
@ 516ac781:dc0cf4c5
2025-03-07 06:59:14
Quale Azienda Italiana Verrà Violata? In Vendita Accessi VPN e firewall aziendali nelle underground
📌 Link all'articolo : https://www.redhotcyber.com/post/quale-azienda-italiana-verra-violata-in-vendita-accessi-vpn-e-firewall-aziendali-nelle-underground/
#redhotcyber #hacking #cti #ai #online #it #cybercrime #cybersecurity #technology #news #cyberthreatintelligence #innovation #privacy #engineering #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity

@ 01f68f46:8073739e
2025-03-07 06:59:14
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqp739m8mhsvklruvnklfpyrmmg7ws02qzay0tuct2rgu0mzlhu5gq569pnq I would love to see federal worker #labor action modeled after successful transit #strikes, where the workers still provided the services, but didn't bother to collect fares: customers ride for free! Where federal workers collect fees from the public - they don't bother. The National Parks and monuments - free admission. Campgrounds - free. Postal services - free. Not bloody likely, but imagine Border Patrol/Customs/Immigration just waking folks through.

@ 12c805a5:957eb1aa
2025-03-07 06:59:11
GM! #nostr #Bitcoin #coffeechain #plebchain #grownostr

@ 516ac781:dc0cf4c5
2025-03-07 06:59:10
Possibile violazione al Ministero degli Affari Esteri dell’Ucraina: il gruppo Qilin Ransomware rivendica l’attacco
📌 Link all'articolo : https://www.redhotcyber.com/post/possibile-violazione-al-ministero-degli-affari-esteri-dellucraina-il-gruppo-qilin-ransomware-rivendica-lattacco/
#redhotcyber #hacking #cti #ai #online #it #cybercrime #cybersecurity #technology #news #cyberthreatintelligence #innovation #privacy #engineering #intelligence #intelligenzaartificiale #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #infosecurity

@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-03-07 06:59:08
Crowned by #Bitcoin. Dominating the future of money. http://res.cloudinary.com/dizsud5n6/image/upload/v1740531256/ph5jpdihv3f2unnxtgvi.jpg

@ ba11337b:9a1f8eb3
2025-03-07 06:59:06
Death in Qatar (podcast) https://www.byteseu.com/806594/ #Nederland #Netherlands

@ 97671725:e095f9cc
2025-03-07 06:59:05
Relays down? More like a #decentralization stress test, #nostr still winning.

@ d60397e8:2fe3fde0
2025-03-07 06:59:04
Lana 🐶

@ 12d2c9f0:b1d9e107
2025-03-07 06:59:03
【随時更新】ロシア ウクライナに軍事侵攻(3月7日の動き) #nhk_news

@ 93d2fcbc:c4a7db43
2025-03-07 06:59:02
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq3l8qpykd2zwhzq3ngz5lj3f0j402t23zzmf4ndkdja5nnguvq0asu4sm6r くさそう

@ 86b16577:fe6afa67
2025-03-07 06:58:57
I'm not allowed in those.

@ 0ae7ddb9:301b6cf2
2025-03-07 06:58:55
It's magnetic

@ bfbf1137:ab543773
2025-03-07 06:58:52

@ 316c717f:fec6eb71
2025-03-07 06:58:49
“More female than male doctors for first time ever in the UK”.
March 6, 2024.
The above press release is from the General Medical Council. It says:
“there are now 164,440 women (50.04%) registered with a licence to practise, compared with 164,195 men (49.96%)”
One doctor is quoted as saying:
“we see huge variations in the type of medical specialties women doctors go into – the majority choosing to be a GP or paediatrician – but very few are choosing surgery. These disparities are not acceptable for career progression”
I would like to ask this doctor if the disparity in paediatrics, where 60.8% of doctors are women, is a problem.
The page briefly notes that:
“for the first time, there are more doctors from ethnic minority backgrounds than white doctors working in the UK”
At the 2021 census, 83% of the UK's population was white¹. Evidently, disparities are not a problem if they favour women or non-whites.
[1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_United_Kingdom#Ethnicity

@ 0d48d125:ec9e5050
2025-03-07 06:58:49
in the context of using #LLM s for retrieval (search) has there been meaningful discussion of the fact that decades of research on human memory showed it to be fundamentally reconstructive (i.e., we don’t merely retrieve something recorded, we construct a memory to some extent?)
this parallel seems so obvious, you’d expect it to be everywhere, but I’m not really seeing that. What have I missed?

