@ 3c984938:2ec11289
2024-07-22 11:43:17
## Bienvenide a Nostr!
Es tu primera vez aqui en Nostr? Bienvenides! Nostr es un acrónimo raro para "Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays" on un solo objetivo; resistirse a la censura. Una alternativa a las redes sociales tradicionales, comunicaciónes, blogging, streaming, podcasting, y feventualmente el correo electronico (en fase de desarrollo) con características descentralizadas que te capacita, usario. Jamas seras molestado por un anuncio, capturado por una entidad centralizada o algoritmo que te monetiza.
Permítame ser su anfitrión! Soy Onigiri! Yo estoy explorando el mundo de Nostr, un protocolo de comunicacíon decentralizada. Yo escribo sobre las herramientas y los desarolladores increíbles de Nostr que dan vida a esta reino.
## Bienvenides a Nostr Wonderland
Estas a punto de entrar a un otro mundo digtal que te hará explotar tu mente de todas las aplicaciones descentralizadas, clientes, sitios que puedes utilizar. Nunca volverás a ver a las comunicaciones ni a las redes sociales de la mesma manera. Todo gracias al carácter criptográfico de nostr, inpirado por la tecnología "blockchain". Cada usario, cuando crean una cuenta en Nostr, recibe un par de llaves: una privada y una publico. Estos son las llaves de tu propio reino. Lo que escribes, cantes, grabes, lo que creas - todo te pertenece.
### Unos llaves de Oro y Plata
Mi amigo y yo llamamos a esto "identidad mediante cifrado" porque tu identidad es cifrado. Tu puedes compartir tu llave de plata "npub" a otros usarios para conectar y seguir. Utiliza tu llave de oro "nsec" para accedar a tu cuenta y exponerte a muchas aplicaciones. Mantenga la llave a buen recaudo en todo momento. Ya no hay razor para estar enjaulado por los terminos de plataformas sociales nunca más.
### Todavia No tienes un cliente? Seleccione la mejor opción.
Encuentra la aplicación adecuada para ti! Utilice su clave de oro "nsec" para acceder a estas herramientas maravillosas. También puedes visit a esta pagina a ver a todas las aplicaciones. Antes de pegar tu llave de oro en muchas aplicaciones, considera un "signer" (firmante) para los sitios web 3. Por favor, mire la siguiente imagen para más detalles. Consulte también la leyenda.
### Get a Signer extension via chrome webstore
Un firmante (o "signer" en inglés) es una extensión del navegador web. Nos2x and NostrConnect son extensiónes ampliamente aceptado para aceder a Nostr. Esto simplifica el proceso de aceder a sitios "web 3". En lugar de copiar y pegar la clave oro "nsec" cada vez, la mantienes guardado en la extensión y le des permiso para aceder a Nostr.
### 👉⚡⚡Obtén una billetera Bitcoin lightning para enviar/recibir Zaps⚡⚡ (Esto es opcional)
Aqui en Nostr, utilizamos la red Lightning de Bitcoin (L2). Nesitaras una cartera lightning para enviar y recibir Satoshis, la denominacion mas chiquita de un Bitcoin. (0.000000001 BTC) Los "zaps" son un tipo de micropago en Nostr. Si te gusta el contenido de un usario, es norma dejarle una propina en la forma de un ¨zap". Por ejemplo, si te gusta este contenido, tu me puedes hacer "zap" con Satoshis para recompensar mi trabajo. Pero apenas llegaste, as que todavia no tienes una cartera. No se preocupe, puedo ayudar en eso!
"[Stacker.News](https://stacker.news/r/Hamstr)" es una plataforma donde los usarios pueden ganar SATS por publicar articulos y interactuar con otros.
Stacker.News es el lugar mas facil para recibir una direccion de cartera Bitcoin Lightning.
1. Acedese con su extensión firmante "signer" - Nos2x or NostrConnect - hace click en tu perfil, un codigo de letras y numeros en la mano superior derecha. Veás algo como esto
2. Haga clic en "edit" y elija un nombre que te guste. Se puede cambiar si deseas en el futuro.
3. Haga clic en "save"
4. Crea una biografía y la comunidad SN son muy acogedora. Te mandarán satoshi para darte la bienvenida.
5. Tu nueva direccion de cartera Bitcoin Lightning aparecerá asi
**^^No le mandas "zaps" a esta direccion; es puramente con fines educativos.**
6. Con tu **Nueva** dirección de monedero Bitcoin Lightning puedes ponerla en cualquier cliente o app de tu elección. Para ello, ve a tu **página de perfil** y bajo la dirección de tu monedero en "**Dirección Lightning**", introduce tu nueva dirección y pulsa **"guardar "** y ya está. Enhorabuena.
👉✨Con el tiempo, es posible que desee pasar a las opciones de auto-custodia y tal vez incluso considerar la posibilidad de auto-alojar su propio nodo LN para una mejor privacidad. La buena noticia es que stacker.news tambien está dejando de ser una cartera custodio.
⭐NIP-05-identidad DNS⭐
Al igual que en Twitter, una marca de verificación es para mostrar que eres del mismo jardín "como un humano", y no un atípico como una mala hierba o, "bot". Pero no de la forma nefasta en que lo hacen las grandes tecnológicas. En el país de las maravillas de Nostr, esto te permite asignar tu llave de plata, "npub", a un identificador DNS. Una vez verificado, puedes gritar para anunciar tu nueva residencia Nostr para compartir.
✨Hay un montón de opciones, pero si has seguido los pasos, esto se vuelve extremadamente fácil.
👉✅¡Haz clic en tu **"Perfil "**, luego en **"Configuración "**, desplázate hasta la parte inferior y pega tu *clave Silver*, **"npub!"** y haz clic en **"Guardar "** y ¡listo! Utiliza tu monedero relámpago de Stacker.news como tu NIP-05. ¡¡¡Enhorabuena!!! ¡Ya estás verificado! Dale unas horas y cuando uses tu cliente **"principal "** deberías ver una marca de verificación.
### Nostr, el infonformista de los servidores.
En lugar de utilizar una única instancia o un servidor centralizado, Nostr está construido para que varias bases de datos intercambien mensajes mediante "relés". Los relés, que son neutrales y no discriminatorios, almacenan y difunden mensajes públicos en la red Nostr. Transmiten mensajes a todos los demás clientes conectados a ellos, asegurando las comunicaciones en la red descentralizada.
### ¡Mis amigos en Nostr te dan la bienvenida!
Bienvenida a la fiesta. ¿Le apetece un té?🍵
### ¡Hay mucho mas!
Esto es la punta del iceberg. Síguenme mientras continúo explorando nuevas tierras y a los desarolladores, los caballeres que potencioan este ecosistema. Encuéntrame aquí para mas contenido como este y comparten con otros usarios de nostr. Conozca a los caballeres que luchan por freedomTech (la tecnología de libertad) en Nostr y a los proyectos a los que contribuyen para hacerla realidad.💋
🧡😻Esta guía ha sido cuidadosamente traducida por miggymofongo
Puede seguirla aquí.
sitio [web](https://miguelalmodo.com/)
@ 3c984938:2ec11289
2024-06-29 11:40:44
Understand the power of your signature on corporate documents.
Do you ever feel like you put your signature on everything when it comes to legal documents? A cellphone? Loan(s)? Voting booth? Electricity & Water? Driver's License? Hunting Permit? It seems like anything you want or need. You have to **sign** a contract. What if I told you that there's always a catch?
👉Definition of Reverse Trust Scam: It is a type of fraud that targets **unknowingly individuals**, often using a combination of deception, manipulation, and false promises to convince them (gains your trust) to part with their hard-earned money, privacy, rights, savings, and even property etc. (This could easily get extended with relationships, too)
✨SideNote: There are a lot of very good scammers out there, and many are very creative and use modern day technology just like you. Some may even pose as FBI or the IRS!
For the purpose of this article, let's go with something a bit harmless. The new Tesla CyberTruck.
![](https://robbreport.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/cybertruck06.jpg?w=1000) The Tesla CyberTruck has various benefits such as Instant Torque, tech, sustainability, bulletproof, fireproof, customization and off-road etc.
You're probably thinking, "YES! SIGN ME UP." You might even be very grateful after you've signed the contract.
