
@ 220522c2:61e18cb4
2025-03-04 08:59:27
# Test gif


@ da0b9bc3:4e30a4a9
2025-03-04 08:07:08
Hello Stackers!
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originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/903264

@ b8af284d:f82c91dd
2025-03-04 08:01:48
Liebe Abonnenten,
Februar war ein eher unerfreulicher Monat - zumindest für alle Bitcoin-, Crypto- und Tech-Investoren. Die schlechte Nachricht: Es könnte noch etwa zwei Wochen so weitergehen. Die gute: danach wird es aufwärtsgehen. Wir schauen uns das im folgenden gleich genauer an. Die Strategie, die meiste Zeit über relativ viel Cash zu halten (zwischen zehn und 15 Prozent) zahlt sich in solchen Phasen übrigens aus. BlingBling sieht solche Crashs recht entspannt, und kann diese zum günstigen Einkaufen nutzen.
Doch zunächst zur Frage, warum es eigentlich so abwärts ging. [Am 22.2. wurde die Crypto-Börse Bybit gehackt](https://www.btc-echo.de/news/bybit-hack-so-klaute-nordkorea-1-4-milliarden-us-dollar-202444/). Anscheinend hat eine nordkoreanische Hacker-Gruppe Ethereum im Wert von knapp 1,5 Milliarden US-Dollar gestohlen. Bybit ging zwar vorbildlich mit dem Desaster um - vielen Crypto-Neulingen, die erst Ende vergangenen Jahres eingestiegen waren, dürfte es ein Schock gewesen sein. “Not your keys, not your coins” muss immer wieder neu gelernt werden.
Buy the rumour, sell the news - die aktuelle Nachrichtenlage für Bitcoin und Crypto könnte eigentlich nicht besser sein. Der Präsident der größten Volkswirtschaft der Welt setzt auf Deregulierung der Branche, Microstrategy kauft weiter wie irre, ETFs genehmigt, Angebots-Knappheit durch Halving etc. Das Problem ist nur, dass Kurse meistens dann steigen, wenn es Gerüchte über gute Nachrichten gibt. Sind die guten Nachrichten eingetroffen, ist alles eingepreist. Für einen neuen Kursanstieg braucht es also auch neue Fantasien. Oder einfach nur Geld, sprich Liquidität. Und das führt zum imho wichtigsten Grund für die aktuelle Schwäche und den guten Nachrichten:
Der Kurs von Bitcoin ist der Gradmesser dafür, wie viel Geld sich im System befindet. Nicht immer, aber sehr oft, reagiert der Kurs mit etwas Verzögerung auf Änderungen der Liquidität. Die befand sich seit Ende des Jahres im Rückgang. Mittlerweile steigt sie wieder und Bitcoin hat Aufholbedarf. (Es gibt unterschiedliche Meinungen darüber, wie man M2 berechnet, und die aussagekräftig dies ist. Insofern sollte man sie als eine von vielen Indikatoren nutzen).

Ein wichtiger Termin ist der 14. März. [An diesem Tag wird entschieden, ob die Schuldenobergrenze der USA angehoben wird](https://www.forbes.com/sites/simonmoore/2025/02/25/government-shutdown-risk-looms-for-march/). Bisher haben sich Republikaner und Demokraten nach einigen Querelen immer darauf geeinigt. Ob es dieses Mal wieder so kommt, oder ob Trump und Musk im Rahmen von DOGE sogar einem Shutdown gar nicht so abgeneigt sind, wird sich zeigen.
Mitte April müssen in den USA außerdem Steuern gezahlt werden. Da die Kapitalerträge im vergangenen Jahr aufgrund der Rally in Tech-Aktien, Bitcoin und im S\&P hoch sind, dürfte einiges Kapital abfließen. Demnach könnte es also noch ein paar Wochen dauern, bis die Märkte wieder deutlich anziehen. Und vielleicht kommt die Liquidität dieses Mal auch nicht aus den USA, [sondern aus Asien](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2025-02-26/china-plans-to-start-bank-capital-hike-with-at-least-55-billion?utm_source=website\&utm_medium=share\&utm_campaign=twitter):
> *"China plans to to inject at least 400 billion yuan in three of its biggest banks in coming months, following through on a broad stimulus package unveiled last year to shore up the struggling economy."*
Ein weiterer bullisher Termin ist der 7. März. An diesem Tag findet der [“Crypto Summit” im Weißen Haus](https://www.coindesk.com/policy/2025/02/28/white-house-announces-crypto-roundtable-for-next-week) statt. Es ist das erste Treffen dieser Art und ein möglicher Katalysator für positive Überraschungen.
Ungewöhnlich ist der Kurssturz übrigens nicht. In allen großen Bull-Märkten ging es zwischenzeitlich sogar weitaus tiefer.

BlingBling nutzt solche Phasen deswegen zum Nachkaufen.
*Was genau, darüber geht es hinter der Paywall. Falls Du Dir noch unsicher bist: Du kannst auch für sieben Euro ein Monats-Abo abschließen und erhältst damit Zugang zu allen vorherigen Reports. Hier geht es rüber zu* *[blingbling.substack.com](https://blingbling.substack.com/p/chill-and-btfd)*

