
@ f3873798:24b3f2f3
2025-03-03 22:55:07
A crise financeira no Brasil já não é apenas um problema macroeconômico debatido por especialistas. Em pequenas cidades do interior, o colapso já é uma realidade visível e dolorosa. A falta de infraestrutura, a economia frágil baseada quase exclusivamente na administração pública e a corrupção generalizada criam um cenário de completo abandono econômico.
## O Peso da Administração Pública na Economia Local

Em muitas dessas cidades, a economia gira em torno dos funcionários públicos e prestadores de serviço da prefeitura. Com a falta de repasses e atrasos nos pagamentos, esses trabalhadores perdem poder de compra, o que afeta diretamente o comércio local. Sem dinheiro circulando, os pequenos negócios entram em crise, resultando em demissões e falências.
## Corrupção e Desgoverno: A Receita para o Caos

A combinação de corrupção municipal e desgoverno federal agrava ainda mais a situação. Enquanto políticos desviam recursos e tomam decisões irresponsáveis, a população sofre com a falta de investimentos essenciais. Atrasos salariais, contratos não pagos e uma gestão financeira caótica fazem com que o colapso se torne inevitável em algumas regiões.
## O Retorno do "Fiado" e o Crescimento do Endividamento
Com o dinheiro escasso, muitas pessoas recorrem ao fiado – prática comum em tempos de crise, mas que coloca comerciantes em risco. O aumento do endividamento das famílias e a incerteza sobre o futuro econômico levam a um ciclo vicioso de inadimplência e falências.
A situação exige atenção e medidas urgentes. Enquanto a população luta para sobreviver, a classe política continua a ignorar os sinais do desastre iminente. O colapso financeiro não é mais um cenário hipotético – ele já está acontecendo, e quem mais sofre são as cidades pequenas, onde a economia se sustenta sobre bases frágeis e vulneráveis.

@ da0b9bc3:4e30a4a9
2025-03-03 22:33:47
Hello Stackers!
It's Monday so we're back doing "Meta Music Mondays" 😉.
From before the territory existed there was just one post a week in a ~meta take over. Now each month we have a different theme and bring music from that theme.
This month is March and we're doing March Madness. So give me those Wacky and Weird crazy artists and songs. The weirder the better!
Let's have fun.
I give you, the Wurzels.
Talk Music. Share Tracks. Zap Sats.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/902987

@ 4c96d763:80c3ee30
2025-03-03 22:22:43
# Changes
## Claude (1):
- chore: update Package.swift to Swift tools version 6.0
## Terry Yiu (3):
- Export strings for translation
- Fix bug where profile view was showing more than just the notes and replies on the notes / notes & replies tabs
- Change spaces to newlines in new posts to provide cleaner separation between text, uploaded media, and quoted notes
## Transifex (18):
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in ja
- Translate Localizable.strings in th
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in th
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in nl
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in de
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in de
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in de
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in de
- Translate Localizable.strings in de
- Translate Localizable.strings in nl
- Translate Localizable.strings in de
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in de
- Translate Localizable.strings in de
- Translate Localizable.strings in ja
- Translate Localizable.strings in pt_PT
- Translate InfoPlist.strings in pt_PT
- Translate InfoPlist.strings in pt_PT
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in pt_PT
## William Casarin (4):
- add todo for fixing q tags
- test: disable broken tests
- Communication notifications
- project: fix version yet again
pushed to [damus:refs/heads/master](http://git.jb55.com/damus/commit/0c148c8a1fc55cd7b598e38306d697f30f3eb96b.html)

@ 22050dd3:480c11ea
2025-03-03 22:14:39
Education is foundational to growth and prosperity in a community.
It is not easy for people to engage with and interact with the foundational idea of a community when they do not understand it.
Unsurprisingly, BTC Isla is built around Bitcoin, which not many people understand.
However, on the tiny island of Isla Mujeres, that is changing one class at a time.
### Education Is Essential
At the center of each Bitcoin circular economy around the globe is the ethos that education is paramount to adoption and the overall success of the community.
This is no different with BTC Isla, where Isa teaches Bitcoin classes to the locals on the island.
During my recent stay on the island, I sat in on one of the classes to see what they are and how Isa is spearheading educating the locals.
### The Class
Classes take place at the Mayakita restaurant on the southeast side of the island. They last about an hour.
Isa follows the Bitcoin Diploma curriculum created by [Mi Primer Bitcoin](https://myfirstbitcoin.io/) and teaches the classes in Spanish. I don’t speak Spanish so I couldn’t exactly follow the lesson to a tee, but that wasn’t important as the enthusiasm from Isa and the students was palpable.
On this particular day, there were 4 students present who had attended the classes before, and one new student.
It was exciting and fun to see this timid teenager walk into the restaurant who hadn’t the slightest idea of what Bitcoin was. Isa welcomed her with open arms and threw her right into the thick of it.
She seemed to learn a lot and have her interest piqued and afterward told me that she enjoyed the class and would be returning.
Another student and member of the community has begun their Bitcoin journey, very exciting!
I understood the lesson (Isa’s activity with the markerboard helped!) to be primarily about inflation and the scarcity and divisibility properties of Bitcoin.
I always enjoy seeing how people react when they learn about inflation and how Bitcoin is different and why it is a solution.
### Paid To Attend Classes?
At the end of each class, something strange occurs: Isa pays the students sats for attending the class!
She surprised me before the lesson by telling me she does this, but her reason for doing it makes sense.
The locals on the island live a completely different life than ours in the United States. The concept of saving and putting away money for the sake of building savings doesn’t exist. When money plays a purely transactional role in life, the store-of-value characteristic isn’t important let alone thought about.
Paying the students to attend the classes does 2 things:
- It allows the students to begin to build savings in bitcoin as well as interact with and use their money and have real experience with the very thing they’re learning about
- It creates an additional incentive for the students to attend the classes
While yes, it is strange to monetarily incentivize people to attend a class, it makes sense when you realize that the locals need a reason to *actually* be interested in and learn about Bitcoin.
The normal interest and entry points to Bitcoin as an investment that we use in the United States and Europe aren’t applicable.
However, despite the students being paid to attend the classes, they all seemed genuinely interested in the lesson and learning about Bitcoin. They were all attentive to Isa, taking notes and staying engaged. They cared about the subject.
### Future Classes
Isa, myself, and a few others were discussing field-trip ideas for future classes, and in the future Isa will take the class to the streets of Isla Mujeres!
She will give the students sats with the implication that they need to spend them on goods at the bitcoin-accepting merchants downtown. By doing this, bitcoin injects itself into the economy and perhaps more importantly, the students get experience transacting with bitcoin in the real world!
Nostr: [BTCIsla](https://www.primal.net/btcisla)
Website: [btcisla.xyz](https://www.btcisla.xyz)

@ c3b2802b:4850599c
2025-03-03 22:14:25
Kann ich etwas bewirken im Geschehen, in das ich hineingeboren wurde? Psychologen ist bekannt, dass Menschen bezüglich dieser für jeden Menschen entscheidenden Frage während ihrer Kindheit und Jugend in der einen oder anderen Richtung konditioniert werden. Heraus kommen dann Erwachsene mit geringer oder hoher Einschätzung der eigenen Selbstwirksamkeit.
Viele Menschen wachsen heran mit der Botschaft der Eltern und älteren Zeitgenossen: Du kannst die Welt nicht ändern. Das schaffst Du nicht. Füge Dich ein in die Gesellschaft, die Du vorfindest. Nur dann hast die Chance, ein gutes Leben zu führen.
Andere haben das Glück, von Eltern oder anderen Zeitgenossen ermuntert zu werden: Folge Deinem Herzen, tu die Dinge, die die Welt braucht und die Dir Freude machen. Du kannst und wirst das schaffen. Du kannst beitragen, die Welt nach Deinem Bilde zu formen. Dann wirst Du ein erfülltes Leben führen.
Welches Muster dominiert in den Industrieländern unserer Zeit? Spätestens mit Einführung der Schulpflicht wird die überwiegende Zahl der Heranwachsenden mehr oder weniger erfolgreich auf Gehorsam gegenüber den gerade vorherrschenden Macht-Strukturen getrimmt. Die gängige Schulbildung führt dazu, dass viele Kinder vorgegebene Denk- und Handlungsmuster von Lehrern kritiklos übernehmen. Das hat der deutsche Psychologe Wolfgang Köhler bereits vor über 100 Jahren bei Hospitationen in deutschen Schulklassen festgestellt. Die Kinder lernen, dass sie mit einer Wiederholung der vom Lehrer vorgegebenen Lösungswege besser fahren als wenn sie selbst denken.
Die Absolventen solcher Bildungssysteme sind zum Großteil Duckmäuser, welche dann im Studium, bei weiteren Ausbildungen oder im Militärdienst gehorsam alles tun, was von ihnen verlangt wird. Sie folgen abstrusesten Anweisungen und Anordnungen, wie wir alle in den vergangenen 5 Jahren live mitverfolgen durften.
Diese Menschen schwingen nicht den Taktstock der Geschichte. Sie bilden die Masse der Untertanen, moderne Mann´sche Heßlings, die leichte Beute von Werbung, öffentlich restlicher Propaganda und Parteiversprechen vor Wahlen werden. Die auch gern mal kriegslüsterne Parteien wählen, wenn diese die Impf-Leichen der Pharmaindustrie im Keller lassen. 
Wer führt aktuell den Taktstock der Geschichte? Kleine selbsternannte "Eliten" von Psychopathen haben den Taktstock in Besitz genommen. Das sind Wesen, die man als ethische Analphabeten, denen Mitfühlen mit anderen Wesen fremd ist, charakterisieren könnte. Und die vor diesem Hintergrund einen Krieg nach dem anderen vom Zaun brechen, ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken. Sie werden von einer Schar gekaufter Lakaien aus der Medien- und Werbebranche sowie von "Young Global Leaders" dabei unterstützt, ihre Vorstellungen von einer Sklavenhalter-Gesellschaft in die Welt zu bringen, in der eine winzige Minorität die große Mehrheit der Menschheit als moderne Sklaven unter ihre Kontrolle zu bringen sucht. "Ihr werdet nichts besitzen, aber Ihr werdet glücklich sein", "wir impfen Euch mit (nicht Langzeit-geprüften) mRna Substanzen und Ihr werdet gesund bleiben", "wir impfen die Wolken (s. Titelbild) und das wird dem Wetter gut tun", "wir bestrahlen Euch mit (nicht auf Gesundheitsfolgen geprüftem) 5G Mobilfunk und das wird Euch zufrieden machen" (s. Titelbild), "wir schaffen das Bargeld ab und das wird Euer Leben vereinfachen". Wie lange noch wollen wir solche Ansagen hinnehmen und ihnen gehorsam folgen?
Sobald eine hinreichende Zahl an Menschen der Völker unseres Planeten erkennt, dass wir selbst den Taktstock der Geschichte übernehmen können, wird sich unsere Gesellschaft in unserem Sinne zu wandeln beginnen:
Wenn wir erkennen, dass in jedem von uns ein göttlicher Funke schlummert, mit dem wir unsere Welt selber bauen können, geht die Ära der Kriegstreiber und Giftmischer, die Zeit der Fake-Demokratie und Meldestellen für Regime-kritische Meinungen ihrem Ende entgegen.
Was kann jeder von uns hier und jetzt tun, um zu starten mit diesem neuen Kapitel der Menschheitsgeschichte?
Es scheint mir nicht so schwer zu sein: Wenn wir aufhören, die Propaganda zu verfolgen; wenn wir aufhören, mit vermeintlichen Rettern vor Krieg und Lüge mitzufiebern, welche als Milliardäre Teile des gewachsenen Systems sind, dann gewinnen wir viel Zeit. Die können wir nutzen, uns zu öffnen für die endlos vielen Initiativen der gerade entstehenden Regionalgesellschaft. Dort können wir mitwirken oder eigene Initiativen gründen. 
In meinen ca. 1.000 Blogs der vergangenen Jahre (bei den [Zukunftskommunen](https://zukunftskommunen.de/blog/), der [Genossenschaft Menschlich Wirtschaften](https://menschlichwirtschaften.de/kategorie/peter-schmuck/) und bei [Pareto](https://pareto.space/u/peter@pareto.town)) sind zahlreiche Erfolgsgeschichten dieser Graswurzelbewegung portraitiert. Und einige meiner psychologischen Studien dieser Jahre stützen die These: Wer sich für eine faire und saubere Welt engagiert, fühlt sich wohler als andere Menschen. Die von meinen Teams befragten Pioniere berichten, dass wir infolge solchen Engagements in Balance kommen mit unseren Mitgeschöpfen, dass wir zunehmend mit Menschen in Kontakt kommen, mit denen wir Freude und Begeisterung teilen können. Weil wir den göttlichen Funken in uns zum Motor einer Entwicklung machen, welche wir wirklich haben wollen, also im Einklang mit unserem Gewissen leben können. Weil uns dann der Taktstock von Psychopathen nicht länger interessiert.
Wenn Sie diese Überlegungen anregend finden und neugierig auf Details sind: Im Handbuch für Lichtbotschafter (open source, [hier abrufbar](https://zukunftskommunen.de/blog/soeben-erschienen-handbook-for-light-ambassadors-handbuch-fuer-lichtbotschafter/)) finden Sie eine Fülle von Inspirationen für den Einstieg in die faire, vertrauensvolle Regionalgesellschaft, welche durchaus ohne psychopathische Dirigenten auskommt. Und selber den Taktstock zu schwingen - bringt Lebensfreude. Wissenschaftlich formuliert: Gefühlte Selbstwirksamkeit korreliert mit Wohlbefinden. Probieren Sie es aus!
*Titelbild: Blick in den Abendhimmel von Bad Frankenhausen am Kyffhäuser nach Westen am 3.3.2025 mit Hinterlassenschaften von Flugzeugen und einem 5G Mast mit nicht sichtbarer Mobilfunkstrahlung (sorry, das Bild steht versehentlich auf dem Kopf, so wie die Realität unserem ethischen Empfinden diametral entgegensteht)* 

@ 5a261a61:2ebd4480
2025-03-03 20:35:49
Tom stopped and nodded to Jiro with a smile. "Just wanted to see how it's going," he said as he approached the counter.
"People need to eat and I have food. Can't complain," replied the ever-smiling Jiro. "Are you heading out to make some money, or should I put it on your tab again?" he continued without pausing his stirring.
Tom might have been short on cash, but his pride (and caution) never allowed him to leave debts with friends. And Jiro was about the closest thing to a friend among all his acquaintances.
"I can still afford it today," Tom smiled tiredly, "but if you know of something that might bring in some metal, I could stop by tomorrow too."
"There might be something, but nothing that would pay the bills today. You might have better luck across the street. They're having another party today, and as a good neighbor and main supplier of coconut oil, I have a magic piece of paper that will get you on the guest list."
"And here comes the 'but'?"
"If you're this impatient with women too, I'm not surprised you don't have one to make a home out of those four walls... Have I told you about my niece Noi?" Juri asked with his typical mischievous smile.
Tom raised an eyebrow. "Maybe. But I have a feeling you're going to tell me again anyway."
Juri laughed. "See, that's why I like you. You always know what's coming." He leaned closer across the counter. "Noi is a smart girl, studying journalism. But she needs a bit of... how to put it... social training."
"And by that, you mean exactly what?" Tom asked cautiously.
"Nothing bad, don't worry," Juri waved his hand dismissively. "She just needs someone to take her into better society. You know, to see how things work. And, as it happens, she has tickets to tonight's party at The Beach."
Tom sighed. He already suspected where this was heading. "Juri, I'm not exactly—"
"The perfect gentleman who could show my niece how to behave in higher circles?" Juri cut him off. "Come on, Tom. You're a detective. You know how to adapt to wherever the wind blows. And she has those tickets. You want to go to the party, she needs a guide. Everyone will be happy."
Tom remained silent for a moment, considering his options. On one hand, he wasn't in the mood to babysit some naive student. On the other hand, those tickets would really come in handy... especially since he had nothing better going on.
**Where to next?**
- accept offer to get out of the stale water
- find another way other than babysitting

@ 407529d6:83e93205
2025-03-03 20:26:20
For this content creation wahala wey don dey happen, e don clear say central platforms no really send creators. Dem go control wetin you fit post, chop most of your money, and if dem vex, dem fit delete your content anyhow.
🚫 Censorship & Control Wahala – If dem no like wetin you talk, dem fit hide am or even delete am.
💰 Money No Dey Reach Creators – Na small change dem go give you, while dem pocket the bigger cut.
🔒 You No Own Your Content – If dem ban you, everything wey you don build fit vanish just like that.
But e get solution—decentralization go put power back for creators hand!
Why YakiHonne & Bitcoin Dey Important
YakiHonne na decentralized media platform wey dey use Nostr protocol, and e don come change the way wey creators go take make money. No middleman, no wahala!
✔ Dem No Fit Ban You – Your content go dey permanent, nobody fit delete am.
✔ You Go Make Better Money – People go fit send you Bitcoin directly, no need to depend on ads.
✔ You Be Oga for Your Content – Nobody fit carry your page block or remove your post just because dem no like am.
How You Go Take Make Money for YakiHonne
If you be content creator, here be ways wey you fit cash out:
1. People Go Fit Dash You Bitcoin – Make better content, and your fans fit send you Bitcoin as support.
2. Subscription Package – You fit do premium content wey only people wey subscribe fit see.
3. Crowdfunding – If you get project, your audience fit contribute Bitcoin make you take run am.
No allow big platforms use you do mugu again. Decentralization na the way forward. You go get freedom, better money, and peace of mind.
Time don reach to take control of your content and your money!
#YakiHonne #NOSTR #Bitcoin #ContentCreation #NaWeDeyRunAm

@ 88b8f4a8:0b652722
2025-03-03 20:07:23
Las motivaciones para configurar un segundo router pueden ser:
* Como repetidor wifi en una zona apartada de la casa donde no llega de habitual.
* Configurar el segundo router con VPN (probándolo, la configuración en el principal funciona pero aplicándola en un segundo router conectado al principal no usa la VPN, intentaré resolverlo).
* Usar el segundo para experimentación.
* Si se te ocurren más motivos coméntalos.
Para empezar, debes desactivar sus funciones de router (como DHCP y NAT) y configurarlo para que simplemente extienda la red de tu router principal. Aquí te explico cómo hacerlo paso a paso:
**1. Conectar los Routers Físicamente**
* Conecta un cable Ethernet desde un puerto LAN del router principal a un puerto LAN del router OpenWrt.
* No uses el puerto WAN del router OpenWrt, ya que no lo necesitarás en esta configuración.
**2. Acceder al Router OpenWrt**
* Conéctate al router OpenWrt mediante SSH o accede a la interfaz web (LuCI). En mi caso lo intenté por interfaz gráfica y no lo conseguí, así que continúo explicando solo mediante SSH.
**3. Desactivar la Interfaz WAN**
* Como no usarás la interfaz WAN, puedes desactivarla.
* Edita el archivo /etc/config/network:
vi /etc/config/network
* Comenta o elimina la sección de la interfaz WAN, comentar es añadir un # delante. Por ejemplo:
# config interface 'wan'
# option proto 'dhcp'
# option ifname 'eth1'
**4. Configurar la Interfaz LAN**
* Configura la interfaz LAN para que obtenga una dirección IP del router principal.
* Edita el archivo ```/etc/config/network``` y modifica la sección de la interfaz LAN:
config interface 'lan'
option proto 'static'
option ifname 'br-lan'
option ipaddr '' # Dirección IP dentro del rango del router principal
option netmask ''
option gateway '' # IP del router principal
option dns '' # Servidores DNS
Asegúrate de que:
* ```ipaddr``` sea una dirección IP dentro del rango del router principal (por ejemplo, si el router principal usa `192.168.1.x`, elige una IP como ``).
* `gateway` sea la IP del router principal (por ejemplo, ``).
* `dns` sean servidores DNS válidos.
**5. Desactivar el Servidor DHCP en OpenWrt**
* Como el router principal ya proporciona direcciones IP, debes desactivar el servidor DHCP en OpenWrt.
* Edita el archivo /etc/config/dhcp:
vi /etc/config/dhcp
* Desactiva el servidor DHCP en la sección lan:
* Con añadir al final "option ignore '1'" basta. No borres el resto de la sección.
config dhcp 'lan'
option interface 'lan'
option ignore '1' # Desactiva el servidor DHCP
**6. Configurar el Firewall**
Como el router OpenWrt actuará como un AP, no necesita funciones de firewall.
* Edita el archivo /etc/config/firewall y desactiva las reglas de firewall:
config zone
option name 'lan'
option input 'ACCEPT'
option output 'ACCEPT'
option forward 'ACCEPT'
option network 'lan'
**7. Reiniciar el Router OpenWrt**
Después de realizar los cambios, reinicia el router OpenWrt para aplicar la configuración:
**8. Probar la Configuración**
Conecta un dispositivo a la red LAN o Wi-Fi del router OpenWrt y verifica si tiene acceso a Internet.
* Prueba la conectividad con:
Espero que sirva de ayuda. Si tienes cualquier problema descríbemelo para aprender juntos.

@ e968e50b:db2a803a
2025-03-03 20:06:21
Just leaving this summary picture up top as that's all I really want to share with this post...

I'm on a long journey of trying to heat every aspect of my life with bitcoin mining. I started just running s9 antminers in the garage, moved to using a number of Nano 3[^1] as extremely ineffective space heaters, but finally was generously given some beefcake miners for free last month.
I'm going to shove those bad boys right into my HVAC's air return, so I experimented first with a single s9 while figuring out how to power the big ones.

However, I'm using an electrician who is a friend[^2] to put in the circuit and he's not as motivated as me. In the meantime, he had me drill these holes for the conduit, which was quite fun.





Now, I'm chomping at the bit to finish this and had a big passage to run some ethernet through in the meantime. ...so....I popped another s9 on the air return just to do SOMETHING.



Anywho, thought I'd share for other aspiring low-level [heat punks](https://www.tylerstevens.me/blog/a-heatpunks-manifesto/) like myself or anybody that wants to tell me I'm killing the resale value of my house by turning the HVAC into swiss cheese.
[^1]: check out @siggy47's great post today on the next variant of that model
[^2]: who was successfully orange pilled in this process, woot!
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/902849

@ 1c19eb1a:e22fb0bc
2025-03-03 19:14:42
After my first major review of [Primal on Android](https://www.nostr-reviews.com/post/1733635103705/), we're going to go a very different direction for this next review. Primal is your standard "Twitter clone" type of kind 1 note client, now branching into long-form. They also have a team of developers working on making it one of the best clients to fill that use-case. By contrast, this review will not be focusing on any client at all. Not even an "other stuff" client.
Instead, we will be reviewing a very useful tool created and maintained by nostr:npub1w4uswmv6lu9yel005l3qgheysmr7tk9uvwluddznju3nuxalevvs2d0jr5 called #Amber. For those unfamiliar with Amber, it is an #Android application dedicated to managing your signing keys, and allowing you to log into various #Nostr applications without having to paste in your private key, better known as your #nsec. It is not recommended to paste your nsec into various applications because they each represent another means by which it could be compromised, and anyone who has your nsec can post as you. On Nostr, your #npub is your identity, and your signature using your private key is considered absolute proof that any given note, reaction, follow update, or profile change was authorized by the rightful owner of that identity.
It happens less often these days, but early on, when the only way to try out a new client was by inputting your nsec, users had their nsec compromised from time to time, or they would suspect that their key may have been compromised. When this occurs, there is no way to recover your account, or set a new private key, deprecating the previous one. The only thing you can do is start over from scratch, letting everyone know that your key has been compromised and to follow you on your new npub.
If you use Amber to log into other Nostr apps, you significantly reduce the likelihood that your private key will be compromised, because only one application has access to it, and all other applications reach out to Amber to sign any events. This isn't quite as secure as storing your private key on a separate device that isn't connected to the internet whatsoever, like many of us have grown accustomed to with securing our #Bitcoin, but then again, an online persona isn't nearly as important to secure for most of us as our entire life savings.
Amber is the first application of its kind for managing your Nostr keys on a mobile device. nostr:npub1w4uswmv6lu9yel005l3qgheysmr7tk9uvwluddznju3nuxalevvs2d0jr5 didn't merely develop the application, but literally created the specification for accomplishing external signing on Android which can be found in [NIP-55](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/55.md). Unfortunately, Amber is only available for Android. A signer application for iOS is in the works from nostr:npub1yaul8k059377u9lsu67de7y637w4jtgeuwcmh5n7788l6xnlnrgs3tvjmf, but is not ready for use at this time. There is also a new mobile signer app for Android and iOS called Nowser, but I have not yet had a chance to try this app out. From a cursory look at the Android version, it is indeed in the very early stages of development and cannot be compared with Amber.
This review of Amber is current as of version 3.2.5.

## Overall Impression
Score: **4.5** / 5
I cannot speak highly enough about Amber as a tool that every Nostr user on Android should start using if they are not already. When the day comes that we have more options for well-developed signer apps on mobile, my opinion may very well change, but until then Amber is what we have available to us. Even so, it is an incredibly well thought-out and reliable tool for securing your nsec.
Despite being the only well-established Android signer available for Android, Amber ***can*** be compared with other external signing methods available on other platforms. Even with more competition in this arena, though, Amber still holds up incredibly well. If you are signing into web applications on a desktop, I still would recommend using a browser extension like #Alby or #Nos2x, as the experience is usually faster, more seamless, and far more web apps support this signing method ([NIP-07](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/07.md)) than currently support the two methods employed by Amber. Nevertheless that gap is definitely narrowing.
A running list I created of applications that support login and signing with Amber can be found here: [Nostr Clients with External Signer Support](nostr:naddr1qvzqqqrcvgpzpde8f55w86vrhaeqmd955y4rraw8aunzxgxstsj7eyzgntyev2xtqydhwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnzwf5kw6r5vfhkcapwdejhgtcpr4mhxue69uhkg6ttv95k7ue3x5cnwtnwdaehgu339e3k7mf0qq4xummnw3ez6cmvd9jkuarn94mkjarg94jhsar9wfhxzmpdwd5kwmn9wgkhxatswphhyaqrcy76t)
I have run into relatively few bugs in my extensive use of Amber for all of my mobile signing needs. Occasionally the application crashes when trying to send it a signing request from a couple of applications, but I would not be surprised if this is no fault of Amber at all, and rather the fault of those specific apps, since it works flawlessly with the vast majority of apps that support either [NIP-55](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/55.md) or [NIP-46](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/46.md) login.
I also believe that mobile is the ideal platform to use for this type of application. First, because most people use Nostr clients on their phone more than on a desktop. There are, of course, exceptions to that, but in general we spend more time on our phones when interacting online. New users are also more likely to be introduced to Nostr by a friend having them download a Nostr client on their phone than on a PC, and that can be a prime opportunity to introduce the new user to protecting their private key. Finally, I agree with the following assessment from nostr:npub1jlrs53pkdfjnts29kveljul2sm0actt6n8dxrrzqcersttvcuv3qdjynqn.
The one downside to Amber is that it will be quite foreign for new users. That is partially unavoidable with Nostr, since folks are not accustomed to public/private key cryptography in general, let alone using a private key to log into websites or social media apps. However, the initial signup process is a bit cumbersome if Amber is being used as the means of initially generating a key pair. I think some of this could be foregone at start-up in favor of streamlining onboarding, and then encourage the user to back-up their private key at a later time.
## Features
Amber has some features that may surprise you, outside of just storing your private key and signing requests from your favorite Nostr clients. It is a full key management application, supporting multiple accounts, various backup methods, and even the ability to authorize other users to access a Nostr profile you control.
### Android Signing
This is the signing method where Amber really shines in both speed and ease of use. Any Android application that supports this standard, and even some progressive web-apps that can be installed to your Android's home-screen, can very quickly and seamlessly connect with Amber to authorize anything that you need signed with your nsec. All you have to do is select "Login with Amber" in clients like #Amethyst or #0xChat and the app will reach out to Amber for all signing requests from there on out. If you had previously signed into the app with your nsec, you will first need to log out, then choose the option to use Amber when you log back in.

This is a massive deal, because everything you do on Nostr requires a signature from your private key. Log in? Needs a signature. Post a "GM" note? Needs a signature. Follow someone who zapped your note? Needs a signature. Zap them back? You guessed it; needs a signature. When you paste your private key into an application, it will automatically sign a lot of these actions without you ever being asked for approval, but you will quickly realize just how many things the client is doing on your behalf when Amber is asking you to approve them each time.
Now, this can also get quite annoying after a while. I recommend using the setting that allows Amber to automatically sign for basic functions, which will cut down on some of the authorization spam. Once you have been asked to authorize the same type of action a few times, you can also toggle the option to automatically authorize that action in the future. Don't worry, though, you have full control to require Amber to ask you for permission again if you want to be alerted each time, and this toggle is specific to each application, so it's not a blanket approval for all Nostr clients you connect with.

This method of signing is just as fast as signing via browser extension on web clients, which users may be more accustomed to. Everything is happening locally on the device, so it can be very snappy and secure.
### Nostr Connect/Bunker Signing
This next method of signing has a bit of a delay, because it is using a Nostr relay to send encrypted information back and forth between the app the user is interacting with and Amber to obtain signatures remotely. It isn't a significant delay most of the time, but it is just enough to be noticeable.
Also, unlike the previous signing method that would automatically switch to Amber as the active application when a signing request is sent, this method only sends you a notification that you must be watching for. This can lead to situations where you are wondering why something isn't working in a client you signed into remotely, because it is waiting on you to authorize the action and you didn't notice the notification from Amber. As you use the application, you get used to the need to check for such authorization requests from time to time, or when something isn't working as expected.

By default, Amber will use relay.nsec.app to communicate with whichever Nostr app you are connecting to. You can set a different relay for this purpose, if you like, though not just any relay will support the event kinds that Amber uses for remote signing. You can even run your own relay just for your own signing purposes. In fact, the creator of Amber has a relay application you can run on your phone, called Citrine, that can be used for signing with any web app you are using locally on your phone. This is definitely more of an advanced option, but it is there for you if you want it. For most users, sticking with relay.nsec.app will be just fine, especially since the contents of the events sent back and forth for signing are all encrypted.
Something many users may not realize is that this remote signing feature allows for issuing signing permissions to team members. For instance, if anyone ever joined me in writing reviews, I could issue them a connection string from Amber, and limit their permissions to just posting long-form draft events. Anything else they tried to do would require my explicit approval each time. Moreover, I could revoke those permissions if I ever felt they were being abused, without the need to start over with a whole new npub. Of course, this requires that your phone is online whenever a team member is trying to sign using the connection string you issued, and it requires you pay attention to your notifications so you can approve or reject requests you have not set to auto-approve. However, this is probably only useful for small teams, and larger businesses will want to find a more robust solution for managing access to their npub, such as Keycast from nostr:npub1zuuajd7u3sx8xu92yav9jwxpr839cs0kc3q6t56vd5u9q033xmhsk6c2uc.
The method for establishing a connection between Amber and a Nostr app for remote signing can vary for each app. Most, at minimum, will support obtaining a connection string from Amber that starts with "bunker://" and pasting it in at the time of login. Then you just need to approve the connection request from Amber and the client will log you in and send any subsequent signing requests to Amber using the same connection string.

Some clients will also offer the option to scan a QR code to connect the client to Amber. This is quite convenient, but just remember that this also means the client is setting which relay will be used for communication between the two. Clients with this option will also have a connection string you can copy and paste into Amber to achieve the same purpose. For instance, you may need this option if you are trying to connect to an app on your phone and therefore can't scan the QR code using Amber on the same phone.

### Multiple Accounts
Amber does not lock you into using it with only a single set of keys. You can add all of your Nostr "accounts" to Amber and use it for signing events for each independently. Of course, Nostr doesn't actually have "accounts" in the traditional sense. Your identity is simply your key-pair, and Amber stores and accesses each private key as needed.

When first signing in using native Android signing as described above, Amber will default to whichever account was most recently selected, but you can switch to the account that is needed before approving the request. After initial login, Amber will automatically detect the account that the signing request is for.
### Key Backup & Restore
Amber allows multiple ways to back up your private key. As most users would expect, you can get your standard nsec and copy/paste it to a password manager, but you can also obtain your private key as a list of mnemonic seed words, an encrypted version of your key called an ncryptsec, or even a QR code of your nsec or ncryptsec.

Additionally, in order to gain access to this information, Amber requires you to enter your device's PIN or use biometric authentication. This isn't cold-storage level protection for your private key by any means, especially since your phone is an internet connected device and does not store your key within a secure element, but it is about as secure as you can ask for while having your key accessible for signing Nostr events.
### Tor Support
While Amber does not have Tor support within the app itself, it does support connecting to Tor through Orbot. This would be used with remote signing so that Amber would not connect directly over clearnet to the relay used for communication with the Nostr app requesting the signature. Instead, Amber would connect through Tor, so the relay would not see your IP address. This means you can utilize the remote signing option without compromising your anonymity.

### Additional Security
Amber allows the user the option to require either biometric or PIN authentication before approving signing requests. This can provide that extra bit of assurance that no one will be able to sign events using your private key if they happen to gain access to your phone. The PIN you set in Amber is also independent from the PIN to unlock your device, allowing for separation of access.
## Can My Grandma Use It?
Score: **4.0** / 5
At the end of the day, Amber is a tool for those who have some concept of the importance of protecting their private key by not pasting it into every Nostr client that comes along. This concept in itself is not terribly approachable to an average person. They are used to just plugging their password into every service they use, and even worse, they usually have the ***same password*** for everything so they can more readily remember it. The idea that they should never enter their "Nostr password" into any Nostr application would never occur to them unless someone first explained how cryptography works related to public/private key pairs.
That said, I think there can be some improvements made to how users are introduced to these concepts, and that a signer application like Amber might be ideal for the job. Considering Amber as a new user's first touchpoint with Nostr, I think it holds up well, but could be somewhat streamlined.
Upon opening the app, the user is prompted to either use their existing private key or "Create a new Nostr account." This is straightforward enough. "Account" is not a technically correct term with Nostr, but it is a term that new users would be familiar with and understand the basic concept.

The next screen announces that the account is ready, and presents the user with their public key, explaining that it is "a sort of username" that will allow others to find them on Nostr. While it is good to explain this to the user, it is unnecessary information at this point. This screen also prompts the user to set a nickname and set a password to encrypt their private key. Since the backup options also allow the user to set this password, I think this step could be pushed to a later time. This screen would better serve the new user if it simply prompted them to set a nickname and short bio that could be saved to a few default relays.

Of course, Amber is currently prompting for a password to be set up-front because the next screen requires the new user to download a "backup kit" in order to continue. While I do believe it is a good idea to encourage the creation of a backup, it is not crucial to do so immediately upon creation of a new npub that has nothing at stake if the private key is lost. This is something the UI could remind the user to do at a later time, reducing the friction of profile creation, and expediting getting them into the action.

Outside of these minor onboarding friction points, I think Amber does a great job of explaining to the user the purpose of each of its features, all within the app and without any need to reference external documentation. As long as the user understands the basic concept that their private key is being stored by Amber in order to sign requests from other Nostr apps, so they don't have to be given the private key, Amber is very good about explaining the rest without getting too far into the technical weeds.
The most glaring usability issue with Amber is that it isn't available in the Play Store. Average users expect to be able to find applications they can trust in their mobile device's default app store. There is a valid argument to be made that they are incorrect in this assumption, but that doesn't change the fact that this is the assumption most people make. They believe that applications in the Play Store are "safe" and that anything they can't install through the Play Store is suspect. The prompts that the Android operating system requires the user to approve when installing "unknown apps" certainly doesn't help with this impression.
Now, I absolutely ***love*** the Zapstore from nostr:npub1wf4pufsucer5va8g9p0rj5dnhvfeh6d8w0g6eayaep5dhps6rsgs43dgh9, but it doesn't do much to alleviate this issue. Users will still need to be convinced that it is safe to install the Zapstore from the GitHub repo, and then install Amber from there. Furthermore, this adds yet another step to the onboarding process.
Instead of:
- Install Amber
- Set up your keys
- Install the client you want to use
- Log in with Amber
The process becomes:
- Go to the Zapstore GitHub and download the latest version from the releases page.
- Install the APK you downloaded, allowing any prompt to install unknown apps.
- Open Zapstore and install Amber, allowing any prompt to install unknown apps again.
- Open Amber and set up your keys.
- Install the client you want to use
- Log in with Amber
An application as important as Amber for protecting users' private keys should be as readily available to the new user as possible. New users are the ones most prone to making mistakes that could compromise their private keys. Amber should be available to them in the Play Store.
## How do UI Look?
Score: **4.5** / 5
Amber's UI can be described as clean but utilitarian. But then, Amber is a tool, so this is somewhat expected. It is not an app you will be spending a lot of time in, so the UI just needs to be serviceable. I would say it accomplishes this and then some. UI elements are generally easy to understand what they do, and page headings fill in the gaps where that is not the case.

I am not the biggest fan of the color-scheme, particularly in light-mode, but it is not bad in dark-mode at all, and Amber follows whatever theme you have set for your device in that respect. Additionally, the color choice does make sense given the application's name.

It must also be taken into consideration that Amber is almost entirely the product of a single developer's work. He has done a great job producing an app that is not only useful, but pleasant to interact with. The same cannot be said for most utility apps I have previously used, with interfaces that clearly made good design the lowest priority. While Amber's UI may not be the most beautiful Nostr app I have seen, design was clearly not an afterthought, either, and it is appreciated.
## Relay Management
Score: **4.9** / 5
Even though Amber is not a Nostr client, where users can browse notes from their favorite npubs, it still relies heavily on relays for some of its features. Primarily, it uses relays for communicating with other Nostr apps for remote signing requests. However, it also uses relays to fetch profile data, so that each private key you add to Amber will automatically load your chosen username and profile picture.
In the relay settings, users can choose which relays are being used to fetch profile data, and which relays will be used by default when creating new remote signing connection strings.

The user can also see which relays are currently connected to Amber and even look at the information that has been passed back and forth on each of those active relays. This information about actively connected relays is not only available within the application, but also in the notification that Amber has to keep in your device's notification tray in order to continue to operate in the background while you are using other apps.

Optionality is the name of the game when it comes to how Amber handles relay selection. The user can just stick with the default signing relay, use their own relay as the default, or even use a different relay for each Nostr application that they connect to for remote signing. Amber gives the user an incredible amount of flexibility in this regard.
In addition to all of this, because not all relays accept the event types needed for remote signing, when you add a relay address to Amber, it automatically tests that relay to see if it will work. This alone can be a massive time saver, so users aren't trying to use relays that don't support remote signing and wondering why they can't log into noStrudel with the connection string they got from Amber.

The only way I could see relay management being improved would be some means of giving the user relay recommendations, in case they want to use a relay other than relay.nsec.app, but they aren't sure which other relays will accept remote signing events. That said, most users who want to use a different relay for signing remote events will likely be using their own, in which case recommendations aren't needed.
## Current Users' Questions
The AskNostr hashtag can be a good indication of the pain points that other users are currently having with any Nostr application. Here are some of the most common questions submitted about Amber in the last two months.
This is a good example of Amber working correctly, but the app the user is trying to log into not working. In my experience with #Olas in particular, it sometimes allows remote signer login, and sometimes doesn't. Amber will receive the signing request and I will approve it, but Olas remains on the login screen.
If Amber is receiving the signing requests, and you are approving them, the fault is likely with the application you are trying to log into.
That's it. That's all the repeated questions I could find. Oh, there were a few one-off questions where relay.nsec.app wouldn't connect, or where the user's out-of-date web browser was the issue. Outside of that, though, there were no common questions about ***how*** to use Amber, and that is a testament to Amber's ease of use all on its own.
## Wrap Up
If you are on Android and you are not already using Amber to protect your nsec, please do yourself a favor and get it installed. It's not at all complicated to set up, and it will make trying out all the latest Nostr clients a safe and pleasant experience.
If you are a client developer and you have not added support for NIP-55 or NIP-46, do your users the courtesy of respecting the sanctity of their private keys. Even developers who have no intention of compromising their users' keys can inadvertently do so. Make that eventuality impossible by adding support for NIP-55 and NIP-46 signing.
Finally, I apologize for the extended time it took me to get this review finished. The time I have available is scarce, Nostr is distracting, and nostr:npub1w4uswmv6lu9yel005l3qgheysmr7tk9uvwluddznju3nuxalevvs2d0jr5 kept improving Amber even as I was putting it through its paces over the last two months. Keep shipping, my friend! You have made one of the most useful tools we have seen for Nostr to date!
Now... What should I review next?

@ 6e0ea5d6:0327f353
2025-03-03 19:09:05
Ascolta bene!
Allow me to sit by your side, amico mio, and—just like a son—I will tell you a harsh truth: no matter the circumstances, the blame lies with you for everything that happens within your realm of responsibility. Your family, your business, your ventures—whatever it may be—it doesn’t matter if it was by action or omission, if something went wrong, take the blame and resolve it however you need to!
Men like us, who live in hard battles, do not have the luxury of handing over the burdens of our responsibilities to others!
We live in a time where everyone is encouraged to place the blame for their failures on others or on abstractions. To hell with all that nonsense, damn it! Never feel comfortable or relieved when you hear stories of people who have made the same mistakes or have the same flaws as you.
Knowing that others have failed in the same goals should only serve as a simple acknowledgment that nothing is easy.
However, don’t allow yourself to lessen your effort or blame when you see others’ difficulties.
On the other hand, don’t deceive yourself into trying to become a productivity machine.
Learn to be rational, but always strive for the best from yourself, without pushing your limits beyond what your mind and body can endure.
Thank you for reading, my friend!
If this message resonated with you, consider leaving your "🥃" as a token of appreciation.
A toast to our family!

@ 2e8970de:63345c7a
2025-03-03 17:23:07

The Atlantas FED GDP indicator GDPNow was recently adjusted to -1.5% (https://stacker.news/items/899962). Now it got revised even further down to -2.8%.
Mind you, this is a change of almost 7% down from almost 4% growth to almost 3% reduction within a month!
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/902707

@ eac63075:b4988b48
2025-03-03 17:18:12
# **Abstract**
This paper examines a hypothetical scenario in which the United States, under Trump’s leadership, withdraws from NATO and reduces its support for Europe, thereby enabling a Russian conquest of Ukraine and the subsequent expansion of Moscow’s influence over Eurasia, while the US consolidates its dominance over South America. Drawing on classical geopolitical theories—specifically those of Halford Mackinder, Alfred Thayer Mahan, Rudolf Kjellén, and Friedrich Ratzel—the study analyzes how these frameworks can elucidate the evolving power dynamics and territorial ambitions in a reconfigured global order. The discussion highlights Mackinder’s notion of the Eurasian Heartland and its strategic importance, Mahan’s emphasis on maritime power and control of strategic routes, Kjellén’s view of the state as an expanding organism, and Ratzel’s concept of Lebensraum as a justification for territorial expansion. The paper also explores contemporary developments, such as the US–Ukraine economic agreement and Trump’s overt territorial ambitions involving Greenland and Canada, in light of these theories. By juxtaposing traditional geopolitical concepts with current international relations, the study aims to shed light on the potential implications of such shifts for regional stability, global security, and the balance of power, particularly in relation to emerging neocolonial practices in Latin America.
# **Introduction**
In recent years, the geopolitical dynamics involving the United States, Russia, and Ukraine have sparked analyses from different theoretical perspectives. This paper examines recent events – presupposing a scenario in which Donald Trump withdraws the US from NATO and reduces its support for Europe, allowing a Russian conquest of Ukraine and the expansion of Moscow’s influence over Eurasia, while the US consolidates its dominance over South America – in light of classical geopolitical theories. The ideas of Halford Mackinder, Alfred Thayer Mahan, Rudolf Kjellén, and Friedrich Ratzel are used as reference points. The proposal is to impartially evaluate how each theory can elucidate the developments of this hypothetical scenario, relating Russian territorial expansion in Eurasia to the strategic retreat of the US to the Western Hemisphere.
Initially, we will outline Mackinder’s conception of the Heartland (the central Eurasian territory) and the crucial role of Eastern Europe and Ukraine in the quest for global dominance. Next, we will discuss Mahan’s ideas regarding maritime power and the control of strategic routes, considering the impacts on the naval power balance among the US, Russia, and other maritime powers such as the United Kingdom and Japan. Subsequently, we will examine Kjellén’s organic theory of the state, interpreting the Russian expansionist strategy as a reflection of a state organism in search of vital space. In the same vein, Ratzel’s concept of “Lebensraum” will be explored, along with how Russia could justify territorial expansion based on resources and territory. Finally, the paper connects these theories to the current political context, analyzing the direct negotiations between Washington and Moscow (overlooking Ukraine and Europe), the US policy toward authoritarian regimes in Latin America, and the notion of a hemispheric division of power – the “Island of the Americas” under North American hegemony versus an Eurasia dominated by Russia. Lastly, it considers the possibility that such a geopolitical arrangement may foster the strengthening of authoritarian governments globally, rather than containing them, thus altering the paradigms of the liberal world order.
# **The Heartland of Mackinder: Ukraine, Eurasia, and Global Dominance**
Halford J. Mackinder, a British geographer and pioneer of geopolitics, proposed the celebrated Heartland Theory in the early twentieth century. Mackinder divided the world into geostrategic zones and identified the Heartland—the central continental mass of Eurasia—as the “geographical pivot of history” \[5\]. His most famous maxim encapsulates this vision: “who rules Eastern Europe commands the Heartland; who rules the Heartland commands the World Island; who rules the World Island commands the world” \[5\]. Eastern Europe and, in particular, the region of present-day Ukraine, play a key role in this formula. This is because, for Mackinder, Eastern Europe functions as a gateway to the Heartland, providing access to resources and a strategic position for the projection of continental power \[5\].
Applying this theory to our scenario, the conquest of Ukraine and Eastern European countries by Russia would have profound geopolitical implications. From a Mackinderian point of view, such a conquest would enormously strengthen Russia’s position in the Heartland by adding manpower (population) and Ukraine’s industrial and agricultural resources to its power base \[5\]. In fact, Mackinder argued that controlling the Heartland conferred formidable geostrategic advantages—a vast terrestrial “natural fortress” protected from naval invasions and rich in resources such as wheat, minerals, and fuels \[5\]. Thus, if Moscow were to incorporate Ukraine (renowned for its fertile soil and grain production, as well as its mineral reserves) and extend its influence over Eastern Europe, Russia would consolidate the Heartland under its direct control. In this context, the absence of the USA (withdrawn from NATO and less engaged in Europe) would remove an important obstacle to Russian predominance in the region.
With central and eastern Eurasia under Russian influence, it would be possible to move toward the realization of the geopolitical nightmare described by Mackinder for Western maritime powers: a hegemonic continental power capable of projecting power to both Europe and Asia. Mackinder himself warned that if a Heartland power gained additional access to an oceanic coastline—in other words, if it combined land power with a significant maritime front—it would constitute a “danger” to global freedom \[5\]. In the scenario considered, besides advancing into Eastern Europe, Russia would already possess strategic maritime outlets (for example, in the Black Sea, via Crimea, and in the Baltic, via Kaliningrad or the Baltic States if influenced). Thus, the control of Ukraine would reinforce Russia’s position in the Black Sea and facilitate projection into the Eastern Mediterranean, expanding its oceanic front. From a Mackinderian perspective, this could potentially transform Russia into the dominant power of the “World Island” (the combined mass of Europe, Asia, and Africa), thereby unbalancing the global geopolitical order \[5\].
It is worth noting that, historically, Mackinder’s doctrine influenced containment strategies: both in the interwar period and during the Cold War, efforts were made to prevent a single power from controlling the Heartland and Eastern Europe. NATO, for example, can be seen as an instrument to prevent Soviet/Russian advances in Europe, in line with Mackinder’s imperative to “contain the Heartland.” Thus, if the USA were to abandon that role—by leaving NATO and tacitly accepting the Russian sphere of influence in Eurasia—we would be witnessing an inversion of the principles that have guided Western policy for decades. In short, under Mackinder’s theory, the Russian conquest of Ukraine and beyond would represent the key for Russia to command the Heartland and, potentially, challenge global hegemony, especially in a scenario where the USA self-restricts to the Western Hemisphere.
# **The Maritime Power of Mahan and the Naval Balance between West and East**
While Mackinder emphasized continental land power, Alfred Thayer Mahan, a nineteenth-century American naval strategist, highlighted the crucial role of maritime power in global dominance. In his work *The Influence of Sea Power upon History* (1890), Mahan studied the example of the British Empire and concluded that control of the seas paved the way for British supremacy as a world power \[10\]. He argued that a strong navy and the control of strategic maritime routes were decisive factors for projecting military, political, and economic power. His doctrine can be summarized in the following points: (1) the United States should aspire to be a world power; (2) control of the seas is necessary to achieve that status; (3) such control is obtained through a powerful fleet of warships \[17\]. In other words, for Mahan, whoever dominates the maritime routes and possesses naval superiority will be in a position to influence global destinies, ensuring trade, supplies, and the rapid movement of military forces.
In the proposed scenario, in which the USA withdraws militarily from Europe and possibly from the Eurasian stage, Mahan’s ideas raise questions about the distribution of maritime power and its effects. Traditionally, the US Navy operates globally, ensuring freedom of navigation and deterring challenges in major seas (Atlantic, Pacific, Indian, etc.). A withdrawal of the USA from NATO could also signal a reduction in its naval presence in the Northeast Atlantic, the Mediterranean Sea, and other areas close to Eurasia. In such a case, who would fill this naval vacuum? Russia, although primarily a land power, has been attempting to modernize its navy and has specific interests—for example, consolidating its dominance in the Black Sea and maintaining a presence in the Mediterranean (with a naval base in Tartus, Syria). The United Kingdom, a historic European maritime power, would remain aligned with the USA but, without American military support in Europe, might potentially be overwhelmed trying to contain an increasingly assertive Russian navy in European waters on its own. Japan, another significant maritime actor allied with the USA, is concerned with the naval balance in the Pacific; without full American engagement, Tokyo might be compelled to expand its own naval power to contain both Russia in the Far East (which maintains a fleet in the Pacific) and, especially, the growing Chinese navy.
According to Mahan’s thinking, strategic maritime routes and choke points (crucial straits and channels) become contested prizes in this power game. With the USA focusing on the Americas, one could imagine Washington reinforcing control over the Panama Canal and Caribbean routes—reviving an “American Gulf” policy in the Western Atlantic and Eastern Pacific. In fact, indications of this orientation emerge in statements attributed to Trump, who once suggested reclaiming direct control over Panama, transforming Canada into a North American state, and even “annexing” Greenland due to its Arctic geopolitical importance \[18\]. These aspirations reflect a quest to secure advantageous maritime positions near the American continent.
Conversely, in the absence of American presence in the Eastern Atlantic and Mediterranean, Russia would have free rein for regional maritime projection. This could include anything from the unrestricted use of the Black Sea (after dominating Ukraine, thereby ensuring full access to Crimea and Ukrainian ports) to greater influence in the Eastern Mediterranean via Syria and partnerships with countries such as Iran or Egypt. The Baltic Sea would also become an area of expanded Russian interest, pressuring coastal countries and perhaps reducing NATO’s traditional local naval supremacy. However, it is worth noting that even with these regional expansions, Russia lacks a blue-water navy comparable to that of the USA; thus, its initial global maritime impact would be limited without alliances.
An important aspect of Mahan’s theories is that naval power serves as a counterbalance to the land power of the Heartland. Therefore, even if Russia were to dominate the Eurasian continental mass, the continued presence of American naval might on the oceans could prevent complete global domination by Moscow. However, if the USA voluntarily restricts its naval reach to the Americas, it would forgo influencing the power balance in the seas adjacent to Eurasia. Consequently, the balance of maritime power would tend to shift in favor of regional Eurasian actors. The United Kingdom and Japan, traditional allies of the USA, could intensify their naval capabilities to defend regional interests—the United Kingdom safeguarding the North Atlantic and the North Sea, and Japan patrolling the Northwest Pacific—but both would face budgetary and structural limitations in fully compensating for the absence of the American superpower. Consequently, Mahan’s vision suggests that the withdrawal of the USA from the extra-regional scene would weaken the liberal maritime regime, possibly opening space for revisionist powers to contest routes that were previously secured (for example, Russia and China encountering less opposition on the routes of the Arctic and the Indo-Pacific, respectively). In summary, naval hegemony would fragment, and control of strategic seas would become contested, reconfiguring the relative influence of the USA, Russia, and maritime allies such as the United Kingdom and Japan.
# **Kjellén and the State as a Living Organism: Russian Expansion as an Organic Necessity**
Another useful theoretical lens to interpret Russian geopolitical posture is that of Rudolf Kjellén, a Swedish political scientist of the early twentieth century who conceived the State as a living organism. Kjellén, who even coined the term “geopolitics,” was influenced by Friedrich Ratzel’s ideas and by social Darwinism, arguing that States are born, grow, and decline analogously to living beings \[13\]. In his work *Staten som livsform* (The State as a Form of Life, 1916), he maintained that States possess an organic dimension in addition to the legal one and that “just as any form of life, States must expand or die” \[14\]. This expansion would not be motivated merely by aggressive conquest but seen as a necessary growth for the self-preservation of the state organism \[14\]. In complement, Kjellén echoed Ratzel’s “law of expanding spaces” by asserting that large States expand at the expense of smaller ones, with it being only a matter of time before the great realms fill the available spaces \[14\]. That is, from the organic perspective, vigorous States tend to incorporate smaller neighboring territories, consolidating territorially much like an organism absorbing nutrients.
