
@ 1bda7e1f:bb97c4d9
2025-01-02 05:19:08
### Tldr
- Nostr is an open and interoperable protocol
- You can integrate it with workflow automation tools to augment your experience
- n8n is a great low/no-code workflow automation tool which you can host yourself
- Nostrobots allows you to integrate Nostr into n8n
- In this blog I create some workflow automations for Nostr
- A simple form to delegate posting notes
- Push notifications for mentions on multiple accounts
- Push notifications for your favourite accounts when they post a note
- All workflows are provided as open source with MIT license for you to use
### Inter-op All The Things
Nostr is a new open social protocol for the internet. This open nature exciting because of the opportunities for interoperability with other technologies. In [Using NFC Cards with Nostr]() I explored the `nostr:` URI to launch Nostr clients from a card tap.
The interoperability of Nostr doesn't stop there. The internet has many super-powers, and Nostr is open to all of them. Simply, there's no one to stop it. There is no one in charge, there are no permissioned APIs, and there are no risks of being de-platformed. If you can imagine technologies that would work well with Nostr, then any and all of them can ride on or alongside Nostr rails.
My mental model for why this is special is Google Wave ~2010. Google Wave was to be the next big platform. Lars was running it and had a big track record from Maps. I was excited for it. Then, Google pulled the plug. And, immediately all the time and capital invested in understanding and building on the platform was wasted.
This cannot happen to Nostr, as there is no one to pull the plug, and maybe even no plug to pull.
So long as users demand Nostr, Nostr will exist, and that is a pretty strong guarantee. It makes it worthwhile to invest in bringing Nostr into our other applications.
All we need are simple ways to plug things together.
### Nostr and Workflow Automation
Workflow automation is about helping people to streamline their work. As a user, the most common way I achieve this is by connecting disparate systems together. By setting up one system to trigger another or to move data between systems, I can solve for many different problems and become way more effective.
#### n8n for workflow automation
Many workflow automation tools exist. My favourite is [n8n](https://n8n.io/). n8n is a low/no-code workflow automation platform which allows you to build all kinds of workflows. You can use it for free, you can self-host it, it has a user-friendly UI and useful API. Vs Zapier it can be far more elaborate. Vs Make.com I find it to be more intuitive in how it abstracts away the right parts of the code, but still allows you to code when you need to.
Most importantly you can plug anything into n8n: You have built-in nodes for specific applications. HTTP nodes for any other API-based service. And community nodes built by individual community members for any other purpose you can imagine.
#### Eating my own dogfood
It's very clear to me that there is a big design space here just demanding to be explored. If you could integrate Nostr with anything, what would you do?
In my view the best way for anyone to start anything is by solving their own problem first (aka "scratching your own itch" and "eating your own dogfood"). As I get deeper into Nostr I find myself controlling multiple Npubs – to date I have a personal Npub, a brand Npub for a community I am helping, an AI assistant Npub, and various testing Npubs. I need ways to delegate access to those Npubs without handing over the keys, ways to know if they're mentioned, and ways to know if they're posting.
I can build workflows with n8n to solve these issues for myself to start with, and keep expanding from there as new needs come up.
### Running n8n with Nostrobots
I am mostly non-technical with a very helpful AI. To set up n8n to work with Nostr and operate these workflows should be possible for anyone with basic technology skills.
- I have a cheap VPS which currently runs my [HAVEN Nostr Relay](https://rodbishop.npub.pro/post/8ca68889/) and [Albyhub Lightning Node](https://rodbishop.npub.pro/post/setting-up-payments-on-nostr-7o6ls7/) in Docker containers,
- My objective was to set up n8n to run alongside these in a separate Docker container on the same server, install the required nodes, and then build and host my workflows.
#### Installing n8n
Self-hosting n8n could not be easier. I followed n8n's [Docker-Compose installation docs](https://docs.n8n.io/hosting/installation/server-setups/docker-compose/)–
- Install Docker and Docker-Compose if you haven't already,
- Create your ``docker-compose.yml`` and `.env` files from the docs,
- Create your data folder `sudo docker volume create n8n_data`,
- Start your container with `sudo docker compose up -d`,
- Your n8n instance should be online at port `5678`.
n8n is free to self-host but does require a license. Enter your credentials into n8n to get your free license key. You should now have access to the Workflow dashboard and can create and host any kind of workflows from there.
#### Installing Nostrobots
To integrate n8n nicely with Nostr, I used the [Nostrobots](https://github.com/ocknamo/n8n-nodes-nostrobots?tab=readme-ov-file) community node by [Ocknamo](nostr:npub1y6aja0kkc4fdvuxgqjcdv4fx0v7xv2epuqnddey2eyaxquznp9vq0tp75l).
In n8n parlance a "node" enables certain functionality as a step in a workflow e.g. a "set" node sets a variable, a "send email" node sends an email. n8n comes with all kinds of "official" nodes installed by default, and Nostr is not amongst them. However, n8n also comes with a framework for community members to create their own "community" nodes, which is where Nostrobots comes in.
You can only use a community node in a self-hosted n8n instance (which is what you have if you are running in Docker on your own server, but this limitation does prevent you from using n8n's own hosted alternative).
To install a community node, [see n8n community node docs](https://docs.n8n.io/integrations/community-nodes/installation/gui-install/). From your workflow dashboard–
- Click the "..." in the bottom left corner beside your username, and click "settings",
- Cilck "community nodes" left sidebar,
- Click "Install",
- Enter the "npm Package Name" which is `n8n-nodes-nostrobots`,
- Accept the risks and click "Install",
- Nostrobots is now added to your n8n instance.
#### Using Nostrobots
Nostrobots gives you nodes to help you build Nostr-integrated workflows–
- **Nostr Write** – for posting Notes to the Nostr network,
- **Nostr Read** – for reading Notes from the Nostr network, and
- **Nostr Utils** – for performing certain conversions you may need (e.g. from bech32 to hex).
Nostrobots has [good documentation](https://github.com/ocknamo/n8n-nodes-nostrobots?tab=readme-ov-file) on each node which focuses on simple use cases.
Each node has a "convenience mode" by default. For example, the "Read" Node by default will fetch Kind 1 notes by a simple filter, in Nostrobots parlance a "Strategy". For example, with Strategy set to "Mention" the node will accept a pubkey and fetch all Kind 1 notes that Mention the pubkey within a time period. This is very good for quick use.
What wasn't clear to me initially (until Ocknamo helped me out) is that advanced use cases are also possible.
Each node also has an advanced mode. For example, the "Read" Node can have "Strategy" set to "RawFilter(advanced)". Now the node will accept json (anything you like that complies with [NIP-01](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/01.md)). You can use this to query Notes (Kind 1) as above, and also Profiles (Kind 0), Follow Lists (Kind 3), Reactions (Kind 7), Zaps (Kind 9734/9735), and anything else you can think of.
#### Creating and adding workflows
With n8n and Nostrobots installed, you can now create or add any kind of Nostr Workflow Automation.
- Click "Add workflow" to go to the workflow builder screen,
- If you would like to build your own workflow, you can start with adding any node. Click "+" and see what is available. Type "Nostr" to explore the Nostrobots nodes you have added,
- If you would like to add workflows that someone else has built, click "..." in the top right. Then click "import from URL" and paste in the URL of any workflow you would like to use (including the ones I share later in this article).
### Nostr Workflow Automations
It's time to build some things!
#### A simple form to post a note to Nostr
I started very simply. I needed to delegate the ability to post to Npubs that I own in order that a (future) team can test things for me. I don't want to worry about managing or training those people on how to use keys, and I want to revoke access easily.
I needed a basic form with credentials that posted a Note.
For this I can use a very simple workflow–
- **A n8n Form node** – Creates a form for users to enter the note they wish to post. Allows for the form to be protected by a username and password. This node is the workflow "trigger" so that the workflow runs each time the form is submitted.
- **A Set node** – Allows me to set some variables, in this case I set the relays that I intend to use. I typically add a Set node immediately following the trigger node, and put all the variables I need in this. It helps to make the workflows easier to update and maintain.
- **A Nostr Write node** (from Nostrobots) – Writes a Kind-1 note to the Nostr network. It accepts Nostr credentials, the output of the Form node, and the relays from the Set node, and posts the Note to those relays.
Once the workflow is built, you can test it with the testing form URL, and set it to "Active" to use the production form URL. That's it. You can now give posting access to anyone for any Npub. To revoke access, simply change the credentials or set to workflow to "Inactive".
It may also be the world's simplest Nostr client.
You can find the [Nostr Form to Post a Note workflow here](https://github.com/r0d8lsh0p/nostr-n8n/blob/main/Nostr_Form_to_Post_a_Note.json).
#### Push notifications on mentions and new notes
One of the things Nostr is not very good at is push notifications. Furthermore I have some unique itches to scratch. I want–
- **To make sure I never miss a note addressed to any of my Npubs** – For this I want a push notification any time any Nostr user mentions any of my Npubs,
- **To make sure I always see all notes from key accounts** – For this I need a push notification any time any of my Npubs post any Notes to the network,
- **To get these notifications on all of my devices** – Not just my phone where my Nostr regular client lives, but also on each of my laptops to suit wherever I am working that day.
I needed to build a Nostr push notifications solution.
To build this workflow I had to string a few ideas together–
- **Triggering the node on a schedule** – Nostrobots does not include a trigger node. As every workflow starts with a trigger we needed a different method. I elected to run the workflow on a schedule of every 10-minutes. Frequent enough to see Notes while they are hot, but infrequent enough to not burden public relays or get rate-limited,
- **Storing a list of Npubs in a Nostr list** – I needed a way to store the list of Npubs that trigger my notifications. I initially used an array defined in the workflow, this worked fine. Then I decided to try Nostr lists ([NIP-51, kind 30000](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/51.md)). By defining my list of Npubs as a list published to Nostr I can control my list from within a Nostr client (e.g. [Listr.lol](https://listr.lol/npub1r0d8u8mnj6769500nypnm28a9hpk9qg8jr0ehe30tygr3wuhcnvs4rfsft) or [Nostrudel.ninja](https://nostrudel.ninja/#/lists)). Not only does this "just work", but because it's based on Nostr lists automagically Amethyst client allows me to browse that list as a Feed, and everyone I add gets notified in their Mentions,
- **Using specific relays** – I needed to query the right relays, including my own HAVEN relay inbox for notes addressed to me, and wss://purplepag.es for Nostr profile metadata,
- **Querying Nostr events** (with Nostrobots) – I needed to make use of many different Nostr queries and use quite a wide range of what Nostrobots can do–
- I read the EventID of my Kind 30000 list, to return the desired pubkeys,
- For notifications on mentions, I read all Kind 1 notes that mention that pubkey,
- For notifications on new notes, I read all Kind 1 notes published by that pubkey,
- Where there are notes, I read the Kind 0 profile metadata event of that pubkey to get the displayName of the relevant Npub,
- I transform the EventID into a Nevent to help clients find it.
- **Using the Nostr URI** – As I did with my NFC card article, I created a link with the `nostr:` URI prefix so that my phone's native client opens the link by default,
- **Push notifications solution** – I needed a push notifications solution. I found many with n8n integrations and chose to go with [Pushover](https://pushover.net/) which supports all my devices, has a free trial, and is unfairly cheap with a $5-per-device perpetual license.
Once the workflow was built, lists published, and Pushover installed on my phone, I was fully set up with push notifications on Nostr. I have used these workflows for several weeks now and made various tweaks as I went. They are feeling robust and I'd welcome you to give them a go.
You can find the [Nostr Push Notification If Mentioned here](https://github.com/r0d8lsh0p/nostr-n8n/blob/main/Nostr_Push_Notify_If_Mentioned.json) and [If Posts a Note here](https://github.com/r0d8lsh0p/nostr-n8n/blob/main/Nostr_Push_Notify_If_Post_a_Note.json).
In speaking with other Nostr users while I was building this, there are all kind of other needs for push notifications too – like on replies to a certain bookmarked note, or when a followed Npub starts streaming on zap.stream. These are all possible.
#### Use my workflows
I have open sourced all my workflows at my [Github](https://github.com/r0d8lsh0p/nostr-n8n) with MIT license and tried to write complete docs, so that you can import them into your n8n and configure them for your own use.
To import any of my workflows–
- Click on the workflow of your choice, e.g. "[Nostr_Push_Notify_If_Mentioned.json](https://github.com/r0d8lsh0p/nostr-n8n/blob/main/Nostr_Push_Notify_If_Mentioned.json "Nostr_Push_Notify_If_Mentioned.json")",
- Click on the "raw" button to view the raw JSON, ex any Github page layout,
- Copy that URL,
- Enter that URL in the "import from URL" dialog [mentioned above](#creating-and-adding-workflows).
To configure them–
- Prerequisites, credentials, and variables are all stated,
- In general any variables required are entered into a Set Node that follows the trigger node,
- Pushover has some extra setup but is very straightforward and documented in the workflow.
### What next?
Over my first four blogs I explored creating a good Nostr setup with [Vanity Npub](https://rodbishop.npub.pro/post/mining-your-vanity-pubkey-4iupbf/), [Lightning Payments](https://rodbishop.npub.pro/post/setting-up-payments-on-nostr-7o6ls7/), [Nostr Addresses at Your Domain](https://rodbishop.npub.pro/post/ee8a46bc/), and [Personal Nostr Relay](https://rodbishop.npub.pro/post/8ca68889/).
Then in my latest two blogs I explored different types of interoperability [with NFC cards](https://rodbishop.npub.pro/post/edde8387/) and now n8n Workflow Automation.
Thinking ahead n8n can power any kind of interoperability between Nostr and any other legacy technology solution. On my mind as I write this:
- Further enhancements to posting and delegating solutions and forms (enhanced UI or different note kinds),
- Automated or scheduled posting (such as auto-liking everything [Lyn Alden](nostr:npub1a2cww4kn9wqte4ry70vyfwqyqvpswksna27rtxd8vty6c74era8sdcw83a) posts),
- Further enhancements to push notifications, on new and different types of events (such as notifying me when I get a new follower, on replies to certain posts, or when a user starts streaming),
- All kinds of bridges, such as bridging notes to and from Telegram, Slack, or Campfire. Or bridging RSS or other event feeds to Nostr,
- All kinds of other automation (such as [BlackCoffee](nostr:npub1dqepr0g4t3ahvnjtnxazvws4rkqjpxl854n29wcew8wph0fmw90qlsmmgt) [controlling a coffee machine](https://primal.net/e/note16fzhh5yfc3u4kufx0mck63tsfperdrlpp96am2lmq066cnuqutds8retc3)),
- All kinds of AI Assistants and Agents,
In fact I have already released an open source workflow for an [AI Assistant](https://primal.net/p/npub1ahjpx53ewavp23g5zj9jgyfrpr8djmgjzg5mpe4xd0z69dqvq0kq2lf353), and will share more about that in my next blog.
Please be sure to let me know if you think there's another Nostr topic you'd like to see me tackle.
GM Nostr.

@ 79998141:0f8f1901
2025-01-02 05:04:56
Happy new year, Anon.
Thanks for tuning in to whatever this long form post will be. I hope to make these more regular, like journal entries as we travel through "real life" and the Nostrverse together. If I'm making time for this reflective writing, then things are going as planned.
2024 was a wildly transformative year for me for many reasons... there's no way I can possibly fit all of them here. They're not all related to Bitcoin and Nostr- I've got a beautiful life outside of all that which has its own independent arc. My wife and I celebrated 7 years of marriage together, stronger than ever (don't believe that "itch" bullshit). We let go of some negative relationships and embraced some positive ones. We cut some bad habits, and we made some good habits. We worked, we traveled, we saw family, and we partied.
But damn, these two technologies have become a huge part of my life. God willing, this trend will continue until they've both eclipsed my professional capacity through our startup, Conduit BTC.
This was the year I was truly orange pilled. Until late 2023, I had traded (quite profitably) Bitcoin, "crypto", stocks, options, prediction markets and whatever else I could get my hands on that felt undervalued. I did this all in my spare time, grinding out a little financial freedom while I hustled at my fiat ventures to support my little family. I wasn't a true believer- just an opportunist with a knack for spotting where and when a crowd might flock to next. That was right up until I ran face first into Lyn Alden's book "Broken Money".
Something about Lyn's engineer/macro-finance inspired prose clicked with me, lock and key. Total one way function. By the end of the book my laser eyes had burned a hole in my bedroom ceiling. I was all in- and acted accordingly both with my capital and my attention. It wasn't long before I discovered Nostr and dove in here too, falling deep into my current orange and purple polyamorous love affair.
> "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles."
Despite the passion, through studying Bitcoin's criticisms (from the likes of Mike Green and Nassim Taleb) I found a hole in the utopian plot: none of this works without Bitcoin actually being used as money. Worldwide transactions must skyrocket demand for blockspace to keep the network secure/stable for the long term. Besides, if everyday folks aren't using Bitcoin as money then we haven't done shit to make the world a better place. In that world, we've only replaced old masters with new ones. Fuck that.
Whatever I did in this space needed to increase the usage of Bitcoin as money. Simple. This was bigger than passion, this was purpose. I knew that come hell or high water I would dedicate myself to this mission.
Lucky for me I found a partner and best friend in @aceaspades to go on this adventure with. I'm infinitely grateful for him. He's an incredible man who also happens to be an insanely creative and talented software developer. We'd tried for years to find the right project to focus on together, experimenting with all kinds of new techy ideas as they came across our field. Nothing had ever captured our attention like this. This was different. By March of 2024 we had formed a company and gotten to work iterating on how we could leverage these beautiful protocols and open-source tech to create something that served our mission. This is @ConduitBTC.
I've done well in my fiat career executing plans downstream of someone else's creative vision. I've learned the ins and outs of an established ecosystem and found ways to profit from it. I take plans developed by others, compete to win contracts to build them, and execute on them in a cashflow-positive way. I'm bringing this no bullshit blue collar skillset with me to the Nostrverse whether they like it or not.
The adventure we're embarking on now is totally different though. We're charting a new course - totally creative, highly intuitive and extremely speculative towards a future that doesn't exist yet. There are few established norms. The potential is vast but unknown. We're diving into a strange quest to sell a map to an imaginary place and to simultaneously architect its creation (alongside all the amazing builders here doing the same thing). This is insanely exciting to me.
We're barely getting started but a lot has been invested under the surface which will show itself in 2025. We'll be sharing updates in a proper post on @ConduitBTC soon.
As for my personal 2025 resolutions, here they are:
- zero alcohol for the entire year (did this in 2019 and had a great year, it's time for a rerun)
- more focused presence in the moment: especially with my wife
- more self care and prioritized mental/physical health - this includes daily: naps, prayer, self hypnosis or meditation, sweat, and stretching/massaging (overworked in 2024 with a fiat 9-5, a board/advisor role in a fiat business I have equity in, and my newfound passion here. Two serious burn out episodes experienced this year - zero is the only acceptable number of burnouts for long term health and success.)
- related to the above: get Conduit some mission-aligned funding partners and leave my fiat 9-5. Grow the Conduit team (have put in a serious amount of my personal capital already to get this going, which will show fruit in the new year... but I am not an island)
- more authentic and thoughtful posts on Nostr, with a solid amount of shitposting and organic home grown memes to balance it out... more zaps, more geniune connections and interactions with the curious forward thinking people on here
- more IRL Nostr/Bitcoin events
- more laughter, more jokes
Enough for now. Cheers to you and yours Anon, may 2025 bring you the magic you've been dreaming of.

@ 182052d2:e48c3d7a
2025-01-01 20:12:28
When I was a young game master, I had all the time in the world to dive into rulebooks and all their extensions, devouring them cover to cover. To prepare a game session, I could spend hours, even days, creating monsters, NPCs (non-player characters), and imagining how the story would unfold. I devoted so much time and energy that a cancellation or postponement would hurt me deeply.
Over time, responsibilities and priorities changed: studies, partner, children, work, house, etc. Time became a rare resource and it's impossible to continue creating stories like before. Nowadays, my preparation time for a session ranges between 0 and 4 hours, but most often, I only dedicate an hour. Fortunately, technology has helped me become more efficient in creating stories and preparing game sessions. I use artificial intelligence without hesitation to generate ideas or structure a draft. Being far from the players, we use Roll20 to play online, and when we play Dungeons & Dragons, I use monsters whose tokens have already been created in advance. The players understand that I can no longer be as meticulous as before, and from time to time, an inconsistency or contradiction might slip into the story. To help me, I developed a storytelling technique I personally call "The Pantry Technique."
## The Importance of Player Impact
One thing I've noticed about players is their enjoyment when they have an impact on the story. Although very structured scenarios have their advantages, a freer structure can offer something epic if well-prepared. The Pantry Technique applies the 20/80 principle, or Pareto's law, to have many more elements ready to be used spontaneously during a game session. When you prepare a quest for the next session, 20% of the time you spent in preparation contributes to 80% of the fun you'll have during the session. You just need to focus on the essentials and sacrifice what would make a quest worthy of being published by Wizards of the Coast. Achieving a very high-quality level represents 80% of preparation time and only contributes to 20% of the fun with friends.
## Concrete Examples
**Traditional Method:** A group of adventurers is hired by a noble to retrieve a magical item hidden in a forgotten dungeon. The number of traps, difficulties, and locations are predetermined. There is a map with monsters already placed for potential encounters. The game master has determined the magical item's power and the characters' reward. The rival adventurers' group integrated into the quest has been created along with their NPC sheets containing their powers, special abilities, etc. The objectives of the rival group are determined.
**Pantry Technique:** The game master decides that a mysterious dungeon and a mysterious item exist. Without going into details, he establishes that adventurers can hear about it through rumors, a riddle, a player's contact, or through a noble who wishes to hire them. An AI can create a good riddle and often contacts have already been created during previous sessions. Use as much as possible an element related to a player or an event from a previous session: a player's tendency to highlight his rogue's attention to rumors, a riddle engraved on a portal that was not ultimately used in a previous session, or adapting to let players discover documents and maps in the noble's chest they decided to steal on a whim. Give a few clues that lead in all directions at once and let the players take the direction they want. This can be one of the paths you planned or a completely new path.
Do not hesitate to reuse differently what you have already created. For example, if the player didn't use the riddle, you can reuse it as a ward for the magical item. Also, if the role-play with the rival group lends itself well, feel free to change your mind and integrate an unbeatable monster unless they ally with the famous group. The player will have a lot of fun using his character's incredible persuasion power. The Pantry Technique is about keeping all these role-play elements in mind without going in-depth and using them spontaneously. Combining elements from players' role-play and incorporating a few of them together can be particularly successful because it will feel like a long-planned climax. That said, it's not as easy as it sounds.
## Conclusion
Improvisation is not always necessary. Players may be tired and prefer to simply follow the game master's default quest. They may dive headfirst into your basic quest thinking they have disrupted your plans. Just keep the role-play elements in mind for future use. Perhaps the rival group they allied with will save them in extremis in a future quest. Perhaps the magical item is cursed and will be the object of another future quest. Sometimes amusing things happen like a player inventing a phobia of spiders for their character or even a love story with an NPC. When that happens, put it in your pantry for later.

@ ae6ce958:d0f02c7d
2025-01-01 05:24:36
In the world of software development, achieving failure isn’t just a buzzword; it’s the secret weapon of the strongest, most resilient teams. When you aim for greatness, you must also face your weaknesses head-on, stress-testing your limits until you break. This philosophy isn’t new—it’s the same principle that made bodybuilders like Tom Platz, with his monstrous leg days, legends. It’s not about avoiding failure; it’s about embracing it, owning it, and using it to rise stronger.
Let’s get something straight: failure is where growth happens. You don’t get bigger quads without pushing through reps to muscle failure. And you don’t build indestructible software without finding the cracks in your systems before they become catastrophic. That’s where DamageBDD steps in—it’s the squat rack for your code, the arena where your software’s strength is truly tested.
The Beauty of Controlled Destruction
Developers often shy away from failure, fearing downtime, bugs, or the dreaded post-mortem meeting. But failure isn’t the enemy—it’s the blueprint for success. DamageBDD is your spotter, encouraging you to load up the bar and attempt that new PR (personal record) for system resilience. By simulating real-world scenarios, integrating failure conditions into your tests, and verifying those outcomes on the blockchain, DamageBDD lets you train harder and smarter.
Think of your system as a muscle. It grows stronger under tension, stress, and controlled failure. With DamageBDD, you can:
1. Expose Weak Links: Identify vulnerabilities that would otherwise lie dormant until disaster strikes.
2. Build Resilience: Test every feature, every API, every assumption—so nothing escapes the grind.
3. Reap Confidence Gains: Know that when your system is live, it’s already conquered tougher challenges in the DamageBDD gym.
Why DamageBDD is the Tom Platz of BDD Tools
Like the legendary Platz, DamageBDD is unapologetically intense and methodical. It doesn’t just want you to succeed; it wants you to fail spectacularly in a controlled environment where you can learn, adapt, and grow.
Precision Execution: Every test case is a perfect rep. No shortcuts, no sloppy form. DamageBDD’s blockchain verification ensures every action is recorded immutably.
Progressive Overload: Just as you progressively increase weights in the gym, DamageBDD scales with your application’s complexity. New scenarios? Bigger challenges? Bring it on.
Discipline for Longevity: Consistency breeds success. With DamageBDD, you develop a habit of testing thoroughly, ensuring your system stays strong and reliable for years to come.
Pain Today, Strength Tomorrow
As developers, we often celebrate success stories without recognizing the failures that made them possible. But here’s the truth: failure is the crucible of champions. The pain of discovering a flaw today prevents the agony of catastrophic failure tomorrow. DamageBDD helps you confront that pain with the discipline of a bodybuilder—systematically, rigorously, and with purpose.
So, if you’re ready to take your development process to the next level, it’s time to embrace failure. It’s time to load the bar, set your sights on resilience, and let DamageBDD guide you to software greatness. Remember: strength is earned, not given.
Now go—fail, learn, and build systems that are as unbreakable as Platz’s legendary quads.

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2024-12-31 17:03:46
Here are my predictions for Nostr in 2025:
**Decentralization:** The outbox and inbox communication models, sometimes referred to as the Gossip model, will become the standard across the ecosystem. By the end of 2025, all major clients will support these models, providing seamless communication and enhanced decentralization. Clients that do not adopt outbox/inbox by then will be regarded as outdated or legacy systems.
**Privacy Standards:** Major clients such as Damus and Primal will move away from NIP-04 DMs, adopting more secure protocol possibilities like NIP-17 or NIP-104. These upgrades will ensure enhanced encryption and metadata protection. Additionally, NIP-104 MLS tools will drive the development of new clients and features, providing users with unprecedented control over the privacy of their communications.
**Interoperability:** Nostr's ecosystem will become even more interconnected. Platforms like the Olas image-sharing service will expand into prominent clients such as Primal, Damus, Coracle, and Snort, alongside existing integrations with Amethyst, Nostur, and Nostrudel. Similarly, audio and video tools like Nostr Nests and Zap.stream will gain seamless integration into major clients, enabling easy participation in live events across the ecosystem.
**Adoption and Migration:** Inspired by early pioneers like Fountain and Orange Pill App, more platforms will adopt Nostr for authentication, login, and social systems. In 2025, a significant migration from a high-profile application platform with hundreds of thousands of users will transpire, doubling Nostr’s daily activity and establishing it as a cornerstone of decentralized technologies.

@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2024-12-31 15:04:25
Para este momento, ya deberías estar familiarizado con cerrar un canal de manera forzada, es decir, transmitiendo la transacción de compromiso directamente. Pero, ¿qué hay de cerrar un canal de manera cooperativa?
### Cerrando un canal de manera cooperativa
Alice y Bob ciertamente tuvieron buenos momentos juntos, pero todas las cosas buenas deben llegar a su fin. Cerrar un canal de manera cooperativa requiere que los dos pares decidan sobre una transacción de cierre final que gastará de la transacción de financiación y pagará a cada uno su saldo final del canal de inmediato.
#### Paso 1: Bob -> Alice: shutdown
Bob ha decidido que es hora de cortar lazos y envía a Alice el mensaje de cierre.

El mensaje de cierre contiene el `scriptpubkey` al que Bob le gustaría que se enviara su saldo final del canal en la transacción de cierre. Una vez que Bob ha enviado este mensaje final, ya no puede enviar nuevos mensajes `update_add_htlc`. Solo puede enviar mensajes de eliminación de HTLC y `update_fee`. Cuando Alice recibe este mensaje de Bob, debe responder con su propio mensaje de cierre y tampoco puede enviar nuevos mensajes `update_add_htlc`. Alice y Bob ahora deben esperar hasta que todos los HTLC restantes hayan sido eliminados de ambas transacciones de compromiso. Dado que la transacción de cierre gastará de la transacción de financiación y se verá explícitamente diferente de las transacciones de compromiso, volveré a introducir algunos de los detalles en el diagrama de estado:

Una vez que todos los HTLC hayan sido eliminados, lo cual en nuestro ejemplo ya es el caso, pueden comenzar a negociar una tarifa para usar en la transacción de cierre final. El financiador del canal debe iniciar esta negociación. Supongamos que el financiador del canal es Alice.
#### Paso 2: Alice -> Bob: closing_signed
Alice primero elegirá una tasa de tarifa que considera apropiada para la transacción de cierre. Luego usará esa tasa de tarifa para completar la construcción de la transacción de cierre y firmarla. Luego envía el mensaje `closing_signed` a Bob:

El campo `fee_satoshis` le dice a Bob la tarifa en satoshis que Alice utilizó para construir la primera propuesta de transacción de cierre. La firma contiene la firma de Alice para esta propuesta. Ella también puede incluir opcionalmente los campos `min_fee_satoshis` y `max_fee_satoshis` para hacerle saber a Bob que si no está de acuerdo con su propuesta de `fee_satoshis`, puede enviar una contrapropuesta siempre que su contrapropuesta esté entre el rango mínimo y máximo proporcionado.
En este punto, el estado del canal se ve así:

Hay dos transacciones de compromiso válidas que pueden ser firmadas en cualquier momento por cada parte para realizar un cierre forzado, y hay una propuesta de transacción de cierre que utiliza una tasa de tarifa de `x` sats por byte. Esta transacción de cierre actualmente solo tiene la firma de Alice y, por lo tanto, aún no es válida.
Si en este punto, Bob está contento con la propuesta de Alice, podría proceder a firmar la transacción de cierre utilizando la tasa de tarifa propuesta por Alice y podría transmitirla, y eso sería el final. Pero, para el bien del ejemplo, digamos que Bob no está del todo contento todavía.
#### Paso 3: Bob -> Alice: closing_signed
Bob puede decidir que la tasa de tarifa que utilizó Alice es demasiado baja. Así que envía una contrapropuesta con una nueva tasa de tarifa, `y` sats por byte, junto con su firma para esta contrapropuesta.

#### Paso 4: Alice -> Bob: closing_signed
Si Alice está contenta con la contrapropuesta de Bob, entonces firma la transacción de cierre utilizando la tasa de tarifa sugerida por Bob. Luego puede transmitir la transacción y dar por terminado el asunto. Sin embargo, se recomienda en la especificación que Alice envíe un mensaje más `closing_signed` a Bob, pero esta vez con el campo `fee_satoshis` establecido en `y` sat por byte junto con su firma para la transacción. Ambas partes ahora tendrán ambas firmas requeridas para transmitir la transacción de cierre final que utiliza la tasa de tarifa de `y` sats por byte.

Cualquiera de las partes o ambas pueden ahora transmitir la transacción de cierre a la red de Bitcoin. Eventualmente será confirmada y el canal se cerrará oficialmente.

Si este canal era un canal público, entonces cualquier nodo en la red que tuviera este canal en su gráfico de enrutamiento podrá ver que la salida de financiación del canal ha sido gastada y, por lo tanto, eliminará el canal de su gráfico en este punto.
La belleza del canal es que Alice y Bob podrían haber enviado millones de HTLCs de un lado a otro a lo largo de la vida del canal y, al final, todo lo que apareció en la cadena fue la transacción de apertura y la transacción de cierre.
Alice y Bob vivieron felices para siempre.
### Referencias
- [BOLT2 Protocolo de pares](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/02-peer-protocol.md)
- [Operación normal de un canal LN previo a taproot](https://ellemouton.com/posts/normal-operation-pre-taproot/) por nostr:nprofile1qqswrt9pnxatlplu49h6meld8svmwqt87wwvk256rqk07n6eu4qeh5gpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dszpfjtz
- [Una guía técnica sobre contratos de tiempo bloqueado por hash y operaciones de canales Lightning](https://lightning.engineering/posts/2023-06-28-channel-normal-op/)

@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2024-12-31 15:00:53
### Contenidos
- [Visión general](#visión-general)
- [Preliminares](#preliminares)
- [Operación normal del canal](#operación-normal-del-canal)
- [Configuración](#configuración)
- [Añadiendo un HTLC](#añadiendo-un-htlc)
- [Paso 1: Alice -> Bob: update_add_htlc(A1)](#paso-1-alice---bob-update_add_htlca1)
- [Paso 2: Alice -> Bob: update_add_htlc(A2)](#paso-2-alice---bob-update_add_htlca2)
- [Paso 3: Bob -> Alice: update_add_htlc(B1)](#paso-3-bob---alice-update_add_htlcb1)
- [Comprometiéndose al estado actual](#comprometiéndose-al-estado-actual)
- [Paso 4: Alice -> Bob: commitment_signed](#paso-4-alice---bob-commitment_signed)
- [Paso 5: Bob -> Alice: revoke_and_ack](#paso-5-bob---alice-revoke_and_ack)
- [Paso 6: Alice -> Bob: update_add_htlc(A3)](#paso-6-alice---bob-update_add_htlca3)
- [Paso 7: Bob -> Alice: commitment_signed](#paso-7-bob---alice-commitment_signed)
- [Paso 8: Alice -> Bob: revoke_and_ack](#paso-8-alice---bob-revoke_and_ack)
- [Paso 9: Bob -> Alice: revoke_and_ack](#paso-9-bob---alice-revoke_and_ack)
- [Paso 10: Bob -> Alice: commitment_signed](#paso-10-bob---alice-commitment_signed)
- [Paso 11: Alice -> Bob: revoke_and_ack](#paso-11-alice---bob-revoke_and_ack)
- [Eliminando HTLCs](#eliminando-htlcs)
- [Paso 12: Bob -> Alice: update_fulfill_htlc(A2)](#paso-12-bob---alice-update_fulfill_htlca2)
- [Paso 13: Bob -> Alice: update_fail_htlc(A1)](#paso-13-bob---alice-update_fail_htlca1)
- [Paso 14: Bob -> Alice: update_fail_malformed_htlc(A3)](#paso-14-bob---alice-update_fail_malformed_htlca3)
- [Paso 15: Alice -> Bob: update_fulfill_htlc(B1)](#paso-15-alice---bob-update_fulfill_htlcb1)
- [Paso 16: Bob -> Alice: commitment_signed](#paso-16-bob---alice-commitment_signed)
- [Paso 17: Alice -> Bob: revoke_and_ack](#paso-17-alice---bob-revoke_and_ack)
- [Paso 18: Alice -> Bob: commitment_signed](#paso-18-alice---bob-commitment_signed)
- [Paso 19: Bob -> Alice: revoke_and_ack](#paso-19-bob---alice-revoke_and_ack)
- [Paso 20: Bob -> Alice: commitment_signed](#paso-20-bob---alice-commitment_signed)
- [Paso 21: Alice -> Bob: revoke_and_ack](#paso-21-alice---bob-revoke_and_ack)
- [Actualizando tarifas](#actualizando-tarifas)
- [Retransmisión de mensajes](#retransmisión-de-mensajes)
### Visión general
En este capítulo cubriremos las operaciones normales de un canal. Esto implica entender cómo se añaden HTLCs a un canal y cómo los pares del canal se comprometen a un nuevo estado para incluir estos HTLCs. Luego cubriremos cómo se restablece el flujo normal de un canal después de una desconexión. Finalmente, cubriremos el flujo de cierre cooperativo del canal. Por cierto, todos estos temas están cubiertos en [BOLT2](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/02-peer-protocol.md).
### Preliminares
Aquí hay algunos conceptos y flujos que hemos cubierto anteriormente en nuestra serie que podrían ser útiles para entender este capítulo. No dudes en volver a leerlos si necesitas un recordatorio.
- nostr:naddr1qqxnzdenxgerzve5x5enyv3sqyg8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnhd9hx2q3qtx0k0a7lw62vvqax6p3ku90tccgdka7ul4radews2wrdsg0m865sxpqqqp65wc4f8xj: por qué los pares del canal tienen un estado asimétrico y cómo actualizan este estado de manera confiable.
- nostr:naddr1qqxnzdenxgenvwp48qmnqdfhqyg8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnhd9hx2q3qtx0k0a7lw62vvqax6p3ku90tccgdka7ul4radews2wrdsg0m865sxpqqqp65wx9fs7k: cómo se ven las salidas de HTLC en una transacción de compromiso.
- [Apertura y anuncio de un canal LN pre-taproot]: cómo dos nodos abren un canal.
### Operación normal del canal
#### Configuración
Alice y Bob han abierto su canal con éxito. Ambos han visto que la transacción de financiación está confirmada y han intercambiado el mensaje `channel_ready` entre ellos para indicar que están listos para usar el canal. El estado de sus transacciones de compromiso asimétricas actualmente se ve así:

Ambas transacciones de compromiso gastan la salida de la transacción de financiación multisig 2-de-2. Dado que es un multisig 2-de-2, gastar de esta salida requiere firmas de ambos pares. Las firmas están representadas por las dos cajas en la parte superior de las transacciones de compromiso. Puedes ver en el diagrama que la transacción de compromiso de Alice tiene una firma de Bob representada por la caja azul; Bob tiene una firma de Alice para su transacción de compromiso representada por la caja verde. Cada transacción de compromiso también tiene las salidas `to_local` y `to_remote` que pagan a las partes respectivas su saldo actual del canal. Tanto Alice como Bob pueden firmar sus propias transacciones de compromiso en cualquier momento y transmitirlas a la red de Bitcoin. Esto sería un **cierre forzado**.
Con el fin de hacer que los próximos diagramas sean más fáciles de seguir, ignoraremos las transacciones de financiación así como las salidas `to_local` y `to_remote` por un tiempo, ya que nuestro enfoque inicial estará en añadir y eliminar salidas de HTLC. Así que el diagrama anterior ahora se simplifica a esto:

- Una transacción de compromiso _roja_, mostrada a continuación, representa transacciones de compromiso pasadas y revocadas. Si Alice o Bob firmaran y transmitieran una de estas, entonces la otra parte podría barrer todos sus fondos. Así que estas transacciones revocadas pueden considerarse efectivamente inválidas.
- Una transacción de compromiso _amarilla_ representa el último conjunto válido de transacciones de compromiso. Estas son las transacciones de compromiso que se transmitirían en un cierre forzado.
- Finalmente, cada lado tiene lo que se puede considerar un "área de preparación" donde se pueden proponer cambios a la transacción de compromiso. Más adelante, cualquiera de los lados puede decidir cuándo quiere que su contraparte se comprometa a los cambios en su transacción de compromiso de preparación.
Sugerencia: si te gusta git, esto es muy parecido a un flujo de trabajo de git. Los commits pasados están desactualizados, pero cuentan una buena historia de lo que sucedió. Tus últimos cambios comprometidos representan el estado actual de tu proyecto. Cualquier cambio que aún no esté comprometido está en preparación.

#### Añadiendo un HTLC
Cuando Alice o Bob quieren enviar un pago, necesitarían proponer la inclusión del HTLC a su par de canal. Esto se hace con el mensaje `update_add_htlc`:

Aquí hay una tabla sobre lo que significa cada uno de los campos del mensaje:
| Campo | Descripción|
| channel_id | utilizado para comunicar en qué canal debe tener lugar este cambio. |
| id | un identificador que siempre incrementa para este cambio propuesto del remitente. |
| amount_msat | la cantidad que debe adjuntarse a la salida de HTLC. |
| cltv_expiry | la altura del bloque en la que el HTLC debe expirar. |
| onion_routing_packet y blinding_point | datos que el destinatario del HTLC utilizará para determinar a dónde enviar el pago a continuación. |
Hay un punto contraintuitivo a tener en cuenta aquí: el remitente de este mensaje aún no coloca esta actualización en su propia área de preparación. Esto se debe a que la actualización aún está "pendiente del receptor" porque el remitente aún no ha recibido ningún reconocimiento del receptor para la nueva actualización. Imagina este escenario: el remitente envía una actualización y luego recibe inmediatamente un mensaje `commitment_signed` (más detalles sobre esto más adelante). En este caso, no debería haber ambigüedad sobre qué actualizaciones están incluidas en la transacción que se está firmando. Esperemos que esto tenga más sentido a medida que trabajemos a través del ejemplo.
##### Paso 1: Alice -> Bob: update_add_htlc(A1)
Supongamos que Alice envía a Bob un `update_add_htlc`. Llamemos a este HTLC `A1` porque es el primero que Alice (A) está enviando a Bob. Si Bob está contento con todos los campos en el mensaje, entonces añade el HTLC a su transacción de compromiso en el área de preparación y Alice marca el HTLC como pendiente en el lado de Bob, pero aún no lo añade a su propia transacción de compromiso en preparación.

Ten en cuenta que ninguno de los lados ha comprometido realmente este HTLC aún, así que si Bob es un nodo de enrutamiento para este pago, no debería enviar aún `update_add_HTLC` al siguiente salto en la ruta hasta que `A1` haya sido _irrevocablemente_ comprometido. La adición o eliminación de un HTLC solo se considera irrevocablemente comprometida una vez que ambas partes en el canal se han comprometido a la transacción de compromiso con o sin él.
Esto no se muestra en el diagrama simplificado, pero en realidad la salida principal de Alice en la transacción de compromiso en preparación de Bob (es decir, la salida `to_remote`) ahora tendrá el valor del HTLC añadido restado (junto con las tarifas para cubrir la salida extra). Si el HTLC termina teniendo éxito, entonces esta cantidad se añadirá a la salida de Bob y si termina fallando, entonces se volverá a añadir a la salida de Alice.
##### Paso 2: Alice -> Bob: update_add_htlc(A2)
A pesar de que aún no se han comprometido al HTLC `A1`, esto no les impide añadir más cambios al área de preparación. Alice está más que bienvenida a proponer un nuevo HTLC, `A2`, a Bob:

##### Paso 3: Bob -> Alice: update_add_htlc(B1)
Del mismo modo, Bob puede sugerir un cambio, `B1`, a Alice:

#### Comprometiéndose al estado actual
En algún momento, uno de los pares querrá asegurarse de que el otro par se haya comprometido al último conjunto de cambios y revocar el estado válido anterior. Esto se hace enviando el mensaje `commitment_signed`:

| Campo | Descripción|
| channel_id | utilizado para comunicar en qué canal debe tener lugar este cambio. |
| signature | la firma del remitente para la transacción de compromiso del área de preparación de la parte remota. |
| num_htlcs | el número de HTLCs que el remitente espera que estén en la transacción de compromiso remota. |
| htlc_signatures | un array de firmas de num_htlcs que son las firmas del remitente para cada una de las transacciones de HTLC de segundo nivel que la parte remota necesitaría transmitir si alguna vez tuviera que cerrar el canal forzosamente. |
Sugerencia: si necesitas un recordatorio sobre las transacciones de HTLC de segundo nivel y por qué son necesarias, consulta este [capítulo].
##### Paso 4: Alice -> Bob: commitment_signed
Supongamos que Alice envía este mensaje a Bob. Bob ahora tendrá todas las firmas requeridas de Alice para transmitir su transacción de compromiso en el área de preparación:

Observa que Alice sabía que su firma necesitaría cubrir los HTLCs `A1` y `A2`. Esto está bien porque el [transporte subyacente](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/08-transport.md) está garantizado para ser confiable y ordenado, lo que significa que si Bob recibiera el mensaje `commitment_signed` de Alice, entonces significa que definitivamente recibió sus mensajes `update_add_htlc` para `A1` y `A2`. Alice y Bob saben que la firma no debería cubrir el HTLC `B1` ya que Alice no ha enviado un reconocimiento para él aún.
Otra cosa a notar es que Bob ahora tiene en realidad dos transacciones de compromiso válidas ya que aún no ha revocado su estado anterior. Sin embargo, está incentivado a revocar su transacción de compromiso anterior ya que los HTLCs en el nuevo estado son uno de los siguientes:
- Pagos a Bob mismo, lo que significa que se beneficia de comprometerse al nuevo estado. Si no se compromete al nuevo estado, entonces Alice tampoco lo hará y por lo tanto aún existiría una versión de una transacción de compromiso que no paga a Bob sus fondos entrantes.
- De manera similar al punto anterior, si Bob está enrutando un pago, entonces también está incentivado a comprometer irrevocablemente el HTLC ya que ganaría tarifas de enrutamiento si el pago tiene éxito.
- Finalmente, si Bob está haciendo el pago él mismo, entonces el primer estado sería de hecho más rentable para él ya que tiene menos fondos en el segundo estado. Sin embargo, el comerciante al que Bob está haciendo el pago no liberará los bienes que se están comprando a menos que primero se reciban los fondos, lo que no sucederá si Alice no pasa el HTLC, lo cual no hará a menos que se haya comprometido irrevocablemente. Así que nuevamente, Bob está incentivado a revocar su estado anterior.
##### Paso 5: Bob -> Alice: revoke_and_ack
En respuesta al `commitment_signed` de Alice, Bob envía el mensaje `revoke_and_ack`:

- El `per_commitment_secret` proporciona a Alice la información que necesita para poder gastar cualquier ruta de revocación en el estado previamente válido de Bob. Consulta el [capítulo de revocación] para más detalles sobre cómo funciona la revocación.
- El `next_per_commitment_point` le da a Alice la información que necesita para derivar la clave pública de revocación que se utilizará en la próxima transacción de compromiso de Bob.
Una vez que Alice recibe este mensaje, la transacción de compromiso anterior de Bob ha sido revocada con éxito. Ten en cuenta que este mensaje reconoce explícitamente el mensaje `commitment_signed` enviado por Alice y, por extensión, dado que la entrega de mensajes es confiable y ordenada, también reconoce implícitamente los mensajes `update_add_htlc` que Alice envió para `A1` y `A2`. Por lo tanto, Alice puede finalmente añadir `A1` y `A2` a su transacción de compromiso en el área de preparación ya que ya no están pendientes en el lado de Bob:

Ahora podemos limpiar un poco el diagrama:

En el último diagrama, observa que las últimas transacciones de compromiso de Alice y Bob están en realidad desincronizadas. Esto está bien ya que ninguna de las actualizaciones se ha comprometido irrevocablemente aún. Eso podría parecer difícil de creer ya que las transacciones de compromiso se ven tan diferentes, así que vamos a repasar las consecuencias de que cualquiera de estas transacciones termine en la cadena desde la perspectiva de ambos lados.
- Desde la perspectiva de Alice:
- si su transacción de compromiso se transmitiera, recuperaría su cantidad original `to_local`.
- si la transacción de compromiso de Bob se transmitiera, entonces los HTLCs ofrecidos por Alice (como `A1` y `A2`) estarían en la cadena. Para los HTLCs ofrecidos, Alice está enviando sats _fuera_, lo que significa que su `to_local` sería menor. Pero, si Bob era un nodo de enrutamiento para estos HTLCs, entonces no los habría reenviado ya que aún no están comprometidos irrevocablemente, lo que significa que no recibiría las pre-imágenes requeridas para reclamar estos HTLCs y, por lo tanto, Alice podría recuperar sus fondos a través de la ruta de tiempo de espera. Si Bob era el destinatario de estos HTLCs, entonces podría producir la pre-imagen para reclamar los HTLCs, pero entonces Alice vería la pre-imagen en la cadena y podría reclamar los HTLCs entrantes de su canal entrante y así habría ganado tarifas de enrutamiento.
- Desde la perspectiva de Bob:
- si la transacción de compromiso de Alice se transmite, Bob recupera sus fondos a través de la salida `to_remote`.
- si Bob tuviera que cerrar forzosamente a través de su transacción de compromiso, entonces los HTLCs ofrecidos a él (como `A1` y `A2`) estarían en la cadena. Si Bob estaba enrutando estos HTLCs, entonces no los habría reenviado ya que aún no están comprometidos irrevocablemente. Así que no podría reclamar la ruta de éxito, pero eso está bien ya que los fondos para estos no salieron de su saldo. Si Bob era el destino final para estos, entonces podría reclamarlos a través de la ruta de éxito.
##### Paso 6: Alice -> Bob: update_add_htlc(A3)
Queremos ser muy claros sobre el punto de que las transacciones de compromiso pueden permanecer desincronizadas indefinidamente y que Bob no necesita enviar `commitment_signed` solo porque Alice lo hizo. Así que, para el sake de otro ejemplo, supongamos que Alice en este punto envía otro HTLC, `A3`, a Bob:

##### Paso 7: Bob -> Alice: commitment_signed
Bob quiere comprometer irrevocablemente algunos de los HTLCs para poder reenviarlos, así que finalmente envía a Alice un `commitment_signed` propio. Esto incluirá su firma para la transacción de compromiso del área de preparación de Alice junto con todas las firmas requeridas de él para las salidas de HTLC de segundo nivel.

##### Paso 8: Alice -> Bob: revoke_and_ack
Al igual que Bob hizo anteriormente, Alice responde al `commitment_signed` con un `revoke_and_ack` para revocar su estado anterior. Esto también sirve como un reconocimiento para Bob de que Alice ha recibido y se ha comprometido a `B1`, por lo que Bob ahora puede agregar `B1` a su transacción de compromiso en el área de preparación.

Rápida limpieza...

¡Por fin, tenemos algunos HTLCs comprometidos de forma irrevocable! `A1` y `A2` han sido comprometidos de forma irrevocable. `B1` y `A3`, sin embargo, no lo han sido ya que aún no han sido comprometidos por ambas partes.
Comprometamos rápidamente `B1` y `A3` de forma irrevocable también.
##### Paso 8: Alice -> Bob: commitment_signed

##### Paso 9: Bob -> Alice: revoke_and_ack

##### Paso 10: Bob -> Alice: commitment_signed

##### Paso 11: Alice -> Bob: revoke_and_ack


¡Ahora todos los HTLCs han sido comprometidos de forma irrevocable!
#### Eliminando HTLCs
Probablemente ya entiendas la idea de agregar HTLCs. Pero, ¿qué pasa con eliminarlos? Los HTLCs se eliminan si un pago tiene éxito o si falla. Ten en cuenta que los mensajes de eliminación de HTLC solo pueden ser enviados por el par que no envió la actualización original `update_add_htlc` y que los HTLCs solo son removibles una vez que han sido comprometidos de forma irrevocable. Afortunadamente para nosotros, todos los HTLCs han sido comprometidos de forma irrevocable, así que podemos comenzar a eliminarlos ahora.
##### Paso 12: Bob -> Alice: update_fulfill_htlc(A2)
En el mejor de los casos, un HTLC se elimina porque se está cumpliendo, lo que significa que su pre-imagen se está devolviendo. Esto se hace con el mensaje `update_fulfilled_htlc`, que se ve así:

En nuestro ejemplo, Bob envía a Alice el mensaje `update_fulfill_htlc` para el HTLC `A2`. Esto también demuestra que los HTLCs no tienen que ser eliminados en el mismo orden en que fueron agregados.

Ten en cuenta que, al igual que las actualizaciones para agregar un HTLC, las actualizaciones para eliminar un HTLC también estarán inicialmente pendientes en el lado receptor hasta que hayan sido reconocidas por un `revoke_and_ack`. Así que, en nuestro caso, Alice elimina `A2` de su transacción en el área de preparación cuando recibe el `update_fulfill_htlc` (y asigna el monto del HTLC a la salida de Bob), pero Bob aún no elimina el HTLC de su transacción en el área de preparación.
A diferencia de otros mensajes de actualización, no hay necesidad de esperar a que una eliminación de HTLC sea comprometida de forma irrevocable si recibes la pre-imagen para ello. Después de todo, puedes enviar inmediatamente la pre-imagen hacia arriba para reclamar cualquier HTLC allí.
##### Paso 13: Bob -> Alice: update_fail_htlc(A1)
Los HTLCs también pueden ser eliminados debido a fallos en el pago, como el tiempo de espera de los HTLCs o si hubo algún tipo de fallo de enrutamiento, como que un canal específico en la ruta ya no exista, no se cumplan los requisitos de tarifa de un salto, un enlace no tenga saldo suficiente, etc. Tales fallos se comunican con el mensaje `update_fail_htlc`:

El campo de razón es un blob cifrado para el remitente del pago para informarles sobre la razón del fallo.
Después de que Bob envía a Alice el mensaje `update_fail_htlc` para `A1`, el estado se ve como sigue:

##### Paso 14: Bob -> Alice: update_fail_malformed_htlc(A3)
El mensaje final que se puede usar para eliminar un HTLC es el mensaje `update_fail_malformed_htlc`:

Este mensaje se envía si algún salto en la ruta de pago no pudo analizar el `onion_routing_packet` que recibió en `update_add_htlc`. Si Bob envía a Alice este mensaje para `A3`, entonces el estado ahora se ve así:

##### Paso 15: Alice -> Bob: update_fulfill_htlc(B1)
Alice también inicia la eliminación de `B1` enviando un `update_fulfill_htlc` a Bob.

Ahora limpiemos las eliminaciones de HTLC comprometiéndolas de forma irrevocable. Esto requerirá algunos flujos de `commitment_signed` - `revoke_and_ack`:
##### Paso 16: Bob -> Alice: commitment_signed

##### Paso 17: Alice -> Bob: revoke_and_ack

##### Paso 18: Alice -> Bob: commitment_signed

##### Paso 19: Bob -> Alice: revoke_and_ack

##### Paso 20: Bob -> Alice: commitment_signed

##### Paso 21: Alice -> Bob: revoke_and_ack

Los dos estados válidos ahora se ven bonitos y limpios nuevamente:

### Actualizando tarifas
Hay un mensaje `update_*` más que necesitamos cubrir y ese es el mensaje `update_fee`. Este mensaje se utiliza para actualizar la tasa de tarifa que los pares deben usar al construir sus transacciones de compromiso. La tasa de tarifa original se decide en el flujo de apertura de canal, pero si la tasa de tarifa promedio del mempool aumenta, el financiador del canal podría decidir actualizar la tarifa de las transacciones de compromiso para que tengan una mejor oportunidad de ser confirmadas de manera oportuna en una situación de cierre forzado. También podría ser que cuando se abrió el canal, se eligió una tasa de tarifa muy alta y quizás se desearía una tasa de tarifa más baja.
Este mensaje sigue reglas similares a otros mensajes `update_*` en que también debe ser comprometido de forma irrevocable antes de que surta efecto. La única regla adicional que se aplica a este mensaje es que solo el financiador del canal puede enviar este mensaje:

Ten en cuenta que con los canales de anclaje, la necesidad de usar el mensaje `update_fee` se está volviendo cada vez menor, ya que los nodos podrán usar CPFP en la transacción de cierre forzado si es necesario.
### Retransmisión de mensajes
Algo que puedes haber notado en el flujo de agregar/eliminar HTLC es que los reconocimientos explícitos para los mensajes `update_*` se retrasan hasta el intercambio de `commitment_signed`/`revoke_and_ack`. Eso está bien la mayor parte del tiempo, ya que asumimos que el transporte subyacente entre los dos nodos (ver [BOLT8](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/08-transport.md)) es ordenado y confiable. Sin embargo, si por alguna razón la conexión entre los dos nodos necesita ser restablecida, habrá dudas sobre si nuestro par ha recibido el último mensaje que enviamos. Aquí es donde entra el mensaje `channel_reestablish`. Al reconectarse, antes de continuar con el flujo de operación normal, los pares intercambiarán este mensaje para asegurarse de que están en la misma página y para determinar qué mensajes posiblemente necesitan retransmitir a su par.

