@ 91bea5cd:1df4451c
2025-02-04 17:24:50
### Definição de ULID:
Timestamp 48 bits, Aleatoriedade 80 bits
Sendo Timestamp 48 bits inteiro, tempo UNIX em milissegundos, Não ficará sem espaço até o ano 10889 d.C.
e Aleatoriedade 80 bits, Fonte criptograficamente segura de aleatoriedade, se possível.
#### Gerar ULID
CREATE FUNCTION generate_ulid()
AS $$
-- Crockford's Base32
timestamp BYTEA = E'\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000';
output TEXT = '';
unix_time BIGINT;
ulid BYTEA;
-- 6 timestamp bytes
timestamp = SET_BYTE(timestamp, 0, (unix_time >> 40)::BIT(8)::INTEGER);
timestamp = SET_BYTE(timestamp, 1, (unix_time >> 32)::BIT(8)::INTEGER);
timestamp = SET_BYTE(timestamp, 2, (unix_time >> 24)::BIT(8)::INTEGER);
timestamp = SET_BYTE(timestamp, 3, (unix_time >> 16)::BIT(8)::INTEGER);
timestamp = SET_BYTE(timestamp, 4, (unix_time >> 8)::BIT(8)::INTEGER);
timestamp = SET_BYTE(timestamp, 5, unix_time::BIT(8)::INTEGER);
-- 10 entropy bytes
ulid = timestamp || gen_random_bytes(10);
-- Encode the timestamp
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 0) & 224) >> 5));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 0) & 31)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 1) & 248) >> 3));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 1) & 7) << 2) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 2) & 192) >> 6)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 2) & 62) >> 1));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 2) & 1) << 4) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 3) & 240) >> 4)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 3) & 15) << 1) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 4) & 128) >> 7)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 4) & 124) >> 2));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 4) & 3) << 3) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 5) & 224) >> 5)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 5) & 31)));
-- Encode the entropy
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 6) & 248) >> 3));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 6) & 7) << 2) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 7) & 192) >> 6)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 7) & 62) >> 1));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 7) & 1) << 4) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 8) & 240) >> 4)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 8) & 15) << 1) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 9) & 128) >> 7)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 9) & 124) >> 2));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 9) & 3) << 3) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 10) & 224) >> 5)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 10) & 31)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 11) & 248) >> 3));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 11) & 7) << 2) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 12) & 192) >> 6)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 12) & 62) >> 1));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 12) & 1) << 4) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 13) & 240) >> 4)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 13) & 15) << 1) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 14) & 128) >> 7)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 14) & 124) >> 2));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 14) & 3) << 3) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 15) & 224) >> 5)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 15) & 31)));
RETURN output;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION parse_ulid(ulid text) RETURNS bytea AS $$
-- 16byte
bytes bytea = E'\\x00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000';
v char[];
-- Allow for O(1) lookup of index values
dec integer[] = ARRAY[
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 1, 18, 19, 1, 20, 21, 0, 22,
23, 24, 25, 26, 255, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 1, 18, 19, 1, 20, 21,
0, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 255, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31
RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid ULID: %', ulid;
v = regexp_split_to_array(ulid, '');
-- 6 bytes timestamp (48 bits)
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 0, (dec[ASCII(v[1])] << 5) | dec[ASCII(v[2])]);
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 1, (dec[ASCII(v[3])] << 3) | (dec[ASCII(v[4])] >> 2));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 2, (dec[ASCII(v[4])] << 6) | (dec[ASCII(v[5])] << 1) | (dec[ASCII(v[6])] >> 4));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 3, (dec[ASCII(v[6])] << 4) | (dec[ASCII(v[7])] >> 1));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 4, (dec[ASCII(v[7])] << 7) | (dec[ASCII(v[8])] << 2) | (dec[ASCII(v[9])] >> 3));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 5, (dec[ASCII(v[9])] << 5) | dec[ASCII(v[10])]);
-- 10 bytes of entropy (80 bits);
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 6, (dec[ASCII(v[11])] << 3) | (dec[ASCII(v[12])] >> 2));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 7, (dec[ASCII(v[12])] << 6) | (dec[ASCII(v[13])] << 1) | (dec[ASCII(v[14])] >> 4));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 8, (dec[ASCII(v[14])] << 4) | (dec[ASCII(v[15])] >> 1));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 9, (dec[ASCII(v[15])] << 7) | (dec[ASCII(v[16])] << 2) | (dec[ASCII(v[17])] >> 3));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 10, (dec[ASCII(v[17])] << 5) | dec[ASCII(v[18])]);
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 11, (dec[ASCII(v[19])] << 3) | (dec[ASCII(v[20])] >> 2));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 12, (dec[ASCII(v[20])] << 6) | (dec[ASCII(v[21])] << 1) | (dec[ASCII(v[22])] >> 4));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 13, (dec[ASCII(v[22])] << 4) | (dec[ASCII(v[23])] >> 1));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 14, (dec[ASCII(v[23])] << 7) | (dec[ASCII(v[24])] << 2) | (dec[ASCII(v[25])] >> 3));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 15, (dec[ASCII(v[25])] << 5) | dec[ASCII(v[26])]);
RETURN bytes;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ulid_to_uuid(ulid text) RETURNS uuid AS $$
RETURN encode(parse_ulid(ulid), 'hex')::uuid;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
#### UUID to ULID
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION uuid_to_ulid(id uuid) RETURNS text AS $$
encoding bytea = '0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ';
output text = '';
uuid_bytes bytea = uuid_send(id);
-- Encode the timestamp
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 0) & 224) >> 5));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 0) & 31)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 1) & 248) >> 3));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 1) & 7) << 2) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 2) & 192) >> 6)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 2) & 62) >> 1));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 2) & 1) << 4) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 3) & 240) >> 4)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 3) & 15) << 1) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 4) & 128) >> 7)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 4) & 124) >> 2));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 4) & 3) << 3) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 5) & 224) >> 5)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 5) & 31)));
-- Encode the entropy
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 6) & 248) >> 3));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 6) & 7) << 2) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 7) & 192) >> 6)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 7) & 62) >> 1));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 7) & 1) << 4) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 8) & 240) >> 4)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 8) & 15) << 1) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 9) & 128) >> 7)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 9) & 124) >> 2));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 9) & 3) << 3) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 10) & 224) >> 5)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 10) & 31)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 11) & 248) >> 3));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 11) & 7) << 2) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 12) & 192) >> 6)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 12) & 62) >> 1));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 12) & 1) << 4) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 13) & 240) >> 4)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 13) & 15) << 1) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 14) & 128) >> 7)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 14) & 124) >> 2));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 14) & 3) << 3) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 15) & 224) >> 5)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 15) & 31)));
RETURN output;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
#### Gera 11 Digitos aleatórios: YBKXG0CKTH4
-- Cria a extensão pgcrypto para gerar uuid
-- Cria a função para gerar ULID
ts_millis BIGINT;
ts_chars TEXT;
random_bytes BYTEA;
random_chars TEXT;
base32_chars TEXT := '0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ';
i INT;
-- Pega o timestamp em milissegundos
ts_millis := FLOOR(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM clock_timestamp()) * 1000)::BIGINT;
-- Converte o timestamp para base32
ts_chars := '';
ts_chars := ts_chars || substr(base32_chars, ((ts_millis >> (5 * i)) & 31) + 1, 1);
-- Gera 10 bytes aleatórios e converte para base32
random_bytes := gen_random_bytes(10);
random_chars := '';
FOR i IN 0..9 LOOP
random_chars := random_chars || substr(base32_chars, ((get_byte(random_bytes, i) >> 3) & 31) + 1, 1);
IF i < 9 THEN
random_chars := random_chars || substr(base32_chars, (((get_byte(random_bytes, i) & 7) << 2) | (get_byte(random_bytes, i + 1) >> 6)) & 31 + 1, 1);
random_chars := random_chars || substr(base32_chars, ((get_byte(random_bytes, i) & 7) << 2) + 1, 1);
-- Concatena o timestamp e os caracteres aleatórios
RETURN ts_chars || random_chars;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
#### Exemplo de USO
-- Criação da extensão caso não exista
NOT EXISTS pgcrypto;
-- Criação da tabela pessoas
CREATE TABLE pessoas ( ID UUID DEFAULT gen_random_uuid ( ) PRIMARY KEY, nome TEXT NOT NULL );
-- Busca Pessoa na tabela
uuid_to_ulid ( ID ) = '252FAC9F3V8EF80SSDK8PXW02F';
### Fontes
- https://github.com/scoville/pgsql-ulid
- https://github.com/geckoboard/pgulid
@ 91bea5cd:1df4451c
2025-02-04 17:15:57
### Definição de ULID:
Timestamp 48 bits, Aleatoriedade 80 bits
Sendo Timestamp 48 bits inteiro, tempo UNIX em milissegundos, Não ficará sem espaço até o ano 10889 d.C.
e Aleatoriedade 80 bits, Fonte criptograficamente segura de aleatoriedade, se possível.
#### Gerar ULID
CREATE FUNCTION generate_ulid()
AS $$
-- Crockford's Base32
timestamp BYTEA = E'\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000\\000';
output TEXT = '';
unix_time BIGINT;
ulid BYTEA;
-- 6 timestamp bytes
timestamp = SET_BYTE(timestamp, 0, (unix_time >> 40)::BIT(8)::INTEGER);
timestamp = SET_BYTE(timestamp, 1, (unix_time >> 32)::BIT(8)::INTEGER);
timestamp = SET_BYTE(timestamp, 2, (unix_time >> 24)::BIT(8)::INTEGER);
timestamp = SET_BYTE(timestamp, 3, (unix_time >> 16)::BIT(8)::INTEGER);
timestamp = SET_BYTE(timestamp, 4, (unix_time >> 8)::BIT(8)::INTEGER);
timestamp = SET_BYTE(timestamp, 5, unix_time::BIT(8)::INTEGER);
-- 10 entropy bytes
ulid = timestamp || gen_random_bytes(10);
-- Encode the timestamp
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 0) & 224) >> 5));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 0) & 31)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 1) & 248) >> 3));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 1) & 7) << 2) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 2) & 192) >> 6)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 2) & 62) >> 1));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 2) & 1) << 4) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 3) & 240) >> 4)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 3) & 15) << 1) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 4) & 128) >> 7)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 4) & 124) >> 2));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 4) & 3) << 3) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 5) & 224) >> 5)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 5) & 31)));
-- Encode the entropy
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 6) & 248) >> 3));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 6) & 7) << 2) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 7) & 192) >> 6)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 7) & 62) >> 1));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 7) & 1) << 4) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 8) & 240) >> 4)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 8) & 15) << 1) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 9) & 128) >> 7)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 9) & 124) >> 2));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 9) & 3) << 3) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 10) & 224) >> 5)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 10) & 31)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 11) & 248) >> 3));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 11) & 7) << 2) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 12) & 192) >> 6)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 12) & 62) >> 1));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 12) & 1) << 4) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 13) & 240) >> 4)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 13) & 15) << 1) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 14) & 128) >> 7)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 14) & 124) >> 2));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 14) & 3) << 3) | ((GET_BYTE(ulid, 15) & 224) >> 5)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(ulid, 15) & 31)));
RETURN output;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION parse_ulid(ulid text) RETURNS bytea AS $$
-- 16byte
bytes bytea = E'\\x00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000';
v char[];
-- Allow for O(1) lookup of index values
dec integer[] = ARRAY[
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 0, 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 255, 255, 255,
255, 255, 255, 255, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15,
16, 17, 1, 18, 19, 1, 20, 21, 0, 22,
23, 24, 25, 26, 255, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31,
255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 255, 10, 11, 12, 13,
14, 15, 16, 17, 1, 18, 19, 1, 20, 21,
0, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 255, 27, 28, 29,
30, 31
RAISE EXCEPTION 'Invalid ULID: %', ulid;
v = regexp_split_to_array(ulid, '');
-- 6 bytes timestamp (48 bits)
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 0, (dec[ASCII(v[1])] << 5) | dec[ASCII(v[2])]);
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 1, (dec[ASCII(v[3])] << 3) | (dec[ASCII(v[4])] >> 2));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 2, (dec[ASCII(v[4])] << 6) | (dec[ASCII(v[5])] << 1) | (dec[ASCII(v[6])] >> 4));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 3, (dec[ASCII(v[6])] << 4) | (dec[ASCII(v[7])] >> 1));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 4, (dec[ASCII(v[7])] << 7) | (dec[ASCII(v[8])] << 2) | (dec[ASCII(v[9])] >> 3));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 5, (dec[ASCII(v[9])] << 5) | dec[ASCII(v[10])]);
-- 10 bytes of entropy (80 bits);
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 6, (dec[ASCII(v[11])] << 3) | (dec[ASCII(v[12])] >> 2));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 7, (dec[ASCII(v[12])] << 6) | (dec[ASCII(v[13])] << 1) | (dec[ASCII(v[14])] >> 4));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 8, (dec[ASCII(v[14])] << 4) | (dec[ASCII(v[15])] >> 1));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 9, (dec[ASCII(v[15])] << 7) | (dec[ASCII(v[16])] << 2) | (dec[ASCII(v[17])] >> 3));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 10, (dec[ASCII(v[17])] << 5) | dec[ASCII(v[18])]);
