
@ 41e6f20b:06049e45
2024-11-17 17:33:55
Let me tell you a beautiful story. Last night, during the speakers' dinner at Monerotopia, the waitress was collecting tiny tips in Mexican pesos. I asked her, "Do you really want to earn tips seriously?" I then showed her how to set up a Cake Wallet, and she started collecting tips in Monero, reaching 0.9 XMR. Of course, she wanted to cash out to fiat immediately, but it solved a real problem for her: making more money. That amount was something she would never have earned in a single workday. We kept talking, and I promised to give her Zoom workshops. What can I say? I love people, and that's why I'm a natural orange-piller.

@ 0461fcbe:35a474dd
2024-11-12 17:58:48
On Nostr, I am running several marketing accounts for my projects: Ditto, The Mostr Bridge, and Cobrafuma. But I want other people to be able to post from those accounts. In fact, I want to hire a "social media manager" someday (for when my wife is not available 😂).
This is a pretty basic need for social media, but of course on Nostr it isn't basic at all, because private keys have nuclear potential if leaked. Even if you trust the person, a small mistake could be disastrous.
To solve this, we need a bunker.
## What is a bunker?
A bunker (aka "remote signer") allows you to store your keys on your computer, but give others access. Once the other person is granted access, they can send commands to your computer like `sign_event` and `get_public_key`, and your computer will perform those operations without needing to expose the actual key.

In reality the UX is not so technical. Your bunker generates a unique URI containing the connection details, and the other person pastes it into the login screen. Everything else happens automatically.
As for the running the bunker, you can run it on a VPS, a laptop, an old computer in your house, a Raspberry Pi, or even an Android phone.
The first bunker was an Android app called Nostr Connect. This lead to the creation of nsecBunker (a hosted service), nsec.app (a bunker that runs inside your web browser), and Amber (another Android app).
These days nsec.app and Amber are the only ones being actively developed, but due to running in restricted environments (web and Android respectively), they don't offer the level of 24/7 reliability I wanted in a bunker. If you are a single user managing your own keys I still recommend Amber, but for doling out credentials to your team, you might want knox.
## Introducing Knox

knox is a command-line tool that manages keys, generates bunker URIs, and runs a bunker server. It is still beta software, but I am using it successfully today to post on Ditto.
knox is inspired by the wonderful [`nak bunker`](https://github.com/fiatjaf/nak) command, which almost solved my problem but has no way to store credentials. So I created my own command-line bunker that you can run again and again.

Most notably, knox introduces a portable `.bunker` file format for storing keys and connection details. It's encrypted with a password, which you have to type every time you want to add or remove keys, generate new URIs, and when you start the bunker.
With knox you can have one bunker file, or many. It is loosely inspired by the KeePass `.kbdx` idea.
knox is written in TypeScript, but it's available as a precompiled executable on Linux, MacOS, and Windows thanks to `deno compile`.
## Getting Started
To install knox, I've prepared a simple setup script that will detect your OS and install the knox command in your path:
curl https://dl.soapbox.pub/install/knox.sh | sh
You can also grab a [precompiled binary](https://gitlab.com/soapbox-pub/knox#install) if you don't want to run the script.
## Commands
Once installed, run `knox` to see a list of supported commands. It should look something like this:
Usage: knox [options] [command]
Nostr bunker with encrypted storage.
-V, --version output the version number
-f, --file <file> path to the bunker file (default: "knox.bunker")
-h, --help display help for command
init initialize a new bunker
add <name> add a new key to the bunker
remove <name> remove a key from the bunker
uri [options] <name> <relay...> generate a bunker URI for a key
revoke <secret> revoke an authorization
pubkey [options] <name> show the public key of a secret key
status [name] show the status of the bunker
start start the bunker daemon
change change the passphrase of the bunker
export [options] export keys from the bunker
update [options] [ref] update knox to the latest version
help [command] display help for command
Run `knox init` to create a new bunker file. Then use `knox add alex` (replace with your own name) to add a key, then `knox uri alex` to get a connection string. Finally, run `knox start` to start the bunker.
While the bunker is running, you can continue to run commands like `knox add` and `knox uri` in another tab, and the bunker will detect the file changes and automatically refresh.

Another good one is `knox status`, which shows a list of keys and whether any of their URIs are being utilized. `knox status <key>` can show the individual connections for a specific key, and `knox revoke <secret>` can revoke an individual connection.
## Bunker Where?
knox needs internet connectivity to connect to relays, but it does not need to expose any ports to the outside world, so the ideal place might be on a desktop computer in your living room. This might be considered more secure than a VPS in a datacenter, depending on your circumstances.

