
@ b4403b24:83542d4e
2025-02-28 23:05:36
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/900278

@ 88cc134b:5ae99079
2025-02-28 22:18:17
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eget mi euismod, porta enim at, congue erat. **Vivamus in ante leo. Vestibulum feugiat**, mauris a faucibus ultrices, enim massa bibendum magna, eu consequat leo mi eu velit. Mauris et magna rhoncus, ornare justo a, dictum sapien. Maecenas mattis rhoncus lacus ac lacinia*. Donec pulvinar finibus rutrum. Cras quis sapien lectus.*
Ut odio est, condimentum vel consectetur at, elementum et neque. Donec dignissim metus eu nisi vestibulum vehicula. Maecenas vel dictum leo. Ut nisi lorem, tempor nec enim a, porta elementum augue. Vestibulum dictum ex at magna viverra, a tincidunt sem tempor. Fusce sit amet bibendum dui. Pellentesque congue tempus purus eu faucibus. Suspendisse non ex nunc. Quisque posuere euismod dui eget euismod. Praesent convallis turpis ac tellus gravida suscipit. Sed nulla lorem, auctor at ornare vel, tristique sit amet metus. Nullam id tristique arcu. Morbi sit amet velit nisi. Quisque quis est ut ex tempus lobortis in ut turpis.
Sed eu diam ut leo suscipit dapibus nec at nisi. Etiam vel vulputate turpis. Suspendisse non ligula finibus, vestibulum magna ac, semper sapien. Integer dignissim dolor eros. Morbi nisl arcu, tincidunt non libero luctus, sagittis tempor urna. Duis sagittis nisi sed sagittis iaculis. Donec neque mi, fermentum nec suscipit ac, scelerisque vitae augue. Pellentesque id felis pharetra urna ornare congue ac quis augue. In posuere vulputate libero at pulvinar. Integer tincidunt justo nec cursus varius. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Donec fringilla tellus nibh, at feugiat risus vulputate in. Nulla commodo sem porttitor erat sodales, eu tincidunt nibh vulputate. Sed non massa volutpat nibh venenatis laoreet. Etiam arcu lectus, placerat sed porta et, aliquet sagittis elit. Integer pharetra nunc eget lacus vehicula bibendum.
Fusce non libero interdum, vulputate mi a, ornare justo. Sed fermentum sapien lacus, et iaculis est pharetra a. Cras elementum magna velit, et tempor nibh egestas sed. Cras sollicitudin maximus ligula sit amet interdum. Aenean ullamcorper congue tincidunt. Aliquam condimentum, nisl quis ullamcorper facilisis, urna est ultricies lorem, quis dapibus velit quam eu ante. Integer vulputate feugiat molestie. Donec vestibulum eros eu velit gravida accumsan. Phasellus elementum arcu non ultricies rutrum. Morbi ac rhoncus ante.
Maecenas scelerisque scelerisque nibh, ac lobortis tellus aliquam quis. Proin mi tellus, fringilla et hendrerit id, tincidunt nec turpis. Aenean ultrices magna iaculis felis tincidunt, eu molestie lorem cursus. Sed est eros, ultricies ut ornare non, suscipit vitae dui. Nunc nec rhoncus est. Aliquam at laoreet sapien, in ornare turpis. Morbi in quam at mi elementum vulputate. Donec sed sagittis purus. Morbi rutrum non mi vitae hendrerit. Nulla auctor ante lorem, eget scelerisque nunc hendrerit ornare.

@ 88cc134b:5ae99079
2025-02-28 21:58:37

@ b581c912:7df8270f
2025-02-28 21:11:56
Fui abordado por um colega e ele me falou de forma bastante enérgica sobre o projeto Pi Network, após uma breve conversa resolvi dar crédito e estudar sobre a solução proposta.
Tentei ser imparcial e fui direto no site “oficial” (🤔) onde encontrei dois Whitepapers (referência 1), um de 2019 e outro de 2021. Decidi então fazer a leitura pela documentação oficial, tentar não me influenciar mais do que já sou influenciado (como um Bitcoiner Maximlista que acho que sou).
Infelizmente não tive condições de terminar os dois documentos, no capítulo “Pi – Token Supply” de 2019 já deixa claro de forma matemática que Pi Network é uma pirâmide, e como até aquele momento não consegui resposta se o processo de recompensa da rede tinha sido atualizada, eu decidi não gastar mais meu tempo de vida estudando sobre o protocolo.\
Deixo aqui as anotações que fiz até onde tive condições de ler. Por favor, sinta-se à vontade para contra-argumentar caso você tenha entendido o protocolo de forma diferente, ou assim como Satoshi “If you don't believe me or don't get it, I don't have time to try to convince you, sorry.”.
