Bitcoin is more than money, more than an asset, and more than a store of value. Bitcoin is a Prime Mover, an enabler and it ignites imaginations. It certainly fueled an idea in my mind. The idea integrates sensors, computational prowess, actuated machinery, power conversion, and electronic communications to form an autonomous, machined creature roaming forests and harvesting the most widespread and least energy-dense fuel source available. I call it the Forest Walker and it eats wood, and mines Bitcoin.
I know what you're thinking. Why not just put Bitcoin mining rigs where they belong: in a hosted facility sporting electricity from energy-dense fuels like natural gas, climate-controlled with excellent data piping in and out? Why go to all the trouble building a robot that digests wood creating flammable gasses fueling an engine to run a generator powering Bitcoin miners? It's all about synergy.
Bitcoin mining enables the realization of multiple, seemingly unrelated, yet useful activities. Activities considered un-profitable if not for Bitcoin as the Prime Mover. This is much more than simply mining the greatest asset ever conceived by humankind. It’s about the power of synergy, which Bitcoin plays only one of many roles. The synergy created by this system can stabilize forests' fire ecology while generating multiple income streams. That’s the realistic goal here and requires a brief history of American Forest management before continuing.
# Smokey The Bear
In 1944, the Smokey Bear Wildfire Prevention Campaign began in the United States. “Only YOU can prevent forest fires” remains the refrain of the Ad Council’s longest running campaign. The Ad Council is a U.S. non-profit set up by the American Association of Advertising Agencies and the Association of National Advertisers in 1942. It would seem that the U.S. Department of the Interior was concerned about pesky forest fires and wanted them to stop. So, alongside a national policy of extreme fire suppression they enlisted the entire U.S. population to get onboard via the Ad Council and it worked. Forest fires were almost obliterated and everyone was happy, right? Wrong.
Smokey is a fantastically successful bear so forest fires became so few for so long that the fuel load - dead wood - in forests has become very heavy. So heavy that when a fire happens (and they always happen) it destroys everything in its path because the more fuel there is the hotter that fire becomes. Trees, bushes, shrubs, and all other plant life cannot escape destruction (not to mention homes and businesses). The soil microbiology doesn’t escape either as it is burned away even in deeper soils. To add insult to injury, hydrophobic waxy residues condense on the soil surface, forcing water to travel over the ground rather than through it eroding forest soils. Good job, Smokey. Well done, Sir!
Most terrestrial ecologies are “fire ecologies”. Fire is a part of these systems’ fuel load and pest management. Before we pretended to “manage” millions of acres of forest, fires raged over the world, rarely damaging forests. The fuel load was always too light to generate fires hot enough to moonscape mountainsides. Fires simply burned off the minor amounts of fuel accumulated since the fire before. The lighter heat, smoke, and other combustion gasses suppressed pests, keeping them in check and the smoke condensed into a plant growth accelerant called wood vinegar, not a waxy cap on the soil. These fires also cleared out weak undergrowth, cycled minerals, and thinned the forest canopy, allowing sunlight to penetrate to the forest floor. Without a fire’s heat, many pine tree species can’t sow their seed. The heat is required to open the cones (the seed bearing structure) of Spruce, Cypress, Sequoia, Jack Pine, Lodgepole Pine and many more. Without fire forests can’t have babies. The idea was to protect the forests, and it isn't working.
So, in a world of fire, what does an ally look like and what does it do?
# Meet The Forest Walker
For the Forest Walker to work as a mobile, autonomous unit, a solid platform that can carry several hundred pounds is required. It so happens this chassis already exists but shelved.
Introducing the Legged Squad Support System (LS3). A joint project between Boston Dynamics, DARPA, and the United States Marine Corps, the quadrupedal robot is the size of a cow, can carry 400 pounds (180 kg) of equipment, negotiate challenging terrain, and operate for 24 hours before needing to refuel. Yes, it had an engine. Abandoned in 2015, the thing was too noisy for military deployment and maintenance "under fire" is never a high-quality idea. However, we can rebuild it to act as a platform for the Forest Walker; albeit with serious alterations. It would need to be bigger, probably. Carry more weight? Definitely. Maybe replace structural metal with carbon fiber and redesign much as 3D printable parts for more effective maintenance.
The original system has a top operational speed of 8 miles per hour. For our purposes, it only needs to move about as fast as a grazing ruminant. Without the hammering vibrations of galloping into battle, shocks of exploding mortars, and drunken soldiers playing "Wrangler of Steel Machines", time between failures should be much longer and the overall energy consumption much lower. The LS3 is a solid platform to build upon. Now it just needs to be pulled out of the mothballs, and completely refitted with outboard equipment.
# The Small Branch Chipper
When I say “Forest fuel load” I mean the dead, carbon containing litter on the forest floor. Duff (leaves), fine-woody debris (small branches), and coarse woody debris (logs) are the fuel that feeds forest fires. Walk through any forest in the United States today and you will see quite a lot of these materials. Too much, as I have described. Some of these fuel loads can be 8 tons per acre in pine and hardwood forests and up to 16 tons per acre at active logging sites. That’s some big wood and the more that collects, the more combustible danger to the forest it represents. It also provides a technically unlimited fuel supply for the Forest Walker system.
The problem is that this detritus has to be chewed into pieces that are easily ingestible by the system for the gasification process (we’ll get to that step in a minute). What we need is a wood chipper attached to the chassis (the LS3); its “mouth”.
A small wood chipper handling material up to 2.5 - 3.0 inches (6.3 - 7.6 cm) in diameter would eliminate a substantial amount of fuel. There is no reason for Forest Walker to remove fallen trees. It wouldn’t have to in order to make a real difference. It need only identify appropriately sized branches and grab them. Once loaded into the chipper’s intake hopper for further processing, the beast can immediately look for more “food”. This is essentially kindling that would help ignite larger logs. If it’s all consumed by Forest Walker, then it’s not present to promote an aggravated conflagration.
I have glossed over an obvious question: How does Forest Walker see and identify branches and such? LiDaR (Light Detection and Ranging) attached to Forest Walker images the local area and feed those data to onboard computers for processing. Maybe AI plays a role. Maybe simple machine learning can do the trick. One thing is for certain: being able to identify a stick and cause robotic appendages to pick it up is not impossible.
Great! We now have a quadrupedal robot autonomously identifying and “eating” dead branches and other light, combustible materials. Whilst strolling through the forest, depleting future fires of combustibles, Forest Walker has already performed a major function of this system: making the forest safer. It's time to convert this low-density fuel into a high-density fuel Forest Walker can leverage. Enter the gasification process.
# The Gassifier
The gasifier is the heart of the entire system; it’s where low-density fuel becomes the high-density fuel that powers the entire system. Biochar and wood vinegar are process wastes and I’ll discuss why both are powerful soil amendments in a moment, but first, what’s gasification?
Reacting shredded carbonaceous material at high temperatures in a low or no oxygen environment converts the biomass into biochar, wood vinegar, heat, and Synthesis Gas (Syngas). Syngas consists primarily of hydrogen, carbon monoxide, and methane. All of which are extremely useful fuels in a gaseous state. Part of this gas is used to heat the input biomass and keep the reaction temperature constant while the internal combustion engine that drives the generator to produce electrical power consumes the rest.
Critically, this gasification process is “continuous feed”. Forest Walker must intake biomass from the chipper, process it to fuel, and dump the waste (CO2, heat, biochar, and wood vinegar) continuously. It cannot stop. Everything about this system depends upon this continual grazing, digestion, and excretion of wastes just as a ruminal does. And, like a ruminant, all waste products enhance the local environment.
When I first heard of gasification, I didn’t believe that it was real. Running an electric generator from burning wood seemed more akin to “conspiracy fantasy” than science. Not only is gasification real, it’s ancient technology. A man named Dean Clayton first started experiments on gasification in 1699 and in 1901 gasification was used to power a vehicle. By the end of World War II, there were 500,000 Syngas powered vehicles in Germany alone because of fossil fuel rationing during the war. The global gasification market was $480 billion in 2022 and projected to be as much as $700 billion by 2030 (Vantage Market Research). Gasification technology is the best choice to power the Forest Walker because it’s self-contained and we want its waste products.
# Biochar: The Waste
Biochar (AKA agricultural charcoal) is fairly simple: it’s almost pure, solid carbon that resembles charcoal. Its porous nature packs large surface areas into small, 3 dimensional nuggets. Devoid of most other chemistry, like hydrocarbons (methane) and ash (minerals), biochar is extremely lightweight. Do not confuse it with the charcoal you buy for your grill. Biochar doesn’t make good grilling charcoal because it would burn too rapidly as it does not contain the multitude of flammable components that charcoal does. Biochar has several other good use cases. Water filtration, water retention, nutrient retention, providing habitat for microscopic soil organisms, and carbon sequestration are the main ones that we are concerned with here.
Carbon has an amazing ability to adsorb (substances stick to and accumulate on the surface of an object) manifold chemistries. Water, nutrients, and pollutants tightly bind to carbon in this format. So, biochar makes a respectable filter and acts as a “battery” of water and nutrients in soils. Biochar adsorbs and holds on to seven times its weight in water. Soil containing biochar is more drought resilient than soil without it. Adsorbed nutrients, tightly sequestered alongside water, get released only as plants need them. Plants must excrete protons (H+) from their roots to disgorge water or positively charged nutrients from the biochar's surface; it's an active process.
Biochar’s surface area (where adsorption happens) can be 500 square meters per gram or more. That is 10% larger than an official NBA basketball court for every gram of biochar. Biochar’s abundant surface area builds protective habitats for soil microbes like fungi and bacteria and many are critical for the health and productivity of the soil itself.
The “carbon sequestration” component of biochar comes into play where “carbon credits” are concerned. There is a financial market for carbon. Not leveraging that market for revenue is foolish. I am climate agnostic. All I care about is that once solid carbon is inside the soil, it will stay there for thousands of years, imparting drought resiliency, fertility collection, nutrient buffering, and release for that time span. I simply want as much solid carbon in the soil because of the undeniably positive effects it has, regardless of any climactic considerations.
# Wood Vinegar: More Waste
Another by-product of the gasification process is wood vinegar (Pyroligneous acid). If you have ever seen Liquid Smoke in the grocery store, then you have seen wood vinegar. Principally composed of acetic acid, acetone, and methanol wood vinegar also contains ~200 other organic compounds. It would seem intuitive that condensed, liquefied wood smoke would at least be bad for the health of all living things if not downright carcinogenic. The counter intuition wins the day, however. Wood vinegar has been used by humans for a very long time to promote digestion, bowel, and liver health; combat diarrhea and vomiting; calm peptic ulcers and regulate cholesterol levels; and a host of other benefits.
For centuries humans have annually burned off hundreds of thousands of square miles of pasture, grassland, forest, and every other conceivable terrestrial ecosystem. Why is this done? After every burn, one thing becomes obvious: the almost supernatural growth these ecosystems exhibit after the burn. How? Wood vinegar is a component of this growth. Even in open burns, smoke condenses and infiltrates the soil. That is when wood vinegar shows its quality.
This stuff beefs up not only general plant growth but seed germination as well and possesses many other qualities that are beneficial to plants. It’s a pesticide, fungicide, promotes beneficial soil microorganisms, enhances nutrient uptake, and imparts disease resistance. I am barely touching a long list of attributes here, but you want wood vinegar in your soil (alongside biochar because it adsorbs wood vinegar as well).
# The Internal Combustion Engine
Conversion of grazed forage to chemical, then mechanical, and then electrical energy completes the cycle. The ICE (Internal Combustion Engine) converts the gaseous fuel output from the gasifier to mechanical energy, heat, water vapor, and CO2. It’s the mechanical energy of a rotating drive shaft that we want. That rotation drives the electric generator, which is the heartbeat we need to bring this monster to life. Luckily for us, combined internal combustion engine and generator packages are ubiquitous, delivering a defined energy output given a constant fuel input. It’s the simplest part of the system.
The obvious question here is whether the amount of syngas provided by the gasification process will provide enough energy to generate enough electrons to run the entire system or not. While I have no doubt the energy produced will run Forest Walker's main systems the question is really about the electrons left over. Will it be enough to run the Bitcoin mining aspect of the system? Everything is a budget.
# CO2 Production For Growth
Plants are lollipops. No matter if it’s a tree or a bush or a shrubbery, the entire thing is mostly sugar in various formats but mostly long chain carbohydrates like lignin and cellulose. Plants need three things to make sugar: CO2, H2O and light. In a forest, where tree densities can be quite high, CO2 availability becomes a limiting growth factor. It’d be in the forest interests to have more available CO2 providing for various sugar formation providing the organism with food and structure.
An odd thing about tree leaves, the openings that allow gasses like the ever searched for CO2 are on the bottom of the leaf (these are called stomata). Not many stomata are topside. This suggests that trees and bushes have evolved to find gasses like CO2 from below, not above and this further suggests CO2 might be in higher concentrations nearer the soil.
The soil life (bacterial, fungi etc.) is constantly producing enormous amounts of CO2 and it would stay in the soil forever (eventually killing the very soil life that produces it) if not for tidal forces. Water is everywhere and whether in pools, lakes, oceans or distributed in “moist” soils water moves towards to the moon. The water in the soil and also in the water tables below the soil rise toward the surface every day. When the water rises, it expels the accumulated gasses in the soil into the atmosphere and it’s mostly CO2. It’s a good bet on how leaves developed high populations of stomata on the underside of leaves. As the water relaxes (the tide goes out) it sucks oxygenated air back into the soil to continue the functions of soil life respiration. The soil “breathes” albeit slowly.
The gasses produced by the Forest Walker’s internal combustion engine consist primarily of CO2 and H2O. Combusting sugars produce the same gasses that are needed to construct the sugars because the universe is funny like that. The Forest Walker is constantly laying down these critical construction elements right where the trees need them: close to the ground to be gobbled up by the trees.
# The Branch Drones
During the last ice age, giant mammals populated North America - forests and otherwise. Mastodons, woolly mammoths, rhinos, short-faced bears, steppe bison, caribou, musk ox, giant beavers, camels, gigantic ground-dwelling sloths, glyptodons, and dire wolves were everywhere. Many were ten to fifteen feet tall. As they crashed through forests, they would effectively cleave off dead side-branches of trees, halting the spread of a ground-based fire migrating into the tree crown ("laddering") which is a death knell for a forest.
These animals are all extinct now and forests no longer have any manner of pruning services. But, if we build drones fitted with cutting implements like saws and loppers, optical cameras and AI trained to discern dead branches from living ones, these drones could effectively take over pruning services by identifying, cutting, and dropping to the forest floor, dead branches. The dropped branches simply get collected by the Forest Walker as part of its continual mission.
The drones dock on the back of the Forest Walker to recharge their batteries when low. The whole scene would look like a grazing cow with some flies bothering it. This activity breaks the link between a relatively cool ground based fire and the tree crowns and is a vital element in forest fire control.
# The Bitcoin Miner
Mining is one of four monetary incentive models, making this system a possibility for development. The other three are US Dept. of the Interior, township, county, and electrical utility company easement contracts for fuel load management, global carbon credits trading, and data set sales. All the above depends on obvious questions getting answered. I will list some obvious ones, but this is not an engineering document and is not the place for spreadsheets. How much Bitcoin one Forest Walker can mine depends on everything else. What amount of biomass can we process? Will that biomass flow enough Syngas to keep the lights on? Can the chassis support enough mining ASICs and supporting infrastructure? What does that weigh and will it affect field performance? How much power can the AC generator produce?
Other questions that are more philosophical persist. Even if a single Forest Walker can only mine scant amounts of BTC per day, that pales to how much fuel material it can process into biochar. We are talking about millions upon millions of forested acres in need of fuel load management. What can a single Forest Walker do? I am not thinking in singular terms. The Forest Walker must operate as a fleet. What could 50 do? 500?
What is it worth providing a service to the world by managing forest fuel loads? Providing proof of work to the global monetary system? Seeding soil with drought and nutrient resilience by the excretion, over time, of carbon by the ton? What did the last forest fire cost?
# The Mesh Network
What could be better than one bitcoin mining, carbon sequestering, forest fire squelching, soil amending behemoth? Thousands of them, but then they would need to be able to talk to each other to coordinate position, data handling, etc. Fitted with a mesh networking device, like goTenna or Meshtastic LoRa equipment enables each Forest Walker to communicate with each other.
Now we have an interconnected fleet of Forest Walkers relaying data to each other and more importantly, aggregating all of that to the last link in the chain for uplink. Well, at least Bitcoin mining data. Since block data is lightweight, transmission of these data via mesh networking in fairly close quartered environs is more than doable. So, how does data transmit to the Bitcoin Network? How do the Forest Walkers get the previous block data necessary to execute on mining?
# Back To The Chain
Getting Bitcoin block data to and from the network is the last puzzle piece. The standing presumption here is that wherever a Forest Walker fleet is operating, it is NOT within cell tower range. We further presume that the nearest Walmart Wi-Fi is hours away. Enter the Blockstream Satellite or something like it.
A separate, ground-based drone will have two jobs: To stay as close to the nearest Forest Walker as it can and to provide an antennae for either terrestrial or orbital data uplink. Bitcoin-centric data is transmitted to the "uplink drone" via the mesh networked transmitters and then sent on to the uplink and the whole flow goes in the opposite direction as well; many to one and one to many.
We cannot transmit data to the Blockstream satellite, and it will be up to Blockstream and companies like it to provide uplink capabilities in the future and I don't doubt they will. Starlink you say? What’s stopping that company from filtering out block data? Nothing because it’s Starlink’s system and they could decide to censor these data. It seems we may have a problem sending and receiving Bitcoin data in back country environs.
But, then again, the utility of this system in staunching the fuel load that creates forest fires is extremely useful around forested communities and many have fiber, Wi-Fi and cell towers. These communities could be a welcoming ground zero for first deployments of the Forest Walker system by the home and business owners seeking fire repression. In the best way, Bitcoin subsidizes the safety of the communities.
# Sensor Packages
### LiDaR
The benefit of having a Forest Walker fleet strolling through the forest is the never ending opportunity for data gathering. A plethora of deployable sensors gathering hyper-accurate data on everything from temperature to topography is yet another revenue generator. Data is valuable and the Forest Walker could generate data sales to various government entities and private concerns.
LiDaR (Light Detection and Ranging) can map topography, perform biomass assessment, comparative soil erosion analysis, etc. It so happens that the Forest Walker’s ability to “see,” to navigate about its surroundings, is LiDaR driven and since it’s already being used, we can get double duty by harvesting that data for later use. By using a laser to send out light pulses and measuring the time it takes for the reflection of those pulses to return, very detailed data sets incrementally build up. Eventually, as enough data about a certain area becomes available, the data becomes useful and valuable.
Forestry concerns, both private and public, often use LiDaR to build 3D models of tree stands to assess the amount of harvest-able lumber in entire sections of forest. Consulting companies offering these services charge anywhere from several hundred to several thousand dollars per square kilometer for such services. A Forest Walker generating such assessments on the fly while performing its other functions is a multi-disciplinary approach to revenue generation.
### pH, Soil Moisture, and Cation Exchange Sensing
The Forest Walker is quadrupedal, so there are four contact points to the soil. Why not get a pH data point for every step it takes? We can also gather soil moisture data and cation exchange capacities at unheard of densities because of sampling occurring on the fly during commission of the system’s other duties. No one is going to build a machine to do pH testing of vast tracts of forest soils, but that doesn’t make the data collected from such an endeavor valueless. Since the Forest Walker serves many functions at once, a multitude of data products can add to the return on investment component.
### Weather Data
Temperature, humidity, pressure, and even data like evapotranspiration gathered at high densities on broad acre scales have untold value and because the sensors are lightweight and don’t require large power budgets, they come along for the ride at little cost. But, just like the old mantra, “gas, grass, or ass, nobody rides for free”, these sensors provide potential revenue benefits just by them being present.
I’ve touched on just a few data genres here. In fact, the question for universities, governmental bodies, and other institutions becomes, “How much will you pay us to attach your sensor payload to the Forest Walker?”
# Noise Suppression
Only you can prevent Metallica filling the surrounds with 120 dB of sound. Easy enough, just turn the car stereo off. But what of a fleet of 50 Forest Walkers operating in the backcountry or near a township? 500? 5000? Each one has a wood chipper, an internal combustion engine, hydraulic pumps, actuators, and more cooling fans than you can shake a stick at. It’s a walking, screaming fire-breathing dragon operating continuously, day and night, twenty-four hours a day, three hundred sixty-five days a year. The sound will negatively affect all living things and that impacts behaviors. Serious engineering consideration and prowess must deliver a silencing blow to the major issue of noise.
It would be foolish to think that a fleet of Forest Walkers could be silent, but if not a major design consideration, then the entire idea is dead on arrival. Townships would not allow them to operate even if they solved the problem of widespread fuel load and neither would governmental entities, and rightly so. Nothing, not man nor beast, would want to be subjected to an eternal, infernal scream even if it were to end within days as the fleet moved further away after consuming what it could. Noise and heat are the only real pollutants of this system; taking noise seriously from the beginning is paramount.
# Fire Safety
A “fire-breathing dragon” is not the worst description of the Forest Walker. It eats wood, combusts it at very high temperatures and excretes carbon; and it does so in an extremely flammable environment. Bad mix for one Forest Walker, worse for many. One must take extreme pains to ensure that during normal operation, a Forest Walker could fall over, walk through tinder dry brush, or get pounded into the ground by a meteorite from Krypton and it wouldn’t destroy epic swaths of trees and baby deer. I envision an ultimate test of a prototype to include dowsing it in grain alcohol while it’s wrapped up in toilet paper like a pledge at a fraternity party. If it runs for 72 hours and doesn’t set everything on fire, then maybe outside entities won’t be fearful of something that walks around forests with a constant fire in its belly.
# The Wrap
How we think about what can be done with and adjacent to Bitcoin is at least as important as Bitcoin’s economic standing itself. For those who will tell me that this entire idea is without merit, I say, “OK, fine. You can come up with something, too.” What can we plug Bitcoin into that, like a battery, makes something that does not work, work? That’s the lesson I get from this entire exercise. No one was ever going to hire teams of humans to go out and "clean the forest". There's no money in that. The data collection and sales from such an endeavor might provide revenues over the break-even point but investment demands Alpha in this day and age. But, plug Bitcoin into an almost viable system and, voilà! We tip the scales to achieve lift-off.
Let’s face it, we haven’t scratched the surface of Bitcoin’s forcing function on our minds. Not because it’s Bitcoin, but because of what that invention means. The question that pushes me to approach things this way is, “what can we create that one system’s waste is another system’s feedstock?” The Forest Walker system’s only real waste is the conversion of low entropy energy (wood and syngas) into high entropy energy (heat and noise). All other output is beneficial to humanity.
Bitcoin, I believe, is the first product of a new mode of human imagination. An imagination newly forged over the past few millennia of being lied to, stolen from, distracted and otherwise mis-allocated to a black hole of the nonsensical. We are waking up.
What I have presented is not science fiction. Everything I have described here is well within the realm of possibility. The question is one of viability, at least in terms of the detritus of the old world we find ourselves departing from. This system would take a non-trivial amount of time and resources to develop. I think the system would garner extensive long-term contracts from those who have the most to lose from wildfires, the most to gain from hyperaccurate data sets, and, of course, securing the most precious asset in the world. Many may not see it that way, for they seek Alpha and are therefore blind to other possibilities. Others will see only the possibilities; of thinking in a new way, of looking at things differently, and dreaming of what comes next.
The employment trends in the gig economy are clear. More and more people take on some form of freelance or temporary work often on top of their full time job. In fact, according to [recent estimates](https://www.upwork.com/resources/gig-economy-statistics), approximately 1.57 billion people, or nearly half (46.4%) of the global workforce, engage in gig work. As gig platforms continue to expand across borders and sectors, this number is projected to keep rising.
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/d4fca16a18e427f8c3f97677c8e7599a4a4ad1cc2d635bfcd0ab6b0ada48ecb9.png">
In the UK, the gig economy is particularly popular, with many workers supplementing their income with side gigs. According to a [recent survey](https://standout-cv.com/stats/gig-economy-statistics-uk#:~:text=For%20most%2C%2071.5%25%2C%20gig,main%20income%20\(both%2036%25\).), almost half (48%) of UK gig workers have full-time jobs on top of their side gigs, while 71.5% use gig work to supplement their income rather than provide their sole earnings. The top gig occupation in the UK is online administrative work, with 39% of gig workers offering virtual assistance, data entry, clerical services, or similar computer-based tasks. Sounds like a great way to earn some sats, doesn't it?
Despite the growth and popularity of the gig economy, traditional platforms like LinkedIn have reached their peak and become increasingly plagued by spam from aggressive recruiters and profiles of people with increasingly unverifiable experience. Meanwhile all the centralised platforms like Fiverr and Upwork take a significant cut from freelancers' pay, leaving many workers feeling undervalued and overworked. It's no wonder that many are looking for alternative solutions that prioritize fairness, transparency, trust and compensation paid in money that will last!
Here comes Nostr, a decentralized, censorship-resistant protocol that's laying foundations for the future of the gig work. With its censorship-resistant, peer-to-peer approach, Nostr is poised to revolutionize the way we work and connect with each other. In this article, I'll explore why Nostr is an exciting development for the gig economy, what it means for the future of work and what platforms are already available.
What makes Nostr different? It’s built on principles of decentralization, freedom, trust and Bitcoin as its native currency. Forget walled gardens; with Nostr, your identity is your own. Nobody’s mining your data, and no shadowy algorithms are deciding who sees your posts or what posts you should see. It's a perfect setup for a job marketplace where companies post jobs and freelancers get them done. All paid with Bitcoin with no middleman to take your money
And it’s not just theory. Real solutions are already built, transforming how professionals connect, collaborate, and commit their skills, time and creativity. All open-source and Bitcoin/Nostr-centric.
## Here are 4 tools you want to check out:
1. [SatShoot:](https://SatShoot.com) Think Upwork or Fiverr, but with integrated eCash wallet and zero middlemen. Creators, freelancers, and clients unite under the banner of peer-to-peer gig economy.
2. [Kanbanstr](https://www.kanbanstr.com/): A Nostr-native Kanban board for moving tasks from To Do > In Progress > Done and zapping the developers as they deliver.
3. [GitWorkshop.dev](https://gitworkshop.dev/): A decentralized alternative to GitHub, tailored for developers who value freedom and sovereignty.
4. [Sigit.io](https://sigit.io/): An open-source and self-hostable solution for secure document signing and verification.
These platforms aren’t just ideas; they’re already being built, some are already in Beta versions, and you can test them today!
These platforms aren’t just ideas; they’re already being built, some are already in Beta versions, and you can test them today!
## Don't trust - verify!
How can you be sure you're getting help from the right people with the right skills? That’s where the Web of Trust (WoT) comes in.
On Nostr, the WoT is a decentralized trust system that lets users build and evaluate relationships using cryptographic keys and interactions. Instead of depending on centralized authorities to verify identities or manage reputations, the WoT allows trust to grow organically through direct endorsements and social connections.
In this system, your track record matters. As a freelancer, you’re motivated to deliver quality work—not just to get paid, but also to earn positive feedback. This feedback boosts your reputation, helping you secure your next gig. You could get extra points if i.e. you hold a subject matter expert certificate.
Credentials and certifications are still often critical to determine if someone has the skills you are looking for. The idea of certifications could be rebuilt on Nostr with Badges NIP-58. Institutions like Red Hat, Cisco, and others could issue verifiable, NIP-05-backed badges directly to your Nostr public key (“npub”).
It’s simple:
1. The certifying body verifies their domain via NIP-05.
2. They issue badges for their certifications
3. Successful candidates receive badges and wear them on their npubs.
All it takes is that during the registration process for the exam the examinee adds their npub and Voilà! A decentralized, censorship-resistant proof of skills that lives on Nostr. No middlemen, no gatekeepers, you get the right people for the right job!
Here’s a mind-blowing stat: 95% of the world’s population doesn’t own any Bitcoin. With fiat systems teetering, more people will turn to earning Bitcoin instead of buying it at ever-rising prices. Nostr-based platforms are perfectly positioned to capitalize on this trend, offering global access to Bitcoin-based gigs. It’s borderless, censorship-resistant, and a hedge against the collapsing fiat world order.
Nostr clients and solutions are popping up faster than mushrooms after rain. Whether you’re a developer, marketer, freelancer, or just someone curious about the future of work, there’s a tool for you. This explosive growth signals a broader shift: professionals are tired of traditional platforms and are looking for alternatives that respect their privacy, autonomy, and time.
## The Bottom Line
LinkedIn’s days are numbered. Services like Upwork and Fiverr or even Uber are praying on freelance fees. The future of services, networking, and professional growth is decentralized, censorship-resistant, and powered by Nostr. Whether you’re a freelancer, a certifying body, or a startup founder, the opportunities are endless.
Here's a New Year resolution for you - say goodbye to spam and hello to sovereignty. The Nostr revolution is here, and it’s time to join the movement!
*If you’re inspired to dive into the Nostr ecosystem but need guidance, the [NostrDev team](https://nostrdev.com) has got your back. From conceptualizing your solution to building it out, we’re the go-to experts for all things Nostr. Reach out and start building the future today*.
My blog posts and reading material have both been on a decidedly economics-heavy slant recently. The topic today, incentives, squarely falls into the category of economics. However, when I say economics, I’m not talking about “analyzing supply and demand curves.” I’m talking about the true basis of economics: understanding how human beings make decisions in a world of scarcity.
A fair definition of incentive is “a reward or punishment that motivates behavior to achieve a desired outcome.” When most people think about economic incentives, they’re thinking of money. If I offer my son $5 if he washes the dishes, I’m incentivizing certain behavior. We can’t guarantee that he’ll do what I want him to do, but we can agree that the incentive structure itself will guide and ultimately determine what outcome will occur.
The great thing about monetary incentives is how easy they are to talk about and compare. “Would I rather make $5 washing the dishes or $10 cleaning the gutters?” But much of the world is incentivized in non-monetary ways too. For example, using the “punishment” half of the definition above, I might threaten my son with losing Nintendo Switch access if he doesn’t wash the dishes. No money is involved, but I’m still incentivizing behavior.
And there are plenty of incentives beyond our direct control\! My son is *also* incentivized to not wash dishes because it’s boring, or because he has some friends over that he wants to hang out with, or dozens of other things. Ultimately, the conflicting array of different incentive structures placed on him will ultimately determine what actions he chooses to take.
## Why incentives matter
A phrase I see often in discussions—whether they are political, parenting, economic, or business—is “if they could **just** do…” Each time I see that phrase, I cringe a bit internally. Usually, the underlying assumption of the statement is “if people would behave contrary to their incentivized behavior then things would be better.” For example:
* If my kids would just go to bed when I tell them, they wouldn’t be so cranky in the morning.
* If people would just use the recycling bin, we wouldn’t have such a landfill problem.
* If people would just stop being lazy, our team would deliver our project on time.
In all these cases, the speakers are seemingly flummoxed as to why the people in question don’t behave more rationally. The problem is: each group is behaving perfectly rationally.
* The kids have a high time preference, and care more about the joy of staying up now than the crankiness in the morning. Plus, they don’t really suffer the consequences of morning crankiness, their parents do.
* No individual suffers much from their individual contribution to a landfill. If they stopped growing the size of the landfill, it would make an insignificant difference versus the amount of effort they need to engage in to properly recycle.
* If a team doesn’t properly account for the productivity of individuals on a project, each individual receives less harm from their own inaction. Sure, the project may be delayed, company revenue may be down, and they may even risk losing their job when the company goes out of business. But their laziness individually won’t determine the entirety of that outcome. By contrast, they greatly benefit from being lazy by getting to relax at work, go on social media, read a book, or do whatever else they do when they’re supposed to be working.
![Free Candy\!](https://www.snoyman.com/img/incentives/free-candy.png)
My point here is that, as long as you ignore the reality of how incentives drive human behavior, you’ll fail at getting the outcomes you want.
If everything I wrote up until now made perfect sense, you understand the premise of this blog post. The rest of it will focus on a bunch of real-world examples to hammer home the point, and demonstrate how versatile this mental model is.
## Running a company
Let’s say I run my own company, with myself as the only employee. My personal revenue will be 100% determined by my own actions. If I decide to take Tuesday afternoon off and go fishing, I’ve chosen to lose that afternoon’s revenue. Implicitly, I’ve decided that the enjoyment I get from an afternoon of fishing is greater than the potential revenue. You may think I’m being lazy, but it’s my decision to make. In this situation, the incentive–money–is perfectly aligned with my actions.
Compare this to a typical company/employee relationship. I might have a bank of Paid Time Off (PTO) days, in which case once again my incentives are relatively aligned. I know that I can take off 15 days throughout the year, and I’ve chosen to use half a day for the fishing trip. All is still good.
What about unlimited time off? Suddenly incentives are starting to misalign. I don’t directly pay a price for not showing up to work on Tuesday. Or Wednesday as well, for that matter. I might ultimately be fired for not doing my job, but that will take longer to work its way through the system than simply not making any money for the day taken off.
Compensation overall falls into this misaligned incentive structure. Let’s forget about taking time off. Instead, I work full time on a software project I’m assigned. But instead of using the normal toolchain we’re all used to at work, I play around with a new programming language. I get the fun and joy of playing with new technology, and potentially get to pad my resume a bit when I’m ready to look for a new job. But my current company gets slower results, less productivity, and is forced to subsidize my extracurricular learning.
When a CEO has a bonus structure based on profitability, he’ll do everything he can to make the company profitable. This might include things that actually benefit the company, like improving product quality, reducing internal red tape, or finding cheaper vendors. But it might also include destructive practices, like slashing the R\&D budget to show massive profits this year, in exchange for a catastrophe next year when the next version of the product fails to ship.
![Golden Parachute CEO](https://www.snoyman.com/img/incentives/golden-ceo.png)
Or my favorite example. My parents owned a business when I was growing up. They had a back office where they ran operations like accounting. All of the furniture was old couches from our house. After all, any money they spent on furniture came right out of their paychecks\! But in a large corporate environment, each department is generally given a budget for office furniture, a budget which doesn’t roll over year-to-year. The result? Executives make sure to spend the entire budget each year, often buying furniture far more expensive than they would choose if it was their own money.
There are plenty of details you can quibble with above. It’s in a company’s best interest to give people downtime so that they can come back recharged. Having good ergonomic furniture can in fact increase productivity in excess of the money spent on it. But overall, the picture is pretty clear: in large corporate structures, you’re guaranteed to have mismatches between the company’s goals and the incentive structure placed on individuals.
Using our model from above, we can lament how lazy, greedy, and unethical the employees are for doing what they’re incentivized to do instead of what’s right. But that’s simply ignoring the reality of human nature.
# Moral hazard
Moral hazard is a situation where one party is incentivized to take on more risk because another party will bear the consequences. Suppose I tell my son when he turns 21 (or whatever legal gambling age is) that I’ll cover all his losses for a day at the casino, but he gets to keep all the winnings.
What do you think he’s going to do? The most logical course of action is to place the largest possible bets for as long as possible, asking me to cover each time he loses, and taking money off the table and into his bank account each time he wins.
![Heads I win, tails you lose](https://www.snoyman.com/img/incentives/headstails.png)
But let’s look at a slightly more nuanced example. I go to a bathroom in the mall. As I’m leaving, I wash my hands. It will take me an extra 1 second to turn off the water when I’m done washing. That’s a trivial price to pay. If I *don’t* turn off the water, the mall will have to pay for many liters of wasted water, benefiting no one. But I won’t suffer any consequences at all.
This is also a moral hazard, but most people will still turn off the water. Why? Usually due to some combination of other reasons such as:
1. We’re so habituated to turning off the water that we don’t even consider *not* turning it off. Put differently, the mental effort needed to not turn off the water is more expensive than the 1 second of time to turn it off.
2. Many of us have been brought up with a deep guilt about wasting resources like water. We have an internal incentive structure that makes the 1 second to turn off the water much less costly than the mental anguish of the waste we created.
3. We’re afraid we’ll be caught by someone else and face some kind of social repercussions. (Or maybe more than social. Are you sure there isn’t a law against leaving the water tap on?)
Even with all that in place, you may notice that many public bathrooms use automatic water dispensers. Sure, there’s a sanitation reason for that, but it’s also to avoid this moral hazard.
A common denominator in both of these is that the person taking the action that causes the liability (either the gambling or leaving the water on) is not the person who bears the responsibility for that liability (the father or the mall owner). Generally speaking, the closer together the person making the decision and the person incurring the liability are, the smaller the moral hazard.
It’s easy to demonstrate that by extending the casino example a bit. I said it was the father who was covering the losses of the gambler. Many children (though not all) would want to avoid totally bankrupting their parents, or at least financially hurting them. Instead, imagine that someone from the IRS shows up at your door, hands you a credit card, and tells you you can use it at a casino all day, taking home all the chips you want. The money is coming from the government. How many people would put any restriction on how much they spend?
And since we’re talking about the government already…
## Government moral hazards
As I was preparing to write this blog post, the California wildfires hit. The discussions around those wildfires gave a *huge* number of examples of moral hazards. I decided to cherry-pick a few for this post.
The first and most obvious one: California is asking for disaster relief funds from the federal government. That sounds wonderful. These fires were a natural disaster, so why shouldn’t the federal government pitch in and help take care of people?
The problem is, once again, a moral hazard. In the case of the wildfires, California and Los Angeles both had ample actions they could have taken to mitigate the destruction of this fire: better forest management, larger fire department, keeping the water reservoirs filled, and probably much more that hasn’t come to light yet.
If the federal government bails out California, it will be a clear message for the future: your mistakes will be fixed by others. You know what kind of behavior that incentivizes? More risky behavior\! Why spend state funds on forest management and extra firefighters—activities that don’t win politicians a lot of votes in general—when you could instead spend it on a football stadium, higher unemployment payments, or anything else, and then let the feds cover the cost of screw-ups.
You may notice that this is virtually identical to the 2008 “too big to fail” bail-outs. Wall Street took insanely risky behavior, reaped huge profits for years, and when they eventually got caught with their pants down, the rest of us bailed them out. “Privatizing profits, socializing losses.”
![Too big to fail](https://www.snoyman.com/img/incentives/toobig.png)
And here’s the absolute best part of this: I can’t even truly blame either California *or* Wall Street. (I mean, I *do* blame them, I think their behavior is reprehensible, but you’ll see what I mean.) In a world where the rules of the game implicitly include the bail-out mentality, you would be harming your citizens/shareholders/investors if you didn’t engage in that risky behavior. Since everyone is on the hook for those socialized losses, your best bet is to maximize those privatized profits.
There’s a lot more to government and moral hazard, but I think these two cases demonstrate the crux pretty solidly. But let’s leave moral hazard behind for a bit and get to general incentivization discussions.
# Non-monetary competition
At least 50% of the economics knowledge I have comes from the very first econ course I took in college. That professor was amazing, and had some very colorful stories. I can’t vouch for the veracity of the two I’m about to share, but they definitely drive the point home.
In the 1970s, the US had an oil shortage. To “fix” this problem, they instituted price caps on gasoline, which of course resulted in insufficient gasoline. To “fix” this problem, they instituted policies where, depending on your license plate number, you could only fill up gas on certain days of the week. (Irrelevant detail for our point here, but this just resulted in people filling up their tanks more often, no reduction in gas usage.)
Anyway, my professor’s wife had a friend. My professor described in *great* detail how attractive this woman was. I’ll skip those details here since this is a PG-rated blog. In any event, she never had any trouble filling up her gas tank any day of the week. She would drive up, be told she couldn’t fill up gas today, bat her eyes at the attendant, explain how helpless she was, and was always allowed to fill up gas.
This is a demonstration of *non-monetary compensation*. Most of the time in a free market, capitalist economy, people are compensated through money. When price caps come into play, there’s a limit to how much monetary compensation someone can receive. And in that case, people find other ways of competing. Like this woman’s case: through using flirtatious behavior to compensate the gas station workers to let her cheat the rules.
The other example was much more insidious. Santa Monica had a problem: it was predominantly wealthy and white. They wanted to fix this problem, and decided to put in place rent controls. After some time, they discovered that Santa Monica had become *wealthier and whiter*, the exact opposite of their desired outcome. Why would that happen?
Someone investigated, and ended up interviewing a landlady that demonstrated the reason. She was an older white woman, and admittedly racist. Prior to the rent controls, she would list her apartments in the newspaper, and would be legally obligated to rent to anyone who could afford it. Once rent controls were in place, she took a different tact. She knew that she would only get a certain amount for the apartment, and that the demand for apartments was higher than the supply. That meant she could be picky.
She ended up finding tenants through friends-of-friends. Since it wasn’t an official advertisement, she wasn’t legally required to rent it out if someone could afford to pay. Instead, she got to interview people individually and then make them an offer. Normally, that would have resulted in receiving a lower rental price, but not under rent controls.
So who did she choose? A young, unmarried, wealthy, white woman. It made perfect sense. Women were less intimidating and more likely to maintain the apartment better. Wealthy people, she determined, would be better tenants. (I have no idea if this is true in practice or not, I’m not a landlord myself.) Unmarried, because no kids running around meant less damage to the property. And, of course, white. Because she was racist, and her incentive structure made her prefer whites.
You can deride her for being racist, I won’t disagree with you. But it’s simply the reality. Under the non-rent-control scenario, her profit motive for money outweighed her racism motive. But under rent control, the monetary competition was removed, and she was free to play into her racist tendencies without facing any negative consequences.
## Bureaucracy
These were the two examples I remember for that course. But non-monetary compensation pops up in many more places. One highly pertinent example is bureaucracies. Imagine you have a government office, or a large corporation’s acquisition department, or the team that apportions grants at a university. In all these cases, you have a group of people making decisions about handing out money that has no monetary impact on them. If they give to the best qualified recipients, they receive no raises. If they spend the money recklessly on frivolous projects, they face no consequences.
Under such an incentivization scheme, there’s little to encourage the bureaucrats to make intelligent funding decisions. Instead, they’ll be incentivized to spend the money where they recognize non-monetary benefits. This is why it’s so common to hear about expensive meals, gift bags at conferences, and even more inappropriate ways of trying to curry favor with those that hold the purse strings.
Compare that ever so briefly with the purchases made by a small mom-and-pop store like my parents owned. Could my dad take a bribe to buy from a vendor who’s ripping him off? Absolutely he could\! But he’d lose more on the deal than he’d make on the bribe, since he’s directly incentivized by the deal itself. It would make much more sense for him to go with the better vendor, save $5,000 on the deal, and then treat himself to a lavish $400 meal to celebrate.
# Government incentivized behavior
This post is getting longer in the tooth than I’d intended, so I’ll finish off with this section and make it a bit briefer. Beyond all the methods mentioned above, government has another mechanism for modifying behavior: through directly changing incentives via legislation, regulation, and monetary policy. Let’s see some examples:
* Artificial modification of interest rates encourages people to take on more debt than they would in a free capital market, leading to [malinvestment](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Malinvestment) and a consumer debt crisis, and causing the boom-bust cycle we all painfully experience.
* Going along with that, giving tax breaks on interest payments further artificially incentivizes people to take on debt that they wouldn’t otherwise.
* During COVID-19, at some points unemployment benefits were greater than minimum wage, incentivizing people to rather stay home and not work than get a job, leading to reduced overall productivity in the economy and more printed dollars for benefits. In other words, it was a perfect recipe for inflation.
* The tax code gives deductions to “help” people. That might be true, but the real impact is incentivizing people to make decisions they wouldn’t have otherwise. For example, giving out tax deductions on children encourages having more kids. Tax deductions on childcare and preschools incentivizes dual-income households. Whether or not you like the outcomes, it’s clear that it’s government that’s encouraging these outcomes to happen.
* Tax incentives cause people to engage in behavior they wouldn’t otherwise (daycare+working mother, for example).
* Inflation means that the value of your money goes down over time, which encourages people to spend more today, when their money has a larger impact. (Milton Friedman described this as [high living](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZwNDd2_beTU).)
# Conclusion
The idea here is simple, and fully encapsulated in the title: incentives determine outcomes. If you want to know how to get a certain outcome from others, incentivize them to want that to happen. If you want to understand why people act in seemingly irrational ways, check their incentives. If you’re confused why leaders (and especially politicians) seem to engage in destructive behavior, check their incentives.
We can bemoan these realities all we want, but they *are* realities. While there are some people who have a solid internal moral and ethical code, and that internal code incentivizes them to behave against their externally-incentivized interests, those people are rare. And frankly, those people are self-defeating. People *should* take advantage of the incentives around them. Because if they don’t, someone else will.
(If you want a literary example of that last comment, see the horse in Animal Farm.)
How do we improve the world under these conditions? Make sure the incentives align well with the overall goals of society. To me, it’s a simple formula:
* Focus on free trade, value for value, as the basis of a society. In that system, people are always incentivized to provide value to other people.
* Reduce the size of bureaucracies and large groups of all kinds. The larger an organization becomes, the farther the consequences of decisions are from those who make them.
* And since the nature of human beings will be to try and create areas where they can control the incentive systems to their own benefits, make that as difficult as possible. That comes in the form of strict limits on government power, for example.
And even if you don’t want to buy in to this conclusion, I hope the rest of the content was educational, and maybe a bit entertaining\!
*Ich begann, Social Media aufzubauen,* *\
um den Menschen eine Stimme zu geben.* *\
Mark Zuckerberg*
**Sind euch auch die Tränen gekommen, als ihr Mark Zuckerbergs** **[Wendehals-Deklaration](https://www.facebook.com/zuck/videos/1525382954801931)** bezüglich der Meinungsfreiheit auf seinen Portalen gehört habt? Rührend, oder? Während er früher die offensichtliche Zensur leugnete und später die Regierung Biden dafür verantwortlich machte, will er nun angeblich «die Zensur auf unseren Plattformen drastisch reduzieren».
**«Purer** **[Opportunismus](https://transition-news.org/facebook-grunder-zuckerberg-vom-trump-gegner-zum-trump-buddy-und-anti-zensor)» ob des anstehenden Regierungswechsels wäre als Klassifizierung** viel zu kurz gegriffen. Der jetzige Schachzug des Meta-Chefs ist genauso Teil einer kühl kalkulierten Business-Strategie, wie es die 180 Grad umgekehrte Praxis vorher war. Social Media sind ein höchst lukratives Geschäft. Hinzu kommt vielleicht noch ein bisschen verkorkstes Ego, weil derartig viel Einfluss und Geld sicher auch auf die Psyche schlagen. Verständlich.
> «Es ist an der Zeit, zu unseren Wurzeln der freien Meinungsäußerung auf Facebook und Instagram zurückzukehren. Ich begann, Social Media aufzubauen, um den Menschen eine Stimme zu geben», sagte Zuckerberg.
**Welche Wurzeln? Hat der Mann vergessen, dass er von der Überwachung,** dem Ausspionieren und dem Ausverkauf sämtlicher Daten und digitaler Spuren sowie der Manipulation seiner «Kunden» lebt? Das ist knallharter Kommerz, nichts anderes. Um freie Meinungsäußerung geht es bei diesem Geschäft ganz sicher nicht, und das war auch noch nie so. Die Wurzeln von Facebook liegen in einem Projekt des US-Militärs mit dem Namen [«LifeLog»](https://norberthaering.de/macht-kontrolle/lifelog/). Dessen Ziel war es, «ein digitales Protokoll vom Leben eines Menschen zu erstellen».
**Der Richtungswechsel kommt allerdings nicht überraschend.** Schon Anfang Dezember hatte Meta-Präsident Nick Clegg von «zu hoher Fehlerquote bei der Moderation» von Inhalten [gesprochen](https://www.theverge.com/2024/12/3/24311513/meta-content-moderation-mistakes-nick-clegg). Bei der Gelegenheit erwähnte er auch, dass Mark sehr daran interessiert sei, eine aktive Rolle in den Debatten über eine amerikanische Führungsrolle im technologischen Bereich zu spielen.
**Während Milliardärskollege und Big Tech-Konkurrent Elon Musk bereits seinen Posten** in der kommenden Trump-Regierung in Aussicht hat, möchte Zuckerberg also nicht nur seine Haut retten – Trump hatte ihn einmal einen «Feind des Volkes» genannt und ihm lebenslange Haft angedroht –, sondern am liebsten auch mitspielen. KI-Berater ist wohl die gewünschte Funktion, wie man nach einem Treffen Trump-Zuckerberg hörte. An seine [Verhaftung](https://transition-news.org/nicht-telegram-grunder-durow-sondern-zuckerberg-sollte-in-haft-sitzen-wegen-des) dachte vermutlich auch ein weiterer Multimilliardär mit eigener Social Media-Plattform, Pavel Durov, als er Zuckerberg jetzt [kritisierte](https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/news/ende-des-faktenchecks-bei-meta-telegram-gruender-kritisiert-zuckerberg-und-spricht-warnung-aus-li.2287988) und gleichzeitig warnte.
**Politik und Systemmedien drehen jedenfalls durch** – was zu viel ist, ist zu viel. Etwas weniger Zensur und mehr Meinungsfreiheit würden die Freiheit der Bürger schwächen und seien potenziell vernichtend für die Menschenrechte. Zuckerberg setze mit dem neuen Kurs die Demokratie aufs Spiel, das sei eine «Einladung zum nächsten [Völkermord](https://archive.is/PYeH0)», ernsthaft. Die Frage sei, ob sich die [EU gegen Musk und Zuckerberg](https://www.handelsblatt.com/politik/international/internet-regulierung-kann-sich-die-eu-gegen-musk-und-zuckerberg-behaupten/100099373.html) behaupten könne, Brüssel müsse jedenfalls hart durchgreifen.
**Auch um die** **[Faktenchecker](https://www.welt.de/kultur/medien/article255065352/Metas-Kurswechsel-Zuckerbergs-Entscheidung-und-die-Folgen-fuer-deutsche-Faktenchecker.html)** **macht man sich Sorgen.** Für die deutsche Nachrichtenagentur *dpa* und die «Experten» von *Correctiv*, die (noch) Partner für Fact-Checking-Aktivitäten von Facebook sind, sei das ein «lukratives Geschäftsmodell». Aber möglicherweise werden die Inhalte ohne diese vermeintlichen Korrektoren ja sogar besser. Anders als Meta wollen jedoch Scholz, Faeser und die *Tagesschau* keine Fehler zugeben und zum Beispiel *Correctiv*-[Falschaussagen](https://www.berliner-zeitung.de/politik-gesellschaft/correctiv-falschaussagen-exklusiv-scholz-faeser-und-tagesschau-wollen-sich-fuer-verbreitung-nicht-entschuldigen-li.2288126) einräumen.
**Bei derlei dramatischen Befürchtungen wundert es nicht,** dass der öffentliche Plausch auf X zwischen Elon Musk und AfD-Chefin Alice Weidel von 150 EU-Beamten überwacht wurde, falls es irgendwelche Rechtsverstöße geben sollte, die man ihnen ankreiden könnte. Auch der Deutsche Bundestag war wachsam. Gefunden haben dürften sie nichts. Das Ganze war eher eine Show, viel Wind wurde gemacht, aber letztlich gab es nichts als heiße Luft.
**Das** **[Anbiedern](https://transition-news.org/who-biedert-sich-bei-trump-an)** **bei Donald Trump ist indes gerade in Mode.** Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) tut das auch, denn sie fürchtet um Spenden von über einer Milliarde Dollar. Eventuell könnte ja Elon Musk auch hier künftig aushelfen und der Organisation sowie deren größtem privaten Förderer, Bill Gates, etwas unter die Arme greifen. Nachdem Musks KI-Projekt xAI kürzlich von BlackRock & Co. [sechs Milliarden](https://x.ai/blog/series-c) eingestrichen hat, geht da vielleicht etwas.
Dieser Beitrag ist zuerst auf ***[Transition News](https://transition-news.org/milliardenschwere-wetterfahnchen-und-windmaschinen)*** erschienen.
**Money**. It’s one of the most powerful forces in our world, and for many, it evokes mixed emotions. On the one hand, money provides security, opportunities, and the freedom to pursue dreams. On the other, it’s often tied to stress, inequality, and a sense of unending competition. This love-hate relationship with money is universal, and it stems from a system that often feels rigged against the average person.
Enter Nostr—a decentralized protocol designed to address some of the deepest flaws in how we interact with value and communication online. While Nostr isn’t just about money, its principles are profoundly reshaping how we think about value exchange, financial sovereignty, and freedom.
### The Root of the Problem
At the core of our collective frustration with money is control. Traditional financial systems are centralized, opaque, and prone to manipulation. Whether it’s through inflation eating away at savings, unfair access to banking, or censorship of financial transactions, the system leaves many feeling powerless. Add to this the societal obsession with consumerism and wealth accumulation, and it’s no wonder money can feel more like a burden than a tool.
Even digital spaces, which promised democratization, often mirror these problems. Social media platforms monetize user data while censoring or shadow-banning content. Payment platforms can freeze accounts or deny access, reinforcing the imbalance of power.
### Nostr: A Fresh Perspective on Value and Freedom
Nostr (short for "*Notes and Other Stuff Transmitted by Relays*") isn’t just a technical innovation—it’s a philosophy. Built on a simple yet powerful decentralized protocol, Nostr allows users to share information, communicate, and exchange value directly, without reliance on centralized entities. It’s an open, censorship-resistant network that puts control back into the hands of individuals.
So, how is Nostr addressing the money dilemma?
1. **Decentralized Value Exchange**\
Nostr integrates seamlessly with tools like Bitcoin’s Lightning Network, enabling instant, low-cost payments without intermediaries. This means individuals can send and receive money directly, whether it’s a micro-tip to support a content creator or a peer-to-peer transaction across borders. No banks. No middlemen. Just value exchanged freely.
2. **Censorship Resistance**\
One of the most frustrating aspects of modern finance is the potential for censorship. Banks and platforms can freeze accounts or block payments based on arbitrary criteria. Nostr flips this script by creating a network where transactions and communication are uncensorable. Value flows freely, aligned with the principles of individual sovereignty.
3. **Empowering Creators**\
In traditional models, creators often rely on centralized platforms to earn revenue, losing a significant portion to fees or being at the mercy of algorithms. On Nostr, creators can directly monetize their work through Bitcoin tips or other decentralized payment methods, creating a more equitable system where value flows directly between creator and consumer.
4. **Transparency and Trust**\
Unlike traditional systems shrouded in secrecy, Nostr operates on an open protocol. This transparency builds trust and removes many of the frustrations people associate with hidden fees, arbitrary rules, or lack of accountability in centralized systems.
### A New Relationship with Money
By decentralizing how value is exchanged and communication occurs, Nostr helps redefine the role of money in our lives. It shifts the narrative from control and dependency to empowerment and freedom. Money becomes what it was always meant to be—a tool, not a master.
Imagine a world where tipping someone online is as easy as liking a post, where no one can block you from accessing your own funds, and where creators earn directly from their audience without gatekeepers taking a cut. That’s the world Nostr is helping to build.
### Closing Thoughts
The love-hate relationship with money isn’t going away overnight. But as protocols like Nostr grow and mature, they offer a glimpse of what’s possible when we rethink the systems that shape our lives. By putting individuals back in control of their communication and financial exchanges, Nostr is doing more than fixing the flaws of the old system—it’s creating a new one entirely.
In the end, it’s not just about money. It’s about freedom, fairness, and the ability to live a life where value flows freely, aligned with our principles and priorities. Nostr isn’t just a tool; it’s a movement. And for anyone tired of the current system, that’s something worth paying attention to.
This article hopes to complement the article by Lyn Alden on YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jk_HWmmwiAs
## The reason why we have broken money
Before the invention of key technologies such as the printing press and electronic communications, even such as those as early as morse code transmitters, gold had won the competition for best medium of money around the world.
In fact, it was not just gold by itself that became money, rulers and world leaders developed coins in order to help the economy grow. Gold nuggets were not as easy to transact with as coins with specific imprints and denominated sizes.
However, these modern technologies created massive efficiencies that allowed us to communicate and perform services more efficiently and much faster, yet the medium of money could not benefit from these advancements. Gold was heavy, slow and expensive to move globally, even though requesting and performing services globally did not have this limitation anymore.
Banks took initiative and created derivatives of gold: paper and electronic money; these new currencies allowed the economy to continue to grow and evolve, but it was not without its dark side. Today, no currency is denominated in gold at all, money is backed by nothing and its inherent value, the paper it is printed on, is worthless too.
Banks and governments eventually transitioned from a money derivative to a system of debt that could be co-opted and controlled for political and personal reasons. Our money today is broken and is the cause of more expensive, poorer quality goods in the economy, a larger and ever growing wealth gap, and many of the follow-on problems that have come with it.
## Bitcoin overcomes the "transfer of hard money" problem
Just like gold coins were created by man, Bitcoin too is a technology created by man. Bitcoin, however is a much more profound invention, possibly more of a discovery than an invention in fact. Bitcoin has proven to be unbreakable, incorruptible and has upheld its ability to keep its units scarce, inalienable and counterfeit proof through the nature of its own design.
Since Bitcoin is a digital technology, it can be transferred across international borders almost as quickly as information itself. It therefore severely reduces the need for a derivative to be used to represent money to facilitate digital trade. This means that as the currency we use today continues to fare poorly for many people, bitcoin will continue to stand out as hard money, that just so happens to work as well, functionally, along side it.
Bitcoin will also always be available to anyone who wishes to earn it directly; even China is unable to restrict its citizens from accessing it. The dollar has traditionally become the currency for people who discover that their local currency is unsustainable. Even when the dollar has become illegal to use, it is simply used privately and unofficially. However, because bitcoin does not require you to trade it at a bank in order to use it across borders and across the web, Bitcoin will continue to be a viable escape hatch until we one day hit some critical mass where the world has simply adopted Bitcoin globally and everyone else must adopt it to survive.
Bitcoin has not yet proven that it can support the world at scale. However it can only be tested through real adoption, and just as gold coins were developed to help gold scale, tools will be developed to help overcome problems as they arise; ideally without the need for another derivative, but if necessary, hopefully with one that is more neutral and less corruptible than the derivatives used to represent gold.
## Bitcoin blurs the line between commodity and technology
Bitcoin is a technology, it is a tool that requires human involvement to function, however it surprisingly does not allow for any concentration of power. Anyone can help to facilitate Bitcoin's operations, but no one can take control of its behaviour, its reach, or its prioritisation, as it operates autonomously based on a pre-determined, neutral set of rules.
At the same time, its built-in incentive mechanism ensures that people do not have to operate bitcoin out of the good of their heart. Even though the system cannot be co-opted holistically, It will not stop operating while there are people motivated to trade their time and resources to keep it running and earn from others' transaction fees. Although it requires humans to operate it, it remains both neutral and sustainable.
Never before have we developed or discovered a technology that could not be co-opted and used by one person or faction against another. Due to this nature, Bitcoin's units are often described as a commodity; they cannot be usurped or virtually cloned, and they cannot be affected by political biases.
## The dangers of derivatives
A derivative is something created, designed or developed to represent another thing in order to solve a particular complication or problem. For example, paper and electronic money was once a derivative of gold.
In the case of Bitcoin, if you cannot link your units of bitcoin to an "address" that you personally hold a cryptographically secure key to, then you very likely have a derivative of bitcoin, not bitcoin itself. If you buy bitcoin on an online exchange and do not withdraw the bitcoin to a wallet that you control, then you legally own an electronic derivative of bitcoin.
Bitcoin is a new technology. It will have a learning curve and it will take time for humanity to learn how to comprehend, authenticate and take control of bitcoin collectively. Having said that, many people all over the world are already using and relying on Bitcoin natively. For many, it will require for people to find the need or a desire for a neutral money like bitcoin, and to have been burned by derivatives of it, before they start to understand the difference between the two. Eventually, it will become an essential part of what we regard as common sense.
## Learn for yourself
If you wish to learn more about how to handle bitcoin and avoid derivatives, you can start by searching online for tutorials about "Bitcoin self custody".
There are many options available, some more practical for you, and some more practical for others. Don't spend too much time trying to find the perfect solution; practice and learn. You may make mistakes along the way, so be careful not to experiment with large amounts of your bitcoin as you explore new ideas and technologies along the way. This is similar to learning anything, like riding a bicycle; you are sure to fall a few times, scuff the frame, so don't buy a high performance racing bike while you're still learning to balance.
收录的内容中 kind=1的部分,实话说 质量不高。
所以我增加了kind=30023 长文的article,但是更新的太少,多个relays 的服务器也没有多少长文。
https://www.duozhutuan.com 目前放的是给搜索引擎提供搜索的原材料。没有做UI给人类浏览。所以看上去是粗糙的。
我并没有打算去做一个发microblog的 web客户端,那类的客户端太多了。
我觉得nostr社区需要解决的还是应用。如果仅仅是microblog 感觉有点够呛
幸运的是npub.pro 建站这样的,我觉得有点意思。
yakihonne 智能widget 也有意思
我做的TaskQ5 我自己在用了。分布式的任务系统,也挺好的。
For many of us, reading isn’t just a pastime—it’s a deeply personal goal tied to self-growth, relaxation, and exploration. Yet, despite knowing its importance, we often struggle to make it happen. We start and stop, let books gather dust, and feel guilty for not finishing them. The truth? It’s not a time issue; it’s a mental barrier.
This guide is designed to help you break through those barriers with a structured, rewarding framework that keeps you interested, engaged, and building momentum. Let’s turn reading into a habit you love—and can sustain.
### **Step 1: Understand the Real Problem**
Before diving into action, take a moment to reflect. The issue isn’t that you don’t have time—it’s that you haven’t made reading a priority. Life pulls us in countless directions, but we always find time for what matters most. Reading deserves that place in your life because it nourishes your mind, brings you joy, and inspires growth.
**Ask Yourself:**
- Why do I want to read more?
- How would my life improve if I prioritized reading?
Write down your answers and keep them visible. Let your 'why' guide you forward.
### **Step 2: Start Where You Are (Small and Simple Wins)**
Many people fail because they set huge, overwhelming goals like finishing a book every week. The secret to success? Start small. Commit to just **5 minutes a day** or a single page. Progress matters more than perfection.
**Mini Challenge #1:**
- Pick a book you’re genuinely excited about (not one you feel you *should* read).
- Read for 5 minutes today. Just 5 minutes.
When you complete this, check it off. That little win is the first step toward building momentum.
### **Step 3: Create a System That Fits Your Life**
Habits thrive when they’re tied to something you already do. Look for natural openings in your day to read.
- **Morning:** Read while sipping coffee or tea.
- **Lunch Break:** Sneak in a few pages while eating.
- **Evening:** Replace 10 minutes of scrolling with reading before bed.
Make it impossible to forget by keeping books or an e-reader where you spend the most time: next to the bed, on the couch, or in your bag.
**Mini Challenge #2:**
- Set a specific time to read tomorrow. Write it down and stick to it.
### **Step 4: Make It Fun and Rewarding**
Let’s face it—habits stick when they feel good. Build instant gratification into your reading routine.
- **Gamify the Process:** Create a simple list of mini challenges (like the ones here) and cross them off as you go.
- **Set Rewards:** For every milestone—like finishing a chapter or hitting a week of daily reading—treat yourself. It could be a fancy coffee, a cozy reading corner upgrade, or just the joy of marking progress.
**Mini Challenge #3:**
- Set a reward for finishing your first chapter or reading streak. Make it something exciting!
### **Step 5: Follow Your Interests, Not Rules**
One of the biggest mental barriers is feeling like you *have to* finish every book you start. Forget that. Reading should be enjoyable, not a chore. If a book isn’t grabbing you, it’s okay to stop and try another. The key is to stay engaged, not stuck.
**Mini Challenge #4:**
- If you’re not loving a book after 50 pages, give yourself permission to move on.
### **Step 6: Build Momentum with Layered Challenges**
To make reading exciting and natural, set challenges that grow progressively:
1. **Day 1–3:** Read 5 minutes daily.
2. **Day 4–7:** Extend to 10 minutes.
3. **Week 2:** Finish a chapter or two from a book you love.
4. **Week 3:** Try a new genre or author.
Each challenge builds on the last, creating a sense of accomplishment. By the time you finish the third week, you’ll likely be hooked.
### **Step 7: Track and Celebrate Progress**
Progress tracking is one of the simplest yet most effective ways to build a habit. Create a log to note what you’ve read, even if it’s just a chapter or a short story. Seeing your progress motivates you to keep going.
**Ideas for Tracking:**
- Use a journal or app to list books and dates you started/finished.
- Jot down favorite quotes or lessons learned.
- Share your progress with friends or join a book club for accountability.
**Mini Challenge #5:**
- Start a reading journal and write down what you love about the book you’re currently reading.
### **Step 8: Stay Flexible and Forgive Yourself**
Life gets busy, and you might miss a day (or week). That’s okay. Habits are built over time, not overnight. The key is to keep coming back to your reading routine without guilt. Remember, even a little reading is better than none.
### **Final Thoughts**
Reading is a gift you give yourself. It’s not about how fast you finish or how many books you complete—it’s about the joy, knowledge, and escape it brings. By breaking your mental barriers, starting small, and creating a system of rewards and challenges, you can make reading a natural and deeply fulfilling part of your life.
So, grab a book, set a timer, and dive in. Your reading journey starts today.
##### By Glenda Chong
##### Editorial Admin
##### Hype Issue #60
##### Join GLENDA CHONG as she experiences the magic of Korean indie band ADOY’s music and talks to the group about how they and the Korean indie scene have risen in prominence in the global music scene.
On New Year’s Eve, under a dark sky lit with twinkling city lights, I stood clinging onto a barricade with a friend before a modest yet commanding stage, littered with instruments that pulsed with the promise of what’s to come. We were at Music Day Out! - Magical Garden, a music event held at *SCAPE to celebrate the DIY ethos of independent musical acts from across Southeast Asia and to ring in the new year.
It was just past 11pm, and with bated breath, I waited for the one act I had been keeping my eyes peeled for all night to take the stage. This musical artist was none other than ADOY, a South Korean band. The band, consisting of members Juhwan, Zee, Geunchang, and Dayoung, was slated to have the longest set time of the night.
Undoubtedly, as the night’s most anticipated act, the crowd’s palpable, buzzing energy was at an all-time high. For me, however, the excitement ran much deeper: because before ADOY took the stage, tucked away in a rare moment of calm, I sat down with them to hear them outside of their melodies.
Over the last few years, Korean indie bands have risen in prominence in the global music scene. While fellow musical genre, K-pop, from the same country has dominated global headlines with its intricate performances and infectious tunes, Korea’s indie music scene has been simmering just beneath the surface.
But with the aid of social media and the internet providing opportunities for virality, Korean indie bands like ADOY and wave to earth are now carving a path of their own, one where their music resonates just as deeply with fans worldwide as their K-pop counterparts’ does.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1736496791483-YAKIHONNES3.jpg) *As the vocalist of ADOY, Juhwan’s voice is front and center in ADOY’s music. Photo by Glenda Chong.*
When I asked the band what could be attributed to the growing success of Korean indie bands, member Juhwan pointed to how beyond the boom of K-pop, Korean pop culture in general, such as Korean shows like Squid Game, “is kind of helping the image as a whole”.
He also mentioned that bands like themselves are “very energetic”. Although I cannot disagree with this, as experiencing live bands is an otherworldly experience, the music and messaging seem to be the key to being a gateway for global fans to enter the indie scene.
If you take a peek at ADOY’s music, you will notice that they primarily sing in English; an artistic decision that was surprisingly intentional. When asked if their English lyrics help global fans connect with their fans further, this is what member Zee had to say:
“That's one of the things we had in mind when we started making songs because it’s a global arena… so we wanted to include as many people as possible.”
Funnily enough, even though the band have English lyrics in most of their music, the members (except for Zee who lived abroad in France, New Zealand, America, and Canada), are only somewhat fluent in English.
So as a workaround, sometimes the band turns to translating from their native language to English. In a video interview with Front Row Live Ent. on YouTube, Zee shared that as the group’s English speaker, he would help translate Korean lyrics written by his members. Surprisingly, this does not pose as much of a challenge as I had assumed, as according to Zee, they find that they do not struggle with being lost in translation as they do write in English from the start at times.