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 11, (dec[ASCII(v[19])] << 3) | (dec[ASCII(v[20])] >> 2));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 12, (dec[ASCII(v[20])] << 6) | (dec[ASCII(v[21])] << 1) | (dec[ASCII(v[22])] >> 4));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 13, (dec[ASCII(v[22])] << 4) | (dec[ASCII(v[23])] >> 1));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 14, (dec[ASCII(v[23])] << 7) | (dec[ASCII(v[24])] << 2) | (dec[ASCII(v[25])] >> 3));
bytes = SET_BYTE(bytes, 15, (dec[ASCII(v[25])] << 5) | dec[ASCII(v[26])]);
RETURN bytes;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION ulid_to_uuid(ulid text) RETURNS uuid AS $$
RETURN encode(parse_ulid(ulid), 'hex')::uuid;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
#### UUID to ULID
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION uuid_to_ulid(id uuid) RETURNS text AS $$
encoding bytea = '0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ';
output text = '';
uuid_bytes bytea = uuid_send(id);
-- Encode the timestamp
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 0) & 224) >> 5));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 0) & 31)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 1) & 248) >> 3));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 1) & 7) << 2) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 2) & 192) >> 6)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 2) & 62) >> 1));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 2) & 1) << 4) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 3) & 240) >> 4)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 3) & 15) << 1) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 4) & 128) >> 7)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 4) & 124) >> 2));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 4) & 3) << 3) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 5) & 224) >> 5)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 5) & 31)));
-- Encode the entropy
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 6) & 248) >> 3));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 6) & 7) << 2) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 7) & 192) >> 6)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 7) & 62) >> 1));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 7) & 1) << 4) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 8) & 240) >> 4)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 8) & 15) << 1) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 9) & 128) >> 7)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 9) & 124) >> 2));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 9) & 3) << 3) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 10) & 224) >> 5)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 10) & 31)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 11) & 248) >> 3));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 11) & 7) << 2) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 12) & 192) >> 6)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 12) & 62) >> 1));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 12) & 1) << 4) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 13) & 240) >> 4)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 13) & 15) << 1) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 14) & 128) >> 7)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 14) & 124) >> 2));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 14) & 3) << 3) | ((GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 15) & 224) >> 5)));
output = output || CHR(GET_BYTE(encoding, (GET_BYTE(uuid_bytes, 15) & 31)));
RETURN output;
LANGUAGE plpgsql
#### Gera 11 Digitos aleatórios: YBKXG0CKTH4
-- Cria a extensão pgcrypto para gerar uuid
-- Cria a função para gerar ULID
ts_millis BIGINT;
ts_chars TEXT;
random_bytes BYTEA;
random_chars TEXT;
base32_chars TEXT := '0123456789ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTVWXYZ';
i INT;
-- Pega o timestamp em milissegundos
ts_millis := FLOOR(EXTRACT(EPOCH FROM clock_timestamp()) * 1000)::BIGINT;
-- Converte o timestamp para base32
ts_chars := '';
ts_chars := ts_chars || substr(base32_chars, ((ts_millis >> (5 * i)) & 31) + 1, 1);
-- Gera 10 bytes aleatórios e converte para base32
random_bytes := gen_random_bytes(10);
random_chars := '';
FOR i IN 0..9 LOOP
random_chars := random_chars || substr(base32_chars, ((get_byte(random_bytes, i) >> 3) & 31) + 1, 1);
IF i < 9 THEN
random_chars := random_chars || substr(base32_chars, (((get_byte(random_bytes, i) & 7) << 2) | (get_byte(random_bytes, i + 1) >> 6)) & 31 + 1, 1);
random_chars := random_chars || substr(base32_chars, ((get_byte(random_bytes, i) & 7) << 2) + 1, 1);
-- Concatena o timestamp e os caracteres aleatórios
RETURN ts_chars || random_chars;
$$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
#### Exemplo de USO
-- Criação da extensão caso não exista
NOT EXISTS pgcrypto;
-- Criação da tabela pessoas
CREATE TABLE pessoas ( ID UUID DEFAULT gen_random_uuid ( ) PRIMARY KEY, nome TEXT NOT NULL );
-- Busca Pessoa na tabela
uuid_to_ulid ( ID ) = '252FAC9F3V8EF80SSDK8PXW02F';
### Fontes
- https://github.com/scoville/pgsql-ulid
- https://github.com/geckoboard/pgulid
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-02-01 11:16:04
![video]( https://service-pkgabcnews.akamaized.net/opp/hls/abcnews/2025/01/250128_abcnl_2p_dei_manager_hewlett_,500,800,1200,1800,2500,3200,4500,.mp4.csmil/playlist.m3u8)
Federal employees must remove pronouns from email signatures by the end of the day. This directive comes from internal memos tied to two executive orders signed by Donald Trump. The orders target diversity and equity programs within the government.
