteins declines sharply at the expense of animal proteins, especially those from dairy products. Its highest consumption rates can be found in Northern and Central Europe, with the global peak in male height in the Netherlands (184 cm).”
In addition to the decline in height, there is also evidence that Native Americans buried at Dickson Mounds suffered from increased bacterial infections. These infections leave scars on the outer surface of the bone, known as the periosteum, with the tibia being especially susceptible to such damage due to its limited blood flow. Examination of tibias from skeletons found in the mounds shows that after agriculture, the number of such periosteal lesions increased threefold, with a staggering eighty-four percent of bones from this period demonstrating this pathology. The lesions also tended to be more severe and to appear earlier in life in the bones of post-agricultural peoples.
# Cholesterol
Many “doctors” say that consuming saturated fat is harmful to your health, “your veins and arteries will clog with excess fat” “you will have a heart attack if you consume a lot of fat" and many other nonsense, and in exchange recommends that you replace fatty cuts of meat with lean meat and do everything with vegetable oil that causes cancer and makes men effeminate.
Your brain is basically composed of fat and water, your neurons are made and repaired with fat, your cells, the basic unit of life, are composed of fat and protein, many of your hormones, especially sexual ones, are made from fat, there is no logical reason not to consume saturated fat other than several false "scientific articles".
"The power plant of the cell is the mitochondria, which converts what we eat into energy. Ketones are an energy source derived from fat. Mitochondria prefer fat as energy (ketones) because transforming ketones into energy costs the mitochondria half the effort of using sugar (glucose) for energy." - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28178565/
"With the help of saturated fats, calcium is properly stored in our bones. The interaction between calcium, vitamin D, and parathyroid hormone regulates calcium levels in the body. When there are calcium imbalances in the blood, our bones release calcium into the blood to find homeostasis." - https://www.healthpedian.org/the-role-of-calcium-in-the-human-body/
"The body needs cholesterol to support muscle repair and other cellular functions. This is why when there is cardiovascular disease, we see increased amounts of cholesterol in the area. Cholesterol is not there causing the problem, but the boat carrying fat was docked there for cholesterol and other nutrients to help fight the problem. Plaque is the body's attempt to deal with injury within the blood vessels." - *National Library of Medicine, “Cholesterol,” 2019*
"Initially, the Plaque helps blood vessels stay strong and helps the vessels maintain their shape. But with the perpetual cycle of uncontrolled inflammation and leftover debris from cellular repair (cholesterol), over time plaque begins to grow and harden, reducing blood flow and oxygen to the heart. Both inflammation and repair require copious amounts of cholesterol and fats. So the body keeps sending these fatty substances to the site of the plaque — until either repair wins (plaque becomes sclerotic scars in the heart muscle, causing heart failure) or inflammation wins (atherosclerotic heart attack)" - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21250192/
Inflammation in Atherosclerotic Cardiovascular Disease - https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21250192/
"Study finds that eating refined carbohydrates led to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease and obesity" - https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC5793267/
# “Meat causes cancer”
Most of the misconceptions that red meat causes cancer come from a report by the World Health Organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), which was released in 2015. Unfortunately, this report has been widely misrepresented by the mainstream media and is based on some very questionable interpretations of the science it claims to review.
A closer look at a 2018 report on its findings reveals that only 14 of the 800 studies were considered in its final conclusions—and every single study was observational epidemiology. Why the other 786 were excluded remains a mystery, and this group included many interventional animal studies that clearly did not show a link between red meat and cancer. Of the fourteen epidemiological studies that were included in the IARC report, eight showed no link between meat consumption and the development of colon cancer. Of the remaining six studies, only one showed a statistically significant correlation between meat and cancer.
In epidemiological research, one looks for correlation between two things and the strength of the correlation. Having just one study out of 800 that shows meat causes cancer is a mere fluke and becomes statistically insignificant.
Interestingly, this was a study by Seventh-day Adventists in America — a religious group that advocates a plant-based diet.
# Microbiota and Fiber
I have seen several people and “doctors” saying that eating only meat would destroy your microbiota. And I have come to the conclusion that neither “doctors” nor most people know what a microbiota is.
Microbiota is the set of several types of bacteria (millions) that exist in your stomach with the function of breaking down molecules of certain types of food that the body itself cannot get, fiber for example. Many times through the process of fermentation, which is why you have gas after eating your beloved oatmeal.
People unconsciously believe that the microbiota is something fixed and unchangeable, but guess what… it is not.
Your microbiota is determined by what you eat. If you love eating oatmeal, your microbiota will have a specific set of bacteria that can break down the oat molecule into a size that the body can absorb.
If you follow a carnivorous diet, your microbiota will adapt to digest meat.
### Fiber
Nutritional guidelines recommend large amounts of fiber in our diet, but what they don't tell you is that we only absorb around 6% of all the vegetable fiber we eat. In other words, it's insignificant!
Another argument used by doctors and nutritionists is that it helps you go to the bathroom, but this is also a lie. Fiber doesn't help you evacuate, it forces you to do so. With the huge amount of undigestible food in your stomach (fiber), the intestine begins to force contractions, making this fecal matter go down, making you go to the bathroom.
They also raise the argument that fibers are broken down into short-chain fatty acids, such as butyrate (butyric acid), propionate (propionic acid) and acetate (acetic acid). Butyrate is essential because it is the preferred fuel source for the endothelial cells of the large intestine.
Butter, cream, and cheese contain butyrate in its absorbable form. Butter is the best source of butyric acid, or butyrate. In fact, the origins of the word butyric acid come from the Latin word *butyro*—the same origins as the word butter.
“In 2012, a study in the Journal of Gastroenterology showed that reducing fiber (a precursor to short-chain fatty acids) helped participants with chronic constipation. The study lasted six months, and after two weeks without fiber, these participants were allowed to increase fiber as needed. These participants felt so much relief after two weeks without fiber that they continued without fiber for the entire six-month period. Of the high-fiber, low-fiber, and no-fiber groups, the zero-fiber participants had the highest bowel movement frequency.” - https://pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/articles/PMC3435786/
### Bioavailability
I said that our body can only absorb 6% of all the fiber we ingest. This is bioavailability, how much the body can absorb nutrients from a given food.
Meat is the most bioavailable food on the planet!
Grains and vegetables are not only not very bioavailable, but they also contain a huge amount of antinutrients. So if you eat a steak with some beans, you will not be able to absorb the nutrients from the beans, and the antinutrients in them will make it impossible to absorb a large amount of nutrients from the steak. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/23107545/
# Lack of nutrients and antioxidants in a carnivorous diet
A major concern with the carnivorous diet is the lack of vitamin C, which would consequently lead to scurvy.
Vitamin C plays an important role in the breakdown and transport of glucose into cells. In 2000 and 2001, the recommended daily intake of vitamin C effectively doubled. In fact, every 10 to 15 years, there has been a large increase in the recommended daily intake of vitamin C, as happened in 1974 and 1989. Interestingly, also in 1974, sugar prices became so high that high fructose corn syrup was introduced into the US market. Could the increase in readily available glucose foods and foods with high fructose corn syrup be a reason why we need more vitamin C? The question remains…. But this is not a cause for concern for the carnivore, liver is rich in vitamin C. You could easily reach the daily recommendation with liver or any cut of steak. 200-300g of steak already meets your needs and if the theory that the more sugar you eat, the more vitamin C you will get is true, then the more sugar you will eat is true. C is necessary if true, you could easily exceed the daily requirement.
Meat and seafood are rich in ALL the nutrients that humans need to thrive.
### Antioxidants
It is commonly said that fruits are rich in antioxidants but again this is a hoax, they are actually PRO-oxidants. These are substances that activate the mRF2 pathway of our immune system which causes the body to produce natural antioxidants.
The body produces antioxidants, but many occur naturally in foods, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium and Manganese are all natural antioxidants.
High concentrations of antioxidants can be harmful. Remember that high concentrations of antioxidants can increase oxidation and even protect against cancer cells.
# Salt
Consuming too much salt does not increase blood pressure and therefore increases the risk of heart disease and stroke. Studies show no evidence that limiting salt intake reduces the risk of heart disease.
A 2011 study found that diets low in salt may actually increase the risk of death from heart attacks and strokes. Most importantly, they do not prevent high blood pressure. https://www.nytimes.com/2011/05/04/health/research/04salt.html
# Sun
This is not a dietary issue specifically, but there are things that can I would like to present that is against common sense when talking about the sun.
It is common sense to say that the sun causes skin cancer and that we should not expose ourselves to it or, if we are exposed to the sun, use sunscreen, but no study proves that using sunscreen protects us from melanoma and basal cell carcinoma. The types of fatal melanomas usually occur in areas of the body that never see the sun, such as the soles of the feet.
In 1978, the first sunscreen was launched, and the market grew rapidly, along with cases of melanoma.
Several studies show that sunscreens cause leaky gut (one of the main factors in chronic inflammation), hormonal dysfunction and neurological dysfunction.
If your concern when going out in the sun is skin cancer, don't worry, your own body's natural antioxidants will protect you. When they can no longer protect you, your skin starts to burn. (If you have to stay in the sun for work, for example, a good way to protect yourself is to rub coconut oil on your skin or just cover yourself with a few extra layers of thin clothing and a hat).
Sunscreen gives you the false sense of protection by blocking the sunburn, so you stay out longer than your skin can handle, but sunscreens can only block 4% of UVA and UVB rays.
Interestingly, vitamin D deficiency is linked to increased cancer risks. It's a big contradiction to say that the greatest provider of vit. D causes cancer…
Important roles of vitamin D:
- **Regulation of Bone Metabolism**
- Facilitates the **absorption of calcium and phosphorus** in the intestine.
- Promotes bone mineralization and prevents diseases such as **osteoporosis**, **rickets** (in children) and **osteomalacia** (in adults).
- **Immune Function**
- Modulates the immune system, helping to reduce inflammation and strengthen the defense against infections, including **colds**, **flu** and other diseases.
- May help reduce the incidence of autoimmune diseases such as **multiple sclerosis** and **rheumatoid arthritis**. - **Muscle Health**
- Contributes to muscle strength and the prevention of weakness, especially in the elderly.
- Reduces the risk of falls and fractures.
- **Cardiovascular Function**
- May help regulate blood pressure and heart function, reducing the risk of cardiovascular disease.
- **Hormonal Balance**
- Influences the production of hormones, including those associated with fertility and the functioning of the endocrine system.
- Plays a role in insulin metabolism and glucose sensitivity.
- **Brain Function and Mental Health**
- Participates in mood regulation, which may reduce the risk of **depression** and improve mental health.
- Has been associated with the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases, such as **Alzheimer's**.
- **Anticancer Role**
- Evidence suggests that vitamin D may inhibit the proliferation of cancer cells, especially in breast, prostate and colon cancers. - **Role in General Metabolism**
- Contributes to metabolic health, regulating cellular growth and repair processes.
I tried to present everything in the simplest and most understandable way possible, but there are things that require prior knowledge to truly understand. Below is a list of books that will show you everything I have shown you in a more technical and in-depth way.
### Book Recommendations
All of my arguments have studies to validate them. Feel free to read them all and draw your own conclusions about what is best for you and your life.
@ 0fa80bd3:ea7325de
2025-01-29 15:43:42
Lyn Alden - биткойн евангелист или евангелистка, я пока не понял
Thomas Pacchia - PubKey owner - X - @tpacchia
calvadev - Shopstr
Calle - Cashu founder
Джек Дорси
21 ideas
Много адресов. Хз кто надо сортировать
ФиатДжеф - создатель Ностр - https://github.com/fiatjaf
Программер Коди https://github.com/CodyTseng/nostr-relay
Anna Chekhovich - Managing Bitcoin at The Anti-Corruption Foundation
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-29 15:27:17
In an unprecedented development in the realm of digital currencies, the Bitcoin network has achieved a groundbreaking milestone: the count of blockchain addresses possessing over $1,000 in Bitcoin has eclipsed 8 million. This landmark achievement is not just a numerical feat but a testament to the burgeoning confidence and interest in Bitcoin as a viable financial asset. It marks a pivotal shift in the cryptocurrency's journey from a digital novelty to a mainstream financial instrument, capturing the attention of a diverse range of investors, from individual enthusiasts to institutional players. This surge in Bitcoin addresses is a strong indicator of the cryptocurrency's increasing acceptance and its evolving role in reshaping the global financial landscape.
**Table Of Content**
- The Surge in Bitcoin Addresses
- Implications of Growing Bitcoin Addresses
- Bitcoin’s Monetization and Market Dynamics
- Bitcoin's Recent Performance and Market Sentiment
- The Future Outlook of Bitcoin and Digital Currencies
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**The Surge in Bitcoin Addresses**
Recent analytical data provided by Blockware Solutions and Glassnode paints a vivid picture of Bitcoin's rapidly expanding footprint in the digital asset space. The remarkable escalation to over 8 million Bitcoin addresses holding a value exceeding $1,000 each is more than just a statistical anomaly. It represents a collective movement, a growing wave of global participants who are now engaging with Bitcoin either as an investment, a transactional currency, or as a hedge against traditional financial systems. This increase is a reflection of Bitcoin's rising appeal and its growing integration into various financial strategies, transcending traditional market barriers and establishing itself as a significant player in the realm of investment options.
**Implications of Growing Bitcoin Addresses**
The surge in Bitcoin addresses bearing over $1,000 of Bitcoin is far more than a mere statistic; it is an indicator of a paradigm shift in the global financial landscape. This growth signifies not only an increasing embrace of Bitcoin by individual investors but also a broader, more systemic integration into the financial strategies of diverse entities, ranging from small-scale investors to large financial institutions. This trend suggests a growing recognition of Bitcoin's potential as a stable and lucrative asset, challenging traditional perceptions of currency and investment. It heralds a new era where digital assets are increasingly viewed as credible and essential components of diversified investment portfolios.
**Bitcoin’s Monetization and Market Dynamics**
The concept of monetization in the context of Bitcoin has taken on a significant role in this new era of digital finance. The rising number of valuable Bitcoin addresses signals a shift towards viewing Bitcoin not just as a digital token, but as a potent financial asset capable of generating revenue and sustaining value. This notion of monetization, theorized by financial analysts, is becoming a tangible reality as more entities begin to realize the income-generating potential of Bitcoin. Blockware's insights suggest that the trajectory of Bitcoin is not only upwards in terms of value but also expansive, with the potential to attract even more investors seeking to capitalize on this digital gold rush.
**Bitcoin's Recent Performance and Market Sentiment**
Bitcoin's performance in the financial market has recently been nothing short of stellar, with a noticeable upsurge in its value. A significant factor contributing to this trend is the anticipation surrounding the potential approval of Bitcoin exchange-traded funds by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. This speculation has created a ripple effect, invigorating investor sentiment and catalyzing robust activity among large-scale Bitcoin holders, colloquially known as 'whales.' These movements underscore a growing optimism in the market about Bitcoin's legitimacy and potential as a mainstream financial instrument, further cementing its role as a pivotal player in the global economic arena.
**The Future Outlook of Bitcoin and Digital Currencies**
As we witness the remarkable growth in Bitcoin's popularity and acceptance, it's imperative to look ahead and consider the future trajectory of this leading cryptocurrency and its counterparts. This section would delve into the potential long-term implications of the current trends in Bitcoin ownership. It would explore various scenarios, from the continued mainstreaming of Bitcoin to its potential challenges, including regulatory developments and market volatility. Additionally, the potential impact of emerging technologies within the blockchain sphere and their influence on the usability and security of Bitcoin would be examined. The aim is to provide an informed speculation on how Bitcoin's current ascendance might shape not just its own future but also the broader landscape of digital currencies and their role in the evolving global economy.
The milestone of 8 million Bitcoin addresses holding over $1,000 each is more than just a landmark in the cryptocurrency's history; it is a harbinger of the evolving role of digital currencies in the global economy. This development is not merely about the appreciation in Bitcoin's value; it signifies a broader shift in the perception and utilization of digital assets. As Bitcoin continues to embed itself into the fabric of global finance, its influence and implications for the future of money and investments are profound, potentially reshaping the financial landscape in ways that are only beginning to be understood.
**How many Bitcoin addresses now hold over {{text}},000?**
Over 8 million Bitcoin addresses currently hold more than $1,000 in Bitcoin.
**What does the increase in Bitcoin addresses indicate?**
The increase indicates growing confidence in Bitcoin as a viable financial asset and its broader acceptance globally.
**How has Bitcoin's recent market performance been?**
Bitcoin has shown a significant gain, nearly 25% in recent weeks, influenced by optimistic market sentiments.
**What impact could the approval of Bitcoin ETFs have?**
The approval of Bitcoin ETFs by the U.S. SEC could further boost investor confidence and increase Bitcoin's market activity.
**What is the future outlook for Bitcoin and digital currencies?**
The future outlook includes continued mainstream adoption, evolving regulatory landscapes, and potential technological advancements impacting Bitcoin's usability and security.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 0fa80bd3:ea7325de
2025-01-29 14:44:48
1️⃣ Be where the bear roams. Stay in its territory, where it hunts for food. No point setting a trap in your backyard if the bear’s chilling in the forest.
2️⃣ Set a well-hidden trap. Bury it, disguise it, and place the bait right in the center. Bears are omnivores—just like secret police KGB agents. And what’s the tastiest bait for them? Money.
3️⃣ Wait for the bear to take the bait. When it reaches in, the trap will snap shut around its paw. It’ll be alive, but stuck. No escape.
Now, what you do with a trapped bear is another question... 😏
@ 0fa80bd3:ea7325de
2025-01-29 05:55:02
The land that belongs to the indigenous peoples of Russia has been seized by a gang of killers who have unleashed a war of extermination. They wipe out anyone who refuses to conform to their rules. Those who disagree and stay behind are tortured and killed in prisons and labor camps. Those who flee lose their homeland, dissolve into foreign cultures, and fade away. And those who stand up to protect their people are attacked by the misled and deceived. The deceived die for the unchecked greed of a single dictator—thousands from both sides, people who just wanted to live, raise their kids, and build a future.
Now, they are forced to make an impossible choice: abandon their homeland or die. Some perish on the battlefield, others lose themselves in exile, stripped of their identity, scattered in a world that isn’t theirs.
There’s been endless debate about how to fix this, how to clear the field of the weeds that choke out every new sprout, every attempt at change. But the real problem? We can’t play by their rules. We can’t speak their language or use their weapons. We stand for humanity, and no matter how righteous our cause, we will not multiply suffering. Victory doesn’t come from matching the enemy—it comes from staying ahead, from using tools they haven’t mastered yet. That’s how wars are won.
Our only resource is the **will of the people** to rewrite the order of things. Historian Timothy Snyder once said that a nation cannot exist without a city. A city is where the most active part of a nation thrives. But the cities are occupied. The streets are watched. Gatherings are impossible. They control the money. They control the mail. They control the media. And any dissent is crushed before it can take root.
So I started asking myself: **How do we stop this fragmentation?** How do we create a space where people can **rebuild their connections** when they’re ready? How do we build a **self-sustaining network**, where everyone contributes and benefits proportionally, while keeping their freedom to leave intact? And more importantly—**how do we make it spread, even in occupied territory?**
In 2009, something historic happened: **the internet got its own money.** Thanks to **Satoshi Nakamoto**, the world took a massive leap forward. Bitcoin and decentralized ledgers shattered the idea that money must be controlled by the state. Now, to move or store value, all you need is an address and a key. A tiny string of text, easy to carry, impossible to seize.
That was the year money broke free. The state lost its grip. Its biggest weapon—physical currency—became irrelevant. Money became **purely digital.**
The internet was already **a sanctuary for information**, a place where people could connect and organize. But with Bitcoin, it evolved. Now, **value itself** could flow freely, beyond the reach of authorities.
Think about it: when seedlings are grown in controlled environments before being planted outside, they **get stronger, survive longer, and bear fruit faster.** That’s how we handle crops in harsh climates—nurture them until they’re ready for the wild.
Now, picture the internet as that **controlled environment** for **ideas**. Bitcoin? It’s the **fertile soil** that lets them grow. A testing ground for new models of interaction, where concepts can take root before they move into the real world. If **nation-states are a battlefield, locked in a brutal war for territory, the internet is boundless.** It can absorb any number of ideas, any number of people, and it doesn’t **run out of space.**
But for this ecosystem to thrive, people need safe ways to communicate, to share ideas, to build something real—**without surveillance, without censorship, without the constant fear of being erased.**
This is where **Nostr** comes in.
Nostr—"Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays"—is more than just a messaging protocol. **It’s a new kind of city.** One that **no dictator can seize**, no corporation can own, no government can shut down.
It’s built on **decentralization, encryption, and individual control.** Messages don’t pass through central servers—they are relayed through independent nodes, and users choose which ones to trust. There’s no master switch to shut it all down. Every person owns their identity, their data, their connections. And no one—no state, no tech giant, no algorithm—can silence them.
In a world where cities fall and governments fail, **Nostr is a city that cannot be occupied.** A place for ideas, for networks, for freedom. A city that grows stronger **the more people build within it**.
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-28 15:17:03
In the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin stands as a pioneering force, a digital currency that has revolutionized the concept of money. Central to its operation and success is a term often heard but not always fully understood: the Bitcoin hashrate. This metric is much more than a technical jargon; it's the heartbeat of the Bitcoin network, powering its transactions, securing its blockchain, and influencing its standing in the market. In this exploration, we delve into the depths of the Bitcoin hashrate, unraveling its complexities and revealing its profound impact on the cryptocurrency market. The hashrate is a window into the soul of Bitcoin, offering insights into its health, efficiency, and future potential. It's a story that intertwines technology, economics, and community, painting a vivid picture of Bitcoin's place in the digital age.
**Table Of Content**
- Understanding Bitcoin Hashrate
- The Role of Hashrate in Network Security
- Hashrate and Decentralization
- Economic Implications for Miners
- Impact on Bitcoin's Market Value
- The Future of Bitcoin's Hashrate
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**Understanding Bitcoin Hashrate**
The Bitcoin hashrate is the powerhouse of the Bitcoin network, a measure of the collective computational effort used to mine and process transactions. It's akin to the horsepower of an engine, driving the network forward. Each hash is a solution to a cryptographic puzzle, and the hashrate signifies the speed at which these puzzles are solved. As Bitcoin's popularity soars, so does the hashrate, reflecting an ever-increasing number of miners vying to validate transactions and create new blocks. This growth is not just a testament to Bitcoin's popularity but also a marker of its robustness and resilience in the face of challenges. The hashrate is a dynamic indicator, fluctuating with the ebb and flow of the network's activity, mirroring the collective effort of thousands of miners around the globe. It's a testament to the decentralized nature of Bitcoin, where no single entity controls the network, but rather a collective effort secures it.
**The Role of Hashrate in Network Security**
Bitcoin's security is its cornerstone, and the hashrate is its shield. In the realm of digital currencies, security threats like the 51% attack loom large, where an entity could potentially take control of the network. However, a high hashrate acts as a formidable barrier, making such attacks not just difficult but economically unfeasible. It's a game of numbers; the higher the hashrate, the more distributed the computational power, and the safer the network. This security is not static but a dynamic force that evolves with the network's growth, adapting to new challenges and fortifying Bitcoin's position as a secure digital asset. The hashrate is a beacon of trust, assuring users and investors alike that the network is robust and resistant to manipulation. It's a critical factor in maintaining the integrity of the blockchain, ensuring that transactions are processed securely and reliably.
**Hashrate and Decentralization**
Decentralization is the soul of Bitcoin, and the hashrate is a reflection of this principle. A decentralized network is less prone to manipulation and control by any single entity, and a high hashrate is indicative of a broad, diverse miner base. This diversity is not just a matter of numbers but a testament to the egalitarian ethos of Bitcoin, where anyone, anywhere, can contribute to the network's upkeep. As the hashrate grows, it weaves a stronger web of participants, each adding to the network's resilience and ensuring its democratic nature. The hashrate is a symbol of the power of the collective, a force that transcends geographical and political boundaries, uniting people under the banner of a decentralized financial system. It's a testament to the vision of Bitcoin's creators, a network that is not just secure and efficient but also open and inclusive.
**Economic Implications for Miners**
For miners, the hashrate is a beacon guiding their economic journey. It's a delicate balance of power, cost, and reward. As the hashrate climbs, so does the difficulty of mining, a self-regulating mechanism ensuring the network's stability. Miners must constantly adapt, balancing the costs of advanced hardware and energy against the potential rewards of new Bitcoins and transaction fees. This ever-shifting landscape is not just a challenge but an opportunity for innovation, driving miners to seek more efficient and sustainable ways to contribute to the network. The hashrate is a measure of opportunity and challenge, a dance of economics and technology where miners play a crucial role. It's a dynamic ecosystem where the fittest survive, adapting to the ever-changing landscape of Bitcoin mining.
**Impact on Bitcoin's Market Value**
The hashrate's influence extends beyond the technical realm into the market. While it doesn't directly dictate Bitcoin's price, it's a barometer of network health and investor confidence. A robust hashrate signals a thriving, secure network, attracting investors and bolstering Bitcoin's market position. It's a subtle yet powerful force, shaping perceptions and influencing decisions in the cryptocurrency market. As Bitcoin continues to evolve, the hashrate stands as a key indicator of its vitality and appeal to the market. The hashrate and market value are intertwined in a complex dance, where the health of the network reflects and influences investor sentiment. It's a symbiotic relationship, where each aspect feeds into and strengthens the other.
**The Future of Bitcoin's Hashrate**
As we look to the future, the Bitcoin hashrate remains a critical aspect of the cryptocurrency's journey. It's not just a measure of computational power but a symbol of the network's evolution, a testament to its strength and a predictor of its potential. The hashrate's trajectory mirrors Bitcoin's own path: ever upward, facing challenges, adapting, and growing stronger. It's a journey not just of technology but of community, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of a decentralized financial future. The hashrate is a narrative of progress, a story of how a decentralized network can grow, adapt, and thrive in the ever-changing landscape of digital currencies. It's a beacon of hope and a testament to the power of collective effort in shaping the future of finance.
The Bitcoin hashrate is more than a technical metric; it's the lifeblood of the Bitcoin ecosystem. It encapsulates the network's security, decentralization, economic dynamics, and market influence. As Bitcoin continues to navigate the complex landscape of digital currencies, its hashrate will remain a key indicator of its health and success. It's a story of collective effort, technological innovation, and the relentless pursuit of a decentralized, secure financial future. The hashrate is not just a number; it's the pulse of Bitcoin, beating strongly as it leads the charge in the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies. It's a symbol of resilience, a testament to the enduring power of a decentralized network, and a beacon of hope for a future where financial systems are open, secure, and accessible to all.
**What is Bitcoin hashrate?**
The Bitcoin hashrate is the total computational power used to mine and process transactions on the Bitcoin network, measured in hashes per second.
**Why is the Bitcoin hashrate important?**
It's crucial for network security, indicating the difficulty of performing a 51% attack, and reflects the network's decentralization and health.
**How does the hashrate affect Bitcoin miners?**
A higher hashrate increases the difficulty of mining, impacting the profitability and efficiency of mining operations.
**Does the Bitcoin hashrate influence its market value?**
While not directly affecting the price, a strong hashrate can boost investor confidence, potentially influencing Bitcoin's market value.
**Can the Bitcoin hashrate predict the future of the cryptocurrency?**
The hashrate is a key indicator of Bitcoin's health and can provide insights into its future potential and stability.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
**X: [@croxroadnews.co](https://x.com/croxroadnewsco)**
**Instagram: [@croxroadnews.co](https://www.instagram.com/croxroadnews.co/)**
**Youtube: [@croxroadnews](https://www.youtube.com/@croxroadnews)**
**Store: https://croxroad.store**
**Subscribe to CROX ROAD Bitcoin Only Daily Newsletter**
*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-27 12:51:47
In the contemporary financial world, Cathie Wood, the founder of ARK Invest, stands out for her innovative investment approaches. Recently, Wood has focused on Bitcoin (BTC), highlighting its potential as a hedge against both inflationary and deflationary economic conditions. This article delves into Wood's perspective, exploring Bitcoin's evolving role in the global financial landscape. We examine its multifaceted nature, not just as a digital currency, but as a strategic asset capable of navigating the complex dynamics of the modern economy. Wood's insights offer a nuanced understanding of Bitcoin's potential in offering stability amidst economic uncertainties.
**Table Of Content**
- Bitcoin's Hedge Potential
- Decentralization: A Key Advantage
- The Banking Crisis and Bitcoin
- Bitcoin vs. Gold
- Institutional Involvement
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**Bitcoin's Hedge Potential**
Cathie Wood's perspective on Bitcoin transcends its usual perception as a mere digital currency. She champions it as a dynamic tool against economic fluctuations, a quality rarely matched by traditional assets. In an era marked by economic instability, Bitcoin stands as a beacon of potential stability. This is particularly notable in its capacity to act as a hedge during inflationary periods, where fiat currencies lose value, and deflationary periods, characterized by increased money value but decreased economic activity. This dual capability positions Bitcoin as a significant asset in diversified portfolios, resonating with Wood's innovative investment philosophy.
**Decentralization: A Key Advantage**
For Wood, Bitcoin's decentralization is a critical advantage. This aspect sets it apart from traditional banking systems, which often grapple with issues of transparency and central control. In Bitcoin's ecosystem, there is a clear absence of counterparty risk, thanks to its decentralized ledger and visible transactions. This transparency assures investors of a level of security and autonomy not found in conventional financial systems. In Wood's view, this decentralization is not just a technical feature but a foundational aspect that provides Bitcoin with a resilience and reliability, crucial in a world where financial systems are increasingly interconnected and vulnerable.
**The Banking Crisis and Bitcoin**
Reflecting on recent financial upheavals, such as the U.S. regional bank crisis and the FTX collapse, Wood sees these events as vindications of Bitcoin's stability and resilience. These crises underscored the inherent risks of centralized financial systems, revealing their fragility under stress. In contrast, Bitcoin demonstrated an impressive resilience, with its value surging during these tumultuous times. This reaction not only highlights Bitcoin's potential as a safe haven but also its capacity to serve as a barometer for the health of the broader financial system.
**Bitcoin vs. Gold**
While gold has traditionally been the go-to asset for hedge investments, Wood argues that Bitcoin has a distinct edge over it. Her preference for Bitcoin stems from its novelty and the increasing interest from younger investors and institutional players. Unlike gold, whose market and demand patterns are well-established, Bitcoin represents an emerging asset class with untapped potential. Wood believes that Bitcoin's journey is just beginning, and its full potential as a hedge asset is yet to be realized, making it a more attractive option for forward-looking investors.
**Institutional Involvement**
Wood's belief in Bitcoin's future is mirrored in ARK Invest's substantial investments in cryptocurrency-related ventures. These investments are not mere speculative plays; they represent a deep conviction in the long-term value of Bitcoin. ARK's pursuit of a spot Bitcoin ETF is a significant move, indicating a belief in the cryptocurrency's viability as a mainstream investment asset. This institutional backing by a leading investment firm not only legitimizes Bitcoin's role in the financial markets but also paves the way for more widespread adoption among traditional investors.
Cathie Wood's endorsement of Bitcoin is a compelling narrative in the evolving story of this digital asset. Her insights provide a valuable perspective on Bitcoin's role as a hedge against both inflation and deflation, highlighting its potential in the current economic climate. As we navigate through uncertain financial times, Wood's views offer a guidepost for investors looking to diversify and stabilize their portfolios with innovative assets like Bitcoin.
**What is Cathie Wood's view on Bitcoin?**
Cathie Wood sees Bitcoin as a viable hedge against both inflation and deflation, highlighting its decentralized nature and resilience.
**Why does Wood prefer Bitcoin over traditional banking systems?**
Wood values Bitcoin's transparency and lack of counterparty risk, contrasting it with the opacity of traditional banking systems.
**How did the banking crisis impact Bitcoin's value?**
The U.S. regional bank crisis and the FTX collapse showed Bitcoin's stability, with its value increasing during these times.
**Why does Wood favor Bitcoin over gold?**
Wood believes Bitcoin has more potential for growth and is more appealing to younger investors and institutions compared to gold.
**What is ARK Invest's involvement in Bitcoin?**
ARK Invest holds significant stakes in cryptocurrency ventures and is pursuing a spot Bitcoin ETF, reflecting a strong belief in Bitcoin's future.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
**X: [@croxroadnews.co](https://x.com/croxroadnewsco)**
**Instagram: [@croxroadnews.co](https://www.instagram.com/croxroadnews.co/)**
**Youtube: [@croxroadnews](https://www.youtube.com/@croxroadnews)**
**Store: https://croxroad.store**
**Subscribe to CROX ROAD Bitcoin Only Daily Newsletter**
*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-26 15:26:44
Secretary of State Marco Rubio issued new guidance halting spending on most foreign aid grants for 90 days, including military assistance to Ukraine. This immediate order shocked State Department officials and mandates “stop-work orders” on nearly all existing foreign assistance awards.
While it allows exceptions for military financing to Egypt and Israel, as well as emergency food assistance, it restricts aid to key allies like Ukraine, Jordan, and Taiwan. The guidance raises potential liability risks for the government due to unfulfilled contracts.
A report will be prepared within 85 days to recommend which programs to continue or discontinue.
@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2025-01-26 11:01:05
## ¿Qué es Blossom?
[Blossom](https://github.com/hzrd149/blossom) significa _Blobs Simply Stored on Media Servers_ (Blobs Simplemente Almacenados en Servidores de Medios). _Blobs_ son fragmentos de datos binarios, como archivos pero sin nombres. En lugar de nombres, se identifican por su hash [sha256](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-2). La ventaja de usar hashes sha256 en lugar de nombres es que los hashes son IDs universales que se pueden calcular a partir del archivo mismo utilizando el algoritmo de hash sha256.
💡 archivo -> sha256 -> hash
Blossom es, por lo tanto, un conjunto de puntos finales HTTP que permiten a los usuarios almacenar y recuperar blobs almacenados en servidores utilizando su identidad nostr.
## ¿Por qué Blossom?
Como mencionamos hace un momento, al usar claves nostr como su identidad, Blossom permite que los datos sean "propiedad" del usuario. Esto simplifica enormemente la cuestión de "qué es spam" para el alojamiento de servidores. Por ejemplo, en nuestro Blossom solo permitimos cargas por miembros de la comunidad verificados que tengan un [NIP-05](https://nips.nostr.com/5) con nosotros.
Los usuarios pueden subir en múltiples servidores de blossom, por ejemplo, uno alojado por su comunidad, uno de pago, otro público y gratuito, para establecer redundancia de sus datos. Los blobs pueden ser [espejados](https://github.com/hzrd149/blossom/blob/master/buds/04.md) entre servidores de blossom, de manera similar a cómo los relays nostr pueden transmitir eventos entre sí. Esto mejora la resistencia a la censura de blossom.
A continuación se muestra una breve tabla de comparación entre torrents, Blossom y servidores CDN centralizados. (Suponiendo que hay muchos seeders para torrents y se utilizan múltiples servidores con Blossom).
| | Torrents | Blossom | CDN Centralizado |
| --------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- | ------- | ---------------- |
| Descentralizado | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
| Resistencia a la censura | ✅ | ✅ | ❌ |
| ¿Puedo usarlo para publicar fotos de gatitos en redes sociales? | ❌ | ✅ | ✅ |
## ¿Cómo funciona?
Blossom utiliza varios tipos de eventos nostr para comunicarse con el servidor de medios.
| kind | descripción | BUD |
| ----- | ------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------------ |
| 24242 | Evento de autorización | [BUD01](https://github.com/hzrd149/blossom/blob/master/buds/01.md) |
| 10063 | Lista de Servidores de Usuarios | [BUD03](https://github.com/hzrd149/blossom/blob/master/buds/03.md) |
### kind:24242 - Autorización
Esto es esencialmente lo que ya describimos al usar claves nostr como IDs de usuario. En el evento, el usuario le dice al servidor que quiere subir o eliminar un archivo y lo firma con sus claves nostr. El servidor realiza algunas verificaciones en este evento y luego ejecuta el comando del usuario si todo parece estar bien.
### kind:10063 - Lista de Servidores de Usuarios
Esto es utilizado por el usuario para anunciar a qué servidores de medios está subiendo. De esta manera, cuando el cliente ve esta lista, sabe dónde subir los archivos del usuario. También puede subir en múltiples servidores definidos en la lista para asegurar redundancia. En el lado de recuperación, si por alguna razón uno de los servidores en la lista del usuario está fuera de servicio, o el archivo ya no se puede encontrar allí, el cliente puede usar esta lista para intentar recuperar el archivo de otros servidores en la lista. Dado que los blobs se identifican por sus hashes, el mismo blob tendrá el mismo hash en cualquier servidor de medios. Todo lo que el cliente necesita hacer es cambiar la URL por la de un servidor diferente.
Ahora, además de los conceptos básicos de cómo funciona Blossom, también hay otros tipos de eventos que hacen que Blossom sea aún más interesante.
| kind | descripción |
| ----- | --------------------- |
| 30563 | Blossom Drives |
| 36363 | Listado de Servidores |
| 31963 | Reseña de Servidores |
### kind:30563 - Blossom Drives
Este tipo de evento facilita la organización de blobs en carpetas, como estamos acostumbrados con los drives (piensa en Google Drive, iCloud, Proton Drive, etc.). El evento contiene información sobre la estructura de carpetas y los metadatos del drive.
### kind:36363 y kind:31963 - Listado y Reseña
Estos tipos de eventos permiten a los usuarios descubrir y reseñar servidores de medios a través de nostr. kind:36363 es un listado de servidores que contiene la URL del servidor. kind:31963 es una reseña, donde los usuarios pueden calificar servidores.
## ¿Cómo lo uso?
### Encuentra un servidor
Primero necesitarás elegir un servidor Blossom donde subirás tus archivos. Puedes navegar por los públicos en [blossomservers.com](https://blossomservers.com/). Algunos de ellos son de pago, otros pueden requerir que tus claves nostr estén en una lista blanca.
Luego, puedes ir a la URL de su servidor y probar a subir un archivo pequeño, como una foto. Si estás satisfecho con el servidor (es rápido y aún no te ha fallado), puedes agregarlo a tu Lista de Servidores de Usuarios. Cubriremos brevemente cómo hacer esto en noStrudel y Amethyst (pero solo necesitas hacer esto una vez, una vez que tu lista actualizada esté publicada, los clientes pueden simplemente recuperarla de nostr).
### noStrudel
1. Encuentra Relays en la barra lateral, luego elige Servidores de Medios.
2. Agrega un servidor de medios, o mejor aún, varios.
3. Publica tu lista de servidores. ✅
### Amethyst
1. En la barra lateral, encuentra Servidores multimedia.
2. Bajo Servidores Blossom, agrega tus servidores de medios.
3. Firma y publica. ✅
Ahora, cuando vayas a hacer una publicación y adjuntar una foto, por ejemplo, se subirá en tu servidor blossom.
⚠️ Ten en cuenta que debes suponer que los archivos que subas serán públicos. Aunque puedes proteger un archivo con contraseña, esto no ha sido auditado.
### Blossom Drive
Como mencionamos anteriormente, podemos publicar eventos para organizar nuestros blobs en carpetas. Esto puede ser excelente para compartir archivos con tu equipo, o simplemente para mantener las cosas organizadas.
Para probarlo, ve a [blossom.hzrd149.com](https://blossom.hzrd149.com/) (o nuestra instancia comunitaria en [blossom.bitcointxoko.com](https://blossom.bitcointxoko.com)) e inicia sesión con tu método preferido.
Puedes crear una nueva unidad y agregar blobs desde allí.
### Bouquet
Si usas múltiples servidores para darte redundancia, Bouquet es una buena manera de obtener una visión general de todos tus archivos. Úsalo para subir y navegar por tus medios en diferentes servidores y sincronizar blobs entre ellos.
### Cherry Tree
Cherry Tree te permite dividir un archivo en fragmentos y luego subirlos en múltiples servidores blossom, y más tarde reensamblarlos en otro lugar.
## Conclusión
Blossom aún está en desarrollo, pero ya hay muchas cosas interesantes que puedes hacer con él para hacerte a ti y a tu comunidad más soberanos. ¡Pruébalo!
Si deseas mantenerte al día sobre el desarrollo de Blossom, sigue a nostr:nprofile1qyghwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnhd9hx2tcpzfmhxue69uhkummnw3e82efwvdhk6tcqyqnxs90qeyssm73jf3kt5dtnk997ujw6ggy6j3t0jjzw2yrv6sy22ysu5ka y dale un gran zap por su excelente trabajo.
## Referencias
- [hzrd149/blossom en GitHub](https://github.com/hzrd149/blossom)
- [Blossom Drive](https://github.com/hzrd149/blossom-drive/blob/master/docs/drive.md)
@ ec42c765:328c0600
2025-01-26 00:08:54
# カスタム絵文字とは
また、リアクション(Twitterの いいね のような機能)にもカスタム絵文字を使えます。
# カスタム絵文字の対応状況(2024/02/05)
#### 対応クライアント
- [Amethyst](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.vitorpamplona.amethyst)
- [FreeFrom](https://freefrom.space/)
- [nostter](https://nostter.app/)
- [Rabbit](https://rabbit.syusui.net/)
- [Snort](https://snort.social/)
- [noStrudel](https://nostrudel.ninja/)
# 準備
- Nostrエクステンション(NIP-07)を導入する
- 使いたいカスタム絵文字をリストに登録する
## Nostrエクステンション(NIP-07)を導入する
[ログイン拡張機能 (NIP-07)を使ってみよう | Welcome to Nostr! ~ Nostrをはじめよう! ~ ](https://welcome.nostr-jp.org/tutorial/nip-07.html)
## 使いたいカスタム絵文字をリストに登録する
右上の**Get started**からNostrエクステンションでログインしてください。
[generalJP | カスタム絵文字](nostr:naddr1qqykwetwv4exzmz22qqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dspzpmzzcaj5rzeah8y940ln4z855wa72af4a6aac4zjypql55egcpsqqvzqqqr4fcp4fwv8)
- 右側の**Options**から**Bookmark**を選択
# カスタム絵文字を使用する
例としてブラウザから使えるクライアント nostter から使用してみます。
## 文章中に使用
1. **投稿**ボタンを押して投稿ウィンドウを表示
2. **顔😀**のボタンを押し、絵文字ウィンドウを表示
3. ***タブ**を押し、カスタム絵文字一覧を表示
4. カスタム絵文字を選択
5. : 記号に挟まれたアルファベットのショートコードとして挿入される
## リアクションに使用
1. 任意の投稿の**顔😀**のボタンを押し、絵文字ウィンドウを表示
2. ***タブ**を押し、カスタム絵文字一覧を表示
3. カスタム絵文字を選択
# カスタム絵文字を探す
例えば任意のユーザーのページ [emojito ロクヨウ](nostr:npub1a3pvwe2p3v7mnjz6hle63r628wl9w567aw7u23fzqs062v5vqcqqu3sgh3) から探したり、 [emojito Browse all](https://emojito.meme/browse) からnostr全体で最近作成、更新された絵文字を見たりできます。
[日本ユーザー作 カスタム絵文字](nostr:npub17hczqvxtfv3w69wr6lxrttnpdekwdwel55mld60fr24zwjuu6utqtj8mjx)
各絵文字セットにある**Open in emojito**のリンクからemojitoに飛び、使用リストに追加できます。
Yakihonneリンク [Nostrのカスタム絵文字の作り方](https://yakihonne.com/article/_@lokuyow.github.io/1707912490439)
Nostrリンク nostr:naddr1qqxnzdesxuunzv358ycrgveeqgswcsk8v4qck0deepdtluag3a9rh0jh2d0wh0w9g53qg8a9x2xqvqqrqsqqqa28r5psx3
# 仕様
[NIP-30 Custom Emoji](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/30.md)
[NIP-30 カスタム絵文字(和訳)](https://github.com/nostr-jp/nips-ja/blob/main/30.md)
@ d3052ca3:d84a170e
2025-01-25 23:17:10
It seems to me that the primary opposition to ecash from bitcoiners comes from the belief that lightning will enable self-custodial micropayments for the masses. Many lightning enthusiasts see ecash as competition that will eliminate this technological outcome (whether they admit it or not).
I understand the motivation for this line of reasoning but I don't see things this way at all. Ecash is a superset of lightning. Cashu literally doesn't have a spec for on-chain transactions (yet!). Everything cashu accomplishes is built on the back of lightning. Standing on the shoulders of giants.
I don't believe that ecash will take away market share from self-custodial lightning because lightning is not a good technology for self-custody. The high overhead costs of running your own node create a natural incentive for a semi-centralized hub and spoke network graph. It just makes economic sense for many users to share a lightning node. It doesn't make economic sense for individuals to bear this cost alone.
This stacker news post is the best writeup on this topic: https://stacker.news/items/379225
It comes from a builder who struggled with these issues for years and learned the shortcomings of the tech first hand. Notice they experimented with ecash as a solution to these problems before they burned out and pivoted to save the company.
Ecash is a superset of lightning. It extends the capability and reach of the lightning network. Without ecash, I don't believe we can achieve bitcoin mass adoption. You can't jam a square peg into a round hole.
We still have a need for self-custody of "small" amounts of bitcoin. I put small in quotes because the block size limit and the fee market it creates impose a fundamental constraint on the minimum practical size of a UTXO. This limit is pegged to the unit of bitcoin. As bitcoin increases in value the minimum size for an on-chain transaction will grow in value as well. You can send $10 worth of bitcoin on-chain today but will this be true in 10 years when the price is much higher? 100 years?
If the current exponential trends hold, we will soon price out the majority of humanity from owning a UTXO. This is bad. Like really bad. "Bitcoin is a failure" bad. This is the motivation for my posts about scaling on-chain usage to 10 billion people. I believe we will need to radically rearchitect bitcoin to achieve this goal.
Lightning is not up to the task. We should leverage lightning for what it's good at: gluing together different self-custodial bitcoin service providers. We should leverage ecash for what it's good at: peer-to-peer electronic cash micropayments. IN ADDITION we also need to start seriously looking at new ideas for scaling self custody to "small" amounts of bitcoin. I am very optimistic that we can solve this problem. There are a number of promising avenues to pursue but I think first we need to move the Overton window ~~beyond the idea of mass adoption of self-custodial lightning~~ regarding on-chain scaling.
Edit: I think the original Overton window statement was incorrect. If on-chain fees stay low then self-custodial lightning or something similar is a much better prospect.
Just my 2 sats...let me know what you think. Keep it civil or be muted.
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-25 22:16:54
President Trump plans to withdraw 20,000 U.S. troops from Europe and expects European allies to contribute financially to the remaining military presence. Reported by ANSA, Trump aims to deliver this message to European leaders since taking office. A European diplomat noted, “the costs cannot be borne solely by American taxpayers.”
The Pentagon hasn't commented yet. Trump has previously sought lower troop levels in Europe and had ordered cuts during his first term. The U.S. currently maintains around 65,000 troops in Europe, with total forces reaching 100,000 since the Ukraine invasion. Trump's new approach may shift military focus to the Pacific amid growing concerns about China.
@ 1ec45473:d38df139
2025-01-25 20:15:01
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@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-25 14:32:21
| Parameters | Dry Mead | Medium Mead | Sweet Mead |
| Honey | 2 lbs (900 grams) | 3 lbs (1.36 kg) | 4 lbs (1.81 kg) |
| Yeast | ~0.07 oz (2 grams) | ~0.08 oz (2.5 grams) | ~0.10 oz (3 grams) |
| Fermentation | ~4 weeks | 4 to 6 weeks | 6 to 8 weeks |
| Racking | Fortnight or later | 1 month or after | ~2 months and after |
| Specific Gravity | <1.010 | ~1.01 to ~1.025 | >1.025 |
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-25 13:09:46
The landscape of cryptocurrency is witnessing a potential paradigm shift with the growing interest of institutional investors in Bitcoin. The excitement surrounding the prospect of a spot Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Fund (ETF) is palpable, yet it brings with it a wave of concern. Arthur Hayes, a renowned figure in the cryptocurrency space and the founder of the Maelstrom Fund, stands as a vocal critic of this development. His insights offer a critical perspective on how institutional involvement could fundamentally alter the essence of Bitcoin, potentially steering it away from its founding principles of decentralization and autonomy. This article delves into Hayes' concerns, unraveling the complexities and potential repercussions of institutional custody on the future of Bitcoin.
**Table Of Content**
- The Rising Concern of Institutional Involvement
- The Scenario of Institutional Custody
- The Essence of Bitcoin at Stake
- Influence on Network Consensus
- Long-Term Implications for Bitcoin
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**The Rising Concern of Institutional Involvement**
Arthur Hayes' apprehensions about institutional involvement in Bitcoin are rooted in a deep understanding of both the cryptocurrency world and traditional financial systems. The entry of large financial institutions like BlackRock into the Bitcoin space could signify a significant shift in the dynamics of cryptocurrency ownership and control. These institutions, often perceived as extensions of state interests, could bring a level of centralization and control antithetical to Bitcoin's decentralized ethos. The historical relationship between large financial entities and state mechanisms, and their potential influence on Bitcoin, raises critical questions about the future of this cryptocurrency. The impact of this shift on the broader crypto ecosystem, investor behavior, and Bitcoin's perception in the global financial landscape is profound and multifaceted.
**The Scenario of Institutional Custody**
The future that Hayes envisions, where significant portions of Bitcoin are locked away in institutional ETFs, is a stark departure from the current state of the cryptocurrency. This transformation could relegate Bitcoin from a vibrant, actively traded asset to a passive component of investment portfolios. Such a shift would not only alter Bitcoin's market dynamics but also its fundamental utility. The implications of this change are far-reaching, affecting everything from Bitcoin's liquidity to its role as a tool for financial freedom and empowerment. The prospect of Bitcoin becoming a mere line item in institutional balance sheets is a scenario that challenges the very ideals upon which the cryptocurrency was built.
**The Essence of Bitcoin at Stake**
The core of Hayes' argument lies in the potential loss of Bitcoin's identity. If Bitcoin becomes predominantly held in institutional ETFs, it risks becoming just another asset in the global financial system, losing its unique characteristics as a decentralized and autonomous currency. This transformation would affect the philosophical and practical aspects of Bitcoin, impacting principles of autonomy, privacy, and decentralization. The shift from a user-driven to an institutionally controlled asset could have profound implications for the future of Bitcoin, potentially undermining the trust and support of its community.
**Influence on Network Consensus**
Hayes raises a significant concern about the potential influence of institutional holders on Bitcoin's consensus mechanism and development path. The risk of having a large portion of Bitcoin controlled by entities with different priorities than the broader Bitcoin community is real and concerning. This influence could lead to a misalignment between Bitcoin's development and the needs of its user base, especially regarding crucial updates related to security and privacy enhancements. The integrity and future evolution of Bitcoin's technology could be at stake, raising questions about the true independence and resilience of this decentralized network.
**Long-Term Implications for Bitcoin**
While the short-term effects of institutional investment, such as price appreciation, are clear, the long-term consequences are more nuanced and complex. The potential trade-offs between short-term gains and long-term impacts on Bitcoin's utility and independence are a critical aspect of this discussion. The paradox of Bitcoin's growing acceptance by traditional financial institutions and the possible erosion of its foundational principles is a dilemma that the crypto community must navigate carefully. The future of Bitcoin, in this context, is not just about its price or market capitalization, but about its ability to retain its core values and functionality.
Arthur Hayes' insights provide a crucial perspective on the evolving landscape of Bitcoin in the face of institutional interest. As the cryptocurrency world grapples with these developments, understanding the balance between mainstream acceptance and the preservation of Bitcoin's core values is essential. This article reflects on the potential risks and implications of institutional custody of Bitcoin, offering a comprehensive analysis that underscores the importance of maintaining the decentralized ethos that has defined Bitcoin since its inception.
**What is the main concern raised by Arthur Hayes about institutional involvement in Bitcoin?**
Arthur Hayes expresses concern that institutional involvement, particularly through Bitcoin ETFs, could lead to centralization and control by large financial entities, undermining Bitcoin's decentralized ethos.
**How could institutional custody of Bitcoin alter its market dynamics?**
Institutional custody could transform Bitcoin from an actively traded asset to a passive component of investment portfolios, affecting its liquidity and role as a tool for financial freedom.
**What implications does institutional control have on Bitcoin's network consensus?**
Institutional control could influence Bitcoin's consensus mechanism and development path, potentially leading to a misalignment with the needs of the broader Bitcoin community, especially regarding updates related to security and privacy.
**Are there long-term implications of institutional investment in Bitcoin?**
Yes, while institutional investment might boost Bitcoin's price in the short term, it raises concerns about the long-term impact on Bitcoin's utility, independence, and adherence to its foundational principles.
**What is the essence of Arthur Hayes' argument against institutional custody of Bitcoin?**
Hayes argues that institutional custody risks turning Bitcoin into just another financial asset, losing its unique characteristics as a decentralized and autonomous currency.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
**X: [@croxroadnews.co](https://x.com/croxroadnewsco)**
**Instagram: [@croxroadnews.co](https://www.instagram.com/croxroadnews.co/)**
**Youtube: [@croxroadnews](https://www.youtube.com/@croxroadnews)**
**Store: https://croxroad.store**
**Subscribe to CROX ROAD Bitcoin Only Daily Newsletter**
*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 39cc53c9:27168656
2025-01-24 20:10:32
> [Read the original blog post](https://blog.kycnot.me/p/kyc-no-thanks)
Know Your Customer is a regulation that requires companies of all sizes to verify the identity, suitability, and risks involved with maintaining a business relationship with a customer. Such procedures fit within the broader scope of anti-money laundering (AML) and counterterrorism financing (CTF) regulations.
Banks, exchanges, online business, mail providers, domain registrars... Everyone wants to know who you are before you can even opt for their service. Your personal information is flowing around the internet in the hands of "god-knows-who" and secured by "trust-me-bro military-grade encryption". Once your account is linked to your personal (and verified) identity, tracking you is just as easy as keeping logs on all these platforms.
## Rights for Illusions
KYC processes aim to combat terrorist financing, money laundering, and other illicit activities. On the surface, KYC seems like a commendable initiative. I mean, who wouldn't want to halt terrorists and criminals in their tracks?
The logic behind KYC is: "If we mandate every financial service provider to identify their users, it becomes easier to pinpoint and apprehend the malicious actors."
However, terrorists and criminals are not precisely lining up to be identified. They're crafty. They may adopt false identities or find alternative strategies to continue their operations. Far from being outwitted, many times they're several steps ahead of regulations. Realistically, KYC might deter a small fraction – let's say about 1% [^1] – of these malefactors. Yet, the cost? All of us are saddled with the inconvenient process of identification just to use a service.
Under the rhetoric of "ensuring our safety", governments and institutions enact regulations that seem more out of a dystopian novel, gradually taking away our right to privacy.
To illustrate, consider a city where the mayor has rolled out facial recognition cameras in every nook and cranny. A band of criminals, intent on robbing a local store, rolls in with a stolen car, their faces obscured by masks and their bodies cloaked in all-black clothes. Once they've committed the crime and exited the city's boundaries, they switch vehicles and clothes out of the cameras' watchful eyes. The high-tech surveillance? It didn’t manage to identify or trace them. Yet, for every law-abiding citizen who merely wants to drive through the city or do some shopping, their movements and identities are constantly logged. The irony? This invasive tracking impacts all of us, just to catch the 1% [^1] of less-than-careful criminals.
## KYC? Not you.
> KYC creates barriers to participation in normal economic activity, to supposedly stop criminals. [^2]
KYC puts barriers between many users and businesses. One of these comes from the fact that the process often requires multiple forms of identification, proof of address, and sometimes even financial records. For individuals in areas with poor record-keeping, non-recognized legal documents, or those who are unbanked, homeless or transient, obtaining these documents can be challenging, if not impossible.
For people who are not skilled with technology or just don't have access to it, there's also a barrier since KYC procedures are mostly online, leaving them inadvertently excluded.
Another barrier goes for the casual or one-time user, where they might not see the value in undergoing a rigorous KYC process, and these requirements can deter them from using the service altogether.
It also wipes some businesses out of the equation, since for smaller businesses, the costs associated with complying with KYC norms—from the actual process of gathering and submitting documents to potential delays in operations—can be prohibitive in economical and/or technical terms.
## You're not welcome
Imagine a swanky new club in town with a strict "members only" sign. You hear the music, you see the lights, and you want in. You step up, ready to join, but suddenly there's a long list of criteria you must meet. After some time, you are finally checking all the boxes. But then the club rejects your membership with no clear reason why. You just weren't accepted. Frustrating, right?
This club scenario isn't too different from the fact that KYC is being used by many businesses as a convenient gatekeeping tool. A perfect excuse based on a "legal" procedure they are obliged to.
Even some exchanges may randomly use this to freeze and block funds from users, claiming these were "flagged" by a cryptic system that inspects the transactions. You are left hostage to their arbitrary decision to let you successfully pass the KYC procedure. If you choose to sidestep their invasive process, they might just hold onto your funds indefinitely.
## Your identity has been stolen
KYC data has been found to be for sale on many dark net markets[^3]. Exchanges may have leaks or hacks, and such leaks contain **very** sensitive data. We're talking about the full monty: passport or ID scans, proof of address, and even those awkward selfies where you're holding up your ID next to your face. All this data is being left to the mercy of the (mostly) "trust-me-bro" security systems of such companies. Quite scary, isn't it?
As cheap as $10 for 100 documents, with discounts applying for those who buy in bulk, the personal identities of innocent users who passed KYC procedures are for sale. [^3]
In short, if you have ever passed the KYC/AML process of a crypto exchange, your privacy is at risk of being compromised, or it might even have already been compromised.
## (they) Know Your Coins
You may already know that **Bitcoin and most cryptocurrencies have a transparent public blockchain**, meaning that all data is shown unencrypted for everyone to see and recorded **forever**. If you link an address you own to your identity through KYC, for example, by sending an amount from a KYC exchange to it, your Bitcoin is no longer pseudonymous and can then be traced.
If, for instance, you send Bitcoin from such an identified address to another KYC'ed address (say, from a friend), everyone having access to that address-identity link information (exchanges, governments, hackers, etc.) will be able to associate that transaction and know who you are transacting with.
## Conclusions
To sum up, **KYC does not protect individuals**; rather, it's a threat to our privacy, freedom, security and integrity. Sensible information flowing through the internet is thrown into chaos by dubious security measures. It puts borders between many potential customers and businesses, and it helps governments and companies track innocent users. That's the chaos KYC has stirred.
The criminals are using stolen identities from companies that gathered them thanks to these very same regulations that were supposed to combat them. Criminals always know how to circumvent such regulations. In the end, normal people are the most affected by these policies.
The threat that KYC poses to individuals in terms of privacy, security and freedom is not to be neglected. And if we don’t start challenging these systems and questioning their efficacy, we are just one step closer to the dystopian future that is now foreseeable.
> Edited 20/03/2024
> * Add reference to the 1% statement on [Rights for Illusions](#rights-for-illusions) section to an article where Chainalysis found that only 0.34% of the transaction volume with cryptocurrencies in 2023 was attributable to criminal activity [^1]
[^1]: https://www.chainalysis.com/blog/2024-crypto-crime-report-introduction/
[^2]: https://old.reddit.com/r/BitcoinBeginners/comments/k2bve1/is_kyc_bad_if_so_why/gdtc8kz
[^3]: https://www.ccn.com/hacked-customer-data-from-world-leading-cryptocurrency-exchanges-for-sale-on-the-dark-web/
@ 08288690:77f58eba
2025-01-24 19:05:23
[Awesome Amapiano]( https://www.mixcloud.com/supremacysounds/amapiano-vibes-2025-biri-marung-skuta-baba-sthandwa-sam-more/)
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-24 02:24:43
In the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrency, bitcoin mining has emerged as a critical yet often misunderstood component. It's a sector where technology, environmental concerns, and economic factors intersect, creating a complex and dynamic landscape. Fred Thiel, the CEO of Marathon Digital Holdings, is a leading voice in this space, advocating for a future where bitcoin mining is not only profitable but also sustainable and innovative. His insights offer a roadmap for the industry's evolution, emphasizing the need for decentralization, global expansion, and a deep commitment to environmental responsibility.
**Table Of Content**
- Decentralization and Global Expansion
- Tackling the Challenges Head-On
- Stranded Energy and Clean Tech Innovations
- Heat Harvesting and Strategic Partnerships
- Reshaping the Energy Landscape
- The Economics of Sustainability
- The Digital Age of Green Energy
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**Decentralization and Global Expansion**
The concept of decentralization is foundational to the ethos of bitcoin, and Thiel's approach to mining is no exception. Despite Marathon's status as one of the largest publicly-traded bitcoin mining companies, Thiel is quick to point out that they contribute to less than 5% of the network's total hash rate. This modest share underscores the decentralized nature of the industry and the vast potential for growth and expansion.
Under Thiel's leadership, Marathon is not content with maintaining the status quo. The company is actively seeking to broaden its horizons, exploring opportunities beyond the American landscape. Thiel's vision is global, recognizing the strategic importance of diversifying mining operations to mitigate risks and capitalize on international markets.
The push for global expansion is not just about increasing Marathon's footprint; it's about integrating renewable energy into the core of mining operations. Thiel is a proponent of leveraging the world's natural resources, such as solar, wind, and hydroelectric power, to fuel the next generation of bitcoin mining. This approach not only reduces the environmental impact but also aligns with the growing demand for sustainable practices in all sectors of the economy.
**Tackling the Challenges Head-On**
The journey toward sustainable innovation is fraught with challenges, and the bitcoin mining industry is no exception. Thiel is candid about the obstacles facing miners today, including the fierce competition for bitcoin rewards. As more players enter the field, the fight for a slice of the bitcoin pie becomes increasingly difficult, compressing profit margins and forcing miners to optimize their operations.
The upcoming halving event, a pre-programmed reduction in bitcoin rewards that occurs approximately every four years, adds another layer of complexity to the industry's economic landscape. Thiel predicts that this event will catalyze a significant shift in the industry, leading to the consolidation of mining power among a few dominant global players. Smaller mining operations may find it challenging to compete, potentially pivoting to specialized roles within the ecosystem.
**Stranded Energy and Clean Tech Innovations**
One of the most innovative concepts Thiel discusses is the utilization of "stranded energy" for bitcoin mining. Stranded energy refers to power that is generated but not used, often because it is too remote or too inconsistent to be incorporated into the traditional energy grid. By harnessing this otherwise wasted energy, bitcoin miners can reduce their environmental footprint and turn a potential liability into a valuable asset.
Thiel is particularly interested in the potential for capturing methane emissions from landfills and converting them into energy for mining. Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, and its capture and use not only mitigate environmental harm but also provide a cost-effective energy source for miners. This symbiotic relationship between waste management and bitcoin mining is a prime example of the innovative thinking that Thiel brings to the table.
The heat generated by mining equipment is another area ripe for innovation. Typically seen as a byproduct to be cooled and dissipated, Thiel envisions this heat being repurposed for agricultural use, such as heating greenhouses, or industrial processes, like drying lumber. These applications could create new revenue streams for miners and contribute to a more circular economy.
**Heat Harvesting and Strategic Partnerships**
The innovative use of excess heat from mining operations is just one example of the creative solutions being explored under Thiel's leadership. He envisions a future where the byproducts of mining contribute to other sectors, creating a more integrated and efficient industrial ecosystem.
Marathon's strategic partnerships are a testament to this vision. In Texas and North Dakota, the company is pioneering the use of wind energy that would otherwise be unutilized due to grid limitations. These initiatives not only bolster Marathon's commitment to sustainability but also demonstrate the potential for renewable energy to power large-scale mining operations.
Thiel also highlights collaborations with landfill owners, aiming to convert methane gas into a power source for mining. These partnerships are a win-win, reducing greenhouse gas emissions while providing a steady energy supply for Marathon's mining activities.
**Reshaping the Energy Landscape**
The strategic partnerships that Thiel fosters are not just about securing energy sources; they are about reimagining the energy landscape itself. By aligning with energy producers and innovators, Marathon is at the forefront of creating a new paradigm where energy production and consumption are balanced in a closed-loop system. This system not only powers the mining operations but also contributes to the stability and sustainability of local energy grids.
Thiel's vision extends to the creation of commodity markets centered around bitcoin mining. He sees a future where energy, particularly renewable energy, is traded with bitcoin mining as a key driver. This could lead to more efficient markets, where energy is not wasted but used as a strategic asset to secure the blockchain network.
**The Economics of Sustainability**
The economics of bitcoin mining are complex and often volatile. Thiel understands that for Marathon to remain competitive, it must not only innovate in terms of technology but also in its business model. The company's focus on sustainability is not just an ethical choice but an economic strategy. By reducing reliance on traditional energy sources and minimizing environmental impact, Marathon is positioning itself to be resilient against regulatory changes and shifts in public sentiment.
Thiel's approach to the economics of sustainability involves a long-term perspective. He is preparing for a future where the cost of energy and the impact of carbon emissions are likely to be significant factors in the profitability of mining operations. By investing in renewable energy and carbon reduction technologies now, Marathon is future-proofing its operations.
**The Digital Age of Green Energy**
As the conversation with Nelson concluded, it became clear that Thiel's vision for bitcoin mining is about more than just securing digital assets; it's about securing a sustainable future. The industry is at a pivotal moment, with the potential to lead the way in green energy utilization and innovation.
Bitcoin mining, in Thiel's view, is not just an industry but a catalyst for change. It has the potential to drive the adoption of renewable energy, to create new markets for stranded energy, and to foster a more sustainable approach to energy consumption worldwide.
Fred Thiel's journey in sustainable innovation within bitcoin mining is a testament to the transformative power of visionary leadership. His approach goes beyond the conventional scope of cryptocurrency mining, challenging the industry to rethink its relationship with energy and the environment.
Under Thiel's guidance, Marathon Digital Holdings is not just mining for bitcoin; it's mining for a better future. By embracing decentralization, tackling industry challenges with foresight, innovating with stranded energy, and forming strategic partnerships, Marathon is paving the way for a more sustainable and economically viable mining industry.
**Who is Fred Thiel?**
Fred Thiel is the CEO of Marathon Digital Holdings, one of the largest publicly-traded bitcoin mining companies.
**What is Marathon Digital Holdings' approach to bitcoin mining?**
Marathon emphasizes sustainable and innovative mining practices, focusing on decentralization, global expansion, and renewable energy sources.
**What challenges does bitcoin mining face according to Thiel?**
Thiel notes competition for bitcoin rewards, tightening margins, and the impact of reward halving events as significant challenges.
**How is Marathon Digital Holdings addressing environmental concerns?**
The company is pioneering the use of stranded energy, such as methane from landfills, and harnessing excess heat from mining operations for other industrial uses.
**What are the economic benefits of sustainable mining practices?**
Sustainable practices can lead to reduced operational costs, resilience against regulatory changes, and a positive public perception, which can be economically beneficial.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
**X: Instagram: [@croxroadnews.co](https://x.com/croxroadnewsco)**
**Instagram: [@croxroadnews.co](https://www.instagram.com/croxroadnews.co/)**
**Youtube: [@croxroadnews](https://www.youtube.com/@croxroadnews)**
**Store: https://croxroad.store**
**Subscribe to CROX ROAD Bitcoin Only Daily Newsletter**
*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ f4db5270:3c74e0d0
2025-01-23 18:09:14
Hi Art lover! 🎨🫂💜
You may not know it yet but all of the following paintings are available in #Bitcoin on my website: https://isolabell.art/#shop
For info and prices write to me in DM and we will find a good deal! 🤝
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/fb199651-d777-42d5-9fc6-ad14d741a0ee.jpg)
40x50cm, Oil on canvas
Completed January 23, 2025
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/ac1f5c7b-622c-42c7-926f-d3799d8bd9b2.jpg)
40x50cm, Oil on canvas
Completed January 14, 2025
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/30fc007c-9f1f-484e-8166-ec44f7445a27.jpg)
40x50cm, Oil on canvas
Completed December 14, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/472f7a18-a558-4e2c-9c84-6a7789c3ecc6.jpg)
50x40cm, Oil on canvas
Completed December 01, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/9c820dee-4070-4aa9-98d7-3f3b48a5c9ba.jpg)
50x40cm, Oil on canvas
Completed November 07, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/bbacb8b4-cd4f-43c8-b713-f779d2c1ed44.jpg)
40x40cm, Oil on canvas
Completed October 29, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/3a3d69d5-d64a-4a80-8dfb-86394929f0ca.jpg)
40x50cm, Oil on paper
Completed October 05, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/9a1b741e-2cac-4737-8ec5-b2ee6cc29c08.jpg)
50x40cm, Oil on canvas
Completed September 17, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/0d248422-1a3f-4747-8d88-570e8879c9e6.jpg)
40x50cm, Oil on paper
Completed September 08, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/5a1e2613-68fa-4839-9899-3da18d83fdd6.jpg)
50x40cm, Oil on paper
Completed September 05, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/3135c4ce-e320-4666-af17-bd3189abd304.jpg)
40x30cm, Oil on board
Completed August 12, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/7bab4b68-bfa8-40f2-88f5-4af628c2c312.jpg)
60x35cm, Oil on board
Completed July 28, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/50160f89-3aa3-4772-b1a9-6ec5711a0654.jpg)
50x40cm, Oil on cradled wood panel
Completed July 13, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/bffdc8b7-c08e-4171-b094-d050a8fc6ad0.jpg)
50x40cm, Oil on cradled wood panel
Completed June 16, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/e23250be-f472-4ea1-baa9-94349b601b8f.jpg)
80x60cm, Oil on canvas board
Completed May 28, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/716052c8-c9f9-437c-8ae8-330f631d51a5.jpg)
50x40cm, Oil on board
Completed May 4, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/f8a06fc7-9c77-4f0d-b8ac-4f46d0cc8488.jpg)
50x40cm, Oil on board
Completed April 26, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/d78f1619-11fa-4fb5-aa43-8769bb5084e4.jpg)
40x19,5cm, Oil on board
Completed March 14, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/0c0eb818-9601-488b-867c-5526a8446a2e.jpg)
30x30cm, Oil on cradled wood panel
Completed March 2, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/4915dc0e-ff50-42bd-a4f7-a4cfc66f8630.jpg)
40x30cm, Oil on cradled wood panel
Completed January 14, 2024
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/7695eceb-7ed3-4847-94c6-7afc192350e8.jpg)
30x30cm, Oil on cradled wood panel
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/b2580c26-d829-42c5-b9c1-a4a99f644962.jpg)
40x40cm, oil on board canvas
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/492f457c-8d3a-4489-add7-b02c8d4da230.jpg)
40x40cm, oil on board
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/478bf732-5b80-42bc-9b90-8e9810ce090c.jpg)
40x40cm, oil on canvas
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/6659598c-a3ea-41ce-8e81-ca23a464a67c.jpg)
30x30cm, oil on canvas board
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/73925958-0e0b-4b12-a3e4-dc875c3eff23.jpg)
40x40cm, oil on canvas board
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/f24b1642-d984-46cf-9cc6-f435f87393e1.jpg)
30x40cm, oil on canvas board
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/6220962b-aa93-46e8-a7cb-1210da896df8.jpg)
30x40cm, oil on canvas board
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/25316d4a-9d43-41b5-a22c-cd2c498df9d2.jpg)
30x30cm, oil on canvas board
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/e06d6065-2f87-485d-bb37-54bad2ee89c8.jpg)
60x25cm, oil on board
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/1233470b-ac84-4666-80e0-772120430a0c.jpg)
30x30cm, oil on canvas board
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/c258597c-e696-4153-ad36-2c79376eba81.jpg)
44x32cm, oil on canvas board
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/0e58f55e-ed57-464f-8f9c-5a0763dcd355.jpg)
40x30cm, oil on canvas board
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/be910736-a650-440d-88e5-1f4f0bac0611.jpg)
30x40cm, oil on canvas board
![image]( https://creatr.nostr.wine/creator/content/3795dec4-8d44-4988-b6ad-588b50f36617.jpg)
30x40cm, oil on canvas board
@ fd208ee8:0fd927c1
2025-01-23 15:31:24
## Planning Alexandria
People keep asking what features nostr:npub1s3ht77dq4zqnya8vjun5jp3p44pr794ru36d0ltxu65chljw8xjqd975wz has planned for #Alexandria, but they're not set in stone because we're an agile project.
What we do have, is lots of tickets on our Kanban boards and a naming scheme, where we use a famous person's last name, to signify the release goals.
### Gutenberg v 0.1.0
(after the inventor of the printing press)
will contain the features needed to read and write [NIP-62 Curated Publications](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/pull/1600), as well as encompassing the complex infrastructure, architecture, documentation, and personnel we require to make this all run smoothly and look easy.
### Euler v 0.2.0
(after a mathematician credited with establishing graph theory)
will contain the features for deep-searching, visually exploring, and smartly navigating the data set, wiki page display, annotating and citing the publications, exporting to other formats (like PDF, ePUB, and LaTeX), and commenting/reviewing. To help with the heavy lifting, we will be swapping out the core with our own Nostr SDK called "Aedile".
### Defoe v 0.3.0
(after an author who perfected the novel format)
will be all about our favorite writers. We will be focusing upon profile data, payment systems, book clubs and communities, and stylesheets.
That is everything we have planned, for the v1.0 edition, and we consider that version to be a true product.
As for after that, a teaser...
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-23 15:09:56
President Trump has ordered thousands of additional troops to the U.S.-Mexico border as part of an effort to address immigration and security issues. This directive builds on his initial commitment to increase military presence along the border.
Currently, around 2,200 active-duty personnel and approximately 4,500 National Guardsmen are stationed there. The new deployment aims to enhance the capabilities of Joint Task Force-North, allowing troops to assist in operations and provide intelligence support.
Details on specific units remain unclear. The situation is still developing, with updates expected.
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-23 14:50:29
The financial world has been abuzz with the concept of Bitcoin ETFs, a development that promises to blend the cutting-edge world of cryptocurrencies with the traditional investment landscape. The allure of Bitcoin ETFs lies in their potential to demystify the process of investing in digital currencies. For the average investor, navigating the cryptocurrency market can be daunting, with concerns ranging from wallet security to the complexities of exchange platforms. ETFs offer a solution by packaging Bitcoin into a familiar form that can be traded with the ease of stocks, bypassing the technical barriers that might deter traditional investors.
**Table Of Content**
- The Significance of BlackRock's Interest
- The Bridge to Mainstream Investment
- Regulatory Hurdles and Market Manipulation Concerns
- The Race to Launch the First Bitcoin ETF
- The Psychology of Demand
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**The Significance of BlackRock's Interest**
The interest of BlackRock, the world's largest asset manager, in launching a Bitcoin ETF is a significant endorsement for the cryptocurrency sector. BlackRock's move is not merely about launching a new product; it's a signal that the firm recognizes the long-term value proposition of cryptocurrencies. The implications of BlackRock's involvement are profound, as it could lead to a domino effect, with other institutional investors following suit.
BlackRock's entry into the Bitcoin space could also serve as a catalyst for regulatory clarity. As regulators see established financial institutions embracing cryptocurrencies, they may be more inclined to provide the necessary frameworks for these assets to thrive. This could lead to a virtuous cycle, where regulatory clarity leads to more institutional involvement, which in turn could lead to further regulatory advancements.
**The Bridge to Mainstream Investment**
The creation of a spot market Bitcoin ETF represents a pivotal bridge between the innovative world of cryptocurrencies and traditional financial markets. Such an ETF would provide a regulated, accessible, and efficient means for investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin, potentially unlocking billions of dollars of sidelined capital. The bridge metaphor is apt because it conveys the transformative potential of Bitcoin ETFs to connect disparate financial realms, facilitating a flow of capital that could stabilize and mature the cryptocurrency market.
The bridging role of Bitcoin ETFs is particularly important for institutional investors, who often face strict regulatory and operational requirements that make direct investment in cryptocurrencies challenging. By packaging Bitcoin within the familiar structure of an ETF, these investors can participate in the growth of digital assets while adhering to their investment mandates.
**Regulatory Hurdles and Market Manipulation Concerns**
The path to Bitcoin ETF approval has been fraught with regulatory hurdles, primarily due to concerns over market manipulation and the integrity of the underlying Bitcoin market. The SEC's apprehension is rooted in the decentralized and fragmented nature of cryptocurrency exchanges, which can complicate efforts to monitor and prevent manipulative practices.