De forma bastante resumida, esta é minha conclusão:
Pi Network é uma pirâmide declarada na sua própria documentação oficial. Infelizmente, mais uma shitcoin.
Vende a ideia de descentralização e justiça, mas não tem nada descentralizado e muito menos justa, usando da falácia argumentativa e frases de efeito tenta vender sua pirâmide financeira.
(OBS: os primeiros capítulos do Whitepaper de 2019 são concentrados em atacar o Bitcoin e seu ambiente, mas sem a coragem de pelo menos descrever corretamente como o ambiente funciona. Soltando verdades pela metade leva o leitor a achar que o ambiente do Bitcoin é malicioso e precisa de ‘melhorias’)
1. Introduction: Why cryptocurrencies matter
- Traz alguns argumentos para validar a existência do Pi Network, cita falhas do sistema fia, mas não citou o maior problema: Inflação e/ou impressão de dinheiro;
2. Securing Distributed Ledgers (Mining)
- “*This process (Bitcoin mining) is very secure, but it demands enormous computing power and energy consumption as users essentially “burn money” to solve the computational puzzle that earns them more Bitcoin. The burn-to-reward ratio is so punitive that it is always in Validators’ self-interest to post honest transactions to the Bitcoin record.*”
- Aqui é descrito como se a base da “Prova de Trabalho” fosse punitiva “burn-to-reward”, quando na verdade é completamente o contrário: meritocracia total. Trabalhe de forma justa, com dados reais, não tente burlar o sistema e você será recompensado, não importa quem você é ou de onde você vem. Seja justo, trabalhe e seja recompensado.
3. Problem: Centralization of power and money put 1st Generation Cryptocurrencies out of reach
- O capítulo inteiro é focado em criticar o PoW, sendo que PoW + ”algoritmo de consenso” é a base da solução do problema do “General Bizantino” em um sistema descentralizado. Usando argumentos de ‘excesso de consumo de energia’ e outros para causar desprezo à tecnologia.
- O Bitcoin é o mercado mundial que mais usa energia renovável. Em 2022 tinha um total de 56% de toda a rede de mineração rodando sobre energias renováveis (2). No Brasil temos algumas empresas que atuam em reutilização de energia renovável para mineração de Bitcoin (3).
4. A Simplified Introduction To Consensus Algorithms
- A explicação desse capítulo ficou MUITO vago, deixando a entender que o que o minerador coloca no bloco é válido como dado real. Quando na realidade isso não é verdade: o minerador (Mining Node) realmente precisa fazer cálculos computacionais e quem achar o bloco ganha o direito de enviar essa informação para os Nós (“validation” nodes, se é que eu posso chamá-los assim), então os Nós é que vão decidir de forma descentralizada se aquele bloco é válido ou não, caso não seja, recusando o bloco e aceitando o próximo bloco válido.
5. A Simplified Introduction To Stellar Consensus Protocol
- Este capítulo já começa reforçando a falácia anterior “Pi uses the other type of consensus algorithms”, tentando reforçar que o mecanismo de consenso do Bitcoin é inseguro ou custoso, sendo que no capítulo anterior eles misturaram a prova de trabalho (mineração) com a validação dos blocos, que é realmente o “consensus algorithms”, ou seja, o argumento utilizado aqui é nulo, não fazendo sentido além do de tentar levar o leitor a menosprezar a solução do Bitcoin.
- “*One major criticism of BFT (Byzantine Fault Tolerance) is that it has a centralization point: because voting is involved, the set of nodes participating in the voting “quorum” are centrally determined by the creator of the system in its beginning.*”
1. Não sei qual BFT exatamente eles estão criticando aqui, mas certamente não é o Bitcoin. Os Nós (“validation” nodes) não são centralmente especificados, qualquer um pode entrar como um nós validador e fazer parte da validação dos blocos, rejeitando aqueles que considera não verdadeiros por N motivos. O sistema de consenso do Bitcoin é feito por %, se 51% dos nós validadores aceitam o bloco (minerado pelo nó minerador) aquele bloco é então visto como válido. Se 51% rejeitam, aquele bloco é rejeitado por toda a rede.
6. Pi’s Adaptations to Stellar Consensus Protocol (SCP)
- “*For example, once a week, the stellar network is using it to compute inflation on the stellar network and allocate the newly minted tokens proportionally to all stellar coin holders (Stellar’s coin is called lumens). In a similar manner, the Pi network employs SCP once a day to compute the network-wide new Pi distribution across all Pi miners (pioneers, contributors, ambassadors, nodes) who actively participated in any given day. In other words, Pi mining rewards are computed only once daily and not on every block of the blockchain.*”
1. Aqui está deixando claro a centralização da recompensa? Não ficou muito claro, mas me parece que a recompensa é mantida em um wallet temporária (controlada por quem? pelo ambiente? Isso quer dizer que a equipe de desenvolvimento controla a wallet?) e distribuída no fim do dia. Qual o nível de transparência desse processo? É possível analisar tudo capital armazenado, de onde veio, para onde está indo, quanto foi para cada ‘mão’?.
