
@ f3873798:24b3f2f3
2025-03-03 22:55:07
A crise financeira no Brasil já não é apenas um problema macroeconômico debatido por especialistas. Em pequenas cidades do interior, o colapso já é uma realidade visível e dolorosa. A falta de infraestrutura, a economia frágil baseada quase exclusivamente na administração pública e a corrupção generalizada criam um cenário de completo abandono econômico.
## O Peso da Administração Pública na Economia Local

Em muitas dessas cidades, a economia gira em torno dos funcionários públicos e prestadores de serviço da prefeitura. Com a falta de repasses e atrasos nos pagamentos, esses trabalhadores perdem poder de compra, o que afeta diretamente o comércio local. Sem dinheiro circulando, os pequenos negócios entram em crise, resultando em demissões e falências.
## Corrupção e Desgoverno: A Receita para o Caos

A combinação de corrupção municipal e desgoverno federal agrava ainda mais a situação. Enquanto políticos desviam recursos e tomam decisões irresponsáveis, a população sofre com a falta de investimentos essenciais. Atrasos salariais, contratos não pagos e uma gestão financeira caótica fazem com que o colapso se torne inevitável em algumas regiões.
## O Retorno do "Fiado" e o Crescimento do Endividamento
Com o dinheiro escasso, muitas pessoas recorrem ao fiado – prática comum em tempos de crise, mas que coloca comerciantes em risco. O aumento do endividamento das famílias e a incerteza sobre o futuro econômico levam a um ciclo vicioso de inadimplência e falências.
A situação exige atenção e medidas urgentes. Enquanto a população luta para sobreviver, a classe política continua a ignorar os sinais do desastre iminente. O colapso financeiro não é mais um cenário hipotético – ele já está acontecendo, e quem mais sofre são as cidades pequenas, onde a economia se sustenta sobre bases frágeis e vulneráveis.

@ da0b9bc3:4e30a4a9
2025-03-03 22:33:47
Hello Stackers!
It's Monday so we're back doing "Meta Music Mondays" 😉.
From before the territory existed there was just one post a week in a ~meta take over. Now each month we have a different theme and bring music from that theme.
This month is March and we're doing March Madness. So give me those Wacky and Weird crazy artists and songs. The weirder the better!
Let's have fun.
I give you, the Wurzels.
Talk Music. Share Tracks. Zap Sats.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/902987

@ 4c96d763:80c3ee30
2025-03-03 22:22:43
# Changes
## Claude (1):
- chore: update Package.swift to Swift tools version 6.0
## Terry Yiu (3):
- Export strings for translation
- Fix bug where profile view was showing more than just the notes and replies on the notes / notes & replies tabs
- Change spaces to newlines in new posts to provide cleaner separation between text, uploaded media, and quoted notes
## Transifex (18):
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in ja
- Translate Localizable.strings in th
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in th
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in nl
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in de
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in de
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in de
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in de
- Translate Localizable.strings in de
- Translate Localizable.strings in nl
- Translate Localizable.strings in de
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in de
- Translate Localizable.strings in de
- Translate Localizable.strings in ja
- Translate Localizable.strings in pt_PT
- Translate InfoPlist.strings in pt_PT
- Translate InfoPlist.strings in pt_PT
- Translate Localizable.stringsdict in pt_PT
## William Casarin (4):
- add todo for fixing q tags
- test: disable broken tests
- Communication notifications
- project: fix version yet again
pushed to [damus:refs/heads/master](http://git.jb55.com/damus/commit/0c148c8a1fc55cd7b598e38306d697f30f3eb96b.html)