However, the recent developments with Grayscale's Bitcoin ETF application suggest a potential softening of the SEC's stance. If Grayscale's ETF can demonstrate that it has adequate measures in place to address the SEC's concerns, it could set a precedent for the approval of future Bitcoin ETFs. This would be a significant milestone, as it would acknowledge the maturation of the cryptocurrency market and its surveillance mechanisms to a level that satisfies regulatory standards.
**The Race to Launch the First Bitcoin ETF**
The race to launch the first Bitcoin ETF is not just a matter of prestige but also of strategic advantage. The first-mover in this space will capture the attention of eager investors and set the tone for the market. The competition is fierce, with several financial giants vying for the position. The outcome of this race is eagerly anticipated by the crypto community, as it will likely have a significant impact on the market's dynamics and investor sentiment.
The anticipation surrounding the first Bitcoin ETF is also a reflection of the broader crypto industry's desire for validation and growth. Approval of an ETF would be a landmark event, signaling a new level of acceptance and integration of cryptocurrencies into the financial mainstream.
**The Psychology of Demand**
The demand for Bitcoin ETFs can be partly explained by the psychological concept of scarcity, where the value of an item increases with its rarity or inaccessibility. The SEC's repeated rejections of Bitcoin ETF proposals have only heightened their desirability. This phenomenon is not unique to the crypto industry; it is a well-documented aspect of human behavior that applies across various markets and products.
The psychology of demand for Bitcoin ETFs is also driven by the narrative of crypto's journey towards acceptance. Each regulatory challenge and milestone is part of a larger story of an emerging asset class striving for legitimacy. The crypto community's response to these developments is often charged with emotion, reflecting the high stakes and deep investment many have in the future of digital assets.
The excitement surrounding Bitcoin ETFs is a complex interplay of innovation, regulation, and human psychology. It encapsulates the hopes and challenges of an industry at the cusp of broader acceptance. The eventual introduction of Bitcoin ETFs could represent a significant inflection point, potentially ushering in a new era of institutional investment and mainstream interest in cryptocurrencies.
As the narrative unfolds, the crypto community watches with bated breath, anticipating the moment when Bitcoin ETFs become a reality. This event could validate the years of advocacy, development, and belief in the transformative potential of cryptocurrencies. For now, the excitement continues to build, with each rumor, regulatory update, and market movement watched closely by those eager to witness the next chapter in the evolution of finance.
**What is a Bitcoin ETF?**
A Bitcoin ETF (Exchange-Traded Fund) is a type of investment fund that tracks the price of Bitcoin and is traded on traditional stock exchanges, allowing investors to buy into Bitcoin without the complexities of handling the cryptocurrency itself.
**Why are Bitcoin ETFs important?**
Bitcoin ETFs are seen as a bridge between traditional finance and the emerging world of cryptocurrencies, offering a regulated, familiar investment vehicle for institutional and retail investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin.
**Has the SEC approved any Bitcoin ETFs?**
As of the last update, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has not approved any spot market Bitcoin ETFs, citing concerns over market manipulation and surveillance. However, futures-based Bitcoin ETFs have been approved and are being traded.
**What are the benefits of a Bitcoin ETF?**
Benefits include easier access for traditional investors, improved liquidity and price stability for Bitcoin, and the potential for increased institutional investment in the cryptocurrency space.
**What are the main concerns about Bitcoin ETFs?**
The main concerns include the potential for market manipulation, the integrity of the underlying Bitcoin market, and the adequacy of market surveillance mechanisms.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 4506e04e:8c16ba04
2025-01-22 16:37:08
If you are a researcher in the field of medicine, you are most likely very familiar with PubMed – where you get citations for the articles and studies that drive your work forward. PubMed Central (PMC), the full-text repository of life sciences journal literature managed by the National Library of Medicine (NLM), was established in 2000. Its creation marked a significant milestone in providing open access to biomedical research. Since 2005, PMC has served as the designated repository for papers submitted under the NIH Public Access Policy, reflecting the growing emphasis on transparency and accessibility in scientific research. Over the years, PMC has expanded its scope, becoming a repository for papers aligned with public and open access policies from various research funding organizations, both within and beyond biomedical sciences.
## Funding and Partnerships
NLM’s operations, including PubMed and PMC, are supported by a combination of government funding and contributions from influential entities such as The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation receives significant donations from pharmaceutical companies, as well as other organizations and individuals. The exact amount of money donated by each company can vary from year to year, but here are some examples of the amounts donated by the pharmaceutical companies:
**GSK (GlaxoSmithKline):**
- In 2020, GSK donated $100 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of new vaccines and treatments for diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS.
- In 2019, GSK donated $50 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of a new malaria vaccine.
- In 2020, Pfizer donated $50 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of new vaccines and treatments for diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS.
- In 2019, Pfizer donated $25 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of a new malaria vaccine.
**Merck & Co.:**
- In 2020, Merck donated $50 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of new vaccines and treatments for diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS.
- In 2019, Merck donated $25 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of a new malaria vaccine.
- In 2020, Novartis donated $20 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of new treatments for diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis.
- In 2019, Novartis donated $10 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of a new malaria vaccine.
**Johnson & Johnson:**
- In 2020, Johnson & Johnson donated $50 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of new vaccines and treatments for diseases such as malaria, tuberculosis, and HIV/AIDS.
- In 2019, Johnson & Johnson donated $25 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of a new malaria vaccine.
- In 2020, Sanofi donated $20 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of new vaccines and treatments for diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis.
- In 2019, Sanofi donated $10 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of a new malaria vaccine.
- In 2020, AstraZeneca donated $20 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of new vaccines and treatments for diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis.
- In 2019, AstraZeneca donated $10 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of a new malaria vaccine.
**Eli Lilly and Company:**
- In 2020, Eli Lilly donated $10 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of new treatments for diseases such as malaria and tuberculosis.
- In 2019, Eli Lilly donated $5 million to the Gates Foundation to support the development of a new malaria vaccine.
Additionally, NLM website [https://cdn.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/cms/files/PMCFunderDepositList.xlsx] (list over 200)(!) organisations that are founding it. What could go wrong one might ask?!
## The Centralization Challenge
While PubMed and PMC have played a pivotal role in democratizing access to scientific literature, their centralized nature presents vulnerabilities. Over the past century healthcare has grown to become one of the most profitable industries and to believe that the healthcare system we have today is the best we can do is far from understatement.
PubMed's reliance on centralized funding and decision-making processes makes it susceptible to external influences, including lobbying by powerful entities. Moreover, the centralized infrastructure allows for content to be published and removed with relative ease, often without leaving a trace. This raises concerns about the integrity and permanence of the scientific record, particularly in contentious or politically sensitive areas of research.
The ability to alter or erase information from PubMed undermines trust in the system’s objectivity and neutrality. Researchers and the public alike depend on these repositories for reliable and impartial access to scientific knowledge. Any perceived or actual manipulation of content can erode confidence in the platform and compromise its foundational mission.
## The Case for Decentralization
To address these challenges, a decentralized alternative built on emerging technologies, such as the Nostr protocol, could offer significant advantages. A decentralized platform would:
- **Enhance Resilience:** By distributing data across a network of relays, a decentralized system would eliminate single points of failure, ensuring the scientific record remains intact and always accessible even in the face of technical or political disruptions.
- **Increase Transparency:** Decentralized systems inherently log changes, making it nearly impossible to alter or remove content without leaving an auditable trail. This transparency would bolster trust in the integrity of the research.
- **Reduce Susceptibility to Lobbying:** Without centralized control, the influence of external entities on the platform’s content would be significantly diminished, preserving the objectivity of the scientific record.
- **Foster Open Collaboration:** A decentralized approach aligns with the principles of open science, encouraging global collaboration without the constraints of centralized oversight or bias introduced by big pharma lobby.
## Conclusion
While PubMed and PMC have been instrumental in advancing access to scientific literature, their centralized nature leaves them vulnerable to manipulation and external pressures. A shift toward a decentralized, censorship-resistant platform would address these vulnerabilities and provide a more robust and trustless repository for scientific knowledge. Groundbreaking research that dares to challenge the pharmaceutical industry's status quo could be published anonymously, following in the footsteps of the Bitcoin whitepaper's pseudonymous author, Satoshi Nakamoto. Leveraging technologies like the Nostr protocol, the research community can build a system that ensures the permanence, integrity, and impartiality of the scientific record for generations to come.
@ 6be5cc06:5259daf0
2025-01-21 23:17:29
A seguir, veja como instalar e configurar o **Privoxy** no **Pop!_OS**.
### **1. Instalar o Tor e o Privoxy**
Abra o terminal e execute:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install tor privoxy
- **Tor:** Roteia o tráfego pela rede Tor.
- **Privoxy:** Proxy avançado que intermedia a conexão entre aplicativos e o Tor.
### **2. Configurar o Privoxy**
Abra o arquivo de configuração do Privoxy:
sudo nano /etc/privoxy/config
Navegue até a última linha (atalho: **`Ctrl`** + **`/`** depois **`Ctrl`** + **`V`** para navegar diretamente até a última linha) e insira:
forward-socks5 / .
Isso faz com que o **Privoxy** envie todo o tráfego para o **Tor** através da porta **9050**.
Salve (**`CTRL`** + **`O`** e **`Enter`**) e feche (**`CTRL`** + **`X`**) o arquivo.
### **3. Iniciar o Tor e o Privoxy**
Agora, inicie e habilite os serviços:
sudo systemctl start tor
sudo systemctl start privoxy
sudo systemctl enable tor
sudo systemctl enable privoxy
- **start:** Inicia os serviços.
- **enable:** Faz com que iniciem automaticamente ao ligar o PC.
### **4. Configurar o Navegador Firefox**
Para usar a rede **Tor** com o Firefox:
1. Abra o Firefox.
2. Acesse **Configurações** → **Configurar conexão**.
3. Selecione **Configuração manual de proxy**.
4. Configure assim:
- **Proxy HTTP:** ``
- **Porta:** `8118` (porta padrão do **Privoxy**)
- **Domínio SOCKS (v5):** ``
- **Porta:** `9050`
5. Marque a opção **"Usar este proxy também em HTTPS"**.
6. Clique em **OK**.
### **5. Verificar a Conexão com o Tor**
Abra o navegador e acesse:
Se aparecer a mensagem **"Congratulations. This browser is configured to use Tor."**, a configuração está correta.
### **Dicas Extras**
- **Privoxy** pode ser ajustado para bloquear anúncios e rastreadores.
- Outros aplicativos também podem ser configurados para usar o **Privoxy**.
@ 16d11430:61640947
2025-01-21 20:40:22
In a world drowning in Monopoly money, where people celebrate government-mandated inflation as "economic growth," it takes a special kind of clarity—nay, cynicism—to rise above the fiat circus. This is your guide to shedding your fiat f**ks and embracing the serene chaos of sound money, all while laughing at the absurdity of a world gone fiat-mad.
1. Don’t Feed the Clowns
You know the clowns I’m talking about: central bankers in their tailored suits and smug smirks, wielding "tools" like interest rates and quantitative easing. Their tools are as real as a magician's wand, conjuring trillions of dollars out of thin air to keep their Ponzi economy afloat.
Rule #1: Don’t engage. If a clown offers you a hot take about the "strength of the dollar," smile, nod, and silently wonder how many cups of coffee their paycheck buys this month. Spoiler: fewer than last month.
2. Turn Off the Fiat News
Do you really need another breathless headline about the next trillion-dollar deficit? Or the latest clickbait on why you should care about the stock market's emotional rollercoaster? Mainstream media exists to distract you, to keep you tethered to their illusion of importance.
Turn it off. Replace it with something sound, like the Bitcoin whitepaper. Or Nietzsche. At least Nietzsche knew we were doomed.
3. Mock Their Inflationary Gospel
Fiat apologists will tell you that inflation is "necessary" and that 2% a year is a "healthy target." Sure, because a little robbery every year keeps society functioning, right? Ask them this: "If 2% is healthy, why not 20%? Why not 200%? Why not Venezuela?"
Fiat logic is like a bad acid trip: entertaining at first, but it quickly spirals into existential horror.
4. Celebrate the Fiat Freakshow
Sometimes, the best way to resist the fiat clown show is to revel in its absurdity. Watch politicians print money like teenagers running up a credit card bill at Hot Topic, then watch the economists applaud it as "stimulus." It’s performance art, really. Andy Warhol could never.
5. Build in the Chaos
While the fiat world burns, Bitcoiners build. This is the ultimate "not giving a fiat f**k" move: creating a parallel economy, one satoshi at a time. Run your Lightning node, stack sats, and laugh as the fiat circus consumes itself in a flaming pile of its own debt.
Let them argue about who gets to rearrange the deck chairs on the Titanic. You’re busy designing lifeboats.
6. Adopt a Fiat-Free Lifestyle
Fiat-free living means minimizing your entanglement with their clown currency. Buy meat, not ETFs. Trade skills, not IOUs. Tip your barber in Bitcoin and ask if your landlord accepts Lightning. If they say no, chuckle and say, “You’ll learn soon enough.”
Every satoshi spent in the real economy is a slap in the face to the fiat overlords.
7. Find the Humor in Collapse
Here’s the thing: the fiat system is unsustainable. You know it, I know it, even the clowns know it. The whole charade is destined to collapse under its own weight. When it does, find solace in the absurdity of it all.
Imagine the central bankers explaining hyperinflation to the public: "Turns out we can't print infinity after all." Pure comedy gold.
8. Stay Ruthlessly Optimistic
Despite the doom and gloom, there’s hope. Bitcoin is hope. It’s the lifeboat for humanity, the cheat code to escape the fiat matrix. Cynicism doesn’t mean nihilism; it means seeing the rot for what it is and choosing to build something better.
So, don’t just reject the fiat clown show—replace it. Create a world where money is sound, transactions are sovereign, and wealth is measured in energy, not debt.
Final Thought: Burn the Tent Down
Aldous Huxley once envisioned a dystopia where people are so distracted by their own hedonistic consumption that they don’t realize they’re enslaved. Sound familiar? The fiat clown show is Brave New World on steroids, a spectacle designed to keep you pacified while your wealth evaporates.
But here’s the punchline: they can only enslave you if you care. By rejecting their system, you strip them of their power. So let them juggle their debts, inflate their bubbles, and print their trillions. You’ve got Bitcoin, and Bitcoin doesn’t give a fiat f**k.
Welcome to the satirical resistance. Now go stack some sats.
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-21 19:31:48
Oregano oil is a potent natural compound that offers numerous scientifically-supported health benefits.
## Active Compounds
The oil's therapeutic properties stem from its key bioactive components:
- Carvacrol and thymol (primary active compounds)
- Polyphenols and other antioxidant
## Antimicrobial Properties
**Bacterial Protection**
The oil demonstrates powerful antibacterial effects, even against antibiotic-resistant strains like MRSA and other harmful bacteria. Studies show it effectively inactivates various pathogenic bacteria without developing resistance.
**Antifungal Effects**
It effectively combats fungal infections, particularly Candida-related conditions like oral thrush, athlete's foot, and nail infections.
## Digestive Health Benefits
Oregano oil supports digestive wellness by:
- Promoting gastric juice secretion and enzyme production
- Helping treat Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
- Managing digestive discomfort, bloating, and IBS symptoms
## Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects
The oil provides significant protective benefits through:
- Powerful antioxidant activity that fights free radicals
- Reduction of inflammatory markers in the body
- Protection against oxidative stress-related conditions
## Respiratory Support
It aids respiratory health by:
- Loosening mucus and phlegm
- Suppressing coughs and throat irritation
- Supporting overall respiratory tract function
## Additional Benefits
**Skin Health**
- Improves conditions like psoriasis, acne, and eczema
- Supports wound healing through antibacterial action
- Provides anti-aging benefits through antioxidant properties
**Cardiovascular Health**
Studies show oregano oil may help:
- Reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels
- Support overall heart health
**Pain Management**
The oil demonstrates effectiveness in:
- Reducing inflammation-related pain
- Managing muscle discomfort
- Providing topical pain relief
## Safety Note
While oregano oil is generally safe, it's highly concentrated and should be properly diluted before use Consult a healthcare provider before starting supplementation, especially if taking other medications.
@ cff1720e:15c7e2b2
2025-01-21 19:28:49
The aim of ELI5 (explain me like I'm 5) is to explain difficult things simply. This is urgently needed in our high-tech world, because only by understanding the technologies can we use them properly and develop them further.
I'm starting my series with Nostr, a relatively new internet protocol. What the hell is an Internet protocol? In formal terms, it is an international standard that has ensured that the Internet has been working pretty well for over 30 years. It is the language in which computers communicate with each other and which you also use every day, probably without realizing it. http(s) transports your request to a server (e.g. Amazon), and html ensures that a nice page is created on your screen from the data supplied. A mail is sent to the mail server with smtp and retrieved from it with imap, and since everyone uses the standard, this works with every app on every operating system and with every mail provider.
And with an e-mail address like <roland@pareto.space>, you can even move at any time, no matter where. Cool, that's state of the art! But why doesn't this work with chat, for example, is there no protocol? Yes, it's called IRC (Internet Relay Chat → remember the name), but it's hardly ever used. The reasons for this are not technical, but rather apps such as Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, TikTok and others have deliberately created incompatibilities and user dependencies in order to maximize profits.
Since the standard protocol is not used, each app has its own, and we need a handful of apps to exchange information with everyone we know. A mobile phone number is a prerequisite for every account, allowing app manufacturers to track users comprehensively and earn up to USD 30 per account per month by selling the information. The user is no longer the customer, he is the product! Advertising SPAM is the least of the problems with this business model. Servers with millions of user data are a “honey pot”, so they are often hacked and the access data sold. In 2024, the Twitter account of then President Joe Biden was also hacked and no one knew who had written the messages (nor did they before), meaning that the authenticity of the content is not guaranteed with any of these providers. In the same year, the founder of Telegram was taken into custody in France because he refused to build backdoors into his software. Now, to protect “our democracy”, practically anyone can read what information they exchange with whom, e.g. which shampoo certain politicians use.
**Why Nostr?**
And anyone who actually believes they can practice freedom of expression on social media will quickly find themselves in the situation of Donald Trump (who was president at the time), whose Twitter account was shut down in 2021 (cancel culture). The user data, i.e. their profile, contacts, documents, images, videos and audio files - no longer belong to them anyway but are the property of the platform operator; read the terms and conditions. But no, not a good idea, there are hundreds of pages and they are constantly being changed. So everyone uses apps whose technology they don't understand, whose rules they don't know, where they have no rights and which steal the results of their actions. What would the five-year-old say if his older sister offered to “manage” all his toys and then hand them over if he was good? “You must be crazy”, and with that the toddler proves he has more sense than the majority of adults.
**Conclusion: no standards, no data, no rights = no future!**
**How does Nostr work?**
The developers of Nostr realized that the server-client concept had turned into a master-slave concept. The master is synonymous with centralization and becomes the “single point of failure”, which inevitably makes systems dysfunctional. In a distributed peer2peer system, there are no longer any masters but only equal nodes (relays) on which the information is stored. By storing information redundantly on several relays, the system is more resilient in every respect. It is not only nature that has successfully used this principle for millions of years, the Internet was also designed in this way (the ARPAnet was developed by the US military for use in war situations with massive disruptions). All nostr data is stored on relays and the user can choose between public (usually free) and private relays, e.g. for closed groups or for the purpose of data archiving. As documents are stored on several relays, unique document names (URIs = identifiers) are used instead of URLs (locators), making broken links a thing of the past, as are deletions / losses.
Each document (called an event) is signed by the owner, making it authentic and tamper-proof and can only be deleted by the creator. A key pair consisting of a private (nsec) and public key (npub) is used for this, as known from mail encryption (PGP). This represents a Nostr identity that can be supplemented with a picture, name, bio and a readable Nostr address (e.g. <roland@pareto.space> ), which is all that is needed to use all the resources of the Nostr ecosystem. And this now consists of over a hundred apps with different focuses, e.g. for personal encrypted messages (DM → OxChat), short messages (Damus, Primal), blog posts (Pareto), meetups (Joinstr), groups (Groups), images (Olas), videos (Amethyst), audio chat (Nostr Nests), audio streams (Tunestr), video streams (Zap.Stream), marketplaces (Shopstr) and much more. Registration is done with a single click (single sign-on) and ALL user data is available to the apps (profile, data, contacts, social graph → followers, bookmarks, comments, etc.), in contrast to the fragmented data silos of the present.
**Summary: one open standard, all data, all rights = great future!**
**Why is Nostr the future of the internet?**
“Don't build your house on someone else's property” also applies to the Internet - for all app developers, artists, journalists and users, because their data is also valuable. Nostr guarantees ownership of the data and overcomes its fragmentation. Neither use nor creative freedom is restricted by excessive license and usage conditions. Passive users become active participants through interaction, co-creators in a sharing economy (**Value4Value**). Open source finally restores trust in software and its providers. Open standards enable developers to cooperate more and develop faster, while guaranteeing freedom of choice for users. Which brings us back to our five-year-old for the last time. Children love Lego more than anything, especially the maxi box “Classic”, because it allows them to live out their imagination to the full in terms of combinations. Adults then give them the far too expensive theme packs, with which you can only build one solution according to the instructions. “What's wrong with my parents, when did they take a wrong turn?” the children rightly ask themselves. But the image can be polished up again if they show their children Nostr, because even five-year-olds understand the advantages.
**The new Internet is decentralized. The new Internet is self-determined. Nostr is the new Internet.**
More infos: <https://nostr.net/>\
Quick start: <https://start.njump.me/>
@ 0f061fe4:944cdb2b
2025-01-21 18:46:56
There are too many ways to build and test a project with CMake. On the other hand, there is too little knowledge out there about those ways. As a consequence, people wrap the CMake invocation in custom scripts written in Bash, Python, Typescript etc.
Just look at the Jenkins configuration in your company. Look at different
implementations of GitHub actions/workflows for CMake. I bet what you will find
is a complete framework with custom abstractions of core utilities, version
control systems, the CMake command line, the actual build system, and more.
Looking at the commands that actually perform the steps for configuring,
building, and testing, it is very likely that you see those:
mkdir -p $build_dir
cd $build_dir
cmake -G Ninja $source_dir
ninja test
I assume you know that CMake can create the build directory and provides an
abstraction for invoking the actual build system. You should also know that the
`test` target essentially just runs `ctest`. So you could simplify and
generalize the above commands to this:
cmake -G Ninja -S $source_dir -B $build_dir
cmake --build $build_dir
ctest --test-dir $build_dir
But did you know that CTest already provides a command line abstraction to
execute the three steps?
ctest --build-and-test $source_dir $build_dir \
--build-generator Ninja --test-command ctest
Don't ask me why the above command stops after the build step when
`--test-command ctest` is omitted. After all, this mode is called
"build **and test**", so just executing `ctest` would be a sane default when no
test command is explicitly set by the user.
Anyway, there is more. CTest also provides abstractions for the version control
system, coverage analysis, and memory ckecking. But here be dragons.
There are, believe it or not, four different ways to configure CTest as a
dashboard client:
1. [CTest Command-Line](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.30/manual/ctest.1.html#dashboard-client-via-ctest-command-line)
2. Declarative CTest Script (undocumented)
3. [CTest Module](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.30/module/CTest.html)
4. [CTest Script](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.30/manual/ctest.1.html#dashboard-client-via-ctest-script)
In the first approach, the command-line flag `-D` or a combination of
`-M` and `-T` is used to control *which* steps to execute.
The actual logic that is executed for those steps is controlled through a
configuration file called `DartConfiguration.tcl` which is read from the current
working directory.
Note that the documentation claims that this approach works in an
already-generated build tree. This is not true in all cases.
What is definitely needed, is that the source repository is already checked out.
While the source directory can be updated, it cannot be initialized with this
approach. We will get back to those details later.
For now, copy the following content into a file called `DartConfiguration.tcl`:
SourceDirectory: Example
BuildDirectory: Example-build
UpdateCommand: git
ConfigureCommand: cmake -G Ninja -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_INIT=--coverage ..
MemoryCheckCommand: valgrind
Make sure that `Example` is a directory next to the `DartConfiguration.tcl`
file and contains a local clone of a git repository. Then execute the following:
ctest -M Experimental \
-T Start \
-T Update \
-T Configure \
-T Build \
-T Test \
-T Coverage \
-T MemCheck
Observe in the output that ctest updates the repository to the latest revision,
configures the project, builds it, runs the tests, analyzes the coverage, and
finds some memory leaks.
In the second approach, the `DartConfiguration.tcl` file is replaced with a file
written in the CMake syntax:
set(CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY "/home/dpfeifer/Example")
set(CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY "/home/dpfeifer/Example-build")
set(CTEST_COMMAND "ctest")
set(CTEST_CVS_CHECKOUT "gh repo clone Example")
The name of the file does not really matter. I use the name `CTestScript.cmake`
and invoke ctest like this:
ctest --script CTestScript.cmake --verbose
Remember that, with the previous approach, it was impossible to initialize the
source directory? With this approach, it is possible via the
`CTEST_CVS_CHECKOUT` variable. Despite the name, this variable can be used to
checkout a repository with any version control system, as shown in the example.
However, updating probably only works with CVS.
What is worse, is that this approach basically just handles the `update`,
`configure`, and `test` steps. Yes, the project is not even built before
running the tests. I wonder if anyone finds this useful.
Why am I even mentioning this approach when it is so barely useful? Because it
can get in the way when you don't expect it. I will get back to that.
The third approach also allows setting variables in the CMake syntax. Not in
a separate file, but in the top level project's `CMakeLists.txt` file, right
before `include(CTest)`. This module internally calls `configure_file` to place
`DartConfiguration.tcl` into the build tree.
Now, it becomes clear why the documentation claims that `ctest` may be invoked
with command-line flags `-D`, `-M`, and `-T` in an already-generated build tree:
Because the CTest module places `DartConfiguration.tcl` there.
It also becomes clear under which circumstance it does *not* work as advertized:
When the project does not `include(CTest)`!
But when a project does `include(CTest)`, it will get several custom targets
like `ExperimentalCoverage` that will execute `ctest -D ExperimentalCoverage`.
The last approach uses the same file and command-line as the second one.
The difference is that the build-and-test logic is scripted with CTest commands:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
set(CTEST_SOURCE_DIRECTORY "/home/dpfeifer/Example")
set(CTEST_BINARY_DIRECTORY "/home/dpfeifer/Example-build")
find_program(CTEST_GIT_COMMAND "git")
find_program(CTEST_COVERAGE_COMMAND "gcov")
find_program(CTEST_MEMORYCHECK_COMMAND "valgrind")
cmake_host_system_information(RESULT NPROC QUERY NUMBER_OF_LOGICAL_CORES)
set(CTEST_CHECKOUT_COMMAND "gh repo clone Example")
ctest_configure(OPTIONS -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS_INIT=--coverage)
ctest_build(PARALLEL_LEVEL ${NPROC})
ctest_memcheck(PARALLEL_LEVEL ${NPROC})
This is the only approach that can both initialize *and* update the source
directory. It is also the only approach that allows you to execute the same
step more than once. Imagine you want to use a multi-config generator and then
run `ctest_build` for each configuration.
It gives full control over the logic what steps to run under what conditions.
Imagine you want to run the expensive memory checking only when the build
finishes without warnings, as the warnings may already indicate memory issues.
The possibilities are endless.
How does `ctest --script` distinguish between "CTest Script" mode and the
dreaded "Declarative CTest Script" mode?
At the beginning of the script, CTest implicitly sets the variable
[`CTEST_RUN_CURRENT_SCRIPT`](https://cmake.org/cmake/help/v3.30/variable/CTEST_RUN_CURRENT_SCRIPT.html) to 1.
Each of the `ctest_*` functions sets the variable to 0. When this variable is
still 1 at the end of the script, CTest assumes that none of the `ctest_*`
functions have been called. However, when the `ctest_*` functions are called
from inside a scoped block, there may be cases when the variable is unchanged.
In such cases, it is necessary to explicitly `set(CTEST_RUN_CURRENT_SCRIPT 0)`.
My recommendation to everyone who wants to setup a CI system for CMake projects
is to use a CTest Script. For an example GitHub action built using a CTest
script have a look at
The fact that there are so many different approaches to the same use case is an
issue in my optionion. Also, the user experience of the CTest scripts needs to
be improved. I have some ideas how those issues can be addressed. I will write
about them in a follow up.
@ b17fccdf:b7211155
2025-01-21 18:16:58
#### **Next new resources about the MiniBolt guide have been released**:
* 🆕 **Roadmap**: [LINK](https://github.com/orgs/minibolt-guide/projects/1)
* 🆕 **Network Map**: [LINK](https://bit.ly/minibolt_netmap)
* 🆕 **Nostr community**: [LINK](https://w3.do/twofaktor@twofaktor-github-io/minibolt_community)
* 🆕 **Linktr FOSS** (UC) by [Gzuuus](nostr:npub1gzuushllat7pet0ccv9yuhygvc8ldeyhrgxuwg744dn5khnpk3gs3ea5ds): [LINK](https://linktr.minibolt.info)
* 🆕 **Donate webpage**: 🚾 [Clearnet LINK](https://donate.minibolt.info) || 🧅 [Onion LINK](http://3iqm7nidexns5p6wmgc23ibgiscm6rge7hwyeziviwgav4fl7xui4mqd.onion/apps/Li3AtEGDsqNmNddv6rX69taidm3/pos)
* 🆕 **Contact email**: [hello@minibolt.info](mailto:hello@minibolt.info)
Enjoy it MiniBolter! 💙
@ b17fccdf:b7211155
2025-01-21 17:02:21
The past 26 August, Tor [introduced officially](https://blog.torproject.org/introducing-proof-of-work-defense-for-onion-services/) a proof-of-work (PoW) defense for onion services designed to prioritize verified network traffic as a deterrent against denial of service (DoS) attacks.
~ > This feature at the moment, is [deactivate by default](https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/blob/main/doc/man/tor.1.txt#L3117), so you need to follow these steps to activate this on a MiniBolt node:
* Make sure you have the latest version of Tor installed, at the time of writing this post, which is v0.4.8.6. Check your current version by typing
tor --version
**Example** of expected output:
Tor version
This build of Tor is covered by the GNU General Public License (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
Tor is running on Linux with Libevent 2.1.12-stable, OpenSSL 3.0.9, Zlib 1.2.13, Liblzma 5.4.1, Libzstd N/A and Glibc 2.36 as libc.
Tor compiled with GCC version 12.2.0
~ > If you have v0.4.8.X, you are **OK**, if not, type `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade` and confirm to update.
* Basic PoW support can be checked by running this command:
tor --list-modules
Expected output:
relay: yes
dirauth: yes
dircache: yes
pow: **yes**
~ > If you have `pow: yes`, you are **OK**
* Now go to the torrc file of your MiniBolt and add the parameter to enable PoW for each hidden service added
sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc
# Hidden Service BTC RPC Explorer
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_btcrpcexplorer/
HiddenServiceVersion 3
HiddenServicePoWDefensesEnabled 1
HiddenServicePort 80
~ > Bitcoin Core and LND use the Tor control port to automatically create the hidden service, requiring no action from the user. We have submitted a feature request in the official GitHub repositories to explore the need for the integration of Tor's PoW defense into the automatic creation process of the hidden service. You can follow them at the following links:
* Bitcoin Core: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/issues/8002
* LND: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/28499
More info:
* https://blog.torproject.org/introducing-proof-of-work-defense-for-onion-services/
* https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/onion-support/-/wikis/Documentation/PoW-FAQ
Enjoy it MiniBolter! 💙
@ b17fccdf:b7211155
2025-01-21 16:23:44
> Build your nostr relay step by step on your MiniBolt node! (**easily adaptable to other environment**)
No need to trust anyone else! Be sovereign!
~> Go to the bonus guide by clicking ~> [HERE](https://minibolt.minibolt.info/bonus-guides/nostr/nostr-relay)< ~
~> This guide includes a complete [extra section](https://minibolt.minibolt.info/bonus-guides/nostr/nostr-relay#extras-optional) to cover the different processes for using nostr **as a user and relay operator**.
PS: The MiniBolt project has its FREE relay, be free to connect by adding to your favorite client the next address: `wss://relay.minibolt.info`
~> Let a review on [noStrudel](https://nostrudel.ninja/#/r/wss%3A%2F%2Frelay.minibolt.info) or [Coracle](https://coracle.social/relays/relay.minibolt.info) of your experience using it.
Remember, Nostr is freedom! Stay resilient! 💜 🛡️💪
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-21 13:47:17
In the annals of treasure hunting, tales of sunken galleons and buried chests have given way to a new narrative—one that unfolds in the digital realm. The U.S. Government, traditionally associated with the physical might of gold reserves in Fort Knox, has inadvertently entered the arena of cryptocurrency by amassing a staggering $5 billion in Bitcoin. This digital fortune, however, was not amassed through investment or mining efforts but rather through the seizure of assets from the darker corners of the internet. As we stand at the crossroads of finance and technology, this cache of Bitcoin opens up a Pandora's box of possibilities and challenges that could redefine the economic landscape of tomorrow.
**Table Of Content**
- A Digital Fort Knox
- The Origins of the Cache
- The Dilemma of Liquidation
- Potential Paths Forward
- The Impact on the Future of Currency
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**A Digital Fort Knox**
Imagine a vault, not of steel and stone, but of complex cryptographic algorithms, housing a vast sum of Bitcoin equivalent to the wealth of small nations. This digital Fort Knox does not require armed guards or thick walls but instead relies on the impenetrable nature of blockchain technology. The U.S. Government's acquisition of such a significant amount of Bitcoin is a testament to the changing nature of value and wealth in the 21st century. Each Bitcoin in this modern trove was once part of illicit transactions, flowing through the veins of the internet until it was intercepted by the vigilant efforts of federal agencies. The narrative of each coin is a digital ledger, chronicling a journey from the shadowy fringes of the web to the secure wallets of the government.
**The Origins of the Cache**
The backstory of the government's Bitcoin collection is not one of serendipity but of strategic cyber sleuthing and legal might. It is a modern saga of law enforcement adapting to the challenges posed by the digital age. Federal agencies, armed with court orders and cutting-edge technology, have traced the movement of these digital assets through the blockchain, unraveling complex webs of transactions that lead to the criminal enterprises operating in the darknet markets. Each seizure represents a battle won in the ongoing war against cybercrime, with the confiscated Bitcoin serving as both evidence of victory and the spoils of war.
**The Dilemma of Liquidation**
The government's Bitcoin cache presents a unique conundrum: to liquidate or not to liquidate? This decision is fraught with economic implications, akin to a game of high-stakes poker where the government's hand could influence the entire table. A sudden influx of $5 billion worth of Bitcoin into the market could trigger a tidal wave of volatility, potentially devaluing the currency and destabilizing the fragile ecosystem of digital assets. The government must navigate these waters with a blend of economic savvy and strategic foresight, ensuring that any decision made is in the best interest of not just the immediate financial landscape but also the long-term viability of cryptocurrencies.
**Potential Paths Forward**
The government stands at the helm, charting a course through uncharted waters with its Bitcoin bounty. The options are as varied as they are complex. Holding onto the Bitcoin could be seen as an endorsement of its value, a digital reserve akin to the gold of yesteryear. Alternatively, a measured approach to selling the Bitcoin could be employed, releasing it into the market in a controlled manner to mitigate any negative impacts. There's also the innovative possibility of integrating Bitcoin into the government's financial transactions, embracing the very currency that was once shunned by the establishment.
**The Impact on the Future of Currency**
The U.S. Government's handling of this Bitcoin cache is not merely a financial decision; it is a statement on the future of currency itself. As the line between digital and fiat currencies blurs, the actions taken with this Bitcoin hoard could send ripples across the global economy. It could influence how governments around the world perceive and interact with digital assets, potentially ushering in a new era where cryptocurrency becomes a staple of economic policy and international trade.
The U.S. Government's Bitcoin cache is more than a collection of digital assets; it is a symbol of a new era in governance and economic strategy. The decisions made regarding this treasure will likely resonate through the annals of financial history, setting precedents for how nations interact with the burgeoning realm of digital currencies. As we delve deeper into this narrative, we realize that this treasure is not hidden but in plain sight, waiting to unlock a future where digital assets are as commonplace and as valuable as the gold once stored in the vaults of old.
**How did the U.S. Government acquire $5 billion in Bitcoin?**
The U.S. Government seized this Bitcoin from various cybercriminal operations and darknet markets through legal and technological efforts by federal agencies.
**What is the significance of the government holding such a large amount of Bitcoin?**
This significant holding of Bitcoin by the government underscores the changing landscape of value and wealth, highlighting the increasing relevance of digital currencies in today's economy.
**What challenges does the government face with this Bitcoin cache?**
The government faces the challenge of deciding how to manage and potentially liquidate the Bitcoin without causing market disruption due to the currency's volatility.
**What are the potential strategies for the U.S. Government's Bitcoin cache?**
Strategies include holding the Bitcoin as a reserve asset, selling it off gradually to minimize market impact, or using it for government transactions and policy-making.
**How could the government's handling of the Bitcoin cache affect the future of currency?**
The government's approach to managing the Bitcoin cache could set a precedent for how digital assets are treated by national entities, potentially influencing the integration of cryptocurrencies into mainstream finance.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
**X: [@croxroadnews.co](https://x.com/croxroadnewsco)**
**Instagram: [@croxroadnews.co](https://www.instagram.com/croxroadnews.co/)**
**Youtube: [@croxroadnews](https://www.youtube.com/@croxroadnews)**
**Store: https://croxroad.store**
**Subscribe to CROX ROAD Bitcoin Only Daily Newsletter**
*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 6be5cc06:5259daf0
2025-01-21 01:51:46
## Bitcoin: Um sistema de dinheiro eletrônico direto entre pessoas.
Satoshi Nakamoto
### Resumo
O Bitcoin é uma forma de dinheiro digital que permite pagamentos diretos entre pessoas, sem a necessidade de um banco ou instituição financeira. Ele resolve um problema chamado **gasto duplo**, que ocorre quando alguém tenta gastar o mesmo dinheiro duas vezes. Para evitar isso, o Bitcoin usa uma rede descentralizada onde todos trabalham juntos para verificar e registrar as transações.
As transações são registradas em um livro público chamado **blockchain**, protegido por uma técnica chamada **Prova de Trabalho**. Essa técnica cria uma cadeia de registros que não pode ser alterada sem refazer todo o trabalho já feito. Essa cadeia é mantida pelos computadores que participam da rede, e a mais longa é considerada a verdadeira.
Enquanto a maior parte do poder computacional da rede for controlada por participantes honestos, o sistema continuará funcionando de forma segura. A rede é flexível, permitindo que qualquer pessoa entre ou saia a qualquer momento, sempre confiando na cadeia mais longa como prova do que aconteceu.
### 1. Introdução
Hoje, quase todos os pagamentos feitos pela internet dependem de bancos ou empresas como processadores de pagamento (cartões de crédito, por exemplo) para funcionar. Embora esse sistema seja útil, ele tem problemas importantes porque é baseado em **confiança**.
Primeiro, essas empresas podem reverter pagamentos, o que é útil em caso de erros, mas cria custos e incertezas. Isso faz com que pequenas transações, como pagar centavos por um serviço, se tornem inviáveis. Além disso, os comerciantes são obrigados a desconfiar dos clientes, pedindo informações extras e aceitando fraudes como algo inevitável.
Esses problemas não existem no dinheiro físico, como o papel-moeda, onde o pagamento é final e direto entre as partes. No entanto, não temos como enviar dinheiro físico pela internet sem depender de um intermediário confiável.
O que precisamos é de um **sistema de pagamento eletrônico baseado em provas matemáticas**, não em confiança. Esse sistema permitiria que qualquer pessoa enviasse dinheiro diretamente para outra, sem depender de bancos ou processadores de pagamento. Além disso, as transações seriam irreversíveis, protegendo vendedores contra fraudes, mas mantendo a possibilidade de soluções para disputas legítimas.
Neste documento, apresentamos o **Bitcoin**, que resolve o problema do gasto duplo usando uma rede descentralizada. Essa rede cria um registro público e protegido por cálculos matemáticos, que garante a ordem das transações. Enquanto a maior parte da rede for controlada por pessoas honestas, o sistema será seguro contra ataques.
### 2. Transações
Para entender como funciona o Bitcoin, é importante saber como as transações são realizadas. Imagine que você quer transferir uma "moeda digital" para outra pessoa. No sistema do Bitcoin, essa "moeda" é representada por uma sequência de registros que mostram quem é o atual dono. Para transferi-la, você adiciona um novo registro comprovando que agora ela pertence ao próximo dono. Esse registro é protegido por um tipo especial de assinatura digital.
#### O que é uma assinatura digital?
Uma assinatura digital é como uma senha secreta, mas muito mais segura. No Bitcoin, cada usuário tem duas chaves: uma "chave privada", que é secreta e serve para criar a assinatura, e uma "chave pública", que pode ser compartilhada com todos e é usada para verificar se a assinatura é válida. Quando você transfere uma moeda, usa sua chave privada para assinar a transação, provando que você é o dono. A próxima pessoa pode usar sua chave pública para confirmar isso.
#### Como funciona na prática?
Cada "moeda" no Bitcoin é, na verdade, uma cadeia de assinaturas digitais. Vamos imaginar o seguinte cenário:
1. A moeda está com o Dono 0 (você). Para transferi-la ao Dono 1, você assina digitalmente a transação com sua chave privada. Essa assinatura inclui o código da transação anterior (chamado de "hash") e a chave pública do Dono 1.
2. Quando o Dono 1 quiser transferir a moeda ao Dono 2, ele assinará a transação seguinte com sua própria chave privada, incluindo também o hash da transação anterior e a chave pública do Dono 2.
3. Esse processo continua, formando uma "cadeia" de transações. Qualquer pessoa pode verificar essa cadeia para confirmar quem é o atual dono da moeda.
#### Resolvendo o problema do gasto duplo
Um grande desafio com moedas digitais é o "gasto duplo", que é quando uma mesma moeda é usada em mais de uma transação. Para evitar isso, muitos sistemas antigos dependiam de uma entidade central confiável, como uma casa da moeda, que verificava todas as transações. No entanto, isso criava um ponto único de falha e centralizava o controle do dinheiro.
O Bitcoin resolve esse problema de forma inovadora: ele usa uma rede descentralizada onde todos os participantes (os "nós") têm acesso a um registro completo de todas as transações. Cada nó verifica se as transações são válidas e se a moeda não foi gasta duas vezes. Quando a maioria dos nós concorda com a validade de uma transação, ela é registrada permanentemente na blockchain.
#### Por que isso é importante?
Essa solução elimina a necessidade de confiar em uma única entidade para gerenciar o dinheiro, permitindo que qualquer pessoa no mundo use o Bitcoin sem precisar de permissão de terceiros. Além disso, ela garante que o sistema seja seguro e resistente a fraudes.
### 3. Servidor Timestamp
Para assegurar que as transações sejam realizadas de forma segura e transparente, o sistema Bitcoin utiliza algo chamado de "servidor de registro de tempo" (timestamp). Esse servidor funciona como um registro público que organiza as transações em uma ordem específica.
Ele faz isso agrupando várias transações em blocos e criando um código único chamado "hash". Esse hash é como uma impressão digital que representa todo o conteúdo do bloco. O hash de cada bloco é amplamente divulgado, como se fosse publicado em um jornal ou em um fórum público.
Esse processo garante que cada bloco de transações tenha um registro de quando foi criado e que ele existia naquele momento. Além disso, cada novo bloco criado contém o hash do bloco anterior, formando uma cadeia contínua de blocos conectados — conhecida como blockchain.
Com isso, se alguém tentar alterar qualquer informação em um bloco anterior, o hash desse bloco mudará e não corresponderá ao hash armazenado no bloco seguinte. Essa característica torna a cadeia muito segura, pois qualquer tentativa de fraude seria imediatamente detectada.
O sistema de timestamps é essencial para provar a ordem cronológica das transações e garantir que cada uma delas seja única e autêntica. Dessa forma, ele reforça a segurança e a confiança na rede Bitcoin.
### 4. Prova-de-Trabalho
Para implementar o registro de tempo distribuído no sistema Bitcoin, utilizamos um mecanismo chamado prova-de-trabalho. Esse sistema é semelhante ao Hashcash, desenvolvido por Adam Back, e baseia-se na criação de um código único, o "hash", por meio de um processo computacionalmente exigente.
A prova-de-trabalho envolve encontrar um valor especial que, quando processado junto com as informações do bloco, gere um hash que comece com uma quantidade específica de zeros. Esse valor especial é chamado de "nonce". Encontrar o nonce correto exige um esforço significativo do computador, porque envolve tentativas repetidas até que a condição seja satisfeita.
Esse processo é importante porque torna extremamente difícil alterar qualquer informação registrada em um bloco. Se alguém tentar mudar algo em um bloco, seria necessário refazer o trabalho de computação não apenas para aquele bloco, mas também para todos os blocos que vêm depois dele. Isso garante a segurança e a imutabilidade da blockchain.
A prova-de-trabalho também resolve o problema de decidir qual cadeia de blocos é a válida quando há múltiplas cadeias competindo. A decisão é feita pela cadeia mais longa, pois ela representa o maior esforço computacional já realizado. Isso impede que qualquer indivíduo ou grupo controle a rede, desde que a maioria do poder de processamento seja mantida por participantes honestos.
Para garantir que o sistema permaneça eficiente e equilibrado, a dificuldade da prova-de-trabalho é ajustada automaticamente ao longo do tempo. Se novos blocos estiverem sendo gerados rapidamente, a dificuldade aumenta; se estiverem sendo gerados muito lentamente, a dificuldade diminui. Esse ajuste assegura que novos blocos sejam criados aproximadamente a cada 10 minutos, mantendo o sistema estável e funcional.
### 5. Rede
A rede Bitcoin é o coração do sistema e funciona de maneira distribuída, conectando vários participantes (ou nós) para garantir o registro e a validação das transações. Os passos para operar essa rede são:
1. **Transmissão de Transações**: Quando alguém realiza uma nova transação, ela é enviada para todos os nós da rede. Isso é feito para garantir que todos estejam cientes da operação e possam validá-la.
2. **Coleta de Transações em Blocos**: Cada nó agrupa as novas transações recebidas em um "bloco". Este bloco será preparado para ser adicionado à cadeia de blocos (a blockchain).
3. **Prova-de-Trabalho**: Os nós competem para resolver a prova-de-trabalho do bloco, utilizando poder computacional para encontrar um hash válido. Esse processo é como resolver um quebra-cabeça matemático difícil.
4. **Envio do Bloco Resolvido**: Quando um nó encontra a solução para o bloco (a prova-de-trabalho), ele compartilha esse bloco com todos os outros nós na rede.
5. **Validação do Bloco**: Cada nó verifica o bloco recebido para garantir que todas as transações nele contidas sejam válidas e que nenhuma moeda tenha sido gasta duas vezes. Apenas blocos válidos são aceitos.
6. **Construção do Próximo Bloco**: Os nós que aceitaram o bloco começam a trabalhar na criação do próximo bloco, utilizando o hash do bloco aceito como base (hash anterior). Isso mantém a continuidade da cadeia.
#### Resolução de Conflitos e Escolha da Cadeia Mais Longa
Os nós sempre priorizam a cadeia mais longa, pois ela representa o maior esforço computacional já realizado, garantindo maior segurança. Se dois blocos diferentes forem compartilhados simultaneamente, os nós trabalharão no primeiro bloco recebido, mas guardarão o outro como uma alternativa. Caso o segundo bloco eventualmente forme uma cadeia mais longa (ou seja, tenha mais blocos subsequentes), os nós mudarão para essa nova cadeia.
#### Tolerância a Falhas
A rede é robusta e pode lidar com mensagens que não chegam a todos os nós. Uma transação não precisa alcançar todos os nós de imediato; basta que chegue a um número suficiente deles para ser incluída em um bloco. Da mesma forma, se um nó não receber um bloco em tempo hábil, ele pode solicitá-lo ao perceber que está faltando quando o próximo bloco é recebido.
Esse mecanismo descentralizado permite que a rede Bitcoin funcione de maneira segura, confiável e resiliente, sem depender de uma autoridade central.
### 6. Incentivo
O incentivo é um dos pilares fundamentais que sustenta o funcionamento da rede Bitcoin, garantindo que os participantes (nós) continuem operando de forma honesta e contribuindo com recursos computacionais. Ele é estruturado em duas partes principais: a recompensa por mineração e as taxas de transação.
#### Recompensa por Mineração
Por convenção, o primeiro registro em cada bloco é uma transação especial que cria novas moedas e as atribui ao criador do bloco. Essa recompensa incentiva os mineradores a dedicarem poder computacional para apoiar a rede. Como não há uma autoridade central para emitir moedas, essa é a maneira pela qual novas moedas entram em circulação. Esse processo pode ser comparado ao trabalho de garimpeiros, que utilizam recursos para colocar mais ouro em circulação. No caso do Bitcoin, o "recurso" consiste no tempo de CPU e na energia elétrica consumida para resolver a prova-de-trabalho.
#### Taxas de Transação
Além da recompensa por mineração, os mineradores também podem ser incentivados pelas taxas de transação. Se uma transação utiliza menos valor de saída do que o valor de entrada, a diferença é tratada como uma taxa, que é adicionada à recompensa do bloco contendo essa transação. Com o passar do tempo e à medida que o número de moedas em circulação atinge o limite predeterminado, essas taxas de transação se tornam a principal fonte de incentivo, substituindo gradualmente a emissão de novas moedas. Isso permite que o sistema opere sem inflação, uma vez que o número total de moedas permanece fixo.
#### Incentivo à Honestidade
O design do incentivo também busca garantir que os participantes da rede mantenham um comportamento honesto. Para um atacante que consiga reunir mais poder computacional do que o restante da rede, ele enfrentaria duas escolhas:
1. Usar esse poder para fraudar o sistema, como reverter transações e roubar pagamentos.
2. Seguir as regras do sistema, criando novos blocos e recebendo recompensas legítimas.
A lógica econômica favorece a segunda opção, pois um comportamento desonesto prejudicaria a confiança no sistema, diminuindo o valor de todas as moedas, incluindo aquelas que o próprio atacante possui. Jogar dentro das regras não apenas maximiza o retorno financeiro, mas também preserva a validade e a integridade do sistema.
Esse mecanismo garante que os incentivos econômicos estejam alinhados com o objetivo de manter a rede segura, descentralizada e funcional ao longo do tempo.
### 7. Recuperação do Espaço em Disco
Depois que uma moeda passa a estar protegida por muitos blocos na cadeia, as informações sobre as transações antigas que a geraram podem ser descartadas para economizar espaço em disco. Para que isso seja possível sem comprometer a segurança, as transações são organizadas em uma estrutura chamada "árvore de Merkle". Essa árvore funciona como um resumo das transações: em vez de armazenar todas elas, guarda apenas um "hash raiz", que é como uma assinatura compacta que representa todo o grupo de transações.
Os blocos antigos podem, então, ser simplificados, removendo as partes desnecessárias dessa árvore. Apenas a raiz do hash precisa ser mantida no cabeçalho do bloco, garantindo que a integridade dos dados seja preservada, mesmo que detalhes específicos sejam descartados.
Para exemplificar: imagine que você tenha vários recibos de compra. Em vez de guardar todos os recibos, você cria um documento e lista apenas o valor total de cada um. Mesmo que os recibos originais sejam descartados, ainda é possível verificar a soma com base nos valores armazenados.
Além disso, o espaço ocupado pelos blocos em si é muito pequeno. Cada bloco sem transações ocupa apenas cerca de 80 bytes. Isso significa que, mesmo com blocos sendo gerados a cada 10 minutos, o crescimento anual em espaço necessário é insignificante: apenas 4,2 MB por ano. Com a capacidade de armazenamento dos computadores crescendo a cada ano, esse espaço continuará sendo trivial, garantindo que a rede possa operar de forma eficiente sem problemas de armazenamento, mesmo a longo prazo.
### 8. Verificação de Pagamento Simplificada
É possível confirmar pagamentos sem a necessidade de operar um nó completo da rede. Para isso, o usuário precisa apenas de uma cópia dos cabeçalhos dos blocos da cadeia mais longa (ou seja, a cadeia com maior esforço de trabalho acumulado). Ele pode verificar a validade de uma transação ao consultar os nós da rede até obter a confirmação de que tem a cadeia mais longa. Para isso, utiliza-se o ramo Merkle, que conecta a transação ao bloco em que ela foi registrada.
Entretanto, o método simplificado possui limitações: ele não pode confirmar uma transação isoladamente, mas sim assegurar que ela ocupa um lugar específico na cadeia mais longa. Dessa forma, se um nó da rede aprova a transação, os blocos subsequentes reforçam essa aceitação.
A verificação simplificada é confiável enquanto a maioria dos nós da rede for honesta. Contudo, ela se torna vulnerável caso a rede seja dominada por um invasor. Nesse cenário, um atacante poderia fabricar transações fraudulentas que enganariam o usuário temporariamente até que o invasor obtivesse controle completo da rede.
Uma estratégia para mitigar esse risco é configurar alertas nos softwares de nós completos. Esses alertas identificam blocos inválidos, sugerindo ao usuário baixar o bloco completo para confirmar qualquer inconsistência. Para maior segurança, empresas que realizam pagamentos frequentes podem preferir operar seus próprios nós, reduzindo riscos e permitindo uma verificação mais direta e confiável.
### 9. Combinando e Dividindo Valor
No sistema Bitcoin, cada unidade de valor é tratada como uma "moeda" individual, mas gerenciar cada centavo como uma transação separada seria impraticável. Para resolver isso, o Bitcoin permite que valores sejam combinados ou divididos em transações, facilitando pagamentos de qualquer valor.
#### Entradas e Saídas
Cada transação no Bitcoin é composta por:
- **Entradas**: Representam os valores recebidos em transações anteriores.
- **Saídas**: Correspondem aos valores enviados, divididos entre os destinatários e, eventualmente, o troco para o remetente.
Normalmente, uma transação contém:
- Uma única entrada com valor suficiente para cobrir o pagamento.
- Ou várias entradas combinadas para atingir o valor necessário.
O valor total das saídas nunca excede o das entradas, e a diferença (se houver) pode ser retornada ao remetente como **troco**.
#### Exemplo Prático
Imagine que você tem duas entradas:
1. 0,03 BTC
2. 0,07 BTC
Se deseja enviar 0,08 BTC para alguém, a transação terá:
- **Entrada**: As duas entradas combinadas (0,03 + 0,07 BTC = 0,10 BTC).
- **Saídas**: Uma para o destinatário (0,08 BTC) e outra como troco para você (0,02 BTC).
Essa flexibilidade permite que o sistema funcione sem precisar manipular cada unidade mínima individualmente.
#### Difusão e Simplificação
A difusão de transações, onde uma depende de várias anteriores e assim por diante, não representa um problema. Não é necessário armazenar ou verificar o histórico completo de uma transação para utilizá-la, já que o registro na blockchain garante sua integridade.
### 10. Privacidade
O modelo bancário tradicional oferece um certo nível de privacidade, limitando o acesso às informações financeiras apenas às partes envolvidas e a um terceiro confiável (como bancos ou instituições financeiras). No entanto, o Bitcoin opera de forma diferente, pois todas as transações são publicamente registradas na blockchain. Apesar disso, a privacidade pode ser mantida utilizando **chaves públicas anônimas**, que desvinculam diretamente as transações das identidades das partes envolvidas.
#### Fluxo de Informação
- No **modelo tradicional**, as transações passam por um terceiro confiável que conhece tanto o remetente quanto o destinatário.
- No **Bitcoin**, as transações são anunciadas publicamente, mas sem revelar diretamente as identidades das partes. Isso é comparável a dados divulgados por bolsas de valores, onde informações como o tempo e o tamanho das negociações (a "fita") são públicas, mas as identidades das partes não.
#### Protegendo a Privacidade
Para aumentar a privacidade no Bitcoin, são adotadas as seguintes práticas:
1. **Chaves Públicas Anônimas**: Cada transação utiliza um par de chaves diferentes, dificultando a associação com um proprietário único.
2. **Prevenção de Ligação**: Ao usar chaves novas para cada transação, reduz-se a possibilidade de links evidentes entre múltiplas transações realizadas pelo mesmo usuário.
#### Riscos de Ligação
Embora a privacidade seja fortalecida, alguns riscos permanecem:
- Transações **multi-entrada** podem revelar que todas as entradas pertencem ao mesmo proprietário, caso sejam necessárias para somar o valor total.
- O proprietário da chave pode ser identificado indiretamente por transações anteriores que estejam conectadas.
### 11. Cálculos
Imagine que temos um sistema onde as pessoas (ou computadores) competem para adicionar informações novas (blocos) a um grande registro público (a cadeia de blocos ou blockchain). Este registro é como um livro contábil compartilhado, onde todos podem verificar o que está escrito.
Agora, vamos pensar em um cenário: um atacante quer enganar o sistema. Ele quer mudar informações já registradas para beneficiar a si mesmo, por exemplo, desfazendo um pagamento que já fez. Para isso, ele precisa criar uma versão alternativa do livro contábil (a cadeia de blocos dele) e convencer todos os outros participantes de que essa versão é a verdadeira.
Mas isso é extremamente difícil.
#### Como o Ataque Funciona
Quando um novo bloco é adicionado à cadeia, ele depende de cálculos complexos que levam tempo e esforço. Esses cálculos são como um grande quebra-cabeça que precisa ser resolvido.
- Os “bons jogadores” (nós honestos) estão sempre trabalhando juntos para resolver esses quebra-cabeças e adicionar novos blocos à cadeia verdadeira.
- O atacante, por outro lado, precisa resolver quebra-cabeças sozinho, tentando “alcançar” a cadeia honesta para que sua versão alternativa pareça válida.
Se a cadeia honesta já está vários blocos à frente, o atacante começa em desvantagem, e o sistema está projetado para que a dificuldade de alcançá-los aumente rapidamente.
#### A Corrida Entre Cadeias
Você pode imaginar isso como uma corrida. A cada bloco novo que os jogadores honestos adicionam à cadeia verdadeira, eles se distanciam mais do atacante. Para vencer, o atacante teria que resolver os quebra-cabeças mais rápido que todos os outros jogadores honestos juntos.
Suponha que:
- A rede honesta tem **80% do poder computacional** (ou seja, resolve 8 de cada 10 quebra-cabeças).
- O atacante tem **20% do poder computacional** (ou seja, resolve 2 de cada 10 quebra-cabeças).
Cada vez que a rede honesta adiciona um bloco, o atacante tem que "correr atrás" e resolver mais quebra-cabeças para alcançar.
#### Por Que o Ataque Fica Cada Vez Mais Improvável?
Vamos usar uma fórmula simples para mostrar como as chances de sucesso do atacante diminuem conforme ele precisa "alcançar" mais blocos:
P = (q/p)^z
- **q** é o poder computacional do atacante (20%, ou 0,2).
- **p** é o poder computacional da rede honesta (80%, ou 0,8).
- **z** é a diferença de blocos entre a cadeia honesta e a cadeia do atacante.
Se o atacante está 5 blocos atrás (z = 5):
P = (0,2 / 0,8)^5 = (0,25)^5 = 0,00098, (ou, 0,098%)
Isso significa que o atacante tem menos de 0,1% de chance de sucesso — ou seja, é muito improvável.
Se ele estiver 10 blocos atrás (z = 10):
P = (0,2 / 0,8)^10 = (0,25)^10 = 0,000000095, (ou, 0,0000095%).
Neste caso, as chances de sucesso são praticamente **nulas**.
#### Um Exemplo Simples
Se você jogar uma moeda, a chance de cair “cara” é de 50%. Mas se precisar de 10 caras seguidas, sua chance já é bem menor. Se precisar de 20 caras seguidas, é quase impossível.
No caso do Bitcoin, o atacante precisa de muito mais do que 20 caras seguidas. Ele precisa resolver quebra-cabeças extremamente difíceis e alcançar os jogadores honestos que estão sempre à frente. Isso faz com que o ataque seja inviável na prática.
#### Por Que Tudo Isso é Seguro?
- **A probabilidade de sucesso do atacante diminui exponencialmente.** Isso significa que, quanto mais tempo passa, menor é a chance de ele conseguir enganar o sistema.
- **A cadeia verdadeira (honesta) está protegida pela força da rede.** Cada novo bloco que os jogadores honestos adicionam à cadeia torna mais difícil para o atacante alcançar.
#### E Se o Atacante Tentar Continuar?
O atacante poderia continuar tentando indefinidamente, mas ele estaria gastando muito tempo e energia sem conseguir nada. Enquanto isso, os jogadores honestos estão sempre adicionando novos blocos, tornando o trabalho do atacante ainda mais inútil.
Assim, o sistema garante que a cadeia verdadeira seja extremamente segura e que ataques sejam, na prática, impossíveis de ter sucesso.
### 12. Conclusão
Propusemos um sistema de transações eletrônicas que elimina a necessidade de confiança, baseando-se em assinaturas digitais e em uma rede peer-to-peer que utiliza prova de trabalho. Isso resolve o problema do gasto duplo, criando um histórico público de transações imutável, desde que a maioria do poder computacional permaneça sob controle dos participantes honestos.
A rede funciona de forma simples e descentralizada, com nós independentes que não precisam de identificação ou coordenação direta. Eles entram e saem livremente, aceitando a cadeia de prova de trabalho como registro do que ocorreu durante sua ausência. As decisões são tomadas por meio do poder de CPU, validando blocos legítimos, estendendo a cadeia e rejeitando os inválidos.
Com este mecanismo de consenso, todas as regras e incentivos necessários para o funcionamento seguro e eficiente do sistema são garantidos.
Faça o download do whitepaper original em português:
@ 50809a53:e091f164
2025-01-20 22:30:01
For starters, anyone who is interested in curating and managing "notes, lists, bookmarks, kind-1 events, or other stuff" should watch this video:
Now, assuming you have watched it, I will proceed assuming you are aware of many of the applications that exist for a very similar purpose. I'll break them down further, following a similar trajectory in order of how I came across them, and a bit about my own path on this journey.
We'll start way back in the early 2000s, before Bitcoin existed. We had https://zim-wiki.org/
It is tried and true, and to this day stands to present an option for people looking for a very simple solution to a potentially complex problem. Zim-Wiki works. But it is limited.
Let's step into the realm of proprietary. Obsidian, Joplin, and LogSeq. The first two are entirely cloud-operative applications, with more of a focus on the true benefit of being a paid service. I will assume anyone reading this is capable of exploring the marketing of these applications, or trying their freemium product, to get a feeling for what they are capable of.
I bring up Obsidian because it is very crucial to understand the market placement of publication. We know social media handles the 'hosting' problem of publishing notes "and other stuff" by harvesting data and making deals with advertisers. But- what Obsidian has evolved to offer is a full service known as 'publish'. This means users can stay in the proprietary pipeline, "from thought to web." all for $8/mo.
See: https://obsidian.md/publish
Now, on to Joplin. I have never used this, because I opted to study the FOSS market and stayed free of any reliance on a paid solution. Many people like Joplin, and I gather the reason is because it has allowed itself to be flexible and good options that integrate with Joplin seems to provide good solutions for users who need that functionality. I see Nostr users recommending Joplin, so I felt it was worthwhile to mention as a case-study option. I myself need to investigate it more, but have found comfort in other solutions.
LogSeq - This is my "other solutions." It seems to be trapped in its proprietary web of funding and constraint. I use it because it turns my desktop into a power-house of note archival. But by using it- I AM TRAPPED TOO. This means LogSeq is by no means a working solution for Nostr users who want a long-term archival option.
But the trap is not a cage. It's merely a box. My notes can be exported to other applications with graphing and node-based information structure. Specifically, I can export these notes to:
- Text
- and, PNG, for whatever that is worth.
Let's try out the PNG option, just for fun. Here's an exported PNG of my "Games on Nostr" list, which has long been abandoned. I once decided to poll some CornyChat users to see what games they enjoyed- and I documented them in a LogSeq page for my own future reference. You can see it here:
This is a very simple example of how a single "page" or "list" in LogSeq can be multipurpose. It is a small list, with multiple "features" or variables at play. First, I have listed out a variety of complex games that might make sense with "multiplayer" identification that relies on our npubs or nip-05 addresses to aggregate user data. We can ALL imagine playing games like Tetris, Snake, or Catan together with our Nostr identities. But of course we are a long way from breaking into the video game market.
On a mostly irrelevant sidenote- you might notice in my example list, that I seem to be excited about a game called Dot.Hack. I discovered this small game on Itch.io and reached out to the developer on Twitter, in an attempt to purple-pill him, but moreso to inquire about his game. Unfortunately there was no response, even without mention of Nostr. Nonetheless, we pioneer on. You can try the game here: https://propuke.itch.io/planethack
So instead let's focus on the structure of "one working list." The middle section of this list is where I polled users, and simply listed out their suggestions. Of course we discussed these before I documented, so it is note a direct result of a poll, but actually a working interaction of poll results! This is crucial because it separates my list from the aggregated data, and implies its relevance/importance.
The final section of this ONE list- is the beginnings of where I conceptually connect nostr with video game functionality. You can look at this as the beginning of a new graph, which would be "Video Game Operability With Nostr".
These three sections make up one concept within my brain. It exists in other users' brains too- but of course they are not as committed to the concept as myself- the one managing the communal discussion.
With LogSeq- I can grow and expand these lists. These lists can become graphs. Those graphs can become entire catalogues of information than can be shared across the web.
I can replicate this system with bookmarks, ideas, application design, shopping lists, LLM prompting, video/music playlists, friend lists, RELAY lists, the LIST goes ON forever!
So where does that lead us? I think it leads us to kind-1 events. We don't have much in the way of "kind-1 event managers" because most developers would agree that "storing kind-1 events locally" is.. at the very least, not so important. But it could be! If only a superapp existed that could interface seamlessly with nostr, yada yada.. we've heard it all before. We aren't getting a superapp before we have microapps. Basically this means frameworking the protocol before worrying about the all-in-one solution.
So this article will step away from the deep desire for a Nostr-enabled, Rust-built, FOSS, non-commercialized FREEDOM APP, that will exist one day, we hope.
Instead, we will focus on simple attempts of the past. I encourage others to chime in with their experience.
Zim-Wiki is foundational. The user constructs pages, and can then develop them into books.
LogSeq has the right idea- but is constrained in too many ways to prove to be a working solution at this time. However, it is very much worth experimenting with, and investigating, and modelling ourselves after.
https://workflowy.com/ is next on our list. This is great for users who think LogSeq is too complex. They "just want simple notes." Get a taste with WorkFlowy. You will understand why LogSeq is powerful if you see value in WF.
I am writing this article in favor of a redesign of LogSeq to be compatible with Nostr. I have been drafting the idea since before Nostr existed- and with Nostr I truly believe it will be possible. So, I will stop to thank everyone who has made Nostr what it is today. I wouldn't be publishing this without you!
One app I need to investigate more is Zettlr. I will mention it here for others to either discuss or investigate, as it is also mentioned some in the video I opened with. https://www.zettlr.com/
On my path to finding Nostr, before its inception, was a service called Deta.Space. This was an interesting project, not entirely unique or original, but completely fresh and very beginner-friendly. DETA WAS AN AWESOME CLOUD OS. And we could still design a form of Nostr ecosystem that is managed in this way. But, what we have now is excellent, and going forward I only see "additional" or supplemental.
Along the timeline, Deta sunsetted their Space service and launched https://deta.surf/
You might notice they advertise that "This is the future of bookmarks."
I have to wonder if perhaps I got through to them that bookmarking was what their ecosystem could empower. While I have not tried Surf, it looks interested, but does not seem to address what I found most valuable about Deta.Space: https://webcrate.app/
WebCrate was an early bookmarking client for Deta.Space which was likely their most popular application. What was amazing about WebCrate was that it delivered "simple bookmarking." At one point I decided to migrate my bookmarks from other apps, like Pocket and WorkFlowy, into WebCrate.
This ended up being an awful decision, because WebCrate is no longer being developed. However, to much credit of Deta.Space, my WebCrate instance is still running and completely functional. I have since migrated what I deem important into a local LogSeq graph, so my bookmarks are safe. But, the development of WebCrate is note.
WebCrate did not provide a working directory of crates. All creates were contained within a single-level directory. Essentially there were no layers. Just collections of links. This isn't enough for any user to effectively manage their catalogue of notes. With some pressure, I did encourage the German developer to flesh out a form of tagging, which did alleviate the problem to some extent. But as we see with Surf, they have pioneered in another direction.
That brings us back to Nostr. Where can we look for the best solution? There simply isn't one yet. But, we can look at some other options for inspiration.
HedgeDoc: https://hedgedoc.org/
I am eager for someone to fork HedgeDoc and employ Nostr sign-in. This is a small step toward managing information together within the Nostr ecosystem. I will attempt this myself eventually, if no one else does, but I am prioritizing my development in this way:
1. A nostr client that allows the cataloguing and management of relays locally.
2. A LogSeq alternative with Nostr interoperability.
3. HedgeDoc + Nostr is #3 on my list, despite being the easiest option.
Check out HedgeDoc 2.0 if you have any interest in a cooperative Markdown experience on Nostr: https://docs.hedgedoc.dev/
Now, this article should catch up all of my dearest followers, and idols, to where I stand with "bookmarking, note-taking, list-making, kind-1 event management, frameworking, and so on..."
Where it leads us to, is what's possible. Let's take a look at what's possible, once we forego ALL OF THE PROPRIETARY WEB'S BEST OPTIONS:
Nostr is even inspired by much of the history that has gone into information management systems. nostr:npub1jlrs53pkdfjnts29kveljul2sm0actt6n8dxrrzqcersttvcuv3qdjynqn I know looks up to Gordon Brander, just as I do. You can read his articles here: https://substack.com/@gordonbrander and they are very much worth reading! Also, I could note that the original version of Highlighter by nostr:npub1l2vyh47mk2p0qlsku7hg0vn29faehy9hy34ygaclpn66ukqp3afqutajft was also inspired partially by WorkFlowy.
About a year ago, I was mesmerized coming across SubText and thinking I had finally found the answer Nostr might even be looking for. But, for now I will just suggest that others read the Readme.md on the SubText Gtihub, as well as articles by Brander.
Good luck everyone. I am here to work with ANYONE who is interested in these type of solution on Nostr.
My first order of business in this space is to spearhead a community of npubs who share this goal. Everyone who is interested in note-taking or list-making or bookmarking is welcome to join. I have created an INVITE-ONLY relay for this very purpose, and anyone is welcome to reach out if they wish to be added to the whitelist. It should be freely readable in the near future, if it is not already, but for now will remain a closed-to-post community to preemptively mitigate attack or spam. Please reach out to me if you wish to join the relay. https://logstr.mycelium.social/
With this article, I hope people will investigate and explore the options available. We have lots of ground to cover, but all of the right resources and manpower to do so. Godspeed, Nostr.
#Nostr #Notes #OtherStuff #LogSec #Joplin #Obsidian
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-20 02:02:07
The advent of cryptocurrency has sparked a modern-day gold rush, with Bitcoin mining at the forefront of this digital revolution. The United States, with its vast resources and technological prowess, has become a fertile ground for these operations. However, the recent shift in the global mining landscape has brought a wave of Chinese mining companies to U.S. shores, fleeing a regulatory crackdown in their homeland. This migration has set off alarm bells within national security circles, as the technology that underpins cryptocurrencies is not just a tool for financial gain but also a potential vector for cyber espionage and other security threats. The dual-use nature of this technology, capable of both revolutionizing economies and potentially undermining national security, has placed it at the heart of a complex debate involving economic policy, technological innovation, and national defense.
**Table Of Content**
- The Economic Impact of Cryptocurrency Mining
- National Security Risks and Strategic Concerns
- Regulatory Responses to Foreign Mining Operations
- The Path Forward: Innovation, Security, and Diplomacy
- Conclusion
- FAQs
The economic allure of cryptocurrency mining is undeniable. In regions hit hard by economic downturns, the establishment of mining operations has been a boon, providing much-needed jobs and revitalizing local economies. These operations often take over abandoned industrial sites, turning them into hives of high-tech activity. The promise of a revitalized industrial base, however, comes with caveats. The energy-intensive nature of cryptocurrency mining has led to a surge in demand for electricity, straining local grids and raising concerns about the environmental impact of such operations. The long-term economic benefits are also questioned, as the volatility of the cryptocurrency market means that the stability of these jobs and the longevity of the operations are not guaranteed. As Chinese companies increasingly dominate this space, there is also the fear that the economic benefits may be offset by the outflow of profits to foreign entities.
**National Security Risks and Strategic Concerns**
The strategic implications of foreign-controlled cryptocurrency mining operations on U.S. soil are complex and troubling. The opaque nature of these operations, often shrouded in layers of corporate secrecy, makes it difficult to discern their true intentions. The proximity of some mining farms to sensitive sites, such as military bases and critical infrastructure, has compounded these fears, suggesting the potential for these facilities to be used for more than just mining. The vast computational power of mining operations could theoretically be repurposed for code-breaking and hacking, posing a direct threat to national security. The concern is not just hypothetical; it is rooted in a history of cyber incursions attributed to Chinese state-sponsored actors. The potential for these mining operations to serve as a front for such activities, intentionally or not, has put them in the crosshairs of U.S. security agencies.
**Regulatory Responses to Foreign Mining Operations**
The U.S. government's response to the influx of Chinese cryptocurrency mining operations has been measured yet firm. Recognizing the need to maintain an open economic environment that fosters innovation, regulators have nonetheless moved to establish guardrails to protect national interests. This has involved a multifaceted approach, including the proposal of legislation aimed at scrutinizing foreign investments in critical technologies and infrastructure. Agencies such as the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) have been at the forefront of these efforts, working to untangle the complex web of ownership and control that characterizes foreign mining operations. The goal is to ensure that while the U.S. remains a hub for technological innovation, it does not become a playground for foreign powers with adversarial intentions.
**The Path Forward: Innovation, Security, and Diplomacy**
The path forward for the United States in managing the rise of Chinese bitcoin mining operations is akin to walking a tightrope. On one side is the need to nurture innovation and maintain the U.S.'s competitive edge in the burgeoning field of cryptocurrency. On the other is the imperative to safeguard national security and ensure that the country's technological infrastructure is not compromised. This delicate balance requires a nuanced approach that includes fostering a robust domestic mining industry, investing in renewable energy sources to mitigate the environmental impact, and engaging in strategic diplomacy to manage the international dimensions of cryptocurrency governance. The U.S. must leverage its strengths in innovation, policy-making, and international relations to set standards that will shape the future of cryptocurrency mining and secure its digital economy.
The challenge of balancing the economic potential of cryptocurrency mining with the imperatives of national security is emblematic of the broader challenges facing policymakers in the digital age. As Chinese bitcoin mining operations continue to expand their footprint in the U.S., the need for a strategic, measured response becomes increasingly critical. This response must be multifaceted, engaging with all stakeholders, including the mining industry, environmental groups, energy providers, and security agencies. By striking a balance between economic growth and security, the U.S. can harness the potential of the digital economy while protecting its national interests. The stakes are high, and the decisions made today will have lasting implications for the security and prosperity of future generations.
**How does Bitcoin mining impact local economies?**
Bitcoin mining can provide jobs and economic investment in local communities, especially in areas with excess energy capacity or where industrial sites are underutilized.
**What is the U.S. government's response to foreign cryptocurrency mining operations?**
The U.S. government is considering stricter regulations on foreign investments in critical technologies, including cryptocurrency mining, to protect national security while fostering economic growth.
**Can cryptocurrency mining operations be environmentally sustainable?**
There are concerns about the high energy consumption of mining operations, but with investment in renewable energy and efficient technologies, mining can move towards greater sustainability.
**How does the U.S. plan to balance innovation with security in cryptocurrency mining?**
The U.S. aims to strike a balance by creating policies that encourage technological innovation and economic benefits while implementing security measures to protect against potential threats.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-01-19 21:48:49
The recent shutdown of TikTok in the United States due to a potential government ban serves as a stark reminder how fragile centralized platforms truly are under the surface. While these platforms offer convenience, a more polished user experience, and connectivity, they are ultimately beholden to governments, corporations, and other authorities. This makes them vulnerable to censorship, regulation, and outright bans. In contrast, Nostr represents a shift in how we approach online communication and content sharing. Built on the principles of decentralization and user choice, Nostr cannot be banned, because it is not a platform—it is a protocol.
