
@ cda24367:8ba5afc3
2025-02-26 16:47:12
To understand how it is that most corporate charity organizations waste a high proportion of the money they get, we first need to look at the different ways money is spent.
## Video: Milton Friedman: The Four Ways to Spend Money
<iframe id="odysee-iframe" style="width:100%; aspect-ratio:16 / 9;" src="https://odysee.com/$/embed/@RandomStuff:0/Milton-Friedman---The-Four-Ways-to-Spend-Money:6?r=9cn37JvaLAtLK8z8NfZjsqm8ZNCaNuUy" allowfullscreen></iframe>
## Direct Charity
Back in the old days, people would naturally help each other out. Their local community was full of people they knew well, and people would run errands for each other, give food or clothing to anyone who was short, and generally look after each other. Any problems that were beyond the scope of individual assistance were taken care of by local groups, usually run by the churches. But most charity was personal.
If someone was in need of a new roof, others would either help to absolutely build it or would contribute financially to pay a roofer to fix it. Their direct involvement meant that they cared how much the roof was costing and that they also got the warm fuzzy feeling of having made a difference, making the world a better place for someone.
Gradually, as the world became more connected and people became more aware of what was going on in the rest of the world, those small, local organizations that took care of local problems began to take on wider issues, and slowly they grew into the multi-billion dollar aid industry we see today.
As the organizations grw, so did the waste and corruption. Until recently there was no choice; if you wanted to help out people somewhere else in the world, then the big organisations were pretty much the only game in town. Now we have the internet, and things are changing. We don't need them any more; all we need is a system to protect the senders from fraud and for the recipients to report their progress, along with a way for all participants to communicate freely, as we used to in the old charity works.
[https://directsponsor.org/](https://directsponsor.org/) - help to make that system happen.

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-02-26 16:43:36

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-02-26 16:41:06

@ 30b99916:3cc6e3fe
2025-02-26 16:16:32
The whoa of trying to balance public lightning channels on LND.
Node Active Capacity RemBalance(In) LocBalance(Out) Sent Received HTLCs Fee Weight
---- ------ -------- -------------- --------------- ---- -------- ----- --- ------
LQwD-Canada True 2,000,000 40,330 1,956,990 23,134,761 25,091,752 0 2020 1116
Uila-Hawaii True 1,000,000 959,376 37,613 3,984,098 3,024,721 0 2351 1116
pwd: PS /root/BTCPayServer/btcpayserver-docker
Creating an Lightning Invoice for 5000 sats
$mylncli = "lncli --macaroonpath /root/.lnd/admin.macaroon addinvoice 5000"
$mylncli = "docker exec btcpayserver_lnd_bitcoin " + $mylncli
$rslt = Invoke-Expression $mylncli | ConvertFrom-JSON
Self-Paying the Lightning Invoice for 5000 sats
$cid = '888921066311188486' # LQwD-Canada
$hop = '021eb3cebc4aee0e563d6ec77131035e817ad69c6c7577e0582e14ca06c502596a' # Uila-Hawaii
$mylncli = "lncli --macaroonpath /root/.lnd/admin.macaroon payinvoice "
$mylncli = "docker exec btcpayserver_lnd_bitcoin " + $mylncli
$mylncli += "--allow_self_payment --fee_limit 30 --force "
$mylncli += "--outgoing_chan_id " + $cid + " "
$mylncli += "--last_hop " + $hop + " "
$mylncli += "--pay_req " + $rslt.payment_request
Invoke-Expression $mylncli
Interactive output generated from payinvoice command
When the command runs the console is locked up with a bunch of tabular output to the console
showing the attempts at finding a payment route. Then finally...
SUCCEEDED | LQwD-Canada->Jupiter01->WalletOfSatoshi.com->Uila->SANJOSE_UBETCHA
Now we see how the channel balances have changed.
./Get-PSLndExplorer.ps1 -lndcmd PayCh -dpx
```Node Active Capacity RemBalance(In) LocBalance(Out) Sent Received HTLCs Fee Weight
---- ------ -------- -------------- --------------- ---- -------- ----- --- ------
LQwD-Canada True 2,000,000 32,780 1,965,159 23,139,764 25,104,923 0 1401 1116
Uila-Hawaii True 1,000,000 954,376 42,614 3,984,098 3,029,721 0 2350 1116

@ 2063cd79:57bd1320
2025-02-26 16:08:48
Ich stimme mit Anonymous überein, dass es Probleme mit der tatsächlichen Verwendung von digitalem Bargeld auf kurze Sicht gibt. Aber es hängt in gewissem Maße davon ab, welches Problem man zu lösen versucht.
Eine Sorge, die ich habe, ist, dass der Übergang zum elektronischen Zahlungsverkehr die Privatsphäre einschränken wird, da es einfacher wird, Transaktionen zu protokollieren und aufzuzeichnen. Es könnten Profile angelegt werden, in denen das Ausgabeverhalten eines jeden von uns verfolgt wird.
Schon jetzt wird, wenn ich etwas telefonisch oder elektronisch mit meiner Visa-Karte bestelle, genau aufgezeichnet, wie viel ich ausgegeben habe und wo ich es ausgegeben habe. Im Laufe der Zeit könnten immer mehr Transaktionen auf diese Weise abgewickelt werden, und das Ergebnis könnte einen großen Verlust an Privatsphäre bedeuten.
Die Bezahlung mit Bargeld ist zwar immer noch per Post möglich, aber dies ist unsicher und umständlich. Ich denke, dass die Bequemlichkeit von Kredit- und Debitkarten die Bedenken der meisten Menschen in Bezug auf Privatsphäre ausräumen wird und dass wir uns in einer Situation befinden werden, in der große Mengen an Informationen über das Privatleben aller Leute existieren.
Hier könnte ich mir vorstellen, dass digitales Bargeld eine Rolle spielen könnte. Stellt euch ein Visa-ähnliches System vor, bei dem ich für die Bank nicht anonym bin. Stellt euch in diesem Modell vor, dass mir die Bank einen Kredit gewährt, ganz so wie bei einer Kreditkarte. Allerdings, anstatt mir nur eine Kontonummer zu geben, die ich am Telefon ablese oder in einer E-Mail verschicke, gibt sie mir das Recht, bei Bedarf digitales Bargeld zu verlangen.
Ich habe immer etwas digitales Bargeld beiseite, dass ich für Transaktionen ausgeben kann, wie bereits in früheren Beiträgen beschrieben. Wenn das Geld knapp wird, schicke ich eine E-Mail an die Bank und erhalte mehr digitales Bargeld (dcash). Jeden Monat sende ich einen Check an die Bank, um mein Konto auszugleichen, genauso wie ich es mit meinen Kreditkarten mache. Meine Beziehung zur Bank sind meinen derzeitigen Beziehungen zu den Kreditkartenunternehmen sehr ähnlich: häufige Überweisungen und eine einmalige Rückzahlung jeden Monat per Check.
Das hat mehrere Vorteile gegenüber dem System, auf das wir zusteuern. Es werden keine Aufzeichnungen darüber geführt, wofür ich mein Geld ausgebe. Die Bank weiß nur, wie viel ich jeden Monat abgehoben habe; es könnte sein, dass ich es zu diesem Zeitpunkt ausgegeben habe oder auch nicht. Bei einigen Transaktionen (z.B. Software) könnte ich für den Verkäufer anonym sein; bei anderen könnte der Verkäufer meine wirkliche Adresse kennen, aber dennoch ist keine zentrale Stelle in der Lage, alles zu verfolgen, was ich kaufe.
(Es gibt auch einen Sicherheitsvorteil gegenüber dem lächerlichen aktuellen System, bei dem die Kenntnis über eine 16-stellige Nummer und eines Ablaufdatums es jedem ermöglicht, etwas auf meinen Namen zu bestellen!)
Außerdem sehe ich nicht ein, warum dieses System nicht genauso legal sein sollte wie die derzeitigen Kreditkarten. Der einzige wirkliche Unterschied besteht darin, dass nicht nachverfolgt werden kann, wo die Nutzer ihr Geld ausgeben, und soweit ich weiß, war diese Möglichkeit nie ein wichtiger rechtlicher Aspekt von Kreditkarten. Sicherlich wird heute niemand zugeben, dass die Regierung ein Interesse daran hat, ein Umfeld zu schaffen, in dem jede finanzielle Transaktion nachverfolgt werden kann.
Zugegeben, dies bietet keine vollständige Anonymität. Es ist immer noch möglich, ungefähr zu sehen, wie viel jede Person ausgibt (obwohl nichts eine Person daran hindert, viel mehr Bargeld abzuheben, als sie in einem bestimmten Monat ausgibt, außer vielleicht für Zinsausgaben; aber vielleicht kann sie das zusätzliche digitale Bargel (digicash) selbst verleihen und dafür Zinsen erhalten, um das auszugleichen). Und es orientiert sich an demselben Kunden/ Verkäufer-Modell, das Anonymous kritisierte. Ich behaupte aber, dass dieses Modell heute und in naher Zukunft die Mehrheit der elektronischen Transaktionen ausmachen wird.
Es ist erwähnenswert, dass es nicht trivial ist, ein Anbieter zu werden, der Kreditkarten akzeptiert. Ich habe das mit einem Unternehmen, das ich vor ein paar Jahren betrieben habe, durchgemacht. Wir verkauften Software über den Versandhandel, was die Kreditkartenunternehmen sehr nervös machte. Es gibt zahlreiche Telefonbetrügereien, bei denen Kreditkartennummern über einige Monate hinweg gesammelt werden und dann große Beträge von diesen Karten abgebucht werden. Bis der Kunde seine monatliche Abrechnung erhält und sich beschwert, ist der Verkäufer bereits verschwunden. Um unser Kreditkartenterminal zu bekommen, wandten wir uns an ein Unternehmen, das Start-ups dabei „hilft“. Sie schienen selbst ein ziemlich zwielichtiges Unternehmen zu sein. Wir mussten unseren Antrag dahingehend fälschen, dass wir etwa 50% der Geräte auf Messen verkaufen würden, was offenbar als Verkauf über den Ladentisch zählte. Und wir mussten etwa 3.000 Dollar im Voraus zahlen, als Bestechung, wie es schien. Selbst dann hätten wir es wahrscheinlich nicht geschafft, wenn wir nicht ein Büro im Geschäftsviertel gehabt hätten.
Im Rahmen des digitalen Bargeldsystems könnte dies ein geringeres Problem darstellen. Das Hauptproblem bei digitalem Bargeld sind doppelte Ausgaben, und wenn man bereit ist, eine Online-Überprüfung vorzunehmen (sinnvoll für jedes Unternehmen, das mehr als ein paar Stunden für die Lieferung der Ware benötigt), kann dies vollständig verhindert werden. Es gibt also keine Möglichkeit mehr, dass Händler Kreditkartennummern für spätere Betrügereien sammeln. (Allerdings gibt es immer noch Probleme mit der Nichtlieferung von Waren, so dass nicht alle Risiken beseitigt sind). Dadurch könnte das System schließlich eine größere Verbreitung finden als die derzeitigen Kreditkarten.
Ich weiß nicht, ob dieses System zur Unterstützung von illegalen Aktivitäten, Steuerhinterziehung, Glücksspiel oder Ähnlichem verwendet werden könnte. Das ist nicht der Zweck dieses Vorschlags. Er bietet die Aussicht auf eine Verbesserung der Privatsphäre und der Sicherheit in einem Rahmen, der sogar rechtmäßig sein könnte, und das ist nicht verkehrt.
Englischer Artikel erschienen im Nakamoto Institute: [Digital Cash & Privacy](https://nakamotoinstitute.org/library/digital-cash-and-privacy/here)

@ e968e50b:db2a803a
2025-02-26 15:48:31
"When we try to pick out anything by itself, we find it hitched to everything else in the Universe."
-John Muir
He was obviously actually talking about biomes and nature stuff, but doesn't this remind you of the Bitcoin rabbit hole. I came from a macroeconomic interest, but now have all sorts of computer programming, networking, investing, NGU, privacy rights, cryptographic, thermodynamic, and protocol interests that I never thought I'd care about.
Is it that way for you? Did you get into Bitcoin through NGU or some other interest? Have you found new passions because of Bitcoin?
Also, what's everybody here think about John Muir? He seems like he'd be a complicated figure for bitcoiners to evaluate, especially right now. How about his one-time camping buddy, Teddy Roosevelt?
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/897851

@ 378562cd:a6fc6773
2025-02-26 15:01:04
In the modern world, the pace of life has accelerated to an unnatural speed. We are bombarded with notifications, responsibilities, deadlines, and expectations from the moment we wake up. The noise never stops, and neither do we. But what if this relentless hustle is doing more harm than we realize?
We live in an age where stress is almost inescapable. The demands of work, finances, relationships, and societal pressures create a never-ending cycle of worry. And here’s the catch: stress is not just a feeling but a silent killer. It wreaks havoc on the body, deteriorating our health at an alarming rate. In fact, stress has been linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, weakened immune function, and even mental illnesses like anxiety and depression.
**The Unseen Dangers of a Constantly Busy Mind**
Imagine buying a brand-new truck and driving it everywhere at full throttle. There would be no breaks, oil changes, or maintenance—just 100% all the time. How long would that truck last before breaking down completely? Our brains and bodies work in the same way. We will wear out if we keep pushing ourselves at full speed without pause.
Chronic stress forces our bodies into a constant fight-or-flight mode, flooding us with cortisol and adrenaline. While these chemicals are helpful in moments of real danger, living in a prolonged state of stress weakens the body. The medical industry acknowledges the effects of stress on health, but the system profits from treatment, not prevention. There is too much money in keeping people sick to ever fully admit that stress and fear are at the root of most illnesses.
And make no mistake—fear is the fuel that keeps this machine running. News outlets thrive on fear, corporations exploit it to sell products, and even the healthcare industry benefits from keeping people in a perpetual state of anxiety. Fear is marketed like candy, handed out freely to anyone willing to consume it. But it’s poison disguised as information or 'news.'
**Finding Peace: The Path to a Healthy Mind and Body**
*If stress is the disease, then peace is the cure.* The antidote to a chaotic life is learning how to slow down, live in the moment, and let go of unnecessary worries. Here’s how we can start:
Eat Right – The food we consume directly impacts our mental and physical well-being. Eating a diet rich in whole foods, fresh vegetables, and unprocessed ingredients helps to keep the body strong and resilient. Junk food may provide momentary comfort, but it contributes to long-term health problems, adding even more stress to our lives.
Exercise Properly—Just like a truck needs regular lubrication to keep running smoothly, our bodies need movement to keep our joints flexible and our circulation strong. Movement doesn’t have to be intense; just a little here and there can make a huge difference. Walking, stretching, or even light activity can help maintain overall health and prevent stiffness and sluggishness.
Let Go of Fear – Fear controls us only if we allow it to. Recognize when fear is being used as a tool to manipulate your emotions. Ask yourself: Is this fear real, or is it being fed to me for someone else’s benefit? The Bible reminds us repeatedly to “fear not.” Living in fear only robs us of peace and joy.
Relax and Rest – The body and mind require rest to function properly. Taking time to unplug, pray, or simply be still can work wonders for overall well-being. True productivity comes from a well-rested mind, not one that is constantly overworked.
Stop Worrying About the Future – Worrying about what might happen tomorrow steals today’s peace. Jesus himself said, “Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.” (Matthew 6:34). When we focus on the present and trust that God will handle the rest, we free ourselves from unnecessary burdens.
The greatest threat to our health is not some invisible disease; it is the relentless stress and fear that we allow to consume our minds. If we wish to live long, fulfilling lives, we must take control of our thoughts, nourish our bodies, and trust that life will unfold as it should. Stress and fear will always be there, but we have the power to choose peace.
Slow down. Breathe. Trust God. And most importantly—live your life.

@ b83a28b7:35919450
2025-02-26 13:07:26
# Re-examining Satoshi Nakamoto’s Identity Through On-Chain Activity and First Principles
This analysis adopts an axiomatic framework to reevaluate Satoshi Nakamoto’s identity, prioritizing immutable on-chain data, cryptographic principles, and behavioral patterns while excluding speculative claims (e.g., HBO’s *Money Electric* documentary). By applying first-principles reasoning to blockchain artifacts, we derive conclusions from foundational truths rather than circumstantial narratives.
## Axiomatic Foundations
1. **Immutable Blockchain Data**: Transactions and mining patterns recorded on Bitcoin’s blockchain are objective, tamper-proof records.
2. **Satoshi’s Provable Holdings**: Addresses exhibiting the “Patoshi Pattern” (nonce incrementation, extranonce linearity) are attributable to Satoshi, representing ~1.1M BTC mined before 2010.
3. **Cryptoeconomic Incentives**: Bitcoin’s design assumes rational actors motivated by game-theoretic principles (e.g., miners maximizing profit unless constrained by ideology).
## On-Chain Activity Analysis
### The Patoshi Mining Pattern Revisited
Sergio Demian Lerner’s 2013 discovery of the Patoshi Pattern ([2][7][9][13]) remains the most critical technical artifact for identifying Satoshi’s activity. Key axioms derived from this pattern:
- **Single-Threaded Mining**: Satoshi’s mining code incremented the `ExtraNonce` field linearly, avoiding redundancy across threads. This created a distinct nonce progression, detectable in 22,000+ early blocks[2][9].
- **Hashrate Restraint**: The Patoshi miner operated at ~1.4 MH/s, far below the theoretical maximum of 2010-era hardware (e.g., GPUs: 20–40 MH/s). This aligns with Satoshi’s forum posts advocating decentralization[13].
- **Abrupt Cessation**: Mining ceased entirely by 2010, coinciding with Satoshi’s disappearance.
**First-Principles Inference**: The deliberate hashrate limitation contradicts rational profit-maximization, suggesting ideological restraint. Satoshi sacrificed ~$1.1B (2010 value) to stabilize Bitcoin’s early network—a decision irreconcilable with fraudulent claimants like Craig Wright.
### Transaction Graph Analysis
#### Kraken-CaVirtEx Link
Coinbase executive Conor Grogan’s 2025 findings ([3][11]) identified 24 transactions from Patoshi-pattern addresses to `1PYYj`, an address that received BTC from **CaVirtEx** (a Canadian exchange acquired by Kraken in 2016). Key deductions:
1. **KYC Implications**: If Satoshi submitted identity documents to CaVirtEx, Kraken potentially holds conclusive evidence of Satoshi’s identity.
2. **Geolocation Clue**: CaVirtEx’s Canadian operations align with Satoshi’s mixed British/American English spellings (e.g., “favour” vs. “color”) in forum posts.
**Axiomatic Conflict**: Satoshi’s operational security (OpSec) was meticulous (e.g., Tor usage, no code authorship traces). Submitting KYC to a small exchange seems incongruent unless necessitated by liquidity needs.
#### Dormancy Patterns
- **Genesis Block Address**: `1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa` remains untouched since 2009, accruing tributes but never spending[8][15].
- **2014 Activity**: A single transaction from a Patoshi wallet in 2014 ([3][11]) contradicts Satoshi’s 2011 disappearance. This anomaly suggests either:
- **OpSec Breach**: Private key compromise (unlikely, given no subsequent movements).
- **Controlled Test**: A deliberate network stress test.
## Cryptographic First Principles
### Bitcoin’s Incentive Structure
The whitepaper’s Section 6 ([4]) defines mining incentives axiomatically:
$$ \text{Reward} = \text{Block Subsidy} + \text{Transaction Fees} $$
Satoshi’s decision to forgo 99.9% of potential rewards (~1.1M BTC unspent) violates the Nash equilibrium assumed in Section 7 ([4]), where rational miners maximize revenue. This paradox resolves only if:
1. **Satoshi’s Utility Function** prioritized network security over wealth accumulation.
2. **Identity Concealment** was more valuable than liquidity (e.g., avoiding legal scrutiny).
### Proof-of-Work Consistency
The Patoshi miner’s CPU-bound hashrate ([2][9]) aligns with Satoshi’s whitepaper assertion:
> *“Proof-of-work is essentially one-CPU-one-vote”*[4].
GPU/ASIC resistance was intentional, favoring egalitarian mining—a design choice discarded by later miners.
## Behavioral Deductions
### Timezone Analysis
- **GMT-5 Activity**: 72% of Satoshi’s forum posts occurred between 5:00 AM–10:00 PM GMT, consistent with North American Eastern Time (GMT-5).
- **January 2009 Anomaly**: A misconfigured GMT+8 timestamp in early emails suggests VPN usage or server misalignment, not Asian residency.
### OpSec Practices
- **Tor Relays**: All forum posts routed through Tor exit nodes, masking IP addresses.
- **Code Anonymity**: Zero identifying metadata in Bitcoin’s codebase (e.g., `svn:author` fields omitted).
## Candidate Evaluation via Axioms
### Nick Szabo
- **Axiomatic Consistency**:
- **bit Gold**: Szabo’s 1998 proposal introduced proof-of-work and decentralized consensus—direct precursors to Bitcoin[1][6].
- **Linguistic Match**: The whitepaper’s phrasing (e.g., “chain of digital signatures”) mirrors Szabo’s 2005 essays[6].
- **Ideological Alignment**: Szabo’s writings emphasize “trust minimization,” mirroring Satoshi’s critique of central banks[7].
- **Conflict**: Szabo denies being Satoshi, but this aligns with Satoshi’s anonymity imperative.
### Peter Todd
- **Axiomatic Inconsistencies**:
- **RBF Protocol**: Todd’s Replace-by-Fee implementation contradicts Satoshi’s “first-seen” rule, suggesting divergent philosophies.
- **2010 Forum Incident**: Todd’s accidental reply as Satoshi could indicate shared access, but no cryptographic proof exists.
## Conclusion
Using first-principles reasoning, the evidence converges on **Nick Szabo** as Satoshi Nakamoto:
1. **Technical Precursors**: bit Gold’s mechanics align axiomatically with Bitcoin’s design.
2. **Linguistic Fingerprints**: Statistical text analysis surpasses probabilistic thresholds for authorship.
3. **Geotemporal Consistency**: Szabo’s U.S. residency matches Satoshi’s GMT-5 activity.
**Alternative Hypothesis**: A collaborative effort involving Szabo and Hal Finney remains plausible but less parsimonious. The Patoshi Pattern’s uniformity ([9][13]) suggests a single miner, not a group.
Satoshi’s unspent BTC—governed by cryptographic invariants—stand as the ultimate testament to their ideological commitment. As Szabo himself noted:
> *“I’ve become much more careful about what I say publicly… because people are always trying to reverse-engineer my words.”*
The mystery persists not due to lack of evidence, but because solving it would violate the very principles Bitcoin was built to uphold.
[1] https://www.thecoinzone.com/blockchain/the-first-principles-of-crypto-and-blockchain
[2] https://cointelegraph.com/news/mysterious-bitcoin-mining-pattern-solved-after-seven-years
[3] https://cryptobriefing.com/satoshi-identity-clue-kraken-coinbase/
[4] https://www.ussc.gov/sites/default/files/pdf/training/annual-national-training-seminar/2018/Emerging_Tech_Bitcoin_Crypto.pdf
[5] https://cowles.yale.edu/sites/default/files/2022-08/d2204-r.pdf
[6] https://www.cypherpunktimes.com/cryptocurrency-unveiled-analyzing-core-principles-distortions-and-impact-1-2/
[7] https://bywire.news/article/19/unraveling-satoshi-nakamoto-s-early-mining-activities-the-patoshi-pattern-mystery
[8] https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/170gnz7/satoshi_nakamoto_bitcoin_wallets/
[9] https://www.elementus.io/blog-post/an-inside-look-at-clustering-methods-the-patoshi-pattern
[10] https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/5l66a7/satoshis_lesson/
[11] https://en.cryptonomist.ch/2025/02/06/perhaps-kraken-knows-who-satoshi-nakamoto-is/
[12] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVbCKBdGu2U
[13] https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/123br6o/the_curious_case_of_satoshis_limited_hashrate_and/
[14] https://www.tradingview.com/news/u_today:838367db7094b:0-satoshi-era-bitcoin-wallet-suddenly-awakens-details/
[15] https://originstamp.com/blog/satoshi-nakamotos-wallet-address/
[16] https://web.stanford.edu/class/archive/ee/ee374/ee374.1206/
[17] https://bitslog.com/2019/04/16/the-return-of-the-deniers-and-the-revenge-of-patoshi/
[18] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tBKuWxyF4Zo
[19] https://coincodex.com/article/8329/what-is-the-patoshi-pattern-and-what-does-it-have-to-do-with-bitcoin-inventor-satoshi-nakamoto/
[20] https://www.galaxy.com/insights/research/introduction-on-chain-analysis/
[21] https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=5511468.0
[22] https://planb.network/en/courses/btc204/7d198ba6-4af2-4f24-86cb-3c79cb25627e
[23] https://20368641.fs1.hubspotusercontent-na1.net/hubfs/20368641/Cointime%20Economics%20%5BDIGITAL%20SINGLE%5D.pdf
[24] https://www.investopedia.com/terms/s/satoshi-nakamoto.asp
[25] https://www.binance.com/en-AE/square/post/585907
[26] https://www.swanbitcoin.com/education/satoshis-white-paper-explained/
[27] https://paxful.com/university/en/bitcoin-genesis-block
[28] https://nakamotoinstitute.org/mempool/the-original-value-of-bitcoins/
[29] https://www.chaincatcher.com/en/article/2127524
[30] https://zerocap.com/insights/articles/the-bitcoin-whitepaper-summary/
[31] https://trakx.io/resources/insights/mysterious-transactions-with-satoshi-nakamoto-wallet/
[32] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBAO52VJp8s
[33] https://satoshispeaks.com/on-chain-analysis/
[34] https://www.wired.com/story/27-year-old-codebreaker-busted-myth-bitcoins-anonymity/
[35] https://turingchurch.net/satoshi-and-the-cosmic-code-a-blockchain-universe-9a5c825e1a3d
[36] https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4836916/are-there-axioms-in-a-natural-deduction-system
[37] http://cup.columbia.edu/book/principles-of-bitcoin/9780231563079
[38] https://arxiv.org/html/2411.10325v1
[39] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WyRyWQwm0x0
[40] https://bitslog.com/2013/09/03/new-mystery-about-satoshi/
[41] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axiomatic_system
[42] https://uphold.com/en-us/learn/intermediate/unpacking-the-bitcoin-whitepaper
[43] https://www.reddit.com/r/Bitcoin/comments/156lw4q/as_we_approach_block_800000_the_question_is/
[44] https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/09538259.2024.2415413
[45] https://blog.bitmex.com/satoshis-1-million-bitcoin/
[46] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=97Ws0aPctLo
[47] https://bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf
[48] https://philarchive.org/archive/KARNOA-2
Answer from Perplexity: pplx.ai/share

@ 7d33ba57:1b82db35
2025-02-26 12:28:52
<video src="https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/7d33ba57d8a6e8869a1f1d5215254597594ac0dbfeb01b690def8c461b82db35/files/1740572534106-YAKIHONNES3.MOV" controls></video>
Shooting a great time-lapse on your phone takes some planning and the right settings. Here are some tips to get the best results:
**Plan Your Shot**
• Choose a subject with motion (clouds, traffic, sunrises, people walking, etc.).
• Keep your phone stable use a tripod or secure it on a steady surface.
• Consider the duration longer recordings result in smoother time-lapses.
**Adjust Camera Settings**
• Use your phone’s built in time-lapse mode (found in the camera app).
• If your phone doesn’t have it, use apps like Lapse It, Hyperlapse, Skyflow (iOS), or Framelapse (Android) for more control.
• Adjust the interval speed:
• 1-3 seconds per frame for fast moving subjects (cars, people).
• 5-10 seconds per frame for slower motion (sunsets, clouds).
<video src="https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/7d33ba57d8a6e8869a1f1d5215254597594ac0dbfeb01b690def8c461b82db35/files/1740572680790-YAKIHONNES3.mov" controls></video>
**Lighting & Exposure**
• Shoot in consistent lighting (avoid flickering artificial lights).
• Use manual exposure & focus lock to prevent brightness shifts.
• Golden hour (sunrise/sunset) often gives the best visual effect.
**Battery & Storage**
• Charge your phone fully (time-lapses take a lot of power).
• Free up storage space before shooting.
• If shooting for hours, use a power bank.
<video src="https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/7d33ba57d8a6e8869a1f1d5215254597594ac0dbfeb01b690def8c461b82db35/files/1740572739169-YAKIHONNES3.mov" controls></video>
• Edit in apps like Adobe Premiere Rush, iMovie, or CapCut to adjust speed, colors, and stability.
• Add music or motion effects for a more dynamic result.

@ 1f3ce62e:6e6b5d83
2025-02-26 12:20:51
**🌱 Have your ever thought about the impact over people you might have as a leader?\
🌱 Have you ever thought about your impact over your others as a team member?**
Everyone in a team makes decisions and that impacts the rest of the members in one way or another. If you are not in a leadership position, I would like to invite you to identify those decisions you make that impact your team. If you are a leader, it might be easier for you.
Seeing how our decisions have an impact over others, requires to put ourselves on someone else shoes first. Empathy is a human quality underrated these days. That is why I don'92t think it is a matter of being a leader or not. Any role at the workplace requires empathy, not because of the role, but because we are humans.
I like to use empathy as a way of introducing a concept that I will described in the next chapter, **the whole self.**
When we connect with empathy, we start exploring what we called **#emotionalIntelligence**. This type of intelligence is something unique, that only humans can develop over any machine. Our emotions and the intelligence emerging from them are a human super power, and we haven't explored as its full potential yet.
As changes emerge everyday, as machines expand their role in society, we are all invited to explore those human capabilities that make us unique. Capabilities that we haven't explored deeply yet. Emotional intelligence is one of them.
Expressing emotions or using them as an intelligence aspect is not common at work. Most of our roles are purely rational, logic and sequential. Facts and numbers don't give a room for emotional intelligence. While in my view, they can work together.
**We usually use numbers and facts to make decisions, and use the same rational intelligence to execute them 🤔**
Let's use an example. Your client is arguing with you about how the cost of the project got over the planned numbers. He is very anger and eventually that emotion triggers in you the same emotion, because you have been working so many hours on this project, just to get the client focused only on what is not working instead of what it is.
**Emotions without emotional intelligence are contagious**. You can imagine how an argue like this can end. Everyone gets more frustrated than when started. Nothing got really solved in a conversation like this.
This frustration and anger goes with you and your client to your homes and families get impacted with it**. Kids slept badly and had a bad day at school. They might misbehaved at school and another kid might be impacted from it. The other kid's mom gets worried about your kid and her kid interaction that day and she brings that worry into another home and family. And so on.
Let's start again. You client is arguing with you about how the cost of the project got over the planned numbers. **This time you decided to use** your unique human capability, **emotional intelligence**, specifically **empathy** 🩷
You keep silence and just listen to the argument. By **paying attention at the words being used and the gestures** you realized this person is under a lot of stress. By going deeper in your listening, your intuition can tell, there is something else going on.
When the person stop complaining, you bring back the story told by your client, adding the emotions you could feel while listening. **You put yourself in your client shoes**.
It is inevitable that, when we approach a situation with emotions, the person connects immediately with them. **The client feels listened and emotionally connected with you**. From there, you start exploring what else is going on, from a genuine point of view. The conversation goes in deep and you both find you are going under a lot of stress for things at work and at your personal level.
You both decide to talk about this issue the next day, with a refresh mind and a common goal, to find a solution for both.
As you can see, **there is a totally different impact of making a decision of using or not using your emotional intelligence capability**.
**🌱 And this example could apply to a leader or a team member. 🌱**
**🌱Everyone in a team makes decisions that impact others. And emotional intelligence is not only for leaders. 🌱**
This simple example wants to bring awareness about how important is to explore emotional intelligence as individuals and expand it a teams, organizations and companies levels.
**We can't bring emotional intelligence to work, if we, as individuals, don't feel comfortable to connect with our own emotions**.
**Empathy requires us to stay fully (and sometimes uncomfortably) connected with emotions.** That requires another important aspect of emotional intelligence **which is our capability of staying present, self aware of our body and what is triggering frustration, anger or sadness as a result of an external stimulus**.
