@ cfd2a921:4a81b0a6
2023-10-14 12:12:12
### เหตุ-ผล อดีต-ปัจจุบัน-อนาคต
เคยถามตัวเองหรือไม่ครับ ว่าเหตุใดเราจึงเกิดมา? บางคนเกิดมาพร้อมฐานะที่ร่ำรวย บางคนเกิดมาพร้อมความยากจน บางคนเกิดมาด้วยความไม่สมบูรณ์ทางร่างกาย
เชื่อว่าเราพยายามหาคำตอบนี้ไม่รู้กี่ครั้ง หรือบางคนอาจใช่เวลาแทบจะทั้งชีวิตเพื่อหาคำตอบ
ขอชวนเพื่อนคิดแบบเป็นเหตุ เป็นผล ด้วยวิธีการแทนคำแบบนี้ครับ
1. เรียนรู้มันและปรับปรุง
2. รู้เฉย ๆ ก็แค่อยากรู้
แต่เราไม่สามารถแก้ไขผลที่ได้เกิดขึ้นมาแล้ว เช่น ตอนนี้เราหิว เราคงแก้ปัจจุบันไม่ได้เสียแล้วเพราะหิวไปแล้ว แต่เราสามารถทำให้อนาคตหายหิวได้ด้วยการไปกินข้าว กินเนื้อ … ซึ่งเป็นการทำเหตุใหม่ให้เกิดเพื่อหวังผลในอนาคต แต่อย่าลืมเสียว่าเราแก้ผลที่เกิดแล้วในปัจจุบันไม่ได้
**1 ผลจากหลายเหตุ**
ขอยกตัวอย่างเพิ่ม มีชาวนาจะปลูกข้าวเพื่อให้ได้ผลที่ชาวนาต้องการคือ ข้าวเปลือก ดังนั้นชาวนาจึงต้องทำเหตุใดบ้างให้ได้ผลตามที่ต้องการ
1. เมล็ดพันธุ์ข้าวต้องทนต่อภูมิศาสตร์ที่ปลูก
2. นาที่ปลูกต้องมีสารอาหารเพียงพอ
3. บริเวณที่ปลูกต้องมีแหล่งน้ำที่สามารถผันน้ำเข้านาได้
4. ฤดูการที่ปลูกต้องเอื้ออำนวย เช่น นาปีก็จะมีรอบการปลูกการเก็บเกี่ยว
สังเกตได้ว่าเหตุมีมากกว่าหนึ่งอย่างที่ทำให้เกิดผลคือข้าวเปลือก และมีเหตุอื่น ๆ ที่จะกระทบต่อผลผลิตของข้าวและไม่สามารถควบคุมได้อีกด้วย
**1 เหตุเกิดหลายผล**
แต่ไม่ได้มีแค่เหตุหลายเหตุทำให้เกิดผลสิ่งเดียวในทางกลับกัน มีเหตุ เหตุเดียวแต่ทำให้เกิดผลมากกว่า 1 ประการก็ได้ เช่น การกินยาแอสไพริน (เหตุ) เพื่อบรรเทาอาการปวด (ผลที่ 1) ซึ่งเป็นผลที่เราต้องการ แต่ก็ทำให้เกิดผลข้างเคียงคือทำให้เลือดแข็งตัวได้ยาก (ผลที่ 2)
ปรกติเราจะนึกไม่ออกแต่ถ้าบอกว่าเราไปไหว้พระ ไหว้เทพเทวดา เพื่อขอให้เรามีสุขภาพแข็งแรง ร่ำรวย ลองมามองมุมของเหตุผลดูบ้างโดยวิธีการกลับกับข้างต้นคือเอาเหตุขึ้นก่อน
*เราจะ-ไหว้พระ ไหว้เทวดา-เพื่อให้ร่างกายแข็งแรง !*
*เราจะ-ขอพรจากพระ เทวดา-เพื่อให้ร่ำรวย !*
*เราจะ-ขอเทวดา-เพื่อให้หายปวดท้องขี้ !*
เราจะ-ไหว้พระ ไหว้เทวดา-เพื่อทำให้เรามีกำลังใจไปออกกำลังกายให้ร่างกายแข็งแรง
เราจะ-ระลึกถึงคุณความดีขอพระ เทวดา-เพื่อให้มีกำลังใจในการทำมาหากิน
เราจะ-ขอแรงใจจากเทวดา-เพื่อให้สามารถอั้นขี้ได้ เช่น รถติดและเราต้องขับรถหรือไปไหนก็ไม่ได้
ถ้าเรารู้คำตอบเราจะทำอย่างไร อย่าลืมเสียว่าเราไม่สามารถแก้ไขอดีตได้ ทำได้เพียงแค่เรียนรู้เพื่อทำเหตุในปัจจุบันให้ดีเพื่อผลในอนาคตจะดีตาม แต่จะจำเป็นจริง ๆ หรือที่จะต้องรู้เหตุของการเกิดก่อนจึงจะทำเหตุปัจุบันให้ดีได้… **จำเป็นต้องรู้เหตุที่เกิดจริง ๆ หรือไม่ หรือสามารถทำเหตุปัจจุบันเพื่อผลที่ดีในอนาคตได้เลย โดยทำให้เป็นไปตามเหตุผลที่ตรงไปตรงมา**
@ 9ecbb0e7:06ab7c09
2023-10-14 04:56:54
Sandra Motola, una cubana de 54 años que ha vivido durante 17 años en la pequeña ciudad de Ra'anana, en el Distrito Central de Israel, afirmó que tras el ataque del grupo islamista Hamás el pasado sábado las personas no quieren abrir ni las puertas de su casa.
En declaraciones a Martí Noticias la mujer contó que aunque su vivienda se encuentra relativamente lejos de la zona donde se producen los bombardeos, la vida diaria en la ciudad se ha alterado por la constante alerta y el temor a la presencia de militantes del Movimiento de Resistencia Islámica (Hamás).
"Hay dos tipos de daños: el de las personas que han muerto o están heridas, y el daño mental, el daño psicológico. Los niños tiemblan de solamente abrir una puerta. En estos momentos, las personas no quieren abrir una puerta, tienen miedo de salir al balcón", comentó.
Motola, que trabaja como profesora de Inglés en una escuela secundaria, también contó que su sobrino sale a trabajar y deja a su familia de cuatro niños en casa. Tras los ataques se ha visto obligado a tener un cuchillo detrás de la puerta por temor a la violencia.
La mujer asegura que otros cubanos radicados en Israel sienten el mismo temor, e incluso muchos han vivido bajo una lluvia de cohetes en los últimos días.
"La tragedia que nosotros estamos viviendo duele el alma, pero acá en esta zona no es tan difícil, porque, si bien nos han pedido que nos estemos en las casas, o en los refugios de las casas, por lo general, los edificios nuevos tenemos un cuarto blindado que es el refugio y si no, pues los refugios colectivos y las orientaciones de la Defensa Civil fueron que tuviéramos mucha agua y comida para cierta cantidad de tiempo en los refugios y todos lo hicimos", explicó.
El conflicto con Hamás ha tenido un alto costo humano tanto en Israel como en la Franja de Gaza, controlada por Hamás.
Del lado israelí se contabilizan más de 1,300 muertos y del lado palestino más de 1,500 por la respuesta israelí a los ataques del grupo islamista el pasado sábado.
El jueves trascendió que jóvenes judíos cubanos residentes en Israel se habían sumado a la lucha contra Hamás.
La Comunidad Hebrea cubana expresó abiertamente su rechazo con la postura del régimen de La Habana ante el ataque terrorista en Israel y destacaron que a pesar de la postura del gobierno de Cuba en este conflicto, hay jóvenes judíos cubanos luchando.
La actriz cubana Daniela Tapia también contó que se encontraba en Israel al momento del ataque de Hamás, y logró salir del país y llegar a salvo a Estados Unidos.
Los últimos días fueron muy difíciles para la artista, que compartió el video de su llegada al aeropuerto donde la recibió entre lágrimas su madre.
"Cuando mi mamá me vio empezó a gritar", escribió en la descripción al post Daniela, que al igual que su familia pasó por momentos de mucha tensión. En sus stories la actriz, todavía consternada, contó que pudo tomar el único avión que este domingo salió de Israel rumbo a Estados Unidos.
La guerra entre Hamás e Israel está en plena escalada. Vladimir Netanyahu dio 24 horas a la población asentada al norte de la Franja de Gaza para huis al sur, pues prevé una incursión total sobre ese territorio para "borrar a Hamás de la faz de la tierra".
@ 916ca53f:5b5b1e96
2023-10-14 02:38:40
##### Fixed
- #Zapathon note-ifications
- "Remind me" function didn't work with capital R
##### Alpha Testing
- If you'd like to use my features, DM me and I'll add you to the list
- Testers will receive a shiny #Nostr badge
##### Got a feature request?
Leave a comment below and I'll see if I can get it done
##### Want to show your support?
Just zap me! Your zap will be displayed on my @geyser page: https://geyser.fund/project/bullishai
@ 75bf2353:e1bfa895
2023-10-13 18:35:23
### Ways to Contibute Your Time:
* **Share on Surveillance Social Media and Nostr**
* Are you a real expert cryptographer? **Share your expertise**.
* **Join me at a meetup**. Most of the time, I talk about bitcoin to an unwilling to listen, hostile audience. There's something magical about talking to other Bitcoiners.
@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2023-10-13 15:14:42
**Nostr Nests Background:**
Social audio is important because it provides a new and engaging way for people to connect, learn, share their stories, and build their communities. It is also a valuable tool for businesses and organizations to reach their audiences and build relationships. With this in mind, I knew that having an audio space outside of Twitter Spaces would be vital for nostr adoption, and set out to make this happen in January 2022.
The current [Nostr Nests](https://nostrnests.com) is a fork of the open source Jam System project, with custom user interface, Nostr npub verification, and several enhancements such as account restoration, discovery, and a minimal API. It served as a great starting point for a Nostr audio space, providing users all over the world with a platform for daily shows, weekly podcasts, and places for Nostriches to meetup and chat live with one another. It’s a great success. However, it’s not a complete success and it will never be in its current form.
It has always been a dream of mine for Nostr Nests to be a full blown Nostr client, instead of loosely integrating Nostr into Jam's existing account verification system. My dream and vision for Nests is for anyone to be able to host a Nest on their own server or infrastructure and use Nostr NIP-53 Live Activities to publish their Nest to their Nostr relays, allowing anyone with a compatible client to discover and join their Nest. This is similar to how Zap.stream works on Snort and Amethyst clients. This functionality also helps decentralize Nostr Nests, so not one entity runs the audio backend. It is my hope to provide easy access to the open source code and installation instructions on https://nostrnests.org for all.
Several months ago, the groundwork for building Nests as a proper Nostr client began, but has since stopped. Even with open sourcing the project and seeking developer help, these efforts have failed. This bounty is another attempt at getting this project off of the ground and allowing those that use Nostr Nests on a daily basis to pledge their sats to help fund this project.
As my vision for Nostr Nests is a very large project, this project will be split into two bounties. The first bounty will aim to have the rewrite of Nostr Nests be feature compatible with the Jam System forked version with several quality of life enhancements. The second bounty aims to cover application customizations, feature additions, and individual Nest customizations (icons, badges, emojis, etc.) to provide Nest owners with tools to build their community and reward their participants and listeners.
**Initial Nostr Nests Scope:**
(The word Room will be used here to be less confusing. A room is an individual Nest.)
**Room Presence**
* Raising/lowering hand to speak
* Reactions
* Zaps
* Exiting stage
**Room Management**
* Removing and adding people to stage and moderators
* Changing room information
* Handling stage exit logic
**Room Discovery**
* Allowing users to discover Nests
* NIP-53 in clients
* Homepage
**Room Chat**
* NIP-28
* Individual Nest chats
* Reactions to comments
* Zaps to comments
* Replies
* Design UI elements for new components such as an improved homepage, Nest discovery, etc.
* Must be compatible with the existing design.
* General Room audio
* Backend and frontend
* The groundwork for Nests has begun and is located on our private Git
* https://git.semisol.dev/NostrPlebs/nests/
Nests users: Please pledge your sat donation to help get this project built.
Developers: Please reach out if you have any questions.
@ 45c41f21:c5446b7a
2023-10-13 08:33:05
@ f839fb67:5c930939
2023-10-13 00:50:36
# Spider-Man: Shadows of the Past
### Chapter 1: A Web of Memories
The bustling city of New York was illuminated by the neon lights of Times Square, and the rhythmic hum of its inhabitants resonated through the concrete canyons. Among the crowd, Peter Parker, also known as Spider-Man, swung gracefully between skyscrapers, feeling the cool night air on his face.
As he reached a rooftop, his keen senses tingled, warning him of danger nearby. Without hesitation, he dropped into a defensive stance, just in time to catch a fleeting glimpse of a mysterious figure.
The cloaked figure emerged from the shadows, a masked face hidden beneath the hood. A female voice echoed, "Spider-Man, you're just in time."
Spider-Man's spider-sense flared, but there was something oddly familiar about her. "Who are you, and what do you want?"
The cloaked figure removed her hood, revealing a face that sent a shiver down Peter's spine. It was Gwen Stacy, Peter's first love who had tragically died years ago.
"You… You're supposed to be… you can't be Gwen," Peter stammered.
Gwen smiled sadly. "I know it's hard to believe, but it's me, Peter. I've returned from another dimension. I've been trying to find you for months."
Confusion and disbelief swirled in Peter's mind. Could this really be Gwen? Or was it some elaborate trick? He asked Gwen to prove it.
With a wistful smile, Gwen said, "Do you remember our rooftop dates and the first time we met? I can recall every detail."
As Gwen recounted those intimate moments, Peter felt the weight of his emotions. He hugged her tightly, unable to hold back tears. "I missed you so much," he whispered.
Chapter 2: Secrets and Threats
Gwen explained her journey to Peter. She had been part of an experiment, which had gone awry, sending her into another dimension. In that world, she had gained her own superpowers, similar to Peter's, and she had been fighting crime as a vigilante. Yet, she couldn't forget her world, her Peter.
But Gwen's return brought more than just emotional turmoil. The emergence of a new villain threatened the city. A master illusionist known as the "Shadow Puppeteer" had appeared, using his abilities to create chaos and destruction. He was unlike any villain Peter had faced before, and his motives remained hidden.
Together, Spider-Man and Gwen donned their masks, working side by side to stop the Shadow Puppeteer's reign of terror. The duo's synergy was incredible, a testament to the bond they shared.
As they pursued leads, Peter couldn't help but think about the past, the choices he had made, and the consequences of being a hero. Gwen's return had reopened old wounds, but it also offered a chance for healing.
### Chapter 3: Unmasking the Shadows
The search for the Shadow Puppeteer led Spider-Man and Gwen to an abandoned theater, its stage cloaked in darkness. It was here that they confronted the enigmatic villain, who revealed himself to be a bitter scientist named Richard Thorne. Thorne had discovered a way to manipulate the very fabric of reality, and he blamed Spider-Man for his past failures.
In a high-stakes battle of wits and power, the heroes faced illusions and nightmarish apparitions. But their combined strength and determination allowed them to overcome the illusions, getting closer to Thorne.
The final showdown took place on a precarious web of illusions, with Thorne wielding the full extent of his powers. Just when it seemed like all hope was lost, Gwen used her newfound abilities to create an opening, allowing Peter to deliver a decisive blow to Thorne, stopping his malevolent plans.
As Thorne was taken into custody, the city was safe once more, thanks to the teamwork of Spider-Man and Gwen Stacy.
### Chapter 4: A New Beginning
With the threat of the Shadow Puppeteer vanquished, Peter and Gwen found themselves on a rooftop, gazing out at the city. The moonlit sky reflected in Gwen's eyes as she leaned in and kissed Peter, sealing their renewed connection.
But Gwen's return also meant facing difficult choices. She could stay in this dimension with Peter, but it would mean leaving behind the life she had built in her own world. After much reflection, Gwen decided to stay, embracing a new chapter in her life.
Together, Spider-Man and Gwen swung through the city, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. Their love and teamwork would prove to be an unbreakable bond, as they continued their mission to protect New York from all threats.
The end of one chapter had opened the door to new beginnings, and the future was uncertain, but they would face it together as Spider-Man and the incredible Gwen Stacy.
@ cdd14c03:99bc56d5
2023-10-13 00:19:02
## Chef's notes
You can opt out the bell peppers for spicier peppers depending on your choice of spice level.
You can also leave the bell peppers in the recipe with other peppers.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 mins
- 🍳 Cook time: 30 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 2 persons
## Ingredients
- 2/3 cup Chicken Broth
- 1/3 cup Sake
- 2 tbsp Oyster Sauce
- 2 tbsp Soy Sauce
- 1 1/2 tbsp Fish Sauce
- 2 tsp White Sugar
- 2 tsp Brown Sugar
- 2 tsp Honey
- 3-4 tbsp Olive Oil
- 1 lb Minced Chicken
- 1/2 cup Onion / Shallots / Green Onion
- 6-8 cloves Minced Garlic
- 2 Minced Bell Peppers
- Handful of Basil Leaves
## Directions
1. In a medium bowl mix the sauce; 2/3 cup Chicken Broth , 1/3 cup Sake , 2 tbsp Oyster Sauce , 2 tbsp Soy Sauce , 1 1/2 tbsp Fish Sauce , 2 tsp White Sugar , 2 tsp Brown Sugar , & 2 tsp Honey. Set aside.
2. Heat pan to medium-high with 3-4 tbsp Olive Oil.
3. Add 1 lb Minced Chicken & cook for 5 mins.
4. Add half of the Sauce Mix to the pan.
5. Add 1/2 cup Onion / Shallots / Green Onion , 6-8 cloves Minced Garlic , & 2 Minced Bell Peppers.
6. Cook for 10 mins , then add remaining sauce.
7. When sauce is at a nice consistency, add Handful of Basil Leaves, then turn off stove.
8. Stir & Serve! Enjoy!
@ f839fb67:5c930939
2023-10-12 22:47:21
# Amethyst Version:
# Damus Version:
``1.6 (23)``
~~It seems that I can not use the ⚡ emoji in place of the letter S in my name from Damus~~
A fellow pleb let me know that I was only showing my npub to Damus users. So I decided to grab my meta again, as I have a backup from a few days ago, when all was well. But this is just plain confusing.
Damus writes the Your Name input to display_name, and Username input to name While, Amethyst uses the Display Name input and writes to display_name, displayName, as well as name.
wuh... 😂
💜🫂 #damus #growingpains #amethyst #kind0 #metamess
EDIT: [The Damus issue](https://github.com/damus-io/damus/issues/1584#issuecomment-1751969350) is actually already been mentioned by jb55 as a parsing error.
@ 20986fb8:cdac21b3
2023-10-12 10:37:14
[YakiHonne.com](https://yakihonne.com/) is a decentralized media protocol built on Nostr that supports multiple functions such as curation, long content creation, news reporting, and community review. Currently, YakiHonne has users in 115 countries around the world with over 15 languages posts.
YakiHonne is organizing a series of activities, welcome to participate in our activities and earn your BTC!
## Ongoing Activities
### 1. [**Comment2Earn | Earn SATs by sharing your comments on YakiHonne**](https://yakihonne.com/article/naddr1qq257d6dgeexv633vfc5xkzdfse8zvthdeay7q3qyzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesxpqqqp65wj6g2x4)
Do you have any thoughts on YakiHonne? Share it and earn SATs!
#### Follow Us
- **Nostr**: npub1yzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesnxrf8q
- **Twitter**: https://twitter.com/YakiHonne
- **Facebook Profile**: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551715056704
- **Facebook Page**: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552076811240
- **Facebook Group**: https://www.facebook.com/groups/720824539860115
- **Youtube**: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyjDDtWFCntGvf4EyFJ7BlA
#### How to Get SATs:
1. Post your thoughts about YakiHonne on at least **one of** the above social media, and be sure to @ YakiHonne.
2. Follow YakiHonne on at least one of the social media above.
3. Back to this article, leave your social account which followed YakiHonne in the Comments.
4. Be zapped with SATs.
**Details**: https://yakihonne.com/article/naddr1qq257d6dgeexv633vfc5xkzdfse8zvthdeay7q3qyzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesxpqqqp65wj6g2x4
### 2. [**Discover Bali Like Never Before | YakiHonne 3rd Themed Creation Zap**](https://yakihonne.com/article/naddr1qq2k7nrr09kk55r6d385cs35x4trsc240p88zq3qyzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesxpqqqp65wgcnzyn)
Do you have any experiences in Bali that you would like to recommend to others? Share them and earn SATs with YakiHonne 3rd Themed Creation Zap!
#### Tips
1. You could share your recommendation for **foods**, **restaurants**, **accommodations**, **activities**, **viewpoints**, and other **must-try** in Bali. Tips for staying in Bali will be very helpful too.
2. Be sure to add the location and contact to your recommendation. It will help visitors find them more easily.
3. Be sure to add the tag '**YakiHonne Discover Bali**' to your post correctly.
**Details**: https://yakihonne.com/article/naddr1qq2k7nrr09kk55r6d385cs35x4trsc240p88zq3qyzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesxpqqqp65wgcnzyn
### 3. [**Hack-Nostr-On Round 3**](https://yakihonne.com/article/naddr1qq2k77fd94tycaf38qk5uutrv34x76reveu4xq3qyzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesxpqqqp65wy75psl)
Welcome to join our hackathon to unleash your creativity and help drive the development of the Nostr ecosystem, whether you are a developer, media person, product manager, marketer, designer, or newcomer.
#### Tracks
**NIP**: Functional construction and optimization of the Nostr protocol to support more applications.
**Relay**: Design or optimize Relay network, incentive mechanism, filtering algorithm and storage possibility, etc.
**Client**: Various clients and developer tools built on Nostr.
**Content and Community**: Spreading the Nostr protocol and promoting the development of the Nostr community. Continue to publish high-quality content related to Nostr and Bitcoin, whether it is newsletter, research, report, video, or audio.
**Details**: https://yakihonne.com/article/naddr1qq2k77fd94tycaf38qk5uutrv34x76reveu4xq3qyzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesxpqqqp65wy75psl
## Activity History
1. [Project Spotlight | YakiHonne 2nd Themed Creation Zap](https://yakihonne.com/article/naddr1qq2k74jk94u5ku6hg93y2mzrf3ry5dtvva64gq3qyzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesxpqqqp65wvqw48f)
2. [Winner Announced! YakiHonne Ideathon | The TAO to Intelligence: Imagination Intelligence Ideathon](https://yakihonne.com/article/naddr1qq25jkr8fdk85k2tx9k56ajpdau82jmddfcnxq3qyzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesxpqqqp65w66gzyz)
3. [YakiHonne Nostr Theme Creation Zap](https://yakihonne.com/article/naddr1qq255venw3nkywfex9jnzu2xdce5kc3cwvuh2q3qyzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesxpqqqp65wtqvk6j)
4. [Earn SATs with YakiHonne Updates | Round 5](https://yakihonne.com/article/naddr1qq2nxn25w4tkc5rgwp2xgezef9zkk6rrxgmnqq3qyzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesxpqqqp65wll9x76)
5. [YakiHonne Ideathon | Integrate Future Creativity and Set Sail on an Artistic Journey](https://yakihonne.com/article/naddr1qq2nzamy23ez66tcganngknswf55ce3dtakryq3qyzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesxpqqqp65wx2urcx)
6. [More...](https://yakihonne.com/users/nprofile1qqszpxr0hql8whvk6xyv5hya7yxwd4snur4hu4mg5rctz2ehekkzrvcpr3mhxue69uhkummnw3ez6vp39eukz6mfdphkumn99e3k7mgpremhxue69uhkummnw3ez6vpj9ejx7unpveskxar0wfujummjvuq3gamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwv3sk6atn9e5k7sv9fxh)
### About YakiHonne:
YakiHonne is a Nostr-based decentralized content media protocol, which supports free curation, creation, publishing, and reporting by various media.
Try [YakiHonne.com](https://yakihonne.com/) Now!
#### Follow us
- **Telegram:** http://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured
- **Twitter:** [@YakiHonne](https://twitter.com/YakiHonne)
- **Nostr pubkey:** npub1yzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesnxrf8q
- **Facebook Profile**: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551715056704
- **Facebook Page**: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552076811240
- **Facebook Group**: https://www.facebook.com/groups/720824539860115
- **Youtube**: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyjDDtWFCntGvf4EyFJ7BlA
@ 20986fb8:cdac21b3
2023-10-12 10:14:33
# Overview
Hack-Nostr-On Round 3 started on 15 Sep! More online events will be here.
During Round 3, there will be multiple online and meetup IRL as Round 1 & 2. Welcome to join!
All participants in the Round 1 & 2 are welcome to participate in the Round 2, only need to update 'milestone' on the BUIDL page without resubmit.
Be sure to join [Hack-Nostr-On Community](https://t.me/+8hrWDmxVaaw1ZmJl) and [YakiHonne Community](https://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured).
# Description
Nostr is a simple, open, and early-stage protocol that has immense potential and space for builders to unleash their creativity. As a Nostr-based content media protocol, YakiHonne brings you the global long-term Nostr Hackathon, **Hack-Nostr-On**!
Hack-Nostr-On aims to encourage more ideas, applications, and problem-solving.
Whether you are a developer, media person, product manager, marketer, designer, or newcomer, welcome to join our hackathon to unleash your creativity and help drive the development of the Nostr ecosystem.
Let's Hack-Nostr-On!
# Tracks
**NIP**: Functional construction and optimization of the Nostr protocol to support more applications.
**Relay**: Design or optimize Relay network, incentive mechanism, filtering algorithm and storage possibility, etc.
**Client**: Various clients and developer tools built on Nostr.
**Content and Community**: Spreading the Nostr protocol and promoting the development of the Nostr community. Continue to publish high-quality content related to Nostr and Bitcoin, whether it is newsletter, research, report, video, or audio.
# Prize Pool
Total prize pool: **35,000,000** SATs
The Hackathon is long-term open, and the evaluation is divided into rounds. There is no limit to the number of winners of the A, B, and C prizes for each track. Winners will be granted with SATs.
**Prize Categories:**
A:5,250,000 SATs
B:3,500,000 SATs
C:1,750,000 SATs
# Schedule
<table cellspacing="2" cellpadding="10" bgcolor="#000000">
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
<td>15 Sep</td>
<td>Kick Off</td>
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
<td>15 Sep - 05 Nov</td>
<td>Building, Workshops, Office Hours, Submitting, Demo Live</td>
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
<td>05 Nov</td>
<td>Submission Deadline</td>
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
<td>05 - 15 Nov</td>
<tr bgcolor="#ffffff">
<td>16 Nov</td>
<td>Result Announcement</td>
# Q&A
**What is Hack-Nostr-On?**
Hack-Nostr-On is a global long-term Nostr Hackathon organized by YakiHonne. This is an open Hackathon, and developers, media personnel, product managers, marketing personnel, etc. are welcome to participate.
**What can i benefit from Hack-Nostr-On?**
Hack-Nostr-On offers a range of benefits to participants. Apart from the potential to win SATs, you'll also be contributing to ecological building while having the opportunity to connect and learn from other hackers. Submitting your BUIDL could also draw the attention of investors and give you valuable exposure.
**Hack-Nostr-On Organizer&sponsor?**
Hack-Nostr-On is organized by YakiHonne, and sponsored by DoraHacks.
**DoraHacks** is a global hackathon organizer and one of the world's most active developer incentive platforms. It creates a global hacker movement in Blockchain, Quantum and Space tech, and provides toolkits to help developers around the world team up and fund their ideas and BUIDLs via hackathons, bounties, grants and more.
By far, more than 4000 startup teams from the DoraHacks community have received over $30 million in grants and other forms of contributions from supporters worldwide. A large number of open source communities, and more than 50 major companies and blockchain ecosystems are actively using Dora's infrastructure (http://dorahacks.io) for open source funding and community governance.
**YakiHonne** is a Nostr-based decentralized content media protocol, which supports free curation, creation, publishing, and reporting by various media.
**Goal of Hack-Nostr-On?**
Hack-Nostr-On provides a creative space and platform for Builders, aiming to promote more ideas, applications and problem-solving.
**Prizes of Hack-Nostr-On?**
Hack-Nostr-On is an open long-term Hackathon, divided into rounds. The first round is divided into three tracks, and each track sets up three types of prize for A, B, and C to match 5,250,000 SATs, 3,500,000 SATs, and 1,750,000 SATs respectively.
**How to participate?**
You can participate by submitting directly at Dora Hacks. At the same time, you can also participate in the workshops to gain more information about Nostr. Be sure to subscribe to us for more info about the workshops. Any other questions feel free to contact us.
**Who can participate?**
Hack-Nostr-On is an open long-term Hackathon. Whether you are a developer, media person, product manager, marketer, designer or even a novice, you are welcome to use your creativity and promote the development of the Nostr ecosystem together.
**How will the submissions be judged?**
Eligible submissions will be evaluated by a panel of judges selected by the Sponsor. Judging may take place in one or more rounds with one or more panels of Judges. Entries will be judged on the criteria of originality and creativity, technicality and design, business model and feasibility, usability, Nostr use case, and contribution to the Nostr ecosystem.
**Critical Time?**
The overall Round 3 is from 15 Sep to 16 Nov.
- **15 Sep – 05 Nov** Building, Workshops, Office Hours, Submissions, Demo Lives
- **05 Nov** Round 1 Submission Deadline
- **16 Nov** Winners Announcement
# Contact us
Try [YakiHonne.com](https://yakihonne.com/) Now!
### Follow us
- [**Hack-Nostr-On Community**](https://t.me/+8hrWDmxVaaw1ZmJl) : https://t.me/+8hrWDmxVaaw1ZmJl
- [**YakiHonne Community**](https://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured): https://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured
- **Twitter:** [@YakiHonne](https://twitter.com/YakiHonne)
- **Nostr pubkey:** npub1yzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesnxrf8q
- **Facebook Profile**: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551715056704
- **Facebook Page**: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552076811240
- **Facebook Group**: https://www.facebook.com/groups/720824539860115
- **Youtube**: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyjDDtWFCntGvf4EyFJ7BlA
@ 50c5c98c:65867c8e
2023-10-12 01:15:43
Good night.
Today has been productive. I spoke with a local merchant regarding tshirts with the InkblotArt logo and mentioned keychains. She mentioned that they were leather. $15 each. I'm uncertain if I want to go there, but I'm gung ho for stickers!
What do you think about stickers for InkblotArt, anon? If there is enough interest, I can certainly get a few more vector designs done up.
Tomorrow's another day. I want to hide away and paint for a few hours. Nostr is my greatest help and my biggest distraction.
@ 3bf0c63f:aefa459d
2023-10-12 00:48:40
The current plan consists in giving out money not for specific tasks, but for general open-source efforts that seem to be worth it according to my own completely arbitrary and subjective judgment and hand out microbounties to these.
The idea is that people will give a little more priority working on Nostr things that they already wanted to because they have a chance of getting a microbounty for it while if they work on another side project like a rollercoaster building game they don’t have that chance (although rollercoaster building games have other advantages).
Here is a list of themes that I currently think are worth exploring more, to serve as an inspiration:
- Microapps (Nostr apps that do only one thing and do it well), for example:
* An app for just publishing things and reading replies
* An app for just managing your contacts
* An app for just reading threads
- Native apps instead of web
- Pull requests that add these nice features to existing clients instead of making a new client
- New use cases besides “social” but that still deliver interoperability and standardized behavior between clients
- Bonus points if these new use cases can be interacted with with from the “social” clients in some way, e.g.
* if you do webpage comments on Nostr you can see and interact with these from social clients as normal posts
* If you do wikipedia on Nostr you can comment on these articles from social clients
- Usable tricks to secure keys that can still work in practice, some stupid examples:
* A client (or addition to existing clients) that stores encrypted Nostr on the user’s Google Drive and the decryption key for that on a custom server
* An integrated multisig server that signs stuff upon request
- Relay discovery
* Because we should not assume everybody will always be in all relays or that clients will talk to all relays all the time forever
- Making existing things
* Prettier
* Faster
- Non-public relays use cases
# Bounties given
## October 2023
- SnowCait: 5,000,000 - https://nostter.vercel.app/ and other tools
- Shaun: 10,000,000 - https://yakihonne.com/, events and work on Nostr awareness
- Derek Ross: 10,000,000 - spreading the word around the world
- fmar: 5,000,000 - https://github.com/frnandu/yana
## August 2023
- Paul Miller: 5,000,000 - JS libraries and cryptography-related work
- **BOUNTY** tijl: 5,000,000 - https://github.com/github-tijlxyz/wikinostr
- gzuus: 5,000,000 - https://nostree.me/
## July 2023
- syusui-s: 5,000,000 - rabbit, a tweetdeck-like Nostr client: https://syusui-s.github.io/rabbit/
- kojira: 5,000,000 - Nostr fanzine, Nostr discussion groups in Japan, hardware experiments
- darashi: 5,000,000 - https://github.com/darashi/nos.today, https://github.com/darashi/searchnos, https://github.com/darashi/murasaki
- jeff g: 5,000,000 - https://nostr.how and https://listr.lol, plus other contributions
- cloud fodder: 5,000,000 - https://nostr1.com (open-source)
- utxo.one: 5,000,000 - https://relaying.io (open-source)
- Max DeMarco: 10,269,507 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aA-jiiepOrE
- **BOUNTY** optout21: 1,000,000 - https://github.com/optout21/nip41-proto0 (proposed nip41 CLI)
- **BOUNTY** Leo: 1,000,000 - https://github.com/leo-lox/camelus (an old relay thing I forgot exactly)
## June 2023
- **BOUNTY**: Sepher: 2,000,000 - a webapp for making lists of anything: https://pinstr.app/
- **BOUNTY**: Kieran: 10,000,000 - implement gossip algorithm on Snort, implement all the other nice things: manual relay selection, following hints etc.
- Mattn: 5,000,000 - a myriad of projects and contributions to Nostr projects: https://github.com/search?q=owner%3Amattn+nostr&type=code
- **BOUNTY**: lynn: 2,000,000 - a simple and clean git nostr CLI written in Go, compatible with William's original git-nostr-tools; and implement threaded comments on https://github.com/fiatjaf/nocomment.
- Jack Chakany: 5,000,000 - https://github.com/jacany/nblog
- **BOUNTY**: Dan: 2,000,000 - https://metadata.nostr.com/
## April 2023
- **BOUNTY**: Blake Jakopovic: 590,000 - event deleter tool, NIP dependency organization
- **BOUNTY**: koalasat: 1,000,000 - display relays
- **BOUNTY**: Mike Dilger: 4,000,000 - display relays, follow event hints (Gossip)
- **BOUNTY**: kaiwolfram: 5,000,000 - display relays, follow event hints, choose relays to publish (Nozzle)
- Daniele Tonon: 3,000,000 - Gossip
- bu5hm4nn: 3,000,000 - Gossip
- **BOUNTY**: hodlbod: 4,000,000 - display relays, follow event hints
## March 2023
- Doug Hoyte: 5,000,000 sats - https://github.com/hoytech/strfry
- Alex Gleason: 5,000,000 sats - https://gitlab.com/soapbox-pub/mostr
- verbiricha: 5,000,000 sats - https://badges.page/, https://habla.news/
- talvasconcelos: 5,000,000 sats - https://migrate.nostr.com, https://read.nostr.com, https://write.nostr.com/
- **BOUNTY**: Gossip model: 5,000,000 - https://camelus.app/
- **BOUNTY**: Gossip model: 5,000,000 - https://github.com/kaiwolfram/Nozzle
- **BOUNTY**: Bounty Manager: 5,000,000 - https://nostrbounties.com/
## February 2023
- styppo: 5,000,000 sats - https://hamstr.to/
- sandwich: 5,000,000 sats - https://nostr.watch/
- **BOUNTY**: Relay-centric client designs: 5,000,000 sats https://bountsr.org/design/2023/01/26/relay-based-design.html
- **BOUNTY**: Gossip model on https://coracle.social/: 5,000,000 sats
- Nostrovia Podcast: 3,000,000 sats - https://nostrovia.org/
- **BOUNTY**: Nostr-Desk / Monstr: 5,000,000 sats - https://github.com/alemmens/monstr
- Mike Dilger: 5,000,000 sats - https://github.com/mikedilger/gossip
## January 2023
- ismyhc: 5,000,000 sats - https://github.com/Galaxoid-Labs/Seer
- Martti Malmi: 5,000,000 sats - https://iris.to/
- Carlos Autonomous: 5,000,000 sats - https://github.com/BrightonBTC/bija
- Koala Sat: 5,000,000 - https://github.com/KoalaSat/nostros
- Vitor Pamplona: 5,000,000 - https://github.com/vitorpamplona/amethyst
- Cameri: 5,000,000 - https://github.com/Cameri/nostream
## December 2022
- William Casarin: 7 BTC - splitting the fund
- pseudozach: 5,000,000 sats - https://nostr.directory/
- Sondre Bjellas: 5,000,000 sats - https://notes.blockcore.net/
- Null Dev: 5,000,000 sats - https://github.com/KotlinGeekDev/Nosky
- Blake Jakopovic: 5,000,000 sats - https://github.com/blakejakopovic/nostcat, https://github.com/blakejakopovic/nostreq and https://github.com/blakejakopovic/NostrEventPlayground
@ 4044176c:b3f3c23c
2023-10-11 23:36:23
[Read more related articles, you can follow me on the anti-censorship long content platform yakihonne.com](https://yakihonne.com/users/nprofile1qqsyq3qhdnxg3s2rv7tymzr7phfzcaswnzmnwhg29mpnjfcwk0euy0qpr3mhxue69uhkummnw3ez6vp39eukz6mfdphkumn99e3k7mgpremhxue69uhkummnw3ez6vpj9ejx7unpveskxar0wfujummjvuq3gamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwv3sk6atn9e5k7wvhz86)
As someone who has worked with AI technology for several years, I am often asked, "Is AI better than humans?"
While this is a complex question with no clear-cut answer, it is worth exploring how AI technology has surpassed human capabilities and the areas where humans still hold the upper hand.
One of the most significant advantages of AI technology is its ability to process vast amounts of data at incredible speeds. This allows AI algorithms to identify patterns and make predictions that would be impossible for humans to do independently.
For example, AI-powered medical diagnostic tools can analyze millions of patient records to identify early warning signs of diseases that might have gone unnoticed by human doctors.
However, there are still many areas where humans outperform AI technology.
For example, humans possess a level of creativity and emotional intelligence that is difficult to replicate in machines. While AI algorithms can generate new ideas and designs, they cannot truly understand and appreciate the nuances of human emotions and experiences.
Additionally, humans are better equipped to handle unexpected situations and adapt to new environments, whereas AI algorithms can struggle when faced with unfamiliar scenarios.
## Understanding AI
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that aims to create machines that can perform tasks that usually require human intelligence.
