
@ 97c70a44:ad98e322
2025-03-05 18:09:05
So you've decided to join nostr! Some wide-eyed fanatic has convinced you that the "sun shines every day on the birds and the bees and the cigarette trees" in a magical land of decentralized, censorship-resistant freedom of speech - and it's waiting just over the next hill.
But your experience has not been all you hoped. Before you've even had a chance to upload your AI-generated cyberpunk avatar or make up exploit codenames for your pseudonym's bio, you've been confronted with a new concept that has left you completely nonplussed.
It doesn't help that this new idea might be called by any number of strange names. You may have been asked to "paste your nsec", "generate a private key", "enter your seed words", "connect with a bunker", "sign in with extension", or even "generate entropy". Sorry about that.
All these terms are really referring to one concept under many different names: that of "cryptographic identity".
Now, you may have noticed that I just introduced yet another new term which explains exactly nothing. You're absolutely correct. And now I'm going to proceed to ignore your complaints and talk about something completely different. But bear with me, because the juice is worth the squeeze.
# Identity
What is identity? There are many philosophical, political, or technical answers to this question, but for our purposes it's probably best to think of it this way:
> Identity is the essence of a thing. Identity separates one thing from all others, and is itself indivisible.
This definition has three parts:
- Identity is "essential": a thing can change, but its identity cannot. I might re-paint my house, replace its components, sell it, or even burn it down, but its identity as something that can be referred to - "this house" - is durable, even outside the boundaries of its own physical existence.
- Identity is a unit: you can't break an identity into multiple parts. A thing might be _composed_ of multiple parts, but that's only incidental to the identity of a thing, which is a _concept_, not a material thing.
- Identity is distinct: identity is what separates one thing from all others - the concept of an apple can't be mixed with that of an orange; the two ideas are distinct. In the same way, a single concrete apple is distinct in identity from another - even if the component parts of the apple decompose into compost used to grow more apples.
Identity is not a physical thing, but a metaphysical thing. Or, in simpler terms, identity is a "concept".
I (or someone more qualified) could at this point launch into a Scholastic tangent on what "is" is, but that is, fortunately, not necessary here. The kind of identities I want to focus on here are not our _actual_ identities as people, but entirely _fictional_ identities that we use to extend our agency into the digital world.
Think of it this way - your bank login does not represent _you_ as a complete person. It only represents the _access granted to you_ by the bank. This access is in fact an _entirely new identity_ that has been associated with you, and is limited in what it's useful for.
Other examples of fictional identities include:
- The country you live in
- Your social media persona
- Your mortgage
- Geographical coordinates
- A moment in time
- A chess piece
Some of these identites are inert, for example points in space and time. Other identies have agency and so are able to act in the world - even as fictional concepts. In order to do this, they must "authenticate" themselves (which means "to prove they are real"), and act within a system of established rules.
For example, your D&D character exists only within the collective fiction of your D&D group, and can do anything the rules say. Its identity is authenticated simply by your claim as a member of the group that your character in fact exists. Similarly, a lawyer must prove they are a member of the Bar Association before they are allowed to practice law within that collective fiction.
"Cryptographic identity" is simply another way of authenticating a fictional identity within a given system. As we'll see, it has some interesting attributes that set it apart from things like a library card or your latitude and longitude. Before we get there though, let's look in more detail at how identities are authenticated.
# Certificates
Merriam-Webster defines the verb "certify" as meaning "to attest authoritatively". A "certificate" is just a fancy way of saying "because I said so". Certificates are issued by a "certificate authority", someone who has the authority to "say so". Examples include your boss, your mom, or the Pope.
This method of authentication is how almost every institution authenticates the people who associate with it. Colleges issue student ID cards, governments issue passports, and websites allow you to "register an account".
In every case mentioned above, the "authority" creates a closed system in which a document (aka a "certificate") is issued which serves as a claim to a given identity. When someone wants to access some privileged service, location, or information, they present their certificate. The authority then validates it and grants or denies access. In the case of an international airport, the certificate is a little book printed with fancy inks. In the case of a login page, the certificate is a username and password combination.
This pattern for authentication is ubiquitous, and has some very important implications.
First of all, certified authentication implies that the issuer of the certificate has the right to _exclusive control_ of any identity it issues. This identity can be revoked at any time, or its permissions may change. Your social credit score may drop arbitrarily, or money might disappear from your account. When dealing with certificate authorities, you have no inherent rights.
Second, certified authentication depends on the certificate authority continuing to exist. If you store your stuff at a storage facility but the company running it goes out of business, your stuff might disappear along with it.
Usually, authentication via certificate authority works pretty well, since an appeal can always be made to a higher authority (nature, God, the government, etc). Authorities also can't generally dictate their terms with impunity without losing their customers, alienating their constituents, or provoking revolt. But it's also true that certification by authority creates an incentive structure that frequently leads to abuse - arbitrary deplatforming is increasingly common, and the bigger the certificate authority, the less recourse the certificate holder (or "subject") has.
Certificates also put the issuer in a position to intermediate relationships that wouldn't otherwise be subject to their authority. This might take the form of selling user attention to advertisers, taking a cut of financial transactions, or selling surveillance data to third parties.
Proliferation of certificate authorities is not a solution to these problems. Websites and apps frequently often offer multiple "social sign-in" options, allowing their users to choose which certificate authority to appeal to. But this only piles more value into the social platform that issues the certificate - not only can Google shut down your email inbox, they can revoke your ability to log in to every website you used their identity provider to get into.
In every case, certificate issuance results in an asymmetrical power dynamic, where the issuer is able to exert significant control over the certificate holder, even in areas unrelated to the original pretext for the relationship between parties.
# Self-Certification
But what if we could reverse this power dynamic? What if individuals could issue their own certificates and force institutions to accept them?

Ron Swanson's counterexample notwithstanding, there's a reason I can't simply write myself a parking permit and slip it under the windshield wiper. Questions about voluntary submission to legitimate authorities aside, the fact is that we don't have the power to act without impunity - just like any other certificate authority, we have to prove our claims either by the exercise of raw power or by appeal to a higher authority.
So the question becomes: which higher authority can we appeal to in order to issue our own certificates within a given system of identity?
The obvious answer here is to go straight to the top and ask God himself to back our claim to self-sovereignty. However, that's not how he normally works - there's a reason they call direct acts of God "miracles". In fact, Romans 13:1 explicitly says that "the authorities that exist have been appointed by God". God has structured the universe in such a way that we must appeal to the deputies he has put in place to govern various parts of the world.
Another tempting appeal might be to nature - i.e. the material world. This is the realm in which we most frequently have the experience of "self-authenticating" identities. For example, a gold coin can be authenticated by biting it or by burning it with acid. If it quacks like a duck, walks like a duck, and looks like a duck, then it probably is a duck.
In most cases however, the ability to authenticate using physical claims depends on physical access, and so appeals to physical reality have major limitations when it comes to the digital world. Captchas, selfies and other similar tricks are often used to bridge the physical world into the digital, but these are increasingly easy to forge, and hard to verify.
There are exceptions to this rule - an example of self-certification that makes its appeal to the physical world is that of a signature. Signatures are hard to forge - an incredible amount of data is encoded in physical signatures, from strength, to illnesses, to upbringing, to [personality](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Graphology). These can even be scanned and used within the digital world as well. Even today, most contracts are sealed with some simulacrum of a physical signature. Of course, this custom is quickly becoming a mere historical curiosity, since the very act of digitizing a signature makes it trivially forgeable.
So: transcendent reality is too remote to subtantiate our claims, and the material world is too limited to work within the world of information. There is another aspect of reality remaining that we might appeal to: information itself.
Physical signatures authenticate physical identities by encoding unique physical data into an easily recognizable artifact. To transpose this idea to the realm of information, a "digital signature" might authenticate "digital identities" by encoding unique "digital data" into an easily recognizable artifact.
Unfortunately, in the digital world we have the additional challenge that the artifact itself can be copied, undermining any claim to legitimacy. We need something that can be easily verified _and unforgeable_.
# Digital Signatures
In fact such a thing does exist, but calling it a "digital signature" obscures more than it reveals. We might just as well call the thing we're looking for a "digital fingerprint", or a "digital electroencephalogram". Just keep that in mind as we work our way towards defining the term - we are not looking for something _looks like a physical signature_, but for something that _does the same thing as_ a physical signature, in that it allows us to issue ourselves a credential that must be accepted by others by encoding privileged information into a recognizable, unforgeable artifact.
With that, let's get into the weeds.
An important idea in computer science is that of a "function". A function is a sort of information machine that converts data from one form to another. One example is the idea of "incrementing" a number. If you increment 1, you get 2. If you increment 2, you get 3. Incrementing can be reversed, by creating a complementary function that instead subtracts 1 from a number.
A "one-way function" is a function that can't be reversed. A good example of a one-way function is integer rounding. If you round a number and get `5`, what number did you begin with? It's impossible to know - 5.1, 4.81, 5.332794, in fact an infinite number of numbers can be rounded to the number `5`. These numbers can also be infinitely long - for example rounding PI to the nearest integer results in the number `3`.
A real-life example of a useful one-way function is `sha256`. This function is a member of a family of one-way functions called "hash functions". You can feed as much data as you like into `sha256`, and you will always get 256 bits of information out. Hash functions are especially useful because collisions between outputs are very rare - even if you change a single bit in a huge pile of data, you're almost certainly going to get a different output.
Taking this a step further, there is a whole family of cryptographic one-way "trapdoor" functions that act similarly to hash functions, but which maintain a specific mathematical relationship between the input and the output which allows the input/output pair to be used in a variety of useful applications. For example, in Elliptic Curve Cryptography, scalar multiplication on an elliptic curve is used to derive the output.
"Ok", you say, "that's all completely clear and lucidly explained" (thank you). "But what goes _into_ the function?" You might expect that because of our analogy to physical signatures we would have to gather an incredible amount of digital information to cram into our cryptographic trapdoor function, mashing together bank statements, a record of our heartbeat, brain waves and cellular respiration. Well, we _could_ do it that way (maybe), but there's actually a _much_ simpler solution.
Let's play a quick game. What number am I thinking of? Wrong, it's 82,749,283,929,834. Good guess though.
The reason we use signatures to authenticate our identity in the physical world is not because they're backed by a lot of implicit physical information, but because they're hard to forge and easy to validate. Even so, there is a lot of variation in a single person's signature, even from one moment to the next.
Trapdoor functions solve the validation problem - it's trivially simple to compare one 256-bit number to another. And randomness solves the problem of forgeability.
Now, randomness (A.K.A. "entropy") is actually kind of hard to generate. Random numbers that don't have enough "noise" in them are known as "pseudo-random numbers", and are weirdly easy to guess. This is why Cloudflare uses a video stream of their [giant wall of lava lamps](https://blog.cloudflare.com/randomness-101-lavarand-in-production/) to feed the random number generator that powers their CDN. For our purposes though, we can just imagine that our random numbers come from rolling a bunch of dice.
To recap, we can get a digital equivalent of a physical signature (or fingerprint, etc) by 1. coming up with a random number, and 2. feeding it into our chosen trapdoor function. The random number is called the "private" part. The output of the trapdoor function is called the "public" part. These two halves are often called "keys", hence the terms "public key" and "private key".
And now we come full circle - remember about 37 years ago when I introduced the term "cryptographic identity"? Well, we've finally arrived at the point where I explain what that actually is.
A "cryptographic identity" is _identified_ by a public key, and _authenticated_ by the ability to prove that you know the private key.
Notice that I didn't say "authenticated by the private key". If you had to reveal the private key in order to prove you know it, you could only authenticate a public key once without losing exclusive control of the key. But cryptographic identities can be authenticated any number of times because the certification is an _algorithm_ that only someone who knows the private key can execute.
This is the super power that trapdoor functions have that hash functions don't. Within certain cryptosystems, it is possible to mix additional data with your private key to get yet another number in such a way that someone else who only knows the public key can _prove_ that you know the private key.
For example, if my secret number is `12`, and someone tells me the number `37`, I can "combine" the two by adding them together and returning the number `49`. This "proves" that my secret number is `12`. Of course, addition is not a trapdoor function, so it's trivially easy to reverse, which is why cryptography is its own field of knowledge.
# What's it for?
If I haven't completely lost you yet, you might be wondering why this matters. Who cares if I can prove that I made up a random number?
To answer this, let's consider a simple example: that of public social media posts.
Most social media platforms function by issuing credentials and verifying them based on their internal database. When you log in to your Twitter (ok, fine, X) account, you provide X with a phone number (or email) and password. X compares these records to the ones stored in the database when you created your account, and if they match they let you "log in" by issuing yet another credential, called a "session key".
Next, when you "say" something on X, you pass along your session key and your tweet to X's servers. They check that the session key is legit, and if it is they associate your tweet with your account's identity. Later, when someone wants to see the tweet, X vouches for the fact that you created it by saying "trust me" and displaying your name next to the tweet.
In other words, X creates and controls your identity, but they let you use it as long as you can prove that you know the secret that you agreed on when you registered (by giving it to them every time).
Now pretend that X gets bought by someone _even more evil_ than Elon Musk (if such a thing can be imagined). The new owner now has the ability to control _your_ identity, potentially making it say things that you didn't actually say. Someone could be completely banned from the platform, but their account could be made to continue saying whatever the owner of the platform wanted.
In reality, such a breach of trust would quickly result in a complete loss of credibility for the platform, which is why this kind of thing doesn't happen (at least, not that we know of).
But there are other ways of exploiting this system, most notably by censoring speech. As often happens, platforms are able to confiscate user identities, leaving the tenant no recourse except to appeal to the platform itself (or the government, but that doesn't seem to happen for some reason - probably due to some legalese in social platforms' terms of use). The user has to start completely from scratch, either on the same platform or another.
Now suppose that when you signed up for X instead of simply telling X your password you made up a random number and provided a cryptographic proof to X along with your public key. When you're ready to tweet (there's no need to issue a session key, or even to store your public key in their database) you would again prove your ownership of that key with a new piece of data. X could then publish that tweet or not, along with the same proof you provided that it really came from you.
What X _can't_ do in this system is pretend you said something you didn't, because they _don't know your private key_.
X also wouldn't be able to deplatform you as effectively either. While they could choose to ban you from their website and refuse to serve your tweets, they don't control your identity. There's nothing they can do to prevent you from re-using it on another platform. Plus, if the system was set up in such a way that other users followed your key instead of an ID made up by X, you could switch platforms and _keep your followers_. In the same way, it would also be possible to keep a copy of all your tweets in your own database, since their authenticity is determined by _your_ digital signature, not X's "because I say so".
This new power is not just limited to social media either. Here are some other examples of ways that self-issued cryptographic identites transform the power dynamic inherent in digital platforms:
- Banks sometimes freeze accounts or confiscate funds. If your money was stored in a system based on self-issued cryptographic keys rather than custodians, banks would not be able to keep you from accessing or moving your funds. This system exists, and it's called [bitcoin](https://bitcoin.rocks/).
- Identity theft happens when your identifying information is stolen and used to take out a loan in your name, and without your consent. The reason this is so common is because your credentials are not cryptographic - your name, address, and social security number can only be authenticated by being shared, and they are shared so often and with so many counterparties that they frequently end up in data breaches. If credit checks were authenticated by self-issued cryptographic keys, identity theft would cease to exist (unless your private key itself got stolen).
- Cryptographic keys allow credential issuers to protect their subjects' privacy better too. Instead of showing your ID (including your home address, birth date, height, weight, etc), the DMV could sign a message asserting that the holder of a given public key indeed over 21. The liquor store could then validate that claim, and your ownership of the named key, without knowing anything more about you. [Zero-knowledge](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Non-interactive_zero-knowledge_proof) proofs take this a step further.
In each of these cases, the interests of the property owner, loan seeker, or customer are elevated over the interests of those who might seek to control their assets, exploit their hard work, or surveil their activity. Just as with personal privacy, freedom of speech, and Second Amendment rights the individual case is rarely decisive, but in the aggregate realigned incentives can tip the scale in favor of freedom.
# Objections
Now, there are some drawbacks to digital signatures. Systems that rely on digital signatures are frequently less forgiving of errors than their custodial counterparts, and many of their strengths have corresponding weaknesses. Part of this is because people haven't yet developed an intuition for how to use cryptographic identities, and the tools for managing them are still being designed. Other aspects can be mitigated through judicious use of keys fit to the problems they are being used to solve.
Below I'll articulate some of these concerns, and explore ways in which they might be mitigated over time.
## Key Storage
Keeping secrets is hard. "A lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth can get its boots on", and the same goes for gossip. Key storage has become increasingly important as more of our lives move online, to the extent that password managers have become almost a requirement for keeping track of our digital lives. But even with good password management, credentials frequently end up for sale on the dark web as a consequence of poorly secured infrastructure.
Apart from the fact that all of this is an argument _for_ cryptographic identities (since keys are shared with far fewer parties), it's also true that the danger of losing a cryptographic key is severe, especially if that key is used in multiple places. Instead of hackers stealing your Facebook password, they might end up with access to all your other social media accounts too!
Keys should be treated with the utmost care. Using password managers is a good start, but very valuable keys should be stored even more securely - for example in a [hardware signing device](https://nostrsigningdevice.com/). This is a hassle, and something additional to learn, but is an indispensable part of taking advantage of the benefits associated with cryptographic identity.
There are ways to lessen the impact of lost or stolen secrets, however. Lots of different techniques exist for structuring key systems in such a way that keys can be protected, invalidated, or limited. Here are a few:
- [Hierarchical Deterministic Keys](https://www.ietf.org/archive/id/draft-dijkhuis-cfrg-hdkeys-02.html) allow for the creation of a single root key from which multiple child keys can be generated. These keys are hard to link to the parent, which provides additional privacy, but this link can also be proven when necessary. One limitation is that the identity system has to be designed with HD keys in mind.
- [Key Rotation](https://crypto.stackexchange.com/questions/41796/whats-the-purpose-of-key-rotation) allows keys to become expendable. Additional credentials might be attached to a key, allowing the holder to prove they have the right to rotate the key. Social attestations can help with the process as well if the key is embedded in a web of trust.
- Remote Signing is a technique for storing a key on one device, but using it on another. This might take the form of signing using a hardware wallet and transferring an SD card to your computer for broadcasting, or using a mobile app like [Amber](https://github.com/greenart7c3/Amber) to manage sessions with different applications.
- [Key](https://github.com/coracle-social/promenade/tree/master) [sharding](https://www.frostr.org/) takes this to another level by breaking a single key into multiple pieces and storing them separately. A coordinator can then be used to collaboratively sign messages without sharing key material. This dramatically reduces the ability of an attacker to steal a complete key.
## Multi-Factor Authentication
One method for helping users secure their accounts that is becoming increasingly common is "multi-factor authentication". Instead of just providing your email and password, platforms send a one-time use code to your phone number or email, or use "time-based one time passwords" which are stored in a password manager or on a hardware device.
Again, MFA is a solution to a problem inherent in account-based authentication which would not be nearly so prevalent in a cryptographic identity system. Still, theft of keys does happen, and so MFA would be an important improvement - if not for an extra layer of authentication, then as a basis for key rotation.
In a sense, MFA is already being researched - key shards is one way of creating multiple credentials from a single key. However, this doesn't address the issue of key rotation, especially when an identity is tied to the public key that corresponds to a given private key. There are two possible solutions to this problem:
- Introduce a naming system. This would allow identities to use a durable name, assigning it to different keys over time. The downside is that this would require the introduction of either centralized naming authorities (back to the old model), or a blockchain in order to solve [Zooko's trilemma](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zooko%27s_triangle).
- Establish a chain of keys. This would require a given key to name a successor key in advance and self-invalidate, or some other process like social recovery to invalidate an old key and assign the identity to a new one. This also would significantly increase the complexity of validating messages and associating them with a given identity.
Both solutions are workable, but introduce a lot of complexity that could cause more trouble than it's worth, depending on the identity system we're talking about.
## Surveillance
One of the nice qualities that systems based on cryptographic identities have is that digitally signed data can be passed through any number of untrusted systems and emerge intact. This ability to resist tampering makes it possible to broadcast signed data more widely than would otherwise be the case in a system that relies on a custodian to authenticate information.
The downside of this is that more untrusted systems have access to data. And if information is broadcast publicly, anyone can get access to it.
This problem is compounded by re-use of cryptographic identities across multiple contexts. A benefit of self-issued credentials is that it becomes possible to bring everything attached to your identity with you, including social context and attached credentials. This is convenient and can be quite powerful, but it also means that more context is attached to your activity, making it easier to infer information about you for advertising or surveillance purposes. This is dangerously close to the dystopian ideal of a "Digital ID".
The best way to deal with this risk is to consider identity re-use an option to be used when desirable, but to default to creating a new key for every identity you create. This is no worse than the status quo, and it makes room for the ability to link identities when desired.
Another possible approach to this problem is to avoid broadcasting signed data when possible. This could be done by obscuring your cryptographic identity when data is served from a database, or by encrypting your signed data in order to selectively share it with named counterparties.
Still, this is a real risk, and should be kept in mind when designing and using systems based on cryptographic identity. If you'd like to read more about this, please see [this blog post](https://habla.news/u/hodlbod@coracle.social/1687802006398).
# Making Keys Usable
You might be tempted to look at that list of trade-offs and get the sense that cryptographic identity is not for mere mortals. Key management is hard, and footguns abound - but there is a way forward. With [nostr](https://nostr.com/), some new things are happening in the world of key management that have never really happened before.
Plenty of work over the last 30 years has gone into making key management tractable, but none have really been widely adopted. The reason for this is simple: network effect.
Many of these older key systems only applied the thinnest veneer of humanity over keys. But an identity is much richer than a mere label. Having a real name, social connections, and a corpus of work to attach to a key creates a system of keys that _humans care about_.
By bootstrapping key management within a social context, nostr ensures that the payoff of key management is worth the learning curve. Not only is social engagement a strong incentive to get off the ground, people already on the network are eager to help you get past any roadblocks you might face.
So if I could offer an action item: give nostr a try today. Whether you're in it for the people and their values, or you just want to experiment with cryptographic identity, nostr is a great place to start. For a quick introduction and to securely generate keys, visit [njump.me](https://njump.me/).
Thanks for taking the time to read this post. I hope it's been helpful, and I can't wait to see you on nostr!