- “*Mining pools are not only points of centralization, but also their operators get cuts reducing the amount going to individual miners. In Pi, there is no need for mining pools, since once a day everyone who contributed get a meritocratic distribution of new Pi.*”
1. Aqui reforça a solução centralizada que eles mesmo acabaram de criticar. Se meus fundos vão ficar na mão da “Pi Network” que seja 1 dia apenas, então eles estão centralizando os incentivos.
7. Pi Economic Model: Balancing Scarcity and Access
- Inverted Means Uneven
1. Bem vindo à meritocracia, bem vindo à prova de trabalho, bem vindo à vida real. Quem viu a qualidade e futuro na solução XYZ e gastou seu próprio tempo entendendo, aprendendo e se especializando, consequentemente ganha mais. Isso não quer dizer que quem está entrando agora não ganhe ou esteja “burning more energy for less bitcoin”, eles entram agora sabendo que a recompensa é menor e que o trabalho está mais difícil, mas mesmo assim acreditam no potencial da solução.
- Hoarding Inhibits Use As A Medium Of Exchange
1. É necessário entender a história do dinheiro. Qualquer dinheiro precisa primeiro passar pelo processo de “reserva de valor” <https://miro.medium.com/v2/resize:fit:1400/1\*7-2w9CZn8yVeO31SmBQqow.png>
2. Abstrairei aqui as camadas 2: Lightning, LIquid, Ark e etc, que já são usadas há alguns anos justamente para resolver o problema de “apenas reserva de valor e não moeda de troca”
8. The Pi Economic Model
- Aqui temos um grande problema: levando em consideração que os fundos diários serão centralizados em uma ‘carteira temporária’ (isso foi especificado no capítulo “Transaction fees”, sem especificar quem ou o que controla essa carteira) , e unindo isso com a ‘distribuição justa’ e o fato de que eles querem ‘garantir que grandes quantidade de Pi não sejam concentradas em poucas mãos’, me vem a pergunta: quem decide o que é justo? Quem decide a distribuição justa? Quem decide o quanto é “grande quantidade”?
9. Pi – Token Supply
- M=∫ f(P), uma função logarítmica decrescente, onde P é a quantidade de participantes. Resumidamente: M paga menos a cada novo integrante na rede
- R=(r\*M), onde a distribuição por novo membro acontece com 25% para o indicado (novo membro) 25% para o indicador (o membro que indicou) e 50% distribuído para o resto da rede
- D=t\*(M+R), remuneração dos desenvolvedores. Fixando t=25% de cada Pi token gerado
- Acredito que a fórmula final pode ser traduzida como: (∫f(P)dx)⋅(1+r)⋅(1+t)
- Tendo em vista esta tradução dissertativa do cálculo de “Token Supply”, é possível considerar que Pi Network é uma pirâmide: a recompensa é distribuída entre ‘indicado’ (novo membro), ‘indicador’ (quem indicou), equipe de manutenção da rede e por fim, o resto da rede. Essa recompensa diminui a cada novo membro na rede, forçando todos a continuar introduzindo mais membros (obviamente novos membros são incentivados com mais afinco para essa atividade, ou seja, se não indicarem mais membros, não ganham mais incentivos)
- Apesar de existir recompensa através de taxas de transação, essa recompensa traz um grande problema que já foi citado anteriormente: centralização.
10. Outras críticas gratuitas sem nexo(?)
- Em vários pontos eles só soltam informações soltas sem contexto tentando direcionar o leitor a uma avaliação falaciosa do ambiente do Bitcoin:
- *“While Bitcoin’s process for updating its record is proven (burning energy / money to prove trustworthiness), it is not very user (or planet!) friendly.”*
1. *Utilizando frases de efeito de um problema inexistente para validar a necessidade da solução proposta. Já é comprovado que o Bitcoin não consome energia em excesso, não é um perigo para o meio ambiente, muito pelo contrário.*
- “*Moreover, due to Bitcoin’s lack in the safety guarantee, Bitcoin’s blockchain in rare occasions can be overwritten within the first hour. This means that a user of Bitcoin must wait about 1 hour before they can be sure that a transaction is considered final.*”
1. “lack of safety guarantee” leva o leitor a achar que existe um problema de segurança
2. “in rare occasions can be overwritten” se qualquer bloco do Bitcoin for reescrito, então a rede foi hackeada, fim! Não existe forma de reescrever um bloco sem ultrapassar 51% da PoW atual.