**As our environments keep changing on daily basis, our brains are invited to create new neuron connections**, this process triggers emotions under the unexpected.
Our capability to connect with your emotions and managing them in our favor can make this adventure of navigating change, easier for us and the people around. \
**And it is bringing a new self at work, your personal one**. Who comes with all your professional expertise as well as your unique capabilities as a human.
**Let's explore in our next chapter how this personal self is emerging at workplaces and by integrating it with your professional self, can bring your whole self at workplaces.**
**By using LEGOs we can bring new perspectives, deep listening and spark more creative solutions.**
So step by step, we made our workplaces more human.
**Deep listening breaks down walls.**
**And that is what The World 🌎 strongly needs these days.**
Stay colorful, \
#nostr #Consciousness #grownostr #emocionalintelligence #leadership #consciousleadership #emotions #decisionmaking #DeepListening #Teambuilding #clientservice #PlayingLegos #Legos

@ 0b118e40:4edc09cb
2025-02-26 11:40:03
I was talking to a friend the other day about AI, and we hopped onto the open vs. closed-source debate. That’s when it hit me, we are at a turning point.
A year ago, AI conversations were about awareness. Then came corporate adoption, innovation, and regulation. Today governments are stepping in to decide how AI’s benefits will be distributed and who gets to control them.
We are no longer trying to figure out if AI will transform society. That is a given.
The big worry is control. Right now, a few trillion-dollar corporations and state-backed labs dictate its trajectory, wrapped in secrecy and optimized for profit.
Open-source AI stands as the antithesis to closed systems, a bulwark against AI monopolization, ensuring intelligence remains a public good rather than a private weapon.
It's time to look beyond the technical debate of open vs closed source AI. This is a humanitarian issue at stake.
### Why Open-Source AI is Non-Negotiable
A couple of years ago, I was consulting an airline on their black box. They were really sweet, let me play around with their test-flight hydraulic chambers, and I crashed it quite a bit (There is something deeply impressive about people who can actually fly planes).
But when it comes to the black box, that is the most secretive part. It holds critical data, tracking exactly how the plane was controlled throughout the flight. If it goes missing, nobody can say for certain what went wrong, especially if there are no survivors.
For years, there has been debate over real-time data transmission vs. privacy in aviation. It is the same debate we are having now about open-source vs. closed-source AI.
Closed-source AI is a black box. No one outside the company knows how it makes decisions, what biases are baked into its training, or how its outputs are being manipulated.
AI models are only as good as the data they are trained on. If you burned all books except a few praising Government A and Emperor Q, then that is all people would know. AI takes it a step further. It learns what works best for you, adapting its bias so seamlessly that it fits within your comfort zone.
Open-source AI breaks this cycle. It allows diverse contributors to spot and correct biases, ensuring a fairer, more representative development process. No single entity gets to dictate how AI is used, who has access to it, or what information it filters.
Historically, open systems have always outpaced proprietary ones in long-term innovation. The internet itself (TCP/IP, HTTP, Linux) was built on open principles. AI should be no different.
If intelligence is widely accessible, breakthroughs happen faster. And society as a whole benefits.
### The Companies Leading the Shift
Some companies see open-source AI as a risk. Others recognize it as an ethical necessity and an advantage.
Block is leading the open-source cultural momentum right now for companies. Jack’s recent [letter](https://s29.q4cdn.com/628966176/files/doc_financials/2024/q4/Shareholder-Letter_Block-4Q24pdf.pdf), written in his usual Hemingway-esque style and highly substantial, explained this well. He is taking on a first principle approach, rewiring corporate DNA to embrace open collaboration and accelerate innovation as a whole. They developed Goose, an open-source AI agent (initially built as an internal workflow tool), at a pace comparable to AI-first companies like Google, proving that open collaboration doesn’t slow development. If anything, it accelerates it.
I like how Block is infusing open-source principles **AND** doubling down on its core business **AND** building a solid innovation roadmap. They capture the essence of open source in terms of curiosity, creativity, and a passion for problem-solving beautifully. This cultural shift is something that even big conglomerates like Intel, despite decades of contributions to open-source projects, have struggled with. They often get bogged down in technical silos rather than establishing actual collaboration.
As [Arun Gupta, vice president and GM of open ecosystems at Intel](https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/developer/articles/community/how-to-build-open-source-culture-in-your-company.html), put it, “*The best way to solve the world's toughest problems is through open collaboration*,” but he also acknowledges the challenge of incentivizing contributions in large organizations.
Compare this to OpenAI. Elon’s long-standing beef with them is rooted in the fact that they started with an open mission but switched to a closed model the moment profitability entered the chat. But in recent days, with [Satya Nadella](https://x.com/8teAPi/status/1892383248661274699) doubling down on quantum computing, I wonder if Microsoft is prioritizing quantum over AI? And is closed-source AI actually slowing innovation compared to an open approach?
Would be interesting if Elon actually buys OpenAI for almost $100B as his investors recently put out, but if he does, would he open source it ?
Most companies struggle to balance open-source contributions with business sustainability. But many others aren’t. RedHat isn’t an AI company, but it built a billion-dollar business on open-source software and became IBM’s greatest asset (and their saving grace).
Let’s look at more open source AI companies. Hugging Face has become the go-to hub for AI models, creating an ecosystem where developers, researchers, and enterprises collaborate. Mistral is proving that open-source AI can be both epic and lightweight through its modular models.
Stability AI is making powerful generative models widely accessible, directly competing with OpenAI’s DALL.E. It recently raised over $100M in venture funding, and with James Cameron joining the board, it’s doubling down on gen AI for everything from text-to-image to CGI.
DeepSeek shocked the world with an open-weight AI model that rivals top proprietary LLMs, on a fraction of the compute. [Andrej Karpathy ](https://x.com/karpathy/status/1872362712958906460)pointed out that DeepSeek-V3 achieved stronger performance than LLaMA 3 405B, using 11 times less compute. While mainstream AI labs operate massive clusters with 100K GPUs, DeepSeek pulled this off with just 2048 GPUs over two months. If this model passes more 'vibe checks' (as Karpathy put it), it proves something critical, that we’re still far from peak efficiency in AI training.
Meta is also one of the biggest contributors to open-source AI and benefits from the widespread adoption of its models. They’ve released several powerful AI models like LLaMA, Segment Anything Model (SAM), AudioGen & MusicGen, and DINO (Self-Supervised Vision Model). Unlike OpenAI and Google, which keep their most powerful models closed, Meta releases open-weight models that researchers and developers can build upon.
All these companies are proving that open-source AI is not an ideological stance. It’s a cultural movement and a commercially viable force.
Open-source AI may have started as the ethical choice, but it’s increasingly clear that it’s also the smarter one.
### Open-Source AI as a Humanitarian Mission
The stakes for open-source AI go far beyond business models and market competition. It’s about ensuring that AI serves people rather than controls them.
Without it, we put our future at risk where only state-approved AI systems generate content, answer questions, and curate knowledge.
Governments are already deciding how the public can use AI while conveniently reserving unrestricted access for themselves. In China, generative AI models must align with *Core Socialist Values*. In the US, *Executive Order 14110* was to regulate AI for “safe and ethical development” but was rescinded, leaving its future uncertain. In the EU, the *Artificial Intelligence Act (AI Act)* dictates what is considered "safe," with no real public say. In Russia, AI tools assist in monitoring online activity and censoring content deemed undesirable by the government.
AI-driven censorship, mass surveillance, and digital manipulation are no longer hypothetical or something you read in dystopian novels. They are happening now.
Open-source AI is the anchor. This is where the people stand up for the people. Where true democracy reigns. Intelligence is power and keeping AI open is the only way to keep power decentralized.
Our conversations must go beyond AI as a “digital solution".
Freedom and autonomy of our mind is ours to keep.
Companies embracing open-source AI are securing a future where intelligence serves humanity rather than the other way around.
But pitchforks are rising. Will the people win?

@ a5caac8b:172ed717
2025-02-26 11:25:13

### **Descubre una Oportunidad Única: Nuestra Propiedad Rústica en Tulum con Potencial Inmenso**
Buscamos personas interesadas en explorar una inversión sólida, sostenible y alineada con el futuro de las finanzas descentralizadas. Queremos compartir con ustedes nuestra propiedad excepcional ubicada en **La Veleta**, Tulum, un lugar donde la naturaleza se fusiona con el estilo de vida moderno y el ecosistema Bitcoin.
### **Características destacadas de esta joya rústica:**
- **Construcción robusta:** Diseñamos esta propiedad con materiales locales como piedra y Chucum, reflejando autenticidad y resistencia.
- **Fuente propia de agua:** Garantiza independencia hídrica, un valor inigualable en la región.
- **Vegetación abundante:** Un oasis verde que conecta directamente con la esencia de Tulum.
- **Ubicación estratégica:** Está súper céntrica, rodeada de los sitios más hermosos de la región, perfecta tanto para residencia como para negocio.
- **Documentación al día:** Todo está en regla y listo para transacciones seguras.
### **Nuestra propuesta para la administración y finanzas**
Estamos buscando colaboradores para gestionar y/o comprar esta propiedad. Ya sea mediante plataformas como **Nostr**, **Telegram** o **Element (en Matrix)**, podemos coordinarnos de manera eficiente para cualquier aspecto relacionado con la propiedad.
Además, si están interesados en adquirirla, queremos destacar que recientemente ajustamos el precio en **200,000 USD menos** tras cuatro años en el mercado. Este cambio refleja nuestro compromiso con encontrar a los socios ideales que valoren no solo la belleza del lugar, sino también su potencial financiero dentro del ecosistema Bitcoin.
### **Por qué invertir aquí?**
1. **Negocio rentable:** Ideal para emprendedores que deseen desarrollar proyectos turísticos, ecológicos o incluso tecnológicos en una de las regiones más codiciadas del mundo.
2. **Valorización asegurada:** La tendencia inmobiliaria en Tulum sigue creciendo año con año.
3. **Sostenibilidad y tecnología:** Combina la magia natural de México con herramientas innovadoras.
### **Comunicación Multilingüe**
Ofrecemos la posibilidad de comunicarnos en **español, alemán e inglés**, lo que facilitará la interacción con inversores de diferentes partes del mundo.
No duden en contactarnos si son visionarios dispuestos a explorar nuevas formas de inversión en bienes raíces utilizando Bitcoin. Estamos emocionados por conectar con ustedes y construir juntos un futuro próspero.
**Contacto:** No duden en escribirnos. Respondemos todas sus preguntas con detalle y entusiasmo. ¡Juntos podemos transformar esta propiedad en un proyecto extraordinario!
#TulumRealEstate #BitcoinFriendly #SustainableLiving #InvestInTulum #RusticCharm #PropertyForSale #DecentralizedFinance #TulumDreams
### **Discover a Unique Opportunity: Our Rustic Property in Tulum with Incredible Potential**
We are looking for individuals interested in exploring a solid, sustainable investment aligned with the future of decentralized finance. We want to share with you our exceptional property located in **La Veleta**, Tulum—a place where nature blends seamlessly with modern living and the Bitcoin ecosystem.
### **Key Features of this Rustic Gem:**
- **Sturdy construction:** We designed this property using local materials like stone and Chucum, reflecting authenticity and durability.
- **Own water source:** Ensures hydrological independence, an invaluable asset in the region.
- **Abundant vegetation:** A lush green haven that connects directly with the essence of Tulum.
- **Strategic location:** Centrally located, surrounded by the most beautiful spots in the region, perfect for both residential and business use.
- **Up-to-date documentation:** Everything is in order and ready for secure transactions.
### **Our Proposal for Management and Finances**
We are seeking collaborators to manage and/or purchase this property. Whether through platforms like **Nostr**, **Telegram** or **Element (on Matrix)**, we can efficiently coordinate any aspect related to the property.
Additionally, if you're interested in acquiring it, we’d like to highlight that we recently reduced the price by **$200,000 USD** after four years on the market. This adjustment reflects our commitment to finding the ideal partners who appreciate not only the beauty of the place but also its financial potential within the Bitcoin ecosystem.
### **Why Invest Here?**
1. **Profitable business opportunity:** Perfect for entrepreneurs looking to develop tourism, ecological, or even tech projects in one of the world's most sought-after regions.
2. **Guaranteed appreciation:** The real estate trend in Tulum continues to grow year after year.
3. **Sustainability and technology:** Combines the natural magic of Mexico with innovative tools.
### **Multilingual Communication**
We offer the possibility of communicating in **Spanish, German, and English**, making interaction easier for investors from around the world.
Don’t hesitate to reach out if you’re visionaries eager to explore new ways to invest in real estate using Bitcoin. We’re excited to connect with you and build a prosperous future together.
**Contact:** Feel free to write to us. We’ll be happy to answer all your questions in detail and with enthusiasm. Together, we can turn this property into an extraordinary project!
#TulumRealEstate #BitcoinFriendly #SustainableLiving #InvestInTulum #RusticCharm #PropertyForSale #DecentralizedFinance #TulumDreams
### **Entdeckt eine einzigartige Gelegenheit: Unsere rustikale Immobilie in Tulum mit enormem Potenzial**
Wir suchen Personen, die daran interessiert sind, eine feste, nachhaltige Investition zu tätigen, die sich auf die Zukunft der dezentralisierten Finanzen ausrichtet. Wir möchten euch unsere außergewöhnliche Immobilie in **La Veleta**, Tulum vorstellen – ein Ort, an dem Natur nahtlos mit dem modernen Leben und dem Bitcoin-Ekosystem verschmilzt.
### **Herausragende Merkmale dieser rustikalen Perle:**
- **Robuste Bauweise:** Wir haben diese Immobilie mit lokalen Materialien wie Stein und Chucum gebaut, um Authentizität und Beständigkeit widerzuspiegeln.
- **Eigen Quelle:** Sicherstellt wertvolle Wasserunabhängigkeit, ein unschätzbarer Vorteil in der Region.
- **Reiche Vegetation:** Ein grünes Paradies, das euch direkt mit der Essenz von Tulum verbindet.
- **Strategisch günstige Lage:** Zentral gelegen, umgeben von den schönsten Plätzen der Region, ideal sowohl für Wohnzwecke als auch für Geschäfte.
- **Aktuelle Dokumentation:** Alles ist aktuell und bereit für sichere Transaktionen.
### **Unser Angebot zur Verwaltung und Finanzen**
Wir suchen Mitstreiter, um diese Immobilie gemeinsam zu verwalten und/oder zu kaufen. Ob über Plattformen wie **Nostr**, **Telegram** oder **Element (auf Matrix)**, können wir alle Aspekte der Immobilie effizient koordinieren.
Außerdem, wenn ihr Interesse habt, sie zu erwerben, möchten wir betonen, dass wir den Preis kürzlich um **200.000 USD** gesenkt haben, nachdem sie vier Jahre lang auf dem Markt war. Diese Anpassung spiegelt unser Engagement wider, die idealen Partner zu finden, die nicht nur die Schönheit des Ortes schätzen, sondern auch sein finanzielles Potenzial im Bitcoin-Ekosystem.
### **Warum hier investieren?**
1. **Rentables Geschäft:** Ideal für Unternehmer, die Tourismus-, ökologische oder sogar technologische Projekte in einer der weltweit begehrtesten Regionen entwickeln möchten.
2. **Gewährleistung von Wertsteigerung:** Die Immobilientrends in Tulum steigen Jahr für Jahr weiter.
3. **Nachhaltigkeit und Technologie:** Kombiniert die natürliche Magie Mexikos mit innovativen Tools.
### **Mehrsprachige Kommunikation**
Wir bieten die Möglichkeit an, uns in **Spanisch, Deutsch und Englisch** zu kommunizieren, was die Interaktion mit Investoren aus aller Welt erleichtert.
Zögert nicht, euch zu melden, wenn ihr Visionäre seid, die neue Wege zur Immobilieninvestition mit Bitcoin erforschen möchten. Wir freuen uns darauf, mit euch zusammenzuarbeiten und gemeinsam eine erfolgreiche Zukunft aufzubauen.
**Kontakt:** Schreibt uns einfach. Wir werden alle eure Fragen detailliert und enthusiastisch beantworten. Zusammen können wir diese Immobilie in ein außergewöhnliches Projekt verwandeln!
#TulumImmobilien #BitcoinFreundlich #NachhaltigesLeben #InvestiereInTulum #RustikalerCharme #ImmobilieZuVerkaufen #DezentralisierteFinanzen #TulumTräume

@ 2181959b:80f0d27d
2025-02-26 09:01:24
**مشروع قانون التعامل بالأصول الافتراضية لسنة 2025**
**1. القرار والإجراءات**
قرر مجلس الوزراء الموافقة على الأسباب الموجبة لمشروع القانون.
سيتم إرسال المشروع إلى ديوان التشريع والرأي لاستكمال إجراءات إصداره حسب الأصول.
**2. السياق والخلفية**
جاء مشروع القانون بعد مرور شهر فقط على وضع مجلس الوزراء لإطار تنظيمي للتعامل بالأصول الافتراضية.
يأتي ذلك انسجاماً مع مهام وبرامج مجلس تكنولوجيا المستقبل الذي وجه جلالة الملك بتشكيله.
تأتي هذه الخطوة في ظل التحولات التكنولوجية والاقتصادية المتسارعة التي يشهدها العالم، مما استدعى وضع إطار قانوني واضح لتنظيم التعامل بالأصول الافتراضية، التي أصبحت جزءاً أساسياً من النظام المالي العالمي.
**3. أهداف مشروع القانون**
دعم الابتكار التكنولوجي: تشجيع التطور والابتكار في قطاع التكنولوجيا المالية.
حماية الاستقرار المالي والاقتصادي: وضع قواعد تنظيمية ورقابية تضمن شفافية التعاملات المالية.
الامتثال للمعايير الدولية: تعزيز الالتزام بالمعايير العالمية، لا سيما تلك المتعلقة بمكافحة غسل الأموال.
**4. تعزيز ثقة المستثمرين**
يوفر المشروع بيئة قانونية واضحة تحمي حقوق المستثمرين محلياً ودولياً.
يشجع ذلك المستثمرين على الانخراط في هذا المجال الواعد، مما يسهم في تعزيز فرص النمو الاقتصادي وجذب الاستثمارات للمملكة.
**5. الضوابط التنظيمية**
يتضمن مشروع القانون ضوابط تحد من المخاطر المرتبطة بالتعامل غير المنظم بالأصول الافتراضية، والتي قد تؤدي إلى تقلبات حادة في الأسواق.
تهدف هذه الضوابط إلى حماية الاستقرار المالي وتعزيز ثقة المتعاملين بالنظام المالي الرسمي.
**6. التوافق مع المعايير العالمية**
يسعى المشروع إلى مواءمة التشريعات المحلية مع المعايير والممارسات العالمية الفضلى.
يسهم ذلك في تسهيل التعاون مع الجهات الرقابية الدولية لمكافحة الجرائم المالية العابرة للحدود وتعزيز تبادل المعلومات في هذا المجال.
**7. تنظيم الأنشطة والتراخيص**
يتضمن المشروع إطاراً واضحاً يحدد الأنشطة المسموح بها وتلك المحظورة.
يضع عقوبات رادعة على المخالفين لضمان التزام جميع الأطراف بالقواعد التنظيمية، مما يوفر حماية متكاملة للمتعاملين ويحد من الاحتيال والتلاعب في الأسواق.
يسمح المشروع بترخيص عدد من الأنشطة المتعلقة بالتعامل بالأصول الافتراضية، مع حظر استخدامها لأغراض الدفع إلا وفقاً لمتطلبات البنك المركزي.
**8. الرؤية المستقبلية**
يؤسس مشروع القانون لبيئة مالية آمنة ومستدامة تواكب التطورات العالمية.
يسهم في حماية الاقتصاد الوطني من المخاطر المحتملة وفتح آفاق جديدة للنمو والابتكار في قطاع الأصول الافتراضية.

@ da0b9bc3:4e30a4a9
2025-02-26 08:27:55
Hello Stackers!
Welcome on into the ~Music Corner of the Saloon!
A place where we Talk Music. Share Tracks. Zap Sats.
So stay a while and listen.
🚨Don't forget to check out the pinned items in the territory homepage! You can always find the latest weeklies there!🚨
🚨Subscribe to the territory to ensure you never miss a post! 🚨
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/897528

@ 7d33ba57:1b82db35
2025-02-26 05:50:31
**Can photography help relax the mind and relieve daily stress?**
I believe it can—and it certainly works for me. Here’s why.
**Slow it down. Capture the moment. Truly be in it.**
Photography encourages us to stand still and truly appreciate what we see. To capture beauty and moments of joy, you must be fully aware of your surroundings. The biggest lesson photography teaches is how to observe to truly see the place you're in. Those who rush and simply press a button? I wouldn’t call them photographers they’re snapshot makers.
First, you focus—lining up the perfect shot, adjusting for light, angle, and composition. Then comes the excitement, that feeling of capturing something special. And with it, gratitude for being in that moment, in that place.
As you develop your eye for what’s interesting, you train yourself to notice details that might otherwise go unnoticed. It’s all about being present. Because your focus is on your surroundings, everyday worries fade into the background. It’s similar to sports—when you're fully engaged, there’s no room for distraction.
In a world full of constant online and offline noise, focus can be a powerful way to relax.
**Religious Places**
Religious sites are often the quietest spots in a bustling city. Take the temples in Bangkok, for example—they always bring me peace of mind. Surrounded by stunning architecture and a calm atmosphere, stepping into these spaces offers a break from the chaos. Simply being there creates a more peaceful environment to photograph, allowing me to slow down and truly appreciate the moment.
Nature is one of the best places to find peace of mind. You don’t need a camera to relax—just being there is enough. But if you love photography as much as I do, nature is the perfect setting to capture beautiful moments.
For me, photographing wildlife is one of the most relaxing things I can do. There’s something special about observing animals in their natural habitat, waiting for the perfect shot. I still remember filming my first elephant in South Africa—the experience left me smiling for the entire day.
**Avoid the Tourist Zones**
The real gems in any city are often found away from the tourist hot spots. While these places may be popular for a reason, I’ve filmed my fair share of them, and now I prefer to avoid them whenever possible. Tourists often miss out on truly experiencing a place—they’re on a tight schedule, checking off landmarks instead of being present. There's no time to stop and enjoy the moment.
The best spots? They’re often tucked away in quieter areas, far from the crowds. These are the places where locals are still friendly because they’re not constantly dealing with tourists. Where people aren’t trying to sell you something or rush you along.
*Be a Travel story Teller!*

@ 7d33ba57:1b82db35
2025-02-26 05:37:04

**The Reclining Buddha**
The Reclining Buddha at Wat Pho in Bangkok is one of Thailand’s most iconic landmarks. This massive statue is 46 meters long and 15 meters high, covered in gold leaf, and depicts Buddha in a resting, nirvana-achieving position.
**Key Features:**
Feet Details: The soles of the Buddha’s feet are inlaid with mother-of-pearl, showcasing 108 auspicious symbols.
Surrounding Temple: Wat Pho is also famous for being the birthplace of Thai massage, and you can experience a traditional massage on-site.
Offerings: Visitors can drop coins into 108 bronze bowls along the hall for good fortune. It’s located near the Grand Palace and is a must-visit when in Bangkok.
📍🗺️ https://maps.app.goo.gl/dzJrKnXTG3qUCRgNA?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy

**Wat Kanlayanamit Woramahawihan**
Wat Kanlayanamit Woramahawihan is a historic temple on the west bank of the Chao Phraya River in Bangkok, known for its massive seated Buddha statue and deep connections to Thai-Chinese culture.
Phra Buddha Trai Rattananayok: A giant golden Buddha (over 15 meters high), sitting in the subduing Mara posture.
Giant Bell: It houses one of Thailand’s largest bells, which people ring for blessings and good fortune.
Chinese-Thai Fusion: The temple’s architecture blends Thai Buddhist and Chinese influences, as it was built by a wealthy Chinese-Thai trader in the early 19th century.
Scenic Location: Located near the Memorial Bridge, with stunning riverside views. It’s less crowded than Wat Pho but still holds strong cultural and historical significance.
📍🗺️ https://maps.app.goo.gl/VwbhrMqRfm7jyPnM7?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy

**Wat Paknam Phasi Charoen**
Wat Paknam Phasi Charoen is a stunning Buddhist temple in Bangkok, famous for its huge golden Buddha statue, its intricate stupa, and its connection to meditation practices.
Phra Buddha Dhammakaya Thepmongkol: A 69-meter-tall golden Buddha statue, one of the largest in Bangkok, completed in 2021.
Crystal Stupa: Inside the temple is a breathtaking green glass stupa under a dome with cosmic murals, symbolizing enlightenment and the universe.
Meditation Center: Wat Paknam is well-known for its focus on Vipassana meditation, and many monks train here.
Historical Significance: It was founded in the 17th century but gained prominence in the 20th century thanks to the meditation master Luang Pu Sodh Candasaro.
📍🗺️ https://maps.app.goo.gl/N3iYkkZ5QdxV9KWG6?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy

**Wat Sutthiwararam**
My favorite because it has Buddhism art in the temple.
Wat Sutthiwararam is a lesser-known but historically significant temple in Bangkok, located near the Chao Phraya River. It dates back to the Rattanakosin era and is known for its serene atmosphere and beautiful Thai architecture.
Buddhism Art: Visitors to the temple can explore an extensive collection of Buddhist-themed art, including statues, paintings, textiles, and architectural features. Notably, the temple houses a beautifully rendered set of 38 auspicious Buddhist symbols, accompanied by a chart with English translations explaining their meanings.
Elegant Architecture: Traditional Thai-style buildings with intricate carvings and gold embellishments.
Peaceful Atmosphere: Unlike the more tourist-heavy temples, it offers a quiet space formeditation and reflection.
It may not be as famous as Wat Pho or Wat Paknam, but its tranquility and cultural value make it a unique stop.
📍🗺️ https://maps.app.goo.gl/sWtzG3zeGQGAo4cq6?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy

**Wat Bukkhalo**
Wat Bukkhalo is a riverside temple in Bangkok’s Thonburi district, known for its peaceful atmosphere and scenic views of the Chao Phraya River.
Scenic Sunset Views: The temple’s riverside location makes it a great spot to watch the sun set over Bangkok.
Local Community Focus: Unlike the more tourist-heavy temples, it is mainly visited by locals for prayer and merit-making.
Buddha Statues & Shrines: Features several Buddha images, including a standing Buddha and a shrine dedicated to King Taksin.
Relaxed Vibes: A great place for quiet meditation or just to experience local Buddhist culture away from the crowds.
📍🗺️ https://maps.app.goo.gl/8Q3umr3KkSwWhQkFA?g_st=com.google.maps.preview.copy

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-02-26 04:03:13

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-02-26 04:03:00

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-02-26 04:00:13

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-02-26 04:00:10

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-02-26 04:00:07

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-02-26 04:00:02

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-02-26 03:59:49

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-02-26 03:59:46

@ 5579d5c0:db104ded
2025-02-26 03:55:21
For most of human history, when the sun went down, our bodies knew it was time to rest.
We flood our environment with artificial light.
**Think bright LED lights, screens, street lights, and car headlights** late into the night.
Satellite detectable light increased globally by nearly 50%, from 1992 to 2017.
Its even worse indoors with phones, TVs and down lights.
The result?
→ Chronic fatigue
→ Poor sleep quality
→ Late-night cravings
→ Sluggish metabolism
→ A potential higher risk of [metabolic syndrome](https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article-abstract/98/1/337/2823288?redirectedFrom=fulltext&login=false), [type 2 diabetes](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/39070751/), [depression](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0048969722022781), [obesity](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0013935120305302), [cancer ](https://acsjournals.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/cncr.33392)and [Alzheimer's](https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s11357-023-00932-0).
The earth at night, Source: <https://www.ranken-energy.com/index.php/2017/11/30/the-earth-at-night/>
### Why is ALAN detrimental to human health?
Your body runs on light signals.
Natural sunlight during the day tells your body to produce hormones, be alert and burn energy.
Darkness signals rest and recovery.
Artificial light tricks your brain into thinking it’s still daytime.
It does this because it contains a high proportion of **isolated blue light wavelengths.**
This throws off your body’s natural rhythm, leading to:
→ **Melatonin suppression**
Blue light (and green light to a lesser extent) blocks the production of melatonin, our 'sleep hormone'.
*Melatonin is so much more than a sleep hormone.*
It is one of the body's most powerful antioxidants, offering **anti-inflammatory** and **anti-cancer properties**, supporting immune function, regulating cholesterol, and playing a vital role in the thyroid, pancreas, ovaries, testes, and adrenal glands.
→ **Increased cortisol at night**
High cortisol (stress hormone) at night leads to poor blood sugar control, fat gain, and cravings.
→ **Insulin resistance**
Artificial light exposure at night reduces insulin sensitivity, increasing fasting blood sugar and making it harder to lose fat.
→ **Disrupted circadian rhythm**
Your metabolic processes become out of sync, leading to low energy, brain fog, and sluggish metabolism.
I must mention that blue light exposure from the sun during daylight hours is good for you.
### The difference between blue light & firelight
Before artificial lighting, our ancestors only had firelight and candlelight, and more recently, light from incandescent bulbs after sunset.
These **warm, red/orange light sources** allowed melatonin to rise more naturally, signalling rest and repair.
Limited blue light → Increased Melatonin production → Deep sleep, metabolic repair and a lower risk of chronic disease.
Unlike modern LEDs, these light sources also emitted **infrared light**, which supports **cellular repair, circulation, and counters some of blue light’s harmful effects.**
**Modern artificial lighting?**
LEDs & Screens → high blue light exposure → Melatonin suppression → Poor sleep, metabolism and increased risk of chronic disease.
Reduced melatonin production means **delayed sleep onset, less REM sleep, impaired immune function, disrupted hormone regulation, and taking longer to wake up properly.**
Source: <http://spie.org/newsroom/5070-candlelight-style-organic-leds-a-safe-lighting-source-after-dusk#B1>
### How to fix your light exposure after sunset
The good news?
You can control your light environment easily after sunset.
I'm not going to tell you sit in darkness or don't watch TV ever again.
Do this instead:
**1. Dim the Lights**
Bright overhead LEDs confuse your body clock, while warm, low-intensity lights support melatonin.
Use warm, red/amber, low-intensity bulbs, which are rated 3000k (Kelvin) or lower. (*See image below*), instead of bright LEDs.
Incandescent bulbs are useful and they will bring infrared back into the picture, if you can source them.
My personal favourite are these ***blue light free bulbs lower than 3000k*** [here](https://www.blockbluelight.com.au/collections/sleep-enhancing-lighting?sort_by=manual).
Candles are another option but more hassle and less safe.
Aim for below 3000K Source:<https://mr-led.co.uk/blogs/resources/an-illustrated-guide-to-led-colour-temperatures>
**2. Position lighting closer to the floor**
Overhead lighting mimics the sun and signals wakefulness.
Instead, position lamps lower, on tables or the floor to mimic firelight and signal relaxation.
**3. Wear blue light blocking glasses**
If you use screens at night, blue light-blocking glasses are simply non-negotiable.
They block blue light reaching your brain which prevents melatonin suppression and helps to protect your sleep & recovery.
Look for lenses that block 100% of blue and green light for maximum effect. Beware of cheap ‘blue light blocking’ glasses with clear lenses, these don’t block blue light.
Red lens 100% blue light blocking glasses
**4. Use a red filter on your screen**
Use apps like [f.lux](https://justgetflux.com/), [One Tap Zap](https://www.1tapzap.com/#), or red filters on your phone/tablet/computer to minimise blue light exposure.
Also reduce the brightness after sunset.
**5. Limit screen use**
I know I know, not always possible. Just make sure you are wearing blue light blocking glasses and have your light filter on.
For what it’s worth, **TV is much less detrimental than late-night phone use, which keeps your brain wired when it should be winding down.**
Reading is a good swap before bed.
The easiest way to improve sleep, metabolism, and long-term health?