@ c3b2802b:4850599c
2025-03-04 06:33:54
Kann ich etwas bewirken im Geschehen, in das ich hineingeboren wurde? Psychologen ist bekannt, dass Menschen bezüglich dieser für jeden Menschen entscheidenden Frage während ihrer Kindheit und Jugend in der einen oder anderen Richtung konditioniert werden. Heraus kommen dann Erwachsene mit geringer oder hoher Einschätzung der eigenen Selbstwirksamkeit.
Viele Menschen wachsen heran mit der Botschaft der Eltern und älteren Zeitgenossen: Du kannst die Welt nicht ändern. Das schaffst Du nicht. Füge Dich ein in die Gesellschaft, die Du vorfindest. Nur dann hast die Chance, ein gutes Leben zu führen.
Andere haben das Glück, von Eltern oder anderen Zeitgenossen ermuntert zu werden: Folge Deinem Herzen, tu die Dinge, die die Welt braucht und die Dir Freude machen. Du kannst und wirst das schaffen. Du kannst beitragen, die Welt nach Deinem Bilde zu formen. Dann wirst Du ein erfülltes Leben führen.
Welches Muster dominiert in den Industrieländern unserer Zeit? Spätestens mit Einführung der Schulpflicht wird die überwiegende Zahl der Heranwachsenden mehr oder weniger erfolgreich auf Gehorsam gegenüber den gerade vorherrschenden Macht-Strukturen getrimmt. Die gängige Schulbildung führt dazu, dass viele Kinder vorgegebene Denk- und Handlungsmuster von Lehrern kritiklos übernehmen. Das hat der deutsche Psychologe Wolfgang Köhler bereits vor über 100 Jahren bei Hospitationen in deutschen Schulklassen festgestellt. Die Kinder lernen, dass sie mit einer Wiederholung der vom Lehrer vorgegebenen Lösungswege besser fahren als wenn sie selbst denken.
Die Absolventen solcher Bildungssysteme sind zum Großteil Duckmäuser, welche dann im Studium, bei weiteren Ausbildungen oder im Militärdienst gehorsam alles tun, was von ihnen verlangt wird. Sie folgen abstrusesten Anweisungen und Anordnungen, wie wir alle in den vergangenen 5 Jahren live mitverfolgen durften.
Diese Menschen schwingen nicht den Taktstock der Geschichte. Sie bilden die Masse der Untertanen, moderne Mann´sche Heßlings, die leichte Beute von Werbung, Propaganda und Parteiversprechen vor Wahlen werden.  
Wer führt aktuell den Taktstock der Geschichte? Es sind demokratisch nicht legitimierte selbsternannte "Eliten" in weltweit agierenden Organisationen und Netzwerken. Es sind Menschen, denen Mitfühlen mit anderen Wesen offenkundig fremd ist. Menschen, die einen Krieg nach dem anderen vom Zaun brechen. Sie werden von einer Schar gekaufter Lakaien aus der Medien- und Werbebranche sowie von "Young Global Leaders" dabei unterstützt, ihre Vorstellungen von einer Sklavenhalter-Gesellschaft in die Welt zu bringen, in der eine winzige Minorität die große Mehrheit der Menschheit als moderne Sklaven unter ihre Kontrolle zu bringen sucht. 
Ihre Ankündigungen klingen uns in den Ohren. "Ihr werdet nichts besitzen, aber Ihr werdet glücklich sein", "wir impfen Euch mit (nicht Langzeit-geprüften) mRna Substanzen und Ihr werdet gesund bleiben", "wir impfen die Wolken (s. Titelbild) und das wird dem Wetter gut tun", "wir bestrahlen Euch mit (nicht auf Gesundheitsfolgen geprüftem) 5G Mobilfunk und das wird Euch zufrieden machen" (s. Titelbild), "wir schaffen das Bargeld ab und das wird Euer Leben vereinfachen". Wie lange noch wollen wir solche Ansagen hinnehmen und ihnen gehorsam folgen?
Sobald eine hinreichende Zahl an Menschen der Völker unseres Planeten erkennt, dass wir selbst den Taktstock der Geschichte übernehmen können, wird sich unsere Gesellschaft in unserem Sinne zu wandeln beginnen:
Wenn wir erkennen, dass in jedem von uns ein göttlicher Funke schlummert, der uns die Energie gibt, unsere Welt selber zu gestalten, dann geht die Ära der Kriegstreiber und Giftmischer, die Zeit der Nicke-Dackel Demokratie und Meldestellen für Regime-kritische Meinungen ihrem Ende entgegen.
Was kann jeder von uns hier und jetzt tun, um zu starten mit diesem neuen Kapitel der Menschheitsgeschichte?
Es scheint mir nicht so schwer zu sein: Wenn wir aufhören, die Propaganda zu verfolgen; wenn wir aufhören, mit vermeintlichen Rettern vor Krieg und Lüge mitzufiebern, welche als Milliardäre Teile des gewachsenen Systems sind, dann gewinnen wir viel Zeit. Die können wir nutzen, uns zu öffnen für die endlos vielen Initiativen der gerade entstehenden Regionalgesellschaft. Dort können wir mitwirken oder eigene Initiativen gründen. 
In meinen ca. 1.000 Blogs der vergangenen Jahre (bei den [Zukunftskommunen](https://zukunftskommunen.de/blog/), der [Genossenschaft Menschlich Wirtschaften](https://menschlichwirtschaften.de/kategorie/peter-schmuck/) und hier auf dem [Pareto-Marktplatz](https://pareto.space/u/peter@pareto.town)) sind zahlreiche Erfolgsgeschichten dieser Graswurzelbewegungen portraitiert. 
Und einige meiner psychologischen Studien dieser Jahre stützen die These: Wer sich für eine faire und saubere Welt engagiert, fühlt sich wohler als andere Menschen. Die von meinen Teams befragten Pioniere berichten, dass wir infolge solchen Engagements in Balance kommen mit unseren Mitgeschöpfen, dass wir zunehmend mit Menschen in Kontakt kommen, mit denen wir Freude und Begeisterung teilen können. Weil wir den göttlichen Funken in uns zum Motor einer Entwicklung machen, welche wir wirklich haben wollen, also im Einklang mit unserem Gewissen leben können. Weil uns dann der Taktstock von Menschen ohne Mitgefühl nicht länger interessiert.
Wenn Sie diese Überlegungen anregend finden und neugierig auf Details sind: Im Handbuch für Lichtbotschafter (open source, [hier abrufbar](https://zukunftskommunen.de/blog/soeben-erschienen-handbook-for-light-ambassadors-handbuch-fuer-lichtbotschafter/)) finden Sie eine Fülle von Inspirationen für den Einstieg in die faire, vertrauensvolle Regionalgesellschaft, welche durchaus ohne psychopathische Dirigenten auskommt. Und selber den Taktstock zu schwingen - bringt Lebensfreude. Wissenschaftlich formuliert: Gefühlte Selbstwirksamkeit korreliert mit Wohlbefinden. Probieren Sie es aus!
*Titelbild: Blick in den Abendhimmel von Bad Frankenhausen am Kyffhäuser nach Westen am 3.3.2025 mit Hinterlassenschaften von Flugzeugen und einem 5G Mast mit nicht sichtbarer Mobilfunkstrahlung (sorry, das Bild steht versehentlich auf dem Kopf, so wie die Realität unserem ethischen Empfinden diametral entgegensteht)* 

@ fd78c37f:a0ec0833
2025-03-04 06:01:46
In this edition, we invited Kipler, the founder of Bitcoin Indonesia, to share how he built the Bitcoin community in Indonesia, overcoming challenges like member turnover and venue selection, while driving the adoption and growth of Bitcoin.
**YakiHonne**: Welcome, Keypleb. Before we begin, let me briefly introduce YakiHonne. YakiHonne is a decentralized media client built on Nostr—a protocol designed to empower freedom of speech through technology. It enables creators to own their voices and assets while offering innovative tools like smart widgets, verified notes, and support for long-form content. We focus on free speech and free media by user privacy and data to be protected. So before starting the interview, I'd like to hear about yourself and your community.
**Keypleb**:My name is Keypleb, though it’s a pseudonym—a name I use to respect privacy. I'm a co-founder of Bitcoin Indonesia, Bitcoin House Bali, and Code Orange, a new developer school we launched at a conference just a few days ago. We focus on driving adoption through meetups, hackathons, and technical workshops. I'll dive into more details later, but that's a brief overview. I'm based in Bali now, though I travel a lot and consider myself quite nomadic. Great to be here.
**YakiHonne**: What sparked your interest in Bitcoin and what motivated you to create a community on Bitcoin?
**Keypleb**:I first got interested in Bitcoin because it solved a specific problem. At the time, I didn’t know exactly what the solution was, but the problem was that I couldn’t afford a home. Back in 2019, I was living in London, and a two-bedroom apartment was £600,000, which was insanely expensive. First-time buyers like myself simply couldn’t afford it. Why was it so expensive? Why was buying a house so hard? During the COVID lockdown, I had more time on my hands and started listening to Michael Saylor on a Bitcoin podcast, where he talked about how the system is rigged, and that’s why people work hard but still can’t afford a house. That really resonated with me. So I started looking for a community, but unfortunately, there wasn’t one..
**Keypleb**:After moving to Bali, I attended a lot of crypto meetups, especially scammy altcoin ones, thinking, “There has to be a solution.” But none of them resonated with me. There was no sense of freedom, and no real discussion about inflation resistance. I remembered a podcast from Dea Reskita, an Indonesian host who’s pretty well-known online. I reached out to her and said, “ you’ve got to help me. I’m surrounded by all these shitcoiners, and I can’t take it anymore. I need a real community. Is anything happening?” She replied, “Yes, something is happening. We should restart these meetups next month.” And that’s how it all began.
**Keypleb**:There’s also another story about how we started Bitcoin House and how Bitcoin in Asia came to be, but maybe I’ll save that for later. Anyway, the spark of interest came from Bitcoin solving a real problem, and my drive to keep going came from the lack of quality meetups. Now, we’ve hosted 31 meetups, launched Bitcoin House and Code Orange, and the movement is growing rapidly.

**YakiHonne**: That’s such an amazing story—going from being on the brink of homelessness to creating something so impactful, and keeping it running every day, bringing new people into the journey. It’s truly inspiring. I’m curious about how the community started. How did you manage to attract members and build a strong community? What challenges did you face along the way?
**Keypleb**:It all started with our first meetup at the end of 2022, which was two and a half years ago now. At that time, we sent out an email to a group from a previous database, and the first meetup had around 20 people, which was a good start. However, problems quickly arose as people started dropping off, and the community lacked retention. In Bali, people come and go, usually staying for no more than two months, leading to a lack of long-term participation. This became one of our challenges: how to attract more people and, more importantly, get the same people to keep coming back. While I've been coming back for two and a half years, not everyone is able to return as often, and that has been a real challenge.
**Keypleb**:Actually, I should also mention how I met my co-founders—Marius, Diana, and Dimas. We met at the 2023 Indonesia Bitcoin Conference. As time went on, we kept hosting meetups and had a lot of fun each time, though the locations kept changing. One of the initial challenges was that we didn't realize the importance of having a fixed meetup location. We changed venues several times before we realized that having a consistent location is crucial. If anyone wants to run a meetup, it's best to always choose a fixed location. We learned this through trial and error, but now it's no longer an issue.
**Keypleb**:Since the conference, my co-founders and I have been working together, consistently putting in the effort. This is why our community has grown so large—so far, we are hosting 31 monthly meetups, 6 of which are in Bali. This means there is a bitcoin meetup almost every day on a regular basis. We've also established Bitcoin House Bali, a physical space, and the movement is growing rapidly. Without this movement, the region would face many challenges, including inflation and heavy censorship. It all started from just one meetup.