At the heart of Nostr's philosophy is **user choice**, a feature that fundamentally sets it apart from legacy platforms. In centralized systems, the user experience is dictated by a single person or governing entity. If the platform decides to filter, censor, or ban specific users or content, individuals are left with little action to rectify the situation. They must either accept the changes or abandon the platform entirely, often at the cost of losing their social connections, their data, and their identity.
What's happening with TikTok could never happen on Nostr. With Nostr, the dynamics are completely different. Because it is a protocol, not a platform, no single entity controls the ecosystem. Instead, the protocol enables a network of applications and relays that users can freely choose from. If a particular application or relay implements policies that a user disagrees with, such as censorship, filtering, or even government enforced banning, they are not trapped or abandoned. They have the freedom to move to another application or relay with minimal effort.
Take, for example, the case of a relay that decides to censor specific content. On a legacy platform, this would result in frustration and a loss of access for users. On Nostr, however, users can simply connect to a different relay that does not impose such restrictions. Similarly, if an application introduces features or policies that users dislike, they can migrate to a different application that better suits their preferences, all while retaining their identity and social connections.
The same principles apply to government bans and censorship. A government can ban a specific application or even multiple applications, just as it can block one relay or several relays. China has implemented both tactics, yet Chinese users continue to exist and actively participate on Nostr, demonstrating Nostr's ability to resistant censorship.
How? Simply, it turns into a game of whack-a-mole. When one relay is censored, another quickly takes its place. When one application is banned, another emerges. Users can also bypass these obstacles by running their own relays and applications directly from their homes or personal devices, eliminating reliance on larger entities or organizations and ensuring continuous access.
Nostr's open and decentralized design makes it resistant to the kinds of government intervention that led to TikTok's outages this weekend and potential future ban in the next 90 days. There is no central server to target, no company to regulate, and no single point of failure. (Insert your CEO jokes here). As long as there are individuals running relays and applications, users continue creating notes and sending zaps.
Platforms like TikTok can be silenced with the stroke of a pen, leaving millions of users disconnected and abandoned. Social communication should not be silenced so incredibly easily. No one should have that much power over social interactions.
Will we on-board a massive wave of TikTokers in the coming hours or days? I don't know.
TikTokers may not be ready for Nostr yet, and honestly, Nostr may not be ready for them either. The ecosystem still lacks the completely polished applications, tools, and services they’re accustomed to. This is where we say "we're still early". They may not be early adopters like the current Nostr user base. Until we bridge that gap, they’ll likely move to the next centralized platform, only to face another government ban or round of censorship in the future. But eventually, there will come a tipping point, a moment when they’ve had enough. When that time comes, I hope we’re prepared. If we’re not, we risk missing a tremendous opportunity to onboard people who genuinely need Nostr’s freedom.
Until then, to all of the Nostr developers out there, keep up the great work and keep building. Your hard work and determination is needed.
@ cff1720e:15c7e2b2
2025-01-19 17:48:02
Schwierige Dinge einfach zu erklären ist der Anspruch von ELI5 (explain me like I'm 5). Das ist in unserer hoch technisierten Welt dringend erforderlich, denn nur mit dem Verständnis der Technologien können wir sie richtig einsetzen und weiter entwickeln.\
Ich starte meine Serie mit Nostr, einem relativ neuen Internet-Protokoll. Was zum Teufel ist ein Internet-Protokoll? Formal beschrieben sind es internationale Standards, die dafür sorgen, dass das Internet seit über 30 Jahren ziemlich gut funktioniert. Es ist die Sprache, in der sich die Rechner miteinander unterhalten und die auch Sie täglich nutzen, vermutlich ohne es bewusst wahrzunehmen. http(s) transportiert ihre Anfrage an einen Server (z.B. Amazon), und html sorgt dafür, dass aus den gelieferten Daten eine schöne Seite auf ihrem Bildschirm entsteht. Eine Mail wird mit smtp an den Mailserver gesendet und mit imap von ihm abgerufen, und da alle den Standard verwenden, funktioniert das mit jeder App auf jedem Betriebssystem und mit jedem Mail-Provider. Und mit einer Mail-Adresse wie <roland@pareto.space> können sie sogar jederzeit umziehen, egal wohin. **Cool, das ist state of the art!** Aber warum funktioniert das z.B. bei Chat nicht, gibt es da kein Protokoll? Doch, es heißt IRC (Internet Relay Chat → merken sie sich den Namen), aber es wird so gut wie nicht verwendet. Die Gründe dafür sind nicht technischer Natur, vielmehr wurden mit Apps wie Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Telegram, Instagram, TikTok u.a. bewusst Inkompatibilitäten und Nutzerabhängigkeiten geschaffen um Profite zu maximieren.
**Warum Nostr?**
Da das Standard-Protokoll nicht genutzt wird, hat jede App ihr eigenes, und wir brauchen eine handvoll Apps um uns mit allen Bekannten auszutauschen. Eine Mobilfunknummer ist Voraussetzung für jedes Konto, damit können die App-Hersteller die Nutzer umfassend tracken und mit dem Verkauf der Informationen bis zu 30 USD je Konto und Monat verdienen. Der Nutzer ist nicht mehr Kunde, er ist das Produkt! Der Werbe-SPAM ist noch das kleinste Problem bei diesem Geschäftsmodell. Server mit Millionen von Nutzerdaten sind ein “honey pot”, dementsprechend oft werden sie gehackt und die Zugangsdaten verkauft. 2024 wurde auch der Twitter-Account vom damaligen Präsidenten Joe Biden gehackt, niemand wusste mehr wer die Nachrichten verfasst hat (vorher auch nicht), d.h. die Authentizität der Inhalte ist bei keinem dieser Anbieter gewährleistet. Im selben Jahr wurde der Telegram-Gründer in Frankreich in Beugehaft genommen, weil er sich geweigert hatte Hintertüren in seine Software einzubauen. Nun kann zum Schutz **"unserer Demokratie”** praktisch jeder mitlesen, was sie mit wem an Informationen austauschen, z.B. darüber welches Shampoo bestimmte Politiker verwenden.
Und wer tatsächlich glaubt er könne Meinungsfreiheit auf sozialen Medien praktizieren, findet sich schnell in der Situation von Donald Trump wieder (seinerzeit amtierender Präsident), dem sein Twitter-Konto 2021 abgeschaltet wurde (Cancel-Culture). Die Nutzerdaten, also ihr Profil, ihre Kontakte, Dokumente, Bilder, Videos und Audiofiles - gehören ihnen ohnehin nicht mehr sondern sind Eigentum des Plattform-Betreibers; lesen sie sich mal die AGB's durch. Aber nein, keine gute Idee, das sind hunderte Seiten und sie werden permanent geändert. Alle nutzen also Apps, deren Technik sie nicht verstehen, deren Regeln sie nicht kennen, wo sie keine Rechte haben und die ihnen die Resultate ihres Handelns stehlen. Was würde wohl der Fünfjährige sagen, wenn ihm seine ältere Schwester anbieten würde, alle seine Spielzeuge zu “verwalten” und dann auszuhändigen wenn er brav ist? “Du spinnst wohl”, und damit beweist der Knirps mehr Vernunft als die Mehrzahl der Erwachsenen. \
**Resümee:** keine Standards, keine Daten, keine Rechte = keine Zukunft!
**Wie funktioniert Nostr?**
Die Entwickler von Nostr haben erkannt dass sich das Server-Client-Konzept in ein Master-Slave-Konzept verwandelt hatte. Der Master ist ein Synonym für Zentralisierung und wird zum **“single point of failure”**, der zwangsläufig Systeme dysfunktional macht. In einem verteilten Peer2Peer-System gibt es keine Master mehr sondern nur gleichberechtigte Knoten (Relays), auf denen die Informationen gespeichert werden. Indem man Informationen auf mehreren Relays redundant speichert, ist das System in jeglicher Hinsicht resilienter. Nicht nur die Natur verwendet dieses Prinzip seit Jahrmillionen erfolgreich, auch das Internet wurde so konzipiert (das ARPAnet wurde vom US-Militär für den Einsatz in Kriegsfällen unter massiven Störungen entwickelt). Alle Nostr-Daten liegen auf Relays und der Nutzer kann wählen zwischen öffentlichen (zumeist kostenlosen) und privaten Relays, z.B. für geschlossene Gruppen oder zum Zwecke von Daten-Archivierung. Da Dokumente auf mehreren Relays gespeichert sind, werden statt URL's (Locator) eindeutige Dokumentnamen (URI's = Identifier) verwendet, broken Links sind damit Vergangenheit und Löschungen / Verluste ebenfalls.\
Jedes Dokument (Event genannt) wird vom Besitzer signiert, es ist damit authentisch und fälschungssicher und kann nur vom Ersteller gelöscht werden. Dafür wird ein Schlüsselpaar verwendet bestehend aus privatem (nsec) und öffentlichem Schlüssel (npub) wie aus der Mailverschlüsselung (PGP) bekannt. Das repräsentiert eine Nostr-Identität, die um Bild, Namen, Bio und eine lesbare Nostr-Adresse ergänzt werden kann (z.B. <roland@pareto.space> ), mehr braucht es nicht um alle Ressourcen des Nostr-Ökosystems zu nutzen. Und das besteht inzwischen aus über hundert Apps mit unterschiedlichen Fokussierungen, z.B. für persönliche verschlüsselte Nachrichten (DM → OxChat), Kurznachrichten (Damus, Primal), Blogbeiträge (Pareto), Meetups (Joinstr), Gruppen (Groups), Bilder (Olas), Videos (Amethyst), Audio-Chat (Nostr Nests), Audio-Streams (Tunestr), Video-Streams (Zap.Stream), Marktplätze (Shopstr) u.v.a.m. Die Anmeldung erfolgt mit einem Klick (single sign on) und den Apps stehen ALLE Nutzerdaten zur Verfügung (Profil, Daten, Kontakte, Social Graph → Follower, Bookmarks, Comments, etc.), im Gegensatz zu den fragmentierten Datensilos der Gegenwart.\
**Resümee:** ein offener Standard, alle Daten, alle Rechte = große Zukunft!
**Warum ist Nostr die Zukunft des Internet?**
“Baue Dein Haus nicht auf einem fremden Grundstück” gilt auch im Internet - für alle App-Entwickler, Künstler, Journalisten und Nutzer, denn auch ihre Daten sind werthaltig. Nostr garantiert das Eigentum an den Daten, und überwindet ihre Fragmentierung. Weder die Nutzung noch die kreativen Freiheiten werden durch maßlose Lizenz- und Nutzungsbedingungen eingeschränkt. Aus passiven Nutzern werden durch Interaktion aktive Teilnehmer, Co-Creatoren in einer Sharing-Ökonomie **(Value4Value)**. OpenSource schafft endlich wieder Vertrauen in die Software und ihre Anbieter. Offene Standards ermöglichen den Entwicklern mehr Kooperation und schnellere Entwicklung, für die Anwender garantieren sie Wahlfreiheit. Womit wir letztmalig zu unserem Fünfjährigen zurückkehren. Kinder lieben Lego über alles, am meisten die Maxi-Box “Classic”, weil sie damit ihre Phantasie im Kombinieren voll ausleben können. Erwachsene schenken ihnen dann die viel zu teuren Themenpakete, mit denen man nur eine Lösung nach Anleitung bauen kann. “Was stimmt nur mit meinen Eltern nicht, wann sind die denn falsch abgebogen?" fragt sich der Nachwuchs zu Recht. Das Image lässt sich aber wieder aufpolieren, wenn sie ihren Kindern Nostr zeigen, denn die Vorteile verstehen sogar Fünfjährige.
**Das neue Internet ist dezentral. Das neue Internet ist selbstbestimmt. Nostr ist das neue Internet.**
<https://nostr.net/> \
**Hier das Interview zum Thema mit Radio Berliner Morgenröte**
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-19 04:48:31
A new report from the National Sports Shooting Foundation (NSSF) shows that civilian firearm possession exceeded 490 million in 2022. The total from 1990 to 2022 is estimated at 491.3 million firearms. In 2022, over ten million firearms were domestically produced, leading to a total of 16,045,911 firearms available in the U.S. market.
Of these, 9,873,136 were handguns, 4,195,192 were rifles, and 1,977,583 were shotguns. Handgun availability aligns with the concealed carry and self-defense market, as all states allow concealed carry, with 29 having constitutional carry laws.
@ c4b5369a:b812dbd6
2025-01-18 12:17:22
This is the first edition of the SDR (Squirrel Den Recap), a development blog where I recap the recent Cashu related things I've been working on.
### The year of the nut
IYKYK. 2025 is the year of the nut. Don't blame me, you can put it on the Chinese:
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/c83ed9f135dd2ba6285d90ff3320055d7245d6d8e11022e2d57af2995b2bc654.jpg">
And I intend to take full advantage of that. This is the year where I go all in on the nut development!
## Building a mint???
There are already a few mint implementations out there ([nutshell](https://github.com/cashubtc/nutshell), [gonuts](https://github.com/elnosh/gonuts), [cdk](https://github.com/cashubtc/cdk)...). So why build another?
Honestly it was kind of a selfish move. So far, I have mainly concerned myself with building tools for Cashu wallets and clients. I figured, if I wanted to truly focus on Cashu this year, I should also know my stuff when it comes to building a mint from scratch. And so I did. It also allows me to experiment with mint related stuff, having an implementation handy that I can mess around with.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/3b6e156bfc9d464929696502f28986bf3764ac736e826429673129f548ec4954.png">
The mint implementation is called MNT. You can visit the homepage <https://mnt.cash> , where you will also find a link to the code.
Although the code works, the mint implementation is not yet ready for production. I've been playing around with it using a local testing lightning network with [Polar](https://lightningpolar.com/) , which by the way is a great tool for devs that need to test lightning integrations.
### The mint
MNT is short for mint. It's also pronounced like mint, but without the "i". The goal of this project is to be an easy to run mint, that could be deployed by users for example when running an event. It won't support all of the protocol features, to keep it simple. Instead the focus will be on simplicity and ease of use.
MNT comes with an admin web interface, that makes it easy to set the mint up with a lightning backend:
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/d5ef4baee85173e98057447c1f14e70d73fe2f647a71096a954288bc70785571.png">
After adding a lightning backend, the mint is basically ready! Users can enjoy a live view of what is happening on their mint via the integrated dashboard:
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/a2b8968f564cfe082182a44a68aed8c2e4001170f26c76d7b6892981ec43aa05.png">
Admins can take direct actions on the mint via the admin tool, like rotating keysets, disabling and enabling features, etc...
A key feature is also the keyset view, where operators get a view on how much of the issued ecash has already been redeemed in each keyset. This is a crucial tool for mint operators, because it lets them know when they can safely delete records from their database, or shut the mint down.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/182bb23b39b6cb1002a48abc8a0093b0fee506ebee01e7a48d50a434869e6557.png">
The mint is compatible with all Cashu wallets. It only supports a subset of the cashu specification (NUTs), and will probably never implement the full spec. I'm looking forward to soon recklessly give this badboy a spin on mainnet 😎
## What else?
Last year
joined cashu-ts as a maintainer and has been killing it with development in the project! As I ramp up my involvement in the project again, we started having weekly dev calls. **Developers that want to contribute to cashu-ts development**, **please reach out to me so you can join us on the next call!**
The wallet has seen a complete make-over at the end of last year. Now is the time to consolidate, fix bugs and improve the UX.
has been helping me with awesome designs and UX suggestions, while I've been crushing bugs. A new version fixing some edge cases in the restore process can be expected next week!
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/55222e2206e938285cf344e84f6a5c4e8aca31c150891aad2ea6061a2a50d322.png">
### This blog
This year, I was fortunate to receive funding for my work on open source projects in the [Cashu](https://cashu.space) ecosystem. I am very grateful for the trust from
this means a lot to me, to be able to make a living by working on something I am passionate about is a blessing, and I don't think it would be possible without the support from you. My deepest gratitude, I hope my contributions will not only match, but exceed expectations.
By writing this blog, I want to show my progress, proof of work, and give people a look into the daily life in the squirrels den 🐿️🐿️🐿️🐿️🐿️🐿️
If you have any questions or suggestions about this blog, please let me know in a comment!
@ 8781fe5d:4900ffa8
2025-01-18 09:29:05
## Episode 1 : La genèse
Octobre 2023, on sort à peine de l’explosion de **$Pepe** sur Ethereum qui est un peu la consécration de la culture meme avec grand papa PePe la grenouille 🔥
L’idée d’un projet de memecoin “story telling” était déjà présente mais surtout , je voulais montrer au monde qu’une vague de memecoins de type jeu décentralisé où chaque participant reçois un AirDrop et peut jouer à trader à son niveau était en train de démarrer et attirait déjà beaucoup de monde !
#### Pepe
Le choix d’une story à partir de PePe était réfléchit car je voulais être le premier sur RGB avec un PePe qui ne soit pas un scam ,pour changer 🤗😂
Je voulais être sur bitcoin , les Ordinals battaient leur plein et je cherchais comment fiée des smer contracts de type ETH sur Bitcoin 🔥
Dans ma recherche, je découvre le projet RGB qui semble correspondre parfaitement au besoin : un protocole indépendant, des smart contracts , privé et hors chain s’appuyant sur bitcoin ou liquid 👀
Étude , tests de la tech, tests avec l’unique wallet à l’époque : Bitmask de Diba.
### C’est parti
Je crée un contrat RGB20 ( format pour les shitcoins) avec 21 millions de “PePeRGB” !
Je crée ensuite un modèle 3D , réalisé un site web minimaliste avec la story et quelques images .
J’écris un article expliquant le projet avec tutorial étape par étape pourr obtenir du PePeRGB contre quelques sats pour payer la Tx.
Jusque là, mon petit projet se déroule normalement : tout le monde s’en fou royalement 😱😂😂
À part @grittoshi et @swisscryptocat qui sont constamment les deux qui avaient déjà testé avant moi 🙏✊🏻😂🔥
(Retenez bien les @ car ils ont chacun un shitcoin sur Liquid ! Ils sont avec nous et nous avançons tous ensembles 🤗🤗)
#### ni hao
C’est alors qu’un étudiant chercheur chinois @DaPangDun me contacte en me disant qu’il étudie RGB et que des groupes WeChat se sont formés sur le sujet avec pas mal de monde .
Il veut faire un post sur mon projet mais il veut participer ! Deal 🙏🔥
Bonne idée : le post est superbe et tout ce joli monde part en FOMO et veut du $pprgb !
J’étais pas prêt 😱
Gérer une communauté de 30000 personnes en fomo dans les 5 heures ne se fait pas comme cela !!
#### professionnel
Heureusement, j’ai de l’expérience de startup, de crypto, de projets 🙏
Création de whitelist , animation du groupe sur Twitter, création du groupe telegram avec gestion du mandarin ( je ne parle pas ). Tout s’organise plutôt bien en deux jours ( mémorables 30 heures intenses !)
### Liquid
Deux mois de tests , de crash, de communauté qui post “wen boss” 32715 fois par jour , je prends une décision forte car la commu va s’essouffler et partir ur Solana qui commence à bien gonfler sur les memecoins !
Je fais un poll sur Twitter :
Voulez vous :
À- Attendre RGB sans token ?
B- Avoir un AirDrop PPRGB liquid network et jouer demain avec ?
Résultat : 82% pour A 😂😂😂
À suivre …. 👀
@ f9cf4e94:96abc355
2025-01-18 06:09:50
Para esse exemplo iremos usar:
| Nome | Imagem | Descrição |
| --------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| Raspberry PI B+ | ![]( https://embarcados.com.br/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/imagem-de-destaque-1-1.png) | **Cortex-A53 (ARMv8) 64-bit a 1.4GHz e 1 GB de SDRAM LPDDR2,** |
| Pen drive | ![]( https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/61ERDR3tATL.jpg) | **16Gb** |
Recomendo que use o **Ubuntu Server** para essa instalação. Você pode baixar o Ubuntu para Raspberry Pi [aqui]( https://ubuntu.com/download/raspberry-pi). O passo a passo para a instalação do Ubuntu no Raspberry Pi está disponível [aqui]( https://ubuntu.com/tutorials/how-to-install-ubuntu-on-your-raspberry-pi). **Não instale um desktop** (como xubuntu, lubuntu, xfce, etc.).
## Passo 1: Atualizar o Sistema 🖥️
Primeiro, atualize seu sistema e instale o Tor:
apt update
apt install tor
## Passo 2: Criar o Arquivo de Serviço `nrs.service` 🔧
Crie o arquivo de serviço que vai gerenciar o servidor Nostr. Você pode fazer isso com o seguinte conteúdo:
Description=Nostr Relay Server Service
## Passo 3: Baixar o Binário do Nostr 🚀
Baixe o binário mais recente do Nostr [aqui no GitHub]( https://github.com/gabrielmoura/SimpleNosrtRelay/releases).
## Passo 4: Criar as Pastas Necessárias 📂
Agora, crie as pastas para o aplicativo e o pendrive:
mkdir -p /opt/nrs /mnt/edriver
## Passo 5: Listar os Dispositivos Conectados 🔌
Para saber qual dispositivo você vai usar, liste todos os dispositivos conectados:
## Passo 6: Formatando o Pendrive 💾
Escolha o pendrive correto (por exemplo, `/dev/sda`) e formate-o:
mkfs.vfat /dev/sda
## Passo 7: Montar o Pendrive 💻
Monte o pendrive na pasta `/mnt/edriver`:
mount /dev/sda /mnt/edriver
## Passo 8: Verificar UUID dos Dispositivos 📋
Para garantir que o sistema monte o pendrive automaticamente, liste os UUID dos dispositivos conectados:
## Passo 9: Alterar o `fstab` para Montar o Pendrive Automáticamente 📝
Abra o arquivo `/etc/fstab` e adicione uma linha para o pendrive, com o UUID que você obteve no passo anterior. A linha deve ficar assim:
UUID=9c9008f8-f852 /mnt/edriver vfat defaults 0 0
## Passo 10: Copiar o Binário para a Pasta Correta 📥
Agora, copie o binário baixado para a pasta `/opt/nrs`:
cp nrs-arm64 /opt/nrs
## Passo 11: Criar o Arquivo de Configuração 🛠️
Crie o arquivo de configuração com o seguinte conteúdo e salve-o em `/opt/nrs/config.yaml`:
app_env: production
name: Nostr Relay Server
description: Nostr Relay Server
pub_key: ""
contact: ""
url: http://localhost:3334
icon: https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u= https://public.bnbstatic.com/image/cms/crawler/COINCU_NEWS/image-495-1024x569.png
base_path: /mnt/edriver
negentropy: true
## Passo 12: Copiar o Serviço para o Diretório de Systemd ⚙️
Agora, copie o arquivo `nrs.service` para o diretório `/etc/systemd/system/`:
cp nrs.service /etc/systemd/system/
Recarregue os serviços e inicie o serviço `nrs`:
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl enable --now nrs.service
## Passo 13: Configurar o Tor 🌐
Abra o arquivo de configuração do Tor `/var/lib/tor/torrc` e adicione a seguinte linha:
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/nostr_server/
HiddenServicePort 80
## Passo 14: Habilitar e Iniciar o Tor 🧅
Agora, ative e inicie o serviço Tor:
systemctl enable --now tor.service
O Tor irá gerar um endereço `.onion` para o seu servidor Nostr. Você pode encontrá-lo no arquivo `/var/lib/tor/nostr_server/hostname`.
## Observações ⚠️
- Com essa configuração, **os dados serão salvos no pendrive**, enquanto o binário ficará no cartão SD do Raspberry Pi.
- O endereço `.onion` do seu servidor Nostr será algo como: `ws://y3t5t5wgwjif<exemplo>h42zy7ih6iwbyd.onion`.
Agora, seu servidor Nostr deve estar configurado e funcionando com Tor! 🥳
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@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-18 02:33:24
Over the past decade, the cryptocurrency landscape has witnessed unprecedented growth, with Bitcoin undeniably at its forefront. As the trailblazer of digital currencies, Bitcoin has not only introduced the world to the possibilities of decentralized finance but has also inspired the creation of thousands of other cryptocurrencies. Yet, among the myriad of developments in the crypto domain, the advent of Bitcoin ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) stands out. These innovative financial instruments have not only revolutionized how investors perceive and interact with Bitcoin but have also provided a bridge between the volatile world of cryptocurrencies and the more stable, regulated realm of traditional finance.
**Table Of Content**
- What is a Bitcoin ETF?
- Why are Bitcoin ETFs Important?
- The Current Landscape of Bitcoin ETFs
- How to Invest in a Bitcoin ETF
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**What is a Bitcoin ETF?**
At its core, a Bitcoin ETF is a financial instrument designed to track the price movements of Bitcoin. Rather than diving into the intricate world of cryptocurrencies—buying Bitcoin directly, grappling with the nuances of digital wallets, or navigating the often complex landscape of crypto exchanges—investors can now simply purchase shares of a Bitcoin ETF. These shares are traded just like any other stock on traditional stock exchanges, offering a seamless integration of Bitcoin into conventional investment portfolios.
**Why are Bitcoin ETFs Important?**
**Accessibility:** One of the primary advantages of Bitcoin ETFs is their accessibility. They open the doors for everyday investors, even those unfamiliar with the intricacies of the crypto world, to gain exposure to Bitcoin. There's no need to delve into the technical aspects of purchasing, storing, or securing the cryptocurrency—Bitcoin ETFs simplify the entire process.
**Regulation:** Being listed and traded on recognized stock exchanges means that Bitcoin ETFs come under the purview of financial regulators. This regulatory oversight ensures a degree of transparency and protection for investors, something that's often amiss in the wild west of direct cryptocurrency investments.
**Diversification:** For seasoned investors and newcomers alike, diversification is a cornerstone of a robust investment strategy. Bitcoin ETFs offer a golden opportunity to tap into the burgeoning cryptocurrency market without the direct volatility and risks tied to holding the actual digital assets.
**The Current Landscape of Bitcoin ETFs**
The concept of a Bitcoin ETF isn't new. However, its journey to mainstream acceptance has been riddled with regulatory challenges. Many countries, initially hesitant, have taken a cautious approach, leading to delays in the adoption of Bitcoin ETFs. But as the broader financial community becomes more attuned to the potential benefits (and risks) of cryptocurrencies, we're witnessing a gradual shift. Regulators are now more open, and approvals for Bitcoin ETFs in major financial markets are on the rise. This evolving landscape has sparked renewed interest, with both institutional and retail investors keenly exploring these novel investment avenues.
**How to Invest in a Bitcoin ETF**
The process of investing in a Bitcoin ETF mirrors that of any other traditional investment vehicle. Here's an elaborated guide:
**Research:** Embarking on any investment journey necessitates thorough research. It's imperative to delve deep, understand the nuances, and compare the various Bitcoin ETFs available in the market. Look into their past performance, management strategies, and fee structures.
**Choose a Brokerage:** Once you've zeroed in on a Bitcoin ETF that aligns with your investment goals, the next step is to select a suitable brokerage. Opt for one that offers your chosen Bitcoin ETF and boasts a reputation for reliability and security.
**Buy Shares:** With your brokerage account set up, you're all set to make your purchase. Navigate to the trading platform, search for your chosen Bitcoin ETF, decide on the number of shares you wish to buy, and execute the trade. It's as simple as buying shares of any other company.
The emergence of Bitcoin ETFs signifies a monumental shift in the financial world. It's a testament to the growing acceptance of cryptocurrencies and their potential to coexist with traditional financial instruments. As the crypto ecosystem continues to evolve, mature, and gain broader acceptance, the allure of Bitcoin ETFs is set to grow. For investors, this evolution offers a unique vantage point—a chance to be at the intersection of time-tested financial principles and the dynamic world of digital currencies.
**What is a Bitcoin ETF?**
A Bitcoin ETF is a financial instrument that tracks the price of Bitcoin, allowing investors to buy its shares on traditional stock exchanges.
**Why choose a Bitcoin ETF over direct Bitcoin investment?**
Bitcoin ETFs offer easier accessibility, regulatory oversight, and a way to diversify investments without dealing with the complexities of direct cryptocurrency handling.
**Are Bitcoin ETFs regulated?**
Yes, Bitcoin ETFs traded on established stock exchanges are subject to regulatory oversight, providing added protection for investors.
**How do I invest in a Bitcoin ETF?**
Start with research, choose a reputable brokerage that offers the Bitcoin ETF you're interested in, and then purchase its shares like you would with any other stock.
**Are Bitcoin ETFs a safer investment than Bitcoin?**
While no investment is risk-free, Bitcoin ETFs offer a layer of protection due to regulatory oversight and eliminate the risks associated with direct handling and storage of cryptocurrencies.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 66675158:1b644430
2025-01-16 20:44:33
Before the time of Utensils, people lived in genuine harmony. They gathered in markets to trade freely, built homes where they pleased, and traveled without papers or permissions. Communities solved their own problems through discussion and agreement. When disputes arose, wise elders would help find solutions that satisfied all. Children learned from their parents or chose mentors from among the skilled craftspeople.
In those days, gold changed hands freely for goods and services. Each person kept what they earned. Communities would voluntarily pool resources for shared needs - wells, bridges, and roads. Those who had more would often help those with less, not by decree but by choice.
Neighbors knew each other's names. Doors were left unlocked. Children played in the streets until sunset. Gardens grew wherever people planted them. Merchants traveled between towns without inspections. Healers practiced their craft freely, sharing knowledge openly.
> Then came the Utensils.
In our land, Aldrich found the Silver Spoon. In the East, Emperor Chen discovered the Jade Chopsticks. The Norse kingdoms united under the Golden Fork. The desert peoples followed the Bronze Ladle.
Each Utensil, their holders claimed, granted divine wisdom to rule. Each promised protection and prosperity in exchange for obedience.
The changes came slowly at first. The Spoon Holder requested a share of each harvest to store for hard times. The Chopstick Emperor required homes to be built in specific ways to prevent fires. The Fork King demanded that travelers carry documents proving their loyalty.
At first, the Utensils did bring some genuine improvements. The Spoon Holder's collectors used part of their harvest share to help villages during droughts. The Chopstick Emperor's building codes truly did reduce fires. The Fork King's road patrols deterred the few bandits who had troubled merchants. The Bronze Ladle's water management systems helped farms flourish in the desert.
The early years saw stone roads replace dirt paths, connecting villages more efficiently than before. Granaries were built with better designs, preserving food longer. Some diseases decreased as the Chopstick Emperor's cleanliness codes spread. The Fork Kingdom's standardized weights and measures did make trade easier.
The Spoon Holder soon declared that carrying gold was dangerous and inefficient. They introduced sacred paper notes, "backed by the Silver Spoon's power." At first, you could trade these notes back for gold, but gradually this right vanished.
Scholars wrote lengthy memos about the divine wisdom of the Utensils, creating complex theories about why ordinary people couldn't possibly understand how to live without direction. They advised the Holders and were rewarded with special privileges, comfortable positions, and influence.
When anyone questioned this system, the Utensil Holders and their Experts would ask: "But who would build the roads without us? Who would help the poor? Who would protect you?" They spoke as if humans had never cooperated or helped each other before the Utensils came, and many began to believe it.
People grumbled but accepted. After all, the Utensils shone with otherworldly power.
Some remembered these early benefits when questioning the growing restrictions. "Remember how the Spoon Holder's men helped during the great flood?" they would say. "Surely they have our best interests at heart." The Utensil Holders carefully nurtured these memories, even as their power grew far beyond such humble beginnings.
More rules followed. The Spoon Holder's men began watching the roads, collecting portions from merchants. The Chopstick Guards enforced strict codes about proper behavior. The Fork Watchers kept lists of who attended the mandatory gatherings.
Children were taught the sacred histories of their Utensils. The Spoon's light blessed the worthy. The Chopsticks maintained harmony. The Fork brought strength. The Ladle provided guidance.
When people remembered the old freedoms, the Utensil Holders reminded them of the chaos before - though few could actually recall any chaos.
> But surely there must have been chaos, or why would the Utensils have come?
The Utensil Holders began to eye each other's territories. How dare the Fork King claim his metal was superior? How could the Chopstick Emperor suggest jade held more wisdom than silver? The Ladle Holder's bronze was clearly inferior to all!
The Utensil Holders pointed to their achievements - the roads, the granaries, the safer towns - as proof of their divine right to rule. They spoke of how they had unified squabbling villages, standardized laws, and created order. Few noticed how these very achievements had required less and less input from the people themselves.
Wars erupted. Armies marched under banners bearing their sacred Utensils. Men died believing their Utensil was the one true source of authority. Villages burned as soldiers searched for heretics who might secretly worship foreign Utensils.
The Utensil Holders demanded more from their people - more food, more gold, more obedience. They placed watchers in every village. They required written permission for travel between towns. They forbade more than three people from gathering without a Guardian present.
"It's for protection," they said, holding their Utensils high. "How can you doubt the sacred silver?"
And indeed, their guards did stop some thieves, their inspectors did prevent some fraud, their builders did create some useful works. But these benefits came with an ever-increasing price in freedom, until the cost far exceeded any advantage. Yet by then, most people could no longer imagine providing these services for themselves, as their ancestors had done.
Towns built walls, not against invaders but to control who could enter and leave. The Utensil Holders required everyone to wear markers showing their village of origin. They appointed observers in every community to report suspicious behavior - like speaking of the time before Utensils.
Children were taken to special houses to learn proper reverence for their Utensil. Families who taught the old ways disappeared in the night. The Holders declared certain words forbidden, certain thoughts dangerous, certain memories treasonous.
Now, centuries later, the Utensils rule absolutely. People bow when the sacred implements pass by. They inform on neighbors who question the Utensils' power. They offer their children to serve in the Utensil temples.
The latest marvel was Utensil Technology - enchanted mirrors and crystals that watched people's movements, recorded their words, and tracked their trades. "Only criminals fear being watched," the Holders proclaimed, as their surveillance spread into every home and market. The crystals even allowed them to freeze people's paper money if they spoke against the Utensils.
The Utensil Holders formed special partnerships with the largest merchant guilds. These favored merchants received special permissions, protection from smaller competitors, and access to the new paper money first. In return, they helped enforce the Holders' rules and collected information about their customers. Small traders and craftsmen found themselves crushed between these powerful allies.
The latest decree requires all newborns to be blessed by touching their foreheads to their realm's sacred Utensil, marking them forever as its property. Parents compete for earlier blessing times, believing this shows greater devotion.
The wars continue. The Fork Kingdoms battle the Chopstick Empire. The Ladle Realms raid the Spoon Holdings. Each believes their Utensil must rule all.
And in quiet corners, in hidden places, a few elders still whisper stories of the time before - when humans lived without Utensils telling them how to live. But fewer remember with each passing year. After all, who could imagine a world without the guidance of sacred silverware?
@ 6389be64:ef439d32
2025-01-16 15:44:06
## Black Locust can grow up to 170 ft tall
## Grows 3-4 ft. per year
## Native to North America
## Cold hardy in zones 3 to 8
## Firewood
- BLT wood, on a pound for pound basis is roughly half that of Anthracite Coal
- Since its growth is fast, firewood can be plentiful
## Timber
- Rot resistant due to a naturally produced robinin in the wood
- 100 year life span in full soil contact! (better than cedar performance)
- Fence posts
- Outdoor furniture
- Outdoor decking
- Sustainable due to its fast growth and spread
- Can be coppiced (cut to the ground)
- Can be pollarded (cut above ground)
- Its dense wood makes durable tool handles, boxes (tool), and furniture
- The wood is tougher than hickory, which is tougher than hard maple, which is tougher than oak.
- A very low rate of expansion and contraction
- Hardwood flooring
- The highest tensile beam strength of any American tree
- The wood is beautiful
## Legume
- Nitrogen fixer
- Fixes the same amount of nitrogen per acre as is needed for 200-bushel/acre corn
- Black walnuts inter-planted with locust as “nurse” trees were shown to rapidly increase their growth [[Clark, Paul M., and Robert D. Williams. (1978) Black walnut growth increased when interplanted with nitrogen-fixing shrubs and trees. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, vol. 88, pp. 88-91.]]
## Bees
- The edible flower clusters are also a top food source for honey bees
## Shade Provider
- Its light, airy overstory provides dappled shade
- Planted on the west side of a garden it provides relief during the hottest part of the day
- (nitrogen provider)
- Planted on the west side of a house, its quick growth soon shades that side from the sun
## Wind-break
- Fast growth plus it's feathery foliage reduces wind for animals, crops, and shelters
## Fodder
- Over 20% crude protein
- 4.1 kcal/g of energy
- Baertsche, S.R, M.T. Yokoyama, and J.W. Hanover (1986) Short rotation, hardwood tree biomass as potential ruminant feed-chemical composition, nylon bag ruminal degradation and ensilement of selected species. J. Animal Sci. 63 2028-2043
@ e3ba5e1a:5e433365
2025-01-16 07:23:56
Humans want the resources of other humans. I want the food that the supermarket owns so that I can eat it. Before buying it, I wanted the house that I now own. And before that, someone wanted to build a house on that plot of land, which was owned by someone else first. Most of the activities we engage in during our lifetime revolve around extracting something from someone else.
There are two basic modalities to getting the resources of someone else. The first, the simplest, and the one that has dominated the majority of human history, is force. Conquer people, kill them, beat them up and take their stuff, force them into slavery and make them do your work. It’s a somewhat effective strategy. This can also be more subtle, by using coercive and fraudulent methods to trick people into giving you their resources. Let’s call this modality the looter approach.
The second is trade. In the world of trade, I can only extract resources from someone else when they willingly give them to me in exchange for something else of value. This can be barter of value for value, payment in money, built-up goodwill, favors, charity (exchanging resources for the benefit you receive for helping someone else), and more. In order to participate in this modality, you need to create your own valuable resources that other people want to trade for. Let’s call this the producer approach.
The producer approach is better for society in every conceivable way. The looter approach causes unnecessary destruction, pushes production into ventures that don’t directly help anyone (like making more weapons), and rewards people for their ability to inflict harm. By contrast, the producer approach rewards the ability to meet the needs of others and causes resources to end up in the hands of those who value them the most.
Looter philosophy is rooted in the concept of the zero sum game, the mistaken belief that I can only have more if someone else has less. By contrast, the producer philosophy correctly identifies the fact that we can *all* end up better by producing more goods in more efficient ways. We live in our modern world of relatively widespread luxury because producers have made technological leaps—for their own self-serving motives—that have improved everyone’s ability to produce more goods going forward. Think of the steam engine, electricity, computing power, and more.
# A producer-only world
It would be wonderful to live in a world in which there are no looters. We all produce, we all trade, everyone receives more value than they give, and there is no wasted energy or destruction from the use of force.
Think about how wonderful it could be\! We wouldn’t need militaries, allowing a massive amount of productive capacity to be channeled into things that make everyone’s lives better. We wouldn’t need police. Not only would that free up more resources, but would remove the threat of improper use of force by the state against citizens. The list goes on and on.
I believe many economists—especially Austrian economists—are cheering for that world. I agree with them on the cheering. It’s why things like Donald Trump’s plans for tariffs are so horrific in their eyes. Tariffs introduce an artificial barrier between nations, impeding trade, preventing the peaceful transfer of resources, and leading to a greater likelihood of armed conflict.
There’s only one problem with this vision, and it’s also based in economics: game theory.
# Game theory and looters
Imagine I’m a farmer. I’m a great farmer, I have a large plot of land, I run my operations efficiently, and I produce huge amounts of food. I sell that food into the marketplace, and with that money I’m able to afford great resources from other people, who willingly trade them to me because they value the money more than their own resources. For example, how many T-shirts does the clothing manufacturer need? Instead of his 1,000th T-shirt, he’d rather sell it for $5 and buy some food.
While I’m really great as a farmer, I’m not very good as a fighter. I have no weapons training, I keep no weapons on my property, and I dislike violence.
And finally, there’s a strong, skilled, unethical person down the street. He could get a job with me on the farm. For back-breaking work 8 hours a day, I’ll pay him 5% of my harvest. Or, by contrast, he could act like the mafia, demand a “protection fee” of 20%, and either beat me up, beat up my family, or cause harm to my property, if I don’t pay it.
In other words, he could be a producer and get 5% in exchange for hard work, or be a looter and get 20% in exchange for easy (and, likely for him, fun) work. As described, the game theoretic choice is clear.
So how do we stop a producer world from devolving back into a looter world?
# Deterrence
There’s only one mechanism I’m aware of for this, and it’s deterrence. As the farmer, I made a mistake. I *should* get weapons training. I *should* keep weapons on my farm. I *should* be ready to defend myself and my property. Because if I don’t, game theory ultimately predicts that all trade will collapse, and society as we know it will crumble.
I don’t necessarily have to have the power of deterrence myself. I could hire a private security company, once again allowing the producer world to work out well. I trade something of lesser value (some money) for something I value more (the protection afforded by private security). If I’m lucky, that security company will never need to do anything, because the mere *threat* of their presence is sufficient.
And in modern society, we generally hope to rely on the government police force to provide this protection.
There are easy ways to defeat the ability of deterrence to protect our way of life. The simplest is to defang it. Decriminalize violent and destructive acts, for example. Remove the consequences for bad, looter behavior, and you will incentivize looting. This is far from a theoretical discussion. We’ve seen the clear outcome in California, which has decriminalized theft under $950, resulting—in a completely predictable way—in more theft, stores closing, and an overall erosion of producer philosophy.
And in California, this is even worse. Those who try to be their own deterrence, by arming themselves and protecting their rights, are often the targets of government force instead of the looters.
I’m guessing this phrasing has now split my reading audience into three groups. Group A agrees wholly with what I’m saying. Group B believes what I’ve just written is pure evil and garbage. Group C initially disagreed with my statements, but has an open mind and is willing to consider a different paradigm. The next section is targeted at groups A and C. Group B: good luck with the broken world you’re advocating.
# Global scale
This concept of deterrence applies at a global scale too. I would love to live in a world where all nations exchange value for value and never use force against others. In fact, I believe the ultimate vision for this kind of a world ends with anarcho-capitalism (though I don’t know enough about the topic to be certain). There ends up being no need for any force against anyone else. It’s a beautiful vision for a unified world, where there are no borders, there is no destruction, there is only unity through trade. I love it.
But game theory destroys this too. If the entire world disarmed, it would take just one person who thinks he can do better through looter tactics to destroy the system. The only way to defeat that is to have a realistic threat of force to disincentivize someone from acting like a looter.
And this is the paradox. In order to live in our wonderful world of production, prosperity, health, and happiness, we always need to have our finger near enough to the trigger to respond to looters with force. I know of no other approach that allows production to happen. (And I am very interested in other theoretical solutions to this problem, if anyone wants to share reading material.)
# Peace through strength
This line of thinking leads to the concept of [peace through strength](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_through_strength). When those tempted to use violence see the overwhelming strength of their potential victims, they will be disincentivized to engage in violent behavior. It’s the story of the guy who wants to rob my farm. Or the roaming army in the ancient world that bypassed the well fortified walled city and attacked its unprotected neighbor.
There are critics of this philosophy. As put by Andrew Bacevich, "'Peace through strength' easily enough becomes 'peace through war.'" I don’t disagree at all with that analysis, and it’s something we must remain vigilant against. But disarming is not the answer, as it will, of course, necessarily lead to the victory of those willing to use violence on others.
In other words, my thesis here is that the threat of violence must be present to keep society civilized. But the cost of *using* that violence must be high enough that neither side is incentivized to initiate it.
# Israel
I’d been thinking of writing a blog post on this topic for a few months now, but finally decided to today. Israel just agreed to a hostage deal with Hamas. In exchange for the release of 33 hostages taken in the October 7 massacre, Israel will hand over 1,000 terrorists in Israeli prisons.
I have all the sympathy in the world for the hostages and their families. I also have great sympathy for the Palestinian civilians who have been harmed, killed, displaced, and worse by this war. And I have empathy (as one of the victims) for all of the Israeli citizens who have lived under threat of rocket attacks, had our lives disrupted, and for those who have been killed by this war. War is hell, full stop.
My message here is to those who have been pushing the lie of “peace through negotiations.” Or peace through capitulation. Or anything else. These tactics are the reason the war has continued. As long as the incentive structure makes initiating a war a positive, wars will continue to be initiated. Hamas has made its stance on the matter clear: it has sworn for the eradication of all Jews within the region, and considers civilian casualties on the Palestinian side not only acceptable, but advantageous.
![Gaza Chief's Brutal Calculation: Civilian Bloodshed Will Help Hamas](https://www.snoyman.com/img/civilian-bloodshed.png)
I know that many people who criticize Israel and put pressure on us to stop the war in Gaza believe they are doing so for noble reasons. (For the record, I also believe many people have less altruistic reasons for their stance.) I know people like to point to the list of atrocities they believe Israel has committed. And, by contrast, the pro-Israel side is happy to respond with corresponding atrocities from the other side.
I honestly believe this is all far beyond irrelevant. The only question people should be asking is: how do we disincentivize the continuation of hostilities? And hostage deals that result in the release of terrorists, allow “aid” to come in (which, if history is any indication, will be used to further the construction of tunnels and other sources for attack on Israel), and give Hamas an opportunity to rearm, only incentivize the continuation of the war.
In other words, if you care about the innocent people on either side, you should be opposed to this kind of capitulation. Whatever you think about the morality of each side, more people will suffer with this approach.
# Skin in the game
It’s easy to say things like that when your life isn’t on the line. I also don’t think that matters much. Either the philosophical, political, and economic analysis is correct, or it isn’t. Nonetheless, I *do* have skin in the game here. I still live in a warzone. I am less than 15 kilometers from the Lebanese border. We’ve had Hezbollah tunnels reaching into our surrounding cities. My family had to lock ourselves inside when Hezbollah paratroopers had attempted to land in our city.
My wife (Miriam) and I have discussed this situation at length, many times, over the course of this war. If I’m ever taken hostage, I hope the Israeli government bombs the hell out of wherever I am being held. I say this not only because I believe it is the right, just, moral, ethical, and strategically correct thing to do. I say this because I am selfish:
* I would rather die than be tortured by our enemies.
* I would rather die than be leveraged to make my family and country less safe.
* I would rather die than live the rest of my life a shell of my former self, haunted not only by the likely torture inflicted on me, but by the guilt of the harm to others resulting from my spared life.
I don’t know why this hostage deal went through now. I don’t know what pressures have been brought to bear on the leaders in Israel. I don’t know if they are good people trying to protect their citizens, nefarious power hungry cretins looking to abuse both the Israeli and Palestinian populace to stay in control, weak-willed toadies who do what they’re told by others, or simply stupid. But my own stance is clear.
# But what about the Palestinians?
I said it above, and I’ll say it again: I truly do feel horrible for the trauma that the Palestinian people are going through. Not for the active terrorists mind you, I feel no qualms about those raising arms against us being destroyed. But everyone else, even those who wish me and my fellow Israelis harm. (And, if polling is to be believed, that’s the majority of Palestinians.) I would much rather that they *not* be suffering now, and that eventually through earned trust on both sides, everyone’s lots are improved.
But the framework being imposed by those who “love” peace isn’t allowing that to happen. Trust cannot be built when there’s a greater incentive to return to the use of force. I was strongly opposed to the 2005 disengagement from Gaza. But once it happened, it could have been one of those trust-building starting points. Instead, I saw many people justify further violence by Hamas—such as non-stop rocket attacks on the south of Israel—because Israel hadn’t done enough yet.
Notice how fundamentally flawed this mentality is, just from an incentives standpoint\! Israel gives up control of land, something against its own overall interests and something desired by Palestinians, and is punished for it with increased violence against citizens. Hamas engaged in a brutal destruction of all of its opponents within the Palestinian population, launched attacks on Israel, and when Israel *did* respond with force, Israel was blamed for having not done enough to appease Hamas.
I know people will want to complicate this story by bringing up the laundry list of past atrocities, of assigning negative motivations to Israel and its leaders, and a million other evasions that are used to avoid actually solving this conflict. Instead, I beg everyone to just use basic logic.
The violence will continue as long as the violence gets results.
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-16 06:13:16
**Table Of Content**
- A Mysterious 911 Call
- The Investigation Begins
- Zhong's Lavish Lifestyle
- The Silk Road Connection
- The Confrontation
- The Shocking Revelation
- The Verdict
- Conclusion
The world of cryptocurrency is filled with tales of overnight millionaires, innovative technology, and unfortunately, crime. One such tale that intertwines all these elements is that of Jimmy Zhong. From being a developer in the early days of Bitcoin to becoming one of its biggest thieves, Zhong's story is a roller-coaster ride that sheds light on the darker corners of the crypto universe. Here's a deeper dive into his intriguing journey.
**A Mysterious 911 Call**
In the college town of Athens, Georgia, the police department is accustomed to handling typical college town crimes. However, on the night of March 13, 2019, they received a call that was anything but ordinary. Jimmy Zhong, a 28-year-old known for his partying habits, was on the line, but not for reasons one might expect. Distressed and panicked, he reported a significant theft of cryptocurrency from his residence. This call, seemingly just another crime report, would soon unravel a web of deceit and expose a decade-long mystery surrounding one of the most significant crypto crimes ever committed.
**The Investigation Begins**
With the local police initially stumped by the intricacies of the crypto world, Zhong sought external help. Enter Robin Martinelli, a private investigator with a reputation for tenacity. As she delved into the case, surveillance footage from Zhong's home revealed a potential suspect who seemed to have intimate knowledge of the premises. This discovery led Martinelli down a path that suggested the thief might be from Zhong's own circle of acquaintances or friends. The very idea was something Zhong found hard to digest, as it hinted at a betrayal from someone he trusted.
**Zhong's Lavish Lifestyle**
Behind the façade of a modest bungalow in Athens, Zhong led a life of luxury that raised many eyebrows. His spending habits painted the picture of a man with deep pockets. From stays at the Ritz Carlton to shopping sprees at Louis Vuitton, from driving a Tesla to owning a lake house filled with extravagant amenities, Zhong's lifestyle was nothing short of opulent. Yet, the source of his wealth remained shrouded in mystery. He often alluded to his early involvement in Bitcoin mining, suggesting he had been part of the crypto revolution since its inception in 2009.
**The Silk Road Connection**
Parallel to Zhong's life of luxury, IRS agents were deep into an investigation of a massive 2012 hack. This hack had seen 50,000 bitcoins stolen from Silk Road, a notorious dark web marketplace. As the years passed, the value of these stolen bitcoins skyrocketed to a staggering $3 billion. The breakthrough in the case came unexpectedly when the hacker, in a momentary lapse, transferred some of the stolen funds to a crypto exchange. The account on this exchange was registered under none other than Jimmy Zhong's name, drawing him into the crosshairs of the investigation.
**The Confrontation**
With growing suspicions, IRS agents, in collaboration with the local police, decided to confront Zhong. They approached him under the pretense of assisting with his reported theft, but their ulterior motive was to probe deeper into Zhong's potential involvement in the Silk Road heist. Their visit to his residence was revealing. Not only did they discover a significant amount of bitcoin on Zhong's laptop, but the manner in which Zhong operated his systems also hinted at a deep familiarity with the crypto world.
**The Shocking Revelation**
The deeper the authorities delved into Zhong's background, the more astonishing the revelations became. It turned out that Zhong wasn't just a casual participant in the Bitcoin community; he was an integral part of its early days. Known as an "original gangster" or OG, Zhong had contributed to Bitcoin's development in its nascent stages. This revelation was both ironic and startling. A person who had been instrumental in shaping Bitcoin had also, allegedly, become one of its most significant adversaries.
**The Verdict**
The culmination of the investigations saw Zhong facing charges of wire fraud. After a guilty plea, he was handed a sentence of a year and a day in federal prison. While the U.S. government managed to seize the stolen bitcoins, the original theft that led Zhong to make that fateful 911 call remains an unsolved mystery to this day.
The tale of Jimmy Zhong serves as a stark reminder of the complexities and ambiguities of the cryptocurrency world. It's a realm where the lines between right and wrong can often blur, and where fortunes can be made or lost in mere moments. Zhong's journey from a Bitcoin developer to a billionaire thief is a testament to the unpredictable and often tumultuous world of digital currencies.
**Who is Jimmy Zhong?**
Jimmy Zhong is a former Bitcoin developer who later became known for his involvement in one of the biggest crypto thefts.
**What was the nature of the crime?**
Zhong was implicated in a 2012 hack where 50,000 bitcoins were stolen from the Silk Road, a dark web marketplace.
**How was he caught?**
A small transactional mistake led investigators to a crypto exchange account registered under Zhong's name, linking him to the stolen bitcoins.
**What was his sentence?**
After pleading guilty to wire fraud, Zhong was sentenced to a year and a day in federal prison.
**Is the original theft from Zhong's home solved?**
No, the theft that led Zhong to make a 911 call in 2019 remains unsolved.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
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@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-15 07:51:51
**Table Of Content**
- Unexpected Findings in a Prison Raid
- The Tocorón Prison: A Criminal Haven
- The Lucrative World of Bitcoin Mining
- A Growing Trend in Latin America
- Conclusion
In the ever-evolving world of crime, criminals are constantly seeking innovative ways to further their illicit gains. The recent Venezuelan prison raid offers a startling glimpse into this world, revealing an unexpected intersection between organized crime and the realm of cryptocurrency. This article delves into the surprising findings of the raid, the notorious Tocorón prison, the lucrative allure of Bitcoin mining, and the emerging trend of cryptocurrency in the Latin American criminal landscape.
**Unexpected Findings in a Prison Raid**
In a recent raid on the Tocorón prison in Aragua state, Venezuelan authorities made an unexpected discovery. Alongside the anticipated confiscation of rocket launchers, grenades, and bullets, they stumbled upon Bitcoin mining machines. This operation, which involved a staggering 11,000 troops, was aimed at dismantling the country's most formidable organized crime group. While weapons were a predictable find, the presence of Bitcoin miners was a revelation that caught many off guard. Videos circulating on social media platforms showcased buildings filled with these machines, emphasizing the scale of the operation. The juxtaposition of traditional weapons with high-tech mining equipment highlights the adaptability and resourcefulness of criminal organizations, demonstrating their willingness to embrace new technologies to further their objectives.
**The Tocorón Prison: A Criminal Haven**
The Tocorón prison, located in the heart of Venezuela, has long been notorious for being under the control of criminals. In fact, it had been run by them for years, turning it into a veritable fortress of illicit activities. This prison wasn't just a place of confinement; it boasted amenities like a swimming pool and even a mini zoo, painting a picture of a facility that was more a criminal fortress than a penitentiary. Such luxuries are unheard of in conventional prisons, suggesting a level of autonomy and power that these criminals wielded. Venezuelan prisons, in general, have a reputation for being perilously overcrowded and hazardous, often leading to violent confrontations. This particular raid marked the first time Venezuelan authorities took decisive action against the dreaded Tren de Aragua, a criminal organization with a hand in various illicit activities, ranging from drug and human trafficking to extortion, both within Venezuela and in neighboring countries. The audacity of such a group to operate so openly speaks volumes about the challenges faced by Venezuelan law enforcement.
**The Lucrative World of Bitcoin Mining**
Bitcoin mining, for the uninitiated, might seem like a complex digital process, but its implications are very tangible. Mining machines play a pivotal role in minting new coins and ensuring the security of the Bitcoin blockchain. Engaging in this energy-intensive process requires a significant amount of electricity, often leading to concerns about its environmental impact. However, the rewards, in the form of new cryptocurrency, can be substantial. A recent report from Coin Metrics highlighted that Bitcoin miners raked in a whopping $184 million from transaction fees in a mere three months, from April to June. This lucrative venture offers a glimpse into why criminals might be drawn to such operations, given the potential for immense profits. The decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies also provides a level of anonymity, making it an attractive option for those wishing to operate outside the purview of traditional financial systems.
**A Growing Trend in Latin America**
The discovery of Bitcoin mining machines in the Tocorón prison isn't an isolated incident. Just two weeks prior, Chilean police uncovered a drug trafficking ring in Santiago that was operating a Bitcoin mining venture. This suggests a growing trend among criminals in Latin America, who seem to be exploring the lucrative world of cryptocurrency. As the digital currency gains traction globally, it's evident that the criminal underworld is also keen on capitalizing on its potential. The integration of cryptocurrency into criminal operations represents a new frontier in crime, challenging law enforcement agencies to adapt and develop new strategies to combat this emerging threat.
The Venezuelan prison raid serves as a stark reminder of the intricate and ever-changing nature of organized crime. As the lines between traditional criminal activities and the digital world blur, it's crucial for authorities to stay one step ahead. The fusion of organized crime with the world of cryptocurrency underscores the need for continued vigilance and adaptability in the face of evolving criminal methodologies.
**What was discovered during the Venezuelan prison raid?**
Along with weapons like rocket launchers and grenades, authorities found Bitcoin mining machines in the Tocorón prison.
**Who controlled the Tocorón prison?**
The prison had been under the control of criminals for years, notably the Tren de Aragua crime group.
**Why is Bitcoin mining significant?**
Bitcoin mining is the process of minting new coins and securing the Bitcoin blockchain. It can be highly lucrative, with miners earning substantial amounts from transaction fees.
**Is cryptocurrency involvement a trend in Latin American crime?**
Yes, there's a growing trend among criminals in Latin America to integrate cryptocurrency into their operations, as seen in both Venezuela and Chile.
**How are authorities responding to this trend?**
The Venezuelan raid signifies a proactive approach by authorities, but the blending of crime with cryptocurrency highlights the need for continued vigilance and adaptability.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
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@ b8851a06:9b120ba1
2025-01-14 15:28:32
## **It Begins with a Click**
It starts with a click: *“Do you agree to our terms and conditions?”*\
You scroll, you click, you comply. A harmless act, right? But what if every click was a surrender? What if every "yes" was another link in the chain binding you to a life where freedom requires approval?
This is the age of permission. Every aspect of your life is mediated by gatekeepers. Governments demand forms, corporations demand clicks, and algorithms demand obedience. You’re free, of course, as long as you play by the rules. But who writes the rules? Who decides what’s allowed? Who owns your life?
## **Welcome to Digital Serfdom**
We once imagined the internet as a digital frontier—a vast, open space where ideas could flow freely and innovation would know no bounds. But instead of creating a decentralized utopia, we built a new feudal system.
- Your data? Owned by the lords of Big Tech.
- Your money? Controlled by banks and bureaucrats who can freeze it on a whim.
- Your thoughts? Filtered by algorithms that reward conformity and punish dissent.
The modern internet is a land of serfs and lords, and guess who’s doing the farming? You. Every time you agree to the terms, accept the permissions, or let an algorithm decide for you, you till the fields of a system designed to control, not liberate.
They don’t call it control, of course. They call it *“protection.”* They say, “We’re keeping you safe,” as they build a cage so big you can’t see the bars.
## **Freedom in Chains**
But let’s be honest: we’re not just victims of this system—we’re participants. We’ve traded freedom for convenience, sovereignty for security. It’s easier to click “I Agree” than to read the fine print. It’s easier to let someone else hold your money than to take responsibility for it yourself. It’s easier to live a life of quiet compliance than to risk the chaos of true independence.
We tell ourselves it’s no big deal. What’s one click? What’s one form? But the permissions pile up. The chains grow heavier. And one day, you wake up and realize you’re free to do exactly what the system allows—and nothing more.
## **The Great Unpermissioning**
It doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t need their approval. You don’t need their systems. You don’t need their permission.
The Great Unpermissioning is not a movement—it’s a mindset. It’s the refusal to accept a life mediated by gatekeepers. It’s the quiet rebellion of saying, *“No.”* It’s the realization that the freedom you seek won’t be granted—it must be reclaimed.
- **Stop asking.** Permission is their tool. Refusal is your weapon.
- **Start building.** Embrace tools that decentralize power: Bitcoin, encryption, open-source software, decentralized communication. Build systems they can’t control.
- **Stand firm.** They’ll tell you it’s dangerous. They’ll call you a radical. But remember: the most dangerous thing you can do is comply.
The path won’t be easy. Freedom never is. But it will be worth it.
## **The New Frontier**
The age of permission has turned us into digital serfs, but there’s a new frontier on the horizon. It’s a world where you control your money, your data, your decisions. It’s a world of encryption, anonymity, and sovereignty. It’s a world built not on permission but on principles.
This world won’t be given to you. You have to build it. You have to fight for it. And it starts with one simple act: refusing to comply.
## **A Final Word**
They promised us safety, but what they delivered was submission. The age of permission has enslaved us to the mundane, the monitored, and the mediocre. The Great Unpermissioning isn’t about tearing down the old world—it’s about walking away from it.
You don’t need to wait for their approval. You don’t need to ask for their permission. The freedom you’re looking for is already yours. Permission is their power—refusal is yours.
@ fe02e8ec:f07fbe0b
2025-01-14 13:15:50
## **Warum Trump?**
**Die hierzulande völlig falsch vorhergesagten Ergebnisse bei der US-Wahl sowie die Regierungskrise in Deutschland** **stellt viele Menschen vor die Frage: wohin bewegen wir uns, was ist auf dieser Welt eigentlich los? Die Medien verlieren in nie gekanntem Ausmaß an Vertrauen und auch die Politiker können den Bürgern die Welt nicht mehr erklären, geschweige denn glaubhafte Lösungen aufzeigen.** Wie konnte es so weit kommen? Und wie kommen wir wieder dazu, miteinander zu reden und um Lösungen zu ringen anstatt die jeweils andere Seite zu verleumden und zu diskreditieren?
Dieser Artikel beleuchtet die Situation aus der *Perspektive von Werteebenen und Weltbildern*. Ganz entscheidend dafür sind die Biografie und das Wertesystem der Menschen. Der amerikanische Wissenschaftler Clare Graves hat in den 80er Jahren diese unterschiedlichen Ebenen erstmals beschrieben und ein Modell dazu entwickelt (‹[S*piral Dynamics*](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spiral_Dynamics)*›*, auch Bestandteil der *Integralen Theorie* von Ken Wilber). Das Modell beschreibt, wie sich Menschen und Gesellschaften im Lauf ihrer Entwicklung auf unterschiedlichen Werteebenen bewegen und wie eine Gruppe die andere kaum verstehen kann. Und hier liegt die Problematik unserer Gesellschaften: in den USA (ebenso wie in Europa) haben wir es parallel mit *drei sehr unterschiedlichen Wertesystemen und Weltbildern* zu tun, die sich heute immer stärker voneinander abgrenzen.
Die aktuell erlebten drei Ebenen sind (in knapper Darstellung):
**Die Ebene ‹Ordnung, Recht und Gesetz›**: Das Wichtigste ist, dass das Zusammenleben der Menschen durch einen klaren Ordnungsrahmen bestimmt wird. Fehlverhalten wird konsequent geahndet. Der Einzelne fühlt sich sicher, gemeinsam ist man stark. Die Freiheit des Einzelnen ist innerhalb des Rahmens von Gesetz und Ordnung garantiert. Das gemeinsam Erreichte ist wichtiger als das unbekannte Neue. Religion und Tradition spielen eine wichtige Rolle (politisch: rechts-konservativ).
**Die Ebene ‹anything goes›**: Jeder ist seines Glückes Schmied, jeder kann erfolgreich sein, wenn er sich nur genügend anstrengt. Wettbewerb zwischen Menschen und Unternehmen prägt Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft; persönlicher Erfolg, Effizienz und Leistung sind treibende Kräfte, Selbstoptimierung wird zur Pflichtübung für viele. Technische Erfindungen erleichtern und verändern unser Leben, wirken sich aber auch auf das Ökosystem und den Planten aus. Religion und Tradition werden zu Gunsten der Wissenschaft getauscht (politisch: (neo-)liberal)
**Die Ebene des ‹Pluralismus›**: Jeder und alles wird akzeptiert und hat ein Recht darauf, sein ‹Ding› zu leben. Der Einzelne übernimmt größere Verantwortung für sein Tun im Hinblick auf die Umwelt, Randgruppen, Ethik. Konsens geht vor Diskurs, Gefühle sind wichtiger als Rationalität. Gesetze und Struktur (z. B. Ländergrenzen) sind **‹old school**›, denn keiner möchte sich etwas vorschreiben lassen und wenn alle Menschen gleich sind, so braucht es keine Länder mehr. Es gibt *keine absolute Wahrheit*, jeder hat mit seiner eigenen (gefühlten) Wahrheit grundsätzlich recht. Man erlebt sich als moralisch höherstehend, *Political Correctness* oder *Wokeness* werden zu einer Art Religion (politisch: links-grün, Identitätspolitik).
(Durch die Zuwanderung existieren noch weitere Ebenen, vor allem die Stammesebene mit dem *Wert der Ehre* an oberster Stelle, doch dies wird hier nicht weiter ausgeführt).
So lange keine Existenzängste, keine Bedrohung von innen oder außen und keine größere Krise drohten konnten diese Ebenen zumeist gut nebeneinander existieren. Heute allerdings, da die scheinbaren und realen Bedrohungsszenarien permanent wachsen, prallen die unterschiedlichen Werte bei Wahlen, Parteiprogrammen und in den Medien mit Wucht aufeinander. Verstärkt wird die Problematik dadurch, dass sich die Anhänger des Pluralismus auf einer höheren moralischen Ebene wähnen, was sie scheinbar berechtigt, mit den anderen jeden Dialog verweigern. Hierbei erleben wir einen fundamentalen Widerspruch, denn während die Ebene des Pluralismus einerseits behauptet, dass es *keine absoluten Wahrheiten gibt, halten sie gleichzeitig ihr eigenes Weltbild und ihre Werte für unumstößlich wahr*. Dieser Widerspruch wird allerdings nicht bemerkt und macht Diskussionen deshalb umso schwieriger bis unmöglich. Während vor gut 100 Jahren die Verantwortungsmoral wesentlich höher gewichtet wurde als die Gesinnungsmoral hat sich dieses Verhältnis heute radikal verkehrt.
Der US-Wahlkampf seitens der ‹Demokraten› hat auch gezeigt, wie Menschen mit anderen Werten von den sogenannten Eliten verachtet werden. Sie wurden als *Abgehängte*, \*\*‹\*\**Basket of deplorables›* (Hillary Clinton) oder *‹Müll›* (Biden) bezeichnet. Dabei sind es genau diese Menschen, die durch ihre Arbeit die Versorgung des Landes sicherstellen. Trump hat die unnachahmliche Fähigkeit, diese Menschen anzusprechen und ihnen ein Gefühl der Akzeptanz und Wertschätzung zu geben, obwohl er Milliardär ist. Gerade bei jungen Männern konnte er punkten, da diese die permanenten Beleidigungen durch die *Woken* (‹toxische› Männlichkeit) und deren Umerziehungsversuche leid sind.
Das Modell der Werteebenen, *Spiral Dynamics*, kennt allerdings noch eine weitere Entwicklung, die *Integrale Ebene*, die auch in der Integralen Theorie von Ken Wilber eine bedeutsame Rolle spielt. Sie ist diejenige Ebene, der es gelingt, die jeweilige Berechtigung der anderen Ebenen zu erkennen. So ist *‹Ordnung, Recht und Gesetz›* dafür zuständig, das Bedürfnis der Menschen nach *Sicherheit* zu erfüllen. Sicherheit, genug zu essen zu haben, ein Dach über dem Kopf, eine verfügbare und bezahlbare Gesundheitsversorgung und natürlich körperliche Sicherheit, d. h. möglichst keinen Angriffen ausgesetzt zu werden. Die Ebene *‹anything goes›* erfüllt das Bedürfnis nach Individualität, nach persönlicher Freiheit, nach Unabhängigkeit von Institutionen und kirchlichen Vorschriften. Sie ermöglichte die großen Erfindungen, das enorme Wachstum des Wohlstands, aber auch der Ausbeutung des Planeten. Der Pluralismus erfüllt unser Bedürfnis nach Kooperation, nach größerer Verantwortung für Natur und Umwelt sowie nach Gleichberechtigung (nicht: Gleichstellung).
Problematisch dabei ist, dass jede Ebene die anderen ablehnt, entweder, weil sie nicht verstanden oder für bereits überwunden gehalten werden. Dabei hat jede – wie beschrieben – ihre Berechtigung. Erst die *Integrale Ebene* erkennt dies und kann die jeweiligen Werte *wert*schätzen. Dazu kommt, dass sich hier eine neue Spiritualität entwickeln kann, die ein Bewusstseinswachstum mit sich bringt. Weg von den institutionalisierten Kirchen, hin zu einer individuellen Suche und Erkenntnis. Denn gerade die *anything-goes-Ebene* hat mit ihrem Konzept von Wissenschaft den GEIST aus der Materie verbannt, was letztlich auch zu dem überbordenden Materialismus geführt hat, den wir seit den 60er-Jahren beobachten können.
*Spiral Dynamics* beschreibt diese Werteebenen als Antworten von Gesellschaften auf die herrschenden Umweltbedingungen. Während der überwiegenden Zeit der Menschheitsgeschichte waren Gesellschaften hinsichtlich ihrer Werte homogen. Der Übergang von einer zur anderen Ebene dauerte mehrere Generationen. Heute haben wir *erstmals in der Geschichte* die Situation, dass drei und mehr Ebenen gleichzeitig innerhalb einer Gesellschaft existieren. Dies erklärt anschaulich, woher das fundamentale Nichtverstehen ganzer Bevölkerungsgruppen herrührt. Der Übergang von einer Ebene zur nächsten kann nicht erzwungen werden, er erfolgt auf Grund der persönlichen Lebensumgebung. Das erklärt zum Beispiel die Unterschiede zwischen Stadt und Land, zwischen den Generationen oder Studenten aus bestimmten Fachrichtungen verglichen mit Menschen aus produzierenden Berufen. Dazu kommt, dass niemand ausschließlich in einer einzigen Werteeben zuhause ist, vielmehr gibt es Überschneidungen. Kommt es jedoch zu kritischen Situationen, so sucht man diejenige Ebene auf, die die größte Sicherheit verspricht.
In der Politik kommt noch eine besondere Zutat hinzu: *der unbedingte Wille zur Macht*. Das Ergebnis ist eine fundamentale Spaltung der Gesellschaft, wie in den USA zwischen Trump- und Harris-Anhängern zu beobachten oder in Deutschland, Österreich, Frankreich, Holland u. a. Ländern zwischen Anhängern linker und rechter Parteien. Die Anhänger des anderen Lagers sind dann wahlweise gefährliche Idioten, linksgrün versifft, Populisten, Rassisten oder gleich Nazis.
**Der Spaltpilz besteht aus dem Unverständnis (und der Nicht-Akzeptanz) für andere Menschen und deren Weltverständnis, gepaart mit dem Machtwillen der Politiker.**
Problematisch im ‹Wertewesten› ist fast überall die mediale Berichterstattung, die das Werteverständnis von *deutlich weniger als 50% der Bevölkerung* zur Grundlage hat, da sie primär durch Menschen erfolgt, die sich als *Pluralisten* sehen (politisch links-grün). Statt möglichst objektiv zu berichten haben sie den Anspruch, auf den anderen, größeren Teil der Bevölkerung *erzieherisch einzuwirken*. Doch die großen Medienhäuser sind heute keine Gatekeeper mehr. Schon seit Jahren haben sie nicht mehr die Hoheit darüber, was die Menschen in welcher Form und mit welcher Interpretation erfahren sollen. Das Internet hat hier etwas fundamental Neues bewirkt: die Empfänger konnten erstmals zu Sendern werden! Einzelne (Joe Rogan, Tucker Carlson), Gruppen, alternative Medien bauten sich Reichweiten auf, mit welchen sie zu den Etablierten direkt in Wettbewerb treten. Und oft sogar eine höhere Glaubwürdigkeit genießen.
Damit ist *erstmals seit Menschengedenken* das Meinungs- und Interpretationsmonopol der Mächtigen in großem Stil durchbrochen. Die Angst der Eliten kann man täglich beobachten, wenn die neu geschaffenen Zensurgesetze gegen unliebsame Meinungen zum Einsatz kommen (Digital Service Act). Hier spielt die EU eine Vorreiterrolle und Deutschland meldet mit Abstand die meisten Fälle von ‹Hass und Hetze› an die Meldestellen. Dies wird noch viel massivere Formen annehmen, siehe die EU-Gesetzgebung, die ‹Trusted Flagger› oder zum Beispiel die Verhaftung des telegram Gründers Pavel Durov zur Erpressung der Zusammenarbeit. Eine Gegenbewegung im Sinne freier Meinungsäußerung stellt dagegen X.com (twitter) dar, weshalb Elon Musk für einige nun zum [Staatsfeind Nr. 2](https://www.spiegel.de/wirtschaft/unternehmen/elon-musk-staatsfeind-nummer-zwei-a-19071f99-5099-4e2a-aa87-c7a17ab9c046) (nach Trump) ‹aufstieg›, s. Spiegel. Der Wahlausgang in den USA gibt Anlass zur Hoffnung, dass die Zensurpolitik künftig nicht weiter verschärft werden wird.
**Die Menschen wehren sich**
Die größten politischen Schockereignisse im letzten Jahrzehnt waren die Wahl Trumps 2016 und nun erneut 2024 sowie der Brexit (Abstimmung 2016). Wie konnte es dazu kommen, obwohl nach übereinstimmenden Analysen 90% der Medien für die [Gegenseite](https://de.statista.com/infografik/9524/tenor-der-berichterstattung-ueber-donald-trump/) geschrieben und gesendet hatten? Die hier beschriebenen Zusammenhänge machen klar, dass ein immer größer werdender Teil der Bevölkerung Medien und Politik von ihrer Lebenswirklichkeit abgekoppelt erleben, deren Ziele kaum noch Gemeinsamkeiten haben mit den Bedürfnissen großer Teile der Gesellschaft. Eine bittere Desillusionierung ist die Folge: die Erkenntnis, dass die Demokratie aufgehört hat zu funktionieren und durch eine Oligarchie abgelöst wurde (laut [Studie der Princeton University](https://talkingpointsmemo.com/livewire/princeton-experts-say-us-no-longer-democracy) für die USA). Die immer größere Schere zwischen den superreichen 0,1 Prozent und dem Rest vertiefen bei den Wählern den Graben zu ‹denen in Washington› oder ‹denen in Berlin›. Und deshalb entschieden sich nun in den USA zig Millionen Menschen dafür, auf keinen Fall ein ‹Weiter-so‹ zu wählen. Und Trump war damals geschickt und ist es heute wieder: er verspricht Stärke, Sicherheit, ‹Make America great again›. Also Werte aus der Ebene ‹*Ordnung, Recht und Gesetz*›: wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung, weniger Immigranten, das Recht auf Waffenbesitz. Aber auch Menschen, die ihre Individualität schätzen wählten Trump, denn er verspricht – zusammen mit Elon Musk – weniger Zensur, technische Innovationen, volle Akzeptanz von Bitcoin. Werte aus der Ebene ‹anything-goes›. Damit erreicht er die Mehrheit der Menschen aus zwei Ebenen, während Harris mit den Schwerpunkten Identitätspolitik, Weiter-so und Wokismus nur eine der drei Ebenen erreichen konnte.
**Und in Deutschland?**
In Deutschland existieren ebenfalls die beschriebenen drei Werteebenen. Und gleichzeitig gibt es große Unterschiede zu den USA. Das Nummer-eins-Ziel der USA ist es *die größte Nation der Welt zu sein* und damit implizit alles zu tun, um diesen Status aufrecht zu erhalten. Das betrifft die Geopolitik, das Militär, das Finanzwesen, die Kulturproduktion, die Digitalindustrie, die Medien. Das ist so ziemlich das Gegenteil deutschen innen- und außenpolitischen Verständnisses. Und wo in den USA das Prinzip des ‹the winner gets it all› dominiert, gab es in Deutschland lange Zeit die weitgehend gut funktionierende Soziale Markwirtschaft. Ein weiterer großer Unterschied: während in den USA lange Zeit die *Linken* die Erzfeinde der Nation waren („alles Kommunisten“) und es nach *rechts* kaum Grenzen gibt ist es in Deutschland exakt umgekehrt. Durch Instrumentalisierung der historischen Schuld wird alles, was nur im Entferntesten als *national* bezeichnet werden könnte, in die Verdammnis *rechts=Nazi* geworfen. Damit wird nationales Eigeninteresse, das für jede Regierung handlungsleitend sein sollte, in die no-go Area verschoben!