11. Stella Core (Stellar Consensus Protocol SCP)
- A equipe/gestora inicial são sabiamente conhecidos, vou abstrair toda e qualquer argumentação lógica do pq isso é terrível para o sistema.
- Eles fazem questão de deixar tds os responsáveis pelo protocolo conhecidos <https://stellar.org/foundation/team>
- O David Mazières, autor principal do SCP, parece o Vitalik Buterin, criador da shitcoin Ethereum. Isso não deve ser levado como argumento válido!
- <https://github.com/stellar/stellar-core/tree/master>
- Sim, o protocolo é Open Source, já possui 81 contribuições de pessoas conhecidas e anônimas. Mas o fato de os principais gestores e mantenedores do projeto serem conhecidos cria um grande problema de segurança no protocolo. Em caso de um projeto deste vir a realmente ser útil e financeiramente rentável, basta impor sanções governamentais, processos ‘legais’, prisão ou sequestrar familiares e assim obrigar o protocolo mudar de objetivo/função/código.
- Pré-mining(?): vários artigos citam ‘pioneiros’ migrando Pi Coin para a main net, ou seja, induz a ideia de pré-mining?
1. <https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/new-updates/pi-network-coins-62-crash-explainedwhy-it-declined-and-what-it-means-for-crypto-enthusiasts/articleshow/118442880.cms?from=mdr>
2. <https://cointelegraph.com/explained/pi-network-mainnet-launch-what-it-means-for-pioneers>
3. <https://explorepi.info/en/statistic>
4. Mas baseado no capítulo do Whitepaper, o capítulo “Pi – Token Supply“ especifica que o grupo de desenvolvedores (que mantém o protocolo) receberá 25% de todos os tokens, sabendo que o número de participantes é fixado em 100 milhões, podemos deduzir que 25% dos tokens foram pré-minerados para o grupo de desenvolvedores.
- Transparência e KYC
1. Apesar da teórica descentralização da mineração, os nós precisam de KYC, possivelmente armazenado em um servidor central do SCP, apesar de não estar claro como o processo deles funciona, qualquer tipo de centralização e obtenção de dados pessoais levanta extrema cautela.
- <https://www.binance.com/en/square/post/20211503293737>
- <https://www.reddit.com/r/PiNetwork/comments/1isjnve/issue_with_kyc_on_pi_network_after_reinstalling/>
- <https://coindcx.com/blog/crypto-news-global/pi-network-kyc-deadline-and-mainnet-launch/>
- Possui equipe formalmente organizada
1. Equipe de marketing
2. Fundação bem organizada
3. Hierárquica interna
O artigo se chama "(quase) Análise" justamente por que não tive condições de terminar os dois documentos.
\[1\] <https://minepi.com/white-paper/#original-whitepaper>
\[2\] <https://www.bitstamp.net/en-gb/learn/crypto-101/bitcoin-energy/#:\~:text=Bitcoin%20and%20clean%20energy,use%20was%20closer%20to%2040%25>.
\[3\] <https://br.cointelegraph.com/news/bitcoin-mining-renewable-energy-transition><https://brasilbitcoin.com.br/blog/a-evolucao-da-mineracao-sustentavel-de-bitcoin/><https://www.infomoney.com.br/onde-investir/mineracao-de-bitcoin-pode-ajudar-a-reduzir-energia-ociosa-no-brasil-diz-estudo/>

@ a95c6243:d345522c
2025-02-28 20:24:48
*Ständige Lügen und Unterstellungen, permanent falsche Fürsorge* *\
können Bausteine von emotionaler Manipulation sein. Mit dem Zweck,* *\
Macht und Kontrolle über eine andere Person auszuüben.* *\
Apotheken Umschau*  
**Irgendetwas muss passiert sein: «Gaslighting» ist gerade Thema** in vielen Medien. Heute bin ich nach längerer Zeit mal wieder über dieses Stichwort gestolpert. Das war in einem [Artikel](https://norberthaering.de/propaganda-zensur/dwd-referenzperiode/) von Norbert Häring über Manipulationen des Deutschen Wetterdienstes (DWD). In diesem Fall ging es um eine Pressemitteilung vom Donnerstag zum «viel zu warmen» Winter 2024/25.
**Häring wirft der Behörde vor, dreist zu lügen und Dinge auszulassen,** um die Klimaangst wach zu halten. Was der Leser beim DWD nicht erfahre, sei, dass dieser Winter kälter als die drei vorangegangenen und kälter als der Durchschnitt der letzten zehn Jahre gewesen sei. Stattdessen werde der falsche Eindruck vermittelt, es würde ungebremst immer wärmer.