**YakiHonne**: It's amazing to see how you met your co-founders and how you’ve built something incredible that continues to grow today. What advice would you give to someone looking to start a successful Bitcoin community right now?
**Keypleb**:First, one very important piece of advice is to ensure that every meetup is held at the same location regularly. We realized this challenge through trial and error. To help others who are interested, we’ve published our meetup guide on GitHub, where everyone can check it out. For example, meetups should be held regularly, ideally once a month, or even once a week. In Chiang Mai, the Bitcoin meetup starts every Thursday at 7 PM, and everyone knows the time and location, making it easy to join without having to look up the next meetup.
**Keypleb**:Additionally, our meetup structure is very simple. First, we do a round of introductions where everyone shares their name, where they’re from, and what Bitcoin means to them. This usually takes about 15 minutes. Then, we discuss three main questions: First, why do we need Bitcoin? The discussion typically focuses on two main issues Bitcoin addresses: inflation and censorship;Secondly, how to buy Bitcoin? We usually ask who wants to buy some Bitcoin, and then we do a small purchase together and conduct a P2P trade to demonstrate how easy it is to buy Bitcoin. Lastly, how to store Bitcoin? We introduce self-custody and show how to use hardware wallets (like Trezor), explaining the concept of the 12 words and private keys.
**Keypleb**:The whole meetup usually wraps up in about an hour, after which people can continue socializing at Bitcoin House or wherever the meetup is taking place. In short, keeping the meetup simple and efficient, and ensuring a fixed location for each event, are key factors in building a successful community.
**YakiHonne**: What's the major approach? Is it more technical, or do you focus on non-technical aspects, or do you cover both?
**Keypleb**:Our approach includes both technical and non-technical content. Initially, our meetups were completely non-technical, just casual gatherings for people to socialize. Over time, however, we've evolved to incorporate more technical content.
**Keypleb**:Out of the 31 monthly regular meetups we host, most of them have been non-technical, simply regular gatherings held at the same time and place according to our meetup guide. For example, we host the “Bitcoin for Beginners” meetup, which is designed for newcomers and takes place every second Friday of the month at 5 PM at the Bitcoin House Bali. This is entirely non-technical. Additionally, every Wednesday at Bitcoin House, we host the “My First Bitcoin” course. While the course touches on some technical aspects, such as seed phrases and backups, it’s still beginner-friendly and not too technical. The course runs for 10 weeks, and we plan to offer it in the local language at Bali University to help the local community better understand Bitcoin.
**Keypleb**:On the other hand, we also offer highly technical content. We launched a new program called “Code Orange,” which is specifically designed for developers and programmers. We use the “Decoding Bitcoin” website, created by Jamal, which is a learning platform for developers. Many developer schools, like Code Orange, use this resource. Additionally, we host “Code Orange” meetups where we dive into the technical aspects of Bitcoin, such as how mining works and how to prevent single points of failure.
**Keypleb**:We also organize technical workshops, such as “How to Defend Against a Five-Dollar Wrench Attack,” which is closely related to security. Recently, there have been some kidnapping incidents in Bali, and many people are concerned about their Bitcoin being stolen. To address this, we plan to hold a workshop on how to protect Bitcoin against such attacks. Additionally, we host hackathons and other high-tech events, and we just completed a very successful beginner-level hackathon.
**Keypleb**:In summary, our community caters to everyone, from beginners to technical experts. For beginners, we offer easy-to-understand, non-technical content, while for experienced Bitcoiners, we provide in-depth technical material.

**YakiHonne**: It's great to approach it in both ways, so everyone gets their own "piece of the cake."Now, I'd like to dive into the technical side. What advice would you give to technically inclined individuals or organizations looking to contribute to the Bitcoin ecosystem? How should they approach the technical aspects of Bitcoin if they want to get involved?
**Keypleb**:I have some additional advice. First, technical individuals can sign up for the “Decoding Bitcoin” course that starts on 18th March 2025 or join our “Code Orange” program and participate in the end-of-year hackathon. If they are technically proficient, this will be a great opportunity. “Decoding Bitcoin” is great for beginners, but it’s also useful for technical individuals. If someone is very skilled, they can start contributing code right away. If they find the course too easy, they can skip it and dive directly into more advanced projects. Additionally, Bitshala and Chaincode Labs offer advanced courses, which more technically advanced individuals can choose to pursue.

**Keypleb**:Additionally, it's worth mentioning that the Bitcoin Dev Project has a great platform where technical individuals can find “Good First Issue” or open-source projects to start contributing code. You'll learn about the philosophy behind Bitcoin and why it's more meaningful than other “shitcoins.” Once you’ve taken enough “orange pills” (the philosophy and technology of Bitcoin), you can dive deeper into Bitcoin core development and potentially start coding in C++. If you're interested, you can join specific projects like Nostr, Fedimint or E-Cash.
**YakiHonne**: I’d like to move on to the next question: How do you see Bitcoin communities evolving as technology progresses, particularly in areas like scalability, privacy, and adaptability to other systems?
Keypleb:I believe the Bitcoin community will continue to evolve, and it has already made incredible progress. Two and a half years ago, we started alone in Bali, with just ourselves. We began in the official phase and have had numerous conversations throughout the year. For example, we are now starting a Bitcoin club at a university in Bali; we just need to find a passionate, driven “Bitcoin maximalist,” and the Bitcoin club will begin. Like what our friends did in Banyuwangi, Indonesia, these clubs could eventually evolve into Bitcoin houses.
**Keypleb**:Regarding privacy and scalability, the community is making strides. We’re big fans of Fedi, which builds on top of the Fedimint protocol and uses e-cash to scale Bitcoin while improving privacy. Fedi low fees and high privacy potential give Bitcoin great opportunities in this area.
**Keypleb**:As for Bitcoin's compatibility with fiat systems, although Bitcoin payments are illegal in some countries like Indonesia, smart developers across Southeast Asia are working on legal solutions. For example, there's a website called Pleb QR that works in Thailand, allowing you to pay in fiat via the Lightning Network. Koral is another app specifically for Indonesia. These kinds of testing products already exist and are physically possible, but we’re just waiting on regulations. My influential friends are actively lobbying the government for adoption.
**Keypleb**:In summary, privacy, scalability, and compatibility with fiat systems are all works in progress, and they will continue to evolve positively. There will be more meetups, more wallet downloads, and more adoption—there’s no doubt about that.
**YakiHonne**: You mentioned the concept of cross-country issues, so I have one last question: How is the government’s stance on Bitcoin? Is the political climate supportive or against Bitcoin? How do you see the government's approach to Bitcoin in your community or environment?
**Keypleb**:This reminds me of a person, Jeff Booth, who once said, “We are them, the government is made up of us.” In Indonesia, many politicians actually support Bitcoin, and many of them mine Bitcoin themselves. When money is involved, the incentive is strong, and politicians naturally like to make more money. As a result, Indonesia has a large Bitcoin mining scene. However, overall, the Indonesian government is against Bitcoin, as seen in their ban on Bitcoin payments. The 2011 currency law states that any currency other than the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) cannot be used, and violators can face up to one year in prison or a fine. This means you cannot pay with US dollars, lira, euros, pesos or pounds.
**Keypleb**:This shows that the government’s legal system is somewhat fragile. It’s understandable that the government is concerned about disruptive technologies like Bitcoin, especially with such a fragile fiat system. Indonesia has also seen many arrests. In 2016, Bank Indonesia issued a letter announcing a crackdown on cryptocurrency payments. Those involved in paying in Bitcoin had their funds seized, and the police cooperated in shutting down businesses accepting Bitcoin payments in the cities. While this isn't very friendly, it does highlight the fragility of the existing system. We also believe that a new executive order may be introduced in the future, similar to when President Roosevelt in 1933 ordered Americans to hand over all their gold with his Executive Order 6102. If it happened before, it could happen again.
**Keypleb**:Therefore, we predict that Bitcoin custody could become a legal issue, which is one of the reasons we blur the faces of participants at every meetup. We need to protect the community from any potential risks. But overall, we remain optimistic. Despite the government ban, the ideology of Bitcoin is unstoppable, and its spread cannot be stopped. So, we are very optimistic about the future.
**YakiHonne**: I think almost every government around the world, even in Africa, faces similar issues with Bitcoin. Some governments might want Bitcoin but hesitate to openly accept it due to the fear of it undermining the traditional financial system, which, of course, could eventually happen. But hopefully, as the new generation comes into power, we'll see more Bitcoin-friendly governments. So, thank you so much for sharing your insights and advice. I really appreciate your time and the valuable input you've provided.
**Keypleb**:I'm really glad this conversation enlightened me. I enjoyed it a lot, and it made me reflect on how much work we're doing and how valuable it is. There are a lot of problems out there, with censorship being the biggest one, followed by inflation, which is also a major issue depending on the region. But Bitcoin is open, the community is growing, and people are fighting against censorship and internet shutdowns in places like Indonesia and beyond. The movement is definitely growing. So, I'm very happy to be here and have this chat. Thanks again.
Bitcoin Indonesia nostr:
Keypleb nostr:

@ 6327513c:71cd9b5e
2025-03-04 05:12:46
maybe they want to delete this

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-03-04 03:58:39

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-03-04 03:57:25

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-03-04 03:55:48

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-03-04 03:55:23

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2025-03-04 03:47:28

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-03-04 03:47:04

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2025-03-04 03:44:18

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-03-04 03:43:32

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-03-04 03:34:32

@ ef1744f8:96fbc3fe
2025-03-04 03:31:54

@ 77110427:f621e11c
2025-03-04 01:51:21
All credit to Guns Magazine. Read the full issue here ⬇️
[March 1961 PDF](https://gunsmagazine.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/G0361.pdf)

### Past Magazine Mondays
[001: May 1963](https://1776.npub.pro/post/note1r5ve5en9tyv38hathy2twhm9h4dn7tq7fgradzkazskxyxtckysqeqxyzm/)
[002: August 1969](https://1776.npub.pro/post/note1zkeur68w9h8ljswp4a4xc45exfv725v6vudqdhyukqz6kz37vdaq097f9z/)
[003: February 1970](https://1776.npub.pro/post/1733177494421/)
[004: May 1957](https://1776.npub.pro/post/zmn1kn4fxbil7eoaew-za/)
[005: August 1966](https://1776.npub.pro/post/nk_nsj0e8xh9vr-ng7gvv/)
### More from 1776 HODL
[Full Auto Friday](https://1776.npub.pro/tag/fullautofriday/)
[Sniper Saturday](https://1776.npub.pro/tag/snipersaturday/)
[Shotgun Sunday](https://1776.npub.pro/tag/shotgunsunday/)
[Gun Memes](https://1776.npub.pro/tag/memestr/)
### Website
[1776 Hodl](https://1776.npub.pro)

@ 401014b3:59d5476b
2025-03-04 01:50:58
Alright, football degenerates, it’s March 2025, and we’re diving into the NFC West prediction game like it’s a barstool brawl on dollar beer night. Free agency’s a mess, the draft’s a dice roll, and we’re throwing out some ballsy calls for 2025. The Rams’ D-line was a freaking buzzsaw in 2024, Deebo Samuel ditched the Niners, and Cooper Kupp’s officially done in L.A. Let’s break this division down, team by team, with records, hot takes, and enough swagger to choke a linebacker.
### **San Francisco 49ers: 11-6 – Purdy’s Revenge Tour**
The Niners crashed and burned at 6-11 in 2024, but they’re not staying down. Brock Purdy’s still got Brandon Aiyuk and George Kittle in his pocket, even with Deebo Samuel traded to God-knows-where. That defense, with Fred Warner playing like a man possessed, is ready to wreck shop. Free agency’s a buzzkill—guys like Charvarius Ward and Talanoa Hufanga might bounce, and Javon Hargrave could get the axe for cap space. Doesn’t matter. This roster’s too stacked to suck two years running. 11-6, division champs, and a big “screw you” to the doubters.
### **Los Angeles Rams: 10-7 – Stafford’s Last Stand**
The Rams ran the NFC West in 2024 with a 10-7 record, and that defensive line—Jared Verse, Kobie Turner, Braden Fiske—was straight-up nasty, turning QBs into tackling dummies all season. Matthew Stafford’s still slinging it to Puka Nacua, but Cooper Kupp’s out the door, leaving the WR room looking like a ghost town. They locked up LT Alaric Jackson with a juicy three-year deal, so the O-line’s good, and that D-line? Absolute animals—they even tied a playoff record with nine sacks in one game last year. Aaron Donald’s long gone, but these young guns don’t care. Free agents like Tutu Atwell might dip, but 10-7 and a wildcard’s on deck—Stafford’s got one more run in him.
### **Arizona Cardinals: 9-8 – Kyler’s Quiet Climb**
The Cards hit 8-9 in 2024, and they’re sniffing something bigger. Kyler Murray’s locked in long-term, James Conner’s a human battering ram, and Budda Baker’s still patrolling the secondary like a hawk. Jonathan Allen’s clogging the D-line, and WRs Michael Wilson and Greg Dortch are stepping up big. Free agency could bite—Demarcus Robinson and Sean Murphy-Bunting might jet—but 9-8 feels legit. That defense held tough last year, and if Gannon keeps the vibes rolling, they’re the wildcard pain-in-the-ass nobody wants to see.
### **Seattle Seahawks: 8-9 – Macdonald’s Rough Start**
The ‘Hawks rolled to 10-7 in 2024, but 2025’s got “step back” written all over it. Coach Mike Macdonald’s got Geno Smith and DK Metcalf, but free agency might gut ‘em—Ernest Jones IV, Jarran Reed, and Tyler Lockett could all walk out the door. The D-line’s got some juice with Leonard Williams, but it’s not touching the Rams’ chaos factory. Bobby Wagner’s still a stud, but he can’t carry this alone. 8-9’s the call—offense needs a jolt, and this feels like a “we’re figuring it out” season. Tough break, Seattle.
### **The Final Horn**
The NFC West in 2025 is a four-way bar fight. The Niners (11-6) grab the crown with raw talent and spite, the Rams (10-7) lean on that killer D-line for a wildcard, the Cards (9-8) sneak into the mix, and the ‘Hawks (8-9) lick their wounds. That Rams front? Verse, Turner, Fiske—they’re the real deal, Donald or not, and it’s why L.A.’s still in the hunt. Free agency’s the wild card—keep your guys, you’re golden; lose ‘em, you’re cooked. Save this, share it, and come at me on X when I’m wrong. Let’s ride, fam.

@ 220522c2:61e18cb4
2025-03-04 00:04:01
# heading
1. list
2. list
3. list
const x = 9

**Lorem** ipsum *dolor sit amet*, ~~consectetur adipiscing~~ elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

@ f3873798:24b3f2f3
2025-03-03 22:55:07
A crise financeira no Brasil já não é apenas um problema macroeconômico debatido por especialistas. Em pequenas cidades do interior, o colapso já é uma realidade visível e dolorosa. A falta de infraestrutura, a economia frágil baseada quase exclusivamente na administração pública e a corrupção generalizada criam um cenário de completo abandono econômico.
## O Peso da Administração Pública na Economia Local

Em muitas dessas cidades, a economia gira em torno dos funcionários públicos e prestadores de serviço da prefeitura. Com a falta de repasses e atrasos nos pagamentos, esses trabalhadores perdem poder de compra, o que afeta diretamente o comércio local. Sem dinheiro circulando, os pequenos negócios entram em crise, resultando em demissões e falências.
## Corrupção e Desgoverno: A Receita para o Caos

A combinação de corrupção municipal e desgoverno federal agrava ainda mais a situação. Enquanto políticos desviam recursos e tomam decisões irresponsáveis, a população sofre com a falta de investimentos essenciais. Atrasos salariais, contratos não pagos e uma gestão financeira caótica fazem com que o colapso se torne inevitável em algumas regiões.
## O Retorno do "Fiado" e o Crescimento do Endividamento
Com o dinheiro escasso, muitas pessoas recorrem ao fiado – prática comum em tempos de crise, mas que coloca comerciantes em risco. O aumento do endividamento das famílias e a incerteza sobre o futuro econômico levam a um ciclo vicioso de inadimplência e falências.
A situação exige atenção e medidas urgentes. Enquanto a população luta para sobreviver, a classe política continua a ignorar os sinais do desastre iminente. O colapso financeiro não é mais um cenário hipotético – ele já está acontecendo, e quem mais sofre são as cidades pequenas, onde a economia se sustenta sobre bases frágeis e vulneráveis.