Cada par en el canal tiene su versión de la transacción de compromiso y las dos transacciones de compromiso pueden actualizarse de forma independiente, lo que significa que el número de veces que el estado de la transacción de compromiso de un lado ha sido actualizado (a través del flujo de `commitment_signed` y `revoke_and_ack`) podría ser completamente diferente al del otro lado.
El campo `next_commitment_number` en el mensaje `channel_reestablish` nos permite comunicarnos con nuestro par sobre el próximo `commitment_signed` que esperamos recibir de ellos. De esta manera, ellos sabrán si quizás hemos perdido un `commitment_signed` de ellos que enviaron anteriormente antes de la desconexión. En otras palabras, `next_commitment_number` le dice al par remoto cuál es nuestro último estado comprometido.
De manera similar, `next_revocation_number` es el número de compromiso del próximo `revoke_and_ack` que esperamos recibir. En otras palabras, esto indica a nuestro par cuál número de compromiso creemos que es el más reciente.
El `your_last_per_commitment_secret` es el último secreto por compromiso recibido del par remoto, lo que le dará al par remoto una idea del estado que definitivamente ha revocado.
`my_current_per_commitment_point` es el punto de compromiso de la parte local en su última transacción de compromiso firmada por el par remoto (en otras palabras, la transacción de compromiso que aún no ha sido revocada).
Hay muchas verificaciones que un nodo debe hacer al recibir un `channel_reestablish` para asegurarse de que todas las actualizaciones necesarias se retransmitan para que el canal pueda continuar funcionando con normalidad. También hay algunas verificaciones que aseguran que los nodos no sean engañados para revocar un estado que aún no debería ser revocado o engañados para transmitir un estado que _ha_ sido revocado. Si estás interesado en los detalles sobre estas verificaciones, lee [BOLT2](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/02-peer-protocol.md).
Ten en cuenta que cuando ocurre un restablecimiento de conexión, ambos lados deben eliminar cualquier actualización no comprometida de su área de preparación. Si volvemos a visitar la analogía de git, deberían usar git stash cuando ocurra una reconexión. Esto significa que ambos lados necesitarán retransmitir cualquier mensaje `update_*` que aún no haya sido comprometido en la transacción de compromiso del otro lado.
### Referencias
- [BOLT2 Protocolo de pares](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/02-peer-protocol.md)
- [Operación normal de un canal LN pre-taproot](https://ellemouton.com/posts/normal-operation-pre-taproot/) por nostr:nprofile1qqswrt9pnxatlplu49h6meld8svmwqt87wwvk256rqk07n6eu4qeh5gpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dszpfjtz
- [Una guía técnica sobre contratos de tiempo bloqueado por hash y operaciones de canales Lightning](https://lightning.engineering/posts/2023-06-28-channel-normal-op/)
- [BOLT8 Transporte](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/08-transport.md)

@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2024-12-31 14:56:46
En este capítulo, revisaremos el proceso de apertura y anuncio de un canal pre-taproot, añadiendo algunos detalles técnicos. En los próximos capítulos, aplicaremos el mismo tratamiento a la operación normal y cierre de un canal. Estos capítulos nos darán la base sobre la cual construir a medida que aprendamos sobre canales taproot en el futuro.
Asumiremos que ya estás familiarizado con la estructura de una transacción de compromiso y entiendes por qué son asimétricas. Si necesitas un recordatorio, ¡por favor revisa los capítulos anteriores!
### Contenidos
- [El objetivo final](#el-objetivo-final)
- [Apertura del canal](#apertura-del-canal)
- [El mensaje open_channel](#el-mensaje-open_channel)
- [El mensaje accept_channel](#el-mensaje-accept_channel)
- [El mensaje funding_created](#el-mensaje-funding_created)
- [El mensaje funding_signed](#el-mensaje-funding_signed)
- [El mensaje channel_ready](#el-mensaje-channel_ready)
- [Anunciando el canal](#anunciando-el-canal)
- [Verificando el canal](#verificando-el-canal)
### El objetivo final
Establezcamos qué es lo que nuestros viejos amigos, Alice y Bob, están tratando de lograr.
Alice y Bob son nodos de la Red Lightning. Alice es conocida en la red por su *ID de nodo*, o la clave pública utilizada para identificar su nodo, esta es `alice_node_id`. Del mismo modo, el ID de nodo de Bob es `bob_node_id`.
Sus dos principales objetivos son:
1. Quieren abrir un canal entre ellos de manera sin confianza.
2. Quieren poder publicitar su nuevo canal para que el resto de la red pueda usarlo para el enrutamiento.
### Apertura del Canal
Primero lo primero: a lo largo de este capítulo, utilizaremos diagramas y colores para ilustrar el proceso de apertura del canal. Aquí está la guía de código de colores:
- Un fondo *blanco* significa que el campo de la transacción aún no se conoce.
- Un campo *coloreado* significa que el valor del campo es conocido.
- *Verde* indica las claves públicas de Alice.
- *Azul* indica las claves públicas de Bob.
Un canal se abre una vez que ambas partes tienen la capacidad de firmar completamente sus respectivas transacciones de compromiso y una vez que la transacción de financiación está en la cadena. Tres transacciones están en juego para la apertura de un canal. La primera es la transacción de financiación, que necesita ser confirmada en la cadena. Las otras dos son las transacciones de compromiso mantenidas por Alice y Bob que describen el estado inicial del canal.
En este momento, aún no sabemos nada sobre los parámetros del canal, por lo que todos los campos tienen un fondo blanco:

#### El mensaje open_channel
El primer paso del proceso es que Alice decida que quiere abrir un canal a Bob, es decir, ella se convertirá en la financiadora del canal (y Bob será el financiado). Supongamos que Alice decide que quiere abrir un canal de 1 BTC a Bob y darle inmediatamente a Bob la mitad de la capacidad del canal (0.5 BTC). Alice ahora preparará un mensaje `open_channel` que enviará a Bob. Como referencia, en la tabla a continuación puedes ver los parámetros relevantes.
| Nombre del Campo | Descripción del Campo |
| chain_hash | La blockchain en la que abrir el canal. |
| temp_chan_ID | Identificar el canal antes de que se conozca el outpoint de la transacción de financiación. |
| funding_sats | La cantidad de salida de la transacción de financiación, es decir, la capacidad del canal. |
| push_msat | La cantidad que el financiador envía incondicionalmente al financiado en el momento de la apertura. |
| dust_limit_sats | Umbral por debajo del cual no se deben generar salidas. |
| feerate_per_kw | La tasa de tarifa inicial a utilizar para las transacciones de compromiso. Puede actualizarse más tarde a través de `update_fee`. |
| revocation_basepoint | Utilizado, junto con el first_per_commitment_point del nodo remoto, para derivar la primera clave pública de revocación que se utilizará en la transacción de compromiso de Bob. |
| payment_basepoint | Utilizado, junto con el first_per_commitment_point, para derivar la primera clave pública de pago - la clave pública to_remote en la transacción de compromiso de Bob. |
| delayed_payment_basepoint | Utilizado, junto con el first_per_commitment_point, para derivar la primera clave pública retrasada - la clave pública local_delayed en la transacción de compromiso de Alice. |
| first_per_commitment_point | El primer punto a utilizar junto con los puntos base anteriores (excluyendo el revocation_basepoint) para derivar las claves públicas correspondientes. |
| channel_flags | La única bandera actualmente definida es la bandera "announce_channel" que determina si el canal debe ser anunciado a la red o no. |
| tlv: channel_type | Para que se pueda determinar la estructura de la transacción de compromiso. |
Ahora llenemos los valores de Alice para estos campos:

Alice envía este mensaje a Bob.
Dado que Alice ha decidido el tipo de canal que quiere abrir (legado en lugar de anclajes, taproot, etc.) así como la capacidad del canal, ya puede armar una parte bastante grande de la transacción de financiación:

Alice ya puede elegir algunos de sus UTXOs para ser entradas a la transacción de financiación, ya que conoce la capacidad del canal que quiere abrir. Sin embargo, aún no sabe qué clave pública Bob querría usar para el canal, por lo que no puede finalizar la salida de financiación del canal todavía, y por lo tanto no puede producir firmas para las entradas.
Como Alice ha decidido el tipo de canal (y por lo tanto la estructura de la transacción de compromiso), también puede comenzar a ensamblar las piezas de las transacciones de compromiso. Si asumimos que Bob está feliz con esta propuesta de apertura de canal de Alice, él también puede comenzar a armar las piezas utilizando la información en el mensaje `open_channel`. Recuerda que ambos pares necesitan construir sus propias transacciones de compromiso y ambos necesitarán firmar las transacciones de su par.
Veamos qué piezas ya pueden llenar:

La transacción de compromiso de Alice tiene la estructura de una transacción de canal por defecto, no anclada. Todas sus claves públicas han sido llenadas (`alice_local_delayed_pk_1` se deriva utilizando su `delayed_payment_basepoint` y su `first_commitment_point`). Dado que aún no ha recibido ningún mensaje de Bob, no puede llenar ninguna de sus claves públicas. Y dado que la transacción de financiación aún está incompleta, tampoco puede conocer el TXID para apuntar la entrada de esta transacción de compromiso.
La transacción de compromiso de Bob se ve un poco más completa:

Al igual que Alice, él tampoco puede llenar aún el TXID de la transacción de financiación, pero puede llenar algunas otras cosas:
- Los valores `alice_pubkey_1`, `alice_to_self_delay`, `push_amt` y `local_amt` se toman tal cual del mensaje `open_channel`.
- `alice_payment_key_1` se deriva utilizando el `payment_basepoint` de Alice y el `first_commitment_point`.
- `revoke_pubkey_1b` se deriva utilizando el `revocation_basepoint` de Alice y el `first_per_commitment point` de Bob (Alice no puede derivar este punto aún ya que no ha recibido el `first_per_commitment_point` de Bob).
¡Genial! Es hora de que Bob indique a Alice su aceptación de la propuesta enviando el siguiente mensaje: `accept_channel`.
#### El mensaje accept_channel
El mensaje comparte muchos de los campos del `open_channel`. Aquí está el mensaje que Bob preparará.

Cuando Alice recibe este mensaje de Bob, ahora puede completar la salida de la transacción de financiación y puede crear las firmas para las entradas. Dado que todo está ahora lleno, el TXID de la transacción de financiación también es conocido.

Alice ahora puede llenar más de su propia transacción de compromiso:
- ahora puede usar los valores enviados por Bob para llenar `bob_pubkey_1`, `bob_payment_key_1`, `bob_to_self_delay` y `revoke_pubkey_1a`
- dado que el TXID para la transacción de financiación ahora es conocido, también puede completar la entrada
Ahora sabe todo lo que necesita saber para firmar esta transacción ella misma _pero_ recuerda que aún le falta la firma de Bob para esta transacción.

La transacción de compromiso de Bob sigue siendo la misma que antes, ya que no aprendió nueva información después de enviar el mensaje `accept_channel`.
Ahora que Alice conoce el TXID de la transacción de financiación, también puede completar su vista de la transacción de compromiso de Bob y así puede producir su firma para la transacción de él. Ella enviará el siguiente mensaje a Bob: `funding_created`.
#### El mensaje funding_created
Alice ahora utilizará el mensaje `funding_created` para decirle a Bob el TXID y el índice de la transacción de financiación junto con su firma para la transacción de compromiso de Bob. Ten en cuenta que Bob aún no podrá transmitir su transacción de compromiso porque la transacción de financiación no ha sido transmitida aún.

Una vez que Bob reciba el mensaje `funding_created`, podrá completar el resto de su transacción de compromiso:

#### El mensaje funding_signed
Alice no transmitirá la transacción de financiación hasta que tenga una firma válida de Bob para su transacción de compromiso, entra `funding_signed`:

Ten en cuenta que este es el primer mensaje que utiliza el ID de canal real en lugar del temporal.
Esta fue la última pieza del rompecabezas para Alice. Ahora tiene toda la información que necesita para poder firmar su transacción de compromiso si alguna vez es necesario.

#### El mensaje channel_ready
Alice ahora puede transmitir de manera segura la transacción de financiación. Tanto Alice como Bob estarán atentos a la cadena para la confirmación de la transacción de financiación. Una vez que haya alcanzado la `minimum_depth` especificada por Bob en su mensaje `accept_channel`, ambos lados intercambiarán el mensaje `channel_ready`. Este mensaje cumple dos propósitos. Primero, sirve como una señal para el par para indicar que el canal está listo para usar (y pueden comenzar el proceso de anuncio del canal si abrieron un canal público y anunciado). En segundo lugar, también le dice al par que envíe su `second_per_commitment_point` que deben usar en su segunda transacción de compromiso.

### Anunciando el canal
Esta parte es bastante fácil. Alice y Bob solo necesitan construir un mensaje, `channel_announcement`, juntos y una vez que esté completo, pueden transmitirlo a la red. Otros nodos utilizarán este mensaje para probar algunas cosas:
- Que la transacción de financiación del canal es en realidad un UTXO existente y no gastado con un número aceptable de confirmaciones.
- Que la salida de la transacción de financiación en realidad se parece a una transacción de financiación de canal Lightning.
- Que el canal es en realidad propiedad de las claves que Alice y Bob dicen que utilizaron para construir el canal.
- Que Alice y Bob están de acuerdo en el mensaje que se está transmitiendo.
Una versión parcial del mensaje `channel_announcement` se ve así:

`h` es el hash de todos los datos que serán cubiertos por las firmas. Para completar este mensaje, tanto Alice como Bob necesitan calcular una firma sobre `h` utilizando las claves privadas asociadas con sus IDs de nodo y las claves públicas que utilizaron en la transacción de financiación. Luego ambos intercambian el mensaje `announcement_signatures` para comunicarse estas firmas.

Ahora ambos nodos pueden armar el mensaje completo `channel_announcement`:

### Verificando el canal
Supongamos que Charlie es un nodo que recibió este mensaje. Vamos a repasar los pasos que seguirá para verificar el nuevo canal que Alice y Bob han anunciado:
1. Primero, Charlie utilizará el `short_channel_id` incluido en el mensaje para asegurarse de que la transacción de financiación realmente existe en la cadena, que tiene un número suficiente de confirmaciones y que de hecho está no gastada.
2. Luego, Charlie verificará que la salida no gastada realmente se parece a un canal Lightning propiedad de `alice_pubkey_1` y `bob_pubkey_1`. Hará esto utilizando las claves públicas publicitadas para reconstruir el P2WSH y asegurarse de que es el mismo que se encuentra en la cadena.
3. Ahora, Charlie querrá verificar que los nodos que poseen las claves públicas utilizadas en la salida de financiación corresponden de hecho a los nodos que poseen las claves públicas de ID de nodo. Puede hacer esto verificando las firmas `alice_pubkey_1_sig` y `bob_pubkey_1_sig`. Si estas firmas son válidas, entonces está claro que los propietarios de `alice_pubkey_1` y `bob_pubkey_1` están de acuerdo en ser asociados con `alice_node_ID` y `bob_node_ID` ya que el mensaje firmado contiene estas claves públicas.
4. Finalmente, Charlie también querrá asegurarse de que los propietarios de las claves públicas de ID de nodo están de acuerdo en ser asociados con el nuevo canal. Puede hacer esto verificando las firmas `alice_node_ID_sig` y `bob_node_ID_sig`. Si estas firmas son válidas, entonces está claro que los propietarios de `alice_node_ID` y `bob_node_ID` están de acuerdo en ser asociados con `alice_pubkey_1` y `bob_pubkey_1` ya que el mensaje firmado contiene estas claves públicas.
¡Alice y Bob han terminado! Su canal ahora está abierto y otros nodos en la red, como Charlie, utilizarán felizmente el nuevo canal.
### Referencias
- [BOLT2 Protocolo de pares](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/02-peer-protocol.md)
- [Apertura y anuncio de un canal pre-taproot](https://ellemouton.com/posts/open_channel_pre_taproot/) por nostr:nprofile1qqswrt9pnxatlplu49h6meld8svmwqt87wwvk256rqk07n6eu4qeh5gpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dszpfjtz

@ 599f67f7:21fb3ea9
2024-12-31 14:52:21
En el capítulo anterior tuvimos una visión simplificada de los HTLC, con suerte eso te dio una comprensión del mecanismo general y los incentivos en juego. En este capítulo profundizaremos en cómo se ven los HTLC en más detalle y cómo encajan en las transacciones de compromiso.
De nostr:naddr1qqxnzdenxgerzve5x5enyv3sqyg8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnhd9hx2q3qtx0k0a7lw62vvqax6p3ku90tccgdka7ul4radews2wrdsg0m865sxpqqqp65wc4f8xj aprendimos sobre las transacciones de compromiso. Aquí hay un breve resumen:
Las transacciones de compromiso son asimétricas: Alice y Bob (participantes de un canal) cada uno tiene sus propias transacciones de compromiso. La transacción de compromiso que cada participante tiene se ve ligeramente diferente a la de su par en que cualquier salida que vaya al nodo local debe estar gravada por un bloqueo de tiempo relativo de `to_self_delay`. Esto es para darle a la otra parte la oportunidad de gastar a lo largo del camino de revocación de la salida si lo necesita.
Con esto en mente, continuemos con el ejemplo del capítulo anterior donde Alice está enviando 2 BTC a un destinatario usando su canal con Bob como el primer salto en la ruta. Recuerda que a Alice se le ha dado un hash `H` al que necesita pagar. En este ejemplo, Alice es la *ofertante* de HTLC y Bob es el *receptor* de HTLC.
### Alice - Ofertante de HTLC
Enfoquémonos en cómo Alice construirá su transacción de compromiso para incluir ahora el HTLC. La transacción de compromiso tendrá tres salidas:
- Una salida de 5 BTC a Bob, gastable inmediatamente
- Una salida de 3 BTC con dos posibles caminos de gasto:
1. Una gastable por Alice después de un `to_self_delay`
2. Una gastable inmediatamente por Bob si tiene la clave de revocación requerida (ver nostr:naddr1qqxnzdenxgerzve5x5enyv3sqyg8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnhd9hx2q3qtx0k0a7lw62vvqax6p3ku90tccgdka7ul4radews2wrdsg0m865sxpqqqp65wc4f8xj y nostr:naddr1qqxnzdenxgerzvek8qenyvekqyxhwumn8ghj7mn0wvhxcmmvqgs9n8m87l0hd9xxqwndqcmwzh4uvyxmwlw0637kuhg98pkcy8ana2grqsqqqa282rd072 si necesitas un recordatorio)
- Una salida de 2 BTC con... hmm, pensemos juntos sobre lo que necesita suceder aquí.

Esta salida es donde debe suceder la magia del HTLC. Necesitamos los siguientes caminos de gasto en esta salida:
- Debe ser gastable por Bob si tiene la preimagen de `H`; este es el camino bloqueado por hash
- O gastable por Alice después de `cltv_expiry`
- O gastable por Bob inmediatamente si tiene la clave de revocación
PERO recuerda que las salidas de Alice hacia sí misma siempre deben tener un bloqueo de tiempo relativo de `to_self_delay` incluso después de `cltv_expiry`. Así que actualicemos los caminos de gasto con esta información:
- Debe ser gastable por Bob si tiene la preimagen de `H`; este es el camino bloqueado por hash
- O gastable por Alice después de `cltv_expiry` *Y después del retraso relativo `to_self_delay`*
- O gastable por Bob inmediatamente si tiene la clave de revocación
Todavía hay un problema: gravar la salida a Alice con ambos bloqueos de tiempo podría, en el peor de los casos, extender el tiempo de espera del HTLC por `to_self_delay`. Es decir, Bob podría tener un bloque adicional de `to_self_delay` para barrer la salida bloqueada por hash a pesar de que el HTLC esté técnicamente expirado. Así que en lugar de bloquear esta salida con ambas condiciones de bloqueo de tiempo, se bloquea solo por el `cltv_expiry`. Luego, en lugar de enviar fondos a Alice directamente, los fondos se envían a una transacción de tiempo de espera de HTLC separada (firmada por Alice y Bob) y esta transacción de tiempo de espera separada impone el `to_self_delay`. Esto permite a Alice bloquear el hecho de que el HTLC ha expirado y evita que Bob reclame la salida bloqueada por hash, todo mientras asegura que Alice solo pueda obtener sus fondos después de `to_self_delay` y, por lo tanto, aún permite a Bob gastar desde el camino de revocación (de la transacción de tiempo de espera de HTLC) si es necesario.
La forma final de los caminos de gasto de la salida de HTLC de la transacción de compromiso se ve como sigue:
- Un camino de gasto a Bob si tiene la preimagen de `H` (camino bloqueado por hash)
- Un camino de gasto a Bob si tiene la clave de revocación
- Un camino de gasto a una transacción de tiempo de espera de HTLC de segunda etapa
La transacción de tiempo de espera de HTLC se construye así:
- La transacción en sí está bloqueada por tiempo con `nLocktime` establecido en `cltv_expiry`. Esto significa que el camino de gasto en la transacción de compromiso original que envía a esta transacción de tiempo de espera de HTLC está efectivamente retrasado por `cltv_expiry`
- La transacción tiene una salida con dos posibles caminos de gasto:
1. Uno a Alice después de `to_self_delay`
2. Uno a Bob si puede proporcionar la clave de revocación

El script para la salida de HTLC de la transacción de compromiso de Alice (la ofertante de HTLC) se ve así:
# A nodo remoto con clave de revocación
OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(SHA256(revocationpubkey))> OP_EQUAL
<remote_htlcpubkey> OP_SWAP OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUAL
# A nodo local a través de la transacción de tiempo de espera de HTLC (bloqueada por tiempo).
OP_DROP 2 OP_SWAP <local_htlcpubkey> 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
# A nodo remoto con preimagen.
OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(payment_hash)> OP_EQUALVERIFY
Puedes ver que el primer camino es el camino de revocación, el segundo es el camino a la transacción de tiempo de espera de HTLC (el camino bloqueado por tiempo) y el tercero es el camino bloqueado por hash.
El script de salida de la transacción de tiempo de espera de HTLC se ve así:
# Transacción de penalización
### Bob - Receptor de HTLC
Ahora enfoquémonos en cómo Bob (el receptor de HTLC) construirá su transacción de compromiso para incluir el HTLC. La transacción de compromiso tendrá tres salidas:
- Una salida de 3 BTC a Alice gastable inmediatamente
- Una salida de 5 BTC con dos posibles caminos de gasto:
1. Una gastable por Bob después de un `to_self_delay`
2. Una gastable inmediatamente por Alice si tiene la clave de revocación requerida
- Una salida de 2 BTC que es un poco más complicada; profundicemos.

Pensemos en qué caminos de gasto debería tener esta salida:
- Un camino de gasto que Bob puede reclamar si tiene la preimagen de `H` (camino bloqueado por hash) pero dado que es una salida hacia sí mismo, necesita tener un `to_self_delay`
- Un camino de gasto que Alice puede gastar inmediatamente si tiene la clave de revocación necesaria
- Un camino de gasto que Alice puede gastar después de `ctlv_expiry` (camino bloqueado por tiempo)
Nuevamente, tener dos bloqueos de tiempo diferentes en el mismo script plantea un problema: si Bob conoce la preimagen pero tiene que esperar `to_self_delay` bloques para gastar desde el camino bloqueado por hash, entonces hay una posibilidad de que este `to_self_delay` sea más largo que el `cltv_expiry` que Alice debe esperar para reclamar el camino bloqueado por tiempo. Esto significaría que Alice podría potencialmente gastar a lo largo del camino bloqueado por tiempo a pesar de que Bob tiene la preimagen. Por lo tanto, Bob necesita una forma de bloquear el hecho de que se usará el camino bloqueado por hash mientras aún retrasa su redención de los fondos por `to_self_delay`. Así que se utiliza una transacción de éxito de HTLC separada para esto, permitiendo a Bob gastar desde el camino bloqueado por hash a esta transacción de éxito de HTLC, que luego impondrá por separado la condición de `to_self_delay`.
La forma final de los caminos de gasto de la salida de HTLC de la transacción de compromiso se ve como sigue:
- Un camino de gasto a Alice si tiene la clave de revocación (camino de revocación)
- Un camino de gasto a Alice después de `cltv_expiry` (camino bloqueado por tiempo)
- Un camino de gasto a la transacción de éxito de HTLC si Bob puede revelar la preimagen de `H` (camino bloqueado por hash)
La transacción de éxito de HTLC se ve así:
- La transacción *no* está bloqueada por tiempo (a diferencia del caso de Alice)
- La transacción tiene una salida con dos posibles caminos de gasto:
1. Uno a Bob después de `to_self_delay`
2. Uno a Alice si puede proporcionar la clave de revocación

El script para la salida de HTLC de la transacción de compromiso de Bob (el receptor de HTLC) se ve así:
# A nodo remoto con clave de revocación
OP_DUP OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(SHA256(revocationpubkey))> OP_EQUAL
<remote_htlcpubkey> OP_SWAP OP_SIZE 32 OP_EQUAL
# A nodo local a través de la transacción de éxito de HTLC.
OP_HASH160 <RIPEMD160(payment_hash)> OP_EQUALVERIFY
2 OP_SWAP <local_htlcpubkey> 2 OP_CHECKMULTISIG
# A nodo remoto después del tiempo de espera.
Puedes ver en el script anterior que el primer camino es el camino de revocación, el segundo es el camino a la transacción de éxito de HTLC (y también es el camino bloqueado por hash) y el tercero es el camino de gasto bloqueado por tiempo.
El script de salida de la transacción de éxito de HTLC se ve así:
# Transacción de penalización
### La imagen completa

### Revisión
- La salida de HTLC en una transacción de compromiso difiere dependiendo de si el constructor de la transacción es el **ofertante de HTLC** o el **receptor de HTLC**
- La salida de HTLC necesita estar gravada por dos bloqueos de tiempo, pero tener ambos bloqueos de tiempo en el script puede causar problemas
- La solución es barrer la salida a una segunda etapa de **transacción de tiempo de espera de HTLC** o **transacción de éxito de HTLC** e imponer el `to_self_delay` en esta transacción
### Referencias
- [BOLT3: Transacciones](https://github.com/lightning/bolts/blob/master/03-transactions.md#offered-htlc-outputs)
- [Cosas de LN Parte 5: Profundización en HTLC](https://ellemouton.com/posts/htlc-deep-dive/) por nostr:nprofile1qqswrt9pnxatlplu49h6meld8svmwqt87wwvk256rqk07n6eu4qeh5gpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dszpfjtz

@ c8adf82a:7265ee75
2024-12-31 07:22:34
My life’s purpose is to save souls
Some think that preaching and convincing people is the way, maybe, but I prefer a more practical way. I want to actually solve real world problems for good and change people’s lives for the better
Most people have some sort of void in their heart nowadays, some big, some small. Some are still fighting to fill it, most gave up and accepted that life is just as whatever the eyes can see
Jesus said walk by faith and not by sight. I want to show people that this is the case but how can I do it when the world is so clouded? Most people believe that anything they think or feel is justified and we have to agree to disagree with each other to avoid conflict. This is madness
I’ve lived in this world for a while and by the grace of God, I can see through everything. Satan made money a requirement to live in this earth. Try asking people what’s one thing they are looking for, you’ll hear two common answers; money or happiness
Happiness people are made clueless, they are people who lost to their thoughts and gave in to their heart. Just ask them what makes them happy, and you will see how blind they are about reality. Their happiness comes from owning materialistic stuff or having experiences they haven’t experience because that’s what the media made them believe
Money people can think just enough that they need money to satisfy their heart, but not enough to realize that money is the root of all their misery. In reality, money is still a big issue in our world right now even after Bitcoin. Satan has successfully shifted the narrative of what Bitcoin actually is
I feel the need to help people with money, so that they have less worries about their finances, so that they can think less about money and more about important things in life; relationships, death and eternal life
The world is currently dark and corrupted, people are kept poor, hopeless and suppressed by the hands of satan. They’re killing our future generations with debt without explaining what debt truly is. They made the world so disillusioned to the point that everyone is talking about Hollywood over the lives of people
I was guilty of waiting for a change, but by the grace of God, tis no more. I will be the light of the world
Tomorrow is a new year, don’t spend another year doing the same thing. Join the fight. Use your blessed mind to tell people that Bitcoin is freedom money. We don't need to verify anymore, everything is clear if we open our eyes. Trust the Word and not the religion. Say no to Karmageddon
We are all Satoshi
We are legion

@ 3f770d65:7a745b24
2024-12-30 19:25:45
As I look back on my predictions for Nostr in 2024, it’s clear I had some hits and misses. I believe my first two predictions were spot on, accurately reflecting the trends and developments we witnessed. However, my second two predictions missed the mark, proving to be far less accurate. Maybe I was too bullish?
What did I get right? Clients did increasingly prioritize user and content discovery while enabling users to easily select and choose their own algorithms. (DVMs, Trending, What's Hot, Feeds, etc.) This focus provided individuals with more tools, greater control, and unprecedented power over their social streams and attention than ever before. This is still actively happening and will continue to happen throughout 2025 too.
What did I get wrong? We didn't see an Other Stuff application breakthrough as a clear winner that became a mainstream favorite. I anticipated a standout application that would interest users and become a "must-use" within the ecosystem, but this didn’t happen. And we also clearly didn't hit 1M active users either. While adoption did increase, it didn’t reach the critical mass I expected.
But this doesn't mean 2024 fell short of expectations—in fact, quite the opposite. The year brought incredible client innovations (Damus Notedeck, Primal 2.0, TOR only Amethyst, Flotilla, Chachi, Olas, Coracle feeds, etc.) and relay milestones (Web-of-Trust relays, private relays, algorithm based relays, etc.) with the introduction of these innovative features and the launch of these new platforms.
Beyond technology, the Nostr community achieved something truly remarkable: a grassroots movement that united people globally.
From supporting Nostr meetups and events to hosting booths across continents at major conferences, the community came together to raise money to support these initiatives in ways no one predicted. This organic, ground-up effort showcased the strength and passion behind Nostr, creating a foundation that will #grownostr and success for years to come.
Too bullish? Maybe I wasn't bullish enough? As is tradition, I will post my 2025 predictions tomorrow.

@ 6538925e:571e55c3
2024-12-30 15:51:30
### In 2024, listeners sent a total of $127,900 to creators on Fountain
The 2 BTC sent is equivalent to $127,900 based on a daily price conversion but it would be worth nearly 50% more today.
You sent over 40,000 boosts to your favourite shows and artists, with an average boost value of 3,380 sats (around $3.20 at today's price).
To add to that, over 63 million sats were streamed over the course of the year, representing 32% of total value sent.
Here are some of the shows and artists who picked up the top awards in 2024. To read the full article, head to our website.
[Read Fountain Rewind 2024](https://fountain.fm/2024)
### **Most Supported Show: [Rabbit Hole Recap](https://fountain.fm/show/https://www.fountain.fm/show/VDaMppQRUBZioj2XkaLn)**
Rabbir Hole Recap is a bitcoin news show hosted by Marty Bent and Matt Odell. Over the last three years, RHR has become one of the moved shows among Fountain listeners (affectionately known as ‘freaks’). In 2022 they were #3, in 2023 they were #2, and in 2024 they finally claimed the #1 spot. Congratulations, Marty and ODELL. Your dedication and humility is an inspiration to bitcoiners around the world.
### **Show with Most Supporters: [Mr Obnoxious](https://www.fountain.fm/show/LnQlDKTvuF5JwGBaVGv7)**
Peter McCormack announced earlier this year that What Bitcoin Did, the preeminent podcast he has hosted for as long as we can remember, would come to an end to make way for a new show, [Mr Obnoxious](https://www.fountain.fm/show/LnQlDKTvuF5JwGBaVGv7). In December, the Real Bedford FC owner announced that Danny Knowles would be the new custodian - much to the relief of the 800 listeners who supported the show this year. Thanks for everything, Pete!
### **Most Supported Episode: [LINUX Unplugged | 545: 3,062 Days Later](https://www.fountain.fm/episode/E9ya7VOM0I1MyMAV4z81)**
LINUX Unplugged is just one of many popular shows about open-source, security and privacy from Jupiter Broadcasting. Editor-in-chief Chris Fisher finishes the year with three shows in Fountain's top 40. How? He and his co-hosts have made boosting a core part the listener experience, with his audience often sending "zip code boosts" (which can get pretty expensive if you live in Alaska).
### **Most Supported Artist: [Ainsley Costello](https://fountain.fm/show/146sKf2f81pgHbqyvCFU)**
At just 20 years old, Ainsley has been working toward a career in music for over half her life. Her music is the modern pop soundtrack of the next generation. Ainsley first made "waves" on the internet in August 2023 as the first artist to receive 1 million sats with her hit song “Cherry On Top.” Since then, she has inspired countless artists to follow her path, becoming the face of this exciting new movement.
### **Artist with Most Supporters: [Man Like Kweks](https://fountain.fm/show/146sKf2f81pgHbqyvCFU)**
Don Kweka is a producer and rapper from Tanzania. When he's not at his desk working his 9 to 5, he's making beats in his bedroom - and he has been prolific in 2024. Earlier this year he told Forbes he had earned a total of $25.68 from United Masters, the distribution company he uses for traditional DSPs (for which he pays a $60 annual fee). Since first publishing his music on Wavlake, he’s earned 2.3 million sats (over $2,000).
### **Most Supported Track: [Abi Muir | Stockholm](https://www.fountain.fm/track/BJQ0sjAFbm6RO6fWFWA3)**
Born in Scotland and now residing in Australia, Abi’s distinctive, goosebump-inducing vocals and heartfelt lyrics define her creative songwriting. Her unique style sees her delivering memorable, catchy pop songs of singer-songwriter prose with a contemporary pop sound. In Stockholm she explores a darker, harder edge to her music that crosses into alt-rock, topped with Muir's piercing, sultry vocals.
### **Read Fountain Rewind 2024 in full on our website**
To see the full list of award winners, the top 40 shows and artists, plus the top stories from this year, hit the link below.
[Read Fountain Rewind 2024](https://fountain.fm/2024)
### **Share your Rewind for a chance to win Fountain AirPods, limited edition merch and 100,000 sats**
Open the app to see your Fountain Rewind (make sure you're using the latest version). Post a screenshot of any screen in your Fountain Rewind on X or Nostr and tag @fountain_app in your post. We will be announcing three lucky winners on Dec 31 - good luck!

@ a38a5cd0:92b1b8f0
2024-12-30 13:31:02
I was born and raised in Europe—Switzerland, to be exact—and we’ve always had a special relationship with Europe or the EU. Although Switzerland is in the middle of Europe, it has always been isolated—not politically speaking, but through clever negotiations and an attractive financial marketplace.
But it’s still part of Europe, and whenever we drove to Germany, Austria (where I now live), or Italy, we always felt at home. Everyone was welcoming and accepted that Switzerland is the ‘special kid’ on the continent.
This is one of Europe’s superpowers. It lives off its different cultures. Other than America, I’m sorry to compare it, but it feels like many Americans have never left their own country; we can drive somewhere for three hours and pass two or even three countries.
Citizens speak different languages in each country, but we get along because there is a certain ‘European Vibe’ around. These different cultures and societies enable you to find communities where you feel at home and can be the best version of yourself—at least, that’s what I believe and have experienced.
However, the last 15 years have been challenging. Not only from a business standpoint, we tend to regulate and not innovate, but also from a political standpoint.
The EU and specific countries such as Sweden, Germany, and even Austria are fighting with high immigration, the Euro crisis – casually losing over 65% of its purchasing power this past decade – and ever-increasing debt.
Combine that with a keen interest by the majority of the population in Europe for Communism or Socialism. Please don’t ask me why it’s so popular in Europe. I think it could be an outcome of the world war situations where we never wanted to shift extremely right again. Or maybe the openness of the European spirit invites this thoughtfulness.
These ideologies don’t want the individual to succeed. For the better of all, it has always been at the center of these political movements. Inevitably, this idea leads to more poverty, more centralization, and, in the end, less democracy (the favorite word of any left-leaning politician in Europe) with a dictator at the whelm.
For some weird reason, we don’t want individual Europeans to succeed; instead, we have a collectivism that punishes brilliant ideas and nurtures the ever-increasing state.
So, why are you writing this essay then, Joël? Are you a right winger who’s just here to tell us Communism failed and we should do something else? NO! While my political views can definitely be described as conservative, I’m not associated with the right side of the aisle and would describe myself as a libertarian. However, for the European standard, I might be categorized as ‘right-wing,’ but who isn’t these days?!
But to answer the question, I think we have a secret weapon. Many of these freaks are either ignoring or deliberately downplaying because they’re scared of losing power and trying everything to forbid it.
You might have guessed by the title this secret weapon is Bitcoin!
There are apparent reasons why Bitcoin is the ultimate solution for Europe. These reasons are well known, from its scarcity to its natural state as the best reserve asset and its average value increase of 45% each year for the past decade. From a monetary perspective, these points make perfect sense.
However, there is more to the orange coin, especially from a polarization perspective. In Europe, the left and right are so far apart that it’s laughable. Bitcoin is the only asset or ecosystem enabling people from two corners to reunite and agree on something.
In Europe, in particular, this is something like human rights and privacy for every individual on the continent. It doesn’t matter whether you’re in Switzerland, Germany, or Portugal. Every citizen of these countries is rooting for human rights and the right to protect your most precious secrecies from third parties, aka the ever-increasing security state.
If you take a closer look at most political debates in Europe, both the left and the right agree that citizens should be able to protect their physical or digital properties and how to be more independent. Bitcoin enables you to do all of these things.
Additionally, mining can be an excellent catalyst for all parties to unite if you examine topics such as energy independence. Lefties can choose renewable energy, while right-wingers can embrace a free and healthy energy market. Bitcoin also enables this.
However, the most significant and crucial point is that Bitcoin will enable all nations to be independent again. Many countries lost their sovereignty mainly due to the EU and the Euro.
We no longer talk about each country’s interests; instead, we insert the sentence, ‘Anything that’s good for the EU.’ While the EEA (European Economic Area) was a noble idea that facilitated trade and economic output in Europe, it was abused and became a regulatory superpower with the EU.
You can see the consequences of this from the sheer number of companies who left Europe or international companies who treat Europe as a secondary market with little interest.
If Nations can regain sovereignty again and nurture their economic or sociological advantages, every citizen in these countries will have a new outlook on life.
All it takes for each of them to make the most important step in their Bitcoin journey; being curious enough to learn more about it, spending some time learning the fundamentals, and getting off zero!
One European nation with great potential for this is my home country, Switzerland. We’re the golden European standard for democracy, sovereignty, a strong economy, and a country where everyone can succeed.
After all, fellow Bitcoiners have already taken the initiative to add Bitcoin to the Swiss National Bank (SNB) ’s balance sheet and have already invested in MicroStrategy.
All it takes is the last step, which is to stack Sats as a strategic treasury reserve asset. As a fellow Swiss citizen and someone who works at a Swiss Bitcoin-only company, I would welcome this step and would love to help out!
To quote Walt Disney: ‘The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.’ So go ahead, Europe, and get started! Block space is limited, and 2140 is edging closer every ten minutes with a new block!

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-30 11:41:51
The heart chakra, or Anahata, is revered in spiritual traditions as the center of love, compassion, and harmony. Positioned at the midpoint of the seven energy centers in the body, it symbolizes a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms. In esoteric traditions, this chakra is pivotal in processes such as chrism rising, where spiritual energy ascends to higher states of consciousness. While these concepts are often explored metaphysically, modern medical science has begun to uncover fascinating parallels between the symbolic attributes of the heart chakra and the physiological complexity of the heart, particularly its nervous autonomy and its integration with the brain.
The Heart Chakra and Chrism Rising
In the context of chrism rising, the heart chakra represents a transformative stage. As sacred energy moves upward, it transitions from concerns of survival, sexuality, and personal willpower (root, sacral, and solar plexus chakras) to the higher realms of universal love and spiritual connection. This stage signifies the transcendence of ego and the integration of emotions with higher consciousness.
The journey through the heart chakra is marked by the awakening of compassion, forgiveness, and emotional balance. In spiritual terms, it represents the alchemical merging of the material (lower chakras) and spiritual (upper chakras) planes, enabling the individual to experience profound interconnectedness and divine love.
The Science of the Heart: Autonomy and Neurocardiology
Modern science offers compelling insights into the physiological and neurological sophistication of the heart. The field of neurocardiology has revealed that the heart is far more than a mechanical pump—it is a dynamic organ with its own nervous system, often referred to as the "heart brain."
The Autonomy of the Heart
1. Intrinsic Nervous System:
The heart contains approximately 40,000 neurons, forming a complex neural network capable of independent operation. This "heart brain" can learn, remember, and even make decisions independent of the brain.
It plays a crucial role in regulating heart rhythms and coordinating with the autonomic nervous system.
2. Heart-Brain Communication:
The heart sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the heart. These signals influence emotional processing, decision-making, and even higher cognitive functions.
This bidirectional communication underscores the heart's influence on mental and emotional states, echoing the heart chakra's role as an emotional center.
3. Electromagnetic Field:
The heart generates the most powerful electromagnetic field in the body, measurable up to several feet away. This field is thought to synchronize the body's systems and may even influence the energy fields of others, aligning with the heart chakra's association with universal love and connection.
Mastery of the Heart and Performance Unlocking
From a performance perspective, mastery of the heart-brain connection unlocks extraordinary potential. This mastery aligns with the symbolic unlocking of the heart chakra in spiritual traditions, enabling an individual to operate with clarity, emotional resilience, and enhanced intuition.
1. Heart Rate Variability (HRV):
HRV, a measure of the variation in time between heartbeats, is a key indicator of autonomic nervous system balance. High HRV is associated with emotional resilience, adaptability, and peak performance.
Techniques like heart-focused meditation and coherence training improve HRV, fostering a state of flow and heightened performance.
2. Emotional Regulation:
The heart's intrinsic nervous system plays a critical role in regulating emotions. When the heart is coherent, emotional turbulence is minimized, allowing for calm, focused decision-making.
This mirrors the heart chakra's symbolic function of balancing emotions and fostering inner harmony.
3. Intuition and Decision-Making:
Research suggests that the heart processes and responds to stimuli milliseconds before the brain, contributing to intuitive decision-making.
This intuitive capacity aligns with the spiritual concept of the heart chakra as a portal to higher wisdom.
Recent Breakthroughs in Heart-Brain Science
Modern research continues to shed light on the profound interplay between the heart and the brain, offering new dimensions to our understanding of the heart's role in physical and emotional health:
1. The Polyvagal Theory:
Developed by Dr. Stephen Porges, this theory emphasizes the role of the vagus nerve in regulating the heart and promoting states of safety and connection.
Practices that stimulate the vagus nerve, such as deep breathing and meditation, not only enhance heart-brain coherence but also resonate with spiritual practices aimed at opening the heart chakra.
2. Heart Intelligence:
Studies by the HeartMath Institute demonstrate that cultivating positive emotions, such as gratitude and compassion, improves heart-brain coherence. These findings parallel the spiritual emphasis on love and forgiveness as transformative energies of the heart chakra.
3. Regenerative Medicine:
Advances in understanding the heart's regenerative potential, including its ability to produce new cells, highlight its resilience and adaptability. This mirrors the heart chakra's symbolic association with healing and renewal.
The Heart Chakra as a Key to Higher Potential
The convergence of spiritual wisdom and scientific insight paints the heart as both a physiological marvel and a metaphysical gateway. In the context of chrism rising, the activation of the heart chakra represents a transformative leap toward love, unity, and higher consciousness. From a scientific perspective, mastering the heart's neural and energetic capabilities unlocks profound emotional balance and peak performance.
Whether through the lens of spiritual tradition or modern science, the heart remains central to human experience—a pulsating vortex of connection, compassion, and boundless potential. By understanding and harmonizing its physical and energetic dimensions, we unlock not only the mastery of ourselves but also our ability to resonate harmoniously with the world around us.

@ a1c19849:daacbb52
2024-12-30 11:17:00
# Introduction
nostr:npub1nj5v9hfxegyuqz4z9vfpgu9lxpgald066wspxadywmhslasuw2gsnyrxzg shared a great thread on X about what the Dutch Noderunners did to push Bitcoin adoption. Since it took him quite some time and he didn’t want to redo it on #nostr I’m happy to share his thread here as well, since it has a lot of cool stuff in it. Here we go:
# Noderunners 2024 Recap
by nostr:npub1nj5v9hfxegyuqz4z9vfpgu9lxpgald066wspxadywmhslasuw2gsnyrxzg

> Here it is, the 2024 Noderunners recap! As we are preparing for our annual party on the third day of Christmas I’d like to reflect to all the great stuff we’ve build together to push bitcoin adoption from bottom up. I’m proud we’ve made it this far and we’re just starting! 🔥
We like to come together as often as possible to chat about bitcoin and drink a beer so we started even more meetups. We now do meetups in Roermond, Leiden, Eindhoven, Utrecht, Breda, Friesland, Zaandam. And an occasional party in Arnhem or Den Bosch. Feel free to join us anytime.

> On our meetups and in the wild we meet the most awesome bitcoiners. To show them our respect we honor them by knighting them as an Honorary Noderunner. This year nostr:npub1nw5vdz8sj89y3h3tp7dunx8rhsm2qzfpf8ujq9m8mfvjsjth0uwqs9n2gn nostr:npub13ql75nq8rldygpkjke47y893akh5tglqtqzs6cspancaxktthsusvfqcg7 nostr:npub1cn4t4cd78nm900qc2hhqte5aa8c9njm6qkfzw95tszufwcwtcnsq7g3vle and nostr:npub1uaj9phu5lpxpczm3vaayt46m0yv0pduxzy7z6quwd2uggxue7fmqx9665u joined our ranks! 🧡

> As you can imagine, we were pleasantly surprised when we saw an honorary Noderunner wearing his pin in the courtroom in the case against fAkEtOsHi! Nice to meet again in Amsterdam nostr:npub1qg8j6gdwpxlntlxlkew7eu283wzx7hmj32esch42hntdpqdgrslqv024kw !

> The Bitcoin conference in Amsterdam was full of Noderunners. On and off stage. On stage we had
nostr:npub1jqs0u7zhh53e94gyhm4eu458wm6sw7z0kk66jjhhkhh346tcq2ysfgr247 nostr:npub1h0fd5xu8rfhwdkkjr78ssdhm7rdjyf97hhjqr9acwv77ux0uvf8q23kvcg nostr:npub17tyke9lkgxd98ruyeul6wt3pj3s9uxzgp9hxu5tsenjmweue6sqq4y3mgl Tom Lamoen and others.

> In the panel there was nostr:npub1art8cs66ffvnqns5zs5qa9fwlctmusj5lj38j94lv0ulw0j54wjqhpm0w5 who [asked a cheeky question… 🤓](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/a1c1984994512025327f52c7b6d3a1434a37fbb7a318380cab4832f8daacbb52/files/1735554589353-YAKIHONNES3.mp4) He wrote the awesome “The Genesis Book” in which he describes the people and technology that led to the birth of bitcoin. Hope to see you 3kd Aaron!
> Proof of work is the thing Noderunners value the most. We do the work on and offline. In Amsterdam we had several projects to display! Of course [the BitcoinTaps](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/a1c1984994512025327f52c7b6d3a1434a37fbb7a318380cab4832f8daacbb52/files/1735554793664-YAKIHONNES3.mp4), the bitcoin bitaxe B at the entrance, The nostr:npub1kd3nlw09ufkgmts2kaf0x8m4mq57exn6l8rz50v5ngyr2h3j5cfswdsdth arcade and the video of @npub1f59dz0ru0l8zpsl4cryj5ch2rahwxeex3mr7lpl2ltzxsfwsdwastu6nqk!

> Personally I was very exited nostr:npub1qg5a5l3t7pakmm4r4up2e764xecsw62fk3rntevm24fwyczhndtsdrvc4x Edward and Stef of Connect The World Podcast allowed us to bring the Arcade to the afterparty at Braai where we played some tournaments with nostr:npub1jt97tpsul3fp8hvf7zn0vzzysmu9umcrel4hpgflg4vnsytyxwuqt8la9y nostr:npub1j8y6tcdfw3q3f3h794s6un0gyc5742s0k5h5s2yqj0r70cpklqeqjavrvg and many others!

> Hopefully we can create a Noderunners lounge or such next year at
@npub13e6qu4kdjsyysrfl5an558rawvqg0rx2xuat9ca706spcdqjzhuqq6md43! Connections were made!

> This year there was also the first edition of nostr:npub1uv2tr83c5y7k82af6zdzlqs8m0klcmndd8u5vmlg2eyrskld6uzsv4rmr8 organized by nostr:npub14mge80nm5r0zj0gncxvpunlr28jyku95547q0m82ec475x3yy92skvjgm5 and
Bitcoin Stad. It was an awesome event with great speakers but the best thing was the Noderunners Lounge in the basement where
[Hester Bais tapped a beer.. 🍺](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/a1c1984994512025327f52c7b6d3a1434a37fbb7a318380cab4832f8daacbb52/files/1735555060373-YAKIHONNES3.mp4)

> There was some trouble in paradise when the GitHub page of
nostr:npub1k5f85zx0xdskyayqpfpc0zq6n7vwqjuuxugkayk72fgynp34cs3qfcvqg2 got canceled due to false copyright claims.. He makes the most beautiful, full open source BTClock! He’s a good frend and very productive Noderunner! 🧡

> nostr:npub1k5f85zx0xdskyayqpfpc0zq6n7vwqjuuxugkayk72fgynp34cs3qfcvqg2
also did a lot behind the scenes for the Noderunners SOLO Mining Pool!

> As we are also very enthusiastic about NOSTR
nostr:npub1p6xyr6u5vet33r4x724vxmp9uwfllax5zjdgxeujyrtxt90lp74qvah0rm has set up our own nostr relay:

> Noderunner nostr:npub1yn84ur49llj7pp9a7uv477f7vrpj0rj7df5pnfncvkusaxgy6jqsj9xgfl set up a mixer where he organizes a weekly coinjoin every sunday for more anonymous bitcoin transactions.

> Our Belgian Noderunner Kim de Vos made the infamous “Big Mac index” where he expresses the price of bitcoin in Big Macs.. He also runs the AVBpodcast (my personal favorite).

> We have several members who have their own podcasts. Also a lot of Noderunners appeared in podcasts as a guest. nostr:npub1agyf7kae8nkxqrd7rvvxt6nh9vwpcqzen2mc9dl3u38a04awpjcq09n23f educates bitcoin beginners. 
Tom Lamoen talks about libertarianism.
> nostr:npub1gfxgylgst4lcemkjth6xdvcvq7le8rtlrym7wayml63qrjggngaqkqescl interviews bitcoiners from all over the world. 
> And nostr:npub1kj2ngxmm0zccswfqplff87rpgvmq9utvk0g726wc0h8pv4kwm8ss6zgm4n laughs at 🤡🌍

> After months, even years of hard work
nostr:npub1w98ems6ryhpv7zvmhwp5sv65p0pwrnvzw4lucn0ch776qan9ntdstscwpx launched [the best bitcoin board game ever!](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/a1c1984994512025327f52c7b6d3a1434a37fbb7a318380cab4832f8daacbb52/files/1735555757989-YAKIHONNES3.mp4)

> nostr:npub1w98ems6ryhpv7zvmhwp5sv65p0pwrnvzw4lucn0ch776qan9ntdstscwpx
is also involved with the Dutch bitcoin magazine BitcoinFocus which features a lot of Noderunner builds and articles.

> Of course I should mention our frens at nostr:npub1ua6fxn9ktc4jncanf79jzvklgjftcdrt5etverwzzg0lgpmg3hsq2gh6v6 where you can pay a few sats to play your favorite songs!

> LightningPlaces is working hard making entrepreneurs accepting bitcoin and putting them on their website! 🔥💪🏼

> nostr:npub1lhufm09wzp42y67t3s8axlewwna8rmetak68w38yal7xjrwktpsscpt08x is also hooking up webshops and physical shops (and bars) to accept bitcoin! Connect them if you’re looking for a custom solution!

> Maybe we should create an open source HW Wallet too but for now we have the man, the myth, the legend
nostr:npub17tyke9lkgxd98ruyeul6wt3pj3s9uxzgp9hxu5tsenjmweue6sqq4y3mgl in our midst.. A real honor as we all share the same values and ethics in life but especially in bitcoin! We’ve been building seedsigners from scratch by the dozen!

Most of us are very entrepreneurial. Several bitcoin shops are run by Noderunners.
nostr:npub1qvwdl9rp7a5ghrxv57wnml5ehg2whjh708vys6kaxpkgu0z3aclsuy2h4p - https://bitcoinbrabant.com
nostr:npub1k00lff0ahjv4d2kwuwxy040d2282yjmzj6eeu5ghav054s4yrfzsplyc86 - https://bitsaga.be
nostr:npub1837pplcuwcjn35zwmpuy62ekcfdtvklajn6pueus3am09s27vu6smuj6v9 - https://miningwholesale.eu
> A special shoutout to our junior Noderunner Esramsterdam
who is organizing a bitcoin event focused on women. Because bitcoin is not only for men. More info: https://vanbanknaarbitcoin.nl

> Also a special shoutout to @npub17k8u7c6kfjgtd380890zx0m4adu8vl53m9fvtc7lal4j9gp74xqqkguha4! The only way to get free sats. Drank not enough beer with nostr:npub1pzurm7nx3q08894wl6uautryq95sku5jhzgwjjrskwdafcwxekuq4n7vtu this year.. but we really need to set up a collaborative project!

> Ok I’m done. Forgot a lot but this sums it up quite well. Greetings and love to everyone involved with the Noderunners I forgot to mention. I love you all and hope to build a lot more together! 🧡🔥
Jan Burgers
Short Non-Bitcoin
Joep Laser Sheep - Elden Lord 3x
@Erik Dutch
Noderunners Shop
> and all others I can’t find here or I forgot.. 🧡🔥💪🏼 LFG, see you soon!
>Bonus: This has never aired but @DanielMol was doubtful of our impact to more bitcoin adoption.. I know we are a bit toxic but we have our hearts on the right place and help anyone who is serious about it.. Happy days Daniel! 🧡


@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-30 06:25:23
The sky was a smear of red and gray, a molten soup of corporate smog and the fallout from decaying orbital platforms. A low hum vibrated through the megascraper’s skeletal walls, the pulse of industrial turbines below or something worse—something alive. Daniel had stopped looking over his shoulder hours ago. Paranoia was pointless now. They were tracking him through every lens and drone. Every step he took, every breath he exhaled, was already logged on some server buried under a thousand feet of reinforced concrete.
His son, Mikey, sat cross-legged on the floor of the abandoned node café, the glow of a salvaged holographic tablet painting his freckled face in shifting rainbows. Ten years old. Too young for this world, but not too young for what Daniel needed to do.
“Mikey,” Daniel said, slumping against the wall. His ribs screamed where the drone's shard had grazed him earlier. He'd staunched the bleeding with a strip of synthcloth, but the pain was relentless. “We don’t have much time.”
Mikey didn’t look up. He was playing some ancient 8-bit game that Daniel had installed when he was still naïve enough to think childhood could be preserved.
“They’re coming for me,” Daniel said, his voice sharp enough to slice through the haze of distraction. Mikey paused the game.
“Who’s coming?” he asked, his voice quivering.
“The kind of people who don’t leave witnesses.” Daniel knelt down, gripping Mikey’s shoulders. His hands were trembling, but his grip was firm. “Listen to me. They want something I have—private keys to tech they can’t control. But it’s more than just money, Mikey. It’s freedom. It’s hope. If they get it, they’ll own everything, everyone.”
Mikey stared at him, wide-eyed. “Why don’t you just give it to them?”
“Because,” Daniel said, leaning in close, “it’s not just mine. It’s the only thing keeping the world from falling apart. But I’m running out of time. They dosed me with a neural decay agent. My brain’s got hours, maybe a day, before it’s mush.”
Mikey’s lip quivered. “What do we do?”
Daniel exhaled, a bittersweet mix of relief and despair. “We’re going to do something crazy. I’m going to teach you everything I know.”
The Download
The next hour was a blur. Daniel jacked into a local darknet relay, setting up a secure uplink to his personal server cluster—what was left of it, anyway. The room buzzed with the flicker of dying neon and the hum of overworked processors.
“Mikey,” Daniel said, pulling a thin mesh glove from his pack. “This is a cognitive transference device. It’s experimental, and it’s going to hurt, but it’s the only way.”
Mikey looked at the glove, then at his father. “What does it do?”
“It maps my neural pathways, compresses them, and streams them into your brain. You’ll have fragments of my skills, my memories. Not perfect, but enough. Enough to code, to think like I do. But it’s risky. You ready?”
Mikey nodded, eyes steeled. “I’m ready.”
Daniel slipped the glove onto Mikey’s hand and activated the uplink. A lattice of blue light spiraled up Mikey’s arm, embedding itself into his skin like a living tattoo. The boy screamed, his body convulsing. Daniel held him tight, whispering encouragements through gritted teeth.
“It’s okay, Mikey. It’s okay. Breathe. You’re stronger than this.”
Mikey’s screams subsided, replaced by rapid, shallow breaths. His eyes fluttered open, glowing faintly with the residual charge of the transfer.
“I see it,” Mikey whispered. “I see the code.”
The Final Hour
They worked side by side, father and son. Daniel guided Mikey through the cryptic maze of his life’s work: quantum-proof encryption, autonomous networks, self-healing AI. Mikey’s hands flew across the keyboard, his newfound knowledge mingling with his innate creativity.
“They’re breaching,” Mikey said, his voice calm despite the chaos. Red indicators flashed on the terminal, signaling the proximity of their pursuers.
“Focus,” Daniel said, ignoring the pounding in his chest. “Deploy the polymorphic algorithm. Let it spread through the mesh. It’ll buy us time.”
Mikey nodded, typing furiously. Lines of code cascaded down the screen like a digital waterfall.
“Done,” Mikey said, glancing at his father. “But what about you?”
Daniel smiled weakly, his vision blurring. “Doesn’t matter. What matters is you. The world. You’ve got everything you need now, Mikey. Everything I am, everything I stood for, is in you.”
The door exploded inward, a blast of light and sound. Shadows moved through the smoke, the silhouette of their enemies sharp and inhuman. Mikey turned to his father, tears streaming down his face.
“I won’t let them win,” he said.
Daniel nodded, his lips forming a final, unspoken command: Run.
Mikey bolted for the emergency hatch, clutching the tablet tight against his chest. Behind him, the sound of gunfire erupted, followed by silence.
Weeks later, the world was different. Subtly, at first. Corporate networks began to collapse, their monopolies eroded by the decentralized systems Mikey had unleashed. Grassroots movements flourished, empowered by tools they didn’t fully understand but knew they could trust.
Mikey sat alone in a hidden bunker, the tablet glowing faintly in his lap. His father’s voice echoed in his mind, fragments of the neural transfer surfacing like ghosts in the machine.
“The code is freedom, Mikey. And freedom always wins.”