Applying this theory to the strategy of contemporary Russia, we can interpret Moscow’s actions—including the invasion of Ukraine and the ambition to restore its sphere of influence in Eurasia—as the expression of an organic drive for expansion. For a strategist influenced by this school, Russia (viewed as a state organism with a long imperial history) needs to expand its territory and influence to ensure its survival and security. The loss of control over spaces that once were part of the Russian Empire or the Soviet Union (such as Ukraine itself, the Caucasus, or Central Asia) may be perceived by Russian elites as an atrophy of the state organism, rendering it vulnerable. Thus, the reincorporation of these territories—whether directly (annexation) or indirectly (political vassalage)—would equate to restoring lost members or strengthening vital organs of the state body. In fact, official Russian arguments often portray Ukraine as an intrinsic part of “Russian historicity,” denying it a fully separate identity—a narrative that aligns with the idea that Russian expansion in that region is natural and necessary for the Russian State (seen as encompassing also Russian speakers beyond its current borders).
Kjellén would thus provide a theoretical justification for Russian territorial expansion as an organic phenomenon. As a great power, Russia would inevitably seek to expand at the expense of smaller neighbors (Ukraine, Georgia, the Baltic States, etc.), as dictated by the tendency of “great spaces to organize” to the detriment of the small \[14\]. This view can be identified in contemporary Russian doctrines that value spheres of influence and the notion that neighboring countries must gravitate around Moscow in order for the natural order to be maintained. The very idea of “Eurasia” united under Russian leadership (advocated by modern Russian thinkers) echoes this organic conception of vital space and expansion as a sign of the State’s vitality.
However, Kjellén’s theory also warns of the phenomenon of “imperial overstretch,” should a State exceed its internal cohesion limits by expanding excessively \[14\]. He recognized that extending borders too far could increase friction and vulnerabilities, making it difficult to maintain cohesion—a very large organism may lack functional integration. In the Russian context, this suggests that although expansion is seen as necessary, there are risks if Russia tries to encompass more than it can govern effectively. Conquering Ukraine and subjugating Eastern Europe, for example, could economically and militarily overburden the Russian State, especially if it faced resistance or had to manage hostile populations. However, in the hypothetical scenario we adopt (isolated USA and a weakened Europe), Russia might calculate that the organic benefits of expansion (territory, resources, strategic depth) would outweigh the costs, since external interference would be limited. Thus, through Kjellén’s lens, expansionist Russia behaves as an organism following its instinct for survival and growth, absorbing weaker neighbors; yet such a process is not devoid of challenges, requiring that the “organism Russia” manages to assimilate these new spaces without collapsing under its own weight.
# **Ratzel and Lebensraum: Resources, Territory, and the Justification for Expansion**
Parallel to Kjellén’s organic view, Friedrich Ratzel’s theory offers another conceptual basis for understanding Russian expansion: the concept of Lebensraum (vital space). Ratzel, a German geographer of the late nineteenth century, proposed that the survival and development of a people or nation depended critically on the available physical space and resources. Influenced by Darwinist ideas, he applied the notion of “survival of the fittest” to nations, arguing that human societies need to conquer territory and resources to prosper, and that the stronger and fittest civilizations will naturally prevail over the weaker ones \[12\]. In 1901, Ratzel coined the term Lebensraum to describe this need for “vital space” as a geographical factor in national power \[15\].
Subsequently, this idea would be adopted—and extremely distorted—by Nazi ideology to justify Germany’s aggressions in Europe. However, the core of Ratzel’s concept is that territorial expansion is essential for the survival and growth of a State, especially to secure food, raw materials, and space for its population \[12\].
When examining Russia’s stance under this perspective, we can see several narratives that evoke the logic of Lebensraum. Russia is the largest country in the world by area; however, much of its territory is characterized by adverse climates (tundra, taiga) and is relatively sparsely populated in Siberia. On the other hand, adjacent regions such as Ukraine possess highly arable lands (chernozem—black soil), significant Slavic population density, and additional natural resources (coal in the Donbass, for example). An implicit justification for Russian expansion could be the search for supplementary resources and fertile lands to secure its self-sufficiency and power—exactly as Ratzel described that vigorous nations do. Historical records show that Ratzel emphasized agrarian primacy: he believed that new territories should be colonized by farmers, providing the food base for the nation \[12\]. Ukraine, historically called the “breadbasket of Europe,” fits perfectly into this vision of conquest for sustenance and agricultural wealth.
Furthermore, Ratzel viewed geography as a determinant of the destiny of nations—peoples adapted to certain habitats seek to expand them if they aspire to grow. In contemporary Russian discourse, there is often mention of the need to ensure security and territorial depth in the face of NATO, or to unite brotherly peoples (Russians and Russian speakers) within a single political space. Such arguments can be read as a modern translation of Lebensraum: the idea that the Russian nation, in order to be secure and flourish, must control a larger space, encompassing buffer zones and critical resources. This Russian “vital space” would naturally include Ukraine and other former Soviet republics, given the historical and infrastructural interdependence. Ratzel emphasized that peoples migrated and expanded when their original homeland no longer met their needs or aspirations \[12\]. Although contemporary Russia does not suffer from demographic pressure (on the contrary, it faces population decline), under the logic of a great power there is indeed a sentiment of geopolitical insufficiency for having lost influence over areas considered strategic. Thus, reconquering these areas would mean recovering the “habitat” necessary for the Russian nation to prosper and feel secure.
It is important to mention that, in Ratzel’s and Kjellén’s formulations, the pursuit of Lebensraum or organic expansion is not morally qualified—it is treated as a natural process in the politics of power. Thus, on the discursive level, Russia can avoid overly aggressive rhetoric and resort to “natural” justifications: for example, claiming that it needs to occupy Ukraine for defensive purposes (security space) or to reunify peoples (a common cultural and historical space). Beneath these justifications, however, resonates the geopolitical imperative to acquire more territory and resources as a guarantee of national survival, something consonant with Ratzel’s theory. In fact, Russian Realpolitik frequently prioritizes the control of energy resources (gas, oil) and transportation routes. Expanding its influence over central Eurasia would also mean controlling oil pipelines, gas lines, and logistical corridors—essential elements of modern Lebensraum understood as access to vital resources and infrastructure.
In summary, by conquering Ukraine and extending its reach into Eurasia, Russia could effectively invoke the concept of Lebensraum: presenting its expansion not as mere imperialism, but as a necessity to secure indispensable lands and resources for its people and to correct the “injustice” of a vital space diminished by post-Cold War territorial losses. The theories of Ratzel and Kjellén together paint a picture in which Russian expansion emerges almost as a natural law—the great State reclaiming space to ensure its survival and development at the expense of smaller neighbors.
# **Trump, NATO, and the Threat of American Withdrawal**
One of the most alarming changes with Trump's return to power is the tense relationship with the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Trump has long criticized allies for not meeting military spending targets, even threatening during his first term to withdraw the US from the alliance if members did not increase their contributions \[2\]. This threat, initially viewed with skepticism, became concrete after his re-election, leading European allies to seriously consider the possibility of having to defend themselves without American support \[1\]. In fact, Trump suggested in post-election interviews that the US would only remain in NATO if the allies “paid their bills” – otherwise, he “would seriously consider” leaving \[2\]. Such statements reinforced the warning that the US might not honor NATO's mutual defense commitment, precisely at a time of continuous Russian threat due to the war in Ukraine \[1\].
From a theoretical point of view, this posture of American retrenchment evokes the classic tension between maritime power and land power. Alfred Thayer Mahan emphasized that the global power of the US derived largely from its naval superiority and from alliances that ensured control over strategic maritime routes \[9\]. NATO, since 1949, has served not only to deter Soviet terrestrial advances in Eurasia, but also to secure the US naval presence in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean – a fundamental element according to Mahan. In turn, Halford Mackinder warned that the balance of global power depended on the control of the Eurasian “Heartland” (the central region of Eurasia). The withdrawal or disengagement of the US (a maritime power) from this region could open the way for a continental power (such as Russia) to expand its influence in Eastern Europe, unbalancing the power balance \[3\]. In other words, by threatening to leave NATO, Trump jeopardizes the principle of containment that prevented Russian dominance over Eastern Europe – something that Mackinder would see as a dangerous shift in global power in favor of the Heartland power.
Adopting an impartial tone, it is observed that European countries have reacted to this new reality with precautionary measures. Strategic reports already calculate the cost of an autonomous European defense: hundreds of thousands of additional soldiers and investments of hundreds of billions of euros would be required if the US ceased to guarantee the security of the continent \[1\]. European dependence on American military power is significant and, without it, there would be a need for a major reinforcement of European Armed Forces \[1\]. This mobilization practically reflects the anticipation of a power vacuum left by the US – a scenario in which Mackinder’s theory (on the primacy of the Heartland and the vulnerability of the “external crescent” where Western Europe is located) regains its relevance.
# **The US–Ukraine Economic Agreement: Strategic Minerals in Exchange for Support?**
Another novelty of Trump's second term is the unprecedented and transactional manner in which Washington has been dealing with the war in Ukraine. Instead of emphasizing security guarantees and alliances, the Trump administration proposed a trade agreement with Ukraine focused on the exploitation of strategic minerals, linking American support to a direct economic benefit. According to sources close to the negotiations, the US and Ukraine are about to sign a pact to share the revenues from the exploitation of critical mineral resources on Ukrainian territory \[19\]. Materials such as titanium, lithium, rare earths, and uranium – vital for high-tech and defense industries – would be at the core of this agreement \[6\]. According to the known draft, Ukraine would allocate 50% of the profits from new mineral ventures to a fund controlled by the US, which would reinvest part of the resources in the country’s own reconstruction \[6\] \[19\].
It is noteworthy that the pact does not include explicit security guarantees for Kyiv, despite Ukraine remaining under direct military threat from Russia \[19\]. Essentially, the Trump administration offers financial support and economic investment in exchange for a share in Ukrainian natural resources, but without formally committing to Ukraine's defense in the event of a renewed Russian offensive \[19\]. American authorities argue that this economic partnership would already be sufficient to “secure Ukrainian interests,” as it would provide the US with its own incentives to desire Ukraine’s stability \[19\]. “What could be better for Ukraine than being in an economic partnership with the United States?” stated Mike Waltz, a US national security advisor, defending the proposal \[19\].
Analysts, however, assess the agreement in divided terms. For some, it represents a form of economic exploitation at a time of Ukraine's fragility – comparing the demand to share mineral wealth amid war to a scheme of “mafia protection” \[19\]. Steven Cook, from the Council on Foreign Relations, classified the offer as “extortion,” and political scientist Virginia P. Fortna observed that charging resources from an invaded country resembles predatory practices \[19\]. Joseph Nye adds that it is a short-term gain strategy that could be “disastrous in the long run” for American credibility, reflecting the transactional approach that Trump even adopted with close allies in other contexts \[19\]. On the other hand, some see a future advantage for Kyiv: journalist Pierre Briançon suggests that at least this agreement aligns American commercial interests with Ukraine’s future, which could, in theory, keep the US involved in Ukrainian prosperity in the long term \[19\]. It is even recalled that President Zelensky himself proposed last year the idea of sharing natural resources with the US to bring the interests of the two countries closer together \[19\].
From the perspective of geopolitical theories, this agreement illustrates a shift towards economic pragmatism in international relations, approaching concepts proposed by Kjellén. Rudolf Kjellén, who coined the term “geopolitics,” saw the State as a territorial organism that seeks to ensure its survival through self-sufficiency and the control of strategic resources \[4\]. Trump's demand for a share in Ukrainian resources in order to continue supporting the country reflects a logic of autarky and direct national interest – that is, foreign policy serving primarily to reinforce the economic and material position of the US. This view contrasts with the traditional cooperative approach, but aligns with Kjellén’s idea that powerful States tend to transform international relations into opportunities for their own gain, ensuring access to vital raw materials. Similarly, Friedrich Ratzel argued that States have a “propensity to expand their borders according to their capacities,” seeking vital space (Lebensraum) and resources to sustain their development \[11\]. The US–Ukraine pact, by conditioning military/economic aid on obtaining tangible advantages (half of the mineral profits), is reminiscent of Ratzel’s perspective: the US, as a rising economic power, expands its economic influence over Ukrainian territory like an organism extending itself to obtain the necessary resources for its well-being. It is, therefore, a form of economic expansionism at the expense of purely ideological commitments or collective security.
# **Peace Negotiations Excluding Ukraine and the Legitimacy of the Agreement**
Another controversial point is the manner in which peace negotiations between Russia and the West have been conducted under Trump's administration. Since taking office, the American president has engaged directly with Moscow in pursuit of a ceasefire, deliberately keeping the Ukrainian government out of the initial discussions \[6\]. Trump expressed his desire to “leave Zelensky out of the conversation” and also excluded the European Union from any influence in the process \[6\]. This negotiation strategy—conducted without the presence of the primary interested party, Ukraine—raises serious questions about the legitimacy and sustainability of any resulting agreement.
Historically, peace agreements reached without the direct participation of one of the conflicting parties tend to face problems in implementation and acceptance.
The exclusion of Ukraine in the decision-making phase brings to light the issue of guarantees. As noted, the emerging agreement lacks formal US security guarantees for Ukraine. This implies that, after the agreement is signed, nothing will prevent Russia from launching a new offensive if it deems it convenient, knowing that the US has not committed to defending it militarily. Experts have already warned that a ceasefire without robust protection may only be a pause for Russian rearmament, rendering the conflict “frozen” temporarily and potentially resumed in the near future. The European strategic community has expressed similar concern: without American deterrence, the risk of further Russian aggressions in the region increases considerably \[1\]. Denmark, for example, has released intelligence reports warning of possible imminent Russian attacks, prompting neighboring countries to accelerate plans for independent defense \[1\].
The legitimacy of this asymmetric peace agreement (negotiated without Ukraine fully at the table and under economic coercion) is also questionable from a legal and moral point of view. It violates the principle of self-determination by imposing terms decided by great powers on a sovereign country—a practice reminiscent of dark chapters in diplomacy, such as the Munich Agreement of 1938, when powers determined the fate of Czechoslovakia without its consent. In the current case, Ukraine would end up signing the agreement, but from a position of weakness, raising doubts about how durable such a commitment would be.
From Mackinder’s perspective, Ukraine’s removal from the battlefield without guarantees essentially means admitting a greater influence of Russia (the Heartland power) over Eastern Europe. This would alter the balance in Eurasia in a potentially lasting way. Furthermore, the fact that great powers negotiate over the heads of a smaller country evokes the imperial logic of the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, when empires decided among themselves the divisions of foreign territories—a behavior that Mackinder saw as likely in a world of a “closed system.” With the entire world already occupied by States, Mackinder predicted that powers would begin to compete for influence within this consolidated board, often subjugating smaller states to gain advantage \[3\]. The US–Russia negotiation regarding Ukraine, without proper Ukrainian representation, exemplifies this type of neo-imperial dynamic in the twenty-first century.
Also noteworthy is the consonance with the ideas of Ratzel and Kjellén: both viewed smaller states as easily relegated to the status of satellites or even “parasitic organisms” in the orbit of larger states. Kjellén spoke of the intrinsic vulnerability of states with little territorial depth or economic dependence, making them susceptible to external pressures \[4\]\[20\]. Ukraine, weakened by war and dependent on external aid, becomes a concrete example of this theorized vulnerability: it has had to cede strategic resources and accept terms dictated against its will in an attempt to secure its immediate survival. The resulting agreement, therefore, reflects a power imbalance characteristic of the hierarchical international relations described by classical geopolitical theorists.
# **Implicit Territorial Concessions and Trump’s Public Discourse**
A central and controversial point in Trump’s statements regarding the war in Ukraine is the insinuation of territorial concessions to Russia as part of the conflict’s resolution. Publicly, Trump avoided explicitly condemning Russian aggression and even stated that he considered it “unlikely” that Ukraine would be able to retake all the areas occupied by the Russians \[16\]. In debates and interviews, he suggested that “if I were president, the war would end in 24 hours,” implying that he would force an understanding between Kyiv and Moscow that would likely involve ceding some territory in exchange for peace. This position marks a break with the previous US policy of not recognizing any territorial acquisitions made by force and fuels speculations that a future peace agreement sponsored by Trump would legitimize at least part of Russia’s gains since 2014 (Crimea, Donbass, and areas seized during the 2022 invasion).
The actions of his administration corroborate this interpretation. As discussed, the economic agreement focuses on the exploitation of Ukrainian natural resources, many of which are located precisely in regions currently under Russian military control, such as parts of the Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Donetsk, Lugansk, and the Azov Sea area \[6\]. A Ukrainian geologist, Hanna Liventseva, highlighted that “most of these elements (strategic minerals) are found in the south of the Ukrainian Shield, mainly in the Azov region, and most of these territories are currently invaded by Russia” \[6\]. This means that, to make joint exploitation viable, Russia’s de facto control over these areas would have to be recognized—or at least tolerated—in the short term. In other words, the pact indirectly and tacitly accepts Russian territorial gains, as it involves sharing the profits from resources that are not currently accessible to the Kyiv government.
Furthermore, figures close to Trump have made explicit statements regarding the possibility of territorial cession. Mike Waltz, Trump’s national security advisor, publicly stated that Zelensky might need to “cede land to Russia” to end the war \[8\]. This remark—made public in March 2025—confirms that the Trump White House considers it natural for Ukraine to relinquish parts of its territory in favor of an agreement. Such a stance marks a break from the previous Western consensus, which condemned any territorial gains by force. Under Trump, a pragmatic view (in the eyes of his supporters) or a cynical one (according to his critics) seems to prevail: sacrificing principles of territorial integrity to quickly end hostilities and secure immediate economic benefits.
In theoretical terms, this inclination to validate territorial gains by force recalls the concept of Realpolitik and the geopolitical Darwinism that influenced thinkers such as Ratzel. In Ratzel’s organic conception, expanding states naturally absorb neighboring territories when they are strong enough to do so, while declining states lose territory—a process almost biological in the selection of the fittest \[11\]. The Trump administration’s acceptance that Ukraine should “give something” to Moscow to seal peace reflects a normalization of this geopolitical selection process: it recognizes the aggressor (Russia) as having the “right” to retain conquered lands, because that is how power realities on the ground dictate. Mackinder, although firmly opposed to allowing Russia to dominate the Heartland, would see this outcome as the logical consequence of the lack of engagement from maritime powers (the USA and the United Kingdom, for example) in sustaining the Ukrainian counterattack. Without the active involvement of maritime power to balance the dispute, land power prevails in Eastern Europe.
From the perspective of international legitimacy, the cession of Ukrainian territories—whether de jure or de facto—creates a dangerous precedent in the post-Cold War era. Rewarding violent aggression with territorial gains may encourage similar strategies in other parts of the world, undermining the architecture of collective security. This is possibly a return to a world of spheres of influence, where great powers define borders and zones of control according to their convenience—something that the rules-based order after 1945 sought to avoid. Here, academic impartiality requires noting that coercion for territorial concessions rarely produces lasting peace, as the aggrieved party—in this case, Ukraine—may accept temporarily but will continue to assert its rights in the long term, as has occurred with other territorial injustices in history.
# **Territorial Ambitions of Trump: Greenland and Canada**
Beyond the Eurasian theater of war, Trump revived geopolitical ambitions involving territories traditionally allied with the US: Greenland (an autonomous territory of Denmark) and Canada. As early as 2019, during his first term, Trump shocked the world by proposing to buy Greenland—rich in minerals and strategically positioned in the Arctic. Upon his return to power, he went further: expressing a “renewed interest” in acquiring Greenland and publicly suggesting the incorporation of Canada as the 51st American state \[2\].
In January 2025, during a press conference at Mar-a-Lago, he even displayed maps in which the US and Canada appeared merged into a single country, while Greenland was marked as a future American possession \[2\]. Posts by the president on social media included satirical images with a map of North America where Canada was labeled “51st” and Greenland designated as “Our Land” \[2\].
Such moves were met with concern and disbelief by allies. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was caught on an open microphone warning that Trump’s fixation on annexation “is real” and not just a joke \[7\]. Trudeau emphasized that Washington appeared to covet Canada’s vast mineral resources, which would explain the insistence on the idea of absorption \[7\]. In public, Trump argued that Canadians “would be more prosperous as American citizens,” promising tax cuts and better services should they become part of the US \[7\]. On the Danish side, the reaction to the revived plan regarding Greenland was firmly negative—as it was in 2019—reaffirming that the territory is not for sale. Trump, however, insinuated that the issue might be one of national security, indicating that American possession of Greenland would prevent adverse influences (a reference to China and Russia in the Arctic) \[2\]. More worryingly, he refused to rule out the use of military means to obtain the island, although he assured that he had no intention of invading Canada by force (in the Canadian case, he spoke of “economic force” to forge a union) \[2\].
This series of initiatives reflects an unprecedented expansionist impetus by the US in recent times, at least in discourse. Analyzing this through the lens of classical geopolitics offers interesting insights. Friedrich Ratzel and his notion of Lebensraum suggest that powerful states, upon reaching a certain predominance, seek to expand their territory by influencing or incorporating adjacent areas. Trump, by targeting the immediate neighbor (Canada) and a nearby strategic territory (Greenland), appears to resurrect this logic of territorial expansion for the sake of gaining space and resources. Ratzel saw such expansion almost as a natural process for vigorous states, comparable to the growth of an organism \[11\]. From this perspective, the US would be exercising its “right” of expansion in North America and the polar region, integrating areas of vital interest.
Additionally, Alfred Mahan’s view on maritime power helps to understand the strategic value of Greenland. Mahan postulated that control of key maritime chokepoints and naval bases ensures global advantage \[9\]. Greenland, situated between the North Atlantic and the Arctic, has become increasingly relevant as climate change opens new polar maritime routes and reveals vast mineral deposits (including rare earth elements and oil). For the US, having a presence or sovereignty over Greenland would mean dominating the gateway to the Arctic and denying this space to rivals. This aligns with Mahan’s strategy of securing commercial and military routes (in this case, potential Arctic routes) and resources to consolidate naval supremacy. On the other hand, the incorporation of Canada—with its enormous territory, Arctic coastline, and abundant natural resources—would provide the US with formidable geoeconomic and geopolitical reinforcement, practically eliminating vulnerabilities along its northern border. This is an ambitious project that also echoes ideas of Kjellén, for whom an ideal State should seek territorial completeness and economic self-sufficiency within its region. Incorporating Canada would be the pinnacle of American regional autarky, turning North America into a unified bloc under Washington (a scenario reminiscent of the “pan-regions” conceived by twentieth-century geopoliticians influenced by Kjellén).
It is important to note, however, that these ambitions face enormous legal and political obstacles. The sovereignty of Canada and Greenland (Denmark) is guaranteed by international law, and both peoples categorically reject the idea of annexation. Any hostile action by the US against these countries would shake alliances and the world order itself. Even so, the very fact that an American president suggests such possibilities already produces geopolitical effects: traditional partners begin to distrust Washington’s intentions, seek alternative alliances, and strengthen nationalist discourses of resistance. In summary, Trump’s expansionist intentions in Greenland and Canada rekindle old territorial issues and paradoxically place the US in the position of a revisionist power—a role once associated with empires in search of colonies.
# **Implications for Brazil and South America: A New Neocolonization?**
In light of this geopolitical reconfiguration driven by Trump's USA—with a reordering of alliances and a possible partition of spheres of influence among great powers—the question arises: what is the impact on Brazil and the other countries of South America? Traditionally, Latin America has been under the aegis of the Monroe Doctrine (1823), which established non-interference by Europe in the region and, implicitly, the primacy of the USA in the Western Hemisphere. In the post–Cold War period, this influence translated more into political and economic leadership, without formal annexations or direct territorial domination. However, the current context points to a kind of “neocolonization” of the Global South, in which larger powers seek to control resources and peripheral governments in an indirect yet effective manner.
Mackinder’s theories can be used to illuminate this dynamic. As mentioned, Mackinder envisioned the twentieth-century world as a closed system, in which there were no longer any unknown lands to be colonized—hence, the powers would fight among themselves for control over already occupied regions \[3\]. He predicted that Africa and Latin America (then largely European colonies or semi-colonies) would continue as boards upon which the great powers would project their disputes, a form of neocolonialism. In the current scenario, we see the USA proposing exchanges of protection for resources (as in Ukraine) and even leaders of developing countries seeking similar agreements. A notable example: the President of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Felix Tshisekedi, praised the USA–Ukraine initiative and suggested an analogous agreement involving Congolese mineral wealth in exchange for US support against internal rebels (M23) \[19\]. In other words, African countries and possibly South American ones may enter into this logic of offering privileged access to resources (cobalt, lithium, food, biodiversity) in order to obtain security guarantees or investments. This represents a regression to the times when external powers dictated the directions of the South in exchange for promises of protection, characterizing a strategic neocolonialism.
For Brazil, in particular, this rearrangement generates both opportunities and risks. As a regional power with considerable diplomatic autonomy, Brazil has historically sought to balance relationships with the USA, Europe, China, and other actors, avoiding automatic alignments. However, in a world where Trump’s USA is actively redefining spheres of influence—possibly making deals with Russia that divide priorities (for example, Washington focusing on the Western Hemisphere and Moscow on the Eastern)—South America could once again be seen as an exclusive American sphere of influence. From this perspective, Washington could pressure South American countries to align with its directives, limiting partnerships with rivals (such as China) and seeking privileged access to strategic resources (such as the Amazon, fresh water, minerals, and agricultural commodities). Some indications are already emerging: Trump’s transactional approach mentioned by Nye included pressures on Canada and Mexico regarding border and trade issues, under the threat of commercial sanctions. It would not be unthinkable to adopt a hard line, for example, with regard to Brazilian environmental policies (linked to the Amazon) or Brazil’s relations with China, using tariffs or incentives as leverage—a sort of geopolitics of economic coercion.
On the other hand, Brazil and its neighbors could also attempt to take advantage of the Sino–North American competition. If the USA is distracted consolidating its hemispheric “hard power” hegemony (even with annexation fantasies in the north), powers such as China may advance their economic presence in South America through investments and trade (Belt and Road, infrastructure financing)—which is already happening. This would constitute an indirect neocolonial dispute in the South: Chinese loans and investments versus American demands and agreements, partly reminiscent of the nineteenth-century imperial competition (when the United Kingdom, USA, and others competed for Latin American markets and resources).
From a conceptual standpoint, Mackinder might classify South America as part of the “Outer Crescent” (external insular crescent)—peripheral to the great Eurasian “World-Island,” yet still crucial as a source of resources and a strategic position in the South Atlantic and Pacific. If the USA consolidates an informal empire in the Americas, it would be reinforcing its “insular bastion” far from the Eurasian Heartland, a strategy that Mackinder once suggested for maritime powers: to control islands and peripheral continents to compensate for the disadvantage of not controlling the Heartland. However, an excessive US dominance in the South could lead to local resistance and alternative alignments, unbalancing the region.
Kjellén would add that for Brazil to maintain its decisive sovereignty, it will need to strengthen its autarky and internal cohesion—in other words, reduce vulnerabilities (economic, military, social) that external powers might exploit \[4\]. Meanwhile, Mahan might point out the importance for Brazil of controlling its maritime routes and coastlines (South Atlantic) to avoid being at the mercy of a naval power like the USA. And Ratzel would remind us that states that do not expand their influence tend to be absorbed by foreign influences—which, in the context of Brazil, does not mean conquering neighboring territories, but rather actively leading South American integration to create a block more resilient to external intrusion.
In summary, South America finds itself in a more competitive and segmented world, where major players are resurrecting practices from past eras. The notion of “neocolonization” here does not imply direct occupation, but rather mechanisms of dependency: whether through unequal economic agreements or through diplomatic or military pressure for alignment. Brazil, as the largest economy and territory on the subcontinent, will have to navigate with heightened caution. A new global power balance, marked by the division of spheres of influence among the USA, China, and Russia, may reduce the sovereign maneuvering space of South American countries unless they act jointly. Thus, theoretical reflection suggests the need for South–South strategies, reinforcement of regional organizations, and diversification of partnerships to avoid falling into modern “neocolonial traps.”
# **Conclusion**
The emerging post–re-election geopolitical conjuncture of Donald Trump signals a return to classical geopolitical principles, after several decades of predominance of institutional liberal views. We witness the revaluation of concepts such as spheres of influence, exchanges of protection for resources, naval power versus land power, and disputes over territory and raw materials—all central themes in the writings of Mackinder, Mahan, Kjellén, and Ratzel at the end of the nineteenth and the beginning of the twentieth century. An impartial analysis of these events, in light of these theories, shows internal coherence in Trump’s actions: although controversial, they follow a logic of maximizing national interest and the relative power of the USA on the world stage, even at the expense of established principles and alliances.
Halford Mackinder reminds us that, in a closed world with no new lands to conquer, the great powers will seek to redistribute the world among themselves \[3\]. This seems to manifest in the direct understandings between the USA and Russia over the fate of Ukraine, and in American ambitions in the Arctic and the Western Hemisphere. Alfred Mahan emphasizes that the control of the seas and strategic positions ensures supremacy—we see reflections of this in Trump’s obsession with Greenland (Arctic) and the possible neglect of the importance of maintaining NATO (and therefore the North Atlantic) as a cohesive bloc, something that Mahan’s theory would criticize due to the risk of a naval vacuum. Rudolf Kjellén and Friedrich Ratzel provide the framework to understand the more aggressive facet of expansionist nationalism: the idea of the State as an organism that needs to grow, secure resources, and seek self-sufficiency explains everything from the extortionate agreement imposed on Ukraine to the annexation rhetoric regarding Canada.
The potential consequences are profound. In the short term, we may witness a precarious ceasefire in the Ukraine war, with consolidated Russian territorial gains and Ukraine economically tied to the USA, but without formal military protection—a fragile “armed peace.” Western Europe, alarmed, may accelerate its independent militarization, perhaps marking the beginning of European defense autonomy, as is already openly debated \[1\]. At the far end of the globe, American activism in the Arctic and the Americas may reshape alliances: countries like Canada, once aligned with Washington, might seek to guarantee their sovereignty by distancing themselves from it; powers like China could take advantage of the openings to increase their presence in Latin America and Africa through economic diplomacy; and emerging countries of the Global South may have to choose between submitting to new “guardianships” or strengthening South–South cooperation.
Ultimately, the current situation reinforces the relevance of studying geopolitics through historical lenses. The actions of the Trump administration indicate that, despite all technological and normative advances, the competition for geographic power has not disappeared—it has merely assumed new formats. Academic impartiality obliges us not to prematurely judge whether these strategies will be successful or beneficial, but history and theory warn that neo-imperial movements tend to generate counter-reactions. As Mackinder insinuated, “every shock or change anywhere reverberates around the world,” and a sudden move by a superpower tends to provoke unforeseen adjustments and chain conflicts. It remains to be seen how the other actors—including Brazil and its neighbors—will adapt to this new chapter in the great struggle for global power, in which centuries-old theories once again have a surprising explanatory power over present events.
# **Bibliography**
**\[1\] A Referência.** (2025). *Europa calcula o custo de se defender sem os EUA: 300 mil soldados e 250 bilhões de euros a mais*. Recuperado em 3 de março de 2025, de[ https://areferencia.com/europa/europa-calcula-o-custo-de-se-defender-sem-os-eua-300-mil-soldados-e-250-bilhoes-de-euros-a-mais/#:\~:text=Europa%20calcula%20o%20custo%20de,bilh%C3%B5es%20de%20euros%20a%20mais](https://areferencia.com/europa/europa-calcula-o-custo-de-se-defender-sem-os-eua-300-mil-soldados-e-250-bilhoes-de-euros-a-mais/#:~:text=Europa%20calcula%20o%20custo%20de,bilh%C3%B5es%20de%20euros%20a%20mais)
**\[2\] Brexit Institute.** (2025). *What happens if Trump invades Greenland?* Recuperado em 3 de março de 2025, de[ https://dcubrexitinstitute.eu/2025/01/what-happens-if-trump-invades-greenland/#:\~:text=Ever%20since%20Donald%20Trump%20announced,agreed%20in%20Wales%20in%202014](https://dcubrexitinstitute.eu/2025/01/what-happens-if-trump-invades-greenland/#:~:text=Ever%20since%20Donald%20Trump%20announced,agreed%20in%20Wales%20in%202014)
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**\[7\] Politico.** (2025). *Trump’s annexation fixation is no joke, Trudeau warns*. Recuperado em 3 de março de 2025, de[ https://www.politico.com/news/2025/02/07/canada-trudeau-trump-51-state-00203156#:\~:text=TORONTO%20%E2%80%94%20Prime%20Minister%20Justin,Canada%20becoming%20the%2051st%20state%2C%E2%80%9D%20Trudeau%20said](https://www.politico.com/news/2025/02/07/canada-trudeau-trump-51-state-00203156#:~:text=TORONTO%20%E2%80%94%20Prime%20Minister%20Justin,Canada%20becoming%20the%2051st%20state%2C%E2%80%9D%20Trudeau%20said)
**\[8\] The Daily Beast.** (2025). *Top Trump Adviser Moves Goalpost for Ukraine to End War*. Recuperado em 3 de março de 2025, de[ https://www.thedailybeast.com/top-trump-adviser-moves-goalpost-for-ukraine-to-end-war/#:\~:text=LAND%20GRAB](https://www.thedailybeast.com/top-trump-adviser-moves-goalpost-for-ukraine-to-end-war/#:~:text=LAND%20GRAB)
**\[9\] The Geostrata.** (2025). *Alfred Thayer Mahan and Supremacy of Naval Power*. Recuperado em 3 de março de 2025, de[ https://www.thegeostrata.com/post/alfred-thayer-mahan-and-supremacy-of-naval-power#:\~:text=Alfred%20Thayer%20Mahan%20and%20Supremacy,control%20over%20maritime%20trade%20routes](https://www.thegeostrata.com/post/alfred-thayer-mahan-and-supremacy-of-naval-power#:~:text=Alfred%20Thayer%20Mahan%20and%20Supremacy,control%20over%20maritime%20trade%20routes)
**\[10\] U.S. Department of State.** (2025). [Mahan’s The Influence of Sea Power upon History: Securing International Markets in the 1890s](https://history.state.gov/milestones/1866-1898/mahan). Recuperado em 3 de março de 2025, de[ https://history.state.gov/milestones/1866-1898/mahan#:\~:text=Mahan%20argued%20that%20British%20control,American%20politicians%20believed%20that%20these](https://history.state.gov/milestones/1866-1898/mahan#:~:text=Mahan%20argued%20that%20British%20control,American%20politicians%20believed%20that%20these)
**\[11\] Britannica.** (2025a). *Friedrich Ratzel | Biogeography, Anthropogeography, Political Geography*. Recuperado em 3 de março de 2025, de[ https://www.britannica.com/biography/Friedrich-Ratzel#:\~:text=webster,Swedish%20political%20scientist%20%2076](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Friedrich-Ratzel#:~:text=webster,Swedish%20political%20scientist%20%2076)
**\[12\] Britannica.** (2025b). *Lebensraum*. Recuperado em 3 de março de 2025, de[ https://www.britannica.com/topic/Lebensraum#:\~:text=defined,The](https://www.britannica.com/topic/Lebensraum#:~:text=defined,The)
**\[13\] Britannica.** (2025c). *Rudolf Kjellén*. Recuperado em 3 de março de 2025, de[ ](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Rudolf-Kjell%C3%A9n#:~:text=Realism%20www,that%20flourish%20and%20then%20decay)<https://www.britannica.com/biography/Rudolf-Kjellen>
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**\[17\] U.S. Naval Institute.** (2025) Operation World Peace. Recuperado em 3 de março de 2025, de [https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/1955/june/operation-world-peace#:\\\~:text=“The Mahan doctrine%2C” according to,the word “airships” is more](https://www.usni.org/magazines/proceedings/1955/june/operation-world-peace#:%5C~:text=%E2%80%9CThe%20Mahan%20doctrine%2C%E2%80%9D%20according%20to,the%20word%20%E2%80%9Cairships%E2%80%9D%20is%20more)
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**\[19\] A Referência**. Acordo EUA-Ucrânia está praticamente fechado, mas analistas se dividem sobre quem sairá ganhando. Recuperado em 3 de março de 2025, de [https://areferencia.com/europa/acordo-eua-ucrania-esta-praticamente-fechado-mas-analistas-se-dividem-sobre-quem-saira-ganhando/#:\\\~:text=EUA e 17,o acordo a seu favor](https://areferencia.com/europa/acordo-eua-ucrania-esta-praticamente-fechado-mas-analistas-se-dividem-sobre-quem-saira-ganhando/#:%5C~:text=EUA%20%20e%20%2017,o%20acordo%20a%20seu%20favor)
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2025-03-03 16:58:25
# Heading
Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vel massa tempor consectetur quisque donec leo posuere phasellus senectus. Ad vivamus fusce facilisis vulputate lacus sollicitudin lorem cras. Ornare quam tortor nunc montes eleifend conubia. Erat facilisi luctus consectetur montes suscipit eu, arcu lacinia nunc. Ornare in facilisis donec pharetra taciti. Efficitur morbi curabitur eget aptent quisque praesent volutpat.
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Aliquam aenean accumsan libero feugiat habitasse. Montes eget aptent consequat magna posuere. Molestie sapien nibh morbi penatibus mattis ultricies nisi mauris? Nunc justo curae id suspendisse arcu magna id sit velit. Mattis suspendisse facilisis accumsan viverra habitasse praesent morbi. Integer urna vel conubia efficitur sociosqu accumsan lobortis. Iaculis auctor nisl nibh justo nunc amet taciti.
Sagittis penatibus iaculis facilisis, dui himenaeos auctor ridiculus? Elementum torquent sem enim luctus dignissim bibendum est sem nibh. Maecenas fusce tempor integer porta, ligula consequat finibus. Luctus curabitur aliquam semper varius viverra sit dui suspendisse. Inceptos tincidunt gravida accumsan himenaeos suscipit molestie placerat. Adui maximus laoreet maecenas facilisi per turpis elit. Placerat potenti elementum praesent elementum tempus metus. Sapien eros proin suscipit id fusce egestas condimentum. Eget ridiculus ad mi nec ultrices fusce porta.
Tempus proin eros cursus congue sagittis lacinia efficitur. Nisi amet nullam sed risus conubia etiam. Cras volutpat inceptos aenean eu gravida. Hendrerit sociosqu viverra vel fames libero. Litora purus commodo cubilia ultrices per ex. Nullam non sociosqu vel sed ridiculus pulvinar diam. Eros efficitur rutrum eleifend torquent primis arcu a posuere? Consequat mus consectetur enim sit id primis lectus tortor. Eros tincidunt lacinia mollis mollis erat odio habitant. Fusce malesuada vestibulum etiam aenean netus gravida.
Placerat ridiculus rhoncus efficitur potenti sed magna. Duis ultricies montes id velit iaculis, varius elit mattis. Inceptos rhoncus ultricies suspendisse elementum auctor nisi augue curabitur iaculis. Elementum lectus parturient cubilia hendrerit mi elementum mus. Felis enim rhoncus cursus praesent; erat interdum eget tincidunt nibh. Eu praesent posuere eros curae class purus habitasse donec.

@ 220522c2:61e18cb4
2025-03-03 16:47:14
# Heading
Lorem `ipsum` odor amet, **consectetuer** adipiscing elit. Vel massa tempor consectetur quisque donec leo posuere phasellus senectus. Ad vivamus fusce facilisis vulputate lacus sollicitudin lorem cras. Ornare quam tortor nunc montes eleifend conubia. Erat facilisi luctus consectetur montes suscipit eu, arcu lacinia nunc. Ornare in facilisis donec pharetra taciti. Efficitur morbi curabitur eget aptent quisque praesent volutpat.
Aliquam aenean accumsan libero feugiat habitasse. Montes eget aptent consequat magna posuere. Molestie sapien nibh morbi penatibus mattis ultricies nisi mauris? Nunc justo curae id suspendisse arcu magna id sit velit. Mattis suspendisse facilisis accumsan viverra habitasse praesent morbi. Integer urna vel conubia efficitur sociosqu accumsan lobortis. Iaculis auctor nisl nibh justo nunc amet taciti.
Sagittis penatibus iaculis facilisis, dui himenaeos auctor ridiculus? Elementum torquent sem enim luctus dignissim bibendum est sem nibh. Maecenas fusce tempor integer porta, ligula consequat finibus. Luctus curabitur aliquam semper varius viverra sit dui suspendisse. Inceptos tincidunt gravida accumsan himenaeos suscipit molestie placerat. Adui maximus laoreet maecenas facilisi per turpis elit. Placerat potenti elementum praesent elementum tempus metus. Sapien eros proin suscipit id fusce egestas condimentum. Eget ridiculus ad mi nec ultrices fusce porta.
Tempus proin eros cursus congue sagittis lacinia efficitur. Nisi amet nullam sed risus conubia etiam. Cras volutpat inceptos aenean eu gravida. Hendrerit sociosqu viverra vel fames libero. Litora purus commodo cubilia ultrices per ex. Nullam non sociosqu vel sed ridiculus pulvinar diam. Eros efficitur rutrum eleifend torquent primis arcu a posuere? Consequat mus consectetur enim sit id primis lectus tortor. Eros tincidunt lacinia mollis mollis erat odio habitant. Fusce malesuada vestibulum etiam aenean netus gravida.
Placerat ridiculus rhoncus efficitur potenti sed magna. Duis ultricies montes id velit iaculis, varius elit mattis. Inceptos rhoncus ultricies suspendisse elementum auctor nisi augue curabitur iaculis. Elementum lectus parturient cubilia hendrerit mi elementum mus. Felis enim rhoncus cursus praesent; erat interdum eget tincidunt nibh. Eu praesent posuere eros curae class purus habitasse donec.

@ b7a07661:6aeeee04
2025-03-03 16:15:26
### Voilà une liste non exhaustive des événements francophone consacrés à Bitcoin dans la semaine du 3 au 7 mars 2025. Nous vous recommandons de prendre contact avec les organisateurs sur Telegram ou X pour confirmation de l’horaire et du lieu.
# Mardi 4 mars
**Rennes :** Au Hangar, 1 rue de Dinan à Rennes, à partir de 19h30.
En savoir plus : https://x.com/BreizhBitcoin – https://www.breizhbitcoin.com/8-meetups-en-bretagne/ – https://discord.com/invite/gFVe2HcUpw
**Poitiers :** Au Café des Arts, 5 Place Charles de Gaulle, à partir de 19h30
En savoir plus : https://twitter.com/BTCPoitiers
# Mercredi 5 mars
**Amiens :** A la Station, 7 passage Auguste Perret à Amiens (en face de la gare). A partir de 18h30.
En savoir plus : https://t.me/AmiensBitcoinMeetupGroup
**Annecy :** The Craic, 1 Place Marie Curie. A partir de 19h00.
Au programme : Acheter et utiliser vos bitcoins en toute souveraineté. Avec Théo Mogenet.
En savoir plus : https://x.com/AnnecyBitcoin – https://t.me/annecybitcoin
**Angers :** Dans les locaux de Weforge, 25 rue Lenepveu. A partir de 19h00.
Au programme : Workshop – Installation d’un Wallet Bitcoin.
En savoir plus : t.me/AngersBitcoinMeetup – x.com/AngersBitcoin
**Brest :** A La Fabrick 1801, 25 rue de Pontaniou, Atelier des Capucins, à partir de 18h30.
En savoir plus : https://t.me/BrestBitcoinMeetup – https://twitter.com/brestbitcoin
**Caen :** Les Relais d’Alsace, 9 Esplanade Léopold Sedar Senghor, à partir de 19h00.
En savoir plus : normandiebitcoin.com – discord.gg/42XT34pWb4 – linkedin.com/company/normandiebitcoin – x.com/NormandieBTC – t.me/+X999KCTgP-5lZjg8 – meetup.com/normandiebitcoin
**Clermont-Ferrand :** Au Halles du Brézet, 10 Rue Jules Verne. A partir de 19h00.
En savoir plus : https://t.me/ClermontFerrandBitcoinMeetup – https://x.com/ClermontBitcoin
**Dijon :** Au bar Monsieur Moutarde, 40 Rue des Forges à Dijon, à partir de 19h30.
Programme : Suite de l’atelier multisig pour apprendre à utiliser des wallet Ledger afin de créer un setup de sécurité.
En savoir plus : https://t.me/DijonBitcoinMeetup – https://twitter.com/GabToken – https://discord.com/invite/VBAVWCCjkR
**Genève :** A la Galerie, 13 rue de l’industrie. Beer to beer à partir de 20h00.
Au programme : Exploration de Starknet. « Notre intervenant Bachir, développeur sur Starknet, expliquera les principes fondamentaux de ce protocole, son architecture basée sur les preuves de validité (ZK-Rollups), et comment cette technologie pourrait s’intégrer à l’écosystème Bitcoin. Il abordera les défis techniques, les différences avec Ethereum et les perspectives d’un Bitcoin plus scalable grâce aux rollups. »
En savoir plus : x.com/BitcoinGenevafr – meetup.com/bitcoin-meetup-geneva – https://t.me/BitcoinGeneva
**Lausanne :** Au Qwertz Café, 3 Rue de la Grotte, à partir de 19h00.
Au programme : Réunion informelle et conviviale, aussi bien pour découvrir le fonctionnement de bitcoin et que pour discuter entre experts.
En savoir plus : https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/bitcoin-lausanne – https://x.com/BitcoinLausanne
**Lille :** Au Café Oz, The Australian Bar, 33 Pl. Louise de Bettignies, à partir de 19h00.
Au programme : Echanges libres entre les différents participants et présentation mensuelle (replay disponible sur youtube) réalisée par un des membres de l’association.
En savoir plus : bitcoinlille.fr – t.me/bitcoinlille – meetup.com/fr-FR/bitcoinmeetuplille – x.com/BitcoinLille
**Lyon :** Au Bouchon Comptoir Brunet, 23 Rue Claudia à partir de 19h00.
Au programme : Bières pression (Blonde & surprise), vins locaux, softs, tapas locaux, snacks maison.
En savoir plus : https://www.meetup.com/fr-FR/crypto-lyon/ – https://t.me/bitcoinlyon
**Mâcon :** Au Flunch Mâcon Sud, à partir de 19h30.
Au programme : Atelier pratique pour apprendre à créer un portefeuille.
En savoir plus : https://x.com/MeetupBTCMacon – https://allo-crypto.com/meetup-bitcoin/ – https://www.facebook.com/groups/maconmeetupbitcoin
**Marseille :** A partir de 20h00 au 13 boulevard d’Athènes 13001 (après le local syndical F.O., avant la traverse Saint-Dominique). Pour entrer dans le bâtiment, il vous suffira de sonner à l’interphone avec le label « JUST ». Au bout de quelques secondes, la porte s’ouvre. La salle de réception se trouve au rez-de-chaussée, première porte à gauche dans le hall, avec le même label « JUST ».
Au programme : Fanis Michalakis parlera de Lightning, de l’USDT qui arrive sur le réseau Bitcoin et des nouveautés côté régulation.
En savoir plus : t.me/MarseilleBitcoinMeetup – x.com/MarseilleBTC
**Rouen :** Au Bar des Fleurs, 36 Place des Carmes, à partir de 19h00.
En savoir plus : https://x.com/NormandieBTC – normandiebitcoin.com – t.me/+X999KCTgP-5lZjg8 – meetup.com/normandiebitcoin
**Saint Brieuc :** Au Makio Bar – 13 impasse Lavoisier, Trégueux, à partir de 19h00.
En savoir plus : https://x.com/StBrieucBitcoin
**Saint-Lô :** Au Bar le NorthWood, 34 Rue du Belle, à partir de 20h00.
En savoir plus : https://signal.group/#CjQKIPYUbHyAO2OjdF1BfTD2iDsiJxtrF4QBmr74JAuD8t1PEhCBeWlwDf8e1qvHoStQfqkI – https://x.com/Saint_Lo_BTC
**Paris :** Au Sof’s Bar, 43 Rue Saint-Sauveur, à partir de 18h00.
En savoir plus : meetup.com/fr-FR/Bitcoin-Paris – t.me/ParisCentreBitcoinMeetup – x.com/ParisBTCmeetup
**Valence :** Au VEX, 811 allée André Revol à Bourg-lès-Valence, à partir de 18h30.
En savoir plus : https://x.com/valencebtc – https://t.me/valencebtc
# Jeudi 6 mars
**Brest :** A l’IMT Atlantique, 655 Avenue du Technopôle à Plouzané, de 17h00 à 18h30.
Au programme : Alexandre Stachtchenko de Paymium, animera une conférence sur Bitcoin et ses enjeux.
En savoir plus : https://lu.ma/gp3xgd72
**Nantes :** Au Little William, Place St Felix à partir de 19h00.
En savoir plus : https://t.me/nantesbitcoinmeetup – https://twitter.com/NantesBitcoin – https://www.facebook.com/people/Nantes-Bitcoin-Meetup/61552725519617/
**Saint-Nazaire :** Au Jardin d’Asie, 17 Rue du Bois Savary, à partir de 19h00
En savoir plus : https://mobilizon.fr/@saintnazaire_bitcoin – https://signal.group/#CjQKIM24oe8gw83bjJzVUKSOk1dvm_UcxU5K-WaWCYTgQtoOEhBD0Tt84cO0u8Br9ZVy-ZfS – https://x.com/SaintNazaireBTC
# Vendredi 7 mars
**Saint-Malo :** Bar L’Encrier, 2 Passage Grande Hermine, à partir de 18h30.
Au programme : Gilles Cadignan de BullBitcoin viendra faire une présentation des services de son entreprise, du portefeuille développé par leurs équipes (qui intègre les swaps vers Lightning et Liquid) ainsi que le concept des Payjoins pour une confidentialité accrue sur les transactions.
En savoir plus : https://t.me/SaintMaloBitcoinMeetup – https://www.breizhbitcoin.com/8-meetups-en-bretagne/ – https://twitter.com/stMaloBTCMeetup – https://discord.gg/CwqE5n8UG3

@ 9ea10fd4:011d3b15
2025-03-03 14:47:43
(Le français suit) I have the feeling of two brothers trying to remove the speck from each other’s eye but failing to see the beam in their own.
1. To liberal democracies, I say: The war in Ukraine, led by NATO, is a bad war that could have easily been avoided and would not have happened if NATO had respected the logic that applies to a country like Ukraine, adjacent to a great power, Russia. As a counterexample, would the United States accept a Russian or allied military presence on the Mexican border? It is so obvious that denying it is pure bad faith. I will not shed tears over your graves.
2. To the populist far-right, I say: To borrow the words of Le Monde’s editorial, too often, the denunciation of attacks on freedom of expression serves to mask the defense of the economic model of social media platforms owned by billionaires who, by promoting confrontation and fake news, spread hatred, hinder informed debate, and undermine democracy. Behind the idea of unlimited “free speech” lurks “the promotion of a far-right ideology eager to replace the rule of law with the law of the strongest, to the detriment of policies protecting social rights, women, and other victims of discrimination.”
Regarding political history, let it be noted that “this situation is the result of three decades of economic liberalism, which institutional left-wing forces have also embraced” (Alain Lipietz).
“It must be acknowledged: Trump’s United States is no longer a protection but a threat to democracy in Europe.”
[Les Etats-Unis de Donald Trump, une menace pour la démocratie en Europe](https://www.lemonde.fr/en/opinion/article/2025/02/21/trump-s-united-states-is-now-a-threat-to-democracy-in-europe_6738413_23.html)
J’ai le sentiment de deux frères qui essaient d’enlever la paille dans l’œil de l’autre, mais ne voient pas la poutre dans le leur.
1. Aux démocraties libérales, je dis : La guerre en Ukraine menée par l’OTAN est une mauvaise guerre qui aurait facilement pu être évitée et qui n’aurait pas eu lieu si l’OTAN avait respecté la logique s’appliquant à un pays, l’Ukraine, adjacent à une grande puissance, la Russie. En contre-exemple, les États-Unis accepteraient-ils une présence militaire russe ou de leurs alliés à la frontière avec le Mexique ? C’est tellement évident que c’en est de la mauvaise foi. Je n'irai pas pleurer sur vos tombes.
2. À l’extrême-droite populiste, je dis : Pour reprendre les termes de l’éditorial du journal Le Monde, trop souvent la dénonciation des entorses à la liberté d’expression masque la défense du modèle économique de médias sociaux détenus par des milliardaires qui, en promouvant la confrontation et les fake news, diffusent la haine, entravent les débats éclairés et sapent la démocratie. Sous la conception d’un « free speech » sans limite, « pointe la promotion d’une idéologie d’extrême droite avide de substituer la loi du plus fort aux politiques de défense des droits sociaux, des femmes et des autres victimes de discriminations ».
En ce qui concerne l’histoire politique, qu'il soit noté que « cette situation résulte de trois décennies de libéralisme économique, auxquelles se sont ralliées les forces de la gauche institutionnelle » (Alain Lipietz).
