
@ 38c4a72d:8b479bff
2025-03-12 14:56:47
The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

@ 8d34bd24:414be32b
2025-03-12 12:00:41
Two nights ago I had a very bad night’s sleep and only got about 4.5 hours of sleep. I read before bed and frequently I read some rather deep books, but last night wasn’t up to anything that required too much brain power. I found a book [*The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards*](https://www.amazon.com/Unwavering-Resolve-Jonathan-Edwards-Profile/dp/1567691080/ref=sr_1_1?sr=8-1) by Steven J. Lawson that my husband had picked up at a library book sale. Honestly, it looked like a summary book for kids, but ended up being a little deeper, although not a hard read. It began with this quote:
Living the Christian life, by all biblical accounts, necessitates the passionate pursuit of personal holiness. Sanctification is never an elective course that a believer may or may not take. Neither is it an upper-level graduate study, required for only a few disciples. Instead, it is a core class, mandated for all Christians. Godliness is a lifelong study, for no one graduates from the school of Christ this side of heaven.
I found this statement inspiring, especially because I see so many people, who call themselves Christians, but that don’t look any different in the way they live their lives than the non-Christians. I decided to investigate more about what the Bible says about sanctification and holiness. I will start with what Jesus, himself, said to us.
> But now I come to You; and these things I speak in the world so that they may have My joy made full in themselves. **I have given them Your word**; and the world has hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. I do not ask You to take them out of the world, but to keep them from the evil one. They are not of the world, even as I am not of the world. **Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth**. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. For their sakes **I sanctify Myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth**. (John 17:13-19) {emphasis mine}
God gave believers His word, but we frequently leave it sitting on the shelf gathering dust. OK, I’ll admit I’m a book geek and my go-to response to any problem or interest is to read a bunch of books on the subject, but I still don’t understand how someone who knows and loves God can ignore His word. We are so blessed to live in a time when God’s word is easily and cheaply available to all. I’m not sure how many Bibles we have in our home, but it is definitely in double digits. Some are new and some are old. We have hardback, paperback, and leather cover. We have multiple translations. We have Bibles with the traditional order and it at least one that is a chronological Bible. Some are just the words of the Bible while some are study Bibles with commentary from godly men. For most of history, most people couldn’t afford a Bible (handwritten Bibles usually cost more than a year’s income). Those who managed to buy a Bible cherished it and handed it down as a precious family heirloom, but even then, frequently they had to learn a foreign language to read it. They couldn’t read God’s word in their own language. How blessed are we to have Bibles that anyone can afford (and online and Gideon Bibles for those who can’t afford anything) and that we can read in our native language? We all need to make the most of the blessing of being able to read the word of God as if He was speaking directly to us.
In this passage, Jesus also says we will be “*sanctified in truth*.” The process of being sanctified to be more like Jesus requires that we know, believe, and obey His word. We can only grow so much without spending serious time in the Bible. How can we become more like Jesus if we don’t know who He is? How can we obey God if we don’t know what He commands? How can we share the gospel if we don’t know the whole gospel as defined in Scripture?
Of course just knowing the Bible and the truth is not enough either.
> What use is it, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but he has no works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is without clothing and in need of daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and be filled,” and yet you do not give them what is necessary for their body, what use is that? **Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself.**
> But someone may well say, “You have faith and I have works; show me your faith without the works, and **I will show you my faith by my works**.” **You believe that God is one. You do well; the demons also believe, and shudder**. But are you willing to recognize, you foolish fellow, that faith without works is useless? (James 2:14-20) {emphasis mine}
There are two things mentioned in this passage. I’ll start with the second because it is easiest.
We can’t just know and believe in God. Even “*the demons also believe, and shudder*.” Head knowledge is not enough for salvation, much less sanctification. The demons know that Jesus is the son of God and that He is the creator of all that is, including themselves. This has not made the demons saved or good. They know the truth, but reject it. Therefore, the first thing after gaining knowledge of Jesus, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit is to believe and submit to His will. Knowing isn’t enough. Believing isn’t enough. Submission and obedience are required.
This brings us to the evidence of true belief and salvation. “*I will show you my faith by my works*.” If we see no change in the life of a so-called believer, we need to question their salvation, whether it is ourselves or others. “*Even so faith, if it has no works, is dead, being by itself*.” True faith will be followed by good works in obedience and thankfulness to God.
> If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love; just as I have kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love. (John 15:10)
In the beatitudes, who does Jesus say will be blessed?
> “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God. (Matthew 5:8)
Who has a pure heart?
> Or do you think that the Scripture speaks to no purpose: “**He jealously desires the Spirit which He has made to dwell in us**”? But He gives a greater grace. Therefore it says, “God is opposed to the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” **Submit therefore to God**. **Resist the devil** and he will flee from you. **Draw near to God** and He will draw near to you. **Cleanse your hands**, you sinners; and **purify your hearts**, you double-minded. (James 4:5-8) {emphasis mine}
Those who have a pure heart have the Spirit dwelling in us leading to us:
- Submitting to God,
- Resisting the devil,
- Drawing near to God,
- Cleansing our hands, and
- Purifying our hearts.
Of course trying to do these without the indwelling of the Spirit is a losing proposition. We can only succeed through His power.
Even though our sanctification requires the guidance and power of the Spirit in us, that doesn’t mean we just sit around passively waiting for improvement to happen. We are called to actively submit, resist, draw near, cleanse, and purify. We are called to actively learn, yield, follow, and obey. When we seek to become more like Jesus, He empowers us to become more like Jesus. Sometimes He puts us in situations to help us grow. Sometimes He makes miraculous changes in our lives. Sometimes He brings other godly Christians into our lives to mentor us. Each person’s sanctification journey looks unique, just as each of us is unique. The key point is to seek a relationship with Him, to study His word, to fellowship with other believers, and to share God’s love and the gospel with those who don’t know Him. Just as when God fed the 5,000, He wants us to take that first step and give the little we have and then He multiplies it to do a great work in us and in others.
> He whose ear listens to the **life-giving reproof**\
> Will dwell among the wise.\
> He who neglects **discipline** despises himself,\
> But he who **listens to reproof** acquires understanding.\
> The fear of the Lord is the **instruction** for wisdom,\
> And before honor *comes* **humility**. (Proverbs 15:31-33) {emphasis mine}
In order to grow in Christ, we need to humbly listen to reproof, instruction, and discipline. We need to honestly judge ourselves against the ideal model, Jesus Christ, and be willing to change anything that doesn’t look, think, or act like Jesus.
In college I took an art history class. Being a glutton for punishment, I took the harder art history class taken by art majors instead of the easier one for not art majors. There was a story about someone asking Michelangelo about how he carved his masterpiece David statue. He replied something like, “I just carved away everything that wasn’t David.” In the same way, we need to carve away everything in our lives that isn’t like Jesus.
Just as in sculpture, the first carvings are chipping away large chunks of rock. In the same way, there are certain things in our lives that are so repulsive to God, they need to be chipped away quickly even if crudely. As the sculptor gets farther along, His work gets more and more precise and usually slower and slower. In the same way, as we become more and more Christ-like, our sanctification may get more fine-tuned and precise. The changes may seem like they come along more slowly and less obviously to those around us, but we will continue to be refined every day of our lives.
> **Pursue** peace with all men, and **the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord**. See to it that no one comes short of the grace of God; that no root of bitterness springing up causes trouble, and by it many be defiled; that there be no immoral or godless person like Esau, who sold his own birthright for a single meal. For you know that even afterwards, when he desired to inherit the blessing, he was rejected, for he found no place for repentance, though he sought for it with tears. (Hebrews 12:14-17) {emphasis mine}
Sanctification requires repentance and turning to God. We all have a period of life when we can accept Jesus and when we can grow in His likeness, but a day will come, at either death or rapture, where we will no longer have the opportunity to repent or to be further sanctified.
> Now if any man builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each man’s work will become evident; for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will test the quality of each man’s work. If any man’s work which he has built on it remains, he will receive a reward. I**f any man’s work is burned up, he will suffer loss; but he himself will be saved, yet so as through fire**. (1 Corinthians 3:12-15) {emphasis mine}
Do you want to be the person who squeaks into heaven with nothing to show for your life? Or would you rather be like the good servant who hears:
> His master said to him, ‘**Well done, good and faithful slave**. You were faithful with a few things, I will put you in charge of many things; **enter into the joy of your master**.’ (Matthew 25:21) {emphasis mine}
I want to hear, “*Well done, good and faithful slave*,” rather than, “OK. You can come in.” I want to faithfully show my Savior how grateful I am for His mercy and His sacrifice. I want to show my God how awesome I think He is.
> Therefore, **if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work**. Now flee from youthful lusts and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, **with those who call on the Lord from a pure heart**. But refuse foolish and ignorant speculations, knowing that they produce quarrels. The Lord’s bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able to teach, patient when wronged, with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and **escape from the snare of the devil**, having been held captive by him to do his will. (2 Timothy 2:21-26) {emphasis mine}
I know I want to be “*a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work*.” How about you? Are you willing to do the work? Are you willing to submit? Are you willing to sacrifice? I find that the more I serve, the better I know God and the more willing I am to work, to submit, and to sacrifice. I notice my priorities lining up more and more with His priorities. Many things that I thought were so important, don’t seem important at all. Other things, for which I didn’t have much interest, have become central in my life.
I had more than a decade of poor health. I could barely take care of my family and our business. I was in survival mode. Still I found time to study God’s word and read the writings of many godly men. It was a time of growing in faith and knowledge and a time of learning to rest in my Savior. Now I have reached a time where I feel an overwhelming need to share what I learned in all of my study. God has given me good enough health that I have more to give (although I still have to be careful to not over do it.) Although we need to grow in our faith and knowledge, we aren’t useful until we share it with others. Sometimes this may be sharing about God to unbelievers. Sometimes it may be speaking the truth in love. Sometimes it may be taking a young Christian and discipling them to be more like Jesus. We all go through different stages of life, but we always need to be available to be used by God.
> In pointing out these things to the brethren, you will be a good servant of Christ Jesus, **constantly nourished on the words of the faith and of the sound doctrine which you have been following**. But have nothing to do with worldly fables fit only for old women. On the other hand, **discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness**; for bodily discipline is only of little profit, but **godliness is profitable for all things**, since it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come. It is a trustworthy statement deserving full acceptance. For it is for this we labor and strive, because we have fixed our hope on the living God, who is the Savior of all men, especially of believers. (1 Timothy 4:6-10) {emphasis mine}
I want to be a profitable work of my God.
We need to make the pursuit of godliness a lifelong pursuit. I’ll leave you with this additional quote from the book that was my inspiration.
Growth in holiness is not a one-time act, but a lifelong pursuit, one that requires a daily determination to live according to the truths taught in Scripture. — Steven J. Lawson “The Unwavering Resolve of Jonathan Edwards
May God call you to Himself, guide you in knowledge of Him, carve you into the image of Jesus, and use you to call many others to Himself.
Trust Jesus

@ da0b9bc3:4e30a4a9
2025-03-12 11:55:03
Hello Stackers!
Welcome on into the ~Music Corner of the Saloon!
A place where we Talk Music. Share Tracks. Zap Sats.
So stay a while and listen.
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originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/911193

@ 9dd283b1:cf9b6beb
2025-03-12 09:46:45
My Raspberry Pi 4 (running Umbrel) has been disconnecting approximately once a month, and my 1TB SSD now has only 80GB of space remaining. I'm considering an upgrade—possibly moving to a Pi 5 with a 2TB drive—but I'm open to any suggestions for a better setup within a similar budget. Any recommendations?
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/911133

@ bc575705:dba3ed39
2025-03-12 09:14:04
In our hyper-connected age, the concept of "Know Your Customer" (KYC) has morphed from a regulatory necessity into a pervasive surveillance apparatus, subtly eroding our fundamental liberties. While purported to combat financial crime, KYC has become a tool for mass surveillance, data exploitation, and the gradual dismantling of personal privacy. Let’s embark on a comprehensive exploration of this system, exposing its inherent flaws and advocating for a paradigm shift towards decentralized financial sovereignty.
## **Beyond the Surface: The Intricate Web of KYC Data Collection**
**KYC transcends mere identity verification;** it's a deep dive into the minutiae of our lives. Consider the breadth and depth of data extracted:
**Geographic Surveillance:** Proof of address requirements delve into historical residency, creating granular maps of our movements. Combined with location data from mobile devices and online activity, this paints a comprehensive picture of our physical presence.
**Financial Autopsy:** KYC dissects our financial lives with surgical precision. Income sources, asset declarations, and transaction histories are meticulously cataloged. Algorithmic analysis reveals spending habits, investment strategies, and even potential political affiliations.
**Behavioral Predictive Modeling:** AI algorithms analyze our financial behavior, predicting future actions and preferences. This data is invaluable for targeted advertising, but also for social engineering and political manipulation.
**Biometric Invasiveness:** Facial recognition, iris scans, and voice analysis create permanent, immutable records of our physical selves. These biometrics are highly sensitive and vulnerable to breaches, potentially leading to identity theft and even physical harm.
**Social Network Mapping:** KYC extends beyond individuals, mapping our social and professional networks. Institutions analyze our connections, identifying potential risks based on our associations. This has a chilling effect on free association and dissent, as individuals become hesitant to associate with those deemed "risky."
**Psychometric Profiling:** With the increase of online tests, and the collection of online data, companies and states can build psychometric profiles. These profiles can be used to predict actions, and even manipulate populations.
## **The Fallacy of Security: KYC's Ineffectiveness and the Rise of the Surveillance State**
Despite its claims, KYC fails to effectively combat sophisticated financial crime. Instead, it creates a system of mass surveillance that disproportionately targets law-abiding citizens.
**The Scourge of False Positives:** Automated KYC systems frequently generate false positives, flagging innocent individuals as potential criminals. This can lead to financial exclusion, reputational damage, and even legal persecution.
**A Ticking Time Bomb:** Centralized KYC databases are prime targets for hackers, putting vast amounts of sensitive personal information at risk. Data breaches can lead to identity theft, financial fraud, and even physical harm.
**The State's Panopticon:** KYC empowers governments to monitor the financial activities of their citizens, creating a powerful tool for surveillance and control. This can be used to suppress dissent, target political opponents, and enforce conformity.
**The Criminals Advantage:** Sophisticated criminals easily bypass KYC using shell companies, money laundering, and other techniques. This makes KYC a system that punishes the innocent, and gives the criminals a false sense of security for the data collected.
## **Decentralized Alternatives: Reclaiming Financial Sovereignty and Privacy**
In the face of this encroaching surveillance state, decentralized technologies offer a path to financial freedom and privacy.
**Cryptocurrency | A Bastion of Financial Freedom:** Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies provide censorship-resistant alternatives to traditional financial systems. They empower individuals to transact freely, without the need for intermediaries or government oversight.
**Decentralized Finance (DeFi) | Democratizing Finance:** DeFi platforms offer a range of financial services, including lending, borrowing, and trading, without the need for traditional banks. These platforms are built on blockchain technology, ensuring transparency, security, and accessibility.
**Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) | Empowering Individuals:** SSI solutions enable individuals to control their own digital identities, without relying on centralized authorities. This allows for secure and private verification of identity, without the need to share sensitive personal information with every service provider.
**Privacy-Enhancing Technologies (PETs) | Shielding Your Data:** Technologies like zero-knowledge proofs, homomorphic encryption, and secure multi-party computation can be used to protect personal data while still allowing for necessary verification.
**Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) | Creating new forms of governance:** DAOs provide new ways for groups to organize, and make decisions. They provide a transparent way to pool resources, and make decisions.
## **A Call to Action: Defending Our Digital Rights and Building a Decentralized Future**
We cannot passively accept the erosion of our fundamental freedoms. We must actively defend our digital rights and demand a more just and equitable financial system.
**Advocate for Robust Privacy Laws:** Demand stronger regulations that limit the collection and use of personal data.
**Champion Decentralized Technologies:** Support the development and adoption of cryptocurrencies, DeFi platforms, and other decentralized solutions.
**Educate and Empower:** Raise awareness about the dangers of KYC and state surveillance.
**Cultivate Critical Thinking:** Question the narratives presented by governments and corporations.
**Build Decentralized Communities:** Join and support decentralized communities that are working to build a more free and open financial system.
**Demand transparency from all data collection:** Insist that all data collection is open, and that there are strong penalties for those that misuse data.
**The fight for financial freedom is a fight for human freedom. Let us stand together and reclaim our digital sovereignty.**

@ edeb837b:ac664163
2025-03-12 08:29:40
In the fast-evolving world of investing, traders are constantly looking for ways to streamline their trading experience, share insights, and build transparency in the community. NVSTly, the social investing platform, has taken a significant step forward with its brokerage integration feature. This game-changing addition allows traders to automatically track and share their trades with 100% accuracy, creating an ecosystem of trust and transparency for both casual investors and [top traders](https://nvstly.com/ranks).
## What is NVSTly's Brokerage Integration?
NVSTly's brokerage integration enables users to securely connect their brokerage accounts to the platform, allowing trades to be automatically recorded, tracked, and shared in real time. This means no more manual trade entries or missing crucial details—every trade is verified directly from the broker, ensuring authenticity.
Currently, NVSTly supports Webull, but we're actively working on adding support for Charles Schwab (ThinkorSwim), Robinhood, Moomoo, TradeStation, and more. As we expand, traders from multiple brokerages will be able to seamlessly integrate their accounts, making NVSTly the go-to platform for automated trade tracking and [social investing](https://nvstly.com/).
## How Does It Work?
1. Securely Link Your Broker – Users can connect their brokerage account to NVSTly through a secure authentication process.
2. Automatic Trade Tracking – Every trade executed in the linked brokerage account is automatically recorded on NVSTly, including trade details such as asset type, entry/exit price, time, and trade status.
3. Real-Time Trade Sharing – Users can choose to share trades instantly with their followers, to social media, or Discord.
4. 100% Accuracy & Verification – Since all trades are pulled directly from the brokerage account, the data is fully verified and cannot be altered, ensuring complete transparency.
## Why Are Traders Linking Their Broker Accounts?
NVSTly’s brokerage integration provides immense value for traders of all levels. Here’s why thousands are choosing to connect their broker:
### 1. No More Manual Entry
Keeping track of trades manually is time-consuming and prone to errors. With NVSTly, all trades are logged automatically, eliminating mistakes and saving traders valuable time.
### 2. 100% Trade Accuracy & Transparency
Top traders and signal providers on NVSTly can showcase their trades with full credibility, as every trade is verified directly from the broker. This builds trust within the community and ensures followers are seeing real, authentic trades, not fabricated ones.
### 3. Ideal for Signal Providers & Analysts
Signal providers and market analysts can effortlessly share their trades in real-time, giving their subscribers confidence in their strategies. The auto-sharing feature means followers get instant updates, allowing them to act quickly on trading opportunities.
### 4. Social Traders Can Learn From Verified Trades
Unlike traditional investing platforms where traders post trade ideas or screenshots, NVSTly ensures that every trade shown is real and executed. [Social traders](https://nvstly.com/ranks) can analyze the moves of top investors and gain insights from actual, successful trading strategies.
## What’s Next? 1-Click Copy Trading is Coming Soon
One of the most exciting upcoming features of NVSTly is 1-Click Copy Trading. Once we complete support for more brokerages, users will be able to automatically copy the trades of top-performing traders in real time. This will allow newer traders to follow experienced professionals and benefit from their strategies effortlessly.
## The Future of Social Investing Starts Here
NVSTly's brokerage integration is revolutionizing the way traders track, share, and analyze trades. By providing automated tracking, trade verification, and real-time sharing, we are creating a transparent and trustworthy environment for traders, signal providers, and social investors.
If you're ready to take your trading experience to the next level, link your Webull account today and stay tuned as we expand our brokerage integrations to Charles Schwab (ThinkorSwim), Robinhood, Moomoo, TradeStation, and more!
NVSTly is available for free on [web](https://nvstly.com/), mobile devices ([iOS](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/nvstly-social-investing/id6475617649) & [Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=ly.nvst.android)), and is fully integrated with Discord via a [unique bot-](https://discord.com/application-directory/901245095502819358) the only of it's kind and available to any server or trading community on Discord. Or feel free to join a community of over 50,000 investors & traders on our [Discod server](https://discord.com/invite/rhAvzyzk9J).