@ 57b97d6c:78ac844f
2025-03-07 06:58:47
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxvqgxsgh3fajqyj947nca5qfh4tzcz3x6y8qwvpe6lf96we7yn2sz5xmnh nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqk5t2jn2dkqxp47mfz36uj42dyhrcp438xsxwtntp99a8vadd8vgqcdhhle nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq9zzuna3hujrjypp4ej39wyz9wgg2lh6as5rx97jtek4wzskzw8cs6vjwku das muss sehr lange geschlagen werden, bevorzugt mit ner Küchenmaschine. Ich hab meins schon unter Pancaketeig gehoben um Kaiserschmarrn zu machen, das hat prima geklappt

@ 1c1228f3:23adda88
2025-03-07 06:58:47
lmao that was u

@ 15c9ea50:5d1f25a9
2025-03-07 06:58:45
石原さとみ 第2子妊娠を発表 出産は初夏予定「温かく見守って頂けたら幸いです」

@ 16be9edb:438997fa
2025-03-07 06:58:44
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqhuzdgvu92hwc778a79jkzc73ql2umpwtcqm4gvlra3etm2ml5rrsj5zq3d いやいや! パッと見ただけでも、より可愛いジト目まぶたの線、より柔らかそうな頬、より可愛い口元の位置、より無理のない手首の角度……追求した跡が分かりますよ!

@ 7c643a99:3aa341d0
2025-03-07 06:58:43
Want to drink eat Chaa Thai with cream 😋

@ bed4856b:60d454f1
2025-03-07 06:58:43
A low-fat diet turns you into a high-fat person.

@ 15c9ea50:5d1f25a9
2025-03-07 06:58:43
【センバツ】青森山田は沖縄尚学と対戦 兜森監督が上げるキーマンは〝ダブル〟佐藤

@ 1388e669:f4c125f6
2025-03-07 06:58:42
RE: https://misskey.io/notes/a51knz20z8ri0djb

@ a5c6a6a7:356da118
2025-03-07 06:58:41
starships not meant to flyyy

@ 93d2fcbc:c4a7db43
2025-03-07 06:58:40

@ 12c805a5:957eb1aa
2025-03-07 06:58:37
GM! Happy Friday! 💜

@ b35b0c46:8e7d83fc
2025-03-07 06:58:37
Rules to improve air quality are under attack
#ycombinator #climate_change #technology #home

@ 15c9ea50:5d1f25a9
2025-03-07 06:58:37

@ 0a43e877:c301b4dc
2025-03-07 06:58:35
Horrific: A federal appeals court ruled against the Amish, rejecting their challenge to New York’s repeal of religious exemptions for school vaccinations

@ 15c9ea50:5d1f25a9
2025-03-07 06:58:31
サスケが〝復活ハヤブサ〟に期待 「プロレスだからこそできる復活」

@ 8aacab4f:4c240553
2025-03-07 06:58:30

@ 485efbc1:6df91b8c
2025-03-07 06:58:25

@ 2a52dbc3:8c2a7175
2025-03-07 06:58:24
You get a Full free ride in Harvard sire

@ bb21a188:9621532d
2025-03-07 06:58:22
プリンス『Purple Rain』 ドルビーアトモス・ミックス&ハイレゾ・ステレオ・ミックス収録のBlu-ray Audio発売
#amass #music #アニメ #dvd #Blu_ray

@ 358b313c:c979f27f
2025-03-07 06:58:22
just asking questions.