I am running knox on an old Dell computer under my TV, which is a cheap and simple solution. It's connected to a backup battery in case the power flickers, but a prolonged outage would require starting the bunker again manually. I also suggest running the bunker in `screen` or a similar tool so you can reconnect and view the logs over ssh on your home network.
It's not suggested to run knox in systemd, because knox requires manually entering the encryption password when it starts. Any solution to store the password to disk, or pass it through a command-line argument, would compromise security.
## What's Next?
For now, knox is meeting my needs. As the idea evolves I expect to make more changes, and possibly improvements to the `.bunker` format if anyone else decides to use it. Feel free to drop any suggestions on [GitLab](https://gitlab.com/soapbox-pub/knox/-/issues)!
Another interesting idea would be to build a UI to manage the `.bunker` file, or to offer hosted bunker (although I am kind of against this, unless the hoster is just cloud sync service and the bunker is decrypted locally within the browser, similar to KeeWeb).

@ fd208ee8:0fd927c1
2024-11-08 10:27:40
## You have no idea
I regularly read comments from people, on here, wondering how it's possible to marry -- or even simply be friends! -- with someone who doesn't agree with you on politics. I see this sentiment expressed quite often, usually in the context of Bitcoin, or whatever _pig is currently being chased through the village_, as they say around here.

It seems rather sensible, but I don't think it's as hard, as people make it out to be. Further, I think it's a dangerous precondition to set, for your interpersonal relationships, because the political field is constantly in flux. If you determine who you will love, by their opinions, do you stop loving them if their opinions change, or if the opinions they have become irrelevant and a new set of opinions are needed -- and their new ones don't match your new ones? We could see this happen to relationships en masse, during the Covid Era, and I think it happens every day, in a slow grind toward the disintegration of interpersonal discourse.
I suspect many people do stop loving, at that point, as they never really loved the other person for their own sake, they loved the other person because they thought the other person was exactly like they are. But no two people are alike, and the longer you are in a relationship with someone else, the more the initial giddiness wears off and the trials and tribulations add up, the more you notice how very different you actually are. This is the point, where best friends and romantic couples say, _We just grew apart._
But you were always apart. You were always two different people. You just didn't notice, until now.

I've also always been surprised at how many same-party relationships disintegrate because of some disagreement over some particular detail of some particular topic, that they generally agree on. To me, it seems like an irrelevant side-topic, but _they can't stand to be with this person_... and they stomp off. So, I tend to think that it's less that opinions need to align to each other, but rather that opinions need to align in accordance with the level of interpersonal tolerance they can bring into the relationship.
## I was raised by relaxed revolutionaries
Maybe I see things this way because my parents come from two diverging political, cultural, national, and ethnic backgrounds, and are prone to disagreeing about a lot of "important" (to people outside their marriage) things, but still have one of the healthiest, most-fruitful, and most long-running marriages of anyone I know, from that generation. My parents, you see, aren't united by their opinions. They're united by their relationship, which is something _outside_ of opinions. Beyond opinions. Relationships are what turn two different people into one, cohesive unit, so that they slowly grow together. Eventually, even their faces merge, and their biological clocks tick to the same rhythm. They eventually become one entity that contains differing opinions about the same topics.
It's like magic, but it's the result of a mindset, not a worldview.
Or, as I like to quip:
> The best way to stay married, is to not get divorced.

My parents simply determined early on, that they would stay together, and whenever they would find that they disagreed on something that _didn't directly pertain to their day-to-day existence with each other_ they would just agree-to-disagree about that, or roll their eyes, and move on. You do you. Live and let live.
My parents have some of the most strongly held personal opinions of any people I've ever met, but they're also incredibly tolerant and can get along with nearly anyone, so their friends are a confusing hodgepodge of _people we liked and found interesting enough to keep around_. Which makes their house parties really fun, and highly unusual, in this day and age of mutual-damnation across the aisle.

The things that did affect them, directly, like which school the children should attend or which country they should live in, etc. were things they'd sit down and discuss, and somehow one opinion would emerge, and they'd again... move on.
And that's how my husband and I also live our lives, and it's been working surprisingly well. No topics are off-limits to discussion (so long as you don't drone on for too long), nobody has to give up deeply held beliefs, or stop agitating for the political decisions they prefer.
You see, we didn't like that the other always had the same opinion. We liked that the other always held their opinions strongly. That they were passionate about their opinions. That they were willing to voice their opinions; sacrifice to promote their opinions. And that they didn't let anyone browbeat or cow them, for their opinions, not even their best friends or their spouse. But that they were open to listening to the other side, and trying to wrap their mind around the possibility that they _might just be wrong about something_.

We married each other because we knew: this person really cares, this person has thought this through, and they're in it, to win it. What "it" is, is mostly irrelevant, so long as it doesn't entail torturing small animals in the basement, or raising the children on a diet of Mountain Dew and porn, or something.
Live and let live. At least, it's never boring. At least, there's always something to ~~argue~~ talk about. At least, we never think... we've just grown apart.