Diese politische No-go Area in Deutschland liegt nun aber genau in den *Werteebenen großer Bevölkerungsteile*. Und hier zeigt sich die aktuelle Problematik: Statt dass verschiedene politische Richtungen im echten Diskurs um die beste Lösung feilschen, besteht die Taktik ausschließlich darin, das verminte Gebiet des *Nicht-Diskutierbaren* ([Overton Window](https://www.zerohedge.com/political/overton-window-shift-towards-liberty")) immer weiter auszudehnen. Kampfbegriffe wie\*\*\*\* *Populisten*, *‹Rechte›* (was ja eine weit verbreitete\*\*\*\* und notwendige politische Richtung darstellt, jedenfalls in allen anderen demokratischen Ländern) oder sogar *‹Nazi›* führen dazu, dass **kein einziges Thema – und sei es noch so wichtig – auf der Sachebene diskutiert werden kann.**
Die Betrachtung der Werteebenen stellt natürlich nur einen Ausschnitt dar aus der komplexen gesellschaftlichen und politischen Realität. Dennoch vermag sie zu mehr Verständnis der aktuellen Verhältnisse verhelfen. Was hier nicht betrachtet wurde ist die Ausbeutung der Bedürfnisse von Menschen speziell aus der Gruppe *Pluralismus*. Ihr Wunsch nach Gleichberechtigung und Schutz von Umwelt und Klima wird von sehr mächtigen Gruppen und Personen dazu missbraucht, bestimmte Themen voranzutreiben (Abschaffung von: Nationen, Geschlechtsidentität, Heimatbezug, gemeinsamer Kultur u. a.), unter Einsatz extremer Manipulationstechniken. Dazu mehr in einem eigenen Beitrag.
*Die Wahl Trumps wird die Deutungshoheit der Staats- und Konzernmedien weiter schwächen*. In den USA vertrauen ihnen weniger als [30% der Menschen](https://www.zerohedge.com/political/great-news-americans-trust-mass-media-hits-all-time-low), in Deutschland noch immerhin [knapp die Hälfte](https://reutersinstitute.politics.ox.ac.uk/digital-news-report/2024/germany). Doch was hilft uns diese Erkenntnis? Viel interessanter ist die Frage, was jeder einzelne tun kann in dieser verfahrenen Situation. **Wie können wir daran mitwirken, dass die Gräben nicht tiefer, die Verachtung für die jeweils andere Seite nicht größer wird?**
Dieser Beitrag erschien ebenfalls bei Radio München >> [hier anhören](https://www.radiomuenchen.net/de/podcast-archiv/sendeformate/2014-10-28-15-17-59/2747-werte-warum-trum-von-thomas-eisinger.html?highlight=WyJlaXNpbmdlciJd)
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@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-14 03:29:19
**Table Of Content**
- The Timeless Appeal of Real Estate
- Bitcoin: The Digital Gold
- The Broader Investment Landscape: A Case Study of Instacart
- Conclusion
- FAQs
In the dynamic realm of investments, the spotlight often shifts between various assets, each promising lucrative returns and stability. Recently, two contenders, real estate and Bitcoin, have been at the forefront of discussions. Both have their proponents and critics, making the choice between them a complex one. Drawing from the insights of Marcel Pechman on Episode 29 of Macro Markets, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of these two investment avenues.
**The Timeless Appeal of Real Estate**
Real estate, often referred to as 'brick and mortar', has been a cornerstone of wealth accumulation for centuries. Its tangible nature and the intrinsic value of land have made it a favorite among investors.
**Stability Amidst Challenges**
Despite facing headwinds like rising mortgage rates, which have led to stagnant demand, the real estate market remains resilient. The current average 30-year fixed-rate mortgage interest rate is 7.27%, causing a decline in both refinancing and home purchase applications. Yet, Pechman believes that the specter of inflation could push house prices upwards, offering potential gains for property owners.
**Historical Reliability**
Throughout history, especially during economic downturns, real estate, particularly urban residential properties, has proven to be a reliable store of value. Even when markets fluctuate, the intrinsic value of land and property often remains intact, providing a safety net for investors.
**Bitcoin: The Digital Gold**
Bitcoin, often dubbed as 'digital gold', has emerged as a revolutionary asset in the financial world. Its decentralized nature and potential for high returns have attracted a new generation of investors.
**A New Kind of Reserve**
Pechman highlights Bitcoin's potential to serve as a transparent reserve system. Unlike traditional currencies, Bitcoin can be used by banks and nations to issue digital assets backed by Bitcoin, without the need for a vast user base. This positions Bitcoin uniquely in the crypto space, differentiating it from other cryptocurrencies that rely heavily on user growth and transaction fees.
**Transparency and Security**
One of Bitcoin's standout features is its transparent ledger system, the blockchain. This ensures that all transactions are recorded and can be audited, offering a level of security and transparency that's hard to match. Compared to precious metals, which can pose auditing challenges, Bitcoin provides a clear and transparent store of value.
**The Broader Investment Landscape: A Case Study of Instacart**
To understand the broader shifts in the investment world, Pechman's analysis of Instacart's valuation is enlightening. The company's initial public offering was valued at around $10 billion, a significant drop from its peak valuation of $39 billion. This highlights the volatility and challenges in the venture capital space, suggesting a potential shift in investor priorities.
**Seeking Reliability**
The Instacart case underscores the importance of reliability in investments. In an uncertain economic climate, investors are increasingly looking for assets that offer stability and long-term growth, be it in traditional avenues like real estate or emerging ones like Bitcoin.
The tug-of-war between real estate and Bitcoin is bound to continue as both assets have their unique strengths. While real estate offers tangible value and historical reliability, Bitcoin promises transparency, security, and a new paradigm of financial operations. As the global economic landscape evolves, astute investors will likely find value in diversifying and including both these assets in their portfolios.
**What makes Bitcoin a notable investment?**
Bitcoin offers transparency, security, and the potential to serve as a transparent reserve system for banks and nations, positioning it uniquely in the crypto space.
**What insights does the Instacart valuation provide?**
Instacart's valuation highlights the challenges in the venture capital space and suggests a potential shift in investor priorities towards more reliable assets.
**Is diversification between real estate and Bitcoin recommended?**
While both assets have unique strengths, diversifying and including both in investment portfolios can offer a balanced approach in the evolving economic landscape.
**Why is Bitcoin dubbed as 'digital gold'?**
Due to its decentralized nature, potential for high returns, and its role as a store of value similar to gold, Bitcoin is often referred to as 'digital gold'.
**That's all for today**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 6389be64:ef439d32
2025-01-14 01:31:12
Bitcoin is more than money, more than an asset, and more than a store of value. Bitcoin is a Prime Mover, an enabler and it ignites imaginations. It certainly fueled an idea in my mind. The idea integrates sensors, computational prowess, actuated machinery, power conversion, and electronic communications to form an autonomous, machined creature roaming forests and harvesting the most widespread and least energy-dense fuel source available. I call it the Forest Walker and it eats wood, and mines Bitcoin.
I know what you're thinking. Why not just put Bitcoin mining rigs where they belong: in a hosted facility sporting electricity from energy-dense fuels like natural gas, climate-controlled with excellent data piping in and out? Why go to all the trouble building a robot that digests wood creating flammable gasses fueling an engine to run a generator powering Bitcoin miners? It's all about synergy.
Bitcoin mining enables the realization of multiple, seemingly unrelated, yet useful activities. Activities considered un-profitable if not for Bitcoin as the Prime Mover. This is much more than simply mining the greatest asset ever conceived by humankind. It’s about the power of synergy, which Bitcoin plays only one of many roles. The synergy created by this system can stabilize forests' fire ecology while generating multiple income streams. That’s the realistic goal here and requires a brief history of American Forest management before continuing.
# Smokey The Bear
In 1944, the Smokey Bear Wildfire Prevention Campaign began in the United States. “Only YOU can prevent forest fires” remains the refrain of the Ad Council’s longest running campaign. The Ad Council is a U.S. non-profit set up by the American Association of Advertising Agencies and the Association of National Advertisers in 1942. It would seem that the U.S. Department of the Interior was concerned about pesky forest fires and wanted them to stop. So, alongside a national policy of extreme fire suppression they enlisted the entire U.S. population to get onboard via the Ad Council and it worked. Forest fires were almost obliterated and everyone was happy, right? Wrong.
Smokey is a fantastically successful bear so forest fires became so few for so long that the fuel load - dead wood - in forests has become very heavy. So heavy that when a fire happens (and they always happen) it destroys everything in its path because the more fuel there is the hotter that fire becomes. Trees, bushes, shrubs, and all other plant life cannot escape destruction (not to mention homes and businesses). The soil microbiology doesn’t escape either as it is burned away even in deeper soils. To add insult to injury, hydrophobic waxy residues condense on the soil surface, forcing water to travel over the ground rather than through it eroding forest soils. Good job, Smokey. Well done, Sir!
Most terrestrial ecologies are “fire ecologies”. Fire is a part of these systems’ fuel load and pest management. Before we pretended to “manage” millions of acres of forest, fires raged over the world, rarely damaging forests. The fuel load was always too light to generate fires hot enough to moonscape mountainsides. Fires simply burned off the minor amounts of fuel accumulated since the fire before. The lighter heat, smoke, and other combustion gasses suppressed pests, keeping them in check and the smoke condensed into a plant growth accelerant called wood vinegar, not a waxy cap on the soil. These fires also cleared out weak undergrowth, cycled minerals, and thinned the forest canopy, allowing sunlight to penetrate to the forest floor. Without a fire’s heat, many pine tree species can’t sow their seed. The heat is required to open the cones (the seed bearing structure) of Spruce, Cypress, Sequoia, Jack Pine, Lodgepole Pine and many more. Without fire forests can’t have babies. The idea was to protect the forests, and it isn't working.
So, in a world of fire, what does an ally look like and what does it do?
# Meet The Forest Walker
For the Forest Walker to work as a mobile, autonomous unit, a solid platform that can carry several hundred pounds is required. It so happens this chassis already exists but shelved.
Introducing the Legged Squad Support System (LS3). A joint project between Boston Dynamics, DARPA, and the United States Marine Corps, the quadrupedal robot is the size of a cow, can carry 400 pounds (180 kg) of equipment, negotiate challenging terrain, and operate for 24 hours before needing to refuel. Yes, it had an engine. Abandoned in 2015, the thing was too noisy for military deployment and maintenance "under fire" is never a high-quality idea. However, we can rebuild it to act as a platform for the Forest Walker; albeit with serious alterations. It would need to be bigger, probably. Carry more weight? Definitely. Maybe replace structural metal with carbon fiber and redesign much as 3D printable parts for more effective maintenance.
The original system has a top operational speed of 8 miles per hour. For our purposes, it only needs to move about as fast as a grazing ruminant. Without the hammering vibrations of galloping into battle, shocks of exploding mortars, and drunken soldiers playing "Wrangler of Steel Machines", time between failures should be much longer and the overall energy consumption much lower. The LS3 is a solid platform to build upon. Now it just needs to be pulled out of the mothballs, and completely refitted with outboard equipment.
# The Small Branch Chipper
When I say “Forest fuel load” I mean the dead, carbon containing litter on the forest floor. Duff (leaves), fine-woody debris (small branches), and coarse woody debris (logs) are the fuel that feeds forest fires. Walk through any forest in the United States today and you will see quite a lot of these materials. Too much, as I have described. Some of these fuel loads can be 8 tons per acre in pine and hardwood forests and up to 16 tons per acre at active logging sites. That’s some big wood and the more that collects, the more combustible danger to the forest it represents. It also provides a technically unlimited fuel supply for the Forest Walker system.
The problem is that this detritus has to be chewed into pieces that are easily ingestible by the system for the gasification process (we’ll get to that step in a minute). What we need is a wood chipper attached to the chassis (the LS3); its “mouth”.
A small wood chipper handling material up to 2.5 - 3.0 inches (6.3 - 7.6 cm) in diameter would eliminate a substantial amount of fuel. There is no reason for Forest Walker to remove fallen trees. It wouldn’t have to in order to make a real difference. It need only identify appropriately sized branches and grab them. Once loaded into the chipper’s intake hopper for further processing, the beast can immediately look for more “food”. This is essentially kindling that would help ignite larger logs. If it’s all consumed by Forest Walker, then it’s not present to promote an aggravated conflagration.
I have glossed over an obvious question: How does Forest Walker see and identify branches and such? LiDaR (Light Detection and Ranging) attached to Forest Walker images the local area and feed those data to onboard computers for processing. Maybe AI plays a role. Maybe simple machine learning can do the trick. One thing is for certain: being able to identify a stick and cause robotic appendages to pick it up is not impossible.
Great! We now have a quadrupedal robot autonomously identifying and “eating” dead branches and other light, combustible materials. Whilst strolling through the forest, depleting future fires of combustibles, Forest Walker has already performed a major function of this system: making the forest safer. It's time to convert this low-density fuel into a high-density fuel Forest Walker can leverage. Enter the gasification process.
# The Gassifier
The gasifier is the heart of the entire system; it’s where low-density fuel becomes the high-density fuel that powers the entire system. Biochar and wood vinegar are process wastes and I’ll discuss why both are powerful soil amendments in a moment, but first, what’s gasification?
Reacting shredded carbonaceous material at high temperatures in a low or no oxygen environment converts the biomass into biochar, wood vinegar, heat, and Synthesis Gas (Syngas). Syngas consists primarily of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane. All of which are extremely useful fuels in a gaseous state. Part of this gas is used to heat the input biomass and keep the reaction temperature constant while the internal combustion engine that drives the generator to produce electrical power consumes the rest.
Critically, this gasification process is “continuous feed”. Forest Walker must intake biomass from the chipper, process it to fuel, and dump the waste (CO2, heat, biochar, and wood vinegar) continuously. It cannot stop. Everything about this system depends upon this continual grazing, digestion, and excretion of wastes just as a ruminal does. And, like a ruminant, all waste products enhance the local environment.
When I first heard of gasification, I didn’t believe that it was real. Running an electric generator from burning wood seemed more akin to “conspiracy fantasy” than science. Not only is gasification real, it’s ancient technology. A man named Dean Clayton first started experiments on gasification in 1699 and in 1901 gasification was used to power a vehicle. By the end of World War II, there were 500,000 Syngas powered vehicles in Germany alone because of fossil fuel rationing during the war. The global gasification market was $480 billion in 2022 and projected to be as much as $700 billion by 2030 (Vantage Market Research). Gasification technology is the best choice to power the Forest Walker because it’s self-contained and we want its waste products.
# Biochar: The Waste
Biochar (AKA agricultural charcoal) is fairly simple: it’s almost pure, solid carbon that resembles charcoal. Its porous nature packs large surface areas into small, 3 dimensional nuggets. Devoid of most other chemistry, like hydrocarbons (methane) and ash (minerals), biochar is extremely lightweight. Do not confuse it with the charcoal you buy for your grill. Biochar doesn’t make good grilling charcoal because it would burn too rapidly as it does not contain the multitude of flammable components that charcoal does. Biochar has several other good use cases. Water filtration, water retention, nutrient retention, providing habitat for microscopic soil organisms, and carbon sequestration are the main ones that we are concerned with here.
Carbon has an amazing ability to adsorb (substances stick to and accumulate on the surface of an object) manifold chemistries. Water, nutrients, and pollutants tightly bind to carbon in this format. So, biochar makes a respectable filter and acts as a “battery” of water and nutrients in soils. Biochar adsorbs and holds on to seven times its weight in water. Soil containing biochar is more drought resilient than soil without it. Adsorbed nutrients, tightly sequestered alongside water, get released only as plants need them. Plants must excrete protons (H+) from their roots to disgorge water or positively charged nutrients from the biochar's surface; it's an active process.
Biochar’s surface area (where adsorption happens) can be 500 square meters per gram or more. That is 10% larger than an official NBA basketball court for every gram of biochar. Biochar’s abundant surface area builds protective habitats for soil microbes like fungi and bacteria and many are critical for the health and productivity of the soil itself.
The “carbon sequestration” component of biochar comes into play where “carbon credits” are concerned. There is a financial market for carbon. Not leveraging that market for revenue is foolish. I am climate agnostic. All I care about is that once solid carbon is inside the soil, it will stay there for thousands of years, imparting drought resiliency, fertility collection, nutrient buffering, and release for that time span. I simply want as much solid carbon in the soil because of the undeniably positive effects it has, regardless of any climactic considerations.
# Wood Vinegar: More Waste
Another by-product of the gasification process is wood vinegar (Pyroligneous acid). If you have ever seen Liquid Smoke in the grocery store, then you have seen wood vinegar. Principally composed of acetic acid, acetone, and methanol wood vinegar also contains ~200 other organic compounds. It would seem intuitive that condensed, liquefied wood smoke would at least be bad for the health of all living things if not downright carcinogenic. The counter intuition wins the day, however. Wood vinegar has been used by humans for a very long time to promote digestion, bowel, and liver health; combat diarrhea and vomiting; calm peptic ulcers and regulate cholesterol levels; and a host of other benefits.
For centuries humans have annually burned off hundreds of thousands of square miles of pasture, grassland, forest, and every other conceivable terrestrial ecosystem. Why is this done? After every burn, one thing becomes obvious: the almost supernatural growth these ecosystems exhibit after the burn. How? Wood vinegar is a component of this growth. Even in open burns, smoke condenses and infiltrates the soil. That is when wood vinegar shows its quality.
This stuff beefs up not only general plant growth but seed germination as well and possesses many other qualities that are beneficial to plants. It’s a pesticide, fungicide, promotes beneficial soil microorganisms, enhances nutrient uptake, and imparts disease resistance. I am barely touching a long list of attributes here, but you want wood vinegar in your soil (alongside biochar because it adsorbs wood vinegar as well).
# The Internal Combustion Engine
Conversion of grazed forage to chemical, then mechanical, and then electrical energy completes the cycle. The ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) converts the gaseous fuel output from the gasifier to mechanical energy, heat, water vapor, and CO2. It’s the mechanical energy of a rotating drive shaft that we want. That rotation drives the electric generator, which is the heartbeat we need to bring this monster to life. Luckily for us, combined internal combustion engine and generator packages are ubiquitous, delivering a defined energy output given a constant fuel input. It’s the simplest part of the system.
The obvious question here is whether the amount of syngas provided by the gasification process will provide enough energy to generate enough electrons to run the entire system or not. While I have no doubt the energy produced will run Forest Walker's main systems the question is really about the electrons left over. Will it be enough to run the Bitcoin mining aspect of the system? Everything is a budget.
# CO2 Production For Growth
Plants are lollipops. No matter if it’s a tree or a bush or a shrubbery, the entire thing is mostly sugar in various formats but mostly long chain carbohydrates like lignin and cellulose. Plants need three things to make sugar: CO2, H2O and light. In a forest, where tree densities can be quite high, CO2 availability becomes a limiting growth factor. It’d be in the forest interests to have more available CO2 providing for various sugar formation providing the organism with food and structure.
An odd thing about tree leaves, the openings that allow gasses like the ever searched for CO2 are on the bottom of the leaf (these are called stomata). Not many stomata are topside. This suggests that trees and bushes have evolved to find gasses like CO2 from below, not above and this further suggests CO2 might be in higher concentrations nearer the soil.
The soil life (bacterial, fungi etc.) is constantly producing enormous amounts of CO2 and it would stay in the soil forever (eventually killing the very soil life that produces it) if not for tidal forces. Water is everywhere and whether in pools, lakes, oceans or distributed in “moist” soils water moves towards to the moon. The water in the soil and also in the water tables below the soil rise toward the surface every day. When the water rises, it expels the accumulated gasses in the soil into the atmosphere and it’s mostly CO2. It’s a good bet on how leaves developed high populations of stomata on the underside of leaves. As the water relaxes (the tide goes out) it sucks oxygenated air back into the soil to continue the functions of soil life respiration. The soil “breathes” albeit slowly.
The gasses produced by the Forest Walker’s internal combustion engine consist primarily of CO2 and H2O. Combusting sugars produce the same gasses that are needed to construct the sugars because the universe is funny like that. The Forest Walker is constantly laying down these critical construction elements right where the trees need them: close to the ground to be gobbled up by the trees.
# The Branch Drones
During the last ice age, giant mammals populated North America - forests and otherwise. Mastodons, woolly mammoths, rhinos, short-faced bears, steppe bison, caribou, musk ox, giant beavers, camels, gigantic ground-dwelling sloths, glyptodons, and dire wolves were everywhere. Many were ten to fifteen feet tall. As they crashed through forests, they would effectively cleave off dead side-branches of trees, halting the spread of a ground-based fire migrating into the tree crown ("laddering") which is a death knell for a forest.
These animals are all extinct now and forests no longer have any manner of pruning services. But, if we build drones fitted with cutting implements like saws and loppers, optical cameras and AI trained to discern dead branches from living ones, these drones could effectively take over pruning services by identifying, cutting, and dropping to the forest floor, dead branches. The dropped branches simply get collected by the Forest Walker as part of its continual mission.
The drones dock on the back of the Forest Walker to recharge their batteries when low. The whole scene would look like a grazing cow with some flies bothering it. This activity breaks the link between a relatively cool ground based fire and the tree crowns and is a vital element in forest fire control.
# The Bitcoin Miner
Mining is one of four monetary incentive models, making this system a possibility for development. The other three are US Dept. of the Interior, township, county, and electrical utility company easement contracts for fuel load management, global carbon credits trading, and data set sales. All the above depends on obvious questions getting answered. I will list some obvious ones, but this is not an engineering document and is not the place for spreadsheets. How much Bitcoin one Forest Walker can mine depends on everything else. What amount of biomass can we process? Will that biomass flow enough Syngas to keep the lights on? Can the chassis support enough mining ASICs and supporting infrastructure? What does that weigh and will it affect field performance? How much power can the AC generator produce?
Other questions that are more philosophical persist. Even if a single Forest Walker can only mine scant amounts of BTC per day, that pales to how much fuel material it can process into biochar. We are talking about millions upon millions of forested acres in need of fuel load management. What can a single Forest Walker do? I am not thinking in singular terms. The Forest Walker must operate as a fleet. What could 50 do? 500?
What is it worth providing a service to the world by managing forest fuel loads? Providing proof of work to the global monetary system? Seeding soil with drought and nutrient resilience by the excretion, over time, of carbon by the ton? What did the last forest fire cost?
# The Mesh Network
What could be better than one bitcoin mining, carbon sequestering, forest fire squelching, soil amending behemoth? Thousands of them, but then they would need to be able to talk to each other to coordinate position, data handling, etc. Fitted with a mesh networking device, like goTenna or Meshtastic LoRa equipment enables each Forest Walker to communicate with each other.
Now we have an interconnected fleet of Forest Walkers relaying data to each other and more importantly, aggregating all of that to the last link in the chain for uplink. Well, at least Bitcoin mining data. Since block data is lightweight, transmission of these data via mesh networking in fairly close quartered environs is more than doable. So, how does data transmit to the Bitcoin Network? How do the Forest Walkers get the previous block data necessary to execute on mining?
# Back To The Chain
Getting Bitcoin block data to and from the network is the last puzzle piece. The standing presumption here is that wherever a Forest Walker fleet is operating, it is NOT within cell tower range. We further presume that the nearest Walmart Wi-Fi is hours away. Enter the Blockstream Satellite or something like it.
A separate, ground-based drone will have two jobs: To stay as close to the nearest Forest Walker as it can and to provide an antennae for either terrestrial or orbital data uplink. Bitcoin-centric data is transmitted to the "uplink drone" via the mesh networked transmitters and then sent on to the uplink and the whole flow goes in the opposite direction as well; many to one and one to many.
We cannot transmit data to the Blockstream satellite, and it will be up to Blockstream and companies like it to provide uplink capabilities in the future and I don't doubt they will. Starlink you say? What’s stopping that company from filtering out block data? Nothing because it’s Starlink’s system and they could decide to censor these data. It seems we may have a problem sending and receiving Bitcoin data in back country environs.
But, then again, the utility of this system in staunching the fuel load that creates forest fires is extremely useful around forested communities and many have fiber, Wi-Fi and cell towers. These communities could be a welcoming ground zero for first deployments of the Forest Walker system by the home and business owners seeking fire repression. In the best way, Bitcoin subsidizes the safety of the communities.
# Sensor Packages
### LiDaR
The benefit of having a Forest Walker fleet strolling through the forest is the never ending opportunity for data gathering. A plethora of deployable sensors gathering hyper-accurate data on everything from temperature to topography is yet another revenue generator. Data is valuable and the Forest Walker could generate data sales to various government entities and private concerns.
LiDaR (Light Detection and Ranging) can map topography, perform biomass assessment, comparative soil erosion analysis, etc. It so happens that the Forest Walker’s ability to “see,” to navigate about its surroundings, is LiDaR driven and since it’s already being used, we can get double duty by harvesting that data for later use. By using a laser to send out light pulses and measuring the time it takes for the reflection of those pulses to return, very detailed data sets incrementally build up. Eventually, as enough data about a certain area becomes available, the data becomes useful and valuable.
Forestry concerns, both private and public, often use LiDaR to build 3D models of tree stands to assess the amount of harvest-able lumber in entire sections of forest. Consulting companies offering these services charge anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars per square kilometer for such services. A Forest Walker generating such assessments on the fly while performing its other functions is a multi-disciplinary approach to revenue generation.
### pH, Soil Moisture, and Cation Exchange Sensing
The Forest Walker is quadrupedal, so there are four contact points to the soil. Why not get a pH data point for every step it takes? We can also gather soil moisture data and cation exchange capacities at unheard of densities because of sampling occurring on the fly during commission of the system’s other duties. No one is going to build a machine to do pH testing of vast tracts of forest soils, but that doesn’t make the data collected from such an endeavor valueless. Since the Forest Walker serves many functions at once, a multitude of data products can add to the return on investment component.
### Weather Data
Temperature, humidity, pressure, and even data like evapotranspiration gathered at high densities on broad acre scales have untold value and because the sensors are lightweight and don’t require large power budgets, they come along for the ride at little cost. But, just like the old mantra, “gas, grass, or ass, nobody rides for free”, these sensors provide potential revenue benefits just by them being present.
I’ve touched on just a few data genres here. In fact, the question for universities, governmental bodies, and other institutions becomes, “How much will you pay us to attach your sensor payload to the Forest Walker?”
# Noise Suppression
Only you can prevent Metallica filling the surrounds with 120 dB of sound. Easy enough, just turn the car stereo off. But what of a fleet of 50 Forest Walkers operating in the backcountry or near a township? 500? 5000? Each one has a wood chipper, an internal combustion engine, hydraulic pumps, actuators, and more cooling fans than you can shake a stick at. It’s a walking, screaming fire-breathing dragon operating continuously, day and night, twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year. The sound will negatively affect all living things and that impacts behaviors. Serious engineering consideration and prowess must deliver a silencing blow to the major issue of noise.
It would be foolish to think that a fleet of Forest Walkers could be silent, but if not a major design consideration, then the entire idea is dead on arrival. Townships would not allow them to operate even if they solved the problem of widespread fuel load and neither would governmental entities, and rightly so. Nothing, not man nor beast, would want to be subjected to an eternal, infernal scream even if it were to end within days as the fleet moved further away after consuming what it could. Noise and heat are the only real pollutants of this system; taking noise seriously from the beginning is paramount.
# Fire Safety
A “fire-breathing dragon” is not the worst description of the Forest Walker. It eats wood, combusts it at very high temperatures and excretes carbon; and it does so in an extremely flammable environment. Bad mix for one Forest Walker, worse for many. One must take extreme pains to ensure that during normal operation, a Forest Walker could fall over, walk through tinder dry brush, or get pounded into the ground by a meteorite from Krypton and it wouldn’t destroy epic swaths of trees and baby deer. I envision an ultimate test of a prototype to include dowsing it in grain alcohol while it’s wrapped up in toilet paper like a pledge at a fraternity party. If it runs for 72 hours and doesn’t set everything on fire, then maybe outside entities won’t be fearful of something that walks around forests with a constant fire in its belly.
# The Wrap
How we think about what can be done with and adjacent to Bitcoin is at least as important as Bitcoin’s economic standing itself. For those who will tell me that this entire idea is without merit, I say, “OK, fine. You can come up with something, too.” What can we plug Bitcoin into that, like a battery, makes something that does not work, work? That’s the lesson I get from this entire exercise. No one was ever going to hire teams of humans to go out and "clean the forest". There's no money in that. The data collection and sales from such an endeavor might provide revenues over the break-even point but investment demands Alpha in this day and age. But, plug Bitcoin into an almost viable system and, voilà! We tip the scales to achieve lift-off.
Let’s face it, we haven’t scratched the surface of Bitcoin’s forcing function on our minds. Not because it’s Bitcoin, but because of what that invention means. The question that pushes me to approach things this way is, “what can we create that one system’s waste is another system’s feedstock?” The Forest Walker system’s only real waste is the conversion of low entropy energy (wood and syngas) into high entropy energy (heat and noise). All other output is beneficial to humanity.
Bitcoin, I believe, is the first product of a new mode of human imagination. An imagination newly forged over the past few millennia of being lied to, stolen from, distracted and otherwise mis-allocated to a black hole of the nonsensical. We are waking up.
What I have presented is not science fiction. Everything I have described here is well within the realm of possibility. The question is one of viability, at least in terms of the detritus of the old world we find ourselves departing from. This system would take a non-trivial amount of time and resources to develop. I think the system would garner extensive long-term contracts from those who have the most to lose from wildfires, the most to gain from hyperaccurate data sets, and, of course, securing the most precious asset in the world. Many may not see it that way, for they seek Alpha and are therefore blind to other possibilities. Others will see only the possibilities; of thinking in a new way, of looking at things differently, and dreaming of what comes next.
@ 4506e04e:8c16ba04
2025-01-13 22:25:17
The employment trends in the gig economy are clear. More and more people take on some form of freelance or temporary work often on top of their full time job. In fact, according to [recent estimates](https://www.upwork.com/resources/gig-economy-statistics), approximately 1.57 billion people, or nearly half (46.4%) of the global workforce, engage in gig work. As gig platforms continue to expand across borders and sectors, this number is projected to keep rising.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/d4fca16a18e427f8c3f97677c8e7599a4a4ad1cc2d635bfcd0ab6b0ada48ecb9.png">
In the UK, the gig economy is particularly popular, with many workers supplementing their income with side gigs. According to a [recent survey](https://standout-cv.com/stats/gig-economy-statistics-uk#:~:text=For%20most%2C%2071.5%25%2C%20gig,main%20income%20\(both%2036%25\).), almost half (48%) of UK gig workers have full-time jobs on top of their side gigs, while 71.5% use gig work to supplement their income rather than provide their sole earnings. The top gig occupation in the UK is online administrative work, with 39% of gig workers offering virtual assistance, data entry, clerical services, or similar computer-based tasks. Sounds like a great way to earn some sats, doesn't it?
Despite the growth and popularity of the gig economy, traditional platforms like LinkedIn have reached their peak and become increasingly plagued by spam from aggressive recruiters and profiles of people with increasingly unverifiable experience. Meanwhile all the centralised platforms like Fiverr and Upwork take a significant cut from freelancers' pay, leaving many workers feeling undervalued and overworked. It's no wonder that many are looking for alternative solutions that prioritize fairness, transparency, trust and compensation paid in money that will last!
Here comes Nostr, a decentralized, censorship-resistant protocol that's laying foundations for the future of the gig work. With its censorship-resistant, peer-to-peer approach, Nostr is poised to revolutionize the way we work and connect with each other. In this article, I'll explore why Nostr is an exciting development for the gig economy, what it means for the future of work and what platforms are already available.
What makes Nostr different? It’s built on principles of decentralization, freedom, trust and Bitcoin as its native currency. Forget walled gardens; with Nostr, your identity is your own. Nobody’s mining your data, and no shadowy algorithms are deciding who sees your posts or what posts you should see. It's a perfect setup for a job marketplace where companies post jobs and freelancers get them done. All paid with Bitcoin with no middleman to take your money
And it’s not just theory. Real solutions are already built, transforming how professionals connect, collaborate, and commit their skills, time and creativity. All open-source and Bitcoin/Nostr-centric.
## Here are 4 tools you want to check out:
1. [SatShoot:](https://SatShoot.com) Think Upwork or Fiverr, but with integrated eCash wallet and zero middlemen. Creators, freelancers, and clients unite under the banner of peer-to-peer gig economy.
2. [Kanbanstr](https://www.kanbanstr.com/): A Nostr-native Kanban board for moving tasks from To Do > In Progress > Done and zapping the developers as they deliver.
3. [GitWorkshop.dev](https://gitworkshop.dev/): A decentralized alternative to GitHub, tailored for developers who value freedom and sovereignty.
4. [Sigit.io](https://sigit.io/): An open-source and self-hostable solution for secure document signing and verification.
These platforms aren’t just ideas; they’re already being built, some are already in Beta versions, and you can test them today!
These platforms aren’t just ideas; they’re already being built, some are already in Beta versions, and you can test them today!
## Don't trust - verify!
How can you be sure you're getting help from the right people with the right skills? That’s where the Web of Trust (WoT) comes in.
On Nostr, the WoT is a decentralized trust system that lets users build and evaluate relationships using cryptographic keys and interactions. Instead of depending on centralized authorities to verify identities or manage reputations, the WoT allows trust to grow organically through direct endorsements and social connections.
In this system, your track record matters. As a freelancer, you’re motivated to deliver quality work—not just to get paid, but also to earn positive feedback. This feedback boosts your reputation, helping you secure your next gig. You could get extra points if i.e. you hold a subject matter expert certificate.
Credentials and certifications are still often critical to determine if someone has the skills you are looking for. The idea of certifications could be rebuilt on Nostr with Badges NIP-58. Institutions like Red Hat, Cisco, and others could issue verifiable, NIP-05-backed badges directly to your Nostr public key (“npub”).
It’s simple:
1. The certifying body verifies their domain via NIP-05.
2. They issue badges for their certifications
3. Successful candidates receive badges and wear them on their npubs.
All it takes is that during the registration process for the exam the examinee adds their npub and Voilà! A decentralized, censorship-resistant proof of skills that lives on Nostr. No middlemen, no gatekeepers, you get the right people for the right job!
Here’s a mind-blowing stat: 95% of the world’s population doesn’t own any Bitcoin. With fiat systems teetering, more people will turn to earning Bitcoin instead of buying it at ever-rising prices. Nostr-based platforms are perfectly positioned to capitalize on this trend, offering global access to Bitcoin-based gigs. It’s borderless, censorship-resistant, and a hedge against the collapsing fiat world order.
Nostr clients and solutions are popping up faster than mushrooms after rain. Whether you’re a developer, marketer, freelancer, or just someone curious about the future of work, there’s a tool for you. This explosive growth signals a broader shift: professionals are tired of traditional platforms and are looking for alternatives that respect their privacy, autonomy, and time.
## The Bottom Line
LinkedIn’s days are numbered. Services like Upwork and Fiverr or even Uber are praying on freelance fees. The future of services, networking, and professional growth is decentralized, censorship-resistant, and powered by Nostr. Whether you’re a freelancer, a certifying body, or a startup founder, the opportunities are endless.
Here's a New Year resolution for you - say goodbye to spam and hello to sovereignty. The Nostr revolution is here, and it’s time to join the movement!
*If you’re inspired to dive into the Nostr ecosystem but need guidance, the [NostrDev team](https://nostrdev.com) has got your back. From conceptualizing your solution to building it out, we’re the go-to experts for all things Nostr. Reach out and start building the future today*.
@ e3ba5e1a:5e433365
2025-01-13 16:47:27
My blog posts and reading material have both been on a decidedly economics-heavy slant recently. The topic today, incentives, squarely falls into the category of economics. However, when I say economics, I’m not talking about “analyzing supply and demand curves.” I’m talking about the true basis of economics: understanding how human beings make decisions in a world of scarcity.
A fair definition of incentive is “a reward or punishment that motivates behavior to achieve a desired outcome.” When most people think about economic incentives, they’re thinking of money. If I offer my son $5 if he washes the dishes, I’m incentivizing certain behavior. We can’t guarantee that he’ll do what I want him to do, but we can agree that the incentive structure itself will guide and ultimately determine what outcome will occur.
The great thing about monetary incentives is how easy they are to talk about and compare. “Would I rather make $5 washing the dishes or $10 cleaning the gutters?” But much of the world is incentivized in non-monetary ways too. For example, using the “punishment” half of the definition above, I might threaten my son with losing Nintendo Switch access if he doesn’t wash the dishes. No money is involved, but I’m still incentivizing behavior.
And there are plenty of incentives beyond our direct control\! My son is *also* incentivized to not wash dishes because it’s boring, or because he has some friends over that he wants to hang out with, or dozens of other things. Ultimately, the conflicting array of different incentive structures placed on him will ultimately determine what actions he chooses to take.
## Why incentives matter
A phrase I see often in discussions—whether they are political, parenting, economic, or business—is “if they could **just** do…” Each time I see that phrase, I cringe a bit internally. Usually, the underlying assumption of the statement is “if people would behave contrary to their incentivized behavior then things would be better.” For example:
* If my kids would just go to bed when I tell them, they wouldn’t be so cranky in the morning.
* If people would just use the recycling bin, we wouldn’t have such a landfill problem.
* If people would just stop being lazy, our team would deliver our project on time.
In all these cases, the speakers are seemingly flummoxed as to why the people in question don’t behave more rationally. The problem is: each group is behaving perfectly rationally.
* The kids have a high time preference, and care more about the joy of staying up now than the crankiness in the morning. Plus, they don’t really suffer the consequences of morning crankiness, their parents do.
* No individual suffers much from their individual contribution to a landfill. If they stopped growing the size of the landfill, it would make an insignificant difference versus the amount of effort they need to engage in to properly recycle.
* If a team doesn’t properly account for the productivity of individuals on a project, each individual receives less harm from their own inaction. Sure, the project may be delayed, company revenue may be down, and they may even risk losing their job when the company goes out of business. But their laziness individually won’t determine the entirety of that outcome. By contrast, they greatly benefit from being lazy by getting to relax at work, go on social media, read a book, or do whatever else they do when they’re supposed to be working.
![Free Candy\!](https://www.snoyman.com/img/incentives/free-candy.png)
My point here is that, as long as you ignore the reality of how incentives drive human behavior, you’ll fail at getting the outcomes you want.
If everything I wrote up until now made perfect sense, you understand the premise of this blog post. The rest of it will focus on a bunch of real-world examples to hammer home the point, and demonstrate how versatile this mental model is.
## Running a company
Let’s say I run my own company, with myself as the only employee. My personal revenue will be 100% determined by my own actions. If I decide to take Tuesday afternoon off and go fishing, I’ve chosen to lose that afternoon’s revenue. Implicitly, I’ve decided that the enjoyment I get from an afternoon of fishing is greater than the potential revenue. You may think I’m being lazy, but it’s my decision to make. In this situation, the incentive–money–is perfectly aligned with my actions.
Compare this to a typical company/employee relationship. I might have a bank of Paid Time Off (PTO) days, in which case once again my incentives are relatively aligned. I know that I can take off 15 days throughout the year, and I’ve chosen to use half a day for the fishing trip. All is still good.
What about unlimited time off? Suddenly incentives are starting to misalign. I don’t directly pay a price for not showing up to work on Tuesday. Or Wednesday as well, for that matter. I might ultimately be fired for not doing my job, but that will take longer to work its way through the system than simply not making any money for the day taken off.
Compensation overall falls into this misaligned incentive structure. Let’s forget about taking time off. Instead, I work full time on a software project I’m assigned. But instead of using the normal toolchain we’re all used to at work, I play around with a new programming language. I get the fun and joy of playing with new technology, and potentially get to pad my resume a bit when I’m ready to look for a new job. But my current company gets slower results, less productivity, and is forced to subsidize my extracurricular learning.
When a CEO has a bonus structure based on profitability, he’ll do everything he can to make the company profitable. This might include things that actually benefit the company, like improving product quality, reducing internal red tape, or finding cheaper vendors. But it might also include destructive practices, like slashing the R\&D budget to show massive profits this year, in exchange for a catastrophe next year when the next version of the product fails to ship.
![Golden Parachute CEO](https://www.snoyman.com/img/incentives/golden-ceo.png)
Or my favorite example. My parents owned a business when I was growing up. They had a back office where they ran operations like accounting. All of the furniture was old couches from our house. After all, any money they spent on furniture came right out of their paychecks\! But in a large corporate environment, each department is generally given a budget for office furniture, a budget which doesn’t roll over year-to-year. The result? Executives make sure to spend the entire budget each year, often buying furniture far more expensive than they would choose if it was their own money.
There are plenty of details you can quibble with above. It’s in a company’s best interest to give people downtime so that they can come back recharged. Having good ergonomic furniture can in fact increase productivity in excess of the money spent on it. But overall, the picture is pretty clear: in large corporate structures, you’re guaranteed to have mismatches between the company’s goals and the incentive structure placed on individuals.
Using our model from above, we can lament how lazy, greedy, and unethical the employees are for doing what they’re incentivized to do instead of what’s right. But that’s simply ignoring the reality of human nature.
# Moral hazard
Moral hazard is a situation where one party is incentivized to take on more risk because another party will bear the consequences. Suppose I tell my son when he turns 21 (or whatever legal gambling age is) that I’ll cover all his losses for a day at the casino, but he gets to keep all the winnings.
What do you think he’s going to do? The most logical course of action is to place the largest possible bets for as long as possible, asking me to cover each time he loses, and taking money off the table and into his bank account each time he wins.
![Heads I win, tails you lose](https://www.snoyman.com/img/incentives/headstails.png)
But let’s look at a slightly more nuanced example. I go to a bathroom in the mall. As I’m leaving, I wash my hands. It will take me an extra 1 second to turn off the water when I’m done washing. That’s a trivial price to pay. If I *don’t* turn off the water, the mall will have to pay for many liters of wasted water, benefiting no one. But I won’t suffer any consequences at all.
This is also a moral hazard, but most people will still turn off the water. Why? Usually due to some combination of other reasons such as:
1. We’re so habituated to turning off the water that we don’t even consider *not* turning it off. Put differently, the mental effort needed to not turn off the water is more expensive than the 1 second of time to turn it off.
2. Many of us have been brought up with a deep guilt about wasting resources like water. We have an internal incentive structure that makes the 1 second to turn off the water much less costly than the mental anguish of the waste we created.
3. We’re afraid we’ll be caught by someone else and face some kind of social repercussions. (Or maybe more than social. Are you sure there isn’t a law against leaving the water tap on?)
Even with all that in place, you may notice that many public bathrooms use automatic water dispensers. Sure, there’s a sanitation reason for that, but it’s also to avoid this moral hazard.
A common denominator in both of these is that the person taking the action that causes the liability (either the gambling or leaving the water on) is not the person who bears the responsibility for that liability (the father or the mall owner). Generally speaking, the closer together the person making the decision and the person incurring the liability are, the smaller the moral hazard.
It’s easy to demonstrate that by extending the casino example a bit. I said it was the father who was covering the losses of the gambler. Many children (though not all) would want to avoid totally bankrupting their parents, or at least financially hurting them. Instead, imagine that someone from the IRS shows up at your door, hands you a credit card, and tells you you can use it at a casino all day, taking home all the chips you want. The money is coming from the government. How many people would put any restriction on how much they spend?
And since we’re talking about the government already…
## Government moral hazards
As I was preparing to write this blog post, the California wildfires hit. The discussions around those wildfires gave a *huge* number of examples of moral hazards. I decided to cherry-pick a few for this post.
The first and most obvious one: California is asking for disaster relief funds from the federal government. That sounds wonderful. These fires were a natural disaster, so why shouldn’t the federal government pitch in and help take care of people?
The problem is, once again, a moral hazard. In the case of the wildfires, California and Los Angeles both had ample actions they could have taken to mitigate the destruction of this fire: better forest management, larger fire department, keeping the water reservoirs filled, and probably much more that hasn’t come to light yet.
If the federal government bails out California, it will be a clear message for the future: your mistakes will be fixed by others. You know what kind of behavior that incentivizes? More risky behavior\! Why spend state funds on forest management and extra firefighters—activities that don’t win politicians a lot of votes in general—when you could instead spend it on a football stadium, higher unemployment payments, or anything else, and then let the feds cover the cost of screw-ups.
You may notice that this is virtually identical to the 2008 “too big to fail” bail-outs. Wall Street took insanely risky behavior, reaped huge profits for years, and when they eventually got caught with their pants down, the rest of us bailed them out. “Privatizing profits, socializing losses.”
![Too big to fail](https://www.snoyman.com/img/incentives/toobig.png)
And here’s the absolute best part of this: I can’t even truly blame either California *or* Wall Street. (I mean, I *do* blame them, I think their behavior is reprehensible, but you’ll see what I mean.) In a world where the rules of the game implicitly include the bail-out mentality, you would be harming your citizens/shareholders/investors if you didn’t engage in that risky behavior. Since everyone is on the hook for those socialized losses, your best bet is to maximize those privatized profits.
There’s a lot more to government and moral hazard, but I think these two cases demonstrate the crux pretty solidly. But let’s leave moral hazard behind for a bit and get to general incentivization discussions.
# Non-monetary competition
At least 50% of the economics knowledge I have comes from the very first econ course I took in college. That professor was amazing, and had some very colorful stories. I can’t vouch for the veracity of the two I’m about to share, but they definitely drive the point home.
In the 1970s, the US had an oil shortage. To “fix” this problem, they instituted price caps on gasoline, which of course resulted in insufficient gasoline. To “fix” this problem, they instituted policies where, depending on your license plate number, you could only fill up gas on certain days of the week. (Irrelevant detail for our point here, but this just resulted in people filling up their tanks more often, no reduction in gas usage.)
Anyway, my professor’s wife had a friend. My professor described in *great* detail how attractive this woman was. I’ll skip those details here since this is a PG-rated blog. In any event, she never had any trouble filling up her gas tank any day of the week. She would drive up, be told she couldn’t fill up gas today, bat her eyes at the attendant, explain how helpless she was, and was always allowed to fill up gas.
This is a demonstration of *non-monetary compensation*. Most of the time in a free market, capitalist economy, people are compensated through money. When price caps come into play, there’s a limit to how much monetary compensation someone can receive. And in that case, people find other ways of competing. Like this woman’s case: through using flirtatious behavior to compensate the gas station workers to let her cheat the rules.
The other example was much more insidious. Santa Monica had a problem: it was predominantly wealthy and white. They wanted to fix this problem, and decided to put in place rent controls. After some time, they discovered that Santa Monica had become *wealthier and whiter*, the exact opposite of their desired outcome. Why would that happen?
Someone investigated, and ended up interviewing a landlady that demonstrated the reason. She was an older white woman, and admittedly racist. Prior to the rent controls, she would list her apartments in the newspaper, and would be legally obligated to rent to anyone who could afford it. Once rent controls were in place, she took a different tact. She knew that she would only get a certain amount for the apartment, and that the demand for apartments was higher than the supply. That meant she could be picky.
She ended up finding tenants through friends-of-friends. Since it wasn’t an official advertisement, she wasn’t legally required to rent it out if someone could afford to pay. Instead, she got to interview people individually and then make them an offer. Normally, that would have resulted in receiving a lower rental price, but not under rent controls.
So who did she choose? A young, unmarried, wealthy, white woman. It made perfect sense. Women were less intimidating and more likely to maintain the apartment better. Wealthy people, she determined, would be better tenants. (I have no idea if this is true in practice or not, I’m not a landlord myself.) Unmarried, because no kids running around meant less damage to the property. And, of course, white. Because she was racist, and her incentive structure made her prefer whites.
You can deride her for being racist, I won’t disagree with you. But it’s simply the reality. Under the non-rent-control scenario, her profit motive for money outweighed her racism motive. But under rent control, the monetary competition was removed, and she was free to play into her racist tendencies without facing any negative consequences.
## Bureaucracy
These were the two examples I remember for that course. But non-monetary compensation pops up in many more places. One highly pertinent example is bureaucracies. Imagine you have a government office, or a large corporation’s acquisition department, or the team that apportions grants at a university. In all these cases, you have a group of people making decisions about handing out money that has no monetary impact on them. If they give to the best qualified recipients, they receive no raises. If they spend the money recklessly on frivolous projects, they face no consequences.
Under such an incentivization scheme, there’s little to encourage the bureaucrats to make intelligent funding decisions. Instead, they’ll be incentivized to spend the money where they recognize non-monetary benefits. This is why it’s so common to hear about expensive meals, gift bags at conferences, and even more inappropriate ways of trying to curry favor with those that hold the purse strings.
Compare that ever so briefly with the purchases made by a small mom-and-pop store like my parents owned. Could my dad take a bribe to buy from a vendor who’s ripping him off? Absolutely he could\! But he’d lose more on the deal than he’d make on the bribe, since he’s directly incentivized by the deal itself. It would make much more sense for him to go with the better vendor, save $5,000 on the deal, and then treat himself to a lavish $400 meal to celebrate.
# Government incentivized behavior
This post is getting longer in the tooth than I’d intended, so I’ll finish off with this section and make it a bit briefer. Beyond all the methods mentioned above, government has another mechanism for modifying behavior: through directly changing incentives via legislation, regulation, and monetary policy. Let’s see some examples:
* Artificial modification of interest rates encourages people to take on more debt than they would in a free capital market, leading to [malinvestment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malinvestment) and a consumer debt crisis, and causing the boom-bust cycle we all painfully experience.
* Going along with that, giving tax breaks on interest payments further artificially incentivizes people to take on debt that they wouldn’t otherwise.
* During COVID-19, at some points unemployment benefits were greater than minimum wage, incentivizing people to rather stay home and not work than get a job, leading to reduced overall productivity in the economy and more printed dollars for benefits. In other words, it was a perfect recipe for inflation.
* The tax code gives deductions to “help” people. That might be true, but the real impact is incentivizing people to make decisions they wouldn’t have otherwise. For example, giving out tax deductions on children encourages having more kids. Tax deductions on childcare and preschools incentivizes dual-income households. Whether or not you like the outcomes, it’s clear that it’s government that’s encouraging these outcomes to happen.
* Tax incentives cause people to engage in behavior they wouldn’t otherwise (daycare+working mother, for example).
* Inflation means that the value of your money goes down over time, which encourages people to spend more today, when their money has a larger impact. (Milton Friedman described this as [high living](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwNDd2_beTU).)
# Conclusion
The idea here is simple, and fully encapsulated in the title: incentives determine outcomes. If you want to know how to get a certain outcome from others, incentivize them to want that to happen. If you want to understand why people act in seemingly irrational ways, check their incentives. If you’re confused why leaders (and especially politicians) seem to engage in destructive behavior, check their incentives.
We can bemoan these realities all we want, but they *are* realities. While there are some people who have a solid internal moral and ethical code, and that internal code incentivizes them to behave against their externally-incentivized interests, those people are rare. And frankly, those people are self-defeating. People *should* take advantage of the incentives around them. Because if they don’t, someone else will.
(If you want a literary example of that last comment, see the horse in Animal Farm.)
How do we improve the world under these conditions? Make sure the incentives align well with the overall goals of society. To me, it’s a simple formula:
* Focus on free trade, value for value, as the basis of a society. In that system, people are always incentivized to provide value to other people.
* Reduce the size of bureaucracies and large groups of all kinds. The larger an organization becomes, the farther the consequences of decisions are from those who make them.
* And since the nature of human beings will be to try and create areas where they can control the incentive systems to their own benefits, make that as difficult as possible. That comes in the form of strict limits on government power, for example.
And even if you don’t want to buy in to this conclusion, I hope the rest of the content was educational, and maybe a bit entertaining\!
@ c8adf82a:7265ee75
2025-01-13 13:54:55
Imagine playing a MMO gen 1 Pokémon game, the goal of the game is still personal, to be the Pokémon league champion. To get to the Pokémon league, you need to defeat gym leaders and get their badges (if you never played, please play so you can relate and teach this lesson too)
Some players just go through the storyline right away, some have fear and grind levels hard, some just wanted to chill and catch ‘em all
Some got stuck at the mew rumour at S.S.Anne\* and got disappointed, some grind too hard that they forgot the main quest, some try to teach other people how to be a champion before being a champion themselves
If you are not interested in being the champion, that is totally fine, it is your game after all. Some enjoy the up and down of the journey and they just don’t want to finish the game yet. I respect these people because they know what they want and they’re doing what they can to get what they want
But there’s this special group of players that wants to be the champion, but are misled to believe they can be a ‘better’ champion if they do these special tasks before fighting the Elite Four. Can be from a game guide magazine, a friend that you think is smart, whatever. The sad truth is, you cannot be a ‘better’ champion in this game — and these guys just got misled their whole life
Now, these guys do meet other players that told them “hey, just go fight the Elite Four, that’s the only way for you to be champion”, and they kept replying “please respect me, I know I have to beat the Elite Four, I just want to be a ‘better’ champion, you just don’t understand”. These players get stuck in some sort of internal pride war sunk cost fallacy because they have spent their whole life trying to be a ‘better’ champion that actually doesn’t exist
Now why this story? This is life. No matter how hard you try, you still need to follow the main storyline. You can change your path, but everyone’s end goal eventually converge — eternal peace. When you become the league champion, you attain the ability to serve and radiate love. Evil spirits will forever try to hold you back from being a champion, some religion even tells you that you can be a ‘better’ champion. But really all you need to do is stay humble and stack sats, I mean, start the main quest
One day when you actually become a champion, you will realize that the only way to live is to serve other people so we all become champions. Because life is best enjoyed with the people we love
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-13 02:40:47
**Table Of Content**
- Nomura's Strategic Move into the Crypto Space
- Details of the Laser Digital Bitcoin Adoption Fund
- Why Institutional Investors are Flocking to Bitcoin
- The Future of Bitcoin and Institutional Involvement
- Conclusion
**Nomura's Strategic Move into the Crypto Space**
Nomura, a financial giant with a storied history, has always been at the forefront of financial innovation. Recognizing the potential of the crypto market, especially Bitcoin, Nomura has made strategic moves to establish a strong foothold in this burgeoning sector. Their latest initiative, the introduction of a dedicated Bitcoin fund, is a testament to their commitment to this space. By launching this fund, Nomura is not only catering to the growing demand from institutional investors but also solidifying its position as a forward-thinking financial institution.
**Details of the Laser Digital Bitcoin Adoption Fund**
The "Laser Digital Bitcoin Adoption fund" is designed to provide long-only exposure to Bitcoin. This means that the fund will only buy and hold Bitcoin, without engaging in any short-selling. Such a strategy is indicative of Nomura's bullish outlook on the cryptocurrency. The fund aims to tap into the potential long-term growth of Bitcoin, offering investors a chance to benefit from any upward price movements. Moreover, by providing a structured and regulated way to invest in Bitcoin, Nomura is addressing one of the primary concerns of institutional investors: security and compliance.
**Why Institutional Investors are Flocking to Bitcoin**
There are several reasons why institutional investors are showing keen interest in Bitcoin:
**Diversification:** Bitcoin, being a non-correlated asset, offers portfolio diversification. In times of traditional market volatility, Bitcoin can act as a hedge.
**Potential for High Returns:** Despite its volatility, Bitcoin has shown the potential for significant returns, outperforming many traditional assets in the past decade.
**Increasing Acceptance:** As more businesses and financial institutions accept Bitcoin, its utility and value proposition increase.
**Inflation Hedge:** With central banks around the world printing money at an unprecedented rate, there are genuine concerns about inflation. Bitcoin, with its capped supply, is seen by many as a hedge against inflationary pressures.
**The Future of Bitcoin and Institutional Involvement**
The involvement of institutions in the Bitcoin market is not a fleeting trend. It represents a fundamental shift in how the financial world perceives digital assets. As regulatory clarity improves and the infrastructure around cryptocurrency trading and custody matures, more institutions are expected to enter the space.
Nomura's dedicated Bitcoin fund is just the beginning. As the market grows, we can expect more sophisticated financial products centered around Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. These will not only provide institutional investors with more tools to leverage their positions but also contribute to the overall stability and maturity of the crypto market.
The launch of Nomura's "Laser Digital Bitcoin Adoption fund" is a significant milestone in the ongoing institutional adoption of Bitcoin. It underscores the growing importance of digital assets in the financial landscape and hints at a future where Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are an integral part of any diversified investment portfolio.
**What is Nomura's new crypto initiative?**
Nomura has introduced the "Laser Digital Bitcoin Adoption fund," a dedicated fund providing long-only exposure to Bitcoin.
**Who is the target audience for this fund?**
The fund primarily targets institutional investors looking to invest in Bitcoin in a structured and regulated manner.
**What does "long-only exposure" mean?**
It means the fund will buy and hold Bitcoin without engaging in short-selling, focusing on potential long-term growth.
**Why are institutional investors interested in Bitcoin?**
Institutional investors see Bitcoin as a valuable addition to their portfolios for diversification, potential high returns, increasing acceptance, and as an inflation hedge.
**Is this a temporary trend in the financial world?**
No, the involvement of institutions in the Bitcoin market represents a fundamental shift in the perception of digital assets, indicating a long-term trend.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
**X: [@croxroadnews](https://x.com/croxroadnewsco)**
**Instagram: [@croxroadnews.co](https://www.instagram.com/croxroadnews.co/)**
**Youtube: [@croxroadnews](https://www.youtube.com/@croxroadnews)**
**Store: https://croxroad.store**
**Subscribe to CROX ROAD Bitcoin Only Daily Newsletter**
*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-01-12 21:03:36
I’ve been using Notedeck for several months, starting with its extremely early and experimental alpha versions, all the way to its current, more stable alpha releases. The journey has been fascinating, as I’ve had the privilege of watching it evolve from a concept into a functional and promising tool.
In its earliest stages, Notedeck was raw—offering glimpses of its potential but still far from practical for daily use. Even then, the vision behind it was clear: a platform designed to redefine how we interact with Nostr by offering flexibility and power for all users.
I'm very bullish on Notedeck. Why? Because Will Casarin is making it! Duh! 😂
Seriously though, if we’re reimagining the web and rebuilding portions of the Internet, it’s important to recognize [the potential of Notedeck](https://damus.io/notedeck/). If Nostr is reimagining the web, then Notedeck is reimagining the Nostr client.
Notedeck isn’t just another Nostr app—it’s more a Nostr browser that functions more like an operating system with micro-apps. How cool is that?
Much like how Google's Chrome evolved from being a web browser with a task manager into ChromeOS, a full blown operating system, Notedeck aims to transform how we interact with the Nostr. It goes beyond individual apps, offering a foundation for a fully integrated ecosystem built around Nostr.
As a Nostr evangelist, I love to scream **INTEROPERABILITY** and tout every application's integrations. Well, Notedeck has the potential to be one of the best platforms to showcase these integrations in entirely new and exciting ways.
Do you want an Olas feed of images? Add the media column.
Do you want a feed of live video events? Add the zap.stream column.
Do you want Nostr Nests or audio chats? Add that column to your Notedeck.
Git? Email? Books? Chat and DMs? It's all possible.
Not everyone wants a super app though, and that’s okay. As with most things in the Nostr ecosystem, flexibility is key. Notedeck gives users the freedom to choose how they engage with it—whether it’s simply following hashtags or managing straightforward feeds. You'll be able to tailor Notedeck to fit your needs, using it as extensively or minimally as you prefer.
Notedeck is designed with a local-first approach, utilizing Nostr content stored directly on your device via the local nostrdb. This will enable a plethora of advanced tools such as search and filtering, the creation of custom feeds, and the ability to develop personalized algorithms across multiple Notedeck micro-applications—all with unparalleled flexibility.
Notedeck also supports multicast. Let's geek out for a second. Multicast is a method of communication where data is sent from one source to multiple destinations simultaneously, but only to devices that wish to receive the data. Unlike broadcast, which sends data to all devices on a network, multicast targets specific receivers, reducing network traffic. This is commonly used for efficient data distribution in scenarios like streaming, conferencing, or large-scale data synchronization between devices.
> In a local first world where each device holds local copies of your nostr nodes, and each device transparently syncs with each other on the local network, each node becomes a backup. Your data becomes antifragile automatically. When a node goes down it can resync and recover from other nodes. Even if not all nodes have a complete collection, negentropy can pull down only what is needed from each device. All this can be done without internet.
> \-Will Casarin
In the context of Notedeck, multicast would allow multiple devices to sync their Nostr nodes with each other over a local network without needing an internet connection. Wild.
Notedeck aims to offer full customization too, including the ability to design and share custom skins, much like Winamp. Users will also be able to create personalized columns and, in the future, share their setups with others. This opens the door for power users to craft tailored Nostr experiences, leveraging their expertise in the protocol and applications. By sharing these configurations as "Starter Decks," they can simplify onboarding and showcase the best of Nostr’s ecosystem.
Nostr’s “Other Stuff” can often be difficult to discover, use, or understand. Many users doesn't understand or know how to use web browser extensions to login to applications. Let's not even get started with nsecbunkers. Notedeck will address this challenge by providing a native experience that brings these lesser-known applications, tools, and content into a user-friendly and accessible interface, making exploration seamless. However, that doesn't mean Notedeck should disregard power users that want to use nsecbunkers though - hint hint.
For anyone interested in watching Nostr be [developed live](https://github.com/damus-io/notedeck), right before your very eyes, Notedeck’s progress serves as a reminder of what’s possible when innovation meets dedication. The current alpha is already demonstrating its ability to handle complex use cases, and I’m excited to see how it continues to grow as it moves toward a full release later this year.
@ 0d97beae:c5274a14
2025-01-11 16:52:08
This article hopes to complement the article by Lyn Alden on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk_HWmmwiAs
## The reason why we have broken money
Before the invention of key technologies such as the printing press and electronic communications, even such as those as early as morse code transmitters, gold had won the competition for best medium of money around the world.
In fact, it was not just gold by itself that became money, rulers and world leaders developed coins in order to help the economy grow. Gold nuggets were not as easy to transact with as coins with specific imprints and denominated sizes.
However, these modern technologies created massive efficiencies that allowed us to communicate and perform services more efficiently and much faster, yet the medium of money could not benefit from these advancements. Gold was heavy, slow and expensive to move globally, even though requesting and performing services globally did not have this limitation anymore.
Banks took initiative and created derivatives of gold: paper and electronic money; these new currencies allowed the economy to continue to grow and evolve, but it was not without its dark side. Today, no currency is denominated in gold at all, money is backed by nothing and its inherent value, the paper it is printed on, is worthless too.
Banks and governments eventually transitioned from a money derivative to a system of debt that could be co-opted and controlled for political and personal reasons. Our money today is broken and is the cause of more expensive, poorer quality goods in the economy, a larger and ever growing wealth gap, and many of the follow-on problems that have come with it.
## Bitcoin overcomes the "transfer of hard money" problem
Just like gold coins were created by man, Bitcoin too is a technology created by man. Bitcoin, however is a much more profound invention, possibly more of a discovery than an invention in fact. Bitcoin has proven to be unbreakable, incorruptible and has upheld its ability to keep its units scarce, inalienable and counterfeit proof through the nature of its own design.
Since Bitcoin is a digital technology, it can be transferred across international borders almost as quickly as information itself. It therefore severely reduces the need for a derivative to be used to represent money to facilitate digital trade. This means that as the currency we use today continues to fare poorly for many people, bitcoin will continue to stand out as hard money, that just so happens to work as well, functionally, along side it.
Bitcoin will also always be available to anyone who wishes to earn it directly; even China is unable to restrict its citizens from accessing it. The dollar has traditionally become the currency for people who discover that their local currency is unsustainable. Even when the dollar has become illegal to use, it is simply used privately and unofficially. However, because bitcoin does not require you to trade it at a bank in order to use it across borders and across the web, Bitcoin will continue to be a viable escape hatch until we one day hit some critical mass where the world has simply adopted Bitcoin globally and everyone else must adopt it to survive.
Bitcoin has not yet proven that it can support the world at scale. However it can only be tested through real adoption, and just as gold coins were developed to help gold scale, tools will be developed to help overcome problems as they arise; ideally without the need for another derivative, but if necessary, hopefully with one that is more neutral and less corruptible than the derivatives used to represent gold.
## Bitcoin blurs the line between commodity and technology
Bitcoin is a technology, it is a tool that requires human involvement to function, however it surprisingly does not allow for any concentration of power. Anyone can help to facilitate Bitcoin's operations, but no one can take control of its behaviour, its reach, or its prioritisation, as it operates autonomously based on a pre-determined, neutral set of rules.
At the same time, its built-in incentive mechanism ensures that people do not have to operate bitcoin out of the good of their heart. Even though the system cannot be co-opted holistically, It will not stop operating while there are people motivated to trade their time and resources to keep it running and earn from others' transaction fees. Although it requires humans to operate it, it remains both neutral and sustainable.
Never before have we developed or discovered a technology that could not be co-opted and used by one person or faction against another. Due to this nature, Bitcoin's units are often described as a commodity; they cannot be usurped or virtually cloned, and they cannot be affected by political biases.
## The dangers of derivatives
A derivative is something created, designed or developed to represent another thing in order to solve a particular complication or problem. For example, paper and electronic money was once a derivative of gold.
In the case of Bitcoin, if you cannot link your units of bitcoin to an "address" that you personally hold a cryptographically secure key to, then you very likely have a derivative of bitcoin, not bitcoin itself. If you buy bitcoin on an online exchange and do not withdraw the bitcoin to a wallet that you control, then you legally own an electronic derivative of bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a new technology. It will have a learning curve and it will take time for humanity to learn how to comprehend, authenticate and take control of bitcoin collectively. Having said that, many people all over the world are already using and relying on Bitcoin natively. For many, it will require for people to find the need or a desire for a neutral money like bitcoin, and to have been burned by derivatives of it, before they start to understand the difference between the two. Eventually, it will become an essential part of what we regard as common sense.
## Learn for yourself
If you wish to learn more about how to handle bitcoin and avoid derivatives, you can start by searching online for tutorials about "Bitcoin self custody".
There are many options available, some more practical for you, and some more practical for others. Don't spend too much time trying to find the perfect solution; practice and learn. You may make mistakes along the way, so be careful not to experiment with large amounts of your bitcoin as you explore new ideas and technologies along the way. This is similar to learning anything, like riding a bicycle; you are sure to fall a few times, scuff the frame, so don't buy a high performance racing bike while you're still learning to balance.
@ 37fe9853:bcd1b039
2025-01-11 15:04:40
@ 62033ff8:e4471203
2025-01-11 15:00:24
收录的内容中 kind=1的部分,实话说 质量不高。
所以我增加了kind=30023 长文的article,但是更新的太少,多个relays 的服务器也没有多少长文。
https://www.duozhutuan.com 目前放的是给搜索引擎提供搜索的原材料。没有做UI给人类浏览。所以看上去是粗糙的。
我并没有打算去做一个发microblog的 web客户端,那类的客户端太多了。
我觉得nostr社区需要解决的还是应用。如果仅仅是microblog 感觉有点够呛
幸运的是npub.pro 建站这样的,我觉得有点意思。
yakihonne 智能widget 也有意思
我做的TaskQ5 我自己在用了。分布式的任务系统,也挺好的。
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-11 03:03:29
**Table Of Content**
- Is Dubai Crypto-Friendly?
- Steps to Buying Bitcoin in Dubai
- Other Buying Options
- Banking with Bitcoin in the UAE
- A Word of Caution
- Conclusion
Dubai, often referred to as the "City of Gold," has always been at the forefront of financial innovation. Its towering skyscrapers, bustling markets, and technological advancements make it a hub for global investors. In recent years, the allure of cryptocurrency, particularly Bitcoin, has caught the attention of many in this desert paradise. With its strategic location and forward-thinking policies, Dubai offers a unique blend of traditional finance and the emerging world of digital currencies.
**Is Dubai Crypto-Friendly?**
Dubai's progressive stance on technology and finance is well-documented. The city and the broader United Arab Emirates (UAE) have embraced the digital currency revolution with open arms. Not only does the UAE offer enticing tax benefits like zero tax on cryptocurrency trading, but there's also an absence of income or capital gains tax. This fiscal environment, combined with a robust regulatory framework, has positioned the UAE as a global leader in the crypto space. While the government doesn't recognize cryptocurrencies as official legal tender, it has ensured a safe environment for enthusiasts to purchase, hold, and trade digital assets without legal hindrances.
**Steps to Buying Bitcoin in Dubai**
**Choose an Exchange**
The digital currency market is vast, and choosing the right exchange is paramount. It's essential to prioritize security, given the digital nature of these transactions. Potential investors should not only research the exchange's history but also delve into user reviews and any reported security breaches.
Prominent exchanges in the UAE, such as eToro, OKX, HTX, and Binance, have built a reputation for reliability and security.
The registration process is the first step towards your crypto journey. Most exchanges require basic information like email and a strong password. It's crucial to use unique passwords and enable two-factor authentication, if available, to enhance account security.
The Know Your Customer (KYC) checks are standard procedures to prevent illicit activities. This often involves submitting a government-issued photo ID.
**Fund and Buy**
After setting up your account, the next step is funding. Most exchanges accept funds from bank accounts, credit cards, or even other cryptocurrencies.
Once funded, you can navigate the platform to purchase Bitcoin or explore other available digital currencies.
**Storing Your Bitcoin Safely**
**Online Wallets:** Digital wallets, often referred to as "hot wallets," are online storage solutions for your cryptocurrencies. They are convenient for regular traders as they offer quick access to funds. Platforms like Trust Wallet and Electrum are popular choices. However, being online, they are susceptible to hacks, so it's essential to use them judiciously.
**Hardware Wallets:** For long-term investors or those with significant holdings, hardware wallets are the gold standard in security. These physical devices store your private keys offline, making them immune to online hacks. Brands like Trezor or Ledger Nano have become synonymous with crypto security.
**Other Buying Options**
**Bitcoin ATMs:** A testament to the UAE's progressive crypto stance is the presence of Bitcoin ATMs. These machines, like traditional ATMs, allow users to purchase Bitcoin. The Rixos Premium Dubai Hotel, a symbol of luxury, houses Dubai's first Bitcoin ATM, offering tourists and residents alike a quick way to enter the crypto market.
**Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Trading:** P2P platforms facilitate direct transactions between buyers and sellers, bypassing intermediaries. While centralized exchanges dominate the Dubai market, platforms like Binance, Paxful, and OKX offer P2P options, combining the best of both worlds.
**Banking with Bitcoin in the UAE**
The banking sector in the UAE, known for its robustness and innovation, has shown a keen interest in the crypto realm. Several banks have adopted crypto-friendly policies, making it easier for investors and businesses in the crypto space. The First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB), one of the region's largest banks, stands out in this regard. While it doesn't directly offer crypto trading, it facilitates its customers to link their accounts with crypto exchanges. This integration, combined with FAB's future plans around digital assets, showcases the bank's commitment to financial innovation.
**A Word of Caution**
The world of cryptocurrencies, while exciting, is also fraught with volatility. Dubai's vibrant financial landscape offers numerous opportunities to engage with digital currencies. However, like any investment, it's imperative to approach it with caution. Prices of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can swing dramatically, often within short time frames. Aspiring investors should arm themselves with knowledge, stay updated with market trends, and perhaps most importantly, never invest more than they can afford to lose.
Dubai, with its blend of tradition and modernity, has once again proven its mettle by embracing the digital currency revolution. The city's progressive policies, combined with a robust financial infrastructure, make it an attractive destination for both novice and seasoned crypto investors. From the presence of global crypto exchanges to the integration of Bitcoin ATMs, Dubai offers a comprehensive ecosystem for those keen to explore the world of cryptocurrencies.
However, as with all financial ventures, it's essential to tread with caution. The volatile nature of cryptocurrencies demands thorough research, continuous learning, and a measured approach. While the allure of digital gold is undeniable, it's crucial to remember the age-old adage: "Invest only what you can afford to lose.
**Are there any taxes on cryptocurrency trading in the UAE?**
No, the UAE offers zero tax on cryptocurrency trading, and there's no income or capital gains tax.
**How can I buy Bitcoin in Dubai?**
You can purchase Bitcoin through crypto exchanges, Bitcoin ATMs, or P2P platforms available in Dubai.
**Are there Bitcoin ATMs in Dubai?**
Yes, Dubai's first Bitcoin ATM was installed at the Rixos Premium Dubai Hotel in 2019.
**Which banks in the UAE are crypto-friendly?**
Several banks, including the First Abu Dhabi Bank (FAB), have crypto-friendly policies.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
**X: [@croxroadnews](https://x.com/croxroadnewsco)**
**Instagram: [@croxroadnews.co](https://www.instagram.com/croxroadnews.co/)**
**Youtube: [@croxroadnews](https://www.youtube.com/@croxroadnews)**
**Store: https://croxroad.store**
**Subscribe to CROX ROAD Bitcoin Only Daily Newsletter**
*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 746a245a:7a8d8b34
2025-01-10 17:57:04
# 1. Self custody
Always. Send your BTC to cold storage. Don't hesitate because of high network fees when mempool activity is high. Rather pay 10% or more to secure your coins than risk loosing 100% of a cosiderable amount. If you have questions about self custody see this guide on the [5 Best Practices to Store Your Bitcoin](nostr:naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzqar2y3ddy98xj55723803fp8vmz4ldst088sptgxgzg9qdagmze5qqdxy6t5vdhkjm3dwd6x7unpvajj6etnwdjkuarfv9k8x2xrd3w).
# 2. Back up well
Restore a wallet at least once. Make sure you know how to get back your coins in a worst case scenario. (Also make sure your heirs are able to do it when time comes.)
# 3. Never try to time the market
DCA. Set it and forget it. Monthly, weekly, by-weekly or daily doesn't matter. Choose what best suits you. Do this for the majority of your BTC allocation. You can not time the bottom. Period. (But you can have a little pile of FIAT to buy dips when they occur.)
# 4. You can not time the top either
Never sell the majority of your Stack. Take a little profit if things go parabolic to reward yourself but always keep your main stack intact. It can be hard to get it back. And it will only go up with time. HODL and understand what you own.
# 5. Keep emotions out
Greed and fear are the main factors for people to get wrecked. Slow steady purchases, even tiny ones, all go to building a stack.
# 6. Never use leverage
Just don't. No, not even if BTC is below 10k. Make sure every sat you own truly belongs to you.
# 7. Every sat counts
Even if it's small amounts, just keep dca-ing and stacking sats. Little pieces add up. 0.001 BTC = $25 at the time of this writing. Do this 100 times and you have a tenth of a BTC.
If you have very little FIAT, stack free sats. You can:
* use faucets (like [freebitco.in](https://freebitco.in) or [cointiply.com](https://cointiply.com/))
* do tasks (like [microlancer.io](https://microlancer.io/))
* play games (like [Bitcoin Miner](https://blog.zebedee.io/bitcoin-miner-game/))
* shop with services like [lolli.com](https://www.lolli.com/) or [foldapp.com](https://foldapp.com/)
* listen to podcasts (with [fountain.fm](https://www.fountain.fm/))
* educate yourself on Bitcoin (with [BitcoinMagazine](https://bitcoinmagazine.com/))
* or be active and provide value in communities like [nostr](https://nostr.com/), [stacker.news](https://stacker.news) or [habla.news](https://habla.news)
Remember: Faucets used to give hundreds of Bitcoin per day. Now it's 5-250 sats 10 years later. In 10 years it may be 1-5 sats.
# 8. Don't go all in
Keep FIAT to survive hard times without being forced to sell BTC. (for example 6 months of monthly spending)
# 9. Enjoy life while stacking
There is only one thing that is more precious than Bitcoin. **It is lifetime**. Stack sats, but also stack moments. Be present and enjoy life. Every day. No amount of BTC can ever buy back lifetime. Remind yourself of this often.
# 10. Don't forget yourself
Always have a little fun money to maintain hobbys, traveling and to treat yourself. Otherwise you might burn out quickly.
# 11. Involve your significant other
Make sure he/she knows the reason why you do what you do. Otherwise you risk burning out him/her too.
# 12. Automate and relax
When you check your portfolio ten times a day or more think of automating things. Don't trade lifetime and serenity for small gains.
# 13. Don't do shitcoins
Most altcoins never reach their ATH again. BTC and BTC only.
