
@ fb8a5c6f:58ec79bd
2025-03-10 00:39:53
I work in the film industry, and I absolutely love making movies—it’s where my heart is. I’m also passionate about bitcoin. For me, it’s not just about the thrill of "number go up," but a deeper realization over the past 12 years: *inflation is a theft of our time and energy.* Whether I’m writing or revising a script or thinking about the world we live in, I believe our lives shouldn’t get progressively more expensive just by existing.\
A few months ago, I saw a viral video that drove this home. A young guy shared how a month’s worth of groceries cost him ***$126*** *back in 2022*. When he hit the "re-order" button for the same items in the summer of 2024—just two years later—it was **$414**. That’s staggering. People are working harder than ever, pouring their souls into their craft yet they can’t figure out why they’re not getting ahead. Inflation is a big part of the answer.\
It’s frustrating because it didn’t always used to be this way. Today, the Federal Reserve and the U.S. Treasury keep printing money out of thin air, devaluing what we earn and making life more expensive year after year. I understood the problem for a while, but it wasn’t until I discovered bitcoin that I found a solution. A fixed and finite currency. \
There will only ever be **21 million.**\
Naturally, when you grasp what bitcoin is, you want to share it with the people you care about. I’ve been fortunate—my friends get it, and they’re doing great. My family, though? Not so much. Yesterday, my aunt suggested I talk to them as a group instead of one-on-one, like I’d been trying, so they could ask questions and discuss it together. I thought it was interesting idea, but money is such a personal topic. We all have to find our own path to understanding it, and bringing it up with family can get tricky—almost like pitching a script they’re not ready to hear.\
So, what did I do instead? I'm sharing these thoughts online and started a [Youtube channel](https://www.youtube.com/@kameeklucastaitt). Go figure. Don't judge too harshly though as it's a work in progress! 🫡\
It’s not so different from storytelling through film—just another way to share what matters.\
I don’t know how often I’ll write long form posts or make videos about bitcoin, but if I can help even one person pinpoint the problem and discover bitcoin along the way, I believe the world gets a little better. Bit by bit, person by person. Just like how a good movie can inspire, maybe this can too.
**Fix the money, fix the world.**\
∞ / 21 million