Any type of **corporate sale, deal, contract,** the *solicitor* does not **have to** disclose everything in the contract. They only explain what you **get,** and not what you **forfeit,** *or* has **terms** *&* **conditions.**
This is where the scam part comes in.
First, Let's define what scam[^1] actually means.
This story was published after a man purchased a CyberTruck, "A Man Says Tesla Won’t Let Him Sell His Cybertruck—Even Though It’s Too Big for His [Parking Spot."](https://robbreport.com/motors/cars/tesla-cybertruck-owner-cannot-sell-ev-parking-space-1235638981/)
>"That agreement includes a provision that states that if a Cybertruck owner sells the EV during the first year, they can be **fined $50,000** or the value of the vehicle, whichever is greater, and be banned from buying future Teslas."
In this case, whether he paid for it fully or partially(via bank loan), he “*owns*” the Truck. Or does he not? So what happened here? He *waived away* his **right** to **sell it** for at least a *year or face heavy penalties*. But the *salesman* did not disclose that **information!** What would you call this? To me --this would be **fraud.** Thanks to the internet, this information has come into light. You might be thinking "fraud," might be a bit harsh. Allow me to explain.
What the salesman did was not tell you the information purposefully in order to sale the vehicle(they get paid by commissions). He also has used the power of the law, against you to “protect” himself using your "signature." Essentially, the salesman became the **beneficiary**, and the man is the glorified holder of the "**title**" of the vehicle, redeemable after a year.
Think like an **owner** here for a moment:
✨If I bought a CD with music and resold it later to a friend-he *or* she have full rights. If I gave a PlayStation game to a friend, they can play to their hearts content. This also applies with books, bikes, microwaves, and so forth. You probably don't even pay taxes to these items.
📚🧾🎼The Author of a book holds the trust(copyright), so I cannot copy its content without their permission. Plain and simple. This makes me the beneficiary of that book because I benefitted from reading the book. The music CD and game is copyrighted, but I can still sell it or give it away. 🌠**Note:** I never signed anything for these items, all I did was pay the clerk for ownership.
The use of digital products such as ebooks, mp3s, and even your data has **forced** the consumer to agree to platforms ever-changing "**TOS**" and are no longer the owner but rather the digital item(s) are held in custodial care. Doesn't this feel like the **reverse version of ownership**? If you buy ebooks on **Amazon**, you cannot **share** the files nor can you **sell it.** 🍎**Apple** pulls a similar move with the music and app industry. The next runner-up is your data on 🐦**Twitter, Meta,** and **Google**. What about your 👛Bitcoin held on exchanges? They could(FAANG) at will, terminate your account if they desire to do so. Seems like no one benefits, except the **corporations** because you've digitally "**agreed**" and thus waived your rights which aren't disclosed. Therefore, you don't own anything. You're just the glorified "user" of those digital items.
🌟Moments like these make me grateful for Nostr protocol and Bitcoin.
So think of all the **documents** you've ever *signed*. What did you give up when you signed a contract? Did it benefit you? What was not *disclosed?* Often times, things that you sign are written in another language known as **legalese**. For example, have you ever been on the phone and were asked, "Is this a person?"🤔What kind of question is that? Start applying this idea to vaccination, school and etc, and you might see where I'm going with this.
Here is what they're really saying.
^^ Have I been tricked?
Well, I certainly was! I can even recall a memory I had in my "youth." I was pulled over at a *stop sign*, the **officer**(waiting on top of a hill- *out of sight*) gave me a ticket because I didn't perform a “**full stop**” but rather a "**rolling stop.**" I remember being asked, "*Do you understand?*”
Do you think I'm innocent? Or was I truly wrong? Maybe I was tricked? According to the officer, I was wrong, and I signed the ticket and paid the fine. I've wised up significantly since that event. It is to this day the only ticket I've ever paid for, and that was 14+ years ago. I, understand now that was part of the driver's license contract.
☑ Do you ever wonder why **voting** is pushed onto the public? The people running the voting stations don't even care "**who**" you **vote** for. They just want you to "**register**" into the 🦅 "**State**," thus relinquishing your **title** *voluntarily*. Maybe I'm right? Perhaps I'm wrong? I've made my feelings known [here.](nostr:naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzq0ycfyurhh4gswct69h7ec0dxmfhud7dmc7wgwchaf8fryhvzy5fqyg8wumn8ghj7m3wda4nqtn0wfnj7qgkwaehxw309ahx7um5wghxgct5vyhxsct4wvhsqzpkvyunwd33vsmqu8a5ng)
This world is *filled* with amazingly deceitful scam artists. Often times, you may not even realize it. They do this to steal your *sovereignty*, but it can **only** be done *through* **contracts** *signed*. Your *signature* is as good as **gold**(if not better) and is an **original** *trademark*.
I hope this article helps you understand the price you're paying by signing contracts. What do the stars tell you? Seek the truth. Trust yourself, we each have a moral compass; Just follow your heart and listen to your inner intuitions.
>"In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act"- *George Orwell*
With 🧡,
🧧⚡Zaps⚡ are always appreciated, but are not required.
Thank you for taking your time to read my article. I am truly humble every time someone does. I, sometimes even 😊blush when someone shares it. I will share ways to decentralize your life.
Here are other articles that I wrote that you might like:
[Nostr Beginner's guide](nostr:naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzq0ycfyurhh4gswct69h7ec0dxmfhud7dmc7wgwchaf8fryhvzy5fqyt8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnyv96xztngv96hxtcqppnrjve5xa3kzdc4r0tg8)
[Another cup of Tea?](nostr:naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzq0ycfyurhh4gswct69h7ec0dxmfhud7dmc7wgwchaf8fryhvzy5fqyt8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnyv96xztngv96hxtcqpqergcnrvsunses669cwq)
[Content Creator Tools for writers](nostr:naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzq0ycfyurhh4gswct69h7ec0dxmfhud7dmc7wgwchaf8fryhvzy5fqyt8wumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytnyv96xztngv96hxtcqpqensvekxguxyvs3yekep)
[Just Don't Vote](nostr:naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzq0ycfyurhh4gswct69h7ec0dxmfhud7dmc7wgwchaf8fryhvzy5fqyg8wumn8ghj7m3wda4nqtn0wfnj7qgkwaehxw309ahx7um5wghxgct5vyhxsct4wvhsqzpkvyunwd33vsmqu8a5ng)
📢Special Shout-outs:
ALL the developers, relay operators, and 🐈designers in Nostr.
✨Support your favorite dev and zap with a special note that you like their work. If you're a little embarrassed send a private zap.😊
[^1]: Fraud and scam have the same see the [definition](https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/scam)
@ 3c984938:2ec11289
2024-06-09 14:40:55
I'm having some pain in my heart about the U.S. elections.
Ever since Obama campaigned for office, an increase of young voters have come out of the woodwork. Things have not improved. They've actively told you that "**your vote matters.**" I believe this to be a lie unless any citizen can demand at the gate, at the White House to be allowed to hold and point a gun to the president's head. (**Relax**, this is a hyperbole)
Why so dramatic?
Well, what does the president do? Sign bills, commands the military, nominates new Fed chairman, ambassadors, supreme judges and senior officials all while traveling in luxury planes and living in a white palace for four years.
They promised **Every TIME** to protect citizen rights when they take the oath and office.
*...They've broken this several times, with so-called "emergency-crisis"*
The purpose of a president, today, it seems is to basically hire armed thugs to keep the citizens in check and make sure you "voluntarily continue to be a slave," to the system, hence the IRS. The corruption extends from the cop to the judge and even to politicians. The politicians get paid from lobbyists to create bills in congress for the president to sign. There's no right answer when money is involved with politicians. It is the same if you vote Obama, Biden, Trump, or Haley. They will wield the pen to serve themselves to **say** it will benefit the country.
In the first 100 years of presidency, the government wasn't even a big deal. They didn't even interfere with your life as much as they do today.
^^ You hold the **power** in your hands, don't let them take it. Don't believe me? Try to get a loan from a bank without a signature. Your signature is as good as gold (if not better) and is an original trademark.
Just Don't Vote.
End the Fed.
Opt out.
