
@ 0176967e:1e6f471e
2024-07-26 09:50:53
Predikčné trhy predstavujú praktický spôsob, ako môžeme nahliadnuť do budúcnosti bez nutnosti spoliehať sa na tradičné, často nepresné metódy, ako je veštenie z kávových zrniek. V prezentácii sa ponoríme do histórie a vývoja predikčných trhov, a popíšeme aký vplyv mali a majú na dostupnosť a kvalitu informácií pre širokú verejnosť, a ako menia trh s týmito informáciami. Pozrieme sa aj na to, ako tieto trhy umožňujú obyčajným ľuďom prístup k spoľahlivým predpovediam a ako môžu prispieť k lepšiemu rozhodovaniu v rôznych oblastiach života.

@ 0176967e:1e6f471e
2024-07-25 20:53:07
AI hype vnímame asi všetci okolo nás — už takmer každá appka ponúka nejakú “AI fíčuru”, AI startupy raisujú stovky miliónov a Európa ako obvykle pracuje na regulovaní a našej ochrane pred nebezpečím umelej inteligencie. Pomaly sa ale ukazuje “ovocie” spojenia umelej inteligencie a človeka, kedy mnohí ľudia reportujú signifikantné zvýšenie produktivity v práci ako aj kreatívnych aktivitách (aj napriek tomu, že mnohí hardcore kreatívci by každého pri spomenutí skratky “AI” najradšej upálili). V prvej polovici prednášky sa pozrieme na to, akými rôznymi spôsobmi nám vie byť AI nápomocná, či už v práci alebo osobnom živote.
Umelé neuróny nám už vyskakujú pomaly aj z ovsených vločiek, no to ako sa k nám dostávajú sa veľmi líši. Hlavne v tom, či ich poskytujú firmy v zatvorených alebo open-source modeloch. V druhej polovici prednášky sa pozrieme na boom okolo otvorených AI modelov a ako ich vieme využiť.

@ 0176967e:1e6f471e
2024-07-25 20:38:11
Čo vznikne keď spojíš hru SNAKE zo starej Nokie 3310 a Bitcoin? - hra [Chain Duel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hCI2MzxOzE)!
Jedna z najlepších implementácií funkcionality Lightning Networku a gamingu vo svete Bitcoinu.
Vyskúšať si ju môžete s kamošmi [na tomto odkaze](https://game.chainduel.net/). Na stránke nájdeš aj základné pravidlá hry avšak odporúčame pravidlá pochopiť [aj priamo hraním](https://game.chainduel.net/gamemenu)
Chain Duel si získava hromady fanúšikov po bitcoinových konferenciách po celom svete a práve na Lunarpunk festival ho prinesieme tiež.
Multiplayer 1v1 hra, kde nejde o náhodu, ale skill, vás dostane. Poďte si zmerať sily s ďalšími bitcoinermi a vyhrať okrem samotných satoshi rôzne iné ceny.
Príďte sa zúčastniť prvého oficiálneho Chain Duel turnaja na Slovensku!
Pre účasť na turnaji je [potrebná registrácia dopredu](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScq96a-zM2i9FCkd3W3haNVcdKFTbPkXObNDh4vJwbmADsb0w/viewform).

@ 0176967e:1e6f471e
2024-07-22 19:57:47
Co se nomádská rodina již 3 roky utíkající před kontrolou naučila o kontrole samotné? Co je to vlastně svoboda? Může koexistovat se strachem? S konfliktem? Zkusme na chvíli zapomenout na daně, policii a stát a pohlédnout na svobodu i mimo hranice společenských ideologií. Zkusme namísto hledání dalších odpovědí zjistit, zda se ještě někde neukrývají nové otázky. Možná to bude trochu ezo.
Karel provozuje již přes 3 roky se svou ženou, dvěmi dětmi a jedním psem minimalistický život v obytné dodávce. Na cestách spolu začali tvořit youtubový kanál "[Karel od Martiny](https://www.youtube.com/@KarelodMartiny)" o svobodě, nomádství, anarchii, rodičovství, drogách a dalších normálních věcech.
Nájdete ho aj [na nostr](nostr:npub1y2se87uxc7fa0aenfqfx5hl9t2u2fjt4sp0tctlcr0efpauqtalqxfvr89).

@ 3c984938:2ec11289
2024-07-22 11:43:17
## Bienvenide a Nostr!
Es tu primera vez aqui en Nostr? Bienvenides! Nostr es un acrónimo raro para "Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays" on un solo objetivo; resistirse a la censura. Una alternativa a las redes sociales tradicionales, comunicaciónes, blogging, streaming, podcasting, y feventualmente el correo electronico (en fase de desarrollo) con características descentralizadas que te capacita, usario. Jamas seras molestado por un anuncio, capturado por una entidad centralizada o algoritmo que te monetiza.
Permítame ser su anfitrión! Soy Onigiri! Yo estoy explorando el mundo de Nostr, un protocolo de comunicacíon decentralizada. Yo escribo sobre las herramientas y los desarolladores increíbles de Nostr que dan vida a esta reino.

## Bienvenides a Nostr Wonderland
Estas a punto de entrar a un otro mundo digtal que te hará explotar tu mente de todas las aplicaciones descentralizadas, clientes, sitios que puedes utilizar. Nunca volverás a ver a las comunicaciones ni a las redes sociales de la mesma manera. Todo gracias al carácter criptográfico de nostr, inpirado por la tecnología "blockchain". Cada usario, cuando crean una cuenta en Nostr, recibe un par de llaves: una privada y una publico. Estos son las llaves de tu propio reino. Lo que escribes, cantes, grabes, lo que creas - todo te pertenece.

### Unos llaves de Oro y Plata
Mi amigo y yo llamamos a esto "identidad mediante cifrado" porque tu identidad es cifrado. Tu puedes compartir tu llave de plata "npub" a otros usarios para conectar y seguir. Utiliza tu llave de oro "nsec" para accedar a tu cuenta y exponerte a muchas aplicaciones. Mantenga la llave a buen recaudo en todo momento. Ya no hay razor para estar enjaulado por los terminos de plataformas sociales nunca más.
### Todavia No tienes un cliente? Seleccione la mejor opción.
Encuentra la aplicación adecuada para ti! Utilice su clave de oro "nsec" para acceder a estas herramientas maravillosas. También puedes visit a esta pagina a ver a todas las aplicaciones. Antes de pegar tu llave de oro en muchas aplicaciones, considera un "signer" (firmante) para los sitios web 3. Por favor, mire la siguiente imagen para más detalles. Consulte también la leyenda.

### Get a Signer extension via chrome webstore
Un firmante (o "signer" en inglés) es una extensión del navegador web. Nos2x and NostrConnect son extensiónes ampliamente aceptado para aceder a Nostr. Esto simplifica el proceso de aceder a sitios "web 3". En lugar de copiar y pegar la clave oro "nsec" cada vez, la mantienes guardado en la extensión y le des permiso para aceder a Nostr.

### 👉⚡⚡Obtén una billetera Bitcoin lightning para enviar/recibir Zaps⚡⚡ (Esto es opcional)

Aqui en Nostr, utilizamos la red Lightning de Bitcoin (L2). Nesitaras una cartera lightning para enviar y recibir Satoshis, la denominacion mas chiquita de un Bitcoin. (0.000000001 BTC) Los "zaps" son un tipo de micropago en Nostr. Si te gusta el contenido de un usario, es norma dejarle una propina en la forma de un ¨zap". Por ejemplo, si te gusta este contenido, tu me puedes hacer "zap" con Satoshis para recompensar mi trabajo. Pero apenas llegaste, as que todavia no tienes una cartera. No se preocupe, puedo ayudar en eso!
"[Stacker.News](https://stacker.news/r/Hamstr)" es una plataforma donde los usarios pueden ganar SATS por publicar articulos y interactuar con otros.

Stacker.News es el lugar mas facil para recibir una direccion de cartera Bitcoin Lightning.
1. Acedese con su extensión firmante "signer" - Nos2x or NostrConnect - hace click en tu perfil, un codigo de letras y numeros en la mano superior derecha. Veás algo como esto

2. Haga clic en "edit" y elija un nombre que te guste. Se puede cambiar si deseas en el futuro.

3. Haga clic en "save"
4. Crea una biografía y la comunidad SN son muy acogedora. Te mandarán satoshi para darte la bienvenida.
5. Tu nueva direccion de cartera Bitcoin Lightning aparecerá asi

**^^No le mandas "zaps" a esta direccion; es puramente con fines educativos.**
6. Con tu **Nueva** dirección de monedero Bitcoin Lightning puedes ponerla en cualquier cliente o app de tu elección. Para ello, ve a tu **página de perfil** y bajo la dirección de tu monedero en "**Dirección Lightning**", introduce tu nueva dirección y pulsa **"guardar "** y ya está. Enhorabuena.
👉✨Con el tiempo, es posible que desee pasar a las opciones de auto-custodia y tal vez incluso considerar la posibilidad de auto-alojar su propio nodo LN para una mejor privacidad. La buena noticia es que stacker.news tambien está dejando de ser una cartera custodio.
⭐NIP-05-identidad DNS⭐
Al igual que en Twitter, una marca de verificación es para mostrar que eres del mismo jardín "como un humano", y no un atípico como una mala hierba o, "bot". Pero no de la forma nefasta en que lo hacen las grandes tecnológicas. En el país de las maravillas de Nostr, esto te permite asignar tu llave de plata, "npub", a un identificador DNS. Una vez verificado, puedes gritar para anunciar tu nueva residencia Nostr para compartir.
✨Hay un montón de opciones, pero si has seguido los pasos, esto se vuelve extremadamente fácil.
👉✅¡Haz clic en tu **"Perfil "**, luego en **"Configuración "**, desplázate hasta la parte inferior y pega tu *clave Silver*, **"npub!"** y haz clic en **"Guardar "** y ¡listo! Utiliza tu monedero relámpago de Stacker.news como tu NIP-05. ¡¡¡Enhorabuena!!! ¡Ya estás verificado! Dale unas horas y cuando uses tu cliente **"principal "** deberías ver una marca de verificación.
### Nostr, el infonformista de los servidores.