# 14. Stay humble
Never get lured by offers that promise yield in exchange for holding your BTC. FTX was a recent example of how that can end.
# 15. You lost your keys in a boating accident
Never share how much Bitcoin you own. Better yet, don't share that you own any at all (exception: rule #11). The less is known about you having BTC, the less risk. Also consider buying non KYC. For example with [robosats](https://learn.robosats.com/) or [bisq](https://bisq.network/).
# 16. Don't rush. Be patient
It is a marathon, not a sprint. Time is on your side. You already own Bitcoin. **You won**. It isn't a race like with FIAT where you have to fight inflation. You preserve wealth.
# 17. Increase your FIAT earnings
Learn profitable skills to increase your buying power and generally grow as a person. Even if you loose all your wealth, nobody can take away your skills to accumulate it again.
# 18. Don't compare
Every stack of BTC is better than no stack of BTC. And even if you are a whale: there will always be a bigger fish somewhere in the sea ...
# 19. You don't need 1 full BTC
This was huge for me! The urge to have one full BTC is very FIAT minded thinking. Goals are cool but:
**21 million BTC / 8 billion humans in the world =0,00262500 BTC**
And not even that is possible because of the 1,1 m BTC wallet of Satoshi Nakamoto and lost coins. You can find out the exact amount every individual on earth could possibly own at [satoshisperperson.com](https://satoshisperperson.com/).
Not everyone needs a whole coin. About 225.000 sats = your little block of Bitcoin. ... That's roughly $55 at the time of this writing. Got that? Congratulations! 99% of people are still on zero. Safe your share and then slowly add more every pay check.
# 20. Change perspective
You can change settings in your wallet to display value in sats rather than BTC. This liberates from the feeling of shortage and the urge to fill that full BTC. It opens up the feeling of gratitude and abundance.
# 21. Always learn
Keep educating yourself about Bitcoin. The rabbit hole is deep ...
## Thank you!
Thank you wonderful people who helped me gather those tips. I chose consciously to not give personal credit in this post because of rule #15 =)
## Find me on Nostr
My [Nostr](https://nostr.com/) npub:
## What have i missed?
Do you agree with these tips? Did i miss any? Please let me know and help refine this set of rules so we can breed more an more whole coiners over time ... or let's rather call it 'satoshi millionaires' (see rule #19 ;-)
*P.S. Feel free to tip me some sats or share this post if you find it helpful. Working on my own little stack too ;-)*
@ 746a245a:7a8d8b34
2025-01-10 17:50:10
In the past few years i have struggled a lot to find "the right" way to store bitcoin.
There is a lot of advice on this topic scattered around the web. I have consumed it, i have tested it and i have discussed it.
Here is what i found to be the best practices to store your bitcoin as a newbie or intermidiate.
I have split this up into two parts:
- Part 1: Essentials - The absolute bare minimum requirements you need to implement ASAP (this post)
- Part 2: Recommended - How to upgrade security and what mistakes to avoid (coming soon)
Let's start with the Essentials ...
# Part 1: Essentials
I assume you already know a thing or two about bitcoin if you read this post, so i skip the obvious "No your keys not your coins" stuff.
These are the absolute minimum safety requiements. If you have not implemented these, stop everything you do and follow these steps immediately:
## 1. Use a hardware wallet
Hardware wallets are specificly built for one single purpose. To secure your private keys and thuss the access to your bitcoin.
### Do i really need a hardware wallet?
Short answer: Yes.
Long Answer: It depends on your funds. If you only have bitcoin worth a few hundred bugs, it might not be necessary. A hardware wallet costs about $50-200. But as soon as you feel uncomfortable, you should get one. It is an individual decision. Like someone doesn’t bother running around with a few thousand dollars in his pocket and another one feels uncomfortable with even a few hundred. BUT it is good practice to treat the security of your funds right now as if they already were 10x. As a 10x can happen pretty quickly, as we have seen in the past two years, and you don’t want to do security upgrades in a rush and from a point where you feel unsafe. This leads to mistakes which can lead to total loss (for example sending to a wrong address). Self custody is the first an most important rule to follow if you want to keep your coins and [become a whole coiner](nostr:naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzqar2y3ddy98xj55723803fp8vmz4ldst088sptgxgzg9qdagmze5qqsnyvfdwf6kcetn946x7ttzv43k7mt994sj6amgdakx2ttrda5kuetjjq7gmc). If you can't afford a hardware wallet now, at least use a hotwallet ...
### Can i use a hotwallet instead?
Hotwallets are wallets, that are connected to the internet, like Apps on your PC or smartphone. They are considered not to be as safe as harwarewallets (so called coldwallets), because if something has no connection to the internet, there is a huge part of risk being taken away. But hotwallets are still way better than leaving your funds on an exchange because with a hotwallet you get the keys to your funds. With exchanges you only get an IOU aka a promise from the exchange. And we have seen how that ends with MountGOX, FTX, Celsius, Blockfi and various others ... Use hotwallets rather on smartphone than on desktop device, as smartphones are a little more secure. A few good ones i could recommend are Blue Wallet, Green Wallet and Exodus but there are a lot of good solutions out there. Just make sure to get a 12 or 24 word seed recovery phrase when setting it up so you are really in full control of your funds. But if you can use a hardware wallet, rather choose that.
### Which wallet should i get?
I did try a few but not all of them:
- The one i would recommend the most at this point in time is the [Blockstream Jade Classic](https://store.blockstream.com/products/blockstream-jade-hardware-wallet) as it comes with almost all possible features you could imagine for a very reasonable price. You can even use it completely airgapped wit QR codes and use it without keystorage like a SeedSigner. I will touch on those features later on in part 2. nostr:npub1jg552aulj07skd6e7y2hu0vl5g8nl5jvfw8jhn6jpjk0vjd0waksvl6n8n is also very active on nostr and provides good support for us plebs.
- Coldcard is also a hardware wallet i hear a lot of good stuff about.
- As well as the BitBox02 Bitcoin only edition.
- Trezor has had some security issues regarding to not having a secure element. I am sure they implemented a solution in the meantime, but i am not up to date with this so i can not recommend it without any doubt.
- Ledger devices were generally considered safe but they had multiple security related incidents such as leaking customer data or admiting to be able to extract your seed from the wallet. The fact that they allow to store other crypto currencies, also introduces a bigger attack surface. Thuss i don't recommend using a ledger. If you only have a ledger it's still better than leaving your coins on an exchange though.
- SeedSigner, as described, is more for advanced users or if you really want to dig into it, in my opinion. You could also use the Blockstream Jade as a SeedSigner.
### Where should i buy?
This is important: Order hardware wallets ONLY straight from the store of the manufacturer. Any middleman or additional steps in the delivery process increase the risk of your device being manipulated. If you are really paranoid about this stick with Coldcard or the new Jade Plus as these models have a build in mechanism to check if they have been tempered with.
Also consider using a postbox or working address when you order a hardware wallet or any bitcoin related stuff in general. The less people know that you own bitcoin, the better.
## 2. Use single-sig wallets
Backup your 12 or 24 words seed phrase and store them in a secure place (safe from theft, fire, water AND CHILDREN etc. i will get to how to achieve this). Most cases in loss of bitcoin happen because of the loss of access to the keys. Not because of theft. So the biggest risk you should care for is that you don't lose access to your keys. And how do most people lose access to their keys? They either ...
1) make the backup too complex so that themselves or their heirs have no clue how to restore it or
2) they are too lazy with their backup so that a flooded basement, thrown away harddrive or deleted photo causes them to loose their bitcoin forever.
Yes there are usecases for multi-sig set-ups and yes it introduces a better level of safety but it also introduces a higher risk of loosing your funds because of complexity. As a newbie or intermediate you don't have to dig into this complexity. You can, but unless you understand very well what you are doing, i wouldn't recommend using multi-sig wallets. Remember: 99% of bitcoin losses don't accure because of theft. If you still feel the need to add a little more security for this aspect, i recommend using a passphrase instead, which has also it's own trade-offs, as we will discuss in the recommended techniques in part 2.
## 3. Secure your wallet with a good PIN
Don't choose your mother's birthday as your PIN or anything else that can be social engineered. The more random, the better. And the longer the better.
If you use multiple hardware wallets, also use different PINs for them.
PINs on their own are generally not a very good method to protect anything. A 4 digit PIN for example only gives 10,000 possible combinations (from 0000 to 9999). A modern computer can try these all out pretty fast. BUT fortunately most wallets have a solution for this: If you enter the wrong PIN multiple times in a row they will reset to default and erease the stored keys. Thuss an attacker has only a few tries. Wallets that i know of doing that are the Blockstream Jade or the Coldcard for example. Both also provide the option to set up a specific wallet erease PIN that clears the wallet when entered once. Maybe consider these factors when choosing a wallet.
## 4. Backup your seed WELL
Backup your seed phrase offline, with pen and paper. Better yet on steel (more on that in upcoming part 2). But make sure that your seed phrase is NEVER being put into or shown to a device other than your hardware wallet. NEVER EVER! Don't make a picture of it to store in your cloud, don't safe it in your notes, don't think you are safe storing it in an encrypted file. You are not. Do it offline and keep it offline. Always. Now let's talk material ...
### What material should i use?
Paper can burn, suffer from contact with water, be blown or thrown away and be destroyed from all other sorts of things. I found the safest way to backup a seed phrase is by hammering it into a stainless steel plate. These steelwallets don't break the bank like some fancy Cryptotag or other known brand backup solutions do and in most cases they are even better. Espacially when it comes to the backup style:
### What way to perform the backup?
Plain text, letter by letter, hammered onto a steel plate. See part 2 for more details on why this is the best method.
## 5. Test your backup
Every owner of a substantial amount of bitcoin should have restored his wallet at least once! Make sure you know how to get your funds back in case something goes wrong. Especially if you do more complex things like passphrases (which we will cover in part 2) but also if you only use the 12 or 24 word seeds. The way i like to do it is as follows:
- Step 1) When you have set up your wallet, send a small amount of sats to it. This is a good practice anyway to make sure everything works as intended before sending larger amounts.
- Step 2) After your wallet has recieved the small amount reset your device to default. That means completely whiping it. MAKE SURE YOU HAVE BACKED UP YOUR SEED WELL!
- Step 3) Restore your wallet with your backup.
- Step 4) [optional but recommended] Send that small amount of sats back to verify that you truly have full control over this wallet.
If you can access (and control) the small amount of sats, your backup works and you can now send larger amounts. This is also a good way to test if you have properly backed up your passphrase, in case you are setting up a passphrase wallet.
## Now what?
When your funds grow bigger, eventually you will ask yourself: "Is this secure enough?" If you are in that position, the recommended methods in part 2 will help you upgrade your security and avoid common mistakes which could put your coins at risk (part 2 will be linked here as soon as it's available).
## What have i missed?
Do you agree with these essentials on how to store bitcoin? Did i miss anything? Please let me know and help to refine this set of rules so we can help more and more people to become souverein bitcoin holders.
@ 4506e04e:8c16ba04
2025-01-10 13:26:46
The healthcare system, in its current state, is fundamentally broken. Under the fiat standard, big pharma exploits the sick in much the same way that banks and financial corporations drain economic power from individuals and small businesses. Despite massive investments, healthcare remains plagued by inefficiencies, inequities, and vulnerabilities. With rapidly aging population and low birth rates the access to healthcare is becoming more and more difficult and the system will break within the next couple of decades. Here are some of the major issues:
### Financial Drain with Minimal Returns
No matter how much money is poured into healthcare, it’s never enough. Administrative overheads, inflated costs, and inefficiencies ensure that resources are wasted instead of improving patient outcomes.
### Big Pharma’s Perverse Incentives
Pharmaceutical companies prioritize profit over cures. The system is designed to keep patients alive but perpetually dependent on treatments, rather than focusing on true cures.
### Administrative Bloat
The excessive overhead costs in administration siphon funds away from actual patient care.
### Fragmented Patient Records
There is no single global standard for managing and accessing healthcare records, creating inefficiencies and potential for errors.
### Cybersecurity Risks
Centralized healthcare systems are vulnerable to ransomware attacks, which can compromise patient safety and even pose threats to international security. For hospitals, such attacks are literally matters of life and death.
### Increasing Costs and Reduced Accessibility
Instead of becoming cheaper and more accessible, healthcare is growing more expensive and difficult to obtain, exacerbating inequities, yet nurses are one of the groups that's most underpaid!
## A Decentralized Solution
The solution lies in leveraging decentralization, encryption, and open-source technologies to transform the healthcare system. Thanks to innovations like Bitcoin and the Nostr protocol we now have the means to:
- **Empower Patients and Doctors:** Decentralized systems can give patients control over their medical data while reducing administrative costs for healthcare providers.
- **Enhance Security:** Encryption ensures data is secure, even in the face of cyber threats.
- **Improve Accessibility and Efficiency:** Open-source tools (like [Keycast](https://github.com/erskingardner/keycast)) can lower costs and provide customizable solutions tailored to specific healthcare needs.
## How Nostr Can Transform Healthcare
Nostr, short for “*Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays,*” is a decentralized protocol originally designed for communication but holds tremendous potential for industries such as healthcare. Its client-relay model allows patients and doctors to interact securely without relying on centralized servers. Here’s how it could work in a healthcare context:
### Decentralized Data Control:
Patients’ medical records can be securely stored and accessed via relays. Each patient’s identity is tied to a cryptographic public key, ensuring that they have full control over their data.
Doctors can access necessary records by connecting to relays the patient authorizes, ensuring data remains private and secure.
### Privacy Without Bureaucracy:
Nostr eliminates the need for cumbersome identity verification processes (e.g., KYC). Patients retain privacy without needing emails, IDs, or other personal identifiers.
### Customizable Access:
Patients can specify which doctors or healthcare providers can access their records by granting permissions via cryptographic signatures. These permissions can be adjusted or revoked at any time.
### Secure and Verifiable Communication:
All interactions between patients and doctors are signed with private keys, ensuring authenticity and preventing tampering.
Relays do not own or manipulate the data; they simply transmit it between authorized users.
### Resilient and Flexible Network:
Patients and doctors can choose which relays to use, and data can be published to multiple relays for redundancy. This ensures continuity of care even if a specific relay goes offline.
### Patient-Centric Data Ownership:
In the Nostr model, patients own their data. They can share it, manage it, or restrict access as they see fit, empowering them to take control of their health information.
### Enhanced Telemedicine:
Secure, encrypted communication enables remote consultations where doctors can access up-to-date patient records in real-time, providing better care.
By combining Nostr’s decentralized approach with healthcare-specific adaptations, this protocol can make the healthcare system more secure, efficient, and patient-focused.
## Meet Keycast
Keycast is a self-hosted open-source tool designed for secure and efficient private key management that can be applied to manage teams and policies. Its features can empower collaboration from micro-level ops like sharing access to one Nostr account to organising healthcare in the following ways:
1. **Team Management**:
- Organize users into teams representing departments or specialties (different policies).
- Streamline workflows by aligning permissions with roles.
2. **Granular Permissions**:
- Assign specific access rights to doctors, nurses, and administrative staff.
- Create layered permissions for actions such as accessing records, adding notes, or authorizing tests.
3. **Secure Key Management**:
- Encrypt and securely store keys locally, ensuring data confidentiality.
4. **Remote Signing and Telemedicine**:
- Enable secure remote access to records through NIP-46 for telehealth scenarios.
5. **Customizable Policies**:
- Tailor permissions and content filters to suit healthcare needs, such as restricting access to certain records or anonymizing sensitive data.
6. **Patient Empowerment**:
- Allow patients to manage access to their health information, promoting transparency and autonomy.
## Real-World Applications
Here’s how these tools can address specific healthcare challenges:
- **Secure Access to EHR:** Doctors and nurses can access patient records securely and efficiently, improving care coordination.
- **AI-Driven Diagnostics:** AI agents with predefined, limited permissions can analyze data for diagnostics while safeguarding privacy.
- **Telemedicine:** Secure, encrypted access ensures doctors can deliver remote care without compromising patient data.
- **Anonymized Research:** Controlled access to anonymized data can accelerate medical research while protecting privacy.
## The Bigger Picture
Decentralization is the key to fixing healthcare. Just like Bitcoin fixes the money and fixes the world - nostr and censorship-resistant encrypted data flow can fix whole industries like healthcare. By moving away from centralized, vulnerable systems, we can:
1. **Enhance Security:** Protect sensitive data from cyber threats with encryption and decentralized architectures.
2. **Lower Costs:** Reduce administrative overheads and eliminate inefficiencies.
3. **Improve Collaboration:** Foster better communication and coordination among healthcare professionals.
4. **Ensure Transparency:** Leverage open-source solutions to build trust and flexibility.
## Conclusion
The healthcare systems we have today are heavily reliant on money printing. They are have turned into businesses with overgrown administrative layer. They are inefficient and unsustainable. However, by adopting the Nostr protocol and tools built upon it, we can create a system that is secure, efficient, and patient-centric. With open-source tools like these, healthcare can truly focused on improving lives, become cheaper, more accessible, and abundant.
### Challenge
If you'd like to contribute to reinventing healthcare using free and open-source software built on the nostr protocol join the challenge by npub1healthsx3swcgtknff7zwpg8aj2q7h49zecul5rz490f6z2zp59qnfvp8p
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-10 03:49:50
**Table Of Content**
- The Rising Tide of Bitcoin's Influence in China
- China's Economic Struggles: A Closer Look
- The Cryptocurrency Solution: A Beacon for Chinese Investors?
- Historical Interplay: Bitcoin's Past Dance with China
- A New Era: The Evolving Dynamics of Bitcoin in China
- Conclusion
In the intricate web of global finance, China's economic dynamics have consistently been a focal point for analysts and investors alike. Recently, the nation has been grappling with one of its most significant capital flights in years, raising questions about potential economic solutions. Amidst this backdrop, the decentralized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin, has emerged as a topic of interest. Could Bitcoin, with its global reach and decentralized nature, offer a viable alternative or solution to China's current economic challenges? This article delves deep into the potential symbiotic relationship between China's capital flight and the burgeoning world of Bitcoin.
**The Rising Tide of Bitcoin's Influence in China**
Bitcoin's allure in the Chinese market is not a new phenomenon, but recent economic challenges have amplified its significance. As the Chinese yuan faces depreciation amidst broader economic uncertainties, experts believe that Bitcoin might witness a substantial influx from Chinese investors. Markus Thielen, a prominent figure at Matrixport, underscores the potential of Bitcoin in these turbulent times. He suggests, "Given the current economic climate, the Chinese investors' familiarity and trust in Bitcoin could lead to substantial investments in the cryptocurrency over the next few months."
**China's Economic Struggles: A Closer Look**
The economic landscape in China is undergoing a transformation. Recent data, sourced from reputable financial analysts at Bloomberg, paints a concerning picture. China's capital outflows have skyrocketed to an alarming $49 billion in August alone, a figure not seen since December 2015. This surge is more than just a statistic; it indicates the mounting pressure and dwindling confidence in the yuan. Thielen offers a deeper perspective on this trend, highlighting the stark economic disparities between the U.S. and China. He observes, "The current USD/CNY exchange rate, trading at a 17-year high, underscores the U.S. economy's robust expansion, casting a shadow on China's dwindling growth momentum."
**The Cryptocurrency Solution: A Beacon for Chinese Investors?**
The aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic has left the Chinese economy in a state of flux. With the anticipated post-pandemic consumption rebound falling short of expectations and local companies grappling with diminishing profit margins, Chinese investors are in a quandary. They are actively seeking lucrative opportunities outside their homeland. However, China's stringent capital controls present formidable barriers. In this constrained financial environment, the allure of cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin, shines brightly. For many, Bitcoin and its peers represent a beacon of hope, potentially offering the alternative investment avenues that Chinese investors have been yearning for.
**Historical Interplay: Bitcoin's Past Dance with China**
The intricate relationship between Bitcoin and China is steeped in history. Rewinding to late 2016, there was a clear trend: Chinese investors, in large numbers, were turning to Bitcoin as a mechanism to move capital outside the restrictive borders of their country. The trading patterns from this era suggested a compelling link: as the Chinese yuan depreciated, Bitcoin's price surged, indicating a potential safe haven for Chinese capital.
**A New Era: The Evolving Dynamics of Bitcoin in China**
While history offers a treasure trove of insights, the present paints a nuanced picture. Edward Engel, a seasoned crypto analyst at Singular Research, believes that the dynamics between Bitcoin and China have undergone a transformation. Reflecting on the past, he states, "The last time I heard of such a trend was between 2017 and 2018 when underground banks leveraged Bitcoin for their operations. However, the CCP [Chinese Communist Party] has since taken stringent measures to curb such practices." Despite these changes, Thielen remains optimistic. He posits that innovative methods, such as leveraging domestic electricity for crypto mining or using over-the-counter trading platforms, might still offer avenues for moving Chinese capital in the face of restrictions.
China's multifaceted economic challenges, accentuated by its capital flight woes, present a conundrum that lacks easy solutions. In this complex scenario, Bitcoin emerges as a beacon, offering a potential lifeline to Chinese investors. Its decentralized nature and global appeal make it a contender for mitigating some of China's economic challenges. As we navigate the ever-evolving global financial landscape, the intricate dance between China's economy and the dynamic world of cryptocurrencies promises to be a riveting spectacle, deserving of our keen attention.
**What is China's capital flight?**
China's capital flight refers to the large-scale outflow of capital from the country, often due to economic uncertainties.
**How is Bitcoin related to China's capital flight?**
With China's stringent capital controls and economic challenges, Bitcoin emerges as a potential alternative for investors to move and secure their capital.
**Has Bitcoin historically been influenced by China's economic dynamics?**
Yes, in 2016, there was a trend of Chinese investors turning to Bitcoin as the yuan depreciated, indicating a potential correlation.
**Are there restrictions on Bitcoin in China?**
While the Chinese government has taken measures to curb certain crypto practices, innovative methods still exist for Chinese investors to leverage cryptocurrencies.
**Why is the Chinese yuan weakening?**
Economic challenges, post-COVID-19 consumption patterns, and broader global economic dynamics have contributed to the weakening of the yuan.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-01-09 21:39:15
# Instructions
1. Place 2 medium-sized, boiled potatoes and a handful of sliced leeks in a pot.
2. Fill the pot with water or vegetable broth, to cover the potatoes twice over.
3. Add a splash of white wine, if you like, and some bouillon powder, if you went with water instead of broth.
4. Bring the soup to a boil and then simmer for 15 minutes.
5. Puree the soup, in the pot, with a hand mixer. It shouldn't be completely smooth, when you're done, but rather have small bits and pieces of the veggies floating around.
6. Bring the soup to a boil, again, and stir in one container (200-250 mL) of heavy cream.
7. Thicken the soup, as needed, and then simmer for 5 more minutes.
8. Garnish with croutons and veggies (here I used sliced green onions and radishes) and serve.
Guten Appetit!
@ 2063cd79:57bd1320
2025-01-09 10:56:31
Wer Bitcoin besitzt oder mit dem Gedanken spielt Bitcoin zu erwerben und prinzipiell etwas gründlicher an solche Entscheidungen herantritt, wird sich sicherlich schon mit dem Gedanken beschäftigt haben, was mit dem eigenen Bitcoin passiert, wenn uns selbst etwas widerfahren sollte. Ähnliche Gedanken, wird wohl jeder schonmal gehabt haben, wenn es um das Thema Online-Accounts geht. Wer hat Zugang zu meinen Profilen, Accounts, und sonstigen Informationen und was passiert im Falle eines Unfalls, einer plötzlichen Krankheit, oder ähnlichen Szenarien? Um ehrlich zu sein, mir persönlich ist es egal, was mit meinem Gmail oder Youtube-Account passiert, jedoch bei Bitcoin ist das ein anderes Thema. Denn hier verbergen sich hinter den privaten Schlüsseln UTXOs mit einem reellen Wert. Und anders als bei Bankkonten oder anderen Anlagearten, lässt sich keine Bank oder andere Verwahrstelle kontaktieren, die den Hinterbliebenen Zugriff auf die Vermögenswerte bereitstellt.
Eine vernünftige Nachlassplanung, bzw. Bitcoin Zukunftsplanung, ist also wirklich wichtig, denn wir möchten, dass unsere Opfer, die wir heute in Form von Arbeit und Zeitaufwand erbringen, in der Zukunft Früchte tragen und hoffentlich auch unseren Nachkommen zugutekommen. Jede Entscheidung, heute kein Geld für etwas auszugeben, dass einem selbst heute Spaß gemacht hätte, um in eine sicherere und angenehmere Zukunft zu investieren, sollte auch in der Zukunft belohnt werden. Es fühlt sich irgendwie kurzsichtig an, insbesondere wenn es um Bitcoin geht, nur an sich selbst zu denken (wen Lambo?), wenn es sich bei Bitcoin um einen Vermögenswert handelt, der die Fähigkeit besitzt, über mehrere Generationen in der Zukunft zu bestehen und vielleicht sogar seinen Wert zu steigern.
Es muss also einen besseren Weg geben, als zu hoffen, dass der Ehepartner oder die Kinder in der Lage sind die bitcoins aus einem 24-Wörter-Seed wiederherzustellen, wenn man einmal nicht mehr ist, oder nicht mehr in der Lage ist, dies selbst zu veranlassen. Denn der Seedphrase ist in den meisten Fällen das bestgehütetste Geheimnis jedes Bitcoiners und wahrscheinlich haben die wenigsten zusätzlich einen Wiederherstellungsplan für ihre Hinterbliebenen angefertigt und versteckt. Wenn wir über die Nachlassplanung in Bitcoin nachdenken, gibt es einige Komplexitäten. Aber wenn man sich die Zeit nimmt, über alle Ergebnisse nachzudenken, die man erreichen möchte, gibt es einige wirklich wichtige Dinge, die getan werden können.
Traurigerweise ist es kein angenehmer Gedanke, über den eigenen Tod nachzudenken und darüber, wie man seine bitcoins aus dem Grab heraus weitergeben soll. Ich habe vor längerer Zeit eine humoristische Aufstellung von verschiedenen Planungsmöglichkeiten aufgestellt, die man sich hier anschauen kann:
- Nichts tun
- Exchange plus Passwort
- Desktop Wallet
- Mobile Wallet
- Paper Wallet zu Hause
- Paper Wallet im (Bank-)Safe
- Hardware Wallet zu Hause
- Hardware Wallet im (Bank-)Safe
- Multisig Lösung
- Custodial Service
Allerdings ist das Thema wirklich kompliziert und nicht einfach zu lösen. Es gibt unterschiedliche persönliche Faktoren, wie das eigene Alter, der eigene Gesundheitszustand, in welchem familiären Konstrukt man lebt, wo man lebt, wie viel Bitcoin es zu verwahren und weiterzugeben gilt, usw. Darüber hinaus stellt sich auch die Frage, ob die Weitergabe professionell und im Einklang mit den aktuellen Rechtsstrukturen gemacht werden soll, denn dann ergeben sich sowohl aus steuerlicher als auch aus rechtlicher Sicht unterschiedliche Szenarien, die eventuell sogar erhebliche Vorteile bieten könnten. Darunter eine Reihe rechtlicher Vorzugsbehandlungen beim Schutz von Vermögenswerten, die über die eigenen Vorkehrungsmaßnahmen hinausgehen können. Aber dies soll kein steuerlicher oder juristischer Rat werden.
Bei Bitcoin dreht sich alles um den souveränen Besitz von Eigentum. Dazu gehört auch die Entscheidung, wie und an wen das Eigentum weitergegeben werden soll. Der Inhalt eines Testaments kann und wird in der Regel dann angefochten, wenn das Vermögen ungleich verteilt wird oder wenn es einem der Begünstigten gegenüber ungerecht erscheint. Daher ist es immer am besten, ein Testament so zu gestalten, dass es für alle Beteiligten fair erscheint, und zweitens ist es wichtig, eventuelle Einschränkungen für alle zu kommunizieren. Ein gutes Erwartungsmanagement hilft, Konflikte zu vermeiden. Das ist die erste Stufe.
> If it's your keys, it's your bitcoin. If it's not your keys, it's not your bitcoin! That's a lesson that we all learned during Gox, so...let's try not to have to be taught that lesson again. — Andreas Antonopolous, 14. April 2016
Die zweite Stufe ist ein wasserdichtes Setup der privaten Schlüssel. Not your keys, not your Bitcoin, ist in diesem Zusammenhang eine sehr wirkungsvolle Aussage. Anders als bei jedem anderen Vermögenswert auf der Welt kontrolliert derjenige, der die Schlüssel besitzt, die UTXOs. Ein Rechtsanspruch ist nicht möglich, da die Kryptographie einen deutlich höheren Stellenwert einnimmt als ein Rechtsanspruch. Es gibt den rechtlichen Anspruch auf Bitcoin (die Worte im Testament) und dann gibt es die praktische Anwendung des Eigentums oder der Verteilung dessen (die Kontrolle der Schlüssel). Bei anderen Vermögenswerten wie Grundbesitz (Immobilien), Anleihen, Aktien, Rohstoffen usw. besteht immer die Möglichkeit, Berufung einzulegen. Wenn also etwas nicht in Ordnung zu sein scheint, die Vermögenswerte nicht auffindbar sind oder es andere Streitigkeiten gibt, ist es jederzeit möglich, sich an die jeweilige Behörde zu wenden und Berufung einzulegen.Es ist jederzeit möglich, sich an eine offizielle Stelle oder ein Amt zu wenden und zu argumentieren, dass man einen Anspruch hat, um dann die Behörde dazu zu veranlassen, den Vermögenswert auf den eigenen Namen übertragen zu lassen.
Bei Bitcoin gibt es keine solche Behörde. Wenn eine/r der Begünstigten nicht über die privaten Schlüssel verfügt, die unmissverständlich Auskunft über den Besitz geben, stellt das für den/die Begünstigte/n ein großes Problem dar. Die korrekte Gestaltung der Eigentumsverteilung hat also einige schwerwiegende Konsequenzen. Ähnlich wie die Verantwortung und Rechenschaftspflicht, die mit dem Besitz von Bitcoin in Eigenverwahrung einhergeht (und dort eigentlich wirklich beginnt), fügt die Nachlassplanung dem Prozess des Todes und der anschließenden Übertragung von Vermögenswerten eine völlig neue Dimension hinzu.
Das Hauptproblem besteht also darin, wie der/die Eigentümer//in der bitcoins den vollständigen und einseitigen Zugriff behalten und gleichzeitig den Erben oder Begünstigten direkt oder einem Testamentsvollstrecker Zugriff gewähren kann, um das Vermögen an die Erben oder Begünstigten zu verteilen.
Der Kniff liegt darin, die volle Kontrolle zu behalten und gleichzeitig das Eigentum so zu gestalten, dass die Erben auch bei einem plötzlichen und unerwarteten Ereignis Zugriff haben, und das im besten Fall, ohne sich auf Dritte verlassen zu müssen, um dem Bitcoin Ethos gerecht zu werden. Dieses Ereignis muss nicht zwingend der Tod sein, es reicht schon, wenn man handlungsunfähig wird.
Denn oft wird vergessen, dass eine gute Nachlassregelung auch dann wichtig ist, wenn der Eigentümer nicht stirbt. Eine Person kann sich auch verletzen, sich den Kopf stoßen oder auf andere Weise die volle Kontrolle über ihre Fähigkeiten verlieren, was bedeutet, dass sie möglicherweise auch den Zugang (die Erinnerung) zu ihrem Vermögen, einschließlich ihrer bitcoins, verliert.
Bei Bitcoin gibt es keine einheitliche Lösung, sondern nur Kompromisse. Das gilt auch für so viele andere Dinge, wie zum Beispiel das Trilemma, bei dem Skalierbarkeit der Sicherheit und Dezentralisierung geopfert wird, oder die Selbstverwaltung, bei der Benutzerfreundlichkeit und Komfort in gewissem Maße der Sicherheit und Privatsphäre geopfert werden.
Deshalb sollte man sich der Wahl der persönlichen Lösung über die Kompromisse Gedanken machen, die es einem erlauben, den Kompromiss zu wählen, der einem am besten gefällt, am besten zur persönlichen Situation passt und mit dem man sich am sichersten fühlt. Ich habe oben z.B. "Nichts tun" aufgeführt; vielleicht hat der ein oder andere Bitcoiner keine Familie, keine Kinder und keine Personen, die ihm/ihr nahe stehen, oder vielleicht doch, aber sie sind es nicht wert mit dem ersparten, wertvollen Bitcoin bedacht zu werden. In diesem Fall, danke für die Spende an das Netzwerk.
Sich mit Lösungen vertraut zu machen, die Kontrolle und Verantwortung in den Vordergrund stellen und die Abhängigkeit von einem einzigen Gerät oder einem einzigen Schlüssel, sowie die Abhängigkeit von einer einzelnen Person ausschließen, da diese potenzielle Angriffsvektoren und einzelne Fehlerquellen darstellen, bedeutet, dass man für sich selbst ein Bewusstsein schafft, wie Selbstverwahrung und die daraus entstehenden Konsequenzen im Allgemeinen funktionieren. Nutzer//innen fühlen sich bei der Selbstverwahrung ihrer bitcoins immer wohler, sobald sie verstehen, dass der Verlust eines einzelnen Schlüssels nicht sofort den Verlust des Zugriffs auf das gesicherte Vermögen bedeutet - sofern das richtige Setup gewählt wurde. Es ist wirklich wichtig, dass der Anteil derjenigen, die Bitcoin in Selbstverwahrung halten, vergrößert wird, denn es ist wichtig, dass jeder einzelne bitcoin – der nicht aktiv gehandelt wird – von den Börsen entfernt wird, und gleichzeitig Nutzer//innen mit der Materie der Selbstverwahrung vertraut werden.
Denn wie auf der Grafik zu sehen ist, liegen schätzungsweise immer noch über 2,3 Millionen bitcoins auf Börsen. Bei einer Menge von 19,4 Millionen Bitcoin im Umlauf, reduziert um die Anzahl verlorener bitcoins und Satoshis bitcoins (19,4 - 3 - 1,1 = 15,3), ist es mit 15% aller existierenden bitcoins ein immer noch zu hoher Prozentsatz. Erschwerend kommt hinzu, dass von den 2,3 Millionen bitcoins auf Börsen sich der Großteil auf Binance und Coinbase befindet, also die beiden Namen, die gerade im Kreuzfeuer der SEC stehen. Zum Glück gibt es einen Trend zum Rückgang des Anteils von auf Börsen gehaltenen bitcoins, gemessen an der Umlaufmenge, da Bitcoin dank persönlicher Verwahrungslösungen, welche im Laufe der Zeit immer gängiger und robuster werden, immer mehr auf seine eigentlichen Nutzer verteilt wird.
Das Abheben von Bitcoin von den Börsen hat nicht nur den zusätzlichen Vorteil, dass die Bitcoin-Bestände sicherer sind und die Nutzer//innen mehr Vertrauen haben, dass ihre Ersparnisse tatsächlich vorhanden sind und nicht weiter verpfändet wurden. Sondern ohne Bitcoin auf den Börsen und daher ohne Papier-Bitcoin ist auch eine echte Preisfindung wieder möglich, welche heute von den Börsen verzerrt wird.
Zurück zur Nachlassplanung: Letztendlich ist es am wichtigsten, dafür zu sorgen, dass die gewählte Methode dafür sorgt, dass die Schlüssel und die dazugehörigen bitcoins sicher und zuverlässig zu den Erben oder Begünstigten gelangen, ohne dabei zu viele Kompromisse einzugehen oder zu viele Angriffsvektoren zu schaffen.
Es gibt sogar komplizierte Modelle, in denen z.B. ein Trust gegründet (abhängig von der Gerichtsbarkeit, in der man sich befindet), bei der der Eigentümer einen gesetzlichen Auftrag erteilt, dass die Begünstigten oder Erben als Teil des Trusts ein Einkommen in Höhe eines bestimmten Prozentsatzes beziehen können. Dieses Verfahren könnte von den jeweiligen Gerichtsbarkeiten rechtlich angefochten werden, aber wenn das Setup kryptografisch eingerichtet und ausgeführt wird, ohne das eine Partei Einfluss auf diese Ausführung nehmen kann, kann man von Rechts wegen nichts dagegen tun, da kein Testamentsvollstrecker oder keine andere Partei gezwungen werden kann, den Auszahlungsmechanismus zu ändern, da dies mechanisch unmöglich ist. Denn wie wir wissen, übertrifft die Kryptographie jegliche rechtliche Ansprüche. Dies ist eine einzigartige Funktion von Bitcoin, die kein anderer Vermögenswert auf der Welt besitzt. Es ist ein sehr wirksames Instrument, um Eigentum und Besitz langfristig zu sichern und sicherzustellen, dass Eigentum innerhalb des Personenkreises (Freunde, Familie, Bekannte, Geschäftspartner) bleibt, bei dem es bleiben soll.
Über diese einzigartige Eigenschaft von Bitcoin wird in der Regel nicht viel gesprochen. Man könnte sogar argumentieren, dass der Tausch von anderem Eigentum in Bitcoin vor der Übergabe an Erben oder Begünstigte eine strategisch sinnvolle Option ist, um die korrekte Ausführung seines Testaments zu kontrollieren – auch aus dem Grab heraus.
Die Nachlassplanung bei Bitcoin ist die letzte Stufe der Evolution. Der erste Schritt besteht darin, sich über Bitcoin zu informieren und genug darüber zu verstehen, um Interesse an der Materie zu wecken. Dieser erste Schritt ist ein fortlaufender Prozess, der jeden Bitcoiner auf seiner Reise begleiten wird, da es unmöglich ist, jeden Aspekt und jede Interpretation des Themas vollständig zu verstehen. Man hört nie auf zu lernen. Der Honigdachsbau ist unendlich tief.
Dieser erste Schritt muss genug Interesse an Bitcoin und den umliegenden Themenfeldern wecken, dass man den zweiten Schritt geht: Bitcoin zu erwerben. Im diesem Sinne spielt es zunächst keine Rolle, wie man in den Besitz von Bitcoin gelangt, ob man Bitcoin kauft, durch Mining produziert, "findet" oder auf andere Weise erhält. Wichtig ist, dass man in den Besitz von Bitcoin gelangt und es nun aufbewahren muss.
Denn das ist Schritt drei, die sichere und solide Aufbewahrung der Bitcoin-Vermögenswerte in einer selbstverwalteten und selbstverwahrenden Art und Weise. Dazu gehören auch Setups, an denen bis zu einem gewissen Grad Dritte, wie z.B. andere bekannte Personen oder Verwahrungsdienste beteiligt sein können. Wichtig ist, dass die Schlüssel jederzeit vollständig zugänglich und damit Transaktionen vollständig ausführbar sind. Aus diesem Grund ist jede Speicheroption ausgeschlossen, bei der die Schlüssel ausschließlich von Dritten gehalten werden, wie z.B. von Börsen, Brokern oder anderen Verleih- oder Speicherplattformen – not your keys, not your Bitcoin!
Der letzte Schritt in diesem persönlichen Entwicklungsprozess ist die Zukunftssicherheit dieser Vermögenswerte. Da die bitcoins nun sicher aufbewahrt sind, muss sichergestellt werden, dass es einen Weg zur Wiederherstellung oder Vererbung gibt, falls etwas passiert. Dies ist einfach der logische Evolutionsprozess, den jeder durchlaufen muss, der Bitcoin langfristig besitzen möchte.
Besonders in einer Zeit, in der die SEC zwei der größten kRyPto-Börsen der Welt auf den Leib rückt, muss man sich der Realität bewusst werden, dass Dritte, selbst wenn sie scheinbar groß und etabliert sind, nicht für immer existieren werden. Bitcoiner fordern schon seit langem alle und jede/n dazu auf, ihre bitcoins von den Börsen zu nehmen. Jeder, der dachte, dass es eine gute Idee sei, Bitcoin kurzfristig an Börsen zu halten, wurde bereits mehrfach an diesen Trugschluss erinnert - Mt. Gox, Bitfinex und FTX - um nur die großen zu nennen. Wer denkt, dass es eine gute Idee sei, bitcoins auf Börsen zu lagern, um schließlich nur ein Stück Papier mit den Zugangsdaten an die Erben weiterzugeben, der begeht einen schrecklichen Fehler. Die bisherigen Ausführungen sollten dies klar gemacht haben.
Ich habe absichtlich keine Vorschläge gemacht, wie ein sicheres Setup aussehen soll. Wie schon gesagt, gibt es keine eine richtige Lösung - nur Kompromisse. Der persönliche Kompromiss hängt von zu vielen Faktoren ab, so dass man eine einheitliche Lösung anbieten kann. Man sollte sich jedoch die folgenden Punkte merken:
- Früh genug mit der Planung beginnen - hinter jeder Ecke lauert ein Bär!
- Das Einschließen von Dritten in die Nachlassplanung sollte mit Bedacht gewählt und gründlich überlegt sein.
- Das gewählte Setup sollte mindestens einmal getestet werden, bevor der schlimmste Fall eintritt.
- Es ist immer ratsam, die mit dem Nachlass bedachten Personen aufzuklären, dass im schlimmsten Fall etwas auf sie zukommt.
In diesem Sinne, 2... 1... Risiko!
@ 2063cd79:57bd1320
2025-01-09 08:47:37
Singularität ist ein heißes Thema, da sie ein potenziell transformatives und disruptives Ereignis in verschiedenen Bereichen darstellt, darunter Technologie, künstliche Intelligenz und die Gesellschaft als Ganzes. Singularität stellt einen Punkt unbekannter und potenziell schneller Veränderung dar. Die Ungewissheit darüber, wie sich Technologien weiterentwickeln, welche Auswirkungen sie haben und welche möglichen Konsequenzen sie mit sich bringen, weckt Neugier, Spekulationen und Diskussionen.
Oft wird diskutiert, wie die Zukunft unseres Geldsystems aussehen könnte. Dem Euro wird keine rosige Zukunft zugesprochen, dem Dollar hingegen mittelfristig schon. Doch entwickelt sich unsere Gesellschaft und damit ihre Ansprüche und Bedürfnisse weiter. Die Entwicklung der letzten Jahrzehnte hat im Vergleich zu den Jahrhunderten davor und den Jahrtausenden davor extrem zugenommen.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/d60265ab6f82476481a46f6247f94eed2d66f65d70354b583ce079983e7e24a9.png">
Alleine das letzte Jahrhundert hat drei industrielle Revolutionen hervorgebracht: die Dampfmaschine, das Zeitalter der Wissenschaft und Massenproduktion und der Aufstieg der digitalen Technologie. Mit den digitalen Technologien kam zum ersten Mal auch das Bedürfnis nach einem Geld für den digitalen Raum, bzw. für den digital vernetzten Raum auf, in dem wir uns heutzutage bewegen. Das [Geld in seiner jetzigen Form](https://www.genexyz.org/post/11-block-752065-fractional-reserve-banking-wird-durch-bitcoin-obsolet-bdpznh/) existiert seit dem 17ten Jahrhundert und obwohl es sich nach außen hin in seiner Form und Funktion wenig verändert hat, ist eine technologische Entwicklung auch hier nicht zu leugnen. Denn Geld ist nicht gleich Geld. Das Bargeld (Papier- und Münzgeld), das wir in unserem täglichen Leben verwenden, unterscheidet sich ganz deutlich von Buchgeld (Giralgeld) und Warengeld.
Wir sehen also, dass es verschiedene Arten von Geld gibt. Und um die Sache zu erschweren, gibt es jede dieser Formen von Geld auch noch in über 160 Währungen, die von den jeweiligen Zentralbanken gesteuert und gelenkt werden. Wenn wir also sagen, dass z.B. die türkische Lira keine Zukunft hat, dann meinen wir nicht nur, dass die Geldscheine mit dem Lira-Aufdruck bald verschwinden, sondern dass das ganze Finanzsystem, dass hinter der türkischen Lira steckt systemische Probleme aufweist, die es nicht mehr auffangen kann.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/856bd471d59b447186f2ff6fb2917235567add5019df8dda48077cd8f606478d.png">
Dabei ist es dem Grunde nach eigentlich ganz natürlich und ganz normal, dass Währungen mit der Zeit verschwinden oder schlicht durch andere Währungen ersetzt werden. Denn Menschen tendieren von Natur aus dazu, ein gemeinsames Geld innerhalb einer definierten Region auf einem freien Markt zu verwenden, weil es uns die größte Wahlfreiheit bei der größten Anzahl von Handelspartnern und der höchsten Liquidität bietet.
Europa ist das beste Beispiel für diese Annahme. Um den Handel zu vereinfachen und Wertschöpfungsketten (yes, endlich mein Lieblings-Unwort eingebaut) zu steigern, haben sich 19 Länder dazu entschlossen, ihre Währung zugunsten des Euros aufzugeben. Dieses Phänomen der Bewegung hin zu einem gemeinsamen Geld ist nicht nur in der Ökonomie bekannt. Denn dieses Phänomen kann immer und insbesondere dann beobachtet werden, wenn die Konvergenz hin zu einem gemeinsamen Standard den Nutzer//innen den größten Nutzen bietet und Netzwerkeffekte fördert. Dieses Phänomen hat auch einen (inoffiziellen) Namen und zwar: monetäre Singularität - abgewandelt von der hypothetischen zukünftigen technologischen Singularität.
Obwohl „Monetäre Singularität“ im Wirtschafts- oder Finanzbereich keinen allgemein anerkannten Begriff darstellt, lässt sich durch seine Bestandteile ableiten, worauf sich der Name bezieht. "Monetär“ bezieht sich auf alles, was mit Geld oder Währung zu tun hat, während sich „Singularität“ häufig auf einen Punkt erheblicher Veränderung oder ein Ereignis bezieht, bei dem bestehende Regeln oder Normen nicht mehr gelten. Daraus lässt sich ableiten, dass sich „monetäre Singularität“ - also ein Kunstbegriff abgeleitet aus der Naturwissenschaft - auf ein hypothetisches Szenario bezieht, in dem es zu einer radikalen Veränderung der Funktionsweise des Geldes oder des Währungssystems kommt.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/57af52ceef2abdb2e8b66cfb15e272802895fb7c6520ac1927d0206a13dd4e48.gif">
Mit Hinblick auf das aktuelle Finanzsystem hat Brent Johnson diesem Phänomen den viel eingängigen Namen "Dollar Milkshake Theory" verpasst. In dieser Theorie geht es darum, dass der US Dollar weiter an Stärke gewinnt und den Devisenmärkten auf der ganzen Welt Liquidität entzieht. Woher der Name? Man stelle sich vor, man hat einen Milchshake und sitzt an einem Tisch auf der anderen Seite des Raumes. Man stelle sich auch vor, jemand anderes hat einen wirklich langen Strohhalm. So kann der/diejenige seinen/ihren Strohhalm in den eigenen Milchshake stecken und ihn trinken, auch wenn man am anderen Ende des Raums sitzt. Der eigene Milchshake ist in diesem Fall eine Fremdwährung, der/diejenige, der/die trinkt, ist natürlich der US Dollar selbst. Das führt zu einer Konzentration aller Geschäfte in US Dollar.
Schaut man über den Tellerrand der heutigen Zentralbankgelder hinaus, ergeben sich einige weitere interessante Einordnungsversuche für die Singularität des Geldes, die die oben angesprochenen Bedürfnisse des digitalen Zeitalters in Betracht ziehen. Denn die Idee, dass Fortschritte in der Technologie, insbesondere im Bereich digitaler Währungen und Finanzsysteme, zu einer erheblichen Veränderung der Funktionsweise des Geldes führen könnten, klingt dann gar nicht mehr so abwegig. Es deutet darauf hin, dass zukünftige Entwicklungen, wie eine breite Adaption von Bitcoin, zu einer grundlegenden Veränderung in der Art und Weise führen könnten, wie Geld geschaffen, gespeichert, gehandelt und verwaltet wird.
Aus gesellschaftlicher Sicht besitzt Geld als soziales und kulturelles Konstrukt eine transformative Kraft, die menschliche Beziehungen, Werte und Verhaltensweisen umgestalten kann. Eine Singularität des Geldes würde in diesem Zusammenhang tiefgreifende und beispiellose Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft haben, die sich aus der veränderten Rolle des Geldes ergeben würden.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/3074ce4a3242c2b4e2754af10774ec1a3082a59d69ab8df3a752ab9e7a33d992.gif">
Aus gesellschaftlicher Sicht ist ein Streben nach technologischer Konvergenz hin ganz natürlich und passiert fast automatisch, solange es einen größten gemeinsamen Nutzen bietet und Netzwerkeffekte fördert. Das beste Beispiel dafür sind Sprachen. Es ist schwierig, genaue Zahlen zu nennen, aber Linguisten schätzen, dass es in der Geschichte der Menschheit etwa 31.000 Sprachen gab. Schätzungen zufolge werden heutzutage weltweit zwischen 6.000 und 7.000 Sprachen gesprochen. Forscher und Analysten prognostizieren, dass im frühen 22. Jahrhundert nur noch 600 bis 700 Sprachen im täglichen Gebrauch verbreitet sein werden. Sprache ist eine Technologie, sie wurde erfunden, verbessert, verändert, den Gegebenheiten angepasst und oft verschmolzen. Deshalb ist es kein Wunder, dass die Anzahl der gesprochenen Sprachen abnimmt. Denn Unterschiede erzeugen Reibung und Reibung ist ineffizient. Sowohl für das gesellschaftliche Miteinander als auch für den Handel und die Wirtschaft.
Gemeinsame Sprache hat viele Vorteile in einer globalisierten Welt, denn sie vereinfacht die Kommunikation und den Austausch zwischen Handelspartnern, politischen Einrichtungen und eröffnet auch viele neue Möglichkeiten in der Bildung. Wer z.B. Englisch spricht, hat einen viel größeren Pool an Literatur und Nachschlagewerken zur Verfügung, als jemand der/die "nur" eine lokale Sprache spricht. Das kann und wird dazu führen, dass menschliche Sprachen im Laufe der Zeit erhebliche Veränderungen, Anpassungen und manchmal sogar das Aussterben erfahren.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/d8f4cdeb59d08317968a98b5b2a67723015dbe41e5ffe5a6b6a45cbbee462a47.png">
Gerade im Bereich der Programmiersprachen ist zu erwarten, dass zukünftige Entwicklungen in der künstlichen Intelligenz und im maschinellen Lernen einen tiefgreifenden Wandel in der Art und Weise bewirken, wie Sprachen verstanden, übersetzt und kommuniziert werden könnten.
Wie oben erwähnt, tendieren Menschen dazu, gemeinsame Technologien innerhalb definierter Regionen zu verwenden. Das war besonders in der Vergangenheit der Fall, als definierte Regionen übersichtlich waren. Mit der Globalisierung wurden diese lokalen Rahmen gesprengt, mit der Digitalisierung atomisiert!
Diese (künstlich) definierten Regionen werden immer weiter aufgebrochen. Im Falle von Sprachen vermischen sich Kulturen und ethnische Gruppen immer mehr und bringen dadurch auch eine Vermischung von Sprachen mit sich. Das Internet hat zu einer Atomisierung dieser Regionen geführt. Das kann man z.B. an der heutigen Sprache im deutschsprachigen Raum erkennen, wo das sogenannte Denglisch immer weiter Einzug erhält und einige Berufsgruppen hauptsächlich auf Englisch kommunizieren (man denke an den Flugverkehr, Hochseeschifffahrt, aber auch Bereiche des Finanzsektors, der Medien und der Beratungen).
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Ein Beispiel von künstlich erzeugten Rahmen und mit durch äußerer Gewalt erzeugter Singularität kann in der Debatte um Antriebstechnologien in der EU beobachtet werden. Hier wird mit Hilfe von Gesetzen eine Technologie zum One-Size-Fits-All-Standard erhoben. Der Elektroantrieb bei Automobilen hat sicherlich seinen Platz, jedoch heißt es nicht, dass es verschiedene Anwendungsbereiche gibt, in denen Elektromobilität mehr oder weniger sinnvoll ist. Kleine Elektrofahrzeuge für den Innenstadtverkehr haben viele Vorteile gegenüber Abgase produzierenden Antrieben, die direkten Einfluss auf die Gesundheit der Menschen haben. Allerdings bedeutet dies nicht, dass Elektroantriebe auch für den Langstreckenverkehr sinnvoll sind, wenn die Alternative Wasserstoff- oder schadstoffarme Verbrennungsantriebe sind, die zum einen kostengünstiger, und zum anderen nachhaltiger sein können. Eine Gesetzgebung, die pauschal eine Technologie über seine Wettbewerbstechnologien stellt, führt zu einer künstlich hervorgerufenen Singularität, die aber nicht die oben genannten Kriterien der Nutzenmaximierung und der Netzwerkeffekte erfüllt.
Geld hat in seiner Geschichte eine ähnliche Entwicklung erfahren. Das ist eine ganz natürliche Entwicklung, da Geld einen Schutz vor Spezialisierung bietet. Denn die Spezialisierung auf einen bestimmten Produktions- / Dienstleistungsbereich ist erstmal positiv und führt zu einer Steigerung von Produktion und Wohlstand, allerdings ist diese auch riskant, da nicht alle Menschen das erzeugte Gut im Austausch oder im Handel akzeptieren werden. Wenn das erzeugte Gut in neutrales Geld getauscht werden kann, bietet das dem Produzenten einen gewissen Schutz.
Wenn ein Produzent sich nicht sicher sein kann, was er/sie in Zukunft mit seinen erwirtschafteten Überhängen erwerben oder investieren möchte, ist das Gut, das am besten zum Sparen dieser Profite geeignet ist, dasjenige, das über die besten Geldeigenschaften verfügt. In einem regional eingeschränkten Rahmen mag dies eine lokale Währung sein, doch in einer Welt, in der internationaler Handel und Austausch betrieben wird, erlangt das Geld mit der höchsten Neutralität oder der weitverbreitetsten Akzeptanz automatisch die besten Geldeigenschaften.
> Wenn man z.B. den südafrikanischen Rand mit US Dollars vergleicht, wird man sehen, dass der USD eine viel höhere Akzeptanz genießt, als der ZAR. Man wird wahrscheinlich selbst in asiatischen Ländern im Notfall mit USD bezahlen können, einfach weil die Handelspartner dort wissen, dass es für sie einfach ist, USD in ihre lokale Währung umzutauschen. Mit Rand wird man Probleme bekommen, da diese als Tauschobjekt von Handelspartnern keine Zustimmung genießen.
Wenn es in der Gesellschaft mehr als ein Geld gibt, gibt es immer einen gewissen Risikokompromiss das eine oder das Zahlungsmittel zu akzeptieren. Dies führt zu einem Anreiz, das beste Geld zu wählen - sofern diese Wahl überhaupt besteht - und damit zu einem natürlichen Druck nach einem gemeinsamen Geld, das diese Risikoabwägung eliminiert.
Dieser natürliche Druck nach einem gemeinsamen Geld sorgt für Wohlstand in der Gesellschaft. Doch ist die Realität eben auch, dass Staaten oder Regierungen genau hier eingreifen und den Menschen das eigene Geld auferlegen und diesem eben auch einen Wert zuweisen. Dies erlaubt den kontrollierenden Akteuren, den erzeugten Wohlstand abzusaugen (Steuern, Fiskal- und Geldpolitik), denn diesen können sie entweder für sich behalten oder verteilen ihn ungleichmäßig um.
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Dieses Eingreifen in den marktwirtschaftlichen Prozess der Geldevolution kann nur ein Geld verhindern, das außerhalb dieser künstlich von außen geschaffenen Rahmen existiert. Ein Geld, das weder von Institutionen oder Regierungen geschaffen und in Umlauf gebracht wird. Ein Zahlungsmittel mit nahezu perfekten neutralen Geldeigenschaften (teilbar, austauschbar, einfach transportierbar, haltbar, prüfbar, knapp, universell akzeptiert und leicht sicherungsfähig, sowie erlaubnis- und vertrauenslos) ermöglicht den oben beschriebenen Druck nach einem gemeinsamen Geld und befeuert den damit einhergehenden Wohlstand in der Gesellschaft.
Wäre es nicht schön, wenn so ein Zahlungsmittel mit nahezu perfekten Geldeigenschaften vor knapp 14 Jahren entdeckt worden wäre? Der einzige Weg, den natürlichen Entwicklungsprozess hin zu einem singulären Geldstandard zu stoppen, ist durch Verbote und Regulierungen seitens der herrschenden Obrigkeiten - siehe Verbrennungsmotor. Doch ist es viel leichter ein Abgase emittierendes Auto von der Straße zu ziehen und stillzulegen, als einem/r mündigen Bürger//in zu verbieten sein/ihr Erspartes in einer harten Geldform zu lagern und mit anderen Nutzer//innen frei zu handeln.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/e54ffbe21cc8ddffcf98c71a8ad3aa6ae3189adc5e5488e552dbd2cb259855b0.png">
In diesem Sinne, 2... 1... Risiko!
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-09 03:24:12
**Table Of Content**
- ZeroSync's Vision for Bitcoin
- The Privacy Advantage
- ZeroSync's Journey and Support
- Bitcoin's Resistance to Change
- The Future: Bitcoin Simplicity
- Conclusion
A Swiss non-profit, ZeroSync, is at the forefront of a groundbreaking initiative, working on the world's first zero-knowledge light client for Bitcoin. This significant advancement is aimed at integrating zero-knowledge proofs into the most valuable cryptocurrency network.
**ZeroSync's Vision for Bitcoin**
ZeroSync's verifier for Bitcoin's block headers paves the way for the creation of a zk proof-based light client. This is a monumental step in their vision of permissionless innovation, as explained by project lead Robin Linus. The immediate application of such a light client could be to operate a Bitcoin full node on devices as compact as mobile phones. Furthermore, ZeroSync envisions a second-layer protocol over Bitcoin that can introduce tokens, like stablecoins, to the Bitcoin network. This would also lead to a substantial increase in throughput, up to 20 to 50 times, without necessitating any forks.
**The Privacy Advantage**
One of the standout features of this solution is its ability to process around 100 transactions on the base layer. Additionally, it offers unparalleled privacy. Transactions can be encrypted, both in terms of amounts and transaction graphs, providing privacy levels on par with cryptocurrencies like Zcash. Interestingly, this privacy feature is a natural outcome of the protocol's utilization of STARKs, a proving system developed by StarkWare, rather than an intentional design element.
**ZeroSync's Journey and Support**
ZeroSync's endeavors have garnered support in the form of grants from Geometry Research in 2022 and StarkWare more recently. Their pioneering work marks the first attempt to employ StarkWare's Cairo programming language outside the Ethereum ecosystem. While a soft fork would be essential for the trustless bitcoin bridging on the envisioned layer-2 network, the network can still support features like token transfers where transaction fees are paid in stablecoins, eliminating the need for Bitcoin.
**Bitcoin's Resistance to Change**
Bitcoin's design inherently resists change, demanding consensus from Core developers and almost unanimous agreement from full node operators, including miners. The last soft fork, Taproot, which took place in 2021, was years in the making and was only activated after over 90% of node operators gave their approval. Linus emphasizes the importance of some changes, especially the integration of a zk proof verifier on Bitcoin. ZeroSync aims to play a pivotal role in determining the most viable approach and actively participates in the community to drive this vision forward.
**The Future: Bitcoin Simplicity**
Zero-knowledge proof technology is still nascent, with various proof systems available, each with its own set of trade-offs. Reaching a consensus on a single system is challenging. However, Linus anticipates that the Simplicity programming language, introduced by Blockstream about half a decade ago, might offer a solution. Described as "Bitcoin's last soft fork," Simplicity could significantly enhance Bitcoin's scripting capabilities. The adoption of Simplicity would provide zk proof teams with the flexibility to choose their preferred proof system, eliminating debates over which verifier to activate.
The advancements spearheaded by ZeroSync have the potential to usher in a new era for the Bitcoin network. By integrating zero-knowledge proofs, Bitcoin can achieve heightened levels of privacy and security, ensuring that transaction details remain confidential while still being verifiable. This not only enhances user trust but also positions Bitcoin as a more versatile and adaptable cryptocurrency. Furthermore, the potential adoption of the Simplicity programming language could be a game-changer. It promises to amplify Bitcoin's scripting capabilities, paving the way for more sophisticated applications and functionalities on the network.
**What is ZeroSync?**
ZeroSync is a Swiss non-profit working on the world's first zero-knowledge light client for Bitcoin.
**What are zero-knowledge proofs?**
Zero-knowledge proofs are cryptographic methods that allow one party to prove to another that a statement is true without revealing any specific information about the statement itself.
**How can ZeroSync benefit Bitcoin?**
ZeroSync aims to introduce a zk proof-based light client, enabling operations like running a Bitcoin full node on mobile devices and increasing transaction throughput without requiring forks.
**What is the significance of STARKs in ZeroSync's protocol?**
STARKs, developed by StarkWare, are used in ZeroSync's protocol, providing enhanced transaction privacy as a natural outcome.
**What is the Simplicity programming language?**
Introduced by Blockstream, Simplicity is a smart contract language that could significantly enhance Bitcoin's scripting capabilities, potentially being the last soft fork for Bitcoin.
**That's all for today**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ f33c8a96:5ec6f741
2025-01-08 23:05:33
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# Setting Up Your Code Editor
## Introduction
In this lesson, we'll set up the most fundamental tool in your development journey: your code editor. This is where you'll spend most of your time writing, testing, and debugging code, so it's crucial to get comfortable with it from the start.
## What is an IDE?
### Definition
An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities for software development. Think of it as your complete workshop for writing code.
### Key Components
1. **Code Editor**
- Where you write and edit code
- Provides syntax highlighting
- Helps with code formatting
- Makes code easier to read and write
2. **Compiler/Interpreter**
- Runs your code
- Translates your code into executable instructions
- Helps test your applications
3. **Debugging Tools**
- Help find and fix errors
- Provide error messages and suggestions
- Make problem-solving easier
## Setting Up Visual Studio Code
### Why VS Code?
- Free and open-source
- Lightweight yet powerful
- Excellent community support
- Popular among developers
- Great for beginners and experts alike
### Installation Steps
1. Visit [code.visualstudio.com](https://code.visualstudio.com)
2. Download the version for your operating system
3. Run the installer
4. Follow the installation prompts
### Essential VS Code Features
#### 1. Interface Navigation
- **File Explorer** (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + E)
- Browse and manage your files
- Create new files and folders
- Navigate your project structure
- **Search** (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + F)
- Find text across all files
- Replace text globally
- Search with regular expressions
- **Source Control** (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + G)
- Track changes in your code
- Commit and manage versions
- Integrate with Git
#### 2. Terminal Integration
To open the integrated terminal:
- Use ``` Ctrl + ` ``` (backtick)
- Or View → Terminal from the menu
- Basic terminal commands:
ls # List files (dir on Windows)
cd # Change directory
clear # Clear terminal
code . # Open VS Code in current directory
#### 3. Essential Extensions
Install these extensions to enhance your development experience:
1. **ESLint**
- Helps find and fix code problems
- Enforces coding standards
- Improves code quality
2. **Prettier**
- Automatically formats your code
- Maintains consistent style
- Saves time on formatting
3. **Live Server**
- Runs your web pages locally
- Auto-refreshes on save
- Great for web development
### Important Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl/Cmd + S # Save file
Ctrl/Cmd + C # Copy
Ctrl/Cmd + V # Paste
Ctrl/Cmd + Z # Undo
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P # Command palette
Ctrl/Cmd + P # Quick file open
## Writing Your First Code
Let's create and run a simple HTML file:
1. Create a new file (`index.html`)
2. Add basic HTML content:
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
3. Save the file (Ctrl/Cmd + S)
4. Open in browser or use Live Server
## Best Practices
### 1. File Organization
- Keep related files together
- Use clear, descriptive names
- Create separate folders for different projects
### 2. Regular Saving
- Save frequently (Ctrl/Cmd + S)
- Watch for the unsaved dot indicator
- Enable auto-save if preferred
### 3. Terminal Usage
- Get comfortable with basic commands
- Use the integrated terminal
- Practice navigation and file operations
## Troubleshooting Common Issues
### 1. Installation Problems
- Ensure you have admin rights
- Check system requirements
- Use official download sources
### 2. Extension Issues
- Keep extensions updated
- Disable conflicting extensions
- Restart VS Code after installation
### 3. Performance
- Don't install too many extensions
- Regular restart of VS Code
- Keep your system updated
## Next Steps
1. **Practice Navigation**
- Create and manage files
- Use the integrated terminal
- Try keyboard shortcuts
2. **Customize Your Editor**
- Explore themes
- Adjust font size
- Configure auto-save
3. **Prepare for Next Lesson**
- Keep VS Code open
- Get comfortable with the interface
- Practice basic operations
## Additional Resources
- [VS Code Documentation](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs)
- [Keyboard Shortcuts Reference](https://code.visualstudio.com/shortcuts/keyboard-shortcuts-windows.pdf)
- [VS Code Tips and Tricks](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/tips-and-tricks)
Remember: Your code editor is your primary tool as a developer. Take time to get comfortable with it, and don't worry about mastering everything at once. Focus on the basics we covered in the video, and you'll naturally learn more features as you need them.
Happy coding! 🚀
@ 2fb77d26:c47a6ee1
2025-01-08 19:47:47
#### Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
wenn wir an Schlachtfelder denken, sehen wir vor unserem inneren Auge düstere Bilder von verkohlten Wracks, von Einschlagkratern, schreienden Verwundeten, Leichen und dichten Rauchschwaden, die am Horizont über verbrannter Erde wabern.
Vergleichbare Assoziationen drängen sich auf, versucht man in Bilder zu fassen, in was für einer Gesellschaft wir mittlerweile leben. Intellektuelle Wracks, mediales Flächenbombardement, stumme Schreie von Pharmaopfern und hungernden Kindern, weggescrollt von Smartphone-Zombies, deren letzter Hauch Empathie am Rande ihres dissoziativen Wahrnehmungshorizontes verblasst. Zivilisatorische Transformation als Kriegsfilm.
Früher verliefen die Frontlinien von Klassenkampf und Propagandakrieg durch die Auslagen der Zeitungskioske, durch Rundfunkredaktionen und über die nach Sendeschluss flimmernden Bildschirme der Mattscheibe. Heute durch den Kopf.
Sprichwörtlich. Denn die »Vierte Industrielle Revolution« begegnet zunehmendem Desinteresse an Erziehungsfunk und aufkeimender Renitenz mit Dopamin-Shots, Implantaten und Nanotechnologie. Das erklärte Ziel der Herrschaftskaste ist nicht mehr die Manipulation, sondern die Fernsteuerung der Steuersklaven. Das »Hive Mind«.
Sendeschluss gibt es nicht mehr. Und der Newsfeed ist unerschöpflich, ist Manifestation dessen, was Aufmerksamkeitsökonomie für uns bedeutet: Den Verlust wertvoller Lebenszeit an neonbunte Sinnlosigkeit. Das Smartphone dient nicht der Evolution, sondern der Degeneration der Spezies Mensch. Es ist kein Werkzeug, sondern eine Waffe. Aber das Handy lässt sich — wie das TV-Gerät — abschalten. Oder abschaffen. Das birgt Risiken — denn nur Lufthoheit über dem Debattenraum garantiert dem postmodernen Feudalismus Machterhalt. Dementsprechend setzen seine Vertreter nun alles daran, invasive Technologien ins Feld zu führen, um sich unserer Gedanken bemächtigen zu können.
Der Kriegsfilm spielt sich also nicht mehr nur als dunkles Phantasma vor unserem inneren Auge ab, er handelt nicht von irgendeinem fernen Land — das zu erobernde Terrain, das primäre Schlachtfeld der biodigitalen Konvergenz liegt unmittelbar hinter dem Sehnerv. Kriegsziel: Die Verschmelzung von Mensch und Maschine. Transhumanismus. Und bei so manchem Zeitgenossen scheint bereits eine gewisse Konträrfaszination am eigenen Untergang Einzug zu halten. Die Résistance des Mediazän verteidigt demnach nicht nur das Recht auf Meinungsfreiheit, sie kämpft um den Erhalt des freien Willens. Um Menschlichkeit. Um das Fortbestehen unserer Spezies. 
Vor diesem Hintergrund beschäftigt sich die dritte GEGENDRUCK mit dem »Schlachtfeld Gehirn«. Mit dem zerebralen Status quo. Die Autoren analysieren und dokumentieren den Stand von Forschung, Angriffswellen, Waffenarsenal und Verteidigungsmechanismen. Denn unser Leben ist das Produkt unserer Gedanken. Unserer Erinnerungen. Sie sind die Basis unserer Freiheit, unserer Geschichte und Zukunft. Wir müssen sie schützen. Mit allen Mitteln.
Denn »*ein Kopf ohne Gedächtnis ist eine Festung ohne Besatzung*« (Napoleon).
Im Namen des gesamten Teams,
Tom-Oliver Regenauer
**Printausgabe bestellen unter: www\.gegendruck.de**
@ 23b0e2f8:d8af76fc
2025-01-08 18:17:52
## **Necessário**
- Um Android que você não use mais (a câmera deve estar funcionando).
- Um cartão microSD (opcional, usado apenas uma vez).
- Um dispositivo para acompanhar seus fundos (provavelmente você já tem um).
## **Algumas coisas que você precisa saber**
- O dispositivo servirá como um assinador. Qualquer movimentação só será efetuada após ser assinada por ele.
- O cartão microSD será usado para transferir o APK do Electrum e garantir que o aparelho não terá contato com outras fontes de dados externas após sua formatação. Contudo, é possível usar um cabo USB para o mesmo propósito.
- A ideia é deixar sua chave privada em um dispositivo offline, que ficará desligado em 99% do tempo. Você poderá acompanhar seus fundos em outro dispositivo conectado à internet, como seu celular ou computador pessoal.
## **O tutorial será dividido em dois módulos:**
- Módulo 1 - Criando uma carteira fria/assinador.
- Módulo 2 - Configurando um dispositivo para visualizar seus fundos e assinando transações com o assinador.
## **No final, teremos:**
- Uma carteira fria que também servirá como assinador.
- Um dispositivo para acompanhar os fundos da carteira.
![Conteúdo final](https://i.imgur.com/7ktryvP.png)
## **Módulo 1 - Criando uma carteira fria/assinador**
1. Baixe o APK do Electrum na aba de **downloads** em <https://electrum.org/>. Fique à vontade para [verificar as assinaturas](https://electrum.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gpg-check.html) do software, garantindo sua autenticidade.
2. Formate o cartão microSD e coloque o APK do Electrum nele. Caso não tenha um cartão microSD, pule este passo.
3. Retire os chips e acessórios do aparelho que será usado como assinador, formate-o e aguarde a inicialização.
4. Durante a inicialização, pule a etapa de conexão ao Wi-Fi e rejeite todas as solicitações de conexão. Após isso, você pode desinstalar aplicativos desnecessários, pois precisará apenas do Electrum. Certifique-se de que Wi-Fi, Bluetooth e dados móveis estejam desligados. Você também pode ativar o **modo avião**.\
*(Curiosidade: algumas pessoas optam por abrir o aparelho e danificar a antena do Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, impossibilitando essas funcionalidades.)*
![Modo avião](https://i.imgur.com/mQw0atg.png)
5. Insira o cartão microSD com o APK do Electrum no dispositivo e instale-o. Será necessário permitir instalações de fontes não oficiais.
6. No Electrum, crie uma carteira padrão e gere suas palavras-chave (seed). Anote-as em um local seguro. Caso algo aconteça com seu assinador, essas palavras permitirão o acesso aos seus fundos novamente. *(Aqui entra seu método pessoal de backup.)*
## **Módulo 2 - Configurando um dispositivo para visualizar seus fundos e assinando transações com o assinador.**
1. Criar uma carteira **somente leitura** em outro dispositivo, como seu celular ou computador pessoal, é uma etapa bastante simples. Para este tutorial, usaremos outro smartphone Android com Electrum. Instale o Electrum a partir da aba de downloads em <https://electrum.org/> ou da própria Play Store. *(ATENÇÃO: O Electrum não existe oficialmente para iPhone. Desconfie se encontrar algum.)*
2. Após instalar o Electrum, crie uma carteira padrão, mas desta vez escolha a opção **Usar uma chave mestra**.
![Chave mestra](https://i.imgur.com/x5WpHpn.png)
3. Agora, no assinador que criamos no primeiro módulo, exporte sua chave pública: vá em **Carteira > Detalhes da carteira > Compartilhar chave mestra pública**.
4. Escaneie o QR gerado da chave pública com o dispositivo de consulta. Assim, ele poderá acompanhar seus fundos, mas sem permissão para movimentá-los.
5. Para receber fundos, envie Bitcoin para um dos endereços gerados pela sua carteira: **Carteira > Addresses/Coins**.
6. Para movimentar fundos, crie uma transação no dispositivo de consulta. Como ele não possui a chave privada, será necessário assiná-la com o dispositivo assinador.
![Transação não assinada](https://i.imgur.com/MxhQZZx.jpeg)
7. No assinador, escaneie a transação não assinada, confirme os detalhes, assine e compartilhe. Será gerado outro QR, desta vez com a transação já assinada.
8. No dispositivo de consulta, escaneie o QR da transação assinada e transmita-a para a rede.
## **Conclusão**
**Pontos positivos do setup:**
- **Simplicidade:** Basta um dispositivo Android antigo.
- **Flexibilidade:** Funciona como uma ótima carteira fria, ideal para holders.
**Pontos negativos do setup:**
- **Padronização:** Não utiliza seeds no padrão BIP-39, você sempre precisará usar o electrum.
- **Interface:** A aparência do Electrum pode parecer antiquada para alguns usuários.
Nesse ponto, temos uma carteira fria que também serve para assinar transações. O fluxo de assinar uma transação se torna: ***Gerar uma transação não assinada > Escanear o QR da transação não assinada > Conferir e assinar essa transação com o assinador > Gerar QR da transação assinada > Escanear a transação assinada com qualquer outro dispositivo que possa transmiti-la para a rede.***
Como alguns devem saber, uma transação assinada de Bitcoin é praticamente impossível de ser fraudada. Em um cenário catastrófico, você pode mesmo que sem internet, repassar essa transação assinada para alguém que tenha acesso à rede por qualquer meio de comunicação. Mesmo que não queiramos que isso aconteça um dia, esse setup acaba por tornar essa prática possível.
@ 7ed7d5c3:6927e200
2025-01-08 17:10:00
Can't decide if the terrible book you just read is a 1 or 1.5 star book? Look no further than this chart. Was it Shit or just Bad? Was that movie you watched Very Good or just Decent? How many things out there are really Life Changing?
Finally, a rating scale for humans. Use it for anything in your life that needs a rating out of 5 stars.
Rating / Description
0.5 – The worst
1.0 – Shit
1.5 – Bad
2.0 – Eh
2.5 – Entertaining, but not great
3.0 – Neutral
3.5 – Alright
4.0 – Decent
4.5 – Very good
5.0 – Life Changing
P.S. Do not use it to rate your wife's cooking. The author is not liable for any damages.
@ 2063cd79:57bd1320
2025-01-08 14:26:43
### Unit-Bias
Bitcoin hat in der öffentlichen Wahrnehmung und bei Menschen, die sich weniger mit dem Thema befassen, einen sogenannten Unit-Bias, also eine durch Unwissenheit hervorgerufene Voreingenommenheit gegenüber der Einheit "Bitcoin". Das bedeutet, dass viele unerfahrene Anleger//innen und Nutzer//innen der Meinung sind, dass der Besitz eines ganzen bitcoins psychologisch wichtig oder überhaupt nur als solcher möglich ist. Anders ausgedrückt, glauben viele Menschen, sie müssen Bitcoin als Ganzes kaufen, also einen ganzen "physischen" bitcoin, statt kleinerer Bruchstücke. Das lässt den Vermögenswert für die meisten zu teuer aussehen.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/004cf04daff135febe8388b29f24700b82f443be7cd18cca6dcec8fb170a28f2.gif)Dies ist für Bitcoin insofern ein Problem, als dass viele Menschen sich durch ihre Voreingenommenheit gar nicht mit Bitcoin beschäftigen ("kann ich mir nicht leisten") oder das Gefühl haben, Bitcoin sei zu teuer und deshalb gibt es kein Wertsteigerungspotential mehr ("der Zug ist abgefahren, ich hätte vor sechs Jahren investieren sollen"). Schlimmer noch, als sich nicht mit Bitcoin zu beschäftigen, ist sich dann stattdessen alternativen, "erschwinglicheren" Kryptowährungen zuzuwenden. Dieser Unit-Bias ist allerdings nichts anderes als ein Marketing-, bzw. ein Bildungsproblem. Denn wie wir wissen kann man Bitcoin in 100 Millionen Untereinheiten brechen und in kleinsten Mengen erwerben, verschicken und verkaufen. Doch haben Außenstehende von Begriffen wie Lightning oder Sats meistens noch nie gehört.