![image]( https://i.abcnewsfe.com/a/10eaacfd-9837-4b55-99a1-d3146c35cd3b/donald-trump-5-rt-gmh-250131_1738335513877_hpMain.jpg)
CDC, Department of Transportation, and Department of Energy employees were affected. Staff were instructed to make changes in line with revised policy prohibiting certain language.
One CDC employee shared frustration, stating, “In my decade-plus years at CDC, I've never been told what I can and can't put in my email signature.” The directive is part of a broader effort to eliminate DEI initiatives from federal discourse.
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-30 12:23:04
Tech stocks have taken a hit globally after China's DeepSeek launched a competitive AI chatbot at a much lower cost than US counterparts. This has stirred market fears of a $1.2 trillion loss across tech companies when trading opens in New York.
DeepSeek’s chatbot quickly topped download charts and surprised experts with its capabilities, developed for only $5.6 million.
The Nasdaq dropped over 3% in premarket trading, with major firms like Nvidia falling more than 10%. SoftBank also saw losses shortly after investing in a significant US AI venture.
Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen called it “AI’s Sputnik moment,” highlighting its potential impact on the industry.
![] (https://www.telegraph.co.uk/content/dam/business/2025/01/27/TELEMMGLPICT000409807198_17379939060750_trans_NvBQzQNjv4BqgsaO8O78rhmZrDxTlQBjdGLvJF5WfpqnBZShRL_tOZw.jpeg)
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-30 12:13:39
Salwan Momika, a Christian Iraqi known for burning the Koran in Sweden, was shot dead during a TikTok livestream in an apartment in Sodertalje. The 38-year-old sparked outrage in the Muslim community for his demonstrations, leading to global condemnation. After being rushed to the hospital, he was pronounced dead.
Authorities arrested five individuals in connection with the incident. Momika's death comes days before a court ruling on his possible incitement of ethnic hatred. The incident highlights the tensions surrounding free speech and religious sentiments, intensifying after his controversial protests in 2023.
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-26 15:26:44
Secretary of State Marco Rubio issued new guidance halting spending on most foreign aid grants for 90 days, including military assistance to Ukraine. This immediate order shocked State Department officials and mandates “stop-work orders” on nearly all existing foreign assistance awards.
While it allows exceptions for military financing to Egypt and Israel, as well as emergency food assistance, it restricts aid to key allies like Ukraine, Jordan, and Taiwan. The guidance raises potential liability risks for the government due to unfulfilled contracts.
A report will be prepared within 85 days to recommend which programs to continue or discontinue.
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-26 01:31:47
## Chef's notes
# arbitray
- test
- of
- chefs notes
## hedding 2
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 20
- 🍳 Cook time: 1 hour
- 🍽️ Servings: 5
## Ingredients
- Test ingredient
- 2nd test ingredient
## Directions
1. Bake
2. Cool
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-25 22:16:54
President Trump plans to withdraw 20,000 U.S. troops from Europe and expects European allies to contribute financially to the remaining military presence. Reported by ANSA, Trump aims to deliver this message to European leaders since taking office. A European diplomat noted, “the costs cannot be borne solely by American taxpayers.”
The Pentagon hasn't commented yet. Trump has previously sought lower troop levels in Europe and had ordered cuts during his first term. The U.S. currently maintains around 65,000 troops in Europe, with total forces reaching 100,000 since the Ukraine invasion. Trump's new approach may shift military focus to the Pacific amid growing concerns about China.
@ 1ec45473:d38df139
2025-01-25 20:15:01
/ /|
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/____________ / |
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|| #NOSTR || |
|| || |
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/| (_______) | /
( |_____________|/
| :::::::::::::::: ::: |
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@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-25 14:32:21
| Parameters | Dry Mead | Medium Mead | Sweet Mead |
| Honey | 2 lbs (900 grams) | 3 lbs (1.36 kg) | 4 lbs (1.81 kg) |
| Yeast | ~0.07 oz (2 grams) | ~0.08 oz (2.5 grams) | ~0.10 oz (3 grams) |
| Fermentation | ~4 weeks | 4 to 6 weeks | 6 to 8 weeks |
| Racking | Fortnight or later | 1 month or after | ~2 months and after |
| Specific Gravity | <1.010 | ~1.01 to ~1.025 | >1.025 |
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-23 15:09:56
President Trump has ordered thousands of additional troops to the U.S.-Mexico border as part of an effort to address immigration and security issues. This directive builds on his initial commitment to increase military presence along the border.
Currently, around 2,200 active-duty personnel and approximately 4,500 National Guardsmen are stationed there. The new deployment aims to enhance the capabilities of Joint Task Force-North, allowing troops to assist in operations and provide intelligence support.