^^ I choose to form my own path, even if it means leaving everything I knew prior. It doesn't have to be a spiritual thing. Some, have called me religious because of this. We're all capable of greatness and having humanity.
✨Don't have a machine heart with a machine mind. Instead, choose to have a heart like the cowardly lion from the "**Wizard Of Oz.**"
There's no such thing as a good president or politicians.
If there was, they would have issued *non-interest* **Federal Reserve Notes.** Lincoln and Kennedy tried to do this, they got shot.
There's still a banner of America there, but it's so far gone that I cannot even recognize it. However, I only see a bunch of 🏳🌈 pride flags.
✨Patrick Henry got it wrong, when he delivered his speech, "Give me liberty or give me death." Liberty and freedom are two completely different things.
Straightforward from Merriam-Webster
Choose Right or left?
No control, to be 100% without restrictions- free.
✨I disagree with the example sentence given. Because you cannot advocate for human freedom and own slaves, it's contradicting it. Which was common in the founding days.
I can understand many may disagree with me, and you might be thinking, "**This time will be different.**" I, respectfully, disagree, and the proxy wars are proof. Learn the importance of Bitcoin, every **Satoshi** is a step away from corruption.
✨What does it look like to pull the curtains from the "**Wizard of Oz?**"
Have you watched the video below, what 30 Trillion dollars in debt looks like visually? Even I was blown away.
I say this with love. Hear my plea?
Normally, I don't write about anything political. It just feels like a losing game. My energy feels it's in better use to learn new things, write and to create. Even a simple blog post as simple as this. Stack SATs, and stay humble.
@ 3c984938:2ec11289
2024-05-09 04:43:15
It's been a journey from the Publishing Forest of Nostr to the open sea of web3. I've come across a beautiful chain of islands and thought. Why not take a break and explore this place? If I'm searching for devs and FOSS, I should search every nook and cranny inside the realm of Nostr. It is quite vast for little old me. I'm just a little hamster and I don't speak in code or binary numbers zeros and ones.
After being in sea for awhile, my heart raced for excitement for what I could find. It seems I wasn't alone, there were others here like me! Let's help spread the message to others about this uncharted realm. See, look at the other sailboats, aren't they pretty? Thanks to some generous donation of SATs, I was able to afford the docking fee.
Ever feel like everyone was going to a party, and you were supposed to dress up, but you missed the memo? Or a comic-con? well, I felt completely underdressed and that's an understatement. Well, turns out there is a some knights around here. Take a peek!
A black cat with a knight passed by very quickly. He was moving too fast for me to track. Where was he going? Then I spotted a group of knights heading in the same direction, so I tagged along. The vibes from these guys was impossible to resist. They were just happy-go-lucky. 🥰They were heading to a tavern on a cliff off the island.
Ehh? a Tavern? Slightly confused, whatever could these knights be doing here? I guess when they're done with their rounds they would here to blow off steam. Things are looking curiouser and curiouser. But the black cat from earlier was here with its rider, whom was dismounting. So you can only guess, where I'm going.
The atmosphere in this pub, was lively and energetic. So many knights spoke among themselves. A group here, another there, but there was one that caught my eye. I went up to a group at a table, whose height towed well above me even when seated. Taking a deep breath, I asked, "Who manages this place?" They unanimous pointed to one waiting for ale at the bar. What was he doing? Watching others talk? How peculiar.
So I went up to him! And introduced myself.
>"Hello I'm Onigirl"
>>"Hello Onigirl, Welcome to Gossip"
>>>"Gossip, what is Gossip?" scratching my head and whiskers.
What is Gossip?
Gossip is FOSS and a great client for **privacy-centric minded nostriches**. It avoids browser tech which by-passes several scripting languages such as JavaScript☕, HTML parsing, rendering, and CSS(Except HTTP GET and Websockets). Using OpenGL-style rendering. **For Nostriches that wish to remain anonymous can use Gossip over TOR.** Mike recommends using QubesOS, Whonix and or Tails. [FYI-Gossip does not natively support tor SOCKS5 proxy]
Most helpful to spill the beans if you're a journalist.
On top of using your nsec or your encryption key, Gossip adds another layer of security over your account with a password login. There's nothing wrong with using the browser extensions (such as nos2x or Flamingo) which makes it super easy to log in to Nostr enable websites, apps, but it does expose you to browser vulnerabilities.
Mike Points out
>"people have already had their private key stolen from other nostr clients,"
so it a concern if you value your account. I most certainly care for mine.
Gossip UI has a simple, and clean interface revolving around NIP-65 also called the “Outbox model." As posted from [GitHub](https://github.com/nostr-protocol/nips/blob/master/65.md),
>"This NIP allows Clients to connect directly with the most up-to-date relay set from each individual user, eliminating the need of broadcasting events to popular relays."
This eliminates clients that track only a specific set of relays which can congest those relays when you publish your note. Also this can be censored, by using Gossip you can publish notes to alternative relays that have not censored you to reach the same followers.
👉The easiest way to translate that is reducing redundancy to publish to popular relays or centralized relays for content reach to your followers.
Cool! What an awesome client, I mean Tavern! What else does this knight do? He reaches for something in his pocket. what is it? A Pocket is a database for storing and retrieving nostr events but mike's written it in Rust with a few extra kinks inspired by Will's nostrdb. Still in development, but it'll be another tool for you dear user! 💖💕💚
Onigirl is proud to present this knights to the community and honor them with kisu. 💋💋💋 Show some 💖💘💓🧡💙💚
👉💋💋Will - jb55 Lord of apples 💋
👉💋💋 Mike Knight - Lord of Security 💋
Knights spend a lot of time behind the screen coding for the better of humanity. It is a tough job! Let's appreciate these knights, relay operators, that support this amazing realm of Nostr! FOSS for all!
This article was prompted for the need for privacy and security of your data. They're different, not to be confused.
Recently, Edward Snowden warns Bitcoin devs about the need for privacy, [Quote](https://twitter.com/Snowden/status/1786170805728039127):
>“I've been warning Bitcoin developers for ten years that privacy needs to be provided for at the protocol level. This is the final warning. The clock is ticking.”
Snowden’s comments come after heavy actions of enforcement from Samarai Wallet, Roger Ver, Binance’s CZ, and now the closure of Wasabi Wallet. Additionally, according to [CryptoBriefing](https://cryptobriefing.com/trezor-coinjoin-shutdown/), Trezor is ending it’s CoinJoin integration as well. Many are concerned over the new definition of a money transmitter, which includes even those who don’t touch the funds.
### Help your favorite the hamster
^^Me drowning in notes on your feed. I can only eat so many notes to find you.
👉If there are any XMPP fans on here. I'm open to the idea of opening a public channel, so you could follow me on that as a *forum-like style*. My server of choice would likely be a German server.😀You would be receiving my articles as njump.me style or website-like. GrapeneOS users, you can download Cheogram app from the F-Driod store for free to access. Apple and Andriod users are subjected to pay to download this app, an alternative is **ntalk or conversations**. *If it interests the community, just FYI. Please comment or DM.*
👉If you enjoyed this content, please consider **reposting/sharing** as *my content is easily drowned by notes* on your feed. You could also *join my community under Children_Zone where I post my content.*
An alternative is by following #onigirl Just FYI this feature is currently a little buggy.
Follow as I search for tools and awesome devs to help you dear user live a decentralized life as I explore the realm of Nostr.
Thank you
@ 3c984938:2ec11289
2024-04-16 17:14:58
## Hello (N)osytrs!
### Yes! I'm calling you an (N)oystr!
Why is that? Because you shine, and I'm not just saying that to get more SATs.
Ordinary Oysters and mussels can produce these beauties! Nothing seriously unique about them, however, with a little time and love each oyster is capable of creating something truly beautiful. I like believing so, at least, given the fact that you're even reading this article; makes you an (N)oystr! This isn't published this on X (formerly known as Twitter), Facebook, Discord, Telegram, or Instagram, which makes you the rare breed! A pearl indeed! I do have access to those platforms, but why create content on a terrible platform knowing I too could be shut down! Unfortunately, many people still use these platforms. This forces individuals to give up their privacy every day. Meta is leading the charge by forcing users to provide a photo ID for verification in order to use their crappy, obsolete site. If that was not bad enough, imagine if you're having a type of disagreement or opinion. Then, Bigtech can easily deplatform you. Umm. So no open debate? Just instantly shut-off users. Whatever, happened to right to a fair trial? Nope, just burning you at the stake as if you're a witch or warlock!
How heinous are the perpetrators and financiers of this? Well, that's opening another can of worms for you.
Imagine your voice being taken away, like the little mermaid. Ariel was lucky to have a prince, but the majority of us? The likelihood that I would be carried away by the current of the sea during a sunset with a prince on a sailboat is zero. And I live on an island, so I'm just missing the prince, sailboat(though I know where I could go to steal one), and red hair. Oh my gosh, now I feel sad.
I do not have the prince, Bob is better!
I do not have mermaid fins, or a shell bra. Use coconut shells, it offers more support!
But, I still have my voice and a killer sunset to die for!
All of that is possible thanks to the work of developers. These knights fight for Freedom Tech by utilizing FOSS, which help provides us with a vibrant ecosystem. Unfortunately, I recently learned that **they are not all *funded***. Knights must eat, drink, and have a work space. This space is where they spend most of their sweat equity on an app or software that may and may not pan out. That brilliance is susceptible to fading, as these individuals are not seen but rather stay behind closed doors. What's worse, if these developers lose faith in their project and decide to join forces with Meta! 😖 Does WhatsApp ring a bell?
Without them, I probably wouldn't be able to create this long form article. Let's cheer them on like cheerleaders.. 👉Unfortunately, there's no cheerleader emoji so you'll just have to settle for a dancing lady, n guy. 💃🕺
Semisol said it beautifully,
> If we want freedom tech to succeed, the tools that make it possible need to be funded: relays like https://nostr.land, media hosts like https://nostr.build, clients like https://damus.io, etc.
With that thought, Onigirl is pleased to announce the launch of a new series. With a sole focus on free market devs/projects.
# Knights of Nostr!
![Knights of Nostr](https://image.nostr.build/dd6e5cbca87a7eec8d4ddebc8ad982bc5560ccd2415b24d5012ba07eb16796be.png)
I'll happily brief you about their exciting project and how it benefits humanity! Let's Support these Magnificent projects, devs, relays, and builders! Our first runner up!
Oppa Fishcake :Lord of Media Hosting
Oppa Fishcake with his noble steed!
Think of this as an introduction to learn and further your experience on Nostr! New developments and applications are constantly happening on Nostr. It's enough to make one's head spin. I may also cover FOSS projects(outside of Nostr) as they need some love as well! Plus, you can think of it as another tool to add to your decentralized life. I will not be doing how-to-Nostr guides. I personally feel there are plenty of great guides already available! Which I'm happy to add to curation collection via easily searchable on Yakihonne.
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> I was a little nervous using this because I was used doing them in RStudio; R Markdown.
> Since this is my first article, I sent it to my account as a draft to test it. It's pretty neat.
@ 5c8a5765:4fc5edee
2024-03-22 17:44:23
# "Мне-то что с того, что за мной следят? Мне же скрывать нечего". Но постойте, может быть вы...
*[Read in English](https://habla.news/u/anarchist@nostrz.org/why-privacy-eng)* <br>
**tl;dr: Отсутствие приватности угрожает сексуальным, расовым, национальным меньшинствам, женщинам, мужчинам, небинарным, атеистам, активист(к)ам, бедным, инвалидам, школьни(кам/цам), представителям социальных профессий, любым покупателям, человеку в целом и даже демократии.**
### **...Чёрнокож(ий/ая)?**
Компания Palentir, занимающаяся разработкой искусственного интеллекта, продает данные упреждающего наблюдения полиции Лос-Анджелеса, чтобы использовать дорожные камеры для целенаправленного расового профилирования (обыска исключительно чернокожих для превентивного расследования преступлений) [1]. Если вы участвовали в протестах BLM, ФСБ также грубо превышает свои полномочия ради слежки за вами [52].
### **...Мусульман(ин/ка)?**
Salaat First, приложение, напоминающее мусульманам о времени молитвы, продает пользовательские данные ФБР и ICE, чтобы постоянно отслеживать местоположение пользователей [2]. При этом в Гуантанамо пытают заключенных мусульман без суда и следствия [3].
### **...Атеист/ка?**
Евангелисты начали использовать цифровое наблюдение, чтобы выслеживать, где живут "ещё необращенные" в христианство [57].
### **...Не гетеросексуальны или не цисгендерны?**
Grindr продает данные о местонахождении пользователей [4]: проданные данные использовались для увольнения священников-геев [5]. По данным New York Post, они "позволяли неизвестным третьим лицам узнавать конфиденциальную информацию о пользователях, в том числе о том, с кем они встречаются, где живут и работают, где проводят свободное время" [6].
Владельцы Grind поспешно выставили сервис на продажу, когда раскрылось, что он собирает ещё и медицинские данные пользователей и делятся ими с другими компаниями [7] (ваши мед. данные стоят в 10-40 раз дороже данных вашей кредитной карты [8]). Далеко не всем трансгендерным, небинарным или интерсекс-личностям хотелось бы ходить с табличкой "МОИ ГЕНЕТАЛИИ НЕ СООТВЕТСТВУЮТ ГЕНДЕРУ" на груди, но отсутствие приватности даёт вам именно это.
Раскрывая вашу идентичность кому попало, вы ставите свою свободу (если быть не-цисгетеро нелегально в вашей стране) и жизнь под угрозу.
### **...Человек с маткой?**
Отслеживание мобильной геолокации используется группами против абортов. Цитата из Politico: "Одна рекламная фирма хвасталась в 2015 году, что может "пометить все смартфоны, входящие и выходящие из почти 700 клиник Planned Parenthood" [9]. При этом на 2022 г. 40% стран мира имели юридическую ответственность за проведение аборта без крайне специфических причин [10]. Не стоит также забывать, что противни(ки/цы) абортов очень воинственно настроены: существует немало насилия и даже терроризма против проводящих и совершающих аборты [11][12].
### **...Активист/ка?**
Google передал индийской полиции данные 21-летней климатической активистки, которая набирала в Google Docs информацию о фермерских протестах (оказалась арестована) [13]. Protonmail передал данные экоактивиста* Французской полиции (оказался арестован) [14]. Facebook, Instagram и X (Twitter) предоставляют доступ к данным для слежки за активистами (в особенности не белыми) — некоторые из них не отказалась от сотрудничества даже после разоблачения [15]. Наши правительства также крайне заинтересованы в предотвращении протестов ещё до того, как они произойдут.
### **...Нонкомформист/ка?**
Например, если вы консерватор/ка, вы можете оказаться под сапогом цензуры: компания Gotcha SEO провела исследование 50 противоречивых ("острых") поисковых запросов в Google и обнаружила, что только 5 % результатов относятся консервативным сайтам, по сравнению с 31,8 % левых и 63,8 % нейтральных [16][17]. По моему личному опыту (особенно ощутилось в ходе написания этой статьи), Google, Bing и прочие поисковики от крупных компаний (в сравнении с, например, Brave Search) также нехотя выдают результаты на тему того, как крупные компании продают ваши личные данные.
### **...Кита(янка/ец)?**
В 2019 году YouTube был пойман на автоматическом удалении комментариев, содержавших что-либо про "50 Cent (Party)" (китайская "фабрика троллей" — команды людей, наполняющие комментарии соц. сетей прогосударственными мнениями за небольшую оплату) [18], или обвинения Китайской Коммунистической партии в бандитизме [19]. А ещё Tik Tok крадет данные ваших детей и продает их вашему (китайскому) правительству [20]. А ещё Google разрабатывает специальный зацензурированный поисковик специально для Китая [21].
### **...Человек с мужским гендером в документах?**
Если в вашей стране есть воинский призыв, с подавляющим шансом он будет обязателен только для мужчин [22] (это — дискриминация). Чтобы отправить вас в армию или на войну, вас будут отслеживать по телефону, передвижению автомобилей [23], камерам с распознаваниям лиц [24] и проч. Уклонение — наказывается, вплоть до тюрьмы и нарушения прав человека [25][26].