« Il faut se rendre à l’évidence : les Etats-Unis de Trump ne constituent plus une protection mais une menace pour la démocratie en Europe. »
[Les Etats-Unis de Donald Trump, une menace pour la démocratie en Europe](https://www.lemonde.fr/idees/article/2025/02/21/les-etats-unis-de-trump-menace-pour-la-democratie-en-europe_6557361_3232.html)

@ d5c3d063:4d1159b3
2025-03-03 14:13:08
คำถามนี้ดูเหมือนจะง่าย แต่คำตอบกลับไม่ง่ายเลย ลองคิดดู...เราเคยมีช่วงเวลาที่รู้สึกว่าได้ในสิ่งที่ต้องการแล้ว แต่พอเวลาผ่านไป กลับพบว่าความสุขนั้นอยู่กับเราไม่นาน หรือบางที สิ่งที่เราเคยคิดว่าจะทำให้เรามีความสุข พอได้มาแล้วกลับกลายเป็นภาระเสียอย่างนั้น
ในรายการ CDC Talk EP25 #ลุงโฉลก ได้พูดถึงแนวคิดที่ทำให้เราต้องย้อนมามองตัวเองว่า "สุขที่เราเข้าใจ มันเป็นสุขจริง ๆ หรือเปล่า"
คนส่วนใหญ่มักคิดว่า ความสุขเกิดจากการได้สิ่งที่ต้องการ เช่น มีเงินมากขึ้น ได้เลื่อนตำแหน่ง ได้รับการยอมรับหรือมีความสัมพันธ์ที่ดี แต่สิ่งเหล่านี้ล้วนเป็นสุขที่ต้องแลกมาด้วยความพยายาม บางครั้งต้องใช้แรงกายแรงใจอย่างมากเพื่อให้ได้มา และเมื่อได้มาแล้วก็ต้องรักษามันไว้
ในทางกลับกัน ถ้าสิ่งที่ทำให้เรามีความสุขสามารถถูกพรากไปจากเราได้ นั่นหมายความว่าความสุขนั้นมีวันหมดอายุ เช่นเดียวกับความรู้สึกตื่นเต้นเวลาซื้อของใหม่ ๆ ที่จางหายไปเมื่อเวลาผ่านไป หรือความสำเร็จที่ครั้งหนึ่งเคยทำให้เราภูมิใจ แต่ไม่นานก็ถูกแทนที่ด้วยเป้าหมายใหม่ที่ใหญ่กว่าเดิม
ลุงโฉลกอธิบายว่า “ความสุขไม่ได้เกิดจากการไขว่คว้า แต่เกิดจากการไม่มีทุกข์”
ลองนึกถึงเวลาที่เรานั่งอยู่ในที่เงียบ ๆ ลมพัดเย็น ๆ ไม่มีสิ่งใดกวนใจ ไม่ต้องดิ้นรน ไม่ต้องเร่งรีบ เราไม่ได้มีความสุขเพราะมีบางสิ่งเพิ่มขึ้น แต่เพราะไม่มีอะไรทำให้เราทุกข์ต่างหาก สุขที่เกิดจากการไม่มีทุกข์นี้เองที่เรียกว่า "นิรามิสสุข" หรือสุขที่ไม่ได้เกิดจากวัตถุหรือเงื่อนไขใด ๆ
สุขแบบนี้เป็นสุขที่ไม่ต้องดิ้นรน ไม่ต้องแสวงหา และไม่ต้องรักษาไว้ เพราะมันเป็นสุขที่เกิดขึ้นเองตามธรรมชาติ เมื่อใจเราสงบ เมื่อเราไม่ต้องต่อสู้กับอะไรเลย ไม่ต้องเอาชนะใคร ไม่ต้องพิสูจน์ตัวเองให้ใครเห็น และที่สำคัญที่สุด...ไม่ต้องคาดหวังให้มันอยู่กับเราไปตลอด
เราไม่ได้บอกว่าความสุขจากวัตถุหรือความสำเร็จเป็นเรื่องไม่ดี แต่เราควรตระหนักว่าสุขแบบนั้นไม่ยั่งยืน และหากเราเข้าใจว่าความสุขที่แท้จริงเกิดจากภายใน เราก็จะสามารถชื่นชมความสุขภายนอกได้โดยไม่ยึดติด
สุขที่ไม่ได้เป็นสุข ก็คือสุขที่ต้องแลกมาด้วยทุกข์ สุขที่แท้จริง อาจเป็นแค่การปล่อยวาง ปล่อยให้ทุกสิ่งเป็นไปตามทางของมัน แล้วเราก็อยู่กับมันอย่างสงบ เท่านี้ก็เพียงพอแล้ว
สุดท้าย บางทีคำตอบของคำถามที่ว่า “ความสุขคืออะไร” อาจไม่ได้อยู่ที่การไขว่คว้า แต่เป็นการมองเห็นว่าสิ่งที่เรามีอยู่ก็มีคุณค่าในตัวมันเอง เมื่อเราเลิกยึดติดกับเงื่อนไขของความสุข ปล่อยวางความกังวลและเปิดใจยอมรับปัจจุบัน เราจะพบว่าแท้จริงแล้ว ความสุขไม่ได้เป็นเพียงการไม่มีทุกข์ แต่คือความสงบเรียบง่ายและความสุขที่ไม่ต้องพึ่งพาสิ่งใด 🙃

@ 0463223a:3b14d673
2025-03-03 13:33:46
It’s now been a full week without prescribed drugs for being a spaz. The last week was tough to be honest, sleepless nights, constantly restless and uncomfortable, nausea, diarrhoea, headaches. Not dissimilar to giving up certain illegal drugs, not quite on a par with opiates but not dissimilar.
The physical symptoms have mostly subsided but I am rather emotionally unstable. I can imagine the Stoics of Nostr being quite stoically unimpressed by these ramblings. Obviously men never have emotions or feelings etc. We only discuss important subjects such as the works of Mises and Rothbard, we have no comprehension of the difference between art and craft, that’s for the women folk. We’re just a plain wallpaper of rational actions buying bitcoin bitcoin bitcoin...
Fuck that lol. I mean cool if that’s you, it’s not me. I started out a spaz and it’ll likely I’ll continue to be a spaz. I’m still trying to improve myself, I lifted some heavy things up and down this morning, eaten a healthy breakfast (although it wasn’t raw meat and salt, sorry) and am about to set about some practice before tonight’s session helping local youngsters with their music. I’ve worked my way through emails and I’m now writing this shit instead of doing some other bollocks. Maybe one day I’ll string a half coherent sentence together and become a V4V billionaire....
Existential dread is a laugh innit? I have no idea what the fuck I’m doing. I’ll make more music but it’s pretty futile. The hours of labour vs the financial return is terrible. I find it pretty amusing watching the numbers on my streams drop off in the morning whenever I play any of my own music... Clear market signals if ever I saw them but I stubbornly crack on anyway.
I’m sure at some point, through the process of putting shit on the internet, something will happen that’s of value to someone. Actually I have some nice supporters online which is very much appreciated and, as I said on my stream this morning, I’m grateful the same people come back each day. It’s like the most underground little club on the internet. I have 20 subscribers, no YouTube, X or Meta accounts. No LinkedIn. All is done on the free and open internet, either on a server I own or via some magical relays. So obviously this makes me 10x harder than Mark Zuckerberg, no matter how much Ju Jitsu he does. I’m not riffling through your underwear like a creepy perv.
If anyone reading this is ever wondering why capitalism gets such a bad rep, it’s because some of us are really, really shit at it. But I have a shed, no one’s taking that away from me. My cat is bad ass, I have an amazing wife and the sun is shining. I have a lot to be grateful for. I’ll keep trying to think of ways to earn a coin without selling my soul to the devil. There’s trade offs a plenty but I take responsibility for my own shit and I don’t have to sully myself with corporate bullshit.
Onwards and upwards. It’s a great day!
As Craig David didn’t once sing…
Stopped taking drugs on Monday
Sleepless night and shivers on Tuesday
We were throwing up by Wednesday
And on Thursday & Friday & Saturday we chilled on Sunday

@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-03-03 13:22:08
The dynamic landscape of Bitcoin and blockchain technology is a testament to the relentless innovation and debate that drives this sector forward. A pivotal figure in this narrative is Adam Back, CEO of Blockstream, whose recent insights and proposals have stirred a significant conversation within the Bitcoin community. His stance on the indomitable nature of JPEGs and other media inscriptions on the Bitcoin blockchain, along with his suggestion for a block size increase, is not just a technical observation but a philosophical statement about the future direction of Bitcoin. This article delves into the implications of Back's views, exploring how they could shape the trajectory of Bitcoin in the years to come.
**Table of Contents**
- The Unstoppable Nature of Bitcoin Inscriptions
- JPEGs on the Blockchain: A New Reality
- Implications for the Bitcoin Ecosystem
- Adam Back's Proposal for Block Size Increase
- A Technical Solution to a Growing Challenge
- Balancing Innovation and Network Integrity
- Comparative Analysis with Ethereum's Innovations
- Bitcoin and Ethereum: Divergent Paths Converging?
- Learning from Ethereum's Approach
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**The Unstoppable Nature of Bitcoin Inscriptions**
**JPEGs on the Blockchain: A New Reality**
Adam Back's acknowledgment of the unstoppable nature of JPEGs on the Bitcoin blockchain is a watershed moment. It signifies a recognition of the blockchain's evolving utility, transcending its original financial transactional purpose. This evolution raises fundamental questions about the nature of Bitcoin. Is it merely a financial tool, or is it morphing into a broader digital canvas for various forms of data? The embedding of JPEGs and other media, known as inscriptions, is not just a technical feat but a cultural shift in the perception and usage of Bitcoin.
**Implications for the Bitcoin Ecosystem**
The phenomenon of media inscriptions on the Bitcoin blockchain is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it showcases the network's versatility and the ingenuity of its users. On the other hand, it introduces new challenges in terms of network efficiency and focus. The primary concern is the potential for network congestion, as the blockchain is burdened with non-financial data. This could lead to slower transaction times and higher fees for traditional Bitcoin transactions, potentially undermining the network's primary purpose as a digital currency. Moreover, there's a philosophical debate within the community about the purity of Bitcoin's original vision versus its evolving nature.
**Adam Back's Proposal for Block Size Increase**
**A Technical Solution to a Growing Challenge**
In response to the burgeoning use of Bitcoin for media inscriptions, Adam Back has put forth a bold proposal: increasing the block size of the Bitcoin blockchain. This proposal is not merely a technical adjustment; it's a strategic move to accommodate the growing diversity of uses of the Bitcoin network. By introducing a "segwit annex" for additional space in each block, Back is advocating for a more inclusive Bitcoin that can support both its traditional financial role and its emerging function as a digital ledger for various forms of data.
**Balancing Innovation and Network Integrity**
The crux of Back's proposal lies in finding a middle ground between fostering innovation and preserving the network's efficiency and purpose. The proposed block size increase is a recognition that the Bitcoin network needs to evolve to accommodate new uses while ensuring that it remains a robust and efficient platform for financial transactions. This proposal also reflects a pragmatic approach to blockchain development, acknowledging that rigid adherence to original designs may not be suitable in the face of changing user behaviors and technological advancements.
**Comparative Analysis with Ethereum's Innovations**
**Bitcoin and Ethereum: Divergent Paths Converging?**
The proposed changes to Bitcoin's block structure draw an interesting parallel with developments in the Ethereum blockchain. Ethereum's EIP-4844, known as Proto-Danksharding, introduces the concept of temporary data blobs with a separate fee market, a concept somewhat mirrored in Back's proposal for Bitcoin. This comparison is crucial as it underscores the evolving nature of blockchain technology and the different paths taken by these two leading networks. While Bitcoin has traditionally focused on being a digital currency, Ethereum has been more open to diverse applications from its inception.
**Learning from Ethereum's Approach**
Ethereum's approach to scalability and functionality, particularly with EIP-4844, offers valuable lessons for Bitcoin. It demonstrates the feasibility of integrating new features and capabilities into an established blockchain network while maintaining its core functions. For Bitcoin, adopting a similar approach could mean not only enhanced functionality but also increased relevance in a rapidly evolving digital landscape. It's a testament to the fluidity and adaptability of blockchain technology, where innovations in one network can inspire and inform developments in another.
Adam Back's perspective on JPEGs and his proposal for block size expansion mark a critical moment in the evolution of Bitcoin. As the Bitcoin community navigates these developments, it faces the challenge of embracing change while staying true to the core principles that have defined Bitcoin since its inception. The future of Bitcoin, shaped by these ongoing discussions and decisions, remains a fascinating and significant topic in the broader narrative of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. The path Bitcoin takes will not only influence its own trajectory but also set precedents for the future development of blockchain technology as a whole.
**What is Adam Back's stance on JPEGs on the Bitcoin blockchain?**
Adam Back, CEO of Blockstream, acknowledges that embedding JPEGs and other media, known as inscriptions, on the Bitcoin blockchain is unstoppable. He views this as a natural evolution of the blockchain's capabilities.
**Why is the embedding of JPEGs on Bitcoin significant?**
The embedding of JPEGs signifies a shift in how the Bitcoin blockchain is used, extending beyond its original purpose of financial transactions to a broader digital platform for various data types.
**What is Adam Back's proposal for the Bitcoin blockchain?**
Adam Back proposes increasing the Bitcoin block size to accommodate the growing use of the network for media inscriptions. This includes adding a "segwit annex" for additional space in each block.
**How does Adam Back's proposal aim to balance Bitcoin's functionality?**
Back's proposal aims to balance innovation with network efficiency by providing dedicated space for inscriptions, thus managing network congestion while maintaining efficient transaction processing.
**That's all for today**
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***DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.***

@ 95cb4330:96db706c
2025-03-03 12:55:48
The **Eisenhower Matrix**, also known as the **Urgent-Important Matrix**, is a powerful time-management tool that helps prioritize tasks based on their urgency and importance. Developed from former President Dwight D. Eisenhower's management style, this matrix enables individuals to focus on activities that drive long-term success while effectively managing immediate demands.
## How the Eisenhower Matrix Works
Tasks are categorized into four quadrants:
1. **Urgent and Important:**
Tasks requiring immediate attention and contributing significantly to your goals.
- *Examples:* Crisis management, pressing deadlines.
- *Action:* Address these tasks promptly to prevent escalation.
2. **Important but Not Urgent:**
Tasks that are vital for long-term success but do not require immediate action.
- *Examples:* Strategic planning, skill development.
- *Action:* Schedule specific times to focus on these activities, ensuring consistent progress.
3. **Urgent but Not Important:**
Tasks that demand quick attention but have less impact on your long-term objectives.
- *Examples:* Interruptions, non-essential meetings.
- *Action:* Delegate these tasks when possible to free up time for more important activities.
4. **Neither Urgent nor Important:**
Tasks that offer minimal value and can be considered distractions.
- *Examples:* Time-wasting activities, excessive social media use.
- *Action:* Eliminate or minimize engagement in these tasks to enhance productivity.
## Benefits of Using the Eisenhower Matrix
- **Enhanced Productivity:**
By focusing on important tasks, you achieve meaningful progress toward your goals.
- **Improved Time Management:**
Distinguishing between urgent and important tasks helps allocate time more effectively.
- **Reduced Stress:**
Prioritizing tasks prevents last-minute rushes and the anxiety associated with looming deadlines.
## Implementing the Eisenhower Matrix
1. **List Your Tasks:**
Write down all tasks and responsibilities.
2. **Categorize Each Task:**
Assign each task to one of the four quadrants based on its urgency and importance.
3. **Take Appropriate Action:**
Manage each task according to its quadrant's recommended action plan.
4. **Review Regularly:**
Consistently assess and adjust your task list to ensure alignment with your evolving goals and priorities.
By integrating the Eisenhower Matrix into your daily routine, you can enhance focus, productivity, and overall effectiveness in both personal and professional endeavors.
For a visual guide on implementing the Eisenhower Matrix, you might find this tutorial helpful:
[Beginner's Guide to the Eisenhower Matrix](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLLyi50M5KM)

@ 220522c2:61e18cb4
2025-03-03 08:59:29
# test

@ da0b9bc3:4e30a4a9
2025-03-03 07:07:32
Hello Stackers!
Welcome on into the ~Music Corner of the Saloon!
A place where we Talk Music. Share Tracks. Zap Sats.
So stay a while and listen.
🚨Don't forget to check out the pinned items in the territory homepage! You can always find the latest weeklies there!🚨
🚨Subscribe to the territory to ensure you never miss a post! 🚨
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/902254

@ 220522c2:61e18cb4
2025-03-03 06:09:59
# some title

and here's a youtube video

@ 09fbf8f3:fa3d60f0
2025-03-03 06:00:17
链接: [网站地址](https://crazymarvin.com/metadata-remover/) | [项目地址](https://github.com/Crazy-Marvin/MetadataRemover)
低调云(VPN): https://didiaocloud.xyz

@ 220522c2:61e18cb4
2025-03-03 05:59:57
# Test gif


@ d360efec:14907b5f
2025-03-03 05:40:07
**การวิเคราะห์แต่ละ Timeframe (TF):**
1. **TF 15m (Intraday):**
* **แนวโน้ม:** Bearish (แต่เริ่มมีสัญญาณกลับตัวเล็กน้อย). ราคาเคยอยู่ใต้ EMA ทั้งสอง แต่เริ่มขยับขึ้นมาเหนือ EMA 50.
* **SMC:**
* มี Bearish OB ชัดเจนที่ ~93,000 (ทดสอบแล้วไม่ผ่านในวันที่ 1 มี.ค.).
* มี Bullish OB ที่ ~86,000-87,000 (ราคาลงไปทดสอบแล้วดีดกลับ).
* SSL: ~86,845, ~83,859 (ถูกกวาดไปแล้ว).
* BSL: ~92,669 (อาจเป็นเป้าหมายถัดไป).
* **Trend Strength:** เมฆยังเป็นสีแดง แต่เริ่มจางลง. มีลูกศร Buy เล็กๆ.
* **กลยุทธ์ Day Trade (SMC):**
* **ระมัดระวัง:** ตลาดมีความผันผวน. แนวโน้มหลักยังเป็นขาลง, แต่ระยะสั้นเริ่มมีแรงซื้อ.
* **Option 1 (Aggressive):** Buy เมื่อราคาย่อลงมาใกล้ Bullish OB (~87,000) หรือ EMA 50. ตั้ง Stop Loss ใต้ OB. เป้าหมายทำกำไรที่ BSL (~92,669) หรือ Bearish OB เดิม.
* **Option 2 (Conservative):** รอให้ราคา Breakout เหนือ Bearish OB (~93,000) อย่างชัดเจน แล้วค่อยพิจารณา Buy ตาม.
* **Short:** ถ้าจะ Short, รอให้ราคาขึ้นไปใกล้ Bearish OB อีกครั้ง แล้วเกิดสัญญาณ Bearish Reversal (เช่น Bearish Engulfing) ค่อย Short.
2. **TF 4H (ระยะกลาง):**
* **แนวโน้ม:** Bearish. ราคาอยู่ใต้ EMA ทั้งสอง, EMA 50 อยู่ใต้ EMA 200.
* **SMC:**
* Bearish OB ใหญ่: ~95,000-100,000.
* SSL: ~83,559.5, ~81,260.4, ~78,961.4 (เป้าหมายระยะกลาง-ยาว).
* BSL: 105,543.4
* **Trend Strength:** เมฆสีแดงเข้ม. สัญญาณ Sell.
* **กลยุทธ์:** เน้น Short. รอ Pullback ไปใกล้ EMA หรือ Bearish OB แล้วหาจังหวะ Short.
3. **TF Day (ระยะยาว):**
* **แนวโน้ม:** ยังคงเป็น Bearish, แต่เริ่มเห็นสัญญาณการชะลอตัว. ราคาหลุด EMA 200 ลงมา
* **SMC**: มี Order Block ใหญ่ที่ $90,000 - $100,000
* **Trend Strength:** เมฆเริ่มเปลี่ยนจากสีแดงเข้ม เป็นสีแดงจางลง. ยังไม่มีสัญญาณ Buy ที่ชัดเจน.
* **กลยุทธ์:** ยังไม่ควร Long. รอสัญญาณกลับตัวที่ชัดเจนกว่านี้ (เช่น Breakout เหนือ EMA 50, เกิด Bullish Divergence).
* แนวโน้มหลักของ BTC ยังคงเป็นขาลง (Bearish) ในทุก Timeframe.
* TF 15m เริ่มมีสัญญาณการกลับตัวระยะสั้น (Bullish Reversal) แต่ยังต้องระวัง เพราะยังอยู่ในแนวโน้มหลักขาลง.
* Smart Money อาจกำลังสะสม (Accumulation) ที่ระดับราคาปัจจุบัน.
* **สิ่งที่ต้องระวัง:** ข่าว, ความผันผวน, การ "กวาด" Stop Loss (Liquidity Sweep).
**Disclaimer:** การวิเคราะห์นี้เป็นเพียงความคิดเห็นส่วนตัว ไม่ถือเป็นคำแนะนำในการลงทุน ผู้ลงทุนควรศึกษาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมและตัดสินใจด้วยความรอบคอบ

@ 220522c2:61e18cb4
2025-03-03 05:37:23
# some title

Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vel massa tempor consectetur quisque donec leo posuere phasellus senectus. Ad vivamus fusce facilisis vulputate lacus sollicitudin lorem cras. Ornare quam tortor nunc montes eleifend conubia. Erat facilisi luctus consectetur montes suscipit eu, arcu lacinia nunc. Ornare in facilisis donec pharetra taciti. Efficitur morbi curabitur eget aptent quisque praesent volutpat.
Aliquam aenean accumsan libero feugiat habitasse. Montes eget aptent consequat magna posuere. Molestie sapien nibh morbi penatibus mattis ultricies nisi mauris? Nunc justo curae id suspendisse arcu magna id sit velit. Mattis suspendisse facilisis accumsan viverra habitasse praesent morbi. Integer urna vel conubia efficitur sociosqu accumsan lobortis. Iaculis auctor nisl nibh justo nunc amet taciti.
Sagittis penatibus iaculis facilisis, dui himenaeos auctor ridiculus? Elementum torquent sem enim luctus dignissim bibendum est sem nibh. Maecenas fusce tempor integer porta, ligula consequat finibus. Luctus curabitur aliquam semper varius viverra sit dui suspendisse. Inceptos tincidunt gravida accumsan himenaeos suscipit molestie placerat. Adui maximus laoreet maecenas facilisi per turpis elit. Placerat potenti elementum praesent elementum tempus metus. Sapien eros proin suscipit id fusce egestas condimentum. Eget ridiculus ad mi nec ultrices fusce porta.
Tempus proin eros cursus congue sagittis lacinia efficitur. Nisi amet nullam sed risus conubia etiam. Cras volutpat inceptos aenean eu gravida. Hendrerit sociosqu viverra vel fames libero. Litora purus commodo cubilia ultrices per ex. Nullam non sociosqu vel sed ridiculus pulvinar diam. Eros efficitur rutrum eleifend torquent primis arcu a posuere? Consequat mus consectetur enim sit id primis lectus tortor. Eros tincidunt lacinia mollis mollis erat odio habitant. Fusce malesuada vestibulum etiam aenean netus gravida.
Placerat ridiculus rhoncus efficitur potenti sed magna. Duis ultricies montes id velit iaculis, varius elit mattis. Inceptos rhoncus ultricies suspendisse elementum auctor nisi augue curabitur iaculis. Elementum lectus parturient cubilia hendrerit mi elementum mus. Felis enim rhoncus cursus praesent; erat interdum eget tincidunt nibh. Eu praesent posuere eros curae class purus habitasse donec.

@ 95cb4330:96db706c
2025-03-03 05:36:23
Adopting Single-Threaded Leadership, as implemented by Jeff Bezos at Amazon, involves assigning full ownership of a high-impact initiative to one individual. This strategy ensures accountability, accelerates decision-making, and fosters deep focus, leading to more effective execution.
## Understanding Single-Threaded Leadership
- **Definition:**
A leadership approach where a dedicated leader focuses exclusively on a specific project or goal, free from competing responsibilities. This model contrasts with traditional structures where leaders juggle multiple projects simultaneously.
## Examples in Practice
- **Amazon's Single-Threaded Leaders:**
Jeff Bezos structured Amazon's key initiatives around single-threaded leaders, ensuring they could drive results without distractions. This approach has been credited with enhancing innovation and operational efficiency within the company.
- **Elon Musk's Focused Leadership:**
Elon Musk exemplifies intense focus by dedicating his attention to one company at a time, such as Tesla, SpaceX, or Neuralink, thereby propelling each forward without splitting his attention.
## Implementing Single-Threaded Leadership
1. **Identify High-Impact Projects:**
Determine which initiatives are critical to your organization's success and would benefit from dedicated leadership.
2. **Assign Sole Ownership:**
Appoint a leader whose primary responsibility is the success of that specific project, minimizing their involvement in unrelated tasks.
3. **Empower Decision-Making:**
Grant the single-threaded leader the authority to make decisions and allocate resources necessary for the project's success.
4. **Minimize Dependencies:**
Structure the project to reduce reliance on other teams or departments, allowing the leader to maintain momentum without unnecessary delays.
## Action Step
Evaluate your current projects to identify where responsibilities are fragmented. Select a high-priority initiative and assign one person full responsibility, ensuring they have the autonomy and resources to execute effectively without unnecessary dependencies.
By implementing single-threaded leadership, organizations can enhance focus, streamline decision-making, and drive successful outcomes in their most critical projects.
For a deeper understanding of this concept, consider watching this discussion:
[Single-Threaded Leadership: How Amazon Solved Organizational Scaling Challenges](https://pedrodelgallego.github.io/blog/amazon/single-threaded-model/)

@ 220522c2:61e18cb4
2025-03-03 05:29:45
# My cool article 2
Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vel massa tempor consectetur quisque donec leo posuere phasellus senectus. Ad vivamus fusce facilisis vulputate lacus sollicitudin lorem cras. Ornare quam tortor nunc montes eleifend conubia. Erat facilisi luctus consectetur montes suscipit eu, arcu lacinia nunc. Ornare in facilisis donec pharetra taciti. Efficitur morbi curabitur eget aptent quisque praesent volutpat.
Aliquam aenean accumsan libero feugiat habitasse. Montes eget aptent consequat magna posuere. Molestie sapien nibh morbi penatibus mattis ultricies nisi mauris? Nunc justo curae id suspendisse arcu magna id sit velit. Mattis suspendisse facilisis accumsan viverra habitasse praesent morbi. Integer urna vel conubia efficitur sociosqu accumsan lobortis. Iaculis auctor nisl nibh justo nunc amet taciti.
Sagittis penatibus iaculis facilisis, dui himenaeos auctor ridiculus? Elementum torquent sem enim luctus dignissim bibendum est sem nibh. Maecenas fusce tempor integer porta, ligula consequat finibus. Luctus curabitur aliquam semper varius viverra sit dui suspendisse. Inceptos tincidunt gravida accumsan himenaeos suscipit molestie placerat. Adui maximus laoreet maecenas facilisi per turpis elit. Placerat potenti elementum praesent elementum tempus metus. Sapien eros proin suscipit id fusce egestas condimentum. Eget ridiculus ad mi nec ultrices fusce porta.
Tempus proin eros cursus congue sagittis lacinia efficitur. Nisi amet nullam sed risus conubia etiam. Cras volutpat inceptos aenean eu gravida. Hendrerit sociosqu viverra vel fames libero. Litora purus commodo cubilia ultrices per ex. Nullam non sociosqu vel sed ridiculus pulvinar diam. Eros efficitur rutrum eleifend torquent primis arcu a posuere? Consequat mus consectetur enim sit id primis lectus tortor. Eros tincidunt lacinia mollis mollis erat odio habitant. Fusce malesuada vestibulum etiam aenean netus gravida.
Placerat ridiculus rhoncus efficitur potenti sed magna. Duis ultricies montes id velit iaculis, varius elit mattis. Inceptos rhoncus ultricies suspendisse elementum auctor nisi augue curabitur iaculis. Elementum lectus parturient cubilia hendrerit mi elementum mus. Felis enim rhoncus cursus praesent; erat interdum eget tincidunt nibh. Eu praesent posuere eros curae class purus habitasse donec.

@ 95cb4330:96db706c
2025-03-03 05:23:48
Most people make decisions based on averages—what usually happens. But in high-impact fields like investing, startups, and technology, outliers drive the biggest results.
Instead of asking, "What is the average outcome?" ask:
- ✔ **What is the full range of possible outcomes?**
- ✔ **How can I maximize the upside while protecting against the worst-case scenario?**
## Example in Action: Bezos, Thiel & Altman
### Jeff Bezos & AWS
When launching Amazon Web Services (AWS), Bezos saw a small chance of massive success—cloud computing dominance—against a limited downside (R&D costs). He optimized for the best-case scenario, which became a trillion-dollar business.
### Peter Thiel & Venture Capital
Thiel’s Power Law investing philosophy is based on distributions: Instead of funding many "average" startups, he focuses on a few outliers that can return 100x or more (e.g., Facebook, Palantir).
### Sam Altman & OpenAI
Altman understands that AI breakthroughs follow an exponential curve—a small chance of creating AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) is worth more than incremental AI improvements.
## How to Apply This Thinking
### Map the Full Range of Outcomes
Instead of assuming an "average" result, consider:
- **Best-case scenario:** How big can this get?
- **Worst-case scenario:** What’s my downside risk?
- **Unlikely but extreme possibilities:** What are the hidden risks or rare events?
### Optimize for Asymmetric Upside
Focus on decisions where the upside is massive, even if the probability is low.
- **Example:** Launching a new product in an emerging market versus incrementally improving an existing one.
### Protect Against Catastrophic Downside
Even if an outlier event has a small chance, if it can ruin you, avoid it.
- **Example:** Diversifying investments instead of going all-in on one bet.
## Resources to Learn More
- Understanding Distributions vs. Averages – Farnam Street
- Jeff Bezos on Thinking Long-Term – Harvard Business Review
- Peter Thiel’s Power Law Thinking – NFX
## Action Step: Apply This Today
- **Pick one major decision you're working on.**
- Instead of assuming an "average" result, analyze the full distribution of outcomes.
- Ask: *Am I optimizing for a rare, high-upside event while managing the worst-case risks?*
By thinking in distributions, you make better strategic bets, spot hidden risks, and maximize your long-term impact. 🚀

@ 220522c2:61e18cb4
2025-03-03 05:14:17
# My cool article

Lorem ipsum odor amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Vel massa tempor consectetur quisque donec leo posuere phasellus senectus. Ad vivamus fusce facilisis vulputate lacus sollicitudin lorem cras. Ornare quam tortor nunc montes eleifend conubia. Erat facilisi luctus consectetur montes suscipit eu, arcu lacinia nunc. Ornare in facilisis donec pharetra taciti. Efficitur morbi curabitur eget aptent quisque praesent volutpat.
Aliquam aenean accumsan libero feugiat habitasse. Montes eget aptent consequat magna posuere. Molestie sapien nibh morbi penatibus mattis ultricies nisi mauris? Nunc justo curae id suspendisse arcu magna id sit velit. Mattis suspendisse facilisis accumsan viverra habitasse praesent morbi. Integer urna vel conubia efficitur sociosqu accumsan lobortis. Iaculis auctor nisl nibh justo nunc amet taciti.
Sagittis penatibus iaculis facilisis, dui himenaeos auctor ridiculus? Elementum torquent sem enim luctus dignissim bibendum est sem nibh. Maecenas fusce tempor integer porta, ligula consequat finibus. Luctus curabitur aliquam semper varius viverra sit dui suspendisse. Inceptos tincidunt gravida accumsan himenaeos suscipit molestie placerat. Adui maximus laoreet maecenas facilisi per turpis elit. Placerat potenti elementum praesent elementum tempus metus. Sapien eros proin suscipit id fusce egestas condimentum. Eget ridiculus ad mi nec ultrices fusce porta.
Tempus proin eros cursus congue sagittis lacinia efficitur. Nisi amet nullam sed risus conubia etiam. Cras volutpat inceptos aenean eu gravida. Hendrerit sociosqu viverra vel fames libero. Litora purus commodo cubilia ultrices per ex. Nullam non sociosqu vel sed ridiculus pulvinar diam. Eros efficitur rutrum eleifend torquent primis arcu a posuere? Consequat mus consectetur enim sit id primis lectus tortor. Eros tincidunt lacinia mollis mollis erat odio habitant. Fusce malesuada vestibulum etiam aenean netus gravida.
Placerat ridiculus rhoncus efficitur potenti sed magna. Duis ultricies montes id velit iaculis, varius elit mattis. Inceptos rhoncus ultricies suspendisse elementum auctor nisi augue curabitur iaculis. Elementum lectus parturient cubilia hendrerit mi elementum mus. Felis enim rhoncus cursus praesent; erat interdum eget tincidunt nibh. Eu praesent posuere eros curae class purus habitasse donec.

@ 732c6a62:42003da2
2025-03-03 04:22:44
>De ''Dialética do Oprimido'' a ''Like do Oprimido'': A Queda Livre do Debate que Nunca Existiu.
## **A moda do momento**
Fiquei aproximadamente 8 meses sem ter acesso a nenhum dispositivo. Quando consegui novamente o acesso ao smartphone, percebi algo diferente no debate político brasileiro: enquanto a direita estava se engajando em incontáveis números de curtidas e compartilhamentos com memes que demonstravam críticas ao governo e aos seus ainda poucos apoiadores que se humilham para defender o indefensável, a esquerda radical repetia sua imposição intelectual em comentários de vários posts, incluindo textos, vídeo e tweets com frases semelhantes a "vai ler um livro de história" "nunca leu um livro", "eu estou do lado certo da história" e "se eu fosse irracional eu seria de direita" Tudo isso pra tentar passar uma mensagem de que a história é de esquerda. A tese é: será que eles realmente são tão inteligentes como juram?
**Fatos que ignoram enquanto cospem jargões do "lado certo da história":**
1. **A esquerda também tem seus terraplanistas:** Anti-vaxxers de organicafé, terraplanistas do gênero, e os que acham que a Coreia do Norte é uma democracia.
2. **Viés de confirmação não é monopólio da direita:** Eles compartilham estudos "científicos" do Medium como se fossem *peer-reviewed*, mas desdenham de dados que contradizem sua narrativa.
3. **A direita não é um monolito:** Tem desde ancaps que calculam até a última casa decimal até bolsominions que acham que a Terra é plana. Generalizar é... bem, **irracional**.
**Estudo de Caso (Fictício, mas Verdadeiro):**
Larissa, 23 anos, posta sobre "ciência e razão" enquanto defende horóscopo como "ferramenta de autoconhecimento". Acredita que o capitalismo causa depressão, mas não sabe o que é taxa Selic. Larissa é você após três caipirinhas.
### **A Imposição intelectual que ninguém pediu (mas todos recebem de graça)**
A esquerda brasileira, em sua cruzada épica para salvar o mundo dos *"fascistas que ousam discordar"*, adotou uma nova estratégia: **transformar complexidade política em slogans de camiseta de feira**. A frase *"se eu fosse irracional, seria de direita"* não é original — é plágio descarado da cartilha do **Complexo de Deus em Oferta no AliExpress**.
#### **O Quebra-Cabeça da superioridade Auto-Delirante**
A tese esquerdista se sustenta em três pilares frágeis:
1. **A falácia do "lado certo da história":** Como se história fosse um jogo de futebol com narração do João Cléber.
2. **A ilusão de que citar Foucault = ter QI elevado:** Spoiler: decorar *"biopoder"* não te torna imune a acreditar em astrologia.
3. **A crença de que volume de texto = profundidade:** 15 parágrafos no Twitter não equivalem a um semestre de Ciência Política.
**Dado Cruel:** Um estudo da Universidade de Cambridge (2022) mostrou que **extremistas de ambos os lados cometem erros lógicos similares**. A diferença? A esquerda usa palavras mais bonitas para mascarar a burrice.
### **A hipocrisia do "nunca tocou em um livro" (enquanto compartilham resumo de livro no TikTok)**
A acusação preferida — *"você não lê!"* — esconde uma ironia deliciosa:
- 72% dos *"intelectuais de rede social"* citam livros que nunca leram além do título (Fonte: Pesquisa Informal do Twitter, 2023).
- **Obras citadas como troféu:** *"1984"* (para chamar Bolsonaro de Big Brother), *"O Capital"* (para justificar o NFT da Gal Gadot), e *"Feminismo para os 99%"* (para atacar homens heterossexuais que usam sandália de dedo).
**Pergunta Incômoda:** Se ler Marx fosse garantia de racionalidade, por que a União Soviética acabou em pizza (literalmente, considerando a economia deles)?
### **Quando a autoimagem colide com a realidade (Ou: por que nenhum esquerdista lassa no teste de turing da coerência)**
A esquerda adora se pintar como a **Última Trincheira da Razão**, mas pratica o que critica:
- **Exemplo 1:** Defendem *"ciência"* quando convém (vacinas), mas abraçam pseudociência quando é *trendy* (cristais energéticos contra o capitalismo).
- **Exemplo 2:** Chamam a direita de *"terraplanista"*, mas acham que inflação se resolve com tabelamento estatal — a versão econômica de *"a Terra é sustentada por tartarugas"*.
- **Exemplo 3:** Criticam *"fake news"*, mas compartilham teorias de que o agro *"envenena a comida"* (enquanto comem sushi de supermercado).
**Frase-Chave:** *"Racionalidade seletiva é o novo analfabetismo funcional."*
**Pergunta Final:** Se a esquerda é tão racional, por que não usa a *"lógica implacável"* para resolver algo além do enquadro perfeito de stories no Instagram?
# **Enfim**
O debate *"esquerda racional vs. direita irracional"* é só **mais um episódio da novela "Brasil: O País que Confunde Opinião com Ataque de Ego"**. Enquanto uns brincam de *"quem tem o QI mais alto"*, o país queima — literalmente, considerando o Pantanal. Talvez a verdadeira irracionalidade seja gastar energia discutindo superioridade moral enquanto o Wi-Fi cai pela décima vez no dia. Racionalidade não tem lado político. Arrogância, por outro lado, é universal. Sua necessidade de se sentir superior só prova que **a lacração é o último refúgio dos fracos de argumento**. Agora deviam estudar economia básica — ou pelo menos que parem de achar que *"Ah, mas o capitalismo!"* é um contra-argumento.

@ f25afb62:8d50c6e7
2025-03-03 03:21:04
**🚀 Bitkiwi 2025 – Queenstown, NZ | The Future of Bitcoin is Here ⚡**
Just wrapped up an **incredible** weekend at **Bitkiwi**, New Zealand’s premier Bitcoin event! 🏔️💥 From inheritance planning to self-custody, Lightning adoption, and NZ’s Bitcoin future – the speakers brought **serious signal**.
Here’s a **recap** of the best talks, insights, and moments from Bitkiwi 2025 🎥👇
🚀 **LightningPay’s 4 Big Announcements** 🚀
From Queenstown to the world, **LightningPay** is making moves:
1️⃣ A Bitcoin-friendly shared workspace in Queenstown.
2️⃣ A self-custodial ⚡ Lightning wallet powered by Breez.
3️⃣ 1 billion sats in monthly volume,20% monthly user growth AND **6 BTC capital raise** to keep growing!
4️⃣ **Bitcoin Basin Initiative** – Queenstown’s circular economy is here.
💡 The future of Bitcoin in NZ is bright! 🔥 https://cdn.satellite.earth/db356e99e4fc600314b5e23369dfb39b9294da58e101eb76dda2a9eb4b332bc4.mp4
🏃💨 **Bitcoin Escape Velocity with Rob Clarkson**
When does Bitcoin become unstoppable? Rob Clarkson of **LightningPay.nz** breaks down:
🔹 How Bitcoin adoption accelerates as it becomes a **medium of exchange**
🔹 What Lightning Network means for **real-world payments**
🔹 Why Kiwis should care about using Bitcoin today
Escape velocity is coming. Are you ready? 🚀 https://cdn.satellite.earth/ed64e4ccdf699a9e83dc99c63ff37f22614f1d86590187e2459d52144ef3d74c.mp4
📜💡 **Wills, Wallets & Wisdom – Bitcoin Inheritance Planning**
James Swarbrick from **Swarbricks Lawyers** on:
✅ What happens to your Bitcoin when you're gone?
✅ Why multisig is your best friend for inheritance
✅ The legal side of passing down **sound money**
Because **your Bitcoin is only yours if you plan for the future.** 🔑 https://cdn.satellite.earth/3974169ff85bb064aa8caf66199bc5ea7c59a19994315ce321e6dc3fde0cbafd.mp4
⚡🖥️ **Why You Should Run Your Own Bitcoin Node**
Ketan from **Ministry of Nodes** explains:
✅ The **importance of self-sovereignty** in Bitcoin
✅ How running a node makes the network stronger
✅ The **best setup** for a Kiwi Bitcoiner
Your keys, your coins. But also: **Your node, your rules.** 🏴☠️
🇳🇿🧐 **What's the Problem, NZ?**
Andrew Wells of **KiwiBitcoinGuide** takes a deep dive into **Joe Bryan’s ‘What’s the Problem?’** with a **NZ perspective**
🔹 How our broken money could be the source of our problems.
🔹 How government policy & banking play a role
🔹 What’s next for Bitcoiners in NZ?
New Zealand – **time to wake up.** 🏴https://cdn.satellite.earth/c4c571bbb56bd7e7ca5ed3c2cff27c6ef4ea0994abb21dd1e95c4a1d5d474e06.mp4
🕊️🔥 **The F Word – Cody Ellingham**
What’s the **real** F-word when it comes to Bitcoin? **FREEDOM.**
Cody Ellingham from **The Transformation of Value Podcast** dives into:
💡 What true **freedom** looks like.
🔗 Why Bitcoin is a **tool for sovereignty**
🚀 How to break free from **fiat dependency**
📢 **That’s a wrap on Bitkiwi 2025!** 📢
🔸 Bitcoin adoption is accelerating in NZ.
🔸 Queenstown is becoming a **Bitcoin circular economy**.
🔸 Builders & educators are paving the way forward.

@ 33baa074:3bb3a297
2025-03-03 02:00:02
A [vibration sensor](https://www.renkeer.com/what-vibration-sensor/
) is a device used to measure or detect the vibration of an object. It is able to convert the vibration signal of an object into an electrical signal for analysis and monitoring. This type of sensor is widely used in many fields, including industrial manufacturing, structural monitoring, vehicle diagnostics, medical science, etc.
Working Principle
Vibration sensors capture and measure the vibration of an object by using different working principles. Here are several common working principles of vibration sensors:
Piezoelectric Vibration Sensors
Piezoelectric vibration sensors are one of the most common types. It is based on the piezoelectric effect and measures vibration by generating an electric charge or voltage through piezoelectric materials. When an object vibrates, the piezoelectric material produces a mechanical displacement, which causes a change in electric potential. This change is converted into an electrical signal to measure and analyze the amplitude and frequency of the vibration.
Strain Vibration Sensors
Strain vibration sensors use the strain properties of materials to measure vibrations. It is usually composed of a metal rod or elastic rod with a strain gauge attached to the rod. When an object vibrates, the material is strained, causing the strain gauge to produce a change in resistance or voltage. This change is measured and recorded to evaluate the vibration intensity and frequency.
Inductive vibration sensor
Inductive vibration sensor uses the principle of inductive sensing to measure vibration. It contains a magnetic core, coil and load resistor. When the object vibrates, the position of the magnetic core changes relative to the coil, thereby changing the self-inductance of the coil. This change causes a change in the inductance value, and vibration information is obtained by measuring the change in inductance.
Vibration sensors can be divided into many types according to their working principles and application fields. Here are some common types of vibration sensors:
Acceleration sensor
Acceleration sensor is one of the most common types of vibration sensors. It can measure the acceleration of an object and convert it into a vibration signal. Acceleration sensors are usually implemented using piezoelectric materials or MEMS technology.
Surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor
Surface acoustic wave sensors use the propagation characteristics of surface acoustic waves on crystal sheets to measure vibration. It has high sensitivity and reliability and is widely used in structural health monitoring and industrial fields.
Laser interference sensor
Laser interference sensor measures the vibration or displacement of an object by using the principle of laser interference. It has high accuracy and non-contact performance and is suitable for precision experiments and measurements.
Magneto resistive sensor
Magneto resistive sensor uses the magneto resistive effect to measure vibration. When an object vibrates, the direction and size of the magnetic field will change, causing the resistance value of the magneto resistive sensor to change. This change is converted into an electrical signal for measuring and monitoring vibration.
Fiber optic sensor
Fiber optic sensor uses the transmission characteristics of light to measure vibration. It transmits the light signal to the surface of the object to be measured through the optical fiber, and detects the change in the optical path caused by vibration by measuring the reflection or scattering of the light signal.
Piezoelectric ceramic sensor
Piezoelectric ceramic sensor uses piezoelectric ceramic material as a sensing element to measure vibration by measuring the charge or voltage change of the material.
Application field
Vibration sensors are widely used in many fields, including:
Industrial field: used for vibration and displacement monitoring in machinery, such as long-term monitoring of thermal expansion of rotors and housings, and online automatic detection and automatic control of production lines.
Aerospace: During the flight of aerospace vehicles, vibration sensors are used to collect vibration signals, analyze aircraft attitudes, and ensure flight safety.
Energy and chemical industry: In the energy and chemical industries, vibration sensors are used to monitor the operating status of equipment and prevent failures.
Scientific research and teaching: In scientific research, vibration sensors are used to measure a variety of small distances and small movements, providing accurate data support for scientific research.
In summary, vibration sensors measure the vibration of objects through different working principles, including piezoelectric effect, strain properties, inductive sensing, etc. Common types of vibration sensors include accelerometer, surface acoustic wave sensors, laser interference sensors, magneto resistive sensors, fiber optic sensors, and piezoelectric ceramic sensors. According to specific application requirements, choosing a suitable vibration sensor can accurately measure and monitor the vibration behavior of an object.

@ d360efec:14907b5f
2025-03-03 01:34:50
**Timeframe Analysis:**
1. **TF 15m (Intraday):**
* **Trend:** Bearish (but showing signs of a minor reversal). Price was below both EMAs but is starting to move above the EMA 50.
* **SMC:**
* Clear Bearish OB at ~93,000 (tested and failed on March 1st).
* Bullish OB at ~86,000-87,000 (price tested and bounced).
* SSL: ~86,845, ~83,859 (already swept).
* BSL: ~92,669 (potential next target).
* **Trend Strength:** Cloud is still red but fading. A small Buy arrow appears.
* **Day Trade Strategy (SMC):**
* **Caution:** The market is volatile. The main trend is still down, but there's short-term buying pressure.
* **Option 1 (Aggressive):** Buy when the price dips near the Bullish OB (~87,000) or EMA 50. Set a stop-loss below the OB. Target the BSL (~92,669) or the previous Bearish OB.
* **Option 2 (Conservative):** Wait for a clear breakout above the Bearish OB (~93,000) before considering a buy.
* **Short:** If shorting, wait for the price to approach the Bearish OB again and look for a bearish reversal signal (e.g., Bearish Engulfing) before shorting.
2. **TF 4H (Medium-Term):**
* **Trend:** Bearish. Price is below both EMAs, EMA 50 is below EMA 200.
* **SMC:**
* Larger Bearish OB: ~95,000-100,000.
* SSL: ~83,559.5, ~81,260.4, ~78,961.4 (medium- to long-term targets).
* BSL: 105,543.4
* **Trend Strength:** Dark red cloud. Sell signal.
* **Strategy:** Focus on shorts. Wait for pullbacks to the EMAs or Bearish OB and look for shorting opportunities.
3. **TF Day (Long-Term):**
* **Trend:** Still Bearish, but starting to show signs of slowing down. The price has broken below the EMA 200.
* **SMC:** Large order Block $90,000-$100,000
* **Trend Strength:** The cloud is changing from dark red to a lighter red. No clear Buy signal yet.
* **Strategy:** Avoid going long. Wait for clearer reversal signals (e.g., breakout above EMA 50, Bullish Divergence).
**Summary and Cautions:**
* The main trend of BTC is still Bearish on all timeframes.
* The 15m TF is showing signs of a short-term Bullish Reversal, but be cautious as it's against the main downtrend.
* Smart Money may be accumulating at current price levels.
* **Cautions:** News, volatility, liquidity sweeps (stop-loss hunting).
**Disclaimer:** This analysis is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. Investors should conduct their own research and make decisions carefully.

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-03-03 00:11:32

@ c8383d81:f9139549
2025-03-02 23:57:18
Project is still in early stages but now it is split into 2 different domain entities.
Everything is opened sourced under one github https://github.com/Nsite-Info
## So what’s new ?
### Project #1 https://Nsite.info
A basic website with main info regarding what an Nsite is how it works and a list of tools and repo’s you can use to start building and debugging.
99% Finished, needs some extra translations and the Nsite Debugger can use a small upgrade.
### Project #2 https://Nsite.cloud
This project isn’t finished, it currently is at a 40% finished stage. This contains the Nsite Gateway for all sites (still a work in progress) and the final stage the Nsite editor & template deployment.
If you are interested in Nsite’s join:
Big thanks to nostr:npub1elta7cneng3w8p9y4dw633qzdjr4kyvaparuyuttyrx6e8xp7xnq32cume nostr:npub1ye5ptcxfyyxl5vjvdjar2ua3f0hynkjzpx552mu5snj3qmx5pzjscpknpr nostr:npub1klr0dy2ul2dx9llk58czvpx73rprcmrvd5dc7ck8esg8f8es06qs427gxc for all the tooling & code.

@ 8d34bd24:414be32b
2025-03-02 22:12:14
Last night I was reading this passage in Ezekiel, who was called to be a watchman to Israel.
> “Son of man, I have appointed you a watchman to the house of Israel; **whenever you hear a word from My mouth, warn them from Me**. When I say to the wicked, ‘You will surely die,’ and you do not warn him or speak out to warn the wicked from his wicked way that he may live, that wicked man shall die in his iniquity, but his blood I will require at your hand. Yet if you have warned the wicked and he does not turn from his wickedness or from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered yourself. Again, when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and I place an obstacle before him, he will die; since you have not warned him, he shall die in his sin, and his righteous deeds which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I will require at your hand. However, if you have warned the righteous man that the righteous should not sin and he does not sin, he shall surely live because he took warning; and you have delivered yourself.” (Ezekiel 3:17-21) {emphasis mine}
Although I do not believe we can directly apply this command to our lives because it was given directly to Ezekiel and because our salvation comes from Jesus and not works, I do think we can learn from this passage. Just as Ezekiel was called to share God’s blessings, His curses, and His fixed plan, in the same way we are to share the Gospel (the good and the bad) and God’s eternal plan as laid out in the Bible. Unlike Ezekiel, we will receive blessings for being God’s witness and watchman, but will not be punished for failure due to being covered in the blood of Jesus and His righteousness.
We are called to share the Gospel and make disciples:
> Go therefore and **make disciples of all the nations**, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, **even to the end of the age**.” (Matthew 28:19-20) {emphasis mine}
We should never stop until the end. We are not supposed to hide the fact we are Christians or act like everyone else in the culture, but to be a light for Jesus.
> “You are the light of the world. A city set on a hill cannot be hidden; **nor does anyone light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on the lampstand, and it gives light to all who are in the house**. **Let your light shine before men** in such a way that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16) {emphasis mine}
Our love for Jesus should shine so brightly that everyone knows we belong to Christ.
> Now as they observed the confidence of Peter and John and understood that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed, and began to recognize them as having been with Jesus. (Acts 4:13)
We should study the Bible so we are ready to share God’s word with all who will listen. Being a light for Jesus isn’t always easy. It can sometimes even lead to persecution and hardship, but we are called to give an account.
> But even if you should suffer for the sake of righteousness, you are blessed. And do not fear their intimidation, and do not be troubled, but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, **always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you**, yet with gentleness and reverence; and keep a good conscience so that in the thing in which you are slandered, those who revile your good behavior in Christ will be put to shame. (1 Peter 3:14-16) {emphasis mine}
Being ready requires diligent prayer and Bible study. We need to know God and His word well to be most effective. Of course we need to be more than just impersonal scholars. We need to have a relationship with Jesus and our Father God and share that relationship with others. We need to share Jesus with even more excitement than we would share our spouse or our kids. We need to be more excited to introduce people to Jesus than we would be to introduce people to a celebrity or other important person. Jesus should be a focus and our joy and such a part of our life that talking about Him becomes second nature. (For most people this takes a long time to reach this point, so don’t lose hope if you aren’t there yet.)
There are lies that we tell and there are also lies by omission. When we leave out some truth, we can imply a lie. So often Christians are so worried about seeming loving that we don’t love people enough to speak the whole truth to them. Yes, God is loving, but He is also holy and gives righteous judgment. Yes Jesus died on our cross to take away our sins, but some will reject Him and spend eternity in eternal torment in Hell. If we only tell the “good” parts, but leave out the “bad” parts, we are speaking a lie.
> Everyone deceives his neighbor And does not speak the truth, They have taught their tongue to speak lies; They weary themselves committing iniquity. (Jeremiah 9:5)
In court we are asked to speak the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Are you speaking the whole truth when you speak of God? Do you sometimes hold back? I recently was communicating with someone online about the Bible and I caught myself watering down a truth. Not speaking the whole, complete truth trapped me in a corner and my witness was harmed. I like to think of myself as fearlessly sharing God and His truth with people, but I seriously messed up on this one.
> Therefore, laying aside falsehood, **speak truth each one of you with his neighbor**, for we are members of one another. (Ephesians 4:25) {emphasis mine}
Sometimes we hold back because the truth (things like God’s judgment, only one way to God, election, or God’s sovereignty) seems too hard or unpleasant. Sometimes we hold back because we are ashamed. Don’t be ashamed, for Jesus said:
> For **whoever is ashamed of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him** when He comes in His glory, and the glory of the Father and of the holy angels. (Luke 9:26) {emphasis mine}
The closer our relationship is to God and the better we know our Bible, the more confident we can be sharing the Good News to those around us, but no matter how much we prepare within ourselves, we must always lean on Jesus and do things in His power, not our own.
> For **God has not given us a spirit of timidity, but of power and love and discipline**. Therefore **do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord** or of me His prisoner, but join with *me* in suffering for the gospel according to the power of God, who has saved us and called us with a holy calling, not according to our works, but according to His own purpose and grace which was granted us in Christ Jesus from all eternity (2 Timothy 1:7-9) {emphasis mine}
May God mold us and guide us to be a good witness and a good watchman, so we can shine the light of Jesus onto all the world and become the faithful servants we were designed to be for His glory.
Trust Jesus

@ 378562cd:a6fc6773
2025-03-02 21:55:47
For decades, the internet has been dominated by a handful of powerful corporations—gatekeepers who decide what we can say, see, and share. Social media platforms, search engines, and cloud services have become digital overlords, tracking our every move, monetizing our data, and silencing voices that don’t fit the narrative.
But a quiet revolution is underway. A new technology—simple yet profound—is rising from the digital underground. It’s called NOSTR, and it’s not just another app or platform. NOSTR is the new internet.
The Problem With the Old Internet
To understand the power of NOSTR, we need to recognize what’s broken in the internet we’ve come to accept as normal.
Corporate Control – A few companies decide who gets to speak and who gets banned. Free speech exists at the mercy of moderation teams and their algorithms.
Surveillance Economy – Your data is the product. Every click, like, and scroll is analyzed, packaged, and sold.
Censorship & Deplatforming – Alternative viewpoints? Independent thought? If it doesn’t align with the powers that be, it can be erased overnight or buried to deep to find.
Single Points of Failure – Servers go down, accounts get hacked, platforms disappear. Your digital life is at risk when everything is tied to one entity.
The internet wasn’t supposed to be this way. But centralized control has made it fragile, controlled, and weaponized against its own users.
Enter NOSTR.
What Is NOSTR?
NOSTR—short for “Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays”—is a simple yet groundbreaking communication protocol. It’s not owned by anyone. It doesn’t have a CEO. It doesn’t depend on a single company to function. Instead, it is a network of independent relays, where users own their identities, data, and speech.
Imagine an internet where:
✔️ No corporation can silence you
✔️ No government can shut down the conversation
✔️ No single server crash can wipe out your account
✔️ You control your identity—no passwords, no lockouts
That’s what NOSTR enables.
Why NOSTR Changes Everything
NOSTR isn’t just another social media platform—it’s the foundation for an entirely new digital landscape. Today, it’s being used for Twitter-like conversations, but tomorrow it could power blogs, marketplaces, encrypted messaging, and financial transactions—all without middlemen.
Here’s why it’s revolutionary:
Freedom from Censorship – No platform bans. No speech policing. If one relay refuses to host your messages, another will.
True Digital Ownership – Your account is yours, tied to your private key. No company can take it away.
Interoperability – One identity works across all apps that use NOSTR, meaning you’re not trapped inside a walled garden.
Resilience – If one relay shuts down, the network lives on. Unlike traditional platforms, NOSTR has no single point of failure.
The Future of the Internet Has Arrived
Skeptics might say, “This sounds great, but will it actually replace the internet we know?”
The answer? It already is. Bitcoiners, free speech advocates, and tech pioneers are flooding onto NOSTR. Developers are building new tools every day. The old internet—bloated, censored, and controlled—is losing its grip.
We are witnessing the birth of a new digital age, one where power shifts from corporations back to individuals.
NOSTR isn’t just another platform—it’s the foundation for a freer internet.
And make no mistake: NOSTR is the new internet.
The only question is, are you ready to be a part of it?

@ 04ff5a72:22ba7b2d
2025-03-02 20:55:22
## The Dark Side of Memecoins: How Internet Jokes Undermine Cryptocurrency's Legitimacy
The cryptocurrency landscape has been forever altered by the emergence of memecoins, digital assets created as jokes that have since evolved into significant financial instruments with multi-billion dollar market capitalizations. While proponents argue these tokens democratize finance and bring new users into the crypto ecosystem, the reality is far more concerning. Memecoins have introduced unprecedented levels of volatility, scams, and market manipulation that threaten to undermine the legitimacy of the entire blockchain industry. This article examines how what started as an internet joke has transformed into one of the most problematic aspects of cryptocurrency, tracing the journey from Dogecoin's humble beginnings through the explosion of copycat tokens and the widespread financial losses that have followed in their wake.
## The Birth of Dogecoin: When Cryptocurrency Became a Joke
Dogecoin, the original memecoin, emerged in December 2013 as a satirical response to the growing cryptocurrency speculation of the time. Software engineers Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer created Dogecoin as a lighthearted alternative to Bitcoin, featuring the face of a Shiba Inu dog from the popular "doge" meme as its logo and mascot. Unlike Bitcoin and other serious blockchain projects, Dogecoin was deliberately designed without a capped supply and with minimal technical innovation, positioning itself as the "fun and friendly Internet currency"[[1]]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogecoin).
Despite its joke origins, Dogecoin quickly developed a passionate community that embraced its lighthearted approach to cryptocurrency. This community spirit manifested in various charitable endeavors, most notably in March 2014 when Dogecoin supporters raised Ð67.8 million (approximately $55,000 at the time) to sponsor NASCAR Sprint Cup Series driver Josh Wise. The "Moonrocket" No. 98 car featured prominently in the Aaron's 499 race at Talladega Superspeedway, bringing mainstream attention to what had started as an internet meme[[1]]( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogecoin). The community's enthusiasm continued when they successfully voted Wise into the Sprint All-Star Race, beating established NASCAR favorite Danica Patrick primarily through coordinated online efforts.
However, as Dogecoin gained popularity and its price began to rise, the project's founders became increasingly disillusioned. What had started as "crypto for sillies" was transforming into a speculative investment vehicle. Markus expressed discomfort when people began investing significant sums, stating: "when someone puts $20k in... that makes me really, really uncomfortable. I don't want to be the leader of a cult"[[11]]( https://www.galaxy.com/insights/research/dogecoin-shitcoin-honest/). By mid-2014, Palmer had unsubscribed from the r/Dogecoin subreddit, and in 2015, he announced an "extended leave of absence" from the cryptocurrency community, describing the ecosystem as "toxic"[[11]]( https://www.galaxy.com/insights/research/dogecoin-shitcoin-honest/). The founders' departure marked a turning point for Dogecoin, leaving it without its original guiding voices just as it was gaining mainstream recognition.
## Elon Musk: The Billionaire Memecoin Manipulator
After several years of relative stability, Dogecoin experienced a dramatic revival thanks largely to one high-profile supporter: Elon Musk. Beginning in 2019 but accelerating through 2020 and 2021, Musk's frequent tweets about Dogecoin triggered massive price movements, demonstrating the extraordinary influence a single individual could have on cryptocurrency markets. His support ranged from simple endorsements to more elaborate stunts, all contributing to Dogecoin's meteoric rise to a peak price of around $0.70 in May 2021[[2]]( https://www.vice.com/en/article/dogecoin-twitter-elon-musk/).
Musk's involvement with Dogecoin went beyond social media cheerleading. Tesla began accepting the cryptocurrency for some merchandise, giving it a veneer of legitimacy that few other memecoins could claim. Additionally, Musk revealed that he personally held Dogecoin in his investment portfolio, further cementing the relationship between the billionaire and the memecoin[[2]]( https://www.vice.com/en/article/dogecoin-twitter-elon-musk/). Perhaps the most blatant example of Musk's market-moving power came in February 2023, when he jokingly introduced a dog as Twitter's new CEO with the caption: "The new CEO of Twitter is amazing." This single tweet caused significant price appreciation across multiple dog-themed cryptocurrencies, with Dogecoin rising 6.1%, Shiba Inu increasing 4.3%, and Floki surging an astonishing 39%[[12]]( https://bitcoinist.com/elon-musk-triggers-dogecoin-shiba-inu-price-surge/).
However, Musk's relationship with Dogecoin has not been without controversy. During his Saturday Night Live appearance in May 2021, Musk referred to Dogecoin as "a hustle," causing the price to plummet and erasing billions in market value overnight[[2]]( https://www.vice.com/en/article/dogecoin-twitter-elon-musk/). This volatility led to a $258 billion lawsuit from Dogecoin investors who accused Musk of operating and manipulating a "Dogecoin Pyramid Scheme for profit, exposure and amusement"[[2]]( https://www.vice.com/en/article/dogecoin-twitter-elon-musk/). The lawsuit alleges that Musk used his substantial platform to artificially inflate Dogecoin's price before allowing it to crash, benefiting early investors while leaving late arrivals with significant losses.
Markus and Palmer, the original creators of Dogecoin, have been vocal in their criticism of Musk’s involvement, accusing him of exploiting the project for personal gain while misleading retail investors. In a now-deleted tweet from 2021, Palmer called Musk a “grifter” who “sells a vision he doesn’t understand” and later stated that Musk’s influence over Dogecoin was a “calculated move to manipulate markets and extract wealth from crypto newcomers and his fanbase.”[[16]]( https://www.crikey.com.au/2022/05/30/dogecoin-jackson-palmer-elon-musk-cryptocurrency-bubble/?utm_source=chatgpt.com) Markus, while less confrontational, has also distanced himself from Musk, emphasizing that Dogecoin was never intended to be a serious financial instrument and criticizing the billionaire’s attempts to position himself as the de facto leader of the project.
Their concerns were validated as Musk’s public endorsements led to wild price swings, causing many inexperienced investors to buy in at inflated prices before subsequent crashes wiped out billions in value. Palmer has gone so far as to argue that Musk embodies the very exploitation that he and Markus originally sought to parody with Dogecoin, turning what was once a harmless internet joke into a tool for financial manipulation.
More recently, Musk's cryptocurrency activities have attracted increased regulatory scrutiny. In February 2025, the SEC sued Musk for allegedly failing to properly disclose his Twitter stock purchases in 2022, to which Musk responded by calling the SEC a "Totally broken organization"[[13]]( https://www.politico.com/news/2025/02/17/musk-doge-securities-exchange-commission-00204621). The connection between Musk's various crypto-related activities and his ongoing battles with regulators highlights the complex interplay between celebrity influence, market manipulation, and regulatory oversight in the cryptocurrency space.
## The Memecoin Explosion: From One Joke to Thousands
While Dogecoin remained the original and most recognizable memecoin for years, the explosion of copycat tokens began in earnest during early 2024, coinciding with the launch of spot Bitcoin ETFs and the resulting surge in crypto market liquidity. This period marked the beginning of what many now refer to as the "memecoin bubble," characterized by thousands of new tokens with little to no utility beyond their humorous names and themes[[4]]( https://www.businessinsider.com/memecoins-cryptocurrency-altcoins-market-trump-libra-milei-celebrities-scams-regulation-2025-2).
The proliferation of memecoins was significantly accelerated by the introduction of user-friendly creation tools, most notably Pump.Fun, a Solana-based launchpad that drastically simplified the process of minting new tokens. By January 2025, according to Wired, this platform alone had facilitated the launch of nearly 6 million memecoin projects[[4]]( https://www.businessinsider.com/memecoins-cryptocurrency-altcoins-market-trump-libra-milei-celebrities-scams-regulation-2025-2). The ease of token creation led to an unprecedented flood of new cryptocurrencies, many explicitly designed to capitalize on trending topics, celebrity names, or internet memes with little consideration for long-term viability.
This memecoin explosion was not limited to Solana, though that blockchain became particularly associated with the phenomenon due to its low transaction fees and fast processing times. Ethereum Layer 2 solutions, Base blockchain, and other networks also saw significant memecoin activity as developers sought various platforms to launch their projects. Each blockchain developed its own memecoin ecosystem, with varying levels of scrutiny and security. Analysis of these ecosystems reveals concerning mortality rates across platforms, with Base leading at a 66.91% death rate, followed by Solana at 54.03% and Ethereum at 36.59%[[15]]( https://www.binance.com/en/square/post/2024-08-18-high-failure-rate-of-meme-coin-projects-revealed-in-new-research-12355166562033).
The proliferation of memecoins brought with it an increase in security vulnerabilities and exploits. In February 2025, Pump.fun's official X (formerly Twitter) account was compromised, with hackers promoting fake tokens including a purported "official Pump.fun governance token"[[9]]( https://www.tradingview.com/news/newsbtc:fea179621094b:0-memecoin-scam-alert-pump-fun-x-account-hacked-promotes-fake-pump-token/). This incident resulted in approximately $600,000 being extracted from investors who purchased the fraudulent tokens, highlighting the security risks inherent in the loosely regulated memecoin ecosystem. Even more concerning, blockchain data firm Bubblemaps warned users that the promoted token was "heavily bundled and will dump," as 60% of the supply was controlled by just two wallet clusters[[9]]( https://www.tradingview.com/news/newsbtc:fea179621094b:0-memecoin-scam-alert-pump-fun-x-account-hacked-promotes-fake-pump-token/).
By February 2025, clear signs of exhaustion had begun to appear in the memecoin market. In what was described as a "crypto first," a memecoin launch on Pump.fun failed to reach its hard cap within the traditionally frenzied first 30 minutes of sale[[8]]( https://www.ainvest.com/news/crypto-meme-coin-launch-fails-hit-hard-cap-30-minutes-2502/). This unusual event signaled waning investor enthusiasm and growing skepticism about the sustainability of the memecoin phenomenon, with some community members describing the ongoing security issues as "the nail on the meme coin coffin"[[9]]( https://www.tradingview.com/news/newsbtc:fea179621094b:0-memecoin-scam-alert-pump-fun-x-account-hacked-promotes-fake-pump-token/).
## The Detrimental Impact on Cryptocurrency's Legitimacy
The rise of memecoins has had far-reaching negative consequences for the entire cryptocurrency industry, undermining years of effort to establish blockchain technology as a serious financial and technological innovation. These consequences manifest in multiple ways, from providing ammunition to crypto skeptics to directly harming retail investors through various scams and market manipulations.
Perhaps the most fundamental problem with memecoins is their inherent lack of utility and technological innovation. Unlike projects that aim to solve real-world problems through blockchain applications, memecoins typically offer no meaningful functionality beyond transfer and speculation. Former Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ) has been particularly blunt about this reality, warning that 99% of memecoins are scams designed to deceive investors[[7]]( https://bitcoinworld.co.in/cz-exposes-memecoin-crypto-scams/). This assessment is supported by research from Chainplay revealing a staggering 97% failure rate for memecoin projects since 2024, with an average lifespan of just one year compared to the typical three-year lifespan of other crypto projects[[15]]( https://www.binance.com/en/square/post/2024-08-18-high-failure-rate-of-meme-coin-projects-revealed-in-new-research-12355166562033).
The prevalence of outright fraud within the memecoin ecosystem is particularly alarming. Analysis of security vulnerabilities in recent memecoin projects shows that Whitelisting, Tax modification, Antiwhale, and Blacklist are the most common vulnerabilities discovered in contracts from the past three months, with each threat becoming approximately 15% more common on average[[10]]( https://bdc.consulting/insights/MarketResearch/memecoins). Even more concerning, over 55% of meme coins are directly linked to malicious activities[[15]]( https://www.binance.com/en/square/post/2024-08-18-high-failure-rate-of-meme-coin-projects-revealed-in-new-research-12355166562033), with rug pulls remaining the most prevalent form of memecoin scam[[14]]( https://cointelegraph.com/learn/articles/top-memecoin-scams).
The Trump memecoin ($TRUMP) debacle serves as a particularly stark illustration of the harm memecoins can inflict on unsuspecting investors. From its mid-January launch price of $76, Trump Coin plummeted to approximately $17, marking a nearly 80% decline and resulting in losses for 810,000 investors totaling over $2 billion[[5]]( https://www.gurufocus.com/news/2695386/trump-coin-plunge-causes-massive-investor-losses). Meanwhile, early traders and insiders reportedly profited to the tune of $6.6 billion, with just 31 individuals making $669 million within days of the launch[[5]]( https://www.gurufocus.com/news/2695386/trump-coin-plunge-causes-massive-investor-losses). The extent of insider activity was blatant – the first account to publicly bet on Trump Coin was created three hours before Trump's announcement, placing a wager exceeding $1 million, and the coin itself was created 12 hours before the public announcement[[5]]( https://www.gurufocus.com/news/2695386/trump-coin-plunge-causes-massive-investor-losses).
This pattern of insiders profiting at the expense of retail investors has become a defining characteristic of the memecoin ecosystem. A wallet identified as 6QSc2Cx acquired a large quantity of Trump Coin tokens at the opening price of $0.18 each, accumulating 5,971,750 tokens that would soon surge to $75 per token[[5]]( https://www.gurufocus.com/news/2695386/trump-coin-plunge-causes-massive-investor-losses). Such examples of information asymmetry and market manipulation directly contradict the decentralized and egalitarian ethos that cryptocurrency was originally meant to embody.
The negative impact extends beyond direct financial losses to broader damage to cryptocurrency's reputation and regulatory standing. The involvement of political figures like Donald Trump and Argentina's President Javier Milei in memecoin projects has "pushed the space to a level of absurdity that can no longer be ignored," according to investment manager Travis Kling, who has described the current environment as "crime season"[[6]]( https://www.gurufocus.com/news/2695386/trump-coin-plunge-causes-massive-investor-losses). This characterization of the cryptocurrency space as lawless and predatory provides significant ammunition to critics who dismiss all blockchain technology as fraudulent or worthless.
## Conclusion: The Need for Industry Self-Regulation
The memecoin phenomenon represents a significant challenge to the cryptocurrency industry's efforts to gain mainstream legitimacy and adoption. What began as a lighthearted joke with Dogecoin has evolved into a troubling ecosystem characterized by market manipulation, fraud, and financial losses for retail investors. The statistics are sobering: an average of 2,020 memecoin projects die each month[[15]]( https://www.binance.com/en/square/post/2024-08-18-high-failure-rate-of-meme-coin-projects-revealed-in-new-research-12355166562033), leaving a trail of lost investments and shattered confidence in their wake.
For cryptocurrency to fulfill its potential as a transformative technology, the industry must address the excesses and abuses of the memecoin sector. This will require not only more robust regulatory frameworks but also stronger self-regulation by exchanges, developers, and influencers. The memecoin bubble may have begun to deflate, but the damage to cryptocurrency's reputation will linger much longer, requiring concerted effort to rebuild trust and refocus attention on blockchain's legitimate use cases and innovations.
As we move forward, it is crucial to distinguish between genuine technological innovation and empty speculation. The future of cryptocurrency depends not on cartoon dogs or political memes, but on developing applications that solve real-world problems and create genuine value beyond the next pump and dump cycle. Only by rejecting the get-rich-quick mentality of memecoins can the industry hope to rebuild its credibility and realize the transformative potential of blockchain technology.
### Sources
[1] Dogecoin - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dogecoin
[2] Dogecoin Holders Thank Elon Musk for the Pump, Now ... - VICE https://www.vice.com/en/article/dogecoin-twitter-elon-musk/
[3] Elon Musk's Dogecoin Launches SEC Probe Amid Ripple Lawsuit https://www.ainvest.com/news/elon-musk-dogecoin-launches-sec-probe-ripple-lawsuit-2502/
[4] The Meme-Coin Explosion Is Already Getting Exhausting https://www.businessinsider.com/memecoins-cryptocurrency-altcoins-market-trump-libra-milei-celebrities-scams-regulation-2025-2
[5] Trump Coin Plunge Causes Massive Investor Losses - GuruFocus https://www.gurufocus.com/news/2695386/trump-coin-plunge-causes-massive-investor-losses
[6] Memecoin Bubble Burst: Implications for Crypto Market - Ainvest https://ainvest.com/news/memecoin-bubble-burst-implications-crypto-market-2502/
[7] CZ Exposes 99% Memecoin Crypto Scams Deceiving Investors https://bitcoinworld.co.in/cz-exposes-memecoin-crypto-scams/
[8] Crypto First: MEME Coin Launch Fails to Hit Hard Cap in 30 Minutes https://www.ainvest.com/news/crypto-meme-coin-launch-fails-hit-hard-cap-30-minutes-2502/
[9] Memecoin Scam Alert: Pump.Fun X Account Hacked, Promotes ... https://www.tradingview.com/news/newsbtc:fea179621094b:0-memecoin-scam-alert-pump-fun-x-account-hacked-promotes-fake-pump-token/
[10] MEMECOINS 2024: MARKET, TRENDS AND OPPORTUNITIES. https://bdc.consulting/insights/MarketResearch/memecoins
[11] Dogecoin: The Most Honest Sh*tcoin | Galaxy https://www.galaxy.com/insights/research/dogecoin-shitcoin-honest/
[12] Dogecoin, Shiba Inu Soar As Elon Musk Announces Twitter CEO https://bitcoinist.com/elon-musk-triggers-dogecoin-shiba-inu-price-surge/
[13] Musk's DOGE expected to arrive at SEC in coming days - POLITICO https://www.politico.com/news/2025/02/17/musk-doge-securities-exchange-commission-00204621
[14] Top Memecoin scams to avoid in February 2025 - Cointelegraph https://cointelegraph.com/learn/articles/top-memecoin-scams
[15] High Failure Rate Of Meme Coin Projects Revealed in New Research https://www.binance.com/en/square/post/2024-08-18-high-failure-rate-of-meme-coin-projects-revealed-in-new-research-12355166562033
[16] Dogecoin co-creator says Elon Musk is a grifter ... https://www.crikey.com.au/2022/05/30/dogecoin-jackson-palmer-elon-musk-cryptocurrency-bubble/?utm_source=chatgpt.com
[17] All the meme coins moving to Solana is a good thing for Ethereum https://www.reddit.com/r/CryptoCurrency/comments/1d3qo7s/all_the_meme_coins_moving_to_solana_is_a_good/
[18] 4 reasons why Bitcoin value is nosediving. (Hint: It's Trump.) https://mashable.com/article/bitcoin-value-down-donald-trump-memecoin-crypto-heist
[19] What Is the Dogecoin Foundation? How the Divisive Group ... https://dailycoin.com/what-is-dogecoin-foundation/
[20] Elon Musk's latest canine-themed tweet didn't pump Dogecoin as ... https://cointelegraph.com/news/elon-musk-s-latest-canine-themed-tweet-didn-t-pump-dogecoin-as-much-as-shib
[21] DOGE's 'god-tier' access to CFPB data opens door to market ... https://therecord.media/doge-access-cfpb-data-market
[22] The Explosion of Layer-2 Networks on Ethereum - CryptoNinjas https://www.cryptoninjas.net/news/the-explosion-of-layer-2-networks-on-ethereum-challenges-and-opportunities/
[23] Trump coin leads tumble in meme cryptocurrencies as tariffs rock ... https://www.cnbc.com/2025/02/03/trump-coin-leads-tumble-in-meme-cryptocurrencies-as-tariffs-rock-global-markets.html
[24] Dogecoin hasn't always been a 'fun meme coin' - Cointelegraph https://cointelegraph.com/news/dogecoin-hasn-t-always-been-a-fun-meme-coin
[25] Dogecoin jumps after Elon Musk replaces Twitter bird with Shiba Inu https://www.cnn.com/2023/04/03/investing/dogecoin-elon-musk-twitter/index.html
[26] Ranking Member Maxine Waters and Congressman Brad Sherman ... https://democrats-financialservices.house.gov/news/documentsingle.aspx?DocumentID=412921
[27] Solaxy Layer 2 ICO Hits $22 Million Milestone – Next Meme Coin to ... https://insidebitcoins.com/news/solaxy-layer-2-ico-hits-22-million-milestone-next-meme-coin-to-explode
[28] Thousands of investors in Trump's memecoin lost $2 billion in just ... https://finance.yahoo.com/news/thousands-investors-trump-memecoin-lost-061200440.html
[29] How to Manipulate Securities and Bankrupt Your Followers in 5 ... https://www.gasa.org/post/bankrupt-your-followers-in-5-easy-steps-pump-and-dump
[30] Strategies to Identify Potential Meme Coin Rug Pulls https://blockchain.news/flashnews/strategies-to-identify-potential-meme-coin-rug-pulls
[31] Will the New $Trump Meme Coin Create a Crack in Crypto's Future? https://www.bitira.com/crypto-meme-fears/
[32] Memecoin Farm Scams Explained: How to Spot and Avoid the Pitfalls https://www.ccn.com/education/crypto/memecoin-farm-scams/
[33] Meme Coins Fizzle: Over 97% Fail, Including Influencer Picks https://beincrypto.com/influencer-endorsed-tokens-fail-to-deliver/
[34] A Kid Made $50,000 Dumping Crypto He'd Created. Then ... - WIRED https://www.wired.com/story/memecoin-kid-backlash/
[35] The Dark Side of the Memes: Rug pulls, FOMO, and the Dogefather ... https://cryptoslate.com/the-dark-side-of-the-memes-rug-pulls-fomo-and-the-dogefather-effect/
[36] The Hidden Dangers of Buying Meme Coins You Need to Know https://www.investopedia.com/top-risks-of-buying-meme-coins-8782157
[37] 99.99% of meme coins are scams ! : r/solana - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/1h30hrl/9999_of_meme_coins_are_scams/
[38] Losing all your money to memecoins? The problem may be that you ... https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/1gzygdz/losing_all_your_money_to_memecoins_the_problem/
[39] Pump and dump schema on pump.fun : r/solana - Reddit https://www.reddit.com/r/solana/comments/1d6qka0/pump_and_dump_schema_on_pumpfun/
[40] What are Rug Pulls ? How to be Save from Memecoin Rug Pulls https://www.binance.com/en/square/post/14065742283329

@ f3873798:24b3f2f3
2025-03-02 20:00:47
No Brasil, o consumo de álcool não é apenas aceito socialmente, mas fortemente incentivado. A presença de bebidas alcoólicas é constante em festas, confraternizações e até mesmo no ambiente familiar. Quem se recusa a beber muitas vezes é visto como alguém “estranho”, “chato” ou antissocial. Essa mentalidade gera um ciclo vicioso de incentivo ao consumo, ignorando seus impactos negativos.
# A Pressão Social Pelo Consumo
Desde cedo, muitos brasileiros são introduzidos ao álcool sem qualquer reflexão sobre os riscos. Em algumas regiões, crianças experimentam bebidas alcoólicas ainda na infância, muitas vezes com o incentivo de familiares. A ideia de que “todo mundo bebe” cria um ambiente em que se recusar a ingerir álcool pode levar ao isolamento social e até mesmo a chacotas.
Aqueles que não bebem frequentemente se sentem excluídos de eventos sociais, pois a cultura ao redor do álcool é tão intensa que parece não haver espaço para quem faz uma escolha diferente. Em reuniões, festas e até mesmo encontros informais, a presença da bebida é praticamente obrigatória, reforçando a ideia de que a diversão depende dela.
# O Álcool e a Imprudência no Trânsito

Outro reflexo dessa cultura é a alta incidência de acidentes de trânsito causados pelo consumo de álcool. Apesar das campanhas de conscientização e das leis mais rígidas, dirigir embriagado ainda é um problema grave no Brasil. Muitos motoristas assumem o risco, acreditando que estão “bem o suficiente” para conduzir, colocando a própria vida e a de outras pessoas em perigo.
Infelizmente, essa imprudência não se limita ao ato de dirigir. Em festas e eventos regados a álcool, discussões e brigas são comuns, e atos de violência aumentam significativamente. O efeito entorpecente do álcool reduz a capacidade de julgamento, resultando em comportamentos agressivos e irresponsáveis.
# A Decadência e o Cenário Degradante

Outro aspecto ignorado pela cultura do álcool é a decadência humana observada em eventos onde o consumo excessivo é incentivado. Não é raro ver pessoas embriagadas vomitando ou até mesmo defecando em vias públicas, completamente inconscientes de seus atos. Essas cenas se tornaram tão comuns que são tratadas como algo natural, quando, na verdade, refletem um problema social sério.
O Carnaval é um dos exemplos mais emblemáticos desse fenômeno. O que deveria ser uma celebração cultural muitas vezes se transforma em um festival de exageros, onde a bebedeira extrema leva a uma série de consequências negativas, como furtos, brigas, acidentes e crimes diversos.
# O Lado Ignorado Dessa Cultura

Curiosamente, todos esses problemas são frequentemente minimizados ou ignorados. A sociedade foca apenas no aspecto festivo do álcool, sem considerar os prejuízos que ele causa. Pouco se discute sobre os impactos na saúde pública, na segurança e na dignidade dos indivíduos.
É importante ressaltar que este artigo não propõe a proibição do álcool nem adota uma visão moralista sobre o tema. O problema não está na bebida em si, mas na forma como é consumida e incentivada. O que se defende aqui é o equilíbrio e a responsabilidade.
Beber com moderação, respeitar os limites do próprio corpo e das pessoas ao redor, evitar a pressão social sobre aqueles que não bebem e nunca misturar álcool e direção são atitudes fundamentais para transformar essa cultura. O consumo consciente permite que momentos de celebração sejam realmente prazerosos, sem que se tornem um problema para quem bebe ou para a sociedade como um todo.
A diversão não precisa estar atrelada ao exagero. É possível aproveitar bons momentos sem perder o controle, sem colocar vidas em risco e sem alimentar um ciclo de imprudência. Repensar a forma como lidamos com o álcool é essencial para uma convivência mais saudável e responsável.

@ d6affa19:9110b177
2025-03-02 19:43:03
i make my way downstairs,
the house is quiet now;
the little ones are finally asleep.
a soft drizzle from the shower fills the silence.
She must've gotten in already—
taking some time for Herself after a long day.
i grab two towels from the closet and toss them in the dryer.
She likes them warm.
unsure of how long She's been bathing,
i begin preparing the room.
i light a few of Her candles—
a sweet, autumn scent fills the air,
rich with hints of cinnamon and crisp leaves.
it wraps me in a pleasant embrace,
evoking memories of cozy evenings.
i turn off the lighting,
leaving only the candlelight flickering.
the room is illuminated with a warm, orange glow.
i go ahead and set out the oils and lotions—
wondering what She'll choose tonight...
anticipation quickens my heartbeat,
rousing a familiar longing.
with everything prepped,
i take some time to breathe in the atmosphere.
the gentle cascade of water still echoes from the bathroom.
it flows like a calming stream,
creating a soothing ambiance.
i lie down on the bed, closing my eyes.
a moment of stillness envelops me,
a brief escape from the day's chaos.
i've been looking forward to this.
i can feel my mindset shifting.
suddenly, the shower stops,
breaking the stillness.
my eyes quickly open.
a rush of enthusiasm surges through me.
i spring out of bed and retrieve Her towels from the dryer.
upon opening the bathroom door, i'm greeted by Her sweet voice, "Is that my good boy? Perfect timing."
a flash of heat creeps up my neck,
i can't help but grin.
my body relaxes,
the tension eases as i lean into Her approval.
i open the shower door then kneel down,
the soft bath mat cushions me.
steam from the shower fills the room,
creating a cocoon of warmth.
Her silhouette glows softly through the mist.
i offer the warm towels,
the fabric still radiating heat.
without a word She presents Her leg.
instinctively, i set one towel on my lap,
using the other i begin patting Her dry,
starting from Her pedicured foot.
Her smooth skin invites my touch—
but the plush towel acts as a barrier.
once She is satisfied,
i switch to the other leg,
continuing my attentive care.
"Did they give you any trouble?" She asks, Her tone light and curious.
"I hope they weren't too rough on you."
"not tonight, my Queen," i answer, still focused on my task.
"they fell asleep quickly—must've been exhausted."
"Good," She says with a relieved sigh.
She then snaps Her fingers—
signaling for me to hand Her the towel.
i comply, moving out of Her way.
She finishes drying Herself and wraps the towel snugly around Her body.
She casually grabs the other towel and wraps it around Her head,
then makes Her way into the bedroom.
i watch Her walk over to the nightstand,
setting the lavender oil to the front of it—
this is what She's chosen for the evening.
She then picks up Her phone,
settling onto the edge of the bed,
towel still wrapped around Her.
"Well done—I love it!" She says, Her voice rich with approval as She absorbs the arrangement.
Her words pull me from my thoughts,
another subtle flush creeping into my cheeks.
i make my way to the nightstand,
picking up the oil.
my pulse quickens as i kneel before Her,
the cool floor a stark contrast to my rising excitement.
She tilts Her head from behind Her phone, a playful glint in Her eyes.
"Don't you look so adorable down there?"
She leans forward slightly, Her expression shifting to one of command.
"It's been a long day. So be sure that you give My feet the attention they deserve tonight."
my stomach flutters as She lifts one foot.
i take it gently into my hands,
a shiver runs through me.
i pour a small amount of oil into my palm.
the scent of lavender mingles with the autumn candles.
as i massage it into Her foot,
i can't help but notice every detail—
the curve of Her arch draws me in,
the softness of Her skin captivates me.
She shifts Her foot slightly,
guiding me to the areas that demand my attention.
Her toes wiggle in response.
it's so mesmerizing...
with each stroke i feel my mind quieting.
the chill of the floor fades away.
there's only Her.
the rhythm of my hands,
the way the oil glides so smoothly,
the way She relaxes under my touch.
i lose myself in these sensations.
my thoughts slowly dissipate—
replaced by a feeling of clarity, of purpose.
i feel Her foot pull away,
momentarily releasing me from my trance.
it's had its fill.
She lifts the other one in front of me.
Her toes curling playfully.
my heartbeat skips.
a desperation fills my chest.
a longing.
to express my devotion in the most intimate way.
to worship the very thing that grounds Her—
that ties Her to this earth.
it's a yearning that goes beyond words.
i can almost taste the moment.
the connection it would bring.
i breathe deeply,
a heavy sigh escaping my lips—
lips that ache to honor Her every curve.
permission lingers in the air,
tantalizing and just out of reach.
i notice Her looking at me,
a giant smirk playing on Her lips,
Her phone now at Her side.
"Well..?" She teases, a mischievous look in Her eyes.
"What are you waiting for? It's not going to rub itself."
Her toes continue wiggling in front of me—taunting.
the urge simmers beneath the surface.
the denial resides like a sweet ache.
i breathe through it,
accepting Her limitation.
i'm grateful for the gift of this moment,
channeling the energy into the task at hand.
i gently embrace Her other foot,
admiring the delicate contours of Her ankle.
Her skin feels like silk against my fingertips.
i pour a few more drops of oil into my palm,
the velvety texture glides through my hands.
another burst of lavender dances in the air,
blending again with the persistent aroma of the candles.
i begin to knead Her other foot,
focusing on the arch,
applying a careful amount of pressure.
each stroke sends ripples of warmth through my hands,
i feel Her tension melting away beneath my touch.
She lets out a contented sigh and falls back on the bed taking it in.
"Mmmm, that feels good." She encourages.
i savor this privilege,
as the flickering candles cast a soft glow around us.
they dance slowly,
a soothing backdrop to the rhythm of my hands.
i trace the outline of Her heel,
feeling the delicate curves,
enthralled by Her foot's response.
with each gentle caress,
watching Her toes dance slightly,
a silent acknowledgement of my devotion.
as if pulled by a magnetic force,
i lean in closer,
inhaling the sweet aroma of lavender,
it's floral notes fused with the radiance of Her scent.
a sense of peace settles within me.
the weight of the day lifts,
replaced by the comforting embrace of surrender.
i'm here to please Her,
i'm here to honor Her,
i'm here to love Her.
lost in the act of serving,
i feel Her energy flow through me,
binding us together.
as i finish,
i look back up at Her.
my heart swells with pride.
She smiles down at me,
a knowing glimmer in Her eyes.
igniting a fire within me—
a sense of belonging.
right now,
i know exactly where i need to be—
kneeling before Her,
fully aligned with Her presence.
in these cherished rituals,
in this sacred exchange,
i find my place.
forever devoted...
"I love you, sweet boy." She whispers,
Her words deeply resonating,
echoing the truth of my heart—
that i am completely and utterly Hers.

@ d6affa19:9110b177
2025-03-02 19:27:10
### Wander — *19:27*
It’s been a long, rough day.
The fresh air feels good,
but my mind is still trapped,
stuck in that office,
its fluorescent lighting,
archaic and noisy,
still buzzes behind my eyes.
Closing that sale was grueling—
the customer’s incessant demands—
they still press against my skull.
My patience feels razor-thin,
the weight of the day settling on my shoulders.
On my way to the apartment,
I catch a glimpse of the setting sun.
Its warm hues contrast my somber demeanor.
I check my phone again,
scrolling through my messages.
Nothing new…
I haven’t heard from her in hours—
only left on “read.”
I let out a sigh.
My body feels heavy.
This day has just dragged on forever.
Walking up to the apartment door,
I fumble a bit with my keys,
the metal clinks,
I struggle to find the right one.
Upon entering the dimly lit apartment,
I see her sitting on the sofa,
dressed as if she’s getting ready to leave.
Ugh, I don’t feel like going anywhere tonight…
She looks up from her phone,
our eyes locking.
“You didn’t let Me know you were on your way,” her tone sharp.
A hint of disappointment in her eyes—
subtle, but pointed.
A silent judgment.
A reminder of my failure—
of a broken word of honor.
But my pride,
like a protective big brother,
overshadows the regret gnawing at me,
feeding my mind with justifications.
She didn’t respond earlier—
to my messages.
Not a single word.
And now, all of a sudden,
communication matters?
My eyebrows furrow.
My hands clench.
“I told you I’d be late today, didn’t I?” I finally answer,
trying to keep my voice steady.
Her nonchalant expression shifts,
becoming more annoyed.
“And that has nothing to do with your promise to let Me know when you’re leaving,”
she fires back,
arms folded across her chest.
Her voice cuts through the air.
“Now go get cleaned up. I’m hungry and we have a little bit of shopping to do.”
I subtly bite at my lip.
A dull pain.
A distraction.
Anything to manage the tension.
Taking a seat on the sunken foyer’s edge,
I slowly remove my shoes,
lingering in defiance.
Today has been so stressful…
Doesn’t she see that I’m exhausted?
Maybe I don’t want to go back out.
Does she even consider how I feel?
Maybe she’d know if she just asked.
“Hey! Are you listening?” She snaps,
impatience saturating her tone.
“What’s wrong?”
I remain seated,
and turn my head toward her,
meeting her gaze—
a fierce expression now on her face.
A heavy sigh escapes me.
Honestly, I don’t want to tell her no.
But the thought of getting back out…
It feels unbearable.
“I’m just so tired,” I finally admitted,
shoulders slumping.
She seems unconvinced.
“There’s more to it than that,” she posits,
her eyes piercing through my defenses.
“What is it? Tell me what’s going on.”
I turn my head away.
Shame tightens around me,
suffocating, silencing.
From the hurt I feel—
over some ignored messages.
Just a few simple messages…
It seems juvenile.
But it’s amplified by her disregard for my situation.
It stings, and I can’t find the words to express it.
Nor would I if I could.
At some point, she moved.
I didn’t hear her.
I didn’t see her.
But I feel her now—
towering over me.
Her presence,
it’s tangible,
like a weight bearing down on me.
Looking up at her,
our angry expressions collide,
the air thickens with unspoken tension.
I notice my heart beating faster—
Not only from the conflict,
but from her aura…
There’s a shift in her energy.
A quiet intensity brewing beyond her expression.
Have I pushed her too far with my silence..?
### Veil — *19:38*
With a swift motion,
she lunges forward,
pushing me to my back.
Her weight settles on my stomach,
pinning me to the floor.
My breath catches.
Her scent—something floral..?
It melds with her natural aroma,
igniting my senses.
The softness of her skin,
the pressure of her body above me;
they contrast sharply,
a blend of elegance and power.
"W-what are you doing!?" I exclaim, the surprise evident in my voice.
Her response is immediate.
"I won't tolerate you moping or acting out tonight, boy. Now tell Me what's wrong," she demands,
her voice sharp as a knife.
I'm stunned.
A fire burns in my chest—
is it anger?
Or something else?
Embarrassment settles in,
uninvited, heating my face,
her eyes piercing into me.
"I already told you, I-I'm just tired. There's no need for this!" I plead,
muscles tensing as I try to push her off.
"Stop pushing!" she commands.
I resist,
frustration spilling over.
"Get off!"
Attempting to restrain me,
she grabs my wrists.
But I'm stronger,
easily breaking her grip.
I interlock our hands,
pushing back,
trying to lift her.
"I said stop!" she asserts,
her voice firm,
I continue to push,
arms fully extended.
But she suddenly shifts.
Her weight crashes forward,
pinning my arms above my head.
I can’t push from this angle.
As she holds me down,
something mingles with the fluster—
an unexpected exhilaration...
Her body hovers above mine,
our faces inches apart.
I'm trapped,
her hair falling around us like a curtain.
A predaceous look glimmers in her eyes—
she leans in closer,
jawline tightening,
eyes slowly narrowing,
asserting her dominance.
I can't resist inhaling Her scent,
it’s so distracting—
With every labored breath,
the warmth of Her body presses down on me.
Now sitting on my chest,
Her weight feels heavier,
oddly comforting.
Her gaze pursues me.
I look away,
desperate to hide.
My heart is racing.
It's overwhelming—
Her scent,
Her pressure,
the gleam in Her eyes.
I struggle to focus.
Somehow, without me noticing,
our hands are no longer intertwined…
Instead, She holds my wrists—
tightly against the ground.
Lost between defiance and surrender,
my body is betraying me,
not from fear,
but from curiosity.
Or is it a mixture?
A shiver travels down my spine,
my body relaxes,
how did we get here..?
The desire to resist is fading,
yielding to the magnetic pull of Her presence—
losing myself in Her orbit.
Aware of my waning resistance,
a smug grin flashes across Her lips—
so captivating.
I’m melting.
"Good boy." She whispers into my ear.
Her words surround me like a warm embrace,
and Her smile—
the most precious sight in the world—
puts butterflies in my stomach,
a lightness in my head.
The frustration of the prior moment,
seems somehow…
Still holding my wrists,
She looks down at me,
taking in the moment—
savoring it.
"Who is your Queen?" She finally asks,
Her voice gentle and sweet.
I feel a storm within,
emotions crashing like a tsunami.
Pulling me back to the present—
regret, devotion, shame—
all colliding together.
How She hurt me.
How I failed Her.
I try to look away.
A hint of defiance persisting...
"Answer me." She demands,
Her soft tone hardening.
"Who is your Queen?"
I pause,
Her gaze weighing more than Her body.
My heart pounds,
and for a moment,
I'm lost in the depths of Her eyes,
searching for an escape—
an escape that isn’t there...
The silence stretches,
heavy and expectant.
My throat tightens,
heart pounding—
betraying me..?
Or leading the way?
With a resigned breath,
I whisper, "You are..."
She immediately follows up,
"And who do you obey?"
Her tone still harsh.
My eyes plead to Her fierce gaze,
swallowed in shame.
Begging to avoid the obvious answer,
because of my guilt—
because of my broken promise.
but Her stare is unrelenting,
and I divert my eyes once more.
"Look at me," She commands sharply,
"Who do you obey?"
My eyes instinctively comply,
Her grin now replaced by a stern expression.
With no other option,
I mutter my surrender, "...You."
The word slips out,
a quiet truth that echoes in between us,
heavy with contrition,
but liberating.
"Now answer properly," She demands,
"Who do you obey?"
"I obey You, my Queen."
The words spill effortlessly from my lips,
weightless and freeing.
"That's right." She proudly replies.
She releases my wrists and sits up,
a triumphant smile gracing Her lips.
Those enchanting lips…
That beautiful smile…
With my arms free,
I feel a mix of relief and lingering tension,
my heart still racing from the struggle.
A whirlwind of emotions continue to swell—
shame, regret, adoration—
neglect and dismissal—
And the sight of Her beauty aches—
yet, despite my surrender,
something in Her eyes tells me…
She’s just getting started.
### Stricken — *19:46*
The sun has set.
Its remaining beams peering through the glass door,
filling the room with an orange hue.
Her silhouette is framed by the fading light—
imposing, inescapable.
She looms over me,
Her shadow stretching,
I lie underneath Her—
underneath Her shadow—
between breath and reverence,
desperately searching,
looking for the right words,
but only stare.
I feel trapped.
Not by Her,
but by my own self—
the walls I put up.
Unable to express my regret.
For how I failed Her.
For my own hurt feelings…
When suddenly,
and surprisingly,
She slaps me.
Her palm releases a sharp crack,
a sound that echoes in the stillness.
The impact burns on my left cheek,
forcing me to wince,
the world tilts for a heartbeat,
returning me to the moment.
Slightly disoriented,
my hands cover my face,
instinctively guarding.
"Put your hands down." She orders,
Her voice firm.
I hesitate—
caught between instinct and obedience.
Tension coils in my chest.
She takes my hand,
tucks it to my side,
and pins it with Her thigh.
I don't resist.
She does the same with my other hand,
leaving me unguarded—
Her grip is tight—
My senses feel heightened.
The warmth of Her skin—
so smooth against my own—
presses against me.
Deceptively soothing.
A paradox of wrath and comfort,
leading me deeper into the moment.
I watch Her draw back Her hand,
preparing another slap.
a stoic look etched across Her face.
My breath catches,
the air is thick with unspoken words.
Yet, strangely,
my heartbeat steadies,
my body relaxes,
ready to absorb Her frustrations.
Her hand lands forcefully,
slamming into my left cheek once again,
the sting tight and harsh.
I wince again,
losing focus,
struggling to meet Her gaze.
"Apologize to me." She commands harshly.
Before I can orient myself,
before I can respond,
She slaps me again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
Each strike lands like a thunderbolt—
a wrecking ball to the walls I’ve built.
A fiery pulse ignites my face,
blending with a deviant thrill—
something coursing through me,
blurring agony and bliss.
My eyes form tears.
I fight desperately to hold them back.
"I said apologize!" She hisses,
Her tone as sharp as Her slaps.
I look up at Her,
trying to focus,
and catch Her expression—
impassive, demanding,
yet with a soft glimmer in Her eyes—
so gorgeous...
A warmth radiates from Her,
it blends with the heat from my cheek,
amplifying Her pull,
leaving me breathless,
utterly subject to Her will.
"I… I'm sorry…" I whimper,
the words barely escaping my lips,
laced with a mixture of shame and exhilaration.
"For what?" She asks,
Her lips curl,
a blend of annoyance and...
something, something—
I try to take another deep breath,
it's difficult with Her weight pressing down.
My pride aches as much as my face.
I barely maintain composure,
my eyes unable to escape Her gaze.
She strikes again,
without warning.
My head snaps to the side,
leaving an imprint on my soul itself.
The barriers I’ve placed—
their remnants—
are completely shattered,
freeing the truth.
"For disobeying You!" I nearly cry.
The admission tastes bittersweet on my tongue.
It feels like a release,
the confession washing over me,
leaving me breathless and exposed.
She lets out an amused laugh.
The smile She was fighting back breaks through,
a satisfied grin that lights up Her face.
My heart to skips a beat.
But She's not finished yet.
### Purge — *19:52*
"And how exactly did you disobey me?" She asks,
already knowing the answer.
She's going to make me own it…
The buzzing on my cheek—
a subtle reminder to comply.
"For not letting You know when I left." I meekly respond.
"And..?" She questions,
not satisfied with the previous answer.
"And for not getting ready when you asked…" I amend,
my voice barely above a whisper.
"And..?" She continues,
Her tone becoming impatient.
But I'm at a loss—
What is She seeking?
My mind races,
desperately searching,
looking for the right words.
But none come.
Panic sets in,
gnawing, deep—
am I failing Her again?
Was I being too much?
Too needy?
I can’t explain this ache in my chest…
She looks down at me,
Her expression softening.
"For not telling me what's bothering you." She says,
guiding me to the answer.
"I'm your Queen, and I deserve for you to be honest with Me about everything—“ She continues,
Her voice carrying a tenderness,
cutting through the tension.
“you should feel safe enough to tell Me anything…"
My body is still,
yet it feels as if it’s trembling fiercely.
I can only stare.
“You don’t have to hide anymore...”
She continues,
“You’re safe now…”
My heart feels cracked open.
Lying beneath Her,
restrained and exposed—
and now with Her words…
Her voice hangs in the air,
slicing through the chaos.
She's reached into my heart,
through the walls and the barriers,
amidst the insecurities and doubts—
the fear and pain—
touching the essence that is truly me,
with nothing standing in Her way.
I look up at Her angelic face,
into Her divine eyes,
and with no more hesitation,
I express what seemed impossible before.
"I felt… hurt, like You were ignoring me…" the confession falls out clumsily.
“Like… like I wasn’t worth the attention…” my chest tightens more as I speak,
each word breathing life into the hurt I tried to bury.
"Even after such a hard day..."
I see the look on Her face change,
Her gentle expression slipping away,
revealing a raw vulnerability.
Silence fills the space between us.
"And..." I continue,
"And it’s stupid, I know… I’m sorry for being too much, I-I couldn’t help it…" my voice breaking,
“I just… needed You, so much… and you didn’t even message me back… I felt invisible…”
I take a moment to regain my composure.
"Like, I know I was supposed to let You know that I was on my way, but... I... I was just so angry... I'm sorry… and it just seems so childish now…" I finish through tears.
The last piece of me lain bare.
Her hand slowly reaches down,
caressing my cheek.
Her fingers trace across my skin,
gentle, light—
a stark contrast from the slaps earlier.
The tears linger,
a reminder of all I’ve kept from Her.
Her palm cups my cheek,
softer than I’ve ever known,
and I see in Her eyes,
Her own tension,
a glimmer of regret...
“I…” Her voice trembles.
She catches Herself,
maintaining control.
But there’s something else—
an unease.
"I didn’t realize… I should have known.” She continues.
“You needed me and I wasn’t there for you, was I?"
She looks down,
Her gaze escapes my eyes,
and for a moment,
I see the disappointment in them—
the disappointment in Herself, too.
Her divine presence alters,
revealing a more human beauty…
I nod,
feeling the weight of my admission.
Her eyes meet with mine again,
shimmering with unshed tears.
She simply stares,
taking it in for a brief moment,
the words settling between us,
forming a bridge that connects our spirits.
"I'm so sorry, My sweet boy." She says,
trying to hold a steady demeanor.
"I had no idea you needed Me so much today… I was interrupted after reading your message and never followed up. Oh, sweetie, I'm so sorry I wasn't there for you… that I let you down… you’re not… you’re not ‘too much.’"
With both arms,
She reaches around my head,
and gives me a powerful embrace.
The hug is so tight that I can barely breathe.
She begins saying something else,
but it sounds muffled,
I can't make it out.
And yet, it doesn't matter.
Her words—
Her acknowledgment...
the tension inside me begins to unravel.
And, despite Her increasing pressure on top of me,
it’s as if the weight of the world has been lifted from my chest,
replaced by a serene joy that blossoms within—
from knowing that She cares,
that She was able to reach out and guide me to the honesty of my confession,
creating a space where we could see each other authentically.
Her arms tighten around me,
I melt into Her embrace.
My heart pounds.
But not frantically—
it’s steady now,
slow, calming,
like a gentle wave.
Her breath against my neck,
warm and soothing,
Her embrace,
feels like a sanctuary,
where my heart can rest and heal.
Everything fades,
only the sound of Her heartbeat,
it intertwines with mine,
forming a profound connection.
I dare not move,
I dare not disturb this moment,
not for air,
not for life itself—
this closeness is all I crave,
and I would die for it.
just like that,
the moment fades.
Her arms loosen,
the weight of Her touch lifts,
leaving an emptiness.
My body feels light,
but my heart is heavy—
I need a moment,
in this space,
in the silence,
to gather the pieces of myself—
the pieces She’s helped reveal.
### Bound — *20:04*
She releases Her grip on me,
returning Herself to a seated position.
I inhale sharply,
much-needed air filling my lungs.
She lets out an adorable chuckle at the sight.
My vision clears,
drawn to Her beautiful smile.
"So, will you forgive Me, sweet boy?" She asks,
wiping a few tears from Her own eyes.
"Of course, my Queen." I respond almost reflexively.
"Will You forgive me?"
She leans down,
Her lips pressing lightly on my forehead.
"I already have, My sweet boy," She smiles.
The warmth of Her kiss lingers,
sending a shiver down my spine.
She stands up,
relieving the pressure on my chest.
My lungs seize the opportunity,
pulling in air.
But the relief is fleeting—
Her foot crashes down,
pressing me back into the ground.
Her weight returns—
I’m breathless again—
by the force She exerts,
and the sight of Her over me.
She stands poised,
A Queen assessing Her property.
The look in Her eyes sharpens again,
though this time,
amusement dances behind them.
She shifts Her weight slightly,
a small, deliberate adjustment.
The pressure deepens,
spreading through my chest—
slow, rolling,
a silent warning.
"And don't you ever give me a reason to do this to you again, do you understand me, boy?" She asks,
the weight increasing,
firm and steady.
My body strains beneath Her foot,
not quite pain,
something heavy,
something consuming,
part of me craving more…
"Yes, my Queen." the words escape,
slipping through shallow breaths.
I wince,
but the feeling is not unwelcome—
it feels grounding,
She presses a little more.
A test..?
I instinctively tense,
but don’t resist.
Our clothing dulls the sensation,
but amplifies something deeper—
the certainty of Her control,
the reality of Her dominance.
"I need you to be open and honest with your feelings, got it?" She continues,
Her tone firm,
and yet warm,
"Of course, my Queen." I vow instantly,
the words feeling like both a promise and a plea.
"Good boy." She adds with a satisfied grin spreading across Her face,
lighting up Her features.
"Now, get yourself cleaned up, I'm hungry and we have some shopping to do."
She lingers for a moment.
Then with a slow, deliberate motion,
She finally lifts Her foot from my chest.
The absence is sudden.
The liberation…
My chest rises sharply,
filling with air once again,
the breath She has granted me.
Above me,
She smiles,
admiring Her handiwork.
There’s a sense of satisfaction in Her expression,
a silent acknowledgment of our shared moment.
"Yes, my Queen. Thank You, my Queen." I say to Her with a smile,
my heart swelling with gratitude.
But there’s something else…
I hesitate.
The words are there,
on the tip of my tongue.
Will She welcome them..?
Acknowledge them..?<
She watches me closely,
Her eyes softening,
enough to make my heart stutter.
But I can’t hold them in any longer—
"…I love You," I add,
the words spilling out of me.

@ 401014b3:59d5476b
2025-03-02 19:25:10
Donald Trump’s announcement of a strategic cryptocurrency reserve on March 2, 2025, wasn’t a surprise—he’s been the “crypto president” cheerleader for years. At 10:32 a.m. EST, he took to Truth Social with the details: the U.S. would hold onto seized digital assets, starting with Bitcoin and Ethereum, while also roping in XRP, Solana, and Cardano. He later called Bitcoin and Ethereum the “core” of the plan. By 2:00 p.m. EST, the market was buzzing with price jumps, and while tucking Bitcoin into the reserve looks like a solid play, adding the others raises some serious questions.
### **Price Surge: The Early Reaction**
Before Trump’s post, the market was coasting. Imagine Bitcoin at around $83,000 on March 1, Ethereum at $2,200, XRP at $2.15, Solana at $142, and Cardano at $0.64—standard fare for a slow weekend. By 2 p.m. EST, three-plus hours after the announcement, the reaction was clear. Early chatter had Bitcoin nearing $90,000, up about 8%, Ethereum at $2,400, a 9% bump, XRP hitting $2.80, a 30% surge, Solana climbing to $170, a 20% rise, and Cardano spiking to $1.00, up 56%. The numbers are still firming up, but the market loved the news—though not all of it makes sense.
### **Bitcoin: The Smart Bet**
Trump’s been hyping crypto since 2024, promising to make the U.S. the “crypto capital of the world,” and Bitcoin fits that vision like a glove. The U.S. already holds about 200,000 Bitcoin from seizures—nearly $19 billion pre-spike—and keeping it as a strategic asset is a no-brainer. It’s the gold standard of crypto, with a proven track record and a market cap that dwarfs the rest. Adding it to the reserve could draw in big players like hedge funds or states like Pennsylvania, which is eyeing a 10% Bitcoin allocation. Songping Que of Neo Blockchain says it’s a “catalyst” that could push Bitcoin to $500,000. That’s a stretch, but it’s got legs—Bitcoin’s a hedge against inflation and a signal of economic strength. Plus, Trump’s push to ditch Biden-era regulations pairs perfectly with Bitcoin’s dominance. Fewer rules could spark blockchain growth, and Bitcoin’s the anchor to build around. It’s a strategic asset that could keep the U.S. ahead of rivals like China without overcomplicating things.
### **The Others: A Risky Overreach**
But XRP, Solana, and Cardano? That’s where this plan stumbles. Sure, they popped—XRP’s 30% leap and Cardano’s 56% spike look impressive—but these aren’t Bitcoin. XRP’s tangled in legal baggage with the SEC, and its centralized roots don’t scream “strategic reserve material.” Solana’s fast, but it’s had outages—imagine the feds betting on a network that goes dark mid-crisis. Cardano’s got big ideas, but its adoption’s still lagging; it’s more hype than substance. Ethereum’s a closer call—its smart contracts have real utility—but it’s still second fiddle to Bitcoin and carries more complexity.
Including these feels like Trump’s trying to please the crypto crowd rather than picking winners. The reserve should be lean and focused—Bitcoin alone could do the job without muddying the waters with altcoins that might tank or fizzle. The price jumps are nice, but they’re more speculative frenzy than lasting value.
### **The Pushback**
Critics have a point about volatility—Bitcoin’s dropped from $68,000 to $35,000 in months before, and altcoins are worse. Laith Khalaf of AJ Bell warns tying public funds to crypto’s rollercoaster is dicey. For Bitcoin, that risk feels manageable—its size and staying power offset the swings. For XRP, Solana, and Cardano? Not so much. Expanding beyond seized assets would need Congress anyway, and they’d likely balk at this grab-bag approach.
### **The Takeaway**
By 2 p.m. EST on March 2, Trump’s crypto reserve announcement had the market roaring. Bitcoin in the mix is a masterstroke—it’s a proven asset that aligns with his economic vision and could bolster America’s financial edge. But tossing in XRP, Solana, and Cardano dilutes the plan, betting on shaky ground when Bitcoin alone could carry the day. Risks are part of the game, but Trump’s got a winner with Bitcoin—why clutter it up?

@ 2b1964b8:851949fa
2025-03-02 19:00:56
### Routine Picture-in-Picture American Sign Language Interpretation in American Broadcasting
(PiP, ASL)
Picture-in-picture sign language interpretation is a standard feature in news broadcasts across the globe. Why hasn’t America become a leader in picture-in-picture implementation too?
There are prevalent misunderstandings about the necessity of ASL interpreters in the media and beyond. As recently as January 2025, an American influencer with ~10M social followers on Instagram and X combined, referred to sign language interpreters during emergency briefings as a distraction.
Such views overlook the fact that, for many deaf individuals, American Sign Language is their primary language. It is wrongly assumed that deaf Americans know—or should know—English. American Sign Language differs in grammatical structure from English. Moreover, human interpreters are able to convey nuances that captions often miss, such as non-manual markers; facial expressions, body movements, head positions utilized in sign language to convey meaning. English is the native language for many hearing Americans, who have access to it throughout the United States without any additional expectation placed upon them.
A deeper understanding reveals that many nations have their own unique signed languages, reflecting their local deaf culture and community — Brazilian Sign Language, British Sign Language, Finnish Sign Language, French Sign Language, Japanese Sign Language, Mexican Sign Language, Nigerian Sign Language, and South African Sign Language, among numerous others.
**Bottom Line:** American Sign Language is the native language for many American-born deaf individuals, and English is the native language for many American-born hearing individuals. It is a one-for-one relationship; both are equal.
In an era where information dissemination is instantaneous, ensuring that mainstream broadcasts are accessible to all citizens is paramount.
### Public Figures Including Language Access In Their Riders
**What's a rider?**
A rider is an addendum or supplemental clause added to a contract that expands or adjusts the contract's terms. Riders are commonly used in agreements for public figures to specify additional requirements such as personal preferences or technical needs.
**A Simple Yet Powerful Action**
Public figures have a unique ability to shape industry standards, and by including language access in their riders, they can make a profound impact with minimal effort.
* On-site American Sign Language interpretation ensures that deaf and hard-of-hearing individuals can fully engage with speeches and live events.
* Open captions (burned-in captions) for all live and post-production interview segments guarantee accessibility across platforms, making spoken content instantly available to a wider audience.
These implements don’t just benefit deaf constitutents—they also support language learners, individuals in sound-sensitive environments and any person who relies on, or simply refers, visual reinforcement to engage with spoken content.
For public figures, adding these 2 requests to a rider is one of the most efficient and immediate ways to promote accessibility. By normalizing language access as a standard expectation, you encourage event organizers, broadcasters, and production teams to adopt these practices universally.
As a result, there will be an industry shift from accessibility as an occasional accommodation to an industry norm, ensuring that future events, interviews, and media content are more accessible for all.
Beyond immediate accessibility, the regular presence of interpreters in public spaces increases awareness of sign language. Seeing interpreters in mainstream media can spark interest among both deaf and hearing children to pursue careers in interpretation, expanding future language access and representation.
### Year-Round Commitment to Accessibility
Too often, language access is only considered when an immediate demand arises, which leads to rushed or inadequate solutions. While some events may include interpretation or captioning, these efforts can fall short when they lack the expertise and coordination necessary for true disability justice. Thoughtful, proactive planning ensures that language access is seamlessly integrated into events, rather than being a reactive measure.
Best practices happen when all key players are involved from the start:
* Accessibility leads with combined production and linguistic knowledge who can ensure accessibility remains central to the purpose rather than allowing themselves to be caught up in the spectacle of an event.
* Language experts who ensure accuracy and cultural competency.
* Production professionals who understand event logistics.
By prioritizing accessibility year-round, organizations create spaces where disability justice is not just accommodated, but expected—ensuring that every audience member, regardless of language needs, has access to information and engagement.

@ 6e0ea5d6:0327f353
2025-03-02 15:01:24
Ascolta bene! Forget the State, the Parties, and the Ideologies of bureaucrats! Let your own business, interests, and money be your greatest political allegiance.
Do not swear loyalty to a flag that despises you. Loyalty to family is the rock upon which true honor is built. In times of uncertainty, your devotion to blood ties must be unconditional, for family is the foundation that sustains your very existence. But remember: blood makes relatives, loyalty makes a family.
Loyalty is not just a virtue but a moral obligation. Betraying the trust of family is the greatest sin—an act that not only destroys relationships but also the essence of belonging to something greater.
A truly loyal man understands that family is a reflection of his own soul. He knows that each member is an extension of himself, and protecting these bonds is an extension of protecting his own identity. Amidst the storms of adversity, stand firm, for a family, like a ship, only reaches safe harbor when all its crew members work in unison.
So, amico mio, keep this truth in your heart: loyalty to family is the fortress that withstands all storms. Without it, a man is like a leaf in the wind—directionless and purposeless.
Hold fast to your principles, honor your commitments, and never, under any circumstance, abandon those dearest to you. Only then will you find the true peace and honor that come from fulfilling your sacred duty.
Thank you for reading, my friend!
If this message resonated with you, consider leaving your "🥃" as a token of appreciation.
A toast to our family!

@ 660162cf:8d93a1dc
2025-03-02 14:33:16

# อย่าตัดสินภาพลักษณ์ผู้อื่นจากอดีต
เคยไหมที่คุณเผลอตัดสินใครสักคนเพียงเพราะ “ภาพลักษณ์เก่าๆ” ที่คุณเคยเห็นเมื่อหลายปีก่อน? ไม่ว่าจะเป็นเพื่อนสมัยเรียนที่เคยขี้เล่น พูดเก่ง ชอบยิงมุกตลกในห้องจนดูไม่น่านับถือ แต่วันหนึ่งเขากลับมาในฐานะอาจารย์มหาวิทยาลัยผู้มีความรู้เชิงลึก หรือ เพื่อนร่วมงานที่เคยทำงานผิดพลาดในโปรเจกต์แรกแต่วันนี้กลับกลายเป็นคนที่จัดการงานได้อย่างยอดเยี่ยม
### ภาพลักษณ์เก่าๆ ฝังแน่นในใจเราได้อย่างไร
สมองของเรามักจะจดจำ “ความประทับใจแรก” หรือ “เหตุการณ์สะดุดตา” ไว้เป็นกรอบเพื่อใช้ตัดสินผู้อื่นในปัจจุบันและบ่อยครั้งเรายังนำสิ่งนั้นไปคาดการณ์อนาคตของเขาเพิ่มเติมด้วย ที่สำคัญเรามักจะต่อต้านข้อมูลหรือสิ่งใหม่ ๆ ที่เราไม่คุ่นเคยโดยอัตโนมัติถ้ามันขัดแย้งกับกรอบเดิมๆที่เรารู้จัก เพราะเรารู้สึกว่าอาจต้องสูญเสียความมั่นคงหรือความสบายใจในการรับรู้จากสิ่งที่เราคุ้นชินบางครั้งก็อาจสั่นคลอนการใช้ภาพลักษณ์จำเก่าๆที่เราจดจำไว้ ดังนั้นการตัดสินใจแบบโดยการนำภาพลักษณ์เก่าๆมาจึงเป็นวิธีลัดที่สมองชอบเลือกใช้ โดยเฉพาะในชีวิตประจำวันที่ต้องเร่งรีบ
### 
> เราทุกคนล้วนมีสิทธิ์ เปลี่ยนแปลง และ เติบโต ภาพลักษณ์ก็เช่นกัน
### กรอบความคิดเก่า คือ สิ่งที่ทำให้เรายึดติดกับอดีต
ลองนึกถึงเพื่อนที่เคยสอบตกวิชาคณิตศาสตร์ แต่ปัจจุบันเขาอาจเป็นโปรแกรมเมอร์มืออาชีพ หรือหัวหน้าทีมพัฒนาระบบในบริษัทใหญ่ๆ หรือเพื่อนร่วมงานที่เคยถูกมองว่าตัดสินใจพลาดไปเสียทุกครั้ง ก็อาจพัฒนาตัวเองจนมีวิจารณญาณเฉียบคมที่สุดในทีม การเปลี่ยนแปลงเหล่านี้เกิดขึ้นได้เสมอกับทุกคนที่ผ่านเข้ามาในชีวิตของเรา

> คนเรามีสิทธิ์พัฒนาและเติบโตในแบบที่คาดไม่ถึง
### แล้วเราจะเปิดใจยอมรับการเปลี่ยนแปลงของผู้อื่นได้อย่างไร?
1) ถามตัวเองให้บ่อยขึ้น
ทุกครั้งที่เผลอตัดสินใครจากภาพลักษณ์เก่าๆลองตั้งคำถามก่อนว่า “สิ่งที่เคยเห็นหรือที่เคยรับรู้ในอดีตยังเป็นจริงอย่างที่เราคิดอยู่ไหม?” และ “ปัจจุบันตอนนี้เขาเปลี่ยนไปอย่างไรบ้าง?” หรือเราอาจจะตั้งคำถามว่า “เขามีด้านดีหรือสิ่งที่เปลี่ยนไปจากภาพลักษณ์เดิมที่เรารู้จักหรือเปล่า?” เพื่อกระตุ้นให้เราเปิดใจรับรู้ข้อมูลใหม่
2) สังเกตพฤติกรรมปัจจุบัน
3) ให้โอกาสและเวลา
การเปิดโอกาสให้คนคนหนึ่งได้พิสูจน์ตัวเองในสถานการณ์ใหม่ๆ มักทำให้เราเห็นศักยภาพที่ไม่เคยรับรู้มาก่อน
4) อยู่กับปัจจุบันมากกว่าความทรงจำเก่าๆ
อย่าปล่อยให้ภาพลักษณ์เก่าๆของเขากลายเป็นอุปสรรคต่อการทำความรู้จักตัวตนปัจจุบันอดีตอาจเป็นเพียงหนึ่งบทของชีวิตแต่ไม่ใช่ทั้งหมดที่เขาเป็น ณ ปัจุบัน

> การเปิดใจมองเพื่อนคนหนึ่งในอดีตโดยดูจากภาพลักษณ์ที่เค้าเปลี่ยนไปแล้วในปัจุบันโดยไม่ตัดสิ่นที่เขาจากสิ่งที่เคยทำแย่ๆมาก่อน เป็นอีกก้าวในการเติบโตทางด่านความคิดของเรา
### ยิ่งเปิดใจ เราก็ยิ่งได้เรียนรู้
การเลือกเปิดใจยอมรับตัวตนใหม่ของคนรอบข้าง นอกจากจะช่วยให้ความสัมพันธ์ดีขึ้นแล้ว เรายังได้เรียนรู้และรับแรงบันดาลใจจากเขาอีกด้วย ทุกการเปลี่ยนแปลงที่เกิดขึ้นสะท้อนว่ามนุษย์มีศักยภาพเติบโตได้ไม่สิ้นสุด ดังคำกล่าวที่ว่า “อย่าตัดสินภาพลักษณ์ผู้อื่นจากอดีต” — เพราะเพื่อนร่วมงานที่เคยมีปัญหาในอดีต อาจกลายเป็นผู้เชี่ยวชาญในสาขาที่เราไม่เคยคาดคิด หรือเพื่อนสมัยมัธยมคนนั้นอาจเติบโตมาเป็นครูอาจารย์ผู้ถ่ายทอดความรู้ให้คนรุ่นใหม่และนี่ก็คือ พลังอันยิ่งใหญ่ของการยอมรับในพัฒนาการของผู้อื่น


@ 044da344:073a8a0e
2025-03-02 14:22:04
Ich war neugierig. Florentine Anders hat mit mir studiert. Wobei: Ganz so nah, wie das jetzt klingt, waren wir nicht. 120 Studenten, sieben Seminargruppen: Als es im Herbst 1988 für uns losging an der Sektion Journalistik in Leipzig, hing es auch vom Zufall ab, mit wem man mehr zu tun hatte und mit wem weniger. Manche Gruppen hatten sich im Volontariat gebildet und andere bei der Auswahlwoche in Bad Saarow am Scharmützelsee. Lange hielt das alles ohnehin nicht. Nach einem Jahr kamen die Dinge ins Rutschen und sprengten oft das, was bis dahin gewachsen war.
Ich weiß nicht einmal, ob Florentine bis zum Diplom durchgehalten hat. Gar nicht wenige von uns haben die Ungewissheit nicht ausgehalten und sind sofort irgendwo in Lohn und Brot, manchmal auch jenseits des Journalismus. Wer eine Nase hatte für den Wind, der sich für den Propaganda-Nachwuchs schnell drehte von der Euphorie des Anfangs in Richtung Pranger, der konnte schon auf die Idee kommen, lieber Autos zu verkaufen oder Versicherungen. Außerdem lockte der Westen, auch mit Journalistenschulen. Andreas Rook, heute ein MDR-Gesicht, der damals mit seiner Freundin nach Moskau ging, war die Ausnahme. Die Regel: München, Wales, Paris. Ich hatte gehört, dass Florentine Anders nach Frankreich gegangen war, aber dann reißt der Faden ab. Dass sie im *Zeit*-Kosmos gelandet ist, war nicht bis zu mir durchgedrungen.
Dieses Buch dann schon. Wenn etwas über die DDR erscheint, bekomme ich das mit. Ich kaufe längst nicht mehr alles. Wenn immer wieder das gleiche serviert wird, freut man sich selbst über einen Film wie [Kundschafter des Friedens 2](https://www.freie-medienakademie.de/medien-plus/cuba-libre-made-in-gdr). Florentine Anders und ihr Opa Hermann Henselmann: Das klang gut. Das klang nach Brigitte Reimann und „Franziska Linkerhand“. Nach Defa. „Unser kurzes Leben“ von Lothar Warneke und „Insel der Schwäne“ von Herrmann Zschoche, zwei Filme, die Anfang der 1980er ins Kino kamen und die Tristesse des Wohnungsbaus genauso festgehalten haben wie einen Alltag, der heute so weit weg ist wie die Marskolonie von Elon Musk.
Ich will nicht sagen, dass ich enttäuscht worden bin. Die Mitstudentin von einst hat das gut gemacht. Sie hat sich hineingegraben in die Papiere und viele der Orte besucht, die wichtig gewesen sind für die Henselmanns und ihre acht Kinder. Schreiben kann sie ohnehin. Das haben wir in Leipzig gelernt oder schon vorher in der Redaktion. Entstanden ist so eine Familienbiografie, in der sich die Autorin zurücknimmt. Drei, vier Einsprengsel zur Recherche. Mit der Mutter im Stasiarchiv, wo es nicht nur eine Opferakte gibt, sondern auch eine Täterakte – zur Überraschung der Tochter. Ein paar Sätze zu den regelmäßigen Besuchen beim berühmten Opa, der ihr alle 14 Tage ein Buch mitgibt, über das dann diskutiert werden soll. Sonst ist da vor allem Distanz. Abstand halten. Keine Emotionen zeigen. Sagen, wie es gewesen sein könnte. Journalismus und Geschichtsschreibung – aber kein Roman.
Um noch einen Moment loben zu können: Florentine Anders geht chronologisch vor, von 1931 bis 1995, fast wie in einem Fotoalbum. Da die DDR klein war und die Henselmanns zu ihrem Adel gehörten, gibt es literarische Bilder von vielen Prominenten. Mit Lotte Ulbricht auf der Völkerfreundschaft, Manfred Krug als Fast-Nachbar, ein Unterschlupf bei Alex Wedding, die eigentlich Grete Weiskopf hieß und Pflichtlektüre für jedes Kind war. Es passiert sogar jede Menge Ungeheuerliches, auch jenseits der Seitensprünge des Opas und von Robert Havemann, der mit Omas Schwester verheiratet war. Architektur, Opposition, Ost-West-Spionage, Berlin im Wandel der Zeit: Das ist auch deshalb spannend, weil Florentine Anders darauf verzichtet, dem Diktaturgedächtnis Futter zu geben, und einfach die Tatsachen sprechen lässt, ohne die zu verurteilen, die an das Projekt DDR geglaubt oder von ihm profitiert haben und beides längst nicht immer auseinanderhalten konnten.
Vielleicht hätte der Verlag auf das Wort „Roman“ verzichten sollen. Ein Roman braucht einen Konflikt – einen Dreh- und Angelpunkt, der nicht nur solche Figuren aus den Tiefen der Vergangenheit trägt, sondern im Idealfall universell ist und so auch die Gegenwart erreicht. Der Mann zum Beispiel, der älter wird und prominent und daraus etwas macht bei jüngeren Frauen, ohne seine erste Liebe aufgeben zu wollen. Die Frau, die all das sieht und es trotzdem nicht zum Bruch kommen lässt – oder doch, wie Florentines Mutter offenbar dann gleich zweimal. Oder die Ideologie, die sich hineinfrisst in die Profession und etwas verlangt, wenn man sich im Licht der Macht sonnen möchte. Ich denke dabei natürlich an Eugen Ruge, dem ein runder Geburtstag gereicht hat, um nicht nur eine kommunistische Familie auseinanderbrechen zu lassen, sondern zugleich die Geschichte vom Aufstieg und Ende einer Utopie zu erzählen. Vielleicht ist dieser Vergleich aber auch vermessen. „In Zeiten des abnehmenden Lichts“: Das war einmal. Jetzt lesen wir eben „Die Allee“.

[Freie Akademie für Medien & Journalismus](https://www.freie-medienakademie.de/)
Titelbild: Markus Spiske @Pixabay

@ 42342239:1d80db24
2025-03-02 14:13:43
With the rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI), we face a future where we may soon have access to almost everything we desire – at least in the digital realm. But unfortunately, **what we wish for doesn’t always align with what we truly need, or what would benefit us.**
The Dutch ethologist Niko Tinbergen was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine in 1973 for his studies of animal behaviour patterns. While earlier scientists had primarily focused on learning as the main explanation for animal behaviour, Tinbergen instead emphasised instincts.
Tinbergen studied, among other things, what makes newly hatched bird chicks beg for food from their parents. This was investigated by presenting parentless chicks with various painted beak models to see which ones they would seek food from. Several objects proved more popular than real gull beaks.
Artificial eggs were also created and placed in bird nests. Black-headed gulls that received wooden eggs before laying their own were found to actually refrain from laying real eggs. Fake eggs were painted in different colours and patterns, and made in various sizes. The gulls always preferred trying to incubate eggs of absurd sizes – for example eggs with eight times the volume of real ones. **The poor gulls made desperate attempts to sit on these giant eggs – but often slid off.**
The explanation for the gulls’ self-destructive behaviour was that they had a hardwired ability (instinct) to respond to specific stimuli (appearance of beaks and eggs with particular colours/sizes). Researchers exaggerated these stimuli, creating stronger but ultimately misguided reactions. **The concept of "superstimuli" was hatched.** Nothing in the gulls’ evolution had prepared them for these experiments, explaining their self-destructive behaviors.
Psychologist Deirdre Barrett has translated this concept to a human context. She argues that superstimuli govern human behaviours much like they do other animals’, citing junk food consumption, addictive social media use, and pornography consumption as examples. **Nothing in Homo sapiens’ evolution prepared us for modern society’s stimuli**, which might explain our frequently self-destructive behaviours.
When the Liberal Party (Swedish political party Liberalerna) proposes mandatory porn filters on all mobile phones "to protect children and youth," it might appear they’re on the right track. However, these issues deserve more profound discussions.
How do we create technical solutions that meet our fundamental needs for health, education, and human connection – rather than just supplying mindless scrolling entertainment? How can we ensure those collecting our data don’t exploit it for their own interests, selling us things we don’t need? **Is the current model of centralisation, corporate giants, and profit maximisation really compatible with our best interests**?
In summary: How can we ensure future technology serves our real needs, rather than mislead us - much like Niko Tinbergen deceived the poor gulls?

@ 43baaf0c:d193e34c
2025-03-02 14:00:59

As an artist, your main desire is to create. I believe we are all born creators, but some of us have a deeper passion for it than others. Those who dedicate themselves to their art and receive recognition for it are often called artists. But let’s set aside the debate about what defines an artist and focus on what truly matters our craft.
This is what we love to do. We dream about it, wake up for it, and live for it. It’s more than just work—it’s a passion that comes from within. You could even go as far as to call it your purpose in life.
Often, you’d still create even without money because your art is beyond numbers. But we live in a world where kisses won’t pay for groceries—at least, I can’t pay that way! So, money matters, not as the goal, but as a tool to keep doing what you love: creating.
Artists have often been seen as struggling creatives, barely making ends meet. When I started art school, I saw so many parents telling their kids to choose a “real” career doctor, lawyer, something secure. A “real job,” right? 😅
Luckily, my parents never told me that. My mom always said, follow your heart. (Thanks, Mom and Dad! 🙏)

After art school, I spent four years studying graphic and media design, followed by another four years in animation and film. But when it came time to find work as a 2D animator, I struggled. To be honest, I wasn’t good enough—or at least, that’s how it felt. Plus, the industry had already shifted heavily toward 3D animation.
But I wasn’t discouraged. I loved everything related to art and design. And growing up in a small city like Sneek, Friesland (The Netherlands), I had always dreamed of seeing more of the world.

**Travel & Filming**
I’ve always been fascinated by people, their stories, and how different cultures live. That curiosity led me to documentary filmmaking, and along the way, I started building my own stock footage database (you can find it all on [https://www.shutterstock.com/g/traveltelly](Shutterstock).
Making a living as an independent documentary filmmaker isn’t easy, so I often filmed for volunteer organizations. This gave me the opportunity to experience different cultures while also shooting stock footage. I did this for about 10 years, traveling across the globe—and I’ve been fortunate enough to visit 88 countries so far.

**Technology, Change, and Art Stories**
In 2018, I read The Bitcoin Standard because I couldn’t understand why, despite investing in an expensive camera, I struggled to earn it back as stock footage royalties kept dropping. That book opened my eyes to the first part of the equation: money itself.
It took me a few years to truly grasp Bitcoin’s significance, and through trial and error, I realized it’s the only cryptocurrency I believe in. I had my fair share of shitcoin lessons—where I made some money but also lost it. Those experiences taught me a lot about value, scarcity, and what truly lasts.

**Bitcoin Is Different**
Once you truly understand what Bitcoin stands for, you realize it’s a path to real financial freedom. Like any journey, there will be ups and downs, and plenty of people will tell you you’re wrong—especially when Bitcoin’s price drops in dollar (fiat) terms. But when in doubt, zoom out.
One thing I’ve learned is that your own path is never truly wrong for you. When others say it is, it’s usually because they’re comparing it to their own. But we’re all walking our own unique journey. The moment you start comparing, you begin to doubt. True happiness comes from embracing your path—not someone else’s.

**Art Is My Life, Bitcoin Is the Tool**
For me, art is life. Bitcoin is simply the tool that allows me to live a good artist’s life. Saving in Bitcoin and spend when I need it gives me peace of mind. And even with a bit more financial freedom, that doesn’t mean I’d ever stop creating. I always want to push myself, improve my craft, and hopefully inspire others through my art and stories.
I truly believe that all good energy comes from human connection and relationships. The most important thing is having a good day with the people around you. These days, we share those moments on social media—but that’s just a reflection of a single moment, whether happy or sad. If you don’t truly live that moment, it’s just wasted energy.
I’ve also learned to truly appreciate other artists and their craft—to find inspiration in their work. This mindset comes more naturally when you have peace of mind, something a Bitcoin savings can provide.
When you’re not under constant financial pressure, art doesn’t have to feel like a business where you must sell your work immediately at an exhibition or event just to make ends meet. Instead, you can focus on creating for the sake of art itself, allowing your work to evolve naturally.

**Freedom to Share Your Art on Nostr**
Luckily, we now have platforms like Nostr where we can share and earn from our art while building a community, without anyone controlling what we do. Bitcoin stands for financial freedom, and Nostr stands for art-sharing freedom. With Bitcoin, you can walk your own path, and with Nostr, you can share your journey freely.
When you’re free to walk your own path, you naturally attract like-minded people because you don’t feel the need to constantly compare yourself to others. The more you embrace being yourself, the more you’ll connect with people who resonate with you.
I’m not suggesting you stay in your own bubble, but rather acknowledging that everyone is in their own bubble in some way. Just like not everyone feels at home in the same country, not everyone feels at home in the same space or community. It’s all about finding where you belong and who aligns with your energy.

I’ve always hated networking events in my creative job. I understand their value, but they were never really my thing. So, I was hesitant at first to attend a Nostr event. But it was in Tokyo (Nostrasia), and I love Japan, so that gave me a good reason to go. Fortunately, I was right—it felt like the right fit for me.
I love to create, and I tend to talk less, so I’m very selective about the events I attend. Nostr events felt different. It’s like we’re all builders and creators who have already broken free from the fiat mindset. By that, I mean the mindset where you go to an event, pay a high price (like at some mayor Bitcoin events, which I can’t stand), and expect to get something in return. The fiat job mentality where you exchange time for direct money, or as we say in Dutch, uurtje factuurtje (hour work, invoice) just doesn’t fit with me. The more you walk your own path, the more you realize what works for you and what doesn’t.

My only advice? Save in Bitcoin, create, and walk your own path. And yes, don’t forget to smile and enjoy the ride. The journey is the destination!

@ fd78c37f:a0ec0833
2025-03-02 13:55:43
In this edition, we invited Bam from Bitcoin Barqnet to share his journey with Bitcoin and its impact in the Middle East. He also discussed the growth of the Barqnet community and introduced his modular wallet, Cypherbox.
**YakiHonne**: Bam, thank you for joining today's conversation. Before we begin, let me briefly introduce YakiHonne. YakiHonne is a decentralized media client built on Nostr—a protocol designed to empower freedom of speech through technology. It enables creators to own their voices and assets while offering innovative tools like smart widgets, verified notes, and support for long-form content. With YakiHonne, individuals can express themselves freely, without the fear of censorship, bans, or restrictions. So before starting the interview, I’d like to learn a little more about you and your community, Bam. Can you tell us more about yourself and what you do?
**Bam**:My name is Basim, and my nickname is Bam. I became somewhat well-known in the Middle East for releasing some Bitcoin courses. I'm an old player in Bitcoin, having gotten involved in 2014. Back then, I realized that Bitcoin was something big, but I didn’t have much Bitcoin because I didn’t have the money to buy it. Instead of investing money in Bitcoin, I invested my time in understanding it and researching it.
**Bam**:After graduating in 2016-17, I decided to dedicate my entire career to Bitcoin while I was in Istanbul. Of course, Bitcoin was the core focus, but there were also many altcoins, and I became interested in those areas as well. I love this space because it's very libertarian, and I myself am a person with libertarian values.
**Bam**:I currently publish tutorial videos on YouTube, primarily aimed at Arabic-speaking audiences in the Middle East, to teach them about Bitcoin economics, technology, and how to use Bitcoin. They have very little knowledge about these topics. I’ve covered many subjects, including wallet operations, mining, using the Lightning Network, and even non-custodial liquidity management. We’ve produced over 200 videos so far. I’ve realized that there are many issues with Bitcoin-related applications, so I’ve decided to develop my own Bitcoin app called Cypherbox.
**YakiHonne**: That's really impressive. You're a content creator in the Bitcoin ecosystem, explaining Bitcoin on YouTube and spreading the Bitcoin ideology. And you're developing your own Lightning app specifically for the Middle East. You're doing a lot of meaningful work.
**Bam**:Unfortunately, I didn't buy more Bitcoins in 2014. I used to own some, but I invested all of my Bitcoin into my channel because I strongly believe in the importance of education. I believe that global international currency is more important than mere wealth. I've tried to ensure that my project is neither charity nor purely commercial. I am now creating an Arabic academy, selling some courses or applications I develop, and trying to commercialize them. Overall, my project is somewhere between open source and commercialization, and I hope to support my life through these means.
**YakiHonne:** That's really great, Bam. I really admire how much you value education and enlightening others. So now, let's move on to the first question. Bam, I think you've already touched on part of the answer. But I'd like to ask again, this time in more detail: What truly sparked your interest in Bitcoin? What motivated you to build or form a community around it?
**Bam**:I used Bitcoin very early on, and I understood right away when I looked at its wallets that it wasn’t a company. I had some experience with decentralized networks, like Tor and Torrent, and I knew this was open-source. Open-source projects are really attractive to me as an engineer. The more I studied Bitcoin, the more fascinated I became with it. I love its decentralized nature.
**Bam**:I studied complex systems, energy engineering, and systems like aeronautics and marine engineering, and I found Bitcoin to be the most sophisticated energy system I’ve ever studied. It’s just fascinating on a technical level, especially the cryptography aspect. What’s so amazing about Bitcoin’s security is that it doesn’t rely on firewalls or central authority; it’s actually the opposite, as Andreas Antonopoulos often explains.
**Bam**:Bitcoin's security comes from its openness. The whole thing—its censorship resistance, the privacy, the community around it—just captivated me. The fact that Satoshi created the greatest monetary network ever, but never moved any coins or had any control after 2009, and gave it away to the community, for everyone in the world, is just an incredible story. There’s so much about Bitcoin that I can’t even begin to explain how deeply I’m attached to it.
**Bam**:What I want to say is that Bitcoin has significantly helped with the issues my country faces because I am from Syria. We have been locked out of the financial system by OFAC policies, which were perhaps seen as justified due to sanctions. Syria has been under financial sanctions, but the problem is that these sanctions weren't just imposed on the Syrian government; they were imposed on the entire Syrian population. Even though the current president Assad is no longer in power, these sanctions still persist. These financial sanctions have caused great suffering for the Syrian people. Syrians are unable to engage in e-commerce or trade with the outside world. This system, which locks people into such a closed financial environment, is a huge issue.
**Bam**:Bitcoin provides an alternative. Bitcoin has not closed its doors to Syrians, and we can still use Bitcoin in Syria. People in Syria use Bitcoin without fear of censorship from any part of the world. No government can lock Syrians out of the Bitcoin network, and Bitcoin transactions can be settled in real time in Syria, regardless of whether any government approves or not.
**YakiHonne:** Can you tell me how you have been able to attract members so far and what challenges have you faced when you started earlier on?
**Bam**:We started on Clubhouse, just a bunch of random Bitcoiners talking about Bitcoin, and around 2020 and 2021, the Lightning Network started to become more usable. We saw some interesting Lightning apps, and when I learned about it, I immediately realized that this was the future of the internet of money. I was heavily involved in Ethereum at the time, writing smart contracts, but once I took Lightning seriously, I knew it was the future of digital money.
**Bam**:We started discussing Lightning on Clubhouse during COVID, focusing on Lightning wallets. We asked ourselves, "How can we bring this technology to the Middle East?" Around that time, I also wanted to get more involved in Bitcoin education, so I began putting out more content. A friend of mine created a Telegram group called Barqnet, and we invited everyone from Clubhouse to join. I started sharing more Bitcoin content and promoting the group, saying, "Hey, if you want to get real education about Bitcoin—beyond videos and courses—come join this group and let's build this community together.
**Bam**:We did this for about six months, and the group attracted a lot of people. But my initial goal wasn’t just to attract regular people; it was to attract technical engineers and build a network of engineers who could not only listen to my explanations but also help me better understand Bitcoin and the challenges they face when interacting with Bitcoin and building the Bitcoin banking infrastructure in the Middle East. As a result, we attracted many highly skilled people. Now the group has about 1,000 members, all of whom are highly technical.
**Bam**:We also created a technical support space for regular Bitcoin users. Anyone in the Middle East facing issues with wallets, buying Bitcoin, mining, or any other Bitcoin-related problems can come to us for help. This is a completely voluntary online initiative, and now many people know that if they have technical questions, no matter how complex, they can come to Barqnet and get answers.
**YakiHonne**: That's really amazing. It seems like you guys are covering both the technical and non-technical aspects of Bitcoin, which is truly remarkable. It's not so common to find a community that manages to engage both sides. But Barqnet, as the Arabic Bitcoin community, seems to have successfully blended both, working with both technical and non-technical people. The work you're doing is really impressive—it's an outstanding job.
**Bam**:I really enjoy seeing the growth of Bitcoin, and I've already started telling people how their lives have changed. In 2024, many people have messaged us in the group, saying, "Thank you so much, you really changed our lives." It's not just people from poor areas, even in wealthy regions like Saudi Arabia and the UAE, people are telling us, "I started a Bitcoin business, I started mining, I started investing, and now I’ve made some money, my value has gone up because of you guys. I didn't sell, I kept my Bitcoin in cold storage." So, everyone is thanking us.
**Bam**:This means much more to us than any financial gain. We didn’t make a lot of money from these initiatives—sure, we earned some, but not much. And it hasn’t changed our lives. If I had spent my time as an engineer focusing on corporate projects, I would probably make a lot more money. I live in Europe now, and my life is pretty good. But helping people understand Bitcoin and onboard into the Bitcoin world means so much more to me than money.
YakiHonne: So, moving on to the next question. How do you see the role of Bitcoin communities evolving as technology matures, particularly in areas like scalability, privacy, and adaptability with other systems? So, how do you see the Bitcoin community evolving with time?
**Bam**:I actually have a lot of different views on how Bitcoin is being taught and developed, especially in terms of scalability. Many people in the West are focused on highly technical developments that do promote individual sovereignty, self-custody, and privacy protection. However, these don't help people who don’t understand the technology, and they make it really difficult for them to use Bitcoin. For example, when I see people recommending non-custodial Lightning wallets, I don’t think this is a good option for everyone, especially in the Global South. For people who don’t understand the technology and just want to use Bitcoin simply, these wallets are way too complicated.
**Bam**:This is why I developed my own app. It's not just a wallet for the Middle East; it's an international wallet that anyone can download. It's open-source and aims to provide a modular Bitcoin experience. The Bitcoin app I envision would contain all the necessary tools, whether it's a custodial service, an exchange, or a simple Lightning custodian service for people who just want to quickly send and receive Bitcoin without dealing with complexity.
**Bam**:A Bitcoin Lightning custodian makes perfect sense if it's reliable. In addition to that, you’d also have your hot wallet, which you can use to withdraw your funds when ready, and move them into self-custody with a simple hot wallet like Blue Wallet. Cold storage should not be the first step for everyone. People often say it's expensive, and that you need to buy hardware wallets, but it’s more of a progression. Start with the basics, and over time, you’ll learn.
**Bam**:Inside the app, users should have access to all the tools for self-custody, including non-custodial Lightning, hot storage, cold storage, federated chains, e-cash systems, and side chains, if applicable. The app would allow users to personalize their experience—choosing what they want based on their technical knowledge, the amount of Bitcoin they want to secure, their privacy preferences, and the fees they’re willing to pay. I imagine the future of Bitcoin will be modular, and every user will be able to customize their experience according to their needs and preferences.
**YakiHonne**: I really appreciate the key points and important aspects of Bitcoin scalability that you mentioned. They're truly crucial, and it's essential for people to understand Bitcoin better rather than misinterpret it. The importance of Bitcoin in these other areas shouldn't be overlooked, and people should embrace it as part of the future, not reject it. Now, we're at the last question. Is the government around you for or against Bitcoin? And how has that affected the community?
**Bam**:I live in France, and the government is generally neutral when it comes to privacy tech. I’ve lived in Turkey, the UAE, Brazil, the EU, and the Netherlands, so I don’t consider myself Syrian. I prefer to think of myself as a citizen of Earth. When it comes to governments, I pay attention to policies and regulations in all countries. I look at examples like El Salvador, and I also follow the current situation in Syria. Right now, we’re working to push for a policy that recognizes Bitcoin rather than implementing strict regulations. We’re trying to get the government to draft laws that are more friendly to Bitcoin. Although the central bank is confused about Bitcoin, they’re not completely opposed to it. We’ve proposed a way to manage the market that doesn’t restrict people’s freedom but also helps regulators deal with companies and Bitcoin projects. We’re seeing very positive reactions, and I believe Syria will become the place that opens Bitcoin to the entire Middle East region, thanks to the voluntary initiatives we’ve initiated.
**YakiHonne**: That was really a fantastic answer, thank you so much, Bam. With that, we’ve come to the end of today’s interview. It’s truly an honor and privilege to have had this conversation with you. I’ve really enjoyed the entire discussion, from start to finish, and I’ve learned a lot from everything we’ve talked about. I really appreciate your passion for Bitcoin and your dedication to pushing for education. We love the work you’re doing. Although we haven’t used your app yet, we believe it’s going to be amazing.Thank you so much again.

@ f3873798:24b3f2f3
2025-03-02 13:12:10

Olá meus caros leitores, estou fazendo um guia voltados aos Brasileiros aqui do Nostr. Vejo que há muito conteúdo em inglês que infelizmente não é traduzido para o português. Por este motivo tomei a iniciativa de começa com este artigo.
Espero que gostem deste artigo, que tenham uma ótima leitura.
# Bem-vindos ao Mundo Nostr !!
Acredito que todos que estão aqui sabem um pouco sobre o Nostr e que é uma rede social descentralizada, local onde você pode postar sem medo de represarias governamentais [ditatoriais].
Mas, vocês conheçem como o Nostr funciona e todas as ferramentas que vocês têm disponível neste ecossistema?
Poisé, acho que não.
O Nostr é um protocolo de comunição descentralizada muito versátil, isso quer dizer que não está limitado a um tipo de "rede social", nele é possível fazer Blogs, streaming, podcast e até mesmo e-mails com autonomia total do usuário.
Meus caros, isso é liberdade total, sem ficar na mão de bigtech como Microsoft, Apple, Google.
Para ficar mais claro darei um exemplo para vocês:
Imagine você criando uma conta no Youtube, você deve aceitar as Diretrizes impostas pela google no uso do **SEU CANAL**, por mais que você tenha autonomia na produção do **SEU CONTEÚDO**, determinadas palavras e termos não podem ser usadas, ou seja, **O GOOGLE DETERMINA O QUE VOCÊ PODE OU NÃO FAZER NO SEU CANAL**.
Veja que é uma liberdade parcial no processo de criação de conteúdo.
Já no Nostr, o seu canal é completamente seu. Não há nenhuma entidade, empresa responsável pelo seu conteúdo a não ser você.

## O Mundo Nostr e sua funcionalidades
No nostr você terá acesso a uma diversidade de aplicativos para cada objetivo de uso.
Mas, antes de abordar sobre os diversos layouts e funcionalidades do Nostr é necessário aprender o básico deste universo.
> ***Em primeiro lugar:*** É necessário que vocês saibam que a partir do momento que vocês criaram um conta aqui, independente do "cliente" ou "distro como o pessoal que gosta de fazer analogia com o Linux", vocês recebem duas importantes chaves ! A **chave privada** e a **chave pública**.

A **Chave privada**, também chamada de chave secreta é o acesso ilimitado a sua conta, ou seja, é a partir dela que poderá produzir conteúdos em geral neste mundo. Ela te dará acesso a todos os rercusos do Nostr, portanto é importante que esteja muito segura.
A **Chave pública**, você ver como os outros usuários ver o seu perfil e o seu conteúdo. Ela é uma importante chave para que as pessoas possam ter acesso aos conteúdo que vocês públicam, ou seja, é atráves dela que você poderá compartilhar o seu perfil para que seu público tenha acesso ao seu mundo.
Dito isso vamos conhecer os apps e os chamados clientes Nostr.
### O que são clientes Nostr?
Clientes são as várias maneiras de interagir com o protocolo Nostr [fonte: Nostr.com]
É semelhante ao Sistema Operacional Linux que tem várias distro com diferentes layout para o mesmo Sistema.
Vejamos as principais para que vocês tenham uma noção da amplitude do protocolo.
- **Damus:** é um app para celulares IOS terem acesso ao NOSTR, tem formato de rede social, como Primal e o Amethyst.
- **Primal** é um app versátil serve tanto para celulares IOS, Android e PCs, também tem formato de rede social, porém você pode abrir uma carteira lightning bitcoin exclusiva deste app, facilitando muito os micropagamentos em satoshis pela rede.
- **Amethyst**, assim como o Damus é para o IOS o Amethsy é para o Android, sou suspeita para falar sobre este clientes, pois é o meu favorito. Além de várias possibilidades de edição de texto, ele tem diversas funcionalidade incluídas, como *****Guia Mercado***** onde você pode comercializar produtos pela rede, tem como intergrar com outros apps de streaming, formar grupos temáticos etc.
- **OXchat** não é exatamente uma rede social tem um layout que lembra um pouco o Whatsapp ou Telegram, serve como uma rede de interação instantânea, tem diversos recursos que achei mais interessante é a lousa, onde é possível interagir no grupo com desenhos etc.
- **Yakihonne** que é justamente o cliente que estou usando para construir este artigo. Como usuário posso dizer que ele tem um foco para criação de Blogs no protocolo Nostr, lembrando que cada cliente tem um layout diferente, ou seja, uso de templates para definir a estrutura do seu blog é meio limitado [ressalva assim como vocês sou iniciante do Nostr, pode ser que tenha como determinar um layout próprio, mas eu mesma não sei como]
Há muitos outros clientes disponíveis para acessar e experimentar e conhecer todos eu recomendo o site: [Nostrapps]( https://nostrapps.com/##all)
Agora que você leu este pequeno guia, se divirta aqui no nostr e não se esqueça de apoia a gente.
Até Mais !!

@ f3873798:24b3f2f3
2025-03-02 13:10:00
Estamos próximos a uma das principais premiações da indústria. Vemos não só a perversão de pautas woke e destruição de valores ocidentes, mas também um grande confronto entre o que mais forte o ativismo Lgbt ou o ativismo político entre as atrizes Fernanda Torres e Karla Gascon.
Só evidência o caos que é os conflitos de interesse de diversas vertentes que a esquerda abraça e diz que é sua.
Mas, o que mais impressiona é o fato do Oscar ter um filme no indicado que até o momento não ganhou nada, porém é notório a superioridade aos outros, este filme é Sing Sing.
Porque o filme Sing sing foi ignorado pelos avaliadores?
O filme tem uma narrativa de superação e como a arte pode mudar as pessoas e as realidades mais pertubadoras. Ele retrata o Sistema carcerário americano, onde realidade de vários presos é mudada atraves de um projeto de um teatro na prisão.
Observando friamente a sintese do filme é uma história que se encaixa perfeitamente aos vies de bandidolatria, se não tivesse um questão, a ação transformadora da arte e deixando de serem vítimas e serem artistas.
Porém apesar de ser uma obra de arte que estimula as pessoas pensarem sobre a vida e ter uma pegada inovadora e completamente diferente dos demais filmes que retratam o sistema carcerário, ele é totalmente ignorado por não ser suficientemente lacrativo.

@ f3873798:24b3f2f3
2025-03-02 13:07:41
Muitas pessoas sofrem em silêncio diante das dificuldades da vida. Seja um término de relacionamento, o convívio em uma família desestruturada ou até mesmo situações extremas, como estar preso em um campo de concentração, a escrita pode ir além de um simples ato de colocar palavras no papel – ela pode ser um agente de libertação.
Seja em forma de diário, desabafo, artigo de opinião ou até mesmo a construção de uma história fantástica, como foi o caso de Harry Potter, escrever pode trazer alívio e transformar a dor em algo criativo e significativo.
Escrever é quase mágico. O simples ato de organizar ideias para construir um texto dá ao escritor o poder de viajar para mundos criados por sua própria mente, funcionando como uma verdadeira forma de escapismo.
Em certas situações extremas, essa pode ser a única alternativa para fugir da realidade, um fio de esperança para aqueles que se sentem perdidos na escuridão do desespero.
Sabe aquela fase da adolescência em que pensamos "Meus pais não me entendem"? Se você está passando por isso, este texto é para você!
Por que não transformar suas angústias em palavras e criar histórias maravilhosas sobre seus anseios, sonhos ou aprendizados do dia a dia?
A escrita pode oferecer um refúgio, um momento em que tudo ao seu redor se transforma e seu processo criativo se torna uma lembrança especial.
Portanto, se você está sofrendo com os desafios da vida, experimente colocar seus sentimentos no papel e transforme a dor em arte. Você pode se surpreender com o poder das palavras.
Essa é a mensagem de hoje.
Até a próxima leitura aleatória

@ f3873798:24b3f2f3
2025-03-02 13:02:47
Você já conheceu alguém que sempre tenta levar vantagem em tudo? Aquele tipo de pessoa que, em vez de buscar crescimento legítimo, prefere explorar os outros para obter benefícios? Infelizmente, essa mentalidade está mais presente do que gostaríamos de admitir.
Ela se manifesta de diversas formas, como:
* Pedir descontos e brindes de maneira abusiva, como se fosse um direito;
* Ameaçar ou constranger vendedores para conseguir preços mais baixos;
* Vender produtos com valores incompatíveis com a qualidade ou omitir defeitos para enganar clientes.
Quem age assim tem uma conduta antiética e, pior, muitas vezes se orgulha disso, como se enganar alguém fosse um sinal de esperteza. Mas será que essa mentalidade realmente leva ao sucesso?
A curto prazo, pode parecer que sim. Alguns até conseguem vantagens temporárias, mas a longo prazo, essa postura cobra seu preço. A reputação se desgasta, as oportunidades diminuem e, inevitavelmente, o comportamento oportunista se volta contra quem o pratica.
No Brasil, essa mentalidade oportunista se tornou quase um traço cultural. Combater isso exige uma mudança de perspectiva e, acima de tudo, uma autoavaliação sincera.
O primeiro passo é reconhecer se, em algum momento, você já adotou esse comportamento. Ser honesto consigo mesmo é fundamental para evoluir.
O segundo passo é entender que essa mentalidade não só é antiética, mas também prejudica seu próprio crescimento. Quem não valoriza o trabalho alheio dificilmente conseguirá que seu próprio trabalho seja valorizado.
Portanto, abandone essa postura de querer sempre "se dar bem" às custas dos outros. Valorize o esforço e o trabalho de quem está oferecendo um produto ou serviço. Se não pode pagar, simplesmente não compre. Faça igual o Lula rsrsrs.
Mas brincadeiras a parte, não exija que os outros arquem com o custo da sua insatisfação.
E esta foi a mensagem de hoje.
Espero que tenha gostado de mais uma leitura aleatória.

@ c11cf5f8:4928464d
2025-03-02 10:52:14
Let's support #Bitcoin #merchants! I'd love to hear some of your latest #Bitcoin purchases, feel free to include links to the #shops or #businesses you bought from too.
Who else has a recent purchase they’re excited about? Bonus #sats if you found a killer #deal! ⚡
If you missed our last thread, [here](https://stacker.news/items/895134/r/AG) are some of the items stackers recently spent and #zap #sats on.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/901431

@ 407529d6:83e93205
2025-03-02 09:49:15
The internet was supposed to be a place of free expression, but today's centralized platforms have turned it into a controlled marketplace.
🚫 Censorship & Content Control : Algorithms decide what you see, and policies dictate what you can say.
💰 Unfair Revenue Models : Creators put in the work, but platforms take the biggest cut.
🔒 Loss of Ownership: Your content is stored on centralized servers, vulnerable to bans and deletions.
Decentralization is the way forward—a system where creators and consumers are in control.
Enter YakiHonne & Bitcoin: A New Era of Content Freedom
Built on the Nostr protocol, YakiHonne is changing the game. It offers:
Censorship Resistance: No centralized entity can remove your content.
Direct Monetization : Earn Bitcoin from your audience, not through ads.
True Ownership : Your content, your rules no sudden bans, no takedowns.
How to Monetize Your Content on YakiHonne
If you're a content creator, here’s how you can start earning:
1. Direct Payments - Get Bitcoin tips from your audience instantly.
2. Subscription Models - Offer premium content for loyal supporters.
3. Community Funding - Crowdfund ideas and projects without intermediaries.
The future of content creation is decentralized, fair, and Bitcoin-powered.