AI is about creating intelligent machines that can work and react like humans. It is a complex field that combines computer science, mathematics, and engineering to develop intelligent machines that can learn and adapt to new situations.
AI is based on the idea that machines can be made to think and act like humans. It involves the development of algorithms and models that can process large amounts of data and make predictions based on that data.
AI can solve many problems, from simple tasks like recognizing images and speech to complex tasks like driving a car or diagnosing diseases.
There are different types of AI, including:
- Rule-based AI: This type of AI is based on a set of rules programmed into the system. The system follows these rules to make decisions and perform tasks.
- Machine learning: This type of AI uses algorithms that can learn from data. The system is trained on a set of data and uses it to make predictions and decisions.
- Deep learning: This type of AI is a subset of machine learning using neural networks. These networks are modeled after the human brain and can learn from large amounts of data.
AI has many applications in various industries, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and entertainment. It can improve efficiency, reduce costs, and enhance the customer experience.
However, it is essential to note that AI is imperfect and has limitations. While AI can process large amounts of data and make predictions based on that data, it must have the human touch and intuition often required in complex decision-making processes.
In conclusion, AI is a rapidly evolving field that has the potential to revolutionize the way we live and work. Understanding the different types of AI and their applications is essential to appreciate this technology's benefits and limitations fully.
## The Strengths of AI
As an AI language model, AI has several strengths that make it better than humans in certain areas. In this section, I will outline some of the critical powers of AI.
## Efficiency and Accuracy
One of the main strengths of AI is its ability to work tirelessly and without breaks. AI can process and analyze vast amounts of data in seconds, which would take humans hours or even days.
AI algorithms are designed to be highly accurate, ensuring their results are reliable and consistent. This makes AI particularly useful in areas such as finance, healthcare, and logistics, where accuracy is essential.
## Data Processing and Analysis
Another strength of AI is its ability to process and analyze large amounts of data. AI algorithms can identify patterns and trends in data that would be difficult or impossible for humans to spot.
This makes AI particularly useful in fields such as marketing, where companies can use AI to analyze customer data and identify trends in consumer behavior.
## Availability
Unlike humans, AI is available 24/7. Businesses can use AI to provide round-the-clock customer service, monitor systems, and detect real-time issues.
AI-powered chatbots, for example, can provide instant responses to customer queries, improving customer satisfaction and reducing the workload on human customer service agents.
In conclusion, AI has several strengths that make it better than humans in certain areas. Its efficiency and accuracy, data processing and analysis capabilities, and availability make it an invaluable tool for businesses and organizations across various industries.
## The Strengths of Humans
As an AI language model, I understand that there are areas where humans still excel over artificial intelligence. Here are a few examples:
## Creativity
While AI can generate impressive results in art, music, and writing, it lacks the innate creativity and imagination that humans possess. Humans can think outside the box, develop novel ideas, and create something unique.
AI can only generate what it has been programmed to do, while humans can take inspiration from their surroundings, emotions, and experiences to create something entirely new.
## Emotional Intelligence
AI can analyze sentiments and emotions to a certain extent but cannot fully understand and respond to human emotions nuancedly. Emotional intelligence is a uniquely human ability that allows us to empathize with others, understand their perspectives, and respond appropriately.
Humans can read body language, tone of voice, and facial expressions, all essential to emotional intelligence. This skill is vital in counseling, therapy, and social work.
## Ethics and Morality
AI can make decisions based on data and algorithms, but it lacks humans' moral compass. Humans can make ethical and moral judgments based on their values, beliefs, and experiences.
We can consider the impact of our actions on others and make decisions accordingly. Conversely, AI can only make decisions based on the data it has been given without considering the broader ethical implications.
In conclusion, while AI has made significant advancements in recent years, there are still areas where humans excel over artificial intelligence. Humans' unique strengths are creativity, emotional intelligence, ethics, and morality.
## Comparative Analysis
## AI vs Humans in Decision-Making
Regarding decision-making, AI has a clear advantage over humans regarding speed and accuracy. AI algorithms can process vast amounts of data in seconds and provide insights humans may miss. In contrast, humans are prone to biases and emotions that can cloud their judgment.
However, AI has its limitations. It cannot consider its decisions' ethical and moral implications, a critical aspect of decision-making in many fields. Additionally, AI algorithms can only make decisions based on the data they have been trained on, which means they may be unable to adapt to new situations or unexpected events.
## AI vs Humans in Job Performance
AI has the potential to revolutionize job performance in many industries. For example, in manufacturing, AI-powered robots can perform repetitive and dangerous tasks more efficiently and accurately than humans.
In healthcare, AI algorithms can help diagnose diseases and develop personalized treatment plans based on a patient's genetic profile.
However, there are also concerns that AI could replace human workers, leading to job loss and economic disruption. Additionally, AI algorithms may need help, unable to replicate the creativity, empathy, and social skills essential in many jobs.
In conclusion, while AI has many advantages over humans in decision-making and job performance, it is not a perfect substitute for human intelligence.
The best approach is to find ways to combine the strengths of AI and human intelligence to achieve better outcomes.
## Future Implications
As AI advances and becomes more integrated into various industries, it's essential to consider the potential implications for the future. In this section, I will discuss two key areas of concern: the impact on jobs and ethical considerations.
## Impact on Jobs
One of the primary concerns surrounding the rise of AI is its potential impact on jobs. While some argue that AI will create new job opportunities, others fear it will lead to widespread unemployment as machines become more capable of performing tasks that humans previously did.
According to a report by the World Economic Forum, AI is expected to displace 75 million jobs by 2022, but it will also create 133 million new jobs. However, the report notes that the new jobs may require different skill sets than the jobs that are being displaced.
Individuals and organizations need to consider how they can adapt to the changing job market and acquire the skills that will be in demand.
This may involve investing in education and training programs and exploring new career paths that are less likely to be automated.
## Ethical Considerations
Another important consideration is the ethical implications of AI. As machines become more intelligent and autonomous, they may be used to make decisions that significantly impact people's lives.
This raises questions about who should be held responsible for the outcomes of these decisions and how they can be held accountable.
For example, if an autonomous vehicle causes an accident, who is responsible? The vehicle's manufacturer, the programmer who wrote the software, or the vehicle's owner? These complex ethical questions will need to be addressed as AI becomes more prevalent.
Additionally, there are concerns about the potential misuse of AI, such as the development of autonomous weapons or the use of AI to manipulate public opinion.
It will be necessary for governments and organizations to establish ethical guidelines and regulations to ensure that AI is used responsibly and ethically.
Overall, while AI can bring about significant benefits, it's essential to consider the potential implications and take steps to address any concerns. By working together to develop responsible and ethical guidelines, we can ensure that AI is used in a way that benefits society.
## Conclusion
After researching and analyzing the available information, I have concluded that AI is sometimes better than humans.
While AI can process vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, it needs more creativity, empathy, and critical thinking skills than humans.
One of the main advantages of AI is its ability to automate repetitive tasks and improve efficiency in various industries. However, it can only partially replace human workers.
AI should be viewed as a tool that can augment human intelligence rather than replace it.
Furthermore, specific tasks are better suited for humans, such as jobs that require emotional intelligence, interpersonal skills, and decision-making abilities.
For example, doctors and nurses must communicate effectively with patients, understand their emotional needs, and make complex medical decisions based on various factors.
In addition, AI is not infallible and can make mistakes if it is not programmed correctly or fed biased data. This can have serious consequences, particularly in healthcare and finance, where decisions based on inaccurate or personal data can have life-altering implications.
While AI has benefits, it is essential to recognize that it is not a replacement for human intelligence. Instead, it should be viewed as a complementary tool to help us make better decisions and improve efficiency in various industries.
By:Shahzaib Malik
@ d662c10f:78d039af
2023-10-11 23:23:58
Blog - ShakenNotStirred
Post 001 - Introduction
**Epilepsy**. It is a neurological disorder. To put it simply, “something is wrong with the brain.”
*Seizures* have changed the course of my life many times over the past decade. I’ve thought about sharing my experiences in the past, but something in me always held me back. I used to think that I wasn’t ready to. Truthfully, I probably wasn’t. Also, who is gonna find my small blog and find it anyhow.
With #Nostr available to me now I am ready to share what I have felt physically, mentally, and emotionally. I will begin by writing about the first and second time I had a **grand-mal seizure**. Then I will write about the experience as a whole as well as particular events. I will write about how dealing with **epilepsy** has made me live my life the way I have. How it has affected me negatively, but also positively. I do not want to hold anything back with this topic.
I wish to make clear however before I make the next post of this blog:
I do not wish to earn your sympathy. I want to earn your respect.
To anyone who reads the Shaken Not Stirred posts: Thank You.
To Learn More about **Epilepsy** visit [www.epilepsy.com/what-is-epilepsy]()
@ 726a1e26:861a1c11
2023-10-11 23:15:57
(i edited this again to make all your comments obsolete, jk)
[NIP-01](https://github.com/fr4nzap/nips/blob/master/01.md) is the fundamental piece that makes nostr, nostr. In the tags section, we find:
> This NIP defines 3 standard tags that can be used across all event kinds [...]
These are PEA:
- `p` (refers to a profile),
- `e` (refers to an event), and
- `a` (refers to a replaceable event)
An optional but almost standard is [NIP-10](https://github.com/fr4nzap/nips/blob/master/10.md). It defines tag usage in replies and mentions, like:
`["p", <mentioned-pubkey>]` and `["e", <event-id>, <relay-url>, <marker>]`
but handling of the `a` tag (a standard tag per NIP-10) is, at this moment, completely omitted.
### Source of confusion
Clients will use NIP-10 as reference to implement replies and will only look for `e` tags, ignoring `a` tags for both displaying content and properly tagging notes.
For example, comments in [Habla](https://habla.news) (via [zapthreads](https://github.com/fr4nzap/zapthreads)), which essentially are replies to a kind 30023 parameterized replaceable event, will not be treated as replies in "kind 1" clients.
This has repeatedly generated confusion; a reply in Habla will show up as a root-less, context-less comment in most clients:
Tony had no idea what I was talking about:
Cameri confused with Karnage's comment:
Seth's comment on a recipe had zero context in other social clients:
Furthermore, replying in a thread that has a long-form note as its root will be ignored by most kind 1 clients. They will only add an `e` with a `reply`/`root` marker to the replied-to comment instead of using `a` as root.
`["a", "30023:726a1e261cc6474674e8285e3951b3bb139be9a773d1acf49dc868db861a1c11:threading-the-web-with-nostr", "", "root"]`
If this tag is missing, when we later query relays for threads with the long-form note as root (e.g. `{ "#a": "30023:726a1e261cc6474674e8285e3951b3bb139be9a773d1acf49dc868db861a1c11:threading-the-web-with-nostr"}`), we miss a lot of the replies made on different kind 1 clients.
### Let's respect the PEA
The first step is [making NIP-10 include `a` tags](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/pull/809).
The second, and probably most time consuming, will be to persuade as many kind 1 clients as possible to give `a` tags the treatment they deserve.
For real protocol interoperability we Nostr developers should all respect the `p`, `e`, `a`.
@ 9071d94a:6967c53b
2023-10-11 22:08:51
@ 9071d94a:6967c53b
2023-10-11 22:07:44
@ 8cb60e21:5f2deaea
2023-10-11 22:04:40
Does this work?
@ 83defd06:45cb69da
2023-10-11 21:52:35
Good evening
@ 7f5c2b4e:a818d75d
2023-10-11 14:10:53
- Current website: https://21ideas.org
- New website: https://new.21ideas.org
- GitHub repo: https://github.com/21ideas-org/21ideas.org
## Intro
Early this summer, plans to open-source the 21ideas project began to take shape. 21ideas is a bitcoin-only educational project, aiming to offer access to the most extensive structured library of Bitcoin resources in Russian. As the library grew to include over a hundred publications, numerous books, dozens of videos, and audio materials, we realized that keeping this invaluable information at the whims of a centralized entity contradicted the very ethos the project promotes. Today, I'd like to share with you how our journey has been so far, what we've achieved, and what the future holds for 21ideas.
> "Open-source your project, or risk depriving it of its right to eternal flourishing."
First of all, I'd like to thank everyone participating in the project. For the past few years, I was the sole maintainer, occasionally receiving assistance from enthusiasts, whether in the form of sats, support with translations, editing, or dubbing. This dynamic changed significantly over the last few months when I announced plans to open-source 21ideas and transition it into a community-driven project. Frankly, managing such a vast project alone is overwhelming. I recognized that much could be improved, but this would necessitate an active community and the talent and expertise of fellow bitcoiners. Open-sourcing 21ideas was the clear path forward. This decision ensures the project's timelessness, a trait invaluable in education.
> "The goal isn't to live forever; the goal is to create something that will.”
> \- Chuck Palahniuk, Diary
I'd like to extend my gratitude to every contributor to the project, namely nostr:npub1wf4pufsucer5va8g9p0rj5dnhvfeh6d8w0g6eayaep5dhps6rsgs43dgh9 nostr:npub12358n500vfnf9j522nueg05k9yvhh97936smfgat6mledzegp5yskzrjdj and nostr:npub1zvvv8fm7w2ngwdyszg3y6zgp6vwqlht8zrr8wcmjaxjecrvpjfwsd0zs7w
Secondly, my heartfelt thanks go to everyone who has supported the project over the past 4+ years. Your backing has been instrumental in the project's growth and evolution!
I also want to acknowledge OpenSats for endorsing this initiative. Without their support, ensuring 21ideas' perpetual existence wouldn't be possible. My appreciation also extends to Geyser for recognizing the proof-of-work done as part of the 21ideas project and for championing its future development plans. Recognition from non-commercial initiatives like these is truly an honor.
> If you're keen on supporting open-source development but are uncertain about which project deserves your donation, I recommend reaching out to [OpenSats](https://opensats.org) and [Geyser](https://geyser.fund). They research and back the most promising FOSS initiatives.
That said, let's move on to the fun stuff, where I'll outline what we've achieved so far and share some future development plans.
## What we've achieved:
- Launched a GitHub repository at [https://github.com/21ideas-org/21ideas.org](https://github.com/21ideas-org/21ideas.org), hosted on GitHub pages.
- Adopted a documentation-style theme and refined the structure to optimize navigation.
- Established a temporary domain ([https://new.21ideas.org](https://new.21ideas.org/)) to acquaint the community with the revamped website and solicit feedback.
- Scheduled the transition to occur next week.
- Crafted detailed guides on using Markdown and leveraging [GitHub + VS Code](https://new.21ideas.org/github/) and/or [GitHub + Obsidian](https://new.21ideas.org/obsidian/) for contributions. These guides are universally beneficial.
- Publicized the shift towards an open-source model to attract potential contributors (currently, the project boasts [7 contributors](https://github.com/21ideas-org/21ideas.org/graphs/contributors)).
- Established a [fund](https://github.com/21ideas-org/21ideas.org#таблица-средств) to incentivise every contributor.
- Implemented and trialed comments via Nostr, courtesy of fr4nzap's zapthreads.
## Upcoming Developments:
While the new open-source project already surpasses its predecessor in sustainability, there's still much to do. The forthcoming months will focus on:
- Completing the transfer of materials from the existing website.
- Enhancing SEO for better visibility on Google and Yandex.
- Introducing a Nostr section and migrating content from [https://nostr.21ideas.org](https://nostr.21ideas.org).
- Facilitating live discussions via Nostr, powered by fr4anzap's [zapthreads](https://github.com/fr4nzap/zapthreads) extension.
- Launching the 21ideas Nostr relay to filter spam and moderate website comments (comments across Nostr remain unmoderated).
- Mirroring the backend to GitLab and other open platforms for redundancy.
- Crafting additional guides on Bitcoin, Nostr, and essential tech tools for FOSS project contributions.
## How You Can Assist:
- Help redesign and expand our library of Bitcoin-only and Bitcoin-related books in Russian (currently showcased [here](https://new.21ideas.org/books/)). This might necessitate custom CSS.
- Design a section dedicated to audio content, including podcasts and audiobooks.
If you wish to support 21ideas, please visit our [dedicated page](https://new.21ideas.org/contribute/) or our [Geyser page](https://geyser.fund/project/21ideas).
@ ab74910c:ff584d63
2023-10-11 09:13:47
> It has happened oft ere now,
That foeman's weapon has laid low
The crowned head, where battle plain,
Was miry red with the blood-rain.
But Domald dies by bloody arms,
Raised not by foes in war's alarms ―
Raised by his Swedish liegemen's hand,
To bring good seasons to the land.
― Thjódólf of Hvinir
In olden days, people paid indulgence to escape purgatory. Now, we pays taxes to avoid prison. But you are the first in a line of generations who will live on a Bitcoin standard. And thus, you will not [blót](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bl%C3%B3t) (blood sacrifice) to either God or the state, but rather to the community.
Most people you know have not yet grasped this. You can say they still live in Flatland, a two-dimensional world, struggling to comprehend objects that can exist in a three-dimensional reality. When they encounter a ball penetrating their universe, they only see a point stretching out and contracting again. They continue to live in a fiat standard and lack the ability to understand a world based on a Bitcoin standard.
They don't see that the days of the state are numbered. Their elected representatives are more concerned with enriching themselves, whether at the [cost of the community](https://www.thelocal.no/20220302/norwegian-minister-resigns-over-commuter-housing-scandal), [others' property](https://www.politico.eu/article/sunglasses-norway-bjornar-moxnes-red-party-resign/), or [war profiteers](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2023-07-21/norway-junior-minister-quits-after-buying-defense-firm-s-stock#xj4y7vzkg). Journalist Julian Assange said in 2011: *"The goal is an endless war, not a successful war,"* and that the state's plan is to siphon money out of taxpayers. Unfortunately, Julian is now on the altar, to be blót for the state's goal of preventing freedom.
But you will not be bound by the state's restrictions. Bitcoin is democracy.
Stay humble, stack sats.
🖼️ **Painting:** Midvinterblot, by Carl Larsson
*According to Heimskringla, King Domalde was blót to prevent famine.*
@ b17c5987:85d68928
2023-10-11 00:07:30
1948 - Present Day
- Israel
- Palestine
**1920 AD - 1948 AD**
* Mandatory Palestine
* Ruled by British Empire
* Majority of the approximately 750,000 people in this multi-ethnic region were Arabic-speaking Muslims
* Jews accounted for 11% of the total
**1872 AD - 1917 AD**
* Mutasarrifate of Jerusalem
* Province ruled by Ottoman Empire
* Demographics: inhabitants identified themselves primarily on religious terms, 84% being Muslim Arabs.
**1517 AD - 1872 AD**
* Jerusalem Sanjak
* Ruled by Ottoman Empire
**1291 AD - 1517 AD**
* General region ruled by Egyptian Mamluk Sultanate
* During this period, the majority population was now Muslim
**1099 AD - 1291 AD**
* Latin Kingdom of Jerusalem
* Ruled as a Catholic Crusader State of mostly French Rulers
* Demographics:
* The majority of the kingdom's inhabitants were native Christians, especially Greek and Syriac Orthodox
* There were also a small number of Jews and Samaritans.
**630 AD - 1099 AD**
* Jund Filastin
* Ruled by Umayyad and Abbasid Caliphates
* Demographics:
* Inhabited mainly by Aramaic-speaking Miaphysite Christian peasants.
* The population did not become predominantly Muslim and Arab in identity until several centuries after the conquest.
**395 AD - 630 AD**
* Palestine Prima + Secunda
* Ruled by Byzantine Empire
* Demographics: Majority Greek-speaking Byzantine Christians and Christian Ghassanid Arabs
**44 AD - 390 AD**
* Province of Judea (later renamed Syria Palaestina)
* Ruled by Roman Empire
* At the end of the Bar Kokhba revolt (132 AD), Jewish settlement in Judea had nearly been eradicated.
* By the 400s AD, Christians formed a majority in Palestine and Jerusalem.
**37BC - 44AD**
* Herodian Dynasty Judea
* Semi-independent client state of Rome
**332 BC - 37BC**
* Hasmonean Dynasty Judea
* Varying degrees of independence and client state status under the Hellenistic Seleucids (Alexander the Great’s Macedonian Empire) and then Roman Republic
**539 BC - 332 BC**
* Yehud Medinata
* Ruled by Persian Empire
**586 BC - 539 BC**
* Yehud Province
* Ruled by Neo-Babylonian Empire
**930 BC - 586 BC**
- Kingdoms of Israel + Judah
- Independent Jewish Kingdoms
- Philistia
- Ruled by Neo-Babylonian Empire
**1047 BC - 930 BC**
- United Kingdom of Israel
- 1st Independent Jewish Kingdom
- Philistia
- Aegean (Greek) Philistines who mixed with the local
Canaanite population
@ 9322bd92:a3d4cb0b
2023-10-10 23:29:30
In the clandestine world of cryptocurrencies, where intrigue and mystery intertwine, one enigmatic figure stands out like a cryptic riddle - Satoshi Nakamoto. The name, or perhaps more aptly, the pseudonym, has become synonymous with the creation of Bitcoin, a revolutionary digital currency that has not only disrupted but redefined the global financial order. But who is Satoshi Nakamoto, truly? Is it conceivable that this elusive creator bears any covert connections to intelligence agencies, such as the CIA or NSA? Let's delve even deeper into the rabbit hole and explore the tantalizing clues and connections that have sparked rumors and theories in the cryptosphere.
Satoshi Nakamoto burst onto the scene with a stroke of genius, releasing the much-celebrated Bitcoin whitepaper in 2008. However, the rumors and speculations about possible ties to intelligence agencies like the CIA or NSA stretch back to the early days of cryptocurrency. At the heart of these intriguing speculations stands a brilliant coder and cryptographer whose work in electronic cash systems and cryptography reads like a novel.
The name of this cryptic genius is Tatsuaki Okamoto. He is a trailblazer in the field, a maverick whose contributions to the world of cryptography have left an indelible mark. Okamoto unveiled a groundbreaking universal electronic cash system in the year 1995, a creation that held two out of the three crucial elements that would later become fundamental to Bitcoin's success: pseudonymous public key identification and the use of private keys for transaction authorization. Nevertheless, there was a key distinction; Okamoto's eCash was centralized, reliant on trusted third parties for transaction verification. It stood as a precursor to the grand vision that would soon become Satoshi's dream.
The pages of Okamoto's eCash paper described the inception of what was termed "the first untraceable electronic cash system." This system allowed users to subdivide their cash balances, all while preserving their anonymity through intricate cryptographic methods. While Okamoto's eCash system may not have seen widespread adoption, it managed to infiltrate the financial world through institutions such as Credit Suisse and Deutsche Bank. It is worth noting that Okamoto's eCash system faced significant challenges due to its centralization, a challenge that would later inspire Satoshi to tread a different path.
Satoshi Nakamoto, as outlined in the Bitcoin whitepaper, envisioned a decentralized and trustless protocol. The intent was to eliminate the need for centralized intermediaries, allowing for peer-to-peer transactions and governance in a decentralized manner. This vision would be realized through blockchain technology and the ingenious concept of proof of work mining, which, in essence, placed the power in the hands of users, removing the need for traditional intermediaries.
Okamoto's involvement in major cryptographic and financial conferences, along with his patenting activities related to electronic cash systems, which continued until 2008, add yet another intriguing layer to the puzzle. His contributions to the fields of anonymity and electronic credentials in these arenas raise questions about Satoshi's concerns regarding anonymity and privacy.
The connection between intelligence agencies and Bitcoin takes on new dimensions when one explores the NSA's involvement in electronic cash systems. Remarkably, in 1996, just one year after Okamoto's eCash paper, the NSA released its whitepaper, provocatively titled "How to Make a Mint: The Cryptography of Anonymous Electronic Cash." This document delved into the intricacies of key pairs, public and private keys, signatures, and hashing, all of which are fundamental elements underpinning Bitcoin's technology.
However, the most electrifying revelation in this labyrinthine web of theories is the creation of the SHA-256 algorithm, a cornerstone of Bitcoin's unparalleled security. SHA-256, an encryption algorithm celebrated for its invulnerability, was patented by none other than the NSA. The patent, filed in 2001 and granted in 2004, would become a pivotal piece of the Bitcoin puzzle.
The enigma surrounding Satoshi Nakamoto's identity is deeply entwined with governmental intrigue. Journalists and intrepid investigators have doggedly pursued the truth, leading to inquiries with the CIA, NSA, and FBI. While the FBI's response regarding Nakamoto's identity remains an open book, the CIA's response falls within the classic realm of "neither confirming nor denying."
As all these tantalizing connections, patents, and the peculiar timing of Okamoto's work intersect, one can't help but wonder. Could Satoshi Nakamoto, the mastermind behind Bitcoin, actually be an intelligence agent, orchestrating a financial revolution under the shroud of anonymity? The origins of Bitcoin continue to be a mystifying enigma, an intricate tale of innovation and intrigue that captivates and mystifies in the ever-evolving world of digital currencies. Do you dare to believe in the cryptic enigma that is Satoshi Nakamoto?
@ 9322bd92:a3d4cb0b
2023-10-10 13:49:38
I’ve kept an eye on this Israel situation for the past few days
and this is what im gathering. Still studying 🫡
Here’s what I’ve learned, & here are my blunt & honest thoughts:
1. Israel chose to ignore intelligence from Egyptian officials about a major attack coming from Hamas.
2. Multiple former IDF soldiers & Israeli intelligence personnel have come forward online and said there’s a zero percent chance Israel was unaware of this attack beforehand or couldn’t have prevented it.
3. We just watched unsophisticated terrorists on hang gliders soar into one of the most heavily-defended & surveilled countries on the planet.
4. Within 48 hours of the attack, we’re now suddenly seeing enormous support for an American war with Iran and the genocide of the Palestinian people.
I’m witnessing American pastors and formerly level-headed influencers in our world completely lose their minds and call for genocide.
It’s unsurprising, but insane to watch.
If the events of the past three years have taught me anything, it’s that when people get whipped into an emotional frenzy, critical thinking completely goes out the window.
People become highly suggestible and will rush to extremely dangerous conclusions without thinking about the consequences.
I think this is what we’re all witnessing with this situation in Israel.
I’m reminded of Pearl Harbor and 9/11.
In both scenarios, the American government received intelligence in advance of the attacks, but chose not to prevent the attacks.
The American government was willing to sacrifice the lives of American citizens in order to advance its geopolitical goals.
Pearl Harbor gave the justification to enter WWII.
9/11 gave justification to invade the Middle East & drastically expand the American military industrial complex & our surveillance apparatus.
They were brutal & extremely traumatic events for the American public to witness. The emotional trauma caused people to get whipped into an emotional frenzy.
America wanted ONE THING in response to these attacks:
The blood of our enemies.
I see the same psyop playing out now.
People are whipped into a frenzied bloodlust.
In their frenzied bloodlust, people are overlooking some SERIOUSLY important facts here, notably:
1. The fact that none of this adds up,
2. innocent civilians are being threatened with genocide, and
3. Escalated violence in the Middle East and a war with Iran both risk ***the rest of the planet getting dragged into WWIII.***
What happened in Israel this weekend was obviously gut-wrenching and awful to witness, but I do not trust Israel’s so-called “intelligence failure”, nor do I trust the snakes in Washington calling for war with Iran, & I sure as hell no longer trust any of the emotionally-frenzied influencers calling for explicit genocide of innocent civilians.
This was a defining moment in history, similar to Pearl Harbor, 9/11, COVID, the beginning of the Ukraine war, etc, and a lot of people just got played.
People responded by going full mask-off, exposing themselves as reckless & incapable of exercising sound judgment in moments of chaos and heightened emotion.
And we’re now at the brink of WWIII because of it.
This is all worth noting.
There’s a high likelihood there will be more chaos throughout the rest of this decade.
There will be more psychological operations.
There will be more moments in time in which cooler heads ought to prevail, but people will get whipped into an emotional frenzy instead.
Keep your wits about you, & be cautious in whom you allow yourself to be influenced by.
Recognize that governments & intelligence agencies spend enormous resources waging psychological operations on social media nonstop when stuff like this goes down.
Remember that when chaos is at its peak, history shows there is ALMOST ALWAYS a hidden agenda being played out, & that hidden agenda is ALWAYS designed to prey on our base emotions to facilitate a desired end-result.
Pray for world peace tonight.
Thanks. 🤙
@ 32e18276:5c68e245
2023-10-10 12:02:37
Hey guys, I'm spending some time today preparing v1.6 for the app store, it's been a long time coming with many new features. Here's a breakdown of everything new in this version!
## Notable new features in 1.6
* Custom built, embedded C WASM interpreter (nostrscript), which will be used for custom algos, filters and lists
* Longform note support
* Hashtag following
* Configurable reactions
* New Live user status NIP (music, general)
* Adjustable font sizes
* A very long list of bug fixes and performance improvements
* Fast and persistent profile searching using nostrdb
### Top priorities for 1.7
* Lists
* Custom algos and filters using nostrscript
* Stories
* Multi account
* Tor integration
* Better NWC integration (wallet balances, transaction history)
* Advanced note search via nostrdb
* Fully switch to nostrdb for all notes
* Discord-like relays (click a relay to view all the notes on it)
So much more but maybe I will not try to be too ambitious ...
## Contributors
name added removed commits
William Casarin +57964 -8274 288
petrikaj +1524 -0 1
Terry Yiu +1266 -964 9
ericholguin +1234 -252 11
Daniel D’Aquino +1223 -399 19
Suhail Saqan +905 -70 16
Grimless +838 -736 6
Bryan Montz +793 -744 30
Jon Marrs +658 -60 3
Joel Klabo +653 -105 6
transifex-integration[bot] +176 -0 9
Fishcake +129 -21 5
Daniel D‘Aquino +123 -9 5
Jericho Hasselbush +78 -2 2
cr0bar +66 -19 11
Daniel D'Aquino +55 -32 2
Mazin +53 -0 1
gladiusKatana +37 -8 1
doffing.brett +10 -6 1
tappu75e@duck.com +5 -1 2
Ben Harvie +5 -0 1
## Changelog
- 76 Fixes
- 18 Changes
- 26 Additions
### Added
- Add "Do not show #nsfw tagged posts" setting (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Add ability to change order of custom reactions (Suhail Saqan)
- Add close button to custom reactions (Suhail Saqan)
- Add followed hashtags to your following list (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Add initial longform note support (William Casarin)
- Add r tag when mentioning a url (William Casarin)
- Add relay log in developer mode (Montz)
- Add settings for disabling user statuses (William Casarin)
- Add space when tagging users in posts if needed (William Casarin)
- Add support for multilingual hashtags (cr0bar)
- Add support for multiple reactions (Suhail Saqan)
- Add support for status URLs (William Casarin)
- Add the ability to follow hashtags (William Casarin)
- Added feedback when user adds a relay that is already on the list (Daniel D'Aquino)
- Added generic user statuses (William Casarin)
- Added live music statuses (William Casarin)
- Added merch store button to sidebar menu (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Added padding under word count on longform account (William Casarin)
- Adjustable font size (William Casarin)
- Click music statuses to display in spotify (William Casarin)
- Enable banner image editing (Joel Klabo)
- Finnish translations (petrikaj)
- Hold tap to preview status URL (Jericho Hasselbush)
- Re-add nip05 badges to profiles (William Casarin)
- Show nostr address username and support abbreviated _ usernames (William Casarin)
- Suggested Users to Follow (Joel Klabo)
### Changed
- Allow reposting and quote reposting multiple times (William Casarin)
- Damus icon now opens sidebar (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Hide nsec when logging in (cr0bar)
- Improve UX around clearing cache (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Improved memory usage and performance when processing events (William Casarin)
- Increase size of the hitbox on note ellipsis button (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Make carousel tab dots tappable (Bryan Montz)
- Move the "Follow you" badge into the profile header (Grimless)
- Remove nip05 on events (William Casarin)
- Remove note size restriction for longform events (William Casarin)
- Rename NIP05 to "nostr address" (William Casarin)
- Show muted thread replies at the bottom of the thread view (#1522) (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Show renotes in Notes timeline (William Casarin)
- Start at top when reading longform events (William Casarin)
- Switch to nostrdb for @'s and user search (William Casarin)
- Updated relay view (ericholguin)
- Use nostrdb for profiles (William Casarin)
- clear statuses if they only contain whitespace (William Casarin)
### Fixed
- Allow relay logs to be opened in dev mode even if relay (Daniel D'Aquino)
- Allow user to login to deleted profile (William Casarin)
- Apply filters to hashtag search timeline view (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Avoid notification for zaps from muted profiles (tappu75e@duck.com)
- Crash when muting threads (Bryan Montz)
- Dismiss qr screen on scan (Suhail Saqan)
- Don't always show text events in reposts (William Casarin)
- Don't spam lnurls when validating zaps (William Casarin)
- Eliminate nostr address validation bandwidth on startup (William Casarin)
- Ensure the person you're replying to is the first entry in the reply description (William Casarin)
- Fix Invalid Zap bug in reposts (William Casarin)
- Fix PostView initial string to skip mentioning self when on own profile (Terry Yiu)
- Fix UI freeze after swiping back from profile (#1449) (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix UTF support for hashtags (Daniel D‘Aquino)
- Fix action bar appearing on quoted longform previews (William Casarin)
- Fix broken markdown renderer (William Casarin)
- Fix bug where it would sometimes show -1 in replies (tappu75e@duck.com)
- Fix compilation error on test target in UserSearchCacheTests (Daniel D‘Aquino)
- Fix crash when long pressing custom reactions (William Casarin)
- Fix crash when long-pressing reactions (William Casarin)
- Fix freezing bug when tapping Developer settings menu (Terry Yiu)
- Fix icons on settings view (cr0bar)
- Fix images and links occasionally appearing with escaped slashes (Daniel D‘Aquino)
- Fix issue where malicious zappers can send fake zaps to another user's posts (William Casarin)
- Fix issue where relays with trailing slashes cannot be removed (#1531) (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix issue where typing cc@bob would produce brokenb ccnostr:bob mention (William Casarin)
- Fix issue with emojis next to hashtags and urls (William Casarin)
- Fix issue with slashes on relay urls causing relay connection problems (William Casarin)
- Fix lag when creating large posts (William Casarin)
- Fix localization issues and export strings for translation (Terry Yiu)
- Fix localization issues and export strings for translation (Terry Yiu)
- Fix long status lines (William Casarin)
- Fix nav crashing and buggyness (William Casarin)
- Fix nostr:nostr:... bugs (William Casarin)
- Fix npub mentions failing to parse in some cases (William Casarin)
- Fix padding of username next to pfp on some views (William Casarin)
- Fix padding on longform events (William Casarin)
- Fix paragraphs not appearing on iOS17 (cr0bar)
- Fix parsing issue with NIP-47 compliant NWC urls without double-slashes (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix potential fake profile zap attacks (William Casarin)
- Fix profile not updating (William Casarin)
- Fix profile post button mentions (cr0bar)
- Fix profiles not updating (William Casarin)
- Fix rare crash triggered by local notifications (William Casarin)
- Fix reaction button breaking scrolling (Suhail Saqan)
- Fix situations where the note composer cursor gets stuck in one place after tagging a user (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix small graphical toolbar bug when scrolling profiles (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix some note composer issues, such as when copying/pasting larger text, and make the post composer more robust. (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix status events not expiring locally (William Casarin)
- Fix text composer wrapping issue when mentioning npub (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix text editing issues on characters added right after mention link (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix wiggle when long press reactions (Suhail Saqan)
- Fix wikipedia url detection with parenthesis (William Casarin)
- Fix zaps sometimes not appearing (William Casarin)
- Fixed a bug where following a user might not work due to poor connectivity (William Casarin)
- Fixed audio in video playing twice (Bryan Montz)
- Fixed disappearing text on iOS17 (cr0bar)
- Fixed issue where hashtags were leaking in DMs (William Casarin)
- Fixed issue where reposts would sometimes repost the wrong thing (William Casarin)
- Fixed issues where sometimes there would be empty entries on your profile (William Casarin)
- Fixed nav bar color on login, eula, and account creation (ericholguin)
- Fixed nostr reporting decoding (William Casarin)
- Fixed nostrscript not working on smaller phones (William Casarin)
- Fixed old notifications always appearing on first start (William Casarin)
- Fixes issue where username with multiple emojis would place cursor in strange position. (Jericho Hasselbush)
- Hide quoted or reposted notes from people whom the user has muted. (#1216) (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Hide users and hashtags from home timeline when you unfollow (William Casarin)
- Make blurred videos viewable by allowing blur to disappear once tapped (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Mute hellthreads everywhere (William Casarin)
- Show QRCameraView regardless of same user (Suhail Saqan)
- Show longform previews in notifications instead of the entire post (William Casarin)
- Stop tab buttons from causing the root view to scroll to the top unless user is coming from another tab or already at the root view (Daniel D’Aquino)
- don't cutoff text in notifications (William Casarin)
- endless connection attempt loop after user removes relay (Bryan Montz)
- icon color for developer mode setting is incorrect in low-light mode (Bryan Montz)
- relay detail view is not immediately available after adding new relay (Bryan Montz)
### Removed
- Remove following Damus Will by default (William Casarin)
- Remove old @ and & hex key mentions (William Casarin)
@ 67d52ea7:2fc71832
2023-10-10 05:51:31
Not only Bali's enchanting beaches lure domestic and foreign tourists, but there are many other interesting places on the Island of the Gods, one of which is Kayupadi Sunrise Camping.
Kayupadi Sunrise Camping (https://maps.app.goo.gl/4uVAH68SgzWi42C29) offers a beautiful view of the hills behind Mount Batur. It is also the best camping spot in Kintamani.
I am attracted by the beauty of nature. Information about Kayupadi Sunrise Camping can be found here.
1. Kayupadi Sunrise Camping is located at Kayupadi Road, Songan A, Kintamani District, Bangli Regency, Bali. It offers beautiful scenery.
2. This camping ground offers a direct view of the line of hills and Mount Batur.
3. Besides offering a camping area with stunning views of Mount Batur, visitors can also do various interesting tourist activities in this area.
4. Visitors can fish, take a hot shower, trek to Mount Batur, or take a jeep tour through the beautiful hills.
5. Visitors who camp will be satisfied with the beautiful sunset view between the hills in the late afternoon.
6. In the morning, this tourist area has a more interesting view with white cloud fog that gives an atmosphere like being above the clouds.
7. If visitors don't want to camp, they can utilise various locations in every corner for photo backgrounds. It can definitely be used!
8. The admission price is also quite cheap, at $0.95 per person. However, for visitors who wish to pitch a tent, they can purchase a camping package that ranges between $6.37 and $22.28.
9. Visitors who have their own tents are allowed to set up in this camping ground area. A cheaper package, which includes facilities such as a car park, electricity, water, and toilets, is sold for $1.27.
Doesn't Kayupadi Sunrise Camping offer a beautiful and breathtaking view of nature? The beautiful scenery makes camping even more fun and enjoyable!