@ 4ba8e86d:89d32de4
2024-11-07 13:56:21
Tutorial feito por Grom mestre⚡poste original abaixo:
Bom dia/tarde/noite a todos os camaradas.
Seguindo a nossa série de tutoriais referentes a tecnologias essenciais para a segurança e o anonimato dos usuários, sendo as primeiras a openPGP e a I2P, lhes apresento mais uma opção para expandir os seus conhecimentos da DW.
Muitos devem conhecer os serviços de mail na onion como DNMX e mail2tor, mas e que tal um serviço de email pela I2P. Nesse tutorial eu vou mostrar a vocês como criar a sua primeira conta no hq.postman.i2p e a acessar essa conta.
É importante que vocês tenham lido a minha primeira série de tutoriais a respeito de como instalar, configurar e navegar pela I2P nostr:nevent1qqsyjcz2w0e6d6dcdeprhuuarw4aqkw730y542dzlwxwssneq3mwpaspz4mhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuerpd46hxtnfduhsygzt4r5x6tvh39kujvmu8egqdyvf84e3w4e0mq0ckswamfwcn5eduspsgqqqqqqsyp5vcq Esse tutorial é um pré-requisito para o seguinte e portanto recomendo que leia-os antes de prosseguir com o seguinte tutorial. O tutorial de Kleopatra nostr:nevent1qqs8h7vsn5j6qh35949sa60dms4fneussmv9jd76n24lsmtz24k0xlqzyp9636rd9ktcjmwfxd7ru5qxjxyn6uch2uhas8utg8wa5hvf6vk7gqcyqqqqqqgecq8f7 é complementar dado que é extremamente recomendado assinar e criptografar as mensagens que seguem por emails pela DW.
Sem mais delongas, vamos ao tutorial de fato.
## 1. Criando uma conta de email no hq.postman
Relembrando: Esse tutorial considera que você já tenha acesso à I2P.
Entre no seu navegador e acesse o endereço hq.postman.i2p. O roteador provavelmente já contém esse endereço no seu addressbook e não haverá a necessidade de inserir o endereço b32 completo.
Após entrar no site vá para a página '1 - Creating a mailbox'
Nessa página, insira as credenciais de sua preferências nos campos do formulário abaixo. Lembre-se que o seu endereço de email aceita apenas letras e números. Clique em 'Proceed' depois que preencher todos os campos.
Uma página vai aparecer pedindo para confirmar as credenciais da sua nova conta. Se tudo estiver certo apenas clique em 'Confirm and Create Mailbox'. Se tudo ocorrer como conforme haverá uma confirmação de que a sua nova conta foi criada com sucesso. Após isso aguarde por volta de 5 minutos antes de tentar acessá-la, para que haja tempo suficiente para o servidor atualizar o banco de dados.
Pronto! Sua nova conta de email na I2P foi criada. Agora vamos para a próxima etapa: como acessar a sua conta via um cliente de email.
## 2. Configurando os túneis cliente de SMTP e POP3
O hq.postman não possui um cliente web que nos permite acessar a nossa conta pelo navegador. Para isso precisamos usar um cliente como Thunderbird e configurar os túneis cliente no I2Pd que serão necessários para o Thunderbird se comunicar com o servidor pela I2P.
Caso não tenha instalado o Thunderbird ainda, faça-o agora antes de prosseguir.
Vamos configurar os túneis cliente do servidor de email no nosso roteador. Para isso abra um terminal ou o seu gestor de arquivos e vá para a pasta de configuração de túneis do I2P. Em Linux esse diretório se localiza em /etc/i2pd/tunnels.d. Em Windows, essa pasta se localiza em C:\users\user\APPDATA\i2pd.
Na pasta tunnels.d crie dois arquivos: smtp.postman.conf e pop-postman.conf. Lembre-se que em Linux você precisa de permissões de root para escrever na pasta de configuração. Use o comando sudoedit <nome_do_arquivo> para isso.
Edite-os conforme as imagens a seguir:
Arquivo pop-postman.conf
Arquivo smtp-postman.conf
Salve os arquivos e reinicie o serviço do I2Pd. Em Linux isso é feito pelo comando:
sudo systemctl restart i2pd
Entre no Webconsole do I2Pd pelo navegador (localhost:7070) e na seção I2P Tunnels, verifique se os túneis pop-postman e smtp-postman foram criados, caso contrário verifique se há algum erro nos arquivos e reinicie o serviço.
Com os túneis cliente criados, vamos agora configurar o Thunderbird
## 3. Configurando o Thunderbird para acessar a nossa conta
Abra o Thunderbird e clique em criar uma nova conta de email. Se você não tiver nenhum conta previamente presente nele você vai ser diretamente recebido pela janela de criação de conta a seguir.
Coloque as suas credenciais, mas não clique ainda em Continuar. Clique antes em Configure Manually, já que precisamos configurar manualmente os servidores de SMTP e POP3 para, respectivamente, enviar e receber mensagens.
Preencha os campos como na imagem a seguir. Detalhe: Não coloque o seu endereço completo com o @mail.i2p, apenas o nome da sua conta.
Clique em Re-test para verificar a integridade da conexão. Se tudo estiver certo uma mensagem irá aparecer avisando que as configurações do servidores estão corretas. Clique em Done assim que estiver pronto para prosseguir.
A seguinte mensagem vai aparecer alertando que não estamos usando criptografia no envio das credenciais. Não há problema nenhum aqui, pois a I2P está garantindo toda a proteção e anonimato dos nossos dados, o que dispensa a necessidade de uso de TLS ou qualquer tecnologia similar nas camadas acima. Marque a opção 'I Understand the risks' e clique em 'Continue'
E por fim, se tudo ocorreu como devido sua conta será criada com sucesso e você agora será capaz de enviar e receber emails pela I2P usando essa conta.
## 4. Observações e considerações finais
Como informado pelo próprio site do hq.postman, o domínio @mail.i2p serve apenas para emails enviados dentro da I2P. Emails enviados pela surface devem usar o domínio @i2pmai.org. É imprescindível que você saiba usar o PGP para assinar e criptografar as suas mensagens, dado que provavelmente as mensagens não são armazenadas de forma criptografada enquanto elas estão armazenadas no servidor. Como o protocolo POP3 delete as mensagens no imediato momento em que você as recebe, não há necessidade de fazer qualquer limpeza na sua conta de forma manual.
Por fim, espero que esse tutorial tenha sido útil para vocês. Que seu conhecimento tenha expandido ainda mais com as informações trazidas aqui. Até a próxima.