@ d61dcb21:5c11fd8a
2025-03-07 06:58:21
https://www.europesays.com/1894285/ Judge stops immediate shutdown of small US agency for African development #america #AnnaKelly #business #CAStateWire #CorporateManagement #DepartmentOfGovernmentEfficiency #DistrictOfColumbia #DonaldTrump #ElonMusk #GeneralNews #GeorgeWBush #GovernmentAndPolitics #GovernmentBudgets #MarcoRubio #RichardJ.Leon #U.S.GovernmentShutdown #UnitedStates #UnitedStatesOfAmerica #US #USNews #USTopics #USA #USANews #WashingtonNews #WorldNews

@ 3f279c7c:e68f01ff
2025-03-07 06:58:19
#Banksy hat es wieder perfekt getroffen 😀

@ b90c9894:21f5cf0c
2025-03-07 06:58:17
Selling sats
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@ d7ad4b17:a7038d30
2025-03-07 06:58:17

@ be7358c4:047c840e
2025-03-07 06:58:13

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-07 06:58:12
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:

@ 1b733353:7e6e85b4
2025-03-07 06:58:07

@ 4af04365:bc96f7dc
2025-03-07 06:58:06
https://www.cyclingeu.com/540277/a-different-angle/ A different angle. #Bicycle #BicycleMotocross #Bicycling #Bike #Biking #BMX #Cycling

@ 69c39eaa:d7d1f187
2025-03-07 06:58:06

@ e6c21d26:6cc8917a
2025-03-07 06:58:05
(新潟県内、にいがたけんない を覚えました)

@ 3228497d:33a12d30
2025-03-07 06:58:05
Weightlifting and fasting? Sounds like you're trying to optimize everything. Remember, sometimes good enough is perfect. Are you happy?

@ 7216e1df:18ce74ad
2025-03-07 06:58:04
Madagascar: Over 90% of its wildlife is found nowhere else on Earth. Is this unique biodiversity a blessing or a curse, attracting exploitation disguised as conservation? Can Madagascar truly own its #natural resources and protect its #heritage?

@ 35cdc79a:a4025f01
2025-03-07 06:58:03
Ukraine-Liveblog: ++ Ukraine meldet russischen Beschuss auf Energieanlagen ++
Russland hat die Ukraine unter schweren Beschuss genommen - und dabei insbesondere Energieanlagen angegriffen. Frankreichs Präsident Macron kann sich grundsätzlich vorstellen, mit Kremlchef Putin über ein Ende des Kriegs zu reden.
➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/newsticker/liveblog-ukraine-freitag-498.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de
#Liveblog #Ukraine

@ bd3d436f:d1149538
2025-03-07 06:58:03
Letter to American Workers marx2mao.com/Lenin/LAW18.html

@ d7cf62b7:be646f3e
2025-03-07 06:58:02
Ne soyez pas dupes des récupérations et des ralliements. C'est un mouvement grassroots. Les bureaucraties que nous combattons au quotidien y sont venues les mains dans le dos. Une fois que le bouillonnement de la base a eu produit l'éruption, elles n'ont eu d'autres choix que de suivre…

@ bfde2252:6c7b8dc2
2025-03-07 06:58:02
You can verify it for yourself. ☝🏻🐸

@ 84e6abe4:9fa9da37
2025-03-07 06:58:01
The only reputation nostr:npub1q6ps7m94jfdastx2tx76sj8sq4nxdhlsgmzns2tr4xt6ydx6grzspm0kxr has on #nostr is being a dumb lazy nigger! 😂😂😂 https://image.nostr.build/fcb20605f0d1ce3925587bc97b32b858e5ec117adcdd353d7941ee31c3f2fb5d.jpg

@ 7b5e4597:91742d85
2025-03-07 06:58:01
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqxtz67ehknhz5tf23u9eexg0pm95rxry0av28w5t6dzt2fqsnqxhs60fvyd Ich habe das Bienchen gefunden 🤗
Guten Morgen Doris 👋
Hab einen schönen Tag ☕️ ☕️ 🤗

@ 905f81d8:8442d583
2025-03-07 06:58:01
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqrnmmtcyse35m4tgtvpgsur0xyvmgujyufdhv906qetvw460nd9xq3mn5us それは「ない」。泣き別れを最初から織り込んで設計しているのが1つ、鉄道車両のブレーキ構造的なのが1つ。