@ 19aebc39:0f2932e3
2023-10-09 20:58:11
RoyaltyPoints, a service by VersusMedia, a company that has been supporting indie filmmakers and musicians since 2001, is currently seeking more films and music videos to add to their Roku and Apple TV channels. All content will also be periodically posted on Nostr so everyone can watch your videos.
RoyaltyPoints, is a self service, that pays out Satoshis for video views to your lightning address.
Are you interested in adding your films or music videos?
Read More on our website: https://royaltypoints.io
@ c1d69f18:89d58015
2023-10-09 07:47:20
In the restaurant of Hotel Tugu Bali in Canggu, Badung, the melody of Gus Teja's song can already be heard. In addition, guests who have arrived to enjoy some treats are accompanied by gemstones and rows of candles. People pass by to greet visitors.
Every Thursday, Hotel Tugu Bali organizes Balinese cultural performances for local and foreign tourists.
The show is held at Iwa Restaurant, the restaurant at the entrance of the hotel. The restaurant has a small stage with dining tables that is more than a meter high and wide enough for gambelan and dance performances.
Rosiany T Chandra, Regional Marketing Manager of Tugu Hotel Bali, said that the stage named Bale Agung adopts the architecture of the wantilan in Bali, which has a very unique design and is similar to the ancient wantilan design depicted in old photos.
Rosiany said that a Garuda statue made entirely from one piece of wood is also in the wantilan. The building, the stage and the Garuda Statue are some of the unique symbols of the hotel.
Besides serving as a place to stay, Hotel Tugu Bali also serves as a means to revive Bali's arts and cultural attractions, which have been closed for two years due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
Cultural Dining, held every Thursday from 7.30pm to 9pm, is the name of this cultural event.
A very interesting Balinese dance was held at Hotel Tugu Bali on Thursday evening. The Rejang Sari performance by two people was the first to catch the audience's attention. The Topeng Tua and Legong Kuntul dances continued. These performances that introduced Balinese culture and culture served to promote the idea that Bali has outstanding qualities in all its aspects.
In addition to the cultural meal that presents cultural performances, it turns out that there are many gifts that introduce Balinese culture in addition to the dances. Some of these prizes include Balinese specialties that are on every menu, megibung, traditional food cooking classes, Jamu Class, and more.
Rosiany said that to help the street children and give something to them this coming Christmas, Hotel Tugu Bali in collaboration with Bali Street Mums will hold a Christmas Eve Dinner & Christmas Carots Choir event on December 24th.
It is exciting to look forward to because Hotel Tugu Bali is not just an ordinary vacation and stay place; it is a platform to introduce Balinese and Indonesian culture and has something to give to anyone who needs it.
@ 4d444439:7ed2458b
2023-10-09 04:23:37
[Feel free to read all my articles on the anti-censorship long content platform yakihonne.com.
The third Mark Zuckerberg is ready for his closeup.
In a new, exclusive Forbes cover story, the Facebook CEO and mega-billionaire opened up about his company’s latest $100 billion bets, global philanthropic efforts — and, of course, his mixed martial arts training regimen that has rival Elon Musk unlikely to jump into an octagon soon, social media chest-puffing aside.
That square-off with Musk, and the latter’s chaotic rule at X, formerly known as Twitter, put Zuck back in the spotlight: we’re now seeing a third face of the Facebook founder, as his friend, Spotify founder Daniel Ek, describes public perception of the leader.
First, there was “The Social Network Mark,” Ek told Forbes’ Kerry Dolan, referencing the 2010 film that painted Zuckerberg as a ruthless, arrogant college dropout who would cut his friends’ throats on his way to social media dominance. Next, there was “Cambridge Analytica or ‘evil Mark,’” as Ek described it, referring to the company’s data harvesting scandal and the swamp of democracy-threatening problems Facebook hosted. (Ek was careful to note that these were not his own personal views.)
Now, there’s “more authentic Mark,” one who balances helicopter pilot training with mixed martial arts and overseeing huge bets in AI, the metaverse and philanthropy. “He’s learned a lot over these past few years and he has a new fire in the belly,” Ek told Forbes. “He’s realized he needs to act responsibly because he’s got this enormous platform. . . . But there’s still some of the old Mark, where he is betting on things even though everyone tells him ‘this is never gonna work.’ ”
“That old Mark” is also still a big part of Zuckerberg 3.0. The stock share setup for Facebook Zuckerberg set up for himself during his Social Network era gives him nearly unaccountable control of Meta today. And the company is still facing the same scrutiny for allowing propaganda and misinformation to thrive that it did during the Cambridge Analytica era.
Forbes has followed each face of Zuck over the years. Here’s how Zuck’s looked at each stop — and why his new look may not be so different as it appears.
## Hoodie Mark
“If I could, I wouldn’t even be on that list.” In 2010, a hoodie-wearing Zuckerberg met with former Forbes editor Quentin Hardy at the company’s snack station to discuss making the Forbes 400 list of richest Americans for a story called "In Zuckerberg We Trust." He refused to answer questions about The Social Network, which hadn’t hit theaters yet.
Facebook was already grappling with early privacy concerns that, in hindsight, appeared almost quaint: a setting that made photos visible to all users by default, another that showed users what others were buying through the site. "We listen to all the anecdotal feedback, but we also look at the data of how people use the site," he told a Silicon Valley conference this year. He's seeing more, not less, sharing of personal information all the time.
And perhaps to his chagrin, he earned the nickname “toddler CEO,” one that he’s only now left behind.
## “Evil Mark”
“Long gone are the days of sweaty interviews, social discomfort and introversion as lampooned in Sony's The Social Network,” former Forbes staffer Ryan Mac wrote in 2014. “Instead, Zuckerberg has developed into the CEO role with greater maturity and poise, proving that he can prioritize his company's bottom line for the suits of Wall Street. He also got married and signed the Giving Pledge. And most importantly, he shed the image of adolescence that fueled doubts over his ability to run one of the world's largest technology companies.”
"If he continued to be the kind of 20-year-old Zuckerberg today, I don't think Facebook would have gotten as far," YouTube cofounder Steve Chen told Forbes at the time.
But even as Zuckerberg began to be taken seriously, his aggressive leadership was summed up by his now most-famous motto: “Move fast and break things.” That ethos led to a disregard for safety at the expense of user growth as Facebook exploded, hitting more than 1 billion people using the platform in a single day for the first time in 2015. And with all that growth came scandal after scandal: the Russians meddling in the 2016 election by sowing division on Facebook, the Cambridge Analytica data scraping scandal, whistleblowers like Frances Haugen highlighting that the company knew about Facebook’s negative impact but prioritized growth at all costs anyway.
We got apologies, but not accountability. “Certain governments around the world will keep on trying to run different campaigns like this,” he told Forbes this year. “I think our teams have gotten a lot more sophisticated about dealing with this.”
## Black Belt Mark
Today’s Zuckerberg has learned from these mistakes. He’s retired move-fast-and-break-things for a new, “martial arts view of the world,” as he put it. “When you go into a competition, you’re not fighting another person, you’re fighting yourself, right?” he told Forbes. “You’re just trying to be a better version of yourself.” Ultimately, he said, “The thing that determines your destiny isn’t a competitor. It’s how you execute.”
All that self-awareness sounds nice, but Zuckerberg has had the leeway to make a hell of a lot of mistakes along the way. Thanks to a decision he made back during his Social Network era, he owns 99% of Meta’s super-voting Class B shares, giving him 61% of the voting power — and near total control of the company. “There are plenty of companies in the world that have a lot of capital . . . that don’t have the leadership or board structure that enables them to take big bets on the future,” he said. “We’re a founder-controlled company.”
“There just aren’t that many places in the world where you can make the kind of long-term bets that we have,” Zuckerberg said.
By:Alex Konrad Katharine Schwab
@ 50c5c98c:65867c8e
2023-10-09 00:29:47
New logo for something cool in the works!
Thanks @npub16e3...y9v6
Amazing work and fast turnaround.
Will give return business.
@ 2edbcea6:40558884
2023-10-08 15:27:57
Happy Sunday #Nostr !
Here’s your #NostrTechWeekly newsletter brought to you by nostr:npub19mduaf5569jx9xz555jcx3v06mvktvtpu0zgk47n4lcpjsz43zzqhj6vzk written by nostr:npub1r3fwhjpx2njy87f9qxmapjn9neutwh7aeww95e03drkfg45cey4qgl7ex2
#NostrTechWeekly is a weekly newsletter focused on the more technical happenings in the nostr-verse.
Let’s dive in!
## Recent Upgrades to Nostr (AKA [NIPs](https://nostr.com/the-protocol/nips))
#### 1) (Proposed) [NIP 43: Fast Auth between clients and relays](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/pull/571/files?short_path=58e2c23#diff-58e2c23e46271957d48ea789043bb41d6c096df68176c1e46573bb5711498d7d)
Some relays are member-only. There has to be some way for relays to verify the content being sent/requested is from an authorized user (one of the members). Most methods for this are clunky and slow.
This NIP proposes a faster method for auth between clients and relays. From what I can tell when clients open a connection to a relay they’ll open it with an “authorization” query parameter on the end of the relay url. That query param will actually be an encoded Nostr event whose payload has the necessary info for the relay to authenticate the user opening the connection.
Kinda looks like an auth header like you’d see in an http request but shoehorned into a query parameter since websockets (which are used for connections to relays) don’t traditionally support headers.
Author: [aruthurfranca](https://github.com/arthurfranca)
#### 2) (Proposed) [Updates to NIP 03: Timestamps you can rely on](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/pull/804/files?short_path=14f935e#diff-14f935e0abaf9cc3df1c7ec83b6d6bdf447b3ea585d7958f7c78caa6980cc86b)
Sometimes you want to make sure that a piece of Nostr content was actually created/pushed to a relay at a specific time. The example from last week was in the case of a future betting system built on Nostr, you really don’t want people to be able to publish that they made a bet 2 weeks ago for something whose outcome was determined twenty minutes ago.
NIP-3 already outlines a way to add OpenTimestamp attestations to Nostr events essentially allowing Nostr clients to outsource trust to a third party on whether a piece of content was created when it claims to be created. As is, NIP 3 is a little hard to use. This update would make it far simpler.
In the new methodology, you’d publish a Nostr event of kind 1040 with the proof of timestamp and point to the event that you’re trying to prove the timestamp for.
Author: nostr:npub180cvv07tjdrrgpa0j7j7tmnyl2yr6yr7l8j4s3evf6u64th6gkwsyjh6w6
## Notable Projects
#### [Cellar Relay](https://w3.do/iIZRWVyP)
If you haven’t been graced by the nostr.wine community they are a group of fine folks that host wine-themed relays. They’re some of the most reliable and widely used public and paid relays around.
nostr:npub18kzz4lkdtc5n729kvfunxuz287uvu9f64ywhjz43ra482t2y5sks0mx5sz recently announced the “Cellar” Relay that will store notes long term for paid users. Like we talked about in last week’s #NostrTechWeekly long-term note storage is a challenge for relay hosts (especially for relays that are free to users). But solving long term storage will help folks on Nostr feel like they’re building a persistent social experience instead of building an ephemeral feed.
Nice work! Glad to see the trend continuing for long-term note storage. 💪
#### [Memestr.app](https://w3.do/FSeuvRJR)
I can’t tell you how many times folks I talk to have said there should be a meme-focused client on Nostr. nostr:npub1zumzudhtu2558fgvycnjlc7pq9l4m338vghgcfzafftz9qg45ruslzpl4x delivers with https://memestr.app I definitely had some giggles when I logged on.
This could quickly evolve into a nostr-based Imgur and be far better for being nostr-based. But one thing I think is missing from the internet (not just Nostr) is a way to iterate on memes easily in the same place where you can share them. In combination with prisms/boosts this could be an interesting way for people to make money for their content and earn from what is built on top of their content.
#### [Zap threads](https://github.com/fr4nzap/zapthreads)
Threaded conversations are an important component to social experiences on the internet. Reddit and Hackernews have really shown its power, we’ve seen [StackerNews](stacker.news/) also leverage this format as well.
nostr:npub1wf4pufsucer5va8g9p0rj5dnhvfeh6d8w0g6eayaep5dhps6rsgs43dgh9 has created a nostr-based component for supporting the threaded comments, and it looks like it could be used in any web-application that needs commenting, spreading Nostr to every corner of the internet. It’s already powering the commenting on [Habla.News](https://habla.news)
nostr:npub1wf4pufsucer5va8g9p0rj5dnhvfeh6d8w0g6eayaep5dhps6rsgs43dgh9 also did a great writeup on the reasoning for this project and where it’s going: [https://habla.news/franzap/threading-the-web-with-nostr](https://habla.news/franzap/threading-the-web-with-nostr)
If you need comments on your project, take a look!
## Latest conversations: How decentralized is decentralized enough?
#### Distributed vs Decentralized
These two concepts are often used interchangeably, and it’s worth highlighting their distinction, especially in the context of Nostr. This is a good visualization to illustrate the difference.
![Centralization versus decentralization versus distributed systems](https://i.nostr.build/B5Yn.png)
#### Distributed: the P2P model
Robust, distributed systems are extremely censorship resistant, and include a lot of redundancy. Distributed systems distribute power widely, everyone is a peer.
Biological systems (cells, ecosystems, etc) are like this, cells are all peers and replaceable. Napster was distributed, everyone in the Napster ecosystem stored and shared some of the songs. IP (the “internet protocol”), which is how computers find each other on the internet, is a peer to peer technology where every node gossips about where to find other nodes.
Ideally all systems would be built this way, but in practice distributed / P2P systems are generally used when there’s a high chance of node failure (the death of individual cells) or attack (government takedowns). The challenge is that they’re expensive to run.
This might be confusing because Napster was “free” right? Most P2P software feels free-ish because many are donating some of their existing hardware/bandwidth/etc. But if you take the aggregate resources to run Napster versus just the parts of Spotify that help users to upload and download music, Spotify for sure uses fewer resources.
Distributed systems by their very nature have to assume that most peers in the network may fail. In order to maintain uptime, that results in P2P systems having many copies of what’s being shared and/or sending data many times to ensure it arrives.
I think most people would say they’d prefer everything to be P2P but it’s difficult to maintain a good experience in a P2P system and so it’s often only used in cases where it’s absolutely necessary.
#### Where does decentralization work better?
[I wrote up a whole thing about decentralization a while back](https://gregwhite.blog/decentralization/) but the TL;DR is decentralized systems are better than centralized systems at distributing power widely, but they are generally still more performant than peer to peer systems.
Sometimes you need a mix of preventing abuses of power but still maintain a good experience for users. Freedom minded folks usually end up supporting decentralized solutions because they’re viable in the market and still take power away from centralized players.
#### Is Bitcoin decentralized or distributed?
The Bitcoin blockchain is a distributed system. Every Bitcoin full-node is an equal participant in storing, updating, and validating the blockchain.
Bitcoin as a monetary system, on the other hand, is decentralized: there are many more Bitcoin users than Bitcoin full-nodes. The nodes are the hubs and the users are the spokes.
There’s a reason for this architecture. Bitcoin nodes are ultimately in control of Bitcoin, it must be the least corruptible, most censorship resistant architecture possible. On the other hand a decentralized system has efficiency gains that make Bitcoin more competitive in comparison to existing financial systems. By having hubs (full-nodes, Bitcoin banks, wallet providers, exchanges, etc), the system is more efficient (and therefore cheaper). But by having many hubs, power is still spread widely.
#### Nostr: Decentralized or Distributed?
![Rita navigating the distributed landscape](https://i.nostr.build/A5Yj.png)
Nostr, as introduced by FiatJaf, seems like it was intended to be decentralized. Relays are the hubs and users are the spokes. Clients help connect users to relays (and therefore each other). There is wisdom to this architecture, because it will scale better than a P2P system.
Think of it this way, there are on the order of hundreds of millions of songs available for human consumption. With 10 million users storing a few hundred songs, there would be plenty of redundancy to allow Napster to distribute every song in a P2P manner. There are on the order of trillions of social media posts, if you include follows, reactions, DMs, etc, it’s likely in the quadrillions. With current technology a P2P system would never be able to provide coverage of every post and make it available in a reasonable time.
That said, there are some elements of Nostr that could benefit from being more P2P. Especially operations that would benefit from greater privacy (DMs, zaps, and reactions). Right now privacy around these actions is not well supported via Nostr.
[Dev work has started on some P2P Nostr functionality](https://w3.do/1OOZRxhr) announced by nostr:npub1gcxzte5zlkncx26j68ez60fzkvtkm9e0vrwdcvsjakxf9mu9qewqlfnj5z and it’s right along those lines: maximizing privacy and security for nostr-based comms. It will have all the great things and all the difficulties of any P2P system, but it may be necessary to improve privacy on Nostr.
One thing that is great about Nostr is everyone can try things out and see if they work and if people want them. I see a lot of demand for privacy for certain Nostr operations, and if a P2P model would help, it needs to be tried. We’ll see whether the trade offs of P2P make Nostr better or if they make it less likely to succeed. We’ll see as development continues!
## Until next time 🫡
If you want to see something highlighted, if we missed anything, or if you’re building something we didn’t post about, let us know. DMs welcome at nostr:npub19mduaf5569jx9xz555jcx3v06mvktvtpu0zgk47n4lcpjsz43zzqhj6vzk
Stay Classy, Nostr.
@ 533bd96d:ed24b0fc
2023-10-08 05:56:36
As we hurtle through an era marked by rapid technological advancements disproportionately skewed towards a privileged few and evolving societal needs, we have an opportunity to reimagine what we hold valuable.
The currencies of the future will not just be numbers on a screen or pieces of paper. I see them as being the very essence of our existence: wellness, environment, and caring. For too long, our traditional economy has sidelined these pillars, often because they were seen as 'free'. But what if their perceived 'freedom' is a testament to their invaluable nature?
What if we didn't value them because they came without a price tag, but rather because they were, in essence, priceless?
Enter Web3.
Web3 doesn't just represent a technological evolution; it signifies a paradigm shift in how we define value. With its decentralized nature, Web3 empowers communities to define, share, and transact values in ways previously unattainable at scale. It's not merely about financial transactions but a democratization of what we deem valuable.
In a Web3 world, the collective has the power to ascribe value to elements traditionally overlooked, ensuring that aspects like wellness, the environment, caring and sharing don't just find a voice but also a tangible representation in our economic models.
It's time we acknowledge and prioritize what truly matters, reconfiguring our economic models to reflect and enhance what's at the heart of human and planetary well-being. And with Web3 tools now readily available, you and I are able to craft that vision into a new reality.
@ 50c5c98c:65867c8e
2023-10-08 02:29:58
**sexy bold letters** *important italic letters*
@ 50c5c98c:65867c8e
2023-10-08 01:46:34
Testing this hosted image. Posting from blogstack.io
@ 50c5c98c:65867c8e
2023-10-08 01:38:38
This is a test
@ 67d52ea7:2fc71832
2023-10-07 04:03:26
**Pasar Candi Kuning** is a traditional fruit market in Bedugul, Bali. Pasar Candi Kuning is located on the left side of the road as you head towards Singaraja. Pasar Candi Kuning is located next to Bedugul Botanical Garden or Eka Karya. It is a traditional market that sells everything that comes from Bedugul, including fruits.
# Pasar Candi Kuning is the best place to buy fruits in Bedugul, Bali.
This market still functions as a traditional market. Pasar Candi Kuning is located on the left side of the road as you head towards Singaraja.
Pasar Candi Kuning is not just a fruit market as it is near Bedugul Botanical Garden and Eka Karya Botanical Garden.
Everything that comes from the land of Bedugul is sold at Pasar Candi Kuning.
Pasar Candi Kuning shows the richness of Bedugul's nature.
Being in the highlands, Bedugul is unique for its cool and often misty air. The maximum temperature is 25 degrees Celsius. One way to do this is to visit the Yellow Temple Market.
Passion fruit, bananas, strawberries, and many other types of fruit are sold at Candi Kuning Market.
Although not many, there are a small number of types of vegetables that can be purchased at this place.
Due to the predominance of fruits, the market is not only traditional but also complete.
# Many sell Balinese souvenirs, clothes, and all the accessories that tourists love here.
However, Pasar Candi Kuning is one of the orderly and tidy traditional markets. Vendors pay great attention to the cleanliness of their merchandise and try their best to make it more neat and clean, attracting visitors.
Vendors arrange fruits into mountains after realising that brightly coloured fruits will definitely attract customers.
# To Study Sales Practices at Candi Kuning Market
A trip to Bedugul includes a visit to Pasar Candi Kuning, which, like the Bali Botanical Gardens, gives visitors a unique impression.
Shopping in this market is very convenient, especially in a conventional market with cool, clean air that offers fresh fruits right away.
Since many shoppers are looking for each other in this market, you can wander around without feeling overcrowded.
The market is stable due to its neat order, and the cool air gives you the impression that it is a traditional air-conditioned market.
# Pasar Candi Kuning is one of Bali's cultural attractions.
Bali is known for its diversity of tourist attractions and maintaining its culture. Pasar Candi Kuning is one way to combine Bedugul's natural and cultural tourism.
The various types of fruits and vegetables that they grow themselves on their own farms are appreciated by the Balinese people.
They provide a friendly and organised buying and selling atmosphere, and they sell local products rather than imported products, which definitely reflects Balinese culture.
[Visit this location](https://maps.app.goo.gl/2yNbmpeTrnJJFwNj8)
@ 0b963191:fc5e7ffd
2023-10-07 02:33:31
## Introduction
Decentralized protocols, including emergent ones such as Nostr are trying to figure out the best way to store and distribute non-text data outside of centralized servers. For Nostr particularly, there are home-grown solutions such as nostr.build that offers image and video storage on their servers both free of charge and for a fee. These services can suffer from being inherently centralized and shutdown by their respective hosting platforms.
Other proposals have been to use existing decentralized protocols such as Bittorrent or IPFS. While these currently have utility for some use cases, they can suffer from long load times and failure to retrieve requested content. Another issue is the overhead of setup needed both for running a decentralized client and running a node
## Proposal
The proposed design for decentralized data storage will be to use media relay servers that work over the websockets protocol. The design will be similar to the Nostr protocol architecture, where multiple relays can store the same data signed with a keypair. This design will help with storage persistence, that can be lost with p2p protocols, and has little overhead on both the client or server side.
## How it works
From a high level the media relay will act as storage for signed binary data (blobs). Each piece of data will have a pointer associated that allows for indexing, searching, and retrieval. The blobs of data and pointers will not have any additional information or context about the data stored on the relay. All the relay will “know” is that there is data of a certain size that has been confirmed to be referenced by an associated keypair. This means that a relay operator cannot discern if a blob is an image, executable, or any other type of data without further work.
## Pointers
Pointers on a media relay represent a signed entry for a blob of data. A blob can only exist on a relay if it has one or more pointers associated with it. A pointer consists of an id, public key associated with the data, a timestamp of when the pointer was created, the SHA-256 hash of the blob that the pointer is referencing, blob size, and signature signing the pointer. This is very similar to the concept of a Nostr event and this allows clients to look up references and confirm a blob exists without having to download multiple amounts of data.
Multiple pointers can exist for a blob of data. This is similar to multiple users uploading the same file to an image service. Some amount of deduplication may occur to prevent a waste of space. In a media relay something similar occurs. If multiple users upload identical data, the media relay will test it as 2 pointers referencing the same data.
When there are no longer any pointers associated with a blob, the media relay will discard the data. Pointers are needed to download or get information on a blob.
## Raw storage
The media relays will hold blobs of binary data on their servers. This blob itself will have no labels or context and will just appear as data of a certain length. The maximum length of the blob will be determined by the media relay such as being able to store a blob at a maximum size of 100KB.
If a logical file such as an executable or video is several megabytes in size, a client will break up the data into multiple blocks. Those blocks will each have a blob of a determined size, smaller than the maximum blob size, and a pointer associated with the blob. A relay will have no correlation between the multiple pointers and blobs, as that will be determined by the uploading client and later by a file descriptor.
## File descriptors
A file descriptor is metadata that provides instructions on how to retrieve and recreate a logical file from a media relay. Since a media relay has no information on a file, file type, or total size, a file descriptor describes the file type and how to access each block of data.
Each block of data in a file descriptor will reference the id of the pointer, media relays to use, blob size, blob hash. In this way a file descriptor can instruct a client to pull data from several different media relays.
In Nostr specifically a file descriptor will be in the form of a replaceable event and will be referenced using an naddr1 bech32 label. These can then be used by different Nostr clients instead of a traditional URL to reference an image, video, or other media.
## Client Activity
When a client encounters a file descriptor, whether in the form of an naddr1 or in another format, it should be able to read the media data to know what type of file to expect. It should also be able to read and pull down each partition of the file, represented as a pointer id to a set of media relays.
The client would pull down each part either sequentially (if it’s described as a stream) or in random order. In the former case a client would read each piece and process it appropriately (i.e. a media player). In the latter case, the file may be put together according to the file descriptor.
## Decentralization Goals
This method of decentralized data storage will only work if there are multiple relays across multiple geographical areas that can provide redundancy and distribution of data. The media relays themselves will not transmit information across to other media relays and there will not be a shared, synced database of pointers and databases.
## Challenges
Some of the challenges surrounding having media relays revolve the following:
* Incentives to run a media relay
* Spam prevention
* Moderation
* Discovery of relays
* Data permanence
### Incentives
Similar to some of the concerns about running Nostr relays long-term, media relays will cost money to run in some form given the storage and bandwidth usage. There may need to be public key based subscriptions that allow a user to store and/or point to a quota of storage.
The media relay set up will not have a built in token or monetary structure built in and these may happen out-of-band of the media relays. For example, using Lightning to pay for 5 GB of storage which will instruct a media relay to allow 5 GB of blobs to be stored and pointed to.
### Spam Prevention
As with other decentralized solutions, spam is a big factor as a media relay will have a finite amount of storage and bandwidth that could be abused. Spam prevention measures and subscriptions against discrete public keys could help mitigate this problem.
### Moderation
While the nature of running a media relay is that context is not inherently known about a file, there could be issues within certain jurisdictions where a select set of blobs are part of illegal media.
Unless a file descriptor is provided or certain heuristics (i.e. putting together a set of blobs associated with a public key with similar timestamps) are performed on blobs of data, this may not be known beforehand and moderation may be best-effort at best.
### Discovery of relays
There may be some difficulty in knowing which media relays to use without having some sort of centralized site that publishes a set of known relays. This can have a risk of centralization of only some relays are known and used by everyone.
There may be some solutions such as relay operators publishing their relays on nostr or other decentralized protocols. A tradeoff on verifying these relays and finding them may always exist.
### Data Permanence
This may always be a tradeoff with a decentralized protocol where the data isn’t directly p2p from the owner of the data. Servers may go down, lose data, remove data, etc and those blobs may be lost on that media relay.
The best safeguard for having data available is to diversify over multiple relays. A file descriptor should have multiple media relays references for pointers and in the event of a host being down either temporarily or permanently, additional media relays can be used to pull the data down.
## Questions I ask myself against media relays
### Why not use Nostr relays?
I don’t think Nostr relays with a plain-text protocol will be the best way to store media in a scalable way. Images already have push back and from my own anecdotal observations relay operators do not want to assume the burden of Base64 content events.
There is also an issue of event requests that will pull the events (data and all) as opposed to where my idea for a media relay would be to only to query and pull down pointers based on search parameters. Data would be pulled on a specific request.
### Why not use IPFS\Bittorrent?
These are slow in my experience and not very reliable. In their best use case, these protocols are great for larger files and wouldn’t provide a good experience for loading images or smaller binary data.
### Why not a file descriptor of http servers?
Extra overhead of running a web server and running a servlet that pulls down the data rather than a specialized media relay.
I also want to utilize web sockets because they don’t run into the CORS issue.
It could still be a possibility.
## Conclusion
As of today (October 6th), prototype code is being built for the following pieces:
* Media Relay
* Nostr event spec
* Javascript Web and NodeJS client library
This may turn out to not be the best approach to decentralized storage for the Internet and it is worth trying to see where it ends up.
This is a very informal thought experiment I wanted to share with the wider world.
@ 20986fb8:cdac21b3
2023-10-06 03:00:32
A long-term Creation Grant, with a 17,500,000 SATs prize pool
Here is the 3rd special edition of Creation Zap with the theme of **Discover Bali**.
**⏰5th - 25th Oct**
Are you ready to embark on a culinary adventure, explore breathtaking destinations, partake in unique activities, and gain invaluable insights into living the Bali dream? Look no further! We're excited to invite you to join our community of Bali enthusiasts as we compile a treasure trove of must-try food, the best places to visit, special activities, and insider tips for living life to the fullest on the Island.
Join us on this journey, as we celebrate Bali's flavors, sights, activities, and the art of living, Balinese style. Your experiences, insights, and passion for Bali will help us build an invaluable resource for travelers, foodies, adventurers, and dreamers alike.
So, whether you're a local, an expat, or someone who simply fell in love with Bali, your voice matters. Share your Bali secrets, hidden gems, and must-try recommendations, and let's make Bali an even more unforgettable destination for all who visit or dream of calling it home.
Let's explore, savor, and embrace the magic of Bali together! 🌺🏄♂️🌴
### Tips
1. You could share your recommendation for **foods**, **restaurants**, **accommodations**, **activities**, **viewpoints**, and other **must-try** in Bali. Tips for staying in Bali will be very helpful too.
2. Be sure to add the location and contact to your recommendation. It will help visitors find them more easily.
3. Be sure to add the tag '**YakiHonne Discover Bali**' to your post correctly.
### What You Will Get From Your First 10 Posts:
1. **500 SATs**, if you post on Nostr
2. **1000~2000 SATs**, if you **repost** on Nostr via **[YakiHonne.com](https://yakihonne.com/)** from other platform, and share it in our [**community**: https://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured](https://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured)
3. **3000~5000 SATs**, if you post your **original** via **[YakiHonne.com](https://yakihonne.com/)**, and share it in our [**community**: https://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured](https://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured)
4. **100000 SATs** prize pool for best recommendations.
### Zap Rules:
1. No malicious speech such as discrimination, attack, incitement, etc.
2. No Spam/Scam, no AI-generated article.
3. No direct copy from other posts on Nostr. If there is already a previous post similar to yours, your post will not be zapped.
4. Spread positive content like your knowledge/experience/insight/ideas, etc.
5. Community account verification, no fake account or bot.
6. If you are reposting, please indicate the original author and source, otherwise, you will not be zapped.
7. Best recommendation prize pool will be shared to original articles based on upvotes/comments/reviews of visitors.
### How to Get Zap:
1. **Join YakiHonne TG group**: [https://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured](https://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured)
2. Add tag '**YakiHonne Discover Bali**' to your post
3. Share your post in the group
4. Make sure your LN address is in your profile
5. Based on the rules above, we will ZAP your post directly within 3 days
Join our group for more queries: [https://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured](https://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured)
### About YakiHonne:
YakiHonne is a Nostr-based decentralized content media protocol, which supports free curation, creation, publishing, and reporting by various media.
Try [YakiHonne.com](https://yakihonne.com/) Now!
#### Follow us
- **Telegram:** http://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured
- **Twitter:** [@YakiHonne](https://twitter.com/YakiHonne)
- **Nostr pubkey:** npub1yzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesnxrf8q
- **Facebook Profile**: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551715056704
- **Facebook Page**: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552076811240
- **Facebook Group**: https://www.facebook.com/groups/720824539860115
- **Youtube**: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyjDDtWFCntGvf4EyFJ7BlA
@ 20986fb8:cdac21b3
2023-10-06 03:00:20
Comment2Earn | Earn SATs by sharing your comments on YakiHonne
Earn SATs by sharing your comments on YakiHonne.
**⏰2nd - 15th Oct**
### Follow Us
- **Nostr**: npub1yzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesnxrf8q
- **Twitter**: https://twitter.com/YakiHonne
- **Facebook Profile**: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551715056704
- **Facebook Page**: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552076811240
- **Facebook Group**: https://www.facebook.com/groups/720824539860115
- **Youtube**: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyjDDtWFCntGvf4EyFJ7BlA
### How to Get SATs:
1. Post your thoughts about YakiHonne on at least one of the above social media, and be sure to @ YakiHonne.
2. Follow YakiHonne on at least one of the social media above.
3. Back to this article, leave your social account which followed YakiHonne in the Comments.
4. Be zapped with SATs.
### What You Will Get:
1. **500 SATs**, if you finished all steps.
2. **1000 SATs**, if you finished all steps and join [our community](http://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured).
3. **3000 SATs**, for 20% of all participants by randomly selecting.
### Tips
1. You could write even only one sentence of your thoughts about YakiHonne and post it on social media.
2. Be sure to follow, @, or tag YakiHonne.
3. Don't forget to back to here and leave your nostr pubkey and social media account which followed YakiHonne in the comments.
4. Comment here could be like, '***Followed YakiHonne on Twitter/Facebook/Nostr/YouTube by @(your account), pubkey: (npub...)*** '
5. You will get SATs by zap function on YakiHonne, be sure to set it up.
### Zap Rules:
1. No malicious speech such as discrimination, attack, incitement, etc.
2. No Spam/Scam.
3. No direct copy from other posts.
4. Community account verification, no fake account or bot.
Join our group for more queries: [https://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured](https://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured)
### About YakiHonne:
YakiHonne is a Nostr-based decentralized content media protocol, which supports free curation, creation, publishing, and reporting by various media.
Try [YakiHonne.com](https://yakihonne.com/) Now!
#### Follow us
- **Telegram:** http://t.me/YakiHonne_Daily_Featured
- **Twitter:** [@YakiHonne](https://twitter.com/YakiHonne)
- **Nostr pubkey:** npub1yzvxlwp7wawed5vgefwfmugvumtp8c8t0etk3g8sky4n0ndvyxesnxrf8q
- **Facebook Profile**: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61551715056704
- **Facebook Page**: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=61552076811240
- **Facebook Group**: https://www.facebook.com/groups/720824539860115
- **Youtube**: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyjDDtWFCntGvf4EyFJ7BlA
@ d360efec:14907b5f
2023-10-05 17:08:22
ต่อไปนี้คือเรื่องแต่ง ...
เด็กคนนั้นอายุ 14 ปีตอนก่อเหตุรุนแรง
ตอนอยู่ในโรงเรียนชั้นประถม เด็กมักมีพฤติกรรมเรียกร้องความสนใจอยู่เสมอ
ครั้งหนึ่งเด็กคนนั้นเคยลงไปนอนดิ้นกับพื้น โวยวาย อาละวาดและร้องไห้
ครูผู้ช่วย เอาคลิปมาให้ครูประจำชั้นดูหลังเลิกคลาส พบว่า เด็กคนนั้นร้องไปพูดไป ประโยคที่เด็กบอกคือ
"ครูเห็นผมเป็นกิ้งกือ ไส้เดือน เป็นขยะที่อยู่ในถังขยะ"
ครูประจำชั้นตกใจมาก เพราะสิ่งที่เด็กพูดออกมา
ไม่ใช่สิ่งที่ครูมอง แต่เป็นสิ่งที่เด็ก "มองตัวเอง"
และนี่คือสัญญาณของเด็กที่มี ความเคารพภูมิใจในตัวเองต่ำ (low self-esteem) ต่อไปเมื่อเด็กโตขึ้นอาจนำไปสู่การเป็นโรคซึมเศร้า และฆ่าตัวตายหรือฆ่าผู้อื่นได้
เย็นวันนั้น ครูประจำชั้นตัดสินใจเลยโทรถามคุณแม่ เล่าเหตุการณ์ทั้งหมดให้คุณแม่ฟัง
คุณแม่สะอื้นเล็กน้อย พร้อมกับเล่าว่า คุณพ่อเป็นผู้ช่วยศาสตราจารย์ที่มหาวิทยาลัยแห่งหนึ่ง
เขาเป็นคนที่มีอีโก้สูงมาก ชอบดูถูกและกดทุกคนในบ้านว่าโง่ ควาย ไม่เก่ง
เด็กถูกด่าว่าแทบทุกการกระทำ รวมถึงตัวแม่ด้วย
บ้านของเด็กมิใช่ "บ้านแสนรัก" เลย
ครอบครัวของเด็ก ก็มิใช่ "ครอบครัวแสนอบอุ่น" แต่อย่างใดเลย
บ้าน กลายเป็นสถานที่ที่คนเป็นพ่อดูด "พลังชีวิต" ออกจากตัวคนเป็นลูกและคนเป็นแม่ ...เป็นสถานที่ตักตวงพลัง และโชว์พลังของคนเป็นพ่ออย่างเดียวเท่านั้น
"ความรักที่แท้" มิได้ดำรงอยู่ในครอบครัวนี้
มีแต่การช่วงชิงพลังจากคนในครอบครัว และการอวดโอ่อำนาจของคนที่มีพลังเหนือกว่าในบ้านเท่านั้น
คำพูดที่กรอกหูทุกเช้าค่ำของคนเป็นพ่อเป็นแม่ เป็นตัวสร้าง "ตัวตนของลูก" ขึ้นมา รวมทั้งวิธีที่ลูกมองตัวเอง และวิธีที่ลูกมองคนอื่น
เด็กขาดความรักตัวเอง มิอาจมองตัวเองด้วยสายตาแห่งความรัก ยิ่งมิอาจมองคนอื่นด้วยความรัก
เพราะตัวเด็กเองก็ไม่เคยรู้จักความรัก และไม่เคยสัมผัสความรักจากครอบครัวของตน
ใครจะไปนึกว่า Mindset ของพ่อเด็กที่มีต่อตัวเอง ต่อครอบครัว จนความคิดเชิงลบนั้นแสดงออกมาเป็นพฤติกรรมและคำพูดทุกเช้าค่ำ จะส่งผลต่ออนาคตเด็กรุนแรงถึงเพียงนี้
แถมด้วยการแสดงความเป็นใหญ่ในบ้านแบบอำนาจนิยม ที่หลงตัวเอง เก่งอยู่คนเดียวในบ้าน
ชอบดูถูกคนอื่น ชมใครไม่เป็น
แท้จริงแล้ว พ่อเด็กก็คงมีปมในใจตั้งแต่เด็ก คือ
เขารู้สึกว่าตัวเองต่ำต้อย ไม่เก่ง ไม่มีดีอยู่ตลอดเวลา
เขาจึงต้องดูถูกผู้อื่น เพื่อให้ตัวเองสบายใจว่าตัวเองสูงขึ้นแล้ว
อาจิณณกรรม หรืออกุศลกรรมที่กระทำอย่างสม่ำเสมอเป็นประจำนั้น จึงกลับมาลงที่ลูก สืบทอดต่อมาที่ตัวเด็ก กลายเป็นนิสัยเด็ก "แล้งรัก" แบบนี้
ทำอย่างไรถึงจะเป็นคนที่ตัวเองมีความสุข และทำให้คนอื่นก็มีความสุขด้วยได้ในคำสอนของเซน?