@ da0b9bc3:4e30a4a9
2025-03-03 22:33:47
Hello Stackers!
It's Monday so we're back doing "Meta Music Mondays" 😉.
From before the territory existed there was just one post a week in a ~meta take over. Now each month we have a different theme and bring music from that theme.
This month is March and we're doing March Madness. So give me those Wacky and Weird crazy artists and songs. The weirder the better!
Let's have fun.
I give you, the Wurzels.
Talk Music. Share Tracks. Zap Sats.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/902987

@ 4c96d763:80c3ee30
2025-03-03 22:22:43
# Changes
## Claude (1):
- chore: update Package.swift to Swift tools version 6.0
## Terry Yiu (3):
- Export strings for translation
- Fix bug where profile view was showing more than just the notes and replies on the notes / notes & replies tabs
- Change spaces to newlines in new posts to provide cleaner separation between text, uploaded media, and quoted notes
## Transifex (18):
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in ja
- Translate Localizable.strings in th
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in th
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in nl
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in de
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in de
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in de
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in de
- Translate Localizable.strings in de
- Translate Localizable.strings in nl
- Translate Localizable.strings in de
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in de
- Translate Localizable.strings in de
- Translate Localizable.strings in ja
- Translate Localizable.strings in pt_PT
- Translate InfoPlist.strings in pt_PT
- Translate InfoPlist.strings in pt_PT
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in pt_PT
## William Casarin (4):
- add todo for fixing q tags
- test: disable broken tests
- Communication notifications
- project: fix version yet again
pushed to [damus:refs/heads/master](http://git.jb55.com/damus/commit/0c148c8a1fc55cd7b598e38306d697f30f3eb96b.html)

@ 22050dd3:480c11ea
2025-03-03 22:14:39
Education is foundational to growth and prosperity in a community.
It is not easy for people to engage with and interact with the foundational idea of a community when they do not understand it.
Unsurprisingly, BTC Isla is built around Bitcoin, which not many people understand.
However, on the tiny island of Isla Mujeres, that is changing one class at a time.
### Education Is Essential
At the center of each Bitcoin circular economy around the globe is the ethos that education is paramount to adoption and the overall success of the community.
This is no different with BTC Isla, where Isa teaches Bitcoin classes to the locals on the island.
During my recent stay on the island, I sat in on one of the classes to see what they are and how Isa is spearheading educating the locals.
### The Class
Classes take place at the Mayakita restaurant on the southeast side of the island. They last about an hour.
Isa follows the Bitcoin Diploma curriculum created by [Mi Primer Bitcoin](https://myfirstbitcoin.io/) and teaches the classes in Spanish. I don’t speak Spanish so I couldn’t exactly follow the lesson to a tee, but that wasn’t important as the enthusiasm from Isa and the students was palpable.
On this particular day, there were 4 students present who had attended the classes before, and one new student.
It was exciting and fun to see this timid teenager walk into the restaurant who hadn’t the slightest idea of what Bitcoin was. Isa welcomed her with open arms and threw her right into the thick of it.
She seemed to learn a lot and have her interest piqued and afterward told me that she enjoyed the class and would be returning.
Another student and member of the community has begun their Bitcoin journey, very exciting!
I understood the lesson (Isa’s activity with the markerboard helped!) to be primarily about inflation and the scarcity and divisibility properties of Bitcoin.
I always enjoy seeing how people react when they learn about inflation and how Bitcoin is different and why it is a solution.
### Paid To Attend Classes?
At the end of each class, something strange occurs: Isa pays the students sats for attending the class!
She surprised me before the lesson by telling me she does this, but her reason for doing it makes sense.
The locals on the island live a completely different life than ours in the United States. The concept of saving and putting away money for the sake of building savings doesn’t exist. When money plays a purely transactional role in life, the store-of-value characteristic isn’t important let alone thought about.
Paying the students to attend the classes does 2 things:
- It allows the students to begin to build savings in bitcoin as well as interact with and use their money and have real experience with the very thing they’re learning about
- It creates an additional incentive for the students to attend the classes
While yes, it is strange to monetarily incentivize people to attend a class, it makes sense when you realize that the locals need a reason to *actually* be interested in and learn about Bitcoin.
The normal interest and entry points to Bitcoin as an investment that we use in the United States and Europe aren’t applicable.
However, despite the students being paid to attend the classes, they all seemed genuinely interested in the lesson and learning about Bitcoin. They were all attentive to Isa, taking notes and staying engaged. They cared about the subject.
### Future Classes
Isa, myself, and a few others were discussing field-trip ideas for future classes, and in the future Isa will take the class to the streets of Isla Mujeres!
She will give the students sats with the implication that they need to spend them on goods at the bitcoin-accepting merchants downtown. By doing this, bitcoin injects itself into the economy and perhaps more importantly, the students get experience transacting with bitcoin in the real world!
Nostr: [BTCIsla](https://www.primal.net/btcisla)
Website: [btcisla.xyz](https://www.btcisla.xyz)

@ 5a261a61:2ebd4480
2025-03-03 20:35:49
Tom stopped and nodded to Jiro with a smile. "Just wanted to see how it's going," he said as he approached the counter.
"People need to eat and I have food. Can't complain," replied the ever-smiling Jiro. "Are you heading out to make some money, or should I put it on your tab again?" he continued without pausing his stirring.
Tom might have been short on cash, but his pride (and caution) never allowed him to leave debts with friends. And Jiro was about the closest thing to a friend among all his acquaintances.
"I can still afford it today," Tom smiled tiredly, "but if you know of something that might bring in some metal, I could stop by tomorrow too."
"There might be something, but nothing that would pay the bills today. You might have better luck across the street. They're having another party today, and as a good neighbor and main supplier of coconut oil, I have a magic piece of paper that will get you on the guest list."
"And here comes the 'but'?"
"If you're this impatient with women too, I'm not surprised you don't have one to make a home out of those four walls... Have I told you about my niece Noi?" Juri asked with his typical mischievous smile.
Tom raised an eyebrow. "Maybe. But I have a feeling you're going to tell me again anyway."
Juri laughed. "See, that's why I like you. You always know what's coming." He leaned closer across the counter. "Noi is a smart girl, studying journalism. But she needs a bit of... how to put it... social training."
"And by that, you mean exactly what?" Tom asked cautiously.
"Nothing bad, don't worry," Juri waved his hand dismissively. "She just needs someone to take her into better society. You know, to see how things work. And, as it happens, she has tickets to tonight's party at The Beach."
Tom sighed. He already suspected where this was heading. "Juri, I'm not exactly—"
"The perfect gentleman who could show my niece how to behave in higher circles?" Juri cut him off. "Come on, Tom. You're a detective. You know how to adapt to wherever the wind blows. And she has those tickets. You want to go to the party, she needs a guide. Everyone will be happy."
Tom remained silent for a moment, considering his options. On one hand, he wasn't in the mood to babysit some naive student. On the other hand, those tickets would really come in handy... especially since he had nothing better going on.
**Where to next?**
- accept offer to get out of the stale water
- find another way other than babysitting

@ 407529d6:83e93205
2025-03-03 20:26:20
For this content creation wahala wey don dey happen, e don clear say central platforms no really send creators. Dem go control wetin you fit post, chop most of your money, and if dem vex, dem fit delete your content anyhow.
🚫 Censorship & Control Wahala – If dem no like wetin you talk, dem fit hide am or even delete am.
💰 Money No Dey Reach Creators – Na small change dem go give you, while dem pocket the bigger cut.
🔒 You No Own Your Content – If dem ban you, everything wey you don build fit vanish just like that.
But e get solution—decentralization go put power back for creators hand!
Why YakiHonne & Bitcoin Dey Important
YakiHonne na decentralized media platform wey dey use Nostr protocol, and e don come change the way wey creators go take make money. No middleman, no wahala!
✔ Dem No Fit Ban You – Your content go dey permanent, nobody fit delete am.
✔ You Go Make Better Money – People go fit send you Bitcoin directly, no need to depend on ads.
✔ You Be Oga for Your Content – Nobody fit carry your page block or remove your post just because dem no like am.
How You Go Take Make Money for YakiHonne
If you be content creator, here be ways wey you fit cash out:
1. People Go Fit Dash You Bitcoin – Make better content, and your fans fit send you Bitcoin as support.
2. Subscription Package – You fit do premium content wey only people wey subscribe fit see.
3. Crowdfunding – If you get project, your audience fit contribute Bitcoin make you take run am.
No allow big platforms use you do mugu again. Decentralization na the way forward. You go get freedom, better money, and peace of mind.
Time don reach to take control of your content and your money!
#YakiHonne #NOSTR #Bitcoin #ContentCreation #NaWeDeyRunAm