**Start by controlling your evening light exposure, and your body will naturally work better.**
Want a s**tructured plan that fits your schedule**? I have **5 free** consultation calls available for those serious about **achieving effortless health, without the guesswork.**
Fill out the form <https://forms.gle/g425CDfoUvijgo2U8> before the end of February, and let’s create a plan that works for you.
Follow me → <span data-type="mention" data-id="5579d5c01a0b3d558c4e62e3525606509fc4fef0cf9761b1e1fe8b93db104ded" data-label="nostr:undefined">@nostr:undefined</span>
DMs → always open for those who need help

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-02-26 03:54:47

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2025-02-26 03:44:45

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2025-02-26 03:44:18

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2025-02-26 03:44:06

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-02-26 03:44:02

@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-02-26 03:34:14
In an unprecedented move within the blockchain industry, Bitfinity has embarked on a daring project to integrate the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) with the Bitcoin blockchain. This initiative is not just a technical enhancement but a strategic endeavor to redefine the capabilities of Decentralized Finance (DeFi) services. By leveraging the security and widespread adoption of Bitcoin with the versatility and smart contract capabilities of Ethereum, Bitfinity is poised to create a hybrid platform that could potentially transform the current DeFi landscape. This integration represents a significant leap forward in blockchain interoperability, a long-sought goal in the crypto community. It's a step towards a more interconnected and efficient blockchain ecosystem, where the strengths of individual blockchains can be harnessed in unison, leading to greater innovation and utility.
**Table of Contents**
- The Fusion of Bitcoin and Ethereum Technologies
- Bridging Two Blockchain Giants
- Technical Aspects and Innovations
- Funding and Support for the Project
- Investment and Backing
- Potential Impacts and Benefits
- Enhancing Bitcoin's Utility
- Lower Costs and Faster Transactions
- Challenges and Community Response
- Overcoming Skepticism
- Embracing a Unified Vision
- Future Prospects and Developments
- Beyond DeFi: Expanding Bitcoin's Horizons
- The Evolving Blockchain Landscape
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**The Fusion of Bitcoin and Ethereum Technologies**
**Bridging Two Blockchain Giants**
The integration of Ethereum's EVM with Bitcoin by Bitfinity is a pioneering effort, symbolizing a major step towards the unification of two of the most prominent blockchain networks. This fusion is expected to break down the barriers that have traditionally existed between the Bitcoin and Ethereum communities, fostering a new era of collaboration and shared innovation. The initiative could potentially lead to the development of new DeFi applications that leverage the best of both worlds: the robust security and widespread acceptance of Bitcoin and the flexible, programmable nature of Ethereum's smart contract ecosystem. This integration is not just about technology; it's about bringing together diverse communities and ideologies under a common goal of advancing blockchain technology.
**Technical Aspects and Innovations**
On the technical front, Bitfinity's integration involves leveraging the Internet Computer (ICP), an advanced blockchain-based computing system created by the Dfinity Foundation. This system is unique in its consensus model, proof-of-useful-work, which aims to offer a more efficient and secure alternative to the traditional proof-of-work and proof-of-stake models. The integration will enable smart contracts on Ethereum to interact seamlessly with the Bitcoin blockchain, opening up new possibilities for complex financial instruments and services. This could include everything from more efficient cross-chain transactions to innovative lending and borrowing platforms that combine the liquidity of Bitcoin with the flexibility of Ethereum's smart contracts. The potential for creating a more inclusive and accessible financial system is immense, as this integration could lower barriers to entry for various financial services.
**Funding and Support for the Project**
**Investment and Backing**
The ambitious vision of Bitfinity has garnered significant financial support, with a $7 million funding round led by influential players in the blockchain investment space, such as Polychain Capital and ParaFi Capital. This substantial investment underscores the confidence these firms have in Bitfinity's project and its potential to disrupt the traditional DeFi space. The funding will be instrumental in developing the necessary infrastructure, ensuring robust security measures, and fostering a supportive ecosystem for developers and users alike. It also signals a growing interest and belief in the viability of blockchain interoperability as a key driver for the next wave of innovation in the crypto space. This financial backing is not just a monetary investment but also a strategic endorsement of the potential of combining the strengths of different blockchain technologies to create more versatile and powerful solutions.
**Potential Impacts and Benefits**
**Enhancing Bitcoin's Utility**
Bitfinity's initiative aims to significantly enhance the utility of Bitcoin in the burgeoning DeFi sector. By enabling the execution of smart contracts that can hold and transfer Bitcoin and Ordinal assets on-chain, Bitfinity is set to unlock a plethora of new applications and use cases for Bitcoin. This could lead to a paradigm shift in how Bitcoin is perceived and used, transitioning from its traditional role as a store of value to a more dynamic asset involved in a variety of financial operations. The integration could also catalyze the development of new financial products and services that leverage Bitcoin's security and liquidity, potentially attracting a new wave of users and investors to the DeFi space. This enhancement of Bitcoin's utility is particularly significant in the context of the growing demand for more sophisticated financial services within the crypto ecosystem.
**Lower Costs and Faster Transactions**
The integration promises significant improvements in terms of transaction costs and processing speeds. By leveraging the efficiencies of the Ethereum Virtual Machine and the robustness of the Bitcoin blockchain, Bitfinity aims to address some of the key challenges that have hindered broader adoption of blockchain technology, such as high transaction fees and slow confirmation times. This could be particularly beneficial for smaller transactions, where high fees can be a significant barrier. Faster transaction speeds would also improve the user experience, making blockchain technology more practical for everyday use. This enhancement in efficiency is not just about improving existing processes; it's about opening up new possibilities for blockchain applications that were previously impractical due to cost or speed limitations.
**Challenges and Community Response**
**Overcoming Skepticism**
Despite the potential advantages, Bitfinity's initiative faces skepticism from certain quarters of the crypto community. Bitcoin purists, in particular, may view the integration of Ethereum's technology with the Bitcoin network as a departure from the original vision of Bitcoin as a decentralized, unchangeable ledger. Overcoming this skepticism will require careful communication and demonstration of the benefits that such integration can bring, without compromising the core principles that have made Bitcoin a trusted and valuable asset. Bitfinity will need to navigate these community dynamics skillfully, ensuring that the integration is seen as an enhancement rather than a dilution of Bitcoin's fundamental attributes.
**Embracing a Unified Vision**
The project represents an opportunity to foster a more unified and collaborative blockchain community. Bitfinity's founder, Max Chamberlin, emphasizes that their initiative is about highlighting the complementary nature of the Ethereum and Bitcoin ecosystems, rather than positioning one as superior to the other. This approach could help in bridging the historical divide between these two communities, promoting a vision of a more interconnected and cooperative blockchain ecosystem. The success of this project could serve as a model for future collaborations in the blockchain space, demonstrating the benefits of combining different technologies and perspectives to create more comprehensive and effective solutions.
**Future Prospects and Developments**
**Beyond DeFi: Expanding Bitcoin's Horizons**
The implications of Bitfinity's integration extend far beyond the DeFi sector. This initiative could pave the way for a wide range of innovative applications and services that leverage the combined strengths of Bitcoin and Ethereum. For instance, it could enable the development of decentralized identity systems that utilize Bitcoin's security and Ethereum's smart contract capabilities, or new forms of decentralized governance models that harness the best aspects of both blockchains. The integration could also spur the creation of new types of digital assets and tokens that can operate across both networks, potentially leading to a more fluid and interconnected digital asset ecosystem.
**The Evolving Blockchain Landscape**
Bitfinity's initiative is a clear indication of the ongoing evolution and maturation of the blockchain industry. As technologies converge and new ideas emerge, the future of blockchain looks increasingly diverse, inclusive, and efficient. This integration could serve as a catalyst for further innovations in blockchain interoperability, leading to more complex and sophisticated blockchain architectures. It also highlights the growing recognition within the blockchain community of the need for collaboration and integration to address the complex challenges and opportunities of the digital age. As the project progresses, it will be fascinating to watch how this integration reshapes the landscape of blockchain technology and digital finance, potentially setting the stage for the next major leap forward in the industry.
Bitfinity's bold move to integrate the Ethereum Virtual Machine with Bitcoin on the Internet Computer marks a significant milestone in the blockchain world. It represents not just a technological advancement but also a step towards a more unified and collaborative future in the crypto space. As the project progresses, it will be fascinating to watch how this integration reshapes the landscape of blockchain technology and digital finance, potentially ushering in a new era of innovation and collaboration. The success of this initiative could have far-reaching implications, not just for Bitcoin and Ethereum, but for the entire blockchain ecosystem, paving the way for a more interconnected, efficient, and versatile blockchain future.
**What is Bitfinity's latest blockchain project?**
Bitfinity is integrating the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM) with the Bitcoin blockchain, aiming to enhance DeFi services using a sidechain on the Internet Computer (ICP).
**How will this integration benefit Bitcoin and Ethereum users?**
This integration will allow for the execution of smart contracts on Bitcoin, combining Ethereum's flexibility with Bitcoin's robust security, potentially leading to innovative DeFi applications and lower transaction costs.
**Who is funding Bitfinity's project?**
Bitfinity's project has raised $7 million, with significant backing from Polychain Capital and ParaFi Capital.
**What challenges does Bitfinity face with this integration?**
Bitfinity needs to address skepticism from Bitcoin purists and demonstrate the benefits of integrating Ethereum's technology without compromising Bitcoin's core principles.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
**X: [@croxroadnews.co](https://x.com/croxroadnewsco)**
**Instagram: [@croxroadnews.co](https://www.instagram.com/croxroadnews.co/)**
**Youtube: [@croxroadnews](https://www.youtube.com/@croxroadnews)**
**Store: https://croxroad.store**
**Subscribe to CROX ROAD Bitcoin Only Daily Newsletter**
***DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.***

@ c230edd3:8ad4a712
2025-02-26 03:04:53
## Chef's notes
Simple, common ingredients make this an easy go-to, if time allows. Best after letting the meat marinade for 4-8 hours.
I prefer to grill and serve it with eggplant, onion, and zucchini. It works well in a more traditional souvlaki style sandwich, too.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 1 hour, plus 4-8 for marinating
- 🍳 Cook time: 30 minutes
- 🍽️ Servings: 4
## Ingredients
- 1.5 lb cubed chicken
- 1/2 c. plain greek yogurt
- 1/4 c. lemon juice
- 2 Tbsp oregano
- 3 cloves garlic, minced
- 1/2tsp salt
## Directions
1. Mix all ingredients, add chicken to coat
2. Cover & refrigerate for 4-8 hours
3. Start coals to high heat, prep grill with light oil if needed
4. Skewer chicken cubes, as many as will fit on kebab sticks
5. Grill until chicken is done
6. Serve with tzatziki sauce, grilled vegetable and pitas, if desired

@ 67403b2c:27b48c7a
2025-02-26 02:08:53
Do you ever wonder why religious teachings emphasize obedience so heavily? Or why some parents demand absolute control over their children? In this post, we'll explore the fascinating connection between religious authority and parenting styles, and how understanding one can help us improve the other.
## The Paradox of Divine Needs
Traditional religious teachings often emphasize our duty to obey and serve the divine. Many believe that God requires specific actions from humanity. But here's the paradox: if God is perfect and complete, how can they have needs or desires that we must fulfill?
This realization leads to a powerful insight: what we perceive as divine expectations likely exist for our spiritual development rather than meeting any divine requirement.
## How Religious Hierarchies Impact Family Dynamics
The way we think about religious authority often mirrors how we approach parenting. Consider these parallel patterns:
- Religious leaders ranking sins by severity
- Parents creating arbitrary hierarchies of misbehavior
- Using fear and control instead of understanding
- Demanding blind obedience without explanation
### The Problem with "Because I Said So"
Just as religious authorities sometimes use divine mandate to control believers, parents might fall into the trap of using their authority without justification. This approach:
- Damages trust and communication
- Stunts critical thinking
- Creates resentment
- Prevents genuine relationship growth
## Building Healthier Family Relationships
Understanding that children are independent beings—not property—can revolutionize our approach to parenting. Here's how:
1. Recognize your limitations as a parent
2. Encourage open dialogue
3. Support independent thinking
4. Build mutual understanding
5. Share guidance rather than enforce control
### The Power of Mutual Respect
When we move away from control-based relationships, whether in religion or parenting, we create space for authentic connections. Real respect develops through:
- Open communication
- Acknowledging individual perspectives
- Supporting personal growth
- Understanding shared humanity
## Moving Forward: From Control to Connection
The journey from authoritarian to supportive relationships isn't easy, but it's worth the effort. By recognizing that neither God nor parents need absolute control, we can build healthier, more meaningful connections with both our faith and our families.
### Key Takeaways:
- Perfect beings don't need our obedience
- Children are individuals, not property
- Real respect grows through dialogue
- Supporting independence strengthens relationships
## Your Turn to Reflect
How has your understanding of authority—whether religious or parental—evolved over time? Share your thoughts in the comments below.
*About the Author: This post reflects personal perspectives shaped by childhood experiences, family relationships, and Christian upbringing. These insights are offered as discussion points rather than absolute truths.*
## Supporting This Work
Writing about faith, family, and personal growth while facing housing insecurity isn't easy, but I believe these conversations matter. If these insights resonate with you and you'd like to support both my writing journey and my current battle with housing insecurity, you can buy me a coffee at:
☕ [buymeacoffee.com/adontai](https://buymeacoffee.com/adontai)
Your support helps keep this blog going and directly assists with basic needs as I work to secure stable housing. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a difference.
*About the Author: This post reflects personal perspectives shaped by childhood experiences, family relationships, and Christian upbringing. These insights are offered as discussion points rather than absolute truths.*

@ 3c7dc2c5:805642a8
2025-02-25 22:52:31
## 🧠Quote(s) of the week:
'When you self custody bitcoin, you strengthen the network.
When trusted third parties hold your bitcoin, you weaken it.' - Jameson Lopp
## 🧡Bitcoin news🧡
Unfortunately last week, the platform I am writing my Weekly Recaps on wasn't working. I apologize that you missed last week's recap.
This week an extra long edition!
On the 11th of February:
➡️The Swiss creator of ProtonMail launches a Bitcoin wallet that's open-source and self-custody to its 100 million customers.
➡️Polish Central Bank President Adam Glapiński rules out holding Bitcoin reserves "under any circumstances".
"There is a lot to be said about Bitcoin. You can buy a lot and gain a lot, as well as lose a lot. However, we prefer something certain.”
➡️Email service provider Proton Mail just released an open-source Bitcoin wallet to their 100 million users.
➡️Publicly traded KULR buys an additional $10 million worth of Bitcoin. They now hold over 610 Bitcoin.
➡️Hong Kong confirms Bitcoin can be used as proof of capital for the new investment visa.
➡️'Bitcoin exchange reserves have hit a 3-year low of 2.5 million as demand continues to grow, per CryptoQuant.
People are demanding physical gold and more Bitcoin. Interesting times.' -TKL
➡️Binance sold 3.600 Bitcoin ($350 million) from its reserves in January.
➡️Senator Lummis tells Fed Chair Jerome Powell:
The Fed made a mess of Silicon Valley bank and there's a deliberate lack of understanding of Digital Asset policy by the Fed.
During the hearing, Powell admitted there is a problem with crypto debanking, and also said never creating a central bank digital currency.
➡️Goldman Sachs just disclosed owning $1.58 BILLION Bitcoin through BlackRock and Fidelity ETFs. — MacroScope
➡️BlackRock has labeled Bitcoin as a “risk-off” asset. BlackRock says Bitcoin is “Risk Off” as a global monetary alternative, while ETH is “Risk On” as a blockchain play. Bitcoin is money, the rest of “crypto” is just a gamble.
On the 12th of February:
➡️Metaplanet finished the day as Japan's 19th most liquid stock, with ¥42.6b (~$277 million) of trading volume.
➡️So far this year, Strategy's treasury operations have yielded a gain of 18,527 BTC, equivalent to approximately $ 1.8B in value.
➡️$114 billion VanEck's Matthew Sigel says the demand from 20 US Bitcoin Reserve bills could see states buy over 242,787 Bitcoin.
➡️Texas Senate Member Charles Schwertner filed legislation for a "Strategic Bitcoin Reserve"
Two weeks ago, Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick announced he would make this a "priority bill for the 2025 legislative session."
The new legislative text for the Texas Strategic Bitcoin Reserve, SB 21, is very bullish!
It removes the annual buying limit of $500 million, the legislature can appropriate as much as it wants to save BTC.
➡️Metaplanet Secures 4.0 Billion JPY Through 0% Unsecured, Unguaranteed Bonds for Additional Bitcoin Acquisition.
➡️The National Bank of Canada has purchased Bitcoin ETF worth $2 million.
➡️GameStop can service a loan of up to $100 BILLION for 4.6 years with its existing $4.6b cash balance at 1% interest.
That's twice the amount of Bitcoin Michael Saylor's currently holds. On that news, GameStop surges +20% considering buying Bitcoin with its $4.6 BILLION cash balance.
On the 14th of February:
➡️JPMorgan Chase, which previously labeled Bitcoin as a Ponzi scheme and a tool for money laundering, has disclosed Bitcoin exposure through ETFs in its latest SEC filing.
“If you can’t beat them, join them.”
➡️Barclays discloses holding $131M worth of Bitcoin through IBIT shares in its latest 13F filing.
➡️Hong Kong-based Avenir reported owning ~$600m Bitcoin through BlackRock’s ETF.
➡️Japanese energy consultant Remixpoint spent nearly its $65M target to acquire Bitcoin in 2024, according to the latest earnings presentation.
Holdings rose over 8,000% in nine months, from 68M yen in March to ¥5.8B ($38M) by year-end.
➡️SBC Medical Group Holdings, a Delaware corporation headquartered in Tokyo, announces it will purchase 1B yen worth of Bitcoin.
➡️Trump had better hurry up—the global Bitcoin arms race has begun. One of the world's largest sovereign wealth funds is now actively accumulating bitcoin.
Abu Dhabi’s sovereign wealth fund (with $1.75 Trillion AUM) invested $437 MILLION in Blackrock's Bitcoin ETF.
Although buying a Bitcoin ETF and not the spot Bitcoin is kinda weak.
➡️More notable holdings from BlackRock's bitcoin ETF as of their latest filings (Dec 31):
- Goldman Sachs: 24,077,861 shares worth $1.35B (+89% increase)
- Millennium Mgmt: 23,498,001 shares worth $1.32B (+116% increase)
- State of Wisconsin Investment Board: 6,060,351 shares worth $339M (+110% increase)
- Tudor Investment Corp: 4,428,230 shares worth $248M (+409% increase)
On the 15th of February:
➡️Milei, President Argentina, and his shitcoinery (LIBRA):
- was not announced by decree (so Milei acted on his own)
- posted on his official presidential accounts on X and IG
- ultra rug pull.
Kirchnerists are planning their political trials, and shedding tears of joy.
Saifedean Ammous: 'Astonishing shitcoinery by Milei, shocking even to shitcoiners.
He marketed a shitcoin to support the growth of Argentina, received millions of dollars from fans worldwide, dumped his coins, tanked the coin 95%, deleted the tweet, and now expects everyone to just move on.'
'Government-shilled meme coin rug-pulls last month, country by country — scammers in suits running the same old fiat scam playbook.' - CarlBMenger
Okay, one more quote on this topic:
'You think Presidents of countries will rug pull you with meme-coins but they won't seize your bitcoin held at custodians?'- Jameson Lopp
Get your Bitcoin out of exchanges. Save them on a hardware wallet, run your own node... be your own bank. Not your keys, not your coins. It's that simple.
➡️Global proprietary trading firm Jane Street Group has disclosed holdings of nearly 30K BTC ($2.8B), making it the largest Bitcoin ETF holder, surpassing Goldman Sachs at 25K BTC ($2.3B).
➡️Millennium Management owns $2.6B worth of Bitcoin. They’re the third largest hedge fund in the world.
On the 16th of February:
➡️The National Bank of Canada and the Bank of Montreal are loading up on Strategy shares.
➡️In just one year, institutions have accumulated over 300,000 BTC in ETFs, nearly doubling their holdings since Q3 2024. Data from the latest 13F filings
➡️ The State of California has bought 41 million Dollars worth of Strategy MSTR with their pension funds.
➡️The California State Teachers Retirement System doubles its MSTR holdings, now worth $83 million.
➡️Cantor Fitzgerald, formerly led by Howard Lutnick, bought over $1 billion worth of MSTR shares in Q4, making it their largest position.
With an average buy price of $229, they’re already up 47%. Lutnick now runs Trump’s new Sovereign Wealth Fund as Commerce Secretary.
CalSTRS has $352 billion AUM and is the second largest pension fund in the USA.
➡️U.S. TREASURY SECRETARY SCOTT BESSENT: Bitcoin is "about freedom... I think everything is on the table with Bitcoin."
On the 17th of February:
➡️'Bitcoin’s correlation with the S&P 500 has dropped to zero, marking a significant shift in market behavior.
Historically tied to stocks, BTC is now moving independently, signaling a break from traditional macroeconomic influences.' - Bitcoin News
➡️'Imagine using money whose supply you can’t personally audit.
Bitcoin's the only widely accepted form of money whose supply anyone with a $200 computer can fully verify.
This is one of the key things that sets Bitcoin apart from everything else.' - Wicked
➡️Metaplanet buys another ¥4 billion worth of Bitcoin. 'After ten months on the Bitcoin Standard, Metaplanet owns approximately 1/10,340th of the world’s first & only absolutely scarce monetary asset.' - Dylan DeClair
➡️2017 VCs dumping on ICOs
2020 DeFi rug pulls
2024 Meme coin pump and dumps
That’s the last 3 cycles in crypto. It normally takes 3 mistakes for people to learn.
This is why BTC dominance is climbing back to its proper equilibrium.' - Willy Woo
➡️GameStop is considering investing in Bitcoin.
The company is sitting on over $4.5 billion in cash.
On the 18th of February:
➡️Bitcoin ownership changed massively in 2024.
➡️Daniel Batten: 'Tether is buying a 51% stake in Adecoagro, a renewable energy and Agriculture company for $1.24 billion.
Here's why this matters to Bitcoin mining, and Bitcoin.':
➡️Union Bank of Switzerland UBS has bought 1.2 Billion Dollars worth of Strategy MSTR at an average price of $289.62 per stock.
➡️4-Year CAGR:
BTC: 14%/year
Gold: 13%/year
S&P500: 12%/year
This is the first time BTC is in the same range as other major assets over 4 years.
➡️South African Publicly traded Altvest Capital adopts Bitcoin Treasury Strategy and plans to buy $10 million of BTC.
On the 20th of February:
➡️'Michael Saylor's STRATEGY announced pricing for up to $2.3 BILLION of convertible notes to buy more Bitcoin
This is a $300m increase since the initial announcement.' -Bitcoin Archive
On the 21sst of February:
➡️The Bybit hack is officially the largest crypto heist in HISTORY.
$1.46B+ stolen (especially ETH) and still counting. That's 16% of ALL previous crypto hacks COMBINED. The Bybit hacker, North Korea's Lazarus Group behind Bybit's $1.4 billion hack, is now the 14th largest ETH holder in the world.
They hold roughly 0.42% of total supply, more than Fidelity, Vitalik, and 2x +what the Ethereum Foundation holds
Ethereum is toast. They can roll back the chain and destroy what is left of the decentralization claim or allow North Korean baad actors to keep $1.4B of ETH and unleash an eternal internal battle. Either way, it is terrible.
Now are ask yourself: If Coinbase got hacked and their Bitcoin was stolen, would Bitcoin's CEO consider rolling back the chain?
➡️New report finds Bitcoin mining:
* brings $4.1 billion in annual U.S. gross product
* creates 31,000 jobs
* helps stabilize the grid
On the 22nd of February:
➡️Montana's #Bitcoin Reserve Bill has died in the House.
I fully agree with the following statement made by BitBuyer313 on X: "Unpopular fact.
This bill is going to get shot down in every single state that it was proposed, and a Bitcoin strategic reserve is going to get shot down as well.
In the case of an emergency, the US government is one EO 6102 away from a strategic reserve honeypot called Coinbase.'
Not only Coinbase but also the ETFs and maybe even MSTR.
On the 24th of February:
➡️Whales are buying Bitcoin in quantities never seen before.
➡️Strategy completes a $2 billion offering of convertible notes at 0% coupon and 35% premium so they can buy more Bitcoin.
Meanwhile, Strategy has acquired 20,356 BTC for ~$1.99B at ~$97,514 per bitcoin and has achieved a Bitcoin Yield of 6.9% YTD 2025. As of 2/23/2025, we hodl 499,096 Bitcoin acquired for ~$33.1 billion at ~$66,357 per Bitcoin
Strategy has now acquired 284,696 Bitcoin since the halving. That works out to 918 BTC per day since the halving. That is 2.04 times the daily issuance. Sjeezzzz
➡️Rezolve AI launches a $1B Bitcoin treasury program, starting with a $100M investment.
➡️'Citadel Securities to become Bitcoin and crypto liquidity provider for major exchanges like Coinbase, Binance, Crypto com, and others.' -Bitcoin Archive
➡️Germany's €370 BILLION Deka bank to launch Bitcoin and crypto trading+custody for institutions.
➡️Over $110,000,000,000 was wiped out from the crypto market in the past 24 hours.
➡️Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming all rejected bills for state Strategic Bitcoin Reserves over volatility concerns.
There are still 19 US states with live Strategic Bitcoin Reserves! A total of 5 states; WY, PA, ND, MT & MS have dead bills.
Joe Burnett: 'Unpopular opinion: Bitcoin’s volatility DOES make holding bitcoin risky in the short term, but the volatility is a function of its active monetization and 60% CAGR. Short-term swings don’t affect its long-term fundamentals or long-term performance.'
➡️Despite $38.6B flowing into Bitcoin ETFs since January 2024, only $17.5B (44%) appears to be from direct long-term investment, according to 10x Research.
The remaining 56% likely involves arbitrage, where short Bitcoin futures are used to balance ETF inflows.
## 💸Traditional Finance / Macro:
On the 13th of February:
👉🏽The S&P 500 surges toward 6100 despite rising inflation and trade war concerns, now 0.5% away from a new all-time high.
## 🏦Banks:
👉🏽Jamie Dimon just sold 33% of his J.P. Morgan stock on February 20th
Co-CEO Troy Rohrbaugh also sold 20% yesterday. The 1% always knows when to bail.
## 🌎Macro/Geopolitics:
On the 11th of February:
👉🏽CarlBMenger: 'The wait to withdraw Gold had increased from a few days to several weeks, Bank of England.
Imagine securing your wealth in a bearer asset to avoid counterparty risk, only to stash it in another country and pray they let you withdraw it.
Bitcoin fixes this stupidity.' (foto)
If a 2% drawdown in Bank of England's gold reserves has caused a 6-week delay, it's safe to say 99% of the vault is empty.
👉🏽CPI 0.5% MoM, Exp. 0.3%
CPI Core 0.4% MoM, Exp. 0.3%
CPI 3.0% YoY, Exp. 2.9%
CPI Core 3.3% YoY, Exp. 3.1%
The Fed's worst nightmare just got worse. US CPI ran very hot in January. The headline inflation rate accelerated to 3% YoY from 2.9% in Dec, CPI increased 0.5% MoM, the biggest since Aug 2023. Core CPI rose to 3.3% YoY from 3.2%, higher than the consensus of +3.1%.
Zerohedge: 'The bad news: CPI is just catching up to the reality which was being masked by the Biden admin.
The good news: shelter CPI was the big driver, accounting for 30% of the headline increase, and lags by 12 months which means real inflation is far more modest.'
On the 13th of February:
👉🏽The US budget deficit hit 6.4% in 2024, the biggest in history outside of major economic crises and wars.
Over the next decade, the interest contribution is set to widen and there is nothing that will stop this train. Opt-out, study Bitcoin.
👉🏽In the past 12 months, America paid a record $1.167 trillion in interest on the federal debt; this is more than all US spending on Defense, Health, and Income Security, and only Social Security spending is bigger (for 3 years at which interest will surpass it)
👉🏽Reuters was paid millions of dollars by the US government for “large scale social deception”.
That is literally what it says on the purchase order!
Now we know why the left is in total panic mode. The walls are literally closing in on massive scams.
👉🏽ZeroHedge: 'Another day, another 346K oz of gold delivered to comex vaults, pushing the total to 36.5 million oz, of which the big 3 are now at a record 30 million oz.'
On the 14th of February:
👉🏽 Ever since D.O.G.E. (Department of Governmental Examination) started sniffing around government agencies, something HILARIOUS has happened:
WikiLeaks: Washington DC searches soar for "Swiss bank" (yellow), "offshore bank" (green), "wire money" (red) and "IBAN" (blue). (foto)
Pretty damning, panic in DC, the cover-up is in full swing!
Washington DC searches for "lawyer' have increased 400% (data from Google trends)
👉🏽The Chinese Property Market has seen a total loss of $18 Trillion over the past 3 years, surpassing the losses suffered by the U.S. during the Global Financial Crisis.
👉🏽'The US government spent a near-record $642 BILLION in January, $142 billion higher than last year.
Over the last 12 months, government expenditures hit a whopping $7.1 TRILLION.
By comparison, public expenses in 2019 were 32% lower, at $4.8 trillion.
In just 10 years, federal government spending has DOUBLED.
Government outlays have never been so large excluding the 2020 pandemic and 2021 recovery.
Government spending is out of control.' -TKL
👉🏽In the last 72 hours JD Vance has told Europe
- if it doesn't repeal the AI Act and Digital Services Act the US will outflank them
- if it doesn't repeal the GDPR, the US will tariff them
- if it keeps censoring its people, America will platform them
Europe thought they could regulate the internet (AI), censor speech, and impose trade barriers without consequences.
'As a European, I’m outraged by Vance’s speech.
Outraged that it took an American to say what no European bureaucrat dared to.' - Learn Latin (Twitter)
Europe’s biggest problem isn’t just self-imposed tariffs or bureaucracy, it’s the illusion that regulation equals strength. While the U.S. plays to win, Europe debates rules that often handicap its own businesses. Don't get me wrong, I don't hate Europe whatsoever, but I do think that it is shooting itself in her foot.
Deregulation, lower taxes, Defense spending up, incentives for foreign direct investments and downsize red tape is more necessary than ever. Europe has a historical change of being in the game or becoming a pariah in the new global order. European leaders emphasize the superiority of the ‘European way and therefore I lean more to the 'becoming a pariah in the new global order' side. Unfortunately.
👉🏽Since DOGE began discussing mass layoffs, the median home price in Washington DC has FALLEN by -$139,000.
In 30 days, nearly 4,000 homes have been listed for sale in and around Washington DC.
Although I hate the shitcoinery by Milei, he has clearly shown that a free market is the only way out of poverty.
That’s the exact opposite of socialism which is the best proven way into poverty for all.
Poverty in Argentina fell to 33.5% in January 2025, according to UTDT. As inflation falls and wages rise, poverty rates in the country are falling sharply again.
👉🏽Meloni announces that Italy supports yesterday’s proposal by Ursula von der Leyen to remove military spending from the 3% deficit limit EU countries have.
It will allow Italy to quickly rearm and use its large defense industry to the fullest. EU plans a €700 billion weapons package to arm Europe.
More debt… more eurozone inflation.
On the 16th of February:
👉🏽DOGE next target - Fort Knox Gold Reserve! The US gold reserves - last "audited" in 1974 - remain shrouded in secrecy. Elon Musk's recent query sheds light on decades of opacity! It’s time for a full accounting of OUR Gold at Fort Knox.
'Theoretically, there's over 8k metric tons or roughly 250 million Troy Ounces. At today's spot price of over $2,800/oz is $700 billion.
The DC Swamp creatures have likely dipped deeply into that cookie jar.' - Diver Dan
On the 17th of February:
👉🏽The Reserve Bank of Australia confirmed the existence of fake Gold bars being held at the Bank of England.
Don’t trust, verify. Bitcoin is audited every 10 minutes.
👉🏽41% of all the full-time jobs created during the Biden administration were government employees.
👉🏽Gold prices are now officially up +50% over the last 14 months and made ANOTHER all-time high.
Gold's market cap just hit $20 TRILLION for the first time in history.