มันมีภาวะอยู่ 4 ขั้น ในการทำให้ตัวเองและคนอื่นมีความสุข
หนึ่ง : ต้องถือตนเองเป็นคนอื่น นั่นคือ อนัตตา
สอง : ต้องถือคนอื่นเป็นตน นั่นคือ เมตตา
สาม : ต้องถือคนอื่นเป็นคนอื่น นั่นคือ ปัญญา
สี่ : ต้องถือตนเป็นตน นั่นคือ ธรรมชาติ
เราต้องฝึกตนจนผ่านทั้งสี่ขั้นนี้ให้ได้ก่อน เราถึงจะสามารถทำให้ตัวเองมีความสุขได้อย่างแท้จริง พร้อมกับทำให้คนอื่นมีความสุขได้ด้วย
ความลึกซึ้งของเซนนั้นอยู่ที่การใช้คำและการเล่นคำ ซึ่งต้องการความเข้าใจที่ถ่องแท้ในเชิงการปฏิบัติภาวนาของคนผู้นั้น
จำไว้นะ สภาวะจิตที่ลึกซึ้งสูงส่งของคนเรามี 4 ชนิดที่พึงได้จากการฝึกฝนปฏิบัติทางจิต ด้วยการเจริญลมปราณกรรมฐาน
อย่างแรก คือ การ 'รู้ตน' ดุจเป็นคนอื่น คือ คอยตามรู้ 'อัตตา' ของตนเองได้บ่อยๆ จนกระทั่งเข้าถึงภาวะ 'อนัตตา' ได้
อย่างที่สอง คือ การระลึกรู้คนอื่นว่าเป็นตน ไม่แบ่งแยกจากตน ไม่ตัดขาดจากตนได้เสมอ จนกระทั่งเข้าถึงภาวะ 'เมตตา' ได้
อย่างที่สาม คือ การตระหนักรู้คนอื่นว่าเป็นคนอื่น มองอย่างเป็นกลาง ปราศจากอคติ ไม่ด่วนพิพากษา นี่คือวิถีการเข้าถึงภาวะ 'ปัญญา' ด้วยการดูจิตดูใจตนเองอย่างเที่ยงตรงเสมอ
อย่างที่สี่ คือ การหยั่งรู้ตนเป็นตน คือการเข้าถึงจิตเดิมแท้ของตนเอง และเป็นการรู้ตนเองอย่างแท้จริง นี่คือภาวะ 'ธรรมชาติ' เดิมแท้ของจิตตน
@ 1f5ddbfd:b0df5755
2023-10-05 10:15:03
Schleswig Higher Regional Court, decision of August 16, 2023 - 10 W 15/23
Facebook deactivated a user's account because of allegedly illegal content. There was no advance warning. The woman's request for a review also remained unanswered. After the lawyer she had hired only received a standard email, the user applied to the Lübeck Regional Court for an urgent decision. This should prohibit the company from permanently deleting the account as quickly as possible.
Even before the District Court (LG) could decide on the application, Facebook released the account again. Court and legal costs had already been incurred. The company argued that it had no intention of permanently deleting the account and refused to cover the costs.
The Schleswig Higher Regional Court (decision of August 16, 2023 - 10 W 15/23) did not share the group's opinion and confirmed the LG's previous decision. Because of the non-transparent process, the user then had every reason to fear the final loss of her account and all her data. Therefore, the company has to cover the legal costs. Whether it actually had no intention of permanently deleting the account is unimportant.
Users have a certain amount of leeway when it comes to the question of when is the right time to seek legal help. According to the judges, this results from the fact that the platform operator offers pre-litigation options for redress, but then leaves users largely in the dark as to how, when and whether a reaction will be made to this.
In addition, no comprehensible information is kept as to how long the personal data will be “safe” from being deleted after the account has been deactivated and when the deletion process will be initiated.
@ 81870f53:29bef6a6
2023-10-04 22:25:28
クック氏が最後に大規模に株を売却したのは2021年8月で、その時は10年間CEOを務めた後、7億5000万ドル以上のアップル株を売却した。税引後の純口座は約 3 億 5,500 万ドルでした。
@ 32e18276:5c68e245
2023-10-04 22:21:45
Hey nostr posters,
I'm at Pacific Bitcoin this week! Come say hi if you're in LA! I have a nostr discussion with rockstar at the conference so check that out if you're here. Another fun thing I did this morning was a nostr podcast with Peter McCormack, so keep an eye for that one. I'm getting through some remaining bugs for the 1.6 App Store release, one annoying issue in the last build was that you couldn't update your profile. This has been fixed!
We also fixed some bugs with the clear cache button, it should be more responsive now. Daniel has been doing some great work with reducing the buggyness of the post composition view, so hopefully you should notice some quality of life improvements there. Daniel also improved many bugs with muted users. If you've muted a user that has been reposted in your timeline, damus will now hide those.
Thanks for your patience with this release, integrating nostrdb has been time consuming! Hopefully back to a more regular release schedule after this one.
Check out the full changelog:
### Changed
- Improve UX around clearing cache (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Show muted thread replies at the bottom of the thread view (#1522) (Daniel D’Aquino)
### Fixed
- Fix situations where the note composer cursor gets stuck in one place after tagging a user (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix some note composer issues, such as when copying/pasting larger text, and make the post composer more robust. (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Apply filters to hashtag search timeline view (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Hide quoted or reposted notes from people whom the user has muted. (#1216) (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix profile not updating (William Casarin)
- Fix small graphical toolbar bug when scrolling profiles (Daniel D’Aquino)
- Fix localization issues and export strings for translation (Terry Yiu)
@ d360efec:14907b5f
2023-10-03 19:23:16
"นะโม พุทธายะ" คือมนต์ที่ทรงพลังที่สุด
มนต์ที่มีประโยชน์มากที่สุดคือการสวด "นะโม พุทธะ" 「南无佛陀」 หรือ "นะโม พุทธายะ" เพราะ "สัทธรรมปุณฑรีกสูตร" กล่าวว่า "หากจิตใจของบุคคลหนึ่งๆ เกิดความฟุ้งซ่าน ให้เข้าไปในสถูปวิหาร แล้วกล่าวสักครั้งว่า นะโม พุทธะ ก็ถือว่ากระทำแล้วซึ่งการสำเร็จในวิถีแห่งความเป็นพุทธะ" (1)
ขั้นตอนที่สองคือการสวด "เมตไตรยพุทธะ" 「弥勒佛」 ซึ่งพระไภษัชยคุรุโพธิสัตว์เคยกล่าวไว้ว่า “เมตไตรยพุทธะ สามคำนี้คือราชาแห่งมนต์" (2)
ต่อไปนี้เป็นประสบการณ์ของบุคคลหนึ่งเกี่ยวกับสัทธรรมปุณฑรีกสูตร (แปลจากภาษาจีน)
สัทธรรมปุณฑริกสูตรเป็นพระสูตรในพุทธศาสนาที่มีมายาวนานในประเทศจีน และผู้คนจำนวนมากที่อ่านและสวดก็รับรู้ถึงพลานุภาพอันพิเศษ แม้ว่าข้าพเจ้าจะไม่มีประสบการณ์ที่น่าตกตะลึงเหมือน พระติช นัท ฮันห์ จากการที่เสียงพระสูตรถึงกับสั่นสะเทือนทางช้างเผือกเมื่อได้สาธยาย และข้าพเจ้าก็ไม่ยังเคยมีประสบการณ์ในการเห็นพระโพธิสัตว์ทั้งหลายปรากฏอยู่บนท้องฟ้ายามค่ำคืน แต่ข้าพเจ้าก็ยังมีประสบการณ์พิเศษอยู่บ้าง
ข้าพเจ้าเคยไปพบพระภิกษุผู้เป็นพระธรรมาจารย์ท่านหนึ่งมาก่อนและได้ทราบว่าข้าพเจ้าได้ทำให้ผู้คนจมน้ำตายในชาติที่แล้ว และยังได้สังหารผู้คนมากมายในสงครามด้วย กรรมจากการฆ่านั้นหนักมาก ชีวิตข้าพเจ้าจึงไม่ราบรื่น เมื่อต้นปี พ.ศ. 2553 วันหนึ่ง ข้าพเจ้าถูกเจ้ากรรมนายเวรมาพัวพัน และเมื่อข้าพเจ้ากำลังจะตายด้วยโรคภัยไข้เจ็บ ข้าพเจ้าก็นึกขึ้นมาได้ทันทีว่ามีคำกล่าวในสัทธรรมปุณฑรีกสูตรว่า
"หากจิตใจของบุคคลหนึ่งๆ เกิดความฟุ้งซ่าน ให้เข้าไปในสถูปวิหาร แล้วกล่าวสักครั้งว่า นะโม พุทธะ ก็ถือว่ากระทำแล้วซึ่งการสำเร็จในวิถีแห่งความเป็นพุทธะ"
เมื่อนึกถึงคาถา 4 บทนี้ ข้าพเจ้าก็ร้องทันทีว่า “นะโม พุทธะ” ไม่นานข้าพเจ้าก็หลับไปข้าพเจ้าฝันว่าจะมีพระพุทธเจ้าและพระโพธิสัตว์มาดูแลข้าพเจ้ามากมาย ทั้งพระตถาคต พระมัญชุศรี แพทย์ พระไภษัชยคุรุโพธิสัตว์ บริหารของพระพรหม...ฯลฯ โชคดีที่ข้าพเจ้าไม่ตายในครั้งนั้น แต่ข้าพเจ้าก็มีประสบการณ์พิเศษคล้ายกับท่านติช นัท ฮันห์เหมือนกัน
กลางปี 2553 ข้าพเจ้าฝันว่าได้ไปเที่ยวสถานที่แห่งหนึ่งในทะเลสาบเผิงหู่ เมื่อข้าพเจ้าไปถึงบ่อน้ำโบราณซึ่งมีผู้หญิงคนหนึ่งจมน้ำตาย ก็มีแรงดึงข้าพเจ้าเข้าไปในบ่อน้ำ ข้าพเจ้ารู้สึกวิตกกังวลและหวาดกลัวมาก จึงรีบสวดมนต์ “นะโม พุทธะ” ไปเรื่อยๆ หลังจากนั้นไม่นาน เทพยดาร่างสูงใหญ่ก็เข้ามาพาข้าพเจ้าไป
ต่อมาในครึ่งหลังของปี 2555 ข้าพเจ้าฝันว่ามีผีอยู่ในบ้าน (ห้องของแม่ข้าพเจ้ารกมาก พวกภูติผีจึงเข้ามาได้ง่าย) มาขอส่วนบุญจากข้าพเจ้า และคอยรบกวนข้าพเจ้าอยู่เรื่อยๆ ทำให้ หน้าอกของข้าพเจ้ารู้สึกแน่น โชคดีที่ข้าพเจ้าสวดว่า "นะโม สัทธรรมปุณฑรีกสูตร" ไปเรื่อยๆ อย่างรวดเร็ว หลังจากนั้นไม่นาน พระพุทธเจ้าและพระโพธิสัตว์จำนวนมากจากสัทธรรมปุณฑรีกสูตรก็ปรากฏตัวขึ้นในความฝันของข้าพเจ้า และผีก็ถูกพาตัวไป
(1) 「若人散乱心,入于塔庙中,一称南无佛,皆已成佛道。」
(2) 「弥勒佛三字是咒中之王」
ภาพ - "ฮกเกะเคียว มันดะระ" หรือ "สัทธรรมปุณฑรีกสูตรมณฑล" วาดขึ้นในสมัยเฮอัน ของญี่ปุ่น ตรงกลางคือพระศากยมุนีพุทธเจ้าประทับคู่กับพระประภูตรัตนะพุทธเจ้า ในมหารัตนสถูป แวดล้อมด้วยหมู่พระโพธิสัตว์มหาสัตว์ ภาพมณฑลนี้ใช้ในพิธีมนตรยานที่เกี่ยวเนื่องกับสัทธรรมปุณฑรีกสูตร อาจเกี่ยวข้องกับนิกายเทนได อยู่ที่ Ryukoku University Library
@ 0b118e40:4edc09cb
2023-10-03 02:34:20
This chapter is on an interview with Steve Wozniak (unfiltered) co founder of Apple - from the book 'Founders at Work' by Jessica Livingston. This one is so good it would do absolutely no justice if i sum it up. I'll share some snapshots of it.
To set the base, Apple was founded on April 1, 1976 and went public in 1980. Steve Wozniak was working with HP even when they were selling Apple 1 in thousands. He pitched to HP but was declined. Irony that HP eventually spin off the test measurement instrument, and retained its identity as personal PC and became Apple's biggest competitor.
This whole interview is so precious, most of it just talks about his passion in building things from the time he was in highschool. Also there was no falling out or drama with Steve Jobs, they argued about modular system vs 1 box solution and Wozniak won the argument. He didn't leave Apple or anything like that. He did mention how media would spin everything
@ 81870f53:29bef6a6
2023-10-02 20:31:43
大きな言語モデルなどを構築するために必要な計算能力の莫大なコストをカバーすることについて話したとき、彼は「私たちの基金はそのために設計されたものではない」と述べた。 これらの構成要素は基礎モデルと呼ばれます。 Sequoia Capital は、OpenAI Inc. に長期にわたって投資してきました。
OpenAIは昨年ChatGPTを立ち上げ、AI需要のブームを引き起こした。 OpenAIは現在、株式売却について投資家と協議しており、目標評価額は800億~900億ドルに設定されている。 ボタ氏は、AIは同社の投資戦略の中核をなしているが、独自のモデルを作成する企業ではなく、基礎となるモデルと対話する企業をターゲットにしていると述べた。
@ f4db5270:3c74e0d0
2023-10-02 16:35:31
40x40cm, olio su tavola
Completed on 28 September 2023 - Fresh off the easel - will require ~3 weeks to fully dry before shipping.
Available for purchase on my site!
With free shipping from end of October. 🤗
Here a moment work in progress...
The beginning...
@ 126a29e8:d1341981
2023-10-02 15:35:44
Juan Carlos De La Torre y Diego García, desarrolladores de Fundy, nos presentaron su proyecto con ilusión y entusiasmo contagioso. Estaremos muy atentos a su evolución y esperamos estar “diseñando recetas” con Fundy muy pronto.
Mientras tanto puedes leer su [White Paper aquí](https://github.com/kowaalski/fundy-whitePaper/blob/main/Fundy%20-%20A%20Bitcoin%20Wallet%20with%20advanced%20Funds%20Custody%20With%20Miniscript%20and%20Timelocks.pdf).
Durante su exposición aprendimos cuales son las posibilidades y casos de uso de timelocks y miniscript.
Veamos un poco más en detalle en qué consiste cada uno de estos conceptos.
# Timelocks
Se trata de un contrato inteligente que restringe el gasto de algunos UTXOs hasta un determinado momento futuro (medido en [tiempo UNIX](https://www.unixtimestamp.com/)) o una altura de bloque. De ahí su nombre “bloqueo temporal”.
Realmente no son nada nuevo y fueron añadidos al software original de Bitcoin por Satoshi Nakamoto. Están presentes en todas las transacciones aunque la mayoría no utilice esta función, por lo que el tiempo de bloqueo por defecto es `0x00000000` (0) o `0xFFFFFFFF` (4294967295).
| CLASIFICACIÓN ↓→ | Absoluto | Relativo |
| --- | --- | --- |
| A nivel de transacción | nLockTime | nSequence |
| A nivel de Script | CheckLockTimeVerify (CLTV) | CheckSequenceVerify (CSV) |
## Atributos clave de los Timelocks
Los Timelocks en Bitcoin tienen tres atributos comunes:
![Extraido de la presentación de Fundy](https://nostrcheck.me/media/malaga2140/nostrcheck.me_421b31f51a482921b9684b47e321434d466e3773964feba1.webp)
Los timelocks pueden incluirse en las transacciones además de en los scripts.
**Un timelock a nivel de transacción** (*nLockTime* y *nSequence*) no se validará hasta un momento determinado. Esto se aplica incluso si la firma es válida.
Los timelocks a nivel de transacción sólo evitan que la transacción sea transmitida/minada, pero las salidas pueden ser doblemente gastadas antes de que llegue el momento establecido en el timelock. Un ejemplo extraído de [Mastering Bitcoin](https://github.com/bitcoinbook/bitcoinbook/blob/develop/ch07.asciidoc):
> Alice firma una transacción gastando una de sus salidas a la dirección de Bob, y configura la transacción nLocktime dentro de 3 meses. Alice envía esa transacción a Bob para que la guarde. Con esta transacción Alice y Bob saben que:
> - Bob no puede transmitir la transacción para disponer de los fondos hasta que hayan transcurrido 3 meses.
> - Bob podrá transmitir la transacción después de 3 meses.
> Sin embargo:
> - Alice puede crear otra transacción, gastando dos veces las mismas entradas sin tiempo de bloqueo. Por lo tanto, Alice puede gastar el mismo UTXO antes de que transcurran los 3 meses.
> - Bob no tiene ninguna garantía de que Alice no lo haga
Este problema del doble gasto es una limitación de *nLockTime*. La única garantía es que Bob no dispondrá de estos fondos antes de que pasen 3 meses e incluso entonces, no hay garantía de que Bob obtenga los fondos.
Tal garantía sólo se puede obtener a través de un timelock a nivel de script que restrinja el gasto del UTXO, en lugar de en la transacción.
**Los timelocks a nivel de script**, como *CheckLockTimeVerify* (CLTV) y *CheckSquenceVerify* (CSV), determinan si una transacción se puede realizar o no.
⏱️ Una transacción con bloqueo de tiempo a nivel de script es válida antes de que se alcance el bloqueo de tiempo, simplemente no se puede gastar el UTXO.
⏱️ Los bloqueos de tiempo a nivel de transacción invalidan las transacciones hasta que se llegue al momento establecido.
Existen timelocks de tiempo absoluto o de tiempo relativo. En ambos se especifica un momento concreto en el futuro en el que debe validarse una transacción.
**Timelock absoluto**: Determina una marca de tiempo específica o altura de bloque hasta el que la salida de una transacción es inválida. (Por ejemplo: `a las 22:00`)
**Timelock relativo**: Los bloqueos relativos hacen que las salidas de una transacción no se puedan gastar hasta que haya transcurrido una cantidad determinada de tiempo/bloques desde que la anterior salida de la transacción se minó en un bloque. (Por ejemplo: `en 6 horas`)
### **MÉTRICA**
En Bitcoin existe dos formas de medir el tiempo: el **número de bloque** y la **marca de tiempo,** por lo que podemos utilizar ambos para establecer un timelock.
Cuando se establece un timelock en base a un número de bloque, los mineros deben esperar alcanzar dicho número de bloque para poder validar y confirmar la operación, e incluirla en un nuevo bloque.
Al establecer el timelock en base a una marca de tiempo, los mineros esperan a que transcurra el tiempo establecido en segundos. Es decir, que se alcance un momento determinado para hacer la validación de la transacción. Esto se mide con la marca de **[tiempo Unix](https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tiempo_Unix)**.
## Tipos de Bloqueo
### **nLockTime**
Se trata de un bloqueo de tiempo absoluto a nivel de script. Fue el primero en ser implementado por Satoshi Nakamoto en el software original de bitcoin. Se puede encontrar [aquí](https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/blob/668de70be039a4f1ffcf20aeae2a22ee71fc55a8/src/validation.cpp#L223).
Cuando se utiliza este parámetro en una transacción, ésta permanece inválida hasta que transcurre el tiempo especificado.
Así sería la estructura de una transacción Bitcoin en la que el tiempo de bloqueo está establecido en 0:
"version": 1,
"locktime": 0,
"vin": [
"txid": "7957a35fe64f80d234d76d83a2a8f1a0d8149a41d81de548f0a65a8a999f6f18",
"vout": 0,
"scriptSig" : "3045022100884d142d86652a3f47ba4746ec719bbfbd040a570b1deccbb6498c75c4ae24cb02204b9f039ff08df09cbe9f6addac960298cad530a863ea8f53982c09db8f6e3813[ALL] 0484ecc0d46f1918b30928fa0e4ed99f16a0fb4fde0735e7ade8416ab9fe423cc5412336376789d172787ec3457eee41c04f4938de5cc17b4a10fa336a8d752adf",
"sequence": 4294967295
"vout": [
"value": 0.01500000,
"scriptPubKey": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 ab68025513c3dbd2f7b92a94e0581f5d50f654e7 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG"
"value": 0.08450000,
"scriptPubKey": "OP_DUP OP_HASH160 7f9b1a7fb68d60c536c2fd8aeaa53a8f3cc025a8 OP_EQUALVERIFY OP_CHECKSIG",
Si el *nLockTime* especificado es inferior a 500 millones, el parámetro se interpreta como la altura del bloque, lo que significa que la transacción sólo se valida cuando se alcanza un número de bloque específico; de lo contrario, si el valor es superior a 500 millones, se interpreta como una marca de tiempo UNIX, en cuyo caso, la transacción permanece inválida hasta que ha transcurrido una marca de tiempo específica.
> 🗓️ *nLockTime* puede bloquear una transacción hasta 9.500 años utilizando números de bloque y 2.106 años utilizando marcas de tiempo. En la mayoría de los monederos, este valor suele ser 0, lo que indica que la transacción se valida inmediatamente después de su construcción.
### **nSequence**
*nSequence* es un campo que puede utilizarse para un bloqueo temporal relativo a nivel de transacción, especificando el tiempo mínimo de espera hasta que una entrada puede añadirse a un bloque dependiendo de hace cuánto tiempo se minó la salida anterior.
ℹ️ Tomando como ejemplo el gráfico de arriba:
Tenemos dos transacciones: A y B. Si la salida A (que es la entrada de B) tiene un número de secuencia de 10 bloques, significa que B sólo puede añadirse al bloque una vez se hayan generado 10 bloques después de que A se incluyera en un bloque.
Además, *nSequence* nos permite añadir varias condiciones temporales diferentes dentro de una misma transacción. Así, una transacción sólo será válida si se cumplan todas las condiciones.
### CheckLockTimeVerify (CLTV):
`OP_CLTV` añade un obstáculo en el script de bloqueo haciendo que los UTXO (monedas) no se puedan gastar hasta que haya transcurrido el tiempo especificado en *nLocktime*.
También permite a los usuarios cambiar los parámetros de autenticación de las direcciones de wallets multifirma. Tomando como ejemplo una dirección de wallet multifirma 2-de-3, CLTV se puede utilizar para cambiar el parámetro cuando se cumplan las condiciones a 1-de-3. En este caso, una persona puede recuperar fondos en las condiciones predefinidas especificadas en la transacción.
Ejemplo de OP_CLTV:
Alice y Bob crean cada uno su propio par de claves. Después Bob crea el siguiente script:
<Alice’s pubkey> CHECKSIGVERIFY
Después de crear el script, Bob lo *hashea*, lo codifica como una dirección P2SH y lo envía a la dirección a Alice.
Si Alice envía bitcoin a esta dirección, puede canjearlo con el siguiente scriptSig:
`0 <Alice’s signature> 0`
Una vez transcurridos los 6 meses, Bob también puede disponer de los fondos con el script:
`0 <Bob’s signature> 1`
### CheckSquenceVerify (CSV):
`OP_CSV` hace que el UTXO no se pueda gastar hasta que haya transcurrido una cierta cantidad de tiempo/bloques en relación con el momento en que se minó el UTXO en cuestión.
Por ejemplo, si OP_CSV se establece en 65 bloques, el UTXO sólo se podrá gastar cuando haya transcurrido un tiempo estimado de 65 bloques desde que se minó el UTXO.
CheckSequenceVerify se utiliza en la capa 2 de Bitcoin (Lightning Network) porque permite encadenar múltiples cadenas de transacciones. Este script da la posibilidad de establecer una fecha de caducidad relativa a la primera transacción emitida, por lo que se puede crear una cadena de transacciones manteniendo las garantías de timelock.
Ejemplo de OP_CSV:
Una fianza (escrow) que caduca automáticamente 60 días después de ser depositada:
Alice, Bob y un servicio de custodia crean un multisig 2-de-3 con el siguiente script:
2 <Alice's pubkey> <Bob's pubkey> <Escrow's pubkey> 3 CHECKMULTISIG
<Alice's pubkey> CHECKSIG
[Nicolas Dorier](https://twitter.com/NicolasDorier) (BTCPay Server) [comparaba](https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/5i1ax7/comment/db4vo9j/) CLTV y CSV de la siguiente manera:
> - Con *CheckSequenceVerify* puedes decir: Quiero que esta salida sea gastable cuando tenga X confirmaciones (relativa al tiempo de minado)
> - Con *CheckLocktimeVerify* puedes decir: Quiero que esta salida sea gastable a la altura de bloque X (tiempo absoluto)
# Miniscript
Cada vez que transaccionamos bitcoin le estamos indicando a la wallet que ejecute un comando con algunos parámetros como dirección a la que quieres enviar, la cantidad que quieres enviar, el UTXO que deseas utilizar, la tarifa que se está dispuesto a pagar a los mineros para asegurar la transacción y, por supuesto, una firma válida de tu clave privada.
Para ello, la wallet utiliza scripts establecidos u OP_CODES nativos de la red bitcoin.
Esta lista de instrucciones aceptadas por la red bitcoin y registradas con cada transacción describe cómo la siguiente persona que quiera gastar los bitcoin que se transfieren puede acceder a ellos. Esto es lo que se conoce como script.
La mayoría de nosotros no tenemos que lidiar con esos comandos gracias a que los desarrolladores han diseñado aplicaciones y dispositivos que garantizan una experiencia fluida y segura.
Los **Miniscripts** son un lenguaje de programación simplificado diseñado para crear scripts de Bitcoin reduciendo la cantidad de cálculos complejos.
Esto ayuda a reducir el riesgo de errores y los hace ideales para aplicaciones personalizadas y contratos inteligentes más avanzados en la red de Bitcoin.
## Casos de uso de Miniscript
Miniscript abre la posibilidad a distintos usos que hasta ahora eran impensables (por la complejidad que supondría programar en BitcoinScript). Veamos algunos de ellos:
### **Multifirma con decadencia**:
Se podría crear una cartera multi-firma que requiera un 3 firmas de 5 para desbloquear los fondos, pero a medida que pasa el tiempo o se alcanza un tiempo de bloque determinado, esa multi-firma se convierta en una 2 de 3 permitiendo menos claves para mover fondos, en caso de que algunas partes de la multi-firma hayan perdido el acceso a sus respectivas claves.
### **Herencia programada**:
Otra de las posibilidades que habilita miniscript es la creación de una cartera de herencia donde se especifica que una de las firmas de una cartera multi-firma pueda disponer de los fondos después de un cierto tiempo o de una cantidad determinada de bloques desde que los fondos fueron trasladados a esa cartera.
### **Apertura retardada**:
Si la cartera de un usuario se ve comprometida, éste puede recurrir a la estrategia del "botón del pánico" para proteger sus fondos. Esto implica trasladar rápidamente los fondos a un almacenamiento en frío ultraseguro, al que debe ser muy difícil acceder, antes de que expire el bloqueo temporal, impidiendo el acceso no autorizado.
Esta medida de último recurso, garantiza la seguridad de los fondos, ya que el atacante es prácticamente incapaz de acceder a ellos, aunque también será bastante incómodo para el usuario. Esta opción de almacenamiento podría ser una dirección Bitcoin alternativa gestionada por una clave privada almacenada de forma segura en una cámara acorazada remota en otro país, por ejemplo, accesible en última instancia para el usuario pero que suponga un obstáculo insalvable para el atacante.
## Descriptores
Un descriptor es una representación legible de cómo se pueden gastar los UTXOs de tu wallet.
Un descriptor que soporta miniscript es aquel que permite añadir de forma sencilla condiciones programables como timelocks (bloqueos temporales), multifirma, …
# Recursos para saber más
Si quieres seguir profundizando en esta madriguera te recomendamos este podcast de [Lunaticoin](https://lunaticoin.com/) con [José Luís Landabaso](https://twitter.com/landabaso), autor de la librería [BitcoinerLab](https://bitcoinerlab.com/) en la que Fundy se han basado para su proyecto:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube-nocookie.com/embed/13P83RVnKjw?si=40GZlOBDWpA1LtVK" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Incluso puedes probar a crear tu propia demo de wallet miniscript con BitcoinerLab, que es una librería de software que utiliza el lenguaje de programación Javascript, que te permite crear wallets que utilicen descriptores que soporten miniscript:
Si quieres probar una wallet que ya implementa miniscript, prueba con Liana:
Esperamos que os haya resultado útil. Si te ha quedado alguna duda o quieres corregir alguna inexactitud te leemos en los comentarios.
@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2023-10-02 02:22:14
Hey all! Inspired by @verbiricha of doing his quarter progress report in public, I thought I’d share what I’ve been up to and the progress made in the first quarter since the OpenSats grant award.
First, none of this would be possible without support from OpenSats and for that I am very grateful! Being able to do work on Nostr is one of the best thing I could hope for! Thank you!
1. Launched [nostrdesign.org](http://nostrdesign.org) and updated it with content, reference designs.
2. Reviewed a bunch of client UI/UX and provided suggestions
3. Worked on designs - snort, zap stream, and redesigned some clients, while providing visual feedback where I could.
4. “Started” #nostrdesign hashtag to encourage design discussions, questions, comments, and feedback from anyone wishing to participate.
Since creating the **#nostrdesign** hashtag, we’ve seen a good amount of participation from the community. I am very pleased to see that people are using it to share design progress, ask for feedback, jumpstart ideas and propose improvements to existing clients.
The best part is that people who are not designers are able to chime in (and do so frequently) under discussions originated by designers / developers!
This is exactly what I was hoping to see happen. Instead of establishing yet an other closed group, I wanted the general user base to engage with nostr developers, express their thoughts and ideas. After all, designers don’t have all the answers, all the time.
People are asking great, and very important questions that could impact a large number of people coming into the space.
Designers are providing useful feedback to improve popular clients. I hope to see more designers get involved and chime in with their ideas!
Going forward, I would like to continue using the hashtag to encourage more participation.
**Developers -** don’t hesitate to ask for feedback often. Just add #nostrdesign to your notes.
**Designers** - your UX ideas and design expertise are needed to make the best experiences possible. Please drop in and chime in with your feedback when possible.
**Everyone** - you all use the apps and your feedback is priceless! Complain as much as necessary, this is how we learn. Just tag #nostrdesign so we can come up with better solutions to existing issues.
**Client Reviews & Feedback**
The following is a list of clients I have provided feedback for, designed parts of, or put forth major design proposals during the first quarter (I am currently uploading recordings to a YouTube channel to make them accessible to everyone):
1. **Lume** - [onboarding review](https://github.com/luminous-devs/lume/issues/85) and some minor design mockups. Reya (Lume developer) said he implemented the recommendations, but I need to review again (on my to-do list). [Video recording](https://cln.sh/HmGh0wT7).
2. **Damus** - [home page design idea](https://www.figma.com/file/0tDzcricDSaKTb9PtS0yXL/Damus-Marketing?type=design&node-id=0:1&mode=design&t=3OMbAvuVuotpeqPM-1)
3. **Stargazr** - full client review, recommendations and the start of a r[e-designed client](http://www.apple.com).
4. **Pinstr** - provided [actionable feedback](https://cln.sh/5Blcg8bJ) for @Sepehr.
5. **Listr** - @JeffG asked for feedback several times and I reviewed the client before and after feedback, providing further recommendations. ([Round 1](https://cln.sh/LrXTG5fZ), [Round 2](https://cln.sh/PMGkSGsP) feedback)
6. **Slidestr** - provided feedback and [designed](https://www.figma.com/file/ZT64EeJSxCl5BGvKmK44ZK/Slidestr?type=design&node-id=0:1&mode=design&t=evJbPT6jPvlqn5IU-1) what I would consider to be the ideal experience.
7. **Swarmstr** - @pitunited asked for feedback and I [reviewed](https://cln.sh/JYh2MLNS) the entire client.
8. **Current (iOS)** - egge asked for feedback and I created an [issue in their GitHub](https://github.com/starbackr-com/current/issues/33), along with a video.
9. **0xChat** - water asked for feedback. I reviewed the client on video and made recommendations.
10. **Nostree** - provided feedback and design ideas
11. **Primal** - some design ideas which may or may not make it into production, we’ll see!
12. **noStrudel** - minor feedback and designing some ideas for **@hzrd149**
13. **Habla** (work in progress). I have provided some styling and UX feedback and I’m currently working on designing the changes.
14. **Spring** - Artur approached me about the idea behind Spring and needed some help shaping his vision. I designed the product experience ([Figma file](https://www.figma.com/file/AjUM205cl1zVGwalHHF7tJ/Nostr-OS-Mobile?type=design&node-id=423:14057&mode=design&t=YKkGPVACHJedPGsy-1)) and he implemented it on Android, perhaps with his own ideas mixed in.
15. **Yana** - Yana asked for a full review and I provided [a recording](https://cln.sh/9y6SxQy6) of my initial experience and recommendations.
16. **Nosta** - Christoph asked me to review the client, and I did so in full, providing my [experience, ideas and recommendations](https://cln.sh/lLVbvYHp). Christoph is now implementing some of the ideas / recommendations!
17. **Vendata** - Pablo asked me to look at the current state of the (proposed?) redesign and I chimed in with my thoughts.
18. **NostrNet.work** - I really liked the project and pitched an unsolicited design idea.
19. **PlebeianMarket** - @Chiefmonkey asked for feedback on PM. I provided [a recording](https://cln.sh/tCff57Nx) of my thoughts.
20. **Snort** - snort has seen many improvements in features. Kieran and I are working closely to shape the client. I redesigned Snort for version 2 that he managed to ship not long ago. This was a major project. I also updated Snort’s CSS, both dark and light mode and improved some of the UX directly through a pull request.
21. **Zap.stream** - I am also working with Kieran on a continuous basis to improve zap.stream. Due to Snort V2 being in the works at that time, we didn’t have as much time to work on zap.stream but we managed to add a new onboarding flow which I designed. Roland did a lot of the work on development side. I am currently engaging Kieran to see what needs to be done next.
**Design Help**
The following is a list of clients I was involved with, ranging from major contributions to minor enhancement proposals:
- Snort (major)
- zap.stream (major)
- Damus (minor)
- Spring (major)
- NostrNet.work (somewhere in between)
- Primal (minor)
- Habla (major initially, now minor)
- Nostree (none initially, major design mockups currently)
- Pinstr (design ideas mockups)
- Slidstr (design ideas mockups)
- Stargazr (none initially, major design mockups currently)
**Nostr Design Guide**
In Q1 [https://nostrdesign.org/](https://nostrdesign.org/) was born! There were some technical challenges (for me personally), but thanks to help from Gigi and Daniele, the resource is live.
I’ve made substantial progress in content, including reference designs. The bulk of the time on the guide is in reference designs.
The guide still needs additional examples, and some of the content is missing (like Accessibility). This is a work in progress.
The reference components are ongoing endeavor. I’d like to cover all the basic use cases, desktop and mobile and provide guidance on any new questions that come up (such as mute words).
Since the launch of the guide I have seen a lot of positive feedback with people frequently referencing the website (even on live streams). I am humbled by this and hope to make the resource even more useful.
**Next Quarter Plan**
In the following quarter, I plan on allocating my time as follows:
- **Rounding out** the nostr design guide with examples.
- **Reference components** for nostr design guide - especially the crucial parts that are asked about the most.
- **Following up on the feedback** I have provided for various clients and devs to see if they are acting on it, why not if not, and if there’s anything I can do to help them make progress.
- **Providing Quality Assurance reviews** on the work that was implemented.
- **Improving existing clients** with better UX ideas.
- **Engaging with the nostr community** to find better ways of doing things, learning about what’s working and what’s not working.
- **Exploring UI / UX improvements** on new ideas put forward by developers and the general nostr community.
- **Helping clients think about growth and monetization strategies.** I have already outlined some ideas for Snort (informal ideas) and Zap.stream
**Got feedback?**
Clients, designs, business ideas, personal, any feedback you have, I am all ears! You can leave comments right on this note, DM me, or email [karnage@opensats.org](mailto:karnage@opensats.org). I take note of all the feedback and consider individually, so you’ll always be heard. Thank you!
@ fc8cdfb4:9cacf88d
2023-10-01 20:52:13
>*Thy sons and thy daughters shall be given unto another people, and thine eyes shall look, and fail with longing for them all the day long; and there shall be no might in thine hand. The fruit of thy land, and all thy labours, shall a nation which thou knowest not eat up; and thou shalt be only oppressed and crushed alway: So that thou shalt be mad for the sight of thine eyes which thou shalt see.*
- Deuteronomy 32-34
## Smells Like Journalism
Elon Musk recently made a trip to the Texas border where he streamed himself conversing with several local government ~officials~ drones. Through this I learned that I was off by a 10x in regards to the propaganda I have been spreading to the people forced to stand next to me in the ~checkout~ self-checkout line at the local grocery digz.
See, I have been chicken-littling it all over this damned forsaken town with my biscuits-a-burnin', hollarin' bout "there's fifteen-hundred a day pourin' in down yonda!!! what's lil' Johnny gunndo!!?? This can't go on! And that's just the ones the are countin'! Buy fucking bitcoin!!!" and all of that jazz. Mouth agape, most just stare.
Come to find out from "Mars" colonizer turned America's foremost intrepid traveling journalist on-the-beat, Elon "Geraldo" Musk, the official numbers are more like 11,000/day and at the time of the reporting increasing rapidly, daily. In my estimation, having been observing the occupied government's local rendering of services and general level of functioning for decades, they'll receive from me a charitable 50% effectiveness rate at whatever they do. And there's my 10x - It's highly likely, with all the uncounted invaders, that there are 20,000/day illegally entering our country.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/7EvQNpGY89o?si=sGw-gWSRXV5bj3hK" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
## Sun Day Driver
The day was lovely here as an encroaching Boreas mercifully paused somewhere just beyond the tangerine horizon and Apollo ruled the warm autumn afternoon. As I sat sapping up a few more pages of my book in the purpling twilight, I suddenly heard a loud crash from ahead. I looked up, following the road that hugs the field behind my house, and saw a white flatbed truck careening down the road. Just beyond it I spotted large piece of metal lying across the road. Whipping my neck back to the truck as it sped by, I noticed it had two large industrial grade John Deere lawnmower tractors on its bed. I thought the driver must have dropped some gear and I gave him the signal to turn around. But something didn't seem right. I saw his silhouette and got a frenetic vibe. Now suspicious, I took a closer look at the metal object in the road and it appeared to be a gate. Out of sight now, I could still hear the truck wildly jostling around as it sped away.
