@ dbc828cc:ed78a663
2024-08-08 21:43:52
# *Drugs* since the lens of *habitus*
## present
Good day everyone. Thanks for coming to this mesh talk. Before start I want to give special love to the Meshtadel, not only for having me grab this opportunity to share some of the experience I have about life, but also for being that digital place that resonates at the in-real-life place.
## intro
Having said that, my professional experience is about places, to be more precise, the experience of places. Architecture, you see, is not only about if a building is pretty or if it is functional; it is about living places, that is, to inhabit. Here is where my trench of expertise might be colliding with those of psychology and physiology; granted by the favors of philosophy. Saying it like this, the "adversary" I want to bring attention this day to you is the one named as "addiction".
The middle ground I would like to propose for this talk are founded on-and-by the *terms of perception*; granted that, "term" and "perception", each, can be criticized by their own merits, however the idea I want to expose this day to you is that the "terms of perception" can be considered as the signature of *drugs*. In other words, *drugs* have the ability to drive *perception*; in architecture, for example, could be said that experience is driven by our walk through the arrangement of the building, —namely the structure, furniture and ornament—, the very definition of a *drug* in architecture lies thus in the objects, as well as in the use we humans make of them.
The object, and the experience of the object thus con-forms *perception*. *Habitus* is the particular way each individual arranges it's own *terms of perception*. Or to put it over a fashion apart, *habitus* can be understood alike traditions, culture, or rituals. Thus, a natural question surges towards the whereabouts of the origins of these habits.
Now then, here is precisely where we can draw a first line that describes the form of an addiction. Simply put, an addiction is an habit that went wrong. Or to say it otherwise, it is an habit that is detrimental to human existence by the terms of the healthiness of both, the body and the mind.
With these sentences I would like then to advance to the discussion or mezzanine of the talk.
## mid
If there could ever be a common law for *perception*, I would like to lie it, —for this occasion at least—, with the following sentence: *perception* lets itself be the pray of the living experience. This means that, —in a healthy condition—, the identification of the state of awareness can be exercised, or saying it like this, a recognition can be drawn between a "natural" and a "distorted" state awareness. Precisely, it could be said that this late is the very definition of an addiction, that is, the placement of oneself in state of distortion.
The handshake of a *drug* usually is also the first time for an individual to notice that there's a "*perception* apart" than the one experienced all along the time of being alive. Taking a personal example for consideration, the years of college, —or well discussed, the years of social interaction—, usually are also the years where the coincidence with *drugs* happen. I mention this precisely to have in mind the importance of context, and even so for the little coincidences, if one like it to have it like that.
To describe the conventional definition of an habit that went wrong, imaging the following sentences: "*Where* precisely the *drug* is injected?, well it depends of the desired effect..."
To offer an alternative for an habit that "works OK", I will dare to say that a good habit is that one that you don't notice. It is there, that say, it exists; it can be at the sight of others, but at the same time can be out of the mere recognition of one. Here precisely is where the terms of habit coincides with ideas of the terms of character, —namely style, temperament, or likelihood— of a person. The habit and the person justifies each other at all moment for the sake of reach an agreement of terms.
To offer an example, a person that commutes everyday to his workplace might likely reach a point where it does it "by default", without ever noticing or thinking about it. Later, by whatever reason, a deviation of the usual commute happens, either a shortcut, a better skilled chauffeur, or getting distracted by the infatuation of a pretty smile. The *habitus* takes a new reform, even if momentarily just to disrupt the usual. Sometimes it can be of good outcomes, some other times maybe not so much.
This may be the opportunity then to lead to the description of the capitulation of an habit, simply put: it can hardly be appreciated or taken nor even with two grains of salt. In other words, to try measure the start and the end of an habit might very well be as to try playing speculation. Needless to say that every *drug* has his trade offs, not so obvious often is that the worst outcome can strike as disruptive as a thunder to life experience.
But what does that mean in layman terms?. What I try to tell you here, meshtadelian, is that a *drug* is a thing as well as an idea, and even more than that, it is always a mix of both the thing and the idea.
You see, when knowing people one might get to see their character not only by their wearings but also by their behavior, that is, the things they do and how they do it, in the same sense a person likes to consume cannabis either by edibles or by cigarettes, an architect can decides, —following the wishes of the inhabitants at best—, to use traditional style or modern style of buildings. The problem often becomes evident when the character gets out of place, when the people doesn't match what at is also seen by others.
Does this mean that there's no way out of an addiction? The answer at least, can not be located at the terms of the addiction itself. To elaborate, a person that looks so hard to stop "doing a *drug*" might soon or later find that the effort can become as important as the *drug* itself, that being, as if the addiction gets displaced from a *drug* to another.
By this terms sobriety is hard to define. The simply usual would be that sobriety is the "default settings" of *perception*. But also by the terms of aesthetics, —taking help of professor Adorno here—, "a lack of style becomes and style itself".
Hoping to having ignited a spark of good will. I would like to go then to the closure of this lecture. I would like to offer a paragraph to the discussion that is held between psychology and physiology towards the definition and treatment of addictions.
## closure
At first, I would like to express that *drug* are not only the prescribed ones, the natural that growths from soil; as well as *drugs* is not only that miracle that brings health, as much as I can say for the sing of a mother can heal a son. It is the combination of both; the whole plot is for people to be experienced and an emphasis should be put on the fact that a person can choice the terms of how the plot is arranged.
In other words, I want to bring the idea that we might be having to pay attention to the possibility that an addiction, —or a disease daring to say so—, not only ca be treated with that or that *drug*. It also matters the place the person's individuality, in which nonetheless, places are also involved.
Finally. I would like to offer you an experience of a dear friend that struggled to stop smoking tobacco but so far has accomplished twenty years more or so of not smoking. He made a bet. He and a friend of his bet to stop smoking. I can not enter in the details of their relationship but I dare to assume is one that has a mix of friendship and rivalry. The trick, if you like to name it, is that the bet can not really have a settle until... yes, it has a morbid sense... someone capitulates. For now I'd lead to tanatology to deal with the terms of how one does face capitulation. However I would like to remind you that as long as there is live, as long as there could be choices.
Thanks now, I have to go fix my own dankruptness.
@ 75bf2353:e1bfa895
2024-08-08 20:07:59
# Bitcoin accepted Here How Small Business Can Accept Bitcoin Payments.
I began writing this blog before zaps existed. I used the LNBits demo version to create a tip jar I added to the end of my blogs on Ghost. I didn’t make a ton of sats, but it felt great to get tips every now and then. We will get back to this tip jar in a minute, but in the beginning, I wrote about my half-assed attempts to orange pill merchants at my local farmers market. I didn’t have a plan. I just walked up to random women selling zucchini and asked, “do you accept bitcoin?”
Out of a hundred people I asked, only one person said yes.
I now to to a brewery that accepts bitcoin using the [Aqua Wallet](nostr:naddr1qqrhym28xpxrjvqzyp6m7g6nrt5lnrrzn9d6quv3ujyw44r4jafhr43a0h75d00ph75f2qcyqqqgtwc96yw37). This works, but we haven't figured out how to allow him to accept bitcoin when the owner of the brewery isn't there. I think I found the answer. The brewer can print out a QR code with a single Liquid address. Anyone with the address can see the amount of fees paid on each transaction. They will see how many transactions were associated with this address, but they won't be able to see the amounts of the transaction. The butcher can buy a beer using this address. The baker can also buy a beer with this address. The brewer knows how much the baker and the butcher paid, but the baker cannot see the amount the butcher paid and vice-versa.
The employees will also not be able to see how much customers pay, but the baker can reveal the amount by clicking the View unblinded transaction in Explorer.
![unblinded transaction button](https://i.nostr.build/pu1uc3Pqli1ghKtP.png)
The amount paid is shown on the sent page, so the bartender(an employee of the brewer) can verify the payment went through as well as the total amount. Of course the amount is denominated in L-BTC. If the bartender needs to know how much this amount of sats is worth in dirty fiat, she can use the sats converter webpage from [plebnet.dev](https://rates.plebnet.dev/). In this example, 1,838 sats equals $1.07 at the time of this writing. We simply convert the decimal to sats by removing all the zeros. This is very easy and requires very little technical know-how.
![sats converter](https://i.nostr.build/4CpesVYyygN963MG.png)
## Coinos
We can also create a Point of Sale Service. [Coinos](https://coinos.io) is the easiest way to do this and they charge a very small fee. also creates a nostr key. You could use this to advertise your business on nostr, a decentralized communications protocol where a lot of people who like spending bitcoin on the Internet hang out. You can also use Coinos to obtain a lightning address. Lightning addresses look like an email address, but people send you [sats](https://www.kraken.com/learn/what-are-bitcoin-satoshis-sats) instead. Here is a 16 minute video I created to teach you how to use Coinos as a bitcoin payment terminal. Coinos
### BTCpayServer
BTCpayServer let's you set up bitcoin wallets in several interesting ways. You can use Greenlight to create a self custodial lightning wallet using a key made of 12 valid BIP39 words(also known as a regular bitcoin wallet). There's no need to find liquidity or run any specialized hardware. I suppose you don't even need to run a node, but you should do that anyway. The easiest way to set up BTCpayServer is to deploy it on [LunaNode](https://docs.btcpayserver.org/Deployment/LunaNode/). This is my favorite way to run it because it has the best uptime and gives me the least headaches. It costs about $15.00 per month which adds up to $180 per year. That get's expensive over a while.
You can also run it on a $400 computer from [Umbrel](https://umbrel.com/) too. I can only get the payments to work on my local network and TOR however. I learned how to host it on the clearnet(also known as the normal Internet) using CloudFlare, but the payments won't work on BTCpayServer for some reason.