### **...Анархист/ка?**
Google Maps активно скрывают любые изображения протестов и даже плохих условий жизни [27]. Google Ads и Play Market убирают оппозиционный контент по запросам государства (например, российского) [28][29]. YouTube активно блокирует каналы и видео, освещающие критику правительств [30], протесты [31] или государственные пытки [32] — особенно в бедных странах. (См. также пункт "активист/ка?".)
### **...За Палестину?**
Социальные сети активно блокируют про-палестинские точки зрения [33].
### **...Имеете особое состояние здоровья?**
Аптеки передают ваши медицинские данныеп полиции без ордера на обыск [34]. Как уже было сказано, на чёрном рынке ваши мед. данные стоят в 10-40 раз дороже данных вашей кредитной карты [8].
### **...Когда-либо что-нибудь покупали?**
Капитализм — это одна из главных опасностей при продаже ваших личных данных. Многие крупные компании используют информацию о вас, чтобы оценить ваш доход, продать вам товары, которые вам на самом деле не нужны [36][37][38], или манипулировать ценами [37].
1. Например, интернет-магазины знают, что люди с низким доходом чаще совершают срочные покупки, поэтому они устанавливают для них более высокие цены и отменяют скидки [39][40].
2. Некоторые финансовые и страховые компании используют социальные графики для определения процентных ставок и страховых взносов. Это часто заставляет людей с низким доходом платить больше — данный феномен известен как "бедность-премиум" [41].
3. Компания Orbitz направляет пользовате(льниц/лей) Mac в более дорогие отели, поскольку они переплачивают за электронику Apple. [42].
4. Компания Target выставляет клиент(к)ам более высокие цены, когда они физически находились рядом с магазином и вряд ли ищут альтернативу. [43]
5. McDonalds наняла компанию Silverpush, занимающуюся слежкой, чтобы связать аудиоданные, полученные без согласия из ее мобильного приложения, со звуками, доносящимися с Youtube или телевидения, для показа "релевантной рекламы" на разных платформах. [44]
Примерам подлых продаж нет конца — и это только те, о которых стало известно общественности!
### **...Мама, папа, родитель?**
Родительский клуб Bounty оштрафован на 400 000 фунтов стерлингов за продажу данных пользователей — компания незаконно передавала 34,4 млн записей 39 компаниям [45]. Популярное приложение для обеспечения безопасности семьи Life360 продает точные данные о местоположении десятков миллионов своих пользователей [46]. Доверили бы вы личные данные и местоположение своих детей незнаком(цам/кам)? Ведь по некоторым данным педофил(ки/ы) [47] и люди, похищающие детей, могут использовать эти данные для нахождения жертв.
### **...Представитель/ница социальной профессии?**
Вы работаете политик/ом, депутат/кой, учител/ем, священни/цей, куратор/ом, доктор/кой, терапевт/ом или др., из-за чего у вас хранится множество уязвимых личных данных других людей, за которые вы в ответе? Вам стоит побеспокоиться об их сохранности — ведь эти данные выгодно продаются [48].
### **...В отношениях?**
Возможно, вы бы хотели сохранить интимные детали отношений между вами? В самой гротескной из новостей на этот счёт сотрудник австралийской пограничной службы вернул телефон гражданину после принудительного досмотра в аэропорту со словами: "Приятно было снова посмотреть нормальное порно", ссылаясь на обнаженные фотографии его девушки [49].
### **...Путешественни(ца/к)?**
Популярная сеть отелей AirBNB разрешает устанавливать камеры внутри своих помещений [56].
### **...Учитесь в школе?**
Бдительно следите за соблюдением правил: школы используют техники слежения, чтобы ловить и жестоко наказывать вас за использование вейпа (электронных сигарет) [51].
### **...Водитель/ница?**
Автомобили стали компьютерами на колесах: они "обладают непревзойденной способностью смотреть, слушать и собирать информацию о том, что вы делаете и куда идете" [55]. Эта информация затем передается или продается брокерам данных, правоохранительным органам и другим лицам. Из 25 изученных марок машин 56 % передают ваши данные правоохранительным органам в ответ на неофициальный запрос, 84 % передают или продают ваши личные данные [55].
Информацию также охотно закупают страховые компании [58], а для слежки за вами её могут использовать даже ваши партнер(ы/ки) [59].
### **...Используете технологии для уборки?**
Роботы-пылесосы не только всасывают пыль, но и сканируют ваше жилище [53]. Как бы ни было сложно в это поверить, Amazon действительно использует эти данные, чтобы заставлять вас чаще покупать то, что вам не нужно [54].
### **...Житель/ница страны с демократической системой?**
Не так давно произошёл случай, как Facebook поймали на манипуляциях крупнейшими выборами: компания использовала наши социальные графики, чтобы исказить наше представление о реальном мире и манипулировать нашими голосами [35].
### **...Граждан(ин/ка) государства?**
В условиях государства безобидные разговоры могут подвергнуть вас опасности, даже если вам нечего скрывать. Одна из самых шокирующих историй — упомянутый выше опыт Мохамеду Ульд Салахи [3], описанный в его мемуарах и показанный в фильме "Мавританец". Он был помещен в лагерь Гуантанамо без суда и следствия и подвергался там пыткам в течение 15 лет за телефонный звонок своему родственнику в Афганистане — он подозревался в причастности к терактам 11 сентября, хотя предыдущие 10 лет он жил в Германии.
Обычных людей арестовывают и подвергают давлению за то, чем они делятся в Интернете, даже через свои "анонимные" аккаунты, даже в демократических странах, даже если это было легальным, даже если вы не мужчина [50].
*«Дайте мне шесть строк, написанных самым честным человеком, и я найду в них что-нибудь, за что его казнят на виселице» — Кардинал де Ричелиеу*
### **...Человек?**
Зачем вы носите одежду? Почему вы бы скорее предпочли непрозрачный туалет прозрачному, или спальню без камер — наблюдаемой спальне? Почему вы можете не захотеть поделиться политическими взглядами, сексуальной ориентацией или гендерной идентичностью с бабушкой, учителем или полицейским, даже если вы считаете, что в них нет ничего плохого? Почему вы можете не захотеть поделиться галереей или паролями от своих социальных сетей с тётей, социальным работником или юзером Двача, даже если вы не делали ничего незаконного напрямую?
Что если я предложу вам отправить пароли от ваших социальных сетей, банковских счетов, ваши медицинские данные, адрес и фотографии на мою электронную почту — **обещаю**, что не воспользуюсь ими для чего-то плохого: я просто хочу хранить их у себя на жестком диске для безопасности ваших же данных? Вам действительно нечего скрывать?
Что если я скажу, что автоматизированная слежка достигла таких масштабов, что мегакорпорации могут предполагать, о чём вы *думаете* [60]? Вас это беспокоит? Если да — я не буду удивлен.
Приватность всегда была частью жизни человека, обычной её частью. То, как мы живем сейчас — это крайне неестественное для человека состояние; оно никогда не было нормальным. Вам не обязательно должно быть что скрывать, чтобы захотеть не делиться всеми подробностями личной жизни с окружающими.
## Заключение
Чем дольше мы отказываемся от борьбы за права на приватность, тем больше Левиафан набирает силу. Вы думаете, мир Оруэлла из «1984» был построен в одночасье? Нет! Люди жертвовали правами на конфиденциальность, анонимность, свободу информации — шаг за шагом. И первый шаг к антиутопии — это маргинализация людей, которые беспокоятся о своей анонимности: сведение их до «носителей шапочек из фольги» и тех кто «правда считает, что *ОНИ* читают твои эмейлы».
Так что же нам делать? **Не надо** думать, что "с этим ничего не поделаешь", или что "мы уже проиграли". Вместо этого нам нужно:
1. Распространять информацию о том, почему приватность важна, и почему о ней стоит побеспокоиться;
2. Использовать приватные, свободные, децентрализованные аналоги популярным сервисам (например, Session вместо Telegram, NOSTR вместо Twitter, DuckDuckGo вместо Google);
3. Поддерживать право на приватность ради остальных (например, пока только единицы используют приватные мессенджеры — государства знают, что использующие их что-то скрывают. Но если половина населения начнёт использовать их, нельзя будет вычленить никого особенного);
4. Чаще спрашивать, почему компании знают о нас так много, и как это вообще легально;
5. Участвовать в политике. Политика — это не "наблюдательный спорт": если демократия не работает, мы ответственны за то, чтобы заставить её работать. Самая верхушка такого участия — это поддержка организаций, борющихся за права на приватность
*«Говорить, что вам не важна приватность, ибо вам нечего скрывать — это как говорить, что вам не важна свобода слова, ибо вам нечего сказать. Но даже если вы не пользуетесь каким-то правом в данный конкретный момент, другие могут нуждаться в нём. И говорить, что вам не важно право, ибо конкретно вам сейчас оно не нужно, это самая асоциальная вещь, которую вы только можете сделать» — Эдвард Сноуден*
<br> [1] https://theintercept.com/2021/01/30/lapd-palantir-data-driven-policing/
<br> [2] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/dec/03/aclu-seeks-release-records-data-us-collected-via-muslim-app-used-millions
<br> [3] https://www.npr.org/2019/11/14/778944195/a-legacy-of-torture-is-preventing-trials-at-guant-namo
<br> [4] https://www.vox.com/technology/2023/6/16/23762403/data-odni-report-wyden
<br> [5] https://www.vox.com/recode/22587248/grindr-app-location-data-outed-priest-jeffrey-burrill-pillar-data-harvesting
<br> [6] https://nypost.com/2022/05/02/grindr-sold-data-about-users-precise-locations-for-years-report/
<br> [7] https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/apr/03/grindr-shared-information-about-users-hiv-status-with-third-parties
<br> [8] https://www.cyberpolicy.com/cybersecurity-education/why-medical-records-are-10-times-more-valuable-than-credit-card-info
<br> [9] https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/13/planned-parenthood-location-track-abortion-ads-00141172
<br> [10] "As of 2022, countries that legally allow abortion on request or for socioeconomic reasons comprise about 60% of the world's population", https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_law
<br> [11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-abortion_violence
<br> [12] https://www.justice.gov/crt/recent-cases-violence-against-reproductive-health-care-providers
<br> [13] https://www.indiatoday.in/technology/news/story/disha-ravi-arrest-puts-privacy-of-all-google-india-users-in-doubt-1769772-2021-02-16
<br> [14] https://proton.me/blog/climate-activist-arrest
<br> [15] https://www.aclunc.org/blog/facebook-instagram-and-twitter-provided-data-access-surveillance-product-marketed-target
<br> [16] https://www.gotchseo.com/google-biased/
<br> [17] Google вообще проводит немало цензуры в своих сервисах: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_by_Google
<br> [18] https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3933777
<br> [19] https://www.theverge.com/2020/5/26/21270290/youtube-deleting-comments-censorship-chinese-communist-party-ccp
<br> [20] https://www.npr.org/2020/08/04/898836158/class-action-lawsuit-claims-tiktok-steals-kids-data-and-sends-it-to-china
<br> [21] https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/16/technology/google-employees-protest-search-censored-china.html
<br> [22] https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%92%D0%BE%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%8F%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C
<br> [23] https://focus.ua/voennye-novosti/626982-ot-doprosov-do-operativnyh-meropriyatij-v-nacpolicii-rasskazali-o-poiske-uklonistov
<br> [24] https://www.bbc.com/russian/features-63346138
<br> [25] https://www.rbc.ua/ukr/styler/k-zaraz-karayut-uhilyantiv-vid-mobilizatsiyi-1707820307.html
<br> [26] https://www.mrarchivist.com/results/entry/4591/; Запрет на голосование по причине того, что мужчина не встал на военный учет, противоречит статье 21 Всеобщей Декларации Прав Человека.
<br> [27] https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna17880969
<br> [28] https://www.rferl.org/a/google-reportedly-removes-navalny-ad-after-russian-government-complains/29478844.html
<br> [29] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/17/apple-and-google-accused-of-political-censorship-over-alexei-navalny-app
<br> [30] https://nordicmonitor.com/2023/09/google-youtube-accused-of-censoring-erdogan-critics/
<br> [31] https://www.medianama.com/2024/02/223-youtube-blocks-videos-protests-job-aspirants-bihar/
<br> [32] https://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/11/29/youtube.activist/
<br> [33] https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2023/10/24/shadowbanning-are-social-media-giants-censoring-pro-palestine-voices
<br> [34] https://thehill.com/business/4355894-pharmacies-sharing-medical-data-without-warrant/
<br> [35] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook%E2%80%93Cambridge_Analytica_data_scandal
<br> [36] https://usercentrics.com/knowledge-hub/data-is-the-new-gold-how-and-why-it-is-collected-and-sold/
<br> [37] https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/data-shared-sold-whats-done/
<br> [38] https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/11/visa-wants-buy-plaid-and-it-transaction-data-millions-people
<br> [39] https://supreme.findlaw.com/legal-commentary/websites-that-charge-different-customers-different-prices.html
<br> [40] https://policyreview.info/articles/analysis/does-everyone-have-price-understanding-peoples-attitude-towards-online-and-offline
<br> [41] https://fairbydesign.com/povertypremium
<br> [42] https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304458604577488822667325882
<br> [43] https://www.bizjournals.com/twincities/news/2019/02/01/report-targets-app-charges-higher-prices-to.html
<br> [44] https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/silverpush-app-tracking-spying-use-rises-new/
<br> [45] https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/apr/12/parenting-club-bounty-fined-selling-users-data
<br> [46] https://themarkup.org/privacy/2021/12/06/the-popular-family-safety-app-life360-is-selling-precise-location-data-on-its-tens-of-millions-of-user
<br> [47] https://www.the-sun.com/news/3740183/paedophile-snachat-maps-victims-tesco/
<br> [48] https://www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/heres-how-much-your-personal-information-is-selling-for-on-the-dark-web/
<br> [49] https://micky.com.au/aussie-ex-pat-will-never-return-after-digital-strip-search-reveals-sex-tapes/
<br> [50] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11282263/Moment-police-swoop-house-devout-catholic-mother-malicious-online-posts.html
<br> [51] https://apnews.com/article/vaping-surveillance-technology-schools-982128348c683b9d54c7a307c5b1fdc6
<br> [52] https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/19/fbi-surveillance-black-lives-matter-protesters-00097924
<br> [53] https://www.welivesecurity.com/en/privacy/gathering-dust-and-data-how-robotic-vacuums-can-spy-on-you/
<br> [54] https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/amazons-irobot-deal-eu-antitrust-crosshairs-2023-07-06/
<br> [55] https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/articles/its-official-cars-are-the-worst-product-category-we-have-ever-reviewed-for-privacy/
<br> [56] https://ru.airbnb.com/help/article/3061
<br> [57] https://newrepublic.com/article/179397/evangelical-app-targeting-immigrants-surveillance
<br> [58] https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/11/technology/carmakers-driver-tracking-insurance.html
<br> [59] https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/31/technology/car-trackers-gps-abuse.html
<br> [60] https://www.zdnet.com/article/google-even-knows-what-youre-thinking/
**Это не значит, что ProtonMail небезопасен: сервис регулярно выигрывает множество судов на тему раскрытия данных юзеро(в/к); это значит, что использования ProtonMail было недостаточно приватным (в конкретном случае — без VPN/SPN/TOR).*
@ 5c8a5765:4fc5edee
2024-03-22 17:24:46
# "Why do I care about privacy? I've got nothing to hide." But wait, maybe you are...
*[Прочти на русском](https://habla.news/u/anarchist@nostrz.org/why-privacy)* <br>
**tl;dr: Lack of privacy threatens sexual, racial, national minorities, women, men, non-binary, atheists, activists, the poor, the disabled, students, social workers, any customers, humans beings in general, and even democracy.**
### **...Black?**
Palentir, an artificial intelligence company, is selling proactive surveillance data to the LAPD to use traffic cameras for targeted racial profiling (searching exclusively black people for preventative crime investigations) [1]. If you've participated in BLM protests, the FBI is also grossly overstepping its authority for the sake of surveillance [52].
### **...Muslim?**
Salaat First, an app that reminds Muslims of prayer times, sells user data to the FBI and ICE to constantly track users' locations [2]. Meanwhile, Muslim prisoners are tortured without trial at Guantanamo Bay [3].
### **...Atheist?**
Evangelicals have begun using digital surveillance to track where "not yet converted" to Christianity are living [57].
### **...Queer?**
Grindr sells users' location data [4]: the data sold has been used to fire gay priests [5]. According to the New York Post, they "allowed unknown third parties to learn sensitive information about users, including who they date, where they live and work, and where they spend their free time" [6].
The owners of Grind hastily put the service up for sale when it was revealed that it also collects users' medical data and shares it with other companies [7] (your medical data is worth 10-40 times more than your credit card data [8]). Not all transgender, non-binary, or intersex individuals would want to walk around with a "MY GENITALS DON'T MATCH THE GENDER" sign on their chest, but the lack of privacy gives you just that.
By revealing your identity to anyone, you put your freedom (if being queer is illegal in your country) and life at risk.
### **...AFAB?**
Mobile geolocation tracking is being used by anti-abortion groups. Quote from Politico: "One advertising firm bragged in 2015 that it could 'tag all smartphones going in and out of nearly 700 Planned Parenthood clinics'" [9]. At the same time, as of 2022. 40% of the world had legal liability for abortion without extremely specific reasons [10]. It should also be remembered that some opponents of abortion are very militant: there is quite a bit of violence and even terrorism against abortion providers and abortionists [11][12].
### **...Activist?**
Google gave Indian police the data of a 21-year-old climate activist who typed into Google Docs about farm protests (turned out to be arrested) [13]. Protonmail gave the data of an eco-activist* to the French police (turned out to be arrested) [14]. Facebook, Instagram and X (Twitter) provide access to data to track activists (particularly non-white activists) — some of whom have not been uncooperative even after being exposed [15]. Our governments also have a strong interest in preventing protests before they even happen.
### **...Noncomformist?**
For example, if you're a conservative, you may find yourself under the boot of censorship: the company Gotcha SEO conducted a study of 50 controversial ("edgy") search queries on Google and found that only 5% of the results pertained to conservative sites, compared to 31.8% left-wing and 63.8% neutral [16][17]. In my personal experience (especially felt while writing this article), Google, Bing and other search engines from big companies (compared to, for example, Brave Search) are also reluctant to produce results on the topic of big companies selling your personal information.
### **...Chinese?**
In 2019, YouTube was caught automatically deleting comments that contained anything about "50 Cent (Party)" (China's "troll factory" — teams of people who flood social media comments with pro-state opinions for a small fee) [18], or accusing the Chinese Communist Party of banditry [19]. And then there's Tik Tok stealing your kids' data and selling it to your (Chinese) government [20]. And Google is also developing a special censored search engine specifically for China [21].
### **...A person with male gender in documents?**
If your country has a military draft, with an overwhelming chance it will only be mandatory for males [22] (that's a discrimination). To send you to the army or to war, you will be tracked by phone, car movements [23], facial recognition cameras [24] and more. Evasion is punishable, up to and including prison and human rights violations [25][26].
### **...Anarchist?**
Google Maps actively hides any images of protests and even poor living conditions [27]. Google Ads and Play Market remove opposition content at the request of the state (e.g. Russian) [28][29]. YouTube actively blocks channels and videos covering criticism of governments [30], protests [31], or torture by state [32] — especially in poor countries. (See also "activist?").
### **...Pro-Palestine?**
Social media actively blocks pro-Palestinian viewpoints [33].
### **...Have a special health condition?**
Pharmacies hand over your medical data to the police without a search warrant [34]. As mentioned, your medical data is worth 10-40 times more on the black market than your credit card data [8].
### **...Have ever bought anything?**
Capitalism is one of the main dangers in selling your personal data. Many large companies use your information to estimate your income, sell you products you don't really need [36][37][38], or manipulate prices [37].
1. For example, online retailers know that people with low income are more likely to make urgent purchases, so they set higher prices for them and cancel discounts [39][40].
2. Some financial and insurance companies use social graphs to determine interest rates and insurance premiums. This often forces low-income people to pay more — this phenomenon is known as "poverty-premium" [41].
3. Orbitz directs Mac users to more expensive hotels because they overpay for Apple electronics. [42].
4. Target charges customer(s) higher prices when they were physically close to the store and unlikely to look for an alternative. [43]
5. McDonalds hired surveillance company Silverpush to link non-consensual audio data from its mobile app with audio from Youtube or television to show "relevant ads" across platforms. [44]
There is no end to examples of sleazy sales pitches — and these are just the ones that have come to public knowledge!
### **...Mom, Dad, Parent?**
Parents Club Bounty fined £400,000 for selling user data — the company illegally transferred 34.4 million records to 39 companies [45]. Popular family safety app Life360 sells the precise location data of tens of millions of its users [46]. Would you trust your children's personal data and location to a stranger? After all, according to some reports, pedophiles [47] and kidnappers can use this data to find victims.
### **...Working on a social profession?**
Do you work as a politician, teacher, priest, curator, doctor, therapist or anyone else, so that your work causes you to hold a lot of vulnerable personal data of others for which you are responsible? You should be concerned about keeping them safe — after all, this data is being sold profitably [48].
### **...In a relationship?**
Perhaps you'd like to keep the intimate details of your relationship private? In the most grotesque of news stories on the subject, an Australian border control officer returned a citizen's phone after a forced search at the airport with the words, "It was nice to see some good porn again," referring to nude photos of his girlfriend [49].
### **...Traveler?**
The popular hotel chain AirBNB allows cameras inside its properties [56].
### **...Student?**
Be vigilant: schools use tracking techniques to catch and severely penalize you for using vape (electronic cigarettes) [51].
### **...Driver?**
Cars have become computers on wheels: they "have an unrivaled ability to watch, listen and gather information about what you are doing and where you are going" [55] [55]. This information is then shared or sold to data brokers, law enforcement, and others. Of the 25 car brands studied, 56% share your data with law enforcement in response to an informal request, and 84% share or sell your personal data [55].
Information is also willingly purchased by insurance companies [58], and even your partner(s) can use it to spy on you [59].
### **...Use technology to clean?**
Robot vacuum cleaners not only suck up dust, but also scan your home [53]. As hard as it may be to believe, Amazon is actually using this data to make you more likely to buy things you don't need [54].
### **...Residen of a country with a democratic system?**
There was a case not too long ago where Facebook was caught manipulating a major election: the company used our social graphs to distort our view of the real world and manipulate our votes [35].
### **...Citizen of a state?**
In the context of the state, innocuous conversations can put you in danger, even if you have nothing to hide. One of the most shocking stories is the aforementioned experience of Mohamedou Ould Salahi [3], described in his memoirs and featured in the movie The Moorish Man. He was placed in the Guantanamo camp without trial and tortured there for 15 years for making a phone call to a relative in Afghanistan — he was suspected of involvement in the 9/11 attacks, although he had lived in Germany for the previous 10 years.
Ordinary people are arrested and pressured for what they share online, even through their "anonymous" accounts, even in democracies, even if it was legal, even if you are not a man [50].
*"Give me six lines written by the most honest man, and I will find in them something for which he will be executed on the gallows" — Cardinal de Richelieu*
### **...Human?**
Why do you wear clothes? Why would you rather prefer an opaque toilet to a transparent one, or a bedroom without cameras to a monitored bedroom? Why might you not want to share your political views, sexual orientation, or gender identity with your grandmother, a teacher, or a police officer, even if you think there is nothing wrong with them? Why might you not want to share your social media gallery or passwords with your aunt, a social worker, or a 4chan user, even if you haven't done anything illegal directly?
What if I offered to send your social media passwords, bank account passwords, your medical information, address, and photos to my email — **promise** I wouldn't use them for anything bad: I just want to keep them on my hard drive for the security of your own data? Do you really have nothing to hide?
What if I told you that automated surveillance has reached such a scale that megacorporations can guess what you're *thinking* [60] about? Does that bother you? If so — I wouldn't be surprised.
Privacy has always been a part of human life, a normal part of it. The way we live now is a highly unnatural state for humans; it has never been normal. You don't have to have something to hide to want to not share all the details of your personal life with others.
## Conclusion
The longer we give up the fight for privacy rights, the more Leviathan gains momentum. Do you think Orwell's world of "1984" was built overnight? No! People sacrificed the rights to privacy, anonymity, freedom of information — step by step. And the first step towards dystopia is marginalizing people who worry about their anonymity: reducing them to "tinfoil hat wearers" and "those who really think that *THEY* is reading your emails."
So what do we do? **We must not** think that "there's nothing we can do about it", or that "we've already lost". Instead, we need to:
1. Spread the word about why privacy is important, and why it's worth caring about;
2. Use private, free, decentralized analogs to popular services (e.g. Session instead of Telegram, NOSTR instead of Twitter, DuckDuckGo instead of Google);
3. Support the right to privacy for the sake of the rest (e.g., so far only a few people use private messengers — states know that those who use them are hiding something. But if half of the population starts using them, it will be impossible to single out anyone special);
4. Ask more often why companies know so much about us, and how is it even legal;
5. Participate in politics. Politics is not an "observation sport": if democracy doesn't work, we are responsible for making it work. The very top of such participation is supporting organizations fighting for privacy rights
*"Saying you don't care about privacy because you have nothing to hide is like saying you don't care about free speech because you have nothing to say. But even if you don't enjoy a right at that particular moment, others may need it. And to say that you don't care about a right because you don't need it right now is the most antisocial thing you can do." — Edward Snowden*
<br> [1] https://theintercept.com/2021/01/30/lapd-palantir-data-driven-policing/
<br> [2] https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/dec/03/aclu-seeks-release-records-data-us-collected-via-muslim-app-used-millions
<br> [3] https://www.npr.org/2019/11/14/778944195/a-legacy-of-torture-is-preventing-trials-at-guant-namo
<br> [4] https://www.vox.com/technology/2023/6/16/23762403/data-odni-report-wyden
<br> [5] https://www.vox.com/recode/22587248/grindr-app-location-data-outed-priest-jeffrey-burrill-pillar-data-harvesting
<br> [6] https://nypost.com/2022/05/02/grindr-sold-data-about-users-precise-locations-for-years-report/
<br> [7] https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2018/apr/03/grindr-shared-information-about-users-hiv-status-with-third-parties
<br> [8] https://www.cyberpolicy.com/cybersecurity-education/why-medical-records-are-10-times-more-valuable-than-credit-card-info
<br> [9] https://www.politico.com/news/2024/02/13/planned-parenthood-location-track-abortion-ads-00141172
<br> [10] "As of 2022, countries that legally allow abortion on request or for socioeconomic reasons comprise about 60% of the world's population", https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abortion_law
<br> [11] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-abortion_violence
<br> [12] https://www.justice.gov/crt/recent-cases-violence-against-reproductive-health-care-providers
<br> [13] https://www.indiatoday.in/technology/news/story/disha-ravi-arrest-puts-privacy-of-all-google-india-users-in-doubt-1769772-2021-02-16
<br> [14] https://proton.me/blog/climate-activist-arrest
<br> [15] https://www.aclunc.org/blog/facebook-instagram-and-twitter-provided-data-access-surveillance-product-marketed-target
<br> [16] https://www.gotchseo.com/google-biased/
<br> [17] Google does quite a bit of censorship in its services in general: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Censorship_by_Google
<br> [18] https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3933777
<br> [19] https://www.theverge.com/2020/5/26/21270290/youtube-deleting-comments-censorship-chinese-communist-party-ccp
<br> [20] https://www.npr.org/2020/08/04/898836158/class-action-lawsuit-claims-tiktok-steals-kids-data-and-sends-it-to-china
<br> [21] https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/16/technology/google-employees-protest-search-censored-china.html
<br> [22] https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%92%D0%BE%D0%B8%D0%BD%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B0%D1%8F_%D0%BE%D0%B1%D1%8F%D0%B7%D0%B0%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%8C
<br> [23] https://focus.ua/voennye-novosti/626982-ot-doprosov-do-operativnyh-meropriyatij-v-nacpolicii-rasskazali-o-poiske-uklonistov
<br> [24] https://www.bbc.com/russian/features-63346138
<br> [25] https://www.rbc.ua/ukr/styler/k-zaraz-karayut-uhilyantiv-vid-mobilizatsiyi-1707820307.html
<br> [26] https://www.mrarchivist.com/results/entry/4591/; The prohibition of voting because a man has not registered to vote is contrary to Article 21 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.
<br> [27] https://www.nbcnews.com/id/wbna17880969
<br> [28] https://www.rferl.org/a/google-reportedly-removes-navalny-ad-after-russian-government-complains/29478844.html
<br> [29] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2021/sep/17/apple-and-google-accused-of-political-censorship-over-alexei-navalny-app
<br> [30] https://nordicmonitor.com/2023/09/google-youtube-accused-of-censoring-erdogan-critics/
<br> [31] https://www.medianama.com/2024/02/223-youtube-blocks-videos-protests-job-aspirants-bihar/
<br> [32] https://edition.cnn.com/2007/WORLD/meast/11/29/youtube.activist/
<br> [33] https://www.aljazeera.com/features/2023/10/24/shadowbanning-are-social-media-giants-censoring-pro-palestine-voices
<br> [34] https://thehill.com/business/4355894-pharmacies-sharing-medical-data-without-warrant/
<br> [35] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Facebook%E2%80%93Cambridge_Analytica_data_scandal
<br> [36] https://usercentrics.com/knowledge-hub/data-is-the-new-gold-how-and-why-it-is-collected-and-sold/
<br> [37] https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/data-shared-sold-whats-done/
<br> [38] https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2020/11/visa-wants-buy-plaid-and-it-transaction-data-millions-people
<br> [39] https://supreme.findlaw.com/legal-commentary/websites-that-charge-different-customers-different-prices.html
<br> [40] https://policyreview.info/articles/analysis/does-everyone-have-price-understanding-peoples-attitude-towards-online-and-offline
<br> [41] https://fairbydesign.com/povertypremium
<br> [42] https://www.wsj.com/articles/SB10001424052702304458604577488822667325882
<br> [43] https://www.bizjournals.com/twincities/news/2019/02/01/report-targets-app-charges-higher-prices-to.html
<br> [44] https://www.digitaltrends.com/mobile/silverpush-app-tracking-spying-use-rises-new/
<br> [45] https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2019/apr/12/parenting-club-bounty-fined-selling-users-data
<br> [46] https://themarkup.org/privacy/2021/12/06/the-popular-family-safety-app-life360-is-selling-precise-location-data-on-its-tens-of-millions-of-user
<br> [47] https://www.the-sun.com/news/3740183/paedophile-snachat-maps-victims-tesco/
<br> [48] https://www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/heres-how-much-your-personal-information-is-selling-for-on-the-dark-web/
<br> [49] https://micky.com.au/aussie-ex-pat-will-never-return-after-digital-strip-search-reveals-sex-tapes/
<br> [50] https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11282263/Moment-police-swoop-house-devout-catholic-mother-malicious-online-posts.html
<br> [51] https://apnews.com/article/vaping-surveillance-technology-schools-982128348c683b9d54c7a307c5b1fdc6
<br> [52] https://www.politico.com/news/2023/05/19/fbi-surveillance-black-lives-matter-protesters-00097924
<br> [53] https://www.welivesecurity.com/en/privacy/gathering-dust-and-data-how-robotic-vacuums-can-spy-on-you/
<br> [54] https://www.reuters.com/markets/deals/amazons-irobot-deal-eu-antitrust-crosshairs-2023-07-06/
<br> [55] https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/articles/its-official-cars-are-the-worst-product-category-we-have-ever-reviewed-for-privacy/
<br> [56] https://ru.airbnb.com/help/article/3061
<br> [57] https://newrepublic.com/article/179397/evangelical-app-targeting-immigrants-surveillance
<br> [58] https://www.nytimes.com/2024/03/11/technology/carmakers-driver-tracking-insurance.html
<br> [59] https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/31/technology/car-trackers-gps-abuse.html
<br> [60] https://www.zdnet.com/article/google-even-knows-what-youre-thinking/
**This does not mean that ProtonMail is insecure: the service regularly wins many court cases on the subject of disclosure of user data; it means that the use of ProtonMail was not private enough (in this case, without VPN/SPN/TOR).*