
@ 4925ea33:025410d8
2025-03-06 15:37:04
Os óleos essenciais são os principais ativos terapêuticos da Aromaterapia. No entanto, assim como qualquer substância que aplicamos na pele, inalamos ou ingerimos, eles podem causar reações alérgicas. Esse risco é ainda maior porque os óleos essenciais contêm compostos altamente concentrados, alguns dos quais possuem grande potencial alergênico. Por isso, é fundamental conhecer bem os óleos essenciais e entender seus riscos antes de utilizá-los.
## Entendendo os riscos dos óleos essenciais

Embora sejam naturais, os óleos essenciais são
altamente concentrados e podem provocar irritações ou alergias em algumas pessoas. Cada óleo contém diferentes componentes químicos, e é essencial compreender sua toxicidade para um uso seguro.
Podemos dividir os principais componentes químicos dos óleos essenciais em dois grandes grupos:
* Aromáticos ou fenóis
* Terpênicos
Além desses, existem outras substâncias que, apesar de terem propriedades terapêuticas, também podem apresentar riscos, como: lactonas, cumarinas (responsáveis pela fototoxicidade), ftalidas, compostos nitrogenados e compostos sulfurados.
A toxicidade de um óleo essencial depende da concentração dessas substâncias e do método de extração. Por exemplo, óleos obtidos pelo método de prensagem a frio preservam melhor seus componentes químicos, tornando-se mais potentes terapeuticamente, mas também mais propensos a causar reações adversas.
Os principais riscos dos óleos essenciais incluem:
✔️ Fotossensibilização (aumenta a sensibilidade da pele ao sol)
✔️ Efeito cáustico (pode causar queimaduras químicas)
✔️ Irritação na pele e nas mucosas
✔️ Reações alérgicas
✔️ Nefrotoxicidade (toxicidade para os rins)
✔️ Hepatotoxicidade (toxicidade para o fígado)
✔️ Neurotoxicidade (efeitos no sistema nervoso)
Diante desses riscos, é essencial contar com a orientação de um profissional e sempre realizar um teste de sensibilidade antes de usar qualquer óleo essencial.
## Como fazer o teste de sensibilidade?

O teste de sensibilidade deve ser feito em áreas mais sensíveis da pele, como a dobra do cotovelo ou atrás da orelha – sendo a dobra do cotovelo a opção mais segura.
**Passo a passo:**
Diluir o óleo essencial: misture 1 ou 2 gotas do óleo essencial em 5 mL de óleo carreador (ou siga a proporção de 1 gota de óleo essencial para 5 gotas de carreador).
Aplicar na pele: passe a mistura na região escolhida.
Observar por 24 horas: caso surjam vermelhidão, coceira ou irritação, é importante avaliar a gravidade da reação com um profissional antes de prosseguir com o uso.
Mesmo em casos de reações leves, pode ser possível utilizar o óleo essencial com uma diluição maior. Nesses casos, o aromaterapeuta pode ajustar a formulação conforme tabelas específicas para pessoas sensíveis.
## Dicas para um uso seguro dos óleos essenciais

✅ Nunca use óleos essenciais puros na pele. Sempre dilua em um óleo carreador adequado, pois ele transporta os ativos sem alterar suas propriedades e pode até potencializar os efeitos terapêuticos.
✅ Atenção à inalação! Ajuste o número de gotas no difusor e o tempo de exposição. No início do tratamento, prefira difusões curtas (até 30 minutos).
✅ Atenção às diluições! As proporções variam conforme o público:
Crianças e pessoas sensíveis: diluição máxima de 1% de óleo essencial na fórmula.
Adultos saudáveis: diluição entre 2% e 3%.
Se você tem dúvidas ou quer saber como a Aromaterapia pode ajudar no seu dia a dia, me mande uma mensagem! Será um prazer te ajudar a usar os óleos essenciais com segurança. 😊✨

@ 6e0ea5d6:0327f353
2025-03-06 15:32:33
Ascolta bene!