### Untereinheiten
Doch auch innerhalb der Bitcoin-Szene ist die Unterteilung von Bitcoin in Untereinheiten nicht ganz unumstritten. Denn viele Nutzer//innen sind sich uneinig darüber, was der beste Weg ist, Bitcoins Untereinheiten zu bezeichnen und sogar darzustellen. Dies zeigt sich z.B. darin, dass Apps oft entweder Bitcoin oder Fiat anzeigen, manche Apps aber auch Beträge in Sats darstellen. Dies verlangt aber oft eigene Einstellungen innerhalb der App oder viele Klicks, die die Bedienung und Darstellung eher unhandlich gestalten.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/36a9b34dc1009c2b0904761c0d5c956cdc64c3239cb702a2c7037e2b4fbae086.gif)Es gibt verschiedene Lösungsansätze, die dem/der Nutzer//in die ungewohnte Rechnung mit acht Nachkommastellen erleichtern sollen. Denn viele Anwender//innen denken beim Blick in ihre Wallets oft noch in lokalen Fiat-Werten, also in ganzen Einheiten (z.B. Euro oder Dollar) und Hundertsteln (z.B. Cents).
![](https://blossom.primal.net/9188ecd7b4855aa38d35223856d6e2fc2ef3162d350a82266d69db25c6f9abf4.png)Einige Wallets versuchen diesen Spagat komplett zu umgehen, indem sie vermeiden, Beträge in Fiat darzustellen. Doch auch hier bleibt immer noch das Problem der unhandlichen Darstellung von acht Nachkommastellen, weshalb einige Anbieter einfach zwei Eingabemöglichkeiten bieten und den Betrag in Bitcoin oder Sats automatisch umrechnen.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/9abf98885862e88fce3be6ab5e63ebb331a936db85e0762f1f99d81f65fbcdab.png)Doch selbst das Zeichen für Sats ist nicht final geklärt. Es gibt viele verschiedene Vorschläge und Meinungen dazu, welches Symbol genutzt werden sollte. Die meisten Apps, Rechnungen und Sticker schreiben einfach das Wort "Sats" oder "sats" aus. Allerdings ist dies ein Problem, da außerhalb der Bitcoin-Szene niemand weiß, was ein Sat ist. Die meisten Menschen werden mittlerweile von Bitcoin gehört haben, auch wenn sie nicht wissen, wie es funktioniert, was es bedeutet, oder wie man damit umgeht. Doch auch das B Logo mit den Dollarstrichen (₿) werden die meisten Menschen zuordnen können.
Sats hingegen ist ein sehr nischiger Begriff und seine Verwendung noch unbekannter. Oft wird das Blitzsymbol (3 auf der unteren Grafik) verwendet, um Lightning darzustellen und auch das Symbol mit den drei horizontalen Strichen und zwei vertikalen Punkten (4 auf der unteren Grafik), das entfernt an das Dollar-Zeichen erinnern soll ($), erfreut sich immer größerer Beliebtheit. Das Problem dabei ist nur, dass es sich in geschriebener Form nicht, oder nur unzulänglich darstellen lässt: 丰 🤡
![](https://blossom.primal.net/4e4e23026ac803b70244db78cce00e41f7fef7655546167f71ea93828dbf7917.png)Es war lange logisch und notwendig, ganze Bitcoins zur Aufzählung und Bezahlung zu verwenden, da bei der Einführung von Bitcoin sein Geldwert sehr gering war. Es bestand also absolut keine Notwendigkeit dazu, in kleineren Einheiten als Bitcoin zu denken. Einfaches Beispiel: letzte Woche, am 22. Mai, jährte sich der Bitcoin-Pizza-Day zum 13. Mal, also jener Tag an dem Laszlo Hanyecz für zwei Pizza 10.000 bitcoins bezahlte und damit die erste offline Transaktion mit Bitcoin tätigte. 10.000 bitcoins entsprachen zu diesem Zeitpunkt also knapp $40, oder andersrum $1 entsprach 250 bitcoins Es gab also immer noch keine Notwendigkeit, kleinere Einheiten von Bitcoin zu verwenden. Diese Notwendigkeit ergab sich erst, als der Bitcoin und der Dollar Parität erlangten (1 Bitcoin = $1) und spätestens, als Bitcoin die Marke von $100 durchbrach, wurde rechnen in Bitcoin schwieriger.
Fortan überlegte man sich, Bitcoin in kleineren Einheiten darzustellen. Die zwei Möglichkeiten sind der Bit und der Sat. Ein einzelner bitcoin kann in 1.000.000 Bits oder bis zu 100.000.000 Sats unterteilt werden, also 100 Sats = 1 Bit = 0,000001 Bitcoin.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/1a0c00f0a5872e66214a607205edb84d102a64906c7af5600d3767b9bc53a5e7.png)Ein weiterer Grund, weshalb eine Stückelung in bitcoin (der Begriff für einen ganzen physischen bitcoin) schwierig und verwirrend ist, und deshalb viele nach einer alternativen Bezeichnung für Untereinheiten suchten, ist dass darüber hinaus "Bitcoin" zur Beschreibung von zwei Dingen verwendet werden kann: dem monetären Netzwerk (Bitcoin - großes B) und dem monetären Vermögenswert (bitcoin - kleines B).
![](https://blossom.primal.net/d4cd4faf501cf1b80c311c0fd3916ea5aa790dbe00b2a0ec3a8267a1203425ec.gif)Bitcoin, der Vermögenswert, ist für diejenigen, die noch nichts damit zu tun hatten, sowohl verwirrend als auch fremd. Denn wie bereits erwähnt, führt der Unit-Bias dazu, dass viele Menschen denken, dass sie es sich nicht leisten können, Bitcoin zu kaufen, oder dass sie den Anschluss verpasst haben. Die Verwendung einer Bepreisung in Bruchteilen würde die Verwirrung über die Benennung des Netzwerks und des Vermögenswerts verringern, aber auch die psychologische Hürde für den Einstieg in Bitcoin senken. Vorausgesetzt, die Benennung ist logisch und intuitiv.
### Bits vs. Sats
Wie schon erwähnt, gibt es zwei gängige Untereinheiten von Bitcoin, 1 Bit (= 0,000001 Bitcoin) und 1 Sat (0,00000001 Bitcoin). Seit jeher gibt es Diskussionen darüber, welche der beiden Einheiten für den täglichen Gebrauch die vernünftigere und intuitivere ist.
Die Verwendung von Bits zur Aufzählung von Bitcoin hat einige Vorteile. Ein Bit stellt ein „Bit“ eines Bitcoins dar, also der grundlegendsten und kleinsten Informationseinheit in der Informatik. Den meisten Menschen fällt es einfacher, das Wort „Bit“ mit Bitcoin zu assoziieren und daher verstehen sie eher, dass ein Bit ein Teil eines Bitcoins ist. Ein „Sat“ bedeutet für den Durchschnittsmenschen, wie oben beschrieben, nichts.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/1505e92a384e7747218ec9d4c1fc0cdf5a10823ab43d25e882f0fe18e0c18bf9.png)Adam Back (CEO von Blockstream und Bitcoin-Legende) ist wahrscheinlich der bekannteste Befürworter von Bits > Sats. Er argumentiert von verschiedenen Richtungen, dass z.B. Bits eine rechnerisch einfachere Variante ist, Untereinheiten von Bitcoin darzustellen, als Sats.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/28a6bfe0908e02ea6cb2ed4b4263fef74f9e48b23b9d09722f8188c37c88b057.png)Weiter argumentiert er mit der historischen Entwicklung von Bitcoin, dem Protokoll und seiner Referenz-Implementierung. In den Anfangsjahren wurde in der Bitcoin Core Wallet mit Bits gearbeitet. Außerdem argumentiert er, dass die Verbindung zwischen Bitcoin der Haupteinheit und Bits oder Sats als Untereinheit zumindest semantisch gebrochen werden sollte. Da Bitcoin (im Fall eines weiter steigenden Kurses) als Recheneinheit immer unpraktischer wird, sollte man als mentales Modell auf das Rechenpaar Bits und Sats zurückgreifen - analog zur Darstellung von Dollars und Cents oder Euros und Cents. Dabei stellen die zwei Nachkommastellen eines in Bits angegebenen Preises die Sats dar.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/54ddcad264a4c3faa3c4d9cd260675d1de630b7ce2db8e0acca198b491eade8f.png)Ganz einfaches Beispiel: Ein Kasten Bier kostet heute etwas 20€, also 0,00079758 Bitcoin. Einfacher dargestellt: 797,58 Bits, also 797 Bits und 58 Sats. “Ein Bitcoin ist zu teuer, aber Sats sind zu viele, klingen billig und verwirrend.” Es ist schwer in Sats zu denken und selbst wenn der Preis von Bitcoin 1 M US Dollar erreicht, ist ein Bit immer noch eine greifbare und günstige Einheit: 1 Bit = 1 US Dollar.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/4fb9b8f6f5c5e07ad4fb4963f2675ac735690da47e99a548569dd82211665203.gif)Eines von Adams Hauptargumenten ist, dass Sat als Untereinheit nicht funktioniert, weil es Dust gibt. Das Problem mit Dust besteht darin, dass es nicht möglich ist, Bitcoin unter einem bestimmten Schwellenwert auszugeben. Sein Argument ist, dass der Nutzen einer Einheit abhanden kommt, wenn diese Einheit als kleinste Recheneinheit nicht ausgegeben werden kann. Zugegeben, niemand kann mehr etwas für einen Cent kaufen, aber zumindest ist es technisch nicht unmöglich. Allerdings ist es unmöglich, 1 oder sogar 10 Sats über das Bitcoin-Netzwerk zu senden, ohne Layer-2-Skalierungstechnologien zu verwenden.
### Dust
Unter Bitcoin-Dust versteht man eine sehr kleine Menge Bitcoin, typischerweise in kleinen ein- bis zweistelligen Sats-Beträgen, doch auch kommen immer öfter dreistellige Beträge vor. Sie werden Dust oder „Staub“ genannt, weil diese Beträge so gering sind, dass sie oft als unbedeutend und unpraktisch für die Verwendung bei regulären Transaktionen angesehen werden.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/31320a50e7008223c194b7359dc2dd8e767508177c02a1745ac8a3980920ebe6.gif)Es gibt keine offizielle Definition dafür wie groß/klein ein Betrag sein muss, um als Dust zu gelten, da jede Softwareimplementierung (Client, Wallet, etc.) einen anderen Schwellenwert annehmen kann. Die Bitcoin Core Referenzimplementierung definiert Dust als jede Transaktionsausgabe, die niedriger ist als die aktuellen Transaktionsgebühren.
Dust entsteht meist unbeabsichtigt bei Bitcoin-Transaktionen. Denn wenn Bitcoin von einer Adresse an eine andere gesendet wird, fällt oft eine Transaktionsgebühr an. Um Spam zu verhindern und die Sicherheit des Netzwerks zu gewährleisten, gibt es bei Bitcoin eine Mindestgröße für jede Transaktion. Dieses Limit ist der Mindestbetrag an Bitcoin, der als Ausgabe in eine Transaktion einbezogen werden kann. Der Rest ist Dust.
Oder einfacher ausgedrückt, wenn die Mindestgröße für eine Bitcoin-On-Chain-Transaktion 500 Sats (5 Bits) beträgt und ich noch 800 Sats (8 Bits) in meiner Wallet habe, kann ich nach dem Versenden von 600 Sats (6 Bits) die übrigen 200 Sats (2 Bits) nicht mehr ausgeben. Diese verbleibenden 2 Bits sind Dust.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/29176610009eba2c53a2f60793bab8bf34d856a040ef8ccad06984c31a6b2da4.gif)Dust stellt aus mehreren Gründen eine Herausforderung für das Bitcoin-Netzwerk und seine Benutzer//innen dar:
UTXO-Bloat: Bei jeder Transaktion werden nicht ausgegebene Transaktionsausgaben (UTXOs) erstellt, und Dust erhöht die Anzahl der UTXOs im System. Dies kann zu einer aufgeblähten Blockchain führen und sich negativ auf die Leistung und Skalierbarkeit des Netzwerks auswirken.
[➡️ Wie UTXOs funktionieren](https://www.genexyz.org/post/25-block-774775-utxos-fee-management-v3ulch/)
**Wallet-Management:** Im Laufe der Zeit kann sich in Wallets viel Dust ansammeln, und die Verwaltung solch kleiner Beträge kann für Benutzer//innen unpraktisch sein. Bei vielen Wallets ist ein Mindestguthaben erforderlich, und die Dust-Mengen sind möglicherweise zu gering, um diese Anforderung zu erfüllen. Viele Nutzer//innen wechseln häufig zwischen Wallets und transferirien ihre Vermögen vorher auf die neuen Wallets, bei solchen Wechseln bleiben Dust-Beträge zurück und gelten langfristig als verloren.
Ein weiteres Problem besteht darin, dass Dust nicht genau definiert werden kann. Die Transaktionsgebühren hängen wesentlich von zwei Faktoren ab: Den Gebühren in sat/vB, welche von der Auslastung des Mempools abhängen und zu Zeiten von hoher Auslastung dementsprechend hoch sind, und zum anderen vom UTXO-Set des/der jeweiligen Nutzer//in. Denn wie wir wissen, werden Transaktionen aus einer oder mehreren UTXOs zusammengesetzt, je mehr UTXOs dabei benötigt werden, um den gewünschten Betrag zu versenden, desto höher sind die Kosten für diese Transaktion, da sich das Gewicht (in vBytes) erhöht. Diese beiden Faktoren können die Gebühren in Einzelfällen so strukturieren, dass größere Mengen Dust anfallen, als in anderen Fällen.
**Datenschutzbedenken:** Da jede Transaktion in der Blockchain gespeichert wird, können selbst winzige Mengen Dust mit der Identität oder dem Transaktionsverlauf einer Person verknüpft werden, was die Privatsphäre gefährdet. Diese Funktion wird von Angreifern in sogenannten Dust-Attacks ausgenutzt. Denn böswillige Angreifer haben schnell erkannt, dass Nutzer//innen die winzigen Dust-Beträge, die in ihren Wallet-Adressen angezeigt werden, nicht viel Aufmerksamkeit schenken oder gar bemerken. Angreifer schicken also Kleinstbeträge an eine große Anzahl von Adressen, um dann im nächsten Schritt in einer kombinierten Analyse dieser Adressen und der Beträge, versuchen herauszufinden, welche Adressen zur gleichen Wallet gehören. Dabei ist es das Ziel, diese so identifizierbaren Adressen und Wallets schließlich den jeweiligen Eigentümer//innen zuzuordnen, um diese dann durch ausgefeilte Phishing-Angriffe oder Cyber-Erpressungen zu attackieren.
Um diese Probleme zu lösen, können Nutzer//innen Dust konsolidieren, indem sie mehrere Dust-UTXOs in einer einzigen Transaktion mit einem höheren Wert kombinieren. Einige Wallets und Dienste bieten Funktionen an, mit denen Benutzer//innen ihren Dust effektiv verwalten und konsolidieren können.
### Abschließende Gedanken
Der Unit-Bias ist absolut vorhanden. Ich persönlich begegne ihm immer wieder in Gesprächen mit Bitcoin-Interessierten, die sich mit der Materie noch nicht lange auseinandergesetzt haben. Die Verwunderung ist oft sehr groß, dass bitcoins nicht als Ganzes gekauft werden müssen. Die Verwendung einer Untereinheit sowohl in Wallets, als auch bei der Bepreisung kann dabei helfen.
An die Verwendung von Sats als die kleinste Einheit von Bitcoin habe ich mich gewöhnt, allerdings tendiere ich mittlerweile persönlich zum Gebrauch von Bits. Die hervorgebrachten Argumente leuchten mir ein und ich bin überzeugt, dass Bits eine größere Akzeptanz außerhalb des Bitcoin-Inner-Circles hervorrufen können, als Sats. Darüber hinaus ist das Sats-Zeichen wirklich unpraktisch.
Ich befürworte hier einige Ideen, die das Paragrafzeichen zum Symbol für Sats erheben wollen.
In diesem Sinne, 2... 1... Risiko!
@ 2063cd79:57bd1320
2025-01-08 11:19:56
Ich hatte vor ein paar Wochen die Gelegenheit mich mit Micheal Hassard persönlich zu unterhalten. Mike ist Verteidiger im Fall von Roman Sterlingov. Der Fall ist haarsträubend und beängstigend. Mike und ich haben uns einige Zeit unterhalten und er hat mir einige Details aus diesem wirklich spannenden Prozess verraten. Ich wollte versuchen die Informationen in einem Artikel zusammenzufassen, um auch anderen Leuten, die mit dem Fall noch nicht betraut sind, die Möglichkeit zu geben, zu verstehen, was für absurde Methoden und ungerechte Beweismittel in diesem noch komplett neuen rechtlichen Umfeld angewendet werden.
### LAX
Am 27. April 2001 landet ein Direktflug aus Moskau am Los Angeles International Airport (LAX). Bei der Passkontrolle an der Immigration wird ein junger Passagier dieses Fluges von Kriminalermittlern des Internal Revenue Service (IRS) verhaftet. In seinem Gepäck befinden sich vier Reisepässe und allerhand technisches Equipment. Darunter Laptops, externe Festplatten und Bitcoin Signing Devices (Hardware Wallets). Der junge Mann wird festgenommen, seine mitgeführten Besitztümer und Pässe konfisziert, dann wird er in Untersuchungshaft gebracht. Der Vorwurf: Die Gründung und der Betrieb eines Bitcoin Mixers. Konkret wird ihm vorgeworfen, Bitcoin Fog gegründet und betrieben zu haben, darüber hinaus wird er in drei Punkten angeklagt: Geldwäsche, Betrieb eines nicht lizenzierten Geldtransfergeschäfts und Geldtransfer ohne Lizenz. Die IRS behauptet, dass über 1,2 Millionen Bitcoin, im Wert von etwa 336 M US Dollar zum Zeitpunkt der Transaktionen, über Bitcoin Fog verschickt wurden.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/19536c9b7279004690e8bb665466366e8ecc64f6f3a1da9fb605b930fd2ba398.gif">
### Bitcoin Fog
Bitcoin Fog war ein beliebter Custodial Bitcoin Mixer, der von Nutzer//innen für ihre Privatsphäre genutzt wurde. Mixer sind Services die entwickelt wurden, um das Problem der "Common-Input-Ownership-Heuristik" zu brechen. Vereinfacht ausgedrückt beschreibt dieses Problem die Annahme, dass mehrere Inputs einer Transaktion relativ sicher dem gleichen Besitzer gehören. Ich habe Bitcoin Mixer schon mal detailliert beschrieben:
TL;DR: Die Grundidee besteht darin, dass man einen Coin nimmt, der aus mehreren UTXOs besteht, und diesen mit Hilfe eines Dienstes einem Pool zuführt. Diese Dienste erhalten für die Vermittlung, Zusammenführung und das Stellen der Infrastruktur eine kleine Gebühr. Transaktionen werden dann so aufgebaut, dass sie es Überwachungsfirmen oder anderen Beobachtern sehr schwer machen, genau zu wissen, welcher Transaktion-Output zu welchem der Input-Steller gehört.
Bitcoin Fog wurde 2011 gegründet und ist ein Custodial Service, was bedeutet, dass Nutzer//innen ihre Bitcoin an eine Wallet des Betreibers senden, und im Gegenzug dann von Bitcoin Fog andere Bitcoin zurück erhalten, um die Spur der On-Chain-Transaktionen zu verwischen.
### Roman Sterlingov
Roman war schon früh Benutzer von Bitcoin. Als er 14 Jahre alt war, zog er mit seiner Mutter von Russland nach Schweden und beschäftigte sich ab etwa 2011 mit Bitcoin. Dies ist wichtig, denn als russischer und schwedischer Staatsbürger ist Roman im Besitz von vier offiziell ausgestellten Reisepässen. [Russland hat zwei Pässe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Internal_passport_of_Russia), einen für das Reisen innerhalb und einen für das Reisen außerhalb Russlands. Schweden stellt auch [zwei Reisepässe aus](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swedish_passport). Als der Bitcoin-Kurs stieg, wurde er Millionär. Er kündigte seinen Job und versuchte, sich selbstständig zu machen. Unter anderem gründete er ein VPN-Geschäft, das nicht erfolgreich war, und entschied sich später aufgrund der Volatilität von Bitcoin und fehlenden Einnahmen aus seinen Projekten, Pilot bei einer kommerziellen Fluggesellschaft zu werden.
Er meldete sich bei einer kalifornischen Flugschule an und 2021, als Roman nach Kalifornien zur Flugschule flog, wurde er von der Regierung am Flughafen LAX verhaftet. Er sitzt seit über zwei Jahren im Gefängnis und wartet auf seinen Prozess. Neben seinen Pässen und seinem Equipment wurden auch die seit 2011 angesammelten Bitcoin beschlagnahmt, da diese auf Konten bei u.a. Kraken lagen.
### Die Anklage
Kalifornien hat Roman Sterlingov wegen des Vorwurfs verhaftet, über einen Zeitraum von 10 Jahren Bitcoin im Wert von fast 336 M US Dollar gewaschen zu haben. Ihm wird vorgeworfen, über sein Konto und seine IP-Adressen mit der Bitcoin Fog-Domain und mit Mt. Gox-Konten, die in Verbindung zu Bitcoin Fog stehen, an Bitcoin Fog beteiligt zu sein.
Vor dem Start des Dienstes nutzte der Administrator seinen echten Namen auf seinem Mt. Gox-Konto, um die Plattform einem Betatest zu unterziehen. Sein persönliches Google-Konto wurde auch zum Speichern der Schritte zur Bezahlung der Domain verwendet. Dies sind jedoch zum heutigen Zeitpunkt nur Anschuldigungen ohne konkrete Beweise. Der Fall stützt sich stark auf digitale Forensik und Blockchain-Analyse ohne Zeugenaussagen oder ähnliche konkrete Beweisstücke. Selbst wenn Roman die Domain gekauft hätte, wäre dies nicht illegal. Die Verjährungsfrist für die angeblichen Verbrechen ist ebenfalls abgelaufen. Was bleibt, sind von der Anklage angeführte "Beweise", die sich komplett auf die Blockchain-Analyse der Firma Chainalysis stützen.
### Chainalysis
Chainalysis ist die wohl bekannteste Blockchain-Analyse Firma. In einem früheren Artikel habe ich schon mal beschrieben, wie diese Firmen operieren:
TL;DR: Unter On-Chain Analytics versteht man die Analyse von Daten, die auf jeder beliebigen Blockchain vorhanden sind. Diese Daten sind auf der Chain, also on-chain und somit für jedermann jederzeit und von überall abrufbar. Genauer bieten Blockchains Daten über Adressen, Transaktionen und in gewisser Weise auch über Wallets. Diese Informationen können verwertet werden, um verschiedene Sachverhalte darzustellen. Dieses Verfahren wird auch Heuristik genannt und bedient sich wahrscheinlicher Annahmen, also z.B. wiederkehrender Muster. Dabei werden sogenannte Cluster erstellt, also Verbindungen zwischen Adressen und Transaktionen gezogen.
So nutzen nutzen Analyse-Firmen wie Chainalysis Heuristiken und Wahrscheinlichkeitsanalysen, um Bitcoin-Transaktionen und Eigentümerwechsel zu verfolgen. Sie versuchen, Adressen auf der Grundlage dieser Heuristiken zu gruppieren, jedoch stimmen die Ergebnisse verschiedener Unternehmen oft nicht überein. Dies kann zu vagen Beweisen und Schuldunterstellungen führen.
> „Während die Identität eines Besitzers einer Bitcoin-Adresse im Allgemeinen anonym ist (es sei denn, der Besitzer entscheidet sich dafür, die Informationen öffentlich zugänglich zu machen), können Strafverfolgungsbehörden den Besitzer einer bestimmten Bitcoin-Adresse oft durch Analyse der Blockchain identifizieren“ - Devon Beckett, Special Agent, IRS
Chainalysis betreiben einen sogenannten Reactor, der diese Analysen vornimmt. Diese Analyse dient als Grundlage für das Argument, Roman habe Geld von seinem Mt Gox-Konto abgebucht und verwendet, um die Bezahlung der DNS-Registrierung für Bitcoin Fog zu tätigen und zu verbergen. Es wird so versucht, Roman mit Aufzeichnungen im Bitcoin Talk-Forums in Verbindung zu bringen, die wiederum Bitcoin Fog mit illegalen Aktivitäten in Verbindung bringen.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/6d86d2843895b4b7fa481fe074e0c79bb94b7001233fbcf415bcde86e175359f.gif">
Konkret wird anhand dieser Analyse eine Verbindung zu Roman und weiter zu Bitcoin Fog hergestellt, die beweisen soll, dass Zahlungen im Wert von 336 M US Dollar gewaschen wurden, die für Drogengeschäfte verwendet wurden.
Es gibt keine objektiven Standards für diese Art der Analyse und Strafverfolgungsbehörden stützen ihre Beweise auf diese privaten Ermittlungen. Im konkreten Fall vo Chainalysis spielen Beziehungen zu Strafverfolgungsbehörden wie dem britischen Serious Crimes Office und dem US-Justizministerium, sowie den damit einhergehenden Geldquellen eine entscheidende Rolle beim Aufstieg des Unternehmens zum größten Anbieter dieser Dienstleistungen mit einer Marktkapitalisierung von 8,6 Milliarden US Dollar.
### Verteidigung
Roman wird in diesem Fall von der Kanzlei Ekeland Law, PLLC vertreten. Die Anwälte, Tor Ekeland und Michael Hassard sind der festen Überzeugung, dass Roman unschuldig ist und dass er in diesem Fall aufgrund fehlerhafter digitaler Forensik in Bedrängnis geraten ist.
Roman gibt zu, Bitcoin Fog aus Datenschutzgründen verwendet zu haben, um seine Bitcoin zu waschen, bevor er diese in sein Konto bei Kraken einzahlte. Das Mischen an sich ist nicht illegal, denn während der Anhörung erkannte der Richter sogar an, dass die Verwendung eines Mixers wie Bitcoin Fog nicht grundsätzlich verboten sei. Dies war sogar das erste Mal, dass ein Richter ausdrücklich erklärte, dass das Mischen von Bitcoin nicht illegal ist und dass es auch nicht illegal ist, Nutzer//in eines Mischdienstes zu sein. Es ist jedoch zu beachten, dass sich dieser Fall speziell gegen den Betreiber von Bitcoin Fog richtet und versucht, den Dienst mit Drogenmarktplätzen in Verbindung zu bringen.
Argumente für Romans Unschuld beinhalten unter anderem, dass Bitcoin Fog in der gesamten Zeit von Romans Inhaftierung aktiv geblieben ist, was darauf schließen lässt, dass die eigentlichen Betreiber immer noch auf freiem Fuß sind. Roman wurde vor seiner Verhaftung überwacht, es wurden Abhör- und Überwachungsmaßnahmen durchgeführt, jedoch keine Beweise gefunden, die ihn mit dem Betrieb von Bitcoin Fog in Verbindung bringen, selbst nachdem Server beschlagnahmt wurden.
Darüber hinaus ignoriert die Anklage auch die Tatsache, dass die DNS-Registrierung der Bitcoin Fog Domain seit Romans Verhaftung zweimal erneuert wurde. Trotzdem versucht die Anklage eine Verbindung zu Roman auf der Grundlage von IP-Adressen herzustellen, die mit anderen E-Mails verknüpft sind, die zur Registrierung der DNS und zur Erstellung eines Kontos im Bitcoin Talk Forum verwendet wurden.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/8e7bfd219eb2e064b00ed62b656d1af153f4beb32370914578f0f6946a003f2e.gif">
Roman wird Verschwörung vorgeworfen, es wurde jedoch kein einziger Mitverschwörer genannt. Bei den von der Anklage behaupteten Transaktionen handelt es sich um Lizenzzahlungen des Mixers, die jedoch nicht durch Beweise gestützt werden. Wenn Roman ein Drahtzieher wäre, der 336 M US Dollar an Drogengeldern gewaschen hätte, würde es für ihn keinen Sinn machen, sein Geld mit seinem richtigen Namen und Passfoto auf ein KYC-Konto bei Kraken einzuzahlen.
An dieser Stelle ist es vielleicht interessant festzustellen, dass Michael Gronager, einer der [Mitbegründer von Chainalysis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chainalysis), auch einer der Mitbegründer von Kraken war.
### Mt Gox Daten
Es gibt eine Verbindung zwischen Kraken, Chainalysis und Mt Gox. Denn nicht nur war der Gründer von Kraken, Jesse Powell, als Berater für Mt. Gox bei der Lösung eines Sicherheitsproblems tätig und begann in Erwartung seines Kollapses mit der Arbeit an Kraken als Ersatz, auch Chainalysis wurde als direkte Reaktion auf den Mt. Gox-Skandal gegründet.
Chainalysis wurde in den offiziellen Ermittlungen im Insolvenzverfahren von Mt. Gox genutzt, um den Verbleib der "gestohlenen" bitcoins zu untersuchen. Allerdings gibt es Anzeichen dafür, dass die dabei verwendeten Daten falsch und unzuverlässig seien. Angebliche Transaktionsnummern und Wallet-Adressen existieren nicht, werden verwechselt oder sind schlichtweg fehlerhaft. Genau dieser Datensatz wird aber nun benutzt, um Fälle wie den von Roman zu beweisen.
### Ankläger
Einer der Staatsanwälte des Falles ist jetzt leitender Rechtsberater für Chainalysis, und ein IRS-Ermittler gründete während seiner Tätigkeit für den IRS ein privates Unternehmen namens Exigent LLC. Die Pressemitteilungen und Fundraising-Runden von Chainalysis stehen eng im Zusammenhang mit dem Fall. Exigent LLC erhält in der Pressemitteilung des US-Justizministeriums die höchste Auszeichnung für Romans Verhaftung, und fünf Monate später kaufte Chainalysis Exigent LLC. Dieser Fall scheint von Karrierismus und Profitstreben getrieben zu sein.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/cfd9c2f0bced31d0b51f669d4a589b39cfcff57bc952e6013856121c128e2d6d.gif">
### Problem
Neben den Verbindungen der Ermittler und Ankläger mit Chainalysis und der Problematik der fehlenden Beweise, ist dieser Fall zutiefst beunruhigend und wirft Bedenken hinsichtlich des geltenden Computerrechts auf.
Die meisten Blockchain-Strafverfolgungen folgen dem gleichen Muster: Einspruchsvereinbarungen, Gerichtsverfahren oder Entlassungen. Unschuldige Menschen gehen oft auf Plädoyer-Deals ein, weil ihnen die Ressourcen fehlen, um gegen die unbegrenzten Ressourcen des Department of Justice zu kämpfen. Roman kann keinen Deal annehmen, weil er nichts weiß und lügen müsste.
Es ist beunruhigend, dass der Fall in Washington D.C. verhandelt wird, obwohl Roman keine Verbindungen zu dieser Stadt hat. Die einzige Grundlage dafür, die Gerichtsbarkeit nach D.C. zu legen, ist darin begründet, dass eine verdeckte Operation gegen Roman aus Washington D.C. geleitet wurde. Dies gibt Anlass zur Sorge, weil es Staatsanwälten ermöglicht, Angeklagte auf der Grundlage von Online-Interaktionen vor jedes Bundesgericht zu ziehen - ob US Staatsbürger oder nicht. Dies ist ein direkter Verstoß gegen die Gerichtsstandsklausel und entfernt wichtige Elemente des Strafrechtssystems, da es jede/n Nutzer//in von Bitcoin-Mixern in die gefährliche Lage versetzen kann, vor einem US-Gericht angeklagt zu werden, wenn eine auch nur dünne Beweislage gegen ihn/sie vorliegt.
Ein weiteres Problem besteht in den vorgebrachten Beweisen. Denn die Verteidigung hat bis heute keinen Einblick in den Code oder die verwendeten Datensätze, die von Chainalysis verwendet wurden, erhalten. Chainalysis beruft sich dabei auf seine proprietären Geschäftsdaten und lehnt eine Offenlegung ab. Es wird vermutet, dass die Datensätze falsch sind, insbesondere angesichts der fragwürdigen Mt. Gox-Aufzeichnungen, auf die sie sich stützen.
Die bereitgestellten Daten sind begrenzt, unvollständig und werden in komplizierten Flussdiagrammen dargestellt. Die verwendete Software, wie z.B. der Chainalysis Reactor, steht nicht für eine unabhängige Prüfung zur Verfügung. Der Mangel an Transparenz und Zugang zu dieser Software gibt Anlass zu Bedenken hinsichtlich ihrer Genauigkeit und den daraus gezogenen Schlussfolgerungen.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/74c86d3db94191c8c5389e6ffbedc28a8c3e4b8a0e1ae1410f81777523a2e399.gif">
Es bestehen Zweifel am Zusammenhang zwischen Roman, dem Betreiber von Bitcoin Fog, und den mutmaßlichen Straftaten. Roman sitzt derzeit im Gefängnis, ihm droht eine Haftstrafe von 50 Jahren. Die Freiheit einer Person wird durch eine kommerzielle proprietäre Software gefährdet, die vor Gericht erwirken kann, dass Quellen und Datensätze nicht offengelegt werden.
Auch wirft der Fall Bedenken hinsichtlich fehlender Standards, des gewinnorientierten Charakters des forensischen Bereichs, der Weigerung, Beweise auszutauschen, und der Möglichkeit von Justizirrtümern auf, die durch fehlerhafte Software und fragwürdige Praktiken verursacht werden.
### Wie geht es weiter?
Das Verteidigungsteam hat finanzielle Probleme, da alle Gelder von Roman beschlagnahmt wurden. Der Antrag auf Freigabe der Mittel wurde abgelehnt. Romans Verteidigung muss öffentliche Mittel beantragen und hofft auf Spenden. Ich habe in einem früheren Artikel schon auf die Spendenseite aufmerksam gemacht. Wer anhand der aufgelisteten Fakten das Gefühl bekommt, dass hier jemand zu Unrecht verhaftet wurde und helfen möchte, kann die Verteidigung mit einer Spende unterstützen.
In diesem Sinne, 2... 1... Risiko!
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-08 02:56:16
**Table Of Content**
- Rollercoaster Rides
- The Impact of Macroeconomic Forces
- Short-term Projections
- Ethereum's Steady Stance
- Week-on-week Comparisons
- Altcoins in Focus
- The Laggards
- Market Overview
- Conclusion
September has once again proven itself to be a tumultuous month for the world's most prominent cryptocurrency, Bitcoin (BTC). This month-long rollercoaster ride has historical roots, as September has historically been a challenging period for Bitcoin. However, the first two-thirds of the month showcased remarkable progress, raising expectations. But the recent resurgence of the US dollar has cast a shadow over the entire crypto market, leading to uncertainty among investors and traders.
**Rollercoaster Rides**
As the calendar pages flipped through September, Bitcoin embarked on a rollercoaster ride that left many in the crypto community holding their breath. Over the weekend, Bitcoin witnessed a significant dip, eroding a substantial portion of its gains for the month. Sunday's trading session saw the BTC/USDT pair drop by 1.2%, closing at $26,250. Monday's early trades further exacerbated the bearish trend, pushing the pair below $26,150. These rapid fluctuations in Bitcoin's value have been a hallmark of its journey in recent weeks.
**The Impact of Macroeconomic Forces**
In addition to its internal dynamics, Bitcoin has been significantly influenced by macroeconomic factors, particularly the policies and guidance provided by the Federal Reserve and other central banks. Last week, the Fed's unexpected hawkish stance sent shockwaves through financial markets, including the crypto sphere. This policy shift had an adverse effect on risk-on trading sentiment, causing investors to reevaluate their strategies. As the month approaches its conclusion, a less eventful macroeconomic calendar might imply reduced volatility in the coming days. However, the lingering impact of the Fed's decisions remains a source of uncertainty.
**Short-term Projections**
To gain insights into Bitcoin's short-term trajectory, market analysts have turned to Binance's order book analysis. According to their assessment, a support line appears to be forming at the $25,000 mark, providing some stability in the face of recent turbulence. Conversely, selling resistance has been identified at $27,500, indicating a significant challenge for Bitcoin's upward momentum. These levels are likely to play a crucial role in determining Bitcoin's path in the immediate future, with traders closely monitoring any breaches or rebounds.
**Ethereum's Steady Stance**
In contrast to Bitcoin's rollercoaster performance, Ethereum (ETH), the second-largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization, has demonstrated a more stable trajectory over the past few days. While Saturday saw minimal fluctuations, Sunday's trades witnessed a modest 0.8% dip, settling at $1,580. As of Monday, Ethereum has maintained this position, indicating resilience in the face of market turbulence. Ethereum's stability, as compared to Bitcoin's wild swings, underscores the unique dynamics at play within the broader cryptocurrency market.
**Week-on-week Comparisons**
Examining the performance of these two leading cryptocurrencies over the course of the week reveals intriguing trends. Bitcoin has experienced a 2% decline in its value, signaling the challenges it faced amid a shifting financial landscape. Meanwhile, Ethereum has faced a slightly more significant drop of over 3%. These fluctuations underscore the inherent volatility of the crypto market, even among its most prominent players.
**Altcoins in Focus**
Beyond Bitcoin and Ethereum, the broader altcoin spectrum presents a diverse set of performances. One standout performer has been Solana (SOL), which surged ahead by an impressive 1.75% in the past seven days. This remarkable growth has garnered the attention of investors and enthusiasts alike. Additionally, Ripple (XRP) has maintained positive momentum, adding approximately 0.8% to its value. These altcoins' resilience serves as a testament to the unique dynamics within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.
**The Laggards**
However, not all altcoins have been able to escape the gravitational pull of Bitcoin's performance. Prominent digital assets such as Binance's BNB token, Dogecoin (DOGE), Cardano (ADA), Polkadot (DOT), and Polygon (MATIC) have mirrored Bitcoin's downward trend. These digital assets have seen marginal losses in terms of their respective market capitalizations, underscoring the interconnectedness of the cryptocurrency market.
**Market Overview**
At present, the global cryptocurrency market cap stands at an impressive $1.04 trillion, signifying the substantial size and influence of the digital asset market. Bitcoin continues to command a dominant position, with a market dominance of 49.9%. This reaffirms Bitcoin's status as the undisputed leader in the digital asset space, despite the challenges it faces in September.
As September draws to a close, the battle between Bitcoin and the resurgent US dollar remains uncertain. The interplay between internal dynamics, macroeconomic factors, and market sentiment will continue to shape the crypto landscape in the days ahead. Traders and enthusiasts alike will be watching closely to discern the next moves in this high-stakes confrontation. As the dust settles, the cryptocurrency market will likely reveal new trends and opportunities for those who can navigate these uncertain waters with agility and insight.
**Why is September historically challenging for Bitcoin?**
September has traditionally been a tough month for Bitcoin, with factors like market sentiment and macroeconomic forces contributing to its volatility during this period.
**How is the US dollar impacting Bitcoin's recent performance?**
The resurgence of the US dollar has cast a shadow over the crypto market, leading to uncertainty and impacting Bitcoin's value.
**What are the short-term projections for Bitcoin and Ethereum?**
Short-term projections for Bitcoin suggest a support line at $25,000 and resistance at $27,500, while Ethereum has maintained relative stability.
**Which altcoins have performed well recently?**
Solana (SOL) and Ripple (XRP) have shown positive momentum, but some prominent altcoins have followed Bitcoin's downward trend.
**That's all for today**
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@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-01-07 19:57:14
## Hodling Bitcoin does not make you a capitalist
I've noticed that Bitcoin-mindedness seems to lead some people to communistic thinking because it's a hard-limited form of capital. Marx, like most Bitcoiners, heavily discounted the possibility of economic growth or transformation changing the economy enough to undermine some minority's control of some form of capital.
What few today understand, is that many of the Dirty Capitalists of Marx's era actually agreed with him; they were just disdainful of labor and worried that the workers finding out that Marxism is correct about the nature of capitalism would cause unrest. They were the original HFSP crowd.
This was the basic idea, that Marx had, and that many Bitcoiners would agree with:
> Capital is strictly limited and the people that control it can keep labor from attaining any, except when their labor is necessary.
And, as we know, automation will make human labor increasingly unnecessary.
## The math doesn't check out
That underlies all of the calculations of "Well, if I just grab this Bitcoin wallet and hodl for twenty years, then it will grow in value to equal half of everything in existence and then I can just buy up half the planet and rule over everyone like a god."
This is economic nonsense because it assumes that:
1) the value of all things remains static over time,
2) purchasing something with money gives you ownership of it,
3) people will always use that specific money (or any money, at all!) for all transactions,
4) there is no such thing as opportunity cost,
5) people will always value money more than any other thing, and therefore be willing to always trade it for anything else,
6) humans are passive, defenseless, and easy to rule over,
7) someone who is preoccupied with hodling an asset steadily and sharply rising in price would ever be emotionally ready to part with it.
## All monies can die.
People use money for everything because it is easy, fast and cheap. If money becomes too precious or scarce, they will simply switch to using other things (as we saw with gold). Humans replace tools that aren't working well, with those that work better, and money is just another tool. Bitcoin is more divisible than gold, but that won't matter, if enough of it is held by too few.
This is why there's a natural cap on the price of a money and why human productivity _in the here and now_ is not irrelevant or in vain.
@ 2063cd79:57bd1320
2025-01-07 07:12:48
Der letzte Artikel stand ganz im Zeichen von Mempool, Transaktionsgebühren, Ordinals, BRC-20 Tokens (aka Shitcoins auf Bitcoin) und Mining-Rewards. Der Mempool ist voller als der Hyde-Park in London am einzigen Sommertag mit Sonne im Jahr. Doch weil ich mich in letzter Zeit zu Genüge mit den vorgenannten Themen beschäftigt habe und man zur Zeit an jeder Ecke den Status des Mempools ungefragt eingeflößt bekommt, möchte ich mich diese Woche mit zwei Standpunkten beschäftigen, die entweder gegenläufig oder komplementär zueinander stehen (gibt es wirklich kein Antonym zum Wort komplementär?).
Ausschlaggebend für den Gedankengang, der mich zu dieswöchigem Artikel bewegt hat waren ein Artikel und eine Podcast-Episode, über die ich letzte Woche gestolpert bin. Bei dem Artikel handelt es sich um Jimmy Songs "[How Fiat Money Broke the World](https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/fiat-money-has-broken-the-world)" aus seiner Fixing the Incentives-Reihe im Bitcoin Magazine und bei der Podcast-Episode wurde ich von den Ausführungen von Peruvian Bull im TFTC Podcast [Ausgabe 414: The Dollar Endgame](https://www.tftc.io/414-the-dollar-end-game-is-here-with-peruvian-bull/) von Marty Bent zum Nachdenken angeregt.
Prinzipiell stellt sich im Großen und Ganzen die Frage, wie eine großflächige Adaption von Bitcoin vonstatten gehen könnte. [Hyperbitcoinization](https://www.genexyz.org/post/1721243636888/) oder auch Bitcoin als gesetzliches Zahlungsmittel (wie z.B. in El Salvador, oder bald sogar in Indonesien und Mexiko (!)) sind dabei mögliche Szenarien. Der Nicht-Ghandi-Spruch “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” wird oft genutzt, um die soziologische Entwicklungsstufe, bzw. die öffentliche Wahrnehmung einer Idee, einer Erfindung oder eines Produkts in gewisse Entwicklungsstufen einzuordnen. Genauso wie bei Bitcoin. WIR SIND IN DER "THEN THEY FIGHT YOU" STUFE!!!11! kann man überall auf Bitcoin-Twitter, Nostr oder Reddit lesen.
Doch wer ist "THEY"? Wenn man nur von Nationalstaaten ausgeht und offizielle und inoffizielle (konspirative) multinationale Interessensgruppen außen vor lässt, stellt sich mir die Frage, welches Land / welcher Staat die meisten Gründe (politischer oder wirtschaftlicher Natur) hätte, Bitcoin zu adaptieren, bzw. zu bekämpfen. Natürlich kommen einem dabei als erstes die USA in den Sinn, immerhin das Land mit der höchsten kombinierten [Bitcoin-Hashrate](https://ccaf.io/cbnsi/cbeci/mining_map), mit den meisten Bitcoin-Infrastruktur-Anbietern, mit den größten Börsen (nach Handelsvolumen) und den meisten Bitcoin-Nutzer//innen in der Bevölkerung.
Doch macht das die USA zum größten potentiellen Gegner oder zum größten potentiellen Befürworter und Begünstigten von Bitcoin?
### Jimmy Song "How Fiat Money Broke the World"
[Jimmy Song](primal.net/jimmysong) baut seinen Artikel chronologisch auf. Es geht um die Entstehung des Fiat-Geld-Systems nach dem zweiten Weltkrieg und die damit einhergehende Abschaffung des Goldstandards. Mit der Errichtung des Bretton-Woods-Systems wurde eine neue Währungsordnung geschaffen, die den US Dollar als Ankerwährung bestimmte, der wiederum an Goldreserven gekoppelt werden sollte. So sollten flexible Wechselkurse innerhalb der verschiedenen Landeswährungen gewährleistet werden, während gleichzeitig die Sicherheit von Goldreserven existiert. Doch statt Gold für die internationale Handelsabwicklung zu verwenden, wurde nun der Dollar die Abwicklungswährung. Diese Entscheidung verhalf den USA zu einer hegemonialen Wirtschaftsmacht zu werden, denn die Fähigkeit, das Geld zu drucken, mit dem jedes andere Land seinen Handel abwickelte, gab den USA mehr Macht über den Rest der Welt.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/3c4ca9eecdc1a26403051e4e09bbbb023803518090ff502b7ce87927858f529f.gif)Diese Dollar-Hegemonie begünstigte die USA deutlich im internationalen Handel, da sie zur Zentralbank für alle anderen Zentralbanken wurden. Nicht-US-Banken geben sogar Verbindlichkeiten in Dollar, und zwar nicht nur in Europa, sondern in vielen anderen Teilen der Welt. Infolgedessen halten andere Zentralbanken US Dollar als Reserve, die dann auf der Basis von Teilreserven verwendet werden können, um noch mehr Geld in Form von Krediten zu schaffen (das sogenannte [Eurodollar-System](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurodollar)).
Diese Position der Stärke nutzten die USA weiter aus und erschufen, was heute als das Petrodollar-System bekannt ist. Dank einem Abkommen zwischen Saudi-Arabien und den USA in den 1970ern wird das von allen Mitgliedsstaaten der OPEC geförderte Öl in US Dollar gehandelt, im Gegenzug für militärischen Schutz durch die USA. Das sogenannte [Petrodollar-System](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Petrodollar) hat dem US Dollar somit einen enormen Wert und hohe Liquidität verliehen.
Die war auch nötig, denn teure Sozialprogramme wie Medicare und Medicaid als auch das Social Security Programm wurden gestartet. Aber auch sehr teure Stellvertreterkriege, wie z.B. in Korea und Vietnam, wollten finanziert werden. Dies taten die USA, indem sie das Geld hierfür einfach druckten, was wiederum die Zentralbanken der anderen Länder nervös machte und dazu brachte, mit dem Abzug ihrer Goldeinlagen bei der US-Notenbank zu drohen. Der damalige Präsident Tricky Dick (Richard Nixon) reagierte darauf, indem er die Goldbindung des US Dollar zunächst nur temporär für immer aufhob. Damit hatte er den Dollar vom Gold ent- und an das Öl der Saudis (bzw. an den militärisch-industriellen Komplex der USA) gekoppelt.
Die USA haben also das exorbitante Privileg, das Geld drucken zu können, das die Welt für die Abwicklung von Handel verwendet. Dies bedeutet unter anderem, dass die USA ihre gedruckten Dollars exportieren und Waren und Dienstleistungen aus anderen Ländern importieren können. Somit wird das gedruckte Geld im Allgemeinen zuerst in den USA ausgegeben (Cantillon-Effekt in Reinform), was dazu führt, dass Geschäftserfolg in den USA zu einer viel höheren monetären Belohnung führt, als in anderen Ländern. Vereinfacht gesagt: In den USA schwimmt mehr Geld umher und somit wird Erfolg besser belohnt. Folglich wollen mehr Menschen in die USA ziehen, und die USA können auswählen, wer hineinkommt und wer nicht. Gut für die USA - schlecht für die anderen.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/7977af44e30509f087da84054d44a2dd2b8d75af88bb77abae3e1395380c2f31.gif)Die ehrgeizigsten Menschen aus anderen Ländern immigrieren in die USA und verdienen mehr Geld und leben ein viel besseres Leben als in ihren Heimatländern. Der Braindrain bedeutet, dass andere Länder unterm Strich verlieren. Menschen im Allgemeinen versuchen immer in Länder einzuwandern, die in der Cantillon-Hierarchie höher stehen. Die reichen Länder werden somit reicher an Humankapital, während die armen Länder an Humankapital ärmer werden.
Die USA schaffen es, ihre Stellung als Neuzeit-Kolonialist vor allem mit Hilfe von Sonderorganisationen, internationalen Finanzinstitutionen und anderen Stiftungen wie dem IWF, der BIZ, des WEF oder der Weltbank zu zementieren. Diese supranationalen Banken und Organisationen leihen Entwicklungsländern und "Ländern des globalen Südens" Geld für den (Wieder-) Aufbau und andere Struktur-relevante Tätigkeiten, aber nur unter strengen Auflagen, die noch strenger werden, wenn diese Kredite nicht zurückgezahlt werden können. In diesen Fällen werden diese Länder dann von den Banken "gerettet", unter der Auflage, noch mehr Kontrolle über die eigene Finanzsuveränität abzugeben.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/3840a6d54e5c660e9279d457d0b5286518689019f9babaace5c11b32ba145edb.gif)Im Wesentlichen tauschen sie dabei Kredite und längere Laufzeiten gegen organisatorische Kontrolle über den Staatshaushalt. Solche Beschränkungen können Punkte beinhalten, wie z.B. wieviel des nationalen Budgets für Infrastruktur ausgegeben werden kann. Oft müssen diese verschuldeten Regierungen eine eigene unabhängige Zentralbank gründen, die dazu verwendet werden kann, die Notwendigkeit einer staatlichen Genehmigung zu umgehen. So werden Länder dazu gebracht Staats-Ressourcen, wie Schürfrechte oder Ländereien an ausländische Unternehmen zu verkaufen.
Jimmy Song führt seinen Artikel noch etwas fort, doch die mir wichtigsten Punkte habe ich erwähnt. Kurz zusammengefasst: Die USA haben durch die de facto Kontrolle über das Geld eine Sonderposition in der Welt. Nicht nur sitzen sie am Gelddrucker - Geld drucken kann jeder, klappt eben nur unter bestimmten Voraussetzungen (zumindest zeitweise) - sondern haben durch diese Kontrollsituation weitere Vorteile: 1) Das größte Exportgut der USA ist der US Dollar. 2) Die US-Wirtschaft hat einen klaren Vorteil anderen Wirtschaften gegenüber, da das Unternehmertum dort besser belohnt wird. 3) Viele ehrgeizige und talentierte Menschen der ganzen Welt strömen in die USA, um von dieser Belohnung zu profitieren. 4) Die internationalen Buchstabensuppen-Finanzinstitutionen stärken den USA den Rücken.
Die USA haben also ein sehr großes (das gröte) Interesse daran, das globale Finanzmonopol in der aktuellen Form aufrechtzuerhalten.
### Peruvian Bull "The Dollar Endgame"
Die Ausgangsthese von [Peruvian Bull](primal.net/p/npub1xwmyzp64xx03kw9ecd7fzsj3e9dgwah6an0rdng0cc6ux4dswwjs28pyyc), einem Autor, der ein gleichnamiges Buch veröffentlicht hat ([The Dollar Endgame](https://thedollarendgame.com/)) ist, dass viele Zeichen darauf hindeuten, dass der US Dollar als Leitwährung der Welt seine letzten Atemzüge macht. Er ist dabei recht pessimistisch und glaubt, dass wir schon in den nächten fünf bis sieben Jahren eine große Veränderung erleben werden.
Allerdings sieht er eine große Chance für die USA, Bitcoin zu nutzen, um diesem Untergang entgegenzuwirken. Viele Länder und Institutionen außerhalb der westlichen Welt sehen den US Dollar kritisch und sind nicht besonders glücklich über die Vormachtstellung, die der Dollar den USA auf dem internationalen Finanzmarkt, dem globalen Handel und der geopolitischen Weltordnung verleiht. Die US-Notenbank wird immer mehr in die Ecke gedrängt und der einzige Ausweg aus der momentanen Schuldenspirale ist Hyperinflation.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/014394f507ea943061eb4634887480764623df9e3a04ad6380858dd93f5fa9b2.gif)Meine zwei Sats sind, dass eine Wahrscheinlichkeit natürlich immer besteht, allerdings bin ich persönlich davon überzeugt, dass der US Dollar, wenn überhaupt, die letzte Währung sein wird, die eine Hyperinflation erlebt, da vorher ganz andere Währungen das Zeitliche segnen müssten.
Doch um bei der These zu bleiben, bietet Bitcoin eine alternative Lösung zur Hyperinflation. Denn die USA könnten ihre Verluste reduzieren, indem sie auf eine Bitcoin-gestützte Leitwährung wechseln. Dazu sind die USA auch bestens aufgestellt: Die von Minern aufgebrachte Hashrate ist nirgendwo größer, als in den USA, Bitcoin-Bestände in Wallets sind nirgendwo größer als in den USA und die größten Bitcoin-Unternehmen, Unternehmen die Bitcoin fördern, oder Technologie entwickeln, die Bitcoin zugute kommt, sitzen in den USA.
Würden die USA, bzw. die US-Notenbank, zu einem Bitcoin-gestützten Währungssystem wechseln, müssten alle anderen Länder der Welt nachziehen, solange die USA diese (oben beschriebene) globale Vormachtstellung in der Weltwirtschaft noch innehaben. Dies würde den USA einen gewaltigen First-Mover-Vorteil bescheren, da nirgendwo sonst die Infrastruktur und der Zugang zu Bitcoin so stark ausgeprägt sind.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/45676de9f23863d4e05005f3e7b51c46ef38791395bb8abeb5966ea10c6bede6.gif">
Es ist also nur eine politische Entscheidung, ob dieser First-Mover-Vorteil ausgenutzt wird oder nicht. Indem die Nutzung (institutioneller oder privater Art, Mining, Innovation, etc.) eingeschränkt wird, z.B. durch Verbote, Besteuerung, oder andere ungünstige Gesetze, wird die gesamte Branche und damit das technische Wissen, die Innovation und das damit verbundene Kapital ins Ausland verdrängt und die USA schießen sich ins eigene Bein.
Es wird sicherlich institutionellen Widerstand geben, da die derzeitigen institutionellen Akteure stark vom aktuellen System profitieren und daher nicht zu einem Bitcoin-Währungssystem wechseln wollen, in dem sie keine Zensurrechte und keine exklusiven Übertragungsrechte haben. Daher werden US-Institutionen wie die Notenbank und das Finanzministerium von diesem Ansatz nicht allzu begeistert sein, doch wenn sie es ernsthaft genug betrachten und erkennen, dass es sich hierbei um eine Form der geopolitischen, strategischen Kriegsführung handelt, könnten sie gezwungen sein, ihre Meinung zu ändern und sich auf ein neues System vorzubereiten, das den Idealen, wie Freiheit, Redefreiheit, Eigentumsrechten und solides Geld, treu bleibt, auf denen die USA gegründet wurden.
Peruvian Bull und Marty Bent führen in dieser Episode noch weitere Punkte aus, doch die mir wichtigsten Punkte habe ich wieder erwähnt. Kurz zusammengefasst: Die USA stehen davor, ihre globale Vormachtstellung zu verlieren. Ein Ausweg könnte die Adaption von Bitcoin als Retter des US Dollar sein. Die USA haben den fruchtbarsten Nährboden für eine solche Änderung des Systems, da sie heute schon die meiste Hashrate, das größte geistige Eigentum und Innovation, als auch das meiste Kapital bündeln.
Die USA hätten also in der Theorie ein sehr großes Interesse daran, Bitcoin als Lösung und zur Stützung ihres globalen Finanzmonopols zu adaptieren.
### Zwei Theorien in zwei entgegengesetzte Richtungen 👈👉
Auf der einen Seite sehen wir ein Argument, weshalb den USA daran gelegen wäre, das aktuelle System so lange wie möglich aufrechtzuerhalten und dem alten Mann auf Krücken unter die Arme zu greifen. Auf der anderen Seite besteht ein Argument dafür, dass die USA ein gesteigertes Interesse daran haben sollten, das alte System so schnell wie möglich hinter sich zu lassen und die Pole Position, die die USA im Bereich Bitcoin haben - ohne Regierungs-seitig was dafür getan zu haben - für sich zu nutzen, um dem alten Mann auf Krücken zu einer Verjüngung zu verhelfen.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/d448258356093ddc5030b4077d63262b1c9c2e94360f65e10862b43fb3996b83.gif">
Es ist schwierig einzuschätzen, welchen Weg die USA gehen werden, da es immer noch keinen allgemeinen Konsens darüber gibt, wie Bitcoin zu betrachten ist. Der kürzlich vorgestellte DAME-Gesetzesentwurf ([Digital Asset Mining Energy excise tax](https://home.treasury.gov/system/files/131/General-Explanations-FY2024.pdf)), also eine Verbrauchssteuer für Miner, der Biden-Regierung, würde von Bitcoin-Mining-Unternehmen verlangen, eine 30% Steuer auf die Stromkosten zu zahlen, die für das Mining von Bitcoin verwendet werden. Ein solches Gesetz würde die Mining Industrie aus dem Land drängen, da Miner heute schon auf sehr knappen Margen operieren und somit unprofitabel würden. Dies gleicht einer Bestrafung von Unternehmen für das Streben nach Innovation und technologischem Fortschritt.
Auf der anderen Seite gibt es aber auch die Ansicht, Bitcoin müsse ins Land geholt werden, da man es dort am besten kontrollieren kann, ganz nach dem Motto "Halte deine Freunde nah und deine Feinde noch näher". So z.B. Carole House, ehemalige Direktorin für Cybersicherheit des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates des Weißen Hauses. Sie sprach bei einem Event an der Universität von Princeton und sagte "sie würde lieber mehr Hashrate in den USA sehen, damit sie Miner zwingen können, das Netzwerk zu zensieren" und dass es "nicht nur darum ginge, Minern zu sagen, dass sie bestimmte Transaktionen nicht in Blöcke einbauen, sondern auch nicht auf Blöcken mit nicht konformen Transaktionen aufzubauen, damit diese Transaktionen nirgendwo in der Kette ankommen".
Wir sehen also, dass es selbst zwischen den Gegnern von Bitcoin keinen endgültigen Konsens gibt, wie das Thema in Zukunft angegangen werden soll. Da ist esnicht verwunderlich, dass auf Ebene eines Paradigmenwechsels, den die Adaption von Bitcoin von Seiten der Notenbank bedeuten würde, noch unklarer ist. Für mich sind beide Erklärungen logisch. Allerdings wissen wir nur zu gut, dass Regierungen es manchmal nicht so mit Logik und Vernunft haben.
In diesem Sinne, 2... 1... Risiko!
@ 207ad2a0:e7cca7b0
2025-01-07 03:46:04
*Quick context: I wanted to check out Nostr's longform posts and this blog post seemed like a good one to try and mirror. It's originally from my [free to read/share attempt to write a novel](https://untitlednovel.dns7.top/contents/), but this post here is completely standalone - just describing how I used AI image generation to make a small piece of the work.*
Hold on, put your pitchforks down - outside of using Grammerly & Emacs for grammatical corrections - not a single character was generated or modified by computers; a non-insignificant portion of my first draft originating on pen & paper. No AI is ~~weird and crazy~~ imaginative enough to write like I do. The only successful AI contribution you'll find is a single image, the map, which I heavily edited. This post will go over how I generated and modified an image using AI, which I believe brought some value to the work, and cover a few quick thoughts about AI towards the end.
Let's be clear, I can't draw, but I wanted a map which I believed would improve the story I was working on. After getting abysmal results by prompting AI with text only I decided to use "Diffuse the Rest," a Stable Diffusion tool that allows you to provide a reference image + description to fine tune what you're looking for. I gave it this Microsoft Paint looking drawing:
and after a number of outputs, selected this one to work on:
The image is way better than the one I provided, but had I used it as is, I still feel it would have decreased the quality of my work instead of increasing it. After firing up Gimp I cropped out the top and bottom, expanded the ocean and separated the landmasses, then copied the top right corner of the large landmass to replace the bottom left that got cut off. Now we've got something that looks like concept art: not horrible, and gets the basic idea across, but it's still due for a lot more detail.
The next thing I did was add some texture to make it look more map like. I duplicated the layer in Gimp and applied the "Cartoon" filter to both for some texture. The top layer had a much lower effect strength to give it a more textured look, while the lower layer had a higher effect strength that looked a lot like mountains or other terrain features. Creating a layer mask allowed me to brush over spots to display the lower layer in certain areas, giving it some much needed features.
At this point I'd made it to where I felt it may improve the work instead of detracting from it - at least after labels and borders were added, but the colors seemed artificial and out of place. Luckily, however, this is when PhotoFunia could step in and apply a sketch effect to the image.
At this point I was pretty happy with how it was looking, it was close to what I envisioned and looked very visually appealing while still being a good way to portray information. All that was left was to make the white background transparent, add some minor details, and add the labels and borders. Below is the exact image I wound up using:
Overall, I'm very satisfied with how it turned out, and if you're working on a creative project, I'd recommend attempting something like this. It's not a central part of the work, but it improved the chapter a fair bit, and was doable despite lacking the talent and not intending to allocate a budget to my making of a free to read and share story.
#### The AI Generated Elephant in the Room
If you've read my non-fiction writing before, you'll know that I think AI will find its place around the skill floor as opposed to the skill ceiling. As you saw with my input, I have absolutely zero drawing talent, but with some elbow grease and an existing creative direction before and after generating an image I was able to get something well above what I could have otherwise accomplished. Outside of the lowest common denominators like stock photos for the sole purpose of a link preview being eye catching, however, I doubt AI will be wholesale replacing most creative works anytime soon. I can assure you that I tried numerous times to describe the map without providing a reference image, and if I used one of those outputs (or even just the unedited output after providing the reference image) it would have decreased the quality of my work instead of improving it.
I'm going to go out on a limb and expect that AI image, text, and video is all going to find its place in slop & generic content (such as AI generated slop replacing article spinners and stock photos respectively) and otherwise be used in a supporting role for various creative endeavors. For people working on projects like I'm working on (e.g. intended budget $0) it's helpful to have an AI capable of doing legwork - enabling projects to exist or be improved in ways they otherwise wouldn't have. I'm also guessing it'll find its way into more professional settings for grunt work - think a picture frame or fake TV show that would exist in the background of an animated project - likely a detail most people probably wouldn't notice, but that would save the creators time and money and/or allow them to focus more on the essential aspects of said work. Beyond that, as I've predicted before: I expect plenty of emails will be generated from a short list of bullet points, only to be summarized by the recipient's AI back into bullet points.
I will also make a prediction counter to what seems mainstream: AI is about to peak for a while. The start of AI image generation was with Google's DeepDream in 2015 - image recognition software that could be run in reverse to "recognize" patterns where there were none, effectively generating an image from digital noise or an unrelated image. While I'm not an expert by any means, I don't think we're too far off from that a decade later, just using very fine tuned tools that develop more coherent images. I guess that we're close to maxing out how efficiently we're able to generate images and video in that manner, and the hard caps on how much creative direction we can have when using AI - as well as the limits to how long we can keep it coherent (e.g. long videos or a chronologically consistent set of images) - will prevent AI from progressing too far beyond what it is currently unless/until another breakthrough occurs.
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-07 01:54:52
**Table Of Content**
- The Lazarus Group's Cryptocurrency Holdings
- A Significant Drop in Holdings
- No Privacy Coins in Sight
- Underreported Holdings?
- Previous Attacks and Thefts
- Warnings and Threats
- Conclusion
In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, security breaches and cyber heists have become alarmingly common. One name that frequently emerges in relation to these digital thefts is the Lazarus Group. This North Korean hacking collective has been linked to a series of high-profile cyber-attacks, amassing a significant amount of cryptocurrency in the process. This article delves deep into the group's activities, their holdings, and the implications of their actions on the crypto world.
**The Lazarus Group's Cryptocurrency Holdings**
The Lazarus Group, originating from North Korea, has made headlines with its vast cryptocurrency holdings. Recent reports suggest that this hacking collective has a digital treasure chest worth around $47 million. Bitcoin, the most popular and valuable cryptocurrency, forms the bulk of their holdings, with an estimated value of $42.5 million. In addition to Bitcoin, the group has diversified its holdings with Ether (ETH) valued at $1.9 million, BNB (BNB) worth $1.1 million, and a mix of stablecoins, primarily Binance USD (BUSD), which amounts to approximately $640,000.
**A Significant Drop in Holdings**
While the current figures are staggering, there has been a noticeable decline in the Lazarus Group's cryptocurrency assets. Data indicates that their holdings were valued at $86 million as of September 6. This value plummeted in the aftermath of the Stake.com hack, an event that saw the Lazarus Group as a prime suspect. Dune Analytics, a data monitoring platform, has been keeping a close eye on the group's activities. They have identified 295 wallets associated with the Lazarus Group, information corroborated by agencies like the FBI and the OFAC.
**No Privacy Coins in Sight**
For a hacking group that thrives on anonymity, it's surprising to note the absence of privacy coins in their portfolio. Coins such as Monero (XMR), Dash (DASH), and Zcash (ZEC), known for their enhanced privacy features, are conspicuously missing from their holdings. However, this hasn't deterred the group from continuing their operations. Their crypto wallets, devoid of privacy coins, have seen consistent activity, with the latest transaction recorded on September 20.
**Underreported Holdings?**
The figures mentioned might just be the tip of the iceberg. According to 21.co, the Lazarus Group's actual cryptocurrency holdings could be much higher than what's currently reported. This assertion is based on the data available to the public, suggesting that the group might have undisclosed assets hidden away.
**Previous Attacks and Thefts**
The Lazarus Group's foray into the crypto world has been marked by a series of attacks and thefts. They were the masterminds behind the CoinEx exchange hack, which resulted in losses exceeding $55 million. Their nefarious activities don't end there. The FBI has linked them to other significant breaches, including those targeting Alphapo, CoinsPaid, and Atomic Wallet. These attacks, in 2023 alone, saw the group walking away with more than $200 million. However, there's a silver lining. Chainalysis reports indicate a decline in crypto thefts by hackers associated with North Korea, with an 80% drop recorded from 2022.
**Warnings and Threats**
The digital realm remains under the shadow of the Lazarus Group. Recent alerts from U.S. federal authorities have highlighted the group's potential to target critical sectors, including the U.S. healthcare and public health domains. These warnings underscore the group's capabilities and the persistent threat they pose.
The Lazarus Group's activities serve as a stark reminder of the vulnerabilities inherent in the digital space. Their vast cryptocurrency holdings, accumulated through a series of hacks and breaches, highlight the need for enhanced security measures in the crypto world. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, it's imperative for stakeholders to remain vigilant, ensuring that their assets are protected from such sophisticated threats. The story of the Lazarus Group is not just about a hacking collective's exploits but a call to action for the broader crypto community.
**Who is the Lazarus Group?**
The Lazarus Group is a North Korean hacking collective known for its high-profile cyber-attacks and significant cryptocurrency holdings.
**How much cryptocurrency does the Lazarus Group hold?**
The group is reported to have amassed around $47 million in cryptocurrency, with Bitcoin forming the majority of their holdings.
**Were there any recent significant drops in their holdings?**
Yes, their holdings saw a decline from $86 million as of September 6, especially after the Stake.com hack.
**Does the Lazarus Group hold any privacy coins?**
Surprisingly, the group does not hold any known privacy coins like Monero, Dash, or Zcash.
**Have there been any warnings about the Lazarus Group's activities?**
U.S. federal authorities have issued warnings about the group's potential to target sectors like U.S. healthcare and public health.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
**X: [@croxroadnews](https://x.com/croxroadnewsco)**
**Instagram: [@croxroadnews.co](https://www.instagram.com/croxroadnews.co/)**
**Youtube: [@croxroadnews](https://www.youtube.com/@croxroadnews)**
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**Subscribe to CROX ROAD Bitcoin Only Daily Newsletter**
*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2025-01-06 20:36:17
* 1 kg of pork roast with rind, such as shoulder or a lean belly
* 1 bottle of beer, light or dark
* chopped German-style mirepoix (best combination, for this recipe, includes celery root, carrot, red onion, and leeks)
* salt, pepper, nutmeg
* 1 diced garlic clove
1. Spread the vegetables on the bottom of the roasting pan.
2. Pour half the beer over the roast. (Drink the other half.)
3. Season the meat, to taste.
4. Roast the meat at 180 °C, until done (depends upon the weight of the roast).
5. Remove the meat from the oven, and wrap in aluminum foil.
6. Pour 2-3 cups of water into the roasting pan.
7. Pour/scrape everything from the pan into a sieve over a sauce pot.
8. Press the vegetables against the sieve, with the back of a spoon, to ensure that you get all that good dripping flavor into the sauce.
9. Defat the sauce with a grease separator, then pour it back into the pot.
10. Thicken the sauce, slightly (it should remain slightly watery, and not turn into a gravy), according to your usual method.
11. Open the foil and slice the roast.
12. Serve with the sauce.
@ 2063cd79:57bd1320
2025-01-06 17:46:01
Der Mempool ist voll. Voller als das Rosenrot an Heiligabend. Dies bedeutet in erster Linie hohe Transaktionsgebühren für On-Chain-Transaktionen. Doch auch während der Mempool verstopft ist, wie der Gotthardtunnel in der Urlaubssaison, bietet Bitcoins Layer 2 Lösung - das Lightning Netzwerk - schnelle und günstige Zahlungen, um Bitcoins Skalierungsgrenze zu überbrücken. Gerade in Zeiten von hohen Transaktionsgebühren und einem Mempool, der voller ist als Til Schweiger nach 13 Uhr, werden kleine Zahlungen, die On-Chain getätigt werden, immer unökonomischer und Lightning Zahlungen dadurch attraktiver.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/d5a615c03e7b08217695478085bd6ee011fbe3b63b2bbae819f91fbecb456084.png">
Doch nicht jede/r Nutzer//in möchte auch gleichzeitig eine Lightning-Node betreiben, um in den Genuss zu kommen Lightning zu benutzen. In diesem Fall bieten Lightning Service Provider (LSP) und verschiedene Apps Abhilfe. Es gibt viele verschiedene Anbieter und viele verschiedene Varianten das gleiche Problem umzusetzen: Der/die Nutzer//in möchte mit möglichst wenig Aufwand Lightning benutzen und muss dazu seine/ihre Lightning Wallet zunächst erstmal mit (On-Chain) Bitcoin füttern. Das Umwandeln von L1 Bitcoin zu L2 Bitcoin übernimmt dann die Software. Aber auch andersherum kann es sein, dass Nutzer//innen viele Lightning Zahlungen erhalten und die gesammelten Sats gerne in L1 Bitcoin tauschen möchten. Um diesen Tauschvorgang abzuwickeln gibt es verschiedene Methoden. Eine dieser Methoden sind sogenannte Submarine Swaps.
Erstmal vorab: Bitcoin ist Bitcoin, ob On-Chain auf der Basisschicht (Layer 1), oder Off-Chain auf der zweiten Schicht (Layer 2) in Form von Lightning. Man könnte es mit Bargeld vergleichen: Geld auf dem Konto kann problemlos hin- und hergeschoben werden, man kann es auf andere Konten schieben, Überweisungen tätigen oder Depots bezahlen. Wenn man allerdings Bargeld in der Tasche haben will, muss man eine Brücke von der digitalen Kontenwelt in die analoge Bargeldwelt schlagen. Diese Brücke stellen Bankautomaten, Supermarktkassen oder Bankschalter dar, oder eben jede Stelle, an der man Bargeld abheben kann. Das Geldmittel bleibt dabei das gleiche, es verändert nur seinen Aggregatzustand. So kann man Bitcoin in Lightning auch beschreiben, denn Bitcoin bleibt Bitcoin, es hat nur seinen Aggregatzustand temporär verändert. Auf der einen Seite sind also On-Chain-Transaktionen oder Layer 1 (L1) Zahlungen, auf der anderen Seite werde ich von Off-Chain- oder Lightning-Zahlungen oder Layer 2 (L2) und Sats sprechen.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/bb2f398cfcf76a7c971897d0e0a4f247d58236aa13a647a0869c35fe09a96474.gif">
### Refresher
Im Bitcoin Stack gibt es verschiedene aufeinander aufbauende Layer und Bitcoin - das Netzwerk - bildet dabei die Grundschicht, das Fundament, auf dem weitere Schichten aufbauen. Bitcoin braucht zusätzlichen Protokolle und Netzwerke, um einen hohen Transaktionsdurchsatz und zukünftiges Wachstum zu gewährleisten. Das bedeutet ganz einfach, dass die Leistung und Geschwindigkeit der Blockchain und der darauf erfolgenden Transaktionen nicht darunter leidet, wenn mehr Nutzer//innen und höhere Transaktionsmengen hinzukommen. Denn Bitcoin selbst ist nicht skalierbar. Die Blockgröße ist begrenzt, die Blockzeit wird auf 10 Minuten geeicht und zusätzlich aufgewendete Energie verschnellert die Erstellung neuer Blöcke nicht, macht sie nicht günstiger und auch nicht effizienter.
Layer 2, also die zweite Schicht, beschreibt Anwendungen und Protokolle, die auf der Basis des ersten Layers, der originären Bitcoin Blockchain, aufbauen. Diese Anwendungen sind unabhängig von Bitcoin insofern, als dass sie den Ablauf und den Code von Bitcoin nicht direkt beeinflussen, das Bitcoin Protokoll bleibt dabei unangetastet. Allerdings erlauben sie dem/der Nutzer//in einen Umgang mit Bitcoin und Anwendungsmöglichkeiten, die über die nativen Funktionen von Bitcoin hinausgehen und fördern somit das Ökosystem rund um Bitcoin.
Lightning, die bekannteste Layer 2 Lösung, basiert auf einem Peer-to-Peer-System zur Durchführung von Mikrozahlungen über ein Mesh-Netzwerk von bidirektionalen Zahlungskanälen. Genau wie bei Bitcoin können bei Lightning eigene Netzwerkknoten betrieben und somit eigene Zahlungskanäle verwaltet werden.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/575c29009a14631cd9e759aafa54d4dd00626eda9c29b59246499765c7b6f573.png">
Diese Zahlungskanäle ermöglichen es den Teilnehmer//innen, sich gegenseitig Geld zu überweisen, ohne alle ihre Transaktionen auf der Bitcoin-Blockchain öffentlich machen zu müssen. Zahlungskanäle werden geöffnet und die Blockchain sperrt in diesem Moment die verwendeten Bitcoins für die weitere Verwendung, und in Lightning wird nur der Gegenwert dieser Bitcoins gehandelt. Immer wenn Zahlungskanäle geschlossen werden, werden diese Transaktionen auf die Bitcoin Blockchain übertragen. Lightning-Zahlungen können auch über direkte Kanäle hinaus an andere Teilnehmer gesendet werden, da viele aufeinanderfolgende Kanäle miteinander verkettet werden können und sich eine Zahlung den besten Weg durch die Knotenpunkte dieses weitverzweigten P2P-Netzwerks sucht.
