
@ f3873798:24b3f2f3
2025-03-10 00:32:44
Recentemente, assisti a um vídeo que me fez refletir profundamente sobre o impacto da linguagem na hora de vender. No vídeo, uma jovem relatava sua experiência ao presenciar um vendedor de amendoim em uma agência dos Correios. O local estava cheio, as pessoas aguardavam impacientes na fila e, em meio a esse cenário, um homem humilde tentava vender seu produto. Mas sua abordagem não era estratégica; ao invés de destacar os benefícios do amendoim, ele suplicava para que alguém o ajudasse comprando. O resultado? Ninguém se interessou.

A jovem observou que o problema não era o produto, mas a forma como ele estava sendo oferecido. Afinal, muitas das pessoas ali estavam há horas esperando e perto do horário do almoço – o amendoim poderia ser um ótimo tira-gosto. No entanto, como a comunicação do vendedor vinha carregada de desespero, ele afastava os clientes ao invés de atraí-los. Esse vídeo me tocou profundamente.
No dia seguinte, ao sair para comemorar meu aniversário, vi um menino vendendo balas na rua, sob o sol forte. Assim como no caso do amendoim, percebi que as pessoas ao redor não se interessavam por seu produto. Ao se aproximar do carro, resolvi comprar dois pacotes. Mais do que ajudar, queria que aquele pequeno gesto servisse como incentivo para que ele continuasse acreditando no seu negócio.
Essa experiência me fez refletir ainda mais sobre o poder da comunicação em vendas. Muitas vezes, não é o produto que está errado, mas sim a forma como o vendedor o apresenta. Quando transmitimos confiança e mostramos o valor do que vendemos, despertamos o interesse genuíno dos clientes.
## Como a Linguagem Impacta as Vendas?

##### 1. O Poder da Abordagem Positiva
Em vez de pedir por ajuda, é importante destacar os benefícios do produto. No caso do amendoim, o vendedor poderia ter dito algo como:
"Que tal um petisco delicioso enquanto espera? Um amendoim fresquinho para matar a fome até o almoço!"
##### 2. A Emoção na Medida Certa
Expressar emoção é essencial, mas sem parecer desesperado. Os clientes devem sentir que estão adquirindo algo de valor, não apenas ajudando o vendedor.
##### 3. Conheça Seu Público
Entender o contexto é fundamental. Se as pessoas estavam com fome e impacientes, uma abordagem mais objetiva e focada no benefício do produto poderia gerar mais vendas.
##### 4. Autoconfiança e Postura
Falar com firmeza e segurança transmite credibilidade. O vendedor precisa acreditar no próprio produto antes de convencer o cliente a comprá-lo.
### Conclusão
Vender é mais do que apenas oferecer um produto – é uma arte que envolve comunicação, percepção e estratégia. Pequenos ajustes na abordagem podem transformar completamente os resultados. Se o vendedor de amendoim tivesse apresentado seu produto de outra maneira, talvez tivesse vendido tudo rapidamente. Da mesma forma, se cada um de nós aprender a se comunicar melhor em nossas próprias áreas, poderemos alcançar muito mais sucesso.
E você? Já passou por uma experiência parecida?

@ 4925ea33:025410d8
2025-03-09 22:56:19
### O que é melasma?

Segundo a Sociedade Brasileira de Dermatologia, o melasma é uma condição caracterizada pelo surgimento de manchas escuras na pele, mais comumente no rosto. No entanto, também pode ocorrer em outras áreas do corpo, como braços, pescoço e colo.
Essas manchas possuem tonalidade acastanhada, formato irregular e bem definido, sendo geralmente simétricas (iguais nos dois lados do rosto).
A causa exata do melasma ainda não é totalmente conhecida. De acordo com o Hospital Albert Einstein, essa condição está relacionada à superprodução de melanina (pigmento que dá cor à pele) ou à dilatação excessiva dos vasos sanguíneos, o que desencadeia inflamação em regiões específicas do rosto.
Os melasmas podem ser classificados em três tipos:
**Epidérmico** – Atinge a camada mais superficial da pele.
**Dérmico** – Ocorre nas camadas mais profundas.
**Misto** – Atinge tanto as camadas superficiais quanto as profundas.
A classificação do melasma é fundamental para a escolha do tratamento adequado.
### Tratamento do melasma

O tratamento convencional envolve o uso de agentes clareadores, peelings químicos e cuidados preventivos, como a aplicação diária de protetor solar. Embora esses métodos sejam eficazes, podem ser agressivos para peles sensíveis. É aí que a aromaterapia surge como uma opção complementar, oferecendo uma abordagem mais natural e holística.
### Como a Aromaterapia pode ajudar no tratamento do melasma?