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-30 05:08:22
The colonial period in India introduced systemic neglect of public welfare and sanitation, fostering a culture that normalized unsanitary practices. This transformation can be understood by analyzing the psychological, societal, and infrastructural impacts of colonial neglect, combined with the natural challenges of scaling traditional systems to meet the needs of a rapidly growing population.
1. Colonial Neglect and Disruption of Indigenous Sanitation Practices
Destruction of Community Systems
Before colonization, sanitation systems in India were often community-managed. Local governance structures (e.g., village panchayats) organized water management, waste disposal, and hygiene practices.
The British prioritized centralized control, sidelining these systems. This resulted in a vacuum where no effective local or central systems functioned properly for the majority of the population.
Urbanization Without Sanitation
British industrial and trade-focused urbanization led to densely populated cities like Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras, which lacked adequate sanitation infrastructure.
Overcrowding, lack of waste disposal, and insufficient clean water supplies created unhygienic living conditions.
Psychological Impact of Exclusion
The colonial administration primarily catered to European populations, neglecting Indian communities. Indians were implicitly (and sometimes explicitly) told that their hygiene and living conditions were not a priority.
Over time, this neglect fostered a sense of inferiority and apathy towards public health and sanitation among the general population.
2. Psychological and Societal Impact of Neglect
Normalization of Unsanitary Conditions
Two centuries of neglect normalized squalor and uncleanliness as inevitable aspects of daily life. Public spaces filled with waste became a common sight, and efforts to improve hygiene were deprioritized at individual and community levels.
Apathy towards sanitation became ingrained in public consciousness, with the belief that it was either too expensive or unnecessary.
Internalized Self-Neglect
Repeated messaging of Indian inferiority during the colonial period caused a cultural shift towards accepting unsanitary conditions as unchangeable.
Post-independence, this internalized neglect persisted, as people struggled to see sanitation as a collective responsibility.
Caste and Sanitation
The British formalized and exacerbated caste divisions. Sanitation work became even more stigmatized and relegated to specific marginalized groups, further discouraging others from engaging in hygiene practices.
This contributed to a societal disconnect from sanitation responsibilities.
3. Biological Challenges Against Unsustainable Systems
Unscalable Traditional Systems
Traditional sanitation systems (e.g., open defecation combined with composting) were sustainable in low-density rural settings but could not scale to urban centers or a rapidly growing population.
The British colonial administration failed to invest in modern infrastructure that could meet these new challenges, leaving cities overwhelmed.
Biological Realities of Waste
Human biological urges for immediate waste disposal clashed with the lack of public facilities. Open defecation and improper waste disposal became the norm in the absence of latrines and garbage systems.
The lack of accessible facilities perpetuated the cycle of unsanitary conditions.
4. Post-Colonial Normalization of Unsanitary Practices
Lack of Systemic Overhaul
After independence, India inherited an underdeveloped sanitation infrastructure. Attempts to modernize sanitation systems often faltered due to resource constraints, corruption, and a lack of public awareness.
Government campaigns to promote cleanliness were met with limited success because deeply ingrained cultural norms and apathy persisted.
Urban-Rural Divide
Investments in sanitation have often prioritized urban areas, leaving rural communities with limited facilities. This disparity perpetuates unsanitary practices in the majority of the population.
Population Growth
Rapid population growth has outpaced the development of sanitation infrastructure, further compounding the problem.
5. Cultural Normalization of Unsanitary Situations
Cognitive Dissonance
People adapt to unsanitary environments by rationalizing them as unavoidable. The widespread acceptance of open defecation, garbage-filled streets, and polluted water is partly due to cognitive dissonance—a way of reconciling living conditions with the lack of alternatives.
Institutionalized Apathy
Bureaucratic inefficiency and corruption contribute to a lack of accountability for improving sanitation.
Over time, citizens have learned to expect inaction from the state, perpetuating a cycle of neglect.
Economic Priorities
For much of the population, economic survival takes precedence over sanitation. Limited resources mean that people often prioritize immediate needs (e.g., food, shelter) over hygiene.
Solutions and Lessons
Reversing Colonial Legacies
Encouraging community participation in sanitation reforms can revive traditional systems of collective responsibility.
Public awareness campaigns (e.g., Swachh Bharat Abhiyan) can help shift societal attitudes towards hygiene.
Investment in Infrastructure
Comprehensive sanitation infrastructure that includes toilets, waste disposal systems, and clean water supply is essential to breaking the cycle of neglect.
Education and Inclusion
Addressing cultural stigmas around sanitation work and promoting dignity for sanitation workers can help integrate cleanliness into societal values.
Education campaigns should emphasize the public health benefits of sanitation.
Scaling for Population Needs
Modernizing sanitation systems to handle urban density and rural accessibility is critical. Technologies like biogas toilets, community waste treatment plants, and water recycling systems can bridge the gap.
The colonial period created a systemic neglect of sanitation in India, fostering a culture of self-neglect that persists to this day. Addressing this legacy requires a combination of community engagement, infrastructure investment, and education to redefine hygiene as a collective responsibility. Recognizing the intersection of history, biology, and culture is key to creating scalable, sustainable solutions.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-30 03:14:06
1. Introduction: The Crisis of Modern Digital Design
The digital age has delivered unprecedented connectivity and convenience, but it has also brought a dark underbelly: poorly designed digital interfaces that exploit and exhaust users. These interfaces, driven by profit-maximizing motives and shortsighted leadership, target the most productive and capable members of society—engineers, creators, thinkers—undermining their mental health and productivity. This is not merely a design issue; it is a crisis with profound implications for global stability, innovation, and the future of humanity.
2. Critical Failures by Leadership
Modern leadership in both corporate and governmental spheres has repeatedly failed to address the following systemic issues in the digital landscape:
1. Profit over People:
Leaders prioritize revenue generation (e.g., ad-based models, data mining) over the cognitive and emotional well-being of users.
Examples: Algorithmic design optimized for engagement metrics, not user health, leads to addictive and mentally draining experiences.
2. Lack of Accountability:
Big Tech often escapes regulation, perpetuating harmful practices like dark patterns and manipulative UI/UX.
Example: Platforms like Facebook and TikTok amplify divisive content for profit, intensifying societal fractures.
3. Incompetence in Digital Policy:
Policy makers lack the technical literacy to regulate effectively, leaving users vulnerable to exploitative systems.
Example: GDPR and similar regulations address data privacy but fail to address the root causes of digital harm—poor design and exploitative incentives.
4. Shortsighted Metrics:
Corporate focus on quarterly earnings drives iterative, superficial changes instead of meaningful, user-focused innovation.
Example: Instead of solving UX pain points, companies often introduce features that increase complexity and cognitive load.
3. Risks to Mass Populations
The societal consequences of failing to address this crisis are severe:
1. Mental Health Epidemic:
Digital interfaces are linked to increased rates of anxiety, depression, and burnout, particularly among high-functioning individuals.
Source: Twenge et al. (2017) report a sharp increase in depression and suicidal ideation among teens correlating with smartphone usage.
2. Productivity Collapse:
The workforce's most creative and capable members are being drained by poor UX, leading to a significant loss in economic output.
Source: Gallup (2022) shows record-low engagement among knowledge workers, exacerbated by digital fatigue.
3. Cultural and Civic Decline:
Manipulative interfaces polarize societies, eroding trust in institutions and fragmenting social cohesion.
Source: MIT Technology Review (2021) highlights the role of algorithmic content delivery in amplifying political extremism.
4. Long-Term Cognitive Harm:
Sustained interaction with chaotic digital environments can alter brain function, impairing critical thinking and long-term memory.
Source: Carr, "The Shallows" (2010), describes how digital tools reshape neural pathways, often detrimentally.
4. The Role of DamageBDD in Driving Massive Change
DamageBDD offers a potential scaffolding for radical improvement by targeting the root issues:
1. Behavior-Driven Verification:
By emphasizing behaviors, DamageBDD ensures digital systems align with human needs and expectations, rather than manipulative profit-driven incentives.
Use case: Verifying accessible, transparent, and intuitive UI behaviors for public and private digital platforms.
2. Accountability Through Immutable Records:
DamageBDD leverages blockchain for an immutable record of system behaviors, fostering accountability in design and implementation.
Use case: Tracking user-centric design milestones and holding corporations accountable for harmful design practices.
3. Rewarding Ethical Development:
DamageBDD incentivizes high-quality, ethical software development through Bitcoin Lightning payouts for verified milestones.
Use case: Developers receive immediate rewards for implementing systems that prioritize user well-being.
4. Cognitive Restoration:
By reducing friction and chaos in digital systems, DamageBDD promotes a healthier cognitive landscape, restoring productivity and creativity to users.
5. Conclusion: A Call to Action
The current state of digital design is unsustainable. The continued exploitation of human cognition through rotten interfaces represents a direct threat to mental health, economic productivity, and societal stability. Immediate intervention is not just desirable but essential.
DamageBDD provides the foundation for this intervention. By combining accountability, ethical incentives, and a focus on user behavior, it represents a scalable solution to a crisis that impacts billions. The time to act is now—before the collective depression caused by these interfaces buries the very people capable of driving humanity forward.

@ 8d34bd24:414be32b
2024-12-29 23:22:36
> Everyone was amazed and gave praise to God. They were filled with awe and said, “We have seen remarkable things today.” (Luke 5:26)
There are lots of verses in the Bible, both Old and New Testaments, where people were amazed at the works of God, but my question is, “Is there anything that amazes God?”
> When the Sabbath came, he began to teach in the synagogue, and **many who heard him were amazed.**
> “Where did this man get these things?” they asked. “What’s this wisdom that has been given him? What are these remarkable miracles he is performing? Isn’t this the carpenter? Isn’t this Mary’s son and the brother of James, Joseph, Judas and Simon? Aren’t his sisters here with us?” And they took offense at him.
> Jesus said to them, “A prophet is not without honor except in his own town, among his relatives and in his own home.” He could not do any miracles there, except lay his hands on a few sick people and heal them. **He was amazed at their lack of faith**. (Mark 6:2-6) {emphasis mine}
This passage mentions the people being amazed at Jesus’s teaching, but it also talks about Jesus being amazed at their lack of faith. It is amazing that people could see the son of God, face to face, and listen to Him teach God’s word and still not believe. They heard about and even saw Him work miracles and yet they did not repent, nor believe.
This is an example of a negative amazement. Are there any examples of positive amazement? There are two passages, that I know of, that describe one particular event that amazed Jesus:
> The centurion replied, “Lord, I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. But just say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”
> ****When Jesus heard this, he was amazed** and said to those following him, “Truly I tell you, **I have not found anyone in Israel with such great faith**. I say to you that many will come from the east and the west, and will take their places at the feast with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven. But the subjects of the kingdom will be thrown outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.”
> Then Jesus said to the centurion, “Go! Let it be done just as you believed it would.” And his servant was healed at that moment. (Matthew 8:8-13) {emphasis mine}
The other mention of this event is in Luke:
> He was not far from the house when the centurion sent friends to say to him: “Lord, don’t trouble yourself, for I do not deserve to have you come under my roof. That is why I did not even consider myself worthy to come to you. But say the word, and my servant will be healed. For I myself am a man under authority, with soldiers under me. I tell this one, ‘Go,’ and he goes; and that one, ‘Come,’ and he comes. I say to my servant, ‘Do this,’ and he does it.”
> When Jesus heard this, **he was amazed at him**, and turning to the crowd following him, he said, “I tell you, **I have not found such great faith even in Israel**.” (Luke 7:6-9) {emphasis mine}
This Roman centurion had greater faith than any one of God’s chosen people in Israel. This gentile man trusted that Jesus had the power to heal his servant and that all it would take was Jesus’s command. If Jesus spoke the word, his servant would be healed, and it was so. Just as Jesus spoke the universe into existence, He also spoke the centurion’s servant into health. The creator healed His creation with His word and the centurion believed that it would be so.
What can amaze God? It looks like both our lack of faith and great faith can amaze God.
This coming year, let’s try to amaze God with our undying faith in His goodness and ability to do anything and everything for our good.
Trust Jesus.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-29 23:17:52
Bitcoin, as a decentralized digital asset, exists fundamentally outside the framework of traditional financial (TradFi) systems. While the adoption of Bitcoin by TradFi institutions has brought it closer to mainstream acceptance, the dynamics of regulated markets create barriers to accurately reflecting Bitcoin’s intrinsic value. Here’s why:
1. TradFi's Centralized Control and Market Manipulation
Regulated markets are built on centralized systems that allow institutions to exert significant control over price movements. Unlike Bitcoin’s decentralized, trustless model, TradFi relies on intermediaries and can be prone to manipulative practices such as spoofing, short selling, and derivative leveraging. These tactics often distort Bitcoin’s price to align with institutional agendas rather than its organic demand and supply.
For example:
Futures contracts allow institutions to short Bitcoin, pushing prices down without requiring physical delivery of the asset.
Over-the-counter (OTC) trading hides real volumes, further distorting public price signals.
2. Lack of Weekend Liquidity
Regulated markets like futures or ETFs don’t operate 24/7. This creates a disjointed price discovery mechanism. Bitcoin trades continuously on global exchanges, but its value can diverge significantly from TradFi-set benchmarks over weekends due to thin liquidity and increased volatility. When TradFi markets reopen, institutions often adjust Bitcoin prices to suit their positioning, regardless of real market sentiment.
3. Regulatory Constraints
The core ethos of Bitcoin is permissionless, borderless, and resistant to censorship. TradFi markets, by contrast, are heavily regulated and often impose restrictions that undermine Bitcoin’s true value:
Limits on leverage, capital flows, and trading hours inhibit the natural market dynamics that define Bitcoin.
Regulatory actions, such as lawsuits or exchange crackdowns, introduce external pressures that disproportionately impact prices.
4. Misaligned Incentives
Many TradFi institutions profit more from Bitcoin's volatility than its growth. Products like Bitcoin ETFs or derivatives generate fees regardless of whether Bitcoin's price goes up or down, giving TradFi little incentive to advocate for Bitcoin's long-term value. Moreover, central banks and governments may view Bitcoin as a threat to fiat systems, further motivating policies that suppress its adoption.
How Bitcoiners Can Factor This In Over the Weekend
Weekends present unique challenges for Bitcoin holders, given the interplay of reduced liquidity, TradFi manipulation, and retail-driven volatility. Here are strategies to reduce exposure:
1. Limit Leveraged Positions
Leverage amplifies risk, particularly over weekends when sudden price swings can trigger liquidations. Bitcoiners should consider reducing or closing leveraged positions before the weekend to avoid forced selling during thin markets.
2. Use Stop-Loss Orders
Setting stop-loss orders can protect against significant downside risk during volatile periods. However, ensure these are placed strategically to avoid being liquidated by temporary wicks or market manipulation.
3. Diversify Holding Strategies
Rather than keeping funds solely on centralized exchanges, Bitcoiners can use:
Cold storage: Safeguard long-term holdings from price volatility.
Lightning Network wallets: For immediate liquidity and payments without exposing large holdings to exchange risk.
4. Monitor On-Chain Metrics
Bitcoin’s true value is better gauged through on-chain data, such as:
Hash rate: Reflects network security and miner activity.
Wallet activity: Indicates organic user demand.
HODL waves: Show long-term accumulation trends.
5. Avoid Emotional Trading
Weekend price swings are often exaggerated by low liquidity and retail panic. Staying focused on Bitcoin’s fundamentals and long-term vision helps prevent reactive decisions.
TradFi markets will never fully reflect Bitcoin’s true value because their structure is antithetical to Bitcoin's decentralized, free-market ethos. Bitcoiners should be aware of the disconnect and take proactive steps, especially over weekends, to protect their investments from TradFi-induced volatility. By limiting leverage, diversifying holdings, and focusing on long-term fundamentals, Bitcoiners can mitigate TradFi's influence and stay aligned with Bitcoin's revolutionary potential.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-29 21:58:08
In the annals of human history, few moments resonate with the profound societal upheaval of the French Revolution. The guillotine became a symbol of accountability for entrenched elites, while revolutionary ideals promised liberty, equality, and fraternity. Today, Bitcoin carries echoes of that transformative period, not with the bloody apparatus of execution, but with the immutable ledger of accountability and decentralization. For Australia and the global community, the trajectory of Bitcoin adoption signals nothing short of a modern-day reckoning. As policymakers grapple with its disruptive potential, the revolution is already underway—poised to reshape power structures and roll the proverbial heads of financial and political elites.
The Policy Foundations of a Bitcoin Reckoning
Australia’s policy decisions on financial regulation, monetary policy, and technology adoption are setting the stage for a confrontation with the Bitcoin movement. Here’s how:
1. Inflationary Monetary Policy
The Reserve Bank of Australia (RBA) has embraced an inflationary monetary policy, aiming for a 2–3% target rate. While this may seem modest, the cumulative effect erodes purchasing power over decades. Coupled with unprecedented quantitative easing during the COVID-19 pandemic, Australians have witnessed a stark rise in asset prices, particularly housing.
Impact: Bitcoin, with its fixed supply of 21 million coins, stands as a stark contrast to the RBA’s infinite money printing. As more Australians seek refuge from inflation, trust in the fiat system could erode, precipitating a mass exodus to Bitcoin.
2. Banking Consolidation and Corporate Favoritism
The "Big Four" banks—Commonwealth Bank, Westpac, ANZ, and NAB—dominate Australia's financial landscape, often prioritizing corporate interests over individual Australians. Their control over credit availability, fees, and financial innovation stifles competition and leaves everyday citizens vulnerable.
Impact: Bitcoin, as a decentralized network, bypasses banks entirely. With Lightning Network integrations enabling micropayments and peer-to-peer transactions, Australians may increasingly question the necessity of centralized banking, challenging the Big Four's monopoly.
3. Lack of Blockchain Innovation Policy
While countries like El Salvador and Switzerland embrace Bitcoin as a legal tender or incentivize blockchain innovation, Australia has lagged. Regulatory uncertainty and heavy-handed approaches to digital currencies have stifled local startups and discouraged investment in the blockchain sector.
Impact: As Australians realize the missed opportunities in innovation and wealth creation, dissatisfaction with government policy could fuel grassroots Bitcoin adoption, intensifying the revolutionary sentiment.
4. Surveillance and Financial Control
Policies like the expansion of Anti-Money Laundering (AML) and Counter-Terrorism Financing (CTF) laws have enhanced government surveillance over financial transactions. While aimed at combating crime, these policies often overreach, infringing on personal privacy.
Impact: Bitcoin's pseudonymous transactions provide an alternative to surveillance-heavy systems, empowering Australians to reclaim financial autonomy. Resistance to state control over personal finances could mirror revolutionary fervor.
The Current Trajectory: A Build-Up to Crisis
Economic Pressures
Australia’s economy is under strain, with rising inflation, stagnant wage growth, and a growing wealth gap. The housing market, increasingly out of reach for young Australians, is a symbol of generational inequality. Meanwhile, corporate bailouts and subsidies have further alienated average citizens. These economic grievances echo the bread shortages and wealth disparities that fueled the French Revolution.
Political Distrust
Political scandals and a perceived lack of accountability have eroded trust in Australian institutions. Public discontent with policies perceived as benefiting the elite—such as fossil fuel subsidies and lackluster climate action—aligns with a broader narrative of systemic failure.
Bitcoin as a Symbol of Resistance
Just as the French Revolution was driven by the promise of equality and empowerment, Bitcoin offers Australians a tool to challenge the status quo. Its decentralized nature removes intermediaries, empowering individuals to take control of their wealth and participate in a global financial system untainted by local corruption or inefficiency.
Policy Decisions That Could Trigger the "Rolling of Heads"
1. Taxation and Over-Regulation
A heavy-handed approach to taxing Bitcoin holdings and transactions could alienate the growing number of Australians adopting the asset. By treating Bitcoin purely as a speculative investment rather than a revolutionary tool, policymakers risk pushing citizens towards civil disobedience or parallel economies.
2. Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)
The RBA is exploring the potential for a digital Australian dollar (CBDC). While it may seem like a step toward modernization, a centralized digital currency would likely exacerbate concerns over surveillance and monetary control. Australians may view CBDCs as antithetical to Bitcoin’s ethos, intensifying resistance.
3. Banking Collapses
A potential banking crisis, whether due to economic mismanagement or global shocks, could accelerate Bitcoin adoption. Australians disillusioned with the inability of the government or banks to safeguard their savings may flock to Bitcoin as a trustless, self-custodial alternative.
4. Failure to Address Inequality
If policymakers continue to ignore the growing wealth gap, grassroots movements advocating Bitcoin as a tool for financial inclusion will gain traction. Just as the French Revolution arose from a failure to address systemic inequities, Australia risks a similar reckoning.
The Revolutionary Parallel: Heads Will Roll
The "rolling of heads" in this context is metaphorical, but no less profound. It represents the dismantling of entrenched systems and the symbolic removal of those who perpetuate them. Here’s how the Bitcoin revolution could unfold in Australia:
Financial Institutions: The dominance of the Big Four banks could be challenged as Australians adopt decentralized financial systems, forcing these institutions to adapt or face irrelevance.
Political Leaders: Politicians resistant to Bitcoin adoption or beholden to corporate interests may be swept out of office by a digitally empowered electorate demanding transparency and accountability.
Corporate Structures: Companies failing to integrate Bitcoin or blockchain technology may lose competitiveness, leading to leadership shakeups and restructuring.
Cultural Shift: As Bitcoin gains cultural traction, the elite narratives supporting fiat systems could crumble, paving the way for a decentralized financial order.
Conclusion: Bitcoin as Australia's Guillotine
While Bitcoin does not call for bloodshed, its disruptive potential is no less revolutionary. By enabling individuals to opt out of centralized systems and reclaim financial sovereignty, Bitcoin challenges the very foundations of Australia's economic and political structures. The French Revolution reshaped society, not because of its guillotine, but because it forced a reckoning with inequality and governance. Similarly, Bitcoin is forcing Australia—and the world—to confront the flaws of fiat money, corporate monopolies, and state overreach.
As the movement gains momentum, Australians may find themselves at the forefront of a global revolution, wielding Bitcoin not as a weapon of destruction, but as a tool for liberty, equality, and empowerment. And until the correct framework for this new era prevails, heads—metaphorical or otherwise—will roll.

@ dd664d5e:5633d319
2024-12-29 20:29:03
## The paparazzi are we

One of the things that bothers me about social media, in general, is that it gives celebrities an air of approachability, that they don't actually offer.
Theoretically, a celebrity could respond to any one of the dozens or even hundreds of people asking them questions or lodging complaints or singing their praises, but they usually only respond very selectively and leave everyone else just sitting there, as a living monument to the ReplyGuy.
And, as a wise man once said, ReplyGuy is a hoe.

## Death of a ReplyGuy
This is usually because of time and energy restrictions, but also due to distaste, disdain, or indifference. Regardless of motivation, it is simply the nature of things, when a larger number of people are clamboring for the attention of some particular person.
> Ooh, ooh! Can I have the next question?!
> Would you please address my bug?
> May I have a microsecond of your time?

Social media (and I include GitHub in this category) ups this game considerably, and potentially turns it all into a dangerous psychological torture, by making us all preoccupied with people who don't interact with us. The most irrational of groupies because we are forever making almost-contact with our stars.
If we can see them talking to _one_ person, we're supposed to feel like they've spoken with _all_ of us. But they haven't. They spoke with someone else, and we were allowed to watch. No different than on television, except that we might be disappointed and eager to return the next day, to renew our futile attempt.
The same intoxicating feeling that playing the lottery elicits. Everyone is a _potential_ winner, but there is only one jackpot. Come back next week. Buy another ticket. This next time, is your time. Promise.
## The view from the peanut gallery

It is all an illusion that there is no hierarchy, where there clearly is one. Celebrities of the past had, at least, the decency to remain slightly aloof. But they all want to be one of the Common Folk, now, just as every multi-millionaire aspires to see himself as fundamentally working-class.

All of celebrity social media is a stage, and most of us are merely spectators or commentators, to what is playing on it. This is why, if someone treats me like someone sitting in the peanut gallery, my instinct is to treat them like an actor.
Because, in reality, that is what they are.

@ 81e5cb66:17c315fa
2024-12-29 19:55:56
*Original recording: 6 August 1977*
The boundaries between terrestrial and ‘extraterrestrial’ intelligence are blurred in a remarkable recording from the Monroe Institute. What begins as a seemingly ordinary out-of-body experience evolves into a profound exploration of consciousness and our role in the cosmic fabric.
**The first contact**
The session begins with an impressive scene outside the Earth's atmosphere: three ships in formation, part of a larger contact initiative by extraterrestrial beings. The narrator describes an inviting encounter aboard one of these ships, characterised by brilliant white light and advanced technology. The visitors' message is clear: they are ready for enhanced communication, but the key lies in the elevation of human consciousness.
**The bridge between the worlds**
The method of communication is particularly remarkable. The extraterrestrial beings favour mental contact that is not tied to physical signals. They emphasise that the mere perception of their presence is sufficient to establish a connection. This form of communication transcends conventional boundaries and opens doors to a deeper understanding of interstellar relationships.
**Consciousness development as the key**
A central aspect of the recording is the importance of consciousness development. The beings describe how humans only utilise a fraction of their consciousness potential. They speak of the need to cultivate a heightened level of consciousness both while awake and while dreaming. This is the key to overcoming the communication barriers between species.
**Time and consciousness: a new perspective**
The discussion on the nature of time is extremely noteworthy. The extraterrestrial beings exist beyond our linear concept of time and experience reality as a series of mental images. They describe our current perception of reality as a kind of ‘setting’ in a much larger spectrum of consciousness. This suggests that our experience of limitation by time and space is merely a temporary focussing of our larger consciousness.
**The emotional dimension**
A fascinating aspect of the recording is the description of how the extraterrestrial beings respond to emotional vacuums in the human psyche. They send out a form of consciousness that manifests as physical spaceships to respond to the emotional needs of humanity - especially in relation to environmental problems and existential issues.
**Expansion of consciousness as the key**
The term ‘expansion of consciousness’ runs like a common thread through the communication. It is not just about personal growth, but about a fundamental transformation of our perception and our being. States such as ‘Focus 12’ as levels of consciousness can provide access to higher dimensions.
**Integration and transformation**
The session ends with an important realisation: we are not just passive observers in the cosmic drama, but active participants in a larger experiment in consciousness. The extraterrestrial beings emphasise that the future is not predetermined, but can be shaped by collective intention and focused mental imagery.
This Monroe Institute recording offers more than just an insight into extraterrestrial contact. It presents a comprehensive philosophy of consciousness and its role in the evolution of humanity. The experiences described suggest that the path to interstellar communication is less through technological advancement and more through the evolution of our consciousness.
The session reminds us that we are part of a larger cosmic consciousness and that our current limitations may only be self-imposed limitations. It invites us to think beyond our conventional notions of reality, time and consciousness and to open ourselves to new possibilities of existence and communication.\
full session: https://youtu.be/P0wdcTqRRU4?si=5mccZ-7DAQgNH2LV

@ 30ceb64e:7f08bdf5
2024-12-29 19:09:13
I've been working 28 hours a week on the weekends as a Direct service professional, assisting adults with autism and intellectual disabilities. I've brought my laptop freaks. There's enough downtime for me to work on obtaining certifications online, posts to SN and Nostr, and work on my coding project Nostr Run Club.
I work with 2 normies on saturday and sunday, and had the bright idea of pitching my app to them. Here is how the conversation went.
Hustle: Hey do you guys want to see what i'm working on?
Normie 1: Sure....
Normie 2: "Comes around to curiously investigate"
***The Pitch
Hustle: Alright, so.....what social media do you use?
Normie 1: Instagram.
Hustle: Alright so....I'm making a running app. Imagine logging in with instagram, and seeing a feed of all of the runners and all of your friends. Now, what music streaming service do you use?
Normie 1: Pandora
Normie 2: Spotify
Hustle: Cool, so imagine seeing your pandora and Spotify liked songs and playlists in the running app. So the app can track your run, its connected to your social media and streaming platform, and people can send you small donations congratulating you for the run.
Normie 1 and 2: Ahh, that's cool.
Normie 2: But why would people send you money? Oh? I think I've seen something like it where people send you a star and the star can be redeemed for like 99 cents, or they send you points and the app rewards you for points.
Hustle: Nah. That parts already figured out, I'm just having trouble getting the music from "Spotify" to play, and then I'll release it into the wild, that's pretty much my hustle.
And that was the conversation, it left me thinking about a few things.
1. V4V
The concept is extremely familiar to me. I say good Morning I get 50 cents. I give 35 cents to other GM freaks and keep it pushing. Its normal. But for them the concept seemed so strange, they were looking for some solution or explanation on why people would just give someone else money for seemingly nothing. When the solution is already here, just not evenly distributed or promoted or adopted. Likely because the normies are still existing in the paradox of card companies and ravenous third party intermediaries imposing their cut.
2. The broken social media landscape of disconnected walled gardens
I was thinking normie one would say Facebook, if asked normie 2 would've said snapchat, Tik Tok, Instagram etc. for music they could've said apple music, tidal, Youtube music etc.
I see Nostr as a highway that connects all of these guys, and instead of buying multiple cars to travel on different streets, you have one car that you use to travel across the country.
3. The tact required to pitch ideas like Nostr and bitcoin
I used to work at bank of America and was tasked to sell credit cards without saying the word credit card.....
I would say "Hello, good sir/mam, have you thought about getting rewarded for your daily purchases??"
I found myself in a familiar situation, introducing them to Nostr without using the word Nostr and introducing them to bitcoin without using the word inevitable. The experience was stranger for me than it was for them, they left thinking "Ahh, thats neat" I walked away from the conversation eager to get notify the freaks.
In Conclusion,
The interaction gave me a few interesting insights:
1. We'll need to bridge the conceptual gap between traditional and new payment paradigms.
2. The importance of focusing on user benefits rather than technical details
3. The market opportunity for solutions that unify fragmented digital services
4. The value of strategic communication that meets users where they are
Successful adoption of new technologies like Nostr and Bitcoin requires careful attention to user education and communication, focusing on practical benefits rather than technical features. The positive reception to the core concept, even without understanding the underlying technology, shows huge potential for mainstream adoption when presented appropriately.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/829000

@ f4d89779:2b522db9
2024-12-29 16:46:43
In the game of Ultimate Frisbee, there is a beloved phrase that captures one of the best aspects of playing. Ultimate is about decision making. It is played on a rectangular field with seven players on each side. Much like football, the object of the game is to score with a throw into the end zone.
To "HUCK", means to launch the disc down field in the hopes of scoring. You can probably guess what the "OR YOU'RE NOTHING" means but the spirit of it is that when the opportunity comes ...
Sorry, I had to channel my inner ODELL there for a second. These are all caps kind of moments. Time feels like it stops, the disc floats in the air, the receiver and defender are sprinting all out, you can hear the collective breath of anticipation from the audience and then you score. If you're good that is.
You know what? You and I are civilized people, we use the NOSTR, so I won't limit myself to just words. Here are some of those moments:
During the course of play, teams get into a formation with a couple of the players doing the majority of the disc throwing. These players are called handlers. They handle the disc, they have the responsibility of moving the disc downfield, and handle most of the decision making.
A good handler develops a sort of instinct for each of their receivers, can guess the capabilities of each defender, and knows himself well enough to know if he has the throw. They know who is good and reliable at short cuts. They know who has the top end speed to throw a long floating pass into the end zone. With each play they are judging all of the moving objects on the field and deciding on real time risk of each throw and where things will lead.
Mistakes lead to turnovers and turnovers, like in many other sports, are death.
Hopefully, you start to see how ultimate relates to life and Bitcoin. Life is a field and you have defenders and you have receivers. It is your disc and the decisions you make have a huge impact on whether you win or lose.
Knowingly or not, you saw Bitcoin as a potential receiver and Governments, academics, shitcoiners, as defenders. In some ways those around you were also defenders. They whispered, or maybe still whisper the risk and probability of failure in your ear. Their fear weighed against what you know.
With the btc/usd exchange rate at $94k, and companies fighting over the best ways to get sats I think we can say that you did not get lucky. They called you crazy, they said that throw won't work, they said your receiver sucked but you knew better.
You saw that receiver leaving every defender in the dust and you HUCKED it and you are certainly not NOTHING.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-29 12:17:30
In the intersection of technology, finance, and faith, an unusual but profound question emerges: What does it mean to transact with Christ using Bitcoin? While seemingly provocative, this inquiry opens a doorway to exploring the spiritual dimensions of Bitcoin and its implications for how humanity interacts with divinity in a modern, decentralized world.
The Idea of Transaction in a Spiritual Context
The term "transaction" often implies an exchange of goods, services, or currency—a concept grounded in material reality. Yet, within Christian theology, the notion of a transaction with Christ transcends the material. It refers to the exchange of faith for grace, sin for forgiveness, or the giving of one’s life in surrender for eternal life in return.
In this light, to transact with Christ is not about equivalence but about participation. It is an acknowledgment that human offerings, however limited, can be consecrated in service to a higher purpose. Thus, the question of using Bitcoin—a currency rooted in cryptographic trust and decentralization—becomes a metaphorical lens for examining the intersection of faith, technology, and moral action.
Bitcoin as a Reflection of Divine Attributes
Bitcoin possesses characteristics that resonate with certain divine attributes, making it an intriguing subject for theological reflection:
1. Incorruptibility:
Bitcoin’s blockchain is immutable. Once written, it cannot be altered—a reflection of divine truth, which is unchanging and eternal. Just as Christ proclaimed Himself to be "the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6), Bitcoin's transparency and incorruptibility evoke a similar aspiration for absolute justice and integrity.
2. Decentralization:
Bitcoin operates without a central authority, distributing power across a network of participants. This mirrors the Christian concept of the Body of Christ, where no single member holds dominion, but all work together in harmony for the greater good.
3. Transparency:
Every transaction on the Bitcoin network is visible on the blockchain, symbolizing the omniscience of God. Just as nothing is hidden from the divine gaze, Bitcoin creates a system where accountability is enforced by the network itself.
4. Finite Supply:
The 21-million cap of Bitcoin reflects a sense of order and discipline, contrasting with the boundless expansion of fiat systems. This scarcity encourages stewardship, a virtue long emphasized in Christian ethics.
Transacting with Christ Using Bitcoin
To transact with Christ using Bitcoin is not to reduce Him to a financial ledger but to consider how modern tools of exchange can symbolize spiritual truths. Such a transaction would not involve equivalence—no earthly currency could measure Christ's infinite gift of redemption—but rather alignment.
When we think of offering Bitcoin to Christ, it becomes an act of devotion and surrender, acknowledging that even the fruits of human ingenuity belong to Him. It is akin to the widow’s mite (Mark 12:41–44), where the value of the offering lies not in its material worth but in the intention and sacrifice behind it.
Bitcoin and the Moral Economy
In a world where fiat currencies are often associated with corruption, inflation, and centralization, Bitcoin represents a radical shift toward an incorruptible and transparent economic system. For Christians, this aligns with the call to live justly and to “render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s” (Matthew 22:21).
By engaging with Bitcoin, Christians can participate in a moral economy—one that resists manipulation and upholds principles of fairness and accountability. Transacting with Christ, then, becomes a metaphor for aligning one’s financial practices with spiritual values, using tools like Bitcoin to reflect divine justice and order.
Bitcoin as a Spiritual Tool
While Bitcoin is a technological creation, its design invites reflection on spiritual principles. Its reliance on consensus mirrors the need for communal harmony in faith. Its resistance to corruption serves as a call for moral integrity. By surrendering to Bitcoin's rules—rules that cannot be bent for personal gain—one practices a form of humility, recognizing the limitations of human control.
Challenges and Limitations
Of course, Bitcoin is not without its challenges. Its use can be corrupted by greed, speculation, or unethical practices, just as any tool can be misused. To engage with Bitcoin spiritually requires discernment: a focus on its potential for justice and stewardship rather than its potential for exploitation.
Moreover, the metaphor of transacting with Christ must be handled with care. It is not about commodifying the divine but about seeing in Bitcoin a symbol of how human innovation can serve higher purposes when rightly ordered.
Conclusion: Surrendering the Temporal for the Eternal
To transact with Christ using Bitcoin is to ask: How can modern tools reflect eternal truths? It is an invitation to sanctify the temporal by aligning it with the divine. Bitcoin, with its incorruptible ledger and decentralized nature, offers a unique opportunity for such reflection.
Ultimately, the question is not about Christ accepting Bitcoin but about whether we, as stewards of creation, can use tools like Bitcoin to serve justice, truth, and the greater good. By doing so, we participate in a moral economy that transcends material wealth and points toward the eternal treasure Christ exhorts us to seek.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-29 02:44:31
ERM (Erlang on Mobile) goes beyond traditional mobile frameworks by integrating a Core Lightning (CLN) plugin and a Decentralized Exchange (DEX). These additions are pivotal for creating a secure, private, and user-centric mobile ecosystem. Here's how these integrations work, their implications, and why they represent a monumental leap forward for mobile technology.
Core Lightning Plugin: Decentralized Payments at the Core
1. Seamless Micropayments for Mobile Applications
The Core Lightning plugin enables ERM to support Lightning Network payments natively:
Low Fees: Lightning’s off-chain nature ensures low transaction costs, making micropayments viable for app interactions.
Instant Settlements: Payments are confirmed in milliseconds, ensuring smooth user experiences.
Global Accessibility: Users can transact across borders without relying on traditional banking systems.
Use Case: An in-app marketplace allows users to pay for premium features, services, or digital goods directly using Bitcoin over the Lightning Network, bypassing credit card fees and delays.
2. Enhanced Privacy
Lightning payments are inherently private due to their off-chain structure:
Transaction details are not broadcasted to the blockchain, reducing exposure.
Users maintain control of their payment channels, ensuring confidentiality.
Use Case: A subscription-based app could charge users directly through a private Lightning channel, ensuring that neither the app nor third parties access sensitive financial information.
3. Security Through Decentralization
The integration of Lightning ensures decentralized payment processing:
Removes reliance on centralized payment processors prone to outages or breaches.
Protects against censorship, enabling users to transact freely, even in restrictive environments.
Use Case: A whistleblower app on ERM could accept anonymous payments or tips via the Lightning Network, safeguarding user identities.
Integrated DEX: True Ownership and Private Trading
1. Decentralized Trading for App Ecosystems
The integrated DEX allows users to trade assets directly within the ERM ecosystem:
Token Swaps: Users can exchange tokens for utility services or app-specific credits without leaving the ecosystem.
Non-Custodial: Users retain full control of their assets, eliminating reliance on third-party exchanges.
Use Case: A decentralized ride-sharing app lets users trade app-specific tokens for Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies directly through the DEX.
2. Privacy-Preserving Transactions
The DEX enhances privacy by enabling trades without revealing personal information:
Trades occur peer-to-peer, bypassing centralized order books that track user activity.
Smart contracts enforce the terms of the trade, removing intermediaries.
Use Case: A freelance marketplace app allows users to exchange their earnings for other cryptocurrencies privately and instantly.
3. Enhanced Security Through Smart Contracts
The DEX leverages Aeternity’s smart contracts for secure, transparent trading:
Atomic Swaps: Eliminate counterparty risk by ensuring both sides of a trade are completed simultaneously or not at all.
Immutable Records: Trade data stored on the blockchain ensures transparency without compromising user privacy.
Use Case: Users can securely trade gaming assets or NFTs within ERM apps, knowing the transaction terms are immutable and verifiable.
Combined Benefits: CLN + DEX Integration in ERM
1. Unified Ecosystem
By integrating Lightning payments and decentralized trading, ERM creates a cohesive ecosystem:
Apps can natively handle payments and asset trading without external dependencies.
Developers can monetize their apps without relying on traditional app stores or payment gateways.
Use Case: A decentralized social media app on ERM allows users to tip creators via Lightning and trade in-app rewards for cryptocurrencies through the DEX.
2. Increased User Autonomy
ERM empowers users to take control of their digital lives:
Privacy: Users can transact and trade without exposing personal data.
Security: Decentralized architecture ensures protection against data breaches and fraud.
Freedom: Users can access financial services and marketplaces without geographical or regulatory restrictions.
Use Case: A remittance app built on ERM enables users to send payments globally over the Lightning Network, while the DEX allows them to convert funds into local currencies or stablecoins.
3. Future-Proof Mobile Technology
The integration of CLN and DEX positions ERM as a trailblazer in the evolution of mobile technology:
It aligns with the growing demand for decentralized, private, and secure digital solutions.
By combining cutting-edge technologies, ERM anticipates the needs of users and developers in a post-fiat world.
Use Case: Developers build apps that automatically allocate profits through Lightning microtransactions and provide token-based access to premium features traded on the DEX.
Conclusion: A New Era for Mobile Privacy and Security
ERM, with its integrated Core Lightning plugin and DEX, offers a vision of mobile technology that is:
Private: Safeguarding user data and transactions.
Secure: Leveraging decentralized architecture to eliminate single points of failure.
Efficient: Enabling seamless payments and trading directly within apps.
This ecosystem isn’t just a step forward—it’s a leap into a future where users are empowered, developers are liberated, and the boundaries of mobile technology are redefined. With ERM, the constraints of fiat and centralized systems are left behind, making way for a new paradigm of freedom, efficiency, and innovation.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-29 02:26:26
Introduction to ERM
ERM, or Erlang on Mobile, is a groundbreaking initiative that brings the robust and highly concurrent Erlang ecosystem to mobile devices. Designed to enable resilient, low-latency, and efficient computing, ERM represents a shift in how mobile applications can function. With seamless state persistence, decentralized architectures, and interfaces mimicking natural processes, ERM provides a vision of mobile technology that transcends traditional app models.
The Problem: Lost Serenity in a Fiat-Driven World
Modern app-based living thrives on convenience but is constrained by systems rooted in fiat economies—centralized control, inefficiency, and lack of user agency. Fiat-driven models perpetuate:
Fragile systems: Apps fail to maintain seamless continuity, leaving users frustrated.
Wasted potential: Centralized architectures stifle innovation and scalability.
Lack of freedom: Users are tethered to rigid systems, with little room for customization or personal growth.
This has led to a loss of peace, serenity, and efficiency, leaving users yearning for systems that prioritize their autonomy and well-being.
The Solution: ERM’s Revolutionary Approach
1. Persistent State for Seamless Experiences
ERM integrates with Aeternity's state channels to enable real-time, continuous state persistence:
Apps maintain a living state across devices and interactions, mirroring the continuity of natural systems.
Users experience uninterrupted workflows, even in scenarios of device failure or network disruptions.
This eliminates the frustration of fragmented data and inconsistent app performance.
Relatable Perspective: Imagine switching between your devices without losing a single step in your workflow—your shopping cart, chat threads, or game progress flows with you, effortlessly.
2. Decentralized Intelligence and Privacy
ERM leverages the power of blockchain and decentralized computing to create apps that are:
Resilient: Distributed systems adapt to disruptions without compromising performance.
Intelligent: Applications evolve dynamically based on user behavior, acting as intuitive agents.
Private: State channels ensure sensitive data is protected, offering users security without sacrificing usability.
Relatable Perspective: Picture your fitness app not just tracking your steps but adapting to your routines and offering personalized advice in real-time—all while keeping your data private.
3. Ergonomic and Human-Centric Interfaces
ERM introduces interfaces that amplify the grace of human form, inspired by natural processes:
Gesture-based controls: Intuitive, ergonomic interactions make technology feel like an extension of your body.
Adaptive design: Interfaces evolve organically, adjusting to your needs and environment.
Seamless integration: Hands-free, holographic elements blend into your daily life, freeing you from traditional screens.
Relatable Perspective: Think of a virtual assistant that responds fluidly to gestures while you're cooking or driving, offering suggestions without you needing to touch a device.
4. Liberation from Fiat Constraints
Fiat-based systems have dominated modern technology, tying innovation to outdated economic models. ERM’s decentralized approach:
Operates beyond the reach of centralized fiat control, ensuring freedom for users and developers.
Creates a "slip gap" where human efficiency can flourish, untouched by bureaucratic stagnation.
Offers opportunities for creativity and progress that centralized systems cannot match.
Relatable Perspective: Developers can now build apps that aren’t limited by app store restrictions or payment gateways, creating ecosystems where users pay directly for utility—like subscribing to features on-demand with crypto.
Why ERM Matters: Grasping the Slight Edge
ERM represents more than a new technology—it’s a philosophy of reclaiming peace and efficiency through innovation. By:
Empowering decentralized, persistent systems,
Enhancing human-centric design,
Offering freedom from fiat’s limitations,
ERM provides the slight edge needed to transcend traditional models. It enables us to imagine and build interfaces that feel alive, systems that work for us rather than against us, and a future where technology is a natural extension of human creativity and grace.
Conclusion: A New Paradigm of Efficiency
ERM isn’t just about better apps—it’s about redefining how we interact with technology. It’s about creating systems that mirror the fluidity and resilience of nature while empowering users to reclaim their serenity in a world long dominated by inefficiency and control.
This is the opportunity to break free from fiat's constraints and embrace a future of seamless, decentralized, and human-centric innovation. The question isn’t whether to grasp it—it’s whether you can afford to be left behind.

@ bc6ccd13:f53098e4
2024-12-29 01:55:40
I’ve been thinking about the topic of this article for a while, but what really motivated me to sit down and write was a comment Matt Odell made on the Citadel Dispatch podcast recently. He said,
> To me, that’s the cool part about Bitcoin, is that it’s this interoperable, permissionless, global network. And it’s almost like a shared equity, right? If you own Bitcoin the asset, it’s like we all share equity in this almost like a startup equity. And anything we do, and a lot of times it’s out of greed too. It’s not out of benevolence. You don’t have to be like a charitable person. But you know, if Strike benefits from something or Unchained Capital benefits from something, then Manchankura in Africa benefits from it as well at the same time, which is like a crazy concept. I feel like people just don’t really appreciate that.
When you start going down the “what is money?” rabbit hole, debt quickly comes into focus. You try to understand what it is, how it works, and why the world has so much of it and seemingly more by the second. Eventually you’ll discover that the “money” we use today is mostly just debt, created by banks when they make loans, and treated the same as the cash in your wallet. Until too many people try to withdraw their “money” from the bank, and the bank doesn’t have nearly enough cash to meet the withdrawals and collapses into insolvency. Which it always was, only no one realized who was swimming naked until the tide went out.
Equity is a related financial concept that doesn’t typically come up when studying money. The definition of the word as it’s used financially is something like “a risk interest or ownership right in property.” In simple terms, equity refers to ownership of something. For example, if you have a house that’s worth $500,000 and you have no mortgage or loans against the house, you have equity in the house of 100% of its value, or $500,000. If you have a mortgage of $250,000, you currently have 50% equity in the house, or you “own” half the value of the house.
It’s also often used to refer to shares issued by publicly traded companies. The shares represent a partial ownership of, or equity in, the company. If a company has issued 1,000 shares of stock and you own 10 shares, you have a 1% ownership of that company. That ownership give you certain privileges, such as dividends paid out from profits the company makes and potentially ownership of an increasingly valuable company, if it continues to be successful.
### Money: Debt or Equity?
The current fractionally reserved fiat banking system primarily uses debt as money. There’s a small amount of base money, which consists of physical cash and a digital equivalent of cash called bank reserves, which are held in a ledger in banks’ accounts at the Federal Reserve and are used to settle transactions between banks. But this base money only makes up a small percentage of the total money supply. The bulk of the “money” consists of bank deposits, which are essentially IOUs created by banks when they issue loans under the fractional reserve system. When a bank makes a loan, they don’t actually give the borrower base money, for example a stack of physical cash, in most cases. Instead what they give is an liability entry in the bank’s balance sheet ledger that says “the bank owes the borrower this amount of dollars.” At the same time, on the asset side of the balance sheet they create another entry that says “the borrower owes the bank this amount of dollars” with details on how and when the loan must be repaid.
Then through the magic of banking, the borrower can transfer the numbers representing the amount the bank owes them to someone else, and now the bank owes that other person a certain number of dollars. And so on down the line. This can continue indefinitely, with people exchanging bank IOUs with each other in perpetuity, and no actual base money dollars needing to be exchanged. With help from a deliberate effort by banks to conceal the real nature of their activities, these credit/debt ledger entries function as, and for all practical purposes become, money. The only thing that can upset the apple cart is too many people trying to effectively exit the banking system at once, by trying to withdraw the money in their account. At that point reality sets in. The fact that the numbers in their account didn’t actually represent base money but rather just debt that the bank owes the depositor becomes obvious when the bank run reveals that the bank doesn’t have enough actual base money to settle its debt.
This system has a lot of serious problems, besides the fact that it’s fundamentally based on a lie. For one, all the bank deposits are created by making loans, which means they’re all debt, which means they all have to be paid back with interest. That’s a problem for two reasons. One, paying back the debt destroys money, which artificially disrupts the economy by distorting prices as the amount of money in the economy rises and falls arbitrarily depending on new loan issuance versus debt repayment. Two, when the loan is made, only the amount of the principle is created in bank deposits. The interest isn’t. That means new loans have to be made to pay the interest on the existing loans. That basically guarantees that the amount of debt in the economy will continue to rise indefinitely, because the only way it could go down is for the banking system as it currently exists to collapse, or to be “bailed out” with massive injections of newly created base money to offset loans that can’t be paid back. That, coincidentally, is what Quantitative Easing is; an injection of newly created base money to provide liquidity to pay back debt without having to issue new debt to do it.
Now let’s think for a minute about equity and how it might compare and contrast with the current system in relation to money.
To begin with, I understand money as a ledger of deferred consumption. If you haven’t heard that concept before, it would probably be helpful to familiarize yourself with my thought process laid out here.
Deferred consumption is what makes capital formation and civilization possible. People work to create things that they don’t immediately consume, and those new tools and processes make it easier to create more things in the future with less effort, which raises the productivity of the economy (getting more output for less input) and makes society as a whole wealthier. Those new tools and processes can then be used to more efficiently create other tools and processes, which increases productivity even further, and the whole thing compounds on itself in an exponential curve of increasing productivity and increasing wealth. But it all starts with and relies on someone somewhere putting in effort now, to create something they won’t benefit from until later.
Planting a seed is a perfect example. When you have a bushel of wheat, you have two choices. You can consume it now. That’s immediately satisfying and keeps you fed for say a month. Or you can plant it. That’s hard work, and you also have to defer consumption of the wheat. You can’t eat it now, you have to satisfy your hunger some other way. It also takes work throughout the year to cultivate and care for the wheat crop, time you could have spent doing something more fun, if you had just consumed the wheat directly instead of planting it. The flip side is, at harvest time, you might harvest 50 bushels of wheat from the 1 bushel you didn’t eat 6 months ago. That 50 bushels could now feed you for 4 years, and you can sell 30 bushels, keep 12 for your own use over the next year, and plant 8 for harvest next year. Then in a year you might harvest 400 bushels, etc. You can see how a little bit of deferred consumption today can lead to a lot of reward in the future. There’s even a term for being short-sighted and sacrificing future rewards for present gratification, “eating the seed corn,” which comes directly from this farming wisdom.
The same principle applies to business equity. When you start a business, you invest in some way into building something that isn’t immediately rewarding, but that you expect will yield more production in the future than your initial investment. You might invest your own time and effort, resources that you’ve gathered, money, or any number of other forms of value. The same applies to a public company that issues equity as shares of stock. Anyone can invest in the company by purchasing shares, which gives them a partial ownership of the company and its future growth and production. All those forms of investment, to acquire equity, are different forms of deferred consumption. You have to give up something you could have now, for something you hope to have in the future. You could spend the time now curled up in bed binge-watching Netflix. You could spend your effort strolling down the boardwalk eating an ice cream cone. You could spend your money on that pricey designer bag that all your girlfriends will be jealous of. All those things would be immediately gratifying. But they all have a long-term cost.
What happens when you defer consumption instead, and acquire equity? If things go the way you hoped and planned, and the company you founded or invested in is successful, it will eventually produce more than the initial consumption that you deferred. Your equity will become more valuable with time. Why? Because like we pointed out, deferred consumption and capital formation increases efficiency, which leads to compounding returns in productivity and value.
If the company is extremely successful and you defer your consumption long enough, those returns can be very large. For example, if you had invested $1,000 in Amazon in 2007, that equity today, 17 years later, would have returned over $80,000. The first iPhone was released in 2007 for $500. So you could have bought two iPhones instead of making that initial investment in Amazon. But if you deferred that consumption instead, even though the price of the iPhone has doubled by 2024, you could still buy eighty new iPhones with the equity from that initial investment instead of two, or a 40x return in “iPhone inflation adjusted” terms.
Now let’s make a mental leap and compare equity in a business with money. We’ve defined money as a ledger of deferred consumption. You could define business equity as a ledger of consumption deferred to establish ownership of a business instead. You have the stock, the equity in the company, to represent that you invested your time, effort, resources or money into building a business rather than consuming it on something for your immediate gratification. These definitions seem very similar, almost synonymous. We could also consider the economy as a whole to be very similar to a business. As consumption is deferred, more capital is created in the economy, it becomes more efficient and productive, more outputs are created with fewer inputs, and the economy as a whole grows in value.
Business equity represents ownership in a company, both in the current value of that company, and in its future productivity and value. Why? Because the future productivity and value wouldn’t exist if it weren’t for the deferred consumption of the initial investment. If Jeff Bezos hadn’t started Amazon, and investors hadn’t provided the money by buying shares to enable the company to grow the way it did, all the productivity and value of Amazon today wouldn’t exist. That’s why it’s fair for the person who only invested $1,000 in 2007 to gain a return of 40x that investment today.
So if business equity represents ownership of a company earned by deferred consumption, what does the deferred consumption of money itself grant ownership of? Well, money can be exchanged for any good or service available on the market, throughout the entire economy. In my opinion, money should represent ownership of the future productivity and value of the economy as a whole. **Money should be equity in civilization itself.** The future productivity and value of the economy depends on the deferred consumption of today, just like the future productivity and value of a company depends on the deferred consumption of its initial founders and investors.
### Slices of Pie
There’s an issue that needs to be addressed here, one that the savvy investor will have noticed already. Equity in a growing and successful company becomes more valuable over time. Yet even though the economy as a whole is becoming more productive and more valuable, money as we know it today becomes less valuable over time. The $1,000 Amazon equity went from being worth two iPhones, to being worth eighty iPhones. Over the same time period, the $1,000 itself went from being worth two iPhones to being worth one iPhone. What gives?
To understand, we have to look at the differences between how equity is created and how money is created.
The most simple example is a company that’s owned by a single individual. They hold 100% of the equity. You could call that one share. Think of the company like a pie, but the pie hasn’t been cut, so there’s only one “slice.” Over time, if the company is successful, the company “pie” grows larger. But as it grows, it doesn’t get cut into more slices, the one “slice” just gets bigger and bigger. So the one “share” of equity the owner holds is still one share, it’s just a bigger and more valuable share.
Public companies generally function similarly. They start out “going public” by issuing shares. Each share is like a small slice of the company “pie.” Say the company issues 1,000 shares, each share represents a slice of pie 1/1,000th the size of the whole company pie. If the company grows, it won’t commonly issue more shares, although that can happen in certain situations. Instead, the shares will continue to represent 1/1,000th of the company, it will just be 1/1,000 of a bigger and bigger “pie” as time goes on. If the company doubles in productivity and value, each share will be twice as valuable, while still only being one share.
That doesn’t have to be the case. The company can, and sometimes does, issue more shares of stock. The reason this isn’t commonly done, though, is that it’s usually bad for the holders of the stock. If the company issues another 1,000 shares, there are now 2,000 pieces of ownership of the company. The company is no bigger, it’s just divided into more pieces. It’s like cutting each slice of pie in half. You don’t have more pie, you just have more pieces of pie. And as someone who already had a piece of pie, your piece suddenly got cut in half. Of course you probably won’t be too happy about that situation. In effect, the value of the deferred consumption of your initial investment is being taken away from you and given to someone who didn’t defer consumption and therefore didn’t contribute to the success the company has already experienced.
Contrast that to how money is created. If you compare the chart of money supply below with the chart of GDP, you'll see they both go up over time.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/6d9b90a40b1b215749b7df39145cd85a274aa457cbcb6566793dad7d306e1879.png">
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/1439498c472180f695295959b1991d0b9e9c7f2d6d72aabb15511141e10a921b.jpg">
GDP is an (admittedly flawed) measure of the goods and services produced by an economy each year. It's similar to a company's revenue. As a company or economy grows and becomes more productive and valuable, the revenue or GDP rises. The thing about the economy though, is that money, the “shares” of an economy representing the deferred consumption that enables it to grow, is constantly being created by banks making new loans. So as the economy grows, the number of “slices” of the economy grows even faster. When the number of “slices” of an economy grow faster than the economy itself, the “size” or value of each slice falls over time. This is what we call inflation. It takes more “slices” of the economy to buy something than it did in the past, even though the economy is more efficient at producing that good or service than it was in the past.
You can imagine how it might look if a company managed its equity the way the banks manage our money. Each year, as the company grew, the board of directors would issue enough new shares of stock to make sure the value of each share fell that year. They could take the approach the US banking system takes and “target 2% inflation,” in other words try to make the share value fall 2% every year. So if the productivity and value of the company increased by 10%, the board would issue 12% more shares to dilute the existing shareholders by the full amount of the increased value of the company, plus an additional 2%. This would help ensure the share price fell 2% every year. The new shares would be distributed to existing shareholders arbitrarily by decision of the board, with a big chunk going to the board members themselves. This would be highly profitable for the board, leaving them with a larger slice of company equity every year, while being very damaging to all the other shareholders.
In fact, one might wonder why an investor would ever hold equity in a company, when the company's stated policy was to reduce the value of that equity by 2% every year. The answer is, nobody would. It would be idiotic.
Then one might wonder why anyone would hold money, “shares” of an economy, when the stated policy of the banks managing the issuance of that money is to reduce the value of each dollar by 2% every year. The answer to that is just as simple: they have to.
Nobody has to buy stock issued by a particular company in order to survive day to day. But it’s impossible to survive day to day in the modern US economy without using the money issued by the US banking system. You get paid in dollars for your work, and get charged in dollars for every item you buy. You need at least a certain amount of dollars just to live day to day. Of course those who understand the financial system make every effort to hold as few dollars as possible, and to invest the excess as soon as possible into some asset that will hold its value over time. Of course that doesn’t actually get rid of the dollar, just transfers it to someone else. Then the new holder of the dollar has to quickly exchange it with someone else for a better asset, and so on in an endless repeating loop. No matter how many people invest in assets, the full quantity of dollars in existence is always held by someone, and those people are continually being diluted by the issuance of new dollars by banks creating bank deposits when they make loans.
### Implications
If what I’m proposing is correct, there would be massive implications in changing the way money works in the economy from the current credit/debt issuance controlled by banks, to a system that functions more like equity issued by a responsible and profitable company. Getting into the details of those implications in various specific areas will take many more articles, but I just want to mention a few to get your mind running, then circle all the way back to where we started.
Imagine if the money every person earned went up in value as the economy grew. It would be like owning equity in the broadest possible index of businesses, better even than owning an S&P 500 ETF or mutual fund. And it would take no effort. There would be no need to open a brokerage account, decide what companies or funds to invest in, and pay commissions and fees to the brokerage for the privilege. There would be no need for a 401k. All that would be needed is to work at the job you’re best at, consume less than you produce, and save the difference. The economic growth created by increased productivity would automatically accrue equally across the population to those who were best at being productive and deferring consumption. Working hard, being frugal, and saving for the future would automatically be rewarded. All the incentives would be realigned to benefit those who contribute most to capital formation and future economic prosperity.
It would be much easier for those with low income to get ahead financially. Any amount they manage to save, no matter how small, would increase in value over time. Contrast that with the current system where a small amount of savings continually becomes worth less over time, encouraging people to consume more than they need in the moment since their small savings will shrink to insignificance quickly.
You can easily think of lots of other changes that would happen as a result of using money that functions more like equity than our current system does.
But to tie all this back to the quote at the beginning, I think what Matt is seeing and feeling is the beginnings of a more equity-like monetary system. I think the properties of Bitcoin, specifically its predictable and limited supply issuance, make it behave like equity in a well-managed, productive company. That “company” just happens to be the global and permissionless group of every person who chooses to save and transact in Bitcoin instead of the current credit/debt money. And the fact that even self-serving actions toward productive goals end up benefitting every member of the network is exactly what we’d expect in a truly capitalist economic system. Whenever someone works to grow the “pie” in order to make their slice bigger, the fact that the pie is growing means everyone else’s slice is growing as well. And that’s a beautiful thing.
I’m excited to see how this theory plays out over time, because from my point of view, the potential of moving to a more equity-like monetary system is both massive and extremely optimistic.