**Wem also der zu Ende gehende Winter eher kalt vorgekommen sein sollte,** mit dessen Empfinden stimme wohl etwas nicht. Das jedenfalls wolle der DWD uns einreden, so der Wirtschaftsjournalist. Und damit sind wir beim Thema Gaslighting.
**Als** **[Gaslighting](https://bayern-gegen-gewalt.de/gewalt-infos-und-einblicke/formen-von-gewalt/psychische-gewalt/gaslighting/)** **wird eine Form psychischer Manipulation bezeichnet,** mit der die Opfer desorientiert und zutiefst verunsichert werden, indem ihre eigene Wahrnehmung als falsch bezeichnet wird. Der Prozess führt zu Angst und Realitätsverzerrung sowie zur Zerstörung des Selbstbewusstseins. Die Bezeichnung kommt von dem britischen Theaterstück «Gas Light» aus dem Jahr 1938, in dem ein Mann mit grausamen Psychotricks seine Frau in den Wahnsinn treibt.
**Damit Gaslighting funktioniert, muss das Opfer dem Täter vertrauen.** Oft wird solcher Psychoterror daher im privaten oder familiären Umfeld beschrieben, ebenso wie am Arbeitsplatz. Jedoch eignen sich die Prinzipien auch perfekt zur Manipulation der Massen. Vermeintliche Autoritäten wie Ärzte und Wissenschaftler, oder «der fürsorgliche Staat» und Institutionen wie die UNO oder die WHO wollen uns doch nichts Böses. Auch Staatsmedien, Faktenchecker und diverse NGOs wurden zu «vertrauenswürdige Quellen» erklärt. Das hat seine Wirkung.
**Warum das Thema Gaslighting derzeit scheinbar so populär ist,** vermag ich nicht zu sagen. Es sind aber gerade in den letzten Tagen und Wochen auffällig viele Artikel dazu erschienen, und zwar nicht nur von Psychologen. Die *Frankfurter Rundschau* hat gleich mehrere publiziert und [Anwälte](https://www.anwalt.de/rechtstipps/gaslighting-beispiele-anzeichen-strafbarkeit-212449.html) interessieren sich dafür offenbar genauso wie Apotheker.
**Die** ***Apotheken Umschau*** **machte sogar auf** **[«Medical Gaslighting»](https://archive.is/Wx5YM)** **aufmerksam.** Davon spreche man, wenn Mediziner Symptome nicht ernst nähmen oder wenn ein gesundheitliches Problem vom behandelnden Arzt «schnöde heruntergespielt» oder abgetan würde. Kommt Ihnen das auch irgendwie bekannt vor? Der Begriff sei allerdings irreführend, da er eine manipulierende Absicht unterstellt, die «nicht gewährleistet» sei.
**Apropos Gaslighting: Die noch amtierende deutsche Bundesregierung** [meldete](https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/service/newsletter-und-abos/bundesregierung-aktuell/ausgabe-08-2025-februar-28-2336254?view=renderNewsletterHtml) heute, es gelte, «weiter \[sic!] gemeinsam daran zu arbeiten, einen gerechten und dauerhaften Frieden für die Ukraine zu erreichen». Die Ukraine, wo sich am Montag «der völkerrechtswidrige Angriffskrieg zum dritten Mal jährte», [verteidige](https://transition-news.org/wikileaks-der-westen-wusste-dass-ein-nato-beitritt-der-ukraine-riskant-war) ihr Land und «unsere gemeinsamen Werte».
**Merken Sie etwas? Das Demokratieverständnis mag ja tatsächlich** inzwischen in beiden Ländern ähnlich traurig sein. Bezüglich Friedensbemühungen ist meine Wahrnehmung jedoch eine andere. Das muss an meinem Gedächtnis liegen.
Dieser Beitrag ist zuerst auf ***[Transition News](https://transition-news.org/bitte-nicht-von-gaslichtern-irritieren-lassen)*** erschienen.

@ 88cc134b:5ae99079
2025-02-28 19:58:19

@ 88cc134b:5ae99079
2025-02-28 19:49:40

@ 88cc134b:5ae99079
2025-02-28 19:47:31

@ 6f26dd2b:f2824b88
2025-02-28 19:00:52
💭 There are some interesting noises about Bitcoin coming from the most unlikely of sources. The Czech central bank says that Bitcoin “should not be lumped together with other crypto assets.”
“We central bankers should study it,” says the Bank’s governor. Meanwhile, other central banks are just as keen to distance themselves from Bitcoin. A divide about Bitcoin is opening up in the central banking world!