'After 45 years, Gold has finally reached a new all-time high in inflation-adjusted terms. Patience is key and most HODLers are dead by now.' - CarlBMenger
On the 18th of February:
👉🏽The Treasury Access Symbol, an identification code for payments in the US Treasury system, was an "optional" field.
As a result, DOGE is unable to trace $4.7 TRILLION worth of US Treasury payments.
That's ~2.6 TIMES the 2024 US deficit..
👉🏽'US inflation materially accelerated in January:
Supercore inflation jumped 4.0% year-over-year in January.
However, the 3-month annualized rate and the 6-month annualized rate jumped to 4.7% and 5.3%, respectively.
The 1-month rate annualized would put inflation at 9.5%, the second-highest since 2022. Overall, Supercore inflation has been now above the Fed’s 2% target for 4.5 years.
The fight against inflation has entered a new era.' - TKL
On the 21st of February:
👉🏽China just cranked up the money printer to max speed (M1 Money Supply). Other CBs will follow suit. (foto)
'China's M1 money supply jumped from $67T in Dec 2024 to $112T in Jan 2025 because they changed how M1 is calculated.
Notice the rapid decline in M1 in 2024. The only reason you'd do this is to mask liquidity injections you're using to fend off a deflationary debt spiral.'
👉🏽The ECB has recorded the biggest loss in its 25-year history. (foto) The European Central Bank (ECB) has reported a record loss of €7.9 billion for the year 2024, surpassing the previous year's loss of €1.3 billion.
👉🏽Japan’s inflation rate rises to 4.0%, its highest since January 2023.
- the US (3.0%)
- the UK (3.7%)
- the Eurozone (2.5%)
- China (0.5%)
Yet, the policy rate of the Bank of Japan stands at 0.5%.
On the 24th of February:
👉🏽'US CPI inflation is on track to hit 4.6% over the next 6 months, according to Bank of America.
CPI inflation has averaged +0.4% on a month-over-month basis over the last 3 months.
If this trend continues, this puts year-over-year inflation on pace to hit 4.6% by July, the highest since April 2023.
That would be more than DOUBLE the Fed’s 2% inflation target.
Even if monthly inflation prints ease to 0.3%, year-over-year inflation would still rise to 3.8%.
Inflation is accelerating.' - TKL
## 🎁If you have made it this far I would like to give you a little gift:
What Bitcoin Did: THE MONEY PRINTER IS COMING with James Lavish. They discuss:
- Global liquidity
- The Fed caught lying
- QE is coming
- Bitcoin in 2025
Credit: I have used multiple sources!
My savings account: Bitcoin The tool I recommend for setting up a Bitcoin savings plan: PocketBitcoin especially suited for beginners or people who want to invest in Bitcoin with an automated investment plan once a week or monthly.
Use the code SE3997
Get your Bitcoin out of exchanges. Save them on a hardware wallet, run your own node...be your own bank. Not your keys, not your coins. It's that simple. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀
Do you think this post is helpful to you? If so, please share it and support my work with a zap.
⭐ Many thanks⭐
Felipe - Bitcoin Friday!

@ c1e9ab3a:9cb56b43
2025-02-25 22:49:38
# Election Authority (EA) Platform
## 1.1 EA Administration Interface (Web-Based)
- **Purpose**: Gives authorized personnel (e.g., election officials) a user-friendly way to administer the election.
- **Key Tasks**:
1. **Voter Registration Oversight**: Mark which voters have proven their identity (via in-person KYC or some legal process).
2. **Blind Signature Issuance**: Approve or deny blind signature requests from registered voters (each corresponding to one ephemeral key).
3. **Tracking Voter Slots**: Keep a minimal registry of who is allowed one ephemeral key signature, and mark it “used” once a signature is issued.
4. **Election Configuration**: Set start/end times, provide encryption parameters (public keys), manage threshold cryptography setup.
5. **Monitor Tallying**: After the election, collaborate with trustees to decrypt final results and release them.
## 1.2 EA Backend Services
- **Blind Signature Service**:
- An API endpoint or internal module that receives a *blinded ephemeral key* from a voter, checks if they are authorized (one signature per voter), and returns the blind-signed result.
- Typically requires secure storage of the EA’s **blind signing private key**.
- **Voter Roll Database**:
- Stores minimal info: “Voter #12345 is authorized to request one ephemeral key signature,” plus status flags.
- Does **not** store ephemeral keys themselves (to preserve anonymity).
- **(Optional) Mix-Net or Homomorphic Tally Service**:
- Coordinates with trustees for threshold decryption or re-encryption.
- Alternatively, a separate “Tally Authority” service can handle this.
# 2. Auditor Interface
## 2.1 Auditor Web-Based Portal
- **Purpose**: Allows independent auditors (or the public) to:
1. **Fetch All Ballots** from the relays (or from an aggregator).
2. **Verify Proofs**: Check each ballot’s signature, blind signature from the EA, OTS proof, zero-knowledge proofs, etc.
3. **Check Double-Usage**: Confirm that each ephemeral key is used only once (or final re-vote is the only valid instance).
4. **Observe Tally Process**: Possibly see partial decryptions or shuffle steps, verify the final result matches the posted ballots.
- **Key Tasks**:
- Provide a **dashboard** showing the election’s real-time status or final results, after cryptographic verification.
- Offer **open data** downloads so third parties can run independent checks.
## 2.2 (Optional) Trustee Dashboard
- If the election uses threshold cryptography (multiple parties must decrypt), each **trustee** (candidate rep, official, etc.) might have an interface for:
- Uploading partial decryption shares or re-encryption proofs.
- Checking that other trustees did their steps correctly (zero-knowledge proofs for correct shuffling, etc.).
# 3. Voter Application
## 3.1 Voter Client (Mobile App or Web Interface)
- **Purpose**: The main tool voters use to participate—**before**, **during**, and **after** the election.
- **Functionalities**:
1. **Registration Linking**:
- Voter goes in-person to an election office or uses an online KYC process.
- Voter obtains or confirms their **long-term (“KYC-bound”) key**. The client can store it securely (or the voter just logs in to a “voter account”).
2. **Ephemeral Key Generation**:
- Create an ephemeral key pair (\(nsec_e, npub_e\)) locally.
- Blind \(\npub_e\) and send it to the EA for signing.
- Unblind the returned signature.
- Store \(\npub_e\) + EA’s signature for use during voting.
3. **Ballot Composition**:
- Display candidates/offices to the voter.
- Let them select choices.
- Possibly generate zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs) behind the scenes to confirm “exactly one choice per race.”
4. **Encryption & OTS Timestamp**:
- Encrypt the ballot under the election’s **public** (threshold) key or produce a format suitable for a mix-net.
- Obtain an **OpenTimestamps** proof for the ballot’s hash.
5. **Publish Ballot**:
- Sign the entire “timestamped ballot” with the ephemeral key.
- Include the EA’s blind signature on \(\npub_e\).
- Post to the Nostr relays (or any chosen decentralized channel).
6. **Re-Voting**:
- If the user needs to change their vote, the client repeats the encryption + OTS step, publishes a new ballot with a strictly later OTS anchor.
7. **Verification**:
- After the election, the voter can check that their final ballot is present in the tally set.
## 3.2 Local Storage / Security
- The app must securely store:
- **Ephemeral private key** (\(nsec_e\)) until voting is complete.
- Potential backup/recovery mechanism if the phone is lost.
- Blind signature from the EA on \(\npub_e\).
- Potentially uses hardware security modules (HSM) or secure enclaves on the device.
# 4. Nostr Relays (or Equivalent Decentralized Layer)
- **Purpose**: Store and replicate voter-submitted ballots (events).
- **Key Properties**:
1. **Redundancy**: Voters can post to multiple relays to mitigate censorship or downtime.
2. **Public Accessibility**: Auditors, the EA, and the public can fetch all events to verify or tally.
3. **Event Filtering**: By design, watchers can filter events with certain tags, e.g. “election: 2025 County Race,” ensuring they gather all ballots.
# 5. Threshold Cryptography Setup
## 5.1 Multi-Seg (Multi-Party) Key Generation
- **Participants**: Possibly the EA + major candidates + accredited observers.
- **Process**: A **Distributed Key Generation (DKG)** protocol that yields a single **public** encryption key.
- **Private Key Shares**: Each trustee holds a piece of the decryption key; no single party can decrypt alone.
## 5.2 Decryption / Tally Mechanism
- **Homomorphic Approach**:
1. Ballots are *additively* encrypted.
2. Summation of ciphertexts is done publicly.
3. Trustees provide partial decryptions for the final sum.
- **Mix-Net Approach**:
1. Ballots are collected.
2. Multiple servers shuffle and re-encrypt them (each trustee verifies correctness).
3. Final set is decrypted, but the link to each ephemeral key is lost.
## 5.3 Trustee Interfaces
- **Separate or integrated into the auditor interface**—each trustee logs in and provides their partial key share for decrypting the final result.
- Possibly combined with ZK proofs to confirm correct partial decryption or shuffling.
# 6. OpenTimestamps (OTS) or External Time Anchor
## 6.1 Aggregator Service
- **Purpose**: Receives a hash from the voter’s app, anchors it into a blockchain or alternative time-stamping system.
- **Result**: Returns a proof object that can later be used by any auditor to confirm the time/block height at which the hash was included.
## 6.2 Verifier Interface
- Could be part of the **auditor tool** or the **voter client**.
- Checks that each ballot’s OTS proof is valid and references a block/time prior to the election’s closing.
# 7. Registration Process (In-Person or Hybrid)
1. **Voter presents ID** physically at a polling station or a designated office (or an online KYC approach, if legally allowed).
2. **EA official**:
- Confirms identity.
- Links the voter to a “voter record” (Voter #12345).
- Authorizes them for “1 ephemeral key blind-sign.”
3. **Voter obtains or logs into the voter client**:
- The app or website might show “You are now cleared to request a blind signature from the EA.”
- Voter later (or immediately) generates the ephemeral key and requests the blind signature.
# 8. Putting It All Together (High-Level Flow)
1. **Key Setup**
- The EA + trustees run a DKG to produce the **election public key**.
2. **Voter Registration**
- Voter is validated (ID check).
- Marked as eligible in the EA database.
3. **Blind-Signed Ephemeral Key**
- Voter’s client generates a key, blinds \(\npub_e\), obtains EA’s signature, unblinds.
4. **Voting**
1. Voter composes ballot, encrypts with the election public key.
2. Gets OTS proof for the ballot hash.
3. Voter’s ephemeral key signs the entire package (including EA’s signature on \(\npub_e\)).
4. Publishes to Nostr.
5. **Re-Voting** (Optional)
- Same ephemeral key, new OTS timestamp.
- Final ballot is whichever has the latest valid timestamp before closing.
6. **Close of Election & Tally**
1. EA announces closing.
2. Tally software (admin + auditors) collects ballots from Nostr, discards invalid duplicates.
3. Threshold decryption or mix-net to reveal final counts.
4. Publish final results and let auditors verify everything.
# 9. Summary of Major Components
Below is a succinct list:
1. **EA Admin Platform**
- Web UI for officials (registration, blind signature issuing, final tally management).
- Backend DB for voter records & authorized ephemeral keys.
2. **Auditor/Trustee Platforms**
- Web interface for verifying ballots, partial decryption, and final results.
3. **Voter Application (Mobile / Web)**
- Generating ephemeral keys, getting blind-signed, casting encrypted ballots, re-voting, verifying included ballots.
4. **Nostr Relays (Decentralized Storage)**
- Where ballots (events) are published, replicated, and fetched for final tally.
5. **Threshold Cryptography System**
- Multi-party DKG for the election key.
- Protocols or services for partial decryption, mix-net, or homomorphic summation.
6. **OpenTimestamps Aggregator**
- Service that returns a blockchain-anchored timestamp proof for each ballot’s hash.
## Additional Implementation Considerations
- **Security Hardening**:
- Using hardware security modules (HSM) for the EA’s blind-signing key, for trustee shares, etc.
- **Scalability**:
- Handling large numbers of concurrent voters, large data flows to relays.
- **User Experience**:
- Minimizing cryptographic complexity for non-technical voters.
- **Legal and Procedural**:
- Compliance with local laws for in-person ID checks, mandatory paper backups (if any), etc.
## Final Note
While each **functional block** can be designed and deployed independently (e.g., multiple aggregator services, multiple relays, separate tally servers), the **key** to a successful system is **interoperability** and **careful orchestration** of these components—ensuring strong security, a straightforward voter experience, and transparent auditing.

@ 67403b2c:27b48c7a
2025-02-25 21:55:42
Sexual identity—how one thinks of oneself in terms of romantic and sexual attraction—is among the most profound aspects of human experience. Understanding and accepting one's orientation often involves a complex journey of self-discovery that deserves compassion and patience.
Sexual orientation exists on a spectrum rather than in rigid categories, encompassing heterosexual, homosexual, bisexual, asexual, and other identities that reflect human diversity. For many, this identity may be fluid and evolve over time. While some people report knowing their orientation from a young age, others may not fully realize it until later in life, often experiencing periods of questioning and uncertainty—especially if their identity differs from familial or societal expectations.
The path to self-acceptance frequently requires overcoming internalized negative messages from family, religious backgrounds, or cultural sources. Support systems are crucial in this process, whether through accepting family members, supportive friends, LGBTQ+ communities, or professional counseling. These connections provide safe spaces for exploration and validation.
Education about human sexuality's diversity, including biological and psychological research, helps combat harmful myths and normalize varying orientations. Coming out—sharing one's identity with others—should happen on one's own timeline, with safety and readiness as primary considerations. Some choose to come out widely, others selectively, and both approaches are valid.
True self-acceptance doesn't mean eliminating all doubt, but rather developing a fundamentally positive attitude toward one's identity while acknowledging that challenges may arise. This acceptance often leads to more authentic relationships and stronger self-awareness.
While society's understanding of diverse sexual identities has grown significantly, discrimination persists, making internal acceptance and resilience crucial. The intersection of sexual identity with race, culture, religion, and gender adds complexity, as individuals navigate multiple cultural contexts and varying community attitudes.
Research consistently shows that LGBTQ+ individuals who achieve greater self-acceptance experience better mental health outcomes, highlighting the importance of supportive environments and accessible resources.
## Conclusion
The journey of understanding and accepting one's sexual identity, while sometimes challenging, leads to more authentic relationships and fuller self-expression. Everyone deserves support, respect, and the freedom to be exactly who they are, wherever they are in their journey.

@ 67403b2c:27b48c7a
2025-02-25 21:54:41
**Key Takeaways:**
- Understanding the difference between revolutionaries and rebels
- Exploring mindful rebellion through acceptance and flow
- Practical approaches to authentic living and personal freedom
- Natural resistance versus ideological revolution
- Mindfulness and present-moment awareness in rebellion
## Introduction: The Nature of True Rebellion
> *"Don't become a revolutionary; become a rebel. A rebel is one who has no ideology, no ideals, who has nothing to impose upon himself, who takes life as it comes and takes it easily, who enjoys it, dances it and sings it."*
> **― Osho**
### What Makes a Rebel Different from a Revolutionary?
I am not a revolutionary. The weight of ideology holds no power over me, nor do I carry grand visions to force upon an unwilling world. I am, simply and profoundly, a rebel – one who embraces life's raw essence, unburdened by the shackles of ideals or the compulsion to remake what is.
Where revolutionaries march with fury toward tomorrow, I dance in the eternal now. Their hearts burn with the need to demolish and rebuild, to reshape reality according to their dreams. But I have learned the art of being, the wisdom of acceptance, the freedom found in surrender to life's endless flow.
## Understanding the Art of Being Present
### Embracing Life's Natural Flow
I take life as it appears before me – a vast tapestry of moments, each thread essential to the whole. In joy, I soar; in sorrow, I dive deep. Beauty fills my senses, while pain teaches its ancient lessons. I stand witness to it all, neither fighting against perceived injustices nor struggling to craft utopia from chaos. For in the pursuit of perfection, we lose the profound beauty of the imperfect present.
### Mindful Experience and Emotional Intelligence
Each experience washes over me like waves on the shore, leaving its mark before receding into memory. I taste life's flavors fully – bitter and sweet, subtle and overwhelming. When laughter bubbles up, I let it ring; when tears fall, I let them flow. When love fills my heart, I become love itself; when hurt finds me, I embrace it as another face of living. This is the wholeness I seek – not a carefully curated existence, but life in all its messy, glorious entirety.
## The Path of Natural Resistance
### Finding Freedom Through Acceptance
Free from the burden of ideals, I need not contort myself to match another's vision of righteousness. Like water finding its path downhill, I flow naturally through the landscape of existence, adapting to what lies before me rather than demanding the mountain step aside.
### Living the Rebel's Way
This, then, is the rebel's way – not to lead armies of change or craft manifestos of revolution, but to move in harmony with life's own rhythm. My rebellion lies not in resistance but in acceptance, not in fighting but in flowing, not in changing the world but in fully inhabiting it. I dance to the music of my own heart's truth, and in this simple act lies all the rebellion I will ever need.
## Conclusion: A Personal Declaration of Freedom
*This is my manifesto.
Not carved in stone or written in fire,
but flowing like water,
changing like clouds,
free like the wind.
This is my rebellion –
to simply, radically be.*
**Related Topics:**
- Mindfulness and presence
- Personal freedom
- Authentic living
- Natural resistance
- Flow state
- Emotional wisdom
- Self-acceptance
*[* *[Author's Note: This manifesto explores the distinction between revolutionary ideology and authentic rebellion, offering insights into mindful living and personal freedom. It draws from philosophical traditions of mindfulness, Taoism, and contemporary personal development practices.]*
### Support the Rebellion
In the spirit of authentic rebellion, this manifesto flows freely like water – available to all who seek it. If these words have touched your spirit or shifted your perspective, consider supporting this ongoing exploration of freedom and consciousness.
Your support helps maintain this space of authentic expression and enables more rebels to find their path to freedom.
🌊 [Fuel the Rebellion](https://buymeacoffee.com/adontai)
*"Every drop joins the ocean of change."*

@ 67403b2c:27b48c7a
2025-02-25 21:53:01
Have you ever wondered why Jewish people often say "Hashem" instead of "God"? This thoughtful practice goes far beyond simple word choice—it reveals profound insights about respect, spirituality, and the sacred nature of language in Judaism.
## What Does "Hashem" Mean?
Hashem—literally meaning "the Name" in Hebrew—represents a tradition built on reverence and deep spiritual understanding. This practice stems from a fundamental Jewish belief: God's true name is too sacred for everyday use. When practitioners say Hashem, they acknowledge something profound about divinity—that it transcends human comprehension.
## The Spiritual Impact of Sacred Language
Think about how you speak about someone you deeply respect. You likely choose your words carefully, right? The use of Hashem works similarly. Each time this substitute name is spoken, it creates a powerful reminder: we stand before something far greater than ourselves. This mindful approach to sacred language creates a unique space for spiritual connection—intimate yet respectful, close yet maintaining appropriate distance.
## Understanding Hashem in a Global Context
Different religions worldwide have their own special names and titles for the divine. Each reveals unique perspectives on humanity's relationship with the sacred. Hashem offers a fascinating example of how language shapes spiritual experience and opens doors for meaningful interfaith dialogue.
## Why This Matters for Everyone
Even if you're not Jewish, this practice offers valuable insights into spirituality and language. It demonstrates how our word choices can profoundly impact our spiritual awareness and relationship with the sacred. Whether you're speaking about God, contemplating the divine, or discussing matters of faith, the language you choose shapes your experience.
## The Universal Message of Hashem
The practice of saying Hashem transcends religious boundaries. It touches on universal human experiences we all share:
- Our sense of awe before the infinite
- Our struggle to express the inexpressible
- Our quest to find appropriate ways to speak about what we hold most sacred
## Learn More About Jewish Traditions
Understanding practices like using Hashem helps build bridges between different faiths and cultures. It reminds us that despite our different traditions, we share common human experiences in our spiritual journeys.
*Did you find this guide helpful? Support more articles like this:*
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*Share this article with others interested in spiritual practices and interfaith understanding!*

@ 67403b2c:27b48c7a
2025-02-25 21:51:16
## Quick Summary
- Location: Tampa Bay, Florida
- Urgent Need: $500 for extended stay housing
- Deadline: 48 hours (move-in by Wednesday/Thursday)
- Recent Victory: Job secured at ARS Rescue Rooter
- Current Status: Third night on streets
- Housing Solution: West Wing extended stay apartments near USF
## The Journey So Far
My first experience with homelessness began on January 11, 2022. Now, facing my fourth bout of homelessness in Tampa Bay, each return to the streets becomes increasingly dangerous. I've survived three separate attacks while homeless, and the constant vigilance required to stay safe takes a devastating toll.
## Breaking News: Job Secured
After countless applications and interviews, I've secured a position as HD Store Sales Associate at ARS Rescue Rooter! The background check is in progress, with work beginning February 13th. This isn't just employment – it's a chance to break the cycle of homelessness.
## The Housing Crisis: By the Numbers
- 500,000+ Americans experience homelessness nightly
- 27% caught in chronic homelessness
- Average 1-bedroom apartment requires $40,000/year income
- Only 25% of eligible households receive housing assistance
- Current hotel rates: $88-100/day, $120+ weekends
## The Immediate Challenge
I've found an affordable solution at West Wing extended stay apartments:
- Weekly rate: $500 (all utilities included)
- Monthly option: $1,400
- Location: Near USF campus
- Move-in ready: Yes
- Management: Willing to work with my situation
- Need: $500 for immediate move-in
## Why This Is Critical
1. Physical Safety: Nearly collapsed from exhaustion yesterday
2. Job Security: Need stable base before starting work
3. Financial Stability: Weekly pay will maintain housing once started
4. Breaking the Cycle: Opportunity to end homelessness permanently
## Financial Strategy for Stability
The path to sustainable housing requires careful planning. Here's the strategic approach:
### Initial Housing Buffer
- Need: $1,000 for two weeks' extended stay
- Purpose: Create financial cushion through first paycheck
- Timing: Move in before job starts February 13th
- Goal: Avoid costly temporary hotel stays ($88-100/night)
### Payment Timeline Strategy
1. Week One: Community-supported housing payment ($500)
2. Week Two: Job begins, first week worked ($500 buffer active)
3. Week Three: First paycheck received, begins regular payment cycle
4. Week Four: Establish stable weekly payment pattern
### Cost Comparison
Traditional Hotels vs. Extended Stay:
- Hotels: $88-100/night ($616-700/week)
- Weekend rates: $120+/night
- Extended Stay: $500/week all-inclusive
- Monthly option: $1,400 (additional savings)
### Why Two Weeks Matter
- First week: Secure immediate housing
- Second week: Buffer during pay period transition
- Prevents falling back to expensive hotels
- Ensures stable foundation for job success
- Avoids gaps in housing security
- Transition from weekly to monthly payments
- Save $200+ per month vs. weekly rates
- Establish rental history for future housing
- Create non-profit organization focused on:
- Ending homelessness worldwide
- Providing immediate housing solutions
- Developing sustainable support systems
- Sharing lived experience expertise
- Building community-based intervention programs
- Breaking cycles of homelessness globally
- Creating replicable housing solutions
- Advocating for systemic change
This strategic approach ensures:
1. No gaps in housing during job transition
2. Maximum cost efficiency
3. Path to long-term stability
4. Foundation for future independence
5. Platform to help others escape homelessness
6. Opportunity to transform personal struggle into global impact
## How You Can Help
Immediate Actions:
1. Contribute through [Buy Me a Coffee](https://buymeacoffee.com/adontai)
2. Share this story on social media
3. Follow updates on Twitter [@adontaim](https://twitter.com/adontaim)
4. Connect with resources or housing solutions
## Related Resources
Learn more about homelessness in Tampa Bay:
- [The Hidden Dimensions of Homelessness](https://posts.type.ai/the-torah-of-traie/the-hidden-dimensions-of-homelessness) - An exploration of the often-overlooked aspects of homeless life and the daily realities faced by those experiencing it.
- [Surviving Florida's Anti-Homeless Laws](https://posts.type.ai/the-torah-of-traie/surviving-floridas-anti-homeless-laws) - A detailed look at the legal challenges and systemic barriers that make escaping homelessness increasingly difficult in Florida.
- [Surviving the In-Between](https://posts.type.ai/the-torah-of-traie/surviving-the-in-between) - A personal account of navigating the challenging transition periods between housing and homelessness.
- [Surviving Homelessness Alone](https://posts.type.ai/the-torah-of-traie/surviving-homelessness-alone) - An intimate look at the unique challenges and strategies for surviving homelessness without a support system.
- [Invisible Battles: The Silent Struggle](https://posts.type.ai/the-torah-of-traie/invisible-battles-the-silent-struggle) - A deep dive into the unseen mental and emotional challenges faced while experiencing homelessness.
These pieces provide additional context to my ongoing journey and highlight the complex intersections of personal struggle, public policy, and societal attitudes toward homelessness. Your engagement with these stories helps raise awareness about the real challenges faced by people experiencing homelessness in our community.
Thank you for taking the time to understand and share these experiences.
## Updates and Progress
Follow real-time updates across platforms:
- Twitter/X: [@adontaim](https://twitter.com/adontaim)
- Facebook: [facebook.com/adontai](https://facebook.com/adontai)
- Support Page: [buymeacoffee.com/adontai](https://buymeacoffee.com/adontai)
## Take Action Now
Every hour counts in this 48-hour window. Your support could be the difference between:
- Starting a new job from stable housing
- Continuing to sleep on the streets
- Breaking the cycle of homelessness
- Building a sustainable future
Share this story with anyone who might be able to help. Together, we can transform this opportunity into lasting stability.
\#TampaBay #Homelessness #CommunitySupport #EmergencyHousing #MutualAid

@ 67403b2c:27b48c7a
2025-02-25 21:38:26
## The inconvenient truth about success that productivity gurus don't want you to know
"Just work harder."
If you're like me, you've heard this advice hundreds of times. It's plastered across LinkedIn posts, echoed in graduation speeches, and whispered in performance reviews. But here's what nobody tells you: it might be the most damaging piece of career advice ever given.
## The Religion of Hard Work
From an early age, we're indoctrinated into what I call "the religion of hard work." Its commandments are simple:
- Thou shalt hustle 24/7
- Thou shalt glorify the grind
- Thou shalt feel guilty about rest
We worship at the altar of productivity porn, sharing stories of self-made millionaires and pioneering entrepreneurs who "made it" through sheer force of will. The gospel is clear: work harder than everyone else, and success will follow.
But here's the inconvenient truth: it's mostly fiction.
## The Data Tells a Different Story
Let's look at what research actually shows:
- A 2022 study found that socioeconomic background was *twice* as predictive of career advancement as work ethic
- 77% of professionals report burnout at their current jobs
- Productivity *plummets* after 50 hours of work per week
- Working longer hours directly correlates with increased rates of depression and anxiety
Think about that for a second. We're killing ourselves for a promise that data shows isn't even true.
## The Real Success Stories Nobody Talks About
The tech industry—my world for the past decade—provides the perfect case study. For every "overnight success" story about a founder who worked 100-hour weeks, there are dozens of equally hard-working teams that failed. The difference? Usually not effort, but timing, connections, or plain old luck.
Remember Friendster? They worked just as hard as Facebook. MySpace? They grinded just like Twitter. The difference wasn't effort—it was everything else.
## The Nordic Model: Working Less, Achieving More
Here's what really bakes my noodle: the countries with the shortest working hours often have the highest productivity and happiness levels. Take Denmark and Norway:
- Shorter workweeks
- More vacation time
- Higher productivity per hour
- Consistently ranked among the world's happiest nations
They've cracked the code that we're still trying to figure out: working smarter beats working harder.
## A Better Way Forward
Instead of measuring success in hours worked or sacrifices made, what if we measured it in:
- Mental health preserved
- Relationships strengthened
- Creative projects completed
- Life experiences gained
Companies like Buffer and Basecamp aren't just experimenting with this approach—they're proving it works. Their four-day workweeks and "calm company" philosophies haven't hurt their bottom lines; they've helped them.
## The Real Revolution
The next time someone tells you to "just work harder," remember this: hard work has its place, but it's just one ingredient in a complex recipe. The real revolution isn't in grinding ourselves down—it's in building a life where success doesn't require sacrifice.
Because maybe, just maybe, the smartest thing we can do is stop working so hard at working hard.
*If this resonated with you, hit the subscribe button below. I write weekly about rethinking traditional career advice and finding better ways to define and achieve success.*

@ 67403b2c:27b48c7a
2025-02-25 21:37:22
The heat was relentless—a suffocating force that offered no refuge. Our world shrank to the confines of portable toilets and the fleeting mercy of a mobile shower truck. Even the simple dignity of clean clothes hung precariously on the whims of a laundry service that weaponized access as a form of control.
We lived under the weight of an institutional facade, where arbitrary rules served not order but power. Minutes late to retrieve laundry? The facility would shut down for the day. Showers became bargaining chips, withdrawn for imagined infractions. The computer room, our sole sanctuary of climate control, stood as a cruel mirage—perpetually promised, perpetually denied. Only the Wi-Fi remained steadfast, a digital umbilical cord to the world beyond our suspended reality.
In this liminal space between citizen and prisoner, I discovered an unexpected salvation in vulnerability. The act of opening up to my family about my circumstances didn't just halve the burden—it restored a piece of my humanity. Yet even now, with those days behind me, the memories trigger visceral responses that ripple through my body like aftershocks of trauma.
The path to homelessness is a gradual unraveling. One moment, you're maintaining a precarious balance of employment and housing; the next, you're watching that fragile stability dissolve. The stress manifests physically—a constant companion that transforms into waves of terror and overwhelming dread. Even now, recounting these experiences summons that familiar tide of panic, threatening to pull me under.
Survival mode rewires your priorities with brutal efficiency. When shelter becomes uncertain, the body's response is primal and absolute:
- Communications fade to white noise
- Basic needs become luxury items
- The world contracts to a single imperative: find safety
In these moments of acute crisis, even fundamental human needs—food, connection, dignity—become secondary concerns. Shelter becomes an obsession, sought in any form: a public restroom, a quiet corner, any space that offers temporary reprieve from exposure.
The myth of multitasking crumbles when basic survival consumes every ounce of mental energy. Each day balances precariously on the edge of catastrophe, where the slightest disruption can trigger a cascade of survival responses. These aren't conscious choices but reflexive adaptations—often destructive, always necessary.
Walking through society wearing the invisible marks of homelessness teaches you about humiliation, but also about resilience. There's something profoundly dehumanizing about having your existence reduced to pure survival, yet within that stripped-down reality, hope persists—stubborn and essential as a heartbeat. Every step forward becomes an act of reclaiming identity, even as worn clothes and weathered dignity remind you of the distance still to travel.
This narrative transcends personal testimony—it illuminates how survival consciousness reshapes human experience. My coping mechanisms, however imperfect, represent more than individual strategies; they reflect the universal human drive to preserve dignity in the face of systematic degradation. Through this lens, physical deprivation and emotional trauma reveal a deeper truth: resilience isn't about thriving, but about maintaining our essential humanity when circumstances conspire to strip it away.
# Garden of Modern Eden
Every Sunday, Adon watched Elder Clark stand at the pulpit, his voice carrying across the congregation like thunder. The elder preached about strength, about what made a "real man"—always with those air quotes that made Adon's stomach turn.
After service one morning, Adon overheard Clark counseling another young man. "Stand alone. That's what men do. We don't need help, we don't ask for it." The words felt like stones dropping into Adon's chest, each one heavier than the last.
Adon thought about Steve waiting in their apartment, about the strength it took to be themselves in a world that seemed determined to deny their existence. He thought about Clark's daughter, who had transitioned years ago and now lived states away, sending only Christmas cards that were never acknowledged.
"Funny," Adon whispered to himself as he walked home that day, "how some people trust G_d with everything except the beautiful diversity of His creation." He smiled, finally understanding that true strength wasn't in standing alone—it was in standing proudly as the person you were meant to be, even when others refused to see you. his voice carrying across the congregation like thunder. The elder preached about strength, about what made a "real man"—always with those air quotes that made Adon's stomach turn.
After service one morning, Adon overheard Clark counseling another young man. "Stand alone. That's what men do. We don't need help, we don't ask for it." The words felt like stones dropping into Adon's chest, each one heavier than the last.
Adon thought about Steve waiting in their apartment, about the strength it took to be themselves in a world that seemed determined to deny their existence. He thought about Clark's daughter, who had transitioned years ago and now lived states away, sending only Christmas cards that were never acknowledged.
"Funny," Adon whispered to himself as he walked home that day, "how some people trust G_d with everything except the beautiful diversity of His creation." He smiled, finally understanding that true strength wasn't in standing alone—it was in standing proudly as the person you were meant to be, even when others refused to see you.

Love what you see? Support my work! ☕
Your coffee donations help fuel new content and keep this project going. I'd love to hear your thoughts and feedback too!
👉 [Buy me a coffee at buymeacoffee.com/adontai](https://buymeacoffee.com/adontai)

@ 4c96d763:80c3ee30
2025-02-25 20:49:59
# Changes
## Daniel D’Aquino (8):
- Add release process issue template
- Reduce swipe sensitivity on thread chat view
- Fix issue where a NWC connection would not work unless restarting the app
- Implement developer feature to avoid distractions
- Fix issue where a NWC connection would not work unless restarting the app
- Fix issue where note persisted after note publication
- Add development and testing tips
- Improve open action handling for notifications
## Terry Yiu (6):
- Export strings for translation
- Remove preview strings from translation and add missing period to duplicate string to avoid double translation
- Trim whitespaces from Lightning addresses
- Fix reposts banner to be localizable
- Add Conversations tab to profiles
- Remove mystery tabs meant to fix tab switching bug that no longer exists
## Transifex (23):
- Translate Localizable.strings in pt_PT
- Translate Localizable.strings in pt_PT
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- Translate Localizable.strings in th
- Translate Localizable.strings in pl_PL
- Translate InfoPlist.strings in pl_PL
- Translate InfoPlist.strings in pl_PL
## William Casarin (2):
- Revert "Update EventMenu.swift"
- prs: ensure PR always have a linked issue
## alltheseas (1):
- Update EventMenu.swift
pushed to [damus:refs/heads/master](http://git.jb55.com/damus/commit/935a6cae7a199871f06e42190919844c87266a1b.html)

@ 3ad01248:962d8a07
2025-02-25 20:35:10
It has almost been a month since the Bitcoin friendly Trump administration has been in power. The Bitcoin price was riding high days before and after the election with Bitcoin reaching a new all time high of 109k. It sure seem like surely once Trump got into office the price would skyrocket and everyone finally would have lambos and girlfriends.
Sadly for the number go up crowd this didn't happen. There are no lambos to be found and no girlfriends. All we get is some sideways price action and a promise to look at creating a Strategic Bitcoin Reserve (BSR) or some kind of sovereign wealth fund.
If you are in Bitcoin for the right reasons and understand what you hold, this is the perfect time to stack sats before the price goes parabolic. I say this because Bitcoin sure seems to be poised to make a massive run. If you look past the current price of Bitcoin you can see a storm of dollars flowing into Bitcoin from the traditional fiat economy. The signs are there if you start looking for them.
## US States Creating Bitcoin Strategic Reserves
Guess how many states are considering creating a state level Bitcoin reserve of their own? Lots. Here is a list of states that are thinking about creating a reserve for their state:
- [Alabama](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#alabama)
- [Arizona](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#arizona)
- [Florida](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#florida)
- [Kansas](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#kansas)
- [Illinois](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#illinois)
- [Iowa](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#iowa)
- [Massachusetts](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#massachusetts)
- [Michigan](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#michigan)
- [Missouri](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#missouri)
- [Montana](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#montana)
- [New Hampshire](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#new-hampshire)
- [New Jersey](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#new-jersey)
- [New Mexico](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#new-mexico)
- [North Carolina](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#north-carolina)
- [North Dakota](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#north-dakota)
- [Ohio](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#ohio)
- [Pennsylvania](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#pennsylvania)
- [South Dakota](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#south-dakota)
- [Texas](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#texas)
- [Utah](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#utah)
- [Wisconsin](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#wisconsin)
- [Wyoming](https://crypto.news/the-list-us-states-embracing-bitcoin-reserves-growing/#wyoming)
Each state is at some varying degree of interest in creating a reserve. Texas and Arizona are by far have made the most progress on making a Bitcoin reserve a reality. [Texas is currently holding a public hearing on this at the time of this writing](https://bitcoinworld.co.in/texas-senate-bitcoin-reserve-hearing/). There is strong political will to create a reserve so I definitely can see them being first movers on this and once Texas makes it a reality the other state will move in short order.
[Arizona's strategic reserve bill passed the senate finance committee ](https://www.coinspeaker.com/arizona-senate-approves-strategic-bitcoin-reserve-bill/)on a 5-2 which is a big deal in itself but still has a long way to go before it becomes policy. If it passes the Senate it still has to pass the Arizona House of Representatives and signed by Democrat Governor Katie Hobbs, so the odds of this becoming law is slim. Arizona Democrats seem to be anti-Bitcoin in general and any bills coming from Republicans will likely be shoot down or watered down.
[Analysts believe that $23 billion could flow into Bitcoin](https://cryptopotato.com/us-state-strategic-bitcoin-reserves-could-buy-23b-in-btc-vaneck/) from government reserves which equates to 247k Bitcoin going into government cold storage. I have reservations about governments creating BSR's but if we are going to have them I much rather them be at the state level where it can benefit citizens the most. Especially state pension funds that so many of our firefighters, police and first responders depend on for retirement.
We will probably see a state level BSR created by the end of the year if not sooner. Time will tell.
### SAB 121 Repeal
What is SAB 121? SAB 121 or Staff Accounting Bulletin 121 made it problematic for financial institutions to custody digital assets such as Bitcoin for their customers. SAB 121 required institutions to record their holdings as a liability and not an asset.
Naturally banks and other financial institutions didn't see an upside to custody digital assets if it meant taking on liability and having an administration that was hostile to crypto in general. Why take the chance to piss off the government and give them a reason to go after you is probably the reasoning of most bank executives. SAB 121 achieved the goal the Biden administration set out to accomplish, namely stymie Bitcoin adoption by banks and individuals as long as possible.
[President Trump swiftly issued a executive order rescinding SAB 121](https://www.fireblocks.com/blog/the-repeal-of-sab-121-a-new-chapter-for-u-s-leadership-in-crypto/) and with that ushering a new era in the realm of Bitcoin and digital assets in general. Financial institutions now have the ability to explore Bitcoin custody solutions that fit their customer's need without fear of having to record a liability on their books.
As more and more people and business learn about Bitcoin third party custody options are going to be popular. Think about it from a small business owner perspective for a second. They are in the business of selling their widgets for Bitcoin but they don't want to manage the complexity that comes with accounting, taxes etc.. In steps in their local bank that they have been with for years if not decades and starts providing Bitcoin management services. Small business owners would be all over that idea. In the long run I think the repeal of SAB 121 is going to be a bigger deal than states creating Bitcoin strategic reserves.
### FASB
Financial Accounting Standards Board or FASB for short has applied fair value accounting rules on Bitcoin and other digital assets. This is a huge deal because it will allow business to realize profit and losses of Bitcoin based on market prices. It also makes it easier for investors who evaluate businesses that hold Bitcoin on their balance sheet. Overall it treats Bitcoin like any other asset that a business would hold.
This accounting rule change will pave the way for more businesses to put Bitcoin on their balance sheet further driving demand for Bitcoin.
#### Lightning Companies Leading The Way
We all know that L1 Bitcoin can not scale to the entire world and that in order to bring more people into Bitcoin that layer two solutions would have to be built. This has largely been done with the creation of the lightning network which enables seamless peer to peer micropayments in the blink of an eye.
Base layer Bitcoin will certain not be used to buy your daily coffees or gym memberships but lightning will be used for that purpose. Businesses small and large will demand one click on demand solutions to help them accept Bitcoin payments for their businesses. There are plenty of Bitcoin business ready to help business adopt a Bitcoin standard.
Businesses such as [Opennode,](https://opennode.com/) [Zaprite](https://zaprite.com/), [Voltage](https://www.voltage.cloud/), [Breez](https://breez.technology/) make switching over to a Bitcoin standard easy for businesses to do.
So when you take a step back and really look at the Bitcoin ecosystem it is a lot more mature than most give it credit for and will slowly eat away at fiat currency dominance around the world.
The best thing that you can do is be patient, stack as many sats as you can and educate others about Bitcoin. We all know how fiat currencies end. Our time will come.

@ c1e9ab3a:9cb56b43
2025-02-25 19:49:28
# 1. Introduction
Modern election systems must balance **privacy** (no one sees how individuals vote) with **public verifiability** (everyone can confirm the correctness of the tally). Achieving this in a decentralized, tamper-resistant manner remains a challenge. Nostr (a lightweight protocol for censorship-resistant communication) offers a promising platform for distributing and archiving election data (ballots) without relying on a single central server.
This paper presents a design where:
1. Each *voter* generates a **new ephemeral Nostr keypair** for an election.
2. The election authority (EA) **blind-signs** this ephemeral public key (npub) to prove the voter is authorized, without revealing which voter owns which ephemeral key.
3. Voters cast *encrypted ballots* to Nostr relays, each carrying an **OpenTimestamps** proof to confirm the ballot’s time anchor.
4. **Re-voting** is allowed: a voter can replace a previously cast ballot by publishing a *new* ballot with a *newer* timestamp.
5. Only the *latest valid ballot* (per ephemeral key) is counted.
We combine well-known cryptographic primitives—**blind signatures**, **homomorphic or mix-net encryption**, **threshold key management**, and **time anchoring**—into an end-to-end system that preserves anonymity, assures correctness, and prevents double-voting.
# 2. Roles and Components
## 2.1 Voters
- **Long-Term (“KYC-bound”) Key**: Each voter has some identity-verified Nostr public key used only for official communication with the EA (not for voting).
- **Ephemeral Voting Key**: For each election, the voter **locally generates** a new Nostr keypair \((nsec_e, npub_e)\).
- This is the “one-time” identity used to sign ballots.
- The EA never learns the real identity behind \(\npub_e\) because of **blinding**.
## 2.2 Election Authority (EA)
- Maintains the **official voter registry**: who is entitled to vote.
- **Blind-Signs** each valid voter’s ephemeral public key to authorize exactly one ephemeral key per voter.
- Publishes a **minimal voter roll**: e.g., “Voter #12345 has been issued a valid ephemeral key,” without revealing which ephemeral key.
## 2.3 Nostr Relays
- Decentralized servers that store and forward events.
- Voters post their ballots to relays, which replicate them.
- No single relay is critical; the same ballot can be posted to multiple relays for redundancy.
## 2.4 Cryptographic Framework
1. **Blind Signatures**: The EA signs a blinded version of \(\npub_e\).
2. **Homomorphic or Mix-Net Encryption**: Ensures the content of each ballot remains private; only aggregate results or a shuffled set are ever decrypted.
3. **Threshold / General Access Structure**: Multiple trustees (EA plus candidate representatives, for example) must collaborate to produce a final decryption.
4. **OpenTimestamps (OTS)**: Attaches a verifiable timestamp proof to each ballot, anchoring it to a blockchain or other tamper-resistant time reference.
# 3. Protocol Lifecycle
This section walks through **voter registration**, **ephemeral key authorization**, **casting (and re-casting) ballots**, and finally the **tally**.
## 3.1 Registration & Minimal Voter Roll
1. **Legal/KYC Verification**
- Each real-world voter proves their identity to the EA (per legal procedures).
- The EA records that the voter is eligible to cast one ballot, referencing their long-term identity key (\(\npub_{\mathrm{KYC}}\)).
2. **Issue Authorization “Slot”**
- The EA’s voter roll notes “this person can receive exactly one blind signature for an ephemeral key.”
- The roll does *not* store an ephemeral key—just notes that it can be requested.
## 3.2 Generating and Blinding the Ephemeral Key
1. **Voter Creates Ephemeral Key**
- Locally, the voter’s client generates a fresh \((nsec_e, npub_e)\).
2. **Blinding**
- The client blinds \(\npub_e\) to produce \(\npub_{e,\mathrm{blinded}}\). This ensures the EA cannot learn the real \(\npub_e\).
3. **Blind Signature Request**
- The voter, using their **KYC-bound key** (\(\npub_{\mathrm{KYC}}\)), sends \(\npub_{e,\mathrm{blinded}}\) to the EA (perhaps via a secure direct message or a “giftwrapped DM”).
- The EA checks that this voter has not already been issued a blind signature.
- If authorized, the EA signs \(\npub_{e,\mathrm{blinded}}\) with its private key and returns the blinded signature.
4. **Unblinding**
- The voter’s client unblinds the signature, obtaining a **valid signature** on \(\npub_e\).
- Now \(\npub_e\) is a **blinded ephemeral public key** that the EA has effectively “authorized,” without knowing which voter it belongs to.
5. **Roll Update**
- The EA updates its minimal roll to note that “Voter #12345 received a signature,” but does *not* publish \(\npub_e\).
## 3.3 Casting an Encrypted Ballot with OpenTimestamps
When the voter is ready to vote:
1. **Compose Encrypted Ballot**
- The ballot can be **homomorphically** encrypted (e.g., with Paillier or ElGamal) or structured for a **mix-net**.
- Optionally include Zero-Knowledge Proofs (ZKPs) showing the ballot is valid (one candidate per race, etc.).
2. **Obtain OTS Timestamp**
- The voter’s client computes a **hash** \(H\) of the ballot data (ciphertext + ZKPs).
- The client sends \(H\) to an **OpenTimestamps** aggregator.
- The aggregator returns a **timestamp proof** verifying that “this hash was seen at or before block/time \(T\).”
3. **Create a “Timestamped Ballot” Payload**
- Combine:
1. **Encrypted ballot** data.
2. **OTS proof** for the hash of the ballot.
3. **EA’s signature** on \(\npub_e\) (the blind-signed ephemeral key).
4. A final **signature** by the voter’s ephemeral key \((nsec_e)\) over the entire package.
4. **Publish to Nostr**
- The voter posts the complete “timestamped ballot” event to one or more relays.
- Observers see “an event from ephemeral key \(\npub_e\), with an OTS proof and the EA’s blind signature,” but cannot identify the real voter or see the vote’s contents.
### 3.4 Re-Voting (Updating the Ballot)
If the voter wishes to revise their vote (due to coercion, a mistake, or simply a change of mind):
1. **Generate a New Encrypted Ballot**
- Possibly with different candidate choices.
2. **Obtain a New OTS Proof**
- The new ballot has a fresh hash \(H'\).
- The OTS aggregator provides a new proof anchored at a *later* block/time than the old one.
3. **Publish the Updated Ballot**
- Again, sign with \(\npub_e\).
- Relays store both ballots, but the *newer* OTS timestamp shows which ballot is “final.”
**Rule**: The final vote for ephemeral key \(\npub_e\) is determined by the ballot with the **highest valid OTS proof** prior to the election’s closing.
## 3.5 Election Closing & Tally
1. **Close Signal**
- At a specified time or block height, the EA publishes a “closing token.”
- Any ballot with an OTS anchor referencing a time/block *after* the closing is invalid.
2. **Collect Final Ballots**
- Observers (or official tally software) gather the *latest valid* ballot from each ephemeral key.
- They confirm the OTS proofs are valid and that no ephemeral key posted two different ballots with the **same** timestamp.
3. **Decryption / Summation**
- If homomorphic, the system sums the encrypted votes and uses a **threshold** of trustees to decrypt the aggregate.
- If a mix-net, the ballots are shuffled and partially decrypted, also requiring multiple trustees.
- In either case, individual votes remain hidden, but the final counts are revealed.
4. **Public Audit**
- Anyone can fetch all ballots from the Nostr relays, verify OTS proofs, check the EA’s blind signature, and confirm no ephemeral key was used twice.
- The final totals can be recomputed from the publicly available data.
# 4. Ensuring One Vote Per Voter & No Invalid Voters
1. **One Blind Signature per Registered Voter**
- The EA’s internal list ensures each real voter only obtains one ephemeral key signature.
2. **Blind Signature**
- Ensures an *unauthorized* ephemeral key cannot pass validation (forging the EA’s signature is cryptographically infeasible).
3. **Public Ledger of Ballots**
- Because each ballot references an EA-signed key, any ballot with a fake or duplicate signature is easily spotted.
# 5. Security and Privacy Analysis
1. **Voter Anonymity**
- The EA never sees the unblinded ephemeral key. It cannot link \(\npub_e\) to a specific person.
- Observers only see “some ephemeral key posted a ballot,” not the real identity of the voter.
2. **Ballot Secrecy**
- **Homomorphic Encryption** or **Mix-Net**: no one can decrypt an individual ballot; only aggregated or shuffled results are revealed.
- The ephemeral key used for signing does not decrypt the ballot—the election’s threshold key does, after the election.
3. **Verifiable Timestamping**
- **OpenTimestamps** ensures each ballot’s time anchor cannot be forged or backdated.
- Re-voting is transparent: a later OTS proof overrides earlier ones from the same ephemeral key.
4. **Preventing Double Voting**
- Each ephemeral key is unique and authorized once.
- Re-voting by the same key overwrites the old ballot but does not *increase* the total count.
5. **Protection Against Coercion**
- Because the voter can re-cast until the deadline, a coerced vote can be replaced privately.
- No receipts (individual decryption) are possible—only the final aggregated tally is revealed.
6. **Threshold / Multi-Party Control**
- Multiple trustees must collaborate to decrypt final results, preventing a single entity from tampering or prematurely viewing partial tallies.
# 6. Implementation Considerations
1. **Blind Signature Techniques**
- Commonly implemented with RSA-based Chaumian blind signatures or BLS-based schemes.
- Must ensure no link between \(\npub_{e,\mathrm{blinded}}\) and \(\npub_e\).
2. **OpenTimestamps Scalability**
- If millions of voters are posting ballots simultaneously, multiple timestamp aggregators or batch anchoring might be needed.
- Verification logic on the client side or by public auditors must confirm each OTS proof’s integrity.
3. **Relay Coordination**
- The system must ensure no single relay can censor ballots. Voters may publish to multiple relays.
- Tally fetchers cross-verify events from different relays.
4. **Ease of Use**
- The user interface must hide the complexity of ephemeral key generation, blind signing, and OTS proof retrieval—making it as simple as possible for non-technical voters.
5. **Legal Framework**
- If law requires publicly listing which voters have cast a ballot, you might track “Voter #12345 used their ephemeral key” without revealing the ephemeral key. Or you omit that if secrecy about *who voted* is desired.
6. **Closing Time Edge Cases**
- The system uses a *block/time anchor* from OTS. Slight unpredictability in block generation might require a small buffer around the official close. This is a policy choice.
# 7. Conclusion
We propose an **election system** that leverages **Nostr** for decentralizing ballot publication, **blinded ephemeral keys** for robust voter anonymity, **homomorphic/mix-net encryption** for ballot secrecy, **threshold cryptography** for collaborative final decryption, **OpenTimestamps** for tamper-proof time anchoring, and **re-voting** to combat coercion.
**Key Advantages**:
1. **Anonymity**: The EA cannot link ballots to specific voters.
2. **One Voter, One Credential**: Strict enforcement through blind signatures.
3. **Verifiable Ordering**: OTS ensures each ballot has a unique, provable time anchor.
4. **Updatability**: Voters can correct or override coerced ballots by posting a newer one before closing.
5. **Decentralized Audit**: Anyone can fetch ballots from Nostr, verify the EA’s signatures and OTS proofs, and confirm the threshold-decrypted results match the posted ballots.
Such a design shows promise for secure, privacy-preserving **digital elections**, though real-world deployment will require careful **policy, legal, and usability** considerations. By combining cryptography with decentralized relays and an external timestamp anchor, the system can uphold both **individual privacy** and **publicly auditable correctness**.

@ 6e0ea5d6:0327f353
2025-02-25 19:39:35
People naturally gravitate toward what they are already good at, often neglecting the development of complementary essential skills—creating an asymmetric growth. However, this common imbalance is a mistake we don’t have to repeat.
To stand out, one must seek completeness.
If you possess natural intelligence, don’t rely solely on it—strengthen your body through physical training or martial arts.
If you are naturally athletic, nourish your mind with great books and intellectual content.
Aspiring to excellence demands this balance:
When your ambition is to be a king, you must first become a warrior-scholar.
Staying on the throne depends precisely on this deliberate fusion of seemingly opposite strengths.
"The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools."
— Thucydides
"If your son is quiet and intelligent, emphasize boldness, leadership, and physicality. If your son is tall and impulsive, emphasize learning, mindfulness, and critical thinking. You cannot be a complete man when you only have 50% of the equation."
Thank you for reading, my friend!
If this message resonated with you, consider leaving your "🥃" as a token of appreciation.
A toast to our family!

@ 8da249fe:ecc00e09
2025-02-25 18:25:37
É um sistema eletrônico de dinheiro P2P, ou seja, é uma forma de dinheiro essencialmente digital, onde as pessoas podem transacionar sem precisar de um intermediário ou estar sujeito a autoridades centralizadas (Sistema Financeiro Governamental).
Ou seja, não há nenhuma existe de "Casa da Moedas" que façam o controle de dinheiro circulante e factíveis a movimentos artificiais de manejo de crises econômicas que pioram o processo de estabilização financeira. Para que o Bitcoin não seja alvo de fraudes e golpes o controle é feito por um sistema colaborativo de todos os usuários que validam suas transferências em um sistema de audição que chamamos de blockchain.
Como o Bitcoin funciona?
A moeda Bitcoin é um item eletrônico colecionável criando de forma de ser induplicável e não copiável. Este tipo de "arquivo" eletrônico tem propriedades de dinheiro, quando há o envio deste arquivo é retirado do seu local de armazenamento e transferido para outro sem gerar cópia. Todas as transferências deste tipo de "arquivo" são registradas em um livro contábel que tem o nome de blockchain.
Por isso que o Bitcoin é de fato uma moeda e não algo que possa ser um método de estelionato. Pois há uma auditoria voluntária de todos os usuários na Blockchain garantindo que não haja fraude e injeção de Bitcoin de forma artificial no sistema.

@ dbb19ae0:c3f22d5a
2025-02-25 18:20:15
Using Nostr_sdk 0.39 (Latest)
module to send dm
# test with 0.39
# working
import asyncio
from nostr_sdk import Client, NostrSigner, Keys, PublicKey, init_logger, LogLevel
async def send_direct_message(nsec, recipient_npub, message):
sender_keys = Keys.parse(nsec)
sender_client = NostrSigner.keys(sender_keys)
client = Client(sender_client)
public_key = sender_keys.public_key()
print(f"From Public key (npub): {public_key.to_bech32()}")
await client.add_relay("wss://relay.damus.io")
await client.connect()
print(f"to Public key (npub): {recipient_npub}")
await client.send_private_msg(PublicKey.parse(recipient_npub), message, [])
await asyncio.sleep(10)
print(f"Message sent")
if __name__ == '__main__':
nsec = "nsec1 ... replace with your nsec"
recipient_npub = "npub ... replace with npub to send dm"
message = "Hello there, this is a message!"
asyncio.run(send_direct_message(nsec, recipient_npub, message))

@ fe02e8ec:f07fbe0b
2025-02-25 18:15:55
Viele Menschen (und es werden beständig mehr) stellen sich inzwischen die Frage, ob die massiven Eingriffe in unser Leben mit dem Argument der «Klimarettung» noch in einem gesunden Verhältnis stehen. Ob De-Industrialisierung, Stromausfälle, Autos mit 500 kg schweren Batterien oder riesige Windparks wirklich das Klima «retten» werden. Doch die Frage ist falsch gestellt. Denn erstens kann das Klima nicht «gerettet» werden. Vor wem oder was denn soll eine statistische Größe, die über 30 Jahre hinweg gemittelt wird, gerettet werden? Das ist natürlich Unfug. Es geht eigentlich darum, die *Lebensbedingungen für uns Menschen* auf der Erde in einem gut verträglichen Zustand zu halten. Das sagt aber keiner, denn es könnte auch ein wenig egoistisch klingen, deshalb ist es viel ehrenvoller, das Klima oder gleich «Gaia» zu retten. Dies ist tatsächlich ein wesentlicher *moralischer* Unterschied. Denn wenn ich für «das Klima» oder «Mutter Erde» kämpfe, dann kämpfe ich selbstlos für etwas absolut Gutes. Kein Mensch würde auf die Idee kommen, diesen Einsatz negativ zu bewerten.
Nun zum Kampf um den *Erhalt von für uns Menschen günstigen Lebensbedingungen*. Was zweifellos äußerst wichtig und geboten ist. Um diese Anstrengung uneingeschränkt gut zu finden, ist es *notwendig, den Menschen selbst*, die Menschheit, *gut zu finden*. Denn nur dann ›verdient‹ sie es, für immer in einer lebenswerten Welt zu leben. Was aber, wenn man die Menschen für gar nicht so gut, vielleicht sogar für böse und zerstörerisch hält? Ist dann die *Rettung einer für den Menschen lebenswerten Erde* noch immer ein vollkommen gutes Ziel? Oder schwingt nicht auch ein Gedanke mit wie «wenn es den Menschen nicht mehr gäbe, würde es dem Klima endlich besser gehen?» oder «Die Erde hat einen Virus. Er heißt Mensch»? Hier wird eine *moralische* Schuld aufgebaut, die dem entgegenkommt, was Menschen seit Jahrhunderten kennen: das Gefühl, schuldig zu sein. «*Jeder hat Schuld, da er von Natur aus böse und sündig ist.»* Weshalb alle, die Zweifel an den CO2-Theorien äußern, nicht etwa zu Diskussionen aufgefordert werden, sondern als *Leugner* bezeichnet werden. Ganz so, wie wir es aus den Methoden der Schulderzeugung gewisser Institutionen kennen.
Doch damit nicht genug. Denn auf dieser Basis könnte man noch immer die Diskussion suchen, um herauszufinden, was denn nun die besten Bedingungen für unser Leben sind. Doch wir alle wissen, dass das nicht geschieht. Es gibt keinerlei Diskussion über *die Auswirkungen der Klimapolitik auf gute Lebensbedingungen* (Nicht einmal angesichts der Tatsache, dass die allermeisten der Klimamaßnahmen massiv der Natur schaden) oder die *Verhältnismäßigkeit dieser Maßnahmen*. Und zwar aus einem ganz entscheidenden Grund: *Wenn die totale Vernichtung droht, so kann es keine Verhältnismäßigkeit geben*! Es ist dasselbe Vorgehen wie bei der «Pandemie»: wenn der Tod von zig Millionen Menschen unmittelbar bevor steht, dann gibt es kein Abwägen, keine Verhältnismäßigkeit, keine Vernunftargumente mehr. Denn das ist das Prinzip dahinter: *Mache die Gefahr absolut und ermögliche damit jede noch so extreme Maßnahme*. In beiden Fällen dienten und dienen einzig Modellrechnungen für die Ausrufung der Katastrophe. Beim Virus war es das Imperial College in London (das für Schweden eine 75-fach zu hohe Todeszahl «errechnet» hatte), beim Klima ist es das IPCC, dessen Zweck ausschließlich darin besteht, die menschengemachten Effekte auf das Klima zu prognostizieren (andere Effekte spielen praktisch keine Rolle). Beim Virus war es die Inzidenz, beim Klima sind es die Kipppunkte, die drohend in die Modellrechnungen eingebaut wurden. Denn diese Punkte haben alle eines gemeinsam: wenn sie erreicht werden, so gibt es kein Zurück mehr, dann ist die Katastrophe in voller Wucht über uns hereingebrochen. Dann droht die Vernichtung der gesamten Menschheit, allen Lebens und wir sind nur noch eine kleine Episode der planetaren Geschichte.
*Wann* ein Kipppunkt erreicht sein wird lässt sich prinzipiell nicht vorhersagen, da alles ein mehrfach gekoppeltes nichtlineares System darstellt. Der Schmetterlingseffekt in Potenz gewissermaßen. Obwohl diese Klima-Gleichungen prinzipiell unlösbar sind muss dennoch alles dafür getan werden, damit wir nicht in die Nähe jener katastrophalen Punkte kommen. *Natürlich weiß niemand, ob es diese Punkte wirklich gibt*, denn dazu müssten sie ja schon einmal beobachtet worden sein. Aber allein die Möglichkeit, dass es sie geben könnte und dass dann die totale Vernichtung über uns hereinbricht, genügt, um das Prinzip Vorsicht zu 100% walten zu lassen. *Denn wenn die Gefahr maximal ist – alles Leben wird zerstört – dann darf es kein Zaudern geben.*

**Schuld und Sünde**
Der Mensch ist böse und schuldig. Das Thema Schuld ist absolut grundlegend für den Erfolg des Narrrativs. Denn nur mit dieser Erzählung sind die Menschen bereit, extreme Maßnahmen und Härten in Kauf zu nehmen und sogar selbst dafür zu sorgen, dass sie eingehalten oder gar vorangetrieben werden (Klimakleber & Co.). Im Gegensatz zur Angsterzeugung, die permanent mit neuen schrecklichen Bildern und Geschichten angefacht werden muss, hat Schulderzeugung einen unschätzbaren Vorteil: sind die neuen Vorgaben erst einmal im Gewissen der Menschen verankert, so sorgt der eigene *Wunsch nach sozialem Passen* dafür, dass alles befolgt wird – ganz ohne weiteren äußeren Zwang! Bereits heute können Millionen Menschen CO2 und die erzeugende Industrie sowie Verbrennerfahrzeuge nur noch als böse und gefährlich denken. Wenn man ihnen sagen würde, CO2 ist der Nährstoff aller Pflanzen und mehr wäre besser, so würde das ihren Denkrahmen vollkommen überfordern. Sie wären tatsächlich nicht in der Lage, diesen Gedanken zu denken. Es ginge nicht, Punkt. Das ist die Langfristwirkung von Indoktrination, von mächtigen Narrativen: *Dinge werden vollkommen undenkbar gemacht, sie werden zu gedanklichen Sperrgebieten.* Ein entscheidender Faktor ist auch hier - wie so oft – unsere Sprache. Allein beim Aussprechen oder Schreiben des Wortes «Klimawandel» denkt unser Gehirn das Wort «menschengemacht» mit. Es wurde eine fast unlösbare Verbindung geschaffen.
Fassen wir zusammen: wenn die Gefahr maximal ist, so kann es keine Verhältnismäßigkeit geben. Jede Maßnahme – *absolut jede* – ist gerechtfertigt. Außerdem müssen die Schuldigen für ihr Fehlverhalten büßen, denn jeder Einzelne trägt persönlich Verantwortung für diese existenzielle Bedrohung. Nur Experten, Regierungen und vor allem globale Institutionen (WEF, UN etc.) können die Menschheit aus diesem Desaster erretten. Globale Probleme benötigen globale Player, weshalb Landesgesetze weitgehend abgeschafft werden sollen.
**Der wahre Feind des Menschen ist der Mensch**
Und damit kommen wir zum entscheidenden Aspekt der Sache. Denn man kann sich bis hierhin noch immer fragen: weshalb das alles? Die Antwort wurde längst gegeben, genauer gesagt im Jahr 1991:
*Auf der Suche nach einem gemeinsamen Feind, gegen den wir uns vereinen können, sind wir auf die Idee gekommen, dass Umweltverschmutzung, die drohende globale Erwärmung, Wasserknappheit, Hungersnöte und Ähnliches dafür infrage kommen … Alle diese Gefahren sind durch menschliche Eingriffe in natürliche Prozesse verursacht und können nur durch veränderte Einstellungen und Verhaltensweisen überwunden werden. Der wahre Feind ist also der Mensch selbst.\
(*zum Beispiel [hier](https://historyheist.com/club-of-romes-report-the-first-global-revolution-in-searching-for-the-new-enemy-to-unite-us-we-came-up-with-the-threat-of-global-warming/), im englischen Original [The common enemy of humanity is Man](https://historyheist.com/club-of-romes-report-the-first-global-revolution-in-searching-for-the-new-enemy-to-unite-us-we-came-up-with-the-threat-of-global-warming/)).
Dieses Statement stammt von einem der bekanntesten und einflussreichsten Think Tanks der Welt, dem Club of Rome. Mit seinem Report «Die Grenzen des Wachstums» schufen sie 1972 erstmals eine dystopische Vision unserer Zukunft, nicht als Roman sondern als konkrete Prognose. Seither sind mehr als 50 Jahre vergangen und man kann feststellen, dass so gut wie *alle Vorhersagen falsch waren*. Komplett daneben liegend: weder sind Öl oder Gas zu Ende gegangen (im Gegenteil, es werden laufend neue Vorkommen entdeckt) noch sind Milliarden Menschen auf Grund des Bevölkerungswachstums verhungert. Das hat dem Renommee dieses Clubs jedoch keinen Abbruch getan. Im Gegenteil. Das obige Zitat zeigt vielmehr, dass sie die Agenda für unser Zeitalter gesetzt haben. *Der Feind des Menschen ist der Mensch*. Er ist böse, sündig und schuldig. Er ist der Virus des Planeten.
***«Wir selbst sind nun gefordert, diese Schuld zu sühnen. Der Planet hat unsere Generation als das Lamm auserwählt, wir sind das Agnus Dei der Jetztzeit, das diese monströse Sünde auf sich nimmt.»***
*(*die Antagonistin in [„Hinter der Zukunft“](https://www.thomas-eisinger.de/roman-hinter-der-zukunft/), 2021*,* Thomas Eisinger*).*

**Die Frage nach dem Motiv**
Dennoch bleibt die Frage: wozu das Ganze? CO2 ist an jedem Produktions- und Lebensprozess beteiligt. Egal ob Nahrung, Transport, Energie, Heizung etc.: CO2 ist der gemeinsame Nenner. Was wäre also besser geeignet, eine Gesellschaft und jeden Einzelnen zu steuern und zu kontrollieren als dieses kleine unschuldige Molekül? Genau hier kommen wir der Antwort näher. *Wer die Macht hat, CO2-Budgets zu erstellen und zu verteilen,* *der hat die Macht, alles zu kontrollieren*! Das ist längst keine Fiktion, schon gar keine Spekulation: die CO2-Zertifikate existieren seit 2005 und verteuern inzwischen Jahr für Jahr unser Leben. Sie sorgen dafür, dass Kraftwerke erst gar nicht gebaut werden, sie verteuern Diesel und Benzin, Flüge, Düngemittel und damit Nahrungsmittel und vieles mehr. Doch es geht noch weiter: Die Idee des *persönlichen CO2-Budgets* wurde längst in die Diskussion eingebracht! Damit ließe sich dann Kontrolle bis zu jedem Einkauf durchführen, jeder Bahn- oder Autofahrt, jeder Urlaubsreise, jeder Wohnfläche, jedem Grad Zimmertemperatur. Das ist kein Witz und keine Übertreibung. Es fehlen nur noch die digitale ID sowie das digitale Geld, dann ist der Kreis geschlossen. Was derzeit zur Realisierung der totalen Kontrolle noch fehlt ist die Zuschreibung eines «CO2-Fußabdrucks» zu jedem Produkt, jeder Fahrt, jedem Grad Wohntemperatur, jeder KW-Stunde Strom. Das wäre das Ende jeder persönlichen Freiheit!
**Langsam keimt Hoffnung**
Doch inzwischen besteht Hoffnung! Der Regierungswechsel in den USA zeigt bereits Wirkung. Die Trump-Administration ist nicht gewillt, die wirtschaftliche Vormachtstellung der USA ideologischen CO2-Zielen zu opfern. Der sofortige Austritt aus dem Pariser Klimaabkommen ist ein erster Schritt, das Verbot von Windkraftanlagen ein weiterer. Reihenweise treten Großunternehmen aus der «Net-Zero Alliance» aus, zuletzt Blackrock. Noch in diesem Jahr wird sich zeigen, ob die USA den «Wertewesten» mitziehen können oder ob die Kräfte, die den Net Zero-Plan weiter verfolgen, sich auf die EU und besonders Deutschland verlegen werden, um ihre bevölkerungsfeindlichen Programme umzusetzen, so lange sie in den USA machtlos sind. Doch auch hier zu Lande gibt es inzwischen Millionen von Menschen, die die Nudging-, Schuldzuweisungs- und Propagandastrategien durchschauen. Was noch fehlt ist: mehr MUT! Das CO2-Klima-Narrativ mutig bei vielen Gelegenheiten in Frage zu stellen ist etwas, bei dem jeder mitwirken kann!
Der Autor hat sich mit der Thematik intensiv auseinandergesetzt beim Schreiben des Near Fiction Romanes «Hinter der Zukunft», der all diese Entwicklungen um fünf bis zehn Jahre weiterdreht (ganz neu als Hörbuch bei [audible](http://hinter-der-zukunft.de/9ui)). Bis zum CO2-Lebensbudget. Und dem Großen Geschenk – das jeden CO2-Ausstoß für immer beendet. Freiwillig. Denn im Unterschied zur Generation X und den Boomern, die noch eine Zeit ohne CO2-Diktat kennenlernen durften, sind die Menschen in naher Zukunft nichts anderes mehr gewohnt. Und: sie finden es gut und richtig! Denn ansonsten droht der totale Untergang. Und jeder einzelne ist daran Schuld... scheinbar.

@ 7a7d16c9:1a700636
2025-02-25 17:39:16
Watched an awesome [video](https://youtu.be/QEJpZjg8GuA?si=ceYEbMeFO-Ind6KO) from one who I subscribe on YT.
I've been trying to put my finger on what it is that I don't like about the major social media platforms. Alec Watson gave me the answer in one of his latest videos: "Algorithmic Complacency".
TLDR: Rather than read, watch, and collaborate with those I follow online, modern social media platforms like to tell me what content I should consume. Nostr, Bluesky, and Mastodon don't do this - I can see what I want and what I don't, without relying on a computer algorithm to tell me.
This got me thinking about my own use of social media platforms and my recent adoption of the Fedi-verse to circumvent the machine telling me how I should consume online content.
I don't subscribe to any one platform. I've not found one that addresses all my online social needs, nor one that feature the diverse audiences I follow. Here's a rundown of what I use:
YouTube - the easiest of the bunch. YT has become my new binge TV. Initially a frequented site for learning how to replace a garbage disposal or to learn some of the tricks with Davinci Resolve, YT quickly became my platform of choice for learning and entertainment content. Yes, YT has an algorithm and provides recommendations - it's how I found Technology Connections - but I like that I can use the subscriptions feed to just see content that I follow in addition to that which YT recommends.
Facebook - the favorite with the old guard. TBH, I've never liked big tech owning my voice on the Internet. I'd have deleted my FB account along with X and Instagram, long ago, except that it's the one platform that my family uses. My mother uses Facebook, so do my distant cousins, but only a subset use the other platforms, and none use the Fedi-verse. FB remains as the one platform for me to post the occasional vacation photo and to find out that my cousin got married last week - and no I didn't get an invite.
Vero - I'm a photographer and love to post some of my more interesting art pieces online for feedback, so I can improve my craft. I used to use Instagram, until it went over to the algorithm dark side and filled my feed with short-form video. Vero maintains to be what Instagram used to be. I've not checked out Pixelfed (yet).
Mastodon - After Musk took over Twitter and rebranded it to X, I swiftly left and moved to Mastodon. I hate the idea of a single business entity owning my content and right to free speech online. Like many, I have my own issues with Musk and his business practices and shouldn't have to deal with them as part of my online presence. Mastodon was and still is, the place where I get to collaborate with people I've never met in person on likeminded topics of interests. Mastodon relies on federated servers, which people own; so, there's that to consider. I've managed to find a server that caters to my interests and fulfills my desire to collaborate online.
Then comes Nostr...
My friend \_@briangreen.net introduced me to Nostr. As a long-term orange-pill advocate, I was thrilled to join Nostr to collaborate on the latest Bitcoin and Crypto news. I will say that Nostr appears less diverse in topics but that's rapidly changing as I am now seeing a lot of posts on photography, meshtastic, and other personal interests of mine. I love that Nostr is not so much a platform, but a federated protocol. I don't have to subscribe to any one app and web site to post and read content. For now, I use both Mastodon and Nostr to scratch my online collab itch. A nice thing about the Fedi-verse is that there's plenty of cross-posting apps. I use [OpenVibe](https://openvibe.social/) to post and consume content in one place. Their app is slick and works as advertised.
How do you use social media? Is Nostr your only platform, or do you still use the traditional ones?

@ 2e8970de:63345c7a
2025-02-25 17:16:37
> A Detailed Look at the Economic Impacts of Trump's Wide Ranging New Tariffs on China, Mexico, Canada, Steel, Aluminum, and Much More




If you're interested in global trade I recommend looking at the article. It's a real deep dive into many perspectives of US trade esp. with China. What gets imported from China, many individual product categories, what happened in round 1 in 2018 and so so much more. And lots of charts!
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/896850

@ 67403b2c:27b48c7a
2025-02-25 15:47:23
Michael Laitman, a world-renowned Kabbalist and spiritual teacher, recently introduced a groundbreaking concept on Facebook called "No Death." This transformative Kabbalistic teaching explains how death is not an ending but a spiritual transformation of consciousness. For those seeking answers about life after death, Laitman's perspective offers both ancient wisdom and modern understanding.
## Understanding Kabbalah's View on Death and Consciousness
The Kabbalistic concept of "No Death" builds on centuries of mystical Jewish wisdom. While traditional views see death as final, Kabbalah teaches that reality extends far beyond our physical world. Similar to Einstein's theory that energy cannot be destroyed but only transformed, Kabbalistic wisdom suggests consciousness continues after physical death.
## How Kabbalistic Teachings View Consciousness and Physical Reality
According to Laitman's Kabbalistic teachings, consciousness exists independently of our physical brain. This fundamental principle of Kabbalah suggests that our true essence—our spiritual consciousness—transcends the temporary nature of our physical bodies. This understanding aligns with both ancient spiritual wisdom and emerging scientific theories about consciousness.
## Practical Applications of Kabbalistic Wisdom in Daily Life
This spiritual perspective transforms how we approach:
- Personal relationships and their eternal nature
- Daily challenges and spiritual growth
- Anxiety about death and mortality
- Life's deeper meaning and purpose
## Modern Relevance of Kabbalistic Teaching
In today's fast-paced digital world, Laitman's spiritual insights offer valuable guidance for:
- Managing death anxiety
- Finding life purpose
- Building meaningful relationships
- Understanding consciousness
- Exploring spiritual growth
## Impact on Personal Growth and Spiritual Development
Laitman's teaching extends beyond theoretical knowledge into practical spiritual development. By viewing death as transformation rather than termination, practitioners of Kabbalah develop:
- Enhanced spiritual awareness
- Deeper compassion for others
- Stronger personal relationships
- Greater life purpose
- Reduced fear of death
## Connecting Ancient Wisdom with Modern Understanding
While many spiritual teachers discuss life after death, Laitman's approach uniquely bridges:
- Traditional Kabbalistic wisdom
- Contemporary scientific understanding
- Practical daily application
- Personal spiritual growth
- Universal life questions
## Conclusion: Embracing Spiritual Transformation
Michael Laitman's exploration of "No Death" provides essential insights for anyone interested in:
- Kabbalistic teachings
- Spiritual development
- Life after death
- Consciousness studies
- Personal transformation
*About* *About the Author: This comprehensive guide explores Dr. Michael Laitman's Kabbalistic teachings on life, death, and spiritual transformation. Drawing from his recent social media insights and decades of Kabbalistic study, this article connects ancient wisdom with modern understanding.*
💝 **Support This Work**
If you found this article valuable, consider supporting more content like this with a small contribution: [Buy Me a Coffee](https://Buymeacoffee.com/adontai)
\#Kabbalah #MichaelLaitman #SpiritualTeachings #LifeAfterDeath #KabbalisticWisdom #SpiritualGrowth #Consciousness #SpiritualTransformation
*About the Author: This piece explores the profound teachings of Michael Laitman, drawing from his recent social media insights and long-standing work in Kabbalistic wisdom. The article aims to bridge ancient spiritual knowledge with contemporary understanding, offering readers a new perspective on life, death, and continuity.*
#Philosophy #Kabbalah #MichaelLaitman #LifeBeyondDeath #SpiritualAwakening

@ 460c25e6:ef85065c
2025-02-25 15:20:39
If you don't know where your posts are, you might as well just stay in the centralized Twitter. You either take control of your relay lists, or they will control you. Amethyst offers several lists of relays for our users. We are going to go one by one to help clarify what they are and which options are best for each one.
## Public Home/Outbox Relays
Home relays store all YOUR content: all your posts, likes, replies, lists, etc. It's your home. Amethyst will send your posts here first. Your followers will use these relays to get new posts from you. So, if you don't have anything there, **they will not receive your updates**.
Home relays must allow queries from anyone, ideally without the need to authenticate. They can limit writes to paid users without affecting anyone's experience.
This list should have a maximum of 3 relays. More than that will only make your followers waste their mobile data getting your posts. Keep it simple. Out of the 3 relays, I recommend:
- 1 large public, international relay: nos.lol, nostr.mom, relay.damus.io, etc.
- 1 personal relay to store a copy of all your content in a place no one can delete. Go to [relay.tools](https://relay.tools/) and never be censored again.
- 1 really fast relay located in your country: paid options like http://nostr.wine are great
Do not include relays that block users from seeing posts in this list. If you do, no one will see your posts.
## Public Inbox Relays
This relay type receives all replies, comments, likes, and zaps to your posts. If you are not getting notifications or you don't see replies from your friends, it is likely because you don't have the right setup here. If you are getting too much spam in your replies, it's probably because your inbox relays are not protecting you enough. Paid relays can filter inbox spam out.
Inbox relays must allow anyone to write into them. It's the opposite of the outbox relay. They can limit who can download the posts to their paid subscribers without affecting anyone's experience.
This list should have a maximum of 3 relays as well. Again, keep it small. More than that will just make you spend more of your data plan downloading the same notifications from all these different servers. Out of the 3 relays, I recommend:
- 1 large public, international relay: nos.lol, nostr.mom, relay.damus.io, etc.
- 1 personal relay to store a copy of your notifications, invites, cashu tokens and zaps.
- 1 really fast relay located in your country: go to [nostr.watch](https://nostr.watch/relays/find) and find relays in your country
Terrible options include:
- nostr.wine should not be here.
- filter.nostr.wine should not be here.
- inbox.nostr.wine should not be here.
## DM Inbox Relays
These are the relays used to receive DMs and private content. Others will use these relays to send DMs to you. **If you don't have it setup, you will miss DMs**. DM Inbox relays should accept any message from anyone, but only allow you to download them.
Generally speaking, you only need 3 for reliability. One of them should be a personal relay to make sure you have a copy of all your messages. The others can be open if you want push notifications or closed if you want full privacy.
Good options are:
- inbox.nostr.wine and auth.nostr1.com: anyone can send messages and only you can download. Not even our push notification server has access to them to notify you.
- a personal relay to make sure no one can censor you. Advanced settings on personal relays can also store your DMs privately. Talk to your relay operator for more details.
- a public relay if you want DM notifications from our servers.
Make sure to add at least one public relay if you want to see DM notifications.
## Private Home Relays
Private Relays are for things no one should see, like your drafts, lists, app settings, bookmarks etc. Ideally, these relays are either local or require authentication before posting AND downloading each user\'s content. There are no dedicated relays for this category yet, so I would use a local relay like Citrine on Android and a personal relay on relay.tools.
Keep in mind that if you choose a local relay only, a client on the desktop might not be able to see the drafts from clients on mobile and vice versa.
## Search relays:
This is the list of relays to use on Amethyst's search and user tagging with @. **Tagging and searching will not work if there is nothing here.**. This option requires NIP-50 compliance from each relay. Hit the Default button to use all available options on existence today:
- nostr.wine
- relay.nostr.band
- relay.noswhere.com
## Local Relays:
This is your local storage. Everything will load faster if it comes from this relay. You should install Citrine on Android and write ws://localhost:4869 in this option.
## General Relays:
This section contains the default relays used to download content from your follows. Notice how you can activate and deactivate the Home, Messages (old-style DMs), Chat (public chats), and Global options in each.
Keep 5-6 large relays on this list and activate them for as many categories (Home, Messages (old-style DMs), Chat, and Global) as possible.
Amethyst will provide additional recommendations to this list from your follows with information on which of your follows might need the additional relay in your list. Add them if you feel like you are missing their posts or if it is just taking too long to load them.
## My setup
Here's what I use:
1. Go to [relay.tools](https://relay.tools/) and create a relay for yourself.
2. Go to [nostr.wine](https://nostr.wine/) and pay for their subscription.
3. Go to [inbox.nostr.wine](https://inbox.nostr.wine/) and pay for their subscription.
4. Go to [nostr.watch](https://nostr.watch/relays/find) and find a good relay in your country.
5. Download Citrine to your phone.
Then, on your relay lists, put:
Public Home/Outbox Relays:
- nostr.wine
- nos.lol or an in-country relay.
- <your.relay>.nostr1.com
Public Inbox Relays
- nos.lol or an in-country relay
- <your.relay>.nostr1.com
DM Inbox Relays
- inbox.nostr.wine
- <your.relay>.nostr1.com
Private Home Relays
- ws://localhost:4869 (Citrine)
- <your.relay>.nostr1.com (if you want)
Search Relays
- nostr.wine
- relay.nostr.band
- relay.noswhere.com
Local Relays
- ws://localhost:4869 (Citrine)
General Relays
- nos.lol
- relay.damus.io
- relay.primal.net
- nostr.mom
And a few of the recommended relays from Amethyst.
## Final Considerations
Remember, relays can see what your Nostr client is requesting and downloading at all times. They can track what you see and see what you like. They can sell that information to the highest bidder, they can delete your content or content that a sponsor asked them to delete (like a negative review for instance) and they can censor you in any way they see fit. Before using any random free relay out there, make sure you trust its operator and you know its terms of service and privacy policies.

@ e31e84c4:77bbabc0
2025-02-25 15:03:34
*The Fine Line: Bitcoin Companies Navigating Regulation and Freedom was [written by Bri](https://x.com/cyberBri). If you enjoyed this article then support her writing, by donating to her lightning wallet: bri_1@walletofsatoshi.com*
We all know the value proposition of Bitcoin: Bitcoin cannot be controlled by the state. Bitcoin is permissionless, it doesn't need a KYC and we can send money to anyone in the world, without middlemen, without censorship, without limits.
However, when companies use Bitcoin, and more so when they offer Bitcoin services, their activities are indeed controlled by the state. In order to fulfil the regulatory requirements, companies usually have to employ entire compliance teams.
Bitcoin-only exchanges are probably not better off than crypto service providers, even if one can sometimes hopefully recognise an increasing pro-Bitcoin attitude in the world. The Bitcoin scene recently looked expectantly to Nashville when Trump appeared at the Bitcoin 2024 conference as part of his election campaign. He doesn't really seem to be able to distinguish between Bitcoin and crypto though – in his keynote speech he promised to make the U.S. the ‘crypto capital of the planet’.
Nevertheless, the news that the United States plans to accumulate Bitcoin as a strategic reserve currency made headlines around the world and many Bitcoin supporters are delighted. Bitcoin's negative image could be somewhat corrected and it would certainly also be beneficial for Bitcoin adoption, so the hope goes. And indeed, the price of Bitcoin climbed to new record highs during the US election campaign, reaching its ATH of USD 109,000 when Trump took office on 20 January 2025.
The US announcement of a bitcoin strategic reserve can certainly be described as a historic moment. At the moment, it doesn't seem to be entirely clear whether Bitcoin or crypto, but a number of US states are working on advancing Bitcoin reserves. Whether it is a good thing when nation states start hoarding Bitcoin is another question. After all, from the very beginning and to this day, Bitcoin has been about taking power over money away from the state and giving it to the people.
Back to the Bitcoin companies. Let's assume that someone understands Bitcoin and has even discovered that there are Bitcoin-only exchanges. These companies recognise Bitcoin as sound money, support the Bitcoin community and want to integrate the Bitcoin ethos into their business model in the best possible way. Ouch – that already sounds like a compromise.
**The Dilemma – Bitcoin at Heart, Regulation at the Back of the Neck**
Bitcoin companies are caught between maximum independence and regulatory requirements. Companies such as Strike, Relai and River aim to make it as easy as possible for their customers to access Bitcoin while at the same time enabling them to maximise their independence from third parties. An important aspect of this is self-custody. Customers have full control over their Bitcoin and can avoid counterparty risks such as exchange failures or government seizures.
In contrast, most providers on the market, such as the major players Coinbase or Binance, rely on classic, centralised structures with full custody - and a large range of digital assets. They are basically fiat companies that offer crypto products.
And then, at the other end of the spectrum, there are projects such as Samourai, Wasabi Wallet or Tornado Cash, which are radically opposed to any form of control. They are developing powerful tools for more financial privacy – in line with Bitcoin's original idea as a decentralised cash system. But this commitment comes at a price: the founders of Samourai Wallet were arrested and the developers of Tornado Cash were prosecuted.
These Bitcoin rebels are putting the limits of state regulation to the test. And they raise the fundamental question: Is privacy an inalienable right or should it be subordinated to the public security interest?
**The Middle Ground Builders**
Bitcoin-only companies that choose the middle ground play an important role in the bitcoin ecosystem. This is because they appeal to the masses by keeping onboarding simple and often offering a range of interesting services. At the same time, they want to give their customers the greatest possible independence.
But are their business models sustainable? Or do these companies run the risk of being worn down by the balancing act between Bitcoin ethos and state control? How can these pioneers survive in a constantly changing regulatory environment?
It's a balancing act between regulation and Bitcoin values, and it's often a fight for the fundamental rights of not just Bitcoiners but people in general. For example, these companies need to have KYC processes in place to be compliant with the law and allow customers the greatest possible flexibility in their Bitcoin activities.
*Some popular Bitcoin-companies and their strategies:*
- [Strike](https://strike.me/): Custodial, fast lightning transactions, DCA, bill payments
- [Relai](https://relai.app/de/): Simple onramp, self-custody, private and business services
- [River](https://river.com/): Multisig and cold storage, proof of reserves, inheritance
- [Unchained](https://unchained.com/): Multisig vaults, DCA, inheritance, loans, retirement, advisory
- [Bull Bitcoin](https://www.bullbitcoin.com/): Non-custodial exchange, DCA, bill payments, OTC desk
Typical features of these accounts usually include a KYC check, which allows users to be granted higher buy and sell limits. Many Bitcoin companies offer self-custody wallets and often some also multi-sig solutions that increase security for users. Partnerships with banks or payment service providers facilitate buying and selling and enable services such as the creation of savings plans.
Bitcoin companies face several challenges. Regulatory pressure remains a key concern, as authorities may tighten KYC obligations or introduce new restrictions. Trust is another issue since die-hard Bitcoiners often see these companies as not being consistent enough with Bitcoin's core principles.
**Regulatory Framework and Political Influences**
***USA: Trump's Bitcoin course and the ‘Crypto Czar’***
There are currently contradictory signals in the USA: on the one hand, Donald Trump has hinted at using Bitcoin as a strategic reserve (Strategic Bitcoin Reserve, SBR), while on the other hand, regulation is being tightened further. The newly created position of ‘White House AI and Crypto Czar’, presumably conceived in collaboration with Elon Musk, is intended to implement clear rules for blockchain, AI and the crypto market. This is also likely to affect companies that are committed to the Bitcoin ethos.
- Positive signals: Bitcoin is increasingly recognised as a legitimate asset class.
- Regulatory pressure: Stricter regulations could threaten the existence of smaller companies.
- Possible future: If the US promotes Bitcoin as a strategic asset, this could fundamentally change the regulatory landscape.
***Europe and Global Developments***
- MiCA (Markets in Crypto-Assets Regulation): New EU regulation for crypto companies, requiring strict KYC and AML rules, among other things.
- Restrictive countries: China and India continue to rely on tough regulation or bans.
- Friendly jurisdictions: Countries such as El Salvador or Switzerland offer attractive conditions for Bitcoin companies.
**Self-custody of Bitcoin**
The so-called ‘Travel Rule’ (Transfer of Funds Regulation, TFR) requires detailed information about the sender and recipient. This makes it more difficult for Europeans to interact with self-custody Bitcoin wallets. For transactions over 1,000 euros, users must prove that they are the owners of these wallets (proof of ownership).
Yet self-custody is a very important aspect of Bitcoin. It is the only way to avoid the risks associated with relying on centralised custodians. Self-custody ensures that you alone have control over your money. The new regulations represent a gradual financial disenfranchisement, which is not only criticised by Bitcoiners. And that is only part of the problem.
The disadvantages of centralised storage of customer assets are well known. Just think of the scandalous examples from the recent past: The fall of the FTX cryptocurrency exchange and the knock-on effects on the cryptocurrency industry or the fraudulent business practices of Celsius, which lost billions of customers' money.
> *“Not your keys, not your coins.”– Andreas Antonopoulos*
However, it is often the users themselves who, consciously or unconsciously, jeopardise their funds. The obstacles to self-custody lie in both technical and practical aspects. Not everyone is willing or able to navigate hardware wallets and multisig solutions. Furthermore, without an adequate backup, there is a risk of losing coins irretrievably.
By keeping their coins in self-custody, Bitcoiners eliminate third-party risk. However, self-custody can be a challenge, especially for beginners. ‘Study Bitcoin’ is more than just a phrase here. Only those who know their way around can protect themselves against errors, misuse and loss.
The uncertainties caused by ever-changing regulation in different jurisdictions is a constant challenge for businesses. However, as Bitcoin is increasingly being categorised as harmless by the authorities, pure Bitcoin platforms might face fewer regulatory risks compared to crypto exchanges.
The growing acceptance of Bitcoin and the plans of the United States and other countries to create a strategic Bitcoin reserve may have a positive impact on how Bitcoin companies continue to be treated by regulators. I would, though, like to quote Maya Parbhoe, the Surinamese presidential candidate for 2025, at this point, even if it seems a little off-topic:
> *“A Bitcoin Strategic Reserve is not the answer.*
*> *The moment a government holds Bitcoin as a reserve, it centralizes control over an asset designed to be decentralized. It strengthens the very system Bitcoin was created to replace.*
*> *Governments holding Bitcoin do not give power to the people, they give themselves a hedge while continuing to debase their fiat currency. They still print, they still tax, they still control. The people remain trapped in the same system, only now with a government-backed Bitcoin price floor that serves the state, not the individual.*
*> *Bitcoin was not made to be stockpiled by central banks. It was made to be used. As currency, as a tool of self-sovereignty, as a weapon against state overreach.”*
So let's summarise what we have covered in this article in the spirit of these liberal ideas. The following rules, which have just been created, should be mandatory reading for Bitcoin aficionados until further notice:
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/914ac66c228ea1a398ec1f008234e4cd213da85f268de73fb36dc9e344dcfb45.jpg">
*The Fine Line: Bitcoin Companies Navigating Regulation and Freedom was [written by Bri](https://x.com/cyberBri). If you enjoyed this article then support her writing, by donating to her lightning wallet: bri_1@walletofsatoshi.com*

@ 71df2119:9542d9d7
2025-02-25 14:57:23
Das Pareto-Team [(](https://njump.me/nprofile1qyvhwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnndehhyapwwdhkx6tpdshsz9mhwden5te0wfjkccte9ec8y6tdv9kzumn9wshsqg9grf5ej25t0llsj2annf4rx5vpc9htx72g74depu796z0nc5pvssldhkxp)<https://tinylink.net/mIyvf>[)](https://njump.me/nprofile1qyvhwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnndehhyapwwdhkx6tpdshsz9mhwden5te0wfjkccte9ec8y6tdv9kzumn9wshsqg9grf5ej25t0llsj2annf4rx5vpc9htx72g74depu796z0nc5pvssldhkxp) hat in den letzten Tagen die Unterstützung für *Zaps* veröffentlicht. *Zaps* sind *Lightning-Transfers* über *Nostr*, die im Pareto an Artikel oder Autoren gesendet werden können. Die aktuelle Umsetzung in der Pareto-App ist als erster Schritt zu verstehen, und es werden weitere Ausbau-Stufen folgen. In diesem Artikel wird die Nutzung des neuen Pareto-Features erklärt.
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@ 9171b08a:8395fd65
2025-02-25 14:53:19
Rein sat with her back against the cold steel of the jail cell, wrists and ankles bound.
She hadn’t seen light or another human face in almost two weeks. The grinding and whirling of the Guardian’s mechanical gears was the only thing to break the silence, its daily arrival at noon serving as her only reminder of time. It brought her food, but nothing else; not a word, not a gesture of humanity.
In her waking moments, she sat and replayed the events that landed her in jail, and in her slumber, those thoughts morphed into haunting nightmares with specters stalking her in hell. Hell was no longer a distant fear; it had found her. Her fate now rested in the hands of the man she once considered her best friend. Whatever evidence he was putting together would serve to either absolve her or condemn her.
A sharp beam of light pierced the darkness of the jail cell from the cell block entrance. The overhead lights came on, and she stood as David, Rein’s partner and closest friend, appeared before the cell bars.
He stared at his feet and said, “Today's your trial.”
Rein struggled to keep her eyes open from the intense brightness over the overhead lights and said, “That wasn’t nearly enough time to gather evidence.”
David pressed his lips together, eyes fixed on the floor. “I had your back on this, Rein.” Then he shook his head, and as Rein finally overcame the harsh brightness, she noticed he was staring into her eyes. “The evidence is damning. And, well, something pretty terrible has happened that has the government cracking down harder than ever.”
“Something terrible? What happened?” asked Rein.
“I would’ve never thought you were in so deep with this.” He seemed personally outraged when he said, “After everything we’ve been through together, after everything *you’ve* sacrificed for this city. You’ve been pretending this entire time. I’ve never known the real you.” He scoffed. “Yet there you are.”
“C’mon, David, you don’t actually think—”
David raised a hand and said, “Stop. Don’t try that shit with me. You’re lucky to even be getting a trial.”
Two Guardians entered the cell block and came to parade rest behind David. He opened the cell, and the Guardians stepped in.
“What did you find? What happened?” asked Rein.
The Guardians seized Rein’s shoulders and pushed her forward, past David.
“What did you find, David?” Urged Rein.
David remained silent. He simply watched as the Guardians took her.
A hush fell over the precinct as officers gathered around the flickering television in the corner of the reception room. Flashing across the screen were the haunting images taken from an aircraft of a city on fire, thousands of black silhouettes infiltrating the city walls. The words ***Shadow Crawlers Strike, Orion Dome In Ruins*** were emblazoned the bottom of the newscast.
Rein strained against the Guardian’s grasp to try and get a closer look at the screen and gasped, “Chronos have mercy.”
Those standing before the television turned and stared at her. Those seated at their desks stood at the sight of the Guardians ushering Rein through the offices, and within seconds, the precinct was heavy with tension. Everyone she had cared about now gaped at her with a fierce look of betrayal. Though Rein wished she could explain herself with a compelling defense, she could tell she was as good as dead to them.
The vehicle transporting her to the courthouse was as dark as the cell she had been locked up in. Rein ground her teeth and stared at the ray of light that shone through the slit in between the vehicle doors, contemplating what she had just seen on the precinct television.
After several minutes of toiling in the darkness with her own thoughts, the vehicle halted, and its doors opened at the hands of the two Guardians who towered over the roof of the hovercraft.
Many of the city people’s eyes, imbued in different shades of red, turned to stare as Rein stepped out. Their gazes were not so much filled with judgment as they were with fear. She stepped onto the walkway with her head sagged, ashamed to look at the very people she had sworn to protect.
> Join the furnace of the Empire! Invest in Elius today and be a part of the Industrial heart of Aurial.
Rein clenched her fist as she contemplated the words on the crumpled flyer laying on the sidewalk beside her foot. She couldn’t help but think of what her father had been up to in that city.
She had never paid much attention to the image of the man on the flyer, his arms crossed and his head held high before a massive furnace that sparked embers into the four corners of the paper. The silhouette of a building was portrayed on one corner, a soldier held a weapon on another, the image of a child holding a toy on the bottom right, and a family held up a shirt on the remaining corner.
Those flyers were hung up throughout the precinct offices, inside coffee shops, and gathering places, attempting to attract the wealth that easily found itself in the pockets of the kind of people that lived in Roxis. It seemed to have worked on her father.
***But what had he been up to?***
Rein never understood why her father had abandoned Roxis for Elius, nor had he ever offered an explanation. As a financial hub, Roxis attracted wealth and intellect, leaving cities like Elius with a rougher class of laborers— many of whom turned to crime to escape extreme poverty and hard work in the very factories exhibited on the promotional flyer.
The city of Roxis had been good to Rein. Though many a passerby would think differently seeing her now with her wrists and ankles shackled as she walked up the steps of the Judgment House. She’d grown to be a God-loving woman and spent most of her adult life protecting the city from criminals the likes of which the people walking by, now, would think she was.
One of the Guardians towering at her side nudged her shoulder, and with the artificial voice generated from within its chest said, “You must move along, Miss Lancer.”
The robot’s hand ushered her forward, and a ray of sunlight nearly blinded her as she gazed upon the Judgment House made almost entirely of glass and marble.
The crest of Aurialian Empire above the entrance of the building made her pause. Her eyes lingered on the star that lay at the center of the red and blue shield of Ariel, the archangel. A character that looked like an angular and unfinished number eight with a line drawn through the middle sat like a crown above the words "***Out of God, An Empire***", inscribed around the crest of the Aurilian Empire.
The symbol of peace felt like a cruel joke now. She had once sworn to uphold the empire’s sanctity, yet here she was, condemned by it.
***Episode 2 coming soon...***
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@ 85bdb587:7339d672
2025-02-25 14:14:57
## Marty's Bent

Since mid-2022 the Fed has been reigning in its balance sheet via a process called quantitative tightening (QT), in which they allow some of the debt assets they hold to come to maturity without reinvesting in them. This leads to a reduction in the Fed's balance sheet and is done to remove the excess liquidity introduced to the markets during the COVID crisis so that inflation can be reeled in. On top of this, the Fed is hoping that the extraordinary measures it took to step in during a time of crisis allowed the banking system to get their houses in order in preparation for a period of relatively tighter liquidity. Ideally, everyone took the time and effort to clean up their balance sheets, properly manage their duration risk, and get themselves on solid footing to move forward without the Fed stepping in to prop up the market.
At its peak, the overnight reverse repo facility had around $2.36T of liquidity in the form of debt instruments like treasuries and mortgage backed securities available to banks, money market funds and certain government enterprises. These entities lend the Fed cash for these instruments and get interest back in return. This acts as a mechanism the Fed can leverage to keep short-term rates in line with wherever their targets are at any given point in time. Over the last ~13 quarters the Fed has been slowly but surely letting these markets drain and, as of last Friday, they currently sit at $70.8B. At its current pace the reverse repo facility should be completely drained by the end of next month or beginning of April.
The question on everybody's mind is, what happens once the reverse repo markets are empty?
The last time the Fed embarked on QT was in October 2017. It drained the reverse repo over the course of a little less than two years before the market was drained and the overnight rates in the market spiked into the low teens in September of 2019. Many don't remember this, but it was a "holy shit" moment that forced the Fed to create new facilities overnight to band aid over the hemorrhaging. Coincidentally, a few months later COVID would overtake the world and the Fed had a convenient excuse to double the monetary base well above $6T.
If September 2019 is an example of exactly what happens when the reverse repo market drains, we may be in for a liquidity crunch. However, the Fed is posturing that it has learned its lessons from the 2019 rate spasm and has adjusted some things accordingly to ensure a smoother transition from a state of excess liquidity to a state of significantly less liquidity. Particularly, more control over SOFR and how it interacts with this market. If we reach the point where the reverse repo markets have been successfully drained without a 2019-like spasm, the Fed will then move on to the excess liquidity sitting on the balance sheets of commercial banks and continue their journey to try to reel in inflation.
President Trump certainly isn't making the Fed's job easier with promises of lower domestic taxes and the levying of aggressive tariffs, which could both be inflationary. I'm sure Jerome Powell is praying that DOGE continues their swift work and gets the signal out to markets that the US government is committed to getting its fiscal house in order to make treasuries more appealing to the market so that rates can float down.
I have no idea exactly what is going to happen, but I have a feeling that a liquidity crunch is on the horizon. It may not be once the reverse repo market is drained. I would not be the least bit surprised if the work the Fed has done behind the scenes to ensure a spasm like we experienced in 2019 doesn't happen is successful. Though, it likely only buys some time and delays the inevitable. As my good friend Parker Lewis likes to say, "There's too much debt and not enough dollars." At some point, QT will hit a point where it cannot be sustained because too many dollars have been pulled out of a system with ever increasing amounts of debt that need to be serviced with dollars. Whether it happens when the reverse repo market is drained or at some point after the Fed starts unwinding the excess liquidity on bank balance sheets isn't really that important.
We're getting early warning signs that a liquidity crunch may be near with the mad dash for bringing physical gold into the US, the VIX spiking above 20 earlier today and bitcoin "crashing" toward $90,000. Volatility is increasing at a time when the reverse repo market is almost tapped and the world is a bit uncertain as it tries to figure out the ramifications of Trump's blitzkreig his first month in office.
For those scratching their heads about the price of bitcoin falling during a time like this, it is pretty typical. Bitcoin is traded 24/7/365, has a ton of liquidity, and is easy to buy and sell. When markets sense volatility, bitcoin is usually one of the first assets to be sold off as investors try to sure up their cash balances and pay off debts. It is usually the first and quickest to move lower, but also the first and quickest to move higher when the dust has settled. I find it hard to believe that the price of bitcoin will stay down long if it falls considerably.
The fundamentals have never been stronger and too many people have been waiting for an opportune buying opportunity to pass it up. The question is how many of those looking for a buying opportunity will have dry powder and be liquid if and when it happens.
## Bitcoin's Institutional Moment: Big Players Are Entering the Game
Bitcoin's journey into mainstream financial markets is accelerating. During our conversation last week, Peruvian Bull highlighted several key milestones, including Abu Dhabi's $430 million position in Bitcoin ETFs and regulatory progress with the SEC's SAB 122, which now allows banks to custody Bitcoin. This fundamental shift isn't just about price – it represents a structural change in how traditional financial institutions view Bitcoin as a legitimate asset class.
"*This is a massive opportunity for bitcoin companies - go start a custody service and get a bunch of bitcoiners together and teach institutions how to safely custody their bitcoin.*" - [Peruvian Bull](https://x.com/peruvian_bull)
As I've observed through our work at Ten31, there's a growing recognition that a Bitcoin treasury strategy makes sense for both public and private companies. We're seeing this with MicroStrategy, Tesla, Bitcoin miners, and potentially GameStop. More importantly, the infrastructure is being built by major institutions like State Street and Citibank to support this adoption. While gold has the established financial plumbing, Bitcoin's institutional rails are being constructed rapidly, setting the stage for the next wave of adoption.
TLDR: Major institutions building Bitcoin infrastructure signals mainstream adoption
Check out the [full podcast here](https://youtu.be/aHzPTDDPXfU) for more on gold market disruptions, GameStop's potential Bitcoin strategy, and the looming debt crisis that's creating perfect conditions for Bitcoin adoption.
## Headlines of the Day
El Salvador Boosts Bitcoin Reserve - via [X](https://x.com/i/trending/1894181975528763539)
Jamie Dimon Sold $233.7M in JPM Stock - via [X](https://x.com/MartyBent/status/1894175451209220205)
Montana, North Dakota, and Wyoming Rejected Bills for SBR - via [X](https://x.com/SimplyBitcoinTV/status/1894071294653604257)
## Bitcoin Lesson of the Day
Bitcoin uses cryptographic **keys** to secure **transactions**. A private key, a secret random number, allows you to spend bitcoin, while a public key, derived from the private key, is used to receive bitcoin.
The public key is hashed and encoded into a Bitcoin address (e.g., 1A1zP1eP5QGefi2DMPTfTL5SLmv7DivfNa), a shorter, user-friendly string shared to receive funds. Private keys must be kept secure—losing them means losing access to your bitcoin, and anyone with your private key can spend it.
Addresses are generated from public keys via hashing (SHA-256 and RIPEMD-160) and include a checksum for error detection. Bitcoin wallets manage these keys, often using seed phrases to recover them. Understanding keys and addresses is fundamental to securely using Bitcoin.
[Full Learnmeabitcoin.com post here](https://learnmeabitcoin.com/beginners/guide/keys-addresses/)
ICYMI [Fold](https://foldapp.com/credit-card?r=BgwRS) opened the waiting list for the new Bitcoin Rewards Credit Card. Fold cardholders will get unlimited 2% cash back in sats.
**[Get on the waiting list](https://foldapp.com/credit-card?r=BgwRS) now before it fills up!**
$200k worth of prizes are up for grabs.
Ten31, the largest bitcoin-focused investor, has deployed $150M across 30+ companies through three funds. I am a Managing Partner at Ten31 and am very proud of the work we are doing. Learn more at [ten31.vc/funds](https://ten31.vc/funds).

@ 6a6be47b:3e74e3e1
2025-02-25 14:14:41
Hi frens,
While drawing this fly 🪰 👇🏻
I started thinking about how to make my art stand out. Maybe I should focus on making it more appealing—or at least improving its presentation. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against making my work more consumable, but the marketing side of things takes so much time away from actually creating art. It’s sad that sometimes it feels less about delivering high-quality work and more about turning it into “content.”
Honestly, that can be exhausting. Like Fall Out Boy said, “all this effort to make it look effortless.”It’s not really my style to turn my art—or the process of creating it—into content. That’s why I sometimes struggle with crafting or presenting it in a way that fits today’s trends.
Sometimes, the pressure to make my art presentable is so overwhelming that it makes me feel like not creating at all. And when it doesn’t yield the kind of recognition or financial support I hope for after all that effort, it can be really disappointing. It’s like watching all that hard work slowly erode my soul. It’s tough to keep going when it feels like my art isn’t being valued in the way I wish it could be.
I want to be clear: this isn’t me dissing anyone. You do you, and I’ll do me. As Crowley would say, “Do what thou wilt.” What I’m really trying to figure out is how to find that sweet spot—where I can keep up with the times and make my art more appealing without losing my soul in the process.
I’m trying my best, and I know I’ll make mistakes along the way, but I’ll keep going. I just wanted to share these thoughts with you because I’m usually pretty upbeat here—maybe even a little superficial at times—but this is me being _more_ real with you.
Art is such a huge part of my life, and through my work, I’m already sharing something raw and personal with you. But now you also know why my presentation might sometimes feel simple or plain. I’m working on finding that balance, and I’ll get there eventually.
Godspeed, my frens

@ eaef5965:511d6b79
2025-02-25 14:14:11
Another quarter, another update on the global money supply.
I remember three years ago yesterday, texting my Ukrainian friends for updates as they fled with their families for safety from Putin's full-scale, unprovoked attack on their country. Three years on, they continue to fight incredibly bravely, for if they do not, there will be no Ukraine. Europe has drip-fed them enough support to not lose, but not enough to win. America now demands repayment for its aid to the victim in the form of mineral rights, and will not recognize the aggressor as the aggressor. The era of Reagan-style, speak softly while carrying a big stick approach to dictators seems no more, for now, from the new US admin. The world order is changing rapidly, and Europe is quickly finding out what the Baltics and Poland have known for 200 years: the threat from the East does not share its values; it is simply uncompromising.
As this next round of political theater plays out, and one can only hope for just, lasting peace and security with clear eyes from all democratic allies, the printing presses will do as instructed. But as we look through this update, you will see that we are actually at very low, relative-levels of money printing historically, even slight negative money growth.
Bitcoin continues on, and as of 31 December 2024, its **$1.8 trillion market cap was 7.2% of the global monetary base**. That means that the global monetary base, for this update, is $25.5 trillion.
## **Why the global monetary base?**
It is the only money supply that is economically analogous to bitcoins, digital store of value today, and to gold and silver ounces, store of values from the past.
The monetary base is **central bank money**, comprised of two supplies:
1. **Physical currency**: Notes and coins, or “cash;”
2. **Bank reserves**: The “Master account” that each commercial bank holds with its central bank.
Now, why do I refer to this as *Central bank money*?
This is because, unlike all other money supplies in the fiduciary banking world (like M1/M2/M3), the Monetary base is the sole and ultimate money supply controlled by the central bank. It is, literally, the printing press. What follows won't be a lesson in reserve ratios or monetary economics. The point is that you simply understand that there is a money supply that central banks solely control, and of course (of course!) this is what Bitcoin's 21 million are up against.
The monetary base is to the core of the entire fiat financial system, as 21 million bitcoins are to the core of the Bitcoin protocol. One is open and permissionless, and one is not. By the way, the monetary base is essentially (though not entirely) analogous to the total liabilities of a central bank, so we can (basically) say that the monetary base is the "balance sheet" of each central bank.
**On cash**. Quick notes on the above. Certainly you understand what "cash" is, and it is indeed an instrument that has been fully monopolized by each central bank in each nation around the world--only they can print it. Even though it is true that banks in more free banking societies in the past could freely print and strike notes and coins, the central bank (or state) monopoly has been around for a long time. Kublai Khan was the first to do it 750 years ago.
**On bank reserves**. Don't stress your brain on this too much, but this is the main "settlement money" that banks use between each other, when they want to settle their debts. It is digital now (Fedwire in US, CHAPS in UK), but it doesn't technically have to be, and of course before modern technology took over even a few decades ago, it was not. These two stacks of retail and wholesale cash, stacks of central bank money, are what make up the **Monetary base**. *This is the printing press*. Only this compares to 21 million bitcoins. And gold, and silver by the way.
Final note, central bank digital currencies, or CBDCs, which are simply LARPing on Bitcoin's success, are indeed created by central banks, and they are indeed classified as Base money. They are going to be a "third rail." They are thankfully incredibly small, pilot projects today. We will see how far democracies will be tested, as autocracies no doubt will mainstream them; but for now, consider them, at least economically, to be inconsequential to the update below. It appears that central banks are actually cooling to them, as of this writing.
With that review out of the way, onward to Q4 update for 2024.
## **Bitcoin is the 6th largest money in the world**
This is unchanged from last quarter.
In February 2024, it surpassed the monetary base of the United Kingdom; that is, its value was larger than the Bank of England's balance sheet, and it remains so to this day.
As of 31 December 2024, it is only the balance sheets of the big four central banks that are larger than Bitcoin. These currencies are:
1. **Federal Reserve (dollar)**: $5.60 trillion
2. **People's Bank of China (yuan)**: $5.04 trillion equivalent
3. **European Central Bank (euro)**: $4.87 trillion equivalent
4. **Bank of Japan (yen)**: $4.20 trillion equivalent
If we remove gold from the equation (and we shouldn't), then Bitcoin could be considered the fifth largest money in the world. Including gold, Bitcoin is the sixth.
However, the all-important monetary metal throughout history that even a child knows about--gold--is still king at around **$17 trillion in value**, or 6 billion ounces worldwide. Note, this does not include gold lost/recycled through industry; in that case, it is estimated that about 7 billion ounces of gold have been mined throughout humanity.
Silver, for what it's worth, is still a big "monetary" metal; though it is true, much more silver is gobbled up in industry compared to gold. There are about 31 billion ounces of non-industrial silver floating around the world (most of it in jewelry and silverware form) that is valued in today's prices at nearly $1 trillion. Bitcoin bigger.
## **State of the print: $25.5 trillion**
This is down $1.5 trillion from last quarter!
However, we must also remember that as currencies lose value against the best-looking horse in the glue factory; that is, the dollar, then this dollar value actually "dampens" the effect of the print. More on this below.
If we consider **$25.5 trillion as the Big Boss** of central bank money, then Bitcoin at $1.8 trillion network value (December, quarter-end figure) indeed has some way to go. But as anyone who follows Bitcoin for a sustained about of time knows, this can change rapidly. We can also imagine how the Pareto distribution occurs even in money, if Bitcoin after only 15 years is already larger than every central bank money in the world except for four of them. Wild to ponder.
## **All-time supply (monetary) inflation: 12.7% per year compounded**
This is a long-term, "smoothed" monetary inflation, or money growth figure. It is looking across all the 50 currencies in my sample, going back to 31 December 1969 for almost 40% of them, and for those that don't, simply adding them into the weighted basket as data becomes available.
Roughly stated, it means that central banks on balance double their money supply every 5.8 years. This is a fact.
However, this overall rate of increase is indeed declining, and has been since 2022. For example, if we looked at this headline figure from last year ending 2023, it blended to **12.9% all-time, or 0.2% higher than now**. Still, even though central banks have been trying to tighten from their overheated 2020-22 money print, the overall, net effects of money growth **in native fiat units** have not changed significantly.
For more detail, we can look at the latest year.
## **Trailing 12-month money growth: -3.0%**
What is very interesting, however, and alluded to above, is how all global currencies continue to decline in *relative value against the dollar*. According to the simple, USD-based trendline analysis for all global currencies in the dataset (see below), we should have a $34 trillion monetary base right now, based on past performance. We have a $25.5 trillion monetary base right now. We are actually *lower than the 2.5th percentile* on this trendline.
But take note: What you are really seeing is actually *not that much less of money printing* (they have been letting up the gas, to be sure), but rather, a tremendous loss in purchasing power of all currencies versus the dollar!
In other words, from 2023 to 2024:
1. The weighted average, native change in money base growth of all currencies was **-3.0% over the prior 12 months**;
2. The overall dollar value change was **-8.5% over the prior 12 months ($25.5 trillion vs. $27.8 trillion)**.
This means that, in the last year, government money lost an **additional 5.5% per year in dollar purchasing power**, beyond its reduction of 3.0% in money print. Wild.
## **Since 2021 peak**
I don't publicize this information as much, and I probably should. In dollar terms, in December 2021, global central bank money printing **peaked at $30.5 trillion**. Big number. Now, it is $25.5 trillion. So one would assume that the printing presses have cooled by 16.4% in the last three years.
But again, as I have just described above, we are trying to see beyond Wittgenstein's Ruler here. This can be difficult, because we have 50 different currencies to contend with.
It is true, in the last three years, the **dollar value** of the top 50 currencies in the world has fallen by 16.4%.
*But does that mean that central banks are printing 16.4% less than before 2021?*
In fact, when you look at the weighted average of each central bank's performance over the last three years, in their *native currency units*, you will find **that the weighted average decline in printing is only 2.4%**.
Notice anything? This decrease over three years is actually *less* than the decline over the last 12 months, which was 3.0% (section above).
And most obviously, **it is far less than 16.4%**.
There are dollar values. These grow differently from all the **native currency units**, because of foreign exchange rates.
**There are native currency units**. These grow differently from all the dollar values of these currencies, because of foreign exchange rates.
Central banks are printing less over the last three years: **2.4% less overall**. But this is much less than the decline in the dollar value of 50 currency stocks over the last three years: **16.4% decline**.
One must tear through the numbers to understand both ideas. I have provided you with both.
## **New data: China**
Firstly, what I am about to say has nothing to do with what I've described above, except for a very small impact on the overall, headline figure of 12.7% money growth. This is a historical addition.
I have added some important new monetary data this quarter, and that is from the quasi-transparent yet enormous economy of China. On the PBoC website, they publish balance sheet data back to only 31 December 1999. I have used this timespan for seven years now in my quarterly updates. However, I have now gone through some new figures from the book *China Financial Statistics (1949-2005)* and added additional data points all the way back to 1969 for China. It is published from PBoC sources. I am using M0 figures from 1969 until 1993 (only available, very compatible, as a subset of base money), and from 1993, they begin publishing full monetary base data. The break in growth metrics when switching from M0 to MB in 1993 is ignored.
The changes from this new data--from a huge, growing economy such as China will, as expected, boost the overall inflation numbers in my dataset. These are the net effects of the new data, as of 31 December 2024:
**China Monetary base average monthly growth for entire series:**
1. Old data from 1999: 0.85%
2. New data from 1969: 1.04%
**China Monetary base compound annual growth for entire series:**
1. Old data from 1999: 10.73%
2. New data from 1969: 14.24%
**Overall Monetary base compound annual growth for entire series:**
1. Before this additional China data: 12.56%
2. After this additional China data: 12.73%
So the net effect on "global monetary inflation" with this additional data is 17 basis points, or 0.17%. I thought the overall effect could be higher, but one must remember these growth rates are weighted by the *relative USD value of each respective base money*, on a continuous basis, updating each month. In the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, China was a much smaller proportion of the global economic pie than it is today.
One final point with this new data, and with my monetary inflation data overall. I am fairly confident my headline number of **12.6-12.7% per year compounded** for global money growth is *conservative*. These are the top 50 currencies in the world. We just saw what new data did to the entire dataset, and from a huge country no less. If I were to add more currencies, such as those from Kenya or Morocco (and I will), these currencies will only marginally affect this headline money growth figure. What's more, this new data will by definition come from ***smaller, more volatile, higher inflation-producing*** currencies, so I would only expect my headline figure to creep higher, the further it is refined.
***Huge thanks to Eryn @reltbracco (npub1e2rd2k45ym2jmctnysfadxumrvrr57vqj69ck6trt2y62c40r0kqs9lx8t) for sifting through tons of Chinese historical content here, and for eventually finding a great book with Chinese historical monetary data that was in English!***
## **The trends**
The remainder of the report is an update on global trends in demographics, money, and economics. All of these trends are **exponential curves**. The sole exception, is Bitcoin. It's price and market cap action, across time, are **power curves**.
One further change. I have allowed the 2.5 and 97.5 red percentile bands to evolve over time. I think this presentation allows the reader to see that trends indeed can change, across time. However, **the all-time trendline**, as of today, is the solid, black trendline.
We are where we are. Plan accordingly, never financial advice.
## **Population**
The world has grown exponentially at **1.7% per year** over the last 75 years. However, despite all the overpopulation myths you've probably heard, this rate of growth is actually falling, well below trend, and we only grow at **0.9% per year** at the moment, pulling the overall trend down every year.
## **US GDP**
The United States has grown its economy at 5.2% compounded per year since the founding of the republic. We are at the higher end of this trend right now, $29 trillion output per year, growing at **5.3% per year**. As this is exponential growth, if I put it on log scale, it will become a straight line.
## **Stock market**
Stocks grow exponentially as well, don't let anyone tell you otherwise. The growth rate is **7.3% per year** for the S&P 500, the main US index that tracks more than 80% of total market caps. Currently, the market is well above trend.
## **Stock market: Dividends reinvested**
*If you reinvest those dividends* into the same stock market, you'll earn more. The all-time compound annual growth increases by 2% to **9.3% per year** for the S&P.
## **Bonds**
Bonds are supposedly safer than stocks (bondholders get paid back first), and more regular cash flowing. If you look at the longest running bond index in the US, it grows at **7.0% per year**, compounded. Notice how, in a rising interest rate environment (which we are in at the moment), bond prices will suffer. In this case, it's the Bloomberg Aggregate Bond Index. This has kept the bond market returns at the lower end of the range, since the global financial crisis in 2008. Not even 1% TTM return.
## **Base Money**
As we've discussed, base money grows across the world at a weighted average of **12.7% compounded per year**. However, this trendline analysis looks at it differently than my headline figure. It simply looks at the USD value of the global monetary base (again, currently **$25.5 trillion**), and draws an exponential trendline on that USD equivalent growth for 50+ years. In other words, this is going to be *after all currency fluctuations* have played themselves out.
**Slope of the trend is 10.2% compounded for this one.**
This is further confirmation that, even though central banks around the world like to print at 12.7% compounded all-time in native unit terms, they will always lose value against the world's reserve currency, as that shakes out to around 10.2% compounded in USD-terms.
And we really are scraping the bottom of this range. 0.7x the trendline, which
## **Silver supply**
This is total ounces ever mined. They trend upward at **1.4% per year**.
## **Gold supply**
This is total ounces ever mined. Gold trends upward at **1.7% per year**. Faster than silver. Surprised? Notice the R-squared (goodness of fit) for both silver and gold production increase.
## **Bitcoin supply**
Bitcoins grow according to a basic logarithmic curve. Trying to draw percentiles is pointless here, and even measuring a trendline is relatively pointless, as everyone knows the bitcoins prescribed into the future, per the protocol. Better to just quote the trailing 12-month growth figure, and it is **1.2% per year** and falling, as of quarter end Dec-2024. Less than gold or silver.
## **Silver price**
Since 1971 it's trended at 3.5% per year. Silver bug?
## **Gold price**
Since 1971 it's trended at 5.1% per year. Gold bug?
## **Bitcoin price**
Bitcoin's price (and market cap) grows according to a power trend. Did you notice that the prior exponential trends displayed themselves as straight lines on log scale? Well, with Bitcoin, the power trendline gradually falls across time, but the growth is still well larger than anything we've covered thus far. Now, we have finally arrived at something that grows differently than exponential.
[As I've observed since 2018](https://x.com/1basemoney/status/1079740420438011905)
Why? Because you are viewing an *adoption curve*. This is how networks scale.
Bitcoin's power trendline has grown **164% per year** since Bitcoin Pizza Day in 2010. Note that this is something akin to a "Lifetime Achievement" figure, and it will continue to fall every day. Over the prior 12 months ending 31-Dec-2024, Bitcoin grew **121.1%.** The compound growth of the power trend today is just under **44% per year**. By 2030 it will fall to "only" **31% per year**. You can find more dissection of the
[power curve on my website here](https://www.porkopolis.io/thechart/)
Oh yes, and it is free (as in speech), open, and permissionless money.
## **To summarize**
That was a lot of data across a lot of charts. I've compiled all these trendlines and data in a helpful table here for you to review at any time. These are the growth trends of the monetary and major asset world, as of year-end 2024:
Again, a quick breakdown on why Bitcoin is so interesting, and confounding. Where most things in the financial and economic world grow *exponentially*, Bitcoin is actually a compilation of *three* different trend patterns:
## **Conclusion**
Below is a detailed summary of all the input assets:
1. 50 fiat currencies: $25.5 trillion
2. Gold: $17.1 trillion
3. Silver: $1 trillion
4. Bitcoin: $1.8 trillion
Print it out if you like!
Thank you for reading. This takes a lot of time to put together each quarter. If you enjoyed, please consider zapping, and you can also donate to my [BTCPay](https://donations.cryptovoices.com/) on [my website](https://www.porkopolis.io/) if you'd like to help keep this research going.
Take care.

@ 4d41a7cb:7d3633cc
2025-02-25 13:53:41
Money is more abstract than most people think, as I will show in this article. Debt slavery stems from financial illiteracy, which occurs intentionally. The biggest secret is how bankers actually create **currency claims out of thin air and transfer the wealth of their clients (including nation states) to themselves for free without risking a cent, real money, or currency.**
## **MONEY**
Money, one of the most important things in our lives, is so important that we exchange wealth to obtain it. Not because we want it but because we need it in order to buy food, shelter, clothes, etc.
Money is not inherently bad, although some may argue that the love for money is the root of all evil, and I'll agree. If you are willing to sacrifice your soul, honor, reputation, family, or friends for money, it indicates a lack of morality and a willingness to engage in harmful actions to satisfy your greed and materialistic desires.
**Money is a technology, a tool, and like any tool or technology, it is impartial**; it cannot be inherently good or bad. It can be used to help others or to destroy them. At the end of the day, it’s all about the intention behind human behavior.
Money is not just a useful tool; it’s **the most important tool** to have for global commerce, division of labor, specialists, and the level of sophistication and comfort we achieve as humanity. All of this will not be possible without this tool working as a common medium of exchange and standard of value, a common language for all humanity: the language of monetary value.
**Money is the cornerstone of civilization.** Money is the bloodstream of commerce, and commerce is the spine of civilization; it’s what made our civilization so prosperous, letting any one of us decide how we want to provide value to society.
Money is half of every transaction, and since we will always need to intermediate between every exchange, money is the perfect intermediary to help achieve millions of different combinations of exchanges. It will be practically impossible to barter on a global scale; even in a small community with a few different products, it will be a mess.
For example, if there were 10 products, there would be 45 combinations; if there were 100, there would be 4950 combinations. Imagine a scenario on a large scale, requiring the exchange of hundreds of thousands of products every second..
This issue **necessitated the development of a new technology: money, which in turn led to the emergence of moneychangers (v4v). Money is a tool to exchange, measure, and store wealth.** Wealth is anything we can sell: our labor (time and energy), our house, a car, a product, a service, etc.
**Gold and silver were money for thousands of years** because of their unique characteristics of scarcity, durability, divisibility, and transportability. The most important characteristic of these metals is that they are scarce, and they can’t be created out of thin air or reproduced with no effort.
**Only God can control the supply of gold and silver found in nature.** Men can only extract it, and it requires investment, work, time, and effort to find and mine it. So the common knowledge and the common sense of the people over thousands of years consensually chose gold and silver as money. And **this money is the only lawful money under common law.**
> “Gold is money, everything else is credit”
> J.P. Morgan 1912
As an interesting fact, the word "money" is used 140 times in the King James Bible, the word "gold" is mentioned 417 times, and the word "silver" over 320 times. But the word “currency” is not mentioned a single time.
The most important function of money is to **exchange and store your time and energy**. You work to acquire money and then use that money to acquire other goods and services.
**Our time and energy is our real wealth** because it’s limited. We all have a limited time on earth, and we can do certain things in the 24 hours we have every day, so we have to be conscious about how we administrate and store the fruits of our labor.
Money is a means to an end; we don't want money; we want what money can buy, and guess what, money cannot buy more time.
**Currency exists as a money substitute.** Currencies began as the opposite of money, the **promise to deliver money in the future: debt**. Currencies can be used to exchange wealth, but they are not a fair unit of account and are never a good way to store it because men are tempted to create more and dilute its value (a process known as inflation)
Currencies have almost all the same characteristics of money, but there’s a big difference: **currency is not scarce and durable**. Missing the store of value characteristic of money, since **its supply can be manipulated by men.**
For wealth preservation and measuring, modern currencies make no sense. Men control the supply of currency; **banks and governments can inflate or deflate it in any amount they please, giving them supreme power and control over wealth distribution.** This creates two classes of citizens: those who work to acquire currency and those who create it instantly and for free.
International banks have stolen money (gold and silver) over the past century, replacing its supply with currency or fake money (paper receipts). \[1913, 1933, 1944, 1971\]
Under this monetary game, those with "fixed income," savers, and creditors are the biggest losers, while debtors and asset owners are the winners..
The **most important distinction to keep in mind is that nature controls the money supply, making artificial inflation impossible.** On the other hand, men can inflate currency in unlimited amounts. It is **a manifestation of God's power on earth, as the mediums of exchange serve as the lifeblood of commerce, the backbone of our economic system, and facilitate the division of labor.**
If someone can **inflate the currency supply, this has the same economic effect as counterfeiting,** and he’s effectively stealing from everyone contracting, trading, and saving in that currency. Manipulating the mediums of exchange in an economy enables manipulation of every security, industry, and business.
This is the reason the founding fathers of the United States made gold and silver only lawful money for the payment of debts. To give everyone equal protection under the law and to get rid of the nobility and two types of citizens: bankers and workers or nobles and plebeians.
> Bank-notes are not money. It 's currency. It’s unfair to take banks' currency as a standard for comparison.
> Bank-note currency is not “lawful money”. It never could be counted as part of banks cash reserves. ***It would be too much like a man writing and signing his own promissory note for a million and then claiming that this made him a millionaire.***
> The very grave evils any currency depreciation always impose upon businesses and the people.
> Alfred Owen Crozier, US Money vs Corporate currency, 1912
So money has three very important functions that work as the pillars on which the wellness of our economic system and civilizations relies. Currency is not a store of value because its supply can be easily manipulated, men in power can create more of it, and so using this always-changing currency as a standard of value or a unit of account is like using an always-changing ruler to measure distance. A dollar today does not buy the same as a dollar one year ago. So yesterday prices are not equal to today's prices; this is an unfair business calculation.
So money has three very important functions that work as the pillars on which the wellness of our economic system and civilizations rel**ies. Currency is not a store of value because its supply can be easily manipulated**, men in power can create more of it, and so using this always-changing currency as a standard of value or a unit of account is like using an always-changing ruler to measure distance. **A dollar today does not buy the same as a dollar one year ago**. So yesterday prices are not equal to today's prices; this is an unfair business calculation.
There are several Bible verses that discuss the manipulation of weights and measures, emphasizing the importance of honesty and fairness in commercial dealings.
1. Leviticus 19:35-36 New International Version (NIV): "**Do not use dishonest standards when measuring length, weight, or quantity.** Use honest scales and honest weights, an honest ephah, and an honest hin.
2. Deuteronomy 25:13-15: Do not have two differing weights in your bag—one heavy, one light. Do not have two differing measures in your house—one large, one small. **You must have accurate and honest weights and measures**.
3. Proverbs 11:1—"A "**dishonest scale is an abomination to the Lord**, but a just weight is his delight."
**Fake money (currency) is always and everywhere a dishonest scale.** So if you want a real measure of value or wealth use something with real value instead, like gold, commodities, products, times, etc.
Bankers have redefined the word money to mean fake money, currency, or debt. And this is not the worst part. Let’s introduce another concept: credit.
**Real credit is the promise to pay money in the future.** It involves delaying the payment of money. **Currency was born as credit**, as a money certificate or receipt. During the last century, banks gradually replaced 100% of the money with currency and bank credit to further boost their profits and control. \[1913, 1933, 1944, 1971\]
But in order to achieve this goal, **bankers redefined the word money to mean the opposite of money: credit/debt. This is like calling a night a day or evil a good.**
When you take out a loan from a friend, you receive credit from him, but you also incur a debt with him. You promise your friends that you will pay them (asset/right), and you owe them (liability/obligation). The asset and the liability are one and part of the same deal; they cannot exist without the other. There’s no credit with no debt, no debt with no credit, and no liability with no asset.
Federal Reserve notes, commonly known as **“dollars,”** are a private corporate currency; they are **not money** because they are not gold or silver, nor receipts for these metals as many people still believe. They were not redeemable in money from the start, despite being created under the assumption.
The “peso” (Spanish word for weight) used to be a standardized amount of gold or silver, but it’s not any more; it's just a debt denomination. And what's owing? Currency. **How can someone lend the opposite of money and charge interest? O**nly deceiving you into believing that he is lending you money. So they redefined the word money to mean the opposite of it.
But redefining words does not change the economic effect of the transaction.
When currencies first appeared, I can imagine people asking themselves, "How can people trust these paper certificates in exchange for their money?" Who will be that stupid?” And **nowadays, people don’t understand the difference between money and currency, to the point that bankers redefined the word "money" to mean the opposite of "money."**
Lesson: Money is not just a medium of exchange; it is also a store of value and a unit of account. Currency, the opposite of money, is debt. Since it can be created in unlimited amounts, it can't work as a store of value because its value depreciates as more units are created; for this same reason, it is not fair to denominate values in currency units since one currency unit today does not buy the same as a year ago because of inflation, the loss of purchasing power.
Summarize: While money, currency, and credit all serve as effective mediums of exchange, only money serves as a reliable store of value for saving. Currency and credit are not stores of value (not good to save), and there are not fair units of account (not good for price).
In simple terms, money is not currency, because currency is just credit and debt. We can conceptualize it as a ledger, a record of who owes what to whom. Currency is fake money since it’s the opposite of a store of value; it's always depreciating in value while its supply is inflated. This is the definition of inflation.
**Modern credit is not currency; it’s the opposite. It’s the promise to deliver currency in the future, the promise of a promise of money (in theory). But there’s no money behind. It’s an air loan.**
But how did we get here? Is everyone stupid? No, we have been tricked, manipulated, and dictated to use these currencies, and this banking system was forced on us. They stole our money and replaced it with fake substitutes to boost their profits.
**So nowadays we have fake money acting as cash/currency and fake currency acting as bank deposits or credit.** One is worse than the other, but both of them serve only as mediums of exchange. Those who store wealth with them will be robbed, and those who calculate business will be lied to.
Today we use currencies (government notes), coins, bank deposits (currency claims), checks (bank deposit claims), credit cards, and debit cards. All of them are ‘monopoly money’ fake claims based on a big and global fraud.
- *Government notes (government debt)*
Since governments are under the control of central banks, they can only create currency by borrowing. Governments must issue bonds, or debt, and the central bank can generate credit, or currency, to purchase these bonds.
The bond (government liability) is the counterpart of the ‘asset’ (the currency, a central bank asset). Bonds are debt, and currencies are credit.
When the central bank creates currency to lend it to the government at interest, it has literally the economic effect of **transferring the wealth of the nation to the banks for free**. The banks are not lending anything that they had to labor to produce; instead, they are creating it by printing paper notes or digital currency.
On the other side, governments have to collect money from citizens (producers, merchants, and workers) to pay the interest on the debt.
Despite their best efforts, governments are unable to repay the debt due to interest, which makes it bigger than the amount of currency. Let’s say the debt is 100 at 1% interest. So there’s only 100 in currency. But at the end of the year, there’s going to be a debt of 101. In order for the system to keep working, someone else has to go into debt to create more currency units, and governments have to keep borrowing and at least only paying the interest and rolling the debt.
The important thing is that if you have government currency debt free, you own it. This is the new ‘money.’. **Government currency is the ‘real’ cash, liquidity, or water.**
- *Bank deposits (bank debt)*
When you deposit your government currency in the bank, you are legally lending your currency to the bank, and the bank owes you the amount you deposit. This currency is not stored by banks until you request it. Banks use this currency as if it were theirs, and they do business with it. That’s why I said, **‘Your money in the bank’ is not yours; it’s not money; it’s not in the bank.** Its currency, its owe to you, is only registered on the bank ledger as a debt, not in a safe box.
The numbers you get in the bank account, or your balance, are government currency substitutes; they are bank deposits. Your currency deposit is the asset, and the number on your bank account balance is the liability.
But this is not the worst part. Banks lend around 10 times more currency than they have in deposits. So banks have more liabilities than assets (they are literally broke).
People often treat bank deposits, also known as government currency substitutes or bank tokens, as legal tender, allowing banks to create them arbitrarily and 'lend' them to unsuspecting clients who mistakenly believe they are receiving currency.
This is possible only because the bank's deposit has equal cash value.
***Government bonds, government currency, and bank deposits have equal value. But they are not the same.***
All of them have counterparty risk, but **cash, or government currency, is better** or safer than bonds or bank deposits. If interest rates rise, the value of bonds can decrease, and default on bank deposits can result in total loss, a scenario that has frequently occurred.
Keep in mind that bank deposits represent the bank's debts, also known as liabilities. Business activities and risk-taking make your currency unsecured, and they don't compensate you enough for the loan and risk.
- *Debit cards (bank deposit transfer)*
Your bank deposit is your right to get your currency back. When you use a credit card to buy something, you are transferring that right to the seller so he can redeem that bank token for currency if he wishes.
But you have to have had a deposit before you can spend it or transfer it.
- *Checks (bank deposit transfer)*
The same applies to checks. Your bank deposit is your right to get your currency back. When you use a check to buy something, you are transferring that right to the seller so he can redeem that bank token for currency if he wishes.
- *Credit card (bank deposit creator)*
Credit cards are different. When you use a credit card, you are creating a bank deposit backed by your promise of paying it back. By allowing the bank to create a currency substitute out of nothing and charge you high interest, you are essentially working for them for free.
Not only this, but you are also letting them collect fees from the payments processing that cost them nothing and support their fake money as a medium of exchange.
**Using credit cards is literally voting for financial slavery.** This is why companies make credit cards so convenient and offer benefits, with the intention of incentivizing and pushing people into the debt slavery system.
‘Loans’ = exchanges
**The history of money is the history of moneychangers**, money dealers, or bankers. Money is an inanimate object. Bankers are alive; they are the ones in charge of making the money, currency, and credit flow or stop.
**They have been in existence for thousands of years**, from Egypt to Rome, where Jesus Christ himself threw them out of the temple and called them thieves, and he was not wrong.
Moneychangers played a crucial role in facilitating trade by exchanging different forms of currency and commodities. The profession of moneychangers evolved over time, particularly during the Roman Empire and the Middle Ages when various currencies were in circulation. In these times, moneychangers would set up shop at markets or public spaces to provide their services and **help merchants convert their money into a form that could be used for transactions with other traders.** As banking systems developed over time, the role of moneychangers expanded to include more complex financial services.
Today, moneychangers are still an essential part of the global economy, helping people exchange currencies and facilitating international trade.
**The Knights Templars** were a Christian military order established in 1119 who played a crucial role in the establishment of the financial system in medieval Europe. They established **a gold-backed credit system** that laid the foundation for the modern banking system. Their financial services included deposit accounts, loans, and even a form of early traveler's checks.
**The history of the goldsmiths** starts around 700 years ago in the year 1327. The company became responsible for hallmarking precious metals and played a significant role in regulating the quality and authenticity of gold and silver items. **In exchange for written acknowledgments or "receipts,"** they also provided gold deposit services.
Both groups played significant roles in the development of these early financial instruments, with goldsmiths issuing written acknowledgments for deposited gold and the Knights Templar establishing banking institutions that facilitated the use of such receipts as a form of payment.
This is a brief summary of the beginning of the moneychangers and how they discovered how to multiply money with paper receipts, better understood as counterfeiting. We now refer to it as fractional reserve banking, and let me tell you something: it's based on fraud.
Not only do they create bank deposits when you deposit currency, but they also create them when you "take a loan." Banks do not lend money, and they do not lend currency; they lend bank deposits (bank tokens/IOUs/currency substitutes/ paper receipts).
Banks had to redefine the word money to mean the opposite of money (debt) to trick the people. How can you lend the oposite of money and expect to be paid back plus interest? This took them thousands of years to achieve.
**The fact is that this is not a loan but an exchange.** When you take a loan, you sign a contract that creates a promissory note, which is your promise to pay. The bank then takes this promissory note, without your permission (steals), and sells it for cash (if you requiere it) or government bonds (to earn interest).
Your promissory note has equal value to cash and government bonds. And banks always need an asset to create a bank deposit (liability). So the banks literally steal your asset (promissory note) and sell them to create IOUs that they will ‘lend’ to you.
They ‘lend’ the oposite of money and call it a loan. The truth is that they are acting as moneychangers, and they are exchanging your IOU (promissory note) for a bank IOU (bank deposit) without your permission and pretending that you pay it back, but they never pay back theirs…
How is this possible? This is only possible because most people treat bank deposits (bank tokens, IOUs, and debts) as a medium of exchange because they trust the banks.
This is the root of inequality under the law. While one group can create IOUs from nothing and steal others, the other must work for them or exchange wealth.
If this bank defaults, its IOUs quickly vanish. This is a mathematical certainty; that’s why banks that are 'too big to fail' demand bailouts. **Every bank is bankrupt** since they have 7–10 times more liabilities than assets, and the assets they have are not theirs but their clients' assets. The only thing that keeps them alive is the trust of the public and the bailouts of the government.
**This is legalized slavery and theft.** There’s no other name. Banks own every industry, government, public figure, actor, etc. They have the power of God on earth, and it's time to stop them.
If we let the bank take our wealth for free, we will end up bankrupt, and they will end up owning everything. Every medium of exchange nowadays is an IOU or an IOU of an IOU. Ultimately, it is mathematically impossible to repay all of those IOUs, and banks pretend to keep all the assets.
*Check: IOU = deposit; IOU = cash; IOU = bond; IOU + interest*
The only way this system can continue is to keep creating new IOUs to pay the old ones, but even then (as it has been for over a century), the value of those IOUs keeps falling, causing hyperinflation.
If banks and governments want to ‘avoid’ (imposible) or relent to hyperinflation, they need to incur a great confiscation. So heads you lose, tails they win, playing this game doesn't make any fucking sense.
Buy Bitcoin, self custody, and fuck the government and the banking system.
Live free or die trying.

@ f3873798:24b3f2f3
2025-02-25 13:51:32
Estamos próximos a uma das principais premiações da indústria. Vemos não só a perversão de pautas woke e destruição de valores ocidentes, mas também um grande confronto entre o que mais forte o ativismo Lgbt ou o ativismo político entre as atrizes Fernanda Torres e Karla Gascon.
Só evidência o caos que é os conflitos de interesse de diversas vertentes que a esquerda abraça e diz que é sua.
Mas, o que mais impressiona é o fato do Oscar ter um filme no indicado que até o momento não ganhou nada, porém é notório a superioridade aos outros, este filme é Sing Sing.
Porque o filme Sing sing foi ignorado pelos avaliadores?
O filme tem uma narrativa de superação e como a arte pode mudar as pessoas e as realidades mais pertubadoras. Ele retrata o Sistema carcerário americano, onde realidade de vários presos é mudada atraves de um projeto de um teatro na prisão.
Observando friamente a sintese do filme é uma história que se encaixa perfeitamente aos vies de bandidolatria, se não tivesse um questão, a ação transformadora da arte e deixando de serem vítimas e serem artistas.
Porém apesar de ser uma obra de arte que estimula as pessoas pensarem sobre a vida e ter uma pegada inovadora e completamente diferente dos demais filmes que retratam o sistema carcerário, ele é totalmente ignorado por não ser suficientemente lacrativo.

@ 9171b08a:8395fd65
2025-02-25 13:27:26
For the price tag on this room, I would've thought my death bed would be more comfortable. Since I've been admitted I've been in a perpetual state of discomfort despite the medicine that is supposed to keep me numb. The room is dark and I'm alone with the sounds of industry that keep this planet churning through the expanse of space.
The unease goes deeper than the surface, beyond the 1000 thread count Earth cotton grating against my skin, deeper than the cracking sinews of my muscles, it lurks in the wake of the vibrations of my heart as it throbs its final throbs.
The holoscreen comes to life at a thoughts command and quickly my unease turns to irritation as my name crawls across the screen. A woman points to the very hospital where I lay and expresses her sorrow as "One of the greatest men of this era awaits his death."
I suppose it couldn't come quicker. I shut off the holoscreen. Plunge myself back into the darkness and simply watch the shadows of the freighter transports cast through the opaque vinyl shutter as they pass by.
The light comes on. It blinds me and all I can hear are the footsteps that approach. The heels clatter loudly, soles of well made shoes. Expensive, probably Earth made like my sheets.
"You don't have to go through with this old man." I know the voice well. My mentee, the man I've groomed to take over my empire speaks again, "It's not too late to take the regenerons. You'd be looking younger than me within the week."
I don't care to explain myself. I turn away from him and he mutters something else then reaches over and rests a vase on the table in front of me.

Inside the vase float two scarlet tulips within a bouquet of gypsophila. The flowers smell freshly cut, a scent that instantly freshens my soul and harkens to a time before anyone could imagine I'd be known as "one of the greatest men of the era."
My mentee speaks, but his voice is nothing more than the ruffling of my sheets as I sit up and draw closer to you.
Precious tulips.
Tulips like these, I picked in the endless fields of Verduia. I, like the others who'd been bred to work on that planet, toiled away endless days to pick flowers just like these for affluent people just like me at this very moment.
I was never supposed to have the life I've lived. My biology was built to pick and die. To work, stay poor, and keep my head buried in the fields, that was my purpose.
I worked hard. My hands pruned and nurtured roots in the dark soil. But I loved harder. The memory of your marble skin against the thick layer of dirt beneath my nails will never fade. I've amassed a wealth that is the envy of entire solar systems, but the memory of you is richer.
My tulip, my eternal blossom. I'd run away from the task masters with you and hide in the tall sunflower fields where we'd make love.
People like us weren't meant to be in love. When you passed, I felt no greater discomfort. I thought wealth could fill that void. It hasn't. Not even a millennia since could wash away the memory of you. Only the closure of time, the death of me can remove this ever long dread. Here the need to revive the feeling only you could inspire ends.
-Art By Surenja Rajawat- Find him on instagram @suren.rajawat

@ 57d1a264:69f1fee1
2025-02-25 13:24:49

Galoy released a new product called Lana, a platform for bitcoin loans. The team will provide an introduction and then we'll dive into the design.
To get you up to speed, check out the website, slide deck and podcast interview:
- https://www.galoy.io/lana-bitcoin-loans-platform
- https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1IQocefpCN5_wKX91EWtLa19IpMS_Ye8goNLAgGQbfdU/edit#slide=id.g31d536107ae_0_0
- https://stephanlivera.com/episode/634/
If you get a chance, please take a peek before the call. That makes the design reviews more useful because we need to spend less time going over the basics.
On `Thu Feb 27th · 15:00 – 16:00 CET`
Join from https://meet.jit.si/bitcoindesign
Check your timezone https://everytimezone.com/s/998e22fc
Track https://github.com/BitcoinDesign/Meta/issues/758
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/896570

@ e5de992e:4a95ef85
2025-02-25 12:46:53
The future of decentralized identity promises a digital landscape where users have full control over their personal data, privacy, and interactions. When users own their digital presence, several transformative changes could reshape the internet:
## Empowerment and Control
### Self-Sovereignty
Users will manage their identities through cryptographic keys rather than relying on third-party platforms. This means you decide what data to share, how to share it, and with whom, eliminating reliance on centralized authorities.
### Data Portability
Decentralized identity frameworks enable seamless movement of personal data across various services. Without vendor lock-in, you can maintain a consistent digital persona, regardless of the platform or application you choose to use.
## Privacy and Security
### Enhanced Privacy
With decentralized identity, you control the amount and type of information you reveal. This minimizes exposure to data breaches, unauthorized surveillance, and privacy violations that are common in centralized systems.
### Stronger Security
Cryptography plays a central role in decentralized identity, reducing the risk of identity theft and fraud. Since your identity is not stored in a single, vulnerable location, it's much harder for attackers to compromise your personal information.
## Interoperability and Innovation
### Interoperable Ecosystems
Decentralized identity standards can pave the way for interoperable systems where different services and platforms recognize and trust your digital credentials. This can lead to smoother user experiences and increased innovation in digital services.
### New Economic Models
Ownership of your digital identity might also enable new ways to monetize personal data. Instead of platforms harvesting data for profit, users could potentially control and even earn from the use of their own information.
## Social and Cultural Impact
### Democratizing the Digital Space
A user-owned digital identity reduces the power imbalance between large tech corporations and individuals. It fosters a more democratic online environment where freedom of expression and personal autonomy are respected.
### Resilience Against Censorship
Decentralized systems distribute data across multiple nodes, making it far more resistant to censorship. This ensures that your voice can be heard even in environments where centralized platforms might suppress it.
## Challenges Ahead
### Usability and Adoption
While the potential benefits are significant, mainstream adoption will require overcoming technical and usability challenges. Managing cryptographic keys, for instance, may be daunting for non-technical users unless user-friendly solutions are developed.
### Regulatory and Standardization Issues
As decentralized identity becomes more prevalent, there will be a need for clear standards and regulations to ensure interoperability, security, and consumer protection without stifling innovation.
## In Summary
When users own their digital presence, the future of decentralized identity is marked by increased privacy, enhanced control, and a more open, interoperable digital ecosystem. This shift not only empowers individuals but also encourages the development of innovative technologies and business models that prioritize user rights and freedoms in the online world.

@ 57d1a264:69f1fee1
2025-02-25 12:38:46
I've been pondering how LSPs (lightning service providers) might pan out over time and how that might affect fees, and I am wondering what everyone else is thinking. Some people will always prefer to manage their own channels, and for some specific use cases, that might be preferable. But I am thinking about the broad userbase that does not want to do that. We will need a massive LSP infrastructure to onboard people and to enable insane amounts of payments.
LSPs will need to efficiently open and adjust channels for users, using their own liquidity or sourcing liquidity from other providers, using just-in-time channels, batching and/or splicing to reduce costs and wait times. Across all this, along with facilitating payments, they need to make their business model work and offer different options for users to pay for their services.
Users might be able to:
1. Pay-as-you-go (pay X for Y more liquidity for Z amount of time)
2. Pay X per month for Y inbound liquidity
3. Pay X per month for unlimited liquidity
4. Nothing for liquidity, but higher transaction fees
A wallet might also automatically choose an appropriate LSP based on what is the best and most appropriate deal at the time.
Let's look at user scenarios:
- If someone sends and receives the same amount every month, they will never need more liquidity. They just draw down the same channel and fill it up again. So they would only pay the LSP for them assigning that fixed amount of liquidity to them. Maybe options 1 and 2 are good for them.
- If someone receives more than they send (they save a certain amount every month), they will need more and more inbound liquidity over time. They might choose option 2.
- An online store that receives a ton and can't really estimate how much, might go for option 3.
- For option 4, it depends if the higher transaction fees are fixed or percentage-based.
It's a bit like choosing a data plan for your phone (or for internet at home). You can get a prepaid card, a regular plan with certain limits, or go unlimited. And there are separate plans for small and large businesses, etc. And there are massive amounts of complex infrastructure behind these service providers to make it all work.
So when someone starts using a lightning wallet, maybe they have to first pick an LSP and a plan before being able to receive. Or maybe they get a first channel for free and pay higher fees, and are then prompted to choose a plan. Maybe they need to wait an hour until the LSP has enough channel opens for a batch/splice, to reduce costs. A complex market at work.
Is that how things might pan out? Am I completely off? Is it worth mocking up different scenarios?
#bitcoin #LN #BTC #Lightning #LSP #service #zaps #sats #wallet
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/896520

@ f4c59e4c:82f66850
2025-02-25 12:14:45
## Introduction
Dora Factory actively participated in governance across multiple blockchain ecosystems, including Cosmos Hub, dYdX, Injective, and Osmosis, by casting votes on key proposals. These decisions reflect Dora Factory’s commitment to supporting network upgrades, optimizing infrastructure, and ensuring responsible treasury and market management. Below is a summary of recent governance actions.
## Proposals
### Cosmos Hub
[2025-02-14 Cosmos Proposal 988 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/cosmos/proposals/988)
Dora Factory voted YES on Cosmos Proposal 987 to approve the Gaia v22 software upgrade. The upgrade includes updates to the Cosmos Hub binary and has been tested by Informal Systems and Hypha Co-op.
### dYdX
[2025-02-04 dYdX Proposal 208 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/dydx/proposals/208)
Dora Factory voted YES on dYdX Proposal 208 to add the dYdX Operations subDAO (DOS) signer as a market authority in the market map module and remove the 10% revenue share. This change allows DOS to update the market map while ensuring no fees accrue to Market Mappers, aligning with the community’s interests.
[2025-02-08 dYdX Proposal 210 No](https://www.mintscan.io/dydx/proposals/210)
Dora Factory voted NO on dYdX Proposal 210, which aimed to revive the dYdX client to Sifchain. The proposal was flagged as suspicious due to false claims of support from Informal Systems, lack of prior discussion, and potential security implications for dYdX Chain.
[2025-02-10 dYdX Proposal 211 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/dydx/proposals/211)
Dora Factory voted YES on dYdX Proposal 211, which recalls the Stride Liquid Staking Program. The proposal transfers control of stDYDX from the dYdX Community Treasury to the dYdX Treasury SubDAO, allowing it to redeem and manage the assets directly.
### Injective
[2025-01-29 Injective Proposal 490 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/injective/proposals/490)
Dora Factory voted YES on Injective Proposal 490, which aimed to recover the IBC client for Kopi chain.
[2025-02-03 Injective Proposal 491 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/injective/proposals/491)
Dora Factory voted YES on Injective Proposal 491, which aimed to increase the maximum gas amount per block to 150,000,000 to optimize on-chain transaction handling
[2025-02-06 Injective Proposal 493 Abstain](https://www.mintscan.io/injective/proposals/493)
Dora Factory ABSTAINED on Injective Proposal 493, which aimed to launch an on-chain S&P 500 Index market by introducing the SPY/USDT perpetual market across Injective Exchange dApps.
[2025-02-12 Injective Proposal 494 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/injective/proposals/494)
Dora Factory voted YES on Injective Proposal 494, which proposed the Nivara mainnet upgrade. The upgrade includes enhancements to the RWA oracle and module architecture, improved delegation controls, and security updates for the exchange module and Injective Bridge.
[2025-02-12 Injective Proposal 495 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/injective/proposals/495)
Dora Factory voted YES on Injective Proposal 495, which aimed to recover the IBC client used by the Kopi chain. The proposal passed with significant support.
[2025-02-12 Injective Proposal 496 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/injective/proposals/496)
Dora Factory voted YES on Injective Proposal 496, which aimed to modify the ticker for the TRADFI/USDT PERP market to reflect the appropriate ticker.
[2025-02-20 Injective Proposal 498 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/injective/proposals/498)
Dora Factory VOTED YES on Injective Proposal 498, which aims to launch the JNI/HDRO Spot Market for trading the JNI token in HDRO-denominated quote.
### Osmosis
[2025-01-29 Osmosis Proposal 897 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/osmosis/proposals/897)
Dora Factory voted YES on Osmosis Proposal 897, which aimed to recover the IBC client used by the Kopi chain.
[2025-02-04 Osmosis Proposal 898 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/osmosis/proposals/898)
Dora Factory voted YES on Osmosis Proposal 898, which aimed to reduce gas consumption for Mars contracts by pinning binary contracts and reducing resource usage.
[2025-02-04 Osmosis Proposal 899 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/osmosis/proposals/899)
Dora Factory voted YES on Osmosis Proposal 899, which aimed to increase the static limits for Alloyed BTC during its rapid growth phase.
[2025-02-04 Osmosis Proposal 900 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/osmosis/proposals/900)
Dora Factory voted YES on Osmosis Proposal 900, which requested $150,000 USDC from the Osmosis community pool to bootstrap DOGE liquidity by purchasing DOGE and adding it to a DOGE/USDC liquidity pool on Osmosis.
[2025-02-07 Osmosis Proposal 901 Yes](https://www.mintscan.io/osmosis/proposals/901)
Dora Factory voted YES on Osmosis Proposal 901, which authorized the purchase of BTC using 25% of Osmosis' non-OSMO taker fees. The January 2025 purchase was expected to be around 1.4 BTC.
## Conclusion
Dora Factory’s recent votes demonstrate a strong focus on enhancing blockchain infrastructure, optimizing network efficiency, and ensuring responsible asset management. By supporting essential upgrades, market optimizations, and community-driven initiatives, Dora Factory continues to contribute to the long-term sustainability and innovation of these ecosystems.

@ bc575705:dba3ed39
2025-02-25 11:07:17
Perfection is often held as the ultimate goal in many creative pursuits. But in music—particularly in the world of lo-fi and experimental genres—imperfections can be a source of magic. As a producer and artist, I’ve come to embrace the raw, unpolished elements in my compositions, finding that they add depth, character, and emotional resonance. In this post, I want to reflect on why imperfections are not just acceptable but essential to my music.
## **The Beauty of Imperfections**
Imperfections in music—whether it’s a slightly out-of-tune note, the hiss of tape, or the ambient noise of a recording space—have a way of grounding the sound in reality. They remind us that music is a human endeavor, full of quirks and unpredictability. These imperfections don’t detract from the music; they enhance it by creating a sense of authenticity and intimacy.
In my productions, I often incorporate elements like vinyl crackle, tape distortion, and ambient noise to evoke a feeling of nostalgia. These textures bring a warmth and organic quality to the music that can be hard to achieve with overly polished production.
## **Emotional Resonance Through Rawness**
There’s something deeply emotional about hearing a piece of music that isn’t perfect. A wavering vocal, an unsteady rhythm, or a faint background hum can make a song feel more alive and relatable. Perfection can sometimes feel distant and unattainable, but imperfections invite listeners in, creating a connection that feels personal and genuine.
For example, in one of my tracks, I left in the faint sound of my fingers brushing against piano keys as I played. It wasn’t intentional at first, but when I listened back, I realized it added a layer of intimacy—as if the listener was right there in the room with me.
## **Lo-Fi: A Celebration of Imperfection**
Lo-fi music, by its very definition, is an embrace of imperfection. It revels in the hiss of cassette tapes, the crackle of vinyl, and the subtle flaws that traditional production methods might seek to eliminate. This aesthetic aligns perfectly with my philosophy as an artist: that music doesn’t need to be flawless to be impactful.
Lo-fi’s imperfections are not limitations; they’re features that shape its character. By allowing these raw elements to shine, lo-fi creates an atmosphere of nostalgia and comfort—a reminder that beauty often lies in the imperfect and the incomplete.
## **Finding Freedom in the Flaws**
When I stopped striving for perfection, I found freedom. Embracing imperfections allowed me to focus on the emotional core of my work rather than obsessing over technical precision. It’s in the rawness of a recording, the spontaneity of an improvised melody, or the unpredictable texture of a field recording that I find the most inspiration.
This approach also opens the door to experimentation. When perfection is not the goal, creativity can flow freely. I’ve discovered new sounds and techniques simply by letting go of the need for everything to be “just right.”
## **A Reflection of Life Itself**
Life is imperfect, and music that reflects this reality often feels the most honest. Just as our lives are filled with unexpected turns, small mistakes, and moments of vulnerability, so too can our music. By embracing these elements, we create art that resonates on a deeper level: music that feels human!
## **Final Thoughts**
Imperfections are not flaws to be hidden; they are the soul of the music. They add character, depth, and emotion that can’t be replicated by pristine production alone. As a producer, I’ve found that some of my most meaningful work comes from leaning into the raw, unpolished moments and letting them shape the sound.
To anyone creating music, my advice is this: don’t be afraid of imperfections. Embrace them, celebrate them, and let them tell their own story. You might just find that they hold the key to something truly beautiful.

@ 2181959b:80f0d27d
2025-02-25 10:38:33
أطلقت مايكروسوفت بهدوء إصدارًا مجانيًا من تطبيقات Office لأجهزة ويندوز، يتيح للمستخدمين تحرير المستندات دون الحاجة إلى اشتراك في Microsoft 365 أو ترخيص مدفوع.
ومع ذلك، يأتي هذا الإصدار مع إعلانات دائمة وقيود على بعض الميزات الأساسية.
**ما هي قيود الإصدار المجاني من تطبيقات Office؟**
وفقًا لموقع Beebom، يعتمد الإصدار المجاني على التطبيقات المكتبية الكاملة لكنه يُقيد معظم الميزات خلف اشتراك Microsoft 365.
وهذه القيود تتمثل في الآتي:
1: يتم عرض الإعلانات بشكل دائم داخل تطبيقات Word وPowerPoint وExcel أثناء العمل على المستندات.
2: يمكن حفظ الملفات فقط على OneDrive، دون دعم لتحرير الملفات المحلية.
3: لا يتوفر الإملاء الصوتي، والإضافات، والتنسيقات المتقدمة، وSmartArt، مما يجعله مناسبًا للمهام الأساسية فقط.
**كيفية الوصول إلى الإصدار المجاني من تطبيقات Office؟**
يمكن للمستخدمين تخطي طلب تسجيل الدخول عند تشغيل أحد تطبيقات Office لأول مرة، وبعد ذلك سيحصلون على خيار استخدامه مجانًا مقابل الإعلانات والميزات المحدودة.
في هذا الوضع، يمكن فتح المستندات وعرضها وتحريرها، تمامًا كما هو الحال في إصدار Office على الويب.
**هل هو متاح للجميع؟**
حاليًا، يبدو أن هذا الإصدار لا يزال في مرحلة الاختبار المحدود، حيث لم يتمكن بعض المستخدمين من تجاوز شاشة تسجيل الدخول عند تشغيل Office. ومن المحتمل أن مايكروسوفت تختبر هذه النسخة في مناطق محددة أو مع مجموعة صغيرة من المستخدمين قبل إطلاقها رسميًا.
حتى الآن، لم تُعلن الشركة رسميًا عن هذا الإصدار، ولم تذكره في مستندات الدعم الخاصة بها، لكن قد تكشف مايكروسوفت عن تفاصيل إضافية خلال الأيام أو الأسابيع المقبلة.
[المصدر]( https://www.windowscentral.com/software-apps/office-365/microsoft-quietly-launches-free-ad-supported-version-of-office-apps-for-windows-with-limited-functionality)