A aromaterapia considera o corpo como um todo, tratando não apenas as manchas, mas também possíveis causas subjacentes, como desequilíbrios hormonais e inflamações. Além disso, os óleos essenciais possuem propriedades despigmentantes, cicatrizantes e regeneradoras da pele.
### Óleos essenciais recomendados para melasma
**Óleo essencial de Gerânio** – Regula os hormônios femininos e auxilia no clareamento de manchas relacionadas ao envelhecimento.
**Óleo essencial de Vetiver** – Favorece a regeneração celular, ajudando a reduzir manchas e prevenir o ressecamento.
**Óleo essencial de Copaíba** – Possui ação anti-inflamatória e auxilia no controle da oleosidade.
**Óleo essencial de Tea Tree (Melaleuca)** – Ajuda a prevenir espinhas e melhora manchas causadas pela acne.
**Óleo essencial de Lavanda**– Com propriedades cicatrizantes e anti-inflamatórias, acelera a regeneração da pele.
**Óleo essencial de Olíbano** – Rico em antioxidantes, combate os sinais de envelhecimento e melhora a textura da pele.
### Cuidados ao usar a aromaterapia no melasma
A aplicação direta de óleos essenciais na pele exige cuidado. Como o melasma pode estar associado a processos inflamatórios, o uso inadequado dos óleos pode piorar a condição ou até causar danos irreversíveis.
##### Dicas de segurança:
Sempre dilua os óleos essenciais em um óleo vegetal (como rosa mosqueta ou jojoba) antes da aplicação tópica.
Evite óleos essenciais cítricos (como limão e laranja) durante o dia, pois são fotossensíveis e podem manchar ainda mais a pele.
Consulte um aromaterapeuta ou dermatologista para um tratamento personalizado.
Se você gostou deste artigo, compartilhe com quem precisa saber mais sobre o poder da aromaterapia! E se tiver dúvidas, deixe seu comentário.