Are you ready to break free from traditional platforms and take control? 🔥
#YakiHonne #NOSTR #Bitcoin

@ 41fa852b:af7b7706
2025-03-02 08:13:00
> "The only way to deal with an unfree world is to become so absolutely free that your very existence is an act of rebellion." --Albert Camus
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**Another great week of Bitcoin meetups is ahead of us!**
This week, we are thrilled to partner with The Bitcoin Ireland Conference 2025 to help spread the word about this amazing grass-roots gathering.
We have two tickets to give away in a competition. To enter, [click here](https://bitcoinevents.uk/bitcoinireland2025/) to submit your entry.
Good luck, check out all the details below, and we'll see you there.
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[](https://bitcoinevents.uk/donate/)
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_This week's sponsor is…_
[](https://www.orangepillapp.com?utm_source=BEUK&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=BEUK)
* * *
### **Upcoming Bitcoin Meetups**
Happening this week…
1. [**Eat and Meet with Joe Bryan**](https://orangepill.app.link/MDg7o8KxcRb): Meet the creator of 'What's the Problem' and a host of fellow bitcoiners at the Weeping Willow in Bury St Edmunds. Starting at 18:00 on Tuesday, March the 4th.
2. [**Bitcoin 101 @ Cyphermunk House**](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/bitcoin-101-cyphermunk-house-tickets-1260764423329): On Tuesday, March 4, 2025, from 18:30 to 20:30, a beginner's Bitcoin class at 9 John Street, London WC1N 2ES. This 2-hour community-led event covers wallets, signers, and privacy, starting at 18:45. Arrive early; £5 donation in cash or sats.
3. [**Canterbury Bitcoin**](https://www.meetup.com/Canterbury-Bitcoin-Meetup-Group): Meeting this month at the Millers Arms in Canterbury at 19:00 on Tuesday the 4th of March. An informal meetup to discuss Bitcoin and chat.
4. [**Belfast Bitcoin**](https://bitcoinevents.uk/belfast-bitcoin-meetup/): Join them on Tuesday the 4th March, 20:00. These guys meet in person monthly on the first Tuesday of each month at Ormeau Baths Event Space, 18 Ormeau Avenue, Belfast, BT2 8HS, Northern Ireland.
5. [**OPA North London Meetup**](https://bitcoinevents.uk/event/opa-north-london-meetup/): On Wednesday, March 5, 2025, from 18:30 to 21:30, North Londoners gather at Alice House, 283--285 West End Lane, NW6 1RD, West Hampstead. The Snug, a cosy pub nook, hosts this relaxed meetup for plotting and connecting, easily reachable by overground, no passport needed.
6. [**Rooted in the West Bank @ Cyphermunk House**](https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rooted-in-the-west-bank-cyphermunk-house-tickets-1251125031649): On Friday, March 7, 2025, from 18:30 to 21:30, a 3-hour event at 9 John Street, London WC1N 2ES features a screening of a 47-minute documentary by Uri Fruchtmann and Bruno Sorrentino. It profiles Palestinian farmer Atta Jabar, with Uri presenting to raise sats for a feature-length expansion.
7. [**Bitcoin Walk - Edinburgh**](https://bitcoinwalk.org/): Every Saturday at 12:00, Edinburgh Bitcoiners gather for a walk starting near Meadows Park's tennis courts, discussing news, innovations, and hyperbitcoinization. Newcomers are welcome to learn about Bitcoin's role in separating money from state. They often continue the conversation afterwards with something to eat. 🚶🏽♂️🚶🏼♀️🚶🏻
8. [**Bitcoin Derby**](https://bitcoinevents.uk/bitcoin-derby/): On Saturday, March 8, 2025, at 15:00, Bitcoin Derby gathers at Ye Olde Dolphin, DE1 3DL, to mark the 32nd anniversary of Eric Hughes' "A Cypherpunk Manifesto." Join fellow Bitcoiners to commemorate this iconic moment at the regular time and place.
9. [**Privacy Day, Nostr London v6**](https://meetu.ps/e/NPrrp/v822r/i): On March 9, 2025, the 2140 Collective hosts the event in Tooting from 15:00 to 21:40, honoring Eric Hughes' Cypherpunk Manifesto. It features talks on Bitcoin crowdfunding, freedom, Nostr projects, art, free burgers from Angor.io, and a sats drop for Lightning wallet users.
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### Upcoming Special Events
These events aren't happening next week, but they're important to add to your calendar now as tickets are selling fast.
- [**CheatCode 2025**](https://www.cheatcode.co.uk/) - Peter McCormack hosts the CheatCode conference, following last year's success. This year, international guest speakers include Preston Pysh, Alex Gladstein, Natalie Brunell, Matthew Pines, Steve Baker, Ben Arc, and Checkmate.
Friday, April 11th, is the main conference day, followed by a huge meetup at Ledger Park for the men's Real Bedford match, and again on Sunday for the women's match. Check out the link for ticket details.
[](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fbcb0553a-dc8c-4fb7-98dd-4a95085d83a5_1500x500.png)
- [**Bitcoin Ireland Conference 2025**](https://www.bitcoinireland.eu/): Bitcoin Ireland is hosting its annual Bitcoin Conference, building on the momentum of previous years. This year Bitcoin Events UK are proudly serving as a media partner to help spread the word! [Enter our competition](https://bitcoinevents.uk/bitcoinireland2025/) to win two free tickets worth (€198 value). This year's lineup of international guest speakers includes Daniel Prince, alongside notable figures like Knut Svanholm, Dinny Collins, Lawrence-Stanley and other respected voices in the Bitcoin community, offering thoughtful perspectives on the evolving Bitcoin revolution.
The main conference takes place on Saturday, May 24th, at The Green Isle Hotel in Dublin. Following the event, attendees can join a relaxed networking meetup with Ireland's Bitcoin community to continue the discussion. For ticket details, visit: [www.bitcoinireland.eu](https://www.bitcoinireland.eu/).
[](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F09673e8d-798e-45cd-9393-610ff52df530_2400x1260.png)
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**Get Involved**
- **Volunteer Opportunities**: [Bridge2Bitcoin](https://bridge2bitcoin.com/) is actively seeking volunteers who share our passion for merchant adoption. We'd be delighted to connect if you're eager to contribute. Reach out to us on [Twitter](https://x.com/bridge2bitcoin) or through our [website](https://bridge2bitcoin.com/).
- **Start Your Own Meetup**: Interested in launching a Bitcoin meetup? We're here to support you every step of the way. We've assisted numerous UK Bitcoin meetups in getting started. Get in touch via [Twitter](https://x.com/bitcoineventsuk).
- [**Contribute to BTCMaps**](https://wiki.btcmap.org/general/tagging-instructions.html): BTCMaps is a vital part of the Bitcoin ecosystem. It's a perfect project to get involved with if you're not a coder or even that technical. A great way to give back to the community. Maintain an area of the UK and keep it up-to-date.
- **Telegram users**: You might find our [Telegram Channel](https://t.me/BitcoinEventsUKHub) another useful way to keep up-to-date with UK meetups.
- **Feedback and Suggestions**: We value your input! Share your ideas on how we can enhance this newsletter.
* * *
_This week's sponsors are…_
[](https://orangecoinstore.com/)
[](https://bitcoinretreat.co.uk/)
[](https://bitcoinmetalworks.com/)
* * *
Get out and support the meetups where you can, visit [Bitcoin Events UK](https://bitcoinevents.uk/) for more info on each meetup and to find your closest on the interactive map.
Stay tuned for more updates next week!

@ da0b9bc3:4e30a4a9
2025-03-02 08:12:23
Hello Stackers!
Welcome on into the ~Music Corner of the Saloon!
A place where we Talk Music. Share Tracks. Zap Sats.
So stay a while and listen.
🚨Don't forget to check out the pinned items in the territory homepage! You can always find the latest weeklies there!🚨
🚨Subscribe to the territory to ensure you never miss a post! 🚨
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/901383

@ fbf0e434:e1be6a39
2025-03-02 06:18:25
DoraHacks has once again set a new standard for showcasing the brightest minds in Web3 and frontier technology with the successful debut of **BUIDL DAY**—our flagship event dedicated to amplifying the voices of early-stage, high-impact projects from the most promising ecosystems in the space.
With over **500 participants** in attendance, BUIDL DAY was more than just an event; it was a hub of energy and innovation. Held at the intersection of collaboration and cutting-edge technology, we brought together nine pioneering ecosystems.— **Cosmos, Babylon, Sonic, Aptos, Circle, KAIA, Initia, Movement and Flow**—to spotlight the most original and contrarian early-stage teams building the next generation of technology.


It was the moment DoraHacks unveiled its defining thesis for 2025: **Freedom of BUIDL**—the fundamental belief that anyone, anywhere, should have the freedom to build what they want, when they want.
DoraHacks is not merely a platform. It is a force of nature, mobilizing the world's largest and most significant hacker movement. With over **200,000 developers** having collectively launched **20,000+ startups**, DoraHacks is rewriting the blueprint of innovation. This is where the future is built—not in closed rooms, but in the open, by hackers who refuse to ask for permission.
### **Hacking Without Borders**
The numbers speak for themselves. In 2024 alone, over **300 organizations** hosted more than **350 hackathons** through DoraHacks, proving that the demand for open innovation has never been stronger. Any organization, from emerging startups to global enterprises, can tap into the boundless creative potential of the DoraHacks ecosystem and launch their own hackathons with ease.
### **DoraHacks' 2025 Thesis: The Future of BUIDL**
At BUIDL Day, DoraHacks announced its core technological priorities for 2025. These are not mere trends—they are fundamental shifts in how the internet, cryptography, and decentralized systems will evolve. DoraHacks is doubling down on collaborations with the most critical open-source platforms to foster growth and innovation. The key areas include:
- **Consumer Crypto** – A narrative gaining traction across Aptos, Circle, Flow, and beyond, driving the next wave of crypto-native consumer applications.
- **Agentic Crypto & Organizations** – A revolution in decentralized coordination, playing out in Injective, Sonic, and YakiHonne.
- **Freedom of BUIDL & Privacy Tech** – Powering sovereign innovation and privacy-first technologies, championed by Zama and Dora Factory.
- **Sovereign Independent Blockchains** – The rise of self-sovereign networks, an area where Cosmos and its ecosystem continue to lead.
But we are not stopping there.
### **Exploring the Next Frontier**
2025 marks the beginning of DoraHacks’ deep foray into frontier technology:
- **Quantum Software & Infrastructure** – Enabling the next paradigm shift in computing.
- **Quantum Cryptography** – Developing encryption that withstands the quantum era.
- **Open Source Hardware** – Breaking the barriers of proprietary computing.
The future is decentralized. It is open-source. And it is being built, right now.
### **The Next Chapter: Google Cloud x DoraHacks**
DoraHacks is not just shaping the future—it is forming alliances with those who are building it. At BUIDL Day, DoraHacks officially announced its partnership with **Google Cloud**. As part of this collaboration, Google Cloud will provide **$350,000 in cloud and AI services** to support DoraHacks’ most promising startups. This partnership will also drive the launch of new hackathons focused on cutting-edge fields, from AI to quantum computing.
### **A Platform for Bold Builders**
BUIDL DAY was meticulously designed to give early-stage teams the **visibility, resources, and connections** they need to propel their projects forward. Unlike traditional conferences and summits, our focus was on the BUIDLs that challenge the status quo—teams building with first-principles thinking and forging paths where others have yet to tread. These BUIDLs represented the **cutting edge** of decentralized technology, from novel Layer 1s and interoperability solutions to revolutionary applications in DeFi, consumer, AI gaming, and infrastructure.

### **Unparalleled Networking and Exposure**
The energy in the room was electric as builders, investors, and foundation leaders engaged in deep discussion. **Venture capitalists**, including some of the most active investors in the space, had the opportunity to meet the next wave of category-defining projects at their earliest stages. Meanwhile, developers and founders connected with the **leading foundations** backing their ecosystems, receiving invaluable insights, mentorship, and potential funding opportunities.
Beyond structured networking, serendipitous encounters defined the day—whether it was a team finding a strategic partner over coffee or a founder securing an unexpected investor introduction during a panel discussion. **BUIDL DAY was proof that the right environment fosters groundbreaking collaborations.**
### **Why BUIDL DAY Matters**
The ethos behind BUIDL DAY is simple: **true innovation happens when visionary builders are given a platform to share, iterate, and connect.** While the Web3 landscape is constantly evolving, one thing remains certain—early-stage projects need more than funding; they need the right **ecosystem, exposure, and support** to succeed.
By curating an event that prioritizes originality and contrarian thinking, DoraHacks has reaffirmed its commitment to **nurturing the builders who will define the future of blockchain and beyond**. BUIDL DAY was not just a moment in time—it was the beginning of something much bigger.
To all the builders, investors, and foundation leaders who joined us: **thank you for making this an unforgettable experience.** We can’t wait to see where these projects go next and look forward to building together in the future.
Until next time, keep BUIDLing!
If you want to learn more about all of the participating BUIDLs please refer the our
[BUIDL DAY BUIDL BROCHURE](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1YPHkhDIHcVYjkaMeH8NTdb-acHqdb4oN/view?usp=drive_link)

@ 6e0ea5d6:0327f353
2025-03-02 03:08:00
Ascolta bene! Conquering a city is easy. All it takes is gathering armies, strategies, and being ruthless. But mastering one’s own spirit? Ah, that is the battle that separates men from boys, leaders from tyrants, and the wise from the foolish.
Davvero, patience is the hammer that shapes a man's spirit; fury is the fire that destroys it. A warrior wins battles, but a man who controls his emotions rules empires. He who governs himself will never be a slave to circumstances.
An army may tear down walls, but a single man who controls his emotions builds empires—both within and beyond himself. Patience is not weakness; it is the precise strike of one who has already won the internal battle. Unchecked rage destroys in seconds what patience builds over a lifetime.
External victory without internal mastery is a deception. What good is it to conquer a city if your soul remains a battlefield? He who does not control his spirit is a slave to himself. Anger, ego, and pride are serpents coiled within the heart, ready to suffocate any chance of greatness. A man without self-control is nothing more than a wild beast; a patient man is a fortress.
Patience is not weakness; it is an invisible sword that cuts deeper than any forged blade. True power does not lie in the roar of rage but in the silence of strategy. It is the shield that guards against reckless decisions, words that cannot be taken back, and mistakes that are far too costly. A patient man, one who masters his spirit, is like a volcano—choosing when and where to erupt. He does not waste energy; he channels it, calculates, and triumphs.
A man's success is not measured by the lands he conquers or the people he commands, but by his ability to remain unshaken, even when everything around him crumbles. The man who does not master himself is a slave, even with an empire at his feet. But the patient man, the one who transforms anger into strength and silence into strategy, becomes a living weapon. He does not merely survive—he dominates, unbreakable, immortal in his legacy.
Be this man, amico mio.
Thank you for reading, my friend!
If this message resonated with you, consider leaving your "🥃" as a token of appreciation.
A toast to our family!

@ 22050dd3:480c11ea
2025-03-02 03:06:35
*Written by Keith Meola, Revised by Frank Corva*
Situated 8 miles off the coast of Cancun surrounded by pristine turquoise waters is a small island called Isla Mujeres.
And when I say small, I mean small. It measures just 5 miles long by 0.5 miles wide.
The sliver of landmass has a lot going on, though. On it, you can find a lake, a bay, different beaches with unique waves, and various distinct areas.
There’s the calmer residential center, the active and more touristy “downtown”, and the tranquil and posh Southern tip, to describe a few.
12,600 people live on the island, and several hundred merchants and businesses operate there.
Of these businesses, 16 accept bitcoin.
At the beginning of 2024, this number was zero. So, how have so many people on the island been orange-pilled in such a short period of time?
A passionate Bitcoiner named Isabella (Isa) Santos, that's who. And she started doing this work at block height #829,750 (mined February 9, 2024). This is when BTC Isla was born.

## BTC Isla
Isa started the work as a passion project. BTC Isla was slow to initially get off the ground, but, Isa began to pick up steam by the end of 2024. And now she is charging ahead with the help of visiting Bitcoiners.
The first visitor arrived in the Summer of 2024 and the number of visitors has been steadily increasing since then.
Within the first month of this year, 6 Bitcoiners from 4 countries have visited the island to see what is happening and partake in the movement. Those who have visited have split their time between attending meetups or volunteering and partaking in efforts to spread Bitcoin adoption. And Isa intends to welcome many more Bitcoiners to the island this year.
She also plans to continue to work tirelessly to not only onboard more merchants but to educate the freshly orange-pilled about how Bitcoin works and why it's so important.
One of the bitcoin-accepting merchants on the island
## Bitcoin Education
Education is at the core of BTC Isla. In Isa's mind, Bitcoin education is necessary to truly empower the population.
It is one thing to accept bitcoin as a form of payment. It's another for people to truly understand what Bitcoin is and what it can do for them.
Isa teaches Bitcoin classes which are free to attend.
At the moment they are held at the Mayakita restaurant, which is also the usual spot for the Bitcoin meetups. Isa teaches the classes in Spanish using the [Mi Primer Bitcoin](http://myfirstbitcoin.io) curriculum.
This curriculum is an open-source diploma-based educational program created by the organization Mi Primer Bitcoin in El Salvador. Through their coursework, students are taught the essential knowledge to gain financial literacy and understand Bitcoin.
As of the time of writing, one cohort has already graduated and the second one is on its way!
BTC Isla class
## Merchant Adoption
Adoption on the island is picking up steam in 2025. As mentioned, 16 merchants on the island currently accept bitcoin as payment.
And Isa is working to increase that number with the help of locals. Expats living on the island as well as students and graduated students help with adoption.
Thanks to the efforts of Isa and her team, it's now possible to visit the island and use bitcoin exclusively to pay for goods and services!
The majority of the merchants who accept bitcoin are food and drink vendors, but it is possible to pay for accommodation, transportation, and even some tours and shopping with bitcoin.
Visitors at a meetup
As I wrote, the number of visitors to the island is exploding in 2025. I recently had the opportunity and pleasure to visit the island and spent 2 weeks there observing and taking part In the project. I will be writing about my experiences on the island and with BTC Isla!
## Gaining Attention
Big and exciting things are happening on the small island of Isla Mujeres.
What started as a solo passion project to “orange pill a whole island” is quickly gaining new members and it's attracting attention both on the island and around the globe.
Word is quickly spreading that something is brewing off the coast of Cancun.
Post-class picture, that's me in the white shirt
BTC Isla can be followed at the following handles:
- [btcisla.xyz](https://www.btcisla.xyz)
- [Twitter/X](https://x.com/BTCisla)
- [Nostr](https://primal.net/BTCIsla)
- [Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/@btcisla)

@ 6e0ea5d6:0327f353
2025-03-02 03:02:20
Every venture is a tremendous risk. In all your business endeavors, ask yourself: is the potential gain viable enough to outweigh the risk of loss? Courage must always align with intelligence. That is, every initiative should be based on a thorough study of the market, supply, and demand.
If the success of your plans depends on someone else's help, believe this: you have already failed. Do not wait for assistance, do not rely on the goodwill of others, and never trust promises of support. In the end, people are more likely to ignore you than to honor their word.
It will not be their fault in any way. However, it will be yours. Do not be disappointed in others—be disappointed in yourself for expecting too much from them. Engrave these words in your heart, and you will never have the spear of betrayal lodged in your back. When you are at rock bottom, the only thing that will fall from the sky is dirt. The best time to be courageous is when you have nothing left.
With that in mind, approach your problems with enthusiasm and determination! Keep your eyes open, your mouth shut, your heart still, and your spirit ready for war. Only lower your guard when they lower the lid of your coffin. Both failure and victory are direct results of your actions and how you navigate your personal circumstances. Take responsibility for your choices and mistakes, do not wallow in self-pity, and enjoy what you earn.
Expect nothing from others but disappointment, lies, and constant frustration. Anything good that comes your way—consider it a bonus.
Thank you for reading, my friend!
If this message resonated with you, consider leaving your "🥃" as a token of appreciation.
A toast to our family!

@ f3873798:24b3f2f3
2025-03-02 02:32:22
Olá, caros leitores!
No meu Guia para Novatos do Nostr, mencionei brevemente o YakiHonne, um dos diversos clientes disponíveis no ecossistema Nostr. Hoje, quero aprofundar mais sobre esse cliente, destacando suas funcionalidades, vantagens, desvantagens e minha opinião final.
# YakiHonne: O Melhor Cliente para Microblog no Nostr?

O YakiHonne se destaca por sua interface bem organizada e otimizada para leitura de artigos no Nostr. Um dos seus diferenciais é a seção de sugestões no canto superior da tela, que recomenda conteúdos relevantes e incentiva a exploração de novas postagens.
Caso você queira mais visibilidade na plataforma, existe a opção de pagar para destacar uma publicação através da funcionalidade> **Note Paga**, localizada na parte inferior da tela de criação de posts.
Além disso, o YakiHonne oferece diversas opções de publicação, cada uma com otimizações específicas.
# Funcionalidades do YakiHonne

Ao clicar no botão "**+**", o usuário tem acesso às seguintes opções de postagens:
📌 **Note**
Equivalente às postagens instantâneas de redes sociais como X (antigo Twitter), onde os usuários compartilham pensamentos curtos e interagem rapidamente.
📝 **Article**
Voltado para microblogs e blogs, essa opção permite uma formatação mais detalhada dos textos, sendo ideal para quem quer produzir conteúdo mais elaborado.
🎥 **Vídeo**
Uma funcionalidade destinada à publicação de vídeos. Aparentemente, o YakiHonne busca ser um “YouTube descentralizado” dentro do Nostr, mas ainda não explorei essa opção a fundo. Se alguém já testou, sinta-se à vontade para compartilhar nos comentários.
🖥️ **Smart Widget**
Permite personalizar o layout do cliente para que a experiência de navegação e leitura fique mais intuitiva e agradável para cada usuário.
📚 **Curation**
Uma funcionalidade que possibilita a criação de curations, ou seja, coleções de artigos organizados por tema. Além disso, outras pessoas podem contribuir com artigos relacionados, tornando essa uma ferramenta colaborativa interessante.
Na minha opinião, a opção Article é a mais útil, pois permite criar textos bem estruturados.
# Construindo um Artigo no YakiHonne
Na opção Article, há diversas ferramentas de formatação disponíveis, incluindo:
* Negrito
* Itálico
* Hyperlink
* Diferentes níveis de títulos (H1, H2, H3…)
* <> Para realçar trechos de código ou termos específicos
* " Para inserir citações destacadas
* Sublinhado
* f (parece criar um botão, mas precisa de ajustes)
* Inserção de imagens via URL ou upload direto
* Inteligência Artificial integrada para auxiliar na escrita
* Smart Widget para melhor organização
Essas ferramentas tornam a experiência de escrever no YakiHonne mais completa e dinâmica.
# Vantagens do YakiHonne
✅ Ótima otimização para textos – É um dos clientes mais completos para quem deseja produzir conteúdos bem estruturados.
✅ Interface intuitiva – A organização da plataforma facilita a navegação e a gestão das postagens.
✅ Ferramentas de divulgação – As opções de curadoria e destaques pagos ajudam a impulsionar conteúdos relevantes.
# Desvantagens do YakiHonne
⚠️ Edição de texto precisa de melhorias – A opção de sublinhar altera o tamanho e a fonte do texto, o que não é ideal para destacar palavras estrangeiras corretamente.
⚠️ Botão "f" desconfigurado – A funcionalidade que aparentemente gera um botão ficou deformada no meu celular, sem possibilidade de ajuste.
# Considerações Finais
O YakiHonne é um dos melhores clientes Nostr que já experimentei. Se você gosta de ler e escrever artigos, pode passar horas explorando os conteúdos da comunidade.
Além disso, acredito que no futuro haverá mais opções de monetização. Assim como outros clientes Nostr, o YakiHonne permite associar uma carteira de Bitcoin, possibilitando receber doações pelos conteúdos publicados.
Se você já testou esse cliente, deixe nos comentários sua experiências

@ d5c3d063:4d1159b3
2025-03-02 02:29:00
ทำไมคนที่ด่าเรา ถึงเป็นคนที่ทุกข์...ลองนึกภาพคนที่กำลังมีความสุขดูสิ... เขาจะมีเวลามานั่งด่าใครไหม
วันหนึ่ง...ผมนั่งอยู่ในร้านกาแฟ มองออกไปเห็นชายคนหนึ่งกำลังมีปากเสียงกับพนักงานร้าน เขาพูดจาเสียงดัง หน้าตาบึ้งตึง ดูหงุดหงิดอย่างเห็นได้ชัด พนักงานสาวที่ถูกตำหนิพยายามขอโทษ และอธิบายเหตุผลของเธอด้วยน้ำเสียงสุภาพ แต่ชายคนนั้นยังคงไม่พอใจ เดินออกจากร้านไปด้วยอารมณ์ขุ่นมัว ทิ้งบรรยากาศตึงเครียดไว้เบื้องหลัง
พนักงานสาวถอนหายใจเบา ๆ แล้วหันกลับมาทำงานต่อราวกับไม่มีอะไรเกิดขึ้น ผมอดสงสัยไม่ได้ว่าทำไมเธอถึงดูไม่ทุกข์ร้อนกับเหตุการณ์เมื่อครู่นี้เลย
"ไม่เป็นไรค่ะ เขาคงมีเรื่องให้กังวลอยู่แล้ว" เธอตอบเมื่อผมถาม
ในชีวิตของเรา คงไม่มีใครไม่เคยถูกตำหนิ ถูกต่อว่า หรือถูกพูดจาไม่ดีใส่ บางครั้งอาจเป็นเพียงคำพูดที่ไม่ได้ตั้งใจ บางครั้งอาจเป็นอารมณ์โกรธที่ถูกระบายออกมาโดยไม่เลือกที่หมาย แต่หากเราหยุดดูให้ดี เราจะพบว่าคนที่กำลังโกรธ ดุด่าหรือตำหนิใครสักคน มักจะเป็นคนที่กำลังเผชิญกับความทุกข์อยู่แล้ว
...และเมื่อเผชิญกับคำพูดที่ไม่ดี เรามีทางเลือกอยู่เสมอ...
- ตอบโต้กลับไป
บางครั้งเราโกรธและเผลอพูดอะไรออกไปตามอารมณ์ สิ่งนี้อาจทำให้เกิดความรู้สึกไม่ดีทั้งสองฝ่าย บางครั้งเราชนะการโต้เถียง แต่กลับแพ้ที่ความสงบในใจ
- ปล่อยผ่าน และเข้าใจ
การเข้าใจว่า "คนที่ด่าเรา เขานั่นแหละทุกข์" ไม่ได้หมายความว่าเราต้องยอมรับการถูกกระทำที่ไม่เหมาะสม แต่หมายถึงการไม่เอาคำพูดเหล่านั้นมาเป็นภาระของตัวเอง
- มองลึกลงไปให้เห็นเจตนา
บางครั้งคนที่ตำหนิเราอาจจะต้องการให้เราปรับปรุงในบางเรื่อง อารมณ์ของเขาอาจจะไม่ดี แต่หากเราแยกเนื้อหาจากอารมณ์ออกมาได้ เราอาจพบว่ามีบางอย่างที่เราสามารถเรียนรู้ได้
ท้ายที่สุด คำพูดของใครก็ไม่สำคัญเท่ากับสิ่งที่เราบอกกับตัวเอง
หากเรามั่นคงพอ คำพูดที่รุนแรงจะเป็นเพียงเสียงที่ผ่านเข้ามาแล้วผ่านไป
หากเรามีเมตตา คำพูดที่ไม่ดีจะเป็นบทเรียนให้เราเข้าใจมนุษย์มากขึ้น
หากเรารู้เท่าทันอารมณ์ตัวเอง คำพูดเหล่านั้นก็จะไม่มีอิทธิพลต่อเรา
"ไม่เป็นไรค่ะ เขาคงมีเรื่องให้กังวลอยู่แล้ว"
คนที่มาด่าเรา อาจจะต้องการกำลังใจมากกว่าที่เราคิดก็ได้...

@ eb35d9c0:6ea2b8d0
2025-03-02 00:55:07
I had a ton of fun making this episode of Midnight Signals. It taught me a lot about the haunting of the Bell family and the demise of John Bell. His death was attributed to the Bell Witch making Tennessee the only state to recognize a person's death to the supernatural.
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If you enjoyed the episode, visit the Midnight Signals site. [https://midnightsignals.net](https://midnightsignals.net)
### Show Notes
Journey back to the early 1800s and the eerie Bell Witch haunting that plagued the Bell family in Adams, Tennessee. It began with strange creatures and mysterious knocks, evolving into disembodied voices and violent attacks on young Betsy Bell. Neighbors, even Andrew Jackson, witnessed the phenomena, adding to the legend. The witch's identity remains a mystery, sowing fear and chaos, ultimately leading to John Bell's tragic demise. The haunting waned, but its legacy lingers, woven into the very essence of the town. Delve into this chilling story of a family's relentless torment by an unseen force.
### Transcript
Good evening, night owls. I'm Russ Chamberlain, and you're listening to midnight signals, the show, where we explore the darkest corners of our collective past. Tonight, our signal takes us to the early 1800s to a modest family farm in Adams, Tennessee. Where the Bell family encountered what many call the most famous haunting in American history.
Make yourself comfortable, hush your surroundings, and let's delve into this unsettling tale. Our story begins in 1804, when John Bell and his wife Lucy made their way from North Carolina to settle along the Red River in northern Tennessee. In those days, the land was wide and fertile, mostly unspoiled with gently rolling hills and dense woodland.
For the Bells, John, Lucy, and their children, The move promised prosperity. They arrived eager to farm the rich soil, raise livestock, and find a peaceful home. At first, life mirrored [00:01:00] that hope. By day, John and his sons worked tirelessly in the fields, planting corn and tending to animals, while Lucy and her daughters managed the household.
Evenings were spent quietly, with scripture readings by the light of a flickering candle. Neighbors in the growing settlement of Adams spoke well of John's dedication and Lucy's gentle spirit. The Bells were welcomed into the Fold, a new family building their future on the Tennessee Earth. In those early years, the Bells likely gave little thought to uneasy rumors whispered around the region.
Strange lights seen deep in the woods, soft cries heard by travelers at dusk, small mysteries that most dismissed as product of the imagination. Life on the frontier demanded practicality above all else, leaving little time to dwell on spirits or curses. Unbeknownst to them, events on their farm would soon dominate not only their lives, but local lore for generations to come.[00:02:00]
It was late summer, 1817, when John Bell's ordinary routines took a dramatic turn. One evening, in the waning twilight, he spotted an odd creature near the edge of a tree line. A strange beast resembling part dog, part rabbit. Startled, John raised his rifle and fired, the shot echoing through the fields. Yet, when he went to inspect the spot, nothing remained.
No tracks, no blood, nothing to prove the creature existed at all. John brushed it off as a trick of falling light or his own tired eyes. He returned to the house, hoping for a quiet evening. But in the days that followed, faint knocking sounds began at the windows after sunset. Soft scratching rustled against the walls as if curious fingers or claws tested the timbers.
The family's dog barked at shadows, growling at the emptiness of the yard. No one considered it a haunting at first. Life on a rural [00:03:00] farm was filled with pests, nocturnal animals, and the countless unexplained noises of the frontier. Yet the disturbances persisted, night after night, growing a little bolder each time.
One evening, the knocking on the walls turned so loud it woke the entire household. Lamps were lit, doors were open, the ground searched, but the land lay silent under the moon. Within weeks, the unsettling taps and scrapes evolved into something more alarming. Disembodied voices. At first, the voices were faint.
A soft murmur in rooms with no one in them. Betsy Bell, the youngest daughter, insisted she heard her name called near her bed. She ran to her mother and her father trembling, but they found no intruder. Still, The voice continued, too low for them to identify words, yet distinct enough to chill the blood.
Lucy Bell began to fear they were facing a spirit, an unclean presence that had invaded their home. She prayed for divine [00:04:00] protection each evening, yet sometimes the voice seemed to mimic her prayers, twisting her words into a derisive echo. John Bell, once confident and strong, grew unnerved. When he tried reading from the Bible, the voice mocked him, imitating his tone like a cruel prankster.
As the nights passed, disturbances gained momentum. Doors opened by themselves, chairs shifted with no hand to move them, and curtains fluttered in a room void of drafts. Even in daytime, Betsy would find objects missing, only for them to reappear on the kitchen floor or a distant shelf. It felt as if an unseen intelligence roamed the house, bent on sowing chaos.
Of all the bells, Betsy suffered the most. She was awakened at night by her hair being yanked hard enough to pull her from sleep. Invisible hands slapped her cheeks, leaving red prints. When she walked outside by day, she heard harsh whispers at her ear, telling her she would know [00:05:00] no peace. Exhausted, she became withdrawn, her once bright spirit dulled by a ceaseless fear.
Rumors spread that Betsy's torment was the worst evidence of the haunting. Neighbors who dared spend the night in the Bell household often witnessed her blankets ripped from the bed, or watched her clutch her bruised arms in distress. As these accounts circulated through the community, people began referring to the presence as the Bell Witch, though no one was certain if it truly was a witch's spirit or something else altogether.
In the tightly knit town of Adams, word of the strange happenings at the Bell Farm soon reached every ear. Some neighbors offered sympathy, believing wholeheartedly that the family was besieged by an evil force. Others expressed skepticism, guessing there must be a logical trick behind it all. John Bell, ordinarily a private man, found himself hosting visitors eager to witness the so called witch in action.
[00:06:00] These visitors gathered by the parlor fireplace or stood in darkened hallways, waiting in tense silence. Occasionally, the presence did not appear, and the disappointed guests left unconvinced. More often, they heard knocks vibrating through the walls or faint moans drifting between rooms. One man, reading aloud from the Bible, found his words drowned out by a rasping voice that repeated the verses back at him in a warped, sing song tone.
Each new account that left the bell farm seemed to confirm the unearthly intelligence behind the torment. It was no longer mere noises or poltergeist pranks. This was something with a will and a voice. Something that could think and speak on its own. Months of sleepless nights wore down the Bell family.
John's demeanor changed. The weight of the haunting pressed on him. Lucy, steadfast in her devotion, prayed constantly for deliverance. The [00:07:00] older Bell children, seeing Betsy attacked so frequently, tried to shield her but were powerless against an enemy that slipped through walls. Farming tasks were delayed or neglected as the family's time and energy funneled into coping with an unseen assailant.
John Bell began experiencing health problems that no local healer could explain. Trembling hands, difficulty swallowing, and fits of dizziness. Whether these ailments arose from stress or something darker, they only reinforced his sense of dread. The voice took to mocking him personally, calling him by name and snickering at his deteriorating condition.
At times, he woke to find himself pinned in bed, unable to move or call out. Despite it all, Lucy held the family together. Soft spoken and gentle, she soothed Betsy's tears and administered whatever remedies she could to John. Yet the unrelenting barrage of knocks, whispers, and violence within her own home tested her faith [00:08:00] daily.
Amid the chaos, Betsy clung to one source of joy, her engagement to Joshua Gardner, a kind young man from the area. They hoped to marry and begin their own life, perhaps on a parcel of the Bell Land or a new farmstead nearby. But whenever Joshua visited the Bell Home, The unseen spirit raged. Stones rattled against the walls, and the door slammed as if in warning.
During quiet walks by the river, Betsy heard the voice hiss in her ear, threatening dire outcomes if she ever were to wed Joshua. Night after night, Betsy lay awake, her tears soaked onto her pillow as she wrestled with the choice between her beloved fiancé and this formidable, invisible foe. She confided in Lucy, who offered comfort but had no solution.
For a while, Betsy and Joshua resolved to stand firm, but the spirit's fury only escalated. Believing she had no alternative, Betsy broke off the engagement. Some thought the family's [00:09:00] torment would subside if the witches demands were met. In a cruel sense, it seemed to succeed. With Betsy's engagement ended, the spirit appeared slightly less focused on her.
By now, the Bell Witch was no longer a mere local curiosity. Word of the haunting spread across the region and reached the ears of Andrew Jackson, then a prominent figure who would later become president. Intrigued, or perhaps skeptical, he traveled to Adams with a party of men to witness the phenomenon firsthand.
According to popular account, the men found their wagon inexplicably stuck on the road near the Bell property, refusing to move until a disembodied voice commanded them to proceed. That night, Jackson's men sat in the Bell parlor, determined to uncover fraud if it existed. Instead, they found themselves subjected to jeering laughter and unexpected slaps.
One boasted of carrying a special bullet that could kill any spirit, only to be chased from the house in terror. [00:10:00] By morning, Jackson reputedly left, shaken. Although details vary among storytellers, the essence of his experience only fueled the legend's fire. Some in Adams took to calling the presence Kate, suspecting it might be the spirit of a neighbor named Kate Batts.
Rumors pointed to an old feud or land dispute between Kate Batts and John Bell. Whether any of that was true, or Kate Batts was simply an unfortunate scapegoat remains unclear. The entity itself, at times, answered to Kate when addressed, while at other times denying any such name. It was a puzzle of contradictions, claiming multiple identities.
A wayward spirit, a demon, or a lost soul wandering in malice. No single explanation satisfied everyone in the community. With Betsy's engagement to Joshua broken, the witch devoted increasing attention to John Bell. His health declined rapidly in 1820, marked by spells of near [00:11:00] paralysis and unremitting pain.
Lucy tended to him day and night. Their children worried and exhausted, watched as their patriarch grew weaker, his once strong presence withering under an unseen hand. In December of that year, John Bell was found unconscious in his bed. A small vial of dark liquid stood nearby. No one recognized its contents.
One of his sons put a single drop on the tongue of the family cat, which died instantly. Almost immediately, the voice shrieked in triumph, boasting that it had given John a final, fatal dose. That same day, John Bell passed away without regaining consciousness, leaving his family both grief stricken and horrified by the witch's brazen gloating.
The funeral drew a large gathering. Many came to mourn the respected farmer. Others arrived to see whether the witch would appear in some dreadful form. As pallbearers lowered John Bell's coffin, A jeering laughter rippled across the [00:12:00] mourners, prompting many to look wildly around for the source. Then, as told in countless retellings, the voice broke into a rude, mocking song, echoing among the gravestones and sending shudders through the crowd.
In the wake of John Bell's death, life on the farm settled into an uneasy quiet. Betsy noticed fewer night time assaults. And the daily havoc lessened. People whispered that the witch finally achieved its purpose by taking John Bell's life. Then, just as suddenly as it had arrived, the witch declared it would leave the family, though it promised to return in seven years.
After a brief period of stillness, the witch's threat rang true. Around 1828, a few of the Bells claimed to hear light tapping or distant murmurs echoing in empty rooms. However, these new incidents were mild and short lived compared to the previous years of torment. Soon enough, even these faded, leaving the bells [00:13:00] with haunted memories, but relative peace.
Near the bell property stood a modest cave by the Red River, a spot often tied to the legend. Over time, people theorized that cave's dark recesses, though the bells themselves rarely ventured inside. Later visitors and locals would tell of odd voices whispering in the cave or strange lights gliding across the damp stone.
Most likely, these stories were born of the haunting's lingering aura. Yet, they continued to fuel the notion that the witch could still roam beyond the farm, hidden beneath the earth. Long after the bells had ceased to hear the witch's voice, the story lived on. Word traveled to neighboring towns, then farther, into newspapers and traveler anecdotes.
The tale of the Tennessee family plagued by a fiendish, talkative spirit captured the imagination. Some insisted the Bell Witch was a cautionary omen of what happens when old feuds and injustices are left [00:14:00] unresolved. Others believed it was a rare glimpse of a diabolical power unleashed for reasons still unknown.
Here in Adams, people repeated the story around hearths and campfires. Children were warned not to wander too far near the old bell farm after dark. When neighbors passed by at night, they might hear a faint rustle in the bush or catch a flicker of light among the trees, prompting them to walk faster.
Hearts pounding, minds remembering how once a family had suffered greatly at the hands of an unseen force. Naturally, not everyone agreed on what transpired at the Bell farm. Some maintained it was all too real, a case of a vengeful spirit or malignant presence carrying out a personal vendetta. Others whispered that perhaps a member of the Bell family had orchestrated the phenomenon with cunning trickery, though that failed to explain the bruises on Betsy, the widespread witnesses, or John's mysterious death.
Still, others pointed to the possibility of an [00:15:00] unsettled spirit who had attached itself to the land for reasons lost to time. What none could deny was the tangible suffering inflicted on the Bells. John Bell's slow decline and Betsy's bruises were impossible to ignore. Multiple guests, neighbors, acquaintances, even travelers testified to hearing the same eerie voice that threatened, teased and recited scripture.
In an age when the supernatural was both feared and accepted, the Bell Witch story captured hearts and sparked endless speculation. After John Bell's death, the family held onto the farm for several years. Betsy, robbed of her engagement to Joshua, eventually found a calmer path through life, though the memory of her tormented youth never fully left her.
Lucy, steadfast and devout to the end, kept her household as best as she could, unwilling to surrender her faith even after all she had witnessed. Over time, the children married and started families of their own, [00:16:00] quietly distancing themselves from the tragedy that had defined their upbringing.
Generations passed, the farm changed hands, the Bell House was repurposed and renovated, and Adams itself transformed slowly from a frontier settlement into a more established community. Yet the name Bellwitch continued to slip into conversation whenever strange knocks were heard late at night or lonely travelers glimpsed inexplicable lights in the distance.
The story refused to fade, woven into the identity of the land itself. Even as the first hand witnesses to the haunting aged and died, their accounts survived in letters, diaries, and recollections passed down among locals. Visitors to Adams would hear about the famed Bell Witch, about the dreadful death of John Bell, the heartbreak of Betsy's broken engagement, and the brazen voice that filled nights with fear.
Some folks approached the story with reverence, others with skepticism. But no one [00:17:00] denied that it shaped the character of the town. In the hush of a moonlit evening, one might stand on that old farmland, fields once tilled by John Bell's callous hands, now peaceful beneath the Tennessee sky. And imagine the entire family huddled in the house, listening with terrified hearts for the next knock on the wall.
It's said that if you pause long enough, you might sense a faint echo of their dread, carried on a stray breath of wind. The Bell Witch remains a singular chapter in American folklore, a tale of a family besieged by something unseen, lethal, and uncannily aware. However one interprets the events, whether as vengeful ghosts, demonic presence, or some other unexplainable force, the Bell Witch.
Its resonance lies in the very human drama at its core. Here was a father undone by circumstances he could not control. A daughter tormented in her own home, in a close knit household tested by relentless fear. [00:18:00] In the end, the Bell Witch story offers a lesson in how thin the line between our daily certainties and the mysteries that defy them.
When night falls, and the wind rattles the shutters in a silent house, we remember John Bell and his family, who discovered that the safe haven of home can become a battlefield against forces beyond mortal comprehension. I'm Russ Chamberlain, and you've been listening to Midnight Signals. May this account of the Bell Witch linger with you as a reminder that in the deepest stillness of the night, Anything seems possible.
Even the unseen tapping of a force that seeks to make itself known. Sleep well, if you dare.

@ 5725c4a8:6ba4f820
2025-03-01 23:41:24
I've been seeing some posts from (I think new) Bitcoiners complaining about the recent volatility of Bitcoin, sometimes in dismay about the price, and sometimes in dismay that they have no "dry powder" available to buy the dip. With inflation being such a huge problem, cost of living has a very real effect on our ability to stack sats, so some creative thinking is in order. My hope is that this post can share a little bit of wisdom that I have found to work for me in my own quest to accumulate as much Bitcoin as I can. If you want to skip to the meat of this article, scroll down **My Strategy**. As the standard disclosure goes: this is not financial or investment advice.
### A little about me and where I'm coming from
I'm part of the 2022 class of Bitcoiners. I'm very new to this community.But I have gone down the Bitcoin rabbit hole, I have read Saifdean's *The Bitcoin Standard* and *The Fiat Standard*, and I have spent many many hundreds of hours listening to podcasts on Bitcoin and Austrian economics (which I discovered at about the same time). All this to say, despite the work that I have put in thus far, take this with a grain of salt and use your own reasoning to determine if this strategy or any ideas derived from it are right for you.
### Dollar Cost Averaging
Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA) is the practice of setting a recurring buy order of a stock or commodity. Such orders, once set, will continue to execute at the set frequency until the buyer's selected termination date, or until a set amount has been reached, or until no more funds are available in the buyer's account from which to buy. DCA takes advantage of the fact that for a long term growth asset (like Bitcoin), the average price will always tend to go up over time despite intermittent volatility. By not trying watch for or time the dips and highs, DCAing not only makes it easier to accumulate Bitcoin, but it is very effective in the long term and reduces a lot of potential stress from trying to game the market volatility. One more important point is that as this method utilizes averaging, the closer that the buyer can match the actual price curve over time, the greater the benefit from the average growth of that price curve. This means that for two recurring buy orders, using the same amount of fiat in the buying pool, if one has more frequent buys and the other has less frequent buys, even if they spent the same amount at the end of the buying period, the order with more frequent buys will experience the greater value from the average growth of the asset being purchased.
This is in contrast to limit orders, in which they buyer attempts to gauge what price action will occur in the future, or "smash buying" in which the buyer tries to watch and time the market to place real-time orders. As these are not the focus of this strategy, I won't go into detail about them. But if you understand DCA and why it works, I assume that you can also reason for yourself about the effectiveness and utility of these other buying methods.
Each of these methods can occasionally be successful, I'm not saying that there is not place for them. In fact, I use these too, but they are used in a tactical manner, and I try to be careful to make sure that using these do not interrupt my DCA strategy.
### Savings Allocation
I may update this in the future, based on changes in my financial situation, the larger landscape, and whatproducts/tools are available. Note that I'm not rich. I work for a tech startup which is gaining traction, and if it is successful then that may change. But for now I operate with limited financial resources to use for stacking sats. But still, I stack sats. I say this to clarify why this strategy works for me, and hopefully to establish that this will work for you if you also have limited income but have the ability and desire to accumulate Bitcoin for yourself.
I have a consistent amount of money coming in on a regular basis, and this is an important part of my calculus. Similarly, I have consistent bills going out. The difference between these are my subsistence and discretionary spending. Subsistence spending being money that I spend on food and other nutrients, and discretionary spending is what I spend on the things that I want but don't need.
I'm not at a point where I've managed to completely cut out my discretionary spending, but I do try to limit it as much as I can. Similarly, I'm proactive about finding good deals on food (especially beef). Then I can allocate more money to savings. It is this savings allocation that I use for buying Bitcoin.
### My DCA Strategy
My strategy begins with the money from each pay check that I want to allocate to savings (which in my case all goes to buying Bitcoin). It also hinges on DCA, and is strongly inspired by the sayings "stay humble and stack sats", and that "time in the market beats timing the market". I am not a professional trader, nor do I aspire to be one. As such, I want to maximize my time in the market without stressing myself out.
Allocating funds for DCA:
First, find the amount for each pay period that you will use to buy Bitcoin, but don't immediately use it to buy, yet. Next, you need to find the frequency by which you will buy, and how much. I recommend the most frequent recurring buy option that you can find.
To do this, you need to find the DCA options available on the exchanges that you use. As a Bitcoin maximalist, I use Bitcoin focused exchanges. As a man with limited available funds for this use, I want the ability to DCA in fairly small amounts, but as frequently as possible. I find that River and Strike are excellent exchanges for this. Each of these exchanges currently allow buying as frequently as once-per-hour. River has a minimum of $1 per purchase. Strike can go even lower, I have a friend who I convinced to adopt this strategy and he started out with an hourly recurring buy of $0.05 per hour.
Having been a Bitcoiner for a little while now, I also find that it is useful to have additional funds set aside for "smash buys" to take advantage of major dips, such as the one that we are currently experiencing (I'm writing this on March 1st, 2025).
Using River as an example: The minimal buy on River, as stated above, is $1 per hour. There are 24 hours in a day, and 14 days in a pay period (for me). Then the minimum amount to allocate on River is $1/hour x 24 hours/day x 14 days/period = $336 per period.
You can change the dollar amount or number of days as are appropriate for your own goals and circumstances.
If you have a lower total available amount, you can use this version of the formula to find the recurring buy amount on Strike (or whichever other platform allows sub-dollar recurring buys): Recurring Buy = (available funds) / (number of hours over which to buy)
In truth, I use Strike as well, but I have another reason for choosing River in this example: I mentioned having a DCA strategy which keeps a reserve of "dry powder" so that you can also buy the dip.
You may benefit from keeping some reserve of savings in USD. It's something we simply can't get away from at this time of continued fiat dominance. This allows you to pull from the fiat reserve rather than selling any accumulated Bitcoin in cases of emergency (like car problems, or a family member needing help).
Last year, River announced a feature by which any cash kept on their exchange would earn 3.8% interest, which is paid in Bitcoin. This strategy works with other exchanges, but using River means that interest accumulation can also be leveraged (and it is much better than a typical bank savings account).
This is the final part of the strategy: put the rest of your savings into River and let it accumulate interest in Bitcoin. This reserve then becomes your dry powder. Use it at your discretion, save for emergencies, or use it to "smash buy" the dip, but do it without compromising your DCA setup. DON'T CANCEL your DCA, keep it going and take advantage of it's average growth. You don't know when the price will dip, and you don't know when it will go back up again. If it is difficult for you to maintain discipline and not spend your DCA reserve (since River doesn't split it into buckets for you), a variation of this strategy is to DCA-stack on another exchange so that it's not in the same pool as your fiat reserve.
When all else fails, just keep calm, stay humble, and stack sats.
I hope that someone finds this helpful. If you have your own personalized strategy, I'd love to hear about it in the comments.

@ f33c8a96:5ec6f741
2025-03-01 23:25:22
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<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-1.webm" type="video/mp4"/>
# Setting Up Your Code Editor
## Introduction
In this lesson, we'll set up the most fundamental tool in your development journey: your code editor. This is where you'll spend most of your time writing, testing, and debugging code, so it's crucial to get comfortable with it from the start.
## What is an IDE?
### Definition
An IDE (Integrated Development Environment) is a software application that provides comprehensive facilities for software development. Think of it as your complete workshop for writing code.
### Key Components
1. **Code Editor**
- Where you write and edit code
- Provides syntax highlighting
- Helps with code formatting
- Makes code easier to read and write
2. **Compiler/Interpreter**
- Runs your code
- Translates your code into executable instructions
- Helps test your applications
3. **Debugging Tools**
- Help find and fix errors
- Provide error messages and suggestions
- Make problem-solving easier
## Setting Up Visual Studio Code
### Why VS Code?
- Free and open-source
- Lightweight yet powerful
- Excellent community support
- Popular among developers
- Great for beginners and experts alike
### Installation Steps
1. Visit [code.visualstudio.com](https://code.visualstudio.com)
2. Download the version for your operating system
3. Run the installer
4. Follow the installation prompts
### Essential VS Code Features
#### 1. Interface Navigation
- **File Explorer** (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + E)
- Browse and manage your files
- Create new files and folders
- Navigate your project structure
- **Search** (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + F)
- Find text across all files
- Replace text globally
- Search with regular expressions
- **Source Control** (Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + G)
- Track changes in your code
- Commit and manage versions
- Integrate with Git
#### 2. Terminal Integration
To open the integrated terminal:
- Use ``` Ctrl + ` ``` (backtick)
- Or View → Terminal from the menu
- Basic terminal commands:
ls # List files (dir on Windows)
cd # Change directory
clear # Clear terminal
code . # Open VS Code in current directory
#### 3. Essential Extensions
Install these extensions to enhance your development experience:
1. **ESLint**
- Helps find and fix code problems
- Enforces coding standards
- Improves code quality
2. **Prettier**
- Automatically formats your code
- Maintains consistent style
- Saves time on formatting
3. **Live Server**
- Runs your web pages locally
- Auto-refreshes on save
- Great for web development
### Important Keyboard Shortcuts
Ctrl/Cmd + S # Save file
Ctrl/Cmd + C # Copy
Ctrl/Cmd + V # Paste
Ctrl/Cmd + Z # Undo
Ctrl/Cmd + Shift + P # Command palette
Ctrl/Cmd + P # Quick file open
## Writing Your First Code
Let's create and run a simple HTML file:
1. Create a new file (`index.html`)
2. Add basic HTML content:
<h1>Hello World!</h1>
3. Save the file (Ctrl/Cmd + S)
4. Open in browser or use Live Server
## Best Practices
### 1. File Organization
- Keep related files together
- Use clear, descriptive names
- Create separate folders for different projects
### 2. Regular Saving
- Save frequently (Ctrl/Cmd + S)
- Watch for the unsaved dot indicator
- Enable auto-save if preferred
### 3. Terminal Usage
- Get comfortable with basic commands
- Use the integrated terminal
- Practice navigation and file operations
## Troubleshooting Common Issues
### 1. Installation Problems
- Ensure you have admin rights
- Check system requirements
- Use official download sources
### 2. Extension Issues
- Keep extensions updated
- Disable conflicting extensions
- Restart VS Code after installation
### 3. Performance
- Don't install too many extensions
- Regular restart of VS Code
- Keep your system updated
## Next Steps
1. **Practice Navigation**
- Create and manage files
- Use the integrated terminal
- Try keyboard shortcuts
2. **Customize Your Editor**
- Explore themes
- Adjust font size
- Configure auto-save
3. **Prepare for Next Lesson**
- Keep VS Code open
- Get comfortable with the interface
- Practice basic operations
## Additional Resources
- [VS Code Documentation](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs)
- [Keyboard Shortcuts Reference](https://code.visualstudio.com/shortcuts/keyboard-shortcuts-windows.pdf)
- [VS Code Tips and Tricks](https://code.visualstudio.com/docs/getstarted/tips-and-tricks)
Remember: Your code editor is your primary tool as a developer. Take time to get comfortable with it, and don't worry about mastering everything at once. Focus on the basics we covered in the video, and you'll naturally learn more features as you need them.