“I think it just comes naturally,” Zee stated.
However, he acknowledged that at times, when attempting to express certain messages and feelings, the band “sometimes has to change a lot” as the two languages are different. “It’s quite difficult… but we do try as much as possible to retain the message”.
But beyond the English lyrics, it is the feelings ADOY’s music evokes that are universal. Like many ADOY fans, the first ADOY song I was introduced to was one of their most popular tracks *Grace*, a slow tune filled with smooth vocals.
Watching the YouTube video of them performing *Grace* on the show Yu Heeyeol’s Sketchbook for the first time was nothing short of magical. And just from reading the Korean comments, I finally understood what people meant when they said ADOY’s music transcends borders. Just like their domestic listeners, I too found myself transported to faraway places and nostalgic moments through their sound and lyrics. It was a connection that felt universal, yet deeply personal.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1736496823577-YAKIHONNES3.jpg) *ADOY jamming out at the start of their set at Music Day Out! Photo by Glenda Chong.*
This universal appeal is part of why Korean indie bands like ADOY are finding such global recognition. With their rise, however, comes the inevitable question of what it means to remain ‘indie’, as the lines between ‘indie’ and ‘commercial’ can blur. Though for ADOY in particular, having dubbed themselves as “commercial indie”, they navigate this distinction with a unique balance.
In a frank manner, member Zee explained that being “commercial indie” to them meant being able to “earn money” while doing music.
“Being indie is just making your own stuff,” Zee said. “We wanted to earn money while doing this so we can do music for a professional career. That’s what we meant [when we said] we wanted to be commercial”.
Judging from their journey, they have stuck to these principles closely. The band is independent from major record labels and has remained true to their sound and artistic essence, even while experimenting and fusing various genres. Their efforts have proven to be fruitful, as the global appetite for Korea’s diverse music scene is roaring louder than ever. Korean indie music has found its voice on the global stage, and ADOY has become one of its most compelling icons.
Before we wrapped up our time together, I asked ADOY a very important question: which of their songs would they recommend to a first-timer of their music? Member Dayoung suggested the track *Don’t Stop* which appears on their first EP, *CATNIP*.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1736496903898-YAKIHONNES3.jpg) *Dayoung plays the bass and supports Juhwan with backing vocals in the team. Photo by Glenda Chong.*
“*Don’t Stop* because it retains that energy of youth that I think it’s quite hard to describe song-wise, but I think that song has that good picture of youth in it,” Dayoung explained. With Dayoung’s words echoing in my mind, I eagerly wondered if the band would play this track during their set. And after close to an hour of immersing in ADOY’s dreamy soundscapes, I got my answer.
Just minutes before the clock’s hands approached the new year, unlike the past hour where ADOY moved through each track seamlessly with little to no commentary, the energy shifted. Breaking their pattern of minimal commentary, Juhwan led the crowd to do a chant which I would soon learn to be the opening refrain of the anthemic *Don’t Stop*. And when the drums and the first few notes kicked in, Dayoung’s words sprang to life before my very eyes and ears.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1736496929790-YAKIHONNES3.jpg) *Juhwan “handing” his microphone to the crowd to encourage us to chant along to Don’t Stop’s hook. Photo by Glenda Chong.*
*Dance away the whole night*
*Play the song*
*Here comes the waves, oh*
*Don't stop me, I feel the ocean*
*Don't stop me, we need no reason*
*Don't stop me, this is the moment*
*Keep me young and free, yeah*
In that moment - headbanging to the lyrics furiously, the live instruments booming through my chest, it was a feeling no headphones or sound device could ever replicate and my efforts would forever be in vain. It can never compare to the indelible impression left behind by the raw, intensified energy of the crowd and ADOY’s unified symphony of shared emotion.
As ADOY carried *Don’t Stop* in all its youthful defiance and boundless energy into 2025, it felt like more than a closing act; it was a moment of triumph. The night encapsulated the endless possibilities of the new year ahead, and for ADOY, the path is undeniably up.
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"><video style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;" controls>
<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-5.mp4" type="video/mp4"/>
<source src="https://plebdevs-bucket.nyc3.cdn.digitaloceanspaces.com/starter-lesson-5.webm" type="video/webm"/>
# JavaScript: Building Your First Interactive Web App
## Introduction
In this lesson, we'll bring our web pages to life by adding dynamic functionality with JavaScript. We'll build a real-world application that displays and updates Bitcoin prices in real-time, teaching core JavaScript concepts along the way.
## Project Overview: Bitcoin Price Tracker
We'll build a web application that:
- Displays current Bitcoin price
- Updates automatically every 3 seconds
- Allows currency switching
- Includes interactive controls
- Shows current date/time
## Core JavaScript Concepts
### 1. Variables and Data Types
// Variables can be declared with let or const
let currentCurrency = "USD"; // Can be changed
const interval = 3000; // Cannot be changed
// Basic data types
const price = 45000; // Number
const isVisible = true; // Boolean
const currency = "USD"; // String
### 2. DOM Manipulation
// Getting elements
const priceElement = document.getElementById('price');
const button = document.getElementById('refresh-button');
// Modifying content
priceElement.textContent = `${price} ${currency}`;
// Changing styles
priceElement.style.display = 'none';
### 3. Event Listeners
// Basic click handler
button.addEventListener('click', () => {
// Change event for select elements
selector.addEventListener('change', (event) => {
### 4. Async Operations & Fetch API
async function fetchBitcoinPrice() {
try {
const response = await fetch(apiUrl);
const data = await response.json();
} catch (error) {
console.error('Error:', error);
## Project Structure
### HTML Setup
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<title>Bitcoin Price Tracker</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css">
<script src="index.js" defer></script>
<h1>Current Bitcoin Price</h1>
<p>The price is: <span id="price"></span></p>
<!-- Additional elements -->
### Core Functionality Implementation
1. **Setting Up the Timer**
// Update price every 3 seconds
setInterval(fetchBitcoinPrice, 3000);
// Update date/time every second
setInterval(updateDateTime, 1000);
2. **Currency Selection**
function handleCurrencyChange(newCurrency) {
currentCurrency = newCurrency;
3. **Toggle Visibility**
function togglePriceVisibility() {
const price = document.getElementById('price');
price.style.display = price.style.display === 'none'
? 'inline'
: 'none';
## Best Practices
### 1. Error Handling
- Always use try/catch with async operations
- Provide meaningful error messages
- Handle edge cases gracefully
### 2. Code Organization
- Keep functions focused and small
- Use meaningful variable names
- Group related functionality
- Add comments for clarity
### 3. Performance
- Avoid unnecessary DOM updates
- Use appropriate update intervals
- Clean up intervals when not needed
## Common Challenges & Solutions
### 1. API Issues
// Handle API failures gracefully
catch (error) {
priceElement.textContent = 'Price unavailable';
console.error('API Error:', error);
### 2. Currency Formatting
function formatPrice(price, currency) {
return new Intl.NumberFormat('en-US', {
style: 'currency',
currency: currency
### 3. Time Zones
function getLocalTime() {
return new Date().toLocaleString();
## Extending the Project
Consider adding these features for practice:
1. Price change indicators (up/down arrows)
2. Historical price chart
3. Multiple cryptocurrency support
4. Price alerts
5. Local storage for settings
## Debugging Tips
### Using Console
console.log('Price fetched:', price);
console.error('Error occurred:', error);
### Chrome DevTools
1. Network tab for API calls
2. Console for errors
3. Elements for DOM inspection
4. Sources for debugging
## Additional Resources
- MDN JavaScript Guide
- JavaScript.info
- CoinGecko API Documentation
- Chrome DevTools Documentation
## Next Steps
1. Add styling with CSS
2. Implement additional features
3. Learn about React for more complex applications
4. Explore other APIs and cryptocurrencies
Remember: The best way to learn is by doing. Don't be afraid to break things and experiment with the code. The developer console is your friend for debugging and understanding what's happening in your application.
Happy coding! 🚀
> Maple AI combines the best of both worlds – encryption and personal AI – to create a truly private AI experience. Discuss personal and company items with Maple, we can't read them even if we wanted to.\
> [Join the waitlist to get early access.](https://trymaple.ai)
We are a culture of app users. Every day, we give our personal information to websites and apps, hoping they are safe. Location data, eating habits, financial details, and health information are just a few examples of what we entrust to third parties. People are now entering a new era of computing that promises next-level benefits when given even more personal data: AI.
Should we sacrifice our privacy to unlock the productivity gains of AI? Should we hope our information won't be used in ways we disagree? We believe we can have the best of both worlds – privacy and personal AI – and have built a new project called Maple AI. Chat between you and an AI with full end-to-end encryption. We believe it's a game-changer for individuals seeking private and secure conversations.
#### Building a Private Foundation
Maple is built on our flagship product, [OpenSecret](https://opensecret.cloud), a backend platform for app developers that turns private encryption on by default. [The announcement post for OpenSecret explains our vision for an encrypted world and what the platform can do.](https://primal.net/e/naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzphchxfm3ste32hfhkvczzxapme9gz5qvqtget6tylyd7wa8vjecgqqe5jmn5wfhkgatrd9hxwt20wpjku5m9vdex2apdw35x2tt9de3hy7tsw3jkgttzv93kketwvskhgur5w9nx5h52tpj) We think both users and developers benefit when sensitive personal information is encrypted in a private vault; it's a win-win.
#### The Power of Encrypted AI Chat
AI chat is a personal and intimate experience. It's a place to share your thoughts, feelings, and desires without fear of judgment. The more you share with an AI chatbot, the more powerful it becomes. It can offer personalized insights, suggestions, and guidance tailored to your unique needs and perspectives. However, this intimacy requires trust, and that's where traditional AI chatbots often fall short.
Traditional AI chats are designed to collect and analyze your data, often without your explicit consent. This data is used to improve the AI's performance, but it also creates a treasure trove of sensitive information that can be mined, sold, or even exploited by malicious actors. Maple AI takes a different approach. By using end-to-end encryption, we ensure that your conversations remain private and secure, even from us.
#### Technical Overview
So, how does Maple AI achieve this level of privacy and security? Here are some key technical aspects:
- **Private Key:** Each user has a unique private key that is automatically managed for them. This key encrypts and decrypts conversations, ensuring that only the user can access their data.
- **Secure Servers:** Our servers are designed with security in mind. We use secure enclaves to protect sensitive data and ensure that even our own team can't access your conversations.
- **Encrypted Sync:** One of Maple's most significant benefits is its encrypted sync feature. Unlike traditional AI chatbots, which store conversations in local storage or on standard cloud servers, Maple syncs your chats across all your devices. The private key managed by our secure servers means you can pick up where you left off on any device without worrying about your data being compromised.
- **Attestation and Open Code:** We publish our enclave code publicly. Using a process called attestation, users can verify that the code running on the enclave is the same as the code audited by the public.
- **Open Source LLM:** Maple uses major open-source models to maximize the openness of responses. The chat box does not filter what you can talk about. This transparency ensures that our AI is trustworthy and unbiased.
#### Personal and Work Use
Maple is secure enough to handle your personal questions and work tasks. Because we can't see what you chat about, you are free to use AI as an assistant on sensitive company items. Use it for small tasks like writing an important email or large tasks like developing your organization's strategy. Feed it sensitive information; it's just you and AI in the room. Attestation provides cryptographic proof that your corporate secrets are safe.
#### Local v Cloud
Today's AI tools provide different levels of privacy. The main options are to trust a third party with your unencrypted data, hoping they don't do anything with it, or run your own AI locally on an underpowered machine. We created a third option. Maple gives you the power of cloud computing combined with the privacy and security of a machine running on your desk. It's the best of both worlds.
#### Why the Maple name?
Privacy isn't just a human value - it's a natural one exemplified by the Maple tree. These organisms communicate with each other through a network of underground fungal hyphae, sending messages and sharing resources in a way that's completely invisible to organisms above ground. This discreet communication system allows Maple trees to thrive in even the most challenging environments. Our goal is to provide a way for everyone to communicate with AI securely so they can thrive in any environment.
#### Join the Waitlist
Maple AI will launch in early 2025 with free and paid plans. We can't wait to share it with the world. [Join our waitlist today to be among the first to experience the power of private AI chat.](https://trymaple.ai)
> Maple AI combines the best of both worlds – encryption and personal AI – to create a truly private AI experience. Discuss personal and company items with Maple, we can't read them even if we wanted to.\
> [Join the waitlist to get early access.](https://trymaple.ai)
We are a culture of app users. Every day, we give our personal information to websites and apps, hoping they are safe. Location data, eating habits, financial details, and health information are just a few examples of what we entrust to third parties. People are now entering a new era of computing that promises next-level benefits when given even more personal data: AI.
Should we sacrifice our privacy to unlock the productivity gains of AI? Should we hope our information won't be used in ways we disagree? We believe we can have the best of both worlds – privacy and personal AI – and have built a new project called Maple AI. Chat between you and an AI with full end-to-end encryption. We believe it's a game-changer for individuals seeking private and secure conversations.
#### Building a Private Foundation
Maple is built on our flagship product, [OpenSecret](https://opensecret.cloud), a backend platform for app developers that turns private encryption on by default. [The announcement post for OpenSecret explains our vision for an encrypted world and what the platform can do.](nostr:naddr1qvzqqqr4gupzphchxfm3ste32hfhkvczzxapme9gz5qvqtget6tylyd7wa8vjecgqqe5jmn5wfhkgatrd9hxwt20wpjku5m9vdex2apdw35x2tt9de3hy7tsw3jkgttzv93kketwvskhgur5w9nx5h52tpj) We think both users and developers benefit when sensitive personal information is encrypted in a private vault; it's a win-win.
#### The Power of Encrypted AI Chat
AI chat is a personal and intimate experience. It's a place to share your thoughts, feelings, and desires without fear of judgment. The more you share with an AI chatbot, the more powerful it becomes. It can offer personalized insights, suggestions, and guidance tailored to your unique needs and perspectives. However, this intimacy requires trust, and that's where traditional AI chatbots often fall short.
Traditional AI chats are designed to collect and analyze your data, often without your explicit consent. This data is used to improve the AI's performance, but it also creates a treasure trove of sensitive information that can be mined, sold, or even exploited by malicious actors. Maple AI takes a different approach. By using end-to-end encryption, we ensure that your conversations remain private and secure, even from us.
#### Technical Overview
So, how does Maple AI achieve this level of privacy and security? Here are some key technical aspects:
- **Private Key:** Each user has a unique private key that is automatically managed for them. This key encrypts and decrypts conversations, ensuring that only the user can access their data.
- **Secure Servers:** Our servers are designed with security in mind. We use secure enclaves to protect sensitive data and ensure that even our own team can't access your conversations.
- **Encrypted Sync:** One of Maple's most significant benefits is its encrypted sync feature. Unlike traditional AI chatbots, which store conversations in local storage or on standard cloud servers, Maple syncs your chats across all your devices. The private key managed by our secure servers means you can pick up where you left off on any device without worrying about your data being compromised.
- **Attestation and Open Code:** We publish our enclave code publicly. Using a process called attestation, users can verify that the code running on the enclave is the same as the code audited by the public.
- **Open Source LLM:** Maple uses major open-source models to maximize the openness of responses. The chat box does not filter what you can talk about. This transparency ensures that our AI is trustworthy and unbiased.
#### Personal and Work Use
Maple is secure enough to handle your personal questions and work tasks. Because we can't see what you chat about, you are free to use AI as an assistant on sensitive company items. Use it for small tasks like writing an important email or large tasks like developing your organization's strategy. Feed it sensitive information; it's just you and AI in the room. Attestation provides cryptographic proof that your corporate secrets are safe.
#### Local v Cloud
Today's AI tools provide different levels of privacy. The main options are to trust a third party with your unencrypted data, hoping they don't do anything with it, or run your own AI locally on an underpowered machine. We created a third option. Maple gives you the power of cloud computing combined with the privacy and security of a machine running on your desk. It's the best of both worlds.
#### Why the Maple name?
Privacy isn't just a human value - it's a natural one exemplified by the Maple tree. These organisms communicate with each other through a network of underground fungal hyphae, sending messages and sharing resources in a way that's completely invisible to organisms above ground. This discreet communication system allows Maple trees to thrive in even the most challenging environments. Our goal is to provide a way for everyone to communicate with AI securely so they can thrive in any environment.
#### Join the Waitlist
Maple AI will launch in early 2025 with free and paid plans. We can't wait to share it with the world. [Join our waitlist today to be among the first to experience the power of private AI chat.](https://trymaple.ai)
[![Join the Waitlist](https://blog.opensecret.cloud/content/images/2024/11/get-early-access-4.png)](https://trymaple.ai/waitlist)
> OpenSecret is a backend for app developers that turns private encryption on by default. When sensitive data is readable only by the user, it protects both the user and the developer, creating a more free and open internet. We'll be launching in 2025. [Join our waitlist to get early access.](https://opensecret.cloud)
In today's digital age, personal data is both an asset and a liability. With the rise of data breaches and cyber attacks, individuals and companies struggle to protect sensitive information. The consequences of a data breach can be devastating, resulting in financial losses, reputational damage, and compromised user trust. In 2023, the average data breach cost was $5 million, with some resulting in losses of over $1 billion.
![](https://blog.opensecret.cloud/content/images/2024/11/image-3-1-1-1.png)Meanwhile, individuals face problems related to identity theft, personal safety, and public embarrassment. Think about the apps on your phone, even the one you're using to read this. How much data have you trusted to other people, and how would it feel if that data were leaked online?
Thankfully, some incredibly talented cypherpunks years ago gave the world cryptography. We can encrypt data, rendering it a secret between two people. So why then do we have data breaches?
> Cryptography at scale is hard.
#### The Cloud
The cloud has revolutionized how we store and process data, but it has limitations. While cloud providers offer encryption, it mainly protects data in transit. Once data is stored in the cloud, it's often encrypted with a shared key, which can be accessed by employees, third-party vendors, or compromised by hackers.
The solution is to generate a personal encryption password for each user, make sure they write it down, and, most importantly, hope they don't lose it. If the password is lost, the data is forever unreadable. That can be overwhelming, leading to low app usage.
> Private key encryption needs a UX upgrade.
## Enter OpenSecret
OpenSecret is a developer platform that enables encryption by default. Our platform provides a suite of security tools for app developers, including private key management, encrypted sync, private AI, and confidential compute.
Every user has a private vault for their data, which means only they can read it. Developers are free to store less sensitive data in a shared manner because there is still a need to aggregate data across the system.
### Private Key Management
Private key management is the superpower that enables personal encryption per user. When each user has a unique private key, their data can be truly private. Typically, using a private key is a challenging experience for the user because they must write down a long autogenerated number or phrase of 12-24 words. If they lose it, their data is gone.
OpenSecret uses secure enclaves to make private keys as easy as an everyday login experience that users are familiar with. Instead of managing a complicated key, the user logs in with an email address or a social media account.
The developer doesn't have to manage private keys and can focus on the app's user experience. The user doesn't have to worry about losing a private key and can jump into using your app.
### Encrypted Sync
With user keys safely managed, we can synchronize user data to every device while maintaining privacy. The user does not need to do complicated things like scanning QR codes from one device to the next. Just log in and go.
The user wins because the data is available on all their devices. The developer wins because only the user can read the data, so it isn't a liability to them.
### Private AI
Artificial intelligence is here and making its way into everything. The true power of AI is unleashed when it can act on personal and company data. The current options are to run your own AI locally on an underpowered machine or to trust a third party with your data, hoping they don't read it or use it for anything.
OpenSecret combines the power of cloud computing with the privacy and security of a machine running on your desk.
**Check out Maple AI**\
Try private AI for yourself! We built an app built with this service called [Maple AI](https://trymaple.ai). It is an AI chat that is 100% private in a verifiable manner. Give it your innermost thoughts or embarrassing ideas; we can't judge you. We built Maple using OpenSecret, which means you have a private key that is automatically managed for you, and your chat history is synchronized to all your devices. [Learn more about Maple AI - Private chat in the announcement post.](https://blog.opensecret.cloud/maple-ai-private-encrypted-chat/)
### Confidential Compute
Confidential computing is a game-changer for data security. It's like the secure hardware that powers Apple Pay and Google Pay on your phone but in the cloud. Users can verify through a process called attestation that their data is handled appropriately. OpenSecret can help you run your own custom app backend code that would benefit from the security of an enclave.
It's the new version of that lock on your web browser. When you see it, you know you're secure.
#### **But do we want our secrets to be open?**
OpenSecret renders a data breach practically useless. If hackers get into the backend, they enter a virtual hallway of locked private vaults. The leaked data would be gibberish, a secret in the open that is unreadable.
On the topic of openness, OpenSecret uses the power of open source to enable trust in the service. We publish our code in the open, and, using attestation, anyone can verify that private data is being handled as expected. This openness also provides developers with a backup option to safely and securely export their data.
> Don't trust, verify.
### **Join the Movement**
We're currently building out OpenSecret, and we invite you to join us on the journey. Our platform can work with your existing stack, and you can pick and choose the features you need. If you want to build apps with encryption enabled, [send us a message to get early access.](https://opensecret.cloud)
Users and companies deserve better encryption and privacy.\
Together, let's make that a reality.
[![Get Early Access](https://blog.opensecret.cloud/content/images/2024/11/get-early-access-3.png)](https://opensecret.cloud)
Heute Abend um 19 Uhr sprechen Elon Musk und Alice Weidel auf X. Der alternative Radiosender Kontrafunk aus der Schweiz bringt eine Übersetzung davon im Stream.
Da die Webseite des Kontrafunks gestern angegriffen wurde, ist hier der Stream unzensierbar aufrufbar, als kleines Back-up:
Im Nostr-Netzwerk dauerhauft auch u.a. **[hier](https://njump.me/naddr1qqxnzdenxc6rydejxymnwvfhqgswxu72gyq7ykjdfl9j556887jpzwu3mw3v9ez36quas55whq4te3grqsqqqa28qythwumn8ghj7urpwfjhgmewdehhxarjxyhxxmmdqvlg3v)** aufrufbar (falls wir angegriffen werden).
Tonight at 7 pm (CET), Elon Musk and Alice Weidel will be speaking on X. The alternative radio station Kontrafunk from Switzerland will be streaming a translation.
As the Kontrafunk website was attacked yesterday, the stream can be accessed uncensored here as a small backup:
In the Nostr network also permanently available **[here](https://njump.me/naddr1qqxnzdenxc6rydejxymnwvfhqgswxu72gyq7ykjdfl9j556887jpzwu3mw3v9ez36quas55whq4te3grqsqqqa28qythwumn8ghj7urpwfjhgmewdehhxarjxyhxxmmdqvlg3v)** (in case we are attacked).
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***Join the marketplace of ideas!** We are building a publishing ecosystem on Nostr for citizen-journalism, starting with a client for blogging and newsletter distribution. Sound money and sound information should finally be in the hands of the people, right? Want to learn more about the [Pareto Project](https://pareto.space/en)? Zap me, if you want to contribute (all Zaps go to the project).*
***Update:** Since my last article on the [Pareto project](https://pareto.space/a/naddr1qqxnzdenxsenxdf5xgerwdfkqgswxu72gyq7ykjdfl9j556887jpzwu3mw3v9ez36quas55whq4te3grqsqqqa28qyt8wumn8ghj7un9d3shjtnwdaehgu3wvfskueqf4hyum), we have received more than 50 messages from publications, journalists, authors, testers and supporters. Thank you very much, we are happy to help everyone become censorship-resistant! May just take a little time. Are you a publication and want to be part of it, test us, migrate your content to Nostr? Write to **<team@pareto.space>***
**Not yet on** **[Nostr](https://nostr.com/)** **and want the full experience?** Easy onboarding via **[Nosta.me.](https://nosta.me/create/welcome)**
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/842405
## **Necessário**
- Um Android que você não use mais (a câmera deve estar funcionando).
- Um cartão microSD (opcional, usado apenas uma vez).
- Um dispositivo para acompanhar seus fundos (provavelmente você já tem um).
## **Algumas coisas que você precisa saber**
- O dispositivo servirá como um assinador. Qualquer movimentação só será efetuada após ser assinada por ele.
- O cartão microSD será usado para transferir o APK do Electrum e garantir que o aparelho não terá contato com outras fontes de dados externas após sua formatação. Contudo, é possível usar um cabo USB para o mesmo propósito.
- A ideia é deixar sua chave privada em um dispositivo offline, que ficará desligado em 99% do tempo. Você poderá acompanhar seus fundos em outro dispositivo conectado à internet, como seu celular ou computador pessoal.
## **O tutorial será dividido em dois módulos:**
- Módulo 1 - Criando uma carteira fria/assinador.
- Módulo 2 - Configurando um dispositivo para visualizar seus fundos e assinando transações com o assinador.
## **No final, teremos:**
- Uma carteira fria que também servirá como assinador.
- Um dispositivo para acompanhar os fundos da carteira.
![Conteúdo final](https://i.imgur.com/7ktryvP.png)
## **Módulo 1 - Criando uma carteira fria/assinador**
1. Baixe o APK do Electrum na aba de **downloads** em <https://electrum.org/>. Fique à vontade para [verificar as assinaturas](https://electrum.readthedocs.io/en/latest/gpg-check.html) do software, garantindo sua autenticidade.
2. Formate o cartão microSD e coloque o APK do Electrum nele. Caso não tenha um cartão microSD, pule este passo.
3. Retire os chips e acessórios do aparelho que será usado como assinador, formate-o e aguarde a inicialização.
4. Durante a inicialização, pule a etapa de conexão ao Wi-Fi e rejeite todas as solicitações de conexão. Após isso, você pode desinstalar aplicativos desnecessários, pois precisará apenas do Electrum. Certifique-se de que Wi-Fi, Bluetooth e dados móveis estejam desligados. Você também pode ativar o **modo avião**.\
*(Curiosidade: algumas pessoas optam por abrir o aparelho e danificar a antena do Wi-Fi/Bluetooth, impossibilitando essas funcionalidades.)*
![Modo avião](https://i.imgur.com/mQw0atg.png)
5. Insira o cartão microSD com o APK do Electrum no dispositivo e instale-o. Será necessário permitir instalações de fontes não oficiais.
6. No Electrum, crie uma carteira padrão e gere suas palavras-chave (seed). Anote-as em um local seguro. Caso algo aconteça com seu assinador, essas palavras permitirão o acesso aos seus fundos novamente. *(Aqui entra seu método pessoal de backup.)*
## **Módulo 2 - Configurando um dispositivo para visualizar seus fundos e assinando transações com o assinador.**
1. Criar uma carteira **somente leitura** em outro dispositivo, como seu celular ou computador pessoal, é uma etapa bastante simples. Para este tutorial, usaremos outro smartphone Android com Electrum. Instale o Electrum a partir da aba de downloads em <https://electrum.org/> ou da própria Play Store. *(ATENÇÃO: O Electrum não existe oficialmente para iPhone. Desconfie se encontrar algum.)*
2. Após instalar o Electrum, crie uma carteira padrão, mas desta vez escolha a opção **Usar uma chave mestra**.
![Chave mestra](https://i.imgur.com/x5WpHpn.png)
3. Agora, no assinador que criamos no primeiro módulo, exporte sua chave pública: vá em **Carteira > Detalhes da carteira > Compartilhar chave mestra pública**.
4. Escaneie o QR gerado da chave pública com o dispositivo de consulta. Assim, ele poderá acompanhar seus fundos, mas sem permissão para movimentá-los.
5. Para receber fundos, envie Bitcoin para um dos endereços gerados pela sua carteira: **Carteira > Addresses/Coins**.
6. Para movimentar fundos, crie uma transação no dispositivo de consulta. Como ele não possui a chave privada, será necessário assiná-la com o dispositivo assinador.
![Transação não assinada](https://i.imgur.com/MxhQZZx.jpeg)
7. No assinador, escaneie a transação não assinada, confirme os detalhes, assine e compartilhe. Será gerado outro QR, desta vez com a transação já assinada.
8. No dispositivo de consulta, escaneie o QR da transação assinada e transmita-a para a rede.
## **Conclusão**
**Pontos positivos do setup:**
- **Simplicidade:** Basta um dispositivo Android antigo.
- **Flexibilidade:** Funciona como uma ótima carteira fria, ideal para holders.
**Pontos negativos do setup:**
- **Padronização:** Não utiliza seeds no padrão BIP-39, você sempre precisará usar o electrum.
- **Interface:** A aparência do Electrum pode parecer antiquada para alguns usuários.
Nesse ponto, temos uma carteira fria que também serve para assinar transações. O fluxo de assinar uma transação se torna: ***Gerar uma transação não assinada > Escanear o QR da transação não assinada > Conferir e assinar essa transação com o assinador > Gerar QR da transação assinada > Escanear a transação assinada com qualquer outro dispositivo que possa transmiti-la para a rede.***
Como alguns devem saber, uma transação assinada de Bitcoin é praticamente impossível de ser fraudada. Em um cenário catastrófico, você pode mesmo que sem internet, repassar essa transação assinada para alguém que tenha acesso à rede por qualquer meio de comunicação. Mesmo que não queiramos que isso aconteça um dia, esse setup acaba por tornar essa prática possível.
*Quick context: I wanted to check out Nostr's longform posts and this blog post seemed like a good one to try and mirror. It's originally from my [free to read/share attempt to write a novel](https://untitlednovel.dns7.top/contents/), but this post here is completely standalone - just describing how I used AI image generation to make a small piece of the work.*
Hold on, put your pitchforks down - outside of using Grammerly & Emacs for grammatical corrections - not a single character was generated or modified by computers; a non-insignificant portion of my first draft originating on pen & paper. No AI is ~~weird and crazy~~ imaginative enough to write like I do. The only successful AI contribution you'll find is a single image, the map, which I heavily edited. This post will go over how I generated and modified an image using AI, which I believe brought some value to the work, and cover a few quick thoughts about AI towards the end.
Let's be clear, I can't draw, but I wanted a map which I believed would improve the story I was working on. After getting abysmal results by prompting AI with text only I decided to use "Diffuse the Rest," a Stable Diffusion tool that allows you to provide a reference image + description to fine tune what you're looking for. I gave it this Microsoft Paint looking drawing:
and after a number of outputs, selected this one to work on:
The image is way better than the one I provided, but had I used it as is, I still feel it would have decreased the quality of my work instead of increasing it. After firing up Gimp I cropped out the top and bottom, expanded the ocean and separated the landmasses, then copied the top right corner of the large landmass to replace the bottom left that got cut off. Now we've got something that looks like concept art: not horrible, and gets the basic idea across, but it's still due for a lot more detail.
The next thing I did was add some texture to make it look more map like. I duplicated the layer in Gimp and applied the "Cartoon" filter to both for some texture. The top layer had a much lower effect strength to give it a more textured look, while the lower layer had a higher effect strength that looked a lot like mountains or other terrain features. Creating a layer mask allowed me to brush over spots to display the lower layer in certain areas, giving it some much needed features.
At this point I'd made it to where I felt it may improve the work instead of detracting from it - at least after labels and borders were added, but the colors seemed artificial and out of place. Luckily, however, this is when PhotoFunia could step in and apply a sketch effect to the image.
At this point I was pretty happy with how it was looking, it was close to what I envisioned and looked very visually appealing while still being a good way to portray information. All that was left was to make the white background transparent, add some minor details, and add the labels and borders. Below is the exact image I wound up using:
Overall, I'm very satisfied with how it turned out, and if you're working on a creative project, I'd recommend attempting something like this. It's not a central part of the work, but it improved the chapter a fair bit, and was doable despite lacking the talent and not intending to allocate a budget to my making of a free to read and share story.
#### The AI Generated Elephant in the Room
If you've read my non-fiction writing before, you'll know that I think AI will find its place around the skill floor as opposed to the skill ceiling. As you saw with my input, I have absolutely zero drawing talent, but with some elbow grease and an existing creative direction before and after generating an image I was able to get something well above what I could have otherwise accomplished. Outside of the lowest common denominators like stock photos for the sole purpose of a link preview being eye catching, however, I doubt AI will be wholesale replacing most creative works anytime soon. I can assure you that I tried numerous times to describe the map without providing a reference image, and if I used one of those outputs (or even just the unedited output after providing the reference image) it would have decreased the quality of my work instead of improving it.
I'm going to go out on a limb and expect that AI image, text, and video is all going to find its place in slop & generic content (such as AI generated slop replacing article spinners and stock photos respectively) and otherwise be used in a supporting role for various creative endeavors. For people working on projects like I'm working on (e.g. intended budget $0) it's helpful to have an AI capable of doing legwork - enabling projects to exist or be improved in ways they otherwise wouldn't have. I'm also guessing it'll find its way into more professional settings for grunt work - think a picture frame or fake TV show that would exist in the background of an animated project - likely a detail most people probably wouldn't notice, but that would save the creators time and money and/or allow them to focus more on the essential aspects of said work. Beyond that, as I've predicted before: I expect plenty of emails will be generated from a short list of bullet points, only to be summarized by the recipient's AI back into bullet points.
I will also make a prediction counter to what seems mainstream: AI is about to peak for a while. The start of AI image generation was with Google's DeepDream in 2015 - image recognition software that could be run in reverse to "recognize" patterns where there were none, effectively generating an image from digital noise or an unrelated image. While I'm not an expert by any means, I don't think we're too far off from that a decade later, just using very fine tuned tools that develop more coherent images. I guess that we're close to maxing out how efficiently we're able to generate images and video in that manner, and the hard caps on how much creative direction we can have when using AI - as well as the limits to how long we can keep it coherent (e.g. long videos or a chronologically consistent set of images) - will prevent AI from progressing too far beyond what it is currently unless/until another breakthrough occurs.
In our hyper-connected world, we are constantly bombarded with information — news of tragedies, celebrity gossip, and societal controversies — all delivered to us in real-time, whether we ask for it or not.
**But here’s a profound truth: If you don’t know about it, it doesn’t matter to you. It’s almost like it doesn’t even happen!**
This isn’t about apathy or ignoring the suffering of others. It’s about recognizing that our minds and hearts have limits. There’s only so much we can hold, care for, or act upon before it all becomes noise. And when we step back and filter out what truly matters to us, we find a liberating sense of peace.
In our hyper-connected world, we are constantly bombarded with information — news of tragedies, celebrity gossip, and societal controversies — all delivered to us in real-time, whether we ask for it or not.
# **When Knowing is a Burden**
Consider this: if a bus full of strangers tragically ran off a cliff halfway around the world, it’s undeniably sad. But if you never heard about it, would it affect your day, your thoughts, or your actions? It wouldn’t. Not because you’re heartless but because it’s not within your sphere of influence or awareness.
Similarly, when a celebrity you barely know goes through a messy divorce, why does that need to occupy your thoughts? If you never knew about it, it would make no difference in your life. And yet, the world shouts these details at us, demanding our attention for things that often have no real bearing on our existence.
# **The Cost of Knowing Too Much**
Knowing everything that happens everywhere comes with a cost:
- **Emotional Overload**\
The human mind isn’t designed to process the pain, suffering, or drama of millions of people at once. Constant exposure to these stories can lead to anxiety, sadness, or even a sense of helplessness.
- **Loss of Focus**\
The more attention we give to distant events or irrelevant gossip, the less energy we have for the people and moments that truly matter in our own lives.
- **Manufactured Cravings**\
Advertisements and media feed us desires we didn’t have before. A new product, a luxurious vacation, or a perfect lifestyle — all things you might not have craved if you hadn’t been shown them.
# **The Beauty of Not Knowing**
When you step away from the constant influx of information, you create space to focus on what’s real and meaningful in your life.
- **Your family and close friends.** Their joys and struggles are the ones you can genuinely care about and impact.
- **Your passions and goals.** These deserve your full attention, free from unnecessary distractions.
- **Your mental peace.** Without the noise, you can think clearly, feel deeply, and live authentically.
# **What Truly Matters?**
Not knowing isn’t about closing your eyes to the world. It’s about understanding the difference between what’s important and what’s irrelevant. It’s a practice of asking yourself:
- Does this affect me or the people I love?
- Can I do anything meaningful about this?
- Will knowing this bring me peace, joy, or purpose?
- Will BUYING this bring me peace, joy or purpose?
If the answer is no, it’s okay to let it go.
# **Living in Your Sphere of Influence**
Focusing on what you can control and care for has immense power. Your energy has the most impact in your sphere of influence—the people, places, and things you interact with directly.
By letting go of what lies outside that sphere, you free yourself from unnecessary burdens and find deeper joy in the things that truly matter.
# **A New Year’s Challenge**
This year, challenge yourself to embrace the art of *not knowing.*
- **Curate your inputs:** Limit news consumption to what directly affects you.
- **Mute the noise:** Avoid gossip, sensational headlines, and irrelevant drama.
- **Stay present:** Focus on the people and moments around you.
In doing so, you’ll find not only peace but also the clarity to live a life driven by your own values and priorities — not the ever-changing noise of the world.
# **The Freedom of Letting Go**
When you embrace the profound truth that *if you don’t know about it, it doesn’t matter to you,* you unlock a freedom that few ever experience. You stop carrying the weight of the world’s chaos and instead focus on the beauty, joy, and love within your own life.
This year, let’s make peace with not knowing — and in doing so, rediscover what truly matters.
# **Breaking Free from the Cycle of Consumerism**
Consumerism isn’t just about buying things — it’s about the constant hunger for more. More stuff, more information, more experiences. It thrives on the idea that what you have and who you are isn’t enough, and it manipulates you into believing that fulfillment lies just one purchase or experience away. But here’s the truth: the cycle of consumerism isn’t designed to fulfill you — it’s designed to keep you chasing.
If we want to find peace with not knowing, we must also confront the role consumerism plays in feeding our dissatisfaction and overstimulation.
# **The Problem with Consumerism**
Consumerism is fueled by two main forces:
- **Artificial Wants:** Advertising and media don’t just sell products; they sell dissatisfaction. They show you a life that seems better than yours and make you believe that buying their product will bridge the gap.
- **Overexposure:** The constant influx of social media, news, and targeted ads ensures you’re always aware of what you *don’t* have, subtly making you feel inadequate or left out.
- The result? A world where happiness feels like it’s always just out of reach — an exhausting race that benefits corporations far more than individuals.
# **The Cost of Consumerism**
The cycle of consumerism doesn’t just drain your wallet; it also takes a toll on your mental, emotional, and spiritual well-being:
- **Mental Overload:** Constant exposure to new products and ideas creates decision fatigue and anxiety.
- **Emotional Burnout:** Comparing your life to idealized versions portrayed in ads or social media can lead to dissatisfaction and low self-esteem.
- **Spiritual Disconnect:** Consumerism shifts your focus away from meaningful relationships, personal growth, and spiritual fulfillment, tethering your joy to material possessions.
# **Combatting Consumerism: A Game Plan for Freedom**
Breaking free from consumerism requires intentional effort, but it’s deeply rewarding. Here’s a game plan to start:
## **1. Detox Your Inputs**
- **Unfollow Excess:** Reduce your exposure to ads and influencers who push a lifestyle of constant consumption.
- **Limit Social Media:** Spend less time scrolling through content designed to spark envy or desire.
- **Set Boundaries:** Avoid shopping as a pastime or browsing “just to look.”
## **2. Shift Your Mindset**
- **Practice Gratitude:** Focus on what you already have, not what you lack.
- **Redefine Success:** Measure your life by relationships, growth, and experiences, not possessions.
- **Adopt Minimalism:** Learn to appreciate simplicity and find joy in having less.
## **3. Choose Quality Over Quantity**
- **Invest in Essentials:** Buy fewer items, but prioritize durability and quality.
- **Focus on Experiences:** Spend on memories, not material things.
- **Be Mindful of Upgrades:** Don’t replace what’s working fine just because something new is available.
## **4. Build Intentional Habits**
- **Wait Before Buying:** Give yourself 24 hours to think before making any purchase.
- **Create a Wishlist:** Write down non-essential items you want. Review the list monthly to see if you still want them.
- **Track Spending:** Be aware of where your money goes, and prioritize needs over wants.
## **5. Engage with Your Community**
- **Support Local:** Choose local businesses and artisans over big corporations.
- **Focus on Relationships:** Invest time in people, not possessions.
- **Participate in Sharing Economies:** Borrow, lend, and swap items with neighbors or friends instead of buying.
# **Living a Life of Intentional Simplicity**
This is food for thought and I promise you it is a battle at this point. It will be difficult but you must gain back control of your own thoughts, desires etc…
Take care and God bless!
New Year’s resolutions often feel boring and repetitive. Most revolve around getting in shape, eating healthier, or giving up alcohol. While the idea is interesting—using the start of a new calendar year as a catalyst for change—it also seems unnecessary. Why wait for a specific date to make a change? If you want to improve something in your life, you can just do it. You don’t need an excuse.
That’s why I’ve never been drawn to the idea of making a list of resolutions. If I wanted a change, I’d make it happen, without worrying about the calendar. At least, that’s how I felt until now—when, for once, the timing actually gave me a real reason to embrace the idea of New Year’s resolutions.
Enter [Olas](https://olas.app).
If you're a visual creator, you've likely experienced the relentless grind of building a following on platforms like Instagram—endless doomscrolling, ever-changing algorithms, and the constant pressure to stay relevant. But what if there was a better way? Olas is a Nostr-powered alternative to Instagram that prioritizes community, creativity, and value-for-value exchanges. It's a game changer.
Instagram’s failings are well-known. Its algorithm often dictates whose content gets seen, leaving creators frustrated and powerless. Monetization hurdles further alienate creators who are forced to meet arbitrary follower thresholds before earning anything. Additionally, the platform’s design fosters endless comparisons and exposure to negativity, which can take a significant toll on mental health.
Instagram’s algorithms are notorious for keeping users hooked, often at the cost of their mental health. I've spoken about this extensively, most recently at Nostr Valley, explaining how legacy social media is bad for you. You might find yourself scrolling through content that leaves you feeling anxious or drained. Olas takes a fresh approach, replacing "doomscrolling" with "bloomscrolling." This is a common theme across the Nostr ecosystem. The lack of addictive rage algorithms allows the focus to shift to uplifting, positive content that inspires rather than exhausts.
Monetization is another area where Olas will set itself apart. On Instagram, creators face arbitrary barriers to earning—needing thousands of followers and adhering to restrictive platform rules. Olas eliminates these hurdles by leveraging the Nostr protocol, enabling creators to earn directly through value-for-value exchanges. Fans can support their favorite artists instantly, with no delays or approvals required. The plan is to enable a brand new Olas account that can get paid instantly, with zero followers - that's wild.
Olas addresses these issues head-on. Operating on the open Nostr protocol, it removes centralized control over one's content’s reach or one's ability to monetize. With transparent, configurable algorithms, and a community that thrives on mutual support, Olas creates an environment where creators can grow and succeed without unnecessary barriers.
Join me on my New Year's resolution. Join me on Olas and take part in the [#Olas365](https://olas.app/search/olas365) challenge! It’s a simple yet exciting way to share your content. The challenge is straightforward: post at least one photo per day on Olas (though you’re welcome to share more!).
[Download on iOS](https://testflight.apple.com/join/2FMVX2yM).
[Download on Android](https://github.com/pablof7z/olas/releases/) or download via Zapstore.
Let's make waves together.
## The Rise of Graph RAGs and the Quest for Data Quality
As we enter a new year, it’s impossible to ignore the boom of retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) systems, particularly those leveraging graph-based approaches. The previous year saw a surge in advancements and discussions about Graph RAGs, driven by their potential to enhance large language models (LLMs), reduce hallucinations, and deliver more reliable outputs. Let’s dive into the trends, challenges, and strategies for making the most of Graph RAGs in artificial intelligence.
## Booming Interest in Graph RAGs
Graph RAGs have dominated the conversation in AI circles. With new research papers and innovations emerging weekly, it’s clear that this approach is reshaping the landscape. These systems, especially those developed by tech giants like Microsoft, demonstrate how graphs can:
* **Enhance LLM Outputs:** By grounding responses in structured knowledge, graphs significantly reduce hallucinations.
* **Support Complex Queries:** Graphs excel at managing linked and connected data, making them ideal for intricate problem-solving.
Conferences on linked and connected data have increasingly focused on Graph RAGs, underscoring their central role in modern AI systems. However, the excitement around this technology has brought critical questions to the forefront: How do we ensure the quality of the graphs we’re building, and are they genuinely aligned with our needs?
## Data Quality: The Foundation of Effective Graphs
A high-quality graph is the backbone of any successful RAG system. Constructing these graphs from unstructured data requires attention to detail and rigorous processes. Here’s why:
* **Richness of Entities:** Effective retrieval depends on graphs populated with rich, detailed entities.
* **Freedom from Hallucinations:** Poorly constructed graphs amplify inaccuracies rather than mitigating them.
Without robust data quality, even the most sophisticated Graph RAGs become ineffective. As a result, the focus must shift to refining the graph construction process. Improving data strategy and ensuring meticulous data preparation is essential to unlock the full potential of Graph RAGs.
## Hybrid Graph RAGs and Variations
While standard Graph RAGs are already transformative, hybrid models offer additional flexibility and power. Hybrid RAGs combine structured graph data with other retrieval mechanisms, creating systems that:
* Handle diverse data sources with ease.
* Offer improved adaptability to complex queries.
Exploring these variations can open new avenues for AI systems, particularly in domains requiring structured and unstructured data processing.
## Ontology: The Key to Graph Construction Quality
Ontology — defining how concepts relate within a knowledge domain — is critical for building effective graphs. While this might sound abstract, it’s a well-established field blending philosophy, engineering, and art. Ontology engineering provides the framework for:
* **Defining Relationships:** Clarifying how concepts connect within a domain.
* **Validating Graph Structures:** Ensuring constructed graphs are logically sound and align with domain-specific realities.
Traditionally, ontologists — experts in this discipline — have been integral to large enterprises and research teams. However, not every team has access to dedicated ontologists, leading to a significant challenge: How can teams without such expertise ensure the quality of their graphs?
## How to Build Ontology Expertise in a Startup Team
For startups and smaller teams, developing ontology expertise may seem daunting, but it is achievable with the right approach:
1. **Assign a Knowledge Champion:** Identify a team member with a strong analytical mindset and give them time and resources to learn ontology engineering.
2. **Provide Training:** Invest in courses, workshops, or certifications in knowledge graph and ontology creation.
3. **Leverage Partnerships:** Collaborate with academic institutions, domain experts, or consultants to build initial frameworks.
4. **Utilize Tools:** Introduce ontology development tools like Protégé, OWL, or SHACL to simplify the creation and validation process.
5. **Iterate with Feedback:** Continuously refine ontologies through collaboration with domain experts and iterative testing.
So, it is not always affordable for a startup to have a dedicated oncologist or knowledge engineer in a team, but you could involve consulters or build barefoot experts.
You could read about barefoot experts in my article :
Even startups can achieve robust and domain-specific ontology frameworks by fostering in-house expertise.
## How to Find or Create Ontologies
For teams venturing into Graph RAGs, several strategies can help address the ontology gap:
1. **Leverage Existing Ontologies:** Many industries and domains already have open ontologies. For instance:
* **Public Knowledge Graphs:** Resources like Wikipedia’s graph offer a wealth of structured knowledge.
* **Industry Standards:** Enterprises such as Siemens have invested in creating and sharing ontologies specific to their fields.
* **Business Framework Ontology (BFO):** A valuable resource for enterprises looking to define business processes and structures.
1. **Build In-House Expertise:** If budgets allow, consider hiring knowledge engineers or providing team members with the resources and time to develop expertise in ontology creation.
2. **Utilize LLMs for Ontology Construction:** Interestingly, LLMs themselves can act as a starting point for ontology development:
* **Prompt-Based Extraction:** LLMs can generate draft ontologies by leveraging their extensive training on graph data.
* **Domain Expert Refinement:** Combine LLM-generated structures with insights from domain experts to create tailored ontologies.
## Parallel Ontology and Graph Extraction
An emerging approach involves extracting ontologies and graphs in parallel. While this can streamline the process, it presents challenges such as:
* **Detecting Hallucinations:** Differentiating between genuine insights and AI-generated inaccuracies.
* **Ensuring Completeness:** Ensuring no critical concepts are overlooked during extraction.
Teams must carefully validate outputs to ensure reliability and accuracy when employing this parallel method.
## LLMs as Ontologists
While traditionally dependent on human expertise, ontology creation is increasingly supported by LLMs. These models, trained on vast amounts of data, possess inherent knowledge of many open ontologies and taxonomies. Teams can use LLMs to:
* **Generate Skeleton Ontologies:** Prompt LLMs with domain-specific information to draft initial ontology structures.
* **Validate and Refine Ontologies:** Collaborate with domain experts to refine these drafts, ensuring accuracy and relevance.
However, for validation and graph construction, formal tools such as OWL, SHACL, and RDF should be prioritized over LLMs to minimize hallucinations and ensure robust outcomes.
## Final Thoughts: Unlocking the Power of Graph RAGs
The rise of Graph RAGs underscores a simple but crucial correlation: improving graph construction and data quality directly enhances retrieval systems. To truly harness this power, teams must invest in understanding ontologies, building quality graphs, and leveraging both human expertise and advanced AI tools.
As we move forward, the interplay between Graph RAGs and ontology engineering will continue to shape the future of AI. Whether through adopting existing frameworks or exploring innovative uses of LLMs, the path to success lies in a deep commitment to data quality and domain understanding.
Have you explored these technologies in your work? Share your experiences and insights — and stay tuned for more discussions on ontology extraction and its role in AI advancements. Cheers to a year of innovation!
Maybe it’s because I watched [The Omen](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mDHisWRsE98) at way too young an age, or maybe it’s because the Book of Revelation’s “mark of the beast” allegory is playing out too literally for my tastes, but having already written about the [Second Coming](https://www.chrisliss.com/the_second_coming), it only follows I should speculate as to its counterpart.
As I mentioned in [The Second Coming](https://www.chrisliss.com/the_second_coming), it’s dangerous to take the myths from our ancestors too literally. They used the symbols of their times, and we should be careful not to confuse the mental maps they had of their world with reality itself. That said, we should also not be dismissive — Mozart didn’t have fancy music editing software, but his genius using the modalities of the time was real. To the extent our forebears offered us their wisdom about the nature of man and forces within him we should endeavor to understand it. The technology and the symbols may have changed, but our essential nature is ever the same.
Just as the second coming of Christ would free man from tyranny, the Antichrist would be its imposition. And just as I speculated that Jesus might not return in the form of a person, it’s likely neither would his counterpart. But if Satoshi, Bitcoin’s pseudonymous creator, can be the face, so to speak, representing the movement toward freedom and God, who and what would represent its antithesis? Let’s speculate.
It would have to be someone charismatic, a person the multitudes would want to follow and in whom to look for reassurance. That eliminates villains du jour like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab and Vladimir Putin. If that’s who Satan is sending, he’s not sending his best. What about Donald Trump? More charismatic, much more popular appeal. He’s a better choice than the first group, but while street-smart, he lacks refined intelligence and is too despised by wide swaths of the population. He’s also probably too old.
For a while, I would have said Barack Obama was the best candidate, and even some hard-core right wingers agreed (it’s hilarious that this [claim was actually fact-checked](https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/anti-maim/)! — you can’t fact-check whether someone is the Antichrist!) Obama was relatively young, vital enough, popular, charismatic and intelligent. But he’s faded from view the last few years and has been a surprisingly inconsequential former president.
That leaves one person of whom I can think with the qualities and societal position to fill the role. Regrettably it’s someone I like, but of course I would like the Antichrist! If he weren’t likable he wouldn’t be the Antichrist.
That person is Elon Musk.
Musk is the richest person in the world, among the most followed on Twitter, has a borderline worshipful fanbase and big plans for improving humanity. Musk is young enough, he’s probably a genius and considering a private takeover of arguably the world’s most important communications network. He’s also a big player in satellites, energy, transportation and [internet provision](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1530234643219243009?s=20&t=olDDLEAUBFhreDIltCPkkQ).
Musk says lots of sensible things with which I agree about free speech and rights. He is the perfect foil to the [out-of-central-casting](https://unlimitedhangout.com/2021/02/investigative-reports/schwab-family-values/) Schwab supervillain. As Edward Dowd speculated:
![](https://blossom.primal.net/a5af43af72523baf2ef462f7aef1d23b8aabfb2716f1761110ff40502bf8ebd9.png)But, you might object, if Musk is the foil to Schwab’s terrible ideas, isn’t that good for humanity? How could the Antichrist be for [free speech](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1519036983137509376?s=20&t=olDDLEAUBFhreDIltCPkkQ), [renewable energy](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1532030554778087424?s=20&t=olDDLEAUBFhreDIltCPkkQ), [population expansion](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1529193812949614594?s=20&t=PIRRovWYIIUSQY5Uw7dFpw)? Again, of course, the Antichrist is going to have good, sensible ideas! But as Marshall McLuhan said, “[The medium is the message](https://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/marshall_mcluhan_157742).”
Or, more aptly, the top-down messianic complex is the message.
Musk has [long discussed saving humanity](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1533410745429413888?s=20&t=gTsO-6ltAFVOs4SJP-VmpQ) via expansion into space and sustainable energy. But in order to save humanity, one must exert some control over it. While Musk’s Twitter takeover from the [ineffectual woke scolds](https://nypost.com/2022/05/18/good-riddance-to-the-ministry-of-truth-nina-jankowicz/) is getting most of the press, [this is also going on](https://finance.yahoo.com/news/elon-musk-says-neuralinks-brain-155733754.html):
![](https://blossom.primal.net/4fedd97c8e7c7bfd8defbf52451c1108ea8395f83fd5054724e395728e6e54e9.png)Klaus Schwab’s pitch to own nothing and eat bugs is weak, but Musk, via brain implant, could potentially create a more satisfying virtual experience than most could hope to achieve in reality. And what could be more tantamount to complete control than letting someone else get the keys to the very organ of perception itself?
Well don’t get the implant then. Just get in your Tesla and drive away. But electric cars don’t work that way — they are attached to the grid, trackable and capable of [being shut down remotely](https://tekdeeps.com/elon-musk-is-being-pressured-to-shut-down-tesla-cars-in-russia/). And that’s before we consider driverless cars in which there would be even less privacy and autonomy. Moreover, Teslas [track the driver’s movements](https://www.carscoops.com/2020/10/tesla-model-3s-interior-camera-tracking-eye-and-head-movement/) already to an extent combustion-engine cars do not, ostensibly to inform the developing AI, but uses for technology evolve over time — sending email and paying bills over the internet was commonplace in 2000, but now people are micro-tracked by Facebook and Google.
One could object that Musk has, to-date, used his influence for good. But that makes it no less dangerous to entrust him with so much power: J.R.R. Tolkien understood this clearly:
*“You are wise and powerful. Will you not take the Ring?”*
*“No!” cried Gandalf, springing to his feet. “With that power I should have power too great and terrible. And over me the Ring would gain a power still greater and more deadly.” His eyes flashed and his face was lit as by a fire within. “Do not tempt me! For I do not wish to become like the Dark Lord himself. Yet the way of the Ring to my heart is by pity, pity for weakness and the desire of strength to do good. Do not tempt me! I dare not take it, not even to keep it safe, unused. The wish to wield it would be too great for my strength. I shall have such need of it. Great perils lie before me.”*
*-- The Lord of the Rings*
Beyond [Neuralink](https://neuralink.com/), Musk also seems to have a strong utilitarian bent:
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Ff1ef6de2-7379-4d08-bae5-4d1480630373_611x249.png)In this [paper](https://www.nickbostrom.com/astronomical/waste.html) Nick Bostrom makes the case that delaying technological advancement could cost humanity astronomical amounts of well-being because every moment we delay, stars are burning out, useful energy is being sucked into black holes, irreversible entropy is happening apace, depriving us of future potential. Bostrom translates it into potential human lives lost (or more aptly, never having been born) on account of this permanent loss.
While Bostrom’s framework seems benign — who is against collective human happiness in the form of more worthwhile lives? — it’s actually a form of utilitarianism that tries to sum the totality of human happiness over the entire species rather than to consider, as Immanuel Kant would, [each individual as an end in himself](https://assets.cambridge.org/97811070/08519/frontmatter/9781107008519_frontmatter.pdf). This viewing of the collective good as the optimal outcome has been used to justify many of history’s worst atrocities. To create a master race, to make sure everyone gets the same amount, to protect the world from covid, we must do whatever it takes!
If, per Bostrom’s math, one harnessed black hole were worth quadrillions of lives, it would, for example, seem an easy call to sacrifice a bunch of selfish losers on earth who stood in the way of creating the technology for doing so. Utilitarianism, ironically, winds up failing miserably by its own metric because (a) it can so easily be manipulated by whoever is maintaining the “greater good” spread sheet, which just happens to coincide with one’s ambitions; and (b) because it’s absurd to think you can calculate aggregate good for octillions of lives so far into an unknowable future. As such, while Musk’s pitch is more persuasive than Schwab’s or Gates’, it’s ultimately part of the same dangerous philosophy which is: “Let me optimize for total human happiness on your behalf.”
Contrast Musk’s top-down humanity-saving endeavors with Bitcoin which is purely opt-in, works with simple incentives and imposes no value judgments on its users. It’s a [truth-recording clock](https://dergigi.com/2021/01/14/bitcoin-is-time/), impervious to fraud and cooption by the powerful. No matter how wealthy or powerful a person is, he cannot control the network or get treated with special privileges. Bitcoin’s finite supply means governments cannot print more of it, cannot finance unpopular wars or massive giveaways to the military and pharmaceutical industrial complexes. Instead of trusting any particular powerful person (the president, Elon Musk, Bill Gates) to be good, it simply removes the incentives toward and reduces the capacity for evil.
*The supreme good is like water, which nourishes all things without trying to. It is content with the low places that people disdain. Thus it is like the Tao.*
*From the [Tao Te Ching](http://albanycomplementaryhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/TaoTeChing-LaoTzu-StephenMitchellTranslation-33p.pdf) (Lao Tse — translated by Stephen Mitchell)*
We simply need the right conditions, the proper axioms on which to build. Just as the US Constitution created the framework for the most prosperous society in the history of the world, bitcoin will provide the axioms for peace, the harnessing of stranded energy and the [low-time preference](https://saifedean.com/podcast/84-hard-money-and-time-preference-lecture-at-the-property-freedom-society/) required for a more prosperous future.
But it won’t be the future brought to you by Elon Musk, and ultimately I foresee a clash between the two. One tell is his otherwise inexplicable [promotion of Dogecoin](https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1530209049261658112?s=20&t=gTsO-6ltAFVOs4SJP-VmpQ) as a possible currency for Tesla purchases. Dogecoin was [literally a joke](https://thecryptobasic.com/2022/06/03/doge-founder-says-every-project-started-now-is-made-to-enrich-creators-at-the-expense-of-community/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=doge-founder-says-every-project-started-now-is-made-to-enrich-creators-at-the-expense-of-community) from its creator and of course has none of the security, decentralization or censorship resistance of bitcoin. Musk is too smart not to know that — he put a couple billion dollars of Tesla’s balance sheet in bitcoin already and almost certainly understands the value proposition. That he still cites Doge seriously would be a clever way to muddy the waters about what bitcoin is vs what blockchain-based “crypto” is. And of course the Antichrist would avail himself of bitcoin, if only to obfuscate his real intentions and also to be able to crash the price by selling, if necessary, at an opportune time.
The Klaus Schwab-Bill Gates-WEF set have already lost. They are widely despised, central banks are flailing, once-trusted institutions like the legacy media, major science and medical journals, the WHO, CDC and FDA are hemorrhaging influence. People are unhappy and looking for someone or something to trust. Elon Musk could fill that void, and if he does, he will be The Final Boss, the last false idol that needs to be discarded before humanity can, through its own efforts, enjoy a new era of prosperity, the [Second Coming](https://www.chrisliss.com/the_second_coming), so to speak.
I actually suspect Musk is genuine in his desire to help humanity via his vision and am pretty sure he doesn’t have 666 embedded in his scalp — in any case even Damian in The Omen [neither knew who he was nor wanted to be](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QFNqkxFljvk) the Antichrist! But the most dangerous people for humanity are those with the biggest plans for it.
Or put more succinctly:
##### BY Joanna Hu
##### Editorial Admin
##### Hype Issue #60
###### Join JOANNA HU as she delves into the world of Epic: The Musical, and explores the way it has brought an old tale into the hearts of new audiences.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1736071737881-YAKIHONNES3.jpg) *Photo from Jorge Rivera-Herrans’ YouTube page.*
Over the past five years, Epic: The Musical has taken the internet by storm. Created by Puerto Rican artist Jorge Rivera-Herrans, known on social media as Jay Herrans, Epic is a sung-through retelling of Homer’s Odyssey. Blending influences from video games, anime, and manga, the musical is a nine-part series of audio-only concept albums. With a total of 40 songs across the nine sagas split into two acts, the story follows Odysseus – voiced by Rivera-Herrans himself – on his harrowing journey home after the Trojan War.
With the latest release of the Ithaca Saga on December 25, 2024, the musical is finally complete, after two years of musical releases. Over its lifespan, Epic has garnered a massive and devoted fanbase, boasting millions of streams per song and over 100,000 members in its Discord community.
So now, as the musical finally comes to a close, this breakthrough hit has left us asking: how exactly did Rivera-Herrans manage to captivate so many people with a story that has been around for over two thousand years?
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1736071793741-YAKIHONNES3.jpg) *Jorge Rivera-Herrans, the creator of Epic: The Musical. Photo from Rivera-Herrans’ Facebook page (@JayHerrans).*
### Telling a story through music
Like most musicals, Epic primarily tells its tale through music and its catchy, and sometimes humorous, lyrics. However, what really sets it apart from the crowd is the details in its intricate composition.
Inspired by Peter and the Wolf, Sergei Prokofiev’s famous musical composition where different instruments are used to represent different characters, Rivera-Herrans takes a similar approach in Epic. Key characters are symbolized by distinct instruments — for example, Odysseus is embodied by a guitar, while Athena, his mentor, is characterized by the ticking of a metronome and running piano notes.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1736071832862-YAKIHONNES3.jpeg) *Peter and the Wolf cover art from a 1959 Soviet vinyl. Photo taken from People’s World.*
Recurring melodic motifs further enrich the listening experience, serving as callbacks to earlier moments, foreshadowing future events, or drawing parallels between different points in the story. These motifs add layers of depth; building tension and anticipation, and tugging on the heartstrings of fans who listen closely enough to notice them.
Unlike traditional musicals, where stage or film visuals can be counted on to bring scenes to life, Epic has to rely almost entirely on sound. Although almost all the songs in the musical are conversation-based, it does not make the story any harder to follow. Beyond the instrumental and lyrical composition, Rivera-Herrans incorporates sound effects, like the roar of a monster or the twang of an arrow, directly into the music without it seeming out of place, immersing listeners in the world of the Odyssey without visual aids or scene descriptions. Combined with the motifs and lyrics, these audio cues make the narrative easy to follow, while also offering a treasure trove of Easter eggs for dedicated fans and musicians.
### The ‘TikTok musical’ and its digital fanbase
Epic has sometimes been dubbed a ‘TikTok musical’, thanks to Rivera-Herrans’ extensive use of the platform throughout the project. In January 2021, when Epic was still in its early drafting stage, Rivera-Herrans shared a snippet of an early version of “Full Speed Ahead”, a song from the first saga, on TikTok. From there, he began posting clips of other song drafts, along with behind-the-scenes glimpses and explanations of his creative process. As such, Rivera-Herrans’ social media platforms have become a detailed documentation of Epic’s progress and evolution.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1736071872223-YAKIHONNES3.png) *Rivera-Herrans’ first post on TikTok about Epic: The Musical. Photo from TikTok.*
Rivera-Herrans also used TikTok for casting calls, posting instrumental tracks for the characters’ main songs and inviting any and all interested candidates to audition by duetting his videos. This unconventional approach not only opened up opportunities for a wide range of talent but also boosted Epic's visibility, as auditioning candidates would share their videos with their own followers, further spreading awareness of the musical.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1736071896676-YAKIHONNES3.png) *Rivera-Herrans casting call on TikTok for the role of Calypso. Photo from TikTok.*
### Engaging the community
Rivera-Herrans has fostered a strong sense of community among Epic fans. With each saga’s release, he hosts a livestream listening party, featuring animatics and artworks created by his fans with his input, bringing his vision to life. Not just that,he also frequently reposts fan art and animatics created independently after the official release of the sagas on his social media, crediting the artists and showing his appreciation. Rivera-Herrans also created the official Epic Discord server, providing fans with a dedicated space to discuss the musical and connect with one another, further deepening their engagement.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1736071928783-YAKIHONNES3.png) *Listening party on YouTube for the release of the Wisdom Saga. Photo from YouTube.*
### Taking creative liberties
Like many modern adaptations of old stories, Epic takes some creative liberties with its source material. Some choices were intentional, aiming to humanise the characters and make them more relatable. Others, like a deviation in the timeline and the description of the Wind God Aeolus’ island, were unintentional, which Rivera-Herrans has openly acknowledged as a mistake on his part.
As such, Epic is not a carbon copy of the Odyssey, and Rivera-Herrans has even encouraged fans to read the original tale for themselves. Nonetheless, the musical still serves as a gateway into the world of Greek mythology, and still maintains the spirit of the Odyssey in a way that appeals to the modern audience.
### What comes next for Epic: The Musical?
With the release of the musical’s concluding chapter, the Ithaca saga, on December 25, 2024, the nine-part musical has now come to a close, leaving many fans speculating about the future of the series. Fortunately for fans of the show, several executive decisions in the musical’s past may leave the door open for future development in the world of Epic.
In 2023, after disputes with his original licensing company, which had failed to pay royalties for the first two sagas, Rivera-Herrans founded his own company, Winion Entertainment LLC. Under this new banner, the cast re-recorded the entire first two sagas – the Troy and Cyclops sagas – releasing them alongside the Thunder Saga. With Winion Entertainment, Rivera-Herrans now has the potential to expand Epic into new business ventures which, as many fans hope, could include merchandise and future adaptations of the musical for film or stage.
So, if you are a fan of Epic: The Musical, you might want to keep an eye out for any potential work from Rivera-Herrans in the future.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1736071972968-YAKIHONNES3.jpeg) *‘Winions’ are Rivera-Herrans’ name for the Wind God Aeolus’ subjects, who appear as backing vocals in the song “Keeep Your Friends Close”. Photo from Epic: The Musical Wiki.*
Since its creation in 2009, Bitcoin has symbolized innovation and resilience. However, from time to time, alarmist narratives arise about emerging technologies that could "break" its security. Among these, quantum computing stands out as one of the most recurrent. But does quantum computing truly threaten Bitcoin? And more importantly, what is the community doing to ensure the protocol remains invulnerable?
The answer, contrary to sensationalist headlines, is reassuring: Bitcoin is secure, and the community is already preparing for a future where quantum computing becomes a practical reality. Let’s dive into this topic to understand why the concerns are exaggerated and how the development of BIP-360 demonstrates that Bitcoin is one step ahead.
## What Is Quantum Computing, and Why Is Bitcoin Not Threatened?
Quantum computing leverages principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations that, in theory, could exponentially surpass classical computers—and it has nothing to do with what so-called “quantum coaches” teach to scam the uninformed. One of the concerns is that this technology could compromise two key aspects of Bitcoin’s security:
1. **Wallets**: These use elliptic curve algorithms (ECDSA) to protect private keys. A sufficiently powerful quantum computer could deduce a private key from its public key.
2. **Mining**: This is based on the SHA-256 algorithm, which secures the consensus process. A quantum attack could, in theory, compromise the proof-of-work mechanism.