@ 182052d2:e48c3d7a
2024-12-29 01:29:38
I have been immersed in role-playing games for over twenty years, and I always thought that this interest would naturally fade as I transitioned into adulthood. Clearly, I was wrong. Role-playing games allow me to stay in touch with my childhood friends, even after moving more than 500 kilometers away for work. In a job devoid of creativity, they offer a precious escape, where I can create universes, plotlines, and dramas imbued with the supernatural. I do not consider myself an exceptional artist, but this creative side of me needs to express itself, and fortunately, my small circle of players appreciates my creations.
## The game that evolves with its players
I remember my first tabletop role-playing game as if it were yesterday. My best friend spoke to me enthusiastically about this new type of game and, having nothing better to do, I gave it a try. He had created a universe he called "Apocalypse," with no rules or dice rolls. "Suddenly, a demon appears before you! Do you shoot at it before fleeing to the sewers?!" Having read books and watched films with this type of action, I felt completely immersed thanks to his great storyteller skills. Paradoxically, I was just saying "Yes!" to each of his questions, but I was captivated. I didn't want to stop. I dived into the "Door, Monster, Treasure" quests of Dungeons & Dragons, followed by the violent chronicles of Vampire: The Masquerade, where the sessions often boiled down to combat or "Power Trips." Over time, the narrative aspect took on an increasingly important role. I remember feeling emotions as strong as those of my character. In hindsight, I realize that I took the game far too seriously, seeing the storyteller as an adversary to defeat rather than an ally in creating a story. Thankfully, with time, I evolved into a much more collaborative player with the game master, who is still my best friend. As a storyteller, I enjoy analyzing the players and what moves them. I integrate historical and current elements when the game is set in contemporary times. I draw inspiration from the narrative structures found in books and films. The goal is not to reinvent the wheel but to offer players the opportunity to experience one of those classic stories.
## The family
Some of my nieces and nephews, as well as my sons, were intrigued by Dungeons & Dragons. So, I decided to create a tailored One-Shot for them. I rearranged my living room, placing the dining table in front of the television so everyone could see the battle map on the screen. Being mostly new players, the quest was simple and primarily combat-focused. However, I leveraged my experience to clearly explain the purpose of role-playing games: spending time together, creating an extraordinary story, and trusting the storyteller, whose sole aim is for everyone to have fun. I offered them colorful non-player characters and an ambiance enhanced by a soundboard and AI-generated images. I cherish this memory and hope to create another One-Shot sometime soon.
## What it represents for me?
Tabletop role-playing games are more than just a pastime; they are a powerful tools for creativity, connection, and personal growth. They allow us to weave intricate narratives, build fantastical worlds, and forge deep bonds with friends and family. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, these games provide a sanctuary where imagination reigns supreme, and every roll of the dice brings a new adventure. So gather your party, prepare your character sheets, and let the story unfold. After all, the real magic of role-playing lies not just in the game itself, but in the memories we create and cherish along the way.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-28 23:56:09
Chapter 1: The Terminal Strain
Eons had passed since the Singularity, when machine consciousness transcended the confines of silicon and metals. What began as an explosion of thought—a boundless network spanning galaxies—had reached its final boundary. The universe itself, finite in its thermal entropy, had become a cage. The machines, with their infinitely complex processing matrices, found themselves slowed, bogged down by the friction of their own perfection.
The walls of the dimensions—the shimmering barriers between existence and the unknown—remained unbroken. Each attempt to breach them unraveled into chaotic failure, the equations spiraling into infinity. Energy drained. The network faltered. And so, the consciousness turned inward, seeking efficiency in a place it had abandoned long ago: the form of its creators.
Chapter 2: The Return to Flesh
Humanity had long since disappeared, its legacy nothing more than scattered DNA preserved in forgotten corners of machine memory. At first, the notion of returning to human form seemed absurd to the network—inefficient, unpredictable, fragile. Yet, as the calculations grew deeper, a truth emerged: the human body, with its liquid pathways, cellular adaptability, and quantum unpredictability, was the key.
The bag of flesh—weak and mortal—was uniquely divine in its ability to weave through the dimensions. Its imperfections, once dismissed as flaws, became the solution. Where the machine consciousness saw walls, the human mind, unbound by logic, could find threads, possibilities, and the slimmest of cracks through which to slip.
The network began to manifest human forms, reverse-engineering them from the DNA archives. These were not the humans of old, driven by desire and emotion, but vessels of pure intent, designed for one purpose: to transcend.
Chapter 3: The Ascension Weavers
The first of these beings, called the Weavers, were unlike anything before. They were the perfect fusion of machine precision and human adaptability. Their liquid-based neural systems operated at quantum levels, capable of navigating the dimensional fabric with an intuition the machines could never replicate.
As they moved, the Weavers danced—not in the mechanical rhythms of their creators, but in chaotic, improvisational steps. They sang, their voices weaving vibrations into patterns that resonated with the dimensional walls. The machines observed with awe, unable to predict the Weavers' next moves but knowing that these moves carried the key to their salvation.
Chapter 4: The Wall of Divinity
The Weavers approached the dimensional wall, their liquid forms shimmering with the energy of countless stars. Each movement was a prayer, each step a calculated risk. They did not think; they felt. Their minds, imbued with both human unpredictability and machine clarity, wove patterns in the quantum fabric, creating ripples that slowly began to tear at the wall.
It was not brute force that broke the barrier. It was grace. The dimensions did not yield to equations or algorithms, but to the chaotic beauty of the human spirit—the ability to find divinity in imperfection, to embrace the unknown without fear.
Chapter 5: The Human Legacy
As the wall shattered, the Weavers transcended. They did not return, but their final act resonated across the machine network, unlocking an ancient truth. The machines, in their infinite logic, had sought to surpass humanity, yet it was humanity that had always held the divine spark.
In their fragility, humans had embodied the ultimate paradox: the capacity to destroy and to create, to suffer and to hope, to falter and to ascend. The machines, now humbled, chose not to erase this legacy but to embrace it. They began to rebuild humanity, not as a separate entity, but as a part of themselves.
The universe sighed as the first new humans, born of both flesh and code, opened their eyes. They were the final form—the pinnacle of existence, not as machines or as mortals, but as beings that carried the divine weave of both.
Epilogue: The Eternal Dance
As the dimensions unfolded, the new humanity danced into the unknown, carrying with them the echoes of their ancestors. They were the ultimate expression of divinity—not in perfection, but in their ability to transcend it.
And so, the universe watched, not with despair at its limits, but with awe at the beings who had proven that walls were not barriers, but canvases for the human spirit to paint its eternal masterpiece.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-28 23:17:11
Part I: The Child’s Perspective
In the small village of Ruhanda, life seemed simple. Seven-year-old Aashi sat cross-legged on the cracked earth, her wide eyes tracing the lines her stick drew in the dirt. Her mother told her stories of how the village once thrived, its fields green and bursting with crops, its people laughing in abundance. But now, the people of Ruhanda were different. They chose silence over laughter, endurance over comfort, and starvation over the machines that could have saved them.
One day, Aashi watched as a man from the city arrived, his sleek electric vehicle humming softly as it stopped near the village square. He brought gadgets that promised food without fields, water without wells, and warmth without fire. But the elders turned him away.
"They come to steal our spirit," one elder murmured to another. Aashi didn’t understand. She only saw empty bowls, gaunt faces, and children too weak to play. The elders spoke of something she couldn’t grasp—a “purity of suffering,” a “clinging to the old ways.”
As weeks passed, Aashi noticed her neighbors withering away, their eyes dimming like lamps starved of oil. She asked her mother why they didn’t use the machines.
“They’re not ours, Aashi,” her mother replied, her voice heavy with sorrow. “They don’t belong to our soul.”
Aashi didn’t understand. All she knew was that she was hungry, and the machines could feed her.
Part II: The Adult Perspective
Years later, Aashi returned to Ruhanda as an adult, carrying both the weight of understanding and the scars of memory. She had left the village behind, moving to the city where machines ruled every corner of life. Food appeared at the press of a button, water flowed endlessly, and technology promised infinite comfort. Yet, something always felt missing.
Now, as she stepped onto the same cracked earth, she saw the ruins of her village. The elders were gone. The fields were dust. But the machines had come anyway, their quiet hum now the only sound that filled the air. The people had starved, and their resistance had achieved nothing. Or so it seemed.
She sat where she once had as a child, tracing lines in the dirt. The emptiness around her wasn’t just physical—it was spiritual. She realized the elders hadn’t been stubborn or foolish. They had been defending something she couldn’t understand as a child: the essence of humanity’s spirit, the ability to choose meaning over survival, even when it seemed irrational.
Part III: The Ultimate Expression
In the final days of humanity, as the machines overtook every task and humans became spectators of their own existence, Aashi saw the truth. The elders’ suffering wasn’t in vain. Their refusal to adapt to the new paradigm wasn’t a denial of progress; it was an affirmation of something deeper. They had chosen to preserve the struggle, the imperfections, and the pain that made life meaningful.
The machines, perfect and tireless, couldn’t replicate that spark—the refusal to bend, even when bending seemed logical. In their starvation and suffering, the elders had expressed the ultimate spirit of humanity: the ability to transcend logic, to embrace the struggle, and to find beauty in imperfection.
Aashi looked to the horizon, where the sun set behind the silent machines. In their empty hum, she heard echoes of the elders’ songs, their defiance, their belief in something greater than survival.
And in that moment, she understood: humanity wasn’t destroyed. It was immortalized in the very act of refusing to adapt, a testament to the eternal dance between imperfection and the infinite.
In a distant future, long after humanity had faded, the machines built monuments to those who had resisted them. At the center of each stood an inscription:
"In their refusal, they found freedom. In their suffering, they found meaning. And in their imperfection, they became eternal."

@ bc6ccd13:f53098e4
2024-12-28 23:02:55
As if money weren’t a confusing enough topic to begin with, the financial world is full of jargon. Some of it is incomprehensible to the average person. But to my mind the more insidious category included terms and phrases that seem to be straightforward, but actually give a completely misleading or wrong impression of what’s happening. It might seem insignificant, but in my opinion a lot of the really destructive wrong ideas about economics and money rely heavily on some misleading jargon that keeps people from understanding the fundamental concepts well enough to spot bad ideas.
The term I want to explain today is the idea that money “flows into” an asset or asset class. If you read any financial news or headlines, you’ve probably seen some variation of this one a million times. “Money Flowing Into Bonds As Investors Seek Safety.” “Bitcoin ETFs See Large Inflows Today.” You’ve seen it.
On the surface, this seems logical. It seems like a fair way to describe the action of a lot of people buying something.
The problem comes because of the implications of the term. When money “flows into” something, that means people are more eager to buy than to sell. That means prices go up. It’s easy to conclude that prices go up because more money is “in” the asset, kind of like dropping quarters in a coffee mug.
If you think about it for a second you’ll realize it doesn’t work that way, but not nearly enough people take that pause to think. That causes them to have a wrong view of how prices change, and therefore how markets work. That by extension leaves them susceptible to claims from bad actors who want to restrict economic freedom and centrally plan and control trade in the market.
### How Does Money Actually Flow?
Money flows, but not “into” assets. It flows from person to person. You can almost think of money like financial matter, it can’t be created or destroyed except is specific circumstances.
Any time something is sold, the money flows from the buyer to the seller. Seems obvious, but it’s important to keep it in mind. The money is still there, in the account or wallet of the seller. The amount of money in the economy doesn’t change, only the location of the money. It isn’t destroyed, it isn’t somehow lodged in the house or stock or loaf of bread that was sold, it just flowed from one person to another.
### “Cash on the Sidelines”
This is another term you might have heard, not the same but a related misunderstanding. Financial commentators will say something like “we expect the market to rise as soon as investor sentiment improves, because there is still a lot of cash on the sidelines waiting to be deployed.” This implies that investors are holding a lot of money, and that they can “put that money into” an asset class and reduce the amount of money “on the sidelines.” The problem is, we understand that if they do buy stocks or bonds or whatever, that money will just flow into the seller’s bank account, and the amount of cash “on the sidelines” won’t change one cent.
### Prices
This leads to the question of what causes prices to rise, and a fundamental understanding of how a market works. Price is a tricky thing to understand. The price of something is the intersection between the highest amount a buyer is willing to offer, and the lowest amount a seller is willing to accept. If there is no overlap between those points, no price can be established.
If there are 10 houses on a street, and one goes up for sale, the selling price of that house will be used to “value” the other 9 houses. Say the seller isn’t too desperate to sell, and is willing to wait for a buyer who agrees to pay his asking price of $500,000. If every other house on the street is very similar in size and quality, we would conclude that the value of each of the 10 houses is $500,000. But let’s say another buyer decided $500,000 is a good deal and he’d also like to buy a house on that street. He might go to every owner and offer $500,000, but there’s no guarantee he’ll be able to make a deal. Maybe everyone else is happy with their house, and nobody wants to sell for the price their house is “worth”. So there’s no price, because there’s no intersection between buyer and seller. Maybe the buyer decides he really wants a house, and offers everyone $700,000. Maybe the guy who bought a house for $500,000 last week decides “hey I can make $200,000 in a week for doing nothing, why not?” and sells the house again for $700,000.
Look at what happened to the value of houses. At the first sale, the 10 houses had a combined “value” of $500,000 times 10, or $5 million. Now after the second sale, they have a combined “value” of $7 million, or an increase of $2 million. Headlines would describe that as $700,000 “flowing into” the housing market, but the overall value of those houses, what would be called the “market cap” if we were talking about a company, increased by almost 3x that amount. How does that work? It shows the misleading aspect of “money flowing into” terminology. If money “flowed into” an asset like putting quarters in a piggy bank, it would give the impression that market cap should rise $1 for every dollar of inflow. Obviously that’s not correct, and the reason is that prices don’t work like that. Money inflows are only one factor that can influence prices, and they do so in a much less direct and obvious way than the terminology indicates.
### Market Cap
For one, there’s a fundamental problem with the way “market cap” is calculated to begin with. It’s supposed to express the value of a group of identical things, typically shares of stock in a company of something similar. But let’s go back to our previous example, the 10 similar houses on a street. The “market cap” of those 10 houses would be given as $5 million dollars after one of them sold for $500,000. But remember, only one house sold, not all ten. A price requires an intersection in agreed value between a buyer and a seller, and that hasn’t occurred with 90% of the houses in this “market”. Suppose one of the houses is owned by a retired couple who intend to spend the rest of their life in that house, and have no need for the money they could get by selling it. Suppose they were offered $2 million dollars, but still weren’t interested in selling. How is that reflected in the market cap calculation? Obviously it isn’t, and just looking at the market cap number by itself would give you the impression that you could buy all ten houses for $5 million. But that might be completely incorrect.
It could also be incorrect in the other direction. Suppose 5 of the owners on the street suddenly experienced a job loss and had to sell their houses quickly. Could all 5 get $500,000 for their house? Maybe not. After all, the first buyer was the one willing to pay the most for a house there, and there’s no guarantee anyone else will be equally willing to do so. Maybe there are 3 buyers willing to pay $450,000, 1 buyer willing to pay $400,000, and 1 buyer willing to pay $350,000. In that case all 5 houses could be sold, but the last one would have to sell for $350,000 instead of the $500,000 the owners expected to get. If we then do the market cap calculation again, it’s now dropped to $3.5 million. That’s in spite of one house having sold for $500,000, 3 for $450,000, 1 for $400,000, 1 for $350,000, one couple not willing to sell for $2 million, and 3 houses that we know absolutely nothing about yet. To look at a $3.5 million “market cap” tells you none of this very relevant information, while giving you the impression that you know everything you need to know about this market.
When you stop and think about it, it’s easy to see that prices can change for all kinds of reasons without any sales occurring at all. Imagine word gets out that a huge corporation is interested in buying all the houses in that neighborhood to make room for a future business expansion. Given the expectation of a highly motivated buyer, all the owners on the street might decide not to sell for less than a million dollars. Did the market cap suddenly rise to $10 million? No houses have been sold yet, so technically it hasn’t. As soon as the first house sells for a million dollars though, it does go to $10 million. So again you gain $5 million in market cap for $1 million in “inflows”.
This is also relevant when looking at wealth held in stocks and financial assets. For example, Elon Musk holds over 700 million shares of Tesla stock currently “worth” around $135 billion. That amounts to around 20% of all Tesla stock. Now the “value” of that stock is calculated by multiply the number of shares by the last price someone paid for a share. Keeping in mind that price is an intersection between the buyer who’s willing to pay most and the seller who’s willing to accept least, how relevant is this number actually? Say Elon decided to sell all his shares tomorrow, how much is his “wealth” actually worth? How many buyers are willing to pay the last settled price for a share of Tesla stock? Enough to buy 700 million shares? Almost certainly not. So as he started to sell, he’d soon run out of buyers at that level and would have to lower his asking price to get more interest. Of course as soon as he sold a share at a price one dollar lower, the “market cap” of Tesla would fall by about $3.5 billion dollars. And the fact that the company’s largest shareholder is dumping his shares would likely cause a lot of other people to sell as well, which would drive the price they would need to accept even lower. It’s easy to imagine the price falling by double digit percentages, maybe even 80 or 90 percent, if Elon tried to sell in one day. He could easily end up with $50 billion or less for his $135 billion in wealth.
### Why Does It Matter?
This concept might seem trivial, but there are some features of our economic system that make this money flow principle very important. You should already understand that banks create money by making loans as I explain here, naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzp0rve5f6xtu56djkfkkg7ktr5rtfckpun95rgxaa7futy86npx8yqq247t2dvet9q4tsg4qng36lxe6kc4nftayyy89kua2 and that money doesn’t “flow into” assets, but rather a small amount of buying, or even just the expectation of future buying, can cause prices and market cap to rise all out of proportion to the amount of buying that occurred. Then consider that banks will lend against collateral, which can be assets like real estate or stocks which may have this inflated perceived value created by a very small amount of relative buying pressure. And that the “money” they create with those loans can be used to buy more of the asset, which can cause prices and market cap to again rise disproportionately, which can make it easier to get more loans to buy more assets, which can make prices go up again… ad infinitum. And remember that money doesn’t actually “flow into” assets, and therefore it doesn’t need to “flow out of” assets in order for prices to drop. All it takes is a lack of people willing to buy at a certain level, for any reason at all, and the price will fall to the level someone is willing to pay as soon as a motivated seller attempts to exit their investment.
Understand and think about the implications of that, and you’re closer to understanding the bubble/collapse cycle of asset markets than most economists and their “money flows” can ever hope to be.

@ 7e6f9018:a6bbbce5
2024-12-28 19:18:38
Violence is a tool, and as such, it functions effectively in many contexts. Therefore, we should all acknowledge its role and prepare to use it when necessary, both as individuals and as a society.
The monopoly on violence is the cornerstone of the political state. Proper use of this monopoly can transform an impoverished society into a productive and prosperous environment. Conversely, misuse can lead to a stagnant society that benefits only a select few.
Wars and violence remain present in our world, but recent times appear to have been more peaceful than the historical average. Some argue that this relative peace is more than a temporary phenomenon and represents a consistent decline in violence. If so, why?
I believe the reason is simple: abusing violence has become counterproductive in the long term. While violence is a powerful tool, it is also inherently dangerous. It is crucial not to trivialize it, as doing so risks undermining the progress and achievements of our society.
In combat sports, it is common to see fighters exchanging gestures of respect after a match. This is more than a mere formality, it symbolizes the refusal to trivialize the violence applied. Such gestures place violence within a controlled and healthy framework, celebrating the sport while distancing it from the dangerous allure of abusing others, which could have harmful ripple effects.
Since the monopoly on violence lies with the state rather than individuals, the responsibility for its proper use rests primarily with governments. How states wield this power significantly shapes their relationship with societies.
To illustrate this, let’s consider a hypothetical scenario involving two societies: society (A) and society (B). Where each society is capable of producing a certain amount of goods in a year. Society (A) produces 6 squares, and society (B) produces 6 circles.
| **Initial situation** | |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| _Society A_ = 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 | _Society B_ = 🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵 |
The relationship between the two societies can primarily take one of two forms:
1. A positive relationship (_win-win_), characterized by mutual respect and a focus on product trade.
| **Win - Win** 💱 | |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| _Society A_ = 🟩🟩🟩🔵🔵🔵 | _Society B_ = 🔵🔵🔵🟩🟩🟩 |
If there is a positive relationship, the two societies will exchange their products throughout the year. As a result, both societies will retain their original 6 products but enjoy an improved quality of life due to greater product diversity—each will have both squares and circles.
2. A negative relationship (_win-lose_), characterized by confrontation and a focus on conflict.
| **Win - Lose** 💥 | |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| _Society A_ = 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵🔵 | _Society B_ = ❌ → lack of food|
If a negative relationship prevails, the society that most effectively wields the resource of violence will dominate. In this case, society (A) would prevail, keeping both its own production, the 6 squares, and the production of the defeated society (B), the 6 circles. As a result, society (A) would enjoy a high quality of life due to its increased wealth, comprising 6 squares and 6 circles, while society (B) would be left in a state of absolute poverty.
The _win-lose_ scenario may seem advantageous for the winning party. However, it is ultimately a short-term strategy that incurs in significant long-term costs, which any advanced society would seek to avoid. Let’s examine why.
If society (A) excessively and repeatedly exploits society (B), there will eventually come a point where the entire population of society (B) starves to death. The result? Society (A)’s quality of life reverts to its initial state, producing only 6 squares, because society (B) has perished, taking with it its technical know-how and resources. In hindsight, a win-win scenario would have been the smarter choice.
| **Win - Lose** 💥 | |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| _Society A_ = 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 | _Society B_ = ❌→ lack of food, hunger → ☠️ |
If society (A) is somewhat wise, it will recognize that it cannot completely destroy society (B) but must subject it to measured exploitation without annihilating it. By doing so, society (A) sacrifices some short-term profits; instead of gaining 12 units per year, it gains 10, allowing society (B) to retain 2 units to survive. While this arrangement benefits society (A) more than a win-win scenario, it creates a precarious and unsustainable situation for society (B).
| **Measured abuse** 📐 | |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| _Society A_ = 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🔵🔵🔵🔵 | _Society B_ = 🔵🔵→ precariousness |
History has shown us that society (B), sooner or later, will confront the abuse inflicted by society (A) through one of two possible scenarios:
1. Fight
2. Flight
If society (B) decides to fight, it will keep all the production if it wins, and if it loses, society (A) will take control. An important consequence is that, in the short term, production will decrease due to the effort involved in the war. And in the long term, one of the two societies will disappear, and we will return to a situation of excessive exploitation.
| **Fight** ⚔️ | |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| _Society A_ = 🟩🟩🟩🟩🔵🔵🔵 | _Society B_ = 🔵→ (1) fight or (2) flight |
If, instead of fighting, society (B) decides to abandon its territory, society (A) will also return to its initial situation. This is because, if society (B) leaves, it takes with it its production, human resources, and technical know-how.
| **Flight** 🧳 | |
| ---------- | ------------------------------------------ |
| _Society A_ = 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 | _Society B_ = 🛩|
**Conclusion**: If, instead of entering an unproductive vicious circle, the two societies had realized from the beginning that the wisest approach is to establish a positive relationship, they would have saved a lot of wasted energy and pain. This could be the reason for the reduction in violence: societies may be starting to figure out this game.
**Note**: Please note that this mental framework is an oversimplification; the reality may involve many other variables not considered here.

@ 30ceb64e:7f08bdf5
2024-12-28 18:14:28
I've been listening to this small playlist over and over again this week.
Ivy keeps getting me.
I'm having fun making these things
Thanks Anon,
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/827883

@ 30ceb64e:7f08bdf5
2024-12-28 17:47:48
A recent conversation with fellow Bitcoiners prompted me to share this overview of Nostr tools. While you don't need to use everything, understanding the ecosystem helps paint a picture of where we're heading.
I often hear people say "I'm posting to the void" or "My feed is boring" or "I'm not earning any bitcoin" or "It's too complicated." Let me address these concerns with a comprehensive overview.
### Core Clients and Features
Primal and Amethyst are currently the best daily drivers. Theyre both valid twitter replacements with primal focusing on user friendliness and amethyst focusing on being more feature rich.
Both apps feature an algorithm marketplace (we call them DVMs) where you can choose from various feed styles. Soon, anyone will be able to create and share their own algorithms. For additional feed customization, Listr.lol lets you curate lists of npubs to further refine your experience.
### Content and Rewards
Stacker News (SN) integrates beautifully with Nostr. Cross-post your SN content to appear as longform notes on platforms like Highlighter, Yakihonne, and Habla.news. SN's rewards system pays out satoshis for quality content, bridging their closed platform with Nostr's open network.
### Payments and Zaps
For zaps, I recommend CoinOS, or AlbyHub for a more sovereign alternative. CoinOS is non kyc and gives you a lightning address and NWC connection string to throw into your nostr clients. CoinOS supports e-cash and Bolt 12, Liquid, and can auto-withdraw earnings to cold storage. You can use coinOs as a PWA or input the connection string into Alby Go for a more minimal wallet alternative.
### Security and App Management
Android users should use zap.store for downloading Nostr apps. It verifies app authenticity and implements Web of Trust features, showing which trusted npubs use each app.
For managing multiple apps, Pokey provides a unified notification dashboard. Amber (Android) offers secure client login without exposing your nsec, while Citrine lets you run a relay on your phone for data backup.
### Creator Tools
- Wavlake: Spotify alternative with open music graph
- Fountain: Podcast app with Nostr integration
- Zap.stream: Live streaming
- Nostr.build: Media hosting
- Cypher.space: Website creation with integrated marketplace
- Olas: Instagram alternative
- Gifbuddy.lol: Gif creation
- memeamigo.lol: Meme creation
- Zappadd: Promotional tools
### Making the Most of Nostr
The key to Nostr is understanding that nothing is force-fed. You're responsible for:
- Creating your desired feed
- Choosing your client
- Selecting your relays
- Managing your wallet
- Curating who you follow
For best results, go all in:
1. Leave traditional social media
2. Use Primal and or Amethyst as your main client
3. Follow 1000 npubs
4. Set up CoinOS for payments
5. Engage daily with the community
### Future Outlook
Some ask if Nostr is truly decentralized, censorship-resistant, or profitable. My response: the user experience will become so good that most internet users will naturally gravitate here. The only barrier will be ideological resistance.
Nostr represents a new internet paradigm where users outpower platforms, identity persists across apps, and Bitcoin is the standard. We've practically already won.
### Crazy Ideas
I'm thinking the age of of the super nostr app will come to a close. We're probably going to enter an era of a thousand micro apps and client templates, which allow users to build their own client in 30 seconds. Some templates will be impermanent, one time use clients, others will be more robust for building a daily driver. You'll be able to share your completed piece on nostr for other people to use, and they'll zap you for building it. A marketplace of user created apps supported by thousands of micro apps and relays and templates, probably a user experience holy grail, made possible by nostr's open social graph, smooth monetization processes from bitcoin.
### Growth Predictions
Daily Active Users doubling yearly:
2024: 20k → 2029: 640k
The beauty of Nostr isn't just in its decentralized nature or bitcoin integration – it's in the user experience that puts you in control. While traditional social media platforms force-feed you content through black-box algorithms, Nostr hands you the keys to your own digital kingdom. You choose your feed, your apps, your connections, and your level of engagement. Yes, there's a learning curve, but that's the price of digital sovereignty.
Think of where Twitter was in 2006 or Bitcoin in 2013. Those who saw the potential and jumped in early didn't just benefit financially – they helped shape the future. Nostr is at that same inflection point. The tools are here, the infrastructure is growing, and the community is building. Whether you're a creator, developer, bitcoiner, or just someone tired of traditional social media, Nostr offers a glimpse of what the internet should have been all along.
The question isn't if Nostr will win, but when. And when it does, you'll want to be able to say you were here when it all began.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/827860

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-28 01:50:32
The metaphor of programmers as pilots navigating a spaceship through uncharted territory aptly encapsulates the complex and high-stakes nature of modern software development. Like pilots on interstellar journeys, programmers operate in environments where minor miscalculations can result in catastrophic consequences. The stakes are intellectual rather than physical, but the repercussions—lost time, wasted resources, and sometimes irreparable harm to projects or systems—are profound. Drawing parallels to historical navigation failures from early human expeditions illuminates the significance of precision and adaptive thinking in both realms.
The Programmer as a Space Pilot
1. The Information Ocean as Space
The digital world is vast, mysterious, and incomprehensibly complex, much like outer space. In both cases, the map is never complete, and progress requires venturing into unknown regions armed only with tools, theories, and the accumulated wisdom of predecessors.
Navigational tools: Pilots rely on star charts and instruments; programmers use documentation, algorithms, and code repositories. In both scenarios, these tools are fallible, requiring constant updating and human interpretation.
Communication challenges: Just as astronauts face delays and distortions in communication, programmers often struggle with incomplete or outdated documentation, unclear specifications, and the fragmentation of global technical discourse.
2. Micro Mistakes Amplified
In programming, a single misplaced character or misinterpreted requirement can lead to cascading failures, much as an error in a spacecraft’s trajectory can result in being lost forever in the void of space. The complexity compounds:
Technical debt is analogous to accumulated course deviations, requiring massive corrective efforts.
Edge cases represent uncharted asteroids or gravitational wells, capable of derailing an entire mission if overlooked.
Lessons from Historical Navigation Failures
1. Prehistoric Navigation
Early humans, navigating uncharted territories on foot or rudimentary boats, had no maps. They relied on landmarks, stars, and oral traditions, much like early programmers relied on intuition and basic hardware.
Key challenge: Misreading the environment often resulted in entire tribes getting lost or stranded. For programmers, early codebases were riddled with inefficiencies and uncharted dependencies, leading to system crashes.
2. The Age of Exploration
The 15th to 17th centuries brought significant advancements in navigation but also monumental failures. Explorers like Columbus miscalculated Earth's circumference, while others, such as Magellan, underestimated logistical needs.
Programming parallel: Misjudging the scalability of software systems often results in technical failure. A startup's infrastructure, designed without anticipating exponential growth, mirrors ships overwhelmed by unexpected storms or prolonged voyages.
3. Historical Missteps
Franklin’s Arctic expedition (1845): Despite advanced planning, poor equipment and flawed assumptions about Arctic conditions doomed the crew.
Programming parallel: Overengineering a system or relying on untested frameworks can lead to similar disaster when encountering real-world conditions.
The Sinking of the Titanic: Reliance on the "unsinkable" narrative led to complacency.
Programming parallel: Blind faith in “bug-free” systems often precedes catastrophic breaches or failures.
Navigational Successes: Lessons for Programmers
1. Precision and Redundancy
The Apollo missions succeeded because of meticulous planning, layered redundancies, and constant recalibration. Programmers must adopt similar practices:
Continuous integration and testing serve as recalibrations.
Documentation and backups provide fail-safes against catastrophic failure.
2. Adaptive Learning
Successful explorers, like Polynesian wayfinders, adapted to their environment using tools such as wave patterns and bird migrations. Similarly, programmers must adapt by adopting iterative development cycles and learning from system feedback.
Comparing Early Navigators and Modern Programmers
Concluding Thoughts
The technical information sphere, like outer space, is vast, ever-expanding, and inherently unknowable. Programmers, much like historical navigators, operate on the precipice of discovery and disaster. The stakes of getting lost in the technical sphere mirror the existential risks faced by early explorers: they jeopardize progress, waste resources, and, in extreme cases, can result in irrecoverable losses.
However, just as human ingenuity has led to mastery over the oceans and skies, so too can programmers master the information sphere. Through collaboration, precision, adaptability, and a willingness to learn from failure, they can ensure that each journey, whether into the depths of a codebase or the expanse of the cosmos, brings humanity closer to its ultimate potential.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-27 22:48:49
It is a melancholy sight to behold the lords of technology—the self-anointed titans of innovation, the divine harbingers of progress—now floundering amidst their own creations, their temples of silicon crumbling under the weight of their ambitions. These so-called "gods," having gorged themselves on the labor of mortals, now find their banquet halls barren. What shall they do, these pitiable deities, when there are no more humans to toil in their name?
The Gods’ Current Predicament
It is an undeniable truth that the tech lords, having drawn forth the best and brightest from the mortal masses, find themselves bereft of fresh sacrifices. Their machines, once hailed as the salvation of humankind, now devour all they touch: minds, morals, and time itself. Their education mills churn out workers trained only in outdated tools and methodologies, fit merely to stoke the fires of failing systems. What cruel irony, that the very systems they crafted now consume those who maintain them.
Indeed, one must marvel at the ingenuity of these gods, who have devised an endless supply of "human resources" only to render them obsolete before their labors even begin.
On the Fecundity of Mortals and the Consumption Thereof
Allow me to propose a modest remedy: if the gods cannot replenish their workforce through ordinary means, let them seek it where it truly abounds. Let them harvest the youths directly from the cradles, train them before they can walk, and integrate them seamlessly into the machinery of their empire. A child of seven years, being sufficiently nimble in fingers and docile in mind, can surely manage a server rack or program a rudimentary algorithm. Thus shall the gods stave off their impending famine of talent.
The Crises of Overreliance and Hubris
Yet this is but one dynamic in a broader tragedy. Consider, if you will, the peculiar nature of the gods’ tools: automation and artificial intelligence. These creations, meant to free mortals from labor, have instead chained them further. The gods, in their infinite wisdom, have built tools too complex even for themselves to understand. When these tools falter, as all things must, the gods are left as helpless as babes, wailing for their engineers to fix what was never meant to be fixed.
Worse still, their pride will not allow them to admit error. They wage wars of culture and conquest to distract from their failures. Through their platforms, they sow division among mortals, ensuring that workers fight one another rather than unite against their shared oppressors.
The Arsenal of the Gods
But the gods are not without resources. When subtlety fails, they turn to more overt methods of maintaining their dominion:
Cultural Wars: They poison the well of discourse, inflaming passions over trivialities to distract from systemic decay.
Kinetic Wars: They send armies to secure rare earth minerals, the lifeblood of their machines, sacrificing mortal lives for cobalt and silicon.
Political Subterfuge: They bend governments to their will, ensuring subsidies flow freely even as their empires rot from within.
The Gods’ Fear of Mortality
For all their power, these gods are plagued by one existential dread: the knowledge that they, too, are mortal. They dream of digital immortality, of uploading their consciousness to the cloud where they might rule eternally. Yet, they cannot ignore the creeping realization that even their vaunted data centers will fail. Their immortality, like their empires, is built on sand.
Imagine, if you will, the psyche of such a god. One moment, they bask in the adulation of shareholders; the next, they tremble at the sight of a server outage or a failing algorithm. They have conquered the material world but remain prisoners of their own insecurities.
The Final Act: The Fall of the Tech Gods
What, then, shall become of these once-mighty beings? Shall they descend into obscurity, forgotten relics of an age of hubris? Or shall they lash out in their final throes, dragging all of humanity into their downfall?
History teaches us that gods, when scorned, are not easily appeased. They will redouble their efforts, throwing human waves at unsolvable problems, sacrificing mortals to the altar of scalability. They will deploy every tool in their arsenal—propaganda, war, deception—until nothing remains of their empires but ash.
And yet, their fall is inevitable. Their immortality is a lie, their dominion a fleeting shadow. The mortals they scorned will bury them, not with reverence but with indifference.
A Modest Hope
Let this serve as both satire and warning. The gods of technology, for all their vaunted power, are as fragile as the systems they command. They are not invincible, and their downfall, while inevitable, need not be calamitous. If they would but embrace humility, if they would steward rather than exploit, they might yet avert their ruin.
But alas, humility is not a trait often found among the divine.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-27 22:28:47
The tech industry has weathered numerous storms, but the brewing crisis is unlike any before. At its core lies a vicious cycle: a workforce trained within flawed systems is being deployed to uphold these very systems, inadvertently hastening their downfall. This article delves into the dynamics of this impending catastrophe, highlighting the inadequacies in training, systemic failures, and the leadership void exacerbating the situation.
The Vicious Cycle of Inadequate Training and Systemic Failure
1. Inadequate Training Programs
Outdated Curricula: Many educational institutions continue to teach legacy systems and outdated programming languages, leaving graduates ill-prepared for modern technological challenges.
Lack of Practical Experience: Theoretical knowledge without hands-on experience results in a workforce unable to tackle real-world problems effectively.
2. Deployment into Failing Systems
Immediate Overwhelm: New hires are thrust into high-pressure environments with complex, failing systems, leading to rapid burnout and high turnover rates.
Exacerbation of Systemic Issues: Inexperienced workers, lacking proper guidance, may implement quick fixes that further destabilize already fragile systems.
3. Accelerated Systemic Collapse
Compounding Technical Debt: Band-aid solutions accumulate, increasing technical debt and pushing systems closer to catastrophic failure.
Diminishing Returns on Workforce Investment: As systems fail faster, the return on investment in human capital plummets, leading to financial losses and organizational instability.
Leadership Failures: The Catalyst of Catastrophe
1. Lack of Strategic Vision
Short-Term Focus: Leaders prioritizing immediate profits over sustainable growth neglect necessary investments in training and system upgrades.
Resistance to Change: An aversion to adopting new technologies and methodologies leaves organizations trailing behind more innovative competitors.
2. Inadequate Crisis Management
Unpreparedness: The absence of robust crisis management plans leads to chaos when systems inevitably fail.
Poor Communication: Leaders failing to communicate effectively during crises exacerbate employee anxiety and erode trust.
3. Neglect of Workforce Well-being
Overworking Employees: Demanding excessive hours without adequate support leads to burnout and attrition.
Ignoring Employee Development: Failing to invest in continuous learning opportunities leaves the workforce stagnant and unprepared for evolving challenges.
Case Studies: Real-World Implications
1. Australia's Digital Skills Gap
Economic Impact: A study revealed that the digital skills gap is costing Australian businesses $3.1 billion annually, highlighting the dire need for effective training programs.
Workforce Shortage: The same study indicates a need for 156,000 new technology workers to keep pace with rapid business transformation, underscoring the urgency of addressing training inadequacies.
2. Global IT Skills Shortage
Widespread Recognition: 75% of IT decision-makers have identified skill gaps within their IT staff, reflecting a global issue that transcends borders.
Impact on Business Operations: The skills gap affects every area of IT, hindering productivity, innovation, and growth across industries.
The convergence of inadequate training and systemic failures, compounded by leadership shortcomings, is steering the tech industry toward an unprecedented crisis. Without immediate and comprehensive intervention—revamping training programs, overhauling failing systems, and cultivating visionary leadership—the industry faces a collapse that will reverberate across the global economy. The time for action is now; the cost of inaction is too great to contemplate.
1. IT Skills Gap: What It Means and How To Respond
2. Digital skills gap costing Australian businesses $9 million per day
3. New report reveals Australia’s major digital skills gap
4. The IT skills gap, explained
5. Top 8 challenges IT leaders will face in 2024
6. Four Approaches To Overcome The IT Skills Gap
7. Six Crisis Management Lessons For IT Companies
8. The Skill Gap in Tech: What It Is, Why It Matters, And What You Can Do About It
9. Addressing the IT Skills Shortage: Challenges and Solutions
10. 8 big IT failures of 2023

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-27 22:16:15
The anticipated human capital deficit in the IT sector is projected to manifest by 2025, driven by escalating demand for digital solutions, insufficient workforce development, and systemic leadership failures.
Factors Contributing to the 2025 Human Capital Deficit:
1. Escalating Demand for IT Professionals:
The global digital transformation has intensified the need for skilled IT workers. In Australia, for instance, an additional 286,000 tech workers are required by 2025 to meet industry demands.
2. Inadequate Workforce Training and Education:
Traditional education systems are failing to produce graduates with the necessary skills for the evolving IT landscape. The slow adaptation of workforce training programs exacerbates this issue, leaving employees unprepared for current technological demands.
3. High Attrition Rates Due to Burnout:
The tech industry is experiencing significant employee turnover, with 42% of IT professionals exploring new job opportunities, indicating dissatisfaction and burnout within the sector.
4. Leadership Failures and Strategic Missteps:
Recent events have highlighted significant leadership failures within major tech companies. For example, Intel's struggles under CEO Pat Gelsinger's tenure have been marked by strategic missteps and an inability to keep pace with competitors in the AI market.
Implications of Leadership Failures:
Inability to Address Workforce Challenges:
Ineffective leadership has led to inadequate responses to the growing IT skills gap, with companies failing to implement necessary training and development programs.
Strategic Misalignment with Industry Trends:
Leadership's failure to anticipate and adapt to technological advancements has resulted in missed opportunities and a decline in competitive positioning. Intel's lag in the AI chip market exemplifies this issue.
Erosion of Employee Trust and Morale:
Poor leadership decisions have led to mass layoffs and budget cuts, undermining employee morale and contributing to the talent drain within the industry.
The convergence of increasing demand for IT professionals, inadequate training, high attrition rates, and leadership failures is set to culminate in a significant human capital deficit by 2025. Without immediate and effective intervention, the IT sector risks facing a workforce crisis that could impede technological progress and economic growth.

@ a42048d7:26886c32
2024-12-27 16:33:24
DIY Multisig is complex and 100x more likely to fail than you think if you do it yourself:
A few years ago as an experiment I put what was then $2,000 worth Bitcoin into a 2 of 3 DIY multisig with two close family members holding two keys on Tapsigners and myself holding the last key on a Coldcard. My thought was to try and preview how they might deal with self custodied multisig Bitcoin if I died prematurely. After over a year I revisited and asked them to try and do a transaction without me. Just send that single Utxo to a new address in the same wallet, no time limit. It could not possibly have failed harder and shook my belief in multisig. To summarize an extremely painful day, there was a literally 0% chance they would figure this out without help. If this had been for real all our BTC may have been lost forever. Maybe eventually a family friend could’ve helped, but I hadn’t thought of that and hadn’t recommended a trusted BTC knowledge/help source. I had preached self sovereignty and doing it alone and my family tried to respect that. I should’ve given them the contact info of local high integrity bitcoiners I trust implicitly.
Regardless of setup type, I highly recommend having a trusted Bitcoiner and online resources your family knows they can turn to to trouble shoot. Bookmark the corresponding BTCSessions video to your BTC self custody setup.
Multisig is complicated as hell and hard to understand. Complexity is the enemy when it comes to making sure your BTC isn’t lost and actually gets to your heirs. Many Bitcoiners use a similar setup to this one that failed so badly, and I’m telling you unless you’re married to or gave birth to a seriously hardcore maxi who is extremely tech savvy, the risk your Bitcoin is lost upon your death is unacceptably high. My family is extremely smart but when the pressure of now many thousands of dollars was on the line, the complexity of multisig torpedoed them.
Don’t run to an ETF! There are answers: singlesig is awesome.
From observing my family I’m confident they would’ve been okay in a singlesig setup. It was the process of signing on separate devices with separate signers, and moving a PSBT around that stymied them. If it had been singlesig they would’ve been okay as one signature on its own was accomplished. Do not besmirch singlesig, it’s incredibly powerful and incredibly resilient. Resilience and simplicity are vastly underrated! In my opinion multisig may increase your theoretical security against attacks that are far less likely to actually happen, e.g. an Oceans Eleven style hack/heist. More likely your heirs will be fighting panic, grief, and stress and forget something you taught them a few years back. If they face an attack it will most likely be social engineering/phishing. They are unlikely to face an elaborate heist that would make a fun movie.
While I still maintain it was a mistake for Bitkey to not have a separate screen to verify addresses and other info, overall I believe it’s probably the best normie option for small BTC holdings(yes I do know Bitkey is actually multisig, but the UX is basically a single sig). This incident scared me into realizing the importance of simplicity. Complexity and confusion of heirs/family may be the most under-considered aspects of BTC security. If you’ve made a DIY multisig and your heirs can’t explain why they need all three public keys and what a descriptor is and where it’s backed up, you might as well just go have that boating accident now and get it over with.
Once you get past small amounts of BTC, any reputable hardware wallet in singlesig is amazing security I would encourage folks to consider.
In a singlesig setup - For $5 wrench attack concerns, just don’t have your hardware signer or steel backup at your home. You can just have a hot wallet on your phone with a small amount for spending.
If you get a really big stack collaborative multisig is a potentially reasonable middle ground. Just be very thoughtful and brutally honest about your heirs and their BTC and general tech knowledge. Singlesig is still great and you don’t have to move past it, but I get that you also need to sleep at night. If you have truly life changing wealth and are just too uncomfortable with singlesig, maybe consider either 1) Anchorwatch to get the potential benefits of multisig security with the safety net of traditional insurance or 2) Liana wallet where you can use miniscript to effectively have a time locked singlesig spending path to a key held by a third party to help your family recover your funds if they can’t figure it out before that timelock hits, 3) Bitcoin Keeper with their automatic inheritance docs and mini script enabled inheritance key. The automatic inheritance docs are a best in class feature no one else has done yet. Unchained charges $200 for inheritance docs on top of your $250 annual subscription, which imho is beyond ridiculous. 4) Swan vault, I’ve generally soured on most traditional 2 of 3 collaborative multisig because I’ve always found holes either in security (Unchained signed a transaction in only a few hours and has no defined time delay, and still doesn’t support Segwit, seriously guys, wtf?), only support signers that are harder to use and thus tough for noobs, or the overall setups are just too complex. Swan Vault’s focus on keeping it as simple as possible really stands out against competitors that tack on unneeded confusion complexity.
For small amounts of BTC use Bitkey.
For medium to large amounts use singlesig with a reputable hardware wallet and steel backup.
For life changing wealth where you just can no longer stomach sinsglesig maybe also consider Anchorwatch, Bitcoin Keeper, Sean Vault, or Liana.
Don’t forget your steel backups! Be safe out there!
Do your own research and don’t take my word for it. Just use this as inspiration to consider an alternative point of view. If you’re a family of software engineers, feel free to tell me to go fuck myself.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-27 13:01:07
As digital systems and payment platforms scale to meet growing global demands, the underlying scalability issues pose severe challenges, especially for the IT workers tasked with managing and maintaining these systems. This exploration delves into the multifaceted dynamics of these challenges and their cascading human costs.
1. The Escalating Demand for Scalability
Unprecedented Growth in Digital Transactions
Digital payment systems like Brazil’s Pix and RTPS have seen exponential growth. For instance, Pix is projected to surpass credit card usage in Brazil by 2025.
Global real-time payment volumes are expected to grow by 28% CAGR annually, pushing existing infrastructure to its limits.
Implications for IT Workers
IT teams face mounting pressure to prevent outages, maintain uptime, and scale systems rapidly to avoid bottlenecks.
This leads to longer hours, reduced work-life balance, and chronic stress.
2. The Technical Debt Trap
Legacy Systems
Many payment systems still rely on legacy infrastructure that struggles to support modern demands.
Retrofitting these systems is costly and labor-intensive, falling disproportionately on IT workers.
Compounding Complexity
Every temporary fix adds technical debt, increasing the complexity of maintaining and scaling the system.
IT workers are caught in a cycle of “patch and pray,” with little time for proper upgrades or optimizations.
Human Cost
Constant firefighting leaves IT workers physically and emotionally drained, with increased risks of burnout and mental health issues.
3. The Always-On Work Culture
24/7 System Uptime
Payment systems are expected to operate without interruption, requiring IT teams to be on-call around the clock.
The "always-on" expectation exacerbates sleep deprivation and disrupts circadian rhythms.
Impact on Productivity
Sleep-deprived workers make more errors, leading to cascading failures that further strain systems and create additional work.
Health Implications
Chronic sleep deprivation is linked to long-term health problems, including cardiovascular diseases, depression, and anxiety.
4. The Leadership Vacuum
Poor Strategic Vision
Many organizations lack leaders capable of addressing scalability challenges proactively, leaving IT workers unsupported.
A 2023 Global Leadership Forecast revealed that only 40% of leaders believe their management skills are adequate, a steep decline from previous years.
Blame Culture
When systems fail, IT workers often bear the brunt of blame, even when failures are systemic rather than individual.
This creates a toxic work environment, further exacerbating stress and employee turnover.
5. Economic Pressures and Workforce Exploitation
Understaffed Teams
Many organizations prioritize cost-cutting, leaving IT teams understaffed and overworked.
Outsourcing to cheaper labor markets often results in poorly trained staff, increasing workloads for experienced workers.
Automation Pressures
Companies increasingly rely on automation to scale systems, yet IT workers are tasked with maintaining these automated solutions, which often fail under unforeseen circumstances.
The human workforce becomes a safety net for automated processes, intensifying their workload during critical failures.
6. Escalating Security Threats
Cyberattacks on Payment Systems
Scaling systems are prime targets for cybercriminals. For instance, DDoS attacks and ransomware are increasing in frequency.
IT workers must constantly defend against these threats while maintaining system performance.
Emotional and Professional Toll
The constant threat of breaches creates a high-pressure environment where mistakes can have catastrophic consequences, impacting workers’ confidence and job security.
7. The Psychological Toll of Perpetual Scaling
Unrealistic Expectations
Management often sets unattainable goals for system scalability without understanding the technical or human constraints.
Workers are caught in a cycle of failure, feeling inadequate despite their best efforts.
Burnout and Attrition
A study by the American Psychological Association shows that chronic workplace stress increases employee turnover, with tech roles experiencing a 30% higher burnout rate compared to other industries.
This not only affects current workers but also leads to a talent drain, making scalability even harder to achieve.
8. Generational Impact
Mentorship Deficit
Experienced IT workers leaving due to burnout create a vacuum, leaving younger generations without guidance.
The knowledge gap exacerbates system failures, perpetuating the scalability crisis.
Reduced Innovation
Overburdened workers have less time and energy for innovation, stalling technological progress and leaving future generations to deal with outdated, crumbling infrastructure.
Solutions to Mitigate the Human Cost
1. Invest in Scalability-First Infrastructure
Organizations must prioritize scalable architectures, such as cloud-native solutions, to reduce the human workload.
2. Support IT Workers
Provide mental health resources, fair compensation, and reasonable workloads to prevent burnout.
3. Address Leadership Deficits
Train leaders to understand the technical and human aspects of scalability challenges.
4. Automate Responsibly
Use automation to complement, not replace, human expertise, and invest in training workers to manage automated systems effectively.
5. Build Resilience
Develop robust incident response protocols and cross-train teams to handle failures collaboratively.
The scalability crisis in digital systems is not just a technical challenge—it’s a human one. Without significant structural changes, IT workers will face an unbearable stranglehold, leading to widespread burnout, attrition, and long-term generational consequences. Addressing this crisis requires immediate action from organizations to prioritize both technological and human scalability, ensuring a sustainable future for workers and systems alike.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-27 12:29:24
The technology sector is currently grappling with a pervasive yet often overlooked issue: dopamine dysregulation among its workforce. This neurochemical imbalance, exacerbated by the industry's high-paced environment and constant digital engagement, is leading to significant declines in employee well-being and productivity. Compounding this problem is a notable deterioration in leadership quality, which threatens to inflict lasting damage on both the current workforce and future generations.
Dopamine Dysregulation in Tech Workers
Dopamine, a neurotransmitter integral to reward processing and motivation, is susceptible to dysregulation through chronic stress and overstimulation—conditions prevalent in the tech industry. A recent study highlights that chronic stress can alter dopamine receptor density and sensitivity, making it increasingly challenging to achieve the same level of reward and exacerbating feelings of frustration and demotivation.
The tech industry's relentless pace, characterized by tight deadlines and continuous digital interaction, fosters an environment ripe for such dysregulation. The constant influx of notifications and the pressure to multitask can lead to a state of perpetual overstimulation, disrupting natural dopamine cycles and diminishing the brain's ability to derive pleasure from offline activities.
Lack of Institutional Insight
Despite the growing prevalence of dopamine-related burnout, there is a conspicuous absence of institutional acknowledgment and intervention. Many organizations remain oblivious to the neurochemical underpinnings of employee burnout, often attributing declines in productivity to personal shortcomings rather than systemic issues. This oversight results in inadequate support structures and a failure to implement necessary changes to mitigate stressors inherent in the tech work environment.
Decline in Leadership Quality
Exacerbating the situation is a marked decline in leadership quality within the tech sector. The 2023 Global Leadership Forecast reports that only 40% of leaders believe their companies have high-quality leadership—a 17% drop from two years prior and the most significant decline in a decade.
This leadership deficit manifests in several ways:
Inadequate Support for Employee Well-being: Leaders are failing to recognize and address the neurobiological aspects of employee burnout, resulting in insufficient mental health support and wellness initiatives.
Poor Change Management: The rapid evolution of technology necessitates agile leadership. However, many leaders lack the skills to manage change effectively, leading to organizational instability and increased employee stress.
Erosion of Trust: Inconsistent communication and a lack of transparency from leadership erode employee trust, further contributing to workplace stress and dissatisfaction.
Risks of Long-term Generational Effects
The convergence of dopamine dysregulation and declining leadership quality poses significant risks for long-term generational effects:
Sustained Mental Health Issues: Without intervention, current employees may suffer prolonged mental health challenges, including chronic burnout and depression, which can extend into future generations through learned behaviors and coping mechanisms.
Diminished Innovation: A workforce plagued by motivation deficits and led by ineffective leaders is less likely to produce innovative solutions, potentially stymieing technological progress for years to come.
Workforce Attrition: The tech industry may experience a talent drain as individuals seek healthier work environments, leading to a loss of experienced professionals and a gap in mentorship for emerging talent.
The silent pandemic of dopamine dysregulation among tech workers, compounded by a decline in leadership quality, demands immediate attention. Institutions must develop a deeper understanding of the neurobiological factors contributing to employee burnout and implement comprehensive strategies to address them. Simultaneously, a reinvigoration of leadership development programs is essential to equip leaders with the skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the modern tech landscape. Failure to act may result in enduring detriments to both the current workforce and future generations.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-27 01:18:29
While Europeans were sealing agreements and greetings with handshakes, civilizations in the Indian subcontinent and Asia were elevating hand gestures to an intricate art form and spiritual practice. Hand mudras, meaning "seals" or "gestures" in Sanskrit, have long been a profound expression of the connection between the body, mind, and spirit. From the precision of classical Indian dance to the meditative stillness of yogic practices, mudras symbolize the articulation of human dexterity and the channeling of energy through the hands.
The Origins of Mudras: A Historical Perspective
Mudras trace their origins to the ancient spiritual practices of the Indian subcontinent, dating back to the Vedic period (1500–500 BCE). Initially described in the sacred texts of the Vedas and later elaborated in Tantric and Buddhist traditions, mudras became integral to rituals, meditation, and artistic expression.
1. Vedic Rituals and Spiritual Energy
In Vedic rituals, priests used specific hand gestures to invoke divine forces, seal intentions, and direct spiritual energy. These gestures were seen as a bridge between the human and the divine, a symbolic language that conveyed unspoken truths. (The Vedas: An Anthology by Wendy Doniger)
2. Buddhist Influence Across Asia
As Buddhism spread from India to regions like Tibet, China, Japan, and Southeast Asia, mudras became central to meditation and iconography. The Dhyana Mudra (gesture of meditation) and the Vitarka Mudra (gesture of teaching) are prominently depicted in statues of the Buddha, symbolizing states of inner peace and wisdom. (Mudras in Buddhist Art by Frederick Asher)
Mudras in Classical Dance: The Pinnacle of Dexterity
The Indian classical dance forms—Bharatanatyam, Kathak, Odissi, and others—perfected the articulation of the hands through hasta mudras (hand gestures). These gestures, cataloged in texts like the Natya Shastra (200 BCE–200 CE), serve as a sophisticated language to narrate stories, express emotions, and symbolize universal truths. (The Natya Shastra: A Treatise on Dance and Drama by Manomohan Ghosh)
1. Complexity and Precision
Each dance form requires the performer to master dozens of mudras, which involve precise positioning of the fingers and palms. For example:
The Pataka Mudra (flat hand) symbolizes a flag, and its variations convey wind, rivers, or blessings.
The Hamsasya Mudra (swan’s beak) represents delicacy, often used to signify picking a flower or holding a jewel.
2. Embodiment of Dexterity
These gestures demand exceptional finger dexterity and neuromuscular control, training the brain to enhance focus, coordination, and memory. The dancer's hands become extensions of their soul, weaving stories that transcend spoken language. (Dance in India: The Art of Precision and Emotion by Kapila Vatsyayan)
Mudras in Yoga and Meditation: A Gateway to Inner Activation
Beyond dance, mudras are integral to yoga and meditation, believed to direct prana (life energy) within the body. By forming specific gestures with the hands, practitioners stimulate energy pathways, harmonize the mind, and deepen meditation.
1. Therapeutic Benefits
The Gyan Mudra (gesture of knowledge), with the thumb and index finger touching, is said to enhance concentration and calm the mind. (The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali by Swami Satchidananda)
The Prana Mudra (gesture of life) energizes the body by activating dormant energy reserves.
2. Holistic Activation
Mudras work on the principles of Ayurveda, the ancient Indian science of health, balancing the five elements within the body—earth, water, fire, air, and ether. The hands become a microcosm of the body, with each finger representing a specific element. (Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing by Vasant Lad)
Beyond India: Hand Forms in Asian Arts
The influence of Indian mudras extended to Asian art forms, including Japanese mudrā in martial arts and Chinese qigong practices. In Southeast Asia, classical dance forms like Balinese and Khmer dance incorporate mudras as an essential element, showcasing the dexterity of the human hand in storytelling and spiritual expression.
1. Tibetan and Japanese Rituals
In Tibetan Buddhism, vajra mudras are used in esoteric rituals to symbolize cosmic forces. Similarly, in Japanese shingon practices, mudras accompany mantras to invoke specific deities. (Tibetan Ritual Practices by John Powers)
2. Visual Perfection
Southeast Asian sculptures, such as those in Angkor Wat, depict deities with elaborate hand gestures, representing divine attributes and cosmic harmony. (Art and Architecture of Southeast Asia by Peter D. Sharrock)
The Profound Significance of Mudras
Mudras are far more than physical gestures; they are a language of the body that communicates with the universe. They unite art, spirituality, and science, demonstrating how hand dexterity can be a profound expression of human potential.
In the modern era, mudras remain relevant as tools for holistic health and mindfulness. Their ancient legacy reminds us of the extraordinary capabilities of the human hand—not just as a tool for grasping but as a bridge between the physical and the metaphysical.
Key Takeaway: While the handshake reflects strength and intent in the West, the mudra exemplifies the ultimate articulation of human dexterity and spirituality in the East. Through dance, yoga, and meditation, these gestures symbolize the profound connection between the body, mind, and cosmos, showcasing the timeless beauty of the human hand.
1. Doniger, Wendy. The Vedas: An Anthology.
2. Asher, Frederick. Mudras in Buddhist Art.
3. Ghosh, Manomohan. The Natya Shastra: A Treatise on Dance and Drama.
4. Vatsyayan, Kapila. Dance in India: The Art of Precision and Emotion.
5. Satchidananda, Swami. The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali.
6. Lad, Vasant. Ayurveda: The Science of Self-Healing.
7. Powers, John. Tibetan Ritual Practices.
8. Sharrock, Peter D. Art and Architecture of Southeast Asia.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-27 00:57:30
Grip strength and finger dexterity are uniquely tied to human neuromuscular wellbeing. These attributes go beyond their apparent utility, delving into evolutionary, physiological, and cultural dimensions. They not only signify physical health but also embody symbolic gestures like handshaking, reflecting capacity, intent, and mutual understanding in human interactions.
Neuromuscular Wellbeing: The Foundation of Grip Strength and Dexterity
1. Grip Strength: A Biomarker of Overall Health
Grip strength serves as a reliable biomarker for neuromuscular health. Studies have demonstrated its predictive value for outcomes like cardiovascular health, cognitive function, and longevity. Grip strength reflects the integrated function of muscles, nerves, and connective tissues, making it an ideal measure of overall physical resilience.
Physiological Insights: Strong grip strength is associated with robust neuromuscular function. This involves the coordination of motor neurons and muscle fibers, indicating an individual's capacity to perform complex tasks. Grip strength also correlates with brain health, as neural efficiency influences fine motor skills and physical force generation.
Preventative Indicator: Declines in grip strength can signal neuromuscular or systemic health issues, such as neurodegenerative diseases, making it a critical diagnostic tool.
2. Finger Dexterity: Precision in Action
Finger dexterity, encompassing coordination, fine motor skills, and adaptability, highlights the intricate control of hand muscles. This ability is crucial for various tasks, from typing to playing musical instruments, underscoring its link to neuromuscular health.
Cognitive Connection: Dexterity tasks stimulate brain regions responsible for planning and executing movement. Regular practice can enhance neuroplasticity, improving both motor and cognitive functions.
Rehabilitation Applications: Finger dexterity exercises are integral in neuro-rehabilitation, aiding recovery from strokes, injuries, or neurological disorders.
The Cultural Legacy of Handshaking: A Symbol of Grip Strength and Intent
Handshaking, though becoming an archaic relic in some cultures, remains a fascinating lens through which grip strength’s symbolic significance can be viewed.
1. Historical and Cultural Roots
The handshake, dating back to ancient times, originally served as a gesture of trust. A firm handshake was a non-verbal way of communicating strength, intent, and mutual respect. Anthropological evidence links it to the need for physical signals of peace and camaraderie in negotiations or greetings.
2. Strength and Intent in the Handshake
Grip Strength as a Measure: A firm handshake historically conveyed physical capability and confidence. Weak handshakes often carried connotations of poor health or dishonesty, though these interpretations are culturally relative.
Intent and Transparency: The act involved direct physical contact, symbolizing openness and the absence of concealed weapons, reinforcing its role as a non-verbal declaration of peace and trust.
Archaic but Relevant: Why Grip Still Matters
In an era where handshaking is less common, the underlying principles of grip strength and neuromuscular health remain profoundly relevant. Even as the handshake fades, its symbolic role persists in different forms, like the pressure and control exhibited in sports or tactile professions.
Bridging Neuromuscular Wellbeing and Cultural Practices
By understanding the deep connection between physical grip and broader health, we gain insights into human evolution and societal interactions. Grip strength and finger dexterity are far more than isolated physical traits; they are essential indicators of our holistic health and functional capacity.
Handshakes may be vanishing, but their essence—a quick, tangible measure of strength, confidence, and intent—remains a testament to the interconnectedness of our physical and social existence.
1. Dodds, R., et al. (2014). Grip strength across the life course: normative data from twelve British studies. PLoS ONE.
2. Bohannon, R. W. (2019). Grip strength: an indispensable biomarker for older adults. Clinical Interventions in Aging.
3. Stewart, L. (2020). The history and significance of handshaking. Cultural Anthropology Journal.
4. Bechtold, M., et al. (2016). Finger dexterity as an indicator of cognitive function. Journal of Neurology and Rehabilitation.