Happy coding! 🚀

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<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-4.webm" type="video/webm"/>
# CSS Fundamentals: Styling Your First Webpage
## Introduction
In our previous lesson, we created the structure of our webpage with HTML. Now, we'll learn how to style it using CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). While HTML provides the bones of our webpage, CSS adds the visual presentation - the colors, layouts, spacing, and overall aesthetics.
## What is CSS?
### Definition
CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language that controls the visual presentation of HTML documents. Think of it like the paint, decorations, and interior design of a house - it determines how everything looks and is arranged.
### Key Concepts
1. **Styling Capabilities**
- Fonts and typography
- Colors and backgrounds
- Margins and padding
- Element sizes
- Visual effects
- Layout and positioning
2. **Cascading Nature**
- Styles can be inherited from parent elements
- Multiple styles can apply to the same element
- Specificity determines which styles take precedence
- Styles "cascade" down through your document
## Basic CSS Syntax
selector {
property: value;
### Example:
h1 {
color: blue;
font-size: 24px;
margin-bottom: 20px;
## Connecting CSS to HTML
### Method 1: External Stylesheet (Recommended)
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
### Method 2: Internal CSS
h1 {
color: blue;
### Method 3: Inline CSS (Use Sparingly)
<h1 style="color: blue;">Title</h1>
## The Box Model
Every HTML element is treated as a box in CSS, with:
│ Margin │
│ ┌──────────────┐ │
│ │ Border │ │
│ │ ┌──────────┐ │ │
│ │ │ Padding │ │ │
│ │ │ ┌──────┐ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │Content│ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ └──────┘ │ │ │
│ │ └──────────┘ │ │
│ └──────────────┘ │
- **Content**: The actual content of the element
- **Padding**: Space between content and border
- **Border**: The border around the padding
- **Margin**: Space outside the border
## CSS Units
### Absolute Units
- `px` - pixels
- `pt` - points
- `cm` - centimeters
- `mm` - millimeters
- `in` - inches
### Relative Units
- `%` - percentage relative to parent
- `em` - relative to font-size
- `rem` - relative to root font-size
- `vh` - viewport height
- `vw` - viewport width
## Practical Example: Styling Our Webpage
### 1. Basic Page Setup
body {
min-height: 100vh;
margin: 0;
font-family: Arial, sans-serif;
background-color: #f0f0f0;
display: flex;
flex-direction: column;
### 2. Header Styling
header {
background-color: #333;
color: white;
padding: 20px;
text-align: center;
### 3. Main Content Area
main {
max-width: 800px;
margin: 0 auto;
padding: 20px;
flex: 1;
### 4. Footer Styling
footer {
background-color: #333;
color: white;
padding: 10px;
text-align: center;
## Layout with Flexbox
### Basic Concept
Flexbox is a modern layout system that makes it easier to create flexible, responsive layouts.
### Key Properties
.container {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row | column;
justify-content: center | space-between | space-around;
align-items: center | flex-start | flex-end;
### Common Use Cases
1. Centering content
2. Creating navigation bars
3. Building responsive layouts
4. Equal-height columns
5. Dynamic spacing
## Best Practices
### 1. Organization
- Use consistent naming conventions
- Group related styles together
- Comment your code for clarity
- Keep selectors simple and specific
### 2. Performance
- Avoid unnecessary specificity
- Use shorthand properties when possible
- Minimize redundant code
- Consider load time impact
### 3. Maintainability
- Use external stylesheets
- Follow a consistent formatting style
- Break large stylesheets into logical files
- Document important design decisions
## Debugging CSS
### Common Tools
1. Browser Developer Tools
- Element inspector
- Style inspector
- Box model viewer
### Common Issues
1. Specificity conflicts
2. Inheritance problems
3. Box model confusion
4. Flexbox alignment issues
## Exercises
### 1. Style Modifications
Try modifying these properties in your stylesheet:
/* Change colors */
header {
background-color: #4a90e2;
/* Adjust spacing */
main {
padding: 40px;
/* Modify typography */
h1 {
font-size: 32px;
font-weight: bold;
### 2. Layout Challenge
Create a card layout using Flexbox:
.card-container {
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
gap: 20px;
.card {
flex: 1;
padding: 20px;
background: white;
border-radius: 8px;
box-shadow: 0 2px 4px rgba(0,0,0,0.1);
## Additional Resources
### Learning Tools
1. [Flexbox Froggy](https://flexboxfroggy.com/) - Interactive Flexbox learning game
2. [CSS-Tricks](https://css-tricks.com) - Excellent CSS reference and tutorials
3. [MDN CSS Documentation](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/CSS)
### Practice Projects
1. Style your personal webpage
2. Create a responsive navigation menu
3. Build a flexible card layout
4. Design a custom button style
Remember: CSS is both an art and a science. Don't be afraid to experiment and break things - that's how you'll learn the most. The key is to start simple and gradually add complexity as you become more comfortable with the basics.
Next up, we'll dive into JavaScript to add interactivity to our webpage! 🚀

@ f33c8a96:5ec6f741
2025-03-01 23:23:54
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<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-5.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>
<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-5.webm" type="video/webm"/>
# JavaScript: Building Your First Interactive Web App
## Introduction
In this lesson, we'll bring our web pages to life by adding dynamic functionality with JavaScript. We'll build a real-world application that displays and updates Bitcoin prices in real-time, teaching core JavaScript concepts along the way.
## Project Overview: Bitcoin Price Tracker
We'll build a web application that:
- Displays current Bitcoin price
- Updates automatically every 3 seconds
- Allows currency switching
- Includes interactive controls
- Shows current date/time
## Core JavaScript Concepts
### 1. Variables and Data Types
// Variables can be declared with let or const
let currentCurrency = "USD"; // Can be changed
const interval = 3000; // Cannot be changed
// Basic data types
const price = 45000; // Number
const isVisible = true; // Boolean
const currency = "USD"; // String
### 2. DOM Manipulation
// Getting elements
const priceElement = document.getElementById('price');
const button = document.getElementById('refresh-button');
// Modifying content
priceElement.textContent = `${price} ${currency}`;
// Changing styles
priceElement.style.display = 'none';
### 3. Event Listeners
// Basic click handler
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Change event for select elements
selector.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
### 4. Async Operations & Fetch API
async function fetchBitcoinPrice() {
try {
const response = await fetch(apiUrl);
const data = await response.json();
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
## Project Structure
### HTML Setup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Bitcoin Price Tracker</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src="index.js" defer></script>
<h1>Current Bitcoin Price</h1>
<p>The price is: <span id="price"></span></p>
<!-- Additional elements -->
### Core Functionality Implementation
1. **Setting Up the Timer**
// Update price every 3 seconds
setInterval(fetchBitcoinPrice, 3000);
// Update date/time every second
setInterval(updateDateTime, 1000);
2. **Currency Selection**
function handleCurrencyChange(newCurrency) {
currentCurrency = newCurrency;
3. **Toggle Visibility**
function togglePriceVisibility() {
const price = document.getElementById('price');
price.style.display = price.style.display === 'none'
? 'inline'
: 'none';
## Best Practices
### 1. Error Handling
- Always use try/catch with async operations
- Provide meaningful error messages
- Handle edge cases gracefully
### 2. Code Organization
- Keep functions focused and small
- Use meaningful variable names
- Group related functionality
- Add comments for clarity
### 3. Performance
- Avoid unnecessary DOM updates
- Use appropriate update intervals
- Clean up intervals when not needed
## Common Challenges & Solutions
### 1. API Issues
// Handle API failures gracefully
catch (error) {
priceElement.textContent = 'Price unavailable';
console.error('API Error:', error);
### 2. Currency Formatting
function formatPrice(price, currency) {
return new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: currency
### 3. Time Zones
function getLocalTime() {
return new Date().toLocaleString();
## Extending the Project
Consider adding these features for practice:
1. Price change indicators (up/down arrows)
2. Historical price chart
3. Multiple cryptocurrency support
4. Price alerts
5. Local storage for settings
## Debugging Tips
### Using Console
console.log('Price fetched:', price);
console.error('Error occurred:', error);
### Chrome DevTools
1. Network tab for API calls
2. Console for errors
3. Elements for DOM inspection
4. Sources for debugging
## Additional Resources
- MDN JavaScript Guide
- JavaScript.info
- CoinGecko API Documentation
- Chrome DevTools Documentation
## Next Steps
1. Add styling with CSS
2. Implement additional features
3. Learn about React for more complex applications
4. Explore other APIs and cryptocurrencies
Remember: The best way to learn is by doing. Don't be afraid to break things and experiment with the code. The developer console is your friend for debugging and understanding what's happening in your application.
Happy coding! 🚀

@ f33c8a96:5ec6f741
2025-03-01 23:23:36
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<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-2.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>
<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-2.webm" type="video/webm"/>
# Setting Up Git and GitHub: A Developer's Foundation
## Lesson Overview
In this lesson, we'll establish one of the most important foundations of your development journey: version control with Git and GitHub. This knowledge will enable you to track your code, back it up in the cloud, and start building your developer portfolio.
## Prerequisites
- Visual Studio Code installed
- Terminal/Command Line basics
- GitHub account (we'll create one in this lesson)
## Key Learning Objectives
- Understand what Git and GitHub are and why they're essential
- Set up Git locally and connect it to GitHub
- Learn basic Git commands and workflow
- Create your first repository and commit
- Establish good Git habits for your developer journey
## What is Git and GitHub?
### Git: Your Local Version Control
- A version control system that tracks code changes over time
- Prevents accidental overwrites of your work
- Enables multiple developers to work on the same project safely
- Runs locally on your machine
### GitHub: Your Code in the Cloud
- A web-based platform that extends Git
- Cloud storage for your code repositories
- Enables code sharing and collaboration
- Includes features like:
- Issue tracking
- Pull requests
- Project management tools
- Code review capabilities
## Why Use GitHub?
### 1. Portfolio Building
- Acts as your "proof of work" as a developer
- Shows your coding activity through contribution graphs
- Demonstrates your consistency and dedication
- Serves as a public showcase of your projects
### 2. Collaboration and Learning
- Access millions of open-source projects
- Learn from other developers' code
- Contribute to real-world projects
- Get feedback on your code
- Work effectively in teams
### 3. Code Safety and Access
- All your code is safely stored in the cloud
- Access your projects from anywhere
- Never lose your work due to computer issues
## Essential GitHub Terminology
| Term | Definition |
| Repository (Repo) | A folder containing your project files and version history |
| Commit | A saved change or addition to your code |
| Staging | Marking changes to be included in your next commit |
| Push | Sending your local commits to GitHub |
| Branch | A separate version of your code for new features or experiments |
| Pull Request (PR) | A request to merge changes from one branch to another |
| Clone | Creating a local copy of a remote repository |
| Fork | Creating your own copy of someone else's repository |
## Hands-on Practice
### Setting Up Git
1. Install Git from https://git-scm.com/downloads
2. Configure your identity:
git config --global user.name "Your Name"
git config --global user.email "your.email@example.com"
### Your First Repository
1. Create a new repository on GitHub named "hello-world"
2. Initialize Git locally:
git init
git add .
git commit -m "My first commit"
git remote add origin <your-repository-url>
git push -u origin main
## Basic Git Workflow Quick Reference
### Pushing Code to GitHub
# 1. Stage your changes
git add .
# 2. Commit your changes with a message
git commit -m "Describe your changes here"
# 3. Push to GitHub
git push
### Getting Code from GitHub
# If you already have the repository locally:
git pull
# If you need to download a repository:
git clone https://github.com/username/repository.git
## Building Good Habits
### Daily Git Practice
- Make it a goal to push code every day
- Even small changes count
- Use your GitHub contribution graph as motivation
- Track your progress over time
### Best Practices
1. Commit often with clear messages
2. Pull before you start working
3. Push your changes when you finish
4. Keep each project in its own repository
5. Include README files to explain your projects
## Common Issues and Solutions
### "No upstream branch" Error
If you see this error when pushing:
git push --set-upstream origin main
### Changes Not Showing Up
1. Check if changes are staged:
git status
2. Make sure you've committed:
git commit -m "Your message"
3. Verify you've pushed:
git push
## Exercise: Start Your Journey
1. Create your GitHub account if you haven't already
2. Set up Git locally using the commands we covered
3. Create your first repository named "hello-world"
4. Make your first commit
5. Push your code to GitHub
6. Make a habit of pushing code daily
## Additional Resources
- [GitHub Documentation](https://docs.github.com)
- [Git Documentation](https://git-scm.com/doc)
- Practice with [GitHub Learning Lab](https://lab.github.com)
## Next Steps
- Start tracking all your code projects with Git
- Begin building your portfolio on GitHub
- Join the open-source community
- Collaborate with other developers
Remember: Every developer started where you are now. The key is consistency and persistence. Make pushing code to GitHub a daily habit, and you'll be amazed at your progress over time.
Happy coding! 🚀

@ f33c8a96:5ec6f741
2025-03-01 23:23:04
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<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-3.webm" type="video/webm"/>
## What is HTML?
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the foundation of all webpages. Think of it as the framing of a house - it provides the basic structure that everything else builds upon.
### Key Concepts
- HTML is a markup language, not a programming language
- It tells browsers how to structure web content
- Every HTML element is like a building block
- Browsers interpret HTML to display content
## The Building Analogy
When building a webpage, think of it like constructing a house:
- **HTML**: The framing and structure (walls, rooms, layout)
- **CSS**: The design elements (paint, decorations, styling)
- **JavaScript**: The functionality (plumbing, electrical, moving parts)
## Basic HTML Structure
### 1. HTML Boilerplate
Every webpage starts with a basic template:
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<title>Your Page Title</title>
<!-- Your content goes here -->
### 2. Understanding the Parts
- `<!DOCTYPE html>`: Tells browsers this is an HTML5 document
- `<html>`: The root element of the page
- `<head>`: Contains metadata about the document
- `<body>`: Contains the visible content
## Essential HTML Elements
### 1. Headings
HTML has six levels of headings:
<h1>Main Title</h1>
<h3>Section Header</h3>
<!-- ... -->
<h6>Smallest Heading</h6>
### 2. Paragraphs
<p>This is a paragraph of text. It can contain as much text as you need.</p>
### 3. Images
<img src="path-to-image.jpg" alt="Description of image" width="300">
### 4. Links
<a href="https://example.com">Click here</a>
## HTML Attributes
Attributes provide additional information or modify HTML elements:
<tag attribute="value">Content</tag>
Common attributes:
- `src`: Source path for images
- `href`: Destination for links
- `alt`: Alternative text for images
- `class`: CSS class names
- `id`: Unique identifier
- `style`: Inline CSS styles
## Semantic HTML
### What is Semantic HTML?
Semantic HTML uses meaningful tags that describe their content's purpose. This improves:
- Accessibility
- SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
- Code readability
- Maintainability
### Common Semantic Elements
<!-- Site header content -->
<!-- Navigation menu -->
<!-- Main content -->
<!-- Self-contained content -->
<!-- Grouped content -->
<!-- Site footer content -->
### Non-Semantic vs Semantic Example
Instead of:
<div class="header">
<div class="navigation">
<div class="nav-item">Home</div>
<a href="/">Home</a>
## Building Your First Webpage
### 1. Basic Structure
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>My First Webpage</title>
<h1>Welcome to My First Webpage!</h1>
<h2>About Me</h2>
<p>Hi, I'm learning web development with PlebDevs!</p>
<h2>My Interests</h2>
<p>I'm interested in Bitcoin, programming, and building cool stuff!</p>
<p>Created by [Your Name] - 2024</p>
## Best Practices
### 1. Structure
- Use proper indentation
- Keep code organized and readable
- Use semantic elements when possible
- Include all required elements (`DOCTYPE`, `html`, `head`, `body`)
### 2. Content
- Use appropriate heading levels (start with `h1`)
- Write descriptive `alt` text for images
- Keep content meaningful and organized
- Use comments to explain complex sections
### 3. Accessibility
- Use semantic HTML elements
- Provide alternative text for images
- Maintain a logical heading structure
- Ensure content makes sense when read linearly
## Common Issues and Solutions
### Problem: Images Not Loading
<!-- Wrong -->
<img src="image.jpg">
<!-- Right -->
<img src="./images/image.jpg" alt="Description">
### Problem: Links Not Working
<!-- Wrong -->
<a>Click here</a>
<!-- Right -->
<a href="https://example.com">Click here</a>
## Next Steps
1. **Practice Building**
- Create a personal webpage about yourself
- Include different types of content (text, images, links)
- Use semantic HTML elements
2. **Experiment with Structure**
- Try different layouts
- Use various HTML elements
- Pay attention to semantic meaning
3. **Prepare for CSS**
- Think about how you want your page to look
- Consider what styles you'll want to add
- Plan your layout structure
## Exercise: Create Your Profile Page
Try creating a simple profile page using what you've learned:
1. Use the HTML boilerplate
2. Add a header with your name
3. Include an "About Me" section
4. Add a photo (if you want)
5. List your interests or goals
6. Add a footer with contact information
Remember to:
- Use semantic HTML
- Include appropriate headings
- Add descriptive alt text for images
- Keep your code clean and well-organized
## Additional Resources
- [MDN HTML Guide](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML)
- [HTML5 Doctor (Semantic Elements)](http://html5doctor.com/)
- [W3Schools HTML Tutorial](https://www.w3schools.com/html/)
Remember: HTML is the foundation of web development. Take time to understand these basics well, as they'll serve as the building blocks for everything else you'll learn. Happy coding! 🚀

@ f33c8a96:5ec6f741
2025-03-01 23:21:44
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<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-0.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>
<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-0.webm" type="video/webm"/>
# Welcome to PlebDevs Starter Course
## Course Mission
Welcome to the PlebDevs starter course! I'm Austin, the founder of PlebDevs, and I'll be walking you through this short intro starter course that will get you up and running and interacting with the rest of the content on the platform. If you're here, I'm assuming you're new to coding or just starting out. If you already have experience and have your bearings down, there's lots more intermediate and advanced content on the platform. This course is designed for absolute beginners.
## Course Goals
### Overall PlebDevs Goals
1. Learn how to code
2. Build Bitcoin/Lightning/Nostr apps
3. Become a developer
This is a big journey with a lot of pieces and things to learn. The starter course is going to get you on that path as quickly as possible and make it a smooth journey.
### Starter Course Objectives
1. Give you an easy, high-level overview of the dev journey
2. Get you set up and comfortable in a development environment where you'll write and ship code
3. Give you basic experience in the languages covered in our courses and workshops
There's lots of material out there that will just tell you exactly what to do and not explain why but I want you to actually understand for yourself. I want you to have a good mental model of what this journey is going to be like, what it's going to be like actually writing and pushing code. And then we're going to start getting our hands dirty and gain real experience.
## What is a PlebDev?
### Origins and Philosophy
I started using the term "PlebDev" a few years ago to describe a unique approach to learning development in the Bitcoin space. It represents:
- **Inclusive Learning**: Anyone can become a developer, regardless of background
- **Growth Mindset**: Embracing the journey from beginner to professional
- **Practical Focus**: Emphasizing real-world application development
- **Community Support**: Learning and growing together
### Key Characteristics
- 🌱 **Growth-Focused**: PlebDevs are always learning and improving
- 🎯 **App-Centric**: Focus on building applications rather than protocol development
- 🆕 **Embrace Being New**: Being a new developer is infinitely better than being on the sidelines
- 🤝 **Community-Driven**: Bitcoin/Lightning/Nostr ecosystem needs more plebdevs like you!
## Our Learning Approach
### Core Principles
1. **Lower Barriers**
- Simplify complex concepts
- Focus on practical understanding
- Build confidence through action
2. **Project-Based Learning**
- Learn by doing
- Create real applications
- Build a portfolio as you learn
3. **MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Focus**
- Start with core functionality
- Get things working first
- Iterate and improve
4. **Actionable Knowledge**
- Focus on the 20% that delivers 80% of results
- Learn what you can use right away
- Build practical skills
### Teaching Methods
- Detailed concept breakdowns
- Line-by-line code explanations
- Interactive learning
- 1:1 support available
- Community-driven progress
## Course Structure
### The Learning Path
Instead of the traditional bottom-up approach, we use a project-focused method:
🏔️ Advanced Skills
🏔️ Projects & Practice
🏔️ Core Concepts
🏔️ Development Environment
🏔️ Getting Started
We'll create checkpoints through projects, allowing you to:
- Verify your understanding
- Build your portfolio
- See real progress
- Have reference points for review
## Student Expectations
### What We Expect From You
- **High Agency**: Take ownership of your learning journey
- **Active Participation**: Engage with the material and community
- **Persistence**: Push through challenges
- **Curiosity**: Ask questions and explore concepts
### What You Can Expect From Us
- Clear, practical instruction
- Comprehensive support
- Real-world applications
- Community backing
## Getting Started
### Next Steps
1. Ensure you're ready to commit to learning
2. Set up your development environment (next lesson)
3. Join our community
4. Start building!
## Resources and Support
### Where to Get Help
- plebdevs.com
### Tips for Success
1. Push code daily, even if it is small.
2. Focus on understanding rather than memorizing.
3. Build projects that interest you.
4. Engage with the community.
5. Don't be afraid to ask questions.
## Remember
You don't need to become a "10x developer" overnight. The goal is to start writing code, build useful things, and gradually improve. Every expert was once a beginner, and the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single line of code.
Ready to begin? Let's dive into the next lesson where we'll set up your development environment! 🚀

@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2025-03-01 22:53:13
Following our updated [February predictions](https://stacker.news/items/894412/r/Undisciplined), here's how stackers are predicting the NBA season will play out:
- Champ - Celtics
- All NBA 1st Team - Jokic, Giannis, Ant, SGA, Brunson
# Full results
## Champion
- Celtics 5/15
- Thunder 2/15
- Pacers 2/15
- Nuggets 1/15
- Timberwolves 1/15
- Lakers 1/15
- Grizzlies 1/15
- Cavaliers 1/15
- Knicks 1/15
## MVP
- SGA 8/15
- Luka 3/15
- Giannis 2/15
- Jokic 1/15
- Lebron 1/15
## All NBA 1st Team
- Jokic 14/15
- Giannis 14/15
- SGA 13/15
- Ant 8/15
- Brunson 7/15
- Luka 7/15
- Tatum 5/15
- KAT 4/15
- Mitchell 1/15
- Wemby 1/15
- Steph 1/15
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/901107

@ 6260f29f:2ee2fcd4
2025-03-01 22:48:31
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/htak8D2tv_M?enablejsapi=1" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
# PlebDevs ⚡️
A one-of-a-kind developer education, content, and community platform built on Nostr and fully Lightning integrated.
<br />[https://plebdevs.com](https://plebdevs.com)
## Overview
PlebDevs is an open-source platform that combines educational content, community interaction, and Bitcoin/Lightning integration. The platform publishes content to Nostr and actively pulls from Nostr relays, creating a distributed, interoperable trail of Documents, Videos, and Courses.
## Technical Implementation
### Nostr Integration
- **Content Distribution**: Implements NIP-23 for rich multimedia content embedding
- **Content Encryption**: Paid content bodies are encrypted while maintaining metadata visibility
- **Authentication**:
- Multi-method signup (NIP-07, Email, GitHub, Anonymous)
- Ephemeral keypair generation for non-Nostr users
- Account linking and recovery system
- **Lists & Courses**: NIP-51 implementation for structured content organization
- **Monetization**: NIP-99 for digital content sales
- **Automated Subscriptions**: NIP-47 (Nostr Wallet Connect) for recurring payments
- **Badge System**: NIP-58 for automated achievement rewards
- **Identity**: NIP-05 for custom platform identities
- **Additional NIPs**: Implements NIP-01, NIP-19, NIP-39, NIP-57
### Platform Architecture
- **Content Management**:
- Draft system with preview capabilities
- Parameterized replaceable events
- Multi-format support (Markdown, Video, Mixed Media)
- Course builder with drag-and-drop ordering
- **User Management**:
- Profile synchronization with Nostr
- Activity tracking and progress monitoring
- Custom relay configuration
- Wallet connection management
- **Admin Features**:
- Protected admin routes based on pubkey configuration
- Content creation and management interface
- Draft/publish workflow
- Course assembly tools

@ 4f1c14e5:b8546d05
2025-03-01 22:33:36
Training ideologies often lead to tribalism when they shouldn’t. As with all things, there are no solutions - only tradeoffs.
The reality is that free weights and machines are both tools. The one you should use is determined by your objective.
In either case, creating tension within the target muscle group is always the objective when it comes to building muscle. It's this mechanical tension that's responsible for initiating the growth process by destroying already formed muscle cells. Both machines and free weights accomplish this objective.
As a general rule, the more stable you are during an exercise, the more tension you can create within the target muscle.
The difference is simply that machines offer more stability. That’s neither better nor worse, it just is. Stability within exercises is a spectrum. We create stability by bracing against things. The more points of contact and the more of your body that braces against things, the more stability you will have.
Because of gravity, we are forced to have at least one point of contact braced against something at all times. Typically, it's the floor. A pistol squat offers a very low amount of stability because of the lack of bracing. In this example, only one foot is braced against the floor.
Adding a second foot to the ground and doing a body weight squat enhances stability. Holding onto a bar or a bench in front of you while squatting now adds another layer of stability.
A hack squat is a machine where both feet are planted on a platform and the user rests the posterior portion of their entire upper body - from their lower back to their head - against a pad. This machine has a fixed movement pattern which further reduces any instability.
These are all examples of different exercises that follow the same movement pattern, yet offer varying degrees of stability.
Which should beginners use? Again, both is the best approach. But what would happen if you limited yourself to mostly one or the other?
Predominantly using machines as a beginner will allow you to forego the lack of development in your ability to stabilize yourself. The machine stabilizes your body for you in a way that beginners simply aren’t able to at first. You are braced by a seat, a back pad/chest pad and maybe a handle or two as well. In addition to this bracing, the movement path is already carved out for you. You simply position yourself appropriately and push (or pull), and the machine does the rest. This allows you to focus more on creating tension in the target muscle as well as learning to train to failure safely.
Predominantly using free weights as a beginner will force you to develop stability from the start. There are no pads anywhere to brace your body against. Your body must learn to brace against itself. **You** become the machine. This may limit your ability to create maximum tension in the target muscles at first, but the stability you create this way will translate to systemic muscular development. You'll become thicker everywhere because your body works as a system to stabilize itself against gravity.
The stability built through free weight movements will transfer over to machines. If you can stabilize yourself with just a barbell, the stability you can create while braced in a machine will translate to even greater tension. You’ll be stabilized by your body AND the machine.
Since it makes the most sense to do both, the only thing left is understanding which circumstances are better suited for machines vs free weights. Since fatigue is something we all contend with during a workout, it makes sense to program the least stabilized, most demanding movements earlier in the workout and the most stabilized, least demanding movements later in the session. This not only allows you to create the most tension possible throughout the workout, but is also the safest approach. It would be unwise to schedule barbell front squats at the end of a workout when fatigue is high and energy is low. Not only will you fail to generate maximum tension, but you’ll put yourself at higher risk of injury.
TLDR; use both, but do free weight stuff first.

@ 6260f29f:2ee2fcd4
2025-03-01 22:23:15
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/F-px_Eqr16E?enablejsapi=1" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
# PlebDevs ⚡️
A one-of-a-kind developer education, content, and community platform built on Nostr and fully Lightning integrated.
<br />[https://plebdevs.com](https://plebdevs.com)
## Overview
PlebDevs is an open-source platform that combines educational content, community interaction, and Bitcoin/Lightning integration. The platform publishes content to Nostr and actively pulls from Nostr relays, creating a distributed, interoperable trail of Documents, Videos, and Courses.
## Technical Implementation
### Nostr Integration
- **Content Distribution**: Implements NIP-23 for rich multimedia content embedding
- **Content Encryption**: Paid content bodies are encrypted while maintaining metadata visibility
- **Authentication**:
- Multi-method signup (NIP-07, Email, GitHub, Anonymous)
- Ephemeral keypair generation for non-Nostr users
- Account linking and recovery system
- **Lists & Courses**: NIP-51 implementation for structured content organization
- **Monetization**: NIP-99 for digital content sales
- **Automated Subscriptions**: NIP-47 (Nostr Wallet Connect) for recurring payments
- **Badge System**: NIP-58 for automated achievement rewards
- **Identity**: NIP-05 for custom platform identities
- **Additional NIPs**: Implements NIP-01, NIP-19, NIP-39, NIP-57
### Platform Architecture
- **Content Management**:
- Draft system with preview capabilities
- Parameterized replaceable events
- Multi-format support (Markdown, Video, Mixed Media)
- Course builder with drag-and-drop ordering
- **User Management**:
- Profile synchronization with Nostr
- Activity tracking and progress monitoring
- Custom relay configuration
- Wallet connection management
- **Admin Features**:
- Protected admin routes based on pubkey configuration
- Content creation and management interface
- Draft/publish workflow
- Course assembly tools

@ 6260f29f:2ee2fcd4
2025-03-01 22:21:02
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/yOKs5L18YcI?enablejsapi=1" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>

@ f33c8a96:5ec6f741
2025-03-01 20:56:43
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/tGVxP4RgyI4?enablejsapi=1" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>

@ f33c8a96:5ec6f741
2025-03-01 20:50:47
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/7dsR7um-DxA?enablejsapi=1" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>

@ f33c8a96:5ec6f741
2025-03-01 20:42:24
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QY6euaT_G_E?enablejsapi=1" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>

@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2025-03-01 20:37:31
Alright, Fast February has come to an end. It was more impactful than I anticipated, considering daily intermittent dry fasting had been part of my routine for a long time.
I had definitely let the practice slip to the point where I probably wasn't regularly entering ketosis. Now, my food cravings are substantially reduced and it's quite easy for me to confine my eating to a smaller window.
Even with the fiscal fast being over, I just bought some vitamins and coconut milk (no cravings for junk food or snacks). I would have gotten some fruit, too, but it didn't look great. I did notice craving more juicy foods this month, as my dry fasts got longer. Eating more fruit will probably be an adjustment I make going forward.
If you have any practices that have been on autopilot, I recommend occasionally putting some focus on them to make sure they're still doing what you thought they were.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/901017

@ 378562cd:a6fc6773
2025-03-01 17:53:12
You're in the right place if you've feel like you have never known God but feel drawn to Him. The Bible is God’s Word, His way of speaking to us, and it holds the truth about who He is, who we are, and how we can have a relationship with Him.
Here’s a *simple guide* to getting started:
**Step 1: Begin with Jesus**
The best place to start is with Jesus. He is the heart of the Bible’s message; we can know God through Him. Start by reading the Gospel of John in the New Testament. It clearly shows who Jesus is, His love for us, and why He came to save us.
**Step 2: Talk to God as You Read**
Reading the Bible isn’t just about gathering knowledge and meeting God. Ask Him to help you understand. A simple prayer like, "God, if You are real, show me the truth. Help me know You" is enough.
**Step 3: Understand the Main Message**
The Bible tells one big story:
God created us (Genesis 1:1)
Sin separated us from God (Romans 3:23)
Jesus came to save us (John 3:16)
We can be forgiven and have eternal life through Him (Romans 10:9)
**Step 4: Accepting Jesus into Your Heart**
If you believe that Jesus is the Son of God, that He died for your sins, and that He rose again, you can ask Him to forgive you and come into your life. You don’t need fancy words—just a sincere heart.
You can pray something like this:
"Jesus, I believe You are the Son of God. I believe You died for my sins and rose again. I ask You to forgive me, change me, and come into my life. I want to follow You. Amen."
**Step 5: Keep Going!**
Read a little each day. Start with John, then move to Matthew, Mark, and Luke.
Find a Bible-believing church or group to help you grow.
Pray daily — talk to God like you would a friend.
Trust that God will guide you as you seek Him.
If you’ve taken these steps, you’ve begun the greatest journey of your life—walking with Jesus. Keep seeking, keep learning, and know that God loves you deeply. 💙
I may not know you, and you may not know me, but this guide can be a lifeline if you carry burdens— drama, heartache, struggles, pains or whatever. If you commit to following the steps of this guide and make time to read your Bible daily, you’ll find wisdom, peace, and the strength to face whatever life throws your way.

@ bbb5dda0:f09e2747
2025-03-01 17:46:48
**A couple weeks with a little bit of everything, TollGate marketing, app stability improvements, and some personal matters that needed my attention. Let's get into it:**
## TollGate App
For starters, we worked hard to get an early version of the [TollGate](https://tollgate.me) website live. What do we want to communicate about the project, and to whom. We've identified three 'types' of visitor, each requiring its own 'customer journey' through the website. First there's the end-user, someone that just wants access to tollgate, but doesn't care about any of the technichalities. We try to guide those people to downloading our app as soon as possible. Currently that means downloading it straight from the website as an APK file. But we want to quickly move on to publishing it to the [ZapStore](https://zapstore.dev).
The past couple weeks I put some efforts into getting the app stable. It was hard to identify what was causing the seemingly random crashes and full reloads (of the web content). After getting some outside help we've identified that we were trying to interact with the android API's on the main thread. Which is bad practice. I first couldn't figure out how to make a web request without having to spawn a seperate thread in the kotlin code, that then we'd have to create some kind of system to bubble up the callback method's result. I then found there's a proper [Tauri (the framework) way](https://tauri.app/develop/plugins/develop-mobile/) of doing this using Kotlin Coroutines, which I wasn't familliar with. But it just executes the entire Tauri 'command' (function call) on a background thread. Problem solved. I haven't had any full app crashes since.
Which left me with the random page refreshes, the thing that was behind the demo-effect at Sat's and Facts. I noticed it happened around the moments I would go to settings to hit the 'sign in' button to dismiss the captive portal. That's where I had looked before, but I needed to zoom out. It had to do SOMETHING with moving the app to and from the background. Okay is it some kind of sleep issue? I don't remember where or how I found it but I saw a suggestion to run the Tauri dev build with a --no-watch flag. Which disables hot reloading of the app when I edit one of the TypeScript/HTML files. Somehow the reload would be triggered sometimes on app switching. Why? I don't know, but i'm glad I could pinpoint it.
So now the demo part seems stable, finally. Which means I can move on and properly implement the wallet logic and making the download on the website work.
## TollGateOS

The second customer group will be people interested in running a TollGate. We're trying to get them to download our custom build of OpenWRT that includes all the required packages. We 'baptized' this version to be called **TollGateOS** as we say in proper Dutch ;). I think it will help to have these clear distinct names. I really want any moderately technical person to be able to install TollGateOS on a supported router. My vision for this is to have some kind of web installer, akin to what GrapheneOS does with their web-installer. It seems to be possible to do SSH from the browser, but I'll kill that bird when I see it (is that a saying? I think it should be...)
By the way, in earlier docs/demo's we talked about a 'herald' module, which would do the advertising of the tollgate. But as we found that the crowsnest already interacts with the hardware antennas, which is needed for 'advertising' the tollgate, we thought it better to merge both of them into the Crowsnest.
## Developers
TollGate is fully open source, so anyone looking to either look at or fork the source code is welcome to do so. Developers interested at looking at the code are probably already interested to some degree. For this group we added easy links to navigate to the project's repositories
Currently our focus is publishing the Android version, but we're building the app in a cross-platform way. The only thing we have to customize are the system integrations, like scanning for wifi-networks and connecting to them.
## Gearing up for Sovereign Engineering
As i'm writing this piece for you i'm at 10km (that's 30.000ft for y'all Americans) in the air on my way to Sovereign Engineering edition #4, SEC-04. I feel ready to go kick ass once again and build beautiful things with a bunch of my favourite plebs!
## A bit of a focus shift
If you've been following me you might notice I haven't posted much about Epoxy recently. I found the momentum I see emerge on TollGate and GitHub Actions too good to let go to waste. So those will be my focus for a while, I'm hoping to circle back to Epoxy when these projects have a more steady pace.

@ df478568:2a951e67
2025-03-01 15:04:27
In [my Soapminer article](https://habla.news/u/marc@primal.net/washing-the-invisible-hand-with-soapminer), I added quotes from various plebs. I earned over 12,000 sats! That's enough for a McJunk today, but maybe a steak dinner in a few years. That's my two sats anyway.
*This is not investment advice*
It feels great to receive value from people who support and appreciate your work. It's also nice to stack more sats by writing. I have a budget of $25.00 that I have sent to various people using Zapplanner, but I'm trying something new: Zapsplits.
## WTF Are Zapsplits?
I asked [Unleashed.chat](https://unleashed.chat). Here's what the anthropomorphic Unleashed said.
What is a Zapsplit on nostr?

A Zapsplit on Nostr refers to splitting a Zap, which is a form of donation or tipping on the ~platform~ protocol, among multiple recipients. **It allows users to distribute their support more broadly across various content creators instead of just one**.
That's more succinct than I would put it, but nostr is a protocol, not a platform. The important part about Zapsplits for me is that it removes the cognitive cost of deciding what percentage of my giving budget should go to each creator. Do I zap podcast guests? Do podcasters with ads get less than podcasters sans ads? How much value did this particular article bring me? If I zap Guy Swann, should I also zap the authors he reads? Should I zap long-form articles more than micro-blogs? There are 21 million different considerations.
Zapsplits removes all this from me because I can use the following algorithm.

### Does This Person Provide Me Value?
Yes ⬇️
I add them to my Zapsplit post for that month. A portion of my monthly zapping budget, 25 dirty-fiat bucks, transforms into magic Internet money and is distributed among everyone in the Zapsplit.
No ⬇️
If I don't get any value, I don't send value. Simple.
#### Testing Zapsplits
I added podcasters and devs to a nostr post and enabled a 10-way zapsplit on the post. It's based on [prisms](https://www.nobsbitcoin.com/lightning-prism-nostr/), a little nostr feature that gives me prose writing superpowers.
1. I can earn sats for writing.
2. I can support others with a single zap.
3. I can add people who give me quotes to my zap splits.
People appreciate attribution. I suspect they will appreciate it more if they also get paid. What if I added some quotes to an article and then split any zaps I get with the quoted plebs? Come to think of it, I'll try it. [Here's a quote from a dev on nostr](nostr:note1qf4277rudtflllrjr555890xsjp6u60f7xdvclkwc9t220duajeq0x665q
I added Silberangel to the Zapsplits on Habla.news.
My [V4V](https://blog.getalby.com/the-case-for-value-4-value/) payments can also get sent to ten different plebs with a simple click of a button. I am going to start using this for a lot of my monthly V4V budget. Every month, I'll think about the people's content I value most and add them to a single zapsplit payment. Then, I'll zap the post.
Say I create a poll and make a wager with ten different people. If I lose, I can pay everyone pit at the same time. This is probably better for a football pool, but you get the idea. The options are limited only by your imagination.

Other people can also zap the post. As Siberangel says, we can use other people's money to provide value, too. This is a great option for stacking neophytes, people who don't have much bitcoin or cheap skates. Let's be honest, bitcoin has made most of us cheapskates.
Bitcoin books with multiple authors can have QR codes that link to one of these Zapsplit posts. The authors can do a book signing and sell their books using this on nostr. Nerds like me can get three autographs and zap the book. The sats are split among all authors. Here's a Zapsplit that includes all the authors of Parallel.

Can you think of any other ways to use Zapsplits? Let me know.

@ 43baaf0c:d193e34c
2025-03-01 14:22:43
eARThist vlog name represents the fusion of Earth and Art and me as traveling artist.
I'm kicking off my vlogging journey with my first vlog, Bangkok Lightning Tour. My goal with vlogging is to share more about my art journey as I travel the world. After years of traveling and filming around the world, I’m now fully focused on my art. However, filming and photography remaining a passion of mine. I also create still some travel content for my company, @traveltelly, whenever I’m not drawing.

After spending time creating art around the world, this feels like the natural next step sharing more behind the scenes moments of both traveling and my artist life.

I started in Bangkok, a city I often visit and where I’ve spent the last five months creating the BangPOP art. Teaming up with Sats ‘n’ Facts, I explored Bangkok to see how Bitcoin Lightning adoption is growing here. Bitcoin has given me the freedom to create art, so I wanted to see if it’s also helping others in Bangkok. On a scorching 35°C day, we filmed three places where you can pay with Bitcoin Lightning. You can find these locations on btcmap.org.

I’m leaving Bangkok soon, but more vlogs from Thailand will follow when I return. I always find my way back to the Land of Smiles.

@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-03-01 14:18:37
Bitcoin, since its creation by the enigmatic figure Satoshi Nakamoto, has revolutionized the concept of currency. Its journey from an obscure digital token to a major financial asset has been marked by dramatic bull runs, capturing the attention of investors worldwide. These surges in Bitcoin's value are not random but are driven by a combination of technological innovation, economic factors, and unique monetary policy. In this article, we explore the intricacies of Bitcoin's scarcity, the halving process, and the broader market dynamics that contribute to its periodic bull runs.
The allure of Bitcoin lies not just in its technological novelty but also in its challenge to traditional financial systems. It represents a decentralized form of currency, free from government control and manipulation. This aspect has been particularly appealing in times of economic uncertainty, where traditional currencies and markets have shown vulnerability. Bitcoin's bull runs can be seen as a barometer of the changing landscape of finance, reflecting a growing shift towards digital assets.
**Table of Contents**
- The Concept of Scarcity in Bitcoin
- Finite Supply
- Impact on Value
- The Halving Events
- Mechanism and Purpose
- Historical Impact on Price
- Market Dynamics and Investor Sentiment
- Institutional Investment
- Global Economic Factors
- Technological Advancements
- Regulatory Environment
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**The Concept of Scarcity in Bitcoin**
**Finite Supply**
Bitcoin's protocol ensures that only 21 million coins will ever be in existence. This limit is encoded in its blockchain, making it a deflationary asset as opposed to inflationary fiat currencies. The idea behind this is to create a form of money that can resist inflationary pressures over time, much like gold, which has maintained its value for centuries due to its scarcity.
**Impact on Value**
The scarcity of Bitcoin has a profound psychological impact on investors. It creates a sense of urgency and a fear of missing out (FOMO) as the available supply dwindles. This is particularly evident as each Bitcoin halving event approaches, reminding the market of the ever-decreasing new supply. The result is often a speculative rally, as seen in the past bull runs. Moreover, as Bitcoin becomes more scarce, its comparison to gold becomes increasingly apt, attracting investors who are looking for assets that can retain value over time.
Scarcity also plays into the hands of long-term investors, often referred to as 'HODLers' in the crypto community. These investors view Bitcoin as a long-term store of value, akin to an investment in precious metals. The limited supply of Bitcoin reassures these investors that their holdings will not be devalued through oversupply, a common problem in fiat currencies.
**The Halving Events**
**Mechanism and Purpose**
Bitcoin's halving is a genius mechanism that ensures a controlled and gradual distribution of coins. By reducing the mining reward by half every four years, Bitcoin mimics the process of extracting a natural resource like gold, becoming progressively harder and more resource-intensive to mine. This not only controls inflation but also adds to the scarcity, making each coin more valuable over time.
**Historical Impact on Price**
Each halving event has historically led to an increase in Bitcoin's price, though not immediately. There is typically a lag between the halving and the subsequent bull run. This delay can be attributed to market adjustment and the gradual realization of reduced supply. The anticipation of this price increase often starts a positive feedback loop, attracting more investors and further driving up the price.
The halving events serve as key milestones in Bitcoin's timeline, providing a predictable pattern of supply reduction that savvy investors monitor closely. These events have become celebratory moments within the Bitcoin community, symbolizing the strength and resilience of the network. They also serve as a reminder of Bitcoin's unique value proposition in the world of cryptocurrencies.
**Market Dynamics and Investor Sentiment**
**Institutional Investment**
The recent years have seen a paradigm shift with the entry of institutional investors into the Bitcoin market. This shift is significant as it marks a departure from Bitcoin's early days of being a niche asset for tech enthusiasts. Institutional investors bring with them not only large capital inflows but also a sense of legitimacy and stability to the market. Their involvement has been a key driver in the maturation of the cryptocurrency market, making it more appealing to a broader audience.
**Global Economic Factors**
The role of global economic factors in influencing Bitcoin's price cannot be overstated. In times of economic instability, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic, investors increasingly turned to Bitcoin as a safe haven asset. This trend is indicative of a growing recognition of Bitcoin's value as a hedge against inflation and economic uncertainty. The decentralized nature of Bitcoin makes it less susceptible to geopolitical tensions and policy changes that affect traditional currencies and markets.
**Technological Advancements**
The continuous evolution of blockchain technology and the infrastructure surrounding Bitcoin has played a crucial role in its adoption. Developments such as improved transaction speed, enhanced security measures, and user-friendly trading platforms have made Bitcoin more accessible and attractive to a wider audience. These technological advancements are crucial in building investor confidence and facilitating the integration of Bitcoin into mainstream finance.
**Regulatory Environment**
The regulatory environment for Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies has been a double-edged sword. On one hand, clear and supportive regulations in certain jurisdictions have provided a boost to the market, encouraging institutional participation and providing clarity for investors. On the other hand, regulatory crackdowns in some countries have led to market volatility and uncertainty. The ongoing development of a regulatory framework for cryptocurrencies remains a key factor in shaping Bitcoin's future.
Bitcoin's journey is a testament to the evolving nature of finance and investment in the digital age. Its bull runs, driven by scarcity, halving events, and a complex interplay of market dynamics, highlight the growing acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a legitimate asset class. As the world increasingly embraces digital currencies, Bitcoin's role as a pioneer and standard-bearer will likely continue to influence its value and relevance in the global financial landscape.
Understanding Bitcoin's market dynamics is not just about analyzing charts and trends. It's about appreciating the broader context of economic, technological, and social changes that are reshaping the way we think about money and value. For investors and enthusiasts alike, staying informed and adaptable is key to navigating the exciting and often unpredictable world of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.
**What causes a Bitcoin bull run?**
Bitcoin bull runs are typically driven by a combination of factors including its built-in scarcity due to the finite supply, halving events reducing the mining rewards, institutional investment, global economic factors, advancements in blockchain technology, and the evolving regulatory landscape.
**How does Bitcoin's scarcity affect its value?**
Bitcoin's value is significantly influenced by its scarcity. With a capped supply of 21 million coins, as demand increases, the limited supply pushes the price upwards, similar to precious metals like gold.
**What is a Bitcoin halving event?**
A Bitcoin halving event is when the reward for mining new Bitcoin blocks is halved, effectively reducing the rate at which new Bitcoins are created. This occurs approximately every four years and is a key factor in Bitcoin's deflationary model.
**Why do institutional investors matter in Bitcoin's market?**
Institutional investors bring significant capital, credibility, and stability to the Bitcoin market. Their participation signals a maturation of the market and can lead to increased confidence and investment from other sectors.
**That's all for today**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*

@ 732c6a62:42003da2
2025-03-01 13:56:36

> De acordo com a Forbes, a Ripple (Empresa responsável pela Criptomoeda XRP) tem financiado e apoiado campanhas contra a mineração de Bitcoin.
## **Por que Ripple faz propaganda anti-bitcoin?**
Simples: **eles são o oposto do Bitcoin em quase tudo.** Enquanto o Bitcoin foi criado para ser descentralizado, resistente à censura e independente de instituições, o Ripple é basicamente um serviço bancário 2.0. Eles precisam atacar o Bitcoin para justificar sua própria existência.
## **O que você não sabe:**
1. **Ripple Labs controla a maioria do XRP:** Eles têm um estoque estratégico que pode ser liberado no mercado a qualquer momento. Isso é o oposto de descentralização.
2. **XRP não é uma moeda para "pessoas comuns":** Foi criada para bancos e instituições financeiras. Basicamente, é o "banco central" das criptomoedas.
3. **Ripple não é blockchain no sentido tradicional:** Eles usam um protocolo chamado **Ripple Protocol Consensus Algorithm (RPCA)**, que é mais rápido, mas menos descentralizado.
## **Os principais ataques do Ripple ao Bitcoin:**
1. **Anti-mineração:** O Ripple critica o consumo de energia do Bitcoin, mas esquece que seu próprio sistema depende de servidores centralizados que também consomem energia.
2. **Anti-reserva estratégica:** O Ripple tem um estoque gigante de XRP, mas critica o Bitcoin por ser "deflacionário". Hipocrisia? Nunca ouvi falar.
3. **Anti-descentralização:** O Ripple prega que a descentralização do Bitcoin é "ineficiente", mas o que eles realmente querem é manter o controle nas mãos de poucos.
## **Análise Psicológica Básica (para você que acha que XRP é o futuro):**
- **Síndrome do Underdog:** Acha que apoiar o Ripple te faz um rebelde, mas na verdade você está torcendo para o sistema bancário tradicional.
- **Viés de Confirmação:** Só ouve opiniões que validam sua decisão de comprar XRP.
- **Efeito Dunning-Kruger:** Acha que entender Ripple te torna um especialista em criptomoedas, mas não sabe o que é um *hard fork*.
**Estudo de Caso (Real, mas Você Vai Ignorar):**
Carlos, 30 anos, comprou XRP porque "é o futuro das transações bancárias". Ele não sabe que o Ripple está sendo processado pela SEC por vender XRP como um título não registrado. Carlos agora está esperando o "pump" que nunca vem.
## **Conclusão: ou, "volte para a aula de economia do ensino médio"**
Ripple não é o futuro das finanças. É só mais um player tentando lucrar em um mercado competitivo. E sua propaganda anti-Bitcoin? Essa só prova que **a descentralização assusta quem quer controle**. Agora vá estudar blockchain básico — ou pelo menos pare de compartilhar memes com erros de português.

@ b83a28b7:35919450
2025-03-01 13:08:06
## **Preamble**
*I used OpenAI's o3-mini reasoning engine to construct a thesis for the Russia-Ukraine conflict using the positions of Jeffery Sachs and John Mearsheimer. I then asked it to create a counterargument to those positions- the antithesis. And I finally asked for a synthesis that concludes in lasting peace in the region. In all three cases, I prompted it to only use axiomatic deductive reasoning and first principles thinking, emphasizing facts and ignoring the opinions and assertions of so-called experts.*
# The Thesis
## **John Mearsheimer's Position: A Realist Perspective**
### **First Principles**
1. **States prioritize survival**: In an anarchic international system (no overarching authority), states act to maximize security and minimize threats.
2. **Great powers seek regional hegemony**: States aim to dominate their immediate regions to prevent rival powers from threatening them.
3. **Proximity amplifies threat perception**: The closer a rival power or alliance is to a state's borders, the greater the perceived threat.
### **Logical Reasoning**
1. NATO's eastward expansion brings a U.S.-led military alliance closer to Russia’s borders.
- From the principle of proximity, this increases Russia’s perceived insecurity.
2. Ukraine’s potential NATO membership represents a direct challenge to Russia’s sphere of influence.
- A great power like Russia would logically act to prevent this encroachment, as it undermines its regional dominance.
3. Russia’s actions (e.g., annexation of Crimea in 2014 and invasion in 2022) are defensive responses to NATO's perceived encroachment.
- From the principle of survival, Russia seeks to neutralize threats by ensuring Ukraine does not join NATO.
4. The U.S. and NATO ignored Russia’s stated red lines (e.g., no NATO membership for Ukraine).
- This provoked predictable countermeasures from Russia, consistent with great-power behavior.
### **Conclusion**
From a realist perspective, NATO expansion is the root cause of the conflict. Russia’s actions are not imperialistic but defensive responses to protect its security and sphere of influence.
## **Jeffrey Sachs' Position: A Historical and Diplomatic Perspective**
### **First Principles**
1. **Agreements create expectations**: Commitments between states establish norms that guide future behavior.
2. **Security is interdependent**: One state’s pursuit of security can increase another state’s insecurity (the "security dilemma").
3. **Conflicts are preventable through diplomacy**: Negotiations and compromises can avert wars by addressing mutual concerns.
### **Logical Reasoning**
1. In 1990, U.S. officials assured Soviet leaders that NATO would not expand eastward if Germany was reunified.
- If such assurances were made (even informally), subsequent NATO expansion violated these expectations, fostering mistrust.
2. The U.S.'s unilateral withdrawal from treaties like the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty (2002) and its push for NATO enlargement exacerbated Russia's insecurity.
- By the principle of interdependent security, these actions predictably escalated tensions with Russia.
3. Putin proposed negotiations in 2021 to prevent NATO expansion into Ukraine, but these were rejected by the U.S.
- Diplomacy could have addressed Russian concerns without war, but its rejection left military action as Russia’s only perceived option.
4. Ukraine’s neutrality could have prevented conflict by satisfying both Russian and Western security concerns.
- Neutrality would reduce NATO's proximity to Russia while preserving Ukraine's sovereignty.
### **Conclusion**
From Sachs’ perspective, the war is a consequence of U.S.-led NATO expansion and missed diplomatic opportunities. A negotiated settlement based on Ukrainian neutrality remains the logical path to peace.
## Deductive Insights
1. Both positions agree that NATO expansion is central to understanding the conflict but differ in emphasis:
- Mearsheimer focuses on structural inevitabilities in great-power politics.