@ 878dff7c:037d18bc
2025-03-09 20:49:43
## Undocumented Commands Found in ESP32 Bluetooth Chip Used by Over a Billion Devices
### Summary:
Researchers from Tarlogic Security have discovered 29 undocumented vendor-specific commands in the ESP32 microcontroller, manufactured by Espressif and widely used in over a billion IoT devices as of 2023. These hidden commands enable low-level control over Bluetooth functions, including memory manipulation (reading/writing RAM and Flash), MAC address spoofing (device impersonation), and LMP/LLCP packet injection. Such capabilities could allow attackers to spoof trusted devices, access unauthorized data, pivot to other networked devices, and establish long-term persistence. The issue, now tracked as CVE-2025-27840, was presented at RootedCON in Madrid. Espressif has not publicly documented these commands, raising concerns about potential exploitation.​:contentReference[oaicite:0]{index=0}
Sources: [BleepingComputer - 8 March 2025](https://www.bleepingcomputer.com/news/security/undocumented-backdoor-found-in-bluetooth-chip-used-by-a-billion-devices/), [Tarlogic - 6 March 2025](https://www.tarlogic.com/news/backdoor-esp32-chip-infect-ot-devices/), [NVD - 8 March 2025](https://nvd.nist.gov/vuln/detail/CVE-2025-27840)
## Fresh Flood Crisis Hits Gold Coast and Brisbane
### Summary:
Brisbane's south, Ipswich, Logan, and the Gold Coast have been severely affected by Cyclone Alfred, resulting in significant flooding. An emergency alert advised residents in flood-prone areas to stay inside and seek higher ground. The cyclone, initially thought to have weakened, surprised many with destructive 100km/h winds. Brisbane experienced severe flash flooding, impacting homes, streets, and public transport. Heavy rainfall is anticipated to continue, with predictions of up to 500mm in the next 48 hours. While some schools and public services are resuming, many areas remain critically affected by power outages and infrastructure damage. Premier David Crisafulli emphasized the importance of safety and recovery efforts, urging continued caution.
Sources: [The Courier-Mail - 10 March 2025](https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/queensland/weather/extropical-cyclone-alfred-makes-landfall-brisbane-and-redcliffe-smashed-by-category-1-winds/news-story/1ae4734d55def2afa4fb5d99fca65499), [News.com.au - 10 March 2025](https://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/extropical-cyclone-alfred-threats-remain-as-wind-flooding-concerns-linger/news-story/8d68f034ba130023752876138536d316)
## Thousands Without Power as Storm Alfred Lashes Queensland
### Summary:
Tens of thousands of Australians in Queensland were left without power as the downgraded Tropical Cyclone Alfred brought heavy rains, damaging winds, and flooding. The Gold Coast was the hardest hit, with over 112,000 outages, while a total of approximately 316,540 people in southeast Queensland were affected. Despite preparations, the storm's severe conditions also impacted New South Wales, prompting significant efforts and responses from local and federal authorities. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese emphasized the serious flood risks in affected areas. The Bureau of Meteorology forecasted ongoing heavy rains and winds. Brisbane Airport reopened but warned of potential disruptions, and decisions regarding the reopening of about 1,000 schools affected by the weather were pending. The community spirit remained strong despite the adverse conditions. On Saturday, an individual died in northern New South Wales floodwaters, and a collision involving military vehicles resulted in injuries to several officers.
Sources: [Reuters - 10 March 2025](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/thousands-australians-without-power-ex-tropical-cyclone-lashes-queensland-2025-03-08), [AP News - 9 March 2025](https://apnews.com/article/ec60b6f7b8658e9cdce954c7a47979f1)
## Concerns Over Potential Advertising Bans by Minority Governments
### Summary:
Australia's political landscape is shifting as disillusioned voters increasingly support independents and minor parties. This trend could lead to a minority Labor or Coalition government after the next federal election, creating potential uncertainties for businesses. Independent parties are advocating for broad advertising bans on industries such as gambling, alcohol, and unhealthy food, which could significantly impact the economy. These bans, especially on food and beverages, could devastate manufacturers and farmers, exacerbating the ongoing cost-of-living crisis. Current consumer research indicates that Australians prefer health education and subsidies for nutritious foods over further advertising prohibitions. Evidence from global instances suggests that such advertising bans have not effectively reduced obesity rates. In this volatile political and economic situation, pragmatic leadership is essential to balance public health and economic sustainability.
Sources: [The Australian - 10 March 2025](https://www.theaustralian.com.au/commentary/beware-the-advertising-fallout-of-minority-rule-in-australia/news-story/53ae0391e1c327ac4007211acab3142a)
## Proposed Freeze on Tobacco Tax to Recover Government Funds
### Summary:
A report from Tulipwood Economics for the Australian Association of Convenience Stores (AACS) suggests that freezing tobacco excise, allowing regulated vapes, and targeting illicit sellers could secure up to $18.6 billion in revenue for the Australian Federal Government. This revenue could fund essential public services such as schools, social housing, and hospitals. The report criticizes the current approach of frequent tax hikes on tobacco, noting that higher taxes have driven smokers towards the black market, increasing criminal activity and reducing government revenue. The opposition Coalition's plan to reintroduce regulated vapes and consider freezing tobacco taxes is praised for addressing the crisis. Master Grocers Australia also supports a tax freeze, emphasizing that the government's current policy inadvertently supports criminal enterprises. The call is for a significant policy rethink to ensure smokers use legal, taxed products, thereby benefiting Australia's economy and public health.
Sources: [Herald Sun - 10 March 2025](https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/victoria/50-new-schools-75000-social-housing-units-what-a-freeze-on-tobacco-tax-could-provide/news-story/ddef201bb4cdd9159ed3f505de9886b4)