@ 22050dd3:480c11ea
2025-03-03 22:14:39
Education is foundational to growth and prosperity in a community.
It is not easy for people to engage with and interact with the foundational idea of a community when they do not understand it.
Unsurprisingly, BTC Isla is built around Bitcoin, which not many people understand.
However, on the tiny island of Isla Mujeres, that is changing one class at a time.
### Education Is Essential
At the center of each Bitcoin circular economy around the globe is the ethos that education is paramount to adoption and the overall success of the community.
This is no different with BTC Isla, where Isa teaches Bitcoin classes to the locals on the island.
During my recent stay on the island, I sat in on one of the classes to see what they are and how Isa is spearheading educating the locals.
### The Class
Classes take place at the Mayakita restaurant on the southeast side of the island. They last about an hour.
Isa follows the Bitcoin Diploma curriculum created by [Mi Primer Bitcoin](https://myfirstbitcoin.io/) and teaches the classes in Spanish. I don’t speak Spanish so I couldn’t exactly follow the lesson to a tee, but that wasn’t important as the enthusiasm from Isa and the students was palpable.
On this particular day, there were 4 students present who had attended the classes before, and one new student.
It was exciting and fun to see this timid teenager walk into the restaurant who hadn’t the slightest idea of what Bitcoin was. Isa welcomed her with open arms and threw her right into the thick of it.
She seemed to learn a lot and have her interest piqued and afterward told me that she enjoyed the class and would be returning.
Another student and member of the community has begun their Bitcoin journey, very exciting!
I understood the lesson (Isa’s activity with the markerboard helped!) to be primarily about inflation and the scarcity and divisibility properties of Bitcoin.
I always enjoy seeing how people react when they learn about inflation and how Bitcoin is different and why it is a solution.
### Paid To Attend Classes?
At the end of each class, something strange occurs: Isa pays the students sats for attending the class!
She surprised me before the lesson by telling me she does this, but her reason for doing it makes sense.
The locals on the island live a completely different life than ours in the United States. The concept of saving and putting away money for the sake of building savings doesn’t exist. When money plays a purely transactional role in life, the store-of-value characteristic isn’t important let alone thought about.
Paying the students to attend the classes does 2 things:
- It allows the students to begin to build savings in bitcoin as well as interact with and use their money and have real experience with the very thing they’re learning about
- It creates an additional incentive for the students to attend the classes
While yes, it is strange to monetarily incentivize people to attend a class, it makes sense when you realize that the locals need a reason to *actually* be interested in and learn about Bitcoin.
The normal interest and entry points to Bitcoin as an investment that we use in the United States and Europe aren’t applicable.
However, despite the students being paid to attend the classes, they all seemed genuinely interested in the lesson and learning about Bitcoin. They were all attentive to Isa, taking notes and staying engaged. They cared about the subject.
### Future Classes
Isa, myself, and a few others were discussing field-trip ideas for future classes, and in the future Isa will take the class to the streets of Isla Mujeres!
She will give the students sats with the implication that they need to spend them on goods at the bitcoin-accepting merchants downtown. By doing this, bitcoin injects itself into the economy and perhaps more importantly, the students get experience transacting with bitcoin in the real world!
Nostr: [BTCIsla](https://www.primal.net/btcisla)
Website: [btcisla.xyz](https://www.btcisla.xyz)