@ 2e8970de:63345c7a
2025-02-28 18:22:14
Atlanta Fed is now projecting Q1 GDP -1.5%. Last week it was +2.3%. 4 weeks ago it was +3.9%

originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/899962

@ 6fac7d89:9d76f561
2025-02-28 18:16:13
With the price of Bitcoin having gone significantly up over the past few months (I wrote this about a month ago to post on Stacker News), I imagine interest in acquiring it has gone up as well. As such, I'm here to share with you every method I use to stack sats so that we can all HODL more. While the majority of my experience in regards to phone apps is on Android, some of the apps mentioned may work on iPhone as well (I just got an iOS based device and intend to discover methods on there as well with time) so links provided will be the Play Store or my referral links. Some of the referral messages have included Apple App Store links by default so I've left them in.
Bitcoin Education: First and foremost, I think that anyone seeking to acquire BTC should learn about it. From how it works, to how to acquire and then store it. As such, this first category I'm covering is for BTC education resources that also reward you with satoshis for your learning progress.
Yzer: Probably my favorite app in this category as it covers more than the others mentioned in greater depth. While the other apps do cover some aspects of the history of money, economics, and investing/finance, this one really delves into it to offer the most robust education of the bunch. I didn't even know about Austrian economics until going through the lessons provided here, and it boasts the most lessons of this category as well. Each section is divided into chapters containing a few lessons and an end-of-chapter quiz, and you have a chance of earning a few satoshis upon completion of a lesson or quiz.
Use my referral code to earn an extra 50 sats upon reaching level 2: KAB4ZKD https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=io.wizzer.academy&pcampaignid=web_share
Simple Bitcoin: This app can be breezed through in regards to the lessons offered, allowing you to complete the learning aspect of it pretty quickly. Instead of rewarding sats outright for completion of lessons, this app rewards you with tickets you can spend to spin a wheel to earn small amounts of sats. Where this app shines is that while Yzer stops rewards when all lessons are completed, Simple Bitcoin has a news section where articles from outside sources are summarized, and reading them earns you more tickets. There is a limit to how many articles/day you can read unless you pay for premium, however, which also increases the reward amounts feature on the prize wheel.
Jippi: The newest of the bunch in this category, Jippi is still in its earlier stages of development and thus is the least robust. This one works a little differently as, for the time being, you need to complete all available lessons to earn a lump sum reward of 200 sats. Unlike the other educational apps, this one offers audio lessons to listen to for completion alongside the usual texts to read. While still in development, they plan to release a feature called "Tribe Clash" which they describe as "Pokemon Go for Bitcoin".
Buying Bitcoin: So now you know about Bitcoin, but how can you buy some? While there are many crypto exchanges that offer BTC, this bitcoin-only service offers a more robust experience in regards to BTC and the purchase of it.
Swan: While Swan allows you to buy BTC outright or via recurring buy (DCA), it has some additional interesting features and offerings as well. Their learn section allows you to further educate yourself on various aspects of bitcoin and perspectives on it, and they even offer a Bitcoin IRA (either Traditional or Roth) for those interested in such a service. The caveat to the IRA is that you'll be entrusting them with your BTC instead of having full custody and responsibility of it yourself.
Use my referral link and get $10 of BTC: https://www.swanbitcoin.com/MF_MOON
Cash-Back: The next category I'll be covering is cash-back options, be they via spending with a certain card or using apps/extensions to earn sats on your purchases. Because if you're going to spend money anyways, why not try to get some of that money back in sats for your stack?
Satsback: This browser extension works pretty similar to other cash-back extensions if you've ever tried them: if you're on a site which the extension offers cash-back on, a pop-up to activate it will appear. Make sure to have adblockers and (possibly) your VPN disabled before activating to ensure you get your reward (I suggest you do this for any similar extensions mentioned below as well).
Fold Debit Card: Fold has several options that allow you to earn sats, one of which is the option to buy gift cards to popular retailers like Amazon, Google Play, Home Depot, Bass Pro Shop, AirBnB and more and earn sats back on the purchase. You can earn even more sats back by paying for these gift cards with their debit card, which needs to be pre-loaded to use, but using another card will still earn you sats, albeit at a lower rate. If you do have their debit card and opt for their premium service, Fold+, you can also earn 1.5% back on all purchases made with said card. Fold+ even offers you cash back on paying bills with the account and routing numbers they provide, though you need to hit certain spending thresholds in the prior month to be eligible for this feature. The app also offers a daily spin to earn small amounts of sats, with higher amounts including a whole Bitcoin locked behind the premium membership. Depending on your average spending and bills, this could be worth it though.
CoinMiles: CoinMiles is like SatsBack in the sense that it lets you earn cash-back in bitcoin via online retailers within their app (similar to Lolli below) with the added feature of cash-back in sats on the purchase of gift cards as well, similar to Fold.
Using my referral code will earn us both 5000 sats. https://coinmiles.onelink.me/90Pp/96f2tati
Gemini Credit Card: Crypto exchange Gemini offers a credit card that offers some pretty nice rewards for using it, which has become my go-to method of spending at this point. Allowing you to choose from every crypto asset they offer for your cash-back rewards, you can earn in more than just Bitcoin with this card. The rewards rates are as follows: 4% back on gas at the pump and EV charging, 3% back on dining, 2% back on groceries, and 1% back on everything else. They also have "Merchant Reward Offers" in which they offer a higher rate in cash back on top of the default rate for the category the merchant falls under, I've gotten a total of 8% back at a local brewery using this as it automatically applies if you use the card at said locations. Rewards are issued and credited to your Gemini accounts instantly upon making said purchase. The one issue I take with the exchange is that without lightning integration, BTC withdrawal fees can get steep. As a result, I opt to earn in another asset with lower withdrawal fees and swap said asset for BTC via an external swapping service.
If you choose to purchase assets directly via the exchange as well, using my referral link can earn you referral rewards that scale with how much crypto you purchase with them: https://www.gemini.com/share/wwm6w8a3e
Lolli: Boasting both an app and a browser extension, Lolli offers not only cash-back similar to SatsBack, but also card boosts, which reward you for paying with a linked credit or debit card in stores they offer. Simply activate the boost before paying with your linked card to earn cash-back in sats, or when shopping online, activate cash back via a pop-up from the browser extension or clicking the retailer within the app to be directed to their site. Similar to Fold, the app features a daily way to earn small amounts of sats.
Bitcoin Company Rewards: Another app that allows you to buy gift cards and earn sats back on the purchase, this one has the standout option of offering Visa gift cards within the US to earn a small amount of sats back on, among many other card offerings.
Use my referral code to earn 1000 sats to start. Referral Code: O30WN3 https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.tbtc_app&pcampaignid=web_share
Social Media: These next two are, in my opinion, the future of social media, and you can earn on them too! Stacker News: Reddit meets Hacker News on this site, which encourages quality content through the implementation of the lightning network and satoshis. You don't have to be signed up to browse and read content on here, but you should be, and you should use my referral link to do so!
Nostr: This one can be a little tougher to describe, but I'll do my best. Nostr is a social media platform that operates on an open-source protocol that supports of variety of applications or "clients" utilizing a unique public and private key pair. Connections can be maintained across clients, which are often made to emulate the more well-known social media services out there. It can be daunting to get into at first, and requires some involvement as there are no built-in algorithms (though devs are starting to provide ways to implement some for discoverability) but it boasts a great community. Users can "zap" each other sats for content they like, and it's integrated with a number of other services at this point including Fountain and Wavlake (see below).
Feel free to follow me on there: https://njump.me/nprofile1qqsglhkx0ey8pdac9ne4w9m4tzglpv2tkl8tvuyc9dzgyrgj07lk42ccwtvy9
Music & Podcasts: Want to earn sats for offering up your ears while doing other things? With these apps, you can enjoy your favorite podcasts and discover new music to earn sats as you listen. Wavlake: While this app allows you to listen to promoted songs to earn a few sats each day, it also offers you the ability to earn sats on your own music and podcasts that you upload to the service. If people listen to your content via the service and like it, they can send you sats, along with feedback and other comments. There is a flat fee of 10% of all earnings for creators, but it's another way to get your content some exposure and possible earn some sats along the way!
Cloud Mining: The next section I'll be covering is a bit of a dicey topic as some consider it to be scam. While I agree that paying for cloud mining is absolutely a scam, the services I'll be mentioning here offer free options that offer low earnings but only require a daily check in that I do all at once. While I can't tell you how to spend your money, I HIGHLY suggest you avoid spending any money on higher mining rates and spend that money on BTC directly instead. Bitcoin Mining (Crypto Miner): This one offers you 2 free "mining contracts": 1 that you can claim every 8 hours, and another that serves as a daily check-in reward for checking in consistently, as rewards increase the longer your check-in streak is. Claiming contracts involves simply tapping the corresponding claim button, so I usually claim the 8 hour contract 2 times a day and the daily one when I go to make the 2nd 8 hour claim. Your free earning rate can be increased by watching ads for a temporary boost if you so desire as well.
You can get an extra 10% in earnings using my referral link. https://cloudminecrypto.com/?invite_code=R0yMgkOEmEajYvD6 or download the app and add my invite code R0yMgkOEmEajYvD6 directly.