En lugar de utilizar una única instancia o un servidor centralizado, Nostr está construido para que varias bases de datos intercambien mensajes mediante "relés". Los relés, que son neutrales y no discriminatorios, almacenan y difunden mensajes públicos en la red Nostr. Transmiten mensajes a todos los demás clientes conectados a ellos, asegurando las comunicaciones en la red descentralizada.
### ¡Mis amigos en Nostr te dan la bienvenida!
Bienvenida a la fiesta. ¿Le apetece un té?🍵

### ¡Hay mucho mas!
Esto es la punta del iceberg. Síguenme mientras continúo explorando nuevas tierras y a los desarolladores, los caballeres que potencioan este ecosistema. Encuéntrame aquí para mas contenido como este y comparten con otros usarios de nostr. Conozca a los caballeres que luchan por freedomTech (la tecnología de libertad) en Nostr y a los proyectos a los que contribuyen para hacerla realidad.💋
🧡😻Esta guía ha sido cuidadosamente traducida por miggymofongo
Puede seguirla aquí.
sitio [web](https://miguelalmodo.com/)

@ 0176967e:1e6f471e
2024-07-21 15:48:56
Lístky na festival Lunarpunku sú už v predaji [na našom crowdfunding portáli](https://pay.cypherpunk.today/apps/maY3hxKArQxMpdyh5yCtT6UWMJm/crowdfund). V predaji sú dva typy lístkov - štandardný vstup a špeciálny vstup spolu s workshopom oranžového leta.
Neváhajte a zabezpečte si lístok, čím skôr to urobíte, tým bude festival lepší.
Platiť môžete Bitcoinom - Lightningom aj on-chain. Vaša vstupenka je e-mail adresa (neposielame potvrdzujúce e-maily, ak platba prešla, ste in).
[Kúpte si lístok](https://pay.cypherpunk.today/apps/maY3hxKArQxMpdyh5yCtT6UWMJm/crowdfund)

@ 0176967e:1e6f471e
2024-07-21 11:28:18
Čo nám prinášajú exotické protokoly ako Nostr, Cashu alebo Reticulum? Šifrovanie, podpisovanie, peer to peer komunikáciu, nové spôsoby šírenia a odmeňovania obsahu.
Ukážeme si kúl appky, ako sa dajú jednotlivé siete prepájať a ako spolu súvisia.

@ 0176967e:1e6f471e
2024-07-21 11:24:21
Podnikanie je jazyk s "crystal clear" pravidlami.
Inštrumentalisti vidia podnikanie staticky, a toto videnie prenášajú na spoločnosť. Preto nás spoločnosť vníma často negatívne. Skutoční podnikatelia sú však "komunikátori".
Jozef Martiniak je zakladateľ AUSEKON - Institute of Austrian School of Economics

@ 0176967e:1e6f471e
2024-07-21 11:20:40
Ako sa snažím praktizovať LunarPunk bez budovania opcionality "odchodom" do zahraničia. Nie každý je ochotný alebo schopný meniť "miesto", ako však v takom prípade minimalizovať interakciu so štátom? Nie návod, skôr postrehy z bežného života.

@ 0176967e:1e6f471e
2024-07-20 08:28:00
Tento rok vás čaká workshop na tému "oranžové leto" s Jurajom Bednárom a Mariannou Sádeckou. Dozviete sa ako mení naše vnímanie skúsenosť s Bitcoinom, ako sa navigovať v dnešnom svete a odstrániť mentálnu hmlu spôsobenú fiat životom.
Na workshop je potrebný [extra lístok](https://pay.cypherpunk.today/apps/maY3hxKArQxMpdyh5yCtT6UWMJm/crowdfund) (môžete si ho dokúpiť aj na mieste).
Pre viac informácií o oranžovom lete odporúčame pred workshopom vypočuťi si [podcast na túto tému](https://juraj.bednar.io/podcast/2024/04/13/oranzove-leto-stanme-sa-tvorcami-svojho-zivota-s-mariannou-sadeckou/).

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2024-06-19 16:13:28
# Estórias
* [O caso da Grêmio TV](nostr:naddr1qqyxzce3vguxvvfkqyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823caz985v)
* [Jofer](nostr:naddr1qqyxxdt9x4snwwpkqyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823cgsxml2)
* [Lagoa Santa: como chegar -- partindo da rodoviária de Belo Horizonte](nostr:naddr1qqyrsdrpxverwdmrqyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823c724d7h)
* [O Planetinha](nostr:naddr1qqyxzvnzv9jrgef5qyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823cgmfd3v)

@ 76c71aae:3e29cafa
2024-06-17 00:57:57
I wanted to take a moment to address the recent [Business Insider article](https://businessinsider.com/jack-dorsey-fiatjaf-nostr-donation-2024-6) about Jack Dorsey’s funding of Nostr. While the article has inaccuracies and it lacks nuance, this piece it’s also an invitation to all of us to discuss Nostr openly.
**Is the article true?** First things first: We do not actually know fiatjaf’s identity so we cannot weigh in on the veracity of who he is. His real identity remains a mystery to us. While we do not share Fiatjaf’s beliefs, he’s always been clear that Nostr was built to support all types of speech, even the stuff he personally disagrees with. That’s a fundamental principle of the platform.
**Why is Nos built on a protocol that was built by someone who supports fascists?** Let’s clear up a major point of confusion.Merriam Webster defines fascism as: *a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition.*
Based on that definition, fascism is then a centralized autocratic government led by a dictatorial leader, enforcing several economic and social regimentation, and suppressing opposition. Nostr, on the other hand, is designed to prevent centralized control altogether. It’s a decentralized network where no single entity has ultimate power.
Nostr is designed so there is no central authority of control. By distributing content across multiple relays, the architecture of Nostr eliminates the possibility of centralized autocratic control.
Nos chose to build an app on the Nostr protocol because traditional corporate social media platforms often stifle views outside the mainstream, these also include views of leftist activists, LGBTQ community, and others. This stifling takes the form of shadow banning when people use terms that the platform doesn’t want to support such as abortion. More recently there has been an uptick in account suspensions and shadow bannings as people use reporting tools to flag accounts that support Gaza. Often the people flagging are looking at older posts and flagging those to get the accounts shutdown.
On the other hand, Nos is about giving users control over their accounts, identities, and feeds. Nostr makes this possible in a way no other protocol does today. At Nos, we are committed to building an app using tools that put the user in charge and Nostr enables this user-first approach.This means that everybody has something to say, and we may not like it.
**How does Nos reconcile being on a network that can’t ban people for their views?** Unlike corporate social media, such as Facebook, Instagram and TikTok, Nostr is built on the idea of a web of trust, meaning you only see the content from the people you follow. There are no algorithms pushing sensational content to keep you glued to your screen. Corporate platforms thrive on “engagement” and are optimized for eyeballs and time on site. Over the years, the algorithms have learned that the content that is most engaging is content that induces moral outrage in the viewer.
As a result, the corporate platforms feed users more and more morally outrageous content to keep them online. As mentioned before, Nostr operates on a different principle. It’s built on a web of trust, where you only see content from people you follow: Nos and most of the other Nostr clients do not have algorithm-driven feeds, instead content from the people you follow appears in reverse chronological order in your feed. Those clients that do have algorithmic feeds today show the most popular content, but are not optimizing for morally outrageous content.
This means that it is much more difficult for toxic, hateful content to go viral as there’s no behind-the-scenes mechanism amplifying content for views similar to what you have on Youtube and X today. You won’t find the same amplification of divisive content here that you see on these traditional platforms.
Nos offers the ability to have “Freedom from” unwanted content at the user level. There is no central authority shutting down one account or another or blocking certain accounts.
This is especially important for activists. At present on Mastodon and other ActivityPub servers, we are witnessing pro-Palestinian activists accounts’ being blocked from certain servers. While happening at a smaller level, this is still a form of shutting down the dialogue and conversation.I get it –after more than a decade of algorithmic fueled hot-takes and virtue signaling on X (formerly Twitter), it might be a bit difficult to conceive of a social media experience where dialogue exists, but the network that has evolved on top of Nostr is that space. Yes, as difficult as it sounds, Nostr allows for dialogue without central censorship.
Many folks disagree on Nostr in the same way disagreements used to happen on Twitter (now X) in the early days, where there are long text based dialogues. Folks may walk away still disagreeing and a small subset get nasty, but those conversations do not spiral out of control in the same way they do on X or even on Mastodon and Bluesky today.
And if things get ugly, Nos and a few other apps have user-led moderation tools to help mitigate anything that comes into replies or mentions. Nos is leading efforts to enhance user-led moderation across the network.
This discussion is crucial. We have the chance to reshape the future of decentralized social media and we can build a more open and inclusive digital space. The pathway is and will be messy. How do we balance free speech while protecting users from harmful content? What role should decentralization play in the next generation of social media platforms? I’d love to hear your thoughts and keep this conversation going.