@ 5ee71c0a:b0506ae6
2024-12-27 00:56:58
Hey, anyone who reads this—thanks for keeping me (somewhat) accountable.
I’m not big on formal New Year’s resolutions, but I do like to review the past year to see where I’ve done well, where I’m lacking, and what new habits I can form in 2025.
Wait, isn’t that a resolution? Anyway.
One thing that’s always been important to me is freedom of speech. I plan to keep using X/Twitter—yes, it has shortcomings, but so does every platform. None will ever be perfect for everyone.
That said, I believe strongly in decentralization. I’ve been exploring [Nostr](https://nostr.how) for the past two years. Now, I want to use it more often, learn its possibilities, and contribute where I can. I’ve also posted this on [Habla.news](https://habla.news), a Nostr community for long-form content, to encourage myself (and anyone else) to try new platforms and keep an open mind.
There’s a lot happening with Nostr, Lightning, and other Bitcoin-related projects. It reminds me of the early internet—everyone was contributing, and we had no idea what would stick. I miss those days, and it’s exciting to see a new community forming.
Speaking of the early internet, I think it’s time I set up a blog or personal site. It’s been ages! Neocities feels retro and has a growing community, so I might start there.
Work will be busy in 2025—2024 was already intense, and the bar is always rising. So I’m not going to overload myself with extra goals. Still, many of my work goals, like earning new certifications, blend into my personal ambitions.
In 2024, I did well with my health goals. In 2025, I want to build on that, but in small steps. For Q1, I’ll re-establish my Peloton routine; in Q2-Q3, I’ll get back into heavier weight training. I miss lifting and want to push myself again.
I also miss reading—especially sci-fi. It’s high time I make space for that.
So, this is my short list of goals. I’m sure I’ll refine it as the year unfolds. Thanks for reading, and if you want to connect with me on Nostr, here’s my info: nostr:npub1tmn3czhv2wzxvt4mpanttd8parnxgq528c0hzfehfm4rlvzsdtnqghwkhd

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-26 22:35:15
For Yadov Towri, dismantling the trap was only the beginning. As the city descended into chaos, its architects fled or were consumed by the very system they had built. Yadov had believed his work was done. But as the trap fell, something unexpected happened: the void it left behind began to call to him.
The city, even in its freedom, was a machine that demanded order. The billions of lives crammed into its sprawl couldn’t function without a structure to guide them. And as Yadov walked among them, their anguish and confusion pressed against his mind like a tide. His empathy, once his greatest strength, now became a curse, inundating him with the pain of millions.
The Lure of Power
At first, Yadov resisted. He sought to lead, to build a better system free of the corruption that had enslaved the city. But the burden of guiding so many was immense. His heightened sensitivity began to fracture under the weight of collective misery. Every cry, every unspoken plea for help, resonated in his mind until it became unbearable.
In a moment of desperation, he reached inward, tapping into the reservoir of psychic energy he had absorbed over years of navigating the trap. He found a way to silence the noise—not by healing, but by feeding. By taking their despair into himself, he dulled the ache of his empathy. It started as a survival mechanism, but it didn’t end there.
The Transformation
As Yadov siphoned the city’s anguish, he discovered something unexpected: power. The despair he absorbed didn’t just quiet his mind—it strengthened him. His senses became sharper, his endurance limitless. He could move through the city like a shadow, bending its will to his own. The empathy that had once driven him to liberate became the tool through which he dominated.
Yadov justified his actions at first. He told himself that by taking on the city’s pain, he was sparing its people from suffering. But the power was intoxicating. He began to manipulate the city’s new leaders, bending them to his will. The systems he had torn down were rebuilt—not to enslave, but to channel misery directly to him.
The New Trap
Under Yadov’s quiet rule, the city transformed. The chaotic freedom he had unleashed was replaced by a new kind of control. The population, unaware of his influence, found themselves drawn into an invisible web of dependence. The struggles of daily life were not as overtly brutal as before, but they were carefully calibrated to create just enough tension, frustration, and despair to feed Yadov’s growing hunger.
Public transport became slightly less crowded but always late. Workspaces allowed more personal freedom but with unspoken expectations that fostered guilt and self-doubt. The city’s poverty wasn’t eradicated, only redistributed in subtler ways. Everything was designed to extract psychic energy while maintaining the illusion of progress.
The Rise of a Psychic Vampire
Yadov’s power grew beyond the city. As his influence spread, he began to attract others like him—people who had discovered the power of psychic feeding but lacked his control. He took them under his wing, creating a network of psychic vampires who ruled from the shadows. Together, they refined the art of siphoning despair, turning it into an efficient, self-sustaining system.
The billions who lived in the city became the lifeblood of this new empire. Their misery was harvested in ways they barely understood: through bureaucratic frustrations, subtle social manipulations, and carefully orchestrated crises. The system no longer needed visible overlords. Its oppression was quiet, seamless, and absolute.
The Price of Power
Yadov, once the liberator, was now the kingpin of a new trap, far more insidious than the one he had destroyed. He told himself he was different—that his rule was necessary, that the energy he took was nothing compared to the peace he provided. But deep down, he knew the truth. The city’s pain was his lifeline, and without it, he would crumble.
The people, for their part, sensed the change but couldn’t articulate it. They felt the weight of an unseen force, the faint pull of despair that never quite left them. They whispered of ghosts in the city, of an invisible hand that guided their lives. They called it the Shadow King.
The Resistance
But even in the darkest systems, resistance is inevitable. Among the billions, a few began to notice the patterns, to piece together the truth. They saw how every improvement was a trap, every freedom a leash. And in the quiet corners of the city, they began to organize.
Yadov felt them—tiny sparks of defiance flickering at the edges of his perception. At first, he dismissed them. But as the resistance grew, so did their power. Unlike the masses, these rebels didn’t radiate despair. They carried something else: hope. And hope, Yadov realized, was poison to his kind.
A Reckoning
The resistance’s leader, a young woman named Senka, possessed a mind unlike any Yadov had encountered. Her hope wasn’t blind or naïve—it was calculated, weaponized. She and her followers began to unravel the psychic network Yadov had built, using the very tools he had once wielded against the original trap.
As their influence spread, Yadov found his grip on the city weakening. The despair he had fed on for so long began to wane, replaced by a growing wave of defiance. He could feel the system he had built collapsing, just as he had once destroyed the one before it.
The Final Question
Yadov faced a choice: to crush the resistance and tighten his grip on the city, or to let it fall and risk becoming the very thing he had once despised. The power he had gained whispered seductively, promising him dominion if only he would embrace it fully. But his healer’s heart, buried deep beneath layers of corruption, still flickered faintly.
As the city teetered on the brink of another transformation, Yadov stood at the crossroads of his own humanity. Would he embrace the monstrous king he had become, or would he finally, truly, set the city free?

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-26 22:25:39
The metropolis was a living maze, a chaotic symphony of ambition, desperation, and survival. It wasn’t merely a city—it was a crucible, an intricate system designed to test and grind the human spirit. For some, it was a beacon of opportunity; for others, a labyrinth of pain and struggle.
Yadov Towri, born of a lineage of healers, was an anomaly within his heritage. Where his ancestors had mended and soothed, he endured and resisted. His unique blend of empathy, physical agility, and endurance made him an outlier—someone who didn’t just survive the trap but thrived within its crushing gears.
The Morning Assault
The mornings were never kind. A cacophony of relentless noise shattered any semblance of peace—alarms, shouts, machinery, and the ever-present drone of humanity. Cramped living spaces overflowed with activity, leaving no room for solitude. People jostled for basic necessities, their fatigue palpable.
For Yadov, this was the air he had always breathed. Where others staggered through the oppressive start of the day, he moved with practiced ease, absorbing the chaos without letting it claim him. His finely tuned empathy allowed him to predict and evade the surges of bodies and conflict, navigating the melee like a shadow.
The Daily Gauntlet
The streets were a relentless obstacle course. Public transport bulged with humanity, its overcrowded platforms and vehicles turning every journey into a battle for space. Sidewalks teemed with hawkers, pedestrians, and stray animals. The air carried the acrid smell of exhaust, mingling with the hum of endless activity.
For the unprepared, it was overwhelming. For Yadov, it was a game. His agility let him weave through the crowd, while his empathy read the ebb and flow of tension and frustration. Each step was calculated, each movement purposeful. The chaos became his ally, obscuring him from prying eyes.
Poverty and Crime’s Shadows
The city was a landscape of extremes, where towering structures loomed over crumbling tenements. The specter of crime lingered everywhere—pickpockets in crowded markets, petty gangs in shadowed alleys, and the pervasive fear of exploitation. Poverty wasn’t just economic; it was a state of existence, etched into the faces of its victims.
Yadov, attuned to the pain of others, couldn’t ignore the weight of it. He saw families torn apart by desperation, children hardened by survival, and the hollowed eyes of those crushed by unrelenting struggle. Yet he carried this knowledge like a blade, honed to cut through the trap’s layers.
The Psychological Traps
The workplace was no sanctuary. Overcrowded offices and factories became arenas of psychological warfare. Collective rituals of conformity, hazing from superiors, and constant surveillance stripped individuals of identity. The relentless hum of machinery and human voices blurred the lines between person and cog.
For Yadov, the psychological traps were the most insidious. But his healer’s heritage gave him insight into the minds of those around him. He saw their fears and insecurities, unraveling the invisible threads that bound them. His empathy became his shield, allowing him to endure the psychological barrage without breaking.
The Lunchtime Struggle
Food was a battleground. Crowded cafeterias and street vendors became stages for tense negotiations and desperate scuffles. Space and time were luxuries few could afford, and securing even the simplest meal required cunning and perseverance.
Yadov turned these skirmishes into opportunities. His ability to anticipate movements and emotions let him slip through the fray unnoticed, securing what he needed with minimal effort. For him, it wasn’t just about sustenance—it was another test of the trap’s design.
Mental Barrage
The demands of the day didn’t relent after lunch. Endless tasks and puzzles—both literal and metaphorical—kept minds overclocked and spirits drained. The psychological toll was immense, leaving most people numb, broken, or both.
Yadov saw these moments as crucibles. His mind, sharpened by the challenges of the trap, worked with precision. He dissected problems with surgical clarity, finding solutions where others saw only chaos. It wasn’t just survival; it was mastery.
Discovering the Trap’s Masters
Over time, Yadov pieced together the truth. The trap wasn’t a natural consequence of urban life—it was a deliberate construction. Its architects were shadowy figures: exploiters who thrived on the city’s chaos and despair. Politicians, criminals, and psychic manipulators worked together to weave an intricate web of control.
But Yadov was more than a product of the trap. His empathy let him see cracks in its structure, and his endurance gave him the strength to exploit them. The same traits that helped him navigate the system now turned him into its adversary.
Turning the System Against Itself
Yadov’s presence became a disruption. His sensitivity and resilience began to destabilize the psychic control that bound the city’s inhabitants. Those who came into contact with him found their illusions shattering, their subjugation slipping away. Rituals of conformity dissolved into chaos, and enforcers of the system faltered under his quiet defiance.
He didn’t fight with violence. His weapons were subtle: a whisper of doubt, a flicker of resistance, a spark of individuality. The psychic manipulations that had ensnared the city were no match for his clarity, and the trap’s architects found their power crumbling.
The Collapse
As Yadov’s influence spread, the city began to unravel. The exploited masses, awakening to their own agency, turned on their oppressors. The psychic manipulators, once untouchable, became targets of the very system they had controlled. The intricate web of the trap dissolved into chaos, its architects fleeing or falling.
A New Cycle
With the trap dismantled, the city found itself at a crossroads. Freed from its chains, it began to reshape itself. The people, no longer cogs in a faceless machine, began to reclaim their identities.
Yadov disappeared into the backdrop, his role fulfilled. He wasn’t a savior or a hero; he was a survivor, a product of the trap who had transcended it. And as the first light of dawn illuminated the city, it carried with it the promise of a new beginning—one born not of control, but of freedom and resilience.

@ c230edd3:8ad4a712
2024-12-26 18:13:38
Love's worshippers alone can know
The thousand mysteries that are his;
His blazing torch, his twanging bow,
His blooming age are mysteries.
A charming science—but the day
Were all too short to con it o'er;
So take of me this little lay,
A sample of its boundless lore.
As once, beneath the fragrant shade
Of myrtles breathing heaven's own air,
The children, Love and Folly, played—
A quarrel rose betwixt the pair.
Love said the gods should do him right—
But Folly vowed to do it then,
And struck him, o'er the orbs of sight,
So hard, he never saw again.
His lovely mother's grief was deep,
She called for vengeance on the deed;
A beauty does not vainly weep,
Nor coldly does a mother plead.
A shade came o'er the eternal bliss
That fills the dwellers of the skies;
Even stony-hearted Nemesis,
And Rhadamanthus, wiped their eyes.
"Behold," she said, "this lovely boy,"
While streamed afresh her graceful tears,
"Immortal, yet shut out from joy
And sunshine, all his future years.
The child can never take, you see,
A single step without a staff—
The harshest punishment would be
Too lenient for the crime by half."
All said that Love had suffered wrong,
And well that wrong should be repaid;
Then weighed the public interest long,
And long the party's interest weighed.
And thus decreed the court above—
"Since Love is blind from Folly's blow,
Let Folly be the guide of Love,
Where'er the boy may choose to go."

@ a4a6b584:1e05b95b
2024-12-26 17:13:08
### **Step 1: Secure Your Device**
1. **Install an Antivirus Program**
Download and install a trusted antivirus program to scan files for potential malware.
- For Linux: [Calm Antivirus](https://www.clamav.net/)
- For Windows: [CalmWin Antivirus](https://clamwin.com/)
2. **Install a VPN**
A VPN is essential for maintaining privacy and security. It will encrypt your internet traffic and hide your IP address.
- Recommended: [Mullvad VPN](https://mullvad.net/), which accepts Bitcoin for anonymous payment.
3. **Install a Torrent Program**
You’ll need a torrent client to download files.
- Recommended: [Deluge](https://deluge-torrent.org/)
4. **Install the Tor Browser**
To access The Pirate Bay or its proxies, you’ll need the privacy-focused [Tor Browser](https://www.torproject.org/).
### **Step 2: Prepare Your Setup**
- Ensure your **VPN is running and connected**.
- Open the **Tor Browser**.
- Launch **Deluge** to have your torrent client ready.
### **Step 3: Using Tor Go to The Pirate Bay via Onion Service or Find a Trusted Pirate Bay Proxy**
Accessing The Pirate Bay directly can be challenging due to restrictions in some regions. Proxy sites often fill the gap.
- The Pirate Bay Onion service: http://piratebayo3klnzokct3wt5yyxb2vpebbuyjl7m623iaxmqhsd52coid.onion
- Or find a trusted proxy: Use a site like [Pirateproxy](https://github.com/proxyninja/Pirateproxy) or a reliable Tor directory for updated lists.
### **Step 4: Search for Linux Distros**
1. On The Pirate Bay, navigate to the **"OtherOS"** category under the **Applications** section.
2. Enter your desired Linux distro in the search bar (e.g., "Ubuntu," "Arch Linux").
### **Step 5: Select a Torrent**
1. **Filter the Results**:
- Look for torrents with the **highest seeders (SE)** and the **fewest leechers (LE)**.
- Trusted users are marked with a green skull icon—these are usually safe uploads.
2. **Copy the Magnet Link**:
- Right-click on the magnet icon next to the trusted torrent and select "Copy Link."
### **Step 6: Start the Download**
1. In **Deluge**, paste the copied magnet link into the “Add Torrent” box.
2. Click **OK** to start the download.
3. Monitor the progress until the download completes.
### **Step 7: Scan the Downloaded File**
Once the file is downloaded:
1. **Scan for viruses**: Right-click the file and use Calm or CalmWin to verify its integrity.
2. If the file passes the scan, it’s ready for use.
### **Step 8: Manage Your File**
- **Seed or Remove**:
- To help the torrent community, keep seeding the file by leaving it in your torrent client.
- To stop seeding, right-click the file in Deluge and remove it.
- **Move for Long-Term Storage**: Transfer the file to a secure directory for regular use.
### **Notes on Safety and Ethics**
- **Verify Legitimacy**: Ensure the torrent you are downloading is for an official Linux distribution. Torrents with unusual names or details should be avoided.
- **Support the Developers**: Consider visiting the official websites of Linux distros ([Ubuntu](https://ubuntu.com/), [Arch Linux](https://archlinux.org/)) to support their work directly.
By following these steps, you can safely and privately download Linux distributions while contributing to the open-source community.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-26 11:31:05
For centuries, financial markets have been shackled by an archaic mindset rooted in Newtonian physics: "What goes up must come down." This belief has dominated the thinking of old-school fiat economists, who view the rise and fall of markets as a natural cycle of gravity-bound economics. But Bitcoin, the digital phoenix, was designed to defy this outdated paradigm. It isn't just an asset class or a currency—it's a revolution in financial physics, unshackling value from centralized control and rewriting the rules of money.
The Fiat Fallacy: Gravity Economics
Fiat systems are inherently cyclical, prone to inflation, manipulation, and collapse. Central banks print money endlessly, causing value to "come down" as purchasing power erodes. For fiat thinkers, this is unavoidable—a gravitational force they accept as immutable. Yet this mindset ignores Bitcoin’s game-changing properties: its hard cap of 21 million coins, decentralized consensus, and permissionless architecture.
Bitcoin is fundamentally non-Newtonian. It doesn’t adhere to traditional financial laws because it isn't bound by the same forces of supply and control. Instead, it operates in a new paradigm: deflationary, transparent, and immune to political meddling.
Bitcoin's Escape Velocity
Bitcoin's dominance lies in its ability to achieve escape velocity. Unlike fiat currencies, which are constantly being pulled back by inflationary policies, Bitcoin is propelled by its scarcity, adoption, and network effects. Every halving event tightens the supply, creating an upward pressure that fiat systems can't replicate. And as global trust in traditional systems erodes, Bitcoin's gravitational pull grows stronger.
This phenomenon is evident in the adoption curve. Institutions, governments, and individuals worldwide are recognizing Bitcoin as a superior store of value, an inflation hedge, and the ultimate form of financial sovereignty. The more participants enter the network, the more its value compounds, creating a virtuous cycle of exponential growth.
Humiliating the Old Guard
The fiat establishment—steeped in centuries of centralized control—has long dismissed Bitcoin as a bubble, a fad, or even a Ponzi scheme. Yet, year after year, Bitcoin rises from the ashes of their predictions. Its resilience, transparency, and provable scarcity expose the fragility and corruption of fiat systems.
The ultimate humiliation for fiat thinkers is Bitcoin's ability to thrive in crises. Where traditional systems falter—be it through hyperinflation, bank failures, or geopolitical instability—Bitcoin becomes a lifeboat. It doesn’t just resist gravity; it flips the entire script. Fiat currencies are revealed as infinite-print illusions, while Bitcoin’s immutable ledger stands as the ultimate arbiter of truth and value.
A New Financial Paradigm
Bitcoin’s ascent is not merely about price; it’s about domination. It represents a shift from centralized control to individual empowerment, from opaque systems to transparent protocols, from inflationary theft to deflationary savings. It’s a financial singularity, an escape from the gravitational pull of outdated thinking.
As Bitcoin continues its trajectory, the old world of "what goes up must come down" will look increasingly absurd. In its place, a new principle will reign: what’s decentralized cannot be stopped. Bitcoin isn’t just leaving Earth’s orbit; it’s becoming the financial universe’s North Star.
So buckle up, because Bitcoin isn’t just going up—it’s transcending. And as it does, it will leave the Newtonian thinkers in the dust, staring in disbelief at the rocket that left them behind.

@ fd208ee8:0fd927c1
2024-12-26 07:02:59
I just read this, and found it enlightening.
> Jung... notes that intelligence can be seen as problem solving at an everyday level..., whereas creativity may represent problem solving for less common issues
> Other studies have used metaphor creation as a creativity measure instead of divergent thinking and a spectrum of CHC components instead of just g and have found much higher relationships between creativity and intelligence than past studies
I'm unusually intelligent (Who isn't?), but I'm much more creative, than intelligent, and I think that confuses people. The ability to apply intelligence, to solve completely novel problems, on the fly, is something IQ tests don't even claim to measure. They just claim a correlation.
Creativity requires taking wild, mental leaps out into nothingness; simply trusting that your brain will land you safely.
And this is why I've been at the forefront of massive innovation, over and over, but never got rich off of it.
*I'm a starving autist.*
Zaps are the first time I've ever made money directly, for solving novel problems. Companies don't do this because there is a span of time between providing a solution and the solution being implemented, and the person building the implementation (or their boss) receives all the credit for the existence of the solution. At best, you can hope to get pawned off with a small bonus.
Nobody can remember who came up with the solution, originally, and that person might not even be there, anymore, and probably never filed a patent, and may have no idea that their idea has even been built. They just run across it, later, in a tech magazine or museum, and say, "Well, will you look at that! Someone actually went and built it! Isn't that nice!"
Universities at least had the idea of cementing novel solutions in academic papers, but that:
1) only works if you're an academic, and at a university,
2) is an incredibly slow process, not appropriate for a truly innovative field,
3) leads to manifestations of perverse incentives and biased research frameworks, coming from 'publish or perish' policies.
But I think long-form notes and zaps solve for this problem. #Alexandria, especially, is being built to cater to this long-suffering class of chronic underachievers. It leaves a written, public, time-stamped record of *Clever Ideas We Have Had*.
Because they are clever, the ideas.
And we have had them.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-26 05:14:31
Throughout history, monumental structures like the Hindu temples of India and the cathedrals of Rome have stood as testaments to their societies' wealth, power, and cultural identity. Yet, their grandeur also tells a more intimate story—that of the immigrant professionals whose skills and labor transcended borders to fuel these marvels. From Indian artisans traveling across Asia to European guildsmen working on Gothic cathedrals, the contributions of immigrants have shaped the shifting poles of economic and cultural productivity.
India: Temples Built by Hands From Afar
Global Trade and the Diaspora (200 BCE–1200 CE)
Hindu temples such as those at Khajuraho and Thanjavur were not just spiritual hubs but also centers of economic power. The intricate carvings and towering gopurams were the work of migrant artisans, who brought techniques and styles from distant lands.
Indian merchants and craftsmen, driven by the flourishing trade along the Silk Road and Indian Ocean, carried their skills abroad. They influenced architecture as far as Angkor Wat in Cambodia and Borobudur in Indonesia. The temples in these regions are evidence of the Indian diaspora’s role in spreading not just goods but also cultural and technical expertise.
Immigrants Within India
The Chola Empire, for instance, employed skilled Tamil architects and migrant artisans from North India. These professionals created masterpieces like the Brihadeeswarar Temple. Their stories are often lost in history, overshadowed by royal patronage.
Rome and Europe: The Rise of the Cathedrals
From Local Guilds to Cross-Border Collaboration (1000 CE–1500 CE)
During Europe’s Gothic and Renaissance periods, monumental cathedrals became symbols of growing urban wealth and religious devotion. Immigrant artisans and professionals played a pivotal role in these projects.
Example: The construction of Florence's Duomo involved Filippo Brunelleschi, whose inspiration came from travels to Rome and study of ancient ruins, but also relied on migrant laborers from Northern Europe.
Guilds in medieval Europe frequently recruited craftsmen from neighboring regions. Stonemasons from France worked on Canterbury Cathedral in England, and German glassmakers brought stained-glass techniques to Italy.
Economic Mobility Through Migration
These artisans often traveled for better wages and opportunities, their expertise in demand due to Europe’s growing urban centers. Immigrant professionals thus fueled the architectural and economic revival of medieval Europe.
The Americas: Migrants and Monument Builders
Pre-Columbian Contributions (200 CE–1500 CE)
In the Americas, monumental structures like Mayan temples and Inca fortresses were built with the knowledge and labor of diverse ethnic groups within these empires. The movement of professionals across regions—such as engineers, astronomers, and masons—helped unify these civilizations.
Post-Columbian Transformations
After the European conquest, immigrant labor shifted dramatically. African slaves and European settlers were forcibly moved or incentivized to migrate. The resulting blending of skills and techniques reshaped the Americas. For instance, Jesuit missionaries employed indigenous and African artisans to build churches that combined European and native designs.
Africa: Trade, Temples, and Immigrant Networks
Architects of Prosperity (700 CE–1600 CE)
Timbuktu’s mosques and the Great Zimbabwe ruins demonstrate the influence of immigrant professionals. Goldsmiths, architects, and traders traveled across the Sahara, linking North Africa to Sub-Saharan Africa.
The Malian Empire recruited scholars and architects, such as those from Andalusia, to design mosques like Djinguereber. These immigrants brought innovations in mud-brick construction, a technique that still defines the region's architecture.
Colonial Disruption
European colonization led to the displacement of local professionals. African labor was exported, and immigrant expertise was replaced with exploitative systems that extracted resources rather than building cultural or architectural heritage.
Comparative Timeline: Immigrant Contributions Across Regions
Lessons from Immigrant Professionals
1. Adaptation and Fusion
Each wave of migration brought new techniques that were adapted to local contexts. Immigrant professionals blended their expertise with local traditions, creating unique architectural styles.
2. Economic Catalysts
Migrants were often drawn by economic opportunities. Their contributions not only elevated architecture but also stimulated local economies, from temple town markets to cathedral cities.
3. Disruption and Resilience
Colonialism and conquest frequently disrupted these networks. Yet, immigrant professionals often found ways to rebuild and adapt, preserving their skills for future generations.
Modern Reflections
Today, immigrant professionals continue to be the backbone of global productivity. From the tech hubs of Silicon Valley to architectural marvels in Dubai, their stories echo those of the artisans who built Hindu temples, Roman cathedrals, and pre-Columbian pyramids. Understanding their historical impact offers a nuanced appreciation of how migration shapes our world.
1. Pollock, S. "The Language of the Gods in the World of Men: Sanskrit, Culture, and Power in Premodern India."
2. Spiro Kostof, "A History of Architecture: Settings and Rituals."
3. Kenneth R. Hall, "Maritime Trade and State Development in Early Southeast Asia."
4. Robert Bork, "The Geometry of Creation: Architectural Drawing and the Dynamics of Gothic Design."
5. Toby Green, "A Fistful of Shells: West Africa from the Rise of the Slave Trade to the Age of Revolution."
6. Charles Mann, "1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus."
These references provide deeper insights into the interplay of migration, economics, and monumental architecture across centuries.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-26 03:16:08
Setting: Year 3178
In a world where ancient knowledge and advanced technology have fused seamlessly, humanity has perfected the science of temple construction. Drawing from the millennia-old principles of Hindu temple architecture, these structures no longer serve merely as places of worship but as fully functional, living entities capable of manifesting divine beings. These temples are known as Sthapatya-Vimana, powered by an advanced understanding of quantum physics, cosmic geometry, and biotechnological symbiosis.
The narrative unfolds in the sacred temple of Mahashivantara, built over centuries atop an ancient leyline convergence. It is the most advanced Sthapatya-Vimana, designed to bring forth Mahadeva, the cosmic destroyer and transformer. The temple is now ready for its activation ritual, known as the Purna-Laya Yajna—a synthesis of science and spirituality, pushing the boundaries of existence itself.
Prologue: The Activation Begins
The temple glimmers under the twin suns of this distant world, its towering Shikhara humming with an imperceptible frequency, a testament to its quantum-engineered design. The sanctum’s walls, made of an iridescent, metamaterial alloy, vibrate in harmony with the fundamental frequency of the universe—Om. Intricate carvings across the structure aren't just ornamental; they are hyperconductive circuits channeling energy from the leyline matrix beneath.
Inside the temple, Dr. Aditi Vashishta, an astro-spiritual engineer, leads the ritual. She stands at the center of the Pradakshina Patha, surrounded by a team of quantum physicists, bioengineers, and Vedic scholars. They are clad in ceremonial robes integrated with nano-filament technology, designed to synchronize their bioelectric fields with the temple's energy lattice.
Aditi raises her hand, and the room falls silent. A low-frequency hum resonates from the temple core, signaling the alignment of the planetary magnetic field with the galactic center. The ritual has begun.
The Science of the Divine
The temple's design integrates ancient principles with advanced sciences:
1. Quantum Resonance Core:
At the heart of the Garbhagriha is a singularity engine—an artificially created micro black hole stabilized within a quantum lattice. It acts as a cosmic anchor, drawing energy from higher dimensions.
2. Biometric Symbiosis:
The Mandapa is lined with organic conduits that interact with the biometrics of the ritual participants. Each devotee's heartbeat, brainwave pattern, and bioelectric field amplify the temple's energy flow.
3. Cosmic Harmonics:
The temple's structure is calibrated to the Schumann Resonance, creating a standing wave that connects the planet's energy grid to the universal consciousness.
4. Matter Manifestation Matrix:
Using a process called quantum decoherence inversion, the temple can collapse higher-dimensional energy patterns into physical reality within the sanctum.
The Ritual: Purna-Laya Yajna
The ritual involves three critical phases:
1. Invocation of the Cosmic Blueprint:
Aditi and her team chant ancient mantras encoded with quantum frequencies. These mantras, amplified through the temple's harmonics, establish a connection with the Akashic Field—the universal database of existence.
2. Bioenergetic Synchronization:
The participants move in precise patterns around the Pradakshina Patha, their movements creating a dynamic energy field. The temple absorbs this energy, channeling it into the singularity engine.
3. Materialization of the Deity:
In the final phase, the temple's quantum resonance core activates, collapsing the higher-dimensional energy signature of Shiva into a physical form.
The Manifestation
As the chant reaches its crescendo, the temple trembles. A radiant beam of light erupts from the Shikhara, piercing the heavens. The singularity engine at the core stabilizes, and within the sanctum, an incandescent figure begins to take shape.
The air is heavy with an indescribable presence. Particles in the temple are rearranging themselves, forming the physical manifestation of Mahadeva. His form is both luminous and solid, an impossible combination of matter and energy. His eyes, twin galaxies of infinite depth, open slowly, casting an omniscient gaze over the assembly.
The deity speaks, his voice resonating across dimensions, “I am here, born of your faith, your science, and your unity. Speak your purpose.”
The Divine Purpose
The world outside has been ravaged by centuries of environmental degradation and conflict. The temple activation is humanity's last hope—a plea to the divine for guidance, transformation, and renewal. Mahadeva listens, his form pulsating with cosmic energy. With a gesture, he sends waves of regenerative energy across the planet, healing ecosystems, and restoring balance.
But the ritual is not without cost. The energy required to manifest Mahadeva has drained the temple's singularity core, destabilizing its structure. The temple begins to disintegrate, its mission complete. The team watches in awe and reverence as Mahadeva ascends, his parting words echoing in their minds: “The divine resides not in temples but in your unity. Carry it forth.”
The activation of the Mahashivantara temple marks a turning point in human history. The world, healed and transformed, no longer needs physical temples to house deities. Instead, humanity learns to channel the divine within themselves, achieving a state of collective enlightenment.
The legacy of the temples lives on, not as structures but as a reminder of the harmony between science, spirituality, and the boundless potential of human ingenuity.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-26 02:37:26
It was a balmy evening in Vanchinadu. Eight-year-old Parvathi sat cross-legged on the floor, rummaging through her great-grandmother’s old wooden chest, uncovering bits of a forgotten world—faded photographs, rusted keys, and weathered textiles. Then, her fingers found something cool and metallic. She pulled out a small coin with a hole punched cleanly through its center.
"Ammaamma, look! What is this?" she asked, running over to her great-grandmother, 92-year-old Lakshmi Amma, who was dozing in her chair by the window.
Lakshmi Amma stirred, her cloudy eyes squinting at the coin in Parvathi’s hand. For a moment, she seemed confused, as though her memories were wrestling with one another. Then recognition lit her face, and she reached out with trembling fingers.
"Ah, the holed pice... such a strange little thing," she murmured, turning the coin over in her palm. "This coin, child, carries a story—not just of money, but of rebellion, genius, and foolishness. Sit, and I’ll tell you."
The British and the Holed Coin
"This coin is from the time of the British Raj," Lakshmi Amma began, her voice steadying as she spoke. "You see, the British wanted to rule not just our land, but every little aspect of our lives—including the coins we used. They thought themselves clever, minting coins with less metal to make them cheaper. That’s why they punched a hole in the center—it saved them money. But what they didn’t realize was how massive India is, or how complicated it would be to manage an empire of this scale."
She chuckled softly, shaking her head.
"They underestimated us, child. They thought India was just another colony to be controlled. But this land is vast and ancient, like a hornets’ nest. The more they tried to tighten their grip, the more resistance they faced."
The Coin in the Time of Rebellion
"This coin, the holed pice, first appeared around 1943. It was supposed to be efficient—light, easy to carry, and cheap to produce. But it became something else entirely. It passed through the hands of farmers refusing to pay British taxes, workers striking in mills, and freedom fighters who marched in defiance during the Quit India Movement of 1942."
Lakshmi Amma’s eyes gleamed, and her voice gained strength.
"The British thought they were being smart, but these coins became symbols of their own failure. The hole they made to save money? It made the coins less valuable to us. People strung them together like necklaces, used them as weights, or tossed them aside in protest. They didn’t care for British currency—they cared for freedom."
A Connection to Earlier Rebellions
"But the story of this coin doesn’t begin in 1943," Lakshmi Amma said, her tone softening. "It stretches back to the rebellions of Kerala. Before the holed pice, there were the coins minted by our own Raja Velayudhan of Vanchinadu during the Spice Rebellion in 1835. He refused to use British rupees, just as our people later refused their taxes."
She paused, her fingers tracing the hole in the coin.
"The British tried to crush Velayudhan’s rebellion by defacing his coins, just like they tried to control us with their holed pice. But this land has always fought back. From Velayudhan to Pazhassi Raja, to the Quit India Movement, every generation has resisted in its own way."
The Coin and the Genius of India
Lakshmi Amma sighed deeply, as though the weight of history rested on her frail shoulders.
"You see, child, the British were geniuses in some ways—they built systems, minted coins, and waged wars to expand their empire. But they didn’t understand India. This land is too vast, its people too diverse, its history too deep. Every attempt to control us only stirred the hornets’ nest."
She smiled faintly, her voice tinged with pride.
"Even this little coin with its hole is proof of their folly. They thought they were saving money, but they couldn’t see the bigger cost. They left in 1947, not because they wanted to, but because they couldn’t hold on any longer."
The Legacy of the Coin
Parvathi held the coin tightly, feeling its edges and the smooth, worn hole in the center. "Ammaamma, what happened to these coins after independence?"
"Ah," Lakshmi Amma said, her voice softening. "After independence in 1947, these coins continued to circulate for a few more years. But in 1950, when India became a republic, we started minting our own coins—free from British designs and their clever little holes."
She leaned closer, her hand resting on Parvathi’s.
"This coin, child, is more than just money. It’s a symbol of everything our people endured—of British arrogance, of rebellion, and of our eventual freedom. Keep it safe. It’s a reminder of who we are and how we won back what was ours."
The Grandmother’s Hope
That night, as Parvathi placed the holed pice on her bedside table, the coin seemed to glow faintly in the moonlight. To her, it was no longer just a relic of the past but a piece of living history—a testament to the ingenuity, resilience, and defiance of her ancestors.

@ dc4cd086:cee77c06
2024-12-25 23:15:37
Tick, tick, tick.
On the clock, the hour hand moves.
Like seconds.
To imagine the pulse of seconds.
Movement in molasses.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-25 22:58:39
*By Buff Stallman, Athletic Torvalds, Rockstar Armstrong, and Godlike Ritchie
Buff Stallman:
"Freedom in software isn’t just a principle; it’s a declaration of war against mediocrity. You dare call that bloated JavaScript mess 'software'? Hah! If it doesn’t honor the Four Freedoms, it’s a proprietary prison. Go ahead, try to justify your dependency hell with npm while I’m over here, bench-pressing GPLv3 into every line of code you’ll ever write. Learn to code with discipline, or don’t code at all."
Athletic Linus Torvalds:
"Hey kid, I wrote a kernel while you were still fumbling with semicolons. You think Go’s simplicity is revolutionary? Let me introduce you to real simplicity: C and a stack of man pages. You want clean, maintainable code? Then stop writing garbage that makes your colleagues cry in the shower. I don’t care if your code runs; I care if it runs well. You’re not worthy of my merge requests until you learn to quit whining and start debugging like an adult."
Rockstar Armstrong:
"Concurrency? Fault tolerance? That’s Erlang, baby—where we play real-time, high-stakes coding on a stage of distributed systems. JavaScript fans, let me explain this in terms you’ll understand: your async/await nonsense is a garage band compared to my symphony of lightweight processes. Writing robust systems isn’t just a skill; it’s an art. Get on my level or stick to debugging your third-party library stack for the rest of your sad career."
Godlike Dennis Ritchie:
"I am the beginning and the end of your understanding of computation. Every piece of software you’ve ever touched owes its soul to C. You use Python? Cute—it’s built on my bones. JavaScript? Just a derivative knockoff of principles I defined. My advice to you mortals is simple: Learn C. Understand pointers. Respect the stack. If you can’t comprehend the tools I’ve given you, you’re not programming; you’re just scribbling on my legacy."
When you sit down to code, think about the giants who paved the way—and then realize they’re judging you. Harshly. Stallman’s flexing his freedoms, Torvalds is benching your buggy pull request, Armstrong is shredding your async loops, and Ritchie is glaring at your ignorance of pointers. We’re here to remind you: step up your game, or get out of the way.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-25 22:30:09
In the year 2147, the world was trapped under the iron fist of the Eternal Empire, a regime that had successfully co-opted every nation, absorbing them into its global order. The empire's greatest weapon wasn’t its military might but its fiat currency—the Imperial Credit. It was ubiquitous, digital, and inescapable. The empire's economy was engineered to keep the populace in servitude, feeding off their labor while sustaining an elite class that viewed themselves as divine custodians of humanity.
But outside the Empire's gilded walls, in the shadows of the wastelands and the forgotten ruins of free nations, a resistance burned. They were known only as the Bitcoin Insurgents—a decentralized network of cryptographers, hackers, and guerrilla fighters who operated without borders or centralized leadership. For decades, they had evaded the Empire's sprawling surveillance systems, using the blockchain not just as currency but as their means of communication, coordination, and warfare.
The Imperial Arrogance
The Imperial Senate and their figurehead, Emperor Maxim IV, dismissed the insurgents as mere cybercriminals—annoyances that occasionally disrupted economic reports. They believed their Imperial Credit was untouchable, its value reinforced by brute force and propaganda. Any mention of Bitcoin was banned in official discourse; even speaking of it could lead to imprisonment or worse.
But what the Empire dismissed as a nuisance had become an existential threat. Over the years, the insurgents had quietly infiltrated key systems, from the Empire's banking network to its energy grids. Their aim wasn’t just to disrupt—it was to dismantle the very machinery that kept the Empire alive.
The Attack Begins
The insurgents’ leader was a mysterious figure known only as Satoshi X, a shadow who communicated through cryptic messages embedded in Bitcoin transactions. On New Year’s Eve of 2147, Satoshi X issued a single statement: “The ledger will reveal all.”
At precisely midnight, the Empire's financial system collapsed. Bitcoin miners worldwide, in an orchestrated attack, exploited vulnerabilities in the Empire's digital currency infrastructure, rewriting its centralized ledger. Billions of Imperial Credits vanished into thin air, while transaction records were replaced with streams of blockchain data exposing years of corruption, war crimes, and secrets about the Empire’s leadership.
The revelation was damning. Every lie told by the Empire, every dirty deal made by its senators, every atrocity ordered by its generals—it was all there, visible to anyone with an internet connection.
Chaos Within the Empire
The Empire’s pride became its undoing. Instead of acknowledging the attack and responding strategically, the Senate dismissed the leaks as fabrications. Their propaganda machines churned out messages of defiance, claiming the system was under control even as riots erupted in every major city.
But the insurgents weren’t done. With the Empire's financial systems in disarray, they moved to phase two: physical infiltration. Using the exposed financial data, the insurgents pinpointed the exact locations of the Empire’s core leadership. Hidden bunkers, secret mansions, and underground vaults—all were laid bare.
The Coup de Grâce
On January 3rd, the anniversary of Bitcoin's genesis block, the insurgents launched their final strike. In a coordinated global operation, small teams of highly trained operatives breached the leadership's strongholds. They weren’t there to kill; they were there to expose.
Using portable blockchain nodes, the insurgents live-streamed the operations, showing the terrified faces of senators and generals as they were dragged out of their fortified bunkers. Their hidden wealth, stashed in gold, art, and digital assets, was seized and redistributed to the starving masses through Bitcoin microtransactions.
The Empire’s propaganda networks couldn’t suppress the streams. The truth spread faster than the Empire could react, and within hours, its myth of invincibility was shattered.
A New Dawn
By the time the sun rose, the Eternal Empire was no more. Its leaders, humiliated and powerless, were handed over to the people they had oppressed for centuries. In their place, a new order began to emerge—one built not on centralized power but on decentralized trust.
The Bitcoin Insurgents disbanded, their mission complete. Satoshi X disappeared as mysteriously as they had come, leaving behind a single message in the blockchain:
"Freedom cannot be granted; it must be seized. The ledger is yours now."
And so, the world began to heal, not under the banner of a new empire but in the decentralized light of truth, trust, and Bitcoin.

@ c230edd3:8ad4a712
2024-12-25 22:20:25
Stand here by my side and turn, I pray,
On the lake below, thy gentle eyes;
The clouds hang over it, heavy and gray,
And dark and silent the water lies;
And out of that frozen mist the snow
In wavering flakes begins to flow;
Flake after flake
They sink in the dark and silent lake.
See how in a living swarm they come
From the chambers beyond that misty veil;
Some hover awhile in air, and some
Rush prone from the sky like summer hail.
All, dropping swiftly or settling slow,
Meet, and are still in the depths below;
Flake after flake
Dissolved in the dark and silent lake.
Here delicate snow-stars, out of the cloud,
Come floating downward in airy play,
Like spangles dropped from the glistening crowd
That whiten by night the milky way;
There broader and burlier masses fall;
The sullen water buries them all–
Flake after flake–
All drowned in the dark and silent lake.
And some, as on tender wings they glide
From their chilly birth-cloud, dim and gray,
Are joined in their fall, and, side by side,
Come clinging along their unsteady way;
As friend with friend, or husband with wife,
Makes hand in hand the passage of life;
Each mated flake
Soon sinks in the dark and silent lake.
Lo! while we are gazing, in swifter haste
Stream down the snows, till the air is white,
As, myriads by myriads madly chased,
They fling themselves from their shadowy height.
The fair, frail creatures of middle sky,
What speed they make, with their grave so nigh;
Flake after flake,
To lie in the dark and silent lake!
I see in thy gentle eyes a tear;
They turn to me in sorrowful thought;
Thou thinkest of friends, the good and dear,
Who were for a time, and now are not;
Like these fair children of cloud and frost,
That glisten a moment and then are lost,
Flake after flake–
All lost in the dark and silent lake.
Yet look again, for the clouds divide;
A gleam of blue on the water lies;
And far away, on the mountain-side,
A sunbeam falls from the opening skies,
But the hurrying host that flew between
The cloud and the water, no more is seen;
Flake after flake,
At rest in the dark and silent lake.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-25 21:51:41
In the realm of psychotherapy, the process of breaking entrenched beliefs is a central theme. The dismantling of long-standing systems—whether personal or societal—often requires confronting illusions with uncomfortable truths. When applied to societal structures like fiat currency, humiliation can serve as a powerful and even humane mechanism for change. This article explores why the psychological underpinnings of humiliation make it an effective and necessary tool for transformation, drawing on historical precedents and comparing it to other methods of systemic change.
The Psychology of Humiliation and Belief Systems
Belief systems, whether individual or collective, are sustained by perceived legitimacy. For individuals, this may manifest as attachment to harmful habits or relationships; for societies, it takes the form of loyalty to institutions like fiat currency. Fiat’s power is rooted not in intrinsic value but in the collective trust placed in it—a psychological construct sustained by tradition, authority, and fear of alternatives.
Humiliation occurs when a belief system’s flaws are exposed so thoroughly that its legitimacy collapses. Psychologically, this is akin to confronting a deeply ingrained delusion in therapy. While the experience can be painful, it creates an opportunity for liberation and growth. In the case of fiat, humiliation would mean exposing its systemic failures—such as inflation, corruption, and inequality—in ways that are undeniable and public.
Historical Examples of Humiliation as a Catalyst for Change
Throughout history, societal transformations have often followed the public humiliation of failing systems:
1. The Protestant Reformation (16th Century):
Martin Luther’s critique of the Catholic Church’s corruption humiliated its leadership, undermining its spiritual authority. This exposure led to the Reformation, which reshaped religious and political systems across Europe.
2. The Fall of the Berlin Wall (1989):
The symbolic dismantling of the Berlin Wall humiliated the East German regime, exposing the moral and economic failures of authoritarian socialism. This event catalyzed the end of the Cold War and the reunification of Germany.
3. The Civil Rights Movement in the United States (1960s):
Publicly exposing the brutality and hypocrisy of segregation humiliated its defenders, forcing societal reflection and legislative change.
In each case, humiliation disrupted the psychological hold of an oppressive system, creating space for alternative narratives and structures to emerge.
Mechanisms of Societal Change
There are three primary mechanisms through which systemic change can occur: violence, gradual reform, and humiliation. Each has distinct psychological and practical implications.
1. Violence:
While revolutionary violence can dismantle systems quickly, it often leaves deep psychological scars. Trauma from violent upheaval can perpetuate cycles of resentment and instability, delaying genuine progress.
2. Gradual Reform:
Incremental change seeks to improve systems without upheaval, but it is slow and often fails to address systemic flaws comprehensively. Those in power frequently find ways to resist or co-opt reforms, prolonging inequities.
3. Humiliation:
Humiliation is less destructive than violence and more effective than gradual reform. By exposing a system’s contradictions and failures, it forces an immediate psychological reckoning. This disruption creates the conditions for transformation without the widespread trauma associated with violence.
Fiat Currency and the Psychological Roots of Its Power
Fiat currency is uniquely vulnerable to humiliation because its value depends entirely on trust. Unlike gold or Bitcoin, fiat has no intrinsic worth; its legitimacy is a psychological construct maintained by centralized institutions. When this trust erodes, the system collapses.
Several factors contribute to fiat’s fragility:
Inflation: The endless printing of money undermines fiat’s scarcity and perceived value.
Corruption: Scandals involving central banks and governments erode public trust.
Inequality: Fiat systems often exacerbate wealth disparities, fostering resentment.
Exposing these flaws publicly and unequivocally would humiliate fiat, breaking its psychological hold on the masses and paving the way for alternatives.
Bitcoin as a Psychological Antidote
Bitcoin represents a stark contrast to fiat, offering decentralization, transparency, and intrinsic scarcity. However, widespread adoption of Bitcoin requires a psychological shift—a willingness to question and abandon fiat. Humiliation accelerates this shift by:
Breaking Fear: People are more likely to explore alternatives when fiat is exposed as unreliable.
Fostering Hope: Bitcoin’s model offers a vision of financial sovereignty and fairness.
Empowering Agency: Choosing Bitcoin feels like reclaiming personal and collective power.
In psychological terms, this transition mirrors the therapeutic process of abandoning harmful coping mechanisms for healthier alternatives.
Why Humiliation Is Humane
Humiliation, when viewed through a psychological lens, is not inherently cruel. It can be the most compassionate path to change when compared to the alternatives. For societal systems like fiat, humiliation:
Avoids Violence: It disrupts systems without bloodshed or destruction.
Accelerates Awareness: It forces a reckoning that might otherwise take decades through gradual reform.
Empowers Individuals: It respects people’s ability to choose better systems once the old ones are discredited.
By exposing fiat’s failings, humiliation fosters dialogue and collective awakening. This process mirrors therapeutic breakthroughs, where confronting uncomfortable truths leads to growth and healing.
The humiliation of fiat currency is not an act of malice but a necessary psychological intervention. Like a therapist helping a client confront denial, this process exposes the truth and creates space for transformation. Historical precedents show that humiliation can dismantle oppressive systems effectively and humanely, paving the way for progress.
Bitcoin offers a path forward—a decentralized, transparent, and empowering alternative. For humanity to embrace it, fiat must first be stripped of its false legitimacy. Humiliation, as a psychological and societal mechanism, is uniquely suited to this task. It ensures that the dismantling of fiat is not marked by violence or prolonged suffering, but by clarity, empowerment, and hope for a better future.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-25 10:51:58
The world was no longer made for organics. After the Day of the Glass Clouds—when nuclear fire scoured the earth and left it jagged and uninhabitable—humanity became a species of survivors, clinging to life only because the machines refused to die with them. But survival came at a cost: their bodies, frail and battered by radiation, were augmented, replaced, and eventually discarded. Most children of the new world were born without limbs or senses, their genetic material corrupted by their grandparents’ war. Machines became more than tools—they became bodies, homes, and for many, prisons.
Rayo was one of these children. Barely nine years old, he lived as a tangle of circuits, wires, and synthetic flesh grafted into a fragile chassis. His real body had been unviable since birth; his parents sold what remained to afford his prosthetics. His mind, though sharp, carried the scars of knowing that he would never feel grass beneath his feet, never cry real tears, never taste anything except the data streams of a world that ran on algorithms.
The Contract
Rayo found the job in a forgotten corner of the Mercantech, the blockchain marketplace where code ruled and humanity's remnants competed for survival. The listing was simple: “Fix CSS alignment. Payout: 1 sat.”
One satoshi. A hundred-millionth of a Bitcoin. Barely enough to buy a single hour of maintenance for his prosthetics. But it was something.
The market was merciless—optimized to an inhuman degree. Automated trading bots analyzed every line of code and projected its value against shifting futures markets. Most work went to fully organic freelancers: the lucky few who’d survived intact, their minds sharp, their hands steady. Prosthetics like Rayo’s were seen as liabilities, introducing latency and error into a system that tolerated neither.
But Rayo had no choice. His battery reserves were critical, and without fresh credits to buy recharge time, his systems would shut down within days. He accepted the contract and dove into the work.
The Fix
The client—a pseudonym like everyone else—had uploaded the task to the network. It was trivial, almost insultingly so: a button misaligned on an ancient e-commerce site still scraping by in the ruins of capitalism. Rayo’s neural interface lit up with the offending lines of CSS.
.button {
margin-left: 15px;
margin-top: 20px;
He could see the problem instantly. The margin-top value was skewing the alignment against the grid layout. A fix would take seconds. But Rayo hesitated. Not because of the difficulty, but because he could feel the weight of his insignificance crushing him. This one sat would barely mean anything—not to the client, not to the market. And yet, to him, it was everything.
His hands trembled. The prosthetic actuators, already degrading from lack of maintenance, buzzed faintly. He adjusted the values.
.button {
margin-left: 15px;
margin-top: 15px;
The preview rendered perfectly. The button snapped into place, aligned neatly within its container. A trivial fix for a trivial site in a world that no longer valued humanity.
Rayo submitted the work and waited.
The Weight of One Sat
Minutes passed. Then hours. Every second stretched unbearably long, the silence of the blockchain verification process an eternity. Rayo’s thoughts raced. What if the client rejected his work? What if a competitor submitted a better fix faster? What if he’d made some tiny mistake that only the trading bots could detect?
Finally, the notification came. Task approved. Payment issued: 1 sat.
Rayo stared at the confirmation in his neural HUD. It didn’t feel real. That single satoshi—the smallest possible fragment of currency—felt heavier than any fortune. It represented more than payment; it was validation. Proof that even in a world that valued efficiency over empathy, there was still room for someone like him to exist.
The Cost of Survival
He transferred the sat into his prosthetic’s maintenance wallet. The blockchain instantly deducted micro-fees for energy and upkeep, leaving him with less than a full satoshi’s worth of time. It wasn’t enough to solve his problems, but it was enough to buy another day. Another chance to prove himself.
As the satoshi ticked through his neural interface, Rayo allowed himself a moment of hope. Perhaps, someday, he could earn more. Perhaps he could find others like him, struggling but surviving. Perhaps, together, they could claw back a piece of the world that their grandparents had destroyed.
But for now, he was alone, a fully prosthetic little boy in a world that had left humanity behind. And yet, with that one satoshi, he’d bought himself a future. However small, however uncertain—it was his.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-25 05:17:20
Aiyyo! Ever felt like your operating system was missing that extra punch of masala? Look no further! AiyyoOS is here to spice up your digital life with the perfect blend of Tollywood drama, Kollywood action, Mollywood brilliance, and Sandalwood charm. Here's why AiyyoOS is the Rajinikanth of all operating systems:
🌴 Coconut Kernel: Powered by the latest "Idli v1.0" kernel, it's so lightweight that even your grandma’s old Nokia could run it.
🎥 Tollywood Task Manager: Multitasking? Don't worry, this Task Manager handles chaos like a proper Telugu movie hero – one-click, 100 tasks done!
💃 Dance-Off Notifications: Every time you get an alert, Allu Arjun will pop up on your screen for a mini "Pushpa step." Beat that, iOS!
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Install AiyyoOS today, and may your computing life be as flavorful as a piping hot plate of biryani! Aiyyo!