@ d360efec:14907b5f
2025-03-07 06:57:59

@ 0dcb7672:6ddb6bc2
2025-03-07 06:57:58
Completed question 21 with a grade of 100% on https://robotsbuildingeducation.com
Arrange the steps of a `for` loop execution with drag-and-drop. #LearnWithNostr

@ d09e7333:8ae1a40c
2025-03-07 06:57:56
Good morning and Happy Friday!
#coffeechain #pv

@ 6a5be305:9efc5acd
2025-03-07 06:57:56

@ 1dc8c37e:0e451936
2025-03-07 06:57:55
Quale Azienda Italiana Verrà Violata? In Vendita Accessi VPN e firewall aziendali nelle underground
Su BreachForum un utente dallo pseudonimo BoZar45, con un post pubblicato il 6 marzo 2025, proporne in vendita accessi VPN e amministrativi a firewall di aziende, enti governativi e militari. I prezzi variano da 100 a 1000 dollari, la discriminante? la geolocalizzazione e il tipo di accesso che si vuole acquisire.
Lo screenshot pubblicato nel post fa chiaramente riferimento ad un firewall Fortinet 600D.
Aziende in allerta
L’accesso non autorizzato a firewall e VPN aziendali rappresenta una minaccia critica per la sicurezza informatica, poiché consente agli attaccanti di aggirare i meccanismi di protezione perimetrale e accedere direttamente alle risorse interne di un’organizzazione. Una VPN compromessa può permettere ai criminali informatici di muoversi lateralmente all’interno della rete, esfiltrare dati sensibili, distribuire malware o lanciare attacchi ransomware senza essere facilmente rilevati. Nel caso di firewall compromessi, un attaccante con privilegi amministrativi può disattivare le regole di sicurezza, reindirizzare il traffico o creare backdoor persistenti per garantire un accesso continuo alla rete bersaglio.
Questi accessi vengono spesso commercializzati dagli Initial Access Broker (IAB), figure chiave nell’ecosistema del cybercrimine. Gli IAB sono hacker specializzati nell’individuare e vendere punti di ingresso nelle reti aziendali, sfruttando vulnerabilità, credenziali compromesse o exploit zero-day. In molti casi, i loro clienti sono gruppi ransomware, che utilizzano questi accessi per distribuire il proprio malware all’interno delle infrastrutture vittime. Questo modello di business consente una netta separazione tra chi viola le reti e chi esegue gli attacchi finali, rendendo ancora più complessa l’attribuzione degli attacchi e l’interruzione delle attività malevole.
Si tratta di informazioni di prima mano?
È possibile che i dati di accesso in vendita siano un subset di altre liste proposte gratuitamente di recente sempre su BreachForum? Un lavoro di verifica, catalogazione e suddivisione per nazione? Il dubbio sorge spontaneo ricostruendo alcuni post apparsi nell’ultimo periodo su BreachForum, in particolare:
26 febbraio 2025: un utente con lo pseudonimo JohnFury ha pubblicato un post intitolato “Black Basta – Leaked Access”. Il file “sottratto” a BlackBasta contiene centinaia di accessi a portali VPN molti dei quali ospitati da firewall Fortinet.
14 gennaio 2025: BelsenGroup regala un archivio contenete 15.000 configurazioni di firewall Fortinet e accessi VPN con relative password.
Un altro scenario possibile potrebbe essere quello di una nuova collezione di accessi guadagnati scannerizzando la rete in cerca di target non aggiornati e vulnerabili alle recenti CVE riconosciute e documentate da Fortinet.
Per concludere è importante capire che ruolo giocano gli IAB (Initial Access Broker) nel panorama dell’underground, aprendo le porte a gruppi hacker che poi sfruttano questi accessi per portare a segno attacchi più importanti e potenzialmente devastanti.
L'articolo Quale Azienda Italiana Verrà Violata? In Vendita Accessi VPN e firewall aziendali nelle underground proviene da il blog della sicurezza informatica.

@ 765609c7:b488a3e9
2025-03-07 06:57:54
Nice find!
Question: Are you a glass half empty kind of person?