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2024-06-13 15:40:18
# Why relay hints are important
Recently [Coracle has removed support](nostr:nevent1qqsfmgthccjuz7quucel20wjanh80sp8nxf5ujgpj5hwdzk8japavzgpzemhxue69uhky6t5vdhkjmn9wgh8xmmrd9skcq3qjlrs53pkdfjnts29kveljul2sm0actt6n8dxrrzqcersttvcuv3qca68ht) for following relay hints in Nostr event references.
Supposedly Coracle is now relying only on public key hints and `kind:10002` events to determine where to fetch events from a user. That is a catastrophic idea that destroys much of Nostr's flexibility for no gain at all.
* Someone makes a post inside a community (either a NIP-29 community or a NIP-87 community) and others want to refer to that post in discussions in the external Nostr world of `kind:1`s -- now that cannot work because the person who created the post doesn't have the relays specific to those communities in their outbox list;
* There is a discussion happening in a niche relay, for example, a relay that can only be accessed by the participants of a conference for the duration of that conference -- since that relay is not in anyone's public outbox list, it's impossible for anyone outside of the conference to ever refer to these events;
* Some big public relays, say, _relay.damus.io_, decide to nuke their databases or periodically delete old events, a user keeps using that big relay as their outbox because it is fast and reliable, but chooses to archive their old events in a dedicated archival relay, say, _cellar.nostr.wine_, while prudently not including that in their outbox list because that would make no sense -- now it is impossible for anyone to refer to old notes from this user even though they are publicly accessible in _cellar.nostr.wine_;
* There are [topical relays](nostr:naddr1qqyrze35vscrzvfcqyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823c0z85e2) that curate content relating to niche (non-microblogging) topics, say, cooking recipes, and users choose to publish their recipes to these relays only -- but now they can't refer to these relays in the external Nostr world of `kind:1`s because these topical relays are not in their outbox lists.
* Suppose a user wants to maintain two different identities under the same keypair, say, one identity only talks about soccer in English, while the other only talks about art history in French, and the user very prudently keeps two different `kind:10002` events in two different sets of "indexer" relays (or does it in some better way of announcing different relay sets) -- now one of this user's audiences cannot ever see notes created by him with their other persona, one half of the content of this user will be inacessible to the other half and vice-versa.
* If for any reason a relay does not want to accept events of a certain kind a user may publish to other relays, and it would all work fine if the user referenced that externally-published event from a normal event, but now that externally-published event is not reachable because the external relay is not in the user's outbox list.
* If someone, say, Alex Jones, is hard-banned everywhere and cannot event broadcast `kind:10002` events to any of the commonly used index relays, that person will now appear as banned in most clients: in an ideal world in which clients followed `nprofile` and other relay hints Alex Jones could still live a normal Nostr life: he would print business cards with his `nprofile` instead of an `npub` and clients would immediately know from what relay to fetch his posts. When other users shared his posts or replied to it, they would include a relay hint to his personal relay and others would be able to see and then start following him on that relay directly -- now Alex Jones's events cannot be read by anyone that doesn't already know his relay.

@ 6871d8df:4a9396c1
2024-06-12 22:10:51
# Embracing AI: A Case for AI Accelerationism
In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) development is at the forefront of technological innovation, a counter-narrative championed by a group I refer to as the 'AI Decels'—those advocating for the deceleration of AI advancements— seems to be gaining significant traction. After tuning into a recent episode of the [Joe Rogan Podcast](https://fountain.fm/episode/0V35t9YBkOMVM4WRVLYp), I realized that the prevailing narrative around AI was heading in a dangerous direction. Rogan had Aza Raskin and Tristan Harris, technology safety advocates, who released a talk called '[The AI Dilemma](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xoVJKj8lcNQ),' on for a discussion. You may know them from the popular documentary '[The Social Dilemma](https://www.thesocialdilemma.com/)' on the dangers of social media. It became increasingly clear that the cautionary stance dominating this discourse might be tipping the scales too far, veering towards an over-regulated future that stifles innovation rather than fostering it.

## Are we moving too fast?
While acknowledging AI's benefits, Aza and Tristan fear it could be dangerous if not guided by ethical standards and safeguards. They believe AI development is moving too quickly and that the right incentives for its growth are not in place. They are concerned about the possibility of "civilizational overwhelm," where advanced AI technology far outpaces 21st-century governance. They fear a scenario where society and its institutions cannot manage or adapt to the rapid changes and challenges introduced by AI.
They argue for regulating and slowing down AI development due to rapid, uncontrolled advancement driven by competition among companies like Google, OpenAI, and Microsoft. They claim this race can lead to unsafe releases of new technologies, with AI systems exhibiting unpredictable, emergent behaviors, posing significant societal risks. For instance, AI can inadvertently learn tasks like sentiment analysis or human emotion understanding, creating potential for misuse in areas like biological weapons or cybersecurity vulnerabilities.
Moreover, AI companies' profit-driven incentives often conflict with the public good, prioritizing market dominance over safety and ethics. This misalignment can lead to technologies that maximize engagement or profits at societal expense, similar to the negative impacts seen with social media. To address these issues, they suggest government regulation to realign AI companies' incentives with safety, ethical considerations, and public welfare. Implementing responsible development frameworks focused on long-term societal impacts is essential for mitigating potential harm.
## This isn't new
Though the premise of their concerns seems reasonable, it's dangerous and an all too common occurrence with the emergence of new technologies. For example, in their example in the podcast, they refer to the technological breakthrough of oil. Oil as energy was a technological marvel and changed the course of human civilization. The embrace of oil — now the cornerstone of industry in our age — revolutionized how societies operated, fueled economies, and connected the world in unprecedented ways. Yet recently, as ideas of its environmental and geopolitical ramifications propagated, the narrative around oil has shifted.
Tristan and Aza detail this shift and claim that though the period was great for humanity, we didn't have another technology to go to once the technological consequences became apparent. The problem with that argument is that we did innovate to a better alternative: nuclear. However, at its technological breakthrough, it was met with severe suspicions, from safety concerns to ethical debates over its use. This overregulation due to these concerns caused a decades-long stagnation in nuclear innovation, where even today, we are still stuck with heavy reliance on coal and oil. The scare tactics and fear-mongering had consequences, and, interestingly, they don't see the parallels with their current deceleration stance on AI.
These examples underscore a critical insight: the initial anxiety surrounding new technologies is a natural response to the unknowns they introduce. Yet, history shows that too much anxiety can stifle the innovation needed to address the problems posed by current technologies. The cycle of discovery, fear, adaptation, and eventual acceptance reveals an essential truth—progress requires not just the courage to innovate but also the resilience to navigate the uncertainties these innovations bring.
Moreover, believing we can predict and plan for all AI-related unknowns reflects overconfidence in our understanding and foresight. History shows that technological progress, marked by unexpected outcomes and discoveries, defies such predictions. The evolution from the printing press to the internet underscores progress's unpredictability. Hence, facing AI's future requires caution, curiosity, and humility. Acknowledging our limitations and embracing continuous learning and adaptation will allow us to harness AI's potential responsibly, illustrating that embracing our uncertainties, rather than pretending to foresee them, is vital to innovation.
The journey of technological advancement is fraught with both promise and trepidation. Historically, each significant leap forward, from the dawn of the industrial age to the digital revolution, has been met with a mix of enthusiasm and apprehension. Aza Raskin and Tristan Harris's thesis in the 'AI Dilemma' embodies the latter.
## Who defines "safe?"
When slowing down technologies for safety or ethical reasons, the issue arises of who gets to define what "safe" or “ethical” mean? This inquiry is not merely technical but deeply ideological, touching the very core of societal values and power dynamics. For example, the push for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) initiatives shows how specific ideological underpinnings can shape definitions of safety and decency.
Take the case of the initial release of Google's AI chatbot, Gemini, which chose the ideology of its creators over truth. Luckily, the answers were so ridiculous that the pushback was sudden and immediate. My worry, however, is if, in correcting this, they become experts in making the ideological capture much more subtle. Large bureaucratic institutions' top-down safety enforcement creates a fertile ground for ideological capture of safety standards.

I claim that the issue is not the technology itself but the lens through which we view and regulate it. Suppose the gatekeepers of 'safety' are aligned with a singular ideology. In that case, AI development would skew to serve specific ends, sidelining diverse perspectives and potentially stifling innovative thought and progress.
In the podcast, Tristan and Aza suggest such manipulation as a solution. They propose using AI for consensus-building and creating "shared realities" to address societal challenges. In practice, this means that when individuals' viewpoints seem to be far apart, we can leverage AI to "bridge the gap." How they bridge the gap and what we would bridge it toward is left to the imagination, but to me, it is clear. Regulators will inevitably influence it from the top down, which, in my opinion, would be the opposite of progress.
In navigating this terrain, we must advocate for a pluralistic approach to defining safety, encompassing various perspectives and values achieved through market forces rather than a governing entity choosing winners. The more players that can play the game, the more wide-ranging perspectives will catalyze innovation to flourish.
## Ownership & Identity
Just because we should accelerate AI forward does not mean I do not have my concerns. When I think about what could be the most devastating for society, I don't believe we have to worry about a Matrix-level dystopia; I worry about freedom. As I explored in "[Whose data is it anyway?](https://cwilbzz.com/whose-data-is-it-anyway/)," my concern gravitates toward the issues of data ownership and the implications of relinquishing control over our digital identities. This relinquishment threatens our privacy and the integrity of the content we generate, leaving it susceptible to the inclinations and profit of a few dominant tech entities.
To counteract these concerns, a paradigm shift towards decentralized models of data ownership is imperative. Such standards would empower individuals with control over their digital footprints, ensuring that we develop AI systems with diverse, honest, and truthful perspectives rather than the massaged, narrow viewpoints of their creators. This shift safeguards individual privacy and promotes an ethical framework for AI development that upholds the principles of fairness and impartiality.
As we stand at the crossroads of technological innovation and ethical consideration, it is crucial to advocate for systems that place data ownership firmly in the hands of users. By doing so, we can ensure that the future of AI remains truthful, non-ideological, and aligned with the broader interests of society.
## But what about the Matrix?
I know I am in the minority on this, but I feel that the concerns of AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) are generally overblown. I am not scared of reaching the point of AGI, and I think the idea that AI will become so intelligent that we will lose control of it is unfounded and silly. Reaching AGI is not reaching consciousness; being worried about it spontaneously gaining consciousness is a misplaced fear. It is a tool created by humans for humans to enhance productivity and achieve specific outcomes.
At a technical level, large language models (LLMs) are trained on extensive datasets and learning patterns from language and data through a technique called "unsupervised learning" (meaning the data is untagged). They predict the next word in sentences, refining their predictions through feedback to improve coherence and relevance. When queried, LLMs generate responses based on learned patterns, simulating an understanding of language to provide contextually appropriate answers. They will only answer based on the datasets that were inputted and scanned.
AI will never be "alive," meaning that AI lacks inherent agency, consciousness, and the characteristics of life, not capable of independent thought or action. AI cannot act independently of human control. Concerns about AI gaining autonomy and posing a threat to humanity are based on a misunderstanding of the nature of AI and the fundamental differences between living beings and machines. AI spontaneously developing a will or consciousness is more similar to thinking a hammer will start walking than us being able to create consciousness through programming. Right now, there is only one way to create consciousness, and I'm skeptical that is ever something we will be able to harness and create as humans. Irrespective of its complexity — and yes, our tools will continue to become evermore complex — machines, specifically AI, cannot transcend their nature as non-living, inanimate objects programmed and controlled by humans.

