
@ d34e832d:383f78d0
2025-03-12 19:31:16
**Micro** with its operands and keybindings.
Micro is a modern, user-friendly text editor designed for the terminal. It offers extensive features, including mouse support, multiple cursors, syntax highlighting, and an intuitive command bar.
## **1. Command Bar**
- Open it with `Ctrl-e`
- Supports shell-like argument parsing (single/double quotes, escaping)
- No environment variable expansion
## **2. Commands Overview**
Commands are entered using `Ctrl-e` followed by the command.
### **File Management**
- `save ['filename']` → Save the current buffer (or "Save As" if a filename is given)
- `quit` → Exit Micro
- `open 'filename'` → Open a file
- `reopen` → Reload the current file from disk
- `pwd` → Print the current working directory
- `cd 'path'` → Change the working directory
### **Navigation**
- `goto 'line[:col]'` → Move to an absolute line and column
- `jump 'line[:col]'` → Move relative to the current line
### **Editing**
- `replace 'search' 'value' ['flags']` → Replace text
- `-a` → Replace all occurrences
- `-l` → Literal search (no regex)
- `replaceall 'search' 'value'` → Replace all without confirmation
- `textfilter 'sh-command'` → Pipe selected text through a shell command and replace it
### **Splitting and Tabs**
- `vsplit ['filename']` → Open a vertical split
- `hsplit ['filename']` → Open a horizontal split
- `tab ['filename']` → Open a file in a new tab
- `tabswitch 'tab'` → Switch between tabs
- `tabmove '[-+]n'` → Move tab position
### **Configuration**
- `set 'option' 'value'` → Set a global option
- `setlocal 'option' 'value'` → Set an option for the current buffer
- `show 'option'` → Show the current value of an option
- `reset 'option'` → Reset an option to its default
### **Plugins**
- `plugin list` → List installed plugins
- `plugin install 'pl'` → Install a plugin
- `plugin remove 'pl'` → Remove a plugin
- `plugin update ['pl']` → Update a plugin
- `plugin search 'pl'` → Search for plugins
### **Miscellaneous**
- `run 'sh-command'` → Run a shell command in the background
- `log` → View debug messages
- `reload` → Reload all runtime files (settings, keybindings, syntax files, etc.)
- `raw` → Debug terminal escape sequences
- `showkey 'key'` → Show what action is bound to a key
- `term ['exec']` → Open a terminal emulator running a specific command
- `lint` → Lint the current file
- `comment` → Toggle comments on a selected line or block
## **3. Keybindings Overview**
| **Action** | **Keybinding** |
| **Navigation** | |
| Move cursor left | `←` or `h` |
| Move cursor right | `→` or `l` |
| Move cursor up | `↑` or `k` |
| Move cursor down | `↓` or `j` |
| Move to start of line | `Home` |
| Move to end of line | `End` |
| Move to start of file | `Ctrl-Home` |
| Move to end of file | `Ctrl-End` |
| Move by word left | `Ctrl-←` or `Ctrl-b` |
| Move by word right | `Ctrl-→` or `Ctrl-f` |
| **Editing** | |
| Copy | `Ctrl-c` |
| Cut | `Ctrl-x` |
| Paste | `Ctrl-v` |
| Undo | `Ctrl-z` |
| Redo | `Ctrl-Shift-z` |
| Delete word left | `Ctrl-Backspace` |
| Delete word right | `Ctrl-Delete` |
| **Splitting & Tabs** | |
| Open horizontal split | `Ctrl-w h` |
| Open vertical split | `Ctrl-w v` |
| Switch tab left | `Alt-←` |
| Switch tab right | `Alt-→` |
For more, check the official keybindings:
🔗 [Micro Keybindings](https://github.com/zyedidia/micro/blob/master/runtime/help/keybindings.md)
🔗[Available Here](https://micro-editor.github.io/)
## **Final Thoughts**
Micro is a powerful text editor for terminal users who want an alternative to Vim or Nano. With an intuitive command bar, extensive customization options, and full plugin support, it offers a lightweight yet feature-rich editing experience. 🚀