Details on specific units remain unclear. The situation is still developing, with updates expected.
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-21 19:31:48
Oregano oil is a potent natural compound that offers numerous scientifically-supported health benefits.
## Active Compounds
The oil's therapeutic properties stem from its key bioactive components:
- Carvacrol and thymol (primary active compounds)
- Polyphenols and other antioxidant
## Antimicrobial Properties
**Bacterial Protection**
The oil demonstrates powerful antibacterial effects, even against antibiotic-resistant strains like MRSA and other harmful bacteria. Studies show it effectively inactivates various pathogenic bacteria without developing resistance.
**Antifungal Effects**
It effectively combats fungal infections, particularly Candida-related conditions like oral thrush, athlete's foot, and nail infections.
## Digestive Health Benefits
Oregano oil supports digestive wellness by:
- Promoting gastric juice secretion and enzyme production
- Helping treat Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (SIBO)
- Managing digestive discomfort, bloating, and IBS symptoms
## Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects
The oil provides significant protective benefits through:
- Powerful antioxidant activity that fights free radicals
- Reduction of inflammatory markers in the body
- Protection against oxidative stress-related conditions
## Respiratory Support
It aids respiratory health by:
- Loosening mucus and phlegm
- Suppressing coughs and throat irritation
- Supporting overall respiratory tract function
## Additional Benefits
**Skin Health**
- Improves conditions like psoriasis, acne, and eczema
- Supports wound healing through antibacterial action
- Provides anti-aging benefits through antioxidant properties
**Cardiovascular Health**
Studies show oregano oil may help:
- Reduce LDL (bad) cholesterol levels
- Support overall heart health
**Pain Management**
The oil demonstrates effectiveness in:
- Reducing inflammation-related pain
- Managing muscle discomfort
- Providing topical pain relief
## Safety Note
While oregano oil is generally safe, it's highly concentrated and should be properly diluted before use Consult a healthcare provider before starting supplementation, especially if taking other medications.
@ b17fccdf:b7211155
2025-01-21 17:02:21
The past 26 August, Tor [introduced officially](https://blog.torproject.org/introducing-proof-of-work-defense-for-onion-services/) a proof-of-work (PoW) defense for onion services designed to prioritize verified network traffic as a deterrent against denial of service (DoS) attacks.
~ > This feature at the moment, is [deactivate by default](https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/core/tor/-/blob/main/doc/man/tor.1.txt#L3117), so you need to follow these steps to activate this on a MiniBolt node:
* Make sure you have the latest version of Tor installed, at the time of writing this post, which is v0.4.8.6. Check your current version by typing
tor --version
**Example** of expected output:
Tor version
This build of Tor is covered by the GNU General Public License (https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html)
Tor is running on Linux with Libevent 2.1.12-stable, OpenSSL 3.0.9, Zlib 1.2.13, Liblzma 5.4.1, Libzstd N/A and Glibc 2.36 as libc.
Tor compiled with GCC version 12.2.0
~ > If you have v0.4.8.X, you are **OK**, if not, type `sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade` and confirm to update.
* Basic PoW support can be checked by running this command:
tor --list-modules
Expected output:
relay: yes
dirauth: yes
dircache: yes
pow: **yes**
~ > If you have `pow: yes`, you are **OK**
* Now go to the torrc file of your MiniBolt and add the parameter to enable PoW for each hidden service added
sudo nano /etc/tor/torrc
# Hidden Service BTC RPC Explorer
HiddenServiceDir /var/lib/tor/hidden_service_btcrpcexplorer/
HiddenServiceVersion 3
HiddenServicePoWDefensesEnabled 1
HiddenServicePort 80
~ > Bitcoin Core and LND use the Tor control port to automatically create the hidden service, requiring no action from the user. We have submitted a feature request in the official GitHub repositories to explore the need for the integration of Tor's PoW defense into the automatic creation process of the hidden service. You can follow them at the following links:
* Bitcoin Core: https://github.com/lightningnetwork/lnd/issues/8002
* LND: https://github.com/bitcoin/bitcoin/issues/28499
More info:
* https://blog.torproject.org/introducing-proof-of-work-defense-for-onion-services/
* https://gitlab.torproject.org/tpo/onion-services/onion-support/-/wikis/Documentation/PoW-FAQ
Enjoy it MiniBolter! 💙
@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2025-01-19 21:48:49
The recent shutdown of TikTok in the United States due to a potential government ban serves as a stark reminder how fragile centralized platforms truly are under the surface. While these platforms offer convenience, a more polished user experience, and connectivity, they are ultimately beholden to governments, corporations, and other authorities. This makes them vulnerable to censorship, regulation, and outright bans. In contrast, Nostr represents a shift in how we approach online communication and content sharing. Built on the principles of decentralization and user choice, Nostr cannot be banned, because it is not a platform—it is a protocol.