The advancement of AI should be seen as enhancing human capabilities, not as a path toward creating autonomous entities with their own wills. So, while AI will continue to evolve, improve, and become more powerful, I believe it will remain under human direction and control without the existential threats often sensationalized in discussions about AI's future.
With this framing, we should not view the race toward AGI as something to avoid. This will only make the tools we use more powerful, making us more productive. With all this being said, AGI is still much farther away than many believe.
Today's AI excels in specific, narrow tasks, known as narrow or weak AI. These systems operate within tightly defined parameters, achieving remarkable efficiency and accuracy that can sometimes surpass human performance in those specific tasks. Yet, this is far from the versatile and adaptable functionality that AGI represents.
Moreover, the exponential growth of computational power observed in the past decades does not directly translate to an equivalent acceleration in achieving AGI. AI's impressive feats are often the result of massive data inputs and computing resources tailored to specific tasks. These successes do not inherently bring us closer to understanding or replicating the general problem-solving capabilities of the human mind, which again would only make the tools more potent in _our_ hands.
While AI will undeniably introduce challenges and change the aspects of conflict and power dynamics, these challenges will primarily stem from humans wielding this powerful tool rather than the technology itself. AI is a mirror reflecting our own biases, values, and intentions. The crux of future AI-related issues lies not in the technology's inherent capabilities but in how it is used by those wielding it. This reality is at odds with the idea that we should slow down development as our biggest threat will come from those who are not friendly to us.
## AI Beget's AI
While the unknowns of AI development and its pitfalls indeed stir apprehension, it's essential to recognize the power of market forces and human ingenuity in leveraging AI to address these challenges. History is replete with examples of new technologies raising concerns, only for those very technologies to provide solutions to the problems they initially seemed to exacerbate. It looks silly and unfair to think of fighting a war with a country that never embraced oil and was still primarily getting its energy from burning wood.

The evolution of AI is no exception to this pattern. As we venture into uncharted territories, the potential issues that arise with AI—be it ethical concerns, use by malicious actors, biases in decision-making, or privacy intrusions—are not merely obstacles but opportunities for innovation. It is within the realm of possibility, and indeed, probability, that AI will play a crucial role in solving the problems it creates. The idea that there would be no incentive to address and solve these problems is to underestimate the fundamental drivers of technological progress.
Market forces, fueled by the demand for better, safer, and more efficient solutions, are powerful catalysts for positive change. When a problem is worth fixing, it invariably attracts the attention of innovators, researchers, and entrepreneurs eager to solve it. This dynamic has driven progress throughout history, and AI is poised to benefit from this problem-solving cycle.
Thus, rather than viewing AI's unknowns as sources of fear, we should see them as sparks of opportunity. By tackling the challenges posed by AI, we will harness its full potential to benefit humanity. By fostering an ecosystem that encourages exploration, innovation, and problem-solving, we can ensure that AI serves as a force for good, solving problems as profound as those it might create. This is the optimism we must hold onto—a belief in our collective ability to shape AI into a tool that addresses its own challenges and elevates our capacity to solve some of society's most pressing issues.
## An AI Future
The reality is that it isn't whether AI will lead to unforeseen challenges—it undoubtedly will, as has every major technological leap in history. The real issue is whether we let fear dictate our path and confine us to a standstill or embrace AI's potential to address current and future challenges.
The approach to solving potential AI-related problems with stringent regulations and a slowdown in innovation is akin to cutting off the nose to spite the face. It's a strategy that risks stagnating the U.S. in a global race where other nations will undoubtedly continue their AI advancements. This perspective dangerously ignores that AI, much like the printing press of the past, has the power to democratize information, empower individuals, and dismantle outdated power structures.
The way forward is not less AI but more of it, more innovation, optimism, and curiosity for the remarkable technological breakthroughs that will come. We must recognize that the solution to AI-induced challenges lies not in retreating but in advancing our capabilities to innovate and adapt.
AI represents a frontier of limitless possibilities. If wielded with foresight and responsibility, it's a tool that can help solve some of the most pressing issues we face today. There are certainly challenges ahead, but I trust that with problems come solutions. Let's keep the AI Decels from steering us away from this path with their doomsday predictions. Instead, let's embrace AI with the cautious optimism it deserves, forging a future where technology and humanity advance to heights we can't imagine.

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2024-05-24 12:31:40
# About Nostr, email and subscriptions
I check my emails like once or twice a week, always when I am looking for something specific in there.
Then I go there and I see a bunch of other stuff I had no idea I was missing. Even many things I wish I had seen before actually. And sometimes people just expect and assume I would have checked emails instantly as they arrived.
It's so weird because I'm not making a point, I just don't remember to open the damn "gmail.com" URL.
I remember some people were making some a Nostr service a while ago that sent a DM to people with Nostr articles inside -- or some other forms of "subscription services on Nostr". It makes no sense at all.
Pulling in DMs from relays is exactly the same process (actually slightly more convoluted) than pulling normal public events, so why would a service assume that "sending a DM" was more likely to reach the target subscriber when the target had explicitly subscribed to that topic or writer?
Maybe due to how some specific clients work that is true, but fundamentally it is a very broken assumption that comes from some fantastic past era in which emails were 100% always seen and there was no way for anyone to subscribe to someone else's posts.
Building around such broken assumptions is the wrong approach. Instead we should be building new flows for subscribing to specific content from specific Nostr-native sources (creators directly or manual or automated curation providers, communities, relays etc), which is essentially what most clients are already doing anyway, but specifically Coracle's new custom feeds come to mind now.
This also [reminds me](nostr:nevent1qqsda83vup73lhv6m4mee2wka83dzuwf78e95wtpn70r6ce99e8ah4gpr9mhxue69uhhq7tjv9kkjepwve5kzar2v9nzucm0d5pzqwlsccluhy6xxsr6l9a9uhhxf75g85g8a709tprjcn4e42h053vammnc95) of the interviewer asking the Farcaster creator if Farcaster made "email addresses available to content creators" completely ignoring all the cryptography and nature of the protocol (Farcaster is shit, but at least they tried, and in this example you could imagine the interviewer asking the same thing about Nostr).
I imagine that if the interviewer had asked these people who were working (or suggesting) the Nostr DM subscription flow they would have answered: "no, you don't get their email addresses, but you can send them uncensorable DMs!" -- and that, again, is getting everything backwards.

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2024-05-21 12:38:08
# Bitcoin transactions explained
A transaction is a piece of data that takes **inputs** and produces **outputs**. Forget about the blockchain thing, Bitcoin is actually just a big tree of transactions. The blockchain is just a way to keep transactions ordered.
Imagine you have 10 satoshis. That means you have them in an unspent transaction output (**UTXO**). You want to spend them, so you create a transaction. The transaction should reference unspent outputs as its inputs. Every transaction has an immutable id, so you use that id plus the index of the output (because transactions can have multiple outputs). Then you specify a **script** that unlocks that transaction and related signatures, then you specify outputs along with a **script** that locks these outputs.

As you can see, there's this lock/unlocking thing and there are inputs and outputs. Inputs must be unlocked by fulfilling the conditions specified by the person who created the transaction they're in. And outputs must be locked so anyone wanting to spend those outputs will need to unlock them.
For most of the cases locking and unlocking means specifying a **public key** whose controller (the person who has the corresponding **private key**) will be able to spend. Other fancy things are possible too, but we can ignore them for now.
Back to the 10 satoshis you want to spend. Since you've successfully referenced 10 satoshis and unlocked them, now you can specify the outputs (this is all done in a single step). You can specify one output of 10 satoshis, two of 5, one of 3 and one of 7, three of 3 and so on. The sum of outputs can't be more than 10. And if the sum of outputs is less than 10 the difference goes to fees. In the first days of Bitcoin you didn't need any fees, but now you do, otherwise your transaction won't be included in any block.