Absorb from suffering the lessons that joy would never dare to offer you.
Davvero, all strong men are truly tested only when everything falls apart. It is easy to feel good and motivated on happy days. But in life's great adversities, we discover whether we can truly withstand what our optimism conveniently sweeps under the rug.
When you are dragged by powerful currents, regretting diving into deep waters is useless. The only path is to fight with strong strokes to avoid drowning and cling to the first rock or log that appears on the riverbank to survive. Likewise, my friend, your regrets and remorse are like concrete weights tied to your feet, dragging you deeper into despair.
Which man has never tormented himself thinking, "What if I had done things differently?" The failure of your decisions must be confronted with all your strength. Do not lament what you could have done or failed to do—focus your mind on fixing what is still within your control. This is not about motivation; it is about survival. A wound, once healed, becomes a scar. A mistake, once learned from, becomes a valuable lesson.
Anguish, sadness, and frustration are anchors that paralyze and offer no benefit. You must not stop your journey just because your shoes have worn out. You cannot bury your will to win simply because of the defeats along the way. Nothing will ever be easy—it never was. Anyone who says otherwise is a cunning liar!
Infatti, if there is one piece of advice I can give to each of you, it is this: never allow yourself to succumb when everything collapses, and your plans slip through your fingers.
Thank you for reading, my friend!
If this message resonated with you, consider leaving your "🥃" as a token of appreciation.
A toast to our family!

@ f1989a96:bcaaf2c1
2025-03-06 14:49:57
Good morning, readers!
In Nicaragua, the regime is increasingly cracking down on civil society, imposing new financial regulations on non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that require them to disclose donors and report all financial transactions — further restricting their ability to operate independently. Meanwhile, in Iraq, the central bank governor announced plans to introduce a central bank digital currency (CBDC) to replace cash in circulation. CBDCs are a mechanism for using digital currencies to centralize financial control.
In freedom tech news, Alby Go, a mobile Bitcoin Lightning wallet, added support for Pick n Pay QR codes, making it easier for South Africans to pay with Bitcoin at one of the country’s largest retailers. Additionally, Bitcoin Safe, an open-source Bitcoin wallet designed to simplify self-custody, introduced support for Burmese and Korean Languages, making the wallet more accessible to activists, dissidents, and individuals in these regions.
We end with a new discussion from 21st Capital, where Alex Gladstein, Chief Strategy Officer at HRF, joins Ziya Sadr, an Iranian activist and Bitcoin educator, to explore Bitcoin’s role in fighting financial repression and advancing global freedom. Sadr, who was detained by the Iranian regime during the Mahsa Amini protests, shares a sobering account of authoritarian control and the ways Bitcoin can help alleviate these struggles.
**Now, let’s get right to it!**
### [**Subscribe Here**](https://mailchi.mp/hrf.org/financial-freedom-newsletter?mc_cid=bf652c0a5a)
#### **Nicaragua | Increases Financial Surveillance of NGOs**
Nicaragua’s dictator, Daniel Ortega, intensified his [crackdown](https://havanatimes.org/features/nicaragua-surveillance-of-ngos-finances-tightened/) on civil society with two new regulations that significantly increase the Ministry of the Interior’s (MINT) authority over national and foreign NGOs. The new regulations require NGOs to submit financial documentation, disclose their donors, and report all financial transactions. Using this information, authorities can now classify organizations as “threats,” conduct surprise inspections, impose sanctions, seize assets, and force closure. These regulations, framed as efforts to combat “digital terrorism,” intensify state surveillance and control and are a continuation of the regime’s systematic use of financial repression to silence dissent. This year alone, Ortega [shut down](https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/261539/nicaraguan-dictatorship-shuts-down-more-organizations-including-dominican-nuns) 15 NGOs, and since 2021, he has closed over 5,600.