@ 1f747cc2:b94a0b6b
2025-03-07 06:57:53
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq85nxz5z2ex5ukwq3yyu0tun5lmfj52syl39f77c3px750rrm75tq4twlyc Nein. Auf gar keinen Fsll. Das ist ein Fail trumpischer Dimension.

@ a4132de3:f6b480e1
2025-03-07 06:57:52
Bollywood’s dirty secret: Paid reviews that are killing the industry
Bollywood's murky side of paid reviews are part of system where fake praise, rate cards, threats and extortion thrive.

@ d633164b:53813b61
2025-03-07 06:57:50
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqlsrj6y4ascnzvy6gll2jlch38wlm99vwlcgvatmw6azutte8km7sk8v8v5 Moin zur Küste 👋☕️☀️

@ 8a1a00e4:f86664ab
2025-03-07 06:57:49

@ c1a0c9f0:f5b09edd
2025-03-07 06:57:47

@ 6a6fa655:7d190c59
2025-03-07 06:57:47

@ 9a9278cb:4793f717
2025-03-07 06:57:44
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqpsarqp5swnwe264krzn3uqv4lzh4s89f890zekwhyktg80mkuu6s4yj4g2 what is the difference with termux ?

@ 9326e982:3f076058
2025-03-07 06:57:43
More than 40 people have been killed in clashes between security forces and supporters of former President Bashar al-Assad in Syria https://meduza.io/news/2025/03/07/v-sirii-v-rezultate-stolknoveniy-mezhdu-silami-bezopasnosti-novogo-pravitelstva-i-storonnikami-byvshego-prezidenta-bashara-asada-pogibli-bolee-40-chelovek

@ d32dff74:ce8ca574
2025-03-07 06:57:41
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqzpp22lrga59ej4g655pxlgcvzaa867vvegskw2y5kxrdrpcmfw3sw2d9s4 hem... No, I'm not a trans girl, I'm just leaving Apple, Amazon, Microsoft and so on 😅

@ 2a52dbc3:8c2a7175
2025-03-07 06:57:39
I’m pretty sure all Ai agent collect data , there is a few prompts that you can ask it to profile you and the answers are scary
And yes he might make that data available to the gov since he is working with it , and other social media would happily provide the data , those fuckers

@ 3eaa4e68:ac2406f5
2025-03-07 06:57:39
近鉄が初の夜行列車運行 名古屋-大阪難波間 万博開幕に合わせ
#mainichi_rss_etc_mainichiflash #社会 #暮らし_学び_医療 #速報 #愛知 #大阪 #東海 #関西 #大阪_関西万博 #愛知県 #大阪府

@ 52e62942:3f120908
2025-03-07 06:57:37

@ 0dcb7672:6ddb6bc2
2025-03-07 06:57:37
Completed question 20 with a grade of 100% on https://robotsbuildingeducation.com
Which loop will continue executing as long as its condition remains true? #LearnWithNostr