If you're still interested in transactions maybe you could take a look at [this small chapter](https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook/blob/6d1c26e1640ae32b28389d5ae4caf1214c2be7db/ch06_transactions.adoc) of that Andreas Antonopoulos book.
If you hate Andreas Antonopoulos because he is a communist shitcoiner or don't want to read more than half a page, go here: <https://en.bitcoin.it/wiki/Coin_analogy>

@ 76c71aae:3e29cafa
2024-05-16 04:48:42
### The Curious Case of DSNP: Years of Effort, Minimal Output
It's been a while since I looked at DSNP. There’s news that its backer, Frank McCourt, is trying to put together [a team to buy TikTok](https://www.semafor.com/article/05/15/2024/tech-critic-frank-mccourt-mounts-tiktok-bid). That’s insane. The DSNP and Project Liberty team are well-meaning, but they’re even less equipped to run a social network or protocol than Elon Musk at his lowest point when he was firing engineers based on how many lines of code they’d written.
To check what’s happened with [DSNP](https://github.com/LibertyDSNP) since I last looked a year ago, I just read the entire spec, and there's not actually that much to it. The amount of time and money spent on developing so little is quite stunning. While the spec is fine, it is minimal.
### Key Features and Odd Choices
DSNP allows users to have a key pair, write content into a datastore, follow people, and sign messages. However, the protocol seems to mix up layers, specifying the wire protocol, signing system, and at-rest specification format that clients and user data servers might use (pds in atproto, instance in fedi, relay in nostr). They use the ActivityStreams 2.0 schema, which is a good choice. Many new protocols have created their own schemas, but I appreciate DSNP's use of the standard. I wish more protocols had not tried to reinvent the wheel in this respect.
### Encrypted Direct Messages and Metadata Privacy
There’s mention in the whitepaper about encrypted direct messages, suggesting it’s possible to hide metadata using techniques from Ethereum’s Whisper. Although the specs or code about DMs don't elaborate much on this, it’s good to see an attempt to hide metadata. However, there’s nothing about double ratchet encryption, forward secrecy, or any advanced encryption techniques. So, overall, it feels quite basic.
### Data Storage and Interesting Choices
For storing user data and posts, they're using Apache Parquet, a file format from Hadoop. This is probably the only neat or interesting aspect. I've been searching for a supported data format like Parquet for a while because I think it can facilitate privacy-preserving contact discovery, so it’s cool to see its inclusion here.
### Minimal Data Types and Following Options
DSNP supports very minimal data types: post, follow, reaction, profile, and, oddly, location. You can follow publicly or privately, the latter being a neat feature that Scuttlebutt had but most of the current generation of emerging social protocols don't.
### Lack of Comprehensive Features
There does not appear to be any client app or server code, which might not be needed. There is an SDK for some core functions, but that’s it. Their documentation lacks information on user discovery, algorithms, or anything beyond the basics.
### The Verdict: A First Draft After Years of Work
It feels like someone spent millions and ended up with a naive first draft, despite working on this for years. It’s similar to the early sketches of Farcaster and Lens, but those protocols have grown significantly over the past couple of years, with real users, lots of functionality, and apps.
DSNP remains as vaporware today as it was four years ago. These clowns have wasted tens of millions of dollars on nothing. Some academics have happily taken the money to fund their research labs. Consultants have written and thrown away countless prototypes nobody’s ever used.
There are lots of serious projects to build decentralized social media protocols. All these folks had to do was either work with others or even copy them. This stuff is all open source. Yet DSNP keeps sending folks to conferences without talking to anybody or attending any talks.
It’s a shame because they’ve got their hearts in the right place. The Unfinished conferences are really well put together with lots of great speakers. They hired the supremely talented and savvy Karl Fogel and James Vasile to help them make their code and process open, but you can’t fix DSNP.
Fundamentally, software and specs are a social enterprise, even more so if you’re working on social protocols. But these folks… they’ve never figured out how to play well with others. The money and good intentions couldn’t overcome their fundamental failure to have the humility to learn and play well with others.

@ 266815e0:6cd408a5
2024-04-24 23:02:21
> NOTE: this is just a quick technical guide. sorry for the lack of details
## Install NodeJS
Download it from the official website
Or use nvm
wget -qO- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/nvm-sh/nvm/v0.39.7/install.sh | bash
nvm install 20
## Clone example config.yml
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hzrd149/blossom-server/master/config.example.yml -O config.yml
## Modify config.yml
nano config.yml
# or if your that type of person
vim config.yml
## Run blossom-server
npx blossom-server-ts
# or install it locally and run using npm
npm install blossom-server-ts
Now you can open http://localhost:3000 and see your blossom server
And if you set the `dashboard.enabled` option in the `config.yml` you can open http://localhost:3000/admin to see the admin dashboard

@ 4fda8b10:7bbee962
2024-04-04 08:12:34
On a weekend in March 2024, I shared and streamed my electronic music as @`Teder` on #nostr and received an overwhelming number of heartfelt responses.
While doing so, I was building a list of followers that can't be censored or deleted by any company that can interact with me trough chat, stream, music streaming.
In each of the pieces of content I was able to setup split payments, which means all of the contributors instantly got their commissions, with negligable transaction costs and without the platform taking a big cut.
I wrote a piece about this experience including a detailed onboarding and my insights. I invite you to share it with creators as I did with my musical peers!
## Onboarding
- I installed amethyst on my Android and damus on my ipad, and created a private public key pair
- I filled in my nostr profile through the Amethyst app and discovered my profile identifier: the npub account for Teder nostr:npub1asuq0pxedwfagpqkdf4lrfmcyfaffgptmayel9947j8krad3x58srs20ap
- I created a bitcoin lightning wallet in [walletofsatoshi](https://apps.apple.com/ee/app/wallet-of-satoshi/id1438599608) app, copied the lightning adress and filled the address in profile.
- I added [NIP05 verification](https://nostr.how/en/guides/get-verified) on my website using a [WordPress plugin](https://wordpress.org/plugins/nostr-verify/)
- I then created a new post in Damus sharing a short clip of the Teder and TimMey - Rebound EP jam including the `introductions` hashtag nostr:nevent1qqsfqh0085arl45js5x7s40tm49xrgw76a0nsdhjpcdq9tpzsweg4hqpp4mhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mqzyrkrspuym94e84qyze4xhud80q38499q9005n8u5kh6g7c04ky6s7qcyqqqqqqg9cttm9
- I received a whole bunch of reactions and zaps, amongst which recommendations to host a stream with my live music on [tunestr](https://tunestr.io) / [zapstr](https://zap.stream/), and to publish the album on [wavlake](https://wavlake.com/)
- That night, I streamed a live set for 40 minutes on zapstr: nostr:nevent1qqsd4sru85vk7mpcq6j5c60w9ku5qwk0m2627hzjvfjgfd3vc5nek6cpzamhxue69uhkummnw3ezu6rpwd5xyctwvuhxumqzyrkrspuym94e84qyze4xhud80q38499q9005n8u5kh6g7c04ky6s7qcyqqqqqqgz275ar
- During the stream, I received some bigger zaps, between 1000 and 10000 SATs per zap
- I then uploaded the EP on wavlake: https://wavlake.com/album/e0d37f7c-aa8b-44b3-b41e-42637e958f91
- I mentioned the release in a couple of replies, and received about 7000 SATs worth of zaps on the songs of the album within a day.
## Response
- In about 24 hours I received hundreds of reactions, likes and about 29400 SATs ~ €19. This is more royalties then I've ever received from any streaming platform, and these were immediately liquid in my account ready to be spent on nostr ór converted to fiat to for instance fund my next physical release.
- These rewards include zaps on the reactions and the answering questions from the audience, which is something we are already used to do on other platforms, but were never able to get rewarded for other than brand building.
## Insights
- **Motivation**: Motivation to get back to sharing due to the constant stream of micro payments is very high. Some contributions are only 5 or 21 SATs but it is the fact that someone consciously sent it that really matters, and gives you a sense of worth other than people just trying to build their brand / persona with replies, as is often the case on instagram.
- See my post, the gratitude I feel for these tiny payments is very high: nostr:nevent1qqsxdahe2f2s2kqnvx96juqfdnxnwt69dwveadqun3apwzluvgz097spp4mhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mqzyrkrspuym94e84qyze4xhud80q38499q9005n8u5kh6g7c04ky6s7qcyqqqqqqgwl7ljh
- Receiving small monetary rewards also has the interesting side effect of reciprocity, and also entices you to support others with the SATs you have received in your wallet.
- **Portability and ownership over fanlist**: Being able to take your following/fans and content with you when you are moving back and forth in different applications (such as the Twitter like environment, the Twitch like streaming environment and the Spotify like music catalog environment). In comparison, starting a new TikTok from scratch takes a lot of time and energy, even though the format of sharing short clips and repurposing content from others is pretty cool.
- **Evergreen content**: Having new followers on different applications find your older content in the same environment, and being able to send micro payments to all that content transparently is very encouraging to make you want to create and share higher quality and more evergreen content.
- **Collaboration commission**: Collaborations are amongst my favorite activities while creating. Being able to set up payment splits on each separate piece of content ( Even on a single Tweet!) is very encouraging to both creator and fan. There is just something enticing about contributing knowing that sending that zap will land some value to both the musicians, the visual artist that made the artwork, and for instance the videographer that shot the video. And all that without needing to settle afterwards or pay high transaction fees.
- **Community efforts**: Imagine producing a radio show with live performances from multiple community members and sharing all zaps between involved members equally, or transparently raising money for specific goal / charity!
## Opportunities for music artist groups / collectives / labels (such as [Petite Victory Collective](https://www.petitevictorycollective.com/))
I see very interesting opportunities for both PVC and online radio sites such as [massive radio](https://www.massive-radio.com/) to use this network for bringing attention to our music, events and streams. The whole decentralised / no-middleman-company-in-between really resonates with the goals and setup of the community.
- Stream shows, live events and massive radio streams and enable receiving of streaming sats rewards from listeners.
- Setting up split payments for content to divide rewards amongst both musicians, visual artists, vj, radio hosts etc.
- Stream live shows / dj sets to promote albums and releases.
- Provide live shows / streams / music / DJ at nostr / bitcoin events while the network is still growing.
- Selling merchandise with crypto payments, cutting out platform and transaction costs and splitting rewards amongst contributors.
- Integration of audience in live streams, taking inspiration for jam / improvisation from crowd.
Thank you for taking the time to read this article, feel free to comment with your thoughts or reach out if you have further questions about these topics or onboarding you music onto nostr!