@ 88b8f4a8:0b652722
2025-03-03 20:07:23
Las motivaciones para configurar un segundo router pueden ser:
* Como repetidor wifi en una zona apartada de la casa donde no llega de habitual.
* Configurar el segundo router con VPN (probándolo, la configuración en el principal funciona pero aplicándola en un segundo router conectado al principal no usa la VPN, intentaré resolverlo).
* Usar el segundo para experimentación.
* Si se te ocurren más motivos coméntalos.
Para empezar, debes desactivar sus funciones de router (como DHCP y NAT) y configurarlo para que simplemente extienda la red de tu router principal. Aquí te explico cómo hacerlo paso a paso:
**1. Conectar los Routers Físicamente**
* Conecta un cable Ethernet desde un puerto LAN del router principal a un puerto LAN del router OpenWrt.
* No uses el puerto WAN del router OpenWrt, ya que no lo necesitarás en esta configuración.
**2. Acceder al Router OpenWrt**
* Conéctate al router OpenWrt mediante SSH o accede a la interfaz web (LuCI). En mi caso lo intenté por interfaz gráfica y no lo conseguí, así que continúo explicando solo mediante SSH.
**3. Desactivar la Interfaz WAN**
* Como no usarás la interfaz WAN, puedes desactivarla.
* Edita el archivo /etc/config/network:
vi /etc/config/network
* Comenta o elimina la sección de la interfaz WAN, comentar es añadir un # delante. Por ejemplo:
# config interface 'wan'
# option proto 'dhcp'
# option ifname 'eth1'
**4. Configurar la Interfaz LAN**
* Configura la interfaz LAN para que obtenga una dirección IP del router principal.
* Edita el archivo ```/etc/config/network``` y modifica la sección de la interfaz LAN:
config interface 'lan'
option proto 'static'
option ifname 'br-lan'
option ipaddr '' # Dirección IP dentro del rango del router principal
option netmask ''
option gateway '' # IP del router principal
option dns '' # Servidores DNS
Asegúrate de que:
* ```ipaddr``` sea una dirección IP dentro del rango del router principal (por ejemplo, si el router principal usa `192.168.1.x`, elige una IP como ``).
* `gateway` sea la IP del router principal (por ejemplo, ``).
* `dns` sean servidores DNS válidos.
**5. Desactivar el Servidor DHCP en OpenWrt**
* Como el router principal ya proporciona direcciones IP, debes desactivar el servidor DHCP en OpenWrt.
* Edita el archivo /etc/config/dhcp:
vi /etc/config/dhcp
* Desactiva el servidor DHCP en la sección lan:
* Con añadir al final "option ignore '1'" basta. No borres el resto de la sección.
config dhcp 'lan'
option interface 'lan'
option ignore '1' # Desactiva el servidor DHCP
**6. Configurar el Firewall**
Como el router OpenWrt actuará como un AP, no necesita funciones de firewall.
* Edita el archivo /etc/config/firewall y desactiva las reglas de firewall:
config zone
option name 'lan'
option input 'ACCEPT'
option output 'ACCEPT'
option forward 'ACCEPT'
option network 'lan'
**7. Reiniciar el Router OpenWrt**
Después de realizar los cambios, reinicia el router OpenWrt para aplicar la configuración:
**8. Probar la Configuración**
Conecta un dispositivo a la red LAN o Wi-Fi del router OpenWrt y verifica si tiene acceso a Internet.
* Prueba la conectividad con:
Espero que sirva de ayuda. Si tienes cualquier problema descríbemelo para aprender juntos.

@ e968e50b:db2a803a
2025-03-03 20:06:21
Just leaving this summary picture up top as that's all I really want to share with this post...

I'm on a long journey of trying to heat every aspect of my life with bitcoin mining. I started just running s9 antminers in the garage, moved to using a number of Nano 3[^1] as extremely ineffective space heaters, but finally was generously given some beefcake miners for free last month.
I'm going to shove those bad boys right into my HVAC's air return, so I experimented first with a single s9 while figuring out how to power the big ones.

However, I'm using an electrician who is a friend[^2] to put in the circuit and he's not as motivated as me. In the meantime, he had me drill these holes for the conduit, which was quite fun.

Now, I'm chomping at the bit to finish this and had a big passage to run some ethernet through in the meantime. ...so....I popped another s9 on the air return just to do SOMETHING.

Anywho, thought I'd share for other aspiring low-level [heat punks](https://www.tylerstevens.me/blog/a-heatpunks-manifesto/) like myself or anybody that wants to tell me I'm killing the resale value of my house by turning the HVAC into swiss cheese.
[^1]: check out @siggy47's great post today on the next variant of that model
[^2]: who was successfully orange pilled in this process, woot!
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/902849

@ 1c19eb1a:e22fb0bc
2025-03-03 19:14:42
After my first major review of [Primal on Android](https://www.nostr-reviews.com/post/1733635103705/), we're going to go a very different direction for this next review. Primal is your standard "Twitter clone" type of kind 1 note client, now branching into long-form. They also have a team of developers working on making it one of the best clients to fill that use-case. By contrast, this review will not be focusing on any client at all. Not even an "other stuff" client.
Instead, we will be reviewing a very useful tool created and maintained by nostr:npub1w4uswmv6lu9yel005l3qgheysmr7tk9uvwluddznju3nuxalevvs2d0jr5 called #Amber. For those unfamiliar with Amber, it is an #Android application dedicated to managing your signing keys, and allowing you to log into various #Nostr applications without having to paste in your private key, better known as your #nsec. It is not recommended to paste your nsec into various applications because they each represent another means by which it could be compromised, and anyone who has your nsec can post as you. On Nostr, your #npub is your identity, and your signature using your private key is considered absolute proof that any given note, reaction, follow update, or profile change was authorized by the rightful owner of that identity.
It happens less often these days, but early on, when the only way to try out a new client was by inputting your nsec, users had their nsec compromised from time to time, or they would suspect that their key may have been compromised. When this occurs, there is no way to recover your account, or set a new private key, deprecating the previous one. The only thing you can do is start over from scratch, letting everyone know that your key has been compromised and to follow you on your new npub.
If you use Amber to log into other Nostr apps, you significantly reduce the likelihood that your private key will be compromised, because only one application has access to it, and all other applications reach out to Amber to sign any events. This isn't quite as secure as storing your private key on a separate device that isn't connected to the internet whatsoever, like many of us have grown accustomed to with securing our #Bitcoin, but then again, an online persona isn't nearly as important to secure for most of us as our entire life savings.
Amber is the first application of its kind for managing your Nostr keys on a mobile device. nostr:npub1w4uswmv6lu9yel005l3qgheysmr7tk9uvwluddznju3nuxalevvs2d0jr5 didn't merely develop the application, but literally created the specification for accomplishing external signing on Android which can be found in [NIP-55](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/55.md). Unfortunately, Amber is only available for Android. A signer application for iOS is in the works from nostr:npub1yaul8k059377u9lsu67de7y637w4jtgeuwcmh5n7788l6xnlnrgs3tvjmf, but is not ready for use at this time. There is also a new mobile signer app for Android and iOS called Nowser, but I have not yet had a chance to try this app out. From a cursory look at the Android version, it is indeed in the very early stages of development and cannot be compared with Amber.
This review of Amber is current as of version 3.2.5.

## Overall Impression
Score: **4.5** / 5
I cannot speak highly enough about Amber as a tool that every Nostr user on Android should start using if they are not already. When the day comes that we have more options for well-developed signer apps on mobile, my opinion may very well change, but until then Amber is what we have available to us. Even so, it is an incredibly well thought-out and reliable tool for securing your nsec.
Despite being the only well-established Android signer available for Android, Amber ***can*** be compared with other external signing methods available on other platforms. Even with more competition in this arena, though, Amber still holds up incredibly well. If you are signing into web applications on a desktop, I still would recommend using a browser extension like #Alby or #Nos2x, as the experience is usually faster, more seamless, and far more web apps support this signing method ([NIP-07](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/07.md)) than currently support the two methods employed by Amber. Nevertheless that gap is definitely narrowing.
A running list I created of applications that support login and signing with Amber can be found here: [Nostr Clients with External Signer Support](nostr:naddr1qvzqqqrcvgpzpde8f55w86vrhaeqmd955y4rraw8aunzxgxstsj7eyzgntyev2xtqydhwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnzwf5kw6r5vfhkcapwdejhgtcpr4mhxue69uhkg6ttv95k7ue3x5cnwtnwdaehgu339e3k7mf0qq4xummnw3ez6cmvd9jkuarn94mkjarg94jhsar9wfhxzmpdwd5kwmn9wgkhxatswphhyaqrcy76t)
I have run into relatively few bugs in my extensive use of Amber for all of my mobile signing needs. Occasionally the application crashes when trying to send it a signing request from a couple of applications, but I would not be surprised if this is no fault of Amber at all, and rather the fault of those specific apps, since it works flawlessly with the vast majority of apps that support either [NIP-55](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/55.md) or [NIP-46](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/46.md) login.
I also believe that mobile is the ideal platform to use for this type of application. First, because most people use Nostr clients on their phone more than on a desktop. There are, of course, exceptions to that, but in general we spend more time on our phones when interacting online. New users are also more likely to be introduced to Nostr by a friend having them download a Nostr client on their phone than on a PC, and that can be a prime opportunity to introduce the new user to protecting their private key. Finally, I agree with the following assessment from nostr:npub1jlrs53pkdfjnts29kveljul2sm0actt6n8dxrrzqcersttvcuv3qdjynqn.