#### **El Salvador | IMF Approves 1.4 Billion Loan With Further Restrictions**
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has officially [approved](https://www.imf.org/en/News/Articles/2025/02/26/pr25043-el-salvador-imf-approves-new-40-month-us1-bn-eff-arr) its $1.4 billion loan to El Salvador while reinforcing even stricter limits on Bitcoin. This comes after last month’s legal reforms that made Bitcoin acceptance voluntary and prohibited its use for tax payments. The finalized deal, which grants an immediate $113 million disbursement, confines “government engagement in Bitcoin-related economic activities, as well as government transactions in and purchases of Bitcoin.” Despite these constraints, President Bukele has continued to [flaunt](https://x.com/nayibbukele/status/1896745753521148308) Bitcoin purchases on social media, leaving many questions unanswered. Where does this bitcoin come from? Who controls the wallets? The lack of transparency remains.
#### **Iraq | Issuing CBDC to Replace Cash**
Iraq’s central bank governor, Ali Al-Allaq, [announced](https://www.agbi.com/banking-finance/2025/02/iraq-plans-digital-currency-to-replace-paper-notes/) that “the Iraqi central bank is now moving to create its own digital currency which will gradually replace paper notes.” Al-Allaq highlighted that this move aligns with broader “radical” changes in the global financial system. This news comes after Iraq [banned](https://shafaq.com/en/Economy/Iraq-among-10-nations-banning-cryptocurrency) all digital assets in 2017, citing concerns over financial crime and terrorism. Yet, its embrace of a CBDC over decentralized currencies like Bitcoin highlights a familiar pattern. China, Nigeria, and Russia have also pushed for CBDCs while restricting Bitcoin. Evidently, authoritarian regimes prefer financial control to remain in their own hands rather than risk empowering the public.
#### **Nigeria | Frees Tigran Gambaryan in Exchange for Greater Financial Surveillance**
In October 2024, Nigeria released Tigran Gambaryan, a former Binance executive [accused](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c8dmp1jg448o?mc_cid=9921b0f578&mc_eid=UNIQID) of money laundering and contributing to the naira’s devaluation — though, in reality, he was a scapegoat for the regime’s economic mismanagement. [According](https://www.therage.co/the-cost-of-gambaryan/) to The Rage, his release was secured through a deal with the US to help Nigeria prosecute “cryptocurrency and financial crimes.” Soon after, the two countries announced the creation of a “Bilateral Liaison Group on Illicit Finance and Cryptocurrencies” to expand Nigeria’s surveillance capabilities and “pursue cybercrime investigations and prosecutions.” Gambaryan, who described his prison conditions as “torture,” now faces an unsettling reality: his freedom may have come at the cost of strengthening an authoritarian regime notorious for its financial repression.
#### **Turkey | X Blocks Accounts of Three Journalists at Regimes Request**
X recently [blocked](https://www.turkishminute.com/2025/02/26/x-blocks-access-to-accounts-of-3-kurdish-journalists-in-turkey3/) the accounts of three Kurdish journalists in Turkey — Abdurrahman Gök, Oktay Candemir, and Ruşen Takva — following a Turkish government request citing concerns over “national security.” The journalists, known for exposing government corruption and reporting on Kurdish issues, now join a growing list of silenced Turkish reporters. This comes as Turkey intensifies its crackdown on independent media through arrests, legal pressure, and censorship. With [95%](https://www.turkishminute.com/2025/02/26/x-blocks-access-to-accounts-of-3-kurdish-journalists-in-turkey3/) of media outlets in Turkey complying with the regime, social platforms remain one of the last places for free expression. Yet, as X and other platforms increasingly comply with authoritarian demands, access to independent information shrinks. This escalating repression underscores the need for censorship-resistant alternatives like nostr, where government pressure or corporate compliance cannot easily suppress speech.