@ e97aaffa:2ebd765d
2025-03-12 07:21:39
O que se passou, hoje, no parlamento português é indescritível, simplesmente um bando de garotos, para não dizer um bando de imbecis, que não querem saber do país, apenas se movem por interesses partidários ou/e pessoais.
Todos queriam ir para eleições, mas negava-o publicamente e empurravam a responsabilidade para o outro, foi um teatro. Agora vamos para eleições, 3° eleições em 4 anos, isto é um absurdo, um completo absurdo.
Eu desde pequeno, sempre tive interesse por política, gosto de estar informado, mas nunca me senti tão cansado e sem paciência para esta atual classe de políticos. São quase todos medíocres, de ano para ano, só piora, sinceramente, não sei como o país vai sair desta espiral.
Há uns anos, os partidos ainda tinham a decência de limpar as maçãs podres, mesmo que fosse impopular, ou mesmo que perdessem votos ou cargos. Hoje em dia, parecem que escolhe a dedo, as maçãs podres como candidatos a líder e consequentemente para governar o país.
Da mesma maneira que critiquei o PS, quando elegeu o PNS, após ser demitido do governo após vários escândalos e por demonstrar incompetência. Agora com todas estas suspeitas sobre Montenegro, que esteve em todos os momentos, péssimo no caso, deixou o caso crescer, crescer, até que ficou indomável. Não seria melhor o PSD escolher outro líder, eu acho que sim, não é a opinião do partido.
O Montenegro está a fazer uma jogada muito arriscada, o tiro pode sair pela culatra. Eu acho que eles não estão a fazer bem as contas.
Depois de todas as polémicas é previsível que o Chega perca votos, é neste ponto a crença do AD, que acredita que pode ganhar 1 ou 2% e a IL fica com os restantes. Eles acreditam que podem fazer um governo de maioria, juntamente com a IL.
Mas eu acho que eles estão se a esquecer de um pormenor, será que os eleitores descontentes do Chega, vão mudar o voto para o AD ou para o IL?
Uma pequena parte vai mudar com certeza, mas o grande público do Chega, são malta descontentes com política e com os políticos, que viram no partido um esperança. Isso foi visível nas últimas eleições, o Chega foi fundamental na queda da abstenção, eram pessoas que não votavam há anos ou que nunca tinham votado, acreditaram que o Chega era diferente, foi um voto de protesto.
Possivelmente, estas pessoas não vão mudar o voto para AD ou para IL, mas sim, vão voltar a contar como abstenção.
Eu acho que o AD não está a fazer bem as contas. O pior disto tudo, é que vamos para eleições agora, não resolvemos nada e daqui a um ano e meio, estamos de novo em eleições.
Os portugueses estão saturados de eleições, mas os políticos só olham para o seu umbigo, não querem saber dos portugueses.

@ 95cb4330:96db706c
2025-03-12 06:46:51
## **Introduction: Why Speed Beats Efficiency in Hyper-Growth Markets**
In business, most people think **growing carefully and efficiently** is the best approach. But in **high-potential industries**, the opposite is often true.
This is where **Blitzscaling** comes in—a strategy embraced by **Reid Hoffman, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Sam Altman**.
**Blitzscaling** is about prioritizing **speed over efficiency** when a market is ready for rapid expansion. The goal? **Scale as fast as possible to establish dominance before competitors can catch up.**
In this article, we’ll cover:
✔ **What Blitzscaling is and why it works**
✔ **Examples of how top entrepreneurs used it to dominate industries**
✔ **How you can apply Blitzscaling to your business, investments, or projects**
## **What Is Blitzscaling?**
**Blitzscaling** is a concept popularized by **Reid Hoffman (LinkedIn co-founder, PayPal Mafia)** in his book *Blitzscaling: The Lightning-Fast Path to Building Massively Valuable Companies*.
The core idea:
> **Speed matters more than efficiency when a huge market opportunity exists.**
Instead of carefully optimizing profits, companies using Blitzscaling:
- **Reinvest aggressively into growth** instead of focusing on short-term margins.
- **Expand as fast as possible**, even if it means operating at a loss.
- **Take risks to capture market share** before competitors can react.
When done correctly, Blitzscaling allows a company to:
✅ **Establish itself as the market leader**
✅ **Create massive barriers to entry**
✅ **Dominate an industry before others even have a chance**
This strategy is **risky**, but when applied in the right market, it can create **billion-dollar companies in record time**.
## **Examples of Blitzscaling in Action**
### **1. Jeff Bezos and Amazon: Prioritizing Growth Over Profits**
Amazon could have been a **small, profitable e-commerce company**—but Bezos **chose Blitzscaling instead**:
✅ He **reinvested nearly every dollar of profit** into expanding logistics, AWS, and new markets.
✅ He **ignored short-term profits**, focusing on long-term market dominance.
✅ He **scaled globally** before competitors had a chance to react.
By the time traditional retailers realized what was happening, Amazon had already **become a monopoly in e-commerce** and built **the world’s most powerful cloud platform (AWS)**.
📌 **Lesson:** Sometimes, short-term profits are **less important than long-term market dominance**.
### **2. Elon Musk and Tesla/SpaceX: Scaling Despite High Risk**
Elon Musk didn’t build **Tesla and SpaceX** by playing it safe.
He used **Blitzscaling** to:
✅ **Push Tesla into mass production** despite major financial and operational risks.
✅ **Scale SpaceX rapidly** before competitors could emerge, securing government contracts.
✅ **Bet everything on speed**, knowing that if Tesla and SpaceX failed, there would be **no second chance**.
By **moving fast**, Tesla became **the world’s dominant EV company** and SpaceX became **the leader in private space travel**.
📌 **Lesson:** In high-growth industries, moving **slowly** often means losing to faster-moving competitors.
### **3. Sam Altman and OpenAI: Rapid Expansion in AI**
AI is a field where **first-mover advantage matters**.
Sam Altman applied **Blitzscaling principles** to OpenAI by:
✅ **Expanding rapidly**, even before AI was widely adopted.
✅ **Raising billions in funding** to scale model development at breakneck speed.
✅ **Launching ChatGPT publicly early**, creating viral adoption before competitors could react.
By **moving fast**, OpenAI became the go-to AI platform **before Google, Microsoft, or Meta could dominate the space**.
📌 **Lesson:** In emerging technologies, **speed determines who controls the market**.
## **How to Apply Blitzscaling to Your Own Work**
You don’t need to run a billion-dollar company to apply Blitzscaling principles. The **same mindset** applies to:
✅ **Startups** – Prioritize speed in a **fast-moving industry** to outpace competitors.
✅ **Investing** – Identify companies that **are Blitzscaling and ride the wave**.
✅ **Personal Growth** – Learn, adapt, and **scale your skills 10x faster** than your peers.
### **1. Identify an Area Where Speed Gives You an Edge**
- What **industry or opportunity** is emerging fast?
- Where can **moving quickly** create an unfair advantage?
📌 **Example:** If you’re in **crypto, AI, or biotech**, waiting too long means **missing the window of opportunity**.
### **2. Optimize for Scale, Not Just Efficiency**
- Ask: **“What would I do differently if my goal was to scale 10x faster?”**
- Focus on **growth first, efficiency later**—especially in early-stage markets.
📌 **Example:** If you’re launching a startup, instead of **perfecting every detail**, **focus on rapid adoption and expansion**.
### **3. Be Willing to Take Short-Term Losses for Long-Term Wins**
- Most people **optimize for short-term profit**—but Blitzscaling requires **investing aggressively into growth**.
- If the market opportunity is big enough, **it’s worth taking calculated risks to dominate early**.
📌 **Example:** **Tesla lost money for years** before becoming the most valuable car company in the world.
## **Final Thoughts: Move Fast or Get Left Behind**
🔹 **Blitzscaling is not for every situation—but in high-growth industries, speed matters more than efficiency.**
🔹 **Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and Sam Altman all scaled their companies by prioritizing growth over short-term optimization.**
🔹 **If you’re in an industry with massive upside, the biggest risk is moving too slowly.**
💡 **Action Step:** Identify **one area where speed could give you a major advantage. What would you do differently if your goal was to scale 10x faster instead of cautiously optimizing?**
🚀 **The future belongs to those who move first. Start Blitzscaling today.**
## **Resources to Learn More**
- 📖 [**Blitzscaling by Reid Hoffman** – Summary](https://www.blitzscaling.com/)
- 🎥 [**Elon Musk on Moving Fast** – YouTube](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jgw-_hlFQk4)
- 📰 [**Why Speed Matters in Scaling** – Harvard Business Review](https://hbr.org/2019/06/scaling-culture-in-fast-growing-companies)
🚀 **Speed wins. If you’re in a market that rewards Blitzscaling, don’t wait—move fast.**

@ f25afb62:8d50c6e7
2025-03-12 04:11:46
# Modernizing the Kiwi Dollar: How Kiwibank Can Lead the Future of Money
## **A Nation at an Inflection Point**
Kiwibank’s upcoming capital raise offers New Zealand a rare opportunity to **future-proof its currency and banking system**. With up to **$500 million** in new capital on the table, the government aims to strengthen Kiwibank as a competitor to the dominant Australian-owned banks. Finance Minister Nicola Willis has emphasized that **more capital means greater competition**, which could **drive down interest rates** and improve banking services for everyday Kiwis.
But this is more than just a competition play—it's a **chance to radically modernize the Kiwi dollar itself**.
By integrating **Bitcoin's open infrastructure**, Kiwibank could issue a **digitally native, globally liquid, and ultra-secure NZD**. This wouldn’t require reinventing the financial system but rather **leveraging existing and proven Bitcoin technologies**. The result? A financial system that **empowers Kiwis**, attracts global investment, and **puts New Zealand at the forefront of monetary innovation**.
This article outlines a **practical, step-by-step roadmap** for how Kiwibank could:
1. **Tokenize the New Zealand Dollar (NZD)** using **a Bitcoin sidechain like Liquid**.
2. **Issue Kiwi eCash**, providing **cash-like digital money** that’s private and fast.
3. **Enable global NZD payments via the Lightning Network**, making NZD as **instant and accessible as Bitcoin itself**.
4. **Unlock new Bitcoin-powered business models** that **expand Kiwibank’s revenue streams**.
This isn’t a distant dream—it’s **completely feasible today**. The question is: **Will New Zealand lead or lag?** 🚀⚡🇳🇿
## **Kiwibank’s Capital Raise – A Launchpad for Innovation**
Kiwibank is raising fresh capital **to strengthen its position against the Big Four banks**, but this money could do much more than just improve traditional banking services. **It could lay the foundation for a digital-first Kiwi dollar, designed for the 21st century.**
New Zealand is actively **courting global investment**, simplifying its **“golden visa”** program to attract **wealthy innovators and investors**. If Kiwibank integrates **Bitcoin-powered financial infrastructure**, it would send a **strong signal that New Zealand is open for high-tech finance business**—drawing interest from:
- **Kiwi citizens**, who would benefit from a **better, faster, and cheaper** banking system.
- **KiwiSaver funds and institutional investors**, who would see Kiwibank as a **bold growth investment**.
- **Global Bitcoiners**, who might **invest in NZ** or move their wealth into a **Bitcoin-friendly jurisdiction**.
Simply put, **this capital raise is a chance to future-proof the Kiwi financial system**—and Bitcoin provides the tools to make it happen.
## **Step 1: Tokenized NZD on a Bitcoin Sidechain**
The **first step** in modernizing NZD is **bringing it onto Bitcoin rails** by issuing a **tokenized NZD** on **a Bitcoin sidechain** like **Liquid** or **a custom-built KiwiBTC sidechain**.
### **How It Works**
- Kiwibank, alongside other NZ banks, could **issue digital NZD tokens**, backed **1:1 by reserves**.
- This would be **secured on a federated Bitcoin sidechain**—a **fast, low-fee** network pegged to Bitcoin.
- Transactions would **settle in seconds instead of days**, with **confidentiality features** ensuring **financial privacy**.
This is **not an experiment**—it's **already being done**. **Tether (USDT) uses Liquid today** to issue stablecoins, and the same **proven tech** could be used to issue NZD.
### **Why This Matters**
- **Faster Payments:** Move NZD **instantly**, unlike today’s slow banking rails.
- **Global Liquidity:** Anyone, anywhere, could **hold and transact NZD digitally**.
- **No Need for a CBDC:** The NZ government **retains full control** over monetary policy, without creating a **central bank-controlled digital currency**.
This **solves many of the problems** the Reserve Bank of New Zealand has been grappling with in its **CBDC research**—by **using open Bitcoin tech instead of building from scratch**.
## **Step 2: Kiwi eCash – Digital Money With Cash-Like Privacy**
While a **tokenized NZD** would **revolutionize banking and business payments**, **Kiwi eCash** would do the same for **everyday transactions and person-to-person payments**.
**Kiwi eCash** is a **Chaumian eCash system**—a **digital cash** that **preserves privacy and security**, just like physical banknotes. It’s based on **battle-tested cryptographic blind signatures**, meaning:
- **No bank account required.**
- **No transaction tracking.**
- **Total financial privacy.**
### **How It Works**
- **NZ banks (or independent issuers) mint Kiwi eCash tokens**, backed by **tokenized NZD or Bitcoin**.
- These tokens are **held in a wallet and can be spent freely**—just like handing someone cash.
- Banks **don’t see individual transactions**, ensuring privacy.
- Multiple issuers (banks, credit unions, or fintech firms) could **offer interoperable Kiwi eCash mints**.
This is already happening with **Bitcoin eCash mints like Cashu and Fedimint**, and the **same concept** can be applied to **NZD**.
### **Why It Matters**
- **Digital cash with cash-like privacy**—protecting **financial freedom**.
- **Fast, free transactions**, perfect for **micro-payments and daily spending**.
- **Works offline**, unlike today’s banking apps.
- **Interoperable across banks**, reducing monopolistic control.
## **Step 3: Bridging Kiwi eCash to Lightning – NZD at the Speed of Bitcoin**
The **final piece** of the puzzle is **making Kiwi eCash as fast and global as Bitcoin itself**.
By **bridging Kiwi eCash to the Lightning Network** (via **Taproot Assets**), NZD transactions would become:
- **Instant:** Settle in **milliseconds**, anywhere in the world.
- **Global:** Easily convert NZD to **any currency, anywhere**.
- **Ultra-cheap:** Fees near **zero**, unlike Visa or SWIFT.
### **How It Works**
- Kiwi eCash is **wrapped into Lightning channels** using **Taproot Assets**.
- **Payments flow instantly over Lightning**, just like Bitcoin transactions.
- Merchants, individuals, and businesses can **send and receive NZD globally** in a **Bitcoin-compatible format**.
This **integrates NZD directly into the Bitcoin economy**, giving it **instant global reach**.
## **Step 4: New Bitcoin-Powered Services for Kiwibank**
Beyond modernizing NZD itself, **Bitcoin infrastructure unlocks entire new revenue streams** for Kiwibank:
1. **Bitcoin Custody:** Offer **multi-sig vaults** instead of **risky single-key custody**.
2. **Bitcoin Lending:** Let customers **borrow NZD against their BTC**—a proven model.
3. **Lightning Yield:** Earn **fees by providing Lightning liquidity**.
4. **Collaborative Bitcoin Custody:** Offer **collaborative custody** where customers **retain control** and Kiwibank is available for **recovery assistance**.
5. **Digital Securities**: Help **Kiwi business raise capital** with **digital securities on the Bitcoin sidechain** and facilitate **secondary market liquidity** of these securities.
Each of these **aligns with Bitcoin’s strengths** while **expanding Kiwibank’s business model**.
## **A Bold Vision to Future-Proof the Kiwi Financial System**
This **isn’t just an idea**—it’s **a path forward that’s 100% possible today**.
- **For New Zealanders:** A **faster, fairer financial system** that puts power back in their hands.
- **For Investors:** A **banking innovation play**, positioned for growth.
- **For Bitcoiners worldwide:** A **Bitcoin-friendly financial hub**, with real-world Bitcoin services.
Kiwibank has **a golden opportunity** to lead this transformation. The technology is ready, the capital is available, and the global financial landscape is **ripe for disruption**.
The only question left is:
**Will New Zealand lead, or will we be left behind?**
## **Sources**
1. Kiwibank Capital Raise: [NZ Lawyer](https://www.thelawyermag.com/nz/practice-areas/banking-and-finance/kiwibank-to-receive-500m-boost-as-government-targets-greater-competition-in-banking-sector/517422)
2. New Zealand Active Investor Visa: [NZTE](https://www.nzte.govt.nz/page/investor-migrants)
3. Taproot Assets & Lightning: [Lightning Labs](https://docs.lightning.engineering/the-lightning-network/taproot-assets)
4. Bitcoin Sidechains & Liquid: [Blockstream](https://blockstream.com/elements/)
5. Bitcoin eCash (Cashu/Fedimint): [Cashu](https://cashu.space/)
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/911023

@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-03-12 01:47:41
The cryptocurrency world, known for its rapid growth and equally rapid fluctuations, has been rocked by a series of scandals that have left investors wary and regulators on high alert. Among these, the story of Brenda Chunga, better known by her online alias "Bitcoin Beautee," stands out for its sheer scale and the audacity of the fraud involved. Chunga's rise from a relatively unknown figure to a celebrated icon in the crypto community encapsulates the allure and dangers of the cryptocurrency boom.
**Table of Contents**
- The Rise of Bitcoin Beautee
- The Scheme Unfolds
- The Crackdown Begins
- Implications for Crypto Regulation
- The Future of Cryptocurrency
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**The Rise of Bitcoin Beautee**
Brenda Chunga's transformation into Bitcoin Beautee represented the quintessential crypto success story. She portrayed herself as a self-made millionaire who had unlocked the secrets of cryptocurrency investment. Her social media was awash with images of luxury cars, exotic vacations, and high-end fashion, all purportedly funded by her savvy investment strategies. This glamorous lifestyle was not just a personal branding tool but also a marketing strategy to attract more investors into the HyperFund scheme she promoted.
Chunga's narrative tapped into the zeitgeist of the era, a time when Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies were seeing unprecedented gains. Her story was compelling because it offered hope and validation to the many who wished to replicate her success. However, beneath the surface of this success story lay a web of lies and manipulation. Chunga's wealth was not the result of astute investment but rather the proceeds from a Ponzi scheme that preyed on the hopes and dreams of ordinary people looking to improve their financial situations.
**The Scheme Unfolds**
The unraveling of the HyperFund scheme revealed the mechanics of a classic Ponzi operation, albeit one supercharged by the global reach and anonymity afforded by the cryptocurrency market. Investors were promised extraordinary returns, a common red flag for investment fraud, yet the allure of quick wealth in the burgeoning crypto market proved irresistible to many. Chunga, leveraging her status as Bitcoin Beautee, was instrumental in giving the scheme credibility and drawing in a vast network of investors from around the globe.
The scheme's collapse was not just a financial disaster for those involved but also a significant blow to the credibility of the cryptocurrency market at large. It highlighted the dark side of the crypto boom: the ease with which unscrupulous individuals could exploit the lack of regulation and the general misunderstanding of how cryptocurrencies work. The case of HyperFund was a wake-up call, illustrating the need for greater diligence and skepticism in the face of promises of outsized returns.
**The Crackdown Begins**
The legal repercussions for Chunga and her associates mark a turning point in the regulatory approach to cryptocurrency fraud. Her guilty plea and the subsequent charges against her co-conspirators signify a more aggressive stance from authorities in tackling crypto-related crimes. This shift is partly a response to the growing realization of the potential for cryptocurrency to be used in illegal activities, from money laundering to financing terrorism.
The crackdown on Bitcoin Beautee and others involved in the HyperFund scheme is part of a broader effort to clean up the cryptocurrency space. It sends a clear message that the wild west days of the crypto market may be coming to an end. Regulatory bodies are now more determined than ever to impose order, protect investors, and ensure that the revolutionary potential of cryptocurrency is not undermined by fraudsters and criminals.
**Implications for Crypto Regulation**
The saga of Bitcoin Beautee has reignited the debate over cryptocurrency regulation. Critics of the industry have seized on the scandal as evidence of the inherent risks of a market that operates largely outside traditional financial oversight. Proponents, however, argue that the actions of a few should not tarnish the entire sector and that regulation should not stifle innovation.
The challenge for regulators is to strike a balance between protecting investors and allowing the legitimate use and development of cryptocurrencies. The HyperFund case has shown that this is no easy task, but it has also provided valuable lessons on the tactics used by fraudsters in the crypto space. These insights are crucial in shaping effective regulatory responses that can prevent similar schemes from emerging in the future.
**The Future of Cryptocurrency**
The impact of the HyperFund scandal extends beyond the immediate legal and financial repercussions. It has prompted a period of introspection within the cryptocurrency community. The realization that such a large-scale fraud could go unnoticed for so long has led to calls for greater self-regulation and community vigilance.
The future of cryptocurrency now hinges on the ability of the community and regulators to learn from incidents like the downfall of Bitcoin Beautee. The promise of decentralized finance and the potential for cryptocurrencies to revolutionize the global financial system remain intact. However, achieving these lofty goals requires a concerted effort to build trust, enhance transparency, and foster a culture of ethical investment practices.
The downfall of Bitcoin Beautee and the unraveling of the $2 billion HyperFund Ponzi scheme serve as a cautionary tale for the cryptocurrency industry. They underscore the urgent need for regulatory frameworks that can adapt to the unique challenges of the digital age while preserving the innovative spirit of the crypto community. As the industry continues to evolve, the lessons learned from this scandal will be instrumental in shaping a more secure, transparent, and sustainable future for cryptocurrency.
**Who is 'Bitcoin Beautee'?**
'Bitcoin Beautee' is the online alias of Brenda Chunga, who became known for her involvement in the HyperFund Ponzi scheme, which defrauded investors of approximately $2 billion.
**What was the HyperFund scheme?**
HyperFund was a Ponzi scheme disguised as a cryptocurrency investment platform. It promised investors unrealistically high returns, funded by the capital of new investors rather than genuine profit.
**What has happened to Brenda Chunga?**
Brenda Chunga, aka 'Bitcoin Beautee,' has pled guilty to fraud charges related to her role in the HyperFund scheme and faces up to five years in prison.
**What are the implications of this case for cryptocurrency regulation?**
The case has highlighted the need for stricter regulation and oversight in the cryptocurrency market to prevent fraud and protect investors.
**How can investors protect themselves from similar schemes?**
Investors should conduct thorough research, be skeptical of investments offering unusually high returns, and invest only in schemes that are transparent and regulated.
**That's all for today**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.*

@ 758d2216:8f255388
2025-03-12 01:05:30
So, I got kicked off X. Not for anything cool like inciting a coup or posting cryptic manifestos—just for trying to help a friend and then daring to tweak my username. Apparently, that’s the kind of high treason that gets you permanently banished from the digital kingdom, where rules are arbitrary and appeals are a myth.
It all began when a buddy of mine got whacked with a DMCA suspension. Something about sharing content that offended the copyright gods—I don’t know, I wasn’t paying that much attention. Being the bleeding-heart idiot I am, I figured I’d play the hero and advocate for his return. A few tweets, some tags, nothing fancy. Turns out, the algorithm wasn’t a fan of my altruism. Next thing I know, I’m flagged as spam and shown the virtual door. Permanently. No trial, no explanation, just a big “you’re done” from the faceless overlords of X.
I didn’t take it lying down—at first. I fired off appeal after appeal, explaining that I wasn’t a bot, just a guy trying to do a solid. Crickets. I even got a lawyer to draft a sternly worded letter, because nothing screams “I’m not a spammer” like a legal invoice. Spoiler: it didn’t work. The void didn’t care. Desperate, I tried to sneak back in with a new username, thinking I could outwit the system. Big mistake. X sniffed out my genius plan and slapped me with an evasion ban faster than you can say “terms of service.” Lesson learned: you can’t outsmart a machine that’s already decided you’re guilty.
Now, I’m an X-ile, cast out from the platform I actually liked. Sure, I’ve washed up on Nostr’s shores, where the vibe’s less “ban-hammer” and more “live and let live.” It’s fine, I guess. But let’s not kid ourselves—it’s not X. I miss the mess of it all: the arguments, the hot takes, the flood of info that hit me like a firehose every time I logged in. Politics? I was there for it, from election meltdowns to policy nerd fights. AI? Loved watching the tech geeks duke it out over neural nets and ethics. Random stuff? Always good for a late-night rabbit hole. Now, I’m stuck piecing together the world from scraps—news sites, blogs, whatever doesn’t require a login I no longer have.
That’s the kicker: I liked learning on X. It wasn’t just doomscrolling or dunking on bad takes—though, yeah, that was fun too. It was real-time, unfiltered, chaotic education. AI breakthroughs, political scandals, memes that doubled as philosophy—gone. Sure, I can Google stuff, but it’s not the same as riding the wave of a thousand voices shouting at once. I feel like I’ve been locked out of the library and left with a pamphlet.
This whole fiasco has taught me one thing: don’t bet your brain on a single app. Social media’s a fickle beast—here today, banning you tomorrow for reasons it won’t bother to explain. Diversify, they say, like I’m managing a stock portfolio instead of my curiosity. Maybe I’ll find new corners of the internet to haunt. Maybe I’ll start yelling at clouds IRL. Or maybe I’ll just sit here, quietly missing the days when I could refresh my feed and feel like I had a pulse on the planet.
I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss X. The dopamine hit of a notification, the smug glow of a clever tweet, the sense I was plugged into something bigger—it’s hard to replicate. I’ve got Nostr now, sure, but it’s like swapping a rock concert for a coffee shop acoustic set. Nice, but not the same kick. One day, I might slink back to X with a burner account, praying the algorithm’s forgotten my face. Until then, I’m just a guy who got canned for caring too much, mourning the loss of a platform that taught me more than I ever expected. Thanks for nothing, X.

@ 401014b3:59d5476b
2025-03-12 00:57:07
Alright, football maniacs, it’s March 2025, and we’re crashing into the NFC East like it’s a Philly cheesesteak brawl with a side of New York attitude. Free agency’s a street fight, the draft’s a gamble, and this division’s always a circus of hype and havoc. The Eagles soared in 2024, the Cowboys stayed scrappy, the Giants licked wounds, and the Commanders showed spark. Let’s slap some records on this chaos and see who’s got the juice to claim the crown. Here we go, fam—bring the noise.
### **Philadelphia Eagles: 11-6 – Hurts’ High-Flying Hustle**
The Eagles owned 2024, and 2025’s Jalen Hurts’ encore. He’s got A.J. Brown and DeVonta Smith torching secondaries, Saquon Barkley bulldozing fools, and that O-line’s a freaking tank. The defense—Josh Sweat, Jalen Carter—wrecks shop, but free agency’s a wild card. Brandon Graham’s probably done, and Fletcher Cox’s ghost still haunts the D-line. 11-6’s the call, division champs. Philly’s got that dawg mentality—try stopping ‘em.
### **Dallas Cowboys: 9-8 – Dak’s Do-or-Die Dance**
The Cowboys hung in there in 2024, and 2025’s Dak Prescott’s last stand (maybe). He’s tossing to CeeDee Lamb and Jake Ferguson, with Rico Dowdle keeping the run game alive. The defense—Micah Parsons, Trevon Diggs—is electric when it’s on, but free agency looms. DeMarcus Lawrence will likely bolt to the Lions, and the O-line’s aging. 9-8’s the vibe, maybe a wildcard if Dak stays hot. Dallas is always a soap opera—will they shine or implode?
### **Washington Commanders: 8-9 – Daniels’ Next Step**
The Commanders turned heads in 2024 with Jayden Daniels, and 2025’s his glow-up. He’s got Terry McLaurin and Zach Ertz to sling it to, while Brian Robinson Jr. grinds the run game. The defense—Jonathan Allen, Daron Payne—brought heat but are likely gone this season. Jeremy Chinn might also chase a bag, and the secondary’s thin. 8-9’s where they land—close, but not back in the playoffs. Washington’s cooking, just not fully seasoned.
### **New York Giants: 6-11 – Jones’ Swan Song?**
The Giants were a mess in 2024, and 2025’s not much brighter. QB is uncertain. Malik Nabers and Wan’Dale Robinson will need to step up, the run game’s blah without Saquon, and the O-line’s a tire fire. The defense—Kayvon Thibodeaux, Dexter Lawrence—has bite, but free agency might swipe Azeez Ojulari, and the vibes are off. 6-11’s the harsh reality—rebuilding, not contending. Big Blue’s got work to do.
### **The Final Showdown**
The NFC East in 2025 is an Eagles strut with a Cowboy twist. The Eagles (11-6) snag the title because Hurts is a beast, the Cowboys (9-8) tease a wildcard, the Commanders (8-9) push forward, and the Giants (6-11) lag behind. Free agency’s the curveball—lose a star, you’re sunk; keep ‘em, you’re soaring. Hit me on X when I butcher this, but this is my NFC East sermon. Let’s roll, degenerates.

@ 21335073:a244b1ad
2025-03-12 00:40:25
Before I saw those X right-wing political “influencers” parading their Epstein binders in that PR stunt, I’d already posted this on Nostr, an open protocol.
“Today, the world’s attention will likely fixate on Epstein, governmental failures in addressing horrific abuse cases, and the influential figures who perpetrate such acts—yet few will center the victims and survivors in the conversation. The survivors of Epstein went to law enforcement and very little happened. The survivors tried to speak to the corporate press and the corporate press knowingly covered for him. In situations like these social media can serve as one of the only ways for a survivor’s voice to be heard.
It’s becoming increasingly evident that the line between centralized corporate social media and the state is razor-thin, if it exists at all. Time and again, the state shields powerful abusers when it’s politically expedient to do so. In this climate, a survivor attempting to expose someone like Epstein on a corporate tech platform faces an uphill battle—there’s no assurance their voice would even break through. Their story wouldn’t truly belong to them; it’d be at the mercy of the platform, subject to deletion at a whim. Nostr, though, offers a lifeline—a censorship-resistant space where survivors can share their truths, no matter how untouchable the abuser might seem. A survivor could remain anonymous here if they took enough steps.
Nostr holds real promise for amplifying survivor voices. And if you’re here daily, tossing out memes, take heart: you’re helping build a foundation for those who desperately need to be heard.“
That post is untouchable—no CEO, company, employee, or government can delete it. Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t take it down myself. The post will outlive me on the protocol.
The cozy alliance between the state and corporate social media hit me hard during that right-wing X “influencer” PR stunt. Elon owns X. Elon’s a special government employee. X pays those influencers to post. We don’t know who else pays them to post. Those influencers are spurred on by both the government and X to manage the Epstein case narrative. It wasn’t survivors standing there, grinning for photos—it was paid influencers, gatekeepers orchestrating yet another chance to re-exploit the already exploited.
The bond between the state and corporate social media is tight. If the other Epsteins out there are ever to be unmasked, I wouldn’t bet on a survivor’s story staying safe with a corporate tech platform, the government, any social media influencer, or mainstream journalist. Right now, only a protocol can hand survivors the power to truly own their narrative.
I don’t have anything against Elon—I’ve actually been a big supporter. I’m just stating it as I see it. X isn’t censorship resistant and they have an algorithm that they choose not the user. Corporate tech platforms like X can be a better fit for some survivors. X has safety tools and content moderation, making it a solid option for certain individuals. Grok can be a big help for survivors looking for resources or support! As a survivor, you know what works best for you, and safety should always come first—keep that front and center.
That said, a protocol is a game-changer for cases where the powerful are likely to censor. During China's # MeToo movement, survivors faced heavy censorship on social media platforms like Weibo and WeChat, where posts about sexual harassment were quickly removed, and hashtags like # MeToo or "woyeshi" were blocked by government and platform filters. To bypass this, activists turned to blockchain technology encoding their stories—like Yue Xin’s open letter about a Peking University case—into transaction metadata. This made the information tamper-proof and publicly accessible, resisting censorship since blockchain data can’t be easily altered or deleted.
I posted this on X 2/28/25. I wanted to try my first long post on a nostr client. The Epstein cover up is ongoing so it’s still relevant, unfortunately.
If you are a survivor or loved one who is reading this and needs support please reach out to:
National Sexual Assault Hotline 24/7
Hours: Available 24 hours

@ 15125b37:e89877f5
2025-03-11 21:59:56
## Unmasking the Enigmatic Creator
The identity of Satoshi Nakamoto, the pseudonymous creator of Bitcoin, has sparked countless theories and debates since the digital currency's inception. Over the years, a number of leading candidates have emerged, each with their own compelling reasons for being the person behind Bitcoin. Despite the unending list of potential candidates, almost 17 years later, we are still no closer to finding his true identity than we were at the Genesis block, ***and that's a good thing.***
#### Leading Candidates
* **Elon Musk**: Known for his visionary work with Tesla and SpaceX, Musk’s name has often been thrown into the ring, primarily due to his background in technology and innovation. However, Musk has denied being Satoshi, even joking that he wishes he were.
* **Jack Dorsey**: Recently there has reemerged the claim that [Jack Dorsey is Satoshi Nakamoto](https://x.com/financeguy74/status/1890850549035110558) hiding in plain sight by correlating forensic data of Satoshi’s time-stamped messages and Dorsey’s whereabouts at the time, along with a slew of other unverified claims. Despite repeated denials from Jack himself, the speculation regularly resurfaces. However, many are very skeptical for reasons pointed out in [this thread](https://blog.lopp.net/jack-dorsey-is-not-satoshi-nakamoto/).
* **Len Sassaman**: A respected cryptographer and privacy advocate, Sassaman was an early supporter of the Cypherpunk movement. Some believe his deep understanding of cryptography and privacy issues could make him a prime candidate, though there’s no concrete evidence.
* **Hal Finney**: Hal Finney, an early Bitcoin contributor and the recipient of the first Bitcoin transaction, is one of the most plausible candidates. Finney was a well-respected cryptographer and was closely involved with Bitcoin from the very beginning. He exchanged emails with Satoshi and worked on the Bitcoin software. Some even believe he might have been the person behind the pseudonym, with many pointing out that his involvement in Bitcoin’s early days was unusually hands-on. However, Finney himself denied being Nakamoto, and his untimely passing in 2014 left many questions unanswered. Finney’s close ties to Bitcoin’s development and his pioneering work in cryptography make him one of the most discussed figures in the search for Satoshi.
* **Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto**: In 2014, Newsweek published an article claiming that Dorian Satoshi Nakamoto, a Japanese-American man living in California, was the creator of Bitcoin. The magazine based its investigation on a series of coincidences, including his name and some vague statements Dorian made. However, Dorian has firmly denied being the creator of Bitcoin, even claiming he had never heard of it before being contacted by the media. Despite this, the claim generated a lot of attention and sparked further speculation, though it was ultimately dismissed by most in the Bitcoin community.
* **Nick Szabo**: Nick Szabo, a cryptographer and legal scholar, is another highly speculated candidate. Szabo is best known for his work on Bit Gold, an early digital currency that shares many similarities with Bitcoin. Szabo has a deep understanding of cryptographic protocols and decentralized systems, and his writings on digital money and smart contracts are highly regarded. While Szabo has consistently denied being Satoshi, his connection to the ideas behind Bitcoin, as well as his background in cryptography and distributed systems, make him a strong contender for the title of Nakamoto.
* **Gavin Andresen**: Gavin Andresen is one of the earliest developers to contribute to Bitcoin after its creation. He became the lead developer of the Bitcoin project after Satoshi’s disappearance in 2010. Andresen was involved in many of Bitcoin’s early decisions, including the creation of the first Bitcoin faucet and the development of the Bitcoin Foundation. Some believe that Andresen could have been Satoshi due to his early involvement, though he has always denied being the creator. He once claimed that he communicated directly with Satoshi, but like many others, he remains an enigma in the Bitcoin story.
* **Adam Back**: Adam Back, a British cryptographer and inventor of the Hashcash proof-of-work system (which would later inspire Bitcoin’s mining algorithm), has also been mentioned as a potential Satoshi candidate. Back has a deep understanding of cryptography and was one of the early pioneers in the digital currency space. He was an influential figure in the Cypherpunk movement and has contributed to various projects involving privacy and decentralization. While Back has denied being Nakamoto, his connections to Bitcoin’s creation make him an interesting figure in the search for Satoshi.
#### Imposters: The Case of Craig Wright
Of course, no discussion of Satoshi’s identity is complete without mentioning Craig Wright, an Australian entrepreneur who has claimed to be Nakamoto on multiple occasions. Wright’s claims, however, have been met with skepticism and a lack of proof. Despite his insistence, the crypto community remains unconvinced, and many consider him an imposter.
UPDATE: a court recently ruled that [Craig Wright is NOT Satoshi Nakamoto](https://cointelegraph.com/news/craig-wright-not-satoshi-nakamoto).
#### The Mystery Behind Satoshi: What Makes Bitcoin Great
While the question of Satoshi’s true identity remains unresolved, this very mystery is one of the factors that makes Bitcoin so remarkable. Here’s why the unknown identity of Satoshi is actually a strength for Bitcoin:
* Decentralization: Bitcoin’s success isn’t dependent on any one individual or authority. Satoshi’s anonymity ensures that Bitcoin remains decentralized, free from the influence of its creator.
* Focus on the Idea, Not the Person: By keeping Satoshi’s identity a secret, Bitcoin’s development and adoption have focused on the technology itself, not the personality behind it. This helps remove any biases or distractions that might arise from knowing the creator.
* Trustless System: Bitcoin operates on trustless principles—users trust the code, not the person behind it. This makes the system more resilient and trustworthy, as it doesn’t rely on any one individual to maintain its integrity.
* Anonymity and Privacy: The mystery surrounding Satoshi also aligns with the ideals of privacy and anonymity that Bitcoin champions. It emphasizes the importance of protecting personal information, even for its creators.
* Satoshi’s Vision Lives On: The beauty of Bitcoin is that it doesn’t matter who Satoshi is. The system he or she created continues to evolve and serve its purpose, independent of its originator. It’s a testament to the strength of the open-source community and the lasting power of decentralized technologies.
While the true identity of Satoshi Nakamoto may never be known, the fact that it doesn’t matter is a key part of what makes Bitcoin so special. It’s a technology that stands on its own, free from central authority and focused on the ideals of freedom, privacy, and decentralization.
Stay tuned for the next edition of Becoming One with Bitcoin, where we’ll dive into the early adoption of Bitcoin and the milestones that helped it grow into the global phenomenon it is today.

@ 878dff7c:037d18bc
2025-03-11 21:53:39
## Housing crisis? More like government bloat and excessive taxation!
### Summary:
A recent report by the Centre for International Economics, commissioned by the Housing Industry Association (HIA), reveals that Australians are facing substantial financial burdens when building new homes due to escalating taxes, regulatory costs, and infrastructure charges. These expenses can amount to up to $576,000, representing approximately 49% of the total value of house-and-land packages.
In Sydney, the total expenditure for a typical house-and-land package in a greenfield estate averages around $1.182 million. Of this, nearly half is attributed to government-imposed charges, including regulatory costs, statutory taxes, and infrastructure fees. Other major cities are similarly affected, with government charges comprising 43% of costs in Melbourne, 41% in Brisbane, 36% in Perth, and 37% in both Adelaide and Hobart.
The report also highlights significant delays in the approval process for home-building projects. Obtaining development approval for a subdivision now takes over 12 months, extending project timelines by 50%. These prolonged timelines contribute to increased costs and exacerbate housing shortages.
Industry leaders are urging the government to reduce taxes and streamline regulatory processes to address these issues. Such reforms are deemed essential to meet the goal of constructing 1.2 million new homes by mid-2029. The HIA's chief economist, Tim Reardon, emphasizes that with half of the cost of a new home being taxes and government charges, new home buyers spend the first 15 years of a 30-year mortgage just paying off that tax.
The report further notes that 14% of all GST revenues are directly associated with housing construction and dwelling ownership. This has led to calls for a GST exemption on new homes as a measure to alleviate the housing crisis.
Both the Labor and Coalition parties have proposed strategies to tackle housing shortages. These include infrastructure funding, freezes on construction code changes, and incentives for building apprenticeships. However, the effectiveness of these measures remains contingent on addressing the underlying issues of high taxes and regulatory burdens that continue to inflate housing costs.
### Sources
1. **"Great Australian dream strangled by government taxes and costs"**
*The Australian*, Published March 11, 2025
[Read more](https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/politics/great-australian-dream-strangled-by-government-taxes-and-costs/news-story/6814dff4749fd0d5eba6488ed9be34dd)
2. **"Insane tax amount Vic pays on new homes exposed"**
*News.com.au*, Published March 11, 2025
[Read more](https://www.news.com.au/finance/real-estate/melbourne-vic/vic-families-slugged-373k-in-tax-red-tape-on-new-builds-hia/news-story/998318a4893664b1821e48417dc1898e)
3. **"Half cost of new house goes to tax, report"**
*News.com.au*, Published March 11, 2025
[Read more](https://www.news.com.au/finance/money/tax/half-the-mortgage-life-paying-off-taxes-red-tape-taxes-eating-up-the-cost-of-new-homes/news-story/49d90befbf67ffae961a3ab3ed831040)
## Australians Urged to Prepare Emergency Plans Amid Increased Storm Activity
### Summary:
Despite the high likelihood of natural disasters during storm season, less than 50% of Australians have an emergency plan. Authorities emphasize the importance of preparation as storms, bushfires, cyclones, and floods become more frequent. Recent bushfires have already impacted Victoria and NSW, with significant fires ongoing in the Grampians National Park. Preparedness includes having an emergency kit, evacuation plans, and ensuring pets' safety. Failure to include animals in emergency planning can hinder evacuations. The NSW State Emergency Service performed over 66,000 animal rescues in 2022, highlighting the significance of readiness for all family members during natural disasters.
Sources: [news.com.au - 12 March 2025](https://www.news.com.au/technology/environment/aussies-urged-to-make-emergency-plan-during-storm-season/news-story/b9497e2f4d2f2c7e5c2b6efb2560df8a)
## Senator Lambie Proposes Closing Pine Gap Over US Tariffs
### Summary:
In response to the US imposing tariffs on Australian steel and aluminium, Senator Jacqui Lambie has suggested closing the Pine Gap intelligence base near Alice Springs as a countermeasure. Lambie argues that such a move would significantly impact US intelligence operations in the region, providing Australia with leverage in negotiations. Pine Gap has been a critical component of US-Australia defense cooperation since the 1960s.
Sources: [The Courier-Mail - March 12, 2025](https://www.couriermail.com.au/news/senator-jacqui-lambie-says-pine-gap-should-be-closed-if-trump-puts-tariffs-on-australia/news-story/fffa13097c919b3077b40ec64399e441)
## Australia's Exemption from US Tariffs Unlikely Amid Record Gold Exports
### Summary:
Australia's record gold exports to the US have led to the first trade surplus with the US in decades. This development undermines Australia's argument for exemption from impending US tariffs, including a 25% tariff on aluminium and steel. While Australia's direct exports of these metals to the US are minimal, other sectors like pharmaceuticals and agriculture could face significant impacts. The broader concern is the potential depressive effect on global trade, which could reduce demand for Australian exports. Industry groups are preparing for the tariffs, and government efforts for exemptions continue. The unpredictable nature of US trade policies is causing substantial nervousness among Australian exporters.
Sources: [The Guardian - March 12, 2025](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2025/mar/12/australias-record-gold-exports-to-us-set-back-its-case-for-tariff-relief-as-trump-trade-war-looms), [The Australian - March 12, 2025](https://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/markets/cracks-are-appearing-in-us-economy-over-tariff-threat/news-story/79b3a5b07f94c8ce9fa3d85dde1d7441), [News.com.au - March 12, 2025](https://www.news.com.au/world/no-australian-carve-out-from-trump-tariffs/news-story/2a7c62130a57b8e20e7c6426cf2137c8)
## Australian Consumer Confidence Hits Three-Year High
### Summary:
Australian consumer confidence reached a three-year high in March, driven by slowing inflation and the first interest rate cut in over four years. The Westpac-Melbourne Institute index showed a 4% rise from February and a 13.6% increase from last year, though it remained at 95.9, indicating more pessimists than optimists. The Reserve Bank of Australia's recent quarter-point rate cut to 4.1% and ongoing low inflation have bolstered consumer sentiment. Market expectations suggest another potential rate cut in May, with rates possibly declining to 3.5% by year-end. Improved confidence in the labor market and family finance outlooks contributed to an increase in buyer sentiment, with notable optimism about the next few years.
Sources: [Reuters - March 12, 2025](https://www.reuters.com/world/asia-pacific/australian-consumer-confidence-hits-3-year-high-march-survey-says-2025-03-10/)
## The Left's Waning Techno-Optimism: A Call for Reengagement
### Summary:
Recent discussions highlight a resurgence in techno-optimism, driven by movements like Effective Accelerationism and figures such as Elon Musk. Historically, the political left championed technological advancements for societal liberation, notably during the COVID-19 vaccine development. However, current skepticism towards innovations like genetically modified crops and space exploration suggests a retreat from this stance. Advocates argue that the left should reclaim its techno-optimism, promoting state-led technological advancements through democratic economic planning to address global challenges and harness technology for collective liberation.
Sources: [The Guardian - March 11, 2025](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/ng-interactive/2025/mar/11/democrats-liberal-technology-innovation)
## Victoria Proposes 'Toughest Bail Laws' Amid Youth Crime Concerns
### Summary:
The Victorian government plans to introduce stringent bail laws targeting serious repeat offenders, including youth offenders accused of serious crimes. This move comes amid debates over a perceived crime crisis, with statistics indicating that youth crime comprises 13% of total crime, though recent data shows a rise in incidents attributed to a small number of repeat youth offenders. Experts caution that while crime rates appear to be increasing post-COVID, media amplification may contribute to heightened public perception of a crime crisis.
Sources: [The Guardian - 12 March 2025](https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2025/mar/12/bail-laws-victoria-jacinta-allan)
## Opposition Leader Peter Dutton Threatens to Break Up Major Insurers Over Anti-Competitive Behavior
### Summary:
Opposition Leader Peter Dutton has threatened to break up large insurance companies if they engage in anti-competitive behavior, emphasizing the need for competition in the market. However, this stance has led to confusion within the Coalition, as other members have expressed differing views on the policy's scope. Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor initially seemed to exclude insurers from the divestiture plan but later affirmed that anti-competitive behavior in any industry would be addressed. Deputy Liberal leader Sussan Ley and Senator Jane Hume have ruled out including insurers in the divestiture policy, which is currently confined to major supermarkets and hardware retailers.
Sources: [The Australian - 12 March 2025](https://www.theaustralian.com.au/nation/politics/confusion-as-peter-dutton-doubles-down-on-threat-to-breakup-insurers/news-story/ad1d6968aa3a50ce7ea2f78fcaeaa7ac)
## Australian Government Calls for Permanent Centre for Disease Control
### Summary:
The Public Health Association of Australia (PHAA) warns that another pandemic is inevitable and calls for the establishment of a permanent Australian Centre for Disease Control (CDC) to coordinate future health emergency responses. The interim CDC is set to become permanent by January 1, 2026, with $251.7 million allocated to the project. Experts criticize the government for slow implementation and a lack of preparedness during the COVID-19 pandemic. The PHAA urges rebuilding trust, balancing individual freedoms with public health needs, and prioritizing human rights in emergency planning.
Sources: [News.com.au - March 12, 2025](https://www.news.com.au/lifestyle/health/health-problems/public-health-association-calls-for-australian-cdc-on-covid-fiveyear-anniversary/news-story/cb487b0aaaa81e66bdf462c51348ad11)
## Fatal Shark Attack Claims Surfer's Life in Western Australia
### Summary:
Steven Jeffrey Payne, a 37-year-old surfer from Melbourne, has been identified as the victim of a fatal shark attack on March 10 at Wharton Beach, Australia. Payne was attacked by a massive shark while surfing in chest-deep water. Despite efforts by the WA Police Force, Marine Rescue WA, and SES personnel, his body has not been recovered, and the search has shifted from rescue to recovery. Witnesses, including Payne's partner, observed the tragic incident, which was also captured by drone footage showing a large cloud of blood near the shore. Authorities plan to reopen the beach on March 12, as there have been no other shark sightings. This marks the fourth fatal shark attack in the area since 2017.
Sources: [People - March 12, 2025](https://people.com/37-year-old-man-identified-as-surfer-killed-by-massive-shark-in-chest-deep-water-11694572)
## Former Prime Minister Turnbull's Public Criticisms Strain U.S.-Australia Relations
### Summary:
Former Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull's public criticisms of U.S. President Donald Trump have raised concerns about their potential impact on Australia's negotiations for tariff exemptions. Turnbull labeled Trump as thin-skinned and a bully, criticizing his trade policies and foreign relations. These remarks have led to tensions, with Trump responding by labeling Turnbull as weak and ineffective, potentially jeopardizing Australia's efforts to secure tariff exemptions.
Sources: [News.com.au - 12 March 2025](https://www.news.com.au/world/north-america/us-politics/punching-down-malcolm-turnbull-unloads-on-thin-skinned-donald-trump-again/news-story/0d4e995aa07dcb38dbf116106a1f7a4b), [News.com.au - 12 March 2025](https://www.news.com.au/entertainment/tv/current-affairs/shut-up-host-blows-up-at-turnbull/news-story/3a57773f02fb9a0a517546eae0a7f475)
## Australia's Air Quality Among World's Best, Study Finds
### Summary:
A recent report by IQAir reveals that only seven countries, including Australia, New Zealand, and Estonia, adhered to the World Health Organization's guidelines for PM2.5 levels last year. Almost every other country has air pollution levels exceeding these guidelines. Chad, Bangladesh, Pakistan, the Democratic Republic of Congo, and India are the most polluted, with PM2.5 levels up to 18 times higher than recommended. The report highlights air pollution as a major risk factor for mortality, second only to high blood pressure. While the share of cities meeting PM2.5 standards increased from 9% in 2023 to 17% in 2024, disparities in air quality persist, especially in Eastern Europe and non-EU Balkan countries.
Sources: [The Guardian - March 11, 2025](https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2025/mar/11/only-seven-countries-worldwide-meet-who-dirty-air-guidelines-study-shows)
## Gas Industry Criticizes Australia's Energy and Climate Policies
### Summary:
Santos CEO Kevin Gallagher and other energy executives have urged Australia to utilize its abundant natural gas reserves. They criticize current policies for hindering the development of new gas sources, contrasting with the U.S. approach under former President Donald Trump, who separated energy and climate policies to promote affordable energy. The gas industry warns of potential shortages on Australia's east coast, which could impact service prices and manufacturing viability. Projects like Santos' Narrabri face regulatory delays. In response, importing LNG is suggested, though it's more expensive than domestic sources. APA Group proposes a nearly $2 billion investment in infrastructure to address the issue, while Victoria's administration seeks federal support for an LNG import facility.
Sources: [The Australian - March 12, 2025](https://www.theaustralian.com.au/business/mining-energy/gas-crisis-a-consequence-of-coupling-energy-and-climate-policies-santos-boss/news-story/e4b9526f15b1480cd3371826fd31a214)

@ 3c7dc2c5:805642a8
2025-03-11 21:51:17
## 🧠Quote(s) of the week:
'For anybody worried about Bitcoin's current pullback, here's some perspective:
Today's drawdowns are within range of previous bull-run pullbacks.
In other words, corrections like these are historically normal during bull runs. Steady lads!' - The Bitcoin Layer
## 🧡Bitcoin news🧡
On the 4th of March:
➡️The IMF demands El Salvador stop buying Bitcoin as a condition of further funding. Disgusting! The IMF just made a very public confession: Bitcoin is a direct threat to their power. By barring El Salvador from accumulating more, the IMF is admitting that sovereign Bitcoin adoption shatters their grip.
'94 countries have loans with the IMF.
All those countries were just sent a message that they can’t buy Bitcoin.
This is why after 2021 no other countries followed El Salvador, SOMETHING stopped the momentum.
We now have a pretty good idea who was behind that.' - Nico (Bitvolt)
Please read the following tweet/post by Mags for more clarification on this topic.
Alex Gladstein said it best: 'Zero coverage in the mainstream economic media but think of the simple implication:
The IMF considers Bitcoin a threat
No longer useless, but revolutionary.'
➡️River: 'The era of "banning" Bitcoin is over.
It has never been more globally accessible than today.
Countries are slowly coming around to Bitcoin products, payments, custody, and now reserves.'
➡️'Crypto markets are now worth -$100 billion LESS than they were before the US Crypto Reserve announcement.
Over the last 24 hours, crypto has erased -$500 BILLION of market cap in a massive reversal.
➡️China-based Holographic tech firm MicroCloud has purchased up to $200 million in Bitcoin.
➡️Riot mined 470 Bitcoin worth $39.6 million in February.
➡️BlackRock wakes up to Bitcoin's scarcity: "If every millionaire in the US asked their financial advisor to get them 1 bitcoin, there wouldn’t be enough."
You don't say!😉 There isn't enough Bitcoin for everyone on earth to have 0.01 BTC. Today you can buy 0.01 BTC for $860. 0.01 BTC will eventually buy a house.
➡️North Korea’s Lazarus Group has fully laundered the proceeds of the Bybit hack.
500,000 ETH has been converted, primarily to BTC as ETH trades down to ~$2,100.
On the 5th of March:
➡️Metaplanet acquires another 497 Bitcoin, bringing its total holdings to 2,888.
Metaplanet CEO says, “We wanna buy as much Bitcoin as we can before the price goes up.”
“I think $1 Million is still cheap in the long term.”
➡️Strategy is the largest convertible bond issuer again in 2025. Year to date, they are 30% of the US convertible market, powered by Bitcoin.
On the 6th of March:
➡️Bhutan’s PM tells how strategic Bitcoin reserve helped finance their nation’s expenses. 'Hundreds of people have made billions of dollars on the back of Bitcoin - why aren't governments doing more?'
➡️Liquidity is coming! 'The Global M2 Money Supply chart just printed another vertical line. (See the far right side of the chart. Yellow line.)
The rally for Bitcoin and other assets is going to be epic.' - Colin Talks
Two days later: Global liquidity just hit a new ATH, adding $1.5 TRILLION IN ONE DAY. The correlation with M2 is mainly with direction, not necessarily magnitude. Bitcoin is now at $78,000—only $8k away from fully converging with the path that the global M2 money supply charted ~70 days ago.
Fear and greed index at 20, a value reached in bull markets when bitcoin is on its way to making a local bottom.
➡️'Texas passed the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve legislation SB 21 in the Senate.
Texas is the 8th biggest economy in the world.
This would be like Italy, France, or India establishing a Bitcoin Reserve.' -Bitcoin Archive
On the 7th of March:
➡️USA Strategic Bitcoin Reserve Plan
Bit Paine: I literally have not seen a single person who read the EO correctly. This is MORE than I was hoping for:
-BTC is recognized as a valuable strategic asset by the largest economy in the world.
-BTC and shitcoins are now officially separated in US government policy. Shitcoins seized won’t be sold, only Bitcoin is worth accumulating.
-Bessent and Lutnick were authorized to develop budget-neutral strategies for further acquisition.
Literally what else was anyone hoping for? This is everything.
The United States just signaled its intent to buy and hodl Bitcoin.
Most people aren't aware of this information yet.
'I’ve noticed three distinct responses wrt the Strategic Bitcoin Reserve.
No-coiners: Totally unaware. Didn’t know it happened. Couldn’t tell you the current Bitcoin price either.
Bitcoin Tourists: Bummed the announcement didn’t instantly pump their bags. Anxious the top may be in this cycle. Considering selling some.
Real Bitcoiners: Euphoric, bullish, regardless of short-term price action, knowing the long-term paradigm shift to a Bitcoin standard is well underway.' - AlanBWatts
Which one are you?
On the 9th of March:
➡️'Internal Ripple emails, submitted in the SEC’s lawsuit over unregistered securities sales, reveal the company was behind promoting the “Bitcoin is controlled by China” FUD.' - Bitcoin News
➡️US Govt could sell some of its $800B gold to buy Bitcoin for its Strategic Reserve - Standard Chartered
On the 10th of March:
➡️Bitcoin just made the biggest weekly price drop in history with a $13,561 red candle.
Bitcoin longs obliterated! Biggest wipeout since the crypto casino meltdowns (Celsius, 3AC, FTX). Leverage traders REKT
➡️Spain's second-largest bank BBVA gets approval to launch Bitcoin trading and custody services
➡️Japanse giant, SBI VC, just acquired 4000 Bitcoin.
➡️Strategy to issue up to $21 billion in 8.00% Series A perpetual strike preferred stock through an ATM program to buy more Bitcoin.
➡️A Bitaxe Ultra with ~491 Gh/s just found block #887212 on Solo CK Pool. Absolutely obliterating the required difficulty with 719.9T!
With a total of 3.3Th running on their account they had a 1 in 250,000,000 chance and they hit.
Boom — a quarter million bucks off of $150 hardware.
➡️$1.5 trillion Franklin Templeton says the US Strategic Bitcoin Reserve can help alleviate the deficit.
## 💸Traditional Finance / Macro:
On the 3rd of March:
👉🏽'The S&P 500 has officially erased ALL of its post-election gains. The index has now lost -$3.3 TRILLION since February 19th.
That's -$330 billion PER TRADING DAY for the last 10 days.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average is now down -1,700 points in 24 hours.
The S&P 500 is now just ~3% away from entering correction territory.
The Nasdaq is now ~0.5% away from correction territory.
$4 trillion+ of capital has been lost.'
On the 9th of March:
👉🏽On February 20th, JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon sold $234 million worth of JPMstock.
On February 22nd, Warren Buffett announced a record $334 BILLION cash balance. This is one of the largest cash balances held by a public company ever recorded.
They held $286.5 BILLION of US Treasury Bills. Meanwhile, the US Federal Reserve held $195.3 billion in US Treasury Bills at the time of this announcement. This means that Berkshire Hathaway held ~$91.2 billion MORE of T-bills than the Fed.
Once again, unprecedented.
12 days later, the Nasdaq 100 crashed -11%.
What are the odds!? Almost as if they knew...
On the 10th of March:
'It is not Bitcoin that is crashing, it is the whole market that is.
JPMorgan Chase (JPM) -15%
Meta Platforms (META) -18%
Nvidia (NVDA) -30%
Tesla (TSLA) -50%
Apple (AAPL) -25%
Microsoft (MSFT) -22%
Amazon (AMZN) -28%
Alphabet (GOOGL) -20%
Netflix (NFLX) -35%
Walmart (WMT) -12%
Disney (DIS) -27%
Intel (INTC) -40%
Welcome to the first leg of the V-shaped economy. Trump's trade war is leading us to a V-shaped economy where there is an initial crash, and then a massive spike.' - Sina 21st Capital
That’s why DCA is key through the ups and downs to capitalize on the opportunity!
## 🏦Banks:
👉🏽 no news
## 🌎Macro/Geopolitics:
On the 3rd of February:
👉🏽60% of Americans have below a 6th-grade reading level, per Ray Dalio.
And only 3 million are driving all technological innovation.
Neo feudalism!?
👉🏽'Further evidence of a weakening labor market:
The share of US consumers saying there will be fewer jobs over the next 6 months spiked to 26% in February, the highest in 12 years.
This percentage now exceeds 2020 levels and is in line with 2001 levels.
Furthermore, the share of Americans claiming jobs are hard to get jumped to 16%, the 3rd-highest since 2021.
Americans believe the labor market is deteriorating.' - TKL
On the 4th of March:
👉🏽Italy rejects sending Italian troops to Ukraine.
Italian Prime Minister Meloni tells France and the UK they are on their own if they go into Ukraine.
👉🏽The market is now pricing in three full Fed Fund rate cuts by the end of the year.
👉🏽Jeroen Blokland:
The European Union will invest up to EUR 800 billion to 'Rearm' itself. First, this is a positive sign that Europe is finally taking action.
But why do European leaders deliberately and systematically avoid taking responsibility for the fact that they have acted too late? And not just concerning defense spending and the war in Ukraine.
And where does this EUR 800 billion leave the Draghi EUR 800 billion to improve competitiveness, which was also abandoned under the same 'leaders.'
For markets, you see where this is going, right? Massive budget deficits, more debt accumulation, and massive pressure on the ECB to keep rates low. The last thing these European leaders need right now is any anxiety about the debt sustainability of France or Italy. Even though spending hundreds of billions of euros will cause more inflation.
Why on earth would you strategically allocate to French government bonds?
But still, Europe is moving because it finally realizes (at least I hope) that it must stand on its own feet.'
My problem with the new 'ReArm first' statement or thoughts on this topic is that the European Union could accommodate the increase in defense spending by reducing inessential and unproductive political spending. Instead, leaders are discussing how to disguise more debt.
Which will lead to a financial death spiral for the European Union. France and Italy have debt issues and Germany will have to spend on its own domestic problems. The money simply isn't there.
Oh and by the way, Von der Leyen, EU Commission President, said 'We are in an era of rearmament and Europe will step in as Trump pulls aid from Ukraine.
I will give you a reason why Von der Leyen is incompetent: In 2022, Von Der Leyen mocked Russia, claiming it was so desperate that it had to scavenge computer chips from dishwashers and that its industry was in tatters. Now, the same Von Der Leyen insists Europe must burn through 800 billion to defeat this supposedly ruined Russia.
For good measures please read the following article from 2019: "Among friends and foes alike, von der Leyen’s stewardship of the defense ministry, which she has headed since 2014, is regarded as a failure.", “The Bundeswehr’s condition is catastrophic,”
First of all, not a single EU citizen cast a vote for her, and second of all, not a single EU citizen, will get to vote on this.
The EU is an anti-democratic, and neo-liberal disaster!
Bjorn Lomborg:
EU badly spends €367 billion per year on climate
EU badly needs €325 billion per year on defense
Any ideas on how to fix this?
$381 (€367) billion on climate,
https://assets.bbhub.io/professional/sites/24/951623_BNEF-Energy-Transition-Trends-2025-Abridged.pdf…, need at least €325 billion for defense https://economist.com/europe/2025/02/27/europe-will-need-to-pull-all-the-levers-to-up-its-defence-spending
A simple rethink of the EU's costly and ineffective climate policy could free up hundreds of billions of euros.
👉🏽The tax on gas in the Netherlands has increased by more than 200% since 2015. While consumers paid 23 cents per cubic meter in 2015, in 2025 it will be 69.95 cents per cubic meter, according to a new comparison by gaslicht.com
To solve all the problems on the overloaded power grid and keep energy affordable for Dutch citizens and businesses, an astonishing investment of 195 billion euros will be needed over the next fifteen years. So that same dubious government is now going to solve the problems it created itself with taxpayers' money?
Now regarding the Climate Transition Plan 2040 and on this topic.
The following report from CE Delft was released recently on January 17, 2025.
The Conclusion:
'With an inflation rate and price uncertainty of approximately 4% per year, the investment will range between €607 billion and €1.350 trillion.
Since prices generally tend to rise and estimated costs for megaprojects almost always exceed expectations, an estimate between €886 billion and €1.350 trillion is reasonable based on this study.'
Now my dear follower / weekly recap reader ask yourself: how does money work? And where does 'money' come from?
👉🏽Ireland will soon be able to tap into this energy via the Celtic Interconnector. Great work by Ireland, splendid job! They do know this is nuclear, right?
You know, the kind of energy generation that is banned in Ireland. Ireland following the Germany handbook:
Step 1: ban nuclear energy
Step 2: import nuclear energy from France
Step 3: the irony!
I'm sure France is delighted that once again it's having to subsidise Europe's stupid energy policies. Merci!
I haven't fact-checked the following statement but putainnnn:
'Three nuclear plants built in Ireland could provide up to 25% of the country's current power demand. That means 12 reactors could do it all and you'd have a totally green power grid.'
If true...just build your own nuclear reactors, you fucking morons.
👉🏽The Bank of England has spent £24 million of taxpayers' money on a UK CBDC so far.
The Government should stop pumping huge amounts of public money into an intrusive digital pound that could severely impact financial privacy, freedom & fairness. A CBDC that no one will use, everyone will hate, and which (if launched) will randomly turn off for no apparent reason.
👉🏽Oil prices crash to their lowest level since November 2024 as recession odds rise sharply.
👉🏽Deutsche Telekom CEO fumes at EU bureaucracy: "You know, what Europe needs is a DOGE" — Bloomberg
On the 5th of March:
👉🏽German government bonds just posted their worst day since 1990.
👉🏽Macron just delivered his speech to the nation:
“I’ve decided to begin strategic discussions on protecting our allies on the European continent with our French nuclear weapons”
Nuclear weapons combined with Macron's big ego and unreliability—a dangerous combination.
👉🏽'Global debt rose by ~$7 trillion in 2024, to a year-end record of $318 trillion.
Emerging markets accounted for ~65% of this growth, driven by China, India, Saudi Arabia, and Turkey.
Over the last 2.5 years, global debt has soared by a whopping ~$30 trillion.
The global debt-to-GDP ratio also increased by 1.5 percentage points to 328%.
This marks the first jump in the ratio since the 2020 pandemic.
Deficit spending is becoming a global issue.' - TKL
On the 6th March:
👉🏽'Inflation is surging:
US consumers believe inflation will rise to 6.0% over the next 12 months, the highest since May 2023.
This marks the 3rd consecutive monthly increase in expectations, according to the Conference Board survey.
Moreover, Americans believe prices will rise at an annual rate of 3.5% over the next 5-10 years, a 30-year high.
Meanwhile, prices paid in regional manufacturing surveys in Philadelphia, New York, Kansas, and Texas all jumped to the highest since mid-2023.
Lastly, the prices paid index for services remained elevated at 60.4 points in January, the third-highest since February 2023.
Inflation is clearly HOT.' -TKL
👉🏽Japanese yields hitting levels not seen since the Great Financial Crisis.
👉🏽Trump Tariff War 1.0 vs 2.0:
The first Trump Trade War proved to be an exceptional buying opportunity, as shown below per ZeroHedge.
Markets are trading on nearly the SAME exact route right now. Deja vu all over again.
👉🏽Scott Bessent: “The first time I went to see President Trump he looked at me and said ‘How do we get this debt and deficit down without killing the economy?’ I’ve been thinking about this for 18 months… 25% of GDP goes through Area Code 202 (Washington DC)”
On the 7th of March:
👉🏽'The US economy adds 151,000 jobs in February, below expectations of 159,000.
The unemployment rate RISES to 4.1%, above expectations of 4.0%.
January's jobs report was also revised lower by -18,000 jobs.
DOGE job cuts and economic uncertainty are ramping up.'
On the 9th of March:
👉🏽Christine Lagarde confirms the digital euro launches in October.
The European Central Bank (ECB) is pushing ahead with its Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) – the Digital Euro – set to launch in October 2025.
They claim it’s about modernizing payments, but let’s be real: This adds no benefit to the current system for users. Instead, it’s about control, surveillance, and programmability of money.
The Digital Euro is not money. It’s a tool for control.
Bitcoin remains the only truly decentralized, censorship-resistant alternative. Your wealth, your freedom, your choice.
Will you accept the ECB’s financial panopticon, or will you opt-out?
## 🎁If you have made it this far I would like to give you a little gift:
What’s Driving Bitcoin Adoption in 2025?
This week, @PrestonPysh & @1basemoney discuss Bitcoin’s role as an "escape hatch" from financial chaos, its valuation models, and the impact of global liquidity on its future in the digital economy.
You can find the podcast here: youtu.be/2mhB0pHeHxA
Credit: I have used multiple sources!
My savings account: Bitcoin The tool I recommend for setting up a Bitcoin savings plan: PocketBitcoin especially suited for beginners or people who want to invest in Bitcoin with an automated investment plan once a week or monthly.
Use the code SE3997
Get your Bitcoin out of exchanges. Save them on a hardware wallet, run your own node...be your own bank. Not your keys, not your coins. It's that simple. ⠀⠀⠀⠀ ⠀ ⠀⠀⠀
Do you think this post is helpful to you? If so, please share it and support my work with a zap.
⭐ Many thanks⭐
Felipe - Bitcoin Friday!

@ 2f4550b0:95f20096
2025-03-11 21:21:00
Adult education is a field rich with potential and full of challenges. Unlike traditional higher education, where students often follow a structured path fueled by societal expectations or youthful ambition, adult learners juggle competing priorities. These include jobs, families, and financial pressures. So, despite their initial enthusiasm, many drop out. Understanding why adults disengage from learning and how leaders can reignite their drive offers valuable lessons. These insights benefit anyone in a leadership role tasked with inspiring action. Drawing from the experiences of adult education dropouts, we can uncover practical strategies, such as tying goals to personal wins to transform disinterest into determination.
### Why Adults Disengage
The decision to return to education as an adult is rarely impulsive. It often stems from a desire for career advancement, personal growth, or necessity, such as adapting to a shifting job market. So why do so many abandon the journey? Research and anecdotal evidence point to a mix of external and internal barriers.
Externally, life often intervenes. A single parent might enroll in a community college course but leave when childcare falls through. A full-time worker might abandon an online certification when overtime cuts into study hours. These are not excuses; they are realities. "A 2021 study by StraighterLine and the University Professional and Continuing Education Association found that 32% of college dropouts cited family commitments and 42% cited financial challenges as reasons for leaving, highlighting the role of work and family obligations." Time, money, and energy are not infinite, and adult learners frequently exhaust all three.
Internally, the struggle is equally significant. Many adult learners face self-doubt or a disconnect between effort and reward. Consider a 40-year-old factory worker pursuing a GED after decades away from school. The material feels unfamiliar, progress is slow, and the payoff seems distant. Motivation fades when the reason behind the effort becomes unclear. Unlike younger students, adults lack the cushion of a system designed to keep them on track. They are more likely to question whether the sacrifice is worthwhile. When relevance or confidence slips, engagement often follows.
### Leadership Lessons: Seeing Through Their Eyes
For leaders, whether educators, managers, or mentors, these dropout stories are not failures to judge but opportunities to learn. The first lesson is empathy: step into their perspective. A leader who assumes disengagement stems from apathy misses the broader context. Perhaps that learner does not see how a course connects to his life, or past failures have eroded her belief in success. Recognizing these barriers shifts the focus from blame to problem-solving.
The second lesson is clarity. Adults need a compelling reason that resonates with their reality. Leaders cannot rely on vague promises of a better future, which feel too abstract when someone is balancing rent and a second shift. Instead, they must bridge the gap between effort and outcome. Dropout experiences highlight this: those who leave often say the goals felt too distant or disconnected from their daily struggles. Leaders who listen can adapt, making the purpose immediate and tangible.
### Reigniting the Drive: Tying Goals to Personal Wins
So how do you pull the unmotivated back in? One powerful tactic is tying goals to personal wins, which are specific outcomes that matter to the individual. This approach avoids generic incentives like earning more money or getting a degree. It focuses on identifying what excites them or solves their specific challenges.
Consider that factory worker chasing a GED. A leader might ask, "What could this unlock for you?" Perhaps it is the pride of helping their child with homework or the chance to apply for a long-desired supervisor role. By framing the goal as a personal victory, something they can feel and envision, the abstract becomes concrete. Research from the National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy shows that aligning education with learners’ goals increases persistence, a principle echoed in AAACE conference discussions.
Implementation matters. Leaders can begin with one-on-one conversations to uncover what drives each person. From there, they can tailor milestones. For example, "Pass this test, and you are one step closer to that promotion." This is not coddling; it is strategic alignment. Pair this with small, achievable wins to build momentum. Completing a single module might seem minor, but for an adult returning to education, it boosts confidence and encourages further effort.
### The Ripple Effect
Motivating the unmotivated extends beyond getting adults back into classrooms. It serves as a leadership blueprint. Whether rallying a team at work or inspiring a community, the principles apply: understand their barriers, clarify the stakes, and connect the effort to personal wins. Adult education dropouts teach us that disengagement is not the end of the story; it is a signal to adjust. By meeting people where they are and showing them what is possible, leaders can turn reluctance into resolve. That is a lesson worth embracing.

@ 2ed3596e:98b4cc78
2025-03-11 20:49:00
Bitcoin is the first form of digital money that is controlled by "people" from around the world rather than a central authority, so it can’t be changed arbitrarily, which makes it arguably the most sound form of digital money.
Here are the 5 W’s ( What, Who, Why, When and Where) of bitcoin and what it matters to you:
## What is Bitcoin?
Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency. Much like traditional currency, it can be purchased, earned and spent, but all Bitcoin transactions take place online.
The Bitcoin network was created to be open-source and decentralized, meaning it is an electronic payment system unencumbered by third parties, such as a bank. This peer-to-peer system prevents a single person or entity from controlling the currency. One bitcoin (BTC) is equivalent to 100,000,000 satoshis (sats). This means that you can own a fraction of a bitcoin, just like cents in a dollar.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/e630e92637ff82c95120db602019f279952e49843a64002c2468e71f2bd6110f.png">
## Who created Bitcoin?
A programmer using the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto created the protocol for Bitcoin. Nobody really knows who Satoshi is. Some say it might be a collective of people, while others say it is only one person.
The guide Satoshi created also explained the principles of cryptography and how it works to create a trustless payment system. Being trustless may sound spooky, but it simply means that you are not required to trust anyone in order for the system to work.
## When was Bitcoin created?
Satoshi laid out the foundation of Bitcoin when they presented the white paper on October 31st, 2008.
This white paper outlined what bitcoin was meant to be in theory. However, the origins of bitcoin date back decades or even millennia in the past. Satoshi created a money and monetary system that contained the best attributes of various successful monetary systems of the past, all combined into a singular system. Then, Satoshi officially launched the fully functional Bitcoin network on January 3rd, 2009 bringing the theory to life.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/da95db58e2fc32e0be60e60b695257c384837008d15690f6d8af72cf479fb665.jpg">
## Why is Bitcoin important?
Bitcoin enables a more financially connected world, where transactions can be sent directly between individuals on the Internet. Having decentralized currency is important because it allows anyone to transact with ease, without the need for a third party or bank account/credit. This allows people that are unbanked to become part of the internet economy directly as well.
An important distinction between fiat currency and bitcoin is that even with its volatility even with its lows during a bear market, the price has always plateaued higher than the last fluctuation showing a positive trend in value. Alternatively, keeping your long-term savings in cash or a bank account could very likely have an inverse effect since inflation continues to reduce the buying power of major currencies over time. What you save today may not be enough for tomorrow… Bitcoin has the potential to fix this for us today and future generations.
By understanding why Bitcoin was created, it could change your perspective on how to store money. The protocol empowers individuals to reevaluate their relationship with money and take full control of their bitcoin. This can be done because bitcoin transactions are cryptographic proofs saved on a public blockchain.
## Where can I get bitcoin?
The best place to buy bitcoin is [Bitcoin Well](https://bitcoinwell.com/)
Bitcoin Well is on a mission to enable independence. We do this by making it easy to self custody bitcoin. By custodying their own money, our customers are free to do as they wish without begging for permission. By creating a full ecosystem to buy, sell and use your bitcoin to connect with the modern financial world, you are able to have your bitcoin in self custody and easily spend it too.
Bitcoin Well is also the best place in the world to earn bitcoin. When you earn points in your Bitcoin Well account, you gain the opportunity to play the [Bitcoin (Wishing) Well](https://bitcoinwell.com/blog/how-to-earn-bitcoin-with-bitcoin-well), where you win sats with every play.

@ 7d33ba57:1b82db35
2025-03-11 20:30:06
### Hiking to Mirador Cruz del Confital – A Scenic Coastal Trail
The Mirador Cruz del Confital hike is a moderate coastal trail offering some of the best panoramic views over Las Palmas, Playa de Las Canteras, and El Confital Beach. This hike combines rugged volcanic landscapes, ocean breezes, and stunning sunset viewpoints**, making it a must-do for nature lovers visiting Gran Canaria.

## **🥾 Trail Overview**
📍 **Starting Point:** El Confital Beach, Las Palmas
🎯 **End Point:** Mirador Cruz del Confital
📏 **Distance:** ~4 km round trip
⏳ **Duration:** ~1.5 to 2 hours
📈 **Elevation Gain:** ~150 meters
🟢 **Difficulty:** Moderate (rocky paths, some incline)

## **🌿 What to Expect on the Hike**
### **1️⃣ Start at El Confital Beach**
The hike begins at El Confital, a wild and natural beach located beyond Playa de Las Canteras. This area is famous for crystal-clear waters, volcanic rock formations, and top-tier surfing waves**.
### **2️⃣ Climbing the Coastal Ridge**
The trail gradually ascends along a dirt path, revealing breathtaking views of Las Palmas’ coastline and the Atlantic Ocean**. The terrain is mostly rocky, with some uneven sections, but it’s manageable for most hikers.
### **3️⃣ Reaching Mirador Cruz del Confital**
At the top, you’ll find a cross monument marking the viewpoint. From here, enjoy aerial views of Playa de Las Canteras, the city skyline, and the vast ocean stretching towards Tenerife on clear days.

### **4️⃣ Return Hike**
Descend via the same trail or take an alternative loop path for a slightly different perspective of the rugged coastline.


@ 7d33ba57:1b82db35
2025-03-11 19:51:35
### **Papas Arrugadas with Mojo Verde & Mojo Picón + Gambas al Ajillo**

These two **classic Canarian and Spanish dishes** are a must-try if you love bold flavors! Papas Arrugadas (wrinkly potatoes) are small salt-crusted potatoes served with mojo verde (green sauce) and mojo picón (spicy red sauce), while Gambas al Ajillo (garlic shrimp) is a sizzling tapas dish loaded with garlic and chili flavors.

## **🥔 Papas Arrugadas with Mojo Verde & Mojo Picón**
### **Ingredients:**
✅ **For the Papas Arrugadas:**
- 1 kg **small new potatoes** (preferably Canarian or baby potatoes)
- ½ cup **coarse sea salt**
- Water (enough to barely cover potatoes)
✅ **For Mojo Verde (Green Sauce):**
- 1 bunch **fresh cilantro** (or parsley)
- 2 cloves **garlic**
- ½ tsp **cumin**
- ½ tsp **sea salt**
- 3 tbsp **olive oil**
- 1 tbsp **white wine vinegar**
- 2 tbsp **water**
✅ **For Mojo Picón (Spicy Red Sauce):**
- 2 dried **red chili peppers** (rehydrated in warm water)
- 2 cloves **garlic**
- ½ tsp **cumin**
- ½ tsp **sea salt**
- ½ tsp **sweet or smoked paprika**
- 3 tbsp **olive oil**
- 1 tbsp **red wine vinegar**
- 2 tbsp **water**
### **Instructions:**
1️⃣ **Cook the Potatoes:**
- Wash the potatoes but **do not peel** them.
- Place in a pot with enough water to just cover them and **add salt**.
- Boil until water evaporates and potatoes develop a **wrinkled, salty skin** (~20-25 min).
2️⃣ **Prepare the Mojo Verde:**
- Blend all ingredients until smooth. Adjust salt and consistency with water.
3️⃣ **Prepare the Mojo Picón:**
- Blend ingredients into a thick sauce, adjusting heat by adding more chili.
4️⃣ **Serve:**
- Drain the potatoes and let them dry in the pot for a few minutes. Serve with both sauces on the side.

## **🦐 Gambas al Ajillo (Spanish Garlic Shrimp)**
### **Ingredients:**
- 300g **fresh shrimp** (peeled, tails optional)
- 4-5 cloves **garlic**, thinly sliced
- 1 small **red chili** (or ½ tsp red pepper flakes)
- 4 tbsp **olive oil**
- ½ tsp **sea salt**
- ½ tsp **paprika (sweet or smoked)**
- 2 tbsp **white wine or dry sherry** (optional)
- **Fresh parsley** (for garnish)
- **Lemon wedges** (for serving)
### **Instructions:**
1️⃣ Heat the **olive oil** in a pan over medium heat.
2️⃣ Add the **garlic and chili** and sauté until fragrant (don’t burn the garlic!).
3️⃣ Add the **shrimp**, season with salt & paprika, and cook until pink (~2-3 min).
4️⃣ Deglaze with **white wine**, if using, and let it reduce slightly.
5️⃣ Remove from heat, sprinkle with **fresh parsley**, and serve hot.
### **🔥 Serving Tips:**
🥖 **Serve both dishes with crusty bread** to dip into the sauces!
🍷 **Pair with a crisp white wine** like a Canarian **Malvasía** or a Spanish **Albariño**.
🌞 **Perfect for a tapas night** or a taste of the Canary Islands at home!

@ dbb19ae0:c3f22d5a
2025-03-11 19:09:19
I had this idea
And today I wrote the python program using #nostr_sdk
Using nostr_sdk 0.39
replace nsec_key with your secret key
be careful, I just made like 2 or 3 test run.
``` python
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import asyncio
import argparse
import json
from nostr_sdk import Metadata, Client, NostrSigner, Keys, init_logger, LogLevel
async def write_metadata(secret_key, profile_data):
keys = Keys.parse(secret_key)
signer = NostrSigner.keys(keys)
client = Client(signer)
public_key = keys.public_key()
print(f"Public key (npub): {public_key.to_bech32()}")
# Add relays
await client.add_relay("wss://relay.damus.io")
await client.connect()
# Parse profile content
profile_content = json.loads(profile_data['content'])
# Update metadata
new_metadata = Metadata()\
.set_name(profile_content.get('name', '')) \
.set_picture(profile_content.get('picture', '')) \
.set_banner(profile_content.get('banner', '')) \
.set_about(profile_content.get('about', ''))
await client.set_metadata(new_metadata)
print("Metadata updated successfully.")
except Exception as e:
print(f"An error occurred in update_metadata: {e}")
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Forcing user metadata using Nostr SDK.')
parser.add_argument('json_file', type=str, help='Path to the JSON file containing profile data.')
args = parser.parse_args()
with open(args.json_file, 'r') as file:
profile_data_list = json.load(file)
# Assuming the first profile in the JSON file is the one to be updated
profile_data = profile_data_list[0]
# Replace with actual secret key
secret_key = "nsec_key"
asyncio.run(write_metadata(secret_key, profile_data))

@ 46fcbe30:6bd8ce4d
2025-03-11 18:11:53
**SUBJECT:** Meeting with Russian President Yeltsin
- U.S.
- President Clinton
- Secretary Albright
- National Security Advisor Berger
- Deputy National Security Advisor Steinberg
- Ambassador Sestanovich
- Carlos Pascual
- Russia
- Russian President Yeltsin
- Foreign Minister Ivanov
- Kremlin Foreign Policy Advisor Prihodko
- Defense Minister Sergeyev
- Interpreter: Peter Afansenko
- Notetaker: Carlos Pascual
**DATE, TIME AND PLACE:** November 19, 1999, 10:45 a.m. - 11:40 a.m. Istanbul, Turkey
President Yeltsin: We are in neutral territory here. I welcome you.
The President: Neither of us has a stake here. It's good to see you.
President Yeltsin: Well, Bill, what about those camps here in Turkey that are preparing troops to go into Chechnya? Aren't you in charge of those? I have the details. Minister Ivanov, give me the map. I want to show you where the mercenaries are being trained and then being sent into Chechnya. They are armed to the teeth. (Note: Yeltsin pulls out map of Turkey and circulates it.) Bill, this is your fault. I told Demirel yesterday that I will send the head of the SRV tomorrow and we will show him where the camps are located. These are not state-sanctioned camps. They are sponsored by NGOs and religious organizations. But let me tell you if this were in Russia and there were but one camp, I would throw them all out and put the bandits in the electric chair.
The President: Perhaps Demirel could help you.
President Yeltsin: Well, he ought to. Tomorrow after I get back, I will send the head of the Foreign Intelligence Service here. Bill, did you hurt your leg?
The President: Yes, but it is not bad.
President Yeltsin: When one leg of the President hurts, that is a bad thing.
The President: It lets me know I am alive.
President Yeltsin: I know we are not upset at each other. We were just throwing some jabs. I'm still waiting for you to visit. Bill. I've said to you come to visit in May, then June, then July and then August. Now it's past October and you're still not there.
The President: You're right, Boris, I owe you a visit.
President Yeltsin: Last time I went to the U.S., Bill.
The President: Well, I better set it up. I'll look at the calendar and find a time that's good for you and me.
President Yeltsin: Call me and tell me the month and date. Unless I have another visit, I will do the maximum amount I can to do everything around your schedule. The main things I have are to go to China and India.
The President: Boris, we still have lots to do together.
President Yeltsin: You heard my statement on nuclear arms and on banning nuclear tests. I just signed a law on ratification of a new agreement on the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. Isn't that right, Minister Ivanov?
Minister Ivanov: You signed the documents that sent the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty to the Duma for review.
President Yeltsin: Well, in any case, I still approved it.
The President: Maybe I can get the Congress to agree still. They kept the Treaty even after they rejected it. So perhaps, there is still a chance.
President Yeltsin: Or perhaps it's just the bureaucrats working and they haven't had a chance to send it back to you yet. I'm upset that you signed the law to change the ABM Treaty.
The President: I signed no such law. People in Congress don't like the ABM Treaty. If Congress had its way, they would undermine the treaty. I'm trying to uphold it. But we need a national missile defense to protect against rogue states. We can't have a national missile defense that works without changing the ABM Treaty. But I want to do this cooperatively. I want to persuade you that this is good for both of us. The primary purpose is to protect against terrorists and rogue states. It would be ineffective against Russia. The system we're looking at would operate against just 20 missiles. And, Boris I want to figure out how to share the benefits. For all I know, in twenty years terrorists could have access to nuclear weapons. I know your people don't agree with me, but I'm not trying to overthrow the ABM Treaty. We're still trying to discover what's technically possible with national missile defense, but there are people in America who want to throw over the ABM Treaty. I have made no decisions yet.
President Yeltsin: Bill, Bill. I got your note. It went into all these things in incredible detail. I read it and I was satisfied. I've not yet ceased to believe in you. I ask you one thing. Just give Europe to Russia. The U.S. is not in Europe. Europe should be the business of Europeans. Russia is half European and half Asian.
The President: So you want Asia too?
President Yeltsin: Sure, sure. Bill. Eventually, we will have to agree on all of this.
The President: I don't think the Europeans would like this very much.
President Yeltsin: Not all. But I am a European. I live in Moscow. Moscow is in Europe and I like it. You can take all the other states and provide security to them. I will take Europe and provide them security. Well, not I. Russia will. We will end this conflict in Chechnya. I didn't say all the things I was thinking (in his speech). I listened to you carefully. I took a break just beforehand. Then I listened to you from beginning to end. I can even repeat what you said. Bill, I'm serious. Give Europe to Europe itself. Europe never felt as close to Russia as it does now. We have no difference of opinion with Europe, except maybe on Afganistan and Pakistan—which, by the way, is training Chechens. These are bandits, headhunters and killers. They're raping American women. They're cutting off ears and other parts of their hostages. We're fighting these types of terrorists. Let's not accuse Russia that we are too rough with these kinds of people. There are only two options: kill them or put them on trial. There's no third option, but we can put them on trial, and sentence them to 20-25 years. How many Americans, French, British and Germans have I freed that were there in Chechnya under the OSCE? The Chechen killers don't like the language of the OSCE. Here's my Minister of Defense. Stand up. We have not lost one soldier down there. Tell them.
Minister Sergeyev: We did not lose one soldier in Gudermes.
President Yeltsin: You see, Gudermes was cleansed without one military or civilian killed. We killed 200 bandits. The Minister of Defense is fulfilling the plan as I have said it should be. He's doing this thoughtfully. The soldiers only ask: don't stop the campaign. I promised these guys—I told every soldier, marshal and general—I will bring the campaign to fruition. We have these Chechens under lock and key. We have the key. They can't get in, they can't get out. Except maybe through Georgia; that's Shevardnadze's big mistake. And through Azerbaijan; that's Aliyev's mistake. They're shuttling in under the name of Islam. We're for freedom of religion, but not for fundamentalist Islam. These extremists are against you and against me.
We have the power in Russia to protect all of Europe, including those with missiles. We'll make all the appropriate treaties with China. We're not going to provide nuclear weapons to India. If we give them submarines, it will be only conventional diesel submarines, not nuclear. They would be from the 935 generation. You're going in that direction too. I'm thinking about your proposal—well, what your armed forces are doing—getting rid of fissile materials, particularly plutonium. We should just get rid of it. As soon as it's there, people start thinking of how to make bombs. Look, Russia has the power and intellect to know what to do with Europe. If Ivanov stays here, he will initial the CFE Treaty and I'll sign it under him. But under the OSCE Charter, there is one thing I cannot agree—which is that, based on humanitarian causes, one state can interfere in the affairs of another state.
National Security Advisor Berger: Mr. President, there's nothing in the Charter on one state's interference in the affairs of another.
Secretary Albright: That's right. What the Charter says is that affairs within a state will affect the other states around it.
President Yeltsin: Russia agrees to take out its property and equipment from Georgia in accordance with the new CFE Treaty. I have a statement on this. (looking toward Ivanov) Give it to me. I signed it today. Actually, it was late last night. I like to work late.
The President: Me, too.
President Yeltsin: I know you like to work late, Bill. When you call me, I calculate the time and I tell myself it's 4 a.m. and he's calling me. It lets you cleanse your brain and you feel great. I am not criticizing you, Bill. The President should be encouraged to work hard.
The President: So, we will get an agreement on CFE.
President Yeltsin: Yes.
The President: That's very important, seven years. We've worked on this for a long time.
President Yeltsin: Look, Ivanov has lost the statement in his own bag. He can't find the paper in his own bag. On the Charter, we have to look at it from the beginning. The Charter's ready. However, when states begin to tie in the Charter with the final declaration that has wording unacceptable to us, that's when we'll say no. And responsibility for this will fall fully on the West. (Looking at Ivanov) Give me this thing. It is written on paper. Bill. I am ready to sign it. It is a declaration about what we're talking about.
Secretary Albright: Some states want to record in the declaration your willingness to have an OSCE mission.
President Yeltsin: No, not at all. We will finish this with our own forces. Chechnya is the business of the internal affairs of Russia. We have to decide what to do. After we cleansed Gudermes, the muslim mufti came and asked for help, said I hate Basayev and he should be banned. These are the kinds of leaders we will put forward. I have thought this through carefully.
The President: On the Chechen problem. I have been less critical than others. Even today, I asked the others how they would deal with this if it were their country. This is a political issue. It may be the best thing for you within Russia to tell the Europeans to go to hell. But the best thing for your relations with Europe for the long term is to figure out the policy that you want to have with Europe and to keep that in mind as you deal with Chechnya.
President Yeltsin: (Gets up rapidly) Bill, the meeting is up. We said 20 minutes and it has now been more than 35 minutes.
The President: That's fine. We can say the meeting is over.
President Yeltsin: This meeting has gone on too long. You should come to visit, Bill.
The President: Who will win the election?
President Yeltsin: Putin, of course. He will be the successor to Boris Yeltsin. He's a democrat, and he knows the West.
The President: He's very smart.
President Yeltsin: He's tough. He has an internal ramrod. He's tough internally, and I will do everything possible for him to win—legally, of course. And he will win. You'll do business together. He will continue the Yeltsin line on democracy and economics and widen Russia's contacts. He has the energy and the brains to succeed. Thank you, Bill.
The President: Thank you, Boris. It was good to see you.
End of Conversation

@ 4c96d763:80c3ee30
2025-03-11 18:09:17
# Changes
## Ethan Tuttle (1):
- support Cmd+Enter for posting on macOS
## Ken Sedgwick (5):
- update android default config push instructions
- WIP: use modified version of egui
- allow deprecated round_rect_to_pixels
- fixed egui::Frame::NONE references
- android: need argv0 placeholders because unneeded arg detection
## William Casarin (17):
- windows: fix build due to outdated nostrdb-rs bindings
- search: auto-focus search field on navigate
- remove extra crap from manifest
- android: get GameActivity to launch
- update to egui 0.30.0
- android: 0.30.0 game activity
- android: update to latest winit/egui/android-activity
- android: misc testing
- android: expand logs
- android: improve make commands
- android: add push configs to readme
- android: capture current keyboard height
- android: switch to android-activity out of path
- android: attempt initial keyboard visibility fix
- fix a few compile issues after rebase
- ui: fix deprecated rounding routines in search ui
## kernelkind (4):
- fix context selection responses
- fix note context menu placement inside rect
- fix note content rects
- introduce NoteContext
pushed to [notedeck:refs/heads/master](http://git.jb55.com/notedeck/commit/c93c2242b13dd4790a2c143db5d301ed2c8ad625.html)

@ b1b16be0:08f41c1d
2025-03-11 16:23:39
am@primal.net My first Zap!
jskitty@jskitty.cat Thanks for support! 🐱Miau!
blockstream@blockstream.com So honor to me!

@ 57d1a264:69f1fee1
2025-03-11 16:17:44
You can learn about what we’re doing at lava on our website: [lava.xyz](http://lava.xyz). We recommend you take a thorough look through everything before applying.
Not an immediate fit? Lava has an open referral bounty. If you refer someone to us and we hire them, we will pay you $5k for an in-person NYC full-time hire and $1k for non-NYC full time hires. Send referrals to [hello@lava.xyz](mailto:hello@lava.xyz)
We are looking for a designer to join our team at Lava. In this role, you will be responsible for leading the design of all of our products.
**What you will do**
- Drive and execute on an ambitious design vision for Lava
- Communicate with engineering teams to make sure designs are implemented properly
- Talk to users, analyze user feedback, and identify areas for improvement
**What we look for in you**
- You align with the guidelines and values we use to decide who we hire and how we operate: https://www.lava.xyz/onepager
- Expertise as a designer
- You are a great communicator (written and verbal).
- You are extremely organized.
- You learn fast.
- You work hard.
- You get shit done quickly.
- You live in NYC, or you’re willing to relocate to NYC.
If you feel that the above describes you, we’d love to hear from you!
Please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/cJFsuP3tXgSknPJ8A
Job Description: [https://lavaxyz.notion.site/Founding-Designer-78c91e29f4a44d0b8cb32e33ff40c167?pvs=4](https://www.notion.so/Founding-Designer-78c91e29f4a44d0b8cb32e33ff40c167?pvs=21)
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/910384

@ fc15d4c6:fba62950
2025-03-11 16:17:09
Scenes from earlier today in Mzuzu after the Protest from angry citizens.
<a href="https://postimg.cc/ygwvcgg4" target="_blank"><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/sx2qF53X/Mzuzu-20250311-2.jpg" alt="Airtel and TNM Stalls Thrown Over"/></a><br/><br/>
<a href="https://postimages.org/" target="_blank"><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/qR4WL9Y2/Mzuzu-20250311-3.jpg" alt="More Airtel and TNM Stalls Thrown Over"/></a><br/><br/>
<a href="https://postimages.org/" target="_blank"><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/cJQVfsDs/Mzuzu-20250311-4.jpg" alt="The Army on the Streets after the Protest"/></a><br/><br/>
<a href="https://postimages.org/" target="_blank"><img src="https://i.postimg.cc/yNqMJJyQ/Mzuzu-20250311-5.jpg" alt="Teargas used to disperse the Protesters"/></a><br/><br/>
### Source
1. Images sourced from WhatsApp
1. A Face of Malawi Post about the Protest

@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-03-11 15:41:36
Argentina's journey through economic turmoil has been long and fraught with challenges. The country has grappled with inflation, debt, and a fragile economic structure that has left policymakers searching for solutions. In this context, President Javier Milei's introduction of the "Ley Ómnibus" represented a bold step towards addressing these systemic issues. The reform package was not just a set of isolated measures but a comprehensive plan aimed at overhauling the Argentine economy and social framework. The intention was to create a more robust, free, and prosperous Argentina, where economic freedoms could lead to broader social benefits.
The "Ley Ómnibus" was ambitious in its scope, covering a wide range of areas from tax reform to social policies, aiming to stimulate economic growth, reduce bureaucratic red tape, and enhance the overall quality of life for Argentines. This package was seen as a critical move to reset the economic compass of the country, aiming to attract foreign investment, boost local industry, and provide a clearer, more stable environment for businesses and individuals alike. However, such sweeping reforms were bound to encounter resistance, particularly when they touched upon sensitive areas like taxation and digital assets.
**Table of Contents**
- The Crypto Tax Proposal: Initial Considerations
- Public Backlash and Strategic Withdrawal
- The Rationale Behind Dropping Crypto Taxes
- Implications for Crypto Investors and the Market
- Milei's Political Strategy and Future Prospects
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**The Crypto Tax Proposal: Initial Considerations**
Within the vast array of proposals in the Ley Ómnibus, the crypto tax stood out due to its novelty and the growing interest in digital currencies within Argentina. The country had seen a surge in cryptocurrency adoption, driven by factors such as high inflation rates and currency controls that made traditional financial systems less attractive. Cryptocurrencies offered an alternative for savings, investment, and transactions, leading to a burgeoning crypto economy.
The initial rationale behind proposing a crypto tax was multifaceted. On one hand, it aimed to bring Argentina in line with global trends where countries are increasingly seeking to regulate and tax digital currencies. On the other hand, it was seen as a potential new revenue stream for the government, which was desperately seeking funds to address its fiscal deficits. The proposal also intended to bring transparency to a sector that is often criticized for its opacity, making it easier to combat fraud, money laundering, and other illicit activities associated with cryptocurrencies.
However, the proposal was not just about regulation and revenue. It was also a litmus test for Argentina's approach to innovation and digital transformation. How the government handled this issue would signal its stance towards new technologies and economic paradigms, which are increasingly dominated by digital assets and fintech innovations.
**Public Backlash and Strategic Withdrawal**
The backlash against the proposed crypto taxes was swift and significant. The crypto community in Argentina, which had been flourishing in an environment of relative freedom, saw the tax as a direct threat to its growth and viability. But the discontent went beyond the crypto enthusiasts; the general public, already burdened by high taxes and economic instability, viewed the proposal as yet another financial strain.
The protests and debates that ensued highlighted a broader discontent with the government's approach to economic management. Many Argentines felt that the focus should be on fixing the fundamental issues plaguing the economy, such as inflation and corruption, rather than imposing new taxes. The crypto tax became a symbol of the government's perceived detachment from the real concerns of its citizens.
In this heated atmosphere, President Milei's decision to withdraw the crypto tax proposal from the Ley Ómnibus was not just a tactical retreat; it was a necessary move to quell the growing unrest and focus on more pressing economic reforms. This decision underscored the complexities of governing in a highly polarized environment and the need for a more nuanced approach to policy-making, especially when dealing with emerging technologies and markets.
**The Rationale Behind Dropping Crypto Taxes**
The decision to drop the crypto tax from the omnibus reform package was not taken lightly. It was a recognition of the crypto sector's unique dynamics and the government's limitations in effectively regulating and taxing this space without stifling innovation. The move also reflected a broader understanding of the economic landscape, where rapid development and legislative efficiency were deemed more crucial than ever.
By removing the contentious clauses, the government aimed to streamline the passage of the Ley Ómnibus, ensuring that other, less controversial, reforms could be implemented swiftly. This strategic pivot was also a nod to the global debate on how best to integrate cryptocurrencies into national economies. Argentina's government recognized that a more cautious and informed approach was necessary, one that could balance the need for regulation with the desire to foster a thriving digital economy.
Furthermore, the withdrawal of the crypto tax proposal can be seen as an acknowledgment of the power of public opinion and the crypto community's growing influence. It highlighted the need for governments to engage with stakeholders and understand the implications of new technologies before rushing to regulate them.
**Implications for Crypto Investors and the Market**
The removal of the crypto tax proposal has had immediate and significant implications for the Argentine crypto market. For investors, the decision has provided a reprieve from the uncertainty that had clouded the sector, allowing them to breathe a sigh of relief and continue their activities without the looming threat of new taxes. This has helped sustain the momentum of the crypto market in Argentina, which is seen as a vital component of the country's digital transformation and economic diversification.
However, the situation remains complex and fluid. The government's stance on cryptocurrencies is still evolving, and future regulations could impact the market in unforeseen ways. Investors are now more aware of the need to stay informed and engaged with regulatory developments, understanding that the legal landscape for digital currencies is still being shaped.
The episode has also highlighted the broader challenges facing the Argentine economy, including the need for comprehensive tax reform and the creation of a more conducive environment for technological innovation and investment. The crypto market's response to the government's actions reflects the delicate balance between regulation and growth, a balance that will be crucial for Argentina's economic future.
**Milei's Political Strategy and Future Prospects**
President Milei's handling of the crypto tax controversy reveals much about his political strategy and vision for Argentina. By withdrawing the proposal, he demonstrated a willingness to listen to public concerns and adapt his policies accordingly. This flexibility could be a key asset as he navigates the complex landscape of Argentine politics and governance.
The episode also offers insights into the potential future direction of Milei's administration. The focus on economic reforms, coupled with a pragmatic approach to contentious issues, suggests a leadership style that prioritizes economic stability and growth over ideological purity. This could bode well for Argentina's future, particularly if Milei can harness the energy and innovation of the digital economy as part of his broader reform agenda.
However, the challenges ahead are significant. The Ley Ómnibus is just one part of a larger puzzle, and Milei's ability to implement comprehensive reforms will be tested in the coming months and years. The crypto tax saga has shown that while change is possible, it requires careful negotiation, stakeholder engagement, and a clear understanding of the economic and social landscape.
The story of Argentina's crypto tax proposal is a microcosm of the broader challenges facing the country as it seeks to reform its economy and society. It highlights the tensions between innovation and regulation, the importance of public opinion, and the complexities of governance in a rapidly changing world.
As Argentina moves forward, the lessons learned from this episode will be invaluable. The need for clear, informed, and inclusive policy-making has never been greater, particularly as the country navigates the uncertainties of the digital age.
**What is the Ley Ómnibus?**
The Ley Ómnibus, formally known as the "Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines," is a comprehensive reform package introduced by President Javier Milei. It aims to address various economic, social, and administrative issues in Argentina, aiming to stimulate growth, reduce bureaucracy, and improve the overall quality of life.
**Why were crypto taxes proposed in Argentina?**
Crypto taxes were proposed as part of the Ley Ómnibus to broaden the tax base, align with global trends of regulating digital currencies, and generate additional revenue for the government. They were also intended to bring more transparency to the cryptocurrency sector in Argentina.
**Why were the proposed crypto taxes withdrawn?**
The proposed crypto taxes were withdrawn due to significant public backlash and concerns that they would stifle innovation and economic freedom in the burgeoning crypto market. The decision was also influenced by the government's priority to ensure the swift passage of other reforms within the Ley Ómnibus.
**What does the withdrawal of crypto taxes mean for investors?**
The withdrawal means that, for now, crypto investors in Argentina will not face additional taxes specifically targeting their cryptocurrency holdings or transactions. However, selling large amounts of cryptocurrency at a profit will still be subject to income tax.
**That's all for today**
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@ 000002de:c05780a7
2025-03-11 15:24:44
I grew up listening to Rush Limbaugh. At the time I thought "liberals" were anti-war. I thought being anti-war was dumb. Everyone is anti-war! That's a lie. I wasn't anti-war and neither were the liberals. Turns out this was just a hangover from the hippie revolution. Which, turns out wasn't anything but a big party about self indulgence. But that's another post. Back in the 80s and 90s conservatives were the war hawks(At least the openly hawkish). They wanted to extend US power abroad. They wanted to flip countries. They did all kinds of shady things all over the globe. While they never pretended to be anti-war, they didn't admit to the US being an empire.
Over the years my eyes began to open the how global conflicts work. I started paying attention to Ron Paul. He made a lot of sense. I read "[Confessions of an Economic Hitman](https://stacker.news/items/895858)". I read "[War is a Racket](https://stacker.news/items/909514)". I read many other books that they don't tell you about in school. Critical books on US policy from the perspective of people that love this country as much as I do. I began to learn how the well connected bankers, industrialists, and politicians all profit from endless wars. How the elites have convinced the plebs that war isn't all bad. After all, it brought us out of the great depression...(another lie that I won't get into). I remember when the wall fell, when the USSR fell. I remember when the US essentially picked a drunk Russian to lead the new Russian nation. I remember when the US sent in economists to advise the Russians on how to do democracy and free markets. It was a disaster by the way. It led to the rise of Putin. A strong man (ala Trump) that wasn't ideological but was more practical and more raw in his use of power.
I think many have forgotten the early years of post USSR Russia. The push for peace and normalization of relations. I remember thinking how great that was. But that wouldn't stand. I'm convinced the Military Industrial Complex was in full panic mode after the USSR fell. Their entire reason for living had died. Sure, there were other adventures that went on that were good money making opportunities like Iraq war 1 but it wasn't anything like the cold war.
Then 911 happened. The war on terror seemed like the next money maker for these industries. The problem is that these conflicts are not like the cold war. They are mostly small decentralized groups whose tactics do not warrant massive stockpiles of weapons. Not to the level of the cold war at least. So who would be the next opponent? Would it be China? I mean back in those times there were people saying that but this was before the liberalizing of China towards more free market mechanisms. At least they had yet to see the growth we see today. There wasn't a new enemy.
With the war on terror and the Bush doctrine W completely dropped his pitch that he ran on. He campaigned on the US NOT being the world's police. Sounds a lot like Trump's approach. Different packaging it but the same idea. Strong defense but let each nation handle their own affairs. You see, after WW2 there were two powers that ruled the world. The USSR and the USA. I would call them empires. One fell and one is still alone at the top. The good ole USA.
Conservatives HATE it when I call the USA an empire. I mean, I get it. We are taught that empires are bullies and how could the USA be a bully. We defeated the Nazis. We saved the world. But the USA is an empire. Liberals usually will agree with me that the USA is an empire. However, they seem to quickly forget this every time a new war is being pitched. Unless it is by a Republican. But even then if their party leadership approves they approve. It is true that the US uses soft power most of the time but the USA has used raw power and muscle many times. Between 1945 and 1999 the USA has had 32 distinct and separate bombing campaigns on 24 different countries. This does not include all the covert operations.
By in large the US population has supported their government's use of power. That's not just conservatives but liberals as well. I have come to believe that Americans just lie to themselves because the truth makes them uncomfortable. Maybe some of the uses of power have been for the better. I'm open to that argument. But don't kid yourself. Many have to be failures if not just simple actions to enrich well connected people across the globe. Only a fool would believe liars that have a history of misrepresenting the truth. That's what politicians do. They pitch every war as a moral good yet quietly support oppressive regimes across the globe that are guilty of the same crimes. The moral case for war is often just marketing.
If you ask most Americans they are concerned about China and Russia. I am as well by the way. But think about this. If you weren't an American. If you lived in one of those countries what would you fear? I think you'd fear the good ole US of A. Lets play a game.
If you were an alien and landed on this planet. You saw that one government had bombed 24 countries over the last 75 years. Then you looked at another that had not bombed or invaded any countries over that time span. Who would you think is the more likely aggressor? The USA. Not China (which hasn't invaded or bombed any other nations since WW2).
If you're thinking. Man, this guy is anti-American! I have news for you. You are biased. You are blind. I'm NOT anti-American. I'm anti-empire. If on the other hand you think yeah, the US is an empire and it needs to be. I can respect that. What I can't respect is people that wanna take the moral high ground while supporting the empire. You are being fooled by the elites and the media system they control. You are a pawn. Don't be a pawn. I was once a pawn. Open your mind. We can do better. We are Americans. Those that want us to turn our decedents into debt slaves are the anti-Americans. Those that do not blink an eye at the idea of sending someone else's children to there death are the anti-Americans. Those that seem to have zero fear of starting a nuclear war are the ones that hate Americans.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/910296

@ 6e0ea5d6:0327f353
2025-03-11 15:05:05
Ascolta bene!
In life, we often encounter obstacles that seem insurmountable, threatening to hinder our future goals.
However, delaying the realization of reality can come at a high cost, leaving us vulnerable in the face of emerging challenges.
It is essential to remember that we are responsible for our own lives, and the decision to take action and seek solutions rests solely with us.
When the war seems lost, when the battle appears to lead only to defeat, perhaps it is time to stop focusing on the fight itself and reflect on who and what you are fighting for.
Likewise, as I have repeatedly stated on other occasions, a man's life is an endless battle. In the real world, peace is truly attained only when the lid of the mausoleum is sealed. In life, good moments are merely brief truces—transitions between one war and an even greater one. Giving up in the face of a problem will only buy you a little time before an even worse challenge appears.
If we do nothing, no one will do it for us.
Just like in battle, it is necessary to maintain discipline and determination to face challenges. Life can be difficult and full of surprises, but we must keep moving forward, always seeking ways to overcome adversity.
There is no escaping the fight, but we can choose how we face it. So, do not delay in taking action. Be proactive in pursuing your goals and dreams—do not wait for things to happen on their own.
Victory will not come easily, but with effort and dedication, we can achieve our goals and build the life we desire.
Thank you for reading, my friend!
If this message resonated with you, consider leaving your "🥃" as a token of appreciation.
A toast to our family!

@ 04ed2b8f:75be6756
2025-03-11 15:00:35

**Muhammad Ali** - a warrior, a master of discipline, and a man who understood the art of battle, both inside and outside the ring. His famous words, *“Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee,”* are more than just a catchy phrase. They are a blueprint for how warriors should carry themselves in every fight—whether in competition, business, or life itself.
### **Master the Art of Movement – Float Like a Butterfly**
A warrior is never stiff, never predictable, never stuck in one place. To *float like a butterfly* means to be agile—mentally, physically, and strategically.
- **Adapt to every situation.** A true warrior does not get trapped in one way of thinking. They move, adjust, and evolve.
- **Stay light on your feet.** Avoid unnecessary battles. Conserve energy for when it matters.
- **Be smooth, yet disciplined.** Grace and power must coexist. You do not rush recklessly; you flow with precision.
Life will throw punches. You must learn to move, dodge, and keep your rhythm. The warrior who can move effortlessly will always stay one step ahead of the enemy.
### **Strike with Precision – Sting Like a Bee**
A bee does not waste its sting. It does not attack mindlessly. It waits for the perfect moment and delivers a strike that cannot be ignored.
- **Make every action count.** A warrior does not waste energy on meaningless fights. Every strike, every move, every effort must have impact.
- **Strike with intent.** Do not just fight—win. Do not just act—dominate. When the time comes, unleash everything with focused aggression.
- **Be feared, not just seen.** Floating makes you untouchable, but stinging makes you unforgettable. When you attack, do it with a force that shakes the world.
### **The Warrior’s Mentality**
To live by this mindset is to embody both discipline and power. You do not need to be the strongest physically; you need to be the smartest, the most disciplined, the most prepared.
- Stay calm, but be dangerous.
- Be patient, but be ready.
- Move with grace, but strike with fury.
**A true warrior does not seek the fight, but when the fight comes—he ends it.**
So train hard, move smart, and when the moment is right—*sting like a bee.*

@ 5f3e7e41:81cb07cf
2025-03-11 14:39:08

@ 0861144c:e68a1caf
2025-03-11 14:24:31
I have a confession to make: I only truly understood the depth of the 2008 real estate crisis about eight years later — around the same time I started experimenting with cryptocurrencies in general. Since my first purchase in 2014, I think I’ve developed a certain skill.
After a little over ten years living in this ecosystem, I can say with absolute certainty that I’ve seen it all — and, listening to fellow colleagues, I can also say that I’ve probably seen very little. If you think about it, that’s almost two five-year periods of watching everything happen, and even more so when we’re talking about an asset as volatile as Bitcoin.
Where I really had to reflect on my actions — part out of necessity, part because it was time — was during the pandemic. In the midst of a global health crisis, with different groups and friends, we made financial, historical, and economic observations that remain important to me to this day.
In my latest interview with Joaquín Morinigo, CEO of CryptoPy, [he asked me about](https://youtu.be/PV7fVnUXsts?si=dKbzrUslTndqR4tR) central banks’ attitudes toward Bitcoin — which, according to him, has been pretty erratic. Some say yes, some are experimenting, others are seeking deals, and others making it illegal. But that’s a topic for another time.
What I want to do now is revisit my answer to him and give it a different emphasis.
A lot of people have bought into and entered the crypto ecosystem (in general) over the past six months because they were hoping for something grand and glorious with Uncle Donny as Head of State. In other posts, I’ve already recommended that readers [avoid falling](https://stacker.news/items/778354) for the [monetary promises](https://stacker.news/items/627008) of someone whose profession is literally to make promises — whether that's Donald Trump, Bukele, Milei, Lula, or whoever happens to be in power.
The legal treatment of Bitcoin is one of the issues that the IMF is trying to address as soon as possible, because they’ve realized there’s no turning back. People, regardless of their profession or country, choose to adopt Bitcoin (or other cryptocurrencies) because it's cheaper. It's that simple. It can’t be manipulated by centralized planners and, above all, everything is transparent.
Today, we need to understand that the International Monetary Fund is playing the role of watchdog over monetary policies that come from even higher up. If we use the "chicken coop" theory[^1], we can see that sitting at the very top isn’t the Federal Reserve, but something [even more sinister](https://stacker.news/items/561669): the Bank for International Settlements — the de facto central bank of all central banks around the world.
[^1]: The "chicken coop theory" is a basic postulate that says: in every henhouse, the hens sitting on the higher perches poop on those below them. By extension, in the henhouse of life, everyone always messes with the one just below them, and this — in this bleak world — is considered natural, logical, and fully accepted
Your duty (and this is my NFA) is to understand that governments around the world have opened their eyes as they watch Bitcoin grow in various institutional portfolios. Suddenly, it seems very attractive to them to relocate their wealth into satoshis.
What will be the impact? We'll have to watch and see. The correct answer will lie in the price discovery that states and institutions give to Bitcoin. And beyond observing this, you **must** keep stacking sats in **self-custody**, because — unless you live under a rock — you can clearly see how inflation is eating up the economy, 2 to 4% at a time. Until one day, some suit from a financial institution will come and say, *"We’re going to have to devalue the currency."* But watch out — it won’t be because of 50 years of financial mismanagement. No, it’ll be **your fault**, **my fault**, **everyone’s fault** — except theirs.
It’s history repeating itself.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/910214

@ 57d1a264:69f1fee1
2025-03-11 13:32:15
`Remote only`
`Part Time`
Estamos em busca de um profissional para aprimorar a experiência dos usuários em nossos produtos ramblyn.app. Você trabalhará remotamente com um time pequeno e ágil, colaborando diretamente no design de interfaces. Não nos preocupamos com diplomas, buscamos alguém criativo, organizado e capaz de aprimorar e implementar processos em sua área.
- Experiência com desenvolvimento web e web design.
- Ser uma pessoa organizada, com habilidade para documentar processos.
- Experiência prévia com atendimento ao cliente (diferencial).
- Conhecimento sobre Bitcoin e Lightning Network (diferencial).
- Capacidade de criar interfaces intuitivas e otimizadas para a melhor experiência do usuário.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/910158

@ 69eea734:4ae31ae6
2025-03-11 12:33:43
What to record from the last two weeks? The key points from the things I've read and watched? \
The encounters I had with various groups of people, and also one on one? (on my trip to Munich)\
My thoughts on what is going on in the world?\
It is all connected anyway. 
*This is my second post. The* *[first](https://pareto.space/a/naddr1qqxnzden8yunxv3kxvcnjdpsqgsqlvwtq6gjttmchn3nqetzfy42skj9334nhr2ptl2hzqgzeswgssgrqsqqqa28qy28wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnyv9kh2uewd9hsz9nhwden5te0wfjkccte9ehx7um5wghxyctwvsq3vamnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwwpexjmtpdshxuet5h5apnf)* *was under a different profile, which I lost the private key to.* 
### So close and yet apart
The various encounters: Overlapping 'camps'. School friends, friends from uni times, friends from Covid times. One friend from school, and one friend from uni did not have a Covid vaccine and were critical of measures. To think that this still matters! Can you believe it? But it does! Which is sad on one hand, and makes for strong bonds on the other. 
I'm in a pub with three school friends. They discover that they all voted Green, and are delighted. They kind of congratulate each other, and themselves. I don't even know what to feel in that moment. I'm not shocked. It is not surprising. And yet I still find it astounding. 
As the evening progresses, we move to a Greek restaurant round the corner. On the way there, I walk alongside the friend with whom I exchanged the most challenging emails of the last five years. There had been long pauses between replies. Once I read only the first two lines, and then 'quarantined' the mail. I once deleted one, and three weeks later asked him to send it again. 
In 2023 we sat in a café and openly talked about the Corona period and our differing positions. I appreciated it. At least we could talk. Shortly after, the emphasis in our conversations shifted from Covid to Putin. One arch enemy was replaced by another. And when previously, the 'Covid deniers' were the deplorable ones, now it was the 'Putin understanders', and weren't they the same people anyway? And mentioning peace talks was right wing. It was all so predictable. Was I predictable, too? I'd sent a long email a week ago. But walking alongside each other, we preferred to talk about the kids. 
At the Greek restaurant, the inevitable happened. We ended up in a massive discussion. I once was gesticulating wildly at him. "Conspiracy theorist! That is *so* convenient. Everything that does not fit into your worldview, becomes a conspiracy theory. That there would be a vaccine mandate was once a conspiracy theory. That the virus came from a lab was once a conspiracy theory."
On another occasion, he exclaimed: "You know that I know all that about America! You know exactly that I know all those things!" 
We both knew a lot of things, and it went back and forth. 
The irony was that we managed to stay respectful, and it was a discussion with the other school friend there (the fourth person on the table was my husband), that turned out to be the last straw. She had voted Green as well, and had congratulated our school mate on having been to the protest 'against the right'. But she was also the one who didn't have the vaccine, and now said, "With Covid, it was just so obvious that it was all set up." A bit later she said something about the WEF. Only to be greeted with a long tirade. "Aha. So you think this is all a big conspiracy with some powerful people in the background planning everything. And this wasn't a pandemic although lots of people died. I know six doctors, and they all told me the same." A bit later, to me: "So why did only the unvaccinated die then?" And then shortly after, when my friend stated again how the whole thing had seemed premeditated, "Right. That's enough now. I'm leaving." And he got up to pay and left. 
My friend, who stayed behind, thought we had had interesting discussions and she had learned something. On reflection, it was good to have this discussion at all -- at a time that nobody seems to want to talk about Covid anymore. 
But also: Shouldn't we be much much further than this???
### My first sats
A few months ago I had tried to buy bitcoin, just to play around, but there had been difficulties to do with the fact I have a UK bank account. When looking at how to get funds into my getalby account, I ended up with Strike, which is available in the UK. But it seems they take extra care to make sure you know what you are letting yourself into! I had to do a test with about 10 questions to show I understand the risks. 
I then had to wait 24 hours, but now I have sent my first sats. 
On the Strike website, I noticed this [video of a conversation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Nzvh4AODtWc) between Jack Mallers, founder of Strike, and Jack Dorsey, co-founder of Twitter. The more I watched, the more I thought, wow, here it is all in one video, all that I would like my friend to see. "America has a problem." The Empire needs to end, and it would be a good thing for America, says Jack Dorsey. This was also the second time in a week that I heard about how Great Britain had created money and bought their own bonds when the public didn't want to, in effect stealing from the people by making their money worth less. It was good to be reminded of [Adam Curtis](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Adam_Curtis) who has made some mind-blowing documentaries, using lots of BBC archive material. Including about the special US and UK relationship (*An ocean apart*), and also one about Russia from 1985 to 1999 (*Trauma Zone*).
The two Jacks talk about the importance of open source, and of being independent of government. The dangers of building abstraction on abstraction on abstraction. About how Mark Zuckerberg served Dorsey raw goat once, because he had this challenge to only eat what he had killed himself. That was also a way to get back to the real. 
Dorsey endorsed RFK jr, this was in summer of 2023, when he was still running for president. 
There is also an interesting bit on the pressures of running a company that has gone public. And the government interference, in effect censorship. The Twitter files. It is not quite clear to me, if it was really so difficult for Jack Dorsey to pay attention and know what was going on, but I can understand that it must have been a difficult situation. 
What I also find very interesting is that in Africa or Latin America bitcoin is sometimes valuable as an exchange medium. That is where I think it could diverge from the pure Ponzi scheme that people often call it. 
And yet, doubts remain. Is bitcoin not too valuable for a lot of people to spend it? But what if you don't have access to any other money. And sending Satoshis around is different from hording bitcoin. Can it fulfil both these functions in the end, storage medium and exchange medium? 
I believe that these two people want to achieve something positive. But they also remain tech bros. And I don't mean that in a bad way. It is just something that will always remain a bit alien to me. 
I did like what Dorsey said about the punks. How they just started to play an instrument, and didn't care if they were not good at it. Then just turned up again and again and eventually got better. I have often thought of myself as a bit punk-like in that respect, although I've often been worried about not being good enough. 
### Doing away with domination
The last [blog article](https://www.lowimpact.org/posts/darren-allen-on-civilisational-collapse/) posted on a website I work on, made me explore the writings by Darren Allen on his [Expressive Egg substack](https://expressiveegg.substack.com/). I had landed there before, years ago, and had been very impressed back then. He seems to criticise people's thoughts a lot though -- almost everybody's -- and I was wondering if that was all he ever did. But then I came across this [article about anarchy](https://expressiveegg.substack.com/p/anarchism-at-the-end-of-the-world). It made me realise again, in all this mess about different worldviews, different expectations and values, that this is a constant for me: How can we have less coercion, how can we live in a way that frees ourselves and others at the same time. I once saw a Twitter bio: "I insist on your freedom." It seems to come from Jack Kerouac. 
Allen writes that there are seven *dominants*, seven elements that "control individuals against their will". They are, " in roughly ascending order of subtlety and pervasiveness":
1\. The \[autocratic] *monarchy*.\
2\. The \[socialist-democratic] *state* (which includes its money, law, property, police, etc.).\
3\. The \[totalitarian-capitalist] *corporation*.\
4\. The \[mass] *majority*.\
5\. The \[professional-religious] *institution*.\
6\. The \[technocratic] *system*.\
7\. The \[mental-emotional] *ego*.
I want to keep this list in mind and pay attention when I get sucked into the influence of one of these spheres. 
I also like this quote:
> The reason men and women do not need kings, princes, states, professionals, institutions and systems to rule over them is because the life within them is more intelligent, more apt, more sensitive, more forgiving and more creative than anything else—certainly any human authority. But this life cannot be rationally fixed. It can be expressed, artistically, indirectly, poetically, musically, or with tone and glance and such ordinary, metaphorical arts of human interaction; but it cannot be literally stated.
Although this would be a good ending for this post, I have to mention Jeffrey Sachs as well. I have been following him for a while. He appeared in the EU parliament, invited by Michael von der Schulenburg. Sachs has an amazing amount of experience with both Russian and American government officials, and with currencies. In the 90s he spent some time helping Eastern European countries with the transition to capitalist systems. He realised that the U.S. did not want to help Russia in the same way. 
He gave a long speech in which he laid bare the ways in which the U.S. had influenced so many wars and uprisings around the world, and how the NATO enlargement had been a long-term strategy. That now, with Trump, the war was going to end. 
There would be so much more to say. In any case, this seems to me a historic speech. Can it break through the mirror glass that has kept so many people away from valid sources of knowledge?

@ a09fb9cb:83231556
2025-03-11 11:54:22
..before the beginning there was nothing and nothing is (god) consciousness...
...nothing is also known as the void of the un-manifested, the abyss, the infinite, the timeless eternal, the formless, the unrealised and un-manifested potential...
nothing is consciousness and consciousness is also known as choice.
> *To Be, or not to be*\
**-* William Shakespeare
In the beginning (god) consciousness chose to give FORM to itself as the "i"...
nothing is the canvas of the creator, upon which CREATiON is PAiNTED...
consciousness MANiFESTED... | CONSCiOUSNESS
The "i" is both the (LiGHT) PARTiCLE & THE WAVE, but which came first I hear you asking... the particle (the one), then, once the particle had been everywhere, coving the void of the un-manifested, the particle had to Begin to avoid itself, and became into BEiNG, for no two THiNGS can occupy the same SPACE and TiME in a single moment.
And so the particle began to avoid iTSELF and in so doing became THE WAVE... and thus the dance was born. The YiN and the YANG, DARKNESS & LiGHT.
> **Please note:**\
> DARKNESS is not nothing. DARKNESS & LiGHT are both the CREATiON of nothing... nothing is the creator. the creator CREATED DARKNESS & LiGHT in order to EXPERiENCE CREATiON... level 1 "i" (one) & 2 "I" (TWO) of REALiTY or DUALiTY. particle (one) | WAVE (TWO) do You see the crossing of the 2 I's (T) (WAVES), the symmetry and therefore balance (W) and the infinite (O) made MANiFEST?
DARKNESS EXiSTS to allow the LiGHT to illuminate... DARKNESS gives LiGHT meaning and vice versa. DARKNESS allows for SPACE and LiGHT allows for TiME.
The "i" is the one, but the one is not god. god is nothing and cannot be known WITHiN FORM & TiME. (god) consciousness chose to MANiFEST the "i" and henceforth DUALiTY was given the appearance of FORM WITHiN THE PHYSiCAL UNiVERSE.
The more the WAVE travels, the more the WAVE has to avoid iTSELF and thus We come to know FREQUENCiES... and FREQUENCiES create the iLLUSION of MATTER, as WAVE ENERGiES APPEARiNG AS FORM due to WAVE DENSiTY & COMPLEXiTY.
We know god because "i AM" CONSCiOUSNESS or "i AM" consciousness MANiFESTED... and this is self-evident because "i AM". I EXiST.
## The Key
Here is the key to unlock the DUAL MEANiNG of lower case and UPPER CASE:
- "i AM". I EXiST.
- i = nothing = consciousness = choice = infinity = eternity = here = (k)now(ing)...
- We = i + I + YOU
- When "We" become fully present in the moment of ENLiGHTENMENT YOU vanish and i + I = EVERYTHiNG (THE END), but then what comes next...
- You = u = Enlightened Self = Present Moment Awareness = Now (in this moment) "We" understand each other... because "I" now know who "You" are, and "YOU" now know who "i" am...
## ...and finally
All this is meaningless, unless We ask ourselves ...what is the meaning of acceptance?


@ 0c469779:4b21d8b0
2025-03-11 10:52:49
### Sobre el amor
Mi percepción del amor cambió con el tiempo.
Leer literatura rusa, principalmente a Dostoevsky, te cambia la perspectiva sobre el amor y la vida en general.
Por mucho tiempo mi visión sobre la vida es que la misma se basa en el sufrimiento: también la Biblia dice esto. El amor es igual, en el amor se sufre y se banca a la otra persona.
El problema es que hay una distinción de sufrimientos que por mucho tiempo no tuve en cuenta. Está el sufrimiento del sacrificio y el sufrimiento masoquista. Para mí eran indistintos.
Para mí el ideal era Aliosha y Natasha de *Humillados y Ofendidos*: estar con alguien que me amase tanto como Natasha a Aliosha, un amor inclusive autodestructivo para Natasha, pero real. Tiene algo de épico, inalcanzable. Un sufrimiento extremo, redentor, es una vara altísima que en la vida cotidiana no se manifiesta.
O el amor de Sonia a Raskolnikov, quien se fue hasta Siberia mientras estuvo en prisión para que no se quede solo en *Crimen y Castigo*.
Este es el tipo de amor que yo esperaba. Y como no me pasó nada tan extremo y las situaciones que llegan a ocurrir en mi vida están lejos de ser tan extremas, me parecía hasta poco lo que estaba pidiendo y que nadie pueda quedarse conmigo me parecía insuficiente.
Ahora pienso que el amor no tiene por qué ser así. Es un pensamiento nuevo que todavía estoy construyendo, y me di cuenta cuando fui a la iglesia, a pesar de que no soy cristiano. La filosofía cristiana me gusta. Va conmigo. Tiene un enfoque de humildad, superación y comunidad que me recuerda al estoicismo.
El amor se trata de resaltar lo mejor que hay en el otro. Se trata de ser un plus, de ayudar.
Por eso si uno no está en su mejor etapa, si no se está cómodo con uno mismo, no se puede amar de verdad. El amor empieza en uno mismo.
Los libros son un espejo, no necesariamente vas a aprender de ellos, sino que te muestran quién sos. Resaltás lo que te importa. Por eso a pesar de saber los tipos de amores que hay en los trabajos de Dostoevsky, cometí los mismos errores varias veces.
Ser mejor depende de uno mismo y cada día se pone el granito de arena.

@ 57d1a264:69f1fee1
2025-03-11 10:28:08
## The Role
Our team brings deep expertise across electric power markets, project development, and software development, positioning us as trusted experts in this rapidly evolving market. We are seeking an experienced Software Product Manager to lead the planning, development, and execution of our software products. You will play a key role in defining the product vision, roadmap, and strategy, and you will collaborate closely with cross-functional teams to ensure successful product launches and iterations. The ideal candidate will have an energy background, a deep understanding of user needs, and the ability to balance technical requirements with business objectives.
## Your Day-to-Day
- Product Vision and Strategy: You will define and effectively communicate the product vision, strategy, and roadmap to internal teams and key stakeholders, ensuring alignment between our goals and our customers’ needs to drive product decisions and adoption. To do this, you will need to stay informed on industry trends, emerging technologies, and competition to ensure our product remains innovative and competitive.
- End-to-End Product Development: You will lead the product development process from concept to launch, ensuring timely delivery of features that meet both quality standards and customer expectations. You will gather, prioritize, and articulate product requirements based on user feedback, market trends, and business goals. You will maintain clear and thorough documentation for product features, workflows, and technical specifications. You will
- Performance Analysis and Improvement: You will continuously monitor product performance using key metrics and user feedback to refine and iterate on the product, driving ongoing enhancements. You will advocate for user needs throughout the product development cycle to create products that truly resonate with them and a product experience that provides outsized value.
- Stakeholder Communication and Collaboration: You will synthesize and communicate results, insights, and actionable recommendations to the leadership team and all relevant stakeholders, and you will collaborate cross functionally to remove bottlenecks and be a force multiplier for our team.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/910029

@ a95c6243:d345522c
2025-03-11 10:22:36
**«Wir brauchen eine digitale Brandmauer gegen den Faschismus»,** [schreibt](https://www.ccc.de/de/updates/2025/ccc-fordert-digitale-brandmauer) der Chaos Computer Club (CCC) auf seiner Website. Unter diesem Motto präsentierte er letzte Woche einen Forderungskatalog, mit dem sich 24 Organisationen an die kommende Bundesregierung wenden. Der Koalitionsvertrag müsse sich daran messen lassen, verlangen sie.
**In den drei Kategorien «Bekenntnis gegen Überwachung»,** «Schutz und Sicherheit für alle» sowie «Demokratie im digitalen Raum» stellen die [Unterzeichner](https://d-64.org/digitale-brandmauer/), zu denen auch Amnesty International und Das NETTZ gehören, unter anderem die folgenden «Mindestanforderungen»:
* Verbot biometrischer Massenüberwachung des öffentlichen Raums sowie der ungezielten biometrischen Auswertung des Internets.
* Anlasslose und massenhafte Vorratsdatenspeicherung wird abgelehnt.
* Automatisierte Datenanalysen der Informationsbestände der Strafverfolgungsbehörden sowie jede Form von Predictive Policing oder automatisiertes Profiling von Menschen werden abgelehnt.
* Einführung eines Rechts auf Verschlüsselung. Die Bundesregierung soll sich dafür einsetzen, die Chatkontrolle auf europäischer Ebene zu verhindern.
* Anonyme und pseudonyme Nutzung des Internets soll geschützt und ermöglicht werden.
* Bekämpfung «privaten Machtmissbrauchs von Big-Tech-Unternehmen» durch durchsetzungsstarke, unabhängige und grundsätzlich föderale Aufsichtsstrukturen.
* Einführung eines digitalen Gewaltschutzgesetzes, unter Berücksichtigung «gruppenbezogener digitaler Gewalt» und die Förderung von Beratungsangeboten.
* Ein umfassendes Förderprogramm für digitale öffentliche Räume, die dezentral organisiert und quelloffen programmiert sind, soll aufgelegt werden.
**Es sei ein Irrglaube, dass zunehmende Überwachung einen Zugewinn an Sicherheit darstelle,** ist eines der Argumente der Initiatoren. Sicherheit erfordere auch, dass Menschen anonym und vertraulich kommunizieren können und ihre Privatsphäre geschützt wird.
**Gesunde digitale Räume lebten auch von einem demokratischen Diskurs,** lesen wir in dem Papier. Es sei Aufgabe des Staates, Grundrechte zu schützen. Dazu gehöre auch, Menschenrechte und demokratische Werte, insbesondere Freiheit, Gleichheit und Solidarität zu fördern sowie den Missbrauch von Maßnahmen, Befugnissen und Infrastrukturen durch «die Feinde der Demokratie» zu verhindern.
**Man ist geneigt zu fragen, wo denn die Autoren «den Faschismus» sehen,** den es zu bekämpfen gelte. Die meisten der vorgetragenen Forderungen und Argumente finden sicher breite Unterstützung, denn sie beschreiben offenkundig gängige, kritikwürdige Praxis. Die Aushebelung der Privatsphäre, der Redefreiheit und anderer Grundrechte im Namen der Sicherheit wird bereits jetzt massiv durch die aktuellen «demokratischen Institutionen» und ihre «durchsetzungsstarken Aufsichtsstrukturen» betrieben.
**Ist «der Faschismus» also die EU und ihre Mitgliedsstaaten?** Nein, die «faschistische Gefahr», gegen die man eine digitale Brandmauer will, kommt nach Ansicht des CCC und seiner Partner aus den Vereinigten Staaten. Private Überwachung und Machtkonzentration sind dabei weltweit schon lange Realität, jetzt endlich müssen sie jedoch bekämpft werden. In dem Papier heißt es:
> «Die willkürliche und antidemokratische Machtausübung der Tech-Oligarchen um Präsident Trump erfordert einen Paradigmenwechsel in der deutschen Digitalpolitik. (...) Die aktuellen Geschehnisse in den USA zeigen auf, wie Datensammlungen und -analyse genutzt werden können, um einen Staat handstreichartig zu übernehmen, seine Strukturen nachhaltig zu beschädigen, Widerstand zu unterbinden und marginalisierte Gruppen zu verfolgen.»
**Wer auf der anderen Seite dieser Brandmauer stehen soll, ist also klar.** Es sind die gleichen «Feinde unserer Demokratie», die seit Jahren in diese Ecke gedrängt werden. Es sind die gleichen Andersdenkenden, Regierungskritiker und Friedensforderer, die unter dem großzügigen Dach des Bundesprogramms «Demokratie leben» einem «kontinuierlichen Echt- und Langzeitmonitoring» wegen der Etikettierung [«digitaler Hass»](https://bag-gegen-hass.net/) unterzogen werden.
**Dass die 24 Organisationen praktisch auch die Bekämpfung von Google,** Microsoft, Apple, Amazon und anderen fordern, entbehrt nicht der Komik. Diese fallen aber sicher unter das Stichwort «Machtmissbrauch von Big-Tech-Unternehmen». Gleichzeitig verlangen die Lobbyisten implizit zum Beispiel die Förderung des [Nostr](https://reason.com/video/2024/09/17/is-nostr-an-antidote-to-social-media-censorship/)-Netzwerks, denn hier finden wir dezentral organisierte und quelloffen programmierte digitale Räume par excellence, obendrein zensurresistent. Das wiederum dürfte in der Politik weniger gut ankommen.
*\[Titelbild:* *[Pixabay](https://pixabay.com/de/illustrations/uns-ihnen-stammes-wettbewerb-1767691/)]*
Dieser Beitrag ist zuerst auf ***[Transition News](https://transition-news.org/digitale-brandmauer-gegen-den-faschismus-von-der-kunftigen-bundesregierung)*** erschienen.

@ 84b0c46a:417782f5
2025-03-11 09:38:15

@ 7d33ba57:1b82db35
2025-03-11 09:21:52
Some fun facts about zebras:

1. Stripes are unique: No two zebras have the same stripe pattern, much like human fingerprints. Their stripes help with camouflage in the wild, blending into the grassy or wooded environments.
2. Zebras are social animals: They live in groups called harems, typically consisting of one male and several females. They are also known to form larger herds for safety.
3. Zebras can sleep standing up: Unlike many animals, zebras can rest while standing. However, they do need to lie down for deep sleep.
4. Zebras communicate with each other: They make various sounds, such as barks, whinnies, and growls, to communicate with their herd.
5. Zebra stripes may regulate temperature: Some studies suggest that the black-and-white stripes may help regulate body temperature, with the alternating hot and cool bands creating air currents that help cool the zebra down.

6. Zebras are excellent runners: They can run up to 40 miles per hour (64 kilometers per hour) to escape predators.
7. Zebras are herbivores: They primarily eat grasses, but they can also nibble on leaves, shrubs, and bark in times of scarcity.
8. Zebras have strong memories: They can remember faces and recognize their family members even after being separated for a long time.
9. Zebras are not horses: Despite their similar appearance, zebras are not horses. They belong to the same family, but zebras have different behaviors and physical traits, like their stripes.
10. Zebra foals can walk within hours: When born, zebra foals are able to walk and run within a few hours to keep up with the herd.


@ c3b2802b:4850599c
2025-03-11 08:23:11
Darf ich Sie neugierig auf ein kürzlich erschienenes Buch machen? Ein Jahr haben mein Cousin Richard Grawath und ich unsere Erfahrungen beim Aufbau einer fairen, ehrlichen und sauberen Gesellschaft zusammengetragen. Was uns dazu bewegte, war das Gedenken an unsere Urgroßmutter Anna Schmuck, deren Leben durch zwei Weltkriege geprägt war. Nach Ende der zweiten dieser furchtbaren Katastrophen war sie noch immer stark genug, als Flüchtling mit mehreren Kindern, darunter mein Vater und Richards Mutter, die Lebensmittelversorgung der großen Familie während der Hungerzeit sicherzustellen. Ihrem Lebensmut und ihrer Energie verdanken wir Nachfahren dieser Frau unser Leben.
Heute, so meinen wir, ist die Zeit reif, unsere von Krisen und Kriegen geschüttelte Vergangenheit hinter uns zu lassen. Wir Menschen haben jetzt ausreichend Erfahrungen sammeln können, um den roten Faden der dunklen Seite unserer Geschichte zu erkennen und die lichtvollen neuen Wege in die entstehende faire, ehrliche und saubere Gesellschaft klar zu sehen.
Herausgekommen ist ein Buch mit 172 Seiten, das Handbuch für Lichtbotschafter, geschrieben für Menschen, die nicht länger den ausgetretenen Pfaden unserer von Kriegen und Krisen geprägten Vergangenheit folgen mögen. Das Buch kann über den LULU Verlag in englischer sowie in deutscher Sprache bezogen werden.
Sie können den Text auch gern hier herunterladen:
[Handbook for Light Ambassadors](https://zukunftskommunen.de/wp-content/uploads/Handbook-Light-Ambassadors-2023.pdf)
[Handbuch für Lichtbotschafter](https://zukunftskommunen.de/wp-content/uploads/Handbuch-Lichtbotschafter-2023.pdf)
Beste Grüße von Peter Schmuck & Richard Grawath
*Zuerst erschienen im* *[Blog der Zukunftskommunen](https://zukunftskommunen.de/blog/soeben-erschienen-handbook-for-light-ambassadors-handbuch-fuer-lichtbotschafter/)*