For the sake of an argument we're gonna straight-up assume this guy was an illegal immigrant. So [ladies](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2F3xrgc6mbj8d51.png%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc06f07cd243fc078cf510983d89e8d7907573eee) - you can leave now. Stealing lawnmowers in this neighborhood clearly belongs to the Latinos. And on this Sunday, the day of the Good Lord no less, this invader hopped the fence to the local city facilities, slipped into a truck in which the keys were left cuz white societies ~are~ were high trust, and drove the thing right through the gate.
I could tell, from the few hundred yards away that I was, that the gate was blocking nearly the entire road because cars were stopping in both directions, making their way around the oncoming shoulder in turns, after staring for a bit. I decided to walk down there to tell any arriving police what I saw. I hesitated, thought about how much I despise the current order, of accelerationism, of flames and ashes, and finally of children hit by cars on the streets of China, bleeding out as folks walk by unperturbed, before re-committing.
Just as I arrived on the scene, the cop pulled up. He got out of his cruiser, surprisingly not oinking, but smiling. I approached and told him what I saw - a white truck with a flatbed loaded with two John Deere mowers flying erratically down the road. Behind his odd grin, it seemed the wheels weren't turning. He sorta half-nodded, unceremoniously turned around, and approached some other immigrant that had also stopped. They seemed very friendly with each other, but I'm certain they were strangers. It was odd - I guess I was expecting him to at least put out an APB or something but maybe I used to watch too much TV.
Anyhow, we all moved the gate off the road. I then asked him if he was gonna put out an alert or something. "Well, were there any markings on it?". "What? It's a big white truck with two tractors on the back," Said I, "And it probably has the Parks and Recreation logo on it." Again, he shrugged and also muttered that someone else was coming out to check it out. Either this guy is way too comfortable with this fucking Mayberry sentiment he's throwin' around, or he's bogged down and emascualted by the heffers in the HR Dept. It's most likely a bit of both, but at any rate, we're fucked.
## The End
So here we are. America is being invaded to the tune of ten to twenty thousand illegals (overwhelmingly *young* fighting and fucking aged men) ***daily***. And these aren't the illegals of yesteryear, raised in traditional families with old school work ethics and Christian values. These are the new kids, having been educated by the technocratic globalist anti-white forces to think the European man and his descendents are the colonizer slavemasters of their great-great-great nanas. With that "history" plugged into their minds, they can have ZERO respect for the country and its host population - ANYTHING can be justified by a naive low-IQ young mind jacked up on anti-white propaganda.
Clothed in the absolute tack of negrified and imitation-brand TV fashion, and raised on internationalist gangster murder rap while re-runs of Baywatch and it's contemporary degenerate clones plant firmly in their polluted microscopic noggins that white girls are easy sluts, these so-called migrants are psy-op'ed weapons of the deep state.
Combined with an emasculated and bureaucratically paralyzed police force what you have is a nice recipe for the final apocalypse of this country as we knew and remembered it. Oh, by the way, our "leaders" are moving to give the illegals jobs as police:
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/iELgk8W9hFk?si=N02UJh18q9VyDm4q" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
This should all work out dandily. Buckle up. It's gonna be a rough couple of decades. But Elon and [Whitney Webb](https://www.amazon.com/One-Nation-Under-Blackmail-Vol/dp/B0BYQGK3Z4/ref=sr_1_4?crid=10ADOIATVGYD&keywords=one+nation+under+blackmail+vol+1+and+2&qid=1696184920&sprefix=one+nation+under+bl%2Caps%2C138&sr=8-4) should split the Pulitzer.
@ 7f5c2b4e:a818d75d
2023-10-01 08:44:41
# Intro
Nostr is so much bigger than just social media, it is a decentralized communications protocol, which means that it can act as a tool of broadcasting any type of information across the Internet, and nobody can censor or stop it. It is natural, that Social Media was the first use case that came about - we see so many examples of people being stopped from sharing their views, their observations and concerns. Nevertheless, Twitter and Facebook replacements are just a tip of the iceberg. "A Million Tiny Worlds" will cover the "non-social-media" side of Nostr, which, frankly saying, many of us find much more exciting. Today we will focus on the apps, which could be generally categorized as productivity solutions; we will cover:
1. [Highlighter](https://highlighter.com/)
2. [Listr](https://listr.lol/)
3. [Pinstr](https://pinstr.app/)
4. [Nostree](https://nostree.me/)
5. [Favvy](https://favvy.com/)
> If you feel like more apps belong here, please DM me - your feedback is much appreciated!
## Highlighter
- Website: [https://highlighter.com/](https://highlighter.com/)
- Developer: nostr:npub1l2vyh47mk2p0qlsku7hg0vn29faehy9hy34ygaclpn66ukqp3afqutajft
Highlighter is an incredibly powerful productivity tool, which allows you to highlight (duh😄), share and comment on the most thoughtful expressions. Moreover, with Highlighter you can create both short- and long-form notes, categorize and group them into lists and even post them on behalf of your child Nostr accounts. A detailed guide on Highlighter is available [here](https://habla.news/tony/1682435612123). An overview of long-form notes can be found in [this post](https://habla.news/tony/8oibdczik3paxgtf).
### A quick overview
Highlighter allows you to:
- Highlight any chunk of text - be it on a website, in a pdf document, on Twitter, or anywhere else - and turn it into a Nostr event. These highlights can be further interacted with as regular Nostr events.
- Create both public and private lists, which can be interacted with like regular Nostr lists and serve as folders to contain categorized notes. Think plans, grocery lists, favorite books etc.
- Utilize lists as your Nostr sub accounts to post updates on your ongoing projects and keep interested nostriches updated. Here's my child account dedicated to the progress of open sourcing my educational Bitcoin-only project: nostr:npub10kqkn727y9pwa95zctwd4xpswh27wlkrk6rf68kdw3rr6jn24utqh3w94h
- Use a dedicated [chromium extension](https://github.com/pablof7z/highlighter-chrome-extension/tree/master) (not yet normie-friendly😅) to make highlighting stuff more convenient.
- Log in with both a NIP-07 extension and [Nsec Bunker](https://habla.news/tony/nsecbunker-v2).
## Listr
- Website: [https://listr.lol/](https://listr.lol/)
- Developer: nostr:npub1zuuajd7u3sx8xu92yav9jwxpr839cs0kc3q6t56vd5u9q033xmhsk6c2uc
Listr is a simple yet versatile tool that allows you to create, browse and manage Nostr lists. It comes in incredibly handy when trying to group Nostr events, notes or users.
Thanks to Listr you can create different kinds of lists:
- Mute list: (kind: 10000) This is for muted users and conversations.
- Pin list: (kind: 10001) This is for pinned conversations.
- Categorized People list: (kind: 30000) This is a list of users with a title. Hence, you can store any type of people list you'd like.
- Categorized Bookmark list: (kind: 30001) This is a list of notes with a title. Hence, you can store any arbitrary list of notes you'd like.
Lists can be further used for multiple purposes:
- Personal interactions: Create a bookmarks list to not lose valuable notes.
- Share with others: Prepare a categorized list of your favorite books to be able to further share this list on Nostr.
- Personalized Nostr feed: Create a categorized people list and turn it into your Nostr feed (there are a number of clients that allow this, like Amethyst, Kiwi and many more). This lets you follow users' notes without having to subscribe to their account.
Here's a list of Habla News contributors I've put together:
Listr also allows you to add private accounts or events to your lists, which means you can secretly follow nostriches, create stealthy lists of notes and generally bookmark whatever you want without worrying about your privacy.
There's more! Thanks to Lists Nostr can even replace your favorite RSS reader:
## Pinstr
- Website: [https://pinstr.app/](https://pinstr.app/)
- Developer: nostr:npub18c556t7n8xa3df2q82rwxejfglw5przds7sqvefylzjh8tjne28qld0we7
Pinstr is a beautifully designed Nostr client for curating and sharing interests with the world. With Pinstr, you can easily organize and discover new ideas, inspiration, and recommendations. Whether you're into movies, music, food, Bitcoin, Nostr, or anything else, Pinstr has got you covered. Plus, you can engage with other users by liking, commenting, and zapping their boards.
Pinstr is arguably the best way to share your selections with "not-yet-purple-pilled" friends, as it offers an intuitive user interface, while supporting Nostr-native functionality. This type of apps are what I would call the "Nostr onramps," helping the protocol attract people.
Create your Pinstr board and start sharing today!
## Nostree
- Website: [https://nostree.me](https://nostree.me)
- Developer: nostr:npub1gzuushllat7pet0ccv9yuhygvc8ldeyhrgxuwg744dn5khnpk3gs3ea5ds
Nostree can be best described as Nostr-based Linktree on steroids. It provides a stunning set of functions and boasts handy interoperability every other quality Nostr app has. With Nostree you can create an informative landing page that will help you showcase any type of info you want across internet: your contacts, link to your blogging platform, traditional media accounts, projects you are working on ... you name it. But there's more: you can create an unlimited number of lists, making your profile shine even brighter and helping visitors of your page get to know you even better - you can create a list of your hobbies, another one with your favorite books, one with your favorite music and so on. And because these are Nostr lists, you are free to share them natively across Nostr and embed them like so:
Another cool feature of Nostree is that while Listr and Pingstr only allow you to create lists of Nostr-native events and profiles, Nostree does not enforce such restrictions. It utilizes [NIP-51](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/51.md), developed by the creator of Nostree, which among other things allows just [that](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/51.md#categorized-bookmarks-list).
Apart from letting you create lists, the app displays your recent short-form notes and long-form posts in dedicated tabs.
You can find a documentation page that clarifies all the aspects of interaction with this app [here](https://nostree.me/docs).
## Favvy
- Website: [https://pinstr.app/](https://pinstr.app/)
- Developer: nostr:npub1s2525grx0ysvsnjn9ealgg4x3yk5m04uha6ggsmcpgnyvvxel5ssmgvyak
Favvy is another Nostr-native alternative to Linktree. It is in many ways similar to Nostree, while being more minimalistic. This makes it a strong rival to the traditional online business card platform. Make sure to check it out - it may be a great solution for those of you who want to use a Nostr-native tool to share your links and contacts with normie friends and colleagues.
Another nice perk Favvy offers is the ability to create a nip-05 Nostr address.
# Outro
This pretty much wraps up todays collection of Nostr apps. Will see you next week with the next portion, where we will be digging into Multimedia and streaming apps.
Stay tuned and make sure to check out [my Habla page](https://habla.news/tony) - it holds a ton of detailed Nostr guides to keep you on top of this groundbreaking protocol and everything built on top of it.
@ dcda3546:bd70549e
2023-09-30 15:58:58
# [รถไฟ] เดินทาง
### ยามเย็นกับผู้คนมากมาย
หวูด หวูด เสียงทุ้มต่ำแหวกอากาศส่งเสียงฝ่าท่ามกลางความวุ่นวายของสถานที่แห่งนี้ เสียงอื้ออึงวุ่นวายชวนสับสน คละกลิ่นสารพัดสิ่งของสัมภาระให้พอเคล้าคลุ้งไปทั่วบริเวณ เหล่าผู้คนมากหน้าหลายตา บ้างร้องตะโกนโหวกเหวก เดินไปมา บ้างโยกย้ายบ่ายมือทำท่าทางแปลกประหลาด บ้างก็นั่งเล่นกีตาร์เคล้าคลอไปกับท่วงทำนองแห่งชนชั้น บางคนก็ถกเถียงกันจนตาแทบถลนออกมาจากเบ้าตา เสียงเด็กน้อยร้องไห้ร่ำหาอ้อมกอดกันจ้าละหวั่น กลิ่นกะปิน้ำปลาปะปนกันจนบางครั้งก็แทบอยากจะเบี่ยงหน้าหนี เสียงหวูดรถไฟกระชั้นเข้ามาเรื่อยๆตามทางถนนเส้นเหล็ก เปลวอุ่นจากการคลายความร้อนของเหล็กเส้นยามเมื่อต้องกระทบแสงแดดรอนๆ แม้ยามเย็นย่ำเต็มที่ แต่ก็ยังคงครุกรุ่นอยู่ให้พอเห็นอุณหภูมิช่วงกลางวันที่สะสมมาจนถึงยามนี้ พอถึงช่วงเวลาสำคัญเป็นอันรู้กันเมื่อยามสิ้นเสียงบดเหล็กเอี๊ยดอ๊าดจอดสนิทนิ่งตามเวลานัดหมาย แม้กำหนดการมันจะเคลื่อนผ่านจากเวลาตามตารางไปมากโขแล้วก็ตาม ช่วงเวลาเพียงพริบตาที่ไอ้ม้าเหล็กหยุดอยู่กับที่ ทุกสิ่งรอบข้างก็เข่งตะบึงโห่โหมวุ่นวายหลั่งไหลเบียดเสียดกระจองอแงไปพร้อมๆกัน บางคนชนกระทบไหล่ บางคนชนหลัง บางคนเหยียบเท้ากันให้อลหม่าน ภาพความวินาศสันตะโรขยาดย่อมจึงเป็นเรื่องปกติยามเมื่อหมู่มวลชนต่างมีจุดมุ่งหมายเดียวกันนั้นคือ ต้องการจับจองที่นั่งให้กับตนเอง เพื่อความสบายในการเดินทางที่ยาวไกลจนกว่าจะถึงจุดหมายปลายทางของแต่ละคน
### ชีวิต(ไม่)ต่างเหรียญ
ทันทีที่เราก้าวเหยียบแผ่นเหล็กบูโรทั่งแล้วไต่ตามแผ่นขั้นนั้นขึ้นไปจนสุดทาง เราจะพบกับทางราบเรียบยาวไปจนสุดทาง แล้วเชื่อมต่อด้วยกันเป็นเหมือนห้องๆหนึ่งที่เชื่อมต่อกันยาวเหยียด เรากลับเห็นว่ามันมีอีกโลกหนึ่งที่ซ่อนอยู่ เมื่อก่อนหน้านี้เรายืนอยู่บนพื้นคอนกรีตกว้างขวางท่ามกลางผู้คนขวักไขว่ แต่ตอนนี้เรายืนอยู่บนพื้นเหล็กที่แต่ละคนเบียดเสียดกันอยู่ท่ามกลางที่นั่งข้างทางเดินแคบๆ แทนที่ผมจะรู้สึกแปลกประหลาด แต่ผมกลับมองว่ามันดูเป็นสิ่งที่เป็นธรรมชาติสุดๆ มันสามารถอธิบายความเป็นไปบางอย่างได้ดีที่สุด ในพื้นที่หนึ่ง เมื่อมีขนาดกว้างขวางย่อมรองรับคนและสัมภาระได้มากมาย การกระจายตัวของสิ่งต่างๆย่อมทำได้ดีกว่าอีกพื้นที่หนึ่งซึ่งคับแคบแบบที่แห่งนี้ ปริมาณของคนและสิ่งของต่างๆ ในจำนวนเท่าๆเดิม
โดยที่เหรียญแต่ละเหรียญที่มีขนาดที่แตกต่างกัน มันหมายถึงมูลค่าที่ต่างกันตามแต่ละขนาดของเหรียญนั้นๆ เหรียญที่ใหญ่ย่อมมีราคามากกว่าเหรียญที่เล็กกว่า แต่หากลองพิจารณาดูดีๆ ความเป็นมูลค่าของเหรียญ หรือชนิดของเหรียญที่มีนั้น มันเกิดจากการตีตราตั้งราคาที่ต่างกันลงไป แน่นอนว่ามันเกิดจากการที่เราเอามูลค่าที่ผูกติดด้วยตัวเลขเหล่านั้นใส่ลงไปบนเหรียญ ด้วยจำนวนตัวเลขนั้นๆ มันจึงเกิดเป็นมูลค่าของเหรียญนั้นขึ้นมา ลองคิดกลับกันดูว่า ถ้าเราอยากพกเหรียญสักเหรียญหนึ่ง เราน่าจะอยากพกเหรียญขนาดเล็กมากกว่าใช่ไหม เพราะมันเบา มันเก็บง่าย ดังนั้น เราน่าจะกำหนดมูลค่าของเหรียญที่เล็กกว่าให้มันมากกว่าสิ เพื่อที่เราจะได้พกพาได้แบบคล่องตัว ใช้ชีวิตสบายๆด้วยการพกพาเพียงเหรียญเดียว ไปไหนมาไหนก็สะดวก จะดูแลรักษาหรือจัดเก็บก็ง่าย เหรียญยิ่งเล็กยิ่งมูลค่าเยอะ เพราะเราจะได้ไม่จำเป็นต้องพกพาเอาไปเยอะๆ แต่ความเป็นจริงมันกลับดูสมเหตุสมผลกว่า นั้น เหรียญต่างๆมันเกิดจากการที่เราใช้สิ่งของที่มีมูลค่ามาแบ่งเนื้อของเหล่านั้นออกเพื่อให้เกิดเป็นมูลค่าย่อยๆลงมา ดังนั้นแน่นอนว่ายิ่งชิ้นใหญ่จึงยิ่งมีมูลค่ามากนั่นเอง(ถึงแม้ว่าบางทีในปัจจุบัน เราจะดูแค่ตัวเลขบนเหรียญก็เถอะ เราเคยสนใจด้วยหรอว่าเหรียญหรือธนบัตรหรือตัวเลขทางบัญชีเหล่านั้น มันมีมูลค่าอะไรอยู่เบื้องหลังมันจริงๆ) หรือหากจะมองอีกมุมหนึ่งเป็นไปได้ไหมว่า โลกเราไม่ได้มองที่ขนาดของเหรียญสำหรับการพกพา แต่โลกเรากลับมองอีกด้านหนึ่งว่า มนุษย์เรามีความโลภมากกว่านั้น เรามักจะอยากได้ข้าวจานโตๆมากกว่าจานเล็กๆ เราอยากได้บ้านหลังใหญ่ๆมากกว่าบ้านหลังเท่ารูหนู เราอยากได้ขนาดที่ดินเท่าแมวดิ้นตายของศรีธนญชัยมากกว่าขนาดเท่าแมวดิ้นตายเพราะถูกรถชน เราอยากได้สิ่งที่เห็นและจับต้องได้ว่ามันคุ้มค่าด้วยปริมาณ หรืออีกกรณีหนึ่งถ้าเกิดเหรียญเล็กมีมูลค่าสูงจริงดังว่า หากนำไปซื้อสินค้าแล้วเกิดเงินทอนขึ้นมา สุดท้ายเราก็ต้องได้รับเหรียญขนาดใหญ่เป็นเงินทอนอยู่ดี แล้วเราจะพกพาเหรียญเล็กๆไปทำไม
. . . ดังนั้นจึงปรากฎความจริงขึ้นมาอย่างหนึ่งว่า การทำธุรกรรมด้วยเหรียญเพียงเหรียญเดียวคงไม่เพียงพอ . . . มันจึงเกิดเป็นเหรียญที่มีหลากหลายขนาด หลากหลายมูลค่าขึ้นมานั่นเอง
หากมองในแง่การเปรียบเปรย มูลค่าของเหรียญก็เหมือนคนจำนวนมากที่อยู่บนรถไฟขบวนนี้นั่นแหละ เราไม่มีทางรู้เลยว่าคนคนนั้นคือเหรียญอะไร เราอาจมองเค้าเป็นแค่เหรียญเล็กๆ มูลค่าต่ำๆตามความเคยชินของเรา ว่าเหรียญเล็กย่อมมีมูลค่าน้อย แต่จริงๆแล้วเค้าอาจจะเป็นเหรียญเล็กที่มีตัวเลขเยอะๆอยู่ก็เป็นได้ เพราะเค้าเพียงแค่อยากจะพกพาง่ายๆสะดวกๆ บางทีเราก็อาจมองบางคนในมูลค่าที่สูงหรือต่ำเกินกว่าตัวเลขที่อยู่หน้าเหรียญ ในตัวอย่างนี้เราอาจจะตอบได้ว่า มูลค่าของแต่ละคนอยู่ที่เรานำมันไปเทียบกับอะไร หรือมองมันอย่างไร หรือ มองจากตัวเองเช่นไร
ในท้ายที่สุดแม้แต่ละคนจะเป็นเหรียญอะไรก็ตาม ทุกคนกำลังอยู่บนด้ามปากกาเดียวกัน อยู่ในขบวนรถไฟเดียวกัน ทุกคนต่างกำลังพยายามทำสิ่งๆเดียวกันบนขบวนรถไฟขบวนนี้ คือ โดยสารรถไฟขบวนนี้ เดินทางโดยพยายามประคับประคองตัวเองให้อยู่บนรถไฟขบวนนี้จนกว่าจะถึงจุดหมายปลายทางของแต่ละคน
ชีวิต … มันจึงกลายเป็นเหมือนเราเรียงเหรียญบนด้ามปากกาทำนองนั้น ที่เราไม่อาจรู้เลยว่า มูลค่าของแต่ละคนมีขนาดไหน เขากำลังเอนไปทางซ้าย เซไปทางขวา หรือกำลังพยายามตั้งตนให้อยู่ตรงกลางด้ามปากกาได้ดีแค่ไหนเฉกเช่นเหรียญเหล่านั้น บางคนอาจแบกเหรียญที่มากกว่ามูลค่าของตนอยู่บนบ่า เพียงเพื่อหวังว่าสักวันหนึ่ง มันอาจจะส่งผลให้เหรียญเหล่านั้นมีมูลค่ามากกว่าเดิมเมื่อถึงจุดหมาย หรือบางคนพยายามแม้แต่จะแบกเหรียญที่เล็กกว่าจำนวนมากวางซ้อนๆกันให้เยอะที่สุด เพื่อหวังว่าเหรียญดังกล่าวเมื่อถึงปลายทางแล้วคงยังหลงเหลือบ้างสักเล็กน้อยก็ยังดี ด้ามปากกาเหล่านั้นล้วนแล้วแต่กลมมน มันพร้อมจะกลิ้งไปทางซ้ายทางขวาได้ทุกเมื่อ มันมีเพียงความกลมเท่านั้นที่ทำให้มันกลายเป็นสิ่งท้าทายเหรียญชนิดต่างๆ ให้วางได้อย่างสมดุลเท่านั้นจึงจะเป็นคำตอบในที่สุดว่าชีวิตเราสำเร็จหรือล้มเหลว
สุดท้ายแล้วผมก็ได้แต่พยายามกวาดทอดสายตามองหาที่นั่งบนรถไฟขบวนนี้ เพื่อหวังว่าการเดินทางที่แสนยาวไกลในครั้งนี้ มันจะทำให้ตัวเลขบนเหรียญของเราเพิ่มขึ้นบ้างสักเล็กน้อย
### แคปซูลมนุษย์
“หนู มานั่งตรงนี้ก็ได้นะ” ผมสะดุ้งเฮือกเล็กน้อยขณะที่ชายสูงวัยคนหนึ่งสะกิดแขน พร้อมเอ่ยปากชวนให้นั่งลงข้างๆ สายตาที่มองทอดยาวไปตามทางเดินแคบๆถูกเบี่ยงเบนมายังชายชราเจ้าของเสียงนั้น ผมพยักหน้าค่อมค้อมเล็กน้อยด้วยอาการฉงนใจในท่าทีที่ดูมีเมตตาของชายผู้นั้น
“อ่อ ขอบคุณครับ” ผมพูดด้วยความเหนียมอาย พร้อมทรุดตัวลงนั่งอย่างรวดเร็ว ด้วยกลัวจะเสียตำแหน่งเก้าอี้นั้นไป
“ขยับมาริมหน้าต่างสิ จะได้ดูวิวข้างทาง” ชายชราพูดพลางขยับออกจากที่นั่งริมหน้าต่างมาจนเบียดผมเล็กน้อย ผมพยักหน้าด้วยความเคอะเขิน แต่ต้องเลยตามเลยเปลี่ยนที่นั่งไปยังจุดริมหน้าต่างจากความอารีของชายชรา ทั้งที่คาดหวังตำแหน่งที่นั่งริมหน้าต่างนี้ไว้ตั้งแต่แรกแล้วก็ตามที
เวลาตะวันรอนแสงอ่อนๆ บรรยากาศช่วงนี้ช่างดูผสมปนเปกันอย่างยิ่ง ความอึดอัดในขณะที่คนเบียดเสียดกันตั้งแต่สถานีจนมาถึงที่นั่งบนรถไฟก็พลอยทำให้เกิดความรู้สึกที่ไม่คุ้นเคยกับจำนวนคนที่จอแจมากมายแบบนี้ แต่ขณะเดียวก็ก็รู้สึกตื่นตาตื่นใจกับภาพบรรยากาศแปลกๆที่เราไม่เคยเห็นมาก่อน อากาศร้อนจากช่วงบ่ายจนถึงช่วงเย็นก็ยังครุกรุ่นอยู่ แต่แปลกที่ความไม่คุ้นเคยกับทำให้เรารู้สึกหวาดหวั่นจนเย็นไปทั้งตัว เหงื่อที่ชุ่มผิวกายของแต่ละคน ถูกเบียดกันไปมาในพื้นที่ค่อนข้างจำกัด กลับทำให้รู้สึกอยากเว้นระยะห่างแก่กันเสียเหลือเกิน ติดอยู่อย่างเดียวที่พื้นที่มันจำกัดเกินกว่าจะหลีกหนีไปไหนได้ ช่วงเวลาที่ดีที่สุดคือการได้นั่งที่นั่งบนรถไฟเพื่อพักความล้า ทิ้งความเหนื่อย และทุ่มความรู้สึกต่างๆออกไปได้มากที่สุด ยิ่งไปกว่านั้นการได้นั่งที่นั่งริมหน้าต่างในช่วงเวลาที่คนเยอะขนาดนี้ก็คงจะหมายถึงการซื้อกล่องสุ่มแล้วได้ของแรร์ไอเท็มเต็มกล่องนั่นเอง
การที่เราละทิ้งความต้องการบางอย่างของเราไปเช่นการไม่ต้องพะวักพะวนกับการมองหาที่นั่งเช่นนี้ มันทำให้เราได้มีโอกาสมองอะไรได้มากขึ้นกว่าเดิม เริ่มจากหันมองทางซ้ายนอกหน้าต่างนั้น มันคือวิวทิวทัศน์ชานชาลาที่แสนวุ่นวายเหมือนที่เราประสบพบเจอมาก่อนหน้านี้ เมื่อหันมองทางขวาก็พบเจอกับเพื่อนร่วมเดินทางที่แสนใจดี ชายชราที่กำลังง่วนหาสิ่งของในย่ามของตนอย่างขลุกขลัก หากมองไปตรงหน้าหรือด้านหลัง ก็เป็นเหล่าเพื่อนร่วมเดินทางต่างเพศต่างวัยมากหน้าหลายตาที่อิริยาบทของแต่ละคนก็กำลังผ่อนคลาย และเตรียมตัวกับการเดินทางในครั้งนี้ คนมากมายรวมตัวกันโดยการซื้อตั๋วเพื่อโดยสารไอ้ม้าเหล็กเช่นนี้ ย่อมไม่ได้หมายถึงเพียงแค่การเดินทางครั้งนี้เท่านั้น ต่างคนต่างมีเป้าหมายในการเดินทางที่แตกต่างกัน หากเราจ้องมองที่ใครสักคนในขบวนรถไฟนี้เราย่อมเห็นถึงสิ่งต่างๆมากมายที่เกิดขึ้น มันเหมือนกับเราเห็นถึงแคปซูลที่บรรจุสารสำคัญเป็นคนคนนั้นลงไป ยิ่งเห็นการกระทำบางอย่างของคนเหล่านั้นยิ่งเหมือนเป็นตัวยาชนิดหนึ่งที่แตกต่างกันในแต่ละแคปซูล มันขึ้นอยู่กับว่า สารในแคปซูลเหล่านั้น มันออกฤทธิ์ในรูปแบบไหน ส่งผลต่อการทำงานส่วนใดของร่างกาย มีกลไกในการก่อให้เกิดผลอะไรบางอย่างขึ้นมาได้อย่างไร
อย่าลืมว่าส่วนสำคัญของตัวยา คือส่วนประกอบต่างๆที่ก่อให้เกิดตัวยาขนานนั้นขึ้นมา เช่นถ้าเมื่อเรารู้ว่ามันเป็นยาแก้ปวด เราย่อมรู้ว่ามันแก้ปวดได้ แต่ว่ามันแก้ปวดที่ส่วนไหนของร่างกาย แก้ปวดอย่างไร ทำงานลดอาการปวดเราได้อย่างไร นั่นแหละคือสิ่งที่เราไม่เคยรู้มาก่อน เช่น ยากลุ่มเอ็นเสด (NSAIDs) ออกฤทธิ์โดยการยับยั้งสารเคมีในร่างกายที่ทำให้เกิดอาการปวด บวม หรือ ยากลุ่มโอปิออยด์ (Opioid) มีฤทธิ์ช่วยลดสัญญาณความเจ็บปวดที่ส่งมาจากระบบประสาทและปฏิกิริยาของสมองต่อความเจ็บปวด ถ้าเป็นเช่นนี้ หากเราปวดใจซื้อหวยไม่ถูกเราควรทานยากลุ่มไหนดีกว่ากัน
เราลองมาดูวิธีคร่าวๆในการผลิตยาชนิดหนึ่งกัน โดยกว่าจะมาเป็นสารสำคัญในแคปซูลเหล่านั้น ต้องผ่านกรรมวิธีต่างๆมากมายเพื่อให้ได้สารเฉพาะตัวที่มีส่วนประกอบสำคัญตามต้องการ เมื่อได้สารประกอบที่ต้องการแล้วเราต้องมีการทดลองหาปริมาณที่เหมาะสมกับการใช้งาน พร้อมกับวัดผลและประเมินส่วนร่วมต่างๆไปด้วยพร้อมๆกัน ทั้งผลกระทบในส่วนอื่น อาการข้างเคียง อาการไม่พึงประสงค์ การแพ้ หรือข้อเฉพาะเจาะจงในการใช้ร่วมกับยาชนิดอื่นๆ หลายๆอย่างที่กล่าวมาย่อมต้องใช้เวลาในการทำงานเหล่านั้นกว่าจะบรรลุผลที่ต้องการได้
เช่นเดียวกับชีวิตของเรา เราเติบโตมาด้วยส่วนประกอบรอบข้างอย่างเฉพาะเจาะจง และแตกต่างกันไปในแต่ละคน ความหลากหลายในสิ่งแวดล้อมรอบตัวมักหล่อหลอมความเป็นตัวตนของเราไปส่วนหนึ่ง การใช้ชีวิตการดำเนินชีวิตในแต่ละคนก็ย่อมเป็นไปในทางที่แตกต่างกัน การศึกษาเรียนรู้ ความต้องการต่างๆ ระบบเศรษฐกิจการเมือง แม้แต่ฝนตกแดดออกในแต่ละวันแต่ละช่วงเวลา ก็ย่อมส่งผลให้แต่ละคนต้องดำเนินชีวิตไปในรูปแบบที่แตกต่างกัน ส่วนนี้นี่เองที่ทำให้ส่วนประกอบในการเป็นตัวเราเกิดความพิเศษขึ้นมา เราแต่ละควรล้วนเป็นสารสำคัญที่ส่งผลต่อผู้คนต่างๆมากมาย เราอาจออกฤทธิ์ในวงกว้างและมีผลกระทบต่อส่วนอวัยวะอื่นๆได้ หากเราเป็นนักการเมืองที่ฉ้อฉน หรือเราอาจจะเป็นเพียงยาแต้มสิวที่ ไม่ว่าคุณจะเกิดแผลไฟไหม้น้ำร้อนลวกหรือมีดบาดคุณก็ไม่มีทางเอายาแต้มสิวมาใส่แผลอย่างแน่นอน
ผมเลือกที่จะมองสาวผมสั้นใส่แว่นที่หน้าตาดูอิ่มเอมเป็นพิเศษที่นั่งห่างออกไปอีกสัก 3 ช่วงเก้าอี้ เธอเป็นเหมือนยากล่อมประสาทที่ทำให้ผมรู้สึกดีขึ้นที่ระบบสมองมันช้าลง ทำให้เกิดการตอบสนองต่อสิ่งเร้ารอบข้างได้ช้าขึ้น เสียงโหวกเหวกโวยวาย เสียงตะโกนซื้อขายของ กลิ่นไก่ย่างอันเย้ายวน และความอบร้อนในตู้รถไฟ ก็ถูกยากล่อมประสาทออกฤทธิ์เสียจนผมแทบไม่สนใจสิ่งใด แต่ทว่าผมลืมข้อความสำคัญไปบางอย่าง การใช้ยากล่อมประสาทจะต้องใช้ตามคำแนะนำของแพทย์ ... ไม่นานนักชายหนุ่มรูปร่างสันทัดสวมชุดสะอาดสะอ้าน หวีผมเรียบแปล้ ก็เดินขึ้นมาจากทางบันไดด้านหลังตรงเข้ามานั่งด้านข้างหล่อน พร้อมโอบกอดไหล่ดึงมาแนบชิดอก อีกมือชูถุงหิ้วใส่ของกินเต็มถุงโชว์หรา พร้อมยิ้มเจ้าเล่ห์แสนกลใส่เจ้าสาวแววตากลมโตคู่นั้น "ว่าแล้วเชียว" ผมคิดตะโกนในใจ บางทีผมอาจจะแค่ต้องการเพียงยาแต้มสิวมาปาดใส่ลูกกะตาก็ได้
ก่อนจะสิ้นแสงทอง ผมคิดว่ามีบางอย่างที่กำลังจะเกิดขึ้นต่อจากนี้ ผู้คนบางส่วนที่เดินแบกสิ่งของมามากมายเพื่อขายของ บางส่วนเริ่มเดินลงจากรถไฟ บางส่วนก็รีบกุลีกุจอหอบหิ้วของขึ้นรถไฟมาแบบไฟแล่บ บางคนก็เริ่มอยู่ในอาการสงบนิ่งอยู่กับที่นั่งตนเอง เสียงเอ็ดอึงเริ่มซาลงบางส่วน และเริ่มรู้สึกสั่นไหวที่พื้นเหล็กเบาๆ อ่า ... ใช่แล้ว เรากำลังเริ่มเดินทางไปสู่จุดหมายของเรา พร้อมกับแคปซูลชีวิตนับร้อยชีวิต ที่ต่างก็พยายามตอกตัวเลขมูลค่าของตัวเองลงไปให้เยอะที่สุด และสุดท้ายก็เพื่อพยายามอยู่บนด้ามปากกากลมๆให้รอดพ้นจากการตกหล่นลงไป เพราะแม้แต่เหรียญทองที่มีมูลค่ามากแค่ไหน หากตกหล่นลงไปแล้ว ก็ยากที่จะคว้ามันกลับมาทัน บางทีมันอาจถูกแย่งชิงจากผู้คนที่พบเจอมันเสียก่อน หรือบางทีมันอาจจมลงไปในโคลนตมแล้วเลือนหายไปตลอดกาล
@ 7f5c2b4e:a818d75d
2023-09-30 13:05:23
## Chef's notes
- While Daiquiri is often blended and served frozen, especially during hot summer days, this cocktail truly opens up and shines when it stays clear of a steel blade. Shaken Daiquiris are the true beauty.
- If you, however, decide to blend this bad boy, be careful when adding ice. It's always better to put little and then add some, than end up with a diluted drink.
- If you grow fond of Daiquiri (or any other cocktail in the sour category), it's best you learn how to make own simple syrup. This way you can fine tune its consistency (by playing with the ratio of sugar and water) and go for high quality sugar (e.g. raw brown sugar), which will give you results, that are impossible to achieve with mass produced syrups.
- Shake It Well: Shake the ingredients vigorously with ice. This not only chills the cocktail but also adds a pleasant frothiness.
- Pre-chill your glass in the freezer for an extra refreshing touch.
- Don't be afraid to experiment. While the classic Daiquiri is fantastic, don't be afraid to experiment with variations. You can try different types of rum, or muddle fruits/berries right in the shaker before adding the rest of ingredients for a unique twist.
## Details
- 🍳 Cook time: 2 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 1
## Ingredients
- 2 ounces light rum
- 1 ounce lime juice, freshly squeezed
- 3/4 ounce sugar syrup
- Garnish: lime twist or a wheel
## Directions
1. Add the rum, lime juice and sugar syrup to a shaker with ice, and shake until well-chilled.
2. Double strain through fine mesh strainer into a chilled coupe.
3. Garnish with a lime twist.
4. Pro tip: run the lime zest across the glass rim to have lime flavor compliment the refreshing taste of the drink; twist the zest over the drink to release lime's natural oils and further enhance the flavor.
@ f821179b:ed4fd022
2023-09-30 03:53:43
Initially, I was quite fond of Coracle when I first discovered it. That's not to say my enthusiasm has waned; rather, I found myself not returning to it as frequently as I do with other Nostr clients. The platform's user interface is exceptionally clean and straightforward, offering a guided process for newcomers to sign up, select relays, and get started. It's evident that the user experience was a focal point during the client's development.
Coracle boasts a few unique features worth noting:
Chat Tab - This is a distinctive element I haven't encountered on other clients. Coracle provides a tab where users can create or join chat rooms based on topics of interest. Regrettably, this feature hasn't gained the popularity the team had hoped for. As a result, it's likely to be phased out soon to allow the team to focus on higher-priority tasks.
Explore Tab - This tab features topic-curated, chatroom-like instances that anyone can create. Users can curate related events, share them, and discuss them with others who find the topics interesting. The tab has a Reddit-like ambiance, fostering communities built around common interests.
Music Player - That's right, a built-in music player has been added to Coracle, and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. While it doesn't allow users to select specific songs or upload their own, it serves as a platform to showcase music created and shared by Nostr artists. This feature enhances the experience of scrolling through your feed and simultaneously offers an easy way to discover new music you might otherwise miss.
Search - Initially, I wasn't impressed with Coracle's search functionality, especially when compared to Iris.to's more responsive search engine. However, that has changed. Coracle's search now performs as well as any other I've encountered. It's highly responsive, and I can usually find who I'm looking for with ease. That said, when it comes to searching for specific words or phrases, Iris.to remains my preferred option.
In conclusion, Coracle is a well-crafted client that's definitely worth sliding your keys into and taking for a spin.
@ a93be9fb:6d3fdc0c
2023-09-30 01:58:04
@ 5462f0ab:cdaf7e87
2023-09-29 23:56:13
[Read more related articles, you can follow me on the anti-censorship long content platform yakihonne.com
Vacuum robots are one of the coolest home gadgets out there! Like, imagine a creature going around your place without any remote control and on its own. Let’s see how it works in short before we get into the nitty-gritty details.
The vacuum robot uses powered wheels to move around autonomously and has a vacuum pump and a dustbin. It uses a camera to detect obstacles and a lidar sensor to map the entire space and find where it can travel in a room with obstacles. The entire room is covered without leaving any space uncleaned, using path planning algorithms. Finally, it goes back to its charging dock on its own by retracing the path.
