
@ 9e69e420:d12360c2
2025-02-15 20:24:09
Ukraine's President Volodymyr Zelensky called for an "army of Europe" to defend against Russian threats, emphasizing that the US may not continue its traditional support for Europe. Speaking at the Munich Security Conference, he warned against peace deals made without Ukraine's involvement.
US Vice President JD Vance echoed this sentiment, urging Europe to enhance its defense efforts.
Zelensky stated, "I really believe the time has come - the armed forces of Europe must be created." He highlighted changing dynamics in US-Europe relations and noted that "the old days are over" regarding American support.
Despite discussions around NATO, Zelensky stated he wouldn't rule out NATO membership for Ukraine.

@ 6e0ea5d6:0327f353
2025-02-15 19:47:49
*"You are a slave to whoever controls you emotionally."*
> *"We get angry when someone tries to tell us what to do. 'Don’t tell me how to dress, how to think, how to do my job, how to live.' We feel this way because we see ourselves as independent, self-sufficient individuals.*
> *Or at least, that’s what we tell ourselves.*
> *Yet, if someone says something we disagree with, something inside us tells us we must argue with them. If a plate of treats is placed in front of us, we must eat them. If someone does something we don’t like, we must be furious. If a setback arises, we must be sad, depressed, or worried. But if something good happens a few minutes later, suddenly, we’re happy, excited, and wanting more.*
> *We should never let another person shake us back and forth the way our impulses do. It’s time we start seeing things differently: we are not puppets, dancing to whichever tune suits us at the moment. We should be the ones in control—not our emotions—because we are independent, self-sufficient individuals."*
> — **Ryan Holiday**
> *"Frame your thoughts like this: you are a mature man, and you will no longer allow yourself to be enslaved or manipulated like a puppet by every impulse. You will stop complaining about your current lot or fearing the future."*
> — **Marcus Aurelius**
📌 **Emotions can give us information, but they should not give us orders.**
It’s not enough to learn to say "no" to others; you must also learn **not to give in** to the demands of your weaker self.
**Thank you for reading, my friend!**
If this message resonated with you, consider leaving your **"🥃"** as a token of appreciation.
**A toast to our family!**

@ c582af78:698069cc
2025-02-15 19:21:25
# **The Face of God: How Art Became a Gateway to the Divine**
If you live in the **West**, you’re surrounded by depictions of **God, Jesus, and the saints**—from paintings and statues to illustrated Bibles and stained glass windows.
But this is far from universal. In the **Islamic world**, religious art takes a very different form: vibrant colors, **intricate geometry, and architectural symmetry**. **Depictions of God or Muhammad aren’t just discouraged—they are outright forbidden.**
But why?
To answer that, we must go back to the **origins of the Abrahamic religions**—when **early Christians, Jews, and Muslims** were surprisingly **unified in their views on religious art**.
## **The Early Christian Hesitation**
The **first generation of Christians** were deeply aware of **Judaism’s strict prohibition** against idol worship. **Depicting God in any form was considered dangerous**—a potential gateway to paganism.
For centuries, Christianity could have followed this path, rejecting religious imagery altogether. But one fundamental theological idea **changed everything**:
**The Incarnation.**
As the early Church wrestled with the **nature of Christ**, heated debates emerged:
- Was he part human and part divine?
- Was he **fully** human and **fully** divine?
- And what did the Gospel of John mean by *“the Word became flesh and dwelt among us”*?
The result of these debates was the **doctrine of the Incarnation**—the belief that **God took on human form in real flesh and blood**. And if **God himself** had chosen to be seen in **finite form**, then depicting Him in art could no longer be considered blasphemous.
This single theological shift laid the foundation for **Christianity’s embrace of religious art**—a decision that would not only shape Christian worship but **redefine how we engage with art itself**.
## **Let There Be Art…**
How did this change Christian art?
The **early objections** to religious imagery went something like this:
> *“God is infinite and mysterious. Reducing Him to a finite, limited form is blasphemy.”*
But with the Incarnation, the argument flipped:
> *“If God took on real shape, color, and form without diminishing His divine nature, then we can depict Him in art without compromising His grandeur.”*
Thus, images of **Jesus, Mary, and saints** not only became **permissible**—they were **encouraged**.
Christian leaders actively **commissioned religious art** to communicate the **Gospel visually** to a largely **illiterate population**. **Paintings, statues, and stained glass** became tools of evangelization, helping people grasp biblical stories **without needing to read**.
Take the **Duomo of Milan** with its **4,000 statues**. They aren’t just decorative. They **inspire faith** by highlighting the lives of the saints.
Christianity had embraced art as a **spiritual bridge**, a way to **connect the finite with the infinite**.
## **The Criticism: Were They Worshiping the Art?**
Not everyone agreed.
Some critics argued that **Christians were focusing too much on the art itself**, rather than the God it was meant to represent.
But the Church’s response was clear:
> **"You are not meant to look *at* art, but *through* it.**
Art is not the **end goal**—it is a **gateway to something greater**.
A painting of Christ isn’t meant to be **worshiped**—it’s meant to draw the viewer into **His story, His sacrifice, and His message**.
This perspective didn’t just shape religious art. It **fundamentally changed** how we experience **all forms of art, even secular ones.**
## **To Infinity and Beyond: The Lasting Impact of Religious Art**
Christianity’s view of art—that it **should point beyond itself**—has so deeply influenced Western culture that we often **don’t even realize it**.
Think about how we experience **books, music, and movies**:
- **A great novel** inspires courage.
- **A powerful song** moves you to tears.
- **A gripping film** motivates you to keep going in life.
The best art **doesn’t just exist for its own sake**—it **transports you beyond the canvas, the page, or the screen**.
This idea mirrors the Incarnation itself: **an infinite God becoming finite to guide us back to the infinite**.
## **Tolkien, The Lord of the Rings, and the Incarnation of Art**
A perfect example? **J.R.R. Tolkien’s *The Lord of the Rings***.
Tolkien infused his story with **themes of brotherhood, heroism, and sacrifice**—all timeless, transcendental ideas. But instead of leaving them as abstract concepts, he **"incarnated" them into words on a page**—finite, tangible, and deeply relatable.
His goal? To **turn the reader’s heart back to the infinite** by making them experience **these ideals in a concrete way**.
The same can be said for **any truly great art**.
It **doesn’t exist for itself**—it exists to move you, to inspire you, to challenge you.
And next time you step into a **cathedral**, gaze at a **masterpiece**, or listen to a **symphony**, remember:
You’re not supposed to simply **look at the art around you**—
You’re supposed to **look beyond it, into eternity**.

@ a95c6243:d345522c
2025-02-15 19:05:38
**Auf der diesjährigen Münchner** **[Sicherheitskonferenz](https://transition-news.org/in-munchen-der-realitat-ins-auge-sehen)** **geht es vor allem um die Ukraine.** Protagonisten sind dabei zunächst die US-Amerikaner. Präsident Trump schockierte die Europäer kurz vorher durch ein Telefonat mit seinem Amtskollegen Wladimir Putin, während Vizepräsident Vance mit seiner Rede über Demokratie und Meinungsfreiheit für versteinerte Mienen und Empörung sorgte.
**Die Bemühungen der Europäer um einen Frieden in der Ukraine** halten sich, gelinde gesagt, in Grenzen. Größeres Augenmerk wird auf militärische Unterstützung, die Pflege von Feindbildern sowie Eskalation gelegt. Der deutsche Bundeskanzler Scholz [reagierte](https://transition-news.org/gesucht-friedenskanzler) auf die angekündigten Verhandlungen über einen möglichen Frieden für die Ukraine mit der Forderung nach noch höheren «Verteidigungsausgaben». Auch die amtierende Außenministerin Baerbock hatte vor der Münchner Konferenz [klargestellt](https://archive.is/nUpYa):
> «Frieden wird es nur durch Stärke geben. (...) Bei Corona haben wir gesehen, zu was Europa fähig ist. Es braucht erneut Investitionen, die der historischen Wegmarke, vor der wir stehen, angemessen sind.»
**Die Rüstungsindustrie freut sich in jedem Fall über weltweit steigende Militärausgaben.** Die Kriege in der Ukraine und in Gaza tragen zu [Rekordeinnahmen](https://transition-news.org/kriege-sind-fur-waffenproduzenten-und-hedgefonds-f-king-good) bei. Jetzt «winkt die Aussicht auf eine jahrelange große Nachrüstung in Europa», auch wenn der Ukraine-Krieg enden sollte, so hört man aus Finanzkreisen. In der Konsequenz kennt «die Aktie des deutschen Vorzeige-Rüstungskonzerns Rheinmetall in ihrem Anstieg [offenbar gar keine Grenzen](https://finanzmarktwelt.de/rheinmetall-aktie-mit-mega-rally-nachruestung-und-1-000-euro-kursziel-339271/) mehr». «Solche Friedensversprechen» wie das jetzige hätten in der Vergangenheit zu starken Kursverlusten geführt.
**Für manche Leute sind Kriegswaffen und sonstige Rüstungsgüter Waren wie alle anderen,** jedenfalls aus der Perspektive von Investoren oder Managern. Auch in diesem Bereich gibt es Startups und man spricht von Dingen wie innovativen Herangehensweisen, hocheffizienten Produktionsanlagen, skalierbaren Produktionstechniken und geringeren Stückkosten.
**Wir lesen aktuell von Massenproduktion und gesteigerten Fertigungskapazitäten** für Kriegsgerät. Der Motor solcher Dynamik und solchen Wachstums ist die Aufrüstung, die inzwischen permanent gefordert wird. Parallel wird die Bevölkerung verbal eingestimmt und auf Kriegstüchtigkeit getrimmt.
**Das Rüstungs- und KI-Startup Helsing verkündete kürzlich** eine «dezentrale [Massenproduktion](https://www.trendingtopics.eu/helsing-kampfdrohnen-unicorn-startet-dezentrale-massenproduktion-fuer-ukrainekrieg/) für den Ukrainekrieg». Mit dieser Expansion positioniere sich das Münchner Unternehmen als einer der weltweit führenden Hersteller von Kampfdrohnen. Der nächste [«Meilenstein»](https://archive.is/eZsWP) steht auch bereits an: Man will eine Satellitenflotte im Weltraum aufbauen, zur Überwachung von Gefechtsfeldern und Truppenbewegungen.
**Ebenfalls aus München stammt das als** **[DefenseTech-Startup](https://www.trendingtopics.eu/arx-robotics-produktion/)** **bezeichnete Unternehmen** ARX Robotics. Kürzlich habe man in der Region die größte europäische Produktionsstätte für autonome Verteidigungssysteme eröffnet. Damit fahre man die Produktion von Militär-Robotern hoch. Diese Expansion diene auch der Lieferung der «größten Flotte unbemannter Bodensysteme westlicher Bauart» in die Ukraine.
**Rüstung boomt und scheint ein Zukunftsmarkt zu sein.** Die Hersteller und Vermarkter betonen, mit ihren Aktivitäten und Produkten solle die europäische Verteidigungsfähigkeit erhöht werden. Ihre Strategien sollten sogar «zum Schutz demokratischer Strukturen beitragen».
Dieser Beitrag ist zuerst auf ***[Transition News](https://transition-news.org/so-klingt-das-aufrustungs-business-startups-und-alte-hasen)*** erschienen.

@ d57360cb:4fe7d935
2025-02-15 17:35:54
Don’t focus on the end goal solely. If you do you’ll always find yourself empty handed. You wouldn’t want a fast forward button on your favorite song or your favorite movie. You don’t want to rush through your meals or the time you spend with important people in your life.
Notice this tendency to do things in order to get to the end. It’s sapping the depth of your existence from you.
Slow down. Life is lived in the in between. If you learn how to savor that, you’ll have a rich meaningful life.

@ f3873798:24b3f2f3
2025-02-15 17:30:50

Olá meus caros leitores, estou fazendo um guia voltados aos Brasileiros aqui do Nostr. Vejo que há muito conteúdo em inglês que infelizmente não é traduzido para o português. Por este motivo tomei a iniciativa de começa com este artigo.
Espero que gostem deste artigo, que tenham uma ótima leitura.
# Bem-vindos ao Mundo Nostr !!
Acredito que todos que estão aqui sabem um pouco sobre o Nostr e que é uma rede social descentralizada, local onde você pode postar sem medo de represarias governamentais [ditatoriais].
Mas, vocês conheçem como o Nostr funciona e todas as ferramentas que vocês têm disponível neste ecossistema?
Poisé, acho que não.
O Nostr é um protocolo de comunição descentralizada muito versátil, isso quer dizer que não está limitado a um tipo de "rede social", nele é possível fazer Blogs, streaming, podcast e até mesmo e-mails com autonomia total do usuário.
Meus caros, isso é liberdade total, sem ficar na mão de bigtech como Microsoft, Apple, Google.
Para ficar mais claro darei um exemplo para vocês:
Imagine você criando uma conta no Youtube, você deve aceitar as Diretrizes impostas pela google no uso do **SEU CANAL**, por mais que você tenha autonomia na produção do **SEU CONTEÚDO**, determinadas palavras e termos não podem ser usadas, ou seja, **O GOOGLE DETERMINA O QUE VOCÊ PODE OU NÃO FAZER NO SEU CANAL**.
Veja que é uma liberdade parcial no processo de criação de conteúdo.
Já no Nostr, o seu canal é completamente seu. Não há nenhuma entidade, empresa responsável pelo seu conteúdo a não ser você.

## O Mundo Nostr e sua funcionalidades
No nostr você terá acesso a uma diversidade de aplicativos para cada objetivo de uso.
Mas, antes de abordar sobre os diversos layouts e funcionalidades do Nostr é necessário aprender o básico deste universo.
> ***Em primeiro lugar:*** É necessário que vocês saibam que a partir do momento que vocês criaram um conta aqui, independente do "cliente" ou "distro como o pessoal que gosta de fazer analogia com o Linux", vocês recebem duas importantes chaves ! A **chave privada** e a **chave pública**.

A **Chave privada**, também chamada de chave secreta é o acesso ilimitado a sua conta, ou seja, é a partir dela que poderá produzir conteúdos em geral neste mundo. Ela te dará acesso a todos os rercusos do Nostr, portanto é importante que esteja muito segura.
A **Chave pública**, você ver como os outros usuários ver o seu perfil e o seu conteúdo. Ela é uma importante chave para que as pessoas possam ter acesso aos conteúdo que vocês públicam, ou seja, é atráves dela que você poderá compartilhar o seu perfil para que seu público tenha acesso ao seu mundo.
Dito isso vamos conhecer os apps e os chamados clientes Nostr.
### O que são clientes Nostr?
Clientes são as várias maneiras de interagir com o protocolo Nostr [fonte: Nostr.com]
É semelhante ao Sistema Operacional Linux que tem várias distro com diferentes layout para o mesmo Sistema.
Vejamos as principais para que vocês tenham uma noção da amplitude do protocolo.
- **Damus:** é um app para celulares IOS terem acesso ao NOSTR, tem formato de rede social, como Primal e o Amethyst.
- **Primal** é um app versátil serve tanto para celulares IOS, Android e PCs, também tem formato de rede social, porém você pode abrir uma carteira lightning bitcoin exclusiva deste app, facilitando muito os micropagamentos em satoshis pela rede.
- **Amethyst**, assim como o Damus é para o IOS o Amethsy é para o Android, sou suspeita para falar sobre este clientes, pois é o meu favorito. Além de várias possibilidades de edição de texto, ele tem diversas funcionalidade incluídas, como *****Guia Mercado***** onde você pode comercializar produtos pela rede, tem como intergrar com outros apps de streaming, formar grupos temáticos etc.
- **OXchat** não é exatamente uma rede social tem um layout que lembra um pouco o Whatsapp ou Telegram, serve como uma rede de interação instantânea, tem diversos recursos que achei mais interessante é a lousa, onde é possível interagir no grupo com desenhos etc.
- **Yakihonne** que é justamente o cliente que estou usando para construir este artigo. Como usuário posso dizer que ele tem um foco para criação de Blogs no protocolo Nostr, lembrando que cada cliente tem um layout diferente, ou seja, uso de templates para definir a estrutura do seu blog é meio limitado [ressalva assim como vocês sou iniciante do Nostr, pode ser que tenha como determinar um layout próprio, mas eu mesma não sei como]
Há muitos outros clientes disponíveis para acessar e experimentar e conhecer todos eu recomendo o site: [Nostrapps]( https://nostrapps.com/##all)
Agora que você leu este pequeno guia, se divirta aqui no nostr e não se esqueça de apoia a gente.
Até Mais !!

@ c230edd3:8ad4a712
2025-02-15 17:13:30
## Chef's notes
I prefer to use skinless, boneless chicken thighs. Any part, bone in or out, will work fine. I do recommend removing skin, so that the sauce can saturate the meat.
I like to simmer fresh green beans in the sauce as the chicken cooks through. Any fresh vegetable would work fine. Simply add them early in the cooking time and stir occasionally.
## Details
- ⏲️ Prep time: 10-15 min
- 🍳 Cook time: 30 min - 1 hour
- 🍽️ Servings: 1 - 8, or more
## Ingredients
- Skinless, boneless chicken thighs, or other cut
- Garlic Powder
- Garlic Cloves, 1 per piece of chicken, minced & salted
- Butter, 1 Tbsp per piece
- Chicken Broth or White Wine, approx 1/4 c. per piece
- oil for searing
## Directions
1. Heat oil over med-high heat in appropriate sized pan
2. Season chicken with garlic powder on both sides
3. Brown chicken, smooth side first. Flip and repeat
4. While chicken is browning, mince and salt garlic
5. Add butter to the pan, scrape loose any caramelized bits from the pan, as the butter melts
6. Add minced garlic, and saute until soft and fragrant
7. Add chicken broth or wine and stir, add vegetables if desired
8. Increase heat to bring to a boil, then reduce heat to simmer
9. During simmer, scoop sauce over chicken occasionally, more frequently as sauce reduces
10. If cooking vegetables, flip or stir when coating the chicken to ensure they spend time fully submerged
11. Cook until chicken is done, vegetables are soft, and sauce is reduced to a thick paste
12. Serve :)

@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2025-02-15 15:50:17
"Admit it. Sometimes you just need a big strong man." -Xander Harris
Buffy fans should appreciate that reference. It's one of my favorite lines to quote around the house, whenever my wife needs help opening jars.
Today, I said it to my daughter when she tried to open the orange juice herself, which earned a side-eye from the wife. It also led me to think about a possible research hypothesis.
## Idea
I've heard that grip strength has been declining in men, to the point where there's barely a difference anymore between men and women.
Is it possible that something as seemingly trivial as not being any more able to open jars, is reducing the rate of relationship formation?
This was one area where men have historically been able to clearly demonstrate some value.
## Empirical difficulties
I have no idea what the data looks like on either side of this question (grip strength or relationship formation), so I can't say much about specific data problems.
However, there is definitely going to be an issue with "the dreaded third thing". In particular, I'm concerned with how to isolate the impact of grip strength decline from other effects of testosterone decline. Ideally, we'd be able to do a longitudinal study of men, where their grip strengths and testosterone levels are recorded, as well as their relationship status over time.
Since there's no chance of doing that study, the best hope would be to put together some population level numbers over time and see if relationship formation rates still have a correlation with grip strength, after controlling for average testosterone levels.
I hope you enjoyed this half-baked idea. I mentioned to @denlillaapan that it might be fun to share ideas like this on SN. In all likelihood, no one will ever take these ideas any further, but they still might prompt fun discussions.
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/886699

@ 5d4b6c8d:8a1c1ee3
2025-02-15 15:03:10
Much to @realBitcoinDog's chagrin, we did eat out for Valentine's Day. Well, actually, we got some take out, but it definitely wasn't very healthy.
However, we did eat fairly early, so it didn't mess up my fasting.
## Reflections
Even though I had been regularly fasting before February, this Fast February exercise has improved the habit and led to some noticeable outcomes.
The first couple of days, I was kind of snacky. Because of the fiscal fast element of Fast February, I had to snack on whatever was around the house already. That turned out to be the "wrong" type of applesauce that our daughter refuses to eat. After those first few days, though, I really haven't been very snacky.
In fact, my general appetite is noticeably lower.
The most pronounced non-appetite related effect has been more vivid dreams (or at least more memorable dreams).
On the con side, I have felt a little stiffer and have been stretching more often to alleviate muscle tension.
## Score Card
Day 1: 14 hour fast (13 dry)
Day 2: 15 hour fast (14 dry)
Day 3: 17 hours (16 dry)
Day 4: 18 hours (17 dry)
Day 5: 18 hours (16 dry)
Day 6: 19 hours (16 dry)
Day 7: 16 hours (15 dry)
Day 8: 18 hours (17 dry)
Day 9: 17 hours (17 dry)
Day 10: 15 hours (13 dry)
Day 11: 20 hours (19 dry)
Day 12: 20 hours (17 dry)
Day 13: 16 hours (13 dry)
Day 14: 17 hours (15 dry)
Day 15: TBD (16 dry)
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/886640

@ c43d6de3:a6583169
2025-02-15 14:18:07
You’re sitting in the 5am darkness of your living room.
The baby in your arms shifts and you’re afraid she might wake. It's hot, but you wouldn’t dare remove the blankets covering her body.
It seems impossible you could admire anyone more, then you hear the gentle snore of your exhausted wife creep from the gently cracked bedroom door.
You can only imagine what pain she went through to bring this precious girl to the world so you could be holding her now.

Your watch lights up. You dread the sight of that little alarm bell above the time 5:25 and a weight falls on you like a million tiny pieces of lead.
If only you had more time.
You wish you could take your baby girl with you. That way you would have all the time in the day with her and your wife could be left to rest.
You need to work.
You get up as gently as you can. Even so, baby girl shifts in your arms. Her eyes open slightly. The thought of returning a crying baby to your exhausted wife is distressing, it's just not fair.
Baby girl shifts again, her eyes open long enough to spot you in the faint glow of morning twilight and she smiles.
You hold your breath.
The smile remains on baby girl’s face but her eyes close and her head collapses into your chest. You return your baby to her mother’s side and admire them in their slumber.
You need to work. Nothing could ever go wrong with that house so long as you work to keep its walls strong. Some time, when you’re truly needed perhaps you’ll have the money saved up to take the desired time off.
In the absence of the love you share for your family. In the absence of the love others have for you, money loses some value.

If we equate money for what it is, the residue of time, we cannot divorce Love from Money.
It’s important to understand that Money won’t buy you Love and Love should never be exchanged for Money but Time cultivates Love.
These are some key things to keep in mind:
*Life without love is Suffocation*
*Life without money is stress and despair*
*Families are cultivated and grown with love and protected with money.*
*Money is the residue of time.*
Be it Bitcoin or a golden bullion, it exchanges days, hours, minutes, or seconds. What could you do instead if you had money?

Thank you for reading!
If this article resonated with you, let me know with a zap and share it with friends who might find it insightful.
Your help sends a strong signal to keep making content like this!
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@ 19220736:7578e0e9
2025-02-15 14:13:33
- The UK’s Serious Fraud Office issued its first Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO) in January 2025.
- UWOs force individuals to justify wealth or risk asset seizure, with expanded powers since 2023.
- Critics warn of its potential for abuse.
This January, the UK's Serious Fraud Office (SFO) [obtained](https://www.gov.uk/government/news/sfo-secures-first-unexplained-wealth-order-in-100m-fraud-case) its first Unexplained Wealth Order (UWO) to recover a Lake District property valued at approximately £1.5 million. The property is owned by Claire Schools, ex-wife of solicitor Timothy Schools, who was sentenced to 14 years in prison in 2022 for fraud. The UWO requires Ms. Schools to explain within 28 days how the property was acquired; failure to do so may lead to its seizure. This marks the Serious Fraud Office's first use of a UWO.
[UWOs](https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/2002/29/contents) are legal tools first introduced under the Proceeds of Crime Act in 2002, specifically in sections 362A to 362T, as amended by the Criminal Finances Act of 2017. UWOs empower the High Court (or the Court of Session in Scotland) to require individuals to explain the origin of assets over 50,000 GBP that appear disproportionate to their known income. If the individual cannot provide a satisfactory explanation, the assets may be subject to seizure by the government.
UWOs are civil orders and do not require a criminal conviction. Failure to comply with a UWO can make the property presumed recoverable in civil recovery proceedings. Additionally, the court may issue an interim freezing order to prevent the property from being dissipated while under investigation.
In 2023 this law was [updated](https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/economic-crime-transparency-and-enforcement-bill-2022-overarching-documents/factsheet-unexplained-wealth-order-reforms-web-accessible) to expand the scope of UWOs to apply to more individuals, lowering the burden of proof required to apply for UWOs, and allowing faster property seizure if an individual fails to respond or provide a satisfactory explanation. The process echoes witch trials that once accused, you must prove your innocence or forfeit.
The use of a UWO in this case highlights a growing effort by the UK to tackle illicit wealth, but it also raises concerns about the potential for abuse of power.
As explained by Kingsly Napley in [Lexology](https://www.lexology.com/library/detail.aspx?g=287a5b60-5612-4093-ba8f-272252c44cb5) *“The wide range of parties that can be targeted by UWOs, the reverse burden of proof that applies and the pressure on UK authorities to be seen to do more to stamp out suspected dirty money, means that many people may find themselves fighting to retain their assets.”*
With the use of more UWOs to come in the future, the real impact will continue to unfold in the coming years.

@ 7d33ba57:1b82db35
2025-02-15 10:59:27
“Phoneography” is photography using a smartphone instead of a traditional camera.
Here are some solid phoneography tips to enhance your shots:
1. **Master the Basics**
* Clean the lens – Phones are handled all day, and a smudged lens can ruin a shot.
* Tap to focus – Always tap on your subject to ensure it's sharp.
* Use gridlines – Turn on the rule of thirds grid for better composition.
2. **Lighting is Everything**
* Natural light > Flash – Soft morning or golden hour light creates the best results.
* Use reflections & shadows – They add depth and creativity to your shots.
* Adjust exposure manually – Tap and slide up/down to brighten or darken.
3. **Composition Tricks**
* Leading lines – Roads, walls, and fences guide the viewer's eye.
* Framing – Use windows, doors, or natural elements to frame your subject.
* Symmetry & patterns – Create balance and visual interest.
4. **Get Creative with Angles**
* Low angles – Make subjects look larger and dramatic.
* Overhead (flat lay) – Great for food, art, or storytelling shots.
* Close-ups & textures – Capture details for a unique perspective.
5. **Edit Like a Pro**
* Use editing apps – Lightroom Mobile, Snapseed, VSCO for better control.
* Don’t overdo filters – Subtle adjustments in contrast, color, and sharpness are best.
* Shoot in RAW (if your phone allows) – More flexibility in post-processing.
6. **Capture Motion & Time**
* Use burst mode – Great for action shots and selecting the best frame.
* Long exposure apps – Create light trails or smooth water effects.
* Slow-motion & time-lapse – Add dynamic storytelling elements.
7. **Know Your Phone’s Camera Features**
* Ultra-wide & telephoto lenses – Experiment with different focal lengths.
* Night mode – Helps capture better low-light shots without excessive noise.
* Portrait mode – Blurs the background for a professional look.

@ 044da344:073a8a0e
2025-02-15 10:56:45
Vielleicht hätte Matthias Gehler noch ein drittes Mal ansetzen sollen. Versuch Nummer eins, schreibt er ganz zum Schluss, sei in der Tonne gelandet, nachdem ein Freund gesagt habe, dass niemand ein weiteres Sachbuch über die deutsche Wiedervereinigung brauche – vor allem nicht von einem Autor, der live dabei war. Deshalb sei dann „viel Subjektives“ in den Text eingeflossen. Nun: So viel ist das gar nicht. Freundschaften, steht ebenfalls im „Nachtrag“, seien ihm wichtiger. Und wenn es wirklich Interesse an „allen möglichen erlebten Geschichten aus jener Zeit“ geben sollte, dann schreibe er halt ein zweites Buch (S. 252).
Ich melde hiermit Bedarf an. Matthias Gehler, Jahrgang 1954, war Redakteur beim CDU-Blatt *Neue Zeit*, als die Dinge ins Rutschen kamen. Er wurde Referent von Martin Kirchner, dem neuen Generalsekretär der Partei, und nach der Wahl vom 18. März 1990 Sprecher der Regierung von Lothar de Maizière. Gehler hat mit Kohl gesprochen, mit Gorbatschow, mit dem ersten Bush. Er war Vorgesetzter von Angela Merkel, später dann Chefredakteur beim MDR und immer wieder im Dunstkreis der Macht, mindestens bei irgendwelchen Jubiläen. Es gibt Fotos davon im Buch.
Es gibt auch Geschichten, so ist es nicht. Dass der kleine Dünne und der große Dicke nicht miteinander konnten, wusste man schon, auch von Lothar de Maizière persönlich. Da man seine eigenen Qualitäten schlecht selbst würdigen kann, ist es gut, dass Matthias Gehler noch einmal klarmacht, was die DDR an ihrem letzten Regierungschef hatte. Eine Arbeitsbiene, mit allen juristischen Wassern gewaschen, in jeder Hinsicht gebildet und schon deshalb einem Machtmenschen wie Helmut Kohl überlegen und suspekt zugleich. Gehler erzählt ein paar köstliche Anekdoten über die beiden, die ich hier nicht verraten will, und hat auch einen Seitenhieb für Regine Hildebrandt, die bis heute ein Nimbus umgibt, der offenbar nicht ganz zur historischen Wirklichkeit passt. Die SPD-Frau mit dem losen Mundwerk, so erzählt es jedenfalls Gehler, sei oft blank gewesen, wenn es um das Klein-Klein der Regierungsarbeit ging. Eine Vorlage aus ihrem Ministerium? „Die gibt es nicht.“ (S. 154)
Überhaupt: Es sind die Miniaturen, die dieses Buch wertvoll machen. Die Arroganz von Gorbatschow, sicher, und die Mentalität der Berater aus dem Westen, die sich im Einzelfall auch als „Blockwart“ aufgeführt haben (S. 94), mehr aber noch das Porträt von Franz Jahsnowski, DDR-Diplomat, schon Protokollchef von Ulbricht und nun wegen seiner Erfahrung und seiner Kontakte auch für die Neuen nicht zu ersetzen. Gehler nutzt einen Abend in Brüssel, um aus diesem Leben zu berichten und damit in gewisser Weise auch über die DDR und den Umgang mit ihrem Erbe.
> Als Regierung haben wir Honeckers Protokollchef und seinen Stab übernommen – offiziell aus Wertschätzung, inoffiziell, weil der Laden einfach weiterlaufen musste. Die Geschichte kennt keine Stunde Null. Das geht nur mit fähigem Personal. Mancher Altbundesbeamte hätte es lieber anders gehabt. Wir mussten den Beratern von drüben immer wieder erklären, warum wir Menschen des alten Apparates übernommen haben. Jahsnowski steht für viele Meister ihres Fachs, die plötzlich systementwurzelt zwischen den Welten schwebten und ihren Glauben an den Sozialismus überprüften. (S. 124)
Ich schreibe diese Passage ab, weil ich vermute: Hier ist mein Bedarf nach mehr entstanden. Mag Matthias Gehler seine Merkel-Geschichten für sich behalten. Geschenkt. Ich gönne ihm auch die Euphorie der ersten Amerika-Reise und all das, was jetzt über die Politprominenz jener Tage allenfalls zwischen den Zeilen steht, vielleicht auch aus Angst vor der eigenen Courage. Aber die Ambivalenz, die im Jahsnowski-Porträt aufscheint und dann wieder in der Asbest-Affäre um den Palast der Republik: Da geht noch was. Anders formuliert: Wenn immer wieder die große Freiheit beschworen wird, bei den Märzwahlen 1990 genauso wie bei der letzten Volkskammer, dann ist das für meinen Geschmack zu viel Regierungssprecher und zu wenig Zeitzeuge. Matthias Gehler weiß, wie es gelaufen ist (eine „Materialschlacht“, bei der die CDU sogar mit „Nahe-Weinflaschen“ punktete), und könnte sich Schützenhilfe holen, bei [Daniela Dahn](https://medienblog.hypotheses.org/9726) zum Beispiel. Also ein zweites Buch, bitte.

*Matthias Gehler: „Wollen Sie die Einheit – oder nicht?“ Erinnerungen des Regierungssprechers. Berlin: edition ost 2024, 256 Seiten, 18 Euro.*
[Freie Akademie für Medien & Journalismus](https://www.freie-medienakademie.de/)
*Titelbild*: 1990 am Brandeburger Tor. Foto: Merit Schambach (https\://www\.wir-waren-so-frei.de/index.php/Detail/Object/Show/object\_id/392)

@ 0463223a:3b14d673
2025-02-15 08:26:21
*disclaimer - image has no relation to article.
I spend most the time moderately brain dead, how do I know this? By regularly recording my voice. I guess everyone likes to believe they’re pretty smart somehow but listening back to my voice, it is clear I am not. There’s more erms, ums, silences and failure to complete sentences than any fully formed thoughts, the closest to thoughts mostly trail away into silence. I’m not saying this to beat myself up, it’s an observation that I find quite amusing to be honest, It can be quite funny but it’s not exactly what peak performance looks like.
This isn’t ideal so I’m writing these longer form notes to help. Even trying this, I spend way more time blank than typing, I’m gently nudging my brain to try something… a complete thought, I’m not promising anything and it’s unlikely you’re going to read anything illuminating here. Sucks to be you right now right?
A lot of stuff happens doesn’t it? I’ve noticed that it sort of like, happens all the time, like woooaaahhh a thing just happened... and another... and another and they keep happening. I’m resisting to urge the write them out as they happen. I think that service is called The News right? It appears to be linear but I don’t think time is linear? At least not anything beyond a local scale…
I’m sitting in my shed and it's cold, I’ve turned the little heater on but with only 5W of power, it takes a while to heat the space, although once warm, this place holds the heat well, that’s the advantage of using some acoustic treatment for building materials.
I’m trying to evolve around a Value 4 Value economy. I’m struggling tbh. I’m trying things to create value. Over the course of 6 months I’ve generated £100 outside of my usual work. Using money as a metric I’m doing pretty badly. There are people who spend that on a single bottle of wine, and that’s a cheap bottle. But what is value anyway? I don’t know! Maybe someone could do a 16 hour long podcast called What Is Value? A bit like the What Is Money podcast but even longer. 16 hours seems like a sensible length. Were I to host it, 15 hours and 30 minutes would be silence. Maybe that’s a gig for you? I’m just trying out ideas here…
I do get value in other ways though. Playing records for an hour each day and sharing the experience does wonders for my mental health, It keeps my mind open to noises, which no doubt help me in the day job. I also get value from the people who share the time with me, that fact people return each morning suggests they do to. It’s very cool actually. Even if I can’t take credit for Miles Davis and Nightmares On Wax records. It’s still cool. I dig it a lot. I think I’ll keep doing it.
However, I’m still scratching my head how to earn more actual cash. Not that I’m obsessed or anything but it’s the best thing to exchange for food. I tried shoplifting as a kid and I was terrible at it. I didn’t invest the time in getting good at it, I just didn’t want to. More fool me right?
I’ve been doing the sums for setting up a space in town. Including rent, business rates, utilities and paying myself, I’m looking at finding £5,000 per month. Currently I earn between £1,500-£1,800 a month. Not a lot I know. I saw a post someone make looking for work online the other day, they were looking for 10x what I earn. They seem to be pretty good with computers… I bet they’re shit with Phil Collins’ emojis though. So I need to at least 3x the value I can provide in order to make the space work.
There’s probably people reading this thinking ‘get a job’. OK… how about no? I enjoy what I do, that doesn’t mean it’s always fun or not tough but I have a fair amount of autonomy. I don’t think I’m cut out for a ‘job’ but I definitely want to find things I can do which people are happy to swap for cash. This is a different thing all together. A job is targets and performance reviews etc. As I understand it, a person in a suit who earns slightly more than you, tells you if you’re any good on behalf of someone else. If you’re not, instead of telling you to fuck off, they tell you to do more or do better or they’ll tell you to fuck off, trapping you in some weird mind game. And it’s not even their own mind game, it’s a mind game someone else has trapped them into. These chains of mind games can be extremely long and can go through many, many people, literally billions of people find themselves trapped in this weird mind game. It doesn’t sound like my bag at all. I liked the bag James Brown had. That bag was cool.
So I’ll keep thinking… I’m certainly not giving up.

@ f916334d:7d1c88d5
2025-02-15 08:10:52
In recent years, I have thought a lot about how we can free ourselves from centralized systems and build a parallel world where we have greater control over our own lives. I became interested in crypto in 2019 due to ideas about decentralization and separating money from the state. Last year, I realized Bitcoin's superiority as both a store of value and a medium of exchange, leading me to sell all other assets and dedicate my focus entirely to it. This is not my first Nostr account, but I created this new identity with the purpose of sharing my thoughts and ideas in a more in-depth and long-form format.
Bitcoin provides us with the opportunity to exit the old system and build a new economy. It’s not just about money but about creating and using alternative systems on multiple levels: economy, social networks, education, health, privacy, and self-sufficiency. By gradually shifting parts of our lives to more decentralized and reliable systems, we can reduce our exposure to centralized institutions and build a future where individuals have greater freedom and autonomy.
### Why This Matters
The world we live in is characterized by increased surveillance, censorship, and centralized control over both information and the economy. By actively choosing alternative systems, we can build an ecosystem where individual freedom is at the center. This post serves as an introduction to some of the most important areas where I´m trying make changes in my own life.
### Economic Systems
The traditional financial system is built on central banks, government regulations, and inflationary monetary policy. Bitcoin offers a way out by being a decentralized, borderless, and censorship-resistant currency. Transitioning to a Bitcoin-based economy involves:
- Trading directly with Bitcoin instead of fiat currency.
- Use Bitcoin-only exchanges when investing in Bitcoin, such as **[Strike](https://strike.me/)**, **[Relai](https://relai.app/)**, **[Bull Bitcoin](https://bullbitcoin.com/)** and **[River](https://river.com/)** (US only). I prefer **Relai** as it is non-custodial, includes a built-in Lightning wallet, and is a European company. I have had good experiences with **Strike** due to its simplicity, though I have not yet tried the other platforms but have heard positive feedback about them. For peer-to-peer trading, [**Bisq**](https://bisq.network/) and **[RoboSats](https://robosats.com/)** are excellent alternatives that allow users to trade Bitcoin in a decentralized and private manner.
- Using alternative marketplaces based on peer-to-peer trade (e.g., [Shopstr](https://shopstr.store/), [LightningNetwork+ Market](https://lightningnetwork.plus/market)). Supporting and creating circular economies where services and products are bought and sold directly for Bitcoin. I want to explore peer-to-peer trading more and would appreciate any tips or recommendations. 
- Utilizing the **Lightning Network** for fast and low-cost Bitcoin transactions. I use **[Alby Hub](https://getalby.com/)** to host my own Lightning wallet, which I then connect to **[Zeus](https://zeusln.app/)** on my mobile for full Lightning control.
- I use **[Umbrel](https://umbrel.com/)** to run my own **Bitcoin and Lightning node**, which allows me to achieve full sovereignty over my funds and transactions. Another alternative for self-hosting a node is **[Start9](https://start9.com/)**, which offers a similar approach to decentralization and privacy. Using a self-hosted node enables seamless Lightning payments, improved privacy, and full control over transactions. It also allows me to verify my own transactions and contribute to the decentralization of the network.
- **Being your own bank** by securely storing your Bitcoin in **hardware wallets** such as **[Jade](https://blockstream.com/jade/)** (my choice), **[Coldcard](https://coldcard.com/)**, or **[BitBox](https://shiftcrypto.ch/bitbox02/)**. These devices allow you to safely store your private keys offline, protecting your funds from hacks and centralized failures. This concept fascinated me the most when I first became interested in crypto—the idea of not having to rely on a third party to safeguard my assets. Ironically, this also led me into the DeFi rabbit hole for a while. 😅
### Social Systems and Digital Freedom
Big Tech dominates digital communication and collects vast amounts of user data. A parallel social ecosystem can be built through:
- Using decentralized networks like **[Nostr](https://nostr.com/)** (I prefer [Yakihonne](https://yakihonne.com/), [Primal](https://primal.net/), and [Freerse](https://freerse.com/) as clients).
- Participating in physical communities and local initiatives to reduce dependence on online platforms. However, I have found challenges in this area, as many local organizations and community groups rely heavily on mainstream apps for communication.
- Using and supporting open-source software to strengthen this ecosystem. Closed systems often lack transparency, increase the risk of surveillance and censorship. By choosing open-source, we gain more transparency, control, and security. I am a complete beginner in this area and am focusing on finding better alternatives, so I am always open to advice and recommendations.
These are some of the alternatives I am currently exploring and using:
- **Communication:** [Signal](https://signal.org/), [Matrix](https://matrix.org/).
- **Browsers:** [Firefox](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/), [Brave](https://brave.com/).
- **Productivity:** [LibreOffice](https://www.libreoffice.org/), [Joplin](https://joplinapp.org/), [Nextcloud](https://nextcloud.com/) and [Obsidian](https://obsidian.md/).
- **Privacy-focused services:** [Proton](https://proton.me/) and [SimpleX Chat](https://simplex.chat/)
### Health, Nutrition, and Embracing a Low Time Preference
Freedom is not only about financial independence and digital sovereignty; it also includes physical and mental well-being. A strong body and mind enable long-term resilience. I try to follow these principles by prioritizing **nutrient-dense whole foods**, avoiding processed "fiat food," and embracing an **active lifestyle**, but I also stay mindful not to take it to extremes like carnivore or veganism. I do my best to choose regenerative farming and local food sources to support sustainable communities outside of centralized supply chains. Additionally, embracing a **low time preference mindset** enhances decision-making in finance, education, health, and personal development. This approach promotes patience, discipline, and a focus on sustainable, long-term success rather than immediate rewards. Since becoming a father, I have thought about this even more, wanting to build a strong foundation and leave a meaningful legacy for the future. By prioritizing long-term stability over short-term convenience, we gain greater autonomy and resilience in all areas of life. This principle is deeply embedded in Bitcoin culture and extends to all aspects of life.
### Education
State-run school systems have long been the norm, but they suffer from standardization, political control, and a lack of individual adaptation. I make a conscious effort to focus on self-directed learning and critical thinking as a way to develop a deeper understanding and independence in both my personal and professional life. We have chosen to enroll our son in a private school that aligns with our values and that we actively help manage. Alternative educational paths can include:
- **Self-directed learning** through platforms like [Khan Academy](https://www.khanacademy.org/), [Coursera](https://www.coursera.org/), and [Saylor Academy](https://www.saylor.org/).
- **Strengthening critical thinking** by actively questioning information, exploring different perspectives, and applying source critique methods.
- **Learning through experience and mentorship**, where practical skills and real-world application take precedence over purely theoretical knowledge and traditional grading systems.
- **Homeschooling** as an alternative for families who want more control over their children's education. While I am not fully convinced if it is the right path for everyone, it does offer a way to tailor learning experiences to individual needs and values.
### Strategies for Transitioning to Parallel Systems
Transitioning to greater freedom requires a step-by-step approach. The goal is to gradually detach from centralized systems and build self-sovereignty across finance, communication, health, and learning. Lately, this journey has really gotten me excited and made me more optimistic about the future.
1. **Economy:** Start accepting Bitcoin for small services, use the Lightning Network for micropayments.
2. **Social:** Use Nostr as your social media solution and experiment with Matrix and other decentralized apps to enhance your digital autonomy.
3. **Technology:** Prioritize the use of open-source software (OSS) whenever possible.
4. **Education:** Identify an area you want to learn more about and test an alternative learning method outside the state system.
5. **Privacy:** Begin using privacy-focused services for email, messaging, and browsing.
6. **Running a Node:** Set up your own Bitcoin and Lightning node using Umbrel or Start9 to gain full control over your transactions and privacy.
7. **Self-Custody:** Secure your Bitcoin with a hardware wallet to ensure full ownership and protection.
8. **Health:** Focus on whole foods, movement, and personal well-being as key aspects of independence.
9. **Embrace a low time preference:** To delay gratification and achieve greater long-term rewards.
10. **Spreading Knowledge:** Share your experiences and lessons with others to encourage more people to understand and engage in parallel systems. By educating and inspiring those around us, we can collectively build a stronger decentralized future.
### The Future of Parallel Systems
Although many of the technological solutions are still in their infancy, many of the underlying principles – such as circular economies, physical communities, and local initiatives – are based on old and proven methods that have sometimes been forgotten. The more people choose to participate, the stronger they become. By choosing decentralized and self-governed alternatives, we can create a future where we have greater control over our own lives and reduce dependence on institutions that do not have our best interests at heart. One of my biggest challenges is spreading this perspective within my local community. I often find myself in conversations where people don't even see centralization as a problem, which makes it difficult to spark interest in alternatives. I sometimes struggle with finding alternatives that are both private and easy to use. While I see the value of OSS, I also understand why many stick to mainstream solutions. I plan to delve deeper into the various topics covered in this text in future posts, exploring their practical applications and challenges in greater detail.
If you are reading this, you have already taken the first step by joining Nostr – which is a strong start! What does your journey look like? What tools do you use to become more independent? Share your experiences and tips!
\#Bitcoin #SelfSovereignty #Decentralization #Freedom #Technology #OpenSource #Privacy #LightningNetwork #Nostr #LowTimePreference #Health #Nutrition #CircularEconomy

@ da0b9bc3:4e30a4a9
2025-02-15 07:47:12
Hello Stackers!
Welcome on into the ~Music Corner of the Saloon!
A place where we Talk Music. Share Tracks. Zap Sats.
So stay a while and listen.
🚨Don't forget to check out the pinned items in the territory homepage! You can always find the latest weeklies there!🚨
🚨Subscribe to the territory to ensure you never miss a post! 🚨
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/886437

@ fd208ee8:0fd927c1
2025-02-15 07:37:01
E-cash are coupons or tokens for Bitcoin, or Bitcoin debt notes that the mint issues. The e-cash states, essentially, "IoU 2900 sats".
They're redeemable for Bitcoin on Lightning (hard money), and therefore can be used as cash (softer money), so long as the mint has a good reputation. That means that they're less fungible than Lightning because the e-cash from one mint can be more or less valuable than the e-cash from another. If a mint is buggy, offline, or disappears, then the e-cash is unreedemable.
It also means that e-cash is more anonymous than Lightning, and that the sender and receiver's wallets don't need to be online, to transact. Nutzaps now add the possibility of parking transactions one level farther out, on a relay. The same relays that cannot keep npub profiles and follow lists consistent will now do monetary transactions.
What we then have is
* a **transaction on a relay** that triggers
* a **transaction on a mint** that triggers
* a **transaction on Lightning** that triggers
* a **transaction on Bitcoin**.
Which means that every relay that stores the nuts is part of a wildcat banking system. Which is fine, but relay operators should consider whether they wish to carry the associated risks and liabilities. They should also be aware that they should implement the appropriate features in their relay, such as expiration tags (nuts rot after 2 weeks), and to make sure that only expired nuts are deleted.
There will be plenty of specialized relays for this, so don't feel pressured to join in, and research the topic carefully, for yourself.

@ d360efec:14907b5f
2025-02-15 05:55:28
**ภาพรวม BTCUSDT (OKX):**
Bitcoin (BTCUSDT) แสดงความผันผวนอย่างต่อเนื่อง แนวโน้มหลักในระยะยาว (TF Day) ยังคงเป็นขาขึ้น แต่ระยะกลาง (TF 4H) เริ่มอ่อนแรง และระยะสั้น (TF 15m) กลับตัวเป็นขาลง ทำให้เกิดความขัดแย้งระหว่าง Timeframes
**วิเคราะห์ทีละ Timeframe:**
**(1) TF Day (รายวัน):**

* **แนวโน้ม:** ขาขึ้น (Uptrend)
* **SMC:**
* Higher Highs (HH) และ Higher Lows (HL)
* Break of Structure (BOS) ด้านบน
* **EMA:**
* ราคาอยู่เหนือ EMA 50 (สีเหลือง) และ EMA 200 (สีขาว)
* EMA 50 และ EMA 200 ยังคงเรียงตัวแบบ Golden Cross
* **Money Flow (LuxAlgo):**
* สีเขียวเป็นส่วนใหญ่ แสดงถึงแรงซื้อที่ยังคงมีอยู่
* มีแท่งสีแดงแทรกบ้าง แสดงถึงการขายทำกำไร
* **Volume Profile:**
* Volume หนาแน่นที่บริเวณต่ำกว่าราคาปัจจุบัน (92,000 - 94,000)
* **แท่งเทียน:**
* แท่งเทียนล่าสุดเป็นสีแดง แสดงถึงแรงขาย
* **แนวรับ:** EMA 50, EMA 200, บริเวณ 92,000-94,000
* **แนวต้าน:** 109,998.9 (High เดิม)
* **สรุป:** แนวโน้มหลักยังเป็นขาขึ้น แต่เริ่มมีแรงขายเข้ามา
**(2) TF4H (4 ชั่วโมง):**

* **แนวโน้ม:** ขาขึ้น (Uptrend) เริ่มอ่อนแรงลง, มีการพักตัว
* **SMC:**
* Higher Highs (HH) และ Higher Lows (HL) เริ่มไม่ชัดเจน
* Break of Structure (BOS) ด้านบน
* Equal Highs (EQH) ที่บริเวณ High เดิม
* **EMA:**
* ราคาหลุด EMA 50 ลงมาแล้ว
* EMA 200 เป็นแนวรับถัดไป
* **Money Flow (LuxAlgo):**
* สีเขียวและแดงผสมกัน, แท่งสีแดงเริ่มยาวขึ้น แสดงถึงแรงขายที่เข้ามา
* **Volume Profile:**
* Volume สูง
* **แท่งเทียน:**
* แท่งเทียนล่าสุดเป็นสีแดง แสดงถึงแรงขาย
* **แนวรับ:** EMA 200, บริเวณ 92,000-94,000
* **แนวต้าน:** EMA 50, บริเวณ High เดิม
* **สรุป:** แนวโน้มขาขึ้นเริ่มอ่อนแรง, แรงขายเริ่มเข้ามา, EMA 50 หลุด
**(3) TF15 (15 นาที):**

* **แนวโน้ม:** ขาลง (Downtrend)
* **SMC:**
* Lower Highs (LH) และ Lower Lows (LL)
* Break of Structure (BOS) ด้านล่าง
* **EMA:**
* EMA 50 และ EMA 200 เป็นแนวต้าน
* **Money Flow (LuxAlgo):**
* สีแดงเป็นส่วนใหญ่ แสดงถึงแรงขาย
* **Volume Profile:**
* Volume ค่อนข้างเบาบาง
* **แนวรับ:** บริเวณ Low ล่าสุด
* **แนวต้าน:** EMA 50, EMA 200, บริเวณ High ก่อนหน้า
* **สรุป:** แนวโน้มขาลง, แรงขายมีอิทธิพล
**สรุปภาพรวมและกลยุทธ์ (BTCUSDT):**
* **แนวโน้มหลัก (Day):** ขาขึ้น
* **แนวโน้มรอง (4H):** ขาขึ้น (อ่อนแรง)
* **แนวโน้มระยะสั้น (15m):** ขาลง
* **Money Flow:**
* Day: แรงซื้อยังคงมี
* 4H: แรงขายเริ่มเข้ามา
* 15m: แรงขายมีอิทธิพล
* **กลยุทธ์:**
1. **Wait & See (ดีที่สุด):** รอความชัดเจน
2. **Buy on Dip (Day, 4H) - *เสี่ยงสูงมาก*:** ต้องรอสัญญาณกลับตัวใน TF15
3. **Short (15m, เสี่ยงสูง):** ถ้าไม่สามารถ Breakout EMA/แนวต้านได้
* **ความขัดแย้งของ Timeframes:** ยังคงมีอยู่
* **Money Flow:** Day เป็นบวก, 4H เริ่มเป็นลบ, 15m เป็นลบ
* **EMA 50 (TF4H):** หลุดลงมาแล้ว
* **ถ้าไม่แน่ใจ อย่าเพิ่งเข้าเทรด**
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@ ed5774ac:45611c5c
2025-02-15 05:38:56
**Bitcoin as Collateral for U.S. Debt: A Deep Dive into the Financial Mechanics**
The U.S. government’s proposal to declare Bitcoin as a 'strategic reserve' is a calculated move to address its unsustainable debt obligations, but it threatens to undermine Bitcoin’s original purpose as a tool for financial freedom. To fully grasp the implications of this plan, we must first understand the financial mechanics of debt creation, the role of collateral in sustaining debt, and the historical context of the petro-dollar system. Additionally, we must examine how the U.S. and its allies have historically sought new collateral to back their debt, including recent attempts to weaken Russia through the Ukraine conflict.
**The Vietnam War and the Collapse of the Gold Standard**
The roots of the U.S. debt crisis can be traced back to the Vietnam War. The war created an unsustainable budget deficit, forcing the U.S. to borrow heavily to finance its military operations. By the late 1960s, the U.S. was spending billions of dollars annually on the war, leading to a significant increase in public debt. Foreign creditors, particularly France, began to lose confidence in the U.S. dollar’s ability to maintain its value. In a dramatic move, French President Charles de Gaulle sent warships to New York to demand the conversion of France’s dollar reserves into gold, as per the Bretton Woods Agreement.
This demand exposed the fragility of the U.S. gold reserves. By 1971, President Richard Nixon was forced to suspend the dollar’s convertibility to gold, effectively ending the Bretton Woods system. This move, often referred to as the "Nixon Shock," declared the U.S. bankrupt and transformed the dollar into a fiat currency backed by nothing but trust in the U.S. government. The collapse of the gold standard marked the beginning of the U.S.’s reliance on artificial systems to sustain its debt. With the gold standard gone, the U.S. needed a new way to back its currency and debt—a need that would lead to the creation of the petro-dollar system.
**The Petro-Dollar System: A New Collateral for Debt**
In the wake of the gold standard’s collapse, the U.S. faced a critical challenge: how to maintain global confidence in the dollar and sustain its ability to issue debt. The suspension of gold convertibility in 1971 left the dollar as a fiat currency—backed by nothing but trust in the U.S. government. To prevent a collapse of the dollar’s dominance and ensure its continued role as the world’s reserve currency, the U.S. needed a new system to artificially create demand for dollars and provide a form of indirect backing for its debt.
The solution came in the form of the petro-dollar system. In the 1970s, the U.S. struck a deal with Saudi Arabia and other OPEC nations to price oil exclusively in U.S. dollars. In exchange, the U.S. offered military protection and economic support. This arrangement created an artificial demand for dollars, as countries needed to hold USD reserves to purchase oil. Additionally, oil-exporting nations reinvested their dollar revenues in U.S. Treasuries, effectively recycling petro-dollars back into the U.S. economy. This recycling of petrodollars provided the U.S. with a steady inflow of capital, allowing it to finance its deficits and maintain low interest rates.
To further bolster the system, the U.S., under the guidance of Henry Kissinger, encouraged OPEC to dramatically increase oil prices in the 1970s. The 1973 oil embargo and subsequent price hikes, masterminded by Kissinger, quadrupled the cost of oil, creating a windfall for oil-exporting nations. These nations, whose wealth surged significantly due to the rising oil prices, reinvested even more heavily in U.S. Treasuries and other dollar-denominated assets. This influx of petrodollars increased demand for U.S. debt, enabling the U.S. to issue more debt at lower interest rates. Additionally, the appreciation in the value of oil—a critical global commodity—provided the U.S. banking sector with the necessary collateral to expand credit generation. Just as a house serves as collateral for a mortgage, enabling banks to create new debt, the rising value of oil boosted the asset values of Western corporations that owned oil reserves or invested in oil infrastructure projects. This increase in asset values allowed these corporations to secure larger loans, providing banks with the collateral needed to expand credit creation and inject more dollars into the economy. However, these price hikes also caused global economic turmoil, disproportionately affecting developing nations. As the cost of energy imports skyrocketed, these nations faced mounting debt burdens, exacerbating their economic struggles and deepening global inequality.
**The Unsustainable Debt Crisis and the Search for New Collateral**
Fast forward to the present day, and the U.S. finds itself in a familiar yet increasingly precarious position. The 2008 financial crisis and the 2020 pandemic have driven the U.S. government’s debt to unprecedented levels, now exceeding $34 trillion, with a debt-to-GDP ratio surpassing 120%. At the same time, the petro-dollar system—the cornerstone of the dollar’s global dominance—is under significant strain. The rise of alternative currencies and the shifting power dynamics of a multipolar world have led to a decline in the dollar’s role in global trade, particularly in oil transactions. For instance, China now pays Saudi Arabia in yuan for oil imports, while Russia sells its oil and gas in rubles and other non-dollar currencies. This growing defiance of the dollar-dominated system reflects a broader trend toward economic independence, as nations like China and Russia seek to reduce their reliance on the U.S. dollar. As more countries bypass the dollar in trade, the artificial demand for dollars created by the petro-dollar system is eroding, undermining the ability of US to sustain its debt and maintain global financial hegemony.
In search of new collateral to carry on its unsustainable debt levels amid declining demand for the U.S. dollar, the U.S., together with its Western allies—many of whom face similar sovereign debt crises—first attempted to weaken Russia and exploit its vast natural resources as collateral. The U.S. and its NATO allies used Ukraine as a proxy to destabilize Russia, aiming to fragment its economy, colonize its territory, and seize control of its natural resources, estimated to be worth around $75 trillion. By gaining access to these resources, the West could have used them as collateral for the banking sector, enabling massive credit expansion. This, in turn, would have alleviated the sovereign debt crisis threatening both the EU and the U.S. This plan was not unprecedented; it mirrored France’s long-standing exploitation of its former African colonies through the CFA franc system.
For decades, France has maintained economic control over 14 African nations through the CFA franc, a currency pegged to the euro and backed by the French Treasury. Under this system, these African countries are required to deposit 50% of their foreign exchange reserves into the French Treasury, effectively giving France control over their monetary policy and economic sovereignty. This arrangement allows France to use African resources and reserves as implicit collateral to issue debt, keeping its borrowing costs low and ensuring demand for its bonds. In return, African nations are left with limited control over their own economies, forced to prioritize French interests over their own development. This neo-colonial system has enabled France to sustain its financial dominance while perpetuating poverty and dependency in its former colonies.
Just as France’s CFA franc system relies on the economic subjugation of African nations to sustain its financial dominance, the U.S. had hoped to use Russia’s resources as a lifeline for its debt-ridden economy. However, the plan ultimately failed. Russia not only resisted the sweeping economic sanctions imposed by the West but also decisively defeated NATO’s proxy forces in Ukraine, thwarting efforts to fragment its economy and seize control of its $75 trillion in natural resources. This failure left the U.S. and its allies without a new source of collateral to back their unsustainable debt levels. With this plan in ruins, the U.S. has been forced to turn its attention to Bitcoin as a potential new collateral for its unsustainable debt.
**Bitcoin as Collateral: The U.S. Government’s Plan**
The U.S. government’s plan to declare Bitcoin as a strategic reserve is a modern-day equivalent of the gold standard or petro-dollar system. Here’s how it would work:
1. Declaring Bitcoin as a Strategic Reserve: By officially recognizing Bitcoin as a reserve asset, the U.S. would signal to the world that it views Bitcoin as a store of value akin to gold. This would legitimize Bitcoin in the eyes of institutional investors and central banks.
2. Driving Up Bitcoin’s Price: To make Bitcoin a viable collateral, its price must rise significantly. The U.S. would achieve this by encouraging regulatory clarity, promoting institutional adoption, and creating a state-driven FOMO (fear of missing out). This would mirror the 1970s oil price hikes that bolstered the petro-dollar system.
3. Using Bitcoin to Back Debt: Once Bitcoin’s price reaches a sufficient level, the U.S. could use its Bitcoin reserves as collateral for issuing new debt. This would restore confidence in U.S. Treasuries and allow the government to continue borrowing at low interest rates.
The U.S. government’s goal is clear: to use Bitcoin as a tool to issue more debt and reinforce the dollar’s role as the global reserve currency. By forcing Bitcoin into a store-of-value role, the U.S. would replicate the gold standard’s exploitative dynamics, centralizing control in the hands of large financial institutions and central banks. This would strip Bitcoin of its revolutionary potential and undermine its promise of decentralization. Meanwhile, the dollar—in digital forms like USDT—would remain the primary medium of exchange, further entrenching the parasitic financial system.
Tether plays a critical role in this strategy. As explored in my previous article (here: [https://ersan.substack.com/p/is-tether-a-bitcoin-company]), Tether helps sustaining the current financial system by purchasing U.S. Treasuries, effectively providing life support for the U.S. debt machine during a period of declining demand for dollar-denominated assets. Now, with its plans to issue stablecoins on the Bitcoin blockchain, Tether is positioning itself as a bridge between Bitcoin and the traditional financial system. By issuing USDT on the Lightning Network, Tether could lure the poor in developing nations—who need short-term price stability for their day to day payments and cannot afford Bitcoin’s volatility—into using USDT as their primary medium of exchange. This would not only create an artificial demand for the dollar and extend the life of the parasitic financial system that Bitcoin was designed to dismantle but would also achieve this by exploiting the very people who have been excluded and victimized by the same system—the poor and unbanked in developing nations, whose hard-earned money would be funneled into sustaining the very structures that perpetuate their oppression.
Worse, USDT on Bitcoin could function as a de facto central bank digital currency (CBDC), where all transactions can be monitored and sanctioned by governments at will. For example, Tether’s centralized control over USDT issuance and its ties to traditional financial institutions make it susceptible to government pressure. Authorities could compel Tether to implement KYC (Know Your Customer) rules, freeze accounts, or restrict transactions, effectively turning USDT into a tool of financial surveillance and control. This would trap users in a system where every transaction is subject to government oversight, effectively stripping Bitcoin of its censorship-resistant and decentralized properties—the very features that make it a tool for financial freedom.
In this way, the U.S. government’s push for Bitcoin as a store of value, combined with Tether’s role in promoting USDT as a medium of exchange, creates a two-tiered financial system: one for the wealthy, who can afford to hold Bitcoin as a hedge against inflation, and another for the poor, who are trapped in a tightly controlled, surveilled digital economy. This perpetuates the very inequalities Bitcoin was designed to dismantle, turning it into a tool of oppression rather than liberation.
**Conclusion: Prolonging the Parasitic Financial System**
The U.S. government’s plan to declare Bitcoin as a strategic reserve is not a step toward financial innovation or freedom—it is a desperate attempt to prolong the life of a parasitic financial system that Bitcoin was created to replace. By co-opting Bitcoin, the U.S. would gain a new tool to issue more debt, enabling it to continue its exploitative practices, including proxy wars, economic sanctions, and the enforcement of a unipolar world order.
The petro-dollar system was built on the exploitation of oil-exporting nations and the global economy. A Bitcoin-backed system would likely follow a similar pattern, with the U.S. using its dominance to manipulate Bitcoin’s price and extract value from the rest of the world. This would allow the U.S. to sustain its current financial system, in which it prints money out of thin air to purchase real-world assets and goods, enriching itself at the expense of other nations.
Bitcoin was designed to dismantle this parasitic system, offering an escape hatch for those excluded from or exploited by traditional financial systems. By declaring Bitcoin a strategic reserve, the U.S. government would destroy Bitcoin’s ultimate purpose, turning it into another instrument of control. This is not a victory for Bitcoin or bitcoiners—it is a tragedy for financial freedom and global equity.
The Bitcoin strategic reserve plan is not progress—it is a regression into the very system Bitcoin was designed to dismantle. As bitcoiners, we must resist this co-option and fight to preserve Bitcoin’s original vision: a decentralized, sovereign, and equitable financial system for all. **This means actively working to ensure Bitcoin is used as a medium of exchange, not just a store of value, to fulfill its promise of financial freedom.**

@ c582af78:698069cc
2025-02-15 04:20:11
### **1. The Battle of Cannae (216 BC) – Rome’s Darkest Hour, and Its Defining Moment**
During the **Second Punic War**, Hannibal of Carthage faced a Roman army that **outnumbered his forces 2-to-1**. Instead of retreating, he met them head-on with a brilliant tactical maneuver. His army **encircled and annihilated** the Romans, slaughtering over **50,000 soldiers in a single day**—one of the most devastating defeats in Roman history.
Any other nation would have surrendered. But Rome refused. Instead, it adapted, shifting to a **war of attrition**, avoiding direct confrontations, and gradually wearing down Hannibal’s forces.
Cannae became a paradox—it was Rome’s **greatest defeat**, yet it forged the **Roman spirit** of perseverance and relentless determination. Rome ultimately turned the tide, **defeated Carthage**, and emerged as the dominant power in the Mediterranean.
Hannibal’s tactics at Cannae **changed warfare forever**. His use of battlefield deception and encirclement is still studied in military academies today, and no commander worth his salt is unfamiliar with **Hannibal’s masterpiece at Cannae**.
### **2. The Battle of Marathon (490 BC) – The Birth of Western Civilization**
When **King Darius I of Persia** invaded Greece, he sought to **crush Athens** and expand Persian control. The Athenians, vastly outnumbered, faced what seemed like certain defeat. But instead of waiting for the Persians to march inland, they **struck first**.
Using superior tactics and their knowledge of the terrain, the Athenians **routed the Persian army**, sending them fleeing to their ships.
This **stunning victory** didn’t just preserve Greek independence—it safeguarded the **nascent idea of democracy**. Without it, the **Golden Age of Greece**—the era that produced **Socrates, the Parthenon, and the foundations of Western philosophy and governance**—might never have happened.
Marathon remains a symbol of **strategy and courage overcoming overwhelming odds**. Without it, the world might never have known **Athenian democracy, Greek philosophy, or the cultural foundations of the West**.
### **3. The Battle of Hastings (1066) – The Making of Modern England**
In **1066**, William of Normandy led his army across the English Channel to claim the throne of England. At **the Battle of Hastings**, he faced **King Harold II’s Anglo-Saxon forces** in a brutal fight that would decide the future of the island.
William’s forces employed **innovative strategies**, including a **feigned retreat**, which broke Harold’s defensive lines. Harold was killed, and with him, Anglo-Saxon rule in England.
Hastings **completely transformed England**. The Normans introduced **a new ruling elite**, reshaped governance, and left an enduring mark on the English language. **Old English fused with Norman French**, laying the foundation for **modern English**.
Beyond language, the Norman conquest brought England **closer to continental Europe**, influencing its **legal systems, architecture, and culture for centuries**. Hastings wasn’t just a military victory—it was a **cultural watershed** that forever changed England and, by extension, the world.
### **4. The Battle of Lepanto (1571) – Christendom Strikes Back**
By the **late 16th century**, the **Ottoman Empire** had become a **dominant naval power**, threatening Christian trading colonies and the stability of **Europe’s maritime trade routes**.
In **1570**, the Ottomans besieged the Venetian-held **island of Cyprus**. After an **11-month siege**, the starving Venetian garrison **surrendered under promises of safe passage**—but the Ottomans **betrayed them, imprisoned the soldiers, and flayed their commander alive**.
In response, the **Papal States, Spain, Venice, Genoa, and other Christian powers** set aside their rivalries and **formed the Holy League**. In a climactic naval showdown, over **130,000 men** engaged in a **fierce battle** that ultimately ended in a **decisive Christian victory**.
Lepanto **halted Ottoman expansion** into the western Mediterranean and reestablished European control over crucial sea routes. Among the soldiers that day was **Miguel de Cervantes**, who was wounded and lost the use of his left arm. His experience shaped his literary masterpiece, **Don Quixote**, further embedding Lepanto’s legacy in **European art and culture**.
### **5. The Battle of Trafalgar (1805) – Britain Secures Global Supremacy**
In **1805**, Napoleon sought to **break British naval dominance** by uniting the French and Spanish fleets against Admiral **Horatio Nelson**. The **Battle of Trafalgar** would decide the fate of European power at sea.
Outnumbered, Nelson devised an **unorthodox strategy**, splitting his fleet into two **perpendicular columns** to punch through enemy lines. The result? **A decisive British victory**—**22 enemy ships destroyed** without a single British vessel lost.
Trafalgar didn’t just **shatter Napoleon’s naval ambitions**—it secured **Britain’s command of the seas for over a century**. This naval dominance paved the way for the **Pax Britannica**, allowing Britain to expand its **empire** and maintain global influence well into the 20th century.
But Trafalgar’s legacy is also bittersweet—**Nelson was fatally shot in battle**. As he lay dying, he was informed of the victory. His last words?
> *“Now I am satisfied. Thank God, I have done my duty.”*
Nelson’s death turned him into a **national hero**, and Trafalgar became a defining moment in British history.
## **More Than Just Battles**
These five battles weren’t just **clashes of armies**—they were **turning points that shaped the world**.
- **Cannae** forged Rome’s resilience.
- **Marathon** preserved Greek democracy.
- **Hastings** reshaped England’s culture and language.
- **Lepanto** altered the balance of power in the Mediterranean.
- **Trafalgar** secured British naval dominance for a century.
Each of these battles **reshaped civilizations**—proving that history isn’t just written in words, but also in **blood, steel, and strategy**.

@ 8412613c:df65608a
2025-02-15 04:09:30
> The spiritual foundations of humanity were laid simultaneously and independently... And these are the foundations upon which humanity still subsists today. - Karl Jaspers.
The philosopher Karl Jaspers coined the term “**Axial Age**” to describe the period from the 8th to the 3rd century BCE. This era witnessed the emergence of major world philosophical and religious traditions, with key figures such as Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle in Greece; Buddha and various schools of Hindu philosophy in India; Confucius and Lao Tzu in China; Zoroaster in Persia; and the Hebrew prophets such as Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Ezekiel. While the exact dates of some figures remain debated, their influence is clearly situated within the intellectual shifts of this era.
What makes the Axial Age so compelling is that the ideas that came out of it are still applicable to our lives. As John Vervaeke observes: *"If I were to ask: Have you read anything from the Bronze Age? Have you read the Epic of Gilgamesh, or the Egyptian Book of the Dead? The Sumerian, Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations were colossal in their scale and influence, but most of us have not retained a direct relationship to their mythology. Alternatively, if I ask the same question of the Bible, or Plato, or the teachings of the Buddha, chances are you have read them, or at least assimilated a relationship to them. We somehow feel that these figures are relevant to us in a way that the Bronze Age figures are not. We don’t see ourselves in the Bronze Age; there is a discontinuity of identity between the kind of human beings we are now and the kind of human beings we observe in these earlier incarnations of our species.”* (p. 60)
Many scholars view this era as almost mystical, questioning why such a remarkable concentration of great thinkers emerged within a relatively short time. However, in this lecture, Professor Wesley Cecil explains this historical window in a way that *makes sense*. Cecil explains that the shift from hunter-gatherer societies to agrarian societies, coupled with the development of cities and trade networks, led to complex social structures. These societies also struggled with questions surrounding money, foreign goods, and foreign ideas.
Cecil's observation about the connection between leisure, met needs, education, and the contemplation of profound questions is insightful. He points out that you only ask questions about meaning when you have free time, choices, and some education. This wasn't a widespread concern before the Axial Age, simply because most people didn't have those luxuries. The reason these philosophers still resonate with us is that the problems they addressed are still with us. They were among the first to consider how to live in cities, money, foreign people and ideas. Like them, we're trying to figure out how to live in a world we don't rule, where we aren't in charge, but neither are we enslaved.
Technology in our days is also bringing us back to these profound topics, as the introduction of technology did for them. For us, consider the nature of money with the arrival of Bitcoin, human nature with the idea of transhumanism, and human purpose with the prospect of job replacement by AI.
Cecil argues that the Axial Age was a pivotal point in human history. Cecil concludes that we are currently living through another axial age, facing new problems and challenges that our existing systems and structures cannot address. I am excited to see how these challenges will bring forth the best of humanity and new profound thinkers who will influence future generations.
### References
Vervaeke, John; Mastropietro, Christopher. Awakening From the Meaning Crisis: Part 1: Origins. Kindle Edition
The Ancients: Axial Age. By Wes Cecil
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/5QOzB_vlkZ8?si=f1jLW2IdU1LlOMR-" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" referrerpolicy="strict-origin-when-cross-origin" allowfullscreen></iframe>

@ 57d1a264:69f1fee1
2025-02-15 03:52:36
The lead dev @gandlaf21 from [brrr.gandlaf.com](https://brrr.gandlaf.com) (https://github.com/gandlafbtc/cashu-brrr) reached out to me with an idea: a design contest for ecash paper note templates. Brrr is a paper note ecash generator that lets you easily create and print ecash in the form of bank-style paper notes.
We're thinking of putting up 150k sats as a prize pool to make it fun.
I think this could be a fun opportunity for the Bitcoin Design Community. I’m happy to lead it, but I’d love to get your thoughts. Here are a couple of directions I think it could take:
Could this fit into the next Designathon? Maybe we create a dedicated track for it with a side bounty or prize for the best note design.
Or should we keep it separate and run it as a standalone contest, promoting it as a unique, one-off event?
What do you guys think?
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/886379

@ 57d1a264:69f1fee1
2025-02-15 03:51:09

🧐 Who is the main character of 100,000 sats?!
📋 Checklist
I hope BitcoinSocialLayer will be well recognized when conducting BSL activities at home and abroad.
✅ Photo 1 is a list of participating organizations for the Chiang Mai conference sats 'n' facts. When viewed by a third party, BSL is an abbreviation, so additional explanation is needed, but the spelling BSL does not come to mind.
✅ It may be helpful to refer to the sponsor lists on the pages of other Bitcoin conferences or meetups, such as the Tokyo Conference in Photo 2, to help you write your draft.
* In addition to AI, Photoshop, and Illustrator, you can also use PPT or images in PNG format.
- Please create a logo that fits the name Bitcoin Social Layer:
- Key words: Bitcoin, expert, service, South Korea
- Prize: 100,000 sat
- Submission: bitcoinsociallayer@gmail.com
- Logo high-resolution original file, logo description
- Period: until midnight on February 28th.
- All legal and commercial rights of the winning logo will be transferred to BSL (copyright transfer agreement will be signed and trademark registration will be processed)
- Plagiarized and other copyright infringing logos may be disqualified.
- Depending on the results, there may be no winner. In this case, we will continue to use the existing logo.
Source: https://x.com/BTCSocialLayer/status/1888887772083335519

originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/886369

@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-02-15 02:53:03
In the ever-evolving landscape of finance, two names have consistently dominated the conversation in recent years: Bitcoin and Ethereum. These cryptocurrencies have not only revolutionized the way we think about money but have also paved the way for a future where digital assets play a central role. As we stand at the cusp of a new era in finance, it's crucial to understand the significance of these two giants in the crypto world. This article takes a deep dive into Bitcoin and Ethereum, exploring their origins, their impact on the financial sector, and what the future might hold for these digital currencies.
**Table of Contents**
- Bitcoin: The Pioneer of Cryptocurrency
- Ethereum: More Than Just a Cryptocurrency
- The Impact on the Financial Sector
- The Future Outlook
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**Bitcoin: The Pioneer of Cryptocurrency**
Bitcoin, created by the mysterious figure or group known as Satoshi Nakamoto, emerged in 2009 as the first decentralized digital currency. It introduced the world to the concept of a blockchain, a distributed ledger technology that ensures security and transparency in transactions. Over the years, Bitcoin has become synonymous with cryptocurrency, often being the first token that comes to mind when discussing digital assets. Its primary appeal lies in its decentralized nature, free from the control of any government or financial institution, offering a form of financial freedom and privacy that traditional currencies cannot.
However, Bitcoin is not without its challenges. Its scalability issues, high transaction fees, and extensive energy consumption due to mining activities have been points of contention. Despite these challenges, Bitcoin has maintained its position as the leading cryptocurrency, often referred to as digital gold, and continues to attract significant investment from both retail and institutional investors.
**Ethereum: More Than Just a Cryptocurrency**
Ethereum, proposed in late 2013 by programmer Vitalik Buterin, is often considered the second most important cryptocurrency after Bitcoin. However, Ethereum offers much more than just a digital currency; it's a platform for decentralized applications (dApps). The introduction of smart contracts on Ethereum's blockchain has opened up possibilities far beyond simple monetary transactions. These self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code have enabled the development of a wide range of applications, from decentralized finance (DeFi) to non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
Ethereum's flexibility and adaptability have made it a cornerstone of the blockchain development community. However, like Bitcoin, it faces its own set of challenges, including network congestion and high gas fees, especially during peak usage times. The much-anticipated upgrade to Ethereum 2.0 aims to address these issues by shifting from a proof-of-work to a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism, which is expected to significantly increase its scalability and reduce its environmental impact.
**The Impact on the Financial Sector**
The advent of Bitcoin and Ethereum has had a profound impact on the financial sector. They have challenged traditional financial models and institutions, introducing concepts like decentralized finance, which aims to create a more open and accessible financial system. Cryptocurrencies have also introduced new investment opportunities, with Bitcoin becoming a popular choice for investors looking for an asset that is not correlated with traditional financial markets.
Moreover, the technologies behind these cryptocurrencies, especially blockchain, have found applications in various sectors, including banking, supply chain management, and voting systems. The transparency, security, and efficiency offered by blockchain technology have the potential to revolutionize these industries.
**The Future Outlook**
Looking ahead, the future of Bitcoin, Ethereum, and cryptocurrencies, in general, is both exciting and uncertain. Regulatory challenges, technological advancements, and market dynamics will play significant roles in shaping their paths. Bitcoin, with its limited supply and increasing adoption, might continue to be seen as a store of value, while Ethereum's transition to Ethereum 2.0 could solidify its position as the leading platform for decentralized applications.
The increasing interest from institutional investors and the integration of cryptocurrency services by major financial players suggest a growing acceptance and maturation of these digital assets. However, the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies remains a significant factor, making them a risky, albeit potentially rewarding, investment.
Bitcoin and Ethereum have undeniably paved the way for a new era in finance, one that is digital, decentralized, and diverse. Their impact extends beyond just the financial sector, influencing technology, governance, and society as a whole. As we move forward, the continuous evolution of these cryptocurrencies and their underlying technologies will undoubtedly play a pivotal role in shaping the future of finance. Whether they will become mainstream elements of our financial system or remain as alternative assets, one thing is certain: Bitcoin and Ethereum have forever changed the landscape of finance, and their journey is far from over.
**How does Ethereum differ from Bitcoin?**
While Bitcoin was created primarily as a digital currency, Ethereum is a decentralized platform that enables smart contracts and decentralized applications (dApps). Ethereum's native token, Ether, is used to facilitate these operations.
**What are the main uses of Bitcoin and Ethereum?**
Bitcoin is mainly used as a digital currency and a store of value, often referred to as 'digital gold.' Ethereum, on the other hand, is used to power smart contracts and dApps, playing a crucial role in the decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible token (NFT) sectors.
**What are the challenges facing Bitcoin and Ethereum?**
Bitcoin faces challenges like scalability, high transaction fees, and environmental concerns due to its mining process. Ethereum struggles with network congestion and high gas fees, although its upcoming upgrade to Ethereum 2.0 aims to address these issues.
**Are Bitcoin and Ethereum regulated?**
The regulatory status of Bitcoin and Ethereum varies by country. While some countries have embraced them with specific regulations, others have imposed restrictions or outright bans.
**That's all for today**
**If you want more, be sure to follow us on:**
**NOSTR: croxroad@getalby.com**
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***DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.***

@ 7d33ba57:1b82db35
2025-02-15 01:48:56
**5 Photography Tips for Excursions**
Excursions take you to incredible places, but they’re often designed for quick stops, catering to "click-and-go" tourists rather than photographers and videographers. Capturing great shots in such fast-paced environments can be challenging! However, if an excursion is your only way to visit a stunning location, don’t worry—I got some tips to help you make the most of it.
1) ****Plan Your Story in Advance****
Before you even set foot on the excursion, think about the story you want to capture. In your mind, you’ve probably already envisioned your photo or video album—this is exactly what you should do! Excursions move fast, leaving little time for on-the-spot decisions. Research your destination beforehand, look up photos online, and familiarize yourself with the key subjects you want to focus on. Being prepared will help you capture the shots that truly matter.
2) **Secure the Best Spot**
If your excursion involves a bus or boat, positioning yourself strategically can make all the difference. Try to be one of the first to board so you can grab the best spot—usually at the front. This gives you a clear view. Quick reflexes will help you capture the scene without unwanted distractions!
3) **Sun position**
Always pay attention to the direction of the sun while picking your seat. Position yourself to shoot with the sunlight rather than against it to avoid harsh backlighting and maximize the natural light in your photos.
4) **Connect with the Guide**
The guide plays a big role in setting the pace of the excursion, so building a friendly connection can work in your favor. A smile and some casual conversation can make them more receptive to your needs, giving you extra time to capture the perfect shot. When you arrive at a location, don’t hesitate to ask if you’re allowed to take your own shots instead of strictly following the group. A little charm can go a long way in making your photography experience smoother and more enjoyable!
5) **Manage Your Time & Enjoy the Moment**
As a photographer or videographer, it’s easy to get lost in your creative zone, but remember—you’re on a group excursion! Be mindful of the schedule and avoid spending too much time on a single shot. Others in the group paid the same price for the experience, so it’s important to be respectful of their time—no matter how big or fancy your camera is!
If possible, consider booking a private excursion or joining fellow travel photographers who appreciate spending extra time at each location. This way, you can focus on capturing the best shots without feeling rushed.
Most importantly: Once you’ve taken your amazing shot, take a moment to truly experience the place. Too many travelers stare at their camera screens while walking, missing the beauty right in front of them. Save the reviewing for when you're back at your hotel! After all, photography is about more than just the shot—it’s about the memories you make along the way.
And don’t forget to save the special pictures onto your human hard drive—your memory! This is where we create the real movie.