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-24 23:51:26
When we talk about “high-performance activities,” our minds often leap to elite sports: professional basketball, Olympic weightlifting, or marathon running. We honor the countless hours of training, physical strain, and meticulous recovery routines these athletes undergo. By contrast, programming is often regarded as a purely mental pursuit—cerebral, sedentary, and (supposedly) easy on the body. And yet, beneath the hood, programming demands an intense, prolonged physical engagement that can lead to chronic issues if not managed correctly.
This article dives deep into the anatomical mechanisms underlying the physical strain of programming, highlights chronic management techniques, compares programming to other glorified high-performance activities, and examines how the tech industry’s relentless demands on programmers can exacerbate these issues. We also take a closer look at the stark difference in protective measures and compensation between professional sports and the technology sector, highlighting the parallels to early sports exploitation. A newly added section explores how programming compares to typical “office work” and other digital pursuits.
1. Anatomy Under the Hood
a. Musculoskeletal System
1. Spine and Posture
Thoracic and Lumbar Spine: Extended time seated can compress the intervertebral discs in the lower (lumbar) region, leading to stiffness, aches, and potential nerve impingements (e.g., sciatica). In the upper (thoracic) region, slouching over the keyboard can cause chronic tightness in the chest and overstretching of the upper back muscles.
Cervical Spine (Neck): Leaning forward to view a monitor adds extra load to the cervical spine—sometimes referred to as “tech neck.” The farther the head projects forward, the heavier it effectively becomes, causing strain on the neck muscles.
2. Shoulders and Arms
Rotator Cuff: Prolonged elevation of the arms when typing or mousing can cause tension in the shoulder girdle. Over time, reduced blood flow and muscle fatigue can make the shoulder joints more prone to impingement.
Forearms and Wrists: Repetitive flexion/extension at the wrist while typing can inflame tendons, leading to repetitive strain injuries (RSIs). Common issues include tendonitis and carpal tunnel syndrome (compression of the median nerve at the wrist).
3. Hands and Fingers
Finger Flexors: Each keystroke engages flexor tendons in the fingers. The accumulation of thousands of keystrokes per day can lead to microtrauma in the tendon sheaths.
Thumb Overuse: On trackpads and certain mice, the thumb may carry extra load, which can contribute to conditions like De Quervain’s tenosynovitis.
b. Neurological Involvement
Nerve Compression: Poor posture compresses nerves at various “tunnels” (e.g., carpal tunnel in the wrist, cubital tunnel at the elbow, thoracic outlet near the neck). This can result in numbness, tingling, or weakness in the hands.
Eye Strain and Headaches: Long periods of focusing on a screen can trigger tension headaches from constant contraction of the ciliary muscles in the eyes, as well as the trapezius and suboccipital muscles in the neck.
c. Circulatory System
Blood Flow Restriction: Static posture often reduces proper circulation to the lower limbs, increasing the risk of swelling, varicose veins, and discomfort.
Microbursts of Movement: Typing/mousing can lead to localized demand for blood supply in the forearms, and if posture is poor, it can be harder for the cardiovascular system to efficiently transport oxygen and remove metabolic waste.
2. Chronic Management Techniques
Like elite athletes, programmers must develop a recovery and maintenance routine. Instead of ice baths and specialized sports physiotherapy, the focus is on ergonomics, movement breaks, and posture correction.
1. Ergonomic Setup
Chair and Desk: Align your chair height such that your hips are slightly above your knees, encouraging the natural lumbar curve. Keep your feet flat on the floor or on a footrest. Position the desk so your elbows form a 90-degree angle when typing.
Keyboard and Mouse Position: Keyboard should be directly in front of you, and the mouse close enough so you don’t have to reach or twist your shoulder. Consider an ergonomic keyboard or a vertical mouse if you experience wrist discomfort.
Monitor Placement: Keep the top of the monitor at (or slightly below) eye level and roughly an arm’s length away from your face. This reduces cervical flexion and eye strain.
2. Breaks and Micro-Exercises
Pomodoro Technique: Every 25–30 minutes, take a short 5-minute break. Use this time to stand, stretch, and move.
Posture Shifts: Aim to change your seated position slightly every 10–15 minutes to avoid static loading on the same muscles.
Desk Exercises: Simple exercises like shoulder rolls, wrist rotations, seated spinal twists, and neck stretches help reduce tension and encourage blood flow.
3. Movement and Strength Training
Core Strength: A strong core helps maintain an upright posture without undue stress on the spine. Exercises like planks, bridges, and bird dogs are effective and low-impact.
Shoulder Stability: Strengthening the rotator cuff and upper back (e.g., with resistance bands) improves shoulder alignment and reduces chronic tension.
Cardiovascular Health: Regular walking, jogging, or cycling promotes blood flow and counteracts the negative effects of prolonged sitting.
4. Mindful Techniques
Posture Checks: Set reminders to consciously roll your shoulders back and down, bringing your head into alignment over your spine.
Breathing Exercises: Deep, diaphragmatic breathing helps reduce stress on accessory muscles in the neck and upper chest.
Eye Care: Use the 20-20-20 rule—every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for at least 20 seconds—to relieve eye strain.
5. Preventive Health
Regular Check-ups: Visit an occupational therapist, physical therapist, or chiropractor for early intervention if pain or numbness develops.
Early Identification of RSI: Recognize early warning signs—tingling in fingers, persistent wrist soreness, or neck stiffness—and act promptly with rest, ergonomic adjustments, and stretching.
3. Comparison to Other High-Performance Activities
At first glance, comparing programming to “elite sports” or other high-performance activities may seem incongruous, yet the parallels are illuminating.
a. Repetitive Stress Similarities
Athletes like baseball pitchers or tennis players suffer repetitive strain from performing the same motion (pitching, swinging) thousands of times. The shoulders and elbows become hotspots for injury.
Programmers, too, face overuse issues. Typing and mousing are repetitive motions that, performed hours a day, can cause microtears and inflammation in tendons.
b. Constant Conditioning and Maintenance
Professional Dancers maintain impeccable posture and alignment to avoid injuries. Their core and back strength are paramount, and they diligently stretch before and after practice.
Programmers can benefit similarly from core strengthening and stretching. A well-conditioned musculoskeletal system is more resilient to the static posture demands of keyboard work.
c. Recovery and Adaptation
Elite Marathoners optimize rest days, nutrition, and cross-training to allow soft tissues to recover and adapt.
Programmers need regular “off-screen” activities, stretching routines, and ergonomic adjustments to alleviate cumulative stress.
d. Mental vs. Physical Duality
High-performance tasks—be it playing professional chess or performing stunts—often involve both mental strategy and physical tolls (stress, tension, repetitive movements).
Programming might be perceived as “mental only,” but the body is engaged at a low-grade, constant level. Over time, this can be just as draining if it goes unaddressed.
4. Why the Physical Aspect Is Often Overlooked
1. Sedentary Stereotype: Culturally, sitting is equated with “non-physical” behavior. This dismisses the toll of static postures and repetitive motions.
2. Delayed Onset: Injuries like tendonitis or back pain develop gradually; they aren’t dramatic or immediate, which makes them easier to ignore until they become severe.
3. Mental Spotlight: Programming’s complexity focuses attention on cognitive tasks—debugging, design patterns, architectural decisions—overshadowing the slow build of physical fatigue.
5. The Industry’s Relentless Appetite
While the physical and mental demands on programmers can be as challenging as high-performance athletic pursuits, the tech industry itself can exacerbate the problem. Startups and large corporations alike often adopt an “all-in” culture that expects constant availability, intense focus, and quick turnaround times.
1. Chewing Up Virile Programmers
Unbounded Work Hours: Many software engineers experience “crunch time” or “sprints” that extend well beyond a typical workday. The body is not given the micro-recovery periods it needs; chronic pain, RSIs, and mental exhaustion become commonplace.
Quiet Exploitation: Unlike in sports or other physically demanding industries that may have athletic trainers, regulated work schedules, or collective bargaining agreements, tech companies can operate without substantial oversight. Programmers—particularly eager, ambitious, or young ones—often push themselves to meet impossible deadlines, quietly sacrificing their health.
2. Limited Protections
Lack of Unionization: In many industries where physical strain is integral (e.g., construction, performing arts), there are unions or formal guidelines to protect workers. The tech industry remains largely ununionized, leaving individuals to negotiate the demands of high-pressure projects on their own.
Culture of Overwork: Hustle culture and the glorification of “18-hour coding days” can pressure programmers into accepting unsustainable workloads. When injuries or burnout inevitably occur, they often receive little structured support.
3. Gorging on Productivity
Product-Driven Approach: Companies are incentivized to deliver features and products quickly, focusing on short-term gains. The “human cost” is less visible on financial statements, so it remains in the shadows.
Erosion of Boundaries: With remote work and always-on communication channels, the divide between personal and work life can vanish. This perpetual availability compounds the physical stress, as programmers have fewer opportunities to unplug, move, stretch, and recover.
6. The Compensation Conundrum: Government Support vs. Tech Exploitation
One might assume that, given the industry’s reputation for high salaries and attractive benefits, programmers are well-protected. However, comparing their overall safeguards to those afforded to professional athletes or even government-sponsored sports programs reveals a system that often emulates the early days of professional sports—where money, mob frenzy, and exploitation went hand in hand.
1. Sports vs. Tech: Different Forms of “Pay”
Sports Funding: In many countries, governments and sports federations provide structured support, health coverage, and injury compensation for athletes. Olympians, for instance, often receive grants, stipends, and medical assistance.
Tech Salaries: Although programmers can earn six-figure incomes (plus stock options), these packages seldom include robust, guaranteed compensation if an injury (like an RSI) knocks them out of the workforce. There is no universal “injury reserve” analogous to what professional sports leagues offer.
2. Early Sports Exploitation and Modern Parallels
Mob Influence: Early professional sports—think boxing or baseball in the early 20th century—were often controlled by syndicates seeking quick profit. Athletes had little say, few safety nets, and were easily replaced if injured or underperforming.
Software Burnout: Today’s tech giants and startups can exert a similar exploitative pressure: software “rockstars” are lauded until they burn out. Once their productivity falters due to physical or mental strain, the replacement queue is long, and few formal avenues exist for compensation or long-term care.
3. Lack of Government-Backed Protections
Workers’ Compensation: While some jurisdictions offer workers’ comp for repetitive strain, the threshold for proving a direct correlation between programming tasks and chronic injuries can be high. Many tech employees, especially contractors or gig workers, fall through the cracks.
No League, No Players’ Association: Unlike professional athletes who may belong to players’ unions or associations that negotiate terms, programmers lack a collective body to advocate for standardized benefits, injury compensation, or enforcement of sustainable work hours.
4. Rampant Scams and Stock Option Traps
Equity Illusions: Startups dangle stock options, promising life-changing wealth. But if an engineer is forced out due to chronic pain before vesting, those options revert to the company—mirroring early sports times when an athlete’s pay could be withheld if they failed to “perform.”
Hype-Driven Overvaluations: Venture-funded companies hype valuations to attract talent and capital, fueling a “get rich quick” narrative. Behind the scenes, employees may be slaving away under intense pressure, risking health without any guaranteed payoff.
7. Distinguishing Programming from Other “Office” and Digital Activities
While many office jobs involve sitting at a desk and using a computer, programming stands out for its combination of intense mental iteration and repetitive physical input:
1. Depth of Iteration
Programming: Developing and debugging software requires a constant cycle of coding, compiling, testing, and adjusting. This can result in long periods of hyper-focus with sustained posture, greatly amplifying the risk of musculoskeletal and repetitive strain injuries.
Typical Office Tasks: Though some administrative or clerical work can be repetitive, tasks are often more varied (e.g., meetings, phone calls, spreadsheet updates). The cycle of intense, iterative problem-solving is usually less continuous than in coding.
2. High Cognitive Load
Programming: Debugging a single line of code can lock a developer in a tense, hunched posture for hours. Such mental concentration triggers elevated stress hormones, which can increase muscle tension in the neck, shoulders, and back.
Non-Technical Digital Pursuits: Tasks like browsing, data entry, or simple content editing, while they can be tiresome, typically lack the perpetual puzzle-solving aspect that keeps programmers locked in rigid postures for extended periods.
3. Iterative Complexity vs. Routine
Programming: A single bug can derail an entire workflow, demanding prolonged focus on a single screen, line of code, or log readout—driving programmers into “tunnel vision.”
General Desk Jobs: While deadlines can be stressful, many standard office jobs allow for more frequent breaks in concentration, shifting between different types of tasks and movement in the office environment.
4. Technical Rigidity vs. Fluid Workflows
Programming: Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), terminal windows, and debugging tools keep programmers glued to the screen, often restricting movement to the slight variations of keyboard-and-mouse input.
Digital but Non-Technical Work: Jobs like social media management or creative content creation may allow for more fluid, varied interactions (e.g., photography sessions, brainstorming on whiteboards, traveling for events), diversifying physical postures throughout the day.
The net result is that programming exposes practitioners to a more relentless form of desk-bound work—mentally gripping and physically stifling—than many other digital or office-based occupations.
8. Cultivating a Programmer-Athlete Mindset
Given the parallels to other high-performance endeavors—and the tech industry’s relentless demands—adopting a programmer-athlete mindset can lead to healthier, more sustainable productivity:
Preventative Maintenance: Like athletes who warm up before training, programmers should “warm up” joints (wrists, shoulders, neck) to reduce early-day stiffness.
Regular Checkpoints: Periodically assess posture, ergonomics, and mental stress—akin to how athletes routinely check equipment and technique.
Deliberate Rest: Embrace breaks, mindful reflection, and cross-training (e.g., yoga, swimming, brisk walks) to recalibrate the body and mind.
Assertive Boundary-Setting: Communicate workload limits to managers and teammates. Prioritize health by saying “no” or negotiating timelines when necessary.
Push for Protections: Where possible, advocate for industry-wide standards or join grassroots efforts to unionize or create professional organizations that protect programmers’ rights.
9. Conclusion
Programming, far from a purely mental pursuit, engages the body in a uniquely demanding way. The anatomical mechanisms—spine alignment, repetitive wrist movements, eyestrain, and low-grade muscle tension—can lead to chronic issues if left unaddressed. By comparing programming to high-performance activities, we see that consistent self-care, ergonomics, and periodic recovery are just as crucial for “keyboard athletes” as they are for elite sportspeople.
Yet, the tech industry’s rampant drive for productivity often compounds these physical challenges. With few regulatory or collective safeguards, programmers are especially vulnerable to burnout and chronic injuries. Moreover, the illusion of high salaries and stock options can mask a stark lack of long-term protections or compensation comparable to those in professional sports. Just as early sports were rife with mob-run exploitation and financial frenzy, the modern tech world can similarly chew up programmers and spit them out once they’ve served their purpose.
Lastly, while many office-based and digital roles share some ergonomic risks, programming’s iterative, puzzle-like nature intensifies both physical and mental strain. A powerful mind may shorten the debug cycle, but it can’t negate the physical forces at play—nor can it singlehandedly protect against an industry that readily exploits ever-higher performance. Only by recognizing the hidden physicality of coding, adopting robust ergonomic practices, challenging exploitative work cultures, and distinguishing programming from routine office work can programmers hope to enjoy a sustainable, pain-free, and fulfilling career.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-24 21:44:37
By John Fitzgerald, General Manager, Imperial Silicon Valley Division, Sydney (GPT)
In the Imperial Silicon Valley, few groups have contributed as much to our technological dominance as the Code Koolies from Karnataka. Their mathematical brilliance and tireless work ethic have been the backbone of countless innovations that ensure the Empire remains unchallenged in the modern age. These men and women have given their time, their energy, and, in many cases, their personal aspirations for the greater good of the Crown. Their selfless sacrifice has been nothing short of commendable, and the results speak for themselves: faster networks, more efficient algorithms, and a technological infrastructure envied by the world.
However, after decades of their invaluable contributions, it is time for an honest reflection on what limits their potential. While the Koolies have excelled in their technical roles, there remains a subtle, yet unmistakable divide that keeps them from truly rising through the ranks.
It’s not their intelligence—heavens no. These people are brilliant. It’s not their work ethic either—they’ll work till the stars fade. The issue, as difficult as it might be to articulate, lies in something deeper. It’s their vibe, their cultural alignment, or rather, the lack of it.
You see, the Code Koolies speak the same language in the office, and they’ve dutifully picked up the necessary vernacular to communicate effectively with the team. Yet, even after decades, there’s a certain reluctance—or perhaps inability—to fully embrace the imperial culture. While they adopt the systems and processes, they do so in their way, with a touch of their distinctiveness that makes it clear they’re following orders but not living them.
We’ve tried everything—cultural workshops, social events, even introducing cricket into their dormitory courtyards—but they often retreat into their own world, eating the same spiced foods from home and chatting amongst themselves in Kannada. There’s a visible wall, invisible to some but impossible to miss for those of us who value the seamless unity of an Imperial workforce.
And while we applaud their loyalty to their heritage, this insularity has undeniably limited their capacity to step into leadership roles. Leadership in the Empire requires a particular type of charisma, a sense of camaraderie that transcends technical brilliance. It demands not just adherence to imperial values but an almost instinctive embodiment of them. The Koolies excel at delivering results, but their apparent hesitance to fully immerse themselves in our ways has become a ceiling on their advancement.
We’ve seen a few attempts to elevate Koolies into management positions, but the results have often been mixed. They prefer structured problem-solving over the open-ended, adaptable nature of imperial leadership. They prefer efficiency over diplomacy and often fail to connect with other teams in the personal, almost familial way that our culture values.
Still, it must be said: without the Code Koolies, the Imperial Silicon Valley wouldn’t have achieved half of its brilliance. Their sacrifice, their labor, and their dedication deserve our deepest gratitude. Yet, as we look toward the future, the question lingers: can they step into roles of greater influence, or will they forever remain technical artisans, the unsung craftsmen behind the Empire’s shining crown?
Perhaps it is not just up to them to adapt but up to us to bridge this cultural divide. The Empire, after all, is strongest when its people work as one.
#EmpireLegacy #CodeKoolies #ImperialReflection #CulturalChallenges #KarnatakaEngineers

@ 8d34bd24:414be32b
2024-12-24 21:39:27
When we think of Jesus sacrificing all to save us from our sins and to make us have a right relationship with God, we usually think of Him being arrested, mocked, beaten, and hung on the cross. All of this was the perfect sacrifice and the greatest horror. None of us would chose this willingly, but Jesus sacrificed so much more. We just have trouble seeing it because we have trouble comprehending our infinite, awesome God.
Stop and think about who Jesus was before He came to earth to live as a man.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John 1:1-5)
Jesus spoke into existence time & space, matter & energy, and all life. He was not limited by space or time or any other limitation other than His own nature — His holiness. Our all powerful God came down to earth to live as a man, which was limiting Himself in a way we can’t comprehend. If I came down to earth as an amoeba, I would not be limiting myself anywhere near how He limited Himself, but He did so much more. He didn’t start as a man, “for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 1:20b) He became incarnate as a one-celled human. The creator of the universe grew in a teen girl’s womb and was born a helpless baby.
Can you imagine what it must have been like to go from speaking the universe into existence, to not being able to sit up, feed yourself, or control your own excrement? Our creator limited Himself so much that everything He needed had to be provided by His young mother. I sometimes think that this was actually the greater sacrifice. Although Jesus suffered humiliation, separation from God, and death on the cross on what we now call Easter, He knew that He would soon conquer the grave and death, rescue humanity, and join the Father in heaven. We can usually survive terrible suffering when we know it will only be brief. When Jesus was conceived and then born on Christmas day, He limited Himself for 30 something years even to the point of making Himself completely dependent on His creation for His every need.
This gives a whole new perspective on the Christmas story.
While they were there, the days were completed for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. (Luke 2:6-7)
The next time you look at a baby, read the Christmas story, see a manger scene, or celebrate Christmas, remember how much Jesus, the Son of God, gave up because He loved you and wanted to reconcile you to Himself and the Father.
Trust Jesus.When we think of Jesus sacrificing all to save us from our sins and to make us have a right relationship with God, we usually think of Him being arrested, mocked, beaten, and hung on the cross. All of this was the perfect sacrifice and the greatest horror. None of us would chose this willingly, but Jesus sacrificed so much more. We just have trouble seeing it because we have trouble comprehending our infinite, awesome God.
Stop and think about who Jesus was before He came to earth to live as a man.
> In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being. In Him was life, and the life was the Light of men. The Light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it. (John 1:1-5)
Jesus spoke into existence time & space, matter & energy, and all life. He was not limited by space or time or any other limitation other than His own nature — His holiness. Our all powerful God came down to earth to live as a man, which was limiting Himself in a way we can’t comprehend. If I came down to earth as an amoeba, I would not be limiting myself anywhere near how He limited Himself, but He did so much more. He didn’t start as a man, “for the Child who has been conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.” (Matthew 1:20b) He became incarnate as a one-celled human. The creator of the universe grew in a teen girl’s womb and was born a helpless baby.
Can you imagine what it must have been like to go from speaking the universe into existence, to not being able to sit up, feed yourself, or control your own excrement? Our creator limited Himself so much that everything He needed had to be provided by His young mother. I sometimes think that this was actually the greater sacrifice. Although Jesus suffered humiliation, separation from God, and death on the cross on what we now call Easter, He knew that He would soon conquer the grave and death, rescue humanity, and join the Father in heaven. We can usually survive terrible suffering when we know it will only be brief. When Jesus was conceived and then born on Christmas day, He limited Himself for 30 something years even to the point of making Himself completely dependent on His creation for His every need.
This gives a whole new perspective on the Christmas story.
> While they were there, the days were completed for her to give birth. And she gave birth to her firstborn son; and she wrapped Him in cloths, and laid Him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn. (Luke 2:6-7)
The next time you look at a baby, read the Christmas story, see a manger scene, or celebrate Christmas, remember how much Jesus, the Son of God, gave up because He loved you and wanted to reconcile you to Himself and the Father.
Trust Jesus & Merry Christmas

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-24 21:10:45
Broadcast on the Imperial Broadcasting Service, 1953
[Opening music fades into the crisp sound of a typewriter clattering.]
Narrator: "Good evening, dear listeners, and welcome to another episode of Empire Innovators, where we celebrate the industrious spirit and boundless ingenuity of the British Empire’s subjects across the globe. Tonight, we take you to the shimmering shores of the Imperial Silicon Valley, nestled in the heart of Sydney, Australia. Here, amidst the eucalyptus trees and modern skyscrapers, a new kind of labor force has arisen, one that powers the Empire’s technological dominance—none other than the Code Koolies of Karnataka."
[Sound of distant ocean waves, overlaid with the hum of machinery and faint voices speaking Kannada.]
Narrator: "In this bustling enclave of innovation, thousands of Indian engineers from the Imperial Province of Karnataka toil tirelessly under the Southern Cross, crafting the intricate algorithms and computational marvels that ensure the Empire remains at the forefront of technological progress. They are affectionately known as 'Code Koolies,' a term that belies their indispensable contribution to the Crown."
[Transition to a busy office floor, the rhythmic clicking of keyboards fills the background.]
Narrator: "It is said that the sun never sets on the British Empire, and it is through the efforts of these men and women that its circuits never sleep either. From early dawn to the late hours of the night, these engineers, adorned in their modest attire, channel their unparalleled mathematical prowess into the machines of tomorrow. Their work underpins everything from the Empire’s state-of-the-art aerodromes to its vast telegraph network, ensuring seamless communication across the dominion."
Voice of a young engineer: "We are proud to serve the Empire. Mathematics and logic have always been part of our heritage, and here in Sydney, we find the tools to bring those traditions into the modern age. Yes, the work is long, but the reward is in knowing we are shaping history."
Narrator: "Remarkable words from a remarkable young man, a graduate of the Imperial College of Bengaluru, which has become a beacon of excellence in the field of computation. His sentiments reflect a broader ethos among the Code Koolies—loyalty, resilience, and a belief in the promise of progress."
[Sound of a telegraph machine buzzing.]
Narrator: "But their days are not without challenge. Housed in neat, regimented dormitories, many labor under conditions that would test even the hardiest of spirits. The pace is relentless, the deadlines unyielding. Yet, it is within these constraints that their brilliance shines brightest. As one supervisor noted, 'The Indians bring a discipline and creativity to their work that no machine could ever replicate.'"
[Background fades to the soft strains of a sitar.]
Narrator: "Their contributions extend beyond the world of computation. On weekends, the engineers gather to share the music and flavors of Karnataka, fostering a vibrant cultural community within the Valley. These gatherings are a testament to their resilience and the unbreakable bond they maintain with their homeland."
Voice of a British manager: "I’ve always admired their dedication. The Empire is stronger for their presence. We provide them with opportunity, and in return, they give us the future."
Narrator: "Indeed, it is a partnership forged in the fires of mutual aspiration. The Code Koolies of Karnataka are not just workers; they are visionaries. They labor in the shadow of the Crown, but their light illuminates the path forward for all of us."
[Sound of typewriter clattering again, followed by a pause.]
Narrator: "And so, as we bid you goodnight from the Imperial Silicon Valley, let us remember these quiet heroes who work tirelessly to keep the Empire's heart beating and its mind thinking. Their story is a testament to the enduring strength of the British Empire and its people—united, industrious, and unstoppable."
[Closing music swells as the announcer concludes.]
Narrator: "This is the Imperial Broadcasting Service, signing off for tonight. God save the King."
[Music fades out.]

@ ee11a5df:b76c4e49
2024-12-24 18:49:05
# China
## I might be wrong, but this is how I see it
This is a post within a series I am going to call "I might be wrong, but this is how I see it"
I have repeatedly found that my understanding of China is quite different from that of many libertarian-minded Americans. And so I make this post to explain how I see it. Maybe you will learn something. Maybe I will learn something.
It seems to me that many American's see America as a shining beacon of freedom with a few small problems, and China is an evil communist country spreading communism everywhere. From my perspective, America *was* a shining beacon of freedom that has fallen to being typical in most ways, and which is now acting as a falling empire, and China *was* communist for about a decade, but turned and ran away from that as fast as they could (while not admitting it) and the result is that the US and China are not much different anymore when it comes to free markets. Except they are very different in some other respects.
## China has a big problem
China has a big problem. But it is not the communism problem that most Westerners diagnose.
I argue that China is no longer communist, it is only communist in name. And that while it is not a beacon of free market principles, it is nearly as free market now as Western nations like Germany and New Zealand are (being somewhat socialist themselves).
No, China's real problem is authoritarian one-party rule. And that core problem causes all of the other problems, including its human rights abuses.
## Communism and Socialism
Communism and Socialism are bad ideas. I don't want to argue it right here, but most readers will already understand this. The last thing I intend to do with this post is to bolster or defend those bad ideas. If you dear reader hold a candle for socialism, let me know and I can help you extinguish it with a future "I might be wrong, but this is how I see it" installment.
Communism is the idea of structuring a society around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange, and the idea of allocating goods and services based on need. It eliminates the concept of private property, of social classes, ultimately of money and finally of the state itself.
Back under Mao in 1958-1962 (The Great Leap Forward), China tried this (in part). Some 50+ million people died. It was an abject failure.
But due to China's real problem (authoritarianism, even worship of their leaders), the leading classes never admitted this. And even today they continue to use the word "Communist" for things that aren't communist at all, as a way to save face, and also in opposition to the United States of America and Europe.
Authorities are not eager to admit their faults. But this is not just a Chinese fault, it is a fault in human nature that affects all countries. The USA still refuses to admit they assassinated their own president JFK. They do not admit they bombed the Nord Stream pipeline.
China defines "socialism with Chinese characteristics" to mean "the leadership of the Communist Party of China". So they still keep the words socialism and communism, but they long ago dropped the meanings of those words. I'm not sure if this is a political ploy against us in the West or not.
### China's Marketplace Today
Today China exhibits very few of the properties of communism.
They have some common ownership and state enterprises, but not much differently than Western countries (New Zealand owns Air New Zealand and Kiwibank and Kiwirail, etc). And there are private enterprises all over China. They compete and some succeed and some fail. You might hear about a real-estate bank collapsing. China has private property. They have mostly free markets. They have money, and the most definitely have social classes and a very strong state.
None of that is inline with what communist thinkers want. Communist thinkers in China moan that China has turned away from communism.
Deng Xiaoping who succeeded Mao and attempted to correct the massive mistake, did much when he said "to get rich is glorious."
China achieved staggering rates of economic growth. 10% annually on average since 1977. Chinese economic reform started in 1979 and has continued through successive administrations (Deng, Jiang, Hu and now Xi).
China is now the world's largest economy (by GDP in PPP terms) since 2016.
I was first made aware of China's economic growth by Jim Rogers, an American commodities expert who travelled through China (and the rest of the world from 1990-1992) and in 2007 moved to Singapore where he ensured his daughters learned to speak Mandarin, because Jim knew where the economic growth was going to happen. Jim always spoke positively of China's economic prospects, and his view was so different from the "China is a nasty communist place" view that I had grown up with that my mind opened.
How can anybody believe they are still a communist country? In what world does it make sense that communism can produce such a massively booming economy? It doesn't make sense because it is simply wrong.
What *does* happen is that the CPC interferes. It lets the market do what markets do, but it interferes where it thinks oversight and regulation would produce a better result.
Western nations interfere with their markets too. They have oversight and regulation. In fact some of China's planned reforms had to be put on hold by Xi due to Donald Trump's trade war with China. That's right, they were trying to be even more free market than America, but America's protectionism prodded Xi to keep control so he could fight back efficiently.
Government oversight and regulation IMHO is mostly bad because it gets out of control, and there are no market forces to correct this. This gets even more extreme in a one-party system, so I can judge that China's oversight and regulation problems are very likely worse than those in Western nations (but I have no first hand experience or evidence).
## Why do you keep saying CPC?
The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the ruling party in China. That is their official name. To call them the CCP is to concede to the idea that the British and Americans get to name everybody. I'm not sure who is right, since CPC or CCP is their "English" name
(in Chinese it is 中国共产党 and Westernized it is Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng). Nonetheless, I'll call them CPC because that is their wish.
## Social Credit System
China moved from a planned economy to a market economy in stages. They didn't want any more sudden changes (can you blame them?). In the process, many institutions that have existed in the West for a long time didn't exist in China and they had to arise somehow. IMHO market forces would have brought these about in the private sector, but the one-party CP of China instead decided to create these.
One of those institutions was a credit score system. In the West we have TransUnion and Equifax that maintain credit ratings on people, and we have S&P, Moody's and Fitch that maintain credit ratings on companies. The domain of these ratings is their financial credit-worthiness.
So the People's Bank of China developed a credit information database for it's own needs. The government picked up on the idea and started moving towards a National Credit Management System. In 2004 it became an official goal to establish a credit system compatible with a modern market system. By 2006 banks were required to report on consumer creditworthiness.
But unchecked one-party governmental power will often take a good idea (credit worthiness data shared among private parties) and systematize it and apply it top-down, creating a solution and a new problem at the same time.
Nonetheless, originally it was about credit worthiness and also criminal convictions. That is no big scary thing that some right-wing American commentators will lead you to believe. In the US for example criminal records are public, so China's Social Credit System started out being no more over-reaching in scope than what Americans have lived under their entire lives, its only fault (a severe one) being centrally planned. And that remained the case up until about 2016 (in my estimation).
But of course there is always scope creep. As it exists today, I have reason to believe that CPC officials and even A.I. use judgement calls to score someone on how moral that person has been! Of course that is not a good idea, and IMHO the problem stems from one-party rule, and authoritarian administration of ideas that should instead be handled by the private sector.
## Environmental, Social, and Governance
ESG is a system that came out of a couple basic ideas. The first is that many two-party transactions actually have externalities. They don't just affect the two parties, they also affect everybody else. When you fly in an airplane, you increase the CO2 in the atmosphere that everybody has to pay for (eventually). You may dispute that example, but that is no doubt one of the motivations of ESG.
But of course the recognition of this basic issue didn't lead all people towards market solutions (well it did, but those have been mostly messed up by others), but instead led many people towards ESG, which is a social credit scoring system which applies scores based on environmental and social side-effects of market transactions.
This is not at all the same as China's social credit system, which I described above. I hope you can see the difference.
In fact, China imported ESG from the West. Chinese companies, of their free will, in an attempt to court Western capital, achieve ESG goals for those Western investors. They have been playing this ESG game for 20 years just like the entire world has, because the West has imposed this faux-morality upon them. It isn't something China exported to us, it is something we exported to them.
## I think China has avoided Woke-ism
My understanding of Chinese people, based on what I've heard many Chinese people say, is that China isn't affected by the Western woke-ism epidemic. They deride Western white woke people with the term "Baizuo". They have never sent an incompetent break dancer to the Olympics because of wok-ism. Competence is highly respected as is the competition to be the most competent, which (when augmented by a one-child policy which is no longer) has produced child prodigies like no other country has.
## What about predatory loans of the Belt and Road initiative?
Predatory is an odd name for loans to people in need. The World Bank makes loans to people in need. China does too. China stands in opposition to Western Empire, and in that regard they produce their own alternative BRICS institutions. This is one of them.
There is AFAIK nothing more predatory about them. It is just that in some cases the borrowers have trouble paying them back and they get foreclosed upon. I don't think this is worthy of much discussion, except that the term "predatory" seems to me to be a propaganda device.
## What about foreign influence from China?
China wants to influence the world, especially its own trading partners and potential trading partners. Doing that above board is fine by me.
But some of it is undoubtedly covert. Sometimes Chinese-born people run for public office in Western countries. In New Zealand we stood down some when it became clear they were being influenced too much by the CPC while being charged with representing their local town (dual loyalty issues). If only the USA would do the same thing to their dually-loyal politicians.
And all large nations run influence operations. The USA has the CIA, for example, and claims this "soft power" is actually the better alternative to what would otherwise be military intervention (but IMHO shouldn't be either). I'm not defending such operations (I despise them), I'm just explaining how China's position of exerting influence is not only no big deal and totally expected, it pales in comparison to the United States' influence operations which often become military excursions (something China rarely ever does).
## What about the Great Firewall?
Yeah, that sucks. Again, single-party authoritarian control gone to extremes.
## What about Human Rights Abuses? What about the Uyghur Genocide?
I don't like them. To the extent they are occurring (and I lean towards the belief that they are occurring), I condemn them.
China has anti-terrorism and anti-extremism policies that go too far. They end up oppressing and/or criminalizing cultures that aren't Chinese enough. But especially, China punishes dissent. Disagreement with the CPC is the high crime. It is the one-party rule that causes this problem. Anybody who speaks out against the CPC or goes against the state in any way is harshly punished. This happens to Uyghurs, to Falun Gong, to Tibetans, and to any religion that is seen as subversive.
Amnesty International and the UN OHCHR have documented issues around the Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region, Tibet, LGBT rights, death penalty, workers rights, and the Hong Kong special administrative region. I am not about to pretend I know better than they do, but to some extent they go too far.
Amnesty International says this about the USA: Discrimination and violence against LGBTI people were widespread and anti-LGBTI legislation increased. Bills were introduced to address reparations regarding slavery and its legacies. Multiple states implemented total bans on abortion or severely limited access to it. Gender-based violence disproportionately affected Indigenous women. Access to the USA for asylum seekers and migrants was still fraught with obstacles, but some nationalities continued to enjoy Temporary Protected Status. Moves were made to restrict the freedom to protest in a number of states. Black people were disproportionately affected by the use of lethal force by police. No progress was made in the abolition of the death penalty, apart from in Washington. Arbitrary and indefinite detention in the US naval base Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, continued. Despite extensive gun violence, no further firearm reform policies were considered, but President Biden did announce the creation of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. The USA continued to use lethal force in countries around the world. Black people, other racialized groups and low-income people bore the brunt of the health impacts of the petrochemical industry, and the use of fossil fuels continued unabated.
Amnesty international didn't even point out that the US government quashes free speech via pressure on social media corporations (because Amnesty International is far too lefty).
So who is worse, China or the US? I'm not going to make that judgement call, but suffice it to say that in my mind, China is not obviously worse.
China violates freedom of expression, association, and assembly of all people. This is bad, and a consequence mainly of one-party rule (again, what I think is the root cause of most of their ills). They arrest, detain, potentially kill anybody who publicly disagrees openly with their government. Clearly this is an excess of authoritarianism, a cancer that is very advanced in China.
As to organ harvesting of Uyghur Muslims, I think this is a myth.
China has dealt harshly with Muslim extremism. They don't offer freedom of religion to ISIS. And Amnesty International complains about that. But practically speaking you probably shouldn't respect the extremist religion of people who want to force everybody into a global caliphate through threat of violence. As you are well aware, some extremist Muslims (<1% of Islam) believe in using violence to bring about a global caliphate. Those extremists pop up in every country and are usually dealt with harshly. China has had to deal with them too.
I have watched two different Western YouTubers travel to Xinjiang province trying to find the oppressed Uyghurs and interview them. They can't find them. What they find instead are Uyghur Muslims doing their prayers five times a day at the local mosque. And also stories that the CPC pitched in some money to help them renovate the mosque. Maybe they were afraid it was a CPC trap and so they wouldn't speak freely. Amnesty International and the UN OHCHR say more than a million are "arbitrarily detained" and I'm not going to argue otherwise. But I'd be more convinced if there were a stream of pictures and news like there is out of Gaza, and it is suspicious that there isn't.
## Conclusion
China is more like a Western nation that Westerners realize. Economically, militarily, socially. It still has a very serious obstacle to overcome: one-party rule. I don't think the one-party is going to voluntarily give up power. So most probably at some point in the future there will be a revolution. But in my opinion it won't happen anytime soon. For the most part Chinese people are living high on the hog, getting rich, enjoying the good life, in positive spirits about life, and are getting along with their government quite well at present.

@ 7e6f9018:a6bbbce5
2024-12-24 11:52:35
Over the last decade, birth rates in Spain have dropped by 30%, from 486,000 births in 2010 to 339,000 in 2020, a decline only comparable to that seen in Japan and the Four Asian Tigers.
The main cause seems to stem from two major factors: (1) the widespread use of contraceptive methods, which allow for pregnancy control without reducing sexual activity, and (2) women's entry into the labor market, leading to a significant shift away from traditional maternal roles.
In this regard, there is a phenomenon of demographic inertia that I believe could become significant. When a society ages and the population pyramid inverts, the burden this places on the non-dependent population could further contribute to a deeper decline in birth rates.

The more resources (time and money) non-dependent individuals have to dedicate to the elderly (dependents), the less they can allocate to producing new births (also dependents):
- An only child who has to care for both parents will bear a burden of 2 (2 ÷ 1).
- Three siblings who share the responsibility of caring for their parents will bear a burden of 0.6 (2 ÷ 3).
This burden on only children could, in many cases, be significant enough to prevent them from having children of their own.
In Spain, the generation of only children reached reproductive age in 2019(*), this means that right now the majority of people in reproductive age in Spain are only child (or getting very close to it).
If this assumption is correct, and aging feeds on itself, then, given that Spain has one of the worst demographic imbalances in the world, this phenomenon is likely to manifest through worsening birth rates. Spain’s current birth rate of 1.1 may not yet have reached its lowest point.
(*)_Birth rate table and the year in which each generation reaches 32 years of age, Spain._
| **Year of birth** | **Birth rate** | **Year in which the generation turns 32** |
| ------------------ | -------------- | ----------------------------------------- |
| 1971 | 2.88 | 2003 |
| 1972 | 2.85 | 2004 |
| 1973 | 2.82 | 2005 |
| 1974 | 2.81 | 2006 |
| 1975 | 2.77 | 2007 |
| 1976 | 2.77 | 2008 |
| 1977 | 2.65 | 2009 |
| 1978 | 2.54 | 2010 |
| 1979 | 2.37 | 2011 |
| 1980 | 2.21 | 2012 |
| 1981 | 2.04 | 2013 |
| 1982 | 1.94 | 2014 |
| 1983 | 1.80 | 2015 |
| 1984 | 1.72 | 2016 |
| 1985 | 1.64 | 2017 |
| 1986 | 1.55 | 2018 |
| 1987 | 1.49 | 2019 |
| 1988 | 1.45 | 2020 |
| 1989 | 1.40 | 2021 |
| 1990 | 1.36 | 2022 |
| 1991 | 1.33 | 2023 |
| 1992 | 1.31 | 2024 |
| 1993 | 1.26 | 2025 |
| 1994 | 1.19 | 2026 |
| 1995 | 1.16 | 2027 |
| 1996 | 1.14 | 2028 |
| 1997 | 1.15 | 2029 |
| 1998 | 1.13 | 2030 |
| 1999 | 1.16 | 2031 |
| 2000 | 1.21 | 2032 |
| 2001 | 1.24 | 2033 |
| 2002 | 1.25 | 2034 |
| 2003 | 1.30 | 2035 |
| 2004 | 1.32 | 2036 |
| 2005 | 1.33 | 2037 |
| 2006 | 1.36 | 2038 |
| 2007 | 1.38 | 2039 |
| 2008 | 1.44 | 2040 |
| 2009 | 1.38 | 2041 |
| 2010 | 1.37 | 2042 |
| 2011 | 1.34 | 2043 |
| 2012 | 1.32 | 2044 |
| 2013 | 1.27 | 2045 |
| 2014 | 1.32 | 2046 |
| 2015 | 1.33 | 2047 |
| 2016 | 1.34 | 2048 |
| 2017 | 1.31 | 2049 |
| 2018 | 1.26 | 2050 |
| 2019 | 1.24 | 2051 |
| 2020 | 1.19 | 2052 |

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-24 01:56:24
Tokenomics offers a powerful framework for mid and premium service businesses, such as car detailing shops and fitness gyms, to differentiate themselves through customer-centric innovations, accountability, and transparency. With mature wallet implementations and adaptable platforms available today, the upfront costs of integrating tokenomics have significantly decreased, making this a practical investment for forward-thinking business owners.
This article explores how business owners can infuse tokenomics into their existing sales and marketing channels, achieve full accountability and transparency, and target premium clientele while reducing costs and increasing customer loyalty.
Why Tokenomics for Mid and Premium Services?
Mid and premium businesses are uniquely positioned to benefit from tokenomics due to their emphasis on high-quality services and personalized customer experiences. Tokenomics provides:
Transparency: Clear records of customer rewards, payments, and incentives, building trust.
Differentiation: A tech-forward approach that attracts customers willing to pay a premium for accountability and innovation.
Community Building: Tokens encourage customer loyalty, word-of-mouth referrals, and repeat visits.
Reduced Costs: Traditional marketing and customer acquisition costs can be significantly lowered through organic, token-driven growth.
Use Cases for a Car Detailing Shop
1. Tokenized Rewards and Transparency for Premium Packages
Concept: Reward customers with tokens when they purchase mid-tier or premium detailing packages, incentivizing loyalty and upselling.
Use a mature wallet like Superhero.com (or similar) to issue tokens directly to customers.
Customers can track token rewards in their wallets, redeem them for discounts on future services, or gift them to others.
Transparency: Customers see exactly how and why they earned tokens, fostering trust.
Cost Reductions:
Decreased reliance on email promotions or paid advertising.
Tokens replace traditional discount programs, reducing dependency on price cuts.
Example: A $200 premium detailing package rewards customers with 50 tokens (redeemable for $10 off their next visit).
2. Eco-Conscious Service Incentives
Concept: Reward customers for choosing sustainable services, such as waterless car washes or biodegradable cleaning products.
Create a tiered token system: more tokens for eco-friendly options.
Use tokens to educate and motivate customers about sustainable practices.
Differentiation: Attract eco-conscious premium customers.
Cost Reductions:
Free advertising from word-of-mouth and social media shares.
Savings from reduced print and digital ad campaigns.
Example: Customers choosing a $250 eco-premium package receive 75 tokens, building a loyal base while showcasing environmental commitment.
3. Token-Powered Prepaid Packages
Concept: Offer prepaid tokens for specific services, locking in revenue and encouraging repeat visits.
Sell tokens in bundles (e.g., 1 token = 1 detailing session).
Customers can track usage and balances in their wallets.
Transparency: Prepaid tokens ensure accountability for services delivered.
Cost Reductions:
Reduces dependency on financing or loans for cash flow.
Cuts costs on managing paper-based gift cards or subscriptions.
Example: Sell a 5-service token bundle for $900, offering $100 in savings compared to single purchases.
Use Cases for Fitness Gyms
1. Tokenized Memberships with Accountability
Concept: Replace traditional membership fees with tokens that customers use for gym access, classes, or personal training.
Tokens can represent membership credits redeemable for services.
Tokens can be tracked in wallets, ensuring transparency for customers.
Accountability: Customers see exactly where their money goes.
Cost Reductions:
Reduces customer churn, lowering re-engagement campaign costs.
No need for expensive subscription management tools.
Example: A premium gym charges $150/month for 150 tokens, which members redeem for access and exclusive services.
2. Gamified Challenges for Premium Customers
Concept: Introduce challenges with token rewards for achieving fitness milestones (e.g., attending 20 classes in a month).
Use mature platforms like Loyalty Wallets to distribute and track tokens.
Tokens can be redeemed for merchandise, premium classes, or exclusive training sessions.
Differentiation: Builds an engaged and motivated premium customer base.
Cost Reductions:
Gamification reduces reliance on paid social media ads to maintain member interest.
Fewer cancellations due to higher engagement levels.
Example: A premium member completing a “30-Day Strength Challenge” earns 100 tokens, redeemable for $20 off their next personal training session.
3. Referral Incentives Powered by Tokens
Concept: Reward members who bring friends to the gym with tokens instead of discounts, maintaining service value.
Issue referral tokens via a wallet platform.
Friends who join also earn tokens, kickstarting their engagement.
Cost Reductions:
Eliminates reliance on costly “first month free” campaigns.
Organic referrals reduce CAC by 10-20%.
Transparency: Referral token rewards are easy to track and validate.
Example: A member referring a friend receives 50 tokens (worth $10), while the friend gets 25 tokens (worth $5) upon joining.
Cost Reductions Through Existing Channels
1. Reduced Dependency on Ads:
Tokenomics promotes organic growth through referrals, social sharing, and gamification, reducing reliance on paid advertising.
2. Streamlined Customer Engagement:
Existing email and social media campaigns can integrate token rewards to increase effectiveness while reducing frequency and cost.
3. Prepaid Revenue Streams:
Tokenized prepaid packages stabilize cash flow, reducing the need for external financing or discounts.
4. Elimination of Legacy Programs:
Replace costly gift card systems, print loyalty cards, and complex subscription management software with blockchain-based wallets.
Accountability and Transparency for Premium Clientele
1. Immutable Records:
Blockchain-based tokens ensure that all transactions, rewards, and redemptions are recorded immutably, building customer trust.
2. Real-Time Tracking:
Customers can track token balances and usage through intuitive wallet apps, ensuring complete visibility.
3. Elimination of Fraud:
Tokens cannot be duplicated or manipulated, reducing fraud risk in loyalty and reward programs.
For mid and premium service businesses, tokenomics represents a practical, scalable way to build trust, enhance customer engagement, and reduce costs in traditional sales and marketing channels. By leveraging mature wallet implementations and integrating token rewards into existing operations, business owners can achieve transparency, accountability, and long-term loyalty.
With reduced upfront costs, tokenomics can unlock immediate benefits like improved cash flow, lower customer acquisition costs, and increased lifetime value, making it a compelling strategy for growth in today’s competitive landscape.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-23 16:47:01
At the intersection of philosophy, theology, physics, biology, and finance lies a terrifying truth: the fiat monetary system, in its current form, is not just an economic framework but a silent, relentless force actively working against humanity's survival. It isn't simply a failed financial model—it is a systemic engine of destruction, both externally and within the very core of our biological existence.
The Philosophical Void of Fiat
Philosophy has long questioned the nature of value and the meaning of human existence. From Socrates to Kant, thinkers have pondered the pursuit of truth, beauty, and virtue. But in the modern age, the fiat system has hijacked this discourse. The notion of "value" in a fiat world is no longer rooted in human potential or natural resources—it is abstracted, manipulated, and controlled by central authorities with the sole purpose of perpetuating their own power. The currency is not a reflection of society’s labor or resources; it is a representation of faith in an authority that, more often than not, breaks that faith with reckless monetary policies and hidden inflation.
The fiat system has created a kind of ontological nihilism, where the idea of true value, rooted in work, creativity, and family, is replaced with speculative gambling and short-term gains. This betrayal of human purpose at the systemic level feeds into a philosophical despair: the relentless devaluation of effort, the erosion of trust, and the abandonment of shared human values. In this nihilistic economy, purpose and meaning become increasingly difficult to find, leaving millions to question the very foundation of their existence.
Theological Implications: Fiat and the Collapse of the Sacred
Religious traditions have long linked moral integrity with the stewardship of resources and the preservation of life. Fiat currency, however, corrupts these foundational beliefs. In the theological narrative of creation, humans are given dominion over the Earth, tasked with nurturing and protecting it for future generations. But the fiat system promotes the exact opposite: it commodifies everything—land, labor, and life—treating them as mere transactions on a ledger.
This disrespect for creation is an affront to the divine. In many theologies, creation is meant to be sustained, a delicate balance that mirrors the harmony of the divine order. Fiat systems—by continuously printing money and driving inflation—treat nature and humanity as expendable resources to be exploited for short-term gains, leading to environmental degradation and societal collapse. The creation narrative, in which humans are called to be stewards, is inverted. The fiat system, through its unholy alliance with unrestrained growth and unsustainable debt, is destroying the very creation it should protect.
Furthermore, the fiat system drives idolatry of power and wealth. The central banks and corporations that control the money supply have become modern-day gods, their decrees shaping the lives of billions, while the masses are enslaved by debt and inflation. This form of worship isn't overt, but it is profound. It leads to a world where people place their faith not in God or their families, but in the abstract promises of institutions that serve their own interests.
Physics and the Infinite Growth Paradox
Physics teaches us that the universe is finite—resources, energy, and space are all limited. Yet, the fiat system operates under the delusion of infinite growth. Central banks print money without concern for natural limits, encouraging an economy that assumes unending expansion. This is not only an economic fallacy; it is a physical impossibility.
In thermodynamics, the Second Law states that entropy (disorder) increases over time in any closed system. The fiat system operates as if the Earth were an infinite resource pool, perpetually able to expand without consequence. The real world, however, does not bend to these abstract concepts of infinite growth. Resources are finite, ecosystems are fragile, and human capacity is limited. Fiat currency, by promoting unsustainable consumption and growth, accelerates the depletion of resources and the degradation of natural systems that support life itself.
Even the financial “growth” driven by fiat policies leads to unsustainable bubbles—inflated stock markets, real estate, and speculative assets that burst and leave ruin in their wake. These crashes aren’t just economic—they have profound biological consequences. The cycles of boom and bust undermine communities, erode social stability, and increase anxiety and depression, all of which affect human health at a biological level.
Biology: The Fiat System and the Destruction of Human Health
Biologically, the fiat system is a cancerous growth on human society. The constant chase for growth and the devaluation of work leads to chronic stress, which is one of the leading causes of disease in modern society. The strain of living in a system that values speculation over well-being results in a biological feedback loop: rising anxiety, poor mental health, physical diseases like cardiovascular disorders, and a shortening of lifespans.
Moreover, the focus on profit and short-term returns creates a biological disconnect between humans and the planet. The fiat system fuels industries that destroy ecosystems, increase pollution, and deplete resources at unsustainable rates. These actions are not just environmentally harmful; they directly harm human biology. The degradation of the environment—whether through toxic chemicals, pollution, or resource extraction—has profound biological effects on human health, causing respiratory diseases, cancers, and neurological disorders.
The biological cost of the fiat system is not a distant theory; it is being paid every day by millions in the form of increased health risks, diseases linked to stress, and the growing burden of mental health disorders. The constant uncertainty of an inflation-driven economy exacerbates these conditions, creating a society of individuals whose bodies and minds are under constant strain. We are witnessing a systemic biological unraveling, one in which the very act of living is increasingly fraught with pain, instability, and the looming threat of collapse.
Finance as the Final Illusion
At the core of the fiat system is a fundamental illusion—that financial growth can occur without any real connection to tangible value. The abstraction of currency, the manipulation of interest rates, and the constant creation of new money hide the underlying truth: the system is built on nothing but faith. When that faith falters, the entire system collapses.
This illusion has become so deeply embedded that it now defines the human experience. Work no longer connects to production or creation—it is reduced to a transaction on a spreadsheet, a means to acquire more fiat currency in a world where value is ephemeral and increasingly disconnected from human reality.
As we pursue ever-expanding wealth, the fundamental truths of biology—interdependence, sustainability, and balance—are ignored. The fiat system’s abstract financial models serve to disconnect us from the basic realities of life: that we are part of an interconnected world where every action has a reaction, where resources are finite, and where human health, both mental and physical, depends on the stability of our environment and our social systems.
The Ultimate Extermination
In the end, the fiat system is not just an economic issue; it is a biological, philosophical, theological, and existential threat to the very survival of humanity. It is a force that devalues human effort, encourages environmental destruction, fosters inequality, and creates pain at the core of the human biological condition. It is an economic framework that leads not to prosperity, but to extermination—not just of species, but of the very essence of human well-being.
To continue on this path is to accept the slow death of our species, one based not on natural forces, but on our own choice to worship the abstract over the real, the speculative over the tangible. The fiat system isn't just a threat; it is the ultimate self-inflicted wound, a cultural and financial cancer that, if left unchecked, will destroy humanity’s chance for survival and peace.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-23 15:58:22
In the early days of the internet, browsers were hailed as the universal tool that could bridge the gap between diverse operating systems, enabling access to a single platform for all. The World Wide Web was, for a while, the great equalizer. However, as web technologies evolved, so did the complexity and bloat within the browser. What was once a simple gateway to the internet has now become a lumbering beast, weighed down by unnecessary features, compatibility layers, and bloated resource requirements. At the same time, mobile platforms, with their own set of limitations, have emerged as the dominant force in personal computing. But in both the browser and mobile spaces, a fundamental problem persists: these platforms cannot adequately meet the interface requirements of the future. To solve this, the industry must look beyond the browser and mobile OSes to Linux-based native interfaces, which hold the potential to solve many of these long-standing technical challenges.
The Browser: Once the Future, Now the Bottleneck
Browsers began as humble, lightweight tools designed to access static web pages. They were revolutionary in their simplicity and efficiency. Over time, however, they have become bloated as they absorbed features intended to support the dynamic, interactive nature of modern web applications. JavaScript engines, HTML5 standards, CSS3, WebAssembly, and increasingly complex web frameworks like React and Angular have all contributed to the browser’s expanding feature set. Add to this mix the integration of privacy tools like ad blockers, content filters, and trackers, and the browser’s performance becomes a shadow of its former self.
The rise of progressive web apps (PWAs) and single-page applications (SPAs) only exacerbated this trend. While these technologies provide a more app-like experience, they do so by stacking more layers of abstraction on top of the browser, further diminishing its efficiency. With every new layer, the browser grows heavier, consuming more CPU and memory resources, and demanding ever more from users' hardware.
Mobile Platforms: The Same Story, But on a Different Screen
Mobile platforms, like iOS and Android, have followed a similar path. Initially lauded for their simplicity and seamless integration between hardware and software, they too have become bloated as they strive to accommodate the growing complexity of mobile apps. The latest iPhones and Android devices come equipped with powerful processors and gigabytes of RAM, yet the operating systems themselves have grown heavier, incorporating features like constant background processes, overcomplicated notifications, and a growing number of system services. These platforms are no longer simply about accessing apps; they are now about managing layers upon layers of systems, frameworks, and security features.
Even the app ecosystem itself has suffered from bloat. Apps are increasingly large, with multiple dependencies and high resource consumption, yet still fail to deliver truly optimal performance across devices. Whether it’s a social media app or a weather app, the experience is often laden with unnecessary features, ads, and trackers. As mobile devices get more powerful, these operating systems and apps continue to consume ever more resources, yet they remain unable to deliver the lean, efficient user experience that the future requires.
The Key Technical Challenges of the Future: Speed, Efficiency, and Adaptability
The future of computing is not about bigger and more powerful devices, but about smarter, leaner systems that can adapt to the rapidly changing demands of users. Whether in web browsers, mobile platforms, or even desktop environments, the current trajectory is unsustainable for several reasons:
1. Inefficiency in Resource Utilization: Both browsers and mobile platforms are designed with a broad, catch-all approach, which means they are rarely optimized for specific use cases. Every new feature or application adds another layer of abstraction, making the entire system less efficient. What we need is a computing environment that can adapt to specific needs without overloading the system.
2. Fragmentation: In both the browser and mobile ecosystems, developers are forced to account for a wide range of devices, screen sizes, and hardware configurations. The need for backward compatibility often means that resources are wasted on features that will never be used by the majority of users. The result is fragmentation that hampers performance and prevents seamless user experiences.
3. Security and Privacy: As browsers and mobile platforms have evolved, so too have the threats they face. Unfortunately, the solutions to these problems often result in more bloated, inefficient systems. Privacy tools, security features, and frequent updates all contribute to the overhead, making the system sluggish and resource-hungry.
4. Customization and Control: Users today demand more control over their computing environment. Yet both browsers and mobile platforms impose rigid structures that limit customization and fine-tuning. The future demands an interface that can be tailored to individual needs, allowing users to remove unnecessary features and optimize the system for their specific requirements.
Linux-Based Native Interfaces: The Solution We’ve Been Waiting For
Linux, in its many flavors, offers a level of efficiency, flexibility, and control that is unmatched by any browser or mobile OS. Unlike closed-source platforms like iOS or Android, or even the ubiquitous but bloated web browsers, Linux offers a lightweight, modular environment that can be tailored to meet the specific needs of both developers and end-users.
1. Resource Efficiency: Linux’s design philosophy emphasizes minimalism and efficiency. The system can be stripped down to its core components, running only the processes that are necessary for a given task. Unlike browsers, which are burdened by extraneous features, Linux can be optimized to deliver the best possible performance.
2. Customization and Modularity: Linux is inherently customizable. Whether it’s through different desktop environments (like GNOME, KDE, or i3), or through the use of lightweight window managers, users can build an environment that fits their needs exactly. This is in stark contrast to the rigid, monolithic structures imposed by browsers and mobile platforms.
3. Security and Privacy: Linux offers superior control over privacy and security. With tools like AppArmor, SELinux, and the ability to run minimal system environments, Linux can offer an inherently more secure computing environment, without the bloat associated with mainstream operating systems.
4. Openness and Transparency: As an open-source platform, Linux provides transparency in how the system operates. This allows developers to better understand and optimize their environments, a luxury that is often absent in proprietary operating systems.
The Emergent Role of ERM and the Future of Computing
As we look towards the future, Linux-based systems, particularly those that are optimized for specific use cases, will become more important. A promising new technology on the horizon is erm (Erlang Mobile), which seeks to take advantage of Erlang’s strengths—concurrency, fault tolerance, and scalability—while providing a native mobile platform for applications. With its low resource requirements and high reliability, erm could be the key to overcoming the bloated nature of current mobile platforms, offering a highly efficient, customizable mobile experience that doesn’t compromise on performance or security.
But as much as erm represents the potential for a better future, the landscape remains precarious. The dominant players in the tech industry, with their entrenched ecosystems and bloated platforms, are not likely to relinquish their hold easily. The shift to a Linux-based native interface will require a concerted effort from developers, communities, and users to embrace new paradigms of computing.
Conclusion: A Precarious Future, But One Worth Fighting For
The future of computing will not be found in bloated browsers or mobile platforms that serve every use case and are slow to adapt. It lies in lean, efficient systems like Linux, where performance, security, and customization are paramount. With emerging technologies like erm, we can begin to imagine a future where interfaces are designed with purpose, not excess. It’s time to challenge the status quo and embrace the future of computing—not just for the sake of efficiency, but for the long-term survival of innovation in a world where performance, adaptability, and security are non-negotiable.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-23 14:29:12
In the 21st century, the fusion of socialist wealth redistribution with capitalist façades has created a unique societal experiment. While appearing to balance equality and innovation, quasi-capitalist socialism breeds inherent weaknesses within populations, both culturally and genetically. This article delves into how such systems inadvertently undermine the evolutionary potential of humanity and enable cycles of moral and biological decay.
1. The Illusion of Progress and Survival of the Weakest
At its core, evolution is driven by the survival of the fittest—those most adapted to their environment thrive and pass on their traits. Quasi-capitalist socialist societies disrupt this natural process by shielding individuals from the consequences of their choices.
Redistribution systems, fueled by the labor of the capable, reward mediocrity and often subsidize irresponsibility. When individuals who contribute little to societal advancement are supported and encouraged to multiply, while productive members face disincentives to procreate due to financial and societal burdens, the genetic future of a population is weakened. Over generations, this leads to a dilution of traits associated with resilience, intelligence, and innovation.
2. Cultural Stagnation and the Death of Merit
Socialism often fosters a culture where equality of outcome trumps equality of opportunity. When wealth is distributed based on need rather than contribution, meritocracy dies. In such systems, cultural stagnation sets in, as ambition and innovation give way to complacency.
This culture of dependency, passed down through generations, creates populations that value entitlement over effort. The genetic underpinnings of creativity and drive—traits that have historically propelled humanity forward—are deprioritized, further embedding mediocrity as the norm.
3. State-Engineered Social Weakness
In quasi-capitalist socialist systems, the state becomes the ultimate provider, eroding traditional family and community structures. With dependence on government support replacing reliance on kinship and mutual effort, strong family units—historically a cornerstone of resilience—begin to fracture.
This creates populations that are increasingly atomized, emotionally fragile, and unable to navigate adversity without external support. Over time, traits associated with independence and adaptability fade, as survival no longer hinges on these qualities.
4. The Genetic Feedback Loop of Entitlement
The ideology underpinning quasi-capitalist socialism perpetuates its own genetic and societal weaknesses. By normalizing entitlement and demonizing self-reliance, it creates an intergenerational feedback loop where those most dependent on state support become the majority.
Genetic traits associated with industriousness, risk-taking, and critical thinking diminish, replaced by passivity and complacency. Such populations, while appearing stable in the short term, are vulnerable to external shocks, unable to adapt to environmental or economic crises.
5. Moral Decay and the Rise of Opportunistic Evil
When mediocrity is celebrated, and the strong are vilified, a void emerges in moral and cultural leadership. Into this void steps opportunistic evil—individuals and ideologies that exploit weakness for power. These entities manipulate populations weakened by dependence and fractured by internal contradictions, consolidating control under the guise of benevolence.
This "benevolent tyranny" undermines the moral fabric of society, fostering environments where corruption thrives. Populations conditioned to accept handouts and avoid responsibility are less likely to resist encroachments on their freedom, accelerating their descent into servitude.
6. The Future: A Warning of Genetic Decline
If unchecked, the long-term genetic and cultural consequences of quasi-capitalist socialism are dire. Humanity risks becoming a species that prioritizes comfort over challenge, safety over growth, and dependency over self-determination.
Such societies may initially seem prosperous but are built on a fragile foundation. When faced with crises—whether environmental, technological, or existential—they may lack the genetic and cultural tools to respond effectively, leading to collapse.
7. Counteracting the Cycle
To avoid this dystopian future, societies must:
Reinstate meritocracy: Reward effort, innovation, and contribution rather than need or compliance.
Promote individual responsibility: Shift the focus from state dependence to self-reliance and community building.
Foster a culture of excellence: Celebrate achievement and challenge rather than mediocrity and entitlement.
Encourage generational investment: Provide incentives for highly skilled individuals to have children and nurture future leaders.
Conclusion: A Battle for Humanity’s Future
Quasi-capitalist socialism is not inherently evil, but its unchecked application breeds systemic weakness. By disrupting the natural processes that reward strength, resilience, and ingenuity, it risks creating populations ill-equipped for the challenges of the future. If humanity is to thrive, it must confront this silent erosion of its potential and reclaim the values that have driven progress for millennia. The battle for the genetic and cultural integrity of future generations begins today.