## U.S. Pentagon Nominee Questions Submarine Sales to Australia Amid Taiwan Tensions
### Summary:
Elbridge Colby, nominated by President Trump for undersecretary of defense for policy, has raised concerns about the AUKUS agreement, which involves selling U.S. Virginia-class nuclear-powered submarines to Australia. Colby emphasizes the strategic importance of these submarines for defending Taiwan and highlights potential risks to U.S. forces if they are sold to Australia, citing production and deployment challenges. He suggests that Australia invest in other military capabilities instead.
Sources: [The Guardian - 9 March 2025](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/mar/09/trump-pick-for-pentagon-says-selling-submarines-to-australia-would-be-crazy-if-taiwan-tensions-flare)
## Australia Faces Imminent U.S. Tariffs on Steel and Aluminium
### Summary:
The United States is set to impose tariffs on Australian steel and aluminium starting Wednesday. Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is currently prioritizing the aftermath of Cyclone Alfred, while Trade Minister Don Farrell has not advanced plans to visit the U.S. to discuss the tariffs. Influential advisers to President Trump are urging against tariff exemptions for Australia, and there are concerns that negative comments from Australian officials may influence the U.S. stance on exemptions.
Sources: [The Australian - 10 March 2025](https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/albanese-focus-on-alfred-aftermath-before-us-tariffs-threat/news-story/a247c23a6cb08b28a68d77e0e8ab34b5)
## Rising Refinery Emissions Raise Health Concerns in Geelong
### Summary:
Residents in North Geelong, particularly David Dillon, have raised concerns over increasing sulfur dioxide emissions from the local Viva Energy refinery. Emissions have risen from 1,685,843 kg in 2017 to 2,528,475 kg in 2024. Health statistics indicate higher rates of lung conditions and heart disease in nearby communities. While Viva and the EPA assert that emissions are within legal limits, residents call for increased monitoring and scrutiny.
Sources: [Herald Sun - 6th March 2025](https://www.heraldsun.com.au/news/geelong/david-dillion-concerned-increasing-viva-energy-refinery-emissions-could-increase-locals-health-issues/news-story/c0e896b9fed364f7d6a602c78581e455)
## Urgent Recall of Google Pixel 4a Smartphones Due to Fire Risk
### Summary:
The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) has issued an urgent recall for Google Pixel 4a smartphones due to a potential fire hazard associated with battery overheating. Users are advised to ensure their devices have received the latest firmware update and may be eligible for refunds.
Sources: [news.com.au - March 9, 2025](https://www.news.com.au/national/breaking-news/google-pixel-4a-smartphone-recalled-over-fire-risk/news-story/0ce155877fef2db1d622526244530ba9)
## Peter Dutton Vows to Declare National Anti-Semitism Emergency
### Summary:
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has pledged that, if elected, a Coalition government under his leadership will declare a national emergency on anti-Semitism in Australia. He plans to incorporate education against Jewish hatred into the national curriculum, aligning with a comprehensive strategy proposed by the Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ). The ECAJ's 15-point plan includes the creation of a counter-terrorism taskforce to address anti-Semitic threats and public awareness campaigns. While the Coalition has endorsed federal responsibilities within the plan, a response from Prime Minister Anthony Albanese is pending. The ECAJ expects both parties to clarify their positions before the upcoming election to ensure leadership on this critical issue.
Sources: [The Daily Telegraph - 10 March 2025](https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/news/nsw/peter-dutton-plans-totackleantijew-hatred-in-schools/news-story/924ec72ee78b06871f11fc2430fb120f)
## Newspoll Indicates Potential Hung Parliament in Upcoming Election
### Summary:
A recent Newspoll suggests that while support for Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has risen, it may not be sufficient for Labor to secure a majority, pointing towards a likely hung parliament in the forthcoming federal election. The Coalition currently leads Labor by seven points in primary votes; however, a majority of voters perceive the Coalition as not yet ready to govern after a single term in opposition. Both major parties may need to seek support from independents and minor parties to form a minority government. Albanese holds a slight advantage as the preferred Prime Minister, leading Peter Dutton by nine points, while Dutton's approval ratings have declined. The survey highlights public skepticism regarding the Coalition's preparedness to govern, particularly among younger and middle-aged voters, as well as women.
Sources: [The Australian - 10 March 2025](https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/politics/newspoll-majority-of-voters-believe-coalition-not-yet-ready-to-govern-again/news-story/c429e633ae4d0c5d578eed3abe53e91e)
## Treasurer Plans to Maintain Spending Levels in Upcoming Budget
### Summary:
Treasurer Jim Chalmers intends to avoid significant spending cuts or new revenue measures in the forthcoming March budget. This approach aims to fund costly election commitments and provide cost-of-living relief packages, especially in light of the financial impact of Cyclone Alfred. The government plans to maintain increased spending on health, education, and emergency management services, with no major tax reforms anticipated. This strategy is expected to be a focal point in the lead-up to the anticipated election in May.
Sources: [The Australian - March 10, 2025](https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/politics/jim-chalmers-to-avoid-big-spending-cuts-in-electiondefining-2025-budget/news-story/4273f97771caa551c0099d88844a2e43)
## Social Security Payments Set to Increase from March 20
### Summary:
The latest indexation of social security payments will take effect on March 20, providing financial boosts to millions of Australians. Single aged pensioners will receive an additional $4.60 per fortnight, while couples will get an extra $7, bringing their payments to $1,149 and $866.10 respectively. JobSeeker recipients will also see increases, with singles receiving an extra $3.10 and couples $2.80 per fortnight. These adjustments aim to ease cost-of-living pressures and reflect the government's commitment to strengthening the social security system.
Sources: [news.com.au - March 10, 2025](https://www.news.com.au/national/politics/social-security-bump-as-latest-indexing-kicks-in/news-story/e1f9004caef5ebc47e31f1c4958ea77b)