#### **Webinar Series for Nonprofits: Become Unstoppable**
HRF will host a [free, three-day webinar](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0sjqwSFQo8HGMsWIIDRyhx34TsoonOSTfYoWSy-aaBbLeSw/viewform) from March 17–19, teaching human rights defenders and nonprofits how to use Bitcoin to counter state censorship and confiscation. Sessions run daily from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EDT and are beginner-friendly. The webinar will be led by Anna Chekhovich, HRF’s Bitcoin nonprofit adoption lead and financial manager at Alexei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation.
[Register for webinar](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0sjqwSFQo8HGMsWIIDRyhx34TsoonOSTfYoWSy-aaBbLeSw/viewform)
#### **SXSW | The Human Rights Risks of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)**
Join HRF at [SXSW 2025](https://www.sxsw.com/) in Austin from March 7–13 to explore how CBDCs threaten financial freedom. Experts [Roger Huang](https://x.com/Rogerh1991), [Charlene Fadirepo](https://x.com/CharFadirepo), and [Nick Anthony](https://x.com/EconWithNick) will discuss how authoritarian regimes use CBDCs for surveillance and control. Attendees can also visit HRF’s [CBDC Tracker](https://cbdctracker.hrf.org/) booth to explore an interactive map of CBDC developments worldwide.
#### [Get your tickets](https://www.sxsw.com/conference/)
#### **Nostr Wallet Connect | Introduces Pull Request for On-Chain Send and Receive**
[Nostr Wallet Connect](https://nwc.dev/) (NWC), a protocol that connects Bitcoin Lightning wallets and applications, is developing a potential [upgrade](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/pull/1807): support for on-chain Bitcoin transactions. Currently, NWC is designed for Lightning transactions. This new update would allow users to also send and receive on-chain Bitcoin transactions, which are slower and less private, but more secure with higher send and receive limits. This means users and apps can more easily move funds between Lightning and regular Bitcoin wallets, making NWC more practical and flexible. This upgrade enhances financial resilience for dissidents and activists by providing a more secure and flexible way to store and move Bitcoin.
#### **Bitcoin Safe | Adds Support for Burmese and Korean Languages**
[Bitcoin Safe](https://github.com/andreasgriffin/bitcoin-safe), an open-source Bitcoin wallet designed to make self-custody simple — even for non-technical users — [introduced](https://github.com/andreasgriffin/bitcoin-safe/releases/tag/1.0.7) support for Burmese and Korean Languages. This support makes the wallet more accessible to activists, dissidents, and individuals in these regions, empowering them with uncensorable and unseizable money. Bitcoin Safe guides users through the entire setup process, offering step-by-step instructions for single-signature wallets (where one private key controls your Bitcoin) and multisignature wallets (which require multiple private keys for added security). By breaking down barriers to Bitcoin self-custody, Bitcoin Safe is making financial freedom accessible to those who need it most.
#### **Frostr | Turn Your Nostr Private Key into a Rotatable Multisig**
[Frostr](https://www.frostr.org/) is an experimental new tool that adds a layer of security to a user’s nostr private key by splitting it into multiple parts. Instead of using a single key, Frostr divides the key into shares, requiring a subset of these shares to sign messages on nostr. This offers two key benefits. First, greater security; even if one share is lost or stolen, a user’s full key remains secret and in their control. Second, flexible key rotation; users can replace or update shares of the key without changing their digital identity. This is an important advancement for activists, journalists, and human rights defenders. Many authoritarian regimes track, censor, and punish those who speak freely. If an activist’s private key is compromised, their digital identity and safety could be at risk. Frostr removes this single point of failure and empowers users to communicate freely, securely, and flexibly, even in hostile environments.
#### **Alby Go | Integrates Pick n Pay QRs for Bitcoin Payments in South Africa**
[Alby Go](https://github.com/getAlby/go), a mobile Bitcoin Lightning wallet, [added](https://github.com/getAlby/go/releases/tag/v1.10.0) support for Pick n Pay QR codes, making it easier for South Africans to pay with Bitcoin at one of the country’s largest retailers. The update also integrates BTC map, offering users a detailed directory of merchants that accept Bitcoin. These changes make everyday Bitcoin payments more practical, expand access to businesses that accept Bitcoin, and give South Africans an alternative to the country’s unstable financial system and currency.