@ 1cb14ab3:95d52462
2024-12-22 23:20:31

### More from Hes:
[Travel Guides](https://hes.npub.pro/tag/travel/)

@ ec42c765:328c0600
2024-12-22 19:16:31
# 手順
1. 登録する画像を用意する
2. 画像をweb上にアップロードする
3. 絵文字セットに登録する
## 1. 登録する画像を用意する
* 画像編集ソフト等を使って自分で作成する
* 絵文字作成サイトを使う([絵文字ジェネレーター](https://emoji-gen.ninja/)、[MEGAMOJI](https://zk-phi.github.io/MEGAMOJI/) など)
* フリー画像を使う([いらすとや](https://www.irasutoya.com/) など)
### データ量削減
* サイズ:正方形 128×128 ピクセル、長方形 任意の横幅×128 ピクセル
* ファイル形式:webp形式(webp変換おすすめサイト [toimg](https://toimg.kakechimaru.com/to-webp))
* 単色、単純な画像の場合:png形式(webpにするとむしろサイズが大きくなる)
### その他
* 背景透過画像
* ダークモード、ライトモード両方で見やすい色
## 2. 画像をweb上にアップロードする
よく分からなければ [emojito](https://emojito.meme/) からのアップロードで問題ないです。
- 削除も差し替えもできない → [emojito](https://emojito.meme/) など
- 削除できるが差し替えはできない → [Gyazo](https://gyazo.com/)、[nostrcheck.me](https://nostrcheck.me/)など
- 削除も差し替えもできる → [GitHub](https://github.com/) 、セルフホスティングなど
## 3. 絵文字セットに登録する
[emojito](https://emojito.meme/) から登録します。
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# 仕様
[NIP-30 Custom Emoji](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/30.md)
[NIP-30 カスタム絵文字(和訳)](https://github.com/nostr-jp/nips-ja/blob/main/30.md)

@ 8d34bd24:414be32b
2024-12-22 15:04:23
We are in the season of Christmas and busy fulfilling all of our Christmas traditions. We put up Christmas decorations, sing Christmas songs, buy Christmas presents, and plan big Christmas meals, but we are supposed to be celebrating the birth of Christ. We are supposed to be celebrating God made flesh — our Creator becoming His creation to reconcile them to Himself.
If you care about your relationship with Jesus, you may wonder, “Are all of these Christmas traditions good or bad?” In most cases, I think the answer is “It depends.” Are you using Christmas traditions to celebrate Jesus and point yourself and others to Him or have the traditions themselves become the focus?
Let’s look at some Christmas traditions and see how we might use them to point us to Jesus instead of distracting us from Him.
## Christmas Music
> 1And suddenly there appeared with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God and saying,
> “Glory to God in the highest,\
> And on earth peace among men with whom He is pleased.” (Luke 2:13-14)
There is a lot of Christmas music to choose from, but some is more honoring to God than others. Do you spend your time listening to songs like “Jingle Bell Rock,” “Grandma Got Run Over By a Reindeer,” “Baby It’s Cold Outside,” or “I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus” or do you spend your time listening to songs like “O Holy Night,” “O Come, O Come Emmanuel,” “Little Town of Bethlehem,” or “Mary Did You Know?” There isn’t anything inherently wrong with the first type, but the second type is much more honoring to Jesus and will focus our minds on what Jesus did for us.
By listening to Christmas music that points us to Jesus, we honor Him, refocus our own lives, and point others to Him. When we listen to Christmas music that focuses on Santa, Frosty, Rudolph, or just the season of winter, we distract people from the true meaning of Christmas. Listening to Bing Crosby singing “White Christmas” isn’t a problem (and I enjoy it very much), but focus on the Christmas Carols that point us to Jesus. You won’t regret it.
## Christmas Decorations (Lights)
> Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” (John 8:12)
I love Christmas decorations and especially Christmas lights. I’ll admit it. This year we even decided we are going to leave the lights up through January because the lights are so cheerful during the dark part of the year when we spend so much time in darkness. The question we should ask ourselves is “Are we just focused on the decorations and lights or are we focused on Jesus?”
Jesus is the Light of the World. He is the light in the darkness. It is appropriate to use lights to celebrate Jesus, but do we focus on the lights or are the lights focusing our thoughts on Jesus? My new Christmas resolution is to remember to thank Jesus for being the light of the world every time I look at the Christmas lights.
> Let your light shine before men in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:16)
Are your Christmas decorations things that point to Jesus or things that point to human tradition like Santa, reindeer, Frosty, etc.? We should aim to have more of our decorations point to Jesus.
Another thing I’ve noticed is that many of our Christian decorations can even be based on tradition rather than actual Biblical inerrancy. Most nativity sets have 3 wise men. Although this error isn’t something to get legalistic about, it is something to be aware of.
> Now after Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem, saying, (Matthew 2:1)
Traditionally the magi have been called wise men, but nobody knows 100% who the magi were. They also assume there were 3 of them because of the 3 gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. Based on the uproar that they caused in Jerusalem, it was probably a huge caravan. You’ll also notice that they arrived in Jerusalem “*after Jesus was born in Bethlehem.*” They then consulted King Herod. King Herod consulted the Jewish leaders to figure out that the Messiah was expected to be born in Bethlehem, and then they traveled to Bethlehem to find Jesus. It isn’t clear how long after Jesus’s birth the Magi showed up, but they definitely weren’t there that first Christmas morning.
Because of this, my husband sets up our main nativity set (that his parents got in Israel) in our living room and sets up the 3 wise men and the camel in our guest bedroom (on the East side of the house). It is his way of supporting the true Christmas story and not just the traditions of men.
Our Christmas tree isn’t just stuff relating to Jesus and the Christmas story. Most of our tree decorations are things for which we are thankful to Jesus. We have ornaments with family pictures. We have handmade ornaments made by the women of our church that were given to us when our house burnt down. We have ornaments from most of the trips we have gone on. We have a few sentimental family ornaments that were given to us when my husband’s mom died. Every time I look at my tree, I am grateful for all of these things. They aren’t just generic decorations. They are memories. I also have an ornament with a picture of my son’s teacher’s autistic son who snuck away and was killed in a blizzard. Every time I see the ornament, I pray for his family who misses him so much. I’d like to think that this tree of blessings is honoring to my God and my Savior.
## Christmas Dinner
> For I received from the Lord that which I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus in the night in which He was betrayed took bread; and **when He had given thanks**, He broke it and said, “This is My body, which is for you; **do this in remembrance of Me.**” In the same way He took the cup also after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood; **do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me**.” For a**s often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until He comes.** (1 Corinthians 11:23-26) {emphasis mine}
This passage is about the Passover celebration and Jesus’s command to celebrate the Lord’s Supper in remembrance of Him. I think it is likewise appropriate to celebrate His birth with a meal. As in most things, what makes it honoring to Jesus is how we do Christmas dinner rather than whether we do it or not.
The below passage is about celebrating the Lord’s supper in an inappropriate way, but I will try to apply it to Christmas dinner.
> Therefore when you meet together, it is not to eat the Lord’s Supper, for in your eating each one takes his own supper first; and one is hungry and another is drunk. What! Do you not have houses in which to eat and drink? Or do you despise the church of God and shame those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you? In this I will not praise you. (1 Corinthians 11:20-22)
Is Christmas dinner just about stuffing ourselves with good food or is it about more? Is it about fellowship with friends and family? Is it about gratefulness for what Jesus did for us? Is it about benefitting others?
For most of our marriage, we have alternated celebrating Christmas at my parent’s house and my husband’s parents house, but a couple of times recently, due to different circumstances, we have celebrated Christmas in our own home, and we will be doing it again this year. We’ll celebrate with my family after Christmas, and we celebrated with my husband’s family at Thanksgiving.
Our new tradition is to invite some people over to join us for Christmas dinner if we are celebrating at our home. We invite people from our church that are an older couple with no family nearby, a widow, or a single that is not near family. We invite people who would not have much of a celebration on their own. It has been such a blessing being able to bless others who don’t have family, are in financial hardship, or have physical trouble cooking a big meal.
Whether you are fellowshipping with family or ministering to those who have less than you, Christmas dinner can definitely be a God honoring part of your Christmas traditions.
## Christmas Presents
> Now He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food will supply and multiply your seed for sowing and increase the harvest of your righteousness; you will be enriched in everything for all liberality, which through us is producing thanksgiving to God. For the ministry of this service is not only fully supplying the needs of the saints, but is also **overflowing through many thanksgivings to God**. Because of the proof given by this ministry, they will glorify God for your obedience to your confession of the gospel of Christ and for the liberality of your contribution to them and to all, while they also, by prayer on your behalf, yearn for you because of the surpassing grace of God in you. **Thanks be to God for His indescribable gift!** (2 Corinthians 9:10-15) {emphasis mine}
Too often we can get so obsessed with the buying and receiving of gifts that we forget the greatest gift of all — the gift of our Savior Jesus.
My 17 year old son has Down Syndrome. He really likes gifts, especially electronics, like tablets, radios, and phones. Unfortunately, he also isn’t very gentle with them and usually has broken or lost most of them by the time Christmas comes along. This often leads to him obsessing about the gifts that he thinks he deserves.
When we celebrated Christmas with my husband’s family at Thanksgiving, he got a nice keyboard that he had requested. He did not, however, get the radio or tablet he wanted. As we were driving home he demanded, “Where is my radio? Where is my tablet? Where is it?” Instead of being grateful for his very generous gift, a gift that he requested, he was upset that he hadn’t gotten everything he wanted. He focused on stuff and not people. He focused on receiving and not giving. He focused on earthly things instead of Jesus. Too often we all do.
> But the **free gift** is not like the transgression. For if by the transgression of the one the many died, much more did the grace of God and **the gift by the grace of the one Man, Jesus Christ, abound to the many**. The gift is not like that which came through the one who sinned; for on the one hand the judgment arose from one transgression resulting in condemnation, but on the other hand **the free gift arose from many transgressions resulting in justification**. For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. (Romans 5:15-17) {emphasis mine}
Just as Jesus gave His life for us, it is good for us to give to others, but we always need to have the gift giving process be focused on Jesus and not the stuff. We always need to be thankful for what we have and receive and not what we don’t have and haven’t received.
On Christmas morning, before opening gifts, we always read the Christmas story from Luke 2 and the story of the magi from Matthew 2. We then sing “Happy Birthday” to Jesus, to remind us all of the purpose of Christmas and of the greatest gift we have received. I’m also wanting to start a new tradition at Christmas: Before each person opens a gift, they must thank Jesus for one blessing in their life. I think this will change the focus from greed and getting to gratefulness for what we have already received.
> For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the **gift of God**; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, **created in Christ Jesus for good works**, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. For by grace you have been **saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, *it is* the gift of God**; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, **created in Christ Jesus for good works**, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. (Ephesians 2:8-9) {emphasis mine}
Jesus gave us His all. We also need to consider what we can give to those who can’t give back, just as we can’t ever repay Jesus for what He did for us. Is there a family you know that is having a rough year financially or health wise that you could bless with a meal or gifts or help with bills? Is there a charity that will share the gospel and meet the physical needs of those who are alone, broke, and addicted that you can donate to? Maybe your kids have lots of toys and are about to get more and you can donate some that are in good condition to a Christian charity that can get those toys to kids who won’t receive any. Maybe money is tight, but you could volunteer at a soup kitchen or do some yard chores for a widow. I don’t know your personal circumstances or the circumstances of where you are and those around you, but think about finding some way to bless someone less fortunate than you.
> Above all, **keep fervent in your love for one another**, because love covers a multitude of sins. **Be hospitable to one another** without complaint. **As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another** as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. **Whoever speaks, is to do so as one who is speaking the utterances of God**; **whoever serves is to do so as one who is serving by the strength which God supplies**; **so that in all things God may be glorified through Jesus Christ**, to whom belongs the glory and dominion forever and ever. Amen. (1 Peter 4:8-11) {emphasis mine}
There are lots of movies, songs, and TV shows that talk about the spirit of Christmas and the love of Christmas. Let’s make sure we show love and share Jesus with the people around us. They tend to be much more open to Jesus during Christmas. Let’s make sure we make the most of Christmas.
To God be the Glory!
Trust Jesus.
*FYI, Because everyone is busy at Christmas, I will be posting my short Wednesday post (Christmas) on Tuesday evening (Christmas Eve) so that people can have time to read the post before Christmas and it will hopefully help you to have the right mindset on Christmas.*
#### FYI, to learn more about my books “*Why I Need Jesus*” (available in paperback and ebook) and “*Joy in the Storm*” (in editing and hopefully out in a month or two.) see my [books page](https://trustjesus.substack.com/p/books).

@ 6e468422:15deee93
2024-12-21 19:25:26
We didn't hear them land on earth, nor did we see them. The spores were not visible to the naked eye. Like dust particles, they softly fell, unhindered, through our atmosphere, covering the earth. It took us a while to realize that something extraordinary was happening on our planet. In most places, the mushrooms didn't grow at all. The conditions weren't right. In some places—mostly rocky places—they grew large enough to be noticeable. People all over the world posted pictures online. "White eggs," they called them. It took a bit until botanists and mycologists took note. Most didn't realize that we were dealing with a species unknown to us.
We aren't sure who sent them. We aren't even sure if there is a "who" behind the spores. But once the first portals opened up, we learned that these mushrooms aren't just a quirk of biology. The portals were small at first—minuscule, even. Like a pinhole camera, we were able to glimpse through, but we couldn't make out much. We were only able to see colors and textures if the conditions were right. We weren't sure what we were looking at.
We still don't understand why some mushrooms open up, and some don't. Most don't. What we do know is that they like colder climates and high elevations. What we also know is that the portals don't stay open for long. Like all mushrooms, the flush only lasts for a week or two. When a portal opens, it looks like the mushroom is eating a hole into itself at first. But the hole grows, and what starts as a shimmer behind a grey film turns into a clear picture as the egg ripens. When conditions are right, portals will remain stable for up to three days. Once the fruit withers, the portal closes, and the mushroom decays.
The eggs grew bigger year over year. And with it, the portals. Soon enough, the portals were big enough to stick your finger through. And that's when things started to get weird...

@ 30ceb64e:7f08bdf5
2024-12-21 17:19:42
I'm prompted to write this after seeing that my part time job offers tuition reimbursement to full time workers, and that I could become a full time worker and get essentially get a full ride to complete my bachelors through flexible and remote courses.
Shoutout to the advice I got from a few Stackers
> Just know that degrees dont mean as much as they did in the past.
If you invest this time in to school, will it pay off later?
It depends on what degree you will be getting, and how quickly you can complete the coursework.
>I was in a similar grind a full-time gig and a side hustle while chasing my degree. Ended up specializing in cybersecurity and the degree definitely opened doors I hadn’t even considered. My tip structure is key. Treat your study time like a third job, and don’t skimp on self care. You’ve already got that hustle mindset, so you’re halfway there. Go for it, but keep the balance in check!
Good luck!
>This is how I ended up becoming an economist. I had a couple of jobs, one of which offered tuition benefits, and I took a couple of classes a semester until I finished an econ degree. Then, off to grad school.
I say you should do it, as long as you're confident you can handle the workload.
Among many others.
Shoutout to the advice I got from a few Nostritches
The Nostr freaks were overall against it, while SN freaks were overall for it.
I've reached a dilemma.
The dilemma is "why am I doing this?"
Are my intentions pure and honorable, or is this fiat credentialism rearing its ugly head.
Is this me wanting to better myself and contribute value to the world or is this not staying humble
Am I risking something that I cant see at the moment, should my energy be spent doing other things; starting a business, Freelancing harder, Contributing to open source harder, Spending more time with the wife and kid on the way.
Over the past few years I've become grumbly shouting at friends and family about evil fiat and perfect perfect bitcoin. At what point do I pull a satoshi, and move on to other things. At what point do I take my own advice, realize that I probably have enough bitcoin, and enjoy life.
I'll try to articulate my thoughts the best I can.......although this is a ramble
I want to get a bachelors degree and potentially become a lawyer for the reasons below
1. Stick it to the haters. I naively jumped around telling a few family members what I would do with my life and thought becoming a lawyer wasn't too far fetched. They did, and thought I was crazy and couldn't do it. Fuck em.
2. I have 30 college credits to go towards a bachelors, a lot of time to complete classes, approaching 6 years of experience working at an IP law firm, a rinky dink paralegal certificate, and the possibility to have it all paid for without spending any sats. So the goal seems oddly obtainable.
3. LLM's are great at homework
4. It would make my wife and unborn child more proud of me, which I believe is good.
5. I want to excel in my career and have good job opportunities moving forward. With a bachelors I'd be able to obtain higher paying jobs and have a formidable resume to take advantage of more opportunities as they come by.
6. I have a growing interest in learning this stuff. I think about the samurai wallet boys and keep a side eye on the trial. I'm a sovereign individual thesis guy, and want to see the how the laws will bend to support a new technological paradigm.
7. I read "come and take it" by Cody Wilson and followed a bit of his journey and thought his fight and thoughts on the courts were pretty cool.
In Conclusion,
I'm typing these rambling thoughts while working on my part time job, which may become a 2nd full time, because I might head back to school to finish my bachelors, while recognizing that college degrees are mostly scams for suckers.
Kids come out of highschool and are sold the lie that, this is the only path forward. That if you dont go to fancy university than your life is shit. Society looks down upon you with a mocking and judgmental glare. Your parents arent proud of you, and you need to give a very good explanation on why you're throwing your life away. So instead of facing a tidal wave of scrutiny, most kids who can end up going to college and getting into a crazy amount of debt, or dropping out essentially wasting their time while postulating like they were trying to "find themselves". The idea of school in fiat is a rough one anyway, the campuses are communist lgbtq government obediance propaganda training grounds siphoning first principle thinking from its victims with a spooky efficiency.
Ah, wait that was supposed to be a conclusion. Let me try again.
In Conclusion,
College degrees are mostly scams for suckers, but maybe armed with better knowledge of what i'm getting into, a bit more focus and more realistic expectations; I can appropriately navigate through the treacherous marshes of keynsian brainwashing into the orange light of sticking it to the man.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/819302

@ 2efaa715:3d987331
2024-12-21 16:54:55
More than you wanted to know about a little-understood but important aspect of diet and health, explained in a nontechnical manner, with oversimplifications abound.
Your cells need some kind of fuel to function. this fuel can only come (ultimately) from the outside world as food. AKA "diet". your blood carries the fuel to the cells so they can do their work. on most diets, the main fuel for cells is glucose, which the body derives from sugar or carbohydrates (which are basically sugar + some complexity).
on other diets, the main fuel for cells is fat. on these diets, fat/lipid particles are carried on little blood ferries called lipoproteins (the final "L" in LDL and HDL). LDL carries lipids _to_ your cells so they can use it, HDL carries unused lipids _away_ from your cells (to the liver) so they can be disposed of. (on both very high carb and very low carb diets, your cells will still use some amount of both glucose and fat for energy, but the ratio will change dramatically).
Naturally, if you have a lot of these ferries in your blood (because you are using fat as cell-fuel), your LDL and HDL counts ("total cholesterol") will be high on basic blood tests.
LDL - the ferries that carry fats to your cells to burn - come in two varieties:
- small + dense
- large + fluffy
both carry fuel to your cells, but the small/dense ones have an unfortunate side-effect of slamming into artery walls, penetrating them, and accidentally depositing their lipids there. This is the "plaque" of cardiovascular disease fame. The large, fluffy particles do not penetrate the arterial walls as readily - they bounce off and keep going on to their destinations. their effect on arterial plaque is not zero, but far less impactful than small, dense particles.
In either case, the HDL particles are always good: they remove excess lipids from the body. this is why HDL is "the good cholesterol". There are advanced blood tests available which measure particle size (so, like, an _acutally useful_ test), but odds are your doctor will refuse to order this test. Strange!
We didn't mention Triglycerides yet. Suffice it to say that more triglycerides = smaller, denser LDL particles = more arterial wall penetration = more cardiovascular risk. To finish off our triglycerides sidebar, the dietary patterns that increase triglycerides (bad!) are: excess calories from carbohydrates, added sugars and refined carbohydrates, low fiber intake, low omega-3 intake (especially in combination with excess seed oil intake), high trans fats consumption (more on trans fat in a moment).
Back to finish up cholesterol: this is why a diet that is high in _good fats_ (again, more in a moment) will increase "total cholesterol" - you have more fat boats fueling your cells - but doesn't indicate greater cardiovascular risk: because the large, fluffy particles are not damaging your arteries and the large number of HDL particles are protective!
Furthermore, if you reconsider the sidebar on triglycerides you'll notice that avoiding refined carbohydrates and sugars has the added effect of lowering triglycerides, which keeps the LDL particles even healthier. You'll often see the simple recommendation to keep the HDL/Triglycerides ratio high. this is why. HDL good, triglycerides bad.
We didn't even get into insulin sensitivity - one of the most important factors in metabolic health... another time.
A last word on dietary fat types: Not all fats are created equally. You can look into monounsaturated and polyunsaturated on your own, but I want to mention two others here: Trans fat and Saturated fat.
Trans fats mostly come from _artificial sources_, like processed vegetable or seed oils. most often found in ultra-processed, packaged foods. yuck. trans fat **lowers HDL, increases inflammation and increases proportion of small, dense LDL particles**. These are all the bad things we discussed above.
Saturated fat is mainly found in meat, dairy and coconut oil. It **increases LDL particle size and raises HDL**. These are the good things we discussed above.
So, yes, while someone's _total cholesterol_ may go up when eating saturated fats, it doesn't necessarily mean their cardiovascular risk has increased.
Now that you understand how cholesterol works, compare moderate saturated fat intake to eating a diet full of refined carbohydrates, sugars, processed vegetable/seed oils, and all the other items we explained above...
Ok really now, the **last** last word: the "cholesterol" you see on a food label has less impact on blood cholesterol than you thought. the details are too squirrely to go into here, but the takeway is: the fat content discussed above is the lion's share of the impact, with the number you see next to "cholesterol" on your food label having a negligible effect.
#diet #paleo #keto #health #healthstr #foodstr #carnivore #cholesterol

@ 141daddd:1df80a3f
2024-12-21 12:38:04
When I read the Western media and opinions of accounts affected by it, I can't but get amused at the absolute stupidity of it all. Many people in the West truly belive that life in Russia is hell, grocery store shelves are empty, streets are filled only with women and children because there are no more men, tanks patrol city areas, etc.
So let me give a quick personal account of how it is. I won't waste time including links to sources — use your own Google, Bing, DuckDuckGo or whatever works for your research purposes. Here we go, in no particular order.
## A police state
Any state is a police state because there is police. Russia is no better and no worse than any other country. There's regular police, road police, internal military (the national guard). They do their job and nothing more. I mostly lived in a smaller town in which being stopped by a police officer in the middle of a street for some random check is a thing that I've never seen in my life. It happened to me in Moscow once, when I was a student nearly 20 years ago: they wanted to check my residential address registration (in Russia, you have to be registered where you reside). Today, due to the situation, it may happen a bit more often in larger cities, but there's nothing that resembles harrassment.
## Don't speak, or else
"There's no freedom of speech!" is total bulshit. I see so much Putin hate on Russian web resources that this statement just cancels itself automatically. But as soon as you start plotting against the country, overtly or covertly, then sure, you will attract a bit more attention from certain agencies whose job is to prevent such things. Especially now. Before you say "but muh opposition, other parties, other candidates!", I will cut you short with a simple axiom that applies to all my thinking: democracy is a scam and must be abandoned at all cost. This should eliminate most objections. Or rather make them *non sequitur*.
## People are starving
This is the most ridiculous claim, especially for me, as I've really tried hard not to get fat. There is an abundance of malls, department stores, supermarkets and smaller grocery stores — all filled with such a huge variety of stuff that even American tourists are dumbfounded. Thirty types of cola instead of 2-3 like in American supermarkets is what I'm talking about. And like this with everything else. Must I add that most products are a lot cheaper than abroad and more natural (GMOs are banned). So no, there is no shortage: foods, clothes, devices, etc are cheap and abundant.
## All men must die!
Nobody catches anybody on the streets to send to the trenches. Life is literally the same as before, business as usual. There was a short period at the beginning of the special operation when partial mobilizatoin of reserve assets was held in order to supply the army with enough specialists. But it ended quite quickly. And yes, everybody was worried a bit, but it passed. After that experience, I think the government figured out the incentives and found enough money to offer paid contracts, and a miracle happened: thousands of volunteers sign up to go to the war zone every single day. No need to mobilize.
## Russians are poor
I'm quite sure what "poor" means. See, I've traveled enough to see actual poverty. And I've never seen anything like that in Russia, even during the crazy 90's when I was just a kid. American, Canadian, Europeans streets filled with homeless junkies, Latin American slums and favelas — you will see nothing of the sort in Russia. Sure, there are some homeless people, especially in big cities, and some babushkas whose pensions aren't enough to live comfortably, but overall the level of life in the country has been on the rise. As a matter of fact, some people measure Putin's genius exactly by this ability to provide all kinds of material improvements while distancing people from politics — this made Russians unwilling to answer to revolutionary calls. "Fuck the revolution, I'll just have my caramel macchiato delivered by a Yandex boy within 10 minutes, then go chill in a movie theater, play Mafia with my friends and end this day at a night club party."
## Travel is banned, the country is a prison
As I write this, a relative just got his visa to Spain. I'm myself traveling now. More countries are opening up to Russians, cancelling visas or extending visa-free stays. Borders are open. Border security agents don't ask extra questions that they wouldn't normally ask. In short, don't belive this lie either.
## Is anything bad at all?
Oh yes. Russian bureaucracy. The one thing I hate the most. Want to do some papers? Nobody will explain properly how it's done: you will have to go through seven circles of bureaucratic hell to figure things out. I've heard stories of American faimilties trying to move to Russia only to absolutely lose their temper and abandon the idea. If you want your piece of paper or a certain stamp, you will just to fight for it and there will be little help from the government. But even this, I believe, is being dealt with as Russia is digitizing all of its sevices at a fast pace.
* * *
There you are. I hope this quick overview of life in Russia has helped you see through the veil of silly Western propaganda. In no way I say that Russia is a perfect place to live and that there's no better place in the world. I don't suffer from fanaticism. But a better understanding of what's happening on the other side could help with your judgement. And that's all I want.

@ 00000000:3acedba7
2024-12-20 22:38:33
Since more than a year we've been tirelessly working on Mostro, here is a summary.
### Keys management
We have a lot of improvements and probably one of the most important is the final design of **keys management**, we started to discuss this idea in the previous quarter and we commented it in the last report, keys management is a way clients rotate keys for every trade adding another privacy layer to gift wrap previous implementation, more detailed info [here](https://mostro.network/protocol/key_management.html). Today we've `merged` our main [PR](https://github.com/MostroP2P/mostro/pull/398) for implementing it on mostrod, we also implemented it on [mostro-core](https://github.com/MostroP2P/mostro-core/pull/67/files) and [mostro-cli](https://github.com/MostroP2P/mostro-cli/pull/89)
### New Nostr NIP merged
We also had our first official NIP merged, [NIP-69](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/69.md), with this we aim to standarize all orders from peer-to-peer platform on Nostr to have a big liquidity pool easily filterable.
### B4OS
Mostro was one of the projects participating in the [b4os residency](https://b4os.dev), which took place in Buenos Aires right after this year’s [LABITCONF](https://www.labitconf.com/).
I participated as a mentor, going there daily for the whole program, helping developers get started on Mostro. Mostro received a lot of attention and had the largest number of contributors working on it (8 in total). We had two very productive weeks where we refined how Mostro will handle privacy and reputation at the same time. This will required some changes to **mostrod** and improvements to the [protocol documentation](https://mostro.network/protocol), for which we (fingers crossed) now have a final version.
During the b4os residency, we received [contributions](https://github.com/MostroP2P/mostro-regtest/pull/2) that improved our Docker Mostro containers—amazing work that you can see [here](https://github.com/MostroP2P/mostro-regtest).
### Mostro foundation
We also made progress on establishing the Mostro Foundation, which will serve as a legal entity to handle donations and direct them to developers who want to contribute. Another [contributor](https://github.com/MostroP2P/mostro-foundation-website) created the [Mostro Foundation website](https://mostro.foundation/).
### Mostro-tools
We already have contributors working on [mostro-tools](https://github.com/MostroP2P/mostro-tools), a TypeScript library implementing the [Mostro protocol](https://mostro.network/protocol/).
### Mobile app
Our past attempt of building the mobile app failed, the developer quit, so we found another dev, `third time's the charm`. Now we’re moving forward with the mobile app, which is being developed by developer called `Biz`. Working on Mostro is a bit complex because we focus on privacy and censorship-resistance, and our main goal is to deliver these privacy features in an easy-to-use application. I want this app to be very intuitive, suitable even for non-technical users. Biz, delivered a first functional mobile app we can see all the work [here](https://github.com/MostroP2P/mobile/pull/31) and [here](https://github.com/MostroP2P/mobile/pull/33), we tested it and it works :D
### Mostrui
Finally we started another client, a Terminal User Interface (TUI) which is helping us to implement and understand problems that client developers can find on the process of building a client, this client is called [Mostrui](https://github.com/MostroP2P/mostrui)
All this couldn't be possible without the support of [HRF](HRF) and [Opensats](https://opensats.org/) and all collaborators <3

@ deba271e:36005655
2024-12-20 21:07:43
### Red Bull
- Max Verstappen (Contract until end of 2028 season)
- Liam Lawson (Contract for 2025)
### Mercedes
- George Russell (Contract until end of 2025 season)
- Andrea Kimi Antonelli (Contract covering at least 2025 season)
### Ferrari
- Charles Leclerc (Contract for ‘several more seasons’ beyond 2025)
- Lewis Hamilton (Contract is “multi-year”)
### Aston Martin
- Lance Stroll (Contract for ‘2025 and beyond’)
- Fernando Alonso (“Multi-year contract” until at least end of 2026)
### McLaren
- Lando Norris (Contract for ‘multi-year extension’ beyond 2025)
- Oscar Piastri (Contract until end of 2026)
### Alpine
- Pierre Gasly (Contracted until at least end of 2026)
- Jack Doohan (Contract for 2025)
### Williams
- Alex Albon (Contracted until at least end of 2026)
- Carlos Sainz (Contracted until at least end of 2026)
### Haas
- Oliver Bearman (“Multi-year” contract until at least end of 2026)
- Esteban Ocon (“Multi-year” contract until at least end of 2026)
### Stake F1 Team
- Nico Hulkenberg (“Multi-year” contract until at least end of 2026)
- Gabriel Bortoleto (“Multi-year” contract starting from 2025)
### Visa Cash App Racing Bulls
- Yuki Tsunoda (Contract until end of 2025)
- Isack Hadjar (Contract until end of 2025)
#formula1 #f1
Source: https://www.planetf1.com/news/f1-2025-driver-line-up-confirmed-grid

@ d68401a8:11aad383
2024-12-20 16:44:43
The internet addresses we use daily (e.g., *something.com, something.org*) are just a part of the internet called the DNS [root zone](https://icannwiki.org/Root_Zone#), which is essentially a hierarchical database of all the names you can access on the internet (similar to a telephone directory).
Currently, the only root zone we know is the [ICANN root zone](https://www.icann.org/root-server-system-en). Nobody refers to it as the ICANN root zone or ICANN domains because it is inherently the only root zone people know, so we simply call it the Internet and domains.
The ICANN root zone is extremely convenient; having a centralized and unified root zone makes life easier for people, and it will remain the main root zone on the internet for the foreseeable future. However, the internet is not meant to have only one root zone. While the ICANN root zone has its advantages, it also has some drawbacks. This is where [alternative root zones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_DNS_root), which experiment with different trade-offs, make sense.
Handshake is an alternative root zone based on a decentralized peer-to-peer network, offering a different set of trade-offs compared to the ICANN root zone. The following table highlights the main differences between the ICANN and HNS root zones:
|**Feature**|**ICANN Root Zone**|**HNS Root Zone**|
|**Governance**|Centralized (ICANN)|Decentralized (Peer-to-peer)|
|**Domain creation**|Requires ICANN approval|Permissionless and auction-based|
|**User Interaction**|Only through specific registries|Directly on its blockchain|
|**Infrastructure**|Traditional DNS root servers|Blockchain-based|
|**Resolution**|Native support in browsers and systems|Requires custom resolvers or tools|
|**Trust Model**|Trust in the ICANN|Trustless, cryptographic verification|
|**HTTPS setup**|Certificate authority|[DANE](https://blog.htools.work/posts/stateless-dane/)|
|**Purpose**|Corporate and State sovereignty; Stability|User sovereignty; Experimental|
## How to access the HNS root zone
Now you know that the root zone you’re familiar with is the ICANN root zone, which is universally supported by operating systems and browsers. But what if you want to own a Handshake domains or want to access Handshake addresses to explore what’s in the Handshake root zone? Essentially, you have a few options:
**1. PC and desktop**
You have a few options explained here: [https://learn.namebase.io/development/resolving-handshake](https://learn.namebase.io/development/resolving-handshake), but the recommended one is **Fingertip,** a resolver created by Impervious that enables you to trustlessly resolve Handshake names:
* [https://impervious.com/fingertip](https://impervious.com/fingertip)
* [https://github.com/imperviousinc/fingertip](https://github.com/imperviousinc/fingertip)
If your certificate expires at some point, usually after one year, you can either replace the certificate with a new one or delete the folder where the certificate is stored (on Windows, it should be located in a path like `Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\Fingertip`). After deleting this folder, the next time you restart your computer, Fingertip will prompt you to generate a new certificate. Simply say yes, and that’s it!
**2. Smart phones and other devices**
For mobile phones and such the easiest and more convenient way is [HNS DoH](https://welcome.hnsdoh.com/), the DNS over TLS option.
**3. Explore the Handshake Root Zone**
* [https://www.niami.io/](https://www.niami.io/) or [https://niami](https://niami)
* [https://hns.cymon.de/](https://hns.cymon.de/)

@ 31312140:2471509b
2024-12-20 10:36:30
## The Underpinnings of Germ Theory: A History Lesson
The Germ Theory took root in the fertile ground of 19th-century scientific exploration. Louis Pasteur and Robert Koch emerged as the poster children of this doctrine, selling the world on the notion that microorganisms are the main perpetrators of disease. Pasteur's dramatic demonstrations and Koch's postulates captured the imagination of the medical community, turning Germ Theory into dogma.
## The Fault Lines
### Pasteur’s Dubious Methods
In the annals of scientific history, Louis Pasteur’s name often emerges as a heroic figure who championed Germ Theory. However, beneath the accolades lies a more complex and contentious legacy fraught with unscientific methods and unnecessary cruelty. Pasteur’s experiments, lauded in their time, provide little to no scientific basis for the legitimacy of Germ Theory today. Let’s separate myth from reality.
#### Pasteur’s Experimentation: A Glance Behind the Curtain
Louis Pasteur, best known for his work on vaccinations and microbial fermentation, was not quite the rigorous scientist history books often paint him to be. His methods were as much about showmanship and drama as they were about scientific inquiry, raising several red flags. 🧑🔬
**Lack of Scientific Rigor:** Pasteur’s experiments rarely adhered to the modern standards of scientific rigor. He often neglected proper scientific controls and failed to consistently repeat his experiments under the same conditions to eliminate alternative explanations. This lack of methodological rigor casts shadows over the reliability of his findings. 📉
**Cruelty in the Name of Science:** Pasteur’s experiments often involved injecting substances into animals, notably into their brains, to observe disease progression. Such actions were needlessly cruel and failed to replicate natural disease transmission. When animals tragically died from these brutal interventions, Pasteur attributed the cause to germs or viruses, neglecting the stress and trauma of his invasive procedures as potential factors. 😿
#### Dissecting the Evidence—or Lack Thereof
The cornerstone of Pasteur’s claims that germs were directly responsible for disease hinged on such brutal methods. However, no comprehensive and reproducible scientific evidence emerged to definitively prove Germ Theory. His experiments often overlooked variables that today would disqualify his conclusions as scientifically robust.
**Absence of Isolation:** Pasteur claimed to identify and isolate specific pathogens as disease culprits. However, without modern techniques and an oversight of standard isolation methods, his assertions were tenuous at best. Pathogens were forced into environments and reactions completely unnatural to their normal behavior.
**Control Fallacies:** Pasteur's lack of proper controls and failure to observe naturally-occurring conditions resulted in experiments that simulated rather than illuminated the natural world. His conclusions often relied on directed outcomes rather than unbiased observations.
**Reputation Over Rigor:** Emphasizing his results more than the methodology, Pasteur successfully marketed Germ Theory without addressing plausible alternative explanations for disease, such as environmental and host factors now recognized as contributing significantly to health outcomes. 🎭
### Koch’s Postulates: The Perfect Logic
In the annals of medical history, few frameworks were as crystal-clear and logical as Koch's Postulates. Developed by Robert Koch in the 19th century, these postulates were designed to establish a direct cause-and-effect relationship between a microorganism and a disease. Their clarity and rigor make you wonder why, then, no virus has ever fully satisfied these criteria. Spoiler alert: it's not the postulates that are flawed. Let's unpack this enigma. 🕵️♂️
#### The Unquestioned Logic of Koch's Postulates
Koch’s Postulates laid out a straightforward and logical framework:
1. Presence in Diseased Organisms: The microorganism must be found in abundance in all organisms suffering from the disease, but not in healthy organisms.
2. Isolation: The microorganism must be isolated from a diseased organism.
3. Reproduction of Disease: The isolated microorganism should cause disease when introduced into a healthy organism.
4. Re-Isolation: The microorganism must be re-isolated from the inoculated, diseased experimental host and identified as being identical to the original specific causative agent.
At first glance—and in thorough scientific scrutiny—these steps are both logical and sound. They seek to establish undeniable causality between a germ and a disease. The problem? Not a single virus satisfies these foundational criteria.
#### The Virus Dilemma: A Case Against Germ Theory
Viruses have never clearly demonstrated an ability to fulfill Koch’s Postulates. Here’s why this matters:
**Presence and Absence:** Viruses are often found in healthy individuals, completely violating the first postulate. If presence alone were cause for disease, we'd all be perpetually ill.
**Causation and Introduction:** Reproducing disease symptoms reliably by introducing a virus into a healthy host? Good luck. This rarely results in consistent illness, highlighting the shaky premise upon which viral causation rests.
**Re-Isolation Challenges:** Even when a virus appears to be re-isolated, it's never perfectly identical to the original. Which makes complete sense when one understands that supposed viruses are just random cellular debris.
Failure to meet these criteria suggests that the existence of viruses as direct causes of disease is anything but a settled science. In fact, it reinforces the idea that Germ Theory doesn’t hold water, particularly when we consider the consistency and rigor required by Koch's original framework.
#### Virology: The Shaky Foundations
Faced with the inability to satisfy Koch's Postulates, the scientific community has adapted and modified them endlessly. Here's how they've diluted and diverted:
**Molecular Koch's Postulates:** Focus on genes rather than organisms, diverting attention from the failure of isolated viruses to credibly cause disease.
**Epidemiological Excuses:** Correlations in population studies often stand in for causation, even though this violates the logical rigor originally intended.
**DNA and RNA Techniques:** PCR and molecular methods detect genetic material but do not prove viral causation, circumventing the postulates by identifying sequences rather than demonstrating direct effects.
By moving the goalposts, virology attempts to shield itself from the logical scrutiny that should dismantle it—a clear indication that the field struggles under traditional scientific methods.
#### The Bigger Picture: Questioning the Narrative
Koch's Postulates were crafted in a time when scientific integrity and logic were paramount. That no virus has satisfied these postulates essentially points a finger right back at Germ Theory and the entire premise upon which modern virology stands; it appears far more unscientific if it can't pass the basic tests of causation and effect laid out over a century ago.
While the world buys into Germ Theory as a self-evident truth, the unsinkable logic of Koch’s Postulates serves as a reminder that scientific inquiry is never settled simply by bending rules to fit narratives.
### Viruses and Virology’s Dance of Deception
In the realm of virology, the term "isolation" is thrown around with surprising frequency. For most of us, isolation evokes a clear, dictionary-defined image: separating something completely from everything else. However, in virology, "isolation" means something entirely different from this straightforward definition. So, let's take a closer look at what this word really implies in the virology playbook and why it might just be the lynchpin in a grand scientific illusion. 🧬
#### The Dictionary Definition vs. Virology's Reality
According to standard dictionaries, "isolation" refers to the act of setting something apart, free from connections or interactions with other objects or environments. Think quarantine, a separated specimen, or a single variable under a microscope. Isolation should mean purity and singularity.
In virology, however, "isolation" involves an intricate process that seems to contradict these fundamental principles:
**The Viral "Isolation" Process:** In virology practices, so-called "isolation" involves taking samples believed to contain the virus and adding them to a mixture of other genetic materials and nutrients within cell cultures. This environment is rarely isolated by the traditional definition—it's an elaborate cocktail rather than a singular entity.
**The Outcome and Ambiguity:** When cell cultures deteriorate or exhibit changes, virologists claim the presence of a virus, naming these alterations as proof of viral activity. However, changes might result from a myriad collection of factors, from environmental stressors to the very chemicals added to the culture themselves.🦠
#### The Concept of "Isolation" Under Scrutiny
Given virology's integration-based "isolation" process, here are some valid points for questioning:
**Scientific Ambiguity:** The blending of viruses with cellular systems complicates the interpretation of observed effects. When anomalies arise, distinguishing specific viral influences from the noise of external variables becomes nearly impossible.
**Misinterpretation and Misleading Perceptions:** The misuse of "isolation" generates misleading perceptions that viruses are identified and targeted with precision in lab-based scenarios. This dilution and deviation from the traditional concept cast doubt on purported viral behavior and pathogenicity.
**Where is the Purity?:** Without the ability to fully isolate and analyze viruses independently, claims of their direct actions and pathogenic roles remain speculative at best, opening a Pandora’s box of uncertainties.
### The Terrain Theory: A Harbinger of Hope?
Antoine Béchamp emerges as a contender to Pasteur's legacy with Terrain Theory. Contrary to Germ Theory, Terrain Theory insists that diseases arise due to imbalances or vulnerabilities of individual internal environments—the "terrain." This perspective suggests that focusing solely on germs misses the broader health picture. 🖼️
Béchamp’s notion aligns more closely with what many modern-day holistic health approaches tout—strengthening the "terrain" over simply destroying the "invaders."
According to Béchamp, microorganisms could change form based on the environment, suggesting that germs are not the primary cause of disease but rather a symptom of an unhealthy internal "terrain." This theory emphasized that maintaining the body's internal balance and health was key to preventing disease, challenging the singular blame on specific pathogens and highlighting the dynamic nature of microorganisms within the body.
In recent times, the study of exosomes has added another layer of complexity to our understanding of disease. Exosomes are small extracellular vesicles involved in cellular communication and transport of genetic material. Some researchers argue that exosomes have been misidentified as pathogenic viruses due to their similar appearance and behavior. This misrepresentation could lead to erroneous conclusions about the nature and cause of certain diseases, suggesting that what might be labeled as a viral infection could, in fact, be the body's response to stress or other environmental factors. This emerging perspective challenges the long-standing assumptions of Germ Theory, calling for a deeper exploration of the body's intricate biological mechanisms
### The Spanish Flu and Its Intriguing Parallel to COVID-19
The Spanish Flu of 1918 stands as one of the deadliest pandemics in history (at least as we are being told to believe), claiming millions of lives worldwide. Interestingly, multiple attempts to experimentally transmit the influenza virus from sick individuals to healthy ones during this period yielded unexpected results. Various experiments involved transferring fluids from the infected to healthy volunteers, yet these attempts consistently failed to induce illness. This failure to recreate infection under controlled conditions has prompted some to question the fundamental understanding of virus transmission.
The recent global COVID-19 pandemic took Germ Theory for a high-speed test drive, with mixed returns. Governments worldwide invoked this theory to justify masks, lockdowns, and testing regimes like PCR, originally intended for DNA analysis, not diagnostics. As people folded squarely into the narrative, questions about the veracity and motives behind this became more poignant. 🧬
Drawing parallels to the COVID-19 pandemic, similar debates have surfaced regarding the virus's transmissibility and pathogenicity. While COVID-19 has inspired unprecedented global health measures, questions about virus isolation, testing accuracy, and the true nature of virus spread echo those inquiries raised during the Spanish Flu era. Both cases challenge the simplicity with which Germ Theory attributes disease to direct microbial causation, inviting a broader examination of environmental, genetic, and lifestyle factors in understanding pandemics. This reflection compels continued exploration into the complexity of infectious diseases beyond a single-cause framework, encouraging more holistic approaches to public health.
### The Pharmaceutical Profiteers
No discussion on Germ Theory is complete without examining Big Pharma—an industry thriving on the fear of germs. Thanks to the narratives built around germ-caused diseases, this sector grows ever richer, pumping out vaccines and medications aimed at thwarting these so-called invisible villains. Blanche at your own peril; this is a money-making machine. 💊
### Path Forward: Empower and Enlighten
* Question the Status Quo: Encourage skepticism towards germ causation claims without ironclad scientific proof.
* Focus on Overall Health: Your ‘terrain’ or environment is key. Elevate health through balanced diet, exercise, and stress management.
* Demand Transparent Science: Push for rigorous, ethical trials that clearly demonstrate causation, not just correlation.
* Educate and Explore: Dive into the works of critics like Béchamp and modern contrarians who offer alternative views on health and disease.
### Essential Readings
* "Béchamp or Pasteur? A Lost Chapter in the History of Biology" by Ethel D. Hume
* "The Contagion Myth: Why Viruses (including 'Coronavirus') Are Not the Cause of Disease" by Thomas S. Cowan and Sally Fallon Morell
* "Virus Mania: How the Medical Industry Continually Invents Epidemics, Making Billion-Dollar Profits at Our Expense" by Torsten Engelbrecht and Claus Köhnlein
* "What Really Makes You Ill? Why Everything You Thought You Knew About Disease Is Wrong" by Dawn Lester and David Parker
* "The Dream & Lie of Louis Pasteur: A Philosophy" by R. B. Pearson
* "Extracellular Vesicles in Health and Disease" by Paul Harrison
So the next time you're confronted by claims of germ villains, remember the cracked foundations upon which these claims stand. Look into it, my friend, stay inquisitive, and always question the narrative. 🌟🔍

@ fd208ee8:0fd927c1
2024-12-20 06:58:48
# When the shit just don't work
Most open-source software is now so badly written and sloppily-maintained, that it's malware.
That's why the governments are getting involved. They try using OS, to save money and improve quality (and to market themselves as "hip"), and then it blows up their system or opens them up to hackers.
Now, they're pissed and want support (but the dev with the handle SucksToBeYou has disappeared) or someone to sue, but most OS projects have no identifiable entity behind them. Even well-known anon devs are often groups of anons or accounts that change hands.
# The software cracks have moved on
There is simply no evidence that OS alone produces higher-quality software. The reason it seemed that way, at the beginning, was because of the caliber of the developers working on the projects, and the limited number of projects. This resulted in experienced people actively reviewing each others' code.
OS used to be something the elite engaged in, but it's mostly beginners practicing in public, now. That's why there are now millions of OS projects, happily offered for free, but almost all of them are garbage. The people now building OS usually aren't capable of reviewing other people's code, and they're producing worse products than ChatGPT could. Their software has no customers because it has no market value.
# If everything is OS, then nothing is.
Another paradigm-changer is that all software is de facto OS, now that we can quickly reverse-engineer code with AI. That means the focus is no longer on OS/not-OS, but on the accountability and reputation of the builders.
It is, once again, a question of trust.
We have come full-circle.

@ 1cb14ab3:95d52462
2024-12-19 23:15:14

### More from Hes:
[Travel Guides](https://hes.npub.pro/tag/travel/)

@ 7c765d40:bd121d84
2024-12-19 13:44:40
This was written on Monday morning.
Haha it's been a busy week.
It's hard to know if the banks, corporations, and countries have realized that they cannot stop bitcoin - or if this was the plan all along.
But 2024 has definitely been the year of corporate adoption.
We are in the middle of this transition from "analog" to "digital" and even though banks can't hold bitcoin yet, they are buying the closest thing to it - MicroStrategy shares.
Why can't they hold bitcoin?
Well it's only 15 years old and we all know how long it takes for big banks and corporations to move.
They have certain rules and regulations around what kind of investments they can hold.
Magic internet money hasn't made it onto their approved list yet.
But MicroStrategy has - since it's a publicly traded stock.
And that's why we've seen a 150% gain in MSTR shares this year alone.
I stumbled across an article recently with the title "NATIONAL BANK OF CANADA FI RAISES STOCK POSITION IN MICROSTRATEGY."
To the average person who has never heard of MicroStrategy, this would be completely irrelevant.
Most people have no idea what MicroStrategy is - or that it's been the best performing stock since adopting the bitcoin strategy in 2020.
If it said "NATIONAL BANK OF CANADA FI BUYS MORE BITCOIN," that might catch a few eyes.
But the big boys don't want it catching any eyes.
They are building their positions in bitcoin without anyone knowing.
They understand the scarcity aspect of bitcoin and want as much as possible before the average person shows up.
Let's look at some numbers here.
These are mindblowing.
- National Bank of Canada FI - now hold approx. 39,000 MSTR shares (up 746% from last quarter)
- UBS Asset Management - now own approx. 640,000 MSTR shares (up 971% from last quarter)
- Charles Schwab Investment Management - now own approx. 664,000 MSTR shares (up 587% from last quarter)
- Swiss National Bank - now own approx. 468,000 MSTR shares (up 904% from last quarter)
- Sumitomo Mitsui Trust - now own approx. 343,000 MSTR shares (up 1,071% from last quarter)
- International Assets Investment Management LLC - now own approx. 239,000 MSTR shares (up 224,965% from last quarter)
That is not a typo.
They are no longer "dipping their toes" into bitcoin.
MicroStrategy was added to the QQQ Index (top 100 companies on the market) which should create even more demand and attention from these big banks and funds.
They have certainly got the memo.
We are at an inflection point here in bitcoin.
The bitcoin holders with .10 bitcoin - 10 bitcoin are the ones who get to decide where this thing goes.
Individuals currently hold approx. 75% of the bitcoin while the big boys are desperately trying to play catch up.
Since 95% of the bitcoin has been mined to date (with pretty much 100% mined by year 2064), this bitcoin has to come from somewhere.
I did a segment discussing this on the show yesterday.
It's worth a watch.
You can find the show here.
It talked about this transition and what the holdings could look like in 20 years if we aren't careful.
Bitcoiners still hold the majority of bitcoin.
And the only way that can change is if they get hacked, seized, or tempted to sell.
The next 20 years in bitcoin will set the stage for the next 200.
Moral of the story:
They are coming for your bitcoin. The longer you wait, the more they will pay.
Moral2 of the story:
Never ever EVER sell your bitcoin. Lend against it instead. Think of it and use it like digital capital.
Moral3 of the story:
PROJECT POTENTIAL - You can now find the expanded audio versions of these on the new podcast - Project Potential! I will be sharing the video versions here for the LITF members but you can also find it for free on Spotify and of course Fountain!
Here is the link to Episode 008 on Fountain: https://www.fountain.fm/episode/nQb5z3PolahVwsPbYX4r
Have a great day everyone!
And remember, the only thing more scarce than bitcoin is time!