## Understanding Quantum Computing’s Attack Priorities
While quantum computing is often presented as a threat to Bitcoin, not all parts of the network are equally vulnerable. Theoretical attacks would be prioritized based on two main factors: ease of execution and potential reward. This creates two categories of attacks:
### 1. Attacks on Wallets
Bitcoin wallets, secured by elliptic curve algorithms, would be the initial targets due to the relative vulnerability of their public keys, especially those already exposed on the blockchain. Two attack scenarios stand out:
- **Short-term attacks**: These occur during the interval between sending a transaction and its inclusion in a block (approximately 10 minutes). A quantum computer could intercept the exposed public key and derive the corresponding private key to redirect funds by creating a transaction with higher fees.
- **Long-term attacks**: These focus on old wallets whose public keys are permanently exposed. Wallets associated with Satoshi Nakamoto, for example, are especially vulnerable because they were created before the practice of using hashes to mask public keys.
We can infer a priority order for how such attacks might occur based on urgency and importance.
![](https://blossom.primal.net/97a83addb77a463ed32f4f255216e7b1c5d2379712b60b69be0288e2c1f41655.png)Bitcoin Quantum Attack: Prioritization Matrix (Urgency vs. Importance)
### 2. Attacks on Mining
Targeting the SHA-256 algorithm, which secures the mining process, would be the next objective. However, this is far more complex and requires a level of quantum computational power that is currently non-existent and far from realization. A successful attack would allow for the recalculation of all possible hashes to dominate the consensus process and potentially "mine" it instantly.
![](https://www.eddieoz.com/content/images/2025/01/image.png)Satoshi Nakamoto in 2010 on Quantum Computing and Bitcoin Attacks
Recently, Narcelio asked me about a statement I made on Tubacast:
If an attack became a reality **before Bitcoin was prepared**, it would be necessary to define the last block prior to the attack and proceed from there using a new hashing algorithm. The solution would resemble the response to the infamous 2013 bug. It’s a fact that this would cause market panic, and Bitcoin's price would drop significantly, creating a potential opportunity for the well-informed.
Preferably, if developers could anticipate the threat and had time to work on a solution and build consensus before an attack, they would simply decide on a future block for the fork, which would then adopt the new algorithm. It might even rehash previous blocks (reaching consensus on them) to avoid potential reorganization through the re-mining of blocks using the old hash. (I often use the term "shielding" old transactions).
## How Can Users Protect Themselves?
While quantum computing is still far from being a practical threat, some simple measures can already protect users against hypothetical scenarios:
- **Avoid using exposed public keys**: Ensure funds sent to old wallets are transferred to new ones that use public key hashes. This reduces the risk of long-term attacks.
- **Use modern wallets**: Opt for wallets compatible with SegWit or Taproot, which implement better security practices.
- **Monitor security updates**: Stay informed about updates from the Bitcoin community, such as the implementation of BIP-360, which will introduce quantum-resistant addresses.
- **Do not reuse addresses**: Every transaction should be associated with a new address to minimize the risk of repeated exposure of the same public key.
- **Adopt secure backup practices**: Create offline backups of private keys and seeds in secure locations, protected from unauthorized access.
## BIP-360 and Bitcoin’s Preparation for the Future
Even though quantum computing is still beyond practical reach, the Bitcoin community is not standing still. A concrete example is BIP-360, a proposal that establishes the technical framework to make wallets resistant to quantum attacks.
BIP-360 addresses three main pillars:
1. **Introduction of quantum-resistant addresses**: A new address format starting with "BC1R" will be used. These addresses will be compatible with post-quantum algorithms, ensuring that stored funds are protected from future attacks.
2. **Compatibility with the current ecosystem**: The proposal allows users to transfer funds from old addresses to new ones without requiring drastic changes to the network infrastructure.
3. **Flexibility for future updates**: BIP-360 does not limit the choice of specific algorithms. Instead, it serves as a foundation for implementing new post-quantum algorithms as technology evolves.
This proposal demonstrates how Bitcoin can adapt to emerging threats without compromising its decentralized structure.
## Post-Quantum Algorithms: The Future of Bitcoin Cryptography
The community is exploring various algorithms to protect Bitcoin from quantum attacks. Among the most discussed are:
- **Falcon**: A solution combining smaller public keys with compact digital signatures. Although it has been tested in limited scenarios, it still faces scalability and performance challenges.
- **Sphincs**: Hash-based, this algorithm is renowned for its resilience, but its signatures can be extremely large, making it less efficient for networks like Bitcoin’s blockchain.
- **Lamport**: Created in 1977, it’s considered one of the earliest post-quantum security solutions. Despite its reliability, its gigantic public keys (16,000 bytes) make it impractical and costly for Bitcoin.
Two technologies show great promise and are well-regarded by the community:
1. **Lattice-Based Cryptography**: Considered one of the most promising, it uses complex mathematical structures to create systems nearly immune to quantum computing. Its implementation is still in its early stages, but the community is optimistic.
2. **Supersingular Elliptic Curve Isogeny**: These are very recent digital signature algorithms and require extensive study and testing before being ready for practical market use.
The final choice of algorithm will depend on factors such as efficiency, cost, and integration capability with the current system. Additionally, it is preferable that these algorithms are standardized before implementation, a process that may take up to 10 years.
## Why Quantum Computing Is Far from Being a Threat
The alarmist narrative about quantum computing overlooks the technical and practical challenges that still need to be overcome. Among them:
- **Insufficient number of qubits**: Current quantum computers have only a few hundred qubits, whereas successful attacks would require millions.
- **High error rate**: Quantum stability remains a barrier to reliable large-scale operations.
- **High costs**: Building and operating large-scale quantum computers requires massive investments, limiting their use to scientific or specific applications.
Moreover, even if quantum computers make significant advancements, Bitcoin is already adapting to ensure its infrastructure is prepared to respond.
## Conclusion: Bitcoin’s Secure Future
Despite advancements in quantum computing, the reality is that Bitcoin is far from being threatened. Its security is ensured not only by its robust architecture but also by the community’s constant efforts to anticipate and mitigate challenges.
The implementation of BIP-360 and the pursuit of post-quantum algorithms demonstrate that Bitcoin is not only resilient but also proactive. By adopting practical measures, such as using modern wallets and migrating to quantum-resistant addresses, users can further protect themselves against potential threats.
Bitcoin’s future is not at risk—it is being carefully shaped to withstand any emerging technology, including quantum computing.
## The Four-Layer Framework
### Layer 1: Zoom Out
Start by looking at the big picture. What’s the subject about, and why does it matter? Focus on the overarching ideas and how they fit together. Think of this as the 30,000-foot view—it’s about understanding the "why" and "how" before diving into the "what."
**Example**: If you’re learning programming, start by understanding that it’s about giving logical instructions to computers to solve problems.
- **Tip**: Keep it simple. Summarize the subject in one or two sentences and avoid getting bogged down in specifics at this stage.
_Once you have the big picture in mind, it’s time to start breaking it down._
### Layer 2: Categorize and Connect
Now it’s time to break the subject into categories—like creating branches on a tree. This helps your brain organize information logically and see connections between ideas.
**Example**: Studying biology? Group concepts into categories like cells, genetics, and ecosystems.
- **Tip**: Use headings or labels to group similar ideas. Jot these down in a list or simple diagram to keep track.
_With your categories in place, you’re ready to dive into the details that bring them to life._
### Layer 3: Master the Details
Once you’ve mapped out the main categories, you’re ready to dive deeper. This is where you learn the nuts and bolts—like formulas, specific techniques, or key terminology. These details make the subject practical and actionable.
**Example**: In programming, this might mean learning the syntax for loops, conditionals, or functions in your chosen language.
- **Tip**: Focus on details that clarify the categories from Layer 2. Skip anything that doesn’t add to your understanding.
_Now that you’ve mastered the essentials, you can expand your knowledge to include extra material._
### Layer 4: Expand Your Horizons
Finally, move on to the extra material—less critical facts, trivia, or edge cases. While these aren’t essential to mastering the subject, they can be useful in specialized discussions or exams.
**Example**: Learn about rare programming quirks or historical trivia about a language’s development.
- **Tip**: Spend minimal time here unless it’s necessary for your goals. It’s okay to skim if you’re short on time.
## Pro Tips for Better Learning
### 1. Use Active Recall and Spaced Repetition
Test yourself without looking at notes. Review what you’ve learned at increasing intervals—like after a day, a week, and a month. This strengthens memory by forcing your brain to actively retrieve information.
### 2. Map It Out
Create visual aids like [diagrams or concept maps](https://excalidraw.com/) to clarify relationships between ideas. These are particularly helpful for organizing categories in Layer 2.
### 3. Teach What You Learn
Explain the subject to someone else as if they’re hearing it for the first time. Teaching **exposes any gaps** in your understanding and **helps reinforce** the material.
### 4. Engage with LLMs and Discuss Concepts
Take advantage of tools like ChatGPT or similar large language models to **explore your topic** in greater depth. Use these tools to:
- Ask specific questions to clarify confusing points.
- Engage in discussions to simulate real-world applications of the subject.
- Generate examples or analogies that deepen your understanding.
**Tip**: Use LLMs as a study partner, but don’t rely solely on them. Combine these insights with your own critical thinking to develop a well-rounded perspective.
## Get Started
Ready to try the Four-Layer Method? Take 15 minutes today to map out the big picture of a topic you’re curious about—what’s it all about, and why does it matter? By building your understanding step by step, you’ll master the subject with less stress and more confidence.
Ensaio em Prosa sobre Fotografia Analógica
Tenho especial fascínio pela fotografia analógica. É que se trata dum processo artístico muito mais complexo que a fotografia digital, devemos entender todos os aspectos da fotografia para obter o resultado pretendido, desde aspectos mecânicos da câmera como abertura e tempo do obturador, foco, iluminação, até a sensibilidade do filme utilizado e o resultado, quando alcançado, é verdadeira obra de arte pintada, onde a tela é a película química.
Importante dizer que meu fascínio pela fotografia analógica não me impede de reconhecer a importância da fotografia digital, não fosse essa você não estaria vendo minhas obras de arte que foram digitalizadas…
Da mesma forma que meu fascínio pela máquina de escrever não me impede de ter essa e outras páginas na internet. Parte do meu livro FILOSOFIA FUNDAMENTAL foi escrito graças a inspiração da máquina de escrever, como ocorreu no capítulo sobre o que seria evolução, escrevi integralmente na minha Olivetti Studio 46, pois havia faltado luz: o que me fez refletir sobre se o computador realmente é a evolução da máquina de escrever.
Outro exemplo foi a inspiração que as lindas formas arredondas de minha máquina de escrever da marca Érika me proporcionou, acabou resultando numa bela performance a qual dei nome de Paixão Erótika.
Por isso, acredito que os equipamentos analógicos não ofuscam nossa criatividade e na fotografia não poderia deixar de ser diferente.
No conjunto de fotografias analógicas abaixo utilizei uma Canon T50, objetiva de 50mm e filme Kodak Pro Image 100, a qual se encontra auto-fotografada em espelho, vamos ver:
Na foto abaixo utilizei luz amarela indireta da direita superior para esquerda inferior, o desfoque ao redor foi proposital com o objetivo de parecer estar olhando o mundo através das lentes da câmera, nesse caso ela estava olhando para sí mesmo. Mesmo estando a parede e o espelho no mesmo plano, a profundidade de campo do espelho é diferente, por isso esse efeito foi possível. Destaque especial para o “olho” do diafragma, deve ter aberto até f5.6, pois a luz não era muito forte. Se a luz fosse mais forte o diafragma teria aberto o mínimo f16 o que aumentaria a profundidade de campo impedindo o desfoque pretendido. O resultado foi alcançado, ao mesmo tempo que a câmera aparece, essa fotografia transmite essa mensagem subliminar:
Performance é o nome dado à mescla de mais de uma linguagem artística (arte visual, música, teatro, etc.) clicando em https://davipinheiro.com/id/performance/ você pode ver todas minhas performances. Nos exemplos abaixo a mescla se deu pela mistura de artes visuais criadas por mim e captadas pela fotografia analógica, vamos ver:
A foto abaixo se trata dum terrário que criei num tronco de árvore, arte plástica. Para fotografar utilizei luz amarela superior, o desfoque foi para destacar o objeto, especial destaque para o reflexo da luz no vidro para dar noção tridimensional de algo transparente:
Na foto abaixo o mesmo processo da foto anterior, também utilizando uma Canon T50 com filme Kodak Pro Image 100 e objetiva de 50mm, diferenciando o enquadramento e a luz direta frontal:
A foto abaixo retrata o processo de criação da obra. Ironicamente, nessa foto, meu galo Cara de Palhaço mesmo desfocado no fundo se destacou, parecendo estar em pé no tronco:
A foto abaixo se trata do pisca-alerta original da minha super DT200R (viva os motores 2 tempos!) que caiu depois de uma trilha kkk. A Ideia nesta fotografia era fazer o sol parecer estar acendendo o alerta que deveria aparentar estar flutuando no céu. Infelizmente não fui bem sucedido, pois os fios que penduravam o objeto acabaram aparecendo. É impressionante a capacidade de cálculo da Canon T50 e a velocidade do seu obturador, a nitidez da objetiva e a resolução do filme Kodak Pro Image 100, cujo conjunto conseguiu captar até os pequenos fios de nylon transparentes. Eu imaginei que a foto ia estourar e os fios não apareceriam, ledo engano. Pelo menos o enquadramento ficou correto: objeto um pouco mais acima do centro para dar sensação de altitude e levemente de perfil para dar noção 3d. Quem sabe com uma câmera que seja possível ajustar a velocidade do obturador eu seja bem sucedido…
A foto abaixo se trata da minha performance favorita com a fotografia analógica, pois fotografei o primeiro quadro que pintei, o qual dei o nome de Elipsoíris sendo ele posteriormente capa do meu livro FILOSOFIA FUNDAMENTAL, então aí temos três linguagens artísticas profundas na mesma performance: O quadro que virou livro fotografado analogicamente. A ideia desta performance foi enquadrar o quadro desfocado, o qual somente pode ser desvendado com os olhos certos, por isso a lente. Utilizei luz natural e uma lente velha de óculos. Especial destaque para os dois pontos de luz que refletiram na lente parecendo dois olhos, isso não foi planejado e deu um toque especial para a fotografia, cabendo diversas interpretações, esse é o objeto da arte em geral. Fiquei muuuito contente com o resultado:
Já na fotografia analógica abaixo considero uma performance porque não se trata duma fotografia comum de paisagem, flores, arquitetura, animais ou pessoas, visa passar uma mensagem. Utilizando apenas a luz natural, regulei o foco da Canon T50 para as lentes dos meus próprios óculos e escolhi um dia especialmente nublado e escuro para simbolizar as dificuldades pelas quais todos passamos no dia-a-dia, quando acreditamos por algum momento que as luzes estão apagadas para nós, até que com os óculos certos podemos enxergar com maior nitidez o horizonte, os óculos podem ser a palavra de Deus ou qualquer outra coisa que te ilumine e esclareça. Com certeza essa fotografia terá um bom uso em meus próximos escritos:
Eis aqui um recurso nato da fotografia analógica: a dupla exposição. Se trata de fotografar mais de uma vez em cima do mesmo filme de modo que as imagens se sobreponham. Como esse método podemos simular movimento numa única fotografia, fazer montagens de disco voador kkkk, enfim a imaginação é o limite, vamos ver:
Nessa fotografia analógica abaixo ocorreu uma quádrupla exposição, pois cliquei quatro enquadramentos diferentes sob o mesmo filme. Foi especialmente difícil fazer porque a Canon T50 não tem esse recurso, então tive que enganá-la pressionando o botão de rebobinar o filme ao mesmo tempo que disparava a câmera. Como eu estava usando o filme Kodak Pro Image que possui asa 100, também regulei a máquina como se estivesse usando um filme asa 25, então sabia que podia disparar quatro vezes sem queimar o filme. Pedi para a modelo (minha Mãe, kkk) ficar em três posições diferentes dando a impressão de movimento e não satisfeito no final ainda fotografei o sol. Adorei essa foto:
Acredito ser possível obter uma fotografia analógica em macro mesmo sem lente especial, tudo depende da pecinha que fica atrás da câmera: você, kkkk. Devemos tentar, se não obtivermos uma fotografia em macro, ao menos um close teremos, vamos ver:
Na foto abaixo há um minúsculo cogumelo que cresceu num barranco qualquer, apareceu nitidamente no negativo, mesmo sem uso de lupa, por isso considero um macro, na verdade é apenas uma foto divertida:
Já a foto abaixo é apenas um close, o ninho é especialmente profundo, por isso o leve desfoque nos ovos: para dar noção de profundidade. O foco dos quatro cantos da caixa está bem ajustada para dar noção tridimensional do objeto:
Na fotografia analógica cada rolo de filme nos dá pelo menos um tipo de fotografia artística bem específica. Se trata do primeiro quadro do rolo, onde ocorre uma parcial sobre-exposição. Isso se deve a incidência da luz diretamente no filme quando estamos carregando a máquina com o filme. A maioria das máquinas analógicas somente começa a contar os fotogramas após alguns disparos para evitar isso. Cabe ao fotógrafo saber aproveitar os fotogramas existentes antes do número 1, enquadrando a cena normalmente e disparando antes do número 1. Os resultados são quase imprevisíveis e geralmente interessantes.
Abaixo uma fotografia analógica fantástica porque quase sempre a sobre-exposição do primeiro quadro do rolo ocorre nas extremidades da foto e nessa aí ocorreu no meio. Para conseguir esse efeito carreguei a máquina no escuro e acendi a luz no exato momento que estava fechando a tampa da câmera. Por uma fração de segundo o primeiro quadro do rolo foi exposto parcialmente a luz, sabia que iria ter uma fotografia diferente, jamais imaginei que a sobre-exposição iria sair no meio do fotograma, muito curioso:
Na fotografia abaixo repeti o mesmo processo anterior. Como o tempo entre acender a luz e fechar da máquina foi diferente a sobre-exposição ficou bem visível na extremidade da foto. Especial destaque para sua incidência no lado direito, quando deveria incidir no lado esquerdo, pois na Canon T50 o filme roda da esquerda para direita. Essa aparente inversão de lados se deu porque fotografei com a máquina de cabeça para baixo:
Registrar uma ação com fotografia analógica é especialmente difícil se a máquina não calcula a abertura e tempo de exposição automaticamente, porque tudo acontece muito rápido e você não tem tempo de ficar pensando. Felizmente a Canon T50 é muito boa para esse tipo de fotografia, tive que me preocupar apenas com o foco. O que essa máquina me fez suar para fazer as duplas exposições acima, tirou de letra esse memorável momento, vamos ver:
Na foto abaixo quando avistei esse grupo de corajosos saltando de paraglider corri pedir autorização para fotografá-los e rapidamente carreguei a máquina. Comecei a fotografar mesmo antes da máquina registrar o primeiro fotograma do rolo, tendo obtido esse lindo efeito de sobre-exposição de primeiro quadro do rolo:
Já a foto abaixo foi a terceira do rolo. Tomei o cuidado de enquadrar tanto a alçada de vôo do paraglider quanto essa linda Veraneio, o que descreve em uma única foto o espírito aventureiro do pessoal. Reparem no sol refletindo sobre as nuvens, que lindo tudo:
Na foto abaixo tive que registrar mais uma dessa linda Veraneio, sou apaixonado por motores e mecânica, ela quase roubou a cena kkkk. Especial destaque para o detalhe do carro e da câmera que a fotografou serem da mesma época, sensível retorno ao passado. Verdadeira máquina do tempo essa foto. Se eu não dissesse que esta foto foi tirada no final do ano de 2020 daria para dizer que foi uma foto tirada de uma Veraneio Zero Km da época, segredinho nosso, kkk.
Na foto abaixo voltando à cena, agora do Ângulo certo kkk. Esse foi a segunda foto, perceba ainda a presença do efeito de sobre-exposição do primeiro quadro. Aqui a máquina estava marcando o primeiro fotograma, tadinha kkk
Na foto abaixo a luz estava perfeita, o sol iluminava atrás de mim, incidindo frontalmente para o enquadramento da foto, linda essa:
Paraglider quase em posição de vôo, a foto ficou quase perfeita porque o momento em tela era a Hora de Ouro, momento do entardecer quando a posição do sol deixa o céu dourado, fenômeno muito querido pelos fotógrafos analógicos; até pelos digitais também. Mesmo assim eu não estava satisfeito, queria fotografar mais de perto. Dei zoom correndo para frente e o resultado você vê abaixo:
Abaixo a fotografia analógica simplesmente perfeita, sol na posição certa, hora de ouro, perfeito enquadramento e foco, tudo certo, universo conspirando à favor… ganhei o dia sem saber. Só descobri depois que revelei. O chão não foi cortado é que o piloto do paraglider já estava no desnível do chão pronto para saltar:
Abaixo O salto… tive que correr para o barranco para dar zoom, outra foto perfeita na hora de ouro:
É especialmente difícil fazer um animal posar para gente, temos que ter um pouco de comida pra negociar kkk. Não fosse a Canon T50 calcular a exposição sozinha seria ainda mais difícil porque os momentos são muito rápidos e você não tem tempo para regular a abertura e tempo de exposição, tive que regular apenas o foco. Mais um ponto para essa notável máquina que me fez apanhar na dupla exposição acima. A fotografia analógica de animais também é um tipo de fotografia de ação, temos que ser rápidos no gatilho, vamos ver os resultados:
Abaixo novamente dei zoom chegando bem perto, fotógrafo de verdade não tem medo, tudo pela arte!
Abaixo foco no segundo plano, acabei pegando os dois de perfil:
Abaixo foco no segundo plano. Aqui peguei os dois olhando para mim e dizendo xiiiis, kkk.
Abaixo podemos comprovar que o fotômetro da Canon T50 é matricial e não pontual, porque o centro da foto tinha muito mais luz que os cantos:
Abaixo linda foto: Cavalo da Montanha. Eu estava esperando a Hora de Ouro chegar, pena que quando chegou o modelo não quis mais ser fotografado kkk.
Abaixo lindo close de perfil com fundo totalmente desfocado. Preto absoluto, a fotometria esta certinha:
Abaixo muita coisa acontecendo ao mesmo tempo: As galinhas comendo, o milho sendo jogado, a sombra do fotógrafo… Para obter essa foto joguei o milho para o alto e tive que ser tão rápido no gatilho quanto o Kid Morengueira. Você pode perceber na minha sombra que estou segurando apenas a câmera, o pote de milho já tinha voado longe kkk. Escolhi especialmente um dia ensolarado para que o fotômetro da Canon T50 usasse toda a velocidade possível no obturador, sendo possível congelar o milho no ar sem muito efeito borrão.
Abaixo galinha chocando numa roda de carro. Como amo animais e carros, para montar essa cena tive que forrar uma roda velha de carro para formar um ninho e esperar, esperar e esperar… No momento certo a Jurema se sentiu confiante para entrar na roda. Nem se incomodou com minha presença pois estava de papo cheio, pois é, também tive que negociar com a galinha, isso é a fotografia analógica de animais kkk. Percebam novamente que o fotômetro da Canon T50 é matricial, pois a maior parte da foto era com pouca luz e o raio de sol que entrava estourou a foto. Percebam ainda como eu estava perto da galinha, pois foquei em sua cabeça e o resto do corpo que estava um pouco mais distante saiu desfocado. Certamente a câmera estava com abertura máxima f1.8 e com uma velocidade bem lenta, o que explica a baixa profundidade de campo. Além disso se a Jurema tivesse mexido a cabeça na hora do disparo certamente teria saído um borrão por causa da baixa velocidade. Acabou saindo tudo certo e meus dias de espera por essa foto não foram em vão.
Na fotografia analógica de arquitetura devemos conhecer os conceitos básicos de iluminação e preenchimento, trabalhamos apenas com luz natural e deve ser bem usada para termos a noção tridimensional da construção. Conforme ensina Fernando Bagnola, a tridimensionalidade do objeto depende da incidência da luz em três pontos diferentes e com intensidades diferentes, algo difícil de se obter apenas com a luz do sol, vamos ver:
Abaixo se trata do Museu do Olho em Curitiba/PR. Como sua parte frontal é escura e o sol se posicionava atrás da construção tive de me posicional na sua lateral, assim consegui obter um resultado tridimensional, pois o sol iluminava a parte de cima, refletia na parte de baixo em menor intensidade e na parte frontal quase não havia luz. Se eu estivesse posicionando na frente da construção o efeito tridimensional seria impossível:
Abaixo para minha sorte, nesse exato momento um grupo de jovens contracultura (assim como eu) passavam pelo local, tornando a foto icônica pela presença de jovens modernos contracultura contrastando com arquitetura moderna da cultura tradicional. Minha posição em relação ao sol também favoreceu o sucesso desta fotografia, tendo iluminado corretamente todos os pontos de interesse:
Abaixo esse aqui é um exemplo de fotografia analógica arquitetônica errada. O enquadramento foi frontal em razão do desejo de captar o reflexo dos edifícios nos vidros negros do “olho”:
Abaixo se trata do Panteon dos Heroes na Lapa/PR um monumento erguido para guardar os corpos dos soldados das forças republicanas que pereceram durante o chamado Cerco da Lapa, batalha da Revolução Federalista de 1894. Aqui o dia estava nublado, momento perfeito para fotografar uma arquitetura tão triste como essa. Não me importei com a questão tridimensional, pois era impossível, não havia sol. Quis retratar a tristeza na foto. O filme usado foi o mesmo (Kodak Pro Image 100). Aqui percebemos que a química desse filme é ajustada para a luz amarela do sol como branco absoluto, como o céu estava nublado, a luz natural estava com temperatura mais fria o que puxou o tom mais para o azul e o roxeado da foto devem ter sido os raios ultravioleta. Se eu estivesse usando um filtro ultravioleta provavelmente a foto sairia mais acinzentada. Me recordo que nesse dia estava tudo cinza. De qualquer forma adorei esse tom arroxeado da foto. Fica a dica: conseguimos o mesmo efeito de um filme Lomochrome Purple caríssimo com um filme baratinho, basta fotografar nessas condições:
Abaixo novamente o tom arrocheado com um filme barato. Para se ter uma ideia um Lomochrome Purple costuma custar seis vezes ou mais que um que o Kodak Pro Image 100 de R$ 30,00 à R$ 40,00 na data da publicação deste artigo em 09/04/21. Percebam que no momento desta foto as nuvens deram uma trégua e alguns raios de sol passaram dando uma leve noção tridimensional da arquitetura. O certo seria eu estar um pouco mais à esquerda para aproveitar bem a iluminação. Mesmo assim, me senti feliz com a triste foto kkk pois mesmo com a luz amarela do sol refletindo o efeito Lomo-Violeta ocorreu:
Abaixo parece que a foto está mal enquadrada. E está mesmo. É que no lado direito havia um poste de energia elétrica muito feio, eu não queria que aparecesse. Me preocupei apenas com a iluminação e obtive sucesso com a noção de profundidade da arquitetura. A foto está puxando para o amarelo porque a Universidade Federal do Paraná em Curitiba é meio amarela mesmo.
Abaixo para finalizar o conjunto de fotografias analógicas arquitetônicas nada melhor que um cemitério, afinal todos vamos morrer um dia, devemos sempre lembrar disso para fazer nossas vidas mundanas valerem a pena. Quando morremos não levamos nada a não ser nossas experiências evolucionais, nossas graças e pecados. Devemos deixar um legado, algo positivo para quem fica. Pois bem, foi nesse contexto a foto. Para mim a morte deve ser evitada. Quando ocorrer, se fizermos tudo certo vamos para luz, as trevas são aqui na terra mesmo. Portanto, ao contrário da maioria dos fotógrafos, escolhi um dia ensolarado para fotografar ali. Quis simbolizar a luz que nos aguarda após a morte. Então me posicionei dentro do cemitério para fotografar de dentro para fora. Esperei o sol se posicionar de forma que dos portões para fora houvesse pouca luz, tal como é o mundo, deixando toda a iluminação para dentro dos portões. Percebam como pequenos detalhes fazem toda a diferença numa fotografia analógica artística. Essa foto pode perfeitamente ser usada para ilustrar qualquer material que corrobore com esse pensamento. Se eu quisesse retratar que a vida é mil maravilhas e a morte um triste fim, deveria estar do lado de fora dos portões com tudo iluminado exceto o interior do cemitério. Interessante não…
Basicamente se divide em dois tipos, a cena e o retrato. Na cena a pessoa posa para a foto sem contudo revelar sua personalidade, é uma cena criada artificialmente. Já o retrato, no conceito artístico da fotografia, ocorre quando conseguimos captar o interior da pessoa. Por exemplo: se for uma pessoa triste ela aparecerá com semblante triste, se for uma pessoa alegre com semblante alegre, não necessariamente sorrido. Se for uma pessoa sofrida suas rugas, desasseios e receios ficarão visíveis. Se for uma pessoa engraçada sentiremos vontade de rir ao ver seu retrato. O retrato é algo verdadeiro e espontâneo da pessoa. Se uma pessoa triste aparece sorrido não é um retrato e sim uma cena, vamos ver:
Abaixo normalmente na fotografia analógica de pessoas o correto é deixar o segundo plano mais escuro e o primeiro plano mais claro. Ai quis fazer diferente. Pedi para o modelo (Meu Melhor Amigo) se posicionar de costas para o sol, pois já tinha avistado aquele arco-íris no fundo. Nesse caso foi um retrato pois meu amigo apareceu sorrindo sem eu pedir e sei que ele é uma pessoa feliz e engraçada, pois vive contando piadas e seu repertório é infinito. O interessante é que esse não é um retrato comum e sim um retrato artístico, pois inverti a iluminação dos planos e ainda captei uma arco-íris, foi uma cena construida para um retrato, ideia antagônica para fotografia analógica de pessoas. Como resultado obtive uma fotografia que parece uma montagem, onde a imagem do modelo ter-se-ia sido colada sobre a paisagem, tamanha foi a diferença de iluminação entre o primeiro e segundo plano. Contudo, um pequeno raio de sol que incidiu sobre o canteiro inferior esquerdo não me deixa mentir que a fotografia é autêntica. Além disso tendo os negativos que não mentem kkk. Essa foi minha fotografia preferida de pessoas, pela qualidade do resultado artístico e pela pessoa do modelo, um abração amigo! Vou chamar essa foto de “Meu Parça na Praça”:
Abaixo sou eu. Se trata apenas de uma cena simples porque minha expressão não aparece e sequer minhas roupas traduziam minha personalidade. Regulei o foco da máquina para 5 metros, entreguei-a para meu amigo e contei alguns passos para trás. Não me preocupei muito em acertar minha posição em exatos 5 metros porque o dia estava bem ensolarado e sabia qua a Canon T50 iria abrir pouco o diafragma por causa disso, o que aumentou a profundidade de campo consideravelmente. Podemos perceber no fundo a Universidade Federal do Paraná sem qualquer desfoque por causa disso. O maldito poste que tentei evitar na foto arquitetônica da UFPR acima acabou aparecendo aqui, mesmo assim gostei da foto pelo tom de cores que só a fotografia analógica nos dá.
A fotografia analógica de objetos, assim como a arquitetônica, deve se obedecer os conceitos básicos de iluminação para obter noção tridimensional do objeto. Além disso, a cena montada deve combinar com o objeto para entrar em sintonia com o conceito natural de beleza, vamos ver:
Abaixo queria fotografar um objeto qualquer, então peguei essa faca. Esse objeto combina muito bem com o ambiente rústico do campo, então a finquei-a num toco de árvore com vista para o campo, tomando cuidado para ela ficar levemente torcida e dar a noção tridimensional. Naturalmente a foto ornou porque o objeto esta em sintonia com a cena. Essa deve ser a combinação da fotografia analógica de objetos, por exemplo. A não ser que o fotógrafo busque justamente causar repudia invertendo a combinação do objeto com a cena. Por exemplo: para causar nojo pode-se fotografar barro em formato de cocô num prato. Merda e comida são coisas totalmente opostas e essa inversão naturalmente é perturbadora para qualquer ser humano. Existe uma lógica natural de combinação de objetos com a cena. Enfim, podemos inclusive combinar mais de um objeto secundário para criar uma cena ao objeto principal, como veremos mais abaixo com a xícara de café:
Na foto abaixo o objeto principal é uma caneca de café. Para criar a cena utilizei outros três objetos. O palheiro que combina com café, a tampa da objetiva da minha Canon T50 que combina com o efeito da cafeína para pensar mais rápido sobre as cenas que irei montar, e o vazo de suculenta que remete a algo mais áspero e amargo como o café e o palheiro. Se o objeto principal fosse um copo de milkshake no lugar do palheiro haveriam balas coloridas, no lugar da tampa da máquina haveria um guardanapo e no lugar da suculenta haveria um flor fofa e cor de rosa. Falando em flor vou encerrar este ensaio com o tópico sobre fotografia analógica de flores para deixar todos felizes no final:
É um tipo de fotografia livre da fotografia analógica, sem muitas preocupações para o fotógrafo analógico, devemos atentar apenas para a vivacidade das cores e para isso o dia deve estar especialmente ensolarado. Se for fotografia interna de preferência usar luz quente (amarela), o resto é só diversão, vamos ver:
Viva a fotografia analógica!
Se você deseja fazer um ensaio artístico com fotografia analógia comigo entre em contato e terei o prazer de agendar o serviço.
**Heute möchte ich ein Gedicht mit euch teilen.** Es handelt sich um eine Ballade des österreichischen Lyrikers Johann Gabriel Seidl aus dem 19. Jahrhundert. Mir sind diese Worte fest in Erinnerung, da meine Mutter sie perfekt rezitieren konnte, auch als die Kräfte schon langsam schwanden.
**Dem originalen Titel «Die Uhr»** habe ich für mich immer das Wort «innere» hinzugefügt. Denn der Zeitmesser – hier vermutliche eine Taschenuhr – symbolisiert zwar in dem Kontext das damalige Zeitempfinden und die Umbrüche durch die industrielle Revolution, sozusagen den Zeitgeist und das moderne Leben. Aber der Autor setzt sich philosophisch mit der Zeit auseinander und gibt seinem Werk auch eine klar spirituelle Dimension.
**Das Ticken der Uhr und die Momente des Glücks und der Trauer** stehen sinnbildlich für das unaufhaltsame Fortschreiten und die Vergänglichkeit des Lebens. Insofern könnte man bei der Uhr auch an eine Sonnenuhr denken. Der Rhythmus der Ereignisse passt uns vielleicht nicht immer in den Kram.
**Was den Takt pocht, ist durchaus auch das Herz,** unser «inneres Uhrwerk». Wenn dieses Meisterwerk einmal stillsteht, ist es unweigerlich um uns geschehen. Hoffentlich können wir dann dankbar sagen: «Ich habe mein Bestes gegeben.»
*Ich trage, wo ich gehe, stets eine Uhr bei mir;* \
*Wieviel es geschlagen habe, genau seh ich an ihr.* \
*Es ist ein großer Meister, der künstlich ihr Werk gefügt,* \
*Wenngleich ihr Gang nicht immer dem törichten Wunsche genügt.*  
*Ich wollte, sie wäre rascher gegangen an manchem Tag;* *\
Ich wollte, sie hätte manchmal verzögert den raschen Schlag.* *\
In meinen Leiden und Freuden, in Sturm und in der Ruh,* *\
Was immer geschah im Leben, sie pochte den Takt dazu.*  
*Sie schlug am Sarge des Vaters, sie schlug an des Freundes Bahr,* *\
Sie schlug am Morgen der Liebe, sie schlug am Traualtar.* *\
Sie schlug an der Wiege des Kindes, sie schlägt, will's Gott, noch oft,* *\
Wenn bessere Tage kommen, wie meine Seele es hofft.*  
*Und ward sie auch einmal träger, und drohte zu stocken ihr Lauf,* *\
So zog der Meister immer großmütig sie wieder auf.* *\
Doch stände sie einmal stille, dann wär's um sie geschehn,* *\
Kein andrer, als der sie fügte, bringt die Zerstörte zum Gehn.*  
*Dann müßt ich zum Meister wandern, der wohnt am Ende wohl weit,* *\
Wohl draußen, jenseits der Erde, wohl dort in der Ewigkeit!* *\
Dann gäb ich sie ihm zurücke mit dankbar kindlichem Flehn:* *\
Sieh, Herr, ich hab nichts verdorben, sie blieb von selber stehn.*  
*Johann Gabriel Seidl (1804-1875)*
![](https://blossom.primal.net/e4d7d32a4590123c901aef5d441a85be956c29eec8d321a1d8e5a17cb186862c.jpg)My experience of [daily posting on LinkedIn](https://www.linkedin.com/in/totallyhumanwriter/) started around three years ago, when I became more serious about my coaching business. In that time, I amassed 25,000 followers and garnered around 3 million impressions on my writing.
It was a wild ride, but now it’s time to leave the theme park.
# Reasons I Quit Posting on LinkedIn
Here they are, in no particular order:
1. I went from coach to ghostwriter. 2024 threw up an unexpected career change. Since 2018, I've been a coach, moving from teaching English as a foreign language to working with groups of multilingual pro writers looking for better opportunities.
Coaching is a tough industry (maybe I'll write about that someday). My idea was to write more meaningful words and less copy to market my coaching business. Ultimately, writing to develop the Bitcoin ecosystem is what I find meaningful, and writing for hire doesn't require as much copywriting as being a coach.
With a solid portfolio, contacts, and profile, potential clients can see your results. You don't need to attract a ton of inbound leads by writing funny bits and wow-inducing educational posts on LinkedIn.
2. Time constraints Because of my own book marketing, new client work, and projects like [21 Futures](https://21futures.com/), I can't dedicate my creative efforts and several hours per week to writing on LinkedIn.
That time works better for me elsewhere.
3. Worsening distribution 'Creators' (a.k.a. active posters with many followers) often say changes to the algorithm don't matter. 'Get on with it. Adapt and move forward.'
I'd be lying if I said I'm happy seeing statistics for my posts plummet. In 2022 and 2023, a successful carousel might net 20,000 views with over 150 likes and 50+ comments. Now, an exceptional post for me attracts 5,000 views with 50 likes.
I won't bore you with charts and statistics, but this is an average, based on hundreds of posts. It seems LinkedIn is reducing the reach of big accounts in favour of tighter networks and distributing the work of those with <5k followers. That's fine. Perhaps that will make the platform less showy, and less boastful, finally ridding us of fake stories, surprising hacks, and ultimate guides.
Still, It makes creative types like me feel like failures. Does an 80% decrease in distribution seem fair for the three years of daily effort I've put in? Should I keep struggling for diminishing returns? No. Creative people must seek the best return on investment for their time.
The lesson? Distribution is more important than follower numbers.
I've also quit Medium, where I have 2,000 followers and regularly receive single-digit reads on my posts.
4. LinkedIn values machines over humans. Cost-cutting, extracting value, and planning for a robotic future. That's Microsoft's MO.
Despite being a social network with over 1 billion users, LinkedIn seemingly relies on automated support to make decisions on which content, people, and ideas are allowed on the platform.
Users' data is parsed without their express consent.\
LinkedIn seems desperate for us to use generative AI to express our 'insight'.\
We are constantly bombarded by LLM drivel and boring machine-made content. If you can't be bothered to write it, why should I bother to read it?
As somebody who brands himself a human-centric writer, why would I offer up personal takes and stories writing for free in an AI-filled swamp?
# What's next?
So I'm giving up posting on LinkedIn.
With that said, it can still produce a great benefit for its users, especially those in the bitcoin space.
Why? The ability to search for potential connections, present your profile, and share your expertise can make a huge difference to your work - investment, partnership, and customers.
If you have a smaller network and have the need to share personal takes, opinions, and expertise, posting on LinkedIn is worth it. So few are doing this in bitcoin, the opportunities in 2025 are mind-boggling.
Next year, thousands of new startups and ventures will be vying for our attention. Those who can build trust and stay true to their message will win. And if LinkedIn stops working, you can always take your followers elsewhere.
If you have read and enjoyed my words here on LinkedIn in the last three years, thank you.
It has been a much-needed creative outlet and has brought me opportunities, laughs, knowledge, new colleagues, and friends. I'll still be stalking your posts and writing sarcastic comments.
# Where can you find me:
Bitcoin writing - [X](https://x.com/21Futures), [StackerNews](https://stacker.news/21futures) [21futures.com](https://21futures.com/)\
NOSTR - npub12xy9yxej6s9hgzsn3rfyfc3xgtdr29wqlvulquzhz2fhqqywk5vqnyvqut),
[Totallyhumanwriter.com](https://totallyhumanwriter.com/) - website coming soon.
[Maximum Freedom, Minimum Bullshit](https://maximumfreedom.substack.com/) on Substack.
And you can reach me via email at philipcharterauthor@gmail.com
I'm interested to know your thoughts and plans for 2025. Where will you be writing and why?
Here are my predictions for Nostr in 2025:
**Decentralization:** The outbox and inbox communication models, sometimes referred to as the Gossip model, will become the standard across the ecosystem. By the end of 2025, all major clients will support these models, providing seamless communication and enhanced decentralization. Clients that do not adopt outbox/inbox by then will be regarded as outdated or legacy systems.
**Privacy Standards:** Major clients such as Damus and Primal will move away from NIP-04 DMs, adopting more secure protocol possibilities like NIP-17 or NIP-104. These upgrades will ensure enhanced encryption and metadata protection. Additionally, NIP-104 MLS tools will drive the development of new clients and features, providing users with unprecedented control over the privacy of their communications.
**Interoperability:** Nostr's ecosystem will become even more interconnected. Platforms like the Olas image-sharing service will expand into prominent clients such as Primal, Damus, Coracle, and Snort, alongside existing integrations with Amethyst, Nostur, and Nostrudel. Similarly, audio and video tools like Nostr Nests and Zap.stream will gain seamless integration into major clients, enabling easy participation in live events across the ecosystem.
**Adoption and Migration:** Inspired by early pioneers like Fountain and Orange Pill App, more platforms will adopt Nostr for authentication, login, and social systems. In 2025, a significant migration from a high-profile application platform with hundreds of thousands of users will transpire, doubling Nostr’s daily activity and establishing it as a cornerstone of decentralized technologies.
Último dia do ano, momento para tirar o pó da bola de cristal, para fazer reflexões, previsões e desejos para o próximo ano e seguintes.
Ano após ano, o Bitcoin evoluiu, foi ultrapassando etapas, tornou-se cada vez mais _mainstream_. Está cada vez mais difícil fazer previsões sobre o Bitcoin, já faltam poucas barreiras a serem ultrapassadas e as que faltam são altamente complexas ou tem um impacto profundo no sistema financeiro ou na sociedade. Estas alterações profundas tem que ser realizadas lentamente, porque uma alteração rápida poderia resultar em consequências terríveis, poderia provocar um retrocesso.
# Código do Bitcoin
No final de 2025, possivelmente vamos ter um _fork_, as discussões sobre os _covenants_ já estão avançadas, vão acelerar ainda mais. Já existe um consenso relativamente alto, a favor dos _covenants_, só falta decidir que modelo será escolhido. Penso que até ao final do ano será tudo decidido.
Depois dos _covenants,_ o próximo foco será para a criptografia post-quantum, que será o maior desafio que o Bitcoin enfrenta. Criar uma criptografia segura e que não coloque a descentralização em causa.
Espero muito de Ark, possivelmente a inovação do ano, gostaria de ver o Nostr a furar a bolha bitcoinheira e que o Cashu tivesse mais reconhecimento pelos _bitcoiners_.
Espero que surjam avanços significativos no BitVM2 e BitVMX.
Não sei o que esperar das layer 2 de Bitcoin, foram a maior desilusão de 2024. Surgiram com muita força, mas pouca coisa saiu do papel, foi uma mão cheia de nada. Uma parte dos projetos caiu na tentação da _shitcoinagem_, na criação de tokens, que tem um único objetivo, enriquecer os devs e os VCs.
Se querem ser levados a sério, têm que ser sérios.
> “À mulher de César não basta ser honesta, deve parecer honesta”
Se querem ter o apoio dos _bitcoiners_, sigam o _ethos_ do Bitcoin.
Neste ponto a atitude do pessoal da Ark é exemplar, em vez de andar a chorar no Twitter para mudar o código do Bitcoin, eles colocaram as mãos na massa e criaram o protocolo. É claro que agora está meio “coxo”, funciona com uma _multisig_ ou com os _covenants_ na Liquid. Mas eles estão a criar um produto, vão demonstrar ao mercado que o produto é bom e útil. Com a adoção, a comunidade vai perceber que o Ark necessita dos _covenants_ para melhorar a interoperabilidade e a soberania.
É este o pensamento certo, que deveria ser seguido pelos restantes e futuros projetos. É seguir aquele pensamento do J.F. Kennedy:
> “Não perguntem o que é que o vosso país pode fazer por vocês, perguntem o que é que vocês podem fazer pelo vosso país”
Ou seja, não fiquem à espera que o bitcoin mude, criem primeiro as inovações/tecnologia, ganhem adoção e depois demonstrem que a alteração do código camada base pode melhorar ainda mais o vosso projeto. A necessidade é que vai levar a atualização do código.
# Reservas Estratégicas de Bitcoin
## Bancos centrais
Com a eleição de Trump, emergiu a ideia de uma Reserva Estratégia de Bitcoin, tornou este conceito _mainstream_. Foi um _pivot_, a partir desse momento, foram enumerados os políticos de todo o mundo a falar sobre o assunto.
A Senadora Cynthia Lummis foi mais além e propôs um programa para adicionar 200 mil bitcoins à reserva ao ano, até 1 milhão de Bitcoin. Só que isto está a criar uma enorme expectativa na comunidade, só que pode resultar numa enorme desilusão. Porque no primeiro ano, o Trump em vez de comprar os 200 mil, pode apenas adicionar na reserva, os 198 mil que o Estado já tem em sua posse. Se isto acontecer, possivelmente vai resultar numa forte queda a curto prazo. Na minha opinião os bancos centrais deveriam seguir o exemplo de El Salvador, fazer um DCA diário.
Mais que comprar bitcoin, para mim, o mais importante é a criação da Reserva, é colocar o Bitcoin ao mesmo nível do ouro, o impacto para o resto do mundo será tremendo, a teoria dos jogos na sua plenitude. Muitos outros bancos centrais vão ter que comprar, para não ficarem atrás, além disso, vai transmitir uma mensagem à generalidade da população, que o Bitcoin é “afinal é algo seguro, com valor”.
Mas não foi Trump que iniciou esta teoria dos jogos, mas sim foi a primeira vítima dela. É o próprio Trump que o admite, que os EUA necessitam da reserva para não ficar atrás da China. Além disso, desde que os EUA utilizaram o dólar como uma arma, com sanção contra a Rússia, surgiram boatos de que a Rússia estaria a utilizar o Bitcoin para transações internacionais. Que foram confirmados recentemente, pelo próprio governo russo. Também há poucos dias, ainda antes deste reconhecimento público, Putin elogiou o Bitcoin, ao reconhecer que “Ninguém pode proibir o bitcoin”, defendendo como uma alternativa ao dólar. A narrativa está a mudar.
Já existem alguns países com Bitcoin, mas apenas dois o fizeram conscientemente (El Salvador e Butão), os restantes têm devido a apreensões. Hoje são poucos, mas 2025 será o início de uma corrida pelos bancos centrais. Esta corrida era algo previsível, o que eu não esperava é que acontecesse tão rápido.
## Empresas
A criação de reservas estratégicas não vai ficar apenas pelos bancos centrais, também vai acelerar fortemente nas empresas em 2025.
Mas as empresas não vão seguir a estratégia do Saylor, vão comprar bitcoin sem alavancagem, utilizando apenas os tesouros das empresas, como uma proteção contra a inflação. Eu não sou grande admirador do Saylor, prefiro muito mais, uma estratégia conservadora, sem qualquer alavancagem. Penso que as empresas vão seguir a sugestão da BlackRock, que aconselha um alocações de 1% a 3%.
Penso que 2025, ainda não será o ano da entrada das 6 magníficas (excepto Tesla), será sobretudo empresas de pequena e média dimensão. As magníficas ainda tem uma cota muito elevada de _shareholders_ com alguma idade, bastante conservadores, que têm dificuldade em compreender o Bitcoin, foi o que aconteceu recentemente com a Microsoft.
Também ainda não será em 2025, talvez 2026, a inclusão nativamente de wallet Bitcoin nos sistema da Apple Pay e da Google Pay. Seria um passo gigante para a adoção a nível mundial.
# ETFs
Os ETFs para mim são uma incógnita, tenho demasiadas dúvidas, como será 2025. Este ano os _inflows_ foram superiores a 500 mil bitcoins, o IBIT foi o lançamento de ETF mais bem sucedido da história. O sucesso dos ETFs, deve-se a 2 situações que nunca mais se vão repetir. O mercado esteve 10 anos à espera pela aprovação dos ETFs, a procura estava reprimida, isso foi bem notório nos primeiros meses, os _inflows_ foram brutais.
Também se beneficiou por ser um mercado novo, não existia _orderbook_ de vendas, não existia um mercado interno, praticamente era só _inflows_. Agora o mercado já estabilizou, a maioria das transações já são entre clientes dos próprios ETFs. Agora só uma pequena percentagem do volume das transações diárias vai resultar em _inflows_ ou _outflows_.
Estes dois fenómenos nunca mais se vão repetir, eu não acredito que o número de _inflows_ em BTC supere os número de 2024, em dólares vai superar, mas em btc não acredito que vá superar.
Mas em 2025 vão surgir uma infindável quantidade de novos produtos, derivativos, novos ETFs de cestos com outras criptos ou cestos com ativos tradicionais. O bitcoin será adicionado em produtos financeiros já existentes no mercado, as pessoas vão passar a deter bitcoin, sem o saberem.
Com o fim da operação ChokePoint 2.0, vai surgir uma nova onda de adoção e de produtos financeiros. Possivelmente vamos ver bancos tradicionais a disponibilizar produtos ou serviços de custódia aos seus clientes.
Eu adoraria ver o crescimento da adoção do bitcoin como moeda, só que a regulamentação não vai ajudar nesse processo.
# Preço
Eu acredito que o topo deste ciclo será alcançado no primeiro semestre, posteriormente haverá uma correção. Mas desta vez, eu acredito que a correção será muito menor que as anteriores, inferior a 50%, esta é a minha expectativa. Espero estar certo.
# Stablecoins de dólar
Agora saindo um pouco do universo do Bitcoin, acho importante destacar as _stablecoins_.
No último ciclo, eu tenho dividido o tempo, entre continuar a estudar o Bitcoin e estudar o sistema financeiro, as suas dinâmicas e o comportamento humano. Isto tem sido o meu foco de reflexão, imaginar a transformação que o mundo vai sofrer devido ao padrão Bitcoin. É uma ilusão acreditar que a transição de um padrão FIAT para um padrão Bitcoin vai ser rápida, vai existir um processo transitório que pode demorar décadas.
Com a re-entrada de Trump na Casa Branca, prometendo uma política altamente protecionista, vai provocar uma forte valorização do dólar, consequentemente as restantes moedas do mundo vão derreter. Provocando uma inflação generalizada, gerando uma corrida às _stablecoins_ de dólar nos países com moedas mais fracas. Trump vai ter uma política altamente expansionista, vai exportar dólares para todo o mundo, para financiar a sua própria dívida. A desigualdade entre os pobres e ricos irá crescer fortemente, aumentando a possibilidade de conflitos e revoltas.
> “Casa onde não há pão, todos ralham e ninguém tem razão”
Será mais lenha, para alimentar a fogueira, vai gravar os conflitos geopolíticos já existentes, ficando as sociedade ainda mais polarizadas.
Eu acredito que 2025, vai haver um forte crescimento na adoção das _stablecoins_ de dólares, esse forte crescimento vai agravar o problema sistémico que são as _stablecoins_. Vai ser o início do fim das _stablecoins_, pelo menos, como nós conhecemos hoje em dia.
## Problema sistémico
O sistema FIAT não nasceu de um dia para outro, foi algo que foi construído organicamente, ou seja, foi evoluindo ao longo dos anos, sempre que havia um problema/crise, eram criadas novas regras ou novas instituições para minimizar os problemas. Nestes quase 100 anos, desde os acordos de Bretton Woods, a evolução foram tantas, tornaram o sistema financeiro altamente complexo, burocrático e nada eficiente.
Na prática é um castelo de cartas construído sobre outro castelo de cartas e que por sua vez, foi construído sobre outro castelo de cartas.
As _stablecoins_ são um problema sistémico, devido às suas reservas em dólares e o sistema financeiro não está preparado para manter isso seguro. Com o crescimento das reservas ao longo dos anos, foi se agravando o problema.
No início a Tether colocava as reservas em bancos comerciais, mas com o crescimento dos dólares sob gestão, criou um problema nos bancos comerciais, devido à reserva fracionária. Essas enormes reservas da Tether estavam a colocar em risco a própria estabilidade dos bancos.
A Tether acabou por mudar de estratégia, optou por outros ativos, preferencialmente por títulos do tesouro/obrigações dos EUA. Só que a Tether continua a crescer e não dá sinais de abrandamento, pelo contrário.
Até o próprio mundo cripto, menosprezava a gravidade do problema da Tether/_stablecoins_ para o resto do sistema financeiro, porque o _marketcap_ do cripto ainda é muito pequeno. É verdade que ainda é pequeno, mas a Tether não o é, está no top 20 dos maiores detentores de títulos do tesouros dos EUA e está ao nível dos maiores bancos centrais do mundo. Devido ao seu tamanho, está a preocupar os responsáveis/autoridades/reguladores dos EUA, pode colocar em causa a estabilidade do sistema financeiro global, que está assente nessas obrigações.
Os títulos do tesouro dos EUA são o colateral mais utilizado no mundo, tanto por bancos centrais, como por empresas, é a charneira da estabilidade do sistema financeiro. Os títulos do tesouro são um assunto muito sensível. Na recente crise no Japão, do _carry trade_, o Banco Central do Japão tentou minimizar a desvalorização do iene através da venda de títulos dos EUA. Esta operação, obrigou a uma viagem de emergência, da Secretaria do Tesouro dos EUA, Janet Yellen ao Japão, onde disponibilizou liquidez para parar a venda de títulos por parte do Banco Central do Japão. Essa forte venda estava desestabilizando o mercado.
Os principais detentores de títulos do tesouros são institucionais, bancos centrais, bancos comerciais, fundo de investimento e gestoras, tudo administrado por gestores altamente qualificados, racionais e que conhecem a complexidade do mercado de obrigações.
O mundo cripto é seu oposto, é _naife_ com muita irracionalidade e uma forte pitada de loucura, na sua maioria nem faz a mínima ideia como funciona o sistema financeiro. Essa irracionalidade pode levar a uma “corrida bancária”, como aconteceu com o UST da Luna, que em poucas horas colapsou o projeto. Em termos de escala, a Luna ainda era muito pequena, por isso, o problema ficou circunscrito ao mundo cripto e a empresas ligadas diretamente ao cripto.
Só que a Tether é muito diferente, caso exista algum FUD, que obrigue a Tether a desfazer-se de vários biliões ou dezenas de biliões de dólares em títulos num curto espaço de tempo, poderia provocar consequências terríveis em todo o sistema financeiro. A Tether é grande demais, é já um problema sistémico, que vai agravar-se com o crescimento em 2025.
Não tenham dúvidas, se existir algum problema, o Tesouro dos EUA vai impedir a venda dos títulos que a Tether tem em sua posse, para salvar o sistema financeiro. O problema é, o que vai fazer a Tether, se ficar sem acesso às venda das reservas, como fará o _redeem_ dos dólares?
Como o crescimento do Tether é inevitável, o Tesouro e o FED estão com um grande problema em mãos, o que fazer com o Tether?
Mas o problema é que o atual sistema financeiro é como um curto cobertor: Quanto tapas a cabeça, destapas os pés; Ou quando tapas os pés, destapas a cabeça. Ou seja, para resolver o problema da guarda reservas da Tether, vai criar novos problemas, em outros locais do sistema financeiro e assim sucessivamente.
### Conta mestre
Uma possível solução seria dar uma conta mestre à Tether, dando o acesso direto a uma conta no FED, semelhante à que todos os bancos comerciais têm. Com isto, a Tether deixaria de necessitar os títulos do tesouro, depositando o dinheiro diretamente no banco central. Só que isto iria criar dois novos problemas, com o Custodia Bank e com o restante sistema bancário.
O Custodia Bank luta há vários anos contra o FED, nos tribunais pelo direito a ter licença bancária para um banco com _full-reserves_. O FED recusou sempre esse direito, com a justificativa que esse banco, colocaria em risco toda a estabilidade do sistema bancário existente, ou seja, todos os outros bancos poderiam colapsar. Perante a existência em simultâneo de bancos com reserva fracionária e com _full-reserves_, as pessoas e empresas iriam optar pelo mais seguro. Isso iria provocar uma corrida bancária, levando ao colapso de todos os bancos com reserva fracionária, porque no Custodia Bank, os fundos dos clientes estão 100% garantidos, para qualquer valor. Deixaria de ser necessário limites de fundos de Garantia de Depósitos.
Eu concordo com o FED nesse ponto, que os bancos com _full-reserves_ são uma ameaça a existência dos restantes bancos. O que eu discordo do FED, é a origem do problema, o problema não está nos bancos _full-reserves_, mas sim nos que têm reserva fracionária.
O FED ao conceder uma conta mestre ao Tether, abre um precedente, o Custodia Bank irá o aproveitar, reclamando pela igualdade de direitos nos tribunais e desta vez, possivelmente ganhará a sua licença.
Ainda há um segundo problema, com os restantes bancos comerciais. A Tether passaria a ter direitos similares aos bancos comerciais, mas os deveres seriam muito diferentes. Isto levaria os bancos comerciais aos tribunais para exigir igualdade de tratamento, é uma concorrência desleal. Isto é o bom dos tribunais dos EUA, são independentes e funcionam, mesmo contra o estado. Os bancos comerciais têm custos exorbitantes devido às políticas de _compliance_, como o KYC e AML. Como o governo não vai querer aliviar as regras, logo seria a Tether, a ser obrigada a fazer o _compliance_ dos seus clientes.
A obrigação do KYC para ter _stablecoins_ iriam provocar um terramoto no mundo cripto.
Assim, é pouco provável que seja a solução para a Tether.
### FED
Só resta uma hipótese, ser o próprio FED a controlar e a gerir diretamente as _stablecoins_ de dólar, nacionalizado ou absorvendo as existentes. Seria uma espécie de CBDC. Isto iria provocar um novo problema, um problema diplomático, porque as _stablecoins_ estão a colocar em causa a soberania monetária dos outros países. Atualmente as _stablecoins_ estão um pouco protegidas porque vivem num limbo jurídico, mas a partir do momento que estas são controladas pelo governo americano, tudo muda. Os países vão exigir às autoridades americanas medidas que limitem o uso nos seus respectivos países.
Não existe uma solução boa, o sistema FIAT é um castelo de cartas, qualquer carta que se mova, vai provocar um desmoronamento noutro local. As autoridades não poderão adiar mais o problema, terão que o resolver de vez, senão, qualquer dia será tarde demais. Se houver algum problema, vão colocar a responsabilidade no cripto e no Bitcoin. Mas a verdade, a culpa é inteiramente dos políticos, da sua incompetência em resolver os problemas a tempo.
Será algo para acompanhar futuramente, mas só para 2026, talvez…
É curioso, há uns anos pensava-se que o Bitcoin seria a maior ameaça ao sistema ao FIAT, mas afinal, a maior ameaça aos sistema FIAT é o próprio FIAT(_stablecoins_). A ironia do destino.
Isto é como uma corrida, o Bitcoin é aquele atleta que corre ao seu ritmo, umas vezes mais rápido, outras vezes mais lento, mas nunca pára. O FIAT é o atleta que dá tudo desde da partida, corre sempre em velocidade máxima. Só que a vida e o sistema financeiro não é uma prova de 100 metros, mas sim uma maratona.
# Europa
2025 será um ano desafiante para todos europeus, sobretudo devido à entrada em vigor da regulamentação (MiCA). Vão começar a sentir na pele a regulamentação, vão agravar-se os problemas com os _compliance_, problemas para comprovar a origem de fundos e outras burocracias. Vai ser lindo.
O _Travel Route_ passa a ser obrigatório, os europeus serão obrigados a fazer o KYC nas transações. A _Travel Route_ é uma suposta lei para criar mais transparência, mas prática, é uma lei de controle, de monitorização e para limitar as liberdades individuais dos cidadãos.
O MiCA também está a colocar problemas nas _stablecoins_ de Euro, a Tether para já preferiu ficar de fora da europa. O mais ridículo é que as novas regras obrigam os emissores a colocar 30% das reservas em bancos comerciais. Os burocratas europeus não compreendem que isto coloca em risco a estabilidade e a solvência dos próprios bancos, ficam propensos a corridas bancárias.
O MiCA vai obrigar a todas as exchanges a estar registadas em solo europeu, ficando vulnerável ao temperamento dos burocratas. Ainda não vai ser em 2025, mas a UE vai impor políticas de controle de capitais, é inevitável, as exchanges serão obrigadas a usar em exclusividade _stablecoins_ de euro, as restantes _stablecoins_ serão deslistadas.
Todas estas novas regras do MiCA, são extremamente restritas, não é para garantir mais segurança aos cidadãos europeus, mas sim para garantir mais controle sobre a população. A UE está cada vez mais perto da autocracia, do que da democracia. A minha única esperança no horizonte, é que o sucesso das políticas cripto nos EUA, vai obrigar a UE a recuar e a aligeirar as regras, a teoria dos jogos é implacável. Mas esse recuo, nunca acontecerá em 2025, vai ser um longo período conturbado.
# Recessão
Os mercados estão todos em máximos históricos, isto não é sustentável por muito tempo, suspeito que no final de 2025 vai acontecer alguma correção nos mercados. A queda só não será maior, porque os bancos centrais vão imprimir dinheiro, muito dinheiro, como se não houvesse amanhã. Vão voltar a resolver os problemas com a injeção de liquidez na economia, é empurrar os problemas com a barriga, em de os resolver. Outra vez o efeito Cantillon.
Será um ano muito desafiante a nível político, onde o papel dos políticos será fundamental. A crise política na França e na Alemanha, coloca a UE órfã, sem um comandante ao leme do navio. 2025 estará condicionado pelas eleições na Alemanha, sobretudo no resultado do AfD, que podem colocar em causa a propriedade UE e o euro.
Possivelmente, só o fim da guerra poderia minimizar a crise, algo que é muito pouco provável acontecer.
Em Portugal, a economia parece que está mais ou menos equilibrada, mas começam a aparecer alguns sinais preocupantes. Os jogos de sorte e azar estão em máximos históricos, batendo o recorde de 2014, época da grande crise, não é um bom sinal, possivelmente já existe algum desespero no ar.
A Alemanha é o motor da Europa, quanto espirra, Portugal constipa-se. Além do problema da Alemanha, a Espanha também está à beira de uma crise, são os países que mais influenciam a economia portuguesa.
Se existir uma recessão mundial, terá um forte impacto no turismo, que é hoje em dia o principal motor de Portugal.
# Brasil
Brasil é algo para acompanhar em 2025, sobretudo a nível macro e a nível político. Existe uma possibilidade de uma profunda crise no Brasil, sobretudo na sua moeda. O banco central já anda a queimar as reservas para minimizar a desvalorização do Real.
Sem mudanças profundas nas políticas fiscais, as reservas vão se esgotar. As políticas de controle de capitais são um cenário plausível, será interesse de acompanhar, como o governo irá proceder perante a existência do Bitcoin e _stablecoins_. No Brasil existe um forte adoção, será um bom _case study_, certamente irá repetir-se em outros países num futuro próximo.
Os próximos tempos não serão fáceis para os brasileiros, especialmente para os que não têm Bitcoin.
# Blockchain
Em 2025, possivelmente vamos ver os primeiros passos da BlackRock para criar a primeira bolsa de valores, exclusivamente em _blockchain_. Eu acredito que a BlackRock vai criar uma própria _blockchain_, toda controlada por si, onde estarão os RWAs, para fazer concorrência às tradicionais bolsas de valores. Será algo interessante de acompanhar.
Estas são as minhas previsões, eu escrevi isto muito em cima do joelho, certamente esqueci-me de algumas coisas, se for importante acrescentarei nos comentários. A maioria das previsões só acontecerá após 2025, mas fica aqui a minha opinião.
Isto é apenas a minha opinião, **Don’t Trust, Verify**!
Na era das grandes navegações, piratas ingleses eram autorizados pelo governo para roubar navios.
A única coisa que diferenciava um pirata comum de um corsário é que o último possuía a “Carta do Corso”, que funcionava como um “Alvará para o roubo”, onde o governo Inglês legitimava o roubo de navios por parte dos corsários. É claro, que em troca ele exigia uma parte da espoliação.
Bastante similar com a maneira que a Receita Federal atua, não? Na verdade, o caso é ainda pior, pois o governo fica com toda a riqueza espoliada, e apenas repassa um mísero salário para os corsários modernos, os agentes da receita federal.
Porém eles “justificam” esse roubo ao chamá-lo de imposto, e isso parece acalmar os ânimos de grande parte da população, mas não de nós.
Não é por acaso que 'imposto' é o particípio passado do verbo 'impor'. Ou seja, é aquilo que resulta do cumprimento obrigatório -- e não voluntário -- de todos os cidadãos. Se não for 'imposto' ninguém paga. Nem mesmo seus defensores. Isso mostra o quanto as pessoas realmente apreciam os serviços do estado.
Apenas volte um pouco na história: os primeiros pagadores de impostos eram fazendeiros cujos territórios foram invadidos por nômades que pastoreavam seu gado. Esses invasores nômades forçavam os fazendeiros a lhes pagar uma fatia de sua renda em troca de "proteção". O fazendeiro que não concordasse era assassinado.
Os nômades perceberam que era muito mais interessante e confortável apenas cobrar uma taxa de proteção em vez de matar o fazendeiro e assumir suas posses. Cobrando uma taxa, eles obtinham o que necessitavam. Já se matassem os fazendeiros, eles teriam de gerenciar por conta própria toda a produção da fazenda.
Daí eles entenderam que, ao não assassinarem todos os fazendeiros que encontrassem pelo caminho, poderiam fazer desta prática um modo de vida.
Assim nasceu o governo.
Não assassinar pessoas foi o primeiro serviço que o governo forneceu. Como temos sorte em ter à nossa disposição esta instituição!
Assim, não deixa de ser curioso que algumas pessoas digam que os impostos são pagos basicamente para impedir que aconteça exatamente aquilo que originou a existência do governo. O governo nasceu da extorsão. Os fazendeiros tinham de pagar um "arrego" para seu governo. Caso contrário, eram assassinados.
Quem era a real ameaça? O governo. A máfia faz a mesma coisa.
Mas existe uma forma de se proteger desses corsários modernos. Atualmente, existe uma propriedade privada que NINGUÉM pode tirar de você, ela é sua até mesmo depois da morte. É claro que estamos falando do Bitcoin. Fazendo as configurações certas, é impossível saber que você tem bitcoin. Nem mesmo o governo americano consegue saber.
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**Table Of Content**
- The Influence of Global Oil Prices
- Bitcoin's Roller Coaster Ride
- Anticipation Surrounding the 2024 Halving Event
- The Broader Crypto Landscape
- Conclusions
In the ever-evolving world of cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin stands as a beacon, often dictating the mood of the entire crypto market. Its price fluctuations are closely watched by investors, analysts, and enthusiasts alike. Max Keiser, a prominent figure in the crypto space, recently shed light on some intriguing factors that might be influencing Bitcoin's current price trajectory. This article delves into Keiser's insights, exploring the broader implications of global events on Bitcoin's market performance.
**The Influence of Global Oil Prices**
Max Keiser, a renowned Bitcoin advocate and former trader, recently drew attention to the interplay between global oil prices and Bitcoin's market performance. Responding to a post by German economics expert, Holger Zschaepitz, Keiser highlighted the significance of Brent oil reaching $90 per barrel for the first time since the previous November. According to Keiser, the surge in oil prices, driven by Saudi Arabia's decision to extend its reduction in oil production for another three months, has had ripple effects in the financial world. One of these effects is the shift of investor interest towards higher interest deposit USD accounts. This diversion of investments is creating what Keiser terms as "a small headwind for Bitcoin," implying that as traditional markets like oil show promise, some investors might be reconsidering their cryptocurrency positions.