@ c3b2802b:4850599c
2025-03-03 22:14:25
Kann ich etwas bewirken im Geschehen, in das ich hineingeboren wurde? Psychologen ist bekannt, dass Menschen bezüglich dieser für jeden Menschen entscheidenden Frage während ihrer Kindheit und Jugend in der einen oder anderen Richtung konditioniert werden. Heraus kommen dann Erwachsene mit geringer oder hoher Einschätzung der eigenen Selbstwirksamkeit.
Viele Menschen wachsen heran mit der Botschaft der Eltern und älteren Zeitgenossen: Du kannst die Welt nicht ändern. Das schaffst Du nicht. Füge Dich ein in die Gesellschaft, die Du vorfindest. Nur dann hast die Chance, ein gutes Leben zu führen.
Andere haben das Glück, von Eltern oder anderen Zeitgenossen ermuntert zu werden: Folge Deinem Herzen, tu die Dinge, die die Welt braucht und die Dir Freude machen. Du kannst und wirst das schaffen. Du kannst beitragen, die Welt nach Deinem Bilde zu formen. Dann wirst Du ein erfülltes Leben führen.
Welches Muster dominiert in den Industrieländern unserer Zeit? Spätestens mit Einführung der Schulpflicht wird die überwiegende Zahl der Heranwachsenden mehr oder weniger erfolgreich auf Gehorsam gegenüber den gerade vorherrschenden Macht-Strukturen getrimmt. Die gängige Schulbildung führt dazu, dass viele Kinder vorgegebene Denk- und Handlungsmuster von Lehrern kritiklos übernehmen. Das hat der deutsche Psychologe Wolfgang Köhler bereits vor über 100 Jahren bei Hospitationen in deutschen Schulklassen festgestellt. Die Kinder lernen, dass sie mit einer Wiederholung der vom Lehrer vorgegebenen Lösungswege besser fahren als wenn sie selbst denken.
Die Absolventen solcher Bildungssysteme sind zum Großteil Duckmäuser, welche dann im Studium, bei weiteren Ausbildungen oder im Militärdienst gehorsam alles tun, was von ihnen verlangt wird. Sie folgen abstrusesten Anweisungen und Anordnungen, wie wir alle in den vergangenen 5 Jahren live mitverfolgen durften.
Diese Menschen schwingen nicht den Taktstock der Geschichte. Sie bilden die Masse der Untertanen, moderne Mann´sche Heßlings, die leichte Beute von Werbung, öffentlich restlicher Propaganda und Parteiversprechen vor Wahlen werden. Die auch gern mal kriegslüsterne Parteien wählen, wenn diese die Impf-Leichen der Pharmaindustrie im Keller lassen. 
Wer führt aktuell den Taktstock der Geschichte? Kleine selbsternannte "Eliten" von Psychopathen haben den Taktstock in Besitz genommen. Das sind Wesen, die man als ethische Analphabeten, denen Mitfühlen mit anderen Wesen fremd ist, charakterisieren könnte. Und die vor diesem Hintergrund einen Krieg nach dem anderen vom Zaun brechen, ohne mit der Wimper zu zucken. Sie werden von einer Schar gekaufter Lakaien aus der Medien- und Werbebranche sowie von "Young Global Leaders" dabei unterstützt, ihre Vorstellungen von einer Sklavenhalter-Gesellschaft in die Welt zu bringen, in der eine winzige Minorität die große Mehrheit der Menschheit als moderne Sklaven unter ihre Kontrolle zu bringen sucht. "Ihr werdet nichts besitzen, aber Ihr werdet glücklich sein", "wir impfen Euch mit (nicht Langzeit-geprüften) mRna Substanzen und Ihr werdet gesund bleiben", "wir impfen die Wolken (s. Titelbild) und das wird dem Wetter gut tun", "wir bestrahlen Euch mit (nicht auf Gesundheitsfolgen geprüftem) 5G Mobilfunk und das wird Euch zufrieden machen" (s. Titelbild), "wir schaffen das Bargeld ab und das wird Euer Leben vereinfachen". Wie lange noch wollen wir solche Ansagen hinnehmen und ihnen gehorsam folgen?
Sobald eine hinreichende Zahl an Menschen der Völker unseres Planeten erkennt, dass wir selbst den Taktstock der Geschichte übernehmen können, wird sich unsere Gesellschaft in unserem Sinne zu wandeln beginnen:
Wenn wir erkennen, dass in jedem von uns ein göttlicher Funke schlummert, mit dem wir unsere Welt selber bauen können, geht die Ära der Kriegstreiber und Giftmischer, die Zeit der Fake-Demokratie und Meldestellen für Regime-kritische Meinungen ihrem Ende entgegen.
Was kann jeder von uns hier und jetzt tun, um zu starten mit diesem neuen Kapitel der Menschheitsgeschichte?
Es scheint mir nicht so schwer zu sein: Wenn wir aufhören, die Propaganda zu verfolgen; wenn wir aufhören, mit vermeintlichen Rettern vor Krieg und Lüge mitzufiebern, welche als Milliardäre Teile des gewachsenen Systems sind, dann gewinnen wir viel Zeit. Die können wir nutzen, uns zu öffnen für die endlos vielen Initiativen der gerade entstehenden Regionalgesellschaft. Dort können wir mitwirken oder eigene Initiativen gründen. 
In meinen ca. 1.000 Blogs der vergangenen Jahre (bei den [Zukunftskommunen](https://zukunftskommunen.de/blog/), der [Genossenschaft Menschlich Wirtschaften](https://menschlichwirtschaften.de/kategorie/peter-schmuck/) und bei [Pareto](https://pareto.space/u/peter@pareto.town)) sind zahlreiche Erfolgsgeschichten dieser Graswurzelbewegung portraitiert. Und einige meiner psychologischen Studien dieser Jahre stützen die These: Wer sich für eine faire und saubere Welt engagiert, fühlt sich wohler als andere Menschen. Die von meinen Teams befragten Pioniere berichten, dass wir infolge solchen Engagements in Balance kommen mit unseren Mitgeschöpfen, dass wir zunehmend mit Menschen in Kontakt kommen, mit denen wir Freude und Begeisterung teilen können. Weil wir den göttlichen Funken in uns zum Motor einer Entwicklung machen, welche wir wirklich haben wollen, also im Einklang mit unserem Gewissen leben können. Weil uns dann der Taktstock von Psychopathen nicht länger interessiert.
Wenn Sie diese Überlegungen anregend finden und neugierig auf Details sind: Im Handbuch für Lichtbotschafter (open source, [hier abrufbar](https://zukunftskommunen.de/blog/soeben-erschienen-handbook-for-light-ambassadors-handbuch-fuer-lichtbotschafter/)) finden Sie eine Fülle von Inspirationen für den Einstieg in die faire, vertrauensvolle Regionalgesellschaft, welche durchaus ohne psychopathische Dirigenten auskommt. Und selber den Taktstock zu schwingen - bringt Lebensfreude. Wissenschaftlich formuliert: Gefühlte Selbstwirksamkeit korreliert mit Wohlbefinden. Probieren Sie es aus!
*Titelbild: Blick in den Abendhimmel von Bad Frankenhausen am Kyffhäuser nach Westen am 3.3.2025 mit Hinterlassenschaften von Flugzeugen und einem 5G Mast mit nicht sichtbarer Mobilfunkstrahlung (sorry, das Bild steht versehentlich auf dem Kopf, so wie die Realität unserem ethischen Empfinden diametral entgegensteht)* 