The one downside to Amber is that it will be quite foreign for new users. That is partially unavoidable with Nostr, since folks are not accustomed to public/private key cryptography in general, let alone using a private key to log into websites or social media apps. However, the initial signup process is a bit cumbersome if Amber is being used as the means of initially generating a key pair. I think some of this could be foregone at start-up in favor of streamlining onboarding, and then encourage the user to back-up their private key at a later time.
## Features
Amber has some features that may surprise you, outside of just storing your private key and signing requests from your favorite Nostr clients. It is a full key management application, supporting multiple accounts, various backup methods, and even the ability to authorize other users to access a Nostr profile you control.
### Android Signing
This is the signing method where Amber really shines in both speed and ease of use. Any Android application that supports this standard, and even some progressive web-apps that can be installed to your Android's home-screen, can very quickly and seamlessly connect with Amber to authorize anything that you need signed with your nsec. All you have to do is select "Login with Amber" in clients like #Amethyst or #0xChat and the app will reach out to Amber for all signing requests from there on out. If you had previously signed into the app with your nsec, you will first need to log out, then choose the option to use Amber when you log back in.

This is a massive deal, because everything you do on Nostr requires a signature from your private key. Log in? Needs a signature. Post a "GM" note? Needs a signature. Follow someone who zapped your note? Needs a signature. Zap them back? You guessed it; needs a signature. When you paste your private key into an application, it will automatically sign a lot of these actions without you ever being asked for approval, but you will quickly realize just how many things the client is doing on your behalf when Amber is asking you to approve them each time.
Now, this can also get quite annoying after a while. I recommend using the setting that allows Amber to automatically sign for basic functions, which will cut down on some of the authorization spam. Once you have been asked to authorize the same type of action a few times, you can also toggle the option to automatically authorize that action in the future. Don't worry, though, you have full control to require Amber to ask you for permission again if you want to be alerted each time, and this toggle is specific to each application, so it's not a blanket approval for all Nostr clients you connect with.

This method of signing is just as fast as signing via browser extension on web clients, which users may be more accustomed to. Everything is happening locally on the device, so it can be very snappy and secure.
### Nostr Connect/Bunker Signing
This next method of signing has a bit of a delay, because it is using a Nostr relay to send encrypted information back and forth between the app the user is interacting with and Amber to obtain signatures remotely. It isn't a significant delay most of the time, but it is just enough to be noticeable.
Also, unlike the previous signing method that would automatically switch to Amber as the active application when a signing request is sent, this method only sends you a notification that you must be watching for. This can lead to situations where you are wondering why something isn't working in a client you signed into remotely, because it is waiting on you to authorize the action and you didn't notice the notification from Amber. As you use the application, you get used to the need to check for such authorization requests from time to time, or when something isn't working as expected.

By default, Amber will use relay.nsec.app to communicate with whichever Nostr app you are connecting to. You can set a different relay for this purpose, if you like, though not just any relay will support the event kinds that Amber uses for remote signing. You can even run your own relay just for your own signing purposes. In fact, the creator of Amber has a relay application you can run on your phone, called Citrine, that can be used for signing with any web app you are using locally on your phone. This is definitely more of an advanced option, but it is there for you if you want it. For most users, sticking with relay.nsec.app will be just fine, especially since the contents of the events sent back and forth for signing are all encrypted.
Something many users may not realize is that this remote signing feature allows for issuing signing permissions to team members. For instance, if anyone ever joined me in writing reviews, I could issue them a connection string from Amber, and limit their permissions to just posting long-form draft events. Anything else they tried to do would require my explicit approval each time. Moreover, I could revoke those permissions if I ever felt they were being abused, without the need to start over with a whole new npub. Of course, this requires that your phone is online whenever a team member is trying to sign using the connection string you issued, and it requires you pay attention to your notifications so you can approve or reject requests you have not set to auto-approve. However, this is probably only useful for small teams, and larger businesses will want to find a more robust solution for managing access to their npub, such as Keycast from nostr:npub1zuuajd7u3sx8xu92yav9jwxpr839cs0kc3q6t56vd5u9q033xmhsk6c2uc.
The method for establishing a connection between Amber and a Nostr app for remote signing can vary for each app. Most, at minimum, will support obtaining a connection string from Amber that starts with "bunker://" and pasting it in at the time of login. Then you just need to approve the connection request from Amber and the client will log you in and send any subsequent signing requests to Amber using the same connection string.

Some clients will also offer the option to scan a QR code to connect the client to Amber. This is quite convenient, but just remember that this also means the client is setting which relay will be used for communication between the two. Clients with this option will also have a connection string you can copy and paste into Amber to achieve the same purpose. For instance, you may need this option if you are trying to connect to an app on your phone and therefore can't scan the QR code using Amber on the same phone.

### Multiple Accounts
Amber does not lock you into using it with only a single set of keys. You can add all of your Nostr "accounts" to Amber and use it for signing events for each independently. Of course, Nostr doesn't actually have "accounts" in the traditional sense. Your identity is simply your key-pair, and Amber stores and accesses each private key as needed.

When first signing in using native Android signing as described above, Amber will default to whichever account was most recently selected, but you can switch to the account that is needed before approving the request. After initial login, Amber will automatically detect the account that the signing request is for.
### Key Backup & Restore
Amber allows multiple ways to back up your private key. As most users would expect, you can get your standard nsec and copy/paste it to a password manager, but you can also obtain your private key as a list of mnemonic seed words, an encrypted version of your key called an ncryptsec, or even a QR code of your nsec or ncryptsec.

Additionally, in order to gain access to this information, Amber requires you to enter your device's PIN or use biometric authentication. This isn't cold-storage level protection for your private key by any means, especially since your phone is an internet connected device and does not store your key within a secure element, but it is about as secure as you can ask for while having your key accessible for signing Nostr events.
### Tor Support
While Amber does not have Tor support within the app itself, it does support connecting to Tor through Orbot. This would be used with remote signing so that Amber would not connect directly over clearnet to the relay used for communication with the Nostr app requesting the signature. Instead, Amber would connect through Tor, so the relay would not see your IP address. This means you can utilize the remote signing option without compromising your anonymity.

### Additional Security
Amber allows the user the option to require either biometric or PIN authentication before approving signing requests. This can provide that extra bit of assurance that no one will be able to sign events using your private key if they happen to gain access to your phone. The PIN you set in Amber is also independent from the PIN to unlock your device, allowing for separation of access.
## Can My Grandma Use It?
Score: **4.0** / 5
At the end of the day, Amber is a tool for those who have some concept of the importance of protecting their private key by not pasting it into every Nostr client that comes along. This concept in itself is not terribly approachable to an average person. They are used to just plugging their password into every service they use, and even worse, they usually have the ***same password*** for everything so they can more readily remember it. The idea that they should never enter their "Nostr password" into any Nostr application would never occur to them unless someone first explained how cryptography works related to public/private key pairs.
That said, I think there can be some improvements made to how users are introduced to these concepts, and that a signer application like Amber might be ideal for the job. Considering Amber as a new user's first touchpoint with Nostr, I think it holds up well, but could be somewhat streamlined.
Upon opening the app, the user is prompted to either use their existing private key or "Create a new Nostr account." This is straightforward enough. "Account" is not a technically correct term with Nostr, but it is a term that new users would be familiar with and understand the basic concept.