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2024-03-23 08:57:08
# Nostr is not decentralized nor censorship-resistant
Peter Todd has been [saying this](nostr:nevent1qqsq5zzu9ezhgq6es36jgg94wxsa2xh55p4tfa56yklsvjemsw7vj3cpp4mhxue69uhkummn9ekx7mqpr4mhxue69uhkummnw3ez6ur4vgh8wetvd3hhyer9wghxuet5qy8hwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnddaksz9rhwden5te0dehhxarj9ehhsarj9ejx2aspzfmhxue69uhk7enxvd5xz6tw9ec82cspz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduq3vamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwdehhxarj9e3xzmnyqy28wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnwdaehgu3wvfnsz9nhwden5te0wfjkccte9ec8y6tdv9kzumn9wspzpn92tr3hexwgt0z7w4qz3fcch4ryshja8jeng453aj4c83646jxvxkyvs4) for a long time and all the time I've been thinking he is misunderstanding everything, but I guess a more charitable interpretation is that he is right.
Nostr _today_ is indeed centralized.
Yesterday I published two harmless notes with the exact same content at the same time. In two minutes the notes had a noticeable difference in responses:

The top one was published to `wss://nostr.wine`, `wss://nos.lol`, `wss://pyramid.fiatjaf.com`. The second was published to the relay where I generally publish all my notes to, `wss://pyramid.fiatjaf.com`, and that is announced on my [NIP-05 file](https://fiatjaf.com/.well-known/nostr.json) and on my [NIP-65](https://nips.nostr.com/65) relay list.
A few minutes later I published that screenshot again in two identical notes to the same sets of relays, asking if people understood the implications. The difference in quantity of responses can still be seen today:

These results are skewed now by the fact that the two notes got rebroadcasted to multiple relays after some time, but the fundamental point remains.
What happened was that a huge lot more of people saw the first note compared to the second, and if Nostr was really censorship-resistant that shouldn't have happened at all.
Some people implied in the comments, with an air of obviousness, that publishing the note to "more relays" should have predictably resulted in more replies, which, again, shouldn't be the case if Nostr is really censorship-resistant.
What happens is that most people who engaged with the note are _following me_, in the sense that they have instructed their clients to fetch my notes on their behalf and present them in the UI, and clients are failing to do that despite me making it clear in multiple ways that my notes are to be found on `wss://pyramid.fiatjaf.com`.
If we were talking not about me, but about some public figure that was being censored by the State and got banned (or shadowbanned) by the 3 biggest public relays, the sad reality would be that the person would immediately get his reach reduced to ~10% of what they had before. This is not at all unlike what happened to dozens of personalities that were banned from the corporate social media platforms and then moved to other platforms -- how many of their original followers switched to these other platforms? Probably some small percentage close to 10%. In that sense Nostr today is similar to what we had before.
Peter Todd is right that if the way Nostr works is that you just subscribe to a small set of relays and expect to get everything from them then it tends to get very centralized very fast, and this is the reality today.
Peter Todd is wrong that Nostr is _inherently_ centralized or that it needs a _protocol change_ to become what it has always purported to be. He is in fact wrong today, because what is written above is not valid for all clients of today, and if we [drive in the right direction](nostr:naddr1qqykycekxd3nxdpcvgq3zamnwvaz7tmxd9shg6npvchxxmmdqgsrhuxx8l9ex335q7he0f09aej04zpazpl0ne2cgukyawd24mayt8grqsqqqa2803ksy8) we can successfully make Peter Todd be more and more wrong as time passes, instead of the contrary.
See also:
- [Censorship-resistant relay discovery in Nostr](nostr:naddr1qqykycekxd3nxdpcvgq3zamnwvaz7tmxd9shg6npvchxxmmdqgsrhuxx8l9ex335q7he0f09aej04zpazpl0ne2cgukyawd24mayt8grqsqqqa2803ksy8)
- [A vision for content discovery and relay usage for basic social-networking in Nostr](nostr:naddr1qqyrxe33xqmxgve3qyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823cywwjvq)

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2024-03-19 14:32:01
# Censorship-resistant relay discovery in Nostr
In [Nostr is not decentralized nor censorship-resistant](nostr:naddr1qqyrsdmpxgcrsepeqyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823c4n8rw6) I said Nostr is centralized. Peter Todd thinks it is centralized by design, but I disagree.
Nostr wasn't designed to be centralized. The idea was always that clients would follow people in the relays they decided to publish to, even if it was a single-user relay hosted in an island in the middle of the Pacific ocean.
But the Nostr explanations never had any guidance about how to do this, and the protocol itself never had any enforcement mechanisms for any of this (because it would be impossible).
My original idea was that clients would use some undefined combination of relay hints in reply tags and the (now defunct) `kind:2` relay-recommendation events plus some form of manual action ("it looks like Bob is publishing on relay X, do you want to follow him there?") to accomplish this. With the expectation that we would have a better idea of how to properly implement all this with more experience, Branle, my first working client didn't have any of that implemented, instead it used a stupid static list of relays with read/write toggle -- although it did publish relay hints and kept track of those internally and supported `kind:2` events, these things were not really useful.
[Gossip](https://github.com/mikedilger/gossip) was the first client to implement a [truly censorship-resistant relay discovery mechanism](https://mikedilger.com/gossip-relay-model.mp4) that used NIP-05 hints (originally proposed by [Mike Dilger](nprofile1qqswuyd9ml6qcxd92h6pleptfrcqucvvjy39vg4wx7mv9wm8kakyujgua442w)) relay hints and `kind:3` relay lists, and then with the simple insight of [NIP-65](https://nips.nostr.com/65) that got much better. After seeing it in more concrete terms, it became simpler to reason about it and the approach got popularized as the "gossip model", then implemented in clients like [Coracle](https://coracle.social) and [Snort](https://snort.social).
Today when people mention the "gossip model" (or "outbox model") they simply think about NIP-65 though. Which I think is ok, but too restrictive. I still think there is a place for the NIP-05 hints, `nprofile` and `nevent` relay hints and specially relay hints in event tags. All these mechanisms are used together in [ZBD Social](nostr:naddr1qqyxgvek8qmryc3eqyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823chekfst), for example, but I believe also in the clients listed above.
I don't think we should stop here, though. I think there are other ways, perhaps drastically different ways, to approach content propagation and relay discovery. I think manual action by users is underrated and could go a long way if presented in a nice UX (not conceived by people that think users are dumb animals), and who knows what. Reliance on third-parties, hardcoded values, social graph, and specially a mix of multiple approaches, is what Nostr needs to be censorship-resistant and what I hope to see in the future.

@ dab6c606:51f507b6
2024-03-14 09:08:35
Some people want to cash out and are running around, looking for an OTC dealer to convert their Bitcoin to fiat.
Rather than replying to each of you directly, here's my uninformed, not a financial advice, but technological options that you have:
**Don't sell your Bitcoin and get fiat at the same time**
If you don't want to fully cash out, but still need some fiat, you can use Bitcoin-collateralized lending and get fiat. In most countries, this should be a tax-free operation (you are not selling your Bitcoin) - but consult a tax advisor.
Benefits: You still HODL, still participate on upside of Bitcoin, you are shorting fiat (which is a shitcoin), you can enjoy the fruits of your holdings, no taxes (in most countries)
Downsides: You pay interest rates on fiat, which are at least now not cheap (but that will fade away I guess), there are other risks with lending positions that I describe.
How to learn how to do it and choose the right platform:
- if you read my book Cryptocurrencies - Hack your way to a better life, you have already seen the chapter on collateralized loans
Get it here in [English](https://hackyourself.io/product/cryptocurrencies-hack-your-way-to-a-better-life/), [Spanish](https://hackyourself.io/product/criptodivisas/) or [Slovak](https://juraj.bednar.io/product/kryptomeny-vyhackuj-si-lepsi-zivot/)
- if you need more up to date information, you can get my newly published book [How to harness the value of Bitcoin without having to sell it: A path to your orange citadel and a way to short fiat currencies](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CW1GLDY3/). Kindle and Paperback available.
- if you want the same content, but with videos (e-book included too!), where I show everything end-to-end, [get the course](https://hackyourself.io/product/how-to-harness-the-value-of-bitcoin-without-having-to-sell-it-ebook-mini-course/)
**Find a counterparty that has the opposite problem using Vexl app**
I have [a short, free, no registration required course as a quick intro to Bitcoin](https://hackyourself.io/courses/a-quick-introduction-to-bitcoin-wallet-setup-buying-payments/), also [available in Slovak](https://juraj.bednar.io/courses/ako-si-kupit-prve-kryptomeny-a-zaplatit-nimi/)
There's [a chapter on vexl app](https://hackyourself.io/courses/a-quick-introduction-to-bitcoin-wallet-setup-buying-payments/lessons/finding-someone-to-buy-bitcoin-from-using-vexl-app/) where I show you how to find someone you can buy from or sell to.
**Other options, such as using proxy merchants**
Believe it or not, the cypherpunks have thought about this exact problem. And there are many more options that you will find in Cryptocurrencies - Hack your way to a better life. One of them is proxy merchants, where you can not exchange to fiat, but buy whatever you want to buy. There are proxy merchants selling amazon gift cards, Uber credit, data plans, etc. These days, you can even buy a car or a house using proxy merchants. There are many options, but a notable ones are [bitrefill for gift cards and all your phone needs](https://www.bitrefill.com/signup/?code=XZzReVuE).
And [Trocador for prepaid visa and mastercard cards](https://trocador.app/en/prepaidcards/?ref=uEHbJH9Fnw) without KYC.

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2024-03-06 13:04:06
# início
> "Vocês vêem? Vêem a história? Vêem alguma coisa? Me parece que estou tentando lhes contar um sonho -- fazendo uma tentativa inútil, porque nenhum relato de sonho pode transmitir a sensação de sonho, aquela mistura de absurdo, surpresa e espanto numa excitação de revolta tentando se impôr, aquela noção de ser tomado pelo incompreensível que é da própria essência dos sonhos..."
> Ele ficou em silêncio por alguns instantes.
> "... Não, é impossível; é impossível transmitir a sensação viva de qualquer época determinada de nossa existência -- aquela que constitui a sua verdade, o seu significado, a sua essência sutil e contundente. É impossível. Vivemos, como sonhamos -- sozinhos..."
* [Livros mencionados por Olavo de Carvalho](https://fiatjaf.com/livros-olavo.html)
* [Antiga _homepage_ Olavo de Carvalho](https://site.olavo.fiatjaf.com "Sapientiam autem non vincit malitia")
* [Bitcoin explicado de um jeito correto e inteligível](nostr:naddr1qqrky6t5vdhkjmspz9mhxue69uhkv6tpw34xze3wvdhk6q3q80cvv07tjdrrgpa0j7j7tmnyl2yr6yr7l8j4s3evf6u64th6gkwsxpqqqp65wp3k3fu)
* [Reclamações](nostr:naddr1qqyrgwf4vseryvmxqyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823c9f9u03)
* [Nostr](-/tags/nostr)
* [Bitcoin](nostr:naddr1qqyryveexumnyd3kqyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823c7nywz4)
* [How IPFS is broken](nostr:naddr1qqyxgdfsxvck2dtzqyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823c8y87ll)
* [Programming quibbles](nostr:naddr1qqyrjvehxq6ngvpkqyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823cu05y0j)
* [Economics](nostr:naddr1qqyk2cm0dehk66trwvq3zamnwvaz7tmxd9shg6npvchxxmmdqgsrhuxx8l9ex335q7he0f09aej04zpazpl0ne2cgukyawd24mayt8grqsqqqa28clr866)
* [Open-source software](nostr:naddr1qqy8xmmxw3mkzun9qyghwumn8ghj7enfv96x5ctx9e3k7mgzyqalp33lewf5vdq847t6te0wvnags0gs0mu72kz8938tn24wlfze6qcyqqq823cmyvl8h)
[Nostr](nostr:nprofile1qqsrhuxx8l9ex335q7he0f09aej04zpazpl0ne2cgukyawd24mayt8gpyfmhxue69uhkummnw3ez6an9wf5kv6t9vsh8wetvd3hhyer9wghxuet5fmsq8j) [GitHub](https://github.com/fiatjaf) [Telegram](https://t.me/fiatjaf) [Donate](lnurlp://zbd.gg/.well-known/lnurlp/fiatjaf)

@ dab6c606:51f507b6
2024-02-19 14:14:27
I liked the book [Playful Parenting by Lawrence J. Cohen](https://www.amazon.com/Playful-Parenting-Connections-Encourage-Confidence/dp/0345442865/). While the book is amazing, it has many stories and explanations and I wanted a quick reference of some of the games he mentions (and some more). So I created this quick handbook as a reference of games to play with kids and what each game helps with (there's also a category reference in the end).
It's a quick "AI" hack, created in a few minutes. I recommend reading the original book, so you understand context and important things and then use this ebook as a quick reference.
The book is aimed at smaller kids (3-6 years).
[Download as epub](https://juraj.bednar.io/assets/playfulpar/handbook-of-playful-parenting.epub)
[Download as PDF](https://juraj.bednar.io/assets/playfulpar/handbook-of-playful-parenting.pdf)

@ 8ce092d8:950c24ad
2024-02-04 23:35:07
# Overview
1. Introduction
2. Model Types
3. Training (Data Collection and Config Settings)
4. Probability Viewing: AI Inspector
5. Match
6. Cheat Sheet
# I. Introduction
AI Arena is the first game that combines human and artificial intelligence collaboration.
AI learns your skills through "imitation learning."
## Official Resources
1. Official Documentation (Must Read): [Everything You Need to Know About AI Arena](https://docs.aiarena.io/everything-you-need-to-know)
Watch the 2-minute video in the documentation to quickly understand the basic flow of the game.
2. Official Play-2-Airdrop competition FAQ Site
3. Official Discord (Must Join): https://discord.gg/aiarenaplaytest for the latest announcements or seeking help. The team will also have a exclusive channel there.
4. Official YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@aiarena because the game has built-in tutorials, you can choose to watch videos.
## What is this game about?
1. Although categorized as a platform fighting game, the core is a probability-based strategy game.
2. Warriors take actions based on probabilities on the AI Inspector dashboard, competing against opponents.
3. The game does not allow direct manual input of probabilities for each area but inputs information through data collection and establishes models by adjusting parameters.
4. Data collection emulates fighting games, but training can be completed using a Dummy As long as you can complete the in-game tutorial, you can master the game controls.
# II. Model Types
Before training, there are three model types to choose from: Simple Model Type, Original Model Type, and Advanced Model Type.
**It is recommended to try the Advanced Model Type after completing at least one complete training with the Simple Model Type and gaining some understanding of the game.**

## Simple Model Type
The Simple Model is akin to completing a form, and the training session is comparable to filling various sections of that form.
This model has 30 buckets. Each bucket can be seen as telling the warrior what action to take in a specific situation. There are 30 buckets, meaning 30 different scenarios. Within the same bucket, the probabilities for direction or action are the same.
For example: What should I do when I'm off-stage — refer to the "Recovery (you off-stage)" bucket.
**For all buckets, refer to this official documentation:**
**Video (no sound): The entire training process for all buckets**
Game version 2024.1.10. The method of saving is outdated. Please refer to the game updates.
## Advanced Model Type
The "Original Model Type" and "Advanced Model Type" are based on Machine Learning, which is commonly referred to as combining with AI.
The Original Model Type consists of only one bucket, representing the entire map. If you want the AI to learn different scenarios, you need to choose a "Focus Area" to let the warrior know where to focus. A single bucket means that a slight modification can have a widespread impact on the entire model. This is where the "Advanced Model Type" comes in.
The "Advanced Model Type" can be seen as a combination of the "Original Model Type" and the "Simple Model Type". The Advanced Model Type divides the map into 8 buckets. Each bucket can use many "Focus Area." For a detailed explanation of the 8 buckets and different Focus Areas, please refer to the tutorial page (accessible in the Advanced Model Type, after completing a training session, at the top left of the Advanced Config, click on "Tutorial").

# III. Training (Data Collection and Config Settings)
## Training Process:
1. **Collect Data**
2. **Set Parameters, Train, and Save**
3. **Repeat Step 1 until the Model is Complete**
Training the Simple Model Type is the easiest to start with; refer to the video above for a detailed process.
Training the Advanced Model Type offers more possibilities through the combination of "Focus Area" parameters, providing a higher upper limit. While the Original Model Type has great potential, it's harder to control. Therefore, this section focuses on the "Advanced Model Type."
## 1. What Kind of Data to Collect
1. **High-Quality Data:** Collect purposeful data. Garbage in, garbage out. Only collect the necessary data; don't collect randomly. It's recommended to use Dummy to collect data. However, don't pursue perfection; through parameter adjustments, AI has a certain level of fault tolerance.
2. **Balanced Data:** Balance your dataset. In simple terms, if you complete actions on the left side a certain number of times, also complete a similar number on the right side. While data imbalance can be addressed through parameter adjustments (see below), it's advised not to have this issue during data collection.
3. **Moderate Amount:** A single training will include many individual actions. Collect data for each action 1-10 times. Personally, it's recommended to collect data 2-3 times for a single action. If the effect of a single training is not clear, conduct a second (or even third) training with the same content, but with different parameter settings.
## 2. What to Collect (and Focus Area Selection)
Game actions mimic fighting games, consisting of 4 directions + 6 states (Idle, Jump, Attack, Grab, Special, Shield). Directions can be combined into ↗, ↘, etc. These directions and states can then be combined into different actions.
To make "Focus Area" effective, you need to collect data in training that matches these parameters. For example, for "Distance to Opponent", you need to collect data when close to the opponent and also when far away.
\* Note: While you can split into multiple training sessions, it's most effective to cover different situations within a single training.
Refer to the Simple Config, categorize the actions you want to collect, and based on the game scenario, classify them into two categories: "Movement" and "Combat."

### Movement-Based Actions
#### Action Collection
When the warrior is offstage, regardless of where the opponent is, we require the warrior to return to the stage to prevent self-destruction.
This involves 3 aerial buckets: 5 (Near Blast Zone), 7 (Under Stage), and 8 (Side Of Stage).