Anders als bei Bitcoin, muss der/die Betreiber//in eines Lightning-Knotens aktiv seine/ihre Kanäle und damit seine/ihre Liquidität managen. Es muss immer genug inbound (eingehend) und genug outbound (ausgehend) Liquidität zur Verfügung stehen, um Zahlungen sowohl zu tätigen als auch zu erhalten. Dies erfordert ein gewisses Verständnis und einen Verwaltungsaufwand, den nicht jede/r Nutzer//in bereit ist aufzubringen, da Kanäle (noch) jederzeit auf ihre Balance überwacht werden müssen.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/81519057be175dbb7178f011a8bca7d553a44c7c98094b46dc8e2bcec7cddd84.jpg">
Submarine Swaps erleichtern die Verwaltung der Liquidität dieser Lightning-Knoten. Sie können dabei helfen, eingehende Liquidität zu erhalten und Kanäle wieder aufzufüllen, wenn die Kapazität erschöpft ist, oder Tageseinnahmen in On-Chain Bitcoin umzuwandeln, um diese in Eigenverwahrung zu schützen.
Das Hauptproblem bei den verschiedenen Schichten im Bitcoin-Stack besteht darin, dass Transaktionen zwischen On-Chain-Bitcoin-Adressen (L1) und Off-Chain-Lightning-Adressen (L2) nicht direkt kompatibel sind. Man kann nicht einfach eine Lightning-Transaktion an jemanden senden, der Lightning nicht verwendet, sondern "nur" Bitcoin, oder umgekehrt. Diese Trennung schafft eine Barriere zwischen der Bitcoin-Blockchain und den Layer 2 Protokollen.
Submarine Swaps ermöglichen den direkten Austausch von Vermögenswerten zwischen Bitcoin (L1) und dem Lightning-Netzwerk (L2). Submarine Swaps sind eine spezielle Art von Atomic Swaps, die ohne Verwahrungsrisiko oder Counterparty Risk durchgeführt werden können.
### Atomic Swaps
Atomic Swaps wurden eigentlich erfunden, um den Handel von Vermögenswerten zwischen zwei Blockchains mit unterschiedlichen Coins durchzuführen, heute bekannt als On-Chain Atomic Swap. Ein Beispiel wäre der direkte Austausch von Dogecoin oder Litecoin mit Bitcoin. Mit der Entwicklung und Einführung von Layer 2 Protokollen wurden Atomic Swaps schnell auch für Off-Chain-Transaktionen verwendet, ergo Off-Chain Atomic Swaps.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/297b4ca0897b40b0df35980e1a1247b8c1ff64a82a003574ee484908113b98d1.gif">
Was bedeutet dies in der Praxis? Ganz einfach dargestellt nehmen wir an, Person 1 und Person 2 wollen Bitcoin gegen Lightning-Bitcoin eintauschen. Person 1 hat einen bitcoin und bevorzugt 100.000.000 Sats im Lightning Netzwerk (🔗➡️⚡), da sie oft viele kleine Transaktionen tätigt, Person 2 hat 100.000.000 Sats im Lightning Netzwerk und würde gerne in On-Chain-Bitcoin tauschen (⚡➡️🔗), um ihr Erspartes in Selbstverwahrung zu verschieben. Wir nehmen auch an, dass Person 1 und Person 2 keine Lightning-Nodes oder Apps besitzen, die diesen Vorgang für sie automatisch übernehmen, es soll hier einfach die Transaktion verdeutlicht werden.
Um den Austausch durchzuführen, erstellt Person 2 zunächst eine Geheimzahl, einen Wert. Aus diesem Wert generiert sie dann auch einen Hash und sendet diesen Hash an Person 1, ohne den verborgenen Wert zu teilen. Dann erstellt Person 2 eine Transaktion und sperrt 100.000.000 Sats. Diese Sats können nur auf zwei Arten entsperrt werden. Entweder kann Person 1 mit Hilfe des ihr bekannten Werts die Sats einfordern, oder Person 2 kann ihre Sats nach Ablauf eines festgelegten Zeitraums (Anzahl von Blöcken) wieder zurückholen.
Im Moment können weder Person 1 noch Person 2 die Sats beanspruchen, da Person 1 den geheimen Wert nicht kennt (nur den Hash), und Person 2 kann die Sats nicht beanspruchen, da der Zeitraum noch nicht verstrichen ist. Diese zeitlich beschränkten Verträge nennt man Hash Time-Locked Contracts (HTLC).
Gleichzeitig erstellt Person 1 ihre Transaktion, die einen bitcoin sperrt. Der in dieser Transaktion gesperrte bitcoin kann auch wiederum nur auf zwei Arten eingefordert werden. Entweder kann Person 2 mit Hilfe des bekannten Werts den bitcoin einfordern, oder Person 1 holt sich ihren bitcoin zurück, nachdem der festgelegte Zeitraum verstrichen ist.
Beide Parteien haben also ihren jeweiligen Gegenwert für sich selbst gesperrt und für den anderen freigegeben, aber nur solange die Transaktion von beiden Seiten (in dem festgelegten Zeitraum) durchgeführt wird. Denn in dem Moment, in dem Person 2 den bitcoin einfordert, stellt sie Person 1 auch ihren geheimen Wert zur Verfügung, sodass sie die 100.000.000 Sats ausgezahlt bekommt. Für diese Transaktion zwischen zwei Parteien bedarf es keines Dritten. Lediglich die genutzten Smart-Contracts begünstigen diesen vertrauenslosen Handel, einen Atomic Swap zwischen dem Bitcoin-On-Chain und dem Bitcoin-Off-Chain-Lightning-Netzwerk.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/17bc1255123e24109bdbd5d224c42e11283bb287b334fb29a03d8076dd98f5ca.gif">
### Zurück zu Submarine Swaps
Ich möchte nochmal hervorheben, dass es sich um eine sehr vereinfachte Darstellung der Funktionsweise handelt, allerdings wollte ich auf abstrakte WEise erklären, wie diese SmartContracts funktionieren, ohne auf dem gleichen Protokoll zu laufen. Was bei Lightning-Lösungen zu Reibungen führt, ist das Verwalten von Kanälen, denn diese können aufgebraucht werden oder müssen neu ausbalanciert werden, wenn Nutzer//innen überwiegend Zahlungen empfangen oder versenden. Die größten Einschränkungen der aktuellen Lightning-Implementierung stellen das Öffnen und Schließen dieser Kanäle dar, da es dafür Transaktionsgebühren bedarf und eine gewisse Menge Bitcoin eingefroren wird, um einen Kanal zu öffnen. Dies bedeutet, dass ein Problem zwischen Lightning und On-Chain Bitcoin darin besteht, Gelder in und aus den beiden Umgebungen zu bekommen, ohne Kanäle öffnen und schließen zu müssen (um Kosten und Zeit zu sparen). Des Weiteren können Kanäle aufgebraucht werden, wenn Zahlungen hauptsächlich abfließen und es müssen neue Kanäle geöffnet werden, um die Nutzung fortzusetzen, obwohl im Wesentlichen unbegrenzte Transaktionen innerhalb eines Kanals gesendet werden können, solange die Netto Ein- und Ausgänge relativ stabil bleiben.
Die Verwaltung von Kanälen kostet On-Chain-Transaktionsgebühren und ist umso teurer, wenn der Mempool voller ist, als Johnny Depp nach der Trennung, was es unbequem, ineffizient und teuer macht, mehrere Kanäle wiederholt zu öffnen.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/c40ef1a0669d1b43ac4bff65c1e2e5cf1c99e1e26563a4d8da800df90f26760c.jpg">
Submarine Swaps ermöglichen es, On-Chain Bitcoin in Off-Chain Bitcoin (🔗➡️⚡)- oder umgekehrt (⚡➡️🔗) - umzuwandeln. Sie basieren auf der gleichen Art von Bitcoin Smart-Contract wie Atomic Swaps, HTLCs, da diese sowohl On-Chain- als auch Off-Chain-Transaktionen umfassen können. Der Vorteil bei dieser Lösung liegt darin, dass HTLCs auch bei der Verkettung von Kanälen und Zahlungen verwendet werden und somit das Hauptkonstrukt für den Geldtransfer über das Lightning Netzwerk bilden. So wird Nutzer//innen und Wallet-Anbietern ermöglicht, Gelder vom Bitcoin-L1-Netzwerk direkt an das Lightning-Netzwerk oder andersrum vom Lightning-Netzwerk an das Bitcoin-L1-Netzwerk zu senden, ohne einen Drittanbieterdienst zu nutzen.
Damit bergen Submarine Swaps kein Counterparty Risiko und können ohne zusätzliche Barrieren wie Hintergrundprüfungen oder vertragliche Vereinbarungen durchgeführt werden. Entweder tauschen die beiden Parteien erfolgreich ihre Vermögenswerte aus, oder der Tausch findet nach Ablauf des festgelegten Zeitraums nicht statt. Aber zu keinem Zeitpunkt ist eine der Parteien in der Lage, mit den Einlagen der anderen Seite davonzukommen.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/99b53dee76794afe26e257118550e3a164a72b31514e6464514a46022533dac0.gif">
Die im Submarine Swap verwendete Form von HTLC-Smart-Contracts nennt man auch Swap-Provider und kann von einem Drittanbieter verwaltet werden, ist aber ein Smart Contract auf der Blockchain.Bekannte Implementierungen von Submarine Swaps direkt ins Endprodukt sind Lightning Wallets, wie Muun oder Breez.
#### Muun
Die Muun-Wallet ist notorisch dafür bekannt, eigentlich kein "echtes" Lightning-Wallet zu sein, denn alle Guthaben werden On-Chain in der Blockchain verwaltet. Die Muun-Wallet öffnet keine Kanäle für jeden Nutzer und verwendet stattdessen Submarine Swaps für Lightning-Zahlungen, was bedeutet, dass jedes Mal, wenn gesendet oder empfangen wird, eine On-Chain-Transaktion durchgeführt werden muss (und somit auch On-Chain-Gebühren anfallen). Dies bedeutet auch, dass Muun erstmal in Vorkasse geht, um schnelle Zahlungen aufrecht zu erhalten und ggf. Lightning-Zahlungen auf eine Blockbestätigung warten müssen, wenn Muun entscheidet, dass diese Transaktion ein zu hohes Risiko hat, unbestätigt ersetzt zu werden.
Der Vorteil dieses Ansatzes liegt darin, dass ein einheitlicher Kontostand dargestellt werden kann, der sowohl On-Chain- als auch Lightning-Transaktionen ermöglicht. Allerdings ist es nicht besonders einleuchtend, warum man sowohl L1 und L2 in einer Wallet verbinden muss, vor allem, wenn es bedeutet, dass sowohl Anbieter als auch Kunden potenziell höheren Gebühren ausgesetzt sind.
#### Breez
Ein weiterer Lightning-Wallet-Anbieter ist Breez. Auch hier werden Submarine Swaps genutzt, allerdings nur um Liquidität zu erzeugen. Denn obwohl L1-Bitcoin Zahlungen in Breez gespeichert werden können, bietet die Wallet die Möglichkeit, On-Chain-Bitcoin-Gelder über Submarine Swaps auf die Lightning-Wallet zu verschieben (🔗➡️⚡). Submarine Swaps werden in erster Linie verwendet, um eine einfache Benutzeroberfläche bereitzustellen. Das ermöglicht Breez vor allem auch, weniger Kanäle für seine Nutzer zu verwalten.
Das Lightning-Netzwerk, aber auch alle andere Layer 2 Lösungen, sind unabdinglich, wenn es darum geht Bitcoin als Zahlungsmittel möglichst reibungslos, benutzfreundlich und vorallem günstig zu gestalten. Allerdings besteht immernoch ein Reibungspunkt zwischen L1 und L2 und dem verschieben von Geldwerten zwischen diesen beiden Schichten. Submarine Swaps sind eine Methode diese Reibung zu verringern, da sie Entwicklern die Möglichkeit bieten benutzerfreundliche Konzepte umzusetzen, die es ermöglichen Lightning-Wallets und -Services so zu programmieren, dass dem/der Nutzer//in der Transfer von Aggregatszuständen nicht bewusst wird.
Natürlich besteht auch die Möglichkeit diese Swaps selbst durchzuführen. Dafür gibt es viele Dienste, mit denen man einen Handel (Swap) durchführen kann. Einige Anbieter können sogar genutzt werden, um ein wenig Profit zu erzielen, denn manche Anbieter lassen sich Vorabliquidität in Form von On-Chain Bitcoin etwas kosten.
In diesem Sinne, 2... 1... Risiko!
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-06 01:15:32
**Table Of Content**
- The Anticipation of Bitcoin Halving
- Progress Status: 85% Complete
- Long-Term Holders and Their Influence
- Analyzing the Supply Trends
- What History Tells Us
- Conclusion
In the dynamic world of cryptocurrency, certain events stand out as pivotal moments that can shape the trajectory of the market. One such event is the Bitcoin halving, a process that reduces the rewards for mining Bitcoin by half, effectively slowing down the rate at which new Bitcoins are created. As we approach the next halving, scheduled for mid-2024, there's a palpable sense of anticipation among investors and market watchers. This article delves into the current status of the halving process and examines the role of long-term holders in influencing market trends.
**The Anticipation of Bitcoin Halving**
The cryptocurrency market is on the brink of a significant phase. With the next Bitcoin halving anticipated in mid-2024, the event is garnering immense attention from investors. Historical patterns suggest that a full-fledged bull market might not commence until the following year.
**Progress Status: 85% Complete**
Recent data reveals that the Bitcoin halving process is 85% complete. Concurrently, the supply of Bitcoin held by long-term holders (LTHs) is nearing its all-time high (ATH). In past cycles, such a scenario indicated the proximity of a macro bottom, which was then succeeded by the onset of a new cycle.
**Long-Term Holders and Their Influence**
The amount of Bitcoin supply in the possession of long-term holders has traditionally served as a reliable gauge for the cryptocurrency market's health. This metric has shown an inverse correlation with Bitcoin's long-term price trajectory.
During market lows, long-term hodlers tend to keep their assets stationary. The most significant surge in LTH possession typically transpires during intense bear markets. This is when steadfast investors, despite witnessing Bitcoin's price plummet, choose not to sell. Their conviction lies in the belief that the market will eventually recover, making their investments profitable.
Conversely, during a bull market's unraveling, the spike in Bitcoin's price prompts LTHs to become increasingly inclined to sell their assets for profit. Historically, every major bull market has seen a sharp decline in the supply held by LTHs. This leads to the coins transitioning to short-term holders (STHs), who are motivated by quick profit prospects.
**Analyzing the Supply Trends**
A cryptocurrency analyst showcased a chart depicting the Bitcoin supply in the hands of long-term holders. The chart reveals that the current BTC supply ratio held by LTHs is nearing its ATH of 76%, a benchmark set in late 2015 before the second halving.
Historically, this indicator peaked several months before each Bitcoin halving. Following this peak, the supply held by LTHs would typically plateau until several months post the subsequent halving. A significant drop in this metric was observed roughly six months after the event, marking the advent of a mature bull market.
**What History Tells Us**
If past patterns hold true, the cryptocurrency market might experience a sideways trend for approximately a year. The upcoming Bitcoin halving in mid-April 2024 might not have an immediate influence on Bitcoin's price. Its repercussions might only manifest in the last quarter of 2024 and continue into 2025.
This forecast aligns with the trends observed in the supply chart of long-term holders. The indicator is on the verge of reaching its ATH and might require around 12 months to reverse its trajectory, transitioning into a distribution phase. The commencement of LTHs selling post the Bitcoin halving could be one of the early indicators of a budding cryptocurrency bull run.
The Bitcoin halving is more than just a technical event; it's a significant milestone that has historically influenced market dynamics and investor behavior. As we inch closer to the next halving, the role of long-term holders becomes increasingly crucial. Their actions, whether holding steadfastly or choosing to sell, can set the tone for the market's direction in the subsequent months. While history offers insights, the ever-evolving nature of the cryptocurrency landscape means that nothing is set in stone. Investors and enthusiasts alike should remain vigilant, informed, and prepared for the myriad possibilities the future holds.
**When is the next Bitcoin halving expected?**
The next Bitcoin halving is anticipated to occur in mid-2024.
**How does the halving impact long-term holders?**
Historically, as the halving approaches, the supply of Bitcoin held by long-term holders (LTHs) nears its all-time high, influencing market trends and price trajectories.
**What does the current data suggest about the halving process?**
Current data indicates that the Bitcoin halving process is 85% complete, with the supply held by LTHs nearing its all-time high.
**How has Bitcoin halving influenced market dynamics in the past?**
In previous cycles, the approach of a halving event signaled the proximity of a macro bottom, followed by the early phase of a new market cycle.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
**X: [@croxroadnews](https://x.com/croxroadnewsco)**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-01-05 18:56:33
New Year’s resolutions often feel boring and repetitive. Most revolve around getting in shape, eating healthier, or giving up alcohol. While the idea is interesting—using the start of a new calendar year as a catalyst for change—it also seems unnecessary. Why wait for a specific date to make a change? If you want to improve something in your life, you can just do it. You don’t need an excuse.
That’s why I’ve never been drawn to the idea of making a list of resolutions. If I wanted a change, I’d make it happen, without worrying about the calendar. At least, that’s how I felt until now—when, for once, the timing actually gave me a real reason to embrace the idea of New Year’s resolutions.
Enter [Olas](https://olas.app).
If you're a visual creator, you've likely experienced the relentless grind of building a following on platforms like Instagram—endless doomscrolling, ever-changing algorithms, and the constant pressure to stay relevant. But what if there was a better way? Olas is a Nostr-powered alternative to Instagram that prioritizes community, creativity, and value-for-value exchanges. It's a game changer.
Instagram’s failings are well-known. Its algorithm often dictates whose content gets seen, leaving creators frustrated and powerless. Monetization hurdles further alienate creators who are forced to meet arbitrary follower thresholds before earning anything. Additionally, the platform’s design fosters endless comparisons and exposure to negativity, which can take a significant toll on mental health.
Instagram’s algorithms are notorious for keeping users hooked, often at the cost of their mental health. I've spoken about this extensively, most recently at Nostr Valley, explaining how legacy social media is bad for you. You might find yourself scrolling through content that leaves you feeling anxious or drained. Olas takes a fresh approach, replacing "doomscrolling" with "bloomscrolling." This is a common theme across the Nostr ecosystem. The lack of addictive rage algorithms allows the focus to shift to uplifting, positive content that inspires rather than exhausts.
Monetization is another area where Olas will set itself apart. On Instagram, creators face arbitrary barriers to earning—needing thousands of followers and adhering to restrictive platform rules. Olas eliminates these hurdles by leveraging the Nostr protocol, enabling creators to earn directly through value-for-value exchanges. Fans can support their favorite artists instantly, with no delays or approvals required. The plan is to enable a brand new Olas account that can get paid instantly, with zero followers - that's wild.
Olas addresses these issues head-on. Operating on the open Nostr protocol, it removes centralized control over one's content’s reach or one's ability to monetize. With transparent, configurable algorithms, and a community that thrives on mutual support, Olas creates an environment where creators can grow and succeed without unnecessary barriers.
Join me on my New Year's resolution. Join me on Olas and take part in the [#Olas365](https://olas.app/search/olas365) challenge! It’s a simple yet exciting way to share your content. The challenge is straightforward: post at least one photo per day on Olas (though you’re welcome to share more!).
[Download on iOS](https://testflight.apple.com/join/2FMVX2yM).
[Download on Android](https://github.com/pablof7z/olas/releases/) or download via Zapstore.
Let's make waves together.
@ e6817453:b0ac3c39
2025-01-05 14:29:17
## The Rise of Graph RAGs and the Quest for Data Quality
As we enter a new year, it’s impossible to ignore the boom of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems, particularly those leveraging graph-based approaches. The previous year saw a surge in advancements and discussions about Graph RAGs, driven by their potential to enhance large language models (LLMs), reduce hallucinations, and deliver more reliable outputs. Let’s dive into the trends, challenges, and strategies for making the most of Graph RAGs in artificial intelligence.
## Booming Interest in Graph RAGs
Graph RAGs have dominated the conversation in AI circles. With new research papers and innovations emerging weekly, it’s clear that this approach is reshaping the landscape. These systems, especially those developed by tech giants like Microsoft, demonstrate how graphs can:
* **Enhance LLM Outputs:** By grounding responses in structured knowledge, graphs significantly reduce hallucinations.
* **Support Complex Queries:** Graphs excel at managing linked and connected data, making them ideal for intricate problem-solving.
Conferences on linked and connected data have increasingly focused on Graph RAGs, underscoring their central role in modern AI systems. However, the excitement around this technology has brought critical questions to the forefront: How do we ensure the quality of the graphs we’re building, and are they genuinely aligned with our needs?
## Data Quality: The Foundation of Effective Graphs
A high-quality graph is the backbone of any successful RAG system. Constructing these graphs from unstructured data requires attention to detail and rigorous processes. Here’s why:
* **Richness of Entities:** Effective retrieval depends on graphs populated with rich, detailed entities.
* **Freedom from Hallucinations:** Poorly constructed graphs amplify inaccuracies rather than mitigating them.
Without robust data quality, even the most sophisticated Graph RAGs become ineffective. As a result, the focus must shift to refining the graph construction process. Improving data strategy and ensuring meticulous data preparation is essential to unlock the full potential of Graph RAGs.
## Hybrid Graph RAGs and Variations
While standard Graph RAGs are already transformative, hybrid models offer additional flexibility and power. Hybrid RAGs combine structured graph data with other retrieval mechanisms, creating systems that:
* Handle diverse data sources with ease.
* Offer improved adaptability to complex queries.
Exploring these variations can open new avenues for AI systems, particularly in domains requiring structured and unstructured data processing.
## Ontology: The Key to Graph Construction Quality
Ontology — defining how concepts relate within a knowledge domain — is critical for building effective graphs. While this might sound abstract, it’s a well-established field blending philosophy, engineering, and art. Ontology engineering provides the framework for:
* **Defining Relationships:** Clarifying how concepts connect within a domain.
* **Validating Graph Structures:** Ensuring constructed graphs are logically sound and align with domain-specific realities.
Traditionally, ontologists — experts in this discipline — have been integral to large enterprises and research teams. However, not every team has access to dedicated ontologists, leading to a significant challenge: How can teams without such expertise ensure the quality of their graphs?
## How to Build Ontology Expertise in a Startup Team
For startups and smaller teams, developing ontology expertise may seem daunting, but it is achievable with the right approach:
1. **Assign a Knowledge Champion:** Identify a team member with a strong analytical mindset and give them time and resources to learn ontology engineering.
2. **Provide Training:** Invest in courses, workshops, or certifications in knowledge graph and ontology creation.
3. **Leverage Partnerships:** Collaborate with academic institutions, domain experts, or consultants to build initial frameworks.
4. **Utilize Tools:** Introduce ontology development tools like Protégé, OWL, or SHACL to simplify the creation and validation process.
5. **Iterate with Feedback:** Continuously refine ontologies through collaboration with domain experts and iterative testing.
So, it is not always affordable for a startup to have a dedicated oncologist or knowledge engineer in a team, but you could involve consulters or build barefoot experts.
You could read about barefoot experts in my article :
Even startups can achieve robust and domain-specific ontology frameworks by fostering in-house expertise.
## How to Find or Create Ontologies
For teams venturing into Graph RAGs, several strategies can help address the ontology gap:
1. **Leverage Existing Ontologies:** Many industries and domains already have open ontologies. For instance:
* **Public Knowledge Graphs:** Resources like Wikipedia’s graph offer a wealth of structured knowledge.
* **Industry Standards:** Enterprises such as Siemens have invested in creating and sharing ontologies specific to their fields.
* **Business Framework Ontology (BFO):** A valuable resource for enterprises looking to define business processes and structures.
1. **Build In-House Expertise:** If budgets allow, consider hiring knowledge engineers or providing team members with the resources and time to develop expertise in ontology creation.
2. **Utilize LLMs for Ontology Construction:** Interestingly, LLMs themselves can act as a starting point for ontology development:
* **Prompt-Based Extraction:** LLMs can generate draft ontologies by leveraging their extensive training on graph data.
* **Domain Expert Refinement:** Combine LLM-generated structures with insights from domain experts to create tailored ontologies.
## Parallel Ontology and Graph Extraction
An emerging approach involves extracting ontologies and graphs in parallel. While this can streamline the process, it presents challenges such as:
* **Detecting Hallucinations:** Differentiating between genuine insights and AI-generated inaccuracies.
* **Ensuring Completeness:** Ensuring no critical concepts are overlooked during extraction.
Teams must carefully validate outputs to ensure reliability and accuracy when employing this parallel method.
## LLMs as Ontologists
While traditionally dependent on human expertise, ontology creation is increasingly supported by LLMs. These models, trained on vast amounts of data, possess inherent knowledge of many open ontologies and taxonomies. Teams can use LLMs to:
* **Generate Skeleton Ontologies:** Prompt LLMs with domain-specific information to draft initial ontology structures.
* **Validate and Refine Ontologies:** Collaborate with domain experts to refine these drafts, ensuring accuracy and relevance.
However, for validation and graph construction, formal tools such as OWL, SHACL, and RDF should be prioritized over LLMs to minimize hallucinations and ensure robust outcomes.
## Final Thoughts: Unlocking the Power of Graph RAGs
The rise of Graph RAGs underscores a simple but crucial correlation: improving graph construction and data quality directly enhances retrieval systems. To truly harness this power, teams must invest in understanding ontologies, building quality graphs, and leveraging both human expertise and advanced AI tools.
As we move forward, the interplay between Graph RAGs and ontology engineering will continue to shape the future of AI. Whether through adopting existing frameworks or exploring innovative uses of LLMs, the path to success lies in a deep commitment to data quality and domain understanding.
Have you explored these technologies in your work? Share your experiences and insights — and stay tuned for more discussions on ontology extraction and its role in AI advancements. Cheers to a year of innovation!
@ 6ad3e2a3:c90b7740
2025-01-05 14:26:34
Maybe it’s because I watched [The Omen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDHisWRsE98) at way too young an age, or maybe it’s because the Book of Revelation’s “mark of the beast” allegory is playing out too literally for my tastes, but having already written about the [Second Coming](https://www.chrisliss.com/the_second_coming), it only follows I should speculate as to its counterpart.
As I mentioned in [The Second Coming](https://www.chrisliss.com/the_second_coming), it’s dangerous to take the myths from our ancestors too literally. They used the symbols of their times, and we should be careful not to confuse the mental maps they had of their world with reality itself. That said, we should also not be dismissive — Mozart didn’t have fancy music editing software, but his genius using the modalities of the time was real. To the extent our forebears offered us their wisdom about the nature of man and forces within him we should endeavor to understand it. The technology and the symbols may have changed, but our essential nature is ever the same.
Just as the second coming of Christ would free man from tyranny, the Antichrist would be its imposition. And just as I speculated that Jesus might not return in the form of a person, it’s likely neither would his counterpart. But if Satoshi, Bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator, can be the face, so to speak, representing the movement toward freedom and God, who and what would represent its antithesis? Let’s speculate.
It would have to be someone charismatic, a person the multitudes would want to follow and in whom to look for reassurance. That eliminates villains du jour like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Vladimir Putin. If that’s who Satan is sending, he’s not sending his best. What about Donald Trump? More charismatic, much more popular appeal. He’s a better choice than the first group, but while street-smart, he lacks refined intelligence and is too despised by wide swaths of the population. He’s also probably too old.
For a while, I would have said Barack Obama was the best candidate, and even some hard-core right wingers agreed (it’s hilarious that this [claim was actually fact-checked](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/anti-maim/)! — you can’t fact-check whether someone is the Antichrist!) Obama was relatively young, vital enough, popular, charismatic and intelligent. But he’s faded from view the last few years and has been a surprisingly inconsequential former president.
That leaves one person of whom I can think with the qualities and societal position to fill the role. Regrettably it’s someone I like, but of course I would like the Antichrist! If he weren’t likable he wouldn’t be the Antichrist.
That person is Elon Musk.
Musk is the richest person in the world, among the most followed on Twitter, has a borderline worshipful fanbase and big plans for improving humanity. Musk is young enough, he’s probably a genius and considering a private takeover of arguably the world’s most important communications network. He’s also a big player in satellites, energy, transportation and [internet provision](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1530234643219243009?s=20&t=olDDLEAUBFhreDIltCPkkQ).
Musk says lots of sensible things with which I agree about free speech and rights. He is the perfect foil to the [out-of-central-casting](https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/02/investigative-reports/schwab-family-values/) Schwab supervillain. As Edward Dowd speculated:
![](https://blossom.primal.net/a5af43af72523baf2ef462f7aef1d23b8aabfb2716f1761110ff40502bf8ebd9.png)But, you might object, if Musk is the foil to Schwab’s terrible ideas, isn’t that good for humanity? How could the Antichrist be for [free speech](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1519036983137509376?s=20&t=olDDLEAUBFhreDIltCPkkQ), [renewable energy](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1532030554778087424?s=20&t=olDDLEAUBFhreDIltCPkkQ), [population expansion](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1529193812949614594?s=20&t=PIRRovWYIIUSQY5Uw7dFpw)? Again, of course, the Antichrist is going to have good, sensible ideas! But as Marshall McLuhan said, “[The medium is the message](https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/marshall_mcluhan_157742).”
Or, more aptly, the top-down messianic complex is the message.
Musk has [long discussed saving humanity](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1533410745429413888?s=20&t=gTsO-6ltAFVOs4SJP-VmpQ) via expansion into space and sustainable energy. But in order to save humanity, one must exert some control over it. While Musk’s Twitter takeover from the [ineffectual woke scolds](https://nypost.com/2022/05/18/good-riddance-to-the-ministry-of-truth-nina-jankowicz/) is getting most of the press, [this is also going on](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-says-neuralinks-brain-155733754.html):
![](https://blossom.primal.net/4fedd97c8e7c7bfd8defbf52451c1108ea8395f83fd5054724e395728e6e54e9.png)Klaus Schwab’s pitch to own nothing and eat bugs is weak, but Musk, via brain implant, could potentially create a more satisfying virtual experience than most could hope to achieve in reality. And what could be more tantamount to complete control than letting someone else get the keys to the very organ of perception itself?
Well don’t get the implant then. Just get in your Tesla and drive away. But electric cars don’t work that way — they are attached to the grid, trackable and capable of [being shut down remotely](https://tekdeeps.com/elon-musk-is-being-pressured-to-shut-down-tesla-cars-in-russia/). And that’s before we consider driverless cars in which there would be even less privacy and autonomy. Moreover, Teslas [track the driver’s movements](https://www.carscoops.com/2020/10/tesla-model-3s-interior-camera-tracking-eye-and-head-movement/) already to an extent combustion-engine cars do not, ostensibly to inform the developing AI, but uses for technology evolve over time — sending email and paying bills over the internet was commonplace in 2000, but now people are micro-tracked by Facebook and Google.
One could object that Musk has, to-date, used his influence for good. But that makes it no less dangerous to entrust him with so much power: J.R.R. Tolkien understood this clearly:
*“You are wise and powerful. Will you not take the Ring?”*
*“No!” cried Gandalf, springing to his feet. “With that power I should have power too great and terrible. And over me the Ring would gain a power still greater and more deadly.” His eyes flashed and his face was lit as by a fire within. “Do not tempt me! For I do not wish to become like the Dark Lord himself. Yet the way of the Ring to my heart is by pity, pity for weakness and the desire of strength to do good. Do not tempt me! I dare not take it, not even to keep it safe, unused. The wish to wield it would be too great for my strength. I shall have such need of it. Great perils lie before me.”*
*-- The Lord of the Rings*
Beyond [Neuralink](https://neuralink.com/), Musk also seems to have a strong utilitarian bent:
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Ff1ef6de2-7379-4d08-bae5-4d1480630373_611x249.png)In this [paper](https://www.nickbostrom.com/astronomical/waste.html) Nick Bostrom makes the case that delaying technological advancement could cost humanity astronomical amounts of well-being because every moment we delay, stars are burning out, useful energy is being sucked into black holes, irreversible entropy is happening apace, depriving us of future potential. Bostrom translates it into potential human lives lost (or more aptly, never having been born) on account of this permanent loss.
While Bostrom’s framework seems benign — who is against collective human happiness in the form of more worthwhile lives? — it’s actually a form of utilitarianism that tries to sum the totality of human happiness over the entire species rather than to consider, as Immanuel Kant would, [each individual as an end in himself](https://assets.cambridge.org/97811070/08519/frontmatter/9781107008519_frontmatter.pdf). This viewing of the collective good as the optimal outcome has been used to justify many of history’s worst atrocities. To create a master race, to make sure everyone gets the same amount, to protect the world from covid, we must do whatever it takes!
If, per Bostrom’s math, one harnessed black hole were worth quadrillions of lives, it would, for example, seem an easy call to sacrifice a bunch of selfish losers on earth who stood in the way of creating the technology for doing so. Utilitarianism, ironically, winds up failing miserably by its own metric because (a) it can so easily be manipulated by whoever is maintaining the “greater good” spread sheet, which just happens to coincide with one’s ambitions; and (b) because it’s absurd to think you can calculate aggregate good for octillions of lives so far into an unknowable future. As such, while Musk’s pitch is more persuasive than Schwab’s or Gates’, it’s ultimately part of the same dangerous philosophy which is: “Let me optimize for total human happiness on your behalf.”
Contrast Musk’s top-down humanity-saving endeavors with Bitcoin which is purely opt-in, works with simple incentives and imposes no value judgments on its users. It’s a [truth-recording clock](https://dergigi.com/2021/01/14/bitcoin-is-time/), impervious to fraud and cooption by the powerful. No matter how wealthy or powerful a person is, he cannot control the network or get treated with special privileges. Bitcoin’s finite supply means governments cannot print more of it, cannot finance unpopular wars or massive giveaways to the military and pharmaceutical industrial complexes. Instead of trusting any particular powerful person (the president, Elon Musk, Bill Gates) to be good, it simply removes the incentives toward and reduces the capacity for evil.
*The supreme good is like water, which nourishes all things without trying to. It is content with the low places that people disdain. Thus it is like the Tao.*
*From the [Tao Te Ching](http://albanycomplementaryhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/TaoTeChing-LaoTzu-StephenMitchellTranslation-33p.pdf) (Lao Tse — translated by Stephen Mitchell)*
We simply need the right conditions, the proper axioms on which to build. Just as the US Constitution created the framework for the most prosperous society in the history of the world, bitcoin will provide the axioms for peace, the harnessing of stranded energy and the [low-time preference](https://saifedean.com/podcast/84-hard-money-and-time-preference-lecture-at-the-property-freedom-society/) required for a more prosperous future.
But it won’t be the future brought to you by Elon Musk, and ultimately I foresee a clash between the two. One tell is his otherwise inexplicable [promotion of Dogecoin](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1530209049261658112?s=20&t=gTsO-6ltAFVOs4SJP-VmpQ) as a possible currency for Tesla purchases. Dogecoin was [literally a joke](https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/06/03/doge-founder-says-every-project-started-now-is-made-to-enrich-creators-at-the-expense-of-community/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=doge-founder-says-every-project-started-now-is-made-to-enrich-creators-at-the-expense-of-community) from its creator and of course has none of the security, decentralization or censorship resistance of bitcoin. Musk is too smart not to know that — he put a couple billion dollars of Tesla’s balance sheet in bitcoin already and almost certainly understands the value proposition. That he still cites Doge seriously would be a clever way to muddy the waters about what bitcoin is vs what blockchain-based “crypto” is. And of course the Antichrist would avail himself of bitcoin, if only to obfuscate his real intentions and also to be able to crash the price by selling, if necessary, at an opportune time.
The Klaus Schwab-Bill Gates-WEF set have already lost. They are widely despised, central banks are flailing, once-trusted institutions like the legacy media, major science and medical journals, the WHO, CDC and FDA are hemorrhaging influence. People are unhappy and looking for someone or something to trust. Elon Musk could fill that void, and if he does, he will be The Final Boss, the last false idol that needs to be discarded before humanity can, through its own efforts, enjoy a new era of prosperity, the [Second Coming](https://www.chrisliss.com/the_second_coming), so to speak.
I actually suspect Musk is genuine in his desire to help humanity via his vision and am pretty sure he doesn’t have 666 embedded in his scalp — in any case even Damian in The Omen [neither knew who he was nor wanted to be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFNqkxFljvk) the Antichrist! But the most dangerous people for humanity are those with the biggest plans for it.
Or put more succinctly:
@ 2bc1cc92:37811ea5
2025-01-04 15:11:33
*aus "Erinnerungen, Träume, Gedanken" (1962) von C. G. Jung*
Sowohl unsere Seele wie der Körper bestehen aus Einzelheiten, die alle schon in der Ahnenreihe vorhanden gewesen sind. Das «Neue» in der individuellen Seele ist eine endlos variierte Rekombination uralter Bestandteile, Körper wie Seele haben daher einen eminent historischen Charakter und finden im Neuen, eben erst Entstandenen keine richtige Unterkunft, d. h. die anzestralen Züge sind darin nur zum Teil zu Hause. Wir sind mit Mittelalter und Antike und Primitivität noch längst nicht so fertig geworden, wie es unsere Psyche erfordert. Wir sind statt dessen in einen Katarakt des Fortschritts hineingestürzt, der mit umso wilderer Gewalt vorwärts in die Zukunft drängt, je mehr er uns von unseren Wurzeln abreißt. Ist aber das Alte einmal durchbrochen, dann ist es meist auch vernichtet, und es gibt überhaupt kein Halten mehr. Es ist eben gerade der Verlust dieses Zusammenhangs, die Wurzellosigkeit, die ein derartiges «Unbehagen in der Kultur» und eine solche Hast erzeugen, daß man mehr in der Zukunft und ihren chimärischen Versprechen eines goldenen Zeitalters lebt, anstatt in der Gegenwart, bei welcher unser ganzer entwicklungsgeschichtlicher Hintergrund überhaupt noch nicht einmal angelangt ist. Man stürzt sich hemmungslos ins Neue, getrieben von einem zunehmenden Gefühl des Ungenügens, der Unzufriedenheit und Rastlosigkeit.
**Man lebt nicht mehr aus Besitz, sondern aus Versprechen**, nicht mehr im Lichte des gegenwärtigen Tages, sondern im Dunkel der Zukunft, wo man den richtigen Sonnenaufgang erwartet. Man will es nicht wahrhaben, daß alles Bessere durch ein Schlechteres erkauft wird. Die Hoffnung auf größere Freiheit wird durch vermehrte Staatssklaverei zunichte gemacht, nicht zu sprechen von den fürchterlichen Gefahren, denen uns die glänzendsten Entdeckungen der Wissenschaft aussetzen. Je weniger wir verstehen, wonach unsere Väter und Vorväter gesucht haben, desto weniger verstehen wir uns selbst, und helfen mit allen Kräften, die Instinkt- und Wurzellosigkeit des Einzelmenschen zu vermehren, so daß er als Massenpartikel nur noch dem «Geist der Schwere» folgt.
Verbesserungen nach vorne, d.h. durch neue Methoden oder «gadgets» sind zwar unmittelbar überzeugend, aber auf die Dauer zweifelhaft und auf alle Fälle teuer bezahlt. Keinesfalls erhöhen sie das Behagen, die Zufriedenheit oder das Glück im großen und ganzen. Sie sind meist hinfällige Versüßungen des Daseins, wie z. B. zeitverkürzende Maßnahmen, die unangenehmerweise bloß das Tempo beschleunigen und uns somit weniger Zeit lassen als je zuvor.
Omnis festinatio ex parte diaboli est – alle Eile ist des Teufels – pflegten die alten Meister zu sagen.
Verbesserungen nach rückwärts indessen sind in der Regel weniger kostspielig und dazu dauerhaft, denn sie kehren zu den einfacheren und bewährten Wegen der Vergangenheit zurück und machen den sparsamsten Gebrauch von Zeitungen, Radio, T.V. und allen quasi zeitsparenden Neuerungen.
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-04 04:10:37
Table Of Content
The Deceptive Scheme
**The Fall of the Scammer**
- Victims Take Charge
- The Verdict
- Conclusion
In a recent turn of events, a Bitcoin scammer, who was exposed and prosecuted by his own victims, has been handed a suspended prison sentence. The scammer, Doede Osman Khan, had been deceiving investors by promising them protection against online scams and lucrative returns on their investments. This case has brought to light the vulnerabilities that many face in the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrency, where scammers often prey on the uninformed and the hopeful.
**The Deceptive Scheme**
Doede Osman Khan, a 50-year-old from Staffordshire, portrayed himself as a guardian angel for investors. He warned them about the perils of online scams and promised to help them navigate the treacherous waters of cryptocurrency investments. He assured them of making profits while doing so. However, in reality, Khan swindled thousands of dollars from unsuspecting individuals across the globe, including regions like Teesside and Canada. His promises, which seemed too good to be true, were laced with deceit and manipulation.
Khan's modus operandi involved offering tutorials on purchasing and trading cryptocurrency online. Within just a few months of starting in early 2019, he had managed to attract dozens of clients from around the world. He made "outlandish claims" and promised large profits with "zero risk". Khan's presentations, which were entirely fictitious, were designed to exploit the trust and ignorance of his victims. These presentations painted a picture of a risk-free investment world, which is far from the reality of cryptocurrency trading.
**The Fall of the Scammer**
Despite his claims of starting with honest intentions, Khan's fraudulent activities were primarily to cover up unexpected losses. The court found that greed overcame Khan after witnessing early success in his venture. This early success, instead of being a foundation for genuine business growth, became the catalyst for his descent into deceit.
Victims were lured into investing their Bitcoin funds with Khan to purchase trading bots, which he claimed would monitor the market. However, behind the intricate jargon, Khan's scam was straightforward - he simply pocketed their Bitcoin. Flaunting his ill-gotten gains, Khan often shared photos of himself living a luxurious lifestyle, complete with flashy cars, yachts, and skyscrapers. These images were a stark contrast to the financial and emotional turmoil he left in his wake.
While Khan admitted to stealing £20,000, the victims argue that the current value of the stolen Bitcoin could be as high as £725,000, showcasing the gravity of his deceit.
**Victims Take Charge**
Two victims, Stephen Johnson from Stockton and Margery Willhelm from Canada, collaborated with other investors to compile a comprehensive 700-page dossier on Khan. This dossier was a testament to their determination to bring Khan to justice. Mrs. Willhelm, whose husband runs a private investigation firm, expressed her determination to find Khan, emphasizing the emotional and financial toll his actions had taken on the victims. Her resilience showcases the strength of those wronged, and their commitment to ensuring justice is served.
Bethean McCall, a solicitor who took on the case, highlighted the emotional impact of the fraud on the victims, many of whom blamed themselves for being deceived. She emphasized the importance of victims realizing that they were manipulated by a professional scammer and that the blame lies solely with Khan.
**The Verdict**
Teesside Crown Court sentenced Khan to 15 months in prison, suspended for 18 months, after he pleaded guilty to seven counts of fraud. This sentence, while providing some justice to the victims, also serves as a warning to potential scammers about the consequences of their actions. Additionally, Khan is now under a four-month curfew, with a proceeds of crime hearing scheduled for the future, ensuring that his actions continue to be monitored and that he faces the repercussions of his deceit.
The case of Doede Osman Khan serves as a stark reminder of the dangers lurking in the world of online investments, particularly in the realm of cryptocurrencies. While the digital age offers immense opportunities, it also presents avenues for deceit and fraud. It's crucial for investors to remain vigilant, conduct thorough research, and be wary of offers that seem too good to be true. The resilience and determination of Khan's victims not only brought a scammer to justice but also highlighted the importance of community and collaboration in the face of adversity.
**Who is Doede Osman Khan?**
Doede Osman Khan is a Bitcoin scammer who deceived investors by promising protection against online scams and lucrative returns.
**How was Khan caught?**
Khan was exposed and prosecuted by his own victims, who compiled a comprehensive 700-page dossier against him.
**What was Khan's scam method?**
Khan offered cryptocurrency trading tutorials and lured victims into investing their Bitcoin with him, promising to buy trading bots. He then simply pocketed their Bitcoin.
**How much did Khan steal?**
Khan admitted to stealing £20,000, but the victims claim the current value of the stolen Bitcoin could be as high as £725,000.
**What was Khan's sentence?**
Khan was sentenced to 15 months in prison, suspended for 18 months, by the Teesside Crown Court.
**That's all for today**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 16d11430:61640947
2025-01-03 22:11:33
The fiat monetary system, built on debt and centralized control, has entrenched a framework that incentivizes exploitation, overconsumption, and systemic corruption. While it appears to provide economic stability, its long-term trajectory reveals existential risks for humanity and all life on Earth. Here, we explore how the fiat system manifests these risks and how Bitcoin adoption could offer a peaceful alternative to avert catastrophe.
The Fiat System’s Role in Accelerating Human Extinction
1. Perpetuation of Endless Growth and Consumption
Fiat currencies, through inflationary policies, compel perpetual economic growth to sustain themselves. This forces nations and corporations to prioritize short-term profits over sustainable practices, leading to the overexploitation of natural resources. The result is environmental degradation, biodiversity loss, and an acceleration of climate change—key factors in the destabilization of life-supporting ecosystems.
2. Centralized Control and Authoritarianism
The fiat system thrives on centralized control by governments and banks. This concentration of power erodes individual freedoms, enabling authoritarian regimes to suppress dissent, fund wars, and perpetuate inequality. Over time, the devaluation of currencies exacerbates social unrest, fueling conflict and suffering.
3. Debt-Driven Inequality and Enslavement
At its core, fiat money is created through debt. This system locks individuals, businesses, and nations into cycles of borrowing and repayment, concentrating wealth and power in the hands of an elite minority. The growing wealth gap undermines democracy, destabilizes societies, and creates a system that serves the few while marginalizing the many.
4. Technological and Biological Risks
The fiat system funds the unchecked development of technologies such as artificial intelligence, surveillance systems, and bioweapons. Without ethical oversight, these innovations pose existential risks, from the loss of privacy to the potential for catastrophic misuse.
5. Psychological and Spiritual Corrosion
Fiat money’s detachment from tangible value fosters a culture of materialism and short-term thinking. It disconnects people from the intrinsic value of labor, time, and the natural world, leading to widespread dissatisfaction, mental health crises, and a loss of purpose.
How Bitcoin Can Save the Species
1. Decentralization as a Foundation for Freedom
Bitcoin operates on a decentralized network, free from the control of governments and banks. This structure prevents authoritarian regimes from manipulating monetary systems to serve their agendas, enabling individuals to reclaim financial sovereignty.
2. Fixed Supply and Deflationary Economics
Bitcoin’s fixed supply of 21 million coins counters the inflationary nature of fiat currencies. By incentivizing savings and long-term thinking, it encourages sustainable practices, reducing the pressure to exploit finite resources for immediate gain.
3. Transparency and Accountability
The Bitcoin blockchain is an immutable ledger, fostering transparency in financial transactions. This technology undermines corruption, facilitates equitable resource allocation, and empowers communities to hold powerful entities accountable.
4. A Catalyst for Ethical Technological Development
Bitcoin’s open-source ethos inspires decentralized innovation in fields like energy, communications, and governance. It encourages the development of systems that prioritize resilience, fairness, and sustainability over profit.
5. Restoring Human Dignity and Purpose
Bitcoin realigns the concept of value with human labor, creativity, and time. By divorcing wealth from debt and centralized control, it fosters a culture of fairness, integrity, and respect for individual contributions, nurturing psychological and spiritual well-being.
A Peaceful Revolution: Undermining Fiat’s Evil
Bitcoin’s adoption is not a call for violent upheaval but a peaceful revolution. Its design enables individuals and communities to opt out of the fiat system voluntarily, without coercion or conflict. As more people embrace Bitcoin, the centralized power of fiat systems will diminish, gradually eroding their capacity to inflict harm.
By transitioning to a Bitcoin standard, humanity can address the root causes of its existential crises. The result is a future where economic systems align with ethical values, fostering cooperation, sustainability, and a renewed sense of purpose.
Conclusion: Choosing Survival Over Extinction
The fiat system, driven by greed and short-termism, has positioned humanity on the brink of self-destruction. Yet, Bitcoin offers a viable path to a more equitable, sustainable, and resilient future. It is not merely a financial technology but a philosophical shift—a reimagining of what it means to value life, labor, and the planet itself.
Adopting Bitcoin is not just about securing financial freedom; it is about safeguarding the very survival of our species and the ecosystems that sustain us. The choice before us is stark: continue down the fiat road toward extinction or embrace the decentralized, transparent, and ethical principles of Bitcoin to build a world worth living in.
Let this moment be a turning point, where humanity chooses not destruction, but redemption.
@ 1c7629da:d831cb25
2025-01-03 09:08:51
## **Introduction**
The Bitcoin Whitepaper is the foundation of the modern cryptocurrency world. Written by Satoshi Nakamoto, it marked the start of a revolution in finance. In this post, we take a detailed look at the Whitepaper: when and why it was written, what it contains, what is missing, and how Bitcoin has developed since then.
## **When and why was the Bitcoin Whitepaper published?**
The Whitepaper, titled "Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System," was published on October 31, 2008, by Satoshi Nakamoto. During the global financial crisis, Nakamoto presented a decentralized solution for digital payments. The goal was to create an electronic payment system that operates without a central authority and allows users to send money directly to each other.
## **What is in the Bitcoin Whitepaper?**
The nine-page document describes the technical foundation and philosophy behind Bitcoin. Here are the key points:
- **Introduction:** The problems with the current financial system are explained. Nakamoto describes the need for a system based on cryptographic proof instead of trust.
- **Transactions:** Bitcoin transactions are digital signatures passed in a chain of ownership. This prevents double spending.
- **Timestamp Server:** Transactions are grouped into blocks and linked through timestamps. This secures the blockchain.
- **Proof-of-Work:** To prevent manipulation, proof-of-work is required to create new blocks.
- **Network:** Participants send transactions to the entire network. Valid blocks are accepted by consensus and added to the blockchain.
- **Incentives:** Miners are rewarded with new bitcoins and transaction fees.
- **Storage Space:** The paper describes ways to save space by removing unnecessary transactions.
- **Privacy:** Bitcoin allows pseudonymous transactions since no real names are used, only public keys.
## **What is not in the Whitepaper?**
Although the Whitepaper clearly defines the basics, many important details found in Bitcoin today are missing:
- **21 Million Bitcoin:** The maximum supply of 21 million Bitcoin is not mentioned.
- **Block Time:** The average block time of 10 minutes is not specified.
- **Mining Algorithm:** The 1 MB block size limit and adjustments to mining difficulty are not included.
- **Signature Methods:** The paper does not describe specific signature methods like P2PKH or Schnorr signatures.
## **How is Bitcoin different from the Whitepaper today?**
Bitcoin has changed significantly since the Whitepaper was published. Some of the biggest differences include:
- **Mining:** Bitcoin was originally mined using CPUs, but today specialized ASIC devices dominate.
- **Consensus Mechanism:** The idea of the "longest chain" has been replaced by the heaviest chain to prevent timewarp attacks.
- **Transaction Types:** Multi-signature addresses, Taproot, and other upgrades have been introduced.
- **Scaling:** Technologies like the Lightning Network have been developed to make Bitcoin faster and more scalable.
## **Conclusion**
The Bitcoin Whitepaper is a masterpiece of clarity and simplicity that explains a complex idea in just a few pages. However, Bitcoin is not static – it has evolved continuously over the past 16 years. The Whitepaper remains the foundation that defines the vision of a decentralized money system for the world.
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-03 02:14:32
Discover the controversial perspective that the fiat currency system, managed by central banks, resembles a legal Ponzi scheme. Uncover the nuances of fiat currency, central banking, and its potential parallels to Ponzi schemes. Also, explore the significance of Bitcoin in challenging traditional financial norms and its role as an emerging alternative. Is the foundation of our modern financial system truly as it seems, and can Bitcoin redefine the future of money?
**Table Of Content**
- The Fiat System: A Legal Ponzi Scheme?
- Bitcoin's Challenge to the Fiat System
- Bitcoin's Resistance to Manipulation
- The Emergence of Bitcoin ETFs
- Root Causes of Financial Frauds
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**The Fiat System: A Legal Ponzi Scheme?**
In the world of finance and economics, few terms are as polarising and provocative as "Ponzi scheme." Often associated with high-profile frauds and financial scandals, the concept of a Ponzi scheme typically conjures images of disgraced con artists and their unsuspecting victims. However, could it be that a similar model, albeit operating legally, is at the very core of our modern financial system?
At its core, the fiat monetary system is characterised by a crucial feature: the absence of intrinsic value. Unlike Bitcoin or other commodities that underpinned historical monetary systems, fiat currencies like the US dollar are not backed by tangible assets. Instead, their value is derived solely from the trust and confidence that people place in the issuing government or central authority.
A Ponzi scheme operates on the premise that returns to earlier investors are paid with the capital of newer investors, creating the illusion of profitability. This structure works as long as fresh investments continually pour in, masking the absence of a legitimate revenue source. The fiat system, in an eerily similar fashion, is perpetuated by continually increasing debt and the circulation of more currency.
In the fiat system, governments create money by issuing debt. The expansion of the money supply comes from loans that must eventually be repaid with interest. When these loans come due, governments often issue new debt to pay off the old, resulting in a growing debt burden. Just as a Ponzi scheme must attract new investors to maintain the illusion of solvency, governments must accumulate more debt to meet previous obligations, putting the burden on future generations.
The fiat system's longevity relies on a constant cycle of currency devaluation and inflation. Governments can effectively reduce the real value of their debt by inflating the currency, shifting the cost onto the populace. While this may seem sustainable in the short term, it mirrors the Ponzi scheme's tactic of robbing Peter to pay Paul. In both cases, there's a fundamental issue of sustainability.
**Bitcoin's Challenge to the Fiat System**
In recent years, Bitcoin has emerged as a revolutionary force challenging the traditional fiat monetary system. Built on the principles of decentralisation and indepence, poses a significant threat to the established norms of central banking and government-issued currencies.
Bitcoin operates on a decentralised network of computers, known as the blockchain. Unlike fiat currencies controlled by central banks, Bitcoin is not subject to the whims of any single authority. This decentralised nature promotes transparency, security, and trust among its users, effectively challenging the centralised control of fiat money.
One of Bitcoin's most distinctive features is its capped supply of 21 million coins. This scarcity stands in stark contrast to fiat currencies that can be printed endlessly by governments. Bitcoin's limited supply acts as a hedge against inflation, making it an attractive store of value.
Bitcoin's technology ensures secure ownership of assets. Users have control over their private keys, reducing the risk of unauthorised seizures or asset freezes, a concern in the fiat system.
Bitcoin is accessible to anyone with an internet connection, providing financial inclusion to the unbanked and underbanked populations. This inclusivity challenges the exclusivity of fiat systems, which often require intermediaries and traditional banking infrastructure.
The decentralised nature of Bitcoin makes it resistant to censorship, ensuring that transactions are not subject to arbitrary restrictions or controls, as seen in some fiat-based systems.
Bitcoin's disruptive potential in the world of finance is undeniable. Its challenge to the fiat system represents a shift in the way we think about money, wealth, and economic systems. As Bitcoin continues to gain mainstream acceptance, it raises fundamental questions about the future of currency and financial infrastructure.
**Bitcoin's Resistance to Manipulation:**
In the world of finance and economics, the notion of a truly decentralised, trustless, and censorship-resistant form of money is both revolutionary and, to some, unnerving. Bitcoin, stands as a testament to the potential of digital assets to challenge conventional fiat currencies and the centralised systems that underpin them. A fundamental aspect of Bitcoin's allure is its resistance to manipulation, a quality that sets it apart from traditional financial systems and even some other cryptocurrencies.
At its core, Bitcoin operates on a blockchain – a distributed ledger that records all transactions across a vast network of computers. This decentralised nature, combined with cryptographic principles, ensures a high degree of security and transparency. Unlike fiat currencies, which are subject to the whims of central banks and governments, Bitcoin's monetary policy is encoded in its software. The total supply is capped at 21 million coins, and new Bitcoins are issued in a predictable, diminishing manner through a process known as mining.
Bitcoin's resistance to manipulation stems from several key factors. Firstly, its decentralised network is maintained by a diverse group of miners worldwide, making it nearly impossible for any single entity to exert control over the system. Unlike centralised financial institutions that can manipulate interest rates, print money at will, or engage in other questionable practices, Bitcoin's protocol operates independently of human interference.
Secondly, Bitcoin's security mechanisms, such as proof-of-work, ensure that transactions are validated by a competitive network of miners. This makes it incredibly costly and difficult for anyone to compromise the network. Additionally, the immutability of the blockchain means that once a transaction is recorded, it cannot be altered or deleted, providing a robust defence against fraud or manipulation.
Lastly, Bitcoin's open-source nature allows the global community to scrutinise its code and propose changes through a consensus-driven process. Any updates or improvements to the network require majority approval, preventing any single entity from manipulating the protocol to suit its interests.
As traditional fiat currencies face challenges related to inflation, political influence, and centralised control, Bitcoin's resistance to manipulation positions it as a compelling alternative. While it is not without its own set of unique risks, Bitcoin's core principles of decentralisation and transparency contribute to its appeal as a novel form of digital money that empowers individuals and resists manipulation by powerful institutions.
**The Emergence of Bitcoin ETFs**
The emergence of Bitcoin Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) represents a notable development in the world of digital investments, serving as a bridge between traditional financial markets and the realm of digital assets. These ETFs provide a convenient and regulated avenue for investors to gain exposure to Bitcoin without the need to directly possess the cryptocurrency. This comes at a time when Bitcoin has garnered widespread recognition and piqued the interest of both retail and institutional investors.
One crucial aspect of Bitcoin ETFs is their potential to simplify the investment process. Rather than dealing with the intricacies of owning and securely storing Bitcoin in digital wallets, investors can purchase shares of a Bitcoin ETF through conventional brokerage accounts. This streamlined approach lowers entry barriers for those who might have hesitated to navigate the complexities of Blockchain and self-custody.
Furthermore, Bitcoin ETFs offer regulatory oversight and investor protection. These funds operate within the bounds of financial regulations and undergo scrutiny from relevant authorities, enhancing security for investors. They also confer an aura of legitimacy upon the digital asset market, rendering it more appealing to institutional investors that necessitate adherence to regulatory standards.
The advent of Bitcoin ETFs mirrors the evolving role of digital assets. Bitcoin, once considered a niche asset, has matured into a mainstream investment choice. The interest in Bitcoin ETFs signifies the growing embrace of digital assets within the conventional financial system.
However, the ascent of Bitcoin ETFs also ignites discussions about their potential impact on the digital asset market. Some believe that they might stimulate increased demand for Bitcoin, potentially influencing its price dynamics. Nonetheless, these ETFs mark a pivotal step in the broader adoption of digital assets, attracting a wider range of investors to the digital asset sphere.
**Root Causes of Financial Frauds**
The root causes of financial fraud extend beyond the realm of digital currencies, highlighting that deception-driven activities primarily originate outside the digital asset ecosystem. While the term "digital currency fraud" often suggests that virtual assets are the focal point of these fraudulent activities, in reality, it's seldom the case.
Contrary to the prevailing narrative that digital currencies are a haven for illicit activities, fiat currency remains the preferred choice of financial criminals. Reports from the US Treasury and EUROPOL emphasise that traditional financial channels, associated with fiat transactions, still play a more substantial role in illegal financial activities than virtual assets. Fiat currencies, despite being subject to stringent regulations and oversight, continue to be the medium of choice for criminal activities.
The heart of the matter lies in distinguishing between the origin of the fraud and the role of digital currency within it. In numerous instances, the initial fraudulent activity takes place within non-financial domains or fiat transactions. An illustrative example is credit card fraud, which primarily employs fiat-based payments for unauthorised charges. While some cases culminate in the acquisition of digital currencies, the initial fraudulent activity is rooted in fiat-based mechanisms.
Even in the context of digital currency romance scams or investment schemes, the crux of the fraud lies in establishing non-financial relationships with victims. Funds often start as fiat, moving through traditional payment channels before making their way into digital currencies. The fraud's inception, therefore, remains primarily in the fiat space, and there are several opportunities for intervention through conventional financial systems.
Decentralised Finance (DeFi) hacks, which sometimes fall within the digital currency realm, are more related to risk management protocols within the DeFi ecosystem. These vulnerabilities are often not tied to digital currencies themselves but stem from flaws in DeFi platforms, frequently involving phishing tactics.
To combat these financial frauds with digital currency involvement, it is essential to recognize the preliminary stages of deception, which usually unfold outside the digital asset landscape. Enhancing AML and transaction monitoring intelligence tools, combined with educational efforts, can proactively identify and mitigate potential fraud risks in the fiat sector, even before they intersect with digital currencies. This approach can address the root causes of financial fraud effectively, irrespective of whether they subsequently involve digital currencies or traditional financial systems.
The emergence of Bitcoin has shed light on a widespread, yet often unacknowledged, issue in the world of finance—the fiat scam. Fiat currencies, including the U.S. dollar and the euro, are the lifeblood of traditional financial systems, issued and governed by central banks. However, these currencies lack intrinsic value and are subject to manipulation by central authorities, akin to a legal Ponzi scheme.
Central banks, empowered by governments, possess the authority to create and manage fiat money. They can print additional currency at will, which devalues existing holdings and redistributes wealth, all under the umbrella of legality. Moreover, fiat transactions typically involve intermediaries, like banks, adding layers of complexity and fees.
Bitcoin has introduced an alternative financial paradigm. Unlike fiat, Bitcoin operates on a transparent blockchain network with a predetermined supply, immune to central authority manipulation. It has become a symbol of decentralised financial systems and digital scarcity.
As the world grapples with this shift, it is essential to acknowledge the fiat scam—a legal Ponzi scheme perpetuated by central banks. With increased awareness and the rise of Bitcoin, the financial landscape is poised for transformation, challenging the dominance of fiat currencies.
**Is the Fiat System Truly a Legal Ponzi Scheme?**
The fiat system shares similarities with a legal Ponzi scheme in its reliance on continual growth and debt accumulation to sustain itself, but it's important to note that the key difference is legality. Central banks have the authority to issue fiat, making it legal, while Ponzi schemes are fraudulent by nature.
**How Does Bitcoin Challenge the Fiat System?**
Bitcoin challenges the traditional fiat system through decentralisation, a limited supply of 21 million coins, user-controlled assets, accessibility for the unbanked, and resistance to censorship, providing an alternative to centralised fiat currencies.
**What Are the Root Causes of Financial Frauds?**
Root causes of financial frauds often start with non-financial activities or fiat transactions. Credit card fraud, romance scams, and investment schemes typically begin with fiat-based transactions before involving digital currencies. Enhancing AML and transaction monitoring tools can proactively address these root causes in both digital and traditional financial systems.
**That's all for today**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 714f9dc3:76659adb
2025-01-02 20:47:45
Last week, I was reading *“The Air We Breathe”*, by Glen Scrivener. It’s about *“How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality”*, and it explores the Christian roots of the values we prize in today's western society. It’s all around us, but we don’t really know where it came from: It’s the air we’re breathing. The ideas and ethics behind Christianity, whether you believe in them or not, are embedded in our culture.
As I was reading this, I saw so many parallels with Bitcoin, so wanted to list them below and share some of my thoughts. Can Bitcoin also become *“The Air We Breathe”*? Or in plebs words: hyperbitcoinization? Can Bitcoin become so ubiquitous that it becomes normal? Can there be a world in which we don’t even know where Bitcoin came from? It would be a world with many similar views as with today's view on Christianity. It becomes the air we breathe, something that used to be a counterculture that over time became ubiquitous. What can we learn from it?
**These are my ten parallels of Bitcoin with the early days of Christianity.**
1. Separation from state
2. From obscure counterculture to dominant force
3. Exponential grassroots growth
4. Conversion of emperors/politicians
5. Sudden tolerance and protection for ideology
6. Fall of the empire, end of the status quo
7. Missionaries spreading the word
8. Persuasion and education are key
9. Age of Enlightenment
*Note: I’m no expert on Christianity, nor a historian of the Roman Empire, and I know just a bit about Bitcoin. See this as a thought experiment.*
**1. Separation from state**
In all fairness, I’m not the first to draw this first parallel. It was Satoshi Nakamoto themself who made the connection even before Bitcoin was available to the public, with several hints pointing back to important dates and moments in Christian history. The big parallel here is the “separation of money and state” and “separation of church and state”.
Before going back to the early days of Christianity in the first centuries AD, I first want to draw this parallel with Satoshi.
It’s 1517. The German Priest Maarten Luther writes his Ninety-five Theses, and nails this on the church doors in Wittenberg. The theses are also known as the “Disputation on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences”. He kickstarted a movement with a radical new idea for that time: The separation of the church from the state.
The Catholic Church had become one with the state. Via the means of indulgences, there was an ability to pay for your redemption. The church was corrupted by money, power and politics. The church and indulgences replaced the need for personal responsibility and an individual faith with money and perverse structures.
Reformation Day is a Protestant Christian religious holiday celebrated on 31 October in remembrance of the onset of the Reformation. But the 31st of October is also the day in which Satoshi shared his pamphlet with the world: in 2008 they published the Bitcoin Whitepaper. It kickstarted a movement with a radical new idea for that time: The separation of the money from the state.
But this was not Satoshi’s only hint. Another one is the date of Bitcoin’s Genesis Block: January 3, 2009. It was the day that the idea of the separation of money and the state became reality, more than just an idea in an individual's mind.
Did you know that Maarten Luther was excommunicated from the Catholic Church in 1521 by Pope Leo X for sparking this revolutionary new way of thinking (and being). It happened on January 3 as well. I bet Satoshi Nakamoto knew.
To be fair, this parallel is not new and known by many bitcoiners. But it’s a good introduction to the topic, and after reading “The Air We Breathe: How We All Came to Believe in Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality”, I automatically started to see more parallels between (the early days of) Christianity and todays adoption of Bitcoin. Because it was of course not Maarten Luther who sparked these rebellious thoughts in 1500, but it was Jesus himself approx. 2000 years ago.
Let’s go back from the 1500s to the first decades AD to the beginning of this radical new belief system. During the dominance of the Roman empire in the Mediterranean and much of Europe, Western Asia and North Africa, someone told a story that opposed every mainstream paradigm.
Jesus’ idea was radically different from the belief systems of that day. He preached Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality in a world that was full of Debauchery and Violence, with Gladiator Games, Slavery, Public Crucifixion, and Brutalities. The belief system of that time was not like todays. There were superior races *(Greek/Romans over barbarians)*, superior sexes *(man over women)*, superior classes *(free man over slaves)* and the concept of justice was more something in the realm of “restoring rights of those that were superior”, than “equality for all, men and women, Greek and barbarian, free and slave”.
Jesus opposed the status quo. It started small and irrelevant; as a counterculture. But it didn’t stay that way.
**2. From obscure counterculture to dominant force**
In “The Air We Breathe”, Scrivener asks the question: “How did the obscure, marginal Jesus movement of the 1st century become the dominant religious force in the Western world in a few centuries?”
Important to know, is that the Christian faith was the opposite of the narrative. Concepts like Freedom, Kindness, Progress, and Equality didn’t exist in the Roman Empire. Human rights neither. Individual rights neither. The emperor was almost de facto God himself.
Early Christians were persecuted for preaching a different story: that God is NOT the ruler of the empire. Jesus preached the separation of politics from God; separating faith from the state. As a result, he was crucified, and many of his followers were killed by Nero (between 54 and 68 AD), Domitian (81–96 AD), Trajan (98–117 AD) and Decius (249–251 AD). This new narrative was a thread for the Roman rulers.
Draw the parallels of how there have been many attempts to “kill” bitcoin, not with physical persecution but with an information war. Not by physical violence, but by misinformation. Bitcoin threatens the status quo, just like Christianity threatened the Roman Empire.
You see?
But how is the obscure movement of Bitcoin in the 20th century becoming the dominant force, similar to the question that Scrivener asked about Christianity? Perhaps the answer lies in the following parallel.
**3. Exponential grassroots growth**
Sociologist Rodney Stark estimates in “The Rise of Christianity” that from the time of the first Easter, the church began growing at a rate of 40% per decade, a modest but relentless 3.4% per year. By the year 300, Christians numbered perhaps 6 million: about a tenth of the empire.
Despite pushbacks, the army of believers continued to grow. Grassroots, peer-to-peer. It was not the state-religion, it was a peaceful army of believers that spread the word, resulting in an exponential growth of its followers. The counterculture became more and more dominant.
You may see what I’m doing here. It was basically the meme that all Bitcoiners know: Gradually, then suddenly. Against the current.
**4. Conversion of emperors/politicians**
In 312 a big change happened: Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity. As Stark writes, "Constantine's conversion would better be seen as a response to the massive exponential wave in progress, not as its cause".
Are we living in that same era, where nation states start to embrace Bitcoin? Where politicians don’t oppose as strongly anymore, but are flirting with the idea of embracing it? And again the parallel: it’s responsive to the exponential wave of progress, not as its cause.
Whether Constantine is Nayib Bukele, Donald Trump, or Milei: it doesn’t matter. It’s the dynamic that matters. The counterculture becomes so dominant, that the “rulers” of the world are wanting to be part of it. Which will be followed by “rules” that favour the ideology, movement, and beliefs.
**5. Tolerance and protection for ideology**
In 313 Constatines Edict of Milan granted freedom to Christians that were remarkable for that time and a model for religious toleration for the coming centuries.
The tide was turning, and by 380 Emperor Theodosius made Christianity Rome's official religion, more than half the population had already converted. In a few short centuries Christianity had gone from radical counterculture to dominant cultural power. This was an extraordinary shift in the church's relationship with the world. The edict expressly grants religious liberty to Christians, who had been the object of special persecution, but also goes even further and grants liberty to all other religions. And then, in 410, the world itself changed.
It changed from grassroots, bottom-up adoption to some kind of nation state adoption. One that was driven by decrees and edicts, instead of the analog cyberhornets of that day. Actually, the ideas of Indulgences were introduced via these Edicts, something that Maarten Luther actually was fighting against in the 1500s.
The world changed from the state-less Christian belief and moved (back) towards a system in which the state and church were connected again. Yes — the Roman Catholic Church. Until the previously mentioned critics during the Reformation.
**6. Fall of the empire, end of the status quo**
When people speak of the fall of the Roman Empire, they usually mean in the 5th century when the western half fell. But there was also an eastern half, known as the Byzantine Empire (with its capital in what is modern-day Istanbul).
How did this relate to the movement that once was Cult, and now suddenly had become Culture?
It was Augustine, the north African bishop (354-430), who laid the foundation for a new philosophical, theological, and legal system. He distinguished between the fragile earthly realm and the eternal heavenly kingdom. Rome was “a city of man”, which fell. But the “city of God” was forever. He continued to separate the Roman Catholic Church from the faith that it once was. This distinction was vital, and it gave rise to the concept of "the secular realm". He planted the first ideas of "the separation of church and state" again, which started to spread throughout Europe during the supposedly "sandy desert" of the Middle Ages.
The parallel and lesson here might be that narratives can be taken over, for the worse. And that it takes centuries to take back the narrative, but/and only after an empire has fallen. Whether we refer to “The Fourth Turning” by William Strauss and Neil Howe or “Changing World Orders” by Ray Dalio. There is something to preserve, and it needs active monitoring and pushbacks!
**7. Missionary, spreading the word**
The way the church sought to spread its influence would become a question that would take many centuries (and many failures) to settle. In the past, empires sought to spread their influence almost always by force. Christianity has been a missionary faith from the beginning. It was for this reason that Pope Gregory the Great sent Augustine to Britain to convert the Anglo-Saxons.
Augustine was commanded by Gregory to use only "gentle means". His goal was persuasion. His method was teaching and preaching. And he was successful, converting King Aethelbert of Kent and becoming the first Archbishop of Canterbury.
You see what I’m talking about again: the parallel is simple. Bitcoin is a similar peaceful revolution, a missionary movement, of those that wish to see their Cult turn into a Culture. “Genle means”, teachings, persuasions. Or in pleb terminology: Orangepilling.
**8. Persuasion and education are key**
Over the next decades and centuries, this movement continued. English Benedictine monk (675-754) Boniface was sent from the previously “barbarian” Britain to “orangepill the East” – in this case the Saxons in the Germanic lands. In the words of his advisor, the Bishop of Winchester, his goal was "to convince them by many documents and arguments". This mission of persuasion and education was largely successful. Today he’s better known as “the Apostle to the Germans". He was killed in The Netherlands (Dokkum).
Boniface kept to a policy of non-violence and non-retaliation, even to the point of death. Another famous writer about this topic, Tom Holland, summarises the lesson we learn from Boniface: "to convert was to educate".
In the following century this lesson was sorely needed by the Frankish king Charles the Great, aka Charlemagne (742-814). Charlemagne's path to power was a brutal one. When the Saxons stood in his way, Charlemagne beheaded 4,500 of them in a single day. There are concrete reasons why "getting medieval" might be associated today with brutality.
Is “Bitcoin as Legal Tender”, whether this is peaceful or violently, the way to go? Are we “getting medieval” with these kind of measures, in order to go from Cult to Culture, from counterculture to dominant culture, in which we lose the true essence of our revolution of separation of the state from the matter?
**9. Age of Enlightenment**
Alcuin of York (735-804), was bold enough to write to Charlemagne directly with his criticism. "A person can be drawn into the faith, not forced into it". Be a lighthouse, not a tugboat!
The church's official teaching would later agree with Alcuin's position. In the 12th century all "harsh means" were forbidden since faith arises from the will, not compulsion. Enlightenment comes through education and persuasion.
There’s work to do. Grassroots. Education. Peer-to-peer. Not directed by politicians, nor opposed by those in power. Through education and persuasion. Rules without rulers. Because eventually, with the Crusades and the Spanish Inquisition, there are stark examples of the church using “harsh means" again. Forcing Bitcoin on people will never be the way: it’s a cheat code to the end goal. In order to succeed, we’ll need to be a missionary.
**Final words**
I don’t want in any way to compare Christianity in itself as a faith, and Bitcoin as a technology, with each other. I enjoyed exploring the sociological phenomena between two countercultures, the grassroots movement and missionary parallels between both of them. Satoshi gave the first assist, with the 31st of October (Whitepaper Day) and the Genesis Block on January 3rd.
Let’s not mix religion with monetary systems, even though there are many similarities between certain movements. That’s not my goal for sharing this brain dump. But let’s learn from the past, from Constatine’s Edict and from Augustine, from Charlemagne (and especially Alcuin of York), from Boniface and from Maarten Luther. And from Satoshi Nakamoto.
@ bd32f268:22b33966
2025-01-02 19:30:46
Texto publicado por *Foundation Father @FoundationDads* e traduzido para português.
Assumir responsabilidades numa época efeminada como a nossa é um superpoder.
Algumas pessoas não sabem o que significa "assumir responsabilidades", no entanto, porque nunca tiveram um pai ou outra pessoa que as ama-se o suficiente para lhes ensinar.
Então, aqui está como assumir responsabilidades.
## **Lembra-te que não és uma pessoa desamparada e incompetente.**
As coisas não te acontecem simplesmente enquanto olhas fixamente com a boca aberta, usando todo o teu poder cerebral para te lembrares de como respirar.
Tu tens poder de ação.
## Mantém estas perguntas em mente:
"Que papel desempenhei eu nesta situação ou como ajudei a formar o sistema em que estou inserido?"
"O que posso fazer agora mesmo para começar a corrigi-lo, por mais pequeno que seja?"
Aqui estão alguns exemplos de como aplicar estas perguntas.
![A arte de ser Português on X: "José Malhoa (pintor naturalista português, 1855-1933), "O Remédio". Museu Nacional de Soares dos Reis, Porto. https://t.co/o1J9nYzPpl" / X](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F3e5c7d1c-9c90-4ba8-8a22-32bbee862f42_1000x783.jpeg)*José Malhoa - Remédio*
## Saúde
Estás com excesso de peso e cansado o tempo todo? Deprimido?
Começa a caminhar 30 minutos por dia. De preferência ao ar livre.
Pára de comer snacks.
Marca uma consulta com um médico para fazer análises ao sangue.
Todas estas coisas estão ao teu alcance.
## Finanças
Estás a afogar-te em dívidas de cartão de crédito? Assumir responsabilidades significa reduzir drasticamente o teu consumo e iniciar um programa radical de pagamento do máximo de dívida que conseguires.
Obtém uma aplicação de orçamento e começa a planear.