@ f839fb67:5c930939
2025-03-05 16:54:25
# Relays
| Name | Address | Price (Sats/Year)|
| - | - | - |
| stephen's aegis relay | wss://paid.relay.vanderwarker.family | 42069
| stephen's Outbox | wss://relay.vanderwarker.family | 0 |
| stephen's Inbox | wss://haven.vanderwarker.family/inbox | 0 |
| stephen's DMs | wss://haven.vanderwarker.family/chat | 0 |
| VFam Data Relay | wss://data.relay.vanderwarker.family | 0 |
| [TOR] My Phone Relay | ws://naswsosuewqxyf7ov7gr7igc4tq2rbtqoxxirwyhkbuns4lwc3iowwid.onion | 0 |
# My Pubkeys
| Name | hex | nprofile |
| - | - | - |
| Main | f839fb6714598a7233d09dbd42af82cc9781d0faa57474f1841af90b5c930939 | nprofile1qqs0sw0mvu29nznjx0gfm02z47pve9up6ra22ar57xzp47gttjfsjwgpramhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuanpdejx2unhv9exketj9enxzmtfd3us9mapfx |
| Vanity (Backup) | 82f21be67353c0d68438003fe6e56a35e2a57c49e0899b368b5ca7aa8dde7c23 | nprofile1qqsg9usmuee48sxkssuqq0lxu44rtc4903y7pzvmx694efa23h08cgcpramhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuanpdejx2unhv9exketj9enxzmtfd3ussel49x |
| VFStore | 6416f1e658ba00d42107b05ad9bf485c7e46698217e0c19f0dc2e125de3af0d0 | nprofile1qqsxg9h3uevt5qx5yyrmqkkehay9cljxdxpp0cxpnuxu9cf9mca0p5qpramhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuanpdejx2unhv9exketj9enxzmtfd3usaa8plu |
| NostrSMS | 9be1b8315248eeb20f9d9ab2717d1750e4f27489eab1fa531d679dadd34c2f8d | nprofile1qqsfhcdcx9fy3m4jp7we4vn305t4pe8jwjy74v062vwk08dd6dxzlrgpramhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuanpdejx2unhv9exketj9enxzmtfd3us595d45 |
# "Personal Nostr Things"
> [D] = Saves darkmode preferences over nostr
> [A] = Auth over nostr
> [B] = Beta (software)
> [z] = zap enabled
- [[DABz] Main Site](https://vanderwarker.family)
- [[DAB] Contact Site](https://stephen.vanderwarker.family)
- [[DAB] PGP Site](https://pgp.vanderwarker.family)
- [[DAB] VFCA Site](https://ca.vanderwarker.family)
# Other Services (Hosted code)
* [Blossom](https://blossom.vanderwarker.family)
* [NostrCheck](https://nostr.vanderwarker.family)
# Emojis Packs
* Minecraft
- <code>nostr:naddr1qqy566twv43hyctxwsq37amnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwweskuer9wfmkzuntv4ezuenpd45kc7gzyrurn7m8z3vc5u3n6zwm6s40stxf0qwsl2jhga83ssd0jz6ujvynjqcyqqq82nsd0k5wp</code>
- <code>nostr:naddr1qqxxz6tdv4kk7arfvdhkuucpramhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuanpdejx2unhv9exketj9enxzmtfd3usyg8c88akw9ze3fer85yah4p2lqkvj7qap749w360rpq6ly94eycf8ypsgqqqw48qe0j2yk</code>
* Blobs
- <code>nostr:naddr1qqz5ymr0vfesz8mhwden5te0wfjkccte9emxzmnyv4e8wctjddjhytnxv9kkjmreqgs0sw0mvu29nznjx0gfm02z47pve9up6ra22ar57xzp47gttjfsjwgrqsqqqa2wek4ukj</code>
* FavEmojis
- <code>nostr:naddr1qqy5vctkg4kk76nfwvq37amnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwweskuer9wfmkzuntv4ezuenpd45kc7gzyrurn7m8z3vc5u3n6zwm6s40stxf0qwsl2jhga83ssd0jz6ujvynjqcyqqq82nsf7sdwt</code>
* Modern Family
- <code>nostr:naddr1qqx56mmyv4exugzxv9kkjmreqy0hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnkv9hxgetjwashy6m9wghxvctdd9k8jq3qlqulkec5tx98yv7snk759tuzejtcr5865468fuvyrtuskhynpyusxpqqqp65ujlj36n</code>
* nostriches (Amethyst collection)
- <code>nostr:naddr1qq9xummnw3exjcmgv4esz8mhwden5te0wfjkccte9emxzmnyv4e8wctjddjhytnxv9kkjmreqgs0sw0mvu29nznjx0gfm02z47pve9up6ra22ar57xzp47gttjfsjwgrqsqqqa2w2sqg6w</code>
* Pepe
- <code>nostr:naddr1qqz9qetsv5q37amnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwweskuer9wfmkzuntv4ezuenpd45kc7gzyrurn7m8z3vc5u3n6zwm6s40stxf0qwsl2jhga83ssd0jz6ujvynjqcyqqq82ns85f6x7</code>
* Minecraft Font
- <code>nostr:naddr1qq8y66twv43hyctxwssyvmmwwsq37amnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwweskuer9wfmkzuntv4ezuenpd45kc7gzyrurn7m8z3vc5u3n6zwm6s40stxf0qwsl2jhga83ssd0jz6ujvynjqcyqqq82nsmzftgr</code>
* Archer Font
- <code>nostr:naddr1qq95zunrdpjhygzxdah8gqglwaehxw309aex2mrp0yh8vctwv3jhyampwf4k2u3wvesk66tv0ypzp7peldn3gkv2wgeap8dag2hc9nyhs8g04ft5wnccgxhepdwfxzfeqvzqqqr4fclkyxsh</code>
* SMB Font
- <code>nostr:naddr1qqv4xatsv4ezqntpwf5k7gzzwfhhg6r9wfejq3n0de6qz8mhwden5te0wfjkccte9emxzmnyv4e8wctjddjhytnxv9kkjmreqgs0sw0mvu29nznjx0gfm02z47pve9up6ra22ar57xzp47gttjfsjwgrqsqqqa2w0wqpuk</code>
# Git Over Nostr
* NostrSMS
- <code>nostr:naddr1qqyxummnw3e8xmtnqy0hwumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnkv9hxgetjwashy6m9wghxvctdd9k8jqfrwaehxw309amk7apwwfjkccte9emxzmnyv4e8wctjddjhytnxv9kkjmreqyj8wumn8ghj7urpd9jzuun9d3shjtnkv9hxgetjwashy6m9wghxvctdd9k8jqg5waehxw309aex2mrp0yhxgctdw4eju6t0qyxhwumn8ghj7mn0wvhxcmmvqgs0sw0mvu29nznjx0gfm02z47pve9up6ra22ar57xzp47gttjfsjwgrqsqqqaueqp0epk</code>
* nip51backup
- <code>nostr:naddr1qq9ku6tsx5ckyctrdd6hqqglwaehxw309aex2mrp0yh8vctwv3jhyampwf4k2u3wvesk66tv0yqjxamnwvaz7tmhda6zuun9d3shjtnkv9hxgetjwashy6m9wghxvctdd9k8jqfywaehxw309acxz6ty9eex2mrp0yh8vctwv3jhyampwf4k2u3wvesk66tv0yq3gamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwv3sk6atn9e5k7qgdwaehxw309ahx7uewd3hkcq3qlqulkec5tx98yv7snk759tuzejtcr5865468fuvyrtuskhynpyusxpqqqpmej4gtqs6</code>
* bukkitstr
- <code>nostr:naddr1qqykyattdd5hgum5wgq37amnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwweskuer9wfmkzuntv4ezuenpd45kc7gpydmhxue69uhhwmm59eex2mrp0yh8vctwv3jhyampwf4k2u3wvesk66tv0yqjgamnwvaz7tmsv95kgtnjv4kxz7fwweskuer9wfmkzuntv4ezuenpd45kc7gpz3mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduqs6amnwvaz7tmwdaejumr0dspzp7peldn3gkv2wgeap8dag2hc9nyhs8g04ft5wnccgxhepdwfxzfeqvzqqqrhnyf6g0n2</code>
# Market Places
Please use [Nostr Market](https://market.nostr.com) or somthing simular, to view.
* VFStore
- <code>nostr:naddr1qqjx2v34xe3kxvpn95cnqven956rwvpc95unscn9943kxet98q6nxde58p3ryqglwaehxw309aex2mrp0yh8vctwv3jhyampwf4k2u3wvesk66tv0ypzqeqk78n93wsq6sss0vz6mxl5shr7ge5cy9lqcx0smshpyh0r4uxsqvzqqqr4gve4aen9</code>
# Badges
## Created
* paidrelayvf
- <code>nostr:naddr1qq9hqctfv3ex2mrp09mxvqglwaehxw309aex2mrp0yh8vctwv3jhyampwf4k2u3wvesk66tv0ypzp7peldn3gkv2wgeap8dag2hc9nyhs8g04ft5wnccgxhepdwfxzfeqvzqqqr48y85v3u3</code>
* iPow
- <code>nostr:naddr1qqzxj5r02uq37amnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwweskuer9wfmkzuntv4ezuenpd45kc7gzyrurn7m8z3vc5u3n6zwm6s40stxf0qwsl2jhga83ssd0jz6ujvynjqcyqqq82wgg02u0r</code>
* codmaster
- <code>nostr:naddr1qqykxmmyd4shxar9wgq37amnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwweskuer9wfmkzuntv4ezuenpd45kc7gzyrurn7m8z3vc5u3n6zwm6s40stxf0qwsl2jhga83ssd0jz6ujvynjqcyqqq82wgk3gm4g</code>
* iMine
- <code>nostr:naddr1qqzkjntfdejsz8mhwden5te0wfjkccte9emxzmnyv4e8wctjddjhytnxv9kkjmreqgs0sw0mvu29nznjx0gfm02z47pve9up6ra22ar57xzp47gttjfsjwgrqsqqqafed5s4x5</code>
# Clients I Use
* noStrudel
- <code>nostr:naddr1qqxnzd3cxccrvd34xser2dpkqy28wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hsygpxdq27pjfppharynrvhg6h8v2taeya5ssf49zkl9yyu5gxe4qg55psgqqq0nmq5mza9n</code>
* nostrsms
- <code>nostr:naddr1qq9rzdejxcunxde4xymqz8mhwden5te0wfjkccte9emxzmnyv4e8wctjddjhytnxv9kkjmreqgsfhcdcx9fy3m4jp7we4vn305t4pe8jwjy74v062vwk08dd6dxzlrgrqsqqql8kjn33qm</code>

@ 8d34bd24:414be32b
2025-03-05 16:52:58
Sometimes I wonder why I write posts like this. This is not the way to gain a big following, but then again, that is not my goal. My goal is to share Jesus with anyone who will listen, to faithfully speak whatever truth I feel God is leading me to share, and to teach the inerrant word of God in order to draw people, both believers and not yet believers, closer to Jesus. I trust God to use my words in whatever way He sees best. If it only reaches a few, that is OK by me. If somehow this substack starts reaching a vast audience, then praise God for that!
Today, I am writing about a hard truth. The Bible contains a number of hard truths that most people don’t want to believe, but which our Creator God has stated as truth. None of us likes being called a sinner, but the Bible says:
> as it is written, “There is none righteous, not even one. (Romans 3:10)
As hard as the truth that we are all sinners is, a much harder truth is that not everyone gets to go to Heaven. Some people are destined for Hell. I am going to investigate some verses that illuminate this truth.
Ironically, most people have two contradictory thoughts. Most people wonder why God allows so much evil in the world. If He is truly sovereign, why doesn’t He stop evil? At the same time they wonder why a loving God would send anyone to Hell. We can’t expect God to stop and punish evil, but not send some people to Hell. We can’t have it both ways.
> The Lord is not slow about His promise, as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing for any to perish but for all to come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9)
This verse explains the basic facts of how God’s holiness is reconciled with His love and mercy, but of course there is so much more. If God is truly sovereign over all, then why is there any evil? Why does anyone sin? Why is there pain and suffering?
> **The Lord has made everything for its own purpose,\
> Even the wicked for the day of evil**.\
> Everyone who is proud in heart is an abomination to the Lord;\
> Assuredly, he will not be unpunished.\
> By lovingkindness and truth iniquity is atoned for,\
> And by the fear of the Lord one keeps away from evil. (Proverbs 16:4-6) {emphasis mine}
Everyone and everything was made for God’s own purpose. As our Creator, He has the right to make each of us for whatever purpose He desires. The creature has no right to question the Creator and His purpose.
> Then I went down to the potter’s house, and there he was, making something on the wheel. But the vessel that he was making of clay was spoiled in the hand of the potter; so **he remade it into another vessel, as it pleased the potter to make**.
> Then the word of the Lord came to me saying, “**Can I not, O house of Israel, deal with you as this potter does?**” declares the Lord. “Behold, like the clay in the potter’s hand, so are you in My hand, O house of Israel. At one moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to uproot, to pull down, or to destroy it; if that nation against which I have spoken turns from its evil, I will relent concerning the calamity I planned to bring on it. Or at another moment I might speak concerning a nation or concerning a kingdom to build up or to plant it; if it does evil in My sight by not obeying My voice, then I will think better of the good with which I had promised to bless it. (Jeremiah 18:3-10) {emphasis mine}
But the Bible says it even goes beyond God directly responding to our choices. The God of the Bible is creator and sovereign over all. Nothing happens contrary to His will.
> So then **He has mercy on whom He desires, and He hardens whom He desires**.
> You **will say to me then, “Why does He still find fault?** For who resists His will?” On the contrary, **who are you, O man, who answers back to God?** **The thing molded will not say to the molder, “Why did you make me like this,” will it? Or does not the potter have a right over the clay, to make from the same lump one vessel for honorable use and another for common use?** What if God, although willing to demonstrate His wrath and to make His power known, endured with much patience **vessels of wrath prepared for destruction**? And He did so to make known the riches of His glory upon **vessels of mercy, which He prepared beforehand for glory**, even us, whom He also called, not from among Jews only, but also from among Gentiles. (Romans 9:18-24) {emphasis mine}
The above passage speaks a very uncomfortable truth. We don’t like thinking we don’t have full and complete free-will to do whatever we want and to determine our future, but it isn’t that simple. The Bible says specifically that some are “*prepared for destruction*” and others are “*prepared beforehand for glory*.”
> For by grace **you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not as a result of works, so that no one may boast**. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. (Ephesians 2:8-10) {emphasis mine}
We aren’t saved because we are smarter than all of the people who didn’t choose Jesus. We aren’t wiser than those who chose their own path rather than the path designed by God. We are saved by God as a gift. He called those who were dead in their sins to life in him. The dead can’t choose anything. We all must be made spiritually alive so we can follow Him. Only Jesus does that. We can’t make ourselves alive in Him.
Every believer needs to thank Jesus daily for the miracle of spiritual life in Him that has been given to us despite us not deserving it or choosing it.
> In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins. (1 John 4:10)
> We love, because He first loved us. (1 John 4:19)
Jesus acted first, choosing us, and we responded, not that we chose Him and He loved us because of our choice.
I’m sure many of my readers are cringing at this Biblical truth. We all try to make God’s word say something else because we don’t like feeling out of control. We don’t like to think that someone else is smarter, stronger, or more in control of our lives than ourselves. Still, being made to follow Jesus is the greatest blessing a person can receive.
> Trust in the Lord with all your heart\
> And do not lean on your own understanding.\
> In all your ways acknowledge Him,\
> And He will make your paths straight.\
> Do not be wise in your own eyes;\
> Fear the Lord and turn away from evil.\
> It will be healing to your body\
> And refreshment to your bones. (Proverbs 3:5-8)
We don’t have to fully understand God’s truth, but we do need to accept it.
May God guide you in the truth through His God breathed word, so we may serve Him faithfully and submit fully to His authority and His will to the glory of His majesty.
Trust Jesus

@ 401014b3:59d5476b
2025-03-05 15:37:44
Alright, football fiends, it’s March 2025, and we’re diving into the NFC North like it’s a polar plunge with a side of cheap beer. Free agency’s a free-for-all, the draft’s a crapshoot, and this division’s always a slugfest of grit, guts, and grudges. The Vikings shocked the world with a 14-3 run in 2024, the Lions roared, the Packers stayed scrappy, and the Bears showed flashes. Let’s slap some records on this beast and figure out who’s got the stones to take the North. Here we go, fam—hold my bratwurst.
### **Minnesota Vikings: 11-6 – Darnold’s Encore or Bust**
The Vikings were the NFL’s Cinderella story in 2024, rolling to 14-3 with Sam Darnold slinging it and Brian Flores’ defense eating souls. Justin Jefferson’s still a cheat code, and Aaron Jones keeps the ground game humming. That D-line—Jonathan Greenard, Andrew Van Ginkel—stays nasty, but free agency’s lurking. Danielle Hunter’s long gone, and guys like Harrison Phillips might chase a bag. J.J. McCarthy’s waiting in the wings, but Darnold’s 2024 magic earns him the nod. Regression’s real after a dream season—11-6 feels right, snagging the division. They’re not hitting 14 again, but they’re still a playoff lock.
### **Detroit Lions: 10-7 – Campbell’s Grit Keeps Grinding**
The Lions were a buzzsaw in 2024, and they’re not fading. Jared Goff’s got Amon-Ra St. Brown and Jameson Williams torching secondaries, while David Montgomery and Jahmyr Gibbs bulldoze defenses. Aidan Hutchinson’s a one-man wrecking crew up front, but free agency could nick ‘em—Brian Branch or Alim McNeill might dip. Dan Campbell’s got this team playing with their hair on fire, and that O-line’s still elite. 10-7’s the call, grabbing a wildcard. They’re a hair behind Minnesota but ready to punch someone’s lights out in January.
### **Green Bay Packers: 9-8 – Love’s Rollercoaster Redux**
The Packers are the NFC North’s wild card—literally. Jordan Love’s got that boom-or-bust vibe, Josh Jacobs keeps the run game honest, and the WR trio—Christian Watson, Romeo Doubs, Jayden Reed—is a problem when healthy. Rashan Gary’s a beast on D, but the secondary’s shaky, and Jaire Alexander might bolt if the money’s right. This team’s young, scrappy, and inconsistent—9-8’s where they land. Might sneak a wildcard if the chips fall, but they’re not catching the top dogs yet.
### **Chicago Bears: 6-11 – Caleb’s Sophomore Slump**
The Bears had their moments in 2024, but 2025’s a grind. Caleb Williams has DJ Moore and Rome Odunze to sling it to, and D’Andre Swift’s solid, but that O-line’s still a sieve. The defense—Montez Sweat, Jaylon Johnson—can ball, but depth’s thin, and free agency might swipe Tremaine Edmunds. Williams takes a step, but not a leap—6-11’s the harsh reality. They’re building something, but it’s not playoff-ready. Sorry, Windy City, you’re still in the basement.
### **The Final Roar**
The NFC North in 2025 is a Viking victory lap with a tight chase. The Vikings (11-6) snag the crown because Darnold’s 2024 glow carries over, the Lions (10-7) claw a wildcard with grit, the Packers (9-8) flirt with relevance, and the Bears (6-11) eat turf. Free agency’s the X-factor—lose a star, you’re cooked; keep ‘em, you’re golden. Yell at me on X when I botch this, but this is my NFC North sermon. Let’s ride, degenerates.

@ d360efec:14907b5f
2025-03-05 13:58:42
จากภาพรวมทั้ง 3 Timeframe (TF) จะเห็นได้ว่า BTC มีแนวโน้มเป็นขาขึ้น (Bullish) อย่างชัดเจน โดยเฉพาะอย่างยิ่งใน TF Day ที่ราคาอยู่เหนือเส้น EMA 50 และ EMA 200 อย่างแข็งแกร่ง อย่างไรก็ตาม ใน TF ที่เล็กลงมา (15m และ 4H) เริ่มเห็นสัญญาณการพักตัวและอาจมีการปรับฐานระยะสั้น
**การวิเคราะห์แยกตาม Timeframe:**
* **TF Day:**
* **SMC:** ราคามีการ Breakout โครงสร้างตลาดขาลงก่อนหน้า และสร้าง Higher High (HH) และ Higher Low (HL) อย่างต่อเนื่อง
* **ICT Buyside & Sellside Liquidity:**
* Buyside Liquidity: อยู่บริเวณ $70,000 (เป็นเป้าหมายถัดไปที่ราคามีโอกาสขึ้นไปทดสอบ)
* Sellside Liquidity: อยู่บริเวณ $60,000 (เป็นแนวรับสำคัญ หากราคาหลุดลงมา อาจมีการปรับฐานที่รุนแรงขึ้น)
* **Money Flow:** เป็นบวก สนับสนุนแนวโน้มขาขึ้น
* **EMA:** EMA 50 (เหลือง) อยู่เหนือ EMA 200 (ขาว) เป็นสัญญาณ Bullish
* **Trend Strength:** เมฆสีเขียวหนาแน่น แสดงถึงแนวโน้มขาขึ้นที่แข็งแกร่ง และมีสัญญาณ Buy
* **Chart Pattern:** ไม่มีรูปแบบ Chart Pattern ที่ชัดเจนใน TF นี้
* **TF 4H:**
* **SMC:** ราคาเริ่มมีการพักตัวและสร้างฐาน (Consolidation)
* **ICT Buyside & Sellside Liquidity:**
* Buyside Liquidity: อยู่บริเวณ $69,000 (แนวต้านย่อย)
* Sellside Liquidity: อยู่บริเวณ $64,000 (แนวรับย่อย)
* **Money Flow:** เริ่มมีสัญญาณการไหลออกของเงิน (Outflow)
* **EMA:** EMA 50 ยังคงอยู่เหนือ EMA 200 แต่เริ่มมีการ Cross กัน อาจเป็นสัญญาณเตือนการพักตัว
* **Trend Strength:** เมฆสีเขียวเริ่มบางลง และมีสัญญาณ Neutral
* **Chart Pattern:** อาจกำลังก่อตัวเป็นรูปแบบ Head and Shoulders (กลับตัว) หรืออาจเป็นเพียงการพักตัวเพื่อไปต่อ
* **TF 15m:**
* **SMC:** ราคาอยู่ในช่วง Sideways แคบๆ
* **ICT Buyside & Sellside Liquidity:**
* Buyside Liquidity: อยู่บริเวณ $68,500
* Sellside Liquidity: อยู่บริเวณ $66,000
* **Money Flow:** เป็นลบ (Outflow)
* **EMA:** EMA 50 และ EMA 200 พันกัน (Cross) บ่งบอกถึงการไม่มี Trend ที่ชัดเจน
* **Trend Strength:** เมฆสีแดง แสดงถึงแนวโน้มขาลงระยะสั้น และมีสัญญาณ Sell
* **Chart Pattern:** ไม่พบรูปแบบ Chart Pattern ที่ชัดเจน
* **Day Trade:**
* **กลยุทธ์:** เน้น Buy on Dip (ซื้อเมื่อราคาอ่อนตัว) ใน TF 15m หรือ 4H โดยรอสัญญาณการกลับตัวของราคา และตั้ง Stop Loss ที่เหมาะสม
* **Setup (SMC):**
1. รอให้ราคาลงมาทดสอบแนวรับ (Demand Zone) ที่ $66,000-$67,000 ใน TF 15m
2. สังเกต Price Action ว่ามีการกลับตัว (เช่น Bullish Engulfing, Hammer) หรือไม่
3. เข้า Buy เมื่อมีสัญญาณยืนยัน และตั้ง Stop Loss ต่ำกว่า Swing Low ล่าสุด
4. Take Profit ที่แนวต้านถัดไป ($68,500) หรือ Buyside Liquidity
* **สิ่งที่ต้องระวัง:**
* ความผันผวนของราคา BTC ที่สูง
* ข่าวหรือเหตุการณ์ที่อาจส่งผลกระทบต่อตลาด
* สัญญาณ Divergence (หากมี) ระหว่างราคาและ Indicator
* **ภาพรวม (ระยะกลาง-ยาว):** ยังคงมีมุมมองเป็น Bullish แต่ควรระมัดระวังการพักตัวหรือปรับฐานระยะสั้น
BTC ยังคงมีแนวโน้มเป็นขาขึ้นในระยะกลาง-ยาว แต่ในระยะสั้นอาจมีการพักตัวหรือปรับฐาน Day Trader ควรใช้กลยุทธ์ Buy on Dip และบริหารความเสี่ยงอย่างรอบคอบ
**Disclaimer:** การวิเคราะห์นี้เป็นเพียงความคิดเห็นส่วนตัว ไม่ถือเป็นคำแนะนำในการลงทุน ผู้ลงทุนควรศึกษาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมและตัดสินใจด้วยความรอบคอบ

@ c1e9ab3a:9cb56b43
2025-03-05 13:54:03
The financial system has long relied on traditional banking methods, but emerging technologies like Bitcoin and Nostr are paving the way for a new era of financial interactions.
## Secure Savings with Bitcoin:
Bitcoin wallets can act as secure savings accounts, offering users control and ownership over their funds without relying on third parties.
## Instant Settlements with the Lightning Network:
The Lightning Network can replace traditional settlement systems, such as ACH or wire transfers, by enabling instant, low-cost transactions.
## Face-to-Face Transactions with Ecash:
Ecash could offer a fee-free option for smaller, everyday transactions, complementing the Lightning Network for larger payments.
## Automated Billing with Nostr Wallet Connect:
Nostr Wallet Connect could revolutionize automated billing, allowing users to set payment limits and offering more control over subscriptions and recurring expenses.
## Conclusion:
Combining Bitcoin and Nostr technologies could create a more efficient, user-centric financial system that empowers individuals and businesses alike.

@ d360efec:14907b5f
2025-03-05 13:46:26
From an overall perspective across all 3 timeframes (TF), BTC shows a clear uptrend (Bullish), especially in the Day TF where the price is firmly above the EMA 50 and EMA 200. However, in the smaller TFs (15m and 4H), there are signs of consolidation and a potential short-term correction.
**Analysis by Timeframe:**
* **Day TF:**
* **SMC:** The price has broken out of the previous downtrend structure and continues to create Higher Highs (HH) and Higher Lows (HL).
* **ICT Buyside & Sellside Liquidity:**
* Buyside Liquidity: Around $70,000 (the next target the price is likely to test).
* Sellside Liquidity: Around $60,000 (a key support level; if the price breaks below this, a deeper correction may occur).
* **Money Flow:** Positive, supporting the uptrend.
* **EMA:** EMA 50 (yellow) is above EMA 200 (white), a bullish signal.
* **Trend Strength:** Thick green cloud, indicating a strong uptrend, and a Buy signal.
* **Chart Pattern:** No clear chart pattern on this TF.
* **4H TF:**
* **SMC:** The price is starting to consolidate and form a base.
* **ICT Buyside & Sellside Liquidity:**
* Buyside Liquidity: Around $69,000 (minor resistance).
* Sellside Liquidity: Around $64,000 (minor support).
* **Money Flow:** Starting to show signs of outflow.
* **EMA:** EMA 50 is still above EMA 200, but they are starting to cross, which could be a warning sign of consolidation.
* **Trend Strength:** The green cloud is starting to thin, and there is a Neutral signal.
* **Chart Pattern:** Potentially forming a Head and Shoulders pattern (reversal) or it may just be a consolidation before continuing higher.
* **15m TF:**
* **SMC:** The price is in a narrow sideways range.
* **ICT Buyside & Sellside Liquidity:**
* Buyside Liquidity: Around $68,500.
* Sellside Liquidity: Around $66,000.
* **Money Flow:** Negative (Outflow).
* **EMA:** EMA 50 and EMA 200 are intertwined (Cross), indicating a lack of a clear trend.
* **Trend Strength:** Red cloud, indicating a short-term downtrend, and a Sell signal.
* **Chart Pattern:** No clear chart pattern found.
**Strategy and Recommendations:**
* **Day Trade:**
* **Strategy:** Focus on Buy on Dip in the 15m or 4H TF, waiting for price reversal signals, and setting appropriate Stop Losses.
* **Setup (SMC):**
1. Wait for the price to test the support (Demand Zone) at $66,000-$67,000 in the 15m TF.
2. Observe Price Action for a reversal (e.g., Bullish Engulfing, Hammer).
3. Enter a Buy when there is a confirmation signal and set a Stop Loss below the latest Swing Low.
4. Take Profit at the next resistance ($68,500) or Buyside Liquidity.
* **Things to watch out for:**
* High volatility of BTC price.
* News or events that may affect the market.
* Divergence signals (if any) between price and indicators.
* **Overall (Medium-Long Term):** Still bullish, but be cautious of short-term consolidations or corrections.
BTC remains bullish in the medium to long term, but there may be a short-term consolidation or correction. Day traders should use a Buy on Dip strategy and manage risk carefully.
**Disclaimer:** This analysis is a personal opinion and not investment advice. Investors should do their own research and make decisions carefully.

@ beb6bdc9:eeb17df3
2025-03-05 13:25:08
00020126360014BR.GOV.BCB.PIX0114dig@depix.info520400005303986540549.905802BR5923CURSO BITCOIN PARA TDAH6013SATOSHILANDIA62070503***63045C68
Para ter acesso ao guia **BITCOIN PARA TDAH**, pague a chave pix copia e cola acima e apresente o comprovante de pagamento em:

@ a58a2663:87bb2918
2025-03-05 12:41:36
After two years of using Standard Notes as my main note-taking app, I’m switching to Obsidian.
The $100 that Standard Notes charges for basic editing capabilities is difficult to justify, especially for someone paying in Brazilian Real and striving to make a living from writing. However, I will certainly miss its simplicity and cleaner interface.
It’s my impression that the developers are missing an opportunity to create a privacy-focused note-taking app tailored to the specific needs of writers, rather than general users.
Substack, for example, achieved such success because it targeted the distribution and monetization of writers’ work. But we need more tools focused not on distribution or monetization, but on the actual process—indeed, the various phases of the process—of creating texts. This is especially true for complex, long-form texts with different levels of argumentation, numerous written and multimedia sources, and cross-references to other works by the author.
It’s crucial that an app like this doesn’t feel overly complex, like Notion or Evernote, or so all-purpose, like Obsidian. And, of course, I’m not talking about a new full-fledged text editor like Scrivener.
Just a thought. Take note.

@ 5f3e7e41:81cb07cf
2025-03-05 11:37:27
The question of life’s meaning has long been a central concern in philosophy, debated by existentialists, nihilists, absurdists, and theologians alike. Is there an inherent purpose to human existence, or must we construct our own meaning? This essay explores the philosophical dimensions of the question by examining various perspectives, including existentialism, nihilism, and teleological interpretations. **Existentialist Perspective**
Existentialists argue that meaning is not intrinsic but must be created. Jean-Paul Sartre, for instance, asserts that existence precedes essence—humans exist first and define their own purpose afterward. Unlike an artifact designed for a specific function, human beings are thrown into existence without predetermined meaning. Sartre’s concept of radical freedom suggests that we are entirely responsible for imbuing our lives with purpose through our choices and actions. Albert Camus, while existential in his approach, leans toward absurdism. He argues that human beings seek meaning in a universe that offers none. This fundamental conflict, the absurd, leads to either nihilism or rebellion. Camus advocates for an embrace of the absurd—accepting life’s lack of inherent purpose and living in defiance of this reality, deriving meaning from the act of living itself. **Nihilistic Perspective**
Nihilism, most famously articulated by Friedrich Nietzsche, asserts that life has no objective meaning, purpose, or value. The "death of God" in Nietzsche’s work signifies the collapse of religious and metaphysical sources of meaning, leaving humanity in an existential void. Without a higher order dictating meaning, one might fall into existential despair. However, Nietzsche’s solution is the creation of personal values through the concept of the Übermensch, an individual who forges their own path and meaning without reliance on external validation. **Teleological and Theistic Views**
In contrast, religious and teleological perspectives propose an intrinsic meaning to life, often rooted in divine purpose. Theistic traditions argue that meaning is bestowed upon humanity by a higher power. For example, in Christianity, the purpose of life is to fulfill God’s will, achieve salvation, and cultivate virtue. Similarly, in Aristotelian philosophy, eudaimonia, or human flourishing, is seen as the ultimate telos (end goal) of human existence, achieved through rational activity and moral virtue. **Synthesis: A Constructivist Approach**
Given the divergence in perspectives, one might adopt a constructivist stance that synthesizes elements from each. If no inherent meaning exists, as existentialists and nihilists suggest, and if religious interpretations require faith, then meaning may best be understood as a subjective construction. Humans, as rational and reflective beings, can choose to ascribe significance to their existence based on personal values, relationships, creative endeavors, or contributions to humanity. **Conclusion**
The meaning of life remains an open question, shaped by individual perspectives and cultural influences. Whether meaning is self-created, divinely ordained, or ultimately absent, the inquiry itself underscores a fundamental aspect of human nature: the relentless pursuit of significance. Perhaps the search for meaning is what gives life its greatest meaning.

@ bd32f268:22b33966
2025-03-05 11:04:29
Segundo a filosofia Aristotélica quando analisamos uma coisa seja ela um objecto ou um fenómeno devemos ser capazes de observar as suas causas. Podemos dizer que analisar as causas nos permite compreender com outra densidade, a origem, o significado e a finalidade das coisas.
Atualmente, estamos vetados a um reducionismo materialista quando fazemos ciência, sendo portanto nota dominante a nossa fixação na matéria como o fator primordial do conhecimento dos objetos. Ao fixarmo-nos neste aspeto perdemos muitas outras dimensões que compõe as coisas.
Atendamos então a Aristóteles e a quatro causas que este autor identifica para as coisas e fenómenos.
Segundo o filósofo grego as causas dividem-se entre: materiais (relativas ao que algo é feito), as formais (relativas ao que algo é), as eficientes/motoras (relativas ao que as produziu ou quem as produziu) e as finais ( relativas á finalidade, Télos ou para quê; ou seja o que algo visa ou “tem por fim”).
Seguindo esta teoria das quatro das quatro causas podemos descrever as condições de existência tanto de entidades estáticas como em transformação. Quer isto dizer que assim temos meios para explorar o porquê das coisas. Até conhecermos o porquê das coisas não podemos dizer que as conhecemos verdadeiramente.
Analisemos um exemplo para que fique mais claro este método de análise. Uma mesa tem como causa material a madeira que a compõe, a sua causa formal (que diz respeito à forma) é a estrutura, ou seja o seu design; a sua causa eficiente é o trabalho de carpintaria que lhe deu origem e a sua causa final é servir de suporte para as refeições.
Destas causas destaco em particular a causa final que creio ser a que mais frequentemente induz confusão nas pessoas. De facto, o conhecimento da finalidade das coisas é fundamental inclusive para que possamos viver de forma harmoniosa com a realidade. É certo que nos podemos sentar numa mesa e jantar na cadeira, contudo automaticamente vamos perceber a desarmonia que advém dessa decisão.
Por vezes essa desarmonia não será tão evidente, no entanto não nos podemos esquecer que tudo o que existe tem um propósito, isto é orienta-se para um fim, cumprindo-nos agir em conformidade com a natureza das coisas para alcançar essa harmonia com a própria realidade.
São muitas as ocasiões na nossa vida que queremos de alguma forma revogar esta inclinação natural das coisas para os seus fins, que funciona também como objeto e fundamento para a lei natural. Vejamos por exemplo a forma como muitas vezes quando comemos, em vez ordenar a nossa ação pelo fim primeiro (alimentar-se) buscamos o prazer como fim primário ao qual os outros estão subordinados resultando em desordem, ou seja num apetite que não está em conformidade com o objetivo último da alimentação. Não quer isto dizer que não se possa ou deva sentir prazer ao comer, quer apenas dizer que o fim último para que existe esse ato não é o prazer, mas sim a subsistência do corpo. Com este exemplo conseguimos perceber que há uma ordenação natural nos fins para que se orientam as coisas, sendo que nessa ordenação há sempre fins primários e secundários. Sendo conscientes dessa hierarquia podemos, de uma forma mais ajustada adaptar as nossas atitudes á realidade, isto é aos preceitos da lei natural.

@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-03-05 10:24:56
In the dynamic and often unpredictable realm of cryptocurrency, the actions of Bitcoin whales—investors who hold large amounts of BTC—can significantly influence market trends and investor sentiment. A recent transaction, involving the transfer of over $1.5 billion worth of Bitcoin, has once again highlighted the profound impact these entities can have on the digital currency landscape. This article delves into the details of this massive move, exploring its implications and the broader context of whale activity in the cryptocurrency market.
**Table of Contents**
- The Billion-Dollar Transaction: A Deep Dive
- Other Significant Whale Movements
- Analyzing the Impact of Whale Activity
- Market Volatility and Speculation
- Psychological Impact on Investors
- The Role of Whales in the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem
- Liquidity and Market Depth
- Influence on Adoption and Perception
- The Billion-Dollar Transfer in Context
- Bitcoin's Market Position
- Historical Whale Activity
- Future Implications and the Evolving Role of Whale …
- Regulatory Environment
- Institutional Investors and Market Stability
- Technological Advances and Market Monitoring
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**The Billion-Dollar Transaction: A Deep Dive**
On January 31st, the cryptocurrency community was abuzz with news of a monumental Bitcoin transfer. A whale moved 35,049 BTC, valued at approximately $1,518,020,170, from one unknown wallet to another. This transaction not only stood out due to its sheer size but also because it underscored the significant liquidity and wealth concentrated in the hands of a few within the Bitcoin ecosystem.
**Other Significant Whale Movements**
The billion-dollar transfer was part of a series of large transactions that day, which included:
- 25,266 BTC ($1,099,679,062) transferred between unknown wallets.
- 929 BTC ($39,562,024) moved from Coinbase to Gemini.
- 2,500 BTC ($106,647,312) sent to PayPal.
- 1,736 BTC ($73,943,008) transferred to Gemini.
- 34,300 BTC ($1,476,690,397) moved between unknown wallets.
These transactions, totaling around $4.5 billion, highlight the enormous sums that whales can mobilize, influencing the Bitcoin market's liquidity and volatility.
**Analyzing the Impact of Whale Activity**
The actions of Bitcoin whales can lead to significant market movements. Large-scale transfers and trades can signal potential sales or acquisitions, prompting widespread speculation and reactive trading among smaller investors.
**Market Volatility and Speculation**
The recent billion-dollar transaction has sparked intense speculation regarding the whale's motives and the potential repercussions for Bitcoin's price stability. Such movements can create uncertainty, leading to price volatility as the market reacts to perceived changes in supply and demand.
**Psychological Impact on Investors**
Whale activity can also have a psychological impact on retail investors. The knowledge that a single entity or group can move the market might lead to caution, fear, or even panic selling, exacerbating price fluctuations and potentially leading to market manipulation accusations.
**The Role of Whales in the Cryptocurrency Ecosystem**
Bitcoin whales play a crucial role in the cryptocurrency ecosystem. Their significant holdings give them considerable influence over market dynamics, liquidity, and even the adoption and perception of Bitcoin as a digital asset.
**Liquidity and Market Depth**
Whales contribute to market liquidity and depth by providing substantial capital. Their trades, though potentially disruptive in the short term, help create a more liquid market, enabling other investors to execute large transactions more smoothly.
**Influence on Adoption and Perception**
The actions of whales can influence the broader perception of Bitcoin. Significant investments or divestments by these entities can signal confidence or concern regarding Bitcoin's future, influencing the sentiment of smaller investors and the general public.
**The Billion-Dollar Transfer in Context**
To fully understand the implications of the billion-dollar transfer, it's essential to consider the broader context of Bitcoin's market position and the historical activity of whales.
**Bitcoin's Market Position**
At the time of the transfer, Bitcoin was trading at $42,647, experiencing a slight decrease from its previous values. This period of relative stability makes the timing of the whale's move particularly noteworthy, as it suggests strategic positioning rather than a reaction to short-term market trends.
**Historical Whale Activity**
Historically, whale movements have preceded significant market movements, both bullish and bearish. By analyzing past transactions, investors attempt to predict future market directions based on whale behavior. However, the opaque nature of these entities and their motivations makes such predictions speculative at best.
**Future Implications and the Evolving Role of Whales**
As the cryptocurrency market matures, the role and impact of whales may evolve. Regulatory changes, the growing adoption of Bitcoin, and the entrance of institutional investors could all influence whale behavior and their impact on the market.
**Regulatory Environment**
Increased regulatory scrutiny could lead to more transparency in whale transactions, potentially mitigating some of the market volatility associated with these moves. However, it could also lead to more sophisticated strategies by whales to conceal their actions or to manipulate the market within legal boundaries.
**Institutional Investors and Market Stability**
The entrance of more institutional investors into the cryptocurrency market could dilute the relative influence of individual whales, leading to greater market stability. Institutional investors typically employ more conservative strategies and are subject to stricter regulatory oversight, which could help moderate the impact of large-scale transactions.
**Technological Advances and Market Monitoring**
Advancements in blockchain analytics and monitoring tools are making it easier to track whale activity in real-time. This increased transparency could help demystify whale actions, allowing smaller investors to make more informed decisions and potentially leveling the playing field.
The recent billion-dollar Bitcoin transfer by a whale is a stark reminder of the significant influence these entities hold over the cryptocurrency market. While their actions can lead to market volatility and speculation, they also play a crucial role in providing liquidity and depth to the market. As the cryptocurrency ecosystem continues to evolve, understanding the motivations and implications of whale activity will remain a critical aspect of navigating the digital asset landscape.
**What is a Bitcoin whale?**
A Bitcoin whale is an individual or entity that holds a large amount of Bitcoin. These investors have enough capital to influence market movements significantly when they buy or sell large quantities of BTC.
**How much Bitcoin was moved by the whale?**
The whale moved 35,049 BTC, which was valued at approximately $1,518,020,170 at the time of the transaction.
**Where was the Bitcoin transferred?**
The Bitcoin was transferred from one unknown wallet to another. The identities of the parties involved and the purpose of the transfer remain undisclosed.
**Were there other significant transactions on the same day?**
Yes, there were several other significant transactions on the same day, including transfers worth hundreds of millions and billions of dollars, contributing to a total movement of about $4.5 billion in Bitcoin by whales.
**How do whale movements affect the Bitcoin market?**
Whale movements can lead to increased volatility in the Bitcoin market. Large transactions can signal potential sales or purchases to other traders, influencing the market price and leading to speculative trading.
**That's all for today**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*

@ e31e84c4:77bbabc0
2025-03-05 10:23:47
The IMF’s $1.4 Billion Shackle *was Written By Kudzai Kutukwa. If you enjoyed this article then support his writing, directly, by donating to his lightning wallet: **muggyarch11@walletofsatoshi.com***
The recent $1.4 billion Extended Fund Facility (EFF) agreement between the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and El Salvador marks a significant turning point in the nation's economic and monetary policy. The IMF’s $1.4 billion “lifeline” is a sly Trojan horse, gutting El Salvador’s sovereignty and kneecapping its 2021 Bitcoin law— which represented a bold step toward monetary freedom and economic self-determination— all to prop up the same economic mess it pretends to fix. Brilliant, right?
**The IMF’s Colonialist Agenda: A Historical Precedent**
In 2021, El Salvador made history by adopting Bitcoin as legal tender, positioning itself at the forefront of financial innovation and offering its citizens an alternative to the U.S. dollar. This move was a bold step toward monetary independence and as a pathway toward individual financial sovereignty by reducing remittance costs for Salvadorans and bypassing the predatory international banking system. By making Bitcoin legal tender, El Salvador was taking steps to free itself from financial colonialism.
The IMF’s response to El Salvador’s Bitcoin law was predictably hostile from day one. The institution repeatedly warned of the “risks” associated with Bitcoin, framing it as a threat to financial stability rather than a tool for economic empowerment. Hypocrisy drips from every word—the IMF’s own debt traps and inflationary schemes have fueled the chaos it now “rescues” El Salvador from.
The Bretton Woods institution has long been the enforcer of the global financial elite, ensuring that nations remain shackled to the U.S. dollar-dominated system. Through predatory loans and stringent conditions, the IMF perpetuates economic subjugation. Now, facing pressure from these same institutions, El Salvador finds itself caught in the classic IMF trap: accepting loans with strings attached that further cement dependency.
This aid package isn't a solution to El Salvador's problems; it's leverage to force compliance with the global banking cartel's agenda. Under the IMF agreement, El Salvador has been compelled to amend its Bitcoin law, revoking Bitcoin's status as legal tender and making its acceptance by businesses voluntary. Additionally, tax obligations must now be settled exclusively in U.S. dollars. This gut-wrenching retreat from its bold Bitcoin rebellion represents a diabolical masterpiece of oppression—stripping citizens of financial freedom and forcing them to forever bow before the fiat gods.
**Why the IMF Must Destroy Bitcoin’s Medium of Exchange Use Case**
To understand why the IMF is so determined to undermine Bitcoin’s role as a medium of exchange in El Salvador, it’s important to revisit the fundamental nature of money. The widely cited “three functions” of money—medium of exchange, store of value, and unit of account—are often misunderstood. These are not rigid definitions, but empirical observations of how money functions in practice.
Money is, first and foremost, the generally accepted medium of exchange. The other functions tend to follow, but they are not exclusive to money. For example, gold can serve as a store of value but is no longer a commonly accepted medium of exchange, and other commodities can also act as units of account, but neither is money unless it is widely accepted as a medium of exchange. Bitcoin’s rise as a store of value (akin to “digital gold”) is not as threatening to the fiat system as its potential to function as a widely accepted medium of exchange. A strong store of value can exist within a system that is still dominated by fiat currencies.
If Bitcoin were to become a dominant medium of exchange, it would directly challenge the monopoly of central banks and the control that institutions like the IMF exert over global financial systems. That is why the IMF’s primary goal in El Salvador is not necessarily to stop Bitcoin’s adoption altogether but rather to strip Bitcoin of its medium of exchange function, thus effectively relegating Bitcoin to a speculative asset or store of value.
Furthermore, this Bitcoin experiment was the first real-world test of Bitcoin as a medium of exchange at the nation-state level. If it had succeeded, other countries—especially those in the Global South struggling with inflation, currency devaluation, and IMF-imposed austerity—might have followed suit. The IMF couldn't afford to let that happen. By neutralizing Bitcoin's role as money, it ensures that alternative financial systems do not gain traction outside the fiat-based global order. In other words, as long as Bitcoin can't be used freely as a medium of exchange, it cannot fulfill its role as money, and the fiat gods' grip on the global monetary system remains unchallenged—at least for now.
**The $1.4 Billion Faustian Bargain**
El Salvador’s decision to seek IMF funding is a reflection of the immense pressure it faces from global financial markets and institutions. The country’s high debt levels and weak external buffers are, in large part, a consequence of its integration into a global financial system that prioritizes short-term capital flows over long-term economic stability. By accepting the IMF’s terms, El Salvador has effectively traded its sovereignty for temporary financial relief.
What is even more surprising is that El Salvador had an alternative to this Faustian bargain: the issuance of Bitcoin bonds. While initially proposed as a way to finance Bitcoin City and geothermal Bitcoin mining infrastructure, the volcano bonds the country could have raised the $1.4 billion needed without sacrificing its monetary sovereignty. This represents a missed opportunity for El Salvador to bolster its financial independence, attract global capital, and solidify its position as a pioneer in the adoption of decentralized money.
Instead of falling back into the IMF’s debt trap—complete with austerity measures, restrictions on Bitcoin use, and financial surveillance—El Salvador could have embraced a Bitcoin-native financial strategy that aligned with its long-term vision of economic independence.
So why didn't El Salvador go through with the Bitcoin bond issuance? I don't know, but if I were to speculate, I would say the answer likely lies in political and institutional inertia, coupled with external pressures from the IMF and its allied institutions, or worse. If El Salvador had raised capital through Bitcoin bonds, it would have sent shockwaves through the financial world, proving that a nation-state could operate independently of the IMF.
**The Long-Term Consequences for El Salvador**
While the IMF’s program may provide short-term relief, its long-term consequences are likely to be detrimental to the Salvadoran people. The emphasis on fiscal consolidation and debt reduction will inevitably lead to cuts in public spending, particularly in areas such as social services and infrastructure. These measures will disproportionately affect the most vulnerable segments of society, exacerbating inequality and undermining the country’s social fabric.
Moreover, the IMF’s focus on “strengthening governance and transparency” is a thinly veiled attempt to impose external control over El Salvador’s domestic policies. The requirement to enhance Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism (AML/CFT) frameworks, while ostensibly aimed at combating illicit activities, will likely be used to surveil and restrict the financial activities of ordinary citizens. This represents a gross violation of individual rights and a further erosion of economic freedom.
The IMF's $1.4 billion arrangement with El Salvador represents not economic salvation but a calculated reassertion of control. By forcing El Salvador to retreat from its Bitcoin initiative, the IMF is protecting the very system that has kept developing nations financially subjugated for decades.
For Salvadorans, this means their bold experiment in monetary sovereignty has been curtailed, not by market forces or technological limitations, but by the deliberate intervention of the guardians of the old financial order.
Those who believe in true financial freedom must recognize this for what it is: not assistance, but suppression; not aid, but control. The battle for monetary sovereignty continues, and despite this setback, Bitcoin's promise of financial liberation remains as vital as ever—not just for El Salvador, but for all those seeking escape from the oppressive machinery of central banking.
The IMF’s $1.4 Billion Shackle *was Written By Kudzai Kutukwa. If you enjoyed this article then support his writing, directly, by donating to his lightning wallet: **muggyarch11@walletofsatoshi.com***

@ 220522c2:61e18cb4
2025-03-05 09:53:59
# How to package a macOS Desktop App

## Introduction
Creating and distributing macOS desktop applications is a huge pain in the ass and can be very confusing. I'm writing this article as a reference for myself as well as any other developer who wants to package a desktop app for macOS.
## Join the Apple Developer Program
- Go to [developer.apple.com](https://developer.apple.com) and sign in with your Apple ID
- Enroll in an individual ($99/year) or organization ($299/year) membership
- Complete the enrollment process and wait for approval
## Setup Xcode for some reason
- Download Xcode from from the Mac App Store
- Go to Xcode -> Settings -> Accounts
- Click the "+" button and add your Apple Developer Account
Check if Xcode Command Line Tools are installed
xcode-select -p
If they are not installed for some reason you can install them with
xcode-select --install
## Generate a Certificate Signing Request (CSR)
- Open Keychain Access
- Go to Keychain Access > Certificate Assistant > Request a Certificate From a Certificate Authority
- Enter your email address and a common name (e.g., your name or company name)
- Leave "CA Email Address" blank, select Saved to disk, and click Continue
- Save the `.certSigningRequest` file somewhere
## Request Certificate
- Log in to [developer.apple.com/account](https://developer.apple.com/account)
- Go to Certificates, Identifiers & Profiles > Certificates
- Click the + button to add a new certificate
- Under "Software," select **Developer ID Application**, then Continue
- Choose **G2 Sub-CA (Xcode 11.4.1 or later)**
- Upload the `.certSigningRequest` file you just created, then Continue
- Download the `.cer` file (e.g., `developerID_application.cer`)
## Install the Certificate
- Double-click the downloaded `.cer` file to add it to your Keychain Access under "My Certificates"
- Verify it’s there with a private key, after selecting the cert look at the top tabs, select "My Certificates" expand the certificate to see the key icon
## Sign your Application
You can now try signing your application, if you run into issues check out the troubleshooting section at the bottom of this article.
codesign --deep --force --verify --verbose --sign "Developer ID Application: Your Name (TeamID)" --options=runtime --timestamp /path/to/YourApp.app
## Package Your App
Most apps distributed via websites are packaged in a `.dmg` (disk image) for a polished user experience:
- Use Disk Utility or a tool like `create-dmg` (install via Homebrew: `brew install create-dmg`)
create-dmg --volname "YourApp" --app-drop-link 600 185 --window-pos 200 120 --window-size 800 400 "YourApp.dmg" /path/to/YourApp.app
This will setup the drag and drop thing for you app into the applications folder, when you run this command that drag and drop ui will pop up, ignore it.
You really should use a tool like this, if you try to do it on your own you'll need to deal with symlinks, applescript and other nonsense. I've done it this way and if there's interest I can write a part two for a more manual approach.
- Sign the `.dmg`
codesign --deep --force --verify --verbose --sign "Developer ID Application: Your Name (TeamID)" --options=runtime --timestamp YourApp.dmg
## Notarize your App
Apple requires notarization to confirm your app isn’t malicious. You’ll need an app-specific password (not your Apple ID password)
Create and App-Specific Password:
- Go to [appleid.apple.com](https://appleid.apple.com), sign in, and under "Sign-In and Security," select App-Specific Passwords
- Generate a new password (name it whatever you like) and save it
Submit for Notarization
- Use the `notarytool` command
xcrun notarytool submit /path/to/YourApp.dmg --apple-id "your@email.com" --password "app-specific-password" --team-id "YourTeamID" --wait
- Replace placeholders with your Apple ID, the app-specific password, and your Team ID
- The `--wait` flag shows the result immediately (takes a few minutes). You’ll get a "Success" message or a log ID with issues to fix
Staple the Notarization Ticket:
- After approval, attach the notarization ticket to your `.dmg`
xcrun stapler staple /path/to/YourApp.dmg
- This ensures [Gatekeeper](https://support.apple.com/guide/security/gatekeeper-and-runtime-protection-sec5599b66df/web) can verify it offline
## Upload and Distribute
- Upload the notarized `.dmg` to your GitHub or your website
- Provide a download link (preferably HTTPS for security)
- Users might see a Gatekeeper prompt on first launch; they can right-click > Open or allow it in System Settings > Security & Privacy
## Troubleshooting
I have had countless issues when trying to sign applications
### Unable to build chain to self-signed root
One issue that I've run into on both of my macbooks is:
`Warning: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer`
Something I usually have to do is open the Developer Certificate, expand the trust section and set "When using this certificate:" to "Use System Defaults" Then I restart my laptop once or twice and eventually it works.
### Can't delete cert in GUI
I have also had an issue where I can't delete the certs in the gui, in this case run the command to list the certs:
security find-identity -v -p codesigning
and delete it based on the hash in the beginning:
security delete-certificate -Z ABC123...
### Notarization fails
This is usually due to not passing the hardened runtime option so try resigning the app and dmg with `--options runtime`
You can use the command below to see what's wrong
xcrun notarytool log "notary id" --apple-id "your@email.com" --password "app-specific-password" --team-id "HGGSBC8HJF"
## Conclusion
Having an article like this would have saved me a lot of time debugging.
Posted at [notestack.com](https://notestack.com)

@ fd78c37f:a0ec0833
2025-03-05 09:50:19
In this edition, we invited njump.me/npub134d6jtyveg74cuuj7qun4v2m6r7x7c6ryk69z4q7pa7f43kran2sl2yggk from Bitcoin Junior Club to share how she empowers children, teenagers, and families through Bitcoin education. She emphasizes that in the Bitcoin ecosystem, education should come before mass adoption.
**YakiHonne**: Şelale, thank you for being here! Before we dive into the interview questions, I'd like to introduce YakiHonne, the hosting platform for today’s discussion. YakiHonne is a decentralized media client built on Nostr—a protocol designed to empower freedom of speech through technology. It enables creators to own their voices and assets while offering innovative tools like smart widgets, verified notes, and support for long-form content. With YakiHonne, individuals can express themselves freely, without the fear of censorship, bans, or restrictions. Today, we’ll be exploring more about your community,Şelale. So, let’s start with an introduction—could you tell us a bit about yourself and your community?
**Şelale**:Thank you! I'm actually a big fan of YakiHonne. Nostr is my second biggest passion, right after Bitcoin. And within this ecosystem, everything YakiHonne has done—whether empowering communities or supporting creators—looks truly incredible. I could represent many different communities, but today, I want to focus on a recent project I started together with my husband—[Bitcoin Junior Club](https://www.bitcoin4youth.com/shortly-about-us-bitcoin-junior-club/). It's a fun and educational space designed for children, teenagers, and entire families.
My Bitcoin journey dates back to around 2017 when I started diving deeper into Bitcoin. During the block size controversy. I found myself repeatedly reading the Whitepaper, trying to understand why some people were attempting to manipulate the rules and why the debate was gaining so much traction in the mass media. As I often say, the Bitcoin journey is a dynamic process—over the years, my experiences, perspectives, and areas of focus have continuously evolved. Right now, one of my key priorities are families and education. The Bitcoin ecosystem had already seen various emerging trends, such as the rise of female-oriented communities, hence the need for children related topics as well. Overall, the last few years have brought more creative minds building up their projects, which is very nice to see. A good example here would be [Bitcoin FilmFest](https://bitcoinfilmfest.com/), another dynamic initiative I’m involved in. These are all signs of Bitcoin's ever-expanding and evolving landscape.
**YakiHonne**: I would like to know, what sparked your interest in Bitcoin? And what motivated you to create Bitcoin Junior Club? What inspired you to create a whole community around it?
**Şelale**:There were many different aspects that drew me to Bitcoin, but I would say the most important one is the aspect of freedom, Bitcoin is the best form of money humanity has ever had. No middlemen, no one setting the rules. For the first time, people who have always been unprivileged and unbanked now have a real alternative—a way to opt out of the system they were born into. At the same time, when we look at developed countries, we see increasing surveillance, restrictions, and privacy constraints. Once again, Bitcoin serves a crucial role here. It is freedom money, a freedom tool, and that’s what hooked me the most.
On the other hand, what truly motivated me to launch our project was the realization that money is just a tool. If people stop thinking critically, if they don’t truly understand its potential, even something as revolutionary as Bitcoin can be misused or even turned against us.
Together with my husband, we believe that education is essential, especially for younger generations. We want to help them develop critical and creative thinking skills, to keep questioning topics they come across, and to think for themselves. This is the core reason we started this community. Along the way, I’ve come across many family-friendly projects with a similar mission. But most of such resources are scattered and difficult to locate. That’s why, one of our main goals is to create a comprehensive database—a place where people can find all kinds of educational resources, from the content we produce to information about existing initiatives in areas like: homeschooling, unschooling, Bitcoin, financial education, and more.
At the heart of it all, our focus remains on fostering creativity and independent thinking, because without it, we risk heading toward a future I personally don’t want to see. In the end, our mission is to help raise sovereign generations— individuals who truly understand and embrace financial and personal freedom.

([source: interactive game for kids and families, “Bitcoin Calendar, Part 01”](https://www.bitcoin4youth.com/))
**YakiHonne**: Yes, absolutely! I really appreciate your recognition of Bitcoin’s freedom aspect, as that is its very core—sovereignty. I also deeply admire your dedication to educating the next generation—it’s truly essential. We need to nurture and guide these young minds so that when they step into this space, they can help maintain the stability of the Bitcoin ecosystem and safeguard the communities that have been built around it. Could you share with us how your community was founded and how you initially attracted members?
**Şelale**:Well, to make a long story short, it all started as a way for me to relax at night. I work on several projects within the Bitcoin ecosystem, and when I feel mentally exhausted, I like to unwind by designing and drawing. That’s how it all began—I started designing various creative worksheets, such as logic puzzles, coloring pages, and other engaging activities targeted at younger audiences.
My husband and I are also nomads, so a few years ago, we began distributing these materials to different homes during our travels. The response was overwhelmingly positive—kids were excited and, interestingly, it also turned out to be a subtle "orange pill" tool for their parents. Quite often, when they noticed the Bitcoin logo in these materials, it sparked their curiosity and triggered many questions.
At first, I simply wanted to share these resources freely with the community, allowing anyone interested to use them. Over time, I came across many other family-friendly Bitcoin-themed materials such as books, videos, and games. I wanted to create a space where these things could be seen and heard. That’s when I decided to build a website, which could be described more as a database rather than a community.
Since I’m involved in multiple projects and have limited time, I don’t want to focus entirely on building a community around Bitcoin Junior Club—at least not for now. Instead, my priority is to expand the database, continue creating creative educational materials, and connect with other family-friendly Bitcoin projects to give them extra visibility.

([source: a snapshot from the home-page of Bitcoin Junior Club](https://www.bitcoin4youth.com/))
**YakiHonne**: What challenges did you encounter while creating this project?
**Şelale**:If we were to shift more towards community-building, I would say the biggest challenge lies in the diverse target audience—especially across different age groups. If you want to engage very young children, aged 2 to 3.5 years, you also need to involve their parents or mentors. If you want to reach teenagers and young adults (aged 11 to 20+), their interests, perspectives, and learning preferences are entirely different. To truly engage all these different groups, you need a wide range of tools that cater to their needs and interests. That is a significant challenge.
I’ve noticed that when people discover Bitcoin Junior Club, they often feel excited and relieved, realizing that such an initiative exists. But at the same time, it’s a fragmented process—it takes time to plant the seed and let people know, this resource is available if you or someone you know might need it.
These are the biggest challenges. But nothing to worry about. The project is naturally and organically growing, and the community will likely develop on its own over time.

(source: Selected photos from Adopting Bitcoin El Salvador, Nov 2024, where a 2-day event for families, co-organized by Bitcoin Junior Club, was run in parallel to the entire conference)
**YakiHonne**: Yeah, that’s very true. The age gap and diverse target audience can indeed be a challenge for many communities. It’s a key factor to consider. However, I really admire the way you’ve been able to navigate this challenge and still effectively reach out to them despite the difficulties. That’s truly something worth recognizing.
**Şelale**:Thank you, that’s true. What I see here, once again, is the power of Nostr. On other social media platforms and across the Internet, there is so much noise—it’s an overwhelming space. But Nostr is different. The community is still relatively small, which means the audience is more specific and targeted. This also makes it faster and easier to understand their needs. Compared to three, four, or five years ago, this is a huge advantage when it comes to reaching specific groups and learning from them.
**YakiHonne**: What advice would you give to someone looking to start or grow a Bitcoin-focused community in today's landscape?
**Şelale**: Overall, don’t overthink it, and don’t try to build something too big from the start. Whatever you envision at the beginning will likely evolve over time. If you know your skills and have an idea that could bring value to the community, start with a high-level roadmap. Avoid over-planning—don’t try to monetize everything or map out years ahead, especially in the early stages, unless you’re working on a large-scale project in a bigger group.
Start with smaller steps and learn from the feedback. As we often say in the Bitcoin world, “don’t ask for permission, just do it”.
I would also emphasize: Learn and adapt along the way, because the feedback you receive from people is the best teacher. As I mentioned earlier, your initial idea may evolve into something different—so don’t give up, and don’t get discouraged. Just keep building. Also, especially for non-technical people, remember that contributing to the Bitcoin ecosystem isn’t just about tech. Of course, technology is at the core of our freedom-oriented future, and it’s incredibly important. But you don’t need technical skills to contribute—there are many ways to add value. It can be anything.
**YakiHonne**: Yes, I really love the last part of what you just said—it’s so important. Many people tend to believe that if you don’t have technical skills, you can’t contribute to the Bitcoin ecosystem, and this is a very common misconception. The more we educate people and help them understand that Bitcoin needs contributions beyond just the technical side, the stronger the community will become. It’s a crucial point and absolutely true. I’d love to know—does your community focus more on the technical or non-technical aspects of Bitcoin? Or do you cover both?
**Şelale**:I would say both, but more indirectly. Bitcoin Junior Club is not only a fun and educational space, but also an online resource providing a wide variety of materials, and so it naturally covers both technical and non-technical aspects.
There are many excellent technical projects out there, such as those related to Lightning Network, which are more technical fields, and these can target young generations as well. [Lightning Piggy](https://www.lightningpiggy.com/) is a great example to use here.
Also, during my recent time in El Salvador, I came across an amazing project, [Node Nation](https://x.com/nodenationsv), that teaches teenagers how to run their own Bitcoin nodes—a clearly technical-focused initiative.
In the future, if we continue to expand and place more emphasis on family-friendly gatherings in person, where practical activities are the core, the technical aspect may naturally grow as well. I have some ideas related to coding courses, interactive games, and other technical aspects that teenagers could be interested in. However, for now, our main focus remains on education and sharing existing resources with more people online. All in all, Bitcoin Junior Club is indirectly engaging with both technical and non-technical content.
**YakiHonne**: Sounds like a lot of work, but what you guys are doing is truly amazing. I can already see the large-scale impact this will have in the coming years. Since you are involved in the technical side as well, what advice would you give to technically inclined individuals or organizations looking to contribute meaningfully to the Bitcoin ecosystem?
**Şelale**:My advice would be: go out and speak up. Try to join different meetups—not necessarily large conferences, but smaller local meetups, hackathons, and co-working spaces. These environments will help you connect with others who also have technical skills. You may meet people who are already working on something related to your field, and eventually can guide you toward bigger areas of contribution.
Face to face meetings are the best options to find potential collaborators, and to build something together, as well as to strengthen your skills, and to motivate you to start building on your own.
Also, don’t hesitate to share your ideas and ask questions publicly—for example, on Nostr, or through platforms like YakiHonne.
Simply, speak up, and see if anyone is working on something similar or wants to collaborate.
Most importantly, don’t be shy. Don’t isolate yourself in your own bubble. Just like creative people, technical people too, sometimes tend to stay in their own world, hesitant to step out. The truth is, it’s not that difficult to get involved—you just need to let people know you exist and what you can contribute.
**YakiHonne**: You know, many people tend to believe that only large conferences are worthwhile, thinking they won’t gain much from local meetups. But in reality, starting with local gatherings often leads to stronger connections. That’s a crucial point. So, my next question, Selale—how do you see the role of Bitcoin communities evolving as the technology matures, particularly in areas like scalability, privacy, and adaptability with other systems?
**Şelale**:What I’m about to say might be a bit of an unpopular opinion, but this is how I genuinely feel—especially in the past few years, there has been a lot of noise around mass adoption and scaling up, with a strong focus on doing things on a huge scale for everyone.
However, I believe there is a more important step before that—which is mass education and awareness. If we truly want to protect privacy and ensure the conscious use of Bitcoin, so that it remains a freedom technology, we need to prioritize education before expansion.
I hope that Bitcoin communities will become more aware of this and continue building on core values—the real Bitcoin ethos, such as truth, long-trem progress, privacy, and sovereignty, rather than just repeating hype-driven trends. I hope the community moves in this direction or, at the very least, remains strong enough to keep spreading the message of privacy and scalability as tools for freedom, rather than just chasing mass adoption and making everything overly simple.
Of course, user experience matters—I absolutely support improving UX across different areas because it’s necessary for broader adoption. However, before that, we need to raise awareness and ensure that people—whoever they are—truly understand Bitcoin’s potential along with the risks that come with losing sovereignty, overexposing personal data, and rushing into oversimplification.
For me, Proof of Work is not just about mining—it also means that understanding Bitcoin requires effort. You have to invest time, energy, and thought into learning about it. Making things too easy, too big, and too flashy isn’t necessarily something I believe in or support.
**YakiHonne**: Though it’s true that Bitcoin communities will play an increasingly significant role as time goes on and as the technology matures, they will also evolve in terms of scalability, privacy, and adaptability. These aspects align with the core values that most Bitcoin communities uphold, especially given Bitcoin’s decentralized nature. So, we’ve now come to our last question for today, and I must say, it’s one of my favorite questions. Is the government in your region supportive or opposed to Bitcoin? And how has that impacted the community?
**Şelale**:That’s an interesting question, because as a nomad, I don’t stay under the influence of any single government for long—usually not more than one to three months. We are constantly changing locations. However, we mostly stay within the European Union, and just using it as an example, with its centralized structure, it’s fundamentally opposite to what Bitcoin stands for. It operates against nation-states, encouraging people to think and act not as individuals, but as a collective.
I don’t see any direct threats or actions taken against Bitcoin Junior Club or any other communities I’m involved in. However, I do believe that the narratives pushed by certain jurisdictions can create obstacles—or, maybe on the other hand, they can actually awaken more people. These days, it has become popular among politicians to claim they are pro-Bitcoin, using it as a low-hanging fruit to gain attention. Hence, it’s hard to say whether some governments are truly pro- or anti-Bitcoin. From my personal journey I see them rather having a neutral approach, but it could change in the next few months, as supporting Bitcoin has suddenly become trendy. Probably a topic for a longer chat.
At the same time, I’ve seen areas in which ruling parties are officially anti-Bitcoin, yet people still find ways to work within the ecosystem and continue spreading the message of freedom.
**YakiHonne**: Just an outside the box question. Did anyone around your area or towards your community consider Bitcoin to be a scam?
**Şelale**:I had those experiences many years ago, in the very beginning. Currently, I’ve just consciously stopped spending time around people who hold such opinions, so I don’t see or hear it as often. ItThat said, it still happens occasionally—especially in Western countries. If I talk to someone new and they ask, “What do you do?” and I mention Bitcoin, sometimes they respond with:"Oh, that’s a Ponzi scheme." It’s very rare, but it still happens. For me, it just shows that those people are still too influenced by mainstream narratives—the same way people repeat things like "Bitcoin consumes too much energy" without fully understanding the subject. However, compared to five to ten years ago, these misconceptions have definitely become less common.
As a site note, I’ve reached a stage where instead of overwhelming others with Bitcoin-themed conversations, I prefer to keep building- i.e. working on various resources that will be easy enough to find to learn from. If somebody later wants to ask questions or debate, still doubting whether Bitcoin is good or bad for humanity, I am ready to join. All in all, instead of actively trying to convince people, I focus my energy on projects like Bitcoin Junior Club, Bitcoin Film Fest, and other initiatives that provide content for freedom-seekers at heart.
**YakiHonne**: Thank you so much. We've reached the end of today's interview, and it has truly been a fantastic conversation. I’ve gained a lot of valuable insights from you, and I genuinely appreciate the incredible work that you and your community are doing in the European Union. It’s truly inspiring. I’m certain that Europe is privileged to have you and your team contributing to this space.
**Şelale**: The pleasure is mine. Thank you very much for this conversation. Once again, kudos to all you are bullying at Yaki Honne.

@ 95cb4330:96db706c
2025-03-05 08:39:40
Embracing a **Long-Term Thinking Mindset**, as exemplified by leaders like Jeff Bezos and Peter Thiel, involves making decisions that prioritize enduring success over immediate gains. This approach fosters sustainable growth and innovation by focusing on strategies that yield compounded benefits over time.
## Understanding the Long-Term Thinking Mindset
- **Definition:**
A strategic perspective that emphasizes planning and decision-making with a focus on achieving substantial, lasting outcomes—often at the expense of short-term profits or conveniences.
## Examples in Practice
- **Jeff Bezos and Amazon:**
Bezos structured Amazon to prioritize long-term customer trust over quarterly profits, leading to its dominance. He believes that long-term thinking leverages existing abilities and supports the failure and iteration required for invention.
- **Peter Thiel's Investment Strategy:**
Thiel invests in startups with unique, superior products and a 10+ year vision, rather than chasing short-term competition. His contrarian investment strategy focuses on long-term tech investments.
## Implementing Long-Term Thinking
1. **Set Visionary Goals:**
Define objectives that align with enduring values and aspirations, guiding sustained efforts toward meaningful achievements.
2. **Prioritize Sustainable Practices:**
Adopt strategies that ensure environmental, social, and economic sustainability, contributing to long-term viability.
3. **Embrace Delayed Gratification:**
Recognize that significant rewards often require patience and persistent effort, avoiding the allure of immediate but fleeting benefits.
## Benefits of Long-Term Thinking
- **Resilience:**
Organizations and individuals become better equipped to navigate challenges and adapt to changing circumstances.
- **Reputation:**
A commitment to long-term goals fosters trust and credibility among stakeholders, enhancing relationships and opportunities.
- **Innovation:**
Focusing on enduring success encourages continuous improvement and the development of groundbreaking solutions.
## Action Step
Identify a current decision or project and assess whether your approach favors short-term comfort or long-term success. If it leans toward immediate gratification, consider realigning your strategy to prioritize enduring benefits—ensuring that today's choices contribute positively to your future goals.
By adopting a long-term thinking mindset, you position yourself and your organization to achieve sustained success and make a lasting impact.
For further insights into Jeff Bezos's perspective on long-term thinking, consider watching this discussion:
[JEFF BEZOS - THINK LONG TERM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-lbBrbfmDw)

@ da0b9bc3:4e30a4a9
2025-03-05 07:20:21
Hello Stackers!
Welcome on into the ~Music Corner of the Saloon!
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So stay a while and listen.
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originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/904251

@ 1d7ff02a:d042b5be
2025-03-05 06:02:55
### ມະນຸດມີຄວາມຈະເລີນໄດ້ຍ້ອນຮູ້ຈັກສ້າງຄວາມຫມັ້ນຄົງໃນອະນາຄົດ
ມະນຸດເຮົາສ້າງຄວາມຈະເລີນຮຸ່ງຮອງໄດ້ກໍຍ້ອນການສ້າງຄວາມຫມັ້ນຄົງໃນກະນາຄົດ ເຊິ່ງສະແດງອອກຢູ່ໃນ ຈາກແຕ່ກ່ອນຕ້ອງອອກໄປ ຫາອາຫານ ລ່າສັດ ເພື່ອເປັນພະລັງງານໃນການມີຊີວິດ ຈົນຮູ້ເຮົາຮູ້ຈັກການເກັບດອງອາຫານໃຫ້ກິນຍາວນານຂຶ້ນ, ຈາການຫາອາຫານເພື່ອຕົວເອງຢ່າງດຽວ ກໍຮູ້ຈັກການແລກປ່ຽນ (barter trade) ເຮັດໃຫ້ໄດ້ສິນຄ້າທີ່ຕົວເອງຕ້ອງການ ໂດຍບໍ່ຕ້ອງໃຊ້ເວລາທັງຫມົດໄປກັບການຫາ ຫລື ຜະລິດສິ່ງນັ້ນ ແລະ ສຸດທ້າຍເຮົາກໍຮູ້ຈັກເລືອກສິນຄ້າທີ່ມີຄວາມຫມັ້ນຄົງ ແລະ ຜະລິດຍາກ ມາເປັນເງິນ ເພື່ອໃຊ້ເປັນ ສື່ກາງ ໃນການແລກປ່ຽນ ຈົນແຕ່ລະຄົນມີເວລາໃນການໂຟກັສ ພັດທະນາທັກສະທີ່ຕົວເອງສົນໃຈຈົນມີຄວາມຊຳນານກວ່າຄົນທົ່ວໄປ ເຮັດໃຫ້ສາມາດຜະລິດສິນຄ້າ ແລະ ບໍລິການ ທີ່ມີຄຸນນະພາບ ແລະ ລາຄາຖືກລົງ. ປະກົດການເຫລົ່ານີ້ເກີດຂຶ້ນໄດ້ຍ້ອນເຮົາມີຄວາມຫມັ້ນຄົງໃນອະນາຄົດດ້ວຍເງິນເກັບ ຈົນມີເວລາຈະລອງຜິດລອງຖືກໄດ້.
ແຕ່ຫລັງຈາກທີ່ເຮົາອອກຈາກ ມາດຕະຖານທອງຄຳ ກໍເຮັດໃຫ້ເງິນມັນເຊື່ອມຄ່າລົງໄປຕາມການເວລາ ຈົນເຮັດໃຫ້ຄົນເຫັນແກ່ເວລາອັນສັ້ນ, ຜະລິດສິນຄ້າ ແລະ ບໍລິການ ທີ່ບໍ່ໄດ້ຄຸນນະພາບ ເພາະຄິດແຕ່ວ່າຈະເຮັດແນວໃດເພື່ອຈະໄດ້ເງິນຫລາຍຂຶ້ນ ເພາະເງິນມັນເຊື່ອມມູນຄ່າລົງເລື່ອຍໆ ຈົນລືມຄິດໄປວ່າສິ່ງໃດແທ້ ທີ່ສຳຄັນໃນຊີວິດ ຈົນເກີດບັນຫາຕ່າງໆ ບໍ່ວ່າຈະເປັນສັງຄົມ ແລະ ເສດຖະກິດ.
> ບິດຄອຍ ບໍ່ໄດ້ເຮັດໃຫ້ທ່ານລວຍໄວຂຶ້ນ ແຕ່ມັນກຳລັງແກ້ບັນຫາພື້ນຖານຢ່າງການ ເກັບເງິນ ຢູ່ ເພາະປະຈຸບັນມະນຸດເກັບເງິນບໍ່ໄດ້ແລ້ວ ເພາະມູນຄ່າຂອງມັນຫລຸດລົງເລື່ອຍໆ
### ການ DCA ບິດຄອຍ
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/7899fb7c4ccc478027ca38f12cf21730f46dbc8def7dec5a023f30539121b2ff.png">
ບິດຄອຍມີຄວາມຜັນຜວນເລື່ອງລາຄາຫລາຍ ກໍຍ້ອນເຮົາເບິ່ງໃນໄລຍະສັ້ນ ແຕ່ຖ້າເຮົາເບິ່ງມັນເປັນເຄື່ອງມືເກັບອອມເຮົາຈະເຫັນຄວາມຈິງ ບິດຄອຍຄືຄວາມຫມັ້ນຄົງ ແລະ ຕໍ່ຕ້ານການເຟີ້ຂອງເງິນ. ຕົວຢ່າງລຸ່ມນີ້ເປັນການຄຳນວນວ່າ ຖ້າເຮົາເກັບບິດຄອຍ ທຸກເດືອນ ຜ່ານໄປ 8 ປີ ມັນຈະມີມູນຄ່າເພີ່ມຂຶ້ນ 617% ຫລື ປະມານປີລະ 77% ໂດຍສະເລ່ຍ ເຊິ່ງມັນກໍບໍ່ໄດ້ເປັນໂຕເລກໂອເວີຫຍັງຫລາຍ ແຕ່ສາມາດເອົາຊະນະເງິນເພີ້ໄດ້ແລ້ວ ພຽງແຕ່ເກັບ ແລະ ບໍ່ຕ້ອງຄິດຫຍັງ.
### ເມື່ອເຮົາມີເງິນເກັບທີ່ຮັກສາມູນຄ່າໄດ້ ມັນເປັນຄົນລະເລື່ອງເລີຍໃນການໃຊ້ຊີວິດ ແລະ ວິທີຄິດ
ຄົນຈະມີຄວາມຄິດການໄກຫລາຍຂຶ້ນ, ມີເວລາຄິດທົບທວນເລື່ອງຕ່າງໆໃນຊີວິດຢ່າງລະອຽດຖີ່ຖ້ວນ ແລະ ຕັດສິນໃຈແບບມີເຫດມີຜົນ. ຄົນຈະເລືອກເຮັດວຽກມີຢາກເຮັດ ເຖິງວ່າລາຍໄດ້ອາດຈະຫນ້ອຍ ແຕ່ເງິນເກັບສາມາດຮັກສາມູນຄ່າຂຶ້ນໄດ້ເລື່ອຍໆ, ເຮົາຈະມີເວລາໃຫ້ກັບຄອບຄົວຫລາຍກວ່າ ເພາະບໍ່ໄດ້ແລ່ນຕາມວຽກເພື່ອຈະໄດ້ລາຍຮັບເພີ່ມຂຶ້ນຕາມການເຊື່ອມຄ່າຂອງເງິນ. ຄົນຈະໃຫ້ຄວາມສຳຄັນກັບສຸຂະພາບຫລາຍຂຶ້ນ ເພາະສຸດທ້າຍແລ້ວເຮົາຈະເຂົ້າໃຈວ່າສຸຂະພາບນີ້ແລະ ສຳຄັນສຸດ.
ຈາກຄວາມຮູ້ສຶກຂອງຕົວຂ້ອຍເອງມັນເຮັດໃຫ້ ມີຄວາມຫວັງ ແລະ ຕື່ນເຕັ້ນທີ່ຈະໄດ້ໃຊ້ຊີວິດໄປໃນການນາຄົດ ເພາະຮູ້ສຶກວ່າມີຄວາມຫມັ້ນຄົງ ຈາກການຄ່ອຍໆເກັບ ບິດຄອຍ ໂດຍມີເປົ້າຫມາຍເຮັດແນວໃດ ຈະໄດ້ໃຊ້ເວລາທີ່ເຫລືອຢູ່ ເກັບຄົນທີ່ເຮົາຮັກ, ເຮັດສິ່ງທີ່ມັກ ແລະ ມີສຸຂະພາບດີຈົນຈາກໂລກນີ້ໄປໃຫ້ເຈັບປວດຫນ້ອຍທີ່ສຸດ.

@ 9ea10fd4:011d3b15
2025-03-05 02:09:11
(Le français suit) Scott Ritter discusses Trump’s willingness to end the war in Ukraine, highlighting his desire for peace (although other analysts suggest that the United States is shifting its strategic focus toward China).
Ritter claims that the United States could consider leaving NATO by the end of the summer but provides no explanation. The U.S. takes a utilitarian approach toward its allies. Ritter believes that, unlike the Democrats, Trump does not align with the military-industrial complex. He is seen as an outsider to this complex, seeking to shift American policy toward trade and the economy rather than militarism (however, military spending increased during his first term). This complex, which developed during World War II and the Cold War, has an increasing need for conflicts to sustain itself, potentially leading to nuclear war.
Europe, under U.S. influence, is compared to a Frankenstein’s monster—believing it is America’s ally while actually being a replaceable tool. A global transition is underway, marked by closer ties between the U.S., Russia, China, and India, excluding Europe for ideological and practical reasons—if I understand correctly, because it is characterized as knowing only war (I note that European diplomacy has recently turned toward India as an alternative to the U.S. and China). This shift, as described by Ritter, could signify the end of the transatlantic order.
Obstacles remain for Trump, notably the issue of Gaza, which is complicated by pressure from the pro-Israel lobby and the positioning of Arab countries.
Finally, it is suggested that Trump might want to reduce the size of the military and rethink the role of the United Nations, seen as a legacy of past conflicts—an intriguing idea but not fully developed.
“In this perspective, Trump’s imposition of tariffs would serve as a key element of a strategy aimed at prioritizing the economy over militarism, marginalizing Europe while fostering pragmatic ties with powers like Russia and China, and redefining American power in a post-transatlantic world. This would reflect a break from the military-industrial complex and a utilitarian view of international relations, where tariffs replace tanks as tools of domination or negotiation. However, their success would depend on Trump’s ability to navigate internal pressures (the pro-Israel lobby) and external reactions (from trade partners).” (Grok 3 Beta)
(On Telegram)
Interview for India & Global Left](https://t.me/ScottRitter/3761)
Scott Ritter évoque la volonté de Trump de mettre fin à la guerre en Ukraine, soulignant son désir de paix (cela bien que d’autres analystes disent que les États-Unis sont en train de réorienter leur stratégie vers la Chine).
Ritter avance que les États-Unis pourraient envisager de quitter l’OTAN d’ici à la fin de l’été mais ne fournit aucune explication. Les États-Unis adoptent une approche utilitaire vis-à-vis de leurs alliés. Ritter estime que Trump ne se positionne pas en faveur du complexe militaro-industriel, contrairement aux démocrates. Trump est perçu comme un acteur extérieur à ce complexe, cherchant à réorienter la politique américaine vers le commerce et l’économie plutôt que le militarisme (cependant les dépenses militaires avaient augmenté lors de son premier mandat). Ce complexe, qui s'est développé pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale et la guerre froide, a un besoin croissant de conflits pour perdurer, menant éventuellement à une guerre nucléaire.
L’Europe, sous l’influence des États-Unis, est comparée à un monstre de Frankenstein, croyant être l’alliée des États-Unis alors qu’elle n’est qu’un outil remplaçable. Une transition mondiale est en cours, marquée par un rapprochement entre les États-Unis, la Russie, la Chine et l’Inde, en excluant l’Europe pour des raisons idéologiques et pratiques si j’ai bien compris, car elle est caractérisée comme ne connaissant que la guerre (je remarque que la diplomatie européenne s'est récemment tournée vers l'Inde présentée comme une alternative aux États-Unis et à Chine). Ce changement tel que décrit par Ritter pourrait signifier la fin de l’ordre transatlantique.
Des obstacles subsisteraient pour Trump, notamment la question de Gaza, compliquée par les pressions exercées par le lobby pro-Israël et le positionnement des pays arabes.
Enfin, il est suggéré que Trump pourrait vouloir réduire la taille de l’armée et repenser le rôle des Nations Unies, perçues comme un héritage des conflits passés, une idée suggestive mais peu développée.
« Dans cette perspective, l’imposition de tarifs douaniers par Trump s’insérerait comme une pièce maîtresse d’une stratégie visant à privilégier l’économie sur le militarisme, à marginaliser l’Europe tout en se rapprochant de puissances comme la Russie ou la Chine sur des bases pragmatiques, et à redéfinir la puissance américaine dans un monde post-transatlantique. Cela refléterait une rupture avec le complexe militaro-industriel et une vision utilitaire des relations internationales, où les tarifs remplacent les tanks comme outils de domination ou de négociation. Toutefois, leur succès dépendrait de la capacité de Trump à naviguer entre des pressions internes (lobby pro-Israël) et externes (réactions des partenaires commerciaux). » (Grok 3 bêta)
(Sur Telegram)
Interview for India & Global Left](https://t.me/ScottRitter/3761)

@ 401014b3:59d5476b
2025-03-05 01:39:21
Alright, football freaks, it’s March 2025, and we’re slinging some half-baked AFC East predictions like it’s a tailgate wing-eating contest. Free agency’s a madhouse, the draft’s a blind stab, and this division’s always a mix of fireworks and faceplants. The Bills ran the show in 2024, the Dolphins teased us, the Jets are jetting Rodgers out the door, and the Pats have a new sheriff in town. Let’s slap records on this chaos and see who’s got the cajones to take the crown. Strap in—this one’s a banger.
### **Buffalo Bills: 12-5 – Josh Allen’s Reign of Pain**
The Bills owned the AFC East in 2024, and 2025’s looking like a victory lap. Josh Allen’s a goddamn force of nature—cannon arm, truck-stick legs—and he’s got James Cook tearing up the ground game even without a stud WR1. That O-line’s a top-10 crew, and the defense, despite some roster churn, still hits hard with Greg Rousseau leading the charge. Free agency might nibble at the edges—Matt Milano’s return could be clutch—but this squad’s a bully. 12-5’s the vibe, division locked up again. Good luck stopping ‘em.
### **Miami Dolphins: 9-8 – Tua’s Hot-and-Cold Hustle**
The Dolphins are the AFC East’s rollercoaster—thrilling ‘til they puke. Tua Tagovailoa’s slinging to Tyreek Hill and Jaylen Waddle, but that O-line’s still a question mark, and they fold like lawn chairs in December. The defense stepped up in 2024 with Jalen Ramsey locking down receivers, but free agency could sting—Jaelan Phillips might chase a bag elsewhere. If Tua stays healthy and the core holds, 9-8’s on the table. Wildcard’s their best shot—Buffalo’s still the big brother they can’t shake.
### **New York Jets: 8-9 – New QB, Same Jets Jinx**
The Jets are ditching Aaron Rodgers—old man’s outta here—and rolling with a new QB (TBD, but let’s say a rookie or a vet like Tyrod Taylor for kicks). Garrett Wilson and Breece Hall are studs, but that O-line’s a disaster, and the defense might take a hit if Sauce Gardner starts sniffing bigger paychecks. New coach, fresh start, same Jets curse? They’ve got enough talent to flirt with 8-9, maybe sniff a wildcard if the QB doesn’t totally tank. Still feels like classic Jets—almost there, never quite.
### **New England Patriots: 5-12 – Vrabel’s Rough Rebuild**
The Pats are a work in progress, but Mike Vrabel’s the new head honcho, and that’s worth a damn shout. The ex-Titans tough guy’s got Drake Maye at QB—bright future, brutal present. 2025’s gonna be a grind; Maye’s taking rookie lumps behind a shaky O-line with no real weapons to speak of. Christian Gonzalez is a lockdown corner, but the defense ain’t what it was without Belichick’s wizardry. Vrabel’s a culture guy—he’ll keep ‘em scrappy—but 5-12’s the reality. They’re building, not winning, in Foxboro this year.
### **The Final Buzzer**
The AFC East in 2025 is Buffalo’s playground with a dash of dysfunction. The Bills (12-5) snag the crown because Josh Allen’s a beast, the Dolphins (9-8) tease a wildcard, the Jets (8-9) stumble sans Rodgers, and the Pats (5-12) grit it out under Vrabel. That’s 34 wins, 34 losses—math’s tight when you factor in the division’s slugfest with the NFL’s other suckers. Free agency’s the X-factor—lose a star, you’re screwed; snag a gem, you’re golden. Yell at me on X when I botch this, but for now, this is my story, and I’m sticking to it. Let’s ride, degenerates.

@ 62a6a41e:b12acb43
2025-03-04 22:19:29
War is rarely (or if ever) the will of the people. Throughout history, wars have been orchestrated by political and economic elites, while the media plays a key role in shaping public opinion. World War I is a clear example of how propaganda was used to glorify war, silence dissent, and demonize the enemy.
Today, we see similar tactics being used in the Ukrainian War. The media spreads one-sided narratives, censors alternative views, and manipulates public sentiment. This article argues that **wars are decided from the top**, and media is used to justify them.
## How the Media Glorified and Propagated WW1
### The Media Sold War as an Adventure
Before WW1, newspapers and propaganda made war seem noble and exciting. Young men were encouraged to enlist for honor and glory. Posters displayed slogans like *“Your Country Needs You”*, making war look like a duty rather than a tragedy.
### Demonization of the Enemy
Governments and media portrayed Germans as "barbaric Huns," spreading exaggerated stories like the "Rape of Belgium," where German soldiers were accused of horrific war crimes—many later proven false. Today, Russia is painted as purely evil, while NATO’s role and Ukraine’s internal conflicts are ignored.
### Social Pressure & Nationalism
Anyone who opposed WW1 was labeled a traitor. Conscientious objectors were shamed, jailed, or even executed. The same happens today—if you question support for Ukraine, you are called "pro-Russian" or "anti-European." In the U.S., opposing war is falsely linked to supporting Trump or extremism.
### Fabricated Stories
During WW1, fake reports of German soldiers killing babies were widely spread. In Ukraine, reports of massacres and war crimes often circulate without verification, while Ukrainian war crimes receive little coverage.
## How the Media Promotes War Today: The Case of Ukraine
### One-Sided Narratives
The media presents Ukraine as a heroic struggle against an evil invader, ignoring the 2014 coup, the Donbas conflict, and NATO expansion. By simplifying the issue, people are discouraged from questioning the full story.
### Censorship and Suppression of Dissent
During WW1, anti-war activists were jailed. Today, journalists and commentators questioning NATO’s role face censorship, deplatforming, or cancellation.
### Selective Coverage
Media highlights civilian deaths in Ukraine but ignores similar suffering in Yemen, Syria, or Palestine. Coverage depends on political interests, not humanitarian concern.
### Glorification of War Efforts
Ukrainian soldiers—even extremist groups—are painted as heroes. Meanwhile, peace negotiations and diplomatic efforts receive little attention.
## War is a Top-Down Decision, Not the Will of the People
### People Don’t Want Wars
If given a choice, most people would reject war. Examples:
- **Before WW1:** Many workers and socialists opposed war, but governments ignored them.
- **Vietnam War:** Protests grew, but the war continued.
- **Iraq War (2003):** Millions protested, yet the invasion went ahead.
### Small Elites Decide War
Wars benefit arms manufacturers, politicians, and corporate interests—not ordinary people. Public opposition is often ignored or crushed.
### Manipulation Through Fear
Governments use fear to justify war: *“If we don’t act now, it will be too late.”* This tactic was used in WW1, the Iraq War, and is used today in Ukraine.
## Violence vs. War: A Manufactured Conflict
### Violence Happens, But War is Manufactured
Conflicts and disputes are natural, but large-scale war is **deliberately planned** using propaganda and logistical preparation.
### War Requires Justification
If war were natural, why does it need **massive media campaigns** to convince people to fight? Just like in WW1, today’s wars rely on media narratives to gain support.
## The Crimea Referendum: A Case of Ignored Democracy
### Crimea’s 2014 Referendum
- Over **90% of Crimeans voted to join Russia** in 2014.
- Western governments called it "illegitimate," while similar referendums (like in Kosovo) were accepted.
### The Contradiction in Democracy
- If democracy is sacred, why ignore a **clear vote** in Crimea?
- Other examples: Brexit was resisted, Catalonia’s referendum was shut down, and peace referendums were dismissed when they didn’t fit political interests.
- **Democracy is used as a tool when convenient.**
## VII. The Libertarian Case Against War
### The Non-Aggression Principle (NAP)
Libertarianism is fundamentally opposed to war because it violates the **Non-Aggression Principle (NAP)**—the idea that no person or institution has the right to initiate force against another. War, by its very nature, is the **ultimate violation of the NAP**, as it involves mass killing, destruction, and theft under the guise of national interest.
### War is State Aggression
- Governments wage wars, not individuals. No private citizen would naturally start a conflict with another country.
- The state **forces people to fund wars through taxation**, violating their economic freedom.
- **Conscription**, used in many wars, is nothing more than **state-sponsored slavery**, forcing individuals to fight and die for political goals they may not support.
### War Creates Bigger Government
- War expands state power, **eroding civil liberties** (e.g., WW1's Espionage Act, the Patriot Act after 9/11).
- The **military-industrial complex** grows richer while taxpayers foot the bill.
- **Emergency powers granted during wars rarely get repealed** after conflicts end, leaving citizens with fewer freedoms.
### Peaceful Trade vs. War
- Libertarians advocate for **free trade** as a means of cooperation. Countries that trade are **less likely to go to war**.
- Wars **destroy wealth and infrastructure**, while peaceful trade **increases prosperity** for all.
- Many wars have been fought **not for defense, but for economic interests**, such as securing **oil, resources, or geopolitical power**.
### Who Benefits from War?
- **Not the people**, who suffer death, destruction, and economic hardship.
- **Not small businesses or workers**, who bear the burden of inflation and taxes to fund wars.
- **Not individual liberty**, as war leads to **greater state control and surveillance**.
- **Only the elites**, including **defense contractors, politicians, and bankers**, who profit from war and use it to consolidate power.
## Conclusion: The Media’s Role in War is Crucial
Wars don’t happen naturally—they are **carefully planned and sold to the public** using propaganda, fear, and nationalism.
- **WW1 and Ukraine prove that media is key to war-making.**
- **The media silences peace efforts and glorifies conflict.**
- **If people truly had a choice, most wars would never happen.**
To resist this, we must **recognize how we are manipulated** and reject the forced narratives that push us toward war.

@ 3c7dc2c5:805642a8
2025-03-04 22:04:22
## 🧠Quote(s) of the week:
Bitcoin adoption:
1. Slow enough to confuse nearly everyone.
2. Fast enough to change your life if you can just stay focused for 4 years.
Do you notice the higher your intellect grows (thanks to Bitcoin) the more unsocial you become, In real life. Or it's just me?
'First companies will add Bitcoin to their balance sheets. Then states will buy for their treasuries. And finally, sovereigns will hold it as a strategic asset. A natural progression that is already underway.' - James Lavish
## 🧡Bitcoin news🧡
After last week's dip, I want to share the following quote and picture. Just to keep you sharp & focused.
SAIFEDEAN AMMOUS: "If you think in years, dips are opportunities—not problems. Zoom out."
Bitcoin for Freedom: 'The Bitcoin dip is the best test to check if you understand Bitcoin. If you feel bad when it dips you don’t understand it. When you understand Bitcoin the fiat value doesn’t affect you and you have FOMO all the time.'
On the 25th of February:
➡️REKT! $1.5 BILLION leveraged crypto positions liquidated in 24 hours as Bitcoin plunges below $87,000.
Bitcoin is down ~$20K from its all-time high of $109,354. $755.59 million was liquidated from the BTC perpetual futures market in the past 24 hours.
Just know for now Bitcoin is still following (with a 2-3 month lag) global liquidity.
M2 is a measure of liquidity and has been declining since December, but has recently begun to inflect back up again.
If history repeats the Bitcoin dip will soon come to an end and the recovery will be violent.
Oh, and just one more thing on this topic:
'M2 money supply growth per cycle:
2013 cycle: +26%
2017 cycle: +22%
2021 cycle: +49%
2025 cycle: +0.5%
We’ve seen this entire bull market happen with no new money in circulation.' - Bitcoin Isaiah
➡️Rep. Logan Manhart's bill, which aimed to establish a Bitcoin strategic reserver in South Dakota, failed in committee by a vote of 9-3. Manhart plans to reintroduce the bill next year.
➡️'Metaplanet has raised ~$47 million in equity at a market in the first four trading days of its “21m Plan,” with 5.54% of the plan completed to date.' - Dylan LeClair
Metaplanet has purchased an additional 135 Bitcoin.
➡️'Germany’s €370 BILLION DekaBank is launching Bitcoin and crypto trading + custody for institutions.
Their government sells BTC. Their citizens stack it.' - Bitcoin Archive
➡️At the end of the Weekly Recap, I always share a little gift, a podcast, an article, a report, or a newsletter.
This week a report by River. Excellent report. Please give it a read.
This is the most important graph in the entire document IMO; we're just getting started:
➡️'31% of Australians have owned BTC or crypto, an all-time-high in adoption, per IRCI '25.
42.9% anticipate widespread future adoption, though 14.3% cite economic and regulatory concerns for not investing.
1 in 5 investors reported banking transaction delays or blocks.' - Bitcoin News
➡️'For years, Bitcoiners pushed exchanges to adopt Lightning.
And guess what? It worked. Public Lightning volume is up 266% in about a year.' -Sam Wouters
➡️The Bybit hackers are bridging their stolen ETH to Bitcoin.
➡️ America’s largest publicly traded Bitcoin mining company, Mara, just acquired this 114-megawatt wind farm in Hansford County, Texas.
➡️ 'MicroStrategy has $8.2B debt against $43.4B of BTC. A leverage ratio of ~19%.
Only $5B of CBs are below their conversion price, so the effective leverage ratio is more like ~11.5%.
BTC would have to drop 80%-90% for MSTR to become insolvent.
And none of this debt matures until 2028...' - Bitcoin Overflow
On the 26th of February:
➡️'The IMF today sent out a press release that says as per their agreement with El Salvador, "program commitments will confine" government purchases of bitcoin. This is the first time I've seen El Salvador's bitcoin reserve being implicated in the $1.4bn IMF deal.' - Pleditor
➡️'Unless bitcoin rebounds soon, it looks like the 4-year CAGR could dip below 10% for the first time ever.' - Wicked
➡️'This is currently who is selling.
Short-term holders who bought the top are selling spot Bitcoin, this isn't leverage-driven, and perps aren't negative.
That is why equities such as MSTR are green, they must have bottomed out or close to it.
Just your old fashioned fire sale, in BTC.' - James van Straten
More than 74% of realized Bitcoin losses came from holders who bought in the last month! Only the educated survive.
➡️Publicly traded Fold Holdings buys an additional 10 Bitcoins for $875,000.
➡️SEC closes its inquiry into Gemini without enforcement after a 699-day investigation.
Cameron Winklevoss calls for accountability, suggesting agencies reimburse legal costs for investigations lacking clear guidelines.
On the 28th of February:
➡️Matthew Sigel:
List of Bitcoin corrections in the run-up to $20k in 2017:
List of Bitcoin corrections in the run-up to $69k in 2021:
-55% (!!)
➡️BlackRock adds its own Bitcoin ETF into its $150 BILLION model-portfolio universe - Bloomberg
While Bitcoin is facing short-term pressure from economic fears as weak-ass paper hands are folding, long-term institutional adoption keeps rising.
On the 1st of March:
➡️ Bitcoin dominance back above 61%.
➡️'Bitcoin mining/energy convergence spotted.
Petrobras (Brazil) just started mining Bitcoin using flare gas (reduces methane emissions)
They join oil companies already mining Bitcoin: Tecpetrol, YPF, Plus Petrol (Argentina), Gazpromneft (Russia), ExxonMobil & ConocoPhillips (US).' - Daniel Batten
On the 2nd of March:
➡️President Trump has officially announced the US Strategic Crypto Reserve and Bitcoin is back above $94,000.
In just 3 hours, crypto markets have now added over +$300 BILLION in market cap on the news.
And you can't make this shit up. I couldn't agree more with Peter Schiff: "Bitcoin is digital gold, which is better than analog gold. So let's create a Bitcoin reserve...", "But what's the rationale for an XRP reserve? Why the hell would we need that?"
Trump pumped and dumped a meme coin on the eve of his presidency.
Of course, he wants shitcoins, XRP, SOL, and ADA, in the strategic reserve.
This is basically all of our journeys from Bitcoin to shitcoins, back to Bitcoin, but on a national scale.
Even Brian Armstrong, CEO of the biggest shitcoin casino in the world, Coinbase, thinks the Reserve should be Bitcoin only.
Luke Broyles:
'My prediction:
1) Trump makes crypto reserve.
2) Reserve pumps all assets.
3) Retail and some companies get burnt in said pump.
4) Public outcry to crypto reserve along with other critiques of the Trump administration.
5) Crypto reserve is dumped in the next bear market. Massive downwards narrative catalyst. Back to no Bitcoin.
6) The government figures out the importance of Bitcoin PoW and goes BTC only soon afterward.
7) Other nations follow suit over years'
Seems legit. Please read the following post by Parker Lewis:
“Bitcoin is the first form of money to ever exist that is also a currency.”
It is both a protocol and network, as the currency is embedded within the code, and validated by the network.
On the 3rd of March:
➡️Metaplanet has acquired 156 BTC for ~$13.4 million at ~$85,890 per bitcoin and has achieved a BTC Yield of 31.8% YTD 2025. As of 3/3/2025, we hold 2391 Bitcoin acquired for ~$196.3 million at ~82,100 per Bitcoin.
➡️Fidelity has bought $142.08 million Bitcoin for its ETF.
➡️Vietnam's Prime Minister has directed the Central Bank and Finance Ministry to draft a Digital Assets Framework by March.
➡️BlackRock’s model advisor team releases new Bitcoin report
Key takeaways from “Why Bitcoin? A Perspective from Model Portfolio Builders”:
• Bitcoin as a novel store of value and global monetary alternative
• Hedge against USD hegemony and political instability
• A play on the shift from offline to online commerce
• Boosted by boomer-to-millennial wealth transfer
• Potential for diversification and unique risk premia in portfolios
• Intrinsic value expected to be increasingly recognized worldwide
• Relevance grows in a debt-laden, digital-first, AI-entrenched world
➡️Meanwhile Ray Dalio tells Bloomberg that Bitcoin could be "a big part" of the restructuring of the global debt-based monetary system. Gold and Bitcoin are "store holds of wealth".
## 💸Traditional Finance / Macro:
On the 26th of February:
👉🏽Nvidia stock soars after posting record quarterly revenue of $39.3 billion, above expectations of $38.0 billion.
👉🏽 no news
## 🌎Macro/Geopolitics:
On the 24th of February:
👉🏽'US CPI inflation is on track to hit 4.6% over the next 6 months, according to Bank of America.
CPI inflation has averaged +0.4% on a month-over-month basis over the last 3 months.
If this trend continues, this puts year-over-year inflation on pace to hit 4.6% by July, the highest since April 2023.
That would be more than DOUBLE the Fed’s 2% inflation target.
Even if monthly inflation prints ease to 0.3%, year-over-year inflation would still rise to 3.8%.
Inflation is accelerating.' - TKL
On the 25th of February:
👉🏽After the ECB's massive losses, now Germany’s Central Bank. The Bundesbank reports a €19.2 billion loss for 2024—the first loss since 1979 and the largest in its history. It's not a good time for Central Bankers. Accountability anyone?
'This loss is primarily attributed to the sharp increase in interest rates initiated by the ECB since the summer of 2022 to combat high inflation. This led to higher interest expenses for the Bundesbank, as it had to pay more on deposits held by commercial banks.
In 2023, the Bundesbank offset a loss of €21.6 billion by fully releasing its provision for general risk and drawing from other reserves. However, by the end of 2024, only €0.7 billion in reserves remained available, insufficient to cover the year's losses. This resulted in an accumulated loss of €19.2 billion, which will be carried forward to 2025.' - Wyatt J. Prescott
👉🏽 A typical politician, says one thing to get elected and does another, no wonder people are losing trust in the system.
Leader of the CDU Friedrich Merz just completely went back on what was said during the election and announced that there will be NO TALK of shutting the borders to those without valid documentation.
"I want to say it very clearly again. None of us will talk about border closures, no one, although this was claimed at times during the election campaign, none of us want to close the borders"
Grok has fact-checked this. Merz DID say this during the election and has now reneged on it only ONE DAY after the election.
👉🏽'G-7 Debt/GDP forecast, we are entering a new era, it would be really naive to assume positive real interest rates as we go forward. Position your long-term investments and wealth protection accordingly.' -Michael A. Arouet
On the 26th of February:
👉🏽'Germany, where consumer sentiment has worsened again due to the weak labor market figures. The GfK Consumer Confidence Index dropped from -22.6 to -24.7, its lowest level since Apr 2024. Economists polled by Bloomberg had predicted an improvement to -21.6. This adds more pressure on the CDU/CSU and SPD to form a govt quickly and restore confidence in the economy.' - Holger Zschaepitz
👉🏽The US government spent $710 billion in the first month of the Trump presidency, up from $630 billion in the same period a year ago - Analysis
Funny how inflation works innit? And you still believe the 2% or 3% CPI?
On the 27th of February:
👉🏽U.S. Credit Card Defaults soared to $46 Billion, the most since the aftermath of the Global Financial Crisis.
On the 28th of February:
👉🏽Treasury Secretary Scott Bessent was just questioned if we're in a recession.
"We're seeing the hangover from the excess spending in the Biden 4 years. In 6 to 12 months, it becomes Trump's economy."
Translation: They want the market to crash soon.
Great quote on this topic: 'It would be in their best interest to let it crash. If they implement QE, we will see massive inflation. It's better to get it out prior to the midterms and then implement QE and buy the midterms. At least that's what I would do.
On the 1st of March:
👉🏽The White House announces that President Trump will host and speak at the first-ever White House Crypto Summit on March 7.
The event will bring together top crypto founders, CEOs, investors, and members of the President’s Working Group on Digital Assets.
European victory plan:
1) Destroy gas supplies coming from Russia
2) Destroy the relationship with Russia
3) Make yourself dependent on US gas supplies
4) Destroy the relationship with the USA
5) Give all your money to Ukraine
6) …
7) Victory
US national debt:
Feb 28, 2025: $36.5 trillion
Feb 28, 2024: $34.3 trillion
Feb 28, 2023: $31.6 trillion
Nothing is going to stop this train.
“National debt is immoral and destructive, silently undermining the basis of the state; it delivers the present generation to the execration of posterity.” - Napoleon
👉🏽Italy’s government has approved a law to restart nuclear power, nearly 4 decades after a 1987 referendum shut it down.
PM Meloni: "The government has approved another important measure to ensure clean, safe, low-cost energy that can guarantee energy security and strategic independence."
If nuclear reaches 11% of the energy mix, Italy could save €17 billion in decarbonization costs by 2050.
Source: Reuters
👉🏽Gold funds see record weekly inflows. Investors poured a staggering $4.7 billion into gold funds this week, marking an all-time high.
On the 2nd of March:
👉🏽For the Dutch / EU readers amongst my followers:
'This chart always shocks me when I see it. Major European countries have unfunded pension obligations of 400 to 500% of GDP. Combined with collapsing demographics it’s a recipe for disaster. Who is supposed to pay for these pensions? - Michael A. Aouret
Got Bitcoin?
👉🏽'How bad has the US debt crisis become?
US net interest payments as a percentage of federal revenue reached a whopping 18.7% in January, the highest since the 1990s.
This is just 20 basis points below the all-time high of 18.9% posted in 1992.
Furthermore, this share has DOUBLED in just 18 months as interest costs have skyrocketed.
Interest expense hit a record $1.2 trillion over the last 12 months and is the second-largest government outlay after Social Security.
The worst part?
Net interest costs as a percentage of federal revenues are estimated to reach 34% by 2054, assuming there will be no recession over this period.' - TKL
GDP is expected to grow 7.1% interannually in Q2 2025.
After a tough 2024, Milei’s austerity measures and economic freedom reforms are restoring confidence—just in time for the 2025 electoral cycle.
Milei’s bold strategy is proving to be the right call.
Source: Ramiro Castiñeira
👉🏽French President Emmanuel Macron today urged EU member states to agree on "massive, common funding" (ERGO: lending) to unlock investments of hundreds of billions of euros for European defense and security. Source: Politico
Jippieee more debt, and who the F will be paying for all that?
On the 3rd of February:
👉🏽Dutch inflation rose to 3,8% in February.
👉🏽Gold prices surge back above $2,900 as volatility rises and geopolitical tensions escalate.
## 🎁If you have made it this far I would like to give you a little gift:
What’s Driving Bitcoin Adoption in 2025?
Trust in Bitcoin has grown faster than that of any asset in history. While bitcoin is a form of money, its rate of growth mirrors that of the internet. River's new report is a deep dive into Bitcoin adoption.
In this report:
- Why this bull market is different
- The current state of the Bitcoin protocol, network, and monetary system
- Deep dives on institutional, business, & nation-state adoption
- A fresh look at Lightning Network's growth
- Why Bitcoin adoption is still very early
You can find the report here: https://blog.river.com/bitcoin-adoption-2025/
Credit: I have used multiple sources!
My savings account: Bitcoin The tool I recommend for setting up a Bitcoin savings plan: PocketBitcoin especially suited for beginners or people who want to invest in Bitcoin with an automated investment plan once a week or monthly.
Use the code SE3997
Get your Bitcoin out of exchanges. Save them on a hardware wallet, run your own node...be your own bank. Not your keys, not your coins. It's that simple.
⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀
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⭐ Many thanks⭐
Felipe - Bitcoin Friday!

@ 6e0ea5d6:0327f353
2025-03-04 20:02:47
The recipe for the downfall of a relationship is quite simple: marry someone with whom you have nothing in common.
The exotic tends to be attractive, but how many times, in a fine restaurant, has a customer discreetly spat into a napkin what they had just chewed because the eye-catching appearance betrayed them with an unbearable taste?
At the end of a hard day or a week of good results, we simply want to recline in a chair and celebrate in our own way what we have overcome. In the high phase of life, when the days are ripe for harvest, this desire will manifest with even greater intensity. And when your prosperity extends into the shade, and the days grow longer due to idleness, what will the two of you have to talk about?
Will your mentalities align?
Or will this person nestle on your shoulder and pour out a history of degeneration, drinking, parties, and casual relationships, because that is their only life experience?
I do not speak only in the professional sense, but of progress as a whole: when you have overcome your flaws, will you want to share your life with someone who nurtures theirs and takes their own ego as a lover?
Some are lucky to meet during the journey—a great privilege. But in general, the busy ones find each other after the work is done, and it is natural for both to want to enjoy in this peaceful phase what their efforts have granted them. At that moment, being beside someone whose travels or experiences are fresh and well-earned as rewards for their own sacrifices contrasts with sharing life with someone who has already been through it countless times, with the merit of a parasite.
Opportunists and freeloaders exist on both sides. Do not take by the hand someone who is merely waiting for a winner at the finish line. It is easy to appear clean and unscarred when one has not run even a kilometer. Do not be unfair to your lifelong efforts; find someone who represents you in determination, ethics, and principles, and you will multiply your fruits here on Earth. Also, remember that old piece of advice: "be what you seek to have," so that your future demands are not those of a hypocrite.
Thank you for reading, my friend!
If this message resonated with you, consider leaving your "🥃" as a token of appreciation.
A toast to our family!

@ 000002de:c05780a7
2025-03-04 19:27:34

I was reminded of this comic this morning. Very relevant to this day.
The losers suddenly fear the government. Or rather the current administration. Those that used to fear the government falsely believe they can wield it to do "good". This is an illusion. Like the Ring of Power it has no master. The only winner is the state. It grows more powerful.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/903795