#### **bitcoin++ | Announces Freedom and Privacy Edition**
[bitcoin++](https://btcplusplus.dev/), a bitcoin-only developer conference series, is set to [return](https://btcplusplus.dev/conf/riga) on August 7-8, 2025, with a dedicated focus on freedom and privacy. Taking place in Riga, Latvia the event will bring together privacy advocates, developers, and freedom tech enthusiasts to explore the latest developments in privacy tech, censorship resistance, and open-source development on Bitcoin. Learn more and get your tickets [here](https://btcplusplus.dev/conf/riga).
#### **Bitcoin’s Potential to Revolutionize Freedom with Alex Gladstein**
In this [episode](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-nrreRWdPI) of 21st Capital, Alex Gladstein, Chief Strategy Officer at HRF, sits down with Ziya Sadr, an Iranian activist and Bitcoin educator, to discuss Bitcoin’s role in fighting financial repression and advancing global freedom. Ziya helped build Iran’s Farsi-speaking Bitcoin community, created educational content on privacy, and contributed to open-source translation projects. He was later detained by the Iranian regime during the Mahsa Amini protests. During the discussion, Gladstein highlights stories of individuals escaping authoritarian control, accessing global markets, and securing their wealth through Bitcoin. Watch here to [learn](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y-nrreRWdPI) how Bitcoin is a tool for human rights.
*If this article was forwarded to you and you enjoyed reading it, please consider subscribing to the Financial Freedom Report [here](https://mailchi.mp/hrf.org/financial-freedom-newsletter?mc_cid=bf652c0a5a).*
*Support the newsletter by donating bitcoin to HRF’s Financial Freedom program [via BTCPay](https://hrf.org/btc).*\
*Want to contribute to the newsletter? Submit tips, stories, news, and ideas by emailing us at ffreport @ [hrf.org](http://hrf.org/)*
*The Bitcoin Development Fund (BDF) is accepting grant proposals on an ongoing basis. The Bitcoin Development Fund is looking to support Bitcoin developers, community builders, and educators. Submit proposals [here](https://forms.monday.com/forms/57019f8829449d9e729d9e3545a237ea?r=use1)*.
[**Subscribe to newsletter**](http://financialfreedomreport.org/)
[**Apply for a grant**](https://forms.monday.com/forms/57019f8829449d9e729d9e3545a237ea?r=use1&mc_cid=39c1c9b7e8&mc_eid=778e9876e3)
[**Support our work**](https://hrf.org/btc?mc_cid=39c1c9b7e8&mc_eid=778e9876e3)
[**Visit our website**](https://hrf.org/programs/financial-freedom/)

@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2025-03-06 14:49:20
Nice quick primer on one of the advantages of fasting.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/905637

@ 407529d6:83e93205
2025-03-06 14:42:04
NOSTR (Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays) is a decentralized, censorship-resistant social network built for true digital freedom. Unlike traditional platforms, NOSTR has no central authority—no single company or government can control or take it down.
✔ No More Censorship – Your voice cannot be silenced by an algorithm or policy.
✔ True Ownership – You control your content and identity, no risks of sudden bans.
✔ Fair Monetization – Earn Bitcoin directly from your audience without relying on ads.
Why You Should Join NOSTR Today
1️⃣ Unrestricted Speech – Express yourself without fear of being silenced or deplatformed.
2️⃣ Direct Peer-to-Peer Earnings – Receive Bitcoin from supporters without any middleman taking a cut.
3️⃣ Decentralized and Secure – No central server that can be hacked, censored, or shut down.
The future of social media isn’t about control—it’s about freedom, ownership, and financial independence. NOSTR isn’t just another platform; it’s a movement.
Join the revolution. Own your voice. Take back control.