Bitcoin Mining: This one is pretty similar to the previous one, but the free 8 hour mining option can only be activated once per day even if it's finished, unlike the other one. Similar to the prior app, you can watch ads to boost mining rate if you so desire. A nice feature of this one is that it integrates popular lighting wallets including Speed, ZBD and Muun for more seamless withdrawals.
My invitation code:5UHLF Appstore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/id6503180820 Google play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=bitcoin.minning.com
Ember: While this started off as a regular mining app on which you check in once a day, they've changed their model up a bit recently: you now earn "bonus sats" which must be gambled in games, and the sats earned from said games are then withdrawable. Essentially, you have to convert your earnings via a gambling game of some sort to make them eligible for withdrawal, with the risk of losing them along the way. However, this one earns the most in this category by far, especially if you have a network of friends to mine with as this affords you increased earning rates.
Referral Code: MNGCC33WRON https://emberfund.onelink.me/ljTI/l4g18zii?mining_referrer_id=MNGCC33WRON
Games: Here we have games that offer BTC as rewards for paying in small amounts. While they won't earn you a ton, they're nice little time-killers to earn you sats on the side.
ZBD: While technically a lightning wallet, the following app are powered by ZBD wallet, so you'll want to install this to claim your earnings from them. ZBD offers a variety of ways to earn should you choose to dabble in them, from completing surveys to watching videos to trying out games that allow you to earn from play time. The options I personally opt for are their daily poll and playing the next game listed below, as it allows you to earn without a "time-gated" mechanic: if you build up your game to a certain point and will allow you to earn more rapidly than any others I've tried. But see what games they offer and if you find them fun, go for it!
Referral Code: PEXE52 https://zbd.link/hcHi/invite?af_sub1=PEXE52
Bitcoin Miner: Being an idle game, this one has a slow start but with a little dedication, can become one of the quickest and most consistent earners in this category. The daily withdrawal limit is unfortunately 330 sats, but when you're maxed out in the current state of the game, you can earn this within 3.5 resets, each of which takes me under minutes to max out with the right strategy and which can be done once every 30 minutes. A one-time purchase of $11.99 will remove all ads, which in my opinion is worth it as you can earn $10/mo in BTC with this game. Using my referral code will net you some of the premium in-game currency to get you started off nicely.
Referral Code: 8H44HB Google Play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.fumbgames.bitcoinminor&pcampaignid=web_share Apple App Store: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/bitcoin-miner-idle-tycoon/id1413770650
THNDR Games: THNDR is a developer that offers a few different games you can play to earn tickets in timed drawings to earn sats, and with your tickets across their games pooling up in a single grand total for the prize drawing when the time comes. I personally find their game "Bitcoin Bay" (a bubble popping game) to be the one that strikes the best balance of fun and earning potential, so its the only one I keep on my phone (I don't want to be playing games on my phone much in my day as it is) but it's really a matter of personal preference which game of theirs you want to play. A nice feature here is that they integrate with lightning wallets including ZBD, Speed, and Strike among others.
Bling: Bling is a developer that makes a number of "match" games a la Candy Crush that allow you to earn in BTC and some of which offer earnings in other crytpo assets as well. I personally play their game "Sweet Bitcoin" as I find it to be the most visually appealing, but they all appear to earn at the same rate in my experience. The on caveat to these games is that it has an "energy" system similar to Candy Crush which allows you to play a limited number of games as a time-gating mechanism until you "recharge" plays. For this reason, if this is your preferred type of game, you may want to download more than one of their offerings to be able to earn more in less time. Their games offer withdrawals that integrate CoinBase, Lightning options ZBD and Strike, and PayPal (but only in USD for this option).
Earn While You Browse: This last one is an extension on your browser that allows you to earn sats as you browse the web.
Slice: This browser extension adds small ads to sies you visit as you browse, paying you for the respective views. They also offer the option to change your new tab page & default browser for additional earnings, as well as a desktop app to display ads in the bottom right of your screen for even more opportunities to earn. The only downside to this is that your VPN must be turned off, and earnings are made in "slices" which must then be converted to sats.
And there you have it folks, every single method I use to accumulate sats/BTC all in one quick read for your convenience. Given that I've recently also joined the iOS eco-system, I intend to explore that side of earning apps as well, so let me know if any of you want me to share what I find after I spend some time with it, or if you recommend any apps I should check out. I also have methods of earning other coins in passive or semi-passive ways that I then convert into BTC and am happy to share if interest is expressed, or even ways I earn USD in such ways. Feel free to follow me on Nostr (link mentioned above) and to share the ways you earn sats on the side that I may have missed. Stay humble and keep stacking!