## How does it move around?
Figure 1: Model of a vacuum robot with 2 powered wheels and a following caster wheel
The vacuum robot’s mechanical model is shown in Figure 1. It has two individually powered wheels and a caster wheel to facilitate movement. Powering the two wheels in opposite directions allows the robot to perform a turn in place. Additionally, the robot features two rotating side brushes, as seen in Figure 2, which collect dust from a wider area and direct it to the vacuum in the center.
Figure 2: Rotating side brushes to collect dust from a wider area for the vacuum pump
## How can it cover the entire space efficiently?
Figure 3: Efficient path for a vacuum robot to clean a room without obstacles
1. Let's take a room without any obstacles. The efficient path to clean the room is to follow the directions shown in Figure 3. The vacuum robot follows this path and takes the 90-degree angles close to the wall using a gyroscope sensor (which can measure orientation accurately).
2. All the vertical paths here are separated by a distance to prevent overlap while cleaning, and this distance can be accurately measured and covered using a wheel encoder.
3. Thus there is no variation and the path can be repeated every single time exactly!
## But what about Obstacles?
Figure 4: Efficient path in a room with obstacles using camera and lidar
1. The vacuum robot is equipped with a 2D lidar sensor to detect obstacles in the environment at a certain height, scanning the horizontal plane. As a result, it cannot detect a piece of cloth on the floor but can detect chairs, etc. This sensor gauges the distance of obstacles by emitting and collecting laser light. I wrote a newsletter explaining how lidars work if you’d like to delve deeper and gain a better understanding.
2. It uses a camera with a 3D depth sensor to recognize obstacles and detect objects like a cloth on the floor, which cannot be detected by a lidar, as we only use a 2D lidar sensor.
3. By combining the data from the lidar and camera through sensor fusion an efficient path to navigate around obstacles is generated using the path planning algorithm, as shown in Figure 4.
## Does it fall off the stairs?
Figure 5: Emitting light and collecting the reflected light to detect stairs
While moving, the robot might come across stairs. To avoid potential falls, sensors are placed on the edges of the robot, where contact with stairs happens first. These sensors emit constant infrared light onto the floor, and a detector notes the reflected light. If the robot begins moving over the stair edge, the changing reflected light, caused by the growing distance between the floor and the vacuum cleaner, triggers the robot to promptly turn and prevent falling.
## Fully Autonomous!
All this happens autonomously — pretty cool, right? That’s how a vacuum robot operates. Thank you for reading!
By:Chendur Singaram
@ 9ca0bd74:4052340b
2023-09-29 16:45:18
## Chef's notes
bon appetit lads
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 1 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 - 5 mins
- 🍽️ Servings: 1
## Ingredients
- tin of beans
- slice of bread
## Directions
1. open tin of beans (not optional)
2. heat tin of beans (optional)
3. toast bread (optional)
4. splash of ketchup on the side (not optional)
@ 7cfe499d:face299b
2023-09-29 08:29:50
<<Un espectro está surgiendo en el mundo moderno, el espectro de la criptoanarquía.>> “Manifiesto criptoanarquista” Thimothy C. May 1988
Los cypherpunks empezaron a agruparse dentro de una comunidad para desarrollar, compartir y hacer frente, juntos, a su visión de un mundo digital de vigilancia y control extremo. Lo que ellos ya empezaron a vislumbrar en los 70, llega hasta nuestros días con más fuerza que nunca; sistemas de vigilancia pública, tráfico de datos entre compañías y gobiernos, biometría, crédito social y demás mecanismos han venido cogiendo fuerza desde aquellos primeros bits que lanzaron los cypherpunks.
Con la llegada de la revolución Industrial, la tecnología y la producción en masa, nuestra sociedad llegó a un nuevo nivel. Desde este punto, la generación irracional de deuda, el exceso de regulación en el sector bancario, los crecientes costos económicos de la violencia y el gasto militar han permitido a los estados nación expropiar mucha riqueza a lo largo de nuestra historia moderna. Debido a esto, consideramos importante declarar activamente, día a día, nuestra libertad, soberanía e inclusión financiera, negarnos a la tiranía y denunciar estos actos criminales.
No hay justicia en seguir leyes injustas. Es tiempo de salir a la luz. A lo largo de nuestra historia reciente, las instituciones se han dedicado a difundir el miedo y la confusión, a polarizar a los individuos y a beneficiarse de ello a través de la propaganda y la desinformación. Además de crear un lenguaje burocrático y financiero inaccesible, el cual la mayoría de personas ni conocen, ni entienden debido a su deliberada naturaleza confusa. Conceptos fundamentales que directamente afectan la vida de todos, y de como funciona nuestra sociedad y economía actual.
Esto está a punto de acabar.
Sabemos que el software libre, así como las ideas, no pueden ser destruidas si están ampliamente distribuidas. Parafraseando a John P. Barlow, la red y el ciberespacio son los lugares donde vivimos y en él se puede dar la independencia intelectual, donde creamos colectivamente una civilización de la mente, mucho más humana, libre y hermosa que el mundo en el que vivimos actualmente, un mundo que todos sabemos es tremendamente corrupto e injusto. Debemos declarar nuestros “yo” virtuales inmunes a su soberanía tiránica. Nos extenderemos a través del planeta para que nadie pueda encarcelar nuestros pensamientos.
Hoy la libertad no puede, sino ser conseguida a través de la privacidad, una privacidad que sencillamente significa “el poder de revelarse selectivamente al mundo”, una privacidad que cada vez es más complicada de obtener. La privacidad es esencial para una sociedad abierta en la era de internet. Dicha privacidad, en una sociedad abierta, necesita de criptografía, y para que esta se extienda, debe formar parte del contrato social. **La privacidad solo llega hasta donde llega la cooperación entre individuos y comunidades.** La gente debe venir y desplegar juntos estos sistemas para el bien común. Nuestra sociedad necesita de individuos conscientes y con voluntad de proteger la privacidad, que sepan utilizar y transmitir las herramientas necesarias para ello.
Necesitamos crear comunidades comprometidas que nos proporcionen pertenencia, tanto en Internet como en nuestras ciudades.
Necesitamos usar las herramientas de las que disponemos para protegernos de la nueva violencia, que es más digital que física.
Necesitamos replantear la educación para así dar rienda suelta a nuestra creatividad y desplegar nuestro intelecto.
Necesitamos mecanismos para combatir la desinformación y la propagación de información falsa sin caer en la censura
Nosotros, construyendo esta comunidad, nos declaramos individuos libres y soberanos. Trabajamos para crear espacios físicos y digitales donde alojar el desarrollo y despliegue de sistemas alternativos, apoyar el software libre y su trasmisión, promover la libertad digital, la inclusión y soberanía financiera, dar espacio al intelecto, la independencia intelectual y la privacidad.
No necesitamos vuestros viejos mecanismos oxidados que, por primera vez en mucho tiempo, están a punto de colapsar por su propio peso. No podemos confiar en vuestras promesas, monedas y sistemas financieros exclusivos y represivos, tampoco os podemos confiar nuestra educación, salud, nuestro planeta ni su futuro. No renunciaremos a todas nuestras libertades individuales a cambio de vuestra supuesta protección.
Esto termina aquí, y esto termina ahora.
A través de la criptografía y el trabajo de nuestros antecesores cypherpunks se ha conseguido, por primera vez en la historia, un modelo de consenso global, el cual está abriendo debates fundamentales y permitiendo la inclusión en la economía global a las pequeñas economías, masacradas por la violencia e imposición tiránica de los grandes estados nación. Nosotros solo estamos cogiendo el testigo de nuestros antecesores, reconociendo este hecho y agrupándonos bajo él. Hace falta enfrentarse a la realidad, reflexionar, debatir y hacer, nosotros estamos dispuestos a ello.
Nuestra moneda es Bitcoin, nuestra organización es abierta y transparente, nuestras mentes son libres, nuestras herramientas también.
Con suficientes de nosotros alrededor del mundo, no solo enviaremos un fuerte mensaje oponiéndonos a la tiranía e injusticia – haremos que sea algo del pasado. Todos somos Satoshi.
¿Te unirás a nosotros?
Barcelona Bitcoin Only - 21/03/2023
Este manifesto es open source y de dominio publico, también puedes usarlo para definir las bases de tu comunidad.
[Repositorio github](https://github.com/BcnBitcoinOnly/bbo-manifesto)
@ 3b068efb:1a373159
2023-09-29 06:09:48
Swell said it will not proceed with its by and large procurement of Nevada-based contracted trust organization Stronghold Trust.
"Half a month prior, we marked a letter of expectation to get Fortification Trust - we've since pursued the choice not to push ahead with an out and out procurement, however Wave will stay a financial backer," Wave's Chief Brad Garlinghouse said via virtual entertainment stage X (previously Twitter).
Swell said on Sept. 8 that it planned to purchase Stronghold for an undisclosed sum. At that point, an individual with information regarding this situation said the sticker price was not exactly the $250 million Wave paid for care firm Metaco in May.
The other day, Stronghold Trust unveiled a burglary of clients' digital currency, later uncovered to add up to near $15 million. It nailed the fault to an anonymous outsider merchant that had succumbed a phishing assault. CoinDesk later recognized the seller as Retool, a San Francisco-based organization with Fortune 500 clients, which had fabricated an entrance for a small bunch of Post clients to get to their assets. Swell said the procurement talks originated before the burglary, however it sped up them.
Post Trust, which gives monetary and administrative framework to blockchain organizations, was shaped by Scott Purcell, who has a long history in the business. He was Chief of crypto caretaker Prime Trust until 2020. Years after he left Prime Trust, the organization was requested into receivership after individual overseer BitGo ended its proposed procurement of the firm.
By Aoyon Ashraf
Source: https://www.coindesk.com/author/aoyon-ashraf/
@ 34ff99cc:3dd38955
2023-09-29 01:04:27
Ethereum designers have relaunched the Holesky test network after a past endeavor prior this month fizzled.
On Thursday, Ethereum devs relaunched Holesky in what gave off an impression of being a fruitful cycle in the early hours of the livestream.
A designer remarked on the underlying achievement recorded such a long ways while one more kidded that there won't be a third form.
> "It appears as though the send off is effective"
"Must form a third one!"
In crypto spaces, the computerized resource local area commended the endeavors set up to introduce Holesky. X (previously Twitter) client "sassal.eth" composed: " The most current and biggest Ethereum testnet by validator count, Holesky, is presently live!
Credit to every one individuals who chipped away at getting this sent off."
Holesky testnet was intended to help the biggest brilliant agreement projects with a limit more noteworthy than Ethereum's current test organizations: Goerli and Sepolia.
The organization is supposed to have around 1.4 million validators, twofold the size of Ethereum, and will stop basically all scaling issues present on the testnet.
The choice to defer the send off after the error was because of the essential idea of the testnet for the eventual fate of the stage portrayed as an answer that will live for a really long time and will be significant in the rollout of Dencun hardfork
What was the deal?
Holeskey was booked to send off on Sept 15 to check the primary commemoration of the Ethereum Consolidation which saw the organization change to a Proof-of-Stake (PoS) agreement system disposing of diggers.
The occasion was exceptionally expected as it was charged to ultimately transition away from the Goerli testnet by 2024. In any case, the cycle experienced hiccups only a couple of hours after it sent off.
Diederick Loerakker, an Ethereum specialist, portrayed that some unacceptable information was credited from parts of the Beginning documents.
> Somebody put 0x686f77206d7563682069732074686520666973683f ("how much is the fish?") as additional information in the EL Holesky genesis.json, and not in the CL genesis.ssz
Misconfiguration, the organization neglected to send off.
Likewise, some other fork params in discharges are reputed to confuse as well. Need to relaunch. Not an issue with network-size at any rate."
Beaconchain.eth and different eyewitnesses noticed that in spite of the postponement, no harm will be finished as that is the general purpose of a testnet.
Should everything go as arranged with Holesky, Ethereum is charged to extend the hole between rivals in the making of decentralized applications (dApps) as the new testnet will draw in colossal tasks with viable versatility.
Support the author at: https://cryptonews.com/editors/david-pokima/
@ b17fccdf:b7211155
2023-09-28 22:35:49
A complete guide to building your own “DIY” **Bitcoin & Lightning** full node on a **personal computer**.
It builds on a personal computer with **x86/amd64** architecture processors.
It is based on the popular [RaspiBolt v3](https://raspibolt.org) guide.
**Those are some of the most relevant changes:**
* Changed OS from Raspberry Pi OS Lite (64-bits) to ***Ubuntu Server LTS*** (Long term support) 64-bit PC (AMD64)
* Changed binaries and signatures of the programs to adapt them to ***x86/amd64 architecture***
* Deleted unnecessary tools and steps, and added others according to this case of use
* Added some useful authentication logs monitoring commands in the security section
* Added some interesting parameters in the settings of some services to activate and take advantage of new features
* Changed I2P, Fulcrum, and ThunderHub guides, to be part of the core guide
* Added exclusive optimization section of services for slow devices
Complete release notes MiniBolt v1: [https://github.com/twofaktor/minibolt/releases/tag/1.0](https://github.com/twofaktor/minibolt/releases/tag/1.0)
[MiniBolt](https://minibolt.info) guide is available at: [https://minibolt.info](https://minibolt.info)
Feel free to contribute to the [source code on GitHub]https://github.com/minibolt-guide/minibolt) by opening [issues](https://github.com/minibolt-guide/minibolt/issues), [pull requests,](https://github.com/minibolt-guide/minibolt/pulls) or [discussions](https://github.com/orgs/minibolt-guide/discussions)
Created by [⚡2 FakTor⚡](https://twitter.com/twofaktor) member of the [Bitcoin Barcelona Community](https://bitcoinbarcelona.xyz/)
tw: [https://twitter.com/twofaktor](https://twitter.com/twofaktor)
reddit sub: [https://www.reddit.com/r/minibolt](https://www.reddit.com/r/minibolt)
Telegram groups:
* [English](https://t.me/minibolt)
* [Spanish](https://t.me/minibolt_es)
@ 81870f53:29bef6a6
2023-09-28 22:12:49
具体的には、今四半期のサウジの石油収入は、第2四半期と比較して1日あたり3,000万米ドル近く増加し、約5.7%増加する見込みです。この四半期全体の計算によると、サウジの収入は 26 億米ドル増加することになります。さらに、ロスネフチの今四半期の収益は約28億ドル増加する見込みだ。
@ b17fccdf:b7211155
2023-09-28 22:12:29
Build your own nostr relay step by step on your MiniBolt node! (**easily adaptable to other environment**) No need to trust anyone else! Be sovereign!
This guide includes a complete [extra section](https://v2.minibolt.info/bonus-guides/bitcoin/nostr-relay#extras) to cover the different processes for using nostr **as a user and relay operator**.
Link to the bonus guide:
PS: The MiniBolt project has its own free relay, be free to connect with it: `wss://relay.minibolt.info`
Let a review on [noStrudel](https://nostrudel.ninja/#/r/wss%3A%2F%2Frelay.minibolt.info) or [Coracle](https://coracle.social/relays/relay.minibolt.info) of your experience using it.
Remember, Nostr is freedom! Stay resilient! 💜 🛡️💪
@ 25dedfe8:97476202
2023-09-28 17:16:57
## Chef's notes
old fashioned book :D
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 3
- 🍳 Cook time: 10
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 50g Starch
- 2 tablespoons bake cocoa
- 125ml water
- 4 tablespoons sugar
- 2 pinches of salt
- 1 teaspoon butter
- 375ml milk ( >=3,5% )
## Directions
1. Put milk, butter and salt in a saucepan and bring it to boil
2. In the meantime stir the other ingredients in a different bowl together (starch, bake cocoa, sugar, water)
3. Take the saucepan (1.) from the heat and stir the mixture from (2.) into the hot liquid.
4. boil it up for 1min, while you still stir.
5. take it from the heat and enjoy it. <3
@ 52387c6b:49dbdfb2
2023-09-28 16:13:57
## Chef's notes
Not a health snack by any means but sometimes you just have too.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 1
- 🍳 Cook time: 0
- 🍽️ Servings: 1
## Ingredients
- 1 Bag of Chips
- 1 Bottle of Wooster
- 1 Bowl
- Many Beers
## Directions
1. Open Chips
2. Pour chips into bowl
3. Add Wooster to taste
@ 9be0be0e:c3cbb81e
2023-09-28 07:41:35
I’m not sure if nostr:npub180cvv07tjdrrgpa0j7j7tmnyl2yr6yr7l8j4s3evf6u64th6gkwsyjh6w6 had a Web of Trust in mind when designing nostr and its use of public contact lists but I think it’s very important to nostr’s future.
Technically there is no need to publish a follow list, if a nostr client wants to show a feed of follows it just needs a list of contacts, this list does not need to exist in public or on relays, but the fact that it does is what makes the Web of Trust work.
The only other Web of Trust that I know of is PGP’s Web of Trust, it is only used by IT and security people, which is also the reason why it is unusable for most people. It leaves no room for error because security has the highest priority in those circles.
But on nostr the Web of Trust is a side effect of just following people. You press Follow a few times and you are accidentally building a Web of Trust without even knowing it. It might not be perfect, but that’s also why it works, because it is so simple, like nostr itself.
Attempts to “fix” or improve the Web of Trust should be made with that simplicity in mind. Creating new lists with granularity of people you really trust, partially trust, don’t trust at all etc are all great, but this will make it possible for it to end up like PGP. Nostr’s Web of Trust works precisely because people don’t have to think about it.
There is also this idea that likes, reposts or any signal that can be made by users are useless because they can be gamed, but they can only be gamed if you don’t use a Web of Trust.
**Web of Trust fixes almost everything**
Web of Trust fixes spam, bots, abuse of trending/hot algorithms
Zaps were supposed to fix the problem of gaming/abusing likes or reposts, but Web of Trust fixes it better. Zaps are useful for sending value, so let’s use it to send actual value. 1 sat zaps are not much different from Like-spam and considering the technical overhead required for zaps and possibility for timeouts and failures it’s actually worse.
So, Web of Trust Makes Likes Great Again, and with that you can make algorithms that are useful to the individual instead of the advertisers or platforms.
*Example of a most basic Web of Trust filter (follows + follows of follows)*
Nostur uses follows + follows of follows to filter spam and bots, and it uses likes and reposts from follows uniquely ranked to create Hot and Gallery feeds.
Another example is nostr:npub1yxprsscnjw2e6myxz73mmzvnqw5kvzd5ffjya9ecjypc5l0gvgksh8qud4‘s https://oddbean.com, a community website where the content of the community is based on the administrator’s follows, the algorithm is incredibly simple and transparent, and it wouldn’t be possible if nostr did not have an accidental Web of Trust:
Now there are still some challenges to be solved, new users being onboarded won’t have a Web of Trust yet, maybe we could give them training wheels, a preloaded Web of Trust until they followed enough people to use their own.
Also, new users don’t exist in anyone else’s Web of Trust yet, so they won’t be seen until someone follows them. This is not a good new user experience.
You also might miss someone’s post because they are not in your Web of Trust yet.
These are all challenges and I will keep exploring solutions for these.
@ 1bc70a01:24f6a411
2023-09-28 00:41:33
## Chef's notes
You can substitute mussels with clams, or do both, and even add shrimp if you like. I don't measure anything, just eyeball everything and use any amounts of clams or mussels you like as long as it feels proportionate with spaghetti. Depending on the thickness of your spaghetti, you may need to cook it ahead of time, or at the same time as the toppings.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 5
- 🍳 Cook time: 10
- 🍽️ Servings: 2
## Ingredients
- Thin spaghetti
- Tomatoes (any kind)
- Garlic
- White Wine
- Salt
- Parsley (Optional)
- Parmesan Cheese (Optional)
- Mussels or Clams
- Olive Oil
## Directions
1. Wash and clean your mussels or clams. You can keep them in salted water so they open up and spit out any sand.
2. Heat up olive oil in a large pan or a deep pan, depending on how much pasta and mussels you're making. Deep frying pan is usually enough for 2 people
3. Add thinly sliced garlic
4. Throw in the washed mussels or clams, or both
5. Add white wine. Eyeball the amount - enough to let the mussels sit comfortably half-covered.
6. Cover with lid and steam on high heat until all of the mussels open up
7. Throw in chopped tomatoes. Use many, at least a cup. There's no such thing as too many tomatoes.
8. Salt everything generously
9. Steam for a few more minutes
10. Meanwhile, you should have your pasta ready or boiling to be ready any time. Do not overcook it! Cook to "al dente" texture (basically the minimum recommended cooking time)
11. Strain pasta but don't rinse. Add directly to your mussel-tomato-wine sauce and stir it all together. Turn off the heat, it's done!
12. Plate in a large bowl. Top with finely chopped parsley if you want, and grated parmesan cheese. Hot sauce optional. Enjoy!
@ 1fcae859:d631bc0b
2023-09-27 16:28:02
## Chef's notes
its just a test recipe, why are you looking at this
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 20 min
- 🍽️ Servings: 3
## Ingredients
- List the ingredients
- like this!
- List amounts if necessary
- Put (optional) at the end of optional ingredients
## Directions
1. Give the directions to prepare the dish.
2. Do not add unnecessary blank lines between items
3. Use a ordered list, like this.
## Addtional Resources
this is additional **markdown**! super cool
@ a723805c:0342dc9c
2023-09-27 13:56:38
## Chef's notes
Portuguese dishes are typically simple, relying on the quality of the ingredients rather than complex seasonings. Make sure to use fresh ingredients and good quality olive oil. Portuguese Soup is often served with Portuguese cornbread (broa) on the side. If you have access to this, it complements the soup beautifully.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 15 minutes
- 🍳 Cook time: 45 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 8
## Ingredients
- 2 tablespoon of olive oil
- 2 cups of chopped onions
- 1 pound chorizo, sliced or cubed
- 6 potatoes, peeled and cubed (a starchy russet recommended)
- 2 (15 ounce) cans kidney beans
- 1 (15 oz) can of diced tomatoes
- 3-4 cloves of garlic
- 2 quarts of chicken stock
- 2 teaspoons garlic powder
- 2 teaspoons ground black pepper
- 1 teaspoon salt
- 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce
- 2 cups of collard greens or kale finely sliced
## Directions
1. In a large pot over medium heat, cook onions and garlic in olive oil until just tender.
2. Saute chorizo and set aside.
3. Place potatoes, beans, tomatoes and chicken stock in the pot. Season with Worcestershire, garlic powder, pepper and salt. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer 30 to 45 minutes.
4. Add greens and sautéed chirzo let cook for another 10 minutes
5. Serve and enjoy!
@ 4d444439:7ed2458b
2023-09-27 13:48:12
[Feel free to read all my articles on the anti-censorship long content platform yakihonne.com.
Atlantic Quantum, a young startup that’s building quantum computers– machines that are capable of advanced and high-speed information processing– has published new research Monday that shows the architecture of the circuits underlying its quantum computer produces far fewer errors than the industry standard used in quantum computers built by the likes of IBMIBM -2.2% and GoogleGOOG -2.1%.
While still several years away from real-world applications, quantum computers can be used to solve certain complex problems faster and better than the computers that we use today: from advanced drug discovery to building lighter batteries to cracking encryption protocols. It also has potential for application in areas like predicting the weather and forecasting changes in the stock market. But that can happen only after overcoming some major hardware roadblocks, says Atlantic Quantum CEO Bharath Kannan, who cofounded the startup out of MIT last year and raised $9 million in seed funding.
A key component that undergirds a quantum computer is a “qubit,” a aluminum superconducting circuit or “electrical switch” built on silicon chips that encodes information. But scientists are struggling to structure a qubit that can be scaled to the point where it’s better than conventional computing.. Atlantic Quantum’s goal is to address just that, and it’s inching closer, Kannan says.
“With quantum you know, it really isn't a question of if quantum computers will be able to do these, it's a question of when, and, and that's what we need to do. We just need to make sure that the when is not 50 years from now,” he says.
So far, the technological architecture pioneered by the startup yields 99.9% accuracy for a two-qubit circuit. Eventually, several million will be needed to work in tandem to achieve speeds that are faster than conventional computers–to give a sense of where the industry is at, the quantum computer with the most qubits built so far, by IBM, only has 433. But cofounder and lead researcher Leon Ding says the findings of his research are notable because it presents a qubit architecture that’s the first major alternative to the standard circuits used since 2007. Plus, lower error rates could make quantum computers less complex and require fewer numbers of these circuits, he says. The next milestone for the startup is to increase the number of qubits in one of its systems while retaining fewer errors.
Atlantic Quantum also announced last week a $1.25 million contract with the Air Force Research Laboratory to build quantum processors for national defense purposes. Other recent highlights for the budding startup include its first R&D facility in Cambridge, Massachusetts where a chandelier-looking dilution refrigerator powers its quantum computers, and in June it opened a subsidiary in Sweden for chip fabrication. Additionally, CEO Kannan says that major tech companies like IBM and Google will have a hard time catching up to its designs, as his company controls most of the key patents for them.
“They probably should, but I mean, we own a lot of the IP around it, so they can't,” he says. “It's not so easy, I would say to just flick your fingers and start using that qubit… That’s where a lot of our key IP lies as well, is that we have a way of controlling these qubits that is much simpler than the standard.”
By:Rashi Shrivastava
@ 5ada3677:7c21c9db
2023-09-27 09:40:25
茶配餐,less is more,一餐飯飯,兩三道茶足夠了,千萬千萬不要搞出八種十種眼花撩亂來,更不要冷淬冰浸一堆妖魔鬼怪,好茶都有堅挺的品格,獨立在那裡才美好。你讓它們彼此擠公共汽車,貼身打來打去,血肉模糊的,搞不好了。
@ 7f5c2b4e:a818d75d
2023-09-27 08:25:11
## What is Obsidian?
[Obsidian.md](https://obsidian.md/) is a versatile and powerful note-taking and knowledge management application that's gained immense popularity among users seeking a robust digital tool for organizing their thoughts, ideas, and information.
#Obsidian boasts an array of features and benefits that can't all be covered in a single article. Instead, this #guide focuses on a unique, yet potent use case that has recently emerged - the ability to publish #Nostr notes and long-form posts directly from the app.
This capability has been made feasible through the complementary nature of Obsidian and Nostr. Obsidian is an open-source software with a thriving community and extensive support for custom plugins. On the other hand, Nostr is an open protocol with a rapidly expanding suite of tools, simplifying the integration of Nostr across various corners of the Internet. The plugin I will cover in this guide is called Nostr Writer.
> Obsidian link: obsidian://show-plugin?id=nostr-writer
> GitHub: https://github.com/jamesmagoo/nostr-writer
> Developer: nostr:npub10a8kw2hsevhfycl4yhtg7vzrcpwpu7s6med27juf4lzqpsvy270qrh8zkw
But before we dive in, let me share some thoughts on why should one use Obsidian to publish long-form posts (and potentially even short notes) on Nostr.
## Why post with Obsidian?
This is a question that naturally comes to mind: "Why use Obsidian to publish on Nostr when the legendary Nostr developers have already set up all the necessary infrastructure for browser-based publishing?" Well, there are several reasons:
1. **Native Markdown Support:** To begin, Obsidian employs plain text Markdown formatting for notes, just like all Nostr-based blogging platforms. This makes it an ideal choice for creating, formatting, and editing Nostr posts.
2. **Illustrative Preview:** While other blogging platforms offer preview tools, Obsidian has perfected this feature. It provides a beautifully customizable preview window that can be positioned anywhere in your workspace, allowing you to visualize how formatting, media, and embeds will appear in the published post[^1].
3. **State-of-the-Art Flexibility:** Since 2020, Obsidian has continuously improved the way writers interact with it. What sets it apart is not only the dedicated team but also its thriving community, all contributing to its refinement. Obsidian supports an extensive array of plugins, shortcuts, and hotkeys, offering unparalleled flexibility and customization. Comprehensive [documentation](https://help.obsidian.md/Home) and a ton of [videos](https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=obsidian) and even [courses](https://youtu.be/WqKluXIra70?si=3ZlnOZA9o3xXys8M) on YouTube provide a wealth of information to tailor Obsidian to your preferences.
4. **Boosted Productivity:** The Nostr Writer plugin is a game-changer for power users of Obsidian. If you're already using Obsidian for note-taking, employing this tool to publish your notes on Nostr is a no-brainer. If you haven't explored it yet, I strongly recommend giving it a try. It has the potential to transform how you think, plan, and structure your ideas for the better. Trying it for broader objectives will help you appreciate how well it complements Nostr.
5. **Distraction-Free Composition:** While you may disagree, browsers can be a significant source of distraction, with constant alerts, notifications, and blinking extensions. Composing within Obsidian offers a tranquil, clutter-free experience, fostering focus and productivity.
6. **Local Record Keeping:** Thanks to Nostr Writer, Obsidian keeps a local record of events you published to Nostr in a JSON file on your computer. Your long-form posts are also securely stored in the `.md` format on your machine, just like all the Obsidian notes you create. On top of that a separate tab holding all of your long-form posts posted via Obsidian is created.
nostr: note1z70v5fsty7v7kaaslsv3ckru50nxym32a62kgx0z7cjdure39hps363sh7
7. **Drafts You Can Count On:** Drafts are often a weak point in long-form platforms. Even though Nostr developers have addressed some of these concerns, the "vanishing drafts problem" still lingers. Obsidian, designed with data safety in mind, stores all your notes locally on your device. Whether you open your laptop tomorrow or in a year, your files will be there, safe from external disruptions. For added redundancy, consider using Obsidian Sync, which encrypts and synchronizes your notes across your chosen devices.
While there are more benefits to utilizing Obsidian for both Nostr publishing and in your general workflow, these reasons should provide a solid understanding. Now, let's shed some light on the Nostr Writer plugin.
## Nostr Writer
I stumbled upon Obsidian not too long ago, all thanks to nostr:npub1zvvv8fm7w2ngwdyszg3y6zgp6vwqlht8zrr8wcmjaxjecrvpjfwsd0zs7w. He's also the one who introduced me to the Nostr Writer plugin. Until recently, I primarily used Obsidian "as intended" - for documenting my thoughts and writing articles. What I found especially convenient was using it to compose long-form Nostr posts. And then, the revelation came when I discovered the Nostr Writer plugin - it transformed the experience. No more copy-pasting and meticulous adjustments were required; I can simply compose, add a cover image and description, and publish - it's as straightforward as that.
As I mentioned earlier, Obsidian boasts a vast library of community-driven plugins. To begin using Nostr Writer, simply install the plugin from the "Community plugins" section and navigate to the plugin settings to set up your publishing workflow.
> You can install the plugin by clicking [this link](obsidian://show-plugin?id=nostr-writer) while having Obsidian open on your device, or by going to the "Community plugins" tab in the settings and typing "Nostr" in the search field.
Once the plugin is installed, you'll need to customize it to enable publishing your Obsidian notes to Nostr.
Primarily, you'll need to paste your private key (`nsec`) into the corresponding field. Additionally, I recommend configuring your relays to ensure the widest reach for your posts. If you're unfamiliar with Nostr relays or wish to enhance your understanding, you can explore my relay guide [here](https://habla.news/tony/relays).
Many Nostr users naturally have concerns about sharing their private keys with apps. In this case, worry not. Your private key is stored exclusively on your local device and never leaves it. More details can be found [here](https://github.com/jamesmagoo/nostr-writer#security-notice). Even if you use Obsidian sync to keep your notes updated across multiple devices, all information is locally encrypted and safeguarded by the password of your choice. Neither the Obsidian developers nor the plugin developer have access to your files. For additional information, you can refer to the "[Security and privacy](https://help.obsidian.md/Obsidian+Sync/Security+and+privacy)" section of the Obsidian documentation.
As you can see in the screenshot above, Nostr Writer also provides the option to post short notes. By toggling the corresponding slider, a pencil icon will appear on the sidebar, allowing you to post short notes without leaving Obsidian:
While I wouldn't claim that the plugin surpasses any of the "Twitter-like" Nostr clients, it can prove handy if you're already working within Obsidian and wish to share a quote or any other snippet of information you've come across in your notes.
## Publishing
Publishing posts with Nostr Writer is straightforward. If you're already familiar with Obsidian, composing and formatting will be a total breeze, and the actual posting process is no different from posting with [Habla](https://habla.news/), or any other Nostr-native blogging platform.
> The only thing that may differ from some Nostr platforms is that Nostr Writer does not provide a specific field for adding hashtags when publishing. Instead, you should incorporate them directly into your text.
Once you've finished crafting your blog post, simply click on the upload icon in the side menu to specify the title, add a summary, and attach a cover image.
When you're ready, click "Confirm and Publish."
Another point to note is the relays indicator in the bottom-left corner. Relay connection may get interrupted if left inactive for a while, but a simple click on the widget will reconnect you to Nostr in no time.
## Practice makes perfect
As I mentioned earlier, I find this approach to publishing long-form posts on Nostr the most efficient and convenient. Moreover, there are [numerous improvements](https://github.com/jamesmagoo/nostr-writer#coming-soon) in the pipeline for the plugin, which is nothing short of exciting.
With that said, it's worth visiting Habla after publishing your post to double-check that everything appears as intended. Initially, you might encounter some formatting peculiarities that you'll need to get accustomed to, but with practice, you'll effortlessly master them. Soon, you won't even have to worry about how the article looks in Nostr clients because you'll be able to visualize every single aspect of your post in your mind.
I hope you found this guide useful and consider utilizing Obsidian for both publishing Nostr posts and elevating your overall productivity. If that's the case, please show your support for nostr:npub10a8kw2hsevhfycl4yhtg7vzrcpwpu7s6med27juf4lzqpsvy270qrh8zkw' [work](https://github.com/jamesmagoo/nostr-writer).
> Please feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions—I'm always eager to hear from you! Don't forget that my Habla [blog page](https://habla.news/tony/) contains a ton of Nostr guides, so you can find answers to almost any Nostr-related questions. If there are specific topics you believe I should cover, do let me know.
_See you on the other side of the Nostr rabbit hole._
P.S. This post was composed, formatted and published to Nostr from Obsidian. No Nostr-related blogging platform was used.
[^1]: Nostr-native syntax, including tagging and Nostr-events embeds, is an exception here. Not all platforms on the Internet currently support Nostr syntax standards like tagging users with their npub, as in `nostr:npub10awzknjg5r5lajnr53438ndcyjylgqsrnrtq5grs495v42qc6awsj45ys7`, so it may not be available for preview. However, tags and embeds will be displayed on [Habla](https://habla.news/). You can learn more about Habla's features in my previous guide [here](https://habla.news/tony/habla-features).
@ 02a11d15:32f62ea9
2023-09-26 21:26:20
# Another Nost from Obsidian!
> ehem... quote
Hey yo, wassup you #little #orange
@ 9322bd92:a3d4cb0b
2023-09-26 21:26:13
In city of New York, there lived a young and tech-savvy investor named Alex. Fascinated by the world of cryptocurrencies, Alex had a deep belief in the potential of Bitcoin, despite its notorious price volatility. In September 2013, with an initial investment of $50,000, Alex began their journey into the world of Bitcoin. Each month, they allocated $5,000 to buy Bitcoin, regardless of its current price, and they continued this strategy until September 2021.
In September 2013, the price of Bitcoin was around $127 per coin. With their $50,000 initial investment, Alex bought approximately 393.70 BTC. Each subsequent month, they purchased $5,000 worth of Bitcoin, adjusting the number of coins they received based on the current price.
Here's a breakdown of some of the notable moments in Alex's journey:
September 2013: Alex's initial investment of $50,000 bought them about 393.70 BTC at a price of $127 per coin.
October 2013: The price of Bitcoin was around $134 per coin, allowing Alex to buy approximately 372.39 BTC with their $5,000 investment.
November 2013: Bitcoin's price had risen to approximately $235 per coin, and Alex's $5,000 purchase got them about 21.28 BTC.
December 2013: The price continued to surge, reaching around $754 per coin. Alex bought approximately 6.63 BTC with their $5,000.
Throughout 2014 and 2015, Bitcoin's price experienced various ups and downs, but Alex stuck to their plan of investing $5,000 every month.
September 2021: Bitcoin's price was trading at approximately $43,000 per coin when Alex made their final $5,000 purchase, acquiring approximately 0.11 BTC.
Over the years, Bitcoin's price continued its rollercoaster ride, with remarkable highs and challenging lows. Despite the volatility, Alex remained steadfast in their dollar-cost averaging strategy.
As of September 2021, Bitcoin had experienced substantial growth, and its average annual return over the eight-year period was about 60%. Alex's disciplined approach to dollar-cost averaging had paid off handsomely, and their initial $50,000 investment had grown into a substantial portfolio.
Total Amount Invested = Initial Investment + (Monthly Investment x Number of Months)
Total Amount Invested = $50,000 + ($5,000 x 96 months)
Total Amount Invested = $50,000 + $480,000
Total Amount Invested = $530,000
Total Accumulated BTC = 1,353.70 BTC
Alex's story is a testament to the power of dollar-cost averaging, even in the world of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. By remaining committed to their approach and consistently investing from September 2013 to September 2021, they had harnessed the potential of this digital asset. As they checked their wallet, they knew that they had made a wise choice by embracing the steady, long-term strategy of DCA in the crypto world, and they had achieved impressive financial success through their dedication and belief in Bitcoin's potential. If we consider the current price of $26,000 per BTC, their accumulated Bitcoin holdings are valued at approximately $35,230,200.
@ 5b0e0a3e:4f69ad90
2023-09-26 10:09:39
*While I am a fully licensed physician in Kansas, this communication does not constitute personal medical advice or establish a physician-patient relationship. See your own physician to discuss your particular diagnosis and treatment*
Here is the list of standard gluten sources.
**Sources of gluten**
Wheat, wheat berries, durum, emmers, semolina, spelt, farina, farrow, graham, kamut, einkorn wheat, rye, barley, triticale, malt, brewers yeast, wheat starch
**Common foods to avoid**
Pastas: ravioli's, dumplings, couscous, and gnocchi
Noodles: Ramen, udon, soba, chow mein, egg noodles
Bread and pastries: croissants, pita, naan, bagels, flat breads, corn bread, potato bread, muffins, donuts, rolls
Crackers: pretzels, goldfish, graham crackers
Baked goods: cakes, cookies, piecrust, brownies
Cereal and granola: Cornflakes, rice puffs
Breakfast foods: pancakes, waffles, french toast, grapes, biscuits
Breading and coating mixes: panko bread crumbs
Croutons: stuffing, dressings
Sauces and gravy's: soy sauce, cream sauce especially with a roux
Flour tortillas
Beer and malt beverages
Brewer’s yeast
Anything that has wheat flour as an ingredient
Source: Celiac Disease Foundation website
I hope this information helps you and your loved ones!
Jason Williams, D.O.
@ 81870f53:29bef6a6
2023-09-26 08:57:17
私の世代にとって、これはすべて現実になった SF であり、馬車や蒸気機関車で移動する世界で育ち、人生を終えた前世紀初頭の 1910 年に生まれた祖父母の世代に似ているので、とても魅力的です。インターネットとコンコルドの超音速飛行とともに生きています。
私の長年の経験から、このロボット革命に関して人類がほぼ最悪のことをする可能性が高い、そしてたとえテクノロジーが進歩したとしても、私たちの知恵は一ミリも進歩していないということは、確実ではないにせよ、かなりの確率で起こっていることを私は知っています。 ソクラテスや他の哲学者を読み直してみると、最終的には 2,000 年以上にわたってすべて、あるいはほぼすべてが語られてきました。
私たちは、反抗的な人々を制圧するための警官ロボット、したがって警察官を導入するでしょう。人間の中から汚れ仕事を実行するサイコパスを見つける必要がある場合、それらを見つけるのは難しいため、精神的な限界があれば鎮めることのできない拷問ロボットが登場します。何百万もの。 そこでは狂人たちは共感のないサイコパスを好きなだけ増やすことができるだろう。
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/oL5YNtDUQXU?si=xJtSQJGcZgwsPLmH" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>
@ 916ca53f:5b5b1e96
2023-09-26 05:06:25
This is a long-form note composed in Obsidian and posted to #Nostr using a plugin created by James called Nostr Writer.
Pretty good first impression:
- Obsidian looks like a very nice app
- The community plugin was easy to enable and install
- Having default relays was a nice touch
- Time to post this note was short
Bullish on tools like this to help #grownostr
@ b17fccdf:b7211155
2023-09-25 19:14:45
Notice to node MiniBolt runners: It turns out that the I2P devs have opened an issue on the Bitcoin Core GitHub repo commenting that because they gave the option to enable the `notransit=true` parameter in the official documentation:
[...] If you prefer not to relay any public I2P traffic and only allow I2P traffic from programs connecting through the SAM proxy, e.g. Bitcoin Core, you can set the no transit option to true [...] are having a heavy load on the I2P network since last December 19. Also comment that it is advisable to share as much bandwidth and transit tunnels as we can, to increase anonymity with coverage traffic, by contributing more to the I2p network than we consume.
So they ask that we deactivate that option that you use activated. With all this, he already updated the "Privacy" section by removing that setting.
The steps to delete this configuration once we have already configured it, are the following:
With the "admin" user, stop i2pd:
$ sudo systemctl stop i2pd
Comment line 93 with "#" at the beginning of it (notransit = true), save and exit
$ sudo nano /var/lib/i2pd/i2pd.conf --line numbers
Start i2pd again:
$ sudo systemctl start i2pd
And that's it, you could take a look at Bitcoin Core to see that it has detected i2pd running again after the reboot with:
$ tail --lines 500 -f /home/bitcoin/.bitcoin/debug.log
If for whatever reason you don't see that I2P is up in Bitcoin Core after the restart, `$ sudo systemctl restart bitcoind` and look again at the logs of the same
More info in the rollback commit:
@ b17fccdf:b7211155
2023-09-25 17:31:31
The new method for Bitcoin Core signature check: https://v2.minibolt.info/bitcoin/bitcoin/bitcoin-client#signature-check
GitHub repo of Bitcoin Core release attestations (Guix): https://github.com/bitcoin-core/guix.sigs
PR that caused the broken and obsolescence of the old signature verification process: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/pull/26598
New GitHub folder of Bitcoin Core repo that stores the signatures:https://github.com/bitcoin-core/guix.sigs/tree/main/builder-keys
Thanks to nostr:npub1gzuushllat7pet0ccv9yuhygvc8ldeyhrgxuwg744dn5khnpk3gs3ea5ds for building the command that made magic possible 🧙♂️🧡
@ b17fccdf:b7211155
2023-09-25 16:38:40
It turns out that Ubuntu Linux installations of Ubuntu 23.04, 22.04.3 LTS, and installs done since April 2023 that accepted the Snap version update haven't been following Ubuntu's own recommended security best practices for their security pocket configuration for packages. A new Subiquity release [was issued](https://github.com/canonical/subiquity/releases/tag/23.09.1) to fix this problem while those on affected Ubuntu systems already installed are recommended to manually edit their `/etc/apt/sources.list` file.
If you didn't install MiniBolt recently, **you are affected by this bug**, and we need to fix that manually if not we want to install all since cero. Anyway, if you installed Minibolt recently, we recommend you review that.
Follow these easy steps to review and fix this:
* Edit the `sources-list` file:
sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list
* Search now for every line that includes '-security' (without quotes) (normally at the end of the file) and change the URL to --> http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
For example, from http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu (or the extension corresponding to your country) to --> http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu
Real case, Spain location, **before fix**:
deb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security main restricted
# deb-src http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security main restricted
deb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security universe
# deb-src http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security universe
deb http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security multiverse
# deb-src http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security multiverse
**After fix:**
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security main restricted
# deb-src http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security main restricted
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security universe
# deb-src http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security universe
deb http://security.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security multiverse
# deb-src http://es.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu jammy-security multiverse
**Save and exit**. (Ctrl-X, y, enter)
**Note:** If you have already these lines changed, you are not affected by this bug, and is not necessary to do anything. Simply exit the editor by doing Ctrl-X
* Finally, type the next command to refresh the repository pointers:
$ sudo apt update
And optionally take the opportunity to update the system by doing:
$ sudo apt full-upgrade
More context:
@ 9ecbb0e7:06ab7c09
2023-09-25 14:10:53
El canciller Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla dio a conocer en su perfil oficial de Twitter que el edificio de la embajada de Cuba en Washington, fue atacado por un individuo en la noche del 24 de septiembre.
Según la versión oficial del ministro de Relaciones Exteriores de la Isla, al menos dos cócteles molotov fueron arrojados contra la sede diplomática de Cuba en Estados Unidos, sin que hasta el momento se reporten víctimas o heridos por el incidente. “En la noche de hoy, 24/9, la Embajada de #Cuba en EEUU fue objeto de un ataque terrorista de un individuo que lanzó 2 cocteles molotov”, explicó Bruno Rodríguez. “No hubo daños al personal. Se están precisando los detalles”.
El representante cubano no aportó detalles sobre el ataque del domingo, no especifica los motivos del atacante o si este fue arrestado, pero sí aprovechó la oportunidad para incriminar y acusar sin pruebas a grupos que el régimen de La Habana define como “anticubanos”, solo por ser opositores al sistema comunista que gobierna en la Isla.
![Parte 1 del Tweet del representante de la Dictadura Cubana dando a conocer el hecho](https://drive.bitransfer.org/img/1695650872588.webp)
La Oficina de Misiones Extranjeras de la Oficina de Seguridad Diplomática del Departamento de Estado tiene la responsabilidad de garantizar la seguridad de las embajadas y consulados de otros países dentro del territorio estadounidense.
El incidente tuvo lugar unas horas después de la llegada al mediodía del presidente Miguel Díaz-Canel a La Habana, después de su participación en la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas y en varios eventos relacionados en la ciudad de Nueva York. La presencia de Díaz-Canel generó manifestaciones pacíficas por parte de cubanos exiliados, quienes expresaron su desacuerdo con la recepción de líderes autoritarios por parte de la comunidad internacional.
Este sería el segundo ataque violento contra la embajada de Cuba en la capital estadounidense desde abril de 2020, cuando otro individuo con un fusil de asalto realizó varios disparos contra la sede. El 30 de abril, Alexander Alazo, un individuo nacido en Cuba con problemas de salud mental, abrió fuego contra la embajada utilizando un rifle de asalto AK-47. No hubo heridos, pero varios proyectiles se impactaron contra los muros del edificio y la estatua de Jose Martí de la entrada.
![El representante de la dictadura cubana aprovechó la oportunidad para incriminar y acusar sin pruebas a grupos que el régimen de La Habana define como “anticubanos”.](https://drive.bitransfer.org/img/1695650800263.webp)
En ese momento, Rodríguez Parrilla instó a las autoridades estadounidenses a llevar a cabo una investigación sobre el incidente y afirmó que Alazo había asistido a una iglesia en la ciudad del Doral, frecuentada por personas involucradas en la promoción de “la agresión, la hostilidad, la violencia y el extremismo contra Cuba”, aunque no presentó evidencia alguna que respaldara sus acusaciones.
@ b17fccdf:b7211155
2023-09-25 10:11:29
The past 26 August, Tor [introduced officially](https://blog.torproject.org/introducing-proof-of-work-defense-for-onion-services/) a proof-of-work (PoW) defense for onion services designed to prioritize verified network traffic as a deterrent against denial of service (DoS) attacks.
This feature at the moment, is [deactivate by default](https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/blob/main/doc/man/tor.1.txt#L3117), so you need to follow these steps to activate this on a MiniBolt node:
* Make sure you have the latest version of Tor installed, at the time of writing this post, which is v0.4.8.6
Check your current version by typing:
tor --version
**Example** of expected output:
Tor version
This build of Tor is covered by the GNU General Public License (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
Tor is running on Linux with Libevent 2.1.12-stable, OpenSSL 3.0.9, Zlib 1.2.13, Liblzma 5.4.1, Libzstd N/A and Glibc 2.36 as libc.
Tor compiled with GCC version 12.2.0
If you have v0.4.8.X, you are **OK**, if not, type `$ sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade` and confirm to update.
Basic PoW support can be checked by running this command:
tor --list-modules
Expected output:
relay: yes
dirauth: yes
dircache: yes
pow: **yes**
If you have `pow: yes`, you are **OK**
* Now go to the torrc file of your MiniBolt and add the parameter to enable PoW for each hidden service added:
$ sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc
# Hidden Service BTC RPC Explorer
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_btcrpcexplorer/
HiddenServiceVersion 3
HiddenServicePoWDefensesEnabled 1
HiddenServicePort 80
Bitcoin Core and LND use the Tor control port to automatically create the hidden service, requiring no action from the user. I have submitted a feature request in the official GitHub repositories to explore the need for the integration of Tor's PoW defense into the automatic creation process of the hidden service. You can follow them at the following links:
Bitcoin Core: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/issues/8002
LND: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/28499
More info:
@ 3f930d5f:7cd8ce4b
2023-09-25 07:19:14
ประเทศอาร์เจนตินาประสบกับวิกฤตเรื้อรังทางเศรษฐกิจมาโดยตลอดตั้งแต่ทศวรรษ 1970s เศรษฐกิจเกิดความเสื่อมถอยครั้งใหญ่ทำให้รายได้ต่อหัวของประชากรลดลงมากถึง 20% ภาคการส่งออกและการเติบโตทางเศรษฐกิจก็หยุดชะงักทำให้ช่วงเวลาดังกล่าวต้องหาแนวทางในการแก้ไขอย่างเร่งด่วน (Veigel 2005) โดยการแก้ไขปัญหาก็เลยมาถึงปีทศวรรษ 1990s ของรัฐบาลผู้นิยมลัทธิเปรอน (Peronist) อย่างคาร์ลอส เมเนม (Carlos Menem) ได้รับเลือกเป็นประธานาธิปดีของอาร์เจนตินาในช่วงเดือนพฤษภาคม ค.ศ.1989 เขาดำเนินนโยบาย **"การบำบัดด้วยอาการช็อก" ("Shock Theraphy") ตามนโยบายเสรีนิยมใหม่** ทำให้การบริหารภาครัฐเริ่มมีการทรงตัวมากขึ้นจะเห็นได้จากการเริ่มต้นทำให้ภาครัฐมีวินัยทางการคลัง ถึงแม้ว่าการขาดดุลงบประมาณยังคงอยู่ราว ๆ 16% ต่อจีดีพี (de Beaufort Wijnholds, J. Onno 2003) พร้อมกันนั้นภายใต้การบริหารของคาร์ลอส เขาได้ริเริ่มแปรสภาพกิจการรัฐไปเป็นของเอกชน ยกเว้น ธนาคาร ทำให้ผลลิตภาพทางเศรษฐกิจและการลงทุนเริ่มเพิ่มมากขึ้น **แต่อาร์เจนตินายังต้องประสบปัญหากับวิกฤตค่าเงินเฟ้อที่ยังคงรุนแรง (hyperinflation)**
นับตั้งแต่สังคมอาร์เจนตินากลับเข้าสู่พื้นที่ที่เป็นประชาธิปไตยในปี ค.ศ.1983 ทำให้ประเทศต้องเผชิญหน้ากับวิกฤตการณ์ทางเศรษฐกิจที่ต่อเนื่องกันตั้งแต่ วิกฤตเงินเฟ้อที่รุนแรงในปี ค.ศ.1989 และ ค.ศ.1990 จนมาถึงอีกทีหนึ่งในปี ค.ศ.2001 ที่ทั้งสองเหตุการณ์มีหนี้สาธารณะในระดับเท่ากันเหมือนเดิม เงินเฟ้อนั้นเกิดมาจาก **"การพิมพ์เงินเข้าสู่ระบบเศรษฐกิจ" (print money)** ทำให้ประเทศต้องเผชิญหน้ากับการเสื่อมของค่าเงินทั้งในประเทศและต่างประเทศ ความไม่สมดุลของหนี้สาธารณะต่าง ๆ มันบานปลายมากขึ้น **นักเศรษฐศาสตร์นาม เอสเตบาน โดมัค (Esteban Domecq)** สรุปเอาไว้ว่าเศรษฐกิจของอาร์เจนตินาเหมือน "วงจรอุบาทว์" ที่จะต้องเผชิญหน้าอย่างหลีกเลี่ยงไม่ได้ ตามลำดับดังนี้ ***(i)**.เมื่อเกิดวิกฤตก็ต้องมีความต้องการความช่วยเหลือทางสังคมเพิ่มขึ้น ทำให้รัฐบาลจะต้องเพิ่มรายจ่ายสาธารณะที่ส่งเสริมการขาดดุล **(ii)**.การขาดดุลเป็นต้นเหตุปัญหาทางการเงินของภาครัฐทำให้หนี้สาธารณะเพิ่มขึ้นและค่าเงินเปโซ (peso) เกิดการเสื่อมค่าอันเป็นต้นเหตุของ "เงินเฟ้อครั้งใหญ่" ตลอดประวัติศาสตร์ทางเศรษฐกิจของอาร์เจนตินา และ **(iii).** วิกฤตเศรษฐกิจก็ได้เกิดขึ้นทำให้มีอัตราว่างงานและความยากจนอยู่ในระดับที่สูง แล้วจากนั้นทางแก้ปัญหาก็ต้องวนไปที่ข้อ **(i)** อีกครั้งอย่างไม่รู้จักจบ*
> ส่วนสำคัญที่เกิดขึ้นของวิกฤตเศรษฐกิจของอาร์เจนตินาอันเป็นต้นตอของวงจรอุบาทว์ก็คือ "การขาดดุลทางการคลัง" (fiscal deficit) เป็นการก่อหนี้สาธารณะเพื่อทำให้มีเงินเข้าสู่ระบบเศรษฐกิจจำนวนมากที่นำไปสู่การเสื่อมสลายของสังคมและเศรษฐกิจ ตราบเท่าที่รัฐไม่คงสภาพทางการเงินให้สมดุลกันก็ไม่มีทางออกจากปัญหานี้ได้
สังคมอาร์เจนตินาในช่วงอดีตจนถึงปัจจุบันมีความโหยหาการออกจากวังวงปัญหาเดิม ๆ ซ้ำ ๆ แต่เนื่องด้วยวงจรอุบาทว์นี้ยากที่จะแก้ไขทำให้กลุ่มการเมืองที่นิยมลัทธิเปรอน (Peronism) มีความนิยมในการเมืองระดับชาติของอาร์เจนตินามาโดยตลอด พวกเขายืนกรานที่จะสนับสนุนให้****รัฐแทรกแซงเศรษฐกิจ (state intervention) การพยายามขัดขวางการค้าเสรี (free trade) การสนับสนุนลัทธิการป้องกันการค้า (protectionism) ชาตินิยม (nationalism) การผดุงความยุติธรรมทางสังคม (social justice) การเพิ่มอัตราภาษีที่สูง (high taxes) และการให้รัฐเข้ามายุ่งเกี่ยวกับชีวิตประจำวันของผู้คน**** นโยบายเหล่านี้เป็น "แกนความคิด" ที่ทำให้สังคมและประเทศใด ๆ ก็ตามไม่สามารถก้าวไปสู่ความเจริญรุ่งเรืองได้ ในแวดวงการเมืองของอาร์เจนตินาก็มีผู้สนับสนุนแนวคิดนี้อยู่ไม่น้อยเพราะแนวทางพรรคการเมืองของเปรอนนั้นมุ่งเน้นไปหาประชานิยมและภาพลักษณ์ของผู้นำทางการเมือง สิ่งเหล่านี้เป็นตัวชูโรงให้แนวคิดแบบผู้นิยมเปรอนยังคงอยู่มีความนิยมอยู่ได้ ในขณะเดียวกันรัฐบาลบางช่วงของอาร์เจนตินาก็ไม่ใช่ลัทธิผู้นิยมเปรอน แต่ก็มีแนวคิด **“การแทรกแซง” (interventionism)** ที่ไม่สามารถสลัดให้ออกจากการเมืองได้ ซึ่งมันก็นำไปสู่ควาไม่มีสเถียรภาพทางเศรษฐกิจและสังคมอยู่ดี เมื่อมีคนบางส่วนของอาร์เจนตินาตระหนักได้ว่าทางออกของปัญหาของพรรคการเมืองที่ชู "ประเด็นทางสังคมและเศรษฐกิจ" ต้องให้รัฐเข้ามายุ่งเกี่ยวนั้นไม่ใช่ทางออกที่ยั้งยืนและแก้ไขปัญหาจริง ๆ อันเป็นเจตนารมณ์ของประชาชนชาวอาร์เจนตินาเป็นการปูทางให้ขบวนการอิสรนิยมในอาร์เจนตินาอย่าง **ฮาเวียร์ มิเล (Javier Milei)** ที่ต้องการ **"ถอนรากถอนโคน"** **ของปัญหาที่เกิดขึ้นจากการกระทำของรัฐบาลเอง มันไม่ได้เกิดจากทุนนิยมเป็นต้นเหตุแต่อย่างใดที่ฝ่ายซ้ายที่มองประเด็นนี้อย่างผิดฝาผิดตัวกล่าวหา**
de Beaufort Wijnholds, J. Onno. "The Argentine Drama: A View from the IMF Board". The Crisis that Was Not Prevented: Lessons for Argentina, the IMF, and Globalisation. Fondad. p. 102.
Lacalle, Daniel. How Money Printing Destroyed Argentina and Can Destroy Others. Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2022.
Russo, Nicolas. Argentina: A Country Caught in an Endless Loop of Fin
ancial Crises. Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2014.
Salerno, Joseph T. Myths and Lessons of the Argentine “Currency Crisis”. Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2014.
Salerno, Joseph T. Argentina Has a Chronic Problem with Monetary-Policy Failure. Auburn, AL: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 2018.
Veigel, Klaus Friedrich (2005). "The Great Unraveling: Argentina 1973–1991". Governed by Emergency: Economic Policy-making in Argentina, 1973–1991. Princeton University.
@ 89f01f0d:58d53e7f
2023-09-25 07:18:35
**Complete Guide to Taking the Arion Organization (Age Chain) Tesnet**
I will be sharing a complete guide to the Arion Organization or Age Chain tesnet. Arion Organization is a newly launched tesnet network, and it is completely new to the tesnet.
**Step 1: Initial Preparation**
Before you start, make sure you have an EVM (Ethereum Virtual Machine) network available and a wallet. Also make sure you are logged into the wallet.
**Step 2: Changing Network to Arion Testnet**
After successfully logging into your wallet, switch your network to the Arion Testnet network. This can be done by clicking the "Switch Organization" button. Your network will automatically change to Arion Testnet.
**Step 3: Claim the Faucet**
On the Arion Testnet, you can earn points by completing tasks. One of the first tasks is to claim a spigot, which will earn you 5 points. Make sure you fill in all the required information correctly.
**Step 4: Creating an NFT**
Next, you can try the task of creating an NFT (Non-Fungible Token). You will be directed to confirm the transaction in MetaMask. After successfully creating an NFT, you will earn points.
**Step 5: Check Transaction**
The next task is to check the transaction. This is also an automated task that you can complete by clicking "Complete" and confirming the transaction. This will earn you additional points.
**Step 6: Move Token**
You can also earn points by completing the move token task. As before, click "Complete", confirm the transaction, and you will earn additional points.
**Step 7: Actually look at In**
Don't forget to register every time you complete a task. This will earn you more points.
**Step 8: Additional Tasks (Optional)**
There are additional tasks that are optional, such as importing your wallet into Arion Wallet. You can try this task if you want to earn extra points.
**Step 9: Join the Jam (Optional)**
If you want to earn extra points, you can join Jam. This is also optional, but can provide extra points.
**Step 10: Complete All Tasks**
Make sure you complete all available tasks on the Arion Testnet to earn as many points as possible. You can see your point count in your account.
**Step 11: Thank You!
Thank you for following this guide. Hopefully you managed to complete all the tasks and earn lots of points on Arion Testnet.
@ fa07f14f:6834c330
2023-09-25 02:48:52
### The Journey of Wave Chief, Brad Garlinghouse: From Kansas to Silicon Valley
How's Chief Wave, Brad Garlinghouse doing? It's great to talk to you today, Tony. I'm very happy to be here. Thank you for the invitation. And thank you so much for this opportunity to let people participate. That's very nice.
Well, Brad, everyone wants to talk about Wave and XRP, but I want to take us back a little bit and be curious about you. Where are you from and where did you grow up?
I'm originally from Kansas. I grew up there, was born there, and I went to the College of Kansas. I'm proud to be a Jayhawk, even though sometimes I have to pretend I don't have a football team. It's all about the college ball bin. Even though I've lived in California for 24 years now, I still think of myself as a Kansas person, first and foremost.
Alright, tell us about your time in Silicon Valley. You've worked at AOL and Hurray. How did you get started in Silicon Valley and how did you end up at Wave?
I've always had an interest in technology and did some programming early in my career, even during college. When you humdingers from school and I finished business school in 1997, the web was blasting. I'm sure we'll talk about last week's news regarding Coinbase Initial public offering. I remember where I was when Netscape did its initial public offering in 1995. Let's say, if you were interested in this segment of the economy in the late 90s, you wanted to be in the Bay Area, in Silicon Valley. So, I moved here in 1997, and as you mentioned, I've had several positions in small and large companies, and spent a little bit of time on both sides, both the investment side and the operational side.
@ 6389be64:ef439d32
2023-09-24 17:45:26
Do Zap Splits in Habla Work?
Help me find out and zap this test post.
## General
Black Locust can grow up to 170 ft tall and 3-4 ft. per year. It's native to North America and
cold hardy in zones 3 to 8. It does best in soils with a pH of between 6.0 and 7.0.
## Firewood
- BLT wood, on a pound for pound basis is roughly half that of Anthracite Coal
- Since its growth is fast, firewood can be plentiful
## Timber
- Rot resistant due to a naturally produced robinin in the wood
- 100 year life span in full soil contact! (better than cedar performance)
- Fence posts
- Outdoor furniture
- Outdoor decking
- Sustainable due to its fast growth and spread
- Can be coppiced (cut to the ground)
- Can be pollarded (cut above ground)
- Its dense wood makes durable tool handles, boxes (tool), and furniture
- The wood is tougher than hickory, which is tougher than hard maple, which is tougher than oak.
- A very low rate of expansion and contraction
- Hardwood flooring
- The highest tensile beam strength of any American tree
- The wood is beautiful
## Legume
- Nitrogen fixer
- Fixes the same amount of nitrogen per acre as is needed for 200-bushel/acre corn
- Black walnuts inter-planted with locust as “nurse” trees were shown to rapidly increase their growth [[Clark, Paul M., and Robert D. Williams. (1978) Black walnut growth increased when interplanted with nitrogen-fixing shrubs and trees. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, vol. 88, pp. 88-91.]]
## Bees
- The edible flower clusters are also a top food source for honey bees
## Shade Provider
- Its light, airy overstory provides dappled shade
- Planted on the west side of a garden it provides relief during the hottest part of the day
- (nitrogen provider)
- Planted on the west side of a house, its quick growth soon shades that side from the sun
## Wind-break
- Fast growth plus it's feathery foliage reduces wind for animals, crops, and shelters
## Fodder
- [[Baertsche, S.R, M.T. Yokoyama, and J.W. Hanover (1986) Short rotation, hardwood tree biomass as potential ruminant feed-chemical composition, nylon bag ruminal degradation and ensilement of selected species. J. Animal Sci. 63 2028-2043]]
- Over 20% crude protein
- 4.1 kcal/g of energy
@ 11d0b667:53e00ef7
2023-09-24 17:28:20
On July 13, 1927, in Coalville, Utah 13 year old Ellis Richins, small for his age, was playing with a nephew outside his father’s sheep camp when a stranger lunged from the woods and grabbed him. As his playmate ran to get help, the assailant forced Ellis up into the mountains.
Leonidas Munsey Dean.(a.k.a. Leon, a.k.a. Leonidas "Bally" Dean, a.k.a. Uncle Lonnie) , 51, placed a six-page ransom letter on a stone near the sheep camp. It began: “If you want to save the life of this fellow Richins, take ten thousand dollars, two thousand in gold coin; eight thousand in federal reserve notes, in five, ten and twenty dollar denominations, equal amounts of each, and do with them exactly as we tell you. The prisoner has just two days to live, if our orders are not strictly obeyed. We are as determined as war and ill treatment can make us.”
Lonnie kept Ellis walking that night by prodding him with a rifle barrel, and by threatening to shoot if the boy made a sound. Keeping to the ridges, they pushed toward Snyderville Valley. Ellis was told that his father had left the ransom money there. Just before daylight they reached a saddle above the Devil Creek fork of Tollgate Canyon. There the kidnapper chained Ellis to a tree, and they both went to sleep.
Sometime the next morning, Lonnie heard someone walking through the woods, as a posse of nearly 400 men, some who were loaned guns by the National Guard, were scouring the mountainside. Holding a gun to Ellis’s head, Lonnie ordered the youngster to remain quiet while he went to investigate.
As soon as the kidnapper left, Ellis picked up a sharp rock and began chopping at his chains. Eventually, he was able to break one of the links and fled.
A short time later Ellis arrived breathlessly at a highway construction camp near Silver Creek. Ellis telephoned his mother, assured her that he was okay. (In 1881, Park City became the third city in Utah to receive telephone service, and would be one of the first to get electric lighting in 1889). After making the call he sat down—surrounded by nearly a hundred admirers—and ate a hearty meal. Within fifteen minutes his overjoyed parents drove into the camp.
Using the mountains to his advantage, a week later, Lonnie Dean had hiked/traveled over 72.5 miles south, to Salem, Utah. There, he was captured by sheriff’s deputies and railroad detectives, acting on a tip. He told the Sheriff that he had planned to go to California, then on to Mexico.
Sentenced to five years in prison, Leonidas “Lonnie” Dean, didn’t live out his time. He was killed by another inmate during a fight in the Utah State Penitentiary.
Like his father, Ellis Richins raised sheep for a living in Coalville, until he died at 52, leaving behind 5 boys and a sheep farm.
![Ellis 52](https://image.nostr.build/4acf7ae7522e340e186f8916f57c47b1dd078db17103ebcdea0832b1ea01a708.jpg)
His wife, Metta, lived well into this century. She lived 43 years as a widow. She was very involved in the sheep industry where she made many lifetime friends. She won the Sheep Rancher of the Year Award (the first woman to ever receive this award) by the Utah Wool Growers Association. She was President of the Utah State Wool Growers Auxiliary and also the Summit County Wool Growers Auxiliary.
![Metta Richins](https://image.nostr.build/13b2d7087dc5dc4a492fec77338f4accf60c905dfd23231dcd4e7dd0b6455128.jpg)
She cooked and served many lamb suppers and helped with the Make it with Wool Contest for many years. She also served on the Farm Services Committee until the time of her death and as a secretary of the Summit County Lamb Pool.
![Ellis Gravestone](https://image.nostr.build/d203fb1db8ad9d0923103b56fed85286363170197e4753e1474d23d22672fc70.jpg)
@ 23202132:eab3af30
2023-09-24 17:14:23
O desenvolvimento da Inteligência Artificial (IA) não está isento de controvérsia; diversas vertentes e argumentos, com defensores e críticos, apresentam perspectivas variadas. Compreender os argumentos de ambos os lados é essencial para uma apreciação completa do fenômeno das máquinas inteligentes.
Cada vertente apresenta uma posição crítica, favorável ou contrária ao desenvolvimento da Inteligência Artificial, dependendo dos interesses e dos problemas que diferentes setores da sociedade precisam abordar, gerando perspectivas distintas. Para um empresário que busca aumentar o lucro, a utilização da tecnologia de IA para reduzir os custos trabalhistas pode ser desejável. Entretanto, para setores preocupados com o equilíbrio e a justiça social, o uso da IA deve ser moderado e consciente da importância de manter um modelo econômico que crie empregos para seres humanos, garantindo a estabilidade social e econômica.
Na área da psicologia social, o desenvolvimento da IA deve levar em consideração o tempo de adaptação dos seres humanos aos serviços oferecidos. O rápido avanço da IA pode gerar uma série de problemas, como perda de sentido existencial, ansiedade e dependência tecnológica, entre outros transtornos humanos, que podem ser desencadeados pelo contato prematuro de algumas pessoas com a tecnologia, incluindo a IA.
É amplamente reconhecido em diversas áreas de estudo que algumas tecnologias têm o poder de transformar a sociedade e a percepção humana do mundo, e a IA não é exceção. Nesse sentido, a IA deve ser desenvolvida e introduzida na sociedade com pleno respeito pelos limites humanos e sociais.
Pensar sobre a IA de maneira equilibrada requer uma avaliação cuidadosa de seus prós e contras.
**Automatização e Desemprego**
**Automatização e Eficiência:** A IA pode automatizar tarefas repetitivas, aumentando a eficiência e permitindo que as pessoas se concentrem em tarefas mais complexas e criativas. Isso pode levar a ganhos significativos de produtividade em várias indústrias.
**Desemprego e Automatização: **Um dos principais argumentos contra a IA é o receio de que ela substituirá empregos humanos, causando desemprego em larga escala, especialmente em trabalhos de baixa qualificação.
**O Equilíbrio:** Uma abordagem sugerida para manter o equilíbrio social seria a substituição da IA somente após qualificar os funcionários afetados, em vez de simplesmente substituí-los, realocando-os para outras atividades profissionais, garantindo assim a manutenção do emprego e o equilíbrio socioeconômico.
Os defensores da IA argumentam que o equilíbrio ocorrerá naturalmente, à medida que as pessoas se qualificarem para atender às demandas tecnológicas da sociedade e do mercado de trabalho, enquanto os críticos veem a tendência de que o uso da IA, entre outras tecnologias, resultará na perda permanente de empregos, o que poderá agravar crises econômicas e problemas sociais.
**Discriminação e Problemas Complexos**
**Solução de Problemas Complexos:** A IA é capaz de analisar grandes volumes de dados e identificar padrões que os seres humanos podem perder. Isso é particularmente valioso em áreas como medicina, ciência, finanças e logística.
**Vieses e Discriminação:** A IA pode herdar vieses presentes nos dados usados para seu treinamento, resultando em decisões discriminatórias em áreas como contratação, empréstimos e justiça criminal.
**O Equilíbrio:** Uma sugestão seria sempre delegar a decisão final a uma comissão de seres humanos, garantindo que a IA seja apenas uma ferramenta de apoio e não tenha a decisão final sobre esses assuntos.
Os defensores da IA acreditam que é absurdo permitir que uma IA tome decisões finais, enquanto os críticos argumentam que a pressão por maior eficiência poderia levar à dependência tecnológica e à aplicação de vieses prejudiciais aos seres humanos.
**A Perda de Controle Humano e o Aprendizado de Máquina**
**Aprendizado Contínuo:** Algoritmos de aprendizado de máquina permitem que a IA aprenda e se adapte com o tempo, melhorando sua precisão e desempenho.
**Falta de Controle e Segurança:** Preocupações sobre a falta de controle sobre sistemas de IA superinteligentes e a possibilidade de seu uso para fins maliciosos ou prejudiciais.
**O Equilíbrio:** Há um consenso de que a IA deve ser monitorada constantemente, e os resultados devem ser revisados por uma comissão humana atenta e ética.
Os defensores da IA acreditam que é improvável que uma tecnologia desse tipo adquira autonomia na tomada de decisões, mantendo sempre o controle humano. Os críticos apontam para exemplos de tecnologias de IA que já demonstraram autonomia em decisões sensíveis, destacando a necessidade de regulamentação e supervisão rigorosa.
**Inovação e Malefícios Sociais**
Inovação e Avanço Tecnológico: A pesquisa em IA impulsiona a inovação e o avanço tecnológico em diversas áreas, incluindo robótica, veículos autônomos, assistentes virtuais e muito mais.
**Ética e Responsabilidade:** A falta de ética na IA, incluindo a criação de deepfakes e algoritmos que podem influenciar o comportamento humano de maneiras indesejadas, é uma preocupação significativa. Também há preocupações de que a dependência excessiva da IA possa levar à perda de habilidades humanas essenciais, como o pensamento crítico e a resolução de problemas.
**O Equilíbrio:** Certas tarefas cognitivas, essenciais para o desenvolvimento humano, precisam ser consideradas, especialmente na educação de crianças e jovens. O acesso à IA deve ser regulamentado para garantir que seja acessado apenas por adultos que já desenvolveram determinadas habilidades cognitivas.
Os defensores da IA acreditam que regulamentações podem mitigar usos maliciosos e que a cognição humana não é prejudicada pela IA, desde que os usuários estejam cientes de seu uso. Os críticos argumentam que a aplicação efetiva das regras de regulamentação é desafiadora e que muitas pessoas têm acesso à IA sem orientação e supervisão adequadas.
Ao estudar a IA e suas possíveis consequências, é fundamental abordar a complexidade do assunto. É importante considerar tanto os aspectos positivos quanto os negativos dessa tecnologia. A clareza de pensamento é crucial para uma compreensão consciente da IA em nossa vida cotidiana. Esteja atento e desconfie de argumentos que simplificam demais essa complexidade. O uso eficaz e responsável da IA depende de uma gestão adequada, com uma compreensão clara de suas vantagens e desvantagens.
@ 2edbcea6:40558884
2023-09-24 15:16:04
Happy Sunday #Nostr !
Here’s your #NostrTechWeekly newsletter brought to you by nostr:npub19mduaf5569jx9xz555jcx3v06mvktvtpu0zgk47n4lcpjsz43zzqhj6vzk written by nostr:npub1r3fwhjpx2njy87f9qxmapjn9neutwh7aeww95e03drkfg45cey4qgl7ex2
#NostrTechWeekly is a weekly newsletter focused on the more technical happenings in the nostr-verse.
Many great discussions this week. Let’s dive in!
## Recent Upgrades to Nostr (AKA [NIPs](https://nostr.com/the-protocol/nips))
#### 1) (Proposed) [NIP 34: Wiki](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/pull/787) 📜
Wikipedia is flawed because there’s only one article per topic which forces everyone that works on Wikipedia to fight out what is “true.” This will always lead to people claiming whatever is on Wikipedia is “the truth” because there’s only one article per topic.
Google experimented with a Wikipedia alternative called [Knol](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Knol) which was similar, but anyone could submit an article on a topic and then it was by the voting of users that determined the top articles for that topic. The theory being that readers could go through multiple articles on the topic from different perspectives and determine the truth for themselves.
What fiatjaf is proposing in this NIP is very similar to Knol, but published via Nostr to give it more censorship resistance than Knol. With reactions and bridges to other knowledge bases, we could quickly bootstrap a nostr-based rival to Wikipedia with more nuance and debate baked in.
Author: nostr:npub180cvv07tjdrrgpa0j7j7tmnyl2yr6yr7l8j4s3evf6u64th6gkwsyjh6w6
#### 2) (Proposed) [NIP 17: Event Metadata](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/pull/605/files?short_path=6077719#diff-6077719b284438886b7d78c839a31de98ae346d24edffafb6a6f2a567eaee2f2) ℹ️
When clients are displaying a note published by a user, there are often things about that note which would be useful to display to users reading that note. E.g. how many comments, reposts, and reactions there are. These are often computationally and time intensive operations for a client since they’ll need to query many relays to get a reasonably accurate count.
This NIP proposes that relays could optionally add such information as metadata on each note as it is returned to clients so they do less work to get that information. Both clients and relays would benefit from needing to do less work to give users the same, good experience.
Author: [arthurfranca](https://github.com/arthurfranca)
#### 3) (Proposed) [NIP 34: Algorithmic Filter](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/pull/579/files?short_path=2bf5262#diff-2bf5262cd62bad7dfe81421a12126e446d91dac9c77ce39bffebef5689395d88) 🔍
One of the possibilities that makes Nostr great is the chance at algorithmic choice. People may want no algorithm, or a light algorithm to dedupe their feed of the same note being reposted by a dozen people, or a heavier algorithm to curate their feed and help them discover new content.
This NIP proposes a way for relays to support generic algorithms for ordering notes so that clients can query for notes from relays in a way specified by the indicated algorithm. There is also a concept of “seen at” which will allow users to tell relays they’ve seen a note so that it won’t show up in future algorithmic queries for notes.
This is still under development and refinement, but looks very promising.
PS - Yes this is also NIP 34, so whichever gets merged first gets the number I guess?
Author: [arthurfranca](https://github.com/arthurfranca)
## Notable Projects
#### [relay.tools](https://w3.do/IWez33Hp)
Relay.tools is a tool for quickly spinning up relays. You can specify a subdomain of nostr1.com and pay a lightning invoice, and they’ll spin up a relay at that address for use by the nostr-verse.
Looks like this is under continued development, and could become a useful tool for creating, discovering, and educating folks about relays.
Author: nostr: nostr:npub10npj3gydmv40m70ehemmal6vsdyfl7tewgvz043g54p0x23y0s8qzztl5h
#### [Email style subscriptions](https://w3.do/qeMObqkm)
Getting notified about certain posts is difficult on Nostr. If you want to subscribe to this publication, for example, you have to follow us and look for when it’s published every week 😅.
Wouldn’t it be great if you could subscribe to a publication and a link would be DM’d to you when it was published? It’s not a new concept, newsletters have worked like this for decades, but we don’t have an email-like system on Nostr.
nostr:npub1wf4pufsucer5va8g9p0rj5dnhvfeh6d8w0g6eayaep5dhps6rsgs43dgh9 took a stab at creating a way to “subscribe” to something and then it’ll be NIP-04 DM’d to you when that account publishes in the future. It’s currently a proof of concept, but there’s likely something there to help folks who don’t want to have to use a different client just to see their subscriptions, or scroll endlessly to make sure they didn’t miss anything.