The next screen announces that the account is ready, and presents the user with their public key, explaining that it is "a sort of username" that will allow others to find them on Nostr. While it is good to explain this to the user, it is unnecessary information at this point. This screen also prompts the user to set a nickname and set a password to encrypt their private key. Since the backup options also allow the user to set this password, I think this step could be pushed to a later time. This screen would better serve the new user if it simply prompted them to set a nickname and short bio that could be saved to a few default relays.

Of course, Amber is currently prompting for a password to be set up-front because the next screen requires the new user to download a "backup kit" in order to continue. While I do believe it is a good idea to encourage the creation of a backup, it is not crucial to do so immediately upon creation of a new npub that has nothing at stake if the private key is lost. This is something the UI could remind the user to do at a later time, reducing the friction of profile creation, and expediting getting them into the action.

Outside of these minor onboarding friction points, I think Amber does a great job of explaining to the user the purpose of each of its features, all within the app and without any need to reference external documentation. As long as the user understands the basic concept that their private key is being stored by Amber in order to sign requests from other Nostr apps, so they don't have to be given the private key, Amber is very good about explaining the rest without getting too far into the technical weeds.
The most glaring usability issue with Amber is that it isn't available in the Play Store. Average users expect to be able to find applications they can trust in their mobile device's default app store. There is a valid argument to be made that they are incorrect in this assumption, but that doesn't change the fact that this is the assumption most people make. They believe that applications in the Play Store are "safe" and that anything they can't install through the Play Store is suspect. The prompts that the Android operating system requires the user to approve when installing "unknown apps" certainly doesn't help with this impression.
Now, I absolutely ***love*** the Zapstore from nostr:npub1wf4pufsucer5va8g9p0rj5dnhvfeh6d8w0g6eayaep5dhps6rsgs43dgh9, but it doesn't do much to alleviate this issue. Users will still need to be convinced that it is safe to install the Zapstore from the GitHub repo, and then install Amber from there. Furthermore, this adds yet another step to the onboarding process.
Instead of:
- Install Amber
- Set up your keys
- Install the client you want to use
- Log in with Amber
The process becomes:
- Go to the Zapstore GitHub and download the latest version from the releases page.
- Install the APK you downloaded, allowing any prompt to install unknown apps.
- Open Zapstore and install Amber, allowing any prompt to install unknown apps again.
- Open Amber and set up your keys.
- Install the client you want to use
- Log in with Amber
An application as important as Amber for protecting users' private keys should be as readily available to the new user as possible. New users are the ones most prone to making mistakes that could compromise their private keys. Amber should be available to them in the Play Store.
## How do UI Look?
Score: **4.5** / 5
Amber's UI can be described as clean but utilitarian. But then, Amber is a tool, so this is somewhat expected. It is not an app you will be spending a lot of time in, so the UI just needs to be serviceable. I would say it accomplishes this and then some. UI elements are generally easy to understand what they do, and page headings fill in the gaps where that is not the case.

I am not the biggest fan of the color-scheme, particularly in light-mode, but it is not bad in dark-mode at all, and Amber follows whatever theme you have set for your device in that respect. Additionally, the color choice does make sense given the application's name.

It must also be taken into consideration that Amber is almost entirely the product of a single developer's work. He has done a great job producing an app that is not only useful, but pleasant to interact with. The same cannot be said for most utility apps I have previously used, with interfaces that clearly made good design the lowest priority. While Amber's UI may not be the most beautiful Nostr app I have seen, design was clearly not an afterthought, either, and it is appreciated.
## Relay Management
Score: **4.9** / 5
Even though Amber is not a Nostr client, where users can browse notes from their favorite npubs, it still relies heavily on relays for some of its features. Primarily, it uses relays for communicating with other Nostr apps for remote signing requests. However, it also uses relays to fetch profile data, so that each private key you add to Amber will automatically load your chosen username and profile picture.
In the relay settings, users can choose which relays are being used to fetch profile data, and which relays will be used by default when creating new remote signing connection strings.

The user can also see which relays are currently connected to Amber and even look at the information that has been passed back and forth on each of those active relays. This information about actively connected relays is not only available within the application, but also in the notification that Amber has to keep in your device's notification tray in order to continue to operate in the background while you are using other apps.

Optionality is the name of the game when it comes to how Amber handles relay selection. The user can just stick with the default signing relay, use their own relay as the default, or even use a different relay for each Nostr application that they connect to for remote signing. Amber gives the user an incredible amount of flexibility in this regard.
In addition to all of this, because not all relays accept the event types needed for remote signing, when you add a relay address to Amber, it automatically tests that relay to see if it will work. This alone can be a massive time saver, so users aren't trying to use relays that don't support remote signing and wondering why they can't log into noStrudel with the connection string they got from Amber.

The only way I could see relay management being improved would be some means of giving the user relay recommendations, in case they want to use a relay other than relay.nsec.app, but they aren't sure which other relays will accept remote signing events. That said, most users who want to use a different relay for signing remote events will likely be using their own, in which case recommendations aren't needed.
## Current Users' Questions
The AskNostr hashtag can be a good indication of the pain points that other users are currently having with any Nostr application. Here are some of the most common questions submitted about Amber in the last two months.
This is a good example of Amber working correctly, but the app the user is trying to log into not working. In my experience with #Olas in particular, it sometimes allows remote signer login, and sometimes doesn't. Amber will receive the signing request and I will approve it, but Olas remains on the login screen.
If Amber is receiving the signing requests, and you are approving them, the fault is likely with the application you are trying to log into.
That's it. That's all the repeated questions I could find. Oh, there were a few one-off questions where relay.nsec.app wouldn't connect, or where the user's out-of-date web browser was the issue. Outside of that, though, there were no common questions about ***how*** to use Amber, and that is a testament to Amber's ease of use all on its own.
## Wrap Up
If you are on Android and you are not already using Amber to protect your nsec, please do yourself a favor and get it installed. It's not at all complicated to set up, and it will make trying out all the latest Nostr clients a safe and pleasant experience.
If you are a client developer and you have not added support for NIP-55 or NIP-46, do your users the courtesy of respecting the sanctity of their private keys. Even developers who have no intention of compromising their users' keys can inadvertently do so. Make that eventuality impossible by adding support for NIP-55 and NIP-46 signing.
Finally, I apologize for the extended time it took me to get this review finished. The time I have available is scarce, Nostr is distracting, and nostr:npub1w4uswmv6lu9yel005l3qgheysmr7tk9uvwluddznju3nuxalevvs2d0jr5 kept improving Amber even as I was putting it through its paces over the last two months. Keep shipping, my friend! You have made one of the most useful tools we have seen for Nostr to date!
Now... What should I review next?

@ 6e0ea5d6:0327f353
2025-03-03 19:09:05
Ascolta bene!
Allow me to sit by your side, amico mio, and—just like a son—I will tell you a harsh truth: no matter the circumstances, the blame lies with you for everything that happens within your realm of responsibility. Your family, your business, your ventures—whatever it may be—it doesn’t matter if it was by action or omission, if something went wrong, take the blame and resolve it however you need to!
Men like us, who live in hard battles, do not have the luxury of handing over the burdens of our responsibilities to others!
We live in a time where everyone is encouraged to place the blame for their failures on others or on abstractions. To hell with all that nonsense, damn it! Never feel comfortable or relieved when you hear stories of people who have made the same mistakes or have the same flaws as you.
Knowing that others have failed in the same goals should only serve as a simple acknowledgment that nothing is easy.
However, don’t allow yourself to lessen your effort or blame when you see others’ difficulties.
On the other hand, don’t deceive yourself into trying to become a productivity machine.
Learn to be rational, but always strive for the best from yourself, without pushing your limits beyond what your mind and body can endure.
Thank you for reading, my friend!
If this message resonated with you, consider leaving your "🥃" as a token of appreciation.
A toast to our family!