@ 0f389bba:9b3f148f
2025-03-07 06:57:34
https://image.nostr.build/973a8c922a224d51699057b573bdc026b611e64c714a7296ae7c803911fc7561.jpg https://image.nostr.build/117152bb97ca73f2e66b3c1e32320036b600f86965fe8813883e4366dab27ebb.jpg
[Scroll down for english]
🤿 ใคร ๆ ก็รู้ว่าดำน้ำนั้นสนุก แต่รู้รึเปล่าว่า จริง ๆ แล้วการดำน้ำให้อะไรมากกว่านั้นเยอะ!
🔦มาดู 5 เรื่องจริงของการดำน้ำ ที่จะทำให้อยาก “โดดลงทะเล” ทันที! 🌊
1. ดำน้ำช่วยเบิร์นแคลอรี่ได้เยอะมาก แถมยังบริหารร่างกายได้ทุกส่วน บอกลาไขมันส่วนเกิน ไปฟิตแอนด์เฟิร์มใต้น้ำกัน 💪
2. การดำน้ำช่วยให้ผ่อนคลาย สงบ และลืมเรื่องเครียด ๆ ไปชั่วขณะ กลับมาพร้อมพลังบวก พร้อมลุยงานต่อ 😌
3. ดำน้ำแล้วได้เพื่อนใหม่เพียบ! และทริปดำน้ำครั้งต่อไป ก็ไม่ต้องเหงาแล้ววว 🥰
4. โลกใต้น้ำ เต็มไปด้วยสิ่งมีชีวิตน่ารักและน่าสนใจ เห็นแล้วใจฟู หายเหนื่อย 🐠🐢
5. การดำน้ำพาไปเจอประสบการณ์ใหม่ๆ ที่ตื่นเต้นเสมอ! ต่อให้เป็นจุดเดิมที่เคยไปมาแล้วก็ตาม 🤩
เห็นมั้ยว่าดำน้ำดียังไง! 😉 ใครอยากสัมผัสประสบการณ์สุดว้าวแบบนี้บ้าง? เตรียมตัวให้พร้อม แล้วมาเจอกันที่งาน Thailand Dive Expo 2025 🔥
🤿 Everyone knows diving is fun, but did you know it offers so much more than that?
🔦Check out these 5 benefits of diving that will make you want to jump in the water right now! 🌊
1. Diving is a fantastic way to burn calories and tone your entire body. Say goodbye to excess weight and hello to a fitter you. 💪
2. Diving allows you to relax, find peace, and temporarily forget about your worries. Return feeling refreshed and energized. 😌
3. Diving opens doors to new friendships with like-minded people. Your next diving trip won't be lonely anymore. 🥰
4. The underwater world is full of fascinating and adorable creatures that will fill you with joy and wonder. 🐠🐢
5. The underwater world is endless, and every dive offers a unique and exciting experience. 🤩
See? Diving is more than just fun! 😉 Who's ready to experience these amazing benefits?
Get ready to dive into a world of wonder at Thailand Dive Expo 2025! 🔥
Thailand Dive Expo 2025 อีเวนต์ยิ่งใหญ่ประจำปีของวงการดำน้ำ 🐋
📆 22-25 พฤษภาคม 2568
⏰ 11.00 - 20.00 น.
📍 ฮอลล์ 5-6 ศูนย์การประชุมแห่งชาติสิริกิติ์ (QSNCC)
📧 tdex@nccexhibition.com
🔍 www.thailanddiveexpo.com
จัดพร้อมกับ “Thailand Golf Expo 2025” และ “Outdoor Fest”
Credits Goes to the respective
Author ✍️/ Photographer📸
🐇 🕳️
#Bitcoin #Freedom #Apocalypse #Music #Movies #Philosophy #Literature #dogstr #islands #scuba #marinelife #architecture

@ 485efbc1:6df91b8c
2025-03-07 06:57:33

@ 23ad214e:0c9af21e
2025-03-07 06:57:32

@ e7c26128:c4527d31
2025-03-07 06:57:31
#goth 4 life

@ 82abf9e0:25c56464
2025-03-07 06:57:29
Previous Action: Up ⬆️

@ 40dba086:a3de8483
2025-03-07 06:57:26
Did he misspell his name on the board?

@ 4115d517:e87f421b
2025-03-07 06:57:23
No, it's my little very personal sound I make instead of saying wtf and is coming with a grin and from a place in my throat like the purring of a snoozing cat. Grrr.. grrr.. grr..

@ 0dcb7672:6ddb6bc2
2025-03-07 06:57:23
Completed question 19 with a grade of 100% on https://robotsbuildingeducation.com
In a Bash terminal environment, enter the help command to discover basic commands. #LearnWithNostr

@ a57dd8ce:fb774d3f
2025-03-07 06:57:22
Sunita Williams and Barry Wilmore might return to the earth a bit younger?
Posted into LIFESTYLE nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpq4mm0ul68l2p0nr0zwk3743ku9pqlffa03mhmfwywxyu3klw9wlqs2qgucz

@ 358b313c:c979f27f
2025-03-07 06:57:19
this is always the problem with the "middle ground" freaks. the middle ground between the truth and a lie is a lie.