**Bitcoin's Roller Coaster Ride**
The cryptocurrency market, known for its volatility, witnessed Bitcoin's price undergoing significant fluctuations recently. A notable event that gave Bitcoin a temporary boost was Grayscale's triumph over the SEC in a legal battle concerning the conversion of its Bitcoin Trust into a spot ETF. This victory led to a rapid 7.88% spike in Bitcoin's price within a mere hour, pushing it from the $26,000 bracket to briefly touch the $28,000 threshold. However, this euphoria was short-lived. Over the subsequent week, the cryptocurrency saw its gains erode, settling in the $25,400 range. At the time the reference article was penned, Bitcoin was hovering around $25,688.
**Anticipation Surrounding the 2024 Halving Event**
The Bitcoin community is abuzz with anticipation for the next scheduled Bitcoin halving, projected to take place in April-May 2024. This event will see the rewards for Bitcoin miners being slashed by half, resulting in a decreased supply of Bitcoin entering the market. Historically, such halvings have acted as catalysts, propelling Bitcoin's price upwards. A case in point is the aftermath of the 2020 halving, post which Bitcoin soared to an all-time high of $69,000 in October 2021. However, some financial analysts argue that this surge was less about the halving and more a consequence of the extensive monetary measures adopted by institutions like the US Federal Reserve. These measures, taken in response to the pandemic and the ensuing lockdowns, flooded the market with cash, potentially driving up Bitcoin's price.
**The Broader Crypto Landscape**
While Bitcoin remains the most dominant and influential cryptocurrency, it's essential to consider its position within the broader crypto ecosystem. Other cryptocurrencies, often referred to as 'altcoins', also play a role in shaping investor sentiment and market dynamics. Factors such as technological advancements, regulatory changes, and global economic shifts not only impact Bitcoin but the entire crypto market. As investors diversify their portfolios and explore newer blockchain projects, Bitcoin's role as the market leader is continually tested. Yet, its pioneering status and proven resilience make it a focal point of discussions and analyses in the crypto world.
Bitcoin, the flagship cryptocurrency, has always been subject to a myriad of market forces and global events. While its inherent potential remains undeniable, the current market landscape, shaped by factors ranging from oil prices to global economic policies, presents challenges. Yet, with events like the 2024 halving on the horizon, there's an air of optimism among Bitcoin enthusiasts and investors about the future trajectory of this digital asset.
**Who is Max Keiser?**
Max Keiser is a prominent Bitcoin advocate, former trader, and well-known crypto podcaster.
**What did Keiser say about Bitcoin's price?**
Keiser pointed out that rising global oil prices and the allure of higher interest deposit USD accounts are creating a "small headwind" for Bitcoin.
**How did Grayscale's legal victory affect Bitcoin?**
Grayscale's win over the SEC led to a 7.88% spike in Bitcoin's price within an hour.
**When is the next Bitcoin halving expected?**
The next Bitcoin halving is projected to occur around April-May 2024.
**Did the 2020 Bitcoin halving influence its price?**
Yes, post the 2020 halving, Bitcoin reached an all-time high of $69,000 in October 2021.
**That's all for today**
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Um dos padrões mais bem estabelecidos ao medir a opinião pública é que cada geração tende a seguir um caminho semelhante em termos de política e ideologia geral. Seus membros compartilham das mesmas experiências formativas, atingem os marcos importantes da vida ao mesmo tempo e convivem nos mesmos espaços. Então, como devemos entender os relatórios que mostram que a **Geração Z** é hiperprogressista em certos assuntos, mas surpreendentemente conservadora em outros?
A resposta, nas palavras de **Alice Evans**, pesquisadora visitante na Universidade de Stanford e uma das principais estudiosas do tema, é que os jovens de hoje estão passando por um grande **divergência de gênero**, com as jovens mulheres do primeiro grupo e os jovens homens do segundo. A **Geração Z** representa duas gerações, e não apenas uma.
Em países de todos os continentes, surgiu um **distanciamento ideológico** entre jovens homens e mulheres. Milhões de pessoas que compartilham das mesmas cidades, locais de trabalho, salas de aula e até casas, não veem mais as coisas da mesma maneira.
Nos **Estados Unidos**, os dados da Gallup mostram que, após décadas em que os sexos estavam distribuídos de forma relativamente equilibrada entre visões políticas liberais e conservadoras, as mulheres entre **18 e 30 anos** são agora **30 pontos percentuais mais liberais** do que os homens dessa faixa etária. Essa diferença surgiu em apenas **seis anos**.
A **Alemanha** também apresenta um distanciamento de 30 pontos entre homens jovens conservadores e mulheres jovens progressistas, e no **Reino Unido**, a diferença é de **25 pontos**. Na **Polônia**, no ano passado, quase metade dos homens entre **18 e 21 anos** apoiou o partido de extrema direita Confederation, em contraste com apenas um sexto das jovens mulheres dessa mesma idade.
Fora do Ocidente, há divisões ainda mais acentuadas. Na **Coreia do Sul**, há um enorme abismo entre homens e mulheres jovens, e a situação é semelhante na **China**. Na **África**, a **Tunísia** apresenta o mesmo padrão. Vale notar que em todos os países essa divisão drástica ocorre principalmente entre a **geração mais jovem**, sendo muito menos pronunciada entre homens e mulheres na faixa dos **30 anos** ou mais velhos.
O movimento **# MeToo** foi o **principal estopim**, trazendo à tona valores feministas intensos entre jovens mulheres que se sentiram empoderadas para denunciar injustiças de longa data. Esse estopim encontrou especialmente terreno fértil na **Coreia do Sul**, onde a **desigualdade de gênero** é bastante visível e a **misoginia explícita** é comum. (palavras da Financial Times, eu só traduzi)
Na eleição presidencial da **Coreia do Sul** em **2022**, enquanto homens e mulheres mais velhos votaram de forma unificada, os jovens homens apoiaram fortemente o partido de direita **People Power**, enquanto as jovens mulheres apoiaram o partido liberal **Democratic** em números quase iguais e opostos.
A situação na **Coreia** é extrema, mas serve como um alerta para outros países sobre o que pode acontecer quando jovens homens e mulheres se distanciam. A sociedade está **dividida**, a taxa de casamento despencou e a taxa de natalidade caiu drasticamente, chegando a **0,78 filhos por mulher** em **2022**, o menor número no mundo todo.
Sete anos após a explosão inicial do movimento **# MeToo**, a **divergência de gênero** em atitudes tornou-se autossustentável.
Dados das pesquisas mostram que em muitos países, as diferenças ideológicas vão além dessa questão específica. A divisão progressista-conservadora sobre **assédio sexual** parece ter causado ou pelo menos faz parte de um **alinhamento mais amplo**, em que jovens homens e mulheres estão se organizando em grupos conservadores e liberais em outros assuntos.
Nos **EUA**, **Reino Unido** e **Alemanha**, as jovens mulheres agora adotam posturas mais liberais sobre temas como **imigração** e **justiça racial**, enquanto grupos etários mais velhos permanecem equilibrados. A tendência na maioria dos países tem sido de **mulheres se inclinando mais para a esquerda**, enquanto os homens permanecem estáveis. No entanto, há sinais de que os jovens homens estão se **movendo para a direita** na **Alemanha**, tornando-se mais críticos em relação à imigração e se aproximando do partido de extrema direita **AfD** nos últimos anos.
Seria fácil dizer que tudo isso é apenas uma **fase passageira**, mas os abismos ideológicos apenas crescem, e os dados mostram que as experiências políticas formativas das pessoas são difíceis de mudar. Tudo isso é agravado pelo fato de que o aumento dos smartphones e das redes sociais faz com que os jovens homens e mulheres agora **vivam em espaços separados** e tenham **culturas distintas**.
As opiniões dos jovens frequentemente são ignoradas devido à **baixa participação política**, mas essa mudança pode deixar **consequências duradouras**, impactando muito mais do que apenas os resultados das eleições.
Retirado de: https://www.ft.com/content/29fd9b5c-2f35-41bf-9d4c-994db4e12998
In the game of Ultimate Frisbee, there is a beloved phrase that captures one of the best aspects of playing. Ultimate is about decision making. It is played on a rectangular field with seven players on each side. Much like football, the object of the game is to score with a throw into the end zone.
To "HUCK", means to launch the disc down field in the hopes of scoring. You can probably guess what the "OR YOU'RE NOTHING" means but the spirit of it is that when the opportunity comes ...
Sorry, I had to channel my inner ODELL there for a second. These are all caps kind of moments. Time feels like it stops, the disc floats in the air, the receiver and defender are sprinting all out, you can hear the collective breath of anticipation from the audience and then you score. If you're good that is.
You know what? You and I are civilized people, we use the NOSTR, so I won't limit myself to just words. Here are some of those moments:
During the course of play, teams get into a formation with a couple of the players doing the majority of the disc throwing. These players are called handlers. They handle the disc, they have the responsibility of moving the disc downfield, and handle most of the decision making.
A good handler develops a sort of instinct for each of their receivers, can guess the capabilities of each defender, and knows himself well enough to know if he has the throw. They know who is good and reliable at short cuts. They know who has the top end speed to throw a long floating pass into the end zone. With each play they are judging all of the moving objects on the field and deciding on real time risk of each throw and where things will lead.
Mistakes lead to turnovers and turnovers, like in many other sports, are death.
Hopefully, you start to see how ultimate relates to life and Bitcoin. Life is a field and you have defenders and you have receivers. It is your disc and the decisions you make have a huge impact on whether you win or lose.
Knowingly or not, you saw Bitcoin as a potential receiver and Governments, academics, shitcoiners, as defenders. In some ways those around you were also defenders. They whispered, or maybe still whisper the risk and probability of failure in your ear. Their fear weighed against what you know.
With the btc/usd exchange rate at $94k, and companies fighting over the best ways to get sats I think we can say that you did not get lucky. They called you crazy, they said that throw won't work, they said your receiver sucked but you knew better.
You saw that receiver leaving every defender in the dust and you HUCKED it and you are certainly not NOTHING.
##### BY Cheryl Nya, Glenda Chong, and Jonathan Tan
##### Hype Issue #60
###### Join CHERYL NYA, GLENDA CHONG and JONATHAN TAN as they explore how Singaporean cafe owner, Sunshine Irene, celebrates Christmas through charity.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1735287291274-YAKIHONNES3.jpg) *Sunshine Irene, first row, third from the right, as Santarina, and her husband as Santa, with the youth volunteers at the 2023 NY Cafe Christmas carnival. Photo by Xaen.*
On Christmas Day, a quiet cafe in the Upper Thompson neighbourhood is filled with many volunteers doing charity work and blessing others as festive lights, holiday music, and a cheerful buzz perfectly capture the true spirit of the Christmas holiday. Meet Irene, 51, the person behind this lively holiday cheer at NY Cafe’s annual Christmas carnival. Over the years, she has become a community pillar due to her charity work. She shares how this event got started, “So last year, we had the privilege of hosting a very fun [and] fulfilling charity Christmas event at NY cafe”.
What has now become a festive tradition was once originated by a group of women and youths, alongside Irene, with a generous determination to give back to the community.“[Partnering with Community Chest, a charity organisation in Singapore], we put up a few events, carnivals, booths, workshops, and all funds that we collect one hundred percent go to charity,” Irene shares.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1735287323848-YAKIHONNES3.jpg) *Interactive storytelling by NY Cafe’s very own Santa was well-received by the crowd. Photo by NY Cafe.*
The NY Cafe Christmas carnival was truly a dream. There were booths that offered fun activities like terrarium making, ornament painting and colouring, giving everyone the opportunity to unleash their creativity. Santa’s storytelling corner was a big hit with the kids, as was the ‘Decorate Your Own Cupcakes and Donuts’ booth. The caroling was a crowd favourite, with classic Christmas hits drawing smiles from all. The lucky draw, or ‘blessed draw’ as they called it, also treated the winners to delightful Christmas gifts to take home.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1735287360785-YAKIHONNES3.jpg) *A group of youths came down on Christmas day to volunteer at the NY Cafe Christmas carnival, where they facilitated the activities and engaged the guests. Photo by NY Cafe.*
But Irene’s favourite part? All the activities were facilitated by youth volunteers. “They were like my hands and legs running the carnival,” she remembers fondly. Witnessing the smiles they brought to their audience and the joy reflected back on their own was the greatest gift of all.
This year, however, the cafe’s carnival has been scaled back to more of a cosy hearth than a blazing bonfire. Why a smaller carnival? Irene explains that it has to do with the hurdles the cafe faced this year.
“The main reason is because we lost the cafe… because the building was sold,” Irene says. This forced NY Cafe to close and with that, a venue to run any charity events was lost.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1735287395750-YAKIHONNES3.jpg) ![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1735287405136-YAKIHONNES3.jpg) *Irene ran a small booth at One Sentosa Cove this year, to raise and donate funds to charity in the festive spirit of giving. Photo by Irene.*
Despite such circumstances, instead of forfeiting a carnival completely, Irene scaled back on the festivities by hosting a mini pop-up store in One Sentosa Cove and one near Lentor, the neighbourhood NY Cafe had originated from as it was “for the neighbourhood community”.
Another setback Irene faced was the lack of outreach resulting from having no resources and capacity. “Because we did not have the outreach… the [turnout] was not good enough to raise much funds. So I would say that the charity part may not be as successful as [it was in] previous years,” Irene admits.
However, while the cafe may have faced shadows of unmet expectations and goals, they did not lose sight of the light. The carnival’s flame burned smaller this year, yet its warmth still reached the hearts of the neighbourhood.
“We [could have done better] in [terms of reaching out]… but what we gain is awareness,” Irene says. “The neighbourhood knows that…there is this thing going on and they are very happy. They would be keen to be contributors [to the event] moving forward.”
Ultimately, hosting this year’s Christmas charity had its share of problems and challenges; but it’s a tradition that Irene wants to uphold. “What sparks me to do this? It's a lot to do with [my desire] to spark joy in other people's lives, in any small ways that we can,” Irene shares.
The emphasis on charity has always been one of Irene’s core values. “In my life, most decisions that I have made were led by growth and contributions, these two big values of my life; so doing charity has always been one of the big pillars of my life.” The joy that comes with seeing her impact on the lives of the less fortunate is a powerful motivator for Irene’s efforts.
Moreover, Irene hopes that her dedication to helping others will encourage her children to do the same. “I also hope that my kids are able to be a contributor in someone's life as well,” Irene says. “Since they are very young, I have exposed them to do charity and create impact on others' lives as well.”
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1735287455133-YAKIHONNES3.jpg) *The volunteers who step up to bless the less fortunate in the same spirit of giving make it all worth it. Photo by NY Cafe.*
And so, over the years, Irene’s annual charity events have served as a reminder of the true meaning of Christmas. Year after year, volunteers step up and work together to bless the less fortunate on this very special day. “Witnessing the volunteers, the people stepping up, stepping forward to be a contributor, that really melts my heart,” Irene shares. “And regardless of what role they play, they actually contribute wholeheartedly, and they also immerse and enjoy themselves.”
Every year as Christmas approaches, it’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of bright light, lavish gifts and extravagant festivities, losing sight of the true spirit of giving and kindness. Perhaps Irene’s commitment to spreading charity every year serves as a reminder to us of what Christmas should really be about.
“It's a season to remember people who touched our lives, or people whose lives we want to touch, and give them a little gift to help them remember… there's love around, and there's warmth around everybody,” Irene says.
Fifteen years after its creation, Bitcoin continues to break paradigms and solidify its role in the global economic landscape. In 2021, El Salvador adopted it as legal tender, marking a significant turning point. Three years later, its acceptance has advanced considerably, with Wall Street embracing Bitcoin ETFs and U.S. political debates focusing on its adoption as a strategic reserve.
With its portability, scarcity, accessibility, and liquidity in a 24/7 open market, Bitcoin distinguishes itself as an asset that transcends the limitations of traditional resources like gold and oil. Unlike these assets, which often face logistical challenges and market constraints, Bitcoin’s digital nature allows for seamless global transactions without physical barriers. Its scarcity mirrors that of gold, preserving its value over time, while its accessibility and round-the-clock liquidity make it an appealing choice for investors and policymakers alike. This unique combination of attributes positions Bitcoin as a versatile and strategic tool, increasingly relevant to advancing national interests in a rapidly digitizing world.
The expansion of the BRICS block, whose combined GDP now surpasses that of the G7, has heightened pressures on Western hegemony. These countries are exploring Bitcoin as a neutral and government-independent currency. They are considering denominating international transactions in Bitcoin as part of their broader goal: to create a de-dollarized, independent financial system resilient to Western-imposed sanctions.
Game theory sheds light on how Bitcoin adoption creates powerful incentives for nations. If the BRICS use Bitcoin as a strategic asset, Western nations would be compelled to accumulate it to influence the market and counteract sanctions circumvention, making Bitcoin critical for national security. In a scenario where major powers hold Bitcoin, it would be unfeasible to remain competitive without it.
This logic extends to Bitcoin mining, the process that validates transactions. By deciding what is confirmed, nations dominating mining operations gain significant influence over transaction flows. Consequently, Bitcoin-accumulating countries will prioritize investing in domestic mining infrastructure, enhancing the network's decentralization and security. For instance, Russia reportedly funds regional initiatives to develop AI and Bitcoin mining infrastructure within the BRICS framework through its Sovereign Wealth Fund.
This dynamic triggers a chain reaction: as one nation adopts Bitcoin, others are pressured to follow suit to avoid competitive disadvantages. This cycle embodies the essence of game theory, where each player's choices shape the strategies of others, positioning Bitcoin as a critical asset in the global geopolitical arena.
I just read this, and found it enlightening.
> Jung... notes that intelligence can be seen as problem solving at an everyday level..., whereas creativity may represent problem solving for less common issues
> Other studies have used metaphor creation as a creativity measure instead of divergent thinking and a spectrum of CHC components instead of just g and have found much higher relationships between creativity and intelligence than past studies
I'm unusually intelligent (Who isn't?), but I'm much more creative, than intelligent, and I think that confuses people. The ability to apply intelligence, to solve completely novel problems, on the fly, is something IQ tests don't even claim to measure. They just claim a correlation.
Creativity requires taking wild, mental leaps out into nothingness; simply trusting that your brain will land you safely.
And this is why I've been at the forefront of massive innovation, over and over, but never got rich off of it.
*I'm a starving autist.*
Zaps are the first time I've ever made money directly, for solving novel problems. Companies don't do this because there is a span of time between providing a solution and the solution being implemented, and the person building the implementation (or their boss) receives all the credit for the existence of the solution. At best, you can hope to get pawned off with a small bonus.
Nobody can remember who came up with the solution, originally, and that person might not even be there, anymore, and probably never filed a patent, and may have no idea that their idea has even been built. They just run across it, later, in a tech magazine or museum, and say, "Well, will you look at that! Someone actually went and built it! Isn't that nice!"
Universities at least had the idea of cementing novel solutions in academic papers, but that:
1) only works if you're an academic, and at a university,
2) is an incredibly slow process, not appropriate for a truly innovative field,
3) leads to manifestations of perverse incentives and biased research frameworks, coming from 'publish or perish' policies.
But I think long-form notes and zaps solve for this problem. #Alexandria, especially, is being built to cater to this long-suffering class of chronic underachievers. It leaves a written, public, time-stamped record of *Clever Ideas We Have Had*.
Because they are clever, the ideas.
And we have had them.
##### By Cheryl Nya
##### Deputy Editor
##### Hype Issue #60
###### CHERYL NYA dives into the four attachment styles and discovers how they can be understood and used to strengthen our interpersonal relationships.
In the midst of a heated conflict, what is your first instinct? Would it be to apologise repeatedly, or to calmly suggest a solution? Or perhaps your first move would be to walk away from the issue. Could it be that you lash out emotionally only to withdraw suddenly out of guilt? Regardless of which of the four responses you resonate with, it all boils down to your own unique style of attachment; something that is different for everyone.
Experts theorise that humans exhibit four different attachment styles which determine their patterns of closeness, trust, and dependency in relationships. Each style reflects the different ways people seek connection and express their emotional needs.
Originated by British psychologist, John Bowlby, and expanded upon by Mary Ainsworth, the attachment theory suggests that humans are biologically wired to form attachments for survival, and the nature of these attachments shapes our development and experiences in relationships.
At its core, the theory asserts that children naturally turn to a caregiver for comfort during times of distress or uncertainty. The bond formed in these moments establishes the foundation for secure or insecure attachments. As the child grows, this connection shapes how they approach future relationships and manage stress.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1735118980015-YAKIHONNES3.jpeg) *The four attachment styles – each representing distinct ways people approach connections. Photo by The New York Times.*
Now let’s dive into the four attachment styles: secure, anxious, avoidant and disorganised.
**Secure Attachment**
Individuals with the secure attachment style have a healthy balance of independence and reliance on others. They manage conflict well, being comfortable with healthy communication, and are confident in both giving and receiving affection. These people enjoy being with others, and aren’t anxious when apart.
**Anxious Attachment**
This group of individuals tend to be perceived as needy, and in most cases, excessively so. People with the anxious attachment style usually have low self-esteem and often need approval; they crave emotional intimacy and reassurance but worry that others might lose interest, or not want to be with them. Their significant fear of abandonment and rejection could lead them to face difficulty being alone.
**Avoidant Attachment**
Someone who’s avoidant may find it challenging to handle emotional intimacy. This group of individuals value their independence and freedom so much that intimacy and closeness can often make them uncomfortable. They tend to suppress or downplay their feelings to avoid situations where they have to be vulnerable or dependent on others.
**Disorganised Attachment**
This attachment style is marked by the deep desire for closeness coupled with an equally intense fear of getting hurt. The unpredictable behaviour of these people could look like: Being warm and affectionate one moment, and distant and withdrawn the next. Their struggle to regulate their emotions results in their contradictory actions. The disorganised attachment style exhibits both the traits of the anxious and the avoidant styles.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1735119141663-YAKIHONNES3.jpg) *Take a moment to understand why you can’t help but react a certain way; it might just be your attachment style. Photo taken from Pinterest.*
To put attachment theory into context, let’s explore how individuals with different attachment styles would respond in the same situation.
Scenario: You’ve made plans with a loved one but they cancel on you.
Secure attachment style: “No worries, we can reschedule! Hope all’s well on your side!”
Anxious attachment style: “Why don’t they want to see me? I’m not important enough…”
Avoidant attachment style: “Nice, I have more time for myself now.”
Disorganised attachment style: “Did I do something wrong? Whatever, I shouldn’t care.”
Alongside popular concepts such as love languages and the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), attachment styles have also become part of the blueprint for modern relationships.
Understanding attachment styles is important because it helps you identify your emotional triggers and behaviours in relationships. This awareness improves your ability to communicate your needs with your loved ones, particularly for those with insecure attachment styles (anxious, avoidant, disorganised). Enhanced communication could also help you interpret others’ actions without jumping to conclusions. This knowledge equips you to navigate conflicts between different attachment styles more effectively.
Everyone has their own way of connecting with others, and when you understand why some people want constant approval, or why others actively seek solitude, you have the ability to adjust your approach to make your relationships smoother.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1735119202928-YAKIHONNES3.jpeg) *Loving someone could look like two extremes: constant reassurance and giving them space. Nothing wrong with either, we just have different ways of wanting to feel loved. Photos taken from Pinterest.*
For example, if you’re the secure type, you can step up and offer that extra reassurance when someone with an anxious attachment style is feeling uncertain. It’s not so much about smothering them, but just simply showing that you care and that you’re listening to their needs. Or when dealing with an avoidant friend, you can respect their need for space while trying not to take it too personally. They might not always be down for a real and deep conversation like you are, but that’s totally okay. By recognising the behaviours of different styles, you help to avoid misunderstandings and facilitate amicable relationships.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1735119240345-YAKIHONNES3.jpeg) *Understanding each other’s different style of attachment and reaching a compromise could strengthen your relationship. Photo taken from Pinterest.*
Conversely, if you’re the anxious type, you can try making an effort to seek less validation from others, and find your worth in yourself. Remind yourself that you’re worthy of love, just as you are. Likewise for people with the avoidant attachment style, try to gather courage to face your vulnerabilities and true feelings by talking it out with a trusted loved one. These efforts can also make a secure type friend feel heard when their need for a good balance between emotional closeness and independence is met.
The best part is that learning about attachment styles helps you communicate in ways that fit each person’s needs. Your relationships aren’t the only things that will benefit from this knowledge: you grow into a more thoughtful and empathetic individual too.
Be it the clingy friend, the ‘keep a distance’ type, the secure or the ‘can’t decide what I want to feel right now’ kind that you’re dealing with, knowing how to adjust your approach can effectively turn conflicts into growth.
Now that you know a little more about attachment styles, why not take a moment to reflect on your own? Take a quick quiz online or chat with a partner about their attachment style. You might be surprised by how much it can change the way you connect with people in your life.
So, the next time you’re trying to figure out why someone is acting a certain way, remember – it might just be their attachment style talking!
It has been a fun year of learning and entertainment with you all. Merry Christmas!
originally posted at https://stacker.news/items/823433
# 22 February 2025 • 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. • The Doddridge Centre (opposite Church's Shoes factory), St. James, Northampton • NN5 5LD
Seedy Saturday is an community seed swap event held each February in Northampton, UK. We'll have a wide range of fruit, vegetable, herb and flower seeds to choose from, including some rare and unusual varieties you won't find in the catalogues. We'll also have a marketplace selling garden and eco-related goods, community groups, and a pop-up cafe serving a range of hot food, drinks and snacks. Whether you're a newly-minted gardener or a child of the soil, we're sure to have something for you!
Click/tap here for a handy map and details of how to find us (opens in new tab / window). We bring together a vibrant community of local gardeners and growers of all ages and abilities; it's a great way to start the gardening season. If you've new to the idea of seed swaps, read on!
### What's a seed swap?
A seed swap is a community event where gardeners can exchange their spare vegetable, flower, fruit and herb seeds—either own-grown or commercially produced—for other seeds they want to grow. Most seed swaps are run by gardeners for gardeners; you'll often find rare and interesting local varieties on offer. They're also a great place to meet and chat with other local growers.
The seed table is the heart of any seed swap; here you'll find all sorts of garden seeds on offer. Though we can't guarantee to have everything you want, you're sure to find something interesting.
At Northampton's Seedy Saturday you'll also find:
•stalls selling local produce and garden-centric items;
•seed potatoes;
•community organisations that focus on food, gardening and the environment;
•a pop-up cafe serving hot drinks and light snacks.
### How does our seed swap work?
Pack your home-grown seeds into envelopes or self-sealing bags and label them with the plant's name (common or Latin), the variety's name, and the year it was grown. You can also add the place where it was grown, – for example; ""Tomato: Gardeners Delight, grown in Brixworth 2023"". Securely seal the packets.
When you arrive, bring your spare seeds to the seed reception table, where our volunteers will check and sort them for display. Then, choose any seeds you want from the table; we'll exchange seeds on a pack-for-pack basis. Don't worry if you've no seeds to swap or want to take more than you've donated; you can take more seeds for a minimum donation of 50p per pack.
### What to bring:
To make sure everyone's swapped seeds will grow and flourish, please follow these guidelines when choosing seeds to bring to the swap table. We welcome:
•non-hybrid seeds you've grown and harvested yourself (though see below); and
•unopened packs of commercially packed seeds that have been stored in cool, dry conditions and are no more than one year past their "sow by" date.
What to leave at home:
•part-used and opened packs of seeds where the inner pack has been opened;
•seeds that are unpackaged, unlabelled or undated;
•seeds from produce you haven't grown yourself (eg; shop-bought fruits and vegetables);
•commercially packed seeds that are more than one year past their "sow by" date and home-grown seeds that are more than two years old;
•seeds that have been stored in hot or damp conditions (eg; in a greenhouse or shed);
•seeds that may have been cross-pollinated;
•seeds from diseased or unhealthy plants;
•seeds of patented varieties or genetically modified organisms (GMOs);
•seeds of any plant that is illegal, restricted or regulated by UK law (eg; cannabis, invasive weeds etc).
### Want to know more about seed-saving? Click or tap [here](nostr:nevent1qvzqqqr4gupzqt7zx6he9d03g48cls83565lkqgfwpmj6pf7wzfqrma5jfz4hg2zqythwumn8ghj7ct5d3shxtnwdaehgu3wd3skuep0qyghwumn8ghj7vf5xqhxvdm69e5k7tcpzamhxue69uhkyarr9e4kcetwv3sh5afwvdhk6tcpr4mhxue69uhkymmnw3ezucnfw33k76tww3ux76m09e3k7mf0qyw8wumn8ghj7cn4vd4k2apwvdhhyctrd3jjuum0vd5kzmp0qqsrfshynqaajprtzt4umj04hrxwuw353f27k9eh9pgs0062sn3g4fqzz09tg).
Northampton's Seedy Saturday is organised by Fruitful Abundance, a group of volunteers who campaign for a fairer, more resilient and less-wasteful food system. We update this page as needed but our Facebook page [(link)](https://www.facebook.com/northamptonseedysaturday/) is often more up-to-date. You can contact us via our Facebook page. Please note we are unpaid volunteers with busy lives so you may not get an immediate response to your query.
# China
## I might be wrong, but this is how I see it
This is a post within a series I am going to call "I might be wrong, but this is how I see it"
I have repeatedly found that my understanding of China is quite different from that of many libertarian-minded Americans. And so I make this post to explain how I see it. Maybe you will learn something. Maybe I will learn something.
It seems to me that many American's see America as a shining beacon of freedom with a few small problems, and China is an evil communist country spreading communism everywhere. From my perspective, America *was* a shining beacon of freedom that has fallen to being typical in most ways, and which is now acting as a falling empire, and China *was* communist for about a decade, but turned and ran away from that as fast as they could (while not admitting it) and the result is that the US and China are not much different anymore when it comes to free markets. Except they are very different in some other respects.
## China has a big problem
China has a big problem. But it is not the communism problem that most Westerners diagnose.
I argue that China is no longer communist, it is only communist in name. And that while it is not a beacon of free market principles, it is nearly as free market now as Western nations like Germany and New Zealand are (being somewhat socialist themselves).
No, China's real problem is authoritarian one-party rule. And that core problem causes all of the other problems, including its human rights abuses.
## Communism and Socialism
Communism and Socialism are bad ideas. I don't want to argue it right here, but most readers will already understand this. The last thing I intend to do with this post is to bolster or defend those bad ideas. If you dear reader hold a candle for socialism, let me know and I can help you extinguish it with a future "I might be wrong, but this is how I see it" installment.
Communism is the idea of structuring a society around common ownership of the means of production, distribution, and exchange, and the idea of allocating goods and services based on need. It eliminates the concept of private property, of social classes, ultimately of money and finally of the state itself.
Back under Mao in 1958-1962 (The Great Leap Forward), China tried this (in part). Some 50+ million people died. It was an abject failure.
But due to China's real problem (authoritarianism, even worship of their leaders), the leading classes never admitted this. And even today they continue to use the word "Communist" for things that aren't communist at all, as a way to save face, and also in opposition to the United States of America and Europe.
Authorities are not eager to admit their faults. But this is not just a Chinese fault, it is a fault in human nature that affects all countries. The USA still refuses to admit they assassinated their own president JFK. They do not admit they bombed the Nord Stream pipeline.
China defines "socialism with Chinese characteristics" to mean "the leadership of the Communist Party of China". So they still keep the words socialism and communism, but they long ago dropped the meanings of those words. I'm not sure if this is a political ploy against us in the West or not.
### China's Marketplace Today
Today China exhibits very few of the properties of communism.
They have some common ownership and state enterprises, but not much differently than Western countries (New Zealand owns Air New Zealand and Kiwibank and Kiwirail, etc). And there are private enterprises all over China. They compete and some succeed and some fail. You might hear about a real-estate bank collapsing. China has private property. They have mostly free markets. They have money, and the most definitely have social classes and a very strong state.
None of that is inline with what communist thinkers want. Communist thinkers in China moan that China has turned away from communism.
Deng Xiaoping who succeeded Mao and attempted to correct the massive mistake, did much when he said "to get rich is glorious."
China achieved staggering rates of economic growth. 10% annually on average since 1977. Chinese economic reform started in 1979 and has continued through successive administrations (Deng, Jiang, Hu and now Xi).
China is now the world's largest economy (by GDP in PPP terms) since 2016.
I was first made aware of China's economic growth by Jim Rogers, an American commodities expert who travelled through China (and the rest of the world from 1990-1992) and in 2007 moved to Singapore where he ensured his daughters learned to speak Mandarin, because Jim knew where the economic growth was going to happen. Jim always spoke positively of China's economic prospects, and his view was so different from the "China is a nasty communist place" view that I had grown up with that my mind opened.
How can anybody believe they are still a communist country? In what world does it make sense that communism can produce such a massively booming economy? It doesn't make sense because it is simply wrong.
What *does* happen is that the CPC interferes. It lets the market do what markets do, but it interferes where it thinks oversight and regulation would produce a better result.
Western nations interfere with their markets too. They have oversight and regulation. In fact some of China's planned reforms had to be put on hold by Xi due to Donald Trump's trade war with China. That's right, they were trying to be even more free market than America, but America's protectionism prodded Xi to keep control so he could fight back efficiently.
Government oversight and regulation IMHO is mostly bad because it gets out of control, and there are no market forces to correct this. This gets even more extreme in a one-party system, so I can judge that China's oversight and regulation problems are very likely worse than those in Western nations (but I have no first hand experience or evidence).
## Why do you keep saying CPC?
The Communist Party of China (CPC) is the ruling party in China. That is their official name. To call them the CCP is to concede to the idea that the British and Americans get to name everybody. I'm not sure who is right, since CPC or CCP is their "English" name
(in Chinese it is 中国共产党 and Westernized it is Zhōngguó Gòngchǎndǎng). Nonetheless, I'll call them CPC because that is their wish.
## Social Credit System
China moved from a planned economy to a market economy in stages. They didn't want any more sudden changes (can you blame them?). In the process, many institutions that have existed in the West for a long time didn't exist in China and they had to arise somehow. IMHO market forces would have brought these about in the private sector, but the one-party CP of China instead decided to create these.
One of those institutions was a credit score system. In the West we have TransUnion and Equifax that maintain credit ratings on people, and we have S&P, Moody's and Fitch that maintain credit ratings on companies. The domain of these ratings is their financial credit-worthiness.
So the People's Bank of China developed a credit information database for it's own needs. The government picked up on the idea and started moving towards a National Credit Management System. In 2004 it became an official goal to establish a credit system compatible with a modern market system. By 2006 banks were required to report on consumer creditworthiness.
But unchecked one-party governmental power will often take a good idea (credit worthiness data shared among private parties) and systematize it and apply it top-down, creating a solution and a new problem at the same time.
Nonetheless, originally it was about credit worthiness and also criminal convictions. That is no big scary thing that some right-wing American commentators will lead you to believe. In the US for example criminal records are public, so China's Social Credit System started out being no more over-reaching in scope than what Americans have lived under their entire lives, its only fault (a severe one) being centrally planned. And that remained the case up until about 2016 (in my estimation).
But of course there is always scope creep. As it exists today, I have reason to believe that CPC officials and even A.I. use judgement calls to score someone on how moral that person has been! Of course that is not a good idea, and IMHO the problem stems from one-party rule, and authoritarian administration of ideas that should instead be handled by the private sector.
## Environmental, Social, and Governance
ESG is a system that came out of a couple basic ideas. The first is that many two-party transactions actually have externalities. They don't just affect the two parties, they also affect everybody else. When you fly in an airplane, you increase the CO2 in the atmosphere that everybody has to pay for (eventually). You may dispute that example, but that is no doubt one of the motivations of ESG.
But of course the recognition of this basic issue didn't lead all people towards market solutions (well it did, but those have been mostly messed up by others), but instead led many people towards ESG, which is a social credit scoring system which applies scores based on environmental and social side-effects of market transactions.
This is not at all the same as China's social credit system, which I described above. I hope you can see the difference.
In fact, China imported ESG from the West. Chinese companies, of their free will, in an attempt to court Western capital, achieve ESG goals for those Western investors. They have been playing this ESG game for 20 years just like the entire world has, because the West has imposed this faux-morality upon them. It isn't something China exported to us, it is something we exported to them.
## I think China has avoided Woke-ism
My understanding of Chinese people, based on what I've heard many Chinese people say, is that China isn't affected by the Western woke-ism epidemic. They deride Western white woke people with the term "Baizuo". They have never sent an incompetent break dancer to the Olympics because of wok-ism. Competence is highly respected as is the competition to be the most competent, which (when augmented by a one-child policy which is no longer) has produced child prodigies like no other country has.
## What about predatory loans of the Belt and Road initiative?
Predatory is an odd name for loans to people in need. The World Bank makes loans to people in need. China does too. China stands in opposition to Western Empire, and in that regard they produce their own alternative BRICS institutions. This is one of them.
There is AFAIK nothing more predatory about them. It is just that in some cases the borrowers have trouble paying them back and they get foreclosed upon. I don't think this is worthy of much discussion, except that the term "predatory" seems to me to be a propaganda device.
## What about foreign influence from China?
China wants to influence the world, especially its own trading partners and potential trading partners. Doing that above board is fine by me.
But some of it is undoubtedly covert. Sometimes Chinese-born people run for public office in Western countries. In New Zealand we stood down some when it became clear they were being influenced too much by the CPC while being charged with representing their local town (dual loyalty issues). If only the USA would do the same thing to their dually-loyal politicians.
And all large nations run influence operations. The USA has the CIA, for example, and claims this "soft power" is actually the better alternative to what would otherwise be military intervention (but IMHO shouldn't be either). I'm not defending such operations (I despise them), I'm just explaining how China's position of exerting influence is not only no big deal and totally expected, it pales in comparison to the United States' influence operations which often become military excursions (something China rarely ever does).
## What about the Great Firewall?
Yeah, that sucks. Again, single-party authoritarian control gone to extremes.
## What about Human Rights Abuses? What about the Uyghur Genocide?
I don't like them. To the extent they are occurring (and I lean towards the belief that they are occurring), I condemn them.
China has anti-terrorism and anti-extremism policies that go too far. They end up oppressing and/or criminalizing cultures that aren't Chinese enough. But especially, China punishes dissent. Disagreement with the CPC is the high crime. It is the one-party rule that causes this problem. Anybody who speaks out against the CPC or goes against the state in any way is harshly punished. This happens to Uyghurs, to Falun Gong, to Tibetans, and to any religion that is seen as subversive.
Amnesty International and the UN OHCHR have documented issues around the Xinjiang Uyghur autonomous region, Tibet, LGBT rights, death penalty, workers rights, and the Hong Kong special administrative region. I am not about to pretend I know better than they do, but to some extent they go too far.
Amnesty International says this about the USA: Discrimination and violence against LGBTI people were widespread and anti-LGBTI legislation increased. Bills were introduced to address reparations regarding slavery and its legacies. Multiple states implemented total bans on abortion or severely limited access to it. Gender-based violence disproportionately affected Indigenous women. Access to the USA for asylum seekers and migrants was still fraught with obstacles, but some nationalities continued to enjoy Temporary Protected Status. Moves were made to restrict the freedom to protest in a number of states. Black people were disproportionately affected by the use of lethal force by police. No progress was made in the abolition of the death penalty, apart from in Washington. Arbitrary and indefinite detention in the US naval base Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, continued. Despite extensive gun violence, no further firearm reform policies were considered, but President Biden did announce the creation of the White House Office of Gun Violence Prevention. The USA continued to use lethal force in countries around the world. Black people, other racialized groups and low-income people bore the brunt of the health impacts of the petrochemical industry, and the use of fossil fuels continued unabated.
Amnesty international didn't even point out that the US government quashes free speech via pressure on social media corporations (because Amnesty International is far too lefty).
So who is worse, China or the US? I'm not going to make that judgement call, but suffice it to say that in my mind, China is not obviously worse.
China violates freedom of expression, association, and assembly of all people. This is bad, and a consequence mainly of one-party rule (again, what I think is the root cause of most of their ills). They arrest, detain, potentially kill anybody who publicly disagrees openly with their government. Clearly this is an excess of authoritarianism, a cancer that is very advanced in China.
As to organ harvesting of Uyghur Muslims, I think this is a myth.
China has dealt harshly with Muslim extremism. They don't offer freedom of religion to ISIS. And Amnesty International complains about that. But practically speaking you probably shouldn't respect the extremist religion of people who want to force everybody into a global caliphate through threat of violence. As you are well aware, some extremist Muslims (<1% of Islam) believe in using violence to bring about a global caliphate. Those extremists pop up in every country and are usually dealt with harshly. China has had to deal with them too.
I have watched two different Western YouTubers travel to Xinjiang province trying to find the oppressed Uyghurs and interview them. They can't find them. What they find instead are Uyghur Muslims doing their prayers five times a day at the local mosque. And also stories that the CPC pitched in some money to help them renovate the mosque. Maybe they were afraid it was a CPC trap and so they wouldn't speak freely. Amnesty International and the UN OHCHR say more than a million are "arbitrarily detained" and I'm not going to argue otherwise. But I'd be more convinced if there were a stream of pictures and news like there is out of Gaza, and it is suspicious that there isn't.
## Conclusion
China is more like a Western nation that Westerners realize. Economically, militarily, socially. It still has a very serious obstacle to overcome: one-party rule. I don't think the one-party is going to voluntarily give up power. So most probably at some point in the future there will be a revolution. But in my opinion it won't happen anytime soon. For the most part Chinese people are living high on the hog, getting rich, enjoying the good life, in positive spirits about life, and are getting along with their government quite well at present.
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## Verifying the release
In order to verify the release, you'll need to have `gpg` or `gpg2` installed on your system. Once you've obtained a copy (and hopefully verified that as well), you'll first need to import the keys that have signed this release if you haven't done so already:
``` bash
gpg --keyserver hkps://keys.openpgp.org --recv-keys 44F0AAEB77F373747E3D5444885822EED3A26A6D
Once you have his PGP key you can verify the release (assuming `manifest-v0.6.0.txt` and `manifest-v0.6.0.txt.sig` are in the current directory) with:
``` bash
gpg --verify manifest-v0.6.0.txt.sig manifest-v0.6.0.txt
You should see the following if the verification was successful:
``` bash
gpg: Signature made Fri 13 Sep 2024 08:06:52 AM -03
gpg: using RSA key 44F0AAEB77F373747E3D5444885822EED3A26A6D
gpg: Good signature from "greenart7c3 <greenart7c3@proton.me>"
That will verify the signature on the main manifest page which ensures integrity and authenticity of the binaries you've downloaded locally. Next, depending on your operating system you should then re-calculate the sha256 sum of the binary, and compare that with the following hashes:
``` bash
cat manifest-v0.6.0.txt
One can use the `shasum -a 256 <file name here>` tool in order to re-compute the `sha256` hash of the target binary for your operating system. The produced hash should be compared with the hashes listed above and they should match exactly.
At the intersection of philosophy, theology, physics, biology, and finance lies a terrifying truth: the fiat monetary system, in its current form, is not just an economic framework but a silent, relentless force actively working against humanity's survival. It isn't simply a failed financial model—it is a systemic engine of destruction, both externally and within the very core of our biological existence.
The Philosophical Void of Fiat
Philosophy has long questioned the nature of value and the meaning of human existence. From Socrates to Kant, thinkers have pondered the pursuit of truth, beauty, and virtue. But in the modern age, the fiat system has hijacked this discourse. The notion of "value" in a fiat world is no longer rooted in human potential or natural resources—it is abstracted, manipulated, and controlled by central authorities with the sole purpose of perpetuating their own power. The currency is not a reflection of society’s labor or resources; it is a representation of faith in an authority that, more often than not, breaks that faith with reckless monetary policies and hidden inflation.
The fiat system has created a kind of ontological nihilism, where the idea of true value, rooted in work, creativity, and family, is replaced with speculative gambling and short-term gains. This betrayal of human purpose at the systemic level feeds into a philosophical despair: the relentless devaluation of effort, the erosion of trust, and the abandonment of shared human values. In this nihilistic economy, purpose and meaning become increasingly difficult to find, leaving millions to question the very foundation of their existence.
Theological Implications: Fiat and the Collapse of the Sacred
Religious traditions have long linked moral integrity with the stewardship of resources and the preservation of life. Fiat currency, however, corrupts these foundational beliefs. In the theological narrative of creation, humans are given dominion over the Earth, tasked with nurturing and protecting it for future generations. But the fiat system promotes the exact opposite: it commodifies everything—land, labor, and life—treating them as mere transactions on a ledger.
This disrespect for creation is an affront to the divine. In many theologies, creation is meant to be sustained, a delicate balance that mirrors the harmony of the divine order. Fiat systems—by continuously printing money and driving inflation—treat nature and humanity as expendable resources to be exploited for short-term gains, leading to environmental degradation and societal collapse. The creation narrative, in which humans are called to be stewards, is inverted. The fiat system, through its unholy alliance with unrestrained growth and unsustainable debt, is destroying the very creation it should protect.
Furthermore, the fiat system drives idolatry of power and wealth. The central banks and corporations that control the money supply have become modern-day gods, their decrees shaping the lives of billions, while the masses are enslaved by debt and inflation. This form of worship isn't overt, but it is profound. It leads to a world where people place their faith not in God or their families, but in the abstract promises of institutions that serve their own interests.
Physics and the Infinite Growth Paradox
Physics teaches us that the universe is finite—resources, energy, and space are all limited. Yet, the fiat system operates under the delusion of infinite growth. Central banks print money without concern for natural limits, encouraging an economy that assumes unending expansion. This is not only an economic fallacy; it is a physical impossibility.
In thermodynamics, the Second Law states that entropy (disorder) increases over time in any closed system. The fiat system operates as if the Earth were an infinite resource pool, perpetually able to expand without consequence. The real world, however, does not bend to these abstract concepts of infinite growth. Resources are finite, ecosystems are fragile, and human capacity is limited. Fiat currency, by promoting unsustainable consumption and growth, accelerates the depletion of resources and the degradation of natural systems that support life itself.
Even the financial “growth” driven by fiat policies leads to unsustainable bubbles—inflated stock markets, real estate, and speculative assets that burst and leave ruin in their wake. These crashes aren’t just economic—they have profound biological consequences. The cycles of boom and bust undermine communities, erode social stability, and increase anxiety and depression, all of which affect human health at a biological level.
Biology: The Fiat System and the Destruction of Human Health
Biologically, the fiat system is a cancerous growth on human society. The constant chase for growth and the devaluation of work leads to chronic stress, which is one of the leading causes of disease in modern society. The strain of living in a system that values speculation over well-being results in a biological feedback loop: rising anxiety, poor mental health, physical diseases like cardiovascular disorders, and a shortening of lifespans.
Moreover, the focus on profit and short-term returns creates a biological disconnect between humans and the planet. The fiat system fuels industries that destroy ecosystems, increase pollution, and deplete resources at unsustainable rates. These actions are not just environmentally harmful; they directly harm human biology. The degradation of the environment—whether through toxic chemicals, pollution, or resource extraction—has profound biological effects on human health, causing respiratory diseases, cancers, and neurological disorders.
The biological cost of the fiat system is not a distant theory; it is being paid every day by millions in the form of increased health risks, diseases linked to stress, and the growing burden of mental health disorders. The constant uncertainty of an inflation-driven economy exacerbates these conditions, creating a society of individuals whose bodies and minds are under constant strain. We are witnessing a systemic biological unraveling, one in which the very act of living is increasingly fraught with pain, instability, and the looming threat of collapse.
Finance as the Final Illusion
At the core of the fiat system is a fundamental illusion—that financial growth can occur without any real connection to tangible value. The abstraction of currency, the manipulation of interest rates, and the constant creation of new money hide the underlying truth: the system is built on nothing but faith. When that faith falters, the entire system collapses.
This illusion has become so deeply embedded that it now defines the human experience. Work no longer connects to production or creation—it is reduced to a transaction on a spreadsheet, a means to acquire more fiat currency in a world where value is ephemeral and increasingly disconnected from human reality.
As we pursue ever-expanding wealth, the fundamental truths of biology—interdependence, sustainability, and balance—are ignored. The fiat system’s abstract financial models serve to disconnect us from the basic realities of life: that we are part of an interconnected world where every action has a reaction, where resources are finite, and where human health, both mental and physical, depends on the stability of our environment and our social systems.
The Ultimate Extermination
In the end, the fiat system is not just an economic issue; it is a biological, philosophical, theological, and existential threat to the very survival of humanity. It is a force that devalues human effort, encourages environmental destruction, fosters inequality, and creates pain at the core of the human biological condition. It is an economic framework that leads not to prosperity, but to extermination—not just of species, but of the very essence of human well-being.
To continue on this path is to accept the slow death of our species, one based not on natural forces, but on our own choice to worship the abstract over the real, the speculative over the tangible. The fiat system isn't just a threat; it is the ultimate self-inflicted wound, a cultural and financial cancer that, if left unchecked, will destroy humanity’s chance for survival and peace.
I’ll admit that I was wrong about Bitcoin. Perhaps in 2013. Definitely 2017. Probably in 2018-2019. And maybe even today.
Being wrong about Bitcoin is part of finally understanding it. It will test you, make you question everything, and in the words of BTC educator and privacy advocate [Matt Odell](https://twitter.com/ODELL), “Bitcoin will humble you”.
I’ve had my own stumbles on the way.
In a very public fashion in 2017, after years of using Bitcoin, trying to start a company with it, using it as my primary exchange vehicle between currencies, and generally being annoying about it at parties, I let out the bear.
In an article published in my own literary magazine *Devolution Review* in September 2017, I had a breaking point. The article was titled “[Going Bearish on Bitcoin: Cryptocurrencies are the tulip mania of the 21st century](https://www.devolutionreview.com/bearish-on-bitcoin/)”.
It was later republished in *Huffington Post* and across dozens of financial and crypto blogs at the time with another, more appropriate title: “[Bitcoin Has Become About The Payday, Not Its Potential](https://www.huffpost.com/archive/ca/entry/bitcoin-has-become-about-the-payday-not-its-potential_ca_5cd5025de4b07bc72973ec2d)”.
As I laid out, my newfound bearishness had little to do with the technology itself or the promise of Bitcoin, and more to do with the cynical industry forming around it:
> In the beginning, Bitcoin was something of a revolution to me. The digital currency represented everything from my rebellious youth.
> It was a decentralized, denationalized, and digital currency operating outside the traditional banking and governmental system. It used tools of cryptography and connected buyers and sellers across national borders at minimal transaction costs.
> …
> The 21st-century version (of Tulip mania) has welcomed a plethora of slick consultants, hazy schemes dressed up as investor possibilities, and too much wishy-washy language for anything to really make sense to anyone who wants to use a digital currency to make purchases.
While I called out Bitcoin by name at the time, on reflection, I was really talking about the ICO craze, the wishy-washy consultants, and the altcoin ponzis.
What I was articulating — without knowing it — was the frame of NgU, or “numbers go up”. Rather than advocating for Bitcoin because of its uncensorability, proof-of-work, or immutability, the common mentality among newbies and the dollar-obsessed was that Bitcoin mattered because its price was a rocket ship.
And because Bitcoin was gaining in price, affinity tokens and projects that were imperfect forks of Bitcoin took off as well.
The price alone — rather than its qualities — were the reasons why you’d hear Uber drivers, finance bros, or your gym buddy mention Bitcoin. As someone who came to Bitcoin for philosophical reasons, that just sat wrong with me.
Maybe I had too many projects thrown in my face, or maybe I was too frustrated with the UX of Bitcoin apps and sites at the time. No matter what, I’ve since learned something.
**I was at least somewhat wrong.**
My own journey began in early 2011. One of my favorite radio programs, Free Talk Live, began interviewing guests and having discussions on the potential of Bitcoin. They tied it directly to a libertarian vision of the world: free markets, free people, and free banking. That was me, and I was in. Bitcoin was at about $5 back then (NgU).
I followed every article I could, talked about it with guests [on my college radio show](https://libertyinexile.wordpress.com/2011/05/09/osamobama_on_the_tubes/), and became a devoted redditor on r/Bitcoin. At that time, at least to my knowledge, there was no possible way to buy Bitcoin where I was living. Very weak.
**I was probably wrong. And very wrong for not trying to acquire by mining or otherwise.**
The next year, after moving to Florida, Bitcoin was a heavy topic with a friend of mine who shared the same vision (and still does, according to the Celsius bankruptcy documents). We talked about it with passionate leftists at **Occupy Tampa** in 2012, all the while trying to explain the ills of Keynesian central banking, and figuring out how to use Coinbase.
I began writing more about Bitcoin in 2013, writing a guide on “[How to Avoid Bank Fees Using Bitcoin](http://thestatelessman.com/2013/06/03/using-bitcoin/),” discussing its [potential legalization in Germany](https://yael.ca/2013/10/01/lagefi-alternative-monetaire-et-legislation-de/), and interviewing Jeremy Hansen, [one of the first political candidates in the U.S. to accept Bitcoin donations](https://yael.ca/2013/12/09/bitcoin-politician-wants-to-upgrade-democracy-in/).
Even up until that point, I thought Bitcoin was an interesting protocol for sending and receiving money quickly, and converting it into fiat. The global connectedness of it, plus this cypherpunk mentality divorced from government control was both useful and attractive. I thought it was the perfect go-between.
**But I was wrong.**
When I gave my [first public speech](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CtVypq2f0G4) on Bitcoin in Vienna, Austria in December 2013, I had grown obsessed with Bitcoin’s adoption on dark net markets like Silk Road.
My theory, at the time, was the number and price were irrelevant. The tech was interesting, and a novel attempt. It was unlike anything before. But what was happening on the dark net markets, which I viewed as the true free market powered by Bitcoin, was even more interesting. I thought these markets would grow exponentially and anonymous commerce via BTC would become the norm.
While the price was irrelevant, it was all about buying and selling goods without permission or license.
**Now I understand I was wrong.**
Just because Bitcoin was this revolutionary technology that embraced pseudonymity did not mean that all commerce would decentralize as well. It did not mean that anonymous markets were intended to be the most powerful layer in the Bitcoin stack.
What I did not even anticipate is something articulated very well by noted Bitcoin OG [Pierre Rochard](https://twitter.com/BitcoinPierre): [Bitcoin as a *savings technology*](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BavRqEoaxjI)*.*
The ability to maintain long-term savings, practice self-discipline while stacking stats, and embrace a low-time preference was just not something on the mind of the Bitcoiners I knew at the time.
Perhaps I was reading into the hype while outwardly opposing it. Or perhaps I wasn’t humble enough to understand the true value proposition that many of us have learned years later.
In the years that followed, I bought and sold more times than I can count, and I did everything to integrate it into passion projects. I tried to set up a company using Bitcoin while at my university in Prague.
My business model depended on university students being technologically advanced enough to have a mobile wallet, own their keys, and be able to make transactions on a consistent basis. Even though I was surrounded by philosophically aligned people, those who would advance that to actually put Bitcoin into practice were sparse.
This is what led me to proclaim that “[Technological Literacy is Doomed](https://www.huffpost.com/archive/ca/entry/technological-literacy-is-doomed_b_12669440)” in 2016.
**And I was wrong again.**
Indeed, since that time, the UX of Bitcoin-only applications, wallets, and supporting tech has vastly improved and onboarded millions more people than anyone thought possible. The entrepreneurship, coding excellence, and vision offered by Bitcoiners of all stripes have renewed a sense in me that this project is something built for us all — friends and enemies alike.
While many of us were likely distracted by flashy and pumpy altcoins over the years (me too, champs), most of us have returned to the Bitcoin stable.
Fast forward to today, there are entire ecosystems of creators, activists, and developers who are wholly reliant on the magic of Bitcoin’s protocol for their life and livelihood. The options are endless. The FUD is still present, but real proof of work stands powerfully against those forces.
In addition, there are now [dozens of ways to use Bitcoin privately](https://fixthemoney.substack.com/p/not-your-keys-not-your-coins-claiming) — still without custodians or intermediaries — that make it one of the most important assets for global humanity, especially in dictatorships.
This is all toward a positive arc of innovation, freedom, and pure independence. Did I see that coming? Absolutely not.
Of course, there are probably other shots you’ve missed on Bitcoin. Price predictions (ouch), the short-term inflation hedge, or the amount of institutional investment. While all of these may be erroneous predictions in the short term, we have to realize that Bitcoin is a long arc. It will outlive all of us on the planet, and it will continue in its present form for the next generation.
**Being wrong about the evolution of Bitcoin is no fault, and is indeed part of the learning curve to finally understanding it all.**
When your family or friends ask you about Bitcoin after your endless sessions explaining market dynamics, nodes, how mining works, and the genius of cryptographic signatures, try to accept that there is still so much we have to learn about this decentralized digital cash.
There are still some things you’ve gotten wrong about Bitcoin, and plenty more you’ll underestimate or get wrong in the future. That’s what makes it a beautiful journey. It’s a long road, but one that remains worth it.
# **Christ** Consciousness
This text invites you to explore the deeper meaning of the winter season and the birth of Christ Consciousness—beyond religion and dogma. It is about inner reflection, spiritual insight, and the connection of body, mind, and soul, inspired by the ancient symbols of light, energy, and consciousness. Here, I highlight how the symbolism that religions and biblical texts often convey in a material sense actually holds a much deeper meaning—one that can help us awaken our life energy and unlock our full potential. Christmas is far more significant than gifts, family, food, and Christmas trees.
## **Winter** Solstice
The winter solstice marks a turning point in the annual cycle. On December 21st, the sun reaches its southernmost point, and we experience the longest night of the year. While our physical body feels the need to rest and turn inward, our psychic and astral energies unfold. Especially between December 21st and 25th, everything seems to enter a standby mode, creating space for profound reflection and spiritual renewal.
During this darkest time of the year, a kind of inner birth occurs—a birth of the spirit, conceived in the deep silence of the night. It is a moment of introspection, contemplation, and realignment.
## **The** Twelve Holy Nights: A Time for Retreat and Reflection
With the winter solstice, the Twelve Holy Nights (Rauhnächte) begin—a mystical time between the years. These days invite us to turn inward, rest, and connect with our soul. It is a time when physical relaxation and spiritual growth go hand in hand. Advent sets the stage for this phase—each lit candle symbolically represents a chakra, starting with the lower energy centers. By the fourth Advent, the light reaches our heart chakra, a place of love, peace, and connection.
## **Symbolism** Across Different Traditions
This energy is also reflected in Judaism: the festival of Hanukkah lasts for eight days, during which a new candle is lit each day. This practice can be seen as a symbolic journey through the chakras, gradually activating and harmonizing them. Hanukkah, the Festival of Lights, stands for the liberation from material and spiritual blockages, the strengthening and activation of energy centers, and the connection to the divine. We learn that there are no separations because we are the divine.
## **The** Sacred Flow of Life: The Claustrum and Inner Alchemy
The term "Claustrum," referring to an occult area in the brain, holds deep symbolic and physical significance. The Claustrum is located between the pineal gland and the pituitary gland and secretes a special fluid known as "Christos." This fluid flows through the spinal cord down to the sacrum.
The sacrum, derived from the Latin word "sacrum," meaning "sacred," represents this "sacred oil" flow. It symbolizes an inner alchemical process: nourishing the body and soul, enhancing consciousness, and bridging the physical and spiritual realms.
`Interestingly, this process is depicted in ancient myths: Santa Claus, or Saint Nicholas, descending the chimney to deliver gifts, can be interpreted as a metaphor for the Claustrum and the flow of sacred essence. The gifts represent the awakened consciousness born from this process.`
## **The** Journey of Christ Consciousness
Christ Consciousness, often symbolized by the birth of Jesus, is understood in spiritual teachings as an internal process. The fluid from the Claustrum reaches the sacrum and then ascends to activate the pineal and pituitary glands, spreading out from there. During this process, it passes through the 33 vertebrae of the spine—a reference to the age of 33 when Jesus was crucified.
During the "crucifixion" of this sacred oil, it becomes "suspended" in the region of the thalamus for two to three days before illuminating the pineal and pituitary glands. This process leads to profound spiritual renewal and heightened consciousness, often referred to as the awakening of Kundalini energy.
## Nutrition and Spirituality
Our diet has a direct influence on this process. Heavy, fatty, or animal-based foods can energetically dull us and block the flow of the "sacred essence." A light, plant-based diet rich in fresh juices, sprouts, and raw foods supports energy flow and spiritual growth. Animal products, drugs, and excessive fats disrupt the process. Similarly, sexual activity with orgasm during the ascent of the sacred oil interrupts the cycle, causing the sacred energy to be lost.
The pineal and pituitary glands, often referred to as the seat of the soul, are associated with the production of "manna" in spiritual traditions—a substance symbolizing milk and honey. This is also linked to Joseph and Mary or the masculine and feminine. The pineal gland secretes a honey-like substance, while the pituitary gland secretes a milk-like substance. The "land flowing with milk and honey" lies within us. We are that land. The process happens within us; there is nothing to seek outside.
## **The** Birth of Light Within Us
In the deepest darkness lies the greatest potential for new life. Through conscious reflection, mindful nutrition, and connection with our body and mind, we can celebrate the birth of light within ourselves—a gift that helps us recognize and live our true potential.
### **Final** Thought
I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to read this piece. My wish is to inspire and encourage you—even amidst the calls of tradition—to carve out time to look inward, just as the natural cycle of life teaches us. It is an invitation to embark on the path of self-discovery, to grow, awaken, and let our inner light shine, ultimately leading to enlightenment. Step by step, day by day, month by month, and year by year, we allow ourselves to be guided by the wisdom of the cycle, unfolding in wondrous ways.
I always welcome your feedback, thoughts, and reflections on this topic. Your input is invaluable to me and enriches the process of shared growth.
May your cycle be illuminated and filled with love 💛
*Cities on return are often strange\
Yeah, and now\
Every time you blink, you feel it change\
And it's been\
A long, a long, a long, a long, long-long\
You've been my\
Favourite for a while*
So sings Grian Chatten, lead singer of the Irish punk band Fontaines D.C (look them up and thank me later), in the fourth verse of their song Favourite– my favourite track released in 2024. As a world traveller who has called quite a few places home during the past 10 years I can relate to these lyrics on so many levels.
It just so happens that I recently came back to La Paz, Bolivia– a city I used to call home. But so many things about the city has changed. Most notably with old friends of mine.
Some old friends have turned out to reveal themselves as crooks, and you guessed it, some of the people who had been painted, in my mind, as crooks– well it just so turns out that they have revealed themselves as the good guys. I’m reminded of Warren Buffet’s line: Only when the **tide goes out do you** discover who's been **swimming naked**. The time away from La Paz has given me time to reflect on my two and a half years living here. The time component acts as the tide in Buffet’s great quote– Allowing me to filter through all the noise and focus on what is real. Or should I say who of my old friends were the real friends and who were the crooks– swimming naked all the time.
## My Story with La Paz
I first arrived in La Paz in 2018 as a 22 year old boy looking for a place in South America to live. La Paz was where I met my wife. La Paz is where I bought my first business– a pub in the tourist area. La Paz is where I learned to deal with corrupt city council workers. La Paz is in many ways where I grew from a boy to a man.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fe5ebd8f4-ad82-4185-bd66-6e5bef382d1e_2016x1854.jpeg)A Young 22 Year old naive version of me in La Paz
Fast forward to December 2024 as I’m back in the city for the first time in two years. Walking the colourful and chaotic streets of La Paz, brings back all the memories. The street corner where a young naive Sebastian bought his first gram of pure Bolivian Marching Powder– That shit will pick you right up by the bootstraps, but do to proceed with care, I don’t have enough available fingers to count the amount of people who I’ve seen lose their lives to the Marching Powder of Bolivia. If you aren’t careful it will become the only thing you live for.
I jump on a cable car– La Paz’s metro system which flies across the city, up and down the mountains, connecting all neighbourhoods with the city centre. I head to what used to be my local park and viewpoint. This is where I would always come to read a book or listen to podcasts whilst enjoying the stunning view of Illimani– the mountain guarding La Paz. Most importantly this is the park where I made my first move to kiss my wife.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_2400,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F620ca126-0e81-44e9-b912-72ffdc71403e_5022x3376.jpeg)The view of Illimani Mountain from the Pub I used to own
## The former community leader who vanished
The main thing I think about as I re-explore my old neighbourhoods is; what happened to my old friends and acquaintances? Together with the other restaurants in the tourist area we used to have a football team organised by a true community leader, let’s call him George in this story, the team was called Chocos Locos– The Crazy Blondes, we were a mix of European expats, exchanges students, NGO employees and some local Bolivian friends of ours. George was the guy who tied us all together. He knew everyone– their birthday, what football team they supported, what drink they preferred etc. George would look out for everyone, he would make sure to organize birthday parties, even for the quiet ones in our group. George had his values set in the right place, he demanded a high standard from everyone on and off the pitch. In exchange we would look out for each other, cover for one another if we were in trouble. You know like the Marines, we would leave no man behind.
As I’m now back in La Paz most of my former friends and teammates are no longer around, George included. Their restaurants are closed and new ones have emerged. Some have left due to the recent years of political instability in Bolivia, others have mysteriously disappeared. What happened to them?
In May 2024 I received a message from George saying our friend and teammate, let’s call him Juan, was in intensive care in a hospital in La Paz, after suffering a near death accident. Juan’s family needed help to cover the treatment costs. Like the true community leader George is, he took it upon himself to reach out to all present and former teammates and friends of Juan, asking us all to pitch in, with whatever we could to support Juan’s treatment. I didn’t think much else of it and sent across €100 to support Juan. As I later came to learn, the story was something else. The real story revealed George’s true identity.
This is the story of a real captain, a true community leader, who turned out to be a scammer. But how did George turn into a scammer who used the near death accident of a friend and teammate, to scam just about everyone who had ever met Juan into donating money to help Juan’s family pay for the intensive care in hospital, only to run off with all the money donated– approximately $4000 USD?
Perhaps the answer was there in front of our faces all along? I recently listened to a podcast with Andrew Bustamente (a former CIA spy, known as Everyday Spy on YouTube) in the podcast Andrew mentioned that most people who come off as highly empathetic, people like George, aren’t actually as highly empathetic as they seem, in fact such people despise almost everybody else.
I now ask myself did George actually use the community and our football team the whole time. Were we funding his life in La Paz all the time? George told us he was working online as an English teacher. Now I ask myself who George really was.
## See you all in 2025
It’s mind blowing to me, how time removed from a former favourite city helps us see our time living in said city with such clarity… What really happened? Who were the good guys? Who were the bad guys?
As I look to settle into a new hometown in 2025 (more on that in future newsletters) I will keep in mind my lessons learned from revisiting La Paz. I will be able to spot who are the charlatan’s and who are the genuine good guys– or at least so I hope.
As I warm up to a Holiday season with family from both Denmark and Bolivia I wish you all a great Holidays, remember to be grateful for your family and those who are your real friends. Show them love. Cherish your time with them. Let me leave you with the lyrics to the final verse of the fantastic Fontaines D.C song Favourite:
*Ah, makes sense when you understand\
The misery made me another marked man\
And I'm always looking over my shoulder\
And each new day\
- I get another year older\
Shoulder bound to the frame of a door\
Tuned into shape like a stone on the shore\
But if there was lightning in me\
Then you know who it was for*
I will see you all in 2025. God bless you all.
Here’s a thought experiment: What if healthcare insurance is fundamentally the wrong model for managing most healthcare? Insurance works best when it covers the unexpected—the tail-risk events that hit you out of nowhere. But the reality is that much of healthcare isn’t unexpected at all.
Take cancer as an example. The initial diagnosis and treatment are undeniably shocking—a classic insurance-worthy moment. But what about the next five or ten years of follow-up care? That’s not surprising. It’s predictable. Should insurance, a system designed for surprises, really foot the bill for something so foreseeable?