I was also able to run LNBits on the [clearnet using Start9](https://habla.news/u/bloggingbitcoin@iris.to/how-to-host-start9-services-on-the-clearnet) but this instance does not allow us to install the required plugins we need to run these fancy nodes in the cloud. It is the same instance that you see on the BTCpayServer Demo site. I'm not sure why they are different. This is not a complaint My Start9 is a bad ass computer. It also lets me host websites out of my closet on the clearnet.
BTCpayServer has several interesting features.
- Sell downloadable tutorials
- Instantly convert bitcoin to dollars(or your local national currency) using the Strike plugin
- Run a Custodial Lightning Wallet in the cloud using Greenlight.
- Create a store on Shopify or WordPress
- Automatically delete customer information every two weeks.
BTCpayServer is for those who want to run a bad ass bitcoiner business for bitcoiners by bitcoiners.
**How To Use BTCpayServer with the Strike API**
**How To Use BTCpayServer with Greenlignt with the Breez Plugin**
## LNBits
LNBits has a new feature. It allows us to sell our software as a service. We can become an uncle Jim. I run an instance of LNBits using an API from getalby. I also have the GetAlby Hub, but have not switched API's yet. We can also use other API's like from ZBD or opennode. I run mine on Start9 and it works over the clearnet, although I hope to use a reverse TOR proxy soon. It's easy to run on an old Linux computer. They have [great docs](https://github.com/lnbits/lnbits/blob/main/docs/guide/installation.md) If you don't want to bother with that, you can also run this on Start9 or Umbrel.
**Sell Extentions As A Service**
The most interesting thing about LNBits is that it allows you to sell software as a service. This is a little known fact, but it's an interesting way to turn our nodes into a software as a service business. Bitkarrot mentioned this on this episode of Bitcoin Audible. Ben Arc also announced it on Citadel Dispatch. I'm going to sell extensions for 10,000 sats. I don't expect to make much money. I would consider myself lucky if I earned enough to buy a cup of coffee, but this is an interesting concept. Keep in mind, this is a custodial service. I use an Alby API. Don't keep to many sats on this. Treat it like a cash register. You You should withdraw your sats to self custody every day like a business empty's it's cash register out every day and puts the cash in a safe.
**LNBits POS Tutorial**
If you want to accept bitcoin at a shop, try it [here](https://lnbits.blogging-bitcoin.com/).
₿logging ₿itcoin
All my blogs are available for free and written using under the [CCO-1.0](https://github.com/BrutusBondBTC/blogposts?tab=CC0-1.0-1-ov-file#readme) licence.
If you found value in this please consider giving your time talent or treasure in return 🧡
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🫙 [Tip Jar](https://lnbits.blogging-bitcoin.com/tipjar/1)
🛒[Shop The Elliptic Curve Economy](https://habla.news/u/bloggingbitcoin@iris.to/shop-the-bitcoin-circular-economy)
@ 8dc86882:9dc4ba5e
2024-08-08 17:25:11
As always, I'm shopping around. I was wondering what people think the best custodial lightning wallet for Android is?
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/640692
@ 000002de:c05780a7
2024-08-08 15:58:03
Just something to think about today.
You can't do everything in one day but even things as simple as using open source sovereign tools is something. Using bitcoin. Many other things. Taking responsibility for your personal safety. Earning and saving wealth.
You will never vote your way to sovereignty or freedom. It takes action. There are many things you can do that do not cost you anything but time. They are not dangerous. They are not revolutionary but when more people do them they have impact.
Its much easier to just sit back and be lazy. Thinking you can vote every 4 years and make some difference. I'm not telling you to not vote. But I am telling you that will never fix your problems. That's up to you and I. No one is coming to free you. It is up to you. And you can make positive change.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/640546
@ 4657dfe8:47934b3e
2024-08-08 13:56:31
Hey Stackerz!
We're a team of Bitcoin, Lightning, Nostr and open-source passionates, with a mission of making Lightning sovereign and accessible to everyone.
Our most popular product is the Alby Browser Extension, that lets users do various lightning magic in your browser, use Nostr securely etc., but we are also behind development of various developer tools, like WebLN, Nostr Wallet Connect or Bitcoin-Connect.
Recently we've launched Alby Hub - self-custodial wallet with a lightning node, quite intuitive and easy to connect with various apps, which is quite a thing for us.
Please meet @bumi, @MoritzK, @reneaaron, @rolznz, @saunter @itsTomekK, JPL, Adithya and PavanJ, who will answer every question.
Pleasure to be here! 🙂
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/640244
@ 1c9dcd8f:1852f704
2024-08-08 10:07:21
There was a woman of the Island of Innis-Sark who was determined to take revenge on a man because he called her by an evil name. So she went to the Saints’ Well, and, kneeling down, she took some of the water and poured it on the ground in the name of the devil, saying, “So may my enemy be poured out like water, and lie helpless on the earth!” Then she went round the well backwards on her knees, and at each station she cast a stone in the name of the devil, and said, “So may the curse fall on him, and the power of the devil crush him!” After this she returned home.
Now the next morning there was a stiff breeze, and some of the men were afraid to go out fishing; but others said they would try their luck, and amongst them was the man on whom the curse rested. But they had not gone far from land when the boat was capsized by a heavy squall. The fishermen, however, saved themselves by swimming to shore; all except the man on whom the curse rested, and he sank like lead to the bottom, and the waves covered him, and he was drowned.
When the woman heard of the fate that had befallen her enemy, she ran to the beach and clapped her hands with joy and exulted. And as she stood there laughing with strange and horrid mirth, the corpse of the man she had cursed slowly rose up from the sea, and came drifting towards her till it lay almost at her very feet. On this she stooped down to feast her eyes on the sight of the dead man, when suddenly a storm of wind screamed past her, and hurled her from the point of rock where she stood. And when the people ran in all haste to help, no trace of her body could be seen. The woman and the corpse of the man she had cursed disappeared together under the waves, and were never seen again from that time forth.
@ 1c9dcd8f:1852f704
2024-08-08 09:57:13
The Well of St. Brendan, in High Island, has great virtue, but the miraculous power of the water is lost should a thief or a murderer drink of it. Now a cruel murder had been committed on the mainland, and the priest noticed the people that if the murderer tried to conceal himself in the island no one should harbour him or give him food or drink. It happened at that time there was a woman of the island afflicted with pains in her limbs, and she went to the Holy Well to make the stations and say the prayers, and so get cured. But many a day passed and still she got no better, though she went round and round the well on her knees, and recited the paters and aves as she was told.
Then she went to the priest and told him the story, and he perceived at once that the well had been polluted by the touch of some one who had committed a crime. So he bade the woman bring him a bottle of the water, and she did as he desired. Then having received the water, he poured it out, and breathed on it three times in the name of the Trinity; when, lo! the water turned into blood.
“Here is the evil,” cried the priest. “A murderer has washed his hands in the well.”
He then ordered her to make a fire in a circle, which she did, and he pronounced some words over it; and a mist rose up with the form of a spirit in the midst, holding a man by the arm.
“Behold the murderer,” said the spirit; and when the woman looked on him she shrieked—
“It is my son! my son!” and she fainted.
For the year before her son had gone to live on the mainland, and there, unknown to his mother, he had committed the dreadful murder for which the vengeance of God lay on him. And when she came to herself the spirit of the murderer was still there.
“Oh, my Lord! let him go, let him go!” she cried.
“You wretched woman!” answered the priest. “How dare you interpose between God and vengeance. This is but the shadowy form of your son; but before night he shall be in the hands of the law, and justice shall be done.”
Then the forms and the mist melted away, and the woman departed in tears, and not long after she died of a broken heart. But the well from that time regained all its miraculous powers, and the fame of its cures spread far
@ 09fbf8f3:fa3d60f0
2024-08-08 04:31:16
### 在线直播:
<video width="100%" height="100%" controls>http://liveali-audiovivid.5club.cctv.cn/live/CCTV5H/playlist.m3u8</video >
央视体育版CCTV16 :
<video width="100%" height="100%" controls>http://liveali-audiovivid.5club.cctv.cn/live/CCTV16H/playlist.m3u8</video >
@ 09fbf8f3:fa3d60f0
2024-08-07 15:43:20
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**Filen** 的界面十分简洁,由于商业模式就是买空间,所以无任何广告,也无速度限制。
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主打安全,上传文件前通过 AES-GCM 256 加密,支持导出主密,意味着 Filen 自己也看不到你的数据。
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目前的 Filen 有一个简单的邀请机制,每邀请一位朋友加入 Filen,双方都会获得 10GB 空间,邀请人最多获得 30GB 封顶(也就是3个用户,可以有效防止滥用)
另外,有一个插件可以把 Filen 当作 WebDAV 来用:[Filen WebDAV](https://github.com/FilenCloudDienste/filen-webdav "Filen WebDAV")
@ 1c9dcd8f:1852f704
2024-08-07 12:14:50
To prove innocence of a crime a certain ancient form is gone through, which the people look on with great awe, and call it emphatically—“The Clearing.” It is a fearful ordeal, and instances are known of men who have died of fear and trembling from having passed through the terrors of the trial, even if innocent. And it is equally terrible for the accuser as well as the accused.
On a certain day fixed for the ordeal the accused goes to the churchyard and carries away a skull. Then, wrapped in a white sheet, and bearing the skull in his hand, he proceeds to the house of the accuser, where a great crowd has assembled; for the news of “A Clearing” spreads like wildfire, and all the people gather together as witnesses of the ceremony. There, before the house of his accuser, he kneels down on his bare knees, makes the sign of the cross on his face, kisses the skull, and prays for some time in silence; the people also wait in silence, filled with awe and dread, not knowing what the result may be. Then the accuser, pale and trembling, comes forward and stands beside the kneeling man; and with uplifted hand adjures him to speak the truth. On which the accused, still kneeling and holding the skull in his hand, utters the most fearful imprecation known in the Irish language; almost as terrible as that curse of the Druids, which is so awful that it never yet was put into English words. The accused prays that if he fail to speak the truth all the sins of the man whose skull he holds may be laid upon his soul, and all the sins of his forefathers back to Adam, and all the punishment due to them for the evil of their lives, and all their weakness and sorrow both of body and soul be laid on him both in this life and in the life to come for evermore. But if the accuser has accused falsely and out of malice, then may all the evil rest on his head through this life for ever, and may his soul perish everlastingly.
It would be impossible to describe adequately the awe with which the assembled people listen to these terrible words, and the dreadful silence of the crowd as they wait to see the result. If nothing happens the man rises from his knees after an interval, and is pronounced innocent by the judgment of the people, and no word is ever again uttered against him, nor is he shunned or slighted by the neighbours. But the accuser is looked on with fear and dislike; he is considered unlucky, and seeing that his life is often made so miserable by the coldness and suspicion of the people, many would rather suffer wrong than force the accused person to undergo so terrible a trial as “The Clearing.”
@ 1c9dcd8f:1852f704
2024-08-07 12:08:20
There was a young man of Innismore, named James Lynan, noted through all the island for his beauty and strength. Never a one could beat him at hunting or wrestling, and he was, besides, the best dancer in the whole townland. But he was bold and reckless, and ever foremost in all the wild wicked doings of the young fellows of the place.
One day he happened to be in chapel after one of these mad freaks, and the priest denounced him by name from the altar.
“James Lynan,” he said, “remember my words; you will come to an ill end. The vengeance of God will fall on you for your wicked life; and by the power that is in me I denounce you as an evil liver and a limb of Satan, and accursed of all good men.”
The young man turned pale, and fell on his knees before all the people, crying out bitterly, “Have mercy, have mercy; I repent, I repent,” and he wept like a woman.
“Go now in peace,” said the priest, “and strive to lead a new life, and I’ll pray to God to save your soul.”
From that day forth James Lynan changed his ways. He gave up drinking, and never a drop of spirits crossed his lips. And he began to attend to his farm and his business, in place of being at all the mad revels and dances and fairs and wakes in the island. Soon after he married a nice girl, a rich farmer’s daughter, from the mainland, and they had four fine children, and all things prospered with him.
But the priest’s words never left his mind, and he would suddenly turn pale and a shivering would come over him when the memory of the curse came upon him. Still he prospered, and his life was a model of sobriety and order.
One day he and his wife and their children were asked to the wedding of a friend about four miles off; and James Lynan rode to the place, the family going on their own car. At the wedding he was the life of the party as he always was; but never a drop of drink touched his lips. When evening came on, the family set out for the return home just as they had set out; the wife and children on the car, James Lynan riding his own horse. But when the wife arrived at home, she found her husband’s horse standing at the gate riderless and quite still. They thought he might have fallen in a faint, and went back to search; when he was found down in a hollow not five perches from his own gate, lying quite insensible and his features distorted frightfully, as if seized while looking on some horrible vision.
They carried him in, but he never spoke. A doctor was sent for, who opened a vein, but no blood came. There he lay like a log, speechless as one dead. Amongst the crowd that gathered round was an old woman accounted very wise by the people.
“Send for the fairy doctor,” she said; “he is struck.”
So they sent off a boy on the fastest horse for the fairy man. He could not come himself, but he filled a bottle with a potion. Then he said—
“Ride for your life; give him some of this to drink and sprinkle his face and hands also with it. But take care as you pass the lone bush on the round hill near the hollow, for the fairies are there and will hinder you if they can, and strive to break the bottle.”
Then the fairy man blew into the mouth and the eyes and the nostrils of the horse, and turned him round three times on the road and rubbed the dust off his hoofs.
“Now go,” he said to the boy; “go and never look behind you, no matter what you hear.”
So the boy went like the wind, having placed the bottle safely in his pocket; and when he came to the lone bush the horse started and gave such a jump that the bottle nearly fell, but the boy caught it in time and held it safe and rode on. Then he heard a cluttering of feet behind him, as of men in pursuit; but he never turned or looked, for he knew it was the fairies who were after him. And shrill voices cried to him, “Ride fast, ride fast, for the spell is cast!” Still he never turned round, but rode on, and never let go his hold of the fairy draught till he stopped at his master’s door, and handed the potion to the poor sorrowing wife. And she gave of it to the sick man to drink, and sprinkled his face and hands, after which he fell into a deep sleep. But when he woke up, though he knew every one around him, the power of speech was gone from him; and from that time to his death, which happened soon after, he never uttered word more.
So the doom of the priest was fulfilled—evil was his youth and evil was his fate, and sorrow and death found him at last, for the doom of the priest is as the word of God.
@ 1c9dcd8f:1852f704
2024-08-07 11:42:35
An ancient woman living at Innis-Sark said that in her youth she knew a young woman who had been married for five years, but had no children. And her husband was a rough, rude fellow, and used to taunt her and beat her often, because she was childless. But in the course of time it came to pass that a man-child was born to her; and he was beautiful to look on as an angel from heaven. And the father was so proud of the child that he often stayed at home to rock the cradle, and help his wife at the work.
One day, however, as he rocked the cradle, the child looked up suddenly at him, and lo! there was a great beard on its face. Then the father cried out to his wife—
“This is not a child, but a demon! You have put an evil spell on him.”
And he struck her and beat her worse than ever he had done in his life before, so that she screamed aloud for help. On this the place grew quite dark, and thunder rolled over their heads, and the door flew wide open with a great crash, and in walked two strange women, with red caps on their heads and stout sticks in their hands. And they rushed at the man, and one held his arms while the other beat him till he was nearly dead.
“We are the avengers,” they said; “look on us and tremble; for if you ever beat your wife again, we will come and kill you. Kneel down now, and ask her pardon.”
And when the poor wretch did so, all trembling with fright, they vanished away.
“Now,” said the man, when they were gone, “this house is no fit place for me. I’ll leave it for ever.”
So he went his way, and troubled his wife no more.
Then the child sat up in the cradle.
“Now, mother,” says he, “since that man has gone, I’ll tell you what you are to do. There is a holy well near this that you have never seen, but you will know it by the bunch of green rushes that grows over the mouth. Go there and stoop down and cry out aloud three times, and an old woman will come up, and whatever you want she will give it to you. Only tell no one of the well or of the woman, or evil will come of it.”
So the mother promised, and went to the well, and cried out three times; and an old woman came up, and said—
“Woman, why dost thou call me?”
And the poor mother was afraid, and answered all trembling—
“The child sent me, and I pray thee to do me good, and not evil.”
“Come down, then, with me into the well,” said the woman, “and have no fear.”
So the mother held out her hand, and the other drew her down a flight of stone steps, and then they came to a massive closed door, and the old woman unlocked it and bade her enter. But the mother was afraid, and wept.
“Enter,” said the other, “and fear nothing. For this is the gate of the king’s palace, and you will see the queen of the fairies herself, for it is her son you are nursing; and the king, her husband, is with her on his golden throne. And have no fear, only ask no questions, and do as they order.”
Then they entered into a beautiful hall, and the floor was of marble, and the walls were of solid gold, and a great light shone over everything, so that the eyes could hardly see for the light. Then they passed on into another room, and at the end of it, on a golden throne, sat the king of the fairies. He was very handsome, and beside him sat his queen, fair and beautiful to look upon, all clad in silver.
“This, madam, is the nurse of your son, the young prince,” said the old woman.
The queen smiled, and bade the nurse to sit down, and asked her how she came to know of the place.
“My son it is who told her,” said the king, looking very angry.
But the queen soothed him, and turning to one of her ladies, said—
“Bring here the other child.”
Then the lady brought in an infant, and placed him in the arms of the mother.
“Take him,” said the queen, “he is your own child, that we carried away, for he was so beautiful; and the boy you have at home is mine, a little elfish imp. Still, I want him back, and I have sent a man to bring him here; and you may take your own lovely child home in safety, for the fairy blessings are on him for good. And the man that beat you was not your husband at all, but our messenger, that we sent to change the children. So now go back, and you will find your own true husband at home in your own place, watching and waiting for you by day and by night.”
With that the door opened, and the man who had beaten her came in; and the mother trembled and was afraid. But the man laughed, and told her not to fear, but to eat what was set before her, and then to go in peace.
So they brought her to another hall, where was a table covered with golden dishes and beautiful flowers, and red wine in crystal cups.
“Eat,” they said; “this feast has been prepared for you. As to us, we cannot touch it, for the food has been sprinkled with salt.”
So she ate, and drank of the red wine, and never in all her life were so many things set before her that were lovely and good. And, as was right and proper, after dinner was over, she stood up, and folded her hands together to give God thanks. But they stopped her, and drew her down.
“Hush!” they said, “that name is not to be named here.”
There was an angry murmur in the hall. But just then beautiful music was heard, and singing like the singing of priests, and the poor mother was so enchanted that she fell on her face as one dead. And when she came to herself it was noonday, and she was standing by the door of her own house. And her husband came out and took her by the hand, and brought her in. And there was her child, more beautiful than ever, as handsome as a young prince.
“Where have you been all this while?” asked the husband.
“It is only an hour since I went away, to look for my child, that the fairies stole from me,” she answered.
“An hour!” said the husband; “you have been three years away with your child! And when you were gone, a poor sickly thing was laid in the cradle—not as big as a mushroom, and I knew well it was a fairy changeling. But it so happened that one day, a tailor came by, and stopped to rest; and when he looked hard at the child, the ugly misshapen thing sat up quite straight in the cradle, and called out—
“‘Come now, what are you looking at? Give me four straws to play with.’
“And the tailor gave him the straws. And when he got them, the child played and played such sweet music on them as if they were pipes, that all the chairs and tables began to dance; and when he grew tired, he fell back in the cradle and dropped asleep.
“‘Now,’ said the tailor, ‘that child is not right; but I’ll tell you what to do. Make down a great fire to begin with.’
“So we made the fire. Then the tailor shut the door, and lifted the unlucky little wretch out of the cradle, and sat it on the fire. And no sooner had the flames caught it, than it shrieked aloud and flew up the chimney and disappeared. And when everything was burned that belonged to it, I knew you would come back to me with our own fine boy. And now let us name the name of God, and make the sign of the Cross over him, and ill luck will never again fall on our house—no more for ever.”
So the man and his wife lived happily from that day forth, and the child grew up and prospered, and was beautiful to look at and happy in his life; for the fairy blessings were on him of health, wealth, and prosperity, even as the queen of the fairies had promised to the mother.
@ 1c9dcd8f:1852f704
2024-08-06 15:54:54
The island of Innis-Sark (Shark Island) was a holy and peaceful place in old times; and so quiet that the pigeons used to come and build in a great cave by the sea, and no one disturbed them. And the holy saints of God had a monastery there, to which many people resorted from the mainland, for the prayers of the monks were powerful against sickness or evil, or the malice of an enemy.
Amongst others, there came a great and noble prince out of Munster, with his wife and children and their nurse; and they were so pleased with the island that they remained a year or more; for the prince loved fishing, and often brought his wife along with him.
One day, while they were both away, the eldest child, a beautiful boy of ten years old, begged his nurse to let him go and see the pigeons’ cave, but she refused.
“Your father would be angry,” she cried, “if you went without leave. Wait till he comes home, and see if he will allow you.”
So when the prince returned, the boy told him how he longed to see the cave, and the father promised to bring him next day.
The morning was beautiful and the wind fair when they set off. But the child soon fell asleep in the boat, and never wakened all the time his father was fishing. The sleep, however, was troubled, and many a time he started and cried aloud. So the prince thought it better to turn the boat and land, and then the boy awoke.
After dinner the father called for the child. “Tell me now,” he said, “why was your sleep troubled, so that you cried out bitterly in your dream.”
“I dreamed,” said the boy, “that I stood upon a high rock, and at the bottom flowed the sea, but the waves made no noise; and as I looked down I saw fields and trees and beautiful flowers and bright birds in the branches, and I longed to go down and pluck the flowers. Then I heard a voice, saying, ‘Blessed are the souls that come here, for this is heaven.’
“And in an instant I thought I was in the midst of the meadows amongst the birds and the flowers; and a lovely lady, bright as an angel, came up to me, and said, ‘What brings you here, dear child; for none but the dead come here.’
“Then she left me, and I wept for her going; when suddenly all the sky grew black, and a great troop of wild wolves came round me, howling and opening their mouths wide as if to devour me. And I screamed, and tried to run, but I could not move, and the wolves came closer, and I fell down like one dead with fright,63 when, just then, the beautiful lady came again, and took my hand and kissed me.
“‘Fear not,’ she said, ‘take these flowers, they come from heaven. And I will bring you to the meadow where they grow.’
“And she lifted me up into the air, but I know nothing more; for then the boat stopped and you lifted me on shore, but my beautiful flowers must have fallen from my hands, for I never saw them more. And this is all my dream; but I would like to have my flowers again, for the lady told me they had the secret that would bring me to heaven.”
The prince thought no more of the child’s dream, but went off to fish next day as usual, leaving the boy in the care of his nurse. And again the child begged and prayed her so earnestly to bring him to the pigeons’ cave, that at last she consented; but told him he must not go a step by himself, and she would bring two of the boys of the island to take care of him.
So they set off, the child and his little sister with the nurse. And the boy gathered wild flowers for his sister, and ran down to the edge of the cave where the cormorants were swimming; but there was no danger, for the two young islanders were minding him.
So the nurse was content, and being weary she fell asleep. And the little sister lay down beside her, and fell asleep likewise.
Then the boy called to his companions, the two young islanders, and told them he must catch the cormorants. So away they ran, down the path to the sea, hand in hand, and laughing as they went. Just then a piece of rock loosened and fell beside them, and trying to avoid it they slipped over the edge of the narrow path down a steep place, where there was nothing to hold on by except a large bush, in the middle of the way. They got hold of this, and thought they were now quite safe, but the bush was not strong enough to bear their weight, and it was torn up by the roots. And all three fell straight down into the sea and were drowned.
Now, at the sound of the great cry that came up from the waves, the nurse awoke, but saw no one. Then she woke up the little sister. “It is late,” she cried, “they must have gone home. We have slept too long, it is already evening; let us hasten and overtake them, before the prince is back from the fishing.”
But when they reached home the prince stood in the doorway. And he was very pale, and weeping.
“Where is my brother?” cried the little girl.
“You will never see your brother more,” answered the prince. And from that day he never went fishing any more, but grew silent and thoughtful, and was never seen to smile. And in a short time he and his family quitted the island, never to return.
But the nurse remained. And some say she became a saint, for64 she was always seen praying and weeping by the entrance to the great sea cave. And one day, when they came to look for her, she lay dead on the rocks. And in her hand she held some beautiful strange flowers freshly gathered, with the dew on them. And no one knew how the flowers came into her dead hand. Only some fishermen told the story of how the night before they had seen a bright fairy child seated on the rocks singing; and he had a red sash tied round his waist, and a golden circlet binding his long yellow hair. And they all knew that he was the prince’s son, who had been drowned in that spot just a twelvemonth before. And the people believe that he had brought the flowers from the spirit-land to the woman, and given them to her as a death sign, and a blessed token from God that her soul would be taken to heaven.
@ 1c9dcd8f:1852f704
2024-08-06 15:43:12
On a lone island by the West Coast there dwelt an old fisherman and his daughter, and the man had power over the water spirits, and he taught his daughter the charms that bind them to obey.
One day a boat was driven on the shore, and in it was a young handsome gentleman, half dead from the cold and the wet. The old fisherman brought him home and revived him, and Eileen the daughter nursed and watched him. Naturally the two young people soon fell in love, and the gentleman told the girl he had a beautiful house on the mainland ready for her, with plenty of everything she could desire—silks to wear and gold to spend. So they were betrothed, and the wedding day was fixed. But Dermot, the lover, said he must first cross to the mainland and bring back his friends and relations to the wedding, as many as the boat would hold.
Eileen wept and prayed him not to leave, or at least to take her to steer the boat, for she knew there was danger coming, and she alone could have power over the evil spirits and over the waves and the winds. But she dared not tell the secret of the spell to Dermot or it would fail, and the charm be useless for ever after.
Dermot, however, only laughed at her fears, for the day was bright and clear, and he scorned all thought of danger. So he put off from the shore, and reached the mainland safely, and filled the boat with his friends to return to the island for the wedding. All went well till they were within sight of the island, when suddenly a fierce gust of wind drove the boat on a rock, and it was upset, and all who were in it perished.
Eileen heard the cry of the drowning men as she stood watching on the beach, but could give no help. And she was sore grieved for her lover, and sang a funeral wail for him in Irish, which is still preserved by the people. Then she lay down and died, and the old man, her father, disappeared. And from that day no one has ever ventured to live on the island, for it is haunted by the spirit of Eileen. And the mournful music of her wail is still heard in the nights when the winds are strong and the waves beat upon the rocks where the drowned men lay dead.
The words of the song are very plaintive and simple, and may be translated literally—
“I a virgin and a widow mourn for my lover.
Never more will he kiss me on the lips;
The cold wave is his bridal bed,
The cold wave is his wedding shroud.
O love, my love, had you brought me in the boat
My spirit and my spells would have saved from harm.
For my power was strong over waves and wind,
And the spirits of evil would have feared me.
O love, my love, I go to meet you in heaven.
I will ask God to let me see your face.
If the fair angels give me back my lover,
I will not envy the Almighty on His throne.”
@ 1c9dcd8f:1852f704
2024-08-06 15:33:23
In the islands off the West Coast of Ireland the inhabitants are still very primitive in their habits, and cling to their old superstitions with a fanatical fervour that makes it dangerous for any one to transgress or disregard the old customs, usages, and prejudices of the islanders.
Curses heavy and deep would fall on the head of the unbelieving stranger who dared to laugh or mock at the old traditions of the ancient pagan creed, whose dogmas are still regarded with a mysterious awe and dread, and held sacred as a revelation from heaven.
The chief islands are Aran and Innismore, the latter about nine miles long. The cattle live on the fine grass of the rocks, and turf is brought from the mainland. The views are magnificent of sea and mountain, and the islands contain a greater number of pagan and early Christian monuments than could be found in the same area in any other part of Europe.
Some of the Duns or forts include several acres. The walls are cyclopean, about sixteen feet thick and from eighteen to twenty feet high, with steps inside leading to the top. Amongst the monuments are cromlechs, tumuli, and pillar stones, those earliest memorials set up by humanity. The Irish call these huge stones Bothal, or House of God, as the Hebrews called them Bethel, or God’s house.
Dun Ængus, the greatest barbaric monument of the kind in existence, stands on a cliff three hundred feet above the sea. It60 is a hundred and forty-two feet in diameter, and has two cyclopean walls fifteen feet thick and eighteen high. The sea front measures a thousand feet, and several acres are included within the outer wall. The roof of the dun is formed of large flag-stones, and the doorway slopes, after the Egyptian fashion, up to three feet in width at the top. A causeway of sharp, upright stones jammed into the ground leads to the entrance.
This fort was the great and last stronghold of the Firbolg race, and they long held it as a refuge against the Tuatha-de-Danann invaders, who at that time conquered and took possession of Ireland.
All the islands were originally peopled by the Firbolg race many centuries before the Christian era, and the Irish language, as still spoken by the people, is the purest and most ancient of all the dialects of Erin. Afterwards so many Christian saints took up their abode there that the largest of the islands was called Ara-na-naomh (Aran of the Saints), and numerous remains of churches, cells, crosses and stone-roofed oratories, with the ruins of a round tower, testify to the long habitation of the islands by these holy men.
There is an old wooden idol on one of the Achil islands called Father Molosh—probably a corruption of Moloch. In former times offerings and sacrifices were made to it, and it was esteemed as the guardian or god of the sacred fire, and held in great reverence, though but a rude semblance of a human head. Many miracles also were performed by the tooth of St. Patrick, which fell from the saint’s mouth one day when he was teaching the alphabet to the new converts. And a shrine was afterwards made for the tooth that was held in the greatest honour by the kings, chiefs, and people of Ireland.
The stupendous barbaric monuments of the islands, according to Irish antiquarians, offer the best exposition of early military architecture at present known, and are only equalled by some of those in Greece. There are also many sacred wells, and the whole region is haunted by strange, wild superstitions of fairies and demons and witches; legends filled with a weird and mystic poetry that thrill the soul like a strain of music from spirit voices coming to us from the far-off elder world. The following pathetic tale is a good specimen of these ancient island legends:—
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-08-05 16:57:01
A few months ago, @grayruby posted [SN and the Zen of 1 sat = 1 sat](https://stacker.news/items/550268/r/Undisciplined). Since then, the top of my SN page has read "1 sat = 1 sat". It is quite peaceful.
While setting up [random zaps](https://stacker.news/items/632357/r/Undisciplined), I stumbled across another setting that's been giving me a similar sense of peace. I disabled being notified when I receive zaps. After all, I keep insisting that I'm not here for the sats, but rather for the community, so why do I need to see how much and how often people are zapping me. It's much less clutter in the notifications feed and everything in there is now something to potentially respond to.
Give it a whirl.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/636336
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-08-05 15:11:13
Happy Discount Day, stackers!
What better way to celebrate than to throw down some cheap sats on European Soccer matches?
[Freebitcoin](https://freebitco.in/?r=51325722) has about a dozen matches up; from the Premier League, Serie A, and La Liga. The odds are good, if you get in early.
On a cautionary note, see the last post (https://stacker.news/items/628381/r/Undisciplined) for some concerns about this site. I haven't had any issues so far, but I did withdraw my initial deposit, so I'm only playing with house money going forward.
Caveat emptor!
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/636197
@ 8dc86882:9dc4ba5e
2024-08-05 12:03:20
I would like to keep track of my bitcoin history and was wondering what people do? Is there an app that gathers what you bought and at what price at and keeps up with what you have? Or is it basically spreadsheet ninja time?
I basically want to log my purchases and keep up with how many dollars I've invested. Then I want to see it's value today. But of course every time I buy, it's at a different price, so a tool that's sorts all this would be so cool.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/635837
@ 674473f6:f859eb3c
2024-08-05 05:51:37
> Bitwise Operation คือ กระบวนการที่การดำเนินการใด ๆ โดยตรงกับบิตของตัวเลข หรือชุดข้อมูลของเราใน memory ซึ่งการทำงานโดยตรงกับบิตของตัวเลข ทำให้มีประสิทธิภาพสูงและใช้บ่อยในการเขียนโปรแกรมระดับ low-level โดยหลัก ๆ ที่ใช้กันจะมี 6 แบบ
เป็นเครื่องมือที่ทรงพลังสำหรับนักพัฒนาที่ต้องการประสิทธิภาพสูงและการควบคุมระดับบิต โดยเฉพาะในการพัฒนาระบบระดับ low-level และการทำงานกับฮาร์ดแวร์โดยตรง
ภาพรวม Bitwise Operations:
AND (&):
ใช้เปรียบเทียบบิต, ให้ 1 เมื่อทั้งสองบิตเป็น 1
ประโยชน์: ตรวจสอบบิต, สร้าง mask
OR (|):
ให้ 1 เมื่อมีบิตใดบิตหนึ่งเป็น 1
ประโยชน์: รวมแฟล็ก, ตั้งค่าบิต
XOR (^):
ให้ 1 เมื่อบิตต่างกัน
ประโยชน์: สลับค่า, เข้ารหัสอย่างง่าย
NOT (~):
ประโยชน์: สร้าง mask สำหรับลบบิต
Left Shift (<<):
เลื่อนบิตไปซ้าย, เติม 0 ทางขวา
ประโยชน์: คูณด้วยกำลังของ 2, สร้าง mask
Right Shift (>>):
ประโยชน์: หารด้วยกำลังของ 2, แยกส่วนข้อมูล
## 1.) BitAnd (&):
BitAnd มักใช้สัญลักษณ์ & เป็นการดำเนินการทางตรรกะที่เปรียบเทียบบิตในตำแหน่งเดียวกันของสองตัวเลข โดยมีกฎดังนี้:
- 1 AND 1 = 1
- 1 AND 0 = 0
- 0 AND 1 = 0
- 0 AND 0 = 0
หรือกล่าวอีกนัยหนึ่ง ผลลัพธ์จะเป็น 1 ก็ต่อเมื่อทั้งสองบิตเป็น 1 เท่านั้น
สมมติว่าเรามีเลขสองตัว A = 5 และ B = 3
A = 5 = 0101
B = 3 = 0011
เมื่อทำ BitAnd:
0101 (A = 5)
& 0011 (B = 3)
0001 (Result = 1)
- บิตที่ 1 (จากขวา): 1 & 1 = 1
- บิตที่ 2: 0 & 1 = 0
- บิตที่ 3: 1 & 0 = 0
- บิตที่ 4: 0 & 0 = 0
ดังนั้น ผลลัพธ์คือ 0001 ในเลขฐานสอง ซึ่งเท่ากับ 1 ในเลขฐานสิบ
การใช้งาน BitAnd:
1. การตรวจสอบเลขคู่/คี่:
ถ้า (n & 1) == 0 แสดงว่า n เป็นเลขคู่
ถ้า (n & 1) == 1 แสดงว่า n เป็นเลขคี่
2. การตรวจสอบสถานะของบิตเฉพาะ:
ถ้าต้องการตรวจสอบบิตที่ 3 ของ x:
if (x & (1 << 2)) != 0 // บิตที่ 3 เป็น 1
3. การลบบิตสุดท้ายที่เป็น 1:
n = n & (n - 1)
BitAnd มีประโยชน์มากในการจัดการกับข้อมูลระดับบิต การตั้งค่าแฟล็ก และการทำงานกับฮาร์ดแวร์โดยตรง
## 2.) BitOr (|):
BitOr มักใช้สัญลักษณ์ | เป็นการดำเนินการทางตรรกะที่เปรียบเทียบบิตในตำแหน่งเดียวกันของสองตัวเลข โดยมีกฎดังนี้:
- 1 OR 1 = 1
- 1 OR 0 = 1
- 0 OR 1 = 1
- 0 OR 0 = 0
กล่าวคือ ผลลัพธ์จะเป็น 1 เมื่อมีบิตใดบิตหนึ่งเป็น 1 หรือทั้งสองบิตเป็น 1
สมมติว่าเรามีเลขสองตัว A = 5 และ B = 3
A = 5 = 0101
B = 3 = 0011
เมื่อทำ BitOr:
0101 (A = 5)
| 0011 (B = 3)
0111 (Result = 7)
- บิตที่ 1 (จากขวา): 1 | 1 = 1
- บิตที่ 2: 0 | 1 = 1
- บิตที่ 3: 1 | 0 = 1
- บิตที่ 4: 0 | 0 = 0
ดังนั้น ผลลัพธ์คือ 0111 ในเลขฐานสอง ซึ่งเท่ากับ 7 ในเลขฐานสิบ
การใช้งาน BitOr:
1. การรวมแฟล็ก:
เช่น ในการตั้งค่าสิทธิ์ไฟล์ในระบบ Unix
permissions = READ | WRITE | EXECUTE
2. การตั้งค่าบิตเฉพาะ:
ถ้าต้องการตั้งค่าบิตที่ 3 ของ x เป็น 1:
x = x | (1 << 2)
3. การรวมสี RGB:
ในระบบสี RGB ที่ใช้ 8 บิตต่อสี
color = (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue
BitOr มีประโยชน์มากในการรวมแฟล็ก การตั้งค่าบิต และการทำงานกับข้อมูลที่แต่ละบิตมีความหมายเฉพาะ
## BitXor (^):
BitXor หรือ Exclusive OR (XOR) มักใช้สัญลักษณ์ ^ เป็นการดำเนินการทางตรรกะที่เปรียบเทียบบิตในตำแหน่งเดียวกันของสองตัวเลข โดยมีกฎดังนี้:
- 1 XOR 1 = 0
- 1 XOR 0 = 1
- 0 XOR 1 = 1
- 0 XOR 0 = 0
กล่าวคือ ผลลัพธ์จะเป็น 1 เมื่อบิตทั้งสองมีค่าต่างกัน
สมมติว่าเรามีเลขสองตัว A = 5 และ B = 3
A = 5 = 0101
B = 3 = 0011
เมื่อทำ BitXor:
0101 (A = 5)
^ 0011 (B = 3)
0110 (Result = 6)
- บิตที่ 1 (จากขวา): 1 ^ 1 = 0
- บิตที่ 2: 0 ^ 1 = 1
- บิตที่ 3: 1 ^ 0 = 1
- บิตที่ 4: 0 ^ 0 = 0
ดังนั้น ผลลัพธ์คือ 0110 ในเลขฐานสอง ซึ่งเท่ากับ 6 ในเลขฐานสิบ
การใช้งาน BitXor:
1. การสลับค่าโดยไม่ใช้ตัวแปรเพิ่ม:
a ^= b;
b ^= a;
a ^= b;
// ตอนนี้ a และ b ได้สลับค่ากันแล้ว
2. การเข้ารหัสอย่างง่าย:
encrypted = data ^ key
decrypted = encrypted ^ key // จะได้ data กลับคืนมา
3. การตรวจสอบความเท่ากันของตัวเลข:
if ((a ^ b) == 0) // a และ b เท่ากัน
4. การหาตัวเลขที่ไม่มีคู่ในชุดข้อมูล:
result = num1 ^ num2 ^ num3 ^ ... // ผลลัพธ์จะเป็นตัวเลขที่ไม่มีคู่
BitXor มีคุณสมบัติพิเศษคือ การ XOR กับตัวเองจะได้ 0 และการ XOR กับ 0 จะได้ตัวเองกลับคืนมา ทำให้มันมีประโยชน์มากในการเข้ารหัสและการตรวจสอบข้อมูล
## BitNot (~):
BitNot หรือ NOT มักใช้สัญลักษณ์ ~ เป็นการดำเนินการทางตรรกะที่กลับบิตของตัวเลข โดยมีกฎง่ายๆ คือ:
- NOT 1 = 0
- NOT 0 = 1
กล่าวคือ BitNot จะเปลี่ยนทุกบิต 0 เป็น 1 และทุกบิต 1 เป็น 0
สมมติว่าเรามีเลข A = 5
ในระบบเลขฐานสอง (สมมติว่าเป็นเลข 8 บิต):
A = 5 = 00000101
เมื่อทำ BitNot:
00000101 (A = 5)
~ 11111010 (Result = 250 ใน unsigned int, หรือ -6 ใน signed int)
- ทุกบิต 0 ถูกเปลี่ยนเป็น 1
- ทุกบิต 1 ถูกเปลี่ยนเป็น 0
ผลลัพธ์จะขึ้นอยู่กับว่าเราใช้ระบบเลขแบบไหน (signed หรือ unsigned):
- ในระบบ unsigned 8 บิต: 11111010 = 250
- ในระบบ signed 8 บิต: 11111010 = -6
การใช้งาน BitNot:
1. การสร้าง mask สำหรับการลบบิต:
clear_mask = ~(1 << n) // สร้าง mask ที่มีบิตที่ n เป็น 0 และที่เหลือเป็น 1
x &= clear_mask // ลบบิตที่ n ของ x
2. การหาค่าสัมบูรณ์ของเลขติดลบในระบบ two's complement:
abs_value = (x ^ (x >> 31)) - (x >> 31)
// x >> 31 จะได้ 0 สำหรับเลขบวก และ -1 สำหรับเลขลบ
3. การสลับสถานะของทุกบิต:
inverted = ~original
4. การหาค่าสูงสุดของตัวแปรที่มีขนาด n บิต:
max_value = ~0 >> (32 - n) // สำหรับตัวแปร 32 บิต
BitNot มักใช้ร่วมกับ BitAnd เพื่อลบบิตที่ต้องการ หรือใช้ในการสร้าง mask สำหรับการจัดการบิต
## Left Shift (<<):
Left Shift มักใช้สัญลักษณ์ << เป็นการดำเนินการที่เลื่อนบิตทั้งหมดของตัวเลขไปทางซ้ายตามจำนวนที่กำหนด โดยเติม 0 ทางด้านขวา
Left Shift โดยทั่วไปแล้วไม่แตกต่างกันระหว่างเลข unsigned int และ signed int แต่มีบางประเด็นที่ควรระวัง:
1. ผลลัพธ์:
- ในกรณีของเลขไม่มีเครื่องหมาย ผลลัพธ์จะเป็นบวกเสมอ
- สำหรับเลขมีเครื่องหมาย ผลลัพธ์อาจเปลี่ยนเครื่องหมายได้หากบิตเครื่องหมาย (sign bit) ถูกเปลี่ยน
2. Overflow:
- ทั้งสองกรณีอาจเกิด overflow ได้ถ้าเลื่อนมากเกินไป
- สำหรับเลข signed int overflow อาจทำให้เกิดการเปลี่ยนเครื่องหมายโดยไม่คาดคิด
3. Undefined Behavior:
- ในบางภาษา เช่น C/C++, การเลื่อนด้วยค่าที่มากกว่าหรือเท่ากับจำนวนบิตของตัวแปรอาจทำให้เกิด Undefined Behavior ได้
สมมติว่าเรามีเลข A = 5 และต้องการเลื่อนซ้าย 2 ตำแหน่ง
ในระบบเลขฐานสอง (สมมติว่าเป็นเลข 8 บิต):
A = 5 = 00000101
เมื่อทำ Left Shift 2 ตำแหน่ง (A << 2):
00000101 (A = 5)
00010100 (Result = 20)
- บิตทั้งหมดถูกเลื่อนไปทางซ้าย 2 ตำแหน่ง
- เติม 0 สองตัวทางด้านขวา
ผลลัพธ์: 00010100 ในเลขฐานสอง ซึ่งเท่ากับ 20 ในเลขฐานสิบ
ตัวอย่าง 2:
unsigned int a = 1; // 00000001 in binary
int b = 1; // 00000001 in binary
// Left shift by 3
unsigned int a_result = a << 3; // 00001000 (8 in decimal)
int b_result = b << 3; // 00001000 (8 in decimal)
// สำหรับตัวเลขเล็ก ๆ ผลอาจจะไม่ต่างกัน
// แต่เมื่อมีตัวเลขที่ใหญ่ขึ้น อาจจะให้ผลตรงกันข้ามแทน:
unsigned int large_a = 1 << 31; // 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (2147483648 in decimal)
int large_b = 1 << 31; // 10000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 (-2147483648 in decimal, due to two's complement)
ในตัวอย่างสุดท้าย เราเห็นความแตกต่าง:
- สำหรับ unsigned int, ผลลัพธ์คือเลขบวกที่ใหญ่ที่สุดที่เป็นไปได้
- สำหรับ signed int, ผลลัพธ์คือเลขลบที่น้อยที่สุดที่เป็นไปได้ เนื่องจากบิตซ้ายสุดถูกตีความเป็นเครื่องหมายลบในระบบ two's complement
- เลื่อนบิตทั้งหมดไปทางซ้าย n ตำแหน่ง
- เติม 0 ทางด้านขวา n ตัว
- บิตที่เลื่อนออกไปทางซ้ายจะหายไป
การใช้งาน Left Shift:
1. การคูณด้วยกำลังของ 2:
x << n เท่ากับ x * (2^n)
เช่น 5 << 2 = 5 * (2^2) = 5 * 4 = 20
2. การสร้างหน้ากาก (mask) สำหรับการตั้งค่าบิต:
mask = 1 << n // สร้างหน้ากากที่มีบิตที่ n เป็น 1 และที่เหลือเป็น 0
x |= mask // ตั้งค่าบิตที่ n ของ x เป็น 1
3. การเข้ารหัสข้อมูลหลายบิตในตัวแปรเดียว:
encoded = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b // เก็บค่า RGB ในตัวแปร 32 บิต
4. การทำงานกับบิตแฟล็ก:
FLAG_A = 1 << 0
FLAG_B = 1 << 1
FLAG_C = 1 << 2
// ใช้งาน: flags = FLAG_A | FLAG_B
Left Shift มีประสิทธิภาพสูงในการคูณด้วยกำลังของ 2 และมักใช้ในการจัดการบิตแฟล็กและการสร้างหน้ากากสำหรับการดำเนินการระดับบิต
## Right Shift (>>):
Right Shift มักใช้สัญลักษณ์ >> เป็นการดำเนินการที่เลื่อนบิตทั้งหมดของตัวเลขไปทางขวาตามจำนวนที่กำหนด การทำงานจะแตกต่างกันเล็กน้อยระหว่างเลขที่มีเครื่องหมาย (signed) และไม่มีเครื่องหมาย (unsigned)
สำหรับเลข unsigned int (Logical Right Shift):
- เลื่อนบิตทั้งหมดไปทางขวา n ตำแหน่ง
- เติม 0 ทางด้านซ้าย n ตัว
- บิตที่เลื่อนออกไปทางขวาจะหายไป
สำหรับเลข signed int (Arithmetic Right Shift):
- เลื่อนบิตทั้งหมดไปทางขวา n ตำแหน่ง
- เติมด้วยบิตเครื่องหมาย (sign bit) ทางด้านซ้าย n ตัว
- บิตที่เลื่อนออกไปทางขวาจะหายไป
สมมติว่าเรามีเลข A = 20 และต้องการเลื่อนขวา 2 ตำแหน่ง
ในระบบเลขฐานสอง (สมมติว่าเป็นเลข 8 บิต):
A = 20 = 00010100
เมื่อทำ Right Shift 2 ตำแหน่ง (A >> 2):
00010100 (A = 20)
00000101 (Result = 5)
- บิตทั้งหมดถูกเลื่อนไปทางขวา 2 ตำแหน่ง
- เติม 0 สองตัวทางด้านซ้าย (สำหรับเลขไม่มีเครื่องหมาย)
ผลลัพธ์: 00000101 ในเลขฐานสอง ซึ่งเท่ากับ 5 ในเลขฐานสิบ
การใช้งาน Right Shift:
1. การหารด้วยกำลังของ 2:
x >> n เท่ากับ x / (2^n) (ปัดเศษลง)
เช่น 20 >> 2 = 20 / (2^2) = 20 / 4 = 5
2. การแยกส่วนของข้อมูลที่ถูกเก็บรวมกัน:
r = (rgb >> 16) & 0xFF // แยกค่าสีแดงจาก RGB 24 บิต
g = (rgb >> 8) & 0xFF // แยกค่าสีเขียว
b = rgb & 0xFF // แยกค่าสีน้ำเงิน
3. การตรวจสอบเครื่องหมายของตัวเลข:
sign = x >> 31 // สำหรับตัวแปร 32 บิต, จะได้ 0 สำหรับบวก และ -1 สำหรับลบ
4. การทำ rounded division:
(x + (1 << (n-1))) >> n // หารด้วย 2^n และปัดเศษ
- ใน Java, >> เป็น arithmetic shift สำหรับ int และ long, ส่วน >>> เป็น logical shift
- ในภาษาอื่นๆ เช่น C/C++, การทำงานของ >> กับเลขติดลบอาจแตกต่างกันไปตาม Compiler
Right Shift มีประสิทธิภาพสูงในการหารด้วยกำลังของ 2 และมักใช้ในการจัดการข้อมูลที่ถูกเก็บรวมกันในรูปแบบบิต
หากเปรียบกับ Right Shift แม้ว่าการทำงานพื้นฐานของ Left Shift จะเหมือนกันสำหรับทั้งเลข signed int และ unsigned int แต่การตีความผลลัพธ์และผลกระทบต่อเครื่องหมาย(sign bit)อาจแตกต่างกัน ดังนั้นจึงควรระมัดระวังเมื่อใช้ Left Shift กับเลขที่มี signed int โดยเฉพาะเมื่อเลื่อนด้วยค่าที่สูงมาก ๆ
## Conclusion
#### ลักษณะเด่นของ Bitwise Operations:
- ประสิทธิภาพสูง: ทำงานเร็วกว่าการคำนวณปกติ
- ประหยัดหน่วยความจำ: จัดเก็บข้อมูลหลายอย่างในตัวแปรเดียว
- ใช้ในงานระดับต่ำ: การทำงานกับฮาร์ดแวร์, ระบบปฏิบัติการ
- การเข้ารหัส: ใช้ในอัลกอริทึมการเข้ารหัสและบีบอัดข้อมูล
- การจัดการแฟล็ก: ใช้ในการตั้งค่าและตรวจสอบสถานะต่างๆ
#### การใช้งานทั่วไป:
- จัดการสิทธิ์และการอนุญาตในระบบไฟล์
- การเข้ารหัสและถอดรหัสข้อมูล
- การบีบอัดข้อมูล
- การทำงานกับพิกเซลในการประมวลผลภาพ
- การจัดการโปรโตคอลเครือข่าย
- การทำงานกับ register ใน Embedded system
#### ข้อควรระวัง:
- ต้องระมัดระวังเรื่องขนาดของข้อมูล (8, 16, 32, 64 บิต)
- ความแตกต่างระหว่างเลขมี signed int และ unsigned int
- ความแตกต่างของการทำงานในแต่ละภาษาโปรแกรม
**unsigned int คือตัวเลขเป็นบวกเสมอ signed int สามารถมีค่าเป็นลบได้
#siamstr #Blog
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-08-04 22:23:38
The idea for permanently editable posts pops up every so often. [Here's](https://stacker.news/items/306665/r/Undisciplined) @elvismercury's post about it. (Gosh, it sure would be nice if he came back, wouldn't it?) I was thinking about a variant of that idea today.
Could we use wiki-style posts? I'm thinking about some of the territories, like ~bitcoin_beginners, that want to have evergreen resource posts. It would be nice to be able to have our "official" post for certain topics that can be updated by stackers and plebs other than the OP.
I'm not sure exactly what the price and equity mechanisms should be, but it seems like there's something here. It would obviously cost sats to make edits and I'm thinking it should cost more sats the more substantial your edits are. Then your revenue share on the post would be something like the share of sats you've put into the post (posting fee + all edit fees).
This would probably need to come after making rewards more compatible with zapping evergreen content.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/635153
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-08-04 19:30:51
I was complaining about there not being any good hummus at our local stores: i.e. made with olive oil, rather than seed oils.
My wife tossed a bunch of ingredients into the food processor (no recipe, no measuring) and out came amazing hummus.
Now, I'm trying to talk her into commercializing it for farmers' markets.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/635019
@ 6ad3e2a3:c90b7740
2024-08-03 23:20:29
I know many of you are frustrated there are people who still won’t take the covid injections. The problem is you’re going about it the wrong way.
Below I list steps you can take that will result in universal uptake:
**Stop Calling Them “Vaccine Hesitant”**
If you were trying to persuade a vegan to up his B-12 intake by eating meat, you wouldn’t get far by labeling him “steak hesitant.” “Oh, I see, you’re just ‘steak hesitant’ must be that hippie propaganda you’re reading. Steak hesitant people like you…” Insulting people’s choices won’t get you anywhere. Try, “I see you don’t like being coerced to take medicine via threats to your basic rights and ability to earn a livelihood, that’s understandable. Let me persuade you why getting an mRNA jab is a good _medical_ choice.” And then you’ll have to make your case, which, at the moment is not especially strong (particularly with respect to healthy, younger people, many of whom have already had covid), but that brings us to…
**Lobby For More Aggressive Gain Of Function Research**
Frankly, the Wuhan Lab didn’t do its best work. Covid is deadly for people with pre-existing conditions, metabolic disorders and [the elderly](https://twitter.com/justin_hart/status/1448162678556356610/photo/1), but it’s insufficiently so to kill many healthy people under 70. The overall [IFR is about 0.2 percent, with the vast majority of that group either old or sick](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33716331/). To incentivize independent-minded younger people the next lab leak needs to be a far more lethal strain. If we can get one as contagious as covid, but with an equal opportunity IFR above 15 percent, now we’re cooking with gas. When your 30-year old cousin, both your parents, several of your work colleagues, Kyrie Irving, Aaron Rodgers, Novak Djokovic, 25 members of Congress and a few cabinet members are dead, [that will get their attention](https://twitter.com/MarySmi10379520/status/1416232217840287744?s=20&t=cCQx6U1cikL0KOFacWRT0g).
**Commission Vaccines From New Companies**
While many who decline the mRNA shot are no doubt victims of disinformation — believing theories that government and large pharmaceutical companies are conspiring to enrich themselves first and foremost without proper regard for safety — it would be harder for them to connect those dots if you used more scrupulous providers. For example, it’s less than ideal that Johnson and Johnson just paid a [settlement of five billion dollars](https://www.reuters.com/legal/litigation/nevada-join-26-billion-opioid-settlement-with-jj-drug-distributors-2022-01-04/) for their part in the opioid crisis and [Pfizer settled for 2.3 billion](https://www.abc.net.au/news/2009-09-03/pfizer-fine-should-act-as-deterrent/1417140) for marketing a drug as a pain killer that even the rubber-stamping FDA refused to approve for that purpose, while allegedly paying kickbacks to doctors to prescribe it. It was apparently the fourth settlement for Pfizer since 2002, and that excludes the experimental drug anti-meningitis drug, Trovan [that killed 11 children](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-14493277) and disabled dozens more in 1996. It’s insane to think that means anything about these miracle products in 2022, the motive for which was so obviously public health and ending the pandemic, but you have to admit it’s not a great look.
**Keep Vaccine Companies On The Hook For Adverse Events**
There was never a need to [waive liability](https://www.cnbc.com/2020/12/16/covid-vaccine-side-effects-compensation-lawsuit.html) for vaccine makers for adverse effects because everyone knows the mRNA shot is safe and effective. Yes, you hear [anecdotal](https://medalerts.org/vaersdb/findfield.php?TABLE=ON&GROUP1=CAT&EVENTS=ON&VAX=COVID19&VAXTYPES=COVID-19) [accounts](https://dailytelegraph.co.nz/news/pfizer-document-concedes-that-there-is-a-large-increase-in-types-of-adverse-event-reaction-to-its-vaccine/) of heart problems and strokes, but both have always been [common](https://people.com/health/blood-clots-like-hailey-biebers-are-happening-in-younger-and-younger-people/) in [young people](https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2022/03/14/1086345393/strokes-young-people-hailey-bieber). Growing up, a few of my friends undoubtedly had heart attacks and strokes in grade school, though they were probably just under-diagnosed back then. I understand why the companies want to waive liability — it’s wrong to require legal accountability when these heroes are busy saving so many lives, but there’s no need for it when you have such a safe product. It just feeds unfounded suspicion.
**Create A Vaccine That Stops The Spread**
Obviously, we know vaccines don’t have to stop the spread entirely to be effective. Look up the [definition of vaccine](https://twitter.com/RepThomasMassie/status/1435606845926871041?s=20&t=5EIgymJ3ocpwtqFQyTZ9Sw) — nowhere does it list that as a requirement. But if it actually [stopped transmission in some material way](https://twitter.com/lienomail/status/1467394708594954242/photo/1), you’d be in a better position to argue for its uptake, citing the benefit it might have for the people around them. Now, people are just trying the “you’re taking up an ICU bed” angle, which doesn’t make much sense to young, healthy people, barring a far deadlier strain.
**Permit Useless Early Treatments**
One big mistake that was made was [banning and discouraging](https://brownstone.org/articles/early-outpatient-treatment-for-covid-19-the-evidence/) phony, yet harmless treatments like Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and even Vitamin D. All that did was make people think they worked, and feed [false conspiracy theories](https://www.biznews.com/thought-leaders/2021/05/12/mailbox-ivermectin) that they were funneling people toward the vaccine. Useless treatments should be encouraged so anyone who knows people who tried them can see how little good they did.
**Don’t Bribe People**
I love donuts as much as the next person with metabolic syndrome, but giving people [food, money and even weed](https://fortune.com/2021/03/23/covid-vaccine-freebies-card-cdc-krispy-kreme-donuts-free-weed-marijuana-cannabis-food-uber-lyft-rides-running-list-discounts/) just makes you look desperate. If you want to make something seem enticing, you’ve got to market it as something I’m lucky to get, not something you’re begging me to take.
**Choose Better Spokespeople**
I know Bill Gates is one of the [biggest investors in the space](https://www.cnbc.com/2019/01/23/bill-gates-turns-10-billion-into-200-billion-worth-of-economic-benefit.html), but is it really necessary to have someone, who was [paling around with](https://www.wsj.com/articles/melinda-gates-was-meeting-with-divorce-lawyers-since-2019-to-end-marriage-with-bill-gates-11620579924) convicted underage sex offender Jeffery Epstein, as your go-to vaccine promoter?
**Amend The US Constitution And Nuremberg Code**
It’s annoying we have these anachronistic documents that didn’t contemplate the spread of a deadly pandemic, but unfortunately, The [Fourth Amendment](https://www.law.cornell.edu/constitution/fourth_amendment) requiring people to be secure in their “persons,” and the [Nuremberg Code](https://research.unc.edu/human-research-ethics/resources/ccm3_019064/) which requires consent for medical procedures are still The Supreme Law Of The Land, and International Law, respectively. A little carve-out saying, “unless there’s a deadly pandemic” would go a long way toward granting the requisite legal authority.
**Stiffer Consequences For Those Who Refuse**
Let’s be honest. There’s nothing more important than public health, and getting everyone vaccinated is the optimal way to achieve that aim. It’s unfortunate it would have to come to this, but we can’t let the selfish actions of a few imperil the good of the many who do as instructed. Actions have consequences! If the first nine steps are ineffective, you could imprison, torture or simply exterminate those who decline this medical option, something for which there is historical precedent in the last century.
I can assure you these 10 steps will result in 100 percent uptake. Hopefully it doesn’t come to step 10, but you have to ask yourself, do you care about preserving the rights of the privileged few, or are you willing to do what it takes for public health and the greater good of society?
I hope the answer is as clear for you as it is for me.
@ 6bae33c8:607272e8
2024-08-03 20:36:29
This is an overall list for 12-team NFFC PPR leagues _as of August 3, 2024_.
**Note:** Rankings are real, but comments are not meant to be taken seriously.
Warning: many, if not most, are stupid, though it can't be worse than [last year’s](https://www.realmansports.com/p/snarky150).
_(Right-click, open in new tab to enlarge)_
@ d34e832d:383f78d0
2024-08-03 03:40:45
In the realm of economic theory and practice, few topics generate as much debate as centralized economic planning. Proponents argue that it allows for coordinated and equitable allocation of resources, while critics highlight its inefficiencies and systemic flaws. I just want to look into the inherent shortcomings of centralized economic planning, focusing on the impossibility of aggregating and processing the vast amount of information required to make efficient decisions. Through a structured exploration of key points and real-world examples, we will look at why centralized planning often fails to achieve its intended goals.
#### **The Mirage of Perfect Planning**
Imagine a world where a single entity could flawlessly dictate the allocation of resources, ensuring optimal outcomes for all. While this vision of centralized economic planning might seem appealing, it is fundamentally unattainable. The sheer complexity and dynamic nature of economies render such centralized control impractical. This essay critiques centralized economic planning by examining its fundamental inefficiencies and the impossibility of handling the immense information required for effective decision-making.
![Central Planning Scheme](https://image.nostr.build/5c895706d07b3a441546aec552fdef3efc653b166df580872379c1e723aa87ae.jpg)
#### **The Information Problem: A Fundamental Challenge**
One of the central critiques of economic planning is the information problem, famously articulated by economist Friedrich Hayek. Hayek argued that no central authority could ever possess the dispersed and tacit knowledge held by individuals in a free market.
**Key Points:**
1. **Dispersed Knowledge:**
- In a market economy, knowledge is spread across countless individuals who possess unique information about their specific circumstances. Central planners cannot effectively gather and utilize this dispersed knowledge.
- *Example:* A farmer in a remote village understands local soil conditions and market needs better than a distant bureaucrat.
2. **Dynamic and Ever-Changing Data:**
- Economic data is constantly evolving, making it impossible for central planners to keep pace with real-time changes. This lag results in outdated or inaccurate decisions.
- *During The Times Of The Soviet Era:* During the Soviet era, planners often relied on outdated production data, leading to shortages and surpluses.
![Diagram comparing the flow of information in a free market versus a centrally planned economy.](https://image.nostr.build/cdefd6777cb4dc49c5ba58e59940168c30769a00fc3bf9d32e353315a020fdfd.gif)
#### **Incentive Structures and Innovation: The Human Element**
Centralized planning also struggles with creating appropriate incentives for innovation and efficiency. Without the profit motive and competition, individuals and firms lack the drive to innovate and improve productivity.
**Key Points:**
1. **Lack of Profit Motive:**
- In centrally planned economies, the absence of profit incentives dampens entrepreneurial spirit and innovation. Entrepreneurs in a free market are motivated by the potential for profit, driving technological advancement and economic growth.
- *All authoritative structures struggle for the popular narrative of freedom, but are the controllers of pro-censorship themselves:* The technological stagnation in centrally planned economies versus the rapid innovation seen in market economies like the United States.
2. **Bureaucratic Inefficiencies:**
- Centralized planning often leads to cumbersome bureaucracies that stifle creativity and efficiency. Decisions are slowed by red tape, and innovative ideas are frequently ignored.
- *Anecdote:* The inefficiencies of the bureaucratic system in the former Eastern Bloc countries often resulted in suboptimal production and resource allocation.
![Chart illustrating innovation rates in market versus centrally planned economies](https://image.nostr.build/a7b1f5eb142161325b0f5b93811c20467adcb851fac1d6aab865635a5cc568b2.jpg)
#### **Real-World Failures: Lessons from History**
History provides numerous examples of the failures of centralized economic planning. These examples highlight the practical difficulties and negative outcomes associated with trying to control complex economies from the top down.
**Key Examples:**
1. **The Soviet Union:**
- The collapse of the Soviet economy is a poignant example of the failures of central planning. Chronic shortages, lack of consumer goods, and inefficiencies plagued the system until its eventual collapse.
- ![Photo of empty shelves as a result of war with Russian Federation](https://image.nostr.build/8367baa8fac7bcdb98eef8b0a627e5e703fbd2eb9cb9a29f383317726c64c6cd.jpg)
2. **Maoist China:**
- During the Great Leap Forward, Mao Zedong's attempts at rapid industrialization and agricultural collectivization led to one of the deadliest famines in history.
- [*Visual: Historical photograph depicting the effects of the Great Leap Forward.*](https://image.nostr.build/ce8b682b8638419977e68acccd27fccff055d695ebe4d9b15c15cf6903e46d00.jpg)
#### **The Case for Decentralized Economies**
Centralized economic planning is fundamentally flawed due to the impossibility of aggregating and processing the vast amount of information required for efficient decision-making. The dispersed knowledge of individuals, coupled with the dynamic nature of economic data, renders central planning ineffective. Moreover, the lack of appropriate incentives for innovation and efficiency further hampers centrally planned economies. History has shown us the dire consequences of attempting to control complex economies from the top down. As we move forward, embracing decentralized economic systems that leverage the power of individual choice and market mechanisms will be crucial for fostering innovation, efficiency, and economic prosperity.
![Infographic summarizing the key points of the critique of centralized planning.](https://image.nostr.build/ba607080d6c00e151ee4370d9252514a263d640f2a707750201931967e584978.png)
@ 8dc86882:9dc4ba5e
2024-08-02 21:26:35
I really just wanted to give credit where credit is due. I'm not a podcaster, but I do listen to the [Podcasting 2.0](https://podcastindex.org/podcast/920666) podcast.
I feel that Dave and Adam have done a ton for Bitcoin and Lightning just by working on the Podcasting 2.0 project. Their effort to figure out how to make donations easy for fans of podcasts I believe has really built a lot of uptake in the ecosystem. Many of us wouldn't be here, or maybe have as good an understanding on how this all works without them. I just thought they needed to get some love.
Please listen to an episode and boost the hell out of it.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/632805
@ 1c0467df:d06e2b48
2024-08-01 22:06:52
I have released BTC service library. It includes many LUDS and NIPS.
It enables multi user, multi domain LUD-16 Lightning addresses.
With it, anyone can get you@domain.com Lightning and Nostr addresses, enabling easy Bitcoin receipts and Zaps.
Check it out at https://github.com/matjaz/btc-service
Feedback is welcome.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/631601
@ 000002de:c05780a7
2024-08-01 15:33:52
For me, it's [Rubicon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rubicon_(TV_series)). I really liked this show at the time and man I wish it hadn't been dropped. It was so good. Still worth watching.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/631200
@ 502ab02a:a2860397
2024-07-31 10:27:12
ใช่ครับ 31 กรกฎาคม 2567 ขอบันทึกการเจอนี่ไว้หน่อยว่า
เป็นการทำงานในงานโฆษณาเป็นวันสุดท้าย หลังจากวันนี้ก็จะไม่ได้เอี่ยวกับงานในวงเวียนนี้อีกแล้ว รวมถึงได้ยุติการเป็นหุ้นส่วนของบริษัทด้วยพร้อมๆกัน
ใช่ครับ ผมยุติบทบาทการหุ้นด้วย ปล่อยให้เพื่อนอีกคนเผชิญชะตากรรมในเส้นทางนี้ต่อไป หลังจากลุยกันมา 22ปี ในรูปแบบบริษัท และ 3 ปีในแบบฟรีแลนซ์
และกีตาร์เป็นของอย่างแรกที่เอาเข้ามา แต่เป็นของอย่างสุดท้ายที่เอาออกไป
พรุ่งนี้ก็จะไม่เหมือนเดิมอีกต่อไป ดีร้ายก็มาดิ เจอกัน 555
ผมจะพยายามดำเนินชีวิตในแบบที่ตัวเองอยากทำ มากที่สุดเท่าที่จะทำได้ครับ 555
ร็อคกี้ บอกว่าหมัดหนักแค่ไหนไม่สำคัญ สำคัญที่เราจะรับหมัดหนักๆได้นานเท่าไรต่างหาก
@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2024-07-31 01:02:42
I just got this message through linkedin. That's more econ job openings at one place than I've ever seen. From scrolling through, they appear to mostly be with the IRS and based outside of DC. In a normal job market year, there are fewer than 1000 economist job openings in the entire country, IIRC.
Does anyone know what this is?
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/629088