@ 20986fb8:cdac21b3
2024-10-30 12:30:09
**Hey Nostriches! **
Thrilled to launch the latest YakiHonne update—Simpler, Easier, Faster! After a lot of hard work, we bring you a highly optimized, user-friendly decentralized media experience on both web and mobile. This version focuses on two main aspects:
**1. Complete Redesign:**
Our UI/UX now puts simplicity first, minimizing technicalities for creators and social users alike. Here’s what’s new:
• Onboarding: Easily create a non-custodial wallet with Npub & Nsec, experience zapping (Lightning payments), or browse as a guest.
• Home & Discover: “Discover” is designed for creators, focusing on rich formats like long-form content, videos, and curated works. “Home” offers a social feed with short notes and curated contents, making it quick and easy for creators to share their work.
• Wallet: Simple setup with easy creation, direct YakiHonne node linking, and multi-wallet support.
• Dashboard: Manage all published and drafted content, check stats, and pick up right where you left off—all in one place.
• Notifications: Reactions, Reposts, Mentions, Zaps, Comments, and Follows now appear in clear, categorized cards.
• Settings: Completely revamped for simplicity, now including profile customization, appearance, relay settings, and wallet management.
**2. Enhanced Performance:**
Our re-engineered core now supports the outbox model with extensive functionality. Furthermore, Thanks to @PabloF7z we now have seamless data fetching, caching, and full support of the NDK implementation.
Hope you enjoy the new decentralized media experience! 🌐✨Try it out here:
**•Web**: yakihonne.com
**•App Store (iOS)**: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/yakihonne/id6472556189
**•Google Play (Android)**: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.yakihonne.yakihonne&hl=en
Thank you for your incredible support on this decentralized media journey!

@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2024-10-28 18:44:55
##### What do you even print with it besides decorative objects?
This kind of question still is a common one when talking about 3d printing.
With this series of long-form notes I will show you some of the practical and useful 3d printed things, that I use a lot.
Let me start the series with a nice little print consisting of two parts.
## Laptop riser
There are many designs of laptop risers available online. But I like that the parts are small and interlocking, so that the are always together when not in use. The riser fits all laptops in our house. Particularly when working in Fusion360 my laptop needs lots of fresh air.
I use the raiser regularly about 3 times a week. Sadly I don't know where I downloaded it from, so I cannot provide a link to it.


@ a39d19ec:3d88f61e
2024-10-27 10:26:03
**October's daily driver is the ana-digi Casio ABX-53 Twincept with module 1326. It features are world time, stopwatch, alarm and a databank for contacts.**

## Design
I have the gold/silver colored variant with a metal band. The watch has an analog clock and a floating display with the features listed above. Best thing is the "slider" mode that switches digital functions permanently.
## Storytime
My log tells me that i bought the watch 6 years ago on a local flea market for close to nothing. It was in a bad condition and needed a new battery and some love. Sure enough it works fine since then.
Most badass feature is that the analog hands are moved electronically not mechanically.
Fun fact is that even my wife likes the floating display. First time she saw it I heard her say "Das ist echt cool", meaning "thats really cool".