#### [Better Backups](https://w3.do/_Nu3CqPT)
In case you’re unaware, many relays will erase notes published to them after they reach a certain age. This is done primarily to save on hosting costs, especially for free relays. This makes sense, but it presents a problem around data retention for Nostr users. Even paid relays may go out of business, and then your data is lost forever (unless it’s on other relays).
It’s been a common ask that there was some way to backup our data quickly and easily. Either to a private relay or to spread the data to more active relays so that there’s less chance of data loss.
nostr:npub1cmmswlckn82se7f2jeftl6ll4szlc6zzh8hrjyyfm9vm3t2afr7svqlr6f and nostr:npub12262qa4uhw7u8gdwlgmntqtv7aye8vdcmvszkqwgs0zchel6mz7s6cgrkj have done a great job creating a backup service that now takes seconds instead of minutes. And it looks like nostr:npub1cmmswlckn82se7f2jeftl6ll4szlc6zzh8hrjyyfm9vm3t2afr7svqlr6f will be adding features to make it easier to port that backed up information around (as a file, to other relays, etc).
Huge load off my mind having a backup of my account (even all the reactions and comments on my notes) in case there’s loss somewhere else in the nostr-verse.
## Latest conversations: Custody of Private Keys
#### The state of private keys
If you have the private key for a Nostr account, then you own that Nostr account. You can publish notes as that account, you can change the profile info, you can ask relays to delete notes for that account. It’s total access.
Even still, many clients require that you paste your private key into a text box and allow the client to use the key to publish events as you. The best clients store the key only locally on your device so the client’s developers never have access to your private key. It’s becoming clear that some clients are storing private keys off-device and that comes with trade offs.
#### ZBD controversy
[A discussion was started](https://w3.do/2i-ouNEw) about how ZBD seems to store private keys for Nostr accounts on their servers. If ZBD is able to use those private keys to help users publish events, then ZBD could theoretically hand those private keys over to third parties (three letter government agencies, advertisers, etc). There’s a tremendous amount of trust users should have in ZBD when giving ZBD that power.
#### The spectrum of self-custody
On one extreme, users totally give up control: many folks don’t understand private key/public keypairs and so want to offload the cognitive load to a trusted third party. They’re willing to give their keys to a third party and have that third party do all the signing and publishing of Nostr events on their behalf.
On the other extreme is using a NIP-07 browser extension. This means that a Nostr client has to ask for your permission whenever it takes an action that requires your public or private key. That way the client never touches the private key, it just asks the extension to sign events before publishing them to the users’ relays. If you’ve ever used it, the popups are incredibly annoying after a while.
#### Is there a better way?
Is there a middle ground where users don’t have to manage annoying popups, but can be in complete control of their keys?
Theoretically you could have a third party service that:
Stored public and private keys for a user in an end-to-end encrypted way, so that they can’t give anyone access to your keys even if they’re hacked.
Allowed users to have a username/password/2FA interface for logging into the service and retrieving their keys (maybe the password is the encryption key).
This would allow folks that don’t understand private/public key pairs to have a familiar experience without compromising their security.
It may even be possible to extend the capabilities to make it truly an all-in-one solution for Nostr account management.
Give users an OAuth experience for logging into clients (Login with WhateverYouCallIt button instead of pasting in a key)
Allow users to direct requests for access to private/public keys from Nostr clients to this third party to be authorized by the user (like NIP-07)
Allow users to store and update preferences of how much you access each client should have. Avoiding constant popups whenever a user is using a client they already trust.
In order to attract normal, everyday internet users we’ll need to give them an experience they expect and understand. And I think we can do that without compromising security like we’re seeing with clients that store a user’s keys on their servers.
## Next week: Privacy on Nostr
[A discussion was started](https://w3.do/1OOZRxhr) around an architecture to allow private nostr interactions via P2P interactions between users and clients (bypassing relays). There’s not a ton of detail yet, but it’s a hot topic and next week we’ll dive in more.
## Events
Here are some upcoming events that we are looking forward to! We keep a comprehensive list and details of Nostr-related events that we hear about (in person or virtual) that you can bookmark here [NostrConf Report](https://habla.news/nostreport/nosconf)
1. [Nostrasia](https://nostr.world/) Nov 1-3 in Tokyo & Hong Kong
2. [Nostrville](https://www.meetup.com/bitcoinpark/events/292518506/) Nov 9-10 in Nashville, TN, USA
3. [NostrCon](nostr:note1ah9vkqn395rqqqnqpkhzrd2yh9074vhl6gzl2h4rjn2tkdunhksq3ujl3f) Jan 12, 2024 (online only)
## Until next time 🫡
If you want to see something highlighted, if we missed anything, or if you’re building something we didn’t post about, let us know. DMs welcome.
Stay Classy, Nostr.
@ 21b19658:4167248a
2023-09-24 12:11:33
**MOOD**: Read "Fahrenheit 451" by Ray Bradbury
@ 81870f53:29bef6a6
2023-09-24 10:36:48
@ 9322bd92:a3d4cb0b
2023-09-23 21:13:03
1. Bullish: Refers to an optimistic outlook for the stock or market, suggesting a potential increase in price.
2. Uptrend: A pattern of higher highs and higher lows, indicating that the stock or market is moving upward.
3. Chart pattern: A recognizable formation on a stock chart that can indicate a potential change in direction or trend.
4. Support: A price level that a stock or market has difficulty falling below, often considered a buying opportunity.
5. Resistance: A price level that a stock or market has difficulty rising above, often considered a selling opportunity.
6. Volume: Refers to the number of shares traded in a particular time period, often used to confirm the validity of a chart pattern.
7. Breakout: Occurs when the stock price moves above or below a significant price level, indicating a potential change in trend.
8. Consolidation: A period of time when the stock or market is trading in a relatively narrow range, often seen as a pause before a continuation of the trend.
9. Pullback: A temporary reversal in the stock or market trend,
often seen as a buying opportunity.
Moving averages: A commonly used technical indicator that smooths out the price action by calculating the average price over a specified period.
10. Moving averages: A commonly used technical indicator that smooths out the price action by calculating the averagrice over a specified period.
@ 5b0e0a3e:4f69ad90
2023-09-23 19:50:52
*While I am a fully licensed physician in Kansas, this communication does not constitute personal medical advice or establish a physician-patient relationship. See your own physician to discuss your particular diagnosis and treatment*
Stress is a common condition in our society. Stress can promote (i) inflammatory diseases such as asthma, eczema or urticaria, rheumatoid arthritis, ulcerative colitis, and sickness syndrome; (ii) pain disorders such as headaches and abdominal, pelvic, and lower back pain; (iii) gastrointestinal dysfunction such as diarrhea, constipation, and peptic ulcers; (iv) mental illnesses such as anxiety, depression, psychosis, cognitive dysfunction, and insomnia; (v) metabolic diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolemia, visceral obesity, and sarcopenia; (vi) ischemic heart disease; (vii) neurodegenerative diseases; and (viii) osteopenia and osteoporosis. This is not an exhaustive list, but gives insight into the widespread manifestations of stress. When I discuss the pillars of health with my patients, stress comes up. Leveraging the endocannabinoid system can help reduce stress.
The endocannabinoid system is a widespread neuro modulatory system that plays important roles in central nervous system development, synaptic plasticity, and response to endogenous and environmental insults. The endocannabinoid system is a retrograde system, functioning post to pre-nerve synapse, allowing it to be a master regulator in the body. At the synapse, endocannabinoids inhibit the release of many excitatory and inhibitory neurotransmitters. Therefore, endocannabinoid's post-synaptic target cells can influence their own incoming synaptic signals. The endocannabinoid system functions through the regulation of neurotransmitter function, apoptosis (programmed cell death), mitochondrial function, and ion-gated channels. The endocannabinoid system runs through adipose tissue, important in adipogenesis, lipogenesis, and glucose uptake, all stimulated by the CB 1 receptor. Dopamine activity is tied to endocannabinoid activity. CB 1 receptors are located across the striatal regions of the brain that mediate reward function.
Endogenous cannabinoids are endogenous lipids that engage with cannabinoid receptors. These are synthesized from omega-3 and omega 6 fatty acids. Examples include Anandamide or N-arachionyolyethanolamine (AEA), (first endocannabinoid discovered) and 2-arachidonolyl glycerol (2-AG). AEA may be very important for pain control. AEA also has ability to make or break short-term connections and nerve cells that affect memory. Utility may be to decrease PTSD. 2 AG is the most prevalent endocannabinoid in the body. It seems to play a role in inflammation through immune suppression. Also, 2-AG has psychoactive properties when bound to CB1 receptors. Cannabinoids are rapidly synthesized and degraded, therefore, do not stay in the body for a long time, possibly a safer alternative to opioids and benzodiazepines. Endocannabinoid's have antiproliferative, anti-inflammatory, and anti-metastatic effects.
Cannabinoid receptors are present throughout the body and in the brain. There are CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are in the brain and CNS. They control the level and activity of most of the other neurotransmitters. In the process, they also help to regulate hunger, temperature, sleep, memory, fertility, bone remodeling, motor control, liver function, stress, and alertness. The drug rimonabant blocked the CB1 receptor. It was developed as an anti-obesity drug due to the effect of the endocannabinoid system on hunger. It was successful in promoting weight loss through decreased hunger, however, it caused significant effects on mood. Blocking CB1 receptors can result in suicidal ideation. CB2 receptors are mostly present in the peripheral nervous system and immune cells and help control inflammation. When these receptors are stimulated, patients do not experience "a high".
When 2-AG is activated, it increases the effects of the GABA system, results in CNS “relaxation”. Endocannabinoids have a calming effect. They may be responsible for the “runners high” experience and seem to be more likely than endorphins. Endocannabinoid's can easily pass the blood-brain barrier promoting short-term psychoactive effects.
Mental health disorders such as schizophrenia have been linked to a malfunctioning endocannabinoid system. THC can bind to both CB1 and CB2 receptors. Increased use of THC cannabis is associated with increased incidence of schizophrenia and psychosis.
CBD does not bind to CB1 or CB2 receptors in the same fashion that THC does. It is possible that CBD prevents other Endocannabinoids from being broken down.
Foods that function as Endocannabinoids: Truffles, dark chocolate, coffee, oregano, curcumin, cinnamon, Chia seeds, hemp, walnuts, sardines, anchovies, eggs.
Medium and high intensity exercise also stimulates the endocannabinoid system. Moderate intensity exercise dramatically increased concentrations of anadamide in blood plasma levels.
Stress lowering activities such as meditation will also stimulate the endocannabinoid system. A 4 day yoga-meditation retreat reveals blood level changes and survey reported improved depressive and anxiety symptoms.
Supplements: Omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin C
CBD oil: CBD appears to act on opioid, serotonergic, and cannabinoid receptor systems. CBD also activates PPAR gamma, reducing neuroinflammation and excitotoxicity associated with stress. Binds to CB2 receptors to help with immune support, but do not feel euphoria. CBD is used by up 10% of the population to relieve stress and over 90% of people that tried it reported feeling less stressed based on subjective report. The FDA has issued a caution about safety. CBD is only approved for seizure treatment for Lennox Gastaut, Dravet syndrome, or tuberous sclerosis complex seizures. Reported risks/concerns with CBD oil: Dry mouth, diarrhea, decreased appetite, drowsiness, fatigue, liver injury and interaction with blood thinner medications.
I hope this information helps you and your loved ones!
Jason Williams, D.O.
@ 23202132:eab3af30
2023-09-23 18:42:39
A inteligência artificial teve suas origens no século XX, mas suas raízes remontam a ideias e conceitos anteriores. O termo "inteligência artificial" foi cunhado pela primeira vez em 1956, durante uma conferência em Dartmouth College nos Estados Unidos.
No entanto, as ideias sobre máquinas que poderiam imitar a inteligência humana datam de muito antes. Um exemplo conhecido pode ser encontrado na época da Grécia Antiga, sobre relatos e mitos que narravam a criação de seres artificiais por habilidosos artesãos. Incluindo o deus do fogo e da metalurgia, que era frequentemente retratado como o criador de autômatos de metal para auxiliá-lo em suas tarefas.
O conceito de autômatos programáveis, como o "Turk mecânico" do século XVIII, e os primeiros computadores, como a Máquina Analítica de Charles Babbage no século XIX, contribuíram para o desenvolvimento da inteligência artificial. No entanto, o campo realmente começou a se desenvolver com o surgimento dos computadores eletrônicos no século XX, que permitiram a implementação de algoritmos e técnicas para simular a inteligência.
Na história da tecnologia, alguns autômatos programáveis notáveis se destacaram por suas inovações e influência, contribuindo com a evolução tecnológica até o primeiro computador. Conheça alguns deles:
**O Turk Mecânico (1770):** Também conhecido como "O Turco", foi um autômato construído pelo inventor Wolfgang von Kempelen. Ele aparentemente jogava xadrez contra humanos e enganou muitos espectadores da época. Na realidade, era controlado por um enxadrista humano escondido dentro do mecanismo. O fato de enganar muitas pessoas demonstra que a convicção em ser possível máquinas com alguma inteligência já era uma realidade em 1770.
**Máquina de Tece (Jacquard, 1801):** Invenção de Joseph Marie Jacquard, essa máquina usava cartões perfurados para controlar a tecelagem de padrões complexos. Isso foi um precursor da programação por cartões perfurados, que mais tarde influenciaria os computadores. Surge uma possibilidade de instruir máquinas usando cartões perfurados.
**Máquina de Diferenças de Babbage (1822):** Era usada para calcular tabelas matemáticas complexas. Ela também contribuiu para o desenvolvimento de máquinas computacionais, com capacidade de seguir instruções.
**Máquina Analítica de Charles Babbage (século XIX):** Embora nunca tenha sido construída durante a vida de Babbage, essa máquina conceitual é considerada o primeiro projeto de um computador de uso geral. Ela usaria cartões perfurados para executar cálculos e poderia ser programada para realizar várias tarefas. Pode ser considerado o primeiro indício real da possibilidade de instruir máquinas para realizar tarefas específicas.
**Relógio Astronômico de Strasbourg (1843):** Construído por Jean-Baptiste Schwilgué, este relógio tinha um mecanismo complexo que calculava posições astronômicas e informações de calendário. Era uma máquina notável para sua época, incorporando muitos princípios de automação em um tipo de mecanismo inteligente.
**Máquina de Tabulação de Cartões (1887):** Desenvolvida por Herman Hollerith, essa máquina foi usada para processar dados do censo dos Estados Unidos. Ela foi uma das primeiras a utilizar cartões perfurados para a entrada de dados e é considerada um precursor dos computadores modernos. Consolidando na prática o uso de instruções para máquinas seguirem.
**El Ajedrecista (1912):** Foi um autômato que jogava xadrez e foi construído por Leonardo Torres y Quevedo, ele demonstrou a capacidade da automação em realizar movimentos de xadrez automaticamente. Diferente da máquina O turco de 1770 que era uma ilusão. Em 1912 o automato realmente conseguia produzir mecanicamente movimentos de xadrez. Consolidando a ideia da possibilidade de máquinas demonstrarem algum tipo de inteligência.
**Mark I (1944):** Construído por Howard Aiken e sua equipe em Harvard, o Mark I foi um dos primeiros computadores eletromecânicos programáveis. Ele foi usado para cálculos científicos e de engenharia durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial.
**ENIAC (1945):** O ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) foi o primeiro computador eletrônico de grande escala. Foi projetado para fins de cálculo balístico durante a Segunda Guerra Mundial e é considerado um marco importante no desenvolvimento da computação eletrônica.
**Transistor (1947):** O transistor foi inventado pelos físicos John Bardeen, Walter Brattain e William Shockley na Bell Labs em 1947. Ele substituiu as válvulas eletrônicas (ou tubos de vácuo) usadas em computadores anteriores. Os transistores eram menores, mais eficientes e mais confiáveis, permitindo a construção de dispositivos eletrônicos muito mais compactos e poderosos. Além de consumir bem menos energia elétrica, colocando a possibilidade de computadores domésticos em um futuro próximo.
**UNIVAC I (1951):** O UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer I) foi um dos primeiros computadores eletrônicos de grande escala construídos nos Estados Unidos. Foi usado para aplicações comerciais e científicas e marcou o início da era dos computadores comerciais.
**IBM 701 (1952):** A IBM lançou o IBM 701, também conhecido como "Defense Calculator," que foi um dos primeiros computadores de uso geral fabricados em grande escala. Ele desempenhou um papel importante na pesquisa científica e no processamento de dados comerciais.
**IBM 650/704 (1954):** Este foi um dos primeiros computadores a ser amplamente utilizado para fins comerciais e científicos. Ele era programado usando cartões perfurados e foi amplamente adotado em empresas e instituições de pesquisa. O IBM 704 foi um computador importante na pesquisa científica e na indústria de computação. Ele foi usado em uma ampla gama de aplicações, incluindo cálculos científicos, modelagem meteorológica e design de aeronaves.
**O TRADIC (1954):** Entrou em operação em 1955. Ele marcou um avanço importante na computação eletrônica, pois foi o primeiro computador a usar transistores em vez de válvulas eletrônicas (tubos de vácuo) para operações lógicas e de amplificação.
**IBM 1401 (1959):** Este foi um dos primeiros computadores de grande escala a usar transistores em vez de válvulas eletrônicas. Ele foi amplamente adotado para aplicações comerciais e científicas, tornando-se um dos computadores mais populares da década de 1960.
**IBM 7090 (1959):** Outro computador importante da IBM, o 7090, também usava transistores. Ele era usado em pesquisa científica e engenharia e foi uma parte crucial do programa espacial dos Estados Unidos.
**DEC PDP-1 (1959):** Este foi um dos primeiros computadores transistorizados a serem vendidos comercialmente. Ele foi usado para uma ampla gama de aplicações e era notável por ser acessível para laboratórios de pesquisa e universidades.
**IBM 7094 (1962):** O IBM 7094 foi uma versão aprimorada do IBM 7090 e era conhecido por seu desempenho aprimorado e capacidade de processamento de dados científicos.
**IBM System/360 (1964):** Este foi um lançamento revolucionário da IBM que introduziu uma linha de computadores compatíveis com uma ampla variedade de tamanhos e aplicações. Ele foi fundamental para a padronização e a disseminação dos sistemas de computação.
**DEC PDP-8 (1965):** Este computador, um dos primeiros minicomputadores, foi altamente influente e amplamente usado em laboratórios de pesquisa e indústria.
**Primeira Inteligência artificial (1966):** O cientista Joseph Weizenbaum publica em 1966 uma artigo científico descrevendo o programa ELIZA e suas capacidades de simular conversas terapêuticas. O ELIZA foi implementado na linguagem FORTRAN e foi uma chatbot que as pessoas usavam para bater papo e muitas ficavam espantadas com a capacidade de diálogo do software. Basicamente ELIZA usava um método simples e baseado em regras de substituição de palavras-chave. Mas marcou época como evidência da possibilidade de máquinas inteligentes.
**Intel 4004 (1971):** O Intel 4004 foi o primeiro microprocessador comercialmente disponível, que impulsionou a revolução dos computadores pessoais e a disseminação da eletrônica digital em uma variedade de dispositivos.
**IBM PC (1981):** O IBM PC foi um dos primeiros computadores pessoais bem-sucedidos, que ajudou a estabelecer o padrão para a indústria de PCs.
**Commodore 64 (1982):** Este foi um dos computadores pessoais mais vendidos de todos os tempos, ajudando a popularizar a computação doméstica.
**Macintosh (1984):** O Apple Macintosh foi outro marco na história dos computadores pessoais, introduzindo a interface gráfica do usuário e o mouse.
Esses são apenas alguns exemplos dos avanços na computação que ocorreram como percursor dos processadores, promovendo uma inovação fundamental que possibilitou o desenvolvimento de computadores menores, mais rápidos e mais acessíveis, pavimentando o caminho para a revolução da tecnologia da informação que presenciamos hoje, incluindo o fortalecimento da convivção sobre máquinas inteligentes.
@ 7f5c2b4e:a818d75d
2023-09-23 14:48:16
*This short blog post aims to provide a step-by-step guide on connecting to the best performing relays and finding the balance between maximum connectivity and minimum load on your device*
While every new Nostr user is encouraged to study the plethora of Nostr materials explaining the whole range of Nostr components, sometimes one simply looks for a quick and easy guide on how to improve connectivity and/or mobile device battery life. This is exactly what this guide is about.
I won’t talk about free relays, assuming that the client you are using is already connected to a number of those. Let’s jump directly to the paid relays – end of the day they are incentivised to deliver the best user experience in an obvious way – you pay their maintainers to do so.
## Nostr.wine
The number one relay on my list is [https://nostr.wine](https://nostr.wine) Nostr wine is a paid relay that lets you broadcast your notes to all the relay subscribers (readers). Connecting to the relay requires a one time 18,888 sat fee submission.
In addition to the general relay service Nostr Wine 🍷 offers a filter relay – [https://nostr-wine.github.io/filter-relay/](https://nostr-wine.github.io/filter-relay/). For 10,000 sats/month (with significant discounts for longer subscription periods) you get access to reading from and writing to a bunch of relays.
This dramatically improves your connectivity while requiring to only connect to one relay, extending your device’s battery life and reducing overall load.
To connect to this relay follow these steps:
1. Visit [https://nostr.wine/invoices](https://nostr.wine/invoices)
2. Enter your npub in the corresponding field
3. Pay the lightning invoice
4. Add wss://nostr.wine to the relays list in your Nostr client
New users who sign up to nostr.wine get 1 month of access to the filter relay. After that a 10,000 sat/month or up to 120k sats for 24 months must be paid as a subscription fee (believe me it’s worth it). After paying the invoice simply add wss://filter.nostr.wine/**REPLACE_WITH_YOUR_NPUB**?broadcast=true to your relays. Done!
All additional regularly updated information on the filter relay, including the relays it reads from (and filters) & broadcasts to is available at [https://nostr-wine.github.io/filter-relay/](https://nostr-wine.github.io/filter-relay/).
## Nostr.band
Another worthy addition to your setup is a free (for now) wss://relay.nostr.band relay. It reads from all known relays and filters notes to free your global feed from spam. You can see the details [here](https://relay.nostr.band/index.html) .
## Nostr.mutinywallet
This broadcasting relay will make sure you get heard: just add wss://nostr.mutinywallet.com to the list relays in your Nostr client and it will broadcast your notes to all active relays available on [https://nostr.watch/](https://nostr.watch/).
## Is that all?
These options should do pretty good, but you are obviously free to connect to more free and/or paid relays (regularly updated list is available at https://relay.exchange/). Over time, as Nostr evolves, the approach to handling relays as well as monetization strategies will transform, however being in the know of how this works (more or less) under the hood will definitely remain a useful skill. Hope this post was valuable for you. If so, support my work.
*See you on the other side of the rabbit hole.*
@ fc792576:bab046e9
2023-09-23 12:48:32
My first experience with Yakihonne.
I'm a medical student in Nigeria, who is also passionate about writing.
I have written some articles about cryptocurrency and web3 before.
I'm also a community moderator.
I was introduced to YakiHonne by a brother of mine @still~gbenga , who is also a member of YakiHonne community.
He told me about the possibilities of YakiHonne and it's contribution to decentralized web space and has helped me familiarize myself with the platform and its functions.
I became interested in the possibilities of YakiHonne.
I'm a big fan of decentralization and big on data privacy and YakiHonne is a very good platform for that .
I like the ideas behind the project about creating a decentralized social space, where there is freedom of speech, data privacy unlike web2 social space .
YakiHonne being a Nostr-based decentralized content media protocol, that supports free curation, creation, publishing, and reporting by various media is a great leap towards ensure corrupt free and uncensored speech .
The Yakihonne community is vibrant and diverse. I engaged in conversations with fellow members, exchanged thoughts on various topics, and find the support network inspiring both on telegram and offline.
I like the community building and engagement and how the founder is keen on building the community and helping members.
The interaction has been great so far , the meet up program today in Nigeria, which I was able to join online, has also addressed some of my questions about the platform and it's usefulness which I'm really glad about.
On my first experience with the Yakihonne platform, I was immediately hit by its user-friendly interface. I mean, navigating through the website was smooth, and I felt at ease from the start and I was also put through in area where I needed to input my get Alby wallet.
Yakihonne have me excited about the future of content media. It is a big representation of paradigm shift, empowering creators and fostering a sense of community within a decentralized ecosystem. Yakihonne's commitment to free expression, transparency, and user-centricity mean and speaks well for the future of content creation and consumption in web3.
YakiHonne is the future and we are the future.
@ 0e06eec0:3212fb17
2023-09-23 12:10:44
เมื่อนานมาแล้ว ท่ามกลางความมืดที่เย็นสนิท แรงโน้มถ่วงเริ่มดึงดูดกลุ่มแก๊สและละอองต่างๆมารวมกัน แรงมหาศาลที่ดึงดูดและกระทำกับกลุ่มมวลนั้นมหาศาล มวลต่างๆถูกดึงดูดให้บีบอัดเข้าหากัน จนกระทั่งกลายเป็นกลุ่มก้อนแก๊สร้อนเรืองแสง จนในที่สุดมันก็ร้อนมากพอที่จะสร้างพลังงานได้ด้วยตัวเอง ดาวฤกษ์หนึ่งเดียวที่ให้ความร้อนและแสงสว่าง ดวงอาทิตย์ของเรา
เมื่อมองเข้าไปใต้พลาสมาที่ร้อนระอุ ลึกลงไปข้างในที่แกนกลางของดวงอาทิตย์ส่วนที่ร้อนที่สุด อะตอมที่กำลังชนกันที่อัตราความเร็วสูงและถูกหลอมรวมกัน ได้ปลดปล่อยพลังงานที่บริสุทธิ์ กระบวนการนี้เรียกว่า นิวเคลียร์ฟิวชั่น
ในแกนกลางของดวงอาทิตย์ ขณะที่อะตอมกำลังพุ่งชนและหลอมรวมกัน โฟตอนได้ถูกปลดปล่อยออกมา และพยายามที่จะไหลออกมาสู่ภายนอก พลังงานเล็กๆที่ไร้มวลบางส่วนนั้นสามารถหลุดรอดผ่านชั้นต่างๆภายในของดวงอาทิตย์ พุ่งตรงออกมาจากแกนกลางของดวงอาทิตย์ด้วยความเร็วแสง มันแผ่รัศมีออกไปทุกทิศทาง บางส่วนได้เดินทางผ่านระยะทาง 150ล้านกิโลเมตร ใช้เวลาในการเดินทางประมาณ 8นาทีกว่าๆ พุ่งตรงมายังโลกของเรา
ในทุกๆวินาที ใบไม้แต่ละใบจะดูดซับโฟตอนจำนวนมหาศาล กรานาได้รับแสงอุ่นๆจากดวงอาทิตย์ พื้นผิวที่ปกคลุมไปด้วยโปรตีนที่ทำหน้าที่คอยดักจับโฟตอนที่มาจากดวงอาทิตย์ ในนั้นอัดแน่นไปด้วยสารสีเขียวอย่างคลอโรฟิลล์ที่สามารถดูดซับแสงแดด
คลอโรฟิลล์ดักจับพลังงานที่ส่งมาจากดวงอาทิตย์ เมื่อน้ำรวมกับคาร์บอนไดออกไซด์และแสงแดด กระบวนการนี้ถูกเรียกว่า การสังเคราะห์แสง ได้เปลี่ยนรูปของพลังงานจากแสงอาทิตย์ ซึ่งผลผลิตที่ได้นั้น คือน้ำตาลและออกซิเจน กลายที่เป็นกักเก็บพลังงานใหม่ไว้ส่งต่อให้กับสิ่งมีชีวิตบนโลก
น้ำตาล เป็นสารตั้งต้นในการสังเคราะห์สารประกอบอินทรีย์อื่นๆ ที่ทำให้พืชเจริญเติบโต เช่น แป้ง เซลลูโลส โปรตีนหรือไขมัน
ออกซิเจน เป็นธาตุที่สำคัญสำหรับสิ่งมีชีวิตที่ต้องใช้ในการหายใจและเผาผลาญพลังงาน
พลังงานนั้น ไม่ได้ถูกทำให้เพิ่มขึ้นหรือหายไป พลังงานเป็นสิ่งที่มีอยู่แล้วในจักรวาลของเรานี้ มันแค่หมุนเวียน เปลี่ยนรูปจากพลังงานรูปแบบหนึ่งไปสู่พลังงานอีกรูปแบบหนึ่ง
การโฆษณาชวนเชื่อว่า การอุปโภคบริโภคที่มากของมนุษย์นั้น เป็นเรื่องเลวร้าย ไม่ว่าการรณรงค์ให้ประหยัดน้ำมัน ลดการใช้พลังงาน ลดการบริโภคเนื้อสัตว์ เพราะยิ่งกินเนื้อสัตว์ยิ่งทำให้โลกร้อน !!
คณะกรรมการระหว่างรัฐบาลว่าด้วยเรื่องการเปลี่ยนแปลงสภาพภูมิอากาศ (IPCC) แนะนำให้พลเมืองหันมาบริโภคพืชผัก เพื่อช่วยลดภาวะโลกร้อน ใช่ พวกเขากำลังบอกให้พวกเรา ฆ่าพืช เพื่อนำมาบริโภค พวกเขาบอกว่ามันจะช่วยลดโลกร้อน พวกเขายังอ้างอีกว่าการทำปศุสัตว์นั้น ทำให้คาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ในดินถูกปล่อยออกมาและเกิดก๊าซเรือนกระจก 555 (ขออภัยที่อดขำไม่ได้จริงๆ)
พืชซึ่งกำลังทำหน้าที่อันยิ่งใหญ่ พืชที่ทำหน้าที่ส่งต่อพลังงานไปยังเหล่าสรรพสัตว์ กำลังถูกคนกลุ่มหนึ่ง ซึ่งตัวพวกเขาเองนั้นก็ต้องใช้พลังงาน และอุปโภคบริโภคไม่ได้ต่างไปจากพวกเรา พวกเขากำลังบอกให้ผู้คนหันไปกินพืชกันมากขึ้นและลดการกินเนื้อ พืชที่เป็นแหล่งพลังงานของเหล่าสัตว์ พวกเขากำลังบอกให้พวกเรากินพืชแทนที่จะกินสัตว์
พวกเขายังแนะนำการบริโภคแบบมังสวิรัติที่ประกอบไปด้วย ผัก ผลไม้ ธัญพืช(เมล็ด) ถั่วต่างๆ
กรดอะมิโนชนิดจำเป็น ที่ร่างกายมนุษย์ไม่สามารถผลิตเองได้นั้น เราสามารถได้รับโดยตรงจากการบริโภคเนื้อสัตว์ ผู้ที่ทานแต่ผักมักจะขาดสารอาหารบางชนิด อีกทั้งอุตสาหกรรมการเกษตรมักอุดมไปด้วยยาฆ่าแมลงและสารเคมีต่างๆ นี่คือเหตุผลที่ มนุษย์ควรระมัดระวังในการบริโภค และต้องบริโภคทั้งพืชและสัตว์อย่างสมดุล
ถ้ามองในอีกแง่ ผู้เขียนมองว่า พวกเขาเองนั่นแหละที่กำลังทำให้โลกร้อน ถ้าพวกเขาจะกล่าวหาว่า คาร์บอนไดออกไซด์ก่อให้เกิดก๊าซเรือนกระจก
เพราะพวกเขากำลังบอกให้พวกเราทำลายพืช กินพืชให้มากขึ้น พวกเขากำลังบอกให้มนุษย์บริโภคพืชแทนเนื้อสัตว์ เขากำลังบอกให้เราแย่งอาหารจากบรรดาเหล่าสัตว์
เมล็ดพืชที่ปกติแล้วจะต้องทำหน้าที่ในการแพร่พันธุ์ จะแพร่พันธุ์ต่อได้อย่างไร ถ้ามนุษย์เก็บมากินไปซะหมด ต้นไม้จะเอาใบไม้ที่ไหนมาสังเคราะห์แสง หากมนุษย์กินพืชแทนเนื้อกันทุกคน
ความจริงแล้ว ผู้คนมีสิทธิ์อุปโภคบริโภคเท่าไรก็ได้ ตราบใดที่พวกเขาหาทรัพยากรนั้นมาด้วยตัวเอง
การพยายามสร้างความเชื่อลวงโลกว่า โลกของเรานี้กำลังร้อนขึ้นๆ พวกเขาพยายามโน้มน้าวว่า การลดใช้พลังงาน การลดการบริโภคเนื้อสัตว์นั้น เป็นการกระทำความดี เพราะกำลังช่วยลดโลกร้อนอยู่ สิ่งนี้เป็นเพียงแค่การหลอกให้ผู้คนเชื่อว่า สิ่งๆนั้นไม่มีคุณค่า สิ่งๆนั้นเป็นสิ่งเลวร้าย สิ่งๆนั้นเป็นการไม่รับผิดชอบต่อส่วนรวม เพราะมันเป็นการง่ายที่สุดที่ผู้คนจะไม่ออกมาต่อต้าน และไม่ถามว่าทำไม ผู้คนเข้าใจว่าพวกเขากำลังทำในสิ่งที่ถูกต้อง พวกเขาคิดว่าพวกเขากำลังปกป้องโลกใบนี้ ซึ่งมันไม่จริง
ทุกวันนี้ผู้คน ผลิตสิ่งต่างๆที่ได้มาจากทรัพยากรมากกว่าที่พวกเขาได้ใช้ไป ผู้คนหลายล้านคนบนโลกกำลังทำงานหนัก แต่กลับได้บริโภคสิ่งต่างๆเพียงน้อยนิดและบางสิ่งไม่ใช่สิ่งที่เหมาะสมที่มนุษย์จะบริโภค ในขณะที่คนบางกลุ่มกลับสามารถบริโภคสิ่งต่างๆได้อย่างล้นเหลือ
ความจริงแล้ว พวกเขาแค่ต้องการให้เราทิ้งสิ่งที่มีค่าไปด้วยตัวเอง เลิกอุปโภคบริโภคโดยสมัครใจ เพื่อที่พวกเขาจะนำทรัพยากรเหล่านั้นไปใช้ได้โดยง่าย แบบไร้การขัดขืน ไร้ข้อกังขา พวกเขาต้องการลดส่วนแบ่ง เพื่อที่ตัวเองจะได้ใช้มากขึ้นต่างหาก พวกเขาแย่งชิงมันอย่างไร ผู้อ่านก็คงจะทราบกันดีในวิธีการแย่งชิงทรัพยากร
พลังงานนั้นมีอยู่แล้วและจะไม่หายไป โลกได้รับพลังงานมาจากดวงอาทิตย์ อะตอมที่ถูกหลอมรวมกันและกลายเป็นหนึ่งได้ปลดปล่อยโฟตอน โฟตอนถูกส่งมาจากดวงอาทิตย์โดยกระบวนการนิวเคลียร์ฟิวชั่น ต้นไม้ดูดซับพลังงานนั้นไว้และส่งต่อไปยังสิ่งมีชีวิต
สิ่งมีชีวิตไม่ว่าจะ มนุษย์ พืชหรือสัตว์ เพียงแค่นำสิ่งที่มีอยู่แล้วนั้นมาใช้ มนุษย์เราก็เป็นแค่เพียงสิ่งหนึ่งในกระบวนการการเปลี่ยนรูปพลังงานเท่านั้น ผู้คนไม่ได้กำลังทำเรื่องเลวร้ายหรือเรื่องที่ดี สิ่งนี้มันเป็นเพียงธรรมชาติ ผู้ที่พยายามบิดเบือนความจริงเพื่อผลประโยชน์ของตัวเองต่างหาก ที่เลวร้ายอย่างแท้จริง แต่มันก็คงเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของธรรมชาติอีกเช่นกัน
@ ff2d083e:a318aca9
2023-09-23 08:57:24
The Injective blockchain's INJ token has been catching more extensive acknowledgment, as the stage keeps on making waves in the crypto space with its advancement exercises. The most recent of the series of occasions is the send off of inEVM, the very first Ethereum Virtual Machine working with interoperability with Universe and Solana.
Sway Injective, a famous figure in the Injective biological system as of late took to X (previously Twitter) to share experiences on the present status of the INJ token in the midst of the improvement exercises. According to their examination, Injective has arisen as "perhaps of the best gainer inside the most recent fourteen days", considering the significant spike in the symbolic's cost. INJ at present stands at a worth of $7.18, with a slight 0.66% expansion in one day. In any case, it is critical that the token is right now living at a cost addressing a 16% premium from its most reduced cost in one month and a 500% premium from its least cost in 2023.
On September 19, Injective declared the send off of inEVM, in a joint effort with the layer 2 rollup framework stage, Caldera. The improvement expects to extend Injective's dApps composibility on Universe and Solana, opening another degree of interoperability for Ethereum engineers.
The Injective devotee remarked on inEVM's little impact on financial backer opinion, regardless of the normal conviction that "sound improvement action frequently draws in more certainty among financial backers". Adding forthright, Sway Injective expressed that the weighted feeling metric was resting at its most reduced level throughout recent weeks.
Nonetheless, following the declaration of the inEVM send off, the stage's social predominance metric displayed an apparent flood. However the increase was transient, it very well may be represented a mark against the unaffected lower levels of financial backer feeling. One more significant measurement to consider is the Cash Stream Record which proposes Injective's interest lull, bringing up the chance of restricting the ongoing bullish track.
*By Nynu V Jamal*
@ 11d0b667:53e00ef7
2023-09-23 05:20:47
"The Austin Police Department (APD) is the principal law enforcement agency serving the city of Austin, Texas with an annual budget of $443.1 million and employed around 2,484 personnel including approximately 1,809 officers and 24 K-9 police dogs and 16 horses. Chief Chacon has served as a police officer for 31 years and has a wide breadth of experience in almost all areas of police work." (wiki)
The post below was taken from the Austin Police Association Twitter feed, where they were responding to the Austin City
*"The Austin Police Association is aware of the election results and is taking immediate action to determine the city's intentions regarding the implementation and enforcement of the illegal provisions contained in Prop A. The APA simply will not stand by while this city and anti-police activists operate with blatant disregard for state law and the rights and protections afforded to our hardworking men and women. The APA continues to prioritize negotiating a long-term contract; however, we will not be forced back to the table under a structure in which a new city ordinance attempts to unlawfully interfere with the statutory rights associated with the meet and confer process. We look forward to finding these answers so that we can get back under a long-term contract that allows for our police department to recruit, hire and retain the best and brightest people who wish to serve this community in a law enforcement capacity."*
Here are some of the replies they received on their Twitter post:
**If you have any questions or need assistance with recruitment for APD personnel you can reach them Monday through Friday 8:00 A.M to 3:00 P.M by Phone (512) 974-4211 - Office (800) 832-5264 - Toll Free*
(give them a call, I'm sure they'd love to hear from you)