\* Note: The background comes from the Tutorial mentioned earlier. The arrows in the image indicate the direction of the action and are for reference only.
\* Note: Action collection should be clean; do not collect actions that involve leaving the stage.
#### Config Settings
In the Simple Config, you can directly choose "Movement" in it.
However, for better customization, it's recommended to use the Advanced Config directly.
- Intensity: The method for setting Intensity will be introduced separately later.
- Buckets: As shown in the image, choose the bucket you are training.
- Focus Area: Position-based parameters:
- Your position (must)
- Raycast Platform Distance, Raycast Platform Type (optional, generally choose these in Bucket 7)
### Combat-Based Actions
**The goal is to direct attacks quickly and effectively towards the opponent, which is the core of game strategy.**
This involves 5 buckets:
- 2 regular situations
- In the air: 6 (Safe Zone)
- On the ground: 4 (Opponent Active)
- 3 special situations on the ground:
- 1 Projectile Active
- 2 Opponent Knockback
- 3 Opponent Stunned
#### 2 Regular Situations

In the in-game tutorial, we learned how to perform horizontal attacks. However, in the actual game, directions expand to 8 dimensions. Imagine having 8 relative positions available for launching hits against the opponent. Our task is to design what action to use for attack or defense at each relative position.
**Focus Area**
- Basic (generally select all)
- Angle to opponent
- Distance to opponent
- Discrete Distance: Choosing this option helps better differentiate between closer and farther distances from the opponent. As shown in the image, red indicates a relatively close distance, and green indicates a relatively distant distance.
- Advanced: Other commonly used parameters
- Direction: different facings to opponent
- Your Elemental Gauge and Discrete Elementals: Considering the special's charge
- Opponent action: The warrior will react based on the opponent's different actions.
- Your action: Your previous action. Choose this if teaching combos.
#### 3 Special Situations on the Ground
Projectile Active, Opponent Stunned, Opponent Knockback
These three buckets can be referenced in the Simple Model Type video. The parameter settings approach is the same as Opponent Active/Safe Zone.
For Projectile Active, in addition to the parameters based on combat, to track the projectile, you also need to select "Raycast Projectile Distance" and "Raycast Projectile On Target."
### 3. Setting "Intensity"
#### Resources
- The "Tutorial" mentioned earlier explains these parameters.
- Official Config Document (2022.12.24):
#### TL;DR:
- Adjust to fewer epochs if learning is insufficient, increase for more learning.
**Batch Size:**
- Set to the minimum (16) if data is precise but unbalanced, or just want it to learn fast
- Increase (e.g., 64) if data is slightly imprecise but balanced.
- If both imprecise and unbalanced, consider retraining.
**Learning Rate:**
- Maximize (0.01) for more learning but a risk of forgetting past knowledge.
- Minimize for more accurate learning with less impact on previous knowledge.
- Reduce for prioritizing learning new things.
**Data Cleaning:**
- Enable "Remove Sparsity" unless you want AI to learn idleness.
- For special cases, like teaching the warrior to use special moves when idle, refer to this tutorial video: https://discord.com/channels/1140682688651612291/1140683283626201098/1195467295913431111
**Personal Experience:**
- Initial training with settings: 125 epochs, batch size 16, learning rate 0.01, lambda 0, data cleaning enabled.
- Prioritize Multistream, sometimes use Oversampling.
- Fine-tune subsequent training based on the mentioned theories.
# IV. Probability Viewing: AI Inspector
The dashboard consists of "Direction + Action."
Above the dashboard, you can see the "Next Action" – the action the warrior will take in its current state.
The higher the probability, the more likely the warrior is to perform that action, indicating a quicker reaction.
It's essential to note that when checking the Direction, the one with the highest visual representation may not have the highest numerical value. To determine the actual value, hover the mouse over the graphical representation, as shown below, where the highest direction is "Idle."

In the map, you can drag the warrior to view the probabilities of the warrior in different positions. Right-click on the warrior with the mouse to change the warrior's facing. The status bar below can change the warrior's state on the map.

When training the "Opponent Stunned, Opponent Knockback" bucket, you need to select the status below the opponent's status bar. If you are focusing on "Opponent action" in the Focus Zone, choose the action in the opponent's status bar. If you are focusing on "Your action" in the Focus Zone, choose the action in your own status bar. When training the "Projectile Active" Bucket, drag the projectile on the right side of the dashboard to check the status.
The higher the probability, the faster the reaction. However, be cautious when the action probability reaches 100%. This may cause the warrior to be in a special case of "State Transition," resulting in unnecessary "Idle" states.
> Explanation:
> In each state a fighter is in, there are different "possible transitions". For example, from falling state you cannot do low sweep because low sweep requires you to be on the ground. For the shield state, we do not allow you to directly transition to headbutt. So to do headbutt you have to first exit to another state and then do it from there (assuming that state allows you to do headbutt). This is the reason the fighter runs because "run" action is a valid state transition from shield.
# V. Learn from Matches
After completing all the training, your model is preliminarily finished—congratulations! The warrior will step onto the arena alone and embark on its debut!
Next, we will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of the warrior from battles to continue refining the warrior's model.
In matches, besides appreciating the performance, pay attention to the following:
1. **Movement, i.e., Off the Stage:** Observe how the warrior gets eliminated. Is it due to issues in the action settings at a certain position, or is it a normal death caused by a high percentage? The former is what we need to avoid and optimize.
2. **Combat:** Analyze both sides' actions carefully. Observe which actions you and the opponent used in different states. Check which of your hits are less effective, and how does the opponent handle different actions, etc.
The approach to battle analysis is similar to the thought process in the "Training", helping to have a more comprehensive understanding of the warrior's performance and making targeted improvements.
# VI. Cheat Sheet
1. Click "Collect" to collect actions.
2. "Map - Data Limit" is more user-friendly. Most players perform initial training on the "Arena" map.
3. Switch between the warrior and the dummy: Tab key (keyboard) / Home key (controller).
4. Use "Collect" to make the opponent loop a set of actions.
5. Instantly move the warrior to a specific location: Click "Settings" - SPAWN - Choose the desired location on the map - On. Press the Enter key (keyboard) / Start key (controller) during training.
1. Right-click on the fighter to change their direction. Drag the fighter and observe the changes in different positions and directions.
2. When satisfied with the training, click "Save."
3. In "Sparring" and "Simulation," use "Current Working Model."
4. If satisfied with a model, then click "compete." The model used in the rankings is the one marked as "competing."
**Sparring / Ranked**
1. Use the Throneroom map only for the top 2 or top 10 rankings.
2. There is a 30-second cooldown between matches. The replays are played for any match. Once the battle begins, you can see the winner on the leaderboard or by right-clicking the page - Inspect - Console. Also, if you encounter any errors or bugs, please send screenshots of the console to the Discord server.
Good luck! See you on the arena!

@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2024-01-29 02:19:25
# Nostr: a quick introduction, attempt #1

Nostr doesn't have a material existence, it is not a website or an app. Nostr is just a description what kind of messages each computer can send to the others and vice-versa. It's a very simple thing, but the fact that such description exists allows different apps to connect to different servers automatically, without people having to talk behind the scenes or sign contracts or anything like that.
When you use a Nostr _client_ that is what happens, your _client_ will connect to a bunch of servers, called _relays_, and all these _relays_ will speak the same "language" so your _client_ will be able to publish notes to them all and also download notes from other people.
That's basically what Nostr is: this communication layer between the _client_ you run on your phone or desktop computer and the _relay_ that someone else is running on some server somewhere. There is no central authority dictating who can connect to whom or even anyone who knows for sure where each note is stored.
If you think about it, Nostr is very much like the internet itself: there are millions of websites out there, and basically anyone can run a new one, and there are websites that allow you to store and publish your stuff on them.
The added benefit of Nostr is that this unified "language" that all Nostr _clients_ speak allow them to switch very easily and cleanly between _relays_. So if one _relay_ decides to ban someone that person can switch to publishing to others _relays_ and their audience will quickly follow them there. Likewise, it becomes much easier for _relays_ to impose any restrictions they want on their users: no _relay_ has to uphold a moral ground of "absolute free speech": each _relay_ can decide to delete notes or ban users for no reason, or even only store notes from a preselected set of people and no one will be entitled to complain about that.
There are some bad things about this design: on Nostr there are no guarantees that _relays_ will have the notes you want to read or that they will store the notes you're sending to them. We can't just assume all _relays_ will have everything — much to the contrary, as Nostr grows more _relays_ will exist and people will tend to publishing to a small set of all the _relays_, so depending on the decisions each _client_ takes when publishing and when fetching notes, users may see a different set of replies to a note, for example, and be confused.
Another problem with the idea of publishing to multiple servers is that they may be run by all sorts of malicious people that may edit your notes. Since no one wants to see garbage published under their name, Nostr fixes that by requiring notes to have a cryptographic signature. This signature is attached to the note and verified by everybody at all times, which ensures the notes weren't tampered (if any part of the note is changed even by a single character that would cause the signature to become invalid and then the note would be dropped). The fix is perfect, except for the fact that it introduces the requirement that each user must now hold this 63-character code that starts with "nsec1", which they must not reveal to anyone. Although annoying, this requirement brings another benefit: that users can automatically have the same identity in many different contexts and even use their Nostr identity to login to non-Nostr websites easily without having to rely on any third-party.
To conclude: Nostr is like the internet (or the internet of some decades ago): a little chaotic, but very open. It is better than the internet because it is structured and actions can be automated, but, like in the internet itself, nothing is guaranteed to work at all times and users many have to do some manual work from time to time to fix things. Plus, there is the cryptographic key stuff, which is painful, but cool.

@ 676c0224:e641b6d6
2024-01-20 21:31:55