Here’s the argument: health insurance should cover the initial shock—like a cancer diagnosis or a torn hamstring during a sports match. But once the acute phase passes, predictable, long-term care (like cancer surveillance or diabetes management) should be handled differently—perhaps through government funding.
Consider chronic illnesses. If someone with poorly controlled diabetes develops retinal disease or vascular complications, is that surprising? Not really. It’s almost inevitable. Asking insurers to cover these predictable outcomes results in inflated premiums and financial inefficiency.
The same logic applies to other chronic conditions. A smoker with diabetes developing vascular disease? It’s not a question of “if” but “when.” Why pretend this is an insurable risk?
Here’s the punchline: if we separate the unexpected from the inevitable in healthcare, we might just create a more efficient system. Insurance should handle the surprises. Government funding should manage the predictable. And the sooner we recognize that most of healthcare isn’t a surprise, the sooner we can build a system that works for everyone.
Here’s a thought experiment: What if healthcare insurance is fundamentally the wrong model for managing most healthcare? Insurance works best when it covers the unexpected—the *tail-risk events* that hit you out of nowhere. But the reality is that much of healthcare isn’t unexpected at all.
Take cancer as an example. The initial diagnosis and treatment are undeniably shocking—a classic insurance-worthy moment. But what about the next five or ten years of follow-up care? That’s not surprising. It’s predictable. Should insurance, a system designed for surprises, really foot the bill for something so foreseeable?
Here’s the argument: health insurance should cover the initial shock—like a cancer diagnosis or a torn hamstring during a sports match. But once the acute phase passes, predictable, long-term care (like cancer surveillance or diabetes management) should be handled differently—perhaps through government funding.
Consider chronic illnesses. If someone with poorly controlled diabetes develops retinal disease or vascular complications, is that surprising? Not really. It’s almost inevitable. Asking insurers to cover these predictable outcomes results in inflated premiums and financial inefficiency.
The same logic applies to other chronic conditions. A smoker with diabetes developing vascular disease? It’s not a question of “if” but “when.” Why pretend this is an insurable risk?
Here’s the punchline: if we separate the *unexpected* from the *inevitable* in healthcare, we might just create a more efficient system. Insurance should handle the surprises. Government funding should manage the predictable. And the sooner we recognize that most of healthcare isn’t a surprise, the sooner we can build a system that works for everyone.
There was a bit of a rally in stock markets today, but this was a relief rally after taking a beating throughout the week. All eyes were on Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell as he took the stage on Wednesday to announce the decisions made at the most recent FOMC meeting.
The market reacted negatively to another 0.25% cut from the Federal Reserve that many considered a "hawkish cut" due to the fact that Chairman Powell articulated that it is likely that there will be less rate cuts in 2025 than were previously expected. This is likely driven by the fact that inflation, as reported by the terribly inaccurate CPI, has been coming in higher than expectations. Signaling that the Fed does not, in fact, have inflation under control. Who could have seen that coming?
Here's how the US 10Y Treasury yield reacted to the announcement:
"Not great Bob!" The US 10Y Treasury yield is something that everyone should be paying attention to over the course of the next year. Since the Fed started cutting rates in September of this year, the 10Y yield has been acting anomalously compared to how it has acted historically after Fed interest rate decisions. Since September, the market has been calling the Fed's bluff on inflation and rates have been moving in the opposite direction compared to what would be expected if the Fed had things under control. The "hawkish cut" made on Wednesday is not a great sign. The Fed is being forced to recognize that it cut "too much too fast" before actually getting inflation under control.
One has to wonder why they made such aggressive moves in September. Why the need for a much more dovish stance as quickly as they moved? Do they see something behind the scenes of the banking system that makes them believe that another liquidity crisis was on the horizon and they needed to act to prevent yet another banking crisis? Now that it is clear that inflation isn't under control and if there really was a liquidity crisis on the horizon, what are the first two quarters of 2025 going to look like? Could we find ourselves in a situation where inflation is beginning to accelerate again, there is a liquidity crisis, and the Fed is forced to rush back ZIRP and QE only to further exacerbate inflation? Couple this potential scenario with the proposed economic policy from the incoming Trump administration and it isn't hard to see that we could be in for a period of economic pain.
One can only hope that the Fed and the incoming administration have the intestinal fortitude to let the market correct appropriately, reprice, clear out the bad assets and credit that exists in the system and let the cleanse happen relatively unperturbed. That has what has been desperately needed since 2008, arguably longer.
On that note, bitcoin is going through a bull market correction this week as well. Likely incited and/or exacerbated by the turmoil in traditional markets.
Many are proclaiming that the end of this bull market is here. Don't listen to those who have been hate tweeting bitcoin all the way up this year. They've been looking for a correction to bask in schadenfreude and confirm their biases. These types of corrections are to be expected when bitcoin runs by checks notes 100% over the course of less than three months. We're approaching the end of the year, which means that people are selling to prepare for taxes (which may be happening in the stock market as well). Add to this fact that long-term holders of bitcoin have taken the most profit they have since 2018 and it probably explains the recent pull back. Can't blame the long-term holders for seeing six-figure bitcoin and deciding to bolster their cash balances.
I couldn't be more bullish on bitcoin than I am right now. The fundamentals surrounding the market couldn't be more perfect. Despite what the Trump administration may have in store for us in terms of economic policy (I agree with most of the policies he has presented), I find it hard to believe that even he and the talented team of people he has surrounded himself with can overcome the momentum of the problems that have been building up in the system for the last 16-years.
The "find safety in sats" trade is going mainstream as the market becomes more familiar with bitcoin, its properties, and the fact that it is very unlikely that it is going to die. The fervor around bitcoin as a strategic reserve asset for nation states is only picking up. And if it catches on, we will enter territory for bitcoin that was considered utterly insane only a year ago.
On that note, Nic Carter made some buzz today with a piece he wrote for Bitcoin Magazine explaining why he believes a strategic bitcoin reserve is a bad idea for the US government.
While I agree that the signal the US government could send by acquiring a bitcoin strategic reserve could be bad for the US treasuries market, I think it comes down to strategy. The Trump administration will have to think strategically about how they acquire their Strategic Bitcoin Reserve. If they ape in, it could send the wrong message and cause everyone to dump their treasuries, which are the most popular form of collateral in the global financial system. However, there are ways to acquire bitcoin slowly but surely from here into the future that ensure that the United States gets proper exposure to the asset to protect itself from the out-of-control debt problem while also providing itself with a way out of the problem. Many of these potential strategies were discussed in two recent episodes I recorded. One with Matthew Pines from the Bitcoin Policy Institute and another with Matthew Mežinskis from Porkopolis Economics. I highly recommend you all check those out (linked below).
Final thought...
I am the most locked in from a focus perspective while on flights. Even with two kids under 5.
Merry Christmas, Freaks!
The internet addresses we use daily (e.g., *something.com, something.org*) are just a part of the internet called the DNS [root zone](https://icannwiki.org/Root_Zone#), which is essentially a hierarchical database of all the names you can access on the internet (similar to a telephone directory).
Currently, the only root zone we know is the [ICANN root zone](https://www.icann.org/root-server-system-en). Nobody refers to it as the ICANN root zone or ICANN domains because it is inherently the only root zone people know, so we simply call it the Internet and domains.
The ICANN root zone is extremely convenient; having a centralized and unified root zone makes life easier for people, and it will remain the main root zone on the internet for the foreseeable future. However, the internet is not meant to have only one root zone. While the ICANN root zone has its advantages, it also has some drawbacks. This is where [alternative root zones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alternative_DNS_root), which experiment with different trade-offs, make sense.
Handshake is an alternative root zone based on a decentralized peer-to-peer network, offering a different set of trade-offs compared to the ICANN root zone. The following table highlights the main differences between the ICANN and HNS root zones:
|**Feature**|**ICANN Root Zone**|**HNS Root Zone**|
|**Governance**|Centralized (ICANN)|Decentralized (Peer-to-peer)|
|**Domain creation**|Requires ICANN approval|Permissionless and auction-based|
|**User Interaction**|Only through specific registries|Directly on its blockchain|
|**Infrastructure**|Traditional DNS root servers|Blockchain-based|
|**Resolution**|Native support in browsers and systems|Requires custom resolvers or tools|
|**Trust Model**|Trust in the ICANN|Trustless, cryptographic verification|
|**HTTPS setup**|Certificate authority|[DANE](https://blog.htools.work/posts/stateless-dane/)|
|**Purpose**|Corporate and State sovereignty; Stability|User sovereignty; Experimental|
## How to access the HNS root zone
Now you know that the root zone you’re familiar with is the ICANN root zone, which is universally supported by operating systems and browsers. But what if you want to own a Handshake domains or want to access Handshake addresses to explore what’s in the Handshake root zone? Essentially, you have a few options:
**1. PC and desktop**
You have a few options explained here: [https://learn.namebase.io/development/resolving-handshake](https://learn.namebase.io/development/resolving-handshake), but the recommended one is **Fingertip,** a resolver created by Impervious that enables you to trustlessly resolve Handshake names:
* [https://impervious.com/fingertip](https://impervious.com/fingertip)
* [https://github.com/imperviousinc/fingertip](https://github.com/imperviousinc/fingertip)
If your certificate expires at some point, usually after one year, you can either replace the certificate with a new one or delete the folder where the certificate is stored (on Windows, it should be located in a path like `Users\yourname\AppData\Roaming\Fingertip`). After deleting this folder, the next time you restart your computer, Fingertip will prompt you to generate a new certificate. Simply say yes, and that’s it!
**2. Smart phones and other devices**
For mobile phones and such the easiest and more convenient way is [HNS DoH](https://welcome.hnsdoh.com/), the DNS over TLS option.
**3. Explore the Handshake Root Zone**
* [https://www.niami.io/](https://www.niami.io/) or [https://niami](https://niami)
* [https://hns.cymon.de/](https://hns.cymon.de/)
##### BY Glenda Chong
##### Editorial Admin
##### Hype Issue #60
###### Join GLENDA CHONG as she steps into the electrifying energy of Singapore’s K-pop scene at *SCAPE’s K-POP ALL IN 2024 and finds out how events like these bring a community together.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1734685904916-YAKIHONNES3.jpg)*Dance crew 6IX giving their all on stage at K-POP ALL IN 2024. Photo by Glenda Chong.*
The *SCAPE Ground Theatre was still, save for the low murmur of voices as attendees shuffled in. But when the screen on stage flashed a bright orange and blue and the first beat of a K-pop track blasted through the speakers, the crowd's energy flipped “ON” like a switch.
This was K-POP ALL IN 2024, also known as KAI, an annual year-end party that brings K-pop enthusiasts together for a night of community and celebration. KAI’s theme this year, “TIME K-APSULE” invites both performers and attendees to honour iconic K-pop classics and artists that have shaped the genre’s past and spotlight the fresh energy of today’s favourites.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1734685974881-YAKIHONNES3.jpg)*Dance crew Onhit Dance covering K-pop girl group GFRIEND’s hit MAGO. Photo by Glenda Chong.*
As a K-pop fan myself, KAI wasn’t my first rodeo when it comes to *SCAPE’s K-pop-themed events. However, going to such an event alone was a first so I was just a touch anxious as to whether I would feel out of place.
Despite my nerves, I milled around the booths just behind the audience seating area before the show began. Aside from the performances, I was pleased to see that there were plenty of booths selling K-pop official and fan-made merchandise. From fan art to collectible photo cards and K-pop albums, it was a collector’s dream. The one booth that drew me in almost instantly, though, was by the NUS Korean Cultural Interest Group (KCIG) from the National University of Singapore (NUS).
As part of their efforts to raise funds for their annual K-pop dance production, the interest group had gotten a booth at KAI to sell not just unique merchandise such as shirts they designed, but even experiences like a “deco booth” and a photo-taking area. That extra effort really made their booth stand out from the other booths that were only selling ‘merch’.
The booth embodied connection through its “deco booth”, where K-pop fans could personalise photocard sleeves with decorative elements. Though typically a solo activity, many did it with friends, turning the booth into a vibrant hub of shared creativity and enthusiasm.
While you can say that the heart of Singapore’s K-pop scene lies in the music and the performances, this energy and sense of community extends beyond the stage. I got to chat with KCIG members, Abigail Tan and Wong Yan Rou, who were running KCIG’s booth, and I could feel how their interest group and booth are a microcosm of the wider K-pop community. The booth was more than just a fundraising opportunity, and their interest group isn’t just a place to explore Korean culture. Both allowed like-minded individuals to bond and be part of a bigger community.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1734686044053-YAKIHONNES3.jpg)*The writer decorated their own photocard sleeve to join in on the fun. Photo by Glenda Chong.*
And as for KCIG, its inclusivity is its hallmark. According to Yan Rou and Abigail, no auditions are required to join KCIG as “everyone” is welcome to “be part of the community,” which they believe makes KCIG highly welcoming. As such, in Yan Rou’s words, members “stay for a long time.” And just as KCIG brings people interested in Korean culture together, KAI does the same, which they can feel and see with their own eyes on a greater scale.
“Our efforts are ultimately school-level… but when we come out to events like this [KAI], we’ll be able to see the whole Singapore community,” Yan Rou said. “You’ll be able to see the people in this community, so I think it helps that you can build connections and make friends along the way.”
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1734686091995-YAKIHONNES3.jpg)*Wong Yan Rou (left) and Abigail Tan (right) posing in KCIG’s photo-taking area. Photo by Glenda Chong.*
Just as we wrapped up our chat, the MCs’ voices cut through the music to announce the first few performers of the night. As I rushed to take my front row “seat” which was a spot on the ground I reserved with my belongings, the first act’s first performer, Justin Padayao took the stage.
When it comes to events like this, one might assume most audiences come to only support their performing friends. However, this assumption was quickly turned on its head when Justin experienced technical faults. Encouraging cheers rang from all four corners, giving him the much-needed boost to start again and hit all the right notes of “Into the New World”, the debut single of K-pop girl group Girls’ Generation. With its resolute lyrics, this timeless track is known for being a symbolic anthem of solidarity associated with South Korea’s protest culture.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1734686134181-YAKIHONNES3.jpg)*Justin Padayao performed a soulful ballad version of K-pop girl group Girls’ Generation’s Into the New World. Photo by Glenda Chong.*
That unity could be felt in the crowd, as we sang harmoniously to the song’s fully-Korean lines and used our phones’ flashlights to act as ‘lightsticks’, an essential part of showing support in K-pop culture. Throughout the rest of the first act’s performances, the energy never died down. When the first act ended and the following acts’ performers took over, it only continued to skyrocket. Other than solo acts, plenty of dance crews also performed, and one I had been keeping my eye on finally took the spotlight.
Named CODE:US, the all-female team danced with fierce precision to another Girls’ Generation classic, this time “The Boys”. Except, keeping in line with KAI 2024’s theme, the team danced to a cover of “The Boys” by K-pop group Kep1er who debuted years after Girls’ Generation did, which made for a perfect blend of the past and present.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1734686170311-YAKIHONNES3.jpg)*Dance crew CODE:US performing on stage. Photo by Glenda Chong.*
Having gotten to chat with CODE:US themselves, it seems that their choice to perform Kep1er’s version of “The Boys” was intentional, as it was the version they resonated with most despite multiple other covers being available. According to member Jing Yun, 19, she’s inspired by K-pop artists like ATEEZ’s San and aespa’s Karina as their powerful performances conveyed their emotions to their audiences.
“Whenever I perform, I do hope I can deliver the same type of feelings that the [K-pop artists] do, where they can just enjoy the stage with no regrets while also delivering something memorable to the audience and myself.” She said. And she and CODE:US definitely delivered, as the crowd and I could really feel their passion.
While I was impressed by every performance, what struck me the most was the diversity of performers. From fathers and working adults to youths as young as 14, KAI was not just a talent showcase; the performers and this year’s theme [TIME K-APSULE] were a testament to K-pop’s enduring ability to unite generations of fans and how the passion for it spans all walks of life.
*A member of a dance crew carrying his child who had been watching the team perform from behind the stage curtain after their performance. Photo by Glenda Chong.*
As the final performances wrapped up, the night was still young as the space transformed for KAI’s final staple event, K-pop Random Play Dance (KRPD). It was a fitting end to the night, as this was where you could truly witness the community’s unity. In true KRPD fashion, everyone, both performers and audience members alike, came together to dance to K-pop hits both old and new.
![image](https://yakihonne.s3.ap-east-1.amazonaws.com/228dde34601a35313a505841487a3ba14c015da4f115f6e7ea7b9141b5d0345e/files/1734686306859-YAKIHONNES3.jpg) *Team CODE:US posing for a photo before K-POP ALL IN 2024 began. Photo courtesy of CODE:US.*
“[We are] just glad that this community allows us all to be open and enjoy what we like together without being shamed or judged.” CODE:US mentioned. Reflecting on this, I couldn’t help but think of what a powerful reminder this was of what events like KAI represent: a chance to connect with and celebrate something larger than ourselves.
### Excerpt
Special Jurisdictions, Free Cities and Bitcoin Citadels are the sly roundabout way that is removing the market of living together from the hands of the government, without violence and in a way that they can´t stop it.
With Bitcoin as the backbone of a new societal order, we are beginning to disrupt the old paradigm.
> “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost;
that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”
― Henry David Thoreau, [Walden](https://archive.org/details/henry-david-)
### The problem: lack of freedom in the physical realm
Freedom is essential to human life. Being free is what matters. That´s our target, always. No matter the time or space. We pursue freedom because we know its the right thing to do. Freedom is the right to question and change the stablished way of doing things.
Where can we find some freedom? Certainly in the cyberspace. The cyberspace is a free space. Humanity has been blessed by the magic of cryptography, a technology that gave us all the necessary tools to operate in that environment without intervention of undesired third parties.
In cyberspace cryptography performs the function of an impenetrable cyberwall. So, whatever we build in cyberspace can be perfectly protected. Thank to this cybernetic walls we can be sure that the gardens we build and nurture will be protected and cannot be trampled. When we build our digital gardens we have the keys to open the doors to let in whoever we want and most important to leave out whoever we don´t want. In the digital world we can already perfectly interact with one and another in a peer to peer way, without intervention of undesired third parties.
In cyberspace we have Bitcoin for freedom of money and [Nostr,](https://nostr.com/) torrent and Tor for freedom of information and speech. These open-source protocols are designed to fully realize and expand the promise of freedom, and they certainly deliver what they promise.
So, thanks to the magic of asymmetric cryptography, we´ve already achieved sufficiently descentralization and the possibility of any level of desired digital privacy. [Cryptoanarchists](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gTtbkguROdk) and [cypherpunks](https://cdn.nakamotoinstitute.org/docs/cyphernomicon.txt) have set their conquering flag in cyberspace and there´s no force on Earth than can remove it. The digital world cannot escape the rules of cryptography.
This is great but it only works in the digital realm, meanwhile in the physical realm we are overrun by centralized attackers due to the impossibility of the creation of impenetrable walls such as the ones we have online.
Humans have the upper hand in creating impenetrable walled gardens in cyberspace, but in the physical space authoritarians have the upper hand in bullying physical persons.
The physical world is also naturally free. According to natural law each person is free to do whatever he wants as long as it doesn´t hurt other people. However due to unnatural -artificial and inhuman- centralization of power, the natural freedom of the physical world has been completely undermined. Mostly by Governments, the entities that centralize violence and law.
## Bitcoin as a bridge between both realms
Let´s take a look at one connection between both realms, the physical and the digital world.
Bitcoin layer one is made essentially of software plus hardware. It consists of any software that produces the same output as the reference implementation - Bitcoin core- and the hardware needed to run that software.
Layer two, three or any other layer above, is made essentially of other software and other hardware that interacts with layer one in some way.
All these layers, one, two and subsequent, are completely protected by cryptography and a set of game theories that have been successfully tested. Each new block added to the timechain is a testimony of the unstoppable force of freedom and meritocracy.
Before layer one we have Bitcoin layer zero, which is essentially the sum of all actions and inactions done by bitcoiners regarding to or because of bitcoin. In other words, layer zero is composed by flesh and bone people interacting in some way with layer one of the bitcoin network.
Hence, an attack on a bitcoiner - on his way of life- is an attack on bitcoin, the network itself. First because it is an attack on a layer zero node, the physical person, the bitcoiner under duress or coercion. And second because is also an attack on the store-of-value-aspect of bitcoin.
Nowaday, the most common attack against bitcoiners is the entirety of compliance regulations. This is the sum of all coercive regulations,such as laws, threats of more laws, imprisonment, threats of more imprisonment,
taxation, threats of more taxation, requirements to prove the origin of funds, coercive removal of privacy such as the travel rule, unnecessary bureaucracy such as the need to obtain a money transmitting license and many others rules, in a never stopping inflationary coercive legislation.
If a physical attack is preventing any bitcoiner to exchange the value he created for bitcoin due to any kind of artificial obstacles -such as any kind of compliance- that specific attack is successful in the sense that even though the whole network keeps operating, the attack itself diminishes the value of all the bitcoins.
So, even if layer-zero cannot be taken down, every interference on this layer is an attack on the bitcoin network.
Attacks on layer one, two or any other layer that exists in the cyberspace can interfere with the network but they may hardly subtract any value from it. For example we have already been through plenty of times where hashing power was diminished due to government intervention and the bitcoin network remain completely unaffected.
On the other hand successful attacks on layer zero subtract potential, but real and demonstrable value. This value is equal to the amount of value the frustrated user would have added to the network if he would have been able to use it freely, that means if he would have sold his product without the cost of compliance. I´ll demonstrate this in the next chapter.
## The cost of compliance
Alice is a merchant specialized in a specific area and topic. She studied the market, her business, her suppliers, consumers, the logistics involved, marketing, design, and everything necessary to become a successful entrepreneur. After investing a considerable amount of resources, she developed a perfect product. Or at least she considers it perfect, that is, the best in its class. While developing everything necessary to create her product, she met Bob, who became her main lead and stereotype of a buyer persona. She knows what Bob wants and she wants to sell it to him. According to Alice's calculations, for her business to be viable, she must sell the product at ten satoshis per unit, and fortunately, Bob is willing to pay that price for it. Alice's product is finished, ready to hit the market, but just before sending it to production, Alice decides to take a pause to analyze her reality.
Before taking the public action of making her product available in the open market, Alice analyzes her material, political, and legal reality. In doing so, she realizes that she lives under the jurisdiction of a State. She learns that the Government prescribes through its regulations how she must behave. She analyzes that in order to sell her product legally, in compliance, she must make a series of modifications to it. The product before hitting the shelves must first be modified both in the way it is presented to the market and also regarding certain technical characteristics that it possesses. She must also modify the way it produces her product by changing the contractual relationship with its suppliers, distribution channels, and all other types of logistics involved. She must make all these changes even if they bring about significant and insurmountable inefficiencies.
Likewise, Alice also sees that she not only has to modify the product but also has to meet tax obligations. In addition to paying an accountant since the tax obligations by some irrational reason are not calculated by the creditor. Additionally, she must hire other professionals to assist her in studying the current regulations and how they should be applied in all stages of production, distribution, and sale of her product.
Alice, being a rational person, wishes to avoid having to make these modifications since they increase her costs while also decreasing the quality of her product. But when studying compliance, that is, the entirety of applicable regulations, she also examines the consequences of not being in compliance.
Alice realizes that if she does not comply with the regulations, she risks having all her assets legally confiscated, going to prison, being killed while they try to capture her to imprison her, and, if she goes to prison, being tortured in jail by other inmates or by State officials in charge of holding her in that place. So, since Alice does not want to suffer these negative consequences, she decides to modify the product and be in compliance.
So, Alice makes the necessary changes and puts her new version of the product on the market. Then she has the following dialogue with Bob, her lead, the interested party in acquiring the product.
Bob: *- Hey Alice, nice meeting you here in this market. I came to buy the product you were developing and told me about. However, this product I´m seein now is not what you promised me. This is clearly inferior.*
Alice: *- Yeah, I know. I'm sorry Bob, but I prefer to sell this inferior product rather than risk having all my assets confiscated, going to prison, being killed while they try to capture me, and if they don´t kill but managed to put me in jail I could be tortured there.*
Bob: *- Ok, no problem. Thats quite understandable. I don´t believe anyone would prefer those kind of experiences. But given the quality of the product, I no longer intend to pay you ten satoshis; I only offer you eight. Shall we close the deal?*
Alice: *- I'm sorry Bob, but I can't sell it to you for eight sats. Due to government intervention and its requirements, now I can't even sell it for less than thirteen satoshis.*
Bob: *- Ok. Considering this I prefer not to purchase it. I will keep looking for alternatives. Bye*
Some time later, Charlie arrives at the market, who is also interested in the product and, despite it not being like the original version, decides to purchase it by paying the thirteen satoshis demanded by the seller Alice.
Meanwhile, in the same universe, we have Daniel, the last character in this example. Daniel is a merchant competing with Alice. Daniel has a product that is very similar, practically identical to the one originally designed by Alice. Like Alice, Daniel initially also wants to sell it for ten satoshis. Just like Alice, before heading to the market, Daniel analyzes the reality in which he lives. And it turns out that he also lives under the jurisdiction of a State. Daniel too then analyzes the entirety of the applicable regulations and also comes to the conclusion that to comply with them, he would also need to modify the product and cover all the additional expenses artificially generated to be in compliance.
However, Daniel's ethics are different from Alice's. Daniel understands that his product is indeed perfect (the best in its class) and that therefore modifying it would go against its essence. Daniel understands that changing the product would be a betrayal of his creation and therefore a betrayal of his own self and the essence of his being. Daniel conducts an ethical analysis of his actions and the moral implications of putting the product on the market. Daniel sees that the product not only does not harm anyone but is also made to be freely acquired by adults who give their consent for its purchase and subsequent use. Daniel also understands that paying taxes only serves to promote the slavery system driven by fiat and that whenever he can avoid collaborating with the immoral fiat system, it is his ethical obligation to do so. Likewise, Daniel highlights the hypocrisy and inefficiencies of anti-money laundering regulations, as well as the futility of requiring licenses for naturally free acts that do not harm others. For all these reasons, Daniel decides to sell the product in its current state irregardles of compliance regulations.
However, before going to market, Daniel also studies the possible consequences of neglecting compliance. By doing so, Daniel sees that if he does not comply with the regulations, he risks having all his assets legally confiscated, going to prison, being killed while they attempt to capture him to imprison him, and, in the event of going to prison, being tortured in jail by other inmates or by State officials responsible for holding him in that place. So, since Daniel is a rational person who does not want to suffer these negative consequences but also does not want to betray his product and himself, he decides to take the risk of not being in compliance. After making this decision, Daniel puts the product on the market and there he meets Bob. In doing so, they converse in the following terms:
Bob: *- Hey Daniel, this product is exactly what I was looking for. A product like the one promised by Alice but never delivered. I love it! I offer you ten satoshis for it.*
Daniel: *- Thank you for your feedback Bob and for the offer! However I am currently selling it for eleven satoshis. Ten satoshis seems like a good price to me, and it was indeed my original intention to sell it for that amount because at that price I achieve competitiveness and a sustainable business model.*
Bob: - *So why are you asking me for eleven satoshis?* Interrupts Bob
Daniel: *- Because that price is calculated before assessing compliance and the risks associated with non-compliance. By not complying with the regulation, I managed to maintain the quality of the product and avoided a large amount of unnecessary expenses, but there is no way to avoid the risk of facing penalties for non-compliance. To bring this product to market, I had to incur several expenses in order to minimize the risk of non-compliance as much as possible. While I am taking all reasonable actions to prevent all of my assets from being legally confiscated, from going to prison, from being killed while they try to capture me, and in case of going to prison, from being tortured, the reality is that I still run the risk of all that, or part of all that, happening to me, my family, or any of my company's employees. The remaining risk balance is transferred to the price along with the costs of mitigating those risks. The total of those costs and the remaining risk I estimate them at one satoshi per unit of product. Therefore, I can't sell you the product for ten satoshis, but I can sell it to you for eleven.*
To which Bob, lacking a better option in the market, ends up buying the product for eleven satoshis.
**In summary:** two products were made by two different merchants whose business model allowed them, in both cases, to put the product on the market at a rate of ten satoshis per unit. However, in one case, a lower quality product was sold for thirteen satoshis, and in the other case, a higher quality product was sold for eleven satoshis. That is to say, in the first case there was an overprice or inefficiency objectively measured at three satoshis, while in the second case there was an overprice or inefficiency of one satoshi. So, we are facing a total loss of value equivalent to four satoshis. The value represented by these four satoshis was absorbed by the inefficiency programmed and ruled by the State. The example shows us that whether one chooses the compliance route, as Alice did, or the free market route, as Daniel did, in both cases the existence of regulations generates an additional cost to the market. In this example the state attack on layer zero was successful and extracted from the Bitcoin network a value of four satoshis.
## Bitcoin is money
Bitcoin is many things but essentially is money. And money sole purpose is to store value in order to facilitate future exchanges of products and services with other people. Without the products and services to be exchanged for the money, money itself would be useless and worthless. We only use money because we may require favors, benefits, services, products from other people in the future. And we don´t know which services and products we´ll need nor exactly when we are goint to need them.
The total value of bitcoin equals to infinity divided twenty one millions. This is because the total worth of the network mirrors the total worth of accumulated capital by the entirety of mankind throughout its entire history. That is clearly a lot of value. But if the if the dividend equals zero then the divisor is also zero and if the dividend growth is obstructed through artificial means -such as compliance- then the divisor growth is also obstructed.
Bitcoin layer zero, the bitcoiners and the services and products we create, are what give value to the twenty one million units of bitcoin.
Freedom is without a doubt the best context for value creation. So, the more and better games we can create that allow humankind to find a way to exercise freedom, then the most value we can add to all the layers of the network.
This is why the most important layer of the whole bitcoin phenomenon is layer zero, the bitcoiners.
Hence the problem to be solved is not how to prevent bitcoin - layer one upwards- from successful attacks. The problem to solve is how to prevent attacks on layer zero. Or in other words, the problem to be solved is how to get bitcoiners in the physical world to practice the same level of freedom that bitcoin achieves in the cyberspace.
Summary of the first part of this article: freedom in cyberspace has already been conquered and each further development in the digital realm contributes to further developments but only in the same realm.
Meanwhile in the physical space, the layer zero of bitcoin is under constant attacks that successfully extract value from it.
## Exercising freedom in a sly roundabout way
In 1984 the [Austrian economist](https://mises.org/) Friedrich Hayek predicted that we couldn´t take money with violence out of the hands of government. He stated that we needed to do it in a [sly roundabout way.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5lV5P7aPZic) Twenty five years later Satoshi Nakamoto discovered the sly roundabout way actually introducing something that the government couldn´t stop. Thus fulfilling Hayek´s prophecy.
Bitcoin is a sly roundabout way that removed money without violence from the hands of the government in a way that they can´t stop it.
Cryptography in general and protocols such as Tor and Tails are a sly roundabout way that removed confidential information from the hands of the government without violence in a way that they can´t stop it.
Nostr is a sly roundabout way that removed social media and public information from the hands of the government without violence in a way that they can´t stop it.
**Special Jurisdictions, Free Cities and Bitcoin Citadels are the sly roundabout way that is removing the market of living together from the hands of the government without violence in a way that they can´t stop it.**
So, what are [Special Jurisdictions, ](https://journalofspecialjurisdictions.com/index.php/jsj/article/view/51)[Free Cities ](https://free-cities.org/)and [Bitcoin Citadels?](https://citadelium.com/the-seven-levels-of-citadels/) To understand what they are we can take a look at the current mainstream market of living together, at how the physical space is organized.
Essentially the entire planet Earth and its surroundings are run by a conglomerate of Governments. They create all the rules, regarding every aspect of life, of all the individuals, and enforce every rule through coercive means.
In the mainstream market of living together individuals have several alternatives to pick from. We can choose to live in a natural city or a pre design city, in a public neighborhood or private neighborhood or even in an intentional community with common interest amongst the users.
But irregardless of the choice, every product offered in the mainstream market has the sames rules which are established by the host state to the entirety of organizations in his territory. In the mainstream market, even the most different products abide by the same high level rules such as criminal law, civil law, taxation laws, customs, enviromental laws, money laundering regulations and many others. To abide to the sum of all the laws and regulations is to be in compliance.
The centralization of regulations makes extremely difficult to experiment in market of living together. The less experimentation is allowed, the more human progress is hindered.
So what is the sly roundabout that fixes this? What are Special Jurisdictions, Free Cities and Bitcoin Citadels?
I´m using the term Special Jurisdictions as an umbrella term that includes the entire spectrum of iterations of products that aim to modify the mainstream rules of the market of living together.
This term includes all the different models such as Charter Cities, Free Cities, Special Economic Zones, microstates, micropolis, start up societies, government as a service, self governing jurisdictions, autonomous intentional communities, network states and Bitcoin Citadels.
The array of possible iterations is huge and permanently expanding. What they all have in common is that each of these experiments aims to create a functional game theory that replaces the lack of unbreakable walls in the physical space.
Let´s take a look of a couple of examples. Special Economic Zones are bounded areas of countries that have their own rules and regulations. Worldwide, there are more than five thousands special economic zones located in more than hundred countries.
One of them is the special economic zone of Shenzhen in China. The Chinese government allowed Shenzhen the freedom to experiment with certain practices that were prohibited in the rest of the country at the time. This included allowing foreign companies to make direct investments in China, allowing people to buy and sell land, allowing Chinese people to set up their own private businesses and relaxation of the system that limited internal migration within China for Chinese citizens. It served as a place where China could experiment with market reforms. The experiment was such a huge economic success that it was replicated in many other areas of the country.
Another place that has made extensive use of special economic zones is Dubai. The monarchic Government has more than 30 SEZs. In this case one of the many obstacles removed by the host state its the monopoly of the legal system. Dubai Government allowed the special economic zone to have its own independent legal system thus conceding a modification of the mainstream rules in that area.
This kind of projects, such as Dubai or Shenzhen, are a top-to-down product. Fully created by the Governments thus compliant with their own regulations.
On the other side of the spectrum we have Citadels and several other archetypes of not so compliant projects .
For example the [Free Commune of Penadexo](https://free-communities.org/project/penadexo/) it´s a grassroots project building a freedom-oriented community in one of Spain’s abandoned villages.
It´s model is based on building a peer to peer society avoiding government intervention as much as possible.
They stablished themselves in an abandoned historic village and the started to track down the owners to purchase as much property as possible. Meanwhile, they are living there and expanding their users base while also reconstructing buildings.
This is an example of a completely different way of dealing with the Government. While Special Economic Zones are fully compliant and created top to down, this model on the other hand is bottom-up and aims to add value to the users relying in factual freedom which is exercised by stablishing the commune away from heavily populated centers where Government grip is tighter. Under this model the interaction with the Government is kept as low as possible.
Their strategy relies in ignoring the Government as much as possible and being a good neighbor. With this simple and effective tactic some Citadels enjoy the benefits of liberty in their lifetime without needing to spend huge resources in governmental lobby.
There are countless models or archetypes of Bitcoin Citadels trying to solve the obstacles in different ways, trying to restart the system. And one of the challenges of the Bitcoin Citadels is how to connect the different projects to boost and help each other.
This is where [The Meshtadel](https://www.citadel21.com/meshtadel) comes into play. The Meshtadel is a system where decentralized tactics are used to help and defend citadels connected in a global network. With real life connections with fellow bitcoiners. Its an organization equivalent to the hanseatic league built under a [starfish model](https://youtu.be/-2Fyd5VjuUw). If you cut off a spider’s head, it dies, but if you cut off a starfish’s arm, it can regenerate and even grow into a new starfish.
The Meshtadel its a network of peer relationships, with ambiguous leadership roles, trust among participants, a shared ideology and vision based on the Bitcoin ethos, and an open system where new nodes - bitcoin citadel builders - can participate.
The long term goal of the Bitcoin Meshtadel is to help Bitcoin Citadels to gain the support of a critical mass of the total population. If enough people see that Bitcoin is as peaceful as it gets, in the long run, some nations could become friendly and supportive enough to legally tolerate the Bitcoin Citadel inside its territory in the form of a Bitcoin safe haven.
In the Meshtadel we are fighting from the moral high ground using memes, Nostr notes and zapping our way into freedom creating an online and offline circular economy.
Special Jurisdictions, Free Cities and Bitcoin Citadels are the sly roundabout way that is removing the market of living together from the hands of the government, without violence and in a way that they can´t stop it.
Nation states, abusing the myth of authority, have halted development on the market of living together for so long that a blooming freer market is eating its lunch. The sovereign individual thesis is live and continuously expanding. The network state is forming and intentional communities are flourishing all around the world reshaping globally the relationship between individuals and the governments.
With global internet connections, uncensorable means of communication and Bitcoin as the backbone of a new societal order, we are beginning to disrupt the old paradigm.
The fashion of the present world is passing away, let’s help it to move forward along by building Special Jurisdictions, Free Cities and Bitcoin Citadels.
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by[Camilo](https://camilojdl.com/)at 875.341 timechain.
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January 2025 will mark two years since we started building Primal. Our goal was to create the best possible user experience for Nostr and make it accessible to everyone. We reached a big milestone towards realizing that vision with the recent Primal 2.0 release. It’s still early days, a lot more work lies ahead, but we thought the timing was right to introduce the Premium tier. Let’s explore what it is, why we built it, what’s included, and how it will evolve moving forward.
## What Primal Premium Is
The idea behind Primal Premium is simple: integrate all tools and services required for the best Nostr experience into a single package. For $7 per month, Premium users get a *Primal Name* and *Nostr Tools* built by Primal. We’ll cover those in more detail below, but first we should make a crucial point: by signing up for Premium, you are in no way locked in to Primal. Quite the contrary, you can pick and choose which Premium features you wish to enable and use within other Nostr products.
Openness is Nostr’s killer feature. Any product that wishes to truly empower the user needs to interoperate with Nostr’s budding ecosystem. The feed marketplace is a great example. External feeds are first-class citizens within all Primal apps. Primal feeds are available in other Nostr clients. We are working on Premium feeds, which our users will be able to enjoy within Primal or other Nostr apps. Media hosting is another example. Our upcoming support for the Blossom protocol will make Primal Premium media hosting interoperable with other Nostr apps and media hosting services. The common theme here is user choice. Nostr offers the highest level of user agency, and the compounding effect of interoperable products and services is bound to make Nostr immensely powerful.
## Why We Built Premium and Why Now
What is unfolding on Nostr right now is unique and special. The first truly self-sovereign network is being bootstrapped by this early cohort of users and builders. People are literally holding the keys to their online presence. Network infrastructure – relays, indexers, media hosting services, etc. – is being stood up organically and without any central planning or coordination. Hundreds of independent projects are adding new capabilities to Nostr without needing permission. The whole thing is truly a sight to behold.
In addition to fixing the fundamentals of the network, it is equally important that we fix the broken incentives that plague the legacy Web. The status quo of monetization via advertising, which turns users into products to be farmed, has overstayed its welcome. At Primal, we don’t monetize user data. Our users are our customers. We only make money when the user decides that we are providing a valuable service – and pays for it. That means that our users’ interests are aligned with ours. It allows us to wake up every morning and work all day to make the product better for our users.
Some might say that it is too early to try to monetize a Nostr product. We definitely need to be thoughtful about paywalling important features while the network is so young. For example, advanced search is a Primal Premium feature, but we enable it for all users up to 20 search results. That makes it quite usable for anyone on Nostr, but power users get the ability to save these searches and create powerful specialized feeds.
It is crucial to have commercially successful projects on Nostr that have their incentives aligned with those of their users. We are working on new features and monetization methods that follow this philosophy. The more we experiment on Nostr, the faster we will learn what works and unlock the full potential of this network. I have a feeling that a lot remains to be discovered, and Primal Premium is just the first step.
Now, let’s take a closer look at what is included in Premium: *Primal Name* and *Nostr Tools*.
## Primal Name
A Primal Name is a unique name on the primal.net domain that offers three features:
1. **Verified Nostr address (NIP-05)**. This signals to the Nostr network that your account (npub) has been verified by Primal. Note that we don’t perform identity verification; we are simply signaling that this is a Primal Premium user. Users can pay with sats, preserving their privacy while signaling to the network that this verified account is not a bot.
2. **Friendly Bitcoin Lightning address**. Primal’s built-in hosted wallet creates a randomly generated lightning address for every user. They look like this: bluedog25@primal.net. Premium users get to pick their name, so their lightning address is more personalized (e.g. preston@primal.net).
3. **VIP profile on primal.net**. This is simply a friendly URL to your profile on primal.net. We are working on adding profile customization features for Premium users; stay tuned!
In summary, a Primal Name makes you easier to find on Nostr. You are free to use any of these three Primal Name elements as you see fit. If you wish to use your Primal Nostr address and/or Lightning address, simply update your Nostr profile with those entries.
## Nostr Tools
Nostr Tools is a collection of features that we think would be useful to any Nostr power user. We are continuously working on expanding these capabilities, but the initial set of features includes:
- **Media management**. Primal Premium comes with 10GB of media storage (compared to 1GB for free accounts). We implemented a slick interface for managing all media you have on Primal.
- **Contact list backup**. Many Nostr users have experienced the loss of their contact list (i.e., their follow list) when using different clients. We store the history of the contact list for Primal Premium users and make it easy to recover.
- **Content backup**. Nostr users post their content to a collection of public relays. These relays typically don’t offer guarantees that they will store the content for any amount of time. We back up all content posted by Primal Premium users and make it easy to rebroadcast it to the specified relays at any time.
## Primal Legends
The idea for the Primal Legend tier was suggested to me by Gigi a couple of months prior to the launch of Primal 2.0. His argument was simple: “There are users on Nostr who really appreciate Primal and are willing to pay way more than $7 / month to support the project. You should *let them* pay and *recognize them* for doing so.”
I am really glad that Gigi convinced me to introduce the Legend tier. Nostr is truly a special place. The early users are extremely passionate and mission driven. They care about growing and improving Nostr as much as the builders do. At first, I thought of the term “Legend” as a bit tongue in cheek, but then I met and chatted with some of these people. Man, they are incredible. They just wish to support the network and the builders of open source software in any way they can. So now I think the term is appropriate.
We are humbled by the support we received. Our first Legend supporter was none other than Jack. He found this option in the product and paid for the Legend tier literally an hour after Primal 2.0 was released. Thank you, sir, and thank you to all the other Legends out there! 💜🫂
## What Comes Next?
We are delighted and encouraged by the market response to Primal Premium. It is already clear to us that we are on the right path. We will lean into it even harder from here. There will be MOAR Premium features, while at the same time we will make sure that the free product remains excellent. Since you, the user, are the customer, tell us what you would like to see added to Primal Premium.
Pura Vida 🤙
Day 2: How Bitcoin Works
Understanding how Bitcoin works can seem daunting at first, but it’s built on three fundamental concepts: blockchain, mining, and transactions. Let’s break these down into simple terms.
1. Blockchain: The Foundation of Bitcoin
The blockchain is the core technology that powers Bitcoin. Think of it as a digital ledger or database that records every Bitcoin transaction ever made. Here’s how it works:
Decentralized Ledger: Instead of being stored on a single server, the blockchain is distributed across thousands of computers (called nodes) worldwide. This makes it nearly impossible for any single entity to alter or hack.
Blocks: Transactions are grouped into blocks. Each block contains a list of transactions, a timestamp, and a unique identifier called a hash.
Chain of Blocks: These blocks are linked together chronologically, forming a “chain.” Once a block is added to the chain, it cannot be altered, ensuring the integrity of the data.
2. Mining: Securing the Network
Mining is the process that keeps the Bitcoin network secure and functional. Miners are individuals or organizations that use powerful computers to solve complex mathematical problems. Here’s how mining works:
Verifying Transactions: When you send Bitcoin, your transaction is grouped with others waiting to be verified. Miners check these transactions to ensure they’re valid (e.g., that you have enough Bitcoin to spend).
Solving Puzzles: To add a block of transactions to the blockchain, miners must solve a mathematical problem. This process is called Proof of Work (PoW). It’s like a race; the first miner to solve the problem gets to add the block.
Rewards: As a reward for their work, the miner receives newly created Bitcoin (block reward) and transaction fees from the users whose transactions were included in the block.
Energy-Intensive: Mining requires significant computational power and energy, which has led to concerns about its environmental impact.
3. Transactions: Sending and Receiving Bitcoin
A Bitcoin transaction is the process of transferring Bitcoin from one person to another. Here’s a simplified explanation:
Wallets: To send or receive Bitcoin, you need a digital wallet. Your wallet has two keys:
Private Key: A secret code that allows you to spend your Bitcoin.
Public Key: A code that others use to send Bitcoin to you.
Broadcasting Transactions: When you send Bitcoin, your wallet broadcasts the transaction to the network. The transaction includes:
The sender’s address.
The recipient’s address.
The amount of Bitcoin being sent.
Verification: Miners verify the transaction to ensure the sender has enough Bitcoin and hasn’t spent the same Bitcoin twice (called double-spending).
Confirmation: Once verified, the transaction is added to a block on the blockchain. It’s considered confirmed after multiple blocks are added after it, making it irreversible.
Putting It All Together
Here’s a real-world analogy to simplify the process:
Imagine the blockchain as a public record book in a library where every page represents a block. When you make a transaction, it’s written on the next blank page (block).
Miners are the librarians who verify and add your transaction to the book by solving a puzzle. Once added, that page is locked and cannot be changed.
Your Bitcoin wallet is like your personal bank account, with a private PIN (private key) that only you know and an account number (public key) for others to send you money.
Why This System Works
Security: The blockchain’s transparency and immutability ensure that all transactions are secure and verifiable.
Decentralization: Without a central authority, the system relies on consensus among nodes, making it resistant to censorship or manipulation.
Incentives: Miners are motivated by rewards, ensuring the network remains operational and secure.
By combining blockchain technology, mining, and decentralized transactions, Bitcoin creates a secure and efficient system for transferring value globally without intermediaries. It’s a revolutionary approach to money, reshaping how we think about finance and trust.
Bitcoin Core 28.0 introduces **smarter transaction handling** to prevent stuck payments, reduce fees, and improve flexibility for wallets. Here’s a breakdown of the most important updates:
### 1. **One Parent One Child (1P1C) Transactions**
- **The problem**: If a transaction’s fee is too low for the current network conditions, it might never get confirmed.
- **The fix**: The new **1P1C relay** lets you attach a “child” transaction with higher fees to "push" the original "parent" transaction through. Think of it as giving the parent a boost by letting the child pay for both.
**Why it’s useful**: If your wallet creates a transaction with a low fee, you can now add another transaction to ensure it gets confirmed without waiting forever.
### 2. **TRUC Transactions (Version 3 Transactions)**
- **What they are**: TRUC stands for **Topologically Restricted Until Confirmation**. These transactions follow stricter rules that make them easier to replace (RBF) if needed.
- **Key features**:
- Always replaceable: TRUC transactions can always be fee-bumped or replaced, even without extra setup.
- Safe fee bumps: Even in complex setups like CoinJoins or Lightning Channels, you can adjust fees as needed.
**Why it’s useful**: Wallets using TRUC transactions can guarantee that you can always adjust fees to match changing network conditions.
### 3. **Pay to Anchor (P2A) Outputs**
- **What they are**: A tiny, specialized output added to transactions purely for fee adjustments. Think of it like a "placeholder" designed to let anyone pay for the transaction’s fees later.
- **How it works**: P2A outputs are super small and cheap to include, but they’re powerful because they let you boost transaction fees without needing access to private keys.
**Why it’s useful**: Helps ensure your transaction doesn’t get stuck, even if the person creating the transaction can’t afford higher fees upfront.
### 4. **Better Fee Replacement (Package RBF)**
- **The problem**: Previously, if you wanted to replace a stuck transaction, you had to calculate fees perfectly.
- **The fix**: With Package RBF, you can replace an entire group of transactions (parent and child) instead of just one, making it easier to adjust fees without mistakes.
**Why it’s useful**: Ensures transactions get through even in complex situations like Lightning or CoinJoins.
### 5. **What Does This Mean for Wallet Users?**
- **Simple Payments**: Wallets can make payments more predictable and reliable by using TRUC and P2A features.
- **Lightning Network**: Lightning transactions become more secure because stuck channel transactions can be easily bumped.
- **CoinJoins**: Privacy-focused transactions can now handle fee bumps without breaking the chain of anonymity.
### Summary
These updates give wallets and users more tools to handle tricky transaction scenarios, especially when network fees are unpredictable or when payments involve complex setups. Bitcoin Core 28.0 makes stuck payments a thing of the past and ensures smoother transaction processing.
Remember, these upgrades focus on **Bitcoin’s core principles: efficiency, reliability, and user empowerment**.
*READ the full OpTech info about it [here](https://bitcoinops.org/en/bitcoin-core-28-wallet-integration-guide/)*
[🇧🇷 pt-br version](https://www.eddieoz.com/policing-by-design-como-os-novos-planos-de-vigilancia-da-ue-ameacam-a-privacidade-e-a-seguranca/)
The European Union is at a crossroads. While digital innovation and security cooperation remain critical in a connected world, recent proposals to enhance police surveillance and data sharing are stirring deep concerns about individual privacy, data security, and democratic oversight. Two recent reports published by *Statewatch* shed light on troubling developments in the EU’s policing landscape, raising alarms among privacy advocates and civil rights organizations.
The EU’s new plans to expand police surveillance could put your privacy and rights at risk and introduce risks far outweighing their potential benefits. This article will analyze these proposals, their implications, and the growing opposition from privacy and civil liberties defenders.
[Listen the Podcast (Spotify)](https://open.spotify.com/episode/79NheodjVb0C87gCgaDVVE)
[Listen the Podcast (Fountain)](https://www.fountain.fm/episode/Da4mQAi7n4I9ZoRswiL5)
# **Surveillance Infrastructure: Policing by Design**
The first *Statewatch* report, titled [“Policing by Design: The Latest EU Surveillance Plan”](https://www.statewatch.org/news/2024/june/policing-by-design-the-latest-eu-surveillance-plan/), outlines a concerning trend in the EU’s approach to law enforcement. The proposals advocate embedding surveillance tools directly into the design of new technologies, effectively creating an architecture where policing capabilities are integrated into the systems we use daily.
From facial recognition cameras to AI-driven analytics, the EU plans to enhance cross-border police cooperation by ensuring technology is designed to facilitate surveillance from the outset. Known as “policing by design,” this strategy involves building surveillance features directly into technologies we use every day. Imagine a network of cameras or software that can automatically monitor people’s faces or behaviors without any extra installation — it’s like your everyday tech quietly doubling as a police tool. The goal is to enable seamless sharing of data across borders for criminal investigations, but the unintended consequences are alarming.
## **The Problem with “Policing by Design”**
1. Mass Surveillance Normalized: By embedding surveillance features into public and private infrastructure, society risks normalizing mass surveillance, where every movement, transaction, or online interaction is monitored and analyzed.
2. Threats to Privacy: Such initiatives inherently contradict the principle of *privacy by design*, which prioritizes privacy protections in the development of technology. Instead, citizens are being treated as subjects of perpetual suspicion.
3. Lack of Transparency and Accountability: A systemic lack of transparency surrounding these plans raises serious governance issues. Civil society organizations, journalists, and privacy advocates have pointed to a lack of democratic oversight and meaningful debate.
4. Risks of Abuse: Surveillance systems are often deployed under the guise of security but are susceptible to abuse. History shows that tools designed for law enforcement can easily be turned against dissenters, journalists, or marginalized communities.
As the report highlights, these developments could establish a permanent surveillance infrastructure across Europe, enabling the collection of biometric, behavioral, and communications data on an unprecedented scale.
## **Flawed Justifications for Surveillance Expansion**
Privacy advocacy organizations, including the European Digital Rights (EDRi) network, argue that much of the justification for these surveillance plans relies on flawed assumptions. The rhetoric of the *“Going Dark”* report, which claims that law enforcement is losing access to communications due to encryption, has been widely debunked. As EDRi points out, law enforcement already has extensive tools at their disposal to access data and track individuals, but the focus on encryption risks undermining secure communication for everyone.
Instead of addressing systemic issues within law enforcement, these flawed reports have fueled calls for intrusive surveillance systems that risk eroding privacy while offering little evidence of improving public safety.
# **Centralized Police Data: A Substantial Security and Privacy Threat**
A second *Statewatch* report, titled [“EU Police Data Plans Pose Substantial Security and Privacy Threats”](https://www.statewatch.org/news/2024/december/eu-police-data-plans-pose-substantial-security-and-privacy-threats/), explores another equally concerning initiative: the EU’s push to centralize police data repositories and expand their use.
The EU has already established several large-scale databases, such as the Schengen Information System (SIS), which stores data about individuals who may be denied entry into the EU, and the Europol Information System, which can hold details about millions of people, including those not suspected of crimes. For example, a traveler flagged mistakenly in the system could face unnecessary scrutiny, detention, or restrictions when crossing borders — highlighting the real-world risks of inaccurate or overreaching data collection. The new proposals aim to go further, creating an interoperable web of police data accessible to law enforcement agencies across member states. Proponents argue this is necessary for combating cross-border crime and terrorism, but the risks are immense.
## **Key Concerns with Centralized Police Data**
1. Massive Data Collection: The EU’s proposed systems would require the collection of highly sensitive data, including biometric information (fingerprints, facial recognition scans) and behavioral analytics, to track individuals’ activities across borders.
2. Data Misuse and Security Risks: Centralized data systems are prime targets for cyberattacks, data breaches, and misuse. The larger and more interconnected the system, the greater the risks of unauthorized access, theft, or corruption of the data.
3. As *Statewatch* points out, the systems lack robust safeguards to prevent misuse or to ensure that data is handled proportionately and lawfully.
4. Erosion of Trust in Law Enforcement: Building centralized data repositories without meaningful safeguards undermines public trust. Individuals may be less willing to engage with law enforcement if they fear their data will be stored indefinitely, shared across borders, or used inappropriately.
5. Impact on Fundamental Rights: Mass police databases can violate the principle of proportionality, a cornerstone of EU law. By collecting and sharing data indiscriminately, these systems erode fundamental rights, including the right to privacy, freedom of movement, and the presumption of innocence.
## **Civil Society Opposition and Democratic Accountability**
In an open letter to EU institutions, over 30 civil society organizations — including EDRi — have criticized the lack of transparency in the High-Level Group’s (HLG) recommendations for data access. The letter highlights a concerning pattern: while industry stakeholders are included in key discussions, civil society voices remain sidelined. This exclusion undermines democratic accountability and reinforces fears that surveillance policies are being driven by corporate interests rather than public well-being.
These organizations have called for the EU to prioritize transparency, include meaningful public debate, and ensure any law enforcement proposals respect proportionality and fundamental rights.
# **Why Privacy Advocates Are Sounding the Alarm**
The reports from *Statewatch* highlight a fundamental clash between security policy and individual rights. Privacy advocates are urging EU lawmakers to take a step back and critically examine the following issues:
1. Lack of Democratic Oversight: Proposals to integrate surveillance systems and expand police databases are being pushed forward without genuine public debate or oversight. Civil society organizations have been excluded from key discussions.
2. Failure to Uphold Privacy Laws: The EU has some of the strongest privacy laws in the world, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). However, these proposals risk undermining GDPR principles by enabling indiscriminate data collection and sharing.
3. Ignoring Proportionality: Surveillance systems must be targeted, necessary, and proportionate to their objectives. Embedding policing into technological design and centralizing data far exceeds what is justified for fighting crime and terrorism.
4. Setting Dangerous Precedents: The failure to fully ban harmful surveillance technologies like facial recognition in public spaces sets a troubling precedent. It risks not only eroding privacy within the EU but also encouraging other nations to adopt similar measures, undermining global human rights.
# **A Call for Action: Safeguarding Our Privacy and Rights**
As the EU pushes forward with these plans, the opposition from civil rights defenders grows louder. Policymakers must address the following key demands to prevent an erosion of fundamental rights:
- Implement Privacy by Design: All new technologies must prioritize privacy protections at the design stage, ensuring they are not co-opted for surveillance.
- Establish Robust Oversight: Any new policing tools or databases must be subject to democratic scrutiny, independent oversight, and clear legal frameworks to prevent misuse.
- Reassess Interoperability Plans: Cross-border police cooperation is important, but it must not come at the cost of individuals’ privacy, security, and dignity.
- Strengthen Export Controls: The EU must ban the export of surveillance tools that risk facilitating human rights abuses in authoritarian regimes.
- Prioritize Data Security: Centralized systems require state-of-the-art security measures to protect sensitive data from breaches or misuse.
The EU’s role as a leader in digital rights and privacy is now at stake. If these plans proceed without significant safeguards, Europe risks undermining its own foundational principles of freedom, security, and justice.
# **Conclusion: The Price of Surveillance-Driven Security**
The EU’s surveillance plans may be presented as necessary for security, but they come at a steep cost to privacy, trust, and individual freedoms. Embedding surveillance into our technologies and centralizing police data pose far-reaching risks that cannot be ignored.
As privacy advocates, it is our responsibility to hold policymakers accountable and demand a security framework that upholds, rather than undermines, fundamental rights. Europe’s future must not be built on surveillance by design — but on privacy, democracy, and trust.
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Welcome, friend. I hope this place becomes a space to pause, breathe, and reflect in the midst of the chaos of life and faith. If you’re here, there’s a good chance you’ve felt the weight of doubt in your belief, the kind that sits heavy on your heart, whispers in your mind, and makes you wonder if you’d truly be accepted if people knew your questions, especially when everything around you insists that belief without doubt is the only acceptable way to be. I get it. I’ve been there too.
I’ve faced a lot of pressure: the pressure to get everything right, the shame that follows any hint of sin, and the isolation that comes with feeling like I’m not quite enough for God’s love—whether it was because of the mistakes I’ve made or the doubts that linger in my heart. It’s tough to be part of a faith tradition that values certainty above all else when you’re in the middle of a spiritual crisis or a season of question. For many of us, the church can sometimes feel like a place where doubt isn’t welcomed, where questions are viewed as weaknesses, or worse, a ticket to hell. But here’s what I’ve learned in the decade I stepped away from my church and my beliefs: **doubt doesn’t mean we’re failing at faith. It means we’re seeking something deeper.**
### Understanding the Pressure to Be Certain
For many of us who were raised in conservative Christian settings, there’s often an unspoken (and sometimes spoken) expectation: doubt is not okay. The message we receive is that to be a "good Christian" means you must have unwavering faith, an unshakable belief that everything in the Bible is true, and absolute certainty in your relationship with God. You’re supposed to have all the answers, be sure of your salvation, and confidently declare your faith in the face of any challenge.
But what happens when you don't have all the answers? When you question parts of scripture or the ways the church has interpreted it? When you wonder how a loving God can allow suffering, or how science and faith can co-exist? When you wonder if you're truly loved by God, or if your struggles disqualify you from His grace?
There’s a lot of weight in these questions, and for a long time, I felt alone in them. After all, isn’t doubt something that should be avoided? Shouldn’t we be strong enough to push through and just believe? The church certainly didn't seem to be the place to clear this all up in my mind!
### The Reality of Doubt: You’re Not Alone
The truth is, doubt is a natural part of the human experience. A study published in the Journal of Psychology and Theology found that 70% of individuals experience some level of doubt at various points in their spiritual journey. **Doubt doesn’t make you a bad Christian or a failure at faith—it makes you human.**
The Bible is filled with examples of doubt. One of the most famous stories comes from Thomas, often referred to as "Doubting Thomas." After Jesus’ resurrection, when the other disciples saw Him alive and well, Thomas couldn’t believe it until he saw Jesus for himself and touched His wounds. When he finally encountered the risen Christ, Jesus didn’t rebuke him for doubting—He met him in the doubt. Jesus said, “Put your finger here; see my hands. Reach out your hand and put it into my side. Stop doubting and believe” (John 20:27, NIV). But Jesus doesn’t shame Thomas. No. He invites him to experience the truth, to see it for himself, and to believe in his own time and way.
**Doubt is not a sin. It’s part of the journey of faith. Just like Thomas, we can bring our doubts to Jesus, and He will meet us in that place.**
### Acknowledging Doubt: A Step Toward Deeper Faith
Sometimes we think that the right way to navigate doubt is to push it down, pretend it doesn’t exist, or cover it up with surface-level answers. We’re told that questioning our faith is a sign of weakness or a lack of commitment. But what if the opposite is true? *What if acknowledging our doubt could be the very thing that leads us to a deeper, more authentic faith?*
In the book of Psalms, many of the writers express their doubts and frustrations with God. Take Psalm 73, for example. The psalmist, Asaph, begins by questioning the fairness of life: “Surely God is good to Israel, to those who are pure in heart. But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked” (Psalm 73:1-3, NIV). Asaph openly doubts God’s goodness, and he questions why it seems like those who do wrong are thriving. But instead of running from his questions, he brings them before God, and by the end of the psalm, he expresses renewed trust in God's faithfulness (Psalm 73:23-26). Through this process of doubting and questioning, Asaph’s faith is refined, and he ultimately comes to a deeper understanding of God's justice and presence.
When we acknowledge the doubt, we don’t weaken our faith; we make space for it to grow. True faith isn’t the absence of doubt—it’s the trust to keep going even when we don’t have all the answers.
**What the Bible Says About Doubt**
James 1:6-8 is one of the passages that many people turn to when discussing doubt in the context of faith. It says:
> "But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do" (James 1:6-8, NIV).
In these verses, James is addressing the process of asking God for wisdom. The context is not about the kind of doubt that questions God’s existence or love, but about a specific type of doubt: a lack of commitment or double-mindedness when it comes to asking for something from God. James is highlighting the importance of trust and consistency in prayer and faith.
Now, this is where it gets tricky. It seems as though James is saying that any form of doubt disqualifies you from receiving God's wisdom, but what he’s actually pointing out is something deeper. The doubt James describes here is not the kind of doubt where you're struggling with your faith and trying to work through your questions. It’s a doubt that stems from being double-minded or divided in your loyalty—someone who isn’t fully committed to trusting in God's goodness and His ability to provide answers.
In other words, James is addressing those who are unable to decide whether they trust God enough to act in faith, or whether they will rely on their own understanding. This isn’t about wrestling with questions of faith, but about refusing to fully trust God and expecting Him to give you what you ask for without truly believing He will. The warning here is that divided loyalty in your faith—being uncertain whether to trust God or rely on your own solutions—leads to instability in your life.
### How Does This Relate to Us Today?
If we look at this in light of our own lives, the point James is making is incredibly relevant. It’s okay to have questions, to wrestle with doubt, and to not always have complete clarity. But if your doubt leads you to question God’s ability, goodness, or willingness to act, then you're not fully trusting in Him. If you approach God in prayer with a heart that says, “I don’t think He’ll really answer this, but I’ll ask anyway,” that’s the kind of wavering that James warns against. Faith requires a kind of consistency in belief: that God is good, He is listening, and He has the power to answer—even when you don’t understand how or when.
What James seems to be saying is that doubt becomes problematic when it leads us to reject God’s goodness or power. It's not the occasional, fleeting doubt about one’s salvation or understanding of scripture that disqualifies us from receiving from God, but rather a refusal to commit fully to trusting God in our times of need.How Does This Relate to Us Today?
If we look at this in light of our own lives, the point James is making is incredibly relevant. It’s okay to have questions, to wrestle with doubt, and to not always have complete clarity. But if your doubt leads you to question God’s ability, goodness, or willingness to act, then you're not fully trusting in Him. If you approach God in prayer with a heart that says, “I don’t think He’ll really answer this, but I’ll ask anyway,” that’s the kind of wavering that James warns against. Faith requires a kind of consistency in belief: that God is good, He is listening, and He has the power to answer—even when you don’t understand how or when.
What James seems to be saying is that doubt becomes problematic when it leads us to reject God’s goodness or power. It's not the occasional, fleeting doubt about one’s salvation or understanding of scripture that disqualifies us from receiving from God, but rather a refusal to commit fully to trusting God in our times of need.
### Practical Ways to Navigate Doubt in a Faith Tradition that Values Certainty
**Acknowledge Your Doubts Without Shame** \
The first step in navigating doubt is acknowledging it. Doubt doesn’t make you a bad Christian or unworthy of God’s love. You don’t need to hide your questions. Instead of feeling guilty, recognize that doubt is part of your spiritual journey, and it’s okay to ask questions. When we’re honest about our doubts, we give God space to meet us where we are.
**Engage with Scripture Honestly** \
Sometimes, we shy away from certain parts of the Bible because they challenge us or don’t make sense. But the Bible is full of complexity, contradictions, and depth—and that’s okay. Approach Scripture with curiosity and openness. It’s not about finding all the answers right away, but about engaging with the text and allowing it to speak to you in different seasons of your life.
**Surround Yourself with a Supportive Community** \
Find people who are willing to walk with you through your doubts. If you’re struggling with questions, it can be incredibly helpful to talk with someone who has navigated similar struggles. Surround yourself with people who are willing to explore faith openly and who won’t judge you for questioning.
**Embrace the Mystery of Faith** \
Faith is never about having all the answers. There will always be aspects of God’s character and His ways that remain mysterious to us. But instead of trying to solve every mystery, learn to embrace the mystery. Faith is trusting in the unknown, and sometimes the questions themselves are a beautiful part of the journey.
**Remember That Jesus Loves You—Doubt and All** \
Above all else, remember that Jesus loves you deeply, no matter where you are in your faith journey. He isn’t looking for perfection; He’s looking for honesty. Just as He met Thomas in his doubt, He will meet you too. There is no shame in your questions—only an invitation to deeper trust and intimacy with God.
Navigating doubt in a faith tradition that values certainty is hard. But remember, you’re not alone in your struggle. Doubt isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s an invitation to deepen your faith. Just as God met Thomas and the psalmist in their doubt, He will meet you where you are. Faith isn’t about having all the answers—it’s about trusting God with our questions.
So, friend, don’t be afraid of your doubts. They don’t disqualify you from God’s love or His plans for your life. They are simply part of the beautiful, messy, and deeply human journey of faith. Take it one step at a time, and know that, like me, you are loved by God no matter where you are on your spiritual path.
#blog #christian #christianity #spirituality
I just finished up listening to a solid podcast episode and it got me thinking. As we approach the end of another year, it's natural to feel the weight of the past 12 months bearing down on us. But what if, instead of dragging all of that baggage into the new year, we took the time to truly come into 2025 feeling light and unencumbered?
That's the approach Jesse Itzler takes as he prepares for the year ahead. "I want to come into the new year feeling light," he explains. "I don't want to have a lot of carryover going into the next year. I want to clean my hands and just be light."
Part of Jesse's end-of-year ritual is getting ruthlessly organized and decluttered, from his closet to his email inbox. "I don't want to play catch-up," he says. "I want to attack. I want to dominate the year, not let other people take it away from me."
Here are some of his Actionable Steps (I do some of these already, but I will be adding a few more):
1. Conduct a Personal Year-End Review
- Reflect on what worked, what didn't, and what you want to focus on in the year ahead.
- Assess your progress in key areas like family, fitness, finance, and fun.
2. Declutter and Organize
- Go through your closet and donate anything you haven't worn in the past year.
- Clear the clutter from your desk and digital spaces like your email inbox.
3. Unsubscribe and Simplify
- Unsubscribe from email lists, apps, and subscriptions you no longer need.
- Delete unused apps and digital files to minimize distractions.
4. Embrace a Beginner's Mindset
- Approach the new year with a sense of possibility and excitement.
- Be willing to let go of old habits and try new approaches.
5. Attack the Year with Focus and Intention
- Set ambitious but achievable goals in key areas of your life.
- Develop systems and routines to help you stay on track.
## Let me know if there is anything else I should add to my list to lighten up the load for 2025.
### Cheers, Yooper
- ~finish writing some experimental specs and store on hidden repo for later~
- fix bugs on in-house js web components framework
- slooowly migrate kind:1 app from Qwik to above framework
- revamp kind:1 app login
- add basic engagement features then halt kind:1 app dev
- test feasibility of new app - codename: ZULULA. cool? flawed?