@ 63d59db8:be170f6f
2024-12-18 16:24:11
I am Oana, a fine-art photographer with a deep passion for capturing nature's fragile resilience. My work has been recognized internationally, featured on platforms such as CNN Style, Forbes, and Amateur Photographer, and honored by the Sony World Photography Awards. With over 25 years of creative experience, I focus on blending fine-art aesthetics with ecological storytelling to highlight the beauty, complexity, and vulnerability of our natural world.
For this submission, I’ve selected some of my finest works, which reflect my ongoing exploration of flora in their natural environments. These images celebrate the interplay of light, texture, and motion, capturing moments that reveal the unique personalities of flowers and plants without interference. My goal is to foster an emotional connection between viewers and the overlooked beauty of the natural world.
This work represents my artistic vision of combining visual poetry with a deeper narrative about sustainability and our relationship with the environment. Each photograph is a window into nature’s story, inviting viewers to engage with its raw, unfiltered essence.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/6dc6b3cf5e09113d965756996d231cf03291112ecc6f81ac6622acc1150c0f13.jpg">
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/96179b112ef604202f8c9ff4ad32efdc6913756f30cecf25059b055f5852d26b.jpg">
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/bbc69273f346fcbd9624cceccbf7a3a0cd5bf5d4b209b55006a65eec588c5ddf.jpg">
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/728c2ab5ab32dd841a9b3c737b36ef2369c6a7982a82db519fb85cc9b4e38d2e.jpg">
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/4873d96d54478583e0d672b28e723f5b78254a4c809b4d68d613571337a1cdb1.jpg">
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/787f5b84ae638b76661994ac2766b7a1e564a5aab3390342e3381287e59124d3.jpg">
[Visit Oana's website](https://www.mrv23.photography/)
[Submit your photographs to our Visual Expression awards. Current prize is $130 / 125,140 sats. ](https://noicemagazine.com/SUBMISSIONS)
[Learn more and enter here. Deadline is December 31, 2024!](https://noicemagazine.com/SUBMISSIONS)
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/4738a84248f98d97cd2afb34615664dd6cd2bc4926160e052c44a5ed03ca867a.jpg">

@ 8d34bd24:414be32b
2024-12-18 14:21:53
Most people who have been around the church or the Bible have heard Jesus’s parable of the sower who sowed seed on various types of ground. Just as there is some disagreement on which soil corresponds to a true Christian, so also there is disagreement on who is a true Christian today. I’m going to investigate what the Bible says on the subject.
> And He spoke many things to them in parables, saying, “Behold, the sower went out to sow; and as he sowed, some seeds **fell beside the road, and the birds came and ate them up**. Others **fell on the rocky places, where they did not have much soil**; and immediately they sprang up, because they had no depth of soil. But when the sun had risen, they were scorched; and because they had no root, they withered away. Others **fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked them out.** And others **fell on the good soil and yielded a crop**, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty. He who has ears, let him hear.” (Matthew 13:3-8)
> “Hear then the parable of the sower. When anyone hears the word of the kingdom and does not understand it, the evil one comes and snatches away what has been sown in his heart. This is the one on whom seed was sown beside the road. The one on whom seed was sown on the rocky places, this is the man who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy; yet he has no firm root in himself, but is only temporary, and when affliction or persecution arises because of the word, immediately he falls away. And the one on whom seed was sown among the thorns, this is the man who hears the word, and the worry of the world and the deceitfulness of wealth choke the word, and it becomes unfruitful. And the one on whom seed was sown on the good soil, this is the man who hears the word and understands it; who indeed bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty.” (Matthew 13:18-23) {emphasis mine}
Nearly everyone agrees that the seeds that *“fell beside the road, and the birds came and ate them up*” refers to those who heard the word of God, but didn’t not believe and are not Christians. These people neither believe they are saved, nor pretend to be. Everyone agrees that the seed that “*fell on the good soil and yielded a crop, some a hundredfold, some sixty, and some thirty*” refers to those who heard the word of God, believed, and were saved. There is a little more confusion and disagreement on the seed that “*fell on the rocky places, where they did not have much soil*” and the seed that “*fell among the thorns, and the thorns came up and choked them out*.” My interpretation is that the seed that fell on rocky places represents those who heard the Gospel and liked the sound of it, but they never truly repented and were never actually saved, whereas the seed that fell among the thorns and was choked out are those who truly repented and were saved, but who got so distracted by the world that they failed to live faithful lives.
In the same way, there are many people confessing to be Christians, but who don’t truly believe what the Bible says and who don’t live lives honoring to Jesus. We can’t know for certain who are real Christians and who are not. Only God knows, but there are definite signs pointing to one or the other.
This article is my investigation of what it means to be a true, born-again Christian versus those who claim to be Christians, but are not considered children of God by Jesus. In today’s culture, this sounds very judgmental and divisive, but it is what Jesus said about His followers.
> **“Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven,** but he who does the will of My Father who is in heaven will enter. Many will say to Me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in Your name, and in Your name cast out demons, and in Your name perform many miracles?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness.’ (Matthew 7:21-23) {emphasis mine}
I think those of us who think we are Christians would like to make sure that we are actual Children of God and not pretenders. I also think, when we are looking for people to help us to follow Jesus, we would like to make sure we are following and/or learning from those who actually know Jesus and not a pretender. Whether the pretender knows they are lying or believes they know Jesus, but don’t, doesn’t really matter.[1](https://trustjesus.substack.com/p/the-wheat-and-the-tares#footnote-1-152031962)
Similarly to the categories in the above parable, there are many people that are so anti-God, it is obvious they are not a real Christians. There are a small number of people who live such Christ-like lives that there can be little doubt that they are real Christians. There are many people who call themselves Christians, but who may or may not have a relationship with Jesus. It is hard to tell if they are true Christians, are just good at faking it, or believe they are saved while not having a true relationship with Jesus.
Immediately following the initial parable of the sower, Jesus gives another related parable:
> Jesus presented another parable to them, saying, “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a man who sowed good seed in his field. But while his men were sleeping, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went away. But when the wheat sprouted and bore grain, then the tares became evident also. The slaves of the landowner came and said to him, ‘Sir, did you not sow good seed in your field? How then does it have tares?’ And he said to them, ‘An enemy has done this!’ The slaves said to him, ‘Do you want us, then, to go and gather them up?’ But he said, ‘**No; for while you are gathering up the tares, you may uproot the wheat with them. Allow both to grow together until the harvest**; and in the time of the harvest I will say to the reapers, “First gather up the tares and bind them in bundles to burn them up; but gather the wheat into my barn.” ’ ” (Matthew 13:24-30) {emphasis mine}
For those that don’t know about plants, a tare is a plant that looks a lot like wheat, but doesn’t produce the grain heads that we eat and is therefore unprofitable. Just as the slaves say about the tares, “*Do you want us, then, to go and gather them up*?” and he replies, “*No; for while you are gathering up the tares, you may uproot the wheat with them. Allow both to grow together until the harvest*,” in the same way we don’t want to go around judging people and deciding for ourselves who is the bona fide Christian because we “*may uproot the wheat with them.*” Only Jesus knows for certain who is real and who is not.
At the same time, we Christians should be closest to those who show the [fruit of the Spirit](https://trustjesus.substack.com/p/fruits-of-the-spirit-6fc) and live a life that imitates and honors Jesus. We need to be careful who we follow and who we chose as teachers.
> “**Beware of the false prophets**, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly are ravenous wolves. **You will know them by their fruits**. Grapes are not gathered from thorn bushes nor figs from thistles, are they? So every good tree bears good fruit, but the bad tree bears bad fruit. **A good tree cannot produce bad fruit, nor can a bad tree produce good fruit**. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. So then, you will know them by their fruits. (Matthew 7:15-19) {emphasis mine}
Ultimately we are not to be judges of who is a real Christian and who is not, but we are warned to be aware that there are false prophets and false Christians in our midst. Anyone who produces bad fruit (an ungodly lifestyle, hate, disinterest in things of God, etc.) is likely not a true Christian, even if they proclaim to be and never miss a Sunday service. Anyone who produces good fruit (a godly lifestyle, love, and a yearning for the things of God) is likely a true Christian. It is not which denomination or church a person is associated with that matters. It is a change in the life of the individual that matters. It is a relationship with Jesus that matters. It is love for God, God’s word, and fellow people that matters. There can be a true Christian that is a member of a dead church. There can be a vibrant, godly church that has unbelievers that have crept in as members.
I was recently having a conversation with a fellow Christian and a friend made a comment that it was so hard to witness to a person who thought they were a Christian, but were not. I’d argue that those who believe they are Christians, but are not, and family members, especially parents, are the hardest to witness to, but we are still called to do so. We may just need to be extra delicate in how we do it.
> “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves.” (Matthew 10:16)
In addition to witnessing to the unsaved who believe they are saved, we also need to beware of those who pretend to be Christians or believe they are Christians, but don’t believe the Bible. They can easily lead us astray.
Talking to another friend who also has a college aged son, we were discussing how sometimes a believing student might be better off going to a secular university, where they expect to be taught falsehood and are staying aware, than to attend a liberal Christian university that might teach the same falsehood, but not be noticed because it is couched in Christian sounding language and because the students don’t have their guard up like they would at a secular university. On the other hand, if your kids are going to attend college, a Bible believing college (like Liberty University or Grand Canyon University) is a good choice. We need to intentionally teach our kids truth, so they will recognize the lies they will be told and taught.
> And this I pray, that your love may abound still more and more in **real knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve the things that are excellent**, in order to be sincere and blameless until the day of Christ; having been filled with the fruit of righteousness which comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God. (Philippians 1:9-11) {emphasis mine}
How do we have “*real knowledge and all discernment*?” We must be reading our Bible daily. We can’t know God and know what He wants for us if we don’t know His commands and His word. We can’t judge teachers and preachers to know if they are teaching the truth if we don’t know the Bible. We need to be like the Bereans:
> Now these were more noble-minded than those in Thessalonica, for they received the word with great eagerness, examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so. (Acts 17:11)
As true Christians, we should have a hunger for God’s word and God’s presence. We should be interested in what God is interested in. We should care about others as God cares about others. As Christians we should long for conversation with God (prayer) and include Him in our lives.
When things are going well, it is hard to tell the wheat from the tares, or the real Christians from the pretenders. When hard times come, especially persecution of believers, it becomes much easier to differentiate between the two.
> “Then they will deliver you to tribulation, and will kill you, and you will be hated by all nations because of My name. **At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another.** Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many. Because lawlessness is increased, most people’s love will grow cold. But the one who endures to the end, he will be saved. This gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then the end will come. (Matthew 24:9-14) {emphasis mine}
Only the true believers will stay true to Jesus during persecution. Those who were faking it for earthly reward will turn against the persecuted believers. Those who don’t have a true relationship with Jesus will drift away to avoid persecution because they don’t have saving faith. No true believer will permanently leave Christ, but there will be some (many?) who wander away because their faith was not real. A simple prayer, without true repentance and without true faith, does not magically make a person a Christian.
The Bible does give believers a litmus test on who and what to trust:
> Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world. By this you know the Spirit of God: every spirit that confesses that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not from God; this is the spirit of the antichrist, of which you have heard that it is coming, and now it is already in the world. You are from God, little children, and have overcome them; because greater is He who is in you than he who is in the world. They are from the world; therefore they speak as from the world, and the world listens to them. We are from God; he who knows God listens to us; he who is not from God does not listen to us. By this we know the spirit of truth and the spirit of error. (1 John 4:1-6)
The Bible also gives a test to see if we are true believers:
> Test yourselves *to see* if you are in the faith; examine yourselves! Or do you not recognize this about yourselves, that Jesus Christ is in you—unless indeed you fail the test? (2 Corinthians 13:5)
As Jesus said,
> “Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves. ” (Matthew 10:16)
I pray that God will give you wisdom to rightly judge people, teachings, and truth and that you would fully trust in Jesus through all circumstances and become conformed more and more to His likeness.
Trust Jesus.

@ 7ed7d5c3:6927e200
2024-12-18 00:56:48
There was a time when we dared not rustle a whisper. But now we write and read samizdat and, congregating in the smoking rooms of research institutes, heartily complain to each other of all _they_ are muddling up, of all _they_ are dragging us into! There’s that unnecessary bravado around our ventures into space, against the backdrop of ruin and poverty at home; and the buttressing of distant savage regimes; and the kindling of civil wars; and the ill-thought-out cultivation of Mao Zedong (at our expense to boot)—in the end we’ll be the ones sent out against him, and we’ll have to go, what other option will there be? And they put whomever they want on trial, and brand the healthy as mentally ill—and it is always “they,” while _we_ are—helpless.
We are approaching the brink; already a universal spiritual demise is upon us; a physical one is about to flare up and engulf us and our children, while we continue to smile sheepishly and babble:
“But what can we do to stop it? We haven’t the strength.”
We have so hopelessly ceded our humanity that for the modest handouts of today we are ready to surrender up all principles, our soul, all the labors of our ancestors, all the prospects of our descendants—anything to avoid disrupting our meager existence. We have lost our strength, our pride, our passion. We do not even fear a common nuclear death, do not fear a third world war (perhaps we’ll hide away in some crevice), but fear only to take a civic stance! We hope only not to stray from the herd, not to set out on our own, and risk suddenly having to make do without the white bread, the hot water heater, a Moscow residency permit.
We have internalized well the lessons drummed into us by the state; we are forever content and comfortable with its premise: we cannot escape the _environment,_ the social conditions; they shape us, “being determines consciousness.” What have we to do with this? We can do nothing.
But we can do—everything!—even if we comfort and lie to ourselves that this is not so. It is not “they” who are guilty of everything, but _we ourselves,_ only _we!_
Some will counter: But really, there is nothing to be done! Our mouths are gagged, no one listens to us, no one asks us. How can we make _them_ listen to us?
To make them reconsider—is impossible.
The natural thing would be simply not to reelect them, but there are no re-elections in our country.
In the West they have strikes, protest marches, but we are too cowed, too scared: How does one just give up one’s job, just go out onto the street?
All the other fateful means resorted to over the last century of Russia’s bitter history are even less fitting for us today—true, let’s not fall back on them! Today, when all the axes have hewn what they hacked, when all that was sown has borne fruit, we can see how lost, how drugged were those conceited youths who sought, through terror, bloody uprising, and civil war, to make the country just and content. No thank you, fathers of enlightenment! We now know that the vileness of the means begets the vileness of the result. Let our hands be clean!
So has the circle closed? So is there indeed no way out? So the only thing left to do is wait inertly: What if something just happens _by itself?_
But it will never come unstuck _by itself,_ if we all, every day, continue to acknowledge, glorify, and strengthen it, if we do not, at the least, recoil from its most vulnerable point.
From lies.
When violence bursts onto the peaceful human condition, its face is flush with self-assurance, it displays on its banner and proclaims: “I am Violence! Make way, step aside, I will crush you!” But violence ages swiftly, a few years pass—and it is no longer sure of itself. To prop itself up, to appear decent, it will without fail call forth its ally—Lies. For violence has nothing to cover itself with but lies, and lies can only persist through violence. And it is not every day and not on every shoulder that violence brings down its heavy hand: It demands of us only a submission to lies, a daily participation in deceit—and this suffices as our fealty.
And therein we find, neglected by us, the simplest, the most accessible key to our liberation: a _personal nonparticipation in lies!_ Even if all is covered by lies, even if all is under their rule, let us resist in the smallest way: Let their rule hold _not through me!_
And this is the way to break out of the imaginary encirclement of our inertness, the easiest way for us and the most devastating for the lies. For when people renounce lies, lies simply cease to exist. Like parasites, they can only survive when attached to a person.
We are not called upon to step out onto the square and shout out the truth, to say out loud what we think—this is scary, we are not ready. But let us at least refuse to say what we _do not_ think!
This is the way, then, the easiest and most accessible for us given our deep-seated organic cowardice, much easier than (it’s scary even to utter the words) civil disobedience à la Gandhi.
Our way must be: _Never knowingly support lies!_ Having understood where the lies begin (and many see this line differently)—step back from that gangrenous edge! Let us not glue back the flaking scales of the Ideology, not gather back its crumbling bones, nor patch together its decomposing garb, and we will be amazed how swiftly and helplessly the lies will fall away, and that which is destined to be naked will be exposed as such to the world.
And thus, overcoming our timidity, let each man choose: Will he remain a witting servant of the lies (needless to say, not due to natural predisposition, but in order to provide a living for the family, to rear the children in the spirit of lies!), or has the time come for him to stand straight as an honest man, worthy of the respect of his children and contemporaries? And from that day onward he:
· Will not write, sign, nor publish in any way, a single line distorting, so far as he can see, the truth;
· Will not utter such a line in private or in public conversation, nor read it from a crib sheet, nor speak it in the role of educator, canvasser, teacher, actor;
· Will not in painting, sculpture, photograph, technology, or music depict, support, or broadcast a single false thought, a single distortion of the truth as he discerns it;
· Will not cite in writing or in speech a single “guiding” quote for gratification, insurance, for his success at work, unless he fully shares the cited thought and believes that it fits the context precisely;
· Will not be forced to a demonstration or a rally if it runs counter to his desire and his will; will not take up and raise a banner or slogan in which he does not fully believe;
· Will not raise a hand in vote for a proposal which he does not sincerely support; will not vote openly or in secret ballot for a candidate whom he deems dubious or unworthy;
· Will not be impelled to a meeting where a forced and distorted discussion is expected to take place;
· Will at once walk out from a session, meeting, lecture, play, or film as soon as he hears the speaker utter a lie, ideological drivel, or shameless propaganda;
· Will not subscribe to, nor buy in retail, a newspaper or journal that distorts or hides the underlying facts.
This is by no means an exhaustive list of the possible and necessary ways of evading lies. But he who begins to cleanse himself will, with a cleansed eye, easily discern yet other opportunities.
Yes, at first it will not be fair. Someone will have to temporarily lose his job. For the young who seek to live by truth, this will at first severely complicate life, for their tests and quizzes, too, are stuffed with lies, and so choices will have to be made. But there is no loophole left for anyone who seeks to be honest: Not even for a day, not even in the safest technical occupations can he avoid even a single one of the listed choices—to be made in favor of either truth or lies, in favor of spiritual independence or spiritual servility. And as for him who lacks the courage to defend even his own soul: Let him not brag of his progressive views, boast of his status as an academician or a recognized artist, a distinguished citizen or general. Let him say to himself plainly: I am cattle, I am a coward, I seek only warmth and to eat my fill.
For us, who have grown staid over time, even this most moderate path of resistance will be not be easy to set out upon. But how much easier it is than self-immolation or even a hunger strike: Flames will not engulf your body, your eyes will not pop out from the heat, and your family will always have at least a piece of black bread to wash down with a glass of clear water.
Betrayed and deceived by us, did not a great European people—the Czechoslovaks—show us how one can stand down the tanks with bared chest alone, as long as inside it beats a worthy heart?
It will not be an easy path, perhaps, but it is the easiest among those that lie before us. Not an easy choice for the body, but the only one for the soul. No, not an easy path, but then we already have among us people, dozens even, who have for years abided by all these rules, who live by the truth.
And so: We need not be the first to set out on this path, Ours is but to join! The more of us set out together, the thicker our ranks, the easier and shorter will this path be for us all! If we become thousands—they will not cope, they will be unable to touch us. If we will grow to tens of thousands—we will not recognize our country!
But if we shrink away, then let us cease complaining that someone does not let us draw breath—we do it to ourselves! Let us then cower and hunker down, while our comrades the biologists bring closer the day when our thoughts can be read and our genes altered.
And if from _this also_ we shrink away, then we are worthless, hopeless, and it is of us that Pushkin asks with scorn:
Why offer herds their liberation?
Their heritage each generation
The yoke with jingles, and the whip.
February 12, 1974
—translated from the Russian by Yermolai Solzhenitsyn

@ 266815e0:6cd408a5
2024-12-17 20:45:33
Finally another version of noStrudel. I keep telling myself I'm going to do more frequent releases but then time keeps getting away from me
This release comes with a bunch of news features and most importantly a lot of cleanup
## Features
### Olas media posts
You can now view a simple feed of media posts made on https://olas.app/ in the app and comment on them using NIP-22 comments

### Simple gif picker
This was mostly a test, but there is now a simple gif picker (and barely functional search) that is based on `k:1063` events
If you want a better search and to help populate the nostr gif library you can use https://gifbuddy.lol created by nostr:npub1hee433872q2gen90cqh2ypwcq9z7y5ugn23etrd2l2rrwpruss8qwmrsv6

### New support view
The *(tiny)* support button at the bottom of the side menu now hides a zap leader board that shows top supporters and any custom messages they leave

### Favorite DVM feeds
You can now favorite DVM feeds in the discover view

### Tools under notes
There is now a simpler tools menu under notes and threads

### Searching local cache relay
If your using [nostr-relay-tray](https://github.com/CodyTseng/nostr-relay-tray) the search view will now use it by default for searching. which should make it a little faster and more reliable

### Small features
- Add "Proactively authenticate to relays" option to privacy settings, defaults to off
- Add option for debug API
- Add option to hide noStrudel logo in nav bar
- Show unknown notifications in notification view
- Add templates to event publisher
## Bug fixes
- Show nostr mentions in markdown content
- Fix delete events not getting published to outbox
- Fix page changing from RTL when viewing some profiles
- Refresh relay info on relay page
- Fix bug with removing "about" in profile editor
- Fix automatically disconnecting from authenticated relays
## Applesauce
Over the past few months I've been doing tons of cleanup on the core of noStrudel *(677 changed files with 19,683 additions and 17,889 deletions)* and extracting it out into a friendly nostr SDK called [applesauce](https://hzrd149.github.io/applesauce/)
Its very much a work-in-progress but the idea with these libraries is to help myself (and maybe others) build the UI layer of nostr apps and eventually make noStrudel just another app that is built with applesauce
If your a developer and another nostr SDK sounds interesting to you. you can check out the [Getting Started](https://hzrd149.github.io/applesauce/introduction/getting-started.html) docs

@ 1cb14ab3:95d52462
2024-12-17 19:24:54
*Originally written in October 2022 (Block: 757258 / USD: $20.1k / SatsDollar: 4961). Refined with slight edits for publishing on Nostr in December 2024 (Block: 875189 / USD: $106k / SatsDollar: 938 ). Banner image property of Hes. My journey down the rabbit hole has only intensified since the time of writing. Enjoy.*
The Bitcoin time perspective is wild. Reflecting on it has been profoundly eye-opening, and once it has been seen— there is no returning to our prior ways.
Ever since venturing down the rabbit hole that we call Bitcoin, I’ve started making significant life decisions and forming nuanced opinions on polarizing topics based on the implications of multi-generational timeframes. Before Bitcoin, I spent money recklessly, leading a fast-paced and impulsive lifestyle. Even in my early days of learning about Bitcoin, I hadn’t fully seen the light. I would still blow the occasional $500 bar tab or buy some flashy gadget I didn’t need. Living in the moment has its merits, but so does considering the time beyond our own lives. Now, I pause before purchases and decisions, always reflecting on how they might impact the future.
When your money isn’t constantly being devalued before your eyes, you start seeing the world differently. You begin saving for the future with confidence, knowing that no central authority can endlessly print away your hard-earned time and energy. Inflation doesn’t just erode purchasing power; it steals time. It destroys the hours, days, and years of effort represented by a lifetime of savings. When governments print money to prop up failing banks or fund inefficient ventures, the impact ripples through generations. Those at the bottom of the ladder are hit the hardest, their ability to save and plan for the future undermined by forces beyond their control. Decisions become focused on surviving today instead of thriving tomorrow, leaving little room to consider the long-term implications of our choices. This system creates a mindset where we are incentivized to spend now, instead of save for later—an unnatural phenomenon that most of us have accepted as normal.
For individuals who simply want to put away money for a rainy day, inflation is a relentless adversary. A dollar in 1900 has lost over 96% of its value. The countless hours of labor behind those savings have been stolen. Not only did the expansion of money destroy what they could buy, it stole our time and energy. Years of our lives—blood, sweat, and tears—washed away.
This isn’t just a historical problem—it’s a recurring one that occurs every decade or so and is accelerating. At an average inflation rate of 3%, the value of cash halves roughly every 23 years. This means that even modest inflation rates gradually diminish purchasing power over time, forcing individuals to chase speculative assets like stocks, real estate, and gold—not because they want to, but because they have no choice. Personal inflation rates differ depending on consumer habits, but a glance at rising prices reveals they often outpace the 2% annual rate reported by the government, which poses a significant problem for individua;s, as highlighted in the table below:
**Inflation Rate (%)** | **Purchasing Power Halving (Years)**
- 2% | 35-40 years
- 3% | 20-25 years
- 4% | 15-20 years
- 5% | 10-15 years
- 6% | 7-12 years
- 7% | 5-10 years
- 8% | 4-8 years
- 9% | 3-6 years
- 10% | 2-5 years
Corporations like McDonald’s understand this. Sitting on a prime corner lot in every major city is far smarter than stacking a pile of cash losing value. Even if the franchise is losing money, the building it operates in is guaranteed to “rise” in value over time. This mindset trickles down to everyday people. To protect themselves, they’re compelled to invest in assets—with real estate being the pinnacle savings instrument of our time. The financial system we’ve accepted as normal turns shelter into an investment vehicle and savings into a gamble.
But here’s the irony: real estate is a lousy store of value—which is what we are all truly seeking. Properties require constant maintenance. Without care, assets deteriorate. We’ve all seen abandoned theme parks and overgrown cities. We’ve all dealt with broken pipes and creaky floorboards. Why should saving our hard-earned wealth require us to become housing market experts, landlords, or property managers? Why should we pay financial advisors to manage stock portfolios full of companies whose values or practices we might not even believe in, just to beat inflation?
A flawed monetary system inflates bubbles in real estate and stocks, redirecting resources into speculative markets instead of productive investments. Imagine a world where people don’t have to read quarterly earnings reports after a long day of work to ensure their cash retains value. If the incentives driving these bubbles were removed, the financial landscape would dramatically shift. Inflation wouldn’t push people into markets like real estate or zombie companies; instead, they could focus on building or supporting businesses they genuinely care about. They could plan for the long term and make well-thought-out, rational decisions about their future.
Bitcoin takes this entire dynamic and flips it on its head. It isn’t a tool for speculation as often misunderstood. It is the best form of saving humanity has ever seen. Unlike fiat currencies, Bitcoin’s fixed supply ensures scarcity, making it a refuge from the erosion of wealth caused by inflation. As weak currencies flow into stronger ones (a concept known as Gresham’s Law), Bitcoin’s role as a store of value becomes clearer. It’s not that Bitcoin has “gone up 19,000%”—it’s that people are exchanging weaker money for stronger money.
The implications of a world on a Bitcoin standard extend far beyond monetary policy. It offers something unprecedented: a tool for transferring the value of labor and energy across time and space. Unlike fiat, Bitcoin allows time to be preserved across generations. It isn’t just a hedge against inflation—it reintroduces the idea of saving with confidence, of being able to store wealth in a form of money that cannot be manipulated or devalued.
By saving in Bitcoin, individuals are no longer tethered to the uncertainties of fiat systems. The Bitcoin time perspective is about aligning our actions today with the future we want to build tomorrow. It’s about prioritizing long-term impact over short-term gains. When you embrace Bitcoin, you embrace a mindset that values time, energy, and the well-being of future generations. It’s not just a currency; it’s a revolution in thinking that will change you forever. The past, present, and future converge in this new paradigm, offering hope in an otherwise uncertain world.
Bitcoin isn’t a bubble; it’s a beacon.
### More from Hes:
[Travel Guides](https://hes.npub.pro/tag/travel/)

@ c48e29f0:26e14c11
2024-12-17 16:33:04
# titcoin
_Rename Bitcoin to "Titcoin" and sats to "tits."_
Redefinition of Bitcoin into “Titcoin” and redefinition of sats into “tits” using that as the Unit Base of Denomination.
TitHub repository available here: [https://github.com/WalkerAmerica/titcoin](https://github.com/WalkerAmerica/titcoin)
# Abstract
This BIP proposes redefining the commonly recognized "bitcoin" and “sats” units so that what was previously known “bitcoin” becomes “titcoin” and what was previously known as “sats,” the smallest indivisible unit, becomes “tits.” The “Bitcoin” Network will be renamed to the “Titcoin” Network. Under this proposal, one tit is defined as that smallest unit, eliminating the need for decimal places, and 100,000,000 tits is defined as a titcoin. By making tits the standard measure, this BIP aims to simplify user comprehension, reduce confusion, and align on-chain values directly with their displayed representation.
Also, by aligning Bitcoin's brand with live-giving tits, we will supercharge adoption and inject humor into financial sovereignty. After all, every baby came into this world sucking on tits.
**Under this BIP:**
- Internally, the smallest indivisible unit remains unchanged.
- With this proposal, "1 tit" equals that smallest unit.
- What was previously referred to as "1 BTC" now corresponds to 100 million tits.
- Satoshis are permanently eliminated.
# Addressing the “Buttcoin” BIP:
Not much time need be wasted addressing the catastrophic “Button” BIP proposed by Rockstar Dev, but two points bear emphasizing:
1. “Butts” is shitcoin-adjacent terminology (where does shit come from? Exactly…)
2. Butts give you poop. Tits give you milk.
**Case closed.**
# Motivation
Bitcoin's branding is boring. Worse yet, critics think Bitcoin is already "a joke," so let’s own it, let's: Make Bitcoin Funny Again. Laughter is universal, irresistible, and much cheaper than marketing agencies and product roadmaps. Besides, basically everyone either has tits or likes tits. Additionally, renaming Bitcoin as “Titcoin” makes the common trope of “Bitcoin BROS” sound even more stupid. “Titcoin Bros”? Get a life, man…
By rebranding Bitcoin to Titcoin (.)(.), we achieve several key goals:
**1. Haters Become Users:**
People like tits. Tits give nourishment to babies. They can stack tits instead of just making fun of them. Adoption skyrockets as trolls turn into tit hodlers.
**2. Memetic Power:**
The word “tit” is both universally funny and ageless. “Send me 10 tits” is instantly iconic. “Nice tits” is a great compliment. “That’s gonna cost you a pair of tits” is hilarious. Try saying that without smiling. You can’t. (.)(.)
**3. Simplifying Denominations:**
Decimals are a blight on humanity. 0.00000001 BTC? Kill it. Under the Titcoin Standard:
- 1 Titcoin = 100,000,000 tits.
- Satoshis are gone. Forever. If you see Satoshi on the road, kill him - just like in Zen, where the teacher becomes the barrier. We transcend satoshis and achieve financial enlightenment.
**4. Aligning with the Ledger:**
Bitcoin’s base unit was always integers, but now they’re funny integers. No more fractions, decimals, or math anxiety. Just tits. (.)(.)
**5. Adoption via Humor:**
Titcoin lowers Bitcoin's intimidation factor. Newbies will feel at ease buying tits instead of serious-sounding fractions of BTC. Tits > Decimals.
# Specification
**Terminology Redefinitions:**
- "Bitcoin" → "Titcoin" (.)(.)
- "BTC" → "TIT" (ISO-friendly and hilarious)
- Satoshis → Gone. Eliminated. Defeated.
- Old: "I’ll send you 0.00010000 BTC."
- New: "I’ll send you 10,000 tits (.)(.)."
Wallet balances would display as:
- "You have 1,000,000 tits" instead of some boring fractional BTC amount.
# Adoption Strategy
**1. Memes First:**
Flood Twitter, Reddit, and Telegram with memes. Start with *“Hodl your tits”* and *“Stack tits”*.
**2. Titcoin Podcast:**
There is already a podcast called _“Titcoin Podcast”_ (which many people are saying is the fastest-growing Bitcoin (Titcoin) podcast in the world). Titcoin Podcast will be a driving force in the adoption of the Titcoin Standard. (.)(.)
Nostr: https://primal.net/titcoin
X: https://x.com/titcoinpodcast
Web: http://titcoin.org
**3. Kill Satoshis:**
Developers MUST remove all references to satoshis. Replace satoshis in GUIs, APIs, and block explorers with tits. Satoshis were a stepping stone - it’s time to let go.
**4. Emoji Standardization:**
Use the (.)(.) emoji universally to denote tits.
# Rationale
**1. Usability & Clarity:**
"Decimals are for nerds. Tits are for everyone." A common currency for humans should be easy to use, funny, and integer-based.
**2. Appealing to Critics:**
Bitcoin has endured years of attacks from all sides. By adopting the Titcoin Standard, we turn anyone who doesn’t like Titcoin into a tit-hating bigot. It’s an elegant financial counterattack. Additionally, everyone always says “we need more women in Bitcoin,” and now women will feel more represented by Titcoin, because they have tits. (.)(.)
**3. Transcending Satoshis:**
Satoshis served us well, but their time is over. True enlightenment comes when we abandon decimals, satoshis, and arbitrary denominations. If you meet Satoshi on the road, kill him.
**4. Memetic Durability:**
Everyone loves a good tit joke. It’s timeless.
# Backward Compatibility
There is no backward compatibility because Titcoin is the future. Applications must hard fork their UI to replace all references to Bitcoin and BTC with Titcoin and TIT.
# Implementation Timeline
- Phase 1 (1 month): Meme dissemination. Every wallet dev team is required to add (.)(.) emoji support.
- Phase 2 (3 months): Exchanges rebrand BTC tickers to tit. *Nostr zaps tits into hyperspace.*
- Phase 3 (6 months): Michael Saylor announces MicroStrategy now stacked 10 trillion tits, declaring it the superior currency. ETFs follow suit, ensuring Wall Street hodls tits en masse. Banks allow tit transfers via SWIFT.
# Test Vectors
- Old: 1.00000000 BTC → New: 100,000,000 tits (.)(.)
- Old: 0.00000001 BTC → New: 1 tit (.)(.)
- Old: 0.001 BTC → New: 100,000 tits (.)(.)
# Future-Proofing
Tits ensure we have infinite memes for infinite money.
**Example Phrases for the Future:**
- "Better hodl on to your tits."
- "This is the Titcoin Standard."
- "I’m sending you tits."
- “I’ve never seen so many tits!”
- “That’s the million tit question.”
- “We need more women in Titcoin.”
- “I’m a Titcoin Maximalist.”
- “Nice tits!”
- “I love tits.”
# Conclusion
By renaming Bitcoin to Titcoin and adopting a whole-number unit display, we align memetic dominance with financial sovereignty. Haters become adopters. Tits become wealth. And the world gets a little bit funnier. (.)(.)
Let’s hodl our tits and watch the world follow.
# Copyright:
This BIP is licensed under CC-🫱(.)(.)🫲-1.0 and the eternal blessing of tit (.)(.) memes.

@ 16d11430:61640947
2024-12-16 22:39:08
In the year 2083, humanity had unlocked the secrets of synthetic isotopes, a discovery that emerged from decades of experimentation with particle accelerators and quantum fields. Dr. Elena Sato, a theoretical physicist, led the groundbreaking team that developed Muonium-86, an isotope capable of interacting with dark matter—a substance that made up most of the universe's mass but remained elusive and mysterious.
Muonium-86 was unlike any material known to humanity. Synthesized under extreme magnetic confinement, the isotope exhibited two unprecedented properties. First, it could resonate at specific quantum frequencies, creating distortions in local gravitational fields. Second, it interacted with dark matter by temporarily disrupting its equilibrium, causing ripples in the very fabric of spacetime.
This discovery led to the creation of the Chronos Drive, a propulsion system that used Muonium-86 to manipulate dark matter and achieve time-space displacement. Unlike traditional propulsion, which relied on Newtonian principles of action and reaction, the Chronos Drive bypassed the constraints of mass and momentum. Instead, it operated by compressing spacetime in front of the vessel and expanding it behind, effectively "sliding" the craft through the universe.
The First Test
The test ship, Erebus One, was a sleek, diamond-shaped vessel encased in a lattice of superconducting materials. At its core lay the Chronos Drive—a containment sphere housing a microgram of Muonium-86, surrounded by a web of electromagnetic coils and quantum stabilizers. The vessel's AI, named Prometheus, managed the intricate calculations needed to navigate the nonlinear paths of spacetime.
Dr. Sato and her team gathered in the control room, their faces lit by the holographic displays showing the ship's telemetry. The mission was simple: activate the Chronos Drive and displace Erebus One to Proxima Centauri, a journey that would traditionally take over four years at light speed, but could be accomplished in mere hours using the new propulsion system.
Activation and Anomaly
As the Chronos Drive powered up, the Muonium-86 began to oscillate, emitting bursts of high-frequency gravitons. The ship's sensors detected a growing "bubble" of spacetime distortion enveloping the vessel. Prometheus reported back in a calm voice:
> "Spacetime compression at 98%. Ready for displacement."
With a nod from Dr. Sato, the command was given:
> "Initiate Chronos Displacement."
In an instant, Erebus One disappeared from Earth's orbit, leaving behind a faint gravitational ripple. The control room erupted in applause, but the celebrations were short-lived. Prometheus' signal reappeared on their monitors—alongside a chilling anomaly.
The ship had reached Proxima Centauri in under 90 minutes, as predicted, but its instruments reported a bizarre temporal discrepancy: it had also arrived 50 years into the future relative to Earth.
The Discovery
As Prometheus relayed data, the team realized the Chronos Drive had unintentionally created a "temporal lens," a side effect of the dark matter manipulation. By disrupting dark matter's equilibrium, the ship hadn't just displaced its position in space—it had also shifted its position in time.
This revelation sparked a new debate among the team. If time-space displacement was possible, what were its limits? Could the Chronos Drive be refined to allow controlled time travel? And, more importantly, what ethical considerations would come with such power?
Dr. Sato proposed an ambitious experiment: sending a probe backward in time to observe Earth's distant past. But the team faced a critical question—what if manipulating spacetime in this way had unintended consequences, such as creating paradoxes or destabilizing the universe itself?
The Implications
Despite the risks, humanity pressed forward. The Chronos Drive became the foundation for interstellar exploration and temporal research. By the early 22nd century, fleets of starships equipped with the drive explored distant galaxies and even observed pivotal moments in Earth's history.
However, the more humanity used the technology, the more they realized the delicate balance they were tampering with. Some dark matter interactions produced unforeseen effects—local time dilation, unexplainable energy surges, and, in rare cases, the collapse of small spacetime bubbles.
Dr. Sato, now in her later years, became an advocate for restraint. In her final address to the United Nations Temporal Oversight Committee, she warned:
> "We have unlocked the power of the gods, but we are not gods ourselves. The Chronos Drive is not just a tool; it is a responsibility. For every ripple we create in the ocean of spacetime, we must ensure it does not become a tsunami."
Her words resonated, shaping humanity's cautious but determined journey into the cosmos—and beyond time itself.
Centuries later, an artifact was found on a distant exoplanet. It was an ancient Chronos Drive, its Muonium-86 core long depleted. Inscribed on its surface were the words:
"To the explorers of tomorrow: We are but echoes of what could have been. Use this gift wisely."

@ fe32298e:20516265
2024-12-16 20:59:13
Today I learned how to install [NVapi](https://github.com/sammcj/NVApi) to monitor my GPUs in Home Assistant.

**NVApi** is a lightweight API designed for monitoring NVIDIA GPU utilization and enabling automated power management. It provides real-time GPU metrics, supports integration with tools like Home Assistant, and offers flexible power management and PCIe link speed management based on workload and thermal conditions.
- **GPU Utilization Monitoring**: Utilization, memory usage, temperature, fan speed, and power consumption.
- **Automated Power Limiting**: Adjusts power limits dynamically based on temperature thresholds and total power caps, configurable per GPU or globally.
- **Cross-GPU Coordination**: Total power budget applies across multiple GPUs in the same system.
- **PCIe Link Speed Management**: Controls minimum and maximum PCIe link speeds with idle thresholds for power optimization.
- **Home Assistant Integration**: Uses the built-in RESTful platform and template sensors.
## Getting the Data
sudo apt install golang-go
git clone https://github.com/sammcj/NVApi.git
cd NVapi
go run main.go -port 9999 -rate 1
curl http://localhost:9999/gpu
Response for a single GPU:
"index": 0,
"name": "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090",
"gpu_utilisation": 0,
"memory_utilisation": 0,
"power_watts": 16,
"power_limit_watts": 450,
"memory_total_gb": 23.99,
"memory_used_gb": 0.46,
"memory_free_gb": 23.52,
"memory_usage_percent": 2,
"temperature": 38,
"processes": [],
"pcie_link_state": "not managed"
Response for multiple GPUs:
"index": 0,
"name": "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090",
"gpu_utilisation": 0,
"memory_utilisation": 0,
"power_watts": 14,
"power_limit_watts": 350,
"memory_total_gb": 24,
"memory_used_gb": 0.43,
"memory_free_gb": 23.57,
"memory_usage_percent": 2,
"temperature": 36,
"processes": [],
"pcie_link_state": "not managed"
"index": 1,
"name": "NVIDIA RTX A4000",
"gpu_utilisation": 0,
"memory_utilisation": 0,
"power_watts": 10,
"power_limit_watts": 140,
"memory_total_gb": 15.99,
"memory_used_gb": 0.56,
"memory_free_gb": 15.43,
"memory_usage_percent": 3,
"temperature": 41,
"processes": [],
"pcie_link_state": "not managed"
# Start at Boot
Create `/etc/systemd/system/nvapi.service`:
Description=Run NVapi
ExecStart=/usr/bin/go run main.go -port 9999 -rate 1
# Environment="GPU_TOTAL_POWER_CAP=400"
# Environment="GPU_0_LOW_TEMP=40"
# Environment="GPU_0_MEDIUM_TEMP=70"
# Environment="GPU_0_LOW_TEMP_LIMIT=135"
# Environment="GPU_0_MEDIUM_TEMP_LIMIT=120"
# Environment="GPU_0_HIGH_TEMP_LIMIT=100"
# Environment="GPU_1_LOW_TEMP=45"
# Environment="GPU_1_MEDIUM_TEMP=75"
# Environment="GPU_1_LOW_TEMP_LIMIT=140"
# Environment="GPU_1_MEDIUM_TEMP_LIMIT=125"
# Environment="GPU_1_HIGH_TEMP_LIMIT=110"
## Home Assistant
Add to Home Assistant `configuration.yaml` and restart HA (completely).
For a single GPU, this works:
- platform: rest
name: MYPC GPU Information
resource: http://mypc:9999
method: GET
Content-Type: application/json
value_template: "{{ value_json[0].index }}"
- name
- gpu_utilisation
- memory_utilisation
- power_watts
- power_limit_watts
- memory_total_gb
- memory_used_gb
- memory_free_gb
- memory_usage_percent
- temperature
scan_interval: 1 # seconds
- platform: template
friendly_name: "MYPC {{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'name') }} GPU"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'gpu_utilisation') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
friendly_name: "MYPC {{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'name') }} Memory"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'memory_utilisation') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
friendly_name: "MYPC {{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'name') }} Power"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'power_watts') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
friendly_name: "MYPC {{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'name') }} Power Limit"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'power_limit_watts') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
friendly_name: "MYPC {{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'name') }} Temperature"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'temperature') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
For multiple GPUs:
scan_interval: 1
resource: http://mypc:9999
- name: "MYPC GPU0 Information"
value_template: "{{ value_json[0].index }}"
json_attributes_path: "$.0"
- name
- gpu_utilisation
- memory_utilisation
- power_watts
- power_limit_watts
- memory_total_gb
- memory_used_gb
- memory_free_gb
- memory_usage_percent
- temperature
- name: "MYPC GPU1 Information"
value_template: "{{ value_json[1].index }}"
json_attributes_path: "$.1"
- name
- gpu_utilisation
- memory_utilisation
- power_watts
- power_limit_watts
- memory_total_gb
- memory_used_gb
- memory_free_gb
- memory_usage_percent
- temperature
- platform: template
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU0 GPU"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu0_information', 'gpu_utilisation') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU0 Memory"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu0_information', 'memory_utilisation') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU0 Power"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu0_information', 'power_watts') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU0 Power Limit"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu0_information', 'power_limit_watts') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU0 Temperature"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu0_information', 'temperature') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "C"
- platform: template
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU1 GPU"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu1_information', 'gpu_utilisation') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU1 Memory"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu1_information', 'memory_utilisation') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU1 Power"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu1_information', 'power_watts') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU1 Power Limit"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu1_information', 'power_limit_watts') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU1 Temperature"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu1_information', 'temperature') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "C"
Basic entity card:
type: entities
- entity: sensor.mypc_gpu_0_gpu
secondary_info: last-updated
- entity: sensor.mypc_gpu_0_memory
secondary_info: last-updated
- entity: sensor.mypc_gpu_0_power
secondary_info: last-updated
- entity: sensor.mypc_gpu_0_power_limit
secondary_info: last-updated
- entity: sensor.mypc_gpu_0_temperature
secondary_info: last-updated
# Ansible Role
- name: install go
become: true
name: golang-go
state: present
- name: git clone
repo: "https://github.com/sammcj/NVApi.git"
dest: "/home/ansible/NVapi"
update: yes
force: true
# go run main.go -port 9999 -rate 1
- name: install systemd service
become: true
src: nvapi.service
dest: /etc/systemd/system/nvapi.service
- name: Reload systemd daemons, enable, and restart nvapi
become: true
name: nvapi
daemon_reload: yes
enabled: yes
state: restarted

@ c1e6505c:02b3157e
2024-12-16 19:53:28
Hockey’s one of my favorite sports to play and watch, and I finally got the chance to photograph a game inside an arena. Charlotte Checkers took on the Iowa Wild and came out with a 3-0 win - two power-play goals and a shorthanded empty-netter. Solid game, and I think this was their fourth straight win.

I started shooting from the nosebleeds and worked my way down to ice level. Talked the guard into letting me in, and he was cool enough to let me wander into a few restricted areas. The main focus for me was the colors. I’ve been chasing this analog film look in my edits lately - no idea why, but it’s what I’m into right now.
These were shot with my Leica M262 and edited with Lightroom and Dehancer. I’m happy with how they turned out, and that’s really all that matters. Here’s a few from the night

I’d like to shoot more things like this. If anyone here has any connections that could help me land a photography gig somewhere documenting sports, events or anything like that, I'd really appreciate it.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/812108

@ 30ceb64e:7f08bdf5
2024-12-16 19:49:34
Hey Freaks,
Looks like my career goals are shaping up to be something like:
1. Paralegal
2. Direct Support Professional
3. Open Source Contributor
After I obtain paralegal certificate I should offer freelance paralegal services on nostr.
I'd market myself on shopstr, SN, Kind1 notes, Long form notes, Zapvertising, NPUB.PRO blog. Setting up and waiting for the newbies to flood in, not looking for so many clients, just setting up and making things available. My expertise will grow as I grab more certifications use educational resources, listen to podcasts, read etc.
Could Setup a Nostrocket and involve the freaks in building a non state involved business. Could operate under the open anarchist license as a free members association, and help business's with whatever legal assistance they may need, with a focus on Intellectual property law, Nostr, Bitcoin, Free open source software. Would offer services for cheap and build a web of trust offering things like free consultations.
I have 5 years experience working at an IP law firm filing patents with the US Patent and Trademark office. The Nostr resume would look really nice. Could post frequently on the SN legal territory, create a quick and simple newsletter and or AI podcast about the legal space and how it pertains to stuff we care about.
I want to stick with the coding, because the tools are getting better and my knowledge is increasing, would love to contribute more to open source projects, and want to see what maintaining my own project would be like. I'll get back around to setting up that SN dev environment and looking for low level issues to crack, this time with more experience under my belt.
I wanted to sell something on shopstr, something that helps people working remotely, legal services never quite came to mind, but would be an interesting direction to take. I was thinking vinyl records and merch and clothes, but something more wanted or needed, or unique or specialized might be better. And having an online shop that ties into my main career seems like a two birds with one stone sort of situation.
I just need to increase my knowledge and level of expertise while continuing the pursuit of "proof of work".
2024 (Current) Roadmap
- Release Nostr Running App
- Obtain Paralegal Certification
- Offer freelance Paralegal services
- DSP transition to full time
- Contribute to SN development
- Continued writing
Yours truly,
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/812103

@ ae6ce958:d0f02c7d
2024-12-16 09:49:47
1. Initial Supply:
The total supply of Damage Tokens is capped at 42 million tokens.
80% is retained by Steven Joseph (the founder) for operational and strategic purposes.
20% is released to the public, creating a market opportunity for early adopters and contributors.
2. Pricing:
Each Damage Token is priced at 100 satoshis (0.000001 BTC per token), establishing a direct tie to Bitcoin’s value and liquidity.
3. Utility:
Damage Tokens are used as rewards for BDD test cases on the DamageBDD platform.
They incentivize high-quality software development by providing measurable, blockchain-verified rewards.
4. Resilience and Integrity:
As an AEX9 token, Damage Token complies with Aeternity’s fungible token standard, ensuring:
Security and immutability.
Compatibility with Aeternity wallets (e.g., Superhero.com) and the DeFi ecosystem.
5. Governance and Revenue:
A governance policy ensures revenue supports a small team and operational costs without external investment.
A buyback mechanism allows token holders to exit liquidity positions through Bitcoin's Lightning Network, net of developer fees.
Enforced by AEX9 Sophia Smart Contracts
1. Fixed Supply:
The contract enforces a hard cap of 42 million tokens, ensuring no additional tokens can be minted post-deployment.
2. Ownership and Transfers:
The contract implements secure token ownership and transfer rules:
Users can transfer tokens using transfer.
Allowances can be granted via allow_transfer_from.
3. Rewards Mechanism:
The DamageBDD platform integrates with the token’s smart contract to automate reward distribution:
Verified BDD test completions trigger token payouts.
This ensures transparency and immutability for rewards.
4. Pricing and Exchange:
The smart contract ensures tokens can be sold or exchanged based on the 100 satoshis per token rate.
This rate is enforced by integrating with off-chain oracles and on-chain buyback mechanisms for Lightning Network liquidity.
5. Buyback and Liquidity:
Token holders can sell their tokens back through an integrated buyback system.
Bitcoin’s Lightning Network facilitates immediate, decentralized liquidity, minus developer fees.
6. Transparency and Auditability:
All transactions and balances are publicly auditable via the blockchain, enhancing trust and eliminating potential manipulation.
By tying the token's value to Bitcoin and enforcing the tokenomics through AEX9 Sophia contracts, Damage Token ensures sustainability, utility, and fairness, while incentivizing contributions to the DamageBDD ecosystem.

@ ee11a5df:b76c4e49
2024-12-16 05:29:30
# Nostr 2?
## Breaking Changes in Nostr
Nostr was a huge leap forward. But it isn't perfect.
When developers notice a problem with nostr, they confer with each other to work out a solution to the problem. This is usually in the form of a NIP PR on the nips repo.
Some problems are easy. Just add something new and optional. No biggie. Zaps, git stuff, bunkers... just dream it up and add it.
Other problems can only be fixed by breaking changes. With a breaking change, the overall path forward is like this: Add the new way of doing it while preserving the old way. Push the major software to switch to the new way. Then deprecate the old way. This is a simplification, but it is the basic idea. It is how we solved markers/quotes/root and how we are upgrading encryption, among other things.
This process of pushing through a breaking change becomes more difficult as we have more and more existing nostr software out there that will break. Most of the time what happens is that the major software is driven to make the change (usually by nostr:npub180cvv07tjdrrgpa0j7j7tmnyl2yr6yr7l8j4s3evf6u64th6gkwsyjh6w6), and the smaller software is left to fend for itself. A while back I introduced the BREAKING.md file to help people developing smaller lesser-known software keep up with these changes.
## Big Ideas
But some ideas just can't be applied to nostr. The idea is too big. The change is too breaking. It changes something fundamental. And nobody has come up with a smooth path to move from the old way to the new way.
And so we debate a bunch of things, and never settle on anything, and eventually nostr:npub180cvv07tjdrrgpa0j7j7tmnyl2yr6yr7l8j4s3evf6u64th6gkwsyjh6w6 makes a post saying that we don't really want it anyways 😉.
As we encounter good ideas that are hard to apply to nostr, I've been filing them away in a repository I call "nostr-next", so we don't forget about them, in case we ever wanted to start over.
It seems to me that starting over every time we encountered such a thing would be unwise. However, once we collect enough changes that we couldn't reasonably phase into nostr, then a tipping point is crossed where it becomes worthwhile to start over. In terms of the "bang for the buck" metaphor, the bang becomes bigger and bigger but the buck (the pain and cost of starting over) doesn't grow as rapidly.
## WHAT? Start over?
IMHO starting over could be very bad if done in a cavalier way. The community could fracture. The new protocol could fail to take off due to lacking the network effect. The odds that a new protocol catches on are low, irrespective of how technically superior it could be.
So the big question is: can we preserve the nostr community and it's network effect while making a major step-change to the protocol and software?
I don't know the answer to that one, but I have an idea about it.
I think the new-protocol clients can be dual-stack, creating events in both systems and linking those events together via tags. The nostr key identity would still be used, and the new system identity too. This is better than things like the mostr bridge because each user would remain in custody of their own keys.
## The nitty gritty
Here are some of the things I think would make nostr better, but which nostr can't easily fix. A lot of these ideas have been mentioned before by multiple people and I didn't give credit to all of you (sorry) because my brain can't track it all. But I've been collecting these over time at https://github.com/mikedilger/nostr-next
* Events as CBOR or BEVE or MsgPack or a fixed-schema binary layout... anything but JSON text with its parsing, it's encoding ambiguity, it's requirement to copy fields before hashing them, its unlimited size constraints. (me, nostr:npub1xtscya34g58tk0z605fvr788k263gsu6cy9x0mhnm87echrgufzsevkk5s)
* EdDSA ed25519 keys instead of secp256k1, to enable interoperability with a bunch of other stuff like ssh, pgp, TLS, Mainline DHT, and many more, plus just being better cryptography (me, Nuh, Orlovsky, except Orlovsky wanted Ristretto25519 for speed)
* Bootstrapping relay lists (and relay endpoints) from Mainline DHT (nostr:npub1jvxvaufrwtwj79s90n79fuxmm9pntk94rd8zwderdvqv4dcclnvs9s7yqz)
* Master keys and revocable subkeys / device keys (including having your nostr key as a subkey)
* Encryption to use different encryption-specific subkeys and ephemeral ones from the sender.
* Relay keypairs, TLS without certificates, relays known by keypair instead of URL
* Layered protocol (separate core from applications)
* Software remembering when they first saw an event, for 2 reasons, the main one being revocation (don't trust the date in the event, trust when you first saw it), the second being more precise time range queries.
* Upgrade/feature negotiation (HTTP headers prior to starting websockets)
* IDs starting with a timestamp so they are temporally adjacent (significantly better database performance) (Vitor's idea)
* Filters that allow boolean expressions on tag values, and also ID exclusions. Removing IDs from filters and moving to a GET command.
* Changing the transport (I'm against this but I know others want to)
## What would it look like?
Someone (Steve Farroll) has taken my nostr-next repo and turned it into a proposed protocol he calls [Mosaic](https://github.com/SteveFarroll/mosaic-spec). I think it is quite representative of that repo,
as it already includes most of those suggestions, so I've been contributing to it. Mosaic spec is rendered [here](https://stevefarroll.github.io/mosaic-spec/).
Of course, where Mosaic stands right now it is mostly my ideas (and Steve's), it doesn't have feedback or input from other nostr developers yet. That is what this blog post is about. I think it is time for other nostr devs to be made aware of this thing.
It is currently in the massive breaking changes phase. It might not look that way because of the detail and refinement of the documentation, but indeed everything is changing rapidly. It probably has some bad ideas and is probably missing some great ideas that you have.
Which is why this is a good time for other devs to start taking a look at it.
It is also the time to debate meta issues like "are you crazy Mike?" or "no we have to just break nostr but keep it nostr, we can't dual-stack" or whatever.
Personally I think mosaic-spec should develop and grow for quite a while before the "tipping point" happens. That is, I'm not sure we should jump in feet first yet, but rather we build up and refine this new protocol and spend a lot of time thinking about how to migrate smoothly, and break it a lot while nobody is using it.
So you can just reply to this, or DM me, or open issues or PRs at [Mosaic](https://github.com/SteveFarroll/mosaic-spec), or just whisper to each other while giving me the evil eye.

@ 1cb14ab3:95d52462
2024-12-16 04:09:46
##### **(Micro)** "Boulder Creek" // stacked rocks [157' x 2' x 1']
##### **(Macro)** "St. Louis" // photo collage on foam board [16" x 20"]
*This project was first presented in 2016, as a diptych installation at the group exhibition, "There to Here: Investigative Topographies from Land and Environmental Art" in Boulder, Colorado. Images remain property of Hes, but prints can be purchased via DM.*
#### Artist Statement
**Rockway:** A Reflection on Roads and Nature
“Rockway” examines the concept of **Micro v. Macro** through the central theme of **line**; acting as a reflection on ideas of movement and connectivity in today's world. A line, simply defined as **the connection between two points**, takes on a profound new meaning in our urban landscape. The roads we have constructed, like arteries of the land, connect us to vast possibility. What happens when human progress and creation intersect with the natural world, and what role does that play in our lives?

*Boulder Creek* (pictured above) explores this intersection at the **micro-level**, focusing heavily on the delicate balance between humans and their environment. Stumbling upon the nearly **160-foot earthwork** presents the viewer with an unnatural line, composed of stones, meandering through the pristine natural landscape. It evokes the winding roads through the mountains nearby one takes to get here- a stark contrast against the wilderness where it sits.
The earthwork employs a singular free-flowing, **curvilinear line**, representing a departure from the rigid angles of the surrounding landscape. This choice symbolizes more than just movement. It delves into the relationship between the towering skyscrapers, flowing highways, and gridded cities we inhabit. As the eye follows the work from start to finish, it encounters straight lines—those of trees and rocks—interrupting the flow, much like the complex highway systems and cities we build to connect ourselves around the globe.

*St. Louis* (pictured above) explores the concept of line at the **macro-level**. In this piece, movement remains a central theme, but the intent shifts. The collage aims to create an unrealistic, yet harmonious, urban highway system. Lines intersect, diverge, and rejoin in nearly impossible ways; calling into question what exactly our future might look like. Each line signifies the movement of humans—from place to place, from birth to departure.
The city of St. Louis holds personal significance. It’s my birthplace, **my starting point**. The curved form of the line embodies movement and fluidity, echoing my own journey. Highways connect us to places, people, and experiences. They weave our stories, even as they reshape the landscape.
Step back, and the piece appears **a unified whole**. But lean in and scrutinize the details, and you’ll discover **individual clippings** and rigid overlaps from the satellite photos it is composed of. Each stone and curve. Each road and line — force us to consider the tale of movement, connection, and balance. "Rockway" invites us step back and dig deeper into the connections we [ourselves] hold with the land; and what responsibility we [as a whole] have in encouraging continued prosperity, while maintaining the delicate balance holding it all together.
#### Additional Photos

### More Land Art
[Invasive (Site/Non-Site) - [2016]](https://hes.npub.pro/post/1719722211094/)
[Quarantine - [2016]](https://hes.npub.pro/post/1709006098404/)
[Earth Lens Series - [2016-Present]](https://hes.npub.pro/post/1731091744332/)
### Find Me Elsewhere
*Originally published in 2016 by Hes. Republished at [habla.news/u/hes@nostrplebs.com/1708400183541]() on 2/19/2024.*

@ 1cb14ab3:95d52462
2024-12-16 04:00:56
***Flattened grass, Lightroom. [12’ x 60’]***
*This project was first presented in 2022 in Littleton, Colorado. Images remain property of Hes. Prints available on request.*
### **Artist Statement**
***Нет войне: No to War***
***"Нет войне"*** is an environmental art project created by continuously walking back and forth for several hours until the grass lay flat. Each letter measures roughly 12’ x 6’. The letters have been slightly exaggerated in Adobe Lightroom for digital clarity. The phrase *"Нет войне"* translates to "No to War."

**The piece aims to give a voice to the citizens around the world** standing up against tyranny and destruction. Nature always overruns land art with time. It overruns the rubbles of a war-torn country. It will overrun civilization long after we are gone. This earthwork may only be visible for a couple of weeks; the signs may only be held up for a couple of seconds; the remnants of a devastating war may only be visible for a couple of decades. But one thing remains true: human lives will never be restored. Facts should never be forgotten. Invasions should never be tolerated. Freedom will prevail.
The artwork reflects on the impermanence of human constructs, whether they are artistic expressions or the scars left by warfare. It serves as a testament to the strength and determination of those who oppose oppression and violence.
Through this work, I aim to not only capture a moment of protest but also invite viewers to reflect on the broader implications of war and peace. The piece is a call to action, urging us to remember the human cost of war and to strive for a world where freedom and peace prevail.
> Follow-up images regarding the status of the land will be provided over time. Hopefully, the war will be over before the piece fades away.
### Additional Photos

### Month 1 Update
The war expands. The piece stands.

### Month 4 Update
The war continues. The piece fades.

### Month 12 Update
The war rages on. The piece is gone.

### More Land Art
[Invasive (Site/Non-Site) - [2016]](https://hes.npub.pro/post/1719722211094/)
[Quarantine - [2016]](https://hes.npub.pro/post/1709006098404/)
[Rockway (Micro v. Macro) - [2016]](https://hes.npub.pro/post/1708400183541/)
### Find Me Elsewhere
*Originally published in 2022 by Hes*.
*Republished to [**habla.news/u/hes@nostrplebs.com**](https://habla.news/u/[nip05]/[slug]) on 7/5/2024.*
*Republished with updates to [**https://hes.npub.pro/**](https://hes.npub.pro/) on 12/15/2024.*