@ 5a261a61:2ebd4480
2025-03-03 20:35:49
Tom stopped and nodded to Jiro with a smile. "Just wanted to see how it's going," he said as he approached the counter.
"People need to eat and I have food. Can't complain," replied the ever-smiling Jiro. "Are you heading out to make some money, or should I put it on your tab again?" he continued without pausing his stirring.
Tom might have been short on cash, but his pride (and caution) never allowed him to leave debts with friends. And Jiro was about the closest thing to a friend among all his acquaintances.
"I can still afford it today," Tom smiled tiredly, "but if you know of something that might bring in some metal, I could stop by tomorrow too."
"There might be something, but nothing that would pay the bills today. You might have better luck across the street. They're having another party today, and as a good neighbor and main supplier of coconut oil, I have a magic piece of paper that will get you on the guest list."
"And here comes the 'but'?"
"If you're this impatient with women too, I'm not surprised you don't have one to make a home out of those four walls... Have I told you about my niece Noi?" Juri asked with his typical mischievous smile.
Tom raised an eyebrow. "Maybe. But I have a feeling you're going to tell me again anyway."
Juri laughed. "See, that's why I like you. You always know what's coming." He leaned closer across the counter. "Noi is a smart girl, studying journalism. But she needs a bit of... how to put it... social training."
"And by that, you mean exactly what?" Tom asked cautiously.
"Nothing bad, don't worry," Juri waved his hand dismissively. "She just needs someone to take her into better society. You know, to see how things work. And, as it happens, she has tickets to tonight's party at The Beach."
Tom sighed. He already suspected where this was heading. "Juri, I'm not exactly—"
"The perfect gentleman who could show my niece how to behave in higher circles?" Juri cut him off. "Come on, Tom. You're a detective. You know how to adapt to wherever the wind blows. And she has those tickets. You want to go to the party, she needs a guide. Everyone will be happy."
Tom remained silent for a moment, considering his options. On one hand, he wasn't in the mood to babysit some naive student. On the other hand, those tickets would really come in handy... especially since he had nothing better going on.
**Where to next?**
- accept offer to get out of the stale water
- find another way other than babysitting

@ 407529d6:83e93205
2025-03-03 20:26:20
For this content creation wahala wey don dey happen, e don clear say central platforms no really send creators. Dem go control wetin you fit post, chop most of your money, and if dem vex, dem fit delete your content anyhow.
🚫 Censorship & Control Wahala – If dem no like wetin you talk, dem fit hide am or even delete am.
💰 Money No Dey Reach Creators – Na small change dem go give you, while dem pocket the bigger cut.
🔒 You No Own Your Content – If dem ban you, everything wey you don build fit vanish just like that.
But e get solution—decentralization go put power back for creators hand!
Why YakiHonne & Bitcoin Dey Important
YakiHonne na decentralized media platform wey dey use Nostr protocol, and e don come change the way wey creators go take make money. No middleman, no wahala!
✔ Dem No Fit Ban You – Your content go dey permanent, nobody fit delete am.
✔ You Go Make Better Money – People go fit send you Bitcoin directly, no need to depend on ads.
✔ You Be Oga for Your Content – Nobody fit carry your page block or remove your post just because dem no like am.
How You Go Take Make Money for YakiHonne
If you be content creator, here be ways wey you fit cash out:
1. People Go Fit Dash You Bitcoin – Make better content, and your fans fit send you Bitcoin as support.
2. Subscription Package – You fit do premium content wey only people wey subscribe fit see.
3. Crowdfunding – If you get project, your audience fit contribute Bitcoin make you take run am.
No allow big platforms use you do mugu again. Decentralization na the way forward. You go get freedom, better money, and peace of mind.
Time don reach to take control of your content and your money!
#YakiHonne #NOSTR #Bitcoin #ContentCreation #NaWeDeyRunAm

@ 88b8f4a8:0b652722
2025-03-03 20:07:23
Las motivaciones para configurar un segundo router pueden ser:
* Como repetidor wifi en una zona apartada de la casa donde no llega de habitual.
* Configurar el segundo router con VPN (probándolo, la configuración en el principal funciona pero aplicándola en un segundo router conectado al principal no usa la VPN, intentaré resolverlo).
* Usar el segundo para experimentación.
* Si se te ocurren más motivos coméntalos.
Para empezar, debes desactivar sus funciones de router (como DHCP y NAT) y configurarlo para que simplemente extienda la red de tu router principal. Aquí te explico cómo hacerlo paso a paso:
**1. Conectar los Routers Físicamente**
* Conecta un cable Ethernet desde un puerto LAN del router principal a un puerto LAN del router OpenWrt.
* No uses el puerto WAN del router OpenWrt, ya que no lo necesitarás en esta configuración.
**2. Acceder al Router OpenWrt**
* Conéctate al router OpenWrt mediante SSH o accede a la interfaz web (LuCI). En mi caso lo intenté por interfaz gráfica y no lo conseguí, así que continúo explicando solo mediante SSH.
**3. Desactivar la Interfaz WAN**
* Como no usarás la interfaz WAN, puedes desactivarla.
* Edita el archivo /etc/config/network:
vi /etc/config/network
* Comenta o elimina la sección de la interfaz WAN, comentar es añadir un # delante. Por ejemplo:
# config interface 'wan'
# option proto 'dhcp'
# option ifname 'eth1'
**4. Configurar la Interfaz LAN**
* Configura la interfaz LAN para que obtenga una dirección IP del router principal.
* Edita el archivo ```/etc/config/network``` y modifica la sección de la interfaz LAN:
config interface 'lan'
option proto 'static'
option ifname 'br-lan'
option ipaddr '' # Dirección IP dentro del rango del router principal
option netmask ''
option gateway '' # IP del router principal
option dns '' # Servidores DNS
Asegúrate de que:
* ```ipaddr``` sea una dirección IP dentro del rango del router principal (por ejemplo, si el router principal usa `192.168.1.x`, elige una IP como ``).
* `gateway` sea la IP del router principal (por ejemplo, ``).
* `dns` sean servidores DNS válidos.
**5. Desactivar el Servidor DHCP en OpenWrt**
* Como el router principal ya proporciona direcciones IP, debes desactivar el servidor DHCP en OpenWrt.
* Edita el archivo /etc/config/dhcp:
vi /etc/config/dhcp
* Desactiva el servidor DHCP en la sección lan:
* Con añadir al final "option ignore '1'" basta. No borres el resto de la sección.
config dhcp 'lan'
option interface 'lan'
option ignore '1' # Desactiva el servidor DHCP
**6. Configurar el Firewall**
Como el router OpenWrt actuará como un AP, no necesita funciones de firewall.
* Edita el archivo /etc/config/firewall y desactiva las reglas de firewall:
config zone
option name 'lan'
option input 'ACCEPT'
option output 'ACCEPT'
option forward 'ACCEPT'
option network 'lan'
**7. Reiniciar el Router OpenWrt**
Después de realizar los cambios, reinicia el router OpenWrt para aplicar la configuración:
**8. Probar la Configuración**
Conecta un dispositivo a la red LAN o Wi-Fi del router OpenWrt y verifica si tiene acceso a Internet.
* Prueba la conectividad con:
Espero que sirva de ayuda. Si tienes cualquier problema descríbemelo para aprender juntos.

@ e968e50b:db2a803a
2025-03-03 20:06:21
Just leaving this summary picture up top as that's all I really want to share with this post...

I'm on a long journey of trying to heat every aspect of my life with bitcoin mining. I started just running s9 antminers in the garage, moved to using a number of Nano 3[^1] as extremely ineffective space heaters, but finally was generously given some beefcake miners for free last month.
I'm going to shove those bad boys right into my HVAC's air return, so I experimented first with a single s9 while figuring out how to power the big ones.

However, I'm using an electrician who is a friend[^2] to put in the circuit and he's not as motivated as me. In the meantime, he had me drill these holes for the conduit, which was quite fun.





Now, I'm chomping at the bit to finish this and had a big passage to run some ethernet through in the meantime. ...so....I popped another s9 on the air return just to do SOMETHING.



Anywho, thought I'd share for other aspiring low-level [heat punks](https://www.tylerstevens.me/blog/a-heatpunks-manifesto/) like myself or anybody that wants to tell me I'm killing the resale value of my house by turning the HVAC into swiss cheese.
[^1]: check out @siggy47's great post today on the next variant of that model
[^2]: who was successfully orange pilled in this process, woot!
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/902849