- if cool, finish ZULULA basic features
- start simplified messenger app to test custom chat spec
- if you got here you turned yourself into High Pleb
- ...don't know what's next yet
Finally another version of noStrudel. I keep telling myself I'm going to do more frequent releases but then time keeps getting away from me
This release comes with a bunch of news features and most importantly a lot of cleanup
## Features
### Olas media posts
You can now view a simple feed of media posts made on https://olas.app/ in the app and comment on them using NIP-22 comments
### Simple gif picker
This was mostly a test, but there is now a simple gif picker (and barely functional search) that is based on `k:1063` events
If you want a better search and to help populate the nostr gif library you can use https://gifbuddy.lol created by nostr:npub1hee433872q2gen90cqh2ypwcq9z7y5ugn23etrd2l2rrwpruss8qwmrsv6
### New support view
The *(tiny)* support button at the bottom of the side menu now hides a zap leader board that shows top supporters and any custom messages they leave
### Favorite DVM feeds
You can now favorite DVM feeds in the discover view
### Tools under notes
There is now a simpler tools menu under notes and threads
### Searching local cache relay
If your using [nostr-relay-tray](https://github.com/CodyTseng/nostr-relay-tray) the search view will now use it by default for searching. which should make it a little faster and more reliable
### Small features
- Add "Proactively authenticate to relays" option to privacy settings, defaults to off
- Add option for debug API
- Add option to hide noStrudel logo in nav bar
- Show unknown notifications in notification view
- Add templates to event publisher
## Bug fixes
- Show nostr mentions in markdown content
- Fix delete events not getting published to outbox
- Fix page changing from RTL when viewing some profiles
- Refresh relay info on relay page
- Fix bug with removing "about" in profile editor
- Fix automatically disconnecting from authenticated relays
## Applesauce
Over the past few months I've been doing tons of cleanup on the core of noStrudel *(677 changed files with 19,683 additions and 17,889 deletions)* and extracting it out into a friendly nostr SDK called [applesauce](https://hzrd149.github.io/applesauce/)
Its very much a work-in-progress but the idea with these libraries is to help myself (and maybe others) build the UI layer of nostr apps and eventually make noStrudel just another app that is built with applesauce
If your a developer and another nostr SDK sounds interesting to you. you can check out the [Getting Started](https://hzrd149.github.io/applesauce/introduction/getting-started.html) docs
# titcoin
_Rename Bitcoin to "Titcoin" and sats to "tits."_
Redefinition of Bitcoin into “Titcoin” and redefinition of sats into “tits” using that as the Unit Base of Denomination.
TitHub repository available here: [https://github.com/WalkerAmerica/titcoin](https://github.com/WalkerAmerica/titcoin)
# Abstract
This BIP proposes redefining the commonly recognized "bitcoin" and “sats” units so that what was previously known “bitcoin” becomes “titcoin” and what was previously known as “sats,” the smallest indivisible unit, becomes “tits.” The “Bitcoin” Network will be renamed to the “Titcoin” Network. Under this proposal, one tit is defined as that smallest unit, eliminating the need for decimal places, and 100,000,000 tits is defined as a titcoin. By making tits the standard measure, this BIP aims to simplify user comprehension, reduce confusion, and align on-chain values directly with their displayed representation.
Also, by aligning Bitcoin's brand with live-giving tits, we will supercharge adoption and inject humor into financial sovereignty. After all, every baby came into this world sucking on tits.
**Under this BIP:**
- Internally, the smallest indivisible unit remains unchanged.
- With this proposal, "1 tit" equals that smallest unit.
- What was previously referred to as "1 BTC" now corresponds to 100 million tits.
- Satoshis are permanently eliminated.
# Addressing the “Buttcoin” BIP:
Not much time need be wasted addressing the catastrophic “Button” BIP proposed by Rockstar Dev, but two points bear emphasizing:
1. “Butts” is shitcoin-adjacent terminology (where does shit come from? Exactly…)
2. Butts give you poop. Tits give you milk.
**Case closed.**
# Motivation
Bitcoin's branding is boring. Worse yet, critics think Bitcoin is already "a joke," so let’s own it, let's: Make Bitcoin Funny Again. Laughter is universal, irresistible, and much cheaper than marketing agencies and product roadmaps. Besides, basically everyone either has tits or likes tits. Additionally, renaming Bitcoin as “Titcoin” makes the common trope of “Bitcoin BROS” sound even more stupid. “Titcoin Bros”? Get a life, man…
By rebranding Bitcoin to Titcoin (.)(.), we achieve several key goals:
**1. Haters Become Users:**
People like tits. Tits give nourishment to babies. They can stack tits instead of just making fun of them. Adoption skyrockets as trolls turn into tit hodlers.
**2. Memetic Power:**
The word “tit” is both universally funny and ageless. “Send me 10 tits” is instantly iconic. “Nice tits” is a great compliment. “That’s gonna cost you a pair of tits” is hilarious. Try saying that without smiling. You can’t. (.)(.)
**3. Simplifying Denominations:**
Decimals are a blight on humanity. 0.00000001 BTC? Kill it. Under the Titcoin Standard:
- 1 Titcoin = 100,000,000 tits.
- Satoshis are gone. Forever. If you see Satoshi on the road, kill him - just like in Zen, where the teacher becomes the barrier. We transcend satoshis and achieve financial enlightenment.
**4. Aligning with the Ledger:**
Bitcoin’s base unit was always integers, but now they’re funny integers. No more fractions, decimals, or math anxiety. Just tits. (.)(.)
**5. Adoption via Humor:**
Titcoin lowers Bitcoin's intimidation factor. Newbies will feel at ease buying tits instead of serious-sounding fractions of BTC. Tits > Decimals.
# Specification
**Terminology Redefinitions:**
- "Bitcoin" → "Titcoin" (.)(.)
- "BTC" → "TIT" (ISO-friendly and hilarious)
- Satoshis → Gone. Eliminated. Defeated.
- Old: "I’ll send you 0.00010000 BTC."
- New: "I’ll send you 10,000 tits (.)(.)."
Wallet balances would display as:
- "You have 1,000,000 tits" instead of some boring fractional BTC amount.
# Adoption Strategy
**1. Memes First:**
Flood Twitter, Reddit, and Telegram with memes. Start with *“Hodl your tits”* and *“Stack tits”*.
**2. Titcoin Podcast:**
There is already a podcast called _“Titcoin Podcast”_ (which many people are saying is the fastest-growing Bitcoin (Titcoin) podcast in the world). Titcoin Podcast will be a driving force in the adoption of the Titcoin Standard. (.)(.)
Nostr: https://primal.net/titcoin
X: https://x.com/titcoinpodcast
Web: http://titcoin.org
**3. Kill Satoshis:**
Developers MUST remove all references to satoshis. Replace satoshis in GUIs, APIs, and block explorers with tits. Satoshis were a stepping stone - it’s time to let go.
**4. Emoji Standardization:**
Use the (.)(.) emoji universally to denote tits.
# Rationale
**1. Usability & Clarity:**
"Decimals are for nerds. Tits are for everyone." A common currency for humans should be easy to use, funny, and integer-based.
**2. Appealing to Critics:**
Bitcoin has endured years of attacks from all sides. By adopting the Titcoin Standard, we turn anyone who doesn’t like Titcoin into a tit-hating bigot. It’s an elegant financial counterattack. Additionally, everyone always says “we need more women in Bitcoin,” and now women will feel more represented by Titcoin, because they have tits. (.)(.)
**3. Transcending Satoshis:**
Satoshis served us well, but their time is over. True enlightenment comes when we abandon decimals, satoshis, and arbitrary denominations. If you meet Satoshi on the road, kill him.
**4. Memetic Durability:**
Everyone loves a good tit joke. It’s timeless.
# Backward Compatibility
There is no backward compatibility because Titcoin is the future. Applications must hard fork their UI to replace all references to Bitcoin and BTC with Titcoin and TIT.
# Implementation Timeline
- Phase 1 (1 month): Meme dissemination. Every wallet dev team is required to add (.)(.) emoji support.
- Phase 2 (3 months): Exchanges rebrand BTC tickers to tit. *Nostr zaps tits into hyperspace.*
- Phase 3 (6 months): Michael Saylor announces MicroStrategy now stacked 10 trillion tits, declaring it the superior currency. ETFs follow suit, ensuring Wall Street hodls tits en masse. Banks allow tit transfers via SWIFT.
# Test Vectors
- Old: 1.00000000 BTC → New: 100,000,000 tits (.)(.)
- Old: 0.00000001 BTC → New: 1 tit (.)(.)
- Old: 0.001 BTC → New: 100,000 tits (.)(.)
# Future-Proofing
Tits ensure we have infinite memes for infinite money.
**Example Phrases for the Future:**
- "Better hodl on to your tits."
- "This is the Titcoin Standard."
- "I’m sending you tits."
- “I’ve never seen so many tits!”
- “That’s the million tit question.”
- “We need more women in Titcoin.”
- “I’m a Titcoin Maximalist.”
- “Nice tits!”
- “I love tits.”
# Conclusion
By renaming Bitcoin to Titcoin and adopting a whole-number unit display, we align memetic dominance with financial sovereignty. Haters become adopters. Tits become wealth. And the world gets a little bit funnier. (.)(.)
Let’s hodl our tits and watch the world follow.
# Copyright:
This BIP is licensed under CC-🫱(.)(.)🫲-1.0 and the eternal blessing of tit (.)(.) memes.
Today I learned how to install [NVapi](https://github.com/sammcj/NVApi) to monitor my GPUs in Home Assistant.
**NVApi** is a lightweight API designed for monitoring NVIDIA GPU utilization and enabling automated power management. It provides real-time GPU metrics, supports integration with tools like Home Assistant, and offers flexible power management and PCIe link speed management based on workload and thermal conditions.
- **GPU Utilization Monitoring**: Utilization, memory usage, temperature, fan speed, and power consumption.
- **Automated Power Limiting**: Adjusts power limits dynamically based on temperature thresholds and total power caps, configurable per GPU or globally.
- **Cross-GPU Coordination**: Total power budget applies across multiple GPUs in the same system.
- **PCIe Link Speed Management**: Controls minimum and maximum PCIe link speeds with idle thresholds for power optimization.
- **Home Assistant Integration**: Uses the built-in RESTful platform and template sensors.
## Getting the Data
sudo apt install golang-go
git clone https://github.com/sammcj/NVApi.git
cd NVapi
go run main.go -port 9999 -rate 1
curl http://localhost:9999/gpu
Response for a single GPU:
"index": 0,
"name": "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4090",
"gpu_utilisation": 0,
"memory_utilisation": 0,
"power_watts": 16,
"power_limit_watts": 450,
"memory_total_gb": 23.99,
"memory_used_gb": 0.46,
"memory_free_gb": 23.52,
"memory_usage_percent": 2,
"temperature": 38,
"processes": [],
"pcie_link_state": "not managed"
Response for multiple GPUs:
"index": 0,
"name": "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3090",
"gpu_utilisation": 0,
"memory_utilisation": 0,
"power_watts": 14,
"power_limit_watts": 350,
"memory_total_gb": 24,
"memory_used_gb": 0.43,
"memory_free_gb": 23.57,
"memory_usage_percent": 2,
"temperature": 36,
"processes": [],
"pcie_link_state": "not managed"
"index": 1,
"name": "NVIDIA RTX A4000",
"gpu_utilisation": 0,
"memory_utilisation": 0,
"power_watts": 10,
"power_limit_watts": 140,
"memory_total_gb": 15.99,
"memory_used_gb": 0.56,
"memory_free_gb": 15.43,
"memory_usage_percent": 3,
"temperature": 41,
"processes": [],
"pcie_link_state": "not managed"
# Start at Boot
Create `/etc/systemd/system/nvapi.service`:
Description=Run NVapi
ExecStart=/usr/bin/go run main.go -port 9999 -rate 1
# Environment="GPU_TOTAL_POWER_CAP=400"
# Environment="GPU_0_LOW_TEMP=40"
# Environment="GPU_0_MEDIUM_TEMP=70"
# Environment="GPU_0_LOW_TEMP_LIMIT=135"
# Environment="GPU_0_MEDIUM_TEMP_LIMIT=120"
# Environment="GPU_0_HIGH_TEMP_LIMIT=100"
# Environment="GPU_1_LOW_TEMP=45"
# Environment="GPU_1_MEDIUM_TEMP=75"
# Environment="GPU_1_LOW_TEMP_LIMIT=140"
# Environment="GPU_1_MEDIUM_TEMP_LIMIT=125"
# Environment="GPU_1_HIGH_TEMP_LIMIT=110"
## Home Assistant
Add to Home Assistant `configuration.yaml` and restart HA (completely).
For a single GPU, this works:
- platform: rest
name: MYPC GPU Information
resource: http://mypc:9999
method: GET
Content-Type: application/json
value_template: "{{ value_json[0].index }}"
- name
- gpu_utilisation
- memory_utilisation
- power_watts
- power_limit_watts
- memory_total_gb
- memory_used_gb
- memory_free_gb
- memory_usage_percent
- temperature
scan_interval: 1 # seconds
- platform: template
friendly_name: "MYPC {{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'name') }} GPU"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'gpu_utilisation') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
friendly_name: "MYPC {{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'name') }} Memory"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'memory_utilisation') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
friendly_name: "MYPC {{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'name') }} Power"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'power_watts') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
friendly_name: "MYPC {{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'name') }} Power Limit"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'power_limit_watts') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
friendly_name: "MYPC {{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'name') }} Temperature"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu_information', 'temperature') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "°C"
For multiple GPUs:
scan_interval: 1
resource: http://mypc:9999
- name: "MYPC GPU0 Information"
value_template: "{{ value_json[0].index }}"
json_attributes_path: "$.0"
- name
- gpu_utilisation
- memory_utilisation
- power_watts
- power_limit_watts
- memory_total_gb
- memory_used_gb
- memory_free_gb
- memory_usage_percent
- temperature
- name: "MYPC GPU1 Information"
value_template: "{{ value_json[1].index }}"
json_attributes_path: "$.1"
- name
- gpu_utilisation
- memory_utilisation
- power_watts
- power_limit_watts
- memory_total_gb
- memory_used_gb
- memory_free_gb
- memory_usage_percent
- temperature
- platform: template
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU0 GPU"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu0_information', 'gpu_utilisation') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU0 Memory"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu0_information', 'memory_utilisation') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU0 Power"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu0_information', 'power_watts') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU0 Power Limit"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu0_information', 'power_limit_watts') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU0 Temperature"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu0_information', 'temperature') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "C"
- platform: template
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU1 GPU"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu1_information', 'gpu_utilisation') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU1 Memory"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu1_information', 'memory_utilisation') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "%"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU1 Power"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu1_information', 'power_watts') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU1 Power Limit"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu1_information', 'power_limit_watts') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "W"
friendly_name: "MYPC GPU1 Temperature"
value_template: "{{ state_attr('sensor.mypc_gpu1_information', 'temperature') }}"
unit_of_measurement: "C"
Basic entity card:
type: entities
- entity: sensor.mypc_gpu_0_gpu
secondary_info: last-updated
- entity: sensor.mypc_gpu_0_memory
secondary_info: last-updated
- entity: sensor.mypc_gpu_0_power
secondary_info: last-updated
- entity: sensor.mypc_gpu_0_power_limit
secondary_info: last-updated
- entity: sensor.mypc_gpu_0_temperature
secondary_info: last-updated
# Ansible Role
- name: install go
become: true
name: golang-go
state: present
- name: git clone
repo: "https://github.com/sammcj/NVApi.git"
dest: "/home/ansible/NVapi"
update: yes
force: true
# go run main.go -port 9999 -rate 1
- name: install systemd service
become: true
src: nvapi.service
dest: /etc/systemd/system/nvapi.service
- name: Reload systemd daemons, enable, and restart nvapi
become: true
name: nvapi
daemon_reload: yes
enabled: yes
state: restarted
# Nostr 2?
## Breaking Changes in Nostr
Nostr was a huge leap forward. But it isn't perfect.
When developers notice a problem with nostr, they confer with each other to work out a solution to the problem. This is usually in the form of a NIP PR on the nips repo.
Some problems are easy. Just add something new and optional. No biggie. Zaps, git stuff, bunkers... just dream it up and add it.
Other problems can only be fixed by breaking changes. With a breaking change, the overall path forward is like this: Add the new way of doing it while preserving the old way. Push the major software to switch to the new way. Then deprecate the old way. This is a simplification, but it is the basic idea. It is how we solved markers/quotes/root and how we are upgrading encryption, among other things.
This process of pushing through a breaking change becomes more difficult as we have more and more existing nostr software out there that will break. Most of the time what happens is that the major software is driven to make the change (usually by nostr:npub180cvv07tjdrrgpa0j7j7tmnyl2yr6yr7l8j4s3evf6u64th6gkwsyjh6w6), and the smaller software is left to fend for itself. A while back I introduced the BREAKING.md file to help people developing smaller lesser-known software keep up with these changes.
## Big Ideas
But some ideas just can't be applied to nostr. The idea is too big. The change is too breaking. It changes something fundamental. And nobody has come up with a smooth path to move from the old way to the new way.
And so we debate a bunch of things, and never settle on anything, and eventually nostr:npub180cvv07tjdrrgpa0j7j7tmnyl2yr6yr7l8j4s3evf6u64th6gkwsyjh6w6 makes a post saying that we don't really want it anyways 😉.
As we encounter good ideas that are hard to apply to nostr, I've been filing them away in a repository I call "nostr-next", so we don't forget about them, in case we ever wanted to start over.
It seems to me that starting over every time we encountered such a thing would be unwise. However, once we collect enough changes that we couldn't reasonably phase into nostr, then a tipping point is crossed where it becomes worthwhile to start over. In terms of the "bang for the buck" metaphor, the bang becomes bigger and bigger but the buck (the pain and cost of starting over) doesn't grow as rapidly.
## WHAT? Start over?
IMHO starting over could be very bad if done in a cavalier way. The community could fracture. The new protocol could fail to take off due to lacking the network effect. The odds that a new protocol catches on are low, irrespective of how technically superior it could be.
So the big question is: can we preserve the nostr community and it's network effect while making a major step-change to the protocol and software?
I don't know the answer to that one, but I have an idea about it.
I think the new-protocol clients can be dual-stack, creating events in both systems and linking those events together via tags. The nostr key identity would still be used, and the new system identity too. This is better than things like the mostr bridge because each user would remain in custody of their own keys.
## The nitty gritty
Here are some of the things I think would make nostr better, but which nostr can't easily fix. A lot of these ideas have been mentioned before by multiple people and I didn't give credit to all of you (sorry) because my brain can't track it all. But I've been collecting these over time at https://github.com/mikedilger/nostr-next
* Events as CBOR or BEVE or MsgPack or a fixed-schema binary layout... anything but JSON text with its parsing, it's encoding ambiguity, it's requirement to copy fields before hashing them, its unlimited size constraints. (me, nostr:npub1xtscya34g58tk0z605fvr788k263gsu6cy9x0mhnm87echrgufzsevkk5s)
* EdDSA ed25519 keys instead of secp256k1, to enable interoperability with a bunch of other stuff like ssh, pgp, TLS, Mainline DHT, and many more, plus just being better cryptography (me, Nuh, Orlovsky, except Orlovsky wanted Ristretto25519 for speed)
* Bootstrapping relay lists (and relay endpoints) from Mainline DHT (nostr:npub1jvxvaufrwtwj79s90n79fuxmm9pntk94rd8zwderdvqv4dcclnvs9s7yqz)
* Master keys and revocable subkeys / device keys (including having your nostr key as a subkey)
* Encryption to use different encryption-specific subkeys and ephemeral ones from the sender.
* Relay keypairs, TLS without certificates, relays known by keypair instead of URL
* Layered protocol (separate core from applications)
* Software remembering when they first saw an event, for 2 reasons, the main one being revocation (don't trust the date in the event, trust when you first saw it), the second being more precise time range queries.
* Upgrade/feature negotiation (HTTP headers prior to starting websockets)
* IDs starting with a timestamp so they are temporally adjacent (significantly better database performance) (Vitor's idea)
* Filters that allow boolean expressions on tag values, and also ID exclusions. Removing IDs from filters and moving to a GET command.
* Changing the transport (I'm against this but I know others want to)
## What would it look like?
Someone (Steve Farroll) has taken my nostr-next repo and turned it into a proposed protocol he calls [Mosaic](https://github.com/SteveFarroll/mosaic-spec). I think it is quite representative of that repo,
as it already includes most of those suggestions, so I've been contributing to it. Mosaic spec is rendered [here](https://stevefarroll.github.io/mosaic-spec/).
Of course, where Mosaic stands right now it is mostly my ideas (and Steve's), it doesn't have feedback or input from other nostr developers yet. That is what this blog post is about. I think it is time for other nostr devs to be made aware of this thing.
It is currently in the massive breaking changes phase. It might not look that way because of the detail and refinement of the documentation, but indeed everything is changing rapidly. It probably has some bad ideas and is probably missing some great ideas that you have.
Which is why this is a good time for other devs to start taking a look at it.
It is also the time to debate meta issues like "are you crazy Mike?" or "no we have to just break nostr but keep it nostr, we can't dual-stack" or whatever.
Personally I think mosaic-spec should develop and grow for quite a while before the "tipping point" happens. That is, I'm not sure we should jump in feet first yet, but rather we build up and refine this new protocol and spend a lot of time thinking about how to migrate smoothly, and break it a lot while nobody is using it.
So you can just reply to this, or DM me, or open issues or PRs at [Mosaic](https://github.com/SteveFarroll/mosaic-spec), or just whisper to each other while giving me the evil eye.
- This will void your warranty
- There might be differences between the Bitaxe and the Lucky Miner that might not cause issues or damage immediately, but might manifest long-term
- Proceed at your own risk
### A Different Pickaxe
You live in a place where it's difficult to get a [Bitaxe](https://github.com/skot/bitaxe). You have access to [AliExpress](https://www.aliexpress.com/). You look around. You find something called the "Lucky Miner LV06". A Bitaxe clone that uses the same mining chip as the Bitaxe Ultra \(BM1366 ASIC\). You buy one.
![Lucky Miner LV06](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/f33e0374503c156c25435d8deb0e9744eaac92a9daed209a3f2a351cda91d46b)
You plug it in, you enter your wallet address and other settings, and it starts mining. It works! Great!
But it's running a customized firmware. It's not [AxeOS](https://github.com/skot/ESP-Miner). Maybe there's something shady in the stock firmware. It's not open-source, after all. Also, AxeOS looks amazing... And that automatic pool fail-over feature is handy.
You think to yourself: "Maybe I can use the Bitaxe firmware on this?". Guess what? You're right!
### Flashing From Web UI
![Web UI flashing buttons](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/56d7291eb7a65603f5906191a440408bea062fd0335e7eef4448310bf67f3938)
What usually works for me is to:
- Download the Bitaxe firmware files \(`esp-miner.bin` and `www.bin`\) from GitHub \([here](https://github.com/skot/ESP-Miner/releases)\). Version 2.4.1 seems to work well, as of this writing.
- Then from the Lucky Miner web interface, upload the "Website" \(`www.bin`\) file.
- Wait for a minute or two after it's done uploading.
- Upload the "Firmware" \(`esp-miner.bin`\) file.
- Wait another minute or two.
- Unplug the power and plug it back in.
- Set the "Core Voltage" and "Frequency" to the defaults.
- Unplug the power and plug it back in again.
If you're lucky (no pun intended), you'll have a working Lucky Miner with AxeOS. Update the settings and mine away!
However, often times I've been unlucky, like what happened while I was writing this article, ironically. The miner malfunctions for no obvious reason. It keeps rebooting, or it's not mining \(zero/low hashrate\), or the web interface is inaccessible. You name it.
The miner has become a "brick". How do you "unbrick" it?
When you brick a Bitaxe, you can recover it by flashing (uploading) a "Factory Image". The Bitaxe has a USB port that makes this easy. Follow the [guide](https://github.com/skot/ESP-Miner/blob/master/flashing.md) and it should come back to life again. Unfortunately, the Lucky Miner LV06 doesn't have a USB port. It has a serial port, though. We'll have to get our hands a bit dirty.
### Flashing Using the Serial Port
We need to connect the serial port of the miner to a computer and run a program to flash (upload) the firmware file on the miner. Any 3.3v [UART](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Universal_asynchronous_receiver-transmitter) serial port should be sufficient. Unfortunately, PCs don't usually come with a UART serial port these days, let alone a 3.3v one. The serial port common in old computers is an [RS-232](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RS-232) port, which will most probably fry your miner if you try to connect it directly. Beware.
In my case, as a serial port for my PC, I'm using an [Arduino Due](https://docs.arduino.cc/hardware/due/) I had lying around. We connect it to the PC through USB, and on the other side we connect a few wires to the miner, which gives the PC access to the miner.
**WARNING:** Make sure your serial port is 3.3v or you will probably kill the miner. [Arduino Uno](https://docs.arduino.cc/hardware/uno-rev3/) is 5v not 3.3v, for example, and cannot be used for this.
### Wiring
First, we need to open the Lucky Miner. Use a small flat screwdriver to gently push the two plastic clips shown in the picture below. Gently pry the top cover away from the bottom cover on the clips side first, then remove the other side. Be careful not to break the display cable.
![Plastic Latches](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/05a1a8ed6221f781b491b79b71f8cadef031231baefc52c021ae650824dd3fe7)
Once the cover is off, you can find the miner's serial port in the top right corner (J10), as shown in the next picture. We'll also need the reset button (EN).
![Lucky Miner Serial Port](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/38e23ecb7e93ed2807223fcd75bd49559dbdfb3d9502bdc2cc7e6cb17649bc13)
There are three screws holding the PCB and the bottom cover together. If you're confident in your ability to push the small button on the underside of the PCB with the bottom cover on, then no need to remove these. The following picture shows what we need from that side.
![PCB underside](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/361ffb5c1f7d9892e6c1fea213a664dc4330a1134a88ffa452301426369e1b36)
And the next picture shows the pins and USB port we will use from the Arduino.
![Where to connect stuff](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/4bd68c77804f51141e6b42303f9390bf9c7e1bb0f79e47278d817ed128873d7a)
Now, we need to connect:
- The USB port on the Arduino labelled "programming" to the PC
- Pin 18 (TX1) on the Arduino to J10 [through-hole pad](https://www.pcbway.com/blog/PCB_Basic_Information/Types_of_PCB_Pads_PCB_Knowledge_665df5df.html) 5 (blue dot)
- Pin 19 (RX1) on the Arduino to J10 through-hole pad 3 (green dot)
- Any GND pin on the Arduino to J10 through-hole pad 4 (yellow dot)
I didn't need to solder the wires to the pads. Keeping everything stable, perhaps by putting a weight on the wires or a bit of tape, was sufficient in all my attempts.
### Setting up the Arduino
To use the Arduino as a serial port for our PC, we'll have to make it pass-through data back and forth between the USB port and UART1, where we connected the miner.
The following steps are all done on a PC running [Debian Linux](https://www.debian.org/) \(Bookworm\), in the spirit of freedom and open-source.
First, we start the Arduino IDE. If the package for the Arduino Due board is not already installed, you'll see a small prompt at the bottom. Click "Install this package".
![Arduino IDE Step 1](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/6b0501a3d7e5b3bf83064f482e126aea8f641990035fda40a2e50f437e509923)
Click the "Install" button.
![Arduino IDE Step 2](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/b0f7028c7b6be38242b00cd95f15e8c62aa3707c5137e7a547c411c7d107945c)
Once the package is installed, click "Close".
![Arduino IDE Step 3](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/398a106af1e46ad2160225eb16f3c4ed4c8ba6f4bca8b574d5b9a3b6d615ebdd)
Next, we select the Due board. Click the "Tools" menu, select "Board", select "Arduino ARM (32-bits) Boards" and click "Arduino Due (Programming Port)"
![Arduino IDE Step 4](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/6c10cd840ce91a7e4e93c6df22d5fee7d2a7cd4f834953130fc12689ae1469c2)
Next, we select the port. Click the "Tools" menu again, select "Port", and click the port where the Arduino is connected. In my case it was "/dev/ttyACM0".
![Arduino IDE Step 5](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/93dec29667efb91be449fdc8e9c2739c75057798df368d28fc1157ee7c099a9a)
Now we need to upload the following code to the Arduino board. The code is actually the "SerialPassthrough" example from the IDE, but with the serial speed changed to match the miner.
void setup() {
void loop() {
if (Serial.available()) { // If anything comes in Serial (USB),
Serial1.write(Serial.read()); // read it and send it out Serial1
if (Serial1.available()) { // If anything comes in Serial1
Serial.write(Serial1.read()); // read it and send it out Serial (USB)
Copy/paste the code into the IDE and click upload. You'll see "Done uploading" at the bottom.
![Arduino IDE Step 6](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/914400f6e70bcbc02be096052db0f035d45f4da5b1ee3965924bfd1a173a6223)
Next we'll test if we're receiving data from the miner. We start by opening the "Serial Monitor" from the "Tools" menu in the IDE. Then we change the baudrate to 115200.
![Arduino IDE Step 7](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/57903eda3e8628991cdb6e62af17f89bed6023cdfce0790a9936d59f6e75c94c)
Set the Arduino and the miner in a comfortable position, make sure the wires are held in place and got a good contact on both sides, and the power is plugged in.
Now we'll put the miner in "download" mode. Press and hold the button on the underside (K1), press and release the reset button (EN), then release the other button (K1).
You should see some text from the miner in the serial monitor window, like in the picture below.
![Arduino IDE Step 8](https://blossom02.redscrypt.org/ed34783760acb2248b455bcbe221860be9430b983cdfa152043ab061d07c9432)
Congratulations! We know we're able to receive data from the miner now. We're not sure transmit is working, but we'll find out when we try to flash.
### Flashing Using the Serial Port, for Real
To flash the Lucky Miner we'll need a software tool named [esptool](https://github.com/espressif/esptool) and the factory image firmware file.
I usually use "esp-miner-factory-205-v2.1.8.bin" for the factory image \([this one](https://github.com/skot/ESP-Miner/releases/download/v2.1.8/esp-miner-factory-205-v2.1.8.bin)\) as a base, and then flash the version I want from the Web UI, using the steps I mentioned earlier.
For esptool, the documentation \([here](https://docs.espressif.com/projects/esptool/en/latest/esp32/installation.html)\) shows us how to install it.
To make things a little easier on our Debian Linux system, we'll use pipx instead of pip. The instructions below are adapted for that.
First we make sure pipx is installed. Run this command in a terminal and follow the instructions:
sudo apt-get install pipx
Then we install esptool using pipx. Run the following in a terminal:
pipx install esptool
The output will be something like this:
user@pc:~$ pipx install esptool
installed package esptool 4.8.1, installed using Python 3.11.2
These apps are now globally available
- esp_rfc2217_server.py
- espefuse.py
- espsecure.py
- esptool.py
⚠️ Note: '/home/user/.local/bin' is not on your PATH environment variable. These apps will not be globally accessible until your PATH is
updated. Run `pipx ensurepath` to automatically add it, or manually modify your PATH in your shell's config file (i.e. ~/.bashrc).
done! ✨ 🌟 ✨
We can see pipx telling us we won't be able to run our tool because the folder where it was installed is not in the PATH variable. To fix that, we can follow pipx instructions and run:
pipx ensurepath
And we'll see something like this:
user@pc:~$ pipx ensurepath
Success! Added /home/user/.local/bin to the PATH environment variable.
Consider adding shell completions for pipx. Run 'pipx completions' for instructions.
You will need to open a new terminal or re-login for the PATH changes to take effect.
Otherwise pipx is ready to go! ✨ 🌟 ✨
Now, close the terminal and re-open it so that esptool becomes available.
Finally, to actually flash the miner, put the miner in download mode, then in the following command change the port ("/dev/ttyACM0") to your serial port, as we've seen earlier, and the file path to where your firmware file is, and run it:
esptool.py -p /dev/ttyACM0 --baud 115200 write_flash --erase-all 0x0 ~/Downloads/esp-miner-factory-205-v2.1.8.bin
If everything went fine, the tool will take a few minutes to flash the firmware to the miner. You'll see something like this in the output:
user@pc:~$ esptool.py -p /dev/ttyACM0 --baud 115200 write_flash --erase-all 0x0 ~/Downloads/esp-miner-factory-205-v2.1.8.bin
esptool.py v4.8.1
Serial port /dev/ttyACM0
Detecting chip type... ESP32-S3
Chip is ESP32-S3 (QFN56) (revision v0.2)
Features: WiFi, BLE, Embedded PSRAM 8MB (AP_3v3)
Crystal is 40MHz
MAC: 3c:84:27:ba:be:01
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Configuring flash size...
Erasing flash (this may take a while)...
Chip erase completed successfully in 9.5s
Compressed 15802368 bytes to 1320190...
Wrote 15802368 bytes (1320190 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 152.1 seconds (effective 831.2 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Hard resetting via RTS pin...
And we're done! Hopefully the miner will be recovered now.
Hope this helps!
Stay humble,
### A Warning About Beta Versions of AxeOS
For reasons unknown to me, while I was writing this article I wanted to try the testing version of AxeOS, which was v2.4.1b (beta). Flashing from Web UI went smooth, but the miner stopped mining. I flashed back to v2.1.8 using the serial port, a known good version for me, but it wouldn't mine, still.
Thankfully, v2.4.1 was released recently, and flashing it from the Web UI magically revived my miner. So, be warned.
### Bonus: File Hashes
For convenience, these are the SHA256 hashes of the files I used in this article:
da24fceb246f3b8b4dd94e5143f17bd38e46e5285e807ebd51627cb08f665c0a ESP-Miner-v2.4.1/esp-miner.bin
16c5c671391f0e3e88a3e79ce33fad3b0ec232b8572fad5e1e0d1ad3251ab394 ESP-Miner-v2.4.1/www.bin
d5182a15b6fa21d7b9b31bff2026d30afed9d769781a48db914730a5751e20c6 esp-miner-factory-205-v2.1.8.bin
Che cosa significherebbe trattare l'IA come uno strumento invece che come una persona?
Dall’avvio di ChatGPT, le esplorazioni in due direzioni hanno preso velocità.
La prima direzione riguarda le capacità tecniche. Quanto grande possiamo addestrare un modello? Quanto bene può rispondere alle domande del SAT? Con quanta efficienza possiamo distribuirlo?
La seconda direzione riguarda il design dell’interazione. Come comunichiamo con un modello? Come possiamo usarlo per un lavoro utile? Quale metafora usiamo per ragionare su di esso?
La prima direzione è ampiamente seguita e enormemente finanziata, e per una buona ragione: i progressi nelle capacità tecniche sono alla base di ogni possibile applicazione. Ma la seconda è altrettanto cruciale per il campo e ha enormi incognite. Siamo solo a pochi anni dall’inizio dell’era dei grandi modelli. Quali sono le probabilità che abbiamo già capito i modi migliori per usarli?
Propongo una nuova modalità di interazione, in cui i modelli svolgano il ruolo di applicazioni informatiche (ad esempio app per telefoni): fornendo un’interfaccia grafica, interpretando gli input degli utenti e aggiornando il loro stato. In questa modalità, invece di essere un “agente” che utilizza un computer per conto dell’essere umano, l’IA può fornire un ambiente informatico più ricco e potente che possiamo utilizzare.
### Metafore per l’interazione
Al centro di un’interazione c’è una metafora che guida le aspettative di un utente su un sistema. I primi giorni dell’informatica hanno preso metafore come “scrivanie”, “macchine da scrivere”, “fogli di calcolo” e “lettere” e le hanno trasformate in equivalenti digitali, permettendo all’utente di ragionare sul loro comportamento. Puoi lasciare qualcosa sulla tua scrivania e tornare a prenderlo; hai bisogno di un indirizzo per inviare una lettera. Man mano che abbiamo sviluppato una conoscenza culturale di questi dispositivi, la necessità di queste particolari metafore è scomparsa, e con esse i design di interfaccia skeumorfici che le rafforzavano. Come un cestino o una matita, un computer è ora una metafora di se stesso.
La metafora dominante per i grandi modelli oggi è modello-come-persona. Questa è una metafora efficace perché le persone hanno capacità estese che conosciamo intuitivamente. Implica che possiamo avere una conversazione con un modello e porgli domande; che il modello possa collaborare con noi su un documento o un pezzo di codice; che possiamo assegnargli un compito da svolgere da solo e che tornerà quando sarà finito.
Tuttavia, trattare un modello come una persona limita profondamente il nostro modo di pensare all’interazione con esso. Le interazioni umane sono intrinsecamente lente e lineari, limitate dalla larghezza di banda e dalla natura a turni della comunicazione verbale. Come abbiamo tutti sperimentato, comunicare idee complesse in una conversazione è difficile e dispersivo. Quando vogliamo precisione, ci rivolgiamo invece a strumenti, utilizzando manipolazioni dirette e interfacce visive ad alta larghezza di banda per creare diagrammi, scrivere codice e progettare modelli CAD. Poiché concepiamo i modelli come persone, li utilizziamo attraverso conversazioni lente, anche se sono perfettamente in grado di accettare input diretti e rapidi e di produrre risultati visivi. Le metafore che utilizziamo limitano le esperienze che costruiamo, e la metafora modello-come-persona ci impedisce di esplorare il pieno potenziale dei grandi modelli.
Per molti casi d’uso, e specialmente per il lavoro produttivo, credo che il futuro risieda in un’altra metafora: modello-come-computer.
### Usare un’IA come un computer
Sotto la metafora modello-come-computer, interagiremo con i grandi modelli seguendo le intuizioni che abbiamo sulle applicazioni informatiche (sia su desktop, tablet o telefono). Nota che ciò non significa che il modello sarà un’app tradizionale più di quanto il desktop di Windows fosse una scrivania letterale. “Applicazione informatica” sarà un modo per un modello di rappresentarsi a noi. Invece di agire come una persona, il modello agirà come un computer.
Agire come un computer significa produrre un’interfaccia grafica. Al posto del flusso lineare di testo in stile telescrivente fornito da ChatGPT, un sistema modello-come-computer genererà qualcosa che somiglia all’interfaccia di un’applicazione moderna: pulsanti, cursori, schede, immagini, grafici e tutto il resto. Questo affronta limitazioni chiave dell’interfaccia di chat standard modello-come-persona:
- **Scoperta.** Un buon strumento suggerisce i suoi usi. Quando l’unica interfaccia è una casella di testo vuota, spetta all’utente capire cosa fare e comprendere i limiti del sistema. La barra laterale Modifica in Lightroom è un ottimo modo per imparare l’editing fotografico perché non si limita a dirti cosa può fare questa applicazione con una foto, ma cosa potresti voler fare. Allo stesso modo, un’interfaccia modello-come-computer per DALL-E potrebbe mostrare nuove possibilità per le tue generazioni di immagini.
- **Efficienza.** La manipolazione diretta è più rapida che scrivere una richiesta a parole. Per continuare l’esempio di Lightroom, sarebbe impensabile modificare una foto dicendo a una persona quali cursori spostare e di quanto. Ci vorrebbe un giorno intero per chiedere un’esposizione leggermente più bassa e una vibranza leggermente più alta, solo per vedere come apparirebbe. Nella metafora modello-come-computer, il modello può creare strumenti che ti permettono di comunicare ciò che vuoi più efficientemente e quindi di fare le cose più rapidamente.
A differenza di un’app tradizionale, questa interfaccia grafica è generata dal modello su richiesta. Questo significa che ogni parte dell’interfaccia che vedi è rilevante per ciò che stai facendo in quel momento, inclusi i contenuti specifici del tuo lavoro. Significa anche che, se desideri un’interfaccia più ampia o diversa, puoi semplicemente richiederla. Potresti chiedere a DALL-E di produrre alcuni preset modificabili per le sue impostazioni ispirati da famosi artisti di schizzi. Quando clicchi sul preset Leonardo da Vinci, imposta i cursori per disegni prospettici altamente dettagliati in inchiostro nero. Se clicchi su Charles Schulz, seleziona fumetti tecnicolor 2D a basso dettaglio.
### Una bicicletta della mente proteiforme
La metafora modello-come-persona ha una curiosa tendenza a creare distanza tra l’utente e il modello, rispecchiando il divario di comunicazione tra due persone che può essere ridotto ma mai completamente colmato. A causa della difficoltà e del costo di comunicare a parole, le persone tendono a suddividere i compiti tra loro in blocchi grandi e il più indipendenti possibile. Le interfacce modello-come-persona seguono questo schema: non vale la pena dire a un modello di aggiungere un return statement alla tua funzione quando è più veloce scriverlo da solo. Con il sovraccarico della comunicazione, i sistemi modello-come-persona sono più utili quando possono fare un intero blocco di lavoro da soli. Fanno le cose per te.
Questo contrasta con il modo in cui interagiamo con i computer o altri strumenti. Gli strumenti producono feedback visivi in tempo reale e sono controllati attraverso manipolazioni dirette. Hanno un overhead comunicativo così basso che non è necessario specificare un blocco di lavoro indipendente. Ha più senso mantenere l’umano nel loop e dirigere lo strumento momento per momento. Come stivali delle sette leghe, gli strumenti ti permettono di andare più lontano a ogni passo, ma sei ancora tu a fare il lavoro. Ti permettono di fare le cose più velocemente.
Considera il compito di costruire un sito web usando un grande modello. Con le interfacce di oggi, potresti trattare il modello come un appaltatore o un collaboratore. Cercheresti di scrivere a parole il più possibile su come vuoi che il sito appaia, cosa vuoi che dica e quali funzionalità vuoi che abbia. Il modello genererebbe una prima bozza, tu la eseguirai e poi fornirai un feedback. “Fai il logo un po’ più grande”, diresti, e “centra quella prima immagine principale”, e “deve esserci un pulsante di login nell’intestazione”. Per ottenere esattamente ciò che vuoi, invierai una lista molto lunga di richieste sempre più minuziose.
Un’interazione alternativa modello-come-computer sarebbe diversa: invece di costruire il sito web, il modello genererebbe un’interfaccia per te per costruirlo, dove ogni input dell’utente a quell’interfaccia interroga il grande modello sotto il cofano. Forse quando descrivi le tue necessità creerebbe un’interfaccia con una barra laterale e una finestra di anteprima. All’inizio la barra laterale contiene solo alcuni schizzi di layout che puoi scegliere come punto di partenza. Puoi cliccare su ciascuno di essi, e il modello scrive l’HTML per una pagina web usando quel layout e lo visualizza nella finestra di anteprima. Ora che hai una pagina su cui lavorare, la barra laterale guadagna opzioni aggiuntive che influenzano la pagina globalmente, come accoppiamenti di font e schemi di colore. L’anteprima funge da editor WYSIWYG, permettendoti di afferrare elementi e spostarli, modificarne i contenuti, ecc. A supportare tutto ciò è il modello, che vede queste azioni dell’utente e riscrive la pagina per corrispondere ai cambiamenti effettuati. Poiché il modello può generare un’interfaccia per aiutare te e lui a comunicare più efficientemente, puoi esercitare più controllo sul prodotto finale in meno tempo.
La metafora modello-come-computer ci incoraggia a pensare al modello come a uno strumento con cui interagire in tempo reale piuttosto che a un collaboratore a cui assegnare compiti. Invece di sostituire un tirocinante o un tutor, può essere una sorta di bicicletta proteiforme per la mente, una che è sempre costruita su misura esattamente per te e il terreno che intendi attraversare.
### Un nuovo paradigma per l’informatica?
I modelli che possono generare interfacce su richiesta sono una frontiera completamente nuova nell’informatica. Potrebbero essere un paradigma del tutto nuovo, con il modo in cui cortocircuitano il modello di applicazione esistente. Dare agli utenti finali il potere di creare e modificare app al volo cambia fondamentalmente il modo in cui interagiamo con i computer. Al posto di una singola applicazione statica costruita da uno sviluppatore, un modello genererà un’applicazione su misura per l’utente e le sue esigenze immediate. Al posto della logica aziendale implementata nel codice, il modello interpreterà gli input dell’utente e aggiornerà l’interfaccia utente. È persino possibile che questo tipo di interfaccia generativa sostituisca completamente il sistema operativo, generando e gestendo interfacce e finestre al volo secondo necessità.
All’inizio, l’interfaccia generativa sarà un giocattolo, utile solo per l’esplorazione creativa e poche altre applicazioni di nicchia. Dopotutto, nessuno vorrebbe un’app di posta elettronica che occasionalmente invia email al tuo ex e mente sulla tua casella di posta. Ma gradualmente i modelli miglioreranno. Anche mentre si spingeranno ulteriormente nello spazio di esperienze completamente nuove, diventeranno lentamente abbastanza affidabili da essere utilizzati per un lavoro reale.
Piccoli pezzi di questo futuro esistono già. Anni fa Jonas Degrave ha dimostrato che ChatGPT poteva fare una buona simulazione di una riga di comando Linux. Allo stesso modo, websim.ai utilizza un LLM per generare siti web su richiesta mentre li navighi. Oasis, GameNGen e DIAMOND addestrano modelli video condizionati sull’azione su singoli videogiochi, permettendoti di giocare ad esempio a Doom dentro un grande modello. E Genie 2 genera videogiochi giocabili da prompt testuali. L’interfaccia generativa potrebbe ancora sembrare un’idea folle, ma non è così folle.
Ci sono enormi domande aperte su come apparirà tutto questo. Dove sarà inizialmente utile l’interfaccia generativa? Come condivideremo e distribuiremo le esperienze che creiamo collaborando con il modello, se esistono solo come contesto di un grande modello? Vorremmo davvero farlo? Quali nuovi tipi di esperienze saranno possibili? Come funzionerà tutto questo in pratica? I modelli genereranno interfacce come codice o produrranno direttamente pixel grezzi?
Non conosco ancora queste risposte. Dovremo sperimentare e scoprirlo!Che cosa significherebbe trattare l'IA come uno strumento invece che come una persona?
Dall’avvio di ChatGPT, le esplorazioni in due direzioni hanno preso velocità.
La prima direzione riguarda le capacità tecniche. Quanto grande possiamo addestrare un modello? Quanto bene può rispondere alle domande del SAT? Con quanta efficienza possiamo distribuirlo?
La seconda direzione riguarda il design dell’interazione. Come comunichiamo con un modello? Come possiamo usarlo per un lavoro utile? Quale metafora usiamo per ragionare su di esso?
La prima direzione è ampiamente seguita e enormemente finanziata, e per una buona ragione: i progressi nelle capacità tecniche sono alla base di ogni possibile applicazione. Ma la seconda è altrettanto cruciale per il campo e ha enormi incognite. Siamo solo a pochi anni dall’inizio dell’era dei grandi modelli. Quali sono le probabilità che abbiamo già capito i modi migliori per usarli?
Propongo una nuova modalità di interazione, in cui i modelli svolgano il ruolo di applicazioni informatiche (ad esempio app per telefoni): fornendo un’interfaccia grafica, interpretando gli input degli utenti e aggiornando il loro stato. In questa modalità, invece di essere un “agente” che utilizza un computer per conto dell’essere umano, l’IA può fornire un ambiente informatico più ricco e potente che possiamo utilizzare.
### Metafore per l’interazione
Al centro di un’interazione c’è una metafora che guida le aspettative di un utente su un sistema. I primi giorni dell’informatica hanno preso metafore come “scrivanie”, “macchine da scrivere”, “fogli di calcolo” e “lettere” e le hanno trasformate in equivalenti digitali, permettendo all’utente di ragionare sul loro comportamento. Puoi lasciare qualcosa sulla tua scrivania e tornare a prenderlo; hai bisogno di un indirizzo per inviare una lettera. Man mano che abbiamo sviluppato una conoscenza culturale di questi dispositivi, la necessità di queste particolari metafore è scomparsa, e con esse i design di interfaccia skeumorfici che le rafforzavano. Come un cestino o una matita, un computer è ora una metafora di se stesso.
La metafora dominante per i grandi modelli oggi è modello-come-persona. Questa è una metafora efficace perché le persone hanno capacità estese che conosciamo intuitivamente. Implica che possiamo avere una conversazione con un modello e porgli domande; che il modello possa collaborare con noi su un documento o un pezzo di codice; che possiamo assegnargli un compito da svolgere da solo e che tornerà quando sarà finito.
Tuttavia, trattare un modello come una persona limita profondamente il nostro modo di pensare all’interazione con esso. Le interazioni umane sono intrinsecamente lente e lineari, limitate dalla larghezza di banda e dalla natura a turni della comunicazione verbale. Come abbiamo tutti sperimentato, comunicare idee complesse in una conversazione è difficile e dispersivo. Quando vogliamo precisione, ci rivolgiamo invece a strumenti, utilizzando manipolazioni dirette e interfacce visive ad alta larghezza di banda per creare diagrammi, scrivere codice e progettare modelli CAD. Poiché concepiamo i modelli come persone, li utilizziamo attraverso conversazioni lente, anche se sono perfettamente in grado di accettare input diretti e rapidi e di produrre risultati visivi. Le metafore che utilizziamo limitano le esperienze che costruiamo, e la metafora modello-come-persona ci impedisce di esplorare il pieno potenziale dei grandi modelli.
Per molti casi d’uso, e specialmente per il lavoro produttivo, credo che il futuro risieda in un’altra metafora: modello-come-computer.
### Usare un’IA come un computer
Sotto la metafora modello-come-computer, interagiremo con i grandi modelli seguendo le intuizioni che abbiamo sulle applicazioni informatiche (sia su desktop, tablet o telefono). Nota che ciò non significa che il modello sarà un’app tradizionale più di quanto il desktop di Windows fosse una scrivania letterale. “Applicazione informatica” sarà un modo per un modello di rappresentarsi a noi. Invece di agire come una persona, il modello agirà come un computer.
Agire come un computer significa produrre un’interfaccia grafica. Al posto del flusso lineare di testo in stile telescrivente fornito da ChatGPT, un sistema modello-come-computer genererà qualcosa che somiglia all’interfaccia di un’applicazione moderna: pulsanti, cursori, schede, immagini, grafici e tutto il resto. Questo affronta limitazioni chiave dell’interfaccia di chat standard modello-come-persona:
Scoperta. Un buon strumento suggerisce i suoi usi. Quando l’unica interfaccia è una casella di testo vuota, spetta all’utente capire cosa fare e comprendere i limiti del sistema. La barra laterale Modifica in Lightroom è un ottimo modo per imparare l’editing fotografico perché non si limita a dirti cosa può fare questa applicazione con una foto, ma cosa potresti voler fare. Allo stesso modo, un’interfaccia modello-come-computer per DALL-E potrebbe mostrare nuove possibilità per le tue generazioni di immagini.
Efficienza. La manipolazione diretta è più rapida che scrivere una richiesta a parole. Per continuare l’esempio di Lightroom, sarebbe impensabile modificare una foto dicendo a una persona quali cursori spostare e di quanto. Ci vorrebbe un giorno intero per chiedere un’esposizione leggermente più bassa e una vibranza leggermente più alta, solo per vedere come apparirebbe. Nella metafora modello-come-computer, il modello può creare strumenti che ti permettono di comunicare ciò che vuoi più efficientemente e quindi di fare le cose più rapidamente.
A differenza di un’app tradizionale, questa interfaccia grafica è generata dal modello su richiesta. Questo significa che ogni parte dell’interfaccia che vedi è rilevante per ciò che stai facendo in quel momento, inclusi i contenuti specifici del tuo lavoro. Significa anche che, se desideri un’interfaccia più ampia o diversa, puoi semplicemente richiederla. Potresti chiedere a DALL-E di produrre alcuni preset modificabili per le sue impostazioni ispirati da famosi artisti di schizzi. Quando clicchi sul preset Leonardo da Vinci, imposta i cursori per disegni prospettici altamente dettagliati in inchiostro nero. Se clicchi su Charles Schulz, seleziona fumetti tecnicolor 2D a basso dettaglio.
### Una bicicletta della mente proteiforme
La metafora modello-come-persona ha una curiosa tendenza a creare distanza tra l’utente e il modello, rispecchiando il divario di comunicazione tra due persone che può essere ridotto ma mai completamente colmato. A causa della difficoltà e del costo di comunicare a parole, le persone tendono a suddividere i compiti tra loro in blocchi grandi e il più indipendenti possibile. Le interfacce modello-come-persona seguono questo schema: non vale la pena dire a un modello di aggiungere un return statement alla tua funzione quando è più veloce scriverlo da solo. Con il sovraccarico della comunicazione, i sistemi modello-come-persona sono più utili quando possono fare un intero blocco di lavoro da soli. Fanno le cose per te.
Questo contrasta con il modo in cui interagiamo con i computer o altri strumenti. Gli strumenti producono feedback visivi in tempo reale e sono controllati attraverso manipolazioni dirette. Hanno un overhead comunicativo così basso che non è necessario specificare un blocco di lavoro indipendente. Ha più senso mantenere l’umano nel loop e dirigere lo strumento momento per momento. Come stivali delle sette leghe, gli strumenti ti permettono di andare più lontano a ogni passo, ma sei ancora tu a fare il lavoro. Ti permettono di fare le cose più velocemente.
Considera il compito di costruire un sito web usando un grande modello. Con le interfacce di oggi, potresti trattare il modello come un appaltatore o un collaboratore. Cercheresti di scrivere a parole il più possibile su come vuoi che il sito appaia, cosa vuoi che dica e quali funzionalità vuoi che abbia. Il modello genererebbe una prima bozza, tu la eseguirai e poi fornirai un feedback. “Fai il logo un po’ più grande”, diresti, e “centra quella prima immagine principale”, e “deve esserci un pulsante di login nell’intestazione”. Per ottenere esattamente ciò che vuoi, invierai una lista molto lunga di richieste sempre più minuziose.
Un’interazione alternativa modello-come-computer sarebbe diversa: invece di costruire il sito web, il modello genererebbe un’interfaccia per te per costruirlo, dove ogni input dell’utente a quell’interfaccia interroga il grande modello sotto il cofano. Forse quando descrivi le tue necessità creerebbe un’interfaccia con una barra laterale e una finestra di anteprima. All’inizio la barra laterale contiene solo alcuni schizzi di layout che puoi scegliere come punto di partenza. Puoi cliccare su ciascuno di essi, e il modello scrive l’HTML per una pagina web usando quel layout e lo visualizza nella finestra di anteprima. Ora che hai una pagina su cui lavorare, la barra laterale guadagna opzioni aggiuntive che influenzano la pagina globalmente, come accoppiamenti di font e schemi di colore. L’anteprima funge da editor WYSIWYG, permettendoti di afferrare elementi e spostarli, modificarne i contenuti, ecc. A supportare tutto ciò è il modello, che vede queste azioni dell’utente e riscrive la pagina per corrispondere ai cambiamenti effettuati. Poiché il modello può generare un’interfaccia per aiutare te e lui a comunicare più efficientemente, puoi esercitare più controllo sul prodotto finale in meno tempo.
La metafora modello-come-computer ci incoraggia a pensare al modello come a uno strumento con cui interagire in tempo reale piuttosto che a un collaboratore a cui assegnare compiti. Invece di sostituire un tirocinante o un tutor, può essere una sorta di bicicletta proteiforme per la mente, una che è sempre costruita su misura esattamente per te e il terreno che intendi attraversare.
### Un nuovo paradigma per l’informatica?
I modelli che possono generare interfacce su richiesta sono una frontiera completamente nuova nell’informatica. Potrebbero essere un paradigma del tutto nuovo, con il modo in cui cortocircuitano il modello di applicazione esistente. Dare agli utenti finali il potere di creare e modificare app al volo cambia fondamentalmente il modo in cui interagiamo con i computer. Al posto di una singola applicazione statica costruita da uno sviluppatore, un modello genererà un’applicazione su misura per l’utente e le sue esigenze immediate. Al posto della logica aziendale implementata nel codice, il modello interpreterà gli input dell’utente e aggiornerà l’interfaccia utente. È persino possibile che questo tipo di interfaccia generativa sostituisca completamente il sistema operativo, generando e gestendo interfacce e finestre al volo secondo necessità.
All’inizio, l’interfaccia generativa sarà un giocattolo, utile solo per l’esplorazione creativa e poche altre applicazioni di nicchia. Dopotutto, nessuno vorrebbe un’app di posta elettronica che occasionalmente invia email al tuo ex e mente sulla tua casella di posta. Ma gradualmente i modelli miglioreranno. Anche mentre si spingeranno ulteriormente nello spazio di esperienze completamente nuove, diventeranno lentamente abbastanza affidabili da essere utilizzati per un lavoro reale.
Piccoli pezzi di questo futuro esistono già. Anni fa Jonas Degrave ha dimostrato che ChatGPT poteva fare una buona simulazione di una riga di comando Linux. Allo stesso modo, websim.ai utilizza un LLM per generare siti web su richiesta mentre li navighi. Oasis, GameNGen e DIAMOND addestrano modelli video condizionati sull’azione su singoli videogiochi, permettendoti di giocare ad esempio a Doom dentro un grande modello. E Genie 2 genera videogiochi giocabili da prompt testuali. L’interfaccia generativa potrebbe ancora sembrare un’idea folle, ma non è così folle.
Ci sono enormi domande aperte su come apparirà tutto questo. Dove sarà inizialmente utile l’interfaccia generativa? Come condivideremo e distribuiremo le esperienze che creiamo collaborando con il modello, se esistono solo come contesto di un grande modello? Vorremmo davvero farlo? Quali nuovi tipi di esperienze saranno possibili? Come funzionerà tutto questo in pratica? I modelli genereranno interfacce come codice o produrranno direttamente pixel grezzi?
Non conosco ancora queste risposte. Dovremo sperimentare e scoprirlo!
Tradotto da:\
I have a feeling gold bugs aren't going to enjoy this next chapter.
And the sad thing is that they are so damn close.
They've been fighting this fight for decades now.
They understand how broken our monetary system is.
But their stubbornness will be their demise.
In the last month alone, we've had some pretty catastrophic events in the gold market.
With bitcoin-friendly President Trump about to take office in the US, they are considering selling their gold reserves to purchase bitcoin.
According to Popular Mechanics, China recently discovered $83 billion worth of gold.
Damn I forgot about Popular Mechanics.
Their website looks like it's stuck in 1997 but the articles are all recent.
And the biggest news - coming from our favorite little country.
El Salvador announced a gold discovery worth approximately $3 TRILLION dollars.
This triggered a couple historic tweets from their President Bukele.
First quote tweeting the announcement "And we'll dilute that thing like there's no tomorrow."
And the next day quote tweeting another announcement "But what could they possibly do with that?"
And for anyone who isn't familiar with El Salvador (aka The Savior), they were the first country to make bitcoin legal tender.
After a few large smash buys, they have been buying 1 bitcoin every day.
You can verify this on their customized mempool website.
The market is about to be FLOODED with gold.
Peter Schiff is losing his damn mind, claiming bitcoin is a "national security threat."
The mainstream media talking heads are on a bitcoin war path.
Gold has historically been the best store of value that exists.
Because of it's scarcity.
Until April 2024, when bitcoin officially passed gold as the scarcest asset.
Gold (typically) has a 2% inflation rate.
Bitcoin, as of the latest halving, now has less than 2% inflation.
IF - and that's a big IF - countries start dumping their gold for bitcoin, what will happen to the market?
Countries and central banks are the largest holders of gold.
Who will pick up the slack?
How many 20 year olds will be lining up at their local gold shop to buy some pet rocks?
Gold has served it's purpose.
It was the best asset to store wealth.
Before bitcoin.
Bitcoin can also be sent anywhere in the world in a matter of minutes - for a very low fee.
Imagine trying to send 10 billion worth of gold across the world.
Bitcoin is also highly divisible.
You can't start shaving off a gold coin to pay for groceries.
Unless maybe the grocery stores will start putting scales at the til.
And most importantly, especially when talking about governments and central banks, bitcoin is verifiable.
We have never been able to see or verify the gold reserves.
How much gold is really in Fort Knox?
We have absolutely no idea.
It requires trust.
How many people trust their government at this stage of the game?
Bitcoin on the other hand, can be easily verified.
This is important for the individuals, the banks, and the countries.
El Salvador has a website where you can verify their bitcoin holdings.
Check it out here!
We have no idea how much gold really exists.
We have an idea, but it's not very accurate - clearly.
If they found $3 TRILLION worth of gold in the small country of El Salvador, how much gold you do think is waiting to be found on Mars?
And how much bitcoin will we find on Mars?
As a gold and silver holder myself, I am making the full switch into bitcoin.
It just makes the most sense.
And human eventually switch to the idea that makes the most sense.
PROJECT POTENTIAL - You can now find the expanded audio versions of these on the new podcast - Project Potential! I will be sharing the video versions here for the LITF members but you can also find it for free on Spotify and of course Fountain!
Here is the link to Episode 008 on Fountain: https://www.fountain.fm/episode/nQb5z3PolahVwsPbYX4r
Have a great day everyone!
And remember, the only thing more scarce than bitcoin is time!
BlueSky, a social network built on the decentralized AT Protocol (Authenticated Transfer Protocol), is revolutionizing content moderation by empowering users and communities to manage their own experiences. Unlike traditional platforms that centralize control, BlueSky adopts a modular and customizable approach, balancing freedom of expression with safety.
### The Jesse Singal Case and the Community’s Response
Recently, the account @jessesingal.com was accused of publishing content considered homophobic and transphobic. Although some users questioned whether these posts violated BlueSky’s Terms of Service, the platform chose not to ban the account. Instead, it relied on community tools to limit the reach of these posts.
Individual users blocked the account and subscribed to community-managed block lists, significantly reducing the visibility of Jesse Singal’s content. This decentralized approach demonstrated the effectiveness of a model in which the community regulates content without centralized intervention.
### BlueSky’s Five Layers of Moderation
BlueSky implements a multi-layered moderation system, offering users tools to customize their experiences practically and efficiently:
1. **Personal Blocking and Muting**\
Users can block or mute unwanted accounts, individually adjusting the content they wish to see.
2. **Community Block Lists**\
By subscribing to block lists created by the community, users can share common moderation criteria, optimizing content filtering.
3. **Curated Feeds**\
Subscribing to personalized feeds allows users to consume content filtered by curators or algorithms, creating a safer and more tailored experience.
4. **Account Removal on the Personal Data Server (PDS)**\
In extreme cases, servers can directly delete accounts from their databases, preventing them from publishing or accessing the network.
5. **Ozone: Advanced Moderation Tool**\
Ozone is an integrated tool that enables advanced moderation strategies, combining various resources for greater efficiency.
### BlueSky’s Moderation Architecture
Moderation on BlueSky is based on an open labeling system. This architecture allows anyone to assign labels to content or accounts, such as “spam” or “NSFW” (not safe for work). These labels can be automatically generated by third-party services or manually applied by curators and administrators, offering flexibility for communities and individuals to customize their experiences.
### The Role of the Community in Content Regulation
In decentralized platforms like BlueSky, the community plays a central role in self-regulation, minimizing reliance on a centralized authority to moderate content. This decentralization distributes responsibilities and reduces the risks of institutional bias, often seen in centralized companies that may reflect specific interests at the expense of plurality.
Centralized platforms often censor or promote content based on corporate agendas, compromising user trust. BlueSky’s model prioritizes autonomy, allowing the community itself to determine what is relevant or acceptable.
With 25 million users registered within weeks, BlueSky remains committed to its mission of regulating not freedom of expression, but the reach of certain publications. Tools like block lists, curated feeds, and Ozone are tangible examples of how the platform is building a decentralized and inclusive ecosystem.
### Challenges and Opportunities of Decentralization
Despite its merits, decentralization presents challenges. Educating users about available tools and protecting vulnerable communities from harmful content are complex tasks, especially in a rapidly growing environment.
On the other hand, the decentralized model offers significant advantages. It enhances transparency, fosters trust among users, and reduces reliance on a central authority. On BlueSky, users shape their own experiences, ensuring greater freedom without sacrificing safety.
### Conclusion
BlueSky is paving the way for a new era in social networks with a decentralized moderation model that empowers users and promotes shared responsibility. Aligned with principles of freedom and inclusion, BlueSky combines advanced technology and community collaboration to create a safer, more democratic, and adaptable space.
Although still in its early stages, BlueSky offers a promising model for the future of social networks, where reach—not freedom of expression—is the true focus of regulation.
[Hier ist die Aufzeichnung des Vortrages von Cynthia Chung für die Aletheia Wissenschaftsgruppe vom 11.12.24](https://www.wissenschaftstehtauf.ch/Aletheia_Cynthia_Chung_Operation_Gladio_20241211.mp4)
Cynthia Chung ist Präsidentin und Mitbegründerin der [Rising Tide Foundation](https://risingtidefoundation.net/) (zusammen mit ihrem Ehemann Matthew Ehret, der am 4. September 2024 als Gastredner des Aletheia Science Forum über „Die britischen Wurzeln des Deep State verstehen“ sprach, aufgezeichnet hier: <https://www.wissenschaftstehtauf.ch/Matt_Ehret_20240904.mp4> ).\
Cynthia ist die Autorin der Bücher „[The Shaping of a World Religion](https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/my-new-book-is-out-the-shaping-of)“ und „[The Empire on Which the Black Sun Never Set,](https://cynthiachung.substack.com/p/my-first-book-is-now-outthe-empire)“ sowie Mitautorin der Buchreihe „The Clash of the Two Americas“.\
Ihre Substack-Seite [„Through A Glass Darkly](https://cynthiachung.substack.com/) ([https://cynthiachung.substack.com](https://cynthiachung.substack.com/))“ hat über 11.000 Abonnenten. Sie schreibt über eine Vielzahl wichtiger Themen, die von geopolitischer Geschichte bis hin zu Kultur, Wissenschaft und Kunst reichen.\
In ihrem Vortrag konzenteriert sich Cynthia auf die Operation Gladio, das geheime „Stay-behind“-Netzwerk bewaffneter Widerstandsorganisationen, das während des Kalten Krieges in Westeuropa gegründet wurde.
Solche historischen Einblicke können uns in der heutigen Zeit helfen, uns durch die Stürme zu navigieren, die die Zivilisation erneut bedrohen.\
Einführung von Stefan Heeb <https://www.proethica.ch>
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Christmas season hasn't actually started, yet, in Roman #Catholic Germany. We're in Advent until the evening of the 24th of December, at which point Christmas begins (with the Nativity, at Vespers), and continues on for 40 days until Mariä Lichtmess (Presentation of Christ in the temple) on February 2nd.
It's 40 days because that's how long the post-partum isolation is, before women were allowed back into the temple (after a ritual cleansing).
That is the day when we put away all of the Christmas decorations and bless the candles, for the next year. (Hence, the British name "Candlemas".) It used to also be when household staff would get paid their cash wages and could change employer. And it is the day precisely in the middle of winter.
Between Christmas Eve and Candlemas are many celebrations, concluding with the Twelfth Night called Epiphany or Theophany. This is the day some Orthodox celebrate Christ's baptism, so traditions rotate around blessing of waters.
The Monday after Epiphany was the start of the farming season, in England, so that Sunday all of the ploughs were blessed, but the practice has largely died out.
Our local tradition is for the altar servers to dress as the wise men and go door-to-door, carrying their star and looking for the Baby Jesus, who is rumored to be lying in a manger.
They collect cash gifts and chocolates, along the way, and leave the generous their powerful blessing, written over the door. The famous 20 * C + M + B * 25 blessing means "Christus mansionem benedicat" (Christ, bless this house), or "Caspar, Melchior, Balthasar" (the names of the three kings), depending upon who you ask.
They offer the cash to the Baby Jesus (once they find him in the church's Nativity scene), but eat the sweets, themselves. It is one of the biggest donation-collections in the world, called the "Sternsinger" (star singers). The money goes from the German children, to help children elsewhere, and they collect around €45 million in cash and coins, every year.
As an interesting aside:
The American "groundhog day", derives from one of the old farmers' sayings about Candlemas, brought over by the Pennsylvania Dutch. It says, that if the badger comes out of his hole and sees his shadow, then it'll remain cold for 4 more weeks. When they moved to the USA, they didn't have any badgers around, so they switched to groundhogs, as they also hibernate in winter.
This week's practical 3d print is a simple catch all tray.
![Catch all Tray](https://image.nostr.build/d09d2e0ba7ca5f4870ca86c6eb0f2a607cb038478454333d44c41959d8a57b85.jpg)
## Catch all tray
As for most of the useful prints I show you in this series I printed it a long time ago and can't find the link to the design file. I am pretty sure it's from [Thingiverse](https://thingiverse.com) though.
### What it does
It perfectly serves as a central place for the things I commonly need when I go out. So I don't need to search for them.
What I like about the design is, that it catches all things from my pockets i.e. key, lighter, earpods, slide wallet and more when I come home. But not the dust and dirt. It falls throught the holes in tray.
#3dprint #3ddruck #3dprinting
# == 06 December
Cosmic Waves Volume | Angel Olsen
Cruciate Ligament Rupture | Onion Skin
# == 29 November
Saturn Is A Supercomputer [OMD909] | .Vril
# == 22 November
My Method Actor - The Remixes | Nilufer Yanya
Meaning's Edge | Djrum
Neptunes EP | Kaitlyn Aurelia Smith & Joe Goddard
karaoke Moon | Warhaus
### Join JONATHAN TAN as he explores the fascinating history of people sleeping twice in a night, the reasons for its disappearance, and today’s cultural attitudes toward sleep.
After a particularly long autumn day in 1878, a 27-year-old Robert Louis Stevenson, having spent the last twelve days slogging through France’s southern highlands, needed a rest. He set up camp in a small clearing shrouded by pine trees, and after a hearty meal of bread, sausage, and brandy, he climbed into a sleeping bag and dozed off as the sun set.
Instead of sleeping until dawn, however, the weary Stevenson arose from his slumber a little past midnight. He spent the hour awake smoking a cigarette as he stared at the night sky, before returning to sleep.
In his journal, Stevenson wrote an entry reflecting on the mysterious forces that awaken everybody in the middle of the night. “At what inaudible summons, at what gentle touch of Nature, are all these sleepers thus recalled in the same hour to life?”
To me, this journal entry from 1878 came across as an isolated story of one man’s restless night. But, in a scientific journal on the history of sleep, Roger Ekirch, a distinguished professor of history, proposed a more unusual theory: Stevenson’s unusual sleep pattern that night was once a common practice among humans in the past.
“Until the modern era, up to an hour or more of quiet wakefulness midway through the night interrupted the rest of most Western Europeans,” Ekirch argued. In his reference, Ekirch found mentions of sleeping twice a night across various historical sources.
Interestingly, Ekirch’s conclusion begs several questions: How did this sleeping pattern work? Why did people do this? And most importantly, why did we stop?
<small>*Communal Mattresses were the norm in the past, and many people would spend the night snuggled with others. Photo from Getty Images.*</small>
For people living in the 17th Century, a night of sleep usually went like this.
By as early as 9pm, most would begin to lie down onto mattresses in preparation for the first half of their sleep. In those days, most people slept communally; typically sharing a bed with their family, their friends, or sometimes even with strangers.
And after a few hours of rest, people of the past would start to wake up from their slumber. This moment of wakefulness usually occurred some time past midnight, and lasted an hour or so. Interestingly, this collective awakening was not caused by alarms of any kind.
“Although in some descriptions a neighbor’s quarrel or a barking dog woke people prematurely from their initial sleep, the vast weight of surviving evidence indicates that awakening naturally was routine, not the consequence of disturbed or fitful slumber,” Ekirch wrote.
Now, what did people do with this hour of wakefulness? Well, according to Ekirch, many who left their beds merely needed to relieve themselves. The rest who awoke, however, would use this time to tend to their worldly duties.
“For others, work awaited,” Ekirch noted. “The 17th century farmer Henry Best of Elmswell made a point to rise ‘sometimes at midnight’ to prevent the destruction of his fields by roving cattle. In addition to tending children, women left their beds to perform myriad chores… suffice to say, domestic duties knew no bounds.”
<small>*Many criminal activities also took place during twilight hours, such as petty theft and even murder. Photo from Getty Images.* </small>
Most importantly, this period of wakefulness was invaluable for couples living in the past. It was difficult for exhausted couples to spend time together after a long day of manual labour. Thankfully, the first sleep allowed tired partners to get some well-needed rest, and the time afterward was considered ideal for romance and intimacy.
Finally, after spending a couple of hours awake, people would return to sleep; this time, their second rest would typically last until sunrise.
Our sleeping patterns have clearly changed since the 17th Century. This change raises a very important question: Why did we stop sleeping twice a night?
Ekirch’s research noted a gradual abandonment of the two-sleep system around the start of the 19th Century, which he attributed to one main factor: The development of artificial lighting.
During the Industrial Revolution, artificial lighting became better and more prevalent. During this time, gas street lamps slowly appeared along city streets across the Western world. “By 1823, nearly forty thousand lamps lit more than two hundred miles of London’s streets,” Ekirch wrote. After gas came electrical lighting, and soon, the city streets gradually outshone the stars in the night sky.
Not only did the advancement of artificial lighting affect the natural circadian rhythm of humans, it also allowed people to stay up later than ever before. With people sleeping later and later, the duration of their sleep became shorter and more compressed, which soon led to people no longer waking up during their rest.
<small>*The invention of artificial lighting finally allowed humans to extend their schedules past sunset. Photo from The American Menu.*</small>
Fascinatingly, this shift in our sleeping patterns may have also affected our attitude towards sleep. As later bedtimes became the new norm, staying in bed slowly became associated with laziness and unproductivity.
“People were becoming increasingly time-conscious and sensitive to efficiency, certainly before the 19th Century,” says Ekirch. “But the industrial revolution intensified that attitude by leaps and bounds.”
Examples of our changing perceptions toward sleep can still be observed today. The fading popularity of the Spanish siesta, for instance, reflects a modern aversion to taking naps during the day.
A tradition widely adopted across the region, a siesta is a short rest taken in the middle of the day, typically after lunch. This famous tradition, however, is slowly becoming less common among the Spanish population. A[survey](https://www.afar.com/magazine/why-spaniards-take-siestas#:~:text=The%20tradition%20is%20fading&text=There's%20no%20doubt%20the%20siesta,than%20four%20times%20a%20week) conducted in 2016 found that 60% of Spaniards never actually sleep during the siesta, while only 18% do so more than four times a week. In modern times, many Spaniards living in cities find themselves unable or unwilling to take a midday nap.
This societal pressure to stay awake is not unique to Spain; in Singapore, sleep deprivation is a growing epidemic. In a 2022 [survey](https://lkyspp.nus.edu.sg/gia/article/sleep-deprivation-in-singapore-a-public-health-crisis) on the sleeping habits of 43 cities, Singapore was named the third most sleep-deprived city, with only one in four Singaporeans getting more than seven hours of sleep daily. Chronic sleep deprivation has become ingrained in the Singaporean lifestyle: employees routinely work late into the night, children remain glued to their screens, and students burn the midnight oil slogging at their desks.
Today, we live in a world that is constantly moving. The modern work culture rewards hustle and productivity, encouraging longer hours and a relentless pursuit of efficiency. Unsurprisingly, sleep has fallen to the wayside, as people become busier and busier. So, if we can appreciate how things have changed and why we struggle with our sleep habits today, perhaps we can start to make getting enough sleep a priority in our lives.
#HypeSingapore #Sleep #History #Health
Had this been a real article, you would be less annoyed right now...
Hi there, Nostr! I'm an engineer and maker who likes to talk a lot about a lot of things.
I'm made of opinions. Some of them are pretty good ones!
**Table Of Content**
- From the Backbench to the Forefront
- Milei's Bitcoin Connection
- The Coinx Controversy
- Argentina's Financial Quagmire
- Conclusion
Well, folks, it seems like the winds of change are blowing in Argentina! In a twist that no one saw coming, Javier Milei, the presidential candidate with a penchant for Bitcoin and libertarian economics, clinched the top spot in Argentina's primary. This victory sent shockwaves throughout the nation. Milei and his gang, the La Libertad Avanza (or "Liberty Advances"), managed to snag a whopping 30% of the votes. They beat the second-place contender, Juntos Por El Cambio, by just under 2%, which is quite the feat!
**From the Backbench to the Forefront**
La Libertad Avanza, founded just a couple of years ago in 2021, was once the little guy in the political arena. In their first legislative elections, they made waves, becoming the third most-voted coalition in Buenos Aires. But this recent victory? It's monumental! It's like David taking on Goliath and emerging victorious. Milei's rise has certainly turned heads and raised eyebrows in the political sphere, making everyone wonder what's next.
**Milei's Bitcoin Connection**
Javier Milei is not your run-of-the-mill political candidate. He's carved out a unique niche for himself in the world of politics, largely due to his vocal support for cryptocurrencies, especially Bitcoin. When you tune into talk shows and interviews, you'll often find Milei passionately discussing the potential of digital currencies. He doesn't just see them as another financial instrument; to him, they represent a return to a time when the power of money was firmly rooted in the hands of the people, free from excessive governmental control.
His views on Bitcoin go beyond mere admiration. Milei perceives it as a revolutionary tool, one that can challenge traditional financial systems. He often contrasts the decentralized nature of cryptocurrencies with the centralized control of traditional fiat currencies. In his eyes, Bitcoin and its peers are not just alternatives but superior forms of money. He's even made bold claims, suggesting that in many ways, cryptocurrencies are safer investments than traditional precious metals like gold or silver. This is a significant statement, especially in a country like Argentina, where people have historically turned to gold as a hedge against economic instability.
However, as with any public figure with strong opinions, Milei's crypto enthusiasm has its fair share of critics. While he paints a rosy picture of a crypto-driven future, there are those who question his motives and the feasibility of his vision. The crypto world, as many know, is not without its pitfalls. From volatile market swings to regulatory challenges, the journey to mainstream acceptance is fraught with challenges. And Milei's connection to this world has put him under the microscope, with every statement and action being dissected and debated.
**The Coinx Controversy**
Rumor has it that Milei promoted a Ponzi scheme called Coinx, which allegedly swindled a cool $800,000 in Argentine pesos. Milei, of course, denies any wrongdoing. He even compared their business model to that of a bank. The only difference? They can offer higher interest rates because they're not tied down by the central bank. But not everyone's buying it. Manuel Ferrari, a big shot in the Bitcoin Argentina NGO, remains wary of Milei. This controversy adds another layer to the complex narrative surrounding Milei's rise.
**Argentina's Financial Quagmire**
Argentina's economic waters are turbulent, to say the least. With a dizzying inflation rate of 135% this year, the peso's value is plummeting, causing widespread distress. Amidst this chaos, many are pinning their hopes on Javier Milei, a figure who has emerged with a pro-Bitcoin stance that's causing quite the stir. Drawing parallels with El Salvador's audacious move to adopt Bitcoin, there's a buzz about whether Argentina might follow suit. But is Milei the savior Argentina has been waiting for? While his support for cryptocurrencies offers a glimmer of hope to some, it also brings with it skepticism and apprehension. The world of crypto, though promising, is still uncharted territory, especially for an economy as volatile as Argentina's.
As debates rage on, it's evident that Argentina stands at a crucial financial juncture. Milei's advocacy for Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies suggests a potential shift in the country's financial paradigm. But diving into the crypto realm isn't without its risks, and there's a looming question: Are we witnessing the dawn of a new financial era for Argentina, or is it just a leap from the frying pan into the fire? The nation watches with bated breath, waiting to see the path Milei might pave.
Only time will truly reveal the impact of Milei's influence on Argentina's financial future. It's a waiting game now, folks. But if there's one thing we can bank on, it's that with Milei stirring the pot, Argentina's economic and financial landscape is poised for some dramatic shifts. The rollercoaster has just begun, so everyone better buckle up and brace themselves. Keep your eyes peeled and ears to the ground, because the upcoming months promise a whirlwind of changes, debates, and transformations for Argentina. The nation stands at a pivotal juncture, and the world watches with bated breath.
**Who is Javier Milei?**
Javier Milei is a presidential candidate in Argentina known for his support of Bitcoin and libertarian economics.
**What is La Libertad Avanza?**
La Libertad Avanza, translated as "Liberty Advances," is the political coalition led by Javier Milei.
**How did Milei fare in the recent primaries?**
Milei clinched the top spot in Argentina's primary, securing over 30% of the votes.
**What is the Coinx controversy?**
Coinx is an alleged Ponzi scheme that Milei is rumored to have promoted. However, Milei denies any wrongdoing.
**What is Milei's stance on Bitcoin?**
Milei is a strong advocate for Bitcoin, viewing it as a return to private sector-controlled money and a safer alternative to traditional assets like gold or silver.
**That's all for today**
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*DISCLAIMER: None of this is financial advice. This newsletter is strictly educational and is not investment advice or a solicitation to buy or sell any assets or to make any financial decisions. Please be careful and do your own research. *
<div style="position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;max-width:100%;"><iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/V_fvmyJ91m0?enablejsapi=1" style="position:absolute;top:0;left:0;width:100%;height:100%;border:0;" allowfullscreen></iframe></div>
<img src="https://blossom.primal.net/0ac86bb186d6ada9099d8c8aad442bd264ee51333e876c142858a3f4ba32d306.png">
- Autor: Daniel J. Levitin
- Título: A Mente Organizada: Como Pensar com Clareza na Era da Sobrecarga de Informação
- Título Original: The Organized Mind: Thinking Straight in the Age of Information Overload
- Tradutor: Regina Lyra
- Editora: Objetiva
- Ano de Publicação no Brasil: 2015
- Ano de Publicação Original: 2014
- ISBN (Edição Brasileira): 978-8539006465
- Páginas: 512
- Gênero: Psicologia, Ciência Cognitiva, Desenvolvimento Pessoal
> "Não se pode confiar na memória porque o sistema de arquivamento do cérebro destreinado é uma porcaria. Ele pega tudo que acontece com você e joga de qualquer jeito num grande armário escuro — quando você entra lá procurando algo, só consegue achar as coisas grandes e óbvias, como a morte de sua mãe, ou então coisas de que realmente não precisa. Coisas que você não está procurando, como a letra de ‘Copacabana’. Você não consegue encontrar o que precisa. Mas não entre em pânico, porque ainda está lá.” (The Mentalist, citado por Daniel Levitin em A Mente Organizada)
Quando me deparei com o livro “A Mente Organizada”, de Daniel Levitin, impulsivamente o adicionei à minha lista de leitura — apenas para deixá-lo esperando por meses. É irônico que um livro sobre organização estivesse preso no caos da minha própria lista, não estranhamente em uma era dopamínica — onde cada notificação e distração competem para roubar nossa atenção. No entanto, ao finalmente mergulhar em suas linhas, percebi que a obra é uma verdadeira ode à capacidade humana de organizar o conhecimento e a informação.
Dividido em três partes, “A Mente Organizada” nos guia por um entendimento prático sobre a mente humana. A Parte Um apresenta o mecanismo de atenção do cérebro, explorando como ele lida com o fluxo incessante de informações e decisões. Levitin discute a importância da atenção e como ela é fundamental para processar a quantidade massiva de dados que enfrentamos diariamente. Ele argumenta que entender esses mecanismos é crucial para melhorar nossa capacidade de foco e eficiência.
A Parte Dois oferece estratégias que colaboram com esse mecanismo, ajudando a organizar nossos ambientes físico, profissional, social e temporal. Levitin sugere métodos práticos, como a categorização e a criação de listas, que podem facilitar a tomada de decisões e reduzir a sensação de sobrecarga informacional. A ênfase na organização do espaço físico e do tempo é particularmente relevante em uma era onde distrações são constantes. Com a estrutura bem definida, Levitin avança para aprofundar seu estilo e explorar a complexidade de transmitir conceitos desafiadores de maneira acessível.
Por fim, a Parte Três discute como preparar a próxima geração para enfrentar os desafios do mundo moderno, equilibrando organização e criatividade. Levitin enfatiza a importância da educação em habilidades organizacionais desde cedo, preparando os jovens para um futuro onde o gerenciamento eficaz da informação será ainda mais crítico. Essa abordagem não apenas prepara os jovens para um futuro de desafios, mas também nos faz refletir sobre o legado que estamos construindo hoje.
A verbosidade de Levitin pode parecer desafiadora em alguns momentos, mas são nestes pontos que reside o valor do livro. Sua escrita flui como ondas: ora simples e objetiva, ora densa e desafiadora. Essa variação mantém o leitor engajado e instigado, permitindo uma compreensão mais profunda dos conceitos apresentados. Cada nuance tem seu propósito, oferecendo ao leitor as bases para compreender plenamente a obra ou para instigar novas inspirações e perspectivas.
Levitin se esforça para tornar pesquisas e estudos sobre o tema acessíveis a um público amplo, evitando tanto a superficialidade quanto a complexidade excessiva. Essa abordagem é especialmente valiosa em um contexto onde muitos textos acadêmicos podem se tornar herméticos.
> Como frisei no decorrer deste livro, o princípio fundamental da organização, o mais crucial para evitar que percamos ou esqueçamos as coisas, é este: descarregue do cérebro para o mundo externo o ônus de organizar." (A Mente Organizada, Daniel Levitin).
Ler A Mente Organizada foi um desafio que me obrigou a encarar a zorra informacional do dia a dia de frente. Não foi apenas uma leitura, mas um embate com os meus próprios hábitos e uma pausa necessária para questionar: estou realmente lidando bem com os estímulos ao meu redor? À deriva em águas turbulentas, precisei aceitar, com humildade, as ferramentas oferecidas pelo livro para enfrentar os desafios atuais.
Senti-me provocado a observar com mais atenção tudo o que carrego, tanto física quanto mentalmente. Quantas ideias, compromissos e pensamentos acumulados passam despercebidos, sem nunca encontrar um lugar ou um significado real? Esse convite à introspecção foi um lembrete poderoso de que, mais do que organizar o que está fora, preciso organizar o que está dentro — e isso começa com um olhar honesto, e sim, doloroso, sobre o impacto que o excesso tem em minha vida.
Esse foi o verdadeiro desafio: perceber que minha forma de organização precisava de um novo olhar. Não basta apenas acumular ideias; é essencial dar-lhes estrutura, conectá-las e transformá-las em algo maior — ou descartá-las, quando necessário. Entender as miríades que moldam meu pensar e agir foi fundamental, e, neste ponto, o livro foi nada menos que revelador. A estética, o particionamento e o naturalismo solidificam as minhas bases, transformando a organização em algo mais do que uma sistemática: ela se torna uma expressão de qualidade de vida e saúde.
A Mente Organizada é uma obra que, para alguns, será apenas um folhetim, enquanto para outros será um verdadeiro manancial de sabedoria. Mas, acima de tudo, o que Daniel Levitin nos oferece são possibilidades — um convite à lapidação dessa gema preciosa e instigante que é a busca por sermos melhores do que somos hoje. Se você chegou a este livro, consciente ou não, já deu o primeiro passo nessa jornada.
Assim, caro leitor, deixo em tuas mãos esta obra, singela em proposta, mas grandiosa em potencial. Que ela inspire sua apreciação e, acima de tudo, seu uso.
Fecho esta gaveta aqui e espero ter apreciado o que há dentro dela — ou não. Se trouxe alguma ordem à bagunça, compartilhe e, se puder, contribua com o café — porque até a organização precisa de combustível.
So let us give a little bit on context first to get the WHOLE PICTURE.
We DoShitters are a trio of friends who one day decided we wanted to create some shit together.
We are artists from different fields, and at the time two of us were struggling from creative block, so we decided to create the ultimate tool to COMBAT CREATIVE BLOCK. It would be an Oracle about the creative process and it would be inspired on the Hero's Journey and on our own journeys as artists; and hence "DoShit!" was born.
Once we knew what we wanted to do, and it started to have a shape, we decided to go through the hardship of self-producing and selling the cards by ourselves directly on our website ( www.doshitters.com ), which allowed us to keep control of the product at all times during production, and to have a direct relationship with our audience and buyers. Besides from guaranteeing we weren't left with the tiniest percentage of the sales pie. (At least in Spain, when you get a big publisher involved, you can forget getting even 10% of sales, and you lose a lot of the creative control of your project).
We invested a lot of our own resources in making sure "DoShit!" was a quality product and we were lucky enough to get the help of a generous patreon who enabled us to create what is now the DoShit! deck. <3
We did local presentations of the product in both Barcelona and Madrid, and got the deck to be sold in cool local stores, where we offered to do live readings and got to talk with people of all kinds about the Shit they wanted to do.
Above all, DoShit! is an inspirational tool.
**And you must be asking yourself, "What does this have to do with Amazon?".
Well, one of the problems of self-producing and having local fulfilment of the product is that shipping costs just couldn't compete with what the average consumer has gotten used to because of Amazon's mass scale free shipping.
We were finding that, specially for our followers in the USA, it was impossible to assume shipping costs (which amounted to almost the same cost as the actual deck); but we didn't want to give up on the people who wanted to get inspired by DoShit! but lived on the other side of the world from us, so...
We knew that selling our product on Amazon was going to result in less revenue from the sales for us, but for us it was mostly about GETTING DoShit! TO A WAREHOUSE IN THE USA to be able to offer the deck with Free Shipping. And that's what we did.
But we didn't know everything that would come as a result, (they don't really advertise the hidden costs and fees, or the speed at which they want you to expedite your sales) and we've been paying for that decision ever since.
In any case, they lured us in with a 3 months no cost promotion. You obviously assumed the cost of shipping it there, and they would take a cut from every sale that happened in their web, but we didn't have any way of knowing the cost that we would need to incur after those first three months.
Another thing that wasn't advertised is that IF YOU ACTUALLY WANT YOUR PRODUCT TO BE FEATURED ANYWHERE, you need to be eligible as an A+ content seller, which also comes at a cost, and you need to pay additionally for sponsored ads; otherwise, your product is basically shut down in a black hole of zero discoverability except for people using the direct link.
The three months went by fast and then the invoices started coming, and the automatic charges on our account started to empty our independent seller bank account.
As you can imagine, independent sellers like us sometimes require of TIME to be able to get the word out, to get people to buy your product... Besides, as artists with other projects on the pipeline, we couldn't really spend much time focusing on sales, nor did we want to. And in all honestly, we refused to give Amazon more money in sponsored ads and other programs to "gain visibility".
We knew we had no way of competing with the big sellers on the platform, but we just thought, "AT LEAST IT'S AVAILABLE FOR THOSE WHO WANT TO BUY IT".
But then, out of the blue, we noticed our link on Amazon wasn't working. A friend tipped us off that it wasn't allowing any sales, it was listed as "currently unavailable", without us having done anything to trigger that change.
Suddenly we received an email from the giant informing us that our account had been set to inactive due to "dormancy", and that we needed to re-verify our identity. Not only that, but since we were in Europe, and they didn't have an address in the US they could send the decks back to, if we didn't get everything solved in time, THEY WERE GOING TO DESTROY THE DECKS THEY HAD IN THEIR WAREHOUSE because of their "Automated removal" policy.
This caught us while we were on holidays, away from our desktops, seller logins and such and we did everything the seller support requested from us as rapidly as possible.
The nightmare of imagining our beautiful decks being destroyed really put us in a state of panic. We hoped everything would be solved after several support tickets stating our case, and pleading that they don't destroy the decks!
In the end, after several communications, they reactivated our listing which had apparently been set to inactive because of "stranded inventory" due to "excess inventory"; which is Amazon talk for: "YOU'RE NOT SELLING FAST ENOUGH".
After having gone through that experience we knew one thing for certain, WE WANTED TO BREAK FREE FROM AMAZON as soon as possible, but we still wanted to offer our DoShit! decks with Free Shipping for our customers; at least this Christmas...
So, best case scenario, all the DoShit! decks that are at Amazon get sold this Christmas campaign, with the jolly merry spirit, people and nostriches all around the world get excited about GIFTING INSPIRATION (and taking advantage of the Free Shipping) and help us to GET THE DECKS OUT OF AMAZON!
But we know this may be wishful thinking T.T ,
That is why we are also looking for independent shops in the USA that feel that DoShit! makes sense in their store, and would want to become the new home of the decks that remain in american soil after the Christmas campaign. So maybe somebody wants to become the "foster home" to these Oracles as they find their new home in 2025, so they decks can go from that abussive giant with high time preference, to a friendly purple shop with low time preference and no hidden tricks.
After all, many people kickstart the year with their minds set on their New Year Resolutions, they want to DO SHIT! So Who Knows?
In any case, to all the small sellers out there, BEWARE OF MAKING THAT PACT WITH THE DEVIL.
We knew we had never wanted to get our Shit on Amazon, we knew the system was rigged again us, but still, we wanted to make it more affordable for people to get their hands on the deck.
Artists struggle enough to have to additionally add exhorbitant shipping costs to acquire a creativity tool like "DoShit!".
And if you, like us, find yourself having to do that pact anyway, we hope our tale will at least help you navigate all the hidden traps that their system throws at you.
please, support us as best you can, share our story, recommend our deck, but best of all GIFT THE "DoShit!" DECK THIS CHRISTMAS! <3
You can find it at its captor's site at https://a.co/d/hrKXEBF , or if you'd rather NOT BUY SHIT ON AMAZON, you can always buy it at the Plebeian Market with your Sats, and we'll get one out of Amazon on your account.
This 2025, we wish you all to DO THE SHIT THAT MATTERS TO YOU!
#DoShit! #JoinTheArtmy
Imagine a large public square, illuminated by intense spotlights, where every individual who dares to approach the center is immediately recognized, photographed, and cataloged. In this square, every word spoken becomes indelibly tied to its speaker. Under such conditions, many would hesitate before speaking, fearing not only the disapproval of the audience but also the potential punishments that could follow the mere act of expressing an idea. Now, imagine a second square, where anyone can cover their face with a mask, allowing their voice to echo without revealing their identity. It is in this second square that true freedom of expression flourishes, and this metaphorical mask represents anonymity.
In debates about freedom of expression—one of the fundamental pillars of democratic societies—anonymity often emerges as a controversial element. For some, it serves as a refuge for digital criminals or slanderers. For others, it is an indispensable tool, capable of protecting dissenting voices and inspiring authentic debates, with ideas judged on their merits rather than the messenger’s reputation. This article aims to explain, in a clear and instructive manner, why anonymity is essential to genuine freedom of expression, illustrating its value with metaphors, real-life examples, and historical references.
## **The Protective Mask: Avoiding Retaliation and Threats**
Just as a navigator uses guiding instruments to avoid jagged rocks at sea, anonymity functions like a shield, allowing bold voices to navigate oppressive reefs without foundering. There are countless examples of individuals who have risked their lives to expose crimes and injustices—from whistleblowers in authoritarian governments to investigative journalists uncovering the complex machinations of organized crime. Without the possibility of anonymity, many of these stories would never have come to light.
Organizations like the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) and other digital rights advocacy groups emphasize that the ability to speak without revealing one’s identity is crucial when the cost of speaking out is dangerously high. In censorship-ridden regimes, criticizing the government can lead to imprisonment, torture, or even death. Human rights activists, LGBTQIA+ communities in hostile countries, and journalists investigating illicit dealings all rely on anonymity to continue their work without putting their own lives at immediate risk. In this context, anonymity is not a whim—it’s the chance to survive one’s own opinion.
## **The Voice of the Invisible: Empowering Marginalized Groups**
Think of anonymity as an invisible microphone placed at the disposal of those who, without it, would never dare to take the stage. Historically, marginalized groups have always faced additional barriers to making their voices heard. Women in patriarchal societies, ethnic minorities facing discrimination, or individuals persecuted for their sexual orientation find in anonymity a safe space to speak out, claim their rights, and share their experiences without fearing public humiliation or physical violence.
This “invisible microphone” not only gives voice to those who once remained silent but also transforms the arena of public debate into a more equitable space. By removing the link between idea and identity, it reduces the risk of immediate prejudice against the messenger. As a result, society can assess arguments more impartially. Here, ideas are judged on their content, not on the face that speaks them.
## **The Strength of History: The Precedent of the Federalist Papers**
History offers a famous example of the power of anonymous words: the Federalist Papers. Published between 1787 and 1788, these essays supported the ratification of the United States Constitution and were written under the pseudonym “Publius” by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. The reason for concealing their identities was clear: to ensure that their ideas would be judged on their argumentative strength rather than the prestige or fame of the authors.
The precedent set by the Federalist Papers is emblematic. It shows that, in the building of one of the first modern democracies, anonymity was used as a legitimate tool to establish fundamental concepts. If the founders of the nation that prides itself on its First Amendment—the one that protects freedom of expression—resorted to anonymity, we should recognize that this resource is not only defensible but also an essential part of the framework of healthy public debate.
## **Faceless Messages: The Democracy of Pure Ideas**
In an ideal world, we would judge a message purely on its content. In reality, however, names, faces, social status, and economic position influence how we receive and interpret a person’s words. Anonymity removes these superficial layers, allowing the message to present itself bare, subject to rational evaluation without the veils of prejudice.
In this sense, anonymity acts as a “filter of equality”: by concealing the source, it prevents us from assigning credibility (or discredit) based on stereotypes, prejudices, or personal rivalries. Thus, ideas previously dismissed out of hand can now be heard with greater attention, opening paths to social innovation, political reflection, and challenges to the status quo. A contemporary example is online forums that allow anonymous posts. While we acknowledge that such spaces can be misused, we cannot ignore their potential to give voice to those who would never feel safe speaking under their own name in public.
## **Privacy, Intimacy, and the Freedom to Whisper**
Anonymity is not limited to the public or political sphere. In personal and professional relations, the ability to speak anonymously can allow someone to seek help or reveal extremely sensitive matters. Imagine a patient who needs to consult a doctor about a stigmatized health issue, or a person seeking legal advice in a delicate situation. The “mask” of anonymity offers a safe haven for sharing information without the anguish of being judged or exposed.
Thus, anonymity also safeguards our “right to whisper,” that is, the ability to exchange information, secrets, and confessions without the constant glare of a spotlight. Real or perceived surveillance can stifle communication and inhibit creativity, reporting, and the exchange of ideas. By shielding individuals from forced exposure, anonymity reinforces the very fabric of freedom of expression, preventing the fear of identification from silencing words before they are spoken.
## **Anonymity in the Digital Age: Between Encryption and Censorship**
In the digital age, the issue of anonymity becomes even more relevant. With the expansion of online surveillance and the growth of social networks, maintaining anonymity can be challenging. Social media platforms increasingly request personal data, and governments attempt to impose barriers against anonymity, often justifying them as measures of national security or crime prevention.
However, according to reports and documents from human rights organizations, such as the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Association for Progressive Communications (APC), encryption and anonymity are key tools for freedom of expression in the digital environment. Without these resources, citizens and journalists, for instance, become more vulnerable to persecution. In various countries, the existence of anonymous and encrypted channels enables information to circulate, grievances to be reported, and societies to remain informed, even in the face of heavy censorship.
## **Legal Protection: Judicial Recognition of Anonymity**
The United States Supreme Court, as well as other constitutional courts around the world, recognizes anonymity as an integral part of the right to free expression. In the United States, the First Amendment has been applied in cases that defended the right to anonymous speech, viewing it as a bulwark against the tyranny of the majority. When minorities are protected by anonymity, personal reprisals against those who dare to question dogmas or denounce abuses are prevented.
This judicial understanding reinforces the legitimacy of anonymity and its direct association with the strengthening of democracy. After all, a robust democracy requires not only the absence of formal censorship but also the guarantee that minority or unpopular voices can speak out without fear.
## **Conclusion: The Cloak That Protects Freedom**
If freedom of expression is the heart of democracy, anonymity is the cloak that shields that heart from the poisoned darts of fear, persecution, and prejudice. It creates the right environment for ideas to flourish freely, for courageous voices to emerge from silence, and for society to debate its most complex issues in the light of reason rather than beneath the shadow of intimidation.
In a world where surveillance and political tensions are ever-present, anonymity preserves the essence of free speech: humanity’s ability to question, propose, denounce, criticize, and create without shackles. By recognizing the importance of this resource, we safeguard not only individual voices but also the very principle that makes democracy worthy of its name.
## **Selected References:**
- Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF): <https://www.eff.org/issues/anonymity>
- Freedom Forum: <https://www.freedomforum.org/anonymous-speech/>
- Association for Progressive Communications (APC): <https://www.apc.org/>
- The First Amendment Encyclopedia: Anonymous Speech: <https://firstamendment.mtsu.edu/article/anonymous-speech/>
- The Federalist Papers: Historical context available at [Library of Congress](https://www.loc.gov/) and various printed and digital compilations.
Cover Photo by [Redd Francisco](https://unsplash.com/@reddfrancisco?utm_source=ghost&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=api-credit) / [Unsplash](https://unsplash.com/?utm_source=ghost&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=api-credit)
After nuking my second LND node (the first one died due to hardware failure) by my own typo and lack of any thought in the design of the CLI of LND lightning node tools, I decided to take a plunge into the world of mature and complex implementation of the protocol, [Eclair by ACINQ](https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair). It has been almost one year (the birth of the node was on Christmas Day 2023), 50 thousand transactions routed, and over 30 BTC of routed value. In this post, I'd like to reflect on my experiences with Eclair, go over some of the gotchas and issues, and highlight some of the good choices that I've made since the beginning of my adventure.
## Learnings from the Past Experience
While I was learning Lightning network and had very little understanding of how things worked in the whole Bitcoin space, Umbrel was my go-to solution that helped me get off the ground. It proved to be easy and somewhat educational but was not something that I would continuously run for the production setup or trust with any significant amount of bitcoin that I could not afford to lose. Lightning is built on top of the L1 (Bitcoin) network but manages the state of the channels in its own database that is negotiated and agreed upon with its peers. Any failures in the state integrity may result in the complete loss of liquidity or hefty penalty transactions (significant loss of capital). A Lightning node that participates in routing public transactions is also required to be constantly online with as little downtime as possible and only short periods offline at a time. Otherwise, you may risk causing force-closure of the channel due to expired HTLC that is measured in number of blocks.
## The Setup
Taking all of my learnings into consideration, I decided to first invest in reliable enterprise-grade hardware:
- Server-grade hardware with ECC memory and reliable power supply and CPU
- UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply) to avoid any headaches due to electrical spikes or drop-outs
- Reliable enterprise SSDs and NVMEs
- ZFS (filesystem) to mirror the critical storage and to ensure full integrity of the data (bit-rot prevention). You do need to tune ZFS for your specific workload and reliability
- Reliable and replicated database (PostgreSQL) with two local and one remote replica, and a requirement to have at least two replicas committing the transaction to the disk
- Backup! On-site and off-site backup of the critical configuration that you could use to restore the node if your house burns down
- Spare parts, redundancy, backup, monitoring
- Reliable and stable internet connectivity
The software is Eclair 0.11.0 (latest release as of today), PostgreSQL 16 with two replicas, Bitcoin Core 27.2 (with redundant storage of blocks), additional Bitcoin Core running on a separate node and in-sync with the chain (in case primary node fails), Ubuntu 22.04 with the latest docker software from the official Docker repo.
## All Major Gotchas That I Came Across
While Eclair is mature and very stable in itself, it does have some quirks and design choices that you need to account for when running your node. The software is written in Scala and requires a specific version of JVM to run it, as well as JRE and Maven to build it. It doesn't mean that other versions won't work, but you may find unpleasant bugs that may result in catastrophic failures of your node with nobody to help you. All of the requirements are listed in the release notes and installation guide. Whenever in doubt, **RTFM** first, then ask questions.
### Limited Support by the FOSS Community
Eclair is not the most popular implementation of the Lightning protocol, and therefore it is hard to find tools or plugins that could help you manage the node. GUI for the node so far is only supported by RTL and with a very limited number of features. For any sort of statistics, you are limited to either Prometheus (extensive metrics are available) or writing your own SQL on top of the Eclair tables.
### On-chain Fee Differences Between Yours and Partner Nodes
This one hit me hard, and many times. I've had more than a few force-closures of the channels because of the conservative and safe default settings. The worst part is, it strikes you when there is a huge spike in fees, which results in significant losses to force-close the channel due to high fees. I am still not 100% sure how the big difference can be exploited in practice, and opted for increase of the tolerance levels to avoid surprise FCs:
eclair.on-chain-fees {
feerate-tolerance {
ratio-low = <0.01~> // will allow remote fee rates as low as XX our local feerate (spikes)
ratio-high = <20.0~> // will allow remote fee rates as high as XX times our local feerate (drops)
It is up to you and your risk tolerance to define something reasonable and yet allow for secure and reliable node operation.
### Initial Lightning Network State Sync
When I just started running the node, I had very few channels and startup times were fast. Later, when I expanded the number of channels, I noted that it took my node up to 6-12 hours before it was fully in-sync and routing traffic fast. Given that ACINQ maintains one of the largest nodes on the network, I knew that there was something with my settings that caused the issue. After some research, I came across the setting that whitelisted node IDs for state sync, which immediately rang a bell since I knew from the LND days that not all peer nodes are used for the network sync. Setting the list to my most reliable and largest nodes reduced the startup settling times down to minutes again:
eclair.sync-whitelist = [
You do not need to have too many public keys in here, and should keep it between 5-10.
### Automatic MAX HTLC Adjustment for the Channel
One of the killer features of Eclair is its ability to automatically adjust MAX HTLC for the channel and reduce the number of failed transactions due to insufficient liquidity on the channel. It can be used to estimate your total channels' balances but with smart configuration and a little thinking, you can make it reasonably private while still maintaining a good transaction flow:
eclair.channel.channel-update.min-time-between-updates=1 hour # Allows for the adjustments to be made once every hour
available-sat = 10000
max-htlc-sat = 0 // 0% of 10000
You can have as many variations as you need, and ensure that the channel MAX HTLC is set well and within reasonable ranges. You would also want to account for multiple transactions going through the channel, but also account for the channel size and an average amount of sats per transaction.
### Max Accepted HTLCs
By design, the Lightning channel is limited to a specific number of in-flight HTLCs, and the setting is fixed during channel opening time with no way of changing it unless you close and reopen the channel with new settings. If you find your node routing a lot of small transactions (zaps), you may quickly fail many due to that limit (I think default was in single digit range):
eclair.channel.max-htlc-value-in-flight-percent=98 # Default I think is half or 50%
eclair.channel.max-accepted-htlcs = 50
The setting above will allow for the channel to be more fully utilized and have more concurrent transactions without clogging.
### CLTV Delta
This is basically a setting that is global for Eclair and sets the maximum number of remaining blocks (in time) before HTLC expires. Setting this too high may result in many HTLCs failing for the small nodes with not so great centrality, and reduce the number of routed transactions:
# CLTV delta
eclair.channel.expiry-delta-blocks = 60
Default is 144 but I found that setting this to 60 (minimum possible for my node setup and configuration) yields better results for routing. It does expose you to more risk of expired HTLCs that may cause force-closures, but I have seen only one so far on my node.
### Allocate Sufficient Memory
You will want to adjust the heap size for Eclair, since the default is too small to run any sizable node. Setting `JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx32g` (or half the size of your available RAM) would be a good start. I would advise having at least 32GB of RAM for the node, and allocating at least 16GB (`JAVA_OPTS=-Xmx16g`) for smooth and fast operations.
### And More Settings and Parameters to Tune
I have covered only some of the major settings that I felt were worth writing about, but there is much more you could configure and tweak. Read all of the [Guides](https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair/blob/master/docs/Guides.md) and especially focus on the [Configure](https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair/blob/master/docs/Configure.md) and a [sample reference configuration file](https://github.com/ACINQ/eclair/blob/master/eclair-core/src/main/resources/reference.conf).
## Good Decisions
First, going with Eclair was the right choice, along with using server-grade hardware with ECC RAM and reliable storage. Second, having a replicated database on three separate nodes with one off-site saved me from a sure destruction of all state and loss of funds. Third, deciding to only maintain channels with reliable and stable nodes saved me from some bad force-closures, where I would choose to close the channel if a peer node goes up and down too frequently, regardless of how well it routes. Even big nodes run by single operators fail badly, as do nodes operated by companies. Keeping your eyes on the node and its health, as well as the health of its peers, is something that very few operators do, which can cause failures and unnecessary loss of your and their funds.
Lastly, if you decide to run a routing node, you have a responsibility to maintain it well and monitor its health. There are many tools you could use, and with Eclair you can use Prometheus and Grafana. Keep your node's packages updated and monitor for any security-related issues that may appear from time to time, so you can mitigate them quickly.
## Conclusion
So far I am satisfied with Eclair despite all of the difficulties and headaches I've had with it. It is not perfect, and it requires me to create small tools to do some basic things, but I need a stable and reliable node that I can trust. Eclair has proved to be all that I wanted, and saved my bacon a few times when I nuked one of the PostgreSQL servers and all of its data, and managed to do the same for another replica, but was able to recover and recreate from the remaining replica. Eclair is also stateless during runtime and guarantees consistency of the node regardless of how it fails. Even if you pull a plug on the node's server, it will still be able to come up and recover its consistent state that is in agreement with its peers.
**Is it for everyone?** No, it is definitely not for everyone or for anyone who just wants a small node to run their online shop with a few channels. You could have a very reliable and trusted node for the online shop with Eclair, but you will need some technical skills to be able to set up, maintain and recover it if things go wrong.
In the end, it is all up to you, your skills, your willingness to learn, and your risk tolerance to make that decision. For me, it was the right choice, and I have no regrets despite not having access to the latest shiny features of the Lightning network.
I started a long series of articles about how to model different types of knowledge graphs in the relational model, which makes on-device memory models for AI agents possible.
We model-directed graphs
Also, graphs of entities
We even model hypergraphs
Last time, we discussed why classical triple and simple knowledge graphs are insufficient for AI agents and complex memory, especially in the domain of time-aware or multi-model knowledge.
So why do we need metagraphs, and what kind of challenge could they help us to solve?
- complex and nested event and temporal context and temporal relations as edges
- multi-mode and multilingual knowledge
- human-like memory for AI agents that has multiple contexts and relations between knowledge in neuron-like networks
## MetaGraphs
A meta graph is a concept that extends the idea of a graph by allowing edges to become graphs. Meta Edges connect a set of nodes, which could also be subgraphs. So, at some level, node and edge are pretty similar in properties but act in different roles in a different context.
Also, in some cases, edges could be referenced as nodes.
This approach enables the representation of more complex relationships and hierarchies than a traditional graph structure allows. Let’s break down each term to understand better metagraphs and how they differ from hypergraphs and graphs.
## Graph Basics
- A standard **graph** has a set of **nodes** (or vertices) and **edges** (connections between nodes).
- Edges are generally simple and typically represent a binary relationship between two nodes.
- For instance, an edge in a social network graph might indicate a “friend” relationship between two people (nodes).
## Hypergraph
- A **hypergraph** extends the concept of an edge by allowing it to connect any number of nodes, not just two.
- Each connection, called a **hyperedge**, can link multiple nodes.
- This feature allows hypergraphs to model more complex relationships involving multiple entities simultaneously. For example, a hyperedge in a hypergraph could represent a project team, connecting all team members in a single relation.
- Despite its flexibility, a hypergraph doesn’t capture hierarchical or nested structures; it only generalizes the number of connections in an edge.
## Metagraph
- A **metagraph** allows the edges to be graphs themselves. This means each edge can contain its own nodes and edges, creating nested, hierarchical structures.
- In a meta graph, an edge could represent a relationship defined by a graph. For instance, a meta graph could represent a network of organizations where each organization’s structure (departments and connections) is represented by its own internal graph and treated as an edge in the larger meta graph.
- This recursive structure allows metagraphs to model complex data with multiple layers of abstraction. They can capture multi-node relationships (as in hypergraphs) and detailed, structured information about each relationship.
## Named Graphs and Graph of Graphs
As you can notice, the structure of a metagraph is quite complex and could be complex to model in relational and classical RDF setups. It could create a challenge of luck of tools and software solutions for your problem.
If you need to model nested graphs, you could use a much simpler model of Named graphs, which could take you quite far.
The concept of the named graph came from the RDF community, which needed to group some sets of triples. In this way, you form subgraphs inside an existing graph. You could refer to the subgraph as a regular node. This setup simplifies complex graphs, introduces hierarchies, and even adds features and properties of hypergraphs while keeping a directed nature.
It looks complex, but it is not so hard to model it with a slight modification of a directed graph.
So, the node could host graphs inside. Let's reflect this fact with a location for a node. If a node belongs to a main graph, we could set the location to null or introduce a main node . it is up to you
Nodes could have edges to nodes in different subgraphs. This structure allows any kind of nesting graphs. Edges stay location-free
## Meta Graphs in Relational Model
Let’s try to make several attempts to model different meta-graphs with some constraints.
## Directed Metagraph where edges are not used as nodes and could not contain subgraphs
In this case, the edge always points to two sets of nodes. This introduces an overhead of creating a node set for a single node. In this model, we can model empty node sets that could require application-level constraints to prevent such cases.
## Directed Metagraph where edges are not used as nodes and could contain subgraphs
Adding a node set that could model a subgraph located in an edge is easy but could be separate from in-vertex or out-vert.
I also do not see a direct need to include subgraphs to a node, as we could just use a node set interchangeably, but it still could be a case.
## Directed Metagraph where edges are used as nodes and could contain subgraphs
As you can notice, we operate all the time with node sets. We could simply allow the extension node set to elements set that include node and edge IDs, but in this case, we need to use uuid or any other strategy to differentiate node IDs from edge IDs. In this case, we have a collision of ephemeral edges or ephemeral nodes when we want to change the role and purpose of the node as an edge or vice versa.
A full-scale metagraph model is way too complex for a relational database.
So we need a better model.
Now, we have more flexibility but loose structural constraints. We cannot show that the element should have one vertex, one vertex, or both. This type of constraint has been moved to the application level. Also, the crucial question is about query and retrieval needs.
Any meta-graph model should be more focused on domain and needs and should be used in raw form. We did it for a pure theoretical purpose.
Hey folks! Today, let’s dive into the intriguing world of neurosymbolic approaches, retrieval-augmented generation (RAG), and personal knowledge graphs (PKGs). Together, these concepts hold much potential for bringing true reasoning capabilities to large language models (LLMs). So, let’s break down how symbolic logic, knowledge graphs, and modern AI can come together to empower future AI systems to reason like humans.
## The Neurosymbolic Approach: What It Means ?
Neurosymbolic AI combines two historically separate streams of artificial intelligence: symbolic reasoning and neural networks. Symbolic AI uses formal logic to process knowledge, similar to how we might solve problems or deduce information. On the other hand, neural networks, like those underlying GPT-4, focus on learning patterns from vast amounts of data — they are probabilistic statistical models that excel in generating human-like language and recognizing patterns but often lack deep, explicit reasoning.
While GPT-4 can produce impressive text, it’s still not very effective at reasoning in a truly logical way. Its foundation, transformers, allows it to excel in pattern recognition, but the models struggle with reasoning because, at their core, they rely on statistical probabilities rather than true symbolic logic. This is where neurosymbolic methods and knowledge graphs come in.
## Symbolic Calculations and the Early Vision of AI
If we take a step back to the 1950s, the vision for artificial intelligence was very different. Early AI research was all about symbolic reasoning — where computers could perform logical calculations to derive new knowledge from a given set of rules and facts. Languages like **Lisp** emerged to support this vision, enabling programs to represent data and code as interchangeable symbols. Lisp was designed to be homoiconic, meaning it treated code as manipulatable data, making it capable of self-modification — a huge leap towards AI systems that could, in theory, understand and modify their own operations.
## Lisp: The Earlier AI-Language
**Lisp**, short for “LISt Processor,” was developed by John McCarthy in 1958, and it became the cornerstone of early AI research. Lisp’s power lay in its flexibility and its use of symbolic expressions, which allowed developers to create programs that could manipulate symbols in ways that were very close to human reasoning. One of the most groundbreaking features of Lisp was its ability to treat code as data, known as homoiconicity, which meant that Lisp programs could introspect and transform themselves dynamically. This ability to adapt and modify its own structure gave Lisp an edge in tasks that required a form of self-awareness, which was key in the early days of AI when researchers were exploring what it meant for machines to “think.”
Lisp was not just a programming language—it represented the vision for artificial intelligence, where machines could evolve their understanding and rewrite their own programming. This idea formed the conceptual basis for many of the self-modifying and adaptive algorithms that are still explored today in AI research. Despite its decline in mainstream programming, Lisp’s influence can still be seen in the concepts used in modern machine learning and symbolic AI approaches.
## Prolog: Formal Logic and Deductive Reasoning
In the 1970s, **Prolog** was developed—a language focused on formal logic and deductive reasoning. Unlike Lisp, based on lambda calculus, Prolog operates on formal logic rules, allowing it to perform deductive reasoning and solve logical puzzles. This made Prolog an ideal candidate for expert systems that needed to follow a sequence of logical steps, such as medical diagnostics or strategic planning.
Prolog, like Lisp, allowed symbols to be represented, understood, and used in calculations, creating another homoiconic language that allows reasoning. Prolog’s strength lies in its rule-based structure, which is well-suited for tasks that require logical inference and backtracking. These features made it a powerful tool for expert systems and AI research in the 1970s and 1980s.
The language is declarative in nature, meaning that you define the problem, and Prolog figures out **how** to solve it. By using formal logic and setting constraints, Prolog systems can derive conclusions from known facts, making it highly effective in fields requiring explicit logical frameworks, such as legal reasoning, diagnostics, and natural language understanding. These symbolic approaches were later overshadowed during the AI winter — but the ideas never really disappeared. They just evolved.
## Solvers and Their Role in Complementing LLMs
One of the most powerful features of **Prolog** and similar logic-based systems is their use of **solvers**. Solvers are mechanisms that can take a set of rules and constraints and automatically find solutions that satisfy these conditions. This capability is incredibly useful when combined with LLMs, which excel at generating human-like language but need help with logical consistency and structured reasoning.
For instance, imagine a scenario where an LLM needs to answer a question involving multiple logical steps or a complex query that requires deducing facts from various pieces of information. In this case, a **solver** can derive valid conclusions based on a given set of logical rules, providing structured answers that the LLM can then articulate in natural language. This allows the LLM to retrieve information and ensure the logical integrity of its responses, leading to much more robust answers.
Solvers are also ideal for handling **constraint satisfaction problems** — situations where multiple conditions must be met simultaneously. In practical applications, this could include scheduling tasks, generating optimal recommendations, or even diagnosing issues where a set of symptoms must match possible diagnoses. Prolog’s solver capabilities and LLM’s natural language processing power can make these systems highly effective at providing intelligent, rule-compliant responses that traditional LLMs would struggle to produce alone.
By integrating **neurosymbolic methods** that utilize solvers, we can provide LLMs with a form of deductive reasoning that is missing from pure deep-learning approaches. This combination has the potential to significantly improve the quality of outputs for use-cases that require explicit, structured problem-solving, from legal queries to scientific research and beyond. Solvers give LLMs the backbone they need to not just generate answers but to do so in a way that respects logical rigor and complex constraints.
## Graph of Rules for Enhanced Reasoning
Another powerful concept that complements LLMs is using a **graph of rules**. A graph of rules is essentially a structured collection of logical rules that interconnect in a network-like structure, defining how various entities and their relationships interact. This structured network allows for complex reasoning and information retrieval, as well as the ability to model intricate relationships between different pieces of knowledge.
In a **graph of rules**, each node represents a rule, and the edges define relationships between those rules — such as dependencies or causal links. This structure can be used to enhance LLM capabilities by providing them with a formal set of rules and relationships to follow, which improves logical consistency and reasoning depth. When an LLM encounters a problem or a question that requires multiple logical steps, it can traverse this graph of rules to generate an answer that is not only linguistically fluent but also logically robust.
For example, in a healthcare application, a graph of rules might include nodes for medical symptoms, possible diagnoses, and recommended treatments. When an LLM receives a query regarding a patient’s symptoms, it can use the graph to traverse from symptoms to potential diagnoses and then to treatment options, ensuring that the response is coherent and medically sound. The graph of rules guides reasoning, enabling LLMs to handle complex, multi-step questions that involve chains of reasoning, rather than merely generating surface-level responses.
Graphs of rules also enable **modular reasoning**, where different sets of rules can be activated based on the context or the type of question being asked. This modularity is crucial for creating adaptive AI systems that can apply specific sets of logical frameworks to distinct problem domains, thereby greatly enhancing their versatility. The combination of **neural fluency** with **rule-based structure** gives LLMs the ability to conduct more advanced reasoning, ultimately making them more reliable and effective in domains where accuracy and logical consistency are critical.
By implementing a graph of rules, LLMs are empowered to perform **deductive reasoning** alongside their generative capabilities, creating responses that are not only compelling but also logically aligned with the structured knowledge available in the system. This further enhances their potential applications in fields such as law, engineering, finance, and scientific research — domains where logical consistency is as important as linguistic coherence.
## Enhancing LLMs with Symbolic Reasoning
Now, with LLMs like GPT-4 being mainstream, there is an emerging need to add real reasoning capabilities to them. This is where **neurosymbolic approaches** shine. Instead of pitting neural networks against symbolic reasoning, these methods combine the best of both worlds. The neural aspect provides language fluency and recognition of complex patterns, while the symbolic side offers real reasoning power through formal logic and rule-based frameworks.
**Personal Knowledge Graphs (PKGs)** come into play here as well. Knowledge graphs are data structures that encode entities and their relationships — they’re essentially semantic networks that allow for structured information retrieval. When integrated with neurosymbolic approaches, LLMs can use these graphs to answer questions in a far more contextual and precise way. By retrieving relevant information from a knowledge graph, they can ground their responses in well-defined relationships, thus improving both the relevance and the logical consistency of their answers.
Imagine combining an LLM with a **graph of rules** that allow it to reason through the relationships encoded in a personal knowledge graph. This could involve using **deductive databases** to form a sophisticated way to represent and reason with symbolic data — essentially constructing a powerful hybrid system that uses LLM capabilities for language fluency and rule-based logic for structured problem-solving.
## My Research on Deductive Databases and Knowledge Graphs
I recently did some research on modeling **knowledge graphs using deductive databases**, such as DataLog — which can be thought of as a limited, data-oriented version of Prolog. What I’ve found is that it’s possible to use formal logic to model knowledge graphs, ontologies, and complex relationships elegantly as rules in a deductive system. Unlike classical RDF or traditional ontology-based models, which sometimes struggle with complex or evolving relationships, a deductive approach is more flexible and can easily support dynamic rules and reasoning.
**Prolog** and similar logic-driven frameworks can complement LLMs by handling the parts of reasoning where explicit rule-following is required. LLMs can benefit from these rule-based systems for tasks like entity recognition, logical inferences, and constructing or traversing knowledge graphs. We can even create a **graph of rules** that governs how relationships are formed or how logical deductions can be performed.
The future is really about creating an AI that is capable of both deep contextual understanding (using the powerful generative capacity of LLMs) and true reasoning (through symbolic systems and knowledge graphs). With the neurosymbolic approach, these AIs could be equipped not just to generate information but to explain their reasoning, form logical conclusions, and even improve their own understanding over time — getting us a step closer to true artificial general intelligence.
## Why It Matters for LLM Employment
Using **neurosymbolic RAG (retrieval-augmented generation)** in conjunction with personal knowledge graphs could revolutionize how LLMs work in real-world applications. Imagine an LLM that understands not just language but also the relationships between different concepts — one that can navigate, reason, and explain complex knowledge domains by actively engaging with a personalized set of facts and rules.
This could lead to practical applications in areas like healthcare, finance, legal reasoning, or even personal productivity — where LLMs can help users solve complex problems logically, providing relevant information and well-justified reasoning paths. The combination of **neural fluency** with **symbolic accuracy and deductive power** is precisely the bridge we need to move beyond purely predictive AI to truly intelligent systems.
Let's explore these ideas further if you’re as fascinated by this as I am. Feel free to reach out, follow my YouTube channel, or check out some articles I’ll link below. And if you’re working on anything in this field, I’d love to collaborate!
Until next time, folks. Stay curious, and keep pushing the boundaries of AI!
## Introduction: Personal Knowledge Graphs and Linked Data
We will explore the world of personal knowledge graphs and discuss how they can be used to model complex information structures. Personal knowledge graphs aren’t just abstract collections of nodes and edges—they encode meaningful relationships, contextualizing data in ways that enrich our understanding of it. While the core structure might be a directed graph, we layer semantic meaning on top, enabling nuanced connections between data points.
The origin of knowledge graphs is deeply tied to concepts from linked data and the semantic web, ideas that emerged to better link scattered pieces of information across the web. This approach created an infrastructure where data islands could connect — facilitating everything from more insightful AI to improved personal data management.
In this article, we will explore how these ideas have evolved into tools for modeling AI’s semantic memory and look at how knowledge graphs can serve as a flexible foundation for encoding rich data contexts. We’ll specifically discuss three major paradigms: RDF (Resource Description Framework), property graphs, and a third way of modeling entities as graphs of graphs. Let’s get started.
## Intro to RDF
The Resource Description Framework (RDF) has been one of the fundamental standards for linked data and knowledge graphs. RDF allows data to be modeled as triples: subject, predicate, and object. Essentially, you can think of it as a structured way to describe relationships: “X has a Y called Z.” For instance, “Berlin has a population of 3.5 million.” This modeling approach is quite flexible because RDF uses unique identifiers — usually URIs — to point to data entities, making linking straightforward and coherent.
RDFS, or RDF Schema, extends RDF to provide a basic vocabulary to structure the data even more. This lets us describe not only individual nodes but also relationships among types of data entities, like defining a class hierarchy or setting properties. For example, you could say that “Berlin” is an instance of a “City” and that cities are types of “Geographical Entities.” This kind of organization helps establish semantic meaning within the graph.
## RDF and Advanced Topics
## Lists and Sets in RDF
RDF also provides tools to model more complex data structures such as lists and sets, enabling the grouping of nodes. This extension makes it easier to model more natural, human-like knowledge, for example, describing attributes of an entity that may have multiple values. By adding RDF Schema and OWL (Web Ontology Language), you gain even more expressive power — being able to define logical rules or even derive new relationships from existing data.
## Graph of Graphs
A significant feature of RDF is the ability to form complex nested structures, often referred to as graphs of graphs. This allows you to create “named graphs,” essentially subgraphs that can be independently referenced. For example, you could create a named graph for a particular dataset describing Berlin and another for a different geographical area. Then, you could connect them, allowing for more modular and reusable knowledge modeling.
## Property Graphs
While RDF provides a robust framework, it’s not always the easiest to work with due to its heavy reliance on linking everything explicitly. This is where property graphs come into play. Property graphs are less focused on linking everything through triples and allow more expressive properties directly within nodes and edges.
For example, instead of using triples to represent each detail, a property graph might let you store all properties about an entity (e.g., “Berlin”) directly in a single node. This makes property graphs more intuitive for many developers and engineers because they more closely resemble object-oriented structures: you have entities (nodes) that possess attributes (properties) and are connected to other entities through relationships (edges).
The significant benefit here is a condensed representation, which speeds up traversal and queries in some scenarios. However, this also introduces a trade-off: while property graphs are more straightforward to query and maintain, they lack some complex relationship modeling features RDF offers, particularly when connecting properties to each other.
## Graph of Graphs and Subgraphs for Entity Modeling
A third approach — which takes elements from RDF and property graphs — involves modeling entities using subgraphs or nested graphs. In this model, each entity can be represented as a graph. This allows for a detailed and flexible description of attributes without exploding every detail into individual triples or lump them all together into properties.
For instance, consider a person entity with a complex employment history. Instead of representing every employment detail in one node (as in a property graph), or as several linked nodes (as in RDF), you can treat the employment history as a subgraph. This subgraph could then contain nodes for different jobs, each linked with specific properties and connections. This approach keeps the complexity where it belongs and provides better flexibility when new attributes or entities need to be added.
## Hypergraphs and Metagraphs
When discussing more advanced forms of graphs, we encounter hypergraphs and metagraphs. These take the idea of relationships to a new level. A hypergraph allows an edge to connect more than two nodes, which is extremely useful when modeling scenarios where relationships aren’t just pairwise. For example, a “Project” could connect multiple “People,” “Resources,” and “Outcomes,” all in a single edge. This way, hypergraphs help in reducing the complexity of modeling high-order relationships.
Metagraphs, on the other hand, enable nodes and edges to themselves be represented as graphs. This is an extremely powerful feature when we consider the needs of artificial intelligence, as it allows for the modeling of relationships between relationships, an essential aspect for any system that needs to capture not just facts, but their interdependencies and contexts.
## Balancing Structure and Properties
One of the recurring challenges when modeling knowledge is finding the balance between structure and properties. With RDF, you get high flexibility and standardization, but complexity can quickly escalate as you decompose everything into triples. Property graphs simplify the representation by using attributes but lose out on the depth of connection modeling. Meanwhile, the graph-of-graphs approach and hypergraphs offer advanced modeling capabilities at the cost of increased computational complexity.
So, how do you decide which model to use? It comes down to your use case. RDF and nested graphs are strong contenders if you need deep linkage and are working with highly variable data. For more straightforward, engineer-friendly modeling, property graphs shine. And when dealing with very complex multi-way relationships or meta-level knowledge, hypergraphs and metagraphs provide the necessary tools.
The key takeaway is that only some approaches are perfect. Instead, it’s all about the modeling goals: how do you want to query the graph, what relationships are meaningful, and how much complexity are you willing to manage?
## Conclusion
Modeling AI semantic memory using knowledge graphs is a challenging but rewarding process. The different approaches — RDF, property graphs, and advanced graph modeling techniques like nested graphs and hypergraphs — each offer unique strengths and weaknesses. Whether you are building a personal knowledge graph or scaling up to AI that integrates multiple streams of linked data, it’s essential to understand the trade-offs each approach brings.
In the end, the choice of representation comes down to the nature of your data and your specific needs for querying and maintaining semantic relationships. The world of knowledge graphs is vast, with many tools and frameworks to explore. Stay connected and keep experimenting to find the balance that works for your projects.
The temporal semantics and **temporal and time-aware knowledge graphs. We have different memory models for artificial intelligence agents. We all try to mimic somehow how the brain works, or at least how the declarative memory of the brain works. We have the split of episodic memory** and **semantic memory**. And we also have a lot of theories, right?
## Declarative Memory of the Human Brain
How is the semantic memory formed? We all know that our brain stores semantic memory quite close to the concept we have with the personal knowledge graphs, that it’s connected entities. They form a connection with each other and all those things. So far, so good. And actually, then we have a lot of concepts, how the episodic memory and our experiences gets transmitted to the semantic:
- hippocampus indexing and retrieval
- sanitization of episodic memories
- episodic-semantic shift theory
They all give a different perspective on how different parts of declarative memory cooperate.
We know that episodic memories get semanticized over time. You have semantic knowledge without the notion of time, and probably, your episodic memory is just decayed.
But, you know, it’s still an open question:
> do we want to mimic an AI agent’s memory as a human brain memory, or do we want to create something different?
It’s an open question to which we have no good answer. And if you go to the theory of neuroscience and check how episodic and semantic memory interfere, you will still find a lot of theories, yeah?
Some of them say that you have the hippocampus that keeps the indexes of the memory. Some others will say that you semantic the episodic memory. Some others say that you have some separate process that digests the episodic and experience to the semantics. But all of them agree on the plan that it’s operationally two separate areas of memories and even two separate regions of brain, and the semantic, it’s more, let’s say, protected.
So it’s harder to forget the semantical facts than the episodes and everything. And what I’m thinking about for a long time, it’s this, you know, the semantic memory.
## Temporal Semantics
It’s memory about the facts, but you somehow mix the time information with the semantics. I already described a lot of things, including how we could combine time with knowledge graphs and how people do it.
There are multiple ways we could persist such information, but we all hit the wall because the complexity of time and the semantics of time are highly complex concepts.
## Time in a Semantic context is not a timestamp.
What I mean is that when you have a fact, and you just mentioned that I was there at this particular moment, like, I don’t know, 15:40 on Monday, it’s already awake because we don’t know which Monday, right? So you need to give the exact date, but usually, you do not have experiences like that.
You do not record your memories like that, except you do the journaling and all of the things. So, usually, you have no direct time references. What I mean is that you could say that I was there and it was some event, blah, blah, blah.
Somehow, we form a chain of events that connect with each other and maybe will be connected to some period of time if we are lucky enough. This means that we could not easily represent temporal-aware information as just a timestamp or validity and all of the things.
For sure, the validity of the knowledge graphs (simple quintuple with start and end dates)is a big topic, and it could solve a lot of things. It could solve a lot of the time cases. It’s super simple because you give the end and start dates, and you are done, but it does not answer facts that have a relative time or time information in facts . It could solve many use cases but struggle with facts in an indirect temporal context. I like the simplicity of this idea. But the problem of this approach that in most cases, we simply don’t have these timestamps. We don’t have the timestamp where this information starts and ends. And it’s not modeling many events in our life, especially if you have the processes or ongoing activities or recurrent events.
I’m more about thinking about the time of semantics, where you have a time model as a **hybrid clock** or some **global clock** that does the partial ordering of the events. It’s mean that you have the chain of the experiences and you have the chain of the facts that have the different time contexts.
We could deduct the time from this chain of the events. But it’s a big, big topic for the research. But what I want to achieve, actually, it’s not separation on episodic and semantic memory. It’s having something in between.
## Blockchain of connected events and facts
I call it temporal-aware semantics or time-aware knowledge graphs, where we could encode the semantic fact together with the time component.I doubt that time should be the simple timestamp or the region of the two timestamps. For me, it is more a chain for facts that have a partial order and form a blockchain like a database or a partially ordered Acyclic graph of facts that are temporally connected. We could have some notion of time that is understandable to the agent and a model that allows us to order the events and focus on what the agent knows and how to order this time knowledge and create the chains of the events.
## Time anchors
We may have a particular time in the chain that allows us to arrange a more concrete time for the rest of the events. But it’s still an open topic for research. The temporal semantics gets split into a couple of domains. One domain is how to add time to the knowledge graphs. We already have many different solutions. I described them in my previous articles.
Another domain is the agent's memory and how the memory of the artificial intelligence treats the time. This one, it’s much more complex. Because here, we could not operate with the simple timestamps. We need to have the representation of time that are understandable by model and understandable by the agent that will work with this model. And this one, it’s way bigger topic for the research.”
Sometimes perspective is everything...
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Dünya tehlikeli bir yer. Kötülük yapanlar yüzünden değil, görüp de hiçbir şey yapmayanlar yüzünden.
İnsanları okumada çok iyiyimdir. İçlerindeki en kötü şeyi ararım.
Herkes çalar. Bu böyledir. İnsanlar tam anlamıyla hak ettiklerini mi kazanıyorlar? Hayır. Ya fazla ya da az alıyorlar ama zincirdeki biri her zaman kaymağını götürüyor.
Bir adama bir silah verirsen bir bankayı soyabilir ama bir adama bir banka verirsen dünyayı soyar.
İnsanlar her zaman umudumu boşa çıkarmanın bir yolunu buldu.
Bir holdingi kalbini hedef alarak çökertemezsin. Holdinglerin olayı budur, kalpleri olmaz. Onları parça parça çökertirsin. Ve çözülmeye başladıkları zaman kontrol yanılsamaları da çözülür.
Büyük bir fırsat ondan faydalanılmasını bekler.
Seçimlerimiz üzerinde kontrol sahibi olup olmadığımızı nasıl bileceğiz? Sadece önümüze gelen şeyin en iyisini yapmaya çalışıyoruz, olay bu. Sürekli iki seçenekten birini seçmeye çalışıyoruz. Tıpkı bekleme salonundaki iki tablo gibi. Ya da Coca-Cola ve Pepsi. Mcdonald's veya Burger King. Hyundai veya Honda. Hepsi aynı bulanıklığın parçası. Odak dışında kalan bulanıklık. Seçimin yanılsaması. Kendi istediğimiz kablolu yayın, doğalgaz ve elektrik şirketini bile seçemiyoruz. içtiğimiz su, sağlık sigortamız.. Seçebilseydik bile fark eder miydi ki? Eğer tek seçim şansımız kılıç ve kalkan arasında oluyorsa bu nasıl seçimdir amına koyayım? Aslında aynı değiller midir? Hayır, seçimlerimiz bizim için tayin edilmiş uzun zaman önce.