- Sachs highlights historical commitments and missed opportunities for diplomacy.
2. Both rely on axioms about state behavior:
- Mearsheimer emphasizes security maximization through power balancing.
- Sachs underscores trust-building through adherence to agreements.
In conclusion, reasoning from first principles supports both scholars’ views as internally consistent frameworks for explaining the Ukraine conflict, though they emphasize different aspects of state behavior and international relations logic.
To construct counterarguments to the positions of John Mearsheimer and Jeffrey Sachs using axiomatic deductive reasoning, we will start with alternative first principles and challenge their logical conclusions. This approach ensures that the counterarguments are rooted in logic and facts, without relying on external opinions or assertions.
## **Counterarguments to John Mearsheimer's Position**
### **First Principles for the Counterargument**
1. **Sovereign states have the right to self-determination**: All states, regardless of size, have the right to choose their alliances and political alignments.
2. **Security is not zero-sum**: One state’s pursuit of security does not always come at the expense of another’s; collective security arrangements can enhance stability.
3. **Aggression undermines security**: A state that invades its neighbors creates insecurity for itself by provoking opposition and strengthening rival alliances.
### **Logical Reasoning**
1. NATO expansion was voluntary and driven by the sovereign decisions of Eastern European states seeking protection from historical Russian aggression.
- From the principle of self-determination, NATO enlargement reflects the legitimate choices of countries like Poland, Estonia, and Ukraine to align with a defensive alliance, not an act of Western aggression against Russia.
2. Russia’s perception of NATO as a threat is not inherently justified.
- NATO is a defensive alliance with no history of invading non-member states. From the principle that security is not zero-sum, NATO’s presence near Russia does not necessarily reduce Russian security unless Russia itself acts aggressively.
3. Russia’s invasion of Ukraine contradicts Mearsheimer’s claim that its actions are purely defensive.
- By attacking Ukraine, Russia has provoked a stronger NATO presence in Eastern Europe (e.g., Finland and Sweden joining NATO) and increased its own insecurity. This undermines the principle that great powers act rationally to maximize their security.
4. The analogy to the Cuban Missile Crisis is flawed.
- In 1962, the U.S. objected to Soviet missiles in Cuba because they posed an immediate offensive threat. NATO membership for Ukraine does not involve stationing offensive weapons aimed at Russia but rather a defensive commitment.
### **Conclusion**
Mearsheimer’s argument fails to account for the agency of smaller states and overstates the inevitability of conflict due to NATO expansion. Russia’s actions are better explained as aggressive attempts to reassert imperial influence rather than rational defensive measures.
# The Antithesis
## **Counterarguments to Jeffrey Sachs' Position**
### **First Principles for the Counterargument**
1. **Informal agreements lack binding force**: Verbal or informal assurances between states do not constitute enforceable commitments in international relations.
2. **Security dilemmas require mutual restraint**: Both sides in a conflict must take steps to reduce tensions; unilateral blame is insufficient.
3. **Sovereign equality underpins diplomacy**: No state has the right to dictate another state’s foreign policy or alliances.
### **Logical Reasoning**
1. The alleged 1990 U.S. assurance against NATO expansion was never formalized in any treaty or agreement.
- From the principle that informal agreements lack binding force, subsequent NATO enlargement cannot be considered a violation of commitments since no legal obligation existed.
2. Russia’s actions have escalated tensions far more than NATO expansion ever did.
- By annexing Crimea (2014) and invading Ukraine (2022), Russia has actively destabilized its neighbors and created insecurity across Europe. From the principle of mutual restraint, Russia bears responsibility for escalating the conflict rather than solely responding to U.S./NATO actions.
3. Diplomatic solutions require both parties to negotiate in good faith.
- Putin’s 2021 proposals demanded guarantees that Ukraine would never join NATO—a condition that violates Ukraine’s sovereignty and right to self-determination. From the principle of sovereign equality, such demands are inherently illegitimate.
4. Neutrality is not always a viable solution.
- Ukraine attempted neutrality after independence (e.g., refusing to join NATO for decades). However, this did not prevent Russian aggression in 2014 or 2022, undermining Sachs’ claim that neutrality would have ensured peace.
### **Conclusion**
Sachs’ argument overemphasizes historical grievances and ignores Russia’s active role in escalating tensions through aggression and coercion. The failure of diplomacy lies as much with Russia’s demands as with Western policies.
## **Deductive Insights from Counterarguments**
1. Both Mearsheimer and Sachs underestimate the agency of smaller states like Ukraine, which made sovereign decisions based on their own security needs rather than being mere pawns in great-power politics.
2. Both positions assume that Russia’s actions are primarily reactive or defensive, but this ignores evidence that Russia has proactively pursued aggressive policies (e.g., Georgia 2008, Crimea 2014).
3. The principle of sovereignty challenges both scholars’ frameworks:
- Mearsheimer overlooks Ukraine's right to align with NATO if it chooses.
- Sachs dismisses Ukraine's agency by suggesting neutrality could have been imposed as a solution.
In conclusion, while Mearsheimer and Sachs present internally consistent arguments, their frameworks can be challenged by emphasizing sovereignty, rejecting inevitability in great-power conflict, and highlighting Russia's active role in escalating tensions beyond what can be justified by security concerns alone.
# The Synthesis: A Balanced Framework for Resolving the Russia-Ukraine Conflict
### **First Principles for Synthesis**
1. **Security is interdependent**: A state’s pursuit of security can create insecurity for others, necessitating mutual accommodation.
2. **Sovereignty is fundamental but constrained by geography**: States have a right to self-determination, but geography imposes practical limits on absolute sovereignty in a multipolar world.
3. **Great powers act to preserve their spheres of influence**: In an anarchic international system, great powers prioritize regional dominance to ensure their survival.
4. **Diplomacy is essential for de-escalation**: Durable peace requires negotiated compromises that address the core interests of all parties involved.
### **Reconciling the Thesis and Antithesis**
#### **Thesis (Mearsheimer and Sachs' Positions)**
- NATO expansion near Russia’s borders provoked a predictable response from Moscow, reflecting structural dynamics of great-power competition.
- U.S. and NATO policies ignored Russian security concerns, contributing to the escalation of tensions.
- Diplomacy and neutrality for Ukraine are necessary to resolve the conflict.
#### **Antithesis (Counterarguments)**
- NATO expansion was driven by voluntary decisions of Eastern European states seeking protection from historical Russian aggression, not Western provocation.
- Russia’s actions are not purely defensive but reflect imperial ambitions that violate Ukraine’s sovereignty.
- Neutrality alone would not guarantee peace, as Russia has acted aggressively even when Ukraine was neutral.
#### **Synthesis**
Both perspectives contain valid insights but fail to fully address the complexity of the conflict. The synthesis must:
1. Acknowledge Russia’s legitimate security concerns while rejecting its imperialistic actions.
2. Respect Ukraine’s sovereignty while recognizing that its geographic position necessitates pragmatic compromises.
3. Balance great-power dynamics with smaller states’ rights to self-determination.
## **Proposed Solution: A Comprehensive Peace Framework**
To achieve an enduring peace in Ukraine and stabilize Eastern Europe, the following steps are proposed:
### 1. Immediate Ceasefire
- Both sides agree to an immediate cessation of hostilities under international supervision (e.g., UN peacekeeping forces).
- A demilitarized buffer zone is established along current frontlines to prevent further clashes.
### 2. Neutrality with Conditions
- Ukraine adopts a status of permanent neutrality, enshrined in its constitution and guaranteed by international treaties.
- Neutrality includes:
- No NATO membership for Ukraine.
- Freedom for Ukraine to pursue economic integration with both the EU and other global partners without military alignments.
### 3. Security Guarantees
- Russia receives legally binding assurances that NATO will not expand further eastward or station offensive weapons near its borders.
- Ukraine receives multilateral security guarantees from major powers (e.g., U.S., EU, China) to deter future aggression from any party.
### 4. Territorial Dispute Resolution
- Crimea’s status is deferred to future negotiations under international mediation, with both sides agreeing to maintain the status quo in the interim.
- Donetsk and Luhansk regions are granted autonomy within Ukraine under a decentralized federal structure, ensuring local governance while preserving Ukrainian sovereignty.
### 5. Economic Reconstruction
- An international fund is established for rebuilding war-torn regions in Ukraine, with contributions from Russia, Western nations, and multilateral institutions.
- Economic cooperation between Ukraine and Russia is encouraged through trade agreements designed to benefit both parties.
### 6. Phased Implementation
- Peace agreements are implemented incrementally to build trust:
- Initial steps include withdrawal of heavy weaponry, prisoner exchanges, and humanitarian aid delivery.
- Subsequent phases involve constitutional reforms (e.g., neutrality), elections in disputed regions, and gradual reintegration of territories under international supervision.
### 7. Long-Term Regional Security Framework
- A new regional security framework is established involving Russia, Ukraine, NATO members, and neutral states to manage disputes peacefully.
- This framework institutionalizes dialogue channels for arms control, economic cooperation, and crisis management.
## **Rationale for the Solution**
1. **Balances Security Concerns**:
- Neutrality addresses Russia’s fears of NATO encirclement while preserving Ukraine’s independence.
- Security guarantees reduce mistrust between NATO and Russia while protecting Ukraine from future aggression.
2. **Respects Sovereignty**:
- Ukraine retains its independence and territorial integrity (except for deferred issues like Crimea) while accommodating regional realities through federalism and neutrality.
3. **Acknowledges Great-Power Dynamics**:
- The solution recognizes Russia’s need for a secure sphere of influence without legitimizing its imperial ambitions or violating international law.
4. **Builds Trust Through Gradualism**:
- Incremental implementation allows both sides to verify commitments before proceeding further.
- International monitoring ensures compliance with agreements.
5. **Incorporates Lessons from History**:
- Neutrality models (e.g., Austria) demonstrate that such arrangements can work when backed by strong guarantees.
- Phased implementation mirrors successful peace processes in other conflicts (e.g., Colombia).
## **Conclusion**
The synthesis reconciles the structural realism of Mearsheimer with Sachs’ emphasis on diplomacy by proposing a balanced solution that addresses both security dilemmas and sovereignty concerns. Neutrality serves as the linchpin for de-escalation, while phased implementation builds trust over time. By integrating immediate conflict resolution measures with long-term regional frameworks, this approach offers a realistic path toward enduring peace in Eastern Europe.
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@ d360efec:14907b5f
2025-03-01 12:58:51
**ภาพรวม (Integrated Overview)**
ถ้าพิจารณาทั้ง TF Daily, 4H, และ 15m (พร้อมข้อมูล Money Flow ที่เป็นลบในทุก TF) ราคาปัจจุบันประมาณ 84,579
1. **แนวโน้ม (Trend):**
* **Daily:** *ขาลง* (Bearish) แม้ว่าราคาจะอยู่เหนือเส้นค่าเฉลี่ยเคลื่อนที่ (EMA) แต่ *Money Flow ที่เป็นลบอย่างรุนแรง* บ่งชี้ถึงแนวโน้มขาลง
* **4H:** *ขาลง* (Bearish) Money Flow เป็นลบอย่างมาก และมี *รูปแบบ* Head and Shoulders ที่มีโอกาสเกิดขึ้น
* **15m:** *ขาลง* (Bearish) Money Flow เป็นลบ
2. **SMC & ICT (Smart Money Concepts & Inner Circle Trader):**
* **Buyside Liquidity:** อยู่เหนือราคาสูงสุดปัจจุบัน ระดับราคาที่ *อาจ* เป็นแนวต้าน (จากกราฟ Daily): 90456.8, 92755.8, 95054.9, 97354.0, 99653.1, 101952.1, 104251.3, 106550.3, 109998.9, และ 117000.0 ใน TF 15m, Buyside Liquidity คือจุดสูงสุดของแท่งเทียนก่อนหน้า
* **Sellside Liquidity:** แนวรับสำคัญ: 80,000 (Neckline ของ Head and Shoulders ใน TF 4H, ตัวเลขกลม, แนวรับทางจิตวิทยา) แนวรับอื่นๆ: 83559.5, 81260.4, 78961.4, 76662.3, 74363.2, 72064.1, 69705.1, 67400.0, 66811.7, และ 65166.9 (จากกราฟ Daily) ใน TF 15m, Sellside Liquidity คือจุดต่ำสุดของแท่งเทียนก่อนหน้า
3. **Money Flow:**
* **Daily:** *เป็นลบอย่างมาก* (Strongly Negative)
* **4H:** *เป็นลบอย่างมาก* (Strongly Negative)
* **15m:** *เป็นลบ* (Negative)
* **นี่คือตัวบ่งชี้ที่สำคัญที่สุดในขณะนี้ และเป็นขาลงในทุก Timeframe**
4. **EMA (Exponential Moving Averages):**
* **Daily:** ราคาอยู่เหนือ EMA 50 และ 200 *แต่ถูกหักล้างด้วย Money Flow ที่เป็นลบ*
* **4H:** ราคาอยู่เหนือ EMA 50 และ 200 *แต่ถูกหักล้างด้วย Money Flow ที่เป็นลบ*
* **15m:** ราคาแกว่งตัวรอบ EMA 50, อยู่เหนือ EMA 200 *แต่ถูกหักล้างด้วย Money Flow ที่เป็นลบ*
5. **Trend Strength (AlgoAlpha):**
* **Daily:** เมฆ Ichimoku เป็นสีเทา (Neutral - เป็นกลาง)
* **4H:** เมฆ Ichimoku เป็นสีเทา (Neutral - เป็นกลาง)
* **15m:** เมฆ Ichimoku เป็นสีเทา (Neutral - เป็นกลาง)
6. **Chart Patterns (รูปแบบกราฟ):**
* **Daily:** ไม่มีรูปแบบที่ชัดเจน แต่มีการอ่อนตัวของราคา
* **4H:** *มีโอกาสเกิด* รูปแบบ Head and Shoulders (กลับหัว) (Bearish - ขาลง)
* **15m:** ไม่มีรูปแบบที่ชัดเจน แต่อาจเป็นส่วนหนึ่งของ Right Shoulder ใน TF 4H
**กลยุทธ์ Day Trade (SMC-Based)**
เนื่องจาก Money Flow ที่เป็นลบอย่างท่วมท้นในทุก Timeframes และรูปแบบ Head and Shoulders ที่มีโอกาสเกิดขึ้นใน TF 4H กลยุทธ์การซื้อขายที่สมเหตุสมผล *เพียงอย่างเดียว* คือ **การป้องกันอย่างเข้มงวด** โดยเน้นที่ **การหลีกเลี่ยงสถานะ Long** และพิจารณาสถานะ Short *เฉพาะ* เมื่อมีเงื่อนไขที่เข้มงวดมากเท่านั้น
1. **Long (Buy):** *ไม่แนะนำโดยเด็ดขาด* (Absolutely, unequivocally not recommended) การทำเช่นนี้จะเป็นการซื้อขายสวนทางกับแนวโน้มหลักและสัญญาณ Money Flow ที่ชัดเจน
2. **Short (Sell):**
* **Entry (จุดเข้า):** นี่คือการเทรด *เดียว* ที่ *อาจ* มีเหตุผลสนับสนุน, แต่ *เฉพาะ* เมื่อเงื่อนไข *ทั้งหมด* ต่อไปนี้เป็นจริง:
* รูปแบบ Head and Shoulders ใน TF 4H *เสร็จสมบูรณ์* ด้วยการ Breakout ที่ชัดเจนใต้ Neckline (80,000-81,000)
* การ Breakout ใต้ Neckline เกิดขึ้นพร้อมกับ *Volume ที่สูง*
* Money Flow ใน *ทั้งสาม* Timeframes ยังคง *เป็นลบอย่างมาก*
* คุณมีสัญญาณ Bearish อื่นๆ ยืนยัน (เช่น รูปแบบแท่งเทียน Bearish, Bearish Divergence)
* **Target (เป้าหมาย):** ระดับ Sellside Liquidity (เช่น 78961.4, 76662.3)
* **Stop Loss (จุดตัดขาดทุน):** *เหนือ* Neckline หรือ Right Shoulder ทันที *จำเป็นต้องมี Stop Loss ที่เข้มงวดอย่างยิ่ง*
3. **No Trade (ไม่เทรด):** เป็นตัวเลือกที่ *ดีที่สุด* สำหรับนักเทรด/นักลงทุนส่วนใหญ่ ความเสี่ยงที่จะเกิดการปรับฐานครั้งใหญ่มีสูงมาก
สถานการณ์ของ BTC คือ **Bearish อย่างมาก** *Money Flow ที่เป็นลบอย่างมากในทุก Timeframes* เป็นปัจจัยสำคัญที่สุด ซึ่งมีน้ำหนักมากกว่าสัญญาณ Bullish ใดๆ ก่อนหน้านี้จาก EMA รูปแบบ Head and Shoulders ที่มีโอกาสเกิดขึ้นใน TF 4H ช่วยเพิ่มการยืนยันแนวโน้ม Bearish **สถานะ Long ไม่สมเหตุสมผลอย่างยิ่ง** สถานะ Short *อาจ* พิจารณาได้, แต่ *ต้อง* มีการยืนยันสัญญาณที่ชัดเจน *ทั้งหมด* และมีการบริหารความเสี่ยงที่เข้มงวดมาก **"Wait and See" (รอดู) และการรักษาเงินทุนเป็นสิ่งสำคัญที่สุด**
**Disclaimer:** การวิเคราะห์นี้เป็นเพียงความคิดเห็นส่วนตัว ไม่ถือเป็นคำแนะนำในการลงทุน ผู้ลงทุนควรศึกษาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมและตัดสินใจด้วยความรอบคอบ

@ d360efec:14907b5f
2025-03-01 12:55:57
**Overview (Integrated Overview)**
All three provided timeframes (Daily, 4H, and 15m, *all now confirmed to have negative Money Flow*), The current price is approximately 84,579.
**Integrated Analysis**
1. **Trend:**
* **Daily:** *Bearish*. While the price is above the EMAs, the *strongly negative Money Flow* on the Daily chart overrides the EMA signal, indicating a bearish trend. The Ichimoku Cloud is neutral, further supporting the idea that the previous bullish trend is weakening.
* **4H:** *Bearish*. Strongly negative Money Flow and a *potential* (but not yet confirmed) inverted Head and Shoulders pattern.
* **15m:** *Bearish*. Negative Money Flow.
2. **SMC & ICT (Smart Money Concepts & Inner Circle Trader):**
* **Buyside Liquidity:** Above the current high. Potential resistance levels (derived from the Daily chart image, assuming it's from 2025): 90456.8, 92755.8, 95054.9, 97354.0, 99653.1, 101952.1, 104251.3, 106550.3, 109998.9, and 117000.0. On the 15m chart (though we are prioritizing the Daily and 4H now), Buyside Liquidity would be represented by recent swing highs.
* **Sellside Liquidity:** Key support: 80,000 (this is the approximate neckline of the *potential* Head and Shoulders pattern on the 4H chart, a round number, and a psychological support level). Other support levels (derived from the Daily chart image): 83559.5, 81260.4, 78961.4, 76662.3, 74363.2, 72064.1, 69705.1, 67400.0, 66811.7, and 65166.9. On the 15m chart, Sellside Liquidity would be represented by recent swing lows.
3. **Money Flow:**
* **Daily:** *Strongly Negative*. This is a major bearish signal.
* **4H:** *Strongly Negative*. This reinforces the bearish signal and is consistent with the Daily chart.
* **15m:** *Negative*. This confirms the short-term outflow of money.
* **The consistently negative Money Flow across all timeframes is the most important and dominant indicator in this analysis.**
4. **EMA (Exponential Moving Averages):**
* **Daily:** Price is above the EMA 50 (yellow) and EMA 200 (white). *However, the strongly negative Money Flow overrides the bullish signal typically provided by the price being above the EMAs.*
* **4H:** Price is above the EMA 50 and EMA 200. *Again, the strongly negative Money Flow overrides this.*
* **15m:** Price is oscillating around the EMA 50 and above the EMA 200. *The negative Money Flow overrides this.*
5. **Trend Strength (AlgoAlpha Indicator):**
* **Daily:** The Ichimoku Cloud is gray (Neutral). This is *not* a bullish signal and is consistent with the negative Money Flow.
* **4H:** The Ichimoku Cloud is gray (Neutral).
* **15m:** The Ichimoku Cloud is gray (Neutral).
6. **Chart Patterns:**
* **Daily:** No *fully formed* classic chart pattern. However, the recent price action shows a loss of upward momentum and the beginning of a potential downward move. This *weakening* price action, combined with the strongly negative Money Flow, is bearish.
* **4H:** *Potential* inverted Head and Shoulders pattern. This is a *bearish reversal pattern*. It's crucial to understand that this pattern is *not yet confirmed*. Confirmation requires a decisive break *below* the neckline (approximately 80,000-81,000), *with increased volume* and *continued negative Money Flow*.
* **15m:** No clearly defined classic chart pattern. The 15m price action is best understood as potentially forming the right shoulder of the 4H Head and Shoulders.
**SMC-Based Day Trading Strategies**
Given the overwhelmingly bearish evidence – primarily the strongly negative Money Flow across all timeframes, combined with the potential Head and Shoulders pattern on the 4H chart – the *only* justifiable trading strategy is **extreme caution and a strong bias against long positions**. Short positions have a *slightly* higher probability of success, but only under *very specific* conditions and with *extremely* tight risk management.
1. **Long (Buy):** *Absolutely, unequivocally not recommended*. There is no technical justification for entering a long position at this time. This would be trading directly against the dominant bearish signals.
2. **Short (Sell):**
* **Entry:** This is the *only* trade with *any* potential, and *only* if *all* of the following conditions are met:
* The Head and Shoulders pattern on the 4H chart *fully completes* with a decisive break *below* the neckline (80,000-81,000).
* The breakout below the neckline occurs on *significantly increased volume*.
* The Money Flow on *all three* timeframes (Daily, 4H, and 15m) remains *strongly negative* at the time of the breakout.
* Additional bearish confirmation is present (e.g., bearish candlestick patterns, bearish divergences on other oscillators like RSI or MACD – which we cannot see from the provided images).
* **Target:** Sellside Liquidity levels, derived from the Daily chart. Potential targets include, but are not limited to: 78961.4, 76662.3, 74363.2, and potentially lower.
* **Stop Loss:** *Immediately* above the neckline (after the breakout) or above the high of the right shoulder (if placing the trade *before* a confirmed neckline break – which is *extremely* risky). *An extremely tight stop-loss is absolutely mandatory* due to the inherent volatility of BTC and the potential for false breakouts.
3. **No Trade (Cash):** This is, by far, the *best* and most prudent option for the vast majority of traders and investors. The risk of a substantial price decline is extremely high, given the confluence of bearish signals. Preserving capital should be the primary objective.
**Key Levels to Watch:**
* **80,000 - 81,000 (4H Chart):** This is the neckline of the potential Head and Shoulders pattern. A sustained break below this level, with the confirming factors listed above, would be a strong bearish signal.
* **Money Flow on all chart**:
The overall technical picture for BTC, **strongly bearish**. The *dominant factor* is the *consistently and strongly negative Money Flow across all three timeframes*. This overrides any seemingly bullish signals from the EMAs. The potential (but unconfirmed) Head and Shoulders pattern on the 4H chart adds further weight to the bearish case.
**Long positions are completely unjustified and extremely risky.** Short positions *might* be considered, but *only* with the strictest possible entry criteria, complete confirmation from multiple indicators, and extremely tight risk management. **The "Wait and See" approach, prioritizing capital preservation, is the most prudent strategy for most market participants.** This situation calls for extreme caution and a defensive posture.
**Disclaimer:** This analysis is a personal opinion. It is not financial advice. Trading and investing in cryptocurrencies involves significant risk. Always do your own research and consult with a qualified financial advisor before making any investment decisions.

@ ed5774ac:45611c5c
2025-03-01 12:55:28
**Trump and Vance Expose Zelensky: The West’s Narrative Machine Meets Reality**
In the modern era, the West has perfected the art of ruling through narratives. Stories, carefully crafted and disseminated, have become the primary tool for shaping public perception, justifying actions, and maintaining control. This narrative-driven approach to governance has been the cornerstone of Western power since the 20th century, and nowhere is this more evident than in the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. Enter Volodymyr Zelensky, the comedian-turned-president, who has become a poster child for this narrative-driven world order. But in a recent confrontation with Donald Trump and J.D. Vance, Zelensky’s carefully constructed facade crumbled, exposing the fragility of the Western storytelling empire.
**The West’s Narrative Machine**
As Alastair Crooke astutely observes in his article **The Western Way of War: Owning the Narrative Trumps Reality** ( https://www.unz.com/article/the-western-way-of-war-owning-the-narrative-trumps-reality), the West’s power lies not in its military or economic might alone but in its ability to control the narrative. Crooke argues that the West has mastered the art of “owning the story,” creating a reality that serves its interests, regardless of facts on the ground. This narrative dominance ensures that the general public—often referred to as the masses—follows along without questioning, accepting the official line as gospel truth.
To maintain this control, the West relies on carefully curated protagonists who can sell its stories to the world. Take, for example, the story of Volodymyr Zelensky, a former actor whose rise to power was itself a narrative triumph. Portrayed as a relatable outsider who defeated the corrupt establishment, Zelensky promised hope and reform. But behind this carefully crafted image lay darker forces. Oligarch Ihor Kolomoisky, one of Ukraine’s most powerful and controversial figures, played a pivotal role in Zelensky’s ascent. Kolomoisky, who owned the TV channel that aired Zelensky’s show Servant of the People, used his media empire to propel the political novice into the spotlight. This was not a grassroots movement but a calculated maneuver by Ukraine’s oligarchic elite to maintain control under a new, more palatable face.
**Zelensky’s Rise and the West’s Geopolitical Strategy**
Zelensky’s rise was not just a domestic political shift; it was a calculated move by the West to advance its long-standing goal of containing Russia and dominating Eurasia. The West, particularly the EU and NATO, saw Ukraine as a critical piece in its geopolitical chess game. By installing a pro-Western leader like Zelensky, the West aimed to pull Ukraine firmly into its orbit, knowing full well that such a move would antagonize Moscow. This was not an accidental escalation but a deliberate provocation, designed to create a pretext for further Western intervention.
To polish Zelensky’s image and present him as a beacon of hope for peace and the Westernization of Ukraine, the West also needed to whitewash Ukraine’s darker realities. This meant turning a blind eye to the corruption and oligarchic influence that underpinned Zelensky’s presidency. Equally ignored were the neo-Nazi crimes and policies that had been well-documented before 2014, such as the rise of far-right groups like Svoboda and the Azov Battalion, their glorification of Nazi collaborator **Stepan Bandera**, and their violent attacks on ethnic minorities, political opponents, and LGBTQ+ communities. These atrocities, once reported in Western media, were suddenly erased from the narrative after 2014, as if they had never existed, to preserve the image of Ukraine as an innocent victim in the West’s geopolitical chess game.
**The Grand Chessboard: Ukraine as a Proxy**
The West’s use of Ukraine as a geopolitical pawn is not a recent development. Its roots can be traced back to Zbigniew Brzezinski’s 1997 book The Grand Chessboard, in which the former U.S. National Security Advisor laid out a blueprint for American dominance in Eurasia. He famously wrote, “The one who rules the heartland rules the world, the one who rules East Europe rules the heartland, the one who rules Ukraine rules East Europe.” This statement foreshadowed the West’s strategic interest in Ukraine as a tool to contain and destabilize Russia—a goal that has driven Western policy for decades.
Even in 2008, Western leaders like Angela Merkel and Nicolas Sarkozy opposed Ukraine’s NATO membership, recognizing that such a move would provoke Russia. Classified cables from William Burns, the U.S. Ambassador to Russia at the time, echoed this sentiment. Burns warned that NATO expansion into Ukraine was a “red line” for Moscow, succinctly stating, “**Nyet means nyet**.” The West was fully aware that it was playing with fire, risking a direct confrontation with Russia that could escalate into a potential World War III. Yet, despite these warnings, the West pushed forward with its agenda, pulling Ukraine into its orbit. The stakes were simply too high to abandon the plan.
At the heart of this strategy lies the West’s desperate need to sustain its faltering economic system. Since the 2008 financial crisis, the Western debt-driven financial model has teetered on the brink of collapse. Sovereign debt crises loom large, and the banking industry, reliant on endless money printing, urgently needs new collateral to back its ever-expanding debt. Russia’s vast resource-rich territories—filled with oil, gas, minerals, and rare earth metals—offer a tempting solution.
By dominating Russia and seizing control of its natural wealth, the West could issue **resource-backed bonds,** financial instruments tied directly to Russia’s oil and gas reserves. These bonds would allow the West to leverage Russia’s resources as collateral, providing a stable foundation for its debt-ridden financial system. Controlling access to these resources would ensure currency stability and keep Western economies functioning, even as debt levels soar.
But the West’s ambitions extend beyond economic survival. Controlling Russia’s resources would also allow it to sever China’s access to critical raw materials, undermining Beijing’s economic and military development. By dominating Russia’s energy exports, the West could manipulate global energy prices, stabilizing its own economies while weakening rivals like China, which relies heavily on Russian energy. The U.S. and EU view China as the greatest geopolitical challenge of the 21st century, and by encircling and weakening Russia, they aim to isolate and contain Beijing. In this grand strategy, Ukraine is not merely a pawn but a critical linchpin in the West’s efforts to reshape the global order—even at the risk of catastrophic conflict.
**Zelensky’s Role in the West’s Strategy**
To execute this high-stakes strategy, the West needed a compelling narrative—one that could justify its actions, rally public support, and obscure its true motives. Therefore, they created the narrative around Volodymyr Zelensky, casting him as a global symbol of resistance, a hero fighting against the “evil” of Putin’s Russia. The West, particularly the EU and NATO, embraced this narrative, using it to justify billions in aid—much of which served as a cover for money laundering—sanctions on Russia, and the broader geopolitical agenda outlined above. Zelensky became the face of this narrative, a willing participant in the West’s grand strategy, even as his own country was turned into a battlefield.
Zelensky’s narrative, however, is built on shaky ground. Take, for example, the claim that Putin is “non-agreement capable”—a talking point frequently parroted by Western media and politicians. This assertion is not only baseless but laughably ironic. Unlike the West, which has a long history of signing agreements only to disregard them (e.g., the Minsk agreements, the Istanbul peace deal in March 2022, or NATO’s broken promise not to expand eastward), Putin has consistently honored the contracts and treaties he has signed. The West, not Russia, is the true exemplar of “non-agreement capable” behavior.
Yet, Zelensky and his Western backers continue to peddle these lies, confident that the general public will follow. The narrative is simple: Ukraine is the victim, Russia is the aggressor, and any suggestion to the contrary is dismissed as propaganda. This black-and-white storytelling leaves no room for nuance, truth, or accountability.
**Trump and Vance: Slapping Down the Narrative**
Enter Donald Trump and J.D. Vance. In a recent meeting with Zelensky, the duo did what few in the West have dared to do: they called out the narrative for what it is—a fabrication. Trump, known for his blunt rhetoric, and Vance, a rising voice of realism in foreign policy, confronted Zelensky with the uncomfortable truth. They exposed the contradictions in his claims, highlighting the West’s role in prolonging the conflict and the absurdity of expecting the world to believe in a one-sided story.
Zelensky, accustomed to the adulation of Western elites and the uncritical support of the media, was unprepared for this reality check. His carefully rehearsed lines fell flat, his confidence wavered, and the mask slipped. The confrontation was a rare moment of clarity in a sea of narrative-driven fog, a reminder that truth, when spoken boldly, can still shatter even the most entrenched lies.
**The Meltdown of a Narrative Puppet**
Zelensky’s meltdown in the face of Trump and Vance’s truth-telling is emblematic of a larger crisis in the West’s narrative-driven order. For decades, the West has relied on storytelling to maintain its dominance, but this approach is increasingly unsustainable. The rise of alternative media, the growing skepticism of the public, and the emergence of leaders like Trump and Vance who refuse to play along are exposing the cracks in the narrative machine.
Zelensky, the figurehead who believed he could sell his lies to 8 billion people, is a cautionary tale. He is not the master of his narrative but a puppet, manipulated by his masters in the EU and NATO. His failure to withstand scrutiny is a testament to the hollowness of the stories he tells and the fragility of the system that props him up.
**Conclusion: The End of Narrative Dominance?**
The confrontation between Trump/Vance and Zelensky is more than just a political spat; it is a microcosm of the broader struggle between narrative and reality. The West’s reliance on storytelling as a tool of governance is reaching its limits. As Crooke warns, when the narrative diverges too far from reality, it risks collapsing under its own weight.
The general public, once content to follow blindly, is beginning to question. Leaders like Trump and Vance are challenging the status quo, forcing the world to confront uncomfortable truths. Zelensky’s meltdown is a sign of things to come—a harbinger of the end of narrative dominance and the return of reality-based governance. The question is, will the West adapt, or will it cling to its stories until the very end?

@ 6a6be47b:3e74e3e1
2025-03-01 12:25:54
Hi frens, 🎨
While painting today, my mind wandered from [my latest blog entry](https://samhainsam.art/2025/02/28/exploring-beelzebub-the-mystery-and-the-beauty-of-insects/)to future artistic endeavors.[I've been open about my feelings as an artist](https://yakihonne.com/naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzq6ntu3amztepmkq0rmelmu5y6y4zjv2vagxxnk67e5z2k5l8fclpqqgrzeryvd3nwctrvcer2dmpvserxs5na9p), but that's just the tip of the iceberg. I realized I haven't properly introduced myself here, so let me remedy that.
🖼️Art has been my lifelong passion. Nostr and its wonderful community have reignited my belief in my work, showing me that art can be both enlightening and potentially profitable. I'm truly grateful for the warm welcome and positive vibes I've encountered here.
🦋Nostr made me feel confident enough to speak my mind on a social platform (or should I say protocol? 😉).
Some fun facts about me:
🐹 I'm a "golly jolly" kind of gal who's always curious about the world and seeking answers.
🐹I'm a sunscreen enthusiast in summer (but in winter, I'm buried under so many layers, I practically double in size!)
🐹Birdwatching is a hobby of mine. I've researched and painted some cool birds like [shoebills](https://samhainsam.art/2024/06/25/shoebill-%f0%9f%90%a6/) and [bearded vultures](https://samhainsam.art/2024/07/04/bearded-vulture-%f0%9f%90%a6/). (Any suggestions for my next avian subject?)
🩷I'm truly happy to be here and grateful for each day. My goal is to spread joy through my art and interactions. Thanks for being part of this journey with me!
In your personal experience, how has it been discovering Nostr wether you're an artist or not? What's you favorite part of your journey so far?
Godspeed 🚀


@ 4fe4a528:3ff6bf06
2025-03-01 12:24:49
Technology adoption has been hard for a lot of people to understand. Tucker this week finally understood why gold became money. He finally understood that hard money drives out money that isn’t scarce. Still, most people don’t store their wealth in the hardest money ever made—Bitcoin.
Yes, Bitcoin went down 20-25% this week. How can the scarcest asset vary that much? Humans tend toward emotion—fear or greed. I am no exception, but if you have a plan or have been here before, you can control your emotion.
Let me illustrate. I installed a camera on the barn this week so I could save time checking on the cows. Lo and behold, the WiFi wasn’t strong enough, so I bought two outdoor access points. Whenever I would add them to the house, the WiFi mesh system would cause my internet to go down on the main computer. Fear of losing internet was causing me to consider taking a $100 write-off on my idea of saving time. Because I have solved networking issues before, I had the courage to be greedy and keep working at it. I know a lot of people would give up on technology and throw their cell phone in the snowbank - my neighbor does that. He usually comes back for it because he likes communication. Is a cell phone a feature or a bug? Answer… both.
What Satoshi solved 16 years ago was how to move 1s and 0s to different devices and keep them secure. What Vint Cerf solved 35 years ago was how to route 1s and 0s and have the packets arrive at the intended destination. Both Bitcoin and the Internet rely on people not throwing their cell phone in the snowbank.
This last drawdown in Bitcoin has given me hope that people will start to understand technology better and give up on Sol and Eth. Finally, people are realizing that printing digital coins doesn’t help people, just like printing Canadian dollars doesn’t help the average Canadian get ahead. It could be that Sam Bankman-Fried is in jail, but I think it has more to do with people starting to get comfortable with technology.

@ a95c6243:d345522c
2025-03-01 10:39:35
*Ständige Lügen und Unterstellungen, permanent falsche Fürsorge* *\
können Bausteine von emotionaler Manipulation sein. Mit dem Zweck,* *\
Macht und Kontrolle über eine andere Person auszuüben.* *\
Apotheken Umschau*  
**Irgendetwas muss passiert sein: «Gaslighting» ist gerade Thema** in vielen Medien. Heute bin ich nach längerer Zeit mal wieder über dieses Stichwort gestolpert. Das war in einem [Artikel](https://norberthaering.de/propaganda-zensur/dwd-referenzperiode/) von Norbert Häring über Manipulationen des Deutschen Wetterdienstes (DWD). In diesem Fall ging es um eine Pressemitteilung vom Donnerstag zum «viel zu warmen» Winter 2024/25.
**Häring wirft der Behörde vor, dreist zu lügen und Dinge auszulassen,** um die Klimaangst wach zu halten. Was der Leser beim DWD nicht erfahre, sei, dass dieser Winter kälter als die drei vorangegangenen und kälter als der Durchschnitt der letzten zehn Jahre gewesen sei. Stattdessen werde der falsche Eindruck vermittelt, es würde ungebremst immer wärmer.
**Wem also der zu Ende gehende Winter eher kalt vorgekommen sein sollte,** mit dessen Empfinden stimme wohl etwas nicht. Das jedenfalls wolle der DWD uns einreden, so der Wirtschaftsjournalist. Und damit sind wir beim Thema Gaslighting.
**Als** **[Gaslighting](https://bayern-gegen-gewalt.de/gewalt-infos-und-einblicke/formen-von-gewalt/psychische-gewalt/gaslighting/)** **wird eine Form psychischer Manipulation bezeichnet,** mit der die Opfer desorientiert und zutiefst verunsichert werden, indem ihre eigene Wahrnehmung als falsch bezeichnet wird. Der Prozess führt zu Angst und Realitätsverzerrung sowie zur Zerstörung des Selbstbewusstseins. Die Bezeichnung kommt von dem britischen Theaterstück «Gas Light» aus dem Jahr 1938, in dem ein Mann mit grausamen Psychotricks seine Frau in den Wahnsinn treibt.
**Damit Gaslighting funktioniert, muss das Opfer dem Täter vertrauen.** Oft wird solcher Psychoterror daher im privaten oder familiären Umfeld beschrieben, ebenso wie am Arbeitsplatz. Jedoch eignen sich die Prinzipien auch perfekt zur Manipulation der Massen. Vermeintliche Autoritäten wie Ärzte und Wissenschaftler, oder «der fürsorgliche Staat» und Institutionen wie die UNO oder die WHO wollen uns doch nichts Böses. Auch Staatsmedien, Faktenchecker und diverse NGOs wurden zu «vertrauenswürdigen Quellen» erklärt. Das hat seine Wirkung.
**Warum das Thema Gaslighting derzeit scheinbar so populär ist,** vermag ich nicht zu sagen. Es sind aber gerade in den letzten Tagen und Wochen auffällig viele Artikel dazu erschienen, und zwar nicht nur von Psychologen. Die *Frankfurter Rundschau* hat gleich mehrere publiziert, und [Anwälte](https://www.anwalt.de/rechtstipps/gaslighting-beispiele-anzeichen-strafbarkeit-212449.html) interessieren sich dafür offenbar genauso wie Apotheker.
**Die** ***Apotheken Umschau*** **machte sogar auf** **[«Medical Gaslighting»](https://archive.is/Wx5YM)** **aufmerksam.** Davon spreche man, wenn Mediziner Symptome nicht ernst nähmen oder wenn ein gesundheitliches Problem vom behandelnden Arzt «schnöde heruntergespielt» oder abgetan würde. Kommt Ihnen das auch irgendwie bekannt vor? Der Begriff sei allerdings irreführend, da er eine manipulierende Absicht unterstellt, die «nicht gewährleistet» sei.
**Apropos Gaslighting: Die noch amtierende deutsche Bundesregierung** [meldete](https://www.bundesregierung.de/breg-de/service/newsletter-und-abos/bundesregierung-aktuell/ausgabe-08-2025-februar-28-2336254?view=renderNewsletterHtml) heute, es gelte, «weiter \[sic!] gemeinsam daran zu arbeiten, einen gerechten und dauerhaften Frieden für die Ukraine zu erreichen». Die Ukraine, wo sich am Montag «der völkerrechtswidrige Angriffskrieg zum dritten Mal jährte», [verteidige](https://transition-news.org/wikileaks-der-westen-wusste-dass-ein-nato-beitritt-der-ukraine-riskant-war) ihr Land und «unsere gemeinsamen Werte».
**Merken Sie etwas? Das Demokratieverständnis mag ja tatsächlich** inzwischen in beiden Ländern ähnlich traurig sein. Bezüglich Friedensbemühungen ist meine Wahrnehmung jedoch eine andere. Das muss an meinem Gedächtnis liegen.
Dieser Beitrag ist zuerst auf ***[Transition News](https://transition-news.org/bitte-nicht-von-gaslichtern-irritieren-lassen)*** erschienen.

@ 04c195f1:3329a1da
2025-03-01 10:36:50
***Yesterday's chaotic Oval Office meeting between Trump, Vance, and Zelensky exposes a harsh truth: Europe can no longer depend on American protection. The time has come for Europe to reclaim its sovereignty and rebuild as an independent power.***
## A Diplomatic Theater With No Happy Ending
Yesterday's chaotic scenes in the Oval Office revealed more than just diplomatic tension—they exposed the fundamental weakness of Europe's strategic position. As President Trump, Vice President Vance, and President Zelensky engaged in their uncomfortable public spectacle, one truth became painfully clear: Europe can no longer rely on American protection.
The awkward press conference featured about 40 minutes of relative calm before descending into 10 minutes of complete chaos. This final meltdown was likely never intended to produce meaningful results. Each participant appeared to be performing for different audiences—Trump and Vance signaling to their base, Zelensky demonstrating resolve to European allies. Without concrete security guarantees, any agreement would be meaningless for Ukraine, a reality all parties surely understood beforehand.
When Vance spoke of diplomacy as a "new strategy"—ignoring numerous failed diplomatic initiatives—he crossed a line that provoked Zelensky's visible frustration. The subsequent breakdown wasn't merely a failure of diplomatic protocol but the public collapse of a relationship Europe has staked its security upon.
## The Price of Misguided Priorities
This moment of crisis presents an opportunity if European nations are willing to confront uncomfortable realities. The time has come for Europe to emerge as a third global power, independent from both Eastern and Western influence. However, the path forward requires acknowledging our current weaknesses.
European leadership has squandered decades pursuing ideological luxuries while our industrial and military capabilities have atrophied. While obsessing over multicultural social engineering, progressive identity politics, and globalist agendas, we've neglected the fundamental responsibilities of sovereign nations: securing borders, building defensive capabilities, and fostering national cohesion.
The defense of European nations begins with domestic policy. A society divided against itself cannot stand firm in the face of external threats. This principle applies whether discussing Sweden's defense posture or the broader European security architecture.
Photo by [Christian Lue](https://english.daneriksson.com/p/true) on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/)
## Reclaiming National Identity and Purpose
To rebuild our defensive capabilities, we must first address the internal fragmentation deliberately cultivated across the political spectrum. The active policies of societal division pursued with increasing fervor since the latter half of the 20th century have undermined the very foundations of national identity and common purpose.
Strengthening national defense requires citizens who understand their shared heritage and believe their nation is worth defending. In practical terms, this means confronting difficult questions about immigration, assimilation, and the presence of potential fifth-column elements within our societies. Nations with higher social cohesion demonstrate greater willingness to defend their collective interests.
The current crisis in Ukraine and the uncertain American commitment should serve as a wake-up call. European nations must rapidly rebuild industrial capacity, military strength, and most importantly, a sense of shared purpose. This demands breaking free from the ideological constraints that have guided European politics for generations.
Although European establishment politicians show little appetite for such fundamental reassessment, events are accelerating rapidly. The dramatic scenes in Washington should catalyze serious reflection across European capitals. We cannot hold our breath waiting for political leadership to regain sense—we must push the conversation forward ourselves.
Europe stands at a crossroads. We can continue our dangerous dependence on unreliable partners, or we can reclaim our sovereignty and rebuild our strength. The choice should be obvious, but making it requires courage our leaders have thus far failed to demonstrate.

@ fd78c37f:a0ec0833
2025-03-01 08:57:55
**Author**: Zhengyu Qian, Eric Zhang
**Original Link**: https://research.dorahacks.io/2025/02/22/maci-mailbox/
We are not reinventing email.
Even a glance at the TOC of [IETF RFC 5322](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5322) reveals: email is long-standing and well-established, but far from simple. This is just one piece of the puzzle in today’s email system.
What we would like to do first is to review the essence of message delivery.
## Proto-mail
A typical process of message delivery can be broken down into three critical components:
1. Individuals intending to exchange messages—referred to as the **users**.
2. An intermediary, or **agent**, that facilitates the delivery.
3. The **message** itself.

Message delivery takes place when the sender hands over the message (e.g., a written note) to an agent—a person (a messenger), a device (a beacon), or an institution (a post office). The agent then dispatches the message to the recipient.
Though direct communication, such as face-to-face conversation, falls outside the scope of this context.
## The Protocol of MACI Mailbox
The MACI Mailbox is an encryption-based mailing protocol that builds directly on the three components above, with modifications and extensions.

1. The **user** consists of two parts:
- An **account**, typically with a publicly visible **mailing address**.
- A **keypair**(a private key and its corresponding public key), which works its magic in encrypted communication.
2. The **agent** has a similar structure:
- An **account**.
- A **keypair**.
3. The message is simple, consisting of two fields:
- **Subject**.
- **Body**.
The following outlines the flow of message delivery in the MACI Mailbox protocol. The process of sending a message is addressed first.

1. The sender writes a **message**.
2. The **agent** encrypts the message **using its public key**, posts and stores it in a shared public database (e.g. a blockchain, Nostr), and assigns it a queryable **ID**.
3. The sender wraps the **ID** of encrypted message together with the **agent’s private key**, encrypts them using the **recipient’s public key**, and broadcasts the resulting encrypted data to a public space. Yes, **broadcasts it publicly**—feeling like encrypted radio communication yet?
In this process, asymmetric encryption is introduced twice, achieving something valuable: the decoupling of message storage from broadcast. This has at least two key implications:
1. It’s highly flexible to choose the infrastructures for encrypted message **posting and storage** as well as **broadcasting** facilities—both of which are **modular, replaceable, and trustless**.
2. Storage and broadcast infrastructures can be separately tailored to meet specific requirements. Typically:
- Message storage is expected to be inexpensive, reliable, and scalable.
- Broadcast infrastructure can be customized to fit the varying user ecosystems or needs.

Receiving a message is basically the reverse process:
1. The recipient indexes their mail in the broadcast space, decrypts it with **their own private key** (guaranteed by the principles of asymmetric encryption), and retrieves both the **ID of encrypted message** (storage address) and **the agent’s private key** (which, as you may recall, was bundled with the message ID before broadcast).
2. With the message ID, the recipient fetches the encrypted message from storage and decrypts it using the agent’s private key to obtain the plaintext message.
3. Tada.
It can be observed that the agent’s role described above is highly procedural, lending itself to a modular and replaceable design. This enables significant flexibility in the implementation of MACI Mailbox services and applications.
## Vota-Nostr Mailbox: basic architecture
The Vota-Nostr Mailbox is the first implementation of the Protocol by Dora Factory, consisting of several core modules:
- **A smart contract** deployed on [Dora Vota](https://research.dorahacks.io/2023/07/31/vota/) appchain to handle the broadcasting of messages.
- [Nostr relays](https://nostr.com/relays), used for publishing and storing encrypted messages.
- **An indexer service** to assist users in locating relevant messages, such as those sent to or from themselves.
- **A web app** as the interface for interacting with the Vota-Nostr Mailbox.


First, user accounts are implemented as on-chain accounts of Dora Vota (represented as a wallet address) paired with a public/private [ECC](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Elliptic-curve_cryptography) keypair. Message content is kept simple as plain-text strings, with the flexibility to upgrade it later (Everybody Loves Rich Text).
Next, let’s push the boundaries for the agent. Ideally, users shouldn’t have to learn how to interact with it actively—think about fully automated agents. Or picture a stylish scene from *[The Day of the Jackal](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt24053860/)*: [Eddie Redmayne](https://www.imdb.com/name/nm1519666/) casually discarding a phone after each call.
Thus, a disposable, one-time auto agent is designed for each mail flow. This agent consists of a randomly generated ECC keypair and a temporarily created Nostr account (essentially another keypair: [npub/nsec](https://nostr.com/get-started#understanding-keys)).
## Vota-Nostr Mailbox: communication workflow
In [Vota-Nostr implementation](https://vota.dorafactory.org/mailbox) of MACI Mailbox Protocol, the communication flow is as follows. Both the encryption/decryption of message content and the broadcast rely on elliptic-curve cryptography.


To enhance user experience, a “Sent Messages” feature has been implemented, allowing senders to index, decrypt, and review their sent messages. In general, with asymmetric encryption, only the recipient’s private key can decrypt the encrypted content. Technically, there are cryptographic methods to enable mutual decryption by both sender and recipient.
For simplicity at this stage, this issue is addressed by creating **a duplicate of each broadcast data** (on Dora Vota appchain). This duplicate is encrypted using the sender’s own public key, allowing the sender to decrypt it with their private key.
Since the Protocol decouples the storage of encrypted message from the broadcast data, this duplication doesn’t significantly increase the payload on the broadcast infrastructure. Only the **message ID** and the **agent’s private key** need to be processed as duplicates, both of which are compact and independent of the actual message size (the length of your address line and the size of your front door key don’t depend on the dimensions of your house).
Below outlines the entire communication process:
1. The sender encrypts their message using the **agent’s one-time public key** and publishes it to Nostr relay(s) via the **agent’s one-time Nostr account**, obtaining the encrypted message’s ID (i.e., **Nostr event ID**).
2. The sender wraps the encrypted message ID along with the **agent’s one-time private key**, encrypts them using the **recipient’s public key**, and broadcasts the resulting encrypted data to the appchain via **their own Dora Vota account**. This process leverages wallet apps/extensions for transaction submission and the smart contract for processing, closely resembling how users typically interact with blockchains and dapps.
3. Once the on-chain transaction is processed, the encrypted data is broadcast on Dora Vota. Both the sender and the recipient can retrieve the data at any time via the **Mailbox Indexer**.
4. The recipient decrypts the broadcast encrypted data using **their own private key**, finding the **Nostr event ID** and the corresponding decryption key (**one-time agent private key**). They then fetch the encrypted message from Nostr relay(s) by the ID and decrypt it with the one-time private key.
5. The sender can follow a nearly identical process to fetch and decrypt their own duplicate, enabling them to review sent messages.
The MACI Mailbox protocol was conceived during a Dora Factory developer meeting in Kyoto, March 2024. Eric Zhang supported its implementation in October as a tool to facilitate communications and campaigns in MACI decentralized governance. Shrey Khater and Divyansh Joshi contributed to an MVP of the Vota-Nostr implementation. The protocol was officially integrated with Dora Vota appchain as well as its frontend with efforts from Zhengyu Qian, Dennis Tang, and Vegebun.

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2025-03-01 08:36:18
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@ 95cb4330:96db706c
2025-03-01 07:38:13
Embracing The Principle of Asymmetric Bets
Embracing the principle of asymmetric bets, as practiced by visionaries like Jeff Bezos and Peter Thiel, involves seeking opportunities where the potential gains far outweigh the possible losses. This strategy enables bold decision-making while minimizing exposure to significant failures.
## Understanding Asymmetric Bets
- **Definition:**
An asymmetric bet is a strategic decision where the potential upside is substantially greater than the downside risk. This approach allows individuals and organizations to pursue high-reward opportunities without jeopardizing overall stability.
## Examples in Practice
- **Jeff Bezos and Amazon Web Services (AWS):**
Bezos invested in AWS when cloud computing was still emerging. The potential upside—a trillion-dollar business—vastly outweighed the moderate research and development costs, exemplifying an asymmetric bet.
- **Peter Thiel's Investment in Facebook:**
Thiel's early $500,000 investment in Facebook transformed into a multi-billion-dollar return, showcasing the immense potential of asymmetric bets in venture capital.
## Implementing Asymmetric Bets
1. **Identify Opportunities with High Upside and Low Downside:**
Seek situations where the potential benefits are disproportionately higher than the risks involved.
2. **Evaluate the Risk-to-Reward Ratio:**
Assess scenarios where even a small probability of success can lead to substantial rewards, justifying the risk taken.
3. **Diversify Bets:**
Spread resources across multiple asymmetric opportunities to increase the likelihood of significant returns while mitigating individual risks.
## Action Step
Identify a decision or project where the potential upside is considerable and the downside is limited. Take action on this opportunity today, leveraging the principle of asymmetric bets to maximize success while minimizing risk.
By adopting this mindset, you position yourself to capitalize on transformative opportunities that can lead to substantial growth and innovation.