#NOSTR #Decentralization #Bitcoin #FreeSpeech #FutureOfSocialMedia

@ cbaa0c82:e9313245
2025-03-06 13:45:58
#TheWholeGrain - #February2025
Ah, February! The month of love! Well, it is if Valentine's Day and a few slices of bread have anything to say about it! All of this month's Sunday Singles all revolved around this theme. How can we portray to folks our love for, well, Love! We even changed our logo on Valentine's Day this year and released the art for it as a note using the NOSTR protocol.
The adventure known as Questline released two more pages of its story ending the month with readers wondering how will the gang deal with their first adversary.
As usual a piece of Concept Art and Bitcoin Art were released. However, some will notice that the art work was released with a new framing standard which we plan to continue.
Last of all, we started releasing merchandise with an exclusive bundle inspired by this month's Toast's Comic Collection. You'll see more information about this near the end of this issue of The Whole Grain.
**Sunday Singles - February 2025**
2025-02-02 | Sunday Single 78
Title: Cupid
*If you don’t watch out, you might just get struck by Cupid’s arrow!*
2025-02-09 | Sunday Single 79
Title: Ace of Hearts
*Will you be an Ace this Valentine’s Day?*
2025-02-16 | Sunday Single 80
Title: Three of Hearts
*Talk about lucky! Here are three hearts worth having!*
2025-02-23 | Sunday Single 81
Title: Chemistry
*For the past month our top scientist has been studying chemistry.*
**Adventure Series: Questline**
Bread, Toast, and End-Piece left a recently burned down village behind them. As they continue forward pondering what they have recently seen they are about to be surprised by something big...
Writer: Daniel David (dan 🍞)
Artist: Dakota Jernigan (The Bitcoin Painter)
2025-02-11 | Questline
003 - Time to Move Forward
After some time investigating the recently torched village our heroes continue on the path. Toast is happy to be leaving it behind them, but Bread continues to wonder what could have possibly caused such immense damage... and where were all the villagers?
2025-02-25 | Questline
004 - Winged Predator
The village and its dark clouds can no longer be seen behind our heroes. However, Bread still cannot stop pondering the village, and what could have happened to it. Suddenly, within a span of few seconds, Toast notices their three shadows engrossed by a much larger one and hears what is approaching behind them.
**Other Content Released in February 2025**
2025-02-05 | Toast's Comic Collection
Title: Batbread #10
*I am... vengeance. I am... the night.
I am... Batbread.*
2025-02-12 | Concept Art
Title: Second Toast Sketch
*A second sketch of the character Toast. Remade and cleaned up.*
2025-02-14 | Leftover
Title: Valentine's Day 2025
*Happy Valentine's Day! 💘
We know that we say this a lot, but... 🍞 ♥️ U*
2025-02-19 | Bitcoin Art
Title: The Miner
Block Height: 884458
*End-Piece is the miner of the group. Someone has to do the hard work!*
**Merchandise Announcement**
We want to begin selling some merchandise. After the success of the exclusive metal cut-outs sold at Nostr Valley 2024 we decided to sell something similar. Bread and Toast made an announcement this past month shortly after this month's Toast's Comic Collection release with the Batbread Bundle (Limited Supply).
If you are interested in purchasing he Batbread Bundle contact us by email at store@breadandtoast.com with "Batbread" in the subject line! There are only 21 in total available. It'll be first come, first serve!
Thanks for checking out the sixth issue of The Whole Grain. The Whole Grain is released on the first of every month and covers all of the content released by Bread and Toast in the previous month. For all Bread and Toast content visit BreadandToast.com!
**🍞 ♥️ U**
***Bread, Toast, and End-Piece***
#BreadandToast #SundaySingle #Questline #ToastsComicCollection #ConceptArt #BitcoinArt #Bread #Toast #EndPiece #Artstr #Comic #Cartoon #NostrOnly #Valentines #Love #🖼️
***List of nPubs Mentioned:***
The Bitcoin Painter:
dan 🍞: