
@ 8f69ac99:4f92f5fd
2025-02-20 15:24:24
Anarquia: uma palavra que frequentemente evoca imagens de caos e desordem, associada ao velho oeste sem lei ou a futuros distópicos onde impera a força bruta. No entanto, para aqueles que investigam mais a fundo, a anarquia revela-se como algo muito mais sofisticado—um sistema não definido pela ausência de regras, mas sim pela ausência de governantes (*rules without rulers*). Essa distinção fundamental é essencial para compreender um dos conceitos mais fascinantes e, ao mesmo tempo, mais difamados da sociedade.
A ideia de que anarquia significa desordem ou uma sociedade sem estrutura é um equívoco baseado no medo do desconhecido e na falta de compreensão dos seus princípios básicos. Na realidade, a anarquia assenta sobre um princípio fundamental: o **Princípio da Não-Agressão (PNA)**. Este princípio estabelece que nenhum indivíduo tem o direito de iniciar o uso da força, coerção ou fraude contra os outros, sem o seu consentimento, sendo este um dos pilares fundamentais para a preservação da propriedade privada e das liberdades individuais.
Não se trata, portanto, de uma sociedade sem regras, mas sim de uma organização baseada em **estruturas legais descentralizadas e orgânicas**, como a **lei natural e o direito consuetudinário**, que emergem naturalmente através das interacções voluntárias entre indivíduos. A história demonstra que, mesmo na ausência de uma autoridade central, os seres humanos são perfeitamente capazes de criar ordens sociais complexas, baseadas na cooperação, na ajuda mútua e no progresso.
Este artigo explora como a anarquia funciona enquanto sistema de cooperação voluntária e direito natural, desafiando as concepções erradas que persistem sobre o tema e revelando o seu potencial para fortalecer a liberdade individual e a coesão social. Ao analisar as suas raízes filosóficas, o papel do Estado dentro de um enquadramento anarquista e os exemplos históricos que demonstram a capacidade da humanidade para se auto-organizar, procuramos iluminar um futuro onde a liberdade não seja apenas um sonho utópico, mas uma possibilidade concreta.
## Principio da Não Agressão (PNA)
A **base da anarquia** assenta sobre um princípio inegociável: o Princípio da Não-Agressão. Este postulado não é apenas uma directriz moral, mas sim uma regra essencial de conduta, destinada a fomentar uma sociedade cooperativa e pacífica, onde os indivíduos vivem sem medo da coerção ou da violência.
A partir deste princípio, deriva-se naturalmente a **propriedade privada**, pois cada indivíduo tem o direito de usufruir e gerir os recursos que adquire sem recorrer à força contra terceiros. Da mesma forma, a violação deste princípio—seja através do roubo, homicídio ou qualquer tipo de agressão física ou psicológica, não consentida—é condenada de forma universal, pois representa um atentado contra a liberdade de cada um.
Num enquadramento anarquista, a ausência de uma estrutura coerciva não significa a ausência de ordem. Métodos como **pressão social, ostracismo de infractores e mecanismos privados de justiça** ajudam a manter a harmonia social. Por exemplo, em situações de litígio entre vizinhos sobre a posse de um terreno, em vez de recorrer ao Estado, poderiam simplesmente resolver a disputa através de um mediador comunitário ou de um serviço de arbitragem voluntário.
## Ordem Sem Autoridade Central
A crença de que a lei e a ordem dependem de um poder centralizado ignora uma vasta tradição histórica de **sistemas legais descentralizados** que surgiram espontaneamente, sem intervenção estatal. A anarquia não significa ausência de normas, mas sim uma **ordem espontânea baseada em leis naturais e consuetudinárias**.
A lei natural consiste em princípios universais, reconhecidos pela razão, que não dependem da autoridade estatal. Já o direito consuetudinário assenta na tradição e nos precedentes, evoluindo conforme as necessidades das comunidades. Um excelente exemplo histórico é o código jurídico medieval islandês "Grágás", que regulava litígios e contratos através de mediação voluntária.
Sistemas baseados na reputação também são eficazes. No passado, comerciantes que desrespeitassem contratos viam-se rapidamente excluídos do mercado. Hoje, soluções descentralizadas como a arbitragem privada demonstram que contratos podem ser cumpridos sem necessidade de coerção estatal.
## Anarquia como Estado Natural da Cooperação Humana
A cooperação voluntária está no cerne da natureza humana. A ideia de que é necessária uma autoridade central para garantir harmonia social desconsidera as inúmeras instâncias de colaboração espontânea ao longo da história.
O funcionamento dos mercados ilustra perfeitamente a anarquia em acção. Sem um governo a ditar regras, indivíduos interagem livremente, criando riqueza e inovação. A busca pelo progresso científico também reflecte este princípio: Albert Einstein, Nikola Tesla, Henry Ford ou Thomas Edison não foram forçados pelo Estado a desenvolver as suas invenções—fizeram-no por interesse próprio, beneficiando toda a humanidade.
Da mesma forma, a revolução industrial não foi um plano centralizado, mas sim o resultado de inúmeras inovações individuais que impulsionaram a prosperidade global. A tecnologia moderna, com exemplos como Bitcoin e Nostr, redes descentralizadas, prova que sociedades podem operar sem intermediários estatais, ou autoridades centrais.
## Estado: Pode Existir Num Enquadramento Anarquista?
O Estado, mesmo na sua versão mais reduzida, pode representar um risco para a liberdade individual. Alguns, eu incluído, argumentam que um "Estado mínimo" (minarquia) poderia existir para garantir segurança e mediar disputas, mas essa estrutura pode rapidamente expandir-se e transformar-se num mecanismo de coerção.
### A necessidade de mecanismos de controlo e equilíbrio
Mesmo um Estado reduzido exigiria salvaguardas para evitar abusos de poder. Para isso, seriam necessários mecanismos que garantam que nenhuma autoridade se torne dominante e que a sociedade mantenha a sua autonomia.
Algumas soluções incluem:
- **Representação directa**: Em vez de delegar decisões a políticos, a população poderia ter mais influência directa nas questões que afectam a sua vida (como na Suiça por exemplo).
- **Arbitragem independente**: Conflitos poderiam ser resolvidos sem recorrer a tribunais estatais, através de mediação voluntária e sistemas de justiça comunitária.
- **Redes de apoio social**: Fortalecer redes de ajuda mútua reduziria a necessidade de um governo central para fornecer serviços essenciais.
### Exemplos práticos
Algumas iniciativas mostram que a sociedade pode funcionar com estruturas descentralizadas:
- **Cidades com participação cívica activa**: Experiências como o orçamento participativo em algumas cidades demonstram como a sociedade pode gerir recursos colectivos sem excessiva intervenção estatal.
- **Redes de ajuda mútua**: Grupos como a *Mutual Aid Disaster Response Network* nos EUA provam que comunidades podem organizar-se para responder a crises sem depender do Estado.
O desafio não é apenas imaginar um mundo sem Estado, mas conceber modelos descentralizados que garantam a liberdade individual e impeçam a concentração de poder. A verdadeira questão é: conseguiremos criar sistemas mais justos e funcionais sem recorrer à coerção estatal?
## Raízes Filosóficas da Anarquia
A anarquia tem uma longa tradição filosófica que remonta a pensadores como **William Godwin**, **Pierre-Joseph Proudhon** e **Max Stirner**, cada um contribuindo com diferentes perspectivas sobre a organização social sem governantes. No século XX, pensadores como **Murray Rothbard** e **Hans-Hermann Hoppe** aprofundaram a ideia do anarco-capitalismo, propondo que todos os serviços actualmente providenciados pelo Estado poderiam ser oferecidos por meio de mercados livres.
A raiz histórica da anarquia está firmemente ancorada no pensamento de esquerda (a tradicional... ), na medida em que a sua proposta fundamental é a **eliminação do poder central**. O anarquismo clássico emergiu como uma resposta ao absolutismo e ao capitalismo industrial, defendendo que a autoridade imposta pelo Estado e pelas elites económicas deveria ser desmantelada para dar lugar a um sistema de cooperação voluntária e descentralizada. Proudhon, ao afirmar "a propriedade é roubo", reflectia esta preocupação com a concentração de poder e riqueza nas mãos de poucos.
Com o tempo, no entanto, diferentes correntes começaram a emergir dentro da tradição anarquista. A tradição anarquista de **esquerda** enfatiza a justiça social e a solidariedade comunitária, rejeitando tanto o Estado como o capitalismo. Nomes como **Bakunin** e **Kropotkin** defenderam a abolição da propriedade privada em favor de sistemas cooperativos, argumentando que apenas a auto gestão e o apoio mútuo poderiam garantir a verdadeira liberdade.
Por outro lado, no século XX, surgiu uma vertente anarquista mais **associada à direita**, especialmente com Rothbard e Hoppe, que viam o mercado como a melhor alternativa ao Estado. Para os anarco-capitalistas, a liberdade individual é prioritária, e a descentralização deve ocorrer não apenas ao nível político, mas também económico, permitindo que todas as transacções sejam voluntárias e baseadas na propriedade privada.
Apesar dessas divergências, há um ponto comum entre todas as vertentes anarquistas: a rejeição do **monopólio da violência estatal**. Tanto anarquistas de esquerda quanto de direita reconhecem que o poder centralizado inevitavelmente conduz à opressão e à limitação da liberdade individual. O debate interno dentro do anarquismo não é sobre a necessidade de abolir o Estado, mas sim sobre o que deve substituí-lo: auto gestão comunitária e colectivismo ou mercados livres e concorrência voluntária?
A preservação da propriedade privada e a liberdade de associação são, para mim, princípios fundamentais dentro do pensamento anarquista. Nada impede que, numa sociedade anarquista, grupos de indivíduos escolham unir-se voluntariamente para formar projectos cooperativos baseados em valores partilhados. O que distingue essa abordagem da imposição estatal é o carácter voluntário e descentralizado dessas associações, garantindo que cada pessoa possa viver conforme os seus próprios princípios sem coerção externa.
Esta dicotomia entre esquerda e direita dentro do anarquismo reflecte diferentes interpretações sobre a melhor forma de organizar a sociedade sem coerção. O que permanece inegável é que a anarquia, independentemente da vertente, continua a ser uma proposta de resistência contra qualquer forma de domínio centralizado, colocando a liberdade e a autonomia no centro da organização social.
## Conclusão
A anarquia não é um sonho utópico, mas sim uma alternativa viável à organização centralizada da sociedade. Através do respeito pelo Princípio da Não-Agressão, da descentralização das normas jurídicas e da cooperação voluntária, podemos construir um mundo mais livre, onde as pessoas têm o poder de se governar a si mesmas.
Sistemas como Bitcoin já demonstram que a descentralização funciona e que a ausência de intermediários coercivos é não só possível, mas desejável. O desafio não é saber se a anarquia pode funcionar, mas sim **quanto tempo levará para as pessoas perceberem que um mundo sem Estado é mais próspero e justo**.
#anarquia #anarco #bitcoin
_Photo by [Orit Matee](https://unsplash.com/@splashcom?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash) on [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/photos/black-and-silver-heart-shaped-wall-decor-qqiAxa9hpaA?utm_content=creditCopyText&utm_medium=referral&utm_source=unsplash)_

@ a012dc82:6458a70d
2025-02-20 15:02:29
The Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB) has recently introduced a groundbreaking ruling that significantly alters the way Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are accounted for in financial statements. This new development is poised to transform the landscape of crypto accounting, bringing in more transparency and alignment with traditional financial practices. Let's delve into the details of this pivotal change.
**Table of Contents**
- Introduction to the New FASB Ruling
- The Shift to Fair Value Accounting
- Understanding Fair Value Accounting
- Impact on Financial Reporting
- Advantages of the New Approach
- Enhanced Transparency and Accuracy
- Positive Implications for Companies
- Challenges and Considerations
- Dealing with Volatility
- Auditor Expertise
- Industry Response and Future Outlook
- Embracing the Change
- Long-Term Implications
- Conclusion
- FAQs
**Introduction to the New FASB Ruling**
The FASB, the principal body responsible for establishing accounting standards in the United States, announced a new set of rules concerning the accounting of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. This announcement marks a significant shift from the previous accounting practices for digital assets. Previously, the lack of clear guidelines led to inconsistencies and uncertainties in how companies reported their crypto holdings. The new ruling aims to standardize these practices and reflects the growing importance of cryptocurrencies in the financial world.
**The Shift to Fair Value Accounting**
**Understanding Fair Value Accounting**
Under the new FASB rules, companies are now required to account for cryptocurrencies at their fair value. Fair value accounting involves assessing assets and liabilities based on their current market value, rather than their historical cost. This approach is expected to provide a more accurate and real-time reflection of a company's financial status. It marks a significant departure from the traditional cost-based accounting methods, which often do not reflect the current market realities, especially in the case of highly volatile assets like cryptocurrencies.
**Impact on Financial Reporting**
This shift to fair value accounting means that companies holding cryptocurrencies will report the value of these assets based on their market prices at the end of each reporting period. This move is a departure from the previous method where Bitcoin was treated as an intangible asset, leading to certain limitations in financial reporting. For instance, under the old rules, if the value of Bitcoin fell below its purchase price, companies had to report a loss, but they couldn't report an increase in value unless the asset was sold. The new approach allows for a more dynamic and responsive reporting system that better reflects the economic realities of holding cryptocurrencies.
**Advantages of the New Approach**
**Enhanced Transparency and Accuracy**
One of the primary benefits of this new ruling is the increased transparency and accuracy it brings to financial reporting. Companies can now reflect the actual market value of their crypto holdings, providing a clearer picture of their financial health. This change is particularly significant given the volatile nature of cryptocurrencies. By reporting the fair market value, companies can provide stakeholders with a more accurate depiction of their financial standing, which is crucial for informed decision-making by investors, regulators, and other stakeholders.
**Positive Implications for Companies**
Companies are likely to welcome this change as it allows them to report unrealized gains and losses on cryptocurrencies. This could encourage more businesses to add cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to their balance sheets, as they can now recognize the appreciation in value without needing to sell the assets. This change could also lead to a broader acceptance of cryptocurrencies as a legitimate and valuable asset class, potentially spurring further investment and innovation in the crypto space.
**Challenges and Considerations**
**Dealing with Volatility**
The inherent volatility of cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin poses a significant challenge in fair value accounting. Companies will need to develop robust methods to accurately assess the market value of these assets, which can fluctuate widely. This volatility requires continuous monitoring and frequent valuation adjustments, which can be resource-intensive and complex. Companies will need to invest in sophisticated valuation models and possibly seek external expertise to ensure accuracy and compliance.
**Auditor Expertise**
Another challenge lies in the need for auditors to acquire expertise in valuing cryptocurrencies. Assessing the fair market value of digital assets is a complex task that requires specific knowledge and skills. Auditors will need to stay abreast of the rapidly evolving crypto market and develop new methodologies for valuation. This requirement not only adds a layer of complexity to the audit process but also underscores the need for ongoing education and training in this emerging field.
**Industry Response and Future Outlook**
**Embracing the Change**
The industry's response to the FASB's ruling has been largely positive. Industry leaders view this as a step towards mainstream acceptance of cryptocurrencies and a move that aligns digital assets with traditional financial reporting standards. This ruling is seen as a validation of the growing role of cryptocurrencies in the financial sector and a sign that regulatory bodies are beginning to recognize and adapt to the unique characteristics of these digital assets.
**Long-Term Implications**
In the long run, this ruling could lead to greater institutional adoption of cryptocurrencies. As financial reporting becomes more standardized and transparent, it may foster greater trust and confidence among investors and regulators. This could pave the way for more widespread use of cryptocurrencies in various financial transactions and potentially influence the development of new financial products and services centered around digital assets.
The FASB's latest ruling on cryptocurrency accounting is a landmark decision that aligns the treatment of digital assets with traditional financial practices. While it presents certain challenges, particularly in terms of volatility and the need for specialized auditor expertise, the overall impact is expected to be profoundly positive. This change not only enhances transparency and accuracy in financial reporting but also paves the way for broader acceptance and integration of cryptocurrencies in the mainstream financial world. As the industry adapts to these new rules, we can expect to see a more mature and robust crypto market, potentially leading to innovative financial solutions and greater economic opportunities.
**When will the new FASB rules take effect?**
The new rules are set to take effect from December 15, 2024, but companies have the option to apply them earlier.
**How does fair value accounting affect financial reporting?**
Fair value accounting allows companies to report the value of cryptocurrencies based on current market prices, providing a more accurate and real-time reflection of a company's financial status.
**What are the benefits of the new FASB ruling?**
The new ruling enhances transparency and accuracy in financial reporting and encourages more businesses to add cryptocurrencies to their balance sheets by allowing them to report unrealized gains and losses.
**What challenges does the new ruling present?**
The main challenges include dealing with the volatility of cryptocurrencies in fair value accounting and the need for auditors to develop expertise in valuing these digital assets.
**What is the industry's response to the new ruling?**
The industry has largely responded positively, viewing it as a step towards mainstream acceptance of cryptocurrencies and alignment with traditional financial reporting standards.
**That's all for today**
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***DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research.***

@ f1989a96:bcaaf2c1
2025-02-20 14:21:39
Good morning, readers!
This week, we honor the loss of the late Alexei Navalny, whose bravery inspired millions of Russians to stand up against Vladimir Putin’s financial, political, and social repression. Since his murder, the Kremlin has only tightened its grip — imprisoning citizens for political donations, blocking NGOs from funding, advancing its central bank digital currency, and limiting access to open alternatives like Bitcoin.
In global news, a new [survey](https://www.omfif.org/2025/02/why-central-banks-should-take-the-next-step-on-cbdcs/) of 34 central banks by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF) revealed that 31% have [delayed](https://cointelegraph.com/news/central-banks-pushing-back-cbdc-plans-survey) plans to issue a retail central bank digital currency (CBDC). While this is a welcome shift, given that CBDCs threaten to give authoritarian regimes unprecedented tools to micro-control society, efforts to oppose and expose CBDCs must continue. The Human Rights Foundation (HRF) is proud that its CBDC Tracker (you can explore it [here](https://cbdctracker.hrf.org/home)) continues to reveal these threats.
In privacy news, Bitcoin Core developer Carl Dong unveiled a new VPN called Obscura, the first open-source VPN that can’t log your network activity by design and outsmarts network filters for enhanced censorship resistance. Tools like this make the work of activists harder to surveil and censor under authoritarian regimes. Additionally, Zeus Wallet and Primal introduced support for Nostr Wallet Connect (NWC), further expanding interoperability between Nostr clients and Lightning wallets and giving more power back to the people.
Finally, we feature a Bitcoin node tutorial from Bitcoin educator Ben Perrin, “BTC Sessions,” walking viewers through setting up a node on a computer and connecting it to Sparrow Wallet. This tutorial is especially suited for dissidents and can empower curious individuals with the ability to verify the Bitcoin network independently, enhance privacy, and eliminate reliance on third parties. There is no need to be technically inclined to follow along with this tutorial.
**Now, let’s dive right in!**
## [Subscribe Here](https://mailchi.mp/hrf.org/financial-freedom-newsletter?mc_cid=bf652c0a5a)
#### **Russia | One Year Since Navalny Murdered by Regime**
One year ago, Alexei Navalny was [murdered](https://x.com/HRF/status/1891081393951613050) in a remote Arctic prison, where he was sent to die for daring to stand against dictator Vladimir Putin. Navalny was Russia’s leading opposition figure, a relentless leader who exposed regime corruption at the highest level and inspired millions to believe in a brighter future. His murder confirmed a grim reality: the Kremlin will stop at nothing to silence those who oppose it. Since Navalny’s passing, Putin has only tightened his grip — [charging](https://www.theguardian.com/world/article/2024/jun/20/russian-american-ballerina-trial-ksenia-karelina) innocent citizens for financially supporting dissent, [blocking](https://x.com/meduza_en/status/1857004048081186993?s=46&t=n7crMAWVvpABU4HOlO19Lg) NGOs from funding (and access to their own money), [accelerating](https://www.ledgerinsights.com/russia-updates-digital-ruble-rollout-including-obligation-to-accept-cbdc/) the roll-out of a CBDC to tighten financial control, and [restricting](https://www.coindesk.com/ru/policy/2024/07/30/russia-legalizes-crypto-mining-and-brings-an-experimental-regime/) access to open alternatives like Bitcoin.
#### **Argentina | Milei Facing Fraud Charges and Impeachment for Promoting Memecoin**
Argentinian President Javier Milei is [facing](https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/argentinas-opposition-threatens-impeachment-trial-after-milei-touts-crypto-coin-2025-02-16/) impeachment calls and fraud charges after promoting a cryptocurrency called $LIBRA, which has since [crashed](https://www.nobsbitcoin.com/argentinas-milei-faces-fraud-charges-impeachment-calls-after-failed-memecoin-launch/) in value. He initially [claimed](https://apnews.com/article/argentina-milei-cryptocurrency-fraud-charges-c0321f320a00cdb58edfb365ba8ce0f8) $LIBRA would “encourage economic growth by funding small businesses and startups.” Instead, the token briefly soared above $5 before plummeting. Critics [argue](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1w07nq8qqqo) the $LIBRA launch resembles a “rug pull,” where paid promoters inflate a token’s value, then cash out, leaving investors with worthless holdings. As the backlash grew, Milei deleted his posts promoting $LIBRA and defended himself, [insisting](https://x.com/tier10k/status/1891630044448977082) he didn't “promote it” — he simply “shared it.” Regardless, the damage is done. $LIBRA is now trading below $1, [losing](https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c1w07nq8qqqo) tens of thousands of global citizens most of their money. Behind $LIBRA is Kelsier Ventures, a group [allegedly](https://x.com/tier10k/status/1891551659676844118?s=19) courting Nigeria and other governments with similar schemes. The saga continues to unfold, but the lessons are clear: political memecoins present major risks, and governments are not above rugging their own citizens.
#### **Zimbabwe | Ordinary Citizens Pay Price of Deeply Indebted Regime**
Zimbabwe’s [debt crisis](https://archive.ph/uMDsk) has pushed [7.6 million](https://archive.ph/uMDsk) people into food insecurity as an El niño-driven drought worsens an economy already horribly mismanaged and exploited by a military dictatorship. The roots of this crisis run deep. Former tyrant Robert Mugabe’s land seizures in the early 2000s shattered agricultural output, wiped out foreign investment, and unleashed [hyperinflation](https://apnews.com/general-news-international-international-1ce81eed4b064a529163513931b30178) that erased Zimbabweans’ savings and wages. Decades of economic mismanagement drained the national resources and exacerbated food insecurity. Now, ordinary citizens shoulder the cost of regime failures. Families who once farmed their own land depend on expensive [food imports](https://archive.ph/uMDsk) they can’t afford, while the bankrupt regime [pleads](https://archive.ph/uMDsk) for more dollar-based loans — only to weaken the local currency and sink the country further into debt.
#### **Singapore | Rising Costs Contradict Government’s Inflation Claims**
Singaporean citizens are refuting government claims that inflation is easing, pointing to the [rising](https://www.theonlinecitizen.com/2025/02/12/netizens-question-claims-of-easing-inflation-amid-continued-cost-of-living-burden-on-the-ground/) costs of essential goods and services. While official data reports a [2.4%](https://www.theonlinecitizen.com/2025/02/12/netizens-question-claims-of-easing-inflation-amid-continued-cost-of-living-burden-on-the-ground/) annual inflation rate, everyday expenses tell a different story. The government highlights falling car prices — a benefit for the wealthy — while downplaying state-imposed fare [hikes](https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/st-explains-why-are-public-transport-fares-going-up-again) that disproportionately impact those who rely on public transport (lower-income individuals). With elections looming, many accuse the government of [manipulating](https://www.theonlinecitizen.com/2025/02/12/netizens-question-claims-of-easing-inflation-amid-continued-cost-of-living-burden-on-the-ground/) narratives to downplay these economic struggles. The persistent rise in everyday costs reveals a common disconnect between opaque government statistics issued by autocrats and the financial realities lived by ordinary citizens.
#### **World | Central Banks Delaying CBDC Plans**
A new [survey](https://www.omfif.org/2025/02/why-central-banks-should-take-the-next-step-on-cbdcs/) of 34 central banks by the Official Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum (OMFIF) revealed that 31% have [delayed](https://cointelegraph.com/news/central-banks-pushing-back-cbdc-plans-survey) plans to issue a retail central bank digital currency (CBDC). It also found that the share of central banks inclined to issue a CBDC fell from 38% in 2022 to just 18% today. While this slowdown is a welcomed shift, the survey [concludes](https://cointelegraph.com/news/central-banks-pushing-back-cbdc-plans-survey) that most central banks still expect to issue a CBDC in the future. In any jurisdiction, CBDCs mean more financial control in the hands of the government, which opens the door to surveillance, censorship, and control over financial activity. This concentrated power undermines civil liberties, especially in authoritarian regimes, putting dissidents and individuals at greater risk. Learn more about the dangers CBDCs pose to human rights and financial freedom [here](https://cbdctracker.hrf.org/home).
#### **Webinar Series for Nonprofits: Become Unstoppable**
HRF will host a [free, three-day webinar](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0sjqwSFQo8HGMsWIIDRyhx34TsoonOSTfYoWSy-aaBbLeSw/viewform) from March 17-19, teaching human rights defenders and nonprofits how to use Bitcoin to counter state censorship and confiscation. Sessions run daily from 10:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. EDT and are beginner-friendly. The webinar will be led by Anna Chekhovich, HRF’s Bitcoin nonprofit adoption lead and financial manager at Alexei Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, and will be co-hosted by Ben Perrin “BTC Sessions,” one of the world’s top technical Bitcoin educators.
[Register for webinar](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSf0sjqwSFQo8HGMsWIIDRyhx34TsoonOSTfYoWSy-aaBbLeSw/viewform)
#### **SXSW | The Human Rights Risks of Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDCs)**
Join HRF at [SXSW 2025](https://www.sxsw.com/) in Austin from March 7-13 to explore how CBDCs threaten financial freedom. Experts [Roger Huang](https://x.com/Rogerh1991), [Charlene Fadirepo](https://x.com/CharFadirepo), and [Nick Anthony](https://x.com/EconWithNick) will discuss how authoritarian regimes use CBDCs for surveillance and control. Attendees can also visit HRF’s [CBDC Tracker](https://cbdctracker.hrf.org/) booth to explore an interactive map of CBDC developments worldwide.
[Get your tickets](https://www.sxsw.com/conference/)
#### **Obscura | New Virtual Private Network**
Bitcoin Core developer [Carl Dong](https://x.com/carl_dong?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ctwgr%5Eauthor) [launched](https://x.com/carl_dong/status/1889381916081791265) [Obscura VPN](https://obscura.net/), the first private and [open-source](https://github.com/Sovereign-Engineering/obscuravpn-client) VPN designed for maximum censorship resistance. Unlike traditional VPNs, it cannot log your network activity by design. Obscura achieves this by never seeing users’ encrypted Internet traffic. Because of this, it is impossible to log activity — even if compelled or compromised. Additionally, Obscura uses a custom stealth protocol that blends in with regular Internet traffic, making the VPN harder to detect or block. Tools like this make the work of activists under authoritarian regimes harder to surveil and censor.
#### **Zeus Wallet and Primal | Integrate Nostr Wallet Connect**
[Zeus](https://zeusln.com/), a Bitcoin Lightning wallet, and [Primal](http://primal.net), a Nostr client, have integrated the [Nostr Wallet Connect](https://nwc.dev/) (NWC) protocol. This protocol allows apps to interact with Bitcoin Lightning wallets, boosting interoperability between Bitcoin (decentralized money) and Nostr (decentralized communications). Zeus’s NWC [integration](https://blog.zeusln.com/zeus-v0-10-0-open-alpha/) expands wallet connectivity by allowing users to link external wallets like [Alby Hub](https://albyhub.com/) or [Cashu.me](http://cashu.me), improving transaction flexibility. Primal’s NWC integration brings even more functionality. Users can connect Primal wallet to any Nostr app, send zaps (bitcoin micropayments) from the web app, and link any self-custodial wallet that supports NWC. These updates strengthen Bitcoin and Nostr interoperability, allowing instant, censorship-resistant payments and communications without relying on traditional banking infrastructure.
#### **Proton | Officially Launches Proton Wallet**
[Proton Wallet](https://proton.me/wallet?mc_cid=e8f8ebab29&mc_eid=UNIQID), an open-source Bitcoin wallet from privacy services company [Proton](https://proton.me/?mc_cid=e8f8ebab29&mc_eid=UNIQID) (creators of [ProtonMail](https://proton.me/mail)), is [now available](https://proton.me/blog/wallet-launch) on Android, iOS, and the web. It features end-to-end encryption, address rotation for greater privacy (the same Bitcoin address is never used twice), and Replace-by-Fee (RBF) to speed up stuck transactions. It is also fully self-custodial, meaning users retain complete control over their funds. With Proton now offering both secure email and Bitcoin transactions, users have a stronger, more resilient digital toolkit to protect their communications and money. This is of particular interest to human rights activists operating in difficult environments.
#### **Bitcoin Keeper | Releases Support for Miniscript and More Signing Devices**
[Bitcoin Keeper](https://bitcoinkeeper.app/), an open-source mobile multisignature (multisig) wallet and [winner](https://hrfbounties.org/) of HRF’s “Easy Mobile Multisig” bounty, [released](https://medium.com/@ben_kaufman/welcome-to-keeper-2-0-8782593892f8) v2.0 with new security features. The update brings [Miniscript](https://bitcoinops.org/en/topics/miniscript/), a structured way to write Bitcoin scripts that enable users to create customized multisig vaults. This unlocks advanced setups for inheritance planning, time-locked savings, and more flexible security models. Support for Miniscript also expanded to more signing devices, including BitBox02, COLDCARD, Tapsigner, Blockstream Jade, and Ledger. Keeper is created and run by Indian developers, reminding us that some of the world’s best freedom tools are made by people living in difficult political environments.
#### **Coracle | Implements Nstart for Easy Onboarding**
[Coracle](https://coracle.social/), a Nostr client and HRF grantee, implemented [Nstart](https://github.com/dtonon/nstart), a tool that streamlines onboarding to the Nostr protocol. This makes it easier for first-time users to set up an account, securely back up their private keys, and get started. By lowering entry barriers, Coracle’s Nstart improves access to Nostr’s decentralized, censorship-resistant network. For activists curious about Nostr but unsure of how to start, this may be a tool worth exploring. For a quick-start Nostr guide, click [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qn-Zp491t4Y).
#### **Bitwise | Donates $150,000 to Bitcoin Open Source Development**
[Bitwise](https://bitwiseinvestments.com/), a Bitcoin ETF provider, [donated](https://x.com/BitwiseInvest/status/1891865302729883754) $150,000 to support open-source Bitcoin developers, fulfilling its pledge to allocate 10% of its Bitcoin ETF ($BITB) gross profits annually. [Brink](https://brink.dev/), [OpenSats](http://opensats.org), and [HRF](http://hrf.org) will be responsible for allocating the funds to developers working to secure and improve the network and advancing it as a tool for financial freedom and human rights. Bitwise also promised increased contributions in the future as $BITB grows. By reinvesting in Bitcoin’s open-source ecosystem, Bitwise sets a strong example of industry stewardship.
#### **Bitcoin Node Tutorial by BTC Sessions**
In this [tutorial](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEWl6sXLpAU), renowned Bitcoin educator Ben Perrin “[BTC Sessions](https://www.youtube.com/@BTCSessions)” guides viewers through setting up their own Bitcoin node, a device that runs the Bitcoin software. This enables them to audit Bitcoin’s supply independently and achieve greater financial sovereignty. By running a personal node, users also eliminate the need to trust third parties, enhance their privacy, and strengthen Bitcoin’s decentralization. The tutorial covers installing a free node on a computer and connecting it to [Sparrow Wallet](https://sparrowwallet.com/). If you are not technically inclined, not to worry. Perrin explains everything in a clear, beginner-friendly way, making it easy to follow along. You can watch the full walkthrough [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEWl6sXLpAU).
#### **Bitcoin Payments: From Digital Gold to Everyday Currency by Breez and 1A1z**
In this new [report](https://breez.technology/report/) from Bitcoin Lightning company [Breez](https://breez.technology/) and freedom tech researcher [1A1z](http://1a1z.com/), the authors explore how Bitcoin is evolving beyond a store of value into a functional everyday currency. It highlights the rapid adoption of the Lightning network, the global rise of internet-native payments, and real-world use cases from businesses like Pick n Pay, Namecheap, and Mercari as examples of this. Bitcoin payments are proving their capabilities on a global scale, and this report does a commendable job of proving it.
*If this article was forwarded to you and you enjoyed reading it, please consider subscribing to the Financial Freedom Report [here](https://mailchi.mp/hrf.org/financial-freedom-newsletter?mc_cid=bf652c0a5a).*
*Support the newsletter by donating bitcoin to HRF’s Financial Freedom program [via BTCPay](https://hrf.org/btc).*\
*Want to contribute to the newsletter? Submit tips, stories, news, and ideas by emailing us at ffreport @ [hrf.org](http://hrf.org/)*
*The Bitcoin Development Fund (BDF) is accepting grant proposals on an ongoing basis. The Bitcoin Development Fund is looking to support Bitcoin developers, community builders, and educators. Submit proposals [here](https://forms.monday.com/forms/57019f8829449d9e729d9e3545a237ea?r=use1)*.
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[**Apply for a grant**](https://forms.monday.com/forms/57019f8829449d9e729d9e3545a237ea?r=use1&mc_cid=39c1c9b7e8&mc_eid=778e9876e3)
[**Support our work**](https://hrf.org/btc?mc_cid=39c1c9b7e8&mc_eid=778e9876e3)
[**Visit our website**](https://hrf.org/programs/financial-freedom/)

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Censorship & Content Control: Algorithms and policies often restrict what can be shared.
Unfair Revenue Models: Creators earn only a small percentage while platforms take the bulk.
Loss of Ownership: Your content is stored on centralized servers, leaving you vulnerable to deletions or bans.
Decentralization is the answer, putting control back into the hands of creators and consumers.
Why YakiHonne and Bitcoin Matter
YakiHonne, a decentralized media platform built on the Nostr protocol, allows creators to publish content freely while earning Bitcoin directly from their audience. Here’s why this matters:
✔ Censorship Resistance: No central authority can take down your content.
✔ Fair Monetization: Earn Bitcoin directly from readers instead of relying on ad-based revenue.
✔ True Ownership: Your content remains under your control, with no risk of sudden removal.
How to Monetize Your Content on YakiHonne
If you’re a content creator, here are some ways you can earn on YakiHonne

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2025-02-20 13:14:38

## How Are We Defining Happiness?
In 1776, Thomas Jefferson penned the words that would echo through history:
> ***“…that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”***
These words were not simply a poetic flourish—they reflected a deep understanding of philosophy, one that Jefferson, an avid reader of Aristotle, likely connected with the Greek concept of***eudaimonia***.
Aristotle described eudaimonia as the highest form of human flourishing, achieved through virtuous living, strong character, and meaningful social bonds.
But what does happiness mean today?
According to<a href="https://worldhappiness.report/" target="_blank">the World Happiness Report</a>, six factors determine a nation's happiness:
1. Income
2. Health
3. Social support
4. Freedom to make life decisions
5. Generosity
6. The absence of corruption
These components closely mirror Jefferson’s vision of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Yet despite living in an era of unprecedented convenience and opportunity, many in our generation struggle with unhappiness, anxiety, and a pervasive sense of dissatisfaction.

## So, what went wrong?
I believe its largely because of the absence of mentorship in modern society.
Aristotle emphasized that a person’s character—shaped by habits and guided by mentorship—was central to a flourishing life. He saw mentorship not as a luxury but as a necessity for cultivating wisdom, resilience, and social responsibility. Yet, in today’s world, strong mentor-mentee relationships have become increasingly rare.
When we invert Aristotle’s formula for happiness, we find the root causes of our collective unhappiness:
- A lack of mentorship and guidance
- Poor habits formed in the absence of discipline
- Excess and indulgence replacing moderation
- Rampant hypersensitivity rather than resilience
- A loss of moral grounding and sense of justice
- Struggles with forming and maintaining friendships
- Apathy toward civic engagement and community
Of all these, the absence of mentorship stands out as the foundational issue. Without guidance, young people are left to navigate life’s complexities alone, often falling into destructive habits.
In earlier generations, mentorship was woven into the fabric of society—through family, community leaders, apprenticeships, and even religious or philosophical instruction. Today, social media and fleeting digital interactions have replaced these deep, formative relationships.

## Reclaiming Happiness Through Mentorship
To restore a sense of meaning and fulfillment, we must prioritize mentorship in our personal and professional lives. Parents, teachers, and leaders must recognize their responsibility to guide the next generation, not just with knowledge, but with wisdom. Seeking out mentors—and becoming one ourselves—can foster resilience, character, and purpose.
Happiness is not simply a product of material success or personal freedom; it is cultivated through relationships, values, and the pursuit of excellence. If we wish to see a happier generation, we must first rebuild the lost art of mentorship.
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@ d360efec:14907b5f
2025-02-20 10:16:03
**ภาพรวม BTCUSDT (OKX):**
Bitcoin (BTCUSDT) ยังคงแสดงความผันผวนและแนวโน้มที่ไม่ชัดเจน แม้ว่าแนวโน้มระยะยาว (TF Day) จะยังคงมีลักษณะเป็นขาขึ้น (แต่*อ่อนแรงลงอย่างมาก*) แนวโน้มระยะกลาง (TF4H) และระยะสั้น (TF15) เป็นขาลง การวิเคราะห์ครั้งนี้จะเน้นไปที่การระบุระดับราคาที่ Smart Money อาจจะเข้ามามีส่วนร่วม และการประเมินความแข็งแกร่งของแนวโน้ม
**วิเคราะห์ทีละ Timeframe:**
**(1) TF Day (รายวัน):**

* **แนวโน้ม:** ขาขึ้น (Uptrend) *อ่อนแรงลงอย่างมาก, มีความเสี่ยงที่จะเปลี่ยนแนวโน้ม*
* **SMC:**
* Higher Highs (HH) และ Higher Lows (HL) *เริ่มไม่ชัดเจน, ราคาหลุด Low ก่อนหน้า*
* Break of Structure (BOS) ด้านบน *แต่มีการปรับฐานที่รุนแรง*
* **Liquidity:**
* มี Sellside Liquidity (SSL) อยู่ใต้ Lows ก่อนหน้า (บริเวณ 85,000 - 90,000)
* มี Buyside Liquidity (BSL) อยู่เหนือ High เดิม
* **ICT:**
* **Order Block:** ราคาหลุด Order Block ขาขึ้น (บริเวณแท่งเทียนสีเขียวก่อนหน้านี้) *สัญญาณลบ*
* **EMA:**
* ราคา *หลุด* EMA 50 (สีเหลือง) ลงมาแล้ว
* EMA 200 (สีขาว) เป็นแนวรับถัดไป
* **Money Flow (LuxAlgo):**
* *สีแดงยาว* แสดงถึงแรงขายที่แข็งแกร่ง
* **Trend Strength (AlgoAlpha):**
* สีแดง (เมฆแดง) แสดงถึงแนวโน้มขาลง *และไม่มีสัญญาณซื้อ/ขายปรากฏ*
* **Volume Profile:** Volume ค่อนข้างเบาบาง
* **แท่งเทียน:** แท่งเทียนล่าสุดเป็นสีแดง แสดงถึงแรงขาย
* **แนวรับ:** EMA 200, บริเวณ 85,000 - 90,000 (SSL)
* **แนวต้าน:** EMA 50, High เดิม
* **สรุป:** แนวโน้มขาขึ้นอ่อนแรงลงอย่างมาก, *สัญญาณอันตรายหลายอย่าง*, Money Flow และ Trend Strength เป็นลบ, *หลุด Order Block และ EMA 50*
**(2) TF4H (4 ชั่วโมง):**

* **แนวโน้ม:** ขาลง (Downtrend)
* **SMC:**
* Lower Highs (LH) และ Lower Lows (LL)
* Break of Structure (BOS) ด้านล่าง
* **Liquidity:**
* มี SSL อยู่ใต้ Lows ก่อนหน้า
* มี BSL อยู่เหนือ Highs ก่อนหน้า
* **ICT:**
* **Order Block:** ราคาไม่สามารถผ่าน Order Block ขาลงได้
* **EMA:**
* ราคาอยู่ใต้ EMA 50 และ EMA 200
* **Money Flow (LuxAlgo):**
* สีแดง แสดงถึงแรงขาย
* **Trend Strength (AlgoAlpha):**
* สีเขียว (เมฆเขียว) *แต่ไม่มีสัญญาณซื้อ/ขายปรากฏ*
* **Volume Profile:**
* Volume ค่อนข้างสูง
* **แนวรับ:** บริเวณ Low ล่าสุด
* **แนวต้าน:** EMA 50, EMA 200, บริเวณ Order Block
* **สรุป:** แนวโน้มขาลงชัดเจน, แรงขายมีอิทธิพล, *Trend Strength ขัดแย้งกับ Price Action*
**(3) TF15 (15 นาที):**

* **แนวโน้ม:** ขาลง (Downtrend) *แต่เริ่มเห็นสัญญาณ Sideways*
* **SMC:**
* Lower Highs (LH) และ Lower Lows (LL) *เริ่มเห็นการยก Low เล็กน้อย*
* Break of Structure (BOS) ด้านล่าง
* **ICT:**
* **Order Block:** ราคา Sideways ใกล้ Order Block
* **EMA:**
* EMA 50 และ EMA 200 เป็นแนวต้าน
* **Money Flow (LuxAlgo):**
* แดงสลับเขียว *แต่ส่วนใหญ่ยังเป็นสีแดง*
* **Trend Strength (AlgoAlpha):**
* สีแดง (เมฆแดง) แสดงถึงแนวโน้มขาลง *แต่มีสัญญาณ Bullish Divergence (ราคาทำ Lower Low แต่ Trend Strength ยก Low)*
* **Volume Profile:**
* Volume ค่อนข้างสูง
* **แนวรับ:** บริเวณ Low ล่าสุด
* **แนวต้าน:** EMA 50, EMA 200, Order Block
* **สรุป:** แนวโน้มขาลง, เริ่มพักตัว, Money Flow เริ่มมีความไม่แน่นอน, *Trend Strength มี Divergence*
**สรุปภาพรวมและกลยุทธ์ (BTCUSDT):**
* **แนวโน้มหลัก (Day):** ขาขึ้น (*อ่อนแรงลงอย่างมาก, เสี่ยงที่จะเปลี่ยนแนวโน้ม*)
* **แนวโน้มรอง (4H):** ขาลง
* **แนวโน้มระยะสั้น (15m):** ขาลง (เริ่มพักตัว, *มี Divergence*)
* **Liquidity:** มี SSL ทั้งใน Day, 4H, และ 15m
* **Money Flow:** เป็นลบในทุก Timeframes
* **Trend Strength:** Day/15m เป็นขาลง, 4H เป็นขาขึ้น *แต่ไม่มีสัญญาณ*
* **กลยุทธ์:**
1. **Wait & See (ดีที่สุด):** รอความชัดเจน *โดยเฉพาะการ Breakout หรือ Breakdown จากกรอบ Sideways ใน TF15*
2. **Short (เสี่ยง):** ถ้าไม่สามารถ Breakout EMA/แนวต้านใน TF ใดๆ ได้, หรือเมื่อเกิดสัญญาณ Bearish Continuation
3. ***ไม่แนะนำให้ Buy:*** จนกว่าจะมีสัญญาณกลับตัวที่ชัดเจนมากๆ
**Day Trade & การเทรดรายวัน:**
* **Day Trade (TF15):**
* **Short Bias:** หาจังหวะ Short เมื่อราคาเด้งขึ้นไปทดสอบแนวต้าน (EMA, Order Block)
* **Stop Loss:** เหนือแนวต้านที่เข้า Short
* **Take Profit:** แนวรับถัดไป (Low ล่าสุด)
* **ระวัง:** Bullish Divergence ใน Trend Strength
* **ไม่แนะนำให้ Long**
* **Swing Trade (TF4H):**
* **Short Bias:** รอจังหวะ Short เมื่อราคาไม่สามารถผ่านแนวต้าน EMA หรือ Order Block ได้
* **Stop Loss:** เหนือแนวต้านที่เข้า Short
* **Take Profit:** แนวรับถัดไป
* **ไม่แนะนำให้ Long**
* **Sellside Liquidity (SSL):** มีโอกาสสูงที่ราคาจะถูกลากลงไปแตะ SSL
* **False Breakouts:** ระวัง
* **Volatility:** สูง
* **Divergence (TF15):** อาจเป็นสัญญาณเริ่มต้นของการกลับตัว *แต่ต้องรอการยืนยัน*
* **Trend Strength (TF4H):** ไม่มีสัญญาณซื้อ/ขาย ต้องระวัง
**Setup Day Trade แบบ SMC (ตัวอย่าง):**
1. **ระบุ Order Block:** หา Order Block ขาลง (Bearish Order Block) ใน TF15 (แท่งเทียนสีเขียวก่อนที่ราคาจะลงแรง)
2. **รอ Pullback:** รอให้ราคา Pullback ขึ้นไปทดสอบ Order Block นั้น
3. **หา Bearish Entry:**
* **Rejection:** รอ Price Action ปฏิเสธ Order Block (เช่น เกิด Pin Bar, Engulfing)
* **Break of Structure:** รอให้ราคา Break โครงสร้างย่อยๆ ใน TF ที่เล็กกว่า (เช่น 1m, 5m) หลังจากที่ทดสอบ Order Block
* **Money Flow:** ดู Money Flow ให้เป็นสีแดง
4. **ตั้ง Stop Loss:** เหนือ Order Block
5. **ตั้ง Take Profit:** แนวรับถัดไป (เช่น Low ล่าสุด) หรือ Order Block ขาขึ้น (Bullish Order Block) ใน TF ที่ใหญ่กว่า
* **ความขัดแย้งของ Timeframes:** มีอยู่ แต่แนวโน้มระยะกลาง-สั้น เป็นลบ
* **Money Flow:** เป็นลบในทุก Timeframes
* **Trend Strength:** เริ่มมี Divergence ใน TF15
* **Order Block TF Day:** หลุด Order Block ขาขึ้นแล้ว
* **ถ้าไม่แน่ใจ อย่าเพิ่งเข้าเทรด**
**Disclaimer:** การวิเคราะห์นี้เป็นเพียงความคิดเห็นส่วนตัว ไม่ถือเป็นคำแนะนำในการลงทุน ผู้ลงทุนควรศึกษาข้อมูลเพิ่มเติมและตัดสินใจด้วยความรอบคอบ

@ d360efec:14907b5f
2025-02-20 10:12:37
**Overall Assessment:**
Bitcoin (BTCUSDT) on OKX remains highly volatile and shows conflicting signals. The long-term trend (Daily chart) is technically still an uptrend, *but it has weakened considerably* and is showing significant signs of a potential reversal. The 4-hour and 15-minute charts are in confirmed downtrends. The focus of this analysis is on identifying potential areas of Smart Money activity (liquidity pools and order blocks) and assessing trend strength.
**Detailed Analysis by Timeframe:**
**(1) TF Day (Daily):**

* **Trend:** Uptrend (Significantly Weakening, *at risk of reversing*).
* **SMC (Smart Money Concepts):**
* Higher Highs (HH) and Higher Lows (HL) structure is *becoming less defined*. The recent price action has broken previous lows.
* Prior Breaks of Structure (BOS) to the upside, but the current pullback is very deep.
* **Liquidity:**
* **Sellside Liquidity (SSL):** Significant SSL rests below previous lows in the 85,000 - 90,000 range. This is a likely target for Smart Money.
* **Buyside Liquidity (BSL):** BSL is present above the all-time high.
* **ICT (Inner Circle Trader Concepts):**
* **Order Block:** The price has *broken below* the prior bullish Order Block (the large green candle before a significant up-move). This is a *major bearish signal*.
* **EMA (Exponential Moving Average):**
* Price has *broken below* the 50-period EMA (yellow), a bearish signal.
* The 200-period EMA (white) is the next major support level.
* **Money Flow (LuxAlgo):**
* A *long red bar* indicates strong selling pressure.
* **Trend Strength (AlgoAlpha):**
* Red Cloud indicating Downtrend, *No Buy/Sell Signal*
* **Volume Profile:** Relatively low volume on the recent decline.
* **Candlesticks:** The most recent candlestick is red, confirming selling pressure.
* **Support:** EMA 200, 85,000-90,000 (SSL area).
* **Resistance:** EMA 50, Previous All-Time High.
* **Summary:** The Daily chart's uptrend is significantly weakening. The break below the 50 EMA *and* the bullish Order Block, combined with the negative Money Flow and bearish Trend Strength, are all major warning signs.
**(2) TF4H (4-Hour):**

* **Trend:** Downtrend.
* **SMC:**
* Lower Highs (LH) and Lower Lows (LL).
* BOS to the downside.
* **Liquidity:**
* **SSL:** Below previous lows.
* **BSL:** Above previous highs.
* **ICT:**
* **Order Block:** The price rallied up to, and was rejected by, a *bearish* Order Block.
* **EMA:**
* Price is below both the 50-period and 200-period EMAs (bearish).
* **Money Flow (LuxAlgo):**
* Predominantly red, confirming selling pressure.
* **Trend Strength (AlgoAlpha):**
* Green Cloud, *But No Buy/Sell Signal.* This indicates a potential *retracement* within the downtrend, or a period of consolidation, *not* a trend reversal.
* **Volume Profile:**
* Relatively High volume
* **Support:** Recent lows.
* **Resistance:** EMA 50, EMA 200, Order Block.
* **Summary:** The 4-hour chart is in a confirmed downtrend. The Money Flow is bearish, and the price was rejected by a key Order Block. The green Trend Strength cloud *without* a buy signal suggests a potential *temporary* relief rally or consolidation, *not* a trend change.
**(3) TF15 (15-Minute):**

* **Trend:** Downtrend (with some signs of *possible* stabilization).
* **SMC:**
* Lower Highs (LH) and Lower Lows (LL) – *but the most recent low is slightly higher, a potential early sign of a change*.
* BOS to the downside.
* **ICT:**
* **Order Block:** Price has reacted to bearish Order Block.
* **EMA:**
* The 50-period and 200-period EMAs are acting as resistance.
* **Money Flow (LuxAlgo):**
* Red and green alternating , showing some buying pressure has appeared, but sellers are still in control overall.
* **Trend Strength (AlgoAlpha):**
* Red Cloud (Bearish), *BUT* there's a *bullish divergence* (price made a lower low, but the Trend Strength indicator made a higher low). This is a *potential* early warning sign of a reversal, but it needs *strong confirmation*.
* **Volume Profile:**
* relatively high volume.
* **Support:** Recent lows.
* **Resistance:** EMA 50, EMA 200, Order Block.
* **Summary:** The 15-minute chart is in a downtrend, but there are *very early* and *tentative* signs of a possible stabilization or even a minor bounce. The bullish divergence on the Trend Strength is important to note, but it's not a buy signal on its own.
**Overall Strategy and Recommendations (BTCUSDT):**
* **Primary Trend (Day):** Uptrend (Significantly Weakening).
* **Secondary Trend (4H):** Downtrend.
* **Short-Term Trend (15m):** Downtrend (Potential Early Reversal Signals).
* **Liquidity:** Significant SSL zones exist below the current price on all timeframes.
* **Money Flow:** Negative on all timeframes, although the 15m is showing *some* buying pressure returning.
* **Trend Strength:** Bearish on Day and 15m. Bullish on 4H, *but without a buy/sell signal*, indicating a likely retracement or consolidation, not a trend change.
* **Strategies:**
1. **Wait & See (Best Option):** The conflicting signals (especially the 4H Trend Strength) and the strong bearish momentum on the shorter timeframes make waiting the most prudent approach. Look for:
* **Bearish Confirmation:** A decisive break below the recent lows on the 15m and 4H charts, with increasing volume and continued negative Money Flow. This would confirm the continuation of the downtrend.
* **Bullish Confirmation:** A strong, sustained break above the 15m EMAs, a shift in the 15m Money Flow to green, *and* a bullish signal on the 4H Trend Strength. This would be a *very early* sign of a potential reversal, but it would need further confirmation on the 4H chart (price above EMAs, positive Money Flow).
2. **Short (High Risk):** This is the more likely scenario *at this moment*, given the 4H and 15m downtrends.
* **Entry:** On rallies towards resistance levels (EMAs on 15m/4H, previous support levels that have turned into resistance).
* **Stop Loss:** Above recent highs on the chosen timeframe.
* **Target:** The next support levels (recent lows on 15m, then the Daily Order Block area around 92,000-94,000).
3. **Buy on Dip (Extremely High Risk - Not Recommended):** Do *not* attempt to buy until there are *very strong and consistent* bullish reversal signals across *all* timeframes, including a definitive shift in market structure on the 4H and 15m charts, positive Money Flow, and a clear break above resistance levels.
**Key Recommendations:**
* **Conflicting Signals:** The most important factor is the conflict between the still *technically* bullish Daily chart and the bearish 4H and 15m charts. The 4H Trend Strength being bullish *without a signal* adds to the uncertainty.
* **Money Flow:** The predominantly negative Money Flow is a major bearish factor.
* **15m Trend Strength Divergence:** This is a *potential* early warning, but it's *not* a buy signal on its own. It needs *much* more confirmation.
* **Daily Order Block:** The *break* of the bullish Order Block on the Daily chart is a significant bearish development.
* **Sellside Liquidity (SSL):** Be aware that Smart Money may target the SSL zones below. This increases the risk of stop-loss hunting.
* **Risk Management:** Due to the high uncertainty and volatility, *strict risk management is absolutely critical.* Use tight stop-losses, do not overtrade, and be prepared for rapid price swings.
* **Volume:** Confirm any breakout with volume.
**Day Trading and Intraday Trading Strategies:**
* **Day Trade (TF15 focus):**
* **Short Bias:** Given the current 15m downtrend and negative Money Flow, the higher probability is to look for shorting opportunities.
* **Entry:** Look for price to rally to resistance levels (EMAs, Order Blocks, previous support levels that have become resistance) and then show signs of rejection (bearish candlestick patterns, increasing volume on the downside).
* **Stop Loss:** Place a stop-loss order above the resistance level where you enter the short position.
* **Take Profit:** Target the next support level (recent lows).
* **Be very cautious:** The bullish divergence on the Trend Strength indicator suggests a potential bounce *could* occur. Don't be aggressive with shorts until this divergence is invalidated.
* **Avoid Long positions:** Until there's a *clear* and *confirmed* bullish reversal on the 15m chart (break above EMAs, positive Money Flow, bullish market structure).
* **Swing Trade (TF4H focus):**
* **Short Bias:** The 4H chart is in a downtrend.
* **Entry:** Wait for price to rally to resistance levels (EMAs, Order Blocks) and show signs of rejection.
* **Stop Loss:** Above the resistance level where you enter the short position.
* **Take Profit:** Target the next support levels (e.g., the 200 EMA on the Daily chart, SSL zones).
* **Avoid long position:** Until there's a *clear* and *confirmed* bullish reversal on the 4H chart.
**SMC Day Trade Setup Example (TF15 - Bearish):**
1. **Identify Bearish Order Block:** Locate a bearish Order Block on the TF15 chart (a bullish candle before a strong downward move). *We have already identified this in previous analyses.*
2. **Wait for Pullback:** Wait for the price to pull back up to test the Order Block.
3. **Bearish Entry:**
* **Rejection:** Look for price action to reject the Order Block (e.g., a pin bar, engulfing pattern, or other bearish candlestick pattern).
* **Break of Structure:** Look for a break of a minor support level on a *lower* timeframe (e.g., 1-minute or 5-minute) after the price tests the Order Block. This confirms weakening bullish momentum.
* **Money Flow:** Confirm that Money Flow remains negative (red).
4. **Stop Loss:** Place a stop-loss order *above* the Order Block.
5. **Take Profit:** Target the next support level (e.g., recent lows) or a bullish Order Block on a higher timeframe.
**In conclusion, BTCUSDT is currently in a high-risk, uncertain environment. The short-term and medium-term trends are bearish, while the long-term trend is weakening. The best approach for most traders is to wait for clearer signals. Shorting is the higher-probability trade *at this moment*, but only for experienced traders who can manage risk aggressively. Buying is extremely risky and not recommended at this time.** The bullish divergence on the 15m Trend Strength is a *potential* early warning of a change, but it needs *much* more confirmation before acting on it. The 4-hour chart showing a green cloud with *no* buy/sell signal adds to the uncertainty, suggesting a possible retracement/consolidation *within* the downtrend.
**Disclaimer:** This analysis is for informational purposes only and represents a personal opinion. It is not financial advice. Investing in cryptocurrencies involves significant risk. Investors should conduct their own research and exercise due diligence before making any investment decisions.

@ 2516d145:070c8fa1
2025-02-20 08:52:54
Liebe Leserin, lieber Leser,
Zahlen haben seit jeher eine tiefere Bedeutung. Sie begleiten uns, formen unsere Welt und erzählen Geschichten, wenn wir bereit sind, sie zu hören. In dieser Ausgabe – der 47. ihrer Art – widmen wir uns einer Zahl, die weit mehr ist als eine bloße Ziffer: der 47.
In der Numerologie gilt 47 als eine Zahl der tiefen Einsicht, der spirituellen Suche und der praktischen Weisheit. Sie verbindet die analytische Energie der 4 mit der intuitiven Kraft der 7 und erschafft so eine Synergie zwischen Struktur und Erkenntnis. Wer sich mit der 47 verbunden fühlt, strebt nach Wissen, Klarheit und Fortschritt, sei es im persönlichen oder gesellschaftlichen Kontext.
Diese Zahl taucht in diesem Jahr in bedeutenden Zusammenhängen auf. Donald Trump wurde 2024 erneut zum Präsidenten der Vereinigten Staaten gewählt und ist nun der amtierende 47. Präsident. Ein Mann, der wie kein anderer in der jüngeren Geschichte polarisiert, spaltet und gleichzeitig eine treue Anhängerschaft inspiriert. Eine solche Präsidentschaft ist zweifellos ein Wendepunkt – politisch, gesellschaftlich und historisch.
Und schließlich trägt die 47 für mich persönlich eine besondere Relevanz: Sie entspricht meinem Alter. Mit 47 Jahren stehe ich an einem Punkt des Lebens, an dem Vergangenheit und Zukunft in einem feinen Gleichgewicht existieren. Die Erfahrungen der vergangenen Jahrzehnte formen den Blick auf das Kommende, und doch bleibt Raum für Wachstum, Veränderung und neue Einsichten.
Diese Ausgabe ist somit nicht nur eine Fortsetzung unserer Reise, sondern auch eine Einladung: Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam erkunden, welche Muster, welche Bedeutungen und welche Zukunft sich aus dieser faszinierenden Zahl entfalten. Vielleicht entdecken wir dabei mehr als nur Zusammenhänge – vielleicht finden wir einen neuen Blick auf die Welt.
Ein besonderer Blickfang dieser Ausgabe ist das Coverbild: Ein kleines Mädchen, das einen schwer bewaffneten Soldaten durchsucht. Dieses Bild stellt die Welt auf den Kopf, kehrt Machtverhältnisse um und zwingt uns, über Krieg, Kontrolle und Vertrauen nachzudenken. Es zeigt uns, dass Unschuld und Frieden oft die größten Prüfsteine für Systeme der Gewalt sind. Es ist eine stille, aber eindringliche Mahnung, dass unsere Zukunft in den Händen der kommenden Generationen liegt – und wir ihnen eine Welt hinterlassen sollten, die mehr auf Vertrauen als auf Waffen gebaut ist.
Lassen Sie uns gemeinsam für eine friedlichere Zukunft einstehen. Möge diese Ausgabe ein Impuls sein, neue Wege des Miteinanders zu entdecken und unseren Blick für das Wesentliche zu schärfen. Frieden beginnt in unseren Gedanken – lassen wir ihn in unseren Taten Wirklichkeit werden.
Paul Andersson, Herausgeber
P.S. In den nächsten Wochen und Monaten werde ich [meinen Blog](https://paulandersson.substack.com/) auf die Plattform Pareto umziehen. Die Vorzüge von Pareto, das auf Nostr aufsetzt, werden in entsprechenden Artikeln dieser Ausgabe thematisiert. Außerdem erhalten Sie die Möglichkeit den Nachhall auch mit Bitcoins bzw. Satoshis zu unterstützen.
* <https://getalby.com/p/massel>

@ 78c90fc4:4bff983c
2025-02-20 08:00:54
Hans Maria Globke\
Nazi, Catholic, author of racial laws.
The Catholic lawyer Globke had a problematic past: it was common knowledge that he had been a co-commentator on the Nuremberg Laws and had held important positions in the Reich Ministry of the Interior.\
In the newly founded Federal Republic of Germany, the experienced lawyer Globke was appointed to the Federal Chancellery. Because of his past in the Reich Ministry of the Interior, Adenauer does not yet dare to appoint him as a state secretary, but the discreet, efficient Rhineland Catholic immediately becomes Adenauer's confidant, a shadowy figure who works behind the scenes. Globke maintains close relations with the Vatican and is Adenauer's liaison to the CIA, with whom he discusses all important decisions, including personnel matters. From now on, Globke is always there when positions of power need to be filled. He ensures that the Gehlen Organisation, which was financed by the CIA as a spy service after the war, eventually becomes the BND. Globke is involved in setting up the Office for the Protection of the Constitution and in the preparations for the establishment of the Bundeswehr.\
In 1953, Globke became state secretary in the chancellor's office, with an almost unimaginable amount of power. He allowed the BND to spy on opponents of the Adenauer government within the country, in violation of the law, and controlled the Press and Information Office. He drafted legislation to allow former Nazi elites (civil servants, judges, military, police, secret service agents) to return to high positions. Globke has access to the ‘Reptilienfonds’ (Reptile Fund), which he uses to secure the desired domestic and foreign policy stability, including through large cash payments. And he increasingly plays the decisive role in the new governing party, the CDU. As Adenauer's closest adviser, the best-informed man in Bonn influences political guidelines; Globke - the secret chancellor.\
Hans Maria Globke is certainly the most prominent example of the seamless continuity of careers in the civil service before and after 1945. The documentary by Bernhard Pfletschinger and Jürgen Bevers goes in search of the ’ secret of Globke’, his role in the Nazi extermination of Jews, the extensive network of interests and loyalties that he served and that served him – so much so that his name was not even mentioned during the Adolf Eichmann trial. The results paint a picture that allows a new perspective on the history of the Federal Republic of Germany.’\
Wilhelm Frick and Hans Globke were central figures in the National Socialist administration and contributed significantly to the implementation of Nazi ideology.\
\## Wilhelm Frick\
Wilhelm Frick (1877–1946) was a leading NSDAP politician and served as Reich Minister of the Interior from 1933 to 1943. During the Weimar Republic, he had already served as Thuringia's minister of the interior, where he implemented measures to enforce the Gleichschaltung and promote the NSDAP. As Reich Minister of the Interior, Frick played a key role in the destruction of Weimar democracy by introducing laws and ordinances that severely restricted fundamental rights, such as the ‘Reichstag Fire Decree’ of 1933. He also played a major role in the ‘Gleichschaltung’ of the federal states and institutions, which enabled the NSDAP to consolidate its power. After the war, Frick was sentenced to death in the Nuremberg trials of the major war criminals and executed in 1946.\
\## Hans Globke\
Hans Globke (1898–1973) was a lawyer and senior official in the Reich Ministry of the Interior under Wilhelm Frick. He is best known for his involvement in the 1935 Nuremberg Laws, on which he wrote a legal commentary. Globke was also involved in measures that discriminated against Jewish citizens, such as making it more difficult to change one's name. During the war, he was involved in administrative tasks, including in the occupied territories. After the war, he continued his career and became head of the Federal Chancellery under Chancellor Konrad Adenauer (1953-1963). Globke's role remains controversial because, on the one hand, he was considered the ‘grey eminence’ of the Adenauer government, but on the other hand, he was never held accountable for his Nazi involvement. \
Both men embody different aspects of Nazi rule: Frick as the central architect of the repressive state and Globke as the technocratic enforcer of discriminatory laws.\
\[1] Wilhelm Frick - Wikipedia https\://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wilhelm\_Frick\
\[2] Hans Globke - Wikipedia https\://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hans\_Globke\
\[3] Nazi war criminals still in the chancellery https\://www\.klassegegenklasse.org/nazi-kriegsverbrecher-immer-noch-im-kanzleramt/\
\[4] Trial against Ex-Nazi Hans Globke | Anne Frank House https\://www\.annefrank.org/de/timeline/231/prozess-gegen-ex-nazi-hans-globke/\
\[5] Trial of former Nazi Hans Globke | Anne Frank House https\://www\.annefrank.org/en/timeline/231/trial-of-former-nazi-hans-globke/\
\[6] \[PDF] The Reich Ministry of the Interior under Heinrich Himmler 1943–1945 https\://www\.ifz-muenchen.de/heftarchiv/2006\_4\_4\_lehnstaedt.pdf\
\[7] Hans Globke - LeMO Biografie - Stiftung Haus der Geschichte https\://www\.hdg.de/lemo/biografie/hans-globke.html\
\[8] \[PDF] The Verdict against Globke https\://media.frag-den-staat.de/files/docs/3a/0f/0d/3a0f0dbfff8e4e68b28356f60a7ed26e/globke.pdf\