At the heart of Nostr's philosophy is **user choice**, a feature that fundamentally sets it apart from legacy platforms. In centralized systems, the user experience is dictated by a single person or governing entity. If the platform decides to filter, censor, or ban specific users or content, individuals are left with little action to rectify the situation. They must either accept the changes or abandon the platform entirely, often at the cost of losing their social connections, their data, and their identity.
What's happening with TikTok could never happen on Nostr. With Nostr, the dynamics are completely different. Because it is a protocol, not a platform, no single entity controls the ecosystem. Instead, the protocol enables a network of applications and relays that users can freely choose from. If a particular application or relay implements policies that a user disagrees with, such as censorship, filtering, or even government enforced banning, they are not trapped or abandoned. They have the freedom to move to another application or relay with minimal effort.
Take, for example, the case of a relay that decides to censor specific content. On a legacy platform, this would result in frustration and a loss of access for users. On Nostr, however, users can simply connect to a different relay that does not impose such restrictions. Similarly, if an application introduces features or policies that users dislike, they can migrate to a different application that better suits their preferences, all while retaining their identity and social connections.
The same principles apply to government bans and censorship. A government can ban a specific application or even multiple applications, just as it can block one relay or several relays. China has implemented both tactics, yet Chinese users continue to exist and actively participate on Nostr, demonstrating Nostr's ability to resistant censorship.
How? Simply, it turns into a game of whack-a-mole. When one relay is censored, another quickly takes its place. When one application is banned, another emerges. Users can also bypass these obstacles by running their own relays and applications directly from their homes or personal devices, eliminating reliance on larger entities or organizations and ensuring continuous access.
Nostr's open and decentralized design makes it resistant to the kinds of government intervention that led to TikTok's outages this weekend and potential future ban in the next 90 days. There is no central server to target, no company to regulate, and no single point of failure. (Insert your CEO jokes here). As long as there are individuals running relays and applications, users continue creating notes and sending zaps.
Platforms like TikTok can be silenced with the stroke of a pen, leaving millions of users disconnected and abandoned. Social communication should not be silenced so incredibly easily. No one should have that much power over social interactions.
Will we on-board a massive wave of TikTokers in the coming hours or days? I don't know.
TikTokers may not be ready for Nostr yet, and honestly, Nostr may not be ready for them either. The ecosystem still lacks the completely polished applications, tools, and services they’re accustomed to. This is where we say "we're still early". They may not be early adopters like the current Nostr user base. Until we bridge that gap, they’ll likely move to the next centralized platform, only to face another government ban or round of censorship in the future. But eventually, there will come a tipping point, a moment when they’ve had enough. When that time comes, I hope we’re prepared. If we’re not, we risk missing a tremendous opportunity to onboard people who genuinely need Nostr’s freedom.
Until then, to all of the Nostr developers out there, keep up the great work and keep building. Your hard work and determination is needed.
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-01-19 04:48:31
A new report from the National Sports Shooting Foundation (NSSF) shows that civilian firearm possession exceeded 490 million in 2022. The total from 1990 to 2022 is estimated at 491.3 million firearms. In 2022, over ten million firearms were domestically produced, leading to a total of 16,045,911 firearms available in the U.S. market.
Of these, 9,873,136 were handguns, 4,195,192 were rifles, and 1,977,583 were shotguns. Handgun availability aligns with the concealed carry and self-defense market, as all states allow concealed carry, with 29 having constitutional carry laws.
@ 6389be64:ef439d32
2025-01-16 15:44:06
## Black Locust can grow up to 170 ft tall
## Grows 3-4 ft. per year
## Native to North America
## Cold hardy in zones 3 to 8
## Firewood
- BLT wood, on a pound for pound basis is roughly half that of Anthracite Coal
- Since its growth is fast, firewood can be plentiful
## Timber
- Rot resistant due to a naturally produced robinin in the wood
- 100 year life span in full soil contact! (better than cedar performance)
- Fence posts
- Outdoor furniture
- Outdoor decking
- Sustainable due to its fast growth and spread
- Can be coppiced (cut to the ground)
- Can be pollarded (cut above ground)
- Its dense wood makes durable tool handles, boxes (tool), and furniture
- The wood is tougher than hickory, which is tougher than hard maple, which is tougher than oak.
- A very low rate of expansion and contraction
- Hardwood flooring
- The highest tensile beam strength of any American tree
- The wood is beautiful
## Legume
- Nitrogen fixer
- Fixes the same amount of nitrogen per acre as is needed for 200-bushel/acre corn
- Black walnuts inter-planted with locust as “nurse” trees were shown to rapidly increase their growth [[Clark, Paul M., and Robert D. Williams. (1978) Black walnut growth increased when interplanted with nitrogen-fixing shrubs and trees. Proceedings of the Indiana Academy of Science, vol. 88, pp. 88-91.]]
## Bees
- The edible flower clusters are also a top food source for honey bees
## Shade Provider
- Its light, airy overstory provides dappled shade
- Planted on the west side of a garden it provides relief during the hottest part of the day
- (nitrogen provider)
- Planted on the west side of a house, its quick growth soon shades that side from the sun
## Wind-break
- Fast growth plus it's feathery foliage reduces wind for animals, crops, and shelters
## Fodder
- Over 20% crude protein
- 4.1 kcal/g of energy
- Baertsche, S.R, M.T. Yokoyama, and J.W. Hanover (1986) Short rotation, hardwood tree biomass as potential ruminant feed-chemical composition, nylon bag ruminal degradation and ensilement of selected species. J. Animal Sci. 63 2028-2043
@ b8851a06:9b120ba1
2025-01-14 15:28:32
## **It Begins with a Click**
It starts with a click: *“Do you agree to our terms and conditions?”*\
You scroll, you click, you comply. A harmless act, right? But what if every click was a surrender? What if every "yes" was another link in the chain binding you to a life where freedom requires approval?
This is the age of permission. Every aspect of your life is mediated by gatekeepers. Governments demand forms, corporations demand clicks, and algorithms demand obedience. You’re free, of course, as long as you play by the rules. But who writes the rules? Who decides what’s allowed? Who owns your life?
## **Welcome to Digital Serfdom**
We once imagined the internet as a digital frontier—a vast, open space where ideas could flow freely and innovation would know no bounds. But instead of creating a decentralized utopia, we built a new feudal system.
- Your data? Owned by the lords of Big Tech.
- Your money? Controlled by banks and bureaucrats who can freeze it on a whim.
- Your thoughts? Filtered by algorithms that reward conformity and punish dissent.
The modern internet is a land of serfs and lords, and guess who’s doing the farming? You. Every time you agree to the terms, accept the permissions, or let an algorithm decide for you, you till the fields of a system designed to control, not liberate.
They don’t call it control, of course. They call it *“protection.”* They say, “We’re keeping you safe,” as they build a cage so big you can’t see the bars.
## **Freedom in Chains**
But let’s be honest: we’re not just victims of this system—we’re participants. We’ve traded freedom for convenience, sovereignty for security. It’s easier to click “I Agree” than to read the fine print. It’s easier to let someone else hold your money than to take responsibility for it yourself. It’s easier to live a life of quiet compliance than to risk the chaos of true independence.
We tell ourselves it’s no big deal. What’s one click? What’s one form? But the permissions pile up. The chains grow heavier. And one day, you wake up and realize you’re free to do exactly what the system allows—and nothing more.
## **The Great Unpermissioning**
It doesn’t have to be this way. You don’t need their approval. You don’t need their systems. You don’t need their permission.
The Great Unpermissioning is not a movement—it’s a mindset. It’s the refusal to accept a life mediated by gatekeepers. It’s the quiet rebellion of saying, *“No.”* It’s the realization that the freedom you seek won’t be granted—it must be reclaimed.
- **Stop asking.** Permission is their tool. Refusal is your weapon.
- **Start building.** Embrace tools that decentralize power: Bitcoin, encryption, open-source software, decentralized communication. Build systems they can’t control.
- **Stand firm.** They’ll tell you it’s dangerous. They’ll call you a radical. But remember: the most dangerous thing you can do is comply.
The path won’t be easy. Freedom never is. But it will be worth it.
## **The New Frontier**
The age of permission has turned us into digital serfs, but there’s a new frontier on the horizon. It’s a world where you control your money, your data, your decisions. It’s a world of encryption, anonymity, and sovereignty. It’s a world built not on permission but on principles.
This world won’t be given to you. You have to build it. You have to fight for it. And it starts with one simple act: refusing to comply.
## **A Final Word**
They promised us safety, but what they delivered was submission. The age of permission has enslaved us to the mundane, the monitored, and the mediocre. The Great Unpermissioning isn’t about tearing down the old world—it’s about walking away from it.
You don’t need to wait for their approval. You don’t need to ask for their permission. The freedom you’re looking for is already yours. Permission is their power—refusal is yours.