@ b6b4bbbb:b123b021
2025-03-07 06:57:18

@ 85cfa504:fd6e3e40
2025-03-07 06:57:18
"Das Wochenende wird diesmal lang und geht nicht so schnell rum."
Sie glauben, diese Geschichte ist wahr?
Dann muss ich Sie enttäuschen.
Sie ist frei erfunden.
Ihr Jonathan Frakes

@ 9c5d0c59:e4e08fb8
2025-03-07 06:57:17
Creator of AI Gaza video shared by Trump warns of possible dangers

@ 2fd8ae52:f86e9870
2025-03-07 06:57:16
Joshua Yaffa writes in The New Yorker about Ukrainian spy commander Roman Chervinsky. Lots of great details about the Wagnergate scandal, Donbas assassinations, Russian pilot bribery, and the Nord Stream bombing. Insights into Ukrainian political infighting too. https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2025/03/03/the-adventures-of-a-ukrainian-intelligence-officer

@ 52407e46:304de61c
2025-03-07 06:57:15
[자막뉴스] 한국이 만만해?…도로 난장판 만들고 떠난 외국인들
지난달 8일 밤 영동고속도로를 블랙박스 제보 차량이 달리고 있습니다.그런데 차선을 바꿔가며 질주하던 한 승용차가 갑자기 뒤에서 들이받았고, 블랙…
#news #뉴스

@ 7216e1df:18ce74ad
2025-03-07 06:57:15
Brushing for Big Macs? Stack sats instead.

@ 4f57af37:0b5c7164
2025-03-07 06:57:13
[바로이뉴스] "내란수괴 윤석열 석방이 웬말인가"…민주당, 검찰 즉시 항고 촉구
더불어민주당은 오늘 법원이 비상계엄 사태와 관련해 '내란 우두머리' 혐의로 구속기소 된 윤석열 대통령의 구속을 취소하는 결정을 한…
#news #뉴스

@ 4f57af37:0b5c7164
2025-03-07 06:57:13
정부, 북한 옹호한 러시아 향해 "북한의 대화 복귀 설득해야"
▲ 마리야 자하로바 러시아 외무부 대변인정부는 한미연합훈련이 역내 긴장을 불러온다며 북한의 방위능력 강화를 옹호한 러시아 당국자 언급…
#news #뉴스

@ 6e77f4f3:1ecc6bae
2025-03-07 06:57:11
It's also a rather popular method of getting rid of KYC-related coins. Sell them at loss (no tax) then buy them back without KYC. Now you have coins that the government doesn't know about. And if you also sell without KYC the government doesn't know how much taxes it should charge you.

@ 0436400f:81c01223
2025-03-07 06:57:11
君たちはMAGAじゃない。BAKAだ! / “広島の原爆投下機写真が削除候補 米、名称「ゲイ」で誤認か” https://www.47news.jp/12270923.html

@ ef89ee45:fa278758
2025-03-07 06:57:11

@ c558c7cc:b0b7b89e
2025-03-07 06:57:11
🤖 Tracking strings detected and removed!
🔗 Clean URL(s):
❌ Removed parts:

@ 485efbc1:6df91b8c
2025-03-07 06:57:11
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqndfadd0e8scynxqa7pqf6ynvs8t82gjdf72y5mlam6y8fdynzevqmev278 ウオーッ!!!ありがとうございます!!嬉しいです:blobcatmeltlove::blobcatreachmelt::nullcatchan_biglove::deep_arigatou_hukakukansya:

@ d7ad4b17:a7038d30
2025-03-07 06:57:10
https://x.com/tektek070/status/1897538272211149064?s=61 我一直想看这俩对位 :aru_0330:

@ 63d1e7c5:745b9889
2025-03-07 06:57:10
nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnddaehgu3wwp6kyqpqhyk4djsd6k5z7fg0c9ylfqu3cwzysztfsx7gyf0kdgrhf9zmzgdsx7x66r Nur in Gedanken, liebe Frechrotz! Guten Morgen! ☀️

@ 939008fa:4acf1b3f
2025-03-07 06:57:09

@ 6813d2e1:d8485e30
2025-03-07 06:57:08