Sentes-te preso no teu emprego sem futuro? Sentes que não ganhas o suficiente? Vai a entrevistas para vagas de emprego e descobre o teu verdadeiro valor no mercado.
Reserva 1 hora todas as noites para melhorares. A menos que já estejas a trabalhar em dois empregos, toda a gente tem pelo menos 1 hora todas as noites.
## Arredores imediatos
Se vês algo que precisa de ser feito, simplesmente faz. Não te queixes disso. Não resmungues baixinho. Não desejes que alguém tratasse disso. Simplesmente faz e não peças permissão.
Guarda o carrinho de compras. Lava a caneca de café no lava-loiça. Arranca as ervas daninhas. Repara a parede. Se o quintal do teu vizinho estiver cheio de ervas, vai lá e corta a relva tu mesmo. Limpa a água do lava-loiça. Arruma a bancada. Leva o lixo para fora. Leva bom café para o escritório.
## Os teus filhos
Muitos pais queixam-se do comportamento dos seus filhos como se não tivessem qualquer influência sobre o assunto. Mas os teus filhos farão o que tu os ensinaste a fazer.
"Fizemos o melhor que pudemos."
Não, não fizeram, e assumir responsabilidades significa admitir que foste permissivo e preguiçoso ou que querias sentir-te justo por não bater.
Que pequena coisa podes fazer agora mesmo para começar? Escolhe um único comportamento que queres que eles parem, senta-os e explica as consequências do comportamento. Pede desculpa por teres deixado andar durante tanto tempo.
Quando eles apresentarem o comportamento, aplica as consequências. Aconteça o que acontecer.
## Os teus relacionamentos
Não tens amigos ou o teu grupo de amigos atual é uma má influência? Podes fazer novos amigos. Assumir responsabilidades significa admitir que a tua solidão é em grande parte auto-infligida.
**O que podes fazer?**
Começa a jogar ténis ou futebol. Existem ligas em todo o lado. Encontra uma boa igreja local e encontra maneiras de te envolver. Existem encontros para todo o tipo de atividade. Participa num que se alinhe com as tuas preferências. Quando estiveres em público, sorri mais e puxa conversa.
Depois de conheceres algumas pessoas, estabelece uma cadência regular. Agenda almoços semanais ou mensais e alterna entre algumas pessoas. Ou talvez café de manhã.
Não acontecerá da noite para o dia, mas dando pequenos passos consistentemente durante alguns meses e vais perceber que tens uma vida social.
## Os teus erros
Se erraste, não te retires e escondas nem arranjes desculpas. Pede desculpa à pessoa que prejudicaste, diz-lhe porquê e oferece-te para compensar. Aceita as consequências com humildade.
Vais descobrir que nada te conquista mais respeito do que assumir os teus erros. Esta é a principal. Se aprenderes a fazer isto bem, cobrirá uma infinidade de pecados porque cria hábito. Mesmo que tenhas apenas 1% de culpa na situação, assumir a responsabilidade e pedir desculpa pelo teu 1% está a construir um certo grupo de músculos.
"Mas ele devia ter..." Pára com isso. Confiaste demasiado? Presumiste demasiado sem comunicar? Assume a responsabilidade por isso.
Estes exemplos podiam continuar para sempre, então vou parar e terminar com este princípio:
A tua resposta importa mais do que as tuas circunstâncias.
Existem vítimas reais, algumas de tragédias horríveis. Mas mesmo que não te tenhas atirado para areias movediças, ainda podes assumir a responsabilidade por como reages e pelo que escolhes fazer a seguir.
Às vezes, é agarrar numa corda de um transeunte e dizer: "Obrigado."
Não te afogues nas areias movediças até que alguém te dê uma palmadinha nas costas por quão difícil é para ti, e não continues a apontar para o teu tempo nas areias movediças para desculpares os teus fracassos.
Podes não ter escolhido uma batalha específica. Ainda podes assumir a responsabilidade por quão bem lutas a batalha. Num certo sentido, ninguém escolhe a principal batalha que enfrenta. Ninguém escolheu nascer. Ninguém escolheu a sua família. Ninguém escolheu as suas circunstâncias.
O mundo nunca será perfeito. Tens de assumir a responsabilidade pela tua parte dele de qualquer maneira. Pode ser difícil. Pode ser doloroso. Não te foi prometida uma vida fácil e sem dor.
Depois de começares a assumir responsabilidades, qual é o próximo passo?
Altura de assumir mais responsabilidades.
Por exemplo, se não tens problemas em fazer amigos e tens essa parte da tua vida resolvida, assume a responsabilidade por outra pessoa. Encontra um dos rapazes solitários na tua igreja que precisa de um amigo e adiciona-o à tua rotação de almoços.
A recompensa por assumir responsabilidades é subir de nível e, como consequência, as coisas devem tornar-se mais desafiantes.
Mas agora estás mais bem preparado para isso. Repete até morrer e, esperançosamente, a tua causa de morte será por viver e não por te queixares de não viver.
@ a4a6b584:1e05b95b
2025-01-02 18:13:31
## The Four-Layer Framework
### Layer 1: Zoom Out
Start by looking at the big picture. What’s the subject about, and why does it matter? Focus on the overarching ideas and how they fit together. Think of this as the 30,000-foot view—it’s about understanding the "why" and "how" before diving into the "what."
**Example**: If you’re learning programming, start by understanding that it’s about giving logical instructions to computers to solve problems.
- **Tip**: Keep it simple. Summarize the subject in one or two sentences and avoid getting bogged down in specifics at this stage.
_Once you have the big picture in mind, it’s time to start breaking it down._
### Layer 2: Categorize and Connect
Now it’s time to break the subject into categories—like creating branches on a tree. This helps your brain organize information logically and see connections between ideas.
**Example**: Studying biology? Group concepts into categories like cells, genetics, and ecosystems.
- **Tip**: Use headings or labels to group similar ideas. Jot these down in a list or simple diagram to keep track.
_With your categories in place, you’re ready to dive into the details that bring them to life._
### Layer 3: Master the Details
Once you’ve mapped out the main categories, you’re ready to dive deeper. This is where you learn the nuts and bolts—like formulas, specific techniques, or key terminology. These details make the subject practical and actionable.
**Example**: In programming, this might mean learning the syntax for loops, conditionals, or functions in your chosen language.
- **Tip**: Focus on details that clarify the categories from Layer 2. Skip anything that doesn’t add to your understanding.
_Now that you’ve mastered the essentials, you can expand your knowledge to include extra material._
### Layer 4: Expand Your Horizons
Finally, move on to the extra material—less critical facts, trivia, or edge cases. While these aren’t essential to mastering the subject, they can be useful in specialized discussions or exams.
**Example**: Learn about rare programming quirks or historical trivia about a language’s development.
- **Tip**: Spend minimal time here unless it’s necessary for your goals. It’s okay to skim if you’re short on time.
## Pro Tips for Better Learning
### 1. Use Active Recall and Spaced Repetition
Test yourself without looking at notes. Review what you’ve learned at increasing intervals—like after a day, a week, and a month. This strengthens memory by forcing your brain to actively retrieve information.
### 2. Map It Out
Create visual aids like [diagrams or concept maps](https://excalidraw.com/) to clarify relationships between ideas. These are particularly helpful for organizing categories in Layer 2.
### 3. Teach What You Learn
Explain the subject to someone else as if they’re hearing it for the first time. Teaching **exposes any gaps** in your understanding and **helps reinforce** the material.
### 4. Engage with LLMs and Discuss Concepts
Take advantage of tools like ChatGPT or similar large language models to **explore your topic** in greater depth. Use these tools to:
- Ask specific questions to clarify confusing points.
- Engage in discussions to simulate real-world applications of the subject.
- Generate examples or analogies that deepen your understanding.
**Tip**: Use LLMs as a study partner, but don’t rely solely on them. Combine these insights with your own critical thinking to develop a well-rounded perspective.
## Get Started
Ready to try the Four-Layer Method? Take 15 minutes today to map out the big picture of a topic you’re curious about—what’s it all about, and why does it matter? By building your understanding step by step, you’ll master the subject with less stress and more confidence.
@ 2063cd79:57bd1320
2025-01-02 12:56:08
Bitcoin ist vieles. Bitcoin die Währung ist teilbar, austauschbar, einfach transportierbar, haltbar, prüfbar, knapp, universell akzeptiert und leicht sicherungsfähig. Bitcoin das Netzwerk ist staatenlos, dezentral, zensurresistent, erlaubnislos, diskriminiert nicht, vertrauenslos, pseudonym, open source, es basiert auf Konsens- und Anreizmechanismen und Verifizierung sowie Berechnung (wahrscheinlich habe ich sogar viele weitere Eigenschaften vergessen), aber ist Bitcoin auch wirklich unpolitisch, wie so oft behauptet?
Es wird häufig behauptet, dass Bitcoin unpolitisch sei. Aber was genau soll das bedeuten? Die einfachste Erklärung ist, dass Bitcoin für jeden frei zugänglich ist und von jedem benutzt werden kann, egal für welchen Zweck. In der Theorie auch für politische Zwecke, egal welcher Richtung. Bitcoin ist Politik in dieser Hinsicht egal. Denn das Bitcoin-Netzwerk richtet nicht, es diskriminiert nicht und es hat keine Meinung. Eine Transaktion ist eine Transaktion, egal wer der Urheber oder der Sender ist und egal, wer der Empfänger ist. Transaktionen müssen nicht gekennzeichnet werden und somit gibt es keine Möglichkeit für das Netzwerk zu entscheiden, ob eine Transaktion gut oder schlecht ist, dazu genutzt wird, um Guthaben von einer Wallet in eine andere zu schieben, oder von einem Land in ein anderes Land geschickt wird, um dort moralisch fragwürdige Motive zu unterstützen. Insofern ist Bitcoin unpolitisch: Das Netzwerk diskriminiert, oder besser gesagt beurteilt nicht aufgrund politischer Neigungen.
Aber dies ist eigentlich nur die Definition für die eingangs erwähnte Eigenschaft von Bitcoins [Wertfreiheit](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wertfreiheit) (meiner Meinung nach eine bessere Ausdrucksweise für "Bitcoin diskriminiert nicht").
Aber Nichtdiskriminierung bzw. Wertfreiheit bedeutet nicht unbedingt unpolitisch oder apolitisch. Die Definition dieses Adjektivs bedeutet streng genommen:
> \[1\] sich nicht für Politik interessierend, kein Interesse an politische Themen zeigend
> \[2\] keine Steigerung: nicht die Politik betreffend, nicht zur Politik gehörend
Die erste Definition, da sind wir uns sicherlich einig, sollte erfüllt sein. Bitcoin interessiert sich nicht für Politik. Bitcoin ist ein Netzwerk, ein Protokoll, ein System. Bitcoin interessiert sich nur für sich selbst. Seinen eigenen Erhalt, und die im Protokoll festgesetzten Regeln: Etwa alle 10 Minuten wird ein neuer Block produziert, egal wie viel Rechenleistung dem Netzwerk zur Verfügung steht, egal wie viele Transaktionen hinzuzufügen sind, egal wie viele Netzwerkteilnehmer partizipieren.
Bei der zweiten Definition wird es allerdings etwas komplizierter. Bitcoin wurde von Satoshi als Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System ins Leben gerufen, das die inhärenten Schwächen des heutigen, vertrauensbasierten Modells löst. Satoshi identifizierte das Problem schon in 2009:
> The root problem with conventional currency is all the trust that's required to make it work. The central bank must be trusted not to debase the currency, but the history of fiat currencies is full of breaches of that trust.
Der Genesis Block selbst enthält die wohl bekannteste aller Nachrichten, die jemals in der Bitcoin-Timechain verewigt wurden:
<table style="min-width: 25px">
<colgroup><col></colgroup><tbody><tr><td colspan="1" rowspan="1"><p><strong>The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks</strong></p></td></tr></tbody>
Damit ist die Konzeption und die Erschaffung des Bitcoin-Protokolls an sich schon ein politischer Akt. Bitcoin stellt eine Alternative zu unserem derzeitigen Geldsystem dar und soll oder könnte es, im besten Fall, sogar ersetzen. Bitcoin positioniert sich als Gegenstück zum Staat - dem derzeitigen Wächter und Herrn über das Geldsystem. Der Staat ist eine von Natur aus politische Instanz. Wenn man also mit etwas konkurriert, das dem Staat obliegt, wird es automatisch politisch. Satoshi selbst war zumindest indirekt vom Libertarismus und der österreichischen Ökonomie beeinflusst.
Das bedeutet keineswegs, dass jede Person, die Bitcoin verwendet, automatisch einem politischen Akt unterworfen wird, oder selbst anarchistische, libertäre oder liberale Ziele verfolgt. Allerdings bleibt nicht von der Hand zu weisen, dass Bitcoin und sein Ziel, eine Alternative zum heutigen vorherrschenden Geldsystem zu erschaffen, dadurch eine inhärent politische Bekundung ist.
Wenn Bitcoin also nicht apolitisch oder unpolitisch ist, aber auch nicht explizit politisch, dann könnte man behaupten Bitcoin sei zumindest anti-politisch. Der per Definition politische Staat und die Staatsgewalt über das Geldsystem sind der erklärte Gegenspieler von Bitcoin. Damit stellt sich Bitcoin als Kontrahent zu einem System auf, das die Gewalt in die Hände einiger Weniger legt. In der Politik gewinnen oder herrschen diejenigen, die die populärste Meinung vertreten (wenn es gut läuft), oder die meiste Gewalt hinter sich bündeln (wenn es nicht so gut läuft). Im Bitcoin-Netzwerk gewinnen diejenigen, die am effizientesten die Anreizstrukturen nutzen (Miner, Mining-Pools, Lightning-Routing-Channel Betreiber, etc.), oder Bitcoin am effizientesten für sich nutzen und damit dem Ökosystem zum Wachstum verhelfen (Unternehmer, Experten, Entwickler, etc.). Die politische Gesinnung dieser Netzwerkteilnehmer spielt dabei in erster Linie absolut keine Rolle. Es ist völlig egal, ob ein Node-Betreiber zu Hause Pickelhauben sammelt oder im Che Guevara T-Shirt Bitcoin-Protokolle schreibt.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/ad9c7de643917e5bdd8826f2eb99ee68d2668f9d5c4f2e30f9131135185a116f.gif">
Das heutige Geldsystem hat viele Nachteile, alle aufzuzählen würde den Rahmen sprengen, jedoch lassen sich einige prägnante leicht identifizieren: [Rent-Seeking](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Politische_Rente#Rent-Seeking), des Bitcoiners liebstes Thema der [Cantillon-Effekt](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cantillon-Effekt), Geld- oder [Münzentwertung](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/M%C3%BCnzentwertung) und [Geldmarktpolitik](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geldpolitik) vereinen alle das gleiche zugrunde liegende Problem. Sie unterliegen alle der politischen Einflussnahme auf das System zum Vorteil einiger (privilegierter) Weniger. Denn was für die wenigen individuellen Vorteilsnehmer aussichtsreich und lohnenswert ist, ist für das Kollektiv schädlich und finanziell schädigend. Bitcoin stellt dazu die Alternative dar. Zwar lässt sich argumentieren, dass die vorhandene Menge und damit das Vermögen bereits heute ungerecht verteilt ist. Allerdings birgt diese Verteilung lediglich Vorteile für die Individuen, ohne jedoch das Kollektiv zu schädigen. Besitzer von großen Mengen bitcoin können genau so viel oder so wenig Einfluss auf das System nehmen, wie diejenigen, die verhältnismäßig wenig besitzen.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/1a6299da29f1938113c427484513ec0ed186ea8d9c4d8fa334afeedfff388c63.gif">
Wenn es irgendetwas von Wert gibt, ob Geld, Edelmetalle, oder sonstige Wertgegenstände, wird es auch immer Menschen geben, die davon mehr besitzen als andere - das ist ein unumstößlicher Fakt der Natur und auch Bitcoin wird daran nichts ändern können. Allerdings bietet Bitcoin die nötigen Anreizstrukturen, den eigenen Anteil zu vermehren. Wie schon erwähnt, werden Unternehmergeist, Expertenwissen und aufgebrachte Arbeit derjenigen, die das Netzwerk voranbringen, belohnt. Im Gegensatz zum aktuellen System, in dem oft nicht nur Unternehmergeist und Arbeitsleistung belohnt werden, sondern auch politische Einflussnahme, Prestige und Macht, oder sogar schon die Nähe und der Zugang zu diesen einflussreichen Interessengruppen. Korruption, Lobbyismus und politische Vorteilsnahme führen deshalb zu unproduktiver Arbeit, bei der einzig und allein der Begünstigte profitiert.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/e754c5dbd21217abfde5c0930a0945a13812fef69fe03249ecadd8a2d0e4a2d4.gif">
Bitcoin eliminiert diese politische Vorteilsnahme und ist dadurch schon anti-politisch.
In diesem Sinne ist Bitcoin also politisch, wie alles politisch ist oder zu einem politischen Thema gemacht werden kann. Ich habe in einem früheren Artikel bereits beschrieben, dass der Staat für viele Menschen die Rolle einer Art Religion eingenommen hat und dass Bitcoin in gewisser Weise für den Staat das ist, was der Buchdruck damals für Religion war.
> Religion ist eigentlich unpolitisch, obwohl man behaupten darf, dass Kirchgänger gewisser Religionen im Allgemeinen im gleichen Bereich des politischen Spektrums wiederzufinden sind, macht dies Religion nicht von Natur aus politisch. Doch die Trennung von Kirche und Staat kann wohl als hochpolitisch bezeichnet werden.
Wo Diderot, Rousseau und Voltaire eine Berufung auf die Vernunft als universelle Urteilsinstanz propagierten und einen Kampf gegen Vorurteile und für die Hinwendung zu Naturwissenschaften, religiöse Toleranz und eine Orientierung am Naturrecht einleiteten, streben Bitcoin und seine Befürworter eine Abkehr von den staatlich gesteuerten und (Fiskal- und Geld)politisch aufgeladenen Finanz- und Wirtschaftsinterventionen und eine Berufung auf Werte wie Dezentralität, Zensurresistenz und Selbstbestimmtheit an. Dasselbe gilt für die Trennung von Geld und Staat. Geld ist eigentlich unpolitisch, aber die Trennung von Geld und Staat ist hochpolitisch. Auch der Missbrauch von Geld zum Erreichen von politischen Zielen ist hochpolitisch. Wie eingangs erwähnt, wird Bitcoin so politisiert - nur eben als Gegenentwurf. Als anti-politische Alternative zum politischen Fiat-System mit all seinen Fehlern.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/14d3f8b9916a09f4a2405c6acfe9b834216aecd32c64debcdd18e06000737dcb.gif">
Was ich damit sagen will, ist, dass Bitcoin per se politisch ist. Es ist eben nur ein anderer Entwurf zu dem politischen Denken, das heute vorherrscht. Bitcoin ist und bleibt erlaubnislos und wertfrei, damit ist die Nutzung von Bitcoin erstmal im Generellen unpolitisch. Solange bis auch einzelne Anwendungsfälle von politischer Natur sind. Bitcoin-Spenden an Wikileaks haben eine politische Tragweite. Bitcoin-Spenden an den Freedom-Convoy in Kanada sind politisch. Bitcoin-Spenden an Hodlonaut sind politisch, auch wenn es dabei um die hauseigene Politik im Bitcoin-Ökosystem geht.
Man kann also nicht ohne weiteres sagen "Bitcoin ist unpolitisch". Es ist richtiger zu sagen, dass Bitcoin keine politische Meinung vertritt und sich nicht zu politischer Einflussnahme instrumentalisieren lässt. Bitcoin ist ein Protokoll, ein Netzwerk, und kümmert sich nur um sich selbst. Aber Bitcoin ist sehr wohl politisch.
In diesem Sinne, 2... 1... Risiko!
@ 1bda7e1f:bb97c4d9
2025-01-02 05:19:08
### Tldr
- Nostr is an open and interoperable protocol
- You can integrate it with workflow automation tools to augment your experience
- n8n is a great low/no-code workflow automation tool which you can host yourself
- Nostrobots allows you to integrate Nostr into n8n
- In this blog I create some workflow automations for Nostr
- A simple form to delegate posting notes
- Push notifications for mentions on multiple accounts
- Push notifications for your favourite accounts when they post a note
- All workflows are provided as open source with MIT license for you to use
### Inter-op All The Things
Nostr is a new open social protocol for the internet. This open nature exciting because of the opportunities for interoperability with other technologies. In [Using NFC Cards with Nostr]() I explored the `nostr:` URI to launch Nostr clients from a card tap.
The interoperability of Nostr doesn't stop there. The internet has many super-powers, and Nostr is open to all of them. Simply, there's no one to stop it. There is no one in charge, there are no permissioned APIs, and there are no risks of being de-platformed. If you can imagine technologies that would work well with Nostr, then any and all of them can ride on or alongside Nostr rails.
My mental model for why this is special is Google Wave ~2010. Google Wave was to be the next big platform. Lars was running it and had a big track record from Maps. I was excited for it. Then, Google pulled the plug. And, immediately all the time and capital invested in understanding and building on the platform was wasted.
This cannot happen to Nostr, as there is no one to pull the plug, and maybe even no plug to pull.
So long as users demand Nostr, Nostr will exist, and that is a pretty strong guarantee. It makes it worthwhile to invest in bringing Nostr into our other applications.
All we need are simple ways to plug things together.
### Nostr and Workflow Automation
Workflow automation is about helping people to streamline their work. As a user, the most common way I achieve this is by connecting disparate systems together. By setting up one system to trigger another or to move data between systems, I can solve for many different problems and become way more effective.
#### n8n for workflow automation
Many workflow automation tools exist. My favourite is [n8n](https://n8n.io/). n8n is a low/no-code workflow automation platform which allows you to build all kinds of workflows. You can use it for free, you can self-host it, it has a user-friendly UI and useful API. Vs Zapier it can be far more elaborate. Vs Make.com I find it to be more intuitive in how it abstracts away the right parts of the code, but still allows you to code when you need to.
Most importantly you can plug anything into n8n: You have built-in nodes for specific applications. HTTP nodes for any other API-based service. And community nodes built by individual community members for any other purpose you can imagine.
#### Eating my own dogfood
It's very clear to me that there is a big design space here just demanding to be explored. If you could integrate Nostr with anything, what would you do?
In my view the best way for anyone to start anything is by solving their own problem first (aka "scratching your own itch" and "eating your own dogfood"). As I get deeper into Nostr I find myself controlling multiple Npubs – to date I have a personal Npub, a brand Npub for a community I am helping, an AI assistant Npub, and various testing Npubs. I need ways to delegate access to those Npubs without handing over the keys, ways to know if they're mentioned, and ways to know if they're posting.
I can build workflows with n8n to solve these issues for myself to start with, and keep expanding from there as new needs come up.
### Running n8n with Nostrobots
I am mostly non-technical with a very helpful AI. To set up n8n to work with Nostr and operate these workflows should be possible for anyone with basic technology skills.
- I have a cheap VPS which currently runs my [HAVEN Nostr Relay](https://rodbishop.npub.pro/post/8ca68889/) and [Albyhub Lightning Node](https://rodbishop.npub.pro/post/setting-up-payments-on-nostr-7o6ls7/) in Docker containers,
- My objective was to set up n8n to run alongside these in a separate Docker container on the same server, install the required nodes, and then build and host my workflows.
#### Installing n8n
Self-hosting n8n could not be easier. I followed n8n's [Docker-Compose installation docs](https://docs.n8n.io/hosting/installation/server-setups/docker-compose/)–
- Install Docker and Docker-Compose if you haven't already,
- Create your ``docker-compose.yml`` and `.env` files from the docs,
- Create your data folder `sudo docker volume create n8n_data`,
- Start your container with `sudo docker compose up -d`,
- Your n8n instance should be online at port `5678`.
n8n is free to self-host but does require a license. Enter your credentials into n8n to get your free license key. You should now have access to the Workflow dashboard and can create and host any kind of workflows from there.
#### Installing Nostrobots
To integrate n8n nicely with Nostr, I used the [Nostrobots](https://github.com/ocknamo/n8n-nodes-nostrobots?tab=readme-ov-file) community node by [Ocknamo](nostr:npub1y6aja0kkc4fdvuxgqjcdv4fx0v7xv2epuqnddey2eyaxquznp9vq0tp75l).
In n8n parlance a "node" enables certain functionality as a step in a workflow e.g. a "set" node sets a variable, a "send email" node sends an email. n8n comes with all kinds of "official" nodes installed by default, and Nostr is not amongst them. However, n8n also comes with a framework for community members to create their own "community" nodes, which is where Nostrobots comes in.
You can only use a community node in a self-hosted n8n instance (which is what you have if you are running in Docker on your own server, but this limitation does prevent you from using n8n's own hosted alternative).
To install a community node, [see n8n community node docs](https://docs.n8n.io/integrations/community-nodes/installation/gui-install/). From your workflow dashboard–
- Click the "..." in the bottom left corner beside your username, and click "settings",
- Cilck "community nodes" left sidebar,
- Click "Install",
- Enter the "npm Package Name" which is `n8n-nodes-nostrobots`,
- Accept the risks and click "Install",
- Nostrobots is now added to your n8n instance.
#### Using Nostrobots
Nostrobots gives you nodes to help you build Nostr-integrated workflows–
- **Nostr Write** – for posting Notes to the Nostr network,
- **Nostr Read** – for reading Notes from the Nostr network, and
- **Nostr Utils** – for performing certain conversions you may need (e.g. from bech32 to hex).
Nostrobots has [good documentation](https://github.com/ocknamo/n8n-nodes-nostrobots?tab=readme-ov-file) on each node which focuses on simple use cases.
Each node has a "convenience mode" by default. For example, the "Read" Node by default will fetch Kind 1 notes by a simple filter, in Nostrobots parlance a "Strategy". For example, with Strategy set to "Mention" the node will accept a pubkey and fetch all Kind 1 notes that Mention the pubkey within a time period. This is very good for quick use.
What wasn't clear to me initially (until Ocknamo helped me out) is that advanced use cases are also possible.
Each node also has an advanced mode. For example, the "Read" Node can have "Strategy" set to "RawFilter(advanced)". Now the node will accept json (anything you like that complies with [NIP-01](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/01.md)). You can use this to query Notes (Kind 1) as above, and also Profiles (Kind 0), Follow Lists (Kind 3), Reactions (Kind 7), Zaps (Kind 9734/9735), and anything else you can think of.
#### Creating and adding workflows
With n8n and Nostrobots installed, you can now create or add any kind of Nostr Workflow Automation.
- Click "Add workflow" to go to the workflow builder screen,
- If you would like to build your own workflow, you can start with adding any node. Click "+" and see what is available. Type "Nostr" to explore the Nostrobots nodes you have added,
- If you would like to add workflows that someone else has built, click "..." in the top right. Then click "import from URL" and paste in the URL of any workflow you would like to use (including the ones I share later in this article).
### Nostr Workflow Automations
It's time to build some things!
#### A simple form to post a note to Nostr
I started very simply. I needed to delegate the ability to post to Npubs that I own in order that a (future) team can test things for me. I don't want to worry about managing or training those people on how to use keys, and I want to revoke access easily.
I needed a basic form with credentials that posted a Note.
For this I can use a very simple workflow–
- **A n8n Form node** – Creates a form for users to enter the note they wish to post. Allows for the form to be protected by a username and password. This node is the workflow "trigger" so that the workflow runs each time the form is submitted.
- **A Set node** – Allows me to set some variables, in this case I set the relays that I intend to use. I typically add a Set node immediately following the trigger node, and put all the variables I need in this. It helps to make the workflows easier to update and maintain.
- **A Nostr Write node** (from Nostrobots) – Writes a Kind-1 note to the Nostr network. It accepts Nostr credentials, the output of the Form node, and the relays from the Set node, and posts the Note to those relays.
Once the workflow is built, you can test it with the testing form URL, and set it to "Active" to use the production form URL. That's it. You can now give posting access to anyone for any Npub. To revoke access, simply change the credentials or set to workflow to "Inactive".
It may also be the world's simplest Nostr client.
You can find the [Nostr Form to Post a Note workflow here](https://github.com/r0d8lsh0p/nostr-n8n/blob/main/Nostr_Form_to_Post_a_Note.json).
#### Push notifications on mentions and new notes
One of the things Nostr is not very good at is push notifications. Furthermore I have some unique itches to scratch. I want–
- **To make sure I never miss a note addressed to any of my Npubs** – For this I want a push notification any time any Nostr user mentions any of my Npubs,
- **To make sure I always see all notes from key accounts** – For this I need a push notification any time any of my Npubs post any Notes to the network,
- **To get these notifications on all of my devices** – Not just my phone where my Nostr regular client lives, but also on each of my laptops to suit wherever I am working that day.
I needed to build a Nostr push notifications solution.
To build this workflow I had to string a few ideas together–
- **Triggering the node on a schedule** – Nostrobots does not include a trigger node. As every workflow starts with a trigger we needed a different method. I elected to run the workflow on a schedule of every 10-minutes. Frequent enough to see Notes while they are hot, but infrequent enough to not burden public relays or get rate-limited,
- **Storing a list of Npubs in a Nostr list** – I needed a way to store the list of Npubs that trigger my notifications. I initially used an array defined in the workflow, this worked fine. Then I decided to try Nostr lists ([NIP-51, kind 30000](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/51.md)). By defining my list of Npubs as a list published to Nostr I can control my list from within a Nostr client (e.g. [Listr.lol](https://listr.lol/npub1r0d8u8mnj6769500nypnm28a9hpk9qg8jr0ehe30tygr3wuhcnvs4rfsft) or [Nostrudel.ninja](https://nostrudel.ninja/#/lists)). Not only does this "just work", but because it's based on Nostr lists automagically Amethyst client allows me to browse that list as a Feed, and everyone I add gets notified in their Mentions,
- **Using specific relays** – I needed to query the right relays, including my own HAVEN relay inbox for notes addressed to me, and wss://purplepag.es for Nostr profile metadata,
- **Querying Nostr events** (with Nostrobots) – I needed to make use of many different Nostr queries and use quite a wide range of what Nostrobots can do–
- I read the EventID of my Kind 30000 list, to return the desired pubkeys,
- For notifications on mentions, I read all Kind 1 notes that mention that pubkey,
- For notifications on new notes, I read all Kind 1 notes published by that pubkey,
- Where there are notes, I read the Kind 0 profile metadata event of that pubkey to get the displayName of the relevant Npub,
- I transform the EventID into a Nevent to help clients find it.
- **Using the Nostr URI** – As I did with my NFC card article, I created a link with the `nostr:` URI prefix so that my phone's native client opens the link by default,
- **Push notifications solution** – I needed a push notifications solution. I found many with n8n integrations and chose to go with [Pushover](https://pushover.net/) which supports all my devices, has a free trial, and is unfairly cheap with a $5-per-device perpetual license.
Once the workflow was built, lists published, and Pushover installed on my phone, I was fully set up with push notifications on Nostr. I have used these workflows for several weeks now and made various tweaks as I went. They are feeling robust and I'd welcome you to give them a go.
You can find the [Nostr Push Notification If Mentioned here](https://github.com/r0d8lsh0p/nostr-n8n/blob/main/Nostr_Push_Notify_If_Mentioned.json) and [If Posts a Note here](https://github.com/r0d8lsh0p/nostr-n8n/blob/main/Nostr_Push_Notify_If_Post_a_Note.json).
In speaking with other Nostr users while I was building this, there are all kind of other needs for push notifications too – like on replies to a certain bookmarked note, or when a followed Npub starts streaming on zap.stream. These are all possible.
#### Use my workflows
I have open sourced all my workflows at my [Github](https://github.com/r0d8lsh0p/nostr-n8n) with MIT license and tried to write complete docs, so that you can import them into your n8n and configure them for your own use.
To import any of my workflows–
- Click on the workflow of your choice, e.g. "[Nostr_Push_Notify_If_Mentioned.json](https://github.com/r0d8lsh0p/nostr-n8n/blob/main/Nostr_Push_Notify_If_Mentioned.json "Nostr_Push_Notify_If_Mentioned.json")",
- Click on the "raw" button to view the raw JSON, ex any Github page layout,
- Copy that URL,
- Enter that URL in the "import from URL" dialog [mentioned above](#creating-and-adding-workflows).
To configure them–
- Prerequisites, credentials, and variables are all stated,
- In general any variables required are entered into a Set Node that follows the trigger node,
- Pushover has some extra setup but is very straightforward and documented in the workflow.
### What next?
Over my first four blogs I explored creating a good Nostr setup with [Vanity Npub](https://rodbishop.npub.pro/post/mining-your-vanity-pubkey-4iupbf/), [Lightning Payments](https://rodbishop.npub.pro/post/setting-up-payments-on-nostr-7o6ls7/), [Nostr Addresses at Your Domain](https://rodbishop.npub.pro/post/ee8a46bc/), and [Personal Nostr Relay](https://rodbishop.npub.pro/post/8ca68889/).
Then in my latest two blogs I explored different types of interoperability [with NFC cards](https://rodbishop.npub.pro/post/edde8387/) and now n8n Workflow Automation.
Thinking ahead n8n can power any kind of interoperability between Nostr and any other legacy technology solution. On my mind as I write this:
- Further enhancements to posting and delegating solutions and forms (enhanced UI or different note kinds),
- Automated or scheduled posting (such as auto-liking everything [Lyn Alden](nostr:npub1a2cww4kn9wqte4ry70vyfwqyqvpswksna27rtxd8vty6c74era8sdcw83a) posts),
- Further enhancements to push notifications, on new and different types of events (such as notifying me when I get a new follower, on replies to certain posts, or when a user starts streaming),
- All kinds of bridges, such as bridging notes to and from Telegram, Slack, or Campfire. Or bridging RSS or other event feeds to Nostr,
- All kinds of other automation (such as [BlackCoffee](nostr:npub1dqepr0g4t3ahvnjtnxazvws4rkqjpxl854n29wcew8wph0fmw90qlsmmgt) [controlling a coffee machine](https://primal.net/e/note16fzhh5yfc3u4kufx0mck63tsfperdrlpp96am2lmq066cnuqutds8retc3)),
- All kinds of AI Assistants and Agents,
In fact I have already released an open source workflow for an [AI Assistant](https://primal.net/p/npub1ahjpx53ewavp23g5zj9jgyfrpr8djmgjzg5mpe4xd0z69dqvq0kq2lf353), and will share more about that in my next blog.
Please be sure to let me know if you think there's another Nostr topic you'd like to see me tackle.
GM Nostr.
@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-01-02 01:57:34
**Table Of Content**
- A Series of Banking Collapses
- Federal Reserve's Counteraction
- The Impact on Bitcoin
- Market's Delayed Reaction
- Bitcoin's Future Amidst Monetary Policies
- Conclusions
Bitcoin, the digital gold of the 21st century, has always been at the center of discussions in the financial and tech worlds. Its volatile price movements and its potential to revolutionize the financial sector make it a hot topic. Among the many voices opining on Bitcoin's trajectory, Arthur Hayes, co-founder and former CEO of BitMEX, stands out with his unique insights. He firmly believes that March was a defining month that signaled the onset of a bullish trend for Bitcoin. This article aims to unpack Hayes' perspective and understand the reasons behind his belief.
**A Series of Banking Collapses**
March of this year wasn't just another month on the financial calendar; it was a month marked by significant banking disturbances. Hayes attributes the beginning of Bitcoin's bull run to a specific date: March 10. On this day, the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was taken over by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, a significant event in the banking world. But this wasn't an isolated incident. Just two days before, on March 8, Silvergate Bank faced liquidation, sending ripples of concern through the financial community. This wave of uncertainty continued when, on March 12, Signature Bank was compelled to shut its doors due to intervention by New York regulators. These back-to-back banking crises set the stage for what was to come in the cryptocurrency realm.
**Federal Reserve's Counteraction**
Reacting to the unfolding banking crises, the Federal Reserve took a decisive step. They introduced the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP), a strategic move aimed at stabilizing the banking sector. This program was designed to offer banks loans that could extend up to a year. However, there was a catch: banks had to post "qualifying assets" as collateral to avail themselves of these loans. Hayes viewed this initiative as a clear attempt by the Federal Reserve to provide a safety net for the entire banking system. In his interpretation, the Fed's message was straightforward: "Exchange your devalued bonds for fresh dollars, and let's stabilize the system."
**The Impact on Bitcoin**
The repercussions of the banking crises and the Federal Reserve's countermeasures were felt in the cryptocurrency market, particularly in Bitcoin's price dynamics. Following these events, Bitcoin's price began its upward trajectory, registering an impressive increase of approximately 26%. Hayes believes that the Federal Reserve's actions, combined with the growing skepticism towards the value of fiat currencies, played a pivotal role in this surge. As faith in traditional currencies waned, traders and investors began to see the appeal of fixed-supply assets, with Bitcoin emerging as the prime contender.
**Market's Delayed Reaction**
While the indicators pointing to a bullish trend in Bitcoin are clear to some, Hayes observes that the broader market has been somewhat sluggish in its response. This delay in market reaction is not uncommon in the financial world, where multiple factors influence decision-making processes. However, Hayes remains undeterred in his optimism. He anticipates that within a span of six to twelve months, the market will not only recognize but also react positively to this bullish trend, further propelling Bitcoin's growth.
**Bitcoin's Future Amidst Monetary Policies**
Hayes' bullish stance on Bitcoin extends beyond just its recent performance. He envisions a bright future for the cryptocurrency, irrespective of the monetary decisions taken by institutions like the Federal Reserve. Whether the Fed opts for interest rate hikes to induce economic tightening or chooses the path of printing more money to infuse liquidity into the system, Hayes believes Bitcoin is poised to benefit. In his perspective, the inherent properties of Bitcoin, combined with its decentralized nature, position it favorably to thrive amidst varying economic scenarios.
Arthur Hayes' insights offer a deep dive into the intricate dynamics between traditional banking systems, global monetary policies, and the burgeoning world of cryptocurrencies. As we stand at the crossroads of financial evolution, understanding these interplays becomes crucial. Hayes' conviction that March marked the commencement of Bitcoin's bullish trend provides not just a perspective but also a beacon for those navigating the cryptocurrency waters. His analysis underscores the potential of Bitcoin and offers a glimpse into its promising future in the ever-evolving financial landscape.
**When did Hayes believe the Bitcoin bull run started?**
Hayes believes that the Bitcoin bull run began on March 10.
**What significant event occurred on March 10?**
On March 10, the Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was taken over by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation.
**How did the Federal Reserve respond to banking crises?**
The Federal Reserve introduced the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP) to stabilize the banking sector by offering loans in exchange for "qualifying assets" as collateral.
**What impact did these events have on Bitcoin?**
Following these events, Bitcoin's price surged by approximately 26%, marking the beginning of its bullish trend.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*
@ 2063cd79:57bd1320
2025-01-01 13:11:30
### Aufgabe von Minern
Wer sich nochmal genau mit dem Ablauf von Mining befassen möchte, dem rate ich Ausgabe #27 zu lesen.
Wir erinnern uns, dass es im Bitcoin-Ökosystem drei große Gruppen gibt, die sich nicht jeweils ausschließen. Es gibt die Miner, die Node-Betreiber und die Nutzer. Diese schließen sich nicht gegenseitig aus, da man auch in zwei oder sogar drei dieser Gruppen verhaftet sein kann. Die Miner übernehmen Aufgaben, die die anderen zwei Gruppen nicht leisten können und dafür werden sie durch den Anreizmechanismus belohnt. Denn durch ihre Arbeit gewährleisten sie die Sicherung des Netzwerks (je höher die aufgebrachte Hashrate, desto schwieriger werden Angriffe), sie validieren, sortieren und fügen Transaktionen dem Netzwerk hinzu und darüber hinaus helfen sie dabei bitcoins zu verteilen (zumindest bis alle ca. 21 Millionen bitcoins in ca. 100 Jahren erschlossen wurden). Warum die Analogie zum Mining schwierig ist, haben wir schon öfter besprochen, kurz und verständlich auf den Punkt gebracht hat es diese Woche Gigi in einem kurzen Beitrag.
### Mining Pools
Ich habe Mining-Pools detailliert in einem Artikel letzten September beschrieben. Wer sich mit dem Thema nochmal eingehender beschäftigen möchte, kann das hier tun:
Doch TL;DR für all diejenigen, die keine Zeit oder Lust haben, hier in Kürze:
Die immer weiter steigende Hashrate im Netzwerk, ausgelöst durch immer größer werdende Mining-Operationen und immer leistungsfähigere ASIC Chips, führt dazu, dass es kleine und auch mittelgroße Miner immer schwerer haben erfolgreich Bitcoins zu minen, und damit Profite zu erzielen.
Mining-Pools bieten da Abhilfe, indem sie Minern die Möglichkeit bieten, ihre Hashrate zu bündeln und somit eine größere Wahrscheinlichkeit erzeugen, im Wettkampf um die Winner-take-all-Prämie, einen Teil der Belohnung in Form von Block-Subsidy und Gebühren einzustreichen (➡️ Block Reward). Je mehr Miner sich in einem Pool zusammenschließen, um somit die Hashrate zu bündeln, desto wahrscheinlicher wird, dass dieser Zusammenschluss von Minern den nächsten Block findet. Damit sinkt natürlich die einzelne Auszahlung pro Block, jedoch steigt die proportionelle Anzahl der Blocks, die dieser Pool erfolgreich produzieren kann.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/4710bbc07d6855d5113a4fff83ced34b32c66c95a3eb3d57c1dd2f17a13f95f9.gif">
Diese Rechnung lohnt sich neben Mining-Farmen auch für die meisten kleinen und mittelgroßen Miner, da so ein stetiger Fluss von Einkommen wahrscheinlicher wird, als ab-und-zu (oder nie) den Jackpot zu knacken. Das Problem bei Mining-Pools besteht in der Bündelung der Hashrate unter einer übersichtlichen Anzahl von Betreibern, denn erstens macht es jede Konzentration einer bestimmten Sache für Angreifer einfacher, diese eine große Einheit ausfindig zu machen und gezielt zu attackieren. Und zweitens verschiebt sich die dezentrale Wahrheitsfindung zugunsten einer zentralisierten Entscheidungsfindung.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/38706ef056b6fdbe3512285d8e2bbd30e0e1b6a7aa719ae9370c513ec58f00f1.gif">
Denn bisher sind es die Mining-Pools, die über die Architektur der Blöcke bestimmen, also darüber, welche Transaktionen in den nächsten Blockkandidaten gepackt werden. Dies ermöglicht Mining-Pool-Betreibern sowohl Transaktionen zu zensieren (black listing), als auch Transaktionen auszuwählen, die nicht unbedingt im besten Interesse der Miner (z.B. Transaktionen mit geringen Gebühren, obwohl es welche mit hohen Gebühren gegeben hätte), oder gar des ganzen Netzwerks sind (z.B. leere Blöcke, um das Netzwerk zu verlangsamen) (white listing). Diese vermeintliche Macht der Pool-Betreiber muss nicht unbedingt von ihnen selbst ausgenutzt werden, bietet aber auch Regierungen und anderen Apparaten einen leichten Angriffsvektor, wenn diese versuchen wollen, das Netzwerk, bzw. einzelne Transaktionen gezielt zu zensieren, indem sie Mining-Pools unter Zwang setzen.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/8bc2577da8654edf9e3181f6a63d7095ad20c48dded03f44f144a8a033a1b71d.png">
Wie in dieser Grafik leicht ersichtlich, gibt es heute einige wenige Pools, die einen deutlichen Anteil der globalen Hashrate bündeln. 80% (!!!) der Hashrate wird von den größten vier Pools bestimmt, und immerhin 55% (also mehr als die Hälfte - immer noch nicht cool) von den beiden größten. Dies macht Pools natürlich zu einem leicht bestimmbaren Angriffspunkt mit einer riesigen Zielscheibe auf dem Rücken.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/a410e95c1eb6db08243d798f0b3bab1d531dde1a7132b42ec92242305322254c.gif">
Besteht überhaupt eine solche theoretische Möglichkeit, dass z.B. Foundry USA im Rahmen einer hypothetischen Verpflichtung durch Dritte (Regierung, Finanzaufsicht, Geheimdienst, etc.) mit der Zensur bestimmter Transaktionen beginnen könnte? Die Antwort ist: theoretisch erstmal ja. Auf technischer Ebene könnte es passieren. Doch Miner würden sehr schnell erkennen, dass etwas im Busch ist und ihre Hashrate auf andere Pools verlagern (dies muss nicht mal aus altruistischen Gründen geschehen, sondern einfach weil theoretische wirtschaftliche Anreize verloren gehen).
### Transaktionsauswahl
Wie schon erwähnt, sind Mining-Pool-Betreiber heute dafür verantwortlich Transaktionen für den nächsten Block vorzuschlagen. Das bedeutet der Betreiber hat die volle Kontrolle darüber, wie der nächste Block im Mining-Prozess aussieht und die Miner und Mining-Farmen werden sozusagen zu Lieferanten von Hashrate, um diesen Vorschlag umzusetzen. Pools stellen den einzigen Koordinierungspunkt zwischen den teilnehmenden Hardware-Betreibern dar. Es bleibt dem Miner natürlich selbst überlassen, welchem Pool er sich anschließt (und ob sich überhaupt einem Pool angeschlossen wird) und auch der Wechsel von einem Pool zum nächsten ist relativ simpel und schnell vollzogen. Es bleibt jedoch dabei - Betreiber sind verantwortlich für die Auswahl von Transaktionen, die in die Kandidaten-Blöcke eingefügt (oder unterlassen, sprich zensiert) werden sollen. Es besteht also eine zusätzliche Bürde für jeden Miner zusätzlich zu kontrollieren, dass keine Transaktionen ausgeschlossen werden, oder Transaktionen sauber ausgewählt werden.
> “Bitcoin is dead.” “Mining is over.” “They will regulate Bitcoin.” “Censorship will come.” - Peter Todd
Ob nun ein Pool-Betreiber oder Miner durch Zwang dazu geführt wird, individuelle Transaktionen hinzuzufügen, oder auszulassen, oder ob es aus eigenem Antrieb heraus geschieht (wie im obigen Artikel von MARA beschrieben: der von Marathon kontrollierte MARA Pool hatte entschieden, nur Blöcke mit OFAC-konformen Transaktionen zu produzieren und damit Transaktionen von und zu Adressen zu zensieren, die vom US-Finanzministerium auf die schwarze Liste gesetzt wurden, was einen großen Aufstand hervorrief und kein anderer Miner schloss sich dem Beispiel an. MARA veröffentlichten nach nur einem Monat in einer Pressemitteilung, dass keine Transaktionen mehr gefiltert würden.) ist dabei zunächst egal.
Doch eine Umkehrung der Verantwortlichkeit würde die Verantwortung zu den einzelnen tausenden Hardware-Betreibern (Minern) verschieben, die zentrale Entscheidungsgewalt der Pool-Betreiber auflösen und einen großen Angriffspunkt im Netzwerk eliminieren.
Wie alle anderen Computer-Netzwerk, besteht auch Bitcoin aus Protokollen, mit denen die Kommunikation zwischen Teilnehmern und Regeln festgelegt werden und die geschilderten Bedrohungen werden durch das aktuelle Protokoll ermöglicht, das von Minern und Mining-Pools verwendet wird, um miteinander zu kommunizieren: Stratum V1.
### Stratum v2
Wie bei allen Sachen im Bitcoin-Ökosystem, gibt es keine zentrale Organisation, die Verbesserungen im Protokoll oder, wie in diesem Fall, in untergeordneten Protokollen vorschlagen und umsetzen kann. Es bedarf immer einer Gruppe von Entwicklern, die ein Problem im derzeitigen System erkennen und einen passenden Lösungsvorschlag unterbreiten. So auch bei Stratum. Das originale Stratum-Protokoll (v1) wurde 2012 eingeführt und wird seitdem weitgehend unverändert eingesetzt.
Bei der Stratum v2 Reference Implementation (SRI) handelt es sich um eine kostenlose, unabhängige, Open-Source-Variante von Stratum v2. Aber Justus, heißt das etwa, es gibt noch andere Stratum v2 Varianten? Bingo, Zweiter, es können beliebig viele Varianten erstellt werden. Alleine die Mining Pools entscheiden darüber, welches Protokoll, also welche Software, für sie und ihr Geschäftsmodell am besten funktioniert. Und die kürzlich vorgestellte Variante, die SRI, ist das bis dato umfangreichste und am weitesten unterstützte Update des Protokolls. Denn sowohl Braiins, ein Anbieter von Mining-Pools und Mining-Software (inkl. einer eigenen Variante von Stratum v2), als auch Foundry USA, der derzeit größte aller Mining-Pools, sind aktive Unterstützer des Projekts.
SRI ist also das wichtigste Protokoll-Update seit 2012. Aber was genau macht v2 so wichtig und wo liegen die Schwächen von v1?
In der aktuellen Version 1 ist Datenübertragung zwischen Minern, aber auch zwischen Minern und Pool-Betreibern nicht verschlüsselt. In v2 wird Kommunikation verschlüsselt und gewährleistet so Integrität und Vertraulichkeit der übermittelten Informationen. Dies soll vor allem vor sogenannten Man-in-the-Middle-Angriffen schützen, bei denen Dritte die Übertragung von Hashrate zwischen Minern und Pools abfangen (sogenanntes Hashrate-Hijacking), und diese als die eigenen weiterzuleiten und somit Auszahlungen zu stehlen.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/4b8c8cd2516f13dddd85a20914e4572d6f45779b4976a9bf8e8c01f0ae73e210.gif">
Das v2 Protokoll ist vollständig binär. Das heißt, Datenübertragungen werden nicht in Menschen-lesbarem Textformat (ASCII Code), sondern in Computer-lesbarem Binärformat vorgenommen, was unnötige Datenmengen eliminiert. Dies und einige andere Leistungsverbesserungen machen den gesamten Prozess bis zu 20% performanter.
Stratum v2 dezentralisiert das Bitcoin-Mining erheblich, denn Miner bekommen die Möglichkeit, die Transaktionen fortan selbst auszuwählen, wodurch das Netzwerk zensurresistenter wird. Dies wird mit Hilfe von weiteren untergeordneten Protokollen erreicht, die es Minern ermöglichen, Transaktionen über ihre Nodes auszuwählen. Dies ist ein wichtiger Meilenstein bei der Demokratisierung der Transaktionsauswahl im gepoolten Mining und eliminiert die oben beschriebenen Risiken.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/c0770fc98a4e4773cdf4c9800adc33d4230fd09937ec38e3a4a2739a49355e29.gif">
Konkret haben die Entwickler ein neues dezentralisiertes untergeordnetes Protokoll geschaffen, das sich Job Negotiator (JN) nennt. Achtung, jetzt wird es etwas technisch: Miner betreiben ihre eigenen Knoten, die eine neue Vorlage direkt vom Vorlagenanbieter erhalten. Die neue Vorlage enthält den Merkle-Pfad der Transaktionen, die vom Anbieter ausgewählt wurden. Für den neuen Block muss ein neuer Job erstellt werden, also sendet der JN des Miners eine Nachricht mit einem vorgeschlagenen Satz von Transaktionen an den Pool-Betreiber. Der Betreiber akzeptiert dann die Vorlage oder lehnt sie ab. Wenn der Vorschlag der Miner akzeptiert wird, werden sie benachrichtigt, dass sie mit dem Mining beginnen und ihre anteilige Hashrate an den Pool senden können.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/eef7101ea3afc933f89cc3de53f0009974a653c570bad69af29b69161d2e9d98.gif">
Kurz gesagt: Miner schlagen vor, welche Transaktionen in einen Block kommen und nicht andersrum. Alle sind glücklich, alle sind froh und darüber hinaus geschieht dies natürlich blitzschnell, sodass für die Miner und den Pool kein Nachteil gegenüber anderen Mitbewerbern entsteht, denn beim Mining zählt jede Millisekunde, wenn es darum geht erfolgreich den nächsten Block produzieren zu dürfen, oder nicht.
Was sind die Anreize für die Pool-Betreiber, dieses neue Protokoll zu verwenden, wenn sie damit ihr Gewaltmonopol aufgeben?
Relativ einfach: Pool-Betreiber mögen diese Verantwortung eigentlich gar nicht. Sie haben sie irgendwie geerbt und sind mit dieser großen Verpflichtung gegenüber dem Netzwerk und sich selbst irgendwie im Unreinen. Ein bisschen so wie bei Morty, Aaliyah, Djibrail, Laila, Issa, Leonora, Naima und Amaya.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/3440f6667f8affc1bae67888b55c302361ff2aa31fb9f0c23595de96a34f1141.gif">
Pool-Betreiber mögen es also nicht so in der Öffentlichkeit zu stehen und permanent angegriffen zu werden, des Weiteren birgt die Transaktionsauswahl auch ein gewisses Haftungsrisiko, das sie gerne von sich weisen würden.
Die beiden anderen grundlegenden Merkmale des Stratum v2 Protokolls sind, wie oben beschrieben, natürlich auch Sicherheits- und Leistungsverbesserung. Alleine für diese Attribute würde es sich schon lohnen, auf das neue Protokoll umzusteigen.
Die neue Variante des Protokolls (SRI) wurde erst kürzlich öffentlich und als Open-Source Code zugänglich gemacht. Es bleibt also nur eine Frage der Zeit, bis sich nach Braiins und Foundry auch die anderen Mining-Pools (sehr wahrscheinlich) nach einer gründlichen Test-Phase dem Update öffnen.
Besonders in Zeiten, in denen Gegner von Bitcoin in halb-öffentlichen Reden über Pläne sprechen, wie man das Bitcoin-Netzwerk kontrollieren, bzw. für seine Zwecke benutzen kann, ist es wichtig die oben besprochenen Angriffs-Vektoren zu minimieren.
Carole House, ehemalige Direktorin für Cybersicherheit des Nationalen Sicherheitsrates des Weißen Hauses, sprach bei einem Event an der Universität von Princeton und sagte "sie würde lieber mehr Hashrate in den USA sehen, damit sie Miner zwingen können, das Netzwerk zu zensieren" und dass es "nicht nur darum ginge, Minern zu sagen, dass sie bestimmte Transaktionen nicht in Blöcke einbauen, sondern auch nicht auf Blöcken mit nicht konformen Transaktionen aufzubauen, damit diese Transaktionen nirgendwo in der Kette ankommen".
Die zeugt davon, dass Menschen wie Carole House ein substantielles Verständnis von der Bitcoin-Technologie besitzen und dieses Fachwissen dafür verwenden werden, Wege und Mittel aufzutun, wie man Bitcoin zumindest attackieren kann.
In diesem Sinne, 2... 1... Risiko!
@ 5188521b:008eb518
2025-01-01 10:47:04
![](https://blossom.primal.net/e4d7d32a4590123c901aef5d441a85be956c29eec8d321a1d8e5a17cb186862c.jpg)My experience of [daily posting on LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/totallyhumanwriter/) started around three years ago, when I became more serious about my coaching business. In that time, I amassed 25,000 followers and garnered around 3 million impressions on my writing.
It was a wild ride, but now it’s time to leave the theme park.
# Reasons I Quit Posting on LinkedIn
Here they are, in no particular order:
1. I went from coach to ghostwriter. 2024 threw up an unexpected career change. Since 2018, I've been a coach, moving from teaching English as a foreign language to working with groups of multilingual pro writers looking for better opportunities.
Coaching is a tough industry (maybe I'll write about that someday). My idea was to write more meaningful words and less copy to market my coaching business. Ultimately, writing to develop the Bitcoin ecosystem is what I find meaningful, and writing for hire doesn't require as much copywriting as being a coach.
With a solid portfolio, contacts, and profile, potential clients can see your results. You don't need to attract a ton of inbound leads by writing funny bits and wow-inducing educational posts on LinkedIn.
2. Time constraints Because of my own book marketing, new client work, and projects like [21 Futures](https://21futures.com/), I can't dedicate my creative efforts and several hours per week to writing on LinkedIn.
That time works better for me elsewhere.
3. Worsening distribution 'Creators' (a.k.a. active posters with many followers) often say changes to the algorithm don't matter. 'Get on with it. Adapt and move forward.'
I'd be lying if I said I'm happy seeing statistics for my posts plummet. In 2022 and 2023, a successful carousel might net 20,000 views with over 150 likes and 50+ comments. Now, an exceptional post for me attracts 5,000 views with 50 likes.
I won't bore you with charts and statistics, but this is an average, based on hundreds of posts. It seems LinkedIn is reducing the reach of big accounts in favour of tighter networks and distributing the work of those with <5k followers. That's fine. Perhaps that will make the platform less showy, and less boastful, finally ridding us of fake stories, surprising hacks, and ultimate guides.
Still, It makes creative types like me feel like failures. Does an 80% decrease in distribution seem fair for the three years of daily effort I've put in? Should I keep struggling for diminishing returns? No. Creative people must seek the best return on investment for their time.
The lesson? Distribution is more important than follower numbers.
I've also quit Medium, where I have 2,000 followers and regularly receive single-digit reads on my posts.
4. LinkedIn values machines over humans. Cost-cutting, extracting value, and planning for a robotic future. That's Microsoft's MO.
Despite being a social network with over 1 billion users, LinkedIn seemingly relies on automated support to make decisions on which content, people, and ideas are allowed on the platform.
Users' data is parsed without their express consent.\
LinkedIn seems desperate for us to use generative AI to express our 'insight'.\
We are constantly bombarded by LLM drivel and boring machine-made content. If you can't be bothered to write it, why should I bother to read it?
As somebody who brands himself a human-centric writer, why would I offer up personal takes and stories writing for free in an AI-filled swamp?
# What's next?
So I'm giving up posting on LinkedIn.
With that said, it can still produce a great benefit for its users, especially those in the bitcoin space.
Why? The ability to search for potential connections, present your profile, and share your expertise can make a huge difference to your work - investment, partnership, and customers.
If you have a smaller network and have the need to share personal takes, opinions, and expertise, posting on LinkedIn is worth it. So few are doing this in bitcoin, the opportunities in 2025 are mind-boggling.
Next year, thousands of new startups and ventures will be vying for our attention. Those who can build trust and stay true to their message will win. And if LinkedIn stops working, you can always take your followers elsewhere.
If you have read and enjoyed my words here on LinkedIn in the last three years, thank you.
It has been a much-needed creative outlet and has brought me opportunities, laughs, knowledge, new colleagues, and friends. I'll still be stalking your posts and writing sarcastic comments.
# Where can you find me:
Bitcoin writing - [X](https://x.com/21Futures), [StackerNews](https://stacker.news/21futures) [21futures.com](https://21futures.com/)\
NOSTR - npub12xy9yxej6s9hgzsn3rfyfc3xgtdr29wqlvulquzhz2fhqqywk5vqnyvqut),
[Totallyhumanwriter.com](https://totallyhumanwriter.com/) - website coming soon.
[Maximum Freedom, Minimum Bullshit](https://maximumfreedom.substack.com/) on Substack.
And you can reach me via email at philipcharterauthor@gmail.com
I'm interested to know your thoughts and plans for 2025. Where will you be writing and why?
@ f9cf4e94:96abc355
2024-12-31 20:18:59
Scuttlebutt foi iniciado em maio de 2014 por Dominic Tarr ( [dominictarr]( https://github.com/dominictarr/scuttlebutt) ) como uma rede social alternativa off-line, primeiro para convidados, que permite aos usuários obter controle total de seus dados e privacidade. Secure Scuttlebutt ([ssb]( https://github.com/ssbc/ssb-db)) foi lançado pouco depois, o que coloca a privacidade em primeiro plano com mais recursos de criptografia.
Se você está se perguntando de onde diabos veio o nome Scuttlebutt:
> Este termo do século 19 para uma fofoca vem do Scuttlebutt náutico: “um barril de água mantido no convés, com um buraco para uma xícara”. A gíria náutica vai desde o hábito dos marinheiros de se reunir pelo boato até a fofoca, semelhante à fofoca do bebedouro.
![img]( https://miro.medium.com/max/600/1*AOW_rTZLwplHT27Fwrh2Hg.jpeg)
Marinheiros se reunindo em torno da rixa. ( [fonte]( https://twitter.com/IntEtymology/status/998879578851508224) )
Dominic descobriu o termo boato em um [artigo de pesquisa]( https://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/rvr/papers/flowgossip.pdf) que leu.
Em sistemas distribuídos, [fofocar]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gossip_protocol) é um processo de retransmissão de mensagens ponto a ponto; as mensagens são disseminadas de forma análoga ao “boca a boca”.
**Secure Scuttlebutt é um banco de dados de feeds imutáveis apenas para acréscimos, otimizado para replicação eficiente para protocolos ponto a ponto.** **Cada usuário tem um log imutável somente para acréscimos no qual eles podem gravar.** Eles gravam no log assinando mensagens com sua chave privada. Pense em um feed de usuário como seu próprio diário de bordo, como um diário [de bordo]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Logbook) (ou diário do capitão para os fãs de Star Trek), onde eles são os únicos autorizados a escrever nele, mas têm a capacidade de permitir que outros amigos ou colegas leiam ao seu diário de bordo, se assim o desejarem.
Cada mensagem possui um número de sequência e a mensagem também deve fazer referência à mensagem anterior por seu ID. O ID é um hash da mensagem e da assinatura. A estrutura de dados é semelhante à de uma lista vinculada. É essencialmente um log somente de acréscimo de JSON assinado. **Cada item adicionado a um log do usuário é chamado de mensagem.**
**Os logs do usuário são conhecidos como feed e um usuário pode seguir os feeds de outros usuários para receber suas atualizações.** Cada usuário é responsável por armazenar seu próprio feed. Quando Alice assina o feed de Bob, Bob baixa o log de feed de Alice. Bob pode verificar se o registro do feed realmente pertence a Alice verificando as assinaturas. Bob pode verificar as assinaturas usando a chave pública de Alice.
![img]( https://miro.medium.com/max/700/1*AxnqfrGaIGh5Q8hz4C2u7w.png)
Estrutura de alto nível de um feed
**Pubs são servidores de retransmissão conhecidos como “super peers”. Pubs conectam usuários usuários e atualizações de fofocas a outros usuários conectados ao Pub. Um Pub é análogo a um pub da vida real, onde as pessoas vão para se encontrar e se socializar.** Para ingressar em um Pub, o usuário deve ser convidado primeiro. Um usuário pode solicitar um código de convite de um Pub; o Pub simplesmente gerará um novo código de convite, mas alguns Pubs podem exigir verificação adicional na forma de verificação de e-mail ou, com alguns Pubs, você deve pedir um código em um fórum público ou chat. Pubs também podem mapear aliases de usuário, como e-mails ou nome de usuário, para IDs de chave pública para facilitar os pares de referência.
Depois que o Pub enviar o código de convite ao usuário, o usuário resgatará o código, o que significa que o Pub seguirá o usuário, o que permite que o usuário veja as mensagens postadas por outros membros do Pub, bem como as mensagens de retransmissão do Pub pelo usuário a outros membros do Pub.
Além de retransmitir mensagens entre pares, os Pubs também podem armazenar as mensagens. Se Alice estiver offline e Bob transmitir atualizações de feed, Alice perderá a atualização. Se Alice ficar online, mas Bob estiver offline, não haverá como ela buscar o feed de Bob. Mas com um Pub, Alice pode buscar o feed no Pub mesmo se Bob estiver off-line porque o Pub está armazenando as mensagens. **Pubs são úteis porque assim que um colega fica online, ele pode sincronizar com o Pub para receber os feeds de seus amigos potencialmente offline.**
Um usuário pode, opcionalmente, executar seu próprio servidor Pub e abri-lo ao público ou permitir que apenas seus amigos participem, se assim o desejarem. Eles também podem ingressar em um Pub público. Aqui está uma lista de [Pubs públicos em que]( https://github.com/ssbc/ssb-server/wiki/Pub-Servers) todos podem participar **.** Explicaremos como ingressar em um posteriormente neste guia. **Uma coisa importante a observar é que o Secure Scuttlebutt em uma rede social somente para convidados significa que você deve ser “puxado” para entrar nos círculos sociais.** Se você responder às mensagens, os destinatários não serão notificados, a menos que estejam seguindo você de volta. O objetivo do SSB é criar “ilhas” isoladas de redes pares, ao contrário de uma rede pública onde qualquer pessoa pode enviar mensagens a qualquer pessoa.
![img]( https://miro.medium.com/max/700/1*-4HfR9-VRlQT6qKkenkZDA.png)
Perspectivas dos participantes
## Scuttlebot
O software Pub é conhecido como servidor Scuttlebutt (servidor [ssb]( https://github.com/ssbc/ssb-server) ), mas também é conhecido como “Scuttlebot” e `sbot`na linha de comando. O servidor SSB adiciona comportamento de rede ao banco de dados Scuttlebutt (SSB). Estaremos usando o Scuttlebot ao longo deste tutorial.
**Os logs do usuário são conhecidos como feed e um usuário pode seguir os feeds de outros usuários para receber suas atualizações.** Cada usuário é responsável por armazenar seu próprio feed. Quando Alice assina o feed de Bob, Bob baixa o log de feed de Alice. Bob pode verificar se o registro do feed realmente pertence a Alice verificando as assinaturas. Bob pode verificar as assinaturas usando a chave pública de Alice.
![img]( https://miro.medium.com/max/700/1*AxnqfrGaIGh5Q8hz4C2u7w.png)
Estrutura de alto nível de um feed
**Pubs são servidores de retransmissão conhecidos como “super peers”. Pubs conectam usuários usuários e atualizações de fofocas a outros usuários conectados ao Pub. Um Pub é análogo a um pub da vida real, onde as pessoas vão para se encontrar e se socializar.** Para ingressar em um Pub, o usuário deve ser convidado primeiro. Um usuário pode solicitar um código de convite de um Pub; o Pub simplesmente gerará um novo código de convite, mas alguns Pubs podem exigir verificação adicional na forma de verificação de e-mail ou, com alguns Pubs, você deve pedir um código em um fórum público ou chat. Pubs também podem mapear aliases de usuário, como e-mails ou nome de usuário, para IDs de chave pública para facilitar os pares de referência.
Depois que o Pub enviar o código de convite ao usuário, o usuário resgatará o código, o que significa que o Pub seguirá o usuário, o que permite que o usuário veja as mensagens postadas por outros membros do Pub, bem como as mensagens de retransmissão do Pub pelo usuário a outros membros do Pub.
Além de retransmitir mensagens entre pares, os Pubs também podem armazenar as mensagens. Se Alice estiver offline e Bob transmitir atualizações de feed, Alice perderá a atualização. Se Alice ficar online, mas Bob estiver offline, não haverá como ela buscar o feed de Bob. Mas com um Pub, Alice pode buscar o feed no Pub mesmo se Bob estiver off-line porque o Pub está armazenando as mensagens. **Pubs são úteis porque assim que um colega fica online, ele pode sincronizar com o Pub para receber os feeds de seus amigos potencialmente offline.**
Um usuário pode, opcionalmente, executar seu próprio servidor Pub e abri-lo ao público ou permitir que apenas seus amigos participem, se assim o desejarem. Eles também podem ingressar em um Pub público. Aqui está uma lista de [Pubs públicos em que]( https://github.com/ssbc/ssb-server/wiki/Pub-Servers) todos podem participar **.** Explicaremos como ingressar em um posteriormente neste guia. **Uma coisa importante a observar é que o Secure Scuttlebutt em uma rede social somente para convidados significa que você deve ser “puxado” para entrar nos círculos sociais.** Se você responder às mensagens, os destinatários não serão notificados, a menos que estejam seguindo você de volta. O objetivo do SSB é criar “ilhas” isoladas de redes pares, ao contrário de uma rede pública onde qualquer pessoa pode enviar mensagens a qualquer pessoa.
![img]( https://miro.medium.com/max/60/1*-4HfR9-VRlQT6qKkenkZDA.png?q=20)
![img]( https://miro.medium.com/max/700/1*-4HfR9-VRlQT6qKkenkZDA.png)
Perspectivas dos participantes
## Pubs - Hubs
### Pubs públicos
| Pub Name | Operator | Invite Code |
| ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `scuttle.us` | [@Ryan]( https://keybase.io/ryan_singer) | `scuttle.us:8008:@WqcuCOIpLtXFRw/9vOAQJti8avTZ9vxT9rKrPo8qG6o=.ed25519~/ZUi9Chpl0g1kuWSrmehq2EwMQeV0Pd+8xw8XhWuhLE=` |
| [pub1.upsocial.com]( https://upsocial.com/) | [@freedomrules]( https://github.com/freedomrules) | `pub1.upsocial.com:8008:@gjlNF5Cyw3OKZxEoEpsVhT5Xv3HZutVfKBppmu42MkI=.ed25519~lMd6f4nnmBZEZSavAl4uahl+feajLUGqu8s2qdoTLi8=` |
| [Monero Pub]( https://xmr-pub.net/) | [@Denis]( https://github.com/Orville2112) | `xmr-pub.net:8008:@5hTpvduvbDyMLN2IdzDKa7nx7PSem9co3RsOmZoyyCM=.ed25519~vQU+r2HUd6JxPENSinUWdfqrJLlOqXiCbzHoML9iVN4=` |
| [FreeSocial]( https://freesocial.co/) | [@Jarland]( https://github.com/mxroute) | `pub.freesocial.co:8008:@ofYKOy2p9wsaxV73GqgOyh6C6nRGFM5FyciQyxwBd6A=.ed25519~ye9Z808S3KPQsV0MWr1HL0/Sh8boSEwW+ZK+8x85u9w=` |
| `ssb.vpn.net.br` | [@coffeverton]( https://about.me/coffeverton) | `ssb.vpn.net.br:8008:@ze8nZPcf4sbdULvknEFOCbVZtdp7VRsB95nhNw6/2YQ=.ed25519~D0blTolH3YoTwSAkY5xhNw8jAOjgoNXL/+8ZClzr0io=` |
| [gossip.noisebridge.info]( https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Pub) | [Noisebridge Hackerspace]( https://www.noisebridge.net/wiki/Unicorn) [@james.network]( https://james.network/) | `gossip.noisebridge.info:8008:@2NANnQVdsoqk0XPiJG2oMZqaEpTeoGrxOHJkLIqs7eY=.ed25519~JWTC6+rPYPW5b5zCion0gqjcJs35h6JKpUrQoAKWgJ4=` |
### Pubs privados
Você precisará entrar em contato com os proprietários desses bares para receber um convite.
| Pub Name | Operator | Contact |
| --------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ | ----------------------------------------------- |
| `many.butt.nz` | [@dinosaur]( https://dinosaur.is/) | [mikey@enspiral.com](mailto:mikey@enspiral.com) |
| `one.butt.nz` | [@dinosaur]( https://dinosaur.is/) | [mikey@enspiral.com](mailto:mikey@enspiral.com) |
| `ssb.mikey.nz` | [@dinosaur]( https://dinosaur.is/) | [mikey@enspiral.com](mailto:mikey@enspiral.com) |
| [ssb.celehner.com]( https://ssb.celehner.com/) | [@cel]( https://github.com/ssbc/ssb-server/wiki/@f/6sQ6d2CMxRUhLpspgGIulDxDCwYD7DzFzPNr7u5AU=.ed25519) | [cel@celehner.com](mailto:cel@celehner.com) |
### Pubs muito grandes
![:aviso:]( https://camo.githubusercontent.com/163bb588effffc0b9d07dac9331ace26e508806732e5f0a66bad309c3a2a5784/68747470733a2f2f6769746875622e6769746875626173736574732e636f6d2f696d616765732f69636f6e732f656d6f6a692f756e69636f64652f323661302e706e67) *Aviso: embora tecnicamente funcione usar um convite para esses pubs, você provavelmente se divertirá se o fizer devido ao seu tamanho (muitas coisas para baixar, risco para bots / spammers / idiotas)* ![:aviso:]( https://camo.githubusercontent.com/163bb588effffc0b9d07dac9331ace26e508806732e5f0a66bad309c3a2a5784/68747470733a2f2f6769746875622e6769746875626173736574732e636f6d2f696d616765732f69636f6e732f656d6f6a692f756e69636f64652f323661302e706e67)
| Pub Name | Operator | Invite Code |
| --------------------------------------- | ----------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------------------------ |
| `scuttlebutt.de` | [SolSoCoG]( https://solsocog.de/impressum) | `scuttlebutt.de:8008:@yeh/GKxlfhlYXSdgU7CRLxm58GC42za3tDuC4NJld/k=.ed25519~iyaCpZ0co863K9aF+b7j8BnnHfwY65dGeX6Dh2nXs3c=` |
| `Lohn's Pub` | [@lohn]( https://github.com/lohn) | `p.lohn.in:8018:@LohnKVll9HdLI3AndEc4zwGtfdF/J7xC7PW9B/JpI4U=.ed25519~z3m4ttJdI4InHkCtchxTu26kKqOfKk4woBb1TtPeA/s=` |
| [Scuttle Space]( https://scuttle.space/) | [@guil-dot]( https://github.com/guil-dot) | Visit [scuttle.space]( https://scuttle.space/) |
| `SSB PeerNet US-East` | [timjrobinson]( https://github.com/timjrobinson) | `us-east.ssbpeer.net:8008:@sTO03jpVivj65BEAJMhlwtHXsWdLd9fLwyKAT1qAkc0=.ed25519~sXFc5taUA7dpGTJITZVDCRy2A9jmkVttsr107+ufInU=` |
| Hermies | s | net:hermies.club:8008~shs:uMYDVPuEKftL4SzpRGVyQxLdyPkOiX7njit7+qT/7IQ=:SSB+Room+PSK3TLYC2T86EHQCUHBUHASCASE18JBV24= |
## GUI - Interface Gráfica do Utilizador(Usuário)
### Patchwork - Uma GUI SSB (Descontinuado)
[**Patchwork**]( https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork) **é o aplicativo de mensagens e compartilhamento descentralizado construído em cima do SSB** . O protocolo scuttlebutt em si não mantém um conjunto de feeds nos quais um usuário está interessado, então um cliente é necessário para manter uma lista de feeds de pares em que seu respectivo usuário está interessado e seguindo.
![img]( https://miro.medium.com/max/700/1*8UTkNdF0Kh82kZCpKWcpHQ.jpeg)
Fonte: [scuttlebutt.nz]( https://www.scuttlebutt.nz/getting-started)
**Quando você instala e executa o Patchwork, você só pode ver e se comunicar com seus pares em sua rede local. Para acessar fora de sua LAN, você precisa se conectar a um Pub.** Um pub é apenas para convidados e eles retransmitem mensagens entre você e seus pares fora de sua LAN e entre outros Pubs.
Lembre-se de que você precisa seguir alguém para receber mensagens dessa pessoa. Isso reduz o envio de mensagens de spam para os usuários. Os usuários só veem as respostas das pessoas que seguem. Os dados são sincronizados no disco para funcionar offline, mas podem ser sincronizados diretamente com os pares na sua LAN por wi-fi ou bluetooth.
### Patchbay - Uma GUI Alternativa
Patchbay é um cliente de fofoca projetado para ser fácil de modificar e estender. Ele usa o mesmo banco de dados que [Patchwork]( https://github.com/ssbc/patchwork) e [Patchfoo]( https://github.com/ssbc/patchfoo) , então você pode facilmente dar uma volta com sua identidade existente.
![img]( https://github.com/ssbc/patchbay/raw/master/screenshot.png)
### Planetary - GUI para IOS
![Planetary]( https://scuttlebot.io/img/planetary.png)
[Planetary]( https://apps.apple.com/us/app/planetary-app/id1481617318) é um app com pubs pré-carregados para facilitar integração.
### Manyverse - GUI para Android
![Manyverse]( https://scuttlebot.io/img/manyverse.png)
[Manyverse]( https://www.manyver.se/) é um aplicativo de rede social com recursos que você esperaria: posts, curtidas, perfis, mensagens privadas, etc. Mas não está sendo executado na nuvem de propriedade de uma empresa, em vez disso, as postagens de seus amigos e todos os seus dados sociais vivem inteiramente em seu telefone .
## Fontes
* https://scuttlebot.io/
* https://decentralized-id.com/decentralized-web/scuttlebot/#plugins
* https://medium.com/@miguelmota/getting-started-with-secure-scuttlebut-e6b7d4c5ecfd
* [**Secure Scuttlebutt**]( http://ssbc.github.io/secure-scuttlebutt/) **:** um protocolo de banco de dados global.