İnsanlar etrafta dolaşıp nefretin ne demek olduğunu biliyormuş gibi yapıyorlar. Hayır, kimse bilemez. Ta ki kendinden nefret edene kadar. Demek istediğim, gerçekten kendinden nefret etmek. Bu, güçtür.
İnsanlar iletişim kuramadıkları zaman öfkelenir.
İçinde yaşadığımız dünya bu. İnsanlar birbirlerinin hatalarına bel bağlıyor. Birbirlerini kandırmak için başkalarını kullanıyorlar. Hatta birbirleri ile ilişkili oluyorlar. Sıcak, dağınık bir insan çemberi.
Bu, kendimi korumanın tek yolu: onlara asla kaynak kodumu göstermemek. Kendimi kapatmak. Beni kimsenin bulamayacağı soğuk, kusursuz labirentimi yaratmak. Ama artık daha normal olacağım. Belki kız arkadaşım bile olabilir. Onunla birlikte aptal marvel filmlerine gideceğim. Spor salonuna yazılacağım. Instagram'da bir şeyleri beğeneceğim. Vanilyalı latteler içeceğim. Bu andan itibaren açıksız bir hayat süreceğim. Kusursuz labirentimi korumak için her şeyi yapacağım.
Bir maskeyi, artık maske olmayı bıraktığında nasıl çıkarırsın? Senin kadar senin bir parçan olduğunda.
**With Bitcoin soaring past $100,000, there’s never been a more exciting time to be a Botev Plovdiv fan.** Bulgaria’s oldest football club is experiencing a renaissance under the visionary leadership of its president, Anton Zingarevich, and its bold adoption of Bitcoin. Here's why the coming weeks could be historic for the Canaries.
## A Club Steeped in History
Founded in 1912, Botev Plovdiv is rooted in the ancient city of Plovdiv, Europe’s oldest continuously inhabited city. The club's prestigious history and unique location attracted businessman Anton Zingarevich, who acquired the team in 2021 with a mission to restore its former glory.
## Reviving the Home of the Canaries: Hristo Botev Stadium
Zingarevich's first major project was to complete Botev's iconic Hristo Botev Stadium. Long envisioned as a top-tier European venue, the stadium was left unfinished for nearly a decade due to financial constraints. Under his leadership, the stadium finally opened its doors in April 2023, becoming the most modern football ground in Bulgaria.
## Strategic Changes and On-Field Success
In September 2023, Zingarevich overhauled the club’s leadership, appointing a new coach, Dušan Kerkez, and a new Sports Director. These changes brought immediate results. Botev’s performances improved significantly, and the club is now enjoying a historic season, currently sitting second in the league.
With 12 wins, 1 draw, and just 3 losses, Botev is chasing reigning champions Ludogorets Razgrad for the top spot. The team’s remarkable Bulgarian Cup win (3-2) over Ludogorets earlier this year underscores its potential to break Ludogorets' 13-year league dominance.
## Botev Embraces Bitcoin
On October 31, 2023, Botev Plovdiv became the first top-division football club worldwide to adopt Bitcoin. Its 360° Bitcoin strategy integrates Bitcoin across operations, fans, players, partners, and the broader Plovdiv community. The timing couldn’t be better—both Bitcoin and Botev have been on meteoric ascents ever since.
## Achievements in the Bitcoin Era
The Bitcoin era has already coincided with monumental achievements:
* 4th Bulgarian Cup Title: Celebrated under Bitcoin’s banner.
* Return to European Football: Competing in both the Europa League and Conference League.
* Best Season Start in 112 Years: Historic performances under coach Kerkez.
## December Showdown: Botev vs. Ludogorets
December promises two thrilling encounters between Botev and Ludogorets, now the centerpiece of Bulgarian football. With these matches, Botev has a golden opportunity to claim the league’s top spot during Bitcoin’s bull market, as the price continues to climb.
## Looking Ahead: A Historic February?
The excitement doesn’t end with the league. On February 4, 2025, Botev could lift its second trophy under Zingarevich and Kerkez—the Bulgarian Super Cup—at their home, Hristo Botev Stadium. Fans and Bitcoiners alike are already wondering: How high will Bitcoin’s price be on that date?
## A New Era for Fans and Bitcoiners
As Bitcoin hits $100K and Botev competes for league and cup glory, this holiday season promises unparalleled excitement for both Bitcoiners and Botev fans. With bold moves and historic performances, Botev Plovdiv is not just embracing a new era—it’s leading it. 💛⚫
Two weeks ago, on a saturday night, my wife and I decided to go to a festival at our local park, not knowing what kind of festival it was. After dinner we looked at each other in that “what are we going to do tonight” kind of way, I’m sure you know it well, if you’re married too. Little did we know that we were going to head to a massive religious Team Jesus festival. We’re talking 5-10,000 sitting on the grass drinking mate and eating Asado (Argentinian Barbecue) while listening to religious preachers, gospel music, and, to my surprise, a Calvin Harris like DJ dropping beats. The only difference being- I didn’t meet this DJ in the summer, I met him that Saturday night, sitting on the park grass.
If I could go back a decade to tell a 19 year old me: “In 10 years from now, you are going to go out on a saturday night, spontaneously with your wife, to a religious festival featuring gospel music and religious preachers, AND, you are going to be perfectly fine with it. That same 19 year old atheist me, would roll his eyes in disbelief and laugh me out the room. As a kid, brought up in a very non religious Denmark, to whom the yearly church visit for the Christmas mass, was my idea of hell on earth, it seems unfathomable that I’m now a 29 year old man with a fairly close relationship to God. Whatever that even means. How did I end up here?
### **My Atheist Life and Upbringing**
I am rebellious by nature. I absolutely despise the notion of anyone dictating how I have to live my life, telling me what I have to think. Having to console the Bible for the answer to all my dilemmas still, to this day, seems ridiculous to me. I mean, who swears by any book to such a degree that they would blindly turn to it, for consultation on every issue in their life? I used to be one of those annoying atheists who completely dismisses the existence of anything, but their own mind and consciousness. I used to say things like: “Religion is a tool for brainwashing, manipulation and the cause of all evil in the world” and “Religion creates wars not inner peace.” Uhh, and my personal favourite atheist line: “If a God really does exist, then why is there so much evil in this world?”
I’m sure you’ve heard these lines rattled off before– or maybe you, yourself spew such sentences, from time to time? Well let me tell you, they are all very convincing one-liner arguments, to a rebellious young man like me. So how did I come to “see the light" as they say?
### **What is God?**
Over the past decade of travelling the world I have come to realisation, that God isn’t this construct of the Bible or the Quran or whatever flavour of holy script you subscribe to. You know, this all-seeing creator of life itself, who judges every single decision I make.
God, to me, is this inexplicable energy between me and the universe at large. God is this ever present energy which we all feel, but can’t quite put our finger on. It’s the energy that drives me to create, everyday– the energy that made me sit down to write this. It just feels right, like a calling– like I must write this story. That same energy made you read this. God is me. God is you. God is in everything and everyone you see around you. We are all mere images of God because we all create life where there previously was none. And we do it every single day, 24/7, all day every day.
Have you ever experienced the feeling that someone you’d never met showed up in your life, for a brief moment, to deliver you a message, a piece of advice or a nudge in the right direction? As if someone had sent them specifically to you? As if someone was listening to your thoughts? Let me tell you– I have had many such experiences in my life.
### **When I Met God**
Let me give you an example. The year is 2018. It is early April. I’m sitting in a hostel patio in Buenos Aires, a cigarette in one hand and a one litre Quilmes beer in the other. I’m in disarray–split in my mind and with seemingly no goal to pursue.
I had been travelling for about a year. I had originally set out, with the goal of finding somewhere in South America, where I’d like to live for a few years, while becoming fluent at Spanish. But during my travels I had lost sight of my originally stated goal. I had instead come to think that I would go back to Denmark and study photojournalism. I had even bought a ticket back to Denmark. That’s why I was in Buenos Aires, to catch my flight back to Denmark in a couple of days. I know, what the hell was I thinking?...
A few months earlier during Carnival 2018 in La Paz, Bolivia, I had met the most interesting, gorgeous local Bolivian girl. She had showed me around La Paz everyday for the two weeks I was there. We talked for hours on end, at cafes, restaurants, and, at night, in bars or at viewpoints across the city. I would walk her home every night, or that is to say–as close as she would let me get to her door. She didn’t want her family to see us together–not yet.
After I left La Paz to keep on travelling, we stayed in contact. We would text each other at least every other day. She was clearly interested, so was I.
As I sat in this hostel patio in Buenos Aires, I got to know Marco, a Venezuelan man in his 40's, who had recently escaped the horror show that is Maduro’s Venezuela, in search of a better life in Argentina. One night, over many beers and plenty of cigarettes, I layed out my situation to Marco. I told him, I was in disarray– that I didn’t know what to do? Should I give up my original plan of living in South America and learning Spanish, to go home and study? What about the girl? I couldn’t take my mind off of her.
Marco lit a cigarette, leaned forward, and looked me in the eyes. It was at this moment he said exactly what I had been thinking all the previous days. He said ”Son, isn’t it obvious what you have to do? I see you texting this girl everyday. She is interested, and so are you. You said you planned to stay and live in South America. If you are serious about that plan, then get your ass on the next bus back to Bolivia and figure out how you can live there”.
[Leave a comment](https://pilgartexplores.substack.com/p/how-travelling-brought-me-closer/comments)
### **I am God. You are God**
It felt as if Marco had been sent to that hostel, all the way from Venezuela, just for me. To tell me what I needed to hear and stear me back on track–towards my stated plan. The plan I had told the universe, or God, when I had left Denmark. Marco was an extension of God, presenting himself in my life for 5 days that April in Buenos Aires. The next day I went to Recreo, the central bus station in Buenos Aires. I ordered a ticket for the next bus to Bolivia. A few days later I arrived back in La Paz, as a surprise to the girl.
For the whole trip, I thought about what to say to her when I saw her again. I told her: “You are going to be my girlfriend” she smiled and said “Lets see about that”.
We have been together ever since. She is now my wife. She is an extension of God in my life, just as I am an extension of God in hers.
Marco is one of many examples of where a person I hadn’t known previously has carried an important lesson for me. Most of the time the lessons are good, sometimes they are hard lessons. What all the lessons have in common is: they are always lessons that have presented themselves to me, through that inexplicable energy between me and the universe at large. Lessons born out of my own stated will to God.
I am God. You are God. We are all God. We all create our own lives.
The end of the first part of bitcoin's story has come to an end. Most of the story has yet to be written, but I feel confident in saying that reaching the $100,000 per bitcoin milestone is a clear demarcation between two distinct eras of bitcoin. Yes, we have hit the significant milestones of $1, $10, $100, $1,000, and $10,000 over the last fifteen years and they all felt significant. And they certainly were in their own right. However, hitting the "six figure" milestone feels a bit different.
One bitcoin is currently worth a respectable salary for an American citizen. Ten hunnid bands. Something that is impressive to the layman. This may not mean much to many who have been around bitcoin for some time. The idea of bitcoin hitting $100,000 was seen as a foregone conclusion for millions of people out there. Myself included. This price marker is simply an inevitability on the road to global reserve currency to us.
With that being said, it is important to put yourself in the shoes of those who have doubted bitcoin up to this point. For some reason or another, $100,000 bitcoin has been used as a price target that "will never be hit" for many of the naysayers.
"Bitcoin is a Ponzi scheme."
"Governments will ban it if it hits that point."
"It can't scale."
"It will be 51% attacked."
"No one will trust bitcoin."
"It can't be the world's money."
And yet, despite all of the kvetching from the haters over the years, here we are. Sitting above $100,000. Taking a short rest at the latest checkpoint en route to the peak of the mountain. We hovered right under $100,000 for a couple of weeks. Nominally, where we stand today is much closer to where we were last week compared to where we were six months ago. But for some reason the price tipping over $100,000 has catapulted bitcoin to a new playing field. Where bitcoin stood yesterday and where it found itself six months ago seem miles below where it is today. Crossing over the event horizon of six figures forces people to think of bitcoin in a different light. Almost as if we have entered another dimension.
The last year has been filled with a lead up to this crossing over of the event horizon.
Financial institutions that have derided bitcoin for well over a decade were forced to bend the knee and offer bitcoin exposure to their clients. The mere offering of that exposure has resulted in the most successful ETFs in the history of this particular investment vehicle.
Governments around the world have been forced to reckon with the fact that bitcoin is here to stay and that they need to act accordingly. Thanks to the first mover actions taken by El Salvador and Bhutan, which have nonchalantly decided to go all in on bitcoin, others have taken notice. Will that be publicly acknowledged by the bigger governments? Probably not. But you'd be naive to think that politicians in the US seeing two very small countries making such big bets on bitcoin didn't induce at least a little bit of FOMO. Once the bitcoin FOMO seed is planted it's hard to uproot.
Combine this with the fact that it has become rather cool to be privy to the fact that the world's governments have become egregiously addicted to debt and money printing, that inflation is pervasive and inescapable, and that censorship and Orwellian control tactics are on the rise and it is easy to see why more people are more receptive to the idea of bitcoin.
All that was needed to create an all out frenzy - a slingshot effect up the S Curve of adoption - was a psychological trigger. Bitcoin crossing over six figures.
Well, here we are. The tropes against bitcoin that have been trotted out over the last sixteen years no longer have as much bite as they did in many people's eyes. Sure, there will be some butt hurt nocoiners and totalitarians who continue to trot them out, but crossing the chasm of six figure bitcoin will have an order of magnitude more people thinking, "I hear what you're saying, but reality seems to be saying something completely different. And, if I'm being honest with myself, reality is making much more sense than your screeching."
Unstoppable peer-to-peer digital cash with a hard capped supply has been around since January 3rd, 2009. December 5th, 2024 will be the day that it cemented itself as something that cannot be ignored. Part I of the bitcoin story has been written. The end of the beginning is behind us.
On to Part II: the rapid monetization of bitcoin, which will cement it as the reserve currency of the world.
Final thought...
I used some 2017-2020 era tactics to get into the writing mood tonight. 90210
Though Bitcoin was born in the world of computers and code, it was destined to eventually face-off with the legacy banking system.
The first block ever mined on the blockchain, Satoshi’s Genesis block, contained a (then) recent headline from a British newspaper reacting to the 2008/9 financial crisis, inscribing “*The Times 03/Jan/2009 Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks*”.
As Bitcoin adoption increased from 2009 to 2012, users began exchanging dollars and euros for the digital money, using peer-to-peer exchanges and ATMs and then eventually with business entities acting as full-scale brokerages.
Today, this space is dominated by what we call cryptocurrency exchanges, offering bitcoin and many of its crypto-offspring. On these exchanges, as well as in various custodial solutions, bitcoin is held, bought and sold for traditional currency, and sent to destination wallets.
As these volumes have increased, so has scrutiny from financial authorities and government agencies, defining how this new category of entities exchanging US dollars and bitcoin would be regulated.
###### **The beginning of Bitcoin’s regulatory dance**
In March 2013, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a division of the Treasury Department, updated its [guidance](https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-issues-guidance-virtual-currencies-and-regulatory-responsibilities) to inform firms that “make a business of exchanging, accepting, and transmitting” virtual currencies would be considered **Money Service Businesses** (MSBs) under the law.
MSBs are distinct from banks and other traditional institutions. This taxonomy usually applies to issuers of travelers checks, check cashing services, and remittance services like Western Union. FinCEN’s guidance, for the first time, applied this to virtual currency services that transmitted funds on behalf of users or offered a fiat on-off ramp.
As an MSB, the law prescribes certain obligations for transaction collection, maintenance, and reporting, as well as identification requirements kept on file, what we call Know Your Customer (KYC) regulations.
The obligations on MSBs [require](https://www.fincen.gov/money-services-business-msb-suspicious-activity-reporting) filing Suspicious Activity reports on all transactions over $2,000 that “do not serve business or apparent lawful purpose” or may otherwise appear to be illegal activity or “structured” so as to try to avoid the spirit of the law.
The specific law that forces these obligations on MSBs, as well as banks, is the **Bank Secrecy Act** of 1970. Though it’s been updated several times over the years, the principal goal of this bill is to partner with banks and financial institutions to try to thwart money laundering and other illicit activity.
###### **BSA and Bitcoin**
The consequences of the BSA and its imposed surveillance have reaped unintended havoc on millions of ordinary Americans. This is especially true for those who have undergone “debanking,” in which bank customers are [deemed](https://www.thomsonreuters.com/en-us/posts/investigation-fraud-and-risk/treasury-de-risking-strategy/) too “high risk” and have accounts closed on them, a function of regulatory pressure – or *jawboning* – faced by financial institutions.
Venture capitalist Marc Andreessen has [provided](https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2024/12/01/marc_andreessen_biden_admin_has_been_debanking_politically_exposed_persons_in_privatized_sanctions_regime.html) his own examples of debanking in Silicon Valley, with similar conclusions.
Many Bitcoin and cryptocurrency entrepreneurs have been debanked on the [sole grounds](https://www.axios.com/2024/12/01/debanked-crypto-andreessen-joe-rogan) of being involved in the virtual currency industry, while millions of others have been swept up in the dragnet of the BSA and financial regulators forcibly deputizing banks to cut off customers, often without explanation.
According to FinCEN guidance, financial institutions are [compelled](https://www.fincen.gov/resources/advisories/fincen-advisory-fin-2010-a014) to keep suspicious activity reports confidential, even from customers, or face criminal penalties. This just makes the problems worse.
The [excellent research](https://www.cato.org/policy-analysis/revising-bank-secrecy-act-protect-privacy-deter-criminals) by the team at the Cato Institute’s Center for Monetary and Financial Alternatives provides reams of data on these points. As put by Cato’s **Norbert Michael**, “People get wrapped up in BSA surveillance for simply spending their own money”.
When it comes to bitcoin, the most common understanding for years has been that self-custody options and noncustodial solutions would be exempt from MSB classification, not requiring developers or entrepreneurs to acquire Money Transmission Licenses at either the state or federal level.
FinCEN itself stated this in their guidance [released in 2019](https://www.fincen.gov/sites/default/files/2019-05/FinCEN%20Guidance%20CVC%20FINAL%20508.pdf), and builders developed code based on what the government itself said. In 2023, however, the US Attorneys in the Southern District of New York and the FBI took a different stance.
Beginning with the Ethereum smart contract platform **Tornado Cash**, and then the popular privacy service **Samourai Wallet**, the developers of these projects were [arrested](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/tornado-cash-founders-charged-money-laundering-and-sanctions-violations) and [charged](https://www.justice.gov/usao-sdny/pr/founders-and-ceo-cryptocurrency-mixing-service-arrested-and-charged-money-laundering) with a number of conspiracy and money laundering charges, as well as “conspiracy to operate an unlicensed money transmitting business”. It’s that latter charge that remains the most important to sovereign and noncustodial use of bitcoin going forward.
Though both of these projects are noncustodial by design, and never took control of anyone’s bitcoin or cryptocurrency private keys, the government has charged them with being money service businesses and failing to adhere to the law.
Neither of these trials have yet taken place, but considering the money transmission charges, it stands to reason that anyone advocating for noncustodial bitcoin tools should be worried.
*If you’re interested in donating to the legal defense teams in both of these cases, check out the [**P2P Rights Fund**](https://p2prights.org/).*
If these are the steps law enforcement is willing to take against noncustodial protocols and projects even legal experts determined were out of the scope of MSBs, what about bitcoin exchanges and brokerages?
While we know there is no carve out at the moment, there are some important reforms that could empower entrepreneurs and give more options to Bitcoin users.
###### **An update to BSA would be a powerful reform for Bitcoin**
While we would hope that the majority of people using Bitcoin will practice [self-custody](https://www.btcpolicy.org/articles/self-custody-is-nonnegotiable), which is one of the key advantages of using Satoshi’s innovation, we know that most will not.
Instead, custodial services and exchanges will provide a lot of functionality for users, meaning that more and more Bitcoin activity will fall under the auspices of the Bank Secrecy Act.
One bill that aims to peel back the layers of banking law to restore some measure of financial privacy is the [**Saving Privacy Act**](https://www.lee.senate.gov/2024/9/lee-introduces-the-saving-privacy-act-to-protect-americans-financial-data), introduced by Sens. Mike Lee (R-UT) and Rick Scott (R-FL).
The proposed law aims to maintain the record keeping of financial institutions and money service businesses, but would do away with the automatic reporting limits and requirements without judicial warrants among other important reforms.
It would also ban a Central Bank Digital Currency, [repeal](https://www.therage.co/corporate-transparency-act-privacy-at-risk/) the **Corporate Transparency Act**, scale back the audit powers of the SEC, require Congressional approval for any ID database of Americans, severely punish any government employee who abuses private financial information, and grant a private right of action to any citizen or firm harmed by illicit government activity on financial matters.
It is a beefy bill with aspirational goals to restore consumer financial privacy, and it would no doubt make it much easier for Bitcoin tools and exchanges to operate within the law.
With less of a reporting requirement for custodial bitcoin solutions classified as Money Service Businesses – while still maintaining record keeping – it would be a much more natural balance of innovation and regulatory certainty.
By scaling back the financial surveillance required of banks and all other financial institutions, it is clear that Bitcoin users would benefit.
If there is enough appetite for this bill among various Senators and in the House of Representatives, however, is anyone’s guess. But the issues of our current banking system and its relation to Bitcoin are clear and this is a worthy attempt.
While there are still many regulatory changes needed to fully unleash the sovereign money revolution promised by Bitcoin, we can have some hope that the right ideas are being discussed in the corridors of power. At least for now.
*Originally published on the [website](https://www.btcpolicy.org/articles/downgrading-the-bank-secrecy-act-is-a-powerful-reform-for-bitcoin) of the **Bitcoin Policy Institute**.*
"if your boyfriend uses Tiktok, you have a girlfriend" worlds riches man. Elon Musk tells women.
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/b53f65881e2ecde4b5bdd41b4a91648241532ec7d945561e9d5ba4cd59cb033e.jpg)
What's your opinion, do you think Elon Musk is right by his statement?
![image]( https://image.nostr.build/93bc562b9378c7f5f6785411246c64585a4974cdbc9bdc5eabe034a765ad77a4.jpg)
߹ İnsan, bilinçli olarak günah işlediğinde, aslında birçok içsel ve dışsal faktörün etkisi altındadır. Bu faktörlerin başında bireysel arzular, toplumsal baskılar, zayıflıklar, bilinçaltı dürtüler ve bazen de cehalet gelir. İnsan, sadece dürtülerine göre hareket etmeyi tercih edebilir ya da kısa vadeli tatmin için uzun vadeli sonuçları göz ardı edebilir. Peki, bir insan neden bilerek günah işler? Bu sorunun cevabı, sadece dini ya da etik perspektiflerle değil, psikolojik, toplumsal ve kültürel açılardan da ele alınmalıdır.
1. Bireysel Arzular ve Dürtüler
߹ İnsanın doğasında, zaman zaman nefsini tatmin etme isteği vardır. Bu istek, bazen mantık ve vicdanın önüne geçebilir. İnsan, kısa süreli hazları arzularken, bunun gelecekteki olumsuz sonuçlarını göz ardı edebilir. Örneğin, hırsızlık yapan bir kişi, anlık bir mal edinme arzusuyla hareket edebilir, ancak bu davranışın ona ve çevresine getireceği zararları düşünmektense, elde edeceği çıkarı daha önemli görür. Benzer şekilde, yalan söylemek ya da başkalarını manipüle etmek de kısa vadeli çıkarlar ve bireysel egolar tarafından beslenen bir davranış biçimidir.
2. Toplumsal Baskılar ve Çevresel Faktörler
߹ İnsan, toplumsal bir varlık olarak çevresinden büyük ölçüde etkilenir. Toplumun normları, kültürel değerleri, arkadaş gruplarının etkisi ve ailevi dinamikler, bireyin davranışlarını şekillendirir. Bazı durumlarda, kişi bilerek yanlış bir davranış sergileyebilir çünkü çevresindeki kişiler böyle yapmaktadır ve kendini dışlanmış hissetmemek için buna ayak uydurur. Örneğin, bir grup insanın başka birine kötü davranması ya da yalan söylemesi, bir bireyi de benzer şekilde davranmaya itebilir. Bu durum, bireyin vicdanı ve doğru-yanlış algısı ile çatışan bir durumdur.
3. Zayıflıklar ve İnsan Doğası
߹ Herkesin zayıf anları vardır. Zihinsel ve duygusal olarak zorlandığı anlarda insanlar bazen bilerek yanlış bir şey yapabilir. İnsan, öfke, stres, yalnızlık ya da korku gibi duygusal durumlar içinde daha kolay günah işleyebilir. Duygusal karmaşa, sağlıklı düşünme yeteneğini zayıflatabilir ve kişi, anlık bir rahatlama ya da kaçış için yanlış bir yolu seçebilir. Örneğin, öfkelenen bir kişi, karşısındaki kişiye hakaret etmek ya da ona zarar vermek isteyebilir. Bu tür eylemler, kişinin o anki duygusal durumunun bir sonucu olarak ortaya çıkar.
4. Cehalet ve Yanlış İnançlar
߹ Bazen insanlar, neyin doğru neyin yanlış olduğuna dair doğru bir bilgiye sahip olmayabilirler. Bilgi eksikliği ya da yanlış inanışlar, bireyin günah işlemesine neden olabilir. İnsan, kötü bir davranışın ne kadar zarar verebileceğini ya da o davranışın ahlaki ve dini boyutlarını tam anlamayabilir. Özellikle bazı insanlar, içinde bulundukları ortamın, alışkanlıkların ya da eğitim seviyelerinin etkisiyle, doğruyu ve yanlışı tam kavrayamayabilirler. Bu durum da, onların bilerek ve isteyerek günah işlemesine yol açabilir.
5. İçsel Çatışmalar ve Vicdanın Bastırılması
߹ İnsan, bazen kendi içsel çatışmalarına dayanamayabilir. Vicdanı, doğruyu yapması yönünde onu uyarırken, içindeki kötü duygular ya da arzular ona engel olamayacak kadar güçlü olabilir. İnsanın kendisini haklı çıkarma çabası da burada devreye girebilir. Bir insan, kendini iyi bir insan olarak görmek isterken, bazen içindeki kötü dürtüleri bastırmak yerine, bunları haklı göstermek için kendine çeşitli gerekçeler uydurur. Örneğin, bir kişi başkasının hakkını yemek için kendini “bunu herkes yapıyor” ya da “benim de buna ihtiyacım var” gibi bahanelerle kandırabilir.
6. Dini ve Ahlaki Değerlerin Zayıflaması
߹ Bir insanın dini inançları ya da ahlaki değerleri, doğru-yanlış algısını büyük ölçüde şekillendirir. Ancak zamanla, bireylerin inançları ya da değerleri zayıflayabilir. Toplumda sekülerleşmenin arttığı bir dönemde, dini ve ahlaki öğretiler zamanla insanların gözünde daha az değerli hâle gelebilir. Bu durumda, insanlar günah işleme konusunda daha az vicdan azabı duyarlar, çünkü dini ya da ahlaki sonuçları görmezden gelmeyi tercih edebilirler.
߹ _**Sonuç olarak, insanın bilerek günah işlemesi, karmaşık bir durumdur ve çok çeşitli faktörlere dayanır. İnsanlar bazen içsel isteklerine, bazen dışsal baskılara, bazen de bilinçli ya da bilinçsiz olarak zayıf noktalarına dayanarak yanlışlar yapabilirler. Önemli olan, insanın yaptığı hataları fark etmesi, bu hatalardan ders alması ve doğru yolu bulmaya çaba göstermesidir. Kişi, hatalarını kabul ederek ve daha bilinçli bir şekilde hareket ederek hem kendisine hem de çevresine faydalı bir yaşam sürebilir.**_
*Konsum ist Therapie.
Wolfgang Joop*
**Umweltbewusstes Verhalten und verantwortungsvoller Konsum** zeugen durchaus von einer wünschenswerten Einstellung. Ob man deswegen allerdings einen grünen statt eines schwarzen Freitags braucht, darf getrost bezweifelt werden – zumal es sich um manipulatorische Konzepte handelt. Wie in der politischen Landschaft sind auch hier die Etiketten irgendwas zwischen nichtssagend und trügerisch.
**Heute ist also wieder mal «Black Friday»,** falls Sie es noch nicht mitbekommen haben sollten. Eigentlich haben wir ja eher schon eine ganze «Black Week», der dann oft auch noch ein «Cyber Monday» folgt. Die Werbebranche wird nicht müde, immer neue Anlässe zu erfinden oder zu importieren, um uns zum Konsumieren zu bewegen. Und sie ist damit sehr erfolgreich.
**Warum fallen wir auf derartige Werbetricks herein** und kaufen im Zweifelsfall Dinge oder Mengen, die wir sicher nicht brauchen? Pure Psychologie, würde ich sagen. Rabattschilder triggern etwas in uns, was den Verstand in Stand-by versetzt. Zusätzlich beeinflussen uns alle möglichen emotionalen Reize und animieren uns zum Schnäppchenkauf.
**Gedankenlosigkeit und Maßlosigkeit können besonders bei der [Ernährung](https://transition-news.org/studie-208-millionen-us-amerikaner-sind-als-fettleibig-oder-ubergewichtig) zu ernsten Problemen führen.** Erst kürzlich hat mir ein Bekannter nach einer USA-Reise erzählt, dass es dort offenbar nicht unüblich ist, schon zum ausgiebigen Frühstück in einem Restaurant wenigstens einen Liter Cola zu trinken. Gerne auch mehr, um das Gratis-Nachfüllen des Bechers auszunutzen.
**Kritik am schwarzen Freitag und dem unnötigen Konsum** kommt oft von Umweltschützern. Neben Ressourcenverschwendung, hohem Energieverbrauch und wachsenden Müllbergen durch eine zunehmende Wegwerfmentalität kommt dabei in der Regel auch die «Klimakrise» auf den Tisch.
**Die EU-Kommission lancierte 2015 den Begriff «Green Friday»** im Kontext der überarbeiteten Rechtsvorschriften zur Kennzeichnung der Energieeffizienz von Elektrogeräten. Sie nutzte die Gelegenheit kurz vor dem damaligen schwarzen Freitag und vor der UN-Klimakonferenz COP21, bei der das [Pariser Abkommen](https://transition-news.org/cop29-wird-vom-geist-des-noch-kunftigen-us-prasidenten-heimgesucht) unterzeichnet werden sollte.
**Heute wird ein grüner Freitag oft im Zusammenhang mit der Forderung nach «nachhaltigem Konsum» benutzt.** Derweil ist die Europäische Union schon weit in ihr Geschäftsmodell des [«Green New Deal»](https://transition-news.org/green-new-deal) verstrickt. In ihrer Propaganda zum Klimawandel verspricht sie tatsächlich «Unterstützung der Menschen und Regionen, die von immer häufigeren Extremwetter-Ereignissen betroffen sind». Was wohl die Menschen in der Region um [Valencia](https://transition-news.org/flutkatastrophe-in-valencia-die-ungereimtheiten-haufen-sich) dazu sagen?
**Ganz im Sinne des Great Reset propagierten die Vereinten Nationen seit Ende 2020** eine «[grüne Erholung von Covid-19](https://news.un.org/en/story/2020/12/1079602), um den Klimawandel zu verlangsamen». Der UN-Umweltbericht sah in dem Jahr einen Schwerpunkt auf dem Verbraucherverhalten. Änderungen des Konsumverhaltens des Einzelnen könnten dazu beitragen, den Klimaschutz zu stärken, hieß es dort.
**Der Begriff «Schwarzer Freitag» wurde in den USA nicht erstmals für Einkäufe nach Thanksgiving verwendet** – wie oft angenommen –, sondern für eine Finanzkrise. Jedoch nicht für den Börsencrash von 1929, sondern bereits für den Zusammenbruch des US-Goldmarktes im September 1869. Seitdem mussten die Menschen weltweit so einige schwarze Tage erleben.
**Kürzlich sind die britischen Aufsichtsbehörden weiter von ihrer Zurückhaltung** nach dem letzten großen Finanzcrash von 2008 abgerückt. Sie haben Regeln für den Bankensektor gelockert, womit sie [«verantwortungsvolle Risikobereitschaft»](https://transition-news.org/zuruck-zu-2008-grossbritannien-schlagt-lockere-regeln-fur-banker-boni-vor) unterstützen wollen. Man würde sicher zu schwarz sehen, wenn man hier ein grünes Wunder befürchten würde.
Dieser Beitrag ist zuerst auf *[Transition News](https://transition-news.org/auch-beim-freitag-ist-es-egal-ob-schwarz-oder-grun)* erschienen.
##### BY Glenda Chong and Lim Jing Jie
##### Hype Issue #60
###### Join GLENDA CHONG and LIM JING JIE as they chat with Merida Lim, the founder of art jamming studio SCURO (meaning “dark” in Italian), on her journey to starting her art jamming business and making it work at its Kampong Bahru space.
*Merida Lim, 19, founder of art jamming studio SCURO. Photo by Cherlisa Lee.*
It’s not every day you see a 19-year-old running own business. Most 19-year-olds we know are occupied chasing degrees and diplomas. Merida Lim, however, has done what few would do; abandon the safety net of education and passionately dive head-first into her business venture: SCURO.
What is SCURO, you might ask? According to Merida, it is “Singapore’s most immersive and unique art jamming studio”. Born out of Merida’s burning passion for art, the studio is a place where you can engage in art jamming in the dark, with the different themes SCURO provides to immerse yourself in: Candlelight, Neon, Horror, and more in the future.
Merida’s choice to pursue art as her first entrepreneurial venture can be traced back to her roots in the art scene. “When I was in secondary school, I [had] some mental health issues, and I think when I created art, it gave me a safe space to express my emotions. So that’s how I slowly got into art.”
*Merida posing with her paintings. Photo by Cherlisa Lee.*
Clearly, Merida realized she wanted to share that feeling of safety and security with others, and the idea for starting the studio came soon after. “I've always wanted to start my own business, and when I had the idea for an art studio, I decided to just go for it with a bit of naivety and… unearned confidence.” However, she believed that like any entrepreneur, she had to have that little sense of ego that her idea would succeed and thus attempt to make it a reality.
Merida also shares the doubts people had because of her age. “When you're 19, people don't take you that seriously, or they think you're crazy, and that you should continue with your education.”
Currently, Merida is taking a gap year from Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts to focus on SCURO. While she understands the importance of education, even stating that if SCURO doesn’t work out she will return to school, she remains steadfast in making SCURO happen. “It’s important to take risks and [not] let other people’s fear of achieving their own dreams stop yours.” She says.
Additionally, as she puts it, “If not now, then when?!”
“When will the circumstances ever be perfectly right for me to start? I will always be scared,” Merida says. At the end of the day, Merida decided that she would rather feel scared but pursue her dreams than freeze up before she even tried.
Unsurprisingly, starting a business definitely comes with its fair share of challenges. Before she started SCURO, Merida needed to know if there was demand for her art jamming services. “You have to see if there is a demand for what you’re selling in the first place.” Merida shares.
Thus, SCURO first started as a small pop-up kids art studio in Pasir Ris that Merida rented for $70 an hour. After establishing the demand for her services, Merida, with help from her father, invested most of her savings into opening an art studio for SCURO – a dark and cozy “shoes-off studio that feels like home”, at the second level of a shophouse located in Kampong Bahru.
*SCURO provides an intimate environment with its hand-painted walls and dark interior gently lit by fairy lights. Photo by Cherlisa Lee.*
Now, with her own art studio, Merida has shifted her efforts to marketing and promoting her brand to the public. She admits that her “social media game sucks”, but as the sole founder, the duty falls on her to improve SCURO’s social media presence and content. Thus, in an attempt to improve her social media game, Merida looks to Singaporean content creator Gabe Chia for guidance on her videos and content.
Recently, Merida has also started a new video series on SCURO’s TikTok page, where she challenges herself to earn $6000 in 50 days. This is so she can continue providing people with a safe space to express themselves through creating art pieces. Being largely a one-man operation, she has to explore different storytelling techniques for her videos on TikTok.
“When it comes to making your studio viral and making people care, you have to have stakes and you have to tell a compelling story,” Merida said. She likened her videos to “bringing people into a sitcom like the Kardashians”, as her TikToks consist of her farcical situations in hopes of landing a viral video. One of her more recent videos was to promote her new Candlelight art jamming session, an idea that was born after realising that she wanted to cater to larger groups who are not as keen on horror art.
*SCURO provides every art material imaginable for art jammers to unleash their full creativity. Photo by Cherlisa Lee.*
“At the very start, it was just straight-up horror,” Merida said. However, while there is demand for horror art, she noticed that the wider demographics have other interests. When she realised the absence of a neon art jamming scene in Singapore, she took the initiative to introduce it to SCURO. After starting to offer a neon art jamming theme at SCURO, Merida has found it to be a vibrant option younger art jammers have taken a liking to.
Seeing how her entrepreneurial journey has been filled with many challenges, it is expected that such challenges have led to some regrets. However, Merida has come to accept being “okay” with having regrets. You can see this throughout her art jamming sessions, where mistakes are encouraged and art knows no boundaries.
*Merida guiding one of HYPE’s team members on the right painting technique to use on her painting. Photo by Lim Jing Jie.*
As Merida shares, “We [SCURO] want you to make mistakes, and people need to hear that they can make mistakes.” She believes that through those missteps, you unlock the freedom to “just be weird” and, in doing so, uncover your true self. It’s a reminder that the path to growth is never perfect, but it’s yours to embrace.
So, if you’re looking for something to do during the holidays, you might want to consider booking an art jamming session now at [www.scuro.sg](http://www.scuro.sg)
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This is my exclusive travel guide to Ecuador. Whilst The Galapagos Island are a magical, no doubt. Ecuador has so much more to offer. That is what this travel guide is all about. It’s about the hidden gems- Where to go. Where to stay. What to eat and what to do, and one place to skip- This is Ecuador According to Pilgart Explores.
#### Quito
Quito, one of my favourite capital cities of South America. In my book it’s right up there with Buenos Aires and Santiago. Buenos Aires feels very European. Santiago has an American feel to it. Quito… Well Quito feels like proper South American, it has a similarity to Cuzco, just bigger and more developed. I think it is that perfectly balanced mix of Incan and Spanish influence. The historic centre with it’s buildings that tell so many stories, as they roll up and down the Andean foothills, through the valley in which Quito sits. Surrounded by towering mountains, inviting me to go out and explore what they have to say.
#### Where to stay
- The budget option
- Centro, cheap hotel or hostel
You will be close to the historic centre with all the touristy things nearby, at night it’s a different story though. At night the historic centre is pretty dead, the zombies come out and you don’t want to be strolling around late in the evening.
- The unique
- La Floresta neighbourhood
I booked an AirBnB in La Floresta, a local middle class area, located just south of Quito’s top neighbourhood El Batan, as well as within walking distance to the historic centre. La Floresta itself had a few small hip cafes & restaurants and plenty of shops for me stock up, on everything I needed for cooking at my AirBnB. I will highly recommend staying in La Floresta.
- The top-tier
- El Batan neighbourhood
El Betan is Quito’s top neighbourhood. This is where you wanna stay, if you have the budget. The area is packed with all the best restaurants in Quito, The best parks of Quito and it’s easy to get to the city centre from El Batan.
#### What to eat- and where
- The budget option
- [Corvina - Found at most street restaurants](https://youtu.be/gwOY0k14vjA?si=7DsVPQINpWNlDEph)
If you like Fish and Chips then you will like this. Corvina can best be described as Ecuador’s version of Fish and Chips. Pieces of battered fried fish served with chips, rice and a hearty lentil stew, to mix with the rice. You will find Corvina at most street restaurants, as part of a cheap $3.5 lunch menu or as a stand alone dish. Corvina is one of Ecuador’s National dishes, it will get you full for cheap and set you up nicely for a days worth of exploring in Quito.
- The unique
- [Horneado - Eat at Mercado Santa Clara](https://youtu.be/P5wmS5CzZeM?si=-nqyh5YxbndtPJIR)
This beautiful whole pig, slow roasted over night in the oven giving the skin a satisfying crunch and making the meat juicy and tender. Horneado is the absolute best bang-for-ya-buck food I ate in Ecuador.
As you enter Mercado Santa Clara, head to the food court and find Galo- Galo will be easy to find with the massive whole roasted pig lying on his work desk. You will pay $4 for a generous serving of the softest, juiciest pork meat you have ever had, served with a creamy sautéed mashed potato.
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- The top-tier
- Somos Ecuador Restaurante
Somos Ecuador; a high end restaurant serving innovative takes on all Ecuador’s favourites. From Ceviche and Seafood casseroles to roast pork and stunning stews- A dinner at Somos Ecuador will set you up, just perfect before you leave the city, heading out into the rest of Ecuador. Here you will get the complete tour of Ecuador’s diverse kitchen and flavours. Put it on your list.
#### What to do
- The budget option
- [Local markets: Mercado- Santa Clara, Central, El Tejar](https://youtu.be/P5wmS5CzZeM?si=-nqyh5YxbndtPJIR)
One thing I always love to do, no matter where I am, is to explore the markets. I’m not talking about the artisan markets, I’m talking about the local everyday markets. It’s the smells of the local produce for sale, the women yelling their prices out the top of their lungs, as if some sort unspoken announcer-competition is going on. It’s the overwhelming noise of conversations in indigenous languages I don’t understand. A random shop blasting some loud horrendous reggaeton music- I’ve never understood that as a sales tactic, I’ve always found myself turning away from such shops ASAP. Most of all, the local markets are all about the food and the understanding of local culture. I can spend hours strolling round a market, observing the way people interact, what words are they using? How is the body language? What are the topics of conversation? What is the fashion like? Answers are presented in overload- all I have to do is open my eyes and observe.\
Best of all, this is a free, forever repeatable experience.
- The unique option
- Mitad del Mundo
The monument that marks the Equator line, runs just north of Quito. It is easy to get there, just head to Terminal La Ofelia, a smaller bus station in the north of the city. From here you can catch a bus to Mitad del Mundo- The middle of the earth. It takes about 30-40 minutes to get there. The monument and science/history park around it, is extremely well done. I spent a couple hours here learning about Ecuador’s history, indigenous people and I had lots of fun playing around with all the science installations. In the interactive science museum you can try your hand at a handful of fun, interactive gravity games, making the science of magnetics field and gravity come to life. It’s well worth a visit.
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- The explorer option
- [The deep south of Quito](https://youtu.be/J5ZliW4wCc0?si=b8bOdgPwzwTgId9j)
Get in an Uber, head for the neighbourhoods in the south of Quito. The locals will tell you “Don’t go there!”. Sure enough the Uber driver did look twice at me, when he pulled up, expecting to pick up a local. He asked, confirming that I hadn’t messed up my locations, “if I was sure I wanted to go to the south?” “Of course” I said.
The deep south of Quito is yet another example of why I leave the Lonely Planet on the bookshelf. Because it is experiences that lay beyond the realm of Lonely Planet guide books, which allows me to understand and connect with a country. In this case Ecuador. The Lonely Planet guide books won’t tell you to head to the south of Quito, for anything but reaching the southern bus station. Yet, as I step out my Uber, I quickly head to a local market, where I’m met by the loveliest people. A mother calls me over. She offers me her daughter. I laugh. I buy us all an ice cream, before I take a seat at the negotiation table, only to tell them I’m already taken.
The feeling of genuinely great people sits with me, as I leave the little, Centro Comercial Chiriyacu behind. I head into the streets. The streets in the south of Quito are different, they are industrial, full of people hustling. I need to watch out where I step, as I’m weaving my way, between fruit vendors setting up shop in the middle of the side walk. Every few blocks there’s a small simple restaurant or a street food vendor, providing snacks, I don’t look at the map, there’s no need, I just follow my instincts and walk. Contrary to what I was told, I had great day in the south of Quito. Picking up some exotic fruits and vegetables, eating some random street food, talking to the locals, getting a peak into the real, non-polished side of Quito life.
#### Village Life by Lake Quilotoa
The extinct Quilotoa volcano is a highlight of any journey through Ecuador, but there is another side to Quilotoa. A side few know about. A side that provides a glimpse into the real life, up here, tucked in between the Andean mountains. I met Cesar the owner of a family run boutique hotel, located in the indigenous villages on the slopes of the Quilotoa volcano. I jumped at the opportunity, when Cesar offered to host me for few days, at the his hotel and give me a tour of the Volcano, go swimming in the lake, at the bottom of the crater and see the real life of these indigenous villages.
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Where to stay
- The budget option
- You can stay in an accommodation in the little tourist town of Quilotoa, on the crest of the volcano, with all the other tourists. There are plenty of options in the little town, non of them looked particularly special in any way, but it’s easy to get to.
- The top-tier
- [Hosteria Juyende](https://www.hosteriajuyendequilotoa.com/): A rustic, wooden cabin-like family run hotel, with a stunning view to the surrounding mountains. Located just below the crest of the Quilotoa volcano. You either ge to Hosteria Juyende by car or you take a bus to Quilotoa town, from where you hike to the breathtaking viewpoint; Mirador de Cristal Shalalá. From the viewpoint simply walk down through the little shopping area, set up by the Shalalá Community- consider supporting their crafts, I bought the poncho which I’m wearing in the video I made in whilst staying at Hosteria Juyende, do check out the video of the hotel and the walk around the crater [here](https://youtu.be/nocD412_Wx8?si=Zb_0BkbEK9XNDI64). Once you have checked out the shops, you will continue down the little road for another 10-15 minutes and Hosteria Juyende will be on your left.
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#### What to eat- and where
Cuy or Guinea Pig is a delicacy in the Ecuadorian Andean mountains. I had the pleasure of preparing Guinea Pig over fire, with Cesar and his family. In the morning I helped collecting the firewood, before heading off, to walk the Quilotoa Crater Loop. When I came back in the afternoon, Cesar had the fire going. I quickly sat down on the benches surrounding the fireplace. Before I knew it, I was handed a stick with Guinea Pig pierced to the end. Here I sat in the middle of the majestic Andean mountains, drinking some warm home-brew alcoholic punch-like drink called Canelazo. We continued to turn the guinea pig and sip our drink. The guinea pig itself is stuffed with Andean herbs, prepared till the skin is crunchy, then served with potatoes. The taste can best be described ,as something akin to rabbit, as you can imagine there isn’t much meat on the little fella. The taste is good though. Especially with some Canelazo- that stuff is dangerous.
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#### What to do
- Walk the Quilotoa Crater Circuit, 3800masl, 10,3km, 4-5hr
The Quilotoa volcano is extinct with an enchanting turquoise lagoon at the bottom of the crater. The day hike around the crater circuit is quite literally breathtaking. The breathtaking views are constant- be warned your camera reel is going to get full. Besides that, the hike is not for the faint of heart, at various points you’ll find yourself walking along the rim of the crater, on a trail no wider than a couple meters, with a huge drop to either side. Do approach with caution, if you suffer from vertigo. That being said you will not regret completing the circuit. It is one of the best day hikes I’ve done in anywhere in the Andes. There is even the option of hiking down to the beach by lake at the bottom or camping at a few campsites along the crater rim.
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- [Explore the Shalalá villages](https://youtu.be/h5DctuAGNw4?si=2hHL8_oOWJfI8D5p)
When you are staying at Hosteria Juyende, make sure to explore the villages of Shalalá and Ponce, this will give you an authentic glimpse into indigenous village life in Ecuador. These communities are agricultural villages, so you will see plenty of llamas and alpacas around. If you are lucky you might even be invited to play a game volleyball.
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As dusk was falling over the village, Cesar wanted to show me the most popular sport around here, volleyball. A group of lads were getting ready to play as we pulled up, the mist was falling in the air, it was cold. The ball was a heavy futsal ball, getting increasingly wet from the mist, making it feel like I was getting punched in the forearms every time I responded a serve, but I couldn’t loose face here. I ate the stinging pain. Check out my video from the villages [here](https://youtu.be/h5DctuAGNw4?si=3hByALiUPRpoJc2q): You can watch our game of volleyball at the end.
- [Visit the farmers market in Zumbahua](https://youtu.be/gqbCg4oSEwE?si=PR-gxgpEM3mMPdjw)
Once a week on Saturday morning Zumbahua comes allive, farmers from near and far flock the town. Zumbahua is located on the highway which connects Quito and the Andes, with the Pacific coast and main port city, Guayaquil. And let me tell you it is one hell of a farmers market. People here are buying and selling llamas, sheep, pigs and fruit and veg by the truckload. Pigs are screaming as they get manhandled and sold. Sheep are shitting all over the floor- so don’t wear your beautiful shoes. Once you make it to the food hall, you can indulge yourself in anything from goat head soup to beef served with mashed potatoes and eggs. Once you’re done, you head back outside to wash you breakfast down, with a few shots of sugar cane alcohol. Then you head for your siesta.
It is unlike any other market I have ever seen! This is one of those experiences that will stay with me forever. The weekly farmers market in the nearby town of Zumbahua was our last activity in the area around Quilotoa- check out my video [here](https://youtu.be/gqbCg4oSEwE?si=smPDe_nlJz7RAwSe).
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#### [San Jose de Morona - The Gateway to the Amazon Jungle](http://san%20jose%20de%20morona%20-%20the%20gateway%20to%20the%20amazon%20jungle/)
##### How to get there
From Ambato/Baños or from Cuenca you get a bus to Sucua. Once in Sucua, a small town on the north-south Amazon Highway, you get another bus to Puerto Morona/San Jose de Morona. I had an overnight stay in Sucua, before continuing on towards San Jose de Morona. You don’t need to stop over in Sucua. Once you reach San Jose de Morona, that’s when the adventure begins.
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I stayed in two nights in San Jose de Morona, at a basic accmmodation called Hostal Monteverde. It was nothing fancy, but it was the only option in town. I spend the following day mingling with the locals, trying to figure out how to get to my actual destination; Antuni. An indigenous Community about 5 hours up river, in a typical motor driven jungle canoe. I had been tipped off about the existence of a lodge in Antuni, I was determined to make it. I wanted to know what indigenous village life is like, deep in the Amazon. So here is how to get to Antuni. (Watch my experience of getting to and staying in San Jose de Morona right [here](https://youtu.be/w5As1f2TdZc?si=1r_OV2zORkmnIaZd))
#### [Deep in The Amazon - Living With Amazon Tribes](https://youtu.be/E4f6SuzQxIQ?si=8FaXF_mb4dj4lKX0)
The next morning, I stood ready by the roadside, outside my accommodation in San Jose de Morona. Waiting for a pick up truck to come by- that’s the bus in these areas. I hoped on the back, as I stood there on the back of a pick up truck, with the wind in my hair, I was filled with excitement for the adventure I was about to embark on. I was about to go 5 hours up river, into the deep heart of the Ecuadorean Amazon, to live 3 days as a part of an indigenous tribe village.
As we reached the little harbour Puerto Kashpaimi, I tapped the side of the car to signal to the driver to stop. The river was high, the water racing with a raging pace, carrying tree trunks down stream, as it’s passengers. The day before, I had arranged to meet my boat driver here at the little harbour in Puerto Kashpaimi, he was going to steer us safely past all the tree trunks to his community, Antuni.
As we reached Antuni I was shown to the community lodge. I of course needed to pay a fee for staying in the community lodge. I negotiated a fee of 15 dollars a day. On top of that, I payed an extra 5 dollars for a load of bananas of yuca, a sort of sweet potato like root, as well as some eggs. If you decide to follow in my footsteps, make sure to bring your own food supplies, the little lodge has a basic jungle kitchen with a gas stove, for guests to cook their own food. I stupidly hadn’t thought this far. Do not make the same mistake. I had arrived fairly unnoticed, so they weren’t prepared for my visit.
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#### [Life Deep in The Amazon](https://youtu.be/E4f6SuzQxIQ?si=8FaXF_mb4dj4lKX0)
During my time in the Antuni, I was part taking in village life. I went net-fishing with down by the river. I was thoroughly schooled by two little kids, they can’t have been more than 6-8 years old, but they had the technique on lockdown. They were way better than me, at this game of fishing. I went back, up the river bank, to the village. The men were sitting around the eternal fireplace drinking chicha, the local home-brew alcoholic beverage. The chica is made from yuca, the women chew the yuca into small pieces, then spit it into a big clay pot, where they proceed to grind the yuca till it reaches a soft, mashed potato like texture. Then they add some water and boil it for 40 minutes to an hour. Then set the chicha aside and let the fermentation take place. The result is a drink with an almost yoghurt like texture, the taste is a strong fermented taste.
As I sit and drink the chicha with the men, the two young boys come back from the river, with the days catch. The village dogs greet the two boys and follow them to the kitchen, hoping to get a bite- so do I. In the kitchen a woman is preparing the two fish the young boys caught, one Boca Chica and one Raspa. The fish are wrapped in banana leaves seasoned with salt and a version of garlic native to the Amazon, a leaf that when cut, has the same taste as a garlic clove. Out here in the jungle they have everything at hand.
##### What to eat
- We had two different fish, Boca Chica and Raspa. Preparation goes like this: Wrap a fish in banana leaves, stick it right in the middle of the fire, wait 20 minutes till the outer leaves are burnt, take the fish out of the fire, open the leaves and devour the most beautiful fish. Serve with steamed plantain and home made chilli sauce.
##### What to do
- Take one of the locals as your guide and head for a jungle walk. This is one the most magical experiences on this planet. You will see spiders, insects and all other animals in shapes, colours and sizes, you can’t even imagine. If you are lucky, you might even catch a glimpse of Jaguar or Puma strolling by. The sounds of the Amazon are at times deafening, the jungle is so thick that you can’t see much further than 5 meters ahead, everything looks identically green- make sure to stay within hearing distance of your guide, or you will get lost, walking in circles. The locals have an almost superpower like skillset, in the middle of this blanket of animal noise, they can pick out each sound. A few moments later they point up to the canopy, at group of monkeys jumping around. How these guys are able to pick out the sound of one specific animal, with 100% accuracy is still beyond me, I’m not sure they are human…
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Guayaquil Ecuador’s main harbour city, sitting surrounded by mangroves on the pacific coast. Chances are you will have to come here, on your trip through Ecuador. Guayaquil is the hub for travellers heading to the Galapagos Islands. Guayaquil has in the last few years been caught in an escalating gang war. A war about controlling the drug market in the city. Guayaquil also serves as hub for Colombian cocaine, making it’s way to the United States. A lucrative market to control. When I was in Guayaquil, the Ecuadorian president had placed the city in a curfew. The streets had to cleared by 8pm, if you had circulate, you had to catch a taxi, preying that the gangs roaming the streets at night, would leave you alone. Watch my video exploring Guayaquil [here](https://youtu.be/oxgU-Mo3jIA?si=d6TH48hqw2VRLr6x).
My suggestion to you is: Don’t go to Guayaquil, unless you are going to The Galapagos Islands. Instead continue further up the coast, to a small beach town called Puerto Lopez.
#### Puerto Lopez
Puerto Lopez is a quaint fishing village and beach town on the coast. Boasting a peaceful beach with plenty of small beach restaurants and bars to hang out at, whilst you spend your day sipping on Piña Coladas and swimming in the ocean.
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##### What to eat- and where
- The budget option
- Encebollado - Eat at small beachfront restaurants
Head out of town in a tuktuk towards Machalilla. Take a stop at the shack that speaks to you, the most. Take a seat. Enjoy the view. Order yourself an Encebollado- A delicious unpretentious Ecuadorean fish soup, that you can find in most of Ecuador, but the coast line is it’s home region. This is where you’ll eat the original Encebollado.
- The unique
- Cazuela de Mariscos - Eat at Romance Marino
Imagine Paella meats Fish Soup meets tropical coconut milk- Ahh splendid. That’s exactly what I thought, when I first triad Cazuela de Mariscos. It is the soft and creamy texture from the coconut milk & peanut paste, the achiote spice that gives the casserole a kick up it’s arse, sprinkled with fresh lime juice and coriander as it’s served. This is Ecuador’s best seafood dish by far, and what a dish it is. Enjoy with a cold beer.
- The top-tier
- Grilled Squid - Eat at Sabor Español
Grilled squid is one of my favourite dishes in the entire world. It is simple and unpretentious. It is hard to prepare right, if you cook it too long the squid becomes rubbery and chewy. On the other hand, if you nail it, it is like eating a white wine and garlic infused butter. In Puerto Lopez there is place called, Sabor Español, they know how to do Grilled Squid. Freshly caught in the morning and bought at the local fish market. In the evening thrown on the grill, prepared to perfection with Garlic and White wine. Enjoy with jug of sangria.
##### What to do
- The budget option
- The Morning Fish Market
Get up at sunrise, walk to the south side of the beach. Here you will find the fish market. This is fish market is the main daily event in Puerto Lopez. The locals flock here to buy, freshly caught seafood. Be warned you will also see some heartbreaking images, for at the fish market, sharks are brought in, only to have their fins cut off. Who buys them? Well you guessed it, the Chinese. The shark fins are purchased by local businessmen, who resell them on to the Chinese in Guayaquil. In China, shark fin soup is said boost ones libido, cure cancer and most of all show of wealth and hospitality to special guests.
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- The explorer
- Playa Salango
If you are like me, you love a wild beach with big waves. Unfortunately the Puerto Lopez beach is a calm and quiet beach. Fortunately, the next town south of Puerto Lopez has wild beaches, en masse. You get on a bus from Puerto Lopez to Salango Beach. From Salango beach you head around the cove, walk down the wild beach front. After about a 30 minute walk, you will reach a more secluded beach with a bunch of small restaurants serving all Ecuador’s classics, and of course they have beers, ice cold beers to enjoy after your walk along the beach front.
There you have it, that is Ecuador according to Pilgart Explores. I told you it wasn’t going to be your average Lonely Planet-like travel guide. No, I have been to all these places and can personally sign of on them, as the greatest locations to visit in Ecuador- According to me, of course. By all means, do visit some of the more touristy places, such as Cuenca, Vilcabamba and Baños. But make sure to leave the beaten path and head of for some real authentic adventure. Pilgart Explores style.
I hope I convinced you to put Ecuador on your list. Leave a comment down below if I inspired you to go to Ecuador. All I know for sure is, that I will be back.
‘Think You Know Bitcoin Security?’ was Written By Paul G Conlon. If you enjoyed this article then support his writing, directly, by donating to his lightning wallet: noisycyclone54@walletofsatoshi.com
### Childhood Lessons
As a boy, my grandmother shared stories of her experiences in wartime Germany, each revealing a common theme: the terrifying reality of living without security. I was amazed with the scale of destruction and, at the time, understood security largely as physical protection. Yet the years have deepened my appreciation for security’s nuances. In this article, we’ll explore how studying Bitcoin has helped me now recognise “security” not just as physical safety, but related to personal agency, mental and social well-being, and the ability to control one's destiny.
### Definitions of Security
Property confiscation was rife in 1930s Germany, and much of this behaviour didn’t even constitute illegality. The 1938 Ordinance on the Use of Jewish Assets for example required those identified as Jews to deposit all their stocks, shares, fixed-income securities and similar in a deposit at a foreign exchange bank. The government even allowed itself to sell Jewish businesses. Access to these resources required no less than approval by the Reich Minister for Economic Affairs.
Narrowly defining security as simply asset protection is tempting, given its historical prevalence. Everything from my grandmother’s tales of stashing cash in curtains, to the US Constitution's 4th Amendment, “the right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects” reinforces this physical emphasis.
When I discovered Bitcoin, I was hence drawn to its asset protection features. Like many, this biased view of security defined the start of my Bitcoin journey, focusing my attention on hardware wallets and encryption protocols. But that was soon to change.
## How Bitcoin Changed Me
The more I read, the more I learned that with a network of nodes working to secure a global protocol, came a network of people working to secure global principles. It dawned on me that I had not so much discovered the ultimate bastion of property rights, but of human rights.
Here are just a few examples:
### Freedom of Expression
Anonymity is fundamental for the full exercise of the right to freedom of expression. This is enshrined in Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR). Bitcoin's pseudonymous and decentralised nature makes it difficult for tyrants to identify and censor one of the purest forms of expression: transactions.
### Adequate Living Standards
Article 25 of the UDHR states that everyone has the right to a standard of living adequate for health and well-being, including food, clothing, housing, and medical supplies. Article 17 further enshrines the retention of property necessary to support these living standards.
Bitcoin's cryptographic security reinforces ownership rights, making it difficult for rogue states to arbitrarily seize assets essential for the maintenance of these living standards. Furthermore, Bitcoin's 21-million-coin capped supply prevents arbitrary inflation, protecting against the erosion of purchasing power that has time and again proven correlated with the erosion of living standards.
### Freedom of Association
Article 20 of the UDHR states that everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. Article 22 of the ICCPR also protects the right to freedom of association, including the right to form and join trade unions.
Multi-signature wallets are an explicit expression of this associative freedom. By enabling groups to collaboratively manage resources, the human connections required for civilisation to flourish can be directly represented and enforced in code.
Programmatic freedom of association is particularly pertinent for activist and civil society organisations and provides security against coercion in situations where individuals may face pressure to hand over funds from those who wield power.
### Right to Information
The open-source nature of Bitcoin also somewhat poetically aligns with the right to seek, receive, and impart information, as outlined in Article 19 of the UDHR. Anyone can inspect, verify, and contribute to Bitcoin's code, promoting transparency and accountability. Its immutability also supports the right to information by preserving truth in the face of potential revisionism. Furthermore, Article 27 states that everyone has the right to share in scientific advancement and its benefits. Bitcoin embodies this principle by allowing global participation in its development and use.
## Personal Context
For me, Bitcoin brought context to those old wartime stories I heard as a boy. It led me to the understanding that property rights are simply a derivative of human rights. Now, for the first time in history, we have a borderless technology that secures these rights not in international declarations or national constitutions – both susceptible to the stroke of a tyrant’s pen – but in executable code.
In essence, Bitcoin's technical features embody the very principles of security and resilience that are well recognised as essential to personal agency, mental well-being, and social cohesion. These operate independently of central authorities that have historically proven both capable and willing of stripping human rights, and not a moment too soon…
## A Modern Necessity
These concerns are not limited to the past. Just recently, Blackrock CEO, Larry Fink, said this about Bitcoin in a CNBC interview:
*“We have countries where you’re frightened of your everyday existence and it gives an opportunity to invest in something that is outside your country’s control.” ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4ciiDyUvUo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K4ciiDyUvUo))*
As an Australian, I see the precursors of what Larry describes. Legislative attacks on the right to expression, living standards, association, and information are becoming brazen. The Digital ID Bill 2024, legislated on May 16th, has already denied employment and government services to some, and is now poised to police the internet in what appears to be the making of a conditional access society.
The Communications Legislation Amendment (Combatting Misinformation and Disinformation) Bill 2024, currently sitting before federal parliament, is even more horrendous. It effectively establishes a protectionist Ministry of Truth and threatens imprisonment for an extremely broad array of ill-defined speech – all while providing exemptions for government and legacy media. This political activity is occurring amidst a cost-of-living and housing crisis, where many working individuals are living in tents in major cities.
## Bitcoin’s True Security
Yet with Bitcoin (and a Starlink connection), I feel secure. Bitcoin has become a source of resilience and mental well-being for people in an increasingly complex world. Beyond its cryptographic security, Bitcoin provides a global network of like-minded individuals who share common principles. This distributed community offers a sense of belonging and support that extends far beyond the technology behind it.
Bitcoin’s existence gives me confidence in my ability to secure basic needs and find community anywhere, without relying on easily confiscated physical assets. Meeting fellow Bitcoin enthusiasts often reveals shared worldviews and values, creating instant connections.
Ultimately, Bitcoin's security stems not just from its technology, but from the human network it has fostered. It offers the reassurance that I could "land on my feet" anywhere, preserving both financial sovereignty and social bonds with free-thinking individuals. This holistic security - financial, social, and psychological - provides profound peace of mind in uncertain times.
‘Think You Know Bitcoin Security?’ was Written By Paul G Conlon. If you enjoyed this article then support his writing, directly, by donating to his lightning wallet: noisycyclone54@walletofsatoshi.com
### [**Introduction**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WNRUiHjEpE)
**As I approached the Santa Marta Favela, I couldn’t help but feel a mix of excitement and trepidation. Famous for housing a Michael Jackson music video, this favela is a common tourist attraction, but I was here to witness the raw, unfiltered reality of daily life. Little did I know that my adventure would involve a** [Brazilian gangster as my guide](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WNRUiHjEpE)**, offering to show me a side of the favela that few have ever seen.**
### [**The Initial Challenge**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WNRUiHjEpE)
Initially, I was denied access to film anything beyond the iconic Michael Jackson statue and the breathtaking view of the city. Armed gangsters stood guard, making it clear that they had the final say in what I could capture. Frustrated and unsure of what to do, I decided to break the ice by buying them some beers. As we sipped on our drinks, I shared my [previous videos](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZ_iYJDDEholaYMFOlMSZwNzNa1pQ0QV3&si=VomSqLAmakk3uCS0) and explained my passion for documenting the stories of ordinary people. To my surprise, one of them lowered his weapon and offered to show me around, granting me a glimpse into a world that most tourists never get to see.
### **The Guided Tour**
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_5760,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Fdb1211f4-403e-4058-a06e-257d37abd09a_2600x1505.png)As we ventured deeper into the favela, it became clear that my guide was well-connected and respected by the locals. He laid down the ground rules: certain things were off-limits, like the drug dealers and heavily armed gang members. While I was initially apprehensive, I soon realized that this was an opportunity to gain a unique perspective on life in the favela. He introduced me to the kiosk owners, street vendors, and everyday people who had called the favela home for decades. These individuals shared their stories of violence, police confrontations, and community resilience, painting a picture of life in the favela that was far from the stereotype of a place where the poor live.
### **The Police Station and the Question of Control**
We ascended to the top of the favela, where a police station sat prominently. As we approached, I couldn’t help but wonder how much control the police really held over this complex network of streets and alleyways. Were the police and the gangs working together, using the honest, hardworking residents as pawns in their illicit activities? My guide, sensing my curiosity, shared his insights on the delicate balance between the police, the gangs, and the residents. He explained that while the police may not have complete control, they do work together to maintain a certain level of order, often in exchange for bribes or protection fees.
### **The Everyday Heroes of the Favela**
As we explored the favela, we encountered a wide range of individuals, each with their own unique story. There was the kiosk owner who had lived in the favela for over 30 years, running his small business and raising a family. He shared his experiences of witnessing shootings and confrontations with the police, as well as the importance of community and football in the favela. We also met a local street vendor who had turned to selling goods to support his family after losing his job. Despite the challenges they faced, both men spoke with pride about their community and the resilience of its people.
![](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/w_1456,c_limit,f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2F4a9168d6-e8b7-4b7f-ad5a-1f66d1de118b_2600x1480.png)### **The View from the Summit**
As we reached the summit, the view of Rio de Janeiro’s skyline took my breath away. It was a poignant reminder of the dichotomy between the beauty of the city and the harsh realities of life in the favela. My guide shared stories of community churches, local football teams, and the unwavering spirit of the residents. Despite the challenges they face, the people of Santa Marta Favela have created a community that is both resilient and vibrant.
### **Conclusion**
In conclusion, my journey through the Santa Marta Favela was an eye-opening experience that challenged my preconceptions of this complex and misunderstood place. It’s a world where gangsters, police, and everyday citizens coexist in a delicate balance, where community and resilience thrive in the face of adversity. As I left the favela, I couldn’t help but feel a newfound appreciation for the strength and spirit of the